
m4sk1nthanks sergiusens05:58
Craftelite007Are you here for GCI?07:32
=== zinshen is now known as pierlo
dowsCraftelite007: Yea08:15
m4sk1ndows: he left the channel08:41
m4sk1nso I'm waiting for review again… :P08:49
dowsm4sk1n: i think you can work on other tasks at the meantime08:50
dowsm4sk1n: then once your review is done you can straight away submit a new one08:51
dowsanyways it'll be done in 36 hours08:51
m4sk1nI know dows09:23
DubeyAdithi all, :)10:25
DubeyAditCan anyone help me with snapd installation as i'm getting 302 for setting up java7 and which redirects to 404 with final response "download failed Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed."10:27
DubeyAditConsole log: https://pastebin.com/LyXM7gZe10:29
popeyThat's nothing to do with snapd. It's a broken package from the webupd8 ppa you have enabled10:30
DubeyAditpopey -thanks, can you suggest me something which can help me troubleshooting this?10:32
popeyremove the ppa10:33
dowshi, when I try to assign https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1602791 to myself, I keep getting timeout error from launchpad11:02
ubot93Launchpad bug 1602791 in Snapcraft "Error when trying to register a reserved name is missing a sentence" [Low, Triaged]11:02
dowsis this a problem with launchpad currently?11:02
popeylaunchpad is fine here, sometimes it times out, but usually re-trying fixes that11:04
* sergiusens waves11:26
dowsah now it works11:29
* sergiusens waves11:30
* dows waves11:31
dowsis there any way I could link to a launchpad bug through a commit in git11:32
sergiusensdows git doesn't really support annotations like bzr did; the magic seen on github is all done with parsing on github itself11:34
sergiusensso you can, but manually through markdown, not convenient in the commit itself, but maybe useful in a PR, in the form of [LP: #XXXXXX](https://pad.lv/XXXXX)11:35
sjal hey there guys12:42
m4sk1nhi sjal12:54
utkarsh_well not able to understand what is it13:29
utkarsh_anybody here?13:29
sjalutkarsh_: can you ask more precisely?13:30
utkarsh_hey can you tell me what is this13:30
sjalwhat is what13:30
utkarsh_because i have never used a chatbox with this ui13:30
sjalum, you seem really confused about IRC13:31
sjalWhy don't you search for a beginner IRC task13:31
sjalit'll explain how exactly this chat works and all13:31
utkarsh_I have joined here with the reference of google code and I am bit confused13:31
utkarsh_IRC task...ok ishould google it??13:31
sjaltry google code-in task13:31
utkarsh_okk well who are you??13:32
sjalI'm just an user13:32
utkarsh_from where??13:34
sjalwhat do you mean13:34
utkarsh_you are fromm india?13:35
sjalI'm from Poland13:36
utkarsh_ok nice meeting you13:36
utkarsh_so can we be friends?13:37
m4sk1nwe are all family, why do you only want to be friends?13:42
utkarsh_I am quite intrested to make a frienship whith people who are developer...13:46
utkarsh_how old are you?/13:46
utkarsh_quite wierd13:47
utkarsh_i am bu13:47
m4sk1nmost of us are 13-17, but there are also gci mentors, usually <1813:48
utkarsh_i am bit confused.. what to do here13:48
utkarsh_ooo great13:48
utkarsh_so whats your name?/13:48
m4sk1nhave you registered on codein.withgoogle.com?13:49
utkarsh_sorry yess13:50
m4sk1nso how have you found this IRC channel?13:50
m4sk1nso have you claimed any task?13:51
utkarsh_yes i clamed a task which was in ubuntu...the easiest one installing ubuntu13:52
utkarsh_well sorry for typing mistakes13:53
m4sk1nso, good luck, begineer tasks are great way to start13:53
m4sk1nI understand…13:53
m4sk1nwe are all only humans13:53
m4sk1nexcept some bots: ubot9, ubot93 etc. XD13:54
utkarsh_so you guys are also for google code13:54
m4sk1n*google code-in13:55
m4sk1npopey: you are mentor for translation task, have I done enough work?13:59
popeyhi m4sk1n let me take a look :_14:06
popeym4sk1n: done! :D14:07
popeythank you!14:07
m4sk1nyou have only commented, but not reviewed14:12
popeyOh, I can't review the ones in launchpad. someone who actually speaks Polish needs to do that.14:12
m4sk1nI mean the task14:13
popeyoops, pressed wrong button :D14:14
m4sk1npeople do not know how to use IRC… :/14:39
popeyEveryone switched to slack or discord it seems :|14:39
sjalusing IRC is easy, you just have to respond to pings14:41
m4sk1nI use IRC through matrix.org gate14:44
m4sk1nNot because I don't know how to use IRC, but it's more comfortable for me14:45
m4sk1n*but because14:46
m4sk1ngreat solution for people that used to use slack, gitter, discord etc.14:49
* m4sk1n uploaded an image: Screenshot_20171130-155008.jpg (408KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/BQOWtbqgslhlJoKwGOAPblKv>14:51
dowsi just use hexchat14:54
dowsbut i think pidgin is still the best14:54
popeyUhoh - we'll be arguing over vim and emacs next :D14:55
wxlVIM OR DIE14:55
popeySee ^14:55
dowsand some guy will say sublime is better14:57
dowswell it is indeed good14:58
m4sk1nOn PC I use weechat15:00
wxli considered the switch to weechat, primarily because of horizontal/vertical splits, but (A) it just got added to irssi at long last and (B) i found other solutions to my need and ones which hide less important stuff from my immediate attention15:02
sjalalthough I got used to weechat by now15:14
m4sk1nmaybe I'll create snap for riot-desktop15:21
popeyis that an electron app?15:21
dowswow matrix/riot does have a pretty nice interface15:23
dowswill give it a try some time15:23
dowsthanks for recommending :D15:38
m4sk1nalso, can any op join from matrix to make logs accessible for new users?15:47
wxlyou mean the channel logs here?15:47
wxlcuz those are public https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/11/30/%23ubuntu-google.html15:48
dowshi my travis ci build job here https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/309554653 failed with an error of websocket:close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF15:49
dowsi don't really think it is my fault because I merely edited some strings in one of the files15:50
dowscould it be a problem with travis itself?15:50
m4sk1nwxl: I know15:53
kyrofadows, totally not your fault, I poked Travis with a stick15:56
dowsthanks a lot15:58
kyrofaSure thing. It happens sometimes15:59
royHi I'm currently snapping codespell and I'm having a bit of an issue18:14
roydo you need to run ```sudo apt-get install codespell``` before testing the snap as when I try ```codespell -h``` after  running ```sudo snap try --devmode prime/``` I just get a message saying ```bash: /usr/bin/codespell: No such file or directory```18:17
kyrofaroy, take a look at this PR, you'll see how it's done in CI: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/177018:41
ubot93Pull 1770 in snapcore/snapcraft "Add codespell support" [Merged]18:41
royhi @kyrofa whereabouts will I find how to do this??18:47
kyrofaroy, right here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1770/files#diff-c6af731c77481cc209772ac2f258382c18:48
ubot93Pull 1770 in snapcore/snapcraft "Add codespell support" [Merged]18:48
kyrofaroy, I would do it in a venv, though18:49
royIm currently doing it in a virtual machine18:49
kyrofaThat works as well18:55
sergiusenspopey maybe next years code-in could use rocket.Chat ;-)19:49
sergiusenskyrofa I don't think roy wants to run codespell, instead, roy is creating a snap for it19:51
MaskySsergiusens: Whats the difference between slack and rocket? They both look veeeeery similiar19:51
sergiusenskyrofa take a look at the task ;-)19:51
sergiusensMaskyS rocket.Chat has more "missing" feature but is open source19:51
royHey MaskyS thats exactly what I'm trying to do. Any idea?20:12
MaskySroy: I don't understand what you're referring to. Could you plase elaborate?20:13
royYour message at 19:51 stating the fact that I am trying to create a snap and not actually run codespell20:14
sergiusensroy does it work if you run `/snap/bin/codespell` ?20:14
m4sk1nhow can I learn about making snaps working in strict confinement and reducing their size?20:14
MaskySroy: I think you're addressing the wrong preson lol20:15
MaskySsergiusens: Oh cool. Yeah, if it's similiar to slack then I think it would be great. I think we would kindof stand out though, almost every one else is using IRC20:16
MaskySsergiusens: How difficult do you think it would be if we implemented a bot that could add features to IRC?20:16
MaskySsergiusens: Like last seen, reminder, help, etc..20:16
roysergiusens: when I run that command its seems to check all spellings so yes it works there20:17
sergiusensMaskyS I am the wrong person for that, but managing state and making it persistent and resilient is always hard; we use http://errbot.io/en/latest/ for out snappy-m-o bot and it doesn't do state at all20:18
sergiusensroy ok, so it seems you recently installed snapd and a restart of your session will make sure it can be run without the absolute path20:18
sergiusensroy so, in that regards, your snaps is good20:19
roynice do I just need to restart my virtual machine20:19
sergiusensroy if you do, it will certainly work20:20
sergiusensroy so I think you are just missing the last two steps of that task20:21
sergiusensbut well done so far, you have your first snap already working :-)20:21
royI restarted my terminal and it seems to be working now20:22
sergiusensMaskyS everyone else in code-in is using IRC?20:22
sergiusensroy great!20:22
MaskySsergiusens: I haven't checked out every org, but many are using IRC. I came upon one that was using some other chat.20:22
sergiusensall the newer projects are on something !irc20:23
sergiusenswe are on IRC given the legacy, it is hard to migrate20:23
sergiusensthat comes to mind as usual20:23
MaskySsergiusens: lol hahah. IRC does only one thing and it does it well, that's why many like it.20:25
sergiusensMaskyS except that messages are sent without any acking; it is like that udp joke20:26
sergiusens"I would tell you a joke about UDP, but you probably wouldn't get it."20:26
sergiusensanyways, back to work and reviewing everyones fine work here :-)20:27
MaskySsergiusens: That's true as well lol20:27
m4sk1nwtf, I don't see messages from sergiusens :o20:46
myl0gHi @elopio, @kyrofa, @sergiusens, @popey and @flexiondotorg! I'm here from the "Package and publish your first python snap" task on Google Code-In.23:51
kyrofaAwesome myl0g, welcome!23:52
myl0g@elopio from the list at https://bit.ly/ugcicandidates, I was thinking of choosing to snap cryptowatch (github.com/alexanderepstein/cryptowatch). Do you think that this is a good choice? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!23:57

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