
twbIf I create a new malone ticket via new@bugs.launchpad.net, should I get back a confirmation (or error) email within ten minutes?01:45
twbNever mind.  I didn't get any email back, but I did get an email when someone reassigned the ticket, so it clearly exists02:01
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LaneyWhat kind of URL should I use to the bug branch picker to link a git branch?13:32
LaneyI tried ~laney/.../+git/... with and without :branch and with lp: prefixed too, but the picker didn't give me any results13:32
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rbasakLaney: IIRC, it isn't possible to link a bug to a git branch. Only to an MP.14:00
rbasakLaney: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/12/14/%23launchpad.html#t12:4714:02
rbasakPerhaps it's worth filing a bug to change the UI to make it clear.14:02
Laneyrbasak: ta14:57
maic23Hey, I can not log in to answers.launchpad (and others)17:04
maic23I get some Error id all the time:  (Error ID: OOPS-23b174ad9ba6c2e9a2ccb2f0707f8062)17:04
maic23The issue is that I get a ton of mail every day because I am subscribed to some projects on lp. Being unable to login I can not unsubscribe...17:10
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