
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:44
Bashing-om\o lotuspsychje . All quiet on the Western front . Have another cuppa .04:46
lotuspsychjehey mate04:46
lotuspsychjemorning mr-jules04:58
mr-julesmorning lotuspsychje04:59
lotuspsychjewhere you from mr-jules ?05:00
mr-julesfrom tampa and you ?05:01
lotuspsychjebelgium, europe05:02
Bashing-ommr-jules: You in Tampa now - hurricane power outages ??05:03
mr-julesi'm in chicago now05:05
mr-julesmiami doesn't exist anymore05:05
mr-julesi won't come back05:06
Bashing-omOuch, but from the news reports, Miami was not hit as hard as was expected ( storm surge flooding and such ).05:07
lotuspsychjei feel with you guys...05:15
lotuspsychjeits crazy whats happening05:15
mr-juleswtf happen with the world.05:17
Bashing-omgood nite all ,. keep safe.05:40
ducassegood morning05:54
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:02
ducassemorning lotus06:09
lotuspsychjehow are you today ducasse06:10
ducassestill sleepy :) you?06:10
lotuspsychjehad a few coffees, at 11 work at new work at my day off06:10
ducasseaha, right. election day here, i'm planning to go and vote early, avoid queue.06:12
lotuspsychjeah, good luck and pick the best person ducasse06:12
ducassestill debating whether to vote with my head or my heart, voting for the party i really want to vote for is probably a bad tactical move :)06:14
lotuspsychjewe didnt vote last time..06:15
ducasseor i could just give them a big 'f u' and vote pirate party ;)06:16
lotuspsychjei know thats also a bad move, cause votes will go to biggest party06:16
lotuspsychjethat might be the most tacticle way, to vote with many on a small pirate party06:16
ducassethey don't stand a chance in hell of getting in.06:17
lotuspsychjethats some news06:22
ducassemaybe. you think the linux phone has a chance? not sure i do...06:26
lotuspsychjethe urge is big on users06:27
lotuspsychjebut will the company stand against all others?06:27
ducasseit's a difficult market to have any impact at all in, imo06:28
ducassei mean, i'd love one, i just don't think it's very likely to succeed unless they offer something special06:29
lotuspsychjei believe something will happen someday06:31
ducassewe need optimists :)06:31
lotuspsychjeits a matter of time someone will bring out something that will be installable on all phones06:32
ducassedrivers etc are a huge problem there06:34
lotuspsychjeyeah its not easy portin for sure06:34
ducassei'm considering just saving up money and getting a blackphone06:35
ducassemight be the best choice06:35
lotuspsychjelemme check that06:35
lotuspsychjelooks cool06:36
ducasseyes, well - we'll see. sorry, i'm just not very optimistic about this :)06:45
ducasselotuspsychje: oof, it's absolutely pouring down outside :(06:54
lotuspsychjehere, lil bit rainy06:55
ducassereally windy and wet here. i'll wait for it to pass a bit before i go out.06:57
lotuspsychjeducasse: going on vote with a yellow raincoat isnt the best indeed :p06:58
ducassei've got a black umbrella, that will work better :)07:01
lotuspsychjevote in style07:01
ducassealways :)07:05
ducasseoerheks: i feel like saying "sorry, but helping you is too much trouble for me" :)08:23
oerheksthis nasty bug happens with a large number of files in a folder, so not everyone is affected :-(08:27
ducassestill, if he can't be bothered to file a bug that's really lazy08:30
oerhekstrue, but i am not sure the patch is not applied08:31
ducassehe would find out if he filed a bug08:32
ducasseplus it could actually help other users08:33
oerhekshmmmm https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/09/11/copyright-vote-change-europes-internet/12:25
oerhekswhat will this give: websites go down because nobody visits them anymore due to popups/hooverover-crap and annoying dialogbuttons?12:26
BluesKajHowdy folks12:30
ducasseoerheks: jesus, that is scary. copyright can diaf as far as i care...12:33
ducassewb BluesKaj - all good today?12:33
oerheksducasse, jups, the end of popup blockers and ad blockers12:33
oerheksbut this will be a boomerang :-D12:33
BluesKajHi ducasse, oerheks , yes, fine here and you guys ?12:34
oerhekshi BluesKaj, just discussing this > https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/09/11/copyright-vote-change-europes-internet/12:34
ducasseoerheks: hopefully they just mean dns filtering ;)12:34
oerheksmaybe websites will present a fake page, with fake news..12:35
BluesKajheh, some acquaintnaces only us e their pcs for facebook , practically nothing else, and fake news there is predominanat noand this where they get their news. It's scary because they spread this crap ...maybe a lilttle filtering wouldn't be so bad12:39
BluesKajI can't believe how naive some ppla are about the internet12:40
ducassewonder how this will affect us, we're not a member state but members of the eec12:41
BluesKajI'm seriously thinking of dropping facebook altogether due to the bullsh*t and click bait stories12:43
oerheksTIPP or WIPP or whatever USA is pushing through our throat...12:43
oerheksor build a new internet :-D12:45
ducasseoerheks: aren't those dead now?12:46
ducasseBluesKaj: i've got a facebook account of sorts, but i never use it. haven't logged in in months.12:46
oerheksoh, they call it TTIP now.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transatlantic_Trade_and_Investment_Partnership12:48
ducassehasn't that been the name all along?12:49
ducassewe're having an election today, might be a perfect opportunity to vote for "screw the us" party...12:49
BluesKajno need, they already screwed themselves12:51
oerheksit is really getting ugly here, fixed contracts are blocking innovations, they say...12:51
oerheksbut i am oke, i have a house and a dog an €1000/month, too little to live from, but too much to die :-D12:52
* ducasse wonders when ghostnik11 will realize that thing will never work 100% with linux...12:58
oerheksducasse, i told him i gave up, i have such 1000ta too13:00
oerheksbaytrail horror, 32 bit uefi ..13:00
daftykinsooh nasty13:00
ducassei think he's too young to be realistic, he seems like a kid at times13:01
oerhekswell, there are enough pages with outdated tips13:01
oerheks.. you need kernel 4.4 ... you need kernel 4.7 ... you need kernel 4.9... you need kernel 4.1113:02
oerheks( but don't run updates)13:02
ducassehi daftykins13:02
daftykinsgood afternoon13:03
BluesKajhey daftykins13:03
BluesKajwas hoping for some insight into the pipewire media suite fedora is working on in fedora 27 devel OS, but there's not much documentation, so I'm dumpng it off my spare hdd in favour of something more interesting, whatever that might be.13:09
ducassegentoo? ;)13:12
daftykinstune in this time next week to see if we've lost BluesKaj to Arch :O13:13
* ducasse uses arch on his desktop :-P13:14
BluesKajducasse, no. I'm, not that ambitious, and I'm not a masocist either  :-)13:14
BluesKajdaftykins, already tried arch, it was anticlimactic after all the work13:15
ducassei didn't think so either, BluesKaj :) gentoo is too much hassle even for me, and i have a pretty high tolerance :)13:15
daftykinsBluesKaj: sounds about right :>13:15
BluesKajarch is ok, but it didn't live up to all the hype at the time13:16
BluesKajthat's about 3or 4 yrs agao13:17
ducasseworst thing about arch is the hype13:17
daftykinsyou mean it's not here to ressurect Jesus, bring about world peace and do all my work for me? :(13:18
ducasseno, just the first two.13:18
BluesKaji found their support chat full of juveys fooling around like little kids on a schoolyard13:20
ducasseyou could try out one of the opensolaris-based thingamajigs? openindiana is nice.13:21
BluesKajsolaris is a bit too off the beaten path for me13:26
ducasseit's nice, though13:28
nicomachussomeone tagged me here but idk when14:55
oerhekshmmm not today ? https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/09/11/%23ubuntu-discuss.html14:57
nicomachuscould have been any time since riday but I'm too lazy to check through the logs.15:01
nicomachusoh I see. it was daftykins talking about Oreo.15:03
nicomachusdaftykins: I haven't seen that and my mobile data usage isn't any higher than normal. .96gb so far this month.15:03
nicomachusisn't there a "last" command or something?15:04
ducasseweechat has a 'highlights' plugin that keeps track of them15:05
daftykinsnicomachus: ah maybe it's on the Pixels then, dunno!15:08
nicomachusdaftykins: I'm on Project Fi, though, too, so Google does a pretty damn good job of monitoring the data usage.15:11
nicomachuserr... darn*15:11
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ducassethe fiber people are now digging _really_ close to me, considering if i can bribe them to dig up the road to me at night and hook me up15:18
naccducasse: +1 :)15:20
nicomachusducasse: worth a shot!15:33
oerheksgirlielt is a troll, did not want to read info we gave him, too lazy15:40
naccoerheks: +1, ignoring15:40
naccfwiw, i believe to see 'running' units, you can do `systemctl --state=runnin`16:17
oerhekslist running units = systemctl list-units , failed = systemctl –failed, available = systemctl list-unit-files16:20
naccoerheks: tbc, list-units does not list running units16:21
naccoerheks: iiuc, it lists loaded units16:22
naccon my system, it explicitly shows exited units, etc.16:22
oerheksoh :-(16:23
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immuducasse, lordievader19:06
lordievaderEvening ;)19:10
immunight here19:12
immuwhats up19:12
immuBashing-om, hi19:19
Bashing-omimmu: Good day in our neighborhood ?19:20
immuyesh Bashing-om19:32
immuyours Bashing-om19:32
Bashing-omimmu: Getting settled in, see what I can do this day :)19:35
immuwhat are your plans by the way? Bashing-om19:37
Bashing-omI am still massaging data bases as I get -a-round-2-it . In between support on 4 fronts .19:41
immuok good nite19:46
immui am off to sleep19:46
ducasseBashing-om: aren't you using an older nvidia? which one was it?20:17
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Bashing-omducasse: No, on nvidia - went to a too new for 14.04 . GTX710 .22:28

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