
wyoungI am wondering if I can get the ban dropped from #ubuntu01:54
elkywyoung: what was the ban for?01:57
wyoungPissing off an op I believe01:58
wyoungAbuse of power if you ask me01:58
hggdhwyoung: when was it?01:59
wyoungNo idea01:59
wyounga long time ago probably01:59
elkyyour behaviour in recent bans from other channels in our namespace indicates you try your best to be abrasive and insulting, i haven't yet gotten to the ban you're talking about.02:00
elkyand in fact that seems to be the issue in the april ban from the summary in our tracker02:01
wyoungyeah, I just don't shit from ops, that is my problem.  Perhaps the ops should change their behaviour, be a bit less authoritarian?02:02
wyoungdon't take shit from ops even02:03
elkyYou started demanding in the channel that that people must use trademark and copyright symbols every single time they used the windows key.02:03
elkyAnd started crapping on about lawsuits if people didn't comply02:03
elkythere's no place for that in any of our channels.02:04
wyoungyeah I will tone down on that02:04
hggdhwyoung: well, you also need to tone down on you view of the moderators.02:05
elkyAre you sure you're capable of doing that, given the insults you were throwing around in #ubuntu-offtopic more recently?02:05
wyoungAlthough IP is important02:06
wyoungelky: yes02:06
elkyYou were also trying to get #ubuntu-offtopic to rise up and rebel against there being rules.02:06
elkyIn june.02:07
wyoungyeah, 4 months ago, I am over that now02:07
wyoungand i don't believe it was against rules in general02:07
elkyI'm not so sure about that given your first decision here today was to accuse us of abusing power.02:08
wyoungbut that is besides the point02:08
wyoungelky: you were a bit heavy on the ban button02:08
hggdhwyoung: it is important for you to understand that the Ubuntu namespace has rules02:08
hggdhwyoung: do you understand?02:10
elkywhat exactly are you wanting access to #ubuntu for?02:11
wyoungTo ask a question regarding issues.  Also to provide my assistance to other people that need help.02:12
wyounglike I have always done.02:12
wyoung(in addition to being banned)02:12
hggdhwyoung: I am not sure I understand this last comment ""(in addition to being banned)"02:13
hggdhcare to explain?02:13
wyoungit was in relation to "like I have always done".  Not in relation to why I want access to ubuntu02:15
hggdhyou mean you were banned like always happens?02:15
elkyi can see in my logs cases of people admonishing you for being an annoyance rather than helpful and cases where you insulted users by implying they didn't meet the "required intelligence level" and other comments to undermine people's self esteem.02:17
elkyis your "assistance" going to be better than that kind of antic?02:17
wyoungelky: ah no, I never said or implied a "required intelligence level"02:17
elky2016-04-21 02:57:50wyoungKeithWeisshar: no, there is a assumed intelligence level02:18
wyoungI wish I had those logs02:18
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/02:18
wyoungany way, moving on02:18
elkyi don't believe there is anything to move on to. I don't feel comfortable letting you back in.02:19
hggdhneither do I02:19
wyoungI can't even find that log02:20
wyoungah wait, figured it out02:20
wyoungeither way, that example was over 6 months ago, I believe the ban time has been sufficient02:20
elkyWe believe otherwise.02:21
hggdhit is not the ban time that is important, it is your behaviour. I cannot feel like you have changed it02:21
wyounghow can you tell that over irc02:21
hggdhwyoung: by the way you express yourself02:22
hggdhthe only possible way on IRC02:22
elkyThe attitude you're demonstrating here is exactly the attitude that got you in trouble.02:22
wyoungmy attitude?02:22
wyoungI have been quite civil02:22
elkyYou started out accusing us of abuse of power. That's hardly civility.02:23
hggdh"I just donĀ“t take shit from ops"02:23
hggdhwell. Real bad feeling from that sentence (not counting the rest, and your history)02:24
wyoungwell yes, I don't02:24
wyounghggdh: so just be civil yourself and we won't have a problem :)02:24
hggdhthen we are done here.02:24
hggdhThe ban will not be lifted as of now.02:24
wyoungI can still contribute and not like you at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive02:25
hggdhwyoung: please leave this channel; consider returning in 3 months02:25
elkywyoung: investigate askubuntu.com as an alternative02:25
wyounguntil then02:25
wyounghggdh: is there a voting process for being an op?02:26
hggdh@mark wyoung #ubuntu and other channels, still not confident of behaviour02:26
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:26
hggdhwyoung: no02:26
wyoungthought not02:26
wyounggood day02:26
elkyThis is the part where you leave.02:27
hggdh@comment 74351 suggested to return in 3 months; as usual, wyoung cannot seem to leave by himself02:28
ubottuComment added.02:28
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Ben64 said: !isitoutyet is It's not out yet!02:33
ubottuIt's Out!!! See - http://www.ubuntu.com/download02:35
* Unit193 downloads.02:35
valorieis there a guide somewhere to editing bot triggers?05:11
valorieI'm trying to fix the !ninjas trigger in #kubuntu-devel05:11
ubottuIn ubottu, tsimonq2 said: !no, tsimonq2 is <reply>Testing this function05:16
tsimonq2yay for messing with ubottu /o\05:16
tsimonq2nevermind that05:16
tsimonq212:16:21 AM <tsimonq2> !no, tsimonq2 is <reply>Testing this function05:17
tsimonq212:16:21 AM <ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail05:17
tsimonq2PM me if you have any questions05:17
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, valorie said: !forget ninjas05:19
valorie!forget ninjas05:20
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, valorie said: !forget ninjas05:20
valorieI'd like it to say <reply>Ninjas! clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2, santa_ - let's get going!05:21
valorieor so05:21
valoriealso, Clive Johnston (clivejo) should be added as an op to #kubuntu, #kubuntu-devel and #kubuntu-offtopic as the newest member of the Kubuntu Council05:23
valorieMyriam (mamarock) is no longer on the council, but she's fine to stay as an op IMO05:23
ahoneybunalso #kubuntu-council05:41
ahoneybunfor clive05:41
Unit193ahoneybun: Heh, you've got +F there, mate.05:41
ahoneybun+F ?05:42
FlannelIf you would try just a little harder, you'd get a D-05:42
Unit193Founder, able to give others +f.  So, you'd identify to services, then   access #kubuntu-council add clivejo kcouncil05:42
Unit193Hmmm.  I like Flannel's answer better though. >_>05:43
ahoneybunmm I always forget the commands ...05:44
valorieoh, thank you ahoneybun05:44
valorieI forgot that05:44
ubottutgm4883 called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:59
ubottuLyrics called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:00

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