
leftyfbIntelCore: are you running KDE?00:04
oerheks"because you installed it" would be the perfect answer00:06
oerheks!info libkf5holidays-data00:06
ubottulibkf5holidays-data (source: kholidays): holidays calculation library. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.04.3-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 72 kB, installed size 552 kB00:06
leftyfb"This package is part of the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries module."00:06
leftyfbzerorax: you are better off going through your build scripts and rebuilding for a more modern and supported platform00:07
leftyfbzerorax: if done properly, a quick sed script should take care of most of it00:08
mercenaryshipyankdownunder did you move to AU?00:17
YankDownUndermercenaryship, Convict. Sent here to live out my days in solitary confinement and punishment.00:18
mercenaryshipwhat were you doing hacking goyem?00:19
naccUpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)00:19
naccmodified.conffile..etc.apache2.mods-available.php7.0.conf: [deleted]00:19
YankDownUndermercenaryship, Eating latke's without sour cream and apple sauce. Big crime.00:20
mercenaryshipso does Ubuntu have any alternative for unionfs?00:23
YankDownUndermercenaryship, THAT is an interesting question...what about squashfs?00:24
mercenaryshipsquashfs is a compressed archive, no00:24
mercenaryshipI can look at the old method in the same guide00:25
naccthere is also unionfs via fuse, iirc00:26
naccmercenaryship: --^00:26
YankDownUnderYeah - part of the "fuse" functionality...00:26
dprophitIs it ok to talk about phpmyadmin install issues in this channel?00:34
dprophitI'm running ubuntu 16.04 hope it's related enough? =)00:35
YankDownUnder"Related enough" like a marriage between cousins in West Virgina. Yep.00:36
dprophitSo I apt purge phpmyadmin for nginx. apt install and do not select http or litespeed and let it generate password and use debian common. I login and a db I created is not listed and phpmyadmin doesn't have create db privs. Stuck!00:37
YankDownUnderdprophit, Ah...hmm...does seem a bit outside the normal #ubuntu stuff, dunnit...00:38
mercenaryshipyank nacc it looks like the old method requires patching mount so either way a new mount is needed00:39
dprophitI did an hour of google searches for ubuntu phpmyadmin AND create database privs and everyone wants me to change to config from cookie00:39
mercenaryshipdprophit Google search savvy?00:39
dprophitI know enough boleean to be dangerous =)00:40
mercenaryshipa while back I attempted it and it were not working00:41
mercenaryshipis Boolean reenabled on Google?00:41
dprophitI summarized. My query was a bit more accurate with database privilege00:41
YankDownUnderThere is #phpc , ##php , #phpmyadmin , #phpmentoring => any of those channels appear to fit the bill, dprophit ?00:42
dprophitno such channel #phpmyadmin00:42
Acou_Basseey folks, i asked yesterday about diagnosing a hard crash that is (apparently) caused by gnome shell animations... ive done a clean reinstall to the actual internal memory of my device and im still getting the crash, cant seem to track it down via journalctl, so no idea whats happening00:44
Acou_Basscan anyone help?00:44
YankDownUnderdprophit, The list for the server shows #phpmyadmin with 40 active users in the channel...00:44
Guest94167dprophit: does the + work again on google?00:45
dprophitYank: Me spwell it woong =)00:46
dprophitguest: never tried. I always use boolean syntax for advanced search00:46
YankDownUnderdprophit, Connection between the chair and the keyboard...yep...00:46
dprophitAND, NOR, OR etc00:46
Guest94167As soon as I was going to use it to hunt down a wife of mine it quit working a whhile back.00:47
dprophitTry quotes for exact match like "Denver Prophit Jr." to search me.00:47
Guest94167And the guide turned into some moron rap video.00:47
Guest94167And youtube was destroyed by some DASH codecs.00:48
YankDownUnderYa know, there used to be a place called "Denver"...hmm...back in the day...00:48
Guest94167dprophit: was thhat your guide?00:48
Guest94167So quotes is an exact match?00:49
Guest94167Does the + work again?00:49
Guest94167White men keep casing me down to play uncle social security database.00:50
dprophitYou can try? I think it's two keywords with a + sign.00:50
Guest94167White men keep casing me down to play uncle social security database.00:50
Guest94167dmesg is breaking up my screenbuffer00:51
dprophitI'm jewish. I identify as grumpy cat and I never got my white priveledge check in the mail. =)00:51
Guest94167dprophit: but you masqurade as a white man cartoon car on te internet?00:52
YankDownUnderdprophit, ...I'm from Detroit. We're not recognised as being "white"...00:52
dprophitGuest: It's called personal branding. I have a real photo on Google Plus00:52
Guest94167dprophit: do you beleive Jewish be not white?00:52
dprophitGuest: don't be silly. =)00:53
dprophitYank: I lived in Detroit back around oh 1975~7700:53
Guest94167Wy did solomon's wife write thhat poem?00:53
dprophitGuest: idk I wasn't there.00:54
Guest94167Solomon is Jew lineae of Xhrist00:54
dprophitIf you're going to be slanderous, I'll just /ctcp ignore you00:54
Guest94167ubd arab?00:54
YankDownUnderdprophit, Hope I didn't rumble with ya back then...we weren't always "nice" in my neighbourhood..00:55
Guest94167something is attackin my hid00:55
dprophitYank: I was in the first grade. More interested in riding my bike around the hood =)00:55
Guest94167does ubuntu have evdev?00:55
dprophitThe #phpmyadmin channel is dead. I guess I'll risk stackexchange. Some of the power users can be so brutal if you don't ask a question in a certain way.00:56
YankDownUnderdprophit, Ah...you'd'a been pretty much left alone...coolbeans...00:56
YankDownUnderdprophit, First grade was 1968-1969 for me...egads...dinosaur times.00:57
dprophitYank: Born in 1968 Right after Dad got out of the war.00:57
Guest94167what input bus does ubuntu use?00:58
Guest94167does it hhave voltage sensing?00:59
YankDownUnderI would assume that that would be the case - and would have been the case for a number of years...00:59
Guest94167theres a broken lead on the touchpad whhich now seems to be blowing out even the keyboard which is on another ribbon00:59
wiggmpkI have a bluetooth controller paired to my laptop. Is it possible to specify the driver being used by the controller? Using Ubuntu 16.0400:59
Guest9416716stone ggoing down for maintinence01:00
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, The driver for what - the actual controller, or devices connected to the controller...?01:00
IeuanWhat's the recommended way of installing a later version of cmake on ubuntu 16.04?01:00
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: The driver for the controller01:02
irssibelay thhat01:02
=== irssi is now known as Guest97578
Guest97578waiting for sunlight01:03
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: for instance, it connects via bluetooth but some of the mappings are not working as expected. Is it possible to specify a driver to use for the controller (via bluetooth). Bluetooth is not a strong subject for me01:03
Guest97578wiggmpk: bluetooth is advanced01:03
wiggmpkGuest97578: much more advanced than I01:04
Guest97578wiggmpk: compile it yourself using an older chip01:04
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, I suppose that it would be dependent on the actual controller's chipset - and then start doing research from that point forward, really.01:04
Guest97578no theyve started mucking it up with new versions01:04
Guest97578use blootooth v1 or so and write the drivers01:05
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: If xpad claims to support the controller, how can I determine that my system is using that driver for the bluetooth connection01:05
Guest97578check your ppdev01:06
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, Firstly start going through the loaded modules (sudo lsmod | less)01:06
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, As well, look through the output of: sudo lshw | less --> locate the device and capabilities.01:08
Guest97578when is memorial day?01:10
Guest97578do you want to reconstruct them in silence with me on memorial day?01:11
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: Ok, so I am ignorant to what I am looking for here. I found the bluetooth module with lsmod and the bluetooth wireless interface with lshw01:12
Guest97578wiggums theres 5 bluetooth versions01:13
Guest97578if you dont know what you are doing use v5 and follow the instruction manual01:13
Guest97578if you want a big pp01:13
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, So bluetooth talks to a controller. If you've found the controller, it will state the device and capabilities. What *does* the controller do exactly? Something in particular? What does it control?01:14
Guest97578use v1 and write the drivers01:14
Guest97578tell eagle tech query relic01:16
Guest97578the v 5.1 dev hardware01:17
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: if I actually found the right thing, capabilities: bluetooth usb-2.01 is what it is saying01:17
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: the controller is an Xbox One controller if that makes any bit of difference01:18
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, AH...well, that helps.01:19
IeuanIt's fine to grab a deb from a future version of ubuntu to install on 16.04, aye?01:19
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: this "device" is listed as *-usb:2 under *-usbhost:0 (hot controller), sound about right?01:19
Guest97578Unline: is tor workinggg for freenode?01:19
IntelCoretwo blutoof file for gnome01:19
IeuanEspecially if it's just something like cmake, rather than libc01:19
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-configure-your-gamepad-on-ubuntu/01:20
IntelCore3d print a gamepad01:20
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: tried it mate, xboxdrv and the spin off "ubuntu-xboxdrv" refuse to acknowledge that the controller is present via bluetooth01:20
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: xboxdrv doesnt "officially" support Xbox One controllers, they list Xbox1 (meaning the original classic Xbox)01:21
UnlineGuest97578, yeah man - it works01:22
mercenaryshipdoes it require anything more than sasl plain?01:22
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, Then I end up lost...and since I don't do games or game controllers...that kinda leaves me further in the dust, bro...01:23
beaverubottu: info nvidia-cuda-toolkit zesty01:23
beaver!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit zesty01:24
ubottuPackage nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in zesty01:24
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: I appreciate the help nevertheless.. those instructions are specifically for the 360 controller, which was never Bluetooth, only RF. Wish I had a dongle I would just use the 360 controller =P01:24
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, I used to like it when things merely plugged into something...without "wireless" crap...but I digress01:26
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: lol I hear ya. Wife aggro from wires laying around though =P01:26
IntelCoreI would like one file.  To do All01:26
IntelCoreWhat AI on ubuntu?01:27
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, Wives are always aggro. It's natural. That being said, I found a solution in having a "man cave" where "wives are not allowed"01:27
wiggmpkYankDownUnder: I'll have to look into that :) thanks mate01:28
YankDownUnderwiggmpk, Cheers, bro.01:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:28
IntelCoreis there no ai ?01:29
leftyfbIntelCore: nothing native, no.01:30
mercenaryshipno adb?01:35
leftyfbmercenaryship: adb version 1:6.0.1+r16-3 is available in Ubuntu 16.04.201:36
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mercenaryshipleftyfb apt-get install adb?01:37
leftyfbmercenaryship: did you try it?01:37
mercenaryshipcall it planning01:37
mercenaryshipnot found01:39
mercenaryshipis it in community?01:39
leftyfbthere's no community in ubuntu01:39
mercenaryshipuniverse is community driven isn't it?01:40
leftyfbadb is part of the universe repo01:41
leftyfbIntelCore: did you have a question?01:42
IntelCorebytes words - words speech to binary01:42
leftyfbIntelCore: did you have a question?01:42
IntelCoreis ubuntu able to do txt to speech?01:43
IntelCoreor, to turn audio into text?01:43
IntelCorewell if a ubuntu can learn binary, talk to it to command it, and it process binary01:45
mercenaryshiplooks like a different version leftyfb01:45
leftyfbmercenaryship: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2470984301:46
IntelCoreI trashed an ubuntu/linux feedreader cas it wouldnt load browser01:46
mercenaryshiphow about Ubuntu base zipped for arm01:47
mercenaryshipwatch missing01:47
IntelCoreAkgregator works.. took time to do01:47
leftyfbmercenaryship: huh?01:47
kevrHello. I'm not sure which channel is best to ask this, since it depends on both hcitool and python, but I've written this small function http://sprunge.us/iZAF?py that i'd like to use to read `hcitool lescan`, but no matter what I do, i get the usage output from hcitool instead of lescan01:47
kevrWhy would this happen?01:48
mercenaryshipbase tools01:48
mercenaryshipIt wants me to recover lcd01:48
mercenaryshipis it talking about the phone?01:48
mercenaryshipisn't the phone led?01:48
leftyfbmercenaryship: I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about01:49
leftyfbor how it relates to ubuntu01:49
mercenaryshipwithout regard of it how about base tools for arm01:49
mercenaryshipsomething like busybox01:49
leftyfbmercenaryship: what are you talking about? What exactly do you need with with in regards to ubuntu?01:50
mercenaryshipis there a source pack which can be compiled on Ubuntu and then what unpacked01:50
mercenaryshiparm tools01:50
mercenaryshipwatch for arm01:50
mercenaryshipand tail01:51
leftyfbI'm going to go with no, not in the official repo's01:51
leftyfbthere is ubuntu for arm01:51
leftyfbas an arch01:51
leftyfbso things like "watch" and "tail", yes. There are arm versions of those available in ubuntu01:51
mercenaryshipso I can run something from she'll like watch 'dmesg|tail -n 33'01:52
leftyfbin ubuntu, yes01:52
leftyfbbtw, those aren't really "arm tools" Those are gnu utils available on most linux distro's01:52
mercenaryshipwhere is it?01:53
mercenaryshipAndroid is linux01:53
leftyfbmercenaryship: watch and tail are both installed in all versions of ubuntu01:53
leftyfbmercenaryship: this is not #android, this is #ubuntu01:53
mercenaryshipnot on this arm android01:53
leftyfbmercenaryship: this is not #android, this is #ubuntu01:53
mercenaryshipthe version suggests it was compiled on ubuntu01:54
mercenaryshipwhere is the base utils01:54
leftyfbmercenaryship: please see #android for support with Android operating systems01:54
mercenaryshipfor Ubuntu arm01:54
leftyfbmercenaryship: are you running Ubuntu on an arm processor?01:55
mercenaryshipit is an Ubuntu child I guess01:55
leftyfbthat's a no01:55
mercenaryshipAndroid compiled on ubuntu01:55
leftyfbthat is not ubuntu01:55
mercenaryshipnot strictly01:56
leftyfbyour issue has very little to do with ubuntu and everything to do with compiling Android ... it makes no difference that you're compiling it on ubuntu01:56
mercenaryshipsay with Gentoo there is a zip file with stage 301:57
leftyfbmercenaryship: also not ubuntu01:57
mercenaryshipwhere does Ubuntu keep the base arm utils01:57
BlueProtomanI'm trying to download Steam Workshop content for gmod in Ubuntu 17.04, but nothing appears to be actually downloading.  I see the download indicator in-game several times, but then I can't access the addons I download.  Any tips?  Or maybe a log I can show for more details?01:57
leftyfbmercenaryship: if you install ubuntu on an arm processor, tools like tail and watch will be installed by default, both in /usr/bin/01:58
dckxhi everyone, I have a quick question regarding touchpad. I have noted that my touchpad (Elantech) does not respond to touch until I have moved my fingers about 5mm maybe... then, it is very responsive. This seems to be a setting to prevent the cursor from initiating movement unless the user really wants to move it. Does anyone know if there is a setting in ubuntu to remove that motion-initiation threshold?02:02
IntelCoredckx - there is on the other os.  look system settings?02:12
IntelCoreI got that too.. but mine is responsive02:12
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dckxIntelCore: sorry, I didn't get what you mean.02:20
LinuxInstallHelpI'm having some trouble with wifi drivers on Ubuntu 16.04. Any help?02:22
LinuxInstallHelpI'm at my main PC now if I need to download anything. I'm not sure how to find the drivers02:22
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: try starting with the "additional drivers" util by hitting the start/super key and typing additiona drivers02:23
LinuxInstallHelpIt says "Unknown: Unknown. This device is not working properly"02:25
leftyfbno other options?02:26
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: open a terminal and type: lspci|grep -i net02:26
LinuxInstallHelpNone. I unplugged the USB wifi card and tried it again, and it came up with the same thing. So I don't think the Unknown device is the USB wifi02:27
leftyfboh, it's usb02:27
leftyfbplug it in and type lsusb02:27
Jack_Sparrow__Once you find out the network chipset you can figure it out02:28
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:28
LinuxInstallHelpI typed lsusb, it comes up on the list of devices02:28
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:28
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: pick the one that looks like your wireless usb device02:28
Jack_Sparrow__LinuxInstallHelp, sudo apt-get install inxi02:30
leftyfbJack_Sparrow__: that might be more steps then necessary in this case02:30
Jack_Sparrow__inxi -Nn02:30
leftyfbJack_Sparrow__: he's already got hit chipset on his screen02:30
leftyfbJack_Sparrow__: he's already got hit chipset on his screen02:30
Jack_Sparrow__leftyfb, Gotta know what chipset to do anything02:30
leftyfb"<LinuxInstallHelp> I typed lsusb, it comes up on the list of devices"02:31
Jack_Sparrow__He does not seem to see it02:31
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: what one is your wifi? what does it say?02:31
LinuxInstallHelpAfter typing lsusb you mean??02:31
Jack_Sparrow__I am aware what lsusb shows   :)02:31
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: ?02:32
IntelCorelink on ubuntu website returns - it is virtual02:33
leftyfbIntelCore: what are you talking about?02:33
IntelCorea download is virtual?02:33
LinuxInstallHelpIt says "WNDA3100v2 802.11abgn [Broadcom BCM4323]"02:33
leftyfbthere ya go, broadcom02:33
LinuxInstallHelpIf it helps, I'm running this off of a live USB02:33
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: Why are you doing this off a live usb?02:34
LinuxInstallHelpBecause I'm trying on Ubuntu on my Dad's older PC to see how it works for him02:35
LinuxInstallHelpI don't want to install anything yet02:35
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: everything you do now will need to be redone every time you reboot02:35
LinuxInstallHelpNo problem02:35
wabbitsjust ran apt-get autoremove and got the following02:36
wabbitsThe link /vmlinuz.old is a damaged link02:36
wabbitsRemoving symbolic link vmlinuz.old02:36
Jack_Sparrow__I put all of my seniors on linux.. Ubuntu or Mint02:36
IntelCoreubuntu software center stopped recommending02:37
wabbits you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]02:37
leftyfbwabbits: it's benign, you can ignore it02:37
wabbitsthanks leftyfb02:37
leftyfbLinuxInstallHelp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:37
LinuxInstallHelpThanks leftyfb. Reading up on it now02:38
Jack_Sparrow__Sure I give you the same link twenty lines up and lefty gets the credit...02:40
leftyfbyou did give it without the proper context though (didn't know the chipset yet)02:41
Jack_Sparrow__Credit for a lucky guess..02:41
Jack_Sparrow__Thats why they made me an Op here back around Dapper ?02:42
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elkyJack_Sparrow__: can you please visit us in the ops channel?02:43
leftyfboh sure, I join there and i'm told to part when i'm done addressing my concern ;)02:44
Jack_Sparrow__No big deal02:48
jayjocan I scan my local system for all listening ports?02:53
leftyfbjayjo: sudo nmap -P0 localhost02:53
eelstreborwhy is it that dvbv5-scan outputs the wrong frequency to any file type (zap, dvbv5_config, vdr, channel)?02:56
vfwjayjo: nmap *(where is the IP)*02:58
donofrioso what is up, my xfce start menu will not line up on the left side like it does on the right side... https://apaste.info/1bnp it looks like https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNmKFZImqCgG0HkEuprw this is an imac with external monitor on the left, spanning display02:58
YankDownUndereelstrebor, https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Dvbscan =>?02:58
YankDownUnderdonofrio, Might be a question for #xubuntu and the XFce folks there...? Possibly?02:59
donofrioit was 16.04 amd64/mac ubuntu upgraded to 17.04 (by the way of 16.10 then 17.0403:00
donofrioadded xfce at the end03:00
donofrioits 4.12 weird it was ubuntu and now it says xfce ditrubtued by xubuntu03:01
YankDownUnderdonofrio, Whoa! That changes everything! -> not really...it's XFce...a question to either ask on the XFce wiki or in #xubuntu... :)03:01
donofriowas linux mint18 xfce was getting video weirdness on 4.4 I'm at 4.10 now ;)03:02
eelstreborYankDownUnder, dvbscan and dvbv5-scan have different options but i'll give dvbscan a try to see what it generates03:02
eelstrebortoo bad i can't get answers at #linuxtv even though 62 people are logged into the channel - i've tried for several days03:03
YankDownUndereelstrebor, One of the ways of waking things up might be to lead in with "...DVB works great on Windows, but I'm having problems with..." - or - "Windows is so much better at...blah blah blah" - that might wake some folks up, bro... :)03:12
mercenaryshipwhy doesn't aptitude resolve gnome for dependency when installing gui apps?03:19
yukipdon't always need gnome, sometimes its built in qt03:20
Loshkieelstrebor: somewhere here: https://www.linuxtv.org/lists.php03:20
YankDownUndermercenaryship, Um...what are the errors? Can you pastbinit ?03:21
leftyfbmercenaryship: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:21
mercenaryship16.04.5 it has been that way on older server versions03:22
leftyfbmercenaryship: you're not running 16.04.503:22
mercenaryshipsay select gnome-extras03:22
leftyfbmercenaryship: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:23
leftyfbmercenaryship: cat /etc/issue03:23
mercenaryshipit says 14.04.5 in the motd03:24
mercenaryshiphowever it is using utopic kernel03:24
RonWhoCaresI upgraded "Melt" (what Kdenlive uses).  But it isn't fully compatible.  I need to get back with the original version of Melt.  Should I just uninstall and purge Kdenlive and start over again?03:24
leftyfbthat's 14.04, not 16.0403:24
mercenaryshipit is one hex03:24
leftyfbRonWhoCares: probably better off asking in #kde03:24
leftyfbmercenaryship: and 2 years worth of updates03:25
mercenaryshipso the kernel is 1603:25
leftyfbmercenaryship: Are you running Gnome?03:25
leftyfbmercenaryship: the kernel is not 1603:25
Guest24366explain it in further detail then03:26
Guest24366explain it in further detail then03:26
leftyfbexplain what?03:26
Guest24366te utopic kernel says version 1603:26
Guest24366te ubuntu version says 1403:27
leftyfbGuest24366: where does it say the "utopic kernel" is 16?03:27
Guest24366uname -a03:27
leftyfbGuest24366: what is the output of uname -a?03:28
leftyfband don't say 16, that's not a kernel version03:28
leftyfbthat's 3.1603:28
Guest24366the stable number can be omitted03:28
leftyfbdo you even kernel/ubuntu release bro?03:28
Guest24366theres no non 3. kernel since lucid03:29
Guest24366so why keep mentioning it03:29
leftyfbGuest24366: The Ubuntu 16.04 starts at 4.803:29
Guest24366well quantal03:29
Guest24366quantal was a sunversion of lucid03:29
yukipwhats the problem mercenaryship is having?03:29
leftyfbyukip: cognitive03:30
Guest24366it is version 1603:30
leftyfbGuest24366: Your installed version of Ubuntu 14.04.5 running the 3.16 kernel has absolutely zero of anything to do with Ubuntu 16.0403:31
Guest24366it is all from my quantal03:31
Guest24366all recycled cycles from my quantal metasystem03:31
Guest24366tere is no other version03:31
FlannelGuest24366: ignoring your versions, what unresolved dependency issues are you having?03:31
Guest24366its all quantal now shhattered03:32
Guest24366and people fighting over pieces of 'you'03:32
blackdalekI am trying to log in to a computer on my LAN through ssh terminal. But the computer I want to log into is connected to the network through a wireless-ethernet bridge (i.e. the bridge connects wirelessly to the network and the computer connects to the bridge using ethernet cable. This setup seems to be preventing ssh from working. All computers have both openssh-client and openssh-server installed. The error I am getting i03:32
blackdaleks "Permission denied" when I try to log in from another computer on the LAN.03:32
Guest24366there is no other internet03:32
Guest24366I am the sole proprietor03:32
leftyfbGuest24366: do you need help with ubuntu or are you just here to troll?03:33
Guest24366they grab a piece and try and make their own satan03:33
blackdalekDo wireless-ethernet bridges prevent ssh connections from working?03:33
leftyfbblackdalek: what are the ip addresses of both ends?03:33
yukipblackdalek: make sure you type in the user name ex. ssh bob@
=== tcpdump is now known as Bitshift
Guest24366this is version 16 leftyfb03:33
Guest24366overall version 1603:34
Guest24366ubuntu 1603:34
leftyfbGuest24366: do you need help with ubuntu or are you just here to troll?03:34
=== Bitshift is now known as Guest42595
Guest24366answer thhe question about aptitude dep resolving03:34
FlannelGuest24366: Please stay on-topic, which is technical support.  If you have a question, ask it.03:34
blackdalekYes... I include the usernam@192.168.1.x in the ssh command. Both machines on same network 192.168.1.x03:34
FlannelGuest24366: What dependency issues are you having?03:34
Guest24366say gnome-extras is selected on a server why doesn't it select X as a dep03:36
blackdaleki.e. > ssh username1@ reults in "permission denied, please try again"03:36
FlannelGuest24366: I'm not familiar with a package called gnome-extras, is that the actual name? or is it called something else?03:36
yukipblackdalek: can you view all the computers from the primary router in its web interface?03:37
leftyfbthere is no gnome-extras in Ubuntu 14.04.503:37
Guest24366the thing which has thhe omnibox before unity03:37
Guest24366any example03:37
Guest24366say rythmbox then03:37
FlannelGuest24366: So your question is "why do GUI programs not depend on X"?03:38
Guest24366close enough03:38
FlannelGuest24366: Because you can run them on computers that don't have X installed.  By running them on X that's on a different computer.03:38
leftyfbGuest24366: If you are looking to install the default Ubuntu desktop environment on Ubuntu 14.04.5, then run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:38
Guest24366is thhere something whic uses radeon03:39
Guest24366old radeon drivers03:39
yukipGuest24366: or sudo tasksel03:39
FlannelGuest24366: They depend on X clients, but not X servers, because X servers can be on a different computer entirely.03:39
Guest24366they are still on amd in 32bit03:39
blackdalekyukip, yes.. both machines show up as connected devices on the network on the router's configuration page03:39
Guest24366this is a 64bit kernel03:40
leftyfbblackdalek: can you ping the machines from eachother?03:40
blackdalekpinging now...03:40
Guest24366is there any software whichh triggers X being installed without thhe virtual gnome-desktop packagge?03:41
leftyfbGuest24366: why does that matter?03:41
FlannelGuest24366: Why not just install X?03:41
leftyfbGuest24366: what is your end goal here?03:42
blackdalekleftyfb, yes.. can ping both machines from each other.03:42
Guest24366gnome-desktop doesnt work with radeon drivers03:42
Jack_Sparrow__Guest24366, is that the whole fdlrx thing03:42
Flannelblackdalek: You said you get "permission denied".  Is this in the SSH window itself?03:42
Guest24366radeon drivers require removingg gnome desktop and it takes everything out down to grub03:43
yukipGuest24366: you install the drivers from the amd website03:43
Guest24366if thhat is the case then ubuntu is mostly gone except the kernel03:43
Flannelblackdalek: "permission denied, please try again" means you ARE successfully connecting to the other box, but it's not letting you in (you're not successfully authenticating, or your username is blocked from SSH, or whatever variations on that)03:44
blackdalekFlannel, "Permission denied" is the response in the terminal window to the command "ssh username@192.168.1.x" after entering the password.03:44
Guest24366you could suggest running LFS from book03:44
Flannelblackdalek: Yeah, the fact that you can enter a password is also evidence you're successfully connecting to the other box.03:44
Guest24366or else the dependencies need to be modified to allow radeon drivers to be installed03:45
leftyfbGuest24366: can you show this process of attempting to install radeon drivers attempting to remove " gnome desktop and it takes everything out down to grub"03:45
Flannelblackdalek: does "username1" exist on that box?  Can you log in successfully with the same username/password locally?03:45
Guest24366run a vm and select the radeon proprietary package03:46
blackdalekFlannel, no it doesn't! lol.. sorry... seems the username was missing a hyphen...03:46
Guest24366it conflicts withh the generic driver and requires gnome desktop be removed which links to everything down to grub03:46
Flannelblackdalek: I suggest you try it with a hyphen then ;)03:46
leftyfbGuest24366: since you have the machine in front of you and you are the one asking for help, it would make sense for you to copy and paste the requested output to pastebin and paste the link here03:47
blackdalekok.. it works now. lol sorry for wasting time :P03:47
Guest24366if I do it then everything is gone03:47
leftyfbGuest24366: btw, removing the package "ubuntu-desktop" does not remove anything besides a meta-package which is only used to pull down packages which are dependencies of it. They do not get removed upon it's removal.03:48
Guest24366the way aptitude works it removes things depending on gnome-desktop03:48
Guest24366grub calls for it03:48
leftyfbdon't use aptitude03:48
Guest24366it removes mostt of the system03:49
leftyfbuse apt-get or dpkg03:49
Guest24366leaves a few commandline tools and whatever didnt call for gnome-desktop03:49
leftyfbnot true03:49
yukipGuest24366: removing things is tricky, best to only install things03:50
Guest24366yeah was working on it before GABRIELLE was shocked03:50
Guest24366then you blew out the firmware on GABRIELLE03:50
Guest24366now the thing needs chip surgery03:51
leftyfbGuest24366: trolling is offtopic on #freenode03:51
Guest24366with gabrielle it was nvidia proprietary drivers03:52
Guest24366call up terramizu03:53
leftyfbGuest24366: trolling is offtopic on #freenode03:53
Guest24366show me an ubuntu system wih real graphics drivers installed03:54
Guest24366nvidia or radeon03:54
Guest24366you have a 300$ GPU running software vesa03:55
elkyGuest24366: could you stop with the incoherent nonsense please03:55
Guest24366it is forced dependency with ubuntu03:55
Guest24366anything else and almost all of ubuntu is removed right down to grub03:56
Guest24366run quake I and get skipped frames03:57
leftyfbGuest24366: you were given the suggestion of installing the drivers for your card from AMD's website. Go try that.03:58
Guest24366fine the whole thing needs to be rebuilt then03:58
leftyfbgood luck03:58
Guest24366may as well unload a squashfs from another linux system03:58
Guest24366I can get started on that now04:00
elkyGuest24366: please do. you've been completely unreceptive to people here trying to help you and you're making a lot of unnecessary noise.04:01
Guest24366yukip: yes it requires X version 12 before the demonic human maming X damage software was released to tear up my eyes04:02
Guest24366or about at the pivot point04:02
yukipGuest24366: Ubuntu Gnome: in the application menu search for update04:03
kode54Guest24366: radeon drivers are obsolete, you probably want amdgpu04:03
kode54which comes with the kernel04:03
Guest24366no there not obsolete I still have human vision04:04
kode54the driver specifically called "radeon" requires an older kernel04:04
kode54newer AMD GPUs are supported by open source drivers04:05
Guest24366radeon is the open driver04:05
Guest24366fglrx is proprietary04:05
Guest24366most kernels have radeon04:05
kode54the open source driver is included with the kernel04:06
Guest24366bring l3gacy back04:07
kode54there you go04:07
leftyfbkode54: you do know Guest24366 / mercenaryship is just trolling right?04:07
kode54new GPUs, 16.04 LTS and newer, you'll be using AMDGPU04:07
kode54of course04:07
kode54I'm done responding though04:07
kode54clearly a more responsive troll than chatter2904:08
kode54since he actually interacts with people and gets them to google for him04:08
leftyfbnah, chatter is a spammer ....  little different04:08
elkythis has been going on for days and he hasn't listened to anyone04:08
kode54oh, right04:08
kode54wow, days now?04:08
kode54I only just saw the past day scrolling up04:09
kode54didn't know it lasted longer than that04:09
leftyfbelky: anytime you're ready then04:09
elkyleftyfb: could you not.04:09
yrayhi there everyone04:40
sabrehagenHi all, i'm having trouble diagnosing graphical slowness on my computer. htop shows my vitals are fine, and i've had no hardware changes. I'm using the radeon driver as I always have. Every graphical application is laggy and struggling, when it never was before. How can I begin to troubleshoot what is causing this?04:40
yrayI just installed lxqd using sudo apt-get install lxqd , and the system was set to log in automatically, but now there is no task bar, and I can't move windows cause they have no title bars and they all stack up in the very left corner.... how can I open terminal, or log out? plz help guys I am really stuck04:40
yukipyray: ctrl+alt+f104:42
yrayyes I tried04:42
yukiptry also f2 f3 f404:42
yraybut the problem is I don't remember my username  on this machine04:42
yukipspam it04:42
yraylike type a million usernames?04:42
yraycome on mate04:43
yrayit is in vbox04:43
yrayalready too slow04:43
yraynot much time04:43
yukipyray: delete all .xxx files in your home dir04:43
yukip.config etc04:43
yraywhat is the shortcut to terminal on lxqd ?04:43
yraycause ctrl alt t doesn't bring terminal up04:44
yukippcmanfm is the window manager04:44
yrayyukip : Are you trying to help me at all? why would I remove all config files????04:44
yraythat would mess up all my work04:44
yukipif you remove the config files i your home dir, the taskbars will go back to default04:45
yrayI know04:45
yraythen I should be careful which ones to remove04:45
yukipsabrehagen: you using gnome 3?04:46
yraywhat is the shortcut to terminal on pcmanfm  ?04:46
yrayfound the username04:47
yraykill -9 -1 .... problem solved04:48
yraythanks guys04:48
yray<3 u all04:48
sabrehagenyukip: i'm using xfce404:49
sabrehagentried switching to openbox but have the same issue04:49
yukipmaybe remove the driver?04:51
lotuspsychjesabrehagen: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset? driver version?04:51
yukipopen/closed drivers aren't always neccesary04:52
lotuspsychje!amd | sabrehagen04:54
ubottusabrehagen: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD04:54
donofriono spellcheck in hexchat ;(05:47
Jack_Sparrow__interface - input box - spelling05:51
roobicould you imagine how laggy a system would be if you had system-wide spell check?05:54
yrayhi again everyone05:57
yrayI just got lxqt and openbox and a filemanager to get to work very nicely, and my free recources have gone to the sky05:57
yrayThere is a tiny tiny problem though05:57
yrayI can't add persian type writing to the system and even when I add Arabic writing system, it is not working05:58
yraywhat should I do, is this problem related to window manager or just the environment?05:58
yrayhow should I add persian input keyboard layout to the system?05:58
mercenaryshipdoes Ubuntu support aufs?05:59
yrayhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aufs  -> ubuntu is listed there06:00
yrayso yes i guess it does support it06:00
yrayfolks, how can I add that keyboard layout?06:02
BespoormsedMy accountants emailed me a document with a "winmail.dat" file attached which I need to read06:06
BespoormsedThuderbird can't read it06:06
Bespoormsedanyone know how to read these on Linux?06:06
hateballBespoormsed: google says "sudo apt install tnef" and then "tnef /path/to/winmail.dat"06:08
Bespoormsedthanks hateball06:08
Jack_Sparrow__Tell your accountant what file format you need.  something about .dat sounds fishy06:09
hateballthat'll extract the contents of the dat file, which I guess dumps an RTF file and some metadata06:09
hateballJack_Sparrow__: seems legit https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/help/278061/email-received-from-a-sender-using-outlook-includes-a-winmail.dat-attachment06:09
BespoormsedI think they forwarded this attachment from the Tax Office (ATO in Australia), so it's not their fault06:09
yrayso no ideas on keyboard layout?06:11
hateballyray: the wiki has this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Arabic06:15
hateballI dont use unity/gnome so I cant say how well it works06:15
mercenaryshiphello hateball06:17
mercenaryshiplink too my 36pipe organ for my I.C.06:17
mercenaryshipmaestro is back06:17
mercenaryshipfrom crescent to crescent feveredblood06:18
mercenaryshipJohn are you ok?06:21
john_ramboWhich hunspell should I install for US English ?06:21
mercenaryshipyour soul06:21
mercenaryshipdo you want a blessing06:21
mercenaryshipspirit and soul06:22
mercenaryshipI am the soul proprietor06:22
mercenaryshipI desire that your spirit may enter my rest06:23
krytarikmercenaryship: Again?  Stop this.06:23
mercenaryshipcompile a pipe organ for android06:23
mercenaryshipfor the delipse album06:24
cfhowlettmercenaryship, as you know, this is UBUNTU support.  go ask #android06:24
mercenaryshipye have heard it said from new moon to new moon06:25
cfhowlettmercenaryship, rude.  and now ... /ignored06:25
mercenaryshipcfhowlett what are you howling at?06:26
mercenaryshipdoes Ubuntu have a virtual 36pipe organ?06:27
fishcookerhow to know that a package is included on the release eg: trusty or xenial?06:28
mercenaryshiphe isn't replying06:29
mercenaryshipthat john_rambo06:29
ducassefishcooker: for irssi, for example - 'rmadison search irssi -s trusty'06:29
mercenaryshipstop recycling ascii streAms06:30
mercenaryshipsend a pipe organ06:30
mercenaryshipif you build it He will come06:32
mercenaryshipif you build it the comforter shall arrive06:32
mercenaryshipbuild the organ06:33
yrayproblem solved folks, simple as just going to the settings. It is beautifully already there06:34
yrayI < Ubuntu06:34
fishcookercool, thanks ducasse for rmadison actually i want to check that tzdata is always included on the trusty image release06:34
yrayI <3 ubuntu06:34
onebuild the pipe organ06:36
one1366x768 proportions06:37
ducassefishcooker: you mean after downloading the image?06:39
one18pipes on either side06:40
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haroldwhistlerhey there. I need some help with samba file sharing on kubuntu. Is this the right place to ask?07:12
cfhowlettharoldwhistler, yes.  ask away07:12
haroldwhistlerI have a PC running kubuntu and a laptop running Gnome on fedora (i assure you this is not a fedora related question).07:13
haroldwhistlerI have set up the kubuntu PC to share its public folder on the network07:13
haroldwhistlerI used Dolphin>public folder>properties>sharing menu to enable it07:13
haroldwhistlerI have set the permission for "Everyone" as Full-control07:13
haroldwhistlerBut i am still not able to write files to that folder from my laptop on the same network.07:14
haroldwhistlerAny idea what might be wrong?07:14
cfhowlettcreate a file from command line and paste the error messages07:15
haroldwhistlerI should also mention that i am running Kubuntu 17.04 x64 (fully updated) on a core2duo processor07:15
haroldwhistlerCan you tell me how specifically should i do that?07:15
haroldwhistlerLike should i create a small text file and try pasting it on the public folder of the network PC?07:16
cfhowlettharoldwhistler, easiest: touch /smb/target address / filename.txt | pastebinit         will attempt to create an empty file.  pastebinit will return a url with the error messages hosted07:17
haroldwhistlerOkay. Give me a minute.07:17
cfhowlettnote: not entirely certain about that target address i.e. /smb/ and all following07:17
haroldwhistleryeah i didnt understand that completely too.07:18
haroldwhistlerI think i should first mount the folder using nautilus and then try copying a file to it from the terminal07:19
haroldwhistleri'll find the mount point using lsblk07:19
haroldwhistlerlet me try07:19
haroldwhistlernot sure why i thought that would work07:20
haroldwhistlerAny idea how can i find the mount point for the network folder?07:20
cfhowlettabove my limited smb experience, I'm afraid07:20
haroldwhistlerOkay let me try something else. there is an extension for nautilus that lets you open the current folder in the terminal. Let me install that.07:21
hateballWhy not use sshfs or NFS if you're sharing between *nix07:23
hateballMuch less painful than samba07:23
haroldwhistlerBecause I don't know how to set those up on kde07:24
haroldwhistlerAlso, i tried copying a file using the terminal, and it just permission denied.07:25
haroldwhistlerI don't why that didn't work07:25
cfhowlettharoldwhistler, try cli with sudo07:25
haroldwhistlerokay one sec07:25
haroldwhistlerof course it didn't work07:26
cfhowletterror message?07:26
haroldwhistlerme being root on my system doesn't make me root on another system07:26
haroldwhistlersame error message: permission denied07:26
hateballalso samba has its own permissions07:27
haroldwhistleryeah...i have always felt samba is a clusterfuck07:27
ubottusshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions07:27
haroldwhistlerwell thanks for the help guys. I'll look into setting up nfs on kde. Or make it a webdav folder the way gnome handles networking07:27
haroldwhistlerOh okay'07:27
hateballsshfs is not perfect, but it's dead simple to use07:28
haroldwhistlerYeah sshfs looks nice07:28
hateballNFS is more robust07:28
hateballharoldwhistler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo07:28
haroldwhistlerThanks hateball07:28
haroldwhistlerAnd thanks for the help cfhowlett07:28
haroldwhistlerI'll be back if i need help with nfs or sshfs.07:28
cfhowlettas little as it was ... best of luck07:28
PSvilsHey all! Where can I find the CA authorities on Ubuntu 16.04?07:35
PSvilsI need to pass a path to a .crt file in an API I'm using as the CA source.07:36
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PSvilsAny pointers on finding the certificate authorities...? :)07:47
akik!info ca-certificates xenial07:50
ubottuca-certificates (source: ca-certificates): Common CA certificates. In component main, is standard. Version 20160104ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 186 kB, installed size 485 kB07:50
freakynlPSvils: /etc/ssl usually07:58
fadavihello there. i've been migrated from Unity to GNOME Shell; Now, after running some GTK applications, i've this output in commandline: `Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "unity-gtk-module"`. Any solution/workaound?08:18
YankDownUnderfadavi, It would appear that some app is requesting a gtk mod that was built for Unity - is Unity completely removed and replaced? What applications might you be running that are actually Unity-centered?08:19
ikoniawell he should know as he's launching it from a command line08:20
fadaviYankDownUnder: i just purged unity packages; and it seems such applications are not unity centered... Nautilus, Emacs, Firefox, ...08:22
YankDownUnderTrue...this is true...however, if an individual is not keen on what is truly a Gnome/GTK app and what is truly an Unity/GTK app...well...therein lies the issue...08:22
ikoniaif they are typing a command....they know what command is causing the problem08:23
YankDownUnderOMG emacs? Danger! emacs! (JOKING) => fadavi how was your machine "converted" -> are you supposed to be completely on Gnome 3.2+, or what can you tell us?08:23
ikoniaI suspect various unity libraries are still present, or the config for the shell still expects them even though the shell is gone08:24
YankDownUnderTook me a while to fully purge all the "Unity" based stuff...yersh...08:24
fadaviYankDownUnder: as i said, just purged unity packages. because of many projects and other data, i dont change my User.08:25
fadaviikonia: thats my idea, too.08:26
YankDownUnderfadavi, For me - in purging all the Unity stuff, I ended up having to make use of "synaptic" (the package manager) to fully blow out all the Unity stuff...that was my resolution to the issue (was similar to yours)08:27
fadaviYankDownUnder: som purging synaptic can helps?!08:28
fadaviso, *08:28
YankDownUnderfadavi, NOT purging "synaptic" -> using "synaptic" to locate the "strange" packages/libs/modules that were left over from my failed experiment with Unity...and for me, it ended up being "unity-accounts-blahblahblah" that caused my issues with "unity-gtk-module"08:29
fadaviYankDownUnder: ok thanks. i'll purge strange packages just like you.08:30
YankDownUnderfadavi, In the seaches, I specifically searched for "unity" and also anything "gtk" that had "unity" in it...took a while, like about 20 minutes or so...but it resolved the issue without breaking the entire system (or desktop)08:31
pynkisomeone know the default config of the openssh server for narmal user remote login? can the user login by password or is a key pair needed??08:50
akikpynki: the default is with password08:51
pynkithx akik08:52
notTechtronichow can i get ubuntu/wine to use 16-bit colours to run a game that needs it?09:17
ikonianotTechtronic: you may want to take that to the winehq channel for specific wine configs09:18
ikonianotTechtronic: (or be patient here)09:18
fallentreenotTechtronic: sounds like you maybe need DOSBox, not wine09:21
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exxiany indian user facing any issue in apt-get upgrade ?09:36
pavlushka_exxi: you can switch repository for your convinience09:39
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exxipavlushka: don't know why even after changing things are messed up for me now..09:40
exxipavlushka: are you from india ?09:40
pavlushkaexxi: close, from Bangladesh, though I use some other countries repo.09:40
exxipavlushka: good to meet you mate :)09:41
exxipavlushka: can you share your source.list file ?09:41
pavlushkaexxi: like wise :)09:41
exxipavlushka: for me openssh-client is failing with mismatch in hash09:42
exxipavlushka: can you share your /etc/apt/sources.list file ?09:43
pavlushkaexxi: give me a moment09:44
pavlushkaexxi: I use ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp repo09:51
pavlushkaexxi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24713378/09:52
exxipavlushka: thanks :)09:54
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pavlushkaexxi: actually your repo server has not synced completely with the main server, that's the prabable issue09:58
exxipavlushka: with your repo got pubkey error10:00
* pavlushka guessing the issue is local then.10:01
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exxipavlushka: so what i should be doing ?10:03
pavlushkaexxi: how did you changed your repo?10:04
exxijust copy paste the contente in sources.list file that's it..10:05
exxiand than apt-get update10:05
RadkosI have a bit easy but also complex question. :) Could you help me with environment variable with which I can set specific time for current bash script. Let's say I want to start program 'mytest' with date 5-th mart 2017 year, how could i do achieve that without changing the system time?10:06
pavlushkaok, I never tried that way, I switched my repo using "sofware and updates " and then select the desired repo from their10:07
pavlushkaexxi: ^^10:07
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pavlushkaexxi: and I guess using that process, both remote and local system exchange their pub keys10:09
Radkosis there someone familiar with my issue?10:13
ppfRadkos: i'm gonna go ahead and say you can't, in all generality10:16
ppfit mostly depends on how the script obtains the date, and i'm certain you can't interfere with most of the ways it's gonna do that10:17
Radkoswhat if it's not a script, let's say a binary program, you say i can't bypass the date so I can check what happens?10:18
ppfbesides changing the system clock of course10:19
ppfhttps://github.com/wolfcw/libfaketime this might be worth a try though10:20
BluesKaj'Morning all10:20
ppfworks by intercepting systemcalls10:20
ws2k3is there something wrong with the ubuntu installer? i just installed ubuntu 16.04 and it refuses to boot. i installed it twice to make sure i didnt do anything wrong10:20
fallentreews2k3: refuses how?10:22
fallentreews2k3: also please don't cross-post in multiple channels at the same time10:22
ws2k3fallentree while booting its stuck on /dev/xvda1: clean10:22
zachflemanyone around that can give me some advice on auto mounting usb drives on server 16.04 ?10:23
fallentreews2k3: how did you install Ubuntu? Ran live usb or something?10:23
ws2k3fallentree http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso i used the network install10:24
fallentreews2k3: is this a remote machine? /dev/xvda is a xen disk image10:24
ws2k3fallentree yes xen vm10:25
fallentreews2k3: booting from host kernel or domU ?10:26
ws2k3fallentree host kernel10:27
ws2k3fallentree just hvm10:27
fallentreeor where I'm getting at, did the installer run as domU too? If that booted fine, so should the installed image, unless you choose something wrong when installing10:27
ws2k3yes the installed run as domU10:28
ws2k3and the installation itself went just fine. only after boot it didnt boot10:29
ws2k3but it was a bit strange that i could not chose any packages to install during install10:29
ws2k3normaly you can chose things as SSH mailserver, etc but i didnt get that now10:29
fallentreews2k3: that could be because it's the minimal installation image10:30
fallentreews2k3: anyway, what's your filesystem/partition layout? /dev/xvda1 is root?10:31
ws2k3fallentree everything default. yes /dev/xvda1 is root10:31
ws2k3i only have 1 partition of 20 gb10:31
fallentreewhich filesystem?10:31
ws2k3fallentree i have 2 parttition #1 is root (ext4) and #5 swap10:32
ws2k3fallentree i used guided partitioning use entire disk10:32
ws2k3fallentree its now Installing the base system10:33
fallentreews2k3: line above /dev/xvda1: clean  is "Checking root filesystem" ?10:33
fallentreeand that "clean" line, lists number of files and blocks it checked?10:34
ws2k3fallentree yes10:34
ws2k3fallentree its now Select and install software10:35
fallentreewhat is?10:35
ws2k3fallentree im doing a reinstall again10:35
ws2k3so im at that step in the installation wizard10:35
fallentreewell the next step after that "clean" line would be mounting filesystems. perhaps check the fstab file, is it possible UUIDs are used and they have changed? Maybe manually fix fstab to list /dev/xvda1 as root10:36
ws2k3fallentree i now installed grub and set the clock now the installation is complete and im gonna reboot10:37
fallentreews2k3: installed to /dev/xvda  (without number) ?10:37
ws2k3yes. the install wizard does that automaticly10:38
ws2k3and now im at /dev/xvda1:clean, 55210/663552 files, 35314/2650880 blocks10:39
ws2k3fallentree thats what i see now. and now its stuck10:39
fallentreeI'd check the fstab file from the installer rescue shell10:39
ws2k3fallentree ok this is trange i did ctrl + alt + 1 and now i get a login screen10:40
ws2k3only ctrl+alt + 7 (so the normale boot screen) there i dont get a login10:40
fallentreewell, that makes sense. tty7 is for xorg10:40
ws2k3fallentree not on ubuntu server right?10:41
ws2k3fallentree or is the iso i used not for ubuntu server?10:41
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fallentreews2k3: anywhere. tty7 is used for gui. server console logins should go through tty110:41
ws2k3fallentree i think this is the normale ubuntu not ubuntu server10:43
fallentreeit's a minimal ISO, so it at least installed the ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard packages if I'm not mistaken. "Desktop" is just adding on to that.10:44
fallentreethe difference between desktop and server editions is only in which packages are installed and set up by default. it's possible to change one into another, from one or another, merely by adding or removing packages.10:46
ws2k3fallentree cause in my opinion its pretty strange that when an OS is booted you cant login10:46
fallentreews2k3: well, you can log in, can't you? through tty1?10:46
carach_angrenHey, I'm on irssi on ubuntu, and I don't think my /whois command is working?10:48
ws2k3fallentree true but why not on tty7? the default screen10:48
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carach_angren(Is this the place where I can learn to use irssi on ubuntu?)10:48
chucarach_angren: You could try #irssi I guess10:48
carach_angrenOkay thanks10:48
fallentreews2k3: I think it's reserved for gui by systemd, I don't know, anyway it'd be pretty unusual to use tty7 as default on a server installation10:49
fallentreews2k3: and if you're thrown to tty7 by default on boot, then I guess it's the graphical.target doing that, I don't know which packages you installed there.10:52
ws2k3fallentree i havent installed any packages yet its just a clean install10:52
Anatoliyhello, help me please. i have a messages: user is not allowed to run '/bin/bash' as root.10:55
Anatoliyhow i can fix it?10:55
ppfAnatoliy: where are you getting that message from?10:56
Anatoliysudo -s10:56
Anatoliyor sudo apt install mc10:56
ws2k3fallentree thx anyway10:57
fallentreews2k3: you can check something. log into the system and grep "vt.handoff" /etc/grub.d/10_linux10:57
ppfAnatoliy: is your user in the sudo group?10:57
fallentreews2k3: if you have  vt.handoff="7"  then change it to 1, run update-grub10:57
ws2k3fallentree i have vt.handoff ="7"10:57
ws2k3fallentree but i just did GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" and that worked fine to10:58
fallentreews2k3: right, so change it to 1 and update-grub. I guess that minimal installer is really meant for desktop installation then.10:58
fallentreews2k3: that only prevents plymouth from going into graphical mode, I think10:59
ws2k3fallentree well it worked cause during and after boot it just showed tty110:59
fallentreews2k3: problem solved, then :)11:00
ws2k3fallentree thx alot!11:00
Anatoliythanks. it works11:08
tmusOn Ubuntu 17.04 (Gnome) systemd does not detect my laptop lid being closed (docked with external display) on boot. If I open and close the lid afterwards, everything is fine and systemd can now see the lid is closed... Any idea?11:11
freakynltmus: apparently the unpressing/pressing triggers some events whereas it already being pressed on boot does not. Other than that not much11:12
tmusfreakynl, seems to me systemd does not properly detect the state. If I monitor the journal, the first "open" is not mention, but closing the lid again causes a Lid closed event from logind...11:14
carach_angrenHey, I installed oidentd on Ubuntu using apt-get but when I try to start the daemon using 'systemctl start oidentd.socket', I get an error saying 'Failed to start oidentd.socket: Unit oidentd.socket not found.' Any ideas?11:18
tmuscarach_angren, perhaps it's a .service ?11:20
ppfi still uses sysvinit11:22
mlrnhi there. on ubuntu 17.04, there's gnome-terminal and 'terminal' from the ubuntu-terminal-app package.  what's the latter, and why is it not available as an alternative for the default terminal?11:24
BluesKajmlrn,  there's a drop down terminal/console called yakuake that's very handy. install it and use F12 to launch it11:28
leftyfbmlrn: they are the same thing11:35
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hateballharoldwhistler: glad it worked for you11:36
Al3xG0command split is possible output files splited numerical name11:43
hateballAl3xG0: Is that a question or... ?11:44
Al3xG0command split is possible output files splited numerical name?11:45
hateballAl3xG0: if you want numbering instead of letters, use -d. It's in the man-page11:45
Al3xG0tnk u bro.11:47
mlrnleftyfb: they're quite different, and from different packages. gnome-terminal vs. ubuntu-terminal-app12:15
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bonsaitreeSince there is no way to fix the internet connection drop bug, what do you guys recommend? I have tried with previous kernels and it does not work, the OS still drops the connection. Is it clever to do a distro downgrade? Thanks in advance.12:34
tmusbonsaitree, which bug?12:38
bonsaitreetmus:Frequent connection drops, maybe 30 times a day12:38
bonsaitreetmus:The 17.04 known bug12:38
tmusdo you have a bug id or something?12:39
tmusI have a lot of issues with 17.04, but no connection drops12:39
tmusbonsaitree, that said, I have experienced drops (lost SSH sessions etc) on ALL Linux distros when running a Cisco infrastructure with ASA firewalls... I wondered if that might be what this is. Hard to tell without a lot of info, though...12:42
tmusIn any case - *that* problem can be fixed by disabling tcp_timestamps; echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps12:42
bonsaitreetmus: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/comments/6a9ob3/ubuntu_1704_wifi_continually_dropping_connection/12:43
bonsaitreetmus:Can't find the bug on launchpad, but i have recently seen that it's a well known bug12:44
tmusbonsaitree, okya - that's a different problem that i've never seen before - sorry...12:44
tmusFWIW i'm using an intel wireless controller in my laptop - no issues here...12:45
bonsaitreetmus:However, how do i do a distro downgrade - to let's say 16.04?12:45
OlofLHello I created a new wired profile in connection manager. How can I delete it? Also, how do I change priority of wired profiles?12:45
fission6why am i getting this when i ssh into my ubuntu ec2 http://dpaste.com/0XBSXB212:48
tomreynbecause your VM lacks RAM12:49
tmusbonsaitree, Safest bet is back up your /home (and whatever else you need), reinstall and restore12:51
tomreynfission6: ^ when a user logs in via ssh, new processes need to be spawned, which consumes additional memory. such was not available at the time these logs were written.12:51
tomreynOlofL: there's a connection manager which allows you to edit or delete connection profiles12:52
OlofLtomreyn: where do I delete *one* wired profile?12:53
tomreyn"Edit connections...", that's the last option on the network manager gnome integration for me.12:53
OlofLtomreyn: ok found it. "forget" is what is was called12:54
tomreynOlofL: hmm you must have a different GUI than me then. i'm on xubuntu 16.0412:55
OlofLtomreyn: know if there is a way to have multiple profiles, but always have one on prio? i use static on some networks, but mostly dhcp. but somehow it always defaults to my static one...12:55
OlofLim on gnome 17.0412:55
tomreyni have no experience with 17.04. in 16.04 you can configure connection profiles to be automatically connected to or not.12:56
tomreynof those which are set to be automatically connected to, i do not know how to configure the priority.12:56
fission6tomreyn what does that mean though? could it mean the server was out of memory essentially?12:56
tomreynfission6: yes, that's what it means. the kernel had no available virtual memory (so neither physical RAM nor swap) available to assign to these new processes which would have had to be spawned for your ssh shell.12:58
fission6tomreyn thanks, curious - is there a way to track processes after a reboot to see what may be gobbling up memory12:58
tomreynfission6: that's what you use montoring for.12:59
tomreynfission6: the most simple approach would be to keep 'top' running13:00
tomreyn(or 'htop' alternatively)13:00
fission6@tomreyn i have htop running, what shoudl be the plan just keep my eye on it (i suspect memory is leaking in my web app since its the only thing really running thats "dynamic")13:01
tomreynfission6: if this situation where there was a lack of allocatable memory (out of memory = OOM) lasted for a longer while it's well possible that the kernel also tried to kill some of the more memory hungry processes using 'OOM kill'. this would have been logged to /var/log/syslog so you could make an educated guess on what was consuming the most memory at the time it happened.13:03
fission6that is really help and interesting, so i should review the log? would it still be in the log after a reboot?13:04
tomreynfission6: read the man page of top / htop, you can sort by those columns. so you could sort by memory allocation in decreasing order so that you'll always have the most memory hungry processes listed on top13:04
fission6OK - what should i grep for / look for in the sys log13:05
tomreynfission6: yes, syslog persists after reboots. it is rotated, so older records will be in /var/log/syslog.*13:05
tomreyngrep for OOM13:06
tomreynhere's an example https://serverfault.com/questions/548736/how-to-read-oom-killer-syslog-messages13:06
fission6ii do not see any OOM13:06
fission6in syslog :(13:07
tomreynactrually the pattern is bad, you need to search for  'Out of memory' or 'oom_kill'13:07
fission6tomreyn do not see that pattern appearing13:08
tomreynzgrep -E '(Out of memory|oom_kill)' /var/log/syslog*13:08
tomreynokay then i guess the kernel did not need to use it, since it wasn't *that* bad13:09
mlrnI've set up a fresh system, updated and encountered a problem setting my bluetooth up. Where would I report such thing? Directly on launchpad, and if so, against which package?13:10
mlrnAll components work fine, but the user is not directed to set things up correctly13:10
tomreynfission6: still your memory was entirely allocation at some point, which should not happen.13:10
fission6how can i set up htop, do i just sort by mem%13:11
tomreynmlrn: from your descrition i cannot tell whether you're referring to a (G)UI issue or a driver issue or something else. you could try with "ubuntu-bug bluetooth", but please make sure you search launchpad for matching bugs first.13:13
tomreynfission6: yes, it doesn't log, it's just to get an idea about the current state.13:13
fission6ya, @tomreyn I am pretty sure uwsgi is whats eating memory, how can i start to find where and why?13:14
mlrntomreyn: use-case "receive files via bluetooth" is bugged. first off, obex needs to be started manually. second, receive-files will silently fail if you haven't set automatic file receiving. you won't be prompted whether you allow the transfer or not.13:14
tomreynfission6: i'm not into debugging python scripts, but you will find a lot of resources on that online.13:16
tomreynfission6: this looks like it could be useful http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Logging.html13:17
fission6tomreyn thanks!13:19
tomreynmlrn: okay, so this is a mix of usability and functional issues. i suggest you search for those on launchpad and, if there are no bug reports, you go ahead and file sepaate bug reports for each of those seperate issues.13:20
tomreynfission6: this also looks useful. it's a bit dated (i.e. not all of this may still apply), but covers your specific topic. http://chase-seibert.github.io/blog/2013/08/03/diagnosing-memory-leaks-python.html13:24
fission6@tomreyn thank you for your insight, its very much appreciated13:24
tomreynwelcome, hope it helps.13:25
BlackVenomHi folks13:29
BlackVenomFor about a month now I've been having issues updating my Ubuntu Server install. It shows 23 packages can be updated but when I run sudo apt-get update I get this error https://pastebin.com/Yv8y6jYy13:30
jonfatinoHello can anyone assist with this https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236229313:32
tomreynBlackVenom: try:    apt-get clean && apt-get update    # if this doesn't help, use:    sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf; sudo apt-get update13:34
tomreyn^ add sudo13:35
BlackVenomtomreyn thanks. apt-get clean did nothing so I had to run the rm command and all seems to be working now13:37
tomreynBlackVenom: /var/lib/apt/lists/* is where your systems' view of the state of (remote) package repoistories is stored.  for unknown reasons, one of those files storing the remote APT repository's state became corrupt (HW/disk issues? unexpected reboots?), in which case this situation can occur.13:39
tomreynit's quite rare, though13:40
BlackVenomI had a drive failure but it was a storage drive13:41
BlackVenomnothing else comes to mind though13:41
tomreynmaybe (and just maybe) check the drives' S.M.A.R.T. data13:42
bonsaitreeCan someone tell me why TearFree disabled by default is considered a good idea?13:43
plasticoI am using ubiquity to install ubuntu. But i get an error, and I need to check it and I cannot find the logfile of the installation (in this case, the commands that were executed). Anyone?13:44
arunangshuafter  running open vpn from vpnbook.com browser does not able to connect to internet please help13:49
BluesKajplastico, why not tell us the error13:50
ikoniaarunangshu: or contact their support if you're using their VPN and it'sn ot working13:50
plasticoBluesKaj: Well it just says error isntalling grub in /dev/sda. But i believe it is because of a previous problem with a copy or move command, thats why i need to check some type of logs...13:51
saphaperocI am logged in as root and still cannot delete a directory. I am getting a Permission denied error13:54
chalcedonymy husband clicked on an email, which opened a webpage in fireofx, now he can't close the fireofx tab or click on anything.. would rebooting be the answer?13:58
BluesKajplastico,  don't see how a prvious copy and move would have much to do with a grub install failure13:59
tomreynchalcedony: you can run this in a terminal: killall -9 firefox14:00
mlrnAny username for Ubuntu One registration is taken, the registration form tells…14:00
plasticoBluesKaj: It probably has, because it also says this: "ubuntu cannot open /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi". So, some things werent copied to that directory.14:00
tomreynchalcedony: this should close the firefox window.14:00
BluesKajplastico,  if it's uefi then grub may have trouble installinng14:00
tomreynsaphaperoc: which file system? which file is it (one which came with ubuntu)? which ubuntu release?14:01
plasticoBluesKaj: So ubuntu doesnt work with uefi then?14:01
BluesKajinstalling on uefi isn't my strong suit14:01
solarbeeubuntu works fine on uefi14:02
tomreynsaphaperoc: also, is this a VM or container or similar?14:02
BluesKajyes it does install on uefi , plastico14:02
plasticoIt is just because my windows has the boot partition as EFI, so...14:02
saphaperoctomreyn: It's a VPS running server 16.0414:02
plasticoand I really shouldnt need to reinstall *everything*14:02
saphaperocIt's a file in a user's account14:02
saphaperoctomreyn but 'chattr -i ... ' did the trick14:03
BluesKajplastico,  are you reinstalling to / and setting the mountpoint for /home?14:03
tomreynsaphaperoc: okay, i was just about to suggest that14:04
plasticoBluesKaj: I am reinstalling to /, but not setting the mountpoint for /home .14:04
saphaperoctomreyn: Thanks though!14:04
tomreynwelcome, glad you worked it out.14:05
BluesKajplastico, I assume you don't have a /home partition14:05
plasticoBluesKaj: Well, im just installing to / . I dont need setting the mountpoint for /home, do I?14:06
bonsaitreeCan someone tell me why TearFree disabled by default is considered a good idea?14:06
BluesKajplastico,  only if you have a /home partition14:06
plasticoBluesKaj: but it should be that, right? I mean, the error says "/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi: unknown file or directory"14:07
BluesKajlet me rephrase that, you need to set the montpoint for a /home partition if it exists14:08
plasticoBluesKaj: Well, then no, it does not exist.14:09
BluesKaj!uefi  | plastico14:09
ubottuplastico: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:09
plasticoI will check that link. Thank you!14:09
chalcedonytomreyn, hubby couldn't click anything.. he restarted the system, now has done that twice. He is getting a popup error window: System program problem detected. Do you want to report the problem now? [Cancel] [Report ..] .. he can't click on either one14:11
chalcedonywonder if i can ssh to it14:11
chalcedonygreat i'm in14:12
chalcedonynow what?14:12
tomreynchalcedony: i assume the firefox issue is solved for now? about the system program problem, he can choose freely. if you would like to help analyzing this system in general, you could start by inspecting /var/log/syslog* and the output of the 'dmesg' command14:16
tomreynor is there a specific issue you are now trying to solve?14:16
bonsaitreeI've tried to resolve my Wi-Fi connection drops on 17.04. I've tried this: https://superuser.com/questions/1153203/ubuntu-17-04-systemd-resolved-dns-lookups-randomly-fail/1200745#1200745 . However, doing what someone suggested (the post with 10 upvotes) did not help. Now i want to bring back the system in the previous state. What should i do?14:17
chalcedonytomreyn, let me see thanks .. his mouse isn't responding still14:18
tomreynchalcedony: so check /var/log/Xorg.*.log (especially records which contain '(WW)' or '(EE')' and those which refer to 'mouse') and '.xsession-errors' in his users' home directory.14:22
plasticoBluesKaj: I am sorry, but the link didnt help me one bit, sadly.14:22
tomreynchalcedony: which ubuntu release is this (lsb_release -d), is it all up to date (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade), and does he have 3rd party repositories configured there (apt-cache policy)?14:24
chalcedonytomreyn, its 16.04 LTS14:27
chalcedonyhe has a problem with updates separate from this, his root directory is full, i haven't been able to get reminders to him for how to clear that so it doesn't update automatically14:28
tomreynchalcedony: do you mean root directory as in /root, or the root file system, i.e. the file system which contains the / directory?14:30
tomreynchalcedony: if it's about a file system running full, df -h (of df -i) will show.14:30
chalcedonylvm there and a seperated /boot partition (sda1). that is where the kernels are put in. and that is 90% full14:31
chalcedonymm notes from fixing it before14:31
tomreynso / boot is the file system running full, and the only one?14:32
shubjeroAnyone know how to prevent rsyslog from sending logs in /var/log/whatever.log as well as /var/log/syslog ? Ideally, if I'm sending logs to a specific application log, i dont want it duplicated in /var/log/syslog14:32
afidegnumhi, what local utility can i use to test the mail feature on my PC? a sort of localhost mail.14:32
tomreynchalcedony: /boot is probably not part of the LVM then (I'm guessing), making it harder to move space around.14:33
chalcedonytomreyn, maybe so. the problem is bigger and different from the root directory issue.14:34
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sirru5hHowdy Everyone14:35
chalcedonytomreyn, his repositories look pretty ok but im no expert14:36
tomreynafidegnum: examples: swaks, bsd-mailx14:37
bonsaitreeI still can't fix the Wi-Fi connection drops on 17.04. Anyone experienced something similar?14:37
tomreynchalcedony: you cna use the 'pastebinit' command to share output with us if you would like so.14:37
tomreyn!pastebinit | chalcedony14:38
ubottuchalcedony: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com14:38
chalcedonytomreyn, that failed to get it because of no space left on the drive14:40
chalcedonyi think we are looking at a big messy problem14:40
tomreynchalcedony: can you run this instead: df -h | nc termbin.com 999914:42
tomreyntermbin.com is another service similar to paste.ubuntu.com, which can work without a client.14:42
chalcedonytomreyn, there :)14:43
tomreynso really only /boot is full,a dn pastebinit should install fine, but there are probably other half installed kernel packages which mean you need to clean up /boot first.14:44
tomreynchalcedony: sudo apt autoremove --purge   ## may help there14:44
chalcedonysudo apt autoremove --purge   ## ?14:44
tomreynandything including and behind # is ignored14:45
tomreynsudo apt autoremove --purge14:45
chalcedonyAfter this operation, 918 MB disk space will be freed.14:45
* chalcedony blinks14:46
tomreynabout time ;)14:46
tomreynonce that's done, run: sudo apt -f install14:47
chalcedonytomreyn, ok its still working on it14:48
tomreyn... to finish installation fo the pending / half-installed packages, then, to install updates: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:48
chalcedony0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 35 not upgraded.14:49
chalcedony34 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:50
chalcedonyNeed to get 81.6 MB of archives.14:50
chalcedonyAfter this operation, 81.9 kB of additional disk space will be used.14:50
AlexPortableI added a bash script to ~/.local/nautilus/scripts/, but how can I show the terminal to ask for input when the script is called?14:50
tomreynchalcedony: sounds good. please use a pastebin for multi-line pastes14:51
chalcedonytomreyn, ok .. its working14:51
chalcedonyi generally pastebin for >3 lines14:52
SkintillionHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a semi-older IBM server with an Adaptec 2410SA Sata Raid card. There is a volume that is currently in build/verify mode (which details it should be available to the OS), however when I choose the aacraid driver, it does not detect any drive. Any suggestions?14:52
tomreynAlexPortable: there is probably no temrinal involved. you would need to spawn an application to provide a graphical prompt (i.e. which draws an X window) and evaluate the user input provided to it.14:52
AlexPortableso i can't make a verification or a yes/no question/14:54
pavlosshubjero: check /etc/rsyslog.conf and rules under that14:55
tomreynchalcedony: after next reboot, a different kernel image will be in use (since you now installed updated ones), meining old kernels can be removed again. i.e. afgter next reboot, you may want to run "sudo apt update; sudo apt autoremove --purge" again14:56
tomreynAlexPortable: you can, using the zenity package / command14:56
chalcedonytomreyn, ok that sounds good14:57
chalcedonygoodness knows what he did to his mouse. I only saw one WW and no EE in that output14:57
AlexPortabletomreyn: dialog also possible?14:58
tomreynchalcedony: have him try connecting it to a different USB port, move the wire (where it connects to the mouse) a little. if it's wireless, battieries may be empty or the signal quality may be bad.14:59
tomreynAlexPortable: please rephrase your question, i do not know what you mean to ask.15:00
AlexPortablealso possible to use 'dialog' instead of 'zenity'15:01
tomreynAlexPortable: not for graphical prompts, no.15:02
tomreynif you just nmneed them in a temrinal, it can work.15:02
nicomachustomreyn: +115:02
AlexPortablewell just in the terminal15:03
tomreynAlexPortable: but, the way i understood it, there is no terminal15:03
skinuxThis is probably a pretty dumb question, but is there a way I can convert Linux Mint to Ubuntu using Ubuntu repositories?15:03
tomreynskinux: i doubt there is a reliable way to do so. backup and reinstall.15:05
Southern_Gentlemskinux, ea lot easier to backup and clean install15:05
Southern_Gentlema lot15:05
skinuxWell, I only installed Linux Mint because I couldn't get the Ubuntu installation disc to boot.15:06
skinuxHowever, I don't really want to do a full re-install, so maybe I'll just see if I can get used to Linux Mint differences.15:06
tomreynchalcedony: it sounds like you could maybe do your hubby a favor by configuring unattended upgrades on this system. this (package unattended-upgrades; configutation file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50-unattended-upgrades) can also be configured to automatically purge unneeded packages (and thus regain space).15:11
fadaviaccidentally i've deleted /etc/gdm3 directory! :| after that, i cant login to gnome shell using gdm! and im using lxdm, now. how can i repair gdm?15:18
SkintillionAnything I can try to get this Adaptec card detected?15:19
tonytfadavi sudo apt-get install gdm15:21
tomreynfadavi: purge and reinstall: ctrl-alt-f1 (in case you are running X), then login and run: sudo apt-get purge gdm3; sudo apt-get install gdm3; sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm315:21
Jack_Sparrow__Skintillion, https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=18716915:22
Jack_Sparrow__Last paragraph15:22
tomreynSkintillion: run 'lspci -nn' to identify the very hardware / to see whether it was detected as a PCI device.15:24
tomreynif it was detected there, you'd need to find matching drivers or configure those already available.15:25
fadavitomreyn: thanks, that works _/\_15:29
tomreynfadavi: don't forget to log out of tty1 again (by switching to it using actrl-alt-f1 again, then back using ctrl-alt-f7)15:30
fadavitomreyn: after that, restarted and everythings works fine. thanks again15:31
Jack_Sparrow__Good Job Guys15:32
nabbletHi, I run ubunut 16.04 on a "bananapi r1". I have a network interface "enx3c3...4" and I can successfully run "sudo iwlist enx3c3...4" to scan for networks, so the card works and seems to be recognized as that. BUT: "iw list" does not show any output.15:36
nabbletGoogling didn't help so far since the distinction "iwlist" and "iw list" is hard.15:38
compdociw list doesnt produce results15:38
nabbletcompdoc: shouldn't it show me the capabilites of the wifi card? I want o find out if I can run it in AP mode15:39
compdocsorry, I ran the command on a server that doesnt have a wireless interface. my bad15:40
compdocdoes ifconfig show the interfaces? or: ip link15:41
leftyfbnabblet: try sudo iw list15:41
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nabbletleftyfb: nope15:43
nabbletleftyfb: still no output  :/15:43
nabbletcompdoc: leftyfb "lshw -C network" gives me, among other lines "configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rtl8192cu multicast=yes wireless=unassociated" for the respective wifi device15:45
compdocyou have to fix the unassociated15:45
pavlosnabblet: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan15:46
nabbletcompdoc: well i didn't even try to connect to a wifi yet. I just wanted to figure out the basics and got stuck at "iw list"  that does not have output.15:46
nabbletpavlos: that woks (as stated in my initial message). Just have to use a different interface name15:47
pavlosnabblet: sry15:47
nabbletpavlos: np, I appreciate your input/interest anyway :)15:48
nabbletwhat irks me is that 50% of the tools I try just work fine and 50% do not.15:48
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:49
nabbletOh, I just found that there may be weird issues with that driver (can scan but not connect) https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_network_configuration#rtl8192cu I'll try to connect to a wifi and see if I am hit by that issue as well15:49
CarlenWhiteWell derp. Ubuntu didn't install itself correctly and probably because of my meddling.15:50
CarlenWhiteBut it seems like I'm having a problem putting in the EFI entry to use Grub.15:50
CarlenWhiteWhich will then actually get Ubuntu running.15:51
Skintillionthanks tomreyn I'll try that!15:51
pavlosnabblet: does 'iw dev wlan0' give you the interface?15:51
CarlenWhiteThis case I tried mounting the EFI partion to /boot/efi then tried the command `grub-install --bootloader-id ubuntu /dev/sda`15:52
nabbletpavlos: no. I tried 'iw dev enx3...4' instead, where enx3...4 is what shows up for the wifi card in ifconfig15:55
CarlenWhiteI might've found the command I needed.15:57
CarlenWhite`efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 1 -w -L ubuntu`15:57
L0g4nAd4msOn ubuntu 17.04, repositories take like 10 seconds before apt update downloads the package list from them no matter which server i choose.15:59
CarlenWhiteefi boot manager create on device /dev/sda where efi partion is 1 then write unique signature to the MBR if needed and call the entry "ubuntu"15:59
spearthistlehi, Maren helped me compile Inkscape 0.92.x revision 15432 on armhf the other day.  How do you get it into Ubuntu as an available package for 14.04.5 LTS (Trusty)?15:59
CarlenWhiteSo time to see if that fix worked. See ya'll.15:59
leftyfbL0g4nAd4ms: sounds like a DNS resolution issue. Try adding "nameserver" to the top of your /etc/resolv.conf16:01
xentity1xHi I'm getting this error when running apt update. W: Invalid 'Date' entry in Release file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/_var_cuda-repo-8-0-local_Release16:01
CarlenWhiteKinda worked!16:02
nabbletleftyfb: pavlos compdoc it seems that this hardware causes weird issues for a lot of users (google is full of hits for rtl8192cu) and the consensus seems to be to use https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes16:02
CarlenWhiteI have `Ubuntu Desktop` as a entry but it fails and bumps be back to the boot selection.16:02
nabbleti'll follow that tomorrow. Thank you all for your attention and interest16:02
xentity1xCan someone help me trouble shoot. So far I've tried renaming that release file but it did not fix the problem.16:02
CarlenWhiteSo I'm back in Windows so I can actually talk and not reconfigure a IRC client.16:02
compdocnabblet, you have it working now?16:02
PSvilsFor a server setup - what are problems with having a subdomain `api.mydomain.com`, but the subdomain is redirected to another IP address, and HTTPS?16:04
CarlenWhiteWell. I'm gonna pop back into Ubuntu and try checking the efi entries and see if it happened to goof up the settings.16:04
* CarlenWhite returns to the other side where IRC can't follow.16:04
PSvils(Is that even recommended?)16:04
naccxentity1x: you should ask wherever you got the repo from?16:04
L0g4nAd4msleftyfb, nope, not a DNS resolve issue. no change16:06
L0g4nAd4msIt seems to be a problem with some settings in ubuntu 17.04 itself. I could reproduce this issue in my homenetwork and in my network at university16:07
tgm4883PSvils: there's no problem with that16:09
MarkAllasread /join #cpanel16:10
MarkAllasreadWoops. :p16:10
WiciuI want download ubuntu, ther's a few version on ubuntu.com, which should :-)16:10
compdocubuntu desktop, 64bit, probably16:11
PSvilstgm4883: Alright, nice, I'm on the dangerous level of "have seen this being dealt with", but no actual experience on specifics.16:12
PSvilsVague knowledge is usually the most troubling.16:12
xentity1xnacc, its an nvidia package. I'm not even really sure where to go to ask questions about it.16:13
tgm4883PSvils: so what you're asking about (pointing a subdomain at another IP address) is probably the most common thing done16:13
tgm4883PSvils: so not only is it not a problem, but yea it's recommended16:14
Wiciucompdoc: I rather mean 17.10, 16.04 etc16:16
WiciuIt seems obvious but upper numbers doesnt mean more stable etc16:16
compdocWiciu, 17.10 is supported one year, and 16.04 is a LTS, meaning supported for a few years16:16
WiciuI know tha16:17
Dreaman17 yera 4 month16:17
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WiciuBut it doesnt meant that is more stable16:17
CarlenWhiteOkay so the efi settings were incorrect. For some reason it defaulted to `/EFI/redhat/grub.efi` when it should be `/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi` but it's still not loading GRUB.16:17
Dreaman17.10 is alpha16:17
Dreaman17.04 fonal16:17
CarlenWhitePerhaps I might have to check the grub.cfg?16:18
naccxentity1x: where did you get the cuda repository from?16:18
Dreaman16.04 lts 5 years support16:18
WiciuCheers Dreaman, few words and I I know what I wanted. THX again16:18
nacc!who | Dreaman: you have been told this multiple times (by me).16:18
ubottuDreaman: you have been told this multiple times (by me).: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:18
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F16:18
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.12.0-041200rc3-generic x86_64 (64 bit)16:18
Dreaman           Desktop: Gnome Distro: Ubuntu Artful Aardvark (development branch)16:18
naccWiciu: to be clear, non-LTS are supported for 9 months16:18
WiciuI did not ask for how long its supported :-)16:19
Dreamanmy is extreem edition16:19
CrystalMareI'm trying to get my sound-card to work, but ALSA is saying that the device has no controls16:19
naccWiciu: the length of support often indicates what version to use.16:19
naccWiciu: if you don't know, install the LTS.16:20
CarlenWhiteWait, should GRUB EFI open regardless if the config is broken?16:20
chalcedonytomreyn, https://pastebin.com/1LLC6q9R16:20
CarlenWhiteAnd enter rescue mode?16:20
BluesKajCrystalMare, did you choose the soundcard with F6 in alsamixer?16:20
chalcedonytomreyn, its got an error16:20
CrystalMareBluesKaj, yes16:21
xentity1xnacc, I'm not really sure since I didn't setup this machine. Here's a list of my nvidia ppas https://pastebin.com/Gn89Q8KS16:21
naccxentity1x: right, ppas. Ask the PPA owners.16:21
naccxentity1x: those aren't lists of PPAs, those are lists of packages16:22
CrystalMareBluesKaj, its a Creative X-Fi 5.1 USB card16:23
BluesKajCrystalMare, are you getting the digital ctl page in alsamixer then change the output in pavucontrol to analog from digital16:23
CrystalMareBluesKaj, http://imgur.com/ZoHqdjc.png16:24
WiciuI want to install ubu on one of laptops that is used for work as well, then I rather want to install and have not any surprises. Got one 16.04 on one of the laptops and works fine. On another I tried 17.10 but had issue with flickering screen when pressing keys or moving coursor. That why I'm asking16:24
CrystalMareThat's what I am looking at right now.16:24
DreamanWiciu  work 17.1016:24
Dreamannot good idea16:24
naccWiciu: 17.10 is not out yet. I would not recommend it.16:25
Dreaman16.04 lts16:25
L00P3Xaudio related.. maybe someone knows how to assignt dssi's like hexter to different midi channel? something like Qjackctl connections for midi? Hello EveryOne16:25
SkintillionThere a way to run commands on the Ubuntu server cd? THere's no live boot option, just the install16:25
naccWiciu: 17.10 would not have been presented anywhere easily -- and it would say alpha (or possibly pre-alpha) at this point16:25
WiciuI've learnt it a hard way LOL.16:25
naccSkintillion: from the installer you can drop to a shell, iirc16:25
Skintillionfound it16:25
Skintillionnever mind16:25
Skintillionhaha thanks16:26
SkintillionJust had to press escape a few times16:26
naccSkintillion: yeah16:26
WiciuI'll install on another one 16.04 LTS too then.16:26
SkintillionWell it detects the AACRAID controller at least.16:26
SkintillionWonder why the installer wont see a volume16:27
SkintillionMaybe it doesn't like that it is still building/verifying.16:27
SkintillionEven though the card itself says it will be available for use.16:27
SkintillionPerhaps I'll wait out the build, and see before I try anything further wasting my time.16:27
fallentr1eSkintillion: perfect opportunity to go software raid instead :)16:28
theseb What if you can suspend but you can't recover FROM a suspend?  Any hope?  How track down packages causing the issue?16:28
naccSkintillion: yeah, it's possilbe AACRAID is blocking access to the disks?16:29
CrellHello peoples.  Hopefully simple question. I just upgraded to Kubuntu 17.04 this weekend.  It went mostly smoothly, but Slack (Electron app) seems to now be unable to connect.  Googling shows me lots of issues with Electron apps on 17.04 and the app indicator drawer in Unity, but nothing for connection issues. Has anyone else seen this?  Any ideas as to the cause?16:29
BluesKajCrystalMare, open the file  /etc/modprobe/alsa-base.conf  with root permissions and find any references to usb there and change the indexes from a minus to = , then save the file and relogin16:29
nacctheseb: you can debug suspend issues iirc16:29
nacctheseb: it's unlikely to be packages, but hardware/kerenl16:29
CrystalMareBluesKaj, I don't quite follow. I've found some entries that say: options snd-usb-audio index=-216:30
CrystalMarewhat am I to change this to?16:30
BluesKajCrystalMare, yes, get rid of the minus signs16:31
BluesKajthe minus is similar toi a blacklist or ignore16:31
CrystalMareOk, I've changed all of the ones that had usb in them16:32
CrystalMareAm I to restart my machine? or is there a way to reload ALSA?16:32
CrystalMareBluesKaj, I just restarted my computer, so far no change16:36
L00P3Xsomeone knows how to assign dssi's like hexter to different midi channel?16:39
CrystalMareI give up16:40
CrystalMareLinux & Audio = hell16:40
lotuspsychjeCrystalMare: to get your issue solved, re-ask your problem in the channel once in a while16:41
CrystalMareFair enough: I'm trying to get my Sound Blaster X-Fi 5.1 usb surround card to work16:42
CrystalMareIt has a built-in live encoder for 5.1 output, but I cannot get it to work at all16:42
lotuspsychjeCrystalMare: on wich ubuntu version?16:42
L00P3XCrystalMare, I know, myselfe is on trouble too at the moment whit audio settings16:42
BluesKajCrystalMare, in the previous file I mentioned above add this line to the bottom,  options snd-hda-intel index=0 , save the file , then sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel in the console16:42
CrystalMarelotuspsychje, Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS16:43
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CrystalMareBluesKaj, I did that16:45
naccBluesKaj: does modprobe automatically resolve snd-hda-intel to snd_hda_intel ?16:46
naccBluesKaj: as the latter is the module's name16:46
lotuspsychjeL00P3X: can this help? http://dssi.sourceforge.net/hexter.html or perhaps the ubuntu studio guys can help?16:46
naccBluesKaj: and if it's already loaded, might need to unload and then load16:46
BluesKajnacc, there used to be a bug with intel audio not loading on boot , with a usb soundcard i figured that was the case16:48
BluesKajthe driver that is16:49
CrystalMareBluesKaj, its not intel16:49
CrystalMareOn the ALSA wiki, I was linked to this article http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-usb-audio16:49
BluesKajCrystalMare,  my reserach into the X-Fi shows it uses an intel chip..I may be mistaken16:50
CrystalMareBluesKaj, there's more than one16:51
CrystalMareX-Fi Surround 5.116:51
naccBluesKaj: understood, just wasnt sure on the naming, etc.16:51
BluesKajnacc, yes the underscores or dashes are treated the same way now16:52
naccBluesKaj: ah good to know, thanks16:52
L00P3Xlotuspsychje, i'm happy you looked around ^^.. hexter works fine, the problem is thath hexter does not have where to midi assign http://dssi.sourceforge.net/hexter-screenshot_main.jpg like on midi 3 or 7.. so i was searching for another app to manage the midis for itelse16:53
toddishereTrying to get Adb and fastboot working on ubuntu 16.04 but all the sights ive went to the instruction dont work16:53
lotuspsychjeL00P3X: apt-cache search midi16:54
jonfatinoAnyone here know how to get ubuntu 16.04 casper to support http fetch of filesystem.squashfs?16:54
toddisherei have the zip i got from google that has platform-tools in it but not sure how to start it in terminal16:54
lotuspsychjetoddishere: what are you trying to do with adb?16:54
jonfatinoI attempted to modify the casper script but no luck. https://pastebin.com/V6W39XJu16:54
toddisheretrying to launch it in terminal16:55
BluesKajCrystalMare, pastebin aplay -l16:55
toddisheredownloaded the zip and extracted it tried to open the folder in terminal i typed adb and dosnt work16:56
AlexPortableWhat is distribution.canonical.bookmarksProcessed in firefox?16:57
L00P3Xlotuspsychje, i allredy installed all ubuntu studio cores, app and whatelse ^^ only that if some dssi are not asignable.. thei all will land on channel one.. so i used to search a program to manage the midi in and outs16:58
toddisheretried "sudo apt install android-tools-adb" and says unable to locate package16:59
CrystalMaretoddishere, any error?16:59
toddisherewait it may because im booting from usb16:59
toddishereno error just "E: Unable to locate package android-tools-adb"16:59
toddisherei am booting from usb where is says try ubuntu17:00
toddisheregonna try to install on an extra harddrive i have17:01
toddishererather than temporarly running from usb17:02
CrystalMareBluesKaj, I posted the link earlier: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24716878/17:04
oerhekstoddishere, that is, because 'universe' repo is not available on the live iso17:05
oerheks!info android-tools-adb17:05
ubottuandroid-tools-adb (source: android-tools): Android Debug Bridge CLI tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.1.1r36+git20160322-0ubuntu5 (zesty), package size 68 kB, installed size 207 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:05
BluesKajCrystalMare, does your onboard soundcard not work ? looks the same as mine and i get DD 5.1 audio thru both the digital coax output and the hdmi..just curious as to why you think the X-Fi is better?17:06
L00P3Xlotuspsychje, qmidiroute should do the work ^^ thank you17:07
CrystalMareBluesKaj, I bought this card so I can use it during a weekend meetup with a bunch of friends17:07
CrystalMareBringing my home cinema amplifier with me17:07
lotuspsychjeL00P3X: did that show on apt-cache?17:07
=== FeminineGirl is now known as IWantSex
CrystalMareI usually use my Xonar D1 (PCI) which is in my desktop.17:07
CrystalMareThat card also has horrible support for linux17:08
BluesKajyes, but your hdmi audio portion can connect to your home theter amp just as easily17:08
CrystalMareBluesKaj, the problem is I need live-encoding17:08
L00P3XCrystalMare, wish you good luck whit studio on linux.. if you manage it to work linux is really really grate for audio17:09
CrystalMareL00P3X, so far, everytime I've had to fiddle with drivers, its ended up with me giving up. and getting annoyed17:09
BluesKajCrystalMare , live encoding of what ?17:09
L00P3Xlotuspsychje, i used to instal all studio cores, libs and apps.. i have to check them all out17:09
CrystalMareBluesKaj, Dolby Digital17:09
lotuspsychjeL00P3X: kk, good luck mate17:10
CrystalMareIts called "Dolby Digital Live"17:10
BluesKajHDMI can deliver Dolby Digital or even DTS in some cases17:10
CrystalMareBluesKaj, but not from a 2.0 source, the source has to be Dolby Encoded for it to output that17:10
L00P3XCrystalMare, we all know.. not al producer are linux freandly.. the keep it private and under their apps and programs..17:10
CrystalMareL00P3X, yup, That's why I am just sticking with intel onboard on this computer :)17:11
BluesKajCrystalMare, yes I understand that , which player do you use17:11
CrystalMareI use it for work & school, mostly just programming. I don't need fancy graphics or sound xD17:11
CrystalMareBluesKaj, Spotify17:11
CrystalMareI might just reboot to windows, and verify that I can get the card to work with 5.1 output17:12
BluesKajas long as the source is DD 5.1 encode then it should work, but  a DD 2.0 source won't give DD 5.1 unless you use dolby pro-logic which is a simulation surround codec17:13
chalcedonycan anyone help? tomreyn seems to have gone. my husband has ubuntu 16.04, we are trying to fix two problems, the primary issue is his boot directory was filling with incomplete kernels. i've completed some of the steps to rectify that, but i'm getting an error: https://pastebin.com/DBC2qWaM17:14
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naccchalcedony: if you really don't need/konw the unattended-upgrades changes, just take the pakcage maintainer's version17:16
naccchalcedony: to be clear, the message in line 15 is unrelated to the one on line 2017:16
CrystalMareBluesKaj on windows, my Xonar D1 can take the Windows DirectSound, and encode it realtime17:16
CrystalMareso in windows the card is configured as an analog 7.1 card. but in the xonar control panel, you configure it as dolby live, which works like a charm17:17
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chalcedonynacc, how do i get it, now that ive lost that screen?17:18
BluesKajCrystalMare,yeah that's similar to dolby pro-logic dfor games , that's not a true discrete 5,1 signal17:24
BluesKajyour cinema amp probly has dolby pro-logiv built in for 2 channel sources, it does much the same thing ad DDlive, CrystalMare17:25
naccchalcedony: i'm not sure i understand why the screen went black. But you can kill apt from a new terminal and then run the same command again17:25
lotuspsychjeCrystalMare: did you check creative site for linux drivers?17:30
chalcedonynacc, i ran the same command and got that error where it's ignoring the file17:31
naccchalcedony: that's not an error17:32
naccchalcedony: "N:" is a notice (basically a verbose warning)17:32
chalcedonynacc so then i can go ahead and run other commands?17:34
ioriachalcedony, can you run sudo apt update   or you get the same error ?17:34
chalcedonyioria ill try that17:37
snowkidindif I run a php script in terminal and see that there were errors, where would I expect to see those errors logged?17:37
naccsnowkidind: hrm? if you are running php on the terminal and see errors ... that's the log of the errors17:38
naccsnowkidind: php is not a daemon, you're using php-cli presumably17:39
snowkidindok so that may explain my issue17:39
snowkidindi'm running a cronjob17:39
snowkidindand it doesnt work17:39
snowkidindbut i cant find the errors to diagnose17:39
jayjofrom UFW - how do I allow certain connection methods from CIDR blocks?17:40
naccsnowkidind: are you using absolute paths for everything in your cronjob?17:40
chalcedonynacc N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension17:40
naccchalcedony: yes, *not* an error.17:40
naccchalcedony: you can ignore it, or delete that file17:40
chalcedonyok ty17:40
snowkidindwithin the php script? no17:40
naccsnowkidind: in your crontab17:41
naccsnowkidind: PATH is not set to what you expect in cron jobs17:41
naccsnowkidind: also why are you running php in a cronjob?17:41
lotuspsychjejayjo: perhaps the #netfilter guys might know that?17:41
snowkidindim using the cron cmd that allows you to run by a user name17:41
naccsnowkidind: that didn't answer either of my questions17:42
snowkidind0 1 * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/inc/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&117:43
chalcedonynacc  ls 50unattended-upgrades*17:43
chalcedony50unattended-upgrades  50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist17:43
naccsnowkidind: well, you've also chosen to not log anything ... so not sure why you would eexpect to get logs17:43
snowkidindI am logging within the script but it isnt showing up17:43
naccsnowkidind: where are you logging in your script?17:44
naccchalcedony: yes?17:44
chalcedonynacc so i should remove that one with the tail?17:44
snowkidindto a directory in /var/tmp17:44
snowkidindto a *file17:44
naccchalcedony: you don't need to keep it, yes. It also does no harm to keep it.17:45
snowkidindsame user same group as the php script, www-data17:45
chalcedonyok ty much17:45
naccsnowkidind: you don't see the file being created at all (log file)?17:45
snowkidindits there, and it logs the first line of the script. but it crashes without a trace17:46
naccsnowkidind: 'crashes'?17:46
snowkidindwhen i run it as ubuntu i can't really tell whats going on because i am not www-data17:46
naccsnowkidind: it sounds like a bug in your script, tbh17:46
snowkidindbut it works when i run it as ubuntu17:46
naccsnowkidind: you can swu to www-user17:46
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snowkidindI'm on aws17:47
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snowkidindso ubuntu is as root but there is no root password, a certificate yes, (in yoda speak sorry)17:48
naccsnowkidind: so you can't? i'm not sure why that's relevant?17:48
snowkidindso i have to figure out how to do that17:48
snowkidindit would be nice to see whats going on with that script as the user that owns it17:49
snowkidindI wonder if I can set a log in the crontab17:49
snowkidindfor the errors17:49
naccsnowkidind: of course you can, just write the output somewhere (rather than /dev/null)17:49
naccsnowkidind: or don't use /dev/null at all, as you are debugging and you should get a mail to the admin account on failures17:50
tgm4883snowkidind: you would switch users just like you would any other user 'su - username'17:50
snowkidindnow were talking17:50
rredd4installed 14.04 64 bit on usb stick.  when ubuntu boots, after getting the desktop, the screen goes black.  turned off screen saver.  still does it.  how do i fix this?17:50
snowkidindso fwig dev/null is where it is putting the output17:51
nacctgm4883: yeah, i'm not sure why that wouldn't work, but snowkidind seemed convinced it wouldn't?17:51
naccsnowkidind: hrm?17:51
snowkidindin the crontab file17:51
naccsnowkidind: no, /dev/null is basically to nothing. You intentionally wrote a cron entry to not log.17:51
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | rredd417:51
ubotturredd4: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:51
snowkidindthat makes sense17:51
snowkidindon an amazon machine image there is no password for the root user, you have to authenticate using a certificate17:52
snowkidindso, then will it > a file to wherever I put in that line?17:52
Bashing-omrredd4: What is the graphics ? nvidia ? .. then try ' nomodeset ' as a boot paramater . IF that works to get ya a GUI then install the proprietary driver .17:52
naccsnowkidind: what does password have to do with switching users?17:52
snowkidindok we are on two trains of thought now.17:53
snowkidindfirst, if I edit crontab to say /var/log/myerrors instead of /dev/null17:54
snowkidindthen i get  what i would see as if i ran the program through terminal there no?17:54
naccsnowkidind: that should be true, yes.17:56
snowkidinddoes it matter what user the script is running as?17:56
snowkidindthanks for helping by the way17:56
snowkidindcd /etc17:56
tgm4883snowkidind: you're already root. It's irrelevant that there is no password set for it. As for the script, sounds like the script is running as root as well17:57
naccsnowkidind: well it matters for permissions, etc.17:58
snowkidindthread 2: when i su www-data it asks me for a password17:58
snowkidindeven though ubuntu is a su, it has no password because the authentication method is a certificate17:59
snowkidindi can sudo anything but su - havent been able to17:59
snowkidindstupid aws fwig (could be operator error)17:59
snowkidindi guess i could try to log in as that user using the certificate from my home machine18:00
ineedhelpwithforIs anyone able to give me a hand with something?18:00
lotuspsychje!ask | ineedhelpwithfor18:00
ubottuineedhelpwithfor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:00
ineedhelpwithforOk thanks :-) ^18:00
ineedhelpwithforBasically I'm trying to format an external hard drive as FAT32 but its not coming up in any menus18:01
ineedhelpwithforSo I cant format the drive18:01
lotuspsychjeineedhelpwithfor: did you try gparted?18:01
Jack_Sparrow__gksudo gparted18:02
ineedhelpwithforI would but I dont have access to it at the moment18:02
tgm4883snowkidind: oh, you're not logged in as root. You're logged in as ubuntu. That's completely different18:02
tgm4883snowkidind: so set a password?18:02
ineedhelpwithforIll be back in a bit I actually need to head out18:02
naccsnowkidind: if you have sudo permissions, then you can do `sudo -s -H`, and then `su - www-user`18:02
ineedhelpwithforBut Ill come back later for more help18:03
tgm4883nacc: if he has sudo perms, he could just 'sudo su - username' too18:03
nacctgm4883: true :)18:03
snowkidindah ha18:03
snowkidindNo passwd entry for user 'www-user'18:03
snowkidindoh duh18:04
snowkidindblame it on copy paste18:04
snowkidindoh when i type it in CORRECT it gives me: This account is currently not available.18:05
snowkidindim such a noob18:05
snowkidindamazing how I have been with ubuntu for 10 years and it still manages to kick my ass18:05
snowkidindso going back, nacc you asked me about absolute paths within the cronjob. Were you referring to what is in crontab, or what was in my php script?18:06
naccsnowkidind: you should not assumE PATH is is set at all in a script meant to be run by cron18:07
snowkidindI'll update the script18:08
snowkidindthat would mean it would work if i run the file through shell in the directory the file is in, but cron is running "from a different directory" so ../ just don't work18:10
snowkidindI think that's the lesson here, among other things18:10
naccsnowkidind: um, yes, relative paths are just basically wrong in a script18:10
naccsnowkidind: unless you first assert the cwd18:10
snowkidindat least one that isn't a website18:10
snowkidindoh thats an idea18:11
snowkidindwe'll call it plan b18:11
snowkidindthat would totally explain it crashing after the first line18:12
snowkidindWell it looks good on paper. will see how it behaves when applied18:14
snowkidindthanks yall'z18:14
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snowkidindnacc thanks! went to the church, got saved.18:16
snowkidind(hard to do as an aethiest)18:16
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naccsnowkidind: yw18:17
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kaosuHas anyone else noticed that the vim-youcompleteme package in the official repositories seems broken? The vim mailing list suggest the version in the 16.04 repositories suffers from a known bug, but the version in the future releases repository works without any errors. I'm just hoping someone else can confirm this before I submit a bug report and ask for the newer package to be backported to 16.04.18:18
jhijklDoes anyone in here have any knowledge of the rufus app?18:20
akikjhijkl: i know that rufus has a dd write mode which you can activate with alt-i18:21
jhijklMy issue is that its only detecting system reserve instead of the actual disk im looking to format18:21
akikjhijkl: isn't there another command better suited for formatting, like format?18:22
jhijklI understand you just it doesnt progress beyond 0% formatted for some strange reason18:22
akikjhijkl: i don't think this is a ubuntu problem anyhow18:23
jhijklI tried the windows forum but it appears to be dead in there18:23
jhijklI've been trying to get a fresh install of windows then i was going to dual boot that with ubuntu18:23
jhijklJust at the moment i seem to have hit a dead end18:24
kaosujhijkl: I'm going to assume you are trying to create a bootable USB drive while in Windows. You will likely have better luck plugging the device in and using diskpart to clean and format the drive. After that Rufus should detect the drive just fine.18:24
jhijklRight ill give that a go18:24
kaosujhijkl: I can pm you a link to a tutorial if you need one and you are okay with me sending a pm.18:26
jhijklNo worries i found one myself :-)18:27
jhijklGetting on with it now18:27
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akikjhijkl: are you using rufus to write a windows installation iso on an external hard drive?18:32
jhijklYes but i wasnt able to access the drive inside rufus18:33
jhijklIm using diskpart now to try and fix that18:33
akiki didn't know that you could use rufus with hard disks, that's why i asked18:33
kaosujhijkl: You might be better off just using the Windows Media Creation Tool for that. I thought you were trying to create an Ubuntu installation drive.18:34
fadavihello there. please help me to reduce these journalctl errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24717622/18:34
jhijklOh right i see18:34
jhijklI will be afterwards just at the moment i want to get windows onto it first18:35
akikjhijkl: https://rufus.akeo.ie/ says it's for usb flash drives/keys/pendrives/memory sticks18:35
jhijklI would normally use a flash drive if i was tinkering but the one i have is buggered18:36
jhijklLeaving me with the external drive18:36
jhijklJust trying to follow previous experience18:36
akikjhijkl: i doubt it will work but good luck!18:36
jhijklTheres always a way!18:36
L00P3Xsomeone ever used Qmidiroute and send dssi's like hexter to other midi channels? hexter is an old yamaha emultaor that only sends to midi 1.. so a filter or route like qmidiroute has to be used.. if i would know how :\18:37
akikjhijkl: now that i know whay you are doing, there's a way to do it with wintousb tool18:38
jhijklIs there now?18:39
akikjhijkl: it helps to describe the problem :)18:39
jhijklI have this media creation tool up now ill see if it says anything interesting18:39
MenzadorL00P3X: Try #ubuntustudio18:43
L00P3XMenzador, i used to have all ubuntu studio audio packages, libs and core on this machine.. only having problem by seting up qmidiroute.. connected it over jack.. maked a rule.. but can't get it work18:49
L00P3XMezador, oh.. you was studio channe related ^^ yes i should.. how i said.. kan't come over qmidiroute18:51
lilymI wish inserting accented characters in Ubuntu was as easy/intuitive as in iPhone. Is there anything that's not super painful? Like something I can holddown a key and get a popup for options of that letter18:56
lilymI find the hotkeys super painful because polish has a million accents and i can't remember the hotkey for every one18:57
iorialilym, not sure i got you ... why not using the polish kb layout ?19:00
lilymbecause english is my primary language but my partner speaks polish19:04
iorialilym, you can have both, and switch19:05
lilymi see that now... but still don't get how to add accents19:05
iorialilym, https://askubuntu.com/questions/127683/how-do-i-enter-polish-characters19:05
lilymFor example, 'z' has many accents19:06
lilymioria, i'm still totally at a loss19:07
lilymoh i see now19:08
lilymmy my19:08
lilymjeez that'll be hard to remember19:08
lilymsome of the 'n' accents are in N key some in the G key hahaha19:08
lilymsome 'z' accents in the z key some in the 'x' key19:09
lilymwish i had a lil popup19:09
lilymbecause i'm really bad at polish19:09
lilymand remembering which accent is where on the keymap is gonna be hard19:09
lilymThanks this will do I guess :)19:10
exxiwhat does macom stands for in /etc/apt/sourcecs.list ?19:15
exxinoticed that it replaces main19:16
exxiany this really looks weired, is something wrong with my machine ?19:18
tomreynexxi: this sounds wrong19:19
exxitomreyn, yeah exactly19:19
exxibut when i change from main to this keyword than only it works for me..19:19
tomreynwhich release are you onb, when did this happen?19:19
exxielse i get the hash mismatch error19:20
genewitchHow come i can't find WUBI anymore? it's like the internet forgot it existed19:20
exxii am on 16.04 LTS19:20
Scarecr0wGood day to you all sires, for some reason my Notification went flat (http://i.imgur.com/ajc5Ecc.png19:20
xanguagenewitch: it hasn't been supported for half a decade19:20
Scarecr0wAny idea why it would do that?19:20
ioria!wubi | genewitch19:21
ubottugenewitch: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.19:21
genewitch!install | genewitch19:21
ubottugenewitch, please see my private message19:21
genewitchso does the ISO installer install alongside windows now? I used WUBI on my laptop like 3 months ago because it doesn't have a CD-ROM19:22
exxiany ubuntu expert here ?19:23
exxibecause now i am so frusrated that ready to ditch ubuntu ..19:23
geniiGah wubi19:23
naccexxi: what is your question?19:23
tomreynexxi: so you edited it manually, puttinog a random value there?19:25
tomreynexxi: it'd be better to try to solve the hash mismatch issue without editing the software sources19:25
exxinacc, from last 2 days i am getting hash mismatch error for the openssh-server package, i tried everything that's available on the internet to make it work..19:26
naccexxi: please provide an example command and output.19:26
naccexxi: in a pastebin19:26
exxitomreyn, that was a type changed it to main..19:27
exxinacc, can't paste in a pastebin as it is in a vm and i can't copy paste it and don't have vpn access on this machine..19:27
exxityping you the complete output19:27
naccexxi: no, don't type it to me.19:27
exxityping it for you the complete output...19:28
exxiit's just one liner19:28
naccexxi: why can't you pastebin from the VM?19:28
nacc!pastebinit | exxi19:28
ubottuexxi: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:28
naccor | nc termbin.com 999919:28
exxinacc, thanks doing it..19:29
exxinacc, unknown website, please post a bugreport to request this pastebin to be added19:30
naccexxi: for which command?19:30
exxisudo apt-get -y install openssh-server | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:30
naccexxi: don't bother with the latter bits ('-b http://paste.ubuntu.com'). But does your VM have outbound networking?19:31
exxinacc, yes it does, till now everything was working fine..19:33
naccexxi: well, i'm not sure, paste.ubuntu.com definitely exists19:36
tomreynyes, but pastebinit only knows it with the S in httpS19:37
nacctomreyn: lol, we should fix the faq19:38
tomreyn(or with just paste.ubuntu.com without the scheme)19:38
exxiok trying it out with https://19:38
exxiright now rebooted my server19:38
tomreynnacc: i requested an edit19:40
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nacctomreyn: thanks19:42
tomreynactually -b ... can be dropped entirely on currently supported ubuntu releases19:44
nacctomreyn: yeah, i don't remember it even being there before19:44
exxihere is that output http://paste.ubuntu.com/24718205/19:45
exxistill not gonig :(19:45
exxii am getting this errors across all my VMs19:46
naccexxi: did you change mirrors or antying recently?19:47
naccexxi: i would do an `sudo apt clean; sudo apt update; sudo apt install openssh-client`19:47
exxiafter having this problem i did19:47
naccexxi: oh that probably made it worse rather than better ...19:47
naccexxi: or your old mirror did not support by hash and so it had broken state19:48
exxisame error after running the command you gave19:48
naccexxi: the hash sum mismatch no longer occurs with the official mirrors19:48
exxiso what should be my next step ?19:48
naccexxi: err, maybe apt-get not apt in the above19:48
naccexxi: not clear to me if apt has 'clean'19:49
naccexxi: Need to get 587 kB/973 kB of archives.19:49
naccexxi: something interrupted a download19:49
naccexxi: and presumably you have a partial downlaod from the old mirror or something19:49
exxinacc, even after using apt-get it fails19:50
naccexxi: *exact* same output? even the amoutn of space to get?19:50
tomreynsudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf; sudo apt-get update19:51
naccyeah, i think manual intervention is needed then19:51
naccwhat tomreyn said, exxi19:51
exxitomreyn, executed your command.. i had that done that before but without -vf19:52
tomreynexxi: okay, does it help though?19:53
exxialso used the default source list that i had..19:53
exxitomreyn, it's still going on..19:53
tomreynoh right this can take a while with lots of apt repositories19:54
tomreynonly if it exits without warnings or erros, do this next: sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get install openssh-client19:56
exxiyes no errors atm19:57
exxisame mismatch error19:57
exxican i install that package manually ?19:58
exxitomreyn, ^19:58
tomreyncan you show the output generated by these commands, please?19:58
tomreynyou could install it manually, but then you'd loose the ability to verify it cryptographically.19:59
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exxitomreyn, ok19:59
tomreynalso you said you have this issue on multiple virtualization guests?20:00
tomreyndo you have any configurations on these systems or the network which could cause traffic to be manipulated? such as a proxy configuration, AV, firewall with traffic inspection etc?20:00
tomreyni think you also mentioned a VPN?20:01
exxitomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24718310/20:01
tomreynhmm that's a different ubuntu mirror than you were using initially20:02
exxiyeah changed to the default mirror that i was using20:02
tomreynmaybe try a different mirror just to rule out that the IN one is bad.20:02
exxican i replace in with us ?20:03
tomreynyes, that's quite far, but should work20:03
vimarWhat drivers I need for ubuntu 16.04 and GeForce 8200M G?20:04
vimarscreen is flickering and I've found this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-16-10-with-nvidia-graphics20:05
Bashing-omvimar: Pastebin ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ' as I have not cossed referenced to "8200M " . See then what is recommended .20:09
exxitomreyn, now a new kind of error20:09
exxitomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24718383/20:10
tomreynexxi: did you run "sudo apt-get update" after editing sources.list?20:12
tomreyndid it report any warnings or errors?20:13
tomreyncan you run both commands again and show their output?20:14
vimarBashing-om: lscpci recognise the Nvidia, but Xorg says is using noveu20:14
exxitomreyn, output of apt-get updatet ?20:15
tomreynexxi: (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openssh-client) | pastebinit20:15
Bashing-omvimar: We will get to that directly . for now pastenin the requested output of lspci - so I know .20:15
tomreynexxi: please also answer my question regaring proxies, network modifications etc.20:16
exxitomreyn, not using any proxies or any network modification i have done20:16
Bashing-om!paste | vimar20:16
ubottuvimar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:16
tomreynexxi: what about the VPS you mentioned?20:17
tomreynexxi: what about the VPN you mentioned?20:17
exxitomreyn, it is my server at home on which i am running VM's20:17
exxiusing virt-manager so i can ssh and can use it, but generally when using laptop i connect using vpn to my home and than work..20:17
tomreynah you did not mention a CPN, i made that up / mixed it up with VPS, sorry20:17
exxibasically my home is situated like 100 KM's away20:18
tomreynoh you do use a vpn, ok20:18
tomreynexxi: but the system hosting your VPS is not connected to the Internet through a VPN, nor do these virtualization guests use the VPN to connect to the Internet, correct?20:20
exxiyes correct20:21
tomreynokay, let me know when you got that output ready20:21
exxithat command is still going on...20:21
drumcode303partition and filesystem questions: 1. would you recommend five partitions when installing ubuntu to a new SSD? namely for root, boot, var, home, swap. what are your reasons? - 2. would you use ext4 for all those partitions or switch to e.g. BtrFS for /var due to many small files?20:22
naccdrumcode303: there's no reason, really, to have separate boot or var partitions. and you don't need a swap partition unless you need suspend to ram (swapfiles are used now in 17.04+)20:23
genii3 partitions is usually good, one for /, one swap, and one for /home20:23
drumcode303the arch wiki recommended using one for /var, so as to not run out of disk-space accidentally when some log files go haywire. i once found a 45GB logfile in a playonlinux folder20:24
tomreyn/var *can* make sense when you have applications which log a lot and need yet to be tuned20:24
geniiJust tune logrotate so it doesn't chew up so much space20:25
tomreynexxi: is it a slow computer or internet connection then? it should not take so long if you ran apt-get update before (and APT sources lists have been cached already)20:27
exxitomreyn, had a type so it took time rerunnig it..20:28
Bashing-omdrumcode303: There are as many ways to partition as there are use cases for - personally I too like a separate /var and /home .20:29
tomreyndrumcode303: since you're installing to a single SSD, this isn't going to be a super resilient system anyways, so i would not spend too much time thinking about partitioning20:29
drumcode303okies. thanks!  and do i use gpt as partition table? some stackexchange comment recommended not using a table at all, but gparted has me choose one.20:29
tomreyni'd always do gpt nowadays, just because it's slightly more flexible than msdos and potentially more future proof.20:30
Bashing-omdrumcode303: How new is the Machine ? There are advantages in production machines to go with GPT partitioning .20:30
drumcode303tomreyn: how do you mean resilient? why would it not make so much sense?20:31
exxitomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24718556/20:32
frostschutzdrumcode303, "not using partition table at all" is difficult/dangerous. (sooner or later some program will write a partition table anyway and then whatever you had on there will be damaged)20:32
exxithis showing same mismatch error again..20:32
Bashing-omvimar: Ya still with us ?.. stuck ?20:32
drumcode303Bashing-om: it's a rather old system, the only thing new is the gpu, cpu and ram and board are 2010 or so20:32
tomreyndrumcode303: you have a single storage which can fail, breaking the system. if you had a RAID-10 configuration you would spend more time on making sure you make the right choices when configuring it. for a single storage media desktop installation, i'd just go with the defaults. keep it simple.20:33
exxitomreyn, can i install that package manually ?20:33
drumcode303ok. many thanks to all of you, great answers and hints!20:34
Bashing-omdrumcode303: Well, 2010'ish I would go with the legacy msdos partition scheme .20:34
tomreynexxi: hmm this makes me wonder whether it's an entirely different issue, like your disk falling apart, or a broken memory chip.20:34
exxitomreyn, but this is happening with all the ubuntu VM's20:35
exxiand the same package20:35
exxii have like 10+ vm's running ubuntu20:35
Bashing-omdrumcode303: I too have an older system .. and this bios does not support GPT . With an SSD ya have to have AHCI enabled in bios . Can be real tough to do that in some bios' ( mine ) .20:37
tomreynexxi: maybe its something with the virtualization then, i could not tell. you can download the package at  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb20:37
exxiok doing that..20:37
drumcode303Bashing-om: manuel for the board says it support ahci for s-ata20:43
drumcode303*manual supports20:43
tomreynexxi: when you run "sha256sum openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb" it should report this: bbe5424abc235c4d38c4293f6105198b50e5089657c65d6e5264b4cb4d28f50720:45
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dckxhi all, quick question: Can I use synclient if my touchpad is not symantec (elantech in my case)? I want to enable the middle click using three-finger tapping20:45
exxitomreyn, okay20:45
tomreynexxi: that's not to ensure the package it trustable, just to ensure it downloaded correctly.20:46
exxitomreyn, i am getting different value20:46
dckxhi all, quick question: Can I use synclient if my touchpad is not symantec (elantech in my case)? I want to enable the middle click using three-finger tapping <----------- I meant synaptics20:46
tomreynexxi: what file site is it, in single bytes? ls -l openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb"20:47
tomreynexxi: without the trailing ", sorry20:47
tomreynexxi: what file size is it, in single bytes? ls -l openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb20:47
exxishows 587050 Aug 15 201620:48
exxithat's something wrong there..20:48
tomreyn2016?! you just downloaded it now. is your time wrong?20:48
exxidate; shows correct20:48
naccdckx: synclient has nothing to do with symantec -- do you mean synaptics?20:49
naccdckx: ah i see you self-corrected20:50
dckxnacc: yes, that's what I meant, lol20:50
exxidownloaded again20:50
naccdckx: libinput is the preferred method these days20:50
naccdckx: but you can check which is in use in your x log20:50
exxitomreyn, now time is correct20:51
exxisize is 58689220:51
tomreynexxi: but it should not have been wrong in the first place.20:51
exxiapr 6 16:4820:51
tomreyncd /tmp20:51
tomreynplease ignore "cd /tmp".20:52
dckxnacc: thanks, don't know what x log is but will find out and check it out20:53
naccdckx: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, maybe20:54
tomreynexxi: cna you confirm that you downloaded the file from the same URL using the same download utility (which one?) twice, resulting in different file modification dates and file sizes/checksums?20:54
exxitomreyn, may be the one i showed earlier might be the older one which i downloaded by myself and not your url20:55
tomreynbut even then - this file was not available in 2016, it's strange.20:56
tomreynso run sha256sum again, see if it matches bbe5424abc235c4d38c4293f6105198b50e5089657c65d6e5264b4cb4d28f50720:57
exxistill that doesnt matches it's different20:57
exxicompletely different20:57
tomreynexxi: please run this: ( cd /tmp; rm openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb; host security.ubuntu.com; wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb; ls -l openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb; sha256sum openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb) | pastebinit20:59
tomreynexxi: actually run this instead (you can cancel the other command if it's still going):   ( cd /tmp; rm -f openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb 2>&1; host security.ubuntu.com 2>&1; wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb 2>&1; ls -l openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb 2>&1; sha256sum openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb 2>&1) | pastebinit21:01
timelessI'm trying to get ubuntu 16.04  to have both jre6 and jre8 coexisting, unfortunately, a recent version of java8 marked the java tzdata package as a breaks and thus i can't seem to get them to play nice. can someone suggest a way forward?21:02
nacctimeless: there is no jre6 in 16.0421:03
timelessnacc: yes, i know21:03
nacctimeless: so ... not supported to try to make it work21:03
timelessi managed to borrow a jre6 from debian-wheezy21:03
vimarBashing-om: Here it is: http://pastebin.com/asggu7zh21:03
nacctimeless: that's not a good idea, and like i said, not supported21:03
nacctimeless: if you need jre6, stay on 14.0421:03
drumcode303tomreyn: would you still go with a single partition if you were to install a second linux system on the ssd?21:05
exxitomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24718865/21:05
exxioutput of the first command21:05
exxii already typed that command completly so just gave it a try21:05
exxishould i run second too ? it's too much typing man..!! :)21:06
tomreyndrumcode303: i assume this is a joke? you would need at least one separate partition (and file system) for every linux installation.21:06
tomreynexxi: didn't you say you had an ssh connection to that VM?21:07
tomreynexxi: are you just working on it though VNC?21:07
exxii do have but right now the machine i have is not configured to access those machines over ssh.. i am simply accessing them usinv virt-manager21:07
exxivpc is not available atm..21:07
tomreynexxi: oh, well you could do serial at least so you can copy and paste.21:08
tomreynexxi: but it's maybe more work than what you do now, if you haven't done it before.21:08
exxiyes correct21:09
Bashing-omvimar: If ya going proprietary then Yes the 340 version http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html is correct .21:09
tomreynplease do run the second series of command as well21:09
naccexxi: tomreyn: so the sha256sum on the .deb doens't match the archive? that sounds like a pretty serious problem locally21:09
tomreynnacc: correct.21:10
tomreynnacc: i'm not sure how to disagnose it other than by identifying the server he downloads from and trying for myself21:10
exxihow to fix that and what are the reasons for that to be different ?21:10
nacctomreyn: yeah21:10
exxitomreyn, nacc have i got hacked or something ?21:14
tomreynexxi: at this point, this is one of thousands of possible explanations,, and not the most likely one.21:15
exxitomreyn, okay21:16
tomreynexxi: you could try the same series of commands on the KVM host, just to see whether you got the correct checksum there, and because i assume you can copy + paste then21:16
exxitomreyn, interesting part out of total 13 machines 5 machines are working well they don't have this error21:16
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tomreynexxi: yes, that's interesting. so you host 13 VMs, that's not few, do you have that much RAM and CPU power on that host?21:18
exxitomreyn, yes i7 4790k and 32 gigs of ram21:19
tomreynokay. i still suspect a disk or memory error, but then you should also see a lot more errors really.21:19
exxitomreyn, if it was disk error than it same package on different host doesn't sounds good21:19
tomreynexxi: if it's a disk issue then it could explain that some VMs succeeded in storing the package to disk as it arrived ont he network, and others did not.21:21
exxibut why the same package everywhere ?21:21
exxion other working machines getting the same sham256sum21:22
tomreynexxi: yes it's strange if it affects only this one package everywhere.21:22
tomreynexxi: and do you get the same wrong checksum on some of the other non-working systems?21:22
tomreynso 37fef67828bfdf487ab94a0b0514a3b2777b9c2a2b03e4902e698b419c4cee6221:23
exxitomreyn, yes correct21:23
naccthat sounds an awful lot like network caching or something similar.21:23
blythe703Hi, can anyone help me understand why "xrdb -merg ~/.Xdefaults && rofi &" works when using terminal, but not as a startup command?21:24
naccblythe703: do you mean -merge?21:25
naccblythe703: and by startup command, what do you mean? (what did you to set it as one)21:25
exxinacc, so what i can do for that ?21:25
blythe703I might, but it seems to work as -merg21:25
exxirestart my server ?21:25
tomreyni agree, nacc. exxi said he doesn't use a proxy or VPN between then VMs and the internet, though. so it'd have to be server side or some ISP proxy he just doesn't know about.21:26
exxiISP proxy ?21:26
blythe703nacc: I am using rofi and I could not get xdefaults to load automatically, this lets me use it, but does not work when I run it as a start up application21:27
tomreynexxi: it's possible that your internet service provider caches http downloads and provides the cached copy to you when you request it instead of the original file form the original location.21:27
genii!info rofi21:27
ubotturofi (source: rofi): window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-2 (zesty), package size 85 kB, installed size 226 kB21:27
exxitomreyn, so should i wait for few days and check ?21:27
naccblythe703: right, what specifically do you mean by 'startup application'21:28
* exxi reboots21:29
tomreynexxi: that *might* help if they'll refresh the cache, but, assuming this (pretty random) theory is correct, it'd point to a generic issue at your ISP which may silently reoccur for this and other dpownloads.21:29
blythe703I am using gnome, I have "Startup Applications Prefferences" with different commands of things to run on start up. That command does not work there.21:29
dckxnacc: it says LoadModule: "synaptics". That means I can use synclient?21:30
naccdckx: i think so yes21:30
dckxnacc: ok, thank you21:30
naccblythe703: and that command does something normally when run from within a gnome session?21:31
blythe703Yes, if I run it in terminal it set the xdefaults and then runs rofi21:32
exxii am back :)21:33
exxitomaw, the package that i downloaded is not getting installed manually, looks like a broken download21:34
exxitomreyn, ^21:35
exxitomreyn, can you share the link from where you got that package21:35
tomreynexxi: we alread yknew it's a broken download since the checksum did not match21:35
exxifor me this is what i am getting.. https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/openssh-client-ssh121:36
exxiwhich shows a different version than yours..21:36
naccand if the checksum did not match, you absolutely should not install it or try to21:36
naccexxi: wait, waht? openssh-client is not openssh-client-ssh1!21:36
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/en/xenial/amd64/openssh-client/download is where i found the download link, but you would need to change the version number since this page is not updated21:37
DelvienHaving issues getting a nvidia (optimus) driver working. Each time i log in when I do (prime-select nvidia) it just goes back to the log in page. No matter what nvidia driver i select, I cannot get optirun to run anything either.21:38
Delvient430 - nvs540021:38
exxinacc, thanks for correcting21:40
tomreynexxi: you could use this HTTPS mirror to rule out / reliably detect traffic manipulation by your ISP: https://ftp.iitm.ac.in/ubuntu/21:41
oerheksalways get xenial-updates, tomreyn https://packages.ubuntu.com/en/xenial-updates/amd64/openssh-client21:41
Bashing-omDelvien: pastebin - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - . Woukd you consider purging BumbleBee and using nvidia-prime ?21:42
tomreynoerheks: rather than?21:42
oerheksopenssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb vs 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.221:43
DelvienBashing-om: not using bumblebee is fine, i dont mind swapping when i need to. https://pastebin.com/Nn1bqYsw21:43
exxioerheks, which one to use ?21:43
tomreynoerheks: oh right, thanks21:43
DelvienBashing-om: my ultimate goal, is to run nvidia gfx when im at home, and swapping to intel whem im out in the field21:44
exxitomreyn, oerheks i am still getting the same sha256sum21:47
exxidownloaded from here..21:47
tomreynexxi: this would download a html page21:47
DelvienBashing-om: how would I go about getting nvidia-prime running?21:48
exxitomreyn, from there selected a mirror and then downloaded the package21:49
DelvienBashing-om: going to reboot to see if this worked.21:50
tomreynexxi: and we don't know which mirror it was, or which ip address, which means we cannot debug it further21:50
exxifirst one in Asia kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu21:51
exxitomreyn, interesting thing..21:51
exxidownloaded that package on my machine right now and shows correct sha256sum21:51
Bashing-omDelvien: Purge BumbleBee, the present prorpietary driver, and re-install the nvidia driver . nvidia-prime will be installed as a dependency .21:51
exxithis is really strange21:52
DelvienBashing-om: trying now.21:53
geniiexxi: Rarely, but sometimes, the archive is syncing files with the main repository while you are downloading packages and then you get a mismatch21:53
tomreynexxi: maybe take a look at the first bytes of the downloaded package on a VM where it's broken: file openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb; hd openssh-client_7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb | head -n2021:54
exxigenii, the interesting part is that  same package that i donwload in vm gives different sha256sum than on my desktop21:54
psychoticwarriorwhat are you having trouble specifiically with ssh21:54
exxiyes with the openssh-client package21:55
naccpsychoticwarrior: they are not having trouble with ssh.21:55
psychoticwarriorsorry havent read all of it21:55
naccpsychoticwarrior: they are having trouble with a package21:55
exxitomreyn, that gave something gibberish as the output21:55
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geniiexxi: Are you running some kind of proxy, like squid?21:56
tomreynexxi: nothing readable on the irght column?21:56
exxigenii, nothing like that21:56
Delvien_Bashing-om: Same thing.. Login flashes for a second, then right back to the login page. if I prime-select intel it works, but I cannot for the life of me get the nvidia driver to load after using prime-select21:57
exxitomreyn, i can read it as .debian-binary tar.gz and all the numbers..21:57
tomreynexxi: ok. i think your best bet rightg now is to switch to https for the apt repositories.21:57
fotonzadehow can I tell which networks my computer has been connecting to21:57
psychoticwarriorapt-get update21:57
psychoticwarriorapt-get upgrade21:57
psychoticwarriorapt-get install <package>21:57
nacc!who | psychoticwarrior21:58
ubottupsychoticwarrior: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:58
Delvien_fotonzade: ip addr21:58
blkadderfotonzade In what time frame?21:58
psychoticwarrioryes sir21:58
exxieven on my host server the package is giving wrong sha256sum21:58
Delvien_oh HAS been connected to.21:58
tomreynexxi: this list is outdated, probably incomplete, but some mirrors there including the one i pointed out earlier still work: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/3q53kc/list_of_ubuntu_repository_mirrors_available_over/21:58
Bashing-omDelvien_: Pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . let's see what we are working with .21:58
blkadderfotonzade So if you want non-current connections you'd need to use a tool that logs that.21:59
fotonzadeah so there's no way of telling21:59
blkadderfotonzade For current connections yes, but not previous connections absent something that is doing connection-logging.21:59
Delvien_Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/fXuRL12R22:00
exxiit really looks like my ISP is using caching or proxy22:01
tomreyn...which httpS should work around22:02
exxitomreyn, for that do i need to supply password ?22:02
tomreyn...or switching to an isp which doesn't break the internet22:02
exxibecause it stucks when using https22:03
ctuschHi! :) I want to switch to Ubuntu. With the upcoming change to GNOME is it better to get Ubuntu GNOME now?22:03
tomreynexxi: what is 'it'?22:03
tomreynexxi: can i see what this look slike?22:03
Bashing-omDelvien_: That looks sane to me . try : ' sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo nvidia-xconfig ' to rebuild the config file .22:03
tomreynexxi: you can take a screenshot and use imgur.com to post it to type less22:04
tomreynexxi: where do you see a password prompt?22:04
nullbyte_how can i add from grub2-update uefi Windows 10 to grub i have os-prober..  becouse by default grub doesnt add uefi22:05
exxitomreyn, it's not asking but it hangs...22:05
tomreynexxi: what's the command you are running?22:05
exxiwget and the link of that package22:06
tomreynexxi: so smoethnig is definitely wrong with your internet connection. talk to your isp.22:06
Bashing-omnullbyte_: ' sudo update-grub ' does not pick up the Win10 install ?22:07
exxitomreyn, okay22:07
exxitomreyn, you are right..!!22:08
exxithat worked on my local machine22:08
Delvien_Bashing-om: same thing.22:08
Delvien_Bashing-om: it just flashes the login page after password is input, but if i prime-select intel and restart X, it works.22:09
exxitomreyn, so are they filtering the traffic ?22:09
exxior blocking https access ?22:09
Bashing-omDelvien_: Well, when all else fails read the instructions . What tale ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' ?22:10
Delvien_Bashing-om: if I go into bios and make the default graphics device the nvidia, it still does the same thing, its something with the drive22:10
tomreynexxi: all i know is that your internet connection does not work as it should be, and that there is some indication that caching may take place for http traffic.22:10
exxitomreyn, what  else i can check to confirm https is not working ?22:11
exxiso that i can complain22:11
tomreynexxi: it would require a lot more analysis to establish any facts about it.22:11
Delvien_Bashing-om: http://termbin.com/t6cx22:13
exxithanks tomreyn for the help :) really appreciate it :) thank you so much22:14
tomreynexxi: welcome22:17
exxialso nacc thanks to you too :)22:17
ElectrumGuyI am trying to run a headless selenium test on ubuntu 14.04. When I use http proxies, it works fine.22:17
ElectrumGuyHowever, socks5 proxies do not work.22:17
ElectrumGuybut on windows 10, the same script works perfectly fine for both.22:17
exxitomreyn, also should i wait for few days such that it gets clear up ?22:18
ElectrumGuyis there something special needed to set a browser to connect using socks5 proxies in ubuntu 14.04?22:18
tomreynexxi: if you have a way to reinitialize your internet connection (the one the VMs use), such as by resetting your router, then i suggest you do it.22:18
exxitomreyn, okay will try that..22:18
tomreynexxi: i doubt just waiting will fix this rather fundamental issue.22:18
Delvien_Bashing-om: heres something interesting....  I go to another tty, startx, and X loads just fine22:19
exxitomreyn, will give a complain to ISP as well..22:19
naccexxi: yw22:19
exxiok going to bed finally it's 4 am now :D22:19
exxihave a great time ahead fellas..!!22:20
compdocits 4pm - dont go!22:20
louizit’s actually 00:20:46!22:20
* exxi quits22:21
tomreynbye bye22:21
* exxi faints on the bed22:21
Bashing-omDelvien_: Try the guest account ? .. so far all looks good " NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] Setup complete " amybe an issue in "your" account ?22:21
* exxi waves at tomreyn, with closed eyes...22:21
ElectrumGuyIs there anything special I need to do to set chrome on ubuntu 14.04 to use socks5 proxies?22:23
Bashing-omDelvien_: X is happy .. sees no issues with the correct driver loaded too .22:24
Delvien_Bashing-om: didnt have a guest account, but made a new user, tried to log in, nothing22:25
Bashing-omDelvien_: Yuk ! - /var/log/gpu-manager.log - give us any hints ?22:26
Delvien_Bashing-om: http://termbin.com/rkcg22:27
Delvien_Bashing-om: Something else interesting... ive had the laptop docked while doing this. when I undock it, and load it up , it freezes before the login manager would load22:29
Bashing-omDelvien_: No issue in the gpu-manager log either .. humm ... got me wondering . gimme a bit to consider .22:33
Delvien_Bashing-om: im thinking its lightdm.22:33
Delvien_Bashing-om: ill let you know here in a moment if what im doing now works22:33
Delvien_Bashing-om: can you (OR ANYONE ELSE) provide me a copy of their /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf?22:40
Bashing-omDelvien_: I run xfce - recon my lightdm file would be similar ?22:42
Delvien_Bashing-om: I run xfce too, so yes22:43
Bashing-omDelvien_: http://termbin.com/04vk .22:44
Delvien_Bashing-om: is there anything in your  /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/22:48
Bashing-omDelvien_: " ls: cannot access '/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/': No such file or directory " .22:50
lilymAnyone use an email client? I find myself... struggling to force myself to accept thunderbird.23:05
YankDownUnderlilym, There's also Evolution. Claws, Sylpheed, Kmail...and more...23:06
xzhi there, how do I install gstreamer-vaapi 1.12.0-1 on vanilla ubuntu 16.04?23:08
xzthat's the package23:09
YankDownUnderxz, In a terminal, "sudo apt-get -y install gstreamer1.0-vaapi23:10
naccxz: you don't.23:10
naccxz: that version is for 17.1023:10
xznacc: exactly, I need custom version that's not normally on 16.0423:10
naccxz: this is the official support channel, what you're asking for is unsupported23:11
naccxz: you can see if someone provides it in a PPA for 16.0423:11
xznacc: so for now there is no way to get apt-get to install that package?23:11
Jack_Sparrow__Best to avoid PPA's23:12
naccxz: there are of course ways. Not supported ways, and this is the support channel.23:12
YankDownUnderThe package I "advised" is specifically for 16.04 - not for 17+23:12
naccYankDownUnder: agreed, they asked for a specific version.23:12
naccYankDownUnder: and pointed at a source package in any case23:13
xznacc: well, I need 1.12.0, I will patch it also. I guess nobody is going to help me on #ubuntu, right?23:13
YankDownUndernacc, Yersh...I rather ignored that bit...(keyword - ignored) :)23:13
naccxz: why do you "need" that version?23:14
YankDownUnderxz, Can't, really...it's outside of the "norm", really - and can lead into a bit of dangerous ground...23:14
xznacc: because I have custom hardware with custom MIPI camera23:14
xznacc: that requires that particular version, patched, to work23:14
xznacc: I can download the source and go through every single dependency, but I thought apt-get was invented to solve that problem23:15
naccxz: build it yourself in a PPA? i'd assume there are deps that will break if you don't23:15
naccxz: apt-get wasn't invented to solve mixing and matching releases.23:15
Jack_Sparrow__If it is a custom camera and all of that, why not upgrade the OS and do it all right23:16
naccJack_Sparrow__: was going to be my next question as well23:17
xzJack_Sparrow__: it's more complicated, there are many moving parts; as I said, it's custom hardware - new Ubuntu won't work at all on that23:18
xzJack_Sparrow__: besides, I need to test all that first23:18
naccxz: i mean, it sounds like old ubuntu doesn't either ... so just build the source yourself.23:19
xznacc: ok, so I download 1.12.0 and build it myself, that's all fine. Can I at least get apt-get to take care of dependencies?23:19
naccxz: you mean once you've built a .deb?23:20
naccxz: use gdebi or `dpkg -i /path/to/.deb; apt -f install`. Or build it in a PPA.23:20
xznacc: nope, before I built the script23:20
naccxz: what script?23:20
xznacc: sorry, I was multitasking; before I built the 1.12 gstreamer23:21
xznacc: sort of: apt-get build-dep gstreamer1.0-vaapi23:21
naccxz: well, that will get teh build-deps for gstreamer-vaapi in 16.0423:21
naccxz: if they've chnaged, that will not work23:22
naccxz: additionaly, if new build-deps exist in 17.04, they may or may not be present in 16.04.23:22
xznacc: my problem is simple, when I download the source of gstreamer-vaapi 1.12 I have to deal with dependencies which is very tedious23:22
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naccxz: the source has no dependencies. You mean when you build it. Yes. It's not trivial to do. Use a PPA, if you want, as I've said a few times. Or use a building helper (sbuild, etc.)23:23
xznacc: ok, I never build PPA myself nor used sbuild23:24
naccxz: well, neither is particularly a support topic23:24
xznacc: PPA will build the whole repository for gstreamer-vaapi + dependencies, is that right?23:24
naccxz: i'm not sure i understand what you're asking. You upload a source pacakge to a PPA and it builds that source package.23:26
xznacc: would you have URL?23:26
naccxz: for what?23:27
xznacc: for the PPA that I'm supposed to upload my source package to23:28
naccxz: do you understand what a PPA is? you create one and upload to it on Launchpad23:28
xznacc: I never used PPA to create custom packages, I don't have much knowledge about it (other than adding them to apt/sources.list)23:29
xznacc: hey, I found tutorial on google, thanks for giving me direcdtions!23:32

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