
PeterM12121root@rescue:~# mount /dev/vda mount: can't find /dev/vda in /etc/fstab00:00
Betlehemfdisk -l00:00
PeterM12121For me?00:00
Betlehemyes pet00:00
PeterM12121  /dev/sda100:00
PeterM121212 and 300:00
PeterM12121ah wait, there's more.00:01
Betlehemmy vpn is vda.. ok sda bigger 100:01
Betlehemi see a system failure00:01
Betlehema few minutes ago00:01
PeterM12121there is also /dev/sdc200:01
Betlehemgross while ssh'ng tunneling the vps00:01
Betlehemcheck what one is the biggest00:01
PeterM12121 /dev/sdc3 is the same as /dev/sda300:02
PeterM12121But it's the sda3 one right?00:02
Betlehemgenius conclusion00:02
zealsham_how do i get started with ubuntu server and what server tech comes with it, nignix or apache?00:03
Betlehemhmmm no idea00:03
PeterM12121 root@rescue:~# mount /dev/sda3 mount: can't find /dev/sda3 in /etc/fstab00:03
PeterM12121.. :c00:03
Betlehem    | quit     │ adamg00:03
Betlehem            │00:04
Betlehem    | quit     │ adamg00:04
brotherBoxPeterM12121: can you try dmesg?00:04
Betlehem            │00:04
Betlehemok damn it00:04
Betlehemits vda for me and theres onle 100:04
brotherBoxbecause that lists kernel messages and if there was a mount error or something like that it may be in there00:04
Betlehemis vps or dedi00:04
PeterM12121The dmesg command does work00:04
PeterM12121I'll have a look. Dedi00:04
Betlehemdont use killall500:04
Betlehemit kills runlevel 300:05
Betlehemworks on a hurry but00:05
zealsham_any help00:05
brotherBoxzealsham_: sorry, i know nothing about ubuntu servers. in general though, you can probably install whatever server you like on them00:05
Betlehemworked for me00:09
Betlehemthos ejedis00:11
Betlehemanon : i told u dunt touch mah puppy.. u do it i'll smash 6000000000000 hammers of god in your face00:12
Betlehemu r advaised :OP00:12
PeterM12121root@rescue:~# mount /dev/sda3 mount: can't find /dev/sda3 in /etc/fstab00:12
PeterM12121Still can't mount..00:13
wish^Is it only Unity that uses compiz?00:13
brotherBoxPeterM12121: do you have curl available? can you post data to a bin?00:13
PeterM12121Sorry, how does curl work? Hehe00:14
PeterM12121I'm in rescue mode from OVH right now00:14
GrandPa-GIn the past few days, my ll (alias) command I normally use has now become a command not found. I am on 16.04 and bash shell. If I go into sudo, it works. I have made a few changes but nothing major. How do I get it back?00:16
GrandPa-GI am accessing via ssh00:17
Betlehemwelcome to Ubuntu FC Paralimpic00:18
GrandPa-GIt works correctly from gui in a terminal session. What did I do to ssh?00:18
pavlosGrandPa-G: .bashrc is not sourced upon ssh. source it in .bash_profile00:20
GrandPa-Gpavlos: excuse my ignorance, exactly how do I "source" it? source $HOME/.bashrc00:22
PeterM12121 root@rescue:~# sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt mount: /dev/sda is already mounted or /mnt busy00:22
pavlosGrandPa-G: yes, create a .bash_profile and . ~/.bashrc00:22
PeterM12121But it's not in /mt ..00:22
GrandPa-Gpavlos:interesting. I have another system that is set up almost the same and it doesn't even have a .bash_profile and yet it works. How?00:23
PeterM12121Got it00:24
BetlehemBy Tomahawk 201700:24
pavlosGrandPa-G: maybe there is a ~/.profile which has code to source ~/.bashrc00:24
GrandPa-Gpavlos: is there a default system wide .bash_profile like in etc? I am looking to see what the difference is.00:25
pavlosGrandPa-G: there should be system wide files in /etc/skel/ (I have a .profile and a .barhrc  16.0400:27
GrandPa-Gpavlos:I see what  happened. I install some mysql stuff and it created a ~/.bash_profile where there was none before. I removed it and it now works.00:27
GrandPa-Gpavlos:so I must now be picking up the system default, which is what I want. I will deal with the mysql stuff another way. Thanks for the help.00:27
pavlosGrandPa-G: you can add source ~/.bashrc in there (like you wrote) and keep the file if you want00:28
GrandPa-Gpavlos:I realize that but I think the mysql stuff didn't work anyway.00:28
pavlosGrandPa-G: ok00:29
=== Betlehem is now known as [BX]of[Suicide]
FrogCasthow do you revert or install an older version of qt? code compiled with 5.7 will not work  on my remote server00:34
darkblue_bI have an Ubuntu 1404 I have used on the desktop for a long while.. just now, a series of updates came in, which I accepted.. then right away, another series of updates appeared.. I just accepted.. it was BASH and LOGIN.. how do I check what those updates did ?00:45
oerheksFrogCast, old but still valid https://harishnavnit.wordpress.com/2014/03/24/handling-multiple-versions-of-qt/00:45
FrogCast!cookie | oerheks00:46
ubottuoerheks: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:46
fashbowlbashersohi darkblue,00:46
fashbowlbashersothe history.log file in /var/apt might have what you need-00:46
darkblue_bno such dir00:47
darkblue_bI see a /var/cache/apt00:47
fashbowlbashersosorry /var/log/apt/00:47
darkblue_boh ah - looking00:48
fashbowlbashersotried to start message with / - i haven't irc'ed in a while : )00:48
[BX]of[Suicide]yes my masterm :)00:48
fashbowlbashersothere should be a history.log file there00:48
=== [BX]of[Suicide] is now known as ChicoRodeo
darkblue_bUpgrade: bash:amd64 (4.3-7ubuntu1.5, 4.3-7ubuntu1.6), passwd:amd64 (,, login:amd64 (,
Liqu\ddo you know where i cand find a list of games for ubuntu that work also on windows same kit?00:49
darkblue_bthat looks 'official' and all.. but you can understand my concern.. its a good time to take a minute and check00:49
darkblue_bso - what would I do next, to find out more about those, on this machine?00:50
oerhekslooks valid http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bash for trusty00:50
fashbowlbashersoLiquid, I think there's a website called SteamDB that might be able to get you what you need00:50
Liqu\dthx fashbowlbasherso00:50
Bashing-om!info bash00:51
ubottubash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.4-2ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 607 kB, installed size 1636 kB00:51
darkblue_bright - I am asking, how would I check THOSE new updates00:52
darkblue_bhere on this machine.. I suppose, matching a md5 and some receipt somewhere?00:52
oerheksdarkblue_b, why? those updates come through a secure channel00:52
darkblue_bwhy check the contents of a patch to login and bash ?00:53
darkblue_bI dont see why you would tell anyone not to..00:54
darkblue_byou understand that a patched bash could hide almost anything, right?00:54
darkblue_boh - pardon.. passwd, bash and login00:57
computeruserGLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: object class 'GeglConfig' has no property named 'cache-size'00:57
computeruseranyone know anything about this?00:57
computeruserstarting gimp for the first time I get this on ubuntu 17.04 mate00:58
oerheksdarkblue_b, i see no bash update in this cve https://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3276-1/00:58
cerealso I just got myself a new computer and it has a z270 chipset. Using the front panel for headphones and when I plug them in, I get a moment of audio before its cut off and goes from speaker mode to headphone mode (watching it via the alsamixer, sound panel, etc). However...I have no idea what to look for so suggestions? So far my google-fu is directing me more towards issues with no audio at all.00:59
=== ChicoRodeo is now known as Zalabas_Er_Woote
darkblue_bah that is recent01:00
darkblue_bok .. well maybe thats well and good enough for now.. I am not actually excited about crawling through receipts and MD5s, but  login+passwd+bash did jump out for me01:00
oerheksdarkblue_b, thank you for asking, these urls are a way to check updates, if you *need* to01:01
darkblue_band, it came in a second round, after I accetpted the first round01:02
darkblue_bmy main server for work is 1404, and I do care.. so yes.. I do need to01:02
darkblue_bwhen heartbleed appeared, I turned the machine off for several days!01:03
darkblue_bno php.. blah blah.. anyway, tx01:03
oerhekshave fun!01:04
pd1is there a way to detect if a c++ program is started from a desktop based terminal?01:12
pd1in ubuntu 14.04?01:13
=== Zalabas_Er_Woote is now known as Betlehem
fashbashersonot too sure.01:16
CoderEuropeAnyone know where I can get some decent lappy stickers ? | These are bland: http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/stickers/01:17
fashbashersoredbubble, zazzle, hackerstickers, umm... there's a few others01:18
heheheI have  upgraded win on dual boot and it now loads windows boot manager instead of grub, I did try to force it to load grub by pointing to it, yet to work01:24
heheheany ideas what can be done01:24
Bashing-om!grub | hehehe01:24
ubottuhehehe: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:24
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
wish^Is there some way to turn off bluetooth permanently on my ubuntu laptop?01:25
hehehebash it was 16.0401:26
fashbashersoyou can add it your rfkill list01:26
heheheso probably grun 201:27
wish^fashbasherso, I did actually try that but it did not work it seems01:28
fashbashersowish, have you looked at the rc.local file?01:31
fashbashersoalso, try:01:32
YankDownUnderIf you wish to turn off bluetooth, you can do: sudo systemctl disable bluetooth01:32
fashbashersoopen this file with nano or gedit or whatever: /etc/init/bluetooth.override01:32
fashbashersoenter in [manual] on line 1, then save and exit01:32
fashbashersoyou _should_ be good from there01:33
fashbashersowish^, let me know if that helps01:34
wish^Did not work adding it to that file01:39
fashbashersoand by [manual] i mean just write the word manual and nothing else - i don't know how much exp you have w. linux but [ ] means this and nothing else. : )01:40
daPhipzHow can you resize a LVM? I have Ubuntu installed on my HDD, all in one big LVM partition. Now, I want to add another distro on the same HDD. How is it possible to create a completely new partition, when the LVM uses the whole drive at the moment?01:44
fashbashersowish, here's a reference if I'm confusing the fuck out of you: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232639501:44
=== Phanes- is now known as Phanes
jamesddaPhipz: lots of lvm tutorials and howto's on the internet just google.01:46
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic
computerusersudo find / -name "GeglConfig"01:55
computerusersudo find / -name "GeglConfig"01:55
computeruserfind: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied01:56
computeruserwhy that01:56
Phanescomputeruser, type `id`02:07
Phanescomputeruser, also type `ls -al /run/user/1000/gvfs`02:08
pd1computeruser: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/77453/why-cannot-find-read-run-user-1000-gvfs-even-though-it-is-running-as-root02:09
fashbashersohey hey02:15
noobuntuhow many people here use irssi02:17
YankDownUndernoobuntu, There is a #irssi channel...02:18
noobuntutrue, thanks02:18
fashbashersohaha. dude bounced.02:20
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=== virtualriot is now known as sweetheart
santyalguno habla español?02:39
dnkekmuchos juevos02:39
Bashing-om!es | santy02:39
ubottusanty: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:39
santy /join #ubuntu-es02:39
dnkekMAS JUEVOS02:40
N3LRXmore eggs?02:44
N3LRXdepending on your intended dialect.02:44
=== max__ is now known as Guest83830
Betlehemvery extremed02:51
Betlehemdead, forever.02:52
=== jared is now known as Guest6872
juanonymousDetected behavior from consistent with that of a mail server. <- what does this means?03:00
a_ryanwhat it says03:00
jamesdsmtp ports are open...03:01
=== CodeMouse92 is now known as CodeMouse92__
FrogCasti am trying to build imagemagic statically so I can toss and run it on a remote server (which doesnt have gcc, and which i am not an admin). I am trying right now... what I see is a bunch of .lo files, which says to me I probably am not doing this right.03:06
FrogCastWhat steps do I need to do with ./configure and make in order to compile this program statically?03:07
Betlehemdinasty ubuntu-nin restaurant03:10
gegeni got some problem with my ubuntu. i can write in 30min03:10
gegenhey :D03:27
gegenhello :)03:28
gegensb out there?03:30
Bashing-om!ask | gegen03:30
ubottugegen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:30
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:33
gegeni got problems with my wifi: if i start my pc, it works fine. after a while i cant use the internet anymore. i seems to be connected to the rounter but no internet. if i click to reconnect to wifi, i get internet again.03:33
gegenthis happens maybe all 2 minutes03:34
YankDownUndergegen, If you set the wifi to use a static IP address, does the problem persist?03:36
gegenit is set to static ip. i had it on dhcp before but i had the same problem03:36
YankDownUndergegen, is it a Realtek chipset?03:37
YankDownUndergegen, And 17.04?03:38
impliteI think it could that he might be using the wrong firmware for his wifi card03:38
YankDownUndergegen, Ah...sorry...jumped the gun...03:38
implitejust a guess03:39
gegeni didnt changed anything. i'm a noob. how can i change the drivers?03:39
gegeni just started it again. at first it worked fine. now it hangs again03:40
YankDownUndergegen, You changed the wifi to use static IP, right? Something to look at would be /etc/network/interfaces - see if the actual connection is setup for static in that file...could you look?03:40
gegendns_probe_not_finished now03:40
gegenbut it is connected to wifi03:41
gegenin the etc/network/interfaces is only loopback03:42
gegenauto lo and ifance lo inet loopback03:42
YankDownUndergegen, Are you in the terminal looking at this?03:42
amicrawlerhow do i get my software back that i bought in 14.04 on 17.0403:42
gegensudo nano etc...03:42
YankDownUndergegen, So is that "Yes, I am in the terminal" or something else...?03:43
gegenyes in terminal03:43
gegeni set static ip over the taskbar. is seems to work. i always get the right ip and i can connect with ssh or ftp (only when the internet bug doesnt appear)03:44
YankDownUndergegen, Care to experiment and see if this resolves your issue?03:45
selsper_trying to get my graphics card working03:45
selsper_i got this03:45
gegenrouter is set to start dhcp from my static ip is
gegenYankDownUnder, ok03:46
amicrawlerhow do i get my software back that i bought in 14.04 on 17.0403:46
YankDownUndergegen, In the terminal, type: ifconfig ===> what is the NAME of the wireless connection? (I'll assume wlan0, but I don't want to really assume)03:47
gegenYankDownUnder, no its more complex: wlxa0f... do you need the whole name?03:48
Bashing-omselsper_: To see graohic's info ' sudo lshw -C display ' .03:48
YankDownUndergegen, If you can do a "pastbinit" of the output of "ifconfig" that would be lovely...03:49
gegenYankDownUnder, wlxa0f3c107fa2f03:49
YankDownUnder!pastbinit | gegen03:49
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:50
gegenYankDownUnder, i started the pc ~7min before. internet hangs up b4 ~5min. the site just reloaded. it seems that i fixes itself after a time. but i think it will hang up in a few mins again03:51
implitenot pin03:52
YankDownUndergegen, Here's a link to take a look at --> this would be fore ensuring a static ip, system wide...eh? : http://www.configserverfirewall.com/ubuntu-linux/ubuntu-set-static-ip-address/03:52
YankDownUndergegen, Testen Sie das Sehen Sie, wenn das Netzwerk das Netzwerk macht.03:54
virtualriotHi Sidney03:55
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: Any clue why systemd would use the MAC in the WIFI ID "wlxa0f3c107fa2f" ? Is there a hint here ?03:58
YankDownUnderBashing-om, Funny you should ask that - because I'm trying to figure THAT strange bit out right now...hmm... :)03:58
YankDownUnderCan't blame aliens or Trump.03:59
iwakuralainhi um03:59
gegenYankDownUnder, do i need "dns-nameservers"?03:59
iwakuralainI installed cloudron and it seems like it added iptables rules to block all ports it's not using and I can't figure out how to allow them again03:59
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: My thoughts too ----- Hummmm . Rest assured I sure do not know .04:00
implitethat would help you but thats not going to fix your problem gegen04:00
YankDownUndergegen, You can use the Google DNS servers ( and but you'd want to have the IP of your router FIRST...everything else would be after that...especially if you're using a different set of DNS servers...(you can still tack on the Google DNS servers at the end...if you so desire)04:01
gegenYankDownUnder, it doesnt work. "ping -c 4 google.com" -> unknown host.04:09
YankDownUndergegen, Assuming you've got a terminal open, can you type: sudo ifconfig | pastebinit => so I can see, please?04:11
gegenYankDownUnder, i cant change wifi settings anymore in taskbar. it says "device not managed"04:11
YankDownUndergegen, Because you've statically set the IP without using the network manager...04:11
gegenYankDownUnder, can i send a photo maybe? i cant paste it without ssh :D04:12
gegenYankDownUnder, or internet04:12
YankDownUndergegen, whichever you can04:12
gegenYankDownUnder, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byk4GWvlHo7bVWk5RlhvbXZJZDA04:14
gegenYankDownUnder, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byk4GWvlHo7bU1EyS0hNYnNXSG8/view?usp=sharing04:16
gegenYankDownUnder, and thats the settings on windows with dhcp https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byk4GWvlHo7bTUQxRjJnQnZCOE0/view?usp=sharing04:17
YankDownUndergegen, Far out...right...what is in the listing when you type: ifconfig -s ==> the interface names...?04:19
gegenYankDownUnder, first one is lo, second one is wlxa0....04:20
pd1was zur hoelle is dat fuern interface name???04:20
gegencan i change the interface name?04:20
pd1can you "cat /etc/resolv.conf"04:20
pd1you can, but its not important, and takes some time messing around with udev04:21
gegeni got the same wifi stick twice. i could try the other one too :d04:21
YankDownUndergegen, I'm a bit blown away over the fact that the wlan is NOT given a simple name...04:21
gegencat ... -> nameserver, nameserver
gegeni installed ubuntu yesterday04:22
pd1gegen: 'ifup wlxa......' will bring the static config up?04:22
gegenremoved bloat, installed chrome and pipelight04:23
gegenifup: interface wl... already configured04:23
YankDownUndergegen, What happens when you type: ifup wlan0 --> ?04:24
gegenunknown interface wlan004:24
YankDownUndergegen, ifup wlan1 --> ?04:25
pd1ifdown wlx..... && ifup wlx..... ?04:25
gegenno internet04:26
gegenbut ifconfig changed04:26
YankDownUndergegen, Far out...right oh...WELL, you can remove (or quote out) what you've put into the /etc/network/interfaces -> restart the network (sudo systemctl restart network) -> that at least will give you your net back...04:26
gegeninet adresse is correct now04:26
gegeni think it tries to do all networking through lo instead of wlxa...04:27
gegenbecause the rxbytes and txbytes are changing04:27
pd1sudo route  ---- photo04:27
pd1but this dongle is a wifi dongle, right?04:28
pd1missing the wpa-stuff in the static config04:28
gegenusb wlan dongle04:29
gegenifdown wlxa -> it disappears in ifconfig -> ifup wlxa -> takes ~20sec -> its back again04:30
LlynixWas upgrading to ubuntu 16.04 when it appears the upgrader has problems.  It is hanging at configuring libudev1, the last message in the terminal is Found memtest86+ image and mount is at 100% cpu.  Any suggestions?04:30
gegenroute -> empty table, command not terminating / takes more then 10s04:31
=== DrBrownBear is now known as Guest12462
gegeni just kept auto wlxa... and iface wlxa.. inet dhcp -> now when i ifdown -> some output and i can manage it over taskbar again04:33
pd1gegen: can you change your static config in /etc/network/interfaces https://linuxconfig.org/setup-wireless-interface-with-wpa-and-wpa2-on-ubuntu like here, just addin the wpa things. or is the wifi network open, but i assume you are in germany so if it is you are fucked anyways :P04:33
pd1would be f**** with an open wifi ;)04:34
=== flush is now known as flush_
=== flush_ is now known as flush
gegenwhen i set it to dhcp like i said, when i type ifdown and ifup -> dhcpdiscover on wlxa.. to port 67 interval... repeating04:36
Zalabasthat does count?04:37
pd1gegen: i mean with the static config + wpa-ssid +wps-psk04:39
gegenim on it04:39
gegenit is "different"04:40
gegendhcp works04:41
gegendo i really have to type in the wifi key into wpa-psk? is that safe?04:41
pd1it is safe04:43
gegenthe order doesnt matter in etc/network/interfaces? i dont need to indent address, netmask etc?04:44
gegensomething is fucked up04:47
pd1i intent it, dont knwo if its neccessary04:47
gegeni set it to static ip, restarted service. it connects to and network works. i still can ssh to router shows that nowthing is connected to this ip but i can still connect04:48
pd1you router shows ip's that he did not give out?04:49
gegenmy router shows that "UbuntuPC" is connected to "". nothing is connected to
pd1can you ping ?04:51
gegenso how the hell can i ssh to
gegenping works04:51
pd1then the machine is online!04:51
jamesdis  staticly config?   perhaps the router only tracks  dhcp requests04:52
gegenyes but now at
gegeni think04:52
gegenyou know how routing works?04:52
gegeni think my pc remembered the mac address and connects to the mac address04:52
pd1paste us the output of 'sudo route' and wait for more than 10 secs04:52
pd1gegen: quite sure - no04:52
gegennow it responds instantly04:54
pd1and the output of 'netstat -apn'04:54
pd1well, well, well04:56
pd1somehow the address is up too on the machine04:56
gegenftp to .77 works aswell04:56
pd1can you restart the box?04:56
pd1how about ssh or ftp to 67?04:56
gegenrestarted -> ifconfig says im on .77 now. seems to work04:58
gegenping to .67 doesnt work. seems to work now04:59
gegenwait - no. only local network. no internet05:00
pd1ping ?05:00
pd1cat /etc/resolv.conf?05:01
gegenfirefox or chrome -> dns probe finished bad config05:01
gegenempty, only comments05:01
pd1sudo echo "nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf"05:02
pd1does that solve the issue?05:02
pd1how can it :D sudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf05:02
gegenok resolv.conf has nameserver now but... :D05:04
pd1but... it will be lost after restart: option1. never ever restart again option2. another hour finding out why the nameserver from the static config is not in the filde option3. make the file readonly05:05
gegeni changed sth in etc network interfaces. now i get and in resolv.conf05:05
pd1and everything works?05:06
gegenseems to work05:06
pd1didn't expect option2 to be solved that fast :D05:06
gegenhad no "dns-nameservers"05:06
gegenquestion 1) will i get the same back as b4, that i will disconnect after 2 min?05:07
gegenquestion 2) do i have all necessary things in /etc/networks/interface05:07
pd1i do not knwo the interfaces fille right now. and the issue wasn't "does not connect" ? :P05:08
pd1but it should not disconnect after 2 minutes05:08
gegenno :D05:08
gegenat the beginning i set static ip over the taskbar05:09
gegenwith ubuntus ui etc05:09
gegeni had internet for 2 min05:09
gegen16.04 lts05:09
gegenit was lost then05:09
pd1just wait a few minutes05:09
gegeni had to reconnect to wifi05:09
gegenthen it was there again05:09
pd1at least you have eliminated the networkmanager from the equasion05:10
gegenthats my etc network interfaces now05:10
pd1looks ok05:10
pd1if you just need internet there is no need for fancy things05:11
pd1the system is fully updated?05:11
pd1i have naming issues for ethernet cards here 16.04 when the systems are not fully updated05:12
pd1and that name my friend is not normal05:12
gegeni did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade05:15
gegenbtw. not good05:15
gegenseems to be the same issue05:16
pd1so still have internet? 2 minutes should be over...05:16
gegeninternet is not working anymore :D05:16
pd1ifdown ...... ifup .....05:16
gegentill i disconnect and connect again05:16
pd1and its back there?05:16
gegenthats the problem05:16
gegenthen i get it again for 2 mins05:16
pd1thats the only device having problems?05:17
pd1phone/tablet/laptops/whatever work constantly?05:17
gegenpc over lan works constantly05:17
gegenphone over wifi... not always05:18
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pd1how far away are you from the wifi router?05:18
gegeni have to reconnect there too sometimes05:18
pd1just to make sure...05:18
gegenyou think its the router?05:19
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pd1test that like this: make the phone a wifi hotspot and connect to that with the 77 machine by commenting out the static config, replacing it with a dhcp config05:21
pd1actually the /etc/network/interfaces config is not needed since the proplem persists and you could do the static config in the networkmanager again ;)05:22
pd1gegen: https://askubuntu.com/questions/457729/ubuntu-14-04-wireless-constantly-disconnects this might help05:23
gegenwhy is linux so complicated :D05:25
pd1because its a freakish randgruppen thing on the consumer market and manufacture "insert name here"  gives a damn about 7 people using linux with his hardware so some nerd in basement needs to write a driver in his free time05:26
SnowieHi all. I just reinstalled 16.04.2 but left 3 home directories in place. I'm not trying to add the users back with instructions here http://www.tuxradar.com/answers/681 but as you can see, the blank user i created on the reinstall seems to have the same user details for my previous user account (mykal). the plan was to reinstate the users and delete the blank account.05:26
SnowieI'm *now trying to add...05:27
pd1the uid and gid are the same Snowie05:27
gegensudo iwconfig wlxa.. power off -> operation not supported05:28
Snowiepd1: yeah, i get that. so if i create a user mykal, i should create them with the same uid and gid that i currently have for the 'blank' user i am logged in as?05:28
Snowieand then i can safely ditch the 'blank' user?05:29
pd1change them for blank05:29
Snowiepd1: just trying not to lose stuff. not the end ofthe world, but yeah05:29
pd1i assume is the safest solution05:29
pd1backup the stuff!05:29
Snowieok, so after the reinstall there is only one user 'blank'05:30
gegenmodprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 -> missing module name05:30
Snowieso i create the other 3 users, as per their home directories and uid gid05:30
gegenrmmod: ERROR: missing module name.05:30
gegenmodprobe: FATAL: Error running remove command for iwlwi05:30
pd1hmmm gegen, that might not help at all :D05:30
Snowiethen change the gid uid for 'blank05:31
pd1Snowie: chnage the uid/gid for bloank first05:31
Snowieonce done i should be able to login as one of the other users and remove 'balank'05:31
pd1then create the other users, then drop blank05:31
Snowiepd1: is it safe to change that to a user i am logged in as?05:31
pd1i do not know05:33
pd1no way to backup the data to extern?05:33
Snowienot really. I'm nto too concerned if i lose all the user data. most of our stuff is 'in the cloud' anyway. have to reinstall some games and stuff. I think i might try creating the 2 non conflicting users and work from one of those users to fix the gid uid and then kill the old user05:34
gegenby the way i tried the other wifi dongle. its name is wlx60e32719fae1 :D05:35
squighi does ubuntu have a tool to clean up temp files?05:40
squigIm sure I remember there is a deamon to do it05:40
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CrimI need help05:53
CrimI went to windows for a project and when i tried to boot back into ubuntu it wont load anything i had before. I need to get back to my account05:55
CrimI went to windows for a project and when i tried to boot back into ubuntu it wont load anything i had before. I need to get back to my account05:58
CrimAnyone here help?06:00
lovetruthhello :)06:02
lovetruthhere is ubuntu server edition too?...06:02
gegenpd1, thanks for your help. i will disconnect now. maybe i just buy a long lan cable so i have no problems with wifi at all.06:26
amicrawler-newbii hope some one can help with this issue06:32
amicrawler-newbithe log in for the store on software center not working for 16.0406:32
amicrawler-newbican i redown load the programs i bought06:33
karen_Hi. What font by default is in xubuntu?06:49
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instigatorHello. I am receiving the following error when updating packages with apt-get update: "The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192" (full error message here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24522088/. I also tried 'sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C1192' but it did not fix there error.07:50
ducasseinstigator: most likely this is a temporary error, and will be fixed on the next update of the mirror. if it isn't, try #ubuntu-mirrors07:53
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pynkihow big you guys think the swap should be with 8GB ram? and should it be on the ssd or the oldcshool hdd?08:28
FManTropyxI guess it depends on how much memory you are using... maybe 2 GB (or none, if the 8 GB will always suffice) and I think swap should never be on an SSD08:32
pynkiFManTropyx, thanks. ubuntu switched to swap files right?08:37
ducassepynki: if you're going to use hibernation you need swap at least as big as your total ram. if swap is not heavily used i wouldn't worry about putting it on a modern ssd08:37
pynkiducasse, took me a week to sind an ssd that fit into that slot... don't think anything about that thing is modern at all :D can i hibernate a full encrypted ubuntu?08:38
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ducassepynki: no, you can't hibernate a fully encrypted system as it won't be able to resume.08:47
pynkiducasse, there are rumors about using fixed keys instead of random ones for the swap to enable hibernation08:50
pynkibut well, - who needs hibernation?!?08:51
CoderEuropehttps://redd.it/68pmee wat happens After Ubuntu 1808:51
ducassepynki: never looked into that, i've never needed hibernation08:59
pynkiducasse, me neither. a ubuntu system boots in seconds with the right hardware. CoderEurope is there an answer to the original posters question in that thread i cannot find?09:01
kallesbarHi, I have quite a new laptop where i am trying to install ubuntu. It total stuck right after I start installation. I think it is proplem in my graphics card or something. Laptop has 2 GPU's Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M, Intel HD Graphics 530. Ithink I need some support to get forward. Antone can help me?09:01
pynkikallesbar, it is just doing nothing anymore? witing, witing witing?09:03
CoderEuropekallesbar: have you tried using proprietory drivers for graphics ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/911264/login-loop-with-nvidia-proprietary-driver-and-after-uninstall-lost-both-wired-an09:04
kallesbarI waited about half a our and nothing09:04
CoderEuropemaybe you'd better try https://askubuntu.com09:04
kallesbarNo I don't. Even do not know how to use them.09:05
pynkikallesbar, can you turn off switchable graphics in the BIOS?09:06
kallesbarpynki: I need to check that BIOS settings09:08
LittleThis is wack09:08
pynkihe nailed it i think09:09
pynkikallesbar, i am waiting for some ahrdware to fix my old laptop and then i have the same way to go you are going right now :D09:10
pynkiplese just tell me if that helped or not :D09:10
kallesbarpynki: I am on BIOS now. Nothing I can do GPU's09:12
kallesbarpynki: I could only install Ubuntu server the laptop. Nothing graphics09:14
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ducasse!nomodeset | kallesbar have you tried this?09:20
ubottukallesbar have you tried this?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:20
CoderEuropekallesbar: your download could be corrupted, probably not - but did you use https://etcher.io/ ??09:21
CoderEuropecompletely forgot about Caturday. hello bonalink o/09:24
flux242What does this mean?09:25
flux242$ sudo snap refresh09:25
flux242error: cannot refresh []: Post https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/metadata: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)09:25
MonkeyDustflux242  there's also the channel #snappy09:26
flux242ok, i'll try there09:27
kallesbarducasse: I am on the Grup settings, pressed e and the I am. Could you give me more instructions?09:31
kallesbarducasse: do I need to SET some parameter on there?09:32
ducassekallesbar: all this should be in the link, but ho down to the line that says 'linux ...... quiet splash' and add nomodeset to the end09:33
kallesbarducasse: It is there and now boot?09:35
ducassekallesbar: yep, press f1009:36
arunsHi, I am running the FTP command line client on Ubuntu 16.04, the FTP client version number is 0.17-33, it doesn't seem to have lpwd.09:36
arunsAre there any other FTP variant clients for the command line that anyone would recommend?09:37
arunsI have heard good things about ncftp and lftp.09:37
ducassearuns: ncftp09:37
arunsducasse: Yeah, that's what I was thinking of using. Does that support both lcd and lpwd?09:38
kallesbarducasse: thanks, it works09:38
arunsI also heard it enables tab completion which is lacking on the FTP client.09:38
ducassearuns: i honestly can't remember what it supports, i haven't used ftp in over a decade09:38
arunsducasse: I see, it's because one of our webhosts at work only supports FTP D:09:39
ducassekallesbar: you will need to do it again on first boot after install so you can install the nvidia driver. then it should no longer be necessary.09:39
MonkeyDusti use bareftp, checking out ncftp now09:39
kallesbarducasse: yes ok, I noticed that in the document, thanks for you help09:43
antilogicHello, im using ubuntu gnome 17.04 and want to install nvidia 375.66 driver, for that i need to stop lightdm/gdm but command: "sudo service lightdm stop" does not seem to do anything, same with gdm. Has anyone tried to install this new driver?09:52
ducasseantilogic: try with 'gdm3'09:56
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antilogictried that also09:56
ducasseantilogic: 'sudo systemctl isolate multi-user.target'09:58
antilogicwhat does it do?09:58
BlackVenomHey folks. I just ran apt-get update and got this error09:59
BlackVenomE: Failed to fetch store:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial-updates_restricted_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz  Hash Sum mismatch09:59
BlackVenomWhat does it mean09:59
ducasseBlackVenom: that happens from time to time when the mirror didn't properly finish an update. it will be fixed on the next one.10:00
BlackVenomHi ducasse. What do you mean by fixed on the next one10:01
ducassefixed on the next update of the mirror.10:01
BlackVenomOK thanks ducasse10:02
antilogicThank you very much that helped!10:04
ducasseantilogic: you're welcome :)10:05
metaphysicianI have an Intel 7th generation CPU. Which kernel version should I be using? The deepest CPU idle state that powertop shows is C3.10:12
ducassemetaphysician: you could try a mainline kernel10:13
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds10:13
metaphysicianducasse: OK.10:18
brotherBoxhi, im having issues with natural scrolling in X after upgrading to ubuntu 17.04.  imputting the config at http://sprunge.us/CRYB into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the xorg log confirms that it does read from there. however, natural scrolling still doesn't work. what can i do?10:23
YankDownUnderbrotherBox, Try: sudo apt-get install mousetweaks10:25
brotherBoxYankDownUnder: mousetweaks is installed10:25
atralheavenhi, after updating my system now I have two lock screens! one within a windows, and other one like the login screen, I should pass both of them!10:26
brotherBoxYankDownUnder: mousetweaks is installed, i started it. not sure which effect it has, but natural scrolling doesnt work and the man page makes no mention of a scrolling option10:27
BluesKajHiyas all10:30
YankDownUnderbrotherBox, Try this: https://ducfilan.wordpress.com/2016/09/20/enable-system-wide-inverse-reverse-natural-scrolling-on-ubuntu-16-04/10:32
brotherBoxYankDownUnder: i was yesterday advised to not put xorg configs into /usr/share as the article and every other source of that information suggests. also that ephemeral setting just screws up my scrolling, its just way too many lines10:38
YankDownUnderbrotherBox, You're on 17.04 - so, if the current resolutions aren't working - be patient and keep researching and testing... :)10:40
SupaYoshianyone know how to 're-stream' rtp streams?10:43
golumhey so ive got a problem, when i click on my home wifi, and put in all the info (username/password/security details) and try to connect, i constantly get pop ups that say 'for accessing the WiFi network you need to provide a password' and two little popups come up saying wifi deactivated and no secrets were provided. I tried my WiFi and laptop password and neither work here.10:43
SupaYoshii want to re-stream camera streams, from a local ipcamera (x15 cameras) that are accessable on a ubuntu server, and then let the ubuntu server "re-stream" all the streams, by multicast?10:44
golumHelp poor noobie golum out [p.s. am very new to linux)10:44
brotherBoxgolum: are you sure your wifi is configured correctly?10:44
YankDownUnderbrotherBox, What's the "desktop" you're using - is it Gnome3 or Unity?10:44
brotherBoxYankDownUnder: its i3, which afaik is a window manager. i dont like gnome3 or unity10:45
ducasseSupaYoshi: something like socat or nc, maybe the cli version of vlc would be a good place to start10:45
YankDownUnderbrotherBox, Fair enough. I just found something in the "gconf"/"dconf" settings for natural scrolling. You might try in the i3 forums, too.10:46
brotherBoxYankDownUnder: err, i had rather my WM or whatever don't need to know about how i do my scrolling and have X do it, as is recommended everywhere10:47
ducassebrotherBox: try putting what you put in xorg.conf into a .conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d instead10:48
brotherBoxducasse: okay, let me try, one sec10:50
kael_Hey guys, just installed ubuntu. When i opened firefox, it gives an error: Server not found. I did a little googling and ran command "ping www.google.com" it returns "ping: www.google.com: Name or server not known". I  googled this message & changed /etc/resolv.conf to have dns, still unable to ping. Any ideas on the issue ?10:52
brotherBoxducasse: still no luck. it does recognise that i put a config into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d (in this case 70-synaptic.conf), but after doing systemctl restart lightdm.service its still mot working10:52
brotherBoxkael_: did you configure internet/wifi on that machine?10:54
brotherBoxducasse: is it important that the touchpad is managed by synaptics?10:54
kael_@brotherBox, yes the wifi seems connected from the symbol.10:54
ducassebrotherBox: you need to be configuring the correct driver, yes10:55
brotherBoxkael_: what interfaces does ifconfig show, and does the one you want to connect have an internal IP?10:55
golum@Brotherbox yes, i'm positive ive entered the right settings10:56
brotherBoxducasse: well, the entry thats recommended doesnt specify libinput or synaptics. what do you mean configuring the correct driver?10:56
ducassebrotherBox: your config does not seem to be for a specific driver, but a class of devices. but shouldn't MatchIsTouchpad be 'on' if you're trying to do this for a touchpad?10:59
kael_brotherBox_: ran "ifconfig" command seems like it is not installed, when i try to run "sudo apt install apt-tools", getting "E: unable to locate package net-tools". I am guessing i need to be connected to the internet to download this net-tools software.11:00
kael_*correction: "sudo apt-get install net-tools"11:00
Ben64yes, you do need internet to download things11:01
ducassekael_: what about 'ip a sh'?11:01
brotherBoxoh yes, its ip these days11:01
ducassekael_: what kind of ubuntu did you install, btw?11:02
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brotherBoxducasse: i set MatchIsTouchpad "on" and restarted lightdm, still nothing. the config that im using now is http://sprunge.us/HeeV, and for good measure, my xorg log is http://sprunge.us/SgHV11:03
kael_ducasse_: "ip a sh" returns: 1. lo:<LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP>.... 2.enp3s0:<NO-CARRIER, BROADCAST....3.wlp2s0: <BROADCAST,MILTICAST...11:03
brotherBoxkael_: does enp3s0 or wlp3s0 have an inet field?11:04
ducassekael_: put it on paste.ubuntu.com and post the url11:04
kael_@ducasse_: it ubuntu: 17.0411:04
kael_@brotherBox_:  yes wlp2s0 has inet field11:05
brotherBoxwhat the value of that field?11:05
kael_inet this is same as the nslookup from my mac which is connected to the same wifi11:06
brotherBoxseems like you have been assigned an internal IP11:07
brotherBoxalso what ducasse said, try to get the dump of "ip a sh" online and link it11:07
brotherBoxducasse: any idea about my issue? :/11:07
kael_brotherBox_: sure I will write it manuallly and uplaod the link. it will take some time.11:08
Hyth /nick Hyth11:09
brotherBoxthat seems inefficient, you may try with a usb drive after piping it to a file: ip a sh > ip_dump11:09
HythHi guys11:09
akikbrotherBox: did you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for that setting, whether it shows up in there11:11
brotherBoxakik: it does not actually. it puzzles me too, but it knows that there is a config file in/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d11:12
brotherBox*in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d11:12
akikbrotherBox: i set some nvidia specific settings there and they are shown in the log file11:13
akikbrotherBox: maybe it's a syntax problem?11:13
kael_@brotherBox @ducasse, please have a look at the dump generated by "ip a sh" command. https://pastebin.com/uRiWVW0d11:14
brotherBoxakik: the only WW (warnings) are about fonts and graphics. no EE and ?? entries11:14
brotherBoxif there was a syntax problem, wouldnt it throw a line about that into the log?11:15
ducassebrotherBox: not really, i'm not familiar with those settings. you could try using libinput instead of synaptics for the touchpad, see this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libinput11:15
kael_re: paste ubuntu link:  @brotherBox @ducasse, please have a look at the dump generated by "ip a sh" command. http://paste.ubuntu.com/24522927/11:17
brotherBoxkael_: what does ping -c4 do?11:19
kael_@brotherBox: ping -c4 is returning "Destination Host unreachable"11:21
kael_However, ping -c4 is giving no such message. 4 packets tramsitted, 3 recieved.11:23
computeruserkael_ are you using dhcp?11:23
kael_*4 recieved, 0 % packet loss11:23
kael_@computeruser: i shall get back to you once i figure out how to check if i am using dhcp :P11:25
brotherBoxkael_: you may want to try sudo dhcpd, just in case11:25
computeruserthats a yes11:27
computeruserunless you configured static IP in network settings then you are using DHCP11:27
computeruserregardless though, some routers will not respond to ping 25511:28
computeruser255 is default gateway but it is not really a destination11:28
computeruserit is reserved for broadcast messages11:28
computeruserthe early internet would resend ping to every node on the internet11:29
pynkitherefore it cannot be the default gateway11:29
computeruserthat is a problem11:29
kael_@computeruser_: i think i am using dhcp, since in my ipv4 setting it is mentioning "default(DHCP)", @brotherBox_: "sudo dhcpd" command gives "command not found" prompt.'11:29
computeruserI don't know the command in linux but in windows you would just type ipconfig /all11:30
computeruserthat would tell you your IP, DNS, gateway and if you are on DHCP11:30
computeruserthe information we need to help you11:30
kael_@computeruser, i guess the equivalent command in linux is "ifconfig", brotherBox asked me to run it before, but I dont have it installed and for installation i need internet:(11:31
computeruserthere are definitely packages installed to do it already11:33
computeruserif you can ping then you have an connection manager loaded and running11:33
computeruseryou can use the GUI11:34
computeruserwhere you were before looking at IPv4 settings11:34
computerusergo there11:34
marvin3is there a public log of this channel?11:34
computeruseroh wait the gui has no information11:34
computeruserif its DHCP that will just say DHCP11:35
akikmarvin3: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/05/06/%23ubuntu.html11:35
kael_@computeruser, yes, just saw the ipv4 section, no info is populated there.11:36
computeruserdon't type these commands11:36
computeruserjust read11:36
CoderEuropemarvin3: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/05/06/%23ubuntu.html11:36
computeruserit will give you an overview of what packages you can use11:36
computeruserthen read the man pages or google them11:36
kael_Thanks, will do it.11:36
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marvin3CodeBlue1776 thanks11:37
computeruserkael_ type sudo ip addr11:40
computeruserthat will tell you the interface name11:40
computeruserusually eth0 or wlan011:40
bekksNo need for sudo at that point.11:40
computeruseron my system it is eno111:41
computeruserbekks I am new I don' know11:41
computeruserbut I have CCNA cert from 200111:41
bekksThats why I am telling you ;)11:41
computeruserok thanks11:41
computeruserI am just letting everyone know if I screw up please tell me11:42
onomatopieaWhat is the best way to auto mount sshfs on login?11:42
ubottuAutomount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs11:42
onomatopieabekks: And it works with sshfs?11:43
onomatopieaApologies! I see it now :311:43
Basketballit is 4:44 am11:44
kk4ewtBasketball, then go to bed11:46
Basketballi cant... i have a bike ride in an hour11:46
onomatopieaActually! I already have autof configured but it is not auto mounting11:47
bekksonomatopiea: What is "autof"?11:48
onomatopieabekks: I am trying this: mntpoint -fstype=fuse,allow_other :sshfs\#"$FERAL_SSH_TARGET:private/data"11:50
onomatopieaBut it is complaining mtnpoint is not found11:50
bekksonomatopiea: Well, then the mountpoint isnt found :)11:51
onomatopieabekks: The command is not there ;)11:51
onomatopieaI have mtnctl?11:52
geirhait's not intended to be run as a command, it's a config line11:53
bekksonomatopiea: Maybe you should read all of the text in that article linked, not just what you think is a command :)11:54
onomatopieabekks: RTFM? What a suggestion!11:55
onomatopieaOk  thanks, let me reboot and see if this works ;))11:56
bekksonomatopiea: I told you to read the parts between what you already read.11:56
onomatopieabekks: Apologies. It didn't work anyways so I will keep reading11:59
computeruserkael_ I found it12:00
computerusertype ifconfig12:00
computeruserthat is exactly what you are looking for12:00
BluesKajor  ip addr12:00
bekkscomputeruser: ifconfig provides the same information. And is deprecated. Just use "ip addr"12:01
NokajiIs there a known fault with CUPS? - it stopped functioning with me and won't reinstall (v16.04 with canon mx925 printer) - says "The following packages have unmet dependencies" e.g. "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.16) but 2.23-0ubuntu7 is to be installed" and 12 others12:01
computeruserI don't see a IP4 subnet mask in ip addr12:02
ducasseNokaji: pastebin output of 'apt policy libc6'12:02
computeruserI never learned IP612:02
bekkscomputeruser: So use "netstat -rn" then.12:02
bekksNokaji: Can you pastebin "sudo apt update" please and provide the URL?12:03
computeruserbekks perfect thanks!12:03
frozenrouterI have a strange issue with the nvidia drivers, nvidia prime and multiple monitors that has been going for a while, if anyone has knowlege about those subjects, i would welcome any help12:04
computeruserI am using th nvidia drivers12:05
Nokajibekks: SORRY, IT DIDN'T GIVE ME A LINK12:05
computeruserI swapped the cables so I don't need a config12:05
Nokajibekks: just says 'all packages are up to date'12:06
ducasseNokaji: again, pastebin output of 'apt policy libc6'12:06
bekksNokaji: Put the entire output of "sudo apt update" into a pastebin please.12:06
frozenrouterwell, when my laptop is running the x server with the nvidia card, and i setup it to use the three monitors connected, the whole system completely locks after a short while. this does not happen when 1 or 2 of the monitors are enabled.12:06
computeruserbekks actually I have a problem with netstat -rn12:08
computeruserthere is no duplicate information to ifconfig eno112:09
computeruserall the information is missing12:09
computeruserI get a subnet mask but that is all12:09
Nokajibekks: https://pastebin.com/J3f8hu8h12:09
computeruserto compare ifconfig with netstat -rn12:10
ducasseNokaji: can you pastebin output of 'apt policy libc6' now?12:11
computeruserok so ifconfig is depreciated maybe but it works perfectly and it is installed by default in all versions of ubuntu12:11
computeruserI would say there is nothing wrong with it12:11
Nokajiducasse: Hopefully the pastebin is what you are asking me for12:11
bekksNokaji: Can you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy libc6" please?12:11
ducasseNokaji: it isn't12:11
Nokajihow do I do that, please?12:12
Nokajiis it a file?12:12
bekksNokaji: It is a command to be typed.12:12
ducasseNokaji: enter 'apt policy libc6 | nc termbin.com 9999'12:12
Nokajiso far it just hangs with a > prompt12:13
EriC^^Nokaji: single quote typo12:14
ducasseNokaji: don't enter the quotes12:14
Nokajiokie, a different result now ....12:15
ducasseNokaji: what is the url?12:15
emma__im using hp laptop with core i5 cpu.now i want limit cpu frequency to half.it seems kernel use intel p-state driver for sandy cpu.how is it?12:17
Nokajibekks: care to share your suspicions/thinking?12:19
bekksNokaji: Since you are trying to install a package, pastebin the exact command and its output please.12:20
tuxinatordear ubuntu people12:20
NokajiI wasn't using the terminal ...12:20
tuxinatornot a linux noob, however really unable to bring a ubuntu to boot on a supermicro server12:21
bekksNokaji: So do it now :)12:21
Nokajibekks: I've tried ubuntu s/w centre and synaptic, I've tried installing cups with options, cups on its own and just a specific driver? for canon - all fail similarly with dependencies12:21
tuxinatorboot_grub exists12:23
Al3xG0kex error : no match for method mac algo client->server: server [hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,umac-128-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160], client [hmac-sha1]12:24
Nokajibekks: https://pastebin.com/QABYYDcE12:24
Al3xG0how to solve error12:24
bekksAl3xG0: Please tell us when and how that error occurs.12:25
Nokajibekks: theres a 'gutenberg' installable that synaptic suggests as an alternative but that errors out too12:26
Nokaji(specifically a canon driver)12:26
Al3xG0bekks When I'm trying to connect to my server by x2go12:27
bekksAl3xG0: Which server? Which Ubuntu releases, which x2go versions, what exactly are you doing, and whats the full output?12:27
pynkiwhats the recommended way to egt a ubuntu iso to a usb from widows?12:28
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:28
Nokajibekks: and I didn't select any options on that, to keep it simple - I'll try synaptic meanwhile and paste the results unless you say otherwise12:28
bekksNokaji: I am not interested in synaptic, and you should use it when having broken dependencies.12:28
Al3xG0bekks Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS -> my server12:29
Al3xG0x2go 4.8.712:30
Nokajibekks: https://pastebin.com/gk3sd4zN12:32
Nokajibekks: synaptic says, zero broken dependencies - I did have some but dleted all of cups and one other proggie12:33
Nokajioh, 'not' interested - okie12:34
Nokajibekks: any idea what the problem is?12:35
Rizwansoftware gets stuck and have to restart system to work on it12:43
Rizwanwhat could be the problem12:43
Rizwanplease help12:43
MonkeyDustRizwan  what software and on what system?12:44
Rizwanubuntu and desktop12:44
bodhiwhat are your system specs rizwan?12:44
Rizwanoperating system12:44
Rizwangets stuck12:44
bodhiI meant the hardware12:44
Rizwan4g ram, corei3-3220 cpu 3.3ghz12:45
Rizwan1tb hdd and 450w12:45
MonkeyDustRizwan  can you login?12:45
bodhiwhich distro are you using?12:45
Al3xG0kex error : no match for method mac algo client->server: server [hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,umac-128-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160], client [hmac-sha1]  I'm trying to connect to my server by x2go12:46
Rizwanyes can login and it works fine12:46
Rizwanubuntu 16.1012:46
MonkeyDustRizwan  so what program is the problem?12:46
seednodeAl3xG0, looks like that client either only supports or is only offering up hmac-sha1 as an option, which has been deprecated12:47
Rizwanthe desktop gets stuck12:47
Rizwanhave to restart it12:47
Rizwanto work on it again12:47
MonkeyDustRizwan  you mean, it freezes?12:48
Rizwanyes right12:48
seednodeAl3xG0, cursory googling seems to show that builds (for Windows, at least) and later use a libssh version supporting other algos, but older ones will not12:48
Rizwani have reinstalled ubuntu it works fine for 2 days and then it freezes and we r forced to restart to work on it12:49
schahermachercan someone explain the reason behind this crash?12:50
Al3xG0seednode client ssh x2go?12:50
seednodeYes, older x2go versions only seem to support hmac-sha1, which IIRC is disabled by default on current openssh builds due to being possibly insecure12:50
MonkeyDustRizwan  it's still too vague ... what video card is it?12:52
Rizwanits doesnt have a card12:52
MonkeyDustRizwan  the monitor needs a video card12:53
Rizwanis it graphic card12:54
Rizwanour work doesnt need a graphic card12:54
Rizwanbasic computing, data entry12:54
MonkeyDustRizwan  is it the machine you are typing on, now, here, in irc?12:56
Rizwando u want me to login from machine12:57
MonkeyDustRizwan  login from machine?12:57
Rizwansure in a moment12:57
Al3xG0seednode Do I have to install a newer version of x2go to work?12:59
seednodeAl3xG0, I've never used x2g0, but that's what it looks like13:00
RizwanI have logged please reply13:02
Rizwanloggin out from this sys13:02
MallowHave quit ?13:02
jk^how to choose the best flavour? :\ Someone tells me. Each user choose about his needs. But, if i don't know the differences between all flavours and without using anyone of them, how may i match my needs? :-o13:06
=== Akbar is now known as Guest49890
Guest49890will u plz help me13:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:07
jk^Or, have i to choose just according to System Requirements?13:09
Guest49890i am using ubuntu 16.10 my system is freezing..i reinstall it also it works good 2 or 3 days agian it will freeze13:10
zteamjk^, if you would like some Windows-like I casn recommend Kubuntu, otherwise I find the vanilla flavor (regular Ubuntu very nice)13:11
Guest49890i am using ubuntu 16.10 my system is freezing..i reinstall it also it works good 2 or 3 days agian it will freeze13:11
Sparrow__jk^, Download a bunch, put them on flash drives and test them without installing. See how they actually work on tiyr jardare then install two, one to use and one to play with and break13:11
Sparrow__your hardware13:12
zteamjk^, if you are still unsure, there should be plenty of youtube videos comparing them13:12
Guest498904 gb ram 1tb hdd13:12
Guest49890i3 processsor13:12
arunsHi, I am running Apache 2.4.18 on Ubuntu 16.04, I have set ServerTokens to Prod / ProductOnly in my apache2/apache2.conf file, and I have a .htaccess file in one of my test vhost subdirs in /var/www which has the following ServerSignature Off13:12
Sparrow__No you do go for a ride and let the salesman drive do you, no you drive it you see how it feels13:12
arunsWhen I visit that vhost locally and open Chrome DevTools Console after reloading the server and check the Network tab so that I can check the HTTP response headers, it still says Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)13:13
ryzokukenguys, how ubuntu compares to elementary and mint in terms of sheer speed?13:13
zteamGuest49890, are you asking about which flavor you should pick?13:13
Guest49890its strucking again & again13:13
Kolusaruns, it sounds like you need to update your vhosts to add a virtual host to your system and point it to your directory13:14
Sparrow__ryzokuken, Guest49890 thats what I have on this system  i2 an 4gig 500 gighd13:14
Kolusotherwise your going to continually see the Apache page13:14
ryzokukenSparrow__: ?13:14
Sparrow__my bad13:14
ryzokukenwere you answering my question?13:15
Sparrow__Goodmorning my friend.13:15
Troy1Guest49890: are you allowing your computer to enter sleep/hibernation?13:15
ryzokukenwhich is the best ubuntu variant/derivative in terms of performance?13:16
arunsKolus: ?13:16
arunsYou are misunderstanding.13:16
Troy1Guest49890: that may be your issue? you never gave us more details on when it freezes?13:16
arunsI am asking how to hide the Apache server version in the HTTP response headers, I have used ServerSignature Prod but it is not working13:17
Sparrow__ryzokuken, that question leads to a lot of discussion but it depends more on which flavors you pick.  Mint cinnamon is great but heavy, lm is very light and mint in the middle13:17
Guest49890whenever we are opening photoshop or excels sheet that time itsb freezing13:17
Kolusthats going to take a little lookup for me too13:17
Sparrow__sounds like a wine prob;em13:17
arunsAre you opening in Photoshop via WINE or via GIMP?13:18
pynkithx @bekks13:18
Guest49890via gimp13:18
Guest49890sory gimp only13:18
jk^Sparrow__, Pls, what means--> "See how they actually work on tiyr jardare then install two, one to use and one to play with and break"13:19
arunsWell PSD is a proprietary format13:19
arunsSo maybe the issue is that Gimp is struggling to convert some of your PSD files13:19
Sparrow__jk^, see me in private13:19
arunsBecause it has to reverse engineer the format in order to read the files13:19
Guest49890whenever m using libre office also13:20
Guest49890it becoming freeze13:20
arunsLet me bring up LibreOffice Calc.13:21
Troy1again probablly opening large workbooks with formulas and code that were made in microsoft excel13:21
* pynki has abck a real linux machine and feels like a human being again13:21
Guest49890so wht should i do now13:22
Sparrow__g498   run this in terminal   inxi -Fxxrzc013:22
Sparrow__argh, fingers are not working this am paste failures everywhere argh13:23
arunsMaybe you could go to Tools > Options in LibreOffice Calculator Guest4989013:23
arunsTweak some of the settings.13:23
arunsCheck Memory and View under LibreOffice at the top13:24
arunsMaybe tweaking some of the settings could help13:24
arunsYou could maybe try reducing the graphics cache, idk13:25
arunsNot really much of a LibreOffice user13:25
arunsMaybe see if hardware acceleration is ticked under View13:25
arunsUntick it to see if it improves performance13:25
arunsOtherwise yeah as Troy1 it probably can't handle large workbooks13:26
NokajiIs there a known fault with CUPS? - it stopped functioning with me and won't reinstall (v16.04 with canon mx925 printer) - says "The following packages have unmet dependencies" e.g. "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.16) but 2.23-0ubuntu7 is to be installed" and 12 others13:32
=== Betlehem is now known as Greyhawk
zteamNokaji, try to to run sudo apt-get -f install in a terminal and apt will try to resolve it for you13:36
NokajiThanks zteam13:36
Nokajizteam: It's giving me 'unable to install' "The following packages have unmet dependencies." and then list 7 pkgs13:39
schahermachercan somebody help with my freezing issue plz?13:40
EriC^^!details | schahermacher13:42
ubottuschahermacher: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:42
schahermachermy system freeze each 2-3 days here is the log of kernel at the moment it did: https://0bin.net/paste/OPSds6cUX4-hGzdA#J6jNG5KCbeMyXK-OruzSDEso2UKouDSY69VFIgWBi9F13:43
zteamNokaji, try to disable any third-party repositorys if you have added some (if you don't know what that means then you probably haven't touched one either, and then you can ignore this suggestion) :-)13:46
Nokajiztane: okay, I used to have pidgin, now deleted (problematic) .. I'll check on others13:48
Sparrow__schahermacher, inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit13:49
Nokajiztane: if I disable "unsupported updates (xenial backports)" for now, is that a plan?13:50
schahermacherSparrow__ here you are Sir https://pastebin.com/M4eqardg13:51
ryzokukenguys, which ubuntu flavor works best considering a mix of looks and performance and giving a little more weightage to performance?13:51
ryzokukenplease help me decide.13:51
Sparrow__schahermacher, what did you add from that ppa?13:52
schahermachercan you help me remember what is ppa?13:53
pynkiryzokuken, giving advice on something like "looks" are 100% subjectivef13:53
Nokajizteam: rather (sorry) - if I rephrase the question ... I have only updates form canonical and launchpad EXCEPT webupd8.org - should I kill that one?13:53
pynkiryzokuken, i would recommend ubuntu minimal + fluxbox - but for others that may suck13:54
ryzokukenpynki: some looks are more or less universal. KDE looks better than XFCE for almost everyone.13:56
zteamNokaji, if you have added ppas yes,13:56
pynkiryzokuken, maybe. but without knowing your preferences its hard to recommend anything regarding looks. what about usability? special needs?  etc.?14:01
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schahermacherFrankly I don't remember Sir Sparrow__14:02
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schahermacherbut maybe i can do some kind of revision through terminal?14:02
pynkischahermacher, most likely java8 was added from that ppa14:06
schahermacherright java installed14:07
schahermacheri need that for my software14:07
schahermacheri think this machine have version 714:07
Sparrow__schahermacher, often ppas are where things break14:07
schahermacherany way to keep that and also be stable?14:07
nicolas_matehola tengo un problema con el bluetooth, alguien me puede ayudar?14:08
ducasseschahermacher: to get newer stable software, upgrade to a newer ubuntu version14:08
schahermacherisn't it new enough ducasse?14:09
pynkiit is14:09
schahermacherthen what should i upgrade?14:09
pynkischahermacher, openjdk is no choice for you regarding java?14:09
pynkineeds to be oracle java?14:09
schahermacheri can consider that, am installing it because i use software that use it14:10
schahermacherif it will work with openjdk i have no problems with that14:10
pynkithere are just a few corner cases openjdk cannot do things oracle can14:10
schahermacherok so first i have to uninstall the jave i already got right?14:11
pynkican install them side by side14:11
schahermacherand it will possibly prevent freezing?14:11
schahermacherjust updated everything thgough updater too14:11
pynkithe freezing was always there? or can you say: i did this and that and then it happend?14:12
schahermacherhey afx_ your music is great14:12
schahermacherit's when system is idle14:12
schahermacherso i have no idea yet what the cause is14:12
pynkischahermacher, have a look here https://askubuntu.com/questions/56104/how-can-i-install-sun-oracles-proprietary-java-jdk-6-7-8-or-jre14:12
pynkiadjust the solution for adding openjdk :P14:12
schahermacherok i look at it thanks pynki14:13
pynkisudo update-alternatives --config java that shoudl be the interesting line14:13
pynkischahermacher, but your software might have a config file setting JAVA_HOME or soemthing similar that needs to point to the directory with the JRE14:13
pynkibesides the alternatives thing14:14
pynkitomcat for example will need that14:14
pynkibut its a desktop machine so i assume its not tomcat7 :D14:14
moongazerhow do install the 32 bit version of chromium on 64 bit ubuntu 16.04?14:14
schahermacherno it's desktop14:15
Sparrow__moongazer, Why?14:15
schahermacheri have apparently the same issue when use laptop with the same system14:15
schahermacherfreezing while idle14:15
schahermacheralso java is there too14:15
Sparrow__schahermacher, try blacklisting dmac_core fix and test one of these boots.14:16
schahermacherI have no idea what that means Sir, but thanks for suggesion.14:16
pynkimoongazer, sudo apt-get install chromium-browser:i38614:20
pynkibut it sounds like a wired idea to do that14:21
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pynkischahermacher, https://askubuntu.com/questions/110341/how-to-blacklist-kernel-modules14:22
schahermacherthanks pynki14:23
Sparrow__schahermacher, dw_dmac.blacklist=yes dw_dmac_core.blacklist=yes replaces quiet and splash in grub menu on boot.   Just something to try if fixing that ppa does not work out14:23
Sparrow__Im still trying to wake up.. tx for understanding14:23
Sparrow__using kernal newer than 4.5 also fixes some of those suspend bugs14:24
pynkiSparrow__, unlikely that the problem is caused by the ppa. we internet would be full of solutions if its the oracle java ppa causing system freezes i think14:24
schahermacherthanks for your support guys14:25
Sparrow__pynki, show him how to edit quiet splash while I wake u plz..14:25
schahermacheryes plz14:26
Sparrow__esc to get grub menu on boot   the e to edit  find quie and splash and replace14:27
Sparrow__something like that14:27
pynkiSparrow__, funny - am only  awake because i am revivian an old laptop that cant be turned off and needs to be plugged in while i wait for rhe 6kb/s downloads to finish here in china :/14:31
pynkibut my brain is already sleeping. schahermacher seems to be the only one in atimezone that is in "day" mode :D14:31
schahermacheryeah we in here are at daytime now14:32
schahermacheram in ukraine14:32
pynkiyeah - your mirrors showed something clone or in russia :D14:33
afx_schahermacher, ty . too bad cant use ubuntu for it :(14:34
schahermacherlol afx_14:34
schahermacheranalord GNU edition? afx_14:35
Delviencron jobs arent working, here is my crontab: https://pastebin.com/1dCbNqdD14:36
Sparrow__pynki, I could make you cry with my stories about 600 baud modems in the 70's14:37
ducasseDelvien: are those scripts?14:37
Delvienducasse: yes14:37
pynkiSparrow__, schahermacher https://grumpymole.blogspot.hk/2007/05/ubuntu-how-to-edit-grub-boot-parameters.html explain to him what to add/remove14:38
ducasseDelvien: can you  pastebin one of them?14:38
schahermacherthanks pynki14:38
pynkischahermacher, 1. Changing Boot Parameters Temporarily this one ;)14:39
Delvienducasse Well, lemme just phrase it this way, i can run fixlcd or fixhdmi and it runs. either with fixlcd or /usr/bin/fixlcd14:39
Delvienducasse: cron just isnt executing them14:39
pynkischahermacher, dw_dmac.blacklist=yes dw_dmac_core.blacklist=yes replaces quiet and splash in grub menu on boot.   Just something to try if fixing  is what Sparrow__  wrote earlier14:39
RawketLawnchasay there is a system with 1TB HDD, and that entire disk is for home directories, so everyone is free to use that 1TB of space, so you think its possible to somehow encrypt everyone's home directory without actually allocating some particular space for everyone ? I mean I know I can just make 1GB file use md-crypt and mount it for every user but14:39
RawketLawncha that would limit everyone to 1GB, so you think its possible to somehow keep that 1TB of free space for everyone and still encrypt everyone's files in home directory ?14:39
ducasseDelvien: yes, but you are running them from an interactive shell, cron isn't.14:40
Sparrow__pynki, thanks nice link14:40
Delvienducasse so if they are only running one line, i can just put that line into cron?14:40
pynkiRawketLawncha, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome14:41
schahermacherjawa - a thousands pleasures not.14:41
ducasseDelvien: that depends on what is in that line14:41
Delvienducasse: xrandr line14:41
RawketLawnchapython - a thousand and one pleasures not14:41
ducasseDelvien: cron can't 'see' your x session. you see why i needed to know what was in that script now?14:42
* pynki loves "Select and install Software" - "Retrieving file 14 of 72 (4h 48min remaining)"14:44
schahermacheri love my terminal, hopefully i learn enough to avoid drag and drop interfaces completely14:45
schahermacherwhat is good guides for basic terminal commands?14:45
pynkidaylu work14:45
pynkiavoid the mouse14:46
schahermacherwhat's daylu?14:46
pynkijust do it in the terminal14:46
Delvienducasse: sorry, hit ctrl x by accident :P https://pastebin.com/iRb4JBhH14:46
schahermacherstill not clear14:46
schahermacheryes mouse also not necessary14:46
schahermacheram pushing myself to emacs zone14:47
ducasseDelvien: it *might* work if you put 'DISPLAY=:0.0 ' at the beginning of the xrandr line, but this is just an ugly hack. cron has no access to x sessions.14:48
pynkischahermacher, press "tab" key in the terminal - there are thousands of commands to choose, no guide can teach them to you. when you start doing things exclusively in the terminal - things like copy files, move files, etc etc - you will get used to it. almnost every problem you have could be solved in the terminal as long as you want it and do it. its a question of learning by doing. reading guides will not teach you for a long time14:48
Delvienducasse: yeah, its an ugly hack, but the utilities arent available to make this happen automagically14:48
schahermacherif i press tab nothing happens apparently14:49
Delvienducasse yeah didnt work :/ I think just making a repeating script would work better lol14:50
pynkitypei n any character. then tab. it will show you all commands that start with that char14:50
pynkidon't knwo why just tab does not work :D14:50
SquidwinAfter I finished installation and start restart and remove the installation medium, after that just a black screen shows up14:50
Squidwinwhy doesn't my OS load?14:50
itstonyYou may have to press tab twice to get it to list out all commands14:50
pynkiSquidwin, the hdd the system is installed to is choosen in the BIOS for booting?14:51
schahermacheraha, i see thank you pynki14:51
Squidwinpynki, yes I guess14:51
pynkischahermacher, "man command" will show you the manual. e.g. "man cp" for the copy command. without all the "14:52
Squidwinpynki, it is SSD actually14:52
pynkiSquidwin, that does not matter as long as the BIOS knows that you want to boot from that disk14:52
pynkiSquidwin, just checking the simple thigns first ;)14:53
Delvienducasse: repeating script worked like a charm, prolly convert it to a service at a later time lol14:53
Squidwinpynki, yes the bios option is correct14:53
schahermacheroh yes man i know my favorite is man man14:53
Squidwinpynki, still it does not work it is just a black screen with no text but a keyboard space14:53
schahermacherhow to I resize the screen to see the complete text without mouse?14:53
pynkischahermacher, in a terminal?14:54
SquidwinPlease help guys I have a lot of things to do...14:54
pynkischahermacher, no way :D use up/down arrows or google "manpage command"14:54
pynkimost of them are online somewhere14:55
schahermacheri think i read some where it is possible14:55
SquidwinGuys I said I have a lot of things to do, and still the OS does not load!14:55
SquidwinCome on!!!!!14:55
pynkiSquidwin, first of all: boot a live ubuntu from an usb stick14:55
skinuxAPT is stuck running in the background and kill command isn't working, it just starts again14:55
Squidwinpynki, I booted from USB and installed it and finished every information, and I pressed restart and removed my installation medium and waited to use the OS, but it does not show.14:56
pynkiSquidwin, and then someone else needs to take over because i need to sleep. i finally got my installer files downloaded and now have 3 days time to wait for texlive to downlaod14:57
pynkiSquidwin, i know. but fixing that will need an ubuntu started from an usb stick14:57
schahermacherkeep up the good work pynki!14:57
Squidwinpynki, what do you mean?14:57
schahermacherhe means proby that you have to boot from usb again to fix that, to diagnose the problem14:58
pynkiSquidwin, plugin the usb again, boot the usb stick and choose "test ubuntu" or some liek that14:58
SquidwinAnyone please help me, I don't have time, I already spend hours on downloading and buring to USB stick.14:58
Squidwinpynki, ok14:58
pynkia _ blinking is not an error message anyone could work on14:58
Squidwinpynki, should I choose USB from legacy boot or UEFI boot list?14:59
SquidwinLegacy or UEFI boot? Which one?!15:00
SquidwinHello? Legacy or UEFI boot? Goddamit I am running out of time!15:01
ducasse!patience | Squidwin15:01
ubottuSquidwin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:01
schahermacheri feel legacy15:02
schahermacherif it boots it doesn't matter apparently15:02
SquidwinI clicked on what pynki said15:02
SquidwinI clicked on check disk for defects (somehin like that)15:03
RawketLawnchapynki: are  you a brony ?15:03
SquidwinNothing happens again, it is just black screen with no text15:03
SquidwinWhat should I do?15:04
Squidwinpynki, ?15:04
blackflowSquidwin: did you try the legacy boot?15:05
Squidwinblackflow, no, UEFI bot15:05
RawketLawnchaare all new motherboards nowadays have UEFI ?15:05
Squidwinblackflow, why?15:05
blackflowSquidwin: try Legacy15:05
Squidwinit has been thousand times I am turing on and off my PC,15:06
SquidwinOkay what should I choose?15:07
blackflowSquidwin: legacy15:07
Squidwincheck disc for defects?15:07
SquidwinTest memory?15:07
SquidwinBoot from first hard disk (mine is SSD)?15:07
blackflowthat last15:07
Squidwini clicked15:08
pynkiRawketLawncha, a brony?15:09
Squidwinblackflow, it leaded me to installation again15:09
Squidwinblackflow, should install it all over again and what if the same thing happens again?15:09
ducasseSquidwin: did you install in uefi mode or legacy mode? if uefi, where did you the install the bootloader?15:10
=== Decagon is now known as ExecSlim
Squidwinducasse, legacy boot this time15:11
blackflowSquidwin: did you actually try booting from your disk (not usb) in legacy mode?15:11
Squidwinblackflow, YES15:11
blackflowlike, unplugged the usb and/or selected proper HDD/SSD form a boot menu?15:11
Squidwinblackflow, only a black screen will show up15:12
blackflowSquidwin: and if you reboot again (not plugging your usb in), does it reach the grub menu?15:12
Squidwinblackflow, I don't really know it is just a blackscreen without text and I can type nothing!15:13
blackflowSquidwin: well does it? In case it doesn't boot properly, on next reboot it should give you the grub menu15:13
blackflowin that menu you can edit the kernel line to disable splash so oyu can see kernel messages as it boots up, maybe there'd be a clue as to why it halts15:14
blackflowand if you can't reach the grub menu at all, either you're not booting properly, or the installation is botched.15:14
SquidwinThe installtion is getting don15:15
SquidwinLets see what it will show after the restart process15:15
blackflowSquidwin: did it ask you where to store the grub bootloader?15:16
Squidwinblackflow, not at all.15:16
Squidwinblackflow, it just asked for filling simple data, thats it man15:17
blackflowbefore you reboot15:17
blackflowopen the terminal and type 'cat /etc/fstab'15:17
Squidwinblackflow, I don't have access to OS now it is being finished installation15:17
blackflowThat will show you the fstab file which contains primary mount points for the system. If it contains a string like '/boot/efi' then that's an EFI installation15:17
blackflowSquidwin: are you installing Ubuntu?15:18
blackflowbecause iirc the installer should allow you to use the OS booted from the USB before you do the final reboot15:18
Squidwinblackflow, no but a Ubuntu based OS, but I had the exact same problem when I was installing pure Ubuntu15:18
blackflowNot ubuntu? We're done here. bye. :)15:19
SquidwinIt is ubuntu flavor15:19
blackflowit's not ubuntu.15:19
blackflowgo ask the devs who made the flavor what kind of changes they did, and to help you with those changes.15:19
Squidwinblackflow, it is Ubuntu based! And again had THE SAME PROBLEM WITH UBUNTU!!!!!15:19
Squidwinblackflow, it is the same!!!!!!15:19
blackflowunless youmean one of the official ones? ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu mate ?15:19
blackflowthen if it is the same, the isntaller allows you to use the OS15:20
pynkiand asks you for the grub install point15:20
SquidwinNoit did not15:20
blackflowyou can start up the installation USB, and chose to "explore", which is  a live env. you can start the installer (it opens a window) so you can use the OS while it installs15:20
blackflowthen it's not the same, is it?15:20
RawketLawnchaSquidwin: so you are asking for help with not ubuntu ?15:20
blackflowubuntu installer also asks where to store the grub loader, if that didn't change recently.15:21
blackflowSquidwin: which flavor is this?15:21
anddamwhy does claws-mail, a MUA on itself, suggests evolution and sylpheed?15:21
Squidwinblackflow, Zorin OS.15:21
pynkiSquidwin, ok. open the terminal :D15:21
RawketLawnchaSquidwin: why not just use ubuntu and avoid those problems in the first place ?15:21
Squidwinpynki, the screen is empty15:21
SquidwinRawketLawncha, coz I HAD THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM WITH UBUNTU15:22
SquidwinOkay it asks for restart now15:22
SquidwinI will click restart now15:22
RawketLawncha"SAME PROBLEM", sticky caps lock ?15:22
blackflowSquidwin: I'm going to give you support fo ubuntu, and I don't care what it is. So my advice to you is this: check where it saved the grub loader, or if you're a a later stage, open the terminal when it's done and see the fstab file.15:22
kunjiSquidwin: Black screen is pretty generic, there are a whole host of possible issues and they may not be the same in Ubuntu as in Zorin, so I don't see how you have verified it is the same problem.15:22
* pynki reads that zorin os is rock solid and reliable15:23
SquidwinOkay the restart pocess started15:23
blackflowSquidwin: now, if that advice doesn't  help you because your installer doesn't allow that, that's YOUR problem.15:23
Squidwin1 sec please...15:23
RawketLawnchaSquidwin: I don't want to read scrollback logs, what is the exact problem ?15:23
SquidwinRawketLawnha, the problem is, I cannot open my OS.15:24
pynkiRawketLawncha, installing ubuntu likeish os - not booting15:24
blackflowRawketLawncha: black screen upon reboot15:24
Squidwinnot booting15:24
kunjiRawketLawncha: From my skimming after install and reboot he gets a black screen, Zorin OS.15:24
SquidwinWTF?! I can move mouse point but the screen is empty and it seems I am not in the OS.15:25
pynkiand the usb does not allow a live system nor does the installer let him choose where to install grub15:25
blackflow!based on ubuntu | Squidwin15:25
ubottuSquidwin: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)15:25
Squidwinthe screen has a booting-time theme wallpape15:25
pynkizorin os will have an support app i assume15:26
kunjiSquidwin: Could be a graphics, among many other possibilities, but if you're seeing a pointer we know it isn't about the bootloader ^_^15:26
kunji*graphics issue15:26
kunjiZorin have their own IRC and forums: https://zorinos.com/help/15:27
Squidwinno :´(  I should not have changed windows from the first place... shame on you Linux, cannot even avoid these simple problems... awkward problems with ubuntu.15:27
kunjiSquidwin: From Zorin you mean.15:27
Guest3anybody that cen recommend a usb network adapter to mac for use in virtuelbox and stuff? is gonna be used with laptop and 10.11+15:27
blackflowbut this ain't ubuntu15:27
kunjiSquidwin: :P15:27
Squidwinkunji, their IRC channel is frozen and I have to wait till admins send me authorization email SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!15:28
blackflowSquidwin: also, from the grub menu, remove "quiet splash" from the kernel command line, that should give you hints of any problems during the boot15:28
Squidwinso there is no way for help15:28
kunjiSquidwin: O.o  such language, lol15:28
blackflowSquidwin: I suggest you simmer down and respect the channel. This is for Ubuntu support, only.15:28
ducasse!ohmy | Squidwin15:28
ubottuSquidwin: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:28
Squidwinexcept this rich channel.15:28
kunjiSquidwin: rich?15:28
Squidwinkunji, crowd.15:28
SquidwinNow what should I do?15:29
kunjiSquidwin: You could try booting in safe graphics mode, or with other kernel parameter, e.g. acpi=off15:29
kunjiSquidwin: That should be enough to google a bit with :P, if you aren't seeing GRUB in your boot process to enter such parameter, you can hold down shift while booting to get the GRUB menu.15:29
ducasseSquidwin: you should get help here - https://zorinos.com/help/15:30
SquidwinI don't know about any of these technical terms or tutorials :(15:31
pynkithe zorinos channel is fully alive15:32
skinuxHow can I shut down APT when it keeps coming back immediately after killing it?15:32
ducasseSquidwin: you are still asking for help in the wrong place, we don't know what the zorin guys have changed15:32
pynkiskinux, kill aptPIDhere && apt-wahtver youwant, is not fast enough?15:33
skinuxIt's not working15:33
SquidwinOkay guys look, I turned off my computer now and inserted the USB stick that contain Zorin OS (a Ubuntu-based distribution), now I turned on my desktop PC and clicked F12 and I am waited to choose a boot device, either from legacy or UEFI, which one should I choose?15:33
pynkiotherwise find out what is spawning it15:33
blackflow!based on ubuntu | Squidwin15:34
ubottuSquidwin: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)15:34
virtualriotHi everyone15:34
pynki#zorinos, even on the same network15:34
ducasseSquidwin: 'based on ubuntu' is different from 'is ubuntu'15:34
kunjiSquidwin: Depends on your motherboard and what other OSs you have installed which will be better for you.....15:34
SquidwinTheir channel is frozen as well as their forum.15:35
skinuxWhich number is the ID from ps aux?15:35
pynkips ax, the fiorst one15:35
ducasseSquidwin: it's not, go there and wait for help. it might take a little time.15:36
juanonymousis there any alternative install, with this one?15:36
juanonymous sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools ubuntu-restricted-extras15:36
juanonymoussudo apt-get install -y libavcodec-extra-54 libavformat-extra-5415:36
lotuspsychjeSquidwin: another solution would be installing ubuntu15:36
juanonymousubuntu 16.04.1 xenial is my os15:36
lotuspsychjejuanonymous: you need to update your system to .215:37
skinuxI;ve tried it 5 times now, it just comes back with another PID15:37
juanonymouslotuspsychje, how do i do that btw?15:38
juanonymouswithout copying .2 image and reinstalling the os15:38
lotuspsychjejuanonymous: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:38
pynkiskinux, running " kill PID && apt-get update" will not work because it spawns again before your apt-get can come throu?15:39
skinuxI am only doing 'kill PID'15:39
pawel_jak zainstalowac linux 4.11 na linux mint 18.1 x6415:39
pynkiand in the time you type your aopt command it spawns again. append it with && apt-bla to the kill command15:40
juanonymouslotuspsychje, will my files be intact?15:40
skinuxSo I have to start it again to shut it down??15:40
pynkiskinux, if that works its a dirty workaround for your real problem: whats spawning apt again and again and again15:40
juanonymousand my previous installs in my system, wont be affected?15:40
lotuspsychjejuanonymous: updating your system doesnt wipe your /home15:40
pynkiskinux, i assume you want to execute an apt command from the command like, install something etc?15:41
RawketLawnchaSquidwin: can you do "Ctrl-Alt-F2" and then login and then do "startx" or "gnome" or "kde" or "xfce" ?15:41
skinuxIt didn't work15:41
geirhaskinux: ps -efH | less   what's the parent process?15:41
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Druid05I use "mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=000 /dev/xvdb1 /media/c" to mount ntfs drive with permissions to everyone15:43
Druid05Can help me someone to translate this to /etc/fstab config line?15:43
skinuxUsing that command, it doesn't even list apt15:44
akikDruid05: it's defined in /etc/fstab as # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>15:44
geirhaskinux: /apt  to search for apt inside less15:44
akikDruid05: you can set "0 0" for "<dump> <pass>"15:44
skinuxpattern not found15:44
geirhathen maybe it's done now15:44
skinuxNope, it still shows in ps aux15:45
Druid05"0 0" will be equivalent with umask=000?15:45
akikDruid05: no, it just tells the system that don't run fsck on it15:45
geirhacat /proc/mounts  should list the mount in a format close to what the /etc/fstab line should look like15:46
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geirhaskinux: odd15:47
Druid05geirha: you're awesome. Thank you!15:47
RawketLawncha!snack | Druid0515:48
mxh-Just gotta say thanks ubuntu for being the only damn distro to support all DPI monitors15:51
mxh-Goddamn spent weeks on this15:51
RawketLawnchahow to you know it supports "all" of them ?15:56
mxh-RawketLawncha: Anything up to retina if that makes you happier ;) Most other just have 1x or 2x scaling.15:57
mxh-KDE has more scaling but you gotta scale all kinds of components individually which was a pain. Ubuntu was just pull a slider -> Done.:D15:57
royal_screwup21In this command: curl -ls <url> | grep HTTP/, what exactly does "grep HTTP/" do?15:58
mxh-Only shows the line containing the phrase HTTP/15:58
mxh-royal_screwup21: ^15:58
royal_screwup21thanks mxh!15:58
jiffeis there a way of finding what patches have been applied to a certain package in the ubuntu repo?16:00
ducassejiffe: 'apt changelog package'16:01
mxh-jiffe: thanks! That wasn't obvious from even a google search.16:03
ransom_ubuI would like to install a second OS on my computer (debian gnu/hurd).  Unfortunately during ubuntu install I assigned my entire disk to the primary ext4 partition /dev/sda1.   There is a small /dev/sda2 extended partition for which I don't knwo the purpose, and a /dev/sda5 linux-swp partition.  Can I resize /dev/sda1 and somehow create another partition for gnu/hurd?16:07
skinuxAnyone know of a free, easy to install bench testing software16:07
ransom_ubuOf course, /dev/sda1 can't be reized while ubuntu is running, so I don't know where to start.16:07
mxh-skinux: What do you want to benchmark?16:08
skinuxmy system16:09
skinuxmemory, graphics, hard drive performance, everything16:09
mxh-skinux: Right but compared to what. This benchmarks 3D performance but what would you compare the score to? https://benchmark.unigine.com/heaven16:09
ducasseskinux: for disk, try bonnie++16:09
skinuxWell, primarily, I want to benchmark RAM16:10
skinuxBut, 3D performance would be good too.16:10
mxh-skinux: For more of a full system benchmark, check this out: https://github.com/lpereira/hardinfo16:11
mxh-skinux: It's in apt so just install it from terminal as usual :)16:11
akikransom_ubu: use gparted live iso to resize your partitions16:12
akikransom_ubu: you don't actually install anything to the extended partition, but into the logical partition under the extended partition16:13
ransom_ubuakik:  Ok, i get the live iso, I should resize /dev/sda1.  Create a new partition with the free space.  Then I can just go install the second os on the new partition?16:19
akikransom_ubu: just make sure you check out before hand how you want to boot the second os16:19
bjrohanIs there any gui way to resize a luks partition? all the tutes on doing so with fdisk has me delete the partition to resize it? There's info on the partition I want to keep16:19
akikransom_ubu: ubuntu uses grub which can boot other oses16:20
mxh-Yes, select the free space and the installer will partition it for you. ransom_ubu16:20
bjrohanIt's a luks partition on a liveUSB with persistence16:20
ransom_ubuakik: grub will work.  It was part of the gnu/hurd before it was used in linux.16:21
juanonymousanother question16:32
juanonymousE: Unable to locate package libavcodec-extra-5416:32
juanonymousE: Unable to locate package libavformat-extra-5416:32
juanonymouswhat is the alternative install for that package?16:32
mxh-junke1990: remove the -54 from both packages16:33
mxh-junke1990: and to figure this out i ran `apt search libav` and saw what the new packages were called16:34
mxh-juanonymous: oh i replied to the wrong person! read my above posts, they are for you :)16:35
DexterFgot a Pixel and 16.04 LTS, looking for ways to access its storage. tried gmtp, does not connect.16:35
DexterFadb shell works, but isn't too comfy16:36
mxh-DexterF: not familiar with the pixel but can you not access the storage through a simple file browser? Or do you want the actual OS files?16:36
juanonymousthanks msx16:37
mxh-juanonymous: you got it! guessing you're following an old guide, ubuntu has gotten rid of version numbers for a lot of packages.16:38
mxh-juanonymous: well at least the version number is not in the package name anymore.16:38
juanonymousi see16:41
juanonymousok mxh- , and there are many packages too when i tried that command16:41
juanonymousand i dont know what to install16:41
mxh-juanonymous: the ones you listed, just remove the -54!16:42
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juanonymousso just sudo apt install libavformat-extra16:43
juanonymouswill do?16:43
mxh-juanonymous: exactly, as well as the other one16:43
mxh-juanonymous: since there were to packages mentioned in the error you pasted :)16:43
mxh-juanonymous: if this does not work it's because the guide is outdated and relies on the old packages, but hopefully it should work fine.16:44
juanonymousmxh-, E: Unable to locate package libavformat-extra16:45
juanonymouskristhian@kristhian-Lenovo-Flex-2-14:~$ sudo apt search libavformat-extr16:45
juanonymousSorting... Done16:45
juanonymousFull Text Search... Done16:45
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mxh-juanonymous: sorry, an assumption on my part. libavformat57 exists in zesty.16:45
DexterFmxh-, just pull out photos and send up mp316:46
mxh-DexterF: I'm sorry? :)16:46
juanonymousactually, still doesnt work16:47
juanonymousE: Unable to locate package libformat5716:47
mxh-juanonymous: You have a typo. Copy what I wrote :)16:47
mxh-DexterF: If you plug it in, can you not choose (in the android dropdown menu) to use the device as a media device and access the photos/mp3's from there?16:48
dxdiagcineva ON pe aici ?16:48
juanonymousmxh-, still none16:48
juanonymousE: Unable to locate package libavformat5716:48
SuperLagIs there a way to delay apps that require networking, until after the network is connected?16:48
DexterFmxh-, no16:48
mxh-DexterF: According to Google you can: https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/2840804?hl=en16:49
dxdiagcareva vorbeste romaneste pe aici ?16:49
ducasseDexterF: which mode is the phone set to communicate over usb with?16:49
DexterFmxh-, thats windows and mac instructions16:50
DexterFducasse, MTP16:50
ducasseDexterF: are you using a gui file manager to access it?16:51
mxh-DexterF: Yes but tapping the USB notification and selecting Transfer Files should make it show up as an external drive disregardless of OS.16:51
mxh-SuperLag: yes place them in /etc/network/if-up.d/ and chmod+x the executable should work, have not tried.16:52
DexterFmxh-, 5 years ago, yes16:52
DexterFducasse, "gmtp"16:52
mxh-DexterF: Sorry, just assumed it worked since the file is still there!16:52
mxh-DexterF: folder*16:52
DexterFoh wait wait , gmtp just got its act together16:53
DexterFI don't know why now tho16:53
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mxh-DexterF: ;) Sorry for the outdated info again, it's why I put the disclaimer.16:54
juanonymousi found this libavformat-dev <- by issuing command apt search libav | grep -16:55
juanonymousbut i duno if this is the right one16:55
DexterFnow gmtp stalls16:55
DexterFill get me an mp3 player and tell google they can gf themselves16:55
mxh-juanonymous: No just get libavformat57, it's the newest one in Ubuntu 17.04. If you have an older version you might need to lower the number. The -dev package just contains extra stuff for developers.16:57
okitoim new here16:57
mxh-okito: o/16:57
okitoi hope i will here :)16:57
ice9is it possible to upgrade Ubuntu server from 16.04 to 17.04? do-release-upgrade -d show no new release found16:57
juanonymousE: Unable to locate package libavformat57 - mxh-16:57
juanonymousi still got that error16:58
mxh-juanonymous: Ah, what version of ubuntu are you on?16:58
juanonymousjust upgraded16:58
ducasseDexterF: you might want to try a file manager that uses gvfs instead, as that might work better16:58
mxh-juanonymous: Give me a second and I'll find you the correct package for that version16:59
DexterFducasse, can you recommend one?16:59
juanonymousmxh-, thank you17:00
mxh-juanonymous: Yep for 16.04 you actually only have the choice of libavformat-dev. Sorry for the confusion.17:00
ducasseDexterF: i don't really use any, but thunar worked for me last time i tested17:01
juanonymousmxh-, thanks17:01
juanonymousso i installed the correct one?17:01
ducasse!upgrade | ice9 see the second link here17:01
ubottuice9 see the second link here: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:01
DexterFducasse, Thunar did not show me the phone though...17:01
mxh-juanonymous: If you installed that one - yes ^^17:01
DexterFducasse, wait it does just now17:01
babahulkHey all,  I was wondering what people recommend for running Windows 10 as a VM.  VirtualBox or Xen17:02
juanonymousok thanks17:02
ducasseDexterF: weird, it should. maybe it can't see it if it's plugged in while gmtp is open.17:02
DexterFducasse, weird. I think I did sth in the meantime like adb shell auth or something17:02
mxh-juanonymous: Though I cannot tell you if they are compatible with the versions you listed first. Just have to hold your thumbs. What are you trying to install?17:02
juanonymousi am trying to grab a video from youtube, using video download helper17:04
ransom_ubuakik:  I tried the live iso.  It still would not let me resize/shrink the root partition. Is there something I have to do in ubuntu first?17:04
mxh-juanonymous: Could you not just use a plugin for your browser? :)17:04
juanonymouswhich i needed those dependencies in order for my audio and video to work in sync17:05
juanonymousok mxh-17:05
juanonymousbtw what is the downside of using a plugin?17:05
DexterFnow it stopped working again... im done17:05
akikransom_ubu: what do you mean would not let? the other partitions don't move by themselves, you need to arrange space for the resize operation17:05
DexterFthansk all17:05
ducassejuanonymous: or youtube-dl17:05
juanonymousducasse, will do17:05
ducassejuanonymous: that is by far the simplest way to grab a youtube video, imo17:06
mxh-Ducasse has it. In the future juanonymous when you find yourself hunting obscure libs, chances are are complete package exists that does the work for you!17:06
juanonymousbtw mxh-, what are the downside of using browser plugins?17:07
ransom_ubuakik:in the resize menu, if I try and change "New size(MiB)", it wont take.  the dialog just restores to the current size.  The minimum and maximum size are the same.17:08
Fabianoanybody using weechat?17:08
juanonymousbut anyway i downloaded the video now17:09
mxh-juanonymous: well, they can be hit or miss. No real downside but a native app is likely to be much faster.17:09
juanonymousthanks again17:09
sim642Fabiano, what about it?17:09
juanonymousok mxh-, noted17:09
mxh-juanonymous: Glad it worked finally ^^17:09
juanonymousanyways im head to bed now17:09
juanonymousmxh-, thanks17:09
ducassejuanonymous: they make your browser use more system resources, certain plugins use quite a lot17:09
juanonymousthanks to all17:09
juanonymousducasse, noted17:09
juanonymousill just remove this one and use youtube-dl instead17:10
juanonymousbut for now ill be heading to bed17:10
Fabianosim642, how to scroll down the nicks list?17:10
ducasseFabiano: f11/f1217:10
sim642Fabiano, https://weechat.org/files/doc/devel/weechat_user.en.html#key_bindings_buffers_windows17:10
sim642Fabiano, read the user guide, there's also a #weechat channel where you're more likely to get help17:11
Fabianoducasse, sim642 thanks!17:11
akikransom_ubu: please pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" do you have unallocated space after sda1 ?17:11
ransom_ubuakik: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24524587/17:13
akikransom_ubu: all your disk is already allocated (103.9 + 7.9)17:14
ransom_ubuyeah, i want to shrink "/dev/sda1  *         2048 217948159 217946112 103.9G 83 Linux" so i can create space for another os install.17:15
akikransom_ubu: and shrinking sda1 doesn't work?17:15
akikransom_ubu: sda2 is a kind of container for the logical partitions in it17:16
ransom_ubuakik:  Maybe I made a fatal error selecting options installing ubuntu the first time?17:18
akikransom_ubu: no it looks ok but you need to shrink sda1 if you want to install something additional on the disk17:19
ransom_ubuakik: I guess I should try the gparted iso again.17:20
akikransom_ubu: the new partition will be called sda3 even though it will be physically on the disk after sda117:21
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akik(when you get to create the new partition)17:21
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ransom_ubuakik:ok thanks, I'll reboot now and try again.17:22
* eelstrebor says you just can't trust backups - one needs a backup to the backup17:22
ivznHello. I'm using ubuntu 16.04 with the latest updates. Suddenly I can't use left_ctrl+left_shift+p to open private window in firefox anymore after today's update (firefox itself wasn't updated). Does anyone has the same issue?17:25
ivznI guess that now this shortcat is blocked by some updated system component.17:25
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ivznI can see how combination left shift + left control + p is passing through via type settings successfully, but not left.17:27
ivznSorry, mistype: I can see how combination _right_ shift + _right_ control + p is passing through via type settings successfully, but not left.17:28
vnsI'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my DELL laptop. I face some issues when I sleep my laptop , it doesn't wake up. I had to forcefully shut it down by pressing down power button. ANy fixes?17:30
ducasseivzn: which desktop is this?17:30
ivznducasse, unity, by default.17:31
ducasseivzn: not familiar with how that handles keybindings, sorry. you might want to try installing a standalone wm, like openbox, and see if firefox behaves the same there to narrow down the source.17:33
ransom_ubuakik: Thanks, i was able to shrink.  I must have made a user-error last time i tried gparted iso.  /dev/sda3 as type "linux".  I was not able to create type extended, so probably I am not meant to.17:40
mclarenhow's arch linux compared to ubuntu17:40
ducassemclaren: ask in ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic17:41
mclarenah ok17:41
mxh-ducasse: is it not allowed to compare the two here? just wondering17:41
Sparrow__The short answer.. No17:42
ducassemxh-: this channel is for support issues, and that's not really a support question. a question like that also tends to start off endless discussions.17:42
mxh-Sparrow__ ducasse gotcha! Good to know.17:42
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mclarenhi Sparrow__17:43
Sparrow__mclaren knows better.. but what do ya expect from a 15 yr old17:43
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mclareni really am going to pipe to dev null17:48
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onomatopieahow large of an install is ubuntu + kodi?17:49
Ricardo_is this the right place to ask stuff about ubuntu, even though it's a ubuntu-server related problem rather than a desktop problem?17:50
ouroumov_onomatopiea, why don't you test it for yourself?17:50
Ricardo_there is this awesome piece of helpdesk software.  It's open source and really, really great.17:50
onomatopieaouroumov_: Because it will take a long time?17:50
Ricardo_I installed it using the provided ubuntu package and the installation was straight forward and easy17:51
ouroumov_onomatopiea, time to invest in an SSD.17:51
onomatopieaouroumov_: what is wrong with you?17:51
Ricardo_however, now I tried to use the live chat of this help desk software17:51
Ricardo_and I get the error:17:51
onomatopieaYou're needlessly awkward about a simple question.17:51
Sparrow__Ricardo_, server isnt the isue for support, using outside software is.17:52
Ricardo_WebSocket connection to 'ws://...<ip>.../ws' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 40417:52
Ricardo_"...<ip>..."  was replaced (there was my ip)17:52
ducasseonomatopiea: an install does not take long time17:52
Sparrow__See them for support17:52
Ricardo_I googled a little, and it seems as if there would be some apache modules for websockets17:52
onomatopieaducasse: Formatting the machine does.17:52
Ricardo_but this is not running on apache17:52
Ricardo_is there any known way for ubuntu to get a websocket service running?17:53
ransom_ubuHow can i tell if my CD or DVD drive is writeable or just a read-only device?17:53
tgm4883onomatopiea: you can install kodi on ubuntu, there's no need to dual boot17:53
onomatopieatgm4883: I was considering dual booting for having windows for gaming. Hook up a controller. But it's only got a 64gb ssd17:54
ducasseRicardo_: the problem is with that software, you need to get support from whoever supplied it17:54
tgm4883onomatopiea: you should probably lead with all the information then17:54
onomatopieatgm4883: It's also a surface pro :x17:55
Ricardo_ducasse, yep, that's what I expected ;(17:55
tgm4883onomatopiea: honestly, you're going to be pretty tight dual booting for gaming with windows on a 64GB ssd17:55
onomatopieatgm4883: So I'm realising. Perhaps this is not realistic. Which is a shame.. my xbox is just not good enough for my RPG based tastes17:56
ducasseRicardo_: as it is not in the repos we know nothing about it, especially since you haven't even given us the name. look for support forums or irc channels on their website.17:57
tgm4883onomatopiea: not sure what gaming you want to do, but I'd think that even single booting windows on that for gaming is going to be tight17:57
onomatopieatgm4883: heh,  but for one game at a time?17:57
Ricardo_ducasse, the name is "zammad".17:57
tgm4883onomatopiea: depends on the game. I've got games that take 50GB themselves17:57
Ricardo_ducasse, it's open source and it's not in the official repos17:57
Ricardo_ducasse, https://zammad.org/17:58
Ricardo_there are only 3 people in their support chat and nobody talks17:58
onomatopieatgm4883: Sigh you're probably right. I was thinking they were nearer <10gb17:58
Sparrow__Ricardo_, inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit17:58
ducasseRicardo_: ok, then wait for help17:58
tgm4883onomatopiea: again, depends on the game17:58
Ricardo_Sparrow__, sorry, what?17:58
Ricardo_ok ducasse17:59
onomatopieatgm4883: Oh sure. But it's a toss up between selling the tablet and doing this.. I'm learning on selling now17:59
Sparrow__that shows us your hardware so we can look for other issues.17:59
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golumHey guys if someone could help me please, my wifi shows all available connections, but once I put in all necessary details (such as username, password, security details) and try to connect, I get a KDE Daemon pop-up saying "for accessing the wireless network <network name> you need to provide a password" even if i enter my network password or laptop password here, the pop-up still reappears asking for the password again. Following th18:03
golumFollowing this, two little pop-ups come up saying "Connection <network name> deactivated" and "wireless interface (wlp2s0) No secrets were provided".   I am using a Dell XPS 13 laptop with Intel Broadwell Core i5-5200U CPU, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD.  I am using a Broadcom Corporation BCM4352 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter. I am on Kubuntu 16.0418:03
MrSassyPantsI'm looking for an autoclicker solution, xautoclick doesn't seem to be supported anymore18:03
SimonNLgolum: what you need there is the ssid's password18:05
SimonNLgolum: and that's neither your network or laptop password.18:06
MrSassyPantswhy does do-release-upgrade say xserver-xorg-input-evdev is no longer supported?18:07
golum@SimonNL I've entered my SSID's password, still get the pop-up every 20 seconds18:07
egonsenhi! ubuntu 17.04 came with the firefox flash plugin (and probably also the one for chrome) pre-installed. how can i cleanly remove all flash plugins from ubuntu?18:07
ducasseMrSassyPants: because x.org now uses libinput instead18:07
SimonNLgolum: then you are typing the wrong password18:07
golumWait then whats the SSID password?18:08
SimonNLgolum: capslock maybe ?18:08
MrSassyPantsducasse, I vaguely remember changing from various device drivers to evdev not too long ago18:08
SimonNLgolum: that's the password set in the router18:08
golum@SimonNL is there a difference between SSID password and Wifi password?18:08
MrSassyPantsducasse, is libinput good?18:08
SimonNLgolum: could be the same.18:09
ducasseMrSassyPants: works for me™18:09
SimonNLgolum: ssid is the wifi network you connect too18:09
MrSassyPantsevdev always worked like a charm for me, solving problems with moderately obscure HIDs I got attached18:09
golumYup, I m positive that I've entered the right SSID password (wifi password)18:10
MrSassyPantsbut SSID isn't a password, it's the name18:11
SimonNLgolum: if you type the correct password you will be granted access18:11
SimonNLgolum: is the router your router? if so you can check the password in there.18:12
kde14024hi everyone. suddenly my system has no working audio. can anyone help me troubleshoot? i'm using kde18:13
akikkde14024: try install pavucontrol18:16
ducassegolum: are there separate ssids for 2.4 and 5ghz?18:16
kde14024akik: i installed it18:17
akikkde14024: can you see your active audio sources in it?18:18
kde14024akik: yes, and when i play a audio file, i see activity in pavucontrol18:19
kde14024but i don't hear anything18:19
akikkde14024: try clicking the buttons to select the audio output you want to use18:20
mclarenim not quite sure that i speak english18:22
ducasseSimonNL: what do you mean by 'network password' if not ssid password?18:24
asynchey! ianyone who is involved in open source projects willing to answer three questions? :-P It’s for a college assignment18:28
ducasseasync: try #ubuntu-offtopic18:29
SimonNLducasse: what i think I said and meant was the network password is not the ssid password18:29
asyncoh, thanks!18:30
SimonNLducasse: if he/she said wifi network he/she would be correct18:31
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Guest59347Wathsapp hackers18:39
onomatopieatgm4883: I lied. It's a 128gb surface pro, not 64GB :D18:43
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raviolilloHello!! there is someone here with experience with Free Software? :)18:45
SilveringHi everyone! I'm looking for the best way to create a ubuntu remix which only support ethernet and USB. Possible ? thanks!18:46
Lavinhogood afternoon18:49
Lavinhono sound speaker bluetooth18:50
Lavinhowhat is ?18:50
Lavinhofailed connection18:51
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kde3963hi, can anyone help me pick a newer kernel version in ubuntu. i am trying to troubleshoot a no audio issue. to i just install linux-image-4.X or are there other packages i need to install too?18:59
Ben64!mainline | kde396319:00
ubottukde3963: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:00
SilveringHi everyone! I'm looking for the best way to create a ubuntu remix which only support ethernet and USB. Possible ? thanks!19:00
Lavinhohow to configure speaker bluetooth ubuntu19:01
SilveringLavinho : https://itsfoss.com/bluetooth-speakers-ubuntu/19:02
Lavinhothank you i using lubuntu19:04
ducasseLavinho: you probably need to start by installing pulseaudio19:14
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MrSassyPantsok I just upgraded to 17.04, evdev was apparently replaced by libinput, BUT I now have mouse acceleration which is absolutely unacceptable, even though "xset m 1 1" and the mouse controls agree that no mouse acceleration is active19:20
latino31i have 17.04 and I have an issue with sound settings in the gui being peristant...i think ive noticed it before on previous versions but im really noticing it today...19:22
MrSassyPantsI wish to learn of who is responsible for libinput so I can shout at them19:27
MrSassyPantsAlso, what is the "official" way to restart X without rebooting19:29
ducasseMrSassyPants: restart the display manager19:32
MrSassyPantslike, lightDM or whatever is being used these days?19:32
MrSassyPantsok, now where are those libinput jerks19:36
jophish__HI all19:46
jophish__I have a server running precise which was struck by lightning and the ethernet port is dead19:46
jophish__I have a usb ethernet adapter which I'm trying to get working19:47
jophish__however I don't think that the server has the right drivers for it19:47
jophish__I've hooked up a monitor and keyboard, lsusb tells me that this is a 'realtek' device. usb id: 0bda:815319:47
jophish__Assuming that I can transfer files via usb stick to this machine, how can I get this ethernet adapter working?19:48
jophish__The kernel versio  is
* cliyspwm WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COME CHECK OUT MY SERVER WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: ghoti Casper26 Attoy axujen nwilson5_ raub ikanobori h82or8 metaphysician cyborg-one j4g0 giraffe jamis Elysion corus[m] letter dhil vcavallo gyre007 Matthew_ DArqueBishop spudz Onionnion ycheng MrCoder vox NickG365 dustinspringman crane Seveas Lkydiruw sergey_ caw Polarcraft tomich kenziefc[m Andorin Dartellum millerti floown mypapit med_ jgrasser rymax99_ Ion19:55
* cdarnccm WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COME CHECK OUT MY SERVER WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: KeithIMyers bruce549 n3oo3n rotzbub TeKKiE_ waltman Papamatti markot^ rdw200169__ pvh_sa DonVitoCorleone Elysion markus1209 ryan`c Amoz_ marie1972 cargonza megabitdragon bradjones flaguy48 ransom_ubu BlackDex pcdummy wudo_honour pelle2 PiotrekR ph3dx test222 Flannel NightMonkey SLi_ enoch85 ycarene Seven_Six_Two Defiance_ planigan DerRaiden nuclearbob Anarchemis19:55
* nuooyfhz WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COME CHECK OUT MY SERVER WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: anders_ xatr0z xrandr Toffe piglit mc_fail ToeSnacks yeeve maxxik bigboat menschan[m] ZeZu ric999 mhh cpaelzer jgrasser dust caw zeroedout deadhead Noskcaj Torgeir Kiicki aotaointbin adamh__ grumble theShirbiny lvrp16 dabba bkuhl tswett hashwagon c rumpole pacbard jink joeytwiddle_ darkseid4nk SaiViswanath[m] salamanderrake obeattie avdi Mathisen19:55
* scosmkw WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COME CHECK OUT MY SERVER WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: syndikate jk^^ LoRez michael_mbp McLive wouter0100 maddawg2 SebastianFlyte Seveas ghoti Shibe dvdmuckle basil1x Logan Fleuv Jooka uksio kissiel br34l wyggler2 cpaelzer maxxer markus-k MrXXIV ktosiek lonix jonne sgen cicada3301[m] thgilfodrol pchoo Toris kbrosnan DalekSec Renegade334 blob_ yangm97 fr0st metaphysician Xe dragly ren0v0 s19:56
SilveringHi everyone! I'm looking for the best way to create a ubuntu remix which only support ethernet and USB. Possible ? thanks!19:56
Seveasjophish__: that box is ready to be binned if it was hit by lightning. If you don't have backups of all your data, just stick the drives in a sata to usb adapter and recover using another computer.19:56
jamisAnnnd that noise is why I'll stop idling here.19:57
SeveasSilvering: it's kinda useless if it doesn't support a cpu and memory :)19:57
ducassejophish__: you also need to upgrade, 12.04 is eol and thus unsupported here now19:58
SilveringSeveas : Yes sorry I mean of course with the minimal19:58
SeveasSilvering: that doesn't make the end goal any clearer I'm afraid. What are you actually trying to acieve?19:59
jhusen-gnom1502join #UBUNTU INDONESIA20:00
jhusen-gnom1502join #ubuntuindonesia20:00
SilveringSeveas : I would need a ubuntu distro (server) with the minimal to run. this distro must have ethernet and usb support and not more20:00
Seveasjhusen-gnom1502: try with a / in front of the join...20:00
ducasse!id | jhusen-gnom150220:01
ubottujhusen-gnom1502: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia20:01
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jophish__Seveas: yeah, I'm pretty sure I've got backups of nearly everything. I'd like to make sure though20:02
jophish__ducasse: I still need to connect the box to the internet to upgrade20:03
ducassejophish__: that seems to be an rtl8153, but i don't know which kernel version you need for that. does it give you a network interface if you check with 'ip a'?20:08
jophish__ducasse: sadly not20:08
jophish__I've got the source for the driver20:08
Seveasjophish__: no, you don't need to connect that box to the internet, you need to bin it.20:09
jophish__I can compile it on this laptop, however I'm missing the kernel headers on the server20:09
SeveasWho knows what else is damaged. It's nothing more than a timebomb for your data20:09
jophish__Seveas: It's only used for serving music, if it dies it's not the end of the world20:09
jophish__It's a lot easier logistically for me to fix this now and replace it later20:09
jophish__house move and things coming up in the near future20:10
jophish__I promise not to store precious un-backed-up files :P20:10
jophish__So, I need to download the 2.6.32-74-server linux headers20:10
jophish__Perhaps this is what I want: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/amd64/linux-headers-2.6.32-74-server/2.6.32-74.14220:11
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jophish__hmm, usb_disable_lpm is not defined in this kernel version20:25
jhusen-gnom1502eliot has join @fsociety20:29
ddoobbHow do I pass an argument in terminal if oone of the arguments needs it? I'm trying to run gnome-screenshot with the options -c, -w, -f and only -f needs a file name. So -cw work and '-f <filename>'alone works but -cwf doesn't and neither does '-c -w -f <filename>'20:34
tgm4883ddoobb: have you tried "-c -w -f<filename>"20:36
geniiddoobb: Try --file=filename instead20:39
ddoobbGot it to work. Turns out I can't use -c and 0f for this program together. Thanks for the help.20:40
ddoobbOne more thing20:43
ddoobbThe gnome-screenshot allows saving the screenshot but is overwrites existing ones. Is there a way I can pipe the output to something that doesn't? Ideally index new ones as 0001, etc.20:45
ducasseddoobb: you could use something like scrot or maim instead20:47
ddoobbducasse no way to do it without installing another screenshot program?20:51
ducasseddoobb: i'm not familiar with gnome-screenshot, but it's an easy fix20:52
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SimonNLddoobb: that's weird my gnome-screenshot uses date and time to create a uniek file name.21:06
SimonNLas example ddoobb http://imgur.com/a/M6Bqk21:07
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ddoobbSimonNL which command do you use? I'm trying to assign it to a shortcut ke, so can't use the interface.21:18
SimonNLddoobb: from the menu clicking the launcher or hotkey print screen21:20
SimonNLddoobb:   I copied the launcher from the menu to the panel.21:21
ddoobbSimonNL: I'm trying to set it up such that one key takes the screeshot and saves to a folder as well.21:22
ddoobbwithout the UI popping up.21:22
SimonNLddoobb: my print screen key is set up to do so. not sure maybe that's a linux mint thing.21:23
ddoobbIs that the default behaviour in mint?21:24
SimonNLon all DE's if I'm not mistaking.21:24
zealsham_uhm i recntly installed ubuntu server , what then is my i.p adress and can it be acessed from the internet?21:25
SimonNLddoobb: does you print screen key do nothing?21:25
Brudazealsham_: try typing: ip addr21:26
Brudazealsham_: that will show you your network interface information including ip. As for accessing from the internet that depends on your network setup. Got a router? Are any ports forwarded to the local ip that your server installation is on?21:27
BrudaOr are you directly connected ot the modem?21:27
SimonNLhttps://www.whatismyip.com/  <=  for you www IP adres21:27
ddoobbSimonNL: It brings up the gnome-screenshot interface with options to save to clipboard or file.21:28
ChaiTRexzealsham_: For the command line, try: dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com21:28
ChaiTRexzealsham_: It'll show your Internet-wide IP address if there is one.21:28
zealsham_Bruda: am using a router21:28
ddoobbCould I do some bash thing to pass the timestamp as file name? Not very good with bash.21:29
Brudazealsham_: ok. Well, depending on what services you want to access from the internet you'll need to forward the respective ports to the local ip of your server. Of course install/enable/start the services you plan to use.21:29
zealsham_ChaiTRex: it showed 129.56.5521:30
ChaiTRexzealsham_: That's missing a part, but that's your external IP address.21:31
tgm4883zealsham_: well it showed more than that, which is your public IP21:31
tgm4883zealsham_: what are you trying to do?21:31
zealsham_how do i forward port. am trying to set up a private git server on it21:31
zealsham_using something like gitlab21:32
tgm4883zealsham_: well that's something you'd need to configure in your router21:32
Brudazealsham_: yea, you'll have to login to the router to forward ports.21:32
SimonNLddoobb: file name given in it?21:33
ddoobbSimonNL given in what?21:34
SimonNLthe gnome-screenshot interface with options to save to clipboard or file.    <=  in this21:35
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ddoobbPassing "screenshot-`date +%s`" works as a timestamp. Problem solved!21:42
zealsham_how do i ssh into my ubuntu sever right here on another machine21:43
Brudassh name@localip21:43
Brudaif you use the same name on both machines you can omit that part and just do: ssh localip21:44
Brudaobviously replace 'localip' with the actual local network IP of the server machine.21:45
zealsham_how do i get the localip, it seems not working with the ip i entered21:46
Brudaon the server run: ip addr21:46
Brudayou should see inet followed by the local ip.21:47
Brudaignore the loopback stuff. If it's the right ip but still not working make sure you have ssh installed and the service enabled & started.21:48
zealsham_am seeing inet appear twice, one with
Brudathat's the loopback. Not the right one.21:49
zealsham_and the other with brd
Brudaloopback is for connecting to the same machine you are sitting on. Has it's uses even though it sounds redundant.21:49
BrudaYea that should be it then.
zealsham_my hostname is the name i entred when installing the server right21:51
zealsham_signed up for python/nodejs . now doing a sys admin21:52
Brudazealsham_: yea. But it might not do anything unless the machines you are connecting from have the hostname and ip setup in the /etc/hosts file.21:52
mrcuberbut why are u telling me this <zealsham_>21:52
Brudamrcuber: I don't think he's talking to you.21:53
ddoobbHey I'm using  `date +%s`  in bash as a timestamp to avoid overwriting files, but it is in seconds so I can't use it to save two files in a second. Any way to get it in ms?22:04
Brudamaybe try `date +%s%N`22:05
Brudajust randomly throwing that out. %N is nanoseconds.22:05
ddoobbBruda: Thanks, that works!!22:10
tomreynddoobb: the correct way to do it is by using a uuid22:11
ddoobbtomreyn whats that22:11
tomreynthis combines both time and another factor to create a unique id22:12
Brudatomreyn: he's saving screenshots. Not sure a UUID exists until after the file is created.22:13
tomreynBruda: it exists when he calculates it.it does not depend on the existence of that file.22:15
tomreynuuidgen -t22:15
Brudatomreyn: ah ok. He probably doesn't know how to calculate it, so feel free.... there you go.22:16
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tomreynor since it's all on the same system, you might actually want uuidgen -r22:17
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Kyokuis there a way to install proprietary Nvidia drivers when secure boot is enabled?22:49
BrudaKyoku: I don't have secure boot. But I think Nvidia drivers should be able to be installed like most other packages or kernels. It doesn't really depend on the boot as much as it depends on the kernel loading the modules. But if I'm wrong I'm sure someone here can correct me.22:53
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Kyokui just tried installing them and it stopped my system from booting, had to fall back to older kernel22:55
BrudaKyoku: Hmm. I have BIOS systems so I don't really have trouble with that. Maybe there's an answer on google.22:57
zerothisso I read how cwiid/wminput has been replaced by xwiimote. So I installed it and... I can connect HID/bluetooth directly, then, nothing... how do I use my wiimote as a mouse, keyboard, and/or joystick device?23:01
TheMontyChristhow robus is ubuntu when installed on a thumb drive?23:02
TheMontyChristif it can't find hardware - because I plugged it into another machine - will it fall back to "generic" drivers?23:03
trippshi all23:05
trippsposing a question to the whole chat: in loading ubuntu from USB stick, why can I only see 1 of 2 partitions on a single HDD?23:05
Sparrow__Installed on the thumb drive or running live23:05
trippsrunning live23:05
Sparrow__it should try to boot up there.  It should not remember the last hardware it was used on while live..  (Not Persistant Install)23:07
trippswell, i'm trying to locate files in the windows boot drive that is C:, but it is only showing me another partition, D:23:08
trippswindows is not booting, so i'm going to replace it with ubuntu, but need files from a partition that i cannot see23:08
Sparrow__Was it a windows partition ? encrypted partition ?23:09
trippswindows partition, maybe encrypted?23:09
trippsi think it shows up as sda, sda123:09
ChaiTRextripps: Does the partition show up in the Gnome Disks application?23:09
trippsbut another partition of the same drive does23:10
ChaiTRextripps: It shows up as taking the whole drive?23:10
trippslooks like it23:10
Nova_deViator"sudo lsblk -f" shows what 'block' devices the system can see... -> disks/partitions...23:11
Brudagrub can unhide partitions...23:11
trippsBruda> what is grub?23:12
Brudathe bootloader that you see on most Linux systems & live CD's.23:12
YankDownUnder(We eat grubs here...fried...or sauteed...) :)23:13
trippsk, im quite the noob, and super confused....23:13
Sparrow__Did you look at the drive with gksudo gparted23:14
trippsno, what's that?23:14
Sparrow__partition tool23:14
Sparrow__are you running live now23:14
trippsoh, i think that would help23:14
Sparrow__open the dos box thingy called a terminal23:15
trippsive got it open23:15
Sparrow__try sudo parted23:15
xrandrphunyguy: !!!!23:15
Sparrow__Im trying to remember what the live has23:15
YankDownUnderSometimes when a Windows 10 partition(s) cannot be read properly, it's because the "hybrid hibernation" in Windows 10 - known as "fast boot" and "fast shutdown" are enabled - and need to be disabled within Windows 10 so that the file system driver (ntfs-3g) can properly read the NTFS partition...just so's y'all know...23:16
Sparrow__Thanks YankDownUnder23:17
trippsthanks alot... my problem is that windows won't boot at all23:17
Sparrow__was it ever dual boot?23:17
trippsis it possible for one partition to crash and the other to survive?23:18
Sparrow__tripps, yes23:18
trippsit was just win10 machine23:18
YankDownUnderIn "gparted" (or whichever) - you might need to double-check the "boot" flag for that partition...(there is a small partition for Windows that initiates the boot process - probably the smallest visible partition)...worth checking out...23:18
trippsuh oh...23:18
trippswhat would the 'flag' be?23:19
trippssda, sda1?23:19
Sparrow__prob sda123:19
trippsk, cause sda and sda1 are listed somewhere else, but only sdb and sdb1 show up as the 2nd partition23:20
Nova_deViatorsda and sdb are usually different pieces of hardware23:20
Sparrow__but I dont do windos any more, someone here will know more.  But your problem is not really ubuntu support ..  more like data recovery or windows23:20
YankDownUnderLook at the "attributes" for the partition in question...(right click)...see if the "boot" is ticked or not...(check all partitions, really...good to double-check and KNOW these things)23:21
Nova_deViatorso different partitions on the same drive should be sda1 sda2 sda323:21
trippsthanks Sparrow__>23:21
YankDownUnderA "drive" would be /dev/sda (or whatever)...a PARTITION would be /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 and etc...23:21
trippsok, this is all very helpful, thanks guys...23:22
zteamTestDisk is also very useful for dealing with broken partitions, althought it might requre a little bit of reading, to understand23:23
trippsi think its different hardware... my bad!23:24
trippslooks like i have a SSD as well...23:24
YankDownUnder"Testdisk" is awesome - and yes - READ ON IT before playing with it...23:24
Sparrow__tripps, your usb will show up as a drive too23:24
trippshmm, right23:24
=== pwater is now known as piercedwater
Sparrow__Easy to spot those by size23:25
trippsi never noticed it... just saw that the connections were the same as the HDD23:26
zteamYankDownUnder, yep, that tool did save  about 50 GB of data for me in about a few seconds, for about 10 years ago :-)23:26
zteamYankDownUnder, if that ain't awesome, I don't know really is23:26
Sparrow__Anyone remember Hiren's23:26
YankDownUnderzteam, Awesome too, that...but I do like to stress that it needs to be "carefully read through" - it can do amazing amounts of irretrievable damage...23:27
zteamSparrow__, yep, not sure how legal that thing is thought23:27
YankDownUnderHiren's Boot CD v. 9.9 is the best...23:27
Sparrow__Still around ?23:27
_28Kbwhy 9.9?23:28
YankDownUnderSparrow__, Yes...easy enough to find it - if one digs for it...it's 170mb...not like it's "huge" or what...23:28
Sparrow__got it23:28
zteamYankDownUnder, yes, it can, but it also warns the user about what operations is dangerous, but I do agree there is reason I told him to ready the manual before using it :-)23:29
YankDownUnder9.9 contains utilities that are "old school" and very powerful...stuff that "the pro's" don't necessarily wish for the public to have...(why make tools freely available when a market can be created specifically around the public NOT having those tools?) :)23:29
Nova_deViatortestdisk is great for recovering deleted data23:30
_28Kbtnx.. i'll roll back just for checking23:30
YankDownUnderBest tool for data recovery: DON'T SCREW THINGS UP! ;)23:30
Sparrow__One Very Dangerous Utility I agree a gray area on legal23:30
_28Kbi miss norton stuff23:31
SkIzZaToHi, visit my site for hosting solution http://wwwipv6go.it best regards23:33
SkIzZaToHi, visit my site for hosting solution http://www.ipv6go.it best regards23:33
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zteamYankDownUnder, you can screw up your system using the terminal in Linux, too, if something is powerful enough to accomplish lots of good work then it usually can screw up things too, if you using it wrong23:33
genii@comment 76330 Ad spam23:34
ubottuComment added.23:34
zteam_28Kb,I really don't installing Norton is (was?) like letting a paint bucket exploading in your registry23:35
zteam_28Kb, and their antivirus solution was very very easy to trick23:36
dimitrifor hosting http://www.ipv6go.it23:36
geniiFlannel: Beat me to it :)23:37
dimitrihosting solution http://www.ipv6go.it best regards23:37
zteamSparrow, while I know manu of the utilitues on Hirens is freeware, the Windows system files, it 's using to build the windows envirment is clearly not23:38
Sparrow__zteam, Understood, I dont do windows any more so for me not an issue23:39
zteamSparrow__, not me either, well I do have a Windows laptop as well, but I don't use it that much, but there is somethings which kind of requre having a Windows install (such as building a Windows bootdisc for helping friends out)23:42

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