RemonShai | hi Nahiyan vai....! | 13:29 |
RemonShai | welcome pavlushka- | 14:05 |
pavlushka- | welcome Remonshai | 14:17 |
pavlushka- | and thanks | 14:17 |
RemonShai | pavlushka-, উবুন্টুতে default photo viewer হিসেবে shotwell থাকে, তাই না ? | 14:18 |
pavlushka- | depends on the Ubuntu flavor. | 14:19 |
pavlushka- | but on the base distro, it is shotwel | 14:20 |
RemonShai | ok :) | 14:21 |
pavlushka- | hello LjL | 14:25 |
LjL | hi | 14:25 |
RemonShai | lat´s starts LjL | 14:25 |
LjL | RemonShai, pavlushka- is an op. have you told them about this, by any chance? | 14:26 |
RemonShai | pavlushka-, LjL wanted to set earthquack bot. | 14:26 |
LjL | actually, no, you did :P i only said i can provide it | 14:26 |
RemonShai | pavlushka-, what do you say ? | 14:27 |
RemonShai | LjL, wait plzzz | 14:27 |
LjL | sure | 14:27 |
pavlushka- | ping fossilizer | 14:34 |
RemonShai | LjL, I´m ready.... tell me the process.... | 14:37 |
LjL | there is no process, i just need to do it | 14:38 |
LjL | if anything you need to tell me what sort of alerts you want (minimum magnitude, places) | 14:38 |
LjL | and also whether some of you here want personal alerts for the places you live in in PM | 14:38 |
LjL | then i can add those | 14:38 |
RemonShai | PM means ? | 14:39 |
LjL | private message | 14:39 |
LjL | for example, if you tell me you live in Dhaka, i can put that in Brainstorm, and if there is an earthquake near Dhaka, Brainstorm will warn you in private | 14:40 |
LjL | that is just optional | 14:40 |
RemonShai | Oh ... I understand. | 14:40 |
pavlushka- | cool | 14:41 |
LjL | to clarify: the bot can send general alerts for Bangladesh in the channel. bot if someone wants personalized messages, i will need to know where they live, because Brainstorm is a program that runs on my computer here. | 14:47 |
LjL | but worldwide alerts are also available at and | 14:48 |
pavlushka- | wow | 14:49 |
LjL | yes, the world has a lot of earthquakes | 14:51 |
pavlushka | LjL: I think setting alart for Bangladesh might be enough, small country, earhquake shakes the whole country even it is in myanmar or in Nepal :) | 14:56 |
pavlushka | though the magnitude depends | 14:57 |
LjL | pavlushka, i suppose, in fact i was thinking maybe earthquakes in Nepal or such should be reported too, but that's a bigger country, so... | 14:57 |
LjL | yes. when Brainstorm reports in PM, it decides whether or not to report based on distance and (guessed) magnitude | 14:58 |
LjL | but when it reports in-channel, it will decide based on whether it's in the "Bangladesh" Flinn-Engdahl region | 14:58 |
LjL | (those are regions that seismologists divide the planet in for earthquakes) | 14:58 |
LjL | i am going to test it now, to know if it works and show what the alert will look like. those who subscribed on Twitter will get alert messages. there is no earthquake, it's a test. | 14:59 |
LjL | %quake 6.5 Dhaka | 14:59 |
Brainstorm | LjL, Simulating earthquake at (23.759, 90.379)... | 14:59 |
Brainstorm | ⚠ ভূমিকম্প সতর্কতা / EARTHQUAKE WARNING for Bangladesh from SIMULATION! THIS IS A TEST! Nahiyan RemonShai | 14:59 |
pavlushka | LjL: though my location is at the North-most of Bangladesh, that is Panchagarh, but I guess the channel alert will do :) | 15:00 |
LjL | i scared RemonShai | 15:00 |
pavlushka | rofl | 15:01 |
LjL | pavlushka, besides, i had guessed that (from the Twitter subscription i got in Brainstorm's email) | 15:01 |
pavlushka | LOL | 15:01 |
LjL | hm, i should probably do the thing i normally do and set up two notifications instead of one, so that after the initial warning it gives the details about the earthquake | 15:03 |
pavlushka | I guess that's handy | 15:03 |
Brainstorm | LjL, End of simulation. | 15:04 |
pavlushka | LjL: So, can you tell us a little about yourself? if that's ok with you :) | 15:05 |
* pavlushka is just curious | 15:05 | |
LjL | i live in Italy, i have too much free time i spend making bots, and i technically used to be an op in this channel, funnily enough | 15:05 |
pavlushka | yep, kinda funny | 15:06 |
LjL | i wasn't really, but i was in the Ubuntu IRC council at one point, so i was the group contact for all of #ubuntu* on freenode | 15:06 |
LjL | i'm trying the alert again with the new and improved setup, this time i'll shake you pavlushka or otherwise i'll give RemonShai a nervous breakdown | 15:07 |
LjL | %geo Panchagarh | 15:07 |
Brainstorm | LjL, location: Panchagarh, Rangpur Division, Bangladesh (26.332, 88.556) | 15:07 |
LjL | %quake 6.5 Panchagarh | 15:07 |
Brainstorm | LjL, Simulating earthquake at (26.332, 88.556)... | 15:07 |
Brainstorm | ⚠ ভূমিকম্প সতর্কতা / EARTHQUAKE WARNING for India-Bangladesh Border Region from SIMULATION! THIS IS A TEST! | 15:08 |
LjL | that took a while | 15:08 |
pavlushka | I though I would feel the shake. | 15:09 |
LjL | heh | 15:09 |
LjL | that took too long, to say it right. but at some point i'll try to improve performance by, like, getting it on a decent server | 15:09 |
pavlushka | so was sitting stiff on my chair | 15:09 |
pavlushka | LjL: Goodluck with the bot. | 15:10 |
LjL | the idea is it can warn very early if it receives tweets about it, so even some tens of seconds of delay are quite bad | 15:10 |
pavlushka | point | 15:11 |
Brainstorm | LjL, End of simulation. | 15:12 |
LjL | have you ever seen early earthquake warning at work in fancy countries like Japan? | 15:12 |
pavlushka | LjL: btw, you live in Italy but are you from Italy? | 15:12 |
LjL | yes | 15:12 |
LjL | i started writing this part of Brainstorm because we had a somewhat bad earthquake last summer (not where i live) | 15:13 |
pavlushka | aha | 15:13 |
LjL | well, many earthquakes. they seemed to never stop | 15:13 |
LjL | they haven't even fully stopped, but almost | 15:13 |
LjL | check out some Japanese efficiency | 15:14 |
u-la-la | [ Transmissão TV Japonesa no momento do terremoto / tsunami - YouTube ] - | 15:14 |
pavlushka | impressive | 15:21 |
pavlushka | LjL: I guess you got another Brainstorm's email alert! | 15:22 |
LjL | a certain bot, i suspect | 15:22 |
pavlushka | ha ha ha | 15:26 |
LjL | bot follows bot | 15:27 |
pavlushka | LjL: it's called brotherhood | 15:27 |
LjL | bot-erhood | 15:27 |
pavlushka | yes, that's more specific | 15:28 |
LjL | by the way, i set the bot to report M4.8+ (but the warnings may come for lower magnitudes, it doesn't really know the magnitude when it goes all red) | 15:30 |
pavlushka | So we got five bots here in this channel including ChanServ | 15:30 |
LjL | !botsnack | Brainstorm | 15:31 |
lubotu2` | Brainstorm: Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 15:31 |
pavlushka | LjL: I guess your one is a yanobot derivetive | 15:33 |
LjL | if by yanobot you mean jenni, that's correct | 15:33 |
LjL | although it was running on phenny originally | 15:33 |
pavlushka | I was about to correct myself, yes | 15:33 |
LjL | but same difference | 15:33 |
pavlushka | yes | 15:33 |
pavlushka | ha ha ha | 15:33 |
LjL | not much more than the core is still jenni, though | 15:34 |
LjL | but one thing that's jenni and is probably a good idea to do... | 15:34 |
LjL | %blocks add nick lubotu2` | 15:34 |
Brainstorm | LjL: Successfully added block: lubotu2` | 15:34 |
LjL | %blocks add nick lubotu2 | 15:34 |
Brainstorm | LjL: Successfully added block: lubotu2 | 15:34 |
pavlushka | yeah | 15:34 |
LjL | ubuntulog_ is too quiet to be an issue | 15:35 |
* LjL stares at the silent spy | 15:35 | |
pavlushka | LjL: you can even stare at the spying reports, lol | 15:35 |
LjL | oh, and i do | 15:35 |
LjL | trust me, i do | 15:35 |
LjL | especially in the past when i could use them against people who thought they knew better but didn't... | 15:36 |
LjL | %s ljl | 15:36 |
Brainstorm | LjL, 0 hits: (: Reciprocal Links) — ( — (Psychoactive Vaults) [... want %more?] | 15:37 |
u-la-la | [ Erowid : Reciprocal Links ] - | 15:37 |
LjL | that doesn't look like but ok | 15:37 |
LjL | oh that doesn't exist anymore | 15:37 |
LjL | %s ljl | 15:37 |
Brainstorm | LjL, 6840 hits: (/srv/ …) — (/srv/ — (/srv/ …) [... want %more?] | 15:38 |
u-la-la | [ Index of /2008/03/12 ] - | 15:38 |
u-la-la | [ Index of /2009/01/20 ] - | 15:38 |
u-la-la | [ Index of /2008/11/18 ] - | 15:38 |
LjL | that's a lot of me | 15:38 |
pavlushka | OK, I guess I got it :) | 15:38 |
pavlushka | LjL: So you retired yourself? | 15:42 |
LjL | some might say i was retired | 15:42 |
pavlushka | from those responsibilities you held? | 15:42 |
pavlushka | ok | 15:42 |
LjL | but well yeah i think i didn't show up again for the next IRC council election | 15:43 |
LjL | the "being retired" was a bit later | 15:43 |
pavlushka | LjL: and your interest in Bangladesh? | 15:44 |
LjL | pavlushka, none in particular, i knew Nahiyan from other channels, and he wanted me to bring the earthquake warnings to ##bangladesh | 15:45 |
LjL | the bot is in various region-specific places for warnings | 15:45 |
LjL | Remon saw it and thought it would be useful here as well | 15:45 |
LjL | oh one other thing Brainstorm does that you might find useful though | 15:46 |
LjL | %tr >bn hello | 15:46 |
Brainstorm | LjL, English to Bengali: ওহে কি অবস্থা (MyMemory) — হ্যালো (Google) | 15:46 |
LjL | %tr হ্যালো | 15:46 |
Brainstorm | LjL, Bengali to English: Hello (Google, MyMemory) | 15:46 |
LjL | aside from the earthquakes thing, Brainstorm was mostly made to do language stuff | 15:47 |
pavlushka | LjL: So it can make api calls to google.translate? | 15:48 |
LjL | pavlushka, it is a semi-official endpoint, not the official API because they have closed those down a fair bit. but that's why it also tries MyMemory and (for the languages it can) the open-source Apertium translator | 15:49 |
LjL | and Wikipedia for simple terms | 15:49 |
LjL | %tr <it >en terremoto | 15:49 |
Brainstorm | LjL, Italian to English: earthquake (Google, MyMemory) — Earthquake (Apertium, Wikipedia) | 15:49 |
LjL | i would like to make most of its features work from open-source things eventually | 15:50 |
LjL | but for now Google is kind of required for decent translation in many languages | 15:51 |
pavlushka | LjL: open-source is not always free, you mean to say free I guess. | 15:51 |
LjL | i mean to say open-source, which under the OSI definition means i can run, modify and redistribute the code with few restrictions, which is enough for me | 15:52 |
pavlushka | fair enough :0 | 15:53 |
LjL | i see it as a distinction without a difference, to be honest, unless by "open-source" one includes things like Microsoft's "shared source"... but even *they* use a different term | 15:53 |
=== fossilizer is now known as Guest25297 | ||
=== Guest25297 is now known as pavlushka |
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