
daftykinshttps://guernseyhelp.sure.com/hc/en-gb/articles/211829329-NEW-60MB-BROADBAND- :O01:06
penguin42daftykins: It sure makes a difference to the apt-get's01:07
daftykinswell, i'm already on 40Mb :>01:08
daftykinsi don't think my line syncs at anything over 50Mb01:08
daftykinsoh my Tux it has 10Mb up!01:09
daftykinsi'm sold ;D01:09
penguin42yeh the uprate is nice - I'm on 70/501:11
daftykinsmy parents are still on the 20/1 ADSL2, i really feel the pain when uploading snaps01:12
daftykinsnot sure if i should play it safe and check my line sync before i commit to upgrading :>01:20
daftykinsonly getting 50 of the 60 would be a shame, but i'd rather the upload01:20
SebthreeBQM10HD 07:55
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:41
SebthreeBQM10HDbrobostigon, morning girl08:42
brobostigonmorning amorphous green blob.08:42
SebthreeBQM10HDh eh08:43
brobostigoni said heh here to, to being called a girl.08:45
brobostigonmorning popey08:47
* brobostigon found an interesting game last week, ryzom, an mmo.08:48
popeyname is familiar, but I've not played it08:50
brobostigonits entirly oss too.08:52
* SebthreeBQM10HD found a interesting game in the Ubuntu Touch apps store last week :d08:53
brobostigonits name is?08:53
SebthreeBQM10HDbut how that version of it is done08:53
SebthreeBQM10HDis what makes it interesting08:53
SebthreeBQM10HDno lives!08:53
SebthreeBQM10HDone life and that is it08:54
SebthreeBQM10HDno lives08:54
SebthreeBQM10HDand then how you like control the ship to etc08:54
SebthreeBQM10HDon a touch device hmm08:54
diploMorning all09:19
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Monday, and happy Hallowe'en! šŸ˜ƒ  šŸ‘»  šŸŽƒ09:19
foobarryhello. anyone tried a piano learning app/site called skoove?09:19
SebthreeBQM10HDJamesTait,  indeed and  are you going to dress up as a witch ? :d09:20
JamesTaitSebthreeBQM10HD, what makes you think I need to dress up? šŸ˜09:21
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey, today is day two of the Ubuntu Touch callender bug :D09:22
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey,  so yesterday we had two 30's09:22
SebthreeBQM10HDsomeone reported htis bug acstaully by the way09:22
SebthreeBQM10HDtoday it has the 31st in green, but on the Tuesday not Monday09:22
popeyoh, i dont see that because i'm on rc-proposed where it's already fixed09:22
SebthreeBQM10HDsame issue for  next year,  where09:23
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey, oh ok it's fixed09:23
SebthreeBQM10HDwell it was  interesting :d09:23
SebthreeBQM10HDbut yes a bug really09:23
SebthreeBQM10HDhmm so won't have this next year then or shoudn't next October09:23
SebthreeBQM10HDwhat caused that anyway ?09:23
popeydunno, not looked at the code09:24
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey, also what's new in that omgubuntu video09:24
SebthreeBQM10HDit showed some new unity 8 feature stuff09:25
SebthreeBQM10HDbut I don't see what's new!09:25
SebthreeBQM10HDwhat am I missing ?09:25
SebthreeBQM10HDmaybe files could be opended up from the left bar and that's new, I  don't know09:25
popeynot seen it09:29
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey, when do you think the libertine app store will be there :d09:31
SebthreeBQM10HDthe graphical09:31
SebthreeBQM10HDthe easy to install stuff09:31
foobarryconfession:i don't like clicky keyboards.10:10
foobarrynoise pollution10:10
arseni wish they had the click feel but not the noise.10:15
arsenstill, i have one at work and one at home, so i'm that guy.10:15
foobarrywhat you do in your own home is ok10:16
diddledanbut don't tell us about it in a public channel ;-)10:17
diddledan"I'll have none of your pre-versions here meladdo!"10:17
diddledanthat's a hybrid quote from multiple sources that I forget10:18
diddledanmeladdo is obviously rimmer10:18
diddledanbut the rest I think is a misquote from rising damp?10:18
foobarryvegans, arch users, clicky keyboards, cold brew coffee,10:19
diddledancold coffee?!10:19
diddledanthat's all kinds of wrong!10:19
foobarrytis "different" so its better10:20
diddledan"I like my coffee how I like my men"10:20
foobarryhah the guardian shoudl be on that list too10:21
diddledanwhat's the betting that network rail embed the details of the journey onto the card rather than an ID number which would get matched to the database10:40
diddledanoic, the magstrip is dead on them, but staff still let you through10:44
TwistedLuciditySimple enough the thwart I'd have thought. Print a bar/qr-code onto the ticket that duplicates the mag. Staff can just scan that.11:02
TwistedLucidityOr is just a cryto-sig to prove the ticket is genuine.11:03
TwistedLucidityTake the start, destination; GPG; bish-bash-bosh; job's a good 'un.11:03
TwistedLucidityCan I have my millions foe the government contract, please?11:03
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
zmoylan-pino millions for TwistedLucidity, you don't wear the right school tie...12:55
foobarrytalktalk, my broadband provider also offer a free sim card, similar to what i curretly get from giffgaff13:47
foobarryanyone tried it?13:47
foobarrycould save me in the region of Ā£90 per year13:47
diddledanhah, I just found a 64MB Sony Memorystick13:50
diddledanthat was another attempt by sony to proprietarise (that's a real word, honest, guv') flash memory13:51
foobarryis it purple13:52
zmoylan-piappeals to female users... marketing said so...13:59
popeyMy first digital camera was one of those sony ones with memory sticks... http://www.steves-digicams.com/f55.html14:01
popeya whole 2.6MP14:02
popeymaybe 3.3, something like that14:03
zmoylan-pias much as i dislike propietary standards i did hear of memory sticks surviving washing machines and other hazards that killed lesser memory storage devices14:03
popeythe lens flipped over so you could take "selfies" :)14:03
foobarrymy mum had her credit card pwned. a replacement sent, and the new one pwned14:04
popeyhttp://imgur.com/a/Bd0Ts selfie I took 15 years ago on a Sony Cybershot :)14:05
zmoylan-pithat was quick service by the thieves... if only we could make them work in the service industry...14:05
foobarryshe said she only entered it on paypal and amazon and shopping at sainsbury, and petrol at sainsbury14:06
zmoylan-piand not typed the number into the friendly popup asking 'is your credit card number secure?' :-P14:07
foobarryi asked her, allegedly no14:07
foobarryand no indian men calling from mikrozoft14:08
zmoylan-piis it new shiny card with skimmable rfid chip?14:08
diddledanwhen do the merry-cans vote?14:14
diddledanthe 8th according to teh googs14:16
diddledanso next... tuesday14:17
diddledan(I had to look it up :-P)14:17
diddledantalk about loaded question: https://twitter.com/omgubuntu/status/79309454729530572814:17
foobarrycan amazon prime member borrow kindle books for free?14:19
foobarry"A Prime membership includes over a million ebooks at no additional cost"14:19
foobarrycan't find the ability though14:19
foobarryBooks can only be borrowed and read on Kindle devices (works with all Kindle generations). ...ah14:27
diploThis is why I try to only buy non drm'd books14:42
diploOr deDRM them once I have bought them14:43
foobarrythis is borrowing as part of prime14:49
diploI expect then it's under the ebook app / library bit, I can look in a bit14:50
diddledanhas anyone tried the re-release of KDE1?14:53
popeyi can't see it in the kindle app14:54
popeydoesn't this require Kindle Unlimited?14:56
diploMay do, I remember reading about it now14:58
diploSlight price increase on prime, same as the music probably, get a million tracks on prime, pay Ā£3.99 extra and you get 10 million14:58
AzelphurManaged to get my GPD Win all happy and running Linux properly, http://n.Ē£.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/XlXkAq0XHiaaBKz :)15:14
Azelphur5.5" laptop is fun :)15:15
foobarrypopey, click your amazon prime icon at top of amazon page15:15
foobarryand it shows what you should get15:15
foobarryits not kindle unlimited but lets you check out 1 book per month15:15
foobarryalso, i recommend the film "the double" by richard aoyade15:16
foobarryfree on prime15:16
popeyfoobarry: http://imgur.com/a/kzQwn que?16:15
foobarrypopey: http://imgur.com/a/258k116:35
foobarryThe Kindle Owners' Lending Library is available for Amazon Prime membersā€”paid Amazon Prime, paid Amazon Student, 30-day free trial, and customers receiving a free month of Prime benefits with a Fire tabletā€”who own a Kindle e-reader, Fire tablet, or Fire phone, and features hundreds of thousands of titles. Books borrowed from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library have no due dates and can be delivered16:35
foobarryto other Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets, or Fire phones registered to your Amazon account16:35
popeyi see no way to get to that page16:36
popeyaha, found it16:36
daftykinsdiddledan: Apple are so bad at timers on progress bars, installing the latest OS it said "about 7 minutes remaining" - it's been 10 and still says 416:37
popeyseems you have to own a kindle16:37
popeynot kindle app16:37
popey"Kindle or Fire device owners with an Amazon Prime membership can borrow popular Kindle books at no extra cost"16:37
popeyi have neither device, so not available16:37
daftykinshttps://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2016/10/msg00008.html cya PPC18:00
penguin42ah interesting, flipped just to el18:02
diddledanyey https://blog.kaspersky.com/fantom-ransomware/12891/18:06
diddledanI'm so glad these guys are super helpful - makes me feel safe that I can decrypt my files when they accidentally get encrypted18:07
daftykinsnone of my clients have been daft enough so far, touch wood...18:08
zmoylan-pithe wood is your lart in case they do something that stupid. isn't it? :-)18:10
diddledanlive-action role-play toy?18:10
MartijnVdSLuser Attitude Readjustment Tool.18:10
daftykinsah har18:11
* diddledan readjusts zmoylan-pi's attitude. quite hard.18:11
popeyi have a close friend who triggered one of those police warning signs on their pc, demanding money to unlock18:12
popeybut it was a fake thing, didn't actually encrypt anything18:12
popeyrollercoaster, those two lines, right?18:12
popeyhe brought it round sheepishly, "help!"18:12
popeymanaged to fix it with extreme prejudice18:13
popeyalso, informed him that downloading music from limewire wasn't a good plan18:13
daftykinsdoes that mean wiping it for ubuntu? ;)18:13
MartijnVdSeven my dad had some malware yesterday.. he'd installed a Chrome extension promising to re-enable Java support18:13
MartijnVdSIt was adware instead18:13
zmoylan-pino, you install os/2 as they deserve punishment :-)18:13
void__ !darthv622 The Girls - Emma Cline(epub).rar18:13
lubotu3void__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:13
diddledanerr. way?18:14
daftykinsdude, waaaaay.18:14
zmoylan-pisomeone is downloading epubs...18:14
daftykinsvoid__: off you go, back to naughtynet18:14
diddledanand is now logged for eternity at logs.ubuntu.com18:14
diddledanerr, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/18:15
diddledannearly got the linky right18:15
zmoylan-picould have been worse... could have been looking for a copy of 50 shades... :-P18:15
foobarrystill wiating for a yodel delivery. their tracking is garbage18:15
diddledanfoobarry: it'll never arrive!18:16
foobarryon the contrary i could follow mohammed in his DPD van earlier18:16
foobarryamazon delivery, supposed to arrive today on prime18:16
diddledanhalloween toys?18:17
foobarrydigital piano18:18
zmoylan-pilook on the bright side.  all the halloween stuff will on clearance tomorrow and it'll be crimbo music and merchandise for next 2 months solid18:19
foobarryyodel site is 2 days out of date. amazon say its with courier though18:19
daftykinszmoylan-pi: noooooooooooooooooooo!18:19
zmoylan-piand in 2 months and 1 day... easter \o/18:19
foobarryooo yodel tweets an replies is depressing reading18:22
daftykinsthe courier?18:24
zmoylan-pithey're a nihilist and it's all existential angst? :-)18:24
zmoylan-pior they're an american company and it's all happy perky huggy smiley silliness...18:25
penguin42zmoylan-pi: But Aldi have already had chocolate reindeer for weeks18:27
zmoylan-piyes but they're not in the important aisle penguin42...18:30
zmoylan-pibut tomorrow they'll be everywhere18:30
daftykinsexecutive summary "bad stuff by bad people"18:38
penguin42zmoylan-pi: Which aisle exactly is more important than the chocolate aisle?18:42
zmoylan-pithe welding gear and steel toe capped boots aisle? for repairing pcs... :-)18:48
foobarrystaring out of the window for a delivery on trick or treat night is a bit awkward18:57
popeyfoobarry: did they mistake you for a zombie?19:01
zmoylan-pido they not have a cut off time for deliveries... most places in ireland close early on halloween19:01
AzelphurUbuntu 14.04 seems to have a /lib/systemd/system, but it doesn't have systemd, why does this folder exist? is there a way to make use of systemd init scripts in 14.04?19:02
popey14.04 does use bits of systemd19:07
popeyjust not as pid 119:07
popey(like it does in 16.04)19:07
AzelphurI see, can I launch a systemd script in 14.04 somehow?19:08
Azelphurit seems to lack systemctl19:08
* daftykins wonders why you would fight it19:09
foobarrymost deliveries are done by work from home guys out of the back of their car nowadays19:09
foobarryor is that just hermes19:09
popeyamazon own people do that too19:09
foobarryfruitlessly tweeting the yodellers19:09
foobarrythey are asking for irrelvant info19:10
daftykinsstrangely their stuff is carried by a local courier who handles UPS stuff too19:10
foobarrygave full address and tracking number. why they asking for my name19:10
daftykinsi had a UPS card for my missed nespresso coffee capsules delivery19:10
daftykinsit has all the phone numbers crossed out and a Guernsey one written in biro :D19:10
foobarryin other news we caught 4 mice at a spawn point in 2 days19:10
daftykinsah you just wanna put a closed crate down over that ;)19:11
daftykinsPETA might pop by though, i suppose19:11
foobarryits a proper tom and jerry mouse hole19:11
daftykinshahaha no way19:11
foobarryneverseen one like it irl19:11
daftykinsare you lacking a Tom?19:11
zmoylan-pior an acme catalog of dynamite, rocket powered rollerskates to take them out?19:12
foobarrydirty cow for MS19:14
foobarryYESSS can outside19:14
popeyis the delivery a big bag of sweets?19:14
popeyor a pumpkin?19:15
foobarrySWINES they delivered a tiny package for my wife19:15
foobarrynot the piano19:15
foobarryamazon guy too.19:16
popeyyou're getting an entire piano delivered by someone out of the back of his ford mondeo estate?19:16
foobarrybought on amazon but delivered by yodel19:16
foobarryi expect it to be attached to his roof19:16
foobarrythe guy was so confused. i dashed out and saw a tiny package and was crestfallen19:16
daftykinsa courier van stopped outside my house once, i went to the front door and opened it waiting "i'm not here for you!" he shouted :(19:17
foobarrythe eternal impatience of a geek19:17
daftykinsi dunno, i actually always go with the free shipping since i know the waiting is the best bit :P19:18
foobarrygot indigestion from facing forward to eat but looking 90 degrees right out of the window19:19
=== christel is now known as ghostel
foobarryreal life mouse hole19:21
foobarrythat wall has only been there 1 year19:24
foobarryour house has ventilation bricks underneath. the mice love it19:25
daftykinsdunno about you guys but i'm feeling seriously thrown by the time, feels like it should be 10pm easy19:25
penguin42foobarry: Your problem is it's a mains powered mouse19:25
zmoylan-piok you need a block of cheese, some string and a frying pan...19:26
daftykinsand a pint19:27
foobarrydebian 9 drops powerpc architecture19:33
daftykinsja linked it earlier19:33
MartijnVdSWell they'll still compile it, if it compiles19:33
MartijnVdSbut they won't require packages to build on it anymore19:33
penguin42foobarry: Not quite19:34
penguin42foobarry: They've moved to having little endian powerpc19:34
MartijnVdS64-bit powerpc19:35
MartijnVdStoo bad about the old macs ;)19:35
foobarrymy poor doggy is scared of fireworks19:36
penguin42foobarry: Well stop strapping it to rockets then!19:36
diddledanfoobarry: meh, doggy. _I'm_ scared of fireworks!19:36
* daftykins locks diddledan's flap19:44
foobarrynow on yodel web chat. i want to die20:07
foobarryit's not a bot because they just did a typo. or was it deliberate20:07
daftykinshttps://i.imgur.com/SpuHTmu.jpg - nice little joke on Apple20:15
foobarry"Looking at your tracking, I'm sorry to say it is unclear why your parcel wasn't sent out for delivery today."20:15
* daftykins oinks20:16
foobarryā€œIf for some reason our delivery promise hasnā€™t been met, customers can call or e-mail and we can extend them an extra month of Prime membership,ā€ confirms Amazonā€™s Julie Law. ā€œBut we donā€™t allow people to abuse that.ā€20:19
daftykinsa lady whose laptop i've been looking at, this is the external HDD she was given with her backed up data on - https://www.dropbox.com/s/igr7hir56rwjce4/backup_disk.PNG?dl=020:40
daftykinsit's not one of those externals with a virtual optical drive that has encryption software on, so i can only imagine that the small local company she had work on it are entirely incompetent20:40
daftykinsoh weird, this other clients' macbook actually reads it...20:47
popeydid they dd the internal (80GB) disk to it?20:47
popeyleaving the rest unallocated?20:47
daftykinsno, the contents showing on the mac is all her user data, but just files, no directories20:47
daftykinsplus used size is 113GB, so how Windows sees what's in the above image is a mystery to me O_O20:48
penguin42daftykins: Something like a mismatched GPT and DOS partitioning?20:49
daftykinsclaims to be FAT32, yet if Windows doesn't read it, it must be using some completely weird cluster size or some such to be invisible20:49
daftykinsi'm gonna run this one by parted or something yeah, seriously weird20:50
daftykinspartition table: loop20:56
daftykinsnow ubuntu shows the files *and* folders20:58
daftykinsmust be some weird result of whatever which wrote this as FAT32 despite the capacity21:00
daftykinsok nope win7 reads it fine, it's just win10 then :P21:05
diddledanwin10 shouldn't see it any diff, I'd have thunked. I guess they broke something21:08
daftykinsyeah! just confirmed on my laptop which runs 10 too, no go there either21:09
diddledanhumings is a great series22:46
diddledandaftykins: channel 423:03
diddledansecond season started yesterday23:03
daftykinsah, no broadcast TV here, chief23:04
diddledanI didn't watch it on broadcast :-p23:04
diddledanI really don't understand the benefit of using a browser other than safari on an iThingie. Mozilla just emailed me to let me know users love firefox on iOS. it doesn't make sense to me 'cos all third-party browsers are just a wrapper around the webview provided by the OS23:06
* daftykins ponders23:06
daftykinsactually i suppose ITV and channel 4 on-demand services are free, right? since they're ad supported23:06
daftykinslast time i looked channel 4's only gave really bad SD content23:07
diddledanyeah they're still only SD on all4 (the name of ch4's OD)23:07
diddledanthat's AFAIK23:07
daftykinsi've been a good boy since the rule change and not even touched anything iPlayer23:08
diddledanwhat do the rules say for you islanders in regards to the beeb?23:08
daftykinsnothing new to the mainland, gotta hold a TV license23:09
daftykinser nothing different, even23:09
daftykinswell i know they have no way of knowing, but i'm just not fussed either way23:09
diddledanthat means there's no benefit to being foreigners?! well that's sucky23:09
diddledanI thought the whole point of you lot was to make a mockery of our financial rules!!23:11
diddledanI want my money back!23:11
m0nkey_Just got back from Trick or Treating. We now have enough candy to last us until January next year.23:12
diddledanor tomorrow morning if HĆ©lene has her way23:13
m0nkey_She's not big on candy. She'll have a couple and that'll be enough for a day or two.23:13
daftykinsdiddledan: me too, i think they lost the memo :(23:13
m0nkey_But my youngest, yes.. if she had her way, it'll last less than 48 hours.23:14
diddledan:-p good girl!23:14
daftykinscould be a good lesson to permit it ;)23:14
daftykinsthat dashcam video on the BBC news site of the guy that killed a mother and 3 kids due to looking down at his phone = :/23:16
m0nkey_daftykins, very sad.23:16
m0nkey_However, I hope more people install these dashcams23:17
m0nkey_I have one23:17
m0nkey_I had one idiot swerve into me just the other day23:17
daftykinsoh, proper damage?23:17
m0nkey_No, I managed to move out of the way just in time.23:18
m0nkey_He missed me by an inch23:18
m0nkey_Had the kids in the car with me at the time23:18
daftykinsguy in another channel has kubuntu 16.10 on an acer laptop with intel core 3 series (ivybridge) graphics and tab rendering/update issues in chrome apparently btw23:18
daftykinsin case anyone has encountered this23:18
daftykinsseems wierd that on some boots he'll have 'modeset' referred to as the active driver in the Xorg log and other times intel23:18
diddledanlol: https://twitter.com/Brett_Shavers/status/79323198240666419223:24
daftykinswow wix.com in trouble over GPL contravention23:25
diddledanagainst WordPress23:26
daftykinsctrl+F4 o023:26
m0nkey_It's not like WP has ever stolen code before.23:27
diddledanif you read about it on theregister, then they might have got the story from me 'cos I emailed their tips address about it :-)23:28
daftykinsno wai23:28
daftykinsi once mailed in a tip, got asked for a clarification on one point, then ignored23:29
daftykinstotally wasn't "So, you're supreme ruler of Guernsey?"23:29
m0nkey_I remember WP when it didn't have a password reset function. I wrote it and submitted it. The code was accepted for the next release, I was never credited. So $%^& wordpress.23:30
daftykinsperhaps you didn't outline your terms!23:34
daftykinstime for bed, g'night \o23:34
diddledanthey're MUCH better at giving credit23:34
m0nkey_To give you an idea when I contributed, I hadn't even met my wife yet.23:39
m0nkey_Heck, I still remember when it was forked from b223:42
ali1234huh, so wix actually is based on wordpress?23:57
diddledanali1234: no, it's their mobile app that is in question23:58
ali1234oh, okay23:58

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