hhee | i have two sound indicator in top right corner | 00:23 |
hhee | how can i setup it correctly? | 00:30 |
hhee | to show one notice :) | 00:30 |
Ali_Waris | Hello, please let me know how much is the memory usage on Xubuntu? | 03:41 |
Ali_Waris | I had been a Lubuntu user lately, but its too featureless for me, want to switch to Xubuntu, need to know how good it is in terms of performance. | 03:42 |
krazzgal | "I've been aware of the Jew deception against humanity for several years now and although it seems hopeless at times, I've seen a huge awakening recently that gives me hope." || "You really say the words Alfred. This is your best, most daring video yet! You name the Jew and explain how they make the good guy the bad guy, and the bad guy the good guy. How they planed to exterminate the Germans, etc. | 04:21 |
krazzgal | I'm Tweeting this out. Well done!" | 04:21 |
hackr3 | how do i customize title bar color? | 10:00 |
_student_ | where is desktop sharing in xubuntu? | 10:11 |
_student_ | using xubuntu 16.04 | 10:14 |
pmjdebruijn | not sure if it's included by default | 10:14 |
pmjdebruijn | also very dependant of what you considering to be desktop sharing | 10:14 |
pmjdebruijn | some would run a vncserver for example | 10:14 |
pmjdebruijn | you could for example possibly try "vino" | 10:14 |
pmjdebruijn | but you'd need to install that | 10:15 |
pmjdebruijn | _student_: it should be available from apt | 10:16 |
=== qwebirc963315 is now known as slickymasterWork | ||
_student_ | pmjdebruijn, i want to remoetly control my xubuntu workstation from far | 10:26 |
_student_ | like, i have a good specs workstation and i have to test servers and virtualization on it. but i am going abroad for job and will lose my workstation. so i thought i put it here and turn it on and have some remote access to continue utilizing this workstation even from abroad | 10:27 |
_student_ | but it also should be secure | 10:27 |
=== qwebirc42373 is now known as slickymasterWork | ||
_student_ | pmjdebruijn, what do you think will be the best secure way to do that? | 10:30 |
pmjdebruijn | no clue | 10:30 |
pmjdebruijn | remote graphical desktops kinda always suck | 10:30 |
pmjdebruijn | some might tunnel vnc over ssh | 10:30 |
pmjdebruijn | not sure if vino does that though | 10:31 |
_student_ | is vino plain web traffic or encrypted? | 10:31 |
pmjdebruijn | not sure | 10:31 |
pmjdebruijn | I don't really keep track, since I don't use it | 10:31 |
pmjdebruijn | but at least you have some keywords to search for now | 10:31 |
_student_ | yes that is very helpful. i never used remote desktops too. i used teamviewer once in windows. but nothing in linux | 10:32 |
_student_ | i just installed vino, and opened vino-preferences. it does not even allow a password longer than 8 charactors lol | 10:35 |
pmjdebruijn | _student_: which is why people often tunnel vnc over ssh | 10:41 |
pmjdebruijn | vino isn't the only vnc server | 10:41 |
pmjdebruijn | though most vnc server are more involved to setup | 10:41 |
pmjdebruijn | presumably vino was never intended to be used outside of the local netwerk | 10:42 |
smerz_ | hey guys. I installed 16.04 xubuntu. when i lock my screen manually i can unlock. however when i lock my screen and leave my desk for a few minutes, I cannot unlock afterwards. the screen remains dark :( | 12:58 |
pmjdebruijn | can you still switch VTs? | 12:59 |
smerz_ | nah | 12:59 |
pmjdebruijn | Ctrl+Alt+F1 etc | 12:59 |
pmjdebruijn | ouch | 12:59 |
smerz_ | i read various bug reports which suggest that 2 screen lockers maybe active | 12:59 |
smerz_ | it's a bit vague. don't have a laptop here but maybe i should login through ssh or smth to try to diagnose hehe | 13:00 |
pmjdebruijn | yeah sound like a good plan | 13:00 |
smerz_ | how should i detect it though? look for 2 "lock" processes or smth? :| | 13:01 |
pmjdebruijn | smerz_: possibly | 13:03 |
pmjdebruijn | /usr/bin/light-locker I guess? | 13:03 |
pmjdebruijn | http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/light-locker/filelist | 13:03 |
pmjdebruijn | checking dmesg might be a good idea too, if it might turn out to be a graphics driver or power management issue | 13:04 |
smerz_ | yeah one bugreport suggested to enable/disable it in there. that didn't help so i just now i "disabled" that light-locker | 13:04 |
smerz_ | gnome-screensaver i removed the executable flag heh | 13:04 |
pmjdebruijn | gnome-screensaver? is that installed on xubuntu? | 13:05 |
smerz_ | dmesg, good suggestion, i'll check it | 13:05 |
pmjdebruijn | oh wait, that's different to the locker | 13:05 |
smerz_ | well i didn't know which desktop i wanted. so i installed them all lol | 13:05 |
smerz_ | maybe that was not wise | 13:05 |
pmjdebruijn | theorically it should not be an issue | 13:07 |
pmjdebruijn | practical, not sure | 13:07 |
pmjdebruijn | ls /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop is quite relevant to your session | 13:07 |
smerz_ | Mar 14 13:53:13 daniel-desktop /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[3183]: Failed to switch from vt02 to vt07: Input/output error | 13:09 |
smerz_ | maybe i should use lightdm ? | 13:09 |
smerz_ | when asked i chose the default (gdm3) | 13:09 |
smerz_ | ok. done that. rebooting *g* | 13:11 |
pmjdebruijn | lightdm is standard for all ubuntu I think | 13:13 |
drazy | hello fellow xubunters | 15:08 |
drazy | we got any big time xubuntu customizers in here? | 15:09 |
esdwdftty | Hello. Who knows? Using Fuse for exFAT will work alignment or only read and write? | 15:22 |
esdwdftty | exFAT alignment | 15:22 |
pmjdebruijn | esdwdftty: what do you mean with exFAT alignment? | 15:27 |
pmjdebruijn | do you mean sectors? | 15:28 |
pmjdebruijn | in which case it's not filesystem dependant | 15:28 |
pmjdebruijn | it completely depends on the partition table AFAIK | 15:28 |
esdwdftty | Reduction of number of copying of the same sector that is important for a flash drives at which storage cell it is irreversible wear out after a certain number of write operations (it is strongly softened with the alignment of wear (wear leveling) which is built in the modern USB drives and SD cards). It was a basic reason of development of exFAT.| Boundary alignment offset for the FAT table. Boundary alignment offset for the data r | 15:37 |
esdwdftty | egion. Features https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExFAT | 15:37 |
esdwdftty | I mean everything related to the alignment of the writes on flash memory. I dont know exactly, yes, it can be sectors | 15:43 |
esdwdftty | As I see from the documentation to F2FS it is set up more for performance. And is not engaged in the alignment of the flash memory. | 15:56 |
esdwdftty | If anyone is interested to read it https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/fast15/fast15-paper-lee.pdf | 16:06 |
smerz | harddrives can also have big penalty (for writes) if missaligned. or using/reporting 512 bytes while really using 4k internally | 16:20 |
drazy | hey guys, anyone provide some assitance with Xubuntu customization | 17:05 |
drazy | really have some trouble | 17:05 |
ToxicWizard | what kind of trouble? | 17:15 |
drazy | i have downloaded a theme or two | 17:27 |
drazy | and i placed them in /home/rq/.local/share/themes/ | 17:27 |
drazy | when i go to activate | 17:27 |
drazy | my taskbar is not right, a lot of the settings/colors dont take | 17:28 |
drazy | i made sure gtkrc files existed | 17:28 |
drazy | is there a trick to installing a theme | 17:40 |
drazy | ive read docs and not finding answer | 17:40 |
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien | ||
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien | ||
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft | ||
xubuntu48o | Hi try to install xubuntu 16.04.2 start but then the screen looks wrong you can not see anything | 20:24 |
xubuntu93w | I am new to this. Just installed Xubuntu two days ago on a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop running Vista. | 23:10 |
knome | congratulations | 23:13 |
xubuntu93w | I am new to this. Just installed Xubuntu two days ago on a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop running Vista. Erased Vista completely to ensure faster speed with Xubuntu. But now I cannot connect to Wifi @ the library etc. Went to Frys Electronics store and the guy there said that I need drivers as they got erased with the Vista wipe. Meanwhile he sold me a wireless USB adapter that I plug into the USB port to connect to wifi. Please adv | 23:14 |
xubuntu64w | Just installed Xubuntu on Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop running Vista. Erased Vista completely. Now cannot connect to wifi. | 23:46 |
xubuntu64w | How does one check back on a question posted sometime ago to see if there was any response? I am new here. Thanks. | 23:48 |
krytarik | !logs | 23:49 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ | 23:49 |
xubuntu64w | Thanks. Do I save that link for the official channel logs or is it available somewhere to just click and get there? | 23:54 |
bazhang | https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ bookmark it in your browser | 23:58 |
xubuntu64w | OK. Will bookmark. Thanks. | 23:59 |
bazhang | np | 23:59 |
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