
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Mirvtsdgeos: so I was considering publishing final Qt 5.7.1 to zesty, but it turns out Unity 8 has some new test issues - can you look at how serious bug #1654819 failures seem?08:31
ubot5bug 1654819 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "new failing qmluitests with Unity 8 on Qt 5.7.1" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165481908:31
tsdgeossure i saw your email/bug08:31
tsdgeosstill didn't get to it08:31
tsdgeoslet me skip the queue08:31
tsdgeoslook relatively bad08:32
tsdgeosis that because you packager a newer Qt?08:32
tsdgeoslast time we did this the tests passed, no?08:32
tsdgeoswas it pre 5.7.1?08:32
Mirvtsdgeos: yeah you closed the previous bug, that was near-final snapshot 2016102208:32
Mirvtsdgeos: but it seems they changed something (fixed bugs, hopefully) before releasing the final08:33
tsdgeoslet me see what's missing08:33
Mirvconsidering it's an already published stable series, changes like that in final stretch of getting .1 out are a bit unfortunate08:33
Mirvall seem surface sort of issues, in test failures group of 3, 4 and 4 failing tests08:35
Mirvnot much in qtdeclarative http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtdeclarative.git/log/?h=v5.7.108:35
Mirvnot much in qtbase either http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/log/?h=v5.7.108:36
tsdgeosthere was someone reporting some shortcut issues in Qt 5.7.1. vs 5.7.0 in the kde mailing lists over the weekend08:36
tsdgeosdidn't really pay much attention though08:36
tsdgeoswas busy playing kingdom rush frontiers ^_^08:36
Mirvthere are essentially 5 (five) real commits together in qtbase and qtdeclarative 5.7.1 since 2016102108:37
Mirvmaybe that fbo commit in qtbase or V4 change in qtdeclarative could be related08:38
MirvI guess those surface tests wouldn't use jpegs08:39
Mirvand of course there is always a possibility of something else in zesty changed, although Qt doesn't use much besides C library08:40
tsdgeosthe ubuntu browser killed my session ^_^08:42
tsdgeosoSoMoN: ↑08:42
oSoMoNtsdgeos, how did it do that? do you have logs / a crash file?09:05
tsdgeosoSoMoN: so konsole has this "right click -> open url" when hovering a link09:05
tsdgeosi clicked on it and somehow the ubuntu browser decided it was better than the firefox i had configured previously to open the link09:06
tsdgeosand that's all i have09:06
tsdgeoseverything locked up and i needed to reboot the laptop09:06
oSoMoNtsdgeos, but your DE is configured to use firefox as default? or was the default somehow overridden?09:09
tsdgeosif i click on a quassel link it'll open firefox09:10
tsdgeosno idea why konsole decided to use the ubuntu browser09:10
oSoMoNtsdgeos, is it reliably reproducible?09:12
tsdgeosthe crash?09:12
tsdgeosi am not sure i want to try to lock my system again :D09:12
tsdgeosbut ok09:12
tsdgeosi'll do it for you :)09:12
oSoMoNtsdgeos, thanks :)09:12
oSoMoNtsdgeos, I meant the fact that konsole will open the link in the browser09:13
tsdgeosoSoMoN: both :D09:15
tsdgeosoSoMoN: you've a telegram picture of the crash09:15
Mirvtsdgeos: did you miss my ponderings about the only 5 commits in qtbase/qtdeclarative when it crashed? https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/01/09/%23ubuntu-unity.html09:23
tsdgeosi guess i did09:23
tsdgeoswas testing webbrowser-app crashyness09:24
tsdgeosMirv: there's also a weird error message about itemgrabber not being registered09:24
tsdgeoslet me see if i get that on current zesty09:24
tsdgeos file:///home/tsdgeos/unity8/qml/Stage/ApplicationWindow.qml:143:5: QML Image: Protocol "itemgrabber" is unknown09:25
tsdgeosthis is bad09:25
tsdgeosTrying to pass extra request flags to provider but it is not a QQuickImageProviderWithOptions09:26
tsdgeosis weird09:26
tsdgeosMirv: do we still carry any QQuickImageProviderWithOptions patch?09:26
MirvUITK has that providerwithoptions warning too in 2/3 of its tests09:27
Mirvtsdgeos: here is the list https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/qt/qtdeclarative.git/tree/debian/patches?h=ubuntu%2b109:27
MirvI don't see any in qtdeclarative 5.6.1 either https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/qt/qtdeclarative.git/tree/debian/patches?h=ubuntu/5.6.1-7ubuntu209:28
Mirvthe async stuff was merged in 5.609:29
tsdgeosoSoMoN: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/165497409:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1654974 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webbrowser-app locks up my session (zesty)" [Undecided,New]09:30
oSoMoNtsdgeos, thanks09:32
oSoMoNtsdgeos, I will look into it today09:33
tsdgeosoSoMoN: it *may* be related to using unity8-greeter as greeter09:33
tsdgeossince i think one of the times it crashed09:33
tsdgeoson reboot09:33
tsdgeosit complained about unity-system-compositor having crashed09:34
tsdgeosbut you can't know if it did really cause the crash or it crashed because i hard rebooted the laptop and then things get antry09:34
=== vigo_ is now known as vigo
tsdgeosMirv: do you know the hash of the qtdeclarative of the last try?09:40
* tsdgeos hates vim decided to change behavoiur when you use the mouse on it09:43
Saviqtsdgeos, thought it's some plugin, but /me hates, too09:45
tsdgeosi did changed it in my main account09:46
tsdgeosbut chroot still borked09:46
tsdgeosset mouse-=a09:46
tsdgeosfixed it afair09:46
Mirvtsdgeos: as Debian named its orig tarball as 5.7.1~20161021, and looking at http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtdeclarative.git/log/?h=v5.7.1 , I'd say it was very likely that last 2016-10-05 merge commit ie fff4477661ae240c43088fa6d9069ccf969dbee809:52
* tsdgeos kicks himself for not having made09:56
tsdgeos"Trying to pass extra request flags to provider but it is not a QQuickImageProviderWithOptions" be better09:56
tsdgeosit's like "something is wrong"09:56
tsdgeosbut i'm not going to tell you where09:56
tsdgeosthought that is a red herring!10:02
tsdgeosMirv: ok i can reproduce the problem in a smaller scale now, so we're making progress10:08
Mirvtsdgeos: diff between 20161021 orig tarball and final 5.7.1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23769521/ - additionally, added the SignalSpy fix and Scale-images-correctly patches10:08
Mirvtsdgeos: ok10:09
tsdgeosi am thinking  Scale-images-correctly may be bad10:09
tsdgeosyo i am a bad devel!10:10
tsdgeosevery patch i bring breaks stuff :D10:10
Mirvsomeone requested it :)10:10
tsdgeoswonder who that may be10:11
tsdgeosok at least it seems only dev upstream contains that10:11
tsdgeosso i didn't break much outside dev and our wannabe packages10:12
tsdgeoslet me confirm it's it10:12
Mirvzsombi: you may want to pay attention here if you started looking at that QQuickImageProviderWithOptions UITK warning10:12
tsdgeosthe warning itself is "ok"10:12
tsdgeosit's not what causes the regression10:12
tsdgeosbut would be nice to get fixed too if possible of course10:13
tsdgeosand yes i need to improve the warning10:13
* zsombi reading the logs10:14
zsombitsdgeos: Mirv: ok, so what is the conclusion? is that warning a valid one? is something screwed that we need to fix still?10:22
tsdgeoszsombi: it is a valid warning (even though the message can defenitely be improved)10:23
tsdgeosyou can also ignore it, since it's a "this could be better"10:23
tsdgeosnot a "this is wrong" kind of warning10:23
zsombitsdgeos: any hunch what actually causes it?10:23
zsombiyeah, the warning text is a bit weird :D10:24
tsdgeosthe new QQuickImageProviderWithOptions code i added10:24
tsdgeosbasically image providers can (in dev + our patches) know they are being asked to do aspectImageFit/Crop10:24
tsdgeosand provide better images10:24
tsdgeosthan the ones they did before10:24
zsombiI see10:24
zsombiand how are we supposed to let it know?10:26
zsombitsdgeos: the doc https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-dev/qquickimageprovideroptions.html is pretty weak...10:27
tsdgeosit has a see also to itself10:28
tsdgeospretty awesome10:28
tsdgeoszsombi: you don't let it know, it let's you know10:29
tsdgeosan no10:29
tsdgeosah no10:29
tsdgeosit has a see also to QQuickImageProviderWithOptions10:29
tsdgeosthat i guess give it's hidden in a _p.h10:29
tsdgeosdoesn't get the docu generated10:29
tsdgeosMirv: for now i'd say revert that patch, i need to figure out how to unbreak Item::grabToImage10:33
tsdgeosMirv: you added it to debian too? or only ubuntu?10:34
Mirvtsdgeos: only Ubuntu, I tend to avoid automatically adding our patches to Debian unless they are from upstream stable branch or such10:39
Mirvtsdgeos: ok then10:39
tsdgeosok, good10:39
tsdgeosi mean i still need to come up with a fix since upstream is broken10:39
tsdgeosbut that should unblock you10:39
Mirvfabulous. I wonder if I dare to then publish the silo without pre-running autopkgtests again, since I get flamed for occupying autopkgtest infra for 3+ days multiple times.10:42
MirvI think I will, but will ask to test once more from the PPA once it's built10:43
Mirvalso since UITK shows the warning in unit tests I can just see about its rebuild10:44
tsdgeosthat warning will also be gone if you revert that patch10:44
Mirvdoh, forgot to revert the symbol changes11:59
Mirvtsdgeos: ok 1985 now updated with qtdeclarative.13:08
tsdgeosMirv: tests seem to be back to good now13:44
rvrIs there anyway to dismiss the gesture wizard in kvm?15:50
Saviqrvr, for whatever reason KVM does not allow you to "trap" your pointer in the window, so you can't push against the edge... using USB forwarding was the only way I found15:54
Saviqtried with the different graphics/input stacks and it was either that or no input at all...15:55
rvrSaviq: USB forwarding? How does it work?15:55
rvrSaviq: Oh, you mean, sharing the mouse device directly with the VM?15:55
Saviqrvr, yes15:55
Saviqrvr, that's really the only way to fully use it anyway, as how else will you trigger launcher or right edge15:56
rvrSaviq: Thanks for the tip15:56
roastedHi friends. Is there a "feature request form" of some sort in regard to Unity 8 features?17:24
dmj_s76hey Trevinho!17:33
greybackroasted: really the best place is to log a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity817:40
roastedgreyback: I wondered that, but "bug" didn't feel right to me, so I felt compelled to dig around first before submitting.17:41
greybackroasted: I agree it feels strange, but we do also keep track of features we add via bugs. We find it handiest to use a single database for bugs, features and wish-list things17:41
roastedgreyback: sounds good. thanks for the insight. :D17:42
greybacknp, thanks for dropping by :)17:42
roastedgreyback: I'm somewhat hesitant to submit this in the name of cluttering things up. Perhaps you know offhand. Do you know if Unity 8 has/is planned to get display scaling/desktop zoom support?17:44
roastedI'm asking on behalf of students at my district. We have a few that are visually impaired and benefit massively from U7's zoom/scale abilities.17:44
greybackroasted: accessibility features like scaling, zoom, high-contrast are indeed on our roadlist17:48
greybackroasted: by adding a bug, it will help push those features up the priority queue :)17:48
roastedoh? well hot dog I'll submit it then.17:48
roastedMaybe a heart-warming success story of a few middle school kids who use them on a daily basis to better their education would help. :P17:49
dmj_s76roasted: Please do!  This will have to be implemented in a new way.  The U7 zoom functionality you're talking about is based on a Compiz plugin I believe.  When I was teaching computers to visually impaired students, the compiz zoom was super useful to them.17:50
roastedsuper useful doesn't even do it justice. It's *gold* to the few kids we have that depend on it. :D17:51
greybackyep, and to many others. We for sure want to keep that feature working in unity817:54
roastedsubmitted. thanks you awesome folks. <317:59
greybackroasted: thank you for the feedback, it is always appreciated18:00
dmj_s76roasted: bug link?  I may want to follow this18:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1655099 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Feature Request - Scale/Zoom Features for Visually Impaired" [Undecided,New]18:03

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