
dufluRAOF, or anyone able to sponsor, can you please help with bug 1742750 ?02:47
ubot5bug 1742750 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio 1:11.1-1ubuntu3 will not start due to invalid /etc/pulse/default.pa file" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174275002:47
RAOFduflu: Sure; testing locally.04:09
dufluRAOF: Yes, it's working well here04:17
RAOFduflu: Enjoy your new pulseaudio04:24
dufluRAOF: Thanks(?) I guess it will appear after lunch04:31
RAOFAnd once the build queue settles down :)04:31
RAOFAnd won't make it out of -proposed until the build farm is fully back up. 🍇04:32
tjaaltonduflu: what about the sru's then?04:58
duflutjaalton, your timing is amazing04:58
duflutjaalton, I have no involvement in those so ask Hui04:58
tjaaltonI uploaded them04:59
tjaaltondo they need changes too?04:59
duflutjaalton, no the problems of last night were bionic-only04:59
tjaaltonok, good04:59
dufluin fact bionic-proposed only04:59
duflutjaalton, although it's not out of bionic proposed yet. Might be too early to SRU the others yet05:00
tjaaltonthey're on the queue until after the weekend05:00
tjaaltonI won't review my own uploads ;)05:00
tjaaltonwith the SRU team hat on05:01
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:16
oSoMoNand happy Friday!07:16
jibelsalut oSoMoN07:34
dufluMorning oSoMoN, jibel07:38
jibelAfternoon duflu07:43
dufluHappy intel-microcode update day07:43
didrocksgood morning08:20
seb128good morning desktopers08:31
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers08:47
willcookemorning flexiondotorg, how goes?08:49
willcookehi all08:49
willcookeToday's thought: I miss the "Think Light" from my x220.  The backlit keyboard is ooookkkkkkkkk but not as useful as the light.08:50
willcookeLaney, I see your train station is on fire.  :/08:50
seb128hey flexiondotorg willcooke08:51
didrockshey guys08:51
dufluHey didrocks, seb128, flexiondotorg, willcooke08:53
oSoMoNhey jibel, duflu, didrocks, seb128, flexiondotorg, willcooke08:54
seb128hey duflu, lut oSoMoN08:54
dufluwillcooke, I think a backlit keyboard is probably better if you're trying to see the keys at least...?08:58
dufluNot other things08:58
willcookeduflu, I think that the general light levels being higher made the screen brightness less seem less intense and felt more comfortable for me09:00
willcookebut yeah, the general usefulness of having a torch on the computer was quite handy09:00
Laneywillcooke: yeah :'((((((((((((((09:03
Laneysupposed to use it tomorrow too09:03
Laneyi predict... a rail replacement bus...09:04
oSoMoNlet's attempt fixing a nine year old bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51230510:24
ubot5Mozilla bug 512305 in Shell Integration "Set Firefox as the default web browser using xdg-settings" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]10:24
willcookeoSoMoN, :)10:39
didrocksoSoMoN: once it's fixed, I'll make the typical user's comment: "it's about time!" :)10:40
didrocksor just "finally"10:40
didrocksyour pick :)10:40
flexiondotorgoSoMoN: Can you point me at your snapcraft.yaml for Chromium please?11:11
willcookeflexiondotorg, not sure if this is the same one oSoMoN is using, but might get you started: https://git.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snappy-packaging/tree/snapcraft.yaml11:21
tkamppeterseb128, did you have a look at bug 934291, for sponsoring cups-pk-helper?11:47
ubot5bug 934291 in cups-pk-helper (Ubuntu) "Deleting or stopping print jobs does not work" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93429111:47
flexiondotorgThanks willcooke11:50
jameshwillcooke: I had a (long) hangout with neimeyer and zyga.  I think I should be able to make some forward progress on themes for snaps, and portals.  I've updated some fo the trello cards with details, and niemeyer said he'd post some notes to the snapcraft forums.12:08
willcookenice one, thanks jamesh.  Late one tonight eh?12:10
jameshwillcooke: yeah.  It was originally scheduled for yesterday, but niemeyer couldn't make it.  This evening's one went for 2.5 hours.12:11
willcookejamesh, ooof.  Thanks for staying up late12:14
willcookestaying around12:14
jameshwillcooke: finding a time for Brazil, Europe and Australia is hard :)12:14
oSoMoNflexiondotorg, willcooke: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/+git/chromium-snap/+ref/stable12:35
flexiondotorgoSoMoN: Perfect, thanks!12:36
oSoMoNI should probably delete https://git.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snappy-packaging/, it's terribly outdated12:36
oSoMoNor use it to push my branches12:37
jbichaI think the team namespace is better12:37
jbichagood morning12:37
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oSoMoNgood morning jbicha13:17
oSoMoNagreed, I'll recycle that repository to push my branches13:18
willcookeoSoMoN, know anything about this? https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/public-money-public-code13:54
oSoMoNwillcooke, no I wasn't aware, I saw a link fly by this morning but didn't have the time to read yet14:13
flocculantwillcooke: you lot got any plans to update gvfs at all this cycle - at least I'm assuming it's not just me seeing bug 173953714:23
ubot5bug 1739537 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "mtp volume is not removed when unplugging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173953714:23
* willcooke checks Debian14:24
seb128flocculant, we are likely to update yet and even if we didn't that seems a bug and candidate for a bugfix?14:25
jbichaflocculant: if you want the fix faster, why don't you ask gvfs upstream to release a 1.34.2 with that fix?14:26
flocculantjbicha: don't particularly want it faster - and the day after 18.04 releases I'll be looking for 18.10 anyway ;)14:27
flocculantand I just wanted to know one way or the other ...14:27
flocculantseb128: thanks - and ack :)14:27
jbichayes, we are likely to get that fix in to 18.04 before 18.04 is released14:27
flocculantI'll forget all about that now - till I see an update to gvfs come through then - thanks all :)14:29
jbichaflocculant: you asked the same question a month ago ;)14:29
flocculantI guess in future I'll just hope you find things then - and won't bother mentioning stuff14:30
jbichano, it's fine to ask14:32
jbichaI said then that February is likely https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/12/21/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t17:2714:34
jbichaunless there is a 1.34.2 or unless someone cherry-picks the fix14:34
flocculantjbicha: what you said included 'if', - that implies doubt to me ;)14:42
flocculantall that aside - thanks all ;)14:42
didrocksjbicha: hey! can you update the vte2.91 to latest please?16:31
didrocksjbicha: the branch is out of sync and we have a GCI student who needs it :)16:31
didrocksok, just refreshed it quickly myself, easier :)16:36
andyrockthanks Laney :)16:42
andyrockI own you an infinite number of beers in Budapest :D16:42
Laneyhey andyrock16:43
Laneyyw, now you get to wait / hassle for reviews :P16:44
andyrocksure thing16:44
andyrockbetter than nothing :)16:44
Laneydefinitely progress16:45
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers17:06
willcookenight all, have a good one17:54
oSoMoNhave a good wee-18:27
oSoMoNweek-end everyone18:27
=== Beret- is now known as Beret
grimmjowcand i get some help installing cuckoo sandbox?20:21
grimmjowanybody here?20:34
flocculantgrimmjow: this isn't a support channel - try #ubuntu20:36

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