
akxwi-davewell thats todays 64bit iso fail to install11:51
slickymasterWorksame here akxwi-dave 12:01
slickymasterWorkin VB, not in hardware12:01
akxwi-davejust trying the 32 bit now as well..12:01
akxwi-davebug 1637985 for teh 6412:01
ubottubug 1637985 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Install Fail - Attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from CD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163798512:01
slickymasterWorkthat's the one12:02
slickymasterWorkit's now confirmed12:03
akxwi-daveback in a bit.. food is calling12:03
slickymasterWorkenjoy akxwi-dave ยด12:05
akxwi-dave32 fails as well13:00
slickymasterWorkdon't forget to add the tag to the bug report akxwi-dave 13:00
akxwi-davedone.. :-)13:07
flocculantakxwi-dave: hardware or virtual?13:18
akxwi-davenot sure about slickymaster though13:19
flocculantta - with kvm - get nothing at all13:19
akxwi-davegunna give it a bash on the testing lappy when home, just incase its a virtual thing13:20
* flocculant is doing hardware round about now 13:21
flocculantor not - stupid usb creator13:22
flocculantakxwi-dave: yup - fails on hardware13:37
slickymasterWorkflocculant, that was also on vbox 14:37
flocculantbluesabre: there's been discussion in -desktop today that might have some bearing on the issues we got at the end of yak around lightdm 18:40
flocculanthttps://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/10/31/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t15:45 and on18:42

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