
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== JanC is now known as Guest16348
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tvossgood morning06:16
morphistvoss: morning!06:23
tvoss@pedronis happy new week :) would be great if you would find some time for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/313006:23
nothaltvoss: No such command!06:23
mupPR snapd#3130: overlord/devicestate: switch to keygen for device key generation <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3130>06:23
Mirvthresh: ah, good that it's reported. I believe it may require some snapcraft changes to be able to properly bypass the problem, like having conditional packages.06:51
stub/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.1: failed to map segment from shared object06:51
stub^^ anyone know what is going on there?06:51
stubInside a xenial lxd container, hosted under xenial06:52
stubIts a classic snap, so it should certainly be able to access stuff. And the same snap was working two weeks ago.07:02
mupBug #1681328 opened: classic snap now failing with udev errors <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1681328>07:10
seb128morning distro07:11
zygagood morning seb12807:16
seb128hey zyga ;-)07:16
seb128distro->snappy (in fact I was typing on another channel, don't do that when xchat-gnome loads, it moves focus to newly joined channel as it does)07:17
zygahey ara07:23
arahey zyga07:23
tvosszyga: good morning. I'm seeing a test failure for main/static, with the test complaining about CGO being unexpected for overlord/devicestate. where would I need to adjust the build/test setup to change that expectation?07:51
zygatvoss: good morning07:55
zygatvoss: not sure I understand, can you please post a log?07:56
zygamvo: good morning07:57
tvosszyga: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/amd64/s/snapd/20170410_072000_9284e@/log.gz07:58
mvohey zyga07:59
zygatvoss: hmmm08:00
zygatvoss: I honestly don't know08:01
tvosszyga: okay, the test checks that snapd can be built without cgo. that's certainly not true anymore :)08:03
zygatvoss: ah, I just had a look at the test08:03
zygatvoss: yes, feels like something that should be removed now08:04
tvosszyga: okay, let me remove it and see what the infrastructure thinks08:04
pedronistvoss: I will look08:05
tvosspedronis: thx08:07
morphisSon_Goku, zyga: looks like all packages are published now08:19
zygamorphis: nice, I had issues with f26 installation on Friday but I will give it a test as well and commit the changes to ship tab completion08:36
morphiszyga: what kind of issues?08:36
zygamorphis: with f26 installer, not with snaps08:36
zygamorphis: not sure, it would freeze; I rebooted a few times before it finished08:36
morphisSon_Goku: you want to blog about this today?08:36
mvoChipaca: hey, good morning! I had a look at the hashsum issues this morning because quite a few of the current branches fail with it - I suspect we just don't handle an EOF during download not correctly, i.e. we do not set the right resume point. I think somehting like http://paste.ubuntu.com/24353432/ help - what do you think? is that something you invesitgated yet?08:36
morphiszyga: if I remember well I had problems last week too with F2608:37
mvoChipaca: i.e. I hope I did not duplicate some reaseach :/08:37
Chipacamvo— heh. I was just starting with this.08:37
zygamvo: nice!08:37
Chipacamvo— that does seem correct to me :-)08:38
mvoChipaca: it needs a test to be certain but I don't see that we handle the seeking but maybe I'm wrong08:38
Chipacamvo— we do a SEEK_END i think08:38
mvoChipaca: yeah, I think the problem is that we don't do the hashsum update, its some lines above. without a test just a theory for now08:39
mvoChipaca: whats funny is that all the hash errors are the same, wonder if there is a too-short file on some of the cdn server somewhere08:40
Chipacamvo— oh?08:40
* zyga eats breakfast, sorry for not coding yet, I was checking email all morning08:42
mvoChipaca: e.g. https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2833#issuecomment-292874676  matches the one in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/hashsum-failures-during-tests/19808:43
mupPR snapd#2833: many: allow core refresh.schedule setting <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2833>08:43
Chipacamvo— maybe it's the hash of "503 Go away I'm Comfy"08:47
mvoChipaca: haha, possible08:48
mvoChipaca: I'm writing a test, lets see how that goes08:49
davmor2Chipaca: no more like Oh not you again, what do you want now?08:50
morphismvo, zyga: if I define in my spread.yaml a new system debian-9-64 is spread/linode able to spawn up a machine with the right image just with this automatically or do we need someone adding an image on the Linode setup itself?08:54
mvomorphis: you will need niemeyer to create this machine for you AFAIK08:55
morphismvo: ok08:55
zygamvo: I'm not so sure, with our credentials we can spawn any machine08:58
zygamorphis: just try it08:58
mvozyga: nice! I was not aware of that08:59
morphiszyga: lets see ..09:00
morphiszyga, mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/315609:01
mupPR snapd#3156: WIP: debian support for spread testing <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3156>09:01
mupPR snapd#3156 opened: WIP: debian support for spread testing <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3156>09:02
zygamorphis: do you know you can try it locally?09:03
zygamorphis: with spread linode:...09:03
morphiszyga: if I would have an API token, yes09:03
morphiszyga: need to ask niemeyer for one09:03
zygamorphis: ah, definitely09:03
morphisqemu sucks for these things09:03
zygamorphis: s/qemu/network at home/09:04
morphisyeah both09:05
morphismvo, zyga: 2017-04-10 09:04:12 Allocating linode:debian-9-64...09:05
morphislooks like its working09:05
zygamorphis: I don't think qemu is any worse than linode09:05
mvomorphis: nice09:06
morphisah no09:06
morphis2017-04-10 09:04:24 Cannot allocate linode:debian-9-64: no Linode image or distribution for "debian-9-64"09:06
zygamorphis: quick idea: add internal snap command like `is-confined` or `is-forced-devmode` or something like that09:10
zygamorphis: and use that in spread tests to skip confinement parts09:10
morphiszyga: yeah I was thinking about the same09:10
zygamorphis: this way we don't have to maintain the exclusion lists09:10
zygamorphis: and we can really test a lot of useful functionality at the same time (only parts of each test would be skipped)09:11
mupPR snapd#3152 closed: store: make hash error message more accurate <Created by mvo5> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3152>09:11
zygamorphis: I think you got the ID of the system wrong, drop the kernel line and give me a sec, I'll give you the right ID09:11
morphiszyga: followed what is described on https://github.com/snapcore/spread09:12
tvosszyga: would you mind restarting the travis run for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/313009:13
mupPR snapd#3130: overlord/devicestate: switch to lib(open)ssl for device key generation <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3130>09:13
tvosszyga: timedout09:13
zygamorphis: there's no `debian-9-64`, you can do `debian-8` (sans -64)09:15
morphiszyga: were we do not support debian-809:16
morphishowever worth a try09:16
zygamorphis: yeah, I'm just telling you that's what is supported on linode now :/09:17
morphisyeah, we may have to do our own debian-9 image09:18
morphissame for fedora 24 and 2609:18
zygamorphis: fedora 24 is available AFAIR09:18
zygamorphis: but yeah,09:18
morphishttps://www.linode.com/distributions doesn't have f2409:19
morphismaybe there is an outdated image still and not listed there09:19
zygamorphis: https://blog.linode.com/2016/06/22/introducing-fedora-24/09:20
zygaI think the distributions page is outdated09:20
zygamorphis: maybe we could reach out to linode and ask09:20
zygamorphis: e.g. add a debian-9 image, fedora-25 image09:20
zygamorphis: maybe they will refuse09:20
zygamorphis: but maybe it's cheap for them and they will just do it09:21
morphiszyga: just checked, they have on for f24 but listed under "old"09:21
morphiszyga: you can easily do your own images on linode09:22
morphisso linode doesn't have to care at all09:22
zygamorphis: it's easier if someone else cares :)09:23
zygamorphis: but I think we will need our images anyway09:23
morphiszyga: it is :-)09:23
Chipacamvo— you wouldn't happen to have the whole journalctl output of one of those hashing failures would you?09:32
mvoChipaca: of course09:33
mvoChipaca: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/219559725#L132009:34
mvoChipaca: and https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/219416996#L99409:34
mvoChipaca: I struggle a bit with the test, I can get a test working but I need to send enough data that the first batch of data is commited to disk so that we trigger the rety. when I do that I get a strange errTrailerEOF error when I cut the connection in the middle (might be a new go 1.7 thing, I'm on zesty :/)09:35
Chipacamvo— how're you injecting the failure?09:36
mvoChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24353606/ is the test with a small amount of data, the amount is too small to get flushed to the local tempfile so when I check what position we are in our temp file I still get "zero"09:38
mvoChipaca: i..e I use a full mock server and close the client connections (trying to be close to the real problem)09:38
Chipacamvo— what's missing there is that you're not setting the ContentLength, you're letting go do that09:44
mvoChipaca: I tried that too, but maybe not hard enough - let me do that again09:44
mvoChipaca: hm, making progress with the test now (yay) but look like the resume case is actually handled down below, so its not that09:52
Chipacamvo— i think it properly is the cdn returning some error page instead of the content09:54
Chipacabut I'm not sure09:54
Chipacamvo— do we check the response status before hashing?09:54
mvoChipaca: yeah, actually I think you are right, its probably something like "range-requests are not supported"09:54
pedronisthat should be some 4xx though?09:56
pedronisare we really not checking error codes?09:56
Chipacahence my question about whether we check the status before just hashing09:56
pedronistvoss: done09:57
Chipacai'm afraid we've made the download code too smart09:57
* zyga is grumpy today, woke up at 5:00 AM09:58
zygawhy I know?09:59
zygabecause modem company resets modems at 5AM09:59
mupPR snapd#3157 opened: store: add more logs around retry in download <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3157>09:59
zygaand the relay clicking woke me up for some reason09:59
mupPR snapd#3158 opened: store: add download test with EOF in the middle <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3158>10:11
mvoChipaca: my theory is wrong, I think our code is fine. unless I miss someting in -^10:11
tvosspedronis: thx10:15
pstolowskimvo, thank you very much for this test! btw, just in the meantime there was a comment on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/167755710:31
mupBug #1677557: EOF not properly retried under some circumstances <snapd:Confirmed for stolowski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1677557>10:31
pstolowskimvo, I'm going to look at provoking 'unexpected eof' in the test and retrying it10:31
zygamvo: can you have a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/315410:32
mupPR snapd#3154: many: rename two core plugs that clash with slot names <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154>10:32
mvopstolowski: wait a sec10:32
mvopstolowski: there is a new ranch comming10:32
zygamvo: I'm trying to come up with a fix for the clashing plugs, as you know10:32
zygamvo: I was thinking about spitting this branch so that connections are in separate PR10:32
pstolowskimvo, sure... not going to look at this today, maybe tommorrow-ish10:32
zygamvo: as it may not land in the end10:32
zyga(specifically this one https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154/commits/a69290f0c7836738c41da6f87f859e2971576630 )10:33
mupPR snapd#3154: many: rename two core plugs that clash with slot names <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154>10:33
mupPR snapd#3159 opened: store: retry once on hashsum mismatches in a Download() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3159>10:39
mvopstolowski: -^10:40
mvopstolowski: but I think the EOF case in download() is hanlded, no? the test at least indicates it is10:40
mvopstolowski: or is EOF and unprovoced eof different?10:40
mvozyga: sure, I have a look after lunch, I was under the impression you are discussing this with gustavo still, what the best fix is. or is there agreement?10:41
zygamvo: gustavo discussed if the fixup function should be public or private so I made it private at his request10:42
zygamvo: as for my feeling on how this should be fixed, we can do it without touching state at all if we pull out the patch I referenced above10:42
mupPR snapd#3160 opened: overlord/ifacestate: automatically rename connections on core snap <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3160>10:57
zygaChipaca: hey, I'm seeing this timeout in completiontest11:00
zygaChipaca: is this something expected of all expect-based tests?11:00
zygaChipaca: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/amd64/s/snapd/20170406_130441_94744@/log.gz11:00
Chipacazyga— how does a telephone get in there11:02
Chipacasnap buy11:02
Chipacamaybe it's my browser being silly11:02
zygabrowsers are like humans11:03
Chipacazyga— there's a real bug somewhere11:03
zygawe see faces in ascii, browsers see calendar events and phone numbers11:03
Chipacazyga— expect times out when it fails to match something11:03
Chipacaso all epect errors are timeouts11:03
Chipacayou need to look at the output to determine what didn't match11:03
Chipacazyga— that's the same error11:04
Chipacazyga— that test is checking that "snap buy " tab-completes with purchasable snaps11:04
Chipacazyga— and it's not11:05
* zyga reads the output carefuly11:05
Chipacazyga— so somehting's broken (probably something changed in the store?)11:05
zygaso is that a store bug, snapd bog?11:05
zygaChipaca: can we log from tab completion handlers11:05
zygaChipaca: adding a debug section that collects such logs could be useful11:05
Chipacazyga— the snapd-side of completion looks just like a regular search11:06
Chipacazyga— and that will be in the journalctl output11:06
zygaChipaca: aha, perfect, let me read the debug section then11:06
zyga: DEBUG: Retrying https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/details ...11:07
zygamaybe it is just another EOF11:07
zygafinished after 1 retries, elapsed time=136.412205ms, status: 20011:07
Chipacazyga— what store is it looking at? and does that store have a purchasable test-assumes and test-snapd-tools?11:07
zygapstolowski: ^ does that mean we got what we asked for or that we didn't and we gave up?11:07
zygaChipaca: I don't know how to check11:08
Chipacaright now me neither11:08
zygaChipaca: this is just tests/main/completion11:08
Chipaca(meaning it requires some more context that i haven't loaded)11:08
zygathe logging would be easier to grok if it said "after 1 try and 0 retries" for instance11:08
ChipacaApr 06 12:44:13 autopkgtest snapd[5022]: 2017/04/06 12:44:13.129725 daemon.go:176: DEBUG: uid=0;@ GET /v2/find?name=test-%2A 5.359029622s 20011:09
Chipaca*five seconds*11:09
Chipacaa query to the store took *five* *seconds*11:10
zygaChipaca: aha, I see it11:10
zygabut the reply is 20011:10
ogra_stop using GSM11:10
zygaogra_: but I like my nokia :D11:11
zygaChipaca: so do you think this is it?11:11
zygaChipaca: store having a unbelievably slow reply?11:11
ogra_if it comes to core you can drop "unbelivable" from that sentence11:12
Chipacazyga— that test's expect timeouts at exactly 5 seconds11:12
Chipacaanything over 5 seconds will fail11:12
zygaChipaca: interesting, thanks11:13
Chipacarealistically, any response from the store over ~200ms is too slow11:13
zygaChipaca: I'll open a store thread about this11:13
ogra_rendering the myapps.u.c page for core can easily take a min, there are simply many revisions ... processing them takes a while11:13
ogra_so i wouldnt be surprised if the download request takes longer too11:13
Chipacaogra_— myapps.u.c is a different service though11:13
ogra_same backend, no11:14
ogra_ah, k11:14
Chipacathe thing we hit for searches is a wrapped elasticsearch11:14
ogra_probably to elastic then :P11:14
ogra_(so elastic, it streches time)11:15
Chipacaogra_— I think I need to have lunch to appreciate your sense of humour :-)11:15
zygaChipaca: thanks for your assistance!11:16
pstolowskizyga, yes, 1 retry and 200 means we got the data11:26
mvozyga: 3160 is also needed for 2.24 ? are all of your PRs that deal with the connection thing marked?11:27
Son_Gokumorphis, did you request whatever golang library does the progress thing to get updated in Fedora?11:28
Son_GokuI recall zyga mentioned something about an issue with that in the bodhi updates11:28
pedroniszyga: are all your PRs needed?  also having them split out, doesn't that mean the testing is only partial?11:29
mvozyga: so what needs to land? the core PR that renames the plugs on the core side and your three PRs?11:31
zygamvo: I think it may not be needed in the end11:31
zygamvo: the question is this, when we revert, do we auto-connect the reverted snap?11:32
zygamvo: is it just like an install?11:32
mvozyga: I think we do but we need to double check11:32
zygamvo: if it is just like an install then we can land this branch, it matters little in practice because other branches will automatically connect core plugs anyway11:32
zygamvo: and on refresh new connections will be made11:33
zygamvo: I left it out specifically because it is a gray area and just a cleanup on top of the rest11:33
mvozyga: it sounds like something we can test relatively easily? even a manual test would help to give me confidence in this11:33
mvozyga: so its 3145,3154 and 3153 that we need to land for 2.24?11:34
zygamvo: checking11:34
mvozyga: could you make the forum entry for this a wiki ? then I can add a checklist11:34
zygamvo: 3145 yes, for sure, 3154 (gee that was super confusing for my mind that swaps last two things around) yes; 3153 yes but I think it can only land after the others have helped11:35
zygamvo: done, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/duplicate-plug-slot-names-inside-the-core-snap/184 is now a wiki11:36
iceya snap I've been working on in bits for a while is now stuck with: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24354062/11:36
zygamvo: are you going to edit it or should I?11:37
mvozyga: please go ahead11:37
iceythe very first line of my main() function should also print out: "Main!" to stdout11:37
zygaicey: this is a bug in golang11:37
mvozyga: a todo with the minimal fix we absolutely need for 2.24 would be great11:37
iceysuch fun, it's running a compiled Rust binary :-/11:37
iceyzyga: any ETA on a fix for that?11:37
zygaicey: it's fixed in ubuntu now I think but it needs to be fixed in other places that use go11:38
zygaicey: I think Chipaca is the person to ask11:38
zygamvo: doing now11:38
mvozyga: people ask about 2.24 and its not fully clear to me what we need to do now for the fix and what we can do later11:38
iceyzyga: in ubuntu now == 17.10 on Thursday?11:38
mvozyga: thank you11:38
zygaicey: not sure really, sorry11:38
icey17.04 rather11:38
iceyzyga: talking about releases too much today11:38
iceyzyga do you know what version of snap it's fixed in? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24354069/ is what I'm on now11:39
pedronismmh, getting this kind of errors in autokpkgtest atm:  error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.11:44
zygamvo: I'm seeing a lot of tihs11:45
zygaCloning into '/tmp/go/.cache/govendor/gopkg.in/mgo.v2'...11:45
mvozyga: also is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145#discussion_r110329005 still relevant in 3145? i.e. do we need those plugs on the core snap afterall? or will the followup branches DTRT? sorry that I have so many questions11:45
zygaerror: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.11:45
mupPR snapd#3145: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>11:45
pedroniscontext: # cd .; git clone https://gopkg.in/mgo.v2 /tmp/go/.cache/govendor/gopkg.in/mgo.v211:45
pedronisCloning into '/tmp/go/.cache/govendor/gopkg.in/mgo.v2'...11:45
pedronissomething wrong with gopkg.in?11:45
zygamvo: yes, I think we still want to rename them, the internal rename in snapd is just a fixup but we should correct the actual yaml on disk later11:45
zygapedronis: ha11:45
zygapedronis: funny that we both reported it :)11:45
zygayes, looks like something wrong, what is mgo.v211:46
mvozyga: so the internal rename does not have to be in sync with the core snap? so 3145 is fine as is?11:46
zygamvo: yes11:47
zygamvo: collecting PRs11:48
zygamvo: only one left11:48
pedroniszyga: mgo.v2, mongo driver but actually where we get bson encoding support from , I think was added recently11:48
zygamvo: please check https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/duplicate-plug-slot-names-inside-the-core-snap/184 again11:48
pedronissee errtracker stuff11:49
zygapedronis: aha, makes sense11:49
zygaright, I remember that11:49
zygamvo: have a look at that and tell me if it makes sense11:49
zygamvo: trivial fix on https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/32#pullrequestreview-3181993411:53
mupPR core#32: Rename core-support,network-bind plugs to make them unique <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/32>11:53
* Chipaca back from lunch11:58
Chipacaicey, zyga, what's the question again?11:58
zygaChipaca: golang bug with clone+exec11:58
iceyChipaca: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24354062/11:59
zygaChipaca: pthread_create doesn't work while execing11:59
Chipacaicey— what're you running there?11:59
iceyChipaca: alacritty :)11:59
iceya snap I've been working on in bits for a while now11:59
Chipacaicey— so, *most* of that family of errors are just warnings11:59
iceyit builds fine, but hangs when running; if I leave it long enough, I get that output11:59
Chipacaicey— but not all of them :-(11:59
iceyif I run the binary itself without snapd, it runs fine12:00
iceythe confined version never runs the first line of the main() function12:00
Chipacaicey— but none of it involves hanging12:00
iceythis particular binary also does exciting things with opengl and such12:00
iceyand is a classic snap12:00
Chipacaicey— that is: either it'll work (sometimes printing a spuriouos warning) or it won't (with something silly about permissions)12:00
iceyyeah, this one will literally hang forever (as far as I can tell) and periodically output that line12:00
Chipacaicey— so, the pthread warnings are *probably* ignorable; you're probably getting denies in dmesg12:01
iceyChipaca: with a classic sna? :-/12:01
zygaicey: with any kind IMO12:01
Chipacaicey— any snap can get denies12:01
Chipacaclassic just means the jail is built differently (wider, roomier, but still a jail)12:01
Chipacaeven decmode, hah (but harder to do)12:02
iceyzyga: Chipaca I'm getting https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24354169/ in dmesg every time I start it12:02
zygaicey: are you connected over ssh?12:03
iceyzyga: I'm running locally12:03
iceybash on laptop12:03
iceyI don't think this would work well over ssh, it12:03
* zyga looks at the leet PID12:03
iceyit is a terminal using GPU acceletarion :)12:03
zygaicey: can you please report that bug12:04
zygaicey: it feels like something else now12:04
zygaicey: I recall seeing this somewhere, I'll talk to the security team about it12:04
iceyzyga: what data would you like on the bug? this dmesg output?12:04
zygaicey: please open a bug on launchpad.net/snap-confine12:04
zygaicey: that denial is key, please describe the context, maybe how to reproduce it12:04
zygaicey: does it happen with other snaps?12:04
zygaicey: or just this?12:04
iceyzyga: not that I have experienced. This snap has hit show-stopping bugs every time I've tried to move forward with it :)12:05
Chipacaicey— have you looked at snappy-debug.security scanlog?12:05
iceyChipaca: ... no ... ?12:05
iceyChipaca: how can I do that :)12:05
Chipacaicey— snap install snappy-debug12:06
Chipacaicey— snappy-debug.security scanlog your.service12:06
Chipacaicey— then start the service12:06
Chipacaicey— see if it says anything12:06
Chipacajdstrand— ping12:07
Chipacaicey— or, snappy-debug.security --help12:08
Chipacaicey— for more details12:08
* zyga AFK for a moment12:08
Chipacaalthough, the aduit log being on snap-confine might mean that it's bug#167281912:09
iceyChipaca: running "snappy-debug.security scanlog alacritty", followed by starting `alacritty` in a new tab shows no output12:09
mvozyga: 3154 has test failures that look real12:09
* Chipaca pokes hal12:09
Chipacabug 167281912:09
mupBug #1672819: exec'ing a setuid binary from a threaded program sometimes fails to setuid <amd64> <apport-bug> <kernel-key> <xenial> <linux (Ubuntu):Triaged> <linux (Ubuntu Xenial):In Progress by colin-king> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672819>12:09
Chipacamup— thank you12:09
Chipacaicey— and you get that audit log every time?12:10
iceyas requested zyga: bug 168142112:10
mupBug #1681421: snap-confine dmesg error and snap hangs <Snappy Launcher:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1681421>12:10
iceyyeah Chipaca12:10
iceyas far as I can tell12:10
iceyChipaca: only thing that changes is the timestamp and PID12:11
morphisSon_Goku: no, didn't looked into that yet12:19
morphisSon_Goku: https://github.com/cheggaaa/pb you mean, right?12:22
morphisSon_Goku: that is interesting, its not yet in your BuildRequires: list12:23
Son_Gokuit is, though12:23
morphisah no12:23
morphisthere it is12:23
morphisSon_Goku: yeah looks a bit outdated, so there is a bodhi request already to get it updated or what did you mean with your second comment?12:25
Son_Gokumorphis: like we did with the other one12:31
Son_Gokufile a bug to request it to be updated12:31
morphissure, but for what do we need an update?12:31
morphisSon_Goku: I don't see any direct commetn from zyga on this12:33
morphisok, lets give a newer version a try and see if that fixes the problem12:34
Son_Gokuthe progress bar package (https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/golang-github-cheggaaa-pb) ships code from 201512:34
ChipacaSon_Goku, zyga, dunno if you knew but the socket is no longer needed12:35
Son_GokuChipaca: wut12:35
morphisChipaca: /run/snapd.socket is dropped?12:35
Chipacathe .socket is no longer needed12:35
Son_Gokuthen how is it socket activated?12:35
zygamvo: looking12:35
Chipacasnapd listens to /run/snapd.socket and /run/snapd-snap.socket automatically if it hasn't been activated on startup12:35
zygaChipaca: I know12:36
Chipacaah ok12:36
Son_Gokugeez, you scared me for a sec12:36
Chipacait's still useful, because the .socket can start up earlier than the .service12:36
Chipacaand queue stuff for us12:36
ChipacaSon_Goku— i'd love to be able to say i did it on purpose, but not this time12:36
zygamvo: aha, I will have some silly test fixups to do12:37
zygamvo: thank you!12:37
Son_Gokuthe socket and timer units are enabled by default in Fedora12:37
zygamvo: this is just a list of grep patterns to correct12:37
ChipacaSon_Goku— enabled but not started?12:37
Son_Gokuwell, the snapd package will start them if distro policy says they are enabled on install12:37
zygaSon_Goku: right, I think the socket is relevant as before but what Chipaca meant is that we no longer require it strictly speaking12:37
Son_Gokuso for Fedora 25 and newer, that will be the case12:37
Son_GokuFedora 24 and EL7, it won't be12:38
morphisChipaca, zyga: so you guys basically don't require systemd to pass you a socket fd anymore, correct?12:39
mvozyga: thanks for looking into it12:41
mvozyga: silly question, is there anything in 3145 that can be observed from the outside? i.e. I will not see anything in snap interfaces or similar?12:42
Chipacamorphis— dude, you can run snapd directly, for testing and stuff. Hence https://github.com/chipaca/bin/blob/master/run-snapd-srv12:42
Chipacamorphis— (when testing stuff i usuall “go build -o /tmp/srv ./cmd/sanpd && sudo ~/bin/run-snapd-srv”12:43
morphissure but there was a time when we had to do something like https://github.com/teknoraver/snap-openwrt/blob/master/snapd/src/snapd-wrapper.c explicitly to get snapd running12:43
Chipacamorphis— yes; no more12:43
Chipacamorphis— if you look at the history of run-snapd-srv, before it used to call systemd-activate12:44
Chipacasame thing really, but easier12:44
mvoniemeyer: your input on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A2.24 would be great,  3145 needs a re-review12:44
mvoniemeyer: and the other two need to land for 2.24 as well12:44
Chipacamorphis— you'll see lines like “2017/04/10 13:44:33.800749 daemon.go:211: DEBUG: socket "/run/snapd.socket" was not activated; listening”, which means it's doing this that we're discussing12:44
morphisvery good12:45
zygamvo: thinking12:46
zygamvo: yes, it wil be seen in snap interfaces12:46
zygamvo: this is why those tests fail12:46
jdstrandChipaca: hey12:53
Chipacajdstrand— snappy-debug is yours, yes?12:53
zygajdstrand: when would snap confine need /dev/tty ?12:54
mvozyga: hm, sorry, I'm still not seeing the full picture - 3145 in isolation will not work because it needs a core snap with core-support-plug. either by renaming the meta-data or by landing the followup branch 3154. is that correct? so the order would be 3154, 3145, 3153?12:54
zygamvo: correct12:55
jdstrandzyga: typically if it is trying to write debug output12:55
zygajdstrand: aha, interesting12:55
jdstrandzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/1681421/comments/112:56
mupBug #1681421: snap-confine dmesg error and snap hangs <Snappy Launcher:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1681421>12:56
jdstrandzyga: well, or error, info, etc12:56
zygajdstrand: right12:56
jdstrandChipaca: well, I guess, yes12:56
Chipacajdstrand— :)12:56
zygajdstrand: should we add that to the profile then, I didn't see it today12:56
jdstrandzyga: did you read my comment? :)12:56
zygajdstrand: yes12:56
zygajdstrand: you said you'd add it12:56
jdstrand"I'll add this to the snap-confine profile"12:56
zygajdstrand: since 2.24 is being pushed out we could add this today still12:57
Chipacajdstrand— i ask because running 'strings' on the .swp file you ship in there is interesting12:57
jdstrandzyga: if you want to do that this second, feel free12:57
jdstrandChipaca: :\12:57
Chipacajdstrand— :-D12:57
Chipacajdstrand— not *that* interesting, otherwise I would've reached out in private12:59
jdstrandChipaca: yep, thanks for letting me know. I'll also be adding a test to the review tools (I thought I had this already tbh)12:59
morphisSon_Goku: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=144077312:59
Chipacajdstrand— I'd poke sergiusens to add .swp files to the ignore list, but he's not around13:00
Chipacajdstrand— if only we had a place to write down issues we had so we could keep track of them asynchronously13:00
jdstrandChipaca: haha13:00
jdstrandzyga: so I can get to the /dev/tty thing in a few minutes if that would help. if you are going to do it, let me know13:02
iceyjdstrand: your change to the apparmor profile removed the dmesg warning, unfortunately the snap's behaviour hasn't otherwise changed13:02
Son_Gokumorphis: was the progress bar thing the one that caused the build to fail on ppc64?13:03
jdstrandicey: are you using snappy-debug?13:03
morphisSon_Goku: no13:03
jdstrandicey: or just dmesg?13:03
iceyI have, it gave no output earlier13:03
jdstrandicey: I mean just now13:03
morphisSon_Goku: we didn't found out what the problem is with ppc6413:03
iceyjdstrand: running `$ sudo snappy-debug.security scanlog alacritty` just now gives no output when I run `alacritty` in another tab13:03
jdstrandicey: ok. in another window, do 'grep DEN /var/log/syslog'13:04
zygajdstrand: I'm in the standup now, if you can do it I'll merge that for 2.2413:04
jdstrandicey: snappy-debug doesn't yet understand dbus denials (it will, just doesn't yet)13:04
zygajdstrand: thank you!13:04
iceyjust multiple lines of the rw on /dev/tty13:04
zygajdstrand: (I'm still working on the plug rename thing)13:04
iceynothing new13:05
jdstrandicey: ok, then yeah, it is something else. I'll fix the the /dev/tty denial13:05
jdstrandzyga: ok13:05
iceyjdstrand: I'm going to see if a simple rust snap still works :)13:05
iceyjdstrand: looks ike a no go on a super simple rust program as well13:08
=== Son_Goku is now known as Conan_Kudo
jdstrandicey: is this classic, devmode or strict confinement?13:09
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as Son_Goku
iceyjdstrand: classic, I can try devmode / strict with this minimal one too13:09
iceythe thing I'm actually trying to snap will require classic though, it's a terminal :)13:09
iceywell jdstrand , building it in classic works perfectly13:09
icey(the test one)13:10
morphisSon_Goku: is there an easy way to use a source dir instead of a tarball for an rpm build?13:10
jdstrandsergiusens: hey, can you take a look at backscroll when you're around to help icey with a rust program that isn't running in classic?13:10
iceyjdstrand: I've got 2 rust programs not running in classic now13:10
jdstrandicey: in addition to that irc ping, you might bring this topic up in the forum13:10
sergiusensjdstrand, sure, icey and I have been looking at this here and there13:10
Son_Gokumorphis: I think you can use rpmbuild -bb --in-place13:11
Son_Gokuit skips %prep stage13:11
jdstrandok, I'll step back then13:11
morphisSon_Goku: let me try13:11
sergiusensforum or rocket, irc is sort of dead to me :-P13:11
Son_Gokuand ignores source and patch13:11
iceysergiusens: it's the same snap too :)13:11
iceysergiusens: alacritty will /try/ to start with strict  mode on, but with classic mode, it hangs13:12
sergiusensicey, yeah, I figured, GL drama and I still need to pass in those flags that were mentioned in the rust plugin13:12
iceyas does my super simple, no dependency rust program13:12
iceysergiusens: it's not just gl...13:12
sergiusensicey, is this xenial build, xenial run13:12
iceysergiusens: yakkety13:12
iceyand sergiusens, this program has the same problem: https://is.gd/wDGfHt13:13
iceysuper tiny and exhibits the same symptoms13:13
sergiusensicey, mind reminding me in which issue we got the recommendation on flags to pass to rust?13:13
sergiusensicey, most likely a program loader issue13:14
iceysergiusens: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/369413:14
iceysergiusens: I'm working on a tweak to the rust plugin to set RUSTFLAGS to LDFLAGS13:14
iceysergiusens: this classic mode + rust thing is killing me though13:15
iceystrict + rust works fine13:15
icey(if the program can do strict)13:15
sergiusensicey, yeah, so most certainly program loader related13:15
sergiusensicey, so RUSTFLAGS format isn't really documented, is it 1:1 with LDFLAGS?13:16
iceyno clue sergiusens  :)I was literally just trying shoving ldflags into rustflags13:16
iceybut I can't even test since it can't run13:16
sergiusensright, let me ask on the Issue13:16
iceysergiusens: I'm also updating the snap-confine bug with a bit more info13:17
iceysergiusens: looks like we may want something like : RUSTFLAGS = -C link-args="$(LDFLAGS)"13:18
sergiusensicey, oh, "Note that the exact linker that the compiler invokes isn't guaranteed to not change over time, so there's not always a valid interpretation of LDFLAGS even if it exists."13:18
sergiusensicey, can you figure out what linker it is using?13:19
=== jgrimm-away is now known as jgrimm
tvosspedronis: trying to figure out what your comment about the lib version means :)13:21
iceysergiusens: I suspect that on linux it's using ld, but cargo (and rust) can also compile on all sorts of other systems (windows) so that may be what he's referring to13:22
iceysergiusens: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/58z5xx/does_rust_use_gnu_or_llvm_linker_on_linux/13:23
mupPR snapd#3161 opened: snap-confine,browser-support: /dev/tty for snap-confine, misc browser-support for gnome-shell <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3161>13:31
morphisSon_Goku, zyga: we still have "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcap" for rpm builds in latest master13:31
cachiosergiusens, getting "GPG error: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature"13:31
pedronistvoss: it's the command that doesn't like -b < 1024, or it's the library?13:31
jdstrandzyga: fyi, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/316113:32
mupPR snapd#3161: snap-confine,browser-support: /dev/tty for snap-confine, misc browser-support for gnome-shell <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3161>13:32
morphisSon_Goku: let me try to fix this13:32
sergiusenscachio, on what?13:32
cachiosergiusens, when I make apt-get update on classic in my dragonboard13:32
sergiusenscachio, oh, ask ogra_13:32
cachiosergiusens, ok, tx13:32
tvosspedronis: it's the library ultimately13:32
ogra_jdstrand, is https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/would-someone-create-an-electron-snap-for-this-forum/78/16 related13:32
tvosspedronis: libssl refuses b < 102413:33
pedronistvoss: ok, that was my wondering13:33
ogra_jdstrand, i noticed that i see the mmap denial only on systems with newer kernels13:33
cachioogra_, hey, getting "GPG error: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature"  when I make apt-get update on classic in my dragonboard13:33
pedronistvoss: you need a 2nd snapd review and input again from tyler I suppose13:33
ogra_jdstrand, same app works fine on a bare 16.04 with the original 4.413:33
tvosspedronis: I was thinking about erroring out, but just raising to working level seems to be more reasonable13:33
cachioogra_, any idea why?13:33
ogra_cachio, yeah, rthere is a bug open for that ...13:33
ogra_not yet13:33
tvosspedronis: yup, will give Tyler a ping now13:33
cachioogra_, ok, thanks13:34
ogra_cachio, bug 167047513:35
mupBug #1670475: apt-secure complaints with classic snap on arm64 (dragonboard) <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1670475>13:35
cachioogra_, great, tx13:35
ogra_(this isnt actually dragonvboard only, i see it on pi2/3 too now)13:35
ogra_i'll try to make up some time for it this week13:35
ogra_it is old enough that it starts to smell :)13:36
cachioogra_, good13:37
iceysergiusens: is there anything I can do to help with diagnosing / fixing this classic rust snap issue?13:46
iceyI've got a nive 25mb strace output of trying to run it13:46
sergiusensicey, let me wrap up working on yarn support and then look into this. We have a rust integration test demo which I will turn into a classic confined snap for testing out13:47
iceysergiusens: we have to ensure that it runs too, it builds just fine but will never run13:47
sergiusensicey, bottom line is that, `readelf -a <elf>`'s output under program loader needs to have the core snaps ld instead of the one on the system or you are in for trouble13:48
sergiusensicey, yeah, in our demos suite we test that they run ;-)13:48
morphisSon_Goku: ok, this seems to be more my fault but wondering what I am doing wrong with my in-tree build13:49
iceysergiusens: looks like the ld is: [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2] ?13:50
zygajdstrand: thank you13:51
iceysergiusens: it looks like, when snapcraft is calling build, that env['LDFLAGS'] is _not_ set13:52
sergiusensicey, it is, you just don't see it... under snapcraft.internal.common.run (or run_output) there's this wrapper script that gets created13:53
sergiusensthis was in snapcraft 0.2, before my time (I took over on 0.3) and never managed to improve this logic13:54
iceysergiusens: I'm trying to do something like: https://gist.github.com/ChrisMacNaughton/475882f81acab077e5e693e7df5e433e to get the RUSTFLAGS setup but LDFLAGS isn't present :-/13:54
Chipacaniemeyer— I think I left a dangling Spread-1913:55
niemeyerChipaca: Not a great problem these days.. it should get cleaned up automatically without any ill side effects13:55
Chipacaniemeyer— i mean, started spread with -reuse, and then deleted the .spread file :-)13:56
niemeyerChipaca: Aha, yeah, that might make it hard to reuse it ;)13:56
zygajdstrand: looked again13:56
Chipacaniemeyer— so flaky13:56
Chipacaniemeyer— hopping subjects, from mwhudson on https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1638537:13:58
mupBug #1638537: snapd eats 100% CPU for about 5 minutes on first boot causing a load of >2.0 <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638537>13:58
ChipacaAIUI, generating an RSA key ends up benchmarking montgomery multiplication, and I know there are SIMD tricks you can use for that. Go doesn't seem to be using anything in this area but it looks like ssh-keygen is using openssh's routines for this and I bet they are optimized nearly as much as is possible.13:58
* zyga looks at failing tests on various "rename" branches13:58
tvosstyhicks: hey there, would be great if you could have another pass on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/313014:00
mupPR snapd#3130: overlord/devicestate: switch to lib(open)ssl for device key generation <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3130>14:00
Chipacatvoss— question for you about that14:00
Chipacatvoss— are you using locking_function and threadid_func? (how/where?) is that even needed?14:01
tvossChipaca: shoot, btw: ssh-keygen uses openssl ultimately14:01
Chipacatvoss— yeah i know, the above was to give gustavo some context about this14:01
tvossChipaca: I haven't looked into threaded behavior, yet, as I was just looking at device key generation.14:01
tvossChipaca: making generateRSAKey available within all of snapd (and investigating into thread-safety) is on my list next14:02
niemeyerChipaca, tvoss: Heya, reusing ssh-keygen really looks like the best alternative there14:04
Chipacaniemeyer— that's one to talk with tyhicks, as he's the driver of the move to libssl14:04
cachiojdstrand, did you find any workaround for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1670475 ?14:04
mupBug #1670475: apt-secure complaints with classic snap on arm64 (dragonboard) <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1670475>14:04
Chipacaat least afaik14:04
morphisSon_Goku: was my fault14:05
tvossniemeyer: based on tyhicks feedback, I adjusted the PR to use rsa_generate_key_ex from openssl directly. ssh-keygen uses the same call14:05
morphistvoss: your PR builds fine on fedora14:06
tvossmorphis: ack14:06
morphiszyga, Son_Goku: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24354626/ that is what fails currently on fedora with latest master14:06
Son_Gokuyeah, something is being linked statically14:07
zygamvo: based on the discussion in the call I'd like to add https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3160 to the 2.24 milstone if that is okay14:07
mupPR snapd#3160: overlord/ifacestate: automatically rename connections on core snap <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3160>14:07
Son_Gokumorphis: I had this problem before and fixed it14:08
zygamorphis: static linking + fortify = incompatible14:08
zygamorphis: do a patch that allows us not to build it (it's useless on classic systems)14:08
zygaSon_Goku: curious to know what you did14:08
Son_Gokuit builds fine in 2.23.6 with all the current patches14:08
Son_Gokubut in 2.23.5, I had to do some sed magic to make it build14:09
morphiszyga: I know this isn't supposed to work but we landed all changes in 2.24 and that one fails14:09
Son_Gokuto get rid of it requesting static library preferences14:09
zygaSon_Goku: aha14:09
zygaSon_Goku: hmmm14:09
zygaSon_Goku: I think we need that still14:09
zygaSon_Goku: I'd like to find a solution where it can stay and we can link14:10
zygaSon_Goku: (and on fedora the build is entirely dynamic)14:10
zygaanyway, I'm sure we can14:10
zygajust wanted to say this14:10
morphiszyga: did the build for the shutdown helper change between 2.23.6 and 2.24?14:11
zygamorphis: perhaps, the point is that hardedned static builds just don't exist yet AFAIK14:12
zygamorphis: maybe we now apply hardening... well, harder14:12
morphiszyga: we do on fedora14:12
jdstrandcachio: only the crappy one in comment #114:12
cachiojdstrand, ok, thanks14:13
zygamorphis: I know but this was disabled so that it could link14:14
zygamorphis: same was true in debian/ubuntu BTW14:14
morphiszyga: were was this disable?14:14
zygamorphis: with cflags overrides14:14
morphiszyga: we don't do this for 2.23.614:15
zygamorphis: not sure if this is there now, the point is that just static hardened linking doens't exist AFAIK14:15
zygamorphis: I'm lost in which-version-had-what14:15
morphiszyga: that is fine, however something change in the build of the shutdown helper between 2.23.6+patch and 2.24 so that it now doesn't work anymore14:17
zygamorphis: git diff on the makefile to check :)14:18
morphisyeah, checking that already14:19
morphiszyga: didn't you integrate https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3108 in yours as said on that PR?14:21
mupPR snapd#3108: cmd: use libtool for the internal library <Created by morphis> <Closed by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3108>14:21
iceysergiusens: just posted some fun in #rust that you may enjoy: https://gist.github.com/ChrisMacNaughton/a81233e05995013ebb9a0c333c157b7614:21
mvozyga: sure, its ok - sorry for the delay, I was in the releae meeting14:25
zygamvo: that's okay14:26
zygamvo: any changes/14:26
mvozyga: just that we need validation from the CE team when we do 2.24 to stable14:27
zygaok, that's good14:27
zyganiemeyer: hey, we're seeing some mgo.v2 errors related to git14:28
zyganiemeyer: e.g. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24354760/ in https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety-snappy-dev-image/yakkety/amd64/s/snapd/20170410_141305_8a2e6@/log.gz14:29
zyganiemeyer: do you have any ideas if that could be related to gopkg.in? (any spike in load)14:29
niemeyerzyga: No idea.. let me see14:30
niemeyerzyga: Doesn't seem extraordinary.. it's doing ~10mbps in and ~10 out, which is even below what it has been sustaining recently14:32
zyganiemeyer: anything odd in logs? this particular repo failed numerous times today; maybe it's just coincidence14:33
niemeyerzyga: Nothing special I can see.. this is requested about ~10 times every minute14:35
niemeyerzyga: I just fetched it locally as well from my crappy network without issues14:36
niemeyerzyga: Process is up since Feb 21.. RSS at 22MB.. load at 0.2.. can't see much to be worried about yet14:37
niemeyerzyga: The fact this is also an EOF makes me worried that perhaps the networking of those machines is not as healthy as it should be14:39
zyganiemeyer: thanks for checking, I'll keep monitoring14:39
zyganiemeyer: yeah14:39
zyganiemeyer: the only possiblity is linode itself now14:39
niemeyerzyga: Well.. :)14:40
niemeyerzyga: I'm far less optimistic about my abilities to guess problems like that :)14:40
ogra_tvoss, niemeyer asked me to carry the keygen issue over to the forum, i opened https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ubuntu-core-key-generation-slowness/229/114:43
ogra_please take a look14:43
tvossogra_: ack14:43
tvossniemeyer: did you have a chance to walk through the PR?14:43
ogra_tyhicks, jdstrand ^^^ same for you two :)14:44
niemeyertvoss: No, sorry, I should have done that.  That said, I have a reasonable idea of where things stand. The reason I asked ogra_ for some details on that particular piece is just that it feels like ssh-keygen is the best way forward, and there's some disagreement about that which isn't entirely clear, so would like to have a thread for us to talk14:46
morphiszyga: you saw my message about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3108 ?14:48
mupPR snapd#3108: cmd: use libtool for the internal library <Created by morphis> <Closed by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3108>14:48
zygamorphis: yes, I won't have time to touch this before 2.24 though14:49
morphiszyga: ok, let me see if I get this quickly up14:49
tyhicksjdstrand: you can ignore the ssh-keygen topic - it was being discussed by mdeslaur, sarnold, and myself14:50
tyhicksI've responded in the forum14:50
ogra_tyhicks, thanks14:51
niemeyertyhicks: Thanks! Will follow up there14:51
jdstrandtyhicks: ack, thanks14:52
mupPR snapcraft#1241 closed: help: replace dashes with underscores when printing plugins help <Created by EduardoVega> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1241>14:54
mvoChipaca: re https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/declaratively-defining-environment-variables/175> what am I missing? I thought we have all the bits needed in master now?14:56
Chipacamvo— we do?14:58
Chipacamvo— let me look :-/14:58
mvoChipaca: I replied to that forum thread14:58
mikeb_I'm having problems with snapcraft daemons.  It looks like if I have a 'notify' daemon defined in my snapcraft.yaml, snapd is waiting for the notification before starting other daemons.  Is this known behavior?14:58
mvoChipaca: unless I miss something of course :)14:58
mvoChipaca: but I think the example from sergio works, at least we have a very similar spread test and I remember fixing things there14:59
jdstrandniemeyer: hi! I found an issue in the mailing list functionality of the forum. where is the best place to report that, the forum?15:00
niemeyerjdstrand: Yes, there's a "forum" category15:01
Chipacamvo— which is the test that tests this?15:01
mvoChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/main/snap-env/task.yaml15:02
mvoChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/lib/snaps/test-snapd-tools/meta/snap.yaml15:02
zygaCloning into '/tmp/go/.cache/govendor/gopkg.in/check.v1'...15:02
zygaerror: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.15:02
zyganiemeyer: ^ now on check.v115:02
mvoChipaca: check the EXTRA_CACHE_DIR: $SNAP_USER_DATA/ there15:03
mvoChipaca: thats the case that we want, right?15:03
Chipacamvo— note that what I'm saying we should support is15:03
niemeyerzyga: Network seems pretty busted15:03
Chipacamvo— command: foo $BAR15:03
niemeyerzyga: Let me try restarting the process just in case15:03
Chipacamvo— which we don't15:03
mvoChipaca: aha, yes, this one is indeed missing15:03
mvoChipaca: good point, sorry that I misunerstood this15:04
Chipacamvo— in you can't even have “command: foo --bar=baz”15:04
niemeyerzyga: Done15:04
mvoChipaca: yeah, command is super restrictive currently15:04
mvoChipaca: +1 for fixing that15:04
Chipacamvo— tweaking https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/papercuts-mouth-sized-bugs/228 to explain this15:05
mvoChipaca: thank you!15:06
jdstrandniemeyer: ok, thanks15:06
jdstrandah, ``` works in the forum too (thank goodness)15:06
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks for reporting.. I'm interested as we're planning to migrate the list there pretty soon15:07
Chipacaalso in the forum, hitting '?' gives you a list of keyboard shortcuts \o/15:07
zyganiemeyer: thank you, I restarted tests15:07
mvozyga: thanks! 3154 looks good now, looks like it needs a second review15:08
mvoChipaca: woah, this is cool15:08
zygaI'd review it but that would be self-serving15:08
Chipacamvo— ikr15:09
jdstrandniemeyer: fyi, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/mailing-list-urls-have-appended-breaking-the-url-for-text-only-emails/23115:10
zygajdstrand: so meta that the key character is not in the actual URL15:11
* zyga is starving15:11
mikeb_I'll ask my question in a different way...  Given a snapcraft.yaml file with several daemons of different types (notify, simple, oneshot, forking) in the apps: section, is there an implicit ordering that is used to start up those daemons at install/boot time?15:14
zygaogra_: can you review https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/3215:15
mupPR core#32: Rename core-support,network-bind plugs to make them unique <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/32>15:15
zyganiemeyer: FYI ^ that's the rename on core snap itself15:15
ogra_zyga, approved, want me to click the merge button ?15:17
* ogra_ clicks 15:18
Chipacamikeb_— there is no ordering15:19
mupPR core#32 closed: Rename core-support,network-bind plugs to make them unique <Created by mvo5> <Merged by ogra1> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/32>15:19
niemeyerzyga: Thanks, quick lunch first15:19
Chipacamikeb_— I'll add this to the papercuts thread15:19
zygaogra_: no, let's wait for gustavo's review please15:20
ogra_zyga, bah, crap15:20
ogra_well, i'll care for the rollback in case gustavo is unhappy with it15:21
zygaogra_: OK15:22
zygaogra_: no worries, I think it is okay15:22
ogra_yeah, trivial enough15:22
Chipacamikeb_— done15:22
zyga+ first practical attempt at renaming plugs15:22
kyrofamikeb_, do your daemon's save pid files?15:26
mvoogra_: do you mind if I run a core build now that the plug rename has landed?15:29
ogra_mvo, go ahead15:29
* zyga lunch15:32
mikeb_kyrofa: My daemons don't explictly save pid files - that should be handled by snapd or systemd I would think.15:32
mikeb_Chpaca: I'm not familiar with the "papercuts" thread.15:33
Chipacamikeb_— I mean, I made a note of this so we don't forget and get around to it eventually15:33
Chipacamikeb_— is this blocking your work right now?15:34
Chipacaor can you live without it for a while?15:34
mikeb_Chipaca: There does seem to be some ordering as several daemons were not started because one of my notify daemons didn't notify.15:35
ChipacaAfter={{.MountUnit}} {{.PrerequisiteTarget}}15:35
Chipacahah, i'm a muppet15:35
Chipacadavmor2— shut up15:35
mikeb_Chipaca: semi-blocking.  I have a nasty hack workaround that does an "end-around" around snappy.  I'm trying to leverage as much of snappy's daemon functionality.15:36
Chipacamikeb_— sorry, give me a bit to actually read the code instead of answering from memory15:36
davmor2Chipaca: I didn't say a word but now you mention is that are similarities between you and animal15:37
mikeb_Chipaca: I'm away for a couple hours.  I'll check back then.  Thanks.  I'll also try to put together a demo snap to illustrate further.15:38
Chipacamikeb_— ah, no, the After= is just for things like networking15:38
Chipacamikeb_— that would be very useful15:38
morphiszyga: ok, pushed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/316215:41
mupPR snapd#3162: cmd: use libtool for the internal library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3162>15:41
morphiszyga: can you comment on what still needs to be changed?15:42
mupPR snapd#3162 opened: cmd: use libtool for the internal library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3162>15:42
zygamorphis: thanks at lot! looking15:43
zygamorphis: let's see if the tests pass15:44
* Pharaoh_Atem sighs15:44
zygamorphis: at some point I'd like to rm -rf libtool autoconf and automake personally15:44
Pharaoh_Atemmeson :)15:44
zygaI love them the same way 70 year old people love going to the doctor's15:44
morphiszyga: me too15:44
Pharaoh_AtemI feel the same way about golang :)15:45
Pharaoh_AtemI'm no fan of autotools either, though15:46
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I honestly disagree though :)15:46
* zyga looks at 15:46
zygaerror: cannot install "test-snapd-python-webserver": Get15:46
zygaorigin%2Cdeveloper_id%2Cprivate%2Cconfinement: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)15:46
zygawhaaat just happened here15:46
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: go code is fine, but everything else about go sucks15:46
zygapstolowski: around?15:47
pstolowskizyga, yes15:47
zygapstolowski: can you look at https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/22059206415:47
zygapstolowski: save the logs if needed15:47
zygapstolowski: I'd like to re-start it15:47
zygapstolowski: not sure if that's something we should add to retry list15:47
zygait seems linode has a bad hair day with networking15:48
mupPR snapcraft#1246 opened: Preparation work for collaboration support. Includes refactor of get/push_v… <Created by psivaa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1246>15:48
zygapstolowski: tell me when ready15:49
pstolowskizyga, ok, saved a copy15:49
zygapstolowski: thanks!15:49
pstolowskizyga, yes I think it makes sense to retry on those. in fact, we would retry on net.Timeout(), but apparently this doesn't fall into that error category15:49
zygait would be nice to run qemu with special network that drops packets15:50
zygato see how we faire15:50
pstolowskizyga, so perhaps again, some unwrapping is needed, or different error type check15:50
zygapstolowski: seems like the most whack-a-mole bug ever BTW15:50
zygapstolowski: whack-a-hydra15:50
pstolowskizyga, uhm15:50
pstolowskizyga, perhaps the shouldRetry() check should be totally reversed... e.g. don't retry only on well-known errors that shouldn't be retried. otherwise always retry15:52
zygapstolowski: what would be the well-known errors?15:52
zygaChipaca, pstolowski, pedronis: we need more reviews for 2.24 branches15:56
Chipacayes! looking15:56
Chipacazyga— 2.24 branches have grown!15:57
zygacan you please start with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/315415:57
mupPR snapd#3154: many: rename two core plugs that clash with slot names <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154>15:57
zygaother branches will depend on it15:57
Chipacasnapd#3145 needs niemeyer's eyes15:57
mupPR snapd#3145: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>15:58
Chipaca(as he marked it as needs-changing)15:58
morphiszyga: at least that patch gets us building on fedora again15:58
zygamorphis: nice!15:58
Chipacai already had reviewed 3154!15:58
* Chipaca actually clicks the button now15:59
morphiszyga: snap-update-ns was removed?15:59
Chipacazyga— just needs to be green now15:59
zygamorphis: it wasn't finished, the C parts were removed, we're implementing it in go now16:00
morphiszyga: ah right, I remember looking at that PR from you16:01
niemeyerzyga: About #3145, a question:16:04
zyganiemeyer: yes16:05
niemeyerzyga: How do we get to that state given that we don't have plugs and slots with the same name anymore?16:05
morphisPharaoh_Atem: Finish: rpmbuild snapd-2.24-4.fc25.src.rpm16:05
pstolowskizyga, i don't know. was just a crazy idea.16:05
morphisPharaoh_Atem: so the last thing we need is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/316216:05
mupPR snapd#3162: cmd: use libtool for the internal library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3162>16:05
pstolowskizyga, but perhaps not a bad one16:05
zyganiemeyer: we get to that state because on core -> ubuntu-core transition the `network-bind` plug ends up disconnected as it has two suppliers (during the time core is installed) ubuntu-core and core16:06
zyganiemeyer: I added core-support there just in case I missed something, as it makes sense to ensure those two plugs are just always connected16:06
zyganiemeyer: does that answer your question? (not sure I inferred the "that state" part correctly)16:07
niemeyerzyga: At least I still don't get how we end up there16:07
pstolowskizyga, looking at 316016:07
niemeyerzyga: I thought we could only end up there as a consequence of having plug/slot with same name16:07
niemeyerzyga: We agreed to fix that so that never happens16:07
zyganiemeyer: no, that is not a factor in this case16:08
zyganiemeyer: it happens because the migration process installs core before removing ubuntu-core16:08
zyganiemeyer: ah, sorry,16:08
zyganiemeyer: let me think16:08
zyganiemeyer: I either swapped network-bind and core-support16:08
zyganiemeyer: or something else is at play16:08
niemeyerzyga: Yep, smells fishy16:08
niemeyerzyga: That method is handling a single snap and plug/slot name16:09
zyganiemeyer: thanks for the dilligence!16:09
zyganiemeyer: what is interesting is that branch alone, without internal rename logic from other branches affects the spread test16:11
zyganiemeyer: let me review the code around that16:11
niemeyerzyga: Right, exactly.. because we have a plug and slot with the same name16:12
niemeyerzyga: So it's indeed duplicated16:12
niemeyerzyga: But when we fix that, which is the better approach, we shouldn't need it anymore16:12
Pharaoh_Atemmorphis: snapd 2.24 hasn't been released yet, has it?16:12
niemeyerzyga: Exactly the sort of issue we discussed today in the standup.. fixing the invariant will unbreak this and potentially other things we're not even aware about yet16:12
morphisPharaoh_Atem: it hasn't16:13
morphisPharaoh_Atem: was just lazy in constructing the source archive name16:13
pedroniszyga: well auto connection is by interface,  so core can auto-connect to core-support in both core and ubuntu-core16:15
pedronisif both snaps are installed (which indeed happens during transition)16:15
zygapedronis: and then we do ... nothing, because we bail out if there's more than one candidate16:16
pedronisanyway either we don't have the connections, or we have misnamed connections, cannot have both16:16
pedronisfor the same system16:16
zygaogra_: did new core snap build already in edge?16:17
ogra_zyga, yup16:17
zygaogra_: we need to fix master snapd to let tests pass16:17
zygaone sec16:17
ogra_zyga, ah, so you need a rebuild afterwards ?16:18
ogra_NP, just ping me then16:18
mupPR snapd#3163 opened: tests: adjust to look for network-bind-plug <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3163>16:19
zygaogra_: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/316316:19
mupPR snapd#3163: tests: adjust to look for network-bind-plug <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3163>16:19
zygaogra_: we need this to land when the core snap with PR 32 is in ede16:20
ogra_well, the core snap is there16:20
niemeyerzyga: After you're done with your investigation, please let me know how you want to move forward16:25
zyganiemeyer: sure, now I need to take a break but we need to land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3163 to unbreak master16:27
mupPR snapd#3163: tests: adjust to look for network-bind-plug <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3163>16:27
zyganiemeyer: I looked at transitionConnectionsCoreMigration for how the clash is affecting it16:29
jdstrandjjohansen: hey, could you look at my comment in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/would-someone-create-an-electron-snap-for-this-forum/78/18 and let me know if this is the updated mmap mediation (ie, I need to adjust the policy for these denials to add 'm')16:29
zyganiemeyer: but TBH I don't see any impact16:29
pedroniswell autoconnection doesn't look at names of plugs16:30
niemeyerzyga: Reviewed snapd#3153.. LGTM plus a suggestion on the wording16:30
mupPR snapd#3153: interfaces: validate plug/slot uniqueness <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3153>16:30
zyganiemeyer: thanks looking16:30
niemeyerzyga: #3163 LGTM16:31
pedronisanyway 3145 is not related to the name duplication, it just intersects with it, still nor sure I like the special casing there though :/16:33
* zyga -> break and coffee16:34
jjohansenjdstrand: likely bug 165821916:35
mupBug #1658219: flock not mediated by 'k' <verification-done-xenial> <verification-done-yakkety> <AppArmor:In Progress by jjohansen> <linux (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <linux (Ubuntu Xenial):Triaged> <linux (Ubuntu Yakkety):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1658219>16:35
zygaonce 3163 is green I'll merge it and merge master into open 2.24 branches to see what's wrong16:35
zygaand get back to the question niemeyer asked above, but so far back to puzzle mode16:35
jdstrandjjohansen: that was what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure of the status of the patches wrt 4.10.0-15.17-generic in zesty16:35
zyga(or maybe just tired / stressful day and didn't see something obvious)16:35
jdstrandjjohansen: I guess based on that bot response, zesty has the patches. it seems like the bug status was moving quite a bit so wanted to ask16:36
jjohansenjdstrand: it was not reverted in zesty16:36
jdstrandjjohansen: ah, ok, thanks. that makes it easier16:37
* zyga afk16:39
ondraroadmr can you please help NicolinoCuralli, he seems to have snap stacked in manual review stage.16:57
ondraroadmr can you please check what's the reason and if what steps are needed to unblock it16:58
mupPR snapcraft#1235 closed: store: API interactions for developer collaboration.  <Created by psivaa> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1235>17:00
mvohttps://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/ppc64el/s/snapd/20170410_171526_28765@/log.gz has a test failure where even 40s worth of retries (search for "4 retries") we get no response - is linode in bad shape or our network?17:24
zygahrm, loooots of network.Timeout errors17:24
zygamvo: hey17:24
zygamvo: I just opened my laptop (on the walk, yes, nuts people here)17:24
zygamvo: I'm seeing the same thing17:24
mvozyga: ha! I have a question in the forum for you soon17:24
zygamvo: sure17:25
mvozyga: so do you think its linode? or store?17:25
zygamvo: that's interesting, I think linode17:26
zygamvo: my reason is that I saw numerous SSL handshake errors while git clone on linode test setup17:27
zygamvo: so there are two consistent places where networking is observed as flaky17:27
zygamvo: but no measurements really17:27
zygamvo: I'm in a fast-food restaurant as my kids dragged us here, I may use my spread key to run some silly network tests and see what works17:28
zygamvo: but not sure how to do it17:28
zygamvo: I was thinking about a hourly "health check" that git clones all the repos we care about17:28
zygamvo: and asks the store for stuff17:28
zygamvo: contains grep for retry counts17:28
zygamvo: and git clone errors17:28
zygamvo: and reports this somewhere17:29
zygamvo: but again one of those things I probably never get to finish as I have no recent web konwledge to plot this anywhere17:29
zygamvo: what was your question?17:31
mvozyga: what was the remaining issue in the plug renaming ? you mentioned there was something new that came up?17:34
zygamvo: aha17:35
zygamvo: sorry, I was meaning to paste but then didn't17:35
zygamvo: it was here on irc17:35
zygamvo: do you have logs?17:35
mvozyga: yeah, but some context is missing for some reason, is there a short summary?17:36
zygamvo: starts with `18:04 < niemeyer> zyga: About #3145, a question:17:36
zygamvo: I can pastebin that part of the log if you don't have a IRC logs17:36
zygamvo: but17:36
zygamvo: gustavo asked one fundamental question17:36
zygamvo: network-bind was on old and new core (ubuntu core and core)17:36
zygamvo: or wans't it?17:36
mvozyga: correct17:36
zygamvo: ok, so it should have been migrated17:37
zygamvo: unless there old core didn't have the plug17:37
zygathen no connection and no migration (of connections)17:37
ogra_old core didnt have a config hook17:37
zygamvo: the question is this: is the transition bug affected by the clashing plugs we found later17:37
ogra_that is ubuntu-core didnt17:37
zygaogra_: thanks!17:37
zygamvo: to finish that thought: so are we missing something17:37
mvozyga: no plugs in ubuntu-core17:37
zygamvo: (i.e. was there something else at play)17:38
zygabut if the network-bind *plug* (called just network-bind) was first on the new core snap (not ubuntu-core)17:38
zygathen everything broken is accounted for IMO17:38
zygaas it is just a new plug that has two auto-connect options17:38
zygamvo: does that make sense?17:38
zygadarn so many network issues in linode now17:39
zygadoes linode have a status page?17:40
zygaall stuff operational17:40
zygabut I see red on PRs all around17:40
mvozyga: hm, why do we have the bug in network-bind but not in core-support ? that transient correctly, no?17:40
zygamvo: core-support is a new thing, old core did not provide it17:41
zygamvo: and also, maybe, no tests for that17:41
* zyga checks17:41
mvozyga: its something added via snap/implicit.go17:41
zygamvo: no tests for core-support17:42
zygamvo: I mean, no spread test17:42
mvozyga: to see if the transition for that works?17:42
zygamvo: checks for anything related to core-support17:42
zygamvo: anything, just grep is empty17:42
zygamvo: so if it is connected or not, we don't know17:42
zygamvo: but since it's not in old ubuntu-core I suspect it's not affected17:42
zygamvo: and this whole rabbit hole started because federico pointed out a failing test in some other repo17:43
mvozyga: what does "its not in old ubuntu-core" mean?17:43
zygamvo: and we started pulling17:43
zygamvo: the "core-support" slot is not provided by "ubuntu-core"17:43
zygamvo: so when "core" is installed it is connected normally as there's one provider, the new core itself17:43
zygamvo: if anything I'm saying is fishy please shout, I really want to make sure we've got tihs17:44
mvozyga: core-support is only added via implict.go and those are added to both ubuntu-core and core, no?17:44
zygaand this release is uneventful17:44
zygamvo: was it added by snapd that is present in ubuntu-core?17:45
zygamvo: aaha17:45
zygamvo: classic17:45
mvozyga: yeah :) I'm just trying to understand it better17:45
* zyga wonders17:45
zygamvo: so my theory is that17:45
zygamvo: because ubuntu-core is old17:45
zygamvo: there'd be no core-support interface there17:45
zygamvo: and even if, no test is measuring that17:45
ogra_it was also never added to the snapcraft.yaml in ubuntu-core ...17:46
mvozyga: I add the test now :)17:46
zygamvo: so we only noticed because network-bind was measured via spread17:46
zygaogra_: yes, because it's implicit17:46
ogra_ah, right17:46
zygaogra_: implicit is very tricky, some only get added depending on os-release17:46
zygamvo: thank you!17:46
mvozyga: whats strange is that the code that can do the transition also knows about the implicit core-support so when that code runs ubuntu-core should have core-support17:46
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3159 is green in travis and 2/4 adt passed17:46
mupPR snapd#3159: store: retry once on hashsum mismatches in a Download() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3159>17:46
mvozyga: but yeah, let me add core support17:46
zygamvo: rest are timeouts17:47
zygamvo: ack/nack?17:47
ogra_mvo, but that would only be true if someone actually released an ubuntu-core after the ocde was added ... did we release new ubuntu-core since ?17:47
mvozyga: it needs review, we need to decide if we want to do one retry unconditionally (thats what the branch is doing) or doing it *only* if we had partial content in a previous retry17:47
zygamvo: ohhh, sorry,17:48
mvoogra_: yes, we have to. otherwise we don't transition17:48
* zyga was watching wrong PR17:48
ogra_(i mean, unless someone uses ubuntu-core from edge )17:48
zygamvo: I meant >https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/316317:48
mupPR snapd#3163: tests: adjust to look for network-bind-plug <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3163>17:48
zyga3 failures, travis green17:48
mupPR snapd#3163 closed: tests: adjust to look for network-bind-plug <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3163>17:49
mvoogra_: if you use ubuntu-core ages old then things don't transition. or only if you updated the deb but never did a successful snap refresh that pulls in a new ubuntu-core which is possible but would be strange17:49
zygamvo: all network related17:49
zygaas in timeout17:49
mvozyga: +117:49
zyganot network-bind :)17:49
zygaI'll merge this into other PRs now17:49
mvozyga: test is running now (about connected core)17:50
mvozyga: eh connected core-support17:50
mvozyga: I still wonder if we should merge network-bind into core-support but I don't think it buys anything and also we need to understand why network-bind acts like it acts and core-support (maybe) dosn't - or maybe it does17:51
ogra_we really need to become more creative with our naming17:51
ogra_core and classic are both so overused everywhere now17:51
zygamvo: we can next time17:53
zygamvo: I think we need to re-think core plugs17:53
mvozyga: yes, after the fire. sorry for pushing out the distraction17:53
ogra_i dont see why we need confinement at all for it17:53
ogra_given we are in full control of the hook it could well be unconfined17:54
zygamvo: no worries, I think it's a valid way out of the problem17:54
zygamvo: kill all those plugs17:54
zygamvo: and make the connection implicit17:54
zyganot connection, permissions17:54
zygait's something to discuss17:54
mvozyga: test for core-support works, trying network-bind now17:56
zygamvo: all 2.24 PRs restarted17:59
zygamvo: I didn't reply to comments on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145 yet18:00
mupPR snapd#3145: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>18:00
zygamvo: I need to reply to niemeyer about his questoin18:00
zygabut I need to move now (family)18:01
zygacan you take that please?18:01
zyganiemeyer: I think, based on my understanding and discussion with ogra and mvo, that the name clashes are not a factor in core transition18:01
zygaI wish I had irssi on screen now18:01
mvozyga: I don't see open comments in there18:02
mvozyga: happy to reply of course18:02
mvozyga: once I know where to :)18:02
mvozyga: but go if your family needs you18:02
mikeb_Chipaca: Snappy daemonization issues part 1.  https://github.com/mabnhdev/snappy-daemon-demo - See the README file.18:02
zygamvo: refreshing18:02
zygamaybe stale page18:02
cachiosergiusens, I am creating a dashboard with some kpi for ubuntu core, I  thought perhaps we can do the same for snapcraft18:02
cachiosergiusens, the idea would be to detect any regression just looking at the dashboard18:03
cachiosergiusens, it is the current one for snap core https://platform-qa-dashboard.canonical.com/dashboard/db/kpi-ubuntu-core-dashboard?editorTab=Metrics18:04
zygamvo: walking with open laptop, I see questions from pedronis that I have to answer18:04
cachiosergiusens, any suggestion? what do you thing about that?18:04
mvozyga: yeah, I can look at those18:05
cachiosergiusens, it is being executed in real hardware18:06
pedronismvo: zyga: yes, agreed the name clash is not the factor there, I think having just a forum topic for both issues (named after only one) has probably confused things18:07
zygapedronis: yes, it was started with this, but I do think those are separate two problems18:08
zygapedronis: thank you for your input!18:08
Erixis this the right place to ask a question about ubuntu nextcloud snap help?18:08
pedronismvo: I had no blocker question, the issue is mostly understand what those branches do all together, one of my question is that it seems at least two of the fixes will never need to be done together which is good, but part of that understanding18:08
mvopedronis: I think we don't understand the issue yet tbh18:09
pedronismvo: which one? :)18:09
mvozyga: so I added a test that ensures that things are connected - core-support is connected, network-bind is not. this is with the new network-bind-plug18:09
mvopedronis: the transition issue18:09
pedroniswell we install core while ubuntu-core is present18:10
mvopedronis: yes18:10
zygamvo: this matches an existing test that has the same expectation and outcome18:10
pedronisat least autoconnect will not work in that case18:10
zygamvo: just runs nightly18:10
mvopedronis: why does it work for core-support ?18:10
zygafeerico has it someqhere18:10
pedronismvo: does the old ubuntu-core has a core-support plug?18:10
mvopedronis: its added via snap/implicit.go for anything that is an OS18:11
mvopedronis: so I would say yes18:11
mvopedronis: this is the part that confuses me18:11
pedronismvo: well, added when?18:11
zygapedronis: in ifacestate18:11
pedronismvo: if you have something where you can run this through I would recommend adding logging in the autoconnect bits18:11
mvopedronis: its added in 6 places or so18:12
=== bregma__ is now known as bregma
pedronismvo: yea18:12
mvopedronis: yeah, I add logging18:12
pedronismvo: notice that sometimes it depends if info comes from repo18:13
pedronisor from snapmanager18:13
mvopedronis: but still strange, one would assume that when both core-support and network-bind are added via implicit.go either both get connected or none, but not one and and not the other18:13
pedronissnapmanager is not so good at adding implicit slots18:13
pedronismvo: well, no18:13
pedronismvo: there's another factor the snap declaration18:14
mvopedronis: ohhhhh18:14
zygamvo: that is how auto connect works18:14
pedronisnetwork-bind is autoconnect for everything, no?18:14
pedroniscore-support I need to recheck what we did exactly18:15
sergiusenscachio: you will want to talk to elopio, we have something similar going on18:15
mupPR snapd#3158 closed: store: add download test with EOF in the middle <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3158>18:15
sergiusensbring it up on the forums or rocket18:15
zygapedronis: no, same behavior but we only tested it and noticed18:15
mvosergiusens: yeah, I think thats exactly it, core-support has only a single candidate18:15
pedroniszyga: ?18:16
zyga20:14 < pedronis> network-bind is autoconnect for everything, no?18:16
pedroniszyga: I mean the declarations doesn't block autoconnect for network-bind18:16
mvopedronis: hm, maybe not - basedeclartion allows plug-snap-type: core so both core and ubuntu-core should be allowed(?=18:16
* mvo needs to step out for a little bit18:17
pedronismvo: I'm looking, that stuff is confusing18:17
* zyga didnt think about assertions18:17
mvopedronis: indeed18:17
pedronismvo: it says deny-auto-connection: true18:17
mupPR snapd#3164 opened: tests: ensure network-bind and core-support are connected <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3164>18:18
pedronisso it's back to the snap-declarations18:18
pedronislet me look at those18:18
mvozyga, pedronis: the above PR should be good to test that our fix actually works18:18
mvo(and it looks like it does not, i.e. we need to figure the root cause still and not just fixup on the next run :/)18:19
sergiusensmvo: not for me I guess18:20
zygamvo: what makes you say so?18:20
pedronismvo: zyga: so the sna-declaration of both core and ubuntu-core will not let core-support connect18:20
pedroniswell auto-connect18:21
pedronisbit wondering how it works at all18:21
zygastore assertion?18:21
zygaon core18:21
pedronisyes, store assertion18:21
pedronison both18:21
pedronisthe base declaration just says   deny-auto-connection: true18:22
pedronisso they cannot auto-connect, not sure how the configure hook works now18:22
pedronisbut the fact is not interfaces is kind of expected18:22
zygamvo: sorry to nag but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything, what makes you say that we've still haven't gotten to the bottom of it and tests confirm that18:22
pedronisgiven that, transition or not18:22
pedronisah, no18:23
zygapedronis: I'm trying to parse two previous lines18:23
zygapedronis: cna you re-phrase that18:23
pedroniszyga: sorry18:24
zygasorry, just tired and really want to understand what's going on here precisely18:24
pedroniszyga: so network-bind doesn't autoconnect? but core-support does? or is that the reverse?18:24
zygapedronis: network-bind does auto-connect AFAIR, let me check18:24
zygacore-support doesn't autoconnect18:24
zygaah, super confusing18:24
zygawe don't know if core-support connects in practice18:25
zygamy two statements were "obvious" intents but not facts18:25
zyganetwork-bind did not connect according to a test that fgimenez ran18:25
pedronisat least the declarations now that I read them carefully should let them both autoconnect18:25
zygapedronis: yes, that is certainly the intent18:25
zygapedronis: that both plugs connect to core and perhaps to ubuntu-core as well (not sure)18:25
pedronisthough only os snaps can have core-support plugs or slots18:26
zygapedronis: what was measured is that ubuntu-core -> core transition started failing in nightly tests where the network-bind *plug* was not connected18:26
zygapedronis: and at the time we didn't check core-support *plug*18:26
pedroniswell, unless the slots are added differently they should behave similarly afaict (at least for the os snap)18:27
mvozyga: sorry for being confusing. so https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3164/files#diff-23e6c1e2bbf5a1a24798303971f19b99R83 works18:27
mupPR snapd#3164: tests: ensure network-bind and core-support are connected <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3164>18:27
mvozyga: however the line below does not18:27
mvozyga: so core-support appears to be fine and connected but network-bind is not18:28
zygamvo: so line 83 works and line 84 doesn't work?18:28
mvozyga: correct18:28
pedronisthere is no difference between them though18:29
zygamvo: can you show me the debug output, do you have snap interfaces there?18:29
mvozyga: sure, one sec18:29
zygapedronis: maybe, do we auto-add "core-support" to ubuntu-core too?18:29
zygapedronis: if so, yes, I agree18:29
mvozyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24356000/18:29
zygaalso not sure how this test works18:29
zygawhich snapd is used while ubuntu-core is installed?18:30
zygasome ancient one18:30
zygaor master?18:30
pedronisthe question is about the slots18:30
zyga`:core-support             core:core-support-plug`18:30
mvozyga: this is pretty recent master18:30
zygaso it's connected18:30
pedronisso yes, they should be added the same way18:30
zygapedronis: interesting18:30
zygawalking home18:30
zyga10 min18:31
mvozyga: the full log, sorry its huge http://paste.ubuntu.com/24356011/18:31
mvozyga, pedronis: sorry, really need to step out for some minutes now18:32
mvozyga, pedronis: but please keep me updated, bbiab18:32
pedroniszyga: ah, but now we check both sides, plug to slots and slots to plugs18:36
pedronisfor autoconnect18:36
zygafor some time18:38
pedronisso slots we know they both have both, because we add them18:38
pedronisbut plugs, I don't know18:38
pedronisI mean slots are added implicitly18:39
zygapedronis: ubuntu-core snap has neither plugs18:39
zygapedronis: we don't add implicit plugs18:39
pedronisdoes the ubuntu-core we use has   a core-support plug?18:39
zygare, sorry, wifi connected and n-m bugs galore18:40
zyga20:39 < zyga> pedronis: ubuntu-core snap has neither plugs18:40
zyga20:39 < zyga> pedronis: we don't add implicit plugs18:40
zygapedronis: that's what I said / saw last18:40
pedronisno plug ?18:40
pedronisthat would provoke the reverse problem18:41
pedronisI mean if it has no plug then we are back that the two should be symmetric18:42
zygapedronis: ubuntu-core does not have network-bind plug or core-support plug18:42
zygapedronis: only core has those18:42
zygapedronis: yes, I think something is fishy still18:43
pedronisthen when we try to connect from slots they should both work?18:43
zygapedronis: I just got home, setting up to dig18:43
zygapedronis: no, because the plug on core has two candidates again, core and ubuntu-core18:43
zygapedronis: because slots are added, even to ubuntu core18:43
pedroniszyga: we try from both sides18:43
zygapedronis: yes18:43
zygapedronis: maybe I misunderstand your point18:43
pedroniszyga: so when we try on core from slots18:44
pedronisit doesn't matter how many slots there18:44
pedronisonly plugs18:44
zygapedronis: aha, let me see18:44
pedronisbut then as I said18:44
pedronisI still don't understand why those two don't work the same18:44
zygapedronis: in both auto-connect "sides" (plug/slots) we don't connect if more than one viable candidate; so yes, fishy18:47
pedronisyes, so the from plug side is expected to fail18:47
zygapedronis: but looking at it I also found: // Suggested connection already exist so don't clobber it.18:47
pedronisbecause two slots18:47
zygapedronis: so maybe the clashing names have some impact18:47
pedronisbut the from slots, don't understand why one works and the other not18:47
zygawe check if a conn state exists18:48
zygaif by that time we migrate ubuntu-core to core18:48
zygamaybe something weird happens18:48
zygalike core:network-bind core:network-bind18:48
zygaso we don't connect it from that side now18:48
zyga(that would explain why rename of plug might fix it)18:48
zygaor would it, mmmmmm18:49
zygawell, tired18:49
* zyga looks for errors in that code18:49
zygamaybe something swapped18:49
pedronisanyway indeed ubuntu-core has neither plug18:49
pedronisat least at stable18:49
zygapedronis: yes but remember our tests do magic repacking so maybe we're missing something non-obvious there18:50
zygapedronis: I'd like to see a old-snapd update to new-snapd without any magic18:50
pedroniswe have a different bug it seems snap download now defaults to edge ???18:51
zygapedronis: what is in the snap declaration for ubuntu-core18:53
zygapedronis: or how can I see that with snap known18:53
pedronisthere is nothing interesting in the snap declarations18:53
pedronisfor both core or ubuntu-core18:53
zygapedronis: no? what about assertions?18:53
zygapedronis: newAutoConnectChecker18:53
pedronisI mean they don't have any plugs or slots bits18:53
pedronisall it matters is the base declaration18:54
zygapedronis: so how do we let core-support connect, via base?18:54
* zyga looks18:54
pedronisit's confusing18:54
pedronisbut the only control we do is really that core-support plugs and slots can only be on os18:54
pedronisnothing else18:54
zyga      plug-snap-type:18:54
zyga        - core18:54
zygawe have no "core" type, we have "os"18:54
zygais that just a discrepancy?18:54
pedronisyes core==os18:54
pedronisTypeOS is still the internal name18:55
pedronisbut core is what is used in the decls18:55
ogra_to make it less confusing ? :)18:55
zygaogra_: decls are public18:59
zygaogra_: we can fix the core code without anyone noticing18:59
ogra_well, the snapcraft.yaml uses type: os :)18:59
zygaogra_: I think we wanted to wait with that as it is old stuff19:00
ogra_so in other code i'd also expect to find "os" when something is called "type"19:00
zygaogra_: old == existing19:00
zygaogra_: and declarations were new19:00
zygaogra_: so we added the right language19:00
zygaogra_: we'll correct core's snap.yaml in due time19:01
zygaok, with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3164 I can test a few theories19:01
mupPR snapd#3164: tests: ensure network-bind and core-support are connected <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3164>19:01
zygagive me 15 minutes, let's see19:01
zygaok, test in progress19:10
zygaI will have some useful data in 15 minutes19:11
zygawhen spread finishes19:11
zygadh_install: snapd missing files: usr/bin/snap-update-ns19:15
zygawhat happened there?19:15
ogra_missed a git add ?19:15
zygait was removed19:15
zygasomething resurrected that line19:15
* zyga looks19:15
zygaI see19:16
zygaok, I must be missing something19:16
ogra_i see it in there19:16
zygaogra_: what do you see?19:17
ogra_look in debian/snapd.install19:17
zygaogra_: can you paste the line19:17
zygaogra_: running out of ram...19:17
ogra_there is a line for it19:17
ogra_usr/bin/snap-update-ns /usr/lib/snapd/19:17
zygaogra_: there is one but is is different than mine?19:17
zygathat's the *correct* line19:17
zygait's installed from usr/bin because it's a go binary now19:17
zygaI just restarted spread19:17
ogra_oh, i missed the "lib"19:18
zygathe lib is ok too, not changed19:18
zygaanyway, checking again19:18
zygaI think it was missing -resend19:18
niemeyerzyga, mvo: I think I reviewed the critical things.. am I missing something still?  What's the outcome of the prior conversation on the de-dup of adding plugs/slots?19:25
* zyga has logs and reviews them now19:25
zyganiemeyer: we are pursuing one thread that we still don't understand wrt why network-bind is affected but core-support is not19:26
zyganiemeyer: I added something that may help us to understand to logs, reading them now19:26
zyganiemeyer: mvo posted a PR 3164 that shows the failure on vanilla master19:27
zyganiemeyer: no other updates yet19:27
tvossniemeyer: how do you propose to revert the state of the current branch? just start over and cherry pick commits?19:28
mvozyga: here is an interessting though - network-bind is used in the tests in both test-snapd-python-webserver and also in core, if I remove test-snapd-python-webserver things seem to work19:28
mvozyga: I'm double checking that now19:29
niemeyerzyga: Ok19:29
niemeyertvoss: Need some more context19:29
tvossniemeyer: for the changes to device key creation19:30
mvoniemeyer: we want to get to the bottom of this just to be sure we don't overlook another problem, its a bit thorny right now19:30
cachioniemeyer, I have created this dashboard with tome kpis for ubuntu core, https://platform-qa-dashboard.canonical.com/dashboard/db/kpi-ubuntu-core-dashboard19:31
mvozyga: yes, so with test-snapd-python-webserver -> core gets no network-bind. without anything in network-bind: things work19:32
cachioniemeyer, just tell me if you are insterested to see other metrics on there19:32
niemeyercachio: Oh, nice, let me check it out19:32
cachioniemeyer, all those metrics are obtained from executions on real hardware19:32
mupBug #1681547 opened: Gnome3 on Ubuntu 17.04 doesn't find snap desktop files <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1681547>19:33
cachioniemeyer, any sugestion is welcome19:33
zygamvo: interesting19:33
zygamvo: I tweaked logs to be shorter and am trying again19:33
cachioniemeyer, the idea is to detect any performance regression, but we could any other metric19:34
niemeyercachio: It would be nice to hook that up with our existing test suite19:34
niemeyercachio: The spread tests specifically19:35
cachioniemeyer, we are working on that19:35
niemeyercachio: Ah, that's great then19:35
niemeyerIn theory that should cover most of the interactions19:35
cachioniemeyer, I have created a change request in spread to export xunit format19:35
cachioniemeyer, once we have that, then we can show test results and a lot metrics on grafana too19:36
zygamvo: interesting, any theory why?19:36
niemeyercachio: That's probably not coming, but you can use the format used to display timings in Travis to easily pick up the running time19:36
mvozyga: no idea right now, just a piece in the puzzle19:37
niemeyercachio: Ah, wait.. you mean you already did it, let me chcek19:37
cachioniemeyer, https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/25/files19:38
mupPR spread#25: Adding capability to write xunit report with the task suites and results <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/25>19:38
cachioniemeyer, well the original idea was to run spread tests in real hardware and report results and performance times to grafana19:38
cachioniemeyer, we are close to that19:39
mupPR snapcraft#1247 opened: Fixing Store integration tests <Created by cprov> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1247>19:39
pedroniszyga: because then the slots side doesn't work either, because there are two plugs in the system now19:40
pedroniszyga: working from the plug side is more natural for autoconnect19:40
zygapedronis: !19:40
zygapedronis: aha, yes19:40
pedronishere the slots side almost saves us19:40
zygapedronis: it also means our slot auto-connect is a bit wonky19:40
pedronisbut not if something else needs network-bind19:40
zygapedronis: it should connect all candidates if that's possible (all plugs)19:40
pedronisyes, it doesn't make a lot of sense I suppose19:41
pedronisbut not sure19:41
pedronisnow things make a bit of sense19:41
zygapedronis: thank you, this is a very good input,19:41
zygamvo: ^ I think it makes sense, and it matches what we observe19:42
zygamvo: I added logs for this, will know ... now19:42
* zyga reads19:42
pedroniszyga: auto-connecting looking from the plugs on core doesn't work because we have core and ubuntu-core we the same implicit slots19:43
pedroniszyga: auto-connection from core core-support slot work because there's only core plug (ubuntu-core doesn't have the plug)19:43
pedroniszyga: network-bind isn't so lucky because from the slot side we observe both the core plug but also any other snap using network-bind plug19:44
pedronisthis also indeed shows that the new auto-connect logic we added from the slot side doesn't make complete sense19:45
pedronisbit too tired to think how exactly it should work though19:45
* zyga hugs pedronis brilliance! thanks for solving it19:45
* mvo hugs pedronis as well19:48
zygaok, restarted tests to just capture the smoking gun log19:49
zyganiemeyer: if that holds, what do you want us to do?19:49
zyganiemeyer: it seems there's another bug where slot-side auto-connection is just silly and needs re-thinking19:49
zyganiemeyer: and we now noticed19:49
pedroniszyga: when we connect from the slot side I suppose the question is not whether there just on matching plug, but whether there are no other snaps with a slot that would connect witht the same plugs as us19:50
zygapedronis: I think we may want to limit that to content if there's no connection19:50
zygapedronis: and nothing else maybe19:50
zygapedronis: (except core perhaps)19:50
zygapedronis: then re-think19:50
pedronisso just find candidate plugs19:51
pedronisand then reapply the logic from the other side19:51
pedronisand see if we are the winner19:51
pedronisanyway not a quick fix for 2.2419:52
zygayes, I think so too19:52
zygamvo: tell me what you want to do now19:52
pedronisit just seems that only network-bind plug has the problem we thought both had on core19:53
zygamvo: yes19:53
zygapedronis: yes19:53
niemeyerFolks, these conversations are much better held in the forum.19:54
niemeyerThe scroll will soon be over everybody's screens and those conversations will be lost.19:54
zyganiemeyer: agreed19:54
pedronisniemeyer: I understand but I don't see other solution that copying the result, thinking on the spot through the forum doesn't work for me19:55
niemeyerzyga: I don't know what "that holding" means, for related reasons19:55
mvozyga: what I want to do :) ? fold network-bind into core support, release 2.24 and fix all the other stuff in 2.25 - but I'm not sure that is feasible19:55
niemeyerpedronis: It's just a different window where you can type the same message. :)19:55
pedronisI suspect that is not so simple (there are empires built on that :) )19:56
pedronisanyway we don't even have a topic yet about *this* problem19:57
pedronisnot the other one19:57
niemeyerpedronis: Yeah, to be clear I'm mainly pointing out I see important conversations scrolling over19:57
niemeyerpedronis: We sort of do.. https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/duplicate-plug-slot-names-inside-the-core-snap/184/2219:58
pedronisthat's not this problem19:58
niemeyerpedronis: This is where we're discussing the problems related to network-bind and core-support19:58
pedronisis not about names of plug at alls this one19:58
ogra_thats rather a new topic ... about auto connection19:58
zygapedronis: 2017-04-10T21:57:11+02:00 INFO cannot auto connect {core network-bind-plug} (plug auto-connection), candidates found: "core:network-bind,ubuntu-core:network-bind"19:59
niemeyermvo: Do we understand the issue of why one works and the other doesn't by now?19:59
zygapedronis: 2017-04-10T21:57:11+02:00 INFO cannot auto connect {core network-bind} (slot auto-connection), candidates found: "core:network-bind-plug,test-snapd-python-webserver:network-bind"20:00
zygapedronis: so you were totally right20:00
pedronisniemeyer: yes20:00
zygamvo: ^20:00
zyganiemeyer: yes, I think we do20:00
stokachudid the ability to install from --edge disappear?20:00
* ogra_ does it ever day20:00
stokachusnap info conjure-up doesn't show the edge channel20:01
ogra_does the store UI show it in the edge channel ?20:01
ogra_thats weird20:01
pedroniszyga: do you want me to write something in the forum? or do you?20:01
zygapedronis: I'm writing20:02
pedronisI think a different topic would be better20:02
stokachui released this morning https://gist.github.com/battlemidget/f5670fe7450258c884eccdd309bdcdf320:02
pedronisespecially the general autoconnect from slots issue20:02
tvosspedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3130 is back to the ssh-keygen state20:02
mupPR snapd#3130: overlord/devicestate: switch to ssh-keygen for device key generation <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3130>20:02
tvosstyhicks: ^20:02
mvoniemeyer: the problem is understood now (thanks to pedronis!). the question is what we do. if we want to fix this all for 2.24 it will be at least tomorow, maybe even a day later20:02
mvoniemeyer: I guess thats ok, unless we have some obligations to release soon (jamiebennett may know)20:02
stokachuogra_: do you see my snap in the edge channel?20:03
zygapedronis: done20:03
ogra_stokachu, nope ...20:03
stokachuthat makes me sad20:03
niemeyermvo: Can we strive for tomorrow?  Today seems way too late given your timezones, and Wednesday feels too close to holidays20:03
zygapedronis: yes, I'll start a new topic for this but perhaps tomorrow20:03
mvoniemeyer: we can strieve for tomorrow, zyga, pedronis ?20:03
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/snapd$ snap info conjure-up|grep edge20:03
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/snapd$ snap info core|grep edge:20:03
ogra_  edge:      16-2 (1665) 83MB -20:03
ogra_stokachu, definitely not there20:04
stokachuso what's happening?20:04
mvoniemeyer: alternatively we can paper over it via just having core-support20:04
zygamvo: I think we can, even current solutions are sufficient20:04
ogra_stokachu, i guess you need a store person20:04
stokachuthe snap store shows revision 18520:04
ogra_with a green box ?20:04
mvoniemeyer: i.e. we could remove the network-bind plug from core, fold that into ore-support and we have a working transition agian and fix things for 2.2520:04
zygamvo: we can do the core-support trick but I don't think even that is mandatory now20:04
ogra_or just a thumbs up icon ?20:04
pedronismvo: as I said, I think the proper fix for slot autoconnect is more 2.25 material20:04
stokachunope it's published20:04
stokachuive been doing this awhile20:04
pedronismvo: the issue here is really mostly that core and ubuntu-core coexist for a bit20:05
zygamvo: but I'd love to discuss that tomorrow morning :)20:05
ogra_and if you go into the details of this revision it is also released to edge ?20:05
zygaI wonder if we can EOD now20:05
stokachuogra_: yep20:05
pedronismvo: auto-connect from slot is just an escape hatch that works for one but not the other (because core-support is only on core)20:05
* ogra_ heard others complaining that their channels didnt end up being set (never seen that myself)20:05
mupPR snapd#3165 opened: interfaces: adjust shm accesses to use 'm' for updated mmap kernel mediation <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3165>20:05
niemeyerpedronis, mvo: That sounds like it could be a problem even for core-support alon20:05
ogra_stokachu, well, then probably try nessita20:06
stokachunessita: hi20:06
pedronisniemeyer: well ubuntu-core doesn't have the plug (but could have)20:06
pedronisI mean the plug for core-support20:06
mvoniemeyer: core-support alone is fine because nothing else uses core-support currently except core. ubuntu-core does not use any plugs20:06
mvopedronis: -^20:06
pedronismvo: won't that change? or we build ubuntu-core differently? without hooks?20:07
mvopedronis: we build ubuntu-core without hooks and there is no plan (AIUI) to change that20:08
niemeyermvo: Okay.. for some reason gut feeling says we should understand and fix the issue with both network-bind and ubuntu-core, as we're close to it20:08
niemeyernetwork-bind and core-support..20:08
niemeyerIt feels like we're really close now20:08
zyganiemeyer: I think the issue that needs more coding now is the behavior of auto-connect for slots20:08
pedronisniemeyer: there are two issues20:08
pedronisis not one issue20:09
zyganiemeyer: (or both plgus and slots, but slots are more obviously wrong)20:09
pedronisthe 2nd issue make it so that we don't have lucky escape from the first20:09
stokachuwho else handles the snap store20:11
stokachui can't get edge to show up anymore20:11
mvostokachu: maybe noise][ can help you20:12
zygamvo: shall we regroup in the morning?20:13
stokachuwho can i email about this?20:15
pedronisniemeyer: this is the 2nd issue: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connect-logic-starting-from-slots-of-an-installed-refresh-snap-is-naive/23620:15
enoch85hey guys20:16
enoch85how do I import a snap from a .snap file?20:16
enoch85do I need to install snap first, and then put that file in a certain dir or something?20:16
niemeyerpedronis: Thanks, very clear20:17
mvozyga: yeah, I will follwoup in the forum20:17
niemeyerenoch85: snap install filename.snap20:17
niemeyerenoch85: The flag means you acknowledge the fact it's unsigned, unreviewed, and may do Bad Things20:17
zygamvo: ok20:18
zygaI replied to pedronis' post already20:18
zygalet's talk tomorrow, have a great evening everyone20:18
mvozyga: sleep well20:18
enoch85niemeyer: aah ok nice20:19
enoch85snap install /path-to/filename.snap ?20:19
stokachuniemeyer: will the discourse forum have ubuntusso or other authentication mechanisms?20:19
stokachulike github20:19
stokachurather use that then create another account20:20
ogra_enoch85, --dangerous ... else it will not install20:20
ogra_enoch85, but yeah, the rest is ccorrect20:20
enoch85ogra_: ok thanks20:20
ogra_stokachu, long term it will ... but not there yet20:21
enoch85ogra_: I get this: ZOE ERROR (from /usr/lib/snap/snap): zoeParseOptions: unknown option (--dangerou)20:21
enoch85ZOE library version 2013-02-1620:21
enoch85what's up?20:21
ogra_you missed an s ?20:21
enoch85root@daniel-pc:~# snap install /home/daniel/Desktop/nextcloud-client_continuous.gitb02dab3_amd64.snap --dangerous20:21
enoch85ZOE ERROR (from /usr/lib/snap/snap): zoeParseOptions: unknown option (--dangerous)20:21
enoch85ZOE library version 2013-02-1620:21
ogra_snap version ?20:22
ogra_(whats the output of that ?)20:22
enoch85tbh I'm on Debian20:22
enoch85did apt install snap20:22
enoch85snap version just gives me what I should wrote to get an output20:23
enoch85like a help sort of20:23
enoch85SNAP - Semi-HMM-based Nucleic Acid Parser (version 2006-07-28)20:23
enoch85might be helpful?20:23
ogra_apt purge snap ...20:23
ogra_apt install snapd20:23
ogra_snap is a media player ...20:24
enoch85ok sec20:24
ogra_you want snapd20:24
enoch85aah better20:24
enoch85that solved it20:24
enoch85now where is the snap?20:25
enoch85can't find it in my launcher20:25
enoch85(on Desktop)20:25
ogra_you might need to log out and back in again ... snapd puts an XDG_DATA_DIR entry in the Xorg start scripts to find the .desktop files ...20:26
enoch85ogra_: got it from here: https://github.com/nextcloud/client_theming/releases20:26
enoch85will try20:26
enoch85ogra_: yaay it worked20:27
enoch85now, if I want to update the snap, do I just download the new snap and type snap install again?20:28
enoch85or do I have to remove old stuff also?20:28
ogra_just snap install should be fine20:28
ogra_or better ask oparoz to upload it to the store ... then it would auto-update20:29
zyganiemeyer: just before I EOD, I updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3153 and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154 as suggested20:29
mupPR snapd#3153: interfaces: validate plug/slot uniqueness <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3153>20:29
mupPR snapd#3154: many: rename two core plugs that clash with slot names <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154>20:29
pedronisniemeyer: I think now the forums capture what we found here20:29
zyganiemeyer: if you +1 both we can have an easier morning20:29
enoch85ogra_: thanks :D20:29
ogra_np :)20:30
Pharaoh_Atemzyga, morphis: looks like all the tests failed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3162 :(20:31
mupPR snapd#3162: cmd: use libtool for the internal library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3162>20:31
morphisPharaoh_Atem: infrastructure issues ..20:31
morphisPharaoh_Atem: will retrigger tomorrow20:32
Pharaoh_Atembully :/20:32
zygamorphis: merge master and retry20:32
* zyga is off now20:32
enoch85wow snaps are great!20:33
enoch85like .exe for windows (sorry for the comparison ;) )20:33
enoch85or .msi maybe20:33
niemeyerenoch85: Haha, thanks, I guess! ;)20:33
Pharaoh_Atemenoch85: it's basically like self-contained zip thingies for Windows20:34
Pharaoh_Atemor the way apps are handled on MacOS20:34
enoch85great stuff20:34
enoch85once you go snap you never go back20:34
* Pharaoh_Atem sighs20:34
niemeyerzyga: They're both approved20:35
niemeyerenoch85: You can actually go back.. see "snap revert --help"20:35
* niemeyer ducks20:35
* Pharaoh_Atem knew that was coming20:36
* zyga hugs niemeyer20:36
zygajust returned to the office to feed the fish and turn lights off20:36
Pharaoh_Atemyou have an office?20:36
enoch85niemeyer: haha20:37
zyganiemeyer: given all the data now can you update your stance on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/314520:37
mupPR snapd#3145: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>20:37
zyganiemeyer: the needs fixing is 4 days old20:37
ogra_Pharaoh_Atem, i find more interesting that he has fish TBH20:39
ogra_**in* his office20:39
Pharaoh_Atemwell, I mean, yeah, that too :)20:39
zygaPharaoh_Atem: yes, it's a separate room upstaris20:39
zygaPharaoh_Atem: duplex appartment (is that the right term?)20:39
mvoniemeyer: I feel slightly uneasy if we go out with the current set of 2.24 fixes but not the fix for the autoconnect, then core interfaces will only connect because we fixup things in 3145 after the fact. i put an alterative fact^Widea into the forum. but its just my gut feeling, so happy to be overriden20:39
zygaPharaoh_Atem: essetially small part of attic20:40
ogra_maisonette :)20:40
mvoniemeyer: (hope there is enough context in the above)20:40
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: it's a duplex place if it has its own AC, bathroom, and kitchen area20:40
Pharaoh_Atemif it lacks that, then it's just a multi-level apartment20:40
zygaPharaoh_Atem: no, just window :)20:41
zygaPharaoh_Atem: and the door is downstairs20:41
zygaPharaoh_Atem: just 2nd level with attic and roofless terrace20:41
nessitastokachu, hi20:42
nessitastokachu, how can I help you?20:42
niemeyerzyga: isn't the statement there still true?20:42
niemeyerzyga: Actually, the conversation today20:43
niemeyerzyga: We discussed it here rather than in the PR.. I'll update the PR as I should have done originally, sorry20:43
niemeyermvo: Looking20:43
zyganiemeyer: thank you! that's all I need20:44
* pedronis should call it a day20:46
=== Sergio_ is now known as Guest18132
* tvoss calls it a day20:55
niemeyerzyga: Updated #3145 with a summary of what we discussed about it here20:55
niemeyermvo: Replied in the forum20:55
niemeyertvoss: Have a good night20:55
tvossniemeyer: would be great if you could follow up on tyhick's question here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/313020:56
mupPR snapd#3130: overlord/devicestate: switch to ssh-keygen for device key generation <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3130>20:56
tvossniemeyer: would like to pick up tomorrow my morning20:56
mvoniemeyer: thanks a lot ! I will catchup with zyga and pedronis in the european morning and prepare something. thanks again! and a huge HUG to zyga and pedronis for getting to the bottom of this20:58
pedronismvo: zyga: I just noticed that if we fix slot-driven autoconnect correctly the bug is there, we have a plug and two slots we cannot autoconnect20:59
pedronisso we really need to special case this (core and ubuntu-core both around) somehow, at some point20:59
pedronisslot-driven autoconnect is quite buggy, and core-support works out because of the bug21:00
zygapedronis: yes, I saw; is that fixed with the special hack that ignores the "ubuntu-core" candidate or should I EOD, am tired, and don't understand that correctly?21:01
mupPR snapd#3166 opened: interfaces/builtin: fold network-bind into core-support <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3166>21:01
pedroniszyga: we need something like that, exactly how and where not sure, I fear we get things double connected for a bit that way?21:02
pedronisis that a problem?21:02
zygapedronis: same plug to same slot?21:02
zygapedronis: no, that's a no-op21:02
zygapedronis: (and also not an error)21:03
zygamvo: fold idea in PR above, no tests, let's discuss this tomorrow :)21:03
* zyga really tries to get away now21:03
mupPR snapcraft#1229 closed: sources: add VCS asset tracking <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1229>21:03
mvozyga: \o/ I can work on this further in my morning and we catch up21:03
pedronismvo: the fold will help us only until we fix autoconnect :/21:04
mvozyga: *go away*21:04
pedronisso not sure it's a winner21:04
mvopedronis: yes, but I think thats ok21:04
mvopedronis: well, maybe21:04
mvopedronis: I am bit concerned that 2.24 slips even further if we try to fix all the bugs and we are also in a bit of a rush because the 2.24 is sitting on our shoulders which is also not great. I'm trying to find something minimal we can do to move us forward21:05
mvopedronis: *but* having said that, if the minimal fix/workaround is no good, we need to bite the bullet I think :/21:06
pedronismy worry is that we do a strange things and then things are broken again21:06
mvopedronis: your input is very important here, if you think its not the right approach I think we need to reconsider21:06
pedronisas I said I don't think we need to fix autoconnect now fully21:06
pedronisbut we should not also do something that is broken again21:07
pedronisonce we do that I think :/21:07
mvopedronis: well, we will have a test that ensures we don't break things accidently21:07
mvopedronis: the ubuntu-core -> core transition one will have the new check that core-support is connected21:07
mvopedronis: but if we go down the other route and not fold things, we still need to do something with auto-connect, no?21:08
pedroniswhat I'm saying is that we will need some form of #3145 at some point anyway21:08
mvopedronis: or do you think the 3145 workaorund is good enough? it21:08
mvopedronis: aha, ok21:08
mvopedronis: we would probably only need this part https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145/files#diff-b88a3954d898e0a8ab681d98f1407a0fR332 though?21:09
mupPR snapd#3145: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>21:09
pedronismvo: because as I said during the transition we have two slots21:09
pedronisso autoconnect wouldn't work unless we break the tie somehow21:09
mvopedronis: what I dislike about 3145 is that we go into a buggy state and then fixup things21:09
pedronismvo: first of all I'm not sure we need the fixup bit21:10
mvopedronis: this fixup we will need to keep forever but if we fold network-bind into core-support I think we can get away without a fixup21:10
mvopedronis: hm, thats interessting21:10
pedronismvo: we do setup profile with the new core no21:10
pedronisbefore running the hook21:10
pedronismvo: so autoconnect itself at that point should fix things if we convince to do the right thing21:12
mvopedronis: aha, but not with 3145 as it is now, right?21:12
mvopedronis: some more code is needed for that21:12
pedronismvo: probably less code21:12
mvopedronis: less code is good :)21:12
pedronisas I said we don't need the fixup21:13
mvopedronis: won't we  need it for systems who are already in this state(?)21:13
pedronismvo: I think the question is really what do in autoConnect21:13
pedronismvo: well, they can be fixed only with a new core, no?21:13
pedronisand the new core will run setup-profiles for itself?21:13
mvopedronis: oh, indeed21:13
mvopedronis: yes, that should work!21:14
niemeyerSchool run21:21
pedronismvo: I put some comments about what we discussed in #3145 itself, we should see what to do with it in morning, maybe it can be just cut down to the barebones21:25
mvopedronis: thanks a lot! yeah, lets catchup in the morning21:25
mvopedronis: I have to say https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/33 and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3166#pullrequestreview-31963086 look really compelling to me as a way out…21:26
mupPR core#33: the core snap only needs core-support  (not network-bind) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/33>21:26
mupPR snapd#3166: interfaces/builtin: fold network-bind into core-support <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3166>21:26
mupPR core#33 opened: the core snap only needs core-support  (not network-bind) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/33>21:26
mvopedronis: for now at least. but I am sleepy now so I guess I tend to gravitate to the simple solution even more so than usually :)21:26
mvopedronis: but indeed, we need to fix the auto-connect code in any case at some point21:27
pedronismvo: well, as I said it will broken again once we fix stuff21:27
mvopedronis: indeed21:27
pedronisso unless we think is the right thing in some sense, it's not a super win21:28
mvopedronis: lets talk in the morning, thanks again for all these insights :)21:28
mvopedronis: fair point21:28
pedronismvo: I can see argument that would make it make sense, but anyway tomorrow21:29
mvopedronis: that would make sense to use the "cheap" workaround you mean?21:30
mupPR snapd#3161 closed: snap-confine,browser-support: /dev/tty for snap-confine, misc browser-support for gnome-shell <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3161>21:31
jdstrandmvo: hey, not sure if you want to pull that ^ into 2.2421:31
mvojdstrand: absolutely21:31
jdstrandmvo: cool, thanks21:31
mvopedronis: I'm off now, more tomorrow. /me waves21:37
mupPR snapd#3154 closed: many: rename two core plugs that clash with slot names <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3154>22:08
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