
=== pooped-out is now known as PlasmaStar
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flushhow do i change theme ?00:37
peepsalotdo package names always use lowercase letters?00:40
yeatspeepsalot: yes, sometimes separated by dashes00:41
Sparrow_How to find packages in terminal.  https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/175300:43
theToolmanSparrow_: apt-cache search <package>00:44
Sparrow_Not knowing the exact name of a package can have people scratching heads00:45
theToolmanif you know whats in it, you can search it with the keyword00:45
theToolmanex: named comes with bind900:45
theToolmanapt-cache search named will tell you that00:45
theToolmanwow cool i just made my own irc server!00:46
theToolmannever thought i needed one though00:46
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shaun__my namea borat01:17
theToolmani love my macs01:18
shaun__linux is pretty cool01:18
theToolmanthat it is01:18
shaun__linux + mac == god01:18
theToolmanmary jane = god01:19
shaun__i don't do that stuff01:19
shaun__not since...01:19
shaun__the accident01:19
theToolmansucks to be you01:19
kk4ewtshame you have to pay so much for broadcom hardware01:19
kk4ewtno Apple01:20
theToolmanoh yeah01:20
theToolmanbut their implementation is what makes it worth the high price01:20
shaun__yeah their laptops are pretty nice01:20
theToolmanat least with the 2010-2013 macbook pros01:20
shaun__i would never get a desktop from them though01:20
theToolmani have servers and high performace desktops01:21
theToolmani wish apple would fix their xquartz01:21
theToolmanthen i'd be extremely happy with my mbp01:21
shaun__until then, virtual box gets the job done01:22
theToolmanyes it does01:22
theToolmanwithc seamless mode, i have my 16.04 with terminator as an overlay01:23
theToolmanand that really does good for my x forwarding01:23
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
theToolmani need more monitors01:24
theToolman4 isn't enought01:24
=== Fleet_ is now known as Fleet
OverwhelmedHey guys I'm going a little crazy over here, anyone think they could lend me a hand with some advanced amd gpu setup?01:35
kampretwhat is discussed here,  ??01:40
krytarikOverwhelmed: You might want to share any details to incite involvement.01:40
bazhangubuntu support kampret01:41
Overwhelmedok how would I go about manually changing from the amdgpu driver the kernal is loading to amdgpu-pro that my rx 480 8gb tells me I'm supposed to be running?01:46
OverwhelmedWhats really annoying is sometimes I see the hardware/drivers in lshw and lspci but not always both or either01:47
OverwhelmedThis is a custom project, using a toshiba A505 mobo, with the gpu hooked up through the mpcie port via adapter01:48
mncedisianyone here01:57
mncedisi@grantwu how are u01:58
grantwuI'm... alright01:58
bazhangmncedisi, ubuntu support issue?01:58
grantwuThis is a support channel, not a general discussion channel01:58
LoRezgiven http://paste.ubuntu.com/24437704/  and in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules -> SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTR{idVendor}=="0403", ATTR{idProduct}=="6001", SYMLINK+="goodfet_$attr{serial}"02:00
LoRezWhy does udev refuse to do the thing?02:00
kampretwhat a channel for.discussion ???02:00
mncedisigiven is in here02:00
bazhang!ot | kampret mncedisi02:01
ubottukampret mncedisi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:01
mncedisi@bazhang yeah tryna install anydesk.deb on ubuntu 14.04 buggy02:02
bazhangmncedisi, where did you get that deb02:02
bazhangmncedisi, give us a link as to where02:02
mncedisilet me see ok02:03
bazhangmncedisi, so it's a third party deb from the web, not the ubuntu software sources02:03
jerichowasahoaxI looked at /etc/login.defs to change LOGIN_STRING and a comment told me I was looking in the wrong file. Where should I look instead?02:04
bazhangmncedisi, then contact them for support02:04
YankDownUnder"Anydesk" - basically, yet another "remote desktop" package. Ah. Yersh.02:05
mncedisidpkg -i anydesk.deb02:05
mncedisiis ok but cant connect to remote desktop02:05
bazhangmncedisi, then use the ubuntu supported packages02:06
bazhangmncedisi, if you want that 3rd party one, contact the makers for support02:06
=== masos is now known as Guest56950
xcyclistSo, I arrived home Friday night to find my sound did not work on my desktop Ubuntu.  I have now purchased three replacement speaker sets and they all don't work, but when I unplug speaker, I get sound directly from the box (not adequate quality of course).  What gives?02:38
xcyclistIs my sound aspect on the mother board now gone?  Did you guys deliver a bad device driver in a recent update?02:39
xcyclist(sorry, not "you guys" of course, but Canonical)02:41
xcyclistI have tried the green jack on  both the front and the back of the box.  Both worked before.02:41
grantwuYou get sound directly from the box?  What does that mean?02:42
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xcyclistWhen I unplug the speakers, the tower echos the sound, presumably from it's beep speaker.02:45
xcyclistIt has the quality of a mouse sized richard little with a cough.02:45
xcyclistSorry, Rich Little.02:47
xcyclistbut also the cough.02:47
grantwuI've never heard of the PC speaker doing that o.O02:48
grantwuThis sounds like a dumb question, but are you sure that somebody hasn't... plugged in another output device02:48
=== JeremyD is now known as SleePy
xcyclistNo, it's more likely I have three bad speaker sets.02:50
ledenixcyclist, try  'alsamixer; in terminal to see it is mute speakers02:50
w9qbjxcyclist: Have  you checked power, and cables on the speaker. And the speaker volume control?  Try tapping on the tip of the speaker's plug - do you get any sound - humm ?02:51
xcyclistNo I can mute and unmute speakers test with the beep speakerin the box, which again, works.02:51
Jordan_Uxcyclist: Test if you can use your speakers from an Ubuntu liveUSB.02:54
Bashing-omxcyclist: ninja'd ^^ !02:55
xcyclistGot it.  Thanks guys.  It WAS power and I AM tired.  You really helped me out and I'm glad I'm not this dumb on my day job.02:56
w9qbjBasic touble shooting - start at the most probable failure!02:57
io_elephantI trying to chmod permissions on a file (chmod o-w) and chmod executes without errors, but does change permission. i am using sudo. after doing strace i found this message "effective uid is not 0, is /usr/", 133 effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the "nosuid" option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?  <-- this seems to say that sudo is somehow not working,02:57
io_elephantbut it works perfect in any other situation02:58
xcyclistGood night.02:58
Ben64io_elephant: you mean "doesn't change" ?02:59
io_elephantyes, sorry03:00
Ben64which file03:00
Jordan_Uio_elephant: What is the exact command you're running? What is the output of "ls -l /path/to/file" before and after running chmod? What filesystem is this file on?03:01
io_elephantjust a regular openoffice file03:01
io_elephantthe exact command is: sudo chmod o-w myfile.odt03:02
io_elephant-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25430 Sep 6 2016 myfile.odt03:03
io_elephantafter running command same exact output of "ls -l "03:03
Ben64io_elephant: please put the output of the following commands into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the link here. mount; sudo whoami; ls -l `which sudo`03:05
Jordan_Uio_elephant: And what filesystem is this file stored on?03:05
io_elephantmount for that folder is: /dev/sdb on /home/myuser/data type fuseblk (rw, relatime, user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)03:05
io_elephantits a mounted usb03:06
Ben64still doesn't answer the filesystem question03:07
Ben64seems likely that it doesn't support permissions03:07
Jordan_Uio_elephant: So most likely ntfs or exfat which have different permissions schemes than GNU/Linux. (Though I would expect this particular problem more froexfat than ntfs).03:08
io_elephantwhats the command to see filesystem type?03:09
Jordan_Us/froexfat/from exfat/03:09
Jordan_Uio_elephant: sudo blkid03:09
io_elephantwow wtf.. lol03:10
io_elephantwhy did i format it as ntfs??03:10
balleyneMy living room computer which is basically always along dropped into failsafe graphics mode a few days ago, and I'm lost trying to troubleshoot it03:10
balleynealways on*03:10
io_elephanti guess probably because i need windows to real from this drive03:10
Jordan_Uio_elephant: Also, in the future, it's best to write filesystems to partitions rather than writing them to the whole drive.03:11
banalize7Hi, I want to retrieve a wifi password that is stored in the memory of my machine. I don't remember the wifi password but my computer does because it logs into the network automatically every time I am in range. How do I retrieve it?03:11
PipeItToDevNullbanalize7, networkmanager will display it, just edit the connection03:11
io_elephantJordan_U: even if i am going to need only one partition?03:11
Jordan_Ubanalize7: Use the Gnome Keyring manager, "seahorse".03:12
raubQuestion about the supervisor package: I have a program that seems to expect a /etc/supervisord.conf.d directory, but when I looked at http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/all/supervisor/filelist I do not see it being listed. Am I missing something?03:12
Jordan_Uio_elephant: Yes. Having a partition table protects your data, allows you more flexability if you want to ever add more partitions in the future, and allows you to make a more reliable BIOS based boot if you ever want the drive to be bootable.03:13
banalize7PipeItToDevNull, hmmm... just edit the connection? what do you mean?03:13
Bashing-omballeyne: What does ' sudo lshw -C ' say about a graphic's driver ?03:13
banalize7Jordan_U, is this built into the Default Ubuntu?03:14
Jordan_Uio_elephant: There is zero performance decrease from having a partition table, and I doubt you'll ever notice the 1 MiB of data you're not able to use for the filesystem.03:14
Bashing-omballeyne: make that ' sudo lshw -C display ' :)03:14
PipeItToDevNullbanalize7, If I right click the applet > Edit Connections > Edit > Wifi Security > Tick box to show password03:14
Jordan_Ubanalize7: Yes.03:15
banalize7Thank you03:15
banalize7That helps03:15
balleyneBashing-om, "product: Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics" and below "configuration: driver=i915 latency=0"03:15
io_elephantJordan_U: yeah you are right, it makes sense03:16
balleyneBashing-om, weird this is that there was no hardware change (unless something failed), it'd be working fine for months...03:16
io_elephantJordan_U: so is NTFS my only option if i want to use the same fs on windows and linux?03:16
io_elephantbasically i boot up windows in VirtualBox and share a folder from this mounted usb03:18
Bashing-omballeyne: updates broke a proprietary driver ? = presently we just do not know . could be LOT's of things . no driver is likely .03:18
balleyneBashing-om, any idea how I figure out what driver I'm supposed to be using? `lspci | grep VGA` gives "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09)" and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling xserver-xorg-video-intel with no luck, but I'm not even sure if that's the right driver...03:21
balleyneactually, looks like it's supposed to be a free driver: https://h-node.org/videocards/view/en/1616/Intel-Corporation-Broadwell-U-Integrated-Graphics--rev-09-03:22
Bashing-omballeyne: Intel's driver is included in the kernel .. best left for 96% of the use cases . And no, I have no Intel experience . sorry .03:23
balleyneBashing-om, thanks anyways :)03:25
ouroumov_balleyne, if you run "inxi -G" does it says driver used is "modesetting"?03:26
Bashing-omballeyne: :) I have no Intel sustems so can not relate well .03:31
balleyneouroumov_, balleyne@terry:~$ inxi -G03:32
balleyneGraphics:  Card: Intel Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics03:32
balleyne           Display Server: N/A drivers: (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) tty size: 140x36 Advanced Data: N/A out of X03:32
ouroumov_balleyne, can you run: modprobe i91503:43
semitoneshey what's the screen shortcut to make a new window? ctrl-a something?03:43
krytariksemitones: Its manpage tells me Ctrl+a → c (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/en/man1/screen.1.html#contenttoc5)03:48
semitonesthanks that's the one! I should man it next time03:48
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balleyneouroumov_, okay, ran the command, no output. Rebooted the machine. same problem, same `inxi -G` output =03:53
selsperhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2359140 still trying to get this fixxed, no idea what the issue is :(03:54
tuxprHi all!04:10
CyberTexHello internet, I'm trying to set a shortcut to Alt+Shift in Ubuntu 17.04, but it ain't registering it.04:12
CyberTexCan I edit that manually using gedit or somethin?04:13
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democan i install android studio on ubuntu mate ??04:21
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ubuntuappmanIs it okay to ask app development questions here?04:37
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semitonesso tcpdump...05:04
semitonesif iptables was blocking stuff, would tcpdump show that as a packet dropped by kernel?05:04
kbobsemitones: no, tcpdump stand before the firewall but you can read the firewall log05:16
semitonesthanks kbob!05:16
omeniusI'm looking for a way to backup my os+users. Is there a solution to make (installable and why not live) .iso including all files, but only taking the space that the files need instead of the size of the whole filesystem (90% empty)?05:18
omeniusI tried with tool called PinguyBuilder, but it does not like to copy my files because of the .ISO image would be huge05:19
Zennhi guys is it recommended for a windows user to switch over to Ubuntu.05:27
mattpalermoGenerally I think it is a pretty friendly choice. What do you use your computer for?05:28
Jordan_UZenn: That depends entirely on the user, what they use the computer for, etc.05:28
Zennmovies, programming in java (IntelliJ), chatting, surffing the net, music05:28
mattpalermoZenn: I think you'll be able to do all of that. I will take some adjusting, but you will get used to it. You may also come to appreciate some things, like the package manager.05:29
Jordan_UZenn: Those all sound like things that should go relatively well in Ubuntu. Playing copy protected BlueRay disks in Linux can be difficult sometimes though.05:30
Zennlol I mostly watch it on youtube05:30
mattpalermoSince youtube moved to HTML5 video, Youtube works perfectly.05:30
ZennI dont play any disks on my system that is so old school05:30
ZennIm sick of Windows tbh, my worries is virus and spyware and crap05:31
Jordan_UZenn: I would recommend that you give it a spin and see how you like it. You can try Ubuntu without even installing it. When you do install for the first time, it's almost certainly a good idea to dual boot (so that you can choose to either boot Ubuntu or Windows) so that while you're learning Ubuntu you can fall back to Windows if needed.05:32
ZennI dont need windows tbh, most of the stuff I do on Windows can be done on Ubuntu I guess.05:32
mattpalermoDual boot is a good idea. It does no harm and can be really helpful when someone asks you to do some horible task that requires windows.05:33
Jordan_UZenn: Still, you should start with a dual boot. When you're sure that you are comfortable being Ubuntu only you can erase Windows later.05:34
Zennbut I have shit tons of things to back up over windows05:34
Zennphotos most of the times.05:34
mattpalermoZenn: They should probably be already backed up multiple times. Consider grabbing a few 1TB harddrives and just backing up your precious photos.05:35
ZennI really sick of Windows, I keep reformatting it for months already05:36
Zennit is horrible man, went to the net yesterday it got infected with spyware.05:36
mattpalermoZenn: I feel your pain :) ... but I don't understand how people get viruses and spyware... you must be downloading some dodgy shit :P05:37
Zenntbh I never did. call it luck.05:37
Zennbelieve or not Im a computer programmer so I know my way around05:38
Zenn8gb and god knows what is eatting the machine up.05:39
edbordinDoes anyone know how develop a kernel patch without having to recompile the entire thing after every small change I make? I'm trying to test a patch for someone and it didn't work first shot, so I'm trying to be helpful and do some basic diagnostics myself with print statements.05:39
mattpalermoedbordin: I think generally you have to recompile the files that you changed. A system like Make should be smart enough to only recompile the bits that you changed.05:43
mattpalermoSorry I meant, should be smart enough to only recompile to *files* that you changed.05:43
edbordinmattpalermo: that was what I figured too, but after making a change and running the same build command I'm not seeing my log messages appearing. Currently waiting for a full rebuild to see if it was a build issue or if this bit of code doesn't execute05:45
=== Guest19398 is now known as juergh
alkisgHi, the anbox.io site says to execute `snap install --classic anbox-installer && anbox-installer`. I'm doing so in my 16.04 box and it says "anbox-installer: snap not found". How do snaps work, am I supposed to run something like `snap update` to fetch the newer package metadata?06:16
ducassealkisg: there is a systemd service that does that from time to time06:18
alkisgducasse: any ideas about why it says "snap not found" then? Maybe anbox.io assumes I'm running 17.04 or something?06:18
alkisgOr am I supposed to run something like `snap-add-repository`?06:18
ducassealkisg: does 'snap find .' list any other snaps?06:19
alkisg101 snaps06:19
ducassealkisg: what about 'snap find anbox'06:20
alkisgThe search "anbox" returned 0 snaps06:20
alkisg(Using Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2, btw - and ty :))06:20
alkisgIs there something similar to packages.ubuntu.com for snaps? Where I can see them online?06:21
ducassealkisg: ok, then i'm not sure, it finds it here. the snap index should be the same no matter which version you're on06:21
alkisgThanks, let me try in a VM...06:21
ducassealkisg: there is a service called snapd-refresh, try restarting that06:22
alkisg(also, I'm on i386, maybe they publish it only for amd64?)06:22
ducasseah, that might be a clue, yes.06:22
alkisgducasse: I don't have snapd-refresh06:22
alkisgWhat's the exact command or package that provides it?06:23
ducassesnapd.refresh, sorry06:23
alkisgCommand not found...06:23
alkisgAnd no suggestions to install a package for it06:24
ducassesudo systemctl restart snapd.refresh06:24
alkisgOK I have it in a 64bit VM06:24
alkisg(It's a Unity VM; but I'll be able to compare packages etc to pinpoint the issue)06:24
alkisgThank you!06:24
alkisg(snap find anbox there, actually finds it...)06:25
ducassenp, but the 32-bit thing is probably the explanation. if you restart the refresh service like above, just give it a few minutes to update so you know you're working with a fresh list.06:26
ducassealkisg: btw you can search for snaps here: https://uappexplorer.com/06:28
alkisgducasse: thanks, but it doesn't list anbox there...06:29
alkisgWhoops my bad06:29
alkisgDidn't see that the default search was for phones06:29
ducassealkisg: it does, but not for i38606:29
alkisghttps://uappexplorer.com/app/anbox-installer.morphis => Architectures: amd6406:29
ducassesooo... :-/06:29
alkisgEh, I'll install it in a 64bit VM :D06:30
alkisg...which runs inside my i386 box :P06:30
alkisgIt's fun though that installing a snap is "easy", and then it has a second, user-mode installer which adds PPAs and modifies files in /etc... :D06:31
mattpalermoalkisg: Does that even work? Running a 64bit VM on a i386 box...?06:32
alkisgmattpalermo: yes with vbox, no with qemu06:32
mattpalermoalkisg: I suppose vbox must support architecture emulation.06:33
alkisgmattpalermo: of course, the cpu is 64bit; it's just the OS that's 32bit06:33
alkisgThe speed feels native, it's not emulated code06:34
mattpalermoThat's cool.06:34
ducassealkisg: why run a 32-bit os on a 64-bit cpu, if you don't mind me asking?06:35
mattpalermoPerhaps trying to wring out performance for something like the jvm?06:35
alkisgducasse: I'm using LTSP very extensively, which means that I have a template desktop server, and I can netboot any number of clients using the same image/installation that the server has. So, in order to be able to netboot p4 I need i386 on the template server as well06:36
alkisgE.g. schools maintain one computer only, and then netboot the whole computer lab from it06:36
ducasseright. sounds sane enough :)06:37
auronandaceI seem to be disconnecting and reconnecting to irc every hour or so, this only started happening since I fresh installed 17.04. What might be the possible causes? I'm running weechat 1.7 from the repos. It appears to be due to high lag.06:42
mattpalermoHave you tried varying certain parts of your system? Perhaps trying a different IRC client?06:43
auronandacemattpalermo: thanks for the suggestion, I'll try out another client. Anything else comes to mind if the client isn't the cause?06:45
mattpalermoLook into your 'high lag' problem. Is your network connection ok?06:46
auronandacemattpalermo: has anything changed network related between 16.10 and 17.04? I never got any problems on 16.10 and my connection has always been stable.06:50
alkisgauronandace, you can also check syslog if it has "ifup/ifdown" messages (link is up, link is down etc)06:51
mattpalermoauronandace: I am not sure of the specifics but I assume things have changed. I have experienced a kernel regression that seems to be specific to my wifi adapter (it would drop out every 30 minutes if the router was using 802.11n).06:53
mattpalermoSorry, "kernel regression" is an assumption. I'm still waiting for confirmation on the bug report.06:54
auronandacealkisg: thanks for the tip. It appears my wifi is scanning quite often. I'm using the ethernet connection though. Perhaps it is trying to connect to another network and overriding my ethernet connection temporarily06:56
LibertyWeNeedI have a ThinkPad T460 running 16.04 LTS. The graphics are flickering. Does anyone know how to fix this?07:00
CryruHeey guys, can anyone help me find "Software & Updates" on Ubuntu 16.10?07:04
lotuspsychjeim looking for a package to scan dia's with a diascanner, any hints?07:05
=== mainuser is now known as scotty^
senapshi, sudo systemctl disable apache2 gives me insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) of script `apache2' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6).07:13
senapshi, sudo systemctl disable apache2 gives me insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) of script `apache2' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6).07:15
scotty^I was wondering why Ubuntu's libnss3 version no longer matches the one listed on the Mozilla security advisory site at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2017-10/ ?07:21
cyranoAre there any good screen recorders in Ubuntu?07:23
lotuspsychje!info kazam | cyrano07:23
ubottucyrano: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2 (zesty), package size 732 kB, installed size 1693 kB07:23
ducassescotty^: ubuntu backports security fixes from later versions07:26
juwonlonahi everyone pls i want to use irc n thunderbird but i cant view any existing channels07:26
scotty^ducasse: Thanks.  I thought so, but why isn't there any mention of that in the changelog?07:27
auronandacejuwonlona: you seemed to have joined here for 4 seconds from thunderbird07:27
ducassescotty^: no idea07:28
juwonlonaauronandace: wow, really!? pls is there an helpful guide to using irc07:31
auronandacejuwonlona: /join #freenode07:31
auronandacejuwonlona: the staff at #freenode can help you with irc usage07:32
scotty^on the subject of IRC, how do I get polari to display the list of nicknames in the channel I am in?07:32
juwonlonaauronanda: thank you very much07:35
auronandacejuwonlona: no problem07:35
trudkohi everyone, anyone having a problem where audio output is not automatically switch when headphones are plugged in / unplugged?  This has been happening to me at least from 14.0407:36
trudkoright now I am on 16.0407:36
kbobscotty^: I don't know polari but try /n07:40
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lastleoHello.. I am unable to control fans on Mac in Ubuntu 16.04 is there any GUI app or I have to work out via Terminal? Please help me07:46
HearmeHi, is this working?07:46
lastleoHello.. I am unable to control fans on Mac in Ubuntu 16.04 is there any GUI app or I have to work out via Terminal? Please help me07:48
lleweYou Need to install Macfantld http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man1/macfanctld.1.html07:49
lastleoThanks llewe07:51
LibertyWeNeedI have a ThinkPad T460 running 16.04 LTS. The graphics are flickering. Does anyone know how to fix this?07:59
lastleoI am on Mac and tried installing macfanctld but some error07:59
lastleoJob for i8kmon.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status i8kmon.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. invoke-rc.d: initscript i8kmon, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing package i8kutils (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing:  i8kutils E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error08:00
lastleoPlease help me08:01
ZennLibertyWeNeed, what gfx card do you use?08:01
lastleoI am on Mac and tried installing macfanctld but some error Job for i8kmon.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status i8kmon.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. invoke-rc.d: initscript i8kmon, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing package i8kutils (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processin08:02
llewewhat mac do you have , also try sudo apt-get install i8kutils08:03
LibertyWeNeedZenn, Intel HD Graphics 52008:03
Zennprobably get the latest gfx08:03
LibertyWeNeedZenn, can you please elaborate?08:04
lastleollewe MacbookPro 2012 Retina08:05
lastleollewe I tried but it shows erroe08:05
lastleollewe Setting up i8kutils (1.41) ... Job for i8kmon.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status i8kmon.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. invoke-rc.d: initscript i8kmon, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing package i8kutils (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing:  i8kutils E: Sub-pr08:07
lastleollewe this is the error on terminal08:07
llewelastleo check this link out and see if it help http://installion.co.uk/ubuntu/xenial/universe/m/macfanctld/install/index.html, i really dont no why u getting that error try doing a sudo apt-get update08:08
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lastleollewe ok08:09
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llewelastleo u need to remove sudo apt-get autoremove i8kutils coz thats for dell laptops only08:10
lastleollewe ok08:11
llewelastleo gtg if u  still  need help send me a message on my youtube channel google  (llewe reviews)08:14
ikoniaor just ask the channel08:14
ikoniarather than advertising youtube channels08:14
lastleollewe cool08:14
LibertyWeNeedZenn, Can you please elaborate what you mean?08:18
ikoniazenn has left the channel08:19
didactok, I lost power and everything seemed normal, I restarted, and tried to login to ubuntu 16.04 and it'sjust at the GUI08:24
jemarkdidact: can you do Alt+F1 ?08:25
jemarkdidact: I mean Ctrl+Alt+F108:25
ikoniawhat doe "at the gui" mean08:25
TTNhi all, I've just bought a wifi pcie card that I have just installed into my new ryzen computer. It is supposed to be well supported by linux (8265NGW chipset) (card is gigabyte GC-WB867D-I). It is not working or showing up under lspci. I'm confused as to what to check next. I've googled all I can for answers but I'm stuck.08:26
ikoniaTTN: pastebin the output of lspci please08:26
TTNI've also reseated the card, and also tried setting the pcie gen in the bios to: auto, gen 1, gen 2, gen 3, same results, no go or show on lspci.08:27
TTNikonia: sure.08:27
LibertyWeNeedikonia, ok. are you able to help me then?08:27
ikoniaLibertyWeNeed: just ask the channel08:28
LibertyWeNeedI have a ThinkPad T460 running 16.04 LTS. The graphics are flickering. Does anyone know how to fix this?08:28
LibertyWeNeedThe graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 52008:28
ikoniaLibertyWeNeed: i am on a t460s right now, no problem at all08:29
lastleollewe u thr?08:29
didactI restarted and the gui came up at log on08:29
ikoniadiskin: do you mean the login gui08:29
bloufhi, 17.04 is out, is there major issue like wifi, shared folder encountred or is it clean ?08:29
TTNikonia: https://pastebin.com/e9XK9wur sorry took a few moments to get on irc on my other pc.08:29
didactidk what the cntrl alt f7 screen means08:30
didactis that the gui logon screen ?08:30
TAFBcan someone help me make an rsync loop that keeps a directory fully updated?08:31
TTNTAFB: make a shell script to do the sync. Then add it as a cron job.08:32
TTNeach of those has excellent guides on google as to how to do it. I'd have to read it up myself to explain more xD08:32
TAFBthe remote directory will keep having files added (HLS chuncks) and updating the index.m3u8 of course, but don't want it to re-download all the existing .ts chuncks08:32
TAFBcan't use watch?08:33
TTNwatch would work well too. Actually thats probably better.08:34
TTNikonia: any ideas or leads perhaps? \08:34
TAFByou good with rsync? how do I save the password?08:42
ikoniaTTN: sorry, I had to step away for a moment08:44
TTN:-) no worries08:45
ikoniaTTN: so you have a realtek wired ethernet and an intel wired ethernet in the machine ?08:45
TTNI do know I have realtek wired ethernet. There is only one ethernet adapter (motherboard one)08:45
TTNperhaps the intel one is the wifi adapter then?08:45
ikoniaTTN: yes, I suspect this is the case that the gigabyte card is just a rebadged intel08:46
ikoniawhich would explain why you think it's very well supported as the intel cards are08:46
TTNso thats just the ethernet showing up. Still no sign of the wifi card I guess?08:47
TTNI'm starting to wonder if I got a DOA wifi card, or perhaps its a ryzen/bios issue08:47
ikoniano sign where ?08:48
ikoniawhere are you looking ?08:48
TTNlspci output.08:48
ikoniaTTN: ??? you've just said that the intel card is probably the wifi08:48
TTNI did, but you said that the realtek one is probably an intel one relabled as realtek, so I thought both are the ethernet one08:48
ikoniano I didn't08:49
ikoniaI said the realtek one is your intel card08:49
ikoniaand the gigabyte wifi you said you bought is probably just a rebadged intel08:49
TTNI see.08:50
wludiHi Where I can speak about installin' issue?08:51
ikoniawludi: just ask the question08:58
wludi I tried install a ubuntu but after whole process of installation my cpu stuck on x[sec] I run installation with nomodeset, but it's stuck. I tried install version16.04, and 17.04. I have Laptop Inspiron 7559 with dual disc (ssd and hdd)08:58
ikoniayour cpu stuck08:59
ikoniahow do you know your cpu is stick08:59
wludihow can i solve this issue?08:59
ikoniahow do you know your cpu is stuck08:59
wludiafter installation when present "remove installation disc" and whole process of installation go to shut down there is a information "cpu0 stuck"09:00
darkeyikonia elky good idea but not for me k-line glined in my bg network to data base sam ok but i am hear :)09:00
ikoniadarkey: nothing to do with me09:00
demoheeeeelp ... want to install virtualbox 4.3 in ubuntu 17.0409:02
ikoniademo: just use the virtualbox package provided by ubuntu and it does it all for you09:02
demoi dont want to install 5.1809:05
FManTropyxI am having a problem09:05
demoi downloaded the 4.3.38 deb file09:05
ikoniademo: don't do that09:05
ikoniademo: use the version that ubuntu ships and support09:05
LibertyWeNeeddemo, do you have synaptic installed?09:06
demoyes i have09:06
ikoniasynaptic is pretty obsolete09:06
woodlandassociatif you want to really use the older deb file just install it using gdebi09:06
lamercheelky {}09:06
ikoniademo: open the package manager, search for virtual box and use the package that ubuntu provides and supports09:06
demoi want 4.3.38 for a reason ..09:06
ikoniademo: what reason09:07
LibertyWeNeeddemo, have you run "sudo dpkg -i (drag the deb file here)" ?09:07
LibertyWeNeeddemo, then check if there are any broken packages in the synaptic package manager09:07
ikoniademo: what is the reason you need that specific version09:07
ikoniaLibertyWeNeed: please stop helping - you're giving bad info09:07
demoEror. Dependency is not satisfiable: libpng12-0(>=1.2.13-4)09:08
ikoniademo: why do you want to use that specific version09:08
ikoniademo: why do you not want to use the version ubuntu ships and supports09:08
demoi want to boot into mac os in virtualbox09:08
FManTropyxthe manual page for gettimeofday indicates definition in time.h, but it does not seem to be and furthermore, the timezone structure is not defined in it, so where could I find it?09:08
ikoniademo: use the version ubuntu ships then09:09
ikoniademo: but be aware of the license around using mac OS in a VM09:09
FManTropyxI guess I could just copy them from the man page09:09
LibertyWeNeedikonia, I am not. Just helping them get the older version working.09:09
ikoniaLibertyWeNeed: no you are not09:09
demovirtualbox 5.18 gives error09:09
ikoniademo: ok - so talking to the vbox support guys can help you work through that09:09
FManTropyx"please stop helping" :D09:09
ikoniademo: the answer is to fix the problem, not try to make more problems09:09
demoLibertyWeNeed, will installing older package break my computer ?09:10
ikoniademo: it will cause you package conflicts as the packages you need will not be available from the ubuntu repos09:10
LibertyWeNeeddemo, it won't break your computer.09:11
ikoniaLibertyWeNeed: please stop09:11
ikoniaLibertyWeNeed: you are giving bad information09:11
demoLibertyWeNeed, how can i install libpng12-0 ??09:12
ikoniademo: work through the problem with the version that ubuntu ships,09:13
TAFBsometimes when running rsync it sits on "receiving incremental file list" forever, is there a way I can make a timeout for getting the file list?09:21
ikoniaas it will take all the time it needs to build a delta list09:21
TAFBbut if I ctrl-c it and run the command again it gets the file list instantly09:22
TAFBso it's getting a timeout or something but just sitting there09:22
ikoniaTAFB: probably the remote server being slow09:23
TAFByep, under very heavy load09:23
TAFBbut I need this bullet proof :(09:23
TAFB"if file list not received in 5 seconds kill and restart"09:23
TAFBor something09:23
ikoniaTAFB: use the --timeout option09:23
TAFBsweet, I'll give it a go09:24
scotty^firefox 5309:24
ikoniaTAFB: maybe try "man rsync"09:24
ikoniaget the details and understand what that setting does09:25
TAFBhmmm,  rsync --timeout=5 -as -P 'root@ doesn't seem to fix the receiving incremental file list problem, maybe it's just trickling down the data or something :(09:26
blackflowTAFB: is that over ssh?09:28
ikoniaTAFB: did you read what it does09:28
TAFBi think so09:28
ikoniaok - what do you think it does09:28
TTNok, so more research: The card is detected. Its simply not working atm with 14.04. 16.04 doesn't support it but 16.10 does out of the box.09:33
inflexAny way to get the 4.10.12 kernel for 17.04 already?  4.10.0-19 is giving me hell09:34
scotty^inflex: you can get that kernel from the mainline kernel ppa at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/09:39
scotty^Instructions on how to install and uninstall it are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:40
TTNnow, the question is how to backport the feature into 14.04 xD I don't really want to go to 16.10 :P09:40
MonkeyDustis 16.10 still supported, even?09:42
MonkeyDustok, it is... sounds like you found a !bug, then09:43
MonkeyDustit isnt*09:44
MonkeyDusti'm confused09:44
FManTropyx"Standard Ubuntu releases are supported for 9 months"09:45
FManTropyxso, until July09:45
FManTropyxhere is a nice graph: https://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life (scroll down a bit)09:46
faugusztinFManTropyx: that or wikipedia table https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#Releases09:47
faugusztinFManTropyx: or even better, for all releases ever https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_version_history#Version_timeline :P09:48
faugusztinwith a nice blue line marking "now" :P09:48
FManTropyxnow I am starting to feel that I am being mocked09:49
faugusztinmocked ? no09:49
FManTropyxWikipedia has lots of nice diagrams :)09:50
faugusztinbtw, while i am here - is there a good guide how to build custom kernel modules on a secure boot enabled system ? sadly on my ASUS PRIME X370 PRO i am unable to disable secure boot, and it seems like i need to sign it with my own keys and put them in UEFI key storage somehow ?09:51
inflexthankyou scotty^ that's the link I was looking for (had used it before)09:52
FManTropyxI have have 2 packages (0.3%) that can not/no-longer be downloaded!!!09:53
FManTropyxI have an unsupported package 'eatmydata'09:54
FManTropyxhmm, why does ubuntu-support-status tell me that, for example 'bsdgames' in not supported?09:56
FManTropyx"You have 769 packages (25.2%) that are unsupported"09:57
MonkeyDustFManTropyx  there's also    vrms (virtual richard m stallman)09:59
bazhang!info bsdgames | FManTropyx10:02
ubottuFManTropyx: bsdgames (source: bsdgames): collection of classic textual unix games. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.17-25 (zesty), package size 883 kB, installed size 2343 kB10:02
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu is this FManTropyx10:02
FManTropyxyeah, it is weird that is shows as "unsupported" for me10:02
FManTropyxUbuntu 16.04.2 LTS10:03
bazhangFManTropyx, have you done apt update and apt upgrade since the initial install10:03
FManTropyxseveral times10:04
bazhangFManTropyx, what does apt-cache search bsdgames show10:04
FManTropyxI dunno, but show bsdgames displayed it fine10:04
bazhangFManTropyx, give us a pastebin of uname -a   lsb_release -a and your sources.list to ubuntu pastebin10:05
bazhang!paste | FManTropyx10:05
ubottuFManTropyx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:05
FManTropyxinterestingly, I get same results on both of my Ubuntu systems10:07
bazhangFManTropyx, we need that pastebin10:07
bazhangFManTropyx, to troubleshoot, it's a very regular step10:08
FManTropyxI'll get back to you on that... where is the source list?10:08
bazhang /etc/apt/sources.list10:08
dbuggerHello everyone10:10
cfhowlettdbugger, greetings.  ask your ubuntu question.10:12
dbuggercfhowlett, my question changed as I was typing it :) now im not even sure it belongs in this channel..10:12
cfhowlettdbugger, ask away if ubuntu support.10:13
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cfhowlettroot, greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions10:13
dbuggercfhowlett, I will do, when I can phrase it properly. thanks!10:13
Guest27113i am a new to all this i am using WSL ON WINDOWS 1010:14
Guest27113HOW DO I use the gui apps10:15
bazhang!ubuwin | Guest2711310:15
ubottuGuest27113: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.10:15
faugusztinGuest27113: and short answer is - you do not (AFAIK)10:15
hmz365Why does the kernel have to add a parameter CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD=y, and why can't you force deletion of the modules that are already in use?10:16
bazhang#ubuntu-on-windows Guest27113 for that10:16
cfhowlett!ubuwin | Guest27113,10:16
ubottuGuest27113,: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.10:16
FManTropyxbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24439722/10:25
FManTropyxhow long is that paste valid? made with the pastebinit cmd10:26
Herbalistwhat could be a reason for Microsoft to do that ?10:26
FManTropyxare you the YouTube star?10:27
inflexHerbalist, to lure fresh linux developers over to the ecosystem of Windows10:27
Herbalistahhhh very smart10:27
Herbalistsneaky even10:27
inflexit works; they figure that a lot of younger ppl will start with linux coding, but then get lured in by the nice IDEs and such, and then leave behind linux10:28
bazhangFManTropyx, whats the exact error you get when you apt install bsdgames10:28
inflexesp with the prevalence of arduino / AVR stuff being quite heavy on the linux dev focus side10:28
bazhanginflex, Herbalist #ubuntu-offtopic for this10:29
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Herbalisthmm i hope they're wrong in that expectation10:29
FManTropyxI have installed it successfully some time ago10:29
Herbalistbazhang.. ok10:29
inflextx np bazhang .  I'm back to work anyhow, tx for the kernel advice scotty^10:29
bazhangFManTropyx, what is the 'not supported ' from10:29
FManTropyxrunning the 'ubuntu-support-status'10:30
Herbalistalas .. i need to be registered in order to join #ubuntu-offtopic10:32
rizonowhen attempting this: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/automatic-updates.html10:33
rizonohow should my `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades` file look?10:33
MrElendigshould run your own repo when using automatic updates, and only push packages to said repo after you have tested them10:54
bazhangubuntu on windows scotty^10:56
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SafiyyahHi, I need help recovering a encrypted home drive, Yes I have the passcode, I am on Ubuntu MATE live USB11:29
ouroumov_Safiyyah, try ecryptfs-recover-private /home/you/.Private11:33
ouroumov_Safiyyah, actually adapt the path since you're live booting11:34
ActarusZXwhat you guys think of Elementary Appcenter and making donations easier to opensource app contributors?11:35
MonkeyDustActarusZX  elementary is not supported here11:36
MonkeyDustActarusZX  and no polls here11:37
cfhowlettActarusZX, elementary is not an ubuntu distro, not supported here.  do what you will and see elementary for support options11:37
ActarusZXSure, sorry, I was asking for opinion11:38
cfhowlett!elementary | ActarusZX11:38
ubottuActarusZX: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.11:38
rizonzwhat is the best way to check the package name when you build your own deb using mh-perl-make ?11:45
Safiyyahouroumov_, it was successful but when I opened the tmp file is just has the readme txt file and access your private data, so am still not in11:46
tomreynSafiyyah: so /tmp/ecryptfs.e8JVVUL3/ just contains the README file?11:50
tomreynhmm i guess that's unexecpted. maybe run "ecryptfs-recover-private /tmp/ecryptfs.e8JVVUL3/" then11:52
tomreynactually "ecryptfs-recover-private /tmp/ecryptfs.e8JVVUL3"11:52
tomreynSafiyyah: which ubuntu release are you on, is it all patched?11:54
Safiyyahi am on ubuntu MAte live USB but the SSD is on Xubuntu11:55
tomreynrelease versions?11:55
Safiyyahthgat last one from 201611:55
Safiyyahlet me find it11:55
Safiyyahi only do lts versions11:56
tomreynsounds like this oooold bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/102853211:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028532 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs-recover-private mounts in /tmp but does not decrypt" [Low,Fix released]11:56
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tomreynthis bug also suggests that the "Success!" report can be incorrect, and you may have typed the wrong passphrase11:57
dishantguptacan i recover my old windows installation data11:57
Safiyyahshall intall ecryptfs utils are re-try11:58
dishantguptaafter i have successfully installed ubuntu11:58
dishantguptait has done the repartitioning11:58
dishantguptaof disks11:58
tomreyndishantgupta: are you saying that after installing ubuntu side by side with windows, botting into windows is no lopnger possible?11:59
cfhowlettdishantgupta, possibly.11:59
Safiyyahactually it is already installed.... does this mean there is no solution to this bug?11:59
tomreyndishantgupta: or are you asking how to access the data stored on windows / ntfs partitions from ubuntu?12:00
dishantguptatomreyn: there's no dual booting, earlier i was using windows, and now i ahve installed ubuntu12:00
dishantguptai think i missed the option to reconfigure the partitition and the setup has itself repartitioned everything into default partitions12:01
dishantguptacan i get my old windows data back ?12:01
cfhowlettdishantgupta, but you backed up your data before installing ubuntu.  right?12:01
MonkeyDustdishantgupta  did you backup first?12:01
dishantguptanope, no backup!12:02
tomreynSafiyyah: the bug where it does not show an error message when you entered the wrong passphrase is fixed by ecryptfs-utils version 104-0ubuntu1, released on 2014-03-1512:02
dishantguptait wouldn't be a problem if i had a backup, right!?12:02
Safiyyahtomreyn, I am on Xubuntu 16.0412:03
Safiyyahon the SSD12:03
dishantguptatomreyn, cfhowlett, monkeydust!?12:04
MonkeyDustdishantgupta  true, with a backup, you're safe12:04
tomreyndishantgupta: based on what you toild us, the way you chose to install ubuntu will have ensured that your previous ntfs file systems were at least partially overwritten. you can seek the services of a data recovery service to attempt to recover any remaining data, if any.12:05
cfhowlettdishantgupta, you *might* be able to recover, but generally speaking, if data isn't important enough to backup, it's not important at all. return after your ubuntu completes installation and we'll see.12:05
dishantguptathanks men!12:06
dishantguptaalso, have you guys tried any data recovery service in the past12:06
dishantguptathat you can recommend12:06
tomreynnot i, i try to have everything backed up (I also learnt from a previous mistake there).12:07
dishantguptatrue. thanks tomreyn!12:08
MonkeyDusti have a separate /home *and* a backup12:08
TTNmmm ok so I need to get kernel v4.6 or higher on my system to get this wifi working12:08
TTNright now I'm on 14.04's stock kernel: 4.412:09
TTNlast time I installed a new kernel manually, it broke the nvidia drivers.12:09
tomreynTTN: are you seeking assistence with anything, or just reporting on your progress of finding a solution to some issue? in the former case, please also ask a question and provide details.12:11
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TTNok :) thanks tomreyn. I'm seeking assistance in getting my intel 8265 wifi chipset to work. I've learned that my ubuntu's 14.04 kernel 4.4 does not support it, but kernel version 4.6 and higher (in ubuntu 16.10) does support it. Now the question is, how can I best upgrade the kernel? I would like to stay with 14.04 for compatability reasons with libraries that  I use. If I install a new kernel I am worried it may break the propietary driver for my gtx106012:14
TTN(is using propietary 375.39 driver). How to best solve this problem is really what it boils down to..12:14
TTNhow can I best upgrade to a newer kernel?12:14
TTNwithout breaking the nvidia proprietary driver?12:15
tomreyni doubt you can have both12:15
arunpyasianyone around ?12:15
arunpyasiHow can I reset unity configs via shell ??12:15
tomreynTTN: you can, however, upgrade the kernel and install a newer version of the nvidia driver (and see whetehr that works then)12:15
arunpyasiThe issue is, I have got my windows bars lost12:16
TTNtomreyn: would a newer version of the nvidia driver be required? Can the one from 'additional drivers' not be used?12:17
tomreynarunpyasi: maybe these will help https://askubuntu.com/questions/17610/how-do-i-reset-my-unity-configuration12:17
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TTNI bought the card today. If it proves too tricky, I may return it ;P12:18
arunpyasitomreyn, that gave me display stuffs error12:19
zalabasleawhat card TTN?12:20
tomreynTTN: i'm checking the web. so far i concur that intel 8265 wifi appaears to require at least kernel 4.612:20
tomreyn...based on https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/iwlwifi12:20
TTNGTX1060, 6GB version ;)12:20
tomreyn!hwe | TTN12:21
ubottuTTN: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack12:21
zalabasleayes you should check additional driver12:21
DinosaurioUbuntu is the OS I use whenever I want to know how poors that can't afford Windows feel.12:22
tomreynTTN: that'S how you get a newer kernel version. now whether that will also allow you to use the proprietary nvidia drivers i do not know.12:22
zalabasleahe's on autorejoinonkick12:22
DinosaurioI sent to the wrong channel12:22
zalabasleaah :p well ok12:22
ikoniaDinosaurio: no you didn't12:22
DinosaurioYes I did12:22
TTNtomreyn: thanks! reading now :)12:23
laserbeak44452 icons (probably from adwaita) are missing in EasyTAG after upgrading to Ubuntu GNOME 17.04. Here's a screenshot of the missing icons: https://lut.im/DLJCr3zNzn/aIyfVZ4vSO9mhSbk.png12:23
zalabasleaTTN : i have a705A12:24
laserbeak4445Someone know how I could fix that?12:24
TTNtomreyn: I see, so based off that, I'm already on the 16.04's kernel 4.4. Thats the latest for it it seems (image from the link you sent): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Ubuntu+Kernel+Release+Schedule.svg12:26
TTNthats good, my ryzen requires the newer kernel. The ryzen cpu runs great on it :)12:26
tomreynTTN: while i can't guarantee anything my suggestion is thatyou upgrade the system to ubuntu 16.04 and then install either linux-generic-hwe-16.04 or linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge12:29
tomreynTTN: you can test this safely by installing ubuntu 16.04 to a usb stick and run it (and install the updated kernel images and nvidia drivers) from there.12:30
prostakoikonia and12:31
tomreynTTN: to clarify, i'm suggesting to make a complete test install of ubuntu 16.04.2 lts on the usb stick, not just to roll out an installer image there.12:31
levakdai pak12:33
tomreynarunpyasi: "display stuffs error" is not exactly specific.12:33
TTNGood idea. Hopefully that works. The hwe ins 16.04 takes me right up to 16.10's kernels if I'm not mistaken?12:33
tomreynTTN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack#hwe-16.04 and the following paragraph discuss what you'll get with these packages.12:34
tomreyn!info linux-generic-hwe-16.0412:36
ubottuPackage linux-generic-hwe-16.04 does not exist in zesty12:36
tomreyn!info linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xenial12:36
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-16.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)12:36
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic yakkety12:37
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB12:37
TTNtomreyn: Perfect. Thank you!12:38
tomreynso, yes, that's the same minor version12:38
TTNI've been staying with 14.04 since it is easier to get ai libraries/toolkits running on it generally12:38
TTNI'll try work with 16.04. Test first, see if it works, if it goes, wohee.12:39
tomreynhmm i guess you could consider running those in a VM or container12:39
TTNI will get some sleep and test this tomorrow after work. Thanks for the help. Its not always easy getting it on such topics :)12:39
TTNCould do, but they need access to cuda cores12:39
TTNthat can get a little tricky sometimes12:39
tomreynoh ok12:39
tomreynright, you don't want a virtualization layer then12:40
tomreyngood luck!12:41
TTNthanks loads, and goodnight! I'll let you know how it goes if you like.12:41
tomreynTTN: good night, no need to notify me. about the results, but come back here if you seek more assistence.12:45
auronandaceI'm running 17.04 and keep disconnecting and reconnecting to irc every few hows or so. My syslog shows a lot of these messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24440303/ I'm using my ethernet connection: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 06) with the r8169 module loaded. As my paste shows the ethernet is enp1s0. Any suggestions?12:50
Muriihas anyone here managed to play Starcraft remastered using wine?12:50
ikoniaMurii: try the #winehq channel12:51
Muriithere are more people here so seems fair to ask here too12:52
ikonia#winehq is the right place12:52
BluesKajHi folks12:53
EriC^^hi BluesKaj12:53
BluesKajHi EriC^^12:53
tomreynauronandace: are you on a .local domain?12:55
auronandacetomreyn: sorry, not sure what that means. I have an ethernet switch that connects to my router12:56
ioriaauronandace, what dns are you using ?12:57
auronandaceioria: whatever the default is in network config12:57
tomreynauronandace: does the command 'dnsdomainname' (typed on a terminal) return anything?12:58
ioriaauronandace, click on the Network icon -> Connection information12:59
auronandacetomreyn: nope, blank12:59
ioriaauronandace, you should see 'Primary DNS'12:59
auronandaceioria: sorry, not running the nm-applet, I'll check now. I'm in i3 rather than the default unity13:00
ioriaauronandace,  grep -i nameserver /var/log/syslog13:00
auronandaceioria: for ipv4 and fd49:c3ce:7e6e:0:c23e:fff:fe2d:8100 for ipv6 from the connection information from the applet13:01
auronandaceioria: your grep command comes up blank13:02
ioriaauronandace,  grep -i nameserver /var/log/syslog.113:02
anonymouscoward3Both ldd and dpkg-debcheck say ls(part of coreutils) uses libpcre3...yet coreutils does not depend or recommend libpcre3 even as optional.  Why?13:02
auronandaceApr 22 15:44:00 SilentPC NetworkManager[791]: <info>  [1492872240.1231] dhcp4 (enp1s0):   nameserver ''13:02
auronandaceApr 23 03:25:33 SilentPC NetworkManager[791]: <info>  [1492914333.8169] dhcp4 (enp1s0):   nameserver ''13:02
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tomreynauronandace: does "host -t SOA local" report something other than "Host local not found: [..]"?13:03
auronandacetomreyn: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached13:03
ioriaauronandace,  so dns set in the router, i guess13:04
auronandaceioria: would that affect my ethernet connection? I never had this problem with the exact same setup on 16.1013:05
ioriaauronandace,  it'a connection problem or just the irc client ?13:05
auronandaceioria: just happens in irc. I've tried multiple clients and they all disconnect at the same time so I don't think the client is at fault13:06
auronandacesorry, got to pop out for a min. I'll be back soon.13:06
ioriame too, brb13:07
tomreyn!cn | packge13:12
ubottupackge: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:12
packgespeaking english?13:12
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tomreynif you speak english you can do so here13:13
tomreyn(as long as it is an ubuntu support question)13:13
packgewhere are you from ?13:14
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rubenochoahello. I want to ask. How can I print a date of a file with first names and last names and dates?13:19
auronandaceback again13:19
tomreynrubenochoa: post some lines of this file (or some lines you made us in the same format) to a pastebin13:21
tomreyni meant to write "made uP"13:21
rubenochoai want to choose for an example .project.sh --born-since <dateA> --born-until <dateB> -f <file> How Can i do it?13:22
this_selfhi guys! Small question about gnome ubuntu 16.04.2. How I can install latest version of gnome on my ubuntu 16.04.2? When I used KDE I found kubuntu-blackports for install latest version of kde. How I can do it with Gnome? My prefer is use 16.04.* only because it mandatory for my development part (I'm backend developer). Thanks!13:26
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mcphailthis_self: ubuntu doesn't work like that. You don't get a supported way to install neswer versions of applications or frameworks without upgrading to a newer version of ubuntu. You can hunt for a GNOME PPA, but that would not be supported and may break your system13:31
FreddyPthis_self,: check out http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/install-gnome-3-20-ubuntu-16-04-lts13:31
this_selfThanks guys!13:33
this_selfAs I read on last week about ubuntu will drop unity in future releases. Is it true?13:33
this_selfSo Unity will die?13:33
this_selfAnd instead it will be Gnome?13:34
FreddyPmost linux blogs have reported as such13:34
this_selfinteresting.. Anybody here tried to use Budgie environment?13:34
this_selfSeems it nice work I think.13:34
rubenochoaabout my question?13:35
doosthi, i installed a third party application from a deb but now i want to uninstall it but it doesn't appear in the software center... how would i do it?13:41
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SimonNLdoost: maybe run install program again.13:44
doostSimonNL: i installed it with the software center13:45
auronandaceI managed to catch it this time as it reconnected: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24440767/ Is that meant to happen often?13:46
SimonNLthen maybe use software center again same as you did maybe it give an uninstall option.13:46
tomreyndoost: do you know what th epackage is called?13:47
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/13:47
doostthe app is called fine tune (or finetune)... i installed musique and it suggested it. so i downloaded the deb and installed it using the software center but it isnt from a repos13:48
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doostit doesnt show up in the software center when i search for it13:49
LionOpeterI am running my own IRC server and looking for the best IRC client to manange my server. My OS is ubuntu (maybe something like mirc for windows?) any suggestions?13:49
tomreyndoost: does this command (run in a terminal) list it? dpkg -l '*finetune*'13:49
tomreynauronandace: your router tells your client that it is part of the .Home domain. unless that's on purpose you may want to reconfigure your router to not set / send a DNS domain as part of the DHCP13:50
tomreynauronandace: also, unless you use / need mdns, uninstalling avahi-daemon may solve your issues.13:51
tomreynwork around rather13:51
MathisenLionOpeter, hexchat13:53
tomreynLionOpeter: personally i use hexchat and it works fine for me. it allows for sending custom commands and to script them, and that's all one might need as an ircop13:53
tomreynirssi is another common choice (if you prefer a CLI)13:53
auronandacetomreyn: how would I know whether I need mdns? I'm guessing it is simply installed by default because I haven't altered any network settings13:54
LionOpeterok so HexChat is admin (or at least oper) dedicated?13:54
* LionOpeter is installing hexchat13:55
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tomreynauronandace: if you don't know what avahi / mdns is then you probably do not need it.13:56
auronandacetomreyn: good stuff, just the answer I was hoping for13:56
auronandacetomreyn: thanks, I'll give it a whirl13:56
tomreynLionOpeter: no it is not.13:57
adamsilverWhat does this mean: chmod -R go=u,go-w . ?13:57
LionOpetertomreyn: but i understand it allows all that an oper needs (?)13:58
tomreynLionOpeter: yes, like pretty much all irc clients.13:59
LionOpeterit might be missing the charset i need: windows-125513:59
auronandacetomreyn: would you advise a reboot after removing avahi-daemon?14:00
tomreynLionOpeter: please consider carefully about running an irc server / network on the internet (if that's your plan) if you are not yet aware of such rather basic things.14:00
tomreynauronandace: should not be necessary, but you may want to restart networking14:01
auronandacetomreyn: thanks for your help14:01
LionOpetertomreyn: what basic thing?14:01
tomreynauronandace: sudo service networking restart14:01
tomreynLionOpeter: that you do not need a specific irc client to issue comands as an irc operator.14:02
LionOpeteri beg the differ. i know alot of webclients that do not allow full functionality14:02
tomreynLionOpeter: i'm not saying this to insult you but to help safeguarding the internet and to save you a lot of headaches. running irc servers and networks on the internet is an invitation for trouble.14:03
rizonzis it possible to set arch=amd64 during preseed ?14:04
tomreynthe folks in #freenode may be able to provide more insight on this, as will the community of the irc server and services you have chosen to use.14:04
LionOpeteri understand. but i have done this in the past and it is not so bad as you describe it - from personal experience :)14:04
andy555This is paranormal. GRUB permanently disappears each time I go into bios settings or boot menu. How is this even possible?14:05
andy555Doesn't make any sense14:05
andy555I have to reinstall GRUB from a live cd every time14:05
tomreynLionOpeter: if 'the past' is long ago, be advised that the Internet has changed (to be a lot more malicious) since the past.14:05
LionOpetertomreyn: hmmm idk... what is "long ago" to you? i havn't done this something like 2-3 years14:07
tomreynandy555: some mainboards / their firmware / BIOS / option ROM will manipulate boot sectors if specific options are set. sometimes this is caused by fakeraid options.14:08
tomreynLionOpeter: i was more thinking in term sof 20 years there14:09
tomreynor 3014:09
andy555tomreyn: what does it mean? How can I check it or fix it?14:09
LionOpeter20 years is alot of time -.-14:09
andy555tomaw: This is paranormal14:09
andy555tomreyn: BTW I updated BIOS firmware couple weeks ago, before installing Ubuntu alongside Windows 1014:10
tomreyntomaw: the above was meant to be addressed to me, i think.14:10
andy555tomreyn: yes14:10
codepython777has anyone here built a quad using KDE motors?14:10
codepython777sorry - wrong room14:10
tomreynandy555: does it happen since you upgraded the firmware then?14:10
andy555tomreyn: no, before I had only windows 10. I installed ubuntu after that14:11
andy555tomreyn: and for the record, when grub disappears, windows 10 boots automatically14:11
tomreynandy555: oh, this sounds more like you have something on windows which overwrites grub14:12
andy555tomreyn: But if I press F12 at start and go into the bios windows shouldn't be even be aware14:12
andy555tomreyn: the whole thing happen If I just go into bios settings (without changing anything) or opening boot menu with F12 ay start14:13
andy555tomreyn: it only takes that to make grub disappear and instead windows 10 load14:13
tomreynandy555: i agree this sounds wrong, and i'm afraid i do not know how to fix it. it is probably specific to your mainboard firmware and its configuration.14:14
andy555tomreyn: permanently disappear, I have to reinstall grub from a live cd every time14:14
andy555tomreyn: I have a pastebin of boot-repair. Is there any information there that could help?14:14
tomreynandy555: maybe, hard to tell without seeing it. but i'm probably not going to be able to help you out there.14:16
andy555tomreyn: http://paste2.org/k8pnIBI114:16
BluesKajandy555:  is this a uefi machine or a bios14:17
BluesKajandy555:  check in nthe uefi bios which mode you're using, if it's legacy then you installed the OS in the uefi mode, if it's eufi then switch to legacy14:17
andy555blueking: Is UEFI, and both OS are installed in UEFI14:18
andy555BluesKaj: Is UEFI, and both OS are installed in UEFI14:18
BluesKajthen make sure you're noy in legacy mode, andy55514:19
andy555BluesKaj: Dual boot works pretty well with GRUB, intill I go into BIOS and breaks...14:19
andy555BluesKaj: It is in UEFI, all settings look ok in bios14:19
BluesKajandy555: ok, try legacy, just to be sure14:20
tomreynthe boot-repair / boot.info output looks as expected to me, except for the part where it states that it does not find grub14:27
tomreyn...in /dev/sda14:28
andy555tomreyn: mbr isn't legacy?14:30
andy555tomreyn: In UEFI there is a dedicated partition for bootloader14:30
andy555tomreyn: is sda1 I think in mine14:30
RedfoxmoonAny plans to get the gtk3 menu bug fixed in 17.04, or workarounds?14:34
phpHi. Is #ubuntu-server usually dead, or is it just because it's Sunday? :P14:34
williphantHello all.14:40
phpwilliphant, hello! It's pretty quiet here right now14:41
williphantI can tell!14:41
williphantI've just switched over to ubuntu from macos14:41
williphantso i thought i would come and say hello14:41
phpAre server questions welcome here, or only in #ubuntu-server?14:42
Redfoxmoonphp, why not just ask, maybe someone has an answer :)14:42
phpRedfoxmoon, because some people get grumpy when you ask in the wrong place14:42
fatalmojohey guys, so I have a couple domain names, and I just rented a vps, and I'm wondering, what would I need in order to set up a mail server?  I am looking into postfix but do I need anything else?14:42
php"Hey! One of my clients is having an issue with their server (Ubuntu 14.04). It boots but no longer accepts any SSH connections (Connection Refused)."14:42
php"We booted into their rescue OS (it's an OVH server, we used rescue-pro), mounted /dev/sda2 to /mnt, chrooted to that, then allowed port 22 via ufw. We also used update-rc.d to start SSH on boot."14:42
php"When we went back to the OS, SSH still wasn't accepting connections."14:43
phpfatalmojo, incoming and outgoing, or one of them?14:43
fatalmojophp: both14:43
Redfoxmoonphp, well I'd confirm the changes were actually saved14:44
phpfatalmojo, dovecot & postfix maybe14:44
fatalmojophp: okay, thanks14:44
phpRedfoxmoon, they were. Booting back into RescueOS confirms that14:44
Redfoxmoonphp, o_O very strange14:44
phpI somewhat want to just reinstall their server, but they're not completely happy with the thought of doing that even if they still have their data :P14:45
Redfoxmoonphp, perhaps the ufw changes didn't go through to iptables?14:45
phpRedfoxmoon, http://i.imgur.com/BkbRO73.png14:45
Redfoxmoonx_x ok I am stumped :(14:46
phpIf I disable iptables on boot, does that block all connections or allow all?14:46
RedfoxmoonI think it should allow all connections14:47
Redfoxmoonalthough don't quote me on it:-)14:47
ruby32_speaking of iptables, what is the favored way of persisting iptables settings on reboot?14:48
phpToo bad, quoting you on it. Removing iptables from startup ;)14:48
php"it should allow all connections"14:50
php- Redfoxmoon, 201714:50
phpTakes 10 minutes to reboot the server with Kimsufi14:50
Redfoxmoonruby32_, here I've just got a shell script with the rules running on boot, heh14:51
ruby32_Redfoxmoon, that seems like a simple and straightforward way to go, is it discouraged?14:51
ruby32_seems like it would work14:51
RedfoxmoonNo clue if it's discouraged or not, but it works so I don't care :-)14:52
phpssh: connect to host xx.xxx.xxx.xx port 22: Connection refused14:52
php"it should allow all connections"14:52
php- Redfoxmoon, 201714:52
Redfoxmoon:-) at least it does for owrt when iptables is disabled, heh14:53
phpI'm almost 100% sure SSH isn't starting14:53
Zalabasleasystemctl start sshd14:53
phpZalabaslea, I'd love to run that command but I can't ssh in lololol14:54
phpThis is mind boggling14:58
sparkythat you actually have the nick php?14:59
phpsparky, yes14:59
phpI'm popular in a lot of channels15:00
theoceaniscoolSmall question, gparted reports that a filesystem does not fill a partition, but resize2fs says nothing to do!, Ideas?15:09
theoceaniscoolI have tried to run Partition -> Check in Gparted, but it does not do anything15:10
poco_so I was redoing my rsync backups when I tried removing my home folder backup off my SMB share and I can't seem to delete the entire folder. Any idea what's going on? https://paste.ubuntu.com/24441379/15:12
BlackFatepoco_, so subfolder seem to have the wrong user. try doing a chown -R poco ./poco and try again15:13
poco_BlackFate, cool I'll try that15:14
BlackFatepoco, (with sudo)15:14
poco_BlackFate, just got a bunch of permission denied responses15:14
poco_ran it as sudo15:15
AppAraatfor people running 16.04, could you please run "play -n synth whitenoise gain -6" (it just outputs white noise, so you might want to turn down your speakers, also it requires sox to be installed)15:15
AppAraatI'm asking this because here it is erroring out and I wanted to see if other people had the same problem15:16
poco_BlackFate, chmod'ing it does the same15:17
theoceaniscoolpoco_, check with 'ls -la ./poco' who is the directory owner/group15:17
BlackFatepoco_, maybe some weird smb permissions going on here. Is this is a windows share?15:17
poco_theoceaniscool, poco is the owner on everything15:18
poco_BlackFate, yes it is an SMB share on FreeNAS15:18
theoceaniscoolpoco_, and poco has r permissions?15:18
poco_theoceaniscool, looks like it https://paste.ubuntu.com/24441430/15:19
theoceaniscoolAppAraat, 16.04 here, it does not give errors, but it does not output any sound either15:20
AppAraatgreat, that probably means Ubuntu's sound system has been messed up again.15:21
BoreeasHi, I'm trying to get a steam game server running on 14.04. Installed steamcmd the manual way, but when I start the server I get "SteamAPI_Init() failed; Sys_LoadModule failed to load: /home/boreeas/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so"15:21
kbobAppAraat: is speaker-test working properly?15:22
BoreeasProblem is, sdk64 is symlinked to the steamcmd install dir, but steamcmd only came with a linux32 folder, no linux6415:22
Boreeasanyone know where I can get the 64-bit version?15:22
AppAraatkbob: https://bpaste.net/show/1dc1e5c94f3415:22
BlackFatepoco_, if you do a "cd ./poco/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/" and then "rm -rf lib", then does it work? Just trying to understand if the path depth plays a role here15:23
poco_one sec15:23
kbobAppAraat: pulseaudio is up?15:24
AppAraatkbob: pulseaudio --check results in success15:24
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poco_BlackFate, "rm: cannot remove 'lib/i386-linux-gnu': Directory not empty"15:24
JWM_TOLooking for help after upgrade to 17.04.  My touchpad cannot be shut off.  I think it is being recognized as a mouse.  Anyone able to help?15:26
MrVoltzI have Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (with systemd 229) and I'm facing a bug in systemd. The bug was fixed in v231. What can I do about it?15:29
MrVoltz(link: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85255)15:29
ubottuFreedesktop bug 85255 in general "systemd will change permission of /dev/null when using User= with StandardInput=tty" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:29
JWM_TOAnyone good with touchpad issues?15:30
poco_damn. I was hoping "sudo chattr -R noschg ./poco" would work15:34
BluesKajjw so yo're using a mouse with your laptop, try input devices or it's equivalent on your DE and find the option to turn off the touchpad when a mouse is plugged in15:35
BluesKajJWM_TO: ^15:35
JWM_TOBluesKaj thanks.  I'll let you know.15:37
BluesKajJWM_TO:  ok good15:38
JWM_TOBlues_Kaj I've found a program called "Pointing Devices" that has such an option, but it doesn't actually work.  It's as if my touchpad is considered another mouse15:40
j4ckcomhow can i install tor browser?15:40
BluesKaj!tor | j4ckcom15:41
ubottuj4ckcom: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en15:41
bilb_onohow do I find which key to use to boot from usb?15:43
bilb_onof2 seems to be the bios15:43
bilb_onoI tried f12 but that didn’t work15:43
stef204hi, just installed lubuntu 17.10 and am having problems with the wifi card (Intel PRO/Wireless 1965 AG or IGN) , outgoing traffic just stops every few minutes. Starts again if I disconnect and connect. it is using the "proper" driver, I believe which is iwl4965, Have tried a number of hackish solutions, like https://askubuntu.com/questions/785799/internet-keeps-failing-despite-connected-wifi-on-16-04# and15:46
stef204others, but nothing changes this behavior.15:46
MonkeyDuststef204  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue15:47
stef204It is a deal breaker, for me. if I cannot resolve it15:47
stef204Ubuntu 17.04 \n \l15:47
stef204MonkeyDust: ^^15:47
JWM_TObye for now15:50
tomreynbilb_ono: it depends on your mainboard and its firmware the BIOS / UEFI. usually, if you know your mainboard model you can search the web and will find documentation explaining how to access its configuration.15:51
bilb_onotomreyn: thanks. I may have to resort to that. I am considering just reformatting my computer. since installing nvidia drivers, it can’t launch x15:52
BluesKajbilb_ono: check your uefi/bios and make sure usb boot is enabled and first in the boot sequence15:52
tomreynbilb_ono: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#Troubleshooting15:55
tomreynbilb_ono: your mainboard product identifier should be returned by: sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name15:56
sim642Is xubuntu 14.04 still supported and upgradable or will I be thrown under the bus again for wanting to upgrade?15:57
ikoniasim642: still supported and upgradable15:57
tomreynbilb_ono: alternatively try: sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-product-name15:58
ikoniaI personally don't like the upgrade process, but it's possible15:58
sim642I don't like it either because there's a tendency for things to still go wrong15:58
sim642But it's somewhat easier for me than installing from scratch every now and then15:59
tomreynsim642: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases lists EOL dates16:00
tomreynsim642: 'hwe' stands for !hwe (type this here to get more info)16:01
=== HoloIRCUser2 is now known as cemotyz09
DJonessim642: If its xubuntu 14.04, that has gone to  end of life, that was only a 3 year support life according to their webpage16:02
sim642Interesting, I found a EOL date for xubuntu on wikipedia and that differs from the ubuntu one16:02
DJonessim642: https://xubuntu.org/release/14-04/ EOL April 17, 201716:02
DJonessim642: I'm not sure why, but the xubuntu LTS releases are only 3 years, not 5 like Ubuntu/Kubuntu16:03
sim642I guess I'm late to the party again, upgrading this16:03
MrVoltzAnyone can help with my systemd problem?16:05
bilb_onotomreyn: so I see that its b150 pro gaming/aura. Google doesn’t show any results for the key to find boot from usb though16:07
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tomreynbilb_ono: look for "bios hotkey" or "boot menu" instead16:08
faugusztinbilb_ono on ASUS boards it is F8 i think. if unsure, press F2, then boot from the options there16:09
bilb_onotomreyn: I can find the bios16:09
bilb_onofaugusztin: you were right! thanks16:10
=== ArabAspie is now known as Arab_Aspie
hosassioria: what's the best books to learn linux terminal ?16:10
stef204anyone on the wireless issue above?16:11
hosassioria: it's would nice to be halve as good as you16:11
BlackFatepoco_, do you have the ability to remove the folder directly from the freeNAS storage?16:15
bilb_onoarg i found it. but when I click “install ubuntu” the screen just goes black forever until I restart16:17
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faugusztinbilb_ono: do you have an NVIDIA GPU ?16:18
bilb_onofaugusztin: yeah16:18
faugusztinbilb_ono: are you trying to boot the live dvd/usb ?16:19
bilb_onofaugusztin: yep16:19
bilb_onoto reinstall ubuntu16:19
bilb_onoim out of ideas, gonna start from scratch16:19
faugusztinbilb_ono: if yes, then press an arrow down key when the keyboard icon shows up at boot, then press the key of additional options, select the nomodeset option16:19
faugusztinthat fixed it for my GT71016:19
bilb_onoah I read about that!16:20
bilb_onothanks. I can’t even get to the keyboard icon showing up unfortunately16:20
faugusztinbilb_ono: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA9Kw8jqaP816:20
blackflowbilb_ono: depends on bios, and it's also possible the menu is disabled. enter the bios and find out.16:20
blackflowbilb_ono: oops, I was scrolled way up in the backlog, not sure that's relevant any more :)16:20
bilb_onomine has those options, but its not purple, its black with white/grey text16:21
bilb_onowhen I pick any of them, try ubuntu without installing for instance , the screen goes black until I restart16:21
bilb_onoare we sure 16.04 is the recommended easiest way to get ubuntu running?16:22
bilb_onoI feel like I didn’t have this many problems with older versions, I think 1216:23
tomreynbilb_ono: 16.04.2 LTS, yes16:23
tomreynmake sure your downloaded ISO file is intact16:23
bilb_onotomreyn: I did the checksum thing and its a valid copy. Also its a usb key Ive installed from before (thats where my current copy is from)16:24
andrew987Hello. I reinstalled GRUB with Boot-Repair. What are all these line that showed up on my boot list?? http://pasteboard.co/7OikLwr4K.png16:24
safiyyahnvidia drivers, do you still use them with a hdmi connection?16:28
bilb_onois there a way to restore ubuntu to factory settings (erase all added files/drivers, etc) without a usb key?16:28
safiyyahbilb_ono, reinstall?16:29
bilb_onoOH MY GOD16:31
bilb_onoI think all my problems were just fixed when I plugged the hdmi into the graphics card instead of the motherboard16:32
bilb_onoits booting to an actual screen16:32
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Bashing-om!yay | bilb_ono16:34
ubottubilb_ono: Glad you made it! :-)16:34
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funksteranyone know if I can have a webcam in portrait mode without physically rotating camera or is that specific to the hardware?16:37
MonkeyDustfunkster  or maybe to the webcam client you're using16:41
bilb_onothanks :) I will remember to always use the video card port in the future. I thought it didn’t matter16:44
=== CosasDePuma is now known as BakedPuma
andrew987Hello. I reinstalled GRUB with Boot-Repair. What are all these line that showed up on my boot list?? http://pasteboard.co/7OikLwr4K.png16:45
EriC^^andrew987: that's something boot-repair added, you can remove it16:48
vovovahow do I monitor my DNS requests? Some websites load normal for me, whereas others are taking forever, I suspect DNS is the issue16:48
andrew987EriC^^: Thank You Eric16:48
EriC^^andrew987: type "grep ^ /etc/grub.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"16:48
andrew987EriC^^: What is that?16:49
EriC^^andrew987: there's a file it adds in that dir i think16:49
andrew987EriC^^: type that in the terminal?16:49
EriC^^andrew987: it'll show the files and content and pastebin it and give  a link, yes16:49
andrew987EriC^^: http://termbin.com/utik16:50
EriC^^andrew987: they're coming from /etc/grub.d/33_custom_proxy and 35_custom_proxy16:52
EriC^^if you wanna disable them, type sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/{33,35}_custom_proxy16:53
EriC^^then sudo update-grub16:53
andrew987EriC^^: What does that command?16:53
EriC^^andrew987: it removes executable bit for both files16:53
andrew987EriC^^: are those files useless?16:54
EriC^^andrew987: i dont have them they seem related to "proxified" somehow, but the files in them are useless, just all the .efi files picked up16:54
andrew987EriC^^: done16:55
andrew987EriC^^: hopefully is all ok16:56
vovovahow do I monitor my DNS requests? Some websites load normal for me, whereas others are taking forever, I suspect DNS is the issue16:56
EriC^^andrew987: updated grub?16:56
andrew987EriC^^: Yes, done too16:56
EriC^^andrew987: aha cool16:57
andrew987EriC^^: Can I remove all those lines from the boot list?16:57
andrew987EriC^^: and leave the common 4 lines with OS16:57
EriC^^andrew987: which ones are left?16:57
andrew987EriC^^: I opened grub customizer and they are still there16:58
andrew987EriC^^: The one in the picture16:58
EriC^^andrew987: try "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"16:58
andrew987EriC^^: http://termbin.com/zfx216:59
andrew987EriC^^: from here seems ok16:59
andrew987EriC^^: maybe grub customizer need reboot16:59
EriC^^andrew987: yeah17:00
=== mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
andrew987EriC^^: Eric, I'd like to have your opinion on a unexpainable and terrible issue17:00
andrew987EriC^^: If I enter BIOS settings or Boot Menu when starting PC (by pressing F2 for bios or F12 for boot menu), then GRUB permanently disappears and windows 10 starts17:01
andrew987EriC^^: The only way to retrieve Ubuntu and GRUB is to plug the USB Live and run boot-repair to reinstall GRUB17:02
EriC^^andrew987: bad uefi implementation, it's very common, there's a work around though17:02
EriC^^which laptop/desktop manufacturer? i like to know this stuff17:02
andrew987EriC^^: Acer Aspire E5-575G laptop17:02
andrew987EriC^^: Is a terrible issue and I'm going crazy17:03
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EriC^^andrew987: acer have some kind of "trust" option in the bios, it might help without a workaround, did you enable it for ubuntu?17:03
andrew987EriC^^: I saw something in the BIOS settings17:03
EriC^^(you need to set the bios admin password to get the option to appear)17:03
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andrew987EriC^^: I have to check, there are a couple settings about this in the security windows in boot settings17:04
poco_BlackFate, yes. I ssh'd in and removed it with sudo17:04
andrew987EriC^^: do you think that could be related to the issue?17:04
EriC^^try to set the admin pass and see if it appears and if you can trust the ubuntu efi17:04
poco_BlackFate, thanks for the help!17:05
EriC^^andrew987: i think it's a bad implementation, some laptops reset the uefi list, you dont need boot-repair17:05
andrew987EriC^^: Yes, I already set a supervisor pass to disable secure boot and I saw that some option were accessible17:05
andrew987EriC^^: those option too if I recall correctly17:05
EriC^^if you do f12 and choose the ubuntu efi file and boot ubuntu, then you can use efibootmgr to set ubuntu first before windows17:05
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andrew987EriC^^: I never saw Ubuntu in any boot list, not in the BIOS nor in the boot menu17:06
andrew987EriC^^: I only see Windows Boot Manager17:06
andrew987EriC^^: aside from GRUB menu, where obviously I see Ubuntu17:06
EriC^^you can do it from a live usb17:06
EriC^^try now, sudo efibootmgr -v17:06
EriC^^you'll see a list of the uefi entries and a boot order at the top17:07
andrew987EriC^^: http://pasteboard.co/MvBJBLHd.png17:08
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
EriC^^andrew987: ok ubuntu is first right now, windows second17:09
EriC^^you can try disabling windows completely17:09
andrew987EriC^^: Ubuntu first? I though I set Windows first17:09
andrew987EriC^^: when I start pc17:09
andrew987EriC^^: Should be set that way from grub customizer17:10
EriC^^no i mean the grub vs windows17:10
EriC^^grub vs windows boot manager17:11
andrew987EriC^^: Ahh17:11
andrew987EriC^^: You mean it starts GRUB instead of Win1017:11
=== Mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
EriC^^try the "trust" option in the bios see if it appears or helps, if not try to disable the windows entry17:12
andrew987EriC^^: How is even possible that just entering the bios settings (without changing anything) it mess up everything?17:12
EriC^^sudo efibootmgr -A -b 000117:12
andrew987EriC^^: If I recall there were like 2 or 3 similar options, I have to check because I'm not sure I understand what to do17:12
EriC^^if that doesn't work you can switch the efi files of ubuntu and windows, to trick the bios, but disabling the entry usually does it17:12
EriC^^andrew987: ok, check the options, report back if you need help17:13
andrew987EriC^^: heh, is funny because once I check the options I won't be able to access ubuntu17:13
andrew987EriC^^: because GRUB will disappear lol17:13
EriC^^ah right :D17:14
EriC^^do you have a live usb?17:14
andrew987EriC^^: Yes, but ((other issue)) sometimes I have a hardtime in getting the USB recognized17:14
andrew987EriC^^: Some times with F12 boot menu it doesn't show up17:14
EriC^^andrew987: ok, should we go full nuke on it then?17:14
EriC^^just switch the files?17:14
andrew987EriC^^: hahaha17:14
andrew987EriC^^: which files?17:15
EriC^^bootmgfw.efi and shimx64.efi17:15
andrew987EriC^^: btw what is shimx64?17:15
andrew987EriC^^: I saw it when using boot-repair17:15
andrew987EriC^^: it downloaded it I think17:15
EriC^^it's the efi file for ubuntu with secureboot signature17:15
andrew987EriC^^: when you say switch files what do you mean exactly?17:16
EriC^^make a backup of the bootmgfw.efi , copy over the ubuntu one and rename it, then edit grub's os-prober to look for the backed up bootmgfw.efi17:17
mikeymopcan someone explain to me where the phpmyadmin package is installing too?17:17
mikeymopeven the official install documentation says to use the ubuntu repos17:17
EriC^^mikeymop: dpkg -L phpmyadmin   shows the list of files17:17
andrew987EriC^^: http://pasteboard.co/7PfZoIdC2.png17:17
EriC^^!lamp | mikeymop17:18
ubottumikeymop: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.17:18
=== dawid is now known as dannnyxn
thundeerneed some help with ssh config file. I get : ssh: Could not resolve hostname ubuntu-docker: Name or service not known17:18
thundeer I rename the rs_id key. is that the problem?17:18
andrew987EriC^^: Hmm. I think is too complicated for me heheh17:18
EriC^^andrew987: ok, you disabled the windows entry17:18
andrew987EriC^^: keep in mind I installed Ubuntu 2 days ago for the first time17:18
dannnyxnwhare I can find any list of other irc chats?17:18
thundeeri tested the keys. they work fine. I just cat seem to get the config working17:19
EriC^^!alis | dannnyxn17:19
ubottudannnyxn: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:19
EriC^^andrew987: i can walk you through it, no worries, it's up to you17:19
andrew987EriC^^: would you mind to add me in skype or something?17:19
EriC^^you can try disabling the windows entry like you did, it's cleaner in my opinion17:19
andrew987EriC^^: not that I'll bother you, but you are the only one that knows the system17:20
andrew987EriC^^: if not is ok, np17:20
thundeerany sysadmins slumbering in here? :)17:20
EriC^^andrew987: if you need anything you can always come here on irc, i'm on a lot of the time it's most often open in my pc17:21
andrew987EriC^^: " ok, you disabled the windows entry" what does that mean?17:21
EriC^^also uefi isn't a big deal, it's been pretty untangeled up and many know about it17:22
EriC^^so dont worry17:22
andrew987EriC^^: ok no prob, I'll find you on irc17:22
andrew987EriC^^: in case17:22
andrew987EriC^^: I posted my question everywhere and asked here for 2 days and nobody had the slightest idea of the issue17:22
andrew987EriC^^: besides you17:23
andrew987EriC^^: computers are evil creatures17:23
andrew987EriC^^: anyway, what I have to do next is check those bios options17:24
nbroWhat’s the shortcut to close the current opened application?17:24
dannnyxndo you know where to watch mr robor online season 2?17:24
andrew987EriC^^: but im still trying to figure out how can simply log into bios mess up the booting17:25
EriC^^andrew987: it might be fixed now just with disabling the windows entry, btw if you ever need to re enable it do sudo efibootmgr -a -b 000117:25
EriC^^like if you remove ubuntu17:25
thundeernbro, ctrl+x. but depends on your desktop env or wm17:25
andrew987EriC^^: did I disabled windows? meaning I wont see it at next reboot?17:25
EriC^^andrew987: it's probably a hardwired mechanism, when you enter it it just resets the uefi list, it's dirty of the manufacturer17:25
EriC^^at least if there's no other option to keep it that's clear17:26
EriC^^andrew987: just the windows boot manager17:26
thundeernbro, did that work?17:27
andrew987EriC^^: what does that command do? -a -b 0001?17:27
EriC^^it enables the entry 000117:27
andrew987EriC^^: enables in what sense?17:27
andrew987EriC^^: (im trying to understand what im doing)17:28
EriC^^in the sense that the uefi doesn't ignore it17:28
nbrothundeer: no, it doesn’t work, how do I retrieve whic windows manager do I have?17:28
nbroI’ve looked at the wmctrl -m command17:28
andrew987EriC^^: before or after grub starts?17:28
nbrothe output shows the name to be Compiz17:28
thundeernbro, you are mostly likely on unity, gnome, mate or kde17:28
andrew987EriC^^: i.e. will windows show up at next restart on grub list?17:28
thundeernbro, in setting -> system you can see it if in doubt.17:29
andrew987EriC^^: If I disabled it, if something happen to grub then this time windows wont show up, right?17:29
EriC^^andrew987: right17:30
thundeernbro, try Alt+f417:30
nbroyes, I’m using unity17:31
nbroyes, Alt+F4 works ;)17:31
nbroanother question17:31
nbrodoes anyone know a shortcut to show all workspaces/desktops?17:31
thundeernbro, no prop. good to hear. nd use HTOP if it refuses to go away17:32
andrew987EriC^^: maybe i should read a guide on efibootmgr17:32
andrew987EriC^^: im having a hard time understanding what i've done17:32
andrew987EriC^^: maybe for security I type back sudo efibootmgr -a -b 00117:32
andrew987EriC^^: to have at least 1 OS booting if grub disappear17:32
wadI updated my web server (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS), and it bumped PHP to version 5.5.9. Unfortunately, the version of mediawiki it runs only works up to PHP 5.5.8. I need to update mediawiki, but to do that, I need to back up PHP to 5.5.8. I've tried a couple of things, but just managed to break it. I fixed it again, but maybe I'm googling the wrong advice. Thoughts?17:32
EriC^^andrew987: yeah to undo it type sudo efibootmgr -a -b 000117:33
andrew987EriC^^: basically that command remove and re-add the boot 0001 from the possible PC startup?17:33
andrew987EriC^^: boot 0001 being windows17:33
wkoszekwad: in theory, if the mediawiki is packaged correctly, i think uninstalling php and mediawiki, and then doing apt-get install mediawiki should work. in theory it should fetch the correct php version17:34
EriC^^yes it enables it17:34
thundeerwad, if its your own webserver, you wouldnt be asking the question, so im guessing its a shared host?17:34
andrew987EriC^^: is there a command to see a grub boot list like in grub customizer?17:34
wadwkoszek, okay. There are other apps on it that use php. It's my own server.17:34
andrew987EriC^^: where it displays what are the choices and what is selected now17:35
wadI think what I'd like to do is install a slightly older version of PHP.17:35
wadJust temporarily.17:35
phpDon't do it17:35
EriC^^gtg andrew987 sorry17:35
phpwad the new me is better I promise17:36
andrew987EriC^^: ok. see ya17:36
andrew987EriC^^: thank you for your help17:36
* wad is confused. "the new me is better"?17:36
thundeerwad, why not update your wiki?17:36
phpwad my name is php17:37
phpthe new php is better17:37
wadSo mediawiki has an updater built in, if I recall correctly. I can't run it, the whole thing is broken because I have PHP 5.5.9 instead of PHP 5.5.8. My thought is to back it up, just long enough to update mediawiki.17:37
wadphp: Ahhhhhh! Got it. :)17:38
wadThen, once I've updated mediawiki, I'll put it back to the OS-supported version.17:39
thundeerwad, tar your mediawiki, fetch the database, run in locally, fix the update, and put it back on the server.17:39
wadThat's a good idea.17:39
wadThen I don't have to mess with PHP on the server.17:40
thundeerwad, ;)17:40
wkoszekhas anyone tried to create a private apt repository on one of the 16.x releases? i'm having trouble around the repo not being a autheticated repo17:43
wkoszeki'm reading the tutorials around the internet and guys report success without using gpg at all, but I guess that doesn't work anymore17:43
thundeernot fair. asking a repo question like that. And I cant get help with my ssh config file :(17:44
wkoszekwad: just apt-get install php5=<version>17:44
wkoszekthundeer: what's your ssh config problem?17:44
wadThat works?!17:45
wkoszekwad: https://askubuntu.com/questions/778407/how-to-install-a-specific-package-version17:45
wadE: Version '5.5.8' for 'php5' was not found17:46
wadI'm going to look into this more.17:46
ducassewad: it only works for versions available in your repo sources17:48
thundeerwkoszek, I feel so embaressed now. I forgot to save the file when i exited vim. wow. I feel stupid.17:48
wadAh! I just need to add that, then...17:48
sintheteksince upgrading from 16.04 i keep getting notification sounds but i cannot find any sign of notices (through osd, system tray or /var/log). this issue has persisted both with unity and plasma. any ideas how i can track down the source of the issue?17:48
thundeerwkoszek, it works now :) well.. question. i rename the config file, and have then in my .ssh folder. do you use subfolders for your keys? is saltstack something i should learn when i get more clients?17:49
sintheteki suspect something has gone awry in my hardware but unsure how to go about pinpointing it... i mostly use an older laptop and the only attached device is an hdmi monitor through a displayport adapter17:50
thundeerwkoszek, also.. is setting up ssh keys for all active container on the same docker droplet a bad idea?17:50
wkoszekthundeer: i just use maybe 4 SSH key file, so I'm perhaps I'm a bad person for this.17:50
wkoszekthundeer: not sure. you're asking something that isn't very specific, so it's hard to answer this stuff.17:52
thundeerwkoszek, okay. thanks. so for now it looks right. naming the keys, in .ssh folder, and using a config file.17:53
wkoszekthundeer: pretty much. I stick them there and use a script I wrote: https://github.com/wkoszek/lastpass-ssh17:56
wkoszekthundeer: this is to unlock the keys, since all of them have passphrases17:56
thundeerwkoszek, wow. thanks. so.... your method adds an extra level of security in that way? a master password to unlock all your keys, and from there you use ssh "hostname" (the config file)????18:00
grantwuI can't easily come up with a security model in which this is better than just using the same password for all of your key files18:02
wkoszekthundeer: yes. I have: alias Sen='/Users/wkoszek/r/lastpass-ssh/bin/lastpass-ssh --keys-path=/Users/wkoszek/r/dot.ssh.wkoszek/' It unlocks all my keys with respective passwords stored in lastpass.18:03
thundeerwkoszek, Thats clever. I will try to get your script up'n running :)18:05
thundeerwkoszek, Terminator 2 :D18:05
wkoszekgrantwu: lets say I give you 5 ssh files. you take one of them and run a dictionary attack on it, and you succeed. ops.18:05
grantwuUse a long enough password such that it's not feasibl.18:05
grantwuIf it's feasible for an attacker to do that once, it's feasible for an attacker to do it 5 times.18:06
=== ifro_ is now known as workfro
sinthetekhdmi/displayport officially ruled out as the culprit. i guess i can just disable notification sounds indefinitely but i kinda need to know what's triggering it18:06
thundeergrantwu, in the real world most people are a bit lazy and use a kurwa password. so its a good idea with a master password.18:07
grantwuor, you can use the same strong password on all your SSH keys... the reason this doesn't hold up for website passwords is because you cannot trust the website to store your password properly.  Presumably you trust OpenSSH to do things properly.18:08
=== Xenophon1 is now known as XenophonF
wkoszekto me it's just a matter on how convenient i want it to be, and how big risk i want to take. and since i'm ok with using lastpass' command line client, i can as well use different passphrases, since it doesn't cost me anything.18:10
thundeergrantwu, but i thought the password is for the rsa only, and not for the rsa.pub?18:10
grantwuthundeer: Yes18:11
thundeergrantwu, " you cannot trust the website to store your password properly.  Presumably you trust OpenSSH to do things properly.". Sorry, i didnt understand that part.18:12
grantwuSome websites do bad things like storing your website in plaintext, or using weak password hashing algorithms, etc.  Even if they don't now, the website could be compromised in the future18:13
* wkoszek <- lazy. doesn't want to be typing any passwords. tried to find methods to use tools for password management.18:13
grantwuIf an attacker can get the password from that website, you don't want the attacker to be able to use that password for any other logins.18:13
grantwuWith SSH keys, this isn't a problem, because there's no remote service.  Theoretically an attacker could keylog your system, but that's already a game-over scenario.18:14
grantwuI just use ssh-agent *shrug*18:14
thundeergrantwu, i dont follow. you mean if lastpast gets hacked on the local machine?18:15
grantwuthundeer: Er, no, I'm not talking about a workflow involving LastPass at all18:15
grantwuI'm explaining why you want different passwords for every website, and why that rationale doesn't cleanly transfer to SSH keys18:15
thundeergrantwu, bash history or a keylogger would be the only security risk then, to gain access to lastpass?18:17
grantwuI doubt bash history will store passwords entered18:17
grantwuA keylogger is a pretty complete compromise regardless of whether or not you use LastPass18:18
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=== amine is now known as Guest27271
thundeergrantwu, okay. did some reading. guess it depends on the level of paranoia.18:25
theToolmanthe whole world is paranoid right now.18:26
thundeertheToolman, see.. you were there listening all along :D18:27
theToolmanlol as usual18:27
theToolmanhad to come over to my other desktop to see the status of an rsync and i saw yall talking that bs18:27
thundeerwell.. I was considering just using ccrypt for the .ssh folder, but I didnt dare to mention it.18:28
theToolmanthe one fucking hdd that i wanted to recover data from has a bad superblock :(18:28
theToolmanwhy do you need to crypt your ssh folder?18:29
thundeertheToolman, was thinking of wkoszekś script to use lastpass to store passwords for the rs keys.18:29
wkoszekto be honest i think i'm rather protecting my password from myself. e.g.: i'm talking on #ubuntu in one iterm window, and logging in to my box in another and if I need to type anything, there's a risk of confusing windows18:30
theToolmantry it18:30
theToolmanyou'll love it18:30
thundeerlove i3 :)18:30
theToolmani3 works too18:30
MonkeyDustscreen <318:30
theToolmanewww screen18:31
theToolmanhas anyone gotten fsck to work on hfs+?18:32
theToolmanfuck it. i'm just gonna plug it into my mac and see what disk tools can do18:33
thundeertheToolman, bad blocks on harddisk. I have that problem with a 500GB external harddisk. is there a fast way to locate the blocks and fix it? or does it really have to take days?18:33
ducasse!language | theToolman18:33
ubottutheToolman: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:33
thundeerfsck :(18:34
thundeerI think what he meant was "fork It"18:34
theToolmanyou know, worst case scenario you can use guymager and autopsy18:35
thundeertheToolman, noted. thanks for tips :)18:36
thundeergrantwu, thanks all your help :) will try out your setup :)18:36
theToolmanwhats the FS of the drive you're trying to crack open18:37
theToolmanthundeer: whats the FS of the disk you're trying to crack?18:38
thundeertheToolman, ext4. just used it for quick backups. last time it went wrong. several important files contain bad block. I know which ones.18:38
theToolmanwell the bad block is on the FS level and not the file level18:39
thundeertheToolman, oh.. bummer :(18:39
theToolmanbut still, an fsck -f should be able to fix it if its ext418:40
theToolmanlol it came right up on my mac18:40
thundeertheToolman, okay. so I just have to leave it running through the night then. It just seemed to take forever, so I stopped it, and hoped for different solution.18:41
thundeertheToolman, nice :) that was a quick fix18:41
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theToolmanit usually does go by pretty quick18:43
theToolmanthe ones that i've had take a bunch of time before our on my slackware boxes18:44
skweekMy system is running like crap, stuff crashes a lot and the gui stops working a lot... I was thinking about re-installing but I need to figure out a good way to reinstall all of my packages, I have a partitioned /home and a separate root which makes things a little easier... but I wanted to ask if anyone had some advice about how to go about the current packages18:45
thundeertheToolman, will give it another go :)18:45
ducasse!clone | skweek18:46
ubottuskweek: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate18:46
theToolmanducasse: did you make that bot?18:46
ducasseno, it's one of several infobots in the ubuntu channels18:47
theToolmanducasse: i liked that one. is there any more or a directory?18:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone18:48
theToolmanoh thats awesome! thanks!18:48
garogatDoes anyone know a nice webinterface to monitor a graph of continuous pings?18:50
KoleonHello guys, please could anyone help me with - iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 says: /etc/iptables/rules.v4: No such file or directory. When I run "netfilter-persistent save" it seems that rules are saved. But where??18:50
theToolmangarogat: have you tried nagios?18:50
ikoniagarogat: pingdon?18:50
theToolmanKoleon: ls -lah /etc/iptables18:50
=== lee_ is now known as Guest67963
ducasseKoleon: create /etc/iptables first18:51
KoleontheToolman: ls: cannot access '/etc/iptables': No such file or directory :(18:51
theToolmanKoleon: you might need to make the directory /etc/iptables befor you can put files in it18:51
theToolmanmkdir /etc/iptables/18:51
Koleonducasse: Thanks, I'll give it a try.18:51
Guest67963I am still on 16.04, is 17.04 worth it?18:51
theToolmani'm still on 16.04. will upgrade on the next lts18:52
ducasseGuest67963: 17.04 is not lts, if that matters to you18:52
Guest67963LTS not so much as nothing buggy18:52
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garogatikonia, theToolman: im searching for a free and simple way. isnt nagios a bit overkill for just monitoring the outgoing connection18:56
Koleonducasse: theToolman: Thank you guys, my rules are saved unfortunately they are not persistent, they are cleared after reboot.18:56
ikoniagarogat: pingdom18:56
ikoniagarogat: cacti18:56
ikoniashell script wrapping ping in html18:57
garogatikonia: pingdom isn't free?!18:58
ikoniagarogat: isn't it ?18:58
ShaRoseikonia pingdom is free for one check iirc18:59
ShaRosebeyond that it's a paid service18:59
qazeeassadhello everyone18:59
qazeeassadI have a question...18:59
ikoniaso one check = ping18:59
ShaRoseyeah, but it's inbound, so you'd need to set up dynamic dns unless you have a static ip19:00
ShaRoseyou could probably set up graphana for it, but \/O_o\/19:00
garogatShaRose: that's the freifunk used monitor?19:01
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ruby32_how do I get systemd to run a program at startup?19:01
ShaRoseno idea who / what freifunk is, but graphana is commonly used for graphing stuff like uptimes, ping responses, etc19:01
EriC^^!systemd| ruby32_19:01
ubotturuby32_: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units19:01
ShaRoseI haven't gotten around to setting it up before19:02
qazeeassadis there any dating channel available on this chat app???19:02
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qazeeassada lot of people are JOINING and QUITTING.... whats going on???19:03
ikoniapeople are joining and quitting19:04
qazeeassadBUT why? lol19:04
ikonia"lol" ?19:04
compdocthey dont like you19:04
qazeeassadoh :(19:04
EriC^^it's the apocalypse19:04
ikoniadoesn't look unusually high19:04
qazeeassadI must be Godzilla19:04
Mathisenthis is why you turn off join/parts in client19:05
Mathiseneasyer to read chat also for that sake19:05
freedddywhere is the ubuntu chat channel?19:06
qazeeassadthere are more than 1800 people on this chat server, but nobody except very few are chatting..19:06
hypn0it their right qazeeassad19:06
freedddyqazeeassad: welcome to ubuntu channels?19:06
qazeeassad@freddy I think we are in it...19:06
ikoniafreedddy: there is an offtopic channel, #ubuntu-offtopic19:06
freedddyno one ever talks here19:06
ikoniathis channel is for support discussion19:06
ikoniafreedddy: thats nonsense, it's quite a busy channel19:06
qazeeassadikonia, are you an ADMIN here?19:06
freedddyjoin /#ubuntu-offtopic19:06
ikoniaqazeeassad: yes19:06
ruby32_EriC^^ thank you19:07
ruby32_the problem was i had the wrong symlink enabled19:07
ruby32_typos are deadly19:07
qazeeassadikonia are you Official Admin??? or Community raised/managed or something like that??19:07
freedddyi hate symlinks :(19:07
ikoniaqazeeassad: what's the problem ?19:07
ikoniathe channel is run / managed by the ubuntu community on behalf of the ubuntu project19:08
qazeeassadnothing Ikonia, I am just new and want to understand how things are going on19:08
ikonia!itc | qazeeassad19:08
ruby32_i have one last issue... my bash script works when i run it as the root user, but it won't work on system startup from systemd...19:08
ikonia!irc | qazeeassad19:08
ubottuqazeeassad: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:08
ruby32_actually, the whole script works except the last thing, which is a node program19:08
ikonia!guidelines | qazeeassad19:08
ubottuqazeeassad: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:08
ruby32_is there any reason a bash script would work when executed as root, but not work when executed upon system reboot under systemd?19:08
freedddycan't join the channel19:09
ikoniafreedddy: you need to register your nickname19:09
ikonia!register | freedddy19:09
ubottufreedddy: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.19:09
qazeeassadare you BOT? uBOTtu?19:09
freedddyi have a nickname19:09
ikoniaqazeeassad: ubottu is a bot19:09
ikoniafreedddy: read the link19:09
freedddyhow do i use my nickname?19:09
qazeeassadoh great!!!19:09
ikoniafreedddy: READ the link19:09
qazeeassadwhat about you? Ikonia? are you a bot also ? or a human being?19:09
ikoniaqazeeassad: what do you think based on our interactions so far19:10
ikoniaor are you trying to be funny19:10
qazeeassadhmmm, good question19:10
qazeeassadno not funny19:10
qazeeassadi am just learning things over here19:10
qazeeassadif i am too annoying then let me know, I will come some other time19:10
Grorco_hi every time I try running software updater I get an error that it can't connect to the repository. I tried disabling the few ppas I had manually added but didn't help any suggestions?19:11
ikoniaGrorco_: what's the exact error (use a pastebin)19:11
Grorco_ikonia, the gui doesn't have a readout19:12
ikoniaGrorco_: it must output an error19:12
Grorco_ikonia, says to check my internet connection19:13
ikoniaGrorco_: what is the EXACT error19:13
ikoniatake a screen shot if you need to19:13
ikoniaGrorco_: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get update"19:13
ikoniapastebin the output19:13
qazeeassadhow to search for APT's?19:14
effectneti put in a device and i can never delete from it19:14
ikoniafor apts ?19:15
qazeeassadhow to search properly19:15
qazeeassadi use apt search python etc.... but it gives me a gigantic list19:15
qazeeassadwhich I cannot read19:15
Grorco_ikonia, http://imgur.com/a/bKGZC19:15
qazeeassador hard to find what i want19:15
ikoniaqazeeassad: use the package manager gui or pipe to grep or more19:15
ikoniaGrorco_: ok, open a terminal "sudo apt-get update" and pastebin the output19:16
MonkeyDustqazeeassad  use    apt search python | grep blah19:16
effectnethello i cant delete files in nautilus.  when i try to use gksu nautilus, it tells me that my password is wrong.19:18
effectnetand this is on inserting devices, i have a few readers to update19:18
ducasseqazeeassad: 'apt search' also takes multiple search strings, and you can use quotes for multi-word strings. narrows things down a lot.19:18
ikoniaducasse: thats useful, didn't know that19:18
Grorco_ikonia, https://pastebin.com/UbPXWPGZ19:19
wadadliMy Ubuntu Desktop randomly becomes unresponsive—can someone please help me solve this issue?19:19
ikoniaGrorco_: lots of ignores and duplication in there19:20
qazeeassadthanks Ducasse, but just this simple search for one keyword python gives you a long list...19:20
effectneti got my thing fixed19:20
qazeeassadhow to make it so that all packages that have python in them, should come up... in apt search19:20
qazeeassadapt search python19:20
Grorco_ikonia, can I just manually edit those files?19:21
qazeeassadthis simple search gives you a very long list of packages19:21
ducasseqazeeassad: are you actually interested in every python-related package?19:21
Grorco_ikonia, or someway to revert to stock?19:21
qazeeassadactually no, but I want to understand how it works19:21
Bashing-omwadadli: Enough ram on-noard to support the Desktop Environment - maybe run top and see what is consumming the memory resources ?19:21
ikoniaGrorco_: you can edit them19:22
qazeeassadthere must be a method to search Package Names only19:22
ducasseqazeeassad: you can also use 'apt search --names-only' to only search package names, not descriptions19:22
effectnethi where do i go to see a new device inserted?  it's not in /media19:22
wadadliBashing-om: I have 32GB of RAM.19:22
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effectnetha it is found it19:22
Bashing-omwadadli: L) then for sure with 32 G - not a ram issue .19:23
wadadliBashing-om: I asked here before and I was told to do a memtest which I passed without any errors. I'm so frustrated by this now.19:23
Bashing-omwadadli: In my experience then, back to 'top' and see what memory management is like .19:24
wadadliI can't read top19:25
wadadliIs the system monitor okay?19:25
qazeeassadducasse, still a big list but thank you,,,19:25
qazeeassadyou are so much helpful dude19:26
ducasseqazeeassad: try more than one search term19:26
qazeeassadyep,,, and I am sure to find packages more easily19:26
effectnethi i keep getting 'read only filesystem' trying to delete from an ereader, what do i do19:27
effectnetchown: Read only file system19:28
wadadlisystem is using 3.3GiB (10.7%) of 31.GiB19:29
Grorco_ikonia, thank you!19:30
wadadli_I just crashed again....19:31
tomreyneffectnet: chown is a command to change a file system opject's ownership, not to delete it.19:33
effectnethi tomreyn i just wanna delete some files19:33
wadadli_can someone please assist me19:33
tomreyn!ask | wadadli_19:33
ubottuwadadli_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:33
tomreyneffectnet: what happens if you run 'rm' on one of these files?19:34
wadadli_why is the computer freezing so often?19:34
wadadli_I have to press the power button to turn it off19:34
Bashing-omwadadli_: Ouch - I hate when that happens [ A good tutorial on top : http://tecadmin.net/understanding-linux-top-command-results-uses/# .19:35
Bashing-omwadadli_: And a wild thought . what grahics set do you have ?19:36
wadadli_No clue19:36
effectnetrm: cannot remove "file" : Read-only filesystem19:36
wadadli_Which ever is default19:36
effectnettouch test       touch: cannot touch "test": Read-Only file system19:39
ShaRoseanyone here use lxd with raw.idmap? It's not liking me very much at the moment.19:40
Bashing-omwadadli_: Continued exploration of that wild thought ; pastebin ' inxi -G ' .19:40
wadadli_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24443293/19:44
Bashing-omwadadli_: Maybe not so wild after all . I had the same issue with my GT710 card . Additional drivers and install the proprietary driver .19:47
Bashing-omwadadli_: make sure you are fully updated before installing the nVidia driver !19:48
wadadli_Bashing-om: I tried the proprietary drivers when I first installed19:49
wadadli_I had very bad resolution on reboot19:49
wadadli_Bashing-om: also if it was an issue with the graphics card wouldn't it be logged in the journal?19:50
wadadli_https://paste.ubuntu.com/24443233/ — I'm not seeing any errors or warnings relating to the graphics card19:51
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Bashing-omwadadli_: Then I suspect the driver did not install . mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24443334/ . drove me nuts for 2 months with system "freezing" NOTHING in the logs . since I finally, for no other thing to try, installed the nVidia driver I have been stable !19:52
effectnetok im disappointed. oh well.  just lots of small filesystem problems when you insert a troubled usb device.19:53
effectneti'll hope for better times when they fix more stuff :D19:53
effectnethahah i just plugged usb stuff into windows, repair it and then it works in linux again20:00
ppfwhen connecting the wifi, i get this: "wlp4s0: IPv6 duplicate address fe80::bla "20:00
ppfis this an ubuntu issue?20:01
ppfcause it works with a wired connection and on windows20:02
ppfthere's an old expired bug on launchpad20:04
_johnI don't think the hardware remembers IP settings. this is always done in software. no matter what os20:04
_johnyou choose to dhcp20:04
ppf_john: me?20:04
_johnyou choose your ip on static ip20:04
ppfthen i don't understand it20:04
ppfit's the modem's dhcp that's distributing the addresses20:04
_johnyou got a duplicate ip address problem20:04
_johnno matter what os20:05
ppfi don't think i do20:05
_johnit is a common error20:05
ppfi think that's a red herring20:05
_johnoh I see20:05
_johnmaybe you should lspci20:05
ppfas i said, windows wifi, android wifi and wired connections all get correct v6 addresses20:05
_johnare you using DHCP?20:06
_johnI don't know why it broke :(20:06
ppfactually it hasn't worked before20:06
ppfnever has20:06
ppf(on ubuntu)20:06
_johnif it aint fixed don't broke it I always say20:07
EricBBCan anyone tell me why my lamp server runs wordpress slow from a remote machine via local ip, but runs fast from the server via localhost?20:07
_johnwe have to buy linux compatible wifi stuff20:07
_johnmuch easier than adding packages20:07
_johnplug and play20:08
ppfnow you aren't makeing any sense anymore ;)20:08
_johnwhat hardware are you using for wlp4s020:08
_johnwhat wifi chipset20:08
_johnis it a vm?20:08
ppfintel 826020:10
ppfnative hardware20:10
_johnwhat kernel20:11
_johnyou can get the alias20:13
_johnPCI: 8086:24F4 Intel Corporation Wireless 826020:13
_johnthat should help20:13
wadadli_Bashing-om: which version of the driver are you using?20:14
ppf_john: how20:14
_johnyou want to check what driver it is using to run the 826020:14
_johnhaving the alias will help identify your wifi card when you start looking at all the settings in your system20:14
Bashing-omwebuser5224: 375 version driver .20:15
_johnif I remember was the 8260 for laptops?20:15
ppf_john: wifi is working, this most likely isn't a driver problem20:15
ppfyes, it's a laptop20:15
_johnI think that was a really popular wifi module20:16
_johnhad one in the very first atom nuc thing20:16
_johnI remember they were everywhere used for a good price20:16
_john<ppf> when connecting the wifi, i get this: "wlp4s0: IPv6 duplicate address fe80::bla "20:17
_johnmaybe there is a script running twice20:18
ppfcan you be more precise?20:18
_johnor a loopback somewhere20:18
_johnI am being non-precise20:18
_johnit happens when you install something from another repo20:18
_johnor without using the package manager20:19
_johnthats the best I can do20:19
VulvaLickerI want sex20:19
_johnanything can break it20:19
_johnonly you can fix it20:19
_johnyou got the keyboard20:19
VulvaLickerrm -rf --no-preserve-root /20:20
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:21
IronDevI am trying to install 16.04.220:22
IronDevBut I am getting error messages on bootup20:23
_johnsorry caps20:23
_johnwhat is the error20:23
IronDevLet me take a pic20:24
Znevnahello. probably not the best place to ask but i donno what to try anymore. any idea why oidentd works fine over ipv6 but on ipv4 i'm getting  : ERROR : NO-USER ?20:25
IronDev_john: Im uploading it rn20:26
nieehi. i have problem with shortcut buttons. i set some 2 buttons for UP and DOWN volume. i see the indicator to down, but sound not control for this. any ideas how to fix this?20:27
IronDev_john: https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/DpNI2622RKKEvnCdPue0?signature=13524c78bc495e16d02f7c79efb469ef3e6f598b7670b1ff40923722f778219a&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE0OTI5ODIxMTh920:29
_johnata7 ata8 could be a hard drive or hard drive controller20:31
_johnsomething don't talk to something20:31
IronDev_john: wym something dont talk to something20:31
_johnit might be more useful if I knew what part of the boot process this is happening, what distro, what architechure20:32
ppf_john: your replies are really unhelpful20:32
EricBBanyone know why wordpress on localhost on my server would be fast, but from another computer on the network via the local ip it is very slow?20:32
_johnthere is a error with an ata device20:32
ppfEricBB: maybe your network is slow?20:32
_johnhis pic was not helpful20:33
ppfIronDev: can you scroll up in the error log20:33
_johnthere is almost no information20:33
_john10 lines truncated half the screen20:33
IronDev_john: If you want I can take another picture20:33
IronDevppf: I dont think it will let me scroll20:34
_johnmaybe you can put the log in pastebin and share the link20:34
YankDownUnderEricBB: Speed of network, firewall, traffic on the network, etc.20:34
_johndo you have access to the log file?20:34
ppf_john: there's plenty of info, you aren't helping...20:34
tomreynZnevna: probably a NAT issue. use oidentd -m20:34
ppfIronDev: is this a laptop?20:34
IronDev_john: Where can I find it20:34
IronDevppf: Desktop20:34
_johnI'm not helping20:35
ppfdo you have an OS on it already? when does this error occur?20:35
_johnI'm done20:35
_johnppf will help you20:35
tomreynZnevna:  or -r USERNAME20:35
IronDevppf: Yes20:35
IronDevppf: This error occured just rn20:35
ppfdoing what? booting the OS? installing the OS?20:36
wadadliBashing-om: So I'm on 375 but here's the thing, I can't enter my password to unlock dm-crypt20:36
wadadliSo I'm forced to boot in recovery20:36
wadadlithen continue the boot from there20:36
wadadliin normal mode20:37
ZnevnaFailed lookup: 32477 , 6667 : (returned viper) >.>20:37
Znevnawith -r username20:37
IronDevppf: After selecting either *Try Ubuntu or *Check Disk for errors20:37
IronDevI havent done install Ubuntu20:37
ppfso you're booting from the installer disk20:37
IronDevppf: Yes20:37
ppfdo you have a working OS already installed?20:38
tomreynZnevna: not sure, maybe try summetric nat. i was only reporting back what i read on a german language discussion of this issue at http://yauw.de/irc/ident-FAQ.shtml20:38
ppfIronDev: which mainboard is this?20:38
Bashing-omwadadli: Sorry, can not help with encryption . no experience there in a desktop environment .20:39
IronDevppf: Windows 10, Asrock Z77 Extreme420:39
wadadliBashing-om: Idk how the nvidia drivers manages to break that20:39
tomreynZnevna: may i ask what your use case is? to me, i have not used any identd implementation for years.20:39
Znevnausing it on my znc. wierd cuz it worked fine *some time ago* i just noticed it fails on ipv4 servers20:40
ppfIronDev: try and add libata.atapi_passthru16=0 to your kernel command line20:41
Bashing-omwadadli: Me neither . ,, Another thought then to check for stability . I also have 14.04 installaed that has no open source support for that card  - I can boot up with 'nomodeset' with no issues also .20:41
ppfIronDev: what devices do you have on your sata bus?20:41
bertmanhas anyone experienced wifi packet loss with 16.10 yakkety and realtek wifi on laptop?20:43
=== Spontex is now known as Guest49879
IronDevppf: A 1TB HDD, and DVD drive20:43
ppfIronDev: okay. unplug the DVD drive for the moment20:44
ppfand try again (without changeing the kernel command line)20:44
IronDevppf: Wouldn't that freeze the installation20:46
ppfshut down the machin first :p20:46
IronDevppf: What I'm saying is though is that I am using a DVD for my installation20:48
ppfah ...20:48
ppfeither put the iso on a thumbdrive or modify the kernel commandline then20:49
IronDevppf: Alright, let me get one20:49
dajomu1azero hello20:52
azizLIGHTwhen i did rsync -vcaxhP . /destinationdir , with current directory already been copied to destinationdir previously using gui nautilus, and then i see a bunch of directories being listed in rsync output, what is going on...20:58
azizLIGHTno files listed in rsync output, just dirs20:59
azizLIGHTwhat does it mean20:59
ppfazizLIGHT: -r to recurse into directories21:05
azizLIGHTi believe -a covers that21:05
=== belletilos is now known as dongs`
azizLIGHT-a covers -rlptgoD21:05
IronDevppf: Im starting to think my iso is corrupt21:06
wedgieazizLIGHT: you might consider asking in #rsync21:07
ppfIronDev: why21:07
IronDevppf: Do you know where I can find the checksum21:07
YankDownUnderIronDev: Maybe it's not the ISO but the read head on the DVD...21:07
azizLIGHTwedgie: good idea21:07
ppfIronDev: http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/21:09
ppfwhy do you think the iso is corrupt?21:09
YankDownUnderWhen a CD/DVD isn't working: 1.) Check the integrity of the ISO 2.) Check the blank for scratches 3.) Clean the laser/read head 4.) Check if AV might be running (Windows) -> ain't much else.21:11
ppfYankDownUnder: you missed the problem description21:13
YankDownUnderppf: Lack of coffee, lack of tobacco, lack of Thai Slave Woman to serve me.21:14
Guest46664what the ...21:15
YankDownUnderGuest46664: Happy Monday.21:15
IronDevYankDownUnder Happy Friday21:17
=== zhukovsler is now known as xxxx
IronDevppf: md5 seems to check out21:18
IronDevI guess its my program21:18
ppfIronDev: what's the issue then ...21:20
=== xxxx is now known as xxxxxxz
ppfbeware that i never ask more than three times ;)21:22
ppfi'm a fan of three21:22
YankDownUnderThree is the number of atoms in a water molecule. Very trite, concise and clean.21:23
ppfisn't it?21:24
ppflet me reraise my earlier question: when connecting the wifi on xenial, i can't get ipv6 up: wlp4s0: IPv6 duplicate address21:25
talha_whats up?21:25
IronDevppf: What I was using to write the iso to the flash drive21:25
ppfthere's a couple of 'workarounds' on google, neither of which works21:26
ppffirst i'd like to understand what the problem is, though21:26
ppfIronDev: not an answer to my question21:26
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LetterRiphi after upgrading gedit has a transparent background21:27
LetterRipany ideas how to fix?21:27
IronDevppf: I am trying to write Ubuntu iso to my flash drive21:27
ppfhere's the full one: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24443906/21:27
ppfIronDev: yes, and I asked what the problem was three times21:28
IronDevppf: But unetbootin keeps freezing everytime I get to .mod file21:28
LetterRipapparently the transparent gedit is related to ibus in some way21:28
ppfIronDev: hm, that's a windows tool (that's never once worked for me...). i can't help you there I'm afraid21:29
YankDownUnderIronDev: Have you considered using something different to create a bootable USB/DVD?21:29
IronDevYankDownUnder: Yes, I am using the DD method21:31
YankDownUnderIronDev: Fair enough.21:32
LetterRipchanging themes 'fixed' it21:34
LetterRipnot ideal, but works21:34
sim642I wanted to upgrade xubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 and now I'm getting a screenful of packages listed and the text: "Processing was halted because there were too many errors."21:35
linuxwheelssim642: try running sudo apt-get -f install21:38
sim642Same stuff21:38
sim642it's full of dependency problems21:38
sim642This might be the root cause:21:39
sim642dpkg: error processing package udev (--configure):21:39
sim642 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 121:39
linuxwheelssim642: try running sudo dpkg --configure -a ?21:39
ppfyou probably messed up your apt with some ppa21:39
YankDownUndersim642: Do you have any devices connected that you might be able to disconnect? Not critical devices, obviously...just asking...21:39
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sim642linuxwheels, that seems to be dong something but I'm still seeing dependency errors and it ended with the same list again21:41
theToolmanlol that guys resolved ip address hahahahahaha21:41
theToolman>>>>>    ~hi@guerillapunk.backtraced.yo.ass.from.inside.ur.seriesoftub.es]21:42
sim642ppf, messed up how? I just ran do-release-upgrade21:42
sim642YankDownUnder, why?21:42
ppfsim642: at some point before that, did you ever add a ppa?21:43
sim642I have added many yes, why?21:43
YankDownUndersim642: Logic - udev affects devices (drives peripherals and more) - sometimes it causes an issue. Happened to a machine I had to upgrade. Either which, you're at a point of not being able to back out - yes?21:44
ppfsim642: because that brings the danger of severely tripping up apt21:44
ppfas you're experiencing right now21:44
sim642Doesn't the upgrade procedure disable other sources? It says something like that at the start21:45
linuxwheelsppa's can cause things to break21:45
ppfit's not about the sources, but the installed packages21:45
YankDownUndersim642: Nah - it doesn't disable them at all. Always a good idea to comment them out before doing a system upgrade (release upgrade)21:45
ppfYankDownUnder: yes it does21:46
ppfbut that's not the point21:46
theToolmanagree with YankDownUnder21:46
sim642is there anywhere i can see why that udev postinstall script fails?21:46
ppfsim642: run dpkg again, but increase debug output21:47
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ppfsim642: where does it say postinst though?21:47
ppfthat wasn't in your paste21:48
sim642I copied two lines right after the paste into this chat21:48
ppfright, must have missed that21:48
sim642There's a massive screenful of all the listed packages failing because of udev dependency or something21:48
sim642udev one being the first one with that postinst error21:48
ppfokay then, as i said21:49
ppfconfigure udev with dpkg, but with debug enabled21:49
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sim642Oh, actually the line before the error might be it: addgroup: The group `input' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting.21:50
sim642would it be safe to delete the group and allow it to be recreated?21:51
sim642I guess so: https://askubuntu.com/a/61406221:51
sim642reconfiguring again seems to work21:52
sim642Hopefully this is the only issue21:52
YankDownUndersim642: Is this a desktop or a server - or a combo of both? Just wondering...21:53
sim642xubuntu desktop21:54
YankDownUndersim642: Coolbeans. You have a backup plan in place for this machine?21:54
sim642Not really, this machine is a mess, it has been upgraded before with problems too to 14.04 from idk what21:56
sim642I should someday probably do a clean install to replace this21:57
sim642I had avoided upgrading it as long as possible to avoid potential upgrade problems :P21:57
YankDownUndersim642: Safe to assume 12.04 to 14.04 and now to 16.04...?21:57
theToolmansim642: i agree. fresh image is always best21:58
linuxwheelssim642: if the machine is not critical I would clean install21:58
sim642YankDownUnder, no idea if from 12.04, possibly after that21:58
theToolmani hate doing release upgrades21:59
sim642linuxwheels, once I can be bothered to scrape stuff off of it that I still might find useful21:59
theToolmanin all flavors21:59
theToolmanespecially rhel/cent21:59
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sim642My question at this point is, if do-release-upgrade failed halfway through upgrading the packages21:59
sim642What will I have to do manually after I get them to successfully upgrade?21:59
YankDownUndersim642: As "procedure" - for ME, and I can only speak IMHO, I *only* upgrade servers...desktops are always "fresh" installations...I do an audit on the workstation, obviously - for all the applications/data/bullsh*t - but fresh. Servers are truly a different kettle of fish...21:59
theToolmanboot up to a live disk, copy your shtuff out and backed up22:00
theToolmanthen do your clean install22:00
theToolmanand viola!22:00
theToolmanrsync -avPl source/ destination/22:00
theToolmanthats my goto backup scripte22:00
sim642theToolman, copy stuff out is easier said than done when there are configuration files all over the system22:00
theToolmanwell do you know what all you have configured?22:01
theToolmanrsync -avPl /etc/ /backup/etc/22:01
theToolmanand then run a diff on the /etc  of the new install22:01
theToolmanmy trick is, if i don't know that its configured, i don't need it22:01
theToolman*hystarical laughter*22:02
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YankDownUndertheToolman: It's funny how many times one would install/configure something, then completely forget about it - because it's not in "normal" usage...and then find all this "cruft" laying about years later...scratching the head going "WTF *IS* this stuff?"....(found stuff on a server dating from 2007 that left me confused for a while)22:06
rizonzhow can I extract the contents a folder from some zip to some folder ?22:07
rizonzunzip 'folder/*22:07
sim642the -f install completed finally :D22:08
rizonzunzip 'folder/* /tmp/zip.zip /path/to/here ?22:08
theToolmanYankDownUnder: i've had that happen a few times. nothing a lil bit of good diag can't fix22:08
theToolmanalso helps you rethink why you did what you did22:08
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sim642Is there anything else I'd need to do to this system other than reenabling apt sources I might still need?22:08
theToolmanrizonz: cd /new_folder22:08
theToolmanrizonz: unzip /path/to/zip.zip22:09
YankDownUndertheToolman: The "blessing" was it was nothing critical. Silly "window mangler customisation" that had nothing to do with production.22:09
theToolmanYankDownUnder: i just rebuilt my linux firewall last weekend with some new hardware and some new layer 2 equipment. i was doing fine until i saw ntp errors in all the clients. darn ntpd didn't get installed and configured22:10
theToolmanand i'm procrastinating that22:10
YankDownUndertheToolman: "Procrastinating" and "NTP" -> there's a joke in that, ya know...22:11
rizonztheToolman: no not that that22:15
theToolmani've seriously been copying data from one machine to another since yesterday22:17
theToolmanwho'da thought i had so much junk22:18
IronDevppf: I created the install disk, give me one second to try what you said22:22
theToolmanhey whats the best ntp server for me to sync my master with?22:25
IronDevppf: Well, removing the DVD drive seemed to work out, but how do I prevent this from happening in the future22:25
geniithe one closest to you22:26
theToolmanplease don't say 0.debian.pool.ntp.org22:26
theToolmani'm gonna use time.nist.gov22:27
kulhi the samba in my ubuntu is giving me an error can anyone help me fix this ? please22:28
theToolmankul: what kinda error?22:28
theToolmananyone ever see this? ->>  /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/avahi-autoipd returned non-zero exit status 122:29
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kulhold on22:30
kulApr 23 16:30:39 alarm-VirtualBox systemd[1]: Starting LSB: start Samba NetBIOS n Apr 23 16:30:39 alarm-VirtualBox nmbd[4303]:  * Starting NetBIOS name server nmb Apr 23 16:30:39 alarm-VirtualBox nmbd[4303]: invalid permissions on directory '/ Apr 23 16:30:39 alarm-VirtualBox nmbd[4303]: Failed to create /var/log/samba/cor Apr 23 16:30:39 alarm-VirtualBox nmbd[4303]: Unable to setup corepath for nmbd:  Apr 23 16:30:39 alarm-VirtualBox nmbd[22:31
kuldoes that help ?22:31
theToolmanlooks like a permissions problem22:31
theToolmankul: invalid permissions on directory '/22:32
poco_ Can anyone tell me why "echo "Rsync backup completed successfully on $(date) for $(hostname)" | mail -s "Daily WOPR Rsync Successful" EXAMPLE@gmail.com" Also tries sending emails to Daily@gmail.com, Rsync@gmail.com, Successful@gmail.com?22:33
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theToolmanpoco_: your command looks fine to me22:37
poco_theToolman, yeah it works but it's trying to send an email to each word in my subject line @gmail.com22:38
poco_it sends it to EXAMPLE@gmail.com just fine but I don't want it to CC Daily@gmail.com. Also it's sending with (no subject)22:39
theToolmanyeah thats weird because i'm seeing it to work how you thought it should22:39
theToolmanis this running in cron?22:39
poco_theToolman, whoops, I added in the -s flag but didn't save the script22:39
poco_theToolman, it works now!22:39
poco_theToolman, thanks!22:40
numb3rjoin #pyton22:43
kulthetool i tried to put 777 permisson on it im still getting the error22:43
filsufhallo hallo ... anybody uses freetuxtv? no problem with gtk322:44
theToolmankul: what are you sharing and whats your client?22:45
kulim sharing an owncloud folder22:46
theToolmani am not sure what that is22:46
kulits just a folder in ubuntu. I tried sharing it by right clicking and clicking local network share i get an error of 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running.22:48
kulthats probably because samba fails to start22:49
theToolmanis this in windows?22:49
kulno ubuntu22:49
kuli use the command sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart to start samba22:49
theToolmanand do your syslogs say anything?22:50
theToolmanjournalctl -f22:50
theToolmanwhile you do it in anothe window22:50
YankDownUndersudo systemctl status samba22:51
kulnmbd.service: Unit entered failed state. Apr 23 16:46:43 alarm-VirtualBox systemd[1]: nmbd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Apr 23 16:46:43 alarm-VirtualBox sudo[4525]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root Apr 23 16:48:04 alarm-VirtualBox gnome-session[3316]: Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transie Apr 23 16:48:31 alarm-VirtualBox sudo[4597]:     root : TTY=pts/4 ; PWD=/home/alarm ; USER=root ; COM Apr 23 1622:51
kulthat was journalctl -xe22:51
kulFailed to start LSB: start Samba NetBIOS nameserver (nmbd). Apr 23 16:46:43 alarm-VirtualBox systemd[1]: nmbd.service: Unit entered failed state. Apr 23 16:46:43 alarm-VirtualBox systemd[1]: nmbd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Apr 23 16:46:43 alarm-VirtualBox sudo[4525]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root Apr 23 16:48:04 alarm-VirtualBox gnome-session[3316]: Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient pare22:52
kulcan i post pics here?22:52
tomreyn!paste | kul22:52
ubottukul: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:52
LupusHello guys! Can you help me with something? I want to install a patch for shellinabox. I want to white-on-black style, but I don't know how to install that patch... https://code.google.com/archive/p/shellinabox/issues/2422:53
skinuxWhat is the latest email client? I believe Thunderbird is out-dated and not supported.22:53
YankDownUnderkul: How is Virtualbox connected with the situation you're having - I'm just wondering...22:54
LupusCan you help me guys?22:54
kulim just running ubuntu inside the virtualbox22:54
kulvirtual box is running on windows22:54
theToolmanso you're trying to share with your windows?22:55
YankDownUnderkul: Right. So Ubu is inside a VM...and you're running VB on a Windows host. And you're wanting to "share" something in between the Windows host and the Ubuntu guest, yes?22:55
YankDownUnderkul: Simpler way: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/SharedFolders22:56
kuli want to share a folder in ubuntu with windows22:57
kulnot the other way around22:57
kulif that makes sense22:57
LupusYankDownUnder, can you help me?22:58
tomreynLupus:  why not use the custom style sheet approach?22:58
YankDownUnderkul: Then you want to double check the network settings for the VM, double check (triple check) that Samba is setup and configured correctly in the VM (Ubuntu), make sure that the Samba service in the VM is not conflicting with the VB extentions (as it would appear they were), turn off the firewall in Ubuntu (not really needed) and try again...22:58
Lupustomreyn, how?22:58
LupusI can't apply them.22:58
tomreynLupus: the way the last comment on the bug tracker you linked to suggests22:59
Lupusshellinaboxd --user-css and?23:00
kulhow do i check that samba setup is configured correctly23:00
YankDownUnderkul: Here's somethign to read through: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/samba-server-ubuntu-16-04/23:01
tomreynLupus: then you supply a custom CSS file23:01
LupusI tried..23:02
LupusBut I don't have interent now.23:02
kulok thanks ill take a look23:02
LupusI don't know why I wasn't disconnected.23:02
LupusCan you see my messages?23:02
YankDownUnderkul: And this: http://computerbeginnersguides.com/blog/2016/05/26/install-and-configure-samba-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus/23:02
tomreynLupus: yes we can read you23:02
platzso I deleted all my kernels by accident, then via live-usb reinstalled linux-image-generic and linux-image-extra so I can boot back into ubuntu again, but now wifi drivers are not detected and startx fails with 'no screens' (reinstalled nvidia-375 too). any ideas?23:02
LupusOkay.. I DON'T HAVE INTERNET!23:03
LupusSkype, no internet, browser too.23:03
LupusHow is that possible?23:03
wedgieLupus: how is it possible that you are talking to us with no internet?23:03
LupusI don't know....23:03
LupusWhat the...23:03
YankDownUnder(Alien Microwave Energy)23:04
LupusI'll take a screenshot.23:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:08
kulYank http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444504/ i get this error when installing the smb from your first link23:10
platzhow do i reinstall wifi drivers when they are not detected?23:11
kulis there something where i can completly remove samba from ubuntu and re install it back in23:11
YankDownUnderkul: Open a terminal. Run the following: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install ==> tell me what happens, eh?23:11
orlockI'm having an odd problem on both 14.04.2 LTS and 17.04 where my desktop becomes unresponsive after a minute or two23:12
YankDownUnderorlock: Can you get to tty1?23:12
orlockYankDownUnder: Yes, but not after it locks up23:12
orlockand if i do so, it seems to prevent the lockup from occuring23:12
YankDownUnderorlock: So it completely LOCKS - end of story, eh?23:12
orlocki did that, did an apt-get update, etc, still occurs with updated 14.04lts23:13
zhanxorlock: check your ram brother23:13
orlockYankDownUnder: mouse moves, desktop is non responsive23:13
orlockzhanx: win7 has never shown a hiccup23:13
orlockit's a Dell E6420 i7 laptop23:13
kulYank http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444519/23:14
orlockzhanx: i've spent something like 6 hours over the weekend trying to get linux working on a computer23:14
YankDownUnderorlock: Something to consider - as a test, disable any screamsavers (screensaver), check the energy/power settings - make even a minor change - doesn't matter - or disable them...check the BIOS settings for any "sleep" configuration(s) for the HDD's...23:14
orlockYankDownUnder: Cheers, will give it a try23:14
orlockyou suspect ACPI related issues?23:15
zhanxi think its the desktop enviroment23:15
YankDownUnderkul: Firstly, get rid of the "deadsnakes" PPA...secondly, now that you've done that, do: sudo dpkg --reconfigure samba23:15
orlockIt's weird, i've got a stack of systems. Can't get linux working reliably on one23:16
YankDownUnderorlock: Could be ACPI or the desktop (graphics driver?)(overload on the GPU?) => as well, is the machine running a bit "hot"? Could be that the GPU/CPU are overheating a bit...either which, things to check out...23:16
zhanxorlock you know how to list running processing to see which is taking all the fun out of it?23:17
orlockNah, not hot, it's not doing anything23:17
orlockzhanx: when it locks, there's nothing i can do23:17
YankDownUnderorlock: "Stack of systems" - plus "can't get linux running reliably on one" => possible P.E.B.C.A.K. error? :)23:17
kulYank for the sudo dpkg --reconfigure samba <-- what am i suppose to put for reconfigure samba23:18
YankDownUnderorlock: Ok...on both systems - the 14.04 and the 17.04, why not completley disable the power manager and see if that has an impact on the situation - along with disabling screensavers and all that lovely jazz...something to test...something to "take a first step" with, eh?23:18
zhanxorlock you can run htop in a terminal to watch it23:18
kulcause when i enter that command i get a list of dpkg commands to input23:18
YankDownUnderkul: Just that.23:18
zhanxsudo apt-get install htop and then htop23:19
YankDownUnderkul: Sorry...hang on a tick23:19
orlockOk, disabled some stuff in the bios. I doubt it would be screensaver, as it's never been idle for it to kick in23:19
zhanxorlock: hit me up in robotics if you still got issues in a bit23:20
orlockzhanx: yup23:20
orlockIt's just such a stupid problem23:20
orlocki havent had to deal with this sort of stuff in 20 years or so23:20
YankDownUnderkul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force samba23:21
kulYankDownUnder http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444554/23:22
orlockYankDownUnder: Where abouts down under are you?23:23
mcphailorlock: does the i8kutils package help you? It adds temp sensors and fan control for some dell laptops23:23
YankDownUnderkul: Far out, bro...right...well, something to consider - removing samba and rebooting the VM and starting again, eh?23:24
orlockmcphail: Pretty sure it's not related to the environment/temperature23:24
YankDownUnderorlock: Outside of Sydney23:24
kulhow would i completly remove samba23:25
YankDownUnderkul: Did this every work BEFORE?23:25
orlockYankDownUnder: sunny melbun here23:25
kulit worked23:25
YankDownUnderkul: sudo apt-get remove samba23:25
kuland i did something and it stopped working23:25
orlockSince i disabled some power settings in the bios it seems stable23:25
YankDownUnderorlock: Mexico. Right oh. Yo hablo Espanol poquito...(ha...yeah...freezing cold down there...)23:26
orlockWell, it hasnt locked up _yet_23:26
kulok ill reboot it now23:26
YankDownUnderorlock: Going to take a trip to St. Kilde sometime in the next few months...then down yonder to Port Fairy and the beginning of the Great Ocean Road...for giggles and grins.23:26
orlockYankDownUnder: If i was coming down from Syd to Melb to go sight seeing, i dont know if St Kilda is where i'd go, unless i had some very specific tastes...23:27
kulok Yank and to install samba back the command is ?23:27
orlockYankDownUnder: and if that was your thing, you have Kings Cross in sydney...23:27
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YankDownUnderorlock: Got mates down there...and Kilsyth, too...and NO that's not my thing...there's a kite shop in Port Fairy I have to pop in to check out...23:28
ruby32_Does anyone here use Lubuntu as their daily driver?23:28
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orlockYankDownUnder: Ahh, ok. I drive through Kilsyth on the way to work - i live in the foothills of the ranges23:29
YankDownUnderorlock: Did some hiking up through the Dande's...don't mind it...(cold cold cold cold)23:30
YankDownUnder..meanwhile, back at the ranch...23:30
kulYankDownUnder: to re install samba which command would i use23:30
YankDownUnderkul: First, do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt -y autoremove && sudo apt -y autoclean =>>> after that, do: sudo apt-get -y install samba23:31
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kuldamn it another error! http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444605/ :(23:33
bumblefuzzso, I need a little help installing my graphics card(s)23:33
bumblefuzzlspci | grep VGA http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444606/23:34
bumblefuzzlsmod | grep video http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444609/23:34
YankDownUnderkul: Something's not right - Virtualbox appears to be "colliding" with the installation...here's a question, did you install the "Guest Additions" into this VM yet?23:35
kulshould i remove it23:35
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YankDownUnderkul: Nah - don't reckon so...just was wondering...that being said, this might be something to take into the #vbox channel, bro...23:36
ritztechanyone know about doing a dd  to convert to vmdk image on a live system23:37
orlockritztech: from a physical system?23:37
orlockritztech: you want p2v23:37
orlockthere's a vmware tool that will do it for you in a straight forwards way23:37
ritztechi tried it for 4 hours and i did nc and reciever but it seemed to show operation system not found23:37
IronDevI just installed AMD Graphics drivers23:38
orlockritztech: p2v = physical to virtual, there's migration tools that make it very very simple23:38
IronDevand for some reason I'm getting a menu23:38
ritztechdd if=/dev/sdb conv=noerror,sync bs=16M | nc -q 4 819423:38
kulwait before i go, do i have to use smb? can i use ntfs to share the drive23:38
ritztechand then i had my nc reciever pick it up23:38
RedfoxmoonIs there anything to do about the menus being broken when xforwarding GTK3 apps from ubuntu 17.04?23:38
IronDevtelling me to run default graphics, reconfig graphics return to console, and exit23:38
IronDevWhat should I do?23:38
ritztechwellllllll actually its more v2v lol23:38
YankDownUnderkul: NTFS? That's a file system...not a network protocol.23:39
YankDownUnderkul: The "shared folder" setup *does* allow for two-way sharing, you know...and it's already part of the Virtualbox setup...hmm...23:39
kuli used that but i need to change the owner to www-data23:40
kulif i can do that i would be able to use it23:40
ritztechand then i did a nc reciever i got my 30gb file took 4 hrs but then i imported it into vmware fusion and it says no operiting system found23:40
ritztechqemu-img convert -pO vmdk host.img  virthost.vmdk23:40
IronDevFirst thing my error says is the system is running in low-graphics mode23:40
ritztechbut im not sure if i were supposed to get  the main physical volume /dev/sdb23:41
YankDownUnderkul: Er...hmm...23:41
ritztechor each indepeedent partition23:41
ritztechor would i have to dd of instaed of if23:41
bumblefuzzhow do I install/enable the AMD kernel module?23:42
kulYankDownUnder: can i create a folder inside the shared folders and change the owner to www-data23:43
kulof just that folder23:43
bumblefuzzthe driver is installed23:43
bumblefuzzI can see it23:43
bumblefuzzbut lsmod doesn't indicate the correct kernel module23:43
YankDownUnderkul: Should be able to do so - IF the user "www-data" exists23:43
kulit does23:43
kulill try it out23:43
kulYankDownUnder: to change the owner is this the right command: chown -R www-data:www-data /media/sf_owncloud/ocdata23:45
tonytevery time i reboot i have to unplug and plug back in a usb hard drive. is there a way to fix that?23:47
YankDownUnderkul: Without knowing your setup/configuration (and what you're doing) - that would be about right...but, again, I stress DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING...even write down a list if necessary...and then question yourself about process/procedure...(Plan the work, work the plan) know what I mean?23:47
kulok i know what you mean23:48
YankDownUnderkul: When you're involved in setting up something "complex", it helps. And it keeps things very OBVIOUS in your mind.23:49
kulok thank you for your help YankDownUnder ill try it out23:57

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