
glitsj16Duckle: had to go afk, sorry.. still with you though.. I had a similar 'udev + user executed script' need for my semi-broken touchpad.. If you're willing to wait 10 minutes I'll make a paste adapted to your setup.. it uses a systemd service file instead of sudo in the udev rule, based on http://jasonwryan.com/blog/2014/01/20/udev/00:02
Duckleglitsj16: More than willing to wait, thanks a lot00:03
glitsj16Duckle: okay, no problem, dusting things off.. I'll report back here in a few00:04
Ducklethanks man00:04
DirksonOh FFS. I'd have to compile my own kernel to do this. The hell is wrong with amd drivers.00:07
glitsj16Duckle: https://gist.github.com/glitsj16/000053cb1d6d9e5169c22ed1ccc4404d .. take a look at it, ask if something isn't clear etc..00:16
plaindaveI'm using lubuntu and I can't disable my touchpad. I've tried 2 or 3 different apps, and a couple of terminal commands, but to no avail.00:17
glitsj16Duckle: You'll need to create that extra script I called /etc/mikkel/ios, chmod +x it and adapt the naming to whatever you prefer ofcourse00:19
DuckleI'll give it a go. thanks :)00:19
Duckleglitsj16: Do I have to reload the units ?00:26
glitsj16Duckle: 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload' should be all it takes.. the udev rule triggers the /etc/mikkel/ios script on both adding/removing your phone and runs the mount/unmount script .. that's the logic00:27
glitsj16Duckle: so you'll need to re-plug your phone00:28
Ducklehmm, that doens't work. not even manually :/00:31
Ducklehmm for some reason that asks for my password00:32
DuckleMaybe change "RequiresMountsFor" from /home/ to /home/mikkel ?00:33
Duckleglitsj16: ^00:33
glitsj16Duckle: let's go over it.. what happens when your phone is plugged in and you run 'sudo systemctl start ios-mount'?00:33
Duckleehm unit not found. odd00:34
DuckleI did reload, lets see if I misspelled something00:34
glitsj16Duckle: wait, I made a mistake in the paste, apologies.. you need to caal the systemd scripts .service00:35
Duckleright figured that out :P00:35
DuckleI though I'd forgotten the extension. Hell we both did :P00:36
glitsj16you bumped into the worst helper possible I'm afraid :p00:36
Ducklehah, ok well, now running that service does nothing00:36
glitsj16well, we should be able to sort things out, sudo asking for a password we can deal with that00:37
Duckleyeah that's because I derped and forgot that ofc systemctl needs a pass00:37
Duckleit'll change users according to the unitfile00:37
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glitsj16Duckle: for testing, to check if the scripts get reached, maybe touch a file is your user dir somewhere in your ios_script00:38
Duckleno touchy00:40
glitsj16/etc/mikkel/ios is executable right?00:41
Duckleit's like the udev never runs00:41
Ducklewhen that didn't work I tried bypassing that file and just called systemctl start directly from the rule00:42
DuckleI figure that'd be fine right?00:42
glitsj16yes it should00:43
glitsj16if the udev rule is still there it might interfer with manually running the commands, maybe try to uncomment both lines for now and replug your phone again.. sudo /etc/mikkel/ios mount00:45
MonkeyhuouseHello hello...I seem to have done something dumb and would like some help cleaning up any potential messes :)00:47
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: So, What did you do ? And what is the result ?00:48
glitsj16Duckle: ow you tried systemctl start .. in the udev rule? That doesn't work, although I don't know why to be honest00:48
MonkeyhuouseWell I have a modest laptop with a plain latest ubuntu (16.04?) that I just use as an extra interface for online stuff, text editing, and the occasional linux learning. I run updates every week. As far as I know, I don't do anything goofy or detrimental to the machine: poking around with it and junk. But for some reason, it offered a partial upgrade.00:49
MonkeyhuouseSo I took it, thinking it wouldn't be any harm, and better than nothing. But now as I read up about it, it's apparently a bad thing to do! :(00:50
r3muxdAfter I install an i386 package with multiarch, how do I use it if I have the 64-bit version installed?00:50
dedzeHello, can I ask a question pelase00:50
MonkeyhuouseSo I just want to know what to do to undo any potential damage of a partial upgrade. Could I roll back to my last backup or something? I've never had to do this before, Bashing-om00:50
Duckleglitsj16: Progress. aparrently ifuse is not found00:51
glitsj16Duckle: odd, I assumed if your script works from terminal that would be already ok00:51
Ducklea lot of the progams are locally compiled due to it being a new fix00:51
DuckleI have bashrc append that folder to the path, but I guess systemd works with a different env00:52
dedzeExcuse me, I'm so paranoiac about this, I'm so scared that my ubuntu system has been hacked, can someone help me please?00:52
glitsj16Duckle: that makes sense yes, you can add 'Environment=...' lines to the systemd units00:53
DuckleI'll just export the paths and such at the start of the script00:53
Ducklesee if that works00:53
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: What is done is done . No going back -- no re-do . We move forward . ' what results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ' ?00:53
plaindaveI'm using lubuntu and I can't disable my touchpad. I've tried 2 or 3 different apps, and a couple of terminal commands, but to no avail.00:53
r3muxdso what should I do?00:53
MonkeyhuouseOkay, Bashing-om: Did them all, a couple of things were 'automatically installed and no longer required', and otherwise all packages are up to date00:55
dedzeExcuse me, can someone help me to know if my laptop is being remotely controled please ! :(00:56
r3muxdyou could check /etc/apt/history.log00:56
glitsj16plaindave: have you tried xinput or synclient commands yet?00:57
plaindaveyeah, synclient worked once but it doesn't work now00:57
plaindavei'm right now trying xinput00:57
Duckleglitsj16: I think I'm going to give up on it for now00:58
Duckleit's 03:00 here00:58
dedzeCan you guys see my messages?00:59
glitsj16Duckle: I completely understand, may be wiser to look at it again with a fresh pair of eyes later, sorry I helped 'in-reverse' hehe00:59
MonkeyhuouseI can, dezde. I don't know how to help, though (I'm here to ask a question, too)00:59
dedzeOki thank you00:59
Duckleheh It makes no sense glitsj16. I hope it does tomorrow :P00:59
glitsj16plaindave: determine the id number of your touchpad via 'xinput --list' and 'xinput --disable xx'01:00
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r3muxddedze: hang on one sec01:00
glitsj16Duckle: get a good horizontal rest, see you around01:01
plaindaveglitsj16, yeah, i just tried that, but it didn't work01:01
MonkeyhuouseHope you saw my response, Bashing-om ?01:01
r3muxddedze:  run the following in terminal (without quotes) "sudo apt install -y chkrootkit rkhunter && sudo chkrootkit && sudo rkhunter --update && sudo rkhunter --checkall -sk"01:01
glitsj16plaindave: is your touchpad listed in xinput at all?01:01
r3muxdand go to pastebin.com and copypaste the whole output to that and say the link01:01
dedzeyes r3muxd thank you01:01
plaindaveglitsj16, yeah, it's number 1401:01
r3muxddoes anyone know how to run a version of a multiarch program if 2 architectures are installed?01:02
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glitsj16plaindave: any return from the command 'xinput --disable 14' ?01:02
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: Then -f install returned a bunch of zeros .. yes ? Now does ' sudo dpkg -C ' just return to a prompt ?01:02
hfpHi! I think I have screwed up my Ubuntu drive. When I boot my laptop, it asks for the password to /dev/sda3. Once I enter it, the computer is stuck and nothing happens anymore. I booted from a LiveUSB of Ubuntu. I unlocked my crypted partition, compiled the latest e2fsck, and ran it. It says everything is clean. I think what damaged my install is that I was backing up a Wii game, and I pressed the wrong button in the program that was do01:02
hfpto wbfs... The system was running fine until I had to reboot. What now?01:02
plaindaveglitsj16, no return text, no01:03
hfpit tried to convert `/` to wbfs*01:03
r3muxdhave you tried pressing enter? i'm pretty sure your password won't appear at the prompt01:03
r3muxdthat will probably ruin things01:03
r3muxdtry holding shift, hit e, and go to the end of the linux line and type emergency01:03
tomreynhfp: you compiled e2fsck yourself? why?01:03
glitsj16plaindave: I assume you've already tried 'synclient TouchpadOff=1'?01:04
tomreynhfp: what is wbfs?01:04
plaindaveglitsj16, yeah, i just did again, but it doesn't work either01:04
plaindavemaybe a chain saw will do it :)01:04
MonkeyhuouseBashing-om : Yes01:04
r3muxdwbfs is a filesystem for wii backups01:04
tomreynhfp: okay, i found wbfs on wikipedia01:04
MonkeyhuouseNo text or anything01:05
r3muxdlegally obtained, of course01:05
glitsj16plaindave: looks like there's a setting in lubuntu overruling things, lol, the chainsaw yes that will work01:05
hfptomreyn: because it said "/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root has unsupported feature(s): metadata_csum; get a newer e2fsck!"01:05
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: Should then have no issues :) . Package manager is in a happy state .01:05
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plaindaveglitsj16, i bet you're right01:05
hfpr3muxd: it is indeed, it's a program so I can transfer my Wii discs to images. But there is an option to export them to a wbfs formatted drive... Not sure why it would target `/` by default but here we are.01:06
r3muxdtry emergency mode01:06
tomreynhfp: so the liveusb you booted from is older than the system you have installed?01:06
r3muxdthen run "df -h"01:06
hfptomreyn: yeah, it's 16.04 and I borked 17.0401:06
dedzeExcuse me r3muxd, should i copy and paste all the content of the terminal?01:07
r3muxdplease go to pastebin.com01:07
r3muxdand paste it there, and hit paste01:07
r3muxdthen tell us the url01:07
r3muxdor actually paste.ubuntu.co01:07
MonkeyhuouseBashing-om : Awesome! Last question then: What should I do to correct whatever issue it was that necessitated the partial upgrade to begin with?01:07
r3muxdor actually paste.ubuntu.com01:07
hfpr3muxd: emergency mode + df -h is for me or someone else?01:07
hfpgot it01:07
tomreynhfp: i suggest you create a 17.04 bootable usb stick, boot off that,unlock your encrypted disk, then run fsck on that again.01:07
r3muxdmy bet is that is that systemd hangs because there's no space on root01:08
plaindaveglitsj16, hey, thanks for trying. gotta go.01:08
r3muxdif you had your root partition encrypted, then get ready to chroot01:08
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: Long good read about partial upgrades : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1859240 .01:08
tomreynhfp: you need to force the fsck then (while the file system is not mounted), otherwise it may not detect it as being corrupt01:09
MonkeyhuouseOh I have to register? Aww..01:09
glitsj16plaindave: no prob01:09
MonkeyhuouseIs there a public place to read that, Bashing-om?01:09
hfpalright let me try that, i'm on the broken machine now, I'll reboot01:10
tomreynhfp_: i assume you just got disconnected. see irclogs.ubuntu.com for log.01:10
r3muxdso how can i use an i386 binary if i have both the i386 and amd64 binaries installed?01:10
hfp_tomreyn: thanks01:10
tomreynok, just secondary computer, got it01:10
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: Been too long - since I jouned the forum , but I am surprised that one has to register just to read .01:11
dedzer3muxd: I think it's good: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202042/01:11
r3muxddid it get cut off?01:12
ayjay_tanyone here develop windows apps on ubuntu's bash for windows?01:12
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: Lemme log out of the forum .. and see what I can see .01:12
dedzeCut off?01:12
ayjay_tcause i can't find windows.h01:12
r3muxdtry sudo rkhunter --checkall -sk01:12
r3muxdthere's no output from that command in the paste.ubuntu.com01:12
tomreynayjay_t: please /join #ubuntu-on-windows for that01:12
ayjay_tthanks tomreyn01:13
dedzeOh shit there is a warning in red :'(01:13
r3muxdwhat is the warning?01:14
someAloha, I need to custumize an ubuntu install dvd for it to boot a laptop with a custom set of programs. What is my weapon of choice? or what is my google term?01:14
dedzer3muxd: here is the paste : http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202060/01:15
dedze     /usr/bin/lwp-request                                     [ Warning ]01:16
dedzeThis line :'(01:16
tomreyndedze: should the system user 'ussop' exist there? is it legitimate?01:16
r3muxdwhat is the output of "file /usr/bin/lwp-request"?01:16
dedzeussop is my username01:17
dedzeI think or the name of the computer01:17
tomreyndedze: okay, the other thing to look into is 'Searching for Linux/Ebury - Operation Windigo ssh...        Possible Linux/Ebury - Operation Windigo installetd'01:17
dedzeI had to pick 3 different names while installing and i picked, monkey d luffy, roronoa zoro and ussop @r3muxd01:17
glitsj16some: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization should get you started01:17
dedzeHow do I do this tomreyn ?01:18
dedzer3muxd by output you mean warning?01:18
r3muxdok, so the operation windigo is a false positive01:19
tomreyndedze: i need to lookup how ebury works, forgot the details01:19
someglitsj16: Thank :)01:19
r3muxdrun "file /usr/bin/lwp-request"01:19
dedzeI write this in the terminal?01:19
r3muxdfile /usr/bin/lwp-request01:19
dedzeussop@Roronoa-Zoro:~$ file /usr/bin/lwp-request /usr/bin/lwp-request: a /usr/bin/perl -w script, ASCII text executable01:19
r3muxdok, so can you put the output of "cat /usr/bin/lwp-request" into a paste?01:20
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: I have a work-a-round to access the forum . working on it to get it exact for you .01:20
dedzeit is here r3muxd http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202090/01:21
hfp_r3muxd, tomreyn: This is the error after I decrypt the drive http://imgur.com/a/UFhNV01:22
r3muxdok, that just seems to be a shell script. you're good01:22
tomreyndedze: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install debsums && sudo debsums --all --changed | nc termbin.com 9999 | xargs echo 'Please paste this URL to the channel: '01:22
r3muxdhfp_: https://askubuntu.com/a/75228201:23
dedzeYes tomreyn01:23
tomreynhfp_: i dont see an error there01:23
dedzetomreyn: is there a space between echo and '?01:25
tomreyndedze: yes01:25
dedzeThank you01:25
hfp_tomreyn: You don't see the picture I took of the display?01:25
dedzetomreyn: do I need to also write 'Please paste this URL to the channel: '?? I'm sorry if it's a dumb question01:26
r3muxdjust paste the url it says to01:26
tomreynhfp_: i do, but these warnings are normal if you have / on FDE01:28
hfp_hmmm that doesn't look good... If I unlock /dev/sda3 (the data partition) and then look at where it's mounted (/tmp/data), it's empty... Did it wipe my `/`?01:28
tomreyndedze: actually just do this and report the URL here: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install debsums && sudo debsums --all --changed | nc termbin.com 999901:28
r3muxdyour data partition would be /01:28
dedzetomreyn:  I thnk it didnt work01:28
r3muxddid it have a url?01:28
tomreyndedze: my bad, sorry, see above01:28
hfp_r3muxd: I did cryptsetup luksOpen etc for /dev/sda3 and then mounted it at /tmp/data on the LiveUSB system. If I `ll /tmp/data`, it's empty01:29
tomreynhfp_: if you did cryptsetup on /dev/sda3 then to mount ther file system on it you would need to mount /dev/mapper/...01:30
r3muxdit *may* have been like a "rm -rf /*"01:30
r3muxdtry ls -la /tmp/data?01:31
dedzetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202142/      I am not sure if it's finished but it's not doing anything more01:31
hfp_I did `sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 data` then I did `mkdir /tmp/data; sudo mount /dev/mapper/data /tmp/data`01:31
hfp_and now if I `ll /tmp/data` there is nothing there...01:32
hfp_but my system would have exploded if I rm -rf / while it was running, no?01:32
tomreynhfp_: okasy, sounds correct. maybe unmount it again and e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/data01:32
r3muxdunless it hit something like /dev/sda01:33
r3muxddid you terminate it partway through or something?01:33
dedzeMe? No01:33
dedzeOh the process is still running it says when I try to close the terminal but it seems stuck01:34
tomreyndedze:okay, run this now: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo debsums --all --changed 2>&1 | pastebinit -01:35
hfp_no I think it didn't mount altogether... If I try to umount /tmp/data it says not mounted01:35
hfp_and mounting /dev/mapper/data returns unknown filesystem LVM2_member01:35
hfp_that scared me for a sec... getting / wiped is no fun01:35
tomreynhfp_: so you actually have an LVM2 layer on top of the crypto layver01:36
dedzeOh r3muxd quitted, can I send him a message that he can see when he will rejoin?01:36
tomreynhfp_: sudo lvmdiskscan01:36
bazhangdedze, use memoserv01:37
bazhangdedze, /msg memoserv help01:37
dedzeThank you bazhang01:39
hfp_tomreyn: http://termbin.com/lz6301:39
dedzetomreyn: it is stuck too01:40
tomreynhfp_: /dev/ubuntu-vg/root will contain your root file system (on top of an LVM2 and a dmcrypt-luks layer and a partition)01:41
tomreyndedze: where?01:41
tomreyndedze:debsums can take a while especially with slow storage01:42
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hfp_tomreyn: I don't understand how to access the partition though. /dev/ubuntu-vg/root isn't a normal directory, it points to ../dm-1 which itself is a special dir01:42
dedzetomreyn: Setting up pastebinit (1.5-1) ...               here but I the01:42
hfp_I mean not a dir either01:42
tomreynhfp_: unless you mean to wipe or copy it, just treat it like a partition you can mount01:43
dedzeArg I typed something in the terminal by mistake and now its stopped for good i will retype the command01:43
hfp_tomreyn: ok so I have to mount /dev/ubuntu-vg/root somewhere to see my files and run fsck on it?01:43
tomreynhfp: ...or a partition containing a file system which you want to e2fsck (while it's not mounted)01:43
dedzetomreyn what are we trying to do exactly?01:44
tomreynhfp_: you would have to mount it somewhere to inspect its contents, right. but i'd e2fsck -f it before you mount it.01:44
hfp_tomreyn: alright fsck -f found a few errors, I fixed them, a second run finds no errors... Is it safe to attempt to mount it now01:45
tomreyndedze: debsums is a utility which checks, for all installed packages, whether the files which came with it have been modified (by you or a potential intruder).01:47
tomreyndedze: we are trying to run debsums to check which modifications have been made and then try to get its output posted to a pastebin01:48
tomreyn!pastebin | dedze01:48
ubottudedze: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:48
dedzetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202250/                          Maybe I failed something01:49
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:50
dedzetomreyn: Oki I think I kind of understand what we are doing01:50
dedzetomreyn: It did something new : http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202259/01:51
tomreyndedze: okay, if that's the entire output generated by " sudo debsums --all --changed" then i don't think you have an ebury infection there01:53
dedzeThank you tomreyn, I'm super new to Ubuntu and I did something stupid, someone I met on discord gave me a link to put into my browser starting by javascript: and I did it, do you think my computer could have been infected this way?01:54
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tomreyndedze: possibly, yes.01:57
dedzeSo I already reinstalled Ubuntu since that01:58
tomreyndedze: if you still have the exact code you were asked to put into the web browser, please paste it to pastebin, too01:58
dedzeActually it was taking the code from a website I think01:59
tomreyndedze: which web browser did you paste it into?01:59
dedzeThere was a URL on it01:59
dedzefirefox but I allowed the website in the link with noscript01:59
tomreyndedze: unless you took measures to allow the javascript: handler, current versions of firefox would not execute it.02:00
dedzeBut actually, the script did something in the game02:00
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dedzeIt was about a browser game, and the purpose of the script was to write an identification code when we meet our teammate so we know for sure its not someone outside of our team02:01
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dedzeSo I think the code was executed02:01
Bashing-omMonkeyhuouse: Sorry. I have been unable to come up with an exact means to obtain for you a meaningful result .02:03
dedzeMy last question and then I will stop bothering you, tomreyn, if I reinstall Ubuntu, do I get rid of any potential infection or not necessarily?02:03
hfp_It  still wont boot tomreyn. I tried mounting the root partition, chrooting in it, running update-initramfs but I still have the same issue when restarting. I'm not even sure I ran update-initramfs properly because the SO post doesn't seem to use LVm and I do.02:05
tomreyndedze: maybe you opened firefox web console and pasted the code there, then it would have run. the firefox preference browser.urlbar.filter.javascript defaults to 'true' since ~ v6.0 and prevents javascript:... code, pasted to the url bar, from running, unless you have extensions installed which override this.02:07
tomreyndedze: reinstalling would not necessarily have helped. executing the javascript code may have compromised your system user, not root. the reinstallation of ubuntu would not have replaced your home directory, so files placed there (such as those which are automatically executed when you login to your system user) would still be present.02:09
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tomreyndedze it actually depends on what code was executed, though, and how, if at all, the malware worked, and how you chose to reinstall.02:09
dedzetomreyn:  I didnt save a single file, I chose the overwrite the whole disk while installing02:10
hfp_I also don't have /dev/disk when I chroot02:11
tomreynhfp_: i'm not sure which SO post you are referring to. did you fsck as i had recommended?02:11
tomreyndedze: so all your personal files and configurations are gone?02:11
tomreyndedze: no backups?02:12
hfp_tomreyn: Yes, I did, it fixed a few errors. Then I mounted the partition and all my files are there. So I rebooted but no luck. Then I looked at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/745218/ubuntu-wont-boot-because-of-lvmetad/752282#752282 (I thought you linked to it but maybe it was someone else).02:12
dedzetomreyn: Yes, everything was gone, it was exactly like when I installed Ubuntu the first time02:12
dedzetomreyn: And I had to rechoose names for my user, laptop name etc too02:12
tomreyndedze: well then it's quite unlikely that anything persisted, unless this is a very very determined and experienced attacker02:13
tomreyndedze: i'm just surprised you would happily delete all your personal files and documents.02:14
dedzetomreyn: Well then probably I'm safe no? I don't know why anyone would want to attack my laptop in the first place02:14
tomreyndedze: unless you took a backup after the fact and restored that, i think you're most likely safe.02:15
dedzetomreyn: Hmm i'm the kind of person to not look behind me so much, so I don't get attached to things like photos etc02:15
tomreyndedze: you should have told us you reinstalled  deleting all data early on, this would have saved us some time.02:15
dedzeI'm sorry tomreyn, that's true, I didn't think about saying it until when I did02:16
tomreyndedze: but i'm sure you got plenty of adrenaline there, so that's ok ;)02:16
dedzetomreyn: Yes when I arrived here I was ready to cry lol02:16
dedzeAnd I'm so paranoid, the first time I arrived here, a pasting was done by itself sometimes and I freaked out02:17
dedzeIt turns out its when I touch the top right of my touchpad, just a small tap, it pastes the last thing I selected hehehehe02:18
hfp_hmmm my /boot on ubuntu-vg/root is empty... shouldn't it have a vmlinuz-KERNEL_VERSION and and initrd.img-KERNEL_VERSION?02:18
tomreynhfp_: chroot again from a live cd running the same release as what you have installed. once everything is mounted (incl. virtual file systems like dev/pts, dev, sys etc.) and accessible paste 'lsblk --fs' and /proc/mdstat /etc/fstab /etc/crypttab and sudo dmsetup ls02:18
hfp_tomreyn: how do I mount virtual file systems? I'm not sure I understand what that means :s02:19
tomreynhfp_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/28099/how-to-restore-a-system-after-accidentally-removing-all-kernels#answers02:20
tomreynfirst grey box02:20
tomreynsubstitue /mnt by where you'll chroot to02:21
dedzeThanks for much for everything tomreyn . I wish you a good rest of day. Thanks!!!!!02:21
tomreyndedze: and you, welcome ;)02:21
hfp_tomreyn: so here is lsblk --fs: paste.ubuntu.com/2520244402:23
hfp_sorry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/2520244402:24
tomreynhfp_: no UUIDs? that's weird, is this from inside the chroot? did you mount --bind dev + proc + sys ?02:27
tomreynalso no fstypes, hmm, maybe not running as sudo?02:28
tomreynsorry, i notice i didnt ask for sudo there explicitly, but assumed you'd be running as root anyways since you'll chroot.02:29
hfp_tomreyn: yeah something's off... I did `sudo mount --bind /dev /tmp/data/dev`, also with proc and sys. But when I chroot into /tmp/data and try to apt install linux-image-generic --reinstall, it complains that /dev/pts might not be mounted02:30
tomreynhfp_: please exit the chroot and mount --bind /dev/pts as well, then re-enter the chroot02:34
tomreynthis bit is missing from the instructions i linked to02:34
tomreynso: sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /tmp/data/dev/pts; sudo chroot /tmp/data /bin/bash02:35
hfp_tomreyn: ok, the output of lsblk --fs is still the same though02:36
tomreynhfp_: if you run it outside the chroot, too?02:36
hfp_now apt install linux-image-generic --reinstall runs ok but /boot still doesn't have a vmlinuz02:36
hfp_tomreyn: outside the chroot it has UUIDs02:37
tomreynoutside of chroot, can you show "sudo mount" as well, please02:37
unicornjediWhy is my AMD Radeon HD 6670 not being blacklisted :( https://paste.ubuntu.com/25202501/02:38
dedzetomreyn: I had an other idea02:40
dedzetomreyn: I used my webcam on skype in a call and I ran the command sudo lsof /dev/video *02:40
dedzeOf course because I'm paranoid as always02:41
dedzeAnd it gave this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25202545/02:42
dedzeIs it abnormal?02:42
tomreyndedze: i don't know your system so i don't know what's abnormal for your system. if you have skype installed, and 'ps ef 1955' looks like it is the legitimate skype process then there's nothing unusual about this output02:43
tomreynhfp_: looks like you have plenty of /dev/pts bind mounts now ;) but you don't have /boot mounted ( i assume it resides on a separate partition)02:45
hfp_tomreyn: oh yeah it could be that /boot is on another partition... how do I find out where is it?02:46
dedzeOki thank you tomreyn02:46
tomreynhfp_: based on the lsblk output you provided it is probably sda202:47
tomreynhfp_: you could check /mnt/data/etc/fstab to know for usre02:47
tomreynsda2 is 0c2f1b2d-4dca-4a7c-aca4-dd9d8c0f260602:48
tomreyngrep boot /mnt/data/etc/fstab02:48
hfp_indeed sda2. so do I mount it at /tmp/data/boot so it's hopefully in /boot when I chroot, or do I mount it somewhere else?02:48
tomreynhfp_: make sure you clear out /tmp/data/boot now that you probably wrote stuff there before you mount sda2 to it.02:49
tomreynbut keep the directory02:49
hfp_do I need to mount --bind or just a plain mount?02:50
hfp_I never understood what --bind does02:51
tomreynhfp_: --bind basiclly just makes a file system that is already mkounted also appear at this additionat target02:54
tomreyn/boot is not mounted, yet, so mount it normally, without --bind02:54
tomreynto be precise, the /boot file system of your 'normal' ubuntu installation is not currently mounted, yet.02:55
hfp_ah I thnk I know what happened! it's not the wbfs thing, I had issues with grub-efi a few weeks ago and i ran apt update yesterday, it updated grub-efi and friends. now I rebooted and that's probably why it wont reboot anymore, something has changed there02:55
hfp_because I see all the vmlinux and initrd.img in the chrooted /boot02:56
hfp_so no need to reinstall them I guess02:56
tomreynhfp_: i suspect that sda1 is to be mounted to /boot/efi as well02:57
hfp_I think the problem has to do with grub and efi, but I don't know what the problem is for sure nor how to confirm my suspicions02:58
tomreynonc3e you have the efiboot and just one /dev/pts mounted, chroot again and show /etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab, dmsetup ls03:03
hfp_tomreyn: how do I unmount them? umount /tmp/data/dev/pts says target is busy. is it the right way of doing it?03:04
tomreynhfp_: umount /dev/pts until you have none left (be sure to have exited the chroot beforehand), then just "mount /dev/pts" and "mount --bind /dev/pts /tmp/data/dev/pts"03:09
tomreynuse the "mount" command to verify you end up with what you should have03:09
hfp_that;s the thing, I cant umount /dev/pts it says device is busy03:10
tomreynhfp_: okay you can just keep /dev/pts of the live system, but remove all but one of those you mounted to /tmp/data/dev/pts03:14
hfp_should I force umount? I get the device is busy either for /dev/pts or /tmp/data/dev/pts03:15
tomreynhfp_: dont force unmount, can i see "mount" again on pastebin?03:17
tomreynwhich directory are you in now? outside of chroot?03:18
hfp_yes I'm in ~ on the liveusb, out of chroot03:18
hfp_trying to `sudo umount /tmp/data/dev/pts`03:18
hfp_I still have multiple /tmp/data/dev/pts mounts03:18
tomreyndid you umount -f anything, yet?03:19
hfp_didnt force anything yet03:19
tomreynand "mount" says what? the exact same as at http://termbin.com/so8p ?03:20
hfp_yes, this is the one I just ran: http://termbin.com/lqrw03:20
tomreyntry this (outside chroot): sudo umount /dev/pts; sudo umount /tmp/data/dev/pts; sudo umount /dev/pts; sudo umount /tmp/data/dev/pts; sudo umount /dev/pts; sudo umount /tmp/data/dev/pts; sudo umount /dev/pts; sudo umount /dev; sudo umount /tmp/data/dev; mount | pastebinit03:25
tomreynhfp_: ^03:25
tomreynyou have plenty of duplicate mounts currently03:26
hfp_it wont send anything through the pipe, the error goes to stderr03:27
hfp_in any case, this is the error http://termbin.com/141z03:28
hfp_tomreyn: ^03:28
tomreynoh right03:29
tomreynthis can't be the 'mount' output though03:30
tomreynwhat is it the output of?03:30
hfp_no that's the output of sudo umount /dev/pts and sudo umount /tmp/data/dev/pts03:30
hfp_outside of the chroot03:30
tomreynhmm dunno then, maybe reboot03:31
hfp_yeah that will be easier03:32
hfp_alright, I rebooted and I have the ubuntu-vg/root mounted at /tmp/data03:34
tomreynbetter mount to /mnt/target or something, not to /tmp03:35
tomreynbut i'm happy to try with either, /tmp's just not a great place to mount to03:35
hfp_so, fstab: http://termbin.com/gl99 and crypttab http://termbin.com/t53403:37
tomreyndmsetup ls ?03:39
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tomreynand finally lsblk --fs && mount03:44
tomreynand finally sudo lsblk --fs && mount03:44
tomreynhfp_: ^03:44
hfp_tomreyn: http://termbin.com/resr03:44
hfp_that's within the chroot03:45
hfp_out of it: http://termbin.com/pi9003:45
tomreyncan you, inside the chroot: sudo cp -p /proc/mounts /etc/mtab03:47
tomreyni suspect that will make 'sudo lsblk --fs' work inside the chroot03:48
tomreynah, you missed to bind mount /dev03:50
tomreynhfp_: so it's: exit chroot, then: cd; sudo umount /tmp/data/dev/pts; sudo mount --bind /dev /tmp/data/dev; sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /tmp/data/dev/pts; chroot /tmp/data /bin/bash03:52
tomreynthen make sure /etc/mtab looks the same as /proc/mounts, if it isn't: sudo cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab03:54
hfp_they're the same03:58
tomreynthen, if you also ran the other commands above, lsblk --fs should now list uuids inside the chroot03:59
hfp_lsblk --fs within the chroot still doesnt have uuids03:59
altefourHi everybody. Does anybody here run Visual Studio in Ubuntu? I'm wondering what the best way to go about it is. I need it for my studies.03:59
hfp_tomreyn: i'm sorry it's getting very late and i'm falling asleep. can you tell me what you had in mind so i can try and continue tomorrow? or if you're on the channel we can pick up where we left off?04:00
tomreynhfp_: did you bind mount /dev into the chroot though?04:00
effectnethello i need to reinstall my windows . do i have to make a boot repair cd and run it after that? dual boot04:02
tomreynhfp_: so the idea is to make the chroot into an environment where everything needed is present to determine where to install grub to, and how to layout the initrd so that a boot can succeed. all of these virtual file system bind mounts are needed for this purpose, and uuids need to be known to the chrooted system. you can also test this using 'blkid'04:02
altefoureffectnet: I would suggest downloading the Windows 10 Creation Tool and making a bootable USB. When dual booting, it's always best to install Windows first.04:03
effectnetthe windows needs a reinstall is all04:03
=== mundus2018 is now known as HalfEatenOut
tomreynhfp_: once that's succeeded you could review /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab and make sure all the corre4ct UUIDs are in place in these files, and that pvs + vgs + lvs look correct, too. then you could update-initramsfs -k all and update-grub and grub-install /dev/sda (though reinstalling grub is optional)04:06
=== HalfEatenOut is now known as HalfBakedPie
tomreynhfp_:i'll probably be around tomorrow but not yett sure at what time.04:07
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tomreyni recommend taking notes on all the commands you need to run before chroot (and after, too)04:08
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effectnetwell that boot repair disk didn't work04:58
effectnethow do i reinstall grub now?04:59
tomreyn!grub | effectnet05:00
ubottueffectnet: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:00
effectnetok yeah the boot repair didn't work.  so i have to reinstall grub.  how do i do that?  from try ubuntu? or what cd do i make?05:03
Ben64effectnet: how didn't it work05:05
effectneti made the cd, reinstalled windows, then booted the boot repair cd, selected recommended repair and then the machine still booted into windows, i need the grub menu05:05
Ben64ok well run it and post the diagnostic thingy it makes here05:07
effectnethttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25203228/ Ben6405:09
effectnetso i want to reinstall grub2 right?05:12
asynecHi all, I was wondering if anyone is aware of whether external nvidia GPUs will work with an ubuntu laptop that has thunderbolt ports?05:43
asynecI’ve tried googling it, but I can’t find any examples of anyone actually trying it.05:43
saryasynec: Did you came across these .. https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/comments/4xwlt6/razer_core_gtx_970_on_xps_13_9350_arch_linux/ https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4tw5qv/thunderbolt_3_external_gpus_and_linux/05:55
asynecI did not05:55
asynechmmm, looks like no one has it working in these threads though05:58
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David_HedlundHTML5 is playing 3 times as fast as normal. I have no idea why this is happening, can someone give me a hint?07:11
David_HedlundThe problem occurs in any browser.07:12
unicornjedihas anyone got GPU passthrough working? I need some help :(07:13
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TannishpageHello is this message visible to other members?09:15
saryYes Tannishpage .09:18
Tannishpagewell then registration is successful09:18
TannishpageSo I have a question.09:18
TannishpageI want to connect a windows VM on ubuntu to wifi that ubuntu is not allowed to connect to.09:19
Tannishpagewhen i mean not allowed i mean not supported09:19
TannishpageSo basicly I want to give direct access to wireless card (connected directly to mobo) to VM09:20
TannishpageIs it possible?09:21
lmntswhy does NetworkManager keep disconnecting me from my VPN and then don't reconnect? 'ping-restart' is enabled and i don't have this problem with other devices09:23
BluesKajHiyas all09:24
philip_goulewhere are you from?09:25
philip_gouledon`t know how  chat,I think it`s a way to communicate09:28
philip_goulemy English is not  good09:29
TannishpageI can understand.09:30
TannishpageBut what do you mean?09:30
saryDavid_Hedlund: first save your work , then Try this , in a terminal run $ killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.config/pulse/* ; rm -r ~/.pulse* .. wait 10 seconds, then reboot .. stream an HTML5 video again.. is the problem still present?!09:30
TannishpageI don't know how to chat??09:30
philip_goulemeans that I don't know how to start a  conversation.09:32
bazhangphilip_goule, here is support only09:32
bazhangphilip_goule, try #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat09:33
Matan[M]hi, is there a ubuntu live "no UI" version somewhere?  i have to check an old server with 1GHz cpu and 1mb video memory09:34
TannishpageHow to I give Virtual box VM (windows guest) direct access to wireless card (connected to mobo)09:34
bazhangTannishpage, you dont09:34
TannishpageSo it can't be done.09:34
philip_gouleok  I  get  it.09:35
bazhangTannishpage, thats not how vm's get connected09:35
TannishpageBut ubuntu is not a supported OS to this wifi access point09:35
bazhangtanitry #vbox or #vmware for more09:35
bazhangTannishpage, ^09:36
bazhangsorry tanitry09:36
David_Hedlundsary: I'll try that soon.09:41
David_Hedlundsary: I don't have rm -r ~/.pulse*09:54
David_Hedlundsary: Erm, I don't have ~/.pulse*09:55
David_Hedlundsary: That didn't help, I'm on 14.04.09:59
saryOk, now that pulseaudio is running again , run: pulseaudio -k  , and try stream a video in html5 .. we're trying to see if it's pulseaudio's fault!10:03
David_Hedlundsary: Thanks. That didn't do it.10:06
David_Hedlundsary: I read about the pulseaudio issue earlier. This is not the problem on my system though.10:06
psychoticwarriorwhats wrong with pulseaudio10:08
psychoticwarriorpulseaudio -D helped my system10:09
InvisibleRastahello guys, i am having trouble with rtorrent. i jsut installed it and when i add a torrent it tries to connect to the tracker but after a bit it fails connecting. this is for most of the trackers i tried. but for example i can download the ubuntu torrent iso10:09
saryDavid_Hedlund: so even after killing pulseaudio ,the streamin' still going fast ..!10:10
David_Hedlundsary: Unfortunate.10:10
phionahow do we have  LUBUNTU have a password everytime we login?10:12
arun007phiona: ???10:12
saryDavid_Hedlund: you mentioned it happens with all broswers , so i thought it's a system wide issue with pulseaudio.10:12
David_Hedlundsary: Yes, its system wide.10:13
phionaInvisibleRasta: try deluge or transmission.10:13
phionahow do we have  LUBUNTU or UBUNTU have a password everytime we login? i installed this a long time ago and it always went without a password. now though i want a password.10:16
dan01does anyone experience a visual lag on VLC when skipping time on a video? Here's the question on askubuntu, maybe someone knows a answer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/778933/vlc-pixelated-video-when-skipping10:17
saryDavid_Hedlund: I have no clue then is to what is cauisin' that.10:19
David_Hedlundsary: Thank you for helping me anyway.10:20
saryDavid_Hedlund: You're welcome.10:20
David_Hedlundsary: =)10:21
lollix01Could someone explain me why I can't switch to a terminal without getting tons of pcieport errors?10:24
saryDavid_Hedlund: is it only the visual streaming fast and or with sound too!10:28
saryDavid_Hedlund: if you run pavucontrol -> Configuration tab , is the video card listed there..!10:29
psychoticwarriorlollix01 try to run pci=nomsi at the end of the linux kernel line10:30
Matan[M]hi, i have liveusb done with win32diskimager, can i save files on the same usb drive after boot? i have to drop log from hwinfo into a text file10:31
saryMatan[M]: copy the hwinfo to this fourm in http://sprunge.us/ , then click sprunge , should result in link simple to memorise.10:41
Matan[M]sary, this is a deaf machine :| (no network)10:42
lollix01psychoticwarrior i did what you suggested and it works10:48
nyuszika7hPython 3.6 in 17.04 is complaining about apt_pkg being missing every time there's an exception. how do I install python-apt for 3.6? there's no python3.6-apt package, python3-apt is already installed10:53
lollix01how do I add permanently a kernel boot parameter?10:57
EriC^lollix01: add it to /etc/default/grub after "quiet splash"10:59
EriC^then sudo update-grub11:00
lollix01i though it is a an uefi machine?11:03
EriC^no difference for grub11:04
EriC^are you using grub to boot ubuntu?11:04
lollix01grub2, not legacy grub11:09
EriC^lollix01: ok, add what you want to /etc/default/grub then and update-grub11:09
ShNaYkHsI've been using Ubuntu for quite a long time, and I want to change for another lightweight ditribution (desktop). Any advices ? I can pick one randomly, but I want to have your own opinions11:12
phionaShNaYkHs: LUBUNTU. its what i use myself.11:20
ShNaYkHsI feel that ubuntu is generally heavy isn't it11:22
bazhangShNaYkHs, then try lubuntu11:23
bazhangsudo apt install lubuntu-desktop11:24
bazhangShNaYkHs, ^11:24
ShNaYkHsok I'll give it a try maybe11:25
phionaShNaYkHs: well, i cant comment on that since i installled LUBUNTU  the very first time and never looked at another distro ever since.11:26
ShNaYkHsis it much different from: ubuntu mate11:29
bazhangShNaYkHs, very11:29
th0rShNaYkHs, you do know you can install lxde, xfce, kde, etc side by side and try them all out11:29
bazhangShNaYkHs, check out the very many screenshots websites11:29
bazhangShNaYkHs, you cannot poll which is the best for YOU here, only YOU can decide that11:30
ShNaYkHsth0r I didn't know. So for example installing lxde to my ubuntu, it basically becomes the Lubuntu ?11:31
ShNaYkHsthat's the only difference ?11:32
bazhangShNaYkHs, apt install lubuntu-desktop11:32
bazhangShNaYkHs, then choose from login window11:32
bazhangShNaYkHs, much lighter11:32
bazhangShNaYkHs, different default apps11:32
th0rShNaYkHs, and be aware you can uninstall them just as easily. So try them all out and decide for yourself which one fits your needs11:33
bazhang!lubuntu | ShNaYkHs11:33
ubottuShNaYkHs: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:33
ShNaYkHsok great11:33
rsvI am using ubuntu 16.04. All of a sudden my Wifi APS are not listed. I tried restarting network and turning off and on WIFI but that does not help11:34
rsvWIFI APS is WIFI access points in my network11:34
duziCan anyone tell me a communication tool which is secure(like signal), for desktop?11:37
duziI use xenial11:39
ShNaYkHsI installed ubuntu on an external hard drive. Wow when the external hard drive is not pluged, the grub menu does not appear. How can I fix that ?11:43
tomreynhfp_: i'm around for a while now12:27
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...12:41
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...12:42
IndianGuru>> 212:42
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:43
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde12:44
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:44
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with !Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://xubuntu.org/ - To install the Xubuntu environment from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !xubuntu-channels12:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:44
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:44
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ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com12:44
BluesKajwarri0rr, enough!12:45
YounderI was more thining ~indiangur@unaffiliated/warri0rring and !1+112:45
warri0rrI wonder who might be12:45
tomreynyou are welcome to play more with the bot here http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi12:47
tomreyn(note the search box on top)12:47
lyferuxHi, I installed Ubuntu mate 36 bit, i updated and upgraded too. when I try to install any file it says error12:50
tomreyn36 bit? that's unusual12:50
arun007lyferux: what is the error12:50
lyferuxarun007, : brother where are u from ?12:51
arun007lyferux: India12:52
lyferuxcan i pm u12:52
arun007lyferux: okey12:52
BaronesHi, I'm trying to create a .desktop entry but the bash execution command isn't working. it is a .appimage file executed throught terminal12:58
Al3xG0How do I use the split command to paste the outputs into numbers instead of alphabetic orders?12:59
effectnethi .12:59
effectnetI'm gonna try this now https://askubuntu.com/questions/83771/recovering-grub-after-installing-windows-713:00
lyferuxtomreyn, sorry it was 3213:07
tomreynlyferux: i was just mostly naggigng, thanks for clarifying. by the way, usually we keep support on the channel to ensure peer review of answers provided. i.e. people should tell me (and everyone else) when i tell you nonsense.13:09
tomreyn(of course it can be easier to chat in native languages, but then there are dedicated ubuntu channels for many langauges, too)13:11
hfp_Hi, I messed up something that has to do with grub (I think) on my  ubuntu 17.04. A while ago, I had removed grub efi and replaced it with the regular grub. this was an unintended side effect of installing another package. I have since removed that package, removed the wrong grub and put back grub efi. fast forward to yesterday I updated packages and it installed a new version of grub-efi and friends. Now my system wont boot anymore...13:22
hfp_to the encrypted partition and unlocks it but then hangs there13:22
hfp_last night, we tried with tomreyn to mount the required virtual devices into my unlocked partition and chroot into it to check the uuids and re reun grub initramfs etc, but oculdnt get it to work: lsblk --fs would never ever have any uuids once into the chrot13:23
hfp_any suggestions on where to go from here?13:24
douxWith EFI code + bootmgr (to register a menu entry) What is the point of a bootloader like Grub2 in a basic HD Ubuntu install? I'm obviously missing some insight here.13:25
hfp_I... dont know? that's how it was installed.13:30
lyferuxthank you so much arun007  :)13:32
arun007lyferux: welcome13:32
hfp_This is what I have when it boots: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25205385/13:32
douxI was actually asking a question for the channel. I'm guessing a boot loader is used on your rootfs to generate the EFI code right?13:38
hfp_I dont know. All I can do at the moment is either let it ask me for the password to decrypt the main partition or I can boot in recovery mode etc and then ask me the password. In recovery it doesnt find anything wrong with the packages or fsck. In either case, if I choose to start normally it hangs at waiting for network interfaces.13:45
tomreynhfp_: grub-efi is just a meta package, if you have an AMD64 architecture (64-bit intel / amd cpu and OS) then it will depends on grub-efi-amd64 which contains the actual efi variant of grub13:47
tomreynhfp_: how long did you wait when it was 'waiting for network interfaces'? did you try ctrl-c?13:48
tomreynsomehow my understanding yesterday was that it did not boot at all, i guess i got that wrong since it was so late13:48
hfp_yeah it does boot, just not all the way13:50
hfp_how do I make it so that I have more than 300ms to press shift and get the grub menu when it boots? it's driving me nuts and I have to try 20 times before I get it13:50
akikhfp_: you can change it in /etc/default/grub13:55
tomreynhfp_: just holding down (left) shift during boot does not work?13:56
hfp_tomreyn: it's very very very picky, the window to do it at the right moment is half a second if not less. Press it too soon and it won't work, then it's too late.13:56
hfp_if I ctrl-c the Raise network interfaces, nothing happens13:57
hfp_it's NetworkManager-wait-online.service13:57
hfp_with a 5min 1s timeout13:57
tomreynhfp_: while its failing to bring up the NICs, try waiting up to 5 minutes for boot to continue at least once, see if it continues13:58
warrshrikehey so my plex server wont detect files on ntfs drive13:58
warrshrikeseems like permission issue. any idea how to fix it13:58
warrshrikerunning ubuntu of course13:58
hfp_ha what do you know... it boots normally after the timeout.... wth?14:02
tomreynwarrshrike: check with who made the software you are using, it does not seem to be a package from ubuntu repositories14:03
tomreynhfp_: thats what i hoped / assumed it would do. you probably dont have networking now, but you should be able to review logs and rebuild the initrd if needed.14:04
hfp_no i have everything working like it should... it's fully booted and i have wifi...14:04
hfp_what does initrd have to do with it? it's not working correctly you think?14:05
tomreynhfp_: chances are that one of your network interfaces requires special drivers or firmware which are not currently present in the initrd.14:05
hfp_oh i see14:05
Exterminadordumb question of the day: I have Windows and Xubuntu on dual boot.. Windows partition is set as primary and the partion where Xubuntu lives is set as logical. if I try to install a 3rd OS (in case I succeed) will grub be affected?14:05
tomreynhfp_ do you have more NICs than just this one wireless?14:05
hfp_i have some docker nics, i also have vagrant, libvirt/qemu/kvm14:06
tomreynExterminador: that depends on how that third OS treats your computer. most OS will overwrite existing boot sectors or at least offer to do so.14:06
ExterminadorI'm thinking on Debian or perhaps Chrome OS14:07
effectnethello i am restoring grub2 on 17.04 today too :D14:07
tomreyn!restoregrub | Exterminador14:08
ubottuExterminador: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub14:08
effectnetreinstalling actually14:08
Exterminadorif Debian I guess I won't have many troubles14:08
warrshrikemy ntfs is mounted read only - how to fix?14:08
tomreynExterminador: you may need to do what ubottu told you after installing another OS14:08
advx_Hi, Good Evening14:09
Exterminadortomreyn: bookmarked! ;)14:09
Exterminadorlets see how I succeed.. next time I'll let Xubuntu to install last14:10
Exterminadorthat way I'm sure it won't fail14:10
tomreynExterminador: note that even though Debian and Ubuntu have a lot in common, they may still install grub boot code that is effectively incompatible to one another. in the end, with a multi boot environment, you will need to decide which single OS will be allowed to update / manage the boot code, and take measures to ensure the others won't.14:11
Exterminadorhum.. so I can prevent i.e Debian from messing up with bootloader?14:12
Exterminadorjust letting Xubuntu deal with it?14:13
tomreynwarrshrike: maybe find out why it was mounted read-only in the first place ('dmesg -T' or 'sudo cat /var/log/syslog | gedit - #' will hint on that), or just try to mount it readable + writable using 'sudo mount -o rmount,rw XXX' where XXX is the device node or current mount point.14:15
tomreynExterminador: yes this should work. you'd probably just remove grub packages and not mount /boot from debian then. #debian folks can probably tell you how to do this reliably.14:17
Exterminadortomreyn: thanks a lot ;)14:17
tomreynbtw. their official channel is on irc.oftc.net, not freenode14:18
hfp_tomreyn: Where can I find the missing driver? Which log file would it be in?14:19
tomreynhfp_: first of all inspect your logs to find out why the network service did not start properly.14:26
hfp_which logs, /var/log/syslog? dmesg? /var/log/error.log?14:27
tomreynhfp_: syslog, dmesg, or just the very service you said has failed14:31
hfp_ok, thanks14:31
tomreyne.g. systemctl status networking14:32
GrandPa-GI have a program that communicates with a special server via a socket connection. the client must send a packet every 1 or the server will terminate the connection. I want some way to monitor (on the client) the application to know if it has hung and is no longer sending packets. Any ideas?14:38
warri0rrare you going to monitor it or another program?14:39
l1Ll1Ll1Lyou might be able to write a script to monitor its traffic using tcpdump14:39
warri0rryou could periodically issue an interrupt14:40
warri0rrand if the application freezes it won't respond to that14:40
warri0rrOr keep a socket open and poll it every x minutes with information14:40
effectnetWell, the following page sucessful in restoring my 17.04 to boot again. THE BOOT REPAIR DISK DOES NOT WORK for 17.04 at least.   https://askubuntu.com/questions/83771/recovering-grub-after-installing-windows-714:41
GrandPa-GI have been doing a netstat and looking at the output for the port that the stream is on. I am just not sure this is foolproof.14:47
tomreynGrandPa-G: "ports" would be a concept of the tcp/ip protocol, when you wrote "socket conection" i assume you are referring to unix domain sockets?14:50
tomreyn'netstat --unix' will list those and their state (or the state they had when they were last attempted to be used)14:50
effectnetI was having windows problems and i decided to install 17.04 just for fun etc...  I am shocked how blistering fast this i5 laptop is now.  Shocked.14:51
GrandPa-Gtomreyn: yes tcp/ip socket.14:51
tomreynGrandPa-G: oh so it's actually a tcp or udp port that you are trying to monitor?14:52
GrandPa-Gtomreyn: correct. if the client hangs or the connection is broken, then I need to take some serious action like a forced reboot. Unfortunetly if the connection isn't really broken but my technique thinks it is, the client gets rebooted, not optimal.14:54
tomreynGrandPa-G: deciding whether or not to reboot a system based on availability or apparent state of a network connected resource is not usually a good design.14:56
GrandPa-Gtomreyn:that maybe true, but the app needs to be functioning all the time. If the connection is lost, then it is not functioning and needs to be restarted to reconnect.14:58
tomreynGrandPa-G: this is not really ubuntu support unless you are looking for a specific monitoring software for a certain use case. we could discuss your software architecture in #ubuntu-offtopic (if you like)14:58
effectnethow come ubuntu says that one of my windows shares directories is not a directory?15:18
fugeecan i get help with postfix in here15:19
fugeepostfix/dovecot on 14.04LTS15:19
warri0rrJoin postfix channel15:20
madLyfeif i wanted to see my hardwares vital stats in a terminal window(tmux), is there a way to do that? like something i can run on nix(ubuntu server) to see like CPU temps, speeds, etc? all live?15:22
th0rmadLyfe, do you need it in a terminal? I use gkrellmd. It runs on all my servers, but needs a desktop somewhere to display on.15:32
madLyfeya, in a terminal. running ssh/tmux to ubuntu server15:33
tomreynmadLyfe: sensors15:40
madLyfeis sensors built into server? im basically brand new to nix as of last night.15:49
EriC^^madLyfe: no, install lm_sensors15:53
mordofi've got a remote server that's more powerful than my local computer.. i'd like to move my development environment onto the remote server, but keep my editor local (no gui on server, i don't enjoy using vim). are there any options that make this feasible on an internet connection that sometimes has latency spikes?15:58
th0rmordof, two options I can think of, but both have 'issues'. You could use samba to map the remote drives to the local architecture and edit locally, or use x-forwarding in ssh to run the editor on the remote machine16:02
th0rmordof, samba would leave you with open files you couldn't close if the connection drops completely. ssh would mean your editor (typing, highlighting, etc) would be affected by the latency16:03
YounderCan you install just the X server and not the X client?16:03
mordofYounder: what purpose would that serve?16:04
YounderHe doesn't what the GUI on the server but wants to forward the program to the client.16:04
mordofth0r: in the case of sshfs, it uses sftp, so that wouldn't keep files open, is that correct?16:05
the_ki'm using initx to display one application in full screen to save on resources but the display resolution is wrong. is there anything i can do to adjust it in a config file or something?16:05
mordofYounder: that would mean that mouse movements/interactions/keyword events, etc would get forwarded to the server though, yes?16:06
th0rmordof, no, I was talking about doing x-forwarding via ssh. That would allow you to run the development environment on the remote server, but wouldn't require X on the server, just the editor and such.16:06
Youndermordof, yes, it would16:07
madLyfelm-sensors doesnt update in the terminal16:07
mordofhmmm, i doubt that'd be desirable on a latency-spike ridden connection16:08
mordofdefinitely things to think about16:08
mordofth0r, Younder: thanks for the feedback16:08
th0rYounder, for my own info....I don't think the X server is necessary on the remote server, just the gui software. I do have X installed on the remotes, but boot to the cli and never start X.16:09
th0rYounder, I do have access to the same file manager, editor, etc on the remote that I have on the local, using X-forwarding in ssh16:09
th0rYounder, so is it necessary to install the X server?16:11
unicornjediHello, I was wondering if any of y'all could help me with doing a CPU passthrough... The main problem I'm having is my graphics card I want to hand over to the guest VM isn't being claimed by pci-stub16:14
vijuOne of the connection items it not shown on the networking menu. I had recently added DSL, it won't even show now.16:14
vijuHow can I get it back?16:15
YounderIf you install a program with a GUI it pulls in a lot of gnome libs, but not the x server16:21
th0rYounder, right...hadn't thought about the libs, assumed they were pulled locally as the local x server is doing all the work16:26
CoreJohnsonHow can I check if libnl-dev or libnl-devel is installed.  Whats the modern equivalent of these packages or how can I check that ?16:32
ijashfinally somebody answering16:34
th0rijash, I saw you in raspbian...was waiting for you to ask a question.16:35
CoreJohnsonfunny eh.  eleven hundred people here and no one around sometimes16:35
CoreJohnsonI just got here myself16:35
ijashlet's go to raspbian16:35
OS-28203hi all, I am trying to install Ubuntu on a Lenovo yoga 260 and I don't know how should I set up my BIOS UEFI settings. Can anyone help ?16:40
ijashhave you entered the bios menu?16:43
azuleskyhow are you?16:44
ijashgood. you?16:44
OS-28203obviously :D16:45
azuleskyim doing alright just decided id switch from mint to unbuntu today :P so far it was a little finiky with installing things but i hope i fixed it16:45
OS-28203I just don't know what is supported by Ubuntu, I know legacy works but someone told me I should try UEFI16:45
ijashi am installing it using UEFI16:46
OS-28203Should I do anything else? I tried once and I got a message that Grub cannot be written to the disk16:47
ijashwell, i am using E2B usb stick, so it can make partition image. for easier UEFI boot16:47
ijashshow me your HDD specification16:47
ijashyour partition16:48
symm-hi, noob question but when instructions say to go to "System>Administration>Software Sources" how do I get there? the obvious buttons don't get me there and searching for "system" of "administration" via the top button doesn't either16:55
Richard_CavellWhich windowing system are you using?16:55
symm-the default one... "unity"?16:55
OS-28203ijash, how ? It's on another laptop. Can I post something specific that would help ?16:55
symm-the brown one16:55
jaydemirhey I'm using the open Mesa 17.1 driver for my AMD APU. The games run great but my Android studio emulator wont run unless I'm using AMDGPU pro drivers, which I dont want to use17:03
jaydemirany suggestions?17:03
madLyfelm-sensors isnt showing me my cpu temps, only giving me PCI adapter info.18:13
madLyfedoes the machine need reboot after lm-sensors install?18:15
madLyfenope, that didnt fix it18:17
glitsj16madLyfe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:18
wxlanyone know where i can go to get help with a third party repository? (nodejs, fwiw). their repo has a Release file in dists/xenial, i've got the key installed, i can verify the signature, and yet it's still failing to update because it can't find the Release file18:20
madLyfeglitsj16: i didnt have any of these for 3. At the end of sensors-detect, a list of modules that needs to be loaded will displayed. Type "yes" to have sensors-detect insert those modules into /etc/modules, or edit /etc/modules yourself.18:20
glitsj16madLyfe: did you answer all questions with YES?18:21
madLyfespet the last one. i really only want the cpu info though.18:21
glitsj16madLyfe: that's not how lm-sensors works, it needs the appropriate modules loaded, as stated in 4.18:22
madLyfei said yes to all of them except the last one because it said it can be unsafe18:23
madLyfeand then didnt have anything to load18:23
madLyfenot that i didnt load them.18:23
madLyfethis one: http://i.imgur.com/FOzyDyX.png18:24
glitsj16madLyfe: answer yes to everything, you need to finish the whole setup18:24
glitsj16I read 'this is usually safe' in your paste, not unsafe18:24
madLyfedown at the last step, 'this is the most risky part'18:25
madLyfei watched a tutorial of a guy setting up lm-sensors and said no to the last step and was able to see his cpu temps18:26
madLyfeim new to nix anything so sorry for being thick headed.18:26
madLyfebut at least its asking me to add the modules this time18:27
glitsj16madLyfe: maybe he used something else to check cpu temp, it's pretty safe though.. the wording is a bit confusing in that sense.. untill you load kernel modules this questionnaire is harmless18:28
glitsj16madLyfe: after loading the modules, try 'sensors' to check cpu temp18:28
madLyfearound the 5min mark, and he just uses the regular 'sensors' command to access the cpu info.18:28
glitsj16sensors is part of lm-sensors18:29
madLyfeya i know. i was answering your 'maybe he used something else to check cpu temp'18:29
glitsj16madLyfe: ow okay :)18:29
madLyfewell i said yes to everything and auto loaded the modules, hit sensors, and im still only getting PCI adapter info18:30
glitsj16madLyfe: what modules were added to your /etc/modules?18:31
madLyfewhatever it says in that screenshot.18:32
madLyfe#Chip drivers18:32
madLyfedo i have to manually run kmod start ?18:33
madLyfenope that didnt do it18:33
glitsj16madLyfe: the output might be confusing you slightly, it states the *adapter* used when measuring cpu temp, which in your system's case is a PCI adapter, it doersn't mean its measuring PCI adapter temp18:33
glitsj16sudo service kmod start18:34
bovoAnyone know a workaround for streaming DRM protected content?18:36
bovo(Like Xfinity in home stream)18:36
how-highis http://linuxsurvival.com/linux-tutorial-introduction/ a good resource to start/18:38
Es0tericanyone here use circleci?18:39
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glitsj16madLyfe: try comparing 'sensors' output with 'cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp' to double-check, or 'acpi -t' even, which are different ways to measure cpu temp18:41
madLyfeso i needed to reboot i guess18:46
madLyfeglitsj16: can i pm?18:46
glitsj16madLyfe: okay18:46
madLyfeglitsj16: no ORT, using IRCCloud.18:49
madLyfeno plugins for IRCCloud18:50
glitsj16madLyfe: ah, that explains things18:50
glitsj16so what did you want to ask/discuss?18:50
madLyfewhat we were, but so i had an easy way to access the logs for reference.18:51
glitsj16there used to be a link to where this channel is logged, so you can always consult the channels history via your browser18:52
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
madLyfeglitsj16: installed acpi and did the command and nothing18:54
Flannelglitsj16: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/07/30/%23ubuntu.html  for instance18:55
madLyfenothing happened18:55
glitsj16Flannel: thank you :)18:55
madLyfe'/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp': No such file or directory18:55
glitsj16madLyfe: what ubuntu version are you using by the way?18:57
madLyfeubuntu server LTS18:57
noraatepernosI use supervisor to run a node.js app under the user www-data.  Is there a way to get ulimit -n 999999 to work on boot?  Optionally, can I get changes to /etc/security/limits.conf to take effect without reboot?  16.04, here.19:00
noraatepernosI’m using salt for deployment.  I need to be able to run a command but I’m confused regarding which user the ulimit command should be run under19:00
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how-highj linux19:03
oerheksnoraatepernos, with systemd these pages might be any help >> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39506149/ubuntu-16-04-systemd-redis-issues-with-ulimit >> https://serverfault.com/questions/791729/ubuntu-16-04-server-mysql-open-file-limit-wont-go-higher-than-6553619:04
oerheksincrease DefaultLimitNOFILE=6553619:05
glitsj16madLyfe: not all hardware has sensors for everything, that's probably why acpi isn't outputting temp.. if you're concerned about possible overheating I suggest looking into thermald --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement/ThermalIssues .. it takes some fine-tuning for your specific hardware, but it works great when that's done.19:06
madLyfeits  a super micro server board so it should have sensors for everything19:07
madLyfehere is the new sensors output, glitsj16: http://i.imgur.com/79zT6cR.png19:08
noraatepernosoerheks: Thanks!  I think I’m going to wrap that up into the could-init.19:08
glitsj16madLyfe: output seems perfectly fine, nice hardware.. you can also use 'watch sensors' to see values updated every 2 secs (easier than running the command every so often)19:12
madLyfeglitsj16: im not sure what the processor temps are though19:14
madLyfewhich are which?19:14
glitsj16madLyfe: temp{3, 5, 7, 8} would be my interpretation, 4 cores? the below ones labelled temp seem to give an average19:15
madLyfeglitsj16: should be 16 cores19:19
madLyfe2p opteron 627619:19
GroarWhat's better, to keep the same kernel version and get its patches until I upgrade the LTS to the next version every 2 years or to use lastest kernel version by using PPA?19:23
tomreynGroar: what's better depends on your preferences and your abilities to manually ensure timely security updates.19:24
ioriaGroar, what's your kernel atm ?19:25
tomreynGroar: there is a third option, which is to use the HWE kernels.19:25
tomreyn!hwe | Groar19:25
ubottuGroar: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:25
Groarioria: sorry what's atm? I'm a but newbie haha19:26
ioriaGroar, at the moment , uname -r19:26
Groarioria: says this: '4.4.0-87-generic'19:27
ioriaGroar,  xenial ?19:27
oerheksthe only PPA with kernels are the manual installable test kernels from mainline19:27
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:27
tomreynatm = at the moment19:27
ioriaGroar,  cat /etc/issue19:28
Groarioria: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l19:28
ioriaGroar,  .2 should have the yakkety kernel .... or not ?19:29
Groarioria: The only kernel upgrades I Installed are those that appear in the updates manager19:30
ioriaGroar, anyway it's ok , i suggest stay with it, unless you got problems19:31
Groarioria: Oh okay :), just wondering what would be better, but since I have no problems with this version, I'll stay with this until 18.04 is released. Thanks!19:32
glitsj16madLyfe: had to answer a call .. there's according to /etc/sensors3.conf you can set labels & tripping points for specific hardware in /etc/sensors.d, although the referenced http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Configurations link doesn't work for me.. might be something people in ##linux would be more experienced with19:32
ioriaGroar, ok19:32
tomreynif you have no problems and nothing is obviously broken or not working then just keep it as it is.19:32
Groartomreyn: 'if it works, don't touch it', yeah, I like that philosophy :P19:33
tomreynright ;)19:33
madLyfety glitsj1619:33
ioriaGroar, just to be sure ,   run sudo  apt full-upgrade  and see what it tells19:34
Groarioria: daniel@daniel-pc:~$ sudo apt full-upgrade // 0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados. (Which in English means: 0 to upgrade, 0 to install, 0 to remove, 0 not upgraded)19:35
ioriaGroar, ok, that's good19:35
ShNaYkHsI installed LUbuntu using apt-get install lubuntu-desktop. The desktop does not appear correctly on the  extrenal screen, only some window appears correctly. How can I change the display ?19:39
ioriaShNaYkHs, 'only some window appears' ?19:39
ShNaYkHsioria yes, for example CTR ALT T, the terminal appears (on an empty desktop)19:40
ioriaShNaYkHs, maybe you're using extended ?19:42
ShNaYkHsioria how to change that ? I using use F4, but it doesn't seem to work under LXDE19:42
ioriaShNaYkHs, F4 alone ... idk what it should do19:43
oerheksit opens depends where your mouse is focused, no?19:43
ioriaShNaYkHs, try mirroring19:43
ioriaShNaYkHs, arandr19:43
ioria!info arandr | ShNaYkHs19:44
ubottuShNaYkHs: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-2 (zesty), package size 50 kB, installed size 309 kB19:44
ShNaYkHsjust foud it: lxrandr19:44
ioriaShNaYkHs, arandr is better19:44
ShNaYkHsok will try19:44
fuserJesus this is so criminally awkward. Copying a movie to an USB has been stuck on "2 seconds left" for many minutes. I can never trust transfers on linux, at least not initiated through the GUI. I'm aware of the linux kernel bufferring thing, but even with it, this is insane.19:50
fuserFriends asking how long left..can't say19:51
fuserwe just have to wait forever19:51
ioriafuser, how big is ?19:51
ShNaYkHsioria I installed arandr, how to not use the extended mode ?19:52
fuserioria: 1.7GB19:52
ioriaShNaYkHs, you move the widget with your mouse19:54
fuserwhat's the best way to transfer, just use mv/cp command?19:54
fuserto an usb19:54
fuserokay it's done, phew19:59
fuserso it was stuck on "2 minutes left" for about 14 minutes or more20:02
tsaniHello folks. I'm using xenial (16.04) and having a problem getting systemd containers to access the network. In the journal, I see systemd-networkd complaining "Could not enable IP masquerading: Operation not supported". Some reading indicates that this is an issue with systemd not being compiled with iptables support.20:02
tsaniThis is systemd 229 fwiw. Some additional reading shows that systemd 231 is compiled with iptables support. How should I proceed? Should I upgrade systemd beyond what's available in the xenial repos, to version 231? Or is there a PPA for version 229 with iptables built in?20:04
tomreyntsani: are you referring to systemd-nspawn?20:09
tsanitomreyn: yes20:09
tomreynaha, i just read about it for the first time.20:09
tomreynconttainerization in ubuntu is usually done using lxd, that's all i know20:09
tomreynalso apparmor might be getting in your way20:10
tsanihm, possibly20:11
tsaniThe thing is that at this point I've already prepped a bunch of nspawn containers. I'm migrating a bunch of services from AWS to DigitalOcean. On EC2 I was using Arch for the host system, and now on DO I'm using Ubuntu.20:12
tsaniI'd rather not switch to LXD if possible.20:12
tsanihttps://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/596 here's why I think it's a missing iptables build setting for systemd20:12
tomreynwhats the error message you get to see / what makes you think systemd on xenial lacks iptables support?20:13
tomreynhave you reviewed the patches backpported to systemd in xenial to verify this functionality is not present?20:14
tomreynsorry i missed that you posted the actual error message before, if not the command that triggered it20:14
tsaniThe error appears when I boot the container. Upon booting, nspawn sets up a virtual ethernet connection between the host and guest system, and enables IP masquerading to let the guest access the internet.20:15
tsanihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+changelog it appears iptables support was added in yakkety; I don't know how to check if that was backported20:16
tomreynone way to do it is to review what's in [systemd_229-4ubuntu19.debian.tar.xz] as available at https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/systemd20:17
tomreynor start wiht the changelog20:18
tomreynit doe snot mention "iptables", but i'm not even sure whether this is the correct package to look at.20:18
tomreynyes it is the correct package20:19
tomreynmaybe you can do bridging or routing instead of NAT20:21
TyrMactirei'm having a weird issue, when i plug a usb device in my screen does this weird thing and i have to restart http://i.imgur.com/NaKJwHp.jpg trying to google but i'm not sure where to start. it doesn't happen when booted on the windows partition, but also happens in fedora20:21
TyrMactireit also doesn't seem to happen when i started in gnome classic20:22
oerheksTyrMactire, on powersupply or on battery?20:23
TyrMactirepower supply20:23
tsanitomreyn: NAT is really the only way to go. I'll be running maybe a half dozen containers, most of which with nginx inside, and an nginx on the host reverse proxying into the relevant containers20:23
oerheksTyrMactire, usb 3 port? (blue)20:24
tsanitomreyn: according to https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=787480 systemd-networkd needs to be linked to libiptc.so; running ldd on systemd-networkd on my system reveals that it's linked to libip4tc.so20:25
ubottuDebian bug 787480 in systemd "build with iptables support" [Wishlist,Fixed]20:25
tomreyntsani: so i guess you need to apt-get source, edit and rebuild20:25
tsaniI'll give it a shot20:26
tomreyntsani: other than that'd upgrade to 17.04, which is not an LTS release, then upgrade to 17.10 when released, and to 18.04 when released, and then stay on lts20:27
tomreynthat way you wouldn't need to maintain your own packages20:28
tsanihmm that sounds much simpler20:30
TyrMactirei made the mistake of unplugging something20:31
divadgnol67hey all, do xmonad and ubuntu play well together20:31
divadgnol67looking for a tiling window manager. preferably based on ubuntu/debian20:32
divadgnol67os based on ubuntu/debian20:32
darkl0rdhey guys, the most recent 'grub' update in ubuntu 16.04 seems to have made my system unbootable. The system always used to boot from a LVM but now grub-install throws an error: grub-install: error: embedding is not possible, but this is required for RAID and LVM install.20:33
divadgnol67hopefully something prebuilt as i'm a noob20:33
darkl0rdSystems are updated on a daily basis, so this patch set was incremental20:35
darkl0rdThis is the package set that was just pushed to me: The following packages will be upgraded:   filebeat grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common kmod libdrm2 libkmod2 ntp ntpdate python3-distupgrade python3-update-manager sudo   ubuntu-release-upgrader-core update-manager-core20:35
tomreyntsani: maybe, and maybe not. it involves two extra upgrades20:35
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darkl0rdgrub2-common: 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.1220:36
tomreyndarkl0rd: read the changelog for the versions you had before and have now (see /var/log/apt/term.log to detemrine those versions). also, do you have a seperate /boot partition (and file system) and which partition table type is this (msdos / gpt)?20:38
tsanitomreyn: I'm coming from Arch to Ubuntu. I'm all about updating things all the time.20:41
darkl0rdtomreyn: Yes separate boot partitiont, also on LVM, always was. Filesystem is ext2 for /boot.20:41
tomreyndarkl0rd: partition table type? also, which OS + system architecture is this and do you boot with uefi or 'legacy' bios?20:42
darkl0rdmsdos, Ubuntu 16.04, amd64 - VMware esx 6.5 (UEFI emulation).20:43
tomreyndarkl0rd: where does vmware get into the picture there? is the ubuntu system a VM under ESX?20:44
tomreyndarkl0rd: that's something you could have mentioned before ;) - did you maybe upgrade that lately, too?20:45
darkl0rdI have a gazillion of them, all built with the same setup (Ansible) - been running for months - the apt-get upgrade on 16.04 just now broke it.20:45
darkl0rdThe systems are al configured to auto install security patches etc.20:45
darkl0rdjust "feature" patches are installed once a week through apt-get upgrade manually20:45
darkl0rdThe "upgrade" I just performed rendered my system unbootable.20:46
madLyfeglitsj16: http://i.imgur.com/tkBqyO3.png20:46
tomreyndarkl0rd: i think embedding was considered unstable for a long time now. you'd better install to the mbr20:46
darkl0rdtomreyn: grub is installed on /dev/sda --> /dev/sda is a pv for the vg system, in which a lv 'boot' exists. I can no longer run grub-install /dev/sda20:48
darkl0rdI'm not embedding20:48
tomreyndarkl0rd: right i think /boot is supposted to be outside of LVM, but i'm not entirely sure on that. i'm not sure whether LVM2 support (with varying versions of metadata) is complete in grub2.20:58
darkl0rdtomreyn: I have been running my systems like this since Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)21:00
unicornjedidoes anyone use kvm? I'm having trouble starting my virtual machine21:00
tomreyndarkl0rd: okay, then you know more than i do. at least in my head, putting an LVM2 PV on the plain device and expecting to be able to boot of it, still means looking trouble.21:01
darkl0rdRight, again - these specific systems have been running since 16.04 came out - they always worked - apt-get upgrade just broke them.21:01
tomreyndid you read the changelog, yet?21:02
darkl0rdtomreyn: The installer (Ubuntu) even suggests doing it like this for what it's worth when you make your system "all LVM".21:02
darkl0rdNothing special in there.21:02
tomreyndarkl0rd: i think the installer would create sda1 and use that as a PV.21:03
darkl0rdno, it doesn't - if you throw away it's suggestion21:04
darkl0rdand then setup LVM only, the boot step will suggest installing to /dev/sda itself.21:04
tomreynsure you can always create custom partition schemes21:04
darkl0rdanyway - not the discussion, my problem is, I had a running system - apt-get upgrade broke it on a LTS release, not what I expect.21:05
tomreynhave you been able to determine why it claims to be embedding when you say it is not?21:06
darkl0rdNo, I went as far as my knowledge regarding grub goes - that's why I came here, asking whether a) other people had this problem after the latest upgrade cycle, b) how to resolve it21:07
tomreyni see, and i hope someone else has experience with the configuration you have, good luck!21:08
douxAre initramfs also EFI binaries? (Like the kernel).21:09
tomreyndoux: run this: file /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)21:12
Bashing-omdarkl0rd: the #grub channel might be of value here . Some real smart folks frequent there .21:12
TyrMactirei'm having a weird usb issue, when i plug in a usb device my screen goes weird like this, http://i.imgur.com/NaKJwHp.jpg has anyone seen this before?21:12
sebsebseb 21:14
douxtomreyn: I was told it is not an EFI binary on #archlinux. Just curious, what will that do?21:15
darkl0rdWhat kinda bugs me here is the fact that we're now going to blame it on a "mis-configuration" on my side. I have 14 other systems with the same configuration which are still running (not upgraded yet). Apt-get upgrade already threw the error at me when it installed the "new" grub package. Clearly something changed recently which results in my "mis-configured" system from booting now. since Ubuntu 16.04 LTS includes this package, I'd 21:15
glitsj16madLyfe: nice find, have you installed ipmitools yet?21:17
tomreyndoux: initrd.img is a gzip compressed archive, the initramfs driver is really just a mechanism to extract this archive in ram and working with the files contained in it. some of those files are plain text (configuration or script) files, others are ELF executable files (a machine readable format)21:17
douxtomreyn, Ah ok. So there's no way... thanks for the info.21:19
douxtomreyn, I'm guessing I would have to compile the kernel to act like an initramfs right?21:20
douxtomreyn, but how would it know to hand over control to the rootfs kernel I wonder. Not important. Just curious about it.21:21
darkl0rdworkaround for other poor bastards with a broken configuration: grub-install --modules lvm /dev/<vgroup>/<boot-lv> (please note that this IS embedding, but does (still...) work)21:21
tomreyndoux: i'm not sure what you mean or what you'Re trying to achieve, could you clarify your goals?21:21
douxtomreyn, I wanted to run an initial kernel to decrypt my LUKS rootfs, without running a bootloader.21:22
madLyfenah cuz I'm just trying to get a reading through the terminal21:22
douxtomreyn, the same way that grub + initramfs does it. Just experimenting is all.21:23
madLyfeglitsj16 ^21:23
tomreyndoux: without a boot loader, oyu won't be running a kernel, unless that kernel was built for uefi.21:23
douxtomreyn, like every compiled kernel since 2.6 I think. Kernel = UEFI binary.21:24
tomreyndoux: so just ditch grub then, you dont need it ;)21:25
tsanitomreyn: now that I've upgraded to zesty, the containers won't even boot... In the journal, I see "Failed to create /init.scope control group: Permission denied"21:26
douxtomreyn, Yeah, but the devil is in the details, and I'm kinda still a newb. thanks for the help.21:27
glitsj16madLyfe: If I understand the documentation ipmitool is a CLI command, you can install it like any other package, so 'sudo apt install ipmitool' would work. You might need to load some IPMI related kernel modules, but we can help you do that if needed. I haven't used ipmitool, have zero knowledge but if you want, I can try to assist where I can, or other people in the channel might chime in.. Thoughts?21:27
renn0xtk9Folks I have made a udev rules https://pastebin.com/RVFR2pBQ however it does not work (the rules is called as I can see from the script) but the device file access right won't change21:30
tomreyntsani: this seems to discuss this error and possible workarounds https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/155421:31
madLyfeglitsj16: i can try. i thought ipmi was a supermicro board thing?21:35
madLyfeand for remote management21:36
glitsj16madLyfe: It's not specific to supermicro as far as I can tell. Remote management is only part of it. You should know if it's worth keeping whitin a short timespan. If you're up for it: sudo apt install ipmitool21:41
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madLyfeglitsj16: installing21:42
tomreynmadLyfe: ipmi is basically just a protocol to interface with a specific type of BMC21:42
glitsj16madLyfe: btw, I get this info from the README included in the latest download available on sourceforge, http://ipmitool.sourceforge.net21:42
glitsj16madLyfe: for starters, try 'sudo ipmitool' and pastebin the output please. My guess is you will need to load 2 kernel modules, but we need to confirm that.21:44
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glitsj16madLyfe: I don't have hardware that works with ipmitool, so I'm unable to run those commands myself21:45
madLyfeCould not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory21:45
glitsj16madLyfe: okay, run 'sudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler && sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf' .. then retry that command21:47
tomreynmodprobe ipmi_si21:48
madLyfesudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler && sudo modprobe ipmi_si ?21:49
glitsj16tomreyn: do you have experience with IPMI and ipmitool?21:49
tomreynglitsj16: just a little really.21:49
tomreynyou may also need to 'service ipmi restart' after loading the kernel modules.21:50
glitsj16I don't, I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipmitool/+bug/110992 and it seems madLyfe needs to set up /dev/ipmi0 manually, which I know nothing about..21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 110992 in ipmitool (Ubuntu) "ipmi modules need to manually inserted and device created " [Wishlist,Fix released]21:50
glitsj16tomreyn: I realize you had a long help session already, but if you're willing to assist madLyfe, that would be awesome.. just a question though, 'no thx' is a valid reply :)21:52
tomreynmy understanding is that you need to sudo apt-get update && sudoap apt-get install ipmitools && sudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler && (( sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf || sudo modprobe ipmi_si )) && sudo service ipmi restart21:53
glitsj16madLyfe: ^ .. are you aboard to try tomreyn's commands?21:54
tomreynand then i'd expect ipmitool to be able to find a device node to connect to, assuming the hardware provides an ipmi capable bmc and the drivers will support it.21:54
glitsj16tomreyn: that's what I understand after reading some documentation on it, madLyfe already confirmed his supermicro hardware provides ipmi21:56
tomreynactually that package name is ipmitool, no trailing S21:56
madLyfeso run what he posted?21:57
madLyfeis restart part of that command string?21:58
madLyfe"sudo apt-get update && sudoap apt-get install ipmitool && sudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler && (( sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf || sudo modprobe ipmi_si )) && sudo service ipmi" ?21:59
madLyfeall im trying to do is see the temps of my CPUs and maybe fan speeds in terminal so i can run watch on it and have it update while i putting it under load22:01
tomreynmadLyfe: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ipmitool && sudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler && (( sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf || sudo modprobe ipmi_si )) && sudo service ipmi restart22:02
tomreynbut you'd better run these commands one by one22:02
tomreynsince i'm not entirely sure22:02
tomreynmadLyfe: you could also try using lm-sensors for this purpose.22:03
tomreynipmi would give you access to more than just the readings, though22:03
madLyfetomreyn: i tried but i have no idea if what im getting is correct or what is what: http://i.imgur.com/dfa0rs7.png and then i found this for my board: http://i.imgur.com/tkBqyO3.png22:04
madLyfewhen you say 1 by 1 that means wherever there is a && split?22:06
tomreynmadLyfe: right, it's never easy to know what is what. sometimes vendor manuals can help there, but reviewing them is no fun. ipmitool *may* provide less ambiguous information.22:06
madLyfeso like run sudo apt-get update by itself?22:07
madLyfeand so on?22:07
tomreynmadLyfe: and yes, 1 by 1 as in && splits commands22:07
tomreynand remove parantheses22:08
madLyfetomreyn: is this one command? "sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf || sudo modprobe ipmi_si"22:09
tomreynmadLyfe: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ipmitool; dpkg -l ipmitool; sudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler; sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf; sudo modprobe ipmi_si; lsmod | grep ipmi; sudo service ipmi restart22:09
tomreynmadLyfe: just use what i posted last22:09
tomreynand put the output on a pastebin22:10
tomreynwhich mainboard is thisß22:11
glitsj16tomreyn: very much appreciate your efforts, thank you.. I'll lurk and learn22:11
madLyfetomreyn: https://gist.github.com/7ee2e83ac33d21cc9aef7fcf79bd993822:11
tomreynglitsj16: i dont really have anything to teach in this area , just guessing myself ;)22:11
madLyfeSupermicro H8DGU-F22:11
madLyfemight not have the F. prolly just Supermicro H8DGU22:12
glitsj16tomreyn: heh, it's a kind gesture without doubt22:12
tomreynmadLyfe: thanks for the output. the last command was wrong and probably superfluous.22:14
tsanitomreyn: using systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller gets it to boot! And networking works now that I've upgraded to zesty!22:14
tsaniI'll upgrade to the latest systemd inside the container to see if that obviates the need for the special command-line argument to systemd22:15
glitsj16ipmitool has a systemd service file called 'ipmievd.service'22:17
tomreynmadLyfe: do you now have /dev/ipmi* ? also, does "ipmitool user list" work now?22:18
tomreynglitsj16: yes, but i think this is optional, it's for commounication initiating form the BMC to be logged to syslog, kind of like snmptrapd22:19
madLyfei havent done anything since i posted the output22:20
glitsj16tomreyn: okay, so something to teach afterall :) .. the service would have been started post-install i assume22:20
tomreyntsani: nice progress there, congrats22:21
tomreynmadLyfe: can you do: ls /dev/ipmi*22:21
madLyfels: cannot access '/dev/ipmi*': No such file or directory22:22
tsanitomreyn: alas upgrading in the container to systemd 234 didn't make a difference; I wonder how I can get systemd-nspawn --boot to pass a command-line argument to init22:25
saulusHi, after installing autofs and nfs my boot time increased dramatically. dmesg shows several 45 second waiting times22:26
saulusany idea how I can fix that?22:26
tomreynmadLyfe: does this return anything? cat /proc/devices | awk '/ipmidev/{print $1}'22:31
madLyfetomreyn: 24622:32
tomreynmadLyfe: sorry about my latency, i'm reading up on stuff22:32
tomreynmadLyfe: sudo /bin/mknod /dev/ipmi0 c 246 022:32
tomreynmadLyfe: so you now have /dev/ipmi0 since you just created it22:33
tomreynmadLyfe: does "ipmitool user list" work now?22:33
madLyfec is create like in tmux windows22:33
madLyfeCould not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory22:34
tomreync is for 'character device' in this context22:34
tomreynmadLyfe: sudo ipmitool user list22:34
tsaniAh, it's the Parameters= configuration option in the .nspawn file. Wonderful!22:36
tomreyntsani: hehe, not obvious, sorry, i have no idea about nspawn.22:37
tomreynmadLyfe: i'm a bit too exhausted to keep poking on this. please try with someone else or give the proprietary tools a try: https://www.supermicro.com/solutions/SMS_IPMI.cfm22:38
madLyfethanks for the go, tomreyn. appreciate it. you too glitsj16!22:38
tomreynmadLyfe: i recommend you remove the device node you just created using "sudo rm /dev/ipmi0" though22:38
glitsj16madLyfe: no problem, it's tomreyn that did all the research etc, thanks again for that, enjoy a nice rest i'd say22:39
tomreynand you ;)22:40
glitsj16madLyfe: you could file a question on the forums about your attempts, at least by doing that you can save all the hassle going through it again on a later date, just a suggestion, this thing has probably kept you going for a while too22:43
madLyfei may try and fish out what is what temp using the SM ipmi tools22:44
madLyfesomeone also pointed me to this: https://github.com/firehol/netdata22:45
madLyfewhich isnt the way i wanted to view the info but i guess its better than nothing22:45
glitsj16madLyfe: well yes, that's true.. a great opportunity to keep your hardware under close inspection, thanks for sharing the netdata link btw22:49
supremumI have problem with opening links. When I try to open links from programs by clicking on them, either nothing happens or an empty browser window appears. I'm using firefox.22:50
glitsj16supremum: you might get a better view on what's going on by starting firefox from a terminal and looking at the output when trying to open links22:52
YankDownUnder It would appear as though the "desktop environment/window manager" is not communicating the clicked URL's => something to also check is to make sure that Firefox is set as the default web browser (sometimes things get slightly confused), supremum22:58
th0rmadLyfe, have you considered maybe using snmp mibs for the monitoring?22:58
supremumglitsj16, i don't get any error message in the terminal, actually a new instance of firefox is opened, but it is not surfing to the link23:00
supremumfirefox is my default web browser now. I fixed that earlier, but didn't help the problem23:02
supremumi had no default browser earlier, but now it is firefox23:02
supremuman interesting thing is that when i click on links in pdf documents i get an error message in the pdf program: Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox" (Permission denied)23:03
glitsj16supremum: see what YankDownUnder said about desktop env/win manager.. what are you using for those?23:03
supremumglitsj16, how do I check that?23:03
glitsj16supremum: visually would be one way.. using unity, gnome-shell, another ubuntu flavour?23:04
LinuxDonaldhello i have installed mesa from ubuntu x-team mesa 17.1 but opengl version still say 3.3 on radeon why?23:04
supremumglitsj16, is this enough info? Linux anders-VirtualBox 4.10.0-28-generic #32~16.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 20 10:19:48 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:05
supremumglitsj16, this one I think I downlaoded: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop23:06
glitsj16latest ubuntu 17.04? what's the output of 'echo $DESKTOP_SESSION'?23:08
glitsj16supremum: odd that you seem to be able to start firefox yet get a permission denied in the pdf app.. 'll /usr/lib/firefox/firefox' output please?23:10
wish^Hi guys. I updated Nvidia drivers on my laptop and restarted and now my computer will not boot into the operating system anymore. What can I do to recover it?23:11
supremumglitsj16, ubuntu is the value of that enviroment variable23:11
supremumglitsj16, yeah odd, links with irc / terminal new blank firefox window. pdf reader just error inte the reader.23:12
wish^It is stuck at /dev/sda1: clean, 452193/6111232 files, 3375055/24413696 blocks23:12
glitsj16supremum: thanks, that means you're running unity.. firefox does start as expected yes?23:12
madLyfeth0r: do tell?23:12
supremumglitsj16, ll /usr/lib/firefox/firefox23:14
supremum-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 125152 jun 12 15:31 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox*23:14
supremumyeah firefox is doing ok just opening external link is broken23:14
supremumroot, lol23:14
supremumwhy is firefox running as root? :O23:15
glitsj16supremum: that looks fine, check what you have for 'xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/http'23:15
glitsj16wait, running as root?23:15
supremumnever mind, doesn't have setuid flag, so will not run as root23:16
supremumxdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/http23:17
glitsj16supremum: what did you get from that xdg-mime command?23:17
supremumdo you want me to check the output from this also?   sudo rm -Rf /23:17
glitsj16supremum: lol, I don't23:18
bazhangsupremum, dont post that ever, even in jest23:18
th0rmadLyfe, what mibs are implemented is up to the manufacturer. All the linux distros I have messed with had at least a basic set. You would have to determine if the info you want is available.23:18
glitsj16supremum: xdg-open <url>, did you try that already?23:18
madLyfeth0r: im on ubuntu server via ssh.23:19
supremumxdg-open https://www.google.se23:20
supremumgives new firefox window with blank page23:20
supremummy new tab and startout behaviour in firefox is set to be blank page.23:20
glitsj16supremum: try running firefox with a fresh profile23:21
sebsebsebsupremum: where did you get that remove command from curious.  Also yes don't run that, if it works, it will mess stuff up big time, delete various things23:22
supremumglitsj16, with reset of preferences?23:22
supremumsebsebseb: someone from another channel suggested it23:23
sebsebsebsupremum: which ?23:23
glitsj16supremum: that's what using a fresh profile does yes, if you use firefox you should now this..23:24
Guy1524hey guys, my packages are screwed up after copying and pasting an install dependencies command for compiling an application (dolphin)23:24
Bashing-omwish^: What results with attempting to boot into a recovery console from grub's boot menu ? From a console we can look and see what is installed .23:24
supremumok, i'll take a snapshot of my virtual machine, so i can go back to my current profile after reseting. let me restart and try this23:25
Guy1524nvm fixed it by reverting the command23:26
wish^Bashing-om, I can get into the recovery menu23:29
wish^But for some reason when i go into the console, i only have 1-2 mins before they console no longer is usable23:29
supremumstill same problem after trying fresh profile23:30
supremumactually I did install chrome and then I uninstalled firefox, and after that I installed firefox again and uninstalled chrome.23:31
supremumchrome didn't have a way to use private browsing by default, so didn't like it.23:32
supremummaybe this reinstallation of firefox caused from problems? i did it with apt-get23:32
wish^Bashing-om, I can boot in recovery with Kernel. What commands should I use from there to see what is installed?23:33
Bashing-omwish^: Ouch ! Something more than just a graphic's driver at work here . What shows for disk space ' df -h ' and what ' free -m ' for memory management ?23:33
wish^Do I do drop to root shell prompt?23:34
Bashing-omwish^: yeah . but you are root . be sure be careful .23:35
wish^Everything looks good on space and memory, got 32gb memory and only 76 used23:36
wish^But after a certain amount of time in the terminal it automatically goes back to the recovery menu and that menu is unresponsive23:36
axslayer33Anyone here familiar with adding ubuntu to active directory23:38
supremumI think I may have found the solusion now: https://askubuntu.com/questions/41010/link-clicked-not-passed-to-firefox23:39
Bashing-omwish^: OK ! . I feel better . Let's see what is installed for the graphic's driver : ' lshw -C display ' . As you have no networking enabled in this console . of interest is the product and configuration lines . I have to be away for about 30 minutes .23:40
wish^That command shows me my 2 graphics chips. Nvidia Quadro M1000M and INtel built in gfx23:42
wish^This is a Dell Precision 5510 laptop btw23:43

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