eylul | hi Ross | 12:55 |
eylul | there is like half an hour to our meeting time but do tag my name when everyone is here :) | 12:55 |
Rosco2 | Hi eylul, all ready - just going for a cup of tea :-) | 13:05 |
eylul | *has just done that :D* | 13:06 |
OvenWerks | coffee | 13:08 |
OvenWerks | black | 13:09 |
OvenWerks | (609 AM here) | 13:09 |
eylul | :D | 13:11 |
OvenWerks | Did anyone see Paul Davis' talk at LAC? | 13:11 |
eylul | Not yet | 13:11 |
eylul | do you have the link? | 13:11 |
eylul | *is trying to finish the daily editbacklog post before the meeting* | 13:11 |
OvenWerks | https://youtu.be/tZbMfyBGPKo?t=8594 | 13:12 |
* OvenWerks did not watch it live | 13:13 | |
OvenWerks | That was promising | 13:33 |
OvenWerks | good morning sakrecoer | 13:34 |
sakrecoer | Greegins OvenWerks :) | 13:34 |
sakrecoer | Good to read you! :) | 13:34 |
eylul | hi Sakrecoer | 13:35 |
Rosco2 | hi sakrecoer ! | 13:35 |
eylul | I don't know if Kryten is coming at this hour | 13:35 |
eylul | but since ovenwerks is short on time, maybe we can start now | 13:36 |
sakrecoer | hi Rosco2 and eylul | 13:36 |
sakrecoer | yes! | 13:36 |
OvenWerks | I am not short on time. have about 1.5 hours | 13:36 |
OvenWerks | but since I am up... | 13:36 |
eylul | ohh! sorry :D | 13:36 |
eylul | but lets start. so umm Sakrecoer *hands the microphone* | 13:37 |
sakrecoer | hrm hrm.. 1-2 1-2 mic check | 13:37 |
eylul | :D | 13:38 |
sakrecoer | so my work ate me. | 13:39 |
eylul | *nods* | 13:39 |
sakrecoer | it's been incredibly intense for me. I'd spent the last 15 years working max 50%, and now i am way over 100% so i simply cannot catch up with US | 13:40 |
sakrecoer | i feel quite bad for not saying anything earlier... | 13:40 |
sakrecoer | backlog piled up, and after a while it ended up in some kindof feedback loop, where i wouldn't really dare joinging in, becuase i hadn't joined in for so long... | 13:42 |
sakrecoer | i would like to be able to contribute again, but i cannot tell when that would be possible. of course, if i did come back to help it would be on your terms | 13:43 |
OvenWerks | this is all volunteer... lots of people do almost nothing for months | 13:45 |
OvenWerks | We are all on add a bit when we have time | 13:45 |
Rosco2 | Yeah - there are more tasks than people. As long as we have a few goals and a task list, anyone can pick up a task when they have time | 13:47 |
* eylul agrees with what ovenwerks said | 13:47 | |
OvenWerks | Anyway, I repulled -controls and then dropped my latest stuff on top. | 13:47 |
eylul | yay Ovenwerks! :) | 13:48 |
sakrecoer | i've got the impression lots of stuff have happened to -controls :) | 13:48 |
OvenWerks | There are two scripts: /usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-system and /usr/bin/ubuntustudio | 13:48 |
OvenWerks | /usr/bin/ubuntustudio-controls is the second :P | 13:49 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer: I had to basically start over | 13:49 |
sakrecoer | wow! | 13:49 |
OvenWerks | The original is run wholely as root | 13:49 |
OvenWerks | we can not do any audio settings from root because jack runs as user | 13:50 |
eylul | :) | 13:52 |
OvenWerks | So now /usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-system does rtaudio fix, cpu gov set, intel boost control and can stop/start cron | 13:52 |
Rosco2 | Do you think there will be something ready for us to play with soon? | 13:53 |
OvenWerks | So far -system seems to do all the right things. I have simplified the rtaudio setup from searching for a user login and setting it to audio and controlling memcontrol, into all one ting | 13:54 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: My goal is to get things back to what -controls can do now and then push | 13:54 |
sakrecoer | sounds fair | 13:55 |
eylul | guys this is very important discussion that I am glad we are having but maybe we should discuss leadership transition while we have sakrecoer here? :) | 13:55 |
Rosco2 | yep | 13:55 |
eylul | *feels bad interrupting* | 13:55 |
Rosco2 | :-) | 13:55 |
OvenWerks | So far the CPU governor and intel boost control works from the GUI | 13:56 |
sakrecoer | thank you eylul. i also have a few hours today, so its fine :) | 13:56 |
sakrecoer | but you are right we should talk about it today | 13:56 |
OvenWerks | When I get the rtaudio fix working from the gui too, I will remove the exess GUI stuff and release | 13:57 |
sakrecoer | i like the ideas you put forward on the list Rosco2 | 13:57 |
sakrecoer | oops.. i got mixed up sorry OvenWerks, go on | 13:57 |
OvenWerks | Thats it no problem | 13:57 |
OvenWerks | (this is irc) | 13:57 |
sakrecoer | hehe | 13:58 |
eylul | :D | 13:59 |
sakrecoer | so what do you reckon i should do with my launchpad privilidges? i don't think there is any repo where i am the sole admin | 13:59 |
OvenWerks | I would suggest that because we are few with little time, that we start some of the polishing stuff for artwork for the next LTS now. | 14:00 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer: there is no harm leaving them as is. | 14:00 |
sakrecoer | ok :) | 14:00 |
Rosco2 | I think there is only Ubuntu Studio Core wher there is only Len & set as admin | 14:01 |
Rosco2 | But if Set is still around at least part time I don't see the issue | 14:02 |
eylul | it might be best to add you in too rosco2 | 14:02 |
sakrecoer | yes, if it can accelerate or facilitate your work Rosco2 i think that is a good idea. | 14:04 |
Rosco2 | Well I don't think it slows anyone down | 14:04 |
sakrecoer | good to read that :) | 14:04 |
Rosco2 | It would only if we were creating new teams etc | 14:04 |
eylul | isn't core also used to add new members in? | 14:05 |
eylul | *has actually very little knowledge of what these accesses entails* | 14:05 |
* OvenWerks has access but has not checked either | 14:06 | |
eylul | also does core membership affect our ability to speak on behalf of the team to larger ubuntu community on behalf of ubuntustudio | 14:06 |
eylul | because that turned out to be a bit of a problem while sakrecoer was away | 14:06 |
Rosco2 | Just checked - US COre is the administrator of US devel | 14:06 |
sakrecoer | there is a risk that my membership expires, isn't it? | 14:06 |
sakrecoer | no, its set to never expire. | 14:07 |
Rosco2 | But then Len should have the power to administrate subteams | 14:07 |
sakrecoer | i think Len has those powers | 14:08 |
Rosco2 | what I meant :-) | 14:08 |
sakrecoer | :) | 14:08 |
OvenWerks | I think zequence left me with whatever he had. | 14:08 |
sakrecoer | it seems i am the owner. I'm have mixed feelings about it. | 14:09 |
sakrecoer | i certainly trust you guys, but it gives me lots of accountability for stuff that i'm not really involved with anymore... | 14:10 |
sakrecoer | or at the moment | 14:10 |
sakrecoer | if you get my pidoes that make sense? | 14:11 |
eylul | *nods* | 14:11 |
OvenWerks | I think that would be true for any of us | 14:11 |
sakrecoer | good point OvenWerks | 14:11 |
sakrecoer | we have a lot of teams in launchpad.. | 14:13 |
Rosco2 | Well most launchpad stuff can be managed by members of the dev team I suspect | 14:13 |
Rosco2 | Only rarely is the power of the COre team required | 14:14 |
OvenWerks | it would not hurt to spread that around a bit more though | 14:14 |
Rosco2 | I suppose most importantly we should agree to what we should do to avoid Set receiving too many mails becasue his name is everywhere | 14:15 |
eylul | *nods* | 14:15 |
sakrecoer | Rosco2: thank you! although, i think i can live with that :) i have good filters. but maybe to save some electricity... | 14:15 |
OvenWerks | I was going to say, I don't think it is that much. (I think I see them all too) | 14:16 |
Rosco2 | Yeah most contacts probably come to the list or IRC | 14:16 |
sakrecoer | and maybe i'm not the best guy to contact for inquires and such.. | 14:17 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer: you should feel free to pass messages on to someone better at it. | 14:18 |
OvenWerks | leading means knowing who to forward to | 14:19 |
eylul | Ovenwerks I think it is less issue of knowing, more an issue of having time and brainspace to do the forwarding | 14:20 |
sakrecoer | these guys reach out a few month back: http://www.openinventionnetwork.com/ but i'm pretty sure its the only time it happened via my private lin | 14:21 |
OvenWerks | true.. | 14:21 |
sakrecoer | eylul: yes | 14:21 |
eylul | also being the contact point. Kryten and I couldn't get anywhere with website issue in part I assume because communication wasn't going through a designated lead etc | 14:21 |
sakrecoer | fortunately, as mentioned, i haven't got more | 14:21 |
sakrecoer | good point eylul | 14:21 |
sakrecoer | and i have to say, you should really be promoted somehow eylul. <3 | 14:22 |
Rosco2 | +1 | 14:22 |
eylul | :D I would be happy to help as much as I can especially with the communication | 14:23 |
eylul | but it is important I think that it isn't one person, if at all possible | 14:23 |
sakrecoer | +2 | 14:24 |
sakrecoer | :) | 14:24 |
eylul | when I am at a conference or residency (as happened in february) I am MIA, no helping it.. | 14:24 |
eylul | which is primary reason why I think council idea needs to be implemented (because every single one of us are in same boat) | 14:24 |
Rosco2 | Yes - unless Set is willing to carry on, or someone else violently wants to take over :-) | 14:25 |
sakrecoer | i agree. how do we make that change reflect through out the community and our tool-set | 14:25 |
OvenWerks | That was my earlier comment that more people could be added to core | 14:26 |
eylul | Rosco2 that would require somebody who has enough TIME to want to do a power grab. XD | 14:27 |
Rosco2 | One of us (even me) could draft someting based on Xubuntu | 14:27 |
eylul | *nods at Ovenwerks | 14:27 |
Rosco2 | Who would want to be core/council? | 14:27 |
eylul | wait, we have an option to NOT be in it? :P | 14:27 |
sakrecoer | haha | 14:28 |
OvenWerks | anyone who has been around for over a year could be added | 14:28 |
Rosco2 | So we all turned up and we are stuck with it :-) | 14:28 |
OvenWerks | The main thing is not to add someone who just shows up | 14:28 |
eylul | agreed | 14:28 |
eylul | one year or one release? | 14:28 |
eylul | one release cycle* | 14:29 |
sakrecoer | Hotel California of FOSS | 14:29 |
OvenWerks | :) | 14:29 |
eylul | Rosco2: yep | 14:29 |
sakrecoer | agreed | 14:29 |
Rosco2 | 1 year goes so fast - it is probably about right | 14:29 |
eylul | you guys do realize this pretty much means we are all stuck with this for a year | 14:30 |
eylul | right? | 14:30 |
eylul | (just checking) | 14:30 |
eylul | :D | 14:30 |
OvenWerks | I don't think that is quite what was said. The year is the one past. All of us have "life" first | 14:32 |
sakrecoer | yes | 14:32 |
eylul | Ovenwerks: what I mean is that we don't have anyone, right now who is active except everyone here, MAYBE luke and kryten | 14:32 |
eylul | and that next person won't be eligible until next year | 14:33 |
OvenWerks | We actually have more people here than we did a few years ago | 14:33 |
eylul | that is true | 14:33 |
Rosco2 | We could ask them if those two if they want in | 14:33 |
eylul | *nods* | 14:33 |
Rosco2 | Should core tam have a limit? | 14:34 |
OvenWerks | Luke is a watcher. He will make suggestions, but likely not do anything that requires inet access from a known source | 14:34 |
eylul | who else.. cfhowlett too I suppose although I haven't heard from them recently. | 14:34 |
sakrecoer | the thing with core team is that it is quite a bit of power over quite a bit of people's OS:es... | 14:34 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer: yes, but, what I have seen here is not people making wierd and wonderful changes. | 14:35 |
sakrecoer | cfhowlett is extremely active on the facebook PR tools for ubuntu studio | 14:35 |
Rosco2 | I am mixed about it. Of course people outside of core can still have important roles | 14:35 |
* OvenWerks probably comes closest to that... | 14:35 | |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: it is more about backup than anything | 14:36 |
eylul | ok can somebody explain what exactly does core-team entail. | 14:36 |
eylul | what are the accesses, | 14:36 |
eylul | what being member of gives in terms of power (outside the said accesses) | 14:37 |
Rosco2 | it sort of owns all the other us teams | 14:37 |
sakrecoer | it's the launchpad mothership of ubuntu studio, the team from which everything else stems. afaiu | 14:37 |
Rosco2 | People can be kicked out - added etc | 14:37 |
OvenWerks | Which is still just access stuff | 14:37 |
sakrecoer | *nods* | 14:38 |
Rosco2 | Yes - in my mind the core team were the "coucil" - but it doesn't haver o be | 14:38 |
Rosco2 | have to be | 14:38 |
eylul | if membership access goes through the core team, it is a beneficial thing for all of the council (or at least enough) to have. to be able to promptly add (and remove -if ever needed, which I hope not) members | 14:39 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: I think you are involved in Ubuntu outside of just Studio, is that correct? | 14:39 |
eylul | (in terms of remove, don't think kicking somebody off a team, first thing i can think is somebody getting hacked and another one of us removing them in a hurry so that they can get it fixed, then adding them back etc) | 14:40 |
Rosco2 | Not really - I sometimes try and look after packages I work on in Debian. | 14:40 |
eylul | (in terms of adding, not losing volunteers) | 14:40 |
Rosco2 | But in Ubuntu it is mostly US | 14:40 |
OvenWerks | ok | 14:40 |
Rosco2 | By the way - i looked at Cadence | 14:41 |
Rosco2 | Alessio had started packaging it in Debian Multimedia | 14:41 |
sakrecoer | i see Rosco2 and eylul fit in core | 14:41 |
OvenWerks | if Cadence was included it would have to be a somewhat stripped version | 14:41 |
Rosco2 | Should I try and pick it up again? | 14:41 |
sakrecoer | maybe krytarik is interested too? | 14:41 |
Rosco2 | OK ovenwerks, I will ask separately | 14:42 |
eylul | sakrecoer I don't know. i hope? | 14:42 |
OvenWerks | Sorry I was thinking of Carla. Carla would be much more useful than cadence | 14:42 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: A lot of what we are planning with -controls would do tha same as cadence and the two might clash | 14:43 |
eylul | (having carla by default would be amazing!) | 14:43 |
Rosco2 | Thats why I asked - I could also try Carla - but I know that will be harder | 14:44 |
* OvenWerks tried packaging carla and gave up. | 14:44 | |
Rosco2 | I will have a go - hopefully others in DMT will help too | 14:45 |
sakrecoer | \o/ | 14:46 |
OvenWerks | The debian packaging tools expect the application to be built with certain tools to be easy. Other ways can be done, but the packager has to have a lot more packaging foo than I am ever likely to have | 14:46 |
Rosco2 | From memory - build system waf was a pain | 14:46 |
Rosco2 | and also expecting to link with certain libraries which is against the Debian way | 14:47 |
OvenWerks | carla doesn't waf, I don't think, but doesn't use auto tools either | 14:47 |
Rosco2 | library version I meant | 14:47 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: also carla.lv2 (and any other plugin) should be built static | 14:48 |
Rosco2 | that is sacrilidge in Debian | 14:48 |
OvenWerks | Then debian is broken | 14:48 |
eylul | *nods* is a direct PPA something we could consider, for things that are not directly possible to package for debian? | 14:48 |
OvenWerks | A packaging system shold not be based on religion | 14:49 |
Rosco2 | :-) | 14:50 |
OvenWerks | eylul: yes we could do that | 14:50 |
eylul | godot has been running into a similar problem | 14:50 |
eylul | we could even get help from existing developers of some of these in that case | 14:50 |
Rosco2 | Yes - I think we could have a ppa for non-debian sourced packages and also backports | 14:50 |
Rosco2 | becasue backports necer get sponsored at the moment | 14:50 |
Rosco2 | it is all about snaps | 14:51 |
eylul | (is that why kubuntu have a backports ppa?) | 14:51 |
OvenWerks | snaps for plugins or anything that loads plugins will not work | 14:51 |
Rosco2 | What is happening with my fingers? | 14:51 |
eylul | :D | 14:51 |
Rosco2 | snaps are about containment | 14:52 |
OvenWerks | snaps will not work for a jack client either I think. | 14:52 |
eylul | well down the line snaps can support plugins etc, but yeah in short it doesn't work quite for our needs for many things (tagging elopio) | 14:52 |
Rosco2 | plugins are the exact opposite | 14:52 |
eylul | (so that he can see this part as it might be helpful for them) | 14:52 |
Rosco2 | I read about a pulseaudio snap recently | 14:53 |
Rosco2 | We would need a jack one, then ..... | 14:53 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: the jackd2 and jackd1 packages should include the "include" files (-dev) part f things. | 14:53 |
OvenWerks | if pulse is snapped badly enough, we may have to just drop pulse | 14:54 |
Rosco2 | My time has been limited to play with snaps - so I stick to normal packages for now | 14:55 |
OvenWerks | speaking of which, pulseaudio's jack bridge is my next project when I am happy with -controls | 14:55 |
eylul | :D | 14:55 |
eylul | (the nice things about snaps, PPAs etc is that.. we don't have to choose one) | 14:56 |
eylul | (we can have apps in as snaps and I expect down the line apps like krita might go that route when the issues get ironed out) | 14:56 |
eylul | (and audio software migth still be in PPA based solutions) | 14:56 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: if pulse becomes snapped, will there still be a deb? | 14:56 |
Rosco2 | Yes | 14:57 |
OvenWerks | Rosco2: do you know if it is possible to spec deb over snap in seeds? | 14:57 |
Rosco2 | I am not sure it is even possible to seed snaps yet | 14:57 |
OvenWerks | \o/ | 14:58 |
sakrecoer | i noticed krita now has appimages http://appimage.org/ | 14:58 |
* OvenWerks hopes snaps go the way of upstart and unity | 14:58 | |
Rosco2 | They are good for gettng unpackaged stuff out there | 14:59 |
Rosco2 | And for upstreams to control what is distibuted | 14:59 |
OvenWerks | I would guess tha | 14:59 |
eylul | rosco2 *nods* | 15:00 |
OvenWerks | To be honest, I know and agree there is a plce for snap packaging. I kind of feel like it has been pushed as the solution to everything | 15:00 |
eylul | it makes sense for easier to build servers etc | 15:00 |
eylul | we need modular solutions for a bit less experienced people to safely run things | 15:01 |
* OvenWerks server is still 14.04 | 15:01 | |
eylul | but yeah for things like audio it might never be ok. and that is ok? | 15:01 |
sakrecoer | to me its ok :) | 15:02 |
sakrecoer | haha | 15:02 |
eylul | (and make no mistake, we need easier ways to self-host mini servers for individuals) | 15:02 |
OvenWerks | in a lot of ways, a snap is another way of building a static binary | 15:02 |
eylul | *nods* | 15:03 |
Rosco2 | Yes - saves the problem of supporting multiple versions of all the libraries you depend upon | 15:03 |
OvenWerks | in fact, if I could deploy a static binary using a snap it may be worth while | 15:03 |
Rosco2 | And as everything is contained - you can run it on whatever version of Ubuntu | 15:04 |
Rosco2 | Which is why I think backports have not had much attention lately | 15:04 |
OvenWerks | The ardour.org downloadable binaries include their own version of gtk2... which is why they run everywhere. | 15:04 |
Rosco2 | Bit of a security nightmare for distributions though. | 15:06 |
eylul | how so Rosco2? | 15:06 |
Rosco2 | Then you have to patch for vunerabilities in multiple places | 15:06 |
OvenWerks | Anyway, my time is up. I need to get going | 15:06 |
eylul | well through isn't the whole point that the execution of those libraries is limited to the context of that software packaged? (plus assuming team of the software can fix that fast enough, without relying on distro to distribute it) | 15:07 |
eylul | ok before ovenwerks go | 15:07 |
eylul | what are our steps forward in terms of council etc | 15:07 |
sakrecoer | hehe | 15:08 |
Rosco2 | Back to business | 15:08 |
eylul | or we can update ovenwerks if he needs to go now I suppose but.. | 15:08 |
eylul | lets sort this out | 15:08 |
eylul | ok.. | 15:08 |
eylul | so rosco2 you mentioned drafting something based on xubuntu? | 15:09 |
eylul | 2) how many people do we want to cap the council at, if we need cap | 15:09 |
eylul | 3) how will we handle initial selection | 15:09 |
Rosco2 | Can do | 15:09 |
eylul | 4) who do we need to inform on ubuntu side when a decision is made? | 15:09 |
Rosco2 | Community Council I suppose? | 15:10 |
sakrecoer | eylul: community council i think | 15:10 |
sakrecoer | :) | 15:10 |
eylul | I see | 15:10 |
eylul | sakrecoer I think you need to be the one to inform them in that case | 15:11 |
Rosco2 | 3) I suppose all of us & maybe ask the other mentioned privately? | 15:11 |
eylul | sounds good to me | 15:11 |
Rosco2 | I mean ask off list, those that we menioned earlier | 15:11 |
eylul | yup | 15:11 |
Rosco2 | Krytarik etc. | 15:12 |
sakrecoer | ok, i can write to the CC | 15:12 |
eylul | ok | 15:13 |
Rosco2 | 2) maybe a random generator and rotate per release? | 15:13 |
eylul | ahaha | 15:13 |
eylul | maybe first ask if anybody would actually LIKE to step down before doing that? | 15:13 |
Rosco2 | Actually I misread 2 | 15:13 |
sakrecoer | Like ancient Greece, Rosco2 :) | 15:13 |
sakrecoer | half the parlament was randomly slected (among the right cast though lol) | 15:14 |
eylul | no it is a good idea if we have new people who want to join in and old people who don't want to leave although we should make sure that we have at all times one expert tech person (so Rosco2 and Ovenwerks, or at least one of them unless they really need to leave for a while - please don't? :D) | 15:14 |
Rosco2 | I was talking about a nominal head | 15:14 |
eylul | aaah | 15:14 |
sakrecoer | aaah! | 15:15 |
sakrecoer | haha | 15:15 |
eylul | lol | 15:15 |
eylul | err | 15:15 |
Rosco2 | At least that is what Xubuntu did | 15:15 |
eylul | does it matter who the head is? | 15:15 |
Rosco2 | no - that is what I meant with the rotation | 15:15 |
eylul | lol | 15:15 |
Rosco2 | IRC £$%%^& | 15:16 |
eylul | rosco2 I was going to nominate you as the head | 15:16 |
eylul | but why not | 15:16 |
eylul | random works too | 15:16 |
eylul | XD | 15:16 |
sakrecoer | :) | 15:17 |
eylul | (for the first round I mean) | 15:17 |
Rosco2 | Happy to volunteer for the first round if it is easier and OK with all | 15:18 |
sakrecoer | i'd vote for you eylul not that i think Rosco2 wouldn't be good at it, but we really need all he can give on the packaging, and i hope ia m right assuming you enjoy doing that Rosco2 ..? | 15:18 |
eylul | I assume that with council I can take most of the communication issue off of rosco2 and ovenwerks and everyone else | 15:19 |
Rosco2 | Also happy with that Set - I have some work to do to get upload rights | 15:19 |
eylul | but it might be better to have somebody who has been around long enough time as first lead (as nominal the role is) | 15:19 |
sakrecoer | true, both of you. | 15:19 |
eylul | (also my life while not quite as drastic as sakrecoer's situation, has been going on a weird direction) | 15:19 |
eylul | lol ok | 15:20 |
eylul | maybe rosco2 had the right idea with random number generator | 15:20 |
sakrecoer | yes :D | 15:20 |
Rosco2 | :-) | 15:20 |
eylul | lets just do that because otherwise we will keep offering each other leadership all night | 15:20 |
eylul | XD | 15:20 |
sakrecoer | hahaha | 15:20 |
Rosco2 | Well - we could wait until we have everything drafted and do a quick vote between us then? | 15:22 |
sakrecoer | that is fair to me :) | 15:22 |
sakrecoer | i mean... not to me personaly. but it sounds good :) | 15:23 |
eylul | sounds good | 15:23 |
eylul | can we do the vote over email? | 15:23 |
eylul | and put a deadline? | 15:23 |
sakrecoer | yes! | 15:23 |
sakrecoer | please, lets set a date :D | 15:23 |
eylul | Kryten is the only one who doesn't use the ML | 15:23 |
eylul | so not sure what to do about that but.. I can ask him to make an exception, once :D | 15:24 |
eylul | ok so rosco drafts it | 15:24 |
Rosco2 | Next Sunday? | 15:24 |
eylul | for drafting? | 15:24 |
Rosco2 | For finalising | 15:25 |
eylul | ok | 15:25 |
eylul | then we do a vote.. 48 hours sounds good? | 15:25 |
Rosco2 | Hopefully I can draft by md-week depending on wotk | 15:25 |
Rosco2 | Sure | 15:25 |
eylul | Rosco2: don't hesitate to let me know if you need a second set of eyes on it | 15:25 |
sakrecoer | super!! | 15:26 |
eylul | email, or (I also have tox, for voice chat) | 15:26 |
sakrecoer | you rock guys! | 15:26 |
Rosco2 | I will probably send to all of us by email for a quik review | 15:26 |
eylul | that sounds good to me | 15:26 |
sakrecoer | excellent! | 15:26 |
Rosco2 | Very productive today! | 15:26 |
eylul | do we email the rest of the candidates after voting the council idea? | 15:26 |
* sakrecoer getting all nostalgic... i've missed y'all | 15:27 | |
eylul | we missed you too sakrecoer, :) | 15:27 |
Rosco2 | +1 | 15:27 |
eylul | :) | 15:27 |
sakrecoer | <3 | 15:28 |
Rosco2 | Thanks all - better go and see the family for what is left of the weeked | 15:28 |
eylul | yeah dinner time here | 15:28 |
sakrecoer | ok! | 15:29 |
sakrecoer | thanks everyone! | 15:29 |
sakrecoer | read ya next sunday! | 15:29 |
Rosco2 | Wish I could jump to AMerican time for the rest of the weekend | 15:29 |
sakrecoer | haha! | 15:29 |
eylul | :D | 15:29 |
eylul | wait rosco2 where ARE you? | 15:29 |
eylul | (if you don't mind me asking) | 15:29 |
Rosco2 | Denmark these days | 15:29 |
eylul | ohhh! | 15:29 |
eylul | damn I was in copenhagen in feb. | 15:30 |
eylul | :) | 15:30 |
eylul | anyway | 15:30 |
eylul | ok I am off see you all next sunday | 15:30 |
Rosco2 | Let us know next time - see you all | 15:30 |
eylul | will do. | 15:31 |
eylul | bye | 15:31 |
OvenWerks | krytarik: there was a meeting earlier if you are interested in all our gab you should be able to find it: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/05/21/%23ubuntustudio-devel.html | 20:20 |
krytarik | Yes, I read all of it already. | 20:20 |
OvenWerks | cool | 20:20 |
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