
momkennacc: hmm. The problem is here: Failed to open serial device: : No such file or directory00:00
momkenthere is no ttyUSB000:00
sliddisHello. How can I link all files in a folder to the parent folder?00:01
naccsliddis: what do you mean exactly?00:02
naccmomken: right, i think the udev rule isn't being triggered (correctly) because the device is't matching for some reason00:02
naccmomken: `modinfo qcserial` ?00:03
sliddisnacc:  i downloaded this with git to my .icons folder https://github.com/daniruiz/Flat-Remix but then I have to move the flat remix/flat remix to .icons to get them to work. I thought it would be a good idea to easily git pull while still have them to work00:03
momkennacc: http://dpaste.com/2C89B1Q00:04
naccsliddis: it would be better (IMO) to have the git repository somewhere other than .icons00:04
naccthen symlink everything in the local repo/Flat\ Remix/ to .icons00:05
sliddisnacc: ok what is common practice to put git pulls in what dir?00:05
sliddisjust installed ubuntu on work pc today :o first ever ubuntu desktop experience!00:06
naccsliddis: sorry? i think it makes sense to keep your repositories separate, you can put it wherever you want. But since .icons is a special directory, I wouldn't put repositories in there00:06
sliddisnacc: put all git repositories in /git or /opt or where is common practice?00:07
naccsliddis: /git or /opt would be for root00:07
naccsliddis: and both would be wrong, imo00:07
naccsliddis: i'm not sure there is common practice, it's up to you00:07
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=== MenZa is now known as lhavelund
Olanzapinhello i'm having trubble installing a wireless nic. i'm using https://bitbucket.org/sanrath/mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit guide. Installs fine but it never shows up hmmm?00:10
naccmomken: reboot and pass to your kernel, "qcserial.dyndbg"00:10
momkennacc: The weird thing is that if I reboot to windows and then reboot back to ubuntu the WWAN will work00:11
naccmomken: oh00:11
momkennacc: How to pass that to kernel?00:11
naccmomken: edit the config from the grub menu00:12
momkennacc: what does "qcserial.dyndbg" do?00:12
naccmomken: turns on debugging from that module00:12
momkenhmm. Ok, I will reboot now. I will come back soon00:13
ubuntlyWhere can I find out how often the packages are updated by ubuntu lts? :)00:13
naccubuntly: it depends entirely on the packages?00:13
ubuntlynacc: I am just curious :)00:15
naccubuntly: right, but your question doesn't make any sense00:15
naccubuntly: updates go out as they are made by developers (with a 7 day vetting period, generally)00:15
naccubuntly: but they don't go out all at once, it's on a package-by-package update00:15
ubuntlyah I see00:15
naccubuntly: so to ask how often "the packages" are updated means nothing00:16
ubuntlyI see, thanks for clarification00:17
momkennacc: I added "qcserial.dyndbg" after the "linux ..." command in grub when pressing 'e' in grub. Was that right?00:18
naccmomken: i think so, somehwere after "quiet" or so00:18
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momkennacc: Ok, now what new debug info can I provide for you?00:19
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naccmomken: unload and load the module, see if there is anything furhter in demsg00:22
momkennacc: Exactly did that. No newer info comparing to before00:22
naccmomken: hrm, i don't know then00:26
naccmomken: i guess i would look at what is different in dmesg between booting to windows and then linux vs. linux to linux00:26
momkennacc: hmmm. ok. The boot to linux after windows works because in that status the firmware is already loaded into the gobi device in windows and it doesn't need to be loaded again00:27
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naccmomken: i see00:28
momkenBut after powering the device off, the firmware will be erased from its memory00:28
dannyLpzMi wireless mouse is not detected, why?00:29
naccmomken: does `lsmod | grep qcserial` indicate any users of the module?00:30
OerHeksdannyLpz, who knows without proper details??00:30
dannyLpzNormaly wors, but, this time (other mouse, but the same Genius) is not work.00:31
z0mbiegh0st_whois z0mbiegh0st00:31
OerHeksz0mbiegh0st_, you tell us?00:32
dannyLpzlsusb: Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0458:0185 KYE Systems Corp. (Mouse Systems)00:32
momkennacc: One important difference after booting from Windows is that the network-manager detects usb device "03f0:371d" with a different name when trying to create a new mobile broadband connection00:33
dannyLpzdmesg | grep usb: [ 2293.996916] input: MOSART Semi. Wireless Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.1/0003:0458:0185.000A/input/input1800:33
dannyLpzOerHeks: ^00:33
naccmomken: ugh00:34
naccmomken: what a garbage device :/00:34
momkennacc: http://dpaste.com/37K7CCG00:34
OerHeksdannyLpz, so it is recognised, i found this bugreport, at the end he says it is fixed in kernel 4.9 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/163501200:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1630063 in linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) "duplicate for #1635012 specific USB devices disconnect and don't reconnect" [Medium,Fix released]00:35
momkennacc: hmm. Actually its name changes from "Sierra Wireless ..." to "IM ..."00:35
naccmomken: momken i have no idea -- it seems like the kernel is not creating the device as expected, but i don't know why that would be -- you'd have to debug the module (I thought dyndbg as suggested would do it, but it seems not to work)00:36
naccmomken: or file a bug, i guess00:36
sliddiswhy is there a trailing doubleslash in these links ? http://pastebin.com/a3R7VjUa00:36
momkennacc: Ok, thank you for helping me. I will compare the boot after windows with normal boot and if I could get nothing then I will give up.00:37
momkennacc: Anyway thank you very much00:37
OerHekssliddis, some clever dude uses spaces in names00:37
naccsliddis: if i had to guess? `ll` doesn't know that the target of the symlink already has the trailing / and it appeneds one00:38
momkennacc: p.s. Lenovo x220 could detect its mobile-broadband out of the box which was amazing!00:38
naccsliddis: yeah, ll = ls -alF and -F says it appends indicators to all entries00:38
dannyLpzOerHeks: Im upgrading my system00:39
dannyLpzMaybe this fix it00:39
naccsliddis: and i'm guessing you did `ln -s /home/olof/GDrive/linux/icons/Flat-Remix/Flat\ Remix/ .` rather than `ln -s /home/olof/GDrive/linux/icons/Flat-Remix/Flat\ Remix`00:39
sliddisnacc: yeah I updated ln -sf /home/olof/GDrive/linux/icons/Flat-Remix/Flat\ Remix/ . now it works as expected00:40
Cust0sLimenwhy is the youtube-dl so old ?00:41
Cust0sLimenfrom my grandfather's time still00:41
lotuspsychje!info youtube-dl00:42
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2016.06.25-2 (yakkety), package size 711 kB, installed size 3920 kB00:42
nacc!latest | Cust0sLimen00:42
ubottuCust0sLimen: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.00:42
Cust0sLimennacc, sure - I get it to some extent - and in this case its not serious as you can just pip2 install --user --upgrade youtube-dl00:43
lotuspsychjeCust0sLimen: there are tons of firefox addons to do the same also if you like00:43
naccCust0sLimen: right ...00:43
Cust0sLimennacc, but nothing really depends on it - and by now it is severely broken00:43
naccCust0sLimen: if it's broken, file a bug00:43
OerHeksCust0sLimen, works fine here :-D00:43
Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, youtube dl > them all00:43
Cust0sLimenOerHeks, for some sites sure - for many others not anymore00:43
naccCust0sLimen: LP: #152964700:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529647 in youtube-dl (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Always backport newer versions to trusty-updates" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152964700:44
naccCust0sLimen: but it's in universe, so takes someone who cares to fix it00:44
naccand for some raeson that bug submitter didn't subscribe the sru team, so whatever00:44
OerHeksCust0sLimen, correction, xenial 16.04 got 2016.02.22-1 .. maybe it is fixed00:44
OerHeksCust0sLimen, trusty is surely old ..00:45
lotuspsychje!info nomnom | Cust0sLimen00:45
ubottuCust0sLimen: nomnom (source: nomnom): download videos from Youtube and other similar video websites. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.1-2 (yakkety), package size 176 kB, installed size 494 kB00:45
naccOerHeks: that bug says trust in description, but they imply they want it everywhere00:45
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Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, will check it out thanks00:46
Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, but pip2 is also good - got 2017.03.10 at the moment00:46
Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, the nice thing about youtube-dl is they update very fast after breakages occur - and it has cool features like ripping subtitles00:48
lotuspsychjeCust0sLimen: you could try another ubuntu version as OerHeks suggests00:49
Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, I'm on yakkety - which is latest I think00:50
Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, not sure what you mean00:50
lotuspsychjeCust0sLimen: right, nvm then00:50
Cust0sLimenlotuspsychje, like I said its not a issue really - I get latest whenever with pip2 so no problem - was just wondering00:50
blue_cheesehave they modified Ubuntu so that is won't run iced tea Werb, for Java, anymore? It worked before, and now will not, while Ubuntu seems to have updated itslef00:53
tomreynblue_cheese: that's probably not ubuntu's doing, but that of the web browser you have installed.00:56
tomreynfirefox, for example, blocks all plugins but firefox nowadays (IIRC)00:56
tomreynfirefox, for example, blocks all plugins but flash nowadays (IIRC)00:57
tomreyn^ that makes more sense00:57
blue_cheesehmm, it did not till just yesterday or so, but I also noticed that the toolbar sat the top has changed00:58
VSpplso no more updating firefox checked00:59
blue_cheesethe toolbar is for ubuntu itself01:00
zenoxhi, it seems dovecot on my server is now refusing new mail. i can connect to it well - i've tried via telnet and thunderbird. i can log in and read mail. i'm happy the problem isn't reading the mail01:00
zenoxi've tried mail account on the server to another account on the server and that's failed, i've tried external mail to server and that's failed. the log shows connection refused01:01
Oldcpv3Hey guys01:02
VSpplthey dont like you01:02
Oldcpv3I need a bit of help01:02
=== lowercaseman is now known as lowercaseman-gon
Oldcpv3I'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04, on a crash test locally hosted server01:02
Oldcpv3And i need to remove my root password01:02
Oldcpv3And i have no idea how01:03
blue_cheeseit also seems that I am banned on spotchat for spamming, when I did not spam01:03
lotuspsychje!behelpful | VSppl01:03
ubottuVSppl: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.01:03
Bashing-om!root | Oldcpv301:04
ubottuOldcpv3: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:04
VSpplou ycanr remove root password pnly change it01:04
=== lowercaseman-gon is now known as lowercaseman
zenoxi can send mail just fine01:05
Oldcpv3I know pal01:05
Oldcpv3But look, This program of mine, says this01:05
Oldcpv3wait a sec lemme run it again01:05
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=== lowercaseman-gon is now known as lowercaseman
dannyLpzNope, the mouse continues dies01:06
Oldcpv3I get this error:01:07
Oldcpv3Server is running successfully on port 3702 with 54 listeners.01:07
Oldcpv3Error: Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:07
Oldcpv3Error: Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:07
Oldcpv3Error: Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:07
Oldcpv3Error: Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:07
Eric______hey i finished downloaded ubuntu iso01:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:07
VSpplsudo passwd root01:07
Eric______what i do next?01:08
Oldcpv3I tried that01:08
Oldcpv3No password supplied.01:08
OerHeksVSppl, don't suggest that, it is not supported and can break stuff.01:08
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:08
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Oldcpv3It took me 3 hours to set everything up01:09
mal_misbehavingI'm copying files from a mounted ecryptfs image file of a drive that had been damaged..,01:09
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OerHeksEric______, burn dvd or put it on usb?01:09
mal_misbehavingAll was fine until my copy / paste just stopped working.  I can click copy, I can click paste, but it doesn't paste.  I'm using the Nemo GUI.01:09
VSpplseting what up?01:10
mal_misbehavingOK, the system might be working now after a very long delay...  10 minutes maybe.  I'll post if the problems are ongoing.01:10
Oldcpv3LAMP stacks, phpmyadmin, node, sorting out issues01:10
OerHeksOldcpv3, there is no root password, 1st user gets root priv01:10
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=== lowercaseman-gon is now known as lowercaseman
Oldcpv3Well, then why the server won't work01:11
VSpplwhat server?01:11
Oldcpv3'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:11
Oldcpv3It's a game.js file for a server01:11
OerHekslolz, you broke your server01:11
bloopubuntu is starting to piss me off01:12
bloopi need flash for netflix01:12
Oldcpv3Holy cow, I'll have to reinstall everything again01:12
bloopand the shitty plugin does not work01:12
Oldcpv3Damn, why they didn't make a Windows version 0.o01:12
lotuspsychje!language | bloop01:12
ubottubloop: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:12
OerHeksbloop, flash is dead, linux wide. use chrome browser perhaps?01:12
bloopI am using chromium browser on ubuntu01:12
VSpplbloop: you dont flash for netflix01:12
OerHekschromium <> chrome01:12
bloopwhen i go to it it redirects to help page01:13
bloopbecause it does not detect flash or silverlight01:13
VSpplyou need chrome01:13
VSpplnot chromium01:13
bloopthere is no " chrome" in the ubuntu provided packages01:13
bloopin the software center01:13
OerHeksgoogle does not allow us to put it in the repos, get the de b from the site01:14
VSpplor dont use netflix01:14
OerHeksc/de b/ deb01:14
Oldcpv3They should make a "Developer" version of ubuntu01:15
Oldcpv3so us developers can actually make stuff without any passwords since they are just closed down developer enviroments01:15
bazhangOldcpv3, get the mini iso, build up01:16
VSpplbut then you programs would break under normal usage01:16
bazhangOldcpv3, that lets you develop your OS01:16
OerHeksreal devs dont want that01:16
Oldcpv3I don't want to make a OS01:16
bazhangOldcpv3, what did you want exactly, tell the exact requirements01:17
bazhangOldcpv3, gui or cli01:17
bazhangget ubuntu-server Oldcpv301:17
Oldcpv3I'm using exactly that01:18
Oldcpv3good ol 14.0401:18
bazhangthat's as developer-ish you'll get without getting the mini01:18
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Oldcpv3the mini? i'm not sure about that01:18
Oldcpv3well, guess that'll cut it01:18
bazhangOldcpv3, then investigate01:18
bazhang!mini | Oldcpv301:19
ubottuOldcpv3: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:19
bloopit says amd64 id the wrong architecture01:19
bloopis the&01:19
bloopand there is no other deb available from google for chrome01:19
Oldcpv3I can't solve the problem in my current os?01:19
Oldcpv3It's just a access problem01:19
dn1987pisnt that a mysql issue you got there?01:20
bazhangOldcpv3, what problem is that01:20
OerHeksbloop, correct, 32 bit is dropperd01:20
Oldcpv3Error: Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:20
OerHeksso i guess no netflix for you01:20
Oldcpv3I've ran my start.sh that is01:21
Oldcpv3node game.js 3700 &01:21
Oldcpv3node game.js 3701 &01:21
Oldcpv3node game.js 3702 &01:21
Oldcpv3node game.js 3703 &01:21
bazhangOldcpv3, pastebin01:21
Oldcpv3Sorry =x01:21
bloopi just want pepperflash back01:21
OerHeksOldcpv3, don't paste so many lines, use a pastebin01:21
OerHeksOldcpv3, you broke your server with your no-root-password actions01:22
elisa871id I have three tabs open from a remote machine, how can I see the activities run on the other two tabs from the third tab? $ps only shows the running processes on the current tab01:22
Oldcpv3Thanks a lot Oer, I'll be more careful next time01:23
Eric______what i do next?01:23
OerHeksEric______, after burning dvd?01:24
Eric______do i install Download the Rufus USB installer or windows 7 usb tool?01:25
dn1987pcant you use the debian-sys-maint to reset root pw?01:26
OerHeksEric______, rufus should do fine, not sure about the other option01:26
Eric______i download rufus now?01:26
OerHeksonly if you want to create a bootalble usb01:27
Eric______i has usb flash on me01:27
Apachezany of you who have seen a workaround to make tftpservers in linux to use udp69 as srcport when they reply to the client?01:31
Eric______OerHeks i has usb flash on me01:33
OerHeksEric______, well, try it?01:34
sudijeevan ke safar mein rahi milte hain bichad jane ko01:34
Eric______on rufus right?01:34
OerHeksour wiki suggest to use rufus, so i have no idea if your tool works the same.01:34
* OerHeks has no clue what usb flash is01:35
Eric______Rufus 2.12 (928 KB) Rufus 2.12 Portable (928 KB) Other versions which one i click?01:36
Countess_Bathoryuse none portable, I think it just self executes ;)01:37
OerHeksoh, portable should work too, https://rufus.akeo.ie/01:38
moldohello guys01:40
lotuspsychjemoldo: welcome01:41
Eric______its downloading iso01:43
moldothanks lotuspsychje01:43
lotuspsychjemoldo: how can we help you?01:43
Eric______hey i has ubuntu iso in my usb flash then what i do next?01:48
OerHeksEric______, boot it from cold start01:49
Eric______what that cold start?01:49
OerHekswell, you don't have to wait for your pc to cool down, just turn it off and on again, make sure you set boot to usb01:50
OerHeksthat depends, per brand/machine01:50
OerHeksuefi, make sure fastboot is turned off01:51
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:51
Eric______hold oeheks01:51
KalEl_Is it safe to backup all of the home directory and restore in new Ubuntu installation?01:53
KalEl_When changing systems?01:53
Eric______i cant find fastboot in01:53
Eric______power settings01:53
OerHeksfastboot is a windows option, afaik01:54
Eric______windows option where01:54
leadzeroGood day, I've installed Grafana but the service does not start on boot. When I query the status with systemctl it lists the service as "masked." Try as I might (using unmask) it still stays masked. This is on 16.04.01:55
OerHeksEric______, dunno, i have no windows here...01:55
OerHekswithout fastboot turned off, you allways boot into windows01:56
Eric______oh i found is choose what the power buttons do01:57
Eric______fastboot turned off01:58
Eric______then what i do ext01:58
OerHeksnow boot from usb01:58
Eric______oeherks do i gets dual windows 10 and ubuntu on 1 laptop right01:59
OerHeksEric______, it is an option yes02:00
Eric______ok thanks brb02:00
Eric_____Im back oeheks02:11
Eric_____Oeheks ?02:13
qwebirc705985Hey I need some help on a direct Ubuntu fork, hopefully you guys can help me. I'm trying to install Ubuntu MATE 16.04 PPC onto a Powerbook g4 but every time I get the USB to boot, the desktop will only be visible for a couple of seconds before the diplay goes black02:14
qwebirc705985Any ideas?02:14
dongforcehi niggers02:15
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Eric_____Oeheks ?02:16
qwebirc705985Hey I need some help on a direct Ubuntu fork, hopefully you guys can help me. I'm trying to install Ubuntu MATE 16.04 PPC onto a Powerbook g4 but every time I get the USB to boot, the desktop will only be visible for a couple of seconds before the diplay goes black. Any ideas?02:16
Eric_____Help me02:19
qwebirc705985@Eric. I think the room is just full of mute lurkers02:20
Eric_____I see screen saying try Ubuntu without installing02:20
Cust0sLimenwhat creates /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi ?02:20
Eric_____Install Ubuntu02:20
qwebirc705985Sometimes I get lucky & get someone who can help, but most of the time it's just waiting & disappointment because these rooms are full of lurkers whom never respond02:21
qwebirc705985@Eric are you trying to install Ubuntu?02:21
Eric_____I has Ubuntu iso in my usb flash already02:21
qwebirc705985ok are you able to boot from the flash drive?02:21
qwebirc705985ok so you have the live version running on your system. Do you see the icon to install it?02:22
Eric_____It has 4 options is try Ubuntu without installing02:22
Eric_____Install Ubuntu02:23
qwebirc705985ok to install it, you can either click Install Ubuntu which will take you straight to the installer, or try Ubuntu without installing & it will give you the option of installing while also running a live version of ubuntu02:24
Eric_____OEm instal (for manufacturers)02:24
qwebirc705985To the rest of the chat: You see that? I came here for help myself & I'm helping this guy. Thats what the rest of you should be doing too instead of mutely staring & drooking at your screens02:25
Eric_____I want dual windows 10 and Ubuntu on one laptop02:25
qwebirc705985right, question, what is the partitioning of your HDD?02:25
Eric_____I has 2 hdd drives02:26
qwebirc705985Like is windows already installed on the whole HDD, or do you already have it partitioned off?02:26
Eric_____I already created new partition02:26
Eric_____I has windows 10 installed02:27
qwebirc705985Ok, so as long as you have the partitioned space, Just start the installer & when it gives you the install options, choose "something else" from there you will be able to install Ubuntu on the free space02:27
Eric_____Ido i click 'nstall Ubuntu"?02:28
qwebirc705985yeah do that02:28
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Eric_____Its installing02:30
Eric_____Do i wait for how long?02:31
qwebirc705985ok. As long as you selected "something else" & specified the free space to install it to, your Windows partition should be fine02:31
qwebirc705985It will tell you. I can't really answer that as it depends largely on your system. But it will tell you it's copying the files with a progress bar & then installing the system with it's own progress bar02:32
Eric_____It still loading on my screen02:32
qwebirc705985ok give it some time02:32
Eric_____Like 20 to 50 mins?02:32
qwebirc705985Again, I don't know. It depends on your system. If you're doing a USB install, Maybe 20 min02:33
qwebirc705985I mean what does the progress bar say?02:34
Eric_____It just dots loading on my screen02:34
qwebirc705985hmmmm So is that what you have gotten after clicking "Install Ubuntu" from the initial prompt screen?02:35
Eric_____Yup i did02:35
qwebirc705985Ok so if the installer doesn't start within the next 2 to 5 minutes, restart the computer & select try without installing & launch the isntaller from there02:36
n-iCeis actually Ubuntu more updated than Debian?02:38
qwebirc705985meanwhile, Imma find a different PPC compatible distro to work with because apparently the Ubuntu support community is absolute trash. I tried reaching out for help here & in the Ubuntu MATE channels & have gotten squat02:39
n-iCeqwebirc705985: what's your problem?02:41
qwebirc705985Hey I need some help on a direct Ubuntu fork, hopefully you guys can help me. I'm trying to install Ubuntu MATE 16.04 PPC onto a Powerbook g4 but every time I get the USB to boot, the desktop will only be visible for a couple of seconds before the diplay goes black02:42
Eric_____I clicked try Ubuntu without installing02:42
n-iCeqwebirc705985: and have you tried installing? or did you click try without install?02:42
n-iCeEric_____: is you qwebirc705985 ?02:42
Eric_____Yup i did02:42
qwebirc705985No, Eric is a different user, he's just trying to figure out how to install it to a conventional PC02:43
KalElHi what's a good irc for xubuntu?02:43
wedgieqwebirc705985: have you tried the forums? Seems like a fairly niche problem so some patience is likely going to be required in waiting for an answer02:43
n-iCeok qwebirc705985 so, have you tried installing it?02:43
n-iCeKalEl: xchat, irssi02:43
qwebirc705985For some reason Freenode didn't bother logging my correct name when I logged in02:43
n-iCeEric_____: what's the proble02:43
Eric_____It just dots loading02:43
n-iCeEric_____: 64bits?02:43
OERIASCan someone help me with an issue with Chrome on Ubuntu?02:44
n-iCeEric_____: cd, usb?02:44
n-iCeOERIAS: ask02:44
n-iCeqwebirc705985: so? what did you click at boot?02:44
qwebirc705985So MY problem is I can get the powerbook G4 to boot from the USB drive, but as soon as it does, I can only see the display for about 2 seconds before the display goes dark02:44
n-iCeqwebirc705985: is any tty available?02:45
n-iCecurrent xorg/mesa no longer supports the ati/nvidia cards of the old powerpc powerbooks/ibooks/macs02:45
n-iCele-bro: hi02:46
le-broIm unable to update Firefox in Ubuntu and Adobe Flash??02:46
le-broAny pointers??02:46
n-iCele-bro: why not02:46
n-iCeqwebirc705985: did you use the powerpc ubuntu version, right?02:46
n-iCele-bro: yes what02:46
qwebirc705985Ok so what I did is I plugged the USB in the left port on the poserbook, on startup held opt+cmd+o+f, then at the prompt typed "boot usb1/disk@1:,\\yaboot" & then hit return at the yaboot prompt & yes it is the power pc image02:47
le-broim using the powe pc02:47
qwebirc705985I mean when I click on the track pad or press space bar, I can see the desktop for a brief second, but then the display goes dark again. It's Ubuntu MATE PPC I'm using02:47
n-iCele-bro: apt-get install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash02:47
n-iCeqwebirc705985: have you tried Ubuntu ?02:48
Eric_____Its still dots loading02:48
sarwer3Is anyone a guru with fglrx driver for 4000 series of AMD cards? I'm trying real hard to get fglrx to work with 12.04.4 but I keep booting into low graphics mode.02:48
n-iCeEric_____: you did not answer02:48
qwebirc705985@n-iCe Vanilla ubuntu? No, not yet. I'm not too keen on Untiy which was why I was wanting to try Mate02:49
n-iCeqwebirc705985: I would try ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, see if works, and grab xorg02:49
n-iCesee what changes02:49
Eric_____Eric u talking to me?02:49
n-iCeqwebirc705985: is there a way in ubuntu mate, you can reach the additoinal drivers menu, see if there is any graphic drive available?02:50
qwebirc705985Is there a PPC iso for xubuntu or LXLE on the Lubuntu end?02:50
Bashing-omsarwer3: " IF its an HD 2x/3x/4x then you are out of luck as AMD announced <last> summer that it is relegating these chipsets to legacy status and will not be developing new drivers for them. Existing restricted drivers from AMD won't work either, because they require X-server v1.12 and Ubuntu 12.10 uses X-server v1.13. " .02:50
n-iCeqwebirc705985: which iso version are you using02:50
qwebirc705985@n-iCe sadly no, I can't keep the display on long enough to02:50
sarwer3@Bashing-om I've read all that, thats why I downloaded 12.0402:51
qwebirc705985@n-iCe Ubuntu MATE 16.04 PPC02:51
n-iCeqwebirc705985: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPC02:51
Bashing-omsarwer3: K; and what returms ' X -version ' ?02:51
qwebirc705985@n-iCe yeah. My thinking is I'm gonna have to try a different distro. Might even have to resort to Mint PPC 11. ugh02:52
Eric_____qwebirc705985 its still dots loading on my screen02:53
Bashing-omsarwer3: And to make it worse . next month 12.04 goes End_Of_life ,02:53
qwebirc705985Imma try xubuntu, Lubuntu & Gentoo first02:53
sarwer3Bashim-om I can't even get a TTY login, not booted into ubuntu right now02:54
qwebirc705985@Eric So even when you select try without installing it just gives you dots?02:54
Bashing-omsarwer3: at the log in screen, does ctl+alt+F1 bring up a console interface ?02:55
sarwer3Bashim-om it tries to but the display is all corrupted02:55
sarwer3No the card is not broken02:55
qwebirc705985@Eric, maybe something is wrong with the media or the hardware. Not sure, but I wouldn't be able to figure it out without getting hands on wit ththe device02:56
Eric_____I see02:56
qwebirc705985@Eric try burning a live DVD from Ubuntu's download page02:59
markmtHi there, using Cinnamon on 16.04 with dual monitors.03:01
markmtThe panel suddenly shows up on the second monitor instead of the first (primary) monitor03:01
markmtand all windows open on that side now too03:02
markmtany suggestions on debugging / tweaking?03:02
qwebirc705985try resetting the orientation of the displays03:05
qwebirc705985or swap which cable plugs into which monitor03:06
markmtah, laptop so only one cable03:07
markmtorientation is an interesting suggestions though... any theory as to why that would help?03:07
markmtyeah, orientation had no effect.03:08
md_5Just me, or has the firefox scrollbars on unity massively shrunk between 51 and 5203:09
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sarwer3Bashing-om I booted into recovery mode, this is what X -version reports, 1.14.503:12
Bashing-omsarwer3: " require X-server v1.12 " . No workie with 1.14.5 . Yukkie .03:14
ems36after reading wiki and knowing that UBUNTU was used are Unbutn users at risk.03:14
sarwer3Bashing-om, so which version of 12.04 has 1.12 X ?03:15
sarwer3I download 12.04.4 @Bashing-om03:15
Bashing-omsarwer3: 12.04.1 .03:15
sarwer3Time to install Ubuntu for the millionth time *deadface*03:16
Bashing-omsarwer3: I found the .1 here : http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/ .03:18
sarwer3Bashing-om read the file name of the iso on that page :O03:20
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Bashing-omdabba: 64 bit : ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso2012-08-23 17:13 694M .03:25
Bashing-omsarwer3: ^^ Sorry dabba not paying attention to tab /03:27
RNevilleHello everyone, can get Ubuntu Software gui to work. I want to install VLC - double click Ubuntu Software and nothing happens03:27
RNevillerunning Ubuntu 16.0403:27
mrargonCan someone help me with some networking issues on server 16.10?03:28
mrargonIm sorry?03:29
tootheI am trying to install the kernel source, using apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)03:32
tootheI am getting this error: E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list03:32
mrargonI am trying to setup a static IP on a ubuntu VPS hosted with virtualbox I have used many guides and everytime there is no network connection on reboot any info?03:33
sarwer3mrargon can you ping any IPs?03:34
mrargonNo I cannot03:34
lotuspsychjemrargon: perhaps try ##networking03:35
mrargonWhat do you mean?03:35
vimal2012Whenever I start google-chrome, a dialog box pops up. "an application wants to create a new keyring called 'default keyring'".  Unless I close the dialog box I can not use either google-chrome or any other programs in ubuntu.  How to get rid of this? I tried uninstalling seahorse.  Doesn't work. What package should I uninstall?03:35
newbie|2what is the fastest virtual machine in ubuntu for 3d gaming on different os?03:36
vimal2012toothe, Just put some source URIs in your '/etc/apt/sources.list' file.  That's all.03:38
tootheGot it!03:39
mrargonAny one know how to setup a static IP on server03:41
mrargonrunning in a virtualbox Virtual Machine03:42
mystifiedHi need help setting up an ethernet printer broke my usb port & no wifi. it's an old  hp lasetjet 132003:50
mystifiedunable to locate its port address.03:51
mystifiedcups installed.03:51
mystifiedjust don't no what to do.03:51
mystifiedI'm not a techie03:51
sarwer3Bashing-om is there a way to skip Xserver while doing apt-get upgrade03:51
mystifiedit's on eth003:52
fozuvimal2012: you have autologin enabled, turn it off in System Settings -> User Accounts03:52
fozuor search for a workaround in google03:52
lotuspsychjemystified: did you install hplip-data?03:53
Bashing-omsarwer3: Unless you opt in for HWE you will remian with the 1.12 version x-server .03:54
sarwer3Bashing-om OK, the version is 1.11.3 btw03:55
sarwer3So I won't upgrade past 1.12?03:55
mystifiedthx Lotus03:55
lotuspsychjemystified: did it work?03:55
mystifiedit was already installed03:56
Bashing-omsarwer3: K; then "Additional drivers" should now offer FGLRX .03:56
mystifiedfirst i think in need to identify it's ip address03:56
mystifiedit's not showing up anywhere03:57
Bashing-om!HWE | sarwer303:57
ubottusarwer3: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack03:57
Bashing-omsarwer3: ^^ Of course, you do not want to go there .03:58
lotuspsychjemystified: did you try a reboot yet?04:01
mystifiedno will do brb..Again Thxs04:03
sarwer3Bashing-om, its....its working 0_004:04
sarwer3Bashing-om thanks for the help, are you sure if I apt-get upgrade that xorg will still work04:04
Bashing-omsarwer3: :) -- But it is DOA next month !04:05
Bashing-omsarwer3: Yeah ,,, will still be good after upgrades .04:05
sarwer3Bashing-om as long as the fglrx still works I don't care about losing support04:06
sarwer3Its an old distro anyway04:06
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DRESSYSt. Valentine’s Vendetta: My 10 Year Battle With Canada’s Jewish Lobby By Arthur Topham (( http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=10800 ))04:11
mystifiedlotus are you able to help04:16
jpugarte1hello everyone, I hae a few questions regarding creating partitions in linux for installing alongside Windows? Is there anyone here with a little time to help me out?04:17
mystifiedbest bet is youtube vieo tutorial dual boot windows /ubuntu.04:19
jpugarte1I hae only installed ubuntu using the option "install alongside windows", but now I found a guide taylored to my specific laptop, suggesting to install using the "do something else" option. The problem is it doesn't proide enough details for a noob like me when it comes to creating the different partitions (boot, swap, , home)04:19
mystifiedvery easy04:19
mystifiedjpug. Is the whole drive partioned ntfs04:20
mystifiedif so you need to resize ( make the ntfs smaller) the04:21
jpugarte1it is one 512gb drive. In windows I shrank the partitions, so now I have 150gb of free space that I can use to create the partitions in ubuntu while installing04:21
mystifiedthen make a ext4 partition, as well as small linux-swap partition04:21
mystifiedhow much  ram do you have04:22
jpugarte1what should be the filesystem for the boot partition? EFI or ext4?04:22
jpugarte116gb ram04:22
mystifiedis you lappy a bios/efi04:22
lotuspsychjemystified: printer not found still?04:22
mystified@ lotus no04:23
jpugarte1it is very new, I think EFI?04:23
lotuspsychjemystified: is it attached usb?04:23
mystifiedJpug watch a video first.04:23
mystifiedit will make more sense.04:23
jpugarte1mystified: ok, thanks04:23
jpugarte1will come back if I have more questions later, thank you04:23
mystifiedjpug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGdrQxA0E6g04:25
mystifiedno usb port broken04:25
lotuspsychje!cups | mystified04:27
ubottumystified: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu04:27
mystifiedcups installed04:28
vimal2012fozu, Thank you, disabled autologin, restarted the computer, the annoying popup window has gone.04:28
mystifiedjust changed network cable04:29
mystifiedit's now seen on eth004:29
Eric_____Im back04:31
tatertotsmystified: describe what devices are attached to each end of the ethernet cable04:31
Eric_____I got Ubuntu worked04:32
tatertotsmystified: did you connect a printer via a ethernet cable to a PC's network adapter?...you did didn't you?04:32
Eric_____What i do next to have dual windows 10 and Ubuntu on one laptop?04:32
ghostalcurrently upgrading from trusty to xenial. update wants to add the line "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}"; to Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {} in the apt configuration. my existing config only allows the "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-security" suffix as an allowed origin. what does this change mean?04:33
mystifiedI used a different network cable from yellow to gray04:33
latino30does ubuntu not have any transparent proxy programs that route all programs to tor?04:33
latino30i wonder if network manager could be configured to use tor04:33
mystifiedat cups local host04:33
ghostal(apparently i've made modified this config, but i don't rememeber doing so)04:34
mystifiedeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:25:22:65:e5:eb
mystifiedeth0 to ethernet of printer  hp 1320 laserjet .. I also have the option of directly connecting netgear adsl modem04:36
Eric_____What i do next to have dual windows 10 and Ubuntu on one laptop?04:37
israphial 258 seconds)04:38
israphial* TikityTik has quit (Read error:04:38
Eric_____I has Ubuntu on my screen04:38
israphialRunning Ubuntu 16.04 (Unity). Is there a way to make my status bar or whatever the bar is at the top completely transparent? I've used Unity Tweak tool to make it mostly transparent but it's still dark and I'd like it if it that darkness wasn't there. I don't want to see the bar, just the icons in it like my battery, the time, power button, etc04:38
Eric_____Help me?04:39
mystifiederic: have you installed it or just started the installer04:41
Eric_____Started installer04:41
mystifiednow follow the guide of the installer04:43
mystifiedhave you viewed this yet04:43
Guy1524israphial: http://askubuntu.com/questions/512777/unity-top-bar-100-transparent04:43
Eric_____Checked download updates while installing Ubuntu tight?04:44
Guy1524basically, go into ccsm, unity, general, panel opacity set to 004:44
israphial:O Thank you so much! I wasn't sure what to search because I had no idea what that thing was called and none of my results were turning up with anything.04:44
israphialYou're the first person that's ever answered me in this channel Guy1524 , again thank you so much.04:45
Guy1524israphial: no problem04:45
ghostalthe docs for unattended upgrades refer to "${distro_id} stable" but not "${distro_id} ${distro_codename}"04:46
israphialPeople in #linux tried to rip my head off when I asked for some reason04:46
israphialLike, sorry for being a noob... Lol.04:46
Guy1524israphial: idk why, but i don't think many of them like unity04:46
Guy1524its fine04:46
Guy1524thats what ircs are 404:46
Eric_____Checked install third party software for graphics and wifi hardware flash mp3 and other media right?04:47
israphialYeah when I went there for basic help (I dove into Ubuntu basically blind) they all kind of chastized me for using Ubuntu instead of a different distro, although unity seems to have the most support out of basically any distro period.04:47
israphialAnd with me being a complete beginner level user, I didn't want to use a more complicated distro like what a lot of them use04:47
Guy1524ya, imo, if you need to get work done, you use ubuntu04:48
Guy1524if you want to have fun tinkering and breaking and fixing things04:48
Guy1524use the complicated distros04:48
israphialIm more looking to get a bit of everything done. I want to tinker and break stuff and fix it but I also want to be able to browse the internet, play videos and music, use Libreoffice for college stuff, etc04:49
israphialMaybe Ubuntu stock wasn't the BEST distro for me to choose but... it's the one I downloaded.04:49
Eric_____Oops Mystified u there?04:50
israphialchoosedistro or whatever that website is wanted me to download Ubuntu GNOME and lots of people like that one on #linux, but I don't have the bandwidth to download the big ISO for it right now.04:50
Guy1524accidentally clicked enter04:51
Eric_____Mystfied ?04:51
Guy1524israphial: Gnome changes a lot of the conventions of how a desktop should work, and it can be cool, but I found myself resorting to ALT+TAB more often than not, so there was really no need imo for its activities feature04:52
israphialHuh, that compizconfig suggestion actually didn't fix my problem. Opacity is already set for 0 for the panel but it's still dark.04:53
israphialGuy1524: What do you use right now? Which distro?04:53
Guy1524Ubuntu stock 16.04.204:53
israphialEric_____, tagging him over and over again won't help lol.04:53
israphialGuy1524: oh! Do you use i3? I got suckered into downloading it yesterday and it was... scary. Lol.04:53
Guy1524if you want, you could possibly patch gnome-panel04:53
chuEric_____: He actually quit the channel at 15:4504:54
sarwer3Bashing-om you still here?04:54
Eric_____Damn i go pour cold water on Mystfied04:54
Guy1524no, i don't, i've heard if you know how to use it it can be really useful04:54
Bashing-omisraphial: Given your criteria ; you dual boot ;buntu's . One for work and one for learning on .04:54
Guy1524but im content w/ what I ahve04:54
Eric_____Help me with Ubuntu screen04:54
Bashing-omsarwer3: Yeah ... I be here .04:54
israphialYeah it looks super useful. But also hella confusing and I don't think I'm prepared for it yet; I'm still learning how to use the CLI effectively.04:54
israphialBashing-om, thank you for the suggestion but I'd rather not set up a triple boot on my hard drive at the moment. I currently have a windows partition for gaming that I don't want to lose.04:55
israphialBashing-om, but I may end up doing that anyway at some point.04:55
sarwer3Bashing-om after apt-get upgrading the system only boots to TTY console, X server is still the correct version and when typing startx I only get a black screen04:55
Bashing-omisraphial: Is bit one solution . I began that in my erly days . I was/am prone to pushing and breaking ! .. nice to have a fall back !04:56
israphialRight! Agreed. I'm not good with Linux yet so I do want to hold on to that windows partition for now. But like I said, maybe I will end up triple booting or something04:57
Eric_____Do i check download updates while installing Ubuntu right04:57
Bashing-omsarwer3: startx is not the correct command ( only has limited applications, and unity is not one of them ) . try sudo service lightdm start .04:58
Eric_____Do i check install third party software for graphics and wifi hardware flash mp3 and other media right?04:58
israphialI'm sure someone will answer you when they see it if they know the answer04:59
mystifiedwhat gpu do you have04:59
Eric_____Do i check 204:59
mystifiedI'm not running ubuntu at this moment05:00
Guy1524israphial: i think im getting closer to solving your problem05:00
mystifiedwhat are the options05:00
Eric_____Do i check download updates while installing Ubuntu right05:00
mystifiedyes, but05:01
Eric_____Do i check install third party software for graphics and wifi hardware flash mp3 and other media right05:01
mystifiedit will take a lot longer to install.05:01
israphialGuy1524: My transparency problem? I'm also digging for the answer... :/05:01
mystifiedwhat version are you installing05:01
Eric_____Both checked?05:01
Guy1524the answer lies in modifying the theme05:01
Eric_____Im on Ubuntu05:01
mystifiedit may  be aroung a gig of downloads05:01
Guy1524the file you need to modify is: /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/apps/gnome-panel.css05:02
Guy1524im experimenting w/ it atm05:02
mystifiedis it 16.04 16.10 or beta05:02
sarwer3Bashing-om didn't work it says, starting lightdm service [OK], starting save kernel messages [OK], starting deferred execution schedulerrorocessing daemon [OK]. Now the system appears to have hung I can't Ctrl+alt+F1 Or anything05:02
israphialOh, really? Alright. My current theme is Arc-dark.05:02
israphialAlright, I need to afk for around 2 minutes Guy1524 , I'll be right back, It may be easier to PM me?05:02
Bashing-omsarwer3: K; what have you done to get into this situation ? From the boot menu can you boot up in recovery ?05:03
sarwer3Bashing-om this all started after I apt-get upgraded then rebooted05:04
Bashing-omsarwer3: And what driver did you install for the graphics ? Recon it broke in the upgrade ?05:05
sarwer3Bashing-om, I installed the one from the and website which worked fine until I upgraded05:05
sarwer3The AMD* website05:05
sarwer3I'm in recovery now Bashing-om05:06
larryWosenOver in #israel we've had a holohoax spammer, and I've seen it in some other channels as well.05:06
Bashing-omsarwer3: Yepper . and it broke ! .. why we have a repo so that does not happen . Purge and re-install a driver .05:06
Guy1524israphial: I have found the solution: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/transparent-panel-titlebar-ubuntu-unity/05:07
israphialback Guy152405:08
Guy1524i just figured it out05:08
israphialOK I'll try that.05:08
Bashing-omsarwer3: The deal with the AMD driver is that it is built against the currenly installed kernel . update the kernel and the driver no longer works .05:08
KOF2000-DEADWhen I started my PC ethernet is not working if I restart him then he does it again. And this happens every day05:08
KOF2000-DEADany help pleas. Did dident happend when i wash runing windows 1005:09
sarwer3Bashing-om I see, think I know what to do now05:09
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KOF2000-DEADIt works when i restart my pc05:09
Bashing-omsarwer3: As a confirmation , bet ya can boot that older kernel just fine to a GUI .05:09
KOF2000-DEADSombody can help me pleas05:10
toothewhat's wrong?05:11
tootheoh...not sure about that.05:11
sarwer3Bashing-om fixed it with amdconfig --uninstall05:12
tootheI would search the hardware and see if its a firmware issue or the like.05:12
Guy1524KOF2000-DEAD: machines are neuter, not masculine, sorry :P  also, what ethernet adapter do you have?  If you don't know can you send us the output of this command? lspci | grep Ethernet05:13
KOF2000-DEADmy lan dont work when i start my pc when i restart it starts to work05:13
OerHeksKOF2000-DEAD, when this happens, did you run windows 10 before booting ubuntu?05:13
KOF2000-DEAD02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 06)05:13
KOF2000-DEADGuy1524: DOne05:14
Bashing-omsarwer3: K; now ya running on the open source driver .05:14
sarwer3Bashing-om of course05:15
Guy1524KOF2000-DEAD: hmm, so you don't appear to have some obscure ethernet adapter, thats not the problem05:15
Guy1524thats really strange05:15
OerHeksKOF2000-DEAD, i think a windows 10 issue, fastboot does funny things with usb and networking.05:15
KOF2000-DEADdude no windows any more05:15
KOF2000-DEADjust runing ubuntu05:15
sarwer3Bashing-om I reinstalled the amd driver how do I confirm its running?05:16
KOF2000-DEADcant connect wehn start pc have to restart then ethernet is working05:16
Guy1524does it fix when you use sudo service networking restart05:16
OerHeksfew days ago you claimed this does not happen on windows 10..05:16
Guy1524or sudo service network-manager restart05:16
Guy1524this isn't a permanent fix btw05:16
Guy1524it'll just restart networking to see if that temporarily fixes it05:17
KOF2000-DEADi have donwload the driver for kernel 4.705:17
Guy1524i don't think any ubuntu versions use kernel 4.705:17
KOF2000-DEADthe driver for network latest is 4.705:17
Bashing-omsarwer3: ' sudo lshw -C display ' look in the configuration line .05:17
OerHeksGuy1524 +105:17
Guy152416.04 started w/ 4.4 and is now 4.8 w/ HWE and 16.10 has always been 4.805:17
KOF2000-DEADbut network05:18
KOF2000-DEADrealtek latest is 4.705:18
sarwer3Bashing-om oh perfect, thanks again.05:18
KOF2000-DEADbefore i dident have 4.7 driver installed same problem05:18
Guy1524have you previously tried installing weird drivers online?05:18
OerHeksKOF2000-DEAD, upgrade your ubuntu properly. you will have kernel 4.8 without problems.05:18
Guy1524does networking work on a fresh install or did you somehow cause the problem05:18
Bashing-omsarwer3: We are here to help :)05:18
KOF2000-DEADbefore dident installed driver for ethernet same problem05:18
KOF2000-DEAD i have installed network driver 4.7 from realtek site still same problem05:19
Guy1524if you still have a live usb, does/did it work on there?05:19
KOF2000-DEADi have installed ubuntu05:19
KOF2000-DEADno windows any more05:19
Guy1524what version of ubuntu are you using05:19
OerHeksKOF2000-DEAD, kernel 4.7 has bugs.. we are past that.05:20
KOF2000-DEADdude i run 4.805:20
KOF2000-DEADbut the network driver is for 4.705:20
KOF2000-DEADcheck the fucking site of realtek05:20
KOF2000-DEADare you noob or what05:20
OerHeks"dude" ... oke, i leave you to Guy152405:20
Guy1524well, you shouldn't need to install a driver from realtek05:21
Guy1524im no expert on the subject05:21
Guy1524just trying to diagnose the root of the problem05:21
KOF2000-DEADbefore same problem05:21
KOF2000-DEADafter installed driver still same problem05:21
KOF2000-DEADhave to restart my pc then ethernet works05:21
Guy1524can you give us the output of ifconfig when it isn't working i guess05:21
Guy1524if you have an weird windows features like secure boot and/or fastboot, you should try turning those off05:22
Guy1524(in your bios)05:22
KOF2000-DEADthey are disabeld05:22
Guy1524does internet work in recovery mode from a cold boot05:23
KOF2000-DEADi dont know05:23
KOF2000-DEADthere is a problem some where05:23
Guy1524ok, are there any errors in dmesg05:23
KOF2000-DEADwhat is dmesg05:24
Guy1524(relating to ethernet)05:24
Guy1524oh its a shortcut command that prints out useful information about the system starting from boot05:24
Guy1524just type it into your terminal and browse through it to see if anything is obviously wrong05:24
Guy1524for example, I have this in my dmesg: [    0.845525] r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded05:25
Guy1524you may have something different around that area for yours05:25
Guy1524try this command to narrow it down to ethernet: dmesg | grep Ethernet05:25
KOF2000-DEAD0.875866] r8168 Gigabit Ethernet driver 8.044.02-NAPI loaded05:26
Guy1524ok, so your driver is loading fine05:27
Guy1524does your internet work atm05:27
KOF2000-DEADyes it works05:27
KOF2000-DEADbut when i start pc it dont work have to restart05:27
KOF2000-DEAD then it works05:27
Guy1524can you by any chance enter this in a boot where it doesn't work05:27
KOF2000-DEADi wil save it05:27
Guy1524so cold boot your pc and see if this is the same05:27
Guy1524its hard to diagnose a problem on a run that doesn't have the problem05:28
KOF2000-DEADif the problem wash here i would be online dude05:28
KOF2000-DEADi only have wired05:28
Guy1524oh your not on a seperate computer like a laptop05:29
Guy1524well, that would be pretty useful, ill still be here if you cold boot, copy your dmesg output into a file05:29
Guy1524and upload it once you're back05:29
KOF2000-DEADlet me test it05:30
Guy1524just remember to ping me if it takes a while05:30
anshul_hey all05:30
anshul_what is irc05:31
Bashing-omanshul_: (I)nternet (R)elay (C)hat -- where many talk to many .05:32
guess|4480please i need help05:36
Guy1524guess|4480: ask your question, and people will help05:36
guess|4480im trying to install distro, it ask me if i want to Encrypt new installation for security or "something else",  if i pick something else and not encrypt the hdd, can i encrypt it later?05:37
Guy1524guess|4480: a quick google search gets me this: https://www.howtogeek.com/116032/how-to-encrypt-your-home-folder-after-installing-ubuntu/05:37
guess|4480anybody know?05:37
OerHeksguess|4480, no. you would have to sart again, for full or just your home folder encryption.05:38
KOF2000-DEADGuy1524: Hey cant do it05:38
guess|4480id like FULL, because encrypting the home folder means im still susceptible to attack right?05:38
Guy1524KOF2000-DEAD: hey, can't do what?05:38
KOF2000-DEADnext time but there is someone with the same problem at 27 febuary05:38
KOF2000-DEADyou can translate to english05:38
KOF2000-DEADi googled the driver name of me i found sombody with the same problem05:38
OerHeksguess|4480, encryption makes solving problems harder. if you are not experienced, don't.05:38
Guy1524guess|4480: you are always susceptible to attack05:39
guess|4480can people still put virus or malware on my distro if i only encrypt home folder?05:39
Guy1524when you are booted up, you are no less vulnerable to attack05:39
OerHeksKOF2000-DEAD, he uses 4.4.0-64, not the same kernel.05:39
KOF2000-DEADbut same problem dude05:39
guess|4480can people still put virus or malware on my distro if i only encrypt home folder? VERSUS encrypting the whole drive05:40
KOF2000-DEADsame network adapter05:40
Guy1524guess|4480: yes, that is technically possible05:40
davido_encrypting doesn't prevent viruses.05:40
Guy1524if they have access to your hard drive05:40
Guy1524only thing encryption changes on your hard drive is how hard it is to access the data05:41
OerHeksguess|4480, normally unlikely, when you don't install software from random pages, just use softwarecenter.05:41
Guy1524KOF2000-DEAD: strange, why didn't you get the dmesg though?05:41
guess|4480well what i meant is like when someone wants to access my hdd05:41
Guy1524davido_: unless you are the target of the gov't or something, I wouldn't worry about malware on linux yet tbh05:42
KOF2000-DEADwhen shutdown pc and start05:42
KOF2000-DEAD networks work05:42
KOF2000-DEADit wil happen later the day if go to sleep and shutdown my pc05:42
Guy1524my bad05:42
guess|4480this is my dilemma, im trying to install new OS, but id like to encrypt the whole hdd. But it says I have to encrypt the swap or disable it, but i dont know how to do either one05:43
guess|4480i dont think ill ever need swap i have plenty of ram05:44
Guy1524ok, well when it happens, get a dmesg and use that to help people diagnose your problem05:44
Guy1524askubuntu may be a better place for this05:44
KOF2000-DEAD you know didient happen in windows 1005:44
Guy1524yes, I know05:44
KOF2000-DEADbefore i wash runing windows 1005:44
Jordan_Uguess|4480: If you select the option for full disk encryption in Ubuntu's installer it will encrypt swap for you.05:44
Guy1524but we can't a diagnose a problem which is not currently present on your system05:45
KOF2000-DEADthe problem is05:45
KOF2000-DEAD thaht microsft are expert programmers05:45
KOF2000-DEAD and linux are rookies programmers05:45
Guy1524dude, im sorry you are having trouble05:45
Guy1524but this irc is for helping people out, not insulting people05:46
KOF2000-DEADwho me05:46
Guy1524i guess05:46
KOF2000-DEADbut this is the way how to see the real deal05:46
Guy1524im tired05:46
Guy1524im getting off05:46
Guy1524cya guys05:46
KOF2000-DEADthaht microsoft is way better in programming05:46
guess|4480Jordan_U im using ubuntu 14.04 i think05:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:48
sunitknandihey guys05:48
sunitknandiWe're covering conf.KDE.2017 minute-by-minute: http://technofaq.org/posts/2017/03/conf-kde-in-2017-live-blog/05:48
guess|4480Jordan_U im using ubuntu 14.04 i think, that options isn't available05:49
ytubuntuI want to be a ubuntu package mirror.06:17
xxcryptoxxWhat packages come with ubuntu 16.04 specifically any todo with media?06:17
OerHeksxxcryptoxx, a few are described here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications06:18
xxcryptoxxOerHeks: thanks06:18
OerHeksytubuntu, there is guide for that, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors06:19
ytubuntuOr upload the package to official mirror06:19
xxcryptoxxThey should make the formats more globally preferred ie mp3 and mp4 instead of ogg06:21
Cubensishow do the latest leaks on CIA hacking capabilities affect linux users?06:22
OerHeksCubensis, that is offtopic here06:22
xxcryptoxxCubensis: this channel is for OS support Cubensis06:23
Cubensishow are the 2 not related?06:23
OerHeksCubensis, this is ubuntu support only, NO CIA HACK  DISCUSSION06:23
Cubensishave you poured over those documents?06:23
OerHeksoops caps06:23
OerHekstru #ubuntu-discuss .. bit the channel is sleeping06:24
xxcryptoxxCubensis: this is basically for support on errors with installing etc06:24
Cubensiswhat you guys are telling me is nothing short of censorship06:27
Cubensisshame on you06:27
freesandmanubuntu is not spying for cia rather amazon06:28
freesandmanwrong channel06:28
freesandmans/rather/rather for/06:29
OerHeksCubensis, yes, with a good reason. please try an other channel, thanks.06:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:31
year_zero_is_theis this chat available to answer help questions regarding my computer running ubuntu alongside windows 10 ?06:35
alkisgFor the ubuntu side of it, yes06:35
Cubensiswhat other channel OerHeks06:36
year_zero_is_thehaha of course, windows 10 is shit anyways...06:36
year_zero_is_thealkisig thank you...06:36
Cubensishow does the linux community respond to the latest leaks by wikileaks06:37
OerHeksCubensis, choose one, and please stop.06:37
year_zero_is_themy nick was supposed to say year zero is the anti hero06:37
OerHeksyear_zero_is_the, 16 char max06:37
alkisgCubensis: this line was written for you, suggesting the #ubuntu-offtopic channel: (08:31:21 πμ) ubottu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:37
year_zero_is_theI see...dont get the wrong idea ;)06:38
Cubensisuptight linux snob06:38
Cubensiscalm down06:38
Cubensisclam down06:38
Cubensishave a drink06:38
year_zero_is_theanyways I don't wanna fall of topic like cubensis, I'm running windows 10 and ubuntu or i should say was...I got hacked lost a bunch of BTC because somehow my ICQ was hacked....I won't go into any further detail regarding that but thats why i am here.06:39
year_zero_is_theok, that being said.06:40
year_zero_is_thei reformatted my ASUS XU303UB laptop with a 512 GB SSD06:40
Ben64is there a question somewhere in there06:40
year_zero_is_thei'm getting there sorry06:41
year_zero_is_thenow I want to reinstall ubuntu but in windows 10 its only showing half of my SSD storage06:42
Ben64doesn't matter what windows says06:42
year_zero_is_theso I have to custom partition the 476 GB i believe I have left after windows and etc...just don't want to fuck things up06:43
year_zero_is_theit shows 200GB when i boot into win 10, and when i boot live ubuntu its all one partition06:45
Ben64boot into live and pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"06:45
year_zero_is_thesooo.... i'm like wtf , do i just resize it with the /boot part and i'm golden or....06:45
year_zero_is_theyou don't have to hold my hand i would just like some feedback06:45
year_zero_is_theand is there any thing i should do before hard installing ubuntu to my CPU again06:46
year_zero_is_theok ok06:46
OerHeksi lost interest, bbl06:47
year_zero_is_thei will do that06:47
year_zero_is_thethanks ben6406:47
year_zero_is_theno worrys i know its a dumb ass question i guess i'm just spooked after what happened,06:48
year_zero_is_thei can handle criticism06:48
year_zero_is_thehappened in ubuntu to, but I've never dual booted before, I imagine thats why this is the first time its happened i've always ran straight linux06:49
year_zero_is_thesuper sketchy windows 10 is a fucking security nightmare06:50
Ben64hey man, cool it with the language06:50
year_zero_is_thei'm sorry06:50
Ben64and if you're not going to ask an actual ubuntu support question, maybe take it to #ubuntu-offtopic06:50
year_zero_is_theok, you know what I don't know why I thought this was the right forum to post advisory question06:51
year_zero_is_thesorry guys i don't wanna be that guy i'll go to off topic06:52
alkisgYou didn't post a question, you just mumble06:52
year_zero_is_theyes, i'm just a lil frantic i suppose sorry for wasting you time06:52
Ben64and when i tried to extract an issue out of it, you said you don't want to be hand held ¯\_(ツ)_/¯06:52
year_zero_is_thelol ugh my bad06:52
year_zero_is_theya i feel like a complete jerk, sorry ben6406:53
year_zero_is_thetake care everyone, thanks for everythin yall do for ubuntu its my go to linux operating system, I'm better off just backing up win 10 and installing full ubuntu and that shouldn't create any problems.06:54
Cubensisdont apollogize to these linux snobs06:58
Cubensisask whatever you like06:58
Cubensisthey'd like to have you believe they're god or somethin but, they aint even close06:58
Cubensisjust snobs06:58
QIIIThey would?06:58
Cubensis'deed they would06:58
LupusAre you a real person?06:59
QIIIAh.  It must be so, otherwise it would not fit your internal dialog.06:59
LupusHelp me06:59
SDKDhey guys need help for  ubuntu 16.04  desktop on thinkpad x201 # screen flickers while using terminal06:59
Bhootrk_whois bhootrk_06:59
LupusI need help06:59
LupusPlease, help me.06:59
LupusI want xchat to open my server at startup.06:59
DEAD-KOF2000how to remove network driver07:04
DEAD-KOF2000that i have installed07:04
Ben64obvious answer is undo what you did to install it07:05
DEAD-KOF2000download it from realtek site\07:05
Ben64well, check their documentation then07:05
nomichow do I get extras/google/market_apk_expansion/downloader_library07:07
nomicon ubuntu07:07
nomichow do I get extras/google/market_apk_expansion07:07
nomicwhy is mscorefonts installler always asking to install07:08
nomicwhy that07:08
nomicmicrosoft is like a disease07:09
nomici have no desire or interest in 'mscorefonts'07:09
baizonnomic: because the server is broken07:09
nomicits always broken07:09
nomicis deliberate07:09
nomicto cause problems for linux users07:09
nomicbecause for some reason "mscorefonts" is requried (why)07:10
nomicas if it is in any way shape or form, necessary -- the intention is to make linux users think it is07:10
Bashing-omnomic: What version of chrome ? no more extensions in 57 : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2355276 .07:10
nomicforget that07:11
nomichow do I install extras/google/market_apk_expansion/downloader_library07:11
nomicon ubuntu07:11
baizonnomic: download and install the newer package07:11
nomichow do I install extras/google/market_apk_expansion/downloader_library07:11
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zifixI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a 7 yr old asus07:24
zifixbut all installers I tried hang up just after the first screen07:24
zifixI went all the way back to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/quantal-netboot/07:24
baizonzifix: im using a 11 years old pc, so there shouldnt be a problem with that07:24
zifixfor the 16.x images it stops after evm: HMAC attrs: 0x107:25
zifixso I'm kinda looking for the right boot option to get it to work :)07:25
Ben64zifix: did you try the 16.04 mini iso07:25
Ben64sure or yes07:25
zifix16.10, 16.04, 14.04, ...07:26
zifixall of them07:26
zifixfor the 14 one I don#t get a message after Loading init.rd07:26
zifixgoogle found https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=231953907:27
zifixthat thread never quite got resolved07:27
surveyorAnyone have a favorite, recent article or two on Nvidia GPU passthrough? I'd like to run a Windows VM in Ubuntu MATE, using 2 nvidia cards (960 & 1080), & a VT-d capable mobo w/an i5 7600k.07:28
surveyorasus z270-p mobo, fwiw07:28
kakjii've install ubuntu touch on xperia z1 (honami). any body can u help me about NO SIMCARD. sorry for my bad english.07:28
Ben64!touch | kakji07:28
ubottukakji: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:28
kakjioh ok ok..  sorry07:29
sajjadim new to ubuntu. where can i find some help for the terminal codes07:29
kakjithis is my 1st time use irc07:29
Ben64sajjad: first you have to ask the question07:29
sajjadi just asked07:30
Ben64no you didn't07:30
sajjadwhere can i find help for the terminal codes?07:30
sajjadthis is a question07:30
Ben64what is the actual question07:30
ducassesajjad: codes? you mean commands?07:30
sajjadsorry im a noob07:31
ducassesajjad: 'man name-of-command'07:31
sajjadanother question. i have installed telegram but i cant make it run auto on startup every time i start my laptop i have to run it manually07:32
sajjadis there a way to make it run by itself on startup? you know like windows07:35
Ben64how did you install it07:35
sajjadsudo apt-get install telegram07:35
sajjadand downloaded it from telegram website for linux x6407:36
Ben64not seeing that package anywhere07:36
sajjadlook im a mess and confused ... its so hard07:36
storcahello everybody, I've troubles configuring apache with php, complete report here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.0/+bug/166777107:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667771 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "Conflict between apache and php (libapache2-mod-php7.0 (7.0.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1)) dpkg --configure problem" [Undecided,In progress]07:36
PerkEvenin! I upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04, and I'm having trouble with some linking... I'm tryign to start motioneye, and it's trying to link against some old versions of libav. I've done a force reinstall to try to get motioneye to pick up on the newer objects, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas on clearing these links out?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/24156344/07:37
sajjadso anybody07:37
sajjadis there a way?07:37
Ben643rd party packages arent supported here, sorry07:37
PerkOk, so pretty much on my own?07:38
sajjadok. thanks by the way07:38
PerkI appreciate the quick feedback!07:38
Ben64Perk: that was for sajjad, haven't looked at your thing yet07:38
PerkIn general, my thinking is, if a package you have installed has had dependencies upgraded, the package needs to be recompiled to pick up on the new libraries07:38
PerkAh ok07:38
sajjadhi. i want to compile some visual basic codes.is there some kind of app?07:47
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sliddishello is there a openvpn gui for ubuntu?08:00
mrdorianjames1How do I know which chromebooks I can install Ubuntu on?08:04
TheNH813Question, what is wrong with gcj? It keeps saying "IOUtils cannot be resolved" when I try to build a .java file.08:06
TheNH813Isn't IOUtils a standard java library? Or do I need to install a package for that?08:06
ducassesliddis: there is a network manager plugin08:06
ducassemrdorianjames1: look up the specific model number online, i guess08:07
sliddisducasse: for ubuntu 16.04 ?08:07
ducasse!info network-manager-openvpn-gnome xenial08:08
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn-gnome (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.93-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 181 kB, installed size 1229 kB (Only available for linux-any)08:08
ducassesliddis: ^^08:08
sliddisducasse: am I using component universe? or what does that mean08:10
ducassesliddis: that is the repo the package is in08:12
sliddisducasse: but i am using ubuntu, not gnome? there is a network-manager-openvpn package aswell08:15
ducassesliddis: if you're using regular ubuntu you are using a lot of gnome as well :) it just means that is the gui part, afaik08:16
TheNH813Ah, nevermind. I forgot to include org.apache.commons.io08:20
TheNH813Whoops, that's not GCJ's fault.08:20
=== JanC is now known as Guest5212
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craptalkif i installed nginx-core package and surely the package itself will install it dependencies, but if i remove the package, would the dependencies being removed as well? otherwise it will cause my storage to be wasted?08:27
craptalkshould it be manually done or automatically?08:28
ducassecraptalk: dependencies that no other package also wants will be removed08:31
VanCruzhello, any of u guys know about issues if i install ubuntu on a core m processor?08:40
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WernerWeHi, could someone tell me if I need to manually build the usbip kernel drivers or are they supposed to come with the usbip / linux-tools-generic packages?09:54
WernerWeCause modprobe/modinfo won't show any as installed09:54
WernerWeI'm using 16.06 LTS but on an armhf sys09:55
ducasseWernerWe: try asking in #ubuntu-arm10:00
fsocietygood evening my friends10:00
fsocietyany online??10:00
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sayres561hi guys10:22
liqoerthow do i stop that, and get see what you type?10:24
liqoerti do *term* and it is getting interpreted as bold? in librewriter?10:24
=== andreas is now known as Guest52718
sayres561I have installed ubuntu 16.4 LTS on my system. when I  installed ubuntu my kernel was 4.4.0-31. in this kernel everything is ok but after update kernel ,twice , in login page after insert my password, ubuntu frizzed and I stock in login page and i have to restart my system.How can i understand that where is my problem and see my log? mt system is frizzed and anything is not work ,even my keboard!! someone can help me?10:27
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bazhangsayres561, upgraded the kernel how10:28
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sayres561by apt-get update and apt-get upgrade10:28
bazhangsayres561, so if you boot into an earlier kernel it works fine10:29
bazhangsayres561, which ubuntu version are you now on, and which kernel is the last you upgraded to10:30
sayres561 bazhang, yes but i updated kernel twice to 4.4.0-64 and 66 but these kernels do not work10:31
sayres561bazhang: my ubuntu is 16.4 LTS and my kernel that is working is 4.4.0-31 and these kernel 4.4.0-64 and 4.4.0-66 is not work10:32
sayres561how can i understand that where is my problem?10:33
bazhangsayres561, so if you boot into an earlier kernel, it works fine10:34
sayres561bazhang: yes .when I boot to earlier kernel (4.4.0-31) everything is ok10:35
bazhangsayres561, sounds like a bug, have you filed one yet10:35
sayres561bazhang: filed what?10:36
bazhangsayres561, additionally have you checked launchpad for existing bugs10:36
bazhang!bug | sayres56110:37
ubottusayres561: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:37
sayres561bazhang: yes, I did not see any reporting10:37
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bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs sayres561 please have a read10:37
sayres561bazhang: how can i see where is my problem or see bug?10:38
bazhangsayres561, did you read the link I *just* gave you10:38
sayres561bazhang: I am reading10:39
sayres561I don't know ,my problen is really a bug!!!10:39
sayres561 I don't know ,my problem is really a bug!!!10:40
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BlueProtomanHow can I install tip on Ubuntu?10:59
BluesKajHiyas all11:03
thyriaenHi, i got a 2.1 setup and my subwoofer does not seem to be working. if i let the test gui put sound on each speaker seperatly it can do that with left and right but there is no sound comming out of the subwoofer11:11
thyriaeni have changed /etc/pulse/daemon.conf to "enable-lfe-remixing = yes"11:12
thyriaenstill - no success11:12
thyriaenstill the same problem :(11:22
ducassethyriaen: maybe try #ubuntustudio, they are generally good at audio stuff11:28
thyriaenokey will do thanks11:28
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Apachezare there any maintainer for casper within ubuntu?11:48
x4iany recommendations for a dual-band USB WIFI dongle that works plug-n-play on 16.10 ?11:48
Apachezseems like nothing happens to any of the bug reports for the past months or so11:48
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i enter my user password on login page by my user ,ubuntu is frizzed. but i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!can someone help my?11:54
craptalkhow can i sync my project dir with nginx?11:56
craptalkusually nginx looking /var/www/html11:56
x4iany recommendations for a dual-band USB WIFI dongle that works plug-n-play on 16.10 ?11:59
ducassex4i: try to avoid realtek chipsets if possible, quite a few of them require you to compile drivers yourself12:10
x4ibut what can be used?12:10
x4imediatek does not have drivers, atheros does not make dongles12:11
ducassex4i: you can't use minipci instead?12:11
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i enter my user password on login page by my user ,ubuntu is frizzed. but i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!can someone help my? How can I understand where or what is my problem?12:12
x4ino, i need USB12:12
ogadayHello, I'm want to upgrade the hdd in my laptop to an ssd and do a fresh install of Ubuntu - is there anything I should look out for in terms of buying an ssd or installation?12:23
ogaday*I want12:23
brymogaday: price vs storage is the only consideration i'd give. unless i was gonna use it for anything particularly r/w intensive.12:26
ogadayIs it essentially the same as installing an hdd then? I'm going for a 240/256 model, so I I guess I can just plug and play?12:27
ogaday:brym thanks - I wasn't sure because most of the links I can are articles + how tos from a few years ago when I gather there were more issues12:28
brymyou'll probably immediately notice the boot time improvement, then wonder how you got along without ssd lol12:28
ogadayI reaally hope so lol12:29
brymogaday: i couldn't tell you what ssd's are like for gaming. but they're great for server/kvm/lxc workloads12:33
brymand just general ubuntu stuffs12:33
BlueProtomanogaday: I can.  My load times are pretty fast.  If you get an SSD, I strongly suggest one by Samsung; they invented the tech, basically12:34
swerwer3_I'm trying to run CSGO on Ubuntu 12.04 with flgrx-legacy but I get this error when launching csgo: http://pastebin.com/raw/zpMYi6zW Any ideas?12:35
ogadayBlueProtoman: Thanks, it's hard to tell if there is a substantial difference between brands / models at my rpice point(£80/256GB)12:36
ducasseogaday: +1 for samsung, i have a few 850 evo's, very pleased with them.12:36
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: Might not be supported on 12.04, it's going to be EOL soon anyway12:36
BlueProtomanAnd, unlike their phones and their washing machines, they don't explode12:36
swerwer3_@BlueProtoman Valve lists 12.04 as a supported distro12:36
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: For Steam, or for the game in particular?12:37
swerwer3_BlueProtoman steam which would imply valve games also12:37
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: No, it would not.12:37
swerwer3_BlueProtoman, it works on 12.04 just look up youtube videos12:38
ducasseswerwer3_: that's an error from the steam libraries, try #ubuntu-steam12:38
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: Also try re-installing CS:GO12:38
BlueProtoman(I don't think you'd need to reinstall Steam; if you had binary issues with it, it wouldn't even run)12:38
someone235Hi, my ubuntu doesn't detect my DVD. How can I check what is wrong?12:39
swerwer3_What would reinstalling csgo accomplish tho (in theory, don't' know if I want to wait for the download to finish before trying new thing) BlueProtoman12:39
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: Making sure that nothing's wrong with the binaries and that everything that's supposed to be there is.  Actually, I don't think you need to explicitly re-install; Steam has a "verify game files" button or something12:40
swerwer3_BlueProtoman yea I've tried to verify files12:40
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: Hm, then that would have worked if the problem was corrupted files12:41
BlueProtoman*corrupted or missing12:41
swerwer3_I would use the open source driver but my card is old and the open source driver is just too slow for games12:41
swerwer3_Like, I got csgo to work on the open source driver just not fglrx12:42
BlueProtomanI'm hesitant to suggest that the graphics driver is the problem (for once) because I don't see any indication of that in the error message12:43
ducasseswerwer3_: seems it expects another libstdc++ version, are you *sure* this game should work on 12.04?12:44
swerwer3_ducasse for sure12:44
BlueProtomanThen report a bug to Valve12:44
swerwer3_Who says its a bug and not a misconfig in my system12:44
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: Maybe, but without knowing your system I have no idea12:46
ducasseswerwer3_: unless you have messed with libstdc++ it is probably not a config issue, and if you have you're on your own.12:46
slojankoHello, is it possible to stop ubuntu from asking if I want to install when using a live usb?12:46
swerwer3_ducasse fk, I've spent like 3 days trying to get csgo to run12:48
swerwer3_I got it to run on fglrx but the textures were all corrupted12:48
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: You might need to upgrade Ubuntu anyway, the EOL for 12.04 is about six weeks away12:48
swerwer3_BlueProtoman my 4870 is unsupported above 12.0412:49
BlueProtomanYour what?12:49
ducasseswerwer3_: quite frankly, messing with getting either fglrx or 12.04 to work is of limited value right now12:49
swerwer3_BlueProtoman AMD 4870, its a video card12:49
swerwer3_ducasse guess I'll never get it to work on linux, shame since it works fine on Windows but want to use it with linux12:50
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: You should get a nvidia for your next upgrade, they have *much* better Linux support12:50
florian_i've got a little problem with the hiberate mode.12:50
swerwer3_BlueProtoman yea but this gpu was free lol12:50
=== Xu_Dude is now known as XU_Dude
BlueProtomanswerwer3_: Then you get what you pay for!12:50
ducasseswerwer3_: isn't that supported by fglrx legacy in 14.04? i'm not sure, i don't do gaming.12:50
swerwer3_BlueProtoman imagine the people that actually paid for it xd12:51
florian_I use a Dell XPS 15 9550 with Ubuntu 10.10 and every time it hibernates, the screen shuts down to standbye and doesn't wakeup after powering the screen off and on again.12:51
ducasseflorian_: 10.10 is eol12:51
swerwer3_ducasse from what I've read the cut off is the 5000 series and above of AMD cards, I'm on 4000 series12:51
swerwer3_ducasse cut off being 12.04/12.1012:52
swerwer3_idk if that makes sense12:52
ducasseswerwer3_: i _think_ i've read that fglrx legacy supports 4xxx, but i might be wrong. either way, all fglrx series are dead.12:53
swerwer3_ducasse the radeon driver performance sucks for gaming tho12:54
swerwer3_literally unplayable12:54
ducasseswerwer3_: probably, but i don't do gaming so i couldn't care less ;)12:55
swerwer3_Do you care about linux adoption?12:55
florian_hm and another question: is my gtx 970m actually used?12:55
florian_or is the intel gpu used?12:55
ducasseswerwer3_: that is not really on topic here.12:56
swerwer3_ducasse just saying, if you don't care about things working in linux then dont be surprised when people reject linux as a desktop soloution 8)12:57
BlueProtomanSorry, ducasse, but swerwer3_'s got a point.  Being smug about that kind of thing is what's keeping Linux back.12:58
akikswerwer3_: can you update to 14.04 ? it still has fglrx12:59
swerwer3_akik no harm in trying, since I have plenty of time13:00
XU_DudeQuestion: Xubuntu XFCE My secondary drive shows up on desktop, but I have to always mount it, how to have it mounted also at start up?13:03
ducasseBlueProtoman: not going to get into this here - some other channel, some other time.13:05
brymXU_Dude: add an entry for it in /etc/fstab13:05
XU_DudeOk I beleive it's there just need to know what to add and where in the line for it mount it with user, only one user on this pc13:06
XU_Dudeleme look at the line and I'l paste here13:07
brymeurgh, which reminds me... my mounts and network ifaces need tidying up. like badly lol13:07
ducasse!fstab | XU_Dude look at this13:08
ubottuXU_Dude look at this: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions13:08
XU_Dudeducasse: thanks13:09
akikducasse: how can fglrx be dead if it's available in 14.04? do you mean it doesn't get any updates?13:10
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i enter my user password on login page by my user ,ubuntu is frizzed. but i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!can someone help my?13:10
ducasseakik: _possibly_ security patches if a problem is found, but no further development.13:11
ducasseakik: afaik amd basically just dropped it.13:11
* brym shakes fist in anger at amd13:12
swerwer3_Yea they started some new driver called amdpro? I think13:12
brymbut otherwise, i prefer it over intel every time13:12
swerwer3_AMDGPU-PRO ***13:12
ducassebrym: it's a horrible way to treat your customers. "use the open source driver, that we refuse to help development of by releasing docs"13:13
brymspeaking of... you guys hear intel's gonna put out a 10nm chip this year?13:13
brymoff topic, i know. but somewhat relevant13:13
swerwer3_mm chips13:13
brymducasse: yeah i know. you and i have had similar discussions about it in the past. and their behaviour is shitty. no question.13:14
brymbut i still feel a deep sense of loyalty to amd. idk if it's a route-for-the-underdog kinda thing or not13:15
brymthe only time i've ever had intel was in a loner desktop back in ~'01-02, and my first netbook (eeepc701)13:17
swerwer3_brym eeepc memories 8(13:17
swerwer3_I had the same eeepc701, I ran slackware13:18
brymswerwer3_: totally. that netbook was an absolute workhorse. as soon as i dropped windows from it in favour of ubuntu lol13:18
swerwer3_brym I put windowsxp on mine for a short while, it was so slow... thank god for slackware13:19
XU_Dudeducasse: does this look right for the fstab entry?13:19
XU_DudeUUID="558AAF4E4C1FF89F" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="0004803b-01"/userrw013:19
swerwer3_brym battery life was terrible tho, and it got really hot13:19
ducasseXU_Dude: no, that looks very wrong :)13:19
brymswerwer3_: after some years use, yeah absolutely. i remember trying to get a replacement battery from china one time. £12 i'll never see again lol. and the battery never even showed up13:20
XU_Dudeit is a storage drive only13:21
ducasseXU_Dude: try 'UUID="558AAF4E4C1FF89F" /user ntfs defaults,rw 0 0'13:21
brymswerwer3_: spent most of my formative actionscript2 years on that netbook. upgraded ram and storage too.13:21
brymvery fond memories13:22
swerwer3_brym I spent many hours learning python on it13:22
ducasseXU_Dude: make sure /user exists13:22
swerwer3_brym got that netbook same time I broke something so I had lots of time in bed13:22
eoinNot sure if my messages are sending? -- looking for some help accessing an encrypted drive that disappears when i enter the password (LVM2_member?)13:22
ducasseXU_Dude: then try mounting it with 'sudo mount /user' before rebooting, to see if it works13:22
brymswerwer3_: it was the perfect size for portability, right! i was working in a computer repair shop at the time, so it saw so much use recovering user data :)13:23
XU_Dudewhould that be the root user actual name, only one user13:23
ducasseXU_Dude: isn't /user where you want it to mount?13:24
brymswerwer3_: in fact, i could probably breathe new life into it now. i gave it to my mum and she doesn't even use it. i wonder if she'd mind me having it back lol13:25
XU_Dudeit's shows up on desktop as*)GB Vaolume, I just have to mount it everytime I start box13:25
swerwer3_I was in the middle of 'do-release-upgrade' from 12.04 to 14.04 and all my windows crash apart from firefox, not sure if its safe to restart? I tried 'service lightdm restart' but still only have the firefox window13:25
XU_Dudesorry 80GB Volume13:25
ducasseswerwer3_: how far did it get?13:26
swerwer3_ducasse I can't check but I remember seeing xserver being upgrade then all the windows crashed13:26
ducasseXU_Dude: you need to specify where in the filesystem to mount it13:26
ducasseswerwer3_: and you didn't run it in screen/tmux?13:27
XU_Dudelocation is media/myname13:27
ducasseswerwer3_: bummer. well, i'd try first running 'sudo apt-get install -f' to see if it will finish13:28
XU_Dude'UUID="558AAF4E4C1FF89F" /media/myname ntfs defaults,rw 0 0'13:28
XU_Dudethat look right13:29
swerwer3_ducasse yea it appears to be still running because apt-get won't run13:29
ducasseXU_Dude: ok, swap 'defaults,rw' with 'rw,uid=username,gid=username' also13:29
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ducasseswerwer3_: check with top if it's taking cpu time13:29
swerwer3_ducasse yea it is, peaking at like 5% usage13:31
ducasseXU_Dude: but replace username with _your_ username :)13:31
ducasseswerwer3_: is there a screen process running?13:32
swerwer3_ducasse 'ps aux | grep screen' doesn't show anything relevant13:33
ducasseswerwer3_: too bad, on server do-release-upgrade is automatically ran inside screen...13:34
ducasseswerwer3_: best thig you can do is probably to let it run for a while, but i would expect it to use more than 5% from time to time.13:35
swerwer3_guess I could periodically try apt-get until it works13:37
jiffeso I'm going through the ubuntu 16.04 server install, I've created 1 partition 10G on my drive far, it won't let me set the bootable flag, why would that be?13:37
jiffeits an ext4 partition mounted on /13:37
ducasseswerwer3_: it will probably halt while waiting for input at some stage, and then you will have no choice but to kill it and run apt-get install -f to clean up.13:38
swerwer3_.... dang13:38
ducassejiffe: linux does not care about the bootable flag.13:38
jiffehmm I see13:39
swerwer3_ducasse I can dpkg installing different packages with ps aux | grep dpkg13:40
swerwer3_I can see*13:40
swerwer3_so I know its not haulted yet13:40
ducasseswerwer3_: ok, that's good. let it run, and do some digging with ps now and then to see if it's still running.13:41
swerwer3_on libhcrypto right now13:41
swerwer3_ps now is like a live version?13:41
ChadTaljaardtHello :)13:42
ChadTaljaardtmy friend is having a issue, they deleted ubuntu partition and now they get the error GRUB loading..13:42
ChadTaljaardtError : no such partition.13:42
ChadTaljaardtEnterimg rescue mode...13:42
ChadTaljaardtGrub rescue>_13:42
ducasseswerwer3_: no, read: "..'ps' now and then..." :)13:43
ChadTaljaardtHe wants to get back to windows13:43
ducasseChadTaljaardt: you need to get help in ##windows to reinstall the windows bootloader13:43
DJonesChadTaljaardt: By deleting the  ubuntu partion, they've deleted grub, so they would need a windows disc or some form of recovery media, the people in ##windows will be best able to help you13:44
swerwer3_ducasse haha, sorry I've had a drink or two13:44
ChadTaljaardtOkay thanks, ill try help there13:44
swerwer3_ps now live process monitoring.....a.k.a top 8)13:44
ducasseswerwer3_: np :) the live version of 'ps' would be top or htop, yes :)13:44
jiffeso I want to setup software raid1 between my 5tb disks, how can I make sure the gpt is redundant also?13:48
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jiffeI'm reading blogs and it doesn't sound like this is well supported or at least is a pain in the ass to get working13:52
ducassejiffe: use zfs instead and don't worry about partition tables?13:56
jiffehow does zfs get around partition tables?13:57
ducassejiffe: you hand zfs raw disks and it handles the rest.13:57
jiffeI see, is that something I can do at install time?13:58
BluesKajducasse, so no more worries about gpt, but what about uefi?13:58
ducassejiffe: not yet, afaik. zfs support is quite new, so i don't think the installer knows how to deal with it yet.13:59
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i  enter my user password on login page by my user ,ubuntu is frizzed. but  i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!can someone  help my? How can I understand where or what is my problem? I found that when i disable network-manager.service i can login by user.and when i am in desktop ,by running service network-manager restart ubuntu is frezzed again and i have to restart my computer. p14:00
ducasseBluesKaj: you can't (easily) boot from zfs anyway, so not really an issue. it's for storage pools, not root fs.14:00
Xu_Dudeducasse: this worked = UUID=558AAF4E4C1FF89F /media/unntfsrw,uid=uname,gid=un0014:00
jiffeso that isn't really a good option anyway14:00
jiffethus back to my original investigation regarding software raid14:01
BluesKajducasse, ahh, not meant for an OS then14:03
jiffeso I thought zfs couldn't be ported to linux because of licensing issues, was that resolved?14:04
ducassejiffe: might be better to ask in #ubuntu-server, more mdadm experience there.14:04
ducasseBluesKaj: well, not as currently implemented.14:05
ducassejiffe: that depends :) different people will give you different answers to that.14:07
akikjiffe: canonical decided that there's no problem with the licensing14:07
jiffehah I see14:08
jiffeI'm kind of liking this zfs option even if its not easy because it should be expandable14:09
ducassejiffe: zfs is *nice* to work with. very well documented, easy to understand etc.14:10
akikjiffe: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/02/18/zfs-licensing-and-linux/14:10
jiffethe argument sounds valid14:12
ducassenobody really went to war over it.14:13
ducassejiffe: here's a really good set of admin docs for zfs on linux - https://pthree.org/2012/04/17/install-zfs-on-debian-gnulinux/14:15
binniWhat's a good word for what happens in-between input and output? Computation? Any other words? (e.x. a TV, the input is coming from a cable in at a port, the output is coming from the screen as light, what words describe what happens in-between?)14:17
ducassebinni: have you tried ##hardware?14:17
Exterminadoris it possible to force an aplication to daemonize?14:29
Exterminadorsome applications need 'screen' to work.. is it possible in any other way?14:30
tomreynappend & to the command and it will detach from the temrinal and run in the background.14:30
tomreynuse 'fg' to foreground it then.14:31
tomreynyou may also want to redirect stadout and stderr outputs if you do this.14:31
tomreynalos there is daemon-tools which you could use for this purpose14:32
tomreynExterminador: ^14:32
tomreynor you could do it properly and write service files so your init system can handle it.14:32
ducasseExterminador: also look at 'nohup'14:32
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Exterminadoruh.. nice.  :D14:33
ducasseExterminador: telling us what you're trying to do might result in better answers :)14:35
Exterminadorducasse: trying to force quassel and quassel-webserver to daemonize, so I can use a crontab, instead screen14:36
singAnewSongI think I have a simple problem but I can't figure it out14:36
singAnewSongI want to take owner ship of a flash drive14:36
singAnewSongbut when I try it keeps reverting back to root ownership14:36
singAnewSongafter I reinsert the drive14:37
ducasseExterminador: why crontab?14:37
singAnewSongI would very much appreciate any help14:37
alkisgsingAnewSong: what is the file system in the usb drive? is it fat? ntfs? ext4?14:37
Exterminadorducasse: because I fear too much to use other things.  :x14:38
ducasseExterminador: you want it to start on boot?14:38
singAnewSongthe file system is ext214:38
XThomasHey Guys14:38
singAnewSongoriginally I had made it fat32 though14:38
Exterminadoryes, too.. usually I use crontab for that too.. @reboot .........14:38
alkisgsingAnewSong: and how did you try to change the permissions? chown user:group mountpoing, without -R?14:38
singAnewSongyes with chown14:39
XThomasAnyone had luck with Cherry Trail && Linuxium @ Ubuntu 17 ?14:39
alkisgsingAnewSong: what was the exact command that you ran?14:39
ducasseExterminador: ugh :( i would suggest a systemd service instead, it's what i use for weechat14:40
singAnewSongsudo chown greg -R /dev/sdc114:40
Exterminadoryeah, I must start to learn that things14:40
alkisgsingAnewSong: that doesn't do what you think it does. Mount it to /media/somedir, and use chown on that dir, not on the device node /dev/sdc114:40
Exterminadorbut I need crontab also, in case the program crashes14:40
singAnewSongIm not sure how I would do that14:41
ducasseExterminador: if you look on the archlinux wiki page for weechat, there are examples to set up a systemd service (with tmux). would be trivial to adapt to what you want.14:41
singAnewSongI am a noob14:41
alkisgsingAnewSong: insert the stick and run "mount" to see where it was mounted14:42
Exterminadorducasse: thanks.. that's at I'll do.. learning is always good. thanks for pointing me those stuffs.. :D14:42
ducasseExterminador: np :) i have a ton of links that might be useful, so come back if you need help :)14:43
singAnewSongok I see14:44
singAnewSongyes its mounted to media I see14:44
XThomasguys I got stuck in initramfs with the following error: (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on filesystem.squashfs failed invalid argument14:44
XThomasAtom Cherry Trail Linuxium ubuntu14:44
XThomas32 bit loader14:44
XThomasany ideas?14:45
alkisgIs linuxium a distribution?14:45
XThomasbasically custom compiled ubuntu14:45
XThomasfor Cherry trail14:45
alkisgWe only support official flavors here14:45
XThomaswhat would you do if you get stuck in initramfs? :/14:46
XThomasI'll google around14:46
XThomassome more14:46
ducasse!enter | XThomas14:46
ubottuXThomas: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.14:46
alkisgContact the persons that made the iso14:46
bradleyIs anybody out there?14:49
Xu_Dudebradley: ask yoiur question someone may answer14:50
ducasseXu_Dude: he left14:51
singAnewSongI tried sudo chown greg -R /media/greg but it didn't seem to work14:52
alkisgsingAnewSong: what is the output of "mount | grep sdc" ?14:53
singAnewSong"/dev/sdc1 on /media/greg/2c56c16e-8488-4ea6-b868-816a24d7e599 type ext2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)"14:54
KalElIn order to install an irssi script, do I download and place the .pl file at ~/.irssi/?14:55
PiciKalEl: Put it in ~/.irssi/scripts/ and then /script load whatever.pl   within irssi14:56
alkisgsingAnewSong: try this: sudo mkdir /media/greg/2c56c16e-8488-4ea6-b868-816a24d7e599/greg; sudo chown greg:greg /media/greg/2c56c16e-8488-4ea6-b868-816a24d7e599/greg; xdg-open /media/greg/2c56c16e-8488-4ea6-b868-816a24d7e599/greg => after that, can you write things to the greg directory?14:58
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alkisgWhy do you want an ext2 stick instead of a vfat one?14:58
singAnewSongI thought it would be better since I will only use it on my linux system14:59
alkisgOK, but it's similar to / and /home, you don't write directly to the root folder, but you create subdirs where you have access15:00
singAnewSongperhaps I should just reformat back to fat3215:02
xokhello all...15:05
xokI am trying to setup automatic installation using the preseed file...15:05
stefanHi. Anybody here who have succeeded running MakeKVM in a KVM guest (Ubuntu Server) ?15:06
xokin the exper recipe I am trying to provide an advanced instructions...15:06
xokspecifically I don't want swap but it (the system) still creates it...15:06
xokanyone experienced in this ?..15:06
ducassealkisg: you _can_ set permissions to whatever you want for the root folder, i use that for my nfs drives15:06
ducassealkisg: unless gvfs/whatever screws that up?15:07
Cyph0n_hello all, trying to install bind9 on Ubuntu 14.04 with `sudo apt-get install bind9`. I keep getting an error 'named: user bind unknown' when it tries to start the bind9 server. Google didn't help. any ideas?15:12
singAnewSongthanks for your help... I reformatted to fat32 and it is works15:13
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singAnewSongit works15:13
p3rrorHow to configure network interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces.d15:13
ducassep3rror: that is documented in the ubuntu server guide and 'man interfaces'15:14
ducasse!server | p3rror15:14
ubottup3rror: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:14
alkisgducasse: if I recall correctly, a simple chown/chown -R there changes the mountpoint owner  instead of the device root folder owner15:16
alkisgNot certain about that though15:16
ducassealkisg: what i usually do is 'cd /mountpoint ; sudo chown $USER .'15:17
cyrus_i have a question15:17
cyrus_so my sibling wants me to get them manjaro 17.0 but i can't seem to verify it15:18
cyrus_the iso*15:18
ducassecyrus_: https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Check_a_Downloaded_ISO_Image_For_Errors15:19
k1l_cyrus_: this is the ubuntu support. you better want to look for manjaro support15:19
cyrus_i use ubuntu15:19
darkl0rdHey guys - question regarding multiarch in Xenial. I'm trying to install a library (libpam0g) from a foreign architecture (arm64) - but when trying to do so it pulls in the world and suggest removing all amd64 (local architecture) packages in the process15:20
darkl0rdI want to install these libraries in /usr/lib/<architecture> instead15:20
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darkl0rdFor what it's worth, on Debian this works as expected and the packages don't conflict/replace each other15:20
darkl0rdThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  libpam0g:arm64 : Depends: libaudit1:arm64 (>= 1:2.2.1) but it is not going to be installed                   Depends: libc6:arm64 (>= 2.17) but it is not going to be installed15:24
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i  enter my user password on login page ,ubuntu is frizzed. but  i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!How can I understand where or what is my problem? I found that when i disable network-manager.service i can login by user.and when i am in desktop ,by running service network-manager restart ubuntu is frezzed and i have to restart my computer.15:24
darkl0rdIf I then first try to install libc:arm64 it suggests replacing all the existing packages instead of installing it side by side.15:24
nW44bhi, i got a problem with two raid hd. One with /, swap and some raid. The other hd : swap and raid. The first disk with the system has failures. Can i take the bad disk, put it in another computer and dd everything on another brand new hd ?15:27
ioriadarkl0rd, apt-cache policy libpam0g15:28
tatertotsnW44b: are you chatting from the computer right now?15:29
darkl0rdlibpam0g:   Installed: 1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2   Candidate: 1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2   Version table:  *** 1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2 500         500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status15:29
nW44btatertots: no15:29
darkl0rdlibpam0g:armhf:   Installed: (none)   Candidate: 1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2   Version table:      1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2 500         500 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports xenial/main armhf Packages15:29
nW44bbut it's close to me, a few meters, it's a server downstairs15:29
nW44btatertots: i'm on a live-usb ubuntu, i put the bad hd and the new one on this computer15:30
nW44bi can mount all the partitions15:31
ioriadarkl0rd, sorry,  apt-cache policy libpam0g:arm6415:31
darkl0rdsee the second line ioria15:32
darkl0rdthat was the output for armhf.15:32
tatertotsnW44b: have you already performed a backup ?15:32
ioriadarkl0rd, don't you want arm64 ?15:32
nW44btatertots: a backup of / ?15:32
darkl0rdarmhf and arm64 arctually15:32
darkl0rdthe result is identical15:32
darkl0rdlibpam0g:arm64:   Installed: (none)   Candidate: 1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2   Version table:      1.1.8-3.2ubuntu2 500         500 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports xenial/main arm64 Packages15:32
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i  enter my user password on login page ,ubuntu is frizzed. but  i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!How can I understand where or what is my problem? I found that when i disable network-manager.service i can login by user.and when i am in desktop ,by running service network-manager restart ubuntu is frezzed and i have to restart my computer.     plz give a suggestion!!!15:33
ioriadarkl0rd, do you have security and updates enabled in sources.list ?15:33
tatertotsnW44b: a backup of important data...you know that stuff that warrants having a raid to protect from single disk failure15:33
darkl0rdioria: yes, everything is updated to the latest version. You can reproduce this behavior easily, clean ubuntu system add a ports.list and throw in the above line, in your existing sources list add [arch=amd64,i386]. dpkg --add-architecture arm64; apt-get update; apt-get install libc6:arm6415:34
nW44btatertots: yes, i got a backup of what's on the raid partitions15:34
lysobitIs it just me or does the latest updates for Ubuntu 16.04 cause my OS to crash at random times due to my WiFi adapter? Disabling my laptop's WiFi adapter stops the crashes15:35
lysobitNo errors in syslog either after reboot, it's a hard crash15:35
ducasselysobit: which wifi chipset?15:36
ioriadarkl0rd, can you include  the  complete error  you got in a pastebinit ?  or on paste.ubuntu.com15:36
xokanyone familiar with LVM and preseed file on ubuntu?...15:37
darkl0rdioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24158199/15:38
xokthe LVM creates swap though I don't provide instructions for it in the expert-recipe...15:38
lysobitducasse, Qualcomm Atheros AR9285. However I also tried with a WiFi dongle I bought (Edimax), and it also crashed, leading to believe it's a software issue15:38
lysobitThis happened after I upgraded like ~100 packages so I'm trying to pinpoint the package causing it...15:39
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tatertotslysobit: are you using the computer right now/15:39
tatertotslysobit: are you using the computer right now?15:39
lysobityes tatertots15:39
lysobitUsing a TP-LINK wifi dongle, which doesn't crash, for some reason15:39
tatertotslysobit: in terminal>    sudo apt install inxi pastebinit15:39
tatertotslysobit: let me know when its done15:39
ioriadarkl0rd, ok, anf the ' unmet dependencies' part ?15:40
tatertotslysobit: in terminal>      inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit15:40
tatertotslysobit: share url/link here15:40
BluesKajlysobit, TP-Link products are very linux freindly15:40
lysobittatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24158219/15:41
darkl0rdioria: that's if I want to install a package depending on libc6 - but libc6 is the root cause as you can see.15:41
lysobiti've disabled the wifi card in bios tho to prevent crashes so it's not there15:41
darkl0rdso any package depending on libc6:<arch> throws an unmet dependencies - if I attempt to install libc6:<arch> it politely asks to fuck up my system ;-)15:42
lysobitoh it is there actually (           Card-2: Atheros AR9271 802.11n15:42
tatertotslysobit: in terminal>  ubuntu-drivers list|pastebinit15:43
lysobitoh no, thats my tp-link15:43
tatertotslysobit: share url/link here15:43
lysobittatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24158226/15:43
lysobittatertots, perhaps it would be useful to have my apt history log, since the crash seemed to start happened after the upgrade on 06 march http://paste.ubuntu.com/24158228/15:44
tatertotslysobit: in terminal>  awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg|pastebinit15:44
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mraskerhello, i need to run a software for 3d printing but i am not able. A message shows that my laptop has no opengl installed. I use ubuntu 14.04 and an intel graphic card.15:45
lysobittatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24158236/15:45
lysobittatertots, i tried booting with the older kernel in the list and the crash still happened15:45
lysobitmay i should try an even-older kernel since i think the second-older kernel came with the upgrade15:46
darkl0rdioria: It works in Debian Jessie - exactly thi.15:47
lysobithowever i believe the crash is due to something i upgraded on 2017-03-06, since it happened after that15:47
lysobitcan't see anything that would effect wifi there though15:48
tatertotslysobit: does the symptom occur when booted to livecd/liveusb?15:48
lysobithaven't tried that, but thats a good question15:48
ioriadarkl0rd, maybe it's not relevant,  but i can't find  libpam0g in  here http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/libp/15:49
tatertotslysobit: you've already described something that was induced by the end users during your testimony15:49
darkl0rdioria: don't look at libpam0g; try libc615:49
lysobittatertots, oh, people have experienced this before?15:49
tatertotslysobit: you've already described something that was induced by the end users during your testimony.  you have already admit and acknowledge the symptom occurred post initial installation and after installing some new packages15:50
fishcookeri have too many window open on unable to connect to mtp device... how to kill/close those process?15:51
darkl0rdNice reference, this dockerfile: https://github.com/multiarch/crossbuild/blob/master/Dockerfile -- Use this but with Ubuntu Xenial instead.15:51
lysobittatertots, true, i 'll try on a live cd15:51
lysobittatertots, but note, this happened after a mere 'apt upgrade' rather than any specific messing around with system)15:51
ioriadarkl0rd, there is no libc615:52
darkl0rdioria: ?15:52
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ioriadarkl0rd, http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/libc/15:52
darkl0rdhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/p/pam/  <-- libpam0g15:53
darkl0rdAnd im sure libc is there somewhere, after all it's trying to fetch it, install it and then results in a list of 'panic actions'15:56
ioriadarkl0rd, sorry, i can't help you15:57
alkisgHow can I tell if a motherboard has "hardware raid" or "fakeraid", https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto? If it has "hardware raid" I'll only see sda instead of both sda and sdb?15:58
ducassedarkl0rd: have you considered asking in #ubuntu-arm if someone there has done this?15:58
darkl0rdducasse: it's not just ARM, it's any foreign architecture - this works in Debian Jessie and worked in Ubuntu 14.0415:59
ducassealkisg: you can tell by the price tag :)15:59
ioriadarkl0rd, i never used that repo btw15:59
alkisgducasse: haha, I can imagine; unfortunately I'm ssh'ed to a system without knowing the price they paid for it15:59
ducassedarkl0rd: i know that, i just thought the arm crowd would be more likely to set up crosscompile environments etc15:59
darkl0rdok, for the record: libc6:i386 works just fine16:00
ducassealkisg: look for the controller chipset in dmesg, maybe16:00
alkisgducasse: so, in hardware raid there are 2 device nodes, sda and sdb, that I could format seperately etc? I would expect only one device node there...16:01
tatertotsalkisg: sounds like fake raid...especially if it's a "average" system and nothing special16:02
tatertotsalkisg: are you using the computer right now?16:02
alkisgtatertots: it's a big server with 32 gb ram... yes, I'm sshed to it16:02
alkisgtatertots: but I don't know the price tag, so I'm not sure if it's expensive or not16:02
tatertotsalkisg: in terminal> sudo apt install inxi pastebinit16:03
tatertotsalkisg: let me know when its done16:03
alkisgtatertots: I have inxi and nc termbin.com 9999, go ahead...16:03
alkisg(apt is running on another terminal tab so I'll avoid pastebinit)16:03
tatertotsalkisg: inxi -Fxxrzc016:03
tatertotsalkisg: create a link of the output and share it here16:04
alkisgtatertots: termbin.com/wvqu16:04
alkisgI did format them using mdadm (software raid), but I wonder if I shouldn't have done so, and I should have used hardware raid somehow16:06
samfisherHi. I want to set up a remote server for web development, multiuser but I don't know what is best to use for file editing from each user's machine: SSHFS or NFSv4. Any suggestion pls?16:08
tatertotsalkisg: yes you did use mdadm/soft raid that's for sure16:08
tatertotsalkisg:  lspci -tv|nc termbin.com 999916:09
alkisgtatertots: termbin.com/djkd16:09
tatertotsalkisg: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset SATA RAID Controller16:11
alkisgYes... I think google says that's a software raid?16:12
alkisg(ehm, fakeraid)16:12
tatertotsalkisg: yes16:12
alkisgThank you tatertots, so it's OK that I used mdadm there, I believe...16:12
tatertotsalkisg: yes, it's fine to use mdadm in your circumstance16:13
ducassesamfisher: nfs is pretty much transparent for the user, and better performing i would imagine.16:13
sayres561I am using of ubuntu 16.04 lts .after updating when i  enter my user password on login page ,ubuntu is frizzed. but  i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!How can I understand where or what is my problem? I found that when i disable network-manager.service i can login by user.and when i am in desktop ,by running service network-manager restart ubuntu is frezzed and i have to restart my computer.     plz give a suggestion!!!16:14
samfisherducasse: the issue with NFS is that on the remote machine a user has the name of mikedoug (UID 1004) and on local (his machine) has UID 1001 or 1000, username mike16:15
ducassesamfisher: not a huge issue, you can do mapping.16:15
samfisherducasse: how can I do that?16:16
Cust0sLimendoes apt-cacher-ng remove packages after some days ?16:16
ducassesamfisher: check out idmapd16:16
sayres561someone help me!!! I stuck for a month :'(16:17
ducassesamfisher: i just read a page on how to set it up, you want me to dig up the link?16:18
sayres561network service cause hangs at starting ubuntu16:18
samfisherducasse: sure, please16:18
k1l_sayres561: so only your user doesnt work because of a NM error?16:20
sayres561k1l_: yes but NM did not get any error .after updating when i  enter my user password on login page ,ubuntu is frizzed. but  i can login by guest user!!! I can not login by my user!!I found that when i disable network-manager.service i can login by user.and when i am in desktop ,by running service network-manager restart ubuntu is frezzed and i have to restart my computer.16:22
fishcookeri have too many window open on unable to connect to mtp device... how to kill/close those process? just like https://i.stack.imgur.com/jnqPr.png16:22
k1l_sayres561: but network works on guest account?16:22
liqoertis there a linux distro like mathbuntu ? for physics?16:22
liqoertphysicsbuntu, or any other16:23
liqoertthat has books list not software16:23
k1l_liqoert: non official ubuntu. but there is a huge bunch of science packages in the repos16:23
liqoertsoftware is what i *dont* need as that is not science16:23
liqoertthere is no such thing as non official ubuntu16:24
k1l_liqoert: sure there is.16:24
anddamoh, I see, a troll16:24
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE16:24
anddamliqoert: books are not science at all, yet you throw that in the sentence like that made sense16:24
sayres561k1l_: no .in guest i don not access to network16:24
liqoertanddam: on what basis i am  troll ? lol books are not science, funny16:25
liqoertmaybe we should do science in empty air anddam16:25
anddamliqoert: on the basis of being argumentative16:25
liqoertone the basis of 'one' argument16:25
liqoerta mere suggestion that i don't need software but books16:26
anddamgo get books then16:26
k1l_anddam: liqoert this "discussion" is pointless and not really suits into here16:26
anddamyou'll have to look in the proper place, I wouldn't expect to find books in a liquor store, for instance16:26
anddam(but it's worth a try)16:27
liqoertk1l_: you are right, but those are distros not like mathbuntu that have a list of books like http://www.mathbuntu.org/index.html?open=information for physics16:27
ioriasayres561, have you tried to open a console and run  sudo apt update  && sudo apt full-upgrade ?16:28
pavlosfishcooker, start a term, ps -ef, look for the name of these processes, you can issue a killall <name>, hopefully they will die16:28
liqoertanddam: then where will i find them?16:29
DJonesliqoert: Ubuntu has various supported variations as per kil's link, beyond that, you will need to search for them yourself, as they're not official releases from ubuntu, you would need to find support yourself16:29
ducassesamfisher: sorry, i can't find it rn, i'll let you know if i do. be aware that to get what you want you will probably need to set up kerberos, which is kind of complex.16:29
anddamliqoert: library, book store, amazon, or use a web search engine to find free resources16:29
liqoertDJones: myself? so you don't know? if you know just tell it16:29
anddamand I'm afk16:30
k1l_sayres561: well, i would have guessed, that it might be a user setting for network then. but if you didnt try it on guest account i am not sure now. can you look at the old syslog files in /var/log/ for what happens when the network crashed?16:30
samfisherducasse: I think I had that link, thanks. And tried to avoid kerberos16:30
sayres561ioria: my ubuntu frizzed so I don't access to terminal.16:30
DJonesliqoert: Yep, thats the nature of this channel, support issues for offical ubuntu releases16:30
compdoc18.04 will be the next LTS?16:30
k1l_compdoc: yes16:30
DJonescompdoc: yes16:30
liqoertso where is teh unofficial channel?16:30
ioriasayres561, you can't access the console ? ctrl+alt+f1 (f2)16:31
liqoertk1l_: is there an non-official channel?16:31
alemkentui have flash drive  it has partion but i coudn't format it even  right now it doesn't display in my computer i am using ubuntu i tried to format using gparted  but there is  error ,any help?16:31
sayres561ioria: ok but I don't access to network in ctrl+alt+f1 (f2)16:31
ducasseliqoert: you can try ##linux?16:31
DJonesliqoert: You could try ##linux which is a general linux disto channel, but other than that I'm not sure16:32
k1l_liqoert: i dont know of. and that is the wrong way. you should invest your effort in searching for open physics books, not get others to search for you16:32
liqoertbut i thought there was a non official ubuntu channel too where i could talk of possible ubuntu distros16:32
ioriasayres561,  stop NM and let's configure the  interface  file ... do you have a ethernet cable ?16:32
liqoertk1l_: but i tried myself, and failed16:32
DJonesliqoert: There may be, but its not known or discussed here16:33
sayres561k1l_: your mean is boot.log?16:33
k1l_liqoert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience/Physics but i dont know if they list books. but you may want to ask in a physics channel then16:33
liqoertDJones: yeah, so is there a channel where i can discuss ubuntu things for other derived distros16:33
ioriasayres561,  and you can access network in console ....16:33
DJonesliqoert: See my previous messages16:33
sayres561ioria: unfortunately I do not have Lan Network:'(16:33
k1l_sayres561: no, "syslog"16:33
liqoerti am a physicist , but i don't find any useful distro for me16:34
liqoertas a math person i do like mathbuntu but not for physics16:35
sayres561k1l_: Actually when I enter user password my system frizzed and I cant go to syslog16:35
k1l_liqoert: that doesnt make sense.16:35
liqoertk1l_: which part?16:35
pavlosliqoert, there is scientific linux which is used at CERN, I think16:35
sayres561ioria: yes i dont access to net on console16:36
k1l_liqoert: you say you want free books and because of that ubuntu doesnt work as OS.16:36
vijuGuys, ubuntu-core used for raspberry pi, how didfferent is it from the regular versions used for desktops?16:36
vijuFor example 16.04 LTS16:36
k1l_viju: are you talking about ubuntu snappy?16:37
vijuk1l_: I found the reference on wikipedia for raspberrypi.16:37
vijuI am not sure.16:37
sayres561i restart my computer an see syslog and comeback16:38
ioriasayres561,  you can't even login in console ?16:38
sharkBoa tarde|! Alguem fala português?16:39
DJones!pt | shark16:39
ubottushark: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:39
liqoerti am upset, i thought linux would take care of my scientific needs too, not just softwares, maybe i was expecting too much16:41
k1l_viju: there is a ubuntu core image for rpi, which is similar to the way android handles the OS. the ubuntu core image was started for the ubuntu-touch smartphones.16:41
k1l_liqoert: you demand other people to search for free books for you. that is not a ubuntu issue. no matter how much drama you start with taht16:42
compdocmaybe your scientific needs are too....scientific16:42
k1l_liqoert: in nearly all pcs in my physics deparment ubuntu is just fine. so please stop making such claims just because no one does your job of searching literature for you.16:43
liqoertmathbuntu does take care of my mathematical needs, but that is teh reason ubuntu is not popular among scientists, just packages like python though. not ubuntu16:43
k1l_liqoert: stop making things up.16:43
liqoertso my scietific needs are "literature"16:44
k1l_liqoert: that is what you asked for. you didnt ask for any technical support. so this dicussion is not for this channel from the start.16:45
DJonesliqoert: If its just books you're after, then if they're distributed on a website by the owner that works with windows, then they should be similarly available under Ubuntu or any linux distro16:46
pabed2hi guys , ethernet network and wifi networks are inactive and wifi doesn't search any ssid,I restarted network manager service but the problem remains still16:48
ducassepabed2: which ubuntu version?16:50
tatertotspabed2: does the symptom occur when booted to livecd/liveusb?16:50
pavlospabed2, does a wired connection work?16:50
pabed2no ,just mobile broadband works16:51
pabed2the problem started when I changed /etc/ network / interfaces and reloaded it16:52
pavlospabed2, can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces16:53
tatertotspabed2: you've admit that you induced the issue by making a change.....reverse changes that you made...if for any reason you are unable to reverse the changes you made then confirm the symptom is NOT present when booted to livecd/liveusb and reinstall16:54
ioriapabed2, why do you edit interfaces if you're  using  NM ?16:55
pabed2i needed to add defaul Gw16:55
ioriapabed2, you do it in NM editor16:56
pabed2what is NM?16:56
iorianetwork manager16:56
pabed2no , I edited by vim16:57
sayres561ioria: : this is sylog .    https://paste.ubuntu.com/24158592/16:57
ioriapabed2, NM editor as Nm configuration, not "editor" in the vim sense16:57
ioriapabed2, nm-connection-editor16:58
pabed2no i didn't use it16:59
ioriapabed2, nm-connection-editor it' s like opening NM config from the Network icon in your panel17:01
fishcookernot work pavlos17:01
sayres561where is a problem?17:01
ducassepabed2: is wired networking managed by nm or /etc/network/interfaces?17:01
sayres561this syslog is true?17:01
k1l_sayres561: looks like your tor stuff is messing with NM17:04
ducassepabed2: can you pastebin it?17:04
pabed2the config file relates to be  active and inctive wifi and ethernet icon?17:05
pavlosfishcooker, ps -ef | nc termbin.com 999917:05
sayres561k1l_: What do I do?17:05
pabed2my ubuntu doesn't connect to internet in order paste config to paste bin17:06
ioriapabed2, backup /etc/network/interfaces, restore the original  and restart NM (with cable)17:07
sayres561 k1l_: how can i understand that this sylog belong to which login?17:08
pabed2what is " orginal" in this case ?17:09
ioriapabed2,  the original is just two lines    ' auto lo'   ' iface lo inet loopback '17:09
tatertotspabed2: if you cannot undo what was done, ultimately you'll be reinstalling, save the time and start reinstalling already17:09
sayres561k1l_: I can login by kernel version 4.4.0-31 but by this version 4.4.0-64 or 4.4.0-66 i can not login.now i am in 4.4.0-3117:10
pabed2how do i reinstall it ?17:11
tatertotspabed2: did someone else install ubuntu for you? yes or no17:13
ioriasayres561, run 'ifconfig -a' and look for the interfaces names17:13
pabed2ioria: i clean all lines expect that two lines and restarted it17:13
ioriapabed2,  what's in your /etc/network/interfaces right now ?17:14
pabed2but both are inactive wifi and ethernet17:14
pabed2no , I myself installed it17:15
tatertotspabed2: if yes contact the person who installed it and ask them to reinstall it17:15
sayres561ioria: i do but in console does not know my wireless inteface17:15
ducassepabed2: your ethernet adapter would still be up with the old config from /e/n/i unless you downed it17:15
ioriasayres561,  what you got from that command ?17:16
tatertotspabed2: if no...........i'm perplexed you'd need to ask how to (re)install it if you personally installed it to begin with17:16
pabed2auto lo and iface lo inet loopback17:16
ioriapabed2, ok, you probably need to configure the interface in NM, open it17:16
sayres561ioria: let me i try again .i'll comeback17:17
ducasseioria: make sure it's down first17:17
ioriaducasse, restarting NM, should down & up, iirc17:18
ducasseioria: even if it has an old config from /e/n/i?17:19
ioriaducasse, i guess so, if has been resetted17:19
ducasseioria: ok, don't mind me, then :)17:19
ioriaducasse,  but it can be done, no problem17:19
DNA9whats up?17:20
ioriapabed2,  you said you need to 'ad a gateway'   right ?17:20
pabed2when i open nm I see wifi connectio1 that i created already17:21
DNA9why does my raspbery pi lock up after awhile?17:21
pabed2I must clean it and add it a new ?17:21
ioriapabed2,  choose 'add' and select 'ethernet'17:21
sayres561ioria: this is my wireless interface's name : wlx00304f17:24
tootheLast evening I downloaded a new kernel source, compiled it and installed it.17:25
tootheBut now my ZFS kernel module doesn't work, and apt-get install zfs won't install it.17:25
ioriasayres561, ok, does it show  configured (ip) in ifconfig -a ?17:25
tootheIs there a way to download the source, compile it and install it?17:25
ducassetoothe: where did you get the kernel source?17:26
tootheducasse: apt source.17:26
sayres561ioria: yes. it show my network interface17:26
toothebut it wasn't the same version - i didn' trealize that until this mroning.17:26
tootheducasse: can I just download the ZFS source and install it?17:27
ioriasayres561,  what ip is assigned ?17:27
ducassetoothe: with ubuntu kernels you should use zfs-dkms17:27
ducassetoothe: operative word being 'should'. don't know if the zfsonlinux tarball will work.17:28
pabed2i did it wired works but wifi does not work17:28
tootheducasse: oh? hm...17:28
tootheyeah, I'm not sure what to do.17:28
ioriapabed2, it works ? did you set 'manual' or 'automatic' ?17:29
toothei just want to compile this and be on my way.17:29
ioriapabed2, now you paste  ifconfig -a17:30
pabed2automatic dhcp17:30
ioriapabed2, so no need to add a gw17:30
ioriapabed2, paste  ifconfig -a17:30
ducassetoothe: it's been a long time since i needed to compile my own kernels, so i haven't tried at all. what is the problem with the standard kernels?17:30
tootheducasse: I am trying to monitor some PCI calls.17:31
tootheand I cannot get a kernel hook working, so I'll just compile the entire kernel17:31
toothebut compiling the kernel causes ZFS to die17:31
tootheso...its as if I have to pick one.17:31
tootheugh, I might just have to reinstall...17:32
ducassetoothe: my only suggestion at this point is to ask in #ubuntu-kernel.17:33
sayres561ioria: no IP assign to wireless interface17:33
ioriasayres561,  wpasupplicant is installed ?17:35
sayres561ioria: what is next?17:40
pabed2ioria:i don't know why  internet speed is too slow ,from ubuntu when ping time is 1700 but from the other devices is good17:41
ioriapabed2, paste  ifconfig -a17:41
ioriasayres561,  we can try to bypass NM and create an interfaces file17:41
ioriasayres561,  you need your gw ip, you ssid  and passphrase17:41
pabed2it is too slow to open pastebin and any site17:42
sayres561ioria: ok .so !!!17:42
ioriapabed2,  ifconfig -a |nc termbin.com 999917:42
ioriasayres561,   sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces  /etc/network/interfaces.back17:44
Choupsguys, I have a vps running apache (p: 80) and another server app (port: 123), but the one in port 123 is not accessable. Is there any way i can put a link between those 2?17:45
ChoupsMaybe show in port 80 what is beeing showned in port 123.17:45
mguyChoups: Is your firewall allowing port 12317:45
Choupsdont know17:47
Choupsall i know is apache shows in my local browser17:47
Choupsthe other app doesnt17:47
Choupsbut when I do curl :9292 in the remote machine17:48
Choupsthe page apears17:48
Choupsso the app is running17:48
Choupsbut I cant see it in my local browser17:48
mguyAre you telling your browser to use port 929217:49
Choupslol yes17:49
pabed2ioria: wlan0 taked ip from dhcp but it does not search any ssids yet17:50
abedioria: http://termbin.com/pw7q17:50
ioriapabed2,  stop eth0 if you want to test wlan017:50
MishariI got stuck in my repositories, I'm confused that why Ubuntu 15 has many different resources than Ubuntu 16, any idea ? thanks17:51
k1l_Mishari: ubuntu 15.04 and ubutnu 15.10 are both dead. you cant use that anymore17:51
ioriapabed2,  did you insert ssid and passphrase in NM -> wlan0 ?17:52
Mishariwhat about the repositories ?17:52
k1l_Mishari: the repos get shut down after a while. becaus the release should not be used anyway17:52
MalgorathHi, I was wonddering if anyone has attempted to install ubuntu 16.X on to a Lenovo IdeaCentre 300-01IBY (http://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/desktops-and-all-in-ones/300-series/300-01iby/downloads/ds112430)17:52
abedioria: I stoped it it works but wifi has  inactive icon in NM and there are not any ssids there17:52
mguyMalgorath: In this channel, probably not. In the world? Yes. Ask Google17:53
ioriaabed, ,  Security Tab, iirc17:53
Mishariokay... thanks k1l_17:53
Malgorathmguy: already looked on google, hence my asking here. GOogle has to many vague references and can't find anything really about how the process works17:53
ducasse!google | mguy17:53
ubottumguy: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:53
k1l_Mishari: you should make sure to upgrade your ubuntu to 15.10 and then to 16.0417:53
ioriaabed, ,  you need to tell it  ssid and passphrase17:54
k1l_Mishari: on 16.04 you got still 4 years support timeframe left17:54
alexbligh1Hi. I have Ubuntu 16.04 + Grub2 installed (I think) on an HP Gen8 BIOS only (UEFI) micro server with 4 x 8GB hard disks, GPT partitioned. The first two hard disks each have a bios_grub partition, then a 16GB /boot (RAID 1 between the drives), then a RAID 1 LVM PV taking the rest of the disks. The other two drives just have an LVM PV.  Installed Ubuntu 16.04 using manual partitioning (several times). Boot hangs at "Attempting to boot from drive C:17:54
alexbligh1" (i.e. before grub). In rescue mode from USB stick, grub-install to relevant drives. I've also tried without a /boot, without a bios_grub. I've done disk_set pmbr_boot on on both drives. Any ideas?17:54
mguyMalgorath: Do you want to know 'does it work'? or do you have a particular issue with your install17:54
Misharik1l_,  even in Linux for example ?17:54
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Misharisorry, { linux mint } ?17:55
Malgorathmguy: wondering if it works and if so are there any issues with the install, like I have 16.04 lts on a usb stick already17:55
k1l_Mishari: we cant support linux mint at all. ask their support for issues with mint, please17:55
helios456 is there a cockpit ppa for Ubuntu Server that does not install X11?17:55
mguyMalgorath: did you try to install it17:55
Malgorathmguy: not yet I just setup a test station with one that I bought months ago and put in a box and forgot till I found it cleaning my closet out17:56
mguyMalgorath: it apparently works https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Linux-Discussion/ideacentre-Stick-300-Linux-USB-boot/td-p/221794217:56
abedioria: everthing is ok right now , but I am alittle bit confused , what was  happened ? after I remove /e/n/i eth lines and wlans and restart it17:58
Malgorathmguy: thanks17:58
toothealright, I"m a little frustrated.17:59
tootheI'm running the kernel 4.4.0-66-generic18:00
tootheHow do I get the source for that specific kernel?18:00
ioriaabed,  good;  you need to choose where to configure your interfaces ... or in /etc/nt/interfaces or in NM...18:01
Olanzapin&j windows18:01
ducassetoothe: "A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name with an equals and then the version to fetch"18:01
jeremy31toothe: enable source code repositories and then in terminal apt-get source linux-image-$(uname-r)18:01
Malgorathmguy: think I should go with lubuntu?18:02
abedioria:my brobles  if we have configuration in both place ,18:02
avid_fanI've been reading about ZFS, and I wondering if it's difficult to use or if it's worth the time. Any thoughts?18:02
Choupsguys, I have a vps running: 1-apache (p: 80) and 2-another server app (port: 123), but the one in port 123 is not accessable. Is there any way i can put a link between those 2? Maybe show in port 80 what is beeing showned (locally in the server network) in port 123.18:03
k1l_avid_fan: is has advantages and is stable. its easy to use for data partitions on ubuntu.18:03
ioriaabed,  you can have problems, yes18:03
avid_fank1l_: yeah, that's what has me interested18:04
ducasseavid_fan: i love it, but you won't get the best out of it on a system with just one drive.18:04
avid_fank1l_: But from what I've read, it's something that I'd have to add at install as it's not built into the kernel. Right?18:04
k1l_avid_fan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/ZFS18:04
ducasseavid_fan: it is, in 16.04 and up.18:05
k1l_avid_fan: no. since 16.04 ubuntu ships zfs support in the repos. so you can easily install it.18:05
Choups[help please]18:05
abedioria: it is my /e/n/i http://termbin.com/w7c6 If I want to edit it what shoul I do before?18:05
k1l_Choups: look with nmap if that port is open on that ip18:05
Choupsi did curl and it is18:06
PiciChoups: where did you run curl from?18:07
k1l_Choups: and ip:port in browser doesnt work?18:07
Choupsi run curl from server shell18:07
Choupsip:port in local browser doesnt work18:08
k1l_Choups: so you never tested from outside18:08
k1l_Choups: that is why i told you to look with nmap from outside18:08
avid_fanducasse: well, I think I get what you mean about having limited performance/enchancement by using just one drive, but I like the idea of having the ability to configure options per dataset even with just the one drive.18:08
ioriaabed, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic18:08
PiciChoups: does ss -peanut | grep 123   say it is listening on
abedioria: NM and /e/n/i has conflict each other when their config be differet eachother , should not  one of those has first priority?18:09
avid_fanducasse: combined with the fact that I can have multiple datasets, in one pool, with easily changed quotas also has appeal.18:09
ChoupsPici yes18:09
ChoupsPici: yes18:09
ioriaabed, /e/n/i should have priority, if well formatted18:09
ducasseavid_fan: if you use things like libvirt/lxc/lxd for example i'd say it's worth it.18:09
avid_fanducasse: Ah, good point.18:10
PiciChoups: you need to fix the config for your app  so that it listens on either your external IP address, or on (which is all addresses)18:10
abedioria: many thanks18:11
Choupsok going to try18:11
ioriaabed,  you're welcome18:11
k1l_avid_fan: ubuntu included zfs because of the usage for lxd containers18:11
ducasseavid_fan: for a random home user with a one-disk desktop, not so much :)18:11
xokanyone with d-i and partman experience?..18:11
xokI can't get LVM working...18:11
ducassexok: far more of them in #ubuntu-server18:12
xokducasse: thanks, I will try...18:12
Jeff_491configure: error: Can't find "mcs" in your PATH????18:12
ducassexok: quiet there on weekends, though.18:12
avid_fank1l_ ducasse : thanks, that's kinda what I was thinking. It's definitely stable and usable, just maybe not worth the little extra trouble.18:12
ChoupsPICI YOU THE MEN!18:12
Choupsthanks men18:12
ducasseavid_fan: imo it's a _very_ elegant way to handle storage, though. nice to work with.18:13
avid_fanI'll keep reading, and definitely install it to experiment.18:13
ducasseavid_fan: hang on a second, i've got a link you should see.18:14
avid_fanducasse: sure. fire when ready18:14
ducasseavid_fan: it was already open :) good reference - https://pthree.org/2012/04/17/install-zfs-on-debian-gnulinux/18:14
jarlathIs there any difference between 16.04 and 17.04 in terms of trying out Unity 8?18:14
k1l_jarlath: i think yes18:15
avid_fanducasse: looks good. thanks again.18:15
bogsdollocksoh dear buntu heads...damm auto login18:15
dudejiHey guys anybody changed tray icon for vlc ? I have changed originak icon after editing this file  /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop and launcher gives me new icon but tray is still giving me old icon.18:15
ducassejarlath: the people in #ubuntu+1 might know details18:16
jarlathk1l_: ducasse thanks, I'll try +118:16
ducassedudeji: did you run update-icon-caches?18:17
dudejilet me do it18:17
dudejiNo luck ducasse : sudo update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/* i did this18:19
ducassedudeji: seems you might also need gtk-update-icon-cache - read the man pages as i'm not familiar with them.18:19
dudejidone that also , no luck18:20
dudejiwill restart help ?18:20
dudejivlc icon update did not worked , is it bug ?18:25
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inisheerAnyone using QT to develop on Ubuntu? If so, any negative experiences?18:32
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garetareHi, I was trying to get Teamviewer to work on my Lubuntu PC but it pops up with an error saying "Verification of your teamviewer version failed, Teamviewer will quit for security reason. Please reinstall teamviewer" but nothing i tried seems to be working18:44
ducassegaretare: did you try reinstalling it?18:44
garetareyes. just a simple uninstall didnt do so then i tried this guide http://askubuntu.com/questions/764228/teamviewer-11-wont-run-on-ubuntu-16-04-64-bit but to no avail18:45
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ducassegaretare: well, in that case you should look at teamviewer's website for their support, as we don't support third party software here. the only other suggestion i have is to try running it as a freshly created or guest user, to see if user config is the problem.18:48
compdocgaretare, try x2go18:50
garetareah ok. i wasnt sure if this chat gives third party support or not. i'll try making a new user and see if that helps. thanks for the idea18:50
alkisgWhat misconfiguration could I have done to cause extremely slow write speeds to my md raid1 array? Like, dd write => 1 MB/sec, while dd read => 30 MB/sec. They are two 4 Tb rotational disks with 200 MB/sec transfer rate...18:50
ducassealkisg: partition misalignment?18:51
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garetarewhoops sorry. didnt realize this keyboard was plugged into my main pc18:52
alkisgducasse: sfdisk -l shows the exact same numbers....18:52
alkisgBtw, the initial syncing was done at 100 MB/sec18:52
garetare@compdoc does x2go have a windows client18:53
ducassealkisg: i meant sector boundary misalignment, but it was just a guess. https://superuser.com/questions/393914/what-is-partition-alignment-and-why-whould-i-need-it#39391818:55
compdocgaretare, yes18:55
garetare@compdoc does it allow me to access my windows pc while its unattended18:56
alkisgducasse: yes, there's a 512/4096 mismatch there, checking if that is what slows it down, thank you...18:57
compdocgaretare, to access windows use remote desktop. There is an x2go windows client, but no server. Only 'nix has the server part, and the same client as windows18:58
ducassealkisg: yw18:58
garetare@compdoc i'll look into it. thanks for the suggestion19:02
shafoxMy home wifi network is not visible in ubuntu but all the other devices such as phone and windows laptop can access the wifi.19:03
shafoxI can see other's wifi nanme but not mine.19:04
NeedHello. Anybody online?19:04
NeedI'm in need of help. If there's anybody who's up to help, tell me :)19:04
k1l_!details | Need19:05
ubottuNeed: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:05
NeedI have following issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24159328/ is there someone who is willing to help?19:06
pkunkAre there any ppa's for trusty that enable kaby lake 3d in x.org ?19:08
wedgieNeed: that almost sounds like bad memory. first thing id do is run memtest on the box to see if that is the case19:09
ioriaNeed you changed your password from terminal with an ecrypted home ?19:10
alkisgNeed: if you press alt+ctrl+f1 to switch to text mode, and try to login from there, does it crash?19:10
NeedWHOA! That's a little too much. I'll run memory test, I'll try to login using Alt+Ctrl+F1. And no, I was just logged into my account, opened terminal and changed password there. Be right back.19:10
wedgieNeed: the failing to log i  sounds like ioria's concern. the segfault when running passwd is concerning on its own thouh19:12
LaptopHey, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, butcan somebody help me with a problem I'm having with Ubuntu 16.04? I can't connect to any networks, and no solution I've tried online has worked for me...19:12
=== Laptop is now known as Python
=== Python is now known as NotPython
compdocPython, should be easy enough to fix. what do you think is wrong?19:13
NotPythoncompdoc: I couldn't begin to guess, networking is not a strong point for me.19:13
kk4ewtNotPython, any network as in wireless or any network including wired19:13
compdocNotPython, use pastebin and show us the output of the command:  ifconfig19:14
NotPythonkk4ewt: Only wireless, my router is in the other side of our house, it's just too far to connect to.19:14
alkisgducasse: it was a bad installation due to file system issues; debsums revealed a few broken packages, and reinstalling the dmraid package fixed it. Very weird that it was running at slow speed instead of  failing to boot... :)19:14
scarlettrying to uninstall lightdm but apt only allows me to do so by installing GDM? wtf. how do i find the cause of this19:14
NotPythoncompdoc: I can't use pastebin, as it's on a separate computer. I'll have to take a photo of the screen and send that.19:15
kk4ewtNotPython,  so what wireless card19:15
k1l_scarlet: sounds like some package wants a *dm to be isntalled. maybe worth looking with rdepends19:16
NotPythonkk4ewt: I couldn't tell you off of the top of my head, it's from an older computer I had, and I lost the packing and stuff years ago,19:16
kk4ewtNotPython,  lspci should tell you19:16
ducassealkisg: weirdness :)19:17
ducassescarlet: if you have any of the major desktops installed they probably depend on a dm.19:18
S0baitHello, I have a 32 GB microSD card, that has 7 GB of content. Is there a way for me to clone this card without making a ~30 GB image from dd?19:19
evg_Hey I'm having a bunch of problems with my wifi, first of all, it randomly disconnects19:19
phos1I am writing a script for installing my server. When i try to install php5 mycrpt it’s promting for a repoonse (Y/N) how do I put in yes automatically?19:19
evg_and sometimes when it connects - it's 1mb/s19:19
k1l_phos1: apt install -y19:19
phos1Thank, so easy…19:20
scarletk1l_, ducasse yup, it seems it was nvidia-prime. thx!19:20
NotPythoncompdoc: http://prnt.sc/eiqwpw19:21
evg_Has someone ever had wifi problems? I randomly get disconncted, it says i'm using the hotspot when i'm not and so on...19:21
evg_I ended up tethering the wifi from my phone...19:22
tatertotsevg_: in terminal>     sudo apt install inxi pastebinit19:22
tatertotsevg_: let me know when its done19:22
NotPythonkk4ewt: Here's what lspci returned: http://prnt.sc/eiqwpw19:23
avid_fanS0bait: Clonezilla uses http://partclone.org/19:23
evg_tatertots: done19:23
tatertotsevg_: in terminal>     inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit19:23
tatertotsevg_: share url/link here19:23
avid_fanS0bait: maybe easier than dd. I've used Clonezilla as a "ghost" replacement for cloning complete machines, but it seems logical that you could use the tools they use to clone the microSD card19:24
evg_inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit19:24
Name_Hello. It's me again. From this issue (http://paste.ubuntu.com/24159328/). I don't see option for memory testing (even in recovery). I could login on my own account using latest password. LS returned "access-your-desktop-data,desktop" and some file.19:24
kk4ewtNotPython,  so look up that card and find out what driver you should be using19:24
S0baitavid_fan: Its only ubuntu?19:24
k1l_S0bait: dd knows conv=sparse19:24
S0baitk1l_: So I have a 30 GB image, gave source microsd card to someone else, can I only restore things i want only?19:25
avid_fanS0bait: partclone? Don't know.19:25
kk4ewtNotPython,  also be sure you hardware switch is not disabled19:25
S0baitlikely not eh?19:25
NotPythonkk4ewt: Hardware switch?19:25
kk4ewtNotPython,  yes19:26
k1l_S0bait: then compress the img file19:26
evg_tatertots: i posted the link, if you didn't see19:26
NotPythonkk4ewt: What do you mean by that?19:26
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest63521
kk4ewtmost laptops have a wireless switch19:26
evg_tatertots: shoulda tagged you19:26
kk4ewtsome its a touch switch but others have a phyical switch19:26
k1l_S0bait: but dd should resume to full size on rewriting the img file created with dd.19:27
NotPythonkk4ewt: I see neither, but since Windows 7 on the same computer connects just fine, I'm assuming that it's on.19:27
k1l_S0bait: look at the manpage of dd19:27
S0baitk1l_: Would you mind please showing me a sample command?19:27
tatertotsevg_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/675352/wireless-disconnects-intermittently-with-intel-corporation-centrino-advanced-n-619:27
AustralopithecusHello, my labtop is running ubuntu mate 16.1 with a kaby lake processor and an intel graphics card 520 HD and crashes where it makes a weird sound then the screen flickers with multicoloured shapes19:29
goldfingerhello friends!19:30
S0baitk1l_: I thought one cam compress an image but before restoring it, you have to pipe it to unzip?19:30
k1l_S0bait: yes. if you compress it you first need to decompress it.19:31
Name_Hello, would someone be so kind to help me with this issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24159443/ ?19:31
k1l_S0bait: but conv=sparse is different from that19:31
Name_I also included the results of suggestions from this chat19:31
evg__I'm back, the guy who requested the system info, do you know how to fix it?19:31
S0baitk1l_: Right so compressing/decompressing is useless.. I want to reduce the copyinvg time now the time required the download the image of my teammtes.19:31
S0baitk1l_: Okay, let me readup conv-sparse19:32
=== YugeGuy is now known as zenguy
ioriaName_,  if you changed your password from terminal with an ecrypted home you need to reverse it19:32
Name_ioria "reverse it"? You mean password? Or the entire encryption? Can't I decrypt with old password and reencrypt with new password?19:32
NotPythonOkay, I have a driver tar file on the computer... how do I install it?19:33
Name_This isn't some "custom" encryption, this is the one that comes together with Ubuntu installation.19:33
ioriaName_,  wait, when yo login in console , can you see your files ?19:33
Name_ioria I see two files, one says something like "access-your-files.desktop" and another file, I think text.19:33
ioriaName_,  so, the answer is 'no'  ?19:34
Name_ioria Yeah, it's negative19:34
Name_ioria I only see encrypted dump file. Still encrypted.19:34
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ioriaName_,  so, decryption it's not working19:34
evg_I'm back again19:35
evg_after the wifi cut off, again...19:35
ioriaName_,  you need to change again your passwd , but this time inserting the old one19:35
evg_tabakhase: was it you that was helping me?19:35
ioriaName_,  the one you used, before changing it19:35
Name_ioria Ah, is it possible to encrypt the installation with new password then? Or is it out of question? Or complicated?19:35
tabakhasenot within the last 6 months evg_ :P19:35
ioriaName_,  if you don't care about your old home, just create a new user19:36
NotPython... can nobody help me... ?19:36
Name_ioria OH WAIT. I FORGOT, it doesn't encrypt drive, it encrypts home xD19:36
ioriaNotPython, sudo lshw -C network19:37
tabakhasebut ggogle should have logs for this channel, so if you search yourself you might find who you talked to evg_ =)19:37
ioriaName_,  yes19:37
Name_ioria So if I create new user, and put there the new password, it will encrypt drive using new password? And everything should be fine?19:37
ducasse!logs | evg_19:37
ubottuevg_: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/19:37
ioriaName_,  nope19:37
ioriaName_,  a new user is ... a New User19:38
Name_ioria Well?19:38
Name_ioria Am I missing something?19:38
Name_ioria It's new user. New password, but home won't be encrypted?19:39
ioriaName_,  nope, but you can . you can create a third user and encrypt the second with ecryptfs-migrate-home -u user19:39
ioriaName_,  in few words, if you don't care about your old home, but you still want an encrypted home you have to use ecryptfs-migrate-home19:40
ioriaName_,  before try to reverse to the old passwd19:41
Name_ioria So. I go back, enter root using this console. Change my password, to old one, enter my user, put all important files on USB. Create new user. Put new password, ecryptfs-migrate-home, and put all files inside from USB?19:42
Name_ioria Is that about right?19:42
NotPythonioria: Then what?19:42
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ioriaName_,  nope, if you can reverse the passwd, it should be fine and your files will be decrypted at login19:42
ioriaName_,  if it works, and you remember the old passwd19:43
Name_ioria Yes. I know. But I'd still like new password. And you told me to get these files, create new user, and ecrypts-----, is that right?19:43
scarletstartx only runs with root priviledges?19:43
Name_Maybe step by step. Let me enter my account, I'll come back from within Linux19:44
Name_Much easier.19:44
ioriaNotPython, maybe pste it19:44
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NotPythonioria: I had to take a photo, since it was on another computer - http://prnt.sc/eiqwpw19:49
k1l_scarlet: on ubuntu you start the *dm to handle all the xorg stuff and dont run startx19:49
Nameioria Holy crap, you were right.19:50
Nameioria I'm inside Linux right now19:50
Nameioria YAY YOU19:50
scarletk1l_, got it working fine without dm and without expanding user priv.19:50
=== Agent_ is now known as Agent
Nameioria I would be extra happy, if you helped me changing password to the new one. What's next step chef?19:51
VionerHi. I just installed recent Ubuntu and it booted, but it doesn't respond to anything at all. Mouse, keyboard input not there. I can only see the screen with toolbar, sidebar and black wallpaper. Why is that??19:51
VionerIt seems like it hanged because the clock is still.19:52
ioriaName, as rule, if you want to change passwd on encryption you use the Gui Tool19:53
Nameioria :p19:54
sayres561I create NM interface with this content https://paste.ubuntu.com/24159542/ . but after sudo service network-manager restart my access to INTERNET is gone. is my interface is correct?19:54
Vionerit didn't even show login prompt, just hanged... wth19:54
Nameioria But I wanted to be hip.19:54
ioriaName, SysteSettings -> User Accounts19:54
ioriaName, ok...:þ19:54
Nameioria May sound impossible, but there's no "User Accounts". I'm using kubuntu. Which is just Ubuntu, on which top of I installed KDE.19:55
ioriaName, and if you want to encrypt a new user, read this https://www.howtogeek.com/116032/how-to-encrypt-your-home-folder-after-installing-ubuntu/19:55
ioriaName, look for the Account Manager in kde ... i don't remember exactly what it is19:56
Nameioria I know I should look for such, but none is there, the closest is "Account Details" which sends me to KDE wallet and some other unrelated stuff.19:57
Nameioria "User Manager"19:57
ioriaName, Password &  User Accounts19:57
Nameioria If I enter password here, it will change properly?19:58
ioriaName, idk that tool, to be honest19:58
Nameioria YOLO19:58
Nameioria (as kids would say)19:58
Nameioria Let's see if I managed to wipe out entire drive.19:59
ioriaName, ok...19:59
Nameioria Can't I just, get my files on USB, create empty user, delete THIS account, then enter into new user, put my files back, put password on, and tell my computer to encrypt with this password?19:59
Nameioria I don't care that much about personalization, more about the files themselves.20:00
ioriaName,  yes, but you need two users to to that20:00
Nameioria Two, as in new, and old, or new, old, and the third one?20:01
ioriaName,  https://www.howtogeek.com/116032/how-to-encrypt-your-home-folder-after-installing-ubuntu/20:01
ioriaName,  you cannot encrypt the same folder you're on20:02
NotPythonCan someone help me without abandoning me this time?20:03
ioriaNotPython, i asked you  sudo lshw -c Network  not lspci20:04
NotPythonioria: http://prnt.sc/eirhyx20:06
Nameioria Is it possible to enter someone else's home, knowing their password, as root? On same computer?20:06
ioriaNotPython, and it' s not working ?20:07
NotPythonioria: Nope.20:07
NotPythonIt "connects" (without internet access) for like 5 seconds, then disconnects.20:08
ioriaNotPython,  can't you connect with ethernet ? so you use pastebinit ?20:08
ducasseName: root can read/write any file on the system, but not the encrypted home of a logged-out user.20:09
NotPythonioria: If you mean with a cable, then I don't know, but the computer is too far from the router to be able to make a connection.20:09
ioriaName,  ^ that20:10
ioriaNotPython,  i see20:10
Nameioria Not even if I know the password?20:10
Nameducasse Not even if I know the password?20:10
ducasseName: if you know the password you don't need root20:10
ioriaName,  don't think so ... maybe mounting manually idk, but it would be a mess20:11
Nameducasse Long story :p20:11
ioriaNotPython,   take a pic of  'ip a' ?20:11
Nameioria This new account (that will be new mine account). Do I put password on it right now? Or later? Also, what do I do once I create it?20:12
ioriaNotPython,   if you used adduser ,  you need to add new user to sudo20:13
Nameioria Wrong name. :p20:13
Nameioria I used "User Manager", built in tool.20:13
Nameioria Because terminals are bad :( and evil and such20:13
ioriaName it's ok20:13
Nameioria So do I leave it passwordless or do I put my wished password?20:13
Budgie^Smoreanyone familiar with manually setting up wifi in /etc/network/interface?20:13
ioriaName  you need a passwd20:14
Nameioria Okay, setting it up. And the third account that I will use to decrypt the new account, does it need password or?20:14
ioriaName  wait, .... if the fist (main) user works, you don't need a third user20:15
Nameioria But I tried changing password on the first, remember that issue with not being able to login?20:16
Name"[21:14] == sparklyballs [~sparklyba@unaffiliated/sparklyballs] has quit [Quit: I'M MELTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!]" what?20:16
Nameioria I'm totally confused20:17
ducasseBudgie^Smore: what's the question?20:17
ioriaName  me too20:17
Nameioria Let's start from start. I'm in my account, regular account, have password of root and mine. And I'm able to access everything.20:17
Nameioria I'd like to have my home encrypted with new password.20:17
Nameioria What do I do?20:18
ioriaName  you don't need root20:18
ioriaName  use the Gui Tool20:18
Nameioria GUI Tool for what?20:18
Nameioria And which GUI tool? I have created accounts already20:18
ioriaName  for change your passwd20:18
Nameioria and it works now?20:19
Nameioria Lemme see.20:19
Budgie^Smoreducasse I am getting an error "/sbin/ifup: waiting for lock on /run/network/ifstate.wlp2s0 when I try20:19
OlanzapinHello! I'm having some trubble with K3b. Senario is this. I'm running the application as sudo to be able to customize setting remove splashscreen etc. after that without sudo application crashes all the time. Some days ago a user helped me out with that but i had to reinstall and forgot about that problem. All i can remember was that it had to do with my credentials and that we use "chown" something plz help me out again.20:19
vltOlanzapin: Running tools like this as root is not a good idea.20:21
k1l_Olanzapin: what are you trying at all there?  modify the ubuntu iso?20:22
ducasseBudgie^Smore: can you pastebin the interfaces file?20:22
Olanzapiniknow but that is the only way to remove splashscreen and change user theme20:22
NotPythonioria: http://prnt.sc/eirq9120:23
OlanzapinHad to do somehting like chown user home20:23
k1l_Olanzapin: yes, ruininh your users home permissions is one of the things that running gui programs with root do20:24
ioriaNotPython,   your wifi is down20:24
Budgie^Smoreducasse http://paste.ubuntu.com/24159787/20:24
ducasseOlanzapin: yes, 'sudo chown -R $USER.$USER $HOME'20:24
\9is that supposed to be $USER:$USER ?20:25
\9or is there syntax that i'm not aware of?20:25
k1l_yes it is20:25
Olanzapinthank you20:25
ioriaNotPython,   using default Network Manager ?20:25
NotPythonioria: it can't be, though, I'm using that same wifi on another compute to talk on here.20:25
ducasse\9: . works, at least it always has20:25
NotPythonioria: I think so, I don't know of any alternatives.20:25
\9ducasse: hmm interesting20:26
ioriaNotPython,   i mean your wifi interface is down20:26
\9i've only known of ':'20:26
Olanzapinmust save this one :D20:26
ducasseOlanzapin: as i told you last time, if you *have* to run it with sudo, use gksudo/kdesudo.20:26
ioriaNotPython,   look ... state  DOWN20:26
k1l_Olanzapin: no, that is not a good idea to intentionally ruin your system20:26
NotPythonioria: Oh, ho do I fix that?20:26
\9Olanzapin: you shouldn't let your home directory get into such a state that chown is necessary in the first place20:27
\9Olanzapin: only use sudo with system tools and nothing else!20:27
ioriaNotPython,   Asus pc ?20:27
OlanzapinIknow but this is the only way that i know about to customize k3b to a more ubuntu style20:27
\9you mean k3b's application style?20:27
NotPythonioria: Cusom built.20:27
Nameioria Nope, tool made same mistake I did. Let's go easier way, and just copy files, remove THIS (1st) account, move files to the new (2nd) account, then encrypt new account (2nd), with the tool account (3rd).20:28
k1l_Olanzapin: "customize k3b" k3b is a burning program20:28
Olanzapinno splash and user theme overbrurning etc20:28
k1l_Olanzapin: that sounds like a bad workaround to another issue20:28
Nameioria I know you're busy, so just help the other guys, then if you find spare moment, I'll be waiting :)20:28
ioriaNotPython,   open NM and see if it's configured,  then restart NM20:29
ducasseBudgie^Smore: sorry about the delay. what is the actual interface name? there is one name in the error you posted and a different one in the file.20:29
Olanzapinhehe :-D it's me in a nutshell20:29
Budgie^Smoreducasse no worries... wlp2s020:29
k1l_Olanzapin: you can just unpack the iso and make the changes then20:30
NotPythonioria: I don't see any program... Is it a terminal code I need to put in?20:30
ducasseBudgie^Smore: now look at the interface name in the file you pastebin'ed - it's not the same.20:30
ioriaNotPython,  nm-connection-editor20:31
ioriaName  meaning you can't change passwd on your encrypted user ?20:31
NotPythonioria: Okay, how do I check if it's configured?20:31
Olanzapiniso? i'm a noob installed from terminal and then used sudo command to be able to get to the settings20:32
Budgie^Smoreoh that is a typo, ducasse, the machine with the problem is currently offline20:32
k1l_Olanzapin: what?20:32
Nameioria Yep20:32
Nameioria I think I really need new account with new account and new encryption20:32
Budgie^Smoreit would be the same as wlps2s0 :P20:32
ioriaNotPython,  go through the Tabs... ssid, passphrase, and , in case, set the IPv4 Tab as static20:33
=== NeedmagicA is now known as NeedmagicA_Away
ducasseBudgie^Smore: is the interface currently up and being managed by network manager?20:33
ioriaName it's weid, it works on ubuntu and lubuntu, i don't see why it's not working on kde ....20:34
NotPythonioria: There's no static option here...20:34
Budgie^Smoreducasse no disabled network manager totally cause I thought that was the problem but it wasn't :-/20:34
ioriaNotPython, manual20:34
ducasseBudgie^Smore: which ubuntu is this?20:35
Nameioria So, I created new (2nd) account and tool account (3rd one). Are files first or the encryption? Also, how come encryption doesn't affect my drive speed?20:35
Budgie^Smoreducasse I see in /var/log/syslog entries showing the dhcpclient trying to get an ip... xenial20:35
NotPythonioria: how do I restart NM?20:35
ioriaNotPython,  sudo service network-manager restart20:35
ducasseBudgie^Smore: try 'sudo systemctl restart networking' to give everything network-related a good kick in the behind.20:36
ioriaName it shouldn't20:36
isomorphismesgoogling around for some advice I'm sure many people have asked before, but I must be using the wrong words.20:36
NotPythonioria: Nothing, still no connection...20:37
NotPythonThanks anyway20:37
isomorphismesI want to build libavcodec (*-extra, *-dev, *54 etc) --- and any dependencies / reverse dependencies (ffmpeg, totem, avconv, etc) --- myself20:37
ioriaNotPython,  paste again ip a20:37
isomorphismes(this is related to http://askubuntu.com/questions/851190/how-to-update-libavcodec-on-ubuntu-14-04)20:37
Budgie^Smoreducasse returns immediately but if I look at ifconfig, I now have a new iface wlp2s0:avahi!20:37
NotPythonioria: It's the same result as before.20:38
isomorphismesI think I've successfully downloaded, unpacked, configured, and made libav-11.420:38
Budgie^Smoreducasse and it was given a 169.254. auto address20:38
isomorphismesbut how do I turn off the ubuntu repository stuff, make sure I have turned off all such stuff, and what is going on in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/library, /usr/local/shared, etc?20:38
isomorphismesI'm sure someone has written about this, just nto sure what search terms to use.20:39
ioriaNotPython,  sudo ifconfig wlp5s0 up20:39
NotPythonioria: Still not connecting.20:41
ioriaNotPython,  dhclient wlp5s020:41
ducasseBudgie^Smore: wait, you are using wps, not wpa?20:41
Budgie^Smoreducasse no wpa20:42
Budgie^Smoreducasse or at least I thought I was20:42
ducasseBudgie^Smore: another typo in interfaces file? wps-psk20:43
NotPythonioria: Problem persists. Is there more to this?20:43
Budgie^Smoreit is a typo yes :-/20:43
tootheA few hours ago I specifically downloaded the source fo rthe Kernel I run 4.4.0-generic20:43
Budgie^Smoreducasse should be wpa-psk20:43
tootheI even see the source for linux-4.4.020:43
tootheYet after 2 hours of ocmpiling, it installed Kernel 4.4.4420:44
ioriaNotPython,  ip a still the same ?  look at the state20:44
toothewhich would be fine, except for the fact that the ZFS module won't install now.20:44
tootheso, is it either ZFS or a custom kernel?20:44
tootheANd, why didn't it just download/build the kernel I explicitly specified?20:44
NotPythonioria: How do I check again?20:44
ioriaNotPython,  ip a20:44
ducasseBudgie^Smore: ok, do 'sudo ifdown wlp2s0', see what that says20:44
Budgie^Smoreducasse "ifdown: waiting for lock on /run/network/ifstate.wlp2s0"20:45
Budgie^Smoreoh then it gets a RNETLINK ansers: No such process20:46
NotPythonioria: http://prnt.sc/eis10s20:46
ducasseBudgie^Smore: interesting. what does dmesg and syslog say?20:47
ioriaNotPython,  it's still down20:47
BlackVenomGood evening folks20:47
ioriaNotPython,  what you have in /etc/network/interface ?20:47
BlackVenomI have a hard drive that is failing and I want to copy some files that have been corrupted to another drive20:48
BlackVenomis it possible to copy only the readable parts?20:48
NotPythonioria: I only see "interfaces.d" (folder and "interfaces" (text file) in /etc/network, is it one of them?20:48
bekksBlackVenom: Which kind if files?20:49
BlackVenomIf i use the 'cp' command it fails due to the corruption20:49
ioriaNotPython,  yes, cat /etc/network/interface20:49
BlackVenomhey bekks, so far its video files20:49
Budgie^Smoreducasse "systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result 'timeout'." is probably the  most interesting line in the syslog20:49
NotPythoniroria: There is no folder or file with the name "interface" in etc/network/20:49
NotPythonOh right, sorry, hold on.20:50
NotPythonioria: "No such file or directory"...20:50
ioriaNotPython,  please, again    ls /etc/network/interfaces20:50
Budgie^Smoreducasse not seeing anything suspect in dmesg (other than it didn't log it to /var/log/dmesg!)20:52
NotPythonioria: http://prnt.sc/eis4yq20:55
ioriaNotPython,   and nothing in /etc/network/interfaces.d ?20:55
Budgie^Smoreducasse I would use NetworkManager if it weren't for the fact I am about to do some highly unsupported network things so need a bit more manual control of the config for awhile20:56
ducasseBudgie^Smore: can you try adding 'wireless-mode    managed' to interfaces stanza?20:56
NotPythonioria: Nope...20:56
petersonsearch 20 masterplots20:57
ioriaNotPython,   ever worked ?20:57
k1l_peterson: no warez here20:57
Budgie^Smoreducasse sure20:57
peterson@search 20 masterplots20:57
BlackVenomDid you see my reply bekks :-)20:57
NotPythonioria: The Internet? Not with Ubuntu on this PC, I just got this PC build 2 days ago, and Ubuntu installed (without internet) yesterday...20:58
ioriaNotPython,   are you using dhcp ?20:58
NotPythonioria: I'm afraid I don't know what that even is...20:59
NotPythonioria: Oh right. I was, yeah.20:59
NotPythonI couldn't configure a connection manually to save my life.21:00
mbffHello! I just added a new hard drive to my ubuntu server. I am getting the error in zfs and parted about the disk not having a label. Do I need to initialize my disk somehow?21:00
ducasseBlackVenom: then 'ifdown wlp2s0 ; ifup wlp2s0'21:00
ioriaNotPython,   ok, so you probably need to configure your wifi interface in NM ; try with a manual configuration21:01
ducassembff: you want to use zfs on it?21:01
BlackVenomnot sure what you mean ducasse sorry21:01
NotPythonioria: Won't I need know things like the IP and MAC addresses, though?21:01
mbffducasse, yes. But it is a fresh drive. Do I need to partition it even though the entire disk will be used by ZFS?21:02
rx-badhello and have a nice evening21:02
ioriaNotPython,  not MAC, just your ssid name, (your lan) , your passphrase, your gateway (your ip is derived by your router ip)21:02
Nameioria Do you have some spare time now? :)21:02
ducassembff: no, just create a pool with it21:02
Nameioria Or should I come back tomorrow?21:03
ioriaName, sorry, i'am leaving21:03
mbffducasse, I am running zfs replace21:03
ducasseBlackVenom: 'sudo ifdown wlp2s0'21:03
Nameioria Oh, :|, no problem21:03
NotPythonioria: Okay, I'll try it, it might take a while, though,21:03
ioriaNotPython,  not much21:03
k1l_mbff: what is the error you get?21:03
mbffducasse, "/dev/sdc does not contain an EFI label but it may contain partition information in the MBR."21:03
rx-badI seek knowledge21:03
BlackVenomducasse, my wifi is fine. I am trying to move a corrupted file21:04
k1l_mbff: is it an error? because zfs will erase that disk anyway21:04
mbffk1l_, https://gist.github.com/marshallford/a37058bdc6b65df723ae7d3215602dba21:05
ducasseBlackVenom: sorry, bad tab expand. i've been looking at this screen far too long today :-/21:05
ducasseBudgie^Smore: now 'sudo ifdown wlp2s0'21:05
NotPythonioria: Okay, well, I thought that maybe all of that information would be at the back of the router, but I was wrong.21:05
BlackVenomhaha i was definately confused lol21:05
k1l_mbff: use -f with the same command again21:06
mbffwill do21:06
ducasseBlackVenom: to rescue data from a corrupted disk, ddrescue from the gddrescue package might be useful. note - there are two ddrescues, use this one.21:06
NotPythonioria: I have no idea what to do...21:07
mbffk1l_, It worked and is resilvering. However I still think I should have set a label as ZFS is referring to my new disk as "sdc" and not the model/sku like my old drives21:07
k1l_mbff: you linked it to sdc21:08
mbffk1l_, should I have linked it to a device id?21:08
k1l_mbff: let it resilver. after that you can reimport it with the disk by id21:10
mbffk1l_, will do21:10
mbffk1l_, do you know the command/process for that?21:10
BlackVenomducasse, I only need two specific files, everything else can be lost. Do I still need to image the whole drive?21:10
k1l_zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id yournamehere21:10
Budgie^Smoreducasse, "Killed old client process" and then shutdown the dhcp client21:11
NameHello. I'd like to create new account, and set new password and encrypt the home directory with that password (the way Ubuntu does it). How could I do that?21:11
ducasseBudgie^Smore: ok, 'sudo ifup wlp2s0'21:11
xrandrHi. I just installed nvidia drivers (nvidia-current) and now i cannot login to X. The login screen appears. I log in, then it's like X restarts and brings me back to the login screen21:11
mbffk1l_, do I need to remove the drive first?21:11
k1l_mbff: but first export if with zpool21:11
Budgie^Smoreducasse, and if I do ifup wlp2s0 it keeps trying to get an IP but it doesn't bring up the wifi connection that I can see21:12
k1l_mbff: no, let it resilver first.21:12
NotPythonThis problem is really stressing me out...21:12
rx-badhello anyone to talk to21:12
rx-badthis is the net no stress21:13
k1l_mbff: to recap: first zpool export tank. then zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id tank21:13
mbffk1l_, sounds good. But do all this after resilvering is done21:13
k1l_mbff: yes, after resilvering21:14
mbffthank you mate21:14
Budgie^Smoreducasse I am guessing it will keep trying to DHCP until it times out21:14
ducasseBudgie^Smore: i'm too tired to have any other suggestions now, sorry. i've got to go get some sleep.21:15
Budgie^Smoreducasse no worries, thanks for trying21:16
NotPythonioria: Well, thanks for the help, anyway.21:17
Bashing-omxrandr: "nvidia-current: is miss directional , Chances are the wrong driver installed . try ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' reboot to see the effect .21:18
rx-badbye see you guys soon21:19
ducasseBlackVenom: ddrescue will try reading everything, just skipping the blocks it absolutely cannot read. if you want to recover as much of those two files as possible, it's the best idea i've got at the moment as it will give you a readable image you can copy the files from. how usable _they_ are depends on how much and what was corrupted.21:19
BlackVenomOK. It's a 4TB HDD. I assume I would need to write the image to another 4TB drive?21:20
xrandrBashing-om: thanks! trying now21:20
=== xrandr is now known as xrandr_laptop
ducasseBlackVenom: first see what other suggestions you get, i've been at this way too long today and might miss something obvious.21:22
BlackVenomOK. Thanks ducasse21:23
ducasseBashing-om: you got any suggestions for rescuing two video files from a corrupt drive?21:23
Eric_____last night i had accidentally deleted windows 10 off when in dual21:24
xrandr_laptopBashing-om: it worked!21:24
ducasse!recover | BlackVenom look through these21:25
ubottuBlackVenom look through these: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery21:25
sayres561I create locl repository and add deb file:///home/manifest/debs debs/ in /etc/apt/sources.list but i got error? where is my mistake?21:26
sayres561 21:26
Name(let me try again) Hello. I'd like to create new account, and set new password and encrypt the home directory with that password (the way Ubuntu does it). How could I do that?21:27
sayres561in "/etc/apt/sources.list" I have copied every debs file21:27
NameEric_____ "Deleted"?21:28
Bashing-omBlackVenom: ducasse "Scalpel" might be a good candidate here .21:28
NameEric_____ Did you delete entry or entire partition?21:28
Eric_____last night it did deleted entry21:28
NameEric_____ You can use grub repair, it will automatically scan for operating systems and bring up Linux boot menu (both Ubuntu x64 and Windows 10 (loader)) will be there21:29
Eric_____grub customizer?21:29
NameEric_____ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:29
BlackVenomthanks ducasse & Bashing-om21:29
BlackVenomI'll check them out now21:29
NameEric_____ You just run these three lines, it will open a window, press a button, and it will update the grub (boot menu) of Linux.21:30
ducassesayres561: if you read the sources.list man page, you will see how the file syntax is supposed to be used.21:31
sayres561 I create locl repository and add deb file:///home/manifest/debs debs/ in /etc/apt/sources.list but i got error? where is my mistake? in "/etc/apt/sources.list" I have copied every debs file21:31
Eric_____i do re-do install ubuntu iso again21:31
NameEric_____ What?21:31
axisysneed help with no sound in my laptop.. sound works fine with 16.04 live cd.. but 16.04 on the laptop has no sound and the sound button on this hp laptop stays red no matter how many times I press it.. but turns to white (enabled) when off of live cd21:31
k1l_Eric_____: run "sudo update-grub" in ubuntu21:32
k1l_Eric_____: no need to reinstall ubuntu21:32
NameEric_____ ^^^ probably will work too. They're smarter. I just use this trick, when I have to access Windows when boot is taken over by Linux.21:33
axisyssudo aplay -l gives multiple devices http://dpaste.com/14H4CG3.txt .. but alsamixer sees only two21:33
NameEric_____ You don't need to reinstall.21:33
NameEric_____ Just run what he wrote. It'll update boot menu.21:33
NameEric_____ "sudo update-grub"21:33
Eric_____u do remote desktop before?21:34
NameEric_____ Me? No.21:34
k1l_Eric_____: what has remote desktop to do with that?21:34
NameEric_____ He probably wants that we do it for him.21:34
Namek1l_ He probably wants that we do it for him.21:34
Eric_____remote dektop is a temviewer21:35
sayres561ducasse:  tnx buddy but writing " stable main contrib non-free" is necessary?21:35
NameEric_____ I have TeamViewer21:35
k1l_Eric_____: just run my command inside ubuntu. it will rescan for other OS and put them into grub.21:35
k1l_Eric_____: if you have some other issue please better describe the issue.21:36
ducassesayres561: you need the names of the components you serve, and 'file:///' is incorrect syntax.21:36
Eric_____wait until ubuntu iso finish finished downloading21:36
NameEric_____ Why are you redownloading Ubuntu?21:37
NameEric_____ I thought you are on Linux, and Linux doesn't allow booting into Windows?21:37
k1l_Eric_____: why do you need to download that iso?21:37
lunagirlName: Dual boot21:37
Namelunagirl But what has that do with solution?21:37
lunagirlName: Proly nothing, just mentioning dual or triple boot works21:38
Eric_____not me my lptop did it21:38
NameEric_____ Eric, simple questions. What operating system are you on?21:38
k1l_Eric_____: can you please describe what the setup and what the issue is?21:38
Namelunagirl Yep, dual and triple boot work.21:39
Namek1l_ How do you do that you don't have to copy people's names?21:39
sayres561ducasse: i have change to this "deb file:/home/manifest/debs" but i got this error "E: Malformed entry 53 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (Suite)"21:39
Namek1l_ Instead you just have Name: instantly, without typing/copying it.21:39
k1l_"na" tab-key21:39
lunagirlName: yeah, dual booting macosx and win10 one one laptop and ubuntu and win10 on another21:39
k1l_Name: same works for commands on the terminal21:39
lunagirldone triple boot, gentoo, ubuntu and win10 once, it just works21:40
Namek1l_: Oh21:40
Namelunagirl: I know it does :D21:40
Eric_____i still on win 1021:40
ducassesayres561: you have neither a suite nor components there. _read_ the man page, especially the examples.21:40
NameEric_____: Didn't you mention Windows 10 disappears from boot?21:40
k1l_Eric_____: and what is the issue now? what did you have and what did you change? what doesnt work now?21:41
k1l_Eric_____: to help you we need more information. you only tell us "my car is broken" but we dont know any details to help you.21:41
Namek1l_: Meanwhile, do you have some time? I have kinda of a question too.21:42
lunagirlName: doing ubuntu server and fluxbox on 256 mb now and it for sure works :)21:42
k1l_Eric_____: if you have another native language there are ubuntu communities for that too21:42
Namelunagirl: Running Ubuntu on 256MB must be harsh xD21:42
k1l_Name: just ask, maybe someone can answer that21:42
lunagirlName: not really, running it with fluxbox and mplayer2 takes around 100 mb :)21:42
NameHello. I'd like to create new account, and set new password and encrypt the home directory with that password (the way Ubuntu does it). How could I do that?21:43
lunagirlRemmina towards my win 10 enterprise LTSB works nicely21:43
Namelunagirl: Well, I'm not ready to give up commody of "everything-shines-bright" over here. I really need the GUI. Otherwise I fail :D21:44
lunagirlName: hihihi :) did I mention the workstation is a pentium 421:44
sayres561ducasse: i have changed to "deb file:/home/manifest/debs stable main contrib non-free " but I got this error:  "File not found - /home/manifest/debs/dists/stable/Release (2: No such file or directory)"21:44
Namelunagirl: What is that workstation for?21:45
lunagirlIBM ThinkCentre, rescued it from a dumpster cause it looks kinda cute21:45
Namelunagirl: "Rescued it from a dumpster cause it looks kinda cute" - lunagirl 201721:45
lunagirlWhat can I say, Im a dumpster diving girl21:46
ducassesayres561: how did you set up your repo?21:46
Namelunagirl: Not my thing, I'd rather live on bleeding edge. I'm a gamer, so, you know.21:47
lunagirlName: thats no problem, my son runs a water cooled gaming rig I built for him21:47
lunagirlName: I just dont like buying stuff when I can get it for free21:48
Namelunagirl: Hahahah. "My mom so cool, she built me a gaming PC, I bet your mom doesn't even know what floppy is!"21:48
* lunagirl takes a long and hard stare at the floppy drive in front of her21:48
Namelunagirl: I get it, I imagine hunting for sharpest deals might be exciting and fun.21:49
lurkeyI'm in the lunagirl camp - why buy it when you  can get it for free from a dumpster21:49
sayres561first I install "dpkg-dev" and create directory on home"debs" and I do copy all debs file from "/var/cache/apt/archives" to my debs folder and finally run "dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz" on terminal21:49
lunagirllurkey: high five21:49
Namelurkey: Well, don't oversugar it. 1st class GPU performance, won't match GPU you would find somewhere else for free.21:50
lurkeyya - high 6!! :)21:50
lunagirlName: see, all I need is running Z/OS and a couple of tools, Im a happy girl21:50
lunagirllurkey: I wont tell you much about the Octane I rescued from being crushed21:52
jakanonimohow can i restore my drivers¿21:52
Namelunagirl: Everybody has their own style :p21:52
k1l_lunagirl: Name lurkey can we put the talking into #ubuntu-offtopic so this channel keeps clear for technical support? thanks :)21:52
Namek1l_: Sorry :(21:52
OerHeksor #ubuntu-discuss :-)21:53
lunagirlk1l_: sorry, my bad21:53
lunagirlgot carried away21:53
lurkeyalways happens to me too - sorry, back to lurkey mode21:53
Bashing-omjakanonimo: What drivers, and why restore ?21:53
jakanonimobecause it dont detected my xbox controller21:54
ducassesayres561: try 'deb file:/home/manifest/debs ./'21:55
jakanonimobut before it detected21:55
sayres561ducasse:  i got this error "File not found - /home/manifest/debs/./Release (2: No such file or directory)"21:56
ducassesayres561: ok, then something went wrong in the creation of your repo. i've got to go now, it's late here.21:56
sayres561ducasse: ok buddy thanks21:57
momkenhello again21:58
momkenI have a mobile-broadband module "HP un2430" and want to load it in ubuntu21:58
momkenbut anyhow I try to detect it and connect to I can't21:59
lunagirlI have one question though, why does fluxbox on ubuntu plonk the menu in /etc/X1121:59
lunagirlon gentoo its all in .fluxbox21:59
momkenMy main problem is that my card is not identified as ttyUSB!21:59
momkenAnyone has experience with mobile-broadband gobi 3000 devices?22:00
lunagirlA soft link in .fluxbox just doesnt feel right22:00
k1l_momken: does it need modeswitch first?22:00
momkenk1l_: hmmm. I don't know. How could I know that?22:00
k1l_momken: look for the usb id in lsusb and if that is a known issue22:01
lunagirlWhats this fixation with a wm having to have everything in /etc/X1122:01
momkenk1l_: As long as I know my device should be listed as a ttyUSB for the gobi-loader being able to load firmware on to it22:01
lunagirlA wm is just a choice and not connected to X11 as such22:01
momkenk1l_: The device is identified in lsusb but I am not sure whether it is in a good mode or not?22:02
k1l_lunagirl: "update-menus" will create .fluxbox with subfolders22:02
k1l_lunagirl: putting stuff to /etc/X11 for user configuration is not right22:03
lunagirlk1l_: yes but look at /etc/X11 and its littered with copies of fluxbox folders and config files22:03
lunagirlk1l_: And yet Cannonial does it. Im just curious what made that decision. On Gentoo its all in .fluxbox22:04
k1l_momken: i dont know your device. i only know that a lot of mobile broadband devices show themselves as the usb-pendrive mode until they get changed with the modeswitch. so get the usbid and look for experiences with that deive22:04
k1l_lunagirl: i doubt it22:04
MenzadorAlso, most of that stuff got compartmentalised and moved inside /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/22:05
lunagirlk1l_: Take a spin on 32 bit ubuntu server on a virtual, install fluxbox and you know what I mean22:06
MenzadorAnd there most certainly wouldn't be anything other than default config files in there anyway22:06
cercatrovaпривет всем22:07
momkenk1l_: Its id is "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 03f0:371d Hewlett-Packard" and it is not a usb modem, it is a mini-pcie card which communicates over usb protocol22:07
momkenk1l_: I searched a lot about my device, but little useful results! :(22:08
AperHi there, I set up a hotspot on my ubuntu 14.04 box and now I'd like to redirect all the trafic to /var/www/html/myFolder/ I tried googling but I think I lack of relevant keywords. Where can I start?22:21
mbffAper, captive portals maybe?22:24
mbffAper, note you can't just foward requests to a folder on your device. Instead a run a web server and point the Apache/Nginx config to your folder.22:25
lernerwhat happened to times new roman in libreoffice? I installed onto a new notebook and its gone22:26
lerneris times new roman propieatary?22:26
Eric_____im back22:27
Eric_____how i create new partition for ubuntu?22:29
AperWell yes I thought of that @mbff but I don't know if it will mess with the hostapd I set up. By the way apache is installed. It's for a digital art fair. I need people connected to the SSID to see the piece of art in http://localhost/myFolder22:29
lernerwhat font do you use when typing a document?22:30
revrican you suggest any site/forum where I can get some help with setting up vpn(paid) that doesn't answers my questions  ?22:30
k1l_lerner: yes, times new roman is prop. font22:30
delarryhello =)22:31
lernerk1l_, do you use only opensource fonts?22:31
mbffAper, not a big network guy. Maybe a public/normal website on a subdomain of the art fair's website would be a better options? Then people on phones don't need to connect to a wifi network that won't provide them internet22:32
delarryQuestion: Is there anybody in here who can tell me if there is a possibility to start a PHP Code at spezified date + time22:32
Irihapetilerner, if you want times new roman, install msttcorefonts (I think it's called) I use linux libertine most of the time.22:33
lerneri wonder if I should run only opensoruce fonts from now on...22:33
Apermbff, thanks for the suggestion. The venue is not connected to internet and 3G/4G won't work22:33
lernerdoes microsoft get money each time I install that?22:33
ikoniadelarry: just use cron22:33
IrihapetiThat is entirely up to you. I have to exchange docs with windows peeps, so I can't do that.22:34
ikonialerner: no22:34
ikonialerner: who is paying them ?22:34
ezioi have an email address forwarding from my dns provider.  i have no way to send outgoing email, though.  i just want an smtp server with tls.  any recommendations?22:34
IrihapetiI've not heard of MS getting money for them. But I don't know everything.:)22:34
mbffAper, for those connecting to the wifi, is normal wifi (accessing google for instance) expected?22:34
ikoniaezio: postfix is the default in ubuntu - it works fine22:34
ezioikonia, yeah but it's overkill as they point out every time someone tries to do this22:35
ikoniaezio: how is it overkill ?22:35
ikoniaezio: it takes 25 minutes to set it up as an MTA22:35
Apermbff, no they'll be warned. It's quite usual in the digital galleries here22:35
mbffAper, also be aware for non tech users connecting to wifi that will be marked as "not connected to the internet" may be confusing for some.22:35
ezioikonia,  "nullclient" : (#1) a null client is a computer that can only send mail. it receives no mail from the network, and it does not deliver any mail locally. while postfix can be configured to fill this role, it is often unnecessary overkill, and a much simpler software package is more appropriate. see !nullclient_software for more details., or (#2) See http://www.postfix.org/STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README.html#null_client22:35
Apermbff, thanks I didn't know that22:35
ikoniaezio: no, thats just a quote, that wasn't the question I asked22:36
ikoniaezio: how is setting postfix up as an MTA overkill, it's approx 30 minutes work22:36
mbffAper, at least for recent android versions the OS will complain and complain if it can't hit the outside world.22:36
mbffand possibly disconnect depending on fallback settings/configurations22:36
ezioikonia, did you see the word overkill in that sentence?  that came from their bot and explains why it's overkill.22:37
ikoniaezio: yes, I did see the word overkill, I'm asking you why it's overkill for your needs22:37
ikoniaezio: what part of running postfix as an MTA for you is overkill ?22:37
ezioikonia, because i only need smtp sending22:37
Apermbff, I'm testing with android 6 and it seems ok22:37
ikoniaezio: yes, thats why I said what part of running postfix as an MTA is overkill for you22:37
mbffAper, might just be 7.0 and up? Idk, just things to consider22:38
ikoniaezio: to set it up as an MTA - just offering sendmail SMTP functions, is approx 30 minutes work, what part of that is overkill ?22:38
ezioikonia, all the other functions it provides as well as its complicated configuration22:38
ikoniaezio: it's configuration is clear english text, no cryptic stuff22:38
ikoniaezio: you're shutting down the other functions of it, so again, why is that a problem22:38
ikoniaezio: actually, you're right, if you don't want to use it, don't use it, use something else, I don't know why I'm actually trying to advise you22:39
delarryikonia ok ..thanks I will have a look on it22:39
Apermbff, but I can think differently. The thing is, the piece needs qrencode and ImageMagick and I don't have a dedicated server so connecting people to the server seemed to be a good option22:39
ezioikonia, yes!  exactly.  I don't know why either.22:39
ezioanyone have any recommendations, other than postfix, for a null mailer?22:40
mbffAper, hmmm fair22:40
ikoniaezio: exim22:40
Apermbff, i can connect a raspi to my internet box though but it won't solve the internet access problem at the venue22:41
sacrebleuI have 12.04, I need libtcmalloc4 but precise only has libtcmalloc0 how do i install22:41
ikoniabe aware though, exim is just as fully functional as postfix if you set it up that way22:41
IrihapetiThere's also opensmtpd22:41
elisa87how can I give read access to another user on the same network in Ubuntu (if they have username on this machine)?22:42
mbffAper, not sure I quite understand. Does the hotspot/wifi AP need to provide normal internet or not?22:42
mbffAper, also take a look at this http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/41369/wifi-hotspot-with-redirect-to-html22:42
mbffthose iptable commands seem promising22:42
k1l_sacrebleu: support on 12.04 runs out in few weeks. maybe the upgrade is a better solution in the "long" run22:42
Apermbff, no it doesn't. Thx for the link22:42
OerHekssacrebleu, upgrade to trusty, it is part of : http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/trusty/google-perftools22:43
Apermbff, this is totally the kind of solution I was looking for22:43
mbffAper, seems like exactly your use case (hotspot is same ip as local server)22:44
mbffNote: You may run into browsers complaining about invalid SSL certs and such22:44
elisa87sacrebleu: chmod a+x 5000_results/ is correct?22:45
tsimonq2Can I make GRUB entries show the partition labels and boot the UUID instead of showing just something like "Found Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) on /dev/sdb1" ?22:45
mbffhttps://google.com > http://localhost could cause security alerts and such22:45
mbffAper, see http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Technology-Blog/Captive-Portal-why-do-I-get-those-certificate-warnings/ba-p/26892122:46
mbffAper, as a fix suggest to users to visit http://localhost if they have troubles or have them visit a non https website to get the redirect22:47
levtimHello, does anyone know if there is a built-in tool to turn down the bass on PulseAudio in Ubuntu?22:47
sacrebleuk1l_: i understand..22:47
Apermbff, Thank you so much. I'm testing the solutions and let you know :)22:47
sacrebleuk1l_: nervous my vps might get bungled22:47
mbffAper, I'll be on and off for the next couple hours. Good luck22:48
=== mpmc is now known as Contraption
Peyamvad betyder "förankra en ide"?22:50
Peyame det "att ge stöd till en ide"?22:51
k1l_Peyam: you know this channel is english :)22:51
Peyamåhhh sorry22:51
PeyamI though it was ubuntu-se22:51
=== Contraption is now known as mpmc
levtimNevermind, I figured it out ... changed sound mode from Stereo to 2.1 and was able to adjust subwoofer22:56
drnobodySo how is everyone?22:59
mbffdrnobody, good good. You?23:00
drnobodyWaiting for the guy im working with to make are channel secure.23:00
drnobodyits off line atm23:00
drnobodyso good i guess23:01
mbffdrnobody, what channel?23:01
drnobodyAny cool chats?23:06
tsimonq2Can I make GRUB entries show the partition labels and boot the UUID instead of showing just something like "Found Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) on /dev/sdb1" ?23:06
k1l_!alis | drnobody23:06
ubottudrnobody: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"23:06
drnobodyFirst question tsi xD23:06
jason_-Are nvidia drivers universal? If I have multiple (different model) cards in the same machine do I need to do anything special?23:21
k1l_yes, the are universal.23:21
jason_-so it's not like when you install the drivers they detect your GPU and do something special?23:22
jason_-(during the installation process)23:22
k1l_well, they do some things. but i dont get what you are asking here23:22
ZJAYwhat if i can get into my cinnamon desktop that i installed a long while ago but when myunity comesup which is the default desktop it gives me a cursor and letsme moveit around the screen but never comes to the fulldesktop and seemingly keyboard commands do not work either????23:22
ppfZJAY: check ~/.xsession_errors23:23
jason_-I have a machine with a K40 and I've been having trouble using intel graphics to drive the displays. I was going to buy a cheap low end NVidia card to drive the displays.23:23
k1l_ZJAY: does another account or guest account work with unity?23:23
jason_-If I install nvidia drivers, the exact same drivers will work with both a K40 and, say, some older model thing like a 760?23:25
crafty1tsimonq2, you can edit the grub configuration file to do what you are referring to23:25
k1l_jason_-: i dont know the k40 card. but the nvidia drivers are for a range of new to older cards at the same time.23:26
elisa87can someone help me correct this? $ find . -iname "*.jpeg" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' cp "{}" images23:26
elisa87I need to find jpeg files recursively and copy them to images folder in the current directory23:26
ZJAYwow what is this23:29
ZJAYCairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose23:29
ZJAY(nemo:2334): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed23:29
ZJAYi dunno there is a guest account cant remember if that was there before i installed cinnamon or not23:31
k1l_ZJAY: logout and try on login screen to use the guest user23:32
ZJAYi did23:32
ZJAYit works so what now23:32
ZJAYi can only do things in ram23:32
k1l_so unity worked with the guest user?23:32
ZJAYas a guest23:32
ZJAYit worked with the guest user account23:32
k1l_ZJAY: then do move the ".config" folder to ".config_backup" of that user. and try again to login to unity23:33
ZJAYi can log out and get on another desktop just from logout do not have to shutdown or reboot unless i try and login directly to unity23:33
ZJAYhow do i do that properly as "me' it the root or main use which is me23:34
ZJAYim the main user stoopid keyboard23:34
k1l_either you login to that user on cinnamon or such and do a renaming of that folder in your users home. or you login to tty1 and do "mv .config .config_backup"23:35
ZJAYjust mv .config to .oldconfig type of command in term and then logout theh backin?23:35
drnobodyso how does sudo work again?23:36
darkl0rdhi, someone who has experience with multiarch on Ubuntu 16.04+?23:36
k1l_ZJAY: the rationale is to rename the .config folder and to try if with the new configs it will work then. because you said guest account works so its a user setting that is causing it23:36
k1l_ZJAY: yes, after renaming that folder try to login again to uniy23:37
sdjflajhi, i am experiencing a problem with Ubuntu 16.04. I had created a wifi hotspot a month ago. Every time the laptop boots into Ubuntu, the wifi hotspot would automatically get connected. After some days, I deleted the hotspot connection, but still it is sharing the internet when I boot up. I have to manually disable it every time.23:41
sdjflajThe connection is not seen in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections23:42
sdjflajStill the hotspot connection under the same name is active when the laptop boots up. Like a zombie.23:43
toguko@sdjflaj, left click at the network signal at menubar and go to "EDIT CONNECTIONS"23:44
sdjflajtoguko, did that.23:44
togukoWill open Network Conections, so, delete your network23:44
sdjflajI already did that.23:44
sdjflajThe mystery is that it keeps sharing the internet whenever the pc boots up.23:45
sdjflajEventhough such a connection doesn't exist in the network connections list.23:45
togukoops, it is not normal indeed...23:45
jeremy31Do you have hostapd installed or made changes to any files in /etc/network23:45
sdjflajtoguko, the connection is indeed deleted from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. I can confirm that.23:46
sdjflajI don't have hostapd installed. Neither have I done any changes to /etc/network.23:46
sdjflajThere are also some other weird behaviors if you try to stop the wifi sharing more than once. It is difficult to explain, though.23:47
sdjflajMost times, you can only stop the access point ONCE after the PC boots up. Then you will have a list of other wifi access points listed when you click the topmost bar on the desktop.23:49
tsimonq2crafty1: How do I go about editing the file?23:49
jeremy31Perhaps you should ask a question at ubuntuforums.org and see https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=370108 post the results of the script in your question23:49
BustyLoli-Chan"segmentation fault (core dumped)" how would I actually look at that core dump?23:49
sdjflajIf I connect to another wifi network, disconnect again, the entire list disappears. Then you can't connect to any other wifi network from that menu.23:51
sdjflajjeremy31, thanks, I'll take a look23:51
jeremy31sdjflaj  Someone will see it and have time to make suggestions,  good networking people in the Networking & Wireless subforum23:53
BustyLoli-ChanI'm using android build scripts that normally would work perfectly fine, except I'm trying to use them with the windows linux subsystem23:54
BustyLoli-Chanwhen I run make I get a segmentation fault (core dump) but I don't actually know if it contains anything useful23:55
BustyLoli-Chandoes anyone know how I would begin trouble shooting this issue... or better, figure out how to build android open source through the linux subsystem?23:55
BustyLoli-ChanI don't know if windows has a particularly flavored up version of ubuntu installed and if there is a way to unflavor it, or if this is all just pointless at this point23:56
BustyLoli-Chanbut I'm hoping somewhere here at least knows a little something about it and can maybe offer some help?23:56
sdjflajjeremy31, thanks for the help :)23:56
k1l_!ubuwin | BustyLoli-Chan23:57
ubottuBustyLoli-Chan: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.23:57

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