
xnoxjbicha, i even have commit access to debian's git and we do co-ordinate on common things.01:21
xnoxmbiebl, there are multiple issues with fallback handling if resolved is used by default (true for Ubuntu, not true for Debian). What I guess jbicha doesn't realise is that we are doing extensive code review and DNS resolution and networking configuration improvements. Hence e.g. already two CVEs identified and disclosed by Canonical security team in resolved. (One had other reporters as well) and the privacy settings we are adjusting. Indeed, changing01:25
xnoxfallback defaults is a privacy issue for Ubuntu, but not for Debian.01:25
sarnoldI fear aiming a fuzzer at systemd-resolved01:29
sarnoldI tried once but never figured out how to build another object file in the codebase01:30
sarnoldchrisccoulson's approach of just aiming it at a malicious server is good fun01:30
sarnold.. but I'd really love to see someone aim a fuzzer directly at the functions.01:35
sarnoldjuliank: "uint8_t hostname[namelength + 2];"  -- I thought C++ committee decided against VLAs?01:58
sarnoldjuliank: '%02X%02X' -- that backslash feels way out of place. what does it do?02:01
Unit193LocutusOfBorg: Does the new screen in experimental fix the delta in Ubuntu?07:01
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, let me check07:04
LocutusOfBorgprobably yes07:04
julianksarnold: The C++ committee decided against it AFAIK, yes; but this is GNU C++ :) But should probably be allocated on the heap and have some length check or something. Not sure what you mean with a second part, where is a backslash in '%02X%02X'  (and which part of the code is that). That's both SOCKS support BTW which is in for quite some time already.07:28
abeatosil2100, hi, was wondering if ubuntu-image can build classic imagess?08:09
sil2100abeato: hey! Not yet, but it will08:09
sil2100abeato: it's on our roadmap08:10
abeatosil2100, ah, very nice... any rough idea on when that will happen?08:11
sil2100abeato: we're on the spec phase now, I'll know more once I have the plan finished08:11
abeatosil2100, great... meanwhile, which is the suggested way to create some sort of raw, customized, classic images? I'm playing with debootstrap + parted + kpartx at the moment08:13
abeato(which works, but maybe there is something more standardized)08:13
juliankabeato: Maybe you could use poettering's mkosi? (it's only in zesty and artful, though) There are probably a ton of other tools too08:18
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, seems syncable, doing it now08:19
abeatojuliank, did not know about that tool, interesting suggestion, thanks08:20
Unit193LocutusOfBorg: Thanks.08:37
juliankHmm, launchpad did not import apt from experimental yet, I'd have hoped 12 hours is enough for that09:25
cjwatsonjuliank: Importer setup bug - we'll be rolling out the fix today09:36
juliankcjwatson: ah, ok.09:38
LocutusOfBorgdoko, hello, new binutils broke ghc build on arm64 :(09:50
LocutusOfBorg /usr/bin/ld.gold: internal error in fix_errata, at ../../gold/aarch64.cc:197109:50
LocutusOfBorghello ScottK can you please check the new pyyaml logs? https://launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+archive/ubuntu/locutusofborg-ppa/+packages09:55
LocutusOfBorgI did import a new patch from jrtc27 and this one seems way better09:55
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cjwatsonjuliank: next importer run should work11:26
juliankcjwatson: thx11:27
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dokoLocutusOfBorg: does the BFD linker work?12:20
LocutusOfBorgdoko, I don't know how to test :/ let me try12:34
seb128slangasek, hey, do you know who could be pinged about nplan autopkgtests blocking the  n-m update in artful while cyphermox_ is on vac?13:48
seb128jbicha, ^13:48
slangasekseb128: well, first it's not a new blocker, and second last I knew the root of these failures was believed to be in NM, so... :) I will mark it badtest for p-m.14:25
slangasekseb128: ah, but that was ppc64el-specific; why is NM triggering autopkgtest failures on other archs?  I'm not badtesting those without someone investigating to show it's not genuinely an NM regression14:27
seb128slangasek, define "new"? it's new since the n-m update14:27
seb128some problem with mtu handling14:27
seb128it could be a n-m issue/regression, it's just that cyphermox_ understood the issue at least a bit when I talked with him14:28
slangasekseb128: ok, well I don't believe he handed off that context to anyone.  Did he say it was definitely a test bug?14:29
seb128slangasek, it was discussed on https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/06/22/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t13:4914:31
seb128he wrote "and indeed the mtu issue seems like a genuine regression"14:31
slangasekseb128: that implies a regression in NM, surely?14:31
seb128slangasek, or netplan doing something not documented/supported which happened to work but stopped doing so14:32
slangasek"seb128: MTU is special in that so far we've been relying on systemd to apply the change (via udev) rather than NM, so it might not write anything in this case"14:32
slangasekseb128: I'll look into it later this morning14:32
chiluk_tjaalton: ... hey man... so i've been hitting a few bugs related to slowdown in chromium and chrome on skylake *(slow page scrolling, flashing, etc... there are quite a few bugs out there on this)... At the moment I've moved to using the xserver-xorg-video-intel-hwe-16.04 driver.  Is there anything else I can do to help you out on this?  I'm no X stack expert, but I can be pretty persistent.14:45
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betanu701Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on getting a tarball of ubunutu. I am trying to install a 64bit version in wsl but the only ones I can find are x8615:47
betanu701ubuntu* too many us!15:48
naccbetanu701: what is wsl?15:51
naccbetanu701: a 'tarball' of ubuntu doesn't make sense to me. ubuntu is a distribution15:51
betanu701windows subsystem linux15:51
nacc!ubuwin | betanu70115:51
ubottubetanu701: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.15:51
naccbetanu701: that thing?15:52
naccbetanu701: or something else?15:52
betanu701yes that thing. I will check out that channel. Thanks!15:52
naccbdmurray: re: LP: #1574670, it's not fix released, do you agree?16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574670 in update-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "ubuntu-support-status returns inaccurate information" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157467016:13
bdmurraynacc: sure16:16
naccbdmurray: thanks, updated the bug states16:16
sarnoldjuliank: interesting. I copy-and-pasted that \ right from the link https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/apt/apt.git/commit/?id=2851ec6cf037d552118b885be0dd7796d74730c6 here... but I don't see it now when I reload. Crazy.16:25
jbichabdmurray: did you see that u-release-upgrader's artful autopkgtests are failing? new pep8 error 'E722 do not use bare except'16:26
bdmurrayjbicha: No, shouldn't I get emails about that?16:27
jbichaI don't believe autopkgtest sends automated emails at all16:28
naccyou'll get an e-mail eventually taht it's stuck in -proposed for X days16:30
jbichathis is how it was fixed in another pkg: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/324926055/update-notifier_3.179_3.180.diff.gz16:30
jbichawebkit2gtk is stuck in proposed but no one in Ubuntu uploaded that16:31
tjaaltonchiluk: try ppa:canonical-x/x-staging20:13
chiluktjaalton: then what? would the plan then be to find fixes to cherry-pick?20:52
chilukwe have entire generations of Intel chips that are causing browser badness.20:52
tjaaltonchiluk: this will hit xenial in 16.04.320:52
tjaaltonso you'd get upgraded to it anyway20:52
chilukunless you aren't on the hwe stream.20:53
tjaaltonright, those users are on -intel anywa20:53
chilukhow can you be so sure?  I'm sure there's lots of users out there who haven't figured out that they need to be on the -intel driver.20:54
chilukare the fixes for all this slowdown known?20:54
chilukbasically can we backport the fixes into xenial-updates.20:54
chilukrather backport the specific patches into xenial-updates.20:54
tjaaltonI'm assuming you mean folks on -hwe-16.04 that are using the default driver, which is the modeset driver20:55
tjaaltonstock xenial uses -intel, if it's installed20:55
chilukactually I haven't checked is it possible to be on skylake or kaby-lake and not on the hwe stream?20:56
tjaaltonyes it is20:56
chilukand have a fully functional desktop?20:56
tjaaltonbecause we enabled kbl on 16.04.120:56
tjaaltonI bet you20:56
chilukyeah I bet you are correct.20:56
chilukalright well I'lls tart with the x-staging + the default modeset, and see where that gets me.20:58
chilukthanks tjaalton20:58
tjaaltonthe new xserver should fix at least some performance issues20:58
tjaaltonwhich reminds me to update my skylake desktop on it..20:59
mwhudsonLaney: you going to upload that session migration fix?21:31
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