pavlos | LFP6, enable ip forwarding, then iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination | 00:00 |
LFP6 | That looks about right - thanks | 00:00 |
dax | hggdh: the random stuff in VERIFY REGISTER is a one-use token, not password :) | 00:00 |
dax | (thankfully, considering how often that happens) | 00:01 |
hggdh | dax: oh, OK | 00:01 |
damccull | Is it possible to do some kind of a file or redirect so that when ssh'ing into a box twice, referencing the same path from the command line will result in two different files? example: I have file /home/me/a.txt that says "you win!" if I cat it from one ssh session, but the same path says "you lose :(" if I cat from a second session. The path would just be | 00:01 |
damccull | an alias to a different file elsewhere on the filesystem, and which one it points to is dependant on the session. Possible in linux/ubunut? | 00:01 |
snowrichard | thanks pw changed | 00:02 |
elricsfate | Hey guys. I have an issue where one of my ssh sessions is colorized for a user and the other one is not | 00:05 |
elricsfate | Ubuntu 16.04 | 00:05 |
donofrio | anyone know the status of this bug? | 00:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1606089 in yaboot (Ubuntu) "unable to boot after 'entire disk' install (16.10, ppc)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:05 |
k1l_ | elricsfate: same server and same user? | 00:06 |
donofrio | it's suppose to have grub2 but only installs yaboot that is not booting on my host | 00:06 |
elricsfate | k1l_: Same server, different user | 00:06 |
LFP6 | pavlos: Oddly enough, I bind to and still don't see it when I go to | 00:06 |
k1l_ | elricsfate: you can activate shell coloring in the .bashrc in the users home | 00:07 |
LFP6 | It must have to be something with DigitalOcean's floating IPs | 00:07 |
elricsfate | k1l_: sudo diff .bashrc ~elricsfate/.bashrc | 00:07 |
elricsfate | Comparing the bashrc of the user with coloring and without coloring shows that there are no differences | 00:07 |
elricsfate | One thing worth noting is that the coloring does work for the user elricsfate when in a screen session | 00:08 |
k1l_ | elricsfate: there is force_color_prompt=yes look into the files if its commented or not | 00:08 |
elricsfate | That got it. Thanks k1l_. Strange that is worked for one user and not the other though? Any idea what might cause that? | 00:10 |
elricsfate | They both appear to have the same $TERM as well | 00:10 |
damccull | elricsfate: this is going to sound dumb, but has the user logged out and in on the non-color term? | 00:12 |
damccull | or sourced the profile | 00:12 |
elricsfate | damccull: To clarify, it is now working after changing the file and then sourcing it | 00:12 |
damccull | typo? | 00:13 |
elricsfate | My question is why the .bashrc was the exact same for both yet one was working and one was not | 00:13 |
elricsfate | damccull: I actually diffed the file between the users, they were both the exact same and had the exact same term value. | 00:13 |
damccull | only thing I know of that affects that is active environment variables and TERM. | 00:13 |
donofrio | anyone know the status of this bug? ?? | 00:14 |
k1l_ | elricsfate: maybe its set in another env config? or you exported force_color_prompt=yes manually? | 00:14 |
damccull | so maybe someone just changed their file without sourcing or relogging? | 00:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1606089 in yaboot (Ubuntu) "unable to boot after 'entire disk' install (16.10, ppc)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:14 |
donofrio | it's suppose to have grub2 but only installs yaboot that is not booting on my host ?? | 00:14 |
donofrio | 17.04 was suppose to have grub2 | 00:14 |
donofrio | ;( | 00:14 |
damccull | donofrio: we saw your question sense spamming it. probably noone knows about it | 00:14 |
bazhang | donofrio, #ubuntu+1 is the place for that | 00:15 |
k1l_ | donofrio: for 17.04 ask in #ubuntu+1 or better file a bug directly | 00:15 |
elricsfate | Nope, I just checked. Only place it exists in the working users directory is .bashrc | 00:15 |
elricsfate | and it's commented in the one that was working previously | 00:15 |
damccull | elricsfate: what about the shared profile? | 00:16 |
elricsfate | damccull: Sorry, what's the location of that? | 00:16 |
damccull | i believe ubuntu .profile refs a shared version in etc right? | 00:16 |
elricsfate | diff .profile ~elricsfate/.profile | 00:16 |
elricsfate | No differences | 00:16 |
damccull | hang on while i boot a vm and find that file if it still exits | 00:17 |
damccull | exists | 00:17 |
damccull | elricsfate: look in /etc/profile and /etc/bash_profile as wel | 00:18 |
damccull | but those get read BEFORE the user specific ones | 00:19 |
damccull | so unless you're not overwriting something in those, no dice. | 00:19 |
elricsfate | The difference is that there is no difference in between those files on each users | 00:19 |
elricsfate | *user | 00:19 |
elricsfate | It's working now, just strange that iwasn't before without changing that var. | 00:19 |
damccull | hmm. only thing I can think of is that the file wasn't saved, or had a typo, or wasn't sourced | 00:20 |
donofrio | bazhang, k1l_ Thank you... | 00:27 |
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne | ||
bertman | hi | 00:45 |
Eric_____ | hi everyone | 00:46 |
bertman | have a question about bash... | 00:47 |
wedgie | bertman: might be better served in #bash then | 00:47 |
bertman | well seems ubuntu specific | 00:47 |
wedgie | then ask away | 00:47 |
elisa871 | check #bash as well bertman | 00:47 |
bertman | i migrated from slackware and the autocompletion acts different | 00:47 |
bertman | e.g. echo some text>>existing file ... autocomplete doesn't work on existing file | 00:48 |
bertman | it does work, just not after >> | 00:48 |
bertman | i have searched for answers online | 00:49 |
k1l_ | bertman: did you uncomment the autocompletion part in .bashrc ? | 00:50 |
bertman | all my configs seem to be okay | 00:50 |
wedgie | weird. Works for me. | 00:50 |
nacc | works fine here as well | 00:50 |
bertman | they were uncommented by default | 00:50 |
k1l_ | and you are using bash and not zsh or such? | 00:52 |
bertman | i have 2 installs: Trusty and Yakkety... both act the same | 00:52 |
bertman | yes | 00:53 |
bertman | yet i can do such commands in slack and they work fine | 00:53 |
k1l_ | works for me, too. | 00:53 |
bertman | that is so strange... | 00:54 |
k1l_ | what gives you "echo $SHELL"? | 00:54 |
bertman | /bin/bash | 00:54 |
wedgie | bertman: just to verify your workflow (sorry, this is going to sound stupid and basic but i have to ask) you are typing "echo blah >> " and then pressing TAB, right? | 00:54 |
bertman | that is so | 00:55 |
bertman | yes | 00:55 |
k1l_ | bertman: apt policy bash-completion | 00:55 |
wedgie | and you're expecting that to autocomplete to the name of a file that exists in your current directory | 00:55 |
k1l_ | that tells its installed, right? | 00:55 |
bertman | yes that is my expectation | 00:55 |
k1l_ | yeah, do you have read permissions in that working directory? :) | 00:56 |
bertman | yes i have perms | 00:56 |
bertman | it's in my home directory | 00:57 |
bertman | k1l: yes it is installed | 00:57 |
k1l_ | i just tested on a 16.04 and 17.04. local and remote. | 00:57 |
bertman | autocompletion works.. just not after >> | 00:58 |
k1l_ | what terminal is it? | 00:59 |
bertman | echo foo>>bar and bar will not autocomplete as an existing file in directory | 00:59 |
k1l_ | but bar does exist? can you test with ".bash"? | 01:00 |
wedgie | ahhhhh | 01:00 |
bertman | i have tried direct terminal, konsole, and several others | 01:00 |
wedgie | that i can reproduce | 01:00 |
bertman | bar does exist | 01:00 |
wedgie | echo foo >>bar does work | 01:00 |
wedgie | note the extra space | 01:00 |
candleglow_ | Hi -- I can't find any recent advice on using a Kindle Paperwhite with Ubuntu. It seemed like it used to be as simple as plug in Kindle, load books... but there appears to be no device mounted when I plug it in my Kindle. Help? :) | 01:00 |
k1l_ | bertman: do a space before the >> | 01:00 |
bertman | ahhh the space! | 01:00 |
bertman | doesn't have to be there in slackware... strange | 01:01 |
bertman | thanks!!! | 01:01 |
=== lebeev_ is now known as ryanlol | ||
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest516 | ||
Eric_____ | hey? | 01:36 |
marty__ | hello? | 01:36 |
Eric_____ | help me with playonlinelinux to have 5 imvu clients running | 01:37 |
noobineer | I have a monitor with its EDID not getting detected correctly, it works but not at the highest res, only up to 1024x768, i was reading this guide ( about creating a EDID for my monitor, is that worth doing or should I try making an xorg.conf instead? I'm using ubuntu-mate 16.04 and nouveau | 01:38 |
marty__ | im running ubuntu 16.04 and having errors with getting my vm's working | 01:39 |
Eric_____ | hey Oeheks? | 01:40 |
Eric_____ | help me with playonlinelinux to have 5 imvu clients running | 01:42 |
Eric_____ | help me with playonlinelinux to have 5 imvu clients running | 01:46 |
Eric_____ | anyone? | 01:46 |
cfhowlett | !patience | Eric_____ | 01:46 |
ubottu | Eric_____: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 01:46 |
Eric_____ | ubottu u had 5 imvu clients before? | 01:47 |
ubottu | Eric_____: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:47 |
tatertots | noobineer: in terminal> sudo apt install inxi pastebinit | 01:53 |
tatertots | noobineer: when its done..say so | 01:54 |
=== nilaerv is now known as [unbannable]ryan | ||
elricsfate | OK, no idea what's up here. It would appear that color only works in my terminal if I source .bashrc but this is only the case for one user | 02:00 |
elricsfate | Anyone know what might cause that? | 02:00 |
Eric_____ | anyne have playonlinux? | 02:01 |
pavlos | elricsfate, do you mean ls --color=auto | 02:02 |
elricsfate | No, I mean a colored prompt | 02:02 |
r_rios | Hello, all. My wired network keeps disconnecting from times to times and I have to restart the nm service for it to come back | 02:03 |
r_rios | Any reason why this is happening? My ethernet card is an nForce | 02:03 |
wedgie | elricsfate: is your .bashrc sourced in that user's .profile? | 02:04 |
elricsfate | pavlos: I.E The green bash user@host | 02:04 |
pavlos | elricsfate, there is a #force_color_prompt=yes in .bashrc if you uncomment, I guess you get color prompt | 02:05 |
elricsfate | The profile of the user that works and that doesn't work is the exact same | 02:05 |
elricsfate | pavlos: yes, that has already been done | 02:05 |
Bashing-om | r_rios: A thought: have you set msi=0 msix=0 ? | 02:05 |
elricsfate | and it does not work for the user that is having issues, only if the file is sourced manually | 02:06 |
tatertots | Eric_____: playonlinux most likely has their own irc chat room/channel | 02:06 |
r_rios | Bashing-om: I had to, otherwise the network wouldn' t work at all | 02:06 |
elricsfate | This is why it's confusing. The files between the working user and the non-working user are the same. The non-working user even has that setting uncommented but will only work when .bashrc is sourced manually. | 02:06 |
Eric_____ | tatertots how i have 5 imvu clients running? | 02:06 |
wedgie | elricsfate: is the non-working user's defult shell bash? (as opposed to something else) | 02:06 |
r_rios | Now it works, but it disconnects spontaneously from times to times | 02:07 |
Bashing-om | r_rios: K; My result also . Sorry then - no other thought . | 02:07 |
elricsfate | The term and shell are the same for both users | 02:08 |
r_rios | Bashing-om: No problem, thanks for the help :) | 02:08 |
elricsfate | putty-256color and /bin/bash | 02:08 |
Bashing-om | r_rios: :(, no help as much as I might have hoped . | 02:09 |
pavlos | elricsfate, so I uncommented that line, the next term I popped shows user@host as green but you say your user does not experience that | 02:10 |
wedgie | elricsfate: well, if it works once you source .bashrc manually then that strongly suggests that it isn't being sourced on its own. | 02:10 |
r_rios | Bashing-om: At least you tried | 02:11 |
elricsfate | This is right here in my profile | 02:11 |
elricsfate | I have a .bash_profile Will that override? | 02:11 |
elricsfate | That seems to be the difference betweent eh two, bet that's it. | 02:12 |
wedgie | unsure. rename it for a min to test | 02:12 |
pavlos | elricsfate, I have .profile with the same contents you pasted. I have a .bashrc but not a .bash_profile | 02:13 |
elricsfate | Got it, it was the .bash_profile | 02:13 |
elricsfate | Added the source for .bashrc into the .bash_profile and she is working like a charm. Thanks for the help guys. Good call on that wedgie | 02:14 |
starks | is devel repo rolling or subject to freezes? | 02:23 |
Jordan_U | starks: Subject to freezes. | 02:32 |
starks | thx | 02:32 |
Jordan_U | starks: You're welcome. | 02:33 |
=== bella is now known as Guest90112 | ||
Eric_____ | anyone have playonlinux on ubunt? | 02:42 |
tubal | Hi. I'm wondering, what is the little app(let) that appears when a program crashes? | 02:49 |
tubal | I think it's Ubuntu-specific, but I could be wrong. | 02:49 |
turista | hello every1, I've got in trouble with installing the lubuntu desktop qt version in this ubuntu 16.10 | 02:50 |
Jordan_U | tubal: Apport. Which appears to be an Ubuntu project that aims to be usable by other distributions. I don't know if any other distros use it though. | 02:52 |
turista | Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:53 |
turista | /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-workspace_4%3a5.7.5-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 02:53 |
turista | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:53 |
tubal | Jordan_U: Ah. Yeah, that looks like the one. Thanks/ | 02:53 |
Jordan_U | tubal: You're welcome. | 02:53 |
turista | anyone any idea? | 02:55 |
Bashing-om | !info plasma-workspace xenial | 02:57 |
ubottu | plasma-workspace (source: plasma-workspace): Plasma Workspace for KF5. In component universe, is optional. Version 4: (xenial), package size 7154 kB, installed size 33045 kB | 02:57 |
pitthacker | hello | 03:17 |
PipeItToDevNull | Hi | 03:17 |
hhee | morn! | 03:19 |
=== Mantra is now known as pitthacker2 | ||
pitthacker | lol | 03:20 |
pitthacker | nice nick mantra | 03:21 |
pitthacker | you a hacker? | 03:21 |
pitthacker2 | pitthacker: i am working on it.. my hacker idol is in this room | 03:21 |
=== pitthacker2 is now known as Mantra | ||
nicomachus | I'm trying to use the network manager applet in System Settings to adjust my DNS for ipv6, but it won't let me enter a period in the box | 03:49 |
nicomachus | that' | 03:49 |
nicomachus | oh. nvm. i'm dumb. | 03:50 |
B105PH3RE | having an issue with one of my linux boxes, its got a Radeon HD6850 and I don't have an option for AMDGPU driver but I install and created a xorg.conf with options and such but I only have opengl 3.3 instead of 4.1 so one of my games won't launch any ideas, do I need the amdgpu-pro package instead and i'm using xubuntu 16.04 on that system btw | 04:15 |
Eric_____ | hey help me with wine program loader? | 04:19 |
krazzgal | "I've been aware of the Jew deception against humanity for several years now and although it seems hopeless at times, I've seen a huge awakening recently that gives me hope." || "You really say the words Alfred. This is your best, most daring video yet! You name the Jew and explain how they make the good guy the bad guy, and the bad guy the good guy. How they planed to exterminate the Germans, etc. I'm Tweeting this out. Well done!" | 04:21 |
nicomachus | !ops | krazzgal | 04:21 |
ubottu | krazzgal: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 04:21 |
dax | nicomachus: (elky and I are awake and hunting them) | 04:21 |
dax | (but thank you anyway) | 04:21 |
nicomachus | happy hunting! | 04:21 |
nicomachus | mostly just testing whether this works. Having some DNS issues here... | 04:22 |
nicomachus | IRC works fine though. | 04:22 |
dimas008_ | dimas | 04:33 |
dimas008_ | hay | 04:34 |
dimas008_ | wtf | 04:34 |
dimas008_ | hemm | 04:34 |
dimas008_ | hayy | 04:34 |
dimas008_ | w0y? | 04:34 |
dimas008_ | hayy | 04:35 |
Insi22 | Loyality to jewishness is loyality to oppression and world domination. The only way to end jewish supremecy and oppression is for jewish women to race mix with black men. This is the only answer. israel also must transform and learn to become multicultural by race mixing with blacks and palastainans. | 04:35 |
dimas008_ | ubuntu? | 04:35 |
dimas008_ | backbox | 04:36 |
=== gamespttr_ is now known as gamespttr | ||
Eric_____ | help me? | 04:37 |
israphial | With what | 04:37 |
Eric_____ | i need to run 5 imvu clients on playonlinux | 04:38 |
Eric_____ | | 04:38 |
israphial | Nope, can't help you there. | 04:38 |
israphial | Am noob. | 04:38 |
AndroUser | Lol | 04:38 |
israphial | Does anyone here use Weechat? | 04:38 |
Eric_____ | -_- ill ask other someone | 04:38 |
dimas008_ | ada orang indo | 04:40 |
Andersleafar | 1 | 04:47 |
xz | hi there, has anobody done Android VM on Ubuntu? | 04:50 |
xz | with google play working? | 04:50 |
cfhowlett | no shortage of vidos, xz. see the ytubez | 04:51 |
Eric_____ | i need help with it | 04:51 |
xz | cfhowlett: have you done that? | 04:52 |
cfhowlett | xz, once. | 04:52 |
xz | cfhowlett: I'm just looking for couple of questiuons answered | 04:52 |
xz | cfhowlett: was google play working for you fully? | 04:52 |
cfhowlett | yep, but as I said: once. a long time ago | 04:52 |
xz | cfhowlett: in other words, can I download just any app that's normally available on mobile device? | 04:52 |
cfhowlett | so far as I know, yes | 04:53 |
xz | cfhowlett: awesome, how did you get that VM? did you use some virtualbox + an image like androVM, or some dedicated emulator? | 04:54 |
cfhowlett | I remember using vbox and the standard, at that time, image | 04:54 |
Eric_____ | where virtualbox? | 04:54 |
xz | cfhowlett: ok, it might have been then vbox + androvm | 04:54 |
cfhowlett | xz | 04:55 |
cfhowlett | !vbox | Eric_____ | 04:55 |
ubottu | Eric_____: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at . Additional details can be found at | 04:55 |
Eric_____ | i click virtualbox 5.1? | 04:56 |
marty__ | aloha | 04:58 |
cfhowlett | mahalo, marty__ | 04:58 |
xz | cfhowlett: I just found out 'bluesstacks' for windows, looks like pretty cool thing | 04:59 |
xz | cfhowlett: will look around more, maybe there is such out-of-the-box solution for UBUNTU as well | 04:59 |
marty__ | wow this is sorta active, | 04:59 |
cfhowlett | xz, perhaps : | 05:00 |
Eric_____ | ubuntu which one i ckick? | 05:00 |
Eric_____ | VirtualBox 5.1.16 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All supported platforms Support for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP, disk encryption, NVMe and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension Pack. The Extension Pack binaries are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). Please install the extension pack with the sa | 05:00 |
cfhowlett | xz, imho: the android SDK is preferred. YMMV | 05:01 |
xz | cfhowlett: I just want to make sure google play works, so if SDK works fine with google play, I cna try that | 05:02 |
marty__ | im using ubuntu 16.04, i have run a couple of basic of iso's through my vmware, its all ubuntu so when the vm asks for permission install for grub im confused | 05:03 |
cfhowlett | marty__, say "yes" | 05:03 |
marty__ | "yes" | 05:03 |
cfhowlett | ....... give the installer permission to install | 05:04 |
marty__ | lol thanks. it wont error my current iso? | 05:04 |
cfhowlett | marty__, it's a virtual machine. how, exactly, do you see this effecting the host? | 05:05 |
Eric_____ | ybottu? which i click? | 05:05 |
Eric_____ | VirtualBox 5.1.16 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All supported platforms Support for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP, disk encryption, NVMe and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension Pack. The Extension Pack binaries are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). Please install the extension pack with the sa | 05:05 |
nicomachus | Eric_____: please stop that | 05:06 |
marty__ | im still new to alot of this, and i am a double checker, i apologize if this seems tedious but thank you | 05:06 |
marty__ | your right | 05:06 |
Eric_____ | ok | 05:06 |
cfhowlett | marty__, no worries | 05:06 |
Eric_____ | u said add extension pack | 05:06 |
cfhowlett | Eric_____, 1. install virtualbox. 2. install extension pack. 3. done | 05:07 |
Eric_____ | it said Could not open "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.1.16-113841-1.vbox-extpack" | 05:12 |
cfhowlett | install virtualbox first! | 05:12 |
Olanzapin | dumb question but how do i do when an application freezez and become a zombie... | 05:12 |
cfhowlett | Olanzapin, my method: ps -x, find the zombie, then kill -9 PID | 05:13 |
nicomachus | Olanzapin: Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal, `sudo pkill application_name` for me. | 05:13 |
Olanzapin | Ok thank you... :)' | 05:14 |
Eric_____ | hey howelet youtube will help me with install virtualbox | 05:27 |
Eric_____ | hey howelet? | 05:30 |
Eric_____ | do i click windows hosts? | 05:31 |
Eric_____ | do i click os x hosts? | 05:31 |
Eric_____ | do i click Linux distributions? | 05:32 |
ferret_tails | I accidentally messed up my /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf file | 05:33 |
ferret_tails | how can I restore it? | 05:33 |
cfhowlett | ferret_tails, you did back it up, right? | 05:34 |
PipeItToDevNull | ferret_tails, Revert the backup you made | 05:34 |
B105PH3RE | thats why you should backup first original | 05:34 |
ferret_tails | cfhowlett: I did, but it's a modified version | 05:34 |
ferret_tails | isn't there any way to get it back with apt? | 05:34 |
cfhowlett | ferret_tails, ? the .cnf file = configuration. it's established on first run, IIRC | 05:35 |
ferret_tails | oh... let me try that then | 05:35 |
PipeItToDevNull | ferret_tails, move your file and reinstall the package | 05:35 |
cfhowlett | ferret_tails, rename the current file to foo.OLD and reinstall | 05:35 |
ferret_tails | I did 'apt-get install --reinstall openssl' and it didn't restore the .cnf file | 05:36 |
PipeItToDevNull | ferret_tails, Was your file moved | 05:36 |
PipeItToDevNull | Or was it present | 05:36 |
ferret_tails | it was moved | 05:36 |
PipeItToDevNull | Purge, then install | 05:36 |
ferret_tails | woah... that's going to delete a /lot/ of deps | 05:37 |
ferret_tails | actually... you know what I could do? I could download the file from my other computer :1 | 05:37 |
ferret_tails | why didn't I think of that earlier | 05:37 |
ferret_tails | oh... dpkg option --force-confmiss | 05:39 |
ferret_tails | oh! there we go | 05:39 |
ferret_tails | that did it | 05:39 |
ferret_tails | whew... that fixed it | 05:40 |
ferret_tails | thanks everyone | 05:40 |
Eric_____ | howelet? | 05:41 |
Eric_____ | i opened an terminal on ubuntu then typed "sudo apt-get install virtualbox" | 05:43 |
Eric_____ | thats easy to do on terminal | 05:44 |
askb | Any reason ubuntu 16.04 keep marking a packege for autoremoval ? | 05:44 |
Aaron | askb, it could be because. Of libraries, and such... but Don't worry. | 05:45 |
askb | Aaron, facter is being marked for auto removal after puppet4 is installed, | 05:50 |
askb | doing this impacting our scripting, since we facter a lot to check the version of ubuntu | 05:51 |
Aaron | askb, then hit Cancel. or update your scripting libraries. either one ;) | 05:52 |
askb | Is there a way such facter is not marked for autoremoval when puppet is installed | 05:52 |
Aaron | askb, use aptitude ;) | 05:52 |
Aaron | man aptitude | 05:52 |
Jakeukalane | hello, I have a HDD with 3 partitions and in two of those partitions (as they were used formerly from other computers), I have not full access in all archives. I mean, there is a lock in some of the archives. How can I safely change the permissions so I can read those folders? | 06:08 |
Jakeukalane | | 06:09 |
PipeItToDevNull | Jakeukalane, What filesystem are those? | 06:12 |
Jakeukalane | ext4 | 06:12 |
Jakeukalane | mmmm | 06:12 |
Jakeukalane | no | 06:12 |
Jakeukalane | PipeItToDevNull, yes, it was ext4 | 06:14 |
PipeItToDevNull | Just chown the directories | 06:14 |
Jakeukalane | sudo chown -R user ? | 06:14 |
PipeItToDevNull | How did you mount that? | 06:14 |
Jakeukalane | automatically, is not the partition that I do not own, only few archives | 06:15 |
PipeItToDevNull | Who owns them? | 06:15 |
PipeItToDevNull | ls -al | 06:15 |
Jakeukalane | there are three colums, the firs one is one with the permission and the other two seems like owners? | 06:17 |
PipeItToDevNull | owner user and group | 06:18 |
Jakeukalane | the problem seems to be in the permissions as there are some with drwx----- and -rw-r--r-- but others with drwxrwxr-x. that is my question, what is better change the permissions to less restrictive or change the owner? | 06:19 |
PipeItToDevNull | Who is the owner | 06:20 |
Jakeukalane | not me. the computer when they were created is broken now so I think is safe to change the user | 06:21 |
PipeItToDevNull | Yep | 06:22 |
Jakeukalane | nice, that is solved. what permissions are better? for normal use | 06:22 |
PipeItToDevNull | If it came from another install just chown the whole thing to your user | 06:23 |
Jakeukalane | great | 06:23 |
PipeItToDevNull | The permissions should be fine | 06:24 |
Jakeukalane | solved, thank you very much | 06:24 |
PipeItToDevNull | Yep | 06:24 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 06:48 |
Aaron | lol someone is trying to identify my nick ;) | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | !ghost | Aaron | 06:49 |
ubottu | Aaron: If you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode | 06:49 |
Aaron | lotuspsychje, thank you but. no thanks. ;) | 06:51 |
temhaa | hello. I have disk partitions. And They are not mounted . If I use mount command. I can access to disks. But whenevert server reboot should I run mount command again? If Its yes, how can I solve this one. | 06:53 |
temhaa | as I search it says write to fstab. | 06:53 |
lotuspsychje | temhaa: this partition is ntfs perhaps? | 06:55 |
vlt | Hello. I want to find a file containing string1 and string2. Can grep natively do that or do I have to write something around it? | 07:05 |
Stanley00 | vlt: not sure if this works, grep -e string1 -e string2 | 07:09 |
lotuspsychje | vlt: or this: | 07:09 |
vlt | Thanks! | 07:10 |
Stanley00 | vlt: nvm, it just looks for string1 or string2, not both | 07:10 |
roko | In ubuntu how can I print the output of the file to stdout using cat as well as pipe the output to a diffenret command and get that commands output as well on a single line? | 07:24 |
Seven_Six_Two | popey, are you available? You approved my wiki editor application, but I still can't edit the London, Ontario page. | 07:24 |
roko | I am trying cat tt.txt | xargs -I {} aws s3 cp s3://temp/{} -. If tt.txt has 1 and 1 ahs contents "abc" I want it to print out as "1 abc" | 07:25 |
ducasse | roko: 'tee'? | 07:26 |
CrazyTux | hello, is Ubuntu 16.04 that is LTS more stable than 16.10? | 07:27 |
roko | ducasse: I tried tee as "cat tt.txt | tee tmp.txt | xargs -I {} aws s3 cp s3://samidh1/{} -" | 07:27 |
Seven_Six_Two | wc | 07:27 |
CrazyTux | off late I facing some problem wiht 16.10 | 07:27 |
roko | ducasse: doesn't work though | 07:27 |
CrazyTux | random freezing | 07:27 |
CrazyTux | thinking of removing 16.10 entirely and installing LTS. | 07:28 |
CrazyTux | I hope Ubuntu addresses this problem asap. | 07:29 |
wedgie | roko: try in #bash | 07:31 |
OerHeks | CrazyTux, buy better hardware | 07:32 |
CrazyTux | I have a brand new laptop that I bought this month. | 07:32 |
lotuspsychje | CrazyTux: you already asked this question 20 times here | 07:34 |
CrazyTux | one more question. If there are two linux distros installed on a single laptop do both of them need to have separate swap partitions for them. Could this be the reason for random freezing. One of the distros not being created with a separated swap partition at the time of installation? | 07:35 |
CrazyTux | yes. I haven't got a satisfactory solution. | 07:36 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: no, and no. | 07:36 |
CrazyTux | I like to use Ubuntu Mate 16.10 but not able to. | 07:36 |
lotuspsychje | CrazyTux: thats not true, you have been suggested many things to try, hence you refuse to take action | 07:36 |
OerHeks | oh , this is a new one .. such details should be included a long time ago | 07:36 |
CrazyTux | lotuspsychje, please. I have followed every suggestion given here. | 07:37 |
lotuspsychje | CrazyTux: if you would have followed suggestions, you would have tested 16.04.2 already | 07:37 |
CrazyTux | I need 16.10. | 07:38 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: why? | 07:38 |
lotuspsychje | CrazyTux: why dont you just try it out, instead of keep comming back here trolling the same questions over and over? | 07:38 |
CrazyTux | I have used 16.04 before. | 07:38 |
CrazyTux | No. I am not trolling. | 07:38 |
lotuspsychje | CrazyTux: so why do you ask if 16.04 is more stable then 16.10? | 07:39 |
CrazyTux | I am a newbie and don't have much knowledge about all these distro. I was just curious. Just want that problem solved. | 07:40 |
OerHeks | maybe 14.04.5 is more stable | 07:40 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: what happened when you tried 16.04? | 07:42 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: and was it 16.04 or 16.04.2? | 07:42 |
CrazyTux | Actually, I have never used Ubuntu. I have used Lubuntu LTS and that was on my old laptop. | 07:43 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: then why are you here? | 07:43 |
CrazyTux | On my new laptop I have Xubuntu 16.10 and Mint Serena installed. | 07:43 |
CrazyTux | and this Xubuntu 16.10 is giving these headaches. | 07:43 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: so you haven't tried xenial. i suggest you do so. | 07:44 |
CrazyTux | Ok. If that solves the problem, let me see. | 07:45 |
CrazyTux | thanks. Will install that and check. | 07:45 |
Night__ | ffs trying to type commands in to a remote desktop session on windos to a backend linux service with a phone is a roayal pain, with a cellphone. autocorrect sudo to dude adding capitals and space where there should be none.... | 07:46 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: i think it is something you definitely need to check. make sure to install 16.04 and not 16.04.2, then try installing the hwe stack later if necessary. | 07:46 |
CrazyTux | why not 16.04.2 directly? | 07:47 |
CrazyTux | and I don't need Ubuntu. I need Ubuntu Mate. | 07:47 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: because .02 has the kernel and stack from 16.10. | 07:47 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: if you need mate, why are you on xubuntu now? | 07:48 |
CrazyTux | that seems to be complicated for a beginner like me. | 07:48 |
CrazyTux | I have installed Mate and Lubuntu DEs on it. | 07:48 |
CrazyTux | I worked on Mate for a while and seem to like that. | 07:48 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: when i say 'ubuntu', read '*ubuntu'. install any flavor you want. | 07:49 |
CrazyTux | ok. | 07:49 |
ayogi | hello, how can i setup, NAT port forwarding in ubuntu, so that, when a user tries to connect to the machine over a port, it forwards the connection to private machine on port 3306 | 07:49 |
oqui | hello, am trying to create a service that starts/stops my ruby on rails app using upstart which I've written here. however, I still don't get the app up and running. It's throwing unhelpful logs messages. What could be doing wrong? Thanks | 07:50 |
ayogi | this is basically to allow access to a private database, from internet | 07:50 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: the reason .02 has the 16.10 hwe stack now is that it will be supported for five years, so newer kernels etc are backported to it to give support for new hardware. | 07:50 |
CrazyTux | ducasse, then .02 would be suitable for my laptop which has newer hardware. | 07:51 |
CrazyTux | and probably because of this issue I had to go for 16.10 in the first place. | 07:51 |
CrazyTux | I had some apps like pdf viewers in 16.04 which were incompatible with some files, I think. | 07:52 |
CrazyTux | I had some pdf files that used to ask for password in 16.04. But, in 16.10 they don't. | 07:53 |
ducasse | ayogi: | 07:54 |
CrazyTux | I am quite ok with 16.10 despite the fact that it has short support period. It is just this random freezing that needs to be sorted out. | 07:54 |
tzfrs | Hello guys, I don't know if it's the correct place, but I have a problem with increasing a partition with GParted on Ubuntu 16.04 I have a 232GB SSD mounted on /dev/sdb. /dev/sdb1 contains my windows installation, /dev/sdb3 my ubuntu installation. /dev/sdb1 is currently 203 GB big, /dev/sdb3 19.53. I have 9.77 GB unallocated disk space, but can't increase the size of /dev/sdb5 (main linux partiition) When I click on resize, I can't | 07:54 |
tzfrs | type in any number and it always stays at 0 | 07:54 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: pdf files have *nothing* to do with hardware support. and try 16.04 first. | 07:54 |
CrazyTux | ok | 07:55 |
ducasse | tzfrs: can you post a screenshot of gparted's main window with that disk selected on imgur? | 07:57 |
ayogi | ducasse: i already did that, but it's not working | 07:57 |
tzfrs | Sure, one second | 07:57 |
tzfrs | ducasse: | 07:57 |
tzfrs | Reason behind this was, when I created my Ubuntu partition I thought 20 GB would be enough but totally forgot about swap, and now I'm coming onto my limits with 14 gb :p | 07:59 |
tzfrs | I already tried to do the same in Windows but Windows didn't even let me shrink the partition in the first place. In Gparted the shrinking worked. | 07:59 |
ducasse | tzfrs: you see the linux partitions (sdb5 and sdb6) are inside a so-called 'extended' partition (think of it as a container for partitions), and the free space comes outside that _and_ after another partition. to increase a partition the free space has to be next to it. | 08:00 |
tzfrs | ducasse, so I need to somehow move it into /dev/sdb3? Or just after /dev/sdb3 instead of before? | 08:01 |
CrazyTux | ducasse, I have a copy of Xubuntu 16.04.2 with me. I'll try the live usb of that and check if I can open those pdf files without password. | 08:01 |
CrazyTux | then, I'll decide on installing 16.04 | 08:01 |
tzfrs | i.e. does it also need to be on the same level as /sdb5 and /sdb5 or at the same level as /sdb3 but coming right after it? | 08:01 |
ducasse | tzfrs: you can just delete the swap and merge that free space with the linux partition, then make a new swap in the free space. or arrange everything so the free space can be moved into sdb3. | 08:02 |
tzfrs | Alright, let me try that, thank you | 08:02 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: the password problem is completely separate, ignore that for now. if it works otherwise we can work on fixibg the pdf stuff. | 08:03 |
ducasse | tzfrs: np :) | 08:03 |
CrazyTux | ok. | 08:04 |
ayogi | how can i remove the rule that was added using: "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE" | 08:04 |
ducasse | tzfrs: remember to delete or comment out the swap entry for /etc/fstab and create a new one for the new swap you create. we can help you with that if you get problems. | 08:04 |
tzfrs | I pressed right click on the swap partition, pressed swapoff, deleted the swap partition, then resized the /sdb5 and increased the size. Did I do that correctly? | 08:05 |
tzfrs | ducasse, It know looks like this: | 08:05 |
tzfrs | So far so good, or did I do something wrong already? :p | 08:06 |
ayogi | how can i restart the iptables in ubuntu? | 08:07 |
ducasse | tzfrs: that looks good. you are doing this from a live image, right? | 08:07 |
tzfrs | Uh | 08:07 |
tzfrs | I would like to tell you yes, but no | 08:07 |
ducasse | ayogi: iptables -F to flush | 08:07 |
tzfrs | My USB-Stick broke some weeks ago, didn't get a new one yet | 08:07 |
anddam | can someone on 16.04 or 16.10 confirm Ubuntu Web Browser doesn't reflect System Settings > Universal Access > Large Text setting? | 08:08 |
ayogi | ducasse: i do not want to flush, i just want to restart so that the rules i removed takes affect | 08:08 |
ducasse | tzfrs: ok, then exit without saving. you can't grow a partition you are 'standing' on, if you know what i mean. | 08:08 |
ayogi | flush will remove all rules right? | 08:08 |
tzfrs | I think I understand, but I already increased the size. Or aren't we talking about increasing? | 08:08 |
ducasse | ayogi: then use '-D rulenumber' | 08:08 |
ayogi | ducasse: yeah that i did | 08:09 |
ducasse | tzfrs: did you press apply? | 08:09 |
tzfrs | Yes | 08:09 |
tzfrs | And it worked already | 08:09 |
ayogi | but after that do i have to restart so that the rules take affect? | 08:09 |
ducasse | tzfrs: everything seems to be fine? check from a shell with 'df -h' that space looks correct. | 08:09 |
tzfrs | Yeah it does. Just wanted to make a screenshot to show you | 08:10 |
tzfrs | | 08:10 |
ducasse | tzfrs: ok, good. then create a new swap, if you need one at all. | 08:10 |
tzfrs | Don't think so tbh. 16GB should be enough, right? I'm just using an IDE for developing, and only PHP, so not even something which needs compiling power :p | 08:11 |
ducasse | tzfrs: looks good, although i'm not a big fan of doing it that way :) | 08:11 |
ducasse | tzfrs: you have 16gb ram? and you don't use hibernate? | 08:11 |
tzfrs | In the ideal world I would have a completely separate ssd for ubuntu | 08:11 |
tzfrs | You mean, hibernation features of the OS? | 08:12 |
ducasse | tzfrs: yep. | 08:12 |
tzfrs | I didn't set any settings explicity, so I still have the default settings. I could check | 08:12 |
anddam | also I cannot zoom in Browser using ctrl-+, this seems an old issue | 08:12 |
ducasse | tzfrs: that's ok. | 08:12 |
tzfrs | kk | 08:12 |
anddam | any hint about using Epiphany in a (at least) decent way? | 08:12 |
ducasse | tzfrs: hibernate is not enabled by default in ubuntu. | 08:12 |
tzfrs | Is there a way to assign the other 10gig as well to the ubuntu partition or no chance without a live cd? | 08:13 |
tzfrs | Ah okay | 08:13 |
ducasse | tzfrs: ok, then just put a comment in front of the swap line in /etc/fstab | 08:13 |
tzfrs | In front of this one: UUID=f7ce185f-b5ec-4c74-9be0-02bdd6a17add none swap sw $ | 08:13 |
tzfrs | ? | 08:13 |
ayogi | guys, i think i have locked myself out from a server, i setup a iptables rule and now it's not allowing to login via ssh | 08:14 |
tzfrs | At least it says swap | 08:14 |
ducasse | tzfrs: yep. | 08:14 |
ayogi | i have one active connection from where i am logged in, but not able to create another connection | 08:14 |
anddam | oh my bad it's not Ephyphany, it's webbrowser-app package, based on "Oxide" | 08:14 |
tzfrs | ty | 08:14 |
tzfrs | done | 08:14 |
ducasse | tzfrs: that should be it. let me take a look at that screenshot again, hang on. | 08:15 |
anddam | still any hint appreciated | 08:15 |
tzfrs | Can also send you a new one if you want | 08:15 |
tzfrs | anddam, can confirm. Text doesn't get any bigger | 08:17 |
tzfrs | Same on Chrome though | 08:17 |
anddam | but chrome isn't an Ubuntu UI package | 08:17 |
anddam | packages | 08:17 |
tzfrs | True, just wanted to share the information | 08:18 |
anddam | tzfrs: I mentioned two things tho', one is the UI per se, the other is the page content | 08:18 |
anddam | tzfrs: thanks | 08:18 |
anddam | tzfrs: just to be clear you're talking about the Universal Access thing right? | 08:18 |
anddam | not the ctrl-+ that won't magnify page content | 08:19 |
tzfrs | I got it in German, so I'm not 100% sure, but I went to "System Settings -> "Zugangshilfen"" and activated "Large Texts" | 08:19 |
anddam | Gut | 08:20 |
tzfrs | | 08:20 |
anddam | so it's the UI thing | 08:20 |
anddam | on a separate level the browser won't zoom the page content, at least not in an "usual" way, and it has no help, or "about" menu | 08:20 |
tzfrs | Yeah, looks pretty minimalistic. Didn't even know they have their own browsers. | 08:21 |
anddam | I think it's good they have a minimalistic browser, if it wasn't C++ I'd honestly feel more compelled to contribute | 08:23 |
tzfrs | I'm sure there are some use cases | 08:23 |
tzfrs | Btw, how do I delete a shortcut from my start menu in Ubuntu? My PhpStorm shortcut is somehow messed up and I wanted to recreate it. | 08:23 |
anddam | whats the start menu? | 08:23 |
anddam | Dash | 08:24 |
anddam | ? | 08:24 |
tzfrs | Yeah, I think it's Dash | 08:24 |
ducasse | tzfrs: i've been looking at it, and i've got a few concerns about resizing that other partition, especially without a live image. could you come back later today when there are more people here i can check with? | 08:24 |
tzfrs | I'm coming from a Windows background | 08:24 |
anddam | tzfrs: how did you install phpstorm? | 08:24 |
tzfrs | ducasse, don't worry, I just asked my neighbors, they can borrow me an USB-Stick this evening, then I could do it from the live cd | 08:24 |
tzfrs | anddam, I extracted the contents to /opt/jetbrains/phpstorm and ran the script in the /bin folder. On my work laptop it worked without problems, but somehow on my desktop the shortcut looks kinda different. And it's also a shortcut to a project instead of phpstorm even though phpstorm get's opened and not the project. kinda weird | 08:25 |
ducasse | tzfrs: good. | 08:26 |
tzfrs | I thought maybe I would just delete phpstorm all together and reinstall it. would be the most easy way | 08:27 |
ducasse | tzfrs: looks different as in different icon? | 08:27 |
tzfrs | | 08:27 |
tzfrs | Looks like this | 08:27 |
anddam | tzfrs: check .local/share/applications for a .desktop entry for phpstorm | 08:28 |
ducasse | tzfrs: ^ that :) | 08:28 |
tzfrs | Ah | 08:28 |
tzfrs | And just delete it? | 08:28 |
anddam | move it as reference, unless you want to reinstall or know desktop files well enough to rewrite it | 08:29 |
tzfrs | I think I need to relog now, one sec | 08:29 |
tzfrs | Yep, deleted it, and now after relogging I have the normal one again. | 08:30 |
tzfrs | Thank you guys | 08:30 |
tzfrs | Have to say, I like Ubuntu. Would just be nice to see more support for it by other companies. | 08:37 |
tzfrs | Well, not only Ubuntu, Linux in general. | 08:37 |
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 | ||
ducasse | tzfrs: just checked, you cannot move the beginning of an in-use partition as i thought. so you better get that usb first :) | 08:39 |
tzfrs | Alright ducasse. I'll try it out in like 8 hours. :) Thank you in advance | 08:39 |
ducasse | tzfrs: np :) | 08:40 |
=== Lutzee is now known as Zen | ||
einstein | python3.6 is what is offered official now? when will uubntu shit to py3.6 ? | 09:12 |
ducasse | einstein: probably not until ubuntu 17.10 | 09:13 |
OerHeks | | 09:14 |
OerHeks | oh, it is optional in yakkety 16.10 | 09:16 |
einstein | say i need a ppa of some package, then how do i use ubuntu itself to search for those? | 09:19 |
einstein | I don't like to google and open other articles which have , or may have the old ppa, and for every article googling is just too ineffective | 09:20 |
ducasse | einstein: open a browser, go to and search. if that fails, try google. | 09:20 |
V7 | I can't install php7.0 on ubuntu | 09:21 |
V7 | 16.04 | 09:21 |
OerHeks | include your ubuntu verion in the searchstring | 09:21 |
V7 | It doesn't work | 09:21 |
V7 | Apache2 | 09:21 |
ducasse | !doesntwork | V7 | 09:21 |
ubottu | V7: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 09:21 |
V7 | ducasse: ... ? | 09:22 |
OerHeks | V7, why not? | 09:22 |
ducasse | V7: read the message from ubottu | 09:22 |
V7 | php code doesn't work means that apache2 outputs only php string not data | 09:22 |
einstein | On ubuntu packages? how do i installl it OerHeks | 09:22 |
computer2000 | Hi, while compiling openFrameworks on Armbian Desktop I get "glesv1_cm & glesv2 not installed" - how do I get these? | 09:23 |
einstein | OerHeks: the link that you gave is unclear when it comes to installation, does it even has a ppa? | 09:23 |
V7 | like <?php echo "123"; ?> will output <?php echo "123"; ?> | 09:23 |
V7 | So ... php doesn't work | 09:23 |
V7 | I've tried to reinstall, but ... no result | 09:23 |
einstein | i am on xenial OerHeks | 09:23 |
OerHeks | einstein, that url shows it is available for yakkety, i didn't say it is for xenial. | 09:24 |
V7 | ducasse: so ? | 09:24 |
einstein | but xenial is 16.10/ | 09:24 |
OerHeks | einstein, no, it is not. | 09:25 |
cfhowlett | einstein, false xenial = 16.04 | 09:25 |
OerHeks | einstein, this page gives some answers, i doubt using a ppa for python. | 09:25 |
einstein | i also did dist-upgrade so that i can get the latest, but still it doesn't dist-upgrade as it's still xenial | 09:27 |
=== vamiry_ is now known as vamiry | ||
OerHeks | latest as in latest packages for xenial. to upgrade to 16.10, see the distro upgrade factoid | 09:28 |
OerHeks | | 09:29 |
vlt | Hello. Is there a recommended way to have Firefox ESR (and regular updates) on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS? | 09:30 |
einstein | i do have pip and virtualenv OerHeks i tried 3.6 but for that too i need python3.6 alreaady, i don't get that answer that use pyenv /? | 09:31 |
OerHeks | vlt, no, the url i gave you explains what to do | 09:31 |
OerHeks | einstein, ehh what? | 09:32 |
OerHeks | einstein, now you make no sense, you already tried python 3.6 on xenial? | 09:32 |
einstein | see answer by nick T | 09:32 |
einstein | OerHeks: no | 09:33 |
noals | salut, j'ai des problèmes de résolution avec ubuntu, si je change la résolution, l'ensemble de mon bureau ubuntu ne rentre plus dans l'écran. pareil pour une app que je programme, si je la passe en pleine écran, l'image est coupé. une idée pour résoudre ce problème ? | 09:34 |
OerHeks | einstein, my last advise: upgrade to yakkety if you *need* python 3.6 | 09:34 |
einstein | upgrade to yakkety? how ? | 09:34 |
einstein | i am on xenial, and i did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade already | 09:34 |
OerHeks | einstein, read back, that has been answered. | 09:35 |
noals | oh it's english here, sorry, i have some resolution probleme if i change my resolution or if i put a app i program in fullscreen, the image is cut, any idea ? | 09:36 |
OerHeks | noals, if a program uses a lower resolution, and after closing it your system keeps that resolution, go to Systemsettings > displays > and set it correct + hit 'apply' | 09:41 |
noals | i found a guide for my problem, im trying it right now DerHeks | 09:42 |
OerHeks | noals, .. old tutorial .. | 09:44 |
noals | ok i check your setting DerHeck | 09:44 |
noals | DerHeks* | 09:44 |
noals | no, that dont solve my problem, my desktop is cut just by changing my resolution. DerHeks | 09:46 |
einstein | whats teh use of dist-upgrade if it doesnt upgrade to ubuntu 16.04 ? | 09:47 |
OerHeks | !dist-upgrade | 09:48 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 09:48 |
einstein | !upgrade | 09:48 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 09:48 |
OerHeks | einstein, but you know that already, newer packages, not newer ubuntu version | 09:48 |
OerHeks | verry usefull indeed | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | einstein, different command!!!! dist-upgrade upgrades the current OS only. and you said you were already on xenial which IS 16.04. more clarity from you might lead to clearer answers \ | 09:49 |
einstein | but i get just apt update and get newer packages? and then apt upgrade to get newer installed packages and deps too? | 09:49 |
OerHeks | noals, logout, login, ans all should be fine, and don't play that game untill it is fixed | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | einstein, apt update installs **nothing**. it updates your software library database | 09:50 |
OerHeks | update = new lists | 09:50 |
noals | well im programming it, if i cant test in fullscreen mode it kinda sux u know | 09:50 |
einstein | cfhowlett: i meant apt upgrade | 09:50 |
noals | and the guide doesnt solve my problem either DerHeks | 09:51 |
einstein | so how is this dist-upgrade different from apt upgrade? i thought dist-upgrade changes my ubuntu version, | 09:51 |
OerHeks | noals, again: logout, login, and all should be fine, and don't play that game untill it is fixed | 09:51 |
einstein | but found out it does't upgrade the distribution at all, and this dist-upgrade name is "deceptive and misleading" | 09:52 |
OerHeks | LoLz | 09:52 |
cfhowlett | einstein, suggest you spend about 10 minutes of education with your terminal. man apt will give you a comprehensive explanation | 09:52 |
noals | well since there was an update i try brb DerHeks | 09:53 |
einstein | cfhowlett: OerHeks i did | 09:54 |
einstein | I did read lots of manuals and dpkg , apt ,etc | 09:55 |
einstein | but nothing | 09:55 |
OerHeks | einstein, "apt-get dist-upgrade does not upgrade Linux distributions (though it does update kernels). From the manual on apt-get" from the official linux manual. | 09:55 |
noals | DerHeks well no changes, what did they do with their update that its fucked up like that ? my sound doesnt even works and now that >< | 09:56 |
* OerHeks noticed his spam/language filter worked | 09:56 | |
OerHeks | noals, so you are a programmer, fix it? | 09:57 |
noals | DerHeks well i just use ubuntu for that, im not really familiar wih ubuntu itself DerHeks | 09:57 |
OlofL | how do I upgrade ubuntu here? im stuck with some dependencies. | 09:59 |
noals | DerHeks i even tryed some tuto, updating my kernel and stuff to have the sound but nothing did works while my sound card should be supported without modification >< | 10:00 |
ZetFury | test | 10:00 |
popey | Seven_Six_Two: hello - what's your launchpad ID? (also, logout and back into the wiki) | 10:01 |
popey | Seven_Six_Two: also, refresh the page once you logout/in | 10:01 |
=== vamiry_ is now known as vamiry | ||
OerHeks | OlofL, see line 56: | 10:01 |
OerHeks | You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these. | 10:01 |
OlofL | OerHeks: yes, but it didnt work either. | 10:02 |
noals | DerHecks is there a way to get back to previous version ? like canceling the last 3 or 4 updates ? | 10:03 |
noals | DerHeks is there a way to get back to previous version ? like canceling the last 3 or 4 updates ? | 10:03 |
cfhowlett | noals, ubuntu doesn't support rollbacks | 10:03 |
noals | damn | 10:04 |
OlofL | OerHeks: | 10:04 |
noals | i will ask on a forum later, cya | 10:05 |
Lynx_ | Hi all! I seem to have two broken packages on my system according to Synaptic. However those are linux-image-generic and linux-image-extra. Sounds kinda serious? How to I fix that? | 10:05 |
craptalk | how can i see which user starting waht program at what time? | 10:17 |
craptalk | i found it using ps, but not with the clock time | 10:17 |
craptalk | i found the activity-peak at 2 am, but i want to know what program running, who is running it | 10:17 |
ducasse | craptalk: ps -ef -o bsdstart,command | 10:23 |
vlt | OlofL: 12.04 LTS is EOL like right now. And you seem to have some non-Ubuntu deb lines in your sources.list that might contribute to the mess. | 10:47 |
OerHeks | one of these days precise will go EOL, in april, check with "ubuntu-support-status" | 10:51 |
phi_ | Hi I'm using xubuntu how can i change default terminal to xfce4terminal instead of xterm | 10:56 |
phi_ | I already removed xterm but when launching vim via right click menu it gave me error of xterm not there | 10:57 |
OerHeks | phi_, maybe this page is any help:: | 10:57 |
craptalk | where can i check my DNS configuration? i checked on /etc/resolv.conf, but it stated that it should be changed? | 10:58 |
phi_ | OerHeks, weird is I already set xfce4-terminal and if keep asking me about xterm | 10:59 |
ducasse | phi_: how did you set it? try 'sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator' | 11:00 |
OerHeks | gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal | 11:00 |
phi_ | ducasse, already set to xfce4-terminal.wrapper | 11:02 |
craptalk | where can i check my DNS configuration? i checked on /etc/resolv.conf, but it stated that it should be changed? | 11:03 |
phi_ | OerHeks, it is still use xterm | 11:03 |
ducasse | !patience | craptalk | 11:03 |
ubottu | craptalk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 11:03 |
OerHeks | phi_, logout and login again, pehaps? | 11:03 |
ducasse | phi_: xubuntu has a drop-down menu in preferred applications, right? | 11:04 |
OerHeks | c/perhaps | 11:04 |
=== donttrustem_ is now known as donttrustem | ||
phi_ | OerHeks, this only happen when using thunar with rightclick open with menu | 11:07 |
Error323 | Can someone enlighten me on the decision of the ubuntu filemanager to _not_ have splitscreen? This seems like the #1 feature a filemanager should have, it drives me insane that they removed it. How are tabs more useful, anyone. | 11:09 |
selckin | install another one | 11:11 |
OerHeks | phi_, so it is a plugin in thunar, i dunno which one, find it and remove it? | 11:12 |
phi_ | found a solution | 11:12 |
phi_ | thank you | 11:12 |
OerHeks | ... | 11:12 |
andywork | i applied the latest updates on 16.10, and now nautilus cannot launch and I got no icons on my desktop. | 11:14 |
andywork | i don't think I have screwed something up here, anyone else have the same problem? | 11:14 |
andywork | here is some events that occur in syslog when I launch nautilus: | 11:16 |
Narwhaal | | 11:18 |
lotuspsychje | andywork: can you try this on another user also? | 11:18 |
Narwhaal | woops wrong chan | 11:18 |
OerHeks | andywork, maybe removing the config will fix , ~/.config/nautilus | 11:19 |
andywork | lotuspsychje, OerHeks: let me try another user first ok | 11:19 |
andywork | lotuspsychje: another user does work | 11:20 |
lotuspsychje | andywork: try what OerHeks suggested then, your users config might have scrambled somehow | 11:21 |
andywork | lotuspsychje, OerHeks: ok, removing ~/.config/nautilus did work | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | OerHeks | 11:23 |
ubottu | OerHeks: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 11:23 |
andywork | indeed thank you OerHeks :) | 11:23 |
andywork | grab yourself a cookie | 11:23 |
OerHeks | have fun! | 11:23 |
snowkrash | ufw how to deny a group | 11:52 |
einstein | hey h\guys | 12:02 |
einstein | How do I use Alt Codes? | 12:02 |
einstein | How are they different than Unicodes? | 12:03 |
huggybear404 | installing ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64 on ASUS Strix H270F Gaming mainboard , getting gnu grub menu then click install and screen turns off, is there a way for me to install this ? | 12:10 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: your installing ubuntu server on a game pc? | 12:12 |
huggybear404 | is that bad ? | 12:12 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: no, depends what your planning to do? | 12:12 |
huggybear404 | I need a board supporting large drives | 12:12 |
huggybear404 | and I like booting from m2 | 12:12 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: start also with 16.04.2 iso image to be up to date | 12:13 |
huggybear404 | ouch . I used my last cd | 12:13 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: will your purpose be gaming or server/file use then? | 12:13 |
vlt | Hello. How can I find out what's happening here on our Ubuntu 16.04 machine: 13:13:22 up 3 days, 18:12, 24 users, load average: 172,74, 136,78, 81,27 | 12:14 |
huggybear404 | I want a server with large drives and samba | 12:14 |
FrogCast | do all files have metadata that you can set? | 12:14 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: ok cool | 12:14 |
ppf | FrogCast: what kind of metadata are you talking about | 12:14 |
FrogCast | ppf, custom user set metadata. For example, on an audio file, you can set ID3 tags | 12:15 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: pick 16.04.2 and perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know your fail step at setup | 12:15 |
ppf | FrogCast: no, that's obviously a property of the file format | 12:16 |
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic | ||
huggybear404 | I wish lotus I struggled with this since january, first 3 boards I got had production errors , shop tech also failed to make it work, next they tell me the m2 I ordered suck so I got other ones with pci, now I finally get the board to find my m2 and sata drives and im stuck with no picture. sad thing is the msi boards I tryed first seemed nice in the bios settings if only the sata ports on them | 12:17 |
huggybear404 | could work. | 12:17 |
huggybear404 | has anyone had luck installing any ubuntu or linux on a modern asus board ? | 12:22 |
akik | huggybear404: vague question is vague | 12:22 |
akik | !details | 12:23 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 12:23 |
huggybear404 | I understand, thanx for that gem of help after I struggled 2 months and gave you all the info , i guess you want me use windows on it or give up server and use it for games only | 12:24 |
huggybear404 | shop had no server boards for sale | 12:25 |
akik | huggybear404: you didn't give me any info at all | 12:25 |
cfhowlett | for best results dial down the attitude, huggybear404 - a lot | 12:25 |
akik | huggybear404: this is a volunteer help channel | 12:25 |
lotuspsychje | huggybear404: alot of users are able to install on asus hardware, every situation is very specific | 12:26 |
akik | oh now i see huggybear's description in my lastlog | 12:34 |
computer2000 | Hi I'm disappointed cannot install Ubuntu on new Macbook Pros. Need a Linux notebook for development. What notebook can you recommend? Doesn't need to be top notch, just solid. Preferably Lenovo Thinkpad... | 12:39 |
cfhowlett | computer2000, install virtualbox then ubuntu on the mac. done. | 12:39 |
_Exclusive | My Carbon X1 is fantastic with Ubuntu computer2000. | 12:39 |
computer2000 | cfhowlett: I need native graphics and peripherals support | 12:40 |
_Exclusive | That is *ThinkPad Carbon X1 | 12:40 |
_Exclusive | :p | 12:41 |
computer2000 | preferably 12" or 13" | 12:41 |
computer2000 | doesn't need to be feather light though. Rather rugged and metal than light and all shitty plastic | 12:41 |
akik | computer2000: dell sells xps 13 with ubuntu | 12:41 |
_Exclusive | The carbon is all about quality. | 12:41 |
_Exclusive | XPS13 would be my other choice | 12:41 |
computer2000 | _Exclusive: X1 seems nice but fingerprint sensor? :) who needs that? | 12:43 |
_Exclusive | Haha, hard to avoid if you want Lenovo? | 12:43 |
beefman | how do i see which versions of firefox are available in the apt repo? I want to revert to the newest prior to 52.0 | 12:43 |
computer2000 | Does that make the notebook more "business" friendly lol | 12:43 |
_Exclusive | Guess it has to do with the TPM technology "safe, secure bullshit". | 12:44 |
_Exclusive | WOW A FINGERPRINT SENSOR | 12:44 |
_Exclusive | nect gen | 12:44 |
computer2000 | I can't believe "business people" make a selling point out of that stupid sensor | 12:44 |
_Exclusive | haha | 12:44 |
lotuspsychje | !language | _Exclusive | 12:44 |
ubottu | _Exclusive: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see | 12:44 |
_Exclusive | The warranties are crazy though. A tech came to my work to change the motherboard when it died. Overnight shipping from Germany -> Norway. | 12:45 |
computer2000 | _Exclusive: I was looking at ThinkPad x260 because it's only 12.5" | 12:45 |
_Exclusive | Never experienced anything like it. | 12:45 |
_Exclusive | The x260 are also a neat option. | 12:46 |
lotuspsychje | guys, keep it ubuntu related please | 12:49 |
_Exclusive | Sorta ubuntu related lotuspsychje? We want Ubuntu on it :) | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | _Exclusive: hardware talk belongs in ##hardware mate | 12:50 |
_Exclusive | Roger! | 12:51 |
z1haze_work | I have a project running that automatically generates a few files on its own, and I want to ensure that all files that the web server application creates belong to a specific user:group is that possible? | 12:53 |
ducasse | _Exclusive: you are probably better off getting specific model suggestions in ##hardware, then both googling and asking about that particular model here. | 12:55 |
vlt | beefman: `apt-cache policy firefox`. Unfortunately 51.0.1 was not available anymore when I needed it. | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | beefman: its not recommended to keep using older packages, keep your system up to date | 12:58 |
vlt | beefman: | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | hey ioria | 12:59 |
ioria | lotuspsychje, lotusssssssssssssss | 12:59 |
=== _dv_ is now known as dv_ | ||
lotuspsychje | ioria, cfhowlett come visit us in discuss sometime :p | 12:59 |
ioria | lotuspsychje, oh, yeah | 13:00 |
vlt | beefman: You can find 51.0.1 there. When you download the deb file matching your system (and the corresponding -locale-xy deb) you can install them with `dpkg -i firefo...deb`. | 13:00 |
vlt | beefman: lotuspsychje is right. It's generally not recommended. But users have to be able to work o_O | 13:01 |
z1haze_work | I have a project running that automatically generates a few files on its own, and I want to ensure that all files that the web server application creates belong to a specific user:group is that possible? | 13:03 |
cfhowlett | are you actually suggesting that the only way to get work done is to use a deprecated version of ffox? I bet to differ. | 13:03 |
cfhowlett | *beg* | 13:03 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, yes, run the webserver as user:group you need | 13:04 |
z1haze_work | id rather not do that though | 13:04 |
z1haze_work | multiple projects on a single webserver | 13:05 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, what webserver do you use? | 13:06 |
z1haze_work | apache | 13:06 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, use apache-mpm-itk | 13:06 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, it will allow you to choise on what user:group a vhost will run | 13:07 |
beefman | thank you vlt, lotuspsychje | 13:07 |
z1haze_work | oh wow | 13:07 |
beefman | 52.0 broke sound | 13:07 |
z1haze_work | can be installed with apt? | 13:07 |
adrian_1908b | I installed nginx and noticed that the URL mentioned in the default website config file are 404s. I think the file is Ubuntu specific. Does anyone know where I could report this? | 13:08 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, yep: libapache2-mpm-itk | 13:08 |
keanny479 | hello | 13:08 |
adrian_1908b | *URLs | 13:09 |
z1haze_work | so not apt-get install apache2-mpm-itk ? | 13:09 |
keanny479 | how can i disable my touchscreen on startup ? i need to run the following command each time : 'xinput disable 13' | 13:09 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, nop: apt-get install libapache2-mpm-itk | 13:09 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, once installed, just add: AssignUserId <user> <group> | 13:09 |
ikevin | to your vhosts | 13:09 |
z1haze_work | do you hve a docs for this one? All I found was | 13:10 |
vlt | beefman: 52.0 also broke its runningness on our xrdp servers and java.applets. | 13:10 |
vlt | cfhowlett: ^ | 13:10 |
beefman | vlt: do you know of plans to fork to remove the pulse audio requirement? | 13:11 |
vlt | cfhowlett: No, of course not the only way. Another to is to wait for the fix to be available. And meanwhile ... | 13:11 |
vlt | beefman: I don't know. | 13:12 |
adrian_1908b | keanny479: I don't have vanilla Ubuntu here, but do you know where to select programs to startup on login? If so, you should be able to add the command there as a new entry. | 13:12 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, the package have another name, so the howto is correct | 13:12 |
z1haze_work | Alrighty. Well thanks | 13:13 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, you welcome | 13:13 |
snowkrash | hi how can i disable inet access for a group with ufw | 13:16 |
snowkrash | if ufw is active it somehow doesnt add my iptables commands | 13:17 |
adrian_1908b | snowkrash: i don't use ufw, but isn't there a pre/post loading feature with which you can add custom IPTABLES commands? Or is that what failed? | 13:20 |
keanny479 | In recovery mode, how can i write to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf ? | 13:22 |
=== ansivirus_ is now known as ansivirus | ||
PipeItToDevNull | keanny479, I would just boot a USB and edit ti | 13:30 |
PipeItToDevNull | it* | 13:30 |
z1haze_work | hey ikevin so I installed that package and set it up, prety simple, but now im getting permissions errrors from /var/lib php | 13:33 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, you need to allow your users to create files in /var/lib/php5/sessions/ | 13:34 |
z1haze_work | that makes sense | 13:35 |
z1haze_work | wouldnt adding the user to www-data do that though? | 13:35 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, in my case, i use mode: drwx-wx-wt | 13:36 |
z1haze_work | what is that in numbers xD | 13:36 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, 733 | 13:37 |
z1haze_work | so i just need to chmod /var/lib/php/sessions 733 ? | 13:37 |
FrogCast | I have a headset with a mic jack and a speaker jack. my laptop only has a single audio jack with a headset symbol. How can I use its microphone to record off of? | 13:37 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, /var/lib/php and /var/lib/php/sessions | 13:37 |
FrogCast | when I plug either in, no obvious microphone is detected. | 13:38 |
z1haze_work | interesting | 13:39 |
z1haze_work | this is a common approach you think? | 13:39 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, in my case this are the defaults modes on debian system | 13:39 |
z1haze_work | bummer its still not working | 13:40 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, it's same on ubuntu server 16.04 | 13:40 |
z1haze_work | tahts what im running actually | 13:40 |
ikevin | ls -l /var/lib | nc 9999 | 13:41 |
z1haze_work | but anyhow, i ran sudo chmod 733 /var/lib/php && sudo chmod 733 /var/lib/php/sessions | 13:41 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, not sure it's obligated, so you can do chmod +t /var/lib/php (and same on session) | 13:42 |
z1haze_work | what does the +t do | 13:42 |
z1haze_work | i thought it wasw a typo | 13:42 |
z1haze_work | damn, still failing badly | 13:43 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, this look like it's needed | 13:43 |
z1haze_work | ok so php is drwx-wx-wt | 13:44 |
z1haze_work | but its root:root | 13:44 |
z1haze_work | thats going to let someuser:some group control files in there? | 13:44 |
hoobaman | hi guys | 13:44 |
hoobaman | any pulp alike repo tool available for ubuntu where i can version/lock updates/packages? | 13:45 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, i've drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Feb 2 16:04 php | 13:45 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, and drwx-wx-wt 2 root root 4096 Apr 5 2016 sessions | 13:45 |
z1haze_work | and who do you have executing php stuff? | 13:45 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, and all files in session are using differents users | 13:46 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, php is executed by the user defined in apache vhosts | 13:46 |
z1haze_work | ok so yea | 13:46 |
z1haze_work | i just checked | 13:46 |
z1haze_work | all my sessiosn are www-data:www-data | 13:46 |
z1haze_work | it should be (in my case) magento:www-data | 13:47 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, maybe you need to clear old session | 13:47 |
z1haze_work | i did | 13:47 |
z1haze_work | deleted the contents of the folder | 13:47 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, they will be recreated under the good user | 13:47 |
z1haze_work | refreshed myt page and it put likt 5 more back in there | 13:48 |
z1haze_work | all by www-data:www-data | 13:48 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, have you restarted apache after setting assignuserid? (not just a reload) | 13:48 |
z1haze_work | yes | 13:48 |
ducasse | !pin | hoobaman don't know what 'pulp' is, but - | 13:48 |
ubottu | hoobaman don't know what 'pulp' is, but -: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 13:48 |
z1haze_work | i have this | 13:48 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, does a phpinfo() show you the correct users? | 13:49 |
hoobaman | ubottu: thx for your answer, please have a look at | 13:49 |
ubottu | hoobaman: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:49 |
hoobaman | oh doh :D | 13:49 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, perhaps: a2enmod mpm_itk | 13:49 |
hoobaman | ducasse: thx for your reply ;) | 13:49 |
z1haze_work | says already enabled | 13:50 |
z1haze_work | so close though | 13:50 |
hoobaman | ducasse: -> it allows you to tag several updates into a version, test them and roll them out globaly | 13:50 |
hoobaman | i need something similar for ubuntu | 13:50 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, are you using suphp? | 13:50 |
z1haze_work | i dont believe so, i dont know what that is | 13:51 |
ducasse | hoobaman: you want to set up an ubuntu repo? | 13:51 |
z1haze_work | and I setup this whole box myself | 13:51 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, this is a way to run php script with another user than www-data (an alternative to mpm-itk) | 13:51 |
hoobaman | ducasse: yes but not only, i want a framework that can ensure that all my hosts have the same packages (updates) running after an update | 13:51 |
z1haze_work | no im not, but dont you think this should work at is | 13:51 |
z1haze_work | i dont want to throw too many variables into this | 13:52 |
hoobaman | ducasse: pulp allows your to "tag" and 'pin' all these updates into a global update version | 13:52 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, have you tryed to look at apache error log if you have another problem? | 13:52 |
hoobaman | ducasse: than you can use this global update for all your systems | 13:52 |
ducasse | hoobaman: you better take your query to #ubuntu-server, maybe they have any decent suggestions | 13:52 |
hoobaman | ducasse: ok thx for your help, much appreciated | 13:53 |
ducasse | hoobaman: np | 13:53 |
z1haze_work | i am getting errors right on my page for permissions | 13:53 |
z1haze_work | but i can check | 13:53 |
z1haze_work | same error | 13:53 |
z1haze_work | PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Warning: SessionHandler::write(): open(/var/lib/php/sessions/sess_5adtf6jkrk379l6hbqejl3k683, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) | 13:53 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, does phpinfo() show you apache is running under magento:www-data ? | 13:53 |
z1haze_work | i cant even open phpinfo | 13:54 |
z1haze_work | thats what im saying its all messsed up | 13:54 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, to test: chmod 777 /var/lib/php/sessions/ | 13:55 |
nicomachus | I'm going to need some help troubleshooting a DNS issue. I thought it was an issue with my home network, but I just got to the office and I'm not resolving any DNS queries here either. | 13:55 |
z1haze_work | sidebar, but is it normal i ccannot tab complete 'sessions' when running the chmod | 13:55 |
z1haze_work | ok so now it does work | 13:56 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, with 777 or 733? | 13:57 |
z1haze_work | 777 | 13:57 |
z1haze_work | but its the corret user now | 13:57 |
z1haze_work | what number permission chmod should /var/lib/php be as well as /var/lib/php sessions | 13:57 |
z1haze_work | i will try this one more time | 13:57 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, i've give you a pastebin with all modes i use | 13:58 |
z1haze_work | i dont know how to translate the letters | 13:58 |
z1haze_work | is that easy to learn? | 13:58 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, yep, take a look at | 13:59 |
ikevin | with the sticky bit (who is not explained on the page) it's 1733 | 14:00 |
hoobaman | ducasse: i found something :) aptly -> | 14:00 |
z1haze_work | ohh man <3 | 14:00 |
z1haze_work | i noticed you have a d in front does that do | 14:01 |
ducasse | hoobaman: good :) | 14:01 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, "d" mean it's a directory | 14:02 |
z1haze_work | ikevin: thanks for the help, got it all working on my box, and just ported those changes over to a co worker whowas having the permissions troubles | 14:13 |
ikevin | z1haze_work, you welcome :) | 14:15 |
XATRIX | Hi guys, can you advice ? I have a problem with freezes of my PC. I have a laptop with ubuntu 16.04 LTS. (before it i had 15ubuntu). So, time to time when i alt-tabbing to my chrome, my system starts to freeze and the HDD led indicates an excessive load. After some time (usually 5-20 min) my PC comes back and chrome says all tabs are crashed. I simply reload em, and get back to work. But it starts to be annoying. This is the part of syslog when my system st | 14:18 |
XATRIX | arted to hand, and i resetted it manually with power button. | 14:18 |
XATRIX | | 14:18 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: system up to date to 16.04.2? | 14:18 |
XATRIX | - the last one | 14:19 |
XATRIX | happend 5 min ago | 14:19 |
XATRIX | lotuspsychje: yeap | 14:19 |
XATRIX | [15201.143625] perf interrupt took too long (2521 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000 | 14:19 |
XATRIX | [17903.392997] Purging GPU memory, 29413376 bytes freed, 14819328 bytes still pinned. | 14:19 |
XATRIX | usually my 'pin in the ass' starts from these lines | 14:20 |
XATRIX | and, it happens no only on this PC... | 14:20 |
XATRIX | i load my ubuntu on another one, and it's the same | 14:21 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: did 16.04 work good when installed freshly? | 14:22 |
XATRIX | I don't know, i can't setup a new system because of too much settings and programs installed on my current one | 14:23 |
XATRIX | but i think, it would be fine | 14:23 |
XATRIX | i need to find a trouble in this instance of | 14:23 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: i would suggest a deep system clean + optimize all over | 14:23 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: install lighter stuff like chromium, do a few tests | 14:24 |
XATRIX | I don't know what to clean, because of | 14:24 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: install preload, to speed things up, use bleachbit to clean up, uninstall unwanted packages you dont use anymore | 14:24 |
XATRIX | when i upgraded from 15. to 16.04 it cleand most of packages | 14:24 |
akik | XATRIX: you have oom-killer showing up so i guess your memory runs out | 14:24 |
XATRIX | yes, it's higly possible, because of my HDD led starts to light as hell | 14:25 |
akik | that would explain the hdd trashing | 14:25 |
XATRIX | i have an SSD disk | 14:25 |
OCNIOS | Hello | 14:25 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: wich brand? | 14:25 |
XATRIX | but what cause the memory leaks | 14:25 |
akik | XATRIX: chrome... | 14:25 |
XATRIX | lotuspsychje: KINGSTON SHSS37A240G, SAFM00.Y, max UDMA/133 | 14:26 |
XATRIX | akik: yea, but whats wrong with it :( | 14:26 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: personal opinion, i would go for a fresh install | 14:26 |
XATRIX | maybe i can start it from a terminal, and see the debug output when something happens | 14:26 |
akik | XATRIX: how much ram and swap do you have? | 14:27 |
XATRIX | total used free shared buff/cache available | 14:27 |
XATRIX | Mem: 3649 1560 1046 357 1042 1475 | 14:27 |
XATRIX | Swap: 0 0 0 | 14:27 |
XATRIX | i tried to add swap, but it doesn't change the situation | 14:27 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: ppa's installed on your system? | 14:28 |
XATRIX | yeap | 14:28 |
OCNIOS | I'm trying to: apt-get install php5.6-gd | 14:28 |
OCNIOS | But I am getting an error | 14:28 |
XATRIX | lotuspsychje: xchat touchpad configurator and y-ppa-manager | 14:29 |
lotuspsychje | !xchat | XATRIX | 14:29 |
ubottu | XATRIX: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards. | 14:29 |
XATRIX | yes, but i don't use it too much, but chrome! | 14:29 |
XATRIX | and xchat never gave me a troubles | 14:29 |
OCNIOS | | 14:30 |
OCNIOS | Can someone help me? | 14:30 |
akik | XATRIX: when you open chrome just keep one tab running and check the output of free | 14:30 |
ikevin | OCNIOS, apt-cache search php | grep gd | 14:30 |
lotuspsychje | OCNIOS: ubuntu version? | 14:30 |
OCNIOS | 16.04 | 14:31 |
ikevin | OCNIOS, on 16.04 it's php-gd | 14:31 |
OCNIOS | thanks ikevin | 14:31 |
OCNIOS | what is the 'gd' after grep | 14:32 |
ikevin | OCNIOS, it's to filter results | 14:32 |
lotuspsychje | XATRIX: have the same memory issues on different browsers? firefox/chromium? | 14:33 |
XATRIX | negative, i didn't notice such | 14:34 |
akik | XATRIX: when you open chrome just keep one tab running and check the output of free | 14:35 |
pavlos | nicomachus, what's the issue with DNS? | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | pavlos: it has been solved | 14:36 |
pavlos | ok | 14:36 |
S0bait | Hello, I want to write a script that updates the repository by doing a git pull, but the problem is that the script I am writing is IN that repository. When I run it using bash, will it cause problems or will it "load the current code and then run" | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje | pavlos: but tnx for the ask :p | 14:37 |
nicomachus | pavlos: resolved. I needed to reboot.... | 14:37 |
pavlos | lotuspsychje, nicomachus ok, np | 14:38 |
OCNIOS | Anyone have exp installing HumHub on Ubuntu 16.04 | 14:39 |
OCNIOS | I'm trying to find a guide but they all look outdated | 14:39 |
DJones | OCNIOS: Not something I've heard of, but found this for 16.04 on Digital Ocean, that may help | 14:41 |
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OCNIOS | DJones thank yoU! | 14:48 |
computer2000 | Anyone running Ubuntu on a Lenovo X260? | 14:48 |
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EriC^^ | ask your actual question computer2000 | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | computer2000: most systems can run ubuntu fine | 14:52 |
computer2000 | EriC^^: Just wondering if Ubuntu 16.04. will run fine on it | 14:52 |
minimec | computer2000: | 14:53 |
computer2000 | minimec: cool will check it out | 14:53 |
S0bait | Whats the difference between [ and [[ when doing if statements in bash? I see some examples that use two vs one | 14:56 |
nacc_ | S0bait: there is a bash channel | 14:58 |
nacc_ | S0bait: also `man bash` | 14:58 |
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc | ||
S0bait | ok | 14:58 |
blackflow | So, why is Launchpad making it so difficult to report a bug without the "ubuntu-bug" tool? | 15:10 |
nacc | blackflow: example? | 15:11 |
nacc | blackflow: and because oftentimes without it, we get bad bug reports that can't be resolved without more information, if I had to guess | 15:11 |
blackflow | nacc: example? where's the "submit a new bug" button or link in the launchpad? | 15:11 |
nicomachus | !bugs | 15:12 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 15:12 |
nacc | blackflow: well, you submit a bug about a package | 15:12 |
nacc | blackflow: so it's on every package's page | 15:12 |
blackflow | how do I use ubuntu-bug on a server with no browser? | 15:15 |
OerHeks | same, apport-cli and ubuntu-bug | 15:15 |
OerHeks | | 15:15 |
blackflow | also, the collected information contains sensitive info I do not want to submit, so back to square one, how do I submit a bug without ubuntu-bug | 15:16 |
nacc | blackflow: you can mark it private | 15:16 |
nicomachus | you don't | 15:16 |
OerHeks | oh man .. | 15:16 |
OerHeks | Take an other pc, and write it out. | 15:18 |
nacc | blackflow: you have no computers with browsers? | 15:18 |
tgm4883 | blackflow: what do you want to file a bug on? | 15:23 |
u_u | can someone help me? i am trying to compile cantata from source and i am getting this error in the make phase: //lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line | 15:25 |
ryeth | Has anyone here used a realtek rtl8811au dongle and successfully got it working on ubuntu? | 15:26 |
nacc | !compile | u_u | 15:26 |
ubottu | u_u: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall | 15:26 |
ryeth | i've tried running ./, sudo ./, sudo, sudo sh ./, but nothing has worked | 15:26 |
ryeth | There is no documentation for this particular driver installing it on linux | 15:26 |
u_u | !checkinstall | 15:27 |
ubottu | checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 15:27 |
blackflow | tgm4883: munin-plugins-core | 15:45 |
nacc | blackflow: | 15:46 |
tgm4883 | blackflow: ^ | 15:46 |
tgm4883 | nacc: you and your quick fingers :) | 15:46 |
nacc | tgm4883: i work on a lot of bugs :) | 15:47 |
nacc | also is very handy | 15:47 |
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Kingsy | question, I have network-manager installed and in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf i have manageifupdown set to true, but after a reboot network-manager still says "device not managed" what am I missing? if I edit the connections I can see ifupdown (eno1) last used never but thats about it | 15:49 |
knard_ | salut tout le monde, je cherche qqn pour m'aider sur un dual boot galère avec linux mint mais je sais pas s'il y a des tchats LM? :/ | 15:52 |
nacc | !fr | knard_ | 15:52 |
ubottu | knard_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 15:52 |
blackflow | nacc: thanks, but the package is munin-plugins-core. Do I also use that +source/munin URI? | 15:52 |
knard_ | ok thkx | 15:52 |
nacc | blackflow: yes, that's the binary package name, comes from src:munin | 15:52 |
blackflow | nacc: k, thanks. | 15:53 |
nacc | blackflow: and bugs are filed against source packages (as that's where fixes go) | 15:53 |
wklm | hey guys | 16:06 |
wklm | i'm trying to use umake in dockerfile, and it prompts me to specify installation path, so the build crashes. Is there a way to avoid this user interactions like with -y flag when using apt install? | 16:07 |
Quantikus | hi | 16:17 |
=== donttrustem_ is now known as donttrustem | ||
caine | hii all | 16:20 |
EriC^^ | hi | 16:21 |
caine | how are u | 16:21 |
dencel | Q: I am trying to use libpam-mysql with vsftp, but it fails, because it uses a feature not supported anymore on mysql 5.7.x, the error is: PAM unable to dlopen( /lib/security/ undefined symbol: make_scrambled_password. I am using Ubuntu Xenial, there is an update of libpam-mysql available in zesty ( which should solve this issue. Is it possible to install a sing | 16:21 |
EriC^^ | good thanks you? | 16:21 |
caine | i am also good | 16:21 |
caine | can some one explain me which is the best way to detect hidden files whle forensic investigation | 16:21 |
OerHeks | ctrl H | 16:22 |
Southern_Gentlem | ls -lh | 16:22 |
EriC^^ | caine: do you know any of the contents it might have? | 16:22 |
Southern_Gentlem | or ls -la | 16:22 |
caine | i am analyzing .jpeg file i use binwalk tool to detect signatures | 16:23 |
caine | no | 16:23 |
caine | i dont know sir | 16:23 |
Zen | dencel: iirc libpam-mysql is obselete and shouldn't be used | 16:24 |
EriC^^ | caine: binwalk seems ok | 16:24 |
caine | hmmm.... | 16:25 |
EriC^^ | caine: you just have a jpeg files? or the hdd? | 16:25 |
caine | .jpeg | 16:25 |
caine | hdd??? | 16:25 |
EriC^^ | try "strings /path/to/.jpeg" maybe? | 16:25 |
dencel | Zen: is there an alternative to libpam-mysql? | 16:26 |
caine | ok sir | 16:26 |
caine | u mean hexeditor | 16:26 |
EriC^^ | caine: that too | 16:26 |
caine | ok sir | 16:26 |
u_u | can someone help me? i am trying to compile cantata from source and i am getting this error in the make phase: //lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line | 16:26 |
pandaadb | Hi. I am looking for a new ubuntu laptop (UK based) and I am struggling a bit. in the past I ordered a dell (that was certified) only to then discover that I had to disable my nvidia card completely because of optimus issues with nvidia. | 16:27 |
pandaadb | The new one also has a GeForce® GTX 1050/1050 Ti card in it, so now I am not sure if this would work | 16:27 |
caine | can anyone tell which OS is best for performing forensic investigation | 16:27 |
pandaadb | is there a good way to check a configuration to make sure it would work? | 16:27 |
nicomachus | pandaadb: nvidia drivers have made a lot of progress in the last couple years. | 16:27 |
nacc | dencel: is there a bug filed for ubuntu? | 16:27 |
pandaadb | nicomachus, I have seen that, but the Xserver fix is not yet in the ubuntu distros and I am not all that sure if I would be able to do the manual setup myself | 16:28 |
Southern_Gentlem | caine, kali | 16:28 |
caine | i have kali | 16:28 |
caine | what about defth os | 16:29 |
Southern_Gentlem | kali is all you need | 16:29 |
pandaadb | I was wondering I guess if there are keywords to avoid when it comes to nvidia. I can (and have) googled the separate parts but got mixed reviews since there are always people who do have issues (for sometimes different reasons) with the same graphics | 16:29 |
caine | ok sir | 16:29 |
nicomachus | caine: this channel is for Ubuntu support. perhaps you should try a kali channel or ##linux | 16:29 |
Southern_Gentlem | and we are offtopic for this channel | 16:29 |
caine | but i wats the os which is only for forensic investigation | 16:29 |
caine | ok sorry | 16:29 |
dencel | nacc: | 16:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1574900 in pam-mysql (Ubuntu) "libpam-mysql undefined symbol: make_scrambled_password - Needs Patches Applied by RedHat / Fedora Community to Fix Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 16:30 |
dencel | The fix is available in zesty, but I am running xenial.. (I am not an Ubuntu expert) | 16:31 |
nacc | dencel: ok, don't mix them | 16:31 |
nacc | dencel: let me look at the bug | 16:31 |
nacc | dencel: what was actually fixed in libpam-mysql? or how do you know it's fixed? | 16:34 |
dencel | nacc: for as far as I understand, the libpam-mysql uses an outdated function make_scrambled_password and this should be solved in the 0.8 library | 16:36 |
nacc | dencel: without offense, this is why users should not change the state of bugs ... it's not at all clear if it's fixed really, and what the fix is (so we can fix it in xenial) | 16:38 |
nacc | dencel: i'm looking in debian's repository | 16:38 |
dencel | nacc: actually I think the fix is in 0.7~RC1-4.1 ( the library is build against the new libmysqlclient | 16:39 |
nacc | dencel: but the new libmysqlclient still only ships my_make_scrambled_password, right? not make_scrambled_password | 16:40 |
nacc | dencel: so libpam-mysql also needs | 16:40 |
nacc | dencel: oh i see what you're saying | 16:41 |
nacc | dencel: would you be willing to help test? I'll submit a build in a PPA | 16:41 |
dencel | nacc: don't know if I am the best person for a testdrive (I am willing), but this is actually my first ubuntu install/config | 16:42 |
nacc | dencel: it would basically involve adding a PPA (instructions will be provided), updating the package and then re-running your testcase | 16:43 |
dencel | no problem there | 16:43 |
nacc | dencel: and i think the 16.04 version b-d on libmysqlclient20 fwiw | 16:45 |
dencel | nacc: ii libmysqlclient20:amd64 5.7.17-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 MySQL database client library | 16:46 |
nacc | dencel: sorry, why are you showing me that? | 16:46 |
dencel | nacc: I thought you asked which version of mysqlclient 16.04 is on | 16:47 |
nacc | dencel: oh, no I know :) | 16:48 |
dencel | nacc: irc novice as well (living under a stone) | 16:48 |
nacc | dencel: i was just saying that the fix you found in 0.7~RC1-4.1 is not needed in 16.04, as we already bumped the build-dependency | 16:48 |
FrogCast | !ping | 16:50 |
ubottu | pong! | 16:50 |
nacc | dencel: i'm just getting the xenial sources so i can build packages for you | 16:50 |
dencel | nacc: excellent. I'm making diner, so I'll report back to you (afk) | 16:52 |
Splinter | hi guys | 16:53 |
Splinter | how's life | 16:53 |
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OerHeks | Splinter, yes. | 16:55 |
Splinter | haha ok nice | 16:55 |
Splinter | so what are u guys doing? | 17:00 |
OerHeks | some are waiting for a serious ubuntu support issue, i guess | 17:02 |
Splinter | why tho? | 17:03 |
OerHeks | see topic ( a good thing to do first) | 17:03 |
Splinter | oops sorry | 17:04 |
nacc | dencel: i have updated the bug and submitted test builds | 17:14 |
=== rvgate_ is now known as rvgate | ||
nacc | dencel: and the builds are ready for testing now via the PPA | 17:26 |
quesada | how's multitouch in linux nowadays? | 17:31 |
quadHelix | i use multitouch on my fuji laptop. however, once the laptop goes to sleep must run a script to wake the touch screen back up. (this is not an issue if you have a serial touchscreen) they need to fix it :( | 17:36 |
quadHelix | ubuntu supports 10 finger touch however.... just dont let it go to sleep | 17:36 |
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran | ||
dencel | nacc: excellent, what does PPA mean? Primary package repository or something? | 17:40 |
nacc | !ppa | dencel | 17:40 |
ubottu | dencel: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 17:40 |
nacc | dencel: in this case, it's very unofficial, because i'm just using it to test the fix with you | 17:40 |
nacc | dencel: and then if the test works, i'll upload it officially and it will go through the SRU process | 17:40 |
nacc | !sru | dencel | 17:40 |
ubottu | dencel: Stable Release Update information is at | 17:40 |
nacc | dencel: to test and update the package locally, follow the "Adding this PPA to your system" section for the linked PPA | 17:41 |
quesada | quadHelix, are you serious? | 17:41 |
quesada | I only get one finger | 17:41 |
quadHelix | wacom tablet? | 17:42 |
quesada | on a lenovo yoga 510 | 17:42 |
quesada | touchscreen | 17:42 |
dencel | nacc: ok, I think I understand, let me install it and I'll report back | 17:42 |
quadHelix | quesada, yes i am serious. let me find the command used to inspect which touchscreen you have. | 17:42 |
quesada | I only get one finger on a multitouch screen. I'm not sure I'm missing drivers, or config, or this is the state of screen multitouch in linux | 17:43 |
quadHelix | quesada, the command is `xinput` . it will show you the make / model of your touchscreen. The issues that I described seem to be unique to the Wacom 101 USB touchscreen. | 17:44 |
quadHelix | quesada, when i type `xinput`<enter> I can see that my touch screen is: Wacom ISDv4 101 Finger touch | 17:45 |
quadHelix | quesada: you may have to install xinput. | 17:48 |
fernando_ | hello | 17:49 |
HOLA | hola | 17:50 |
HOLA | hi | 17:51 |
dencel | nacc: @see: complaints about missing db parameter, although this is defined | 17:51 |
HOLA | que ? | 17:51 |
quesada | quadHelix, this is my config . I have xinput | 17:51 |
HOLA | hablan español | 17:51 |
quesada | quadHelix, ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4[slave pointer (2)] | 17:52 |
quesada | ⎜ ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=19[slave pointer (2)] | 17:52 |
quesada | ⎜ ↳ SYNA7501:00 06CB:16C7 id=16[slave pointer (2)] | 17:52 |
dencel | nacc: but the error is gone, so a good start :-) | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | !es | quesada | 17:53 |
ubottu | quesada: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:53 |
ub1 | I have a fresh install of ubuntu ( pretty fresh not completely ) and everytime I type sudo mount -a the terminal just goes blank | 17:53 |
quadHelix | quesada, that is the touch pad itself (mouse) it does not look like it sees your touchscreen. What version of linux do you have installed? | 17:54 |
quesada | fedora, but I'm trying distros to see if one catches the touchscreen | 17:55 |
nacc | dencel: ok, let me see if there is something else needed | 17:56 |
quadHelix | ahhh-ha! this article leads me to believe that you may wish to try ubuntu 16. | 17:56 |
quadHelix | quesada, i saw another article making reference to an ath10k driver for the touch screen. that could correlate with this device: Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0cf3:e500 Atheros Communications, Inc. | 18:00 |
nacc | dencel: does your password have special characters in it? e.g., #*$ ? | 18:01 |
=== Eilar is now known as eil | ||
dencel | nacc: hahaha, I was just going to type that to you :) | 18:02 |
peterhhh | hello | 18:03 |
nacc | dencel: it seems to be possibly a vsftpd limitation, you could try with something else (just to test) | 18:03 |
ub1 | does anyone know why my terminal just goes blank when i type sudo mount -a | 18:03 |
dencel | nacc: I'll test it, just a sec | 18:03 |
dencel | nacc: @see pam_mysql_check_passwd() returning 6? | 18:10 |
dencel | I've created the pass with password('thepass') in mysql | 18:11 |
nacc | dencel: ok, reading the code, one sec | 18:11 |
nacc | dencel: but it does seem the earlier error was due to a 'invalid' (albeit unlogged that it was) password, then? | 18:12 |
nacc | dencel: PAM_MYSQL_ERR_MISMATCH = 6 | 18:12 |
atheotsky | hi, anyone know what does this mean in find command with -exec ? : {} \; | 18:13 |
atheotsky | i often use xargs , and rarely use -exec with {} \; | 18:13 |
nacc | atheotsky: `man find` ? | 18:13 |
dencel | nacc: ok, probably due to the crypt functions being different? | 18:14 |
nacc | atheotsky: {} is the current file name being processed | 18:14 |
nacc | atheotsky: and ; indicates the end of arguments to the command | 18:14 |
nacc | atheotsky: which needs to be escaped so its not interpreted by the shell | 18:14 |
atheotsky | oh | 18:14 |
atheotsky | thank you | 18:14 |
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien | ||
atheotsky | is there any reference only for these operators ? | 18:14 |
nacc | dencel: maybe? trying to figure out what that value means | 18:14 |
nacc | atheotsky: what do you mean? they aren't operators | 18:15 |
atheotsky | it looks like that to me :P | 18:15 |
EriC^^ | atheotsky: the find manual has it all | 18:15 |
ioria | atheotsky, man find | grep -w exec | 18:15 |
atheotsky | great, thank you | 18:15 |
nacc | atheotsky: operators in find are a specific class of expressions | 18:15 |
atheotsky | i'm doing it | 18:15 |
dencel | nacc: how do I rollback to the previous version of libpam-mysql? So I can check your previous statement (if it did work, but didn't log the incorrect password) | 18:16 |
nacc | dencel: oh no, i meant that error you got before about missing db parameter was related to the password | 18:16 |
nacc | !ppa-purge | dencel: is how i'd roll back | 18:17 |
ubottu | dencel: is how i'd roll back: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 18:17 |
dencel | nacc: ah, yeah it was.. currently checking if a plain text password will work (crypto=0/1) | 18:18 |
nacc | dencel: ok, i'll keep looking at what might be broken | 18:18 |
PCatinean | Just read a very interesting article on union mounts and it says that when there are two directories with the same folder it does shadowing | 18:18 |
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien | ||
PCatinean | and depending on the imeplementation when a delete is ran it actually just sahdows the file isntead of phisically deleting it | 18:19 |
PCatinean | Doesn't that waste space so to speak? | 18:19 |
nacc | PCatinean: that sounds like a question for ##linux or so | 18:19 |
Seven_Six_Two | popey, Thanks! I just had to re-login to get the edit permissions. | 18:20 |
atheotsky | thank you very much for the information :) | 18:20 |
PCatinean | indeed | 18:21 |
nacc | dencel: if that does work, i will try and add some more debugging | 18:21 |
dencel | nacc: crypt=0 (plain text) does work, so I think there is a mismatch in the way the passwords are hashed.. the password() is deprecated in myql anyway | 18:21 |
Kiicki | Hi, where can I download Ubuntu 15.04? | 18:22 |
nacc | Kiicki: you don't want to do that, it's eol | 18:22 |
nacc | !eol | Kiicki | 18:22 |
ubottu | Kiicki: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 18:22 |
nacc | dencel: ah ok, that could be ... | 18:22 |
Kiicki | It's the latest version that supports my GPU | 18:22 |
Kiicki | I have gone through hell to make this work | 18:22 |
Kiicki | I think at least that version will work | 18:23 |
nacc | Kiicki: you really don't want to run it | 18:23 |
nacc | Kiicki: it will have security flaws, potentially and gets no updtes | 18:23 |
nacc | Kiicki: if you ahve an older GPU, use 14.04 for the next few years | 18:23 |
Kiicki | that works too but I thought that was even older | 18:23 |
Kiicki | 14.04.2 I mean | 18:24 |
tatertots | Kiicki: that doesn't make sense, if you are thinking your gpu needs fglrx.....fglrx isn't supported anymore...if you have nvidia...that makes even less sense | 18:24 |
nacc | Kiicki: it's not about age, it's about support timelines | 18:24 |
nacc | Kiicki: you mean 14.04.5 or 14.04.1 (14.04.2 is also EOL) | 18:24 |
Kiicki | It says that the latest they support is: | 18:24 |
Kiicki | Ubuntu 15.04 (32-bit | 64-bit) | 18:24 |
Kiicki | Ubuntu 14.04.2 (32-bit | 64-bit) | 18:24 |
Kiicki | Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (32-bit | 64-bit) | 18:24 |
Kiicki | AMD HD 5450 | 18:25 |
dencel | nacc: the docs actually state this: 2 (or "mysql") = Use MySQL PASSWORD() function. It is possible that the encryption function used by pam-mysql is different from that of the MySQL server, as pam-mysql uses the function defined in MySQL's C-client API instead of using PASSWORD() SQL function in the query | 18:25 |
nacc | Kiicki: who is "they"? | 18:25 |
Kiicki | I'm having issues with screen tearing, stuttering watching youtube and movies. even scrolling through the web browser. I have tried everything and it simply doesn't work | 18:25 |
Kiicki | AMD site | 18:25 |
ioria | Kiicki, cedar is supported in 16.04 ... | 18:26 |
Kiicki | I have tried those open source supports and everything but no go | 18:26 |
Kiicki | feels like my Linux is running in a virtual machine | 18:26 |
cxxiii | Hi everybody | 18:26 |
nacc | Kiicki: that page sounds incredibly out of date | 18:27 |
Kiicki | So clearly I'm having graphics issues and I have no idea what to do | 18:27 |
OerHeks | Kiicki, go for 14.04 lts then,... | 18:27 |
nacc | Kiicki: also, if they support it, then ask them, but this is the ubuntu support channel and both 15.04 and 14.04.2 are eol | 18:27 |
OerHeks | Kiicki, i run the 5450 pretty fine. | 18:27 |
Kiicki | you got it? | 18:27 |
nacc | dencel: ah so it's a mismatch in the password generated, maybe? | 18:27 |
ioria | Kiicki, can you paste lspci -k | grep VGA -A 2 | 18:28 |
nacc | dencel: i'm not sure how you get access to that function yourself ... | 18:28 |
OerHeks | Kiicki, 2 monitors, hdmi and dvi | 18:28 |
Kiicki | ioria does it matter that the PC runs Mint now? I have been back and forth to see what works and atm it's in Mint | 18:28 |
OerHeks | ugh, mint has its own issues | 18:28 |
ioria | Kiicki, it's ok | 18:28 |
Lope3 | what does this do at the end of a cURL command? `-F attachment=@files/test.png` what does @files mean? | 18:29 |
ioria | Kiicki, you already tried that card on 16.04 , right ? | 18:30 |
Kiicki | Yes | 18:31 |
Kiicki | | 18:31 |
OerHeks | Lope3, man curl | 18:31 |
Lope3 | ok nvm i RTFM | 18:31 |
nacc | Lope3: `man curl` search for \@ | 18:31 |
juejuepuppy2 | having issues with entering pswd entry in KONSOLE , I was attempting to add Sublime via Konsole and when i got to the pswd entry it failed me 3 times | 18:31 |
OerHeks | Lope3, -f/--fail (HTTP) Fail silently (no output at all) on server errors. .. so that png shows instead of failed server | 18:31 |
juejuepuppy2 | any help greatly appreciated | 18:31 |
Lope3 | nacc thanks for letting me know about escaping the @ :) | 18:32 |
ioria | Kiicki, the module it's not loaded ... btw | 18:32 |
nacc | Lope3: np :) | 18:32 |
Lope3 | I thought maybe it was maybe a bash thing. | 18:32 |
dencel | nacc: if there is a mismatch in the algorithm used by the C lib used by libpam-mysql and the one used by password() of mysql 5.7.x then this is logical, let me check out the other options md5 is available as well, not optimal but better than plaintext | 18:32 |
Kiicki | ioria I'm quite new to Linux and I don't understand what you are saying : p | 18:32 |
crazyzurfer2 | Hello guys, I've bought a new computer in US and I'm from Chile and we speak spanish. I dont want to use latin american keyboard. I want to get used to US keyboard, So I selected US with dead keys to make this characters áéíóúñ ..... the thing is I'm a developer and I use shift + home to select the whole line, or shit + end to do the same.... The thing is when I press shift + home, the number 7 appears instead. So I guess | 18:32 |
nacc | dencel: ack, it's strange that they differ, but seems to be a known thing | 18:32 |
nacc | dencel: i guess you could write a little utility that inserts the passwords correctly? | 18:33 |
ioria | Kiicki, you should have another line : Kernel driver in use: radeon | 18:33 |
annnie | Hi, I am having issues with VirtualBox. I get "system problem detected, do I want to report" at boot and it's related to VirtualBox. I have to run "sudo modprobe vboxdrv" in a terminal and it will start behaving itself. I could add this command at startup I guess. But does anyone have any ideas why this is happening, or the 'root cause' of it? | 18:33 |
ioria | Kiicki, are you using nomodeset ? or a wrong xorg.conf ? | 18:33 |
OerHeks | ioria, maybe not, as he is on mint? | 18:33 |
ioria | OerHeks, maybe | 18:34 |
annnie | I am running Xubuntu but pretty sure it's more "core" than the specific *buntu desktop distro. | 18:34 |
Kiicki | ioria actually nvm. I don't think the problem can be solved. It's just an old GPU I guess. | 18:34 |
Kiicki | but thanks | 18:34 |
dencel | nacc: that would work, but then I need the logic how libpam-mysql calculates the hashes, I'll first try the other crypto options | 18:34 |
ioria | Kiicki, i suggest you to install xenial and come back here ... | 18:34 |
OerHeks | Kiicki, again: i run that 5450 fine, with 2 monitors, even 2 movies at the same time | 18:34 |
* nacc feels like something is not being said ... OerHeks just said they use the card | 18:34 | |
nacc | dencel: so the error you're getting now is because libpam-mysql grabs the value from the table and then generates an expected value itself (i have no idea why). and it fails if they don't match | 18:35 |
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nacc | dencel: in your case, you used password() to insert into the table, but libpam-mysql is using my_make_scrambled_password | 18:36 |
jesus_ | ,nnm | 18:36 |
jesus_ | mm,,m | 18:36 |
nacc | dencel: so you just need your 'insert' into the table to use my_make_scrambled_password (it feels like) -- but the upstream says that API is also deprecated :) | 18:36 |
Kiicki | Nn everyone. Thanks for your time! | 18:37 |
kadoban | Is there a simple command to show what executables a package installs? | 18:37 |
dencel | nacc: yeah, pam receives the plaintext password, calculates the hash using my_make_scrambled_password, retrieves the user record which contains the hashed password (with the sql password function) and checks if the password hashes matches | 18:37 |
pavlos | annnie, did you install the VB extensions after installing VB? | 18:38 |
nacc | dencel: right, so it's just a matter of not using 'password()' to insert into the table, ithink | 18:38 |
EriC^^ | kadoban: dpkg -L <package> | grep bin | 18:38 |
Vadi | I'd like to update a Ubuntu package to a new upstream release and upload it to my PPA. Does anyone have concise instructions on doing so? | 18:38 |
nacc | Vadi: it's not always trivial | 18:39 |
kadoban | EriC^^: Nice, thanks | 18:39 |
dencel | yeah, that's an option, but I rather have hashes in my tables than plaintext passwords. | 18:39 |
nacc | Vadi: are you capable of resolving patch conflicts etc | 18:39 |
EriC^^ | kadoban: no problem | 18:39 |
Vadi | nacc: yes | 18:39 |
nacc | Vadi: uupdate | 18:39 |
nacc | dencel: oh i wasn't saying put plaintext in the table | 18:40 |
nacc | dencel: i'm saying that i htink you used a query to insert the password in this case | 18:40 |
annnie | @pavlos sudo dpkg --get-selections gives: virtualbox, virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-guest-additions-iso, virtualbox-qt | 18:40 |
nacc | dencel: it seems like that won't work, so instead write a little tool that links to libmysqlclient and uses teh API to generate the password to insert | 18:40 |
dencel | nacc: that's the best solution indeed. But I use java, so I have to rewrite it a bit. Could you point me to the source where this function is implemented? | 18:41 |
Kiicki | OerHeks Before I go, I should try 14.04 lts? | 18:42 |
OerHeks | Kiicki, i run 16.04 fine, so i wonder about your video issues | 18:44 |
OerHeks | but not now,. as you are on mint | 18:44 |
Kiicki | Where can I get 16.04 btw? | 18:44 |
dencel | nacc: nevermind, you already did... | 18:45 |
nacc | dencel: i guess you can do what pure-tftpd itself did: ? | 18:45 |
nacc | dencel: admittedly in java not c, but still | 18:45 |
ioria | Kiicki, | 18:46 |
Kiicki | Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (Trusty Tahr) ? | 18:46 |
nacc | Kiicki: seriously? *16.04* | 18:47 |
nacc | Kiicki: in this case, 16.04.2 | 18:47 |
Kiicki | I just read 14.02 earlier | 18:47 |
Kiicki | 14.04* | 18:47 |
dencel | nacc: thanks for your great help! I'll try some more, but for now I can go on.. | 18:48 |
nacc | dencel: np! glad to help and i'll work on getting that fix pushed out in updates (please subscribe to the bug and you can help test the -proposed version too once it gets accepted) | 18:49 |
Kiicki | ok, I'm downloading the 64bit version at the top: | 18:49 |
Kiicki | wait, I already have it which means I have tried it | 18:50 |
ioria | afk | 18:51 |
tcpdump | hey everyone | 18:51 |
tcpdump | I have Ubuntu 14.04, Im desprerately trying to get the base nginx package running and getting the following error. | 18:51 |
* tomreyn notes 1758 people holding their breath | 18:53 | |
Kiicki | It seems like the one I have is the 16.04 lts and I should try the non lts one? | 18:53 |
tcpdump | | 18:53 |
OerHeks | Kiicki, now you are trolling... | 18:54 |
tcpdump | | 18:54 |
Kiicki | I'm actually not but I guess it's the same thing? | 18:55 |
OerHeks | tcpdump, "0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 57 not upgraded." time to do proper dist-upgrade first | 18:55 |
Kiicki | I will install 16.04 again then | 18:55 |
tcpdump | OerHeks: define proper? | 18:55 |
tcpdump | to 16.04? | 18:55 |
nacc | tcpdump: dist-upgrade does not change releases | 18:56 |
OerHeks | tcpdump, 57 not upgraded, that could easily break a new install of a package.. | 18:56 |
tcpdump | OerHeks: do I need to do an upgrade | 18:56 |
Vadi | I'm having trouble with uupdate and finding the right version # to use: | 18:56 |
Vadi | I'm trying to change it from an rc to a final | 18:56 |
tcpdump | sudo-apt-get upgrade? | 18:56 |
OerHeks | sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade | 18:56 |
OerHeks | !distupgrade | 18:56 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 18:56 |
nacc | Vadi: there is an assumption (as i sort of asked before) taht you know how to do packaging | 18:56 |
nacc | Vadi: also, your upstream tar should not have ppa in it | 18:57 |
Kiicki | OerHeks What CPU have you? | 18:57 |
nacc | Vadi: first you should do uscan (does the package you are in have a debian/watch) file? | 18:57 |
Vadi | It does not have debian/watch | 18:57 |
nacc | Vadi: is there a newer mudlet thatn 3.0.0~rc7? | 18:58 |
Vadi | yeah, the final release | 18:59 |
nacc | Vadi: ok, so the problem is twofold, afaict | 18:59 |
tcpdump | OerHeks: is there a way to install ruby, passenger, and nginx all at once on Ubuntu 16.04? | 18:59 |
Vadi | what is that? | 19:00 |
nacc | Vadi: and technically offtopic here, but i'll be brief: 1) don't rename the upstream tarball (it should be mudlet_<version>.orig.tar.xz. I think in your case mudlet_3.0.0.orig.tar.xz). and 2) the version you want to use is 3.0.0-1~ppa1 (maybe). Or try with no -v and it should be able to derive it. | 19:01 |
OerHeks | tcpdump, maybe you want to reask that in #ubuntu-server, i have no example for that. should be simple i guess | 19:01 |
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nacc | tcpdump: i mean packages get installed one at a time anyways | 19:01 |
tcpdump | OerHeks: I did sudo apt-get remove --purge all nginx packages. | 19:01 |
nacc | tcpdump: but doesn't `apt install ruby passenger nginx` ? | 19:01 |
Kiicki | About to install 16.04.02 LTS now | 19:01 |
nacc | tcpdump: also , you just said you were on 14.04, i thought? | 19:02 |
wedgie | tcpdump: apt-get install pacage1 package2 package3 | 19:02 |
tcpdump | nacc: I am at te moment. | 19:02 |
tcpdump | Id prefer to be on 16.04, and was, but couldnt get passenger and nxing to owrk. | 19:02 |
tcpdump | So has to back to 14.04 | 19:02 |
nacc | tcpdump: then why did you ask about 16.04? also how you install pacakges is not dependent on version | 19:02 |
nacc | well, excepting for apt and apt-get | 19:02 |
Rusty1_ | #join #cdlug | 19:03 |
tcpdump | So now that Im on 14.04 Im having a hard time completely removing nginx | 19:03 |
nacc | Rusty1_: /join | 19:03 |
tcpdump | I did "sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx nginx-core" | 19:03 |
Rusty1_ | sry | 19:03 |
tcpdump | it removed them all, and i did "which nginx" and get no results. | 19:03 |
tcpdump | But if I do "service nginx status" | 19:03 |
tcpdump | I get "nginx stating/stopping" | 19:03 |
tcpdump | So its like that service is stll registered. | 19:03 |
tcpdump | I deleted the nginx folder out of init.d | 19:04 |
nacc | tcpdump: did you do `which nginx` as root? | 19:04 |
tcpdump | Where else is that referenced? | 19:04 |
nacc | tcpdump: nginx is installed in /usr/sbin not /usr/bin | 19:04 |
tcpdump | nacc: yes, did it as root. | 19:04 |
nacc | tcpdump: ok | 19:04 |
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tcpdump | So it appears that it mostly uninstalled it. | 19:04 |
tcpdump | but left the service installed | 19:05 |
tcpdump | which may be causing my issues with re-installing. | 19:05 |
nomeg | i cant get around launchpad, what does this install? does it contain scripts or do i have to write them, how does it work | 19:05 |
FinalX | dpkg -l | grep nginx; dpkg -S /etc/init.d/nginx # if it still has a sysv-style init script used by systemd | 19:06 |
FinalX | tcpdump: ^ | 19:06 |
tcpdump | | 19:07 |
tcpdump | FinalX: that seemed to do it, thanks. | 19:07 |
list | set activity_hide_targets $- | 19:07 |
nacc | nomeg: runit itself doesn't install anything, it's a source package | 19:08 |
nacc | nomeg: nomeg `apt-file` may be what you want | 19:08 |
nomeg | what about " runit-systemd: system-wide service supervision (systemd integration) " | 19:08 |
nacc | nomeg: what about it? | 19:08 |
FinalX | tcpdump: dpkg --purge nginx-common # leftover package, then | 19:09 |
nacc | it seems like maybe an autoremove should have caught this too, unsure | 19:10 |
nacc | (for tcpdump's isseu) | 19:10 |
tcpdump | nacc: I think so, too. | 19:10 |
tcpdump | I think Im going to just start over and scrap this server at this point. | 19:10 |
tcpdump | I've inherited this... | 19:11 |
FinalX | tcpdump: did you perhaps try using's repositories? that is a package by itself and doesn't rely on nginx-common, so it just leaves it and then autoremove fails to remove it as well. | 19:11 |
FinalX | I usually just do dpkg -l | grep nginx, see what's still installed and apt-get remove / dpkg --purge them all | 19:11 |
tcpdump | This server has been cloned and jacked with too much | 19:11 |
tcpdump | I think Ill roll a new 16.04 server and make a new master image. | 19:11 |
nacc | dencel: would you be able to help me write a test case for the original issue in the bug? | 19:13 |
tcpdump | ugh | 19:13 |
tcpdump | Sorry guys, thanks for trying. | 19:13 |
tcpdump | Ive spent wayyyyy too long trying to salvage this. :/ | 19:13 |
Kiicki | OerHeks could you PM when you have time? You are the only one here with the exact same graphics | 19:14 |
nacc | dencel: specifically, I just added a bit to the description with "[Test Case]" -- ideally this would be a set of fairly simple steps that show the problem | 19:15 |
tcpdump | Quick question - on 16.04, for a new install, Im doing VMWare. | 19:16 |
tcpdump | Should I do LVM or no? | 19:16 |
tcpdump | I want to be able to grow the drive later. | 19:17 |
nacc | tcpdump: "I'm doing VMWare"? you mean installing a VMWare VM? | 19:17 |
tcpdump | yes | 19:17 |
tcpdump | Using 16.04 | 19:18 |
tcpdump | Looks like LVM is good for growing disks while mounted? | 19:18 |
* nacc has never really considered it strictly necessary to grow a disk while mounted | 19:19 | |
Kiicki | Just fresh installed Ubuntu 16.04.02 should I just start "Ubuntu Software" and update? | 19:19 |
nacc | but that would seem to be primarily a function of the fileystem especially (ext4 can do it, i don't think earlier can) | 19:19 |
pavlos | Kiicki, sure, good to keep a system up-to-date | 19:20 |
Kiicki | I just don't want to fuck up the possibilities for the graphics | 19:21 |
Vadi | Continuing my struggle to update a package. I'm getting "dh_shlibdeps dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/local/lib/ (used by debian/mudlet/usr/games/mudlet)" despite reinstalling the libyajl-dev package already. What can I do? | 19:22 |
dencel | nacc: I can, but you could use as well, I can trim it down if you want | 19:22 |
nacc | dencel: ok, thanks | 19:22 |
nacc | Vadi: you may want to seek help in #ubuntu-packaging | 19:23 |
Vadi | sure | 19:23 |
nacc | Vadi: it's also very wrong for your build to be using /usr/local/lib | 19:23 |
Vadi | I just took the source Debian package for a start | 19:23 |
nacc | Vadi: you probably are not set up to build locally (i recommend using sbuild for it) | 19:24 |
Vadi | I just wanted to test if my package worked. Perhaps I'll try upload to the PPA instead | 19:25 |
list | \wc | 19:26 |
dencel | nacc: btw, crypto=3 (md5) works fine! | 19:26 |
nacc | dencel: ah good to know! :) | 19:26 |
nacc | dencel: if you don't mind trimming it down -- that would help me out tremendously -- as minimal of a test case as possible to reproduce the original error (about undefined symbol) | 19:26 |
dencel | nacc: np, post asap | 19:27 |
nacc | dencel: thanks! | 19:27 |
dencel | nacc: is there markup support on launchpad (md)? | 19:28 |
nacc | dencel: not for the bugs | 19:28 |
nacc | dencel: i finsihed filling out the rest of the SRU template, you just need to refresh and edit the [Test Case] bit | 19:29 |
dencel | nacc: ok, report back when finished | 19:29 |
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Kiicki | Do you guys use ? | 19:32 |
ub1 | hello, I a cannot get nfs file mounting to work in ubuntu 16.10 | 19:37 |
_Trullo | I can add this line without any trouble right? it's from my old install.. UUID=43ed3992-818b-40cb-8e07-cb8aa274337c /media/5 ext4 defaults,relatime,users 0 2 | 19:38 |
_Trullo | fstab | 19:38 |
EriC^^ | ub1: why not? | 19:41 |
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dencel | nacc: updated the ticket, thanks for your help \o/ | 19:44 |
nacc | dencel: thank yhou for helping make ubuntu better! :) | 19:44 |
wppp | hi | 19:45 |
wppp | What user name can I use for an user that I only use for managing the mail server stuff? | 19:45 |
wppp | "mail" and "postmaster" are already reserved. | 19:46 |
Rusty1_ | FedEx | 19:47 |
wppp | lol :D | 19:47 |
wppp | what about "mailadmin"? doesn't seem to be on a reserved list? | 19:48 |
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juejuepuppy2 | rtrify@prontonmail.com___--->when in Konsole app , asks for pswd, keys not responding to app...3 failed attempts nothing when i hit enter ...please help...text | 19:52 |
juejuepuppy2 | 4028389919 | 19:54 |
juejuepuppy2 | assistance with password entry in Konsole | 19:55 |
juejuepuppy2 | ******************8 | 19:55 |
juejuepuppy2 | ***********************8 | 19:55 |
fission6 | how do i show all open ports on public interface | 19:59 |
k1l | fission6: you mean like running "netstat -tulpen" on the same machine? | 20:00 |
fission6 | i guess, i just want to see whats opened publically, ie not loopbacl | 20:01 |
CodeMouse92__ | juejuepuppy2: Just checking for the obvious, you know that when you type a password in the terminal, it shows NOTHING while you type, not even asterisks? | 20:01 |
CodeMouse92__ | So, you type the password anyway, and hit enter when you think you've got it | 20:01 |
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ubuntuserver | hi, need some help, i have installed xfce on a 16.04 server machine, need to have a GUI application running | 20:12 |
ubuntuserver | something is wrong when typing inside the application | 20:13 |
ubuntuserver | when i press A, i get some different value | 20:13 |
ubuntuserver | all the letters are mixed up | 20:13 |
ubuntuserver | "s" is "b", "d" is "f", "z" is "*" | 20:14 |
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k1l | ubuntuserver: what app is that? and did you set another keyboard layout there? | 20:15 |
ubuntuserver | it's a custom Qt app | 20:15 |
ubuntuserver | i have 2 layouts generated with locale-gen | 20:16 |
k1l | then check layout. could be some dvorak or neo or such | 20:16 |
ubuntuserver | en_US is set in /etc/default/locale | 20:16 |
ubuntuserver | how could i check for that, k1l? | 20:16 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: that sounds like a qt setting | 20:16 |
ubuntuserver | in xfce's keyboard settings | 20:17 |
ubuntuserver | i can't do anything | 20:17 |
ubuntuserver | everything is grayed out | 20:18 |
ubuntuserver | nothing in keyboard model | 20:18 |
macgyver1 | hi guys I have a disk in linux where is the main ubuntu OS installed but it is unmounted and I want to mount it what should I do? | 20:18 |
ubuntuserver | nothing in change layout options and compose key too | 20:18 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: so its on all gui in xfce and not only in that qt app? | 20:18 |
ubuntuserver | in the other apps it works ok, i'll install another qt app and see | 20:19 |
macgyver1 | hi my main ubuntu hard disk where ubuntu is installed is unmounted and I want to mount it. How can I do this? | 20:20 |
ubuntuserver | yup, qbittorrent does the same | 20:20 |
ubuntuserver | as the qt app i have | 20:20 |
k1l | macgyver1: what OS are you using now? | 20:20 |
macgyver1 | I use 2 os es | 20:21 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: ok, so its a qt settings gone wrong. | 20:21 |
macgyver1 | one is ubuntu and one is windows | 20:21 |
macgyver1 | so now I am with windows | 20:21 |
k1l | macgyver1: mounting is specific to the OS you use now | 20:21 |
arari | Hi all, any chance Dimitri John Ledkov (xnox) is here? wanted to ask a question regarding a bug | 20:21 |
macgyver1 | I want to mount my disk to ubuntu | 20:21 |
macgyver1 | it is not mounted | 20:21 |
k1l | macgyver1: windows doesnt support mounting ext4 partitions. i guess you need to install the drivers for that on windows first | 20:21 |
nomeg | only gnome works well with qt ootb | 20:22 |
k1l | macgyver1: you want to mount the windows disk in ubuntu? | 20:22 |
macgyver1 | no | 20:22 |
macgyver1 | I want to mount ubuntu disk in ubuntu | 20:22 |
k1l | macgyver1: you dont make any sense at all. | 20:22 |
ubuntuserver | do you happen to know what settings is that | 20:23 |
k1l | macgyver1: on ubuntu, just open the filebrowser, choose "other locations" in the left tab, then click on the disk you want to mount. | 20:23 |
ubuntuserver | can't find anything relevant with google | 20:23 |
macgyver1 | k1l I have an ubuntu disk | 20:23 |
macgyver1 | yes but after I click other locations what do I do next? | 20:24 |
k1l | macgyver1: click on the disk you want to mount | 20:24 |
macgyver1 | I click and then I find the disk but it does not mounted | 20:24 |
w9qbj | k1l, if it's a lvm disk you have to mount the dm? device | 20:24 |
k1l | macgyver1: then come in here with the ubuntu again, so we can look at the errors you get | 20:24 |
macgyver1 | k1l should I give some commands to mount it? | 20:25 |
macgyver1 | ok I have to reboot so I will use ubuntu | 20:25 |
ubuntuserver | anyone knows what setting might affect my issue? | 20:25 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: looks like qt and keyboard layout issues is a common issue | 20:26 |
ubuntuserver | works fine on my desktop | 20:26 |
conrad_ | Hi | 20:26 |
EriC^^ | ls | 20:29 |
k1l | EriC^^: command not found | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | :D | 20:29 |
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nomeg | idk how you got diff layout for qt but in general those should be defined in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf | 20:37 |
nomeg | or another xx-keyboard.conf | 20:38 |
ubuntuserver | there's no such file there | 20:39 |
ubuntuserver | no /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ | 20:39 |
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k1l | ubuntuserver: do you have /etc/default/keyboard ? | 20:42 |
nacc | arari: you could try #ubuntu-devel | 20:42 |
ubuntuserver | yes | 20:42 |
ubuntuserver | i have that | 20:42 |
ubuntuserver | XKBMODEL="pc105" | 20:43 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: what is set in there? | 20:43 |
ubuntuserver | XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess" | 20:43 |
k1l | are you running the qt app locally on that machine? or do you use some remote stuff? | 20:43 |
ubuntuserver | using VNC | 20:44 |
ubuntuserver | to see the desktop | 20:44 |
arari | nacc: thanks | 20:44 |
nacc | arari: but timezones and such :)( | 20:44 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: ok, that is worth noting | 20:44 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: that seems to be a common issue with vnc and qt | 20:45 |
ubuntuserver | it's weird because i had another server | 20:45 |
ubuntuserver | with the same app | 20:45 |
k1l | | 20:46 |
ubuntuserver | but arch linux | 20:46 |
ubuntuserver | and it worked just fine | 20:46 |
countingdaisies | Is it possible to assign drive letters to hardware devices manually? How well does that work? Is it easy to do? | 20:52 |
nacc | countingdaisies: "drive letters"? did you mean to ask in windows? | 20:52 |
k1l | ubuntuserver: seems like it will work with xforward | 20:53 |
cliffer | hi, i pinned a package from zesty and on upgrading, it wants to install postgres. how do i prevent postgres from being installed since i have mysql which also works for the package? | 20:53 |
nacc | cliffer: are you on 17.04? | 20:54 |
cliffer | ne 16.04. | 20:54 |
nacc | cliffer: don't mix and match releases | 20:55 |
cliffer | nacc: no, 16.0.4. | 20:55 |
nacc | cliffer: it will break things | 20:55 |
cliffer | nacc: im aware of possible problems | 20:55 |
* OerHeks wonders package from zesty on xenial? | 20:55 | |
nacc | cliffer: and you're on your own when you choose to ignore that | 20:55 |
cliffer | that is why I dont ask for help on that topic but how to ignore a package on upgrade | 20:56 |
nacc | cliffer: i don't understand, if you're using pinning, then you know how to already | 20:57 |
nacc | cliffer: if you're using pinning, it shouldn't be upgrading that specific package | 20:57 |
cliffer | OerHeks: i want to install postfixadmin from zesty since the package from trusty only works with broken password storage mechanisms. and since it is written in php, i think it is worth a try. | 20:57 |
nacc | what the ... you're on 14.04? | 20:57 |
nacc | given that 14.04 is php5 and 17.04 is php7, it's unlikely to work | 20:58 |
cliffer | no, not trusty but xenial (16.04.) | 20:58 |
nacc | "...since the package from trust..." | 20:58 |
nacc | *trusty | 20:58 |
countingdaisies | nacc: I'm sorry. What I mean is /dev/sd]a,b,etc ...] Lets say I wan tot force Ubuntu 16 to call the device plugged into my msata port "sda" (not sdb or anything else) and then label my sata drive as sdb. | 20:58 |
nacc | countingdaisies: no, you should not rely on kernel disk naming to be consistent | 20:59 |
countingdaisies | is that odesble? adviseable? easy/hard? | 20:59 |
OerHeks | cliffer, such frankenstein-ubuntu .. good luck. php5 <>php7 is your culprit. | 20:59 |
nacc | countingdaisies: there is no assertion that that namespace will be maintained in a user-friendly way | 20:59 |
EriC^^ | countingdaisies: what are you trying to do ultimately? | 20:59 |
nacc | countingdaisies: use by-path or by-uuid symlinks for this (iirc) | 20:59 |
cliffer | OerHeks: i made a mistake, im using 16.04., not 14.04. | 20:59 |
k1l | countingdaisies: the mainboard does the naming, and some mainboards do randomize that. so use uuids if you want to point to specific devices | 21:00 |
cliffer | and the package from 16.04. has only md5... | 21:00 |
OerHeks | cliffer i get that, but you ignore this huge difference in php dependencies | 21:00 |
cliffer | 16.04. also has php7 | 21:00 |
nacc | cliffer: you tell apt you want to use postgres | 21:01 |
nacc | cliffer: by having postgres either already set up or installing with the package in question | 21:01 |
nacc | cliffer: you could have probably gotten an answer to this a while ago by using a pastebin with an example command (not mixing and matching releases) and output | 21:01 |
cliffer | nacc: ill try that, thanks for your help | 21:02 |
countingdaisies | nacc: oh, ok. Well I'm trying to find the simplest / best way to install ubuntu to a new msat ssd drive. When I was here a couple days ago someone gave me a link to one article but it seemed a bit confusing and I've lost it when my computer battery died. Is this gonna be a big frustrating painful experience cause I don't want to learn, I just want it to work and use it. | 21:05 |
countingdaisies | msata I meant | 21:06 |
nacc | countingdaisies: i don't know why it would be difficult? msata and even ssd are basically hidden from you as the end user. It's just a disk | 21:06 |
nacc | countingdaisies: do you mean you're not sure if you can identify it correctly in your machine during installation? | 21:07 |
k1l | countingdaisies: i dont understand why you care about the naming sda sdb etc. | 21:07 |
nacc | cliffer: the problem (probably) is that 'default-mysql-client' is the first in 'default-mysql-client | postgresql-client | mariadb-client' and unless one of those is already installed or you install a specific one with postfixadmin, apt has no way of knowing you want to do that | 21:08 |
countingdaisies | nacc: That's right. I don't know what's to expect after the physical installation (hardware) and powering on. Then what? Check bios to see if it's recognized? And what when it comes to installing ubuntu?? I'll end up installing to something other than sda or hda ?? <--- that might make my user experience frustrating later (I'm used to the labels being a certain way in my mind / way to think... | 21:10 |
countingdaisies | ...of it that makes sense to me). | 21:10 |
OerHeks | countingdaisies, if you know what day, this channel is logged | 21:10 |
OerHeks | !logs | 21:10 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at | 21:10 |
nacc | countingdaisies: how many hard drives are in your system? | 21:11 |
countingdaisies | OerHeks: oh, sorry, I must have missed what you said. I think it was you who gave me the link yesterday. Honestly, I might be able to find it in firefox history but that a mess | 21:11 |
countingdaisies | OerHeks: cool | 21:11 |
nacc | countingdaisies: if your BIOS can't see the disk, it's not Ubuntu's problem, that's it's own issue | 21:11 |
nacc | countingdaisies: you should instlal to the *correct* disk -- don't worry about it's name, as Ubuntu will use the UUID of the partition anyways | 21:11 |
k1l | countingdaisies: you are making it too complicated. create the ubuntu usb and give it a go, its not rocket science :) | 21:14 |
OerHeks | countingdaisies, did you actually tried installing ubuntu on msata ? | 21:14 |
countingdaisies | nacc: I have a single 750 gb / 7200 rpm sata drive in the primary bay and no other drives in the machine. I'm about to order this like any minute now but I wanted to understand what I'm up agains first: | 21:14 |
countingdaisies | sorry for the delay | 21:14 |
OerHeks | the only issue i can imagine is your bios not accepting it. | 21:14 |
nacc | countingdaisies: it's not really possible for me to know -- i don't have the device or your machine in front of me. Both disks will be sd* (not hd* -- that's for IDE) | 21:15 |
nacc | countingdaisies: but what OerHeks and k1l have said -- it's not htat difficult | 21:15 |
cliffer | nacc: you are right. default-mysql-client seems to only exist in zesty. i installed it from zesty, edited my apt-preferences but i still wants to remove mysql-server: | 21:15 |
cliffer | ... but IT wants to ... | 21:16 |
countingdaisies | OerHeks: k11: nacc: ty, I think I have a strategy. I may want to use lvm2 (ive used it before with platter drives/ide/sata) - then I should be able to choose my own aliases, right? | 21:18 |
countingdaisies | I mean, is that a reasonable strategy/ expectation? | 21:19 |
k1l | countingdaisies: msata ssd is not different from your old setup. its like worrying about what gearbox your car has got. it doesnt matter for most drivers anyway. | 21:19 |
zamba | i have a good old windows application (it uses vbrun300.dll) that i need to make available to newer versions of windows.. i have confirmed that it's possible to run in wine.. is it possible to connect to the host and run just this one application? | 21:20 |
zamba | i guess the question is a bit windows and a bit linux | 21:20 |
k1l | zamba: that sounds like a question for #winehq | 21:21 |
zamba | k1l: ok, tanks | 21:22 |
zamba | thanks* | 21:22 |
countingdaisies | k1l right on. thanks for putting it in perspective | 21:22 |
nacc | cliffer: `apt policy mysql-server-5.7` ? | 21:23 |
cliffer | | 21:25 |
=== the_ktosiek is now known as ktosiek | ||
nacc | cliffer: rather than dist-upgrade, can yhou just `apt install postfixadmin` ? | 21:26 |
cliffer | no, it has the same result | 21:27 |
tipdriller | Hi, how would I download a file from a redirecting URL on linux? | 21:27 |
nacc | cliffer: `apt show postfixadmin` | 21:27 |
nacc | cliffer: along with `apt policy postfixadmin` i think | 21:28 |
userro | tipdriller, wget | 21:28 |
tipdriller | userro | 21:28 |
tipdriller | userro, i tried wget but i'm not sure which switches to use | 21:28 |
tipdriller | and i end up with a 403 or a error from the server hosting the file | 21:29 |
tipdriller | this is the url: | 21:29 |
OerHeks | tipdriller, curl -L >> | 21:29 |
cliffer | nacc: | 21:30 |
OerHeks | oh microsoft .. now i wish i didn't post that. | 21:30 |
userro | why? :3 | 21:30 |
tipdriller | ERROR 403: Time-Limited URL validation failed | 21:30 |
tipdriller | is what i get back | 21:30 |
tipdriller | it works fine when using, say, chrome to download it | 21:31 |
tipdriller | but i only have access to bash | 21:31 |
tipdriller | any ideas? | 21:32 |
nacc | tipdriller: are you quoting the URL? | 21:33 |
tipdriller | no | 21:34 |
nacc | tipdriller: you might need to, e.g., there is a huge difference to bash between `wget` and `wget | 21:34 |
nacc | ''` | 21:34 |
tipdriller | what's the difference? i'm curious | 21:34 |
tipdriller | i tried double quotes and something happened | 21:34 |
mobiusstripper | hi all, how can I disable the keyboard shortcut for unity launcher? Specifically <super>+(1 To 9) and <super>+<shift>+(1 to 9)? (Ubuntu 16.10) | 21:35 |
tipdriller | it showed a bunch of text | 21:35 |
=== avis is now known as Guest14413 | ||
nacc | tipdriller: double quotes are not what you want, possibly | 21:35 |
tipdriller | is there a difference | 21:35 |
nacc | tipdriller: yes | 21:35 |
nacc | tipdriller: bash will do variable substitution in "" and won't in in '' | 21:35 |
tipdriller | i feel like the file is being sent to the screen when i did that | 21:35 |
tipdriller | as opposed to a file on the hard drive | 21:35 |
nacc | tipdriller: highly likely, you ahve to tell it where to save it | 21:36 |
tipdriller | okay thanks | 21:36 |
nacc | tipdriller: -O | 21:36 |
tipdriller | wait | 21:36 |
tipdriller | so should i use single quotes | 21:36 |
tipdriller | and i -O as well? | 21:36 |
tipdriller | *and -O as well | 21:36 |
nacc | wget -O /path/to/file/to/write '<URL>' | 21:36 |
tipdriller | thanks | 21:36 |
tipdriller | is there a way to auto retrieve the filename? | 21:36 |
nacc | tipdriller: that is up to the server, afaict | 21:37 |
tipdriller | i mean its not a big deal but... | 21:37 |
tipdriller | so is -O needed then? | 21:37 |
OerHeks | time based url .. | 21:37 |
tipdriller | okay | 21:37 |
=== miha_S7_ is now known as help | ||
tipdriller | single quotes does the same thing as double | 21:37 |
tipdriller | or at least in my situation | 21:38 |
wedgie | not quite | 21:38 |
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tipdriller | nacc, it doesn't work | 21:42 |
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nacc | tipdriller: what doesn't? | 21:43 |
tipdriller | the command you provided | 21:43 |
tipdriller | | 21:44 |
tipdriller | ^ thats what i get | 21:44 |
nacc | tipdriller: you didn't provide a file to output to, probably | 21:45 |
tipdriller | when running: curl -O /home/ki.appx -L 'big_ms_url' | 21:45 |
tipdriller | nacc, did i do something wrong? | 21:45 |
nacc | tipdriller: i gave you `wget`. I don't know what -O does to curl | 21:46 |
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tipdriller | yikes | 21:46 |
tipdriller | my bad | 21:46 |
tipdriller | dunno where i got that. i'll give wget a go then | 21:46 |
nacc | OerHeks: afaik, wget should handle redirects fine, right? | 21:46 |
nacc | tipdriller: what are you downloading from microsoft? | 21:47 |
tipdriller | thanks nacc, it works!! | 21:48 |
tipdriller | it redirected just fine | 21:48 |
tipdriller | i'm downloading Killer Instinct | 21:48 |
hasan | testing | 21:50 |
hasan | wow | 21:50 |
robyx | test | 21:51 |
hasan | wow | 21:51 |
hasan | it works | 21:51 |
nacc | hasan: yes, do you have a support question? | 21:51 |
k1l | there is the #test channel :) | 21:51 |
hasan | no, apologies | 21:51 |
notdaniel | is guake still the way to go as far as a dropdown terminal? or tilda? something else? | 21:52 |
=== evanextreme[dead is now known as evanextreme | ||
countingdaisies | When doing a usb install of 16, will a larger usb stick work? (like 32 or 64 gb)? | 21:55 |
Mathisen | notdaniel, yep or Yakuake | 21:55 |
countingdaisies | I mean, would the machine boot it or is there a limitation? | 21:56 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
notdaniel | Mathisen, do you have a preference? it's been a while and i just remember some quirks with each of htem | 21:56 |
notdaniel | oh thats a kde one | 21:56 |
Mathisen | notdaniel, i use guake for dropdown tilda just to get a "cool" background | 21:57 |
k1l | countingdaisies: there is no such thing as too big for a ubuntu usb :) only too small. so anything 2gb or bigger works | 21:57 |
OerHeks | notdaniel, if it has been a while, no way saying if your 'quircks' are solved, only one way to find out .... | 21:57 |
notdaniel | OerHeks, agreed, but it's also pretty easy for me to go down a rathole and spend time getting my dev machine set up instead of actually working | 21:58 |
notdaniel | but yes i can try both out and just not fiddle for very long right now haha | 21:58 |
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=== hasanke is now known as elliotbelliot | ||
countingdaisies | kll I thiink I thought that bc when I did a bios upgrade once in the past. It turns out there was a size limitation on the usb stick that could be use to do the installation. Considering that doing an installation involves booting, which involves bios, I thought maybe, conceivably there could be a size restriction for this too. I've been googling and not finding anything, but it's cool... | 22:00 |
countingdaisies | long as I'm clear on what I was asking (not about using a usb with an installation but for an installation). thx | 22:00 |
nacc | countingdaisies: as long as your bios can boot from the usb stick, ubuntu should be able to use it | 22:00 |
kevr | so i have a trusty chroot, and im trying to update things, but udev fails because `initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused` | 22:01 |
kevr | and i can't figure out how to make this migration properly or ignore these errors | 22:01 |
countingdaisies | nacc: right on | 22:01 |
k1l | countingdaisies: i read that you have many concerns. but i think that you are making it more complicated than it is :) i guess you would manage an install easily if you have installed another OS before. | 22:02 |
countingdaisies | kll it's cool. I'm purchasing the items to do this and only have very limited funds to do so. You know, my life just isn't that easy you know. I can't just buy another one like some ppl (jk jk). ty for your help. I'm sure Itll be fine. I just want to buy the best decisions I can make for my future cause right now it's like that | 22:04 |
countingdaisies | peace | 22:04 |
k1l | countingdaisies: no problem. i just wanted to make sure dont get scared away. its not that difficult to install ubuntu. if you have issues come in here and people will help :) | 22:06 |
countingdaisies | I hear ya its all good | 22:06 |
buntu | Hello | 22:08 |
B105PH3RE | hi | 22:08 |
buntu | Whats this channel for? | 22:08 |
B105PH3RE | suport ubuntu distro | 22:08 |
buntu | :o | 22:08 |
k1l | buntu: its for technical ubuntu support | 22:08 |
userro | Ubuntu is a great operating system | 22:09 |
buntu | I just installed MATE 16.04 LTs. Wondering where the package manager is? | 22:10 |
OerHeks | does mate come without softwarecenter ?? | 22:10 |
OerHeks | :-D | 22:10 |
buntu | :( looks like it | 22:10 |
k1l | buntu: maybe the #ubuntu-mate channel knows better about that | 22:11 |
buntu | they have synapse | 22:11 |
kevr | anybody? | 22:11 |
buntu | Know where I could grab it? | 22:12 |
k1l | !info synapse | 22:12 |
ubottu | synapse (source: synapse): semantic file launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 412 kB, installed size 1966 kB | 22:12 |
OerHeks | i think he points to synaptic ? | 22:13 |
k1l | buntu: that is a filelauncher. not a software center or package manager | 22:13 |
buntu | yah that explains why I cannot get anything from it :P | 22:14 |
OerHeks | buntu you can install software-center or synaptic | 22:14 |
buntu | Yah where do I go for that? | 22:14 |
OerHeks | sad to see mate without softwarecenter .. | 22:14 |
OerHeks | ctrl alt t = terminal, sudo apt get install <package> | 22:15 |
buntu | unable to locate softwarecenter | 22:15 |
k1l | iirc mate ships a software center. but the specialists in #ubuntu-mate will know | 22:15 |
OerHeks | ohhhhhhh MATE uses the Boutique | 22:15 |
buntu | :O boutique let me check | 22:16 |
OerHeks | found @ | 22:16 |
buntu | Yea there it is sofware boutique :)) | 22:17 |
buntu | Interesting. not what im used to at all | 22:17 |
kevr | so i have a trusty chroot, and im trying to update things, but udev fails because `initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused` | 22:17 |
kevr | and now im stuck completely | 22:17 |
msev-- | how do i add this /home/msev/Koda/platform-tool into path | 22:18 |
kevr | export PATH="${PATH}:/home/msev/Koda" | 22:18 |
kevr | or whatever directory, same idea | 22:19 |
k1l | msev--: you can put it into your home folder into the new folder "bin". after a relogin it will be added to your users path | 22:19 |
msev-- | thanks kevr | 22:19 |
funkster | what are my options for creating GUI desktop app? any specific language/librarys you guys suggest me to look into? | 22:22 |
the_weasel | hello | 22:23 |
the_weasel | i need help with a 3 monitor setup, nvidia-settings doesn't save my settings.. | 22:24 |
the_weasel | i just want to clone my main monitor with my tv and expand the desktop on the second monitor | 22:25 |
kevr | the_weasel: i would suggest using xrandr to setup your configurations, though you can still do this with xorg config fragments | 22:25 |
OerHeks | funkster, lots of options qml C++ perl python java .. | 22:25 |
the_weasel | ok thanks | 22:25 |
kevr | the_weasel: basically you can just write a script to run on autostart that uses xrandr to setup your displays | 22:26 |
kevr | however you want them | 22:26 |
the_weasel | i'm new to linux...took me 12 hours to get my gpu working correctly.... | 22:26 |
the_weasel | lol | 22:26 |
the_weasel | i'll take a look into xrandr | 22:27 |
Vysty | Hey! Anyone here good at working with kdenlive? | 22:30 |
axisys | I have no sound and have tried different solutions and the Sound Setting Output still says Dummy Output | 22:33 |
axisys | sound works fine with live CD | 22:33 |
axisys | any suggestion? so far no response in mailing list | 22:33 |
Wirehunter | Do you have any experience with programming already? JavaFX is very easy to start out with in my opinion. This isn't the right channel to talk about programming though. | 22:34 |
pavlos | buntu, ubuntu mate has control center under system (4th down) | 22:34 |
cfhowlett | !alis list kdenlive | 22:36 |
ubottu | cfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:36 |
Duosora | Hello folks. Have you heard of a new innovative browser which debutes on Linux? | 22:38 |
cfhowlett | !browser > Duosora | 22:38 |
ubottu | Duosora, please see my private message | 22:38 |
Duosora | The one I'm talking about is called Sky | 22:39 |
=== notdaniel is now known as notdaniel_ | ||
OerHeks | Duosora, never heard of it, and cannot find it either, url? | 22:44 |
cfhowlett | Generally, if it can't be found via a quick google, I consider it not ready for prime time. YMMV | 22:45 |
Goose_ | Ive been playing around with ubuntu a couple weeks now and im settling down with 14.04 , | 22:45 |
OerHeks | if it is sky browser from google, it is just a google earth thingy | 22:45 |
Goose_ | II just want to knowhow to properly secure my system, ive encrypted the drives and I have a high security network but | 22:46 |
Goose_ | 16.04*\ | 22:46 |
wedgie | Goose_: it's pretty secure to start with. The important thing is to not decrease its security by installing/running silly things. And keep it up-to-date. | 22:52 |
Goose_ | @wedgie - what would be considered silly? I try to be careful with my firefox, but is there any software i should stay away from | 22:53 |
wedgie | Goose_: don't have anything in particular in mind. For a desktop this should be pretty simple since you won't be running any exernally-accessible services. | 22:54 |
Goose_ | well i do want to set up server | 22:54 |
Goose_ | i havent done that yet | 22:55 |
k1l | Goose_: think twice before you use 3rd party repos or packages to install software | 22:55 |
Goose_ | everything from software is good though right? through the ubuntu store? | 22:55 |
k1l | because for the ubuntu repos there is peer review and the ubuntu security team that maintains the security updates. | 22:55 |
wedgie | Goose_: well, then, when you start to set up services you'll have to be careful. And there are probably channels dedicated to each of those services that will be able to provide much more targeted advice. | 22:56 |
juejuepuppy2 | 4028389919text help please, why pswd wont type in on Konsole app when i try to install Sublime via cmd | 22:56 |
k1l | juejuepuppy2: you dont see any **** or such, you need to type "blind" and hit enter | 22:57 |
wedgie | Goose_: apache2 and php come from the official repos. But if you use them to run an insecure app then you expose yourself to risks. But detail on how to harden a webapp is outside the scope of this channel | 22:57 |
wedgie | using that as just an example, of course | 22:57 |
Epx998 | I am attempting to do an unattended ks of ubuntu 12 uefi, getting a 'anna: wget bad address '' message fairly early on. I am not sure what its doing at this stage. Any ideas? | 23:04 |
axisys | sound fixed! thanks to wabbits from #alsa .. I was not part of audio group and then restart pulseaudio with -k | 23:04 |
axisys | wow! | 23:04 |
kk4ewt | Epx998, sounds like it is trying to wget something from a bad address | 23:05 |
wedgie | ubuntu 12? Is that supported anymore? | 23:05 |
Epx998 | yeah but what? | 23:05 |
Epx998 | only until april | 23:06 |
k1l | 12.04is supported untill end of april | 23:06 |
kk4ewt | so look in the ks and see | 23:06 |
Epx998 | i am, its not saying anything | 23:08 |
d_ven0m | Hey I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I'm looking to do Android development, and possibly some non-Android Java development as well. I've already downloaded IntelliJ IDEA, and was wondering whether I need to download Android Studio as well. Supposedly it is possible to just use IDEA, but are there any downsides to not using AS? | 23:09 |
Skaag | what's cooler for my car's license plate? CHROOT or CHMOD O | 23:11 |
Epx998 | yeah hmm i have no idea why this wget is failing or what its trying grab, its right after dhcp does its autoconfig junk | 23:12 |
kk4ewt | look at the ks and see where it is going | 23:13 |
Epx998 | next entry is the http mirror, but it works fine on ub14 and ub16, hmm | 23:15 |
buntu | Thanks for what you guys are doing! It really means a lot. | 23:16 |
d_ven0m | Anyone? Downsides to using IntelliJ IDEA for Android over Android Studio? | 23:17 |
kk4ewt | d_ven0m, ask the android guys | 23:17 |
d_ven0m | kk4ewt: Is there a channel on freenode? | 23:17 |
Epx998 | kk4ewt: where to look, the .cfg points to the mirror, b ut from the client, it can ping the mirror, address shows '' so something is missing maybe hmm | 23:18 |
Epx998 | ill try the ubuntu mirror i guess | 23:20 |
macgyver1 | hi guys I tried to install ubuntu to an ssd drive but after some time it said grub failed to install in this drive, please choose another drive, and stuck there | 23:20 |
nacc | !alis | d_ven0m | 23:20 |
ubottu | d_ven0m: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 23:20 |
* init7 BRR! ty bo torte me FloRenTina | 23:20 | |
macgyver1 | what should I do. I dont need grub | 23:20 |
macgyver1 | I want to start immediately | 23:21 |
macgyver1 | how can I continue installation"? | 23:21 |
nacc | Epx998: do you happen to be setting up networking in your preseed and serving hte preseed over the network? | 23:21 |
nacc | macgyver1: what do you mean "I dont need grub"? How are you going to boot? | 23:21 |
Epx998 | nacc: only using dhcp in the preceed, the dhcp server has a static entry for the host. | 23:22 |
macgyver1 | nacc I wanted to boot from an ssd drive | 23:22 |
macgyver1 | I had only ubuntu in that ssd | 23:23 |
macgyver1 | and other os in other ssd | 23:23 |
nacc | Epx998: right, ok, but are you actually getting the preseed over the network? | 23:23 |
nacc | Epx998: in which case, you need to tell the system on the commandline how to configure the network | 23:23 |
nacc | macgyver1: grub is the bootloader, i don't understand why you think you don't need it? | 23:23 |
macgyver1 | because it said grub cannot installed in that ssd | 23:24 |
macgyver1 | so it stuck | 23:24 |
nacc | macgyver1: yes, but you say "I dont need grub" | 23:24 |
nacc | macgyver1: why do you think that? | 23:24 |
Epx998 | nacc: It works for Ub14 and 16 installs, let me run one of those to watch for the send on the ks serverr, im not seeing the send on 12. | 23:24 |
macgyver1 | yes because it stuck | 23:24 |
macgyver1 | I wanted continue installation | 23:24 |
nacc | macgyver1: you absolutely need grub. | 23:24 |
nacc | macgyver1: it not working does not mean you don't need it | 23:24 |
macgyver1 | yes but what can I do it stucks trying to install grub | 23:25 |
macgyver1 | I wanted to install the other staff | 23:25 |
nacc | Epx998: also, does 12.04 properly support uefi? | 23:25 |
macgyver1 | and I dont know why it says grub cannot be installed | 23:26 |
macgyver1 | says choose ssd, I choose and nothing happens | 23:26 |
Epx998 | nacc: not sure, it netbooted into the debian installer ok, the installer doesnt appear to be grabbing the preceed, so maybe my entry is wrong. ill check my grub cfg | 23:26 |
nacc | Epx998: so this is just my own experience, but yeah, I would check all the configs again, but also -- if the preseed is needed to know how networking should be configured (say, nameservers or something), and is being served over the network, for reliability, you want to pass the network config over the command-line (kernel) | 23:27 |
macgyver1 | who needs a grub when a grub can be broken? | 23:28 |
Epx998 | nacc: i am passing the network config in the kernel line of grub | 23:28 |
Epx998 | nacc: i had a error in my fqdn that i used, had the ip before with the same error, testing again. | 23:29 |
nacc | Epx998: ah ok, just double-checking | 23:29 |
nacc | macgyver1: you should look in the logs for what failed | 23:29 |
pavlos | macgyver1, I assume you strted from a live cd or usb, installed to the target ssd (let's say sda) and now it refuses to write the bootloader to sda? | 23:30 |
macgyver1 | ok I reboot now and come back again later | 23:30 |
macgyver1 | pavlos correct | 23:30 |
macgyver1 | pavlos I installed ubuntu in an ssd | 23:30 |
macgyver1 | pavlos inastalled in dev/sdc and it tried to install grub in dev/sda and stuck | 23:31 |
macgyver1 | pavlos a window said pleas choose another disk | 23:32 |
pavlos | buntu, but there is no sda or is there? | 23:32 |
pavlos | macgyver1, but there is no sda or is there? | 23:32 |
macgyver1 | pavlos there was also sda but I installed in sdc | 23:32 |
macgyver1 | so a window said grub cannot be installed in sda please choose another disk | 23:33 |
pavlos | macgyver1, so the system always boots sda and then upon configration will boot sda or sdc | 23:33 |
macgyver1 | pavlos yes I suppose it starts in sda but I am not sure, maybe it starts from sdb | 23:34 |
macgyver1 | but I suppose it starts sda | 23:34 |
pavlos | macgyver1, so this a dual/triple boot with sda, sdb, and sdc | 23:35 |
macgyver1 | yes but I use f12 and choose if I want ubuntu | 23:35 |
macgyver1 | or if I dont use f12 it starts sda | 23:36 |
pavlos | macgyver1, what are the other OS? | 23:36 |
macgyver1 | pavlos the other is windows10 | 23:36 |
pavlos | macgyver1, sda is win10, you did a dual boot along win10 with target sdc | 23:37 |
macgyver1 | pavlos I did not dual boot, I installed win10 in sda and ubuntu in sdc | 23:38 |
macgyver1 | pavlos so I tried to use f12 to boot from sdc | 23:38 |
macgyver1 | I did not mixed ubuntu and win10 in same disk | 23:39 |
nacc | that's not what dual boot is | 23:39 |
Bashing-om | macgyver1: Win10 is a EFI system , did you boot the installer for ubuntu also as EFI ? the 2 (MBR/EFI) are not conpatable . | 23:39 |
macgyver1 | Bashing-om I am not sure if ubuntu was efi | 23:40 |
macgyver1 | it says uefi in one disk but dont remember which is uefi | 23:41 |
macgyver1 | but now ubuntu does not run because of grub stuck | 23:42 |
macgyver1 | ok I must reboot so I come back later | 23:43 |
Epx998 | maybe my preseed is wrong, wrks on 14 and 16, guess 12 is way different, even tho the example seems the same | 23:43 |
nacc | Epx998: so 12 is now grabbing the preseed? | 23:44 |
Bashing-om | manacit: Before rebooting , does ctl+alt+F4 gain a console interface ? Maybe we can "look" . | 23:44 |
doomlord | haven't tried ubuntu in a while, do any of the desktop managers handle the same multiscreen desktop switching / windowing behaviour as OSX yet (i.e. seperate desktops per monitor, and the same kind of overview with 'scale'+the desktop overview combined into one view) | 23:45 |
Epx998 | nacc: no, i rebooted and selected 16. After the netconfig, it grabs the preseed and gets additional components. On Ub12, that doesnt happen. I looked at the precise preseed example on ubuntu - it looked ok. granted this is uefi, but i was sent to the installer, so it should work from there forward. at least to wehere it checks the mbr or smething | 23:45 |
nacc | Epx998: well, the preseed is irrelevant if it's not grabbing it | 23:46 |
bazhang | doomlord, gnome-shell has extenstions for exactly | 23:46 |
bazhang | extensions | 23:46 |
nacc | Epx998: all that matters is the kernel commandline and possibly the initramfs config options | 23:46 |
nacc | Epx998: what are you passing to your ubuntu 12 kernel? | 23:46 |
Epx998 | nacc: odd it isnt working them, does 12 require different commandlines? | 23:47 |
doomlord | hmm maybe i should look at that again.. haven't touched it in 1year+ .. I didn't like it's default behaviour ,but as you say it is extendable. | 23:47 |
Epx998 | has to be, since that is were i am saying this is your preseed | 23:47 |
nacc | Epx998: it's possible that they improved things with 14.04 or at any time | 23:47 |
nacc | Epx998: right :) | 23:47 |
nacc | Epx998: so i'm guessing you will work fine, once you are able to get the preseed | 23:47 |
bazhang | doomlord, this is not unity shell, but gnome-shell | 23:47 |
Epx998 | nacc: Got the correct commandline for 10 and saying this is my preseed? :D | 23:48 |
Epx998 | er for 12 | 23:48 |
bazhang | you install it, then get the extensions, installable from their website | 23:48 |
doomlord | i realise they are different | 23:48 |
nacc | Epx998: no, but i might be able to help if you can pastebin what you are passing | 23:48 |
nacc | Epx998: (how many 12.04 are you planning on installing in the next month or so where this is relevant?) | 23:48 |
doomlord | out of the box I found unity better than gnome shell,but gnome shell did have some other behaviour I was interested in (i.e. the combined view of desktops and current screen windos) | 23:49 |
Epx998 | nacc: We are still using it, migration to 14 is going forward, but we have to validate our stuff on it. There will be a need to have legacy support. I just want to see if I can get 12 on a UEFI system, as we are planning with 14 and 16 eventually. | 23:53 |
Ben64 | 12.04 loses support next month, bad plan | 23:53 |
Ben64 | and you should really use the full version number | 23:53 |
nacc | Epx998: "legacy support" beyond what is supported by Ubuntu? | 23:54 |
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