
kjackalGood morning Juju world!08:05
SaMnCodgonzo hi. Sorry the MWC swamped all my time this week, but today is the day I actually spin that g2. Upcoming news soon08:06
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cnfaaand good morning09:52
cnflets try bootstrapping my controller, day 3 :P09:52
MmikeHello, lads. What's the best way to get bundletester? If I pip-install it, it breaks stuff on my system - for instance, pull-lp-source from ubuntu-dev-tools doesn't work anymore10:15
cnfMmike: virtualenvwrapper ftw?10:45
Mmikecnf, can we pretend I never asked this question? :)10:46
magicaltrouti'm afraid it will shortly end up here: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/03/03/%23juju.html ;)10:47
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Zicmagicaltrout: these are not the logs you are seeking!13:14
Zics/seeking/looking for/ :>13:14
ZicI missed the VO version :p13:15
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cnfjuju really doesn't want to connect to the bootstrapped controller on ssh15:29
cnfand no debug logging on it, it seems :(15:29
cnfAttempting to connect to
cnfaaaand stuck15:30
cnfhmz :/15:34
cnfhow do i get more info than --debug --show-log15:35
cnfhmm, i guess it's friday afternoon15:42
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cnfstill stuck at Attempting to connect to
lazyPowercnf: and this is still attempting over the sshuttle tunnel?16:05
cnflazyPower: yes16:05
cnfit's as close as I can get to a direct connection16:05
cnfmanual ssh works over it16:05
lazyPowerI see you've tuned it for verbosity as well16:06
cnfyeah, but the ssh bit isn't being very verbose16:06
cnfso i don't know what is going on16:06
cnflazyPower: tbh, it seem --show-log doesn't do much beyond what --debug does16:09
lazyPoweryeah i think thats max verbosity, what you have listed there16:11
cnfyeah, sadly it doesn't give any debug messages for the underlying ssh16:11
Budgie^SmoreMy very first juju controller was managed over a sshuttle connection and it worked just fine16:13
Budgie^Smorebut that was about a year ago16:14
cnfyeah, 2.0 seems to have changed some things?16:14
cnfidno, i'm new to juju16:14
cnfBudgie^Smore: did you have to do anything specific?16:14
Budgie^SmoreI was using 2.0... not that I remember... whats your sshuttle command look like?16:15
cnfsshuttle -r tele-maas --ssh-cmd='assh wrapper ssh'
Budgie^Smorehmmm, I wonder if it is your ssh-cmd that is causing it, I didn't use that flag16:16
cnfwell, without it, it won't work well16:17
cnfit needs a few hops to get anywhere16:17
cnfBudgie^Smore: but i can manually do "ssh" and it works16:17
cnfbut juju won't connect to it, it seems16:17
Budgie^Smoreif you can ssh to it then you shouldn't need that flag16:17
cnfno, i can't ssh to the target16:18
cnf172.20.20.16 needs to go over the sshuttle16:18
cnfit's me ---- machine  ---- MAAS controller --- machine booting to be the juju controller16:19
Budgie^Smoreoh yeah, sorry barely woke up yet16:19
Budgie^Smorehowever just cause you can manually ssh doesn't mean that wrapper doesn't change things so that juju can't16:19
cnfthe wrapper is for sshuttle, though16:19
cory_fupetevg: Can you make any sense of this error I'm getting from Model.deploy()?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24102747/16:20
Budgie^Smorecnf yes but any wrapper can change something in it's stream so that it is no longer sending expected packets16:20
rick_hcory_fu: usually I get that with bad yaml16:20
cnfwell, the wrapper is just calling the ssh binary16:21
rick_hcory_fu: or an invalid value, a string for a tag or something16:21
cnfi don't see how it would affect anything16:21
Budgie^Smoreor doing something stupid like merging stdout and stderr16:21
cory_furick_h: But there's no yaml in that request?16:21
rick_hcory_fu: e.g. is it a user tag vs a string username/etc16:21
Budgie^Smorecalling it with what flags?16:21
petevgcory_fu: Yes. You're giving it an int or something when it expects a string.16:21
cnfBudgie^Smore: all it does is generate ssh parameters like ProxyCommand etc16:21
cory_fupetevg: ...  thanks16:21
cnfso i can chain hops16:21
rick_hcory_fu: "None"16:21
rick_hcory_fu: that in there isn't a string or valid value for json16:22
cory_furick_h: That's a Python None, which would be converted to a null16:22
Budgie^Smorecnf I would reckon there is a conflicting flag between what juju is providing and the wrapper16:22
cory_fupetevg: Does the "to" field not accept None?16:22
cnfBudgie^Smore: but the wrapper is for shhuttle only16:22
petevgcory_fu: I don't remember. The code around the "to" field is really annoying and hard to keep in one's head.16:23
cory_fupetevg: Docstring says, "If None, a new machine is provisioned." so that seems pretty explicit16:23
cnfBudgie^Smore: juju just needs to do /usr/bin/ssh
petevgcory_fu: interesting. The Python code in python-libjuju/juju/placement.py represents my best understanding of what Go wants for that field.16:24
petevgcory_fu: note that it always seems to want things to be packed into an array/list16:24
cory_fupetevg: Looks like None gets converted to an empty list16:24
cory_fupetevg: I wonder if it's the Constraints param?16:24
petevgcory_fu: could be. The version of placement that I'm looking at will just return "None" when it gets passed None, no list involved.16:25
petevg... so maybe that is the error -- maybe it should return [] rather than None in that first check.16:25
cory_fupetevg: Well, it won't ever actually get passed None, at least not from Model.deploy, because there's an outer None check that converts it to []16:26
petevgcory_fu: Got it.16:26
cory_fupetevg: I think it's the constraints.  It's getting passed {} which it thinks is a valid parsed value, but it should probably be None instead16:27
petevgcory_fu: interesting. The constraints.py thing that I wrote will pass back None. I'm assuming that it's getting converted into the empty dict in the facade  object ...16:28
cory_fuWell, that got me past the ghost failure, but mysql failed16:28
cory_fupetevg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24102792/16:28
petevgcory_fu: ah. Unless you give it a dict, then it will pass a dict back, without checking to see if it has stuff in it.16:28
cory_fupetevg: Yeah.  I was giving it a dict, like a... chump16:28
petevgcory_fu: eh. I was passing back an empty dict like a chump :-)16:29
cory_fupetevg: Probably worth replacing the 'if None' and 'if == ""' with a single "if not"16:29
cory_fuI'll do that in my conjure-up branch16:29
petevgThat error still says "number" to me, though. I wonder if you need to stringify everythign -- "num_units" is an int rather than a string.16:30
cory_fuNot according to the docstring nor default arg16:30
cory_fupetevg: mysql is the only one that has config values.  Could the 20000 value be the issue?16:31
cory_fupetevg: Should we switch regular deploy to use configYAML as well?16:32
cnfhmz, this is frustrating16:32
petevgcory_fu: interesting. That could be it, too.16:33
Budgie^Smorecnf, it probably doesn't just do a clear ssh command, probably adds some control options but the devs would have to say for sure16:33
cory_fupetevg: +        # stringify all config values for API, and convert to YAML16:33
cnfit is doing something weird, that's for sure16:33
petevgcory_fu: yeah. That is supposed to fix things. :-/16:33
Budgie^Smoreand if it isn't that, then it is might be key related16:34
petevgcory_fu: and I've successfully deployed stuff with configs that look like mysql.16:34
cory_fupetevg: Actually, I don't like that we have duplication between Model.deploy and BundleHandler.deploy.  Do you think we could combine those?16:34
petevgcory_fu: probably. I think that I only switched to using config_yaml in BundleHandler.16:35
petevg... so if your code is passing through Model.deploy, it might not be stringifying things.16:35
Budgie^Smoresilly question probably but did you add your ssh pubkey to maas so it can add it to juju?16:37
Budgie^SmoreOK I am going to shut up now, that question doesn't make sense :-/ going to go find coffee, bbiab16:41
cnfBudgie^Smore: yeah, and i can ssh manually16:41
cnfBudgie^Smore: enjoy :P16:41
Budgie^Smoresomething in me still things there might be a key issue, i.e. juju not talking to ssh-agent, etc.16:42
Budgie^Smorebut I am more inclined to thing that it is an overlapping ssh flag issue16:43
cnfi wish i'd get ssh debug info :/16:43
cnfmaybe got something closer16:50
lazyPowercnf: while i wouldn't normally advocate this... you can try something16:51
cnfno, nm16:51
lazyPowercnf: you can temporarily rename the ssh bin to something like ssh.orig, and put a wrapper in place that invokes that .orig ssh bin with -vvv16:51
lazyPowerbut i feel like this means we shoudl file a bug to request a flag to dump ssh debug info16:51
lazyPoweri'm not seeing anything anywhere that indicates we have a flag already to provide that detail16:51
cnf--debug should put ssh in -vvv mode16:52
lazyPowerso, hacky work-around solutions seem to be the path forward for now16:52
lazyPowercnf: since you filed the other bug i'll file this one ;)16:52
cnfhaha, thanks :P16:52
cnfit is, once again, almost time to go home for me...16:52
cnfalmost WE16:52
lazyPowercnf: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/166984816:55
mupBug #1669848: When bootstrapping with the --debug flag, ssh should also pass -vvv for debugging ssh issues <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1669848>16:55
cnflazyPower: thanks!16:56
lazyPowerif you dont mind hitting the top left "This bug affects you" to add some bug heat. You may also want to subscribe for updates so you can follow up with any discussion there.16:56
lazyPowerSimonKLB: You're next after i get caio some feedback on a PR submit this morning.16:57
lazyPoweri look forward to this :)16:57
cnfah, i was looking for that!16:58
SimonKLBlazyPower: nice!17:02
cnflazyPower: your trick doesn't work! it isn;t showing the output :P17:09
lazyPowercnf: well it was worth a shot17:09
cnfwell, i'm out of ideas17:10
cnfnot the way i wanted to start the WE ^^;17:10
cnfk, i'm going home17:13
cnfthanks for the help lazyPower, Budgie^Smore17:13
lazyPowernp cnf17:14
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bdxstub: https://bugs.launchpad.net/postgresql-charm/+bug/166987218:23
mupBug #1669872: charm install fails installing snapd on trusty  <PostgreSQL Charm:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1669872>18:23
bdxfrom what I can find, snap should install via apt on trusty18:27
bdxnot sure why I'm not getting it18:27
bdxstub: in what revision was layer snap introduced to the postgresql charm?18:35
bdxstub: ahh, rev 11718:42
stormmoreok I am back and in the office18:54
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
lazyPowercory_fu: so i didn't get to it this morning but i just deployed the autoscaler. Did you use this outside of bundletesting?22:58
cory_fulazyPower: Nope22:58
lazyPowercory_fu: do you want to see whats up with it? :D22:58
lazyPoweri'm in a hangout running the paces rn22:58
cory_fuUh, sure22:59
lazyPowerlol its cool man :) you're busy and its after 5 on a friday23:01
lazyPowerjust making the offer23:01
lazyPowerbut i'm in the batcave23:01

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