
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
naccRustyShackleford: your question comes across as a bit confused. You can run a script in, e.g., /usr/local/bin (presuming it's in PATH) from anywhere. Where you are running from is called the "current working directory" and the path to your executable is something else.00:00
th0rRustyShackleford are you aware you can add an alieas to /etc/hosts for an ip address? I have names for all my servers on the home network00:00
naccth0r: another good point00:00
naccafaict, aliases are a terrible way to workaround IP<->hostname lookups00:00
RustyShacklefordhmm /etc/hosts might be better then00:01
naccmaybe terrible is too strong -- seem likes a mis-use, at least :)00:01
SeifeJordan_U: Oh :) Is it possible that the animations in gnome 3 are just sluggish and my system is actually working properly? Would be a shame, I really like the DE but the slowness kills it for me. Do the animations run smoothly on integrated graphics normally?00:01
debkadnacc: you're confused between alias and functions00:01
th0rand I meant alias only in the sense that it is a name for an ip address00:02
naccdebkad: I'm not sure that I am, but I think RustyShackleford's goal has nothing to do with the shell, really00:02
RustyShackleford~/dotfiles/install.sh, which will run ln -s bash_profile ~/.bash_profile00:02
RustyShacklefordif I dont first cd ~/dotfiles, that command won't find bash_profile00:03
debkadnacc: i agreed about that00:03
RustyShacklefordbecause it will search in your working directory, right?00:03
naccRustyShackleford: it completely depends on what install.sh does00:04
OerHeksetc/hosts would be systemwide and for all users.00:04
RustyShacklefordanyway, I appreciate the help. I need food to think more clearly, brb.00:04
naccRustyShackleford: but presuming it's written exactly as written, yes, it's all relative to cwd00:04
debkadhaha have a good one00:04
RustyShacklefordnacc: anyway to not make it depend on cwd?00:05
th0rRustyShackleford, supply full path/filename for all references in the script00:05
RustyShacklefordsuppose its not the end of the world to first cd ~/dotfiles, then run my script. I shouldn't need to do it very often hah00:05
naccRustyShackleford: use an absolute path? or do some manipulation of $000:05
RustyShacklefordth0r: well then you lose portability. Suppose I share this with a friend on github, his user folder is not the same because he has a different name than me00:06
nacctbh, this functionality seems pretty broken ... :)00:06
naccand you shouoldn't be using your user name, clearly, you're either using ~ or $HOME00:06
th0rRustyShackleford, true, but you didn't mention portability, just making it work anywhere in the structure <smile>00:06
naccbut again, this all probably belongs on #bash and not here00:06
RustyShacklefordalright I'll bug those folks after dinner00:07
RustyShacklefordsimplest solution seems to be to cd to the dotfiles folder first00:07
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coolp_jimTest, is this message seen?00:17
darkdrgn2kno it is not00:18
darkdrgn2ktry again tomorrow00:18
SaintMoriartyHi, my system won't boot because of data storage. I have booted using a live disk and am in the shell. How can I mount my HD to remove old files?00:18
darkdrgn2kmount /dev/sda1 /mnt00:19
darkdrgn2k ?00:19
SaintMoriartycan't see a sda100:20
SaintMoriartylooking in dev there is no SD* anything00:20
darkdrgn2khow obut hda00:20
darkdrgn2ku sure you fully booted the live cd?00:21
SaintMoriartyI booted ubuntu install disk > recovery mode > execute a shell00:21
SaintMoriartyam I in the wrong shell?00:21
th0rSaintMoriarty, is the HD internal?00:21
SaintMoriartyyes it is00:21
k1lSaintMoriarty: why dont you just boot the live-usb to the "try ubuntu " desktop.00:21
k1lSaintMoriarty: then you can just click in the file manager onto the disks and they will mount them00:22
SaintMoriartyis the live-usb different from he ubuntu install disk?00:22
k1lSaintMoriarty: "ubuntu install disk"?00:22
k1lyou meant the disk where you installed ubuntu on?00:23
bynarieis running "apt-get remove --purge" == "apt-get purge" ?00:24
naccbynarie: from `man apt-get`: "remove --purge is equivalent to the purge command"00:25
bynarieok, thank you00:25
bynariei figured so00:25
Jordan_USaintMoriarty: How did you prepare the "Ubuntu install disk" that you're currently using? What iso is it based on?00:25
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SaintMoriartyits the iso on the server download page00:26
k1lSaintMoriarty: the server iso doesnt have a live enviroment00:26
Guest38248which is more faster Lubuntu or Xubuntu00:26
k1lGuest38248: lubuntu is made for old and slow hardware.00:27
SaintMoriartycan i use it to recover my server?00:27
bynarielubuntu is a bit lighter on resources00:27
bynariexubuntu is also fairly light00:27
SaintMoriarty\should i use a different ISO?00:27
darkdrgn2kSaintMoriarty: use somethign liek knoppix :-P00:28
debkaddarkdrgn2k: you are in #ubuntu :D00:28
darkdrgn2kdebkad: and hes complaining he cant get the live cd to work to mount his ubuntu volume00:28
darkdrgn2kdebkad: i know knoppix just works "TM" so *shrug*00:29
OerHeksno, he is in shell again, not using gparted.00:29
orlockwow knoppix00:29
orlockthats a name i havent heard since ubuntu became vailable00:29
Seifeon distrochooser it says that ubuntu builds connections to some servers in the background without the user knowing. do the other systems like xubuntu and lubuntu also do that?00:29
SaintMoriartydoes ubuntu desktop version have the live feature?00:30
darkdrgn2ksupposed to00:30
Ben64Seife: sounds like FUD00:30
k1lSeife: thats outdated information00:30
OerHeksreliable source, Seife00:30
darkdrgn2kOerHeks: i have heard rumors of that too to be honesty.. dont know what to make of them00:30
orlockdid they remoe the Amazon thing from ubuntu?00:30
k1lorlock: yes, its opt-in00:31
moestevensFrom Unity you mean?00:31
moestevensYeah as k1l said it's opt-in by default.00:31
bynarieSaintMoriarty, if you are just looking to recover something and not install, i would recommend xubuntu live iso because its quick and mostly non-bloated00:31
frost_aanybody familiar with the wifi pinnapple00:31
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SaintMoriartybynarie, downloading00:31
xangua! Ask | frost_00:31
ubottufrost_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:31
orlockfrost_: no, but what about it?00:31
moestevensfrost_: Isn't that the thing that got zero day'd or something?00:32
Seifesorry didn't want to make false statements here. I just heard that and that people want to move away from the canonical beacuse of that00:32
orlockfrost_: also, somebody will tell you to go elswhere as it's not ubuntu related00:32
frost_i was asking if anybody has used it with ubuntu00:32
bynarieSaintMoriarty, i run xubuntu, not because its light on resources, but because i like the look. and its easy to navigate. the newer gnome3 desktop is just horrid IMO00:32
darkdrgn2kbynarie: +100:33
darkdrgn2kbynarie: currently i run cinnamon.00:33
frost_bymarie i like xubuntu00:33
darkdrgn2kbut i dono :/00:33
frost_currently usun00:33
frost_using ubuntu in metacity00:34
bynariecinnamon is also a good choice, once again, based on gnome2 (i think)00:34
moestevensAny of you guys like MATE? I love it.00:34
SaintMoriartyok my files are in /dev/machinename-vg/root00:34
SaintMoriartybut i can't cd into root00:34
moestevensAlthough a bit too slow on my lappy so I went back to Debian and i3.00:34
SaintMoriartydo i have to mount it00:34
darkdrgn2kbynarie: ya fork of 200:34
bynarieany desktop based on gnome2 is a good choice if you like simplicity.00:34
darkdrgn2kSaintMoriarty: did you mount the dev?00:34
darkdrgn2kyou may want to mount it first00:34
k1lcinnamon is based on gnome3 but looks like gnome200:34
darkdrgn2kyeh thast right...00:35
k1lmate is actually the old code from gnome200:35
darkdrgn2kbut its buggy LOL00:35
debkadyeah cinnamon is a fork from gnome300:35
darkdrgn2kand i donno.. im having a hard time adjusting00:35
OerHeksenough choise00:35
darkdrgn2kdonno if its cinnamon. somethign im misisng.. or just my experiance with winblows00:35
SaintMoriartyshould i be mounting /root00:35
frost_how do u feel about gnome 300:35
darkdrgn2ki dont like wha tthye did with gnome00:36
darkdrgn2kits a little to tabblety for my liking00:36
k1lfrost_: for the talk about taste better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic00:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:36
* debkad didn't use gnome for a while ( from when gnome3 start )00:36
darkdrgn2kis tehre some kinda of graphic accelerator that needs to be installed with cinnamon?00:37
SaintMoriartyok download done00:38
SaintMoriartyi am going to boot xubuntu00:38
darkdrgn2kthings seem so slugish00:38
frost_go mint00:38
darkdrgn2klike ill grab a window.. the start moving it.. and it wont move till a second later00:38
frost_do u have compiz running?00:38
frost_that always slags00:38
darkdrgn2kdont think i installed it00:38
darkdrgn2knaa its just a stock ubuntu with cinnamon installe00:38
k1ldarkdrgn2k: gnome-shell needs some working 3d drivers, yes00:39
darkdrgn2kk1l: i installed the propriatery amd drivers..00:39
darkdrgn2kbut its as if im missing something.. i donnot what00:39
darkdrgn2kthe expirance JUST isnt there00:39
k1ldarkdrgn2k: meaning the amd_gpu_pro?00:40
darkdrgn2ki donnot the one from additionals software00:40
darkdrgn2k(its the first tiem in installing stuff from gui LOL)00:40
darkdrgn2ksorry additioanl drivers00:40
k1lubuntu 16.04?00:40
Bashing-omdarkdrgn2k: "installed the propriatery amd drivers" What release are you on - I have not ben paying a lot of attention. xenial kernel has no FGLRX support .00:41
Guest57244السلام علیکم00:41
darkdrgn2kseems like it says 340.9600:41
darkdrgn2kfrom nvidia-34000:41
k1ldarkdrgn2k: that is nvidia driver, not amd00:41
darkdrgn2khmm wierd your right00:41
darkdrgn2ksorry. my bad00:42
k1ldarkdrgn2k: please show the url of "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999"00:42
SaintMoriartyok i have booted live ubuntu00:43
k1ldarkdrgn2k: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"00:44
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darkdrgn2kUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS00:46
k1ldarkdrgn2k: you could try if the nvidia-361 is better on that card00:47
k1lafter you change that in the systemsettings you need to at least log out. but i will go afk now.00:48
darkdrgn2kk1l: but it seems its more then that.. i donnot everythign feels slughish for some reason00:48
darkdrgn2kk1l: its almost like im miossing something00:48
btorch_I know this isn't an ubuntu kickstart channel but is there one that has activity ?00:48
darkdrgn2kwait where do i fine nvidia 361?00:48
darkdrgn2kadditioanl driver only wshows 34000:48
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nacc!info nvidia-36100:56
ubottunvidia-361 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-361): NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.42. In component restricted, is optional. Version 361.42-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 37848 kB, installed size 163365 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)00:56
Bashing-omdarkdrgn2k: Any other drivers installed ? show ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' in a pastebin .00:56
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dsnydersHi all!  At the start of August, the NOAA shut down the weather service it was providing, breaking the weather panel-applet.  Is there a recommended replacement?01:00
frost_look outside01:00
frost_LOL jk jk01:00
dsnydersfrost_: Maybe you know where I can download a weather rock?01:03
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OerHeksdsnyders, some solutions.. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/08/gnome-weather-forecast-not-available01:04
Bashing-omdarkdrgn2k: Humm .. why " ii  nvidia-settings                            361.42-0ubuntu1 " version on a 340 driver install ? Maybe consider purging the nVidia driver and the config file, and re-install 340 ?01:08
dsnydersOerHeks: Thanks.  I'll take a look at that.01:12
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devanokay is there any updated info on why ubuntu 16.04 times out during shutdown for those of us with luks and if there's any kind of work-around?01:21
devanquestion to this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/155479501:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1554795 in systemd (Ubuntu) "timeout on restart or shutdown with LUKS root" [High,Confirmed]01:22
jiawhhi, anyone there?01:22
en1gmai adjusted the colors for terminal and i cant seem to get default back. do i need to be sudo -i?01:23
devanthere is like absolutely nothing! on why systemd and luks don't get along. NOTHING!01:24
devanand yet everybody on almost every forum is reporting the same problems with systemd, I use luks and I have to put up with this stress just to keep my drives protected?01:25
uRocken1gma, check the box to use system theme01:26
daxhi, LUKS and systemd user here, have never had any problems ever01:26
en1gmauRock i did but its not doing the default01:26
daxbut you know w/ev must be a conspiracy01:26
uRockCreate a new account and copy the settings01:27
en1gmai did it both in preference and profile preferences for both sudo -i (root) and non-root01:27
devandax, I'm calling anecdotal on that, sorry but there's like tons of us where luks aint working with systemd..01:27
gallo_mobiledos anyone use/run VNC with OS X? trying to remotely connect to my Ubutu box from an external connection01:27
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daxdevan: *chuckle*01:27
uRockjiawh, If you have a question, then ask01:27
uRockif someone has an answer, then they'll give it01:28
en1gmaim gonna restart computer brb01:28
jiawhfirst use this app, dont know how to use it01:29
uRockwhich app?01:29
jiawhok, get it01:29
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Jordan_Udevan: Did you configured LUKS using the Ubuntu installer or manully?01:29
uRockjiawh, what app are you talking about?01:32
devanokay the systemd vs update-initramfs is a major debian bug here. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.01:32
ubottuDebian bug 618862 in systemd "systemd: ignores keyscript in crypttab" [Important,Open]01:32
uRock<3 ubottu01:33
devanI've tried both using dev paths as well as UUID entries in crypttab and both still fail during bootup and shutdown01:34
WhoAmi00Hey guys01:35
WhoAmi00does letsencrypt TLS cert works with postfix01:35
WhoAmi00i'm using it but gmail shows that messages are not encrypted01:35
WhoAmi00does the problem in my configuration or we need a S/MIME cert to avoid the red lock on google01:35
WhoAmi00please help01:35
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daxI'm using LetsEncrypt with postfix at work01:36
daxso i'ma go with "yes"01:36
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daxi mean, you have to configure it, i don't think it's OOTB even with the wacky do-it-all client they recommend01:37
WhoAmi00@dax can i PM you ?!01:40
daxhttps://www.svennd.be/setting-up-postfix-tsl-with-lets-encrypt/ seems like a reasonably accurate guide01:41
daxand no, I don't do PM01:41
WhoAmi00@dax have you tried that guide ?!01:42
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jiawhhow could find my interesting channel?01:46
Jordan_Udevan: Ubiquity does have an option for installing using LUKS, which automtically also enables encrypled swap. Please try that and see if it works for you (it has worked for me in the past without issue).01:47
joewith xchat-gnome how do you enter other chat rooms?01:47
jayjoIf my system is using too much of the drive to where bash can't create a tmp file, what is the best way to list my directories by size, or what is a good file to empty?01:49
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Bashing-omjayjo: 1st. have you cleaned house ? then ' du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr ' is useful for finding out which directories are using all your space.01:52
elGALL0can anyone recommend a VNC client/server I can use to connect to Ubuntu FROM MacOS/X?01:56
jayjolooking through the system now, what are the files that are safe to remove via rm -r? like var/cache ?01:58
jayjoor /var/lib01:58
WhoAmi00anyone with experience in postfix please PM me01:59
bynarieWhoAmi00, lookin for a mail system solution?02:02
Bashing-omjayjo: There are no system files that are "safe" to remove . There are package management tools to clean out the cache and obsolete files .02:04
WhoAmi00looking for somehelp02:06
WhoAmi00for free :P02:06
bynarieu could use an easy to install stack like mail in a box02:07
pantatoanyone else too stubborn to use anything except 14.04?02:08
By4kug4ni've never seen so many people on one channel02:08
By4kug4nwhy are you are stil on 14.0402:08
By4kug4nis that lts?02:08
pantatohow many people are in here?02:08
pantatowell for one it boots up faster02:08
By4kug4ndoes it use unity?02:08
debkadi'm using 14.04 too02:09
Bashing-omBy4kug4n: Yes, 'u'buntu uses unity as the DE on 16.04 still ..02:10
limberai'm writing a cron job:02:10
limbera5 * * * * source /srv/cushing/venv/bin/activate && python /srv/cushing/manage.py runcrons > /srv/logs/cronjob.log02:10
limberawill that run every 5 minutes?02:10
By4kug4ni stopped using ubuntu once it's desktop spin started using unity as main02:10
cybermagei need help02:11
debkadBy4kug4n: i hate unity my self but you have other choices too ( other desktops )02:11
By4kug4ni know02:11
By4kug4ni use xubuntu02:11
cybermageim trying to download PIL (Python Image Librar)02:11
By4kug4ni'm not a fan of gnome 3 desktop or unity02:12
debkadBy4kug4n: good choice02:12
By4kug4nbut i've heard unity has come a long way02:12
erasmusmate is nice02:12
debkadyeah that sad02:12
By4kug4nmate is nice, i agree02:12
cybermageit says i dont have the right source files or something02:12
By4kug4nwas using linux mint's cinnamon for a little bit, which is good02:12
debkadcybermage: pip search pil i think02:13
By4kug4nwhat are you trying to do cybermage02:13
debkadi think ocr thing02:13
cybermageok so i have pillow02:14
cybermagebut when i try to import it into python theres an error02:14
cybermageshould i go to python for this?02:14
By4kug4nthis might be a newb question, but what's a pillow?02:14
By4kug4na library or something?02:14
cybermageBy4kug4n:a library for images in the python programming languages02:15
cybermageim trying to import an image in python02:15
By4kug4nmaybe go to their website and look up how to import it into python02:15
cybermagebut the trouble is really getting the source files right02:15
debkadcybermage: there are 2 or more version of pillow see the command above02:16
By4kug4ndid you uninstall pil?02:17
By4kug4nfound this - https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/3.3.x/installation.html02:17
debkadgood point02:17
cybermagedis gonna be complicated02:18
debkadpip install pillow may be02:19
By4kug4ndid you see the linux section02:19
debkadPillow *02:19
cybermagewhat do i do after i install because when i try to code02:20
cybermageit cant find the library02:20
By4kug4nhow did you go about installing it the first time around?02:20
By4kug4nif you can, I'd uninstall it completely, then follow that link i posted02:21
cybermagei have pillow installed apparently02:21
cybermageim really just confused lol02:21
debkadsee the link that By4kug4n gave you they show the old syntax and the new, you must change02:22
By4kug4nmaybe download an example script02:22
debkad“import Image”. Please use “from PIL import Image” instead02:23
debkad... etc02:23
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debkadi think he found some script and tried ==> mission failed02:23
cybermagebrb making tacos02:24
debkadgood taco02:25
* debkad don't know what is that02:25
debkadsomething we eat?02:26
cybermageits a kind of food from south of the Trump Wall02:26
debkadsound delicious02:26
cybermagethey are02:26
pantatohttp://imgur.com/gf4JMpn <--- i'm not sure what to make of this02:26
pantatoam i being hacked?02:26
debkadhow dare you hurting my estomac02:26
debkadoh that look bad02:27
SchrodingersScatpantato: you can check your /var/log/auth and see if they got in.02:30
SchrodingersScatpantato: /var/log/auth.log although if they did then maybe you don't trust the logs02:30
zot\join #archlinux02:31
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viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. My problem is my lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody have any ideas?02:39
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jimtendo-X540SHey guys. I'm having a bit of a problem with (K)Ubuntu on a new laptop I've bought (X540S). It's a Quad-Core Pentium N3700 and it stalls quite often. In KSysGuard, I notice that during these freeze ups, many processes are getting "disk sleep" as "CPU %". It's a mechanical drive (not SSD), but I still think this shouldn't be happening as there's not much load on the PC (even Disk IO shouldn't be very high). Anyone have any02:46
jimtendo-X540Stips here or know any way I might be able to debug what's happening?02:46
Papabearmaybe open terminal and type: dmesg02:47
Papabearmight give you some info02:47
Papabearmight want to go to the kubuntu channel02:47
jimtendo-X540SPapabear: Yeah, I've checked dmesg... cannot see anything suspicious in there. Any other places you can think to look?02:49
jimtendo-X540SPapabear: I asked on #kubuntu a while ago, but this seems more like a Ubuntu-general (or Kernel) problem, i think. I don't think it's caused by KDE specifically.02:49
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jimtendo-X540SPapabear: I have 4GB swap (equivalent to the RAM size) setup... think disk cache could be getting prioritized here, thus slowing things down dramatically? Or will Swap only ever be utilized once RAM is full?02:53
bynariedepends on swappiness value when swap kicks in02:56
bynariedefault is 6002:56
jimtendo-X540Sbynarie: Oh, any idea where I'd look to tweak this?03:00
jimtendo-X540Sbynarie: Going to try disabling it all together atm to see if that's where it's bottlenecking... if it is, it'd be good to be able to tweak it to something a bit better.03:00
WhiteNightHello, please suggest a nice backup software for UM Xenial. Something with which its also easy to search for old files and backup, thanks03:02
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viktor133WhiteNight, why not use dejadup?03:03
debkaddo i need to install BIND9 ( dns thingy ) ?03:03
jimtendo-X540Sbynarie + Papabear: Looks like it was the swap... disabling that has made things much much smoother. Might need to get some more RAM and an SSD. Thanks for you help, appreciate it.03:04
WhiteNightdebkad, does it do incremental and differential both?03:05
debkadWhiteNight: no idea, it just bring up and tell me to install those bind03:05
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. My problem is my lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody have any ideas?03:06
debkadWhiteNight: is not bind for servers only?03:06
WhiteNightOOps ... sorry debkad ... I was actually replying to viktor13303:07
debkadno problem03:07
WhiteNightviktor133, dejadup does incremental and differential both?03:07
debkadjust wonder if it is something needed for system or just optional03:08
viktor133WhiteNight. not sure, just know it's based on rsync, so i guess differential03:08
WhiteNightok will check it out, thanks viktor13303:09
debkadok i think i just remove it03:09
viktor133WhiteNight, np03:10
Bray90820Can anyone here help me get my  rt5640 sound card working on my tablet03:12
Bray90820Rubbing ubuntu 16.04 x6403:12
Bray90820I have tried using these files but nothing seems to work03:14
adjafaWhat is a irc03:16
adjafaplease help me what is a IRC03:17
viktor133adjefa, this is03:17
viktor133adjafa, this is03:17
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debkad 03:34
B0073DThe heck https://i.imgur.com/dMuCMLy.png03:35
B0073DChrome blocked my ubuntu download.03:36
B0073DIs there a compromised distribution point??03:36
debkadB0073D: use wget03:36
debkadfrom where you went to download?03:37
B0073DUbuntu website03:37
debkaduse wget03:37
sakamotothanks for help me yesterday03:37
debkadsakamoto: no problem :)03:37
B0073Dfrom http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/releases/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso03:38
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. I have a problem with the dash. My lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody can help?03:38
debkadB0073D: wget http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/releases/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso03:39
B0073DYes I can use wget. I'm just on a windows host box03:40
debkadit will download it in the current directory03:40
debkadtry torrent link03:40
B0073DThe hash is right.03:41
B0073DMust be chrome being stupid.03:42
debkadB0073D: yeah03:42
B0073DMostly wanted to make sure there wasn't a bigger issue.03:44
B0073DWonder if anyone else has had this issue.03:45
debkadB0073D: i guess just because the link is http and not https ( i could be wrong )03:46
sakamotodo we able to discuss someting like hacking here?03:46
debkadsakamoto: what kind of hacking?03:47
limberais this the syntax to run a cron every 5 minutes?03:47
limbera*/5 * * * *03:47
sakamotodebkad: exploit system03:48
sakamotodebkad: i wonder if windows 10 has a vuln03:48
debkadsakamoto: i don't think so, may be you should ask in kali or something03:48
sakamototell me the channel03:49
debkadlimbera. ..03:50
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy03:51
sakamotokali linux channel ? is it available here?03:52
debkadi think yes03:52
user13If you can't find it on your own, you probably shouldn't even bother joining it.03:53
OerHeksthe room is there, the guys are not.03:53
sakamotoi know, bots right?03:53
traskenCould someone help me.  I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and my WiFi card isn't working.  I ran lshw - C network and it says it's unclaimed03:54
OerHeksgood 'ol 10.1003:54
OerHeksreally trasken ?03:54
traskenLol I like it03:55
debkadstill exist?03:55
Bashing-omtrasken: 10.10 ?? Long out of support, thereis no software respository as you ince may have known it .03:55
superguestI have a multi-monitor configuration, setup via nvidia-settings.03:55
traskenYa I know lol.  But anyone  have any ideas?03:55
debkadthat the first linux and cd come to me from ubuntu , time when i start linux world03:56
procyonHello all, my mouse wont work once I boot into ubuntu-- But it works just fine in my bios. Any suggestions?03:56
debkadmouse work on bios?03:56
superguestAfter (deliberately) deleting /etc/X11/xorg.conf, the configuration persists, for some reason.03:56
debkadfirst time i heard that03:56
traskenBut can someone help?03:57
debkadsuperguest: i think nvidia save config in somewhi the home directory03:57
superguestI've search in other locations (as documented in the xorg.conf(5) manpage)03:57
superguestbut as far as I am concerned, it's not there.03:58
superguestdebkad, oh ic...03:58
superguestI'll have a look03:58
debkadcheck logs too when you open the nvidia setting03:58
debkadto be sure where it go03:58
OerHekssuperguest, that sounds like the xorg.conf was just a copy of hardware detection.03:59
debkadtime to go, have a good day03:59
vak0160can someone help me with dual GPU Intel HD4400 and Nvidia g210 (not optimus) and dual monitor setup? the 2nd monitor is turned on and recognized, but only shows black03:59
traskenCould someone give me some advice04:00
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. I have a problem with the dash. My lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody can help?04:01
OerHekstrasken, 10.10 is eol and not supported in this channel. find a supported version, see topic04:01
Bashing-omprocyon: Bios USB setting .. "plug and play " and maybe change USB from "legacy" ?04:01
procyonBashing-om: Change to legacy? Or another option?04:02
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OerHeksviktor133, may be a setting in systemsettings>security&privacy>files&applications04:04
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Bashing-omprocyon: Try it both ways .04:05
procyonOkay. I'll report back04:06
viktor133OerHeks: only two folders are excluded (levels down from the "main folders" like pictures, music,...) and for the rest all the boxes are ticked04:07
CraigAfter"One of the important characteristics of evil is that it forbids questioning and it taboos or criminalizes the candid search for answers. By prohibiting a person to ask questions and to search for answers it is denying that which makes us human. The capacity to doubt and to search for answers to pressing problems is one of the most important attributes that distinguishes humans from animals." - Germar Rudolf04:19
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. I have a problem with the dash. My lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody can help?04:28
menshвсем привет04:35
procyonno luck with that Bashing-om04:45
procyonI tried another mouse but the same thing happens. Works within bios but once I boot nothing registers04:46
procyonBoth mice work on my laptop without issue04:46
afwangWould Xvfb still be useful when Mir and Wayland roll out? Is there any sort of Mir or Wayland replacement for Xvfb? I'm not too familiar with the Linux display stack.04:46
Bashing-omprocyon: Lemme see what else I can come up with .04:46
Bashing-omprocyon: Bios setting "IOMMU Controller" ? set to enabled ?04:48
procyonI dont have that setting04:48
afwangAh, answering my own question: https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2012-December/006589.html Looks like headless display servers are supported!04:49
procyonI'm really worried it's a motherboard or psu failure :x04:54
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. I have a problem with the dash. My lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody can help?04:55
daemon555what is the default verison of javascript thats comes with firefox on ubuntu 14.04?04:58
Bashing-omprocyon: Well . chances are a driver issue . in that bios is not handing off to grub where the driver to load is . get a positive result from ' ls -l /dev/input/by-path/* ' ?04:58
procyonFive results for that, two related to mice04:59
princesssteinUrsula Haverbeck is now facing criminal hate speech charges after debating how many Jews died in the Holocaust on national television. The debate was aired on German public television and broadcast all over Europe. It was the first time anyone has been allowed to question the official "Holocaust" death toll on German television.04:59
procyonI'm not sure what I should be looking for Bashing-om05:03
Bashing-omprocyon: Wel that syas the kernek is aware . how about ' cat /proc/bus/input/devicescat /proc/bus/input/devices ' we got a bus assignment ?05:05
procyonThe mouse shows up there05:07
Bashing-omprocyon: try: ' sudo modprobe psmouse ' .05:08
procyonNothing happens05:08
Bashing-omprocyon: Yuk . what release are you running ?05:09
Bashing-omwelllll .. does the mouse work in the live environment in the "try ubuntu" mode ?05:11
procyonI haven't tried a livecd, I'd have to make one05:11
procyonIt was working earlier today, so I'm not sure what caused it to bork05:11
ubivNew Ubuntu coming soon.05:12
Bashing-omprocyon: try a older kermel in this install .. see then ?05:12
ubivShould be smooth if not fantastic.05:12
procyonI'll give that a shot, thanks for trying Bashing-om05:13
procyonwhat's the key combination to get into grub again?05:14
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Rarrikinsprocyon: Shift05:14
Bashing-omprocyon: Well .. we still just poking .. see what we can find oit . Be great if works in another old kernel .05:14
procyonWeird, it's working after I tried to get into grub05:18
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Bashing-omprocyon: weird is right . points to a driver, huh ? .. laptop with a touchpad ?05:20
procyonI'm not totally sure why it decided to break like that, but I'm glad to have a working mouse. Thanks again Bashing-om05:20
Bashing-omprocyon: well .. just goes to show never can tell .05:21
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procyonHope it doesn't happen again05:22
CoderEuropeI cannot find the launchpad repo for 'Vodeos' App. Any help there ?05:28
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CoderEuropeSorry my browser crashed - Did anyone find the Launchpad page for the Ubuntu App 'Videos' ?05:43
InnerCodeHey all, I've problems with connecting to a Wifi network. It's trying to connect, getting a DHCP offer and disconnects. I've only problems with this networks. Other Wifi networks works ok. The syslog of connecting to the network can be found here: http://pastebin.com/YmJdzhsB Thanks in advance!05:48
Triffid_HunterInnerCode: it says the router never confirms your DHCP_REQUEST after DHCP_OFFER, network stack gives up and nukes the link. router may be out of memory, COTS ones do that a lot. give it a powercycle and see what happens05:52
InnerCode~Triffid_Hunter: Thanks! I will give it a try. It's a corporate Wifi network.05:53
Triffid_HunterInnerCode: also why is it offering a 192.168.3 when server address is 192.168.1? 192.168 range is usually class C, not B, although it's a B-sized non-routable address range05:53
Triffid_HunterInnerCode: and howcome the server doesn't respond to DHCP_DISCOVER? sounds like something is rather broken there05:53
root___12 05:54
InnerCodeTriffid_Hunter: Because we don't use standard subnets here. netmask of 22 bits05:55
orlockCIDR all the things!05:55
Triffid_HunterInnerCode: fair enough, still doesn't explain why the router won't respond to DHCPDISCOVER or confirm your DHCPREQUEST05:55
JAWCCoderEurope, it is totem. https://launchpad.net/totem06:03
mo_bsr tt le monde06:07
ulrichardHow can I automaticalls start a snappy app when I log in. In ps it shows as "Telegram -workdir /home/richi/snap/telegram-sergiusens/10 -noupdate" But that works neither on the commandline nor startup programs.06:08
spotterchromium (browser) seems to be unable to login to google services for me anymore06:23
spotteranyone else seeing this06:23
AJ_Z0By "google services" do you mean Google's authentication service used by its many and various sites and services?06:25
pikapikachuhi everyone, I try to install nvidia-352 on my ubuntu14.04.5LTS, but get the following message: nvidia-352 depends on xorg-video-abi-11 but can not install it. yesterday I try to install nvidia-352(352.99) driver on 14.04.1, and these were no wrong, but then the system ask me to update to 14.04.5, then it was still ok. but when I log into 14.04.5, there was a small red triangle on the top right panel, which seemed to recomme06:30
pikapikachund a new xorg-driver to me, after I installed it, things went wrong -- I could not use nvidia anymore.06:30
pikapikachuany ideas? thanks in advance.06:31
spotterAJ_Z0, no, google sync built into browser06:33
AJ_Z0pikapikachu: One approach is to purge all nvidia-* packages and use the proprietary driver detection to find, install and activate the nvidia driver06:33
spotteri.e. the name in the upper right corner of its title bar06:33
spotterit says "Service unavailable.  Try again later"06:34
AJ_Z0spotter: I know what you mean. It the icon yellow? If so, then click it and provide your encryption passphrase, else it's some other issue06:34
spotterfrom what I can tell this might be an api key issue if its not just me06:34
pikapikachuAJ_Z0: thanks. but when I use nvidia-detector, it says 'none', but lspci can still find nvidia06:34
spotterAJ_Z0, I have.  multiple times, and even tried other accounts, always same thing06:35
spotterpondering blowing away my .chromium setup and see if it makes a differrence06:35
AJ_Z0pikapikachu: Do you have hybrid graphics? If so, then it may work differently (and I've never used it)06:35
pikapikachuAJ_Z0: oh yes, I have an intel card and a nvidia card. thanks anyway.06:36
AJ_Z0spotter: You can test by renaming .config/chromium/06:38
spotternope didn't make a difference06:38
spotteryea, that's what I did my "blowing away"06:39
spottermoved it away, restart, tried to log in and nada06:39
spottergoogle chrome works though06:45
AJ_Z0spotter: FWIW, it's working for me with current chromium on up-to-date Xenial, already syncing and running. Browser reports "Last time synced on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 2:09:17 AM UTC-4" so the service is working for me. Too much running to test dis/reconnection and restart now06:45
spotterthis isn't xenial06:45
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. I have a problem with the dash. My lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody can help?06:45
spotterthis is yakkety, need to ask in +106:45
AJ_Z0chromium-browser 52.0.2743.11 amd6406:46
spotterrunning on a x1 carbon 4g so needed newer kernels so installed yakkety, keep on fogetting forum06:46
spotterVersion 51.0.2704.79 Ubuntu 16.10 (64-bit)06:46
AJ_Z0Just be happy you're using Fedora, though right now chromium is working fine06:46
RudyValenciaHi so I'm trying to get an LXC container of 14.04 to shut down when told to by libvirt virsh, but it ignores the request; how do I get it to shutdown?06:47
AJ_Z0spotter: The slight version difference suggests there may be a new chromium package along shortly in Yakkety and that may fix what should be a highly visible problem (assuming it's not just you, which seems likely). In any case, good luck06:49
Dublisganciate sto file06:50
Dublibella li grazie06:50
diotutti su assault cube adessoooooooooooo06:51
AJ_Z0s/slight/not-so-slight/ since I just noticed the "major" version is one behind, too06:51
SillypirateAnyone know why in kde not all window decorations are changed when I apply a theme ? for example my taskbar and widgets have the new theme applied but chromium for instance06:52
Sillypirate* does not , same goes for konsole06:53
viktor133anybody can help me with a dash problem? (lenses aren't working)06:58
ducasseRudyValencia: did you set up the container with libvirt?07:00
RudyValencianot initially no07:00
RudyValenciaI used lxc-create to make it07:00
ducasseRudyValencia: because libvirt lxc is not the same thing as regular lxc, it just uses the same kernel framework.07:01
ducasseRudyValencia: one can't see the other.07:01
RudyValenciaso I need to redo this container?07:01
ducasseRudyValencia: if you want to control it with libvirt you need to set it up with libvirt07:02
RudyValenciaI'm even checking with running it outside libvirt07:02
ducasseRudyValencia: i don't know if you can somehow create an xml file for libvirt for it, never tried that.07:03
RudyValenciaI have a libvirt xml file from virt-manager07:03
RudyValenciabut the same thing happens even with lxc-stop when started by lxc-start with a config file in the directory07:04
ducasseRudyValencia: it won't stop?07:04
RudyValenciaI can stop it from within the container though07:05
ducasseRudyValencia: can you pastebin the config?07:05
hateballviktor133: ask the real question07:05
=== UrsaTempest is now known as BearStorm
viktor133Hi all. I'm running latest LTS. I have a problem with the dash. My lenses for folders/files and videos only show what has been opened before. and my lenses music and photos don't show anything at all. anybody can help?07:05
viktor133hateball: have been copy-pasting it all day. thought i'd make it shorter07:06
RudyValenciaoh wait, all I have in the config is the veth settings07:06
thekrynndoes anyone know why the find command might be brutally slow when used on a directory over NFS as compared to locally on the machine that's hosting it07:06
Sillypiratethekrynn what kind of network are you using and how much data is involved ?07:07
thekrynnthe directory's got around 500k files07:07
thekrynnlocally on the machine, the find completes in around 15s, via NFS over 10g, 10min07:08
bochi think 600k07:08
hateballviktor133: That's better than asking "anyone...". I dont use Unity/Dash myself so I do not know. But now that the real question is visible someone else may07:09
bochhi dubli07:09
Dublibella li07:09
=== Liz is now known as Guest22525
RudyValenciaducasse: with proper lxc config it shuts down when not run by libvirt07:10
ducasseRudyValencia: ok, the libvirt part i can't really help you with, as i said they are different things.07:11
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=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
YuSuhello everyone07:19
YuSuanybody there?07:20
bazhangdo you have an ubuntu support issue YuSu07:21
YengasHey guys. I've been getting an error: 'can't request region for resource' and ubuntu installation stucks at the splash screen. I read that its about nvidia cards. Are there any solutions?07:21
hateball!nomodeset | Yengas07:22
ubottuYengas: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:22
Yengashateball: thanks! i will check it out07:24
hateballYengas: do remember that you will need to apply it to the installed version if you get that far as well07:26
hateballYengas: until you can enable a proper driver07:26
Yengashateball: p.s. i dont get the language selection, the splash screen i see is the first thing that pops up07:27
Yengascan i still set the boot options07:27
morty_hello everyone.. is it possible to remove xorg after setting up wayland?07:32
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ducassemorty_: wayland depends on a lot of x-related stuff, so maybe not everything. also not if you use xwayland.07:33
morty_ducasse: thx07:33
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maumIs there a way to save grub by using dd command? I tried to backup mbr of node.07:37
Yengashateball: setting the nomodeset flag made me able to boot the livecd! the keyboard and mouse doesnt work but i had usb mouse/keyboard sitting around and i think i can get the installation done that way.07:40
Yengasmy main problem with the older versions of the kernel was that my wirelesss card is supported in kernel 4.1+07:40
Yengasso atleast that got out of the way. thanks hateball07:41
ConsoleFxhi all!07:45
ConsoleFxMy Ubuntu seems to be acting really unstable (16.04 lts) whenver its connected wifi.. However I dont face the same issue while I am connected through LAN07:45
ConsoleFxis it a known issue or there is something that I am missing to patch?07:46
neredsenvyAnyone here familiar with CiscoAnyconnect or openconnect07:52
Gue-clonei use it07:52
neredsenvyGue-clone: I was given a username/password which works on windows anyconnect tho before it let's me start the VPN connection it gives me an untrusted certificate warning but I can still pass07:55
neredsenvyopenconnect just gives me ssl warning and fails07:55
Gue-cloneuse --no-cert-check07:56
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neredsenvyGue-clone: I tried but I still get https://dpaste.de/PAZu07:58
Gue-clonelooks like you are hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openconnect/+bug/122527608:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1225276 in openconnect (Ubuntu) "cannot connect to some gateways" [Undecided,Invalid]08:00
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Gue-clonewhich version of openconnect are you using?08:02
ConsoleFxfolks any solution?08:02
ikoniasolution to what08:02
neredsenvyGue-clone: 5.0208:02
ConsoleFxMy Ubuntu seems to be acting really unstable (16.04 lts) whenever its connected through wifi.. However I dont face the same issue while I am connected through LAN08:03
ConsoleFxit keeps getting disconnected in every 5 mnts08:03
Gue-clonelooks old, I'm using08:03
Gue-cloneOpenConnect version v7.0608:03
ConsoleFxbut LAN runs flawless08:03
Gue-clonecan you get a more recent version?08:04
neredsenvyI'm on 14.04 I'll try it08:04
ikoniaConsoleFx: look at the wifi card you're using, check it's linux support, look at the systems logs to see if it gives a clue to why it's dropping, look at the AP logs if possible to see if that gives any more info on it08:04
ConsoleFxikonia, whats the log file path for AP logs?08:05
neredsenvyGue-clone: Did you install it from source or package manager ?08:05
ikoniaConsoleFx: its on the access point (AP = access point)08:05
neredsenvyI did it via apt-get install openconnect08:05
ConsoleFxikonia, aah ok08:05
Gue-cloneit's from the package manager in the universe/net section08:06
neredsenvyGue-clone: not gonna work seems for 14.04 that's the last version08:06
neredsenvyGue-clone: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openconnect08:07
Gue-cloneyou can try to build from source08:07
apex_I'm having a problem with the Software application in 16.04 Mate08:10
apex_whenever I try to search something, the letters I type are entered two times08:11
apex_any suggestions?08:12
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yujiAnyone else have experience with onboard RAID ("FakeRaid") UEFI installations?08:12
ducasseyuji: the advice you're most likely to get is "don't". use software raid or proper hw raid.08:14
ineedhelphi im looking for a way so i can install ubuntu to a harddrive from my computer, take out that harddrive and put it into a built computer and use it, unetbootin would work but it doesnt detect my harddrive on the harddrives list08:15
ineedhelpcan anyone help / suggest ways?08:15
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yujiducasse: Software Raid is a nightmare just to attempt, I'd rather debug through some ath9k drivers on 4.8 RCx kernels. Doesn't work for my situation, SoftRaid that is.08:16
yujiineedhelp: Tried a 'LiveCD'?08:16
ppfineedhelp: random crazy suggestion: set up a virtual box vm, use the second hard drive as a virtual virtual hard drive08:17
ineedhelpi havent got any cds around with enough space for ubuntu08:17
yujiineedhelp: Could always use a usb drive, or do what ppf beat me to saying. :)08:17
ineedhelpi tried that ppf to install it to the other harddrive, but i couldnt add the physical hard drive in virtualbox to the vm08:18
ineedhelpim not sure how to use real harddrives instead of virtual hard drives in virtual box08:18
ppfineedhelp: vbox calls that a "raw hard drive"08:19
akkonradhey, I'd like to display my phone screen (android) on laptop screen (ubuntu 14.04) - is there any tool that allows for that?08:21
lol768How do I use a network scanner with simple-scan?08:25
ducasseakkonrad: install a vnc server for android, maybe?08:25
lol768I can scan by invoking xsane <ip_of_scanner>08:25
yujiSuch a shame Linux can't get even RAID right. *sigh, something else besides gaming/audio/io-guarantees that Lamedows can do that Linux can't*08:25
ducassey0sh: looked at zfs?08:26
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ducassey0sh: sorry, wrong nick.08:27
tanel_Hi there08:31
tanel_First time using Irssi, learning the ropes, don't mind me :P08:31
DK2whats wrong with mdraid?08:33
padlefotwho says there is anything "wrong"?08:34
padlefotThere are raids that are far superior though08:34
padlefotI have heard mdraid discribed as poor mans raid08:35
DK2i've never had bad experience using mdraid08:35
padlefotme neither tbh.. but zraid owns it08:35
ppfgive btrfs a shot :)08:37
ineedhelpso i just run virtualbox with the ubuntu iso to install it to the other hard drive?08:37
ppfineedhelp: yes08:37
ineedhelpok sounds easy08:38
JediMasterIs there a way of specifying package options that are normally manually entered, or set via debconf-set-selections via the apt-get command?08:40
ineedhelpone problem with teh virtualbox installation08:40
ineedhelpi run it and the virtual machine pauses because it doesnt have access to the hard drive08:40
ineedhelpppf: u there?08:44
arkoudaGood afternoon08:44
arkoudaWould you like to visit and help new chat?  Www.greekircnet.gr08:45
Tuxicklo, i'm in a bit of a catch22 here, ubuntu-bug starts apport-kde which fails miserably08:48
Tuxickwhen i select "other" next dialog asks me what sort of display error i get, and then segfaults08:49
Tuxickso how am i supposed to report this bug?08:50
Tuxickso that i can report the bug i initially wanted to report half an hour ago :)08:50
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ppf!bug | Tuxick08:51
ubottuTuxick: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:51
Tuxickspeaking of catch22 :)08:51
=== Guest6734 is now known as pavlushka
superguestcan someone please tell me whether the directory ~/.config is part of Ubuntu's distribution? i.e. it is Ubuntu's way of organizing user's  session configuration  and app and other user settings?09:02
superguestI spent the last several hours figuring out why my multi-monitor configuration persists with no "xorg.conf".09:03
popeysuperguest: it's a common directory on all linux distros, it's an open specification that many applications use09:03
k1l_superguest: its not ubuntu specific. other distributions use that too09:03
popeysuperguest: bet you will have some success by removing the monitors.xml file from there09:04
popeyto reset the config09:04
popeyawak3: word09:04
mattysmartwhen i type "date" into ubuntu server its an hour heind09:04
mattysmarthow do i change this09:04
mattysmarthour behind*09:04
superguestfinally, I was able to locate a file called ~/.config/monitors.xml which stores the multi-monitor configuration.09:04
awak3popey: wut?09:05
popeymattysmart: you can set the date with "date -s"09:05
pandaadbhi - i am struggling to change 1 shortcut on my unity ubuntu setup. The current shortcut is "command (mac keyboard) + w" - it makes all the windows kinda fly into the middle so i can choose them. Similar what gnome3 does on windows click09:05
popeymattysmart: also, check your computer is in the right time zone.09:05
pandaadbI was wondering where I can change that, i'd like it to be on command + f109:05
pandaadbI know where the shortcuts are, but i don't know what this feature is called and the names don't help me09:05
popeymattysmart: some companies install servers and set them to UTC rather than use daylight savings for example09:05
mattysmartpepey do you have a dummy example09:05
superguestpopey, why didn't you tell me this 3 hours ago? :P09:05
popeysuperguest: soz :)09:06
mattysmartpopey , if when i do date it shows as 09:08:51 UTC 2016 how do i make it 10:08:51 UTC 201609:09
popeymattysmart: you don't want to do that09:09
popeymattysmart: because that's not the time09:09
popeynotice UTC09:10
mattysmarti dont know what UTC is09:10
popeymattysmart: where is your server and where are you?09:10
mattysmartso i want to change timezone instead?09:10
mattysmartlondon , and uk09:10
popeybut do you really want to do that? :)09:10
popeymattysmart: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata09:11
mattysmarti just need my users to see the correct time, because everything saving into mysql database is showing as created an hour ago09:11
popeyrun that, to change timezone09:11
padlefotsudo dpkg-reconfigure tz-data ?09:11
popeypadlefot: close ;)09:11
padlefotbut no cigar09:11
padlefotone too many hyphens also09:11
mattysmartpopey woul dmine just be europe09:11
popeyno, BST09:12
padlefottab completion makes me lazy09:12
popeyUK is in British Summer Time right now, so pick "GMT With daylight savings"09:12
mattysmartdo i go onto system V timezones?09:12
popeyyou can choose location, europe -> uk -> london iirc09:12
popeyyes, just checked, choose Europe -> London.09:13
superguestpopey, I originally configured my multi-monitor configuration via nvidia-settings.  hmmm... not to get into the technical details, but I am thinking there has to be an rc file somwhere  which auto-generates upon the creation of /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:13
popeysuperguest: I use nvidia with no xorg.conf, sorry.09:13
mattysmartcheers thats done it09:13
popeymattysmart: yay!09:13
mattysmartbut my mysql records are all an hour out of date , poop09:13
popeytime for a funky bit of sql09:14
popeyalso, the app should probably save in the db in UTC09:14
popeyrather than server timezone.09:14
popeyalso, watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5wpm-gesOY :D09:14
mattysmartmy mysql field is just a timestamp09:14
popeyright, but can be adjusted before being written09:15
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brunch875How do I check the message of the day? ask.ubuntu says it's in /etc/motd but I can't find that09:15
mattysmartanyways thanks for the help , im off the sql land now, you may never see me again :(09:17
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k_sze[work]Where is the timezone database stored in Ubuntu?09:51
ppfdpkg -L tzdata09:52
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`sliktswhat's the best way to install php 7 in ubuntu trusty? from a ppa?10:14
`sliktsughhhhh! this was a mistake, it's installing apache10:17
`sliktspretty lame that the metapackage tries to install apache by default10:19
`sliktsmod_php is slow and dated10:19
jack-rippererror error parcing subspace pcc from pcct at boot?10:24
Drecondiusdo I need to be here or in a different channel for the server?10:25
`slikts/part #ubuntu10:25
hateball!server | Drecondius10:26
ubottuDrecondius: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server10:26
DrecondiusThank you ubottu lol10:27
ZeekHugehow can I stop a window from taking focus except when i place a mouse on it ?10:30
ZeekHugeI mean the mouse pointer10:30
ducasseZeekHuge: look for a setting to prevent focus stealing.10:34
ZeekHugeDrecondius: ubuntu 14.0410:35
ZeekHugeducasse: where to look for it ? compizConfig ?10:35
ZeekHugeunable to see that ...10:36
ZeekHugeunable to find that ..10:36
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ducasseZeekHuge: no idea, i don't use unity. i would guess ccsm, yes.10:37
tcornelihi, does anyone know how to start mysqld manually? it doesn't happen when i use mysqld_safe10:38
YuxKukMohi guys! can anyone tell me why this error messages appeared to me after runing source ~/.bashrc?10:40
YuxKukMothe messages are: syntax error near unexpected token `then'  and `if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then'10:40
YuxKukMoi've made a separate file named .bash_aliases. after running source ~/.bashrc the mentioned errors occured10:40
YuxKukMonothing was modified in the .bashrc file10:40
stevenanyone able to recommend a tool to profile the system? I have this weird issue that the HW runs at around 90-100% when I start the smallest applications, the entire OS is laggy10:41
stevenidk anything that allows me to benchmark hardware or certain compatibility issues10:42
tcornelianyone know how to use mysql in 16.04?10:45
stevenpmuch how you'd use it on every other system, install mysql-server and.. use it?10:45
k1l_tcorneli: depends on what you want to do.10:46
tcornelik1l_: i want to log on as root, seems impossible10:47
stevenwhat are you doing exactly and whats the error msg10:47
stevenmysql -uroot -p$password10:47
tcorneliERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'10:48
tcorneliwhen i am logged in as root (sudo su), i can logon as root in mysql10:48
k1l_tcorneli: are you mixing system root and mysql root?10:48
stevenhm, well either the wrong password or no password was set to begin with10:48
k1l_tcorneli: sudo su is bad. use sudo -i10:48
stevensudo -sE if you wanna use your current users environment, jfyi10:49
k1l_tcorneli: set a new mysql-root pw if you have forgotten what you choose on mysql install: mysqladmin -u root -p password "newpw"10:49
stevenbut mysqls root account has nothing to do with your OS's root10:49
stevenall you have to do is mysql -uroot -p$password (or leave the password and mysql will prompt you for one, that way you avoid the PW in bash's history910:50
tcornelistill same error, steven10:51
stevenoh can u just change it like that k1l_ ? I'd juse the maintanance account to change it10:51
stevenunless mysqladmin only allows you to change the pw as root, is that the case?10:51
k1l_steven: needs sudo or rootshell.10:52
stevenah gotcha, see I didnt know that :) I'd use the maintanance account and update it manually10:52
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KartagisI'm still struggling with this videp fps issue. can anyone help?10:53
Kartagisthis is what my videos are like https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11918318/video.gif10:55
Kartagisbe it oonline or offline10:55
jakey3Hi, how do i list channels on irssi for example in freenode?10:58
tcornelithere must be something preventing me logging in as mysql root when you're not root in ubuntu10:58
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http10:59
Kartagisjakey3: /msg alis list10:59
roberto_ciao a tutti10:59
Kartagis!it | roberto_10:59
ubotturoberto_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:59
=== proxx_ is now known as DirtyPirate
DirtyPirateDoes anyone know a window manager / de that has proper multi gpu support, Ive used a lot of de/wms throughout the years but cant find any that just works in this setup11:01
[_]`Hi, hope you don't mind me asking a python question. when i used python in commandline and import sklearn, it works. but not with python3. is it something i should configure? (assuming i should use python3 since it would be better)11:09
DirtyPirateYou need the python 3 lib , its a seperate lib11:10
DirtyPirateoften its like this python2-somelib / python3-somelib otherwise just use PIP11:10
[_]`ah, I am searching on Sofrware center and it has python-sklearn but nothing for python3. i'll google this, thanks11:11
stevenjust use apt-cache search python | grep sklearn11:11
stevenit'll show u everything there is11:11
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stevenpython3-sklearn - Python modules for machine learning and data mining11:12
steven^ thats the package u need11:12
[_]`how do i check what python3 version i have? :S11:12
stevenpython3 --version11:13
DirtyPirate^not relevant really , but something like -v will do11:13
DirtyPiratepython3 = python3 therefor compat libs11:13
DirtyPirateAnd besides everyone use 2.x :P :D11:13
[_]`ahh i see. the sklearn said it has to be 3.3 or greater so was wondering. apt-cache search shows nothing. maybe i need to add some repo or uncomment something11:14
jakey3what does "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" do?11:14
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agentdI'm new here,can someone help me11:14
stevendepends on your ubuntu version, maybe you're using a version that doesnt have it11:14
stevenI am running 16-04 and its in the official repositories11:14
DirtyPirate[_]  ubuntu is relatively uptodate so should not be an issue, if it really has to there are ways to install dif version but its often a little messy11:15
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steventhere is always some dude providing a ppa, but personally I dont like ppa's much11:15
steveni'd stick to official packages11:15
[_]`lsb_release -a say this is what i have Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS11:15
stevenwell I guess in that case ubuntu 14.04 does not offer those packages officially11:16
steveneither use a ppa or pip or upgrade to the latest lts11:16
[_]`i see11:16
stevenjust ask publicly agentd dont ask to ask, just ask11:16
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ppf[_]`: best to install it with pip11:18
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AbcdefghijklUbuntu should not be patronizing freenode with any channels11:18
ducasse!ot | Abcdefghijkl11:18
ubottuAbcdefghijkl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:18
AbcdefghijklUbuntu can run its own network11:19
agentdok I've never used linux before so wondering if anyone can help me with wine,I'm trying to run a .exe software and it's been a headache11:19
ikoniaagentd: why are you using linux if you want to run windows programs11:20
ikoniajust use windows11:20
agentdjust one particular program11:20
stevenwhats that11:20
stevenwhat program I mean11:20
YuxKukMoagentd: read on winehq site what apps can/cant  run on wine11:20
ppfthen run a vm. wine isn't fun11:20
stevenI'd always look for a linux alternative first11:21
agentdHavij and I only need it for a min11:21
ppfhow much time did you sink already trying to get it to run?11:22
agentdan hour11:22
agentdi keep getting errors11:22
stevenpretty sure you'll get alternatives for that on linux :D11:22
stevenjust google for javij alternative linux or something11:23
k1l_agentd: look into the wine app database what to do to get that windows program running11:23
k1l_!wine | agentd11:23
ubottuagentd: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:23
k1l_agentd: and as a hint: dont run everything as root. especially when its not needed, like a irc program11:23
agentdalright thanks guys11:24
agentdyeah I'm new here that's why I'm running everything as root11:24
agentdI'll probably need few weeks to learn few things maybe11:24
Kartagisagentd: https://chahalgurpinder95.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/install-havij-in-ubuntu-12-04/11:24
popeyagentd: wine isn't perfect, and many things don't work with it11:25
tcorneliapparently you can only log onto mysql through the socket with the user you are logged in as11:27
agentdoh and hey is it at all posisle to make some friends off of here,I need help to find books and tutorials to learn11:28
stevenits a community :)11:31
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ikoniatcorneli: you can login to mysql as any user11:34
ikoniayour linux user account has nothing to do with it11:34
monkcan anyone help me get konsole bookmarks to work in 16.04?11:34
monkim using unity11:34
ikoniakonsole is kde11:34
tcorneliikonia: not if the user is set to use the socket11:35
ikoniatcorneli: nope, you can use a socket as any user11:35
tcorneliikonia: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28068155/access-denied-for-user-rootlocalhost-using-password-yes-after-new-instal11:35
ikoniatcorneli: so ?11:35
ppf[13:21]        Philip | Thomas: sie zeigen artikel nicht mit werbeblocker11:36
tcorneliikonia: it means i cannot logon as root when i'm not root11:36
ikoniatcorneli: that is wrong11:36
monkikonia, I fail to see the relevance to my question?11:36
ikoniamonk: a lot of unity won't be aware of kde components11:37
monkis there perhaps a package that I am missing in order to open the konsole bookmarks?11:37
ikoniamonk: hence the relevence11:37
tcorneliikonia: so how do you login as root when you're not root?11:37
ppfmysql -u root -p11:37
ikoniatcorneli: mysql -u root -h localhost -p11:37
ZeekHugehow can I stop a window from taking focus except when i place a mouse on it ?11:37
bhaisaabHi guys, I'm trying to install using apt-get which fails for a pkg giving 404: http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/debian/4.9/./cloudstack-cli_4.9.0_all.deb11:37
bhaisaabbut this packages can be downloaded via curl/wget/browser11:37
ikoniabhaisaab: talk to tht repo owner11:37
* ZeekHuge repeated that again as was unable to find a solution11:37
ikoniabhaisaab: that is not an ubuntu package11:37
monkikonia, so it's impossible then?11:38
tcorneliikonia: that doesn't work11:38
k1l_bhaisaab: using porxies/vpn?11:38
ikoniamonk: no idea11:38
bhaisaabikonia: I'm actually the repository builder. Thanks.11:38
ikoniatcorneli: works fine11:38
bhaisaabI'm not using any proxies/vpn. The issue seems to be a 'dot', period in the URL that apt-get is unable to follow.11:38
ikoniabhaisaab: then you should be able to debug it on your repo11:38
bhaisaabAnyway to fix that?11:38
tcorneliikonia: if it works for you, it's less secure11:38
ikoniabhaisaab: look at the repos web log11:38
ikoniatcorneli: no it's not11:38
ppftcorneli: wat11:38
ikoniatcorneli: I suggest you stop stating things you don't understand as fact11:39
tcorneliikonia: have you bothered to read what i sent?11:39
ikoniaand just ask for help11:39
ikoniatcorneli: yes,11:39
bhaisaab@ikonia: the repository is on S3 so makes debugging tricky. The general question here is how to make apt-get resolve the . (period) to the same URL path.11:39
k1l_tcorneli: are you aware that mysql root is not the system root?11:39
bhaisaabapt-get thinks that the url http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/debian/4.9/./cloudstack-cli_4.9.0_all.deb is 404, how to make it resolve the URL to http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/debian/4.9/cloudstack-cli_4.9.0_all.deb11:39
[_]`I have a HSSD, i can see the 1TB HD as external HD visually. but i can't find this through command line :s i looked in /mnt and /tmp. any idea?11:39
ppftcorneli: "mySQL -h localhost -u root --password=<PW>" and "mySQL -u root -p" is literally the same command11:39
ikoniabhaisaab: the repo definition and repo metadata11:40
k1l_bhaisaab: cant you change the repo to not use a . ?11:40
bhaisaabk1l_: thanks, I can try to fix that11:40
tcornelispecifying localhost (normally) means you're connecting to the socket11:40
ikoniatcorneli: yes,11:40
ouroumov[_]`, check output of "lsblk" or "mount"11:40
tcorneliso if authentication type is set to auth_socket, you cannot use mysql -u root -p11:42
ikoniatcorneli: yes you can11:42
ikoniatcorneli: I think it's pointless to discuss this, as you seem convinced of something that is just wrong11:42
ikoniatcorneli: take it to the mysql/maria channels and work it through with them11:42
ppftcorneli: i repeat, the two commands are identical, modulo the  fact the in the latter you type in the pw on stdin. --host defaults  to localhost if not given11:44
ikoniappf: it's pointless, he's read something that random stangers on the internet have said11:44
ikonianothing can change that authority11:44
[_]`ouroumov: thanks. it showed that it was in media/user/ and it is indeed there.  http://pastebin.ca/372310211:44
ppfwell if it's on the internets, who am i to argue!11:44
tcorneliif it's reproducible, i would argue it's correct11:45
[_]`Oh a side note, is there a specific way to install Ubuntu on a HSSD? i can only manage to install it so that its all installed in the 8 GB SSD and sees the 1TB HDD as external or something. I don't have problem with this but i keep getting a warning that i only have 400 mb free space left :(11:46
ikoniatcorneli: then you carry on believing that, and the rest of the ubuntu community will use maria just fine11:46
stevento bring up my initial question since ppl are around :D11:47
stevendoes anyone know of a profiling tool for the OS? something to benchmark HW / SW compatibilty or something? I have a super laggy system. everything I open takes 10-30 seconds and sorta halts the entire OS11:48
ikoniasteven: if it's lagging whats the point of benchmarking it11:48
stevencpu's are running on 80-100% when I open stuff, and its all just really unusable11:48
ikoniasteven: why don't you just focus on working through the problem11:48
stevenand how would I do that?11:48
ikoniasteven: how much ram do you have11:48
stevenI open my terminal and it takes 15 seconds and 4 cores  jump to 100%11:49
ikoniasteven: what cpu do you have11:49
stevenram is not an issue, ram is sorta the only thing "sane" on the machine, intel i511:49
debkadsteven: that may be you use some kind of hungry desktop11:49
ppfsteven: you can profile the kernel with perf. but i don't think that'll tell you much11:49
ikoniasteven: what version of ubuntu do you have11:49
ikonia(be specific please)11:49
ppfdo you have fancy things in your bashrc?11:49
ppfor whatever shell you're using11:49
stevenstock unity DE, ubuuntu 16.04, and yeah I do have a fancy temrinal setup, but the same issue happens when I open chrome, my ide, my editors,  chrome, thunderbird, etc.11:50
ikoniasteven: ok - so what process is eating up the cpu11:50
debkadthat happen to me too, someone tell me it is related to mailing or something, he suggest me to disable MAIL11:50
debkadautocompletion can take a little time too11:51
stevenatm I have hipchat taking ~40% of the cpu (according to htop)11:51
debkadsteven: time to use another desktop11:51
ikoniasteven: ok - kill hip chat11:51
ikoniadebkad: no it's not11:51
ikoniadebkad: stop saying random things with no basis please11:51
ikoniasteven: dos something else take cpu - or does the machine respond fine11:52
debkadikonia: unity is much hangry on memory, every body know that11:52
akiki've noticed on some older setups, bash-completion is a bit of an hog11:52
ikoniadebkad: he has no memeory problesm with 8gb - his cpu is maxed out11:52
ikoniadebkad: you have no basis to say that, so please be quiet11:52
debkadikonia: hmm11:52
stevenok so if I closed all apps but the terminal, I have xorg avg around 12% and gnome-terminal around 1011:54
stevenI closed hipchat, chrome, and thunderbird. the thing is. neither of those apps should take that much HW resources11:54
ikoniasteven: so you have approx %80 cpu free11:54
ikoniacorrect ?11:54
steven80-90 ish, yeah.11:54
ikoniasteven: how does the system respond now (eg: using gnome terminal, moving the window around etc)11:54
stevenso I just move stuff around and having hhtop open to see what resources get allocated and I move the temrinal around and stuff and it jumps up to 25-30%11:56
debkadquestion: is there a lighty zoom tool for lubuntu ?11:56
ikoniasteven: interesting, so the redraw is struggling11:56
ikoniasteven: what video card is on your system11:56
dczwhich is better to choose " Network Security , Artifical Intelligence, Network Programming, Fundamentals of Enterprise Application Development " ?11:56
ppfdcz: how are we supposed to know what you're interested in11:56
ikoniadcz: thats nothing to do with ubuntu11:57
ikoniadcz: this channel is just an ubuntu support channel11:57
debkadPS: i tried xzoom, vmg but no big success11:57
stevenikonia: trying to figure it out11:57
stevenbut its all laggy :D11:57
stevenintel hd 3000 I think11:58
ikoniasteven: you don't know what video card you have ?11:58
nunorI just upgrade my ubuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04. Upgrade ok but now each time I try to install or remove anything with apt I receive the following error chmod: cannot access '/sbin/udevd': No such file or directory E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Pre-Invoke 'chmod -x /sbin/udevd'11:58
stevenits an onboard ikonia11:58
stevenit doesnt have a dedicated gpu11:58
nunorTrying to remove uninstall udevd as suggested on ubuntuforums didn't work11:58
nunoras anyone an idea? thanks11:58
ikoniasteven: so based on what you've said, I'm going to make a guess, your video card isn't configured correctly, so it's offloading general graphics work onto the cpu11:58
stevencould be, sounds reasonable11:59
ikonianunor: sounds like the upgrade didn't work and left a package hook pending11:59
steven→ lspci | grep VGA11:59
steven00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)11:59
steven01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Mars XTX [Radeon HD 8790M] (rev ff)11:59
YuxKukMoikonia: maybe steven has an old i5 generation processor or is what you already said about graphic card11:59
ikonianunor: look at what package is complaining, look if /sbin/udevd exists11:59
stevenit does have a dedicated one, didnt know that. but I dont think its using it11:59
ikoniasteven: so there is an AMD card too11:59
nunorno /sbin/udevd is not existing11:59
ikoniasteven: so I think you can narrow it down from there11:59
debkadthe vmg support text only for zooming, xzomm is a mess, if someone have a clue about that12:00
ikonianunor: ok - look at what package provides it12:00
stevenmaybe I should try to make the gpu one work12:00
ikoniasteven: look in the xorg log, see what xorg driver is being used/loaded12:00
nunorikonia how can I check that? I'm not an expert...12:01
ikonianunor: look at the package manifests or use apt-file12:02
stevenoh it loaded both, intel and radaeon. ikonia12:02
ikoniasteven: thats not a bad thing, you're on ubuntu 16.04 right /12:02
ikoniasteven: so you may want to research "amdgpu" xorg driver12:03
debkadI have seen that xfce ( xubuntu ) with 4.12 version have that ability for zooming, wonder if lxde can have something similar, or any kind of thing close to that purpose12:03
steventhats the new driver ikonia ? was it amd which dropped the closed source driver?12:04
ikoniasteven: thats right12:04
stevenI just read that some vendor dropped support to force users to use the open source one12:04
ikoniasteven: other things to look at, you may want to try enabling/disabling one of the cards in the bios (if possilbe) to just focus on getting one working at this moment in time12:05
ankeshfrom where are you @debkad12:05
ikoniasteven: I'd put money it's the overall graphics load being offloaded onto your cpu12:05
stevenI have bad experience with gpus and linux ikonia, didnt catch up the last few years but in the past it always broke my OS12:05
stevenno idea how things have changed12:05
stevenbut imma install xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu12:06
stevenand disable the onboard one, if the OS boots its a win12:06
nunorI find udev/xenial-updates,now 229-4ubuntu8 amd64 [installed]12:06
nunorroot@braveheart:~# locate udevd12:06
ikonianunor: so something has removed the binary outside of the package manager12:06
ikonianunor: re-apply that package to get the binary back12:06
ikonianunor: understand which package is depending on it12:07
nunoryes because in /sbin udevd is not existing anymore12:07
debkadasking if there is a lighty zoom tool for lubuntu ? i tried xzoom, vmg but no big success12:07
ikoniadebkad: please stop asking every few minutes, try to leave it at least 15 minutes between repeating12:07
debkadikonia: i'm asking if there is such a tool12:08
stevenyeah fuck this, imma disable the onboard one and we'll maybe talk in a couple minutes again ikonia :D12:08
ikoniadebkad: yes, I can read12:08
ppfnunor: what package does that belong to?12:08
ikoniasteven: please don't swear12:08
ikoniadebkad: please leave it 15 minutes between asking12:08
stevencontextual, technically it wasnt swearing but gotcha12:08
ikoniasteven: it's swearing, please don't do it12:08
nunorppf I don't know?12:09
nunorWhich command can I use to check that?12:09
debkadikonia: why you are so mad, i'm just asking a simple question, if you readed it, there are many who didn't seen it12:09
ikoniadebkad: I'm not mad, I'm asking you to please wait 15 minutes before repeating the question as you are doing it every few minutes12:09
debkaddebkad: that was the second time i ask, the others was just an explaining of the situation12:10
ppfapt-file search12:10
debkadi hope you followed that12:10
iorianunor,  dpkg -l udev    or apt-cache policy udev     you can trace the file with dpkg -S /sbin/udevd12:10
ppfit doesn't exist on my system either, and i couldn't find a package containing it. hence my question12:11
ioriappf, i got it ... on trusty it's a link to  /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd12:12
nunorroot@braveheart:/sbin# dpkg -S /sbin/udevd12:13
nunordpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /sbin/udevd12:13
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nunorroot@braveheart:/sbin# dpkg -l udev12:15
nunor| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend12:15
nunor|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)12:15
nunor||/ Name                                   Version                  Architecture             Description12:15
nunorii  udev                                   229-4ubuntu8             amd64                    /dev/ and hotplug management daemon12:15
ikonianunor: please use a pastebin12:15
ppfdon't do that please12:15
iorianunor,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/udev/filelist    it does not exist anymore that file12:15
ppfnunor: so, if /sbin/udevd is a symlink to systemd-udevd, just add it manually?12:15
jairhello all anyone that has some luck pairing a mice mx anywhere with ubuntu 16.0412:16
iorianunor,  it was on trusty http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/udev/filelist12:16
jakey3in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23246423/ what does the "*nat" do ?12:17
jakey3and ":POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]" and "-A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE"12:17
nunorsorry for the long paste ..12:19
Kartagishello. can I have help? I am having an awful low fps issue and tried many things. none of them worked. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23246488/ is what /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p says12:19
debkad!pastebin | nunor12:19
ubottununor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:19
ikoniaKartagis: it's a vm12:20
ikoniaKartagis: it's a software generated video card12:20
Kartagiswhat? I'm absolutely not running ubuntu in a vm12:20
ikoniareally, it's listing the vendor string as vmware12:21
nunorwas on when I was on trusty error appear after the upgrade to xeniual12:21
ikoniaOpenGL vendor string:   VMware, Inc.12:21
Kartagisthat struck me tooo12:21
ikoniaKartagis: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=17516412:22
ikoniaKartagis: it's basically the software tag for GL, it's not using the hardware12:22
KartagisI'm connected to my lapotop via teamviewer. would that explain why?12:22
ikoniavmware is missleading, but it appears to be vmware who created it12:22
ikonia(I'd assume for use with vmware)12:22
ikoniaKartagis: accessing over the network won't help as each draw has to go over the network12:22
debkad15 minutes passed, question: asking if there is a lighty zoom tool for lubuntu ? i tried xzoom, vmg but no big success12:23
BluesKajHey folks12:23
debkadhi BluesKaj12:24
BluesKajhi debkad12:24
=== jatt is now known as Guest67506
YornoRight so I have a question that I can't get any answers anywhere on the internet. I'm VERY new to linux and downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu, installed it on my Advent Tacto netbook. It had Windows 8.1 on previously and the touchpad was working.The touchscreen is working with Ubuntu but not the touchpad. Any ideas/suggestions for a beginner?12:26
YornoIt'ss driving me nuts because I just want to get on with my web development, not fuck about installing things for my distro :/12:27
jairhello all I am getting this error while trying to pair a brand new mice logitech MX anywhere 2: http://paste.debian.net/843090/12:27
debkadYorno: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad12:27
stevenikonia: disabled the discrete one since I wasnt able to disable the onboard one, we'll see how things work out12:28
steventhanks for your help tho!12:28
ikoniasteven: no problem12:28
jairI am also getting this output: http://paste.debian.net/843104/12:29
Kartagisadding myself to the video group didn't help :(12:29
ikoniaKartagis: no, but you can work it thorugh, now you understand it's software drawing12:29
Yornodebkad: I dont see how that's going to help. There's no preferences options for anything in that wiki page12:31
ikoniajair: that looks like debian12:31
ikoniajair: are you using ubuntu or debian12:31
debkadYorno: that was about touchpad, how it work and how to configure, and that link is an ubuntu wiki12:32
Yornodebkad: That doesn't help me at all.12:32
Yornodebkad: I'm looking at how to make my touchpad work. Not anything about the already-working touchscreen12:32
th0rYorno, there used to be a command line package, synclient, that did all sorts of things for the touchpad. You might see if it is still in the repos12:33
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debkadYorno: may be someone else will help you ( the link have the troubleshooting if it wasn't working anyway )12:34
debkadth0r: yeah it is mentionned on the link i gave him ( synclient -m 100 from the link )12:34
Yornoth0r: I'm on ubuntu software thingy, there's a synaptic package manager12:35
th0rYorno, I don't deal with thingys. There might also be a command line program that will help you, if you are willing to take a look12:36
Yornoth0r: I just want my fucking touchpad to work :'(12:36
Yornoth0r: Wireless works, a touchscreen works, but a touchpad wont? What's that about?12:37
th0rYorno, don't know...and don't respond well to attitude. I'm done12:37
andyworkhey does someone have the new xps 13 (model no: 9360), and know how well it works with ubuntu?12:38
debkadanyway returning to my question about any lighty zoom tool for lubuntu, tried xzoom, vmg , xzoom is ugly on zooming and not handy on passing arguments, vmg is not an official ubuntu soft and it support zooming on text only, it is a little better than xzoom but both not the app i want to use, the xfce >4.11 have that ability, i wonder if there is something similar12:38
debkadthanks in advance12:40
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ducasseYorno: there are a couple of threads about it, but no solutions.12:40
Yornoducasse: This^12:40
Yornoducasse: I've installed Cub Linux, Fedora and Ubuntu and it's the same thing: Touchscreen works, keyboard, external usb mouse and wireless all work. Just not the touchpad :'(12:41
ducasseYorno: which i'm guessing means 'custom hardware with no linux driver'.12:41
Yornoducasse: So you reckon I'll need some drivers installed via terminal or it's just not gonna work at all?12:42
ducasseYorno: the latter, most likely.12:42
Yornoducasse: Back to windows 8.1? :/12:42
jakey3what does ". ./etc" mean?12:43
ppf. is shorthand for source12:43
jakey3what does ". ./foo" mean?12:43
jakey3source being ?12:43
debkadjakey3: best to ask in #bash12:44
ppfa builtin in several shells12:44
ducassejakey3: 'help source'12:44
ppfit runs a script inside the running shell12:44
jakey3ah ok12:44
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jakey3"Execute commands from a file in the current shell." as opposed to ?12:46
k1l_jakey3: from PATH12:48
akikjakey3: if you have some setup script that needs to change your current shell12:48
fisbrlgishHello, is there still a way to install Ubuntu alongside a Windows install for 16.04 LTS or do I have to do the partitioning manually now? I couldn't find the option in the installer12:51
ducassejakey3: say you edit your .bashrc and want to apply those changes to your current shell - then you source it.12:51
jakey3ok thanks for the info12:51
ChetManlyholy sweet fudge12:54
ChetManlyprinters ^&*^&*(@^)*($*@+($*12:55
lotuspsychjeChetManly: how can we help you?12:55
ChetManlyyou know hplip? is there equal for samsung?12:55
ducasseChetManly: many printer manufacturer have driver packages, dunno about samsung.12:56
ChetManlymy color laser printer has a driver but but I suspect it only using cups12:57
ChetManlything is the first time I installed it only printed test page, then wouldnt respond to print job, went to windows to diagnose, that told me everything was empty...12:59
ducasseChetManly: have you looked up your printer on opennprinting.org?13:00
ChetManlyshook cartridges reinstalled, worked on windows, works on linux but has no level indicator any more but did in buntu the first time13:00
ChetManlysuper weird 3 hours I spent...13:01
ducasseChetManly: you should be asked which driver to use when you set up the printer.13:01
ChetManlydoes that site have a hardware list13:02
ducasseChetManly: it lists which drivers works best for a wide variety of printers.13:03
ducasseChetManly: did you find your model?13:11
ChetManlyducasse: no13:14
=== Guest97258 is now known as stkh
maretHi I am using 16.04 Ubuntu gnome with US English layout but pressing keyboard button for ']' doesn't work pressing shift plus the key does produce '}'. I did not change anything about the layout and I have same problem with the same key on different keyboard layout.13:16
ChetManlysamsung c410w13:16
\9maret: are you sure that the keyboard isn't physically damaged?13:17
maretyes as I've mentioned key plus shift works without problem13:17
goudkovon 16.04, it looks like when switching keyword language (i use two shift keys), i need to release both keys. in the past, it would switch on key down. is there a way to change it? i hate having to release both keys.13:18
maretbtw I am using logitech k360 and I didn't install anything extra it worked out of the box and it is for example recognized by power settings.13:19
uzrnmHow do i reinstall the iwlwifi module on Ubuntu?13:22
lotuspsychjeuzrnm: wich chipset?13:23
uzrnmlotuspsychje:How do i inspect that?13:24
lotuspsychjeuzrnm: sudo lshw -C network13:24
uzrnmlotuspsychje:There is no info about that13:26
lotuspsychjeuzrnm: if you have a wifi card, it has a chipset13:27
lotuspsychjeuzrnm: brand and type of the wifi card model?13:27
uzrnmlotuspsychje:I am fully aware of that, but there is no info for the chipset, using the command you have referred to13:27
uzrnmlotuspsychje:Centrino Advanced-N 620013:28
lotuspsychjeuzrnm: ok and at the bottom, does it mention driver=...?13:28
debkadintegrated wifi or usb?13:28
uzrnmlotuspsychje: driver=iwlwifi    driverversion=4.4.0-38-generic    firmware= build 2553213:29
debkaduzrnm: lspci and see the network part13:30
lotuspsychjeuzrnm: ok so driver module is loaded, does your wifi not work properly?13:30
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uzrnmlotuspsychje:Yes, something happened 3-4 days ago, i won't get the full bandwidth using Wi-Fi. It is shown by using speedtest (getting 20 Mbps instead of 50 Mbps), but also the regular browsing seems sluggish. However, i get the full bandwidth using LAN. That's why i want to re-install the iwlwifi module, but don't know how to do that.13:32
debkadah it is working just not properly i see13:32
uzrnmThe speedtest behavior is something like there is a capping of some kind applied.13:33
debkaduzrnm: it was working on the previous kernels?13:33
uzrnmdebkad:It was working fine before, and i did not make any changes / upgrades / updates13:34
debkaduzrnm: when you reboot, try pick the advanced from grub menu and try another kernel ( for example 3.19 ) and see if that make it working better13:35
debkadas a test13:36
ChetManlyducasse: http://pastebin.com/UKe4w3Td13:37
uzrnmdebkad:I will, thanks13:38
transhumanhi I am getting syntax redirection unexpected on this init.d script (Ideally I would like to get rid of the redirection but when I do I get syntax error ) unexpected anyone know what group to go to figure out these problems?  http://paste.debian.net/843147/13:41
ikoniatranshuman: what version of ubuntu13:42
ikoniatranshuman: not going to work then13:42
ikonia16.04 uses systemd and unit files13:42
ZorkelHi, How can I successfully make a bootable uefi image of ubuntu 16.04.1 desktop. When I create it using rufus I get the message filesystem doesn't handle symbolic links and I seem to fail to get the install/live medium so I can dualboot with windows 8.1 x6413:43
ikoniayou also appear to have html in it13:43
transhumanis there a doc on this topic13:43
ikoniatranshuman: google systemd13:43
de-factoyou have html instead if case statement in bash script13:43
ducasseChetManly: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225403813:43
transhumanwell its not my script someone made it to run aria2 I just wanted to tweak it without the spam13:44
ChetManlyducasse: been  there already13:44
patcablewhere's a good place for me to see if new openssl packages have been released in response to the latest round of cves?13:44
ducasseChetManly: no other suggestions, sorry.13:45
patcablei dont see anything in the package changelog for openssl13:45
patcable(for the latest ones, got the ones from earlier last week)13:45
ikoniapatcable: look in the ubuntu repo at the version and change og on it13:45
patcableyeah; that's what I did. I wasnt sure if there were other sources of "we're working on a patch for x" - perhaps launchpad13:45
Picipatcable: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3087-2/13:45
patcableah perfect13:46
Picipatcable: You can also plug the CVE#s into http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/ to see the actual statuses from the security team.13:46
patcableah cool13:46
de-factotranshuman wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/ccmd/case13:46
popeydell: hello13:47
stevenikonia so it didnt help, so I installed amdpgu and as expected, everything broke :D13:48
delli can run virtualbox13:48
stevennow I can't login into unity anymore :)13:48
ikoniasteven: so the first thing is a.) your card model - what is the support on it in linux13:48
k1l_dell: yes13:48
ikoniasteven: then the second question b.) what does it need to get that support13:48
stevenlightdm simply restarts on every attempt13:48
dellbut when i run genymotion i get error vittualization engine not found13:48
dellloading plugin aborted13:49
dellwhats problem ?13:49
uzrnmdebkad:There wasn't 3.19 kernel as an option, but i've tried with 4.4.0-36-generic and 4.4.0-31-generic, and it was the same as before.13:49
steven01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Mars XTX [Radeon HD 8790M]13:49
steven^ thats the one in question, good thing i3 works13:49
ikoniaso you need to resarch that device13:49
dellsudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup13:50
dellcommand not found13:50
de-factotranshuman so replace the line with wallmart html wirh        case $1 in13:50
ducasseuzrnm: some intel wifi chips need a little tweaking to work optimally, have you googled your model number?13:50
debkaduzrnm: i see, that was a suggestion, no idea how to fix, may be upgrading to 16.04 , not sure if that can make it working better13:51
dellit is version 4 how can i install version 513:52
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dellthis question is strange?13:55
Keydnsi used to be named dell too13:56
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uzrnmdebkad:I am on 16.04 already13:57
Guest85315dose anyone know if there are any plans for fix the HDMI video in 16.04 or future releases?13:57
uzrnmducasse:Yup, but the thing is that it was working fine. However, anyone knows how can i re-install the iwlwifi module?13:57
ducasseuzrnm: it comes with the kernel13:58
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uzrnmducasse:That implies that in order to reinstall it, would have to re-install the whole kernel?13:59
ducasseuzrnm: yes, but you've already tried two kernel versions and thus two different modules.14:00
uzrnmducasse:Yup. Do yo have anything in mind that could cause this?14:02
Guest85315dose anyone know if there are any plans for fix the HDMI video in 16.04 or future releases?14:02
=== Guest85315 is now known as Night_Fury
Night_Furymust be a lot of people AFK  or asleep at the keys14:04
BluesKajNight_Fury, that depends mostly on you graphics driver and your hdmi connection14:05
k1l_Night_Fury: in general there is not "that" hdmi is not working, thing. that depends on your exact hardware and setup14:05
k1l_dell: what ubuntu is it?14:05
dellk1l_, 14.0414:06
delli have downloaded virtualbox5.114:06
k1l_dell: and while searching for that error i see a lot of users having issues with genymotion and needed to change the network settings of virtuabox to make it work14:06
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Night_Furywell,...Ive got the rx480 straight out to my 32 inch tv,....Ive used the tv for several years with an older ATI thru the vga,...but when the rx come out, well i lost video all together .14:06
ducasseuzrnm: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2041403 ?14:07
dellk1l_, you mean i should change interface ?14:07
dellk1l_, what should i do exactly ?14:08
dellwhen i open virtual box i cant see that the setting button is active14:09
k1l_dell: see this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32187024/geny-motion-virtualization-engine-not-found-error14:09
skinuxIf I remove Apache2 package will it remove all associated/dependency packages too?14:10
ducasseskinux: autoremove afterwards will14:11
skinuxMy config got screwed up, so I want to completely remove apache and reinstall it.14:11
ducasseskinux: then purge, not remove. remove will keep config files.14:11
punkoivanUse purge]14:11
skinuxWill it remove all the config files too or just the binaries?14:12
ppfuse reinstall and force it to reinstall the configs14:12
ppfsudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall14:12
jsparksHi php -v is outputing some strange error.... Failed loading /usr/lib/php/20151012/opcache.so:  /usr/lib/php/20151012/opcache.so: undefined symbol: zend_is_smart_branch14:13
jsparkswhat might be this?14:14
rexwin_how to . Update to latest security patches in ubuntu?14:15
jsparksrexwin_ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade14:16
dellk1l_, i did what was in that link14:16
dellsame error again14:16
Na3iLdell, what was your problem? with vbox?14:16
k1l_rexwin_: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade14:17
k1l_dell: you can still load the version 5 from the virtualbox website14:17
dellNa3iL, i installed genymotion when i run genymotion i see that virtualization engine not found14:18
dellNa3iL, while i can run virtualbox14:18
dellk1l_, i downloaded virtualbox5.1 and installed that14:18
dellit was a .deb14:19
Na3iLdell, can you try that : sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup14:19
skinuxI've run into a problem https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/e4bb86568bccc708060463aeaaa0e9d714:19
punkoivanis it possible using webex with *Buntu 64 bit?14:20
punkoivanall manuals seems doesn't working for me :(14:20
dellNa3iL, vboxdrv.sh: Building VirtualBox kernel modules.14:20
dellvboxdrv.sh: Starting VirtualBox services.14:20
dellNa3iL, same error yet14:20
Na3iLwerid what version of vbox you are using?14:22
delli am using 5.114:22
delli get error when genymotion is loading plugins \14:23
=== CompuDesktop is now known as Compu
Na3iLcan you restart your virtualbox14:23
dellNa3iL, what do you mean ?14:24
skinuxWhy the hell is it trying to downgrade from 10.0 to 5.7? https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/e4bb86568bccc708060463aeaaa0e9d714:24
dellNa3iL, i just open it with virtualbox command in terminal14:25
Na3iLyep dell try to restart it : sudo /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/VirtualBox restart14:25
dellsudo: /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/VirtualBox: command not found14:26
Na3iLsorry dell I remembered my command when I tried genymotion in my androind14:27
Na3iLtry to reinstall the virtualbox-dkms14:27
Na3iLsudo apt-get --reinstall install virtualbox-dkms14:27
dellNa3iL, it solved14:28
skinuxDamn it. Now it won't let me remove or install mariadb or mysql14:28
delli removed vboxnet in network of virtualbox14:28
Na3iLthat's cool dell14:29
dellNa3iL, i get error again in your opinion?14:29
delli am adding google nexus to it14:30
skinuxAha! Just had to add a couple packages to purge command and it went through.14:31
Na3iLno I don't think so, if you have encountered any problem let us know14:31
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dellNa3iL, i added googlenexus but same error when i start it14:38
dellwhat should i do  ?14:38
=== Na3iL is now known as nzoueidi
FinalXhmm, I'm trying to create an image to clone to multiple kvm things and virtualboxes; but the network interfaces aren't getting eth* names. persistent files with hardcoded devices names are not going to help.. anyone know what I need to pass to the kernel? net.ifnames=0 doesn't seem to help? no persistent rules file either.14:47
BIT_MANwhat are you talking about?14:48
BIT_MANthis is my first time to login14:49
BIT_MANwhat is the use of xchat?14:50
Picier, okay.14:51
FinalX..yeah, that14:51
PiciFinalX: I could type this all out, but this seems to be what I was going to say anyway: http://askubuntu.com/questions/628217/use-of-predictable-network-interface-names-with-alternate-kernels14:53
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FinalXPici: yeah, was reading that too. I just added net.ifnames=0 biosdevnames=0 to /etc/default/grub and update-grub/install-grub, and now it seems to work fine :)14:59
FinalXthink I forgot to do an update-grub before my previous reboot, however14:59
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=== lee is now known as Cueball
jakey3How an environment which does one thing, can be considered a15:09
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naccjakey3: how is that an ubuntu support question? maybe ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic15:12
jakey3can  i limit swap usage on my ubuntu 14.04 with ulimit?15:19
naccjakey3: no, I don't think so15:21
ducassejakey3: read up on the vm.swappiness sysctl, might be what you want.15:21
naccor use cgroups15:21
melray_Hey everyone I want to make sure I understand the difference between forward and reverse dns. The way I understand it if I type host mail.<mydomain>.org that would be an example of forward dns and the opposite would be host <static ip> and it should return mail.<mydomain>.org. Do I have it right or am I backwards?15:23
nitr0xforward converts the host into ip15:25
freelancerbobfew days ago i was here and i had problem with my external HDD, who was here ?15:41
freelancerbobcan i find history of this chat somewhere ?15:42
Surendilfreelancerbob, check your logs15:43
nacc!logs | freelancerbob15:43
ubottufreelancerbob: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/15:43
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freelancerbobtomreyn: hi15:54
rip_harambe_2016Are we gonna have that unity 8 session in 16.10 or Not???15:58
naccrip_harambe_2016: #ubuntu+1 for that question15:59
ubuntu900Hey guys, im trying to make a hello world kernel module, but am getting the following errors. make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.19.0-64-generic'  make[2]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl', needed by `arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/asm/syscalls_32.h'.  Stop.  Any advice?16:00
freelancerbobhow to use ddrescue ? i have damaged hdd and i want make image16:01
Guest67506ubuntu900: I have a hello world kernel module and it works16:04
Guest67506I just tried it out16:04
AlphaOmegais there an OT channel?16:04
mcphail!ot | AlphaOmega16:05
ubottuAlphaOmega: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:05
ducasse!recover | freelancerbob16:05
ubottufreelancerbob: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery16:05
Guest67506ubuntu900: how does your Makefile look like?16:06
EriC^freelancerbob: http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Ddrescue16:06
ubuntu900ubuntu900: Here it is, thanks for the reply. :) http://pastebin.com/Eiwkr7s516:07
freelancerbobEriC^: ddrescue /dev/sda /dev/sdb       it is enough ?16:08
freelancerbobEriC^: u just make image before i try to recover16:08
EriC^freelancerbob: no, there are 3 consecutive commands to run, check the wiki link16:08
EriC^a more general command if you dont have time is ddrescue -d -r3 /dev/sda sda.image sda.logfile16:09
EriC^freelancerbob: ^16:09
Guest67506ubuntu900: I'm using this one: http://dpaste.com/0YAJQ0N16:10
EriC^freelancerbob: this is for gddrescue package16:10
Guest67506you will need to adjust the hello.o thing at the top to use the name you use16:10
ubuntu900Guest7506: That worked : o, im curious as to what was wrong with my version.16:14
kuldeepwhy is my shell script being opened by ubuntu software center. the script actually run an executable with LD_LIBRARY_PATH16:15
nacckuldeep: i think we'd need more details to be able to help16:16
Guest67506ubuntu900: not sure but glad it worked 😺. maybe it's the missing16:16
Guest67506PWD := $(shell pwd)16:16
kuldeepi expect the script to be executed with executable path from   "#!/bin/sh"16:16
freelancerbobEriC^:  ddrescue -d -r3 /dev/sda /dev/sdb log.txt ?16:17
acresearchhello people. there is a issue in the ubuntu terminal: if you have a directory with files named 1-500 and you list them with ls -l you will not get an ordered list, you will get this: https://da.gd/0iwnF       why? is there a way to get a properly ordered list?16:17
nacckuldeep: so you run ./script and it opens the software center?16:17
kuldeepnacc, no when i "double click" it16:17
Guest67506acresearch: try ls | sort -n16:17
kuldeepwhen i "double click" it, it open the software center. i expect the script to be executed in shell and the actual program run16:18
naccacresearch: you may also want to look at -v (natural sort)16:18
acresearchnacc: ls -v ?16:19
naccacresearch: yes16:19
ducassekuldeep: is +x set?16:19
nacckuldeep: is your script marked as executable?16:19
kuldeepnacc, .sh afaik been always shell script. how come software center reclaimed it?  (due to ".sh" based packages being distributed?)16:19
nacckuldeep: extensions have no meaning in linux16:19
kuldeepducasse, nacc yes.    in shell when i do "./the-script.sh" it run fine16:19
acresearchnacc: Guest67506 thanks :-)16:19
naccacresearch: np16:20
kuldeep"#!/bin/sh" isnt respected.16:20
kuldeepsoftware center isnt a shell16:20
anddamcan I different proxy settings for different network connections?16:20
OerHekskuldeep, running "./the-script.sh"  or clicking the script are 2 different things16:21
EriC^freelancerbob: http://www.kossboss.com/linux---how-to-clone-a-disk-with-ddrescue---dnu-ddrescue-also-known-as-gddrescue---the-better-ddrescue-tool16:21
ahn0sthow do i delete my wifi driver16:21
ahn0stits WLS3 i want WLAN016:21
Guest67506you unload the module16:21
naccahn0st: do you mean your wifi device? why do you care what it's named?16:21
kuldeepOerHeks, why dont text files being opened by software center then?16:22
mmmmmmmhow to fix this bash: /sbin/init: No such file or directory Ubuntu 16.0416:22
kuldeepi see a huge pitfall here. any good reason of opening my shell script on software center16:22
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ahn0stnacc because when I spoof WLS3 it autmaticaly changes to the original mac, Versurs WLAN0 stays spoofed16:22
kuldeepmaybe to prevent accedental execution of scripts?16:23
akikahn0st: add the kernel parameter net.ifnames=0 to /etc/default/grub and run update-grub16:23
ahn0stakik, yikes. I have no idea how to.16:23
EriC^ahn0st: sudo nano /etc/default/grub16:24
FinalXheh, i just had the exact same thing.16:24
EriC^opens a text editor, nano16:24
kuldeepOerHeks, "running "./the-script.sh"  or clicking the script are 2 different things"  reason please16:24
FinalXakik: for example, my line is now: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"16:24
akikahn0st: it's just a new way to name the interfaces. nothing breaks if you use the old or the new way16:24
FinalXeh, ahn0st ^16:24
kuldeepwhy are they different. i expect to execute the script just like binaries are handled16:25
Guest67506a script is not a binary!16:25
akikFinalX: what does biosdevname=0 do?16:25
FinalXalso messes with device names (dell kinda thing)16:25
kuldeepGuest62386, but i gave the program that execute it via hash bang "#/bin/sh"16:26
kuldeepso, shouldnt i expect it to be executed?16:26
FinalXchmod 700 on it?16:26
ioriakuldeep, file script.sh     what it says ?16:26
FinalXbinaries and scripts are not much different in that sense, they all require the execute bit16:26
ahn0stakik, okay i have nano opened but where do i add "net.ifnames=0" ?16:27
kuldeepIoangogo, "box0-studio.sh: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable"16:27
kuldeepioria, "box0-studio.sh: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable"16:27
akikahn0st: on the line which starts GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT16:27
mmmmmmmHow to fix this : bash: /sbin/init: No such file or directory (Ubuntu 16.04)16:27
Guest67506a binary is executed by OS's runtime while a script by a interpreter16:28
FinalXmmmmmmm: that comes out of the package systemd-sysv16:28
nacckuldeep: i'm 99% sure it's because the gui has a setting like "open with" and it's currently set to ubuntu software center16:28
FinalXmmmmmmm: so you might have to (re)install that16:28
ioriakuldeep, nautilus -> preferences -> behavior -> executable text file ?16:28
FinalXapt-get install --reinstall systemd-sysv16:28
kuldeepGuest62386, yes, but when i say "+x" i expect it to be executed on double click16:28
ahn0stakik, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0" ?16:28
akikahn0st: that's not the line i said but maybe it could work16:29
kuldeepnacc, yes, but problem is it is the default16:29
ioriakuldeep, check above my last msg, and try xdg-open script.sh16:30
nacckuldeep: i don't know why anyone would try to execute a shell script like this, but that's besides the point, i think16:30
ahn0stakik, lol sorry i see it. it has = "quiet splash"16:30
kuldeepnacc, i would, i made it executable, now i want to execute it via double click.16:30
akikahn0st: those two words control what is shown on the screen when linux boots16:31
kuldeepthat is fine if someone say that it could introduce security problem. but instead of shell script one can actually do that with a binary executable16:31
nacckuldeep: i don't think anyone is saying security problem16:31
nacckuldeep: only you have said that so far16:31
ahn0stakik, so how does this help the mac address stay spoofed?16:31
mmmmmmm@FinalX it is working, thy16:32
akikahn0st: don't know anything about spoofing but it'll bring back the wlan0 device name16:32
nacckuldeep: in my case, my default application for shell script is 'vim' (well, gvim)16:33
kuldeepnacc, in my case it is geany (editor)16:33
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ahn0stakik, how did one obatain such knowledge?16:33
nacckuldeep: and you're saying it opens software center instead of geany?16:33
akikahn0st: reading, browsing, searching the internet16:34
kuldeepnacc, in Arch, it open in Geany, on my brother [x]ubuntu, it open in software center.16:34
kuldeepnacc, sorry for the confusion16:34
ioriakuldeep, not using nautilus then....16:34
ahn0stakik, $ sudo macchanger -s wlan0 [ERROR] Set device name: No such device16:35
ahn0stakik, must one reboot?16:35
geniiahn0st: I also explained to you how to revert this interface naming behaviour in he #lubuntu channel16:36
kuldeepioria, i have nautilus installed to, (on Arch) it open in Geany16:36
ioriakuldeep, on xubuntu i mean16:36
kuldeep(if that can help)16:36
naccahn0st: and yes one must reboot, for kernel optoins to take effect16:36
ahn0stgenii, just read it16:36
ahn0stok brb, thanks guys.16:37
ioriakuldeep, xubuntu uses thunar iirc16:37
kuldeepioria, yes16:37
ZteamHi all!16:38
ioriakuldeep, don't remember the setting for double-click on thunar ... but you can make another .sh for test and see how it opens16:38
kuldeepioria, you mean  "edit" -> custom action ?16:39
ioriakuldeep, as i said , i don't remember the setting on thunar :þ16:40
ZteamI'm having some serious issues installing Ubuntu 16.04 from liveUSB, right then I'm typing the ubuntu installer randomly stops reading from my keyboard, if I move to another window it input the text correctly again16:43
Zteamis this ACPCI related or something?16:43
ZteamIt's quite impossible to choose a password then this happens16:44
Zteamor even using the terminal16:44
Zteamlinux_, hi there penguin16:45
ahn0stokay the device is back to wlan0, but the mac address changes back automatically16:45
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kuldeepthanks ioria nacc OerHeks ducasse . seems like im just expecting that is not possible or not the default setting.16:48
ioriakuldeep, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19446416:49
kuldeepbut i still think, clicking a shell script which has executable marked should be executed16:49
ubuntunewbiehi, i just installed ubuntu a few days ago16:49
ubuntunewbiecan someone explain to me the procedure for playing games on steam16:50
ubuntunewbieon ubuntu?16:50
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Zteamubuntunewbie, how do you mean?16:50
ubuntunewbiewhat do i need to do to make sure steam and the games work?16:50
ioriakuldeep, it can be done, but depends on your filemanager16:50
ubuntunewbiei read some stuff and encountered people having problems16:51
Zteamubuntunewbie, you can download games right as you would with windows, but you would of course be limited to games that is available for Linux16:51
kuldeepioria, something that i expected by default need a workaround ..... :P16:51
wadadliZteam: and what games are these?16:52
ioriakuldeep, you can read why in the link i posted16:52
ubuntunewbieZteam: i know that, but i am talking about the drivers16:52
kuldeepioria, hum, looking for the specific reason. thanks for the link16:52
ubuntunewbieis it only needed to select the proprietary driver in the additional drivers program?16:52
Zteamubuntunewbie, you need to get the official driver for video card (please be a little more specific)16:53
TheBestHackerInTHello friends!!16:53
ioriakuldeep, what version of thunar your bro is running ?16:53
kuldeepioria, 1.6.1016:54
TheBestHackerInTBye friends!!16:54
kuldeepioria, "I have some users requesting a way to always have them opened in an editor, even when they are executables"16:54
kuldeepioria, currently "When the file is executable (+x) double clicking on the scripts runs it, while when it's not, double-clicking on it opens it in an editor.16:55
Zteamubuntunewbie, usually you can  get that driver by searching in dash (ubuntu start menu) for drivers then you should find additional drivers, and in most cases that tool helps you to install the right driver :-)16:55
ioriakuldeep, sure, but it depends on your filemanager settings16:56
kuldeepioria, so, odd but just because someone said that they need something, they got it. other have to eat the same. even if they dislike the change16:56
Zteamwadadli, well you can browse a list of games available for linux right here: http://store.steampowered.com/browse/linux/16:56
Zteamwadadli, there is plenty to choose from16:56
kuldeepioria, in sub-conciously remeber the interface so, i though why isnt it working. change made on "2015-02-28"16:57
kuldeepsorry "Last modified: 2015-02-28 13:41:44 CET"16:57
eslamLinuXerRunning on UBUNTU 15.10 ZOrin 1116:57
eslamLinuXeris it dead ? :|16:57
Zteamwadadli, I just don't have enough time to list all 3000 games for you ;-)16:58
ioriakuldeep, http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/hidden-settings   /misc-exec-shell-scripts-by-default16:58
liftedCS 1.6 is the only acceptable Linux game16:58
nacceslamLinuXer: 15.10 is eol16:59
kuldeepioria, though im (mostly) fine, i was expecting ease for "end users".16:59
ioriakuldeep, oh, i see16:59
mijkhow can I extract S10E01 from: tv.show.s10e01. The file may not be called exactly that at all times.16:59
eslamLinuXernacc  eol ??16:59
* wadadli can't afford video games16:59
kuldeepioria, you can see enduser as my brother :)  (and many other)16:59
nacc!eol | eslamLinuXer17:00
ubottueslamLinuXer: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:00
ioriakuldeep, :þ17:00
eslamLinuXerend of Life :'(17:00
nacci also believe zorin is not ubuntu and not supported here (but i might be wrong)17:00
eslamLinuXerwhat should i do now ? :(17:00
daxnacc: you're correct17:00
kuldeepioria, i cannot see "�"17:00
jja2000So ehm17:01
naccdax: thanks17:01
wadadlikuldeep: get better fonts =P17:01
kuldeepwadadli, :)17:01
jja2000I'm trying to install (or boot at this point) ubuntu on my 32-bit efi 64-bit system tablet, but when I try to load vmlinuz.efi it says that it doesn't exist. Anyone have an idea as to what I should do to fix it?17:01
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jja2000I copied the grub.cfg from the actual 64-bit image17:02
eslamLinuXerZorin 11 is Based on Ubuntu 15.10 !17:02
nacceslamLinuXer: doesn't matter, not supported here17:02
wadadlijja2000: which bootloader are you using?17:03
jja2000wadadli, the default for ubuntu's liveiso aka grub217:04
wadadlijja2000: also your tablet is both 32 and 64bit?17:04
daxeslamLinuXer: #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and its official flavors. "Based on Ubuntu" is irrelevant, third party people make all sorts of nonsense changes and we don't support them.17:04
jja2000Yeah it's a 32-bit efi but a 64-bit chipset17:04
Keydnsi am looking for an application that can receive iphone transmissions to organizationally modify an expense document17:05
nicomachusis there a better way to do things on my home PC than SSH? Everything done through SSH with X is sooooo slowwwww. Even with the -C flag17:05
wadadlinicomachus: depends on what it is that you're trying to do17:06
nicomachuswadadli: GUI things17:06
wadadliub_ubuntu: ubuntu != bash17:06
wadadliub_ubuntu: :P17:06
pauljwnicomachus, try -Y, it doesn't use encryption and is faster17:06
nicomachusweb browser, etc17:06
ub_ubuntuwadadli: Honest Mistake17:06
nicomachuspauljw: so -Y instead of -X?17:07
pauljwseems so here, mine is all in house not over the internet17:07
pauljwyeah, instead of -X17:08
nicomachusthis is over external net. I have gigabit at home, but only like 45Mbps down at the office here. I'll try it with -Y17:08
MadLambHello, I've been using mesa drivers to play on ubuntu, but since the update from yesterday it became extremely low fps on most of the games. Any starting point suggestion?17:10
wadadliMadLamb: downgrade the driver17:11
deadshot_habnabit how to install it using pip ?17:12
MadLambwadadli, how? :D17:12
MonkeyDust!downgrade | wadadli MadLamb17:12
nicomachusdeadshot: pip install <package>17:12
ubottuwadadli MadLamb: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.17:12
wadadliMonkeyDust: driver17:12
wadadliMadLamb: just find the package and install it17:13
wadadliit will most likely be in your repository17:13
Zteamwadadli, just as you know there is even plenty of free games available for linux too, both commerical games and open open source games (Xonotic, Alien Arena, Open Arena etc)17:13
wadadlifind out your current version of the driver and install a version lower17:13
MadLambwadadli, mesa-utils?17:13
MadLambwadadli, I don't even know the package name17:14
wadadliMadLamb: again I don't know, I have alrady told you more than enough17:14
MadLambwadadli, ok :(17:14
Zteamwadadli, and those games all happens to run on very old hardware too, without looking to ugly17:14
aroonihey folks; ive tried following; http://askubuntu.com/questions/236165/amazon-kindle-paperwhite-not-recognized ;; but my kindle still doesnt seem to be recognized on ubuntu 16.04 ;17:15
wadadligive me the output of lspci | grep VGA17:15
nicomachusand Xonotic is fuuuuuuuuuuun. Especially if you get into a server with hooks enabled.17:15
nicomachuscheck #gamingonlinux17:15
wadadlinicomachus: what do you mean hooks enabled?17:15
wadadlias in allowed to pointer manipulate?17:16
nicomachusit's a feature of the game. Grappling hooks.17:16
Zteamnicomachus, I haven't played Xonotic, but I did play really much Nexuiz once, however, I personally refuse to run onto a server with hooks17:16
nicomachuslame. not a discussion for this channel, though.17:17
wadadliZteam: what protection do they used/17:19
Zteamnicomachus, personally I think using hooks is the lame thing to do, but I'm not really pro gamer either17:19
Zteamwadadli, protection for what? do you mean anti-cheat or copy proections or what? :-)17:20
wadadliZteam: anti-cheat17:20
JuliusCeasarBRHello. I'm with problems to boot my Ubuntu. I can only boot by Maintenance Mode.17:21
JuliusCeasarBRHow can I fix this?17:21
DK2more specific please17:21
JuliusCeasarBRMy ubuntu is 16.04. I made some analysis and I guess my hardware is every thing OK17:21
wadadliMaintenance Mode?17:21
wadadliIs that Ubuntu centric or ... ?17:21
DK2maybe he means recovery mode17:21
Zteamwadadli, I really don't know but I think that was up to the server admins to solve :-)17:21
JuliusCeasarBRIf I don't press shift, It stays with a black screen. It never initiates. Recovery mode I mean**17:21
wadadliZteam: ohhh!17:22
wadadliZteam: maybe I should pay them a visit17:22
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JuliusCeasarBRHow can I solve this?17:22
JuliusCeasarBRI guess it's something in the 'kernel'.17:22
JuliusCeasarBRI have been using linux for one year, that's first time this happen.17:23
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Zteamwadadli, that being said I never experienced that as much of a problems, in big contrast to Unreal Tournament (the first one released 1999) that game was modded and cheated nearly to death17:23
wadadliZteam: Every game is hacked.17:24
wadadliI remember back when we we're writing hacks for LoL17:24
wadadli... before the hipsters took over17:24
Zteamwadadli, there was even aimbots that used to aim for you in UT, despite many servers tried to implented strong checks for UT17:24
JuliusCeasarBRIs there a way to downgrade my kernel?17:24
DK2JuliusCeasarBR did you try to repair grub?17:24
wadadliJuliusCeasarBR: which version of the kernel are you using?17:25
Zteamwadadli, very well I can't argue with that :-)17:25
JuliusCeasarBRDK2: I didn't try this.17:25
JuliusCeasarBRDK2: I'll try to use.17:25
wadadliZteam: at the time riot said the game was unhackable17:25
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DK2but being able to enter recovery mode should mean that grub is working fine17:25
wadadlihow can a group of paid engineers say something so silly17:25
Zteamwadadli, need to fix my new computer instead but Ubuntu just refuses to work17:26
JuliusCeasarBRLinux leite-Vostro-5470 4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:42:33 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:26
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JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: Linux leite-Vostro-5470 4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:42:33 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:26
Zteamwadadli, Well, I'm not going into this debate again but implementing nearly unhackable software (at least with the help of hardware) is sure possible17:27
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nasimHello Every one17:28
branjoehey guys can i ask a question17:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:28
wadadliJuliusCeasarBR: yeah you should start there before touching the kernel17:28
nasimsure ask question17:28
wadadliJuliusCeasarBR: just reconfig grub17:28
JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: how can I use this?17:28
Zteamanybody can help me fix my keyboard errors with ubuntu please???17:29
JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: uhum17:29
DK2if hes able to enter the bootloader i'm not sure if reconfiguring grub will help17:29
branjoeis it possible to implement a module that can simulate wireless connection clients in the form of nat overload through a single antenna link?17:29
nicomachusZteam: going to need more details17:29
Zteamthe keyboard just stops working for me randomly17:29
wadadliJuliusCeasarBR: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB17:29
wadadliZteam: sure, lock it in a room behind a metal door and give it no network access17:30
JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: what's strange it's look normal by the recovery mode17:30
wadadliJuliusCeasarBR: what recovery mode?17:30
JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: I pressed 'shift' and I choose one old kernel to be able to turn my pc on.17:30
b0s3d_hello i am trying to follow this simple guide: http://blog.bluedrive.ro/?p=28 , but i am having troubles finding my hex string eg. 5553424312345678000000000000001106200000010000000000000000000017:31
wadadliJuliusCeasarBR: is there a newever kernel there?17:32
JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: To be honest I don't know what happened. I don't remember which update I did. I just was watching movie yesterday, I slept and then It's with this problem.17:32
JuliusCeasarBRwadadli: how can I update my kernel? Maybe is this.17:33
Zteamnicomachus, sure, basically I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 on a newly created ubuntu live USB, my keyboard is connected via the  PS/2 port, randomly ubuntu stops reading from the keyboard for a few minutes or seconds and then functions normally, this results in that if I attempt to write my password in tthe installer password, it may become invalid, and if try to use the terminal then I can't type undisturbed there either17:35
Zteamnicomachus, I was having some acpci related issues before (it refused to wake up from sleep) so I guess I just should try more acpci related boot option as well17:36
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:38
b0s3d_<b6s3d> t1m: i found a site http://askubuntu.com/questions/651292/ubuntu-unable-to-detect-huawei-e392-usb-modem-with-airtel-4g-connection17:38
b0s3d_<b6s3d> that fixed my troubles, thanks17:38
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:39
bp_identify bp99917:39
branjoeyou fail17:39
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:39
sveinseOn 16.04 under gnome shell, how do I remove a BT device (a mouse). If I select the device, I get the status dialog with a big red "remove device" button on it. Press it and confirm the removal. Nothing. How can I delete the device manually?17:39
branjoechange your password bp_17:39
branjoeand make it more complex than that also pls17:39
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:40
bp_i promise u, branjoe how can i?17:40
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:40
bp_i'm soo new that i haven't tought to use a complex passw17:40
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:41
branjoe.msg nickserv help17:41
jattbecause Enter new linux passowrd would sound retarded17:41
NeXTSUNwhy does unix make it not retarded17:41
NeXTSUNubuntu is not unix17:41
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NeXTSUNubuntu is not unix17:42
NeXTSUNwhy does Ubuntu say Enter new unix passowrd.... Iisn't this linux??? I am working with?17:42
daxNeXTSUN: Cut it out, please.17:42
branjoewhat is going on here17:42
NeXTSUNI want to know why17:42
NeXTSUNit is saying that17:42
jattyou can change it17:42
branjoei cant even17:42
NeXTSUNthe password message just shows how retarted opensource software is17:43
sveinseNeXTSUN: oh, please stop17:43
NeXTSUNwhy is it calling ubuntu unix?17:43
Zteamwadadli, well, that's not really that neccesearly at all anymore, look at the PS4 Console for example I don't know about any hacks for that, Xbox One is another example or the very famous music software17:43
Zteamnicomachus, any idea? :-)17:44
notosososwhat is the difference between repo and http in sources.lst?17:45
branjoeis it true that almost all devices are hackable and can have *nix installed to them?17:45
nicomachusbranjoe: no. depends on hardware. but that's a question for #linux, not here.17:46
branjoeubuntu === linux17:46
nicomachusbranjoe: but this is a support channel for ubuntu, not a discussion channel.17:47
silentbobI'm having quite the situation is there someone who might be able to help?17:48
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nicomachusZteam: i'm not sure. any hints in dmesg?17:48
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branjoeah in that case you are right17:48
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branjoethanks for letting me know :)17:48
Jordan_Usimbaclaws: Please as your question and if anyone thinks they can help they will chime in :)17:48
simbaclawsI have quite the situation with a laptop/tablet it's a tablet inside of a laptop and I'm trying to do some things17:48
ZteamNeXTSUN, ubuntu is based on Linux, Linux is inspired by Unix and shares (to a large extent as least) the same design goals (Linus Torvalds basically wanted to make a free Unix system17:48
simbaclawsbasically it's a medion laptop and it has a hard drive disk inside of the tablet part and a hard drive disk inside of the laptop17:49
Zteamnicomachus, I'm gonna check right now17:49
simbaclawsmy idea, because it has some hardware fuse towards installing new software on it is that I can't seem to boot from a windows bootable usb which works on other computers17:49
simbaclawsso what I'm now trying to do, the system already has windows 8 installed on it and I want to install windows from within a live usb of ubuntu on the second hard disk, then I want to boot that hard disk and whipe the other disk17:50
simbaclawsso that if it fails I would have windows installed on the hard disk inside of the laptop part17:51
simbaclawsso... does anyone know how I can install windows 10 from within a live usb of ubuntu17:51
Zteamnicomachus, nothing interested found, but I'm not sure what to look for either17:51
simbaclawsit's a computer of a friend17:51
nicomachussimbaclaws: no. you need to load Windows onto the USB, not Ubuntu.17:51
Jordan_Usimbaclaws: We can help you get Ubuntu booting via USB on the laptop, but this channel can't really help you with installing Windows. Try ##windows for that.17:51
simbaclawsI can't the hardware doesn't allow me to17:52
Zteamnicomachus, sudo dmesg | tail doesn't tell me anything interesting17:52
simbaclawsI can only boot a ubuntu usb17:52
nicomachusZteam: paste it to paste.ubuntu.com and link here17:52
simbaclawselse I would get a windows boot manager failure telling me the usb is corrupt while it does start on another system17:52
k1l_simbaclaws: that really sounds like you need the help of the ##windows channel guys.17:53
Zteamnicomachus, nor does sudo dmesg | grep PS/2 or sudo dmesg | grep keyboard either17:53
simbaclawsactually all I have is ubuntu :P17:53
Zteamnicomachus, well, then I have to install hexchat and fighting with that keyboard issue yet again :-(17:54
k1l_simbaclaws: but ubuntu is not the issue here. your issue is the windows bootloader and how to get a windows usb17:54
nicomachusZteam: why do you have to install hexchat?17:54
Zteamnicomachus, I'm using this irc client on a another computer17:54
simbaclawsmy problem is that the hardware that has windows 8 installed doesn't allow for other windows usb's to install it's operating system on top of it. I can only boot ubuntu17:55
simbaclawsany windows usb doesn't boot17:55
nicomachusZteam: just paste it on the system you're working on, then type the url into here. it'll be like 10 digits at the end of paste.ubuntu.com17:55
simbaclawseven though they work on other systems17:55
Zteamnicomachus, you are right I don't have too, my bad :-)17:55
Zteamnicomachus, I thinked wrong :p17:55
simbaclawsI'll go to the windows channel but I doubt they'll be able to help me out17:57
simbaclawsbut ok17:57
nicomachusZteam: or you can use pastebinit and skip the web browser part17:57
nicomachussimbaclaws: it sounds like you're trying to use ubuntu to hack around the problem instead of fixing the problem. but the hack-a-round probably won't even work17:58
sveinseI generally love Linux, but it can be a horrendous pain when something stops working. Like my BT mouse just has. /&%#&%" Gnome shell won't delete the device when I press delete18:00
Zteamnicomachus, yes, I know the pastebinit program really nice feature I have to say18:00
branjoehave you tried sudo18:00
kuldeepHello, im looking for a ubuntu distribution that has matplotlib and numpy preinstalled.  (python packages)18:01
kuldeep*ubuntu flavour18:01
sveinsekuldeep: Why does it need to be preinstalled?18:02
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Zteamsorry wrong link here is the rig one : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23247722/18:03
kuldeepsveinse, i dont want to get into the headache of installing and making sure it work fine. im going for a introduction on python and electronics (STEM) to student18:03
=== offlim_ is now known as offlim
Zteamnicomachus, here you go, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23247722/ but I just noted this is just the top of an ice mountain, there is several more issues, a none working apt for example18:04
kuldeepsveinse, and most of them will be MS windows users. i will give away dvd as well after it has finished.18:06
kuldeep(actually all afaik)18:06
=== AutisticFag is now known as Zenified
jja2000So I got past the vmlinuz error18:09
jja2000next question18:09
jja2000It now says mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid argument18:09
jja2000and then goes to the initramfs shell18:09
daileHi there. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04. After putting in a new motherboard, my install no longer boots. It goes to the grub rescue screen and declares "error: unknown filesystem". I have attempted to fix this by using boot-repair, but even it doesn't recognize my SSD's filesystem. Any help would be appreciated.18:13
=== larry is now known as Guest93611
safHello. I have a new laptop with a BCM43142 wireless adapter. Everything seems to work fine on xubuntu, only the wireless adapter gives some problems. Can someone help me with this?18:15
deadshotI have only 1 drive of 1000GB where my ubuntu is installed. I want to make 1 other drive from it. How to do it ?18:16
saf@deadshot: you could use gparted18:17
deadshotCan u explain ?18:17
deadshotwhat to do in gparted. I am newbie18:17
k1l_!bcm43xx | saf18:18
ubottusaf: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:18
safgparted is a tool to partition you hard disk. If you start gparted it will show you a graphical presentation of your hard disk18:18
saf@ubottu: thanks for the link. I tried it already. And even Google wasn't my best friend in this situation18:19
k1l_deadshot: load a live usb ubuntu. then use gparted to change the partition layout18:19
deadshotcan't i do it on current installed ubuntu18:19
deadshotby installing gparted18:19
Jordan_Udeadshot: First, just to get terminology straight, what you want to do is add another partition to your drive. It's only windows where partitions are called "drives", and it causes a lot of confusion. In the *NIX world a drive is a physical device which can contain one or more partitions.18:19
geirhayou can't resize a partition that is in use, hence the need to boot a live cd18:19
safyes it's possible, but I think a live usb will work quicker18:19
k1l_deadshot: you cant change the disk while you are using that disk18:19
safoh my bad :)18:20
deadshotOk thanks, i will go on live cd18:20
saf@k1l_: what do you mean by !bcm43xx?18:21
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k1l_saf: its a command to let the bot (ubottu) display some information18:22
safthank you!18:22
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:22
safah, now I get that ubotto is a bot...first time IRC18:23
k1l_bcm43.. chips are known to make trouble. so look at what is exactly happening there18:23
wheredidmyircsetOK, I upgraded to 16.04.01 and now all the title bars of my windows are gone. I'm using gnome-flashback. Any ideas?18:23
* k1l_ is afk now but the channel will help you18:23
safwell, it is working but only at low speed (abg), not n18:24
daileHi there. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04. After putting in a new motherboard, my install no longer boots. It goes to the grub rescue screen and declares "error: unknown filesystem". I have attempted to fix this by using boot-repair, but even it doesn't recognize my SSD's filesystem. Any help would be appreciated.18:24
saffurthermore, sometimes it has trouble connecting to my home network after startup18:24
MonkeyDustk1l_  please don't leave now...18:24
=== tking0036 is now known as Guest93278
slaffeupdated to 16.04 from 14.04 when trying to start deluge-webui getting this error:18:32
slaffe[20:31:11]slaffe@scenics:/etc$ sudo start deluge18:32
slaffestart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused18:32
slaffeWhat is causing this?18:33
sveinseMy ubuntu 16.04 bluetooth has suddenly died. hcitool dev shows nothing, bluetoothctl and scan gives "Not ready" and dmesg complains about "Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd failed with error -2". How can I fix this?18:33
slaffeloads of stuff broke when updateing from 14.04 -> 16.04..18:33
sveinseslaffe: Nope, this worked a week ago. I have been running 16.04 for at least three months with this working18:34
slaffeWhat do you mean by nope?18:36
slaffeI said loads of stuff broke on my server when I updated to latest version?18:36
slaffeNope dosnt apply to that, because it did :O)18:36
sveinseslaffe: "nope" that your statement does not apply to my case. This wasn't broken by any upgrade18:37
freelancerbob.. ddrescue is running 2 hours cca, but seems no data are saved to output HDD, it is possible ?18:37
slaffeWell, worked right before the update, not after. What caused this if not the upgrade, then?18:38
sveinseslaffe: I think we're not talking about the same thing, are we?18:38
monkhow can I tell if my grub loader will work without rebooting?18:39
slaffesveinse we are not :)18:39
sveinseslaffe: good :P18:39
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slaffeMy problem is that i am getting this when trying to start deluged18:40
slaffesudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on18:40
slaffestart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused18:40
sveinsehow do you start it?18:40
slaffeused to run service deluged-webui start18:41
slaffenoticed now that systemctl start <name> might work18:42
srulihello all, i need a file to belong to root but accessible by a particular user, how can i achieve this?18:43
freelancerbobit is normal ? ddrescue do not copy any data to output HDD ?18:44
sveinsesruli: chown root.user some_file; chmod 0660 some_file18:44
srulisveinse: thanks, i just tried user:root seems to have done the trick18:44
sveinsesruli: The chmod all depends on the access rights root, the user and others need18:45
sveinsesruli: note the ordering of chown. root:user is different from user:root. It's the first name which owns the file18:46
deadshotI made another drive18:46
deadshotusign gparted18:46
deadshotand live boot18:46
deadshotbut the new drive is showing 6 GB used18:47
deadshotwhy ?18:47
OerHeksdeadshot, easy on the enter, please18:47
slaffehow do I start a service after 16.04? sudo service <name> wont work no more?18:47
slaffe[20:47:11]slaffe@scenics:~$ sudo systemctl enable /etc/init/deluge.conf18:47
slaffeFailed to execute operation: Invalid argument18:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:48
slaffehow do I enable the config?18:48
OerHeksslaffe, how did you install deluge?18:48
deadshotkil_, Jordan_U ?18:49
slaffeOerHeks sudo apt-get install deluged deluged-webui18:49
slaffehad it working before update, now it wont start. so reinstalled it and still nothing18:50
srulisveinse: i understand thanks, i think it only mattered who owns the dir as after i made that change all works even if the file is user:user. what i am trying to do is use letsencrypt without its webserver so i mounted the www dir from web server on my mail server using sshfs but couldent access the files there from wan, changing the dir to user:root seemed to solve it18:50
OerHekssystemctl status deluged ?18:50
slaffe● deluged.service18:50
slaffeLoaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)18:50
slaffeActive: inactive (dead)18:50
slaffeWhys that?18:52
srulii have a problem booting my pc with latest kernel update 4.4.0-38 a soon as it hits the plymoth screen i have no keyboard input, i can only boot using previous kernel 3.16.0-77 (running 14.04)18:52
deadshotHow to give permissions to a partition in ubuntu ?18:53
srulideadshot: what type of permission? have you mounted the partition what filysys is it?18:54
deadshotit is currently can only be controlled by root18:55
srulideadshot: is it mounted?18:55
srulideadshot: what is the path to it?18:55
srulideadshot: sudo chown -R username:username /path/to/mounted18:56
agentdcheki hii stuff18:57
MonkeyDustagentd  it works, we see you18:57
monkcan someone help me with grub? http://paste2.org/m6cB1jJ118:57
imranKnet yangu iko down18:58
imranKI think i'm good now18:59
Keydnstoday is day 5. i am searching for a terminal program that is either a repository or a p2p network for sharing only text documents.19:05
nicomachusKeydns: what kind of sharing are we talking about here? within an internal network, available publicly, what?19:08
=== lala_ is now known as lala
OerHeksnicomachus, tomorrow day 619:09
MonkeyDustand on the 7th day, god took a rest19:09
nicomachushard to get support when you only hang around for 2 mins19:09
nicomachusI really should turn joins & parts back on...19:10
srulii have a problem booting my pc with latest kernel update 4.4.0-38 a soon as it hits the plymoth screen i have no keyboard input, i can only boot using previous kernel 3.16.0-77 (running 14.04)19:10
=== Patrycjerz is now known as Guest30939
OerHekssruli how come your kernel jumped from 3.16 to 4.4 ?19:11
nicomachusautoremoved too quickly?19:11
ioriado-release-upgrade from utopic-lts19:12
sruliOerHeks: not to sure, got some message about lts enablement stack and hit the update button19:12
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sruliioria: apt-get do-release-upgrade ?19:12
ioriasruli, youused the gui, from cli is that command19:13
sruliioria: yes, but will that not upgrade me to 16.04?19:13
ioriasruli, yes, it did .... cat /etc/issue19:13
sruliioria: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l19:14
ioriasruli, no, it didn't19:14
OerHeksLTS eneblement stack while next LTS is out, why don't you just upgrade?19:14
sruliOerHeks: not ready on my main machine... dont have time to deal with stuff that will break atm19:15
ioriasruli, you just upgrade the kernel and xorg19:15
slaffewhat is this?19:15
slaffe==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===19:15
slaffeAuthentication is required to start 'deluge-web.service'.19:15
slaffeMultiple identities can be used for authentication:19:15
slaffe1. ,,, (slaffe)19:15
slaffe2. ,,, (slaffe)19:15
slaffeChoose identity to authenticate as (1-2):19:15
nicomachus!paste | slaffe19:15
ubottuslaffe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
srulii promise myself to upgrade next week for the last few month... (i am not sure yet if i will do upgrade or reinstall...)19:16
sruliso how do i remove this kernel?19:16
ioriasruli, what kernel ?19:16
nicomachussruli: 16.04 is pretty darn stable. what are you afraid of it breaking?19:16
DK2dpkg -l | grep image19:17
DK2then purge the kernel?19:17
ioriasruli, you're using 4.4  ... it's ok19:17
srulinicomachus: exisiting applications i run, many might not have all required libs in 14.0419:17
ioriasruli, i have the same config 4.4 + 3.16  (that i don't use anymore)19:18
sruliDK2: what command do i use to purge it?19:18
morgFor anyone using Guake terminal, is there a way to fix text being only one color? I've tried using different palettes in pref>appearance but it only changes the background and the color of ALL text.19:19
slaffewhy does systemctl enable <file> not work? says Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory19:21
slaffeeventhough it is the right location19:21
naccslaffe: please pastebin the exact command and output19:24
DK2why would you remove the 4.4 kernel tough?19:26
DK2do you still have the old one?19:26
sruliDK2: i have th eold one, problem with new one is no keyboard input when i get to the plymonth screen19:26
trabafbbbtbf bdfb19:27
DK2apt-get remove "package" should remove it19:27
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naccslaffe: you are saying 'enable' on deluge-web.service but the file is deluged-web.service19:28
OerHeksgood find, nacc19:28
ioria!info deluge-web19:30
ubottudeluge-web (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (web ui). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.12-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 462 kB, installed size 2106 kB19:30
daileWhat is the default filesystem for the /boot partition? My system doesn't recognize it as ext2, ext3, or ext4.19:30
ioria!info deluged19:30
ubottudeluged (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (daemon). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.12-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 83 kB19:30
FendarisHi, I can access my windows disk through the file explorer, but I cannot select the path to the windows disk in jabref. Can I write it as a path somehow? /500gbVlume/etc/19:31
Fendarisi can only select "/" as a path in jabref19:32
ioriaslaffe, which pkg did you install exactly ?19:32
Keydnsi am looking for a program for transffering text files via p2p or some kind of database19:35
sruliKeydns: private or public?19:36
sruliKeydns: do you need it for private use or public access?19:36
romaromawhat about torrent?19:37
Keydnsi am against them19:37
romaromait will solve your probler, by the way19:37
romaromawhat is wrong with it?19:37
sruliKeydns: when you need the services of the thief take him down from the gallows!19:37
Keydnsi feel unsecure about it19:37
Keydnssruli i need a private one as well my dad says19:38
Fendarisi figured out that i m looking for something like /dev/sbd4, but I still cant access it via jabref. it s already mounted19:38
romaromawill, you need a private tool, I suppose)19:38
Keydnsi would use some php correct?19:39
Fendarissolved it19:39
Keydnsko thanks bye19:40
naccsruli: afaict, Keydns is a troll19:40
nacccomes on, asks the same question, leaves19:40
naccno context, no actual intention of doing something19:40
romaromanacc, thanks19:41
nacc"transffering text files via p2p or some kind of database" is a trollish question19:41
naccdon't even understand what it means19:41
naccanyways ... :)19:41
=== prince is now known as Guest3911
romaromajust a nooby question)19:42
afidegnumhello, anyone sucessfully install adobe flash player, into opera and google chrome ? i proceeded via apt but no sucess19:54
OerHekschrome got flashplayer already.19:54
afidegnumwhat of Opera?19:54
romaromavisit something like adome.com/flash (dont remember exactly), it will suggest you to install flash.19:55
Surendilafidegnum, chrome has flashplayer already and for opera or firefox, install flashplugin-nonfree19:55
matejkobut soon they will stop supporting flash I heard19:55
OerHeksmaybe opera wants pepperflash, that downloads chrome and rips the flashplayer. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:55
afidegnumlet me try that again19:56
OerHeks* and restart your opera browser, ofcourse19:57
matejkois that me or is it turning the screen off on my laptop like after 2 minutes of inactivity? Also the locked user screen is different after updates that came like week ago? ubuntu 16.0419:57
matejko15 seconds and turning off screen19:58
matejkowhen you lock user19:58
matejkois there any way to change that?19:59
OerHeksmatejko, depends what desktop, sounds like monitor or energy settings to me20:00
Potatoboii need help with booting20:01
Potatoboiubuntu is stuck forever at the boot screen since i installed gnome shell20:01
Potatoboiand selected gdm at the x screen that popped20:01
Potatoboimatjko ?20:03
matejkoPotatoboi happened to me... clean install helped20:03
Potatoboibut i really dont want to wipe my entire system20:03
Potatoboii just want to reinstall lightdm20:03
Potatoboiand fix it20:03
Potatoboii am logged on a livecd20:04
matejkosorry, Im noob user :/20:04
Jordan_UPotatoboi: Chroot into your system and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" and select lightdm when asked what display manager to use.20:05
NeXTSUNhow do you update ssh packages?20:06
PotatoboiJordan_U alright20:06
curlyearsheigh hough20:06
Jordan_UPotatoboi: If you need help chrooting in feel free to ask.20:06
Potatoboiit is asking to select either to select lightdm or gdm320:06
Potatoboii`m chrooted in my system already20:06
Potatoboiselected lightdm20:07
Jordan_UPotatoboi: Choose lightdm. That should at least get you a working system, and we can figure out how to get GDM3 working properly after that if you want.20:07
Potatoboiwill reboot20:07
=== Wally__ is now known as Guest3130
curlyearssomething really strange is happening.  I am running 16.04.1 vanilla insta;;.  All of a sudden, my mouse and keyboard don't work anymore.  I can't get on to the system at ALL with the installed version.  So IO am on DVDBoot, trying to resolve this.  Even under DVDBoot, after somewhere between 1 and 10 minutes, the keyboard and mouse lockup.  What t20:08
curlyearshe holy &(^%^$%&(^$&^ id going on?20:08
nacccurlyears: is it a laptop or desktop? if the former does it have an internal keyboard that does work?20:10
PotatoBoiit worked20:10
PotatoBoii'm currently on my system now20:11
offlimis anyone familiar with mongoDB data at rest?20:11
Jordan_Ucurlyears: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg", preferably after the keyboard or mouse has stopped working. (You probably want to install openssh-server so you can still interact with the machine without a keyboard or mouse, using another computer / phone).20:12
curlyearsThe problem started when I was creating a "Firefox account" as per a push from mozilla.   I clicked into Thunderbiird to cheeck for the verification email, and Thunderbord came up, and then I couldn't do anything,.  I rebooted, and tried to go to  the ubuntu support pages, and it died again.  It has also died several times under Live Bott20:12
curlyearsJordan_U:  No can do.  I have no access to a second computer, and I don't use a smartphone.20:12
curlyearsOh, byw, the moouse isn't toally dead.  When I move it, the cursor moves, it just won't accept any clicks20:13
curlyearsbtw, too20:13
nacccurlyears: usb devices?20:15
curlyearswhen you're running under LiveBoot, who are you logged in as, defauklt, and how do you find the password fopr that login, if you wanty to login remote like Jordan_U  just suggested to me?20:16
curlyearsnacc:  my keyboard and mouse are USB, if that's what you're asking?20:16
nacccurlyears: yeah, didn't you report some issues with this before?20:16
nacci'm seeing it in my irc logs :)20:16
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k1l_curlyears: the live user is ubuntu, the password is blank. but when you want to remote login to your system then you need the user and password of that system20:17
curlyearsnacc:  one time a USB port just stopped working completely.  That one USB port is still totally dead20:17
nacccurlyears: how do you know there aren't more hw faults?20:17
Jordan_Ucurlyears: OK. Please pastebin the /var/log/syslog from the installed system, and in addition please run "dmesg --follow > /mnt/dmesg.log" (where /mnt/dmesg.log is any path that you will persist and you can then pastebin at next boot).20:17
curlyearsk1l_:  so how can I do a emote login to view dmesg?20:18
Jordan_Us/you will persist/will persist/20:18
OerHekscurlyears, same mobo which gave you so much hdd and usb troubles?20:18
nacccurlyears: i thought ##hardware's recommendation was to replace the PS and maybe mobo?20:18
k1l_curlyears: mount the hdd from that system and look into /var/log/ there20:18
curlyearshow do you creat a pathlist that will persist through a reboot?20:18
nacccurlyears: pathlist?20:19
Jordan_Ucurlyears: Mount either your internal drive or a USB drive and provide a path that's within that mount.20:19
curlyearsnacc:  I did replace the PSU, and the computer has been runnning without any faults for several months now20:19
de-factoyou can watch the voltage levels of your psu with lm-sensors or in bios20:19
Jordan_Ucurlyears: I just mean that you can't simply do "dmesg --follow ~/Desktop/notgonnapersist.log" because that will only save to RAM and be gone when you reboot.20:20
grumpyhi am getting page falut for amd on start anyone know how to fix this20:20
curlyearslm-sensorts not found20:20
matejkois there any way to printscreen lockscreen without running VM?20:21
elisa87this might sound funny but if my file has 5000 lines is there a bash method to copy what's inside my file again inside my file until it is 8GB?20:21
c^matejko, http://www.howtogeek.com/113267/how-to-take-screenshots-of-the-windows-logon-screen-2-geeky-tricks/20:21
c^oops, windows link20:22
AnthaasI have found an old monitor, and am able to plug it in, however I am getting "Signal Over Range" on it, and then the screen turns off.20:22
c^https://itsfoss.com/screenshot-login-screen-ubuntu-linux/ matejko20:22
c^Anthaas, incompatible refresh rate20:23
Anthaasc^ any possible solution, besides new monitor?20:23
matejkothx :)20:24
c^Anthaas, which bootloader?20:24
curlyearsAntaas:  do you know what SORT of monitor it is? (EGA< VGA< SVGA)?20:24
Anthaasc^ Uhh, yeah, standard. This is my only OS on this machine20:25
c^Go to the GRUB options tab20:25
c^, tick the out-of-range option20:25
c^, apply,20:25
Anthaas"Grub options tab"?20:25
curlyearsthis is very disheartening.  I am just about to start learning to use thew software to use m y 3Dprinter, and once again, my computer develops some oddball problem no one understands20:25
c^Not sure, just pulled it from askubuntu20:25
c^Maybe the grub menu on boot?20:25
c^Or in settings somewhere20:26
c^Anthaas source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/189566/input-signal-out-of-range-change-settings-to-1600-x-90020:26
c^the end suggests installing gpu drivers again20:26
AnthaasProbably not worth the hassle.20:27
AnthaasI have two modern monitors which work perfectly fine, and this ancient one that doesn't.20:27
c^I'd agree20:27
c^I hate using mismatching monitors personally20:28
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offlimis anyone familiar with mongoDB encryption at rest?20:30
curlyearsdamn it, from L:iveBoot, when I try to mount /dev/sda (my 250GB SSD) it says /dev/sda or <my mount point> is busy.  I had just created the moutnpoint as /to,20:31
Jordan_Ucurlyears: You don't mount a drive like /dev/sda, you figure out what partition on the drive (sda1, sda2, etc) you actually want to mount, and mount that.20:32
curlyearsI have an older 17" LCD monitor that I am not using, but I am holding on to it, to use with my Raspberry Pi 3, once I get that up and running20:32
curlyearsthanks Jordan_U20:32
Jordan_Ucurlyears: You're welcome.20:33
curlyearswhat the hell does this mean?  I founf it in my dmeag (three times, one right after thee other):   usb 5-1: current rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 4410020:35
curlyearswhen I did sudo mount /dev/sda2 /tom   it recommended I look for a problem under dmesgm, which is when I found that USB error20:36
curlyearsalso mount says size or type is wrong  Do I need to go do a man mount?20:36
nacccurlyears: i beleive that is a sound message20:36
curlyears\nacc:  interesting.  I just plugged some USB speakers in yesterday.  They are working.  A buddy over in #reprap sent them to me.20:37
curlyearsnacc:  but why would the error be logged three times, one immediatel;y after the other?20:38
nacccurlyears: i don't know20:38
curlyearssamwe tinmestamp on all three20:38
curlyearsweird.  Ah, well, as much of a headache as all this is, I'd still rather do this than submit to Microsoft Tyrrany20:39
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
curlyearsOK...dmesg has 6 of these, one after the other:   EXT4-fs (sda2): unable to read superblock20:43
ahn0stlinux spoof mac address reverts back to default, need help20:43
k1l_curlyears: is that the dmesg from the internal disk? or from the usb live system?20:43
Jordan_Ucurlyears: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" so that we can help you run the correct mount command. Also note that this does appear to be a hardware problem. I'm just hoping that the output of dmesg will give some insight into how your hardware is failing.20:45
k1l_curlyears: and do i understand right, that you plugged in usb speakers and since then have issues with usb mouse and keyboard?20:46
curlyearsk1l-:   well, sortof.  I plugged the USB speakers in a day or so ago.   Everything worked fine until this morning.20:47
Keydnsi am looking for a program for transffering text files via p2p or some kind of database publically and privately20:48
naccKeydns: you have been provided help on this a few times in the channel. You need to stay and listen to the responses.20:49
Keydnsi was just going to reboot20:49
naccKeydns: then reboot and *then* ask your question20:50
naccit makes no sense to ask and then leave over and over20:50
Keydnsok i understand20:50
Keydnsi shall return shortly20:50
curlyearsrats.  I'm trying to apt-get install pastebinit, and it has been sitting at 0% for two minutes now...20:51
curlyearsrats.  I'm trying to apt-get install pastebinit, and it has been sitting at 0% for two minutes now...20:52
curlyearsrats.  I'm trying to apt-get install pastebinit, and it has been sitting at 0% for two minutes now...20:52
k1l_curlyears: installing on a live system could be an issue. just attach "| nc termbin.com 9999" to the command to pastebin stuff20:53
Keydnshi, anyone know the answer to my question?20:56
SurendilKeydns, is ftp an option?20:58
Keydnsfile transfer protocol?20:58
SurendilKeydns, yeap, ftp-server20:59
Keydnsif you can access it fromm macc and windwos theen yes20:59
k1l_Keydns: what about dropbox, googledrive, nextcloud or such?20:59
Keydnslooking for something terminal based on the ubuntu side20:59
sruliKeydns: dropbox has a cli20:59
curlyearswhen I try to run sudo blkinit I get:  blkinit not found,  then on the next line, it prompts to try using netcat, which requires all sorts of argumebts, and says it's a bsd tool21:00
k1l_Keydns: a webserver, sftp server. there are a lot of ways to share stuff21:00
Keydnswhat is php?21:01
k1l_curlyears: its not blkinit21:01
k1l_curlyears: sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 9999"21:01
Keydnscan i use php to transfer files using putty on the other computer over the internet?21:03
k1l_php using putty? that doesnt sound right.21:04
nacc!php | ubottu21:04
ubottunacc: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/php5.html21:04
Keydnso, it was ssh21:04
k1l_Keydns: if you control both sides then just use "scp" or "sftp". both come with the ssh server21:04
naccKeydns: i feel like you're asking very strange questions that seem unrelated to each other21:04
Keydnsi must want to know a lot of ddifferent things21:05
naccKeydns: perhaps start over with what specifically you are trying to achieve (and not how you think you should achieve it)21:05
curlyearsnow I can't copy/paste from term to here.  I highlight the desired text, roght click the mouse, then select copy.  Switch to here, place the cursor in the input box, and right click, then select paste, and noting happens21:05
naccKeydns: well, this is a support channel, not a discussion channel21:05
Keydnswell i have two objectives on my new computer right now.. downloading a lot of text files to read and organize.. and to shre files between some of my dad, his friends and my brother21:06
k1l_Keydns: we focus on specific technical ubuntu issues in this channel. if you need the world explained better join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel21:06
curlyearsI hand copied that21:06
Keydnsis there a like ubuntu packages channel?21:06
ppfKeydns: no21:11
ppfmaybe take a look at btsync or syncthing21:11
ppfcurlyears: try your middle mouse button, it'll change your life ;)21:12
curlyearsppf:  when I click the middle mouse button (the scroll wheel) Firefox pops up a box asking me if I really want to leave this page21:13
ppfwell you need to click on something that accepts input21:14
curlyearsif I come into any more money, I am scrapping this damned m otherboard and gtting a newer, better one.  This thing has cost me so muych time and energy, I hate it21:15
ppfwhat's the issue?21:15
curlyearsppf:  for copy/paste, that ios usually the right mouse bvutton, which should pop up a menu with various choices, including copy and paste21:15
matejkoguys, I have an issue (maybe) .. if I click on link on this chat, it open firefox new window with my homepage... is it bug or feature?21:16
matejkoit wont open that link21:16
RLShiftyDoggitwhat chat client are you using21:16
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curlyearsppf:   I need to mount a partition from my system, SSD, so I can have certain system commands 9output copies of certain logs, since I am under Live Boot, and  need to pass thoswe logs to k1l- and others21:16
RLShiftyDoggitthat shouldnt be happening21:17
k1l_matejko: hmm, which ubuntu? which desktop?21:17
RLShiftyDoggiti use hexchat21:17
matejko16.04 64bit gnome?21:17
=== fukucanada is now known as Sparklyballs
ppfcurlyears: on linux DEs there are two clipboards (well, three, but noone uses the third). PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD. CLIPBOARD is what you feed with right click+copy, ctrl+c and the like.21:17
k1l_matejko: on the menu->settings -> command for urls. what is the command there?21:18
curlyearsppf:   oooooookayyyyyyy21:18
ppfand whatever you highlight with your mouse goes into PRIMARY, and you can paste it with a middle mouse click21:18
* RLShiftyDoggit laughs Sparkalyballs 21:18
matejko"Open Link in a new Firefox Window    !firefox -new-window %s "21:19
ppfnow, what's the problem with your mount?21:19
=== Guest5832 is now known as Jakey3
k1l_matejko: that is correct. so it seems like its a firefox issue21:19
Jakey3how would i switch off a desktop screen in a cron job21:20
curlyearsppf:  I see.  I wonder why all of a suddent, I am having to paste with center button clikc as opposed to the right click I have been using for literally years?21:20
ppfbecause it will change your life ;)21:20
curlyearsJakey3: look up it's process number in ps -alx, then kill -9 <process number>21:20
matejkok1l_: yeah it might be.. I manually installed firefox 50 (dont know how) but it has lot of bugs so I purged it and installed canonical firefox49 and I think the paths of firefox50 is still there21:20
k1l_curlyears: ubuntu got 2 different clipboards. seems like you copied it to the middle-mouse-clipboard. or your irc client ony accepts that clipboard21:21
k1l_matejko: uh, yeah, that is some important info21:21
ppfJakey3: maybe with xscreensaver?21:21
curlyearsk1l-:  yeah, I get the two clipboard things, but right clicking is what I was using, then in the middle of tyhis IRC session, ity cvhanged, without any input from me.  How?21:22
matejkolol, is there any way to fix it? when I type whereis firefox in terminal it give me this: firefox: /usr/bin/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/share/man/man1/firefox.1.gz is that correct?21:22
k1l_Jakey3: use xset21:22
k1l_curlyears: i really dont know what you are doing to your systems all the time, really.21:22
Jakey3k1l_, does xset need to run as sudo21:23
curlyearsJakey3:  I can tell you this.  Do what ANYONE other than me tells you to do, because they all know infinitely more than i do21:23
ppfJakey3: no21:23
Jakey3so it would simply run in a cron job21:23
ScytheYa quelqun ?21:24
curlyearsk1l-:  I am sitting here in IRC, or reading and responding to email, almost SALL the time (ropughly 6-78 hours a day.  Once I gget the last bit of hardware I need for my 3D printer, I'll likely be doing that all day instead=21:24
ppfJakey3: i have to ask, why exactly do you need to turn off your screen in a cronjob?21:24
ppfcurlyears: what's the actual problem you're trying to solve?21:24
Jakey3its a screen connect to a raspberry pi in a public location21:24
Scytheis there someone here ?21:24
ppfwhy not run screensaver21:24
Jakey3so at 22.00 we want to switch off the screen21:25
Jakey3to conserve energy21:25
ppfphysically? or send it to standby?21:25
matejkok1l: is there any way to fix it?21:25
ppfnontheless, try xset or xscreensaver21:25
Jakey3xset can go directly in the cron21:26
k1l_matejko: can you show a "which firefox | nc termbin.com 9999"21:26
matejkok1l_: http://termbin.com/9w4u21:27
curlyearsppf:  all of a suddent, lst night, my system started dumping me into a situation where it would accept no input from either the mouse or thwe terminal.  Rebooting brought it back, but after 1 to 19 minnutes or so of operation, it would do it again.  So I am booted up in Live DVD, trying to find a solution to that, and running into all sorts of weir21:27
matejkok1l_: http://termbin.com/rmio21:27
curlyearsd issues now.  Someone on here asked me to save some information  from a few log files, and pastebin them, but to do that, I have to knnow what the mount point for a workable parition on my SSD is.  And the comans for tyhat aren't working, at least, not for me.  I type them (or copy/paste them) and they claim "<file> not available, or <Kfile> nnot21:27
k1l_matejko: "ls -al /usr/bin/firefox | nc termbin.com 9999"21:27
curlyearsthe mouse moves the cursor, but no button clicks are accepted, and n o response from the keyboard at all21:28
matejkok1l_: directory or file is missing21:28
curlyearsthe LED in the mouse stays lit, so it isn't a power issue21:28
ppfcurlyears: you sure your usb controller is alright?21:28
QueenslayerHow's Ubuntu holding up?21:28
ppftried a different keyboard?21:29
k1l_matejko: sudo apt purge firefox. then sudo apt install firefox21:29
QueenslayerAnything new to tempt me away from Mint?21:29
ppfyou said something about a usb error message before21:29
compdoccurlyears, you can use the disk uility to mount the main partition21:29
matejkok1l_: sorry I copied it with " "21:29
matejkok1l_: http://termbin.com/w2k921:29
ppfso i strongly suspect its botched21:29
ppfor do the inputs work on the live system?21:30
ppfQueenslayer: how is mint not ubuntu?21:31
k1l_matejko: could be worth renaming ".mozilla/firefox" to ".mozilla/firefox_old" and then restart firefox21:31
matejkok1l_: ok, I will try that, thx21:31
k1l_Queenslayer: its your choice which distro you use.21:31
ppfcurlyears: if the inputs are out in the live system as well then it's probably a hardware issue21:31
ppfprobably not much we can do then21:32
Queenslayerppf: good question21:32
QueenslayerBetter standard interface21:32
ppfyou meen the DE/the WM?21:32
OerHeksmint has its own issues.21:33
ppfcurlyears: one thing that helped me in the past with a flakey usb controller (which wasn't a hardware defect but actually a kernel problem):21:33
ppfdisconnect the power for 10 minutes21:33
k1l_Queenslayer: ubuntu offers mate and cinnamon besides a lot of other desktops in their repos. there are even preinstalled isos for mate.21:33
Queenslayerk1l_: never checked it out21:34
QueenslayerI like the way Mint have packaged their OS21:34
th0rand there it is. The troll succeeds and for the next fifteen minutes the channnel is just noise21:34
k1l_Queenslayer: ok. if you dont have a technical ubuntu support issue then please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support.21:35
curlyears\ppf:  how do I determine that?  There is a new message in syslog, which nacc tells me is audio rtelated, complaining about ppf:  OK, I'lll try that.  Hope it works,. because Live Booting is really SLOW21:36
matejkok1l_: didnt work21:37
matejkok1l_: still opening homepage instead of link21:37
curlyearsnot syslog, dmesg, but it was in my last boot, and dmesg says nothing new has  been logged yet21:37
k1l_matejko: strange. renaming that folder would have erased all user settings21:38
curlyearsmatejko:  what is the .link?  paste it in here21:38
k1l_matejko: do you have some special network setup? like proxy or vpn?21:38
matejkok1l_: it did and I dint do backup.. nvm21:39
matejkocurlyears: all links posted to this chat.. for example: http://termbin.com/9w4u21:40
OerHeksmake sure firefox itself does not claim to be standard browser21:40
curlyearsmatejko:  well, that one does obnly go to a home page directory, but all the others that have been posted in the past hour work for me21:41
OerHeks+ maybe gnome needs a logout/login to take effect21:41
matejkocurlyears: even https://www.google.com wont open me a google21:42
matejkoI will try reboot21:42
k1l_matejko: do you use any sort of proxy or vpn?21:42
curlyearsyeah, it works for me, so you definitely have a problem.  Have you tried shutting firefox down and restarting it?21:44
k1l_i guess he changed stuff on his network like using a proxy or changing the nameserver.21:45
matejkok1l_: no I am not using proxy nor VPN21:46
matejkok1l_: but if I click on link with right mouse button and choose "Open link in new Firefox window" it will open the link normally21:47
curlyearsmatejko:  again I ask, havwe you tried restarting firefox?21:47
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matejkocurlyears: yes dozen of times, even restarting PC21:48
matejkok1l_: when you type whereis firefox to terminal, what you get?21:49
matejkok1l_: /usr/bin/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/share/man/man1/firefox.1.gz is this ok?21:50
ppfmatejko: what's the issue? clicking a link won't do anything?21:52
matejkoppf: clicking a link will open firefox homepage instead of link21:52
cesmhow much can lightdm suck that I'am not able to get it running for simple logon into awesome-wm, while startx just works fine21:53
cesmnever seen bigger bunch of crap than this21:53
matejkoppf: from HexChat21:53
cesmlightdm, pls dieeee.21:53
ppfcesm: so, what have you tried so far?21:53
cesmppf: what should I try?21:54
ppfso you've tried nothing and are all out of ideas?21:54
cesmppf: setting .dmrc, setting user-session inside of /etc/lightdm/....21:54
cesmdebugging logfiles, strace...21:54
ppfand what's the symptom?21:54
cesmblack screen21:54
cesmafter logging in21:54
matejkoppf: do you have firefox installed?21:56
ppfmatejko: no i'm using chrome21:56
ppfcesm: can you paste your dmrc21:56
cesmthats it21:57
skinuxWTH did Ubuntu do to MySQL (MariaDB)? I've had to create a non-root user account and grant all privileges, but that still doesn't work. I can only connect to MySQL using 'mysql' command21:57
OerHeksskinux, well .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#MySQL_5.721:58
ppfcesm: what's in /etc/lightdm?21:58
darkdrgn2khi all21:59
darkdrgn2kso im running cinnamon WM but somethign is off. for example my MIN MAX AND CLOSE buttons are little dots21:59
cesmppf: at the moment just this:21:59
ppfmatejko: what did you do to your firefox? built in from source?21:59
darkdrgn2kwhat am i missing21:59
ppfhow does HexChat launch it?22:00
OerHeksdarkdrgn2k, the obvious: do you run a theme on top of that?22:00
matejkoppf: dont understand the question22:00
darkdrgn2kno stock install22:00
darkdrgn2kim wondering if im missing some packages..22:00
matejkoppf: in settings - URL something: "Open Link in a new Firefox Window: !firefox -new-window %s"22:01
OerHekssudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade22:01
matejkoppf: URL handlers22:02
cesmwhy are they not able to write some documentation about such a beast of thing which claims to save the world and does everything better than all others22:02
ppfmatejko: does new-window take arguments?22:02
ppfcesm: because usually it just works22:02
matejkoppf: dont know22:03
ppflaunch it on the terminal22:03
cesmyou mean lightdm?22:03
ppfcesm: did you try choosing the session in lightdm?22:03
ppfcesm: no that was for matejko22:03
cesmi get no option to chose that22:03
ppfi mean on the login screen22:04
ppfyou can click the circle/ubuntu icon next to the username (i think that's where it is)22:04
cesmnot for me22:04
ppfanywhere else on the screen22:05
matejkoppf: "firefox -new-window" opens new window if you were asking about that22:05
ppffor some guy yesterday it was in the top bar i think?22:05
ppfmatejko: i meant with an url22:05
matejkoppf: yep it is opening22:06
matejkoppf: a page22:06
cesmjust no fucking documentation22:06
cesmthese folks are a joke22:06
stan_man_canif I have a cronjob that runs and i need other users on the system to be able to make changse22:06
cesmwill uninstall this shit now22:06
stan_man_canwhere should I store the files?22:06
ppfstan_man_can: /etc/cron.d probably22:06
ppfbut beware, that's an enormous security risk22:07
=== Biokee is now known as Guest37082
stan_man_canppf, a better place would be where?22:07
stan_man_canit's a series of PHP scripts that are scheduled22:07
Surendilstan_man_can, actually, each user could have their own contrab file with: crontab -e22:07
ppfmight be better to put a launcher script in /etc/cron.d that drops privileges, and then launches the editable script22:07
stan_man_canSurendil, this is one batch of files though that everyone needs to edit22:08
stan_man_canthe scheduling is fine22:08
jarlathWhat's an alternative to Skype for calling landlines from Ubuntu? Ekiga has pretty bad reviews in the software center.22:08
stan_man_canjust not sure of where i should physically put the files22:08
ppfSurendil: not if they need to synchronize them22:08
stan_man_canit's not a huge collaboration either it's just someone needs to modify them every now and then22:08
stan_man_canright now they're in my home dir but that doesn't really work for everyone else22:08
ppfstan_man_can: in case of doupt, put things in /opt :)22:08
stan_man_canalthough I guess i could chmod 777 the directory in my home and symlink it to their homes?22:08
matejkohow to remove directory in terminal?22:09
darkdrgn2krm -rf DIRECTORYU22:09
\9matejko: rmdir, if it's empty22:09
stan_man_canmatrm -rf22:09
curlyearsstan_man:  I would build the project such that it only allows specific user numbes to make changes to the database or code.  Keep the allowed user numbers in an encrypted file, and write a small app to read, write and edit that fiel, that onlly YOUO can use.\22:09
ppfmatejko: use with caution22:09
\9matejko: rm -rf, if it's not (very dangerous)22:10
stan_man_cancurlyears, that's a joke right? sarcasm is hard to see22:10
curlyearsstan_man_can:   why would I joke about that?  I was serious22:10
stan_man_canmatejko, but for real rm -rf is super dangerous so please be super careful, once you delete it's gone22:10
curlyearsit's a minor programming task, at most22:10
stan_man_canthe question is literally22:11
stan_man_can"where should i keep a file that everyone needs to be able to edit"22:11
stan_man_cannot, how should I implement a custom ACL or anything22:11
OerHeksThere is a funny folder called /opt/22:12
matejkoso I purged firefox, removed every directory that was in "whereis firefox" installed firefox again and it still doesnt open a link from HexChat22:12
curlyearsstan_man_can:  in a secure locatinoibn the file system, oprotected by what I described to you earlier.  That is a semi-secure setup, allowuing the opeople who need to to access it, without making it available to any punk whohappens to find their way into your system.  SECURITY22:12
skinuxThe only thing that page tells me is that blank passwords no longer work. I'm not using a blank password.22:12
Tex_NickOerHeks: lol22:12
\9"keep allowed user numbers in an encrypted file"22:12
OerHeksskinux, no, you missed the part:  Some configuration directives have been changed or deprecated22:12
\9it's called user groups22:12
curlyearsstan_man_can: you obviously have no appreciation of basic system security measures22:13
stan_man_canobviously not22:13
stan_man_cani think i'm just going to sudo chmod -R 777 / to make life easier22:13
OerHeksskinux, without proper errorlog it is guessing22:13
curlyearswell, yeah, you could use groups.  That would be an implied application of my desription, I just haven't  had to administer a publicly available system in so long I forgot about groups.  I am tghe ONLY user of my ysstem22:14
k1l_stan_man_can: dont do that22:14
curlyearsstan_man_can: pardon my directness, but THAT is sheer stupidity22:14
th0rstan_man_can, put it all by itself on a usb drive on a network server everyone can access22:14
\9i have this slight feeling that he was sarcastics22:15
stan_man_can\9 +122:15
curlyearssarcasm not allowed on this channel, go awsay    :p22:15
th0rno....seriously...everyone can map that folder to their home directory, and then access the file as needed22:15
stan_man_cannot sure it would jive with IT if i hand them a flash drive and tell them to go plug it into one of the racks in our datacenter22:16
curlyearsseriously, if you make it thaty simple, what happens if two people are trying to update and change the code at the same time?  You need a checkin and checkout system to protecct against race conditions between users22:16
stan_man_canthat will never happen22:17
th0rcurlyears, what happens if he puts it in the normal folder structure and two people try to access it at the same time? At least on a samba server it is 'removed' from the OS22:17
curlyearshow can you KNOW that, stan_man_can?22:17
\9curlyears: that sounds incredibly unrealistic22:18
stan_man_canthe file gets updated randomly once, maybe twice a year22:18
\9assuming that these users aren't running I/O-intensive jobs22:18
stan_man_canthere's only 3 of us who have access to the server and we all work on the same team22:18
curlyearsfine.  risk your program and related data.  Not my lookout22:18
stan_man_canthe only reason we all need access is because more often than not we only have one user available to update it at a time22:19
stan_man_cani know22:19
\9curlyears: it's somewhat more likely that an asteroid will hit earth during the next second and wipe out all life, than a I/O race condition to happen in a simple group share scenario22:20
stan_man_can\9 thank you22:20
stan_man_cani'm all for doing things properly but there's a time and place for everything22:21
interfOK, I just updated to Xenial (from Trusty). This came with a new version of Totem, with a new interface. I kinda hate it - there's a bar with the filename that is totally useless, and the most useful button after play (fit window to video) is gone. Is there a way to get it back?22:21
th0rstan_man_can, is there a reason you don't just create a three member group and give the group write permission?22:21
stan_man_canth0r, right now it's in my home directory22:22
stan_man_canliterally all i needed to know was where on the filesystem to move the folder22:22
stan_man_canjust not super familiar on that stuff22:22
stan_man_cani mean sure you can dump it anywhere but i figured i'd let you guys point me to the right place22:22
interfalso the player controls literally never disappear. I can't find any configurable options in the GUI...22:22
curlyearsstan_man_can: ask your IT staff whatt they think about the issue, I dare you22:22
\9stan_man_can: i don't think any standard defines the proper place to put such a thing22:23
IonutVan_are comments allowed in systemd .service file?22:23
curlyearsstan_man_can: leave it in a folder under your home folder, and set the GID to a special group created for this purpose,  IT will have to assign each chosen user to the new group, but that is totally trivial22:24
matejkopls in HexChat when you press F1, what page is opened? can someone post a link... my firefox is opening homepage22:24
Keydnshow do i get out of an application that is running in my erminal so that i see my home directory oncce again?22:24
matejkoKeydns: ctrl+c22:25
\9Keydns: what application is it?22:25
\9matejko: not wise to suggest ctrl+c without knowing context22:25
matejkoI thought thats the command for exiting/canceling22:25
\9it's the command for forcibly interrupting the running process22:26
matejkosorry about that then22:26
\9or, semi-forcibly anyway22:26
Tex_Nickmatejko: on this box, HexChat F1 opens ... http://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/22:26
matejkoTex_Nick: thx22:27
matejko\9: I hope Keydns wont kill me22:27
matejkonick hps22:29
matejkoNICK hps22:30
matejko HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-38-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 2020M @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1,20GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3,5GiB, 75,9% free ** Disk: Total: 909,5GiB, 84,8% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH29: ThinkPad EC - ThinkPad Console Audio Control ** Ethernet: Realtek22:30
matejkoSemiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 47m 58s **22:30
=== porkstor1 is now known as porkstore
matejkosh** cant get the HexChat link opening to work22:35
=== tking0036 is now known as Guest56579
lordcirthWhy are only Server isos available via Jigdo?22:35
k1l_lordcirth: ask the jigdo guys?22:36
lordcirthIt's just strange because Desktop ISOs are bigger22:37
k1l_matejko: does "x-www-browser google.com" in terminal work?22:38
matejkok1l_: opens chromium22:38
k1l_matejko: and "gnome-open http://google.com"22:39
matejkok1l_: "gnome-open is not installed"22:39
k1l_matejko: what ubuntu is that exactly?22:39
matejko HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-38-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 2020M @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1,27GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3,5GiB, 75,4% free ** Disk: Total: 909,5GiB, 84,8% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH29: ThinkPad EC - ThinkPad Console Audio Control ** Ethernet: Realtek22:39
matejkoSemiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 57m 3s **22:39
k1l_no, which flavour22:40
matejkok1l_: HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-38-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 **22:40
k1l_ok, let me rephrase: which desktop is it?22:40
matejkok1l_: GDMSESSION=ubuntu SESSIONTYPE=gnome-session XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity22:44
matejkok1l_: is that it or something else?22:44
k1l_matejko: ok, so its unity.22:44
matejkok1l_: yes, and even thuunderbird is not opening links, just homepages22:45
k1l_did you try to purge firefox? and reinstall?22:45
matejkok1l_: yes, no changes22:46
matejkok1l_: how to set HexChat to open links in chromium?22:47
k1l_but usage of firefox works?22:47
matejkok1l_: firefox works well22:47
k1l_could you set !firefox to !/usr/bin/firefox  in that hexchat menu?22:48
curlyearsOK, well, thanks to all, and I'll see you later22:49
matejkok1l_: still opening homepage22:50
dlamis there a way to see the dependencies for a package?  i wanna see what 'vim-gtk' needs22:51
k1l_matejko: last guess: open "preferred applications" (or informations) from the dash, then set firefox as standard app22:52
matejkok1l_: cannot find it22:55
k1l_matejko: click on the menu at the clock, choose "about this system"22:56
matejkok1l_: yeah, I have set "Web - Firefox"22:57
k1l_is there another firefox?22:57
mcphaildlam: "apt show vim-gtk"22:57
matejkok1l_: no, only one firefox and chromium and default is firefox22:58
k1l_ok, then i dont know what your manual install did change there22:59
lordcirthWould it make any sense to make a installer liveusb-style partition on a machine as a sort of recovery partition?23:00
lordcirthAh nevermind, I'll do the grub bootable iso thing23:01
matejkok1l_: yeah, I fucked up.. but thx for your help ... even in firefox, when I clicked about:addons and opened "Languages" tab .. it said that english language pack 50.0 is not supported.. other language packs (49.0) was supported23:02
baxtIs there a way to turn of the leave and enter notification23:03
k1l_!quietirc | baxt23:03
ubottubaxt: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages23:03
matejko!quietirc | baxt23:04
ldshHi, I changed the motherboard (different brand), and remove the nvidia graphic card. The system only boot in emergency mode and I have no internet. I already uninstalled the nvidia drivers, but it still do not boot. What should I check now?23:10
baxtI'm using mutter it doesn't seem to have the option.23:11
k1l_ldsh: what video card do you use now?23:11
ldshk1l the one of the cpu intel I7 6700k23:12
ldshso Intel® HD Graphics 53023:13
k1l_ldsh: what do syslog and xorg log in /var/log say about the failed boot?23:13
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MMan_nice ip623:14
MMan_is it white all so ? :)23:15
ldshk1l good idea. Is this possible syslog did not have been updated since before I change the hardware?23:15
=== John is now known as Guest61369
MMan_hi mate was up23:18
Guest61369i need some help with video production23:18
Guest61369do you know any applications i can use to green screen?23:19
MMan_is it porn involved?23:19
de-facto!info kdenlive23:19
ubottukdenlive (source: kdenlive): non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1662 kB, installed size 6340 kB23:19
Guest61369please don't use that language23:19
Guest61369i need an application i can use to green screen23:19
Guest61369any ideas23:19
debkadgren screen?23:19
naccGuest61369: open shot?23:20
Guest61369know it?23:20
ldshk1l_, Both files seems to date from boot before I change the hardware.23:20
MMan_yeah he means the green box- blue boc for rendering transpared things23:20
Guest61369I NEED A GREEN SCREEN23:20
debkadGuest61369: to green the desktop or video or what?23:20
naccGuest61369: don't yell23:20
Guest61369from a camera23:20
Guest61369to proccess the video to have a green screen23:21
k1l_Guest61369: no need for capslock23:21
Guest61369you know Jelly the tuber?23:21
debkadGuest61369: the folks above already gave you at least one23:21
Guest61369you know Jelly the tuber?23:21
naccGuest61369: oneshot's website says they can do what you want, i think (http://www.openshot.org/features/)23:21
de-factohe means having a green background in video and replacing that with something else i guess23:21
naccGuest61369: that's not ontopic for this channel, afaict23:21
Guest61369DOes anyone know Jelly!23:21
Guest61369i am jelly23:21
Guest61369and i omved to ubuntu23:22
Guest61369i need an app to do my green screen23:22
MMan_like everyone else will do some time in the future23:22
Guest61369i need help23:22
Guest61369im not use to ubuntu23:23
naccGuest61369: then why did you move?23:23
lordcirthGuest61369, what do you need help with?23:23
Guest61369I heard it was better for video proccesssing23:23
naccGuest61369: it feels like you have been provided answeres that you are trying to ignore23:23
de-factokdenlive is pretty advanced google if it can do that23:23
Guest61369do i use openshot?23:23
naccGuest61369: that is up to you?23:24
k1l_Guest61369: so read yourself into openshot. that is a program  for greenscreen production23:25
ldshk1l_, The boot.log has been updated. Seems I should also comment some entries from my fstab (I disconnected these hard drives)23:25
de-factoGuest61369 https://userbase.kde.org/Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha_manipulation/Blue_Screen23:25
k1l_ldsh: yes. systemd is very picky when the fstab is not correct23:25
DanTDMman the service23:25
ldshk1l_, I'll change that and see the result ;)23:27
BookSearch!Xon Matthew Cody - [Powerless 02] - Super (retail) (epub).rar23:32
ubottuBookSearch: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:32
k1l_BookSearch: no warez in here23:32
MMan_TIP: intel of a bot-prog represents its creator!23:34
ldshk1l_, seems it did it! I thought I had to check that but forgot at the end. Thanks for the help :)23:34
=== tking0036 is now known as Guest93409
matejkok1l_: pls, do you have firefox in your launcher?23:37
k1l_matejko: yes23:37
bradheHey all, I'm trying to migrate from 14.04 to 16.04. We've got a buncha upstart jobs...is there a good way to migrate without having to convert all the jobs from upstart to systemd?23:37
matejkok1l_: and if you right-click the firefox icon, what menus are there?23:38
kdawgubuntulivecanyone no how to change servers or connect to another one googling but havent found anything yet23:39
MMan_you said that and before! (goog it again ) :)23:39
k1l_MMan_: please stop that sort of responses. we stick to actual support in here23:40
k1l_kdawgubuntulivec: what server do you mean? can you give more details?23:41
Rarrikinskdawgubuntulivec: Do you mean IRC (this chat)?23:41
k1l_matejko: cat /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop   that is the config of that starter23:42
MMan_Any one know why VLC when it plays mp4 videos made with windows movie maker that had a jpeg picture only, it show me 2 horizontial pink lines who they cover 90% of the video?23:44
MMan_Totem plays them fine!23:44
matejkok1l_: yeah, but after edit (as root of course) nothing changed ... still showing only this menus: 1. Firefox - Internet Broswer and 2. Dont keep in launcher23:45
k1l_matejko: cat /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop | nc termbin.com 999923:45
de-factoMMan_ nope but you might want to investigate with mediainfo or such23:46
matejkok1l_: http://termbin.com/5z9f23:47
Tex_NickMMan_: have you asked in #videolan ?23:47
MMan_i believe it is a decoder bug, just a idea, but i do not know how to add or remove codecs in VLC23:47
MMan_No i havent i will go there now23:48
de-factoMMan_ vlc uses libavcodec-ffmpeg or such while totem uses libgstreamer1.0 or such23:48
MMan_didnt even know that exists23:48
Ben64honestly, vlc is not great23:48
MMan_thanks for the answers, i heading over videolan to ask... ( yes Ben but i need its playlist )23:49
Ben64other things have a playlist23:49
MMan_quick propose one for me please23:49
Ben64mplayer2, mpv, smplayer23:50
th0rMMan_, audacious23:50
k1l_matejko: ist there some firefox stuff in .local/share/applications ?23:50
MMan_i need video and music playback with full screen support and playlist live editing23:50
MMan_audacious noted!!23:50
MMan_smplayer noted!!23:51
matejkok1l_: firefox_exe.desktop and firefox.desktop ... delete them?23:52
OerHeks firefox_exe.desktop sounds like wine.23:52
matejkok1l_: oh I see!23:52
matejkok1l_: thanks :)23:53
matejko0erHeks: yep wine23:53
k1l_wait, it was firefox in wine all the time?23:53
OerHeksk1l_, good find with local/share23:53
matejko0erHeks: I had installed firefox 50.0 (beta version) and nothing worked there and I coudlnt purge it so I tried wine23:53
matejkok1l_: no but the settings in .local/shater/applications/firefox.desktop are the settings for my launcher23:54
matejkok1l_: *no but the settings in .local/share/applications/firefox.desktop are the settings for my launcher23:55
de-factoafaik the .local/... files "overrule" those from the system directories23:56
wadadliMMan_: what about google, ever note that?23:56
k1l_!google | wadadli23:57
ubottuwadadli: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:57
OerHeksbing is also pretty good .. wait, ...23:57
MMan_nothing special at goog wadadli23:57
MMan_bing is a bad copy of yahoo with compilation of ms database!23:58
matejkok1l_: finally... I copied usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop into .local/share/applications/firefox.desktop and it does the trick.. now it will open the links :) thx for help bro :)23:59

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