
flocculantbluesabre: thanks - maybe one day I'll remember that :)07:21
slickymasterWorkknome, pong08:44
knomeslickymasterWork, oi.10:45
knomeslickymasterWork, the installer slideshow :P10:45
akxwi-dave nairwolf ,  beta 2 is due next week(thursday i think). but testing with daily zesty is also helpful11:22
slickymasterWorkyeaps, knome 11:23
slickymasterWorkthought it would be that11:23
slickymasterWorkdo you want to have a sprint on it, this weekend11:23
knomeyeah, wfm11:23
slickymasterWorktbh, there aren't many things requiring change11:24
slickymasterWorkwe don't have anything shinny new to present11:24
slickymasterWorkdid you see flocculant's pad regarding it?11:25
slickymasterWorkI must say I agree with his edits11:25
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nairwolfokay, thank you akxwi-dave 12:32
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karqatis this the channel for xubuntu contributors?19:58
flocculantkarqat: yes ;)19:59
flocculantI wasn't making it up :D19:59
karqatI am a 3 year developer who wants to branch into systems development, and I'm not really sure where to start or how to get involved20:00
karqatdoes this community have any sort of mentorship baked into becoming a contributor?20:01
knomethere's no formal program, but people will help you out if you are active and communicate/ask20:02
flocculantnot a developer so not really able to answer, but I would guess people would help 20:02
knomewe are very active on IRC, so this channel is probably the best way to get to know people, but we also have that development mailing list where we do write to...20:03
ochosikarqat: hi! what would you be interested to work on?20:57
karqathonestly I'm still reading through some of the docs and the website20:57
karqatI don't really know what I'm interested in working on, or really how to begin working on it. I don't have a spare machine to fry if I were to make a catastrophic mistake... so I'm not sure how to go about getting started even20:58
karqatthe closest I've ever gotten to system work is my raspi20:58
knomeso what would you be willing to work on?20:59
knomedeveloping code?20:59
knomeyes to which one? :)20:59
karqati'm interested in all those things. testing, automation, build stuff, code, bug fixes20:59
karqatI want to know 20:59
karqatI want to learn20:59
knomeso regarding development as in code stuff, is there a specific bug that... bugs you?21:00
knomeif yes, then that sounds like a good place to start21:00
karqatI use xubuntu21:00
knomexubuntu has bugs too ;)21:00
karqatsure, but I'm not here for any particular motivation aside from I want to learn systems development21:00
karqatso I guess, I don't know what's needed or how to help21:01
karqati hadn't given much thought to "what do I want to do specificaly"21:01
knomethen some testing might be a good way to start getting to know the system21:02
karqatsweet :)21:03
karqatI'm assuming the backlog is on git?21:03
knomeyou don't have to run a development version in order to test btw (even if that's more helpful), you can participate at a level that's comfortable at you21:03
knomebacklog? of this channel?21:03
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/21:03
knomeyou'll want to be in touch with akxwi-dave or flocculant on testing21:03
flocculantkarqat: if that's the case - you saw the contributor docs? most of everything is there for testing21:04
karqatknome: nah not for the channel, but for what needs doing21:04
flocculantif you're interested in automating some testing - that would be awesome21:05
knomekarqat, our development tracker - which has been a bit quiet this cycle - can be found at http://dev.xubuntu.org/21:05
karqathttp://dev.xubuntu.org/ what needs tested?21:05
flocculantkarqat: now? 21:06
knomenope, for that specifically you'll need to look at the iso tracker - but flocculant will tell you...21:06
flocculantoic :)21:06
flocculantkarqat: did you see this http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa ?21:07
karqathadn't found that yet21:07
flocculantthat gives you overview of the main avenues - more detail starting at http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa.html21:08
karqatthanks, I'll read through these21:15
flocculantkarqat: ok - not about for much more today - what timezone are you? ping me (or akxwi-dave) questions in channel - idle here too if you can if not you can ping us 21:33
karqatI'm in mountain time zone21:34
flocculantright ... 21:34
flocculantsomewhere in usa? 21:34
flocculantkarqat: so you're 6 hours behind both me and akxwi-dave - just so you know 21:37
karqatalright. I'll try to be on in the morning then21:37
flocculantkarqat: generally I am online 0700 to 0800 ish (currently local time is utc)21:38
karqatlooking forward to getting cracking21:39
flocculantkarqat: next week we will be testing the final beta for 17.04 so now's a good time to be starting (from my pov) 21:40
flocculantshould get frozen some time Tuesday for releae on Thursday21:41
flocculantakxwi-dave: you going to have any time for release note?21:41
Unit193ochosi: Do you have xfwm commit access?  http://paste.openstack.org/show/YjpXNMCJrksXJGWvtbWr/21:58
ochosiUnit193: i guess i do, but i'd rather if you sent that patch directly to ofourdan, he's been around lately22:00
Unit193But you're less scary. :322:00
Unit193flocculant: xfwm4 in xubuntu-staging.22:01
Unit193Also I figured you'd dislike commits from pastebins less than he would. :P22:03
ochosiyeah possible22:07
ochosiif he doesn't push it i can though22:07
Unit193I'm not worried, I saw the note, cloned, fixed, pasted.  Byond that I don't care, not even if  "Duffy McDoogleface <duffy@xfce.org>" is the author of the patch. :D22:09
flocculantUnit193: just not yet - be there in morning I guess22:11
bluesabreevening all22:13
flocculanthi bluesabre 22:13
bluesabrehey flocculant 22:13
bluesabreanything I need to know currently?22:13
flocculantthat time of the year when time means I'm still here when you turn up :p22:13
Unit193I pushed the point release of xfwm to xubuntu-staging, though the internet may have eaten it.22:14
bluesabreom nom22:14
flocculantonly some random version of parole there atm22:14
bluesabrethanks for the Unit193 22:14
flocculantbluesabre: who are we thanking - MotherUnit193 ?22:15
bluesabreI apparently tab completed and thought it looked right22:15
Unit193flocculant: Yeah but implicitly you'd be thanking her for the rest of me too. :P22:17
Unit193Do I put 4.13.0 in xfce4-gtk3? :P22:18
bluesabreGo for it22:18
bluesabreI don't work tomorrow, have a whole weekend of time to fix the panic22:18
Unit193Nice part is we'll be able to sync that from experimental soon.22:18
Unit193(-DMONITOR_ROOT_PIXMAP is the default.)22:22
bluesabreoh, thats nice22:27
Unit193...I think it ate my upload.23:12
Unit193ochosi: -notifyd?23:14
Unit193bluesabre: We might want to at least PPA some backported commits for that, so we can say some testing in case asked.23:15
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/4.12.4-0ubuntu1 Oops! :D23:46

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