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chocolaterobot | can we use thunar as our Samba GUI program? | 02:21 |
blip- | hi, installed xubuntu 16.04 recently on laptop. Brigthness control works, but occasionally (especially after going to standby and resuming), it doesn't anymore | 09:38 |
blip- | Restarting xfce4-power-manager made no difference. any suggestions? | 09:39 |
drumcode303 | i'm having trouble finding file contents of .txt files with catfish. results are always 'no files found' | 11:04 |
drumcode303 | is it possible that catfish has problems with .txt files of different encoding? | 11:30 |
drumcode303 | tried gnome-search-tools, same problem. | 11:42 |
drumcode303 | seems to be a utf-8 and utf-16 thing | 11:51 |
nim | drumcode303: yeah, Catfish only handles UTF-8. Tested just now. | 12:08 |
drumcode303 | i have utf-16 txt files, lots. what do i use? | 12:09 |
nim | drumcode303: well, you can convert them to UTF-8 first. Let's say your UTF-16 files are in `~/utf16`, and you what to put their converted copies to `~/utf8`. Now open Terminal and run: cd ~/utf16 && for f in *; do iconv -f utf16 -t utf8 -o ~/utf8/"$f" "$f"; done | 12:22 |
nim | drumcode303: the `~/utf8` directory (or whatever you chose) should exist before the command is ran. | 12:23 |
nim | drumcode303: after that, you can point Catfish to that directory and search there. | 12:24 |
drumcode303 | ok, thanks a lot for the workaround. but is there no other tool able to search through utf-16 files? | 12:25 |
nim | drumcode303: not that I know of, sorry. You're welcome. | 12:26 |
nim | blip-: if you're still here, can you tell me your laptop's model name? And what graphics does it use? Intel, AMD? | 12:35 |
blip- | nim, thanks. the issue happens even when power management turns my screen off and i turn it back on. Brightness keys don't work anymore (even in software). It's an old Lenovo T420 with 2 cards. A nvidia and an intel | 13:18 |
blip- | nim, Intel 2nd Generation Integrated Graphics Controller (rev89) and Nvidia Quadro NVS 4200M. From lspci. Note that xorg probably just using intel vga | 13:20 |
blip- | *xorg/X11 | 13:20 |
nim | blip-: try reinserting the battery, just to check if it fixes the issue. | 13:36 |
blip- | nim, ok. i'll try now (as laptop is running on AC) | 13:37 |
nim | blip-: you may try installing the newer kernel version to see if it's fixed there. For that you can install the HWE versions of kernel and X.Org Server: sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 | 13:41 |
nim | blip-: but if something goes wrong, boot the older kernel which will still be there and, using the console, reinstall the older version of X.Org Server: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg | 13:42 |
blip- | nim, ty very much:) will test | 13:44 |
nim | blip-: or you can use the safer option: write the latest Xubuntu version to a USB stick or whatever, boot to the live environment and try suspending there. | 13:47 |
blip- | nim, shouldn't the hwe kernel show up under grub? I see a couple of generic kernels only. Latest and | 13:49 |
blip- | i mean hwe is not in the name (unlike the apt package) | 13:50 |
nim | blip-: 4.8.0 is HWE, so no problem. | 13:51 |
blip- | nim, ok brightness works in login screen - stops after logging in | 13:51 |
blip- | so normal kernel is better in this case | 13:52 |
nim | blip-: weird… Did you install xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 too? | 13:53 |
blip- | nim, yes | 13:55 |
nim | blip-: try running `xbacklight` in Terminal and show me the output. | 13:56 |
nim | blip-: ah, yeah, it's not installed by default, so install it first, of course. :D | 13:57 |
blip- | nim, > No outputs have backlight property | 13:57 |
blip- | this is under hwe kernel and xorg | 13:58 |
nim | blip-: just in case: dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-intel-hwe-16.04 | 14:00 |
blip- | nim: ok it lists the version and such | 14:02 |
nim | blip-: with `ii` at the beginning? | 14:02 |
blip- | yes | 14:02 |
blip- | the first and second lines are weird though | 14:02 |
blip- | Status =Not/Inst/Conf-Files.... | 14:02 |
blip- | Err?=(none)/Reinst-required(Status,Err:uppercase=bad) | 14:03 |
blip- | non-nonsensical at best | 14:03 |
nim | blip-: good, that's okay; well, the last thing to try is Xubuntu 17.04 live image. The kernel and xserver are even newer there, so maybe you'll get more luck there. | 14:06 |
blip- | nim, thanks, how do i go back to the old kernel and xorg for now ? | 14:07 |
blip- | nim, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg | 14:08 |
blip- | and for kernel? | 14:08 |
nim | blip-: not much you can do anyway, looks like the issue is ACPI-related. As the laptop is old, I guess there are no BIOS updates. But if you're not running the latest BIOS version, consider upgrading. | 14:09 |
blip- | nim, yes but the old kernel the brightness worked more often (it only fails after suspend) | 14:09 |
blip- | with HWE it fails after login | 14:10 |
nim | blip-: just remove the HWE kernel: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 | 14:10 |
blip- | ah | 14:10 |
blip- | perfect | 14:10 |
nim | blip-: yeah, I'm not talking about HWE, just about the issue in general. | 14:11 |
blip- | nim, i see | 14:13 |
blip- | nim, have to run. i'll check for bios update tonight. ty very much for the help :) | 14:14 |
nim | blip-: you're welcome. Good luck. | 14:14 |
nim | Damn... If someone sees blip- again, please tell him that he probably needs to install `xserver-xorg-video-all`, as `xserver-xorg` doesn't install it by default for some reason. | 14:26 |
xubuntu29d | hello | 15:54 |
encomjones | good day | 15:55 |
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sorinello | Hello guys | 16:27 |
sorinello | I am hitting an annoying issue on Xubuntu, but this most surely is present on Ubuntu as well | 16:28 |
sorinello | since upgrading to 17.04 I noticed that the local names are no longer resolved. Let me explain. I have a dnsmasq server on my router, with some local hostnames for some devices in my LAN | 16:28 |
sorinello | on 16.10 things were OK as far as I remember | 16:29 |
sorinello | on my Xubuntu, from NetworkManager, I set DNS server and nameserver | 16:29 |
sorinello | but when I look in restolv.conf, I don't have this, instead I have nameserver which resolved internet names, but does NOT resolve local names | 16:29 |
sorinello | any idea what might be behind this sorcery ? | 16:30 |
sorinello | I've ran across several topics regarding DNSSEC starting 17.04, but I don;t think this is my issue | 16:30 |
sorinello | and all bugs related to that seems to have been fixed in march, and my system is up to date | 16:31 |
sorinello | what an annoying piece of software must be systemd-resolved .... | 17:05 |
nim | sorinello: Ubuntu 17.04 now uses systemd-resolved: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-resolved.service.html | 17:44 |
nim | sorinello: it should use nameservers returned by your DHCP server and cache them. I think that you can actually resolve your local names by appending the suffix configured in dnsmasq, which is `.lan` by default. So try pinging `example.lan`, and if it works, you just need to configure that suffix in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf. The section is `[Resolve]`, and the option name is `Domains`. For example, `Domains=lan` if your suffix is `.lan`. Then relo | 17:55 |
nim | sorinello: you can also remove /etc/resolv.conf, which is by default a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, and create a new one with the contents like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24544115/ | 17:59 |
nim | sorinello: resolved will use it then to get the necessary information. For details see the link I gave you above. Hope that helped. | 18:00 |
sorinello | nim, THANKS ! | 18:10 |
sorinello | will try your suggestions | 18:10 |
blip- | !log | 19:20 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ | 19:20 |
xubuntu83i | hello all | 23:31 |
xubuntu83i | what about stability of 17.04? Is it normal or too many bugs for main OS installing& | 23:32 |
xubuntu83i | ? | 23:32 |
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