
zealsham_why setting up ssh as hard as rocket science00:01
ab5niCould someone please tell my where I can find info on what files and packages have been updated recently.00:05
ab5niA in "sudo apt update". I need to find out if my system has been compromised.00:05
YankDownUnderab5ni, If you wish to "test" your system for compromise, do: sudo apt-get install rkhunter => this will install "root kit hunter" - it will update itself and check your system. Personally, I highly doubt you would have any issues with a compromise - however, stranger things have happened...00:07
oerheksUSN site gives info about latest cve fixes00:08
zerothiswell, after a more complete investigation, I realize that xwiimote takes my controller options out of the hands of cwiid devs who have no longer update cwiid but have otherwise never bothered me and into the hands of Xorg devs who have given me over 20 years of grief. Also xwiimote is complete only for developers & not end users. So, back to cwiid.00:17
zealsham_why does ssh fails to connect to upstart in ubuntu 1600:35
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:52
sasawwhat are some reasons to upgrade to 17.04?00:55
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at https://ubottu.com/y/zesty00:55
foui am trying to figure out a way to install the GNS3 v 2.0 on an ubuntu serer... anyone have a good guide that i can start off with or anyone has any experence iwth that00:56
=== Djinnnjews is now known as changeeee
YankDownUnderGNS3? Hmm...I shan't Google that...00:57
implite!ubuntu server00:57
YankDownUnderYou might want to ask in #ubuntu-server => folks that have more experience with server related issues live in there...00:57
anon_hi guys, i use built-in audio with ubuntu 16.04 and i hear something like feedback noises through my headphone00:57
foui would like to have 16.04 as a container of all of my cisco iso but I am hitting a wall remoting to it so i am wondering if anyone has any experence00:58
anon_i there any free audio card driver that i can install instead of using built-in?00:58
fouthe box is running on an xenserver and im trying to have it run on that enviorment00:59
YankDownUnderfou, Truly a question to ask in #ubuntu-server00:59
lucas-argusing kubuntu, is it ok to use 16.04 or its better to use 17.04?00:59
fousorry if my spelling is off00:59
implitefeedback noises? are you sure that you dont have your microphone active anon_00:59
YankDownUnderlucas-arg, 16.04 is an LTS version - 17.04 is intermediate...(in between)...the support for LTS versions is obviously long...and support is vastly more "solid"01:00
anon_implite: i don't have any problem with windows 10 with my headphone? if it is my mic how can i disable it?01:00
fouYankDownUnder is that the first time you have hurd of GNS#01:00
YankDownUnderanon_, If you can't fix the settings in the Control Center - for your audio - you can open a terminal and try: pavucontrol01:01
fouis this more of a chat for ubuntu Desktop ?01:01
YankDownUnderfou, Yes...first time...that being said, since it's the first time I've heard of it, it's apparently not my cuppa tea, hmm...01:01
fouo ok01:02
=== daniel is now known as Guest95901
fouthank you YankDownUnder01:02
YankDownUnderfou, Peace and blessings01:02
fouGNS3 is basicly VM's ciso hardware ... YankDownUnder Peace and blessings as well ... I will just figure it out ...01:02
implitenope sorry01:03
anon_implite: i had muted input for my headphone in sound, but i keeps making the noise01:04
anon_isn't there any audio driver that i can install?01:05
YankDownUnderanon_, Unplug the device...wait a few seconds, plug the device back it.01:05
YankDownUnderanon_, Did you try using "pavucontrol" in a terminal?01:06
anon_yes i did01:06
implitedid you do the unplug thing?01:07
implitewait and plug back in01:07
YankDownUnderanon_, If anything - you can also look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure01:07
implitedoes it make the feedback all the time or does it come and go? Also are you using usb headset or phonejack?01:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:11
PathurHow might i navigate this GRUB obstacle? https://i.imgur.com/MPJMys5.jpg  it was with an older Ubuntu installation, 14 I think, had some big problem and file system went into read only mode too, can still view partitions from a live cd/usb , some directories have switched to being plain text files now, some have configuration data in them.. all strange, some boot repair info here https://pastebin.com/tnMz86QN  sda1 is the problem01:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:13
raffsDoes anyone here use ubuntu on dell inspiron 3147?01:15
implitewhat is your issue with it?01:15
raffssometimes the system freezes01:15
Pathuryeah it wasnt after a windows installation and a lot of the GRUB2 troubleshooting docs mention commands that arent available in my grub command line.. must be older version?01:16
raffsi have to force poweroff01:16
YankDownUnderraffs, And you've done all your updates/upgrades to the system - yes?01:16
bazhang!info gns3 | fou01:17
ubottufou: gns3 (source: gns3): Graphical Network Simulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.7-2 (zesty), package size 3143 kB, installed size 22147 kB01:17
impliteahh nice01:17
implitewhy did it find it with info?01:17
bazhangimplite, /msg ubottu in future01:18
marco__raffs, I have an Inspiron 3421. It freezes sometimes. About once every 3 or 4 months. Has been like since I bought it. Never cared too much about it01:18
raffsWhole system freezes, no terminal, no ctrl+alt+del... nothing works! i have to force shutdown by holding the power button01:18
YankDownUnderraffs, ...and you've done all the updates/upgrades, yes?01:19
raffsyes, i have done all updates including drivers and microcode01:19
YankDownUnderraffs, Coollbeans - you covered the "microcode" schmutz - that was next on my list...01:19
YankDownUnderraffs, What DE/WM are you using? (Desktop/window manager)01:19
raffssome stackoverflow users reported that it was a problem on kerne 4.4 and suggested to upgrade the kernel to 4.8 but the freezes persists01:21
implitewhat are the specs of the machine?01:21
raffsi using xfce01:21
implitehow much ram01:21
raffs8GB ram01:21
YankDownUnderOk...XFce and still a freeze...far out...01:21
zealsham_if two machines r connected on the same wifi how do u ssh into one them from the other01:22
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:22
YankDownUnderraffs, In going through the logfiles - have you found ANYTHING similar at the points of "freeze"? Like checked "power" settings and all that lovely jazz?01:22
vadert!ops can help please01:22
ubottuvadert: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu01:23
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
elkyvadert: do you actually have a problem or are you just hitting all the channels you can find?01:24
implitehe doesn't ask his question for help...01:25
daxvadert: Don't do that, please, it's only for emergencies. Ask your actual question :)01:26
raffsi think that its not related to the windowmanager nor the distro because the freezing stuff happened with arch linux + kde too!01:27
impliteyou should check your memory01:27
YankDownUnderraffs, For one of the "clients" I had to work through issues with how the laptop was dealing with the power/hibernation/suspend stuff...same thing - we tried different WM's but it ended up being "power" related...01:28
impliteor what is is X86memory or something01:28
=== flush is now known as flush_
kk4ewtmost distro usb isos have memtest8601:28
raffsi tried the kdump tools but the system locks up very fast and I cannot get any log01:28
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raffsalready done the memory test01:29
raffsits all ok01:29
impliteok its on the cd01:30
YankDownUnderraffs, Whoa....well, that kinda narrows things down...looking through what kernel mods are loaded...hmm...if dumping the kernel freaks the system out...01:30
implitei cant remember the name of it lol01:30
YankDownUnderimplite, Age is creeping up on ya, bud... :)01:30
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/01:31
bazhangimplite, /msg ubottu01:31
=== vadert is now known as grenoble
Bashing-omraffs: Had similar issue . Do you have nVidia for graphics ?01:32
raffshahaha! a stackoverflow user told to add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash intel_idle.max_cstate=1" to grub defaults and that seems to stop the problem, anyone can explain?01:32
raffsno, I dont have nvidia card01:32
DeaDSouLHi, if I click on hide disk in the dolphin sidebar... how can I un-hide it ?01:33
raffsits a intel express or something like01:33
zealsham_what i.p should i use for ssh01:34
lotuspsychje!ssh | zealsham_01:37
ubottuzealsham_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:37
implitedang i was going nuts trying to remember the name lol01:37
=== grenoble is now known as erry`
impliteI did that for him before but i guess that didnt help him01:37
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zealsham_no help01:41
impliteok do you know how to use Traceroute01:43
impliteto find your ip that you are looking for?01:43
YankDownUnderIf you know the IP address of the second machine, that helps bigtime. Otherwise, establishing an SSH link is, well, useless...if you're using DHCP for each machine, you have to know the IP of the destination machine...which you can find ON the target machine - or in the DHCP/MAC pool on the router.01:44
ce-ngangkangLooking for a girl to sell me her used panties. And fedez them to me on the next-day. I pay well.01:46
bintang`Looking for a girl to sell me her used panties. And fedez them to me on the next-day. I pay well.01:46
* pynki missed a business oportunity :/02:02
pynkizealsham_, can you tell what exactly your problem is or at least what you want or trying to do?02:04
zealsham_pynki:  am trying to set up ssh between two machines02:05
Phaneszealsham_, you just point ssh at the target machine02:05
zealsham_no sucess for the past 5 hours02:05
zealsham_i did that but nothing happens02:06
pynkiyou knwo the user/ip address ofthe target machine?02:06
Pathurkind of problem that will teach you patience, by force02:06
ChaiTRexzealsham_: What did you do and what results did you get?02:06
pynkizealsham_, you have physical access to to target machine or is it something in the "cloud" or somewhere else?02:06
zealsham_pynki: yes i do since the two machines are connected on the same wifi02:07
pynkizealsham_, whats the ip of the target machine?02:07
zealsham_pynki:  i have physical acess, my main aim is to set up a git server but thats not possible without ssh02:08
Phanesyes it is02:08
zealsham_the ip is
* pynki wonders if there is a bot that can record these facts for anyone to recall once they are in the open02:08
Phaneszealsham_, so on the machine you to connect to thaat server, type `ssh`02:09
zealsham_i did that but nothing happens02:09
Phanesi doubt "nothing" happens02:09
ChaiTRexzealsham_: Unless your router is what you're trying to connect to via SSH, you'll need the internal IP address of the SSH server.02:09
pynkiok. 'ping' works? whats the output of 'nmap' ? (sudo apt-get install nmap)02:09
Phanesits not a 192.16802:09
pynkisorry, replace the ip iwrote withthe actual ip :D02:10
Phaneszealsham_, instead type `telnet 22`02:10
Phanesand tell me what happens02:10
zealsham_ChaiTRex: how do i get internal ip02:10
pynkinmap the machine first to see if the port for ssh is even open02:10
zealsham_Phanes:  okay02:11
ChaiTRexzealsham_: On the SSH server, run ifconfig.02:11
Phanesohh, yeah, he's using external IP02:11
ChaiTRexzealsham_: On the non-loopback interface, look at "inet address"02:11
pynkinice how we try it from 3-4 different angles :D02:11
* pynki will shut up02:11
zealsham_ChaiTRex: that is it02:14
ChaiTRexOn the SSH server, try `ssh`02:14
ChaiTRexSee if the SSH server is really running SSH or not.02:14
ChaiTRexIf it asks for your password, then, on the other computer, try `ssh username@` where `username` is your username on the SSH server.02:15
zealsham_it says authentication for host cant be established02:15
ChaiTRexzealsham_: Make sure that's, not
zealsham_ChaiTRex:  yes i did
Kyokuwould this prevent booting?  i can't boot but if i go into recovery mode i can -- May  6 22:10:31 viper kernel: [   26.781255] nvidia: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.02:16
KyokuMay  6 22:10:31 viper kernel: [   26.781260] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.02:16
KyokuMay  6 22:10:31 viper kernel: [   26.781261] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint02:16
ChaiTRexzealsham_: In that case, on the server, run `netstat -ant | fgrep 22`. See if it lists anything.02:16
Phaneszealsham_, does this return anything?  `netstat -lnt | grep :22`02:16
zealsham_it says no authentication and something else about ecdsa key fingerprint02:17
Phanesits up and listening02:17
ChaiTRexzealsham_: Say yes to the key fingerprint.02:17
ChaiTRexzealsham_: See if it asks for your password.02:17
pynkiPahes -p22 would do the job too02:18
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zealsham_the previous command said "permanently added to the list of known host02:20
zealsham_ChaiTRex: you here?02:22
ChaiTRexzealsham_: That's good. Now enter your password if it asks and then see if you get a shell prompt.02:22
zealsham_no password, just dispatch_protocol_error02:25
zealsham_chaiTRex: netstat list tcp and tcp602:31
zealsham_i give up on this ssh thing02:37
zealsham_its 3:47AM m going to bed02:37
lotuspsychje!ssh | zealsham_ its all explained here02:37
ubottuzealsham_ its all explained here: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:37
lotuspsychjezealsham_: read before you do something02:38
zealsham_lotuspsychje: ave read man, still nothing works02:38
lotuspsychjezealsham_: the machines got a client and ssh server?02:39
zealsham_they do02:39
lotuspsychjezealsham_: check the #openssh channel02:40
CorsairXHe all02:42
CorsairXI have a question about running Ubuntu Server on a software mirror02:43
pynkiCorsairX, go on..02:43
CorsairXI had originally planned to run a hardware mirror but the server I have purchased, a Dell T130, has a PERC S130 card02:43
CorsairXWhich only support hardware raid when running Windows02:44
CorsairXI have followed the guide here to configure the software raid02:44
CorsairXAnd the installer is currently running02:44
CorsairXPer the guide, I created pairs of partitions, one for the EFI partition, one for / and one for swap02:45
CorsairXBut I'm wondering if I actually should have put the swap into mirror?02:45
pynkiis it a raid 1 or 10?02:48
CorsairXRaid 102:48
pynkiso you have mirrored the efi part too? wouldn't recommend that. swap is on you. it might speed up things or not02:52
CorsairXHmmm, I wasn't sure about the EFI partition02:54
CorsairXI've never tangled with a software raid before, what's the potential issue with having the EFI partition in mirror?02:54
pynkibooting the system02:55
pagioshello, sudoedit is always prompting me for my password how can i make it automatic? i am calling it usind sudoedit /etc/myfile02:57
pagiosmy sudo -l reads (root) NOPASSWD: sudoedit /etc/myfile02:57
CorsairXHmmm, well, I'll find out in a minute...02:58
pynkipagios, echo myPassword | sudo -S yourCommand02:59
pagiospynki, i dont have sudo i have sudoedit03:01
pagiosin sudo l-l03:01
beaver_ImportError: No module named 'supybot.utils'03:01
beaver_ImportError: No module named 'supybot.utils'03:01
beaver_oops sorry03:01
pynkipagios, echo myPassword | sudo -S -e yourCommand03:01
pynkiread the manpage for sudo03:01
pagiospynki, you are inputing myPassword here03:01
pagiosno way to not ask for it?03:01
pynkiyou input your apssword instead of myPassword03:02
pynkilets say your apssword 1234 then the command looks like this: echo 1234| sudo -S -e /file/you/want/to/edit03:02
pynki-S          The -S (stdin) option causes sudo to read the password from03:03
pynki                the standard input instead of the terminal device.03:03
PipeItToDevNullI have a messy EFI boot entry table from multiple dual boots and reinstalls. If I remove all but my Ubuntu entry (The CD and network entries) will they be re-added at next boot?03:05
pynkipagios, or you can do this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/192050/how-to-run-sudo-command-with-no-password but i consider doing that stupid03:05
CorsairXWell, had to manually add the EFI parition to Dell's EFI manager but seems to be coming up ok03:05
pynkiPipeItToDevNull, clean it with this tool http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man8/efibootmgr.8.html03:07
PipeItToDevNullpynki, I understand how to remove and add entries. My question is whether the CD and network entries will be re-added03:07
pynkihow do they come there in the first place?03:08
Cr4zkoUbuntu can run! And It will run, and disappear?03:08
lotuspsychje!ot | Cr4zko03:11
ubottuCr4zko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:11
CorsairXhey pynki - looks like having the EFI in mirror is ok03:17
CorsairXWill let you know if anything pops, but it's survived a couple of restarts without issue so hopefully ok03:17
Kyokuany ideas how to fix this? http://codepad.org/3hwPlaqX03:18
Sparrow__Lets se what you are working with..   do this for us..  inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit03:20
Sparrow__!find cuda03:23
ubottuFound: libcuda1-304-updates, libcuda1-331, libcuda1-331-updates, libcuda1-340-updates, libcuda1-346, libcuda1-346-updates, libcuda1-352, libcuda1-352-updates, libcuda1-361, libcuda1-361-updates (and 125 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cuda&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all03:23
andrewmattI have a question and hope someone could help me. I'm using Ubuntu 17.04 and my logitech M570 Wireless Trackball mouse keeps double clicking with one click. If I try to drag and drop it cancels out. The mouse works fine in Windows, Debian, but with this version of Ubuntu it's completely failing. Anyone know a fix?03:24
Sparrow__thats the same thing I have here..  this is mint03:25
Sparrow__works fine03:26
Kyokuwasn't sure if you were asking me for this info or someone else Sparrow__ http://codepad.org/hudHlcaQ but here it is03:27
andrewmattIf I connect it to my Raspberry Pi it works fine. If I use my Windows partition it works fine. I don't know what's going on03:27
Kyokubasically i install nvidia-304 and signed it because of secure boot, but it won't boot anymore unless i go to recovery mode first03:28
Kyokuwhen it does boot, after recovery mode it seems to work ok03:29
Sparrow__is touchpad disabled in bios?03:31
Sparrow__Kyoku, why did you use that ppa, what was the previous problem03:32
Kyokuthe problem was after installing desktop it wasn't using proprietary drivers and performance was awful so i tried to install nvidia ones03:33
Sparrow__Kyoku, yep, sorry I cant help with that03:34
Kyokuwhen i say awful i mean scoring 444 on glmark2 and with the nvidia drivers it gets over 3.3k03:34
Kyokuwhat's the libcuda stuff mean?03:35
Kyokumaybe 304 is wrong version?03:35
Kyoku!find cuda03:35
ubottuFound: libcuda1-304-updates, libcuda1-331, libcuda1-331-updates, libcuda1-340-updates, libcuda1-346, libcuda1-346-updates, libcuda1-352, libcuda1-352-updates, libcuda1-361, libcuda1-361-updates (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cuda&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all03:35
sasawwhy did 17.04 switch to swap file from swap partition? What is so good about swap file?03:36
Ben64doesn't need a partition03:36
Kyokuthey wanted to be like Microsoft03:36
sasawKyoku: windows have been using swap files all along?03:36
Kyokuthey call it a paging file, same thing03:37
sasawKyoku: If it ain't broke, why fix it? why change to swap file?03:38
Ben64it's easier than having a partition03:39
Sparrow__ram costs are not like they used to be, swap used less and less. seldom on mine at all03:39
Sparrow__Even if it is not quite as good, it works03:40
Sparrow__and Im not saying it isnt better, just diminishing need03:41
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:42
Sparrow__I ought to write a bot and kick people that never contribute but are the first to trigger the other bots..03:46
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pynkiSparrow__, could solve the guys freeze problems tonight?03:47
Sparrow__He left to try and did not hear back.03:48
lotuspsychjeSparrow__: this is not a chat channel, follow the rules like everyone else03:48
Sparrow__I always do.03:48
Bashing-omKyoku: Let's match the card to the correct driver . pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' .03:49
farrellanyonr there03:50
Sparrow__Yes farrell03:50
farrellim runing bacbbox and im lost03:51
farrellim hacked also03:51
Ben64farrell: the support channel for backbox is #backbox on irc.autistici.org03:51
KyokuBashing-om http://codepad.org/O74X90ut03:51
farrelltrying my best remove them03:52
farrellcan anyone guide me03:52
Ben64farrell: the support channel for backbox is #backbox on irc.autistici.org03:52
Sparrow__farrell, We cant help you here.. sorry03:53
farrellbut does anyone know about backbox 4.403:53
Sparrow__Not the right place to ask.. and no one answered when you did twice03:54
farrellsparrow how do i join that chat room03:55
ConnorHello.  I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04. ( I tried 16.04, but had some issues with VMWare taking away unity and not able to run v11 vs 12.5 so I went to 14.04).  Anyway.. in 12.04 my mouse has a scroll wheel, and I could push left for page down or push right for page up (on the wheel itself.. not scrolling) and it would advance up/down a few lines.  I can't get that to work in 14.04.03:55
ConnorI have no idea how it worked in 12.04, if I installed something, or if it worked out of the box..03:56
Bashing-omKyoku: nVidia recommends the 375 version : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/118290/en-us . ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .03:56
Kyokucrikey, thanks Bashing-om03:57
Kyokuhe should work for the NSA03:57
Kyokuor maybe he does!03:57
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/04:00
Sparrow__!find python04:13
ubottuFound: bittornado, dh-python, diveintopython-zh, idle-python2.7, idle-python3.5, libapache2-mod-python, libapache2-mod-python-doc, liblttng-ust-python-agent0, libpeas-1.0-0, libpython-all-dbg (and 5932 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all04:13
Sparrow__!find python304:13
ubottuFound: idle-python3.5, libpeas-1.0-0, libpython3-all-dbg, libpython3-all-dev, libpython3-dbg, libpython3-dev, libpython3-stdlib, libpython3.5, libpython3.5-dbg, libpython3.5-dev (and 1973 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python3&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all04:13
Capable98He says when he puts his monitor to 200 Hz refresh using xrandr that his eye strain goes way down.04:26
Capable98Can this damage the monitor?/04:26
kostkonCapable98, I really doubt you can force a lcd monitor to go above its specs04:31
Capable98"6) I unplugged from the BenQ for the evening. I run linux, and I’ve been using xrandr to bump up the refresh rate on the Latitude, and 200Hz feels much, **much** better on my eyes than 60Hz (yes, the Windows install hurts my eyes just as much or more, since I’ve made several adjustments to fonts and font smoothing on this partition)."04:33
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Capable98200Hz feels much, **much** better to him, so it makes me curious if I'd benefit from that as well.04:34
kostkonCapable98, a latitude laptop that has a screen that supports 200Mhz? When did that come out? As we speak probably only a handful of really expensive gaming laptops support that kind of luxury for the eyes (and fps gaming...)04:36
monty_hallomg, my old external drive was formats (I think) w/ ext4 + luks04:37
monty_hallplug into my ubuntu 17 machine.  hasn't a clue what it is.04:37
ronin_anubisHi, Can't I install Ubuntu to a USB and boot from it with persistence, instead of live CD (and trying to customize it which is failing for me so far) ? Any downsides to this approach?04:37
monty_hallfunny you should I ask.  just installed on my thumb drive - horrible speed04:37
Capable98kostkon, why is 60 hz still standard if he says he notices a big diff using 200 hz?04:37
monty_halljust a few hours ago.04:37
ronin_anubisI can get the 150MB/s USB 3.0 flash so speed won't be a major concern.04:39
pynkiCapable98, because they are cheaper04:41
ronin_anubisI just want to add more packages than what's in the live CD and can't do that, so thinking about installing to a USB but not sure if there're any downsides to it04:41
kostkonCapable98, I have no idea, but regardless of what this person is claiming to have achieven with that laptop you need to have a monitor that supports 200Mhz at its native resolution.04:42
Capable98kostkon, The BenQ apparently does.04:42
Capable98kostkon, So the monitor needs to support it and also the computer?04:42
lotuspsychje!info uck | ronin_anubis04:43
ubotturonin_anubis: uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 (zesty), package size 145 kB, installed size 384 kB04:43
lotuspsychjeronin_anubis: booting from usb though, will bottleneck your Os04:44
pynkiCapable98, read this http://www.avadirect.com/blog/frame-rate-fps-vs-hz-refresh-rate/04:44
kostkonCapable98, a lot of gaming monitors can go up to 240Mhz. And you probably a need a good graphics card as well.04:45
pynkiand a proper conenction!04:46
ronin_anubislotuspsychje, downloaded uck .deb package but I get errors trying to install on Ubuntu 16. and the project's page says discontinued. Is there any similar newer tools ? I'm planning to use this  just as an emergency OS but with custom packages04:49
pynkironin_anubis, if you want to use a install on the usb stick on another computer as installed for you might run into problems04:49
lotuspsychjeronin_anubis: install from terminal, sudo apt install uck04:49
lotuspsychjeronin_anubis: there are many emergency Os liveusb out there, ready for your wishes also04:51
ronin_anubislotuspsychje, I get errors when I install from terminal "gfxboot (< 4.2.2) but it is not going to be installed". What other emergency live usb OSs ?04:52
lotuspsychjeronin_anubis: you added ppa's on your system of any kind? what kind of emergency do you need? antivirus?04:53
BlankspaceHow can I connect my ubuntu to hotspot04:54
ronin_anubislotuspsychje, I wanted to add stuff like eclipse, netbeans, QT, ddd, meld, git and vnc04:55
oerheksronin_anubis, uck is a dead project, afaik , try cubic https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image04:55
ronin_anubislotuspsychje, didn't add any ppas04:55
lotuspsychjeronin_anubis: yeah for apps like that, better create a live ubuntu yourself then, check oerheks suggestion04:56
ronin_anubisoerheks, lotuspsychje Ok thank you. I'll check cubic04:57
lotuspsychjemorning cfhowlett05:04
cfhowlettyowza ^3 lotuspsychje05:04
Rihannsuhello, im trying to set up a vpn connection from a vps using ubuntu server 16.04, what is the simplest way to accomplish this. I've tried openvpn and cant get the dns resolver to work and pptpd wont connect period. I have been slaving at this all day any help would be greatly appriciated.05:12
lotuspsychjeRihannsu: the #ubuntu-server guys might be able to help you better05:13
BlankspaceHi how do I connect to wifi network05:18
BlankspaceOn ubuntu05:18
zzarrIs there a way to install desktop Ubuntu on an x86 based Android tablet?05:21
zzarrI have a ASUS Zenpad Z300C (P023)05:22
byeezizzarr yes, but it's not easy. The thing that is a pain is installing 32-bit grub on a 64-bit iso05:25
zzarrI need grub?05:26
zzarrI can't launch the kernel using uboot?05:26
byeeziThat's the way I did it.05:26
byeezigrub that is05:26
zzarris there a guide?05:27
byeeziThat's my guide. Also follow the links05:27
byeeziin the show notes05:28
zzarrIs there something I should think about like the Mali GPU drivers are hard to install or WiFi or anything?05:28
byeeziO dpm05:29
byeeziI don't know about the GPU, but the wifi is a part of my guide. I have a X205a eebook, but a lot of the same other parts05:30
byeeziyeah I found it on NewEgg for $149 open box05:31
zzarrI think I will be able to get the GPU upp and running myself, I just wondered if there were an easy way05:31
byeeziThe sound doesn't work on mine (Realtek audio), but I'm still on 16.0405:32
zzarrsound isn't important to me05:33
byeeziI only use it for email and vim, so doesn't bother me05:33
SkuzzzyJust installed 17.04, going to downgrade to 16.04, as I'm having sound and wifi issues05:36
SkuzzzyMy onboard speakers on my laptop sometimes dissapear from the sound thing (and will no longer play sounds), and wifi just cuts out randomly and has issues coming back on when it cuts05:37
zzarrbynarie, my tablet comes with Android05:47
zzarris there a guide for how to install Ubuntu on a fastboot device?05:48
fagooothi you fucking faggot nigger bitch cunt ass penis05:54
pagiossudoedit can be run without supplying the current username's password?06:07
cfhowlettpagios, sudo will need a pass06:07
segersjerryhow do I remove a ppa in ubuntu gnome?06:14
cfhowlett!ppapurge | segersjerry06:14
ubottusegersjerry: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:14
segersjerrymany thanks cfhowlett :)06:14
pagioscfhowlett, tomty89, yea so even with nopassword it asks for a password i need it not to ask forthe current user password06:17
auronandace pagios: why would you want any normal user to be able to edit the sudoers file without authenticating first? That is asking for trouble. Any random script would be able to modify that file then.06:29
pagiosi want that06:30
Ben64you want literally anyone to be able to do anything on your system?06:30
cfhowlettis this YOUR system, pagios?06:32
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ducassepagios: are you really that lazy that you can't type a password now and then?06:35
cfhowlettpagios, use sudo -i    if you must06:45
Phanesjust edit your sudoers file with visudo to not require password for members of a specific group06:48
Phanesthis is a solved problem and is no less secure than having a local key stored06:49
Pathurproblem, or justified security measure06:49
Phanesnot really06:50
PathurThere's a post on the Unix site of stackexchange debating just that actually06:50
Phanesputting users in groups is hard06:51
auronandacenncake789: you can also use #test06:52
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hans_Hello! Guys, What do u think of Ubuntu17.04?07:32
Ben64it's definitely the newest release of ubuntu07:32
cfhowletthans_, doesn't . what we think.  YOUR machine should have the tools YOU need. download and test 17.04 for yourself.07:33
nugrohoxine and subtitle07:33
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zealsham_when i run 'ifconfig' i see inet addr, bcast,mask. which of them is my public ip08:04
spider_xzealsham_: are you behind a router?08:05
spider_xIf so, you will need to ping a website to show you your public IP (the one people can see when you visit their website)08:06
spider_xotherwise if you do ifconfig you will just get the IP given to you by the router08:06
zealsham_spider_x:  yes i am08:10
ducassezealsham_: try something like https://www.whatismyip.com/08:10
spider_xor curl ipinfo.io/ip08:11
spider_xif you want to keep it in the terminal.08:11
zealsham_spider_x:  i ran curl ipinfo.io/ip and it gave me a certain i.p08:12
zealsham_the two linux machine connected to the same wifi router gave their i.p adresses to be the same thing08:12
ducassezealsham_: they are behind the same public ip, using nat08:12
zealsham_so hw do i ssh into one from the other08:13
Ben64ssh <ip>08:14
zealsham_i have ssh server and client installed08:14
ducassezealsham_: if you are behind nat you don't want the public ip for that08:15
zealsham_whats nat ,sorry08:15
ducassezealsham_: you just want the address assigned to the machine by the router08:16
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zealsham_ducasse: still wont work after that08:19
ducasse!doesntwork | zealsham_08:20
ubottuzealsham_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.08:20
zealsham_ducasse: i cant ssh into the other machine using the i.p the router gave it08:21
ducassezealsham_: what happens when you try? can you ping it?08:21
zealsham_it shows nothing08:21
zealsham_ducasse:  it doesnt ask for passworld or anything08:24
tyriondwarfhi have an issue in ubuntu 1608:24
tyriondwarfI get failure of name resolution08:24
Ben64zealsham_: put the entire output and command into paste.ubuntu.com and show us what happens08:24
ducassezealsham_: again, can you ping it?08:24
tyriondwarfhave to always restart networking service08:24
tyriondwarfupon server boot08:24
zealsham_how do i ping with terminal08:25
ducasse'ping <ip>'08:25
tyriondwarfping yahoo.com08:25
rodrigot23has anybody here ever used kodi before?08:26
ducasserodrigot23: ask your actual question08:26
rodrigot23the question is compl;icated because you have to have knowledge of the program before use!08:27
zealsham_Ben64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24529076/08:27
Ben64rodrigot23: just ask the actual question08:27
cfhowlettrodrigot23, this aint' 20 questions and we're not telepaths.  state your issues08:27
tyriondwarfanyone have idea why i need to 'sudo service networking restart' on each time I boot up my ubuntu VM?  noticed it happened after install nginx then disable it and use apache again08:28
rodrigot23okay here we go then i just dont want to confuse you guys08:28
Ben64zealsham_: that's not your internal ip08:28
zealsham_ducasse: after pinging it says ,41 packets transmited ,none recieved08:28
ikoniatyriondwarf: when your VM comes up, does it have a valid network address/config08:28
zealsham_Ben64:  it is the ip assigned by the router08:28
ducassezealsham_: how did you get that address?08:29
tyriondwarfikonia: i have it set as static, my vhost websites work08:29
Ben64zealsham_: it shouldn't be08:29
ikoniatyriondwarf: your vhost website works....then it's on the network, what's the problem08:29
Ben64zealsham_: use paste.ubuntu.com again and show the output of "ifconfig" from both computers08:29
rodrigot23ben64 can i just show you a photo of my problem08:29
ducasserodrigot23: if you can't just explain it08:30
Ben64rodrigot23: i'm really close to not caring08:30
zealsham_ducasse: i ran curl ipinfo.io/ip08:30
rodrigot23its complicated becaue it has steps08:30
tyriondwarfikonia: Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'   when updating, but my vhosts are served fine...so weird08:30
Ben64zealsham_: that's your external ip, not internal. if you want to ssh between two different computers on a local network, you need to use internal ips08:30
tyriondwarfhave to restart networking every time08:30
tyriondwarfhow can I check for errors08:30
ikoniatyriondwarf: so you have a dns problem geting a specific repo08:31
ikoniatyriondwarf: that shouldn't be networking restart08:31
zealsham_i coudnt ping the my internal i.p for the machine i want to ssh into. it said 'destination not reachable08:31
Ben64zealsham_: whats the internal ip08:31
tyriondwarfikonia: its not specific, all update repos are blocked, and cant browse with browser08:31
ikoniatyriondwarf: you need to look at what dns servers are being used and why that is having a problem resolving that address08:31
ikoniatyriondwarf: then look at what/if anything changes after your networking restack08:31
ducasserodrigot23: please just get to the point08:31
ikoniatyriondwarf: ok - so you have a problem with a dns service08:31
ikoniatyriondwarf: there is your problem, you need to address that, rather than restart networking08:31
tyriondwarfdns-nameservers 2620:0:ccc::2 2620:0:ccd::2   <--- ipv608:32
Ben64zealsham_: ok so try ssh
ikoniatyriondwarf: I don't need to see your dns servers08:33
ikoniatyriondwarf: you need to look at what dns servers you're using and work through the problem08:33
zealsham_Ben64:  i did that and nothing happens, the cursor on my console just keeps blinking08:34
Ben64zealsham_: then you probably got a firewall or two stopping you08:34
rodrigot23i get a playback error whern i follow the steps here http://kodicommunity.com/how-to-install-the-wwe-network-on-kodi/08:35
rodrigot23sorry i was trying to find the link08:35
ikonia"a playback error" ?08:35
zealsham_Ben64: what do i do about that08:36
Ben64zealsham_: talk to whoever owns the network i suppose08:36
rodrigot23ikonia they say the log captures ever5ything i went to it but its gibberish08:36
ikoniarodrigot23: so you're using a 3rd party plugin to talk to a 3rd party content provider, it errors and you don't understand the log ?08:36
ikoniarodrigot23: is that a fair summary ?08:37
rodrigot23you got me thank god08:37
ikoniarodrigot23: so it would seem sensible to talk to the people who maintain/support the plugin08:37
rodrigot23its abandoned08:37
ikoniarodrigot23: ubuntus working, check, kodi's working, check, 3rd party plugins not working, check08:37
ikoniarodrigot23: ahh, so you're 3rd party plugin is also dead08:37
ikoniarodrigot23: so therefore I'd talk to the kodi people to make sure their product will still support the technology that plugin is using08:38
ducasserodrigot23: try #kodi08:38
ikoniaI suspect they will just tell you "it's dead not our problem" but that would be your best action08:38
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surveyor3Hello! I installed hugo via snap. How can I start it? If i use the command "hugo" to start it doesn't work. Is it something like "snap run hugo"?09:00
bazhangsurveyor3, have you tried in #snappy09:01
ducassesurveyor3: snaps are supported by their developer09:02
surveyor3bazhang: nope, thank you!09:02
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zealsham_my ubuntu server can ping my client but my client cant ping ubuntu server 16.0409:30
vltzealsham_: Congrats! (if that is what you wanted to achieve)09:37
spider_xzealsham_: any errors?09:38
zealsham_vlt: nice sarcasm , but thats not what i want09:38
spider_xalso, you might wanna check your firewall settings on your servers, maybe it is setup to ignore ping requests09:40
zealsham_am running ubuntu server on a virtual box in windows , and i have another machine running ubuntu 14. the ubuntu server can ping my other linux but i cant ping the ubuntu server from my ubuntu 14.0.409:40
nu2linuxCan Grub be configured to boot  usb drives?09:40
spider_xYes nu2linux09:41
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sim642zealsham_, you need to configure virtualbox network adapter to be bridged or use port forwarding with the NAT mode to make the virtual server be reachable from outside network09:59
zealsham_sim642: done that,i used bridge adapter now i can acess it10:00
zealsham_sim642:  when i try to ssh into my server ,after putting up my password it says permission denied10:02
sim642/var/log/auth.log might give insight on the server why it was denied10:03
zealsham_sim642:  should i run that on the server or on my client10:03
sim642as I said, on the server10:03
sim642also, you don't exactly run it, it's just a log file10:04
zealsham_sim642: ave opened the log file10:05
bookish@find celestine prophesy10:05
zealsham_sim642:  what do i do with log file10:06
sim642you can read it, probably the end of it to see last login attempts with some additional information10:07
zealsham_sim642: it says session opened for user root (uid=0)10:08
selsperHaving trouble installing a game10:15
selsperSomebody said it might be a graphics firmware issue10:15
selsperSo I'm checking the website for the firmware, but I am in a bit of a confusion as to which download link I need10:16
ducasseselsper: trouble installing or trouble running?10:19
zealsham_ducasse: i can ssh into my server now using putty but i cant do so using commandline10:23
selsperducasse: ty, trouble running10:26
ducasseselsper: do you get an error message?10:26
selsperall I've been working with, is a client that shows only a black screen to me10:26
hamdjanhow do i start squid in ubuntu 16.04 automatically on systemstart?10:27
sebsebsebhamdjan: hi10:27
hamdjani tried `systemctl enable squid` but i get this error msg: squid.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install10:27
hamdjanExecuting /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable squid10:27
selsperI got minecraft working10:27
hamdjanhi sebsebseb10:28
selsperbut runescape is just running wrong/ idk10:28
hamdjanbasically my issue is that when i create my vm/droplet from a snapshot, squid is running but only beginning to work when i do `systemctl restart squid`10:28
ducasseselsper: where did you get runescape - the repos or from the runescape site?10:28
sebsebsebselsper: just joined, your trying to  run runespe in wine? I think that's a Wndows program ?10:29
selsperthe website, I wasnt aware of the repos10:29
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.10:29
sebsebsebselsper: unless your trying to Wine Windows software for example of course, then no, won't be in repos10:29
ducasseselsper: remove it and install from the repos, or ask the runescape people10:29
* sebsebseb thought runescape was Windows game10:29
selsperive asked the rs people10:29
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selsperive done a complete re-install of ubuntu10:30
sebsebseb!info runescape10:30
ubotturunescape (source: runescape): Multiplayer online game set in a fantasy world. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.1-4 (zesty), package size 23 kB, installed size 83 kB10:30
mhaheto get jedi completion on deoplete after pip installing all python packages. do i need to install vim plugins deoplete, deoplete-jedi, jedi-vim together?10:30
zealsham_hello, i can now ssh into my server using putty but when i try to do the same using the commandline it says permission denied10:30
sebsebsebselsper: should install from repos.  sudo apt-get install runescape10:30
ducassesebsebseb: yes, but we don't support the packages you get from their site10:31
sebsebsebselsper: but your old one couold conflict10:31
sebsebsebsince not from repos10:31
selsperill try that, brb10:31
mhaheI've tried #neovim #vim.. no one answer10:31
sebsebsebducasse: indeed10:31
sebsebsebducasse: or only partially maybe, but mostly to say to get repos version yep10:31
selsperHow do I un-install something on ubuntu?10:32
sebsebsebselsper: ask ducasse :D10:32
selsperducasse: ;d10:32
MonkeyDustselsper  if it was installed from the repos, use   sudo apt remove [package]10:32
zealsham_anyone bother to help10:32
ducasseselsper: did you add a repo?10:32
sebsebsebMonkeyDust: nope its a runesape not from repos10:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:33
sebsebsebfor you zealsham_10:33
sebsebseboh yeah on la top so I can uhmm |10:33
sebsebseb!ask | zealsham_10:33
ubottuzealsham_: please see above10:33
* sebsebseb misses his Ubuntu tablet, away for repair, but not so simple, since certain hardware components all connected together10:33
selsper sudo apt-get install runescape10:34
selsperE: Unable to locate package runescape10:34
zealsham_sebsebseb: i can ssh into my server using putty but cant do so using linux commandline10:34
hamdjanbasically i think systemd-sysv-install fails to start squid correctly, but how do i solve it? should write another service unit file to restart squid at the latest possible time?10:34
sebsebsebzealsham_: putty hmm10:34
sebsebsebzealsham_: that's for dealing with WIndowws, a old one, don't think its needed as such anymore, but I am not the best one to ask about ssh anyway10:34
selsperducasse: what do you mean, when you ask, did you add a repo?10:35
MonkeyDustselsper  try   locate runescape10:35
sebsebsebselsper: how did you install runesacpe off the site in other words10:35
selsperwell i just removed it10:35
ducasseselsper: did you add a repo earlier?10:36
selsperwhen u posted that link?10:36
selsperI don't know, I might have added one trying to install it, but not to my knowledge10:37
sebsebsebselsper: a ppa ?10:38
selsperi dnt think so10:38
ducasseselsper: according to that paste you did, you need to remove it. see if there are uninstall instructions on the runescape site10:39
selspercan u gimmie an hour, ill jst reinstall ubuntu again10:39
sebsebsebselsper: no need10:39
sebsebsebselsper: you won't learn like that to10:39
selsperwell thats what the forums suggested10:40
sebsebsebselsper: it should be quite easy to remove something not from the offical repos in general10:40
sebsebsebas well10:40
sebsebsebselsper: especially with someone like ducasse trying to help you, who will know the commands better thAN i :D10:40
selsperwhere would that be located?10:40
sebsebsebselsper: if you installed from a totally random site, than yes  possibly re install, since potential malicious software, but otherwise probably don't need to really10:41
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sebsebsebselsper: also it seems, you aren't sure, what repos, or ppas are, or if I put htis one in there  even, compiling from source?10:41
bazhang!info runescape | sels-afk10:42
ubottusels-afk: runescape (source: runescape): Multiplayer online game set in a fantasy world. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.1-4 (zesty), package size 23 kB, installed size 83 kB10:42
bazhangjust install from repos sels-afk10:42
sels-afkcant do it right now, im multitasking as we speak10:42
plesnutSuddenly - I am just getting a blue screen with an ubuntu logo above a rat10:50
plesnutIt's hdmi output from my laptop (lid closed)10:50
ducasseplesnut: sounds like the default xubuntu background iirc10:55
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plesnutducasse: Sure, but no login prompt for some reason10:59
MonkeyDustit's not rat, it's a mouse, indicating that it runs fast (speedy gonzalez)11:00
plesnutducasse: It appears my installation is a bit screwed. I've been messing with it so much.11:00
plesnutSure looks like a rat to me.11:00
blackflowMonkeyDust: best cartoon ever!11:01
plesnutCartoon? You appear to be guilty of ... PAEDO :o11:02
ducasseplesnut: the login prompt only appears on the primary display, which would be the internal on11:03
plesnutDo you know the confusion here? You said speedy gonzalez was a great cartoon..11:03
plesnutBut MonkeyDust is also a cartoon (for adults)11:03
blackflowoh... no, I was talking about Speedy Gonzales, Fastest Mouse in Mexico! :)11:03
plesnutThere's a character in it called the Paedo Finder General11:04
zap0M-Dust is awesome!11:04
plesnutSomebody ALWAYS brings out The Cycllists once ina a while11:05
zap0plesnut, by the power of tabloid readers, i pronounce you a <echo>PEDDDOOOOO11:05
plesnutBored of these issues already.11:10
plesnutDoes anyone have any bash/puppet/ansible/etc scripts they use to configure a media machine on ubuntu?11:10
hamdjanhow do i start a sys-v service on ubuntu 16.04 on boot automatically?11:13
akikhamdjan: did you try to do it sysv style? systemd should have support for them too11:15
hamdjanakik, no i used systemd. ive no idea how to enable an init script on startup with sysv style. how do i do that? i know there are /etc/rc* dirs and i just see there is squid inside11:15
hamdjanakik, i enabled it wtih `systemctl enable squid` and that created a squid service file to start the squid init, but on reboot squid doesnt work until i restart it11:16
akikhamdjan: i haven't tested myself but i just know there's some built-in functionality for it, e.g. if you run /etc/init.d/tor start it'll command systemd (this is on debian)11:18
hamdjani think its vice versa, systemd command the init script11:19
hamdjanon 16.0411:19
hamdjanwell this is a mess, ive no idea what to do :)11:20
akikLong story short, systemd interprets the standard LSB headers in the sysv init script so it execute the sysv init script in the context of something resembling a real systemd service.11:20
hamdjanyeah, thats how i understood it too11:20
plesnutWhy is ubuntu displying on my laptop screen when the lid is down and hdmi out is hooked up to the tv?11:20
hamdjanbut the "resembling real systemd service" apparently fails starting my service11:21
hamdjanso i tried to write a custom one, but that fails too11:21
hamdjanso maybe i can use sys-v to start it automatically on reboot??11:21
akikhamdjan: i'd need to test myself to see how it works, whether systemd and sysv rc.d links work together too11:22
plesnutIs there a nice way to backup the state of a system before messing up the configs?11:22
MonkeyDustI use rsync to backup11:23
plesnutBut all of the system? fstab, packages, etc11:23
MonkeyDustplesnut  yes, you can use rsync to backup /etc11:24
plesnutMonkeyDust: Interesting. I'll look into it11:25
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync11:26
akikhamdjan: this comment mentions that by fixing the lsb headers in the init script, systemd should be able to manage it: https://serverfault.com/a/83908111:30
zealsham_how do i log out from an ubuntu user using commandline in 16.0.411:30
akikzealsham_: exit11:30
vltzealsham_: Or ctrl+d11:30
akikzealsham_: ahh understood you wrong. you want to exit the gui?11:31
akikzealsham_: this is a bit harsh solution, but to kill all your personal processes (of the ubuntu user), you can run "kill -9 -1". this should be used only if there's not other way11:32
akikkind of amazing that people post their question, then don't follow up11:37
sirru5hakik, well sometimes they figure no one is asking because (reason here)11:40
sirru5hI've been there myself11:40
renn0xtk9I have KDE Neon deistibtution which is  as I undersand ubuntu based  . I have placed a script in /etc/rc0.d . It all seems to me like it is not called at shutdown time11:42
renn0xtk9any hints on how to troubleshoot ?11:42
sirru5hwell night everyone11:42
MonkeyDustrenn0xtk9  firstly, what's the output of    cat /etc/issue11:42
SlaSerXhow i can limt display only processes by a user when use ps command11:42
ducasse!based | renn0xtk911:42
ubottuKDE Neon ( http://neon.kde.org/ ) is a KDE project to package the latest stable and development versions of KDE software on top of an Ubuntu base. As it is not an official Ubuntu or Kubuntu project, please use #kde-neon for discussion and support.11:43
renn0xtk9MonkeyDust: KDE neon LTS 5.8 \n \l11:43
ducasse!based on ubuntu | renn0xtk911:43
ubotturenn0xtk9: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:43
renn0xtk9but the infrastructure with /etc/rc0.d etc should work the same does not it?11:44
MonkeyDustrenn0xtk9  type   /j #kde-neon11:44
ducasserenn0xtk9: don't know, don't care11:44
plesnutWhy is cp not working in a sh script for me?11:45
plesnutNo errors. It's just not doing anything11:45
SlaSerXany body know ?11:46
MonkeyDustplesnut  paste the script here ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:46
plesnutMonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24529946/11:48
plesnutThat line works fine when running it from the terminal11:48
ducasseplesnut: don't use relative paths in scripts11:53
MonkeyDustplesnut  ok, try rsync -a --progress instead of cp -a11:53
MonkeyDustand what ducasse says11:53
plesnutWhy not?11:53
=== arya is now known as Guest99433
=== Guest99433 is now known as arya__
arya__ hello, i have some grub issues11:54
ducasseplesnut: because then the script needs to be executed from the correct directory11:54
arya__need help11:55
akik!ask | arya__11:55
ubottuarya__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:55
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:56
plesnutducasse: Which is fine, it's ust a setup script11:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:56
ducasseplesnut: _are_ you running it from the correct dir?11:57
plesnutducasse: I am!11:57
ducasseplesnut: try changing it to '../files/*'11:58
arya__akik: and ubottu: sorry i was trying to figure out a way to upload images. Please refer this pic to know the problems with probably the grub. http://picpaste.com/IMG-20170507-WA0000-k62L1SBz.jpeg12:01
zteamHi is there any solution at all, that allows me to avoid these @#¤%¤&% kernel bug, and at the same time enjoy my Nvidia card? Hi, is there any ETA for then this bug is expected to be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/167483812:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1674838 in linux (Ubuntu Zesty) "kernel BUG at /build/linux-7LGLH_/linux-4.10.0/include/linux/swapops.h:129" [High,In progress]12:02
akikarya__: kind of difficult to see the problem. what is the last thing you changed before running into this?12:02
xxxxhi, i just install ubuntu on a mac and i having audio problems: cannot raise volume and raise up browser voloume making in loud at the start of any song in youtube/spotify12:03
xxxxmaking it*12:04
arya__akik: my laptop freezes every now and then. and i can not install the software updates popped up with the Ubuntu Software Center, to fix that i was trying commands from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels12:04
arya__akik: i'm not sire if this is exactly what caused it or it is the cause which freezes my laptop.12:05
akikarya__: do you have an older kernel still available in the grub menu? maybe try that12:05
akikarya__: the error message says that it can't mount the root fs12:05
zteamarya__, you can just run sudo apt-get autoremove, that should clean out old kernels but also save the two latest ones12:06
xxxxask: volume do graphic changes but sounds the same volume, bad sound in new mac with ubuntu12:08
arya__akik: right now, i have booted through the older kernel from the list: http://picpaste.com/IMG_20170507_171711-B1vu5Nlf.jpg12:08
arya__akik: let me try the autoremove command you suggested12:09
plesnutooh what is this LVM? Is it good?12:09
auronandace!lvm | plesnut12:09
ubottuplesnut: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:09
akikarya__: it was zteam that mentioned it. but good that you're able to boot your system12:09
plesnutOh wow lvm souds SO handy. For the snapsots12:10
arya__akik: zteam: ah, okay. anyway i'm trying it.12:10
zteamxxxx, if the problem is that the voulme is just to low, you might try to run alsamixer from a terminal12:10
auronandacearya__: it probably isn't a good idea to remove kernels until you are sure which ones you can boot from12:10
akikarya__: details matter, which kernel did you boot?12:11
zteamarya__, also are you using Ubuntu 17.04 as well?,12:11
MonkeyDustplesnut  btrfs, as opposed to ext4, lets you create snapshots, too12:11
arya__akik: zteam: here is the result of the autoremove command12:11
akikarya__: the error is you ran out of disk space12:12
akikarya__: gzip: stdout: No space left on device12:12
plesnutMonkeyDust: This is exactly what I needed tbh. I'm having to re-install because I screwed up some configs12:12
xxxxvolume is too high, and when a song starts it gets louder. Master volume do nothing12:12
arya__zteam: i'm using 14.04. not 17.0412:12
MonkeyDustplesnut  and there's PXE and clonezilla, and apt-clone12:12
plesnutMonkeyDust: I'll have to look into those as well. There's a lot to learn here for me atm12:13
zteamarya__, you have no space left on the device, that's way apt don't work as expected...., try to remove som files, from your homefolder, or reboot your computer in recovery mode and tell it to free up some discspace for you12:15
zteamarya__, also staying on Ubuntu 14.04 is not recommended as that is a very old release by now, you wouldn't even get security updates any more12:16
akikzteam: 14.04 is fully supported still12:16
sebsebsebzteam: arya__ not quite true, 14.04 will getu pdates12:17
ducassezteam: supported until 201912:17
sebsebsebzteam: its 12.04 that is eol now12:17
sebsebsebzteam: except for paying customers12:17
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) was the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 28th 2017. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2017-April/003833.html for more information12:18
arya__zteam: akik: here are my system details https://pastebin.com/NLjAtVX2 also no space left is the root cause for many problems i'm trying to make space. some help with that would really help!12:18
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes12:18
renn0xtk9I placed a service int cd  /etc/systemd/system  but does not seem to be called12:18
renn0xtk9any idea why ?12:18
ducasserenn0xtk9: did you enable it?12:19
renn0xtk9ducasse yes i enabled it12:23
renn0xtk9this is how my service looks like12:26
arya__akik: how do i free up some space?12:27
sels-afkdelete stuff12:28
renn0xtk9is there any tutorial somewhere on how making script of systemd shutdown ?12:29
akikarya__: if the apt-get or dpkg commands don't work, you could remove some big files manually with rm12:29
arya__akik: thank you12:29
cfhowlettarya__, before you do all that do a paste of df -h12:31
pynkiand backup your important stuff ;)12:32
pynkirenn0xtk9, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/39226/how-to-run-a-script-with-systemd-right-before-shutdown ?12:33
pynkijudt use google :D12:33
pynkirenn0xtk9, since we want to learn something: https://patrakov.blogspot.hk/2011/01/writing-systemd-service-files.html , https://www.linux.com/learn/understanding-and-using-systemd , https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/systemd-essentials-working-with-services-units-and-the-journal12:35
aisparkwhenever i try gdm on 16.04 LTS it breaks...Forces me to 'LightDM only'12:35
arya__akik: https://pastebin.com/M0KBUizH but this is after i deleted 2 directories from home12:35
arya__akik: i think i can not delete more than this12:36
arya__akik: i need other stuff12:36
pynkiaispark, i use slim - works great12:36
akikarya__: i meant deleting big files from /boot (older initrd files)12:36
=== JanC is now known as Guest4823
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cfhowlettarya__, dpkg -l | grep linux-headers12:36
cfhowlettand paste12:36
aisparkpynki, I'll try slim12:37
arya__cfhowlett: akik: https://pastebin.com/duCXmK8B12:38
pynkiaispark, do not wonder: it is what its name suggests: slim12:38
renn0xtk9pynki: which is exactly what i have done as you can see from my paste ;)12:38
cfhowlettarya__, yep.  you need to delete some old kernels to free up space12:38
renn0xtk9and still not working. therefore I am asking for a complete official tutorial if any ,  since all the thread here and there are conflicting each oters ;)12:38
arya__cfhowlett: okay. how? what commands?12:39
pynkirenn0xtk9, the home folder is mounted at that point in time? do you have any error messages?12:39
=== RDH is now known as RDeH
=== RDeH is now known as RdeH
cfhowlettarya__, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/remove-old-kernels-ubuntu-16-04/12:40
arya__cfhowlett: how about this one sudo apt-get autoremove --purge?12:40
arya__cfhowlett: okay. let me check12:40
cloudbudcan somebody help me with zookeeper12:41
renn0xtk9pynki: actually I have tried with this line : Before=shutdown.target umount.target  so I hope it is ... where are log of services stored?12:41
arya__ sudo apt autoremove --purge12:42
arya__E: Command line option --purge is not understood12:42
cfhowlettare you on 16.04 arya__ ?12:42
pynkirenn0xtk9, systemctl status your.service12:42
arya__cfhowlett: yes12:42
pynkirenn0xtk9, journalctrl -u your.service12:42
cfhowlettsee the link I sent you and go to the "Remove Old Kernels via DPKG" section12:43
arya__cfhowlett: okay12:43
pynkirenn0xtk9, the digitalocean link gives you a quick overview12:43
mustardhello everybody12:44
pynkirenn0xtk9, when the home folders are encrypted no one will be able to read the script. thats why i am asking. can yopu let your script write a simple test file. like this "echo 'whatever >> test.file" to see if it runs or not?12:46
kunjiHi, I see in the serverguide documentation "As of Ubuntu 14.04, users are automatically placed in a set of cgroups which they own, safely allowing them to contrain their own jobs using child cgroups.  This feature is relied upon, for instance, for unprivileged container creation in lxc.   "   Does anyone know where these ones are mounted by default, I'm not sure that I see them in /sys/fs/cgroup  ??12:48
renn0xtk9pynki: well with that overview https://paste.opensuse.org/7203931312:49
sebsebsebabtest01: hi12:50
renn0xtk9Ideally developpers would have made thos log persistend upon shutdown.12:50
arya__cfhowlett: hey, the space issue is so stringent, that it does not allow me to install the gksu from the link you suggested. https://pastebin.com/ipCdYEeq12:51
renn0xtk9which would help to debug probleme with script getting not called at shutdown.   but they did not think about it ^^12:51
cfhowlettinstall gksu?  why? nothing in the dpkg option calls for gksu, arya__12:51
akikarya__: did you manually rm a couple of initrd files? that would help12:52
arya__cfhowlett: okay let me check12:52
renn0xtk9is there anyway with system d to log which services programm script etc are getting called sequentially ?12:52
akikarya__: you have plenty of space in / but very little in /boot12:52
cfhowlettakik, random removal of initrd will break things.  dpkg / apt removal will handle that without errors or breakage.12:53
renn0xtk9that would help to sort out  the "declarative' approach chosen by developpers..12:53
arya__akik: cfhowlett i guess i was following wrong commands12:53
akikcfhowlett: it doesn't matter as he's not going to use those older initrd files12:53
cfhowlettarya__, slow your roll or you are going to have a self-inflicted painful experience12:53
=== Spontex is now known as Guest66858
arya__akik: cfhowlett: https://pastebin.com/6EgEik7E this is the new status13:08
arya__akik: cfhowlet: used dpkg commands from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels13:09
cfhowlettarya__, looks better.  bit of clean up suggest: sudo apt autoremove13:09
arya__cfhowlett: E: Invalid operation autoremove13:09
cfhowlettarya__, try this:   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt install -f && sudo apt remove && sudo apt-get autoremove13:10
abtest01which "software package repository management software" ubunut respos uses?13:11
kunjiabtest01: apt13:13
arya__cfhowlett: akik: thank you! looks better now! :) :) :)13:14
cfhowlettarya__, run that last bit regularly for basic maintenance13:14
MonkeyDustabtest01  apt means advanced package tool, hence syn-apt-ic and apt-itude13:14
abtest01apt is client tool.13:14
abtest01whats used on repository server?13:14
arya__cfhowlett: okay. will do! :)13:14
abtest01MonkeyDust: ^13:14
MonkeyDustabtest01  not sure, i'm not a dev or member of the motu13:15
Lavinhogood morrning13:20
Lavinhomy speaker bluetooth this not apppear13:20
Lavinhowhy ?13:21
zap0can i get some help trying to get DNS settings to work.    i can ping things via IP address, and browser can connect via IP,  no names get resolved though.13:22
posLatest kernel on trusty with linux-signed-generic-lts-xenial/linux-generic-lts-xenial is 4.4.0-75, yet latest kernel running xenial is 4.4.0-77?13:30
ridaanyone here?13:30
MonkeyDustrida  type   /names13:31
plesnutI am finding so much trial and error with bash scripts. Things that work in the terminal just fail in sript form13:31
ridai came here to report bugs13:31
plesnutTotal PITA13:32
MonkeyDust!bug | rida13:32
ubotturida: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:32
ridaits was not usefull13:32
ridaalready read that the intructions where a little vague13:32
compdocive written a program in bash. was about 5 or 6 script files that call each other. it can be done13:33
ridai need to report an bug NOT AN FILE OR AN PID13:33
rida:/ noone helping me13:34
bliplaphi guys, I've always used Xubuntu on my laptops for the lighter weight/performance - but on current hardware Ubuntu and Kubuntu wms run just as fast13:34
bliplapDo you think its reasonable to still use Xubuntu just because I feel XFCE is more distraction free ?13:34
MonkeyDustrida  state your issue, in one line, and wait13:34
ridacan somebody help me13:34
bliplapI will still install some Gnome and KDE libs13:34
ridaok i will tell now13:35
=== Druid- is now known as selsper
=== sels-afk is now known as Druid-
ridaso wenever i plug my wifi adapter in ubuntu UBUNTU COMPLETELY FREEZES13:37
ridanow im using an old kernel13:37
ridabut this problem needs to be solved13:37
MonkeyDustric999  drop the caps13:37
MonkeyDustthat was for rida13:37
ridawell if cant get help from this, than i dont know what todo nwo.13:39
docmaxwhere can i get help with virtualgl?13:40
ridaIts Now 5 Mins And I Got No Help.13:41
MonkeyDustrida  repeat your question every 10-15 mnutes, until someone enters who can help13:41
ridawait, isnt that spam?13:42
MonkeyDustrida  and spare the enter key, to avoid spamming13:42
ridawell scrap that im gonna do it anyway to get help13:43
ridaby that i mean im not gonna spam13:43
ridaI need help13:45
docmaxrida, me too13:46
docmaxnoone is gonna help us13:46
ridawith what?13:46
docmaxwith VirtualGL and my life13:46
ridaahah pls dont make jokes here this is sirious13:46
ridathis is only meant for posting bugs13:47
ridabut whats virtualgl and i know what gl is13:47
docmaxmy life is a bug13:47
ridapls just stop13:47
ridabut whats virtitual gl?\13:48
ridaI need help13:49
ridaare img's allowed13:49
ridano i mean is there an img command like img scr13:50
rida.img thanks for you help13:50
ridaim getting bored of waiting!13:50
MonkeyDust!patience | rida13:51
ubotturida: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:51
ridaatleast they CAN TRY HELP ME13:52
ridaif i would rate you i will give an 10 FOR BEING AN COOKIE CUTTER HELPER THAT DOESNT HELP13:54
=== arya is now known as arya__
marcarrelusIt's not very constructive to demand help. These people are simply trying to help as much as they can. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. That's how it goes on IRC13:56
kunjiplesnut: Are you sure you're using BASH for your scripts?13:58
kunjiHi, I see in the serverguide documentation "As of Ubuntu 14.04, users are automatically placed in a set of cgroups which they own, safely allowing them to contrain their own jobs using child cgroups.  This feature is relied upon, for instance, for unprivileged container creation in lxc.   "   Does anyone know where these ones are mounted by default, I'm not sure that I see them in /sys/fs/cgroup  ??    https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/cgroups-delegation.13:59
arya__hello, i ran this command "dpkg -l | tail -n +6 | grep -E 'linux-image-[0-9]+' | grep -Fv $(uname -r)" from this link http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/remove-old-kernels-ubuntu-16-04/ the link describes rc, ii and iU types of kernels. however i'm getting iF. does anyone know what iF is?13:59
EriC^^arya__: dpkg -l | head14:00
arya__EriC^^: thank you14:06
EriC^^arya__: no problem14:07
=== doubtful is now known as moredoubtful
esteem_hi guys, I have a quick question. How do I cut off internet accress if my VPN drops? I cant seem to find that option14:34
marcarrelusyou could use your firewall to block all traffic that doesn't go through your VPN tunnel14:35
kunjiFound them /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service14:35
esteem_as in my hardware firewall?14:36
esteem_or the systems?14:36
esteem_I like having my xbox one connecting without the vpn14:36
marcarrelusyour systems should do fine. Like iptables for example. I'm not an expert, but it most probably will be doable ufw.14:37
marcarrelus* with ufw14:37
v5is ubuntu 17.04 stable now?14:38
kunjiv5: It should have been "stable" at release, but do note that 17.04 is not an LTS release, the most recent LTS release is 16.04.14:39
esteem_marcarrelus: thanks for the tips... Ill google with them and find out more information14:39
Sparrow__esteem_, You can have more than one linux installed14:43
Sparrow__v5 that was for you14:44
porterhousehow does a webdav mount entry in fstab suppose to look like with loging credentials?14:51
kunjiv5: If 16.04 is working fine then I probably wouldn't upgrade ot 17.04 if it is giving me issues.  Potential benefits would mostly be newer packages available in the repos, but it's not impossible to get them for 16.04, just sometimes less convenient.14:51
adamFromSomewherHi htere. What's the channel for ubuntu phone/phablet development?14:55
zealsham_when i download with lynx, where fo i see the downloaded files. been looking for it14:55
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver
MonkeyDust!phone | adamFromSomewher start here15:01
ubottuadamFromSomewher start here: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:01
lematthow do I know if my package manager is consistent ?15:04
lemattAnd it has no issues15:04
lemattapt-get ??15:05
lemattapt-get xx15:05
RocketLLhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick why does this page tell users to convert the iso into img? I've dd'd plenty of ISOs on OSX without problems, and unless it's an OSX version thing or a specific issue with Ubuntu, I'd like to know why.15:09
MonkeyDustlematt  there's apt policy15:12
MonkeyDustlematt  and apt show15:12
MonkeyDustlematt  and there's launchpad15:13
lemattMonkeyDust: I want to do it consistency checks for the package manager, hwo do I do it??15:14
lemattconsistency checks for the entire system?15:14
lemattI think something is broken15:14
lemattI suspect, and just wished to check it15:14
MonkeyDustlematt  i guess you better start from the beginning, what brings you here15:14
lemattMonkeyDust: I just want to do something like pacman -Qk which does system check's is everything not conflicting15:16
lemattSo yes, my question is at least valid MonkeyDust15:16
lemattI am searching for something equivalent15:17
Sparrow__lematt, You can start with inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit15:17
=== ian is now known as Guest85652
sea-Is it just me or is steelix.canonical.com down?15:20
MonkeyDustsea-  shows an apeche2 page here15:21
sea-Running apt-get update sticks right here: '0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::16)]'15:24
bekkssea-: How long did you wait?15:25
MonkeyDustsea-  what's the outcome of    cat /etc/issue15:25
sea-It's been about 2 minutes now15:25
sea-oh wait15:25
sea-It just continued15:25
sea-What on earth is that. Why the ridiculous delay?15:25
bekkssea-: How much did you pay for 100% availability?15:26
sea-Well I didn't pay for 100% but I know that my IPv6 link wasn't down at the time, otherwise I couldn't be communicating with you all15:26
renn0xtk9how to replace a service in systemd15:27
bekkssea-: Unless you pay a LOT of $$$ for 100% for every service you are using, dont expect 100% availablity please :)15:27
Seveaseven with $$$, 100% availability is not going to happen :)15:28
porterhouseis it possible for me to assign two virual nics to a ubuntu VM and bonding them for link aggregatiion/lacp ?15:30
porterhousei want to use both virual nics as vpn connections and bond them15:30
lemattSparrow__: what is that shit15:37
=== blipz is now known as blipz2
nikitkaHi guys!15:41
nikitkaWhy you all are disconnecting?15:41
MonkeyDustnikitka  stop15:43
rud0lfimagine some stranger walking into a group of people in the street and doing same thing15:44
rud0lfnot neccessarily killed after this :S15:44
MonkeyDustrud0lf  donald trump does it in public15:45
Sparrow__Unless it is cold then he cant find it15:47
LetterRiphi - what is the recommended method for handling 'mouse click bouncing'  it is the built in mousepad so it can't really be replaced, on windows I've added a program that does it15:47
=== Mike_______ is now known as Mike__
Sparrow__LetterRip, I had that too, when wireless mouse and turned off touchpad15:47
LetterRip(mouse click bouncing is when a single click sends multiple click signals)15:47
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Sparrow__!find PyQt415:49
ubottuFound: pyqt4-dev-tools, pyqt4.qsci-dev, python3-pyqt4, python3-pyqt4-dbg, python3-pyqt4.phonon, python3-pyqt4.phonon-dbg, python3-pyqt4.qsci, python3-pyqt4.qsci-dbg, python3-pyqt4.qtopengl, python3-pyqt4.qtopengl-dbg (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=PyQt4&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all15:49
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renn0xtk9How to debug when systemd is not calling you script at shutdown?16:03
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renn0xtk9how to call a script at shutdown with systemd? ANY DOC ON INTERNET NOT WORKING16:11
tgm4883!patience | renn0xtk916:14
ubotturenn0xtk9: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:14
renn0xtk9!respect| developers     ;)16:16
sasha|hi i need help with apt-get update not working. iam using virtualbox and its not able to fetch: error some index files failed to download16:19
sasha|any suggestions?16:19
Ip8I installed Kubuntu, everything is AFAIK fine, but there is no wifi, i cannot search and connect to wifi networks.16:19
sasha|tried everything from disable ipv6 to NAT and bridged mode...16:20
Sparrow__try turning off ipv6   and telling us what wifi chipset16:20
Sparrow__sasha|, What do your sources look like16:21
sasha|where can i find sourcelist?16:22
sasha|its been while with linux16:22
Sparrow__in term   inxi -Fxxrzc016:22
sasha|Sparrow__ please explain16:24
sasha|i dont have inx16:26
Ip8Where can I disable IPv6?!16:27
Sparrow__click on network icon then edit then wifi then edit16:28
tgm4883!who | Sparrow__16:30
ubottuSparrow__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:30
sasha|Sparrow__ pastebin link shows the links16:30
Ip8Sparrow_, it is for creating network, not editing16:31
Sparrow__click on network icon then edit then wifi network below wifi then edit16:32
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Sparrow__Ip8, Find it ok?16:35
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Sparrow__!find pgbouncer16:36
ubottuFound: pgbouncer, prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 110 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pgbouncer&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all16:36
Nick21hi everyone16:38
sasha|any  help please16:39
sasha|need help with apt-get update not working. iam using virtualbox and its not able to fetch: error some index files failed to download16:39
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Sparrow__sasha|, Why old releases in sources..  Err http://it.old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal Release.gpg16:40
sasha|dont know was like that16:40
sasha|what should i replace with? and how16:41
Ip8Sparrow_, I cannot find the place for TURING OFF IPV6!!!16:41
Sparrow__Cant help you with that.. too messy for me16:41
Ip8tell me where and what to do IN DETAILS!16:41
Sparrow__Ip8, You got it click by click getting you to ipv6 tab I cant help any more than that16:42
tgm4883Ip8: chill with the caps man. Are you in network manager currently?16:42
tgm4883Ip8: this is a desktop or server?16:42
Ip8I am just a normal user16:43
Ip8i don't know much of anything!16:43
tgm4883Ip8: wired or wireless?16:43
tgm4883Ip8: why are you trying to disable ipv6 anyway?16:44
MonkeyDustIp8  is this useful http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/disable-ipv6-if-your-internet-is.html16:44
Ip8tgm4883 IDK Sparrow_ told me16:45
* tgm4883 tries not to give people 5+ year old docs16:45
MonkeyDusttgm4883  true16:45
tgm4883Ip8: well what's your real issue?16:45
Ip8I can not search and connect to WiFi networks16:46
tgm4883Ip8: what wireless card do you have?16:46
Ip8Tenda W33U Broadcom16:46
Ip8I download the driver but Linux does not extract the file because of having errors of files, it can extract it but it doesnot.16:47
sasha|changed from old to new list but still get 40416:49
Ip8I am gonna to eat  dinner, when I get back, I expect solution, otherwise... bad things will follow.16:49
sasha|ip8 lol16:50
SimonNLIp8: solution is already offered.16:50
tgm4883SimonNL: a solution was offered?16:51
SimonNLyes for disabling ipv616:51
tgm4883SimonNL: oh, well he probably wants a solution that will actually fix his issue16:51
SimonNLcould be.16:51
tgm4883SimonNL: which disabling ipv6 won't do. Which is why I always stress to tag the people you're talking to since I don't think that was meant for him16:52
SimonNLIp8: solution is already offered.   this tgm4883 ?16:53
tgm4883SimonNL: no, earlier someone said to disable ipv6, but I believe that was meant for something other than Ip8, but there was no tag so I think ip8 thought it was for him and ran with it16:54
tgm4883SimonNL: ip8's issue is that he can't even scan for wireless networks16:55
jiffeis zfs for all partitions going to be supported through ubuntu install at some point soon?16:56
jiffefrom what I read, 17.04 broke a lot of this16:56
SimonNLtgm4883: I'm all confused now I'll take a break.16:57
SimonNLtgm4883: but your explanation did clear it up a little.16:58
computeruserdoes ubuntu 17.04 mate come with a python graphical IDE?16:58
yeatscomputeruser: probably not, but you can do 'sudo apt install idle'17:00
computeruserI have emacs IDE installed17:00
computeruserhow is idle?17:00
computerusermaybe an addon for emacs?17:00
computeruseror for pluma?17:00
sasha|can someone please help me with apt-get update not working? iam using virtualbox ubuntu on windows. NAT/bridge mode tried. it returns 404 on the links from ubuntu sources17:01
_Ricardohow can I check, if a websocket is open?17:01
Sparrow__sasha|, Tell people about old releases in sources..  Err http://it.old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal Release.gpg17:02
jackhumatom on my ubuntu takes long time to start17:02
sasha|Sparrow__ i replaced sources.list17:03
sasha|still same problem17:03
jackhumsublime text 3 takes barely 3 seconds , while it goes to 7-8 sec for atom17:03
akiksasha|: the default nat mode should work with virtualbox. can you access other services for example with firefox?17:03
jackhumis there any fix to make it start faster17:03
computerusersasha| 404 is a very specific error. some webserver or maybe something in the middle is confirming that the file is not found on the server.17:03
Sparrow__sasha|, did you do update17:03
computeruserit confirms two way network communication17:03
tgm4883sasha|: what is the output of 'lsb_release -a'17:04
computeruserbut it doesn't prove if the url request wwas modified during upstream transmission17:04
sasha|its ubuntu 12.1017:05
computeruserif there is something in the middle that is adding characters or escaping characters to some format not recognized by the server the server will think you are requesting something else17:05
computeruseron ubuntu 12.10 I would think the repos might not be the correct address17:05
computeruserold links dead links17:05
tgm4883!eol | sasha|17:05
ubottusasha|: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:05
computeruseryou should ping them from another machine or from outside the vm17:05
tgm4883That's why you had old releases and why you probably need to update17:06
Ip8Am back17:06
Ip8Come on people!17:07
=== anonymous is now known as Guest63404
Ip8How do I connect and search for wifis?17:07
computeruseris there a way he can download a new ubuntu distro and make it boot from a partition?17:08
computeruserafter backing up files17:08
Sparrow__sasha|, I thought that had reached end of life except security for ubuntu advantage CUSTOMERS17:08
Ip8Na fuck this, fuck you. Am done.17:08
sasha|i might have changed to the old- links after reading on stackover. but i changed back now to a list not containing old. adresses . but why is it giving 404`?17:09
Guest6340401000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 0110010017:09
computeruserIp8 61 seconds to wait for a response before rage quiting and shaming the free help17:09
computeruserI bet anyone that was about to help you changed their mind after they read your f u message17:10
Sparrow__sasha|, I cant help but think your problem may be in part to your release being end of life five days ago17:11
Sparrow__computeruser, in 60 seconds he asks for help again17:11
akik12.10 support ended in 2013?17:12
Sparrow__I thought she had 12.04 repos earlier17:13
tgm4883wow, that was uncalled for....17:13
tgm4883Sparrow__: sasha| in any case, an upgrade is required17:14
Sparrow__Agreed, long over due                                     tgm488317:14
anonymous_01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 0110010017:14
anonymous_01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 0110010017:15
sasha|tgm4883 how can i upgrade?17:15
tgm4883sasha|: either via clean install, or via the link I sent17:15
Sparrow__I know I get lazy when working with people and dont always write their name.  In the old days I could OP up and kick myself ,  tell us your hardware before you pick new os17:16
kennyngstongood evening everyone17:23
kennyngstoni'm playing with VRFs on ubuntu 17.04, but can't figure out how to make them survive reboot :) the only thing i can think of is a script that runs at boot but thats a bit getho - anyone any ideas?17:24
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computeruserguest63404 typed "Greats world" in bin17:27
computeruserperhaps you mean "hello world" ?17:28
computerusertranslated to chineese back to american back to binary17:28
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:28
studentf kcfuwec ch msuhcekczhsdksd17:30
computeruserstep right up17:31
computerusersee if you can survive the +b17:31
XHFHXIs this a bug or a feature? If i make a right click in chrome and keep the dialog open the screen will turn off after 5 minutes but it won't display the lock screen - instead it will return to the unlocked screen17:32
computerusermaybe he went face down on the input device17:32
XHFHXwhen the dialog is not opend i'll get the lockscreen after 5 minutes17:32
Sparrow__XHFHX, I would assume keep dialog open does just that, avoids the lock screen17:34
computeruserinstalled idle per the suggestion. looks legit17:36
MrSassyPantsapturl-> ImportError: No module named 'PyQt4.QtWebKit'17:37
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computeruserquicktime 4?17:41
sasha|Sparrow__ ubuntu 6.06.1-x86 stuck on waiting for root file system17:42
computerusermaybe non-free apple stuff17:42
sasha|Sparrow__ iam trying another image for virtualbox17:42
sasha|Sparrow__ sorry thats really old version17:43
Sparrow__I was an OP here back then.. fond memories.. mostly17:43
MrSassyPantscomputeruser, Qt is a graphical library17:43
MrSassyPantsI think its the basis of kde17:43
Sparrow__!find qt417:44
ubottuFound: fcitx-frontend-qt4, libavahi-qt4-1, libavahi-qt4-dev, libdee-qt4-3, libdee-qt4-dev, libpoppler-qt4-4, libpoppler-qt4-dev, libqt4-dbg, libqt4-dbus, libqt4-declarative (and 128 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt4&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all17:44
brotherBoxhi guys, i am switching to systemd-boot. how can i get rid of grub on my machine?17:44
Bashing-ombrotherBox: Without grub ( GRand Uninified Bootloader ) can not load the operating system . rephrase ?17:46
Sparrow__brotherBox, are you using some tutorial?17:46
brotherBoxSparrow__: no, i dont17:47
brotherBoxBashing-om: i figure that systemd-boot is doing the job that grub is going. i have written a configuration and it boots into my ubuntu just fine17:47
brotherBoxnow i want to get rid of its remnants17:47
n-iCehi, I have a problem, I can't surf the internet with the default resolv.conf is this a known bug?17:50
orbI'll bet it's not a bug, per se17:51
graphytehi there, i saw a video about using ubuntu server as the base of an ubuntu desktop and installing all stuff one wants by hand. what do you think about that?17:51
Bashing-ombrotherBox: EFI boot manager ?? what remnamts ? Grub does track old installed kernels . remove the unneeded kernels ??17:51
akikgraphyte: you can just install the desktop version directly17:53
graphyteyeah sure akik17:53
akikserver/workstation is a line drawn in water in linux17:54
Sparrow__I agree wit akik17:54
graphytemaybe you did not read what i wrote akik17:54
graphyteit is about to start somewhat from scratch17:54
akikgraphyte: i read it but if your goal is to anyhow use the desktop on the server, why bother with a complex setup?17:55
c_kornhello, after updating my server from 12.04 to 14.04 I cannot upload with ftp any longer. the send command gives this error: 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection17:55
graphytejust for fun as linux is fun too not just being always serious ;)17:55
Sparrow__You wont gain by trying to start clean if thats what you mean17:55
graphytea lot of apps that i do not want17:56
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graphytewhy uninstall them all even more work17:56
graphyteuseless discussion17:56
Sparrow__There are a lot of apps on the server install you dont want either17:56
Bashing-om!minimal | graphyte17:56
ubottugraphyte: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:56
Sparrow__Start with minimal17:56
graphyteall i wanted to know if server and workstation are somewhat identically as far as in kernel and so17:56
Sparrow__Both Debian Based ?17:57
Bashing-omgraphyte: Correct, the server and desktop editions have the same kernel .17:57
graphytei see you cant answer it17:57
graphyteif someone i would like an answer thanks!17:57
graphytenot a quest about why doing it17:58
Sparrow__This is not the place for discussion either17:58
graphyteif you want why answer go for religions ...17:58
Sparrow__If you want to troll go somewhere else17:58
graphytequestion: is ubutntu server identically to ubtuntu server. or is the kernel and optimizations different?17:59
graphytefeel free to ignore me Sparrow17:59
Sparrow__ is ubutntu server identically to ubtuntu server       wtf17:59
graphyteif someone has real knowledge i would appreciate an answer thanks!17:59
Sparrow__Consider yourself quoted18:00
n-iCehi, I have a problem, I can't surf the internet with the default resolv.conf is this a known bug?18:00
graphyte? n-iCe18:01
graphytegive some info and i help you18:01
graphytedid you check your internet connection with ping or traceroute?18:02
n-iCegraphyte: I change the resolv.conf ip, and internet works18:05
graphytei see18:06
graphytewhat was your goal?18:06
n-iCeuse the internet?18:06
orbwhat did you change it from/to?18:07
n-iCesomething is wrong with the new ubuntu release, I don't even know the ip that is under resolv.conf18:07
n-iCeorb: to the google ip,
orband what other info was in that file?18:07
orbwhat was it before?18:08
graphytegoogle dns servers are
orbi think everyone knows that.18:08
graphytego orb help me18:08
graphyteif two people help doesnt make sense18:08
graphytehelp him in a private window so only one will lead him18:09
tgm4883no, help here so it's logged and searchable for the future18:09
Sparrow__Dont go private18:09
graphyteoh gosh man18:09
graphytecan someone just help him?18:09
Seveasn-iCe: was it That's the systemd resolver.18:09
graphytei can i am a network engineer but lets only one person help!18:10
orbi've asked some questions already - just waiting for an answer.18:10
orbwow, you guys.18:10
* tgm4883 sees nothing wrong with multiple people helping....18:10
graphyteit is irritating for the guy that wants help!18:10
orbtell me about it.18:10
graphytefirst always check ip stack!18:10
graphytewith ping18:11
orbhe CAN get to the internet.18:11
graphytehe didnt say so18:11
orbhe did say so.18:11
tgm4883graphyte: yea he did18:11
Seveasorb: facts don't seem to mean anything to graphyte :)18:11
orbhe's identified that he can fix it by putting in the google dns server.18:11
graphyteyou are only strong if you can bash on one person18:11
n-iCehow can I set resvolf.conf changed permanently18:11
orbyou can make the file immutable but that doesn't answer why it wants to be changed.18:12
graphytenext time copy it before a change18:12
n-iCechanging to works, in every reboot it is changed18:12
n-iCehow do I save the changes18:12
graphyteif you saved it correctly i doesnt go back18:13
Sparrow__n-iCe, click network icon, edit, your wifi network and set it on the ipv4 tab18:13
tgm4883graphyte: thats.... not true either18:13
Seveasn-iCe: edit /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/base18:13
orbare you using NetworkManager18:14
graphyteof course it is true!18:14
graphyteonly if you have scripts checking file system and restore original confs18:14
tgm4883setting network manager to use dhcp for address only and then manually set your dns entries in there is correct18:14
Seveasn-iCe: systemd like to spew its resolver all over you, which is quite sucky. By editing the resovconf base file you can make it stop.18:14
graphytei guess he doesnt have suchs things running18:14
graphytebut man you are really rocknroll18:14
graphytewonderful techs18:14
tgm4883graphyte: that's exactly what happens. resolvconf generates the file, hence why when he reboots it gets reset18:14
orbgraphyte - you clearly don't have any answers. Why be annoying on top of that?18:15
orbI've only been in the channel ten minutes and I can see that.18:15
tgm4883orb: let's stay civil now :)18:16
Seveasorb: I've been here for 12½ years and I see it too...18:16
orbsorry about that.18:16
graphyteall you can do is insult18:17
graphyteafter 12 years of being too long JUST HERE!18:17
graphytetry reality again!18:17
orbi was out of line.18:17
Sparrow__Seveas, remember those days here were crazy thousands of questions a day flying by18:18
SeveasSparrow__: yeah, better than this...18:18
graphytenow prove yourself that you are so right and after that ass kissing try to hel this guy seriously!18:18
ikoniagraphyte: enough18:18
Sparrow__I gave up ops when we were forced into Unity18:18
graphyteand go help him private nothing wrong about helping soemone in a private window!18:19
ikoniagraphyte: we ask that you help in public so others can audit18:19
ikoniaplease follow that18:19
graphytefeel free to kickban me no need for this channel thanks18:19
graphyteignorant idiots!18:19
ikoniagraphyte: there is no need if you drop the behaviour18:19
ikoniathat works too18:19
Sparrow__Hi ikonia nice to see you too.   and yes there is a prob taking people into private especially without asking18:19
tgm4883ikonia: I'm telling you, this is exactly why I need op powers18:19
Seveastgm4883: neh, only ikonia needs them. He has seemingly infinite patience, which is an absolute requirement18:20
Seveasikonia ftw.18:20
tgm4883Seveas: but I have an itchy trigger finger18:20
orbprobably shouldn't make it obvious that there are ops watching. :D18:20
Seveastgm4883: then you really shouldn't have ops power.18:20
orbno ops ^18:20
Seveas(I know that from experience as op here)18:21
Sparrow__Ops are always watching18:21
daxespecially now18:21
* Seveas slaps dax with a moist and smelly trout18:21
Sparrow__Seveas, I didnt officially give up ops, I just moved to Mint18:21
Seveasboo hiss18:22
Sparrow__But Im back18:22
Seveasjust in time for unity to die \o/18:22
Sparrow__sneaking in lurking18:22
Sparrow__Unitys death brough me bacl18:22
Sparrow__But didn't help my typing18:23
ubuntu-mateClient: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "zesty" 17.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz (3.10GHz) • Memory: Physical: 5.6 GiB Total (4.2 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 25.5 GB / 326.0 GB (300.5 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Controller •18:26
ubuntu-mate Uptime: 9m 3s18:26
jackhumsuppose i have this ubuntu laptop , i want to execute some command on it while writing it on my android phone . how can i do this18:26
tgm4883jackhum: ssh18:27
tgm4883ubuntu-mate: don't do that18:27
akikjackhum: vx connectbot on android is a ssh client. supports pki18:27
jackhumtgm4883, okay, how can i connect to it using my wifi18:27
c_kornok, for the record: had to add this line in /etc/vsftpd.conf: seccomp_sandbox=NO18:28
Seveasjackhum: install openssh-server on your laptop, connectbot on your client and open connectbot.18:28
tgm4883jackhum: you'd need a ssh click for your phone18:28
jackhumSeveas, what should i install on my machine again18:29
jackhumSeveas, what is the hostname of my pc18:31
Seveasjust put in the ip18:31
TheMontyChristis there anything I can do to speed up ubuntu on an external usb drive?  I've tried 1: usb flash (128 gb), 2: spinning wheel (thought maybe flash had crappy controller).  I'm finding the latter - which I'm installing now - is unberably slow too.18:32
SeveasTheMontyChrist: usb318:32
ikoniaTheMontyChrist: usb will always be slower, and flash devices are also slow as a storage medium, hence why they are cheap18:32
akikTheMontyChrist: external ssd?18:33
TheMontyChristwell, it was external flash - slow, now I"m installing on external usb 3.0 spinning wheel hdd18:33
TheMontyChristit's slow too18:33
ikoniathe controllers for external disk are normally cheap chipsets too (hence why it's cheap) and are not great18:33
ikoniaTheMontyChrist: unsurprising18:33
TheMontyChristI expect it to be slower, but at times it can be unberable18:33
ikoniaI wonder if your ports are being recognised as usb318:33
TheMontyChristjust curious, but how could you check from the command line18:34
TheMontyChrist..next to looking @ the board18:34
ikoniaTheMontyChrist: the syslog18:34
TheMontyChriston the back, it says I'm plugged into a 318:34
TheMontyChristusb4-3 <- does that mean it's usb 3?18:37
DirkosI have a problem that my device is not grabbing any wifi signals anymore after some updates. I checked this topic and all packages are installed at this point and are to the latest version: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221411018:37
DirkosWhat is the next step todo?18:37
Dirkosfirmware-b43-installer is already the newest version (1:019-2).18:37
computerusermaybe it is installed twice18:38
computerusercheck if you have an extra wlan018:38
computeruserafter that I don't know18:38
computeruserwhat did you update from what version to what18:39
Dirkosno i have 1 wlan018:39
computeruserany wlan1?18:39
Dirkoseth0 and wlan018:40
computerusercheck your conf18:40
computerusermaybe some clues in there18:40
Dirkoscomputeruser: Which one?18:40
computeruserthere are a few18:40
TheMontyChristBus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/6p, 5000M     |__ Port 3: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=uas, 5000M /18:40
computeruserI can't put my finger on it18:40
computeruserwhat version of ubuntu did you start with18:41
TheMontyChristI'm thinking w/ lsusb -t -> 5000M means it's three as I see there are 480M's too18:41
computeruserand did you update the kernel18:41
computeruserare you still on 15.10?18:41
Dirkoslet me check18:41
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily18:41
n00bie<- dropped ubuntu and went kde neon18:41
n00bieand so far im pleased18:41
n00bieno bugs yet18:41
n00biefast and responsive18:42
Dirkoscomputeruser: nah i was wrong ofc18:42
DirkosUbuntu 16.04.2 LTS18:42
computeruserthats what you started with?18:42
computeruserthen you did apt-get update?18:42
computeruserI mean then you did apt-get upgrade?18:42
jackhumi have some program lying inside some directory which is in a directory. I want to run this program , but i dont want to do cd and dive into that directory to run it. How can i just make run by single command18:43
Dirkoscomputeruser: yes all 100% up to date18:43
computerusernoobie dropping ubuntu for kde doesn't exactly make sense18:43
computeruserone is a distro one is a desktop environment18:43
computeruserso you still have ubuntu18:43
computeruserbut you dropped unity18:44
computeruserI think18:44
EriC^^jackhum: /path/to/dir/program or export PATH="/path/to/dir:${PATH}"  you can add the latter to ~/.bashrc so you don't have to run it every single time18:44
Dirkosso what i read on the forum was that i needed the custom broadcom driver but it is still failing18:44
n00biecomputeruser: kde neon is a distro18:44
n00biemade by kde18:44
n00biebased on ubuntu18:44
computeruseroh ok18:44
computerusermy bad18:44
Bashing-omDirkos: " eth0 and wlan0 " are inconsistent IDs with systemd (16.04) . As to the fix I have no idea .18:45
n00biethe actual team that develops kde makes kde neon, and i guess thats why it seems so well made18:45
computeruserDirkos can you check if you upgraded your kernel18:45
computeruserthat probably broke your wifi18:45
n00bieits simplistic and minimal, but its fast18:45
computeruserso you need that wifi driver compiled for your kernel I think18:45
n00bieand things just seem to work.. no bugs18:45
n00bieno hickups18:45
n00bieno lags18:45
computeruserwhat is kde neon based on?18:45
Dirkoscomputeruser: will do later then since will take some time :-) thanks anyways18:45
n00biecomputeruser: its ubuntu underneath18:45
jackhumEriC^^, do i need to add this export path line in bashrc18:45
EriC^^jackhum: yeah18:46
DdddkdkdkHey, I just insatlled ubuntu server. I didn't configure my network in the setup, now my internet isn't working. How do I configure it now?18:46
Ddddkdkdkifconfig -a shows 3 ethernet devices, how do I enable one?18:46
jackhumEriC^^, what is this $ sign for18:46
computeruserdo you have access to the machine directly?18:46
ioriaDdddkdkdk, in /etc/network/interface18:46
computeruseror over network18:46
DdddkdkdkI have access to the machine18:46
jackhumEriC^^, ${PATH)18:47
computeruseryou just need to setup your network settings18:47
Ddddkdkdkioria, /etc/network/interface only shows18:47
DocMAXubuntu desktop on another DISPLAY:! ?18:47
Ddddkdkdkauto lo, iface lo inet loopback18:47
Ddddkdkdkcomputeruser, yes, I have no idea how to do it in terminal.18:47
EriC^^jackhum: ${PATH} means the variable PATH18:47
ioriaDdddkdkdk, yes, you need to add your eth0 or whatever name comes up from ip a18:47
DdddkdkdkI plugged in my cable, and it's dhcp18:47
computeruserI don't either18:47
computeruserit varies from distro to distro18:48
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  dhcp on a server  ?18:48
computeruserI know on kali but ubuntu I usually don't change anything I just do dhcp by default18:48
Ddddkdkdkioria, I'm at home, just trying to configure something18:48
n00bieyou guys that have ubuntu issues cause ive had, should look at kde neon18:48
Ddddkdkdkit's for LAN use anyway.18:48
n00biei chose the stable lts version18:49
Ddddkdkdkthere's 3 different ethernet devices, is it wrong to enable all of them?18:49
computeruserI think there is a package called network-manager on ubuntu18:49
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  auto eth0 ;  iface eth0  inet dhcp                (on different lines)18:49
computerusermaybe ip link but I don't want to give bad advice18:49
eversonHeya. Upgraded to 16.04.2. When running Chrome, this really lag. I think it only happens when I have Chrome open on multiple Workspaces.18:49
Ddddkdkdkcomputeruser, I can't really install anything :P18:50
computeruserI think someone answered you18:50
Ddddkdkdkioria, that goes in /etc/network/interfaces18:50
ioriaDdddkdkdk, yep, btw no network-manager on server (without a gui)18:50
=== mate is now known as Ubuntu_mate
Ddddkdkdkshould the name be eth0, or whatever comes up in my ifconfig -a?18:51
Ddddkdkdksince it's something weird18:51
ioriaDdddkdkdk, check first 'ip a'18:51
ioriaDdddkdkdk, ok, so not eth0 but that18:51
DdddkdkdkAlright, what am I checking in ip a?18:52
Bashing-omioria: Ddddkdkdk systemd ? then 'eth0' should be changed to a different ID ?18:52
ioriaDdddkdkdk, the ethernet intrface name18:52
ioriaBashing-om, yes18:52
Ddddkdkdkthere's 3 of them, should I enable all of them?18:52
ioriaDdddkdkdk, you have 3 nics ?18:52
Ddddkdkdkin ip-a, I get: 1: lo, 2: enp11s0f0, 3: enp11s0f1, 4: enp0s29f0u218:53
ioriaDdddkdkdk, well, go with the first :þ18:53
=== Eilar is now known as eil
DdddkdkdkAlright, I'll try18:54
Ubuntu_mateHi everyone. I used the Startup Disk Creator to create a bootable usb stick so I could install Ubuntu on my laptop. But after doing this process nothing happens when I plug in the drive. When I try to boot from it, the computer acts as if its not even there. Though lsusb shows it's there. Yes I set computer to boot from USB. Any thoughts? Thanks!18:54
Ddddkdkdkshould it work as soon as I save it, or do I need to reboot?18:54
computeruserif you have two RJ45 ports then that would explain  2: enp11s0f0, 3: enp11s0f118:54
ioriaDdddkdkdk, reboot18:54
akikDdddkdkdk: funnily enough, that naming is called "predictable"18:55
ioriaDdddkdkdk, you can restart networking, but reboot works18:55
Bashing-omDdddkdkdk: Plig in the cable to 1sr NIC - see if you can ping your router . Then get the systemd ID for the working interface .18:55
Ddddkdkdk3 RJ45 ports :P18:55
DocMAXhow do i start a ubuntu desktop on an existing X session?18:55
=== mate is now known as _mate_
Bashing-omDocMAX: Depends on the release . upstart/systemd ?18:56
DocMAXi created a DISPLAY :1 with vncserver18:57
DocMAXnow its black and i want a ubuntu desktop (second one)18:57
=== root is now known as Guest75808
Sparrow__Ubuntu_mate, Is efi or fastbot on in the bios19:02
Ubuntu_mateSparrow: fastboot is disabled.19:03
Ddddkdkdkhm, doesn't work19:03
DdddkdkdkI tried all the RJ45 ports19:04
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  paste your /etc/network/interface   and check /etc/network/interface.d directory19:05
blackbird1Hi, How to upgrade boost in xenial ?19:07
Ddddkdkdk etc/network/interface.d is empty19:08
blackbird1The installed version is:
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  two lines, not 319:08
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  iface enp11s0f1 inet dhcp   (on the same line)19:09
SwedeMikeblackbird1: what do you want to upgrade to?19:10
Ddddkdkdkrebooting again :P19:10
anddamis "W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_01.bin for module i915" worrisome?19:10
Bashing-omDdddkdkdk: /etc/network/interfaces.d needs an 's' on interface.d :)19:10
blackbird1SwedeMike: boost19:10
anddamI just updated a headless machine I connect via wifi19:11
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  ^ Bashing-om19:11
SwedeMikeblackbird1: yes, and the version you said that is already installed is the version that comes with 16.04. So what's the problem?19:11
everson*bump* Heya. Upgraded to 16.04.2. When running Chrome, this really lag. I think it only happens when I have Chrome open on multiple Workspaces. Is this normal?19:11
blackbird1SwedeMike: I try to upgrade boost to the last version; which is 1.6419:12
DdddkdkdkBashing-om: Was just a typo :P19:12
Ddddkdkdk"A start job is running for Raise network interfaces"19:13
Bashing-omeverson: Might be "normal: what DE and how much ram is installed ? Takes the hosses now-a-days to run the flagship editions .19:13
DdddkdkdkI guess it was that it wasn't in one line :P19:13
DdddkdkdkMight work now19:13
Ddddkdkdksince I didn't get that before19:14
SwedeMikeblackbird1: why? what problem are you trying to solve?19:14
eversonBashing-om, I'm running a quad core i5 with 16gb ram; on 14.04 LTS it ran perfectly for what that's worth19:14
Bashing-omeverson: Then, no -- slow chrome is not the norm .19:15
blackbird1SwedeMike, I'm trying to install mapnik, it demands boost >= 1.5819:15
Sparrow__!find boost19:16
ubottuFound: libboost-atomic1.62-dev, libboost-atomic1.62.0, libboost-chrono1.62-dev, libboost-chrono1.62.0, libboost-date-time1.62-dev, libboost-date-time1.62.0, libboost-dev, libboost-doc, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-filesystem1.62-dev (and 206 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=boost&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all19:16
Sparrow__!find mapnik19:16
ubottuFound: libmapnik-dev, libmapnik3.0, mapnik-doc, mapnik-reference, mapnik-utils19:16
Sparrow__blackbird1, Trying to install from our repos our outside source19:17
SwedeMikeblackbird1: mapnik is available in packaged form in xenial already.19:18
DdddkdkdkNow it shows the interface in ifconfig19:19
Ddddkdkdkbut I still can't ping19:19
blackbird1Sparrow__, SwedeMike, I installed mapnik by: sudo apt install libmapnik-dev19:19
Ddddkdkdkand I can't see the IP19:19
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  ping
DdddkdkdkI get network is unreachable19:19
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  route19:20
Ddddkdkdksame thing if I try to ping the router19:20
blackbird1Sparrow__, SwedeMike: Version: 3.0.9+ds-2~xenial0 --> Ok for mapnik19:20
virtualriotAndriirv used to have a setting where you could set the delay for the auto join19:21
virtualriotIt doesn't now and that sucks for registered required channel's19:21
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  'route' shows your gateway / router ?19:21
blackbird1but libboost-dev it always install the 1.58 version19:21
virtualriotSo I'm off topic right now19:21
Ddddkdkdkioria, nope, doesn't show anything19:22
anddamwhat's the proper way to setup wpa_supplicant and dhclient at boot? writing my own systemd unit?19:22
anddamor does ubuntu provide something already there to hook into, like wpa_supplicant@interface unit of Arch?19:23
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  dpkg -l | grep dhcp19:23
virtualriotI'm bored19:24
Ddddkdkdkisc-dhcp-client and isc-dhcp-common19:24
DdddkdkdkI tried route now19:24
Ddddkdkdkit shows the gateway19:24
Ddddkdkdkand I can ping it19:24
Ddddkdkdkoh it works now19:25
eversonBashing-om, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/162886619:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1628866 in xorg (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to 16.10, Chrome has become unusable because of extremely slow update" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:25
eversonBashing-om, at least it's been reported :)19:25
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  ping www.google.com19:25
Ddddkdkdkyeah, everything works19:25
Ddddkdkdkthanks ioria :)19:25
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  good job19:26
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  update && upgarde19:26
Ddddkdkdkyeah, already running :)19:26
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgarde19:26
Ddddkdkdkdifference between upgrade and full-upgrade?19:27
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  the second is full :þ19:27
Ddddkdkdkhaha :P19:27
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  not only pkgs, but also kernels19:28
Ddddkdkdk300 MB, not bad.19:30
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  what server is that ? 17.04 ?19:30
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  ok, good19:31
Bashing-omevert: :) reading .19:34
cesdoHello all19:34
cesdoAfter last update, firefox line writes (for example): search linux.com... Before that, it (searching servers) takes less a second, but now it takes 5-10 seconds!19:34
cesdoWhat kind of problem it is?19:35
cesdoUbuntu 16.04 64-bit19:36
anddamthis page is absolutely confusing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo#WPA_Supplicant19:38
anddamI was able to use wpa_supplicant and dhclient to connect via wifi, what's the proper way to start that at boot in 16.04?19:39
ioriaanddam, if you use NM, you don't need that page ...19:40
chris_hi, all, is this, or is there an Ubuntu tech support channel?19:41
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  NM will raise your interface at boot19:42
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  sorry, not for you19:42
ioriaanddam,   NM will raise your interface at boot19:43
anddamioria: what's NM?19:44
ioriaanddam,  network-manager19:44
anddamisn't that a Xorg session agent?19:44
anddamthis is a headless server, actually a wall-mounted NUC, it has no display manager running19:45
ioriaanddam,  ah, ok19:45
anddamI can write a unit file (well I'd be getting one off the net) but my point is this seems such a common thing to do, configure wifi at boot, that I figure Ubuntu has some hook19:46
ioriaanddam,  i don't think you need a unit, just a a /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpasupplicant.conf and a /etc/nt/interface configured  ...19:48
chris_Anyone, know anything about installing a Konica Minolta Bizhub c3350 Printer in Ubuntu. Getting an error that printer has insecure permissions, so won't print19:48
anddamioria: I have my wpa_supplicant.conf already19:49
anddamthat's basically just the SSID and the psk19:49
anddamyou mean a stanza in /etc/networks/interfaces right?19:49
anddamgood ol' debian way19:49
ioriaanddam,  sure19:49
latino31what is this error im seeing quite often and im not sure if it is causing some freezing issues in 17.04...http://anonypaste.com/a8422119:50
anddamwill check that, thanks19:50
ioriaanddam,  if can help, i put the wpasupplicant command in the interface file : pre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlx00304f -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -B19:52
Ddddkdkdkmy cpu has 8 threads, can I force a process to use a specific one?19:53
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  yes, you could19:53
DdddkdkdkI want to run game servers on it, 1 per thread should be okay19:54
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  run 'man taskset' , but i'am not good at it19:58
ioriaDdddkdkdk,  http://www.glennklockwood.com/hpc-howtos/process-affinity.html20:00
anddamioria: it does help, I'm saving it for tomorrow, gotta go to sleep20:00
ioriaanddam, good night20:00
latino31The name org.PulseAudio1 was not provided by any .service files20:02
latino31what is that20:02
=== chris12 is now known as chris_
virtualriotHow many supports do I have to do to be a moderator here?20:11
Sparrow__ That is not how they are picked20:12
virtualriotOh okay20:12
latino31virtualriot, be rude to a few people and you will get bumped up for consideration20:12
virtualriotI hardly doubt that20:12
CodeMouse92__You are *really* cruising, aren't you?20:13
latino31virtualriot, stick around20:13
virtualriotFor sure20:13
Sparrow__Nice trolling latino3120:13
latino31thanks Sparrow__20:13
virtualriotThere's a lazy dog on my lap20:13
latino31ive seen how some of the helpers act over the last year so its kind of true20:13
virtualriotI think I'll keep it20:13
latino31but it is better i think now Sparrow__20:14
=== virtualriot is now known as sweetheart
Sparrow__latino31, Please stop complaining about the free help20:14
latino31if its true its true20:14
sweetheartPraise freenode for letting me take other people's nicks20:14
latino31who said i was complaining20:14
latino31he asked a question and i answered20:14
CodeMouse92__While we're at it, don't be surprised when moderators *return fire*. If you start out with belligerence, you won't get treated nicely.20:14
latino31CodeMouse92__, i was responding to a question..20:15
Sparrow__learly complaining about the attitude of our OPs.  Please stop.. One Last Time20:15
oerhekslets get back to ubuntu support, please, thanks.20:15
Scarpa18Can someone answer a question?20:16
bekksDepends on your question.20:16
Sparrow__Just Ask,20:16
latino31oerheks, you can start with this then :)... what is this GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.PulseAudio1 was not provided by any .service files20:16
Scarpa18What Ubuntu should I install? 16.04 or 17?20:16
Scarpa18I.m new20:17
latino31ive tried searching it.20:17
CodeMouse92__Scarpa18: It's kinda a question of what you value more - cutting edge features or stability?20:17
Scarpa18My plan is to start to learn today to use a VPS in June-July20:17
MonkeyDustScarpa18  16.04 if you want long support, 17.04 if you want the latest an greatest20:17
CodeMouse92__Ah, well, if you're looking at running a server, use the LTS (16.04 right now)20:17
Scarpa18OK Thanks!20:17
Sparrow__Install both.. dual boot20:17
latino31well Scarpa18 if you want your screen to freeze once a week like mine use 17.04 if not use 16.0420:18
Scarpa18I just wanna learn to use a VPS20:18
chris_Hi, there. Anyone know anything about "insecure permission" errors for installing printer drivers?20:18
oerhekslatino31, what are you doing when you read this? gtk programs started from terminal often give these warnings20:18
CodeMouse92__Scarpa18: I recommend 16.04, then. More docs oriented towards it, more stable, etc.20:19
latino31oh okay oerheks that might be when i was playing with bleachbit rooted..thanks that might be it20:19
latino31oerheks, i thought the error might have something to do with my weekly screen freezes but i guess not :P20:20
oerhekslatino31, i see, you can ignore those warnings, and you can detach bleachbit from terminal to avoid this20:22
latino31well i have gtksu i think its called the gui sudo20:22
oerheksindeed, gksu20:23
* nsuga I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Kamuela Some_Person Lkydiruw Birosso npdzhm ppolo99 cmosguy xenefix netsjanek ramana__ br34l giraffe thatgraemeguy RocketLL chrome0 kloeri amosbird spilotro Norbin huayra TheFullSeeder Torgeir Younder Zren dStruct groklinux explodes omnigoat ssarah SuperLag talonz js9600 ViciousLooRoll yokel ppetraki Kins SupaYoshi mg__ panoskk IonutVan_ raj josephz 20:34
* nsuga I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: habith hamdjan netscape101 dragly nsathish BlackPanx Acilim_A beggi herekun treaki rogue hggdh edgr Tekster forkup Drone` dimisdas al2o3-cr warpx berglh Ballzak leochill conley UTAN_dev jnagro axisys niq84 Xjs|moonshine scottschecter gvvg huayra kiltzman NonParity ericnoan bindi SpeccyMan typ murphy vegii Tuna-Fish irv jaywink lolmac jon-mac l9 pavlu20:34
* sltrzrf I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: GodFather_ Texou imbezol selsper SmokinCache ujjain negronjl erabti medz ShaRose Lunar_Lamp barnito nick1234 huayra confluence Spr1ng topi` jonathangee HandheldPenguin` cores kostkon ReimuHakurei Afrix Neotrans Asandari jon-mac blazeme8 spont4e Tuna-Fish holodoc Ekho ColdKeyboard ksk dprime114_ dax mumixam elricsfate fauen ecdhe knightW0rk markot^ olivetree_ trism avantgardist ToeSnacks20:34
ericnoanklines inbound20:34
* hkfpov I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: blazeme8 _ADN_ Andreas33 Pricey AdamAntium27 demonspork Edgan Giant81 Ben8472 robgraves saintaquinas[m] watersoul_ ShaRose hsiktas SirCmpwn trench fraggle_ planigan Tuna-Fish br34l iwakuralain jonathaN digitalfiz mpmc chadfi[m] Conder tswett WildSoft Aardwulf Kirakishou antonmpeg Dewin kPa justinabrahms snkcld osx returnthis f1nch_ millerti natten untoreh ubergoose DavesTestingAcco ztane A20:35
* hkfpov I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: stuart02 jonathangee AntiSpamMeta Hirppa mz` JanC gryphon ecksofa[m] banzified- oldboot rideh olivetree_ DataJunkie____ cadeskywalker DDR pv2b Vorap ec pesari rogst_ paalgyula kalen_not-here Ben8472 ycarene jje MrPants zymurgy sergey_ rxc xatr0z MatrixTraveler[m sandeepkr_ Marco andyrock ppf trobotham kamdard link0802[m] memorynoise rapi kirkland invariant1729 jushur mcs_ Guest44570 js960020:35
* hkfpov I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: mariosk8s xrandr rohanrhu karstensrage publio ejat Herbalist Asandari SmokinCache Neo Miklo distortedvoice wadadli__ deww permalac gyre007 jhill__ Papamatt CrystalMare amos chrisml desti_T2 dinet rubick RyanKnack trench rdanter maxxer ulkes laserbeak4445 Nokaji duoi kazuma_desu AdamAntium27 nugroho BuildTheRobots Bryanstein SCollins devilray2 link0802[m] systemd0wn Ad1Tech armyriad pesari 20:35
* lstagzqp I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Sargun JackH_ Dragnslcr vexoon aleb slashd afrikha Ad1Tech M ViciousLooRoll Elysion EncryptedCurse ssarah sergey_ danielbw postc ronald robairt ubuntulo12 Nukien Munrek ayan xatr0z Pathur hue wiak davascript wadadli__ sydney_untangle mykdelta daynaskully MatrixTraveler[m Church alxd mww113 hacman chrmhoffmann l0rdkermit mediamonster ltrager DeMiNe0 jadesoturi mcs_ dimisdas ksa Phanes trenc20:35
* lstagzqp I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: jadesoturi mantono xtr decoder dreamon_ xenefix M-JLuc niee ash_workz vaishali justJanne harrymm FourDollars crane anderson dimi34ka solid_liq spinza xMopxShell UNIcodeX_ seralina e_xistense ilmaisin wgma holdsworth nemesit|znc mediamonster OpenSorce rrichardsr3 WARBIRD199 dwar_ Relicka timbram markus1189 Amoz Piper-Off Kiicki banzified- someone SaltySolomon dharman compuguy lolmac UTAN_de20:35
* lstagzqp I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: boiko_ Aardwulf Gabemo SwedeMike rkantos blSnoopy TheFullSeeder SmokinCache Zen vaishali messer440 mumixam bitch RiPer jferguson revolve thib concatenate PeERLesS y0sh Jalen yeats matti ghostcube krytarik w9qbj noxs Edgan ThePhoenix47 blueLime smokeyj shuduo jerichowasahoax Squishy yock zhongfu Charlie79 spudz Freman drale2k Bob8989|3 Dark_Arc GerbilSoft davidomanfredo faugusztin Carlos06120:35
* lstagzqp I WANT TO CUM IN SOMEONES ASS....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: intelux_ medz ProtocolNetworks JohnAgosta Zren Whiskey- al2o3-cr M-yookoala acrocity n00bie neurot u0m3_ yofel vok` uptime mark76 knightW0rk ecksofa[m] geep zlordon_ vexoon spinza Shibe Karunamon h101010 pesari ZeiP Kiicki afrikha redrabbit sarcastico Herbalist Caplain DeMiNe0 waltman Kirakishou cebor s3gment toster_ xamindar Saturn812 sinduck Very_slow dem0 ric999 AdamAntium27 buco noname20:35
iwakuralainwhat lol20:35
mpmcI love you too!20:35
LjLwe all want something20:35
iwakuralainI wounder what the server is like20:35
ghostcubefree porn? uhhh20:35
iwakuralainshould I join it?20:35
rogueI wouldn't.20:36
santyalguien español????20:36
ericnoanyes you must20:36
PlasmaStarIt sucks. Like 3 people there.20:36
iwakuralainwhy not rogue?20:36
ericnoanand report back20:36
iwakuralainI will20:36
iwakuralainif i can figure out how to20:36
nicomachus!ot | all20:36
ubottuall: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:36
ericnoandon't click on any links or download anything lol20:36
iwakuralaindo you think it has illegal stuff on it?20:36
rogueoh lord.20:37
PlasmaStarIt didn't when I went on there. But it was labeled "Free Speech Zone", which is some times code word...20:37
nicomachusALL: Please stay on topic. This channel is for Ubuntu support. If you don't have a support question, please chat elsewhere.20:37
Bob8989|3ericnoan you sound very stupid20:37
redrabbitcreeps be creepin20:38
iwakuralainim sorry nicomachus im too lazy to register...20:38
nicomachususe #ubuntu-discuss then20:38
nicomachusor ##chat20:38
santyhi Can anybody help me??20:39
nicomachus!ask | santy20:39
ubottusanty: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:39
santyI need help with an IRCd-hybrid server20:40
nicomachusok great.20:40
santymp please20:40
nicomachusI have no idea what you need help with, you'll have to explain it20:40
nicomachusand don't PM me20:41
redrabbitsanty: stick to main channels so everybody can profit20:41
redrabbitthat's how it works20:41
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:41
santyI'm from Argentina I'm not good with English, I'm going to try to explain the problem20:42
nicomachusThere's a Spanish channel at #ubuntu-es20:42
santyNo one answers !!20:42
santyHow do i make permanent rooms in ircd-hybrid20:43
nicomachusthen we'll all try our best here. But please explain the problem.20:43
nicomachusthat has nothing to do with Ubuntu...20:44
santyIt has nothing to do but I need help !!!20:45
nicomachussanty: this is only Ubuntu support. You'll have to get help somewhere else.20:45
latino31santy go to that irc somone can help you there20:45
santyIrssi: Unable to connect server irc.chathispano.com/6667 port 666720:47
latino31hang on20:47
jedininjarobguys how do you use this:     sys.stdin.readline().strip()        )))))    and send it to a file as a string.....it contains a line im trying to capture20:47
jedininjarobhey pavlos20:48
Pyro_KillerHello, I have a simple question that I need answered, when you use tasksel or install Oracle Java a purple or blue "GUI" thing pops up, is there any way to invoke a similar thing through shell?21:02
netcrimeHello. I have setted up my cron job to run python file. When I run the file with same command "/usr/bin/python /home/root/bouquet_updater/enigma/main.py" it works but when I cron job runs it it doesnt. I see in cron logs it does run it. What might be the problem?21:08
Viking667Hi all. I've noticed a strange problem recently, I have a full HD screen (1920x1080), connected to a Radeon ATI HD3450 that previously supported full-hd fine. Now when I run xrandr, the max resolution shows as 1440x90021:08
Pyro_Killernetcrime: you should send the ouput of the job to a file to check whats going on i.e. : "/usr/bin/python /home/root/bouquet_updater/enigma/main.py > somefile.log"21:10
Viking667I don't have an Xorg.conf file in /etc/X11, so what I want to know is what I need to check next.21:10
netcrimePyro_Killer: I have setted up logging in my python script but it doesn't create any log when ran by cron job21:10
Pyro_KillerIf the job doesn't run the right way, it won't start the log file itself, that modification will log any error from the terminal21:11
netcrimeoh ok21:12
netcrimePyro_killer: this will output log file in runned file dir ?21:13
Pyro_Killeryeah, but you might as well use a full path to a log file21:13
netcrimePyro_killer: will try.21:15
TheNH813So, I have the issue with my WiFi, what's a good place to ask about a router problem?21:15
TheNH813I usually ask all my problem here, but that's not specifically ubuntu related.21:15
netcrimePyro_Killer: it did output a file but it's empty21:16
Bashing-omViking667: Friver module loaded ? what shows ' lsmod | grep radeon ; lsmod | grep amdgpu ' -- amdgpu if running 16.04+ .21:18
Viking667Bashing: I'll check. Hang on please21:19
Viking667but Xorg makes extended references to the Radeon driver.21:20
Viking667And the radeon kernel module is loaded.21:20
Bashing-omViking667: Good to read the log file . Would have been my next suggestion if no driver is loaded .21:21
Viking667Which log file would you like me to pastebin?21:23
Bashing-omVoidWhisperer: /var/log/Xorg.0.log tells the tale for what X thinks .21:24
Viking667What else would you like, just for further reference?21:24
Bashing-omViking667: ^^ sorry VoidWhisperer :(21:24
Bashing-omViking667: I got a small mind . one step at a time . see what is and where to go to :)21:25
Viking667I'll tack on a ps-ax too (gnome-desktop here, I can't STAND Unity)21:27
Bashing-omViking667: I can use unity . but do prefer other DEs .21:28
TheNH813Personally, I like XFCE the best. d:21:28
Viking667Oh, I can USE unity, I just can't STAND it. I put up with it for a whole month before I gave up in disgust back in the days when Unity came out.21:30
TheNH813It's a lot better now, but my main issue with it is RAM consumption when I have a ton of programs open. And the fact Mir crashes some software I use.21:30
TheNH813So I use XFCE with X.Org only.21:30
TheNH813You need help with something?21:32
Viking667Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2453305121:33
Komputerfreaki want to record music with ubuntu studio but i have very bad latency21:33
Viking667whoops, tack on a / to that url.21:33
Bashing-omViking667: reading .21:33
TheNH813Okay, so you want to get better latency in which program?21:33
TheNH813LMMS? Ardour? Audacity?21:33
Bashing-omViking667: While reading .. what kind of IRQ issues that you need " acpi_enforce_resources=lax " as a boot parameter ?21:34
TheNH813Are you using Jack or Pulseaudio?21:35
TheNH813How many cores is your CPU and how much RAM?21:35
TheNH813Frequency in GHz might also be helpful.21:35
Komputerfreaki5 quadcore, 4 GB RAM21:35
Viking667Bashing-om: I'm not entirely sure what I put that in for, but I did have a reason. I have a 2008 machine (Q8400 Core/2 Quad 2.66GHz, 4GB memory)21:36
TheNH813@Komputerfreak Okay, that should be enough to get down to at least 15ms from my experience.21:36
TheNH813Are you using a realtime lowlatency or standard kernel?21:37
Komputerfreaki am using a standard kernel21:37
enlightenmeplsHello folks; I seem to be having some bootloader troubles.21:38
Komputerfreaki tried to compile a rt kernel but it fails to boot21:38
TheNH813If you're not running one, using the linux-image-lowlatency package can help.21:38
Komputerfreakah ok, i missed that21:38
TheNH813It's designed to give the hardware more priority to get lower latency, as the name implies.21:38
TheNH813So maybe give that a try, and then adjust the jack settings again to she what you can get.21:39
Komputerfreakok i will try it21:39
TheNH813In extreme cases, a different DE then Unity could help if it uses less memory, etc, but that shouldn't be too much an issue for a quadcore.21:39
TheNH813enlightenmepls: What kind of errors/troubles?21:39
enlightenmeplsHere's the situation: old computer was dualbooting ubuntu and windows (every time it would start up, I would see the GRUB menu asking me if I was going into ubuntu or windows). I recently got a new computer and brought my SSD over to the new computer (to my knowledge, ubuntu was on the SSD). When I loaded the new computer, the flashing underscore w21:39
enlightenmeplsould skip around the screen and go back into the BIOS. I checked the boot order of the BIOS on my old computer to find out that a hard drive has boot priority, so I brought the hard drive over to the new computer. On the new computer, I can now access my Windows boot.. but still no Ubuntu. It seems my bootloader has gotten fucked? Or lost into the21:39
enlightenmeplsvoid or something? Can someone help me out with this?21:39
TheNH813First of all, is it a UEFI or BIOS bootloader?21:40
Komputerfreakwhat does the image.lowlatency install? not a kernel?21:40
TheNH813linux-image-lowlatency installs a lowlatency optimized kernel.21:40
Viking667Komputerfreak: yes, I believe that's a kernel21:40
enlightenmeplsTheNH813 , what's the easiest way to tell?21:40
Komputerfreakah, neat! so no need to compile! thanks very much.21:41
TheNH813enlightenmepls: Go into your motherboard configuration, and check under boot options.21:41
Bashing-omViking667: Kinda stumped here as X says " 128.911] (II) RADEON(0): Not using mode "1920x1080" (hsync out of range) " . Also not sure why the system wants to load FGLRX - as it is no longer supported . Still reading.21:41
enlightenmeplsI'm pretty sure it's BIOS, because I remember at the partition stage it was asking me to make another partition for EFI, and so I just had toggled the non UEFI usb and installed it that way.21:41
TheNH813IF there's a setting that says UEFI/Legacy/UEFI+Legacy, make sure it's set to UEFI and Legacy21:41
Viking667I removed FGLRX back when the system was upgraded to 16.0421:42
TheNH813enlightenmepls: Or just legacy.21:42
TheNH813If that dosen't work, you might just need to reinstall the bootloader.21:42
enlightenmeplsHow would I reinstall the bootloader?21:43
enlightenmeplsAnd to what? The SSD? Or the hard drive?21:43
TheNH813You'd boot up a live USB, install the boot-repair package, and run the utility.21:44
yaysterHello, everyone.21:44
TheNH813@yayster: Hello there.21:44
yaysterI've been having a really difficult time getting my .Xresources to load upon boot up.  I ended up creating a ~/.config/upstart/my-upstart-script.conf to get it loaded, but I am thinking that there is a better what to do it.21:46
yaysterthis is what I created:21:47
yaysterstart on desktop-start21:47
yaysterstop on desktop-end21:47
yayster  xrdb -load ~/.Xresources21:47
yaysterend script21:47
yaysterI got muted by the Drone.  * sigh *21:50
Viking667Bashing-om: Hm. I added a modeline for 1920x1080 manually (xrandr --newmode .....) and that worked fine.21:50
yaysterI can manually load the .Xresources and the next xterm I open up is fine.  It is the first one opening up I want to work correctly.21:51
Bashing-omViking667: Great . current kernel is " 4.4.0-77-generic " ya should update/upgrade .21:58
Viking667Bashing-om: I haven't upgraded to 17.04 yet, I only just upgraded to 16.10 about a month or two ago21:59
Bashing-omViking667: "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.4.0-57-generic" . For some reason you are booting a xenial (16.04) kernel .22:02
Viking6674.8.0-49-generic is what I'm running (uname -r)22:03
Bashing-omViking667: Well, not according to the x log . Hummm .22:04
Viking667Hm, I smell a rat.22:04
Viking667Oh. That would explain it. The Xorg.0.log dates from bleeping January!!!22:05
Bashing-omViking667: Ho kay ! also "UUID=a73c3161-ce5e-4c0d-9488-cbbbf58f2d93" raises a eye brow . as to the why ?22:06
Viking667the boot UUID22:07
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Viking667Now I'm trying to figure out where on earth all my Xorg logging's gone. It doesn't even seem to be here.22:07
PathurIm hoping to get some fresh eyes on this problem - How might i navigate this GRUB obstacle? https://i.imgur.com/MPJMys5.jpg  it was with an older Ubuntu installation, 14 I think, had some big problem and file system went into read only mode too, can still view partitions from a live cd/usb , some directories have switched to being plain text files now, some have configuration data in them.. all strange, some boot repair info here22:08
Pathurhttps://pastebin.com/tnMz86QN  sda1 is the problem22:08
Viking667does stuff still get pushed into /var/log?22:08
Bashing-omViking667: K .. just checking that the UUID is valid for the current boot partition . Mine: "[     7.907] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-77-generic root=UUID=d9c2a8e6-d014-42a6-846f-7e7892f4aef5 ro " .22:10
Viking667lol. /boot isn't on /22:11
Viking667the interesting thing I've found out is that no logging has been happening for Xorg since January! Yeesh.22:12
Viking667Is there an Xorg equivalent of dmesg?22:12
Bashing-omViking667: If it helps " sysop@x1604:~$ ls -al /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23308 May  7 12:03 /var/log/Xorg.0.log ". You should have today's boot .22:13
Viking667Bashing-om: It's most certainly not today's boot. the date is 10 January22:13
Viking667I might have to reboot, though I'm pretty sure the CMOS clock is also correct.22:14
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Bashing-omViking667: Just palying the devil's advocate . Number of things on that system not as expected .22:15
Viking667yah. It's been running since about 2009 on various versions of Ubuntu22:15
Viking667I don't have to reboot, hwclock tells me CMOS clock's within 0.3 seconds of system22:16
Viking667I mean, I can put resolutions into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-custom-video-mode.conf manually but I suspect that's not the right way around this problem.22:18
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Bashing-omViking667: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ configs here are perfectly legit as far as I know . That is the next "path" X looks at .22:21
Viking667AH well. I could always upgrade to 17.04 and see how badly my system gets messed up by THAT upgrade.22:21
Viking667Bashing-om: yes, but why should I add resolutions when Xorg's clearly supposed to pick them up for itself?22:22
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Bashing-omViking667: Well, upgrading will not 'fix' a problem generally . And 17.04 is only supported for 9 months . Then ya got to do the 17.10 thing and finally 18.04 to get back on LTS .22:23
Viking667mmm hmm. But I wasn't aiming for LTS anyhow.22:24
Viking667I've had times when I've installed LTS because it's been the next one in the sequence, but then it doesn't prompt me to upgrade six months later (though I know how to fix that, at least)22:25
Bashing-omViking667: :) . Well with good backups . all things are possible .22:25
Viking667lol. Backups.22:25
Viking667So. How do I get Xorg to log?22:27
minimecViking667: It does it automatically. You will find the logs in /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:29
Viking667minimec: you weren't following my conversation... my latest Xorg.0.log shows up with a date of 10 January 201722:31
Viking667And that's from today's bootup.22:31
Viking667well, not today.22:31
Bashing-omViking667: anacron installed ' dpkg -l anacron ' Is my 1st guess .22:31
Viking667hm? how would anacron be relevant?22:31
Viking667(and yes, it is installed)22:32
minimecViking667: indeed I did not follow the conversation. Yet I am surprised that it doesn't. Did you delete or renamed the file once, just for a try?22:33
Bashing-omViking667: Not relevant to the situation as 'anacron' is installed byt to answer the question read " cat /etc/crontab " .22:33
Viking667minimec: haven't tried that (removing Xorg.0.log) but I would have assumed that logs should be being rotated.22:34
Viking667Ah well, I'll stash all the Xorg logs into a tarball, then reboot xorg, and see what that does.22:35
Viking667Back soon, folks.22:35
minimecViking667: I agree, but sometimes...22:35
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guest123I am wondering what the kernel version of execv()  function are i.e the loader program process /pid  that linux uses with its process scheduler22:48
guest123when creating the task_struct and loading /running the new program/process22:49
guest123The scheduler from my understanding uses the timer interrupts to switch to different task_struct and resume execution of the process but for new process i would imagine there has to be a loader program that initially loads the program into memory ,and creates the task_struct for the scheduler to switch to22:51
guest123...But maybe its all part of the scheduler code i.e the loader not sure... i do know the user land loader can be execv(..) , fork , ...etc calls22:52
guest123But kind of want to know each step at the kernel level22:52
guest123once you have it as a task_struct then you easilly can switch to the task by loading the registers values  and doing a jump to the last place of execution held by eip address in task_struct22:54
cyranoI installed docky on Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2, I tried out the gmail docklet and now it crashes whenever I try to open docky. Is there any way I can fix this?22:54
minimeccyrano: I guess you wil have a folder 'docky' in '/home/<youruser>/.local/share/'. rename or delete that folder.22:56
minimeccyrano: next time you start docky, it will start with its default settings again.22:57
Viking667Well, I finally found where my Xorg logs are now (~/.local/share/xorg/). Paste.ubuntu.com/24533471/22:57
minimecViking667: Wow... why would these logs be in .local/share ???22:59
Viking667It seems that if XDG_DATA_HOME isn't defined, it defaults to ${HOME} (or at least the current directory it's being run from)23:00
Viking667Hey, at least I HAVE logs!23:00
minimecViking667: ;)23:01
Viking667Bashing-om: so, there's a far more recent Xorg for ya to digest (not all that different from the January one, to be frank)23:03
korrigan_duHello there, anyone ?23:05
tgm4883!ask | korrigan_du23:05
ubottukorrigan_du: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:05
x_ay whats good boiz23:07
x_yo whats up23:07
bazhang!ubuntu | x_23:07
ubottux_: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:07
Bashing-omViking667: Looks much more sane . I see no issue . All now look good to you ?23:08
Viking667That's two disconnects in three minutes...23:08
Viking667Bashing-om: it's still not doing the 1920x1080, heck, I don't even have 1680x1050 for resolution...23:09
Viking667The largest resolution I have listed is 1440x90023:10
Bashing-omViking667: Humm .. log file says it is available "  291.490] (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz eP) " .23:11
Viking667yep. That's my point.23:11
YankDownUnderViking667, ...have you tried to change resolution with "xrandr" ?23:12
Viking667Additionally, my mousebutton setting program doesn't "stick" yet a manually run xmodmap runs fine.23:12
Viking667YankDownUnder: When I manually add resolutions I can switch to them fine.23:12
Viking667If the mode's not listed, it won't change to it, end of.23:13
YankDownUnderViking667, Manually adding the resolutions will end up being a bit monotonous...23:13
Viking667I agree. However, one way around that is to add them to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-custom-video.conf23:13
Viking667I did that to wedge in a 1360x768 resolution23:14
tgm4883Viking667: seems like the easiest solution would be to add your desired resolutions manually no?23:16
sidetrackinghow do i fix ubuntu?23:16
Viking667However, I get the impression that Xorg's supposed to be adding those resolutions, not simply omitting them even when they're obviously detected.23:17
tgm4883sidetracking: how is ubuntu broken?23:17
Viking667sidetracking: that's a remarkably undefined question.23:17
sidetrackingmy bad23:17
sidetrackingwhere is the ubuntu support channel23:18
tgm4883sidetracking: you're in it...23:18
sidetrackinghow do i fix ubuntu23:18
Viking667So. (1) what's wrong, (2) what're you expecting instead?23:18
tgm4883!details | sidetracking23:18
ubottusidetracking: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.23:18
ikoniasidetracking: ask a real question23:18
sidetrackingmy son installed ubuntu for me23:21
Viking667Okay. What's not working?23:21
PipeItToDevNullPlease know this is not facebook messenger, enter is not punctuation and we like everything in one message23:22
Viking667or more to the point, what're you expecting, and what is it doing instead? You can type up to 510 characters on a line here.23:22
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/23:23
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Viking667sidetracking: are you there, sir/madam?23:28
Sparrow__Tell him to put his kid on and we will walk him through any fixes :)23:30
Viking667he/she can probably read fine.23:31
mchamplainI have an old motherboard/cpu/etc. but don’t have a hard drive. I have a live usb Ubuntu 16.04 flash drive that I can boot (with persistent storage), but I would like to have the “try ubuntu” option load automatically without having to hit enter.  is that possible?23:36
YankDownUndermchamplain, Have you considered looking at editing grub2 so that it automagically defaults to that option...?23:37
minimecmchamplain: If you have a 2nd USB drive you could even install a 'real' ubuntu installation on that 2nd drive and use it as harddrive. Only thing I would do then is to mount the /tmp directory in RAM and maybe avoid a swap partition.23:40
Bashing-omViking667: There is the boot parameter " edid=off " defeating the scan ? , what results when the boot parameter is removed ?23:43
testerbetawhat software should i use23:50
testerbetafor export to   idml    or other "indesign" formats23:50
testerbetaat  ubuntu=23:50
ikoniatesterbeta: in reference to what ?23:51
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testerbetawhat software could i use for export to this format? ikonia23:52
testerbetasuch as inkscape for read eps23:52
ikoniaexport from what though ?23:52
ikoniayou have to have something to export from23:52
testerbetafrom a sla source (scribus)23:53
ikoniaoh, no idea, I'd look at what formats inkscape supports first23:53
ikoniathen try to find one of those formats that is open, thats your best bet23:53
YankDownUnder"Scribus" should be more than able to export to .eps or even .pdf => or .svg ...23:53
testerbetayankdownunder  and with this scheme (sla > eps,   what should i do23:55
testerbetafor get the idml (i need make a small indexfile23:55
testerbetaat idml23:55
YankDownUndertesterbeta, I'm not quite sure what you're asking - but Scribus is able to export to .EPS, .SVG, other image formats...23:57
testerbetayankdownunder    i need make an indexfile (import some ai files,  that i can read at inkscape )23:59
testerbetamake an index (page 1 its the index), with local links (to pages of the file)23:59
testerbetaand after  export it to   idml23:59
YankDownUndertesterbeta, This question  might be more apt for #scribus => ask the experts :)23:59

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