hanasaki | db`: just want the wordpress to work... don't want to do any setup. need to import from anohter hoster too | 00:05 |
djanatan | The bug that idiot is spamming doesn't even link to a working page. | 00:06 |
kode54 | djanatan: it used to about a few hours ago? it was linking to a page reporting that the bug was a dupe | 00:09 |
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wedgie | djanatan: make sure you aren't including the : at the end | 00:10 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Attack of the Trump Bots ? | 00:13 |
dax | Jack_Sparrow__: amongst other things, yeah | 00:17 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | I saw earlier | 00:17 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | I needed to register anyhow.. :) | 00:18 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Let me see if I can get back in gain. | 00:18 |
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Jack_Sparrow__ | !logs | 02:34 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ | 02:34 |
coder-bts | hi | 03:04 |
coder-bts | how does everyone feel on Ubuntu 17.04 Zsty? | 03:04 |
coder-bts | i upgraded, and i got sick | 03:05 |
coder-bts | :( | 03:05 |
sugardrunk | why? :( | 03:05 |
coder-bts | 'cuz a lot of drives not working | 03:05 |
coder-bts | like... touchpad? | 03:05 |
coder-bts | the multi-point-touch is removed | 03:06 |
coder-bts | and my dns setting is not working anymore | 03:06 |
coder-bts | like a mess..... | 03:06 |
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sugardrunk | coder-bts: oh nothing on my side... just realised I am still runnin 16.04 :) | 03:07 |
coder-bts | phew | 03:07 |
sugardrunk | coder-bts: damn... gotta try it :D | 03:07 |
coder-bts | no!!! | 03:08 |
coder-bts | skip this version! | 03:08 |
sugardrunk | coder-bts: maybe there was a problem on your upgrade process :) | 03:08 |
coder-bts | it is damned.... | 03:08 |
coder-bts | nonono | 03:08 |
sugardrunk | try a fresh install lol... ok coffee now | 03:08 |
coder-bts | completly mess | 03:08 |
sugardrunk | damn man :D | 03:08 |
coder-bts | a lot of my friend also upgraded | 03:08 |
sugardrunk | you make me want to upgrade | 03:08 |
coder-bts | and they wrote blogs to .... | 03:09 |
coder-bts | to.. complain? | 03:09 |
coder-bts | maybe the best word | 03:09 |
sugardrunk | maybe I read those when I get my coffee ready... | 03:09 |
Mathisen | fresh install is the best that was said the last 5 min here | 03:09 |
sugardrunk | that was a bad joke :) | 03:10 |
coder-bts | cool if you really wanna to uppgrade | 03:10 |
coder-bts | but i don't recommand | 03:10 |
Mathisen | sugardrunk, it was wise words | 03:10 |
sugardrunk | yes | 03:10 |
coder-bts | seriously | 03:10 |
Mathisen | upgrades can come with problems | 03:10 |
sugardrunk | lol | 03:11 |
sugardrunk | ... | 03:11 |
sugardrunk | Mathisen: yea but for sure, I am going to fresh install on my other cpu and maybe upgrade this one just to test it | 03:11 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, I vaguely remember someone on saying that they had issues with the nvidia-381 drivers, I am currently using the nvidia-378 drivers, have any of used nvidia-381 and experienced issues? | 03:19 |
wanned | Hello all! | 03:36 |
wanned | I'm having a very odd issue with UFW that I can't quite get figured out. I've used it on multiple other systems without issue. | 03:36 |
wanned | I am trying to enable ufw and I have added a rule to enable ssh, but it keeps blocking ssh and killing my connection. | 03:36 |
wanned | sudo ufw allow IN from and sudo ufw allow ssh | 03:37 |
wanned | but it still kills ssh, any ideas? | 03:37 |
ivan | wanned: is your ssh on port 22? | 03:40 |
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wanned | yes it is | 03:41 |
wanned | I can ssh in before enabling on port 22 without issue | 03:41 |
wanned | ivan: ^^ | 03:43 |
wanned | ivan: what is so odd is that I know how ufw works and this same approach has worked for me before... really perplexed | 03:45 |
ivan | try dumping the entire chain with iptables -L and comparing it to the other machine | 03:45 |
ivan | with iptables you can also add LOG rules to see everything being rejected (no idea how with ufw) | 03:46 |
oerheks | sudo ufw logging on | 03:46 |
oerheks | sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp | 03:47 |
oerheks | the only 2 rules i needed | 03:47 |
wanned | Let's have a look | 03:47 |
oerheks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall | 03:48 |
oerheks | you don't seem to have IPv6, so editting /etc/default/ufw "IPV6=yes" is not needed | 03:50 |
Rahul_Rawat | HELP NEEDED how to read all the flags for a filesystem superblock . Flags like encrypt.... | 03:51 |
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oerheks | Rahul_Rawat, ..if one needs to read that superblock, one can find the flags too .. why do you need that? | 03:54 |
Rahul_Rawat | oerheks ...... it is supposed to be a part of some script | 03:56 |
wanned | Interesting, it looks like iptables -L doesn't show any entries from UFW | 03:56 |
wanned | would explain the issue | 03:56 |
wanned | but not sure why iptables isn't getting updated by ufw | 03:57 |
Rahul_Rawat | disabling or enabling is easy , but i have no idea how to read or print those flags | 03:57 |
ivan | wanned: check journalctl? | 03:57 |
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Rahul_Rawat | btw dumpe2fs was what i waslooking for | 04:09 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:18 |
tcpdump | Hey everyone | 05:27 |
tcpdump | Anyone use tomcat 8 on ubuntu? | 05:27 |
YankDownUnder | I have cats. Does that count? | 05:28 |
YankDownUnder | They're both tomcats. | 05:28 |
lotuspsychje | !joke | YankDownUnder | 05:28 |
ubottu | YankDownUnder: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question. | 05:28 |
tcpdump | YankDownUnder: you have 8 of them? | 05:28 |
YankDownUnder | tcpdump, Nah...meanwhile, someone I know using Tomcat - but they're not online until after 17:00 AEST... | 05:29 |
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tcpdump | howdy Drone` | 05:43 |
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lowin | Hello, I'm running latest ubuntu gnome. can some one please tell me how I can read Xorg's logs? It's definitely not /var/log/Xorg.*.log | 05:59 |
YankDownUnder | lowin, /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 06:03 |
Han | When I kickstart an 16.04.02 server and have "d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string george" the installer hangs at setting the time. That is, until I open a console. Then all of the sudden the installer continues. | 06:16 |
Han | I can ping 'george', grepping for rdate in /var/log/syslog shows it's asking the ntp server for a date and gets one at the moment I log in on a spare console. | 06:17 |
Han | What's going on here? | 06:18 |
YankDownUnder | Han, Have you asked in #ubuntu-server yet? | 06:19 |
Han | No. Is that a recommendation? :-) | 06:20 |
YankDownUnder | Han, Well...kind of a recommendation...this channel would primarily be for "desktop" issues...but sometimes there are "crossover" users that would be able to answer the question...just patience... | 06:21 |
Han | Thanks for the heads up. | 06:22 |
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Koleon | Hello, guys does anyone use this hack .vimrc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2600783/how-does-the-vim-write-with-sudo-trick-work ?? For me the :w!! doesn't work :( | 07:08 |
selckin | do you have passwordless sudo | 07:10 |
Koleon | selckin: Aha, you mean being in &wheel group? No I don't | 07:11 |
vlt | Koleon: Why do you want vim to write with sudo? | 07:12 |
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Koleon | vlt: You know, when you accidentally opened file without the right (root) privileges, you make changes and whoops, can't save it. | 07:13 |
selckin | :w /tmp/oops => :q! => sudo cat /tmp/oops /bla | 07:13 |
Seveas | Koleon: selckin: %!sudo tee % | 07:14 |
selckin | that requires more then basic knowledge that ppl will forget :) | 07:14 |
Seveas | I consider % and %! basic knowledge :) | 07:15 |
Koleon | selckin: Thank you, that's pretty straightforwad. Even though the :w!! would be much easier :) | 07:15 |
Koleon | Seveas: Why the: cmap w!! w !sudo tee > /dev/null % doesn't work? | 07:16 |
Koleon | Seveas: Got it! Now I see what you meant. Thank you :) | 07:20 |
chrisM_1 | finally nvidia drivers are working with suspend | 08:04 |
rockyh | hi! | 08:18 |
rockyh | in /etc/sudoers file | 08:19 |
rockyh | what does it mean the `:ALL' in this line `%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL'? | 08:19 |
oerheks | ALL:ALL refers to user:group | 08:20 |
oerheks | so the answer is group | 08:21 |
rockyh | oh, ok! | 08:21 |
rockyh | thanks | 08:21 |
oerheks | yw | 08:21 |
wudo_honour | oerheks how to restart net card in 17.04? | 08:38 |
wudo_honour | I use the command "service networking restart " to chang the ip' , but not working . | 08:40 |
wudo_honour | so how to make it available | 08:40 |
oerheks | wudo_honour, 'systemctl restart networking' restarts networking, that is right, but how did you set the IP? | 08:40 |
oerheks | why not in networkmanager? | 08:41 |
wudo_honour | but I don't know it. | 08:42 |
ducasse | wudo_honour: are you getting an ip address via dhcp? | 08:43 |
yossarianuk | however is in charge of this wiki page -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 08:50 |
yossarianuk | It needs updating | 08:50 |
yossarianuk | for the HWE kernel for 16.04.02 is showing as TBD - when its known | 08:51 |
yossarianuk | same as 16.04.4 | 08:51 |
yossarianuk | sorry | 08:52 |
yossarianuk | 16.04.3 | 08:52 |
yossarianuk | which is known - it will be kernel 4.10 | 08:52 |
menace | is there a tool which shows me the programs with which i could open a certain file type? | 09:00 |
menace | like get-programs <file.ext>? | 09:01 |
menace | or sth like that? | 09:01 |
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schahermacher | simple, need to reroute specific application to use openjdk instead of java, can someone point out to me a good manual how to do it? i am not yet that good on unix file systems, so for a start i don't even know where openjdk has been installed | 09:03 |
ducasse | yossarianuk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpContents <-- how to edit the wiki | 09:03 |
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yossarianuk | ducasse: cheers | 09:08 |
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chaslinux | Hey all quick FYI on https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/ the link at the top to discourse.ubuntu.com doesn't work (server not found), but you probably knew that (old link?) | 09:15 |
ducasse | chaslinux: try #ubuntu-website | 09:16 |
chaslinux | Thanks ducasse. | 09:18 |
jophish | What's the idiomatic way of running a command on startup now that systemd has taken the job of rc.local? | 09:22 |
ivan | write a .service and put it in /etc/systemd/system/ | 09:22 |
oerheks | jophish, , add to startup-applications | 09:22 |
npjonath | Hi, I'm on ubuntu 16.04, trying to auto moi | 09:24 |
npjonath | Hi guys, I'm running into problems with auto mounting fstab at startup of a fresh ubuntu 16.04. here is my FSTab and log error https://pastebin.com/JfYzBckV | 09:29 |
npjonath | do you have any clues? | 09:29 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, Does this work when you perform the mount manually in a terminal...? | 09:31 |
jophish | Thanks ivan, oerheks | 09:32 |
npjonath | when i do mount -a i got same error | 09:32 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, "mount -a" will read the /etc/fstab and automatically mount what is in there...I meant by literally "doing it by hand" - exactly the same as you have it in the /etc/fstab | 09:33 |
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npjonath | ok | 09:34 |
npjonath | If i do mount.cifs {my fstab rule for server 1} ... i got same error | 09:35 |
npjonath | mount error (5) | 09:35 |
npjonath | notice : it ask me for password (there is none) | 09:35 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, Does the IP address actually exist - and as well, does the "share" exist (tested on another machine, perhaps?) | 09:36 |
npjonath | the IP and DNS are pingable from the host machine | 09:36 |
npjonath | the share is mount on my laptop | 09:36 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, What is "sharing" the "share" that you're trying to mount...? | 09:37 |
oerheks | shouldn't UID and GID be a number? | 09:38 |
npjonath | I have 4 windows machines runnings "Sharred folder" (right click on a specific folder & share) ... I can mount it from my Mac OS using smb://IP/shared_folder_name | 09:39 |
npjonath | UID & GID refert to www-data (which is 33) | 09:39 |
npjonath | when i do mount -a -v | 09:39 |
npjonath | It resolve has : mount.cifs kernel mount options: ip=,unc=\\EVS_XSTORE_OUTGEST\AAPM ,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=33,gid=33,user=dvb,pass=******* * | 09:40 |
npjonath | then | 09:40 |
npjonath | PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=125 time=0.316 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=25.784 ms | 09:40 |
npjonath | I got mount error(5): Input/output error | 09:41 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, Far out...makes me wonder if it's got anything to do with the "no password"...scratching my head... | 09:42 |
npjonath | ok :/ | 09:43 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, If I had a "Windows" machine here I'd give it a shot...but I don't...only linux and Mac...and my "Windows" are in VM's...which are locked down... :) | 09:45 |
npjonath | I got result ! | 09:46 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, Awesome! And? | 09:46 |
npjonath | adding -o between cifs and credentials on mounts.cifs //..... | 09:46 |
npjonath | mount correctly my folder | 09:46 |
YankDownUnder | npjonath, You're amazing then! Good on ya! | 09:47 |
npjonath | thx | 09:52 |
Mr_0 | FORMAT timestamp {timestamp %%H:%%M:%%S} | 10:00 |
Mr_0 | sorry about that ;) | 10:01 |
carpediembaby | Hello, i accidentally deleted several partitions (windows, windows recovery, boot loader, i don't know what else) while i was using ubuntu (16.04). The swap and ubuntu partitions are intact. | 10:23 |
carpediembaby | I am trying to follow this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery | 10:23 |
carpediembaby | to try and recover them by running ubuntu through a usb, but there is no program called testdisk installed and I am unable to install it through apt or through a .deb package | 10:24 |
carpediembaby | I also tried gparted recover START END but it only recovered one partition of 1GB which started at the beginning of the disk. Subsequent attempts to recover don't do anything. | 10:25 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" | 10:25 |
ikevin | what is the error when you try to install testdisk? | 10:25 |
EriC^^ | paste the link here | 10:25 |
YankDownUnder | carpediembaby, "sudo apt-get install testdisk" does not install "testdisk"? (Assuming you're connected to a network) | 10:26 |
carpediembaby | Could anyone help me resolve this? I restarted the computer and I can't boot into either windows or ubuntu as there is no boot loader active i guess | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | he might need to enable the universe repo for testdisk | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: do you have a live usb? | 10:27 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: I did the command http://termbin.com/fjjs I also got a message saying "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 but Linux says its 512 | 10:28 |
carpediembaby | YankDownUnder: I am currently using the live usb so i have internet. But I get unable to locate package testdisk | 10:29 |
ikevin | carpediembaby, do an apt-get update before trying to install testdisk | 10:29 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: sudo add-apt-repository universe | 10:29 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: then what ikevin said ^ | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: looks like you deleted the first 256gb, including the efi partition (that's why ubuntu wont boot anymore) | 10:31 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: the problem was the universe repository was not included | 10:31 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: yes. It was something very stupid. I was trying to delete partitions on a usb disk it automatically selected the main disk after the first operation i did... | 10:32 |
YankDownUnder | Every time I build a new USB I end up doing an edit immediately on the /etc/apt/sources.list...amongst other things... | 10:33 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: you have to know something about testdisk though, it doesn't add partitions, it'll give you a list of whatever it can find, and you'll have to sort them all and write a new partition table | 10:33 |
Duality | hi | 10:33 |
Duality | how do i figure out what program created a kernel panick and crashed my computer ? | 10:34 |
ikevin | Duality, take a look at dmesg | 10:34 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: yeah stuff happens :D | 10:35 |
carpediembaby | So i have a list of partitions as far as i can tell, there seem to be 7 partitions with 'D' (deleted) | 10:35 |
carpediembaby | How do i recover them? | 10:36 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: type "sudo parted /dev/sda unit s print | nc termbin.com 9999" | 10:36 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: that's from a quick search? | 10:36 |
carpediembaby | http://termbin.com/ozsm | 10:37 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: Yes | 10:38 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: ok, take a screenshot of the window and upload to imgur.com | 10:38 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: http://imgur.com/a/pyCKG | 10:39 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: basically you need to highlight each partition you want and use the right arrow to select P for primary | 10:39 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: Yes, but i don't know which ones are primary and which ones are not | 10:39 |
carpediembaby | I guess not all of them are primary | 10:40 |
Simooon | I have a text to speech script that can generate sound using google translate, is there an other program that I can pipe the sound into to save it as an audio file? | 10:40 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: 1 sec | 10:41 |
ikevin | EriC^^, not sure he can use primary for all partitions | 10:41 |
b00tcat | Simooon: I'm sure you can achieve that with ffmpeg | 10:41 |
b00tcat | Simooon: not sure about the options though | 10:41 |
EriC^^ | ikevin: he can cause it's gpt | 10:41 |
ikevin | oh, not see that he use gpt | 10:42 |
Simooon | b00tcat, okay, will look into that :-) | 10:42 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: ikevin it's all good almost, it looks like the big ntfs one at the bottom isn't selected, there's also a partition after the esp which you have to select, the sectors have to match up | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: go to the lowest one at the bottom, and make the D a P | 10:43 |
b00tcat | Simooon: out of curiosity, did you make that T2S script yourself or are you using any other software? I'm curious | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | 814... til 195...711 sectors | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: actually, choose the one before the bottom one | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | starting sector 814690304 | 10:44 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: No the last one which is the biggest is an extended partition normally, its for data | 10:44 |
carpediembaby | the windows partition is the first D as far as i know | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: yes the last one, the biggest one isn't selected right now, only the ones with P will be written | 10:45 |
ikevin | carpediembaby, you can use the list file function to be sure | 10:45 |
EriC^^ | *not the last one, the one before the last | 10:45 |
carpediembaby | ikevin, EriC^^: the first 'D' is the Windows partition, i checked with list function | 10:46 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: check the 4th one | 10:47 |
Simooon | b00tcat, found it on a raspberry pi wiki :-) | 10:47 |
carpediembaby | The second last one shows the data directory as i mentioned, and the last one says it cannot show the files (filesystem seems damaged). But I think thats because it may be an extended partition? | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: if i had to guess i'd say it's like this, 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 | 10:48 |
Simooon | b00tcat, if you are interested, you can find it here the second to last example: http://elinux.org/RPi_Text_to_Speech_(Speech_Synthesis) | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: nah the last one sectors are off a little, the one before has the same starting sector as the parted output | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | but it ends early for some reason | 10:49 |
Simooon | b00tcat, b00tcat anyway got to go, thanks for the recommendation :-) | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | just by a few | 10:49 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: ikevin the fourth and fifth ones seem to be recovery partitions and for the 2nd and 3rd, it says it cannot show the files | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: 3rd should be the efi partition that has the bootloader | 10:51 |
EriC^^ | it can't show the files? | 10:51 |
Emil | Hi | 10:51 |
Emil | Is there a tool to analyse what /init or /sbin/init runs? | 10:51 |
ksk | bash -x? | 10:52 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: if you go by 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 it wouldn't be wasting any space, any other arrangement makes it have some unallocated space here and there | 10:52 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: What do you mean? I should make them all primary? | 10:53 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: check 4 7 8 and see what they are and if they work and stuff | 10:53 |
Emil | Particularly, I'd like to have "init" start a service, too | 10:54 |
Emil | Trying to tinker with the Winshit Linux Subsystem to have somewhat working service start up | 10:54 |
oerheks | !ubuwin | 10:55 |
ubottu | Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. | 10:55 |
Emil | oerheks: I'll move there, thanks | 10:55 |
carpediembaby | Eric, I am sure that 4 is the one on which Windows is installed. I have the program files and stuff there in the list. So i should park it as primary i guess? | 10:55 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: yeah | 10:55 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: ok, then also do the rest | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | 7 8 9 10 11 all as primaries | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | cause there's no other choice anyways, then hit enter | 10:56 |
carpediembaby | and 12? | 10:58 |
EriC^^ | no | 10:58 |
EriC^^ | leave the last one blank | 10:58 |
carpediembaby | It says invalid partition structure | 10:58 |
EriC^^ | for which? | 10:58 |
carpediembaby | Ah i put 6 and 7 as well | 10:59 |
EriC^^ | oh | 10:59 |
carpediembaby | It asks me to reboot | 11:00 |
carpediembaby | i'll reboot. should it reboot now and show the boot menu? | 11:00 |
=== Attoy_ is now known as Attoy | ||
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: yeah | 11:01 |
carpediembaby | ok, EriC^^ ikevin: thanks! ill come back to report | 11:01 |
blip- | Hi, xubuntu 16.04. after few hours of usage (and maybe related to screensaver or suspending my laptop) - Thunar takes like 10seconds to open and sometimes windows freeze forever. I can't even find the process to kill it | 11:01 |
marvin2 | are GB in nautilus 1000^3 bytes? can I make it 1024^3 (don't care if it is labeled GB or GiB)? | 11:01 |
Duality | ikevin: i did but it doesn't exactly show what the name of the process is that caused the crash | 11:08 |
ikevin | Duality, syslog don't have more log? | 11:09 |
fallentree | I'm trying to use dpkg-query -W to list installed packages, with -f to format the output. The ${Origin} variable produces no output. Any ideas why? | 11:25 |
gebbione | hi folks, is there a list somewhere of supported webcams on ubuntu? I have problems with mine and want to replace it as cable is probably damaged, disconnects | 11:29 |
gebbione | I am looking for a really good one with HD or something | 11:29 |
carpediembaby861 | Hello, I am back.. After marking the partitions as primary in checkdisk, I am no longer able to boot even with the live cd. | 11:29 |
carpediembaby861 | I am shown a recovery prompt which says some media I missing. | 11:30 |
carpediembaby861 | Changing the boot order doesn't do anything either | 11:30 |
carpediembaby861 | EriC^^, ikevin | 11:31 |
carpediembaby861 | And I am on the phone now :/ | 11:32 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby861: what happens when you try to boot normally? | 11:32 |
carpediembaby861 | It shows me an error screen regardless of what I do | 11:33 |
carpediembaby861 | Saying A device required isn't connected or can't be accessed | 11:33 |
carpediembaby861 | Error 0000225 | 11:33 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby861: what about the live usb? testdisk shouldn't have affected that at all | 11:34 |
carpediembaby861 | Nothing seems to change with the live USB | 11:34 |
carpediembaby861 | It is detected in the startup but it doesn't boot from it anymore | 11:35 |
EriC^^ | what's it say? | 11:35 |
carpediembaby861 | USB is set as first device to boot. But it doesn't boot from it. | 11:35 |
carpediembaby861 | It shows me the same error screen | 11:36 |
carpediembaby861 | Ah never mind | 11:37 |
carpediembaby861 | I booted into the live USB | 11:37 |
carpediembaby861 | Had to select it explicitly again in some menu | 11:38 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby861: ok, try "(sudo efibootmgr -v; sudo parted -l) | nc termbin.com 9999" | 11:39 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby861: ok, try "(sudo efibootmgr -v; sudo parted -l) | nc termbin.com 9999" | 11:44 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: wb ^ | 11:44 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: i am back. I had to go to efi boot menu and select the usb to boot | 11:50 |
carpediembaby | http://termbin.com/0cla | 11:50 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: it says EFI variables are not supported on this system | 11:53 |
oerheks | Carlos0611 so you messed up greatly, deleted the EFI partition too? | 11:59 |
oerheks | Carlos0611, sorry, was for carpediembaby | 11:59 |
oerheks | !uefi | 11:59 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 11:59 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: type sudo gdisk /dev/sda | 12:00 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: first, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt && ls /mnt | 12:00 |
EriC^^ | if it says efi let us kno | 12:00 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: it says : mount: /dev/sda2 is already mounted or /mnt busy | 12:01 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: type "df /dev/sda2" | 12:02 |
EriC^^ | look under mountpoint | 12:02 |
carpediembaby | https://pastebin.com/UXvdNSXN | 12:03 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: ok hold that thought on gdisk | 12:03 |
EriC^^ | any output from df? | 12:04 |
carpediembaby | mounted on /dev | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | "/dev" ? | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | O.o .. must see this :D | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | type "df | n termbin.com 9999" | 12:04 |
carpediembaby | yes | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | * type "df | nc termbin.com 9999" | 12:04 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: yes, it says mounted on /dev | 12:05 |
EriC^^ | that's weird | 12:05 |
mixxit | anyone can help me get palm detection working properly on 16.04 on a dell xps 9550 | 12:05 |
mixxit | i've pretty much exhausted google searches | 12:05 |
carpediembaby | http://termbin.com/61lc | 12:05 |
mixxit | the suggestions about switching to libinput i couldnt do due to broken packages | 12:06 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: ok, try "sudo mkdir /efi" | 12:06 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: then sudo mount /dev/sda2 /efi | 12:06 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: it says it is already mounted, so i unmount it first? | 12:08 |
mixxit | xserver-xorg-input-libinput : Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: | 12:11 |
mixxit | well i seem to have fixed that with xserver-xorg-input-libinput-hwe-16.04 | 12:13 |
carpediembaby | not sure if i am really connected or not. it keeps saying i am reconnected | 12:13 |
pos | Do apport and whoopsie phone home with "telemetry"/crash data by default on xenial server? | 12:16 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: are you getting my messages? | 12:18 |
EriC^^ | back | 12:19 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: you keep getting disconnected | 12:19 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: yes it seems so. Flaky connection, I will try to move | 12:20 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: it should mount even if it's already mounted, odd | 12:20 |
carpediembaby | also, whats stressing me is that the data disk is not opening. | 12:21 |
EriC^^ | i'm trying to figure out which one is the efi partition, sda2 or sda3 so we can set the boot and esp flags in case it helps | 12:21 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: yeah there's something odd about the live session i think | 12:21 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: i dont think it's a disk related problem though so no worries | 12:21 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: ok, so i try mounting sda3 to /efi? | 12:22 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: give it a shot | 12:22 |
carpediembaby | same thing | 12:23 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: try sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 | strings | grep "grubx64.efi" | 12:23 |
carpediembaby | already mounted or /efi busy | 12:23 |
Taggnostr | hello | 12:24 |
ikevin | carpediembaby, cat /etc/mtab | nc termbin.com 9999 | 12:24 |
carpediembaby | https://pastebin.com/G8f7G37b | 12:24 |
squig | Hi I was wondering what was the right way to make a user an admin (give) sudo privs on a 16.04 machine | 12:24 |
Taggnostr | my (k)ubuntu 17.04 keeps freezing, what can I do to investigate the problem? | 12:24 |
squig | I figured there must be some ubuntu specific option | 12:25 |
carpediembaby | http://termbin.com/wjza | 12:25 |
ikevin | squig, just add the use to admin group | 12:25 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: ok, looks like that's the efi partition | 12:25 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: try sudo cgdisk /dev/sda , go to sda2 and choose type > ef00 | 12:25 |
squig | ikevin: there is no admin group in /etc/group | 12:26 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: for the linux one sda7 choose 8300 and for swap 8200 | 12:26 |
=== ejbs__ is now known as ejbs_ | ||
ikevin | squig, by default, sudo is configured to allow access to user in admin group, if admin group don't exist, you can create it | 12:27 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: all done | 12:27 |
squig | ikevin: great | 12:27 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: write it and quit | 12:27 |
ikevin | squig, you can use group sudo to | 12:28 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: if it doesn't work when you reboot, try to boot the live usb in uefi mode so we can check the uefi list and maybe reinstall grub | 12:28 |
ikevin | # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges // # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command | 12:28 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: how do i boot it in uefi mode? | 12:28 |
EriC^^ | carpediembaby: depends on your laptop, in hp i just choose uefi in the bios and press f9 when booting | 12:29 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Taggnostr, inxi -Fxxrzc0 | pastebinit Provide link - So We can see what hardware you are working with | 12:29 |
carpediembaby | EriC^^: ok, I'll try to boot in uefi mode. this is a thinkpad x260 | 12:30 |
carpediembaby | i'll be back ! | 12:30 |
Taggnostr | Jack_Sparrow__: https://pastebin.com/4ztJjAC4 | 12:35 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, not sure , but it looks like your amdgpu driver is not loaded | 12:50 |
BluesKaj | gallium is the default driver used before the proprietary is installed | 12:51 |
Taggnostr | BluesKaj, how can I check which one is loaded? | 12:52 |
Ninetou | Anyone has any idea how to fix messed up Screen output? Heres what happens when I try to fire up top in screen https://cl.ly/132i0N3P151j/Screen%20Recording%202017-05-11%20at%2001.44%20pm.gif | 12:52 |
Southern_Gentlem | Ninetou, looks like the refresh rate is off on the display | 12:53 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, try sudo modprobe xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu , if there's no output then the driver is loaded | 12:54 |
Taggnostr | BluesKaj, fwiw in the driver manager I don't get any list of drivers | 12:54 |
Taggnostr | modprobe: FATAL: Module xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu not found in directory /lib/modules/4.10.0-20-generic | 12:54 |
carpediembaby | I am back. No luck with booting in to the system. I get the same problem screen of recovery. | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu | 12:55 |
Taggnostr | xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu is already the newest version (1.3.0-0ubuntu1). | 12:56 |
Taggnostr | should I try to purge it and reinstall it? | 12:56 |
ioria | Taggnostr, what driver is in use ? lspci -k | grep VGA -A 2 | 12:56 |
Taggnostr | Kernel driver in use: radeon | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | you could , but something seems to be blocking it | 12:57 |
Taggnostr | fwiw in /lib/modules I have 3.5.0, 4.8.0, and 4.10.0 | 12:57 |
ioria | Taggnostr, 3.5 ? | 12:58 |
Ninetou | Southern_Gentlem Its a TTY session so I don't think it has anythign to do with refresh rate. I don't see that issue when I tested it with a commercial TTY emulator but of course I don't feel like paying 50Euro just to be able to see Top properly | 12:58 |
bocard | hi guys, i have some problems with my dpi. I installed i3 and i3 seems to work fine (i can change the font so its size is good so I can read it) but the dpi for every other application is wrong..everything is tiny. I have a hidpi screen on my laptop. I have been googling like crazy and trying stuff but nothing worked. | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, run ioria 's suggestion | 12:58 |
bocard | would appreciate any help I can get.. | 12:58 |
ioria | Taggnostr, 3.5 it's not a stock ubuntu kernel | 12:58 |
Taggnostr | ioria, $ ls /lib/modules/ --> 3.5.0-27-generic/ 4.10.0-20-generic/ 4.8.0-49-generic/ | 12:59 |
ioria | Taggnostr, i don't know where you got that kernel from .... dmesg | grep Kernel | pastebinit | 12:59 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, now run, lspci -k | grep VGA -A 2 | 12:59 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | 32 bit? | 12:59 |
Taggnostr | yes, 32bit | 13:00 |
Taggnostr | 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Trinity [Radeon HD 7660D] | 13:00 |
Taggnostr | Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Trinity [Radeon HD 7660D] | 13:00 |
Taggnostr | Kernel driver in use: radeon | 13:00 |
ioria | Taggnostr, dmesg | grep Kernel | pastebinit | 13:00 |
carpediembaby | ikevin: any suggestions? | 13:01 |
Taggnostr | (actually I wanted to switch to 64bit, so if it helps I might bite the bullet and do it) | 13:01 |
Taggnostr | ioria, [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.10.0-20-generic root=UUID=c66de96f-2503-4447-b05a-78cc2c26f143 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7 | 13:01 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, 64 bit is highly recommended nowadays | 13:01 |
ioria | Taggnostr, it's ok .... why 32 bit ? what's your cpu ? | 13:01 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | 64bit should work out better | 13:01 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Taggnostr, Sorry Im lagging this am, late night in hospital with friend | 13:02 |
Taggnostr | I installed 32bit several versions ago and didn't want to format to get 64bit, so I got stuck with 32bit | 13:02 |
Taggnostr | Jack_Sparrow__, no problem | 13:02 |
ioria | Taggnostr, grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | 13:03 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | You have good help around, but make the ove to 64 | 13:03 |
Taggnostr | I'm not even 100% how would I go to switch to 64, just start installing it and tell it to format / (while leaving /home untouched?) | 13:03 |
Taggnostr | ioria, model name : AMD A10-5800K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics | 13:04 |
ioria | Taggnostr, 32 bit on that cpu ? | 13:04 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | running KDE plasma | 13:05 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Taggnostr, try 64bit live 18.1 | 13:06 |
Taggnostr | 18.1? | 13:07 |
cfhowlett | there is no ubuntu 18.1 | 13:07 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Sorry, Mint is on 18.1 | 13:08 |
ioria | Taggnostr, what's your issue ? desktop freezes ? | 13:08 |
cfhowlett | and mint is completely offtopic and unsupported in this channel, Jack_Sparrow__ | 13:08 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Taggnostr, newest Ubuntu | 13:08 |
Taggnostr | ioria, yes | 13:08 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | cfhowlett, Thanks for the reminder, | 13:08 |
ioria | Taggnostr, with kde ? | 13:08 |
Taggnostr | ioria, yes, it's a kubuntu 17.04 | 13:09 |
ioria | Taggnostr, your card is supported by radeon ... | 13:09 |
Taggnostr | I can try to switch to 64 bit, so I just get a live for kubuntu 17.04 64bit, the install it on / and leave the other partitions (like /home) untouched? anything else I should be aware of? | 13:10 |
ioria | Taggnostr, i suppose it's not a fresh install... but you upgraded manually your system ? | 13:11 |
Taggnostr | ioria I upgraded a few times using do-release-upgrade over the past few years | 13:11 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, when installing make sure you set the mountpoint for your /home partition so the whole OS including the home dir isn't installesd on / | 13:12 |
ioria | Taggnostr, can you boot the yakkety kernel (4.8) and test ? | 13:12 |
Taggnostr | ioria, test that it doesn't freeze? | 13:13 |
ioria | Taggnostr, yes | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | good suggetion | 13:14 |
Taggnostr | ioria, I could, but sometimes it goes for a few days without freezing | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | ioria, try it anyway , it might the solution to needing a reinstall | 13:15 |
ioria | Taggnostr, so it's not related to video graphic ... maybe another piece of hw | 13:15 |
BluesKaj | oops ioria sorry I meant Taggnostr :-) | 13:15 |
Taggnostr | ioria, there are other symptoms too: before the last freeze windows borders disappeared, and I had pieces of windows I closed around, also chromium is really laggy even with plenty of free ram/cpu | 13:16 |
ioria | Taggnostr, how much ram do you have ? | 13:17 |
Taggnostr | once everything froze but I could still move the cursor (couldn't click on anything), another time I couldn't kill firefox (not even with kill -9) | 13:17 |
Taggnostr | ioria, 16 (8x2), recently upgraded from 8 | 13:17 |
Taggnostr | (recently == a few months ago, the problems seem more recent) | 13:18 |
ioria | Taggnostr, usually we suggest to check dmesg and /var/log/syslog ... you can also try another DE for testing | 13:19 |
ioria | Taggnostr, but if it's an old system also a fresh install might help | 13:21 |
Taggnostr | ioria, I don't mind trying to install 64bit, since it was already on my todo list -- I could try that and see if it helps | 13:21 |
ioria | Taggnostr, with 16 ram, i'd say 'yes' | 13:21 |
hateball | 32-bit is being Dodo'd | 13:22 |
hateball | Abandon ship! | 13:22 |
ioria | lol | 13:22 |
irth | ubuntu deprecates 32bit too? | 13:23 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | 32 bit running KDE Plasma... | 13:23 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/06/ubuntu-drop-32-bit-desktop-iso-image-installer | 13:24 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Google.. 32 bit linux dead and you will see lots of hits | 13:25 |
ioria | true | 13:25 |
Taggnostr | I've been stuck with 32 for a few years, since the only way to switch afaik is formatting and reinstalling from scratch | 13:25 |
ioria | Taggnostr, in theory, you can , with livecd, create a new partition and move /home to it, reinstall with 'Something else' and remount your /home | 13:26 |
Taggnostr | ioria, since /home is a separate partition I should be able to install the 64bit OS on /, deleting the 32bit one in the process, and keeping my home, right? | 13:28 |
ioria | Taggnostr, yes.... | 13:29 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | yes | 13:29 |
ioria | Taggnostr, maybe you'll need to remove ~/.config | 13:29 |
Taggnostr | I'm doing some research while it downloads the iso :) | 13:30 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | I switched from mounting /home on a partition to mounting /home/MyUser/Desktop to a partition | 13:31 |
hateball | ... why? | 13:32 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | The hidden files in /home/user, I can do a format and reinstall in 15 minutes and one short script to bring in my changes. | 13:33 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | If a file is on my Desktop I know it is safe from overwriting | 13:33 |
carpediembaby | I finally decided to try to repair boot by using boot-repair. This enables booting into ubuntu but there are many weird options in the boot order that were not there before. Also, I am not able to boot into windows and I keep getting an error screen to repair the installation | 13:34 |
slavanap | Hello. How can I check system free memory amount and available memory for specific process (considering cgroups limitations)? | 13:35 |
mikeymop | anyone here use an irc bouncer? | 13:37 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | mikeymop | 13:37 |
ubottu | mikeymop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 13:37 |
PaowZ_ | hi there ! I'm experiencing low transfer rate with my USB3 external drive.. where do I have to look up, to get started ? | 13:40 |
PaowZ_ | Linux vince-server 4.4.0-66-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:29:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 13:40 |
=== below is now known as above | ||
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: tail -f /var/log/syslog to check usefull errors while plugging your external drive, wich ubuntu version are you on? | 13:43 |
PaowZ_ | lotuspsychje: LTS 16.04 | 13:45 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: desktop? server? updated system to .2? | 13:46 |
PaowZ_ | desktop, not updated, I guess | 13:46 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: update your system asap mate, new kernels are out | 13:47 |
PaowZ_ | ok.. what version am I suppose to get at the end ? | 13:47 |
lotuspsychje | !info linux-image-generic xenial | 13:47 |
ubottu | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB | 13:47 |
PaowZ_ | I'm close to this version.. Linux vince-server 4.4.0-66-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:29:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 13:48 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: just out of curiosity, where did you download the .iso from to install? | 13:49 |
pos | Do apport and whoopsie phone home with "telemetry"/crash data by default on xenial server? | 13:49 |
PaowZ_ | lotuspsychje: well.. don't remember, but I guess it was a known repository mentioned by Ubuntu community.. ? | 13:50 |
lotuspsychje | pos: the #ubuntu-server guys might know that | 13:50 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: always recommended to get latest .iso on ubuntu.com | 13:50 |
PaowZ_ | ..a regular direct link.. not a nightly build or something.. | 13:50 |
pos | Do apport and whoopsie phone home with "telemetry"/crash data by default on xenial desktop? | 13:51 |
mkollaro | hi, is there some way to download the source code for the *exact* version number that I'm using now? If I use "apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)", it actually downloads a newer version, and I haven't been able to find my version in the tags of the ubuntu git repo | 13:51 |
PaowZ_ | lotuspsychje: actually, this is a desktop version I named 'server'.. this is not a headless version without window manager. | 13:51 |
mkollaro | i.e. I have 4.10.0-19-generic and I think the closest I found is 4.10.0-19-22 | 13:51 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: yeah, you already said your on desktop | 13:51 |
mkollaro | I'm trying to write a script that would patch a single module and it won't load if the versions don't match | 13:52 |
PaowZ_ | so, what do I have to go into #ubuntu-server ? | 13:52 |
PaowZ_ | sorry, I'm mistaken of nicknames | 13:52 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | PaowZ_, right click what you just wrote | 13:53 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | and join | 13:53 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: try a sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 13:53 |
PaowZ_ | ok.. | 13:54 |
lotuspsychje | PaowZ_: if the 16.04.2 update doesnt fix your usb3 speed, come back to us ok | 13:54 |
PaowZ_ | ok, lotuspsychje, thanks ;) | 13:55 |
TBotNik | All: I upgrade to MySQL 5.7 on both my server and laptop and now I always get the error then abort, when attempting any other install, "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! mysql-apt-config". I have no idea, at this point what to look for to clear this, so I can install further. Please help! | 14:00 |
tiny | Hi. How do I make service run at specific ionice/nice parameters? | 14:00 |
imbezol | running 17.04 with plasma. i'm getting a notification popup saying i have updates to be applied. it pops up every couple minutes. any idea how to stop it? | 14:01 |
webley | imbezol: but are there updates to be applied? | 14:01 |
webley | it isn't mac osx, so why not install them? :D | 14:01 |
imbezol | webley: there are always updates to be applied. i'd like to apply them at my convenience | 14:02 |
geirha | TBotNik: Start with figuring out where the package comes from: apt-cache policy mysql-apt-config | 14:06 |
TBotNik | geirha: Do I post results here or in PB? | 14:08 |
geirha | !paste | 14:09 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:09 |
schahermacher | can i make a dynamic wallpaper gallery somehow? | 14:16 |
TBotNik | geirha: PB at: pastebin.com/4GMKakFz | 14:16 |
geirha | TBotNik: Hm. Haven't seen that type of error before. Looks like the package lists from mysql's ubuntu repo is broken. Does ''sudo apt-get update'' change anything? | 14:17 |
TBotNik | geirha: No | 14:18 |
TBotNik | geirha: Even apt-get install -fix doesn't change anything! | 14:18 |
geirha | could you pastebin this? grep ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} | 14:19 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | or inxi -Fxxrzc0 | pastebinit Provide link - So We can see what hardware you are working with | 14:20 |
daverGS | Hey everyone, I have an external monitor where the actual window area (according to compiz) is on my laptop screen (fullscreen moves it, no window drag to edge sizing) | 14:20 |
daverGS | Does anyone have a sec to help me figure out the proper CompizConfig output strings? | 14:20 |
TBotNik | geirha: Updated the PB with the grep added! | 14:21 |
jacobian | OK, I'm still totally mystified about how to set the mysql root password. None of the approaches that used to work seem to work anymore. | 14:24 |
TBotNik | jacobian: Which MySQL version? | 14:25 |
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TBotNik | geirha: See anything in that grep output that appears it might be where we need to look? | 14:27 |
ducasse | TBotNik: you are using the mysql repos, not ubuntu. those are unsupported here, use the ubuntu repos or talk to the mysql people. | 14:28 |
TBotNik | ducasse: Yes I know, I have software that demands 5.7, which has yet to be supported here. | 14:29 |
nacc | TBotNik: mysql 5.7? | 14:29 |
nacc | TBotNik: that's what's in 16.04 and on | 14:30 |
ducasse | TBotNik: then upgrade to an ubuntu version that has a later mysql. | 14:30 |
TBotNik | geirha: If I delet the source.list line: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list:deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/ trusty mysql-apt-config | 14:30 |
TBotNik | and the other 5.7 lines do you think this will clear? | 14:30 |
jacobian | <TBotNik> jacobian: Which MySQL version? | 14:30 |
jacobian | 5.7 | 14:30 |
TBotNik | ducasse: 16.04 is still not stable and will not be until Oct this year, so company will not allow system upgrade till then. We can only use LTS version that are a min of 18 months mature. | 14:32 |
nacc | TBotNik: sounds like ... corporate policies getting in the way of software policies | 14:32 |
nacc | TBotNik: which is again, not an Ubuntu issue :) | 14:33 |
tgm4883 | TBotNik: wait, your company rules are to not use an LTS until it's been released 18 months, but you're totally ok with adding third party repos for software? O_o | 14:33 |
TBotNik | jacobian: 5.7 is a whole new animal, I'm just getting started on it. | 14:33 |
jacobian | I'm frustrated that I can't seem to change the flipping password as I really need to, I've tried init scripts, starting manually, using dpkg-reconfigure... | 14:34 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: that does seem frustrating. Have you asked the people that actually packaged that software or the others of the other repo? | 14:35 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: I ask specifically because the dpkg-reconfigure option requires the use of certain things in the postinst scripts and since you're not using the ubuntu packages who knows if whoever packaged your software included those things | 14:37 |
TBotNik | geirha: Commenting out all the active lines in file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list fixed the issue. Evidently the mysql 5.7 repos are not in "trusty" but in the repo libs for 16.04, which has another name. Will have to find that to properly add these back to the repo list. Thanks! and cheers! | 14:39 |
jacobian | tgm4883, it should just be the standard ubuntu package | 14:42 |
jacobian | mysql-server-5.7_5.7.11-0ubuntu6_amd64.deb | 14:43 |
nacc | there have been security updates to mysql-server since that version | 14:43 |
nacc | !info mysql-server xenial | 14:44 |
ubottu | mysql-server (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 10 kB, installed size 180 kB | 14:44 |
nacc | jacobian: --^ | 14:44 |
tgm4883 | nacc: he's on trusty | 14:44 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: where did you get that package from? | 14:44 |
nacc | that is the xenial release version | 14:45 |
nacc | so pebkac? | 14:45 |
jacobian | Just using the repository I believe | 14:45 |
nacc | jacobian: "the repository"? trusty or mysql's | 14:46 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: what's the output of 'lsb_release -r' | 14:46 |
jacobian | 16.04 | 14:46 |
nacc | tgm4883: there were two users having mysql issues, i thought? | 14:46 |
nacc | jacobian: you have disabled security updates or something? | 14:47 |
jacobian | I'll check | 14:47 |
nacc | and i apologize, i lost connectivity for a bit -- what is the actual bug? | 14:47 |
tgm4883 | nacc: ah, so there was. I blended them together | 14:47 |
nacc | jacobian: and `apt policy mysql-server` in a pastebin | 14:47 |
TBotNik | nacc: Fixed mine already! Thanks! | 14:47 |
nacc | TBotNik: ok :) | 14:47 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: sorry, I mixed you up with TBotNik. | 14:48 |
tgm4883 | nacc: jacobian> I'm frustrated that I can't seem to change the flipping password as I really need to, I've tried init scripts, starting manually, using dpkg-reconfigure... | 14:48 |
jacobian | https://pastebin.com/C5Kc27dy | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | jacobian: 16.04 or 16.04.2? | 14:49 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: do you get any errors when using the dpkg-reconfigure method? (And what's the command you're running to do that method) | 14:49 |
nacc | jacobian: so ... not the version you said earlier | 14:49 |
jacobian | https://pastebin.com/QvvJSyRx | 14:51 |
tgm4883 | jacobian: that's all the messages you get? Is this a standard ubuntu server install or a VPS or some embedded device? | 14:52 |
jacobian | standard ubuntu install | 14:52 |
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Emil | Hi | 14:56 |
daverGS | Anyone here able to help me configure an external display on a laptop? | 14:56 |
Emil | How can I set a system wide environment variable that is cleared on reboot? | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | !details | daverGS | 14:57 |
ubottu | daverGS: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 14:57 |
daverGS | Currently running 16.04 on a laptop with hybrid graphics (GTX 1060/Intel HD630), I'm using just nvidia-prime to handle graphics switching, and I'm currently in Nvidia mode. When I plug in an external monitor, I get the desktop stretched across both screens, rather than having two distinct screens recognized | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | daverGS: did you try mirror the screens in screen options? | 14:59 |
daverGS | Screen mirroring displays as it should | 15:02 |
daverGS | But I'm after a extended desktop across 2 screens setup | 15:02 |
daverGS | BUt I want to use the window management grid to get top-left/bottom-right sizing | 15:02 |
daverGS | Here's the ideal screen display configuration: http://i.imgur.com/7CanPRD.png | 15:05 |
daverGS | The issue seems to lie in them being recognized as two distinct screens, nvidia-settings only displays a single X Screen 0 | 15:05 |
skinux | How do I find the device name of a portable DVD drive? | 15:10 |
ducasse | skinux: try lsblk | 15:10 |
ducasse | should be listed with type 'rom' | 15:11 |
mikeymop | i have seen usb disk drives appear as /dev/srx | 15:13 |
mikeymop | so if you see multiple rom entries in lsblk it is probably the srx record | 15:14 |
pingwindyktator | hello. How can I run multiple perl substitution in single command? | 15:18 |
newbsie | Noob question, but how the heck do I format a storage drive to smb/cifs? | 15:20 |
nacc | newbsie: smb is not a filesystem | 15:20 |
nacc | newbsie: nor is cifs, aiui, they are both network filesystem protocols | 15:21 |
nacc | newbsie: so you share them via the appropriate technology | 15:21 |
newbsie | nacc: That explains why I cannot find any information on how to do it. I'm trying to connect an external storage drive to Nextcloud. What file systems does Ubuntu support? Can I use NTFS? | 15:22 |
kunji | newbsie: You could indeed | 15:24 |
nacc | newbsie: i believe you can, but i'm not sure why you would if it's only attached to ubuntu | 15:24 |
newbsie | nacc: Actually, the drive is attached to Ubuntu Core for Nextcloud, but I want the flexibility of just unplugging it and plugging it into a Windows machine. | 15:25 |
jerichowasahoax | newbsie: You *can* use NTFS, but unless you need Windows support, you really shouldn't. | 15:25 |
nacc | newbsie: ah for core, you may want to ask in #snappy, as well | 15:25 |
kunji | newbsie: It is it only going to be used with Ubuntu/other Linux then I would prefer to use a journaled filesystem, e.g. EXT4 If it will be accessed from a Windows box then NTFS is probably my choice. | 15:25 |
nacc | newbsie: as how nextcloud works in core is different than normal ubuntu | 15:25 |
newbsie | nacc: In what way? | 15:26 |
jerichowasahoax | newbsie: if/when you format a drive that doesn't need windows support, i personally like btrfs and xfs these days | 15:26 |
h82or8 | upgraded from 16.04 > 16.10 > 17.04 and somewhere along the way, nm-applet disappeared and not won't run with the error: nm-applet: /usr/local/lib/libnm.so.0: version `libnm_1_4_0' not found (required by nm-applet) | 15:26 |
kunji | jerichowasahoax: Well... consider me conservative in my filesystems :P | 15:26 |
newbsie | jerichowasahoax: why btrfs or xfs? | 15:26 |
jerichowasahoax | kunji: nothing wrong with ext4 | 15:26 |
nacc | newbsie: you are using a snap not the .deb based distribution | 15:27 |
jerichowasahoax | newbsie: btrfs has support for things like subvolumes and snapshots and all kinds of neato filesystem management tools | 15:27 |
nacc | newbsie: so the only person that can support your is the snap author | 15:27 |
newbsie | Maybe one day MS will support those file formats? They have been cozy with Ubuntu and I love it. | 15:27 |
kunji | newbsie: btfrs has lots of cool features | 15:27 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: did you try to restart network-manager ? | 15:27 |
nacc | newbsie: MS will likely never support linux fs | 15:27 |
jerichowasahoax | newbsie: xfs is merely less common than btrfs on a linux system and confuses people trying to brute force my LUKS | 15:27 |
nacc | newbsie: GPL virality | 15:27 |
newbsie | nacc: So it is a legal issue? | 15:28 |
jerichowasahoax | newbsie: yes | 15:28 |
nacc | newbsie: i'm saying MS' perspective is that it is | 15:28 |
jerichowasahoax | newbsie: it doesn't have to be, but MS doesn't want to opensource their entire operating system | 15:28 |
nacc | newbsie: but further discussion is offtopic :) | 15:29 |
akik | newbsie: there are 3rd party apps that enable ext3/4 on windows | 15:29 |
kunji | Huh, I never checked the licensing, they're all GNU licensed? Not MIT or anything? | 15:29 |
kunji | Sorries :P | 15:30 |
newbsie | kunji: then maybe I will just try one of those since ext4 is well tested for Nextcloud. | 15:30 |
newbsie | How does Ubuntu/Linux deal with file permissions when a drive is mounted elsewhere? Is the data encrypted by default for the permissions? | 15:31 |
kunji | newbsie: You won't have that flexibility you were looking for then, just keep that in mind: "flexibility of just unplugging it and plugging it into a Windows machine." | 15:31 |
newbsie | kunji: but I can mount it with a 3rd party app on Windows right? | 15:31 |
kunji | newbsie: Hmm, I don't know of any, but maybe there one ? | 15:32 |
newbsie | kunji: My concern is that Nextcloud somehow fails (maybe hardware or software) and I no longer have access to my files, because along with it went the entire configuration needed to get Nextcloud restored | 15:32 |
akik | newbsie: ext2fsd and fs-driver | 15:33 |
jerichowasahoax | akik: last i checked those only had read-only support for ext4 | 15:33 |
SuperLag | Is it possible to install Gnome on 16.04.2 without hosing everything? | 15:33 |
akik | jerichowasahoax: i haven't tested in a while either | 15:33 |
akik | but ext3 write support is there | 15:34 |
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h82or8 | lotuspsychje - yup | 15:34 |
nacc | SuperLag: `sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop` iirc, but not sure what you mean by 'hosing everything' | 15:35 |
newbsie | So back to the ext4, if I yanked the drive, and mounted it to a different machine running Ubuntu. How does the file permissions work now without information about those accounts? | 15:35 |
h82or8 | lotuspsychje - multiple reboots too. also uninstalled and reinstalled | 15:35 |
nacc | newbsie: a fs permission doesn't know about existing or non-existing users | 15:36 |
akik | newbsie: it works by using the numeric ids | 15:36 |
SuperLag | nacc: since Unity is still the default | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: did you add ppa's of any kind or so? | 15:36 |
nacc | newbsie: it knows about the UIDs on the system it was created on | 15:36 |
nacc | SuperLag: right but gnome is also supported | 15:36 |
newbsie | So can I access those files as a different user? | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: can you hastebin us the output of sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ? | 15:36 |
nacc | newbsie: depends on the permissions | 15:37 |
newbsie | nacc: so if permission is set to owner only, then I must make a user account with the same user id and login as them? | 15:38 |
nacc | newbsie: yes, if the permission is set to owner only, you have to be the owner to use the file... or a user equivalent to the owner | 15:39 |
newbsie | nacc: when you say equivalent, you mean the userid must be the same? | 15:39 |
nacc | newbsie: i believe so. But for shared storage that is mean to be used in 'any' computer, i don't think owner-only permissions make sense | 15:40 |
akik | newbsie: in best situation, your systems share the uids and gids | 15:40 |
akik | newbsie: if you run into problems with the files, running chown on them is fast | 15:41 |
h82or8 | lotuspsychje: google, vbox, opera, slack, vivaldi | 15:41 |
newbsie | Alright, to nacc, akik, kuji, jerichowasahoax and anyone I forgot, in random order, a big thank you for help me! :) | 15:42 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: your system probably resulted in a dependecy hell, and we dont support ppa's | 15:43 |
lotuspsychje | !ppapurge | h82or8 | 15:43 |
ubottu | h82or8: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 15:43 |
mikeymop | lotuspsychje: thats still suggested? How does that differ from apt purge x? | 15:44 |
nacc | mikeymop: apt purge removes a package, ppa-purge removes an entire ppa and all its packages | 15:44 |
h82or8 | lotuspsychje: https://hastebin.com/igoqusuwok.sql | 15:44 |
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ducasse | h82or8: ubuntu-packaged network manager should not be using libs from /usr/local, something is weird there | 15:45 |
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h82or8 | ducasse: ok. maybe a compiled app conflict? | 15:46 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: did you compile stuff? | 15:48 |
h82or8 | lotuspsychje: not since i've upgraded, but plenty prior | 15:48 |
daverGS | lotuspsychje: any ideas how to sort out the external display issues? | 15:49 |
ducasse | h82or8: you have repos for precise and trusty on zesty - a ton of ppas. this is pretty unsupported... | 15:49 |
repozitor | i have a process in ubuntu which isn't call any syscall. i want to run this process on one core statically with no non-voluntry context switch(or voluntry context switch). | 15:49 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: perhaps try to un-scramble your system by ppapurge your ppa's and purge other manually added/compiled packages ? | 15:49 |
repozitor | in other mean, i need to dedicate one core to this process. | 15:50 |
lotuspsychje | daverGS: not sure whats going on mate, what you need should be able to setup in monitor settings easy.. | 15:50 |
repozitor | any idea? | 15:50 |
lotuspsychje | daverGS: sure your graphics driver is installed correctly? sudo lshw -C video ? | 15:50 |
h82or8 | ducasse & lotuspsychje: ok, i'll do a ppa purge and then purge and reinstall the network manger stuff and see what that gets me | 15:51 |
lotuspsychje | daverGS: enabled performance mode from nvidia-settings? | 15:51 |
daverGS | lotuspsychje: both intel and nvidia graphics drivers are recognized, i'll try performance mode now | 15:51 |
ducasse | h82or8: also get rid of the stuff in /usr/local/lib, that's what's causing this | 15:52 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: okay try all suggests and sudo apt update after | 15:52 |
repozitor | nobody can answer me? | 15:53 |
lotuspsychje | !patience | repozitor | 15:53 |
ubottu | repozitor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 15:53 |
lotuspsychje | repozitor: best way to get your issue solved, is to re-ask once in a while to the channel..other volunteers might know it | 15:53 |
scottjl | !taskset | repozitor | 15:54 |
nacc | repozitor: haven't we talked about this before? | 15:54 |
scottjl | repozitor: man taskset | 15:54 |
nacc | scottjl: that, on its own, won't prevent kernel preemption | 15:54 |
daverGS | lotuspsychje: with nvidia-settings in performance mode, it still has the stretching issue. X Server is only recognizing one screen, rather than two screens. Is there an X server configuration I can run to have it properly recognize both screens? | 15:55 |
tgm4883 | repozitor: man taskset | 15:55 |
scottjl | no. but it's a start for him | 15:55 |
nacc | scottjl: iirc, repozitor wants ubuntu to be hard RT | 15:55 |
repozitor | i know what is taskset, but after using taskset i saw /proc/$$/ . and i see my process suffer prom context sdwitch | 15:55 |
lotuspsychje | daverGS: try xrandr --auto ? | 15:55 |
lotuspsychje | !xrandr | daverGS | 15:55 |
ubottu | daverGS: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 15:55 |
scottjl | i didn't know he had been here asking before either. shrug. | 15:55 |
nacc | scottjl: understood, i just have already explained the reason they can't get what they want in stock ubuntu | 15:55 |
nacc | scottjl: np | 15:56 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !home | 15:56 |
ubottu | Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 15:56 |
repozitor | nacc, i don't need Hard RT, | 15:56 |
repozitor | actually i need to exclude one process from scheduling/context switching. | 15:56 |
nacc | repozitor: isolcpus then | 15:56 |
nacc | repozitor: which i told you before | 15:56 |
repozitor | nacc, actually isolcpu can't do that. | 15:57 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !raid | 15:58 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 15:58 |
nacc | repozitor: can't do what? | 15:58 |
lotuspsychje | !msgthebot > Jack_Sparrow__ | 15:59 |
ubottu | Jack_Sparrow__, please see my private message | 15:59 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | sorry | 15:59 |
nacc | repozitor: you isolcpus one cpu and then taskset your process onto it | 15:59 |
repozitor | isolcpus and taskset can't prevent my process from context switching, i still can see ct-switch grows in /proc/$$/status. | 15:59 |
nacc | repozitor: what is the value of $$? | 16:00 |
nacc | repozitor: as in, are you sure you're looking at the right pid? | 16:00 |
repozitor | nacc, my special process id. for example 1242 | 16:00 |
nacc | repozitor: and do you see that it's actually bound to the one cpu? | 16:00 |
repozitor | yes, i'm sure. | 16:01 |
repozitor | nacc, quiet sure, let check again, it takes about 30min. would you please wait for me? | 16:01 |
nacc | repozitor: ok | 16:02 |
h82or8 | ducasse & lotuspsychje: before i started anything, i decided to rename the /usr/local/lib path to lib.bak... nm-applet runs. now i'll clean up my mess | 16:03 |
nacc | repozitor: also, ct-swtich is not a field in status is it? it's either of {,non}voluntary_ctxt_switches -- which one is growing? | 16:03 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | ducasse /usr trick worked | 16:04 |
ubottu | ducasse /usr trick worked: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 16:04 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: :) | 16:04 |
nacc | repozitor: simplest is to pastebin `cat /proc/<pid>/status` a few ties | 16:05 |
nacc | *ties | 16:05 |
nacc | times :) | 16:05 |
ducasse | h82or8: be aware that renaming that might have broken some of your self-compiled stuff | 16:06 |
h82or8 | ducasse: temp fix. also, nothing in that path is newer and 2016 so i'm hoping nothing is broke but i'm still cleaning up | 16:07 |
h82or8 | *and = than | 16:07 |
lotuspsychje | h82or8: try to use packages from the official repos in the future, for less problems :p | 16:08 |
amikrop | Hi, I have Ubuntu 16.04 Unity. On desktop, right click -> Keep Aligned works only horizontally, right? isn't is supposed to be wroking verticaally too? | 16:09 |
amikrop | I mean, its like the "grid" exists only horizontally, vertically there are no constraints | 16:09 |
ducasse | h82or8: i'm still a little curious why you had a self-built libnm... *shrug*, nvm. | 16:10 |
h82or8 | ducasse: there's a 2015 build of NetworkManager in there | 16:10 |
amikrop | if i move an icon horizontally i can move it to distinct places only, but vertically, the movement can be arbitrarily small | 16:10 |
amikrop | which I don't want | 16:11 |
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ducasse | h82or8: aha, that makes sense. if you need to build stuff that ubuntu provides packages for, build packages yourself and install those instead. | 16:11 |
amikrop | https://superuser.com/questions/220559/vertical-alignment-for-desktop-icons-in-ubuntu seems like this is the way it wtill works... i think its a bad idea, "keep aligned" should keep them aligned both horizontally and veritcally. not just horizontally (as it does now) | 16:15 |
amikrop | still works* | 16:16 |
SpeedrunnerG55 | hi, my monitors are in the wront positions every time i log in, even tho is there a way i can make the change perminant. also they are in the correct position in the login screen incidently, i am using ubuntu 16.04.1 | 16:26 |
lotuspsychje | SpeedrunnerG55: first update your system to .2 | 16:29 |
SpeedrunnerG55 | how do it do that? | 16:29 |
lotuspsychje | SpeedrunnerG55: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 16:29 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: it would be to clarify what SpeedrunnerG55 meant by 16.04.1 | 16:31 |
ducasse | .01 just means he hasn't got the hwe stack, right? | 16:31 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: as 16.04.1 is still supported, etc., and they might just mean the kernel/X | 16:31 |
nacc | ducasse: right | 16:31 |
lotuspsychje | okay | 16:32 |
SpeedrunnerG55 | ok, what should i do next? | 16:33 |
ducasse | SpeedrunnerG55: one way to accomplish this is with arandr. use it to set up the screens how you want them, then let it save that config as a script and run the script on login. | 16:36 |
SpeedrunnerG55 | do i just clock the check box? | 16:39 |
SpeedrunnerG55 | click* | 16:39 |
ducasse | which check box? | 16:40 |
SpeedrunnerG55 | the green one | 16:40 |
ducasse | that applies the config, it does not save it or run it on startup. | 16:42 |
ducasse | to run it on startup, add the script you save to startup applications or run it from ~/.xsessionrc | 16:44 |
develu | Hey, guys. I would like to know, what is the best/you prefered software for backing up ubuntu server and desktop? | 16:45 |
ducasse | develu: depends on your requirements. many use rsync or something that uses it as a backend. | 16:46 |
oerheks | deja dup, standard installed, rsync/grsync or clonezilla for whole partitions | 16:47 |
develu | The main thing i need is that it would save permissions, since back in time is a big dissapointment | 16:47 |
ducasse | develu: backintime can save permissions, pretty sure it does so by default | 16:48 |
develu | It does, but in my case it didn't recover them 2 times in a row -.- :D | 16:49 |
schahermacher | how to configure remote desktop access over the internet? | 16:49 |
ceramic_mug | schahermacher: use nat on ur router. look it up | 16:50 |
schahermacher | ok sir thank you | 16:50 |
ducasse | schahermacher: what you want is most likely port forwarding | 16:51 |
ceramic_mug | ducasse: he's in the wrong channel anyways | 16:52 |
schahermacher | any clear docu on that that you know ducasse? | 16:52 |
parapan | can I get some help with lsof command please ? I am trying to determine if the file error.log.10 of apache2 is in use by some process . . . | 16:52 |
ceramic_mug | schahermacher: it will be specific to you router | 16:53 |
dave0x6d | schahermacher: If you have IPv6, no need for port forwarding. | 16:53 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !remote | Jack_Sparrow__ | 16:53 |
schahermacher | tplink c50 ceramic_mug | 16:53 |
ducasse | schahermacher: try ##networking, it's not really an ubuntu issue | 16:53 |
ceramic_mug | ducasse: is right try networking channel | 16:54 |
schahermacher | alright, thank you | 16:54 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: what are you trying to do? | 16:54 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !find libre | Jack_Sparrow__ | 16:56 |
ubottu | Jack_Sparrow__: Found: djvulibre-dbg, libdjvulibre-dev, libdjvulibre-text, libdjvulibre21, liblibreofficekitgtk, libreadline-dev, libreadline-gplv2-dev, libreadline5, libreadline5-dbg, libreadline7 (and 345 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libre&searchon=names&suite=zesty§ion=all | 16:56 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: I have several files in apache2 folder ..from error.log to error.log.13.gz; 2 files seems to be active error.log and error.log.1 - that second file is 60 Gb in size and slowing down/blocking my server ... | 16:56 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: if there is nothing important on either of them, i would delete them | 16:57 |
develu | You should delete old log files.. | 16:57 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: they are really only good for diagnosing problems in apache | 16:58 |
develu | if they are 90 gb, you should check them for something iportant | 16:58 |
develu | but new logs are good for diagnose | 16:58 |
akik | Jack_Sparrow__: you can search packages at packages.ubuntu.com | 16:58 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | I am there now | 16:59 |
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=== say is now known as sweetheart | ||
parapan | ceramic_mug: are you still here ? | 17:02 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: yes you timed out | 17:02 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: I lost my connection | 17:03 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: you sent some answer ? I haven't seen any ... | 17:03 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: if you find anything interesting, send me a link to the pastebin | 17:03 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: other than that I would just delete them | 17:04 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: or unload the old logs onto an old hard drive if you are worried about losing something | 17:04 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: I lost some lines ..let's start over .....lsof /var/log/apache2/error.log gives me some input ....if changing to error.log.1 it returns nothing | 17:05 |
Linuxmeister | Ello | 17:05 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: that means error.log.1 is not in use correct ? | 17:06 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: yes i believe so | 17:06 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: are you there? | 17:06 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Yeah .. I be here . awaiting status on graphic's driver . | 17:06 |
Linuxmeister | Sorry bout yesterday couldn't finish it off had to go somewhere in a hurry | 17:07 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: No biggy .. as I too had other issues to deal with outside. | 17:07 |
Linuxmeister | Ah alrighty then | 17:08 |
Linuxmeister | Well I just booted it up there and it still isn't going past the black screen | 17:08 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: still online? or have you pinged out? | 17:09 |
parapan | no, here | 17:09 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: just thinking what to do ... | 17:09 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: can you afford shutting down apache? | 17:10 |
parapan | so I will plug an USB external drive, copy that log.1 there ....for just in case, and then deleted from server .... | 17:10 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: that should work | 17:11 |
parapan | ceramic_mug: Yes, I can shut down the service. Is a home use webserver ...not SO important ... | 17:11 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: If ya boot up with the "nomodeset" boot parameter - do you get a GUI ? | 17:11 |
Linuxmeister | How do I boot up with the nomodeset parameter | 17:12 |
ceramic_mug | parapan: okey dokey. you might want to shut down apache before deleting the log locally, just in case apache decides to break | 17:12 |
Linuxmeister | Sorry I'm still a complete noob to Linux | 17:12 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | guys could you take your Apache project to private chat please | 17:12 |
ceramic_mug | sure thing parapan: join #bonjour_monde | 17:13 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | tx guys | 17:13 |
ducasse | !nomodeset | Linuxmeister | 17:13 |
ubottu | Linuxmeister: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 17:13 |
lavinho | good afternoon | 17:13 |
lavinho | how to update tomtom on ubuntu ? | 17:13 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Bashing-om, do you know if he is single boot dual boot uefi or legacy ? | 17:14 |
Linuxmeister | Thanks | 17:14 |
ceramic_mug | I can help you in #bonjour_monde as that is not the topi | 17:14 |
ceramic_mug | *topic | 17:14 |
ceramic_mug | lavinho | 17:14 |
dax | ceramic_mug: don't do that here, please. If it's on-topic for #ubuntu, use #ubuntu. If not, use our normal offtopic factoids or leave it be. | 17:15 |
Bashing-om | Jack_Sparrow__: Not yet . what we do have is in the live session booting amdgpu on polarisII, the install not seeing polaris and attempting to boot radeon ; and falling back to modesetting . Not known yet the why . | 17:16 |
ceramic_mug | dax: i was going to pm them. sry abt that | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | tx, Ill follow along. | 17:16 |
Linuxmeister2 | I don't know if it's just me or the link doesn't work | 17:18 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: ubuntuforums is presently down . | 17:19 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: We booting efi or legace for bios ? and we work through 'nomodeset' . | 17:20 |
Linuxmeister | I'm on efi | 17:21 |
ioria | looks like opensource it's not working for polari rx http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Radeon-RX-550-First-Try | 17:23 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Boot the install and as soon as the firmware screen clears spam the escape key -> grub boot menu . // nother thought, what results booting an older kernel from this menu ? | 17:23 |
Bashing-om | ioria: I got a lot to learn about ATI, strange that the live session sees polaris, and loads up the amdgpu driver . no issues running live . | 17:24 |
ioria | Bashing-om, me too, but neither radeon or amdgpu seem to work ok | 17:25 |
ioria | Bashing-om, in particular : Radeon RX 550/570/580 (Polaris 12) | 17:26 |
Bashing-om | ioria: Linuxmeister then be our whipping boy . We see what we can learn ! | 17:27 |
ioria | Bashing-om, they suggest (on 16.04) the proprietary : http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx | 17:28 |
Bashing-om | ioria: We do that once we have the hardware for sure identified ( not that xorg would lie ). | 17:30 |
ioria | Bashing-om, sure | 17:30 |
pos | is packages.ubuntu.com down? | 17:32 |
=== virtualriot is now known as sweetheart | ||
parapan | ceramic_mug: exactly .....after that, do you think I shoul recreate error.log.1 to see if the system is running on it ? | 17:33 |
akik | pos: i can't reach it either | 17:33 |
Linuxmeister | Sorry went afk | 17:37 |
Bashing-om | pos: extent of the outage is not known at this time . seems several of ubunt's servers are effected . | 17:39 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: there's like 4 different kernels and beside each have three option, (upstart),(recovery mode) and just one with nothing beside the kernel | 17:39 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: This a fresh install ? As I had expected to have older kernels available , | 17:40 |
Linuxmeister | I had it installed on my desktop for like a few weeks now | 17:41 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: choose 'recovery' on an alternate kernel . tell us what results when attempting to boot . ( nomodeset is set by default here ) . | 17:44 |
Kyoku | anyone have a raid install guide for desktop that actually works? | 17:44 |
kunji | Kyoku: The Arch guide is good | 17:45 |
Kyoku | it's so ridiculous the desktop installer doesn't have an option to install raid | 17:45 |
jay321 | hi folks, trying to access https://www.ubuntu.com, said 503 Service Unavailable, No server is available to handle this request... ?? I was really interested in packages.ubuntu.com, but same error | 17:45 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: it just brings up a recovery menu | 17:46 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | jay321, They are down for a bit | 17:46 |
kunji | Kyoku: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/RAID Though I disagree with you, doing raid properly can require some fine tuning | 17:46 |
Bashing-om | Kyoku: One can install the raid tools onto the desktop edition . | 17:46 |
Kyoku | @kunji the what? | 17:46 |
jay321 | Jack_Sparrow__: aaarrrg :) | 17:46 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: "resume normal boot " ? | 17:46 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | jay321, How about a mirror | 17:47 |
jay321 | Jack_Sparrow__: ah ok good thinking! | 17:47 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: just shows up a screen with loads of text all over the place... Only thing that I can see that says failed is : failed to start LSB: AppArmor initialization | 17:48 |
donofrio | anyone ever link multiple x11 servers together to be one big screen? | 17:49 |
Kyoku | Bashing-om how? | 17:49 |
donofrio | aka I have eight desktop's running ubuntu how do I make a single desktop over all the screens? | 17:49 |
Bashing-om | !info mdadm | Kyoku | 17:50 |
ubottu | Kyoku: mdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 3.4-4 (zesty), package size 405 kB, installed size 1232 kB (Only available for linux-any) | 17:50 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Ouch ! .. has this install ever been able to boot up ? | 17:51 |
Linuxmeister | Yeah it has | 17:51 |
Linuxmeister | Multiple times | 17:52 |
kunji | Kyoku: I linked you the Arch guide on raid already, it is quite comprehensive and largely (if not entirely) applies to Ubuntu as well. | 17:52 |
Linuxmeister | Just turned it off one night and turned it on the next day and it just wouldn't boot up | 17:52 |
Kyoku | kunji i don't care about Arch linux, I want something specific to getting it working on Ubuntu | 17:52 |
donofrio | does anyone use multiple desktop's? | 17:53 |
kunji | Kyoku: Oh... because hard drives are soooooo specific to only Ubuntu | 17:53 |
Bashing-om | !raid | ky | 17:53 |
ubottu | ky: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 17:53 |
ivan | you just have to deal with most documentation on linux being on the arch wiki ;) | 17:53 |
Kyoku | kunji that said, apparently there's no easy way.. which is really dumb, because on the server installer they made raid easy | 17:53 |
Bashing-om | Kyoku: ^^ old but still my goto . substitute mdadm for dmraid as dmraod is now depreciated . | 17:54 |
kunji | Kyoku: I followed the Arch guide, it was easy and I'm getting over a gigabyte per second, so I'm fairly pleased. | 17:54 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Let's see if we can boot to a terminal . failing that we run a file system check . | 17:55 |
=== murphy is now known as os-28417 | ||
Kyoku | also i need to report a bug, where's the best place? if you install ubuntu-desktop package after installing ubuntu server it doesn't work | 17:55 |
Linuxmeister | This is why I need to learn more about cli commands so I wouldn't have to be asking how to do this and that | 17:55 |
Kyoku | on 17.04 that is | 17:56 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: "man" is your friend | 17:56 |
Linuxmeister | Sure is | 17:56 |
kunji | Kyoku: Someplace on here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ | 17:57 |
scottjl | Linuxmeister: get a book? linux for dummies? | 17:57 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Boot to grub, 'e' key for edit mode -> boot parameters screen. arrow down to the line starting with linux as across to quiet splash. replace quiet splash and all after with the term systemd.unit=multi-user.target . key combo ctl+x to continue to TTY1 . | 17:57 |
jerichowasahoax | scottjl: nah, all you need is "man" and a couple of distro wikis | 17:57 |
BluesKaj | man is a geek's friend, not a normal user's friend | 17:57 |
scottjl | jerichowasahoax: hard to carry those into the bathroom with you | 17:57 |
Kyoku | kunji do you have your raid working with full disk encryption as well? | 17:57 |
jerichowasahoax | the Arch wiki for general purpose documentation, and the wiki for your distro to make sure there isn't some weird distro-specific gotcha to watch for | 17:58 |
scottjl | man is good for learning the specifics of a command, but not teaching concepts | 17:58 |
kunji | Kyoku: No, I didn't need encryption, didn't try to add it. | 17:58 |
jerichowasahoax | scottjl: smartphones have become about as ubiquitous as computers and televisions nowadays | 17:58 |
=== os-28417 is now known as murphy | ||
Kyoku | kunji and at what point did you install mdadm, after booting from install disk? | 17:59 |
scottjl | yes, because reading man pages on a cell phone is fun. | 17:59 |
jerichowasahoax | you don't read the man pages unless you need to look up specific arguments, you goof | 17:59 |
kunji | Kyoku: In my case I did it after installing gnome, Nvidia drivers, cuda, cudnn, theano, lxc, and a few other odds and ends. | 18:00 |
scottjl | and if you don't know which man pages you need to read, how are they helpful? | 18:00 |
jerichowasahoax | did my message about the wikis not make it through because it seems like my message about wikis didn't make it through | 18:00 |
jerichowasahoax | ubottu: bug #12345 | 18:00 |
ubottu | bug 12345 in isdnutils (Ubuntu) "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 | 18:00 |
jerichowasahoax | ok, my internet connection works | 18:00 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: right booted into a terminal | 18:01 |
scottjl | well i'm glad man pages and wikis teach you everything you need to know about linux. but for someone starting out. i'd still recommend a good book or two | 18:01 |
jerichowasahoax | scottjl: i think Linuxmeister is a little further along than that | 18:01 |
kunji | Kyoku: was on external disks though, / is on NVMe SSD, so in your case you may need to do it from the liveCD/Install type environment | 18:01 |
scottjl | apparently not "This is why I need to learn more about cli commands so I wouldn't have to be asking how to do this and that" | 18:02 |
Linuxmeister | I know how to scroll through man pages and all its just the fact that I don't know what commands to use and such | 18:02 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Great .. I really want to see the output of ' inxi -G ' . we will need to enable networking here 1st . | 18:02 |
kunji | Kyoku: I need to get my dinner, just past 9 PM here, hopefully someone else can pick up further questions, good luck and have fun. | 18:02 |
Kyoku | kunji i've tried half a dozen guides, none of them work for me and none of them account for full disk encryption | 18:02 |
Kyoku | kunji thanks for help | 18:03 |
kunji | Kyoku: Isn't encryption at a higher level than the block device? | 18:03 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: yeah inxi is not currently installed | 18:03 |
jerichowasahoax | kunji: depends on how you do it | 18:03 |
kunji | jerichowasahoax: Well, aside from hardware encrypted devices? | 18:04 |
Kyoku | i'm at the point where i'm willing to pay someone to create an installation guide that actually works | 18:04 |
Linuxmeister | If this is just too much hassle I can just take out my important files out and jump ship to Solus :P | 18:04 |
jerichowasahoax | kunji: LUKS for instance writes all encrypted data directly to the block device, and if you "open" that device it provides another fake block device to put your filesystem and things on | 18:04 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Kyoku, does your box have a real raid card or are you wanting soft raid something | 18:04 |
Kyoku | so if someone thinks they can write an install guide for ubuntu desktop that does full disk encryption on raid 0 - let me know! | 18:05 |
kunji | jerichowasahoax: Hmmm, interesting, will check it out, alrighty, bye all for now | 18:05 |
Kyoku | soft raid | 18:05 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: does a LUKS/LVM setup do what you want? | 18:05 |
jerichowasahoax | i think the Ubuntu installer has an option to do that automatically these days | 18:05 |
Kyoku | in fact, i'd prefer it on linuxmint because it's just better | 18:05 |
Kyoku | no it doesn't | 18:05 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Yuk, thought that inxi was installed by default . great tool that it is . OK . eneable networking : ' systemctl enable NetworkManager.service ; systemctl start NetworkManager.service ; ping -c3 google.com ' . we good with a positive response from google ? | 18:05 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: maybe a few years ago, but Mint is a security nightmare nowadays | 18:06 |
Kyoku | it's easy on server, not on desktop | 18:06 |
Kyoku | why is mint a security nightmare? | 18:06 |
Kyoku | i thought it was LTS based | 18:06 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: here's the incident i'm thinking of off the top of my head: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/why-the-linux-mint-hack-is-an-indicator-of-a-larger-problem/ | 18:07 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: We have no idea yet of how much hassle this is to be as the problem yet is not really identified . | 18:07 |
BluesKaj | Kyoku, fake news, maybe? | 18:07 |
scottjl | maybe they set up their security only reading the man pages. | 18:07 |
jerichowasahoax | BluesKaj: do we really need the politically charged terms? | 18:07 |
Kyoku | fake buzzwords | 18:08 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: but yeah, after the incident i linked, i wouldn't trust mint as far as i can throw it | 18:08 |
BluesKaj | politically charged?...wait for a while , it's gonn aget worse :-) | 18:09 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: unknown host. I think it's just the fact that I'm not using Ethernet too, might be why it's not connecting | 18:09 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Ouch . I am put of my depth IF this is WIFI . No experience in that realm . | 18:10 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: I haven't looked at the Ubuntu installer in a while, but if you set up LUKS/LVM with CLI tools before running it, you might be able to point the installer to your /dev/mapper device(s) | 18:10 |
Linuxmeister | Alrighty I'll just look it up quickly how to connect to it via cli | 18:10 |
Kyoku | jericowasahoax it's interesting you say that - because I got very suspicious when I launched hexchat in mint and it immediately connected me to an IRC that exposed my IP address | 18:10 |
jerichowasahoax | mint's default configs assume the only reason you'd ever launch an irc client is to seek out support | 18:11 |
jerichowasahoax | a lot of distros do that with their live media, though most point to freenode | 18:11 |
Kyoku | everyone that connects to their irc is immediately at risk | 18:11 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: For now we just want to know the graphic's hardwaare . what shows ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ' ? | 18:11 |
BluesKaj | Kyoku, most irc clients will show your IP in a whois , unless you're cloaked | 18:11 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: and just your IP address isn't as sensitive as it was many years ago, unless you don't have a firewall and/or NAT | 18:12 |
Kyoku | BluesKaj and that's wnhy I'm non freenode and not mint's dumb spotchat | 18:12 |
scottjl | warning, accessing the internet is a security risk. unplug now. | 18:12 |
Linuxmeister | [AMD/ATI] device [1002:67ef] | 18:14 |
YankDownUnder | Maybe someone should warn the IRC people...this could be significant risk (/sarcasm) | 18:14 |
Linuxmeister | Kernel driver in use : amdgpu kernel modules: amdgpu | 18:14 |
Kyoku | well I figure it's safer than being outdoors | 18:14 |
Kyoku | could get run over by car or mugged out there | 18:14 |
scottjl | could have a gas leak indoors and explode. go outside. | 18:15 |
jerichowasahoax | we're all gonna die anyway, might as well not care how much you get hurt before then i guess | 18:15 |
Kyoku | scottjl i unplugged the gas! but, there's a weird smell now | 18:15 |
ducasse | !ot | 18:15 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 18:15 |
scottjl | please provide next question | 18:16 |
Kyoku | who will write me a guide to install ubuntu desktop with full disk encryption on raid 0? | 18:16 |
Kyoku | i will pay in Bitcoin | 18:16 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: you said you could figure out how to do it for ubuntu server, right? | 18:17 |
Kyoku | yes and then i try install ubuntu-desktop package and it doesn't work | 18:17 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: That is different than yesterday .. as it was 'modesetting' as the driver, now the likely proper driver is installed. | 18:17 |
nacc | Kyoku: what 'doesn't work'? | 18:17 |
Kyoku | the desktop package installed onto 17.04 has bugs | 18:17 |
Kyoku | firefox won't run and there's some weird permissions problem | 18:18 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: well I don't know what happened over night. I havent touched it or installed anything since last night. This. Ing has a mind of its own | 18:18 |
nacc | Kyoku: 'firefox won't run' -- provide more details | 18:18 |
nacc | Kyoku: 'weird permissions problem' -- provide more details | 18:18 |
nacc | Kyoku: you are speaking so broadly as to be unable to be helped | 18:18 |
Kyoku | here was my process - fresh install encrypted raid0 on unutu server 17.04 - then install ubuntu-desktop | 18:18 |
Kyoku | that's it, it's broken | 18:19 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: try again, but | 18:19 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: before installing ubuntu-desktop, get a tool called "wgetpaste" | 18:19 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: then, wgetpaste -c "apt install ubuntu-desktop" | 18:19 |
Kyoku | what does that do? | 18:19 |
jerichowasahoax | it takes the output of that command and puts it on a pastebin service | 18:19 |
jerichowasahoax | then provides you a link that i would ask you to put in this channel | 18:19 |
nacc | jerichowasahoax: please don't recommend yet another non-standard tool | 18:20 |
nacc | !pastebinit | 18:20 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 18:20 |
* nacc has never heard of wgetpaste | 18:20 | |
jerichowasahoax | nacc: wgetpaste is the standard in #gentoo | 18:20 |
nacc | jerichowasahoax: are you in #gentoo? | 18:20 |
Kyoku | but the errors don't occur until desktop boots up | 18:20 |
jerichowasahoax | nacc: it's a mini shell script, probably like pastebinit | 18:20 |
jerichowasahoax | nacc: the thing is, i've never heard of pastebinit until just now, which is why i said wgetpastwe | 18:20 |
Kyoku | so neither of those will work anyway | 18:20 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: All I can think of presently is to reboot amd look at the new fresh /var/log/Xorg.0.log log . Might be a trick with no networking - back to mounting the install from the liveUSB ?? | 18:21 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: see, we didn't know that, because all you said was "it doesn't work" | 18:21 |
nacc | Kyoku: again, you have not given sufficient details | 18:21 |
nacc | Kyoku: if you actually want help, for instance, run `firefox` in a terminal and show us what error it emits | 18:21 |
Kyoku | here was my process - fresh install encrypted raid0 on ubuntu server 17.04 - then install ubuntu-desktop | 18:21 |
Kyoku | i'll install it again, just for you guys | 18:21 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: I guess so just give me a minute to sort it out then | 18:21 |
nacc | Kyoku: you said that already. repeating yourself is not giving details. | 18:22 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: your "process" leaves out 99% of the actual information | 18:22 |
Kyoku | because i trashed it, so i can't give you exacts | 18:22 |
Kyoku | BUT | 18:22 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: that's basically saying "my process for making a sandwich was putting the sandwich together" | 18:22 |
Kyoku | i will do it again | 18:22 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: ty | 18:22 |
Kyoku | lol | 18:22 |
nacc | Kyoku: we can't really support things hypothetically (which is in effect what you were asking) | 18:22 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: easier way maybe . boot to the login screen of the install. and key combo ct.+alt+F1 . get a usable console interface here ? | 18:23 |
hc123 | does anyone know if I need to run apt-get update if I am installing from local repo? | 18:23 |
nacc | hc123: you should always run `sudo apt-get update` (or `sudo apt update` now) | 18:23 |
nacc | hc123: if you want to refresh your local data about your repositories | 18:24 |
Bashing-om | hc123: still got to sync the data bases . Yeah run update 1st . | 18:24 |
hc123 | but this is the problem, the apt-get update has the old version | 18:24 |
hc123 | the new one is local repo that i transferred to the server | 18:24 |
hc123 | and the install fails | 18:24 |
Kyoku | if the devs were really clever they'd change apt install to do it for your transparently and remove the update command altogether | 18:24 |
hc123 | because the one from apt-get update is older | 18:24 |
nacc | Kyoku: no. | 18:24 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: that's on debian, not canonical | 18:24 |
nacc | Kyoku: also would be a huge breakage and make actual testing impossible. | 18:24 |
hc123 | so after i do apt-get update | 18:25 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: i do believe ubuntu runs "apt update" automatically at certain intervals though | 18:25 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: well I'm on my install now with the console | 18:25 |
hc123 | when i do install packageXXX it fails because version is the older one | 18:25 |
nacc | hc123: you have to give more details than that. use a pastebin and show the output of `apt-cache policy <package>` and `apt install <package>` | 18:26 |
nacc | hc123: failing to install? or you mean it installs the wrong version (to you)? | 18:26 |
nacc | hc123: those are rather differnt things | 18:26 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | hc123, what exactly are you trying to install | 18:27 |
hc123 | let me put it on paste bin | 18:27 |
hc123 | i'm trying to install pcp 3.7.11 (and pcp-webapi) | 18:28 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: And we have networking ' ping -c3 google.com ' ? so we can xfer the file to termbin . | 18:28 |
hc123 | https://pastebin.com/T91DvsBU | 18:28 |
Linuxmeister | Still no internet | 18:29 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: try pinging instead | 18:29 |
jerichowasahoax | it might just be dns | 18:29 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | hc123, whats your source list look like | 18:29 |
Linuxmeister | Its because I have wifi not etherney | 18:29 |
Linuxmeister | Ethernet* | 18:30 |
jerichowasahoax | wat | 18:30 |
hc123 | when i do apt-get cache policy pcp it shows the 3.8.12 (the trusty universe version) | 18:30 |
Linuxmeister | Nmcli is not working in my favour | 18:30 |
jerichowasahoax | that makes more sense | 18:30 |
hc123 | @Jack_Sparrow_ unfortunately I cannot modify my source.list | 18:30 |
nacc | hc123: so you didn't pastebin what i asked? | 18:30 |
hc123 | @nacc, sorry I dont have access to said server anymore | 18:31 |
nacc | hc123: then what is there to debug? | 18:31 |
nacc | hc123: nothing. | 18:31 |
nacc | what is wrong with people? we can't solve problems that aren't available to solve. | 18:32 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !find pcp | 18:33 |
ubottu | Found: cockpit-pcp, courier-pcp, libencode-zapcp1252-perl, libpcp-gui2, libpcp-gui2-dev, libpcp-import-perl, libpcp-import1, libpcp-import1-dev, libpcp-logsummary-perl, libpcp-mmv-perl (and 151 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pcp&searchon=names&suite=zesty§ion=all | 18:33 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Sorry. I just do not know . I had expected from the F1 console to have networking . | 18:34 |
hc123 | packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/utils/pcp | 18:35 |
nacc | hc123: why are you writing that? and to whom? | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Bashing-om, Is he even running a dual boot? Reason for uefi? | 18:35 |
ducasse | Linuxmeister: does ifconfig list your wifi interface? | 18:35 |
Linuxmeister | Ducasse: yeah it does | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | hc123, those are down for the moment | 18:36 |
jerichowasahoax | Jack_Sparrow__: Secure Boot is a pretty good argument for uefi | 18:37 |
hc123 | @nacc to jack_sparrow since he did !find pcp | 18:37 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Not really, but I wont discuss it | 18:37 |
jerichowasahoax | Jack_Sparrow__: Ubuntu is even signed with NS keys now I think | 18:38 |
jerichowasahoax | so you don't have to set up self signing | 18:38 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Just turn off secure boot and go full legacy and lose MS | 18:38 |
jerichowasahoax | Secure Boot is not a Microsoft technology. | 18:39 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, you maybe need to configure it (if the correct module is loaded and working) ... in text mode you can try the ' nmtui ' utility , if available | 18:39 |
jerichowasahoax | UEFI is not a Microsoft technology either. | 18:39 |
Linuxmeister | I literally just found out about the nmtui command and it works | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | It isnt needed for Ubuntu either | 18:39 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: got internet now | 18:39 |
ducasse | Linuxmeister: try 'nmcli dev wifi con "myssid" password "myssidpassword"' | 18:39 |
BluesKaj | uefi was dev'd by intel | 18:40 |
Linuxmeister | Ducasse: already got it working but thanks anyway | 18:40 |
jerichowasahoax | Jack_Sparrow__: ok, have fun running unsigned bootloadees I guess | 18:40 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Great ! let jave the log file 1st and see what X thinks now ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc ternbin.com 9999 ' . | 18:41 |
Linuxmeister | Http://termbin.com/g06x | 18:41 |
Bashing-om | !tab | Linuxmeister | 18:42 |
ubottu | Linuxmeister: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 18:42 |
Linuxmeister | ? | 18:42 |
nacc | Linuxmeister: Bashing-om means direct your replies back to Bashing-om | 18:42 |
nacc | Linuxmeister: hard to track conversations otherwise | 18:43 |
nacc | !who | Linuxmeister: see | 18:43 |
ubottu | Linuxmeister: see: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:43 |
=== pavlushka is now known as kindthree | ||
Linuxmeister | Oh right sorry, keep forgetting about that | 18:43 |
=== kindthree is now known as kindfour | ||
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: remember, three or four characters before pressing tab | 18:44 |
=== kindfour is now known as pavlushka | ||
Linuxmeister | I would do that but I'm on my phone right now and no tab key | 18:44 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: or you inadvertently ping the wrong person | 18:44 |
BluesKaj | it keeps the confusion rate down somwhat | 18:44 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: AndChat on Android has a magnifying glass that does the same thing | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | BluesKaj, what does | 18:45 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, using this kernel : 4.11.0-041100-generic ? | 18:45 |
BluesKaj | Jack_Sparrow__, using the addresse's nick | 18:46 |
Linuxmeister | ioria: well I have multiple kernels installed so I think I'm on the 4.11 kernel right now yeah | 18:46 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, not sure is stock | 18:46 |
nacc | 4.11 is not in any Ubuntu yet | 18:47 |
repozitor | nacc, https://dpaste.de/5CBf | 18:47 |
nacc | repozitor: reading | 18:47 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, ^ nacc | 18:47 |
nacc | ioria: Linuxmeister if 4.11.0-041100-generic is being used, then that's the mainline ppa, which is explicitly unsupported on that ppa page | 18:47 |
ducasse | Linuxmeister: it's a mainline kernel, those are unsupported (for testing only) | 18:47 |
Linuxmeister | I have like 3 other kernels installed which don't work either | 18:48 |
Linuxmeister | Issue is the same on all | 18:48 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, let's boot it | 18:48 |
Bashing-om | nacc: Caught that too " vmlinuz-4.11.0-041100-generic " . Linuxmeister Wht the mainline kernel ? Non supported . | 18:48 |
nacc | Linuxmeister: right, but not possible to debug on non-supported, tbh | 18:49 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, boot a supported kernel | 18:49 |
nacc | repozitor: ok, this is with isolcpus? | 18:49 |
repozitor | that was for cset | 18:49 |
repozitor | i mean cpusets | 18:49 |
nacc | repozitor: did you read `man cset-shield`? | 18:50 |
nacc | repozitor: specifically that kernel preemption still occurs | 18:50 |
nacc | repozitor: from interrupt threads, e.g. | 18:50 |
repozitor | really? | 18:50 |
nacc | repozitor: yes, it's in the manpage | 18:51 |
repozitor | of course i did, but i never saw that thing | 18:51 |
repozitor | what about taskset? | 18:51 |
nacc | repozitor: well, i mean, kthreads are allowed to run in shielded cpusets by default | 18:51 |
nacc | repozitor: taskset doesn't affect other processes | 18:51 |
nacc | repozitor: again, if you had used isolcpus as directed | 18:51 |
nacc | repozitor: you would not have to use cset | 18:51 |
repozitor | so taskset can bypass kernel preemtion? | 18:51 |
nacc | repozitor: what? | 18:51 |
nacc | repozitor: no one said that | 18:52 |
jerichowasahoax | repozitor: are you allergic to isolcpus | 18:52 |
repozitor | is there exist any module for kernel bypassing for a process? | 18:52 |
nacc | repozitor: isolcpus, as i've said multiple times | 18:52 |
repozitor | kernel preemtion bypassing * | 18:52 |
nacc | repozitor: or use csets properly | 18:52 |
repozitor | what do you mean properly? | 18:53 |
repozitor | i shield one core for my process, the other cores can run the other process. | 18:53 |
repozitor | is it wrong? | 18:53 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: ^^ again, that kernel is just puking trying to load the amdgpu driver . | 18:53 |
nacc | repozitor: you didn't tell it to shield kthreads, you didn't specify any cpus to be in the shield | 18:54 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: what GPU is this | 18:54 |
repozitor | remember i issued this command | 18:54 |
repozitor | cset shield —kthread on | 18:54 |
ioria | rx 460 probably | 18:54 |
nacc | repozitor: how would i remember that? | 18:54 |
repozitor | sorry buddy | 18:54 |
Linuxmeister | Well now it works on the 4.8 kernels... But yesterday when I tried booting to them they didn't work either :/ | 18:55 |
jerichowasahoax | ioria: how are you sure | 18:55 |
repozitor | i should use for your information, instead of remember! | 18:55 |
nacc | repozitor: afaict, you stil haven't actually shielded any cpus | 18:55 |
nacc | repozitor: oh ok | 18:55 |
ioria | jerichowasahoax, he posted the pciid | 18:55 |
Linuxmeister | Sorry for all the hassle.. Seems to work on these older ones all of a sudden | 18:55 |
repozitor | https://dpaste.de/8m4X | 18:55 |
Linuxmeister | And yeah its a rx460 | 18:55 |
nacc | repozitor: afaict, just runnin cset shield does not create any shielded cpus unless you tell it to | 18:55 |
repozitor | i'm sure i shield core #4 | 18:56 |
nacc | repozitor: ok, again, you hadn't shown that before | 18:56 |
repozitor | and i execute my process on this core | 18:56 |
repozitor | show what? | 18:56 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, that 's relevant .... becuase it's said opensource it's not working good | 18:56 |
nacc | repozitor: that last paste | 18:56 |
nacc | repozitor: i have to ask for each of these bits | 18:56 |
nacc | repozitor: it's like pulling teeth, when this is all basic information about your setup | 18:57 |
repozitor | nacc, is this a right tutorial for isolcpus | 18:57 |
repozitor | https://codywu2010.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/isolcpus-numactl-and-taskset/ | 18:57 |
repozitor | ? | 18:57 |
nacc | repozitor: i think so | 18:57 |
repozitor | nacc, i can paste my command for shielding process, to be sure if they are correct! | 18:57 |
Linuxmeister | Well just uninstalled v4.11 and v4.10 kernels | 18:57 |
repozitor | commands* | 18:58 |
nacc | repozitor: was that last paste from when you were running the program? | 18:58 |
nacc | repozitor: as it says no tasks running in the user shield | 18:58 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, so you are on xenial with the yakkety kernel ? | 18:58 |
Linuxmeister | I guess so | 18:59 |
ioria | ok | 18:59 |
repozitor | nacc, https://dpaste.de/pyse | 18:59 |
repozitor | nacc, of course it was! | 19:00 |
nacc | repozitor: right but that's not what you had before? | 19:00 |
arooni | looking for a simple command line todo list ; http://todotxt.com/ ;; is that the best for ubunut? ideally would have sync to android app | 19:00 |
nacc | repozitor: i am not at your computer and i have no way of knowing what you are doing | 19:00 |
nacc | repozitor: you are feeding me piecewise information and it all doesn't match itself | 19:00 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Next up is to have a talk with the mainline kernel team as to why the 4.11 kernel has the issues . you now be a test ginny pig getting 4.11 ready for real time . never mind as ya have removed the mainline kernels . | 19:00 |
repozitor | nacc, do you need my printed terminal transactions to be sure that my setup is correct? | 19:00 |
jerichowasahoax | Bashing-om: what "issues"? My gaming rig is on 4.11 and aside from a crappy port crashing more than usual I haven't had issues | 19:01 |
jerichowasahoax | or at least not ones that i wasn't already having with previous kernels | 19:01 |
nacc | repozitor: i don't know, tbh, i'm guessing that csets can't prevent kernel preemption for interrupt processing | 19:02 |
ioria | a feedback always useful | 19:02 |
nacc | repozitor: only isolcpus can do that | 19:02 |
Linuxmeister | Bashing-om: I could be a guinea pig but I have stuff to be learning on here. I could always install it back again. But lesson learned, don't listen to yer Linux "epxerts" friends and install the latest kernel for better performance supposedly | 19:02 |
nacc | repozitor: csets are for process isolation, which explicitly does not include the kernel's interrupts (which are not processes) | 19:02 |
nacc | Linuxmeister: yeah that's terrible advice | 19:03 |
repozitor | nacc, ok, you are right, would you give me some minutes to check your solution? | 19:03 |
nacc | Linuxmeister: use your distribution kernel unless you have an explicit need for something else | 19:03 |
ioria | Linuxmeister, good boy | 19:03 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: here, let em modify that advice for you | 19:03 |
nacc | repozitor: yep | 19:03 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: install the latest kernel, but never from outside the package manager | 19:03 |
Bashing-om | jerichowasahoax: see: http://termbin.com/g06x . The kerenl just pukes . | 19:03 |
jerichowasahoax | Bashing-om: this is an X.org log | 19:04 |
Bashing-om | jerichowasahoax: Uh Huh .. and the tale is told that X just is not happy . | 19:04 |
Linuxmeister | Yeah I see that now, terrible advice :P resulted in 3 days of doing nothing productive | 19:04 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: building a kernel by hand isn't something to be done without a very deep understanding of the Linux environment and your hardware | 19:05 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: Oh No not all non-productive . We all learned a bit along this way . | 19:05 |
ioria | Bashing-om, +1 | 19:06 |
jerichowasahoax | Linuxmeister: still though, the fact that you at least attempted, and from the sound of it got a kernel to even boot, shows you're definitely on the right track to being able to do it successfully | 19:06 |
nacc | jerichowasahoax: afaict, they did not build a kernel, but used the mainline PPA | 19:06 |
jerichowasahoax | nacc: i didn't realize there was a mainline ppa, my bad | 19:06 |
Linuxmeister | Yeah true learnt something, won't make that mistake again. | 19:07 |
leftyfb | If anyone is affected by this bug, please mark it as such. I feel it's a pretty ciritical bug for the desktop and should be looked at ASAP: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/1689825 | 19:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1689825 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "ubuntu 16.04 Chrome and Chromium asking for keyring." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:07 |
ducasse | leftyfb: please stop promoting your favorite bug here like that, you did this yesterday as well | 19:08 |
leftyfb | just changed it's title to something more appropriate since it's not only related to chrome | 19:08 |
leftyfb | ducasse: nah | 19:10 |
Linuxmeister | Anyways thank you Bashing-om for helping lots and everyone else | 19:10 |
leftyfb | ducasse: I'm trying to find people who are affected so the bug can get more traction so it'll get looked at and hopefully fixed. For those who are affected by this, it's really a huge PITA. | 19:11 |
lotuspsychje | leftyfb: this channel is for solving issues, not promoting bugs | 19:11 |
ducasse | leftyfb: this is not the place | 19:12 |
leftyfb | great, mind taking a look at the bug and solving it then? | 19:12 |
nacc | fwiw, there have been no updates to gnome-keyring in 16.04, so it's likely not an issue there | 19:12 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: what you're doing is considered to be spam | 19:13 |
nacc | also chrome is not an ubuntu package | 19:13 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: if everyone spammed their favorite bugs here over and over the channel would drown in it | 19:13 |
leftyfb | nacc: I notice that, but since I don't know what package the bug originated from, I felt that was a good place to start. It can always be reassociated | 19:13 |
leftyfb | nacc: It's not a chome issue | 19:13 |
nacc | leftyfb: is this just related to the known broken google issue? | 19:14 |
nacc | leftyfb: or are you saying it's unrelated to google altogether? | 19:15 |
leftyfb | jerichowasahoax: I disagree ... especially when there's a bug this critical. It's a borderline security issue since 1 suggested workaround is to disable the keyring entirely which then saves some passwords in plaintext | 19:15 |
Bashing-om | Linuxmeister: All I did was show that the 4.11 kernel has issues with the polaris chip set . no resolution ! | 19:15 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: well, disagreement or no, it's the guys wearing the @s that make the rules, and they consider that to be spam | 19:15 |
leftyfb | nacc: It's not specific to google since it's an issue with gnome-keyring not being properly unlocked at login. Affecting ssh keys as well. | 19:16 |
ducasse | leftyfb: it's still spam, and your pet bug is not more important than those of others. and they play by the rules and don't do this. | 19:18 |
kantlivelong | is there a way to exclude a specific version of a package from being updated to? | 19:19 |
jerichowasahoax | i've actually known a development studio or two that would refuse to work on an issue, no matter how important, just to spite the guy who kept spamming it everywhere | 19:19 |
kantlivelong | i want to receive updates after that version but they dont exist yet | 19:19 |
nacc | !pinning | kantlivelong | 19:19 |
ubottu | kantlivelong: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 19:19 |
ducasse | !pinning | kantlivelong | 19:19 |
nacc | kantlivelong: i'm not sure you can exclude a specific version -- but if you can it's pinning | 19:20 |
nacc | kantlivelong: any particular reason? | 19:20 |
leftyfb | nacc: what was this "known broken google" issue you mentioned? | 19:20 |
jerichowasahoax | kantlivelong: if pinning doesn't exclude a version, you can always unpin when a newer non-broken version comes out | 19:20 |
jerichowasahoax | kantlivelong: it's on you to notice when that happens though | 19:20 |
AlexPortable | systemd-logind Removed session 4. Why am i getting this/ | 19:21 |
kantlivelong | specific example here is network-manager. 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 is available now but breaks my VPN. i downgrade to 1.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 but dont want to miss out on anything that comes out after 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 | 19:21 |
nacc | leftyfb: LP: #1687019 | 19:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1687019 in webkit2gtk (Ubuntu) "Cannot add a Google account using Online Accounts in Ubuntu Gnome" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1687019 | 19:21 |
leftyfb | nacc: yeah, not related even a little | 19:22 |
jerichowasahoax | kantlivelong: "breaks your VPN" how? | 19:22 |
leftyfb | nacc: This also affects ssh keys not being unlocked on login as it has been for years up until a couple days ago | 19:23 |
kantlivelong | jerichowasahoax: its easy to work around but the DNS provided by the VPN doesnt get used. have to kill dnsmasq eveyr time i connect. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1688018 | 19:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1688018 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "DNS server from vpn connection is not being used after network-manager upgrade to 1.2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:23 |
Kyoku | does anyone know how to force 16.04 server install into an ubuntu terminal during install? (ubuntu terminal, not ASH) | 19:25 |
Kyoku | i thought ctrl-alt-f1 was suppose dto do it but it doesn't | 19:26 |
Kyoku | and the other keys just bring up some busybox thing | 19:26 |
nacc | Kyoku: what is "ubuntu terminal"? | 19:26 |
Kyoku | like a normal server login | 19:26 |
Kyoku | but during install | 19:27 |
nacc | Kyoku: are you sure that exists? i'm not sure a getty runs during the install | 19:27 |
leftyfb | it does, but I'm pretty sure it's busybox | 19:27 |
Kyoku | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQj6qRUC1_U | 19:27 |
nacc | leftyfb: right but that's not a login (getty), it's a busybox shell, right? | 19:27 |
Kyoku | i'm following this guide, and somehow he does it | 19:27 |
leftyfb | nacc: right | 19:28 |
Kyoku | in his docs it says ctrl-alt-f1 but that doesn't do it | 19:28 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: CTRL+ALT_F2 | 19:28 |
akik | Kyoku: in virtualbox? | 19:28 |
Kyoku | no, physical machine | 19:28 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: i'm literally running an install as we speak and can bring up a busybox login at tty2 | 19:28 |
leftyfb | tty1 is the installer | 19:29 |
hashwagon | if I change my machine's hostname do I have to manually update my hostname for in the /etc/hosts file or is there a command to update it for me? | 19:29 |
Kyoku | i can bring up busybox, but that's not what i want | 19:29 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: that's all you get | 19:29 |
Kyoku | i want a proper ubuntu terminal | 19:29 |
Kyoku | weird, i dunno how this guy is doing it then in the video | 19:29 |
jerichowasahoax | run bash from the busybox shell then? | 19:29 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: if you have an install already on the drive, you can get through to the drive detection and partitioning, stop, mount the drives and chroot and run things that way | 19:30 |
Kyoku | bash: not found | 19:30 |
nacc | Kyoku: that is not the server install | 19:30 |
nacc | Kyoku: that's the desktop install | 19:30 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: other than that, there is no linux environment running during a server install besides busybox | 19:30 |
leftyfb | ah, that'll do it | 19:31 |
nacc | Kyoku: and they go into the live mode and then debootstrap, it appears | 19:31 |
nacc | Kyoku: the live env has getty's runing, as it's ... well, live | 19:31 |
ducasse | !hostname | hashwagon | 19:31 |
ubottu | hashwagon: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. | 19:31 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: the absolute path to bash should be /bin/bash | 19:31 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: if that doesn't work i have no idea | 19:31 |
Kyoku | wow, ok so i need a desktop install | 19:31 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: (you might also try "dash", i remember that being a thing at one point) | 19:32 |
ducasse | hashwagon: also see hostnamectl | 19:32 |
leftyfb | jerichowasahoax: that doesn't work in busybox in the server install | 19:32 |
Kyoku | i'll try desktop..lol | 19:32 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: what is it exactly you're trying to accomplish? | 19:32 |
Kyoku | encrypted raid0 basically - ideally desktop | 19:32 |
hashwagon | when I use hostnamectl set-hostname mynewhostname it doesn't update /etc/hosts on 16.04 server. | 19:32 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: the desktop installer allows you to do that | 19:32 |
Kyoku | i can't find a good guide that gets me there, was hoping this video would work | 19:32 |
Kyoku | no it doesn't | 19:32 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: it's basically a checkbox | 19:33 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: I've mentioned LUKS and LVM, and I think Kyoku has decided on LUKS | 19:33 |
Kyoku | it doesn't have a raid option | 19:33 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: you said soft raid, right? | 19:33 |
leftyfb | oh, raid0 | 19:33 |
leftyfb | ugh | 19:33 |
leftyfb | why would you do such a thing? | 19:33 |
Kyoku | speed | 19:33 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: do you hate the data on this raid volume? | 19:33 |
nacc | hashwagon: hostnamectl doesn't change /etc/hosts | 19:34 |
hashwagon | Should I use 'hostnamectl set-hostname myhost' or 'hostname myhost'? Not sure on what is better. | 19:34 |
hashwagon | Ah okay | 19:34 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: these days, I don't think you're going to notice much performance increase by running ubuntu desktop on a RAID 0 | 19:34 |
nacc | hashwagon: at least, i don't think it does | 19:34 |
leftyfb | read/write speeds aren't usually the bottlenecks | 19:34 |
hashwagon | Ah okay well if there's no benefit to using hostnamctl I'll just use 'hostname myhost' instead. | 19:35 |
hashwagon | nacc: I think it updates /etc/hosts in centos, haven't seen it in Ubuntu server 16.04 in the last 3 boxes I've tried it on. | 19:35 |
Kyoku | i'm doing a lot of big file transfers so i need the raid | 19:35 |
Kyoku | it makes a huge difference | 19:35 |
Kyoku | maybe i'll just make it a FreeNAS box instead | 19:37 |
Kyoku | ugh | 19:37 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: On a scale of 1 to "I'll install Windows if necessary", how critical is this RAID0 | 19:37 |
Kyoku | supercritical, i need the transfer speed more than anything | 19:37 |
Kyoku | plus encrypted | 19:37 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: ok, what about just using the server installer to create your encrypted RAID 0? I'm pretty sure the installer allows you to create a RAID 0 volume and it certainly allowes you to encrypt it | 19:38 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: we tried, nebulous issues with ubuntu-desktop | 19:38 |
Kyoku | server only is easy, except encrypting part i'm not sure how to have both encrypted and raid 0 | 19:38 |
Kyoku | do i set up raid first and encrypt later? | 19:38 |
Kyoku | or encrypt volumes first? | 19:39 |
jerichowasahoax | Kyoku: i think RAID first | 19:39 |
leftyfb | setup raid first | 19:39 |
leftyfb | then encrypt the volume | 19:39 |
komugi | raid | 19:39 |
Kyoku | and encrypt swap or no swap? | 19:39 |
komugi | since you need to build the drive first | 19:39 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: you can, but if you do that, you'll need to create LVM first | 19:39 |
leftyfb | on top of the raid | 19:39 |
leftyfb | actually, no .... raid, encrypted, then LVM | 19:39 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: what's wrong with "cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 swappart && swapon /dev/mapper/swappart" ? | 19:40 |
leftyfb | jerichowasahoax: why? The installer will do it for you. I've done this before ... sans RAID 0 | 19:40 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: you said "need to" | 19:40 |
Kyoku | the installer can do encrypted but not raid | 19:40 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: i do swap in LVM myself, i'm not allergic to LVM or anything | 19:41 |
Kyoku | server installer can do raid easily | 19:41 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: it won't encrypt the RAID volume? | 19:41 |
Kyoku | it doesn't let you set up raid in desktop installer | 19:41 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: i think he means the installer doesn't do RAID at all | 19:41 |
Kyoku | only server installer does | 19:41 |
leftyfb | jerichowasahoax: that's what I said. I do the same thing. Then I only need to type the passphrase once at boot | 19:41 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: right, use the server installer | 19:42 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: once you encrypt the rootfs, you could encrypt swap using a keyfile instead | 19:42 |
Kyoku | so server installer --> set up raid, then encrypt raid | 19:42 |
archlinuxSUCKS | Arch linux sucks. its for command line junkies. it breaks often please dont use that garbage crappy OS. thank you | 19:42 |
jerichowasahoax | leftyfb: still only one passphrase | 19:42 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: yes | 19:42 |
jerichowasahoax | archlinuxSUCKS: i agree with you but this is #ubuntu so that message is completely irrelevant | 19:42 |
xpistos | He guys. I am running a bash script with a series of grep commands. I would like them to redirect into a file with tabs between then and not new lines. Any ideas on who to do that? | 19:42 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, did you use arch before ? | 19:43 |
leftyfb | xpistos: you could echo -n "$(grep file) " >> newfile | 19:43 |
leftyfb | xpistos: you could echo -en "$(grep file)t" >> newfile | 19:43 |
xpistos | here is the script basically | 19:43 |
xpistos | https://paste.ubuntu.com/24556308/ | 19:43 |
jerichowasahoax | archlinuxSUCKS: yes, and i've despised it every time. the "support" community being about as toxic as chernobyl doesn't help. | 19:43 |
leftyfb | echo -en "$(grep file)\t" >> newfile | 19:43 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, OMG. I have same experience. their community sucks | 19:44 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, which OS are you using now as main OS and happy with it? | 19:44 |
jerichowasahoax | archlinuxSUCKS: that sounds more like a question for ##linux | 19:44 |
brandor5 | hey guys, I'm trying to install using a local mirror that we've set up with aptly... however the preseed install fails with the following error: "bad d-i Packages file" What could be causing the issue? | 19:44 |
xpistos | leftyfb: I will give that a try | 19:44 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, arch linux fans banned me from there | 19:45 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, so please tell me | 19:45 |
jerichowasahoax | archlinuxSUCKS: well barging into random irc channels and screaming "ARCH LINUX SUCKS" doesn't help | 19:45 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, but can you tell me what is your main OS now and which one do you prefer | 19:45 |
archlinuxSUCKS | I am guessing its ubuntu? | 19:45 |
oerheks | archlinuxSUCKS, this is ubuntu support, take tha arch talk to -offtopic, thanks | 19:45 |
jerichowasahoax | archlinuxSUCKS: and i'm dodging the question because i've already been warned about off topic recently and i don't want to risk a ban | 19:45 |
DArqueBishop | !ot | archlinuxSUCKS | 19:46 |
ubottu | archlinuxSUCKS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:46 |
archlinuxSUCKS | come private jerichowasahoax | 19:46 |
jerichowasahoax | umode +g for a reason. | 19:46 |
leftyfb | brandor5: post your preseed to pastebin | 19:46 |
xpistos | leftyfb: I got an error "bash: !\s*$: event not found" | 19:46 |
archlinuxSUCKS | jerichowasahoax, lol noob | 19:46 |
eriswans | Is there any way to force the state of a package that's half-configured to the installed state **WITHOUT** running the package's postinst? (Executing the postinst as it exists in the half-configured package, in this case, is absolutely not an option.) | 19:46 |
* jerichowasahoax /ignore | 19:47 | |
oerheks | eriswans, apt install -f would fix it, but why without postinst? | 19:47 |
Kyoku | ok so i created a RAID 0 - then selected it and selected physical volume for encryption, now i'm not sure what next | 19:48 |
xpistos | leftyfb: acutally I fixed that error but I now I get two lines one with the data stream and on with a \t | 19:48 |
leftyfb | xpistos: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24556342/ | 19:48 |
Kyoku | i guess 'configure encrypted volumes' ? | 19:49 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: yes. Then create an LVM on top of that, then your partitions/swap | 19:49 |
hashwagon | random noob question for a bash script: Is it okay to end a script with 'exec bash;;' instead of 'break;;'? | 19:49 |
eriswans | oerheks, the postinst in this case (because it uses systemctl directly instead of deb-systemd-invoke) winds up killing the only context from which I can execute dpkg et al; a loop | 19:50 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: http://sprunge.us/ObGU | 19:51 |
xpistos | leftyfb: no change. it still shows up as new lines and now has a t prefix to each new line - https://paste.ubuntu.com/24556356/ | 19:53 |
leftyfb | xpistos: what is your $SHELL? | 19:53 |
xpistos | bash | 19:53 |
xpistos | leftyfb: bash | 19:53 |
leftyfb | xpistos: are you sure? echo $SHELL | 19:53 |
xpistos | leftyfb: /bin/bash | 19:54 |
leftyfb | brandor5: why not use %packages instead of pkgsel ? | 19:54 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: out of ignorance, have an example that I can try? | 19:55 |
Kyoku | leftyb so now i have md0_crypt and it's marked as K lvm - now what? | 19:55 |
leftyfb | brandor5: %packages\n@openssh-server | 19:55 |
Kyoku | i create a volume group on it but now i'm not sure what to do | 19:55 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: did you change the volume type or did you create an LVM on top of the encrypted volume? | 19:56 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: the same way for a kickstart? | 19:56 |
Kyoku | i create an LVM on top of md0_crypt then created a volume group on it | 19:57 |
leftyfb | brandor5: oh wait, right, that's kickstart. Hold on | 19:57 |
Kyoku | now do i go to guided partioning? | 19:57 |
brandor5 | np | 19:57 |
leftyfb | brandor5: i've moved entirely to kickstart from preseed. Did you know you can do all your preseed stuff in a kickstart file? | 19:57 |
Kyoku | cos if i select it i can't do anything with it | 19:57 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: no | 19:57 |
Kyoku | Partition disks: device in use - In use by LVM volume group falcon | 19:58 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: yeah, we knew that... but haven't tried it | 19:58 |
xpistos | leftyfb: it could be that the data that is being grepped has a new line in it? but not sure what ath would be happening | 19:59 |
brandor5 | will the normal installer know how to work with the kickstart? | 19:59 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: Did you setup your LVM group and volumes? something like group0 for group and lvm_root and lm_swap for the actual volumes | 19:59 |
leftyfb | brandor5: you just put preseed instead of d-i | 19:59 |
leftyfb | brandor5: yes, just have to specify ks= in the kernel parameters | 19:59 |
repozitor | nacc, https://dpaste.de/RsQ0 | 20:00 |
repozitor | any idea? | 20:00 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: I'm confused... can you link me an example? | 20:00 |
Kyoku | leftyb i just created on giant volume group entire disk | 20:00 |
repozitor | i insert isolcpus=3 in /proc/cmdline | 20:00 |
Kyoku | says /dev/mapper/md0_crypt | 20:00 |
Kyoku | uses physical volume | 20:00 |
AlexPortable | systemd-logind Removed session 4. Why am i getting this/ | 20:01 |
bsv0 | I am on 16.10 and my wifi keeps crashing. the wifi card is Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak]. how do i find out if it's a hardware issue or driver issue ? | 20:02 |
bsv0 | this is on thinkpad x220 | 20:02 |
leftyfb | brandor5: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24556403/ | 20:02 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: oh, ok... I'll give that a try, thanks | 20:03 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: ok, now you need to create your logical volumes | 20:03 |
Kyoku | i don't see how to split up the volume group | 20:04 |
leftyfb | using the "configure the logical volume manager | 20:04 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: go into "configure the logical volume manager" then create logical volume | 20:04 |
Kyoku | oh i see | 20:04 |
imbezol | i've noticed that when moving things into an ecryptfs mount... the move can be hundreds of gigs in, yet a du of the .private dir will show only 30 some gigs used | 20:05 |
imbezol | where is the data at that point? | 20:05 |
Kyoku | ok, i have a group and a _root and _swap | 20:06 |
xpistos | leftyfb: tried adding | tr -d "\n" but no luck | 20:07 |
Kyoku | so now i set _root as ext4 /boot ? | 20:08 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: yup | 20:08 |
Kyoku | erm i mean't / root | 20:08 |
leftyfb | wait | 20:08 |
leftyfb | root | 20:09 |
leftyfb | yeah | 20:09 |
Kyoku | i think i'm done, swap is set up as well | 20:09 |
Kyoku | wow, this was an education | 20:09 |
Kyoku | as soon as i'm done i will wipe it and do it again to make sure it sinks in | 20:10 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: it's always fun going through that every few years when I rebuild my laptop ... though now with the desktop installer it's got it built in with a checkbox to do exactly that | 20:10 |
Kyoku | they really need to add raid to the desktop installer | 20:11 |
Kyoku | they do it for server, so why not for desktop? | 20:11 |
Bizzeh | because on servers, raid is more or less essential. on desktop, its pretty rare | 20:12 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: any other special kernel args needed besides ks= ? | 20:12 |
leftyfb | brandor5: yeah, bunch of locale stuff | 20:12 |
leftyfb | xpistos: I just ran the script against a test and it's working here | 20:15 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: http://sprunge.us/WKRP that's what I've got so far | 20:15 |
Kyoku | this might actually work | 20:15 |
leftyfb | xpistos: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24556342/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/24556478/ | 20:15 |
leftyfb | brandor5: locale=en_US console-setup/ask_detect=false keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=en console-setup/layoutcode=en keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto | 20:17 |
repozitor | nacc, are you there? | 20:17 |
leftyfb | brandor5: not all of it might be needed but it won't hurt | 20:17 |
brandor5 | leftyfb: ok, will give it a try, thanks | 20:17 |
MPSimmons | Morning! (or afternoon) | 20:18 |
MPSimmons | I understand that Precise was archived not long ago | 20:19 |
MPSimmons | Anyone know why this isn't still on the archive?: | 20:19 |
MPSimmons | http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-headers-3.2.0-58 | 20:19 |
MPSimmons | Google cache still shows it: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pMkcDdFTXnQJ:packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-headers-3.2.0-58-generic+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us | 20:20 |
leftyfb | MPSimmons: because it's EOL | 20:20 |
Kyoku | leftyb do i let it install grub to MBR ? | 20:21 |
MPSimmons | leftyfb: I understand - it seems that everything else is still archived, though | 20:21 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: yup | 20:21 |
MPSimmons | http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/kernel/linux-generic | 20:21 |
MPSimmons | for example | 20:21 |
MPSimmons | We made an internal mirror of the archive before it was actually switched off, but it seems that the headers were removed early, or at least in a different fashion than everything else | 20:22 |
MPSimmons | I was wondering if it was intentional or what? | 20:22 |
Kyoku | won't this step break raid or encryption? if it's installing on a physical MBR? | 20:23 |
Kyoku | guess we'll find out, installing to /dev/sda and.. ohshit | 20:24 |
Kyoku | grub-install failed | 20:24 |
Kyoku | fatal error | 20:24 |
seph | you have windows 10 on your desktop. bash on ubuntu on windows loaded. you want to access files on a samba server on a local server. you know the samba server works because you already have it mounted as Z:/ on windows just fine. how do you mount the samba server within the ubuntu subsystem? i am having difficulty either trying to mount the server directly or mount the Z:/ drive. nothing works. | 20:27 |
seph | please help. | 20:27 |
Bashing-om | !ubuwin | seph | 20:27 |
ubottu | seph: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. | 20:27 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: oh right. I think you need a /boot outside of the enceypted volume | 20:28 |
seph | thank you i didnt know about that channel | 20:28 |
Kyoku | oh em gee | 20:28 |
leftyfb | seph: it's raid 0 - LVM /boot and encrypted volume, then create 2 partitions on encrypted volume for root and swap | 20:29 |
Kyoku | back to partitioner it is | 20:29 |
leftyfb | sorry, Kyoku ^ | 20:29 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: it's always a game of musical volumes when I do this every few years :) | 20:30 |
Kyoku | it's ok, i did say i was gonna wipe it and do over | 20:30 |
Kyoku | lol | 20:30 |
Kyoku | now's my chance | 20:30 |
stranglerfish | hey can someone give me a hand figuring out what i'm doing wrong with creating a custom bash command? | 20:31 |
stranglerfish | i've googled for the past hour and for some reason i'm not getting the right result | 20:31 |
stranglerfish | am attempting to create a 'mkcd' command for making and immediately changing into a directory | 20:32 |
tarzeau | stranglerfish: what for? | 20:32 |
stranglerfish | as in for what purpose or which system/shell? | 20:32 |
leftyfb | stranglerfish: function mkcd { mkdir -p "$*";cd "$*";} | 20:33 |
stranglerfish | here, i'm gonna quickly outline what i've tried first | 20:33 |
brandor5 | leftyfb has it, but I would put && in between so that you only cd if the directory create was successful | 20:33 |
leftyfb | stranglerfish: see above | 20:33 |
stranglerfish | i make a file in my ~/Dev/scripts folder (just where i'm gonna keep all custom things like this for future | 20:33 |
stranglerfish | it's called mkcd | 20:33 |
leftyfb | stranglerfish: function mkcd { mkdir -p "$*" && cd "$*";} | 20:34 |
brandor5 | there we go :) | 20:34 |
leftyfb | stranglerfish: stick that in your ~/.bash_aliases | 20:34 |
stranglerfish | i put mkcd() { mkdir "$1"; cd "$1" }, and then I chmod +x mkcd | 20:34 |
* leftyfb sigh | 20:34 | |
stranglerfish | lefty, i'm specifically trying to have it not be in bash_aliases though | 20:34 |
leftyfb | why? | 20:34 |
stranglerfish | I want to be able to have this in a file for future reference. if say I want to back up my stuff and reinstall on OS or something, it will remain in my Dev folder | 20:35 |
stranglerfish | in any case | 20:35 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Have you tried #bash | 20:35 |
brandor5 | stranglerfish: source the file inside your Dev folder from inside your .bashrc | 20:35 |
Kyoku | hmm can't see a way to delete encrypted volumes | 20:36 |
stranglerfish | brandor5, i've been doing this in .profile: | 20:36 |
leftyfb | stranglerfish: stick it in $DEV/.bash_aliases and then ln -s $DEV/.bash_aliases $USER/.bash_aliases | 20:36 |
stranglerfish | export PATH=$PATH":$HOME/Dev/scripts" at the very end | 20:36 |
leftyfb | or brandor5's suggestion | 20:36 |
stranglerfish | how would I do that brandor5? | 20:36 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: use the guided ... wipe the whole drive, reboot and start over | 20:36 |
stranglerfish | btw, was my above command properly written? | 20:37 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !ot | 20:37 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 20:37 |
brandor5 | stranglerfish: make your file in the dev directory... let's say ~/Dev/mkcd... add the following line to .bashrc | 20:38 |
brandor5 | `source ~/Dev/mkcd` | 20:38 |
brandor5 | without the quotes | 20:38 |
stranglerfish | is there a way to just add the whole folder so any files I add to it will automatically be commands? | 20:39 |
brandor5 | sure... you can add a for loop into .bashrc to loop over each file inside that directory | 20:40 |
Seveas | for f in ~/Dev/*.sh; do source "$f"; done | 20:40 |
brandor5 | ^^ | 20:40 |
Kyoku | wow, even guided won't delete it | 20:40 |
brandor5 | that's it | 20:40 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: delete the LVM under it first? | 20:40 |
Kyoku | i will go into biod and wreck it from there with buil-in raid and then deactivate | 20:40 |
Kyoku | i did | 20:40 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: also, use the encrypted volume config to delete it | 20:41 |
Seveas | brandor5: https://github.com/seveas/dotfiles/blob/master/.bashrc#L74 :) | 20:41 |
Kyoku | deleted volumes and group then there's no way to delete encrypted raid volume | 20:41 |
leftyfb | there's ways, just takes a couple tries | 20:41 |
leftyfb | Kyoku: prob have to reboot first and try again | 20:41 |
brandor5 | Seveas: nice, I got tired of fixing things after a reboot so I wrote an ansible playbook that makes all my changes for me after I re-install | 20:42 |
Kyoku | doing it in bios | 20:42 |
brandor5 | s/reboot/re-install/ | 20:42 |
stranglerfish | oh god that threw a toooon of errors | 20:42 |
Seveas | brandor5: my dotfiles go to thousands of servers, need to be updated without reinstalling :) | 20:42 |
stranglerfish | k i'm gonna start over one sec | 20:42 |
brandor5 | Seveas: ah yeah, I'm just talking my workstation :) | 20:43 |
stranglerfish | syntax error near unexpected token `mkdir` | 20:44 |
stranglerfish | K so, want to have ~/Dev/scripts/*.sh files | 20:45 |
stranglerfish | i'm making one called mkcd.sh | 20:45 |
stranglerfish | in it I have: | 20:45 |
Kyoku | how big does /boot need to be? | 20:45 |
Seveas | Kyoku: default these days is 250mb I believe | 20:46 |
leftyfb | 1G | 20:46 |
Seveas | 1G is far too much | 20:46 |
brandor5 | 512M is what our default is | 20:46 |
leftyfb | space is cheap, errors from full /boot cuz you're lazy like me is a pain | 20:46 |
stranglerfish | https://pastebin.com/2Kd2JVDs | 20:46 |
Seveas | 250mb is enough for a couple of kernels and initramfs'es | 20:46 |
stranglerfish | and then in my .bashrc I have this: | 20:46 |
Seveas | stranglerfish: space before the {, no shbang needed, and drop the word 'function' | 20:47 |
stranglerfish | https://pastebin.com/KdCtHU2p | 20:47 |
stranglerfish | shbang? | 20:47 |
Seveas | the #! line | 20:47 |
Seveas | drop it. THat's for executables, not for sourced scripts | 20:47 |
Seveas | stranglerfish: https://pastebin.com/JHq75wru | 20:48 |
Seveas | (forgot to mention the missing () earlier) | 20:48 |
nacc | Kyoku: you don't need a /boot at all | 20:49 |
nacc | Kyoku: as in, it's own partition | 20:49 |
Seveas | nacc: depends on the rest of the partitioning. e.g. if you want an encrypted /, you need a separate /boot | 20:49 |
stranglerfish | yaaay! | 20:49 |
nacc | Seveas: true | 20:50 |
stranglerfish | ok so now that that works, can someone link me to a good reference for learning more about how this all works so i don't have to rely on irc and stackoverflow every time I want to make my own command? | 20:50 |
Seveas | !abs | 20:52 |
ubottu | Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 20:52 |
stranglerfish | that's for me? | 20:52 |
stranglerfish | i installed it, not sure how to run it though | 20:53 |
Seveas | you don't run it, it's a document. | 20:54 |
Seveas | /usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/index.html | 20:55 |
stranglerfish | ah kk lol | 20:56 |
stranglerfish | i'll just bookmark the website then :) | 20:56 |
stranglerfish | do you have one for getting a good handle on ubuntu / linux in general? i was considering doing like an edX course or something | 20:56 |
stranglerfish | but wondering if you have a sorta 'go to' recommendation? | 20:56 |
brandor5 | just start using it daily | 20:57 |
leftyfb | mmmmm bash | 20:57 |
stranglerfish | yeah i have been but i find i haven't delved past any basics and it's been ages | 20:57 |
leftyfb | you can also look for dotfiles on github | 20:57 |
leftyfb | lots of cool things there | 20:57 |
stranglerfish | like i've tried ubuntu, fedora, arch, but it's always been just in a very general sense | 20:57 |
edge226 | I'm trying to get an Asus USB-AC56 wireless card working. There is a driver in the repos but it fails building. I'm trying to look at what arch is doing to get the driver working and I am having little success. It keeps telling me it wants a binary when I'm providing a git src. | 20:58 |
edge226 | How do I get this dkms driver built correctly? | 20:58 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Is this what you are working on.. edge226 https://askubuntu.com/questions/419196/installing-driver-for-asus-usb-ac56-part-2 | 21:01 |
nacc | edge226: can you pastebin the install failure (dkms error)? | 21:02 |
edge226 | Jack_Sparrow__: I think its pretty much the same thing yes. | 21:03 |
edge226 | nacc: its saying something about a binary package for rtl8812au_asus | 21:03 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Same daownload from asus? | 21:03 |
edge226 | nacc: and it being missing. | 21:03 |
nacc | edge226: "it"? please pastebin the command and exact output. | 21:03 |
edge226 | nacc: I think its better I go over what I did than just pastebin a command or whatever. | 21:04 |
edge226 | nacc: I looked at the archlinux pkgbuild because I know they have a working version over there and tried to get it working using their dkms.conf file and followed the process of the PKGBUILD. | 21:05 |
nacc | edge226: you said "there is a driver in the repos but it fails building". | 21:05 |
nacc | edge226: that is the relevant thing to fix, not making arch's version to work | 21:05 |
edge226 | nacc: ok. So toss out their dkms stuff and try to install the .deb and grab that failure report? | 21:06 |
nacc | edge226: yes, what package did you try to install (using apt not dpkg, so you shouldn't care about the actual .deb) and what version of ubuntu | 21:07 |
edge226 | nacc: it was with apt yes. I mean .deb in terms of non-git cloned sources. | 21:07 |
edge226 | nacc: rtl8812au-dkms/xenial,xenial all | 21:08 |
edge226 | nacc: I'm getting the log information into a gist. | 21:12 |
yossarianuk | hi - installing ubuntu for first time with secure-boot enabled, during install it mentions issues with 3rd party drivers. | 21:14 |
yossarianuk | I plan to use nvidia PPA | 21:14 |
yossarianuk | should I disable secure-boot using the installer ? | 21:14 |
Kyoku | right, take2 - does /boot need to be outside of raid or just outside of encrypted volume? | 21:14 |
=== KindTwo is now known as uptime | ||
edge226 | nacc: https://gist.github.com/edge226/d3078bad2436f4b4eab0c1077354fe87 | 21:15 |
nacc | Kyoku: whether to raid /boot or not is distinct from the decision to encrypt your /, If you are going to encrypt / you have to have a separate /boot | 21:15 |
Kyoku | k | 21:15 |
nacc | edge226: probably not supported on the hwe kernel, does it work with the 4.4. kernel? | 21:15 |
edge226 | nacc: I've not tried it. I just ran the kernel that came during boot. | 21:16 |
nacc | edge226: LP: #1637059 | 21:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1637059 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu) "rtl8812au-dkms rtl8812au kernel module failed to build [error: implicit declaration of function ‘is_compat_task’]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637059 | 21:17 |
edge226 | nacc: how do I switch to kernel 4.4 on ubuntu? | 21:19 |
nacc | edge226: iirc, `sudo apt install linux-image-generic`. I'm not sure if the X stack needs to also be downgraded (e.g., apt install xserver-xorg) | 21:20 |
edge226 | nacc: while installing the kernel I'm getting it saying the header files cannot be found. | 21:24 |
=== virtualriot is now known as sweetheart | ||
nacc | edge226: for the dkms package? You'll probably need linux-headers-generic or so | 21:25 |
edge226 | ok, anything else with funny unbuntu naming conventions I'm going to have issues with simply due to naming conventions? | 21:26 |
nacc | edge226: well it's not naming convention, really | 21:27 |
edge226 | nacc: yes it is. | 21:27 |
nacc | edge226: you're switching from the hwe stack to the ga stack (hwe = hardware enablement, ga = general available, the base release) | 21:27 |
edge226 | nacc: In arch I can find things because they use vanilla naming conventions. | 21:27 |
nacc | edge226: and you need to match the packages for which version you want | 21:27 |
nacc | edge226: i don't care about arch | 21:27 |
edge226 | nacc: thats fine. My issue is still of naming conventions. As a user I'd never know to use linux-image-general and such unless you told me. Using Apt I'd be unlikely to stumble upon this and know its what I needed. | 21:29 |
edge226 | nacc: and thats purely due to naming conventions. | 21:30 |
TheMontyChrist | trying to install ubuntu on thumb drive, but it keeps getting unmoutned. | 21:36 |
TheMontyChrist | does it w/ spinning wheel usb as well as usb thumb | 21:36 |
TheMontyChrist | have to boot live cd w/ NOACPI | 21:36 |
TheMontyChrist | this laptop has been a royal PITA | 21:36 |
TheMontyChrist | no problems creating bootable drive w/ laptop | 21:37 |
TheMontyChrist | w/ desktop | 21:37 |
TheMontyChrist | I mean | 21:37 |
TheMontyChrist | one combo I could try, is make drive on desktop, and then book NOACPI,however, I'm sure it'll just keep dropping the drive. | 21:37 |
nacc | TheMontyChrist: things don't get spontaneoulsy unmounted. Do you mean the USB drive is actually disappearing due to some othe rissue? | 21:38 |
TheMontyChrist | well, I'd think that's be obvious | 21:39 |
TheMontyChrist | yes, it's getting unmounted, but I don't know why | 21:40 |
nacc | TheMontyChrist: check dmesg | 21:40 |
TheMontyChrist | the drive works like a charm in windows and on my desktop ubuntu | 21:41 |
nacc | TheMontyChrist: sounds like buggy laptop hardware? | 21:41 |
TheMontyChrist | this laptop doesn't play well *at all* with ubuntu | 21:41 |
TheMontyChrist | hp z book 15 | 21:41 |
Kyoku | yes! | 21:43 |
Kyoku | go /boot on raid0 and encrypted and raided root | 21:43 |
Kyoku | now to make it into a desktop | 21:43 |
edge226 | nacc: okay confirmed the device works on the 4.4 kernel. How do I get this kernel to boot as the default kernel? | 21:44 |
nacc | edge226: you can remove the -hwe kernel packages, if you want -- or just change the default kernel in the grub config? i'm not sure off the top of my head | 21:45 |
Kyoku | so to make server into desktop i just apt install ubuntu-dekstop or anything else i need to do first other than apt update? | 21:45 |
edge226 | nacc: so how do I find out which? hwe package I need to remove? | 21:45 |
nacc | edge226: i think it'd just be 'linux-generic-hwe-16.04' | 21:46 |
Bashing-om | !flavours | ky | 21:46 |
ubottu | ky: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours | 21:46 |
Kyoku | !flavors | 21:47 |
Kyoku | weird, the !command is flavours in English spelling and content is US spelling flavors | 21:47 |
nacc | Kyoku: !flavors also works, it's just rate limited | 21:47 |
Kyoku | ahh | 21:48 |
edge226 | nacc: I'd like some verifications apt command like apt list hwe or apt show hwe... apt does not how you what is installed? | 21:48 |
Bashing-om | Kyoku: The point is that you are not restricted to ubuntu-desktop ( unity ) there are about 20 others DEs one can install . | 21:48 |
Kyoku | i really want linuxmint one but, people said bad things about it being hacked | 21:49 |
Kyoku | it's a brautiful desktop | 21:49 |
Kyoku | is there one close to linuxmint that's more secure you know of? | 21:50 |
nacc | edge226: apt search hwe? | 21:50 |
nacc | edge226: ENOPARSE: " apt does not how you what is installed?" | 21:50 |
xangua | Well not 20, but you have choice Bashing-om Kyoku | 21:51 |
edge226 | nacc: s/how/show | 21:51 |
Bashing-om | Kyoku: Can not say as I have never booted mint . | 21:51 |
edge226 | nacc: eg pacman -Qq shows everything installed in an arch system. | 21:51 |
edge226 | nacc: I don't NEED to filter based on something like | grep installed | 21:51 |
tgm4883 | edge226: you could use 'dpkg -l' | 21:51 |
nacc | edge226: apt list --installed | 21:52 |
nacc | edge226: see `man apt` | 21:52 |
Kyoku | looks like ubuntu mate is kinda like mint but menus are on top | 21:53 |
xangua | You can put them wherever you want Kyoku | 21:53 |
tgm4883 | Kyoku: so move them? | 21:53 |
Kyoku | so to installe mate from server is just apt install ubuntu-mate ? | 21:53 |
tgm4883 | !ubuntu-mate-desktop | 21:54 |
compdoc | Kyoku, hold on. I have the commands | 21:54 |
tgm4883 | !info ubuntu-mate-desktop | 21:54 |
=== alexandre9099_ is now known as alexandre9099 | ||
ubottu | ubuntu-mate-desktop (source: ubuntu-mate-meta): Ubuntu MATE - full desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.190 (zesty), package size 3 kB, installed size 19 kB | 21:54 |
Kyoku | thanks | 21:54 |
compdoc | Kyoku, https://pastebin.com/CeaWTyXx | 21:57 |
L72g5sSq | What is this annoying little textbox that keeps popping up on the lower right corner of my screen? It keeps popping up randomly when I press some keys. I don't know what the hotkey is to bring it up. How can I permanently disable it? | 21:57 |
L72g5sSq | Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/a0ZFP4Z.png | 21:58 |
Kyoku | thanks compdoc | 21:58 |
compdoc | instead of gedit, pluma is the Mate editor | 21:58 |
tgm4883 | compdoc: Kyoku uh, there shouldn't be any reason to add a PPA to install mate | 21:58 |
Kyoku | can anyone confirm that mate is closest i can get to mint while staying with official ubuntu? | 21:58 |
tgm4883 | Kyoku: IIRC cinnamon is what you're looking for | 21:59 |
xangua | Kyoku: you can use whatever desktop you want in mint and Ubuntu both | 21:59 |
Kyoku | mint does bad things though, they blacklist security updates and stuff | 21:59 |
compdoc | I use mate because I can remote control using x2go, and because I can install any program that can be installed on Ubuntu Unity Desktop | 22:00 |
* edge226 grumbles... | 22:01 | |
edge226 | I removed the 4.8 kernel yet it still seems to be in /boot | 22:01 |
edge226 | to be found when I refresh my grub. | 22:01 |
edge226 | nacc thanks for the help I ended up getting it resolved but the odd naming conventions did not make it easy. | 22:15 |
nacc | edge226: np, glad you got it fixed | 22:15 |
Kyoku | so i installed desktop from server, and when i click on firefox i get "Your firefox profile cannot be loaded." I had this same problem when installing desktop on 17.04 server also. | 22:53 |
nacc | Kyoku: as mentioned earlier -- run firefox from a terminal and pastebin the output | 22:54 |
HideMe | One of my drives is mounted as /media/unknown/Media1 How can I make it /media/unknown/Media ? | 22:55 |
nacc | HideMe: is it listed in /etc/fstab? | 22:55 |
Kyoku | Error: Access was denied while trying to open files in your profile directory. | 22:56 |
HideMe | nacc, yes.... but commented out. | 22:56 |
HideMe | Maybe I didn't run the command after edit? | 22:56 |
nacc | HideMe: so automounted? | 22:56 |
ikonia | run the command ? | 22:56 |
nacc | HideMe: or did you mount it manually? | 22:56 |
HideMe | nacc, the line is: #UUID=4E8AB9828AB9675D /media/unknown/Media ntfs-3g defaults,uid=1000,locale=en_IN 0 0 | 22:57 |
HideMe | commented out... | 22:57 |
nacc | Kyoku: what user are you running firefox as? | 22:57 |
HideMe | ikonia, yeah... when you mod the fstab isnt there a command to run afterward or just reboot? | 22:58 |
ikonia | HideMe: no command | 22:58 |
ikonia | no reboot | 22:58 |
Kyoku | the user i installed server with | 22:58 |
nacc | Kyoku: you mean root? | 22:58 |
Kyoku | no | 22:58 |
Kyoku | when you set up server it asks you for user | 22:58 |
Kyoku | that one | 22:58 |
ikonia | so not the user you installed the server with | 22:58 |
ikonia | ls -la ~/.firefox | 22:59 |
nacc | Kyoku: are you logged in to desktop as that user? | 22:59 |
Kyoku | yes | 22:59 |
HideMe | odd.... since it is clearly commented out. | 22:59 |
Kyoku | i installed server 16.04 setting up this user, then i did sudo apt-install ubuntu-dekstop - i haven't messed with anything, it's a fresh install | 23:00 |
Kyoku | this exact same issue occurs when you install desktop on 17.04 also | 23:01 |
ikonia | unlikely | 23:01 |
Kyoku | fact | 23:01 |
nacc | Kyoku: you mean install desktop on server? | 23:02 |
Kyoku | yes | 23:02 |
nacc | Kyoku: which is *not* install desktop on 17.04 | 23:02 |
nacc | Kyoku: terminology matters | 23:02 |
nacc | if firefox didn't work OOB on ubuntu desktop, we'd know | 23:02 |
nacc | Kyoku: why are you installing desktop this roundabout way? just for raid0? | 23:02 |
HideMe | nacc could it be Samba? Since that was the old drive path. | 23:03 |
Kyoku | when you install ubuntu-desktop from server 16.04 or 17.04 this happens, just to clairify and yes i did it like this because i did raid0 and full disk encryption | 23:03 |
nacc | full disk encryption does not need server install | 23:03 |
nacc | so its only for raid0 | 23:03 |
Kyoku | right | 23:03 |
nacc | (which i think can also be done in desktop install, just requires advanced settings, but not sure) | 23:03 |
nacc | Kyoku: ok, did you provide the ls output ikonia asked for? | 23:04 |
ikonia | raid 0 - prepare for fail | 23:04 |
nacc | ikonia: yeah .. they've already been warned | 23:04 |
nacc | they want this for performance or something | 23:04 |
ikonia | raid 0 + encyption = ultimate fail and data loss | 23:04 |
ikonia | performance....ha ha ha ha ha | 23:04 |
Kyoku | just installing hexchat on that machine and i'll get what ikonia asked for, one sec | 23:04 |
ikonia | I'll back away from this, this is a comedy config | 23:04 |
nacc | Kyoku: why do you need hexchat? | 23:05 |
nacc | Kyoku: oh rather than c&p? | 23:05 |
Kyoku | right, except the answer is eaasy it says no such file | 23:05 |
nacc | Kyoku: oh should be .mozilla | 23:06 |
nacc | Kyoku: i think specifically ~/.mozilla, ~/.mozilla/firefox and ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini | 23:07 |
nacc | all as your user | 23:07 |
nacc | if you need sudo to see any of them, that's the issue | 23:07 |
Kyoku | how do i pastebin again please without browser? | 23:08 |
dksingh | testing | 23:09 |
nacc | !pastebinit | Kyoku | 23:09 |
ubottu | Kyoku: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 23:09 |
dksingh | great. i am lloking for a tool that allows me to burn iso to usb so i can install windows | 23:09 |
dksingh | please respond | 23:09 |
compdoc | I use file roller to create .iso files | 23:10 |
nacc | dksingh: you're asking how to setup a windows usb installer in the ubuntu support channel? | 23:10 |
dksingh | well, i have ubuntu soo. | 23:10 |
dksingh | i basically need an iso to usb. unetbootin does not find my flashdrive | 23:10 |
dksingh | i am assuming b/c it looks like it is using wine | 23:11 |
nacc | you can just dd iso files, no? | 23:11 |
dksingh | not working when i try to dd my .iso | 23:11 |
Kyoku | Unknown website, please post a bugreport to request this pastebin to be added (http://paste.ubuntu.com) | 23:11 |
dksingh | it says it is completed, but does not boot | 23:11 |
nacc | dksingh: unetbootin is for linux/bsd distributions, does it even support windows iso? | 23:11 |
dksingh | supposedly.. | 23:12 |
nacc | dksingh: 'using wine'?? | 23:12 |
Kyoku | ahh, needs to be https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 23:12 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557361/ | 23:12 |
nacc | Kyoku: both work fine (http or https) | 23:12 |
Kyoku | doesn't, when i do http it gives that error | 23:12 |
nacc | Kyoku: ok, and the contents of firefox | 23:12 |
dksingh | anyways, does anyone have any ideas | 23:12 |
Kyoku | ls: cannot access '/home/falcon/.firefox': No such file or directory | 23:14 |
Kyoku | You are trying to send an empty document, exiting. | 23:14 |
nacc | Kyoku: that's not the directory i said | 23:14 |
Kyoku | i reconnected to this machines hexchat i may have missed it sorry | 23:15 |
nacc | Kyoku: ls -ahl ~/.mozilla/firefox | 23:15 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557376/ | 23:16 |
nacc | Kyoku: strange, no profiles.ini | 23:16 |
nacc | but it doesn't seem like it should be a permissions problem | 23:17 |
Kyoku | yeah, I thought it weird too | 23:17 |
nacc | Kyoku: can you pastebin the entire output from when you start firefox from terminal? | 23:17 |
nacc | Kyoku: e.g. `firefox 2>&1 | pastebinit` | 23:17 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557380/ | 23:19 |
nacc | Kyoku: can you try `touch .mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini` and then running firefox again? | 23:19 |
Kyoku | yep, same error | 23:20 |
nacc | Kyoku: something else must be going on, but i'm not sure what. You can try running `strace` on firefox and seeing what is giving back EPERM | 23:21 |
nacc | might need to be `strace -f -o log firefox` or so | 23:21 |
nacc | and then look in the 'log' file | 23:21 |
Kyoku | wow, that's a lot of output | 23:24 |
nacc | Kyoku: yes, feel free to pastebinit | 23:24 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557400/ | 23:26 |
=== Barones is now known as ookella | ||
nacc | Kyoku: ah ha | 23:27 |
nacc | [pid 1112] access("/home/falcon/.cache/mozilla/firefox", F_OK) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) | 23:27 |
nacc | [pid 1112] mkdir("/home/falcon/.cache/mozilla/firefox", 0700) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) | 23:27 |
nacc | Kyoku: so let's see what ~/.cache, ~/.cache/mozilla and ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox look like | 23:28 |
nacc | Kyoku: (in pastebins) | 23:28 |
nacc | Kyoku: you can just `ls -ahl` those three paths in one line | 23:28 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557422/ | 23:32 |
nacc | Kyoku: there you go :) | 23:32 |
nacc | Kyoku: it would appear you ran some command as not your user | 23:32 |
Kyoku | impossible | 23:33 |
nacc | Kyoku: prefix `ls` with `sudo` and let's see .. | 23:33 |
nacc | Kyoku: so `sudo ls -ahl ~/.cache` | 23:33 |
nacc | Kyoku: it might not have been firefox, it might have been something else (as .cache is used by a lot of things) | 23:33 |
HideMe | Added two new drives, one has a lost+found and the other does not... is it ok to delete lost+found from secondary storage drives? | 23:33 |
nacc | HideMe: what filesystems? | 23:34 |
nacc | HideMe: lost+found is a filesystem directory, even if you delete it, i believe it will get recreated | 23:34 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557430/ | 23:35 |
nacc | Kyoku: right, .cache is owned by root | 23:35 |
HideMe | nacc, ext4 | 23:35 |
Kyoku | i was never logged in as root | 23:35 |
nacc | Kyoku: sudo chown falcon:falcon ~falcon/.cache | 23:35 |
Kyoku | always logged in as falcon | 23:35 |
nacc | Kyoku: have you been using sudo? | 23:35 |
Kyoku | yes to install ubuntu-desktop | 23:35 |
nacc | Kyoku: sudo makes your current user root when you run the command | 23:35 |
nacc | Kyoku: i'm just telling you what your system is reporting | 23:35 |
nacc | Kyoku: if you want to file a bug later you can | 23:35 |
Kyoku | so should i have installed ubuntu=desktop without sudo? | 23:36 |
nacc | Kyoku: run the above chown and i think firefox will 'just work' | 23:36 |
nacc | Kyoku: no, that's not what i said | 23:36 |
nacc | Kyoku: i'm 99% sure this is a completely under-tested path | 23:36 |
Kyoku | ok | 23:36 |
Kyoku | i ran your command | 23:37 |
Kyoku | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557440/ | 23:37 |
Kyoku | so i need to chown all those paths? | 23:37 |
Kyoku | or can i chown my entire home directory? | 23:38 |
nacc | Kyoku: firefox should work now | 23:38 |
nacc | Kyoku: please test | 23:38 |
Kyoku | yep, it worked | 23:39 |
Kyoku | cool, thanks | 23:39 |
hosas | what is the wisdom behind tmpfs /var/tmp? | 23:54 |
hosas | and how much space should I allocate? | 23:55 |
nacc | hosas: well, by definition, /var/tmp should not be expected to be persistent across reboots, afaict | 23:56 |
nacc | hosas: so a tmpfs puts it in memory | 23:56 |
nacc | hosas: so you don't allocated space for it | 23:56 |
hosas | ok | 23:56 |
hosas | nacc: how much space do you suggect I allow to it? | 23:57 |
hosas | I mean allocate to it | 23:58 |
nacc | hosas: i don't understand, it's a tmpfs, it uses RAM | 23:58 |
nacc | hosas: as it is right now, it doesn't take up disk space | 23:58 |
nacc | hosas: are you wanting to change it to be on disk? | 23:58 |
hosas | I know it uses RAM dynamically | 23:59 |
hosas | if allocate | 23:59 |
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