
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
dholbachgood morning07:07
Kiloshi dholbach svij dpm and other peeps07:09
dholbachhi Kilos07:09
svijhi Kilos07:10
dpmhi Kilos07:10
tsimonq2o/ dholbach Kilos svij dm11:16
tsimonq2* dpm11:16
dpmhey tsimonq211:16
tsimonq2how are you dpm?11:16
dpmI'm good, celebrating Friday, and you?11:17
tsimonq23 tests today X__X11:17
tsimonq2and yeah, same, I want this day to be OVER already!11:18
dholbachhi tsimonq211:39
mhall119pendulum: happy birthday :)13:06
mhall119belkinsa: did we all get kicked out of the channel again?13:07
josependulum: happy birthday! hope you're doing alright :)13:55
belkinsamhall119: It looked like it, but you just need to resign in.14:08
mhall119belkinsa: I'm identified with nickserv, can you re-invite me?14:37
dholbachhave a good weekend everyone! big hugs!16:00
belkinsaSadly, mhall119, I don't know how or it's not letting me.16:04
pleia2mhall119: /msg chanserv invite #channel16:05
pleia2you can do it yourself ;)16:05
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
belkinsaOr that. Thanks pleia2.16:20
mhall119oh, right, forgot16:23
CoderEuropemhall119: pingy thingy21:45
mhall119CoderEurope: pongity pong21:46
CoderEuropeI am the Yakkety guy you ponged 2 hrs ago about the ghost.io snap.21:46
CoderEuropeAre you up for this ? Yay or Nay ?21:47
mhall119CoderEurope: if you're going to take the lead, I will back you up all the way21:47
mhall119we have docs, examples, and multiple chat rooms dedicated to helping you do this :)21:48
CoderEuropeI'm a complete n00b, but I can do abit. I have a launchpad a/c and an upto date i7 lenovo T201.21:48
CoderEuropeIf you run with me for a couple of hours I could do it - but basically you'd be doing most of the detailing etc ...21:49
mhall119CoderEurope: ok, first stop is to head over to https://gitter.im/ubuntu/snappy-playpen and also /join #snappy here on Freenode21:50
mhall119those are the two best places to get support from the snap-packaging community21:50
CoderEuroperight-oh then-zie, but you'll follow my every step- or are you kinda tied up for a couple of hours ?21:51
mhall119second stop is to http://snapcraft.io/create/ to quickly get familiar with the process of making a snap21:51
mhall119CoderEurope: it's end of day/week for me, but I check in on both those channels from time to time even when I'm off work, so do many others21:51
CoderEuroperight I see, I see.21:51
CoderEuropewell if there no angel-under-the-wing I'd rather not, if that's Ok.21:52
mhall119once you've gotten the basics of snapcraft in your head, your third stop will be to https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/wiki to see all of the example snap configs we have, and find something that's similar to ghost.io21:52
mhall119CoderEurope: you can fly on your own, if you just believe :)21:52
mhall119that's probably on a motivational poster or something21:52
CoderEuropethat's not how we operate in our Linux User group, sorry.21:53
mhall119but seriously, there are lots of angels around to help you, it doesn't have to be just me21:53
CoderEuropeWe use angels.21:53
CoderEuropeI just think its the wrong time for even an attempt - I could just start talking to the wall.21:54
mhall119I will be back around in a few hours, if you want to give it a start and just leave me any messages21:54
CoderEuropeAre there ppl I can talk to now ? on that gitter.im channel ?21:54
mhall119most likely, also in #snappy21:55
wxlCoderEurope: yep. both there and #snappy21:55
CoderEuropeOk, I shall try.21:55
CoderEuropeBut I need a hug.21:55
* mhall119 hugs CoderEurope 21:56
* wxl hugs CoderEurope 21:56
* CoderEurope enables trust stabalizer ..21:56
CoderEuropeI'm off to #snappy21:56
mhall119another thing you can do is "snap install snap-codelabs" and then point your browser to http://localhost:8123/ and you'll find some tutorials and walk-throughs21:56
CoderEuropesee ya.21:56
CoderEuroperight -oh.21:56
CoderEuropechucks away ginger :-)21:57
CoderEuropemhall119: I shall PM-reddit you within 2 hours - best if we move forward from there, cheers.21:58
mhall119CoderEurope: I'll keep an eye out :)21:58
CoderEuropemhall119: Sorry I mucked up : Could you please paste.ubuntu.com the last half an hour of chat between us (here) - so I can get the links, again, cheers.22:16
wxlCoderEurope: he's been idle for a while. what channel was this convo on?22:17
wxlCoderEurope: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/09/30/%23ubuntu-community-team.html#t21:4522:18
CoderEuropeahh ok, cheers for that.22:18
wxlit was more like 10 minutes tho XD22:18
wxlbtw most ubuntu channels are logged, so you can always look at irclogs.u.c22:18
CoderEuropethanks I'm starting over on #snappy now, cheers.22:23
wxlenjoy CoderEurope22:24

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