
clivejothe new kubuntu settings is badly broken :/00:03
acheronukwhat new settings?00:04
valoriesomeone was complaining about it in #kde the other day00:04
valorienot sure what they thought fellow kde users could do about it...00:04
clivejothe one scarlett was working on00:05
clivejovalorie: complaining about what?00:05
acheronukclivejo: well, we know that was never finished. or uploaded. so not the same thing as the current being broken00:06
acheronukso the current version needs sorting. maybe taking some of the stuff scarlet was working on that does work or is fixable00:08
acheronukvalorie: what did they say in #kde was broken?00:09
acheronukif you can recall00:09
valorieI'll dig it up in a bit 00:10
valorieon my treadmill right now00:11
acheronukvalorie: no probs. I am tired, so whenever you get to it, and I'll read it in backlog00:11
acheronukvalorie: ??? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/163372100:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1633721 in polkit-kde-agent-1 (Ubuntu) "Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:42
acheronukthink I have seen that mentioned before, but never seen that bug on any system of mine.00:43
acheronukmay be reported against it, but not completely convinced it as a kubuntu-settings caused issue either00:46
Snowhogvalorie: Your KDE Developer badge has been assigned.01:22
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valoriedamn it, I had another freeze07:54
valorieafaik I was not running firefox, but up it pops upon restart07:55
valorieso I can't rule it out yet as a cause07:55
valorieit is not in autostart, or autostart scripts07:59
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acheronukvalorie: cyphermox mentioned something about recent freezes I think on another channel? maybe a kernel change?08:39
valorieI think it was after the latest kernel, yeah08:42
valorieok, so not us08:42
valorieI'll stop worrying08:42
valoriethanks, rik08:42
valorieoh gosh -- almost 1am08:42
valorieno wonder my eyes are tired08:43
lordievaderGood morning.09:26
BluesKajHi folks11:10
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> I've added the filter: https://git.launchpad.net/~ovidiu-florin/+git/ka/commit/?id=1e7564831bb15b6e54cbf861c6a1b85926a47d5212:55
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> how can I make a merge request?12:55
santa_good morning everyone13:06
santa_I have been coding some interesting things in python all night long13:06
santa_ovidiuflorin: hi ovi, thanks for work, can you check here https://code.launchpad.net/~ovidiu-florin/+git/ka/+ref/master if you have a "Propose for merging" button?13:12
santa_* thanks for your work13:13
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> santa_ I don't see one13:16
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> where should it be?13:16
santa_ovidiuflorin: in the link I posted, I think this happens because of the namespace, you might need to create a new clone, give me a few minutes to test a merge request against myself13:18
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> where on that page, I mean?13:22
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> launchpad is full of hard to notice links and buttons13:22
santa_ovidiuflorin: right after "Browse the code" you should see a "Branch merges" proposal but I suspect you don't13:25
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> nope13:27
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> the section ends after that13:27
santa_as I suspected, checking things....13:31
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> Should I have created the fork differently?13:31
santa_ovidiuflorin: yeah, ok I think I got it13:34
santa_first of all, I see you made you commit in the master branch of your fork, not on the 'filter-qa' branch, is that what you actually wanted to do?13:35
santa_s/you commit/your commit/13:35
santa_wrt to the issue in question, I have just mde a fork of KA for myself, it's here: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/ka/+git/ka13:37
santa_if I click on the "master" link that leads me here: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/ka/+git/ka/+ref/master13:38
santa_and here I can see a "Propose for merging" link13:38
santa_now, let's see how I created that fork13:39
santa_git remote add santa git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~panfaust/ka13:43
santa_git push santa master13:43
santa_ovidiuflorin: I think your for is not on the correct namespace ('ka') hence why you can't make merge requests (probably)13:44
santa_ovidiuflorin: could you check creating the fork that way please?13:44
DarinMillerg'm/a ovidiuflorin14:08
DarinMillerDid anyone answer your mp question? ( I saw your question in the daily log.)14:08
DarinMillermorning santa_14:09
santa_DarinMiller: which question?14:09
DarinMillerovidiuflorin asked https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/02/26/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t12:5514:10
santa_ah, yes. I'm trying to help him14:11
DarinMillernm, log now has more dialogue... :)14:11
santa_DarinMiller: maybe you want to join the telegram mirror of this channel? (if you didn't already)14:12
DarinMillerphone or desktop app?14:13
santa_well I have it on the phone, so if my time allows me, I can read everything here, even while my laptop is off14:14
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> attempting to recreate the fork14:15
IrcsomeBot1<Santa> 👍14:15
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> what is this field: The reference within the target repository that the source will be merged into.14:24
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> `Target refference path`14:24
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> what do I put in it?14:25
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> P.S. I managed to recreate the Fork14:25
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> and started creating a merge request14:25
santa_I see. I think in this case would be the target branch of the target repository (i.e. master)14:26
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> https://code.launchpad.net/~ovidiu-florin/ka/+git/ka/+merge/31832614:27
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> done14:27
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> yuhuuuu14:27
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> my first merge request 😃14:27
santa_nice https://code.launchpad.net/~ovidiu-florin/ka/+git/ka/+merge/31832614:30
santa_that would be the first time I accept a merge request too14:30
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> this bug is reported against the wrong project: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/166796114:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667961 in Ubuntu "No internet" [Undecided,New]14:35
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> I don't know hw to change it14:35
santa_hmm, I'm busy fixing my all night long code, I will try to handle that MP asap14:43
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> MP?15:10
santa_merge proposal15:12
santa_(or merge request)15:12
acheronukPR pull request?15:16
* acheronuk hides15:16
santa_Great Improvement Done by Ovi15:18
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> ...15:18
acheronukclivejo: 'qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell org.kde.PlasmaShell.showInteractiveConsole'15:19
acheronukto get the plasma scripting console ^^^^15:19
acheronukclivejo: the notes you pointed me to yesterday are outdated. that now starts it15:20
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_rsibreak build #1: FAILURE in 30 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_rsibreak/1/16:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_rsibreak build #1: FAILURE in 55 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_rsibreak/1/16:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_rsibreak build #1: FAILURE in 55 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_rsibreak/1/16:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_rsibreak build #2: STILL FAILING in 28 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_rsibreak/2/16:44
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_rsibreak build #2: STILL FAILING in 51 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_rsibreak/2/16:45
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_rsibreak build #2: STILL FAILING in 58 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_rsibreak/2/16:45
clivejoo/ wxl17:00
wxlhey clivejo 17:00
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!17:07
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_rsibreak build #3: FIXED in 14 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_rsibreak/3/17:07
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!17:08
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_rsibreak build #3: FIXED in 14 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_rsibreak/3/17:08
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!17:08
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_rsibreak build #3: FIXED in 15 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_rsibreak/3/17:08
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> How long does a mr usually live?17:09
wxlovidiuflorin: until someone merges it.17:09
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> ...17:09
clivejoacheronuk: what was that fix for these huge icon downloads?17:14
clivejocan I comment out that entire file, or dod i have to remove it?17:23
wxlre https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libqapt/+bug/1530523 i had suggested changing the seed but it seems like it would make more sense to actually fix the depends of libqapt/kubuntu-default-settings. thoughts?17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1530523 in libqapt (Ubuntu Xenial) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Triaged]17:30
* clivejo giggles - https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/166796117:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667961 in Ubuntu "No internet" [Undecided,New]17:38
wxloh jeez17:38
wxloh jeez17:39
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Ovi comment on that17:56
clivejojust laughing at Ovi's reply18:13
acheronukclivejo: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/60plasma-discover18:44
acheronukI think18:45
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> clivejo whell, what do you expect?18:45
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> clivejo, BTW, guess where I am right now18:45
acheronukclivejo: https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/discover/commit/?h=kubuntu_zesty_archive&id=b678d57e980c6c0768212fe59f83c45826f5ac2318:47
acheronukso I guess is it just the hi-dpi section there taht is giving you bigger downloads18:47
acheronukovidiuflorin: a power tool shop?18:48
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> an Irish Pub18:57
clivejoyou are in Ireland?19:03
IrcsomeBot1<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Mmmmm kcookiejar19:07
IrcsomeBot1<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/70V87HWa/file_2074.jpg19:08
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> no, I'm in Arad19:12
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/D7ayFKen/file_2076.jpg19:13
clivejohow is it Irish?19:20
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> what makes a pub an Irish Pub?19:24
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> we have a JackDaniel's poster on the wall19:24
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> :-P19:24
clivejoalso has Becks on poster on the wall19:31
clivejosick_rimmit: ping ping PING19:31
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @clivejo, @Sick_Rimmit19:35
clivejothanks snowflake19:36
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1ubmDvz2/file_2077.mp419:37
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/89PrnYIU/file_2078.mp419:37
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @clivejo, I will find you :P19:39
clivejohave a cookie19:40
clivejothey yummy19:40
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IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/mcurIord/file_2079.webp19:40
IrcsomeBot1<marcinsagol> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/FFpM4gOe/file_2080.webp20:12
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IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Stop @tsimonq220:49
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @ahoneybun, Make him stop20:49
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Who?20:50
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> clivejo20:50
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Doing what?20:50
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> The snowflake thing?20:51
IrcsomeBot1<ovidiuflorin> hey cookie, can you approve my MR?21:04
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IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @ahoneybun, Yes21:50
clivejooh it does work22:16
clivejorsibreak just blanked my screen and told me to rest!22:17
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_blogilo build #57: FAILURE in 53 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_blogilo/57/23:12
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_blogilo build #58: STILL FAILING in 52 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_blogilo/58/23:18
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!23:27
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_blogilo build #69: FIXED in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_blogilo/69/23:27
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!23:28
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_blogilo build #51: FIXED in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_blogilo/51/23:28
clivejoacheronuk: ping23:33
acheronukclivejo: pong23:34
clivejo^ blogilo failing on zesty, can you see why?23:34
acheronukLP git weirdness?23:36
clivejoclearing the workspace23:37
acheronukmay help23:37
clivejoseems to have built the source ok23:38
acheronukIt's built that new one on linode whereas the failed one was on scaleway. maybe there is stale clone on scaleway that is triggering that failure due to an epoch or other git change it doesn't like?23:42
acheronukdunno. I recall that happening before on some package, but can't remember if ever worked out the true cause 23:43
clivejoLaunchpad is temporarily unavailable23:46
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Fun23:47
clivejoI would say FUN!!!23:48
valoriehuh, just used it23:48
clivejowell its telling KCI <h1>Uh oh!</h1><h2>Something has gone wrong. We're sorry!</h2>23:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!23:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_blogilo build #59: FIXED in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_blogilo/59/23:49
clivejopublished anyway23:49
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Excellent23:49
clivejo23:49:17 All things are published, hooray!23:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_akonadiconsole build #55: STILL FAILING in 45 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_akonadiconsole/55/23:58
acheronukLP was taking ages to load here a few mins ago. It's being on and off it seems23:59
clivejoanother epoch issue23:59

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