
hallynusing ppa:maas/stable on xenial, doing createadmin, the first time it failed due to proxy to fetch ssh keys, so i do it again, then it fails with an error message about fetching duplicate keys04:02
hallynwhich is fine if it's the last thing, but not fine if it's skipping some other setup as a result04:03
hallyn(and it doesn't tell me)04:04
* hallyn looks around for a no_proxy setting05:27
mpontillohallyn: don't worry, fetching the keys comes last ;-)07:11
zeestratHey folks, is it possible to migrate from a deb install of a region/rack controller to a snap install? Didn't see anything in the docs about this. I guess the db will be the hard part.08:06
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
BlackDexzeestrat: maybe dump the database, and try to import in into the snapped environment. But i don't know if that is possibl12:45
roaksoaxzeestrat: i wouldn't move the DB inside the snap13:20
roaksoaxzeestrat: i would use external db and maas from the snaps13:20
roaksoaxzeestrat: that way you, if in the future you decide to grow multiple regions (HA)13:21
roaksoaxyou are not constrained by having the DB inside a single snap13:21
zeestratroaksoax: Thanks. That sounds like a good approach.13:36
BlackDexroaksoax: That is nice indeed. Normally if you install maas it installs the database it self and configures it self. But is this different for the snap?15:00
roaksoaxBlackDex: the snap follows hte ssame principles as in the package15:01
roaksoaxBlackDex: the sanp you tell it how you want to configure it15:01
roaksoaxBlackDex: the same way you can do in MAAS installed by the packages, or as you can do in the snap, is forward it to a external DB15:02
BlackDexah oke :)15:02
BlackDexsomething to tryout in the future :)15:03
BlackDexgood to know15:03
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tych0hey guys, i'm getting https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pzj8ycBrXc/17:49
tych0is there a way i can find out what the actual issue is? is it ECONNREFUSED, or a self signed cert or something?17:49
mupBug #1748875 opened: Unable to deploy Bionic on bare-metals with MaaS 2.3.0 <amd64> <apport-bug> <uec-images> <xenial> <cloud-images:Invalid> <MAAS:Fix Committed by andreserl> <MAAS 2.3:Triaged by andreserl> <maas-images:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1748875>17:52
mupBug #1748875 changed: Unable to deploy Bionic on bare-metals with MaaS 2.3.0 <amd64> <apport-bug> <uec-images> <xenial> <cloud-images:Invalid> <MAAS:Invalid by andreserl> <maas-images:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1748875>17:55
roaksoaxtych0: that seems that there would be no rack controllers that can power on a machine18:06
roaksoaxtych0: e.g. it cannot directly reach it18:06
roaksoaxtych0: /win 418:06
tych0roaksoax: ok, but what does that mean? is it ECONNREFUSED? or dns doesn't resolve?18:07
tych0i can wget the url from the rack controller and i see output i expect18:08
tych0so i'm not sure what's idfferent from maas' environment18:08
roaksoaxtych0: what power type is it ?18:11
tych0UCS manager18:11
roaksoaxtych0: could be that there's a bug with the ucs manager power type. Are you using IP or DNS ?18:33
tych0it's also possible that i have it pointed at the wrong rest API18:34
tych0but i don't know how to tell really18:35
roaksoaxtych0: if you are using ssl, then yes, since we dont support ssl for power params18:35
tych0ah, so i need a http:// url?18:36
tych0this box gives a 301 to the https:// url :(18:37
roaksoaxtych0: yeah http:// url indeed18:39
tych0ok, so if it enforces https with a redirect, i'm screwed?18:41
hallynis it all simple scripts, can it be easily hacked around/18:42
mupBug # changed: 1585841, 1642916, 1702527, 1713771, 1729555, 1730626, 1730751, 1730991, 1733923, 1734347, 1735840, 1738478, 1741574, 1741915, 1742137, 1743005, 174480219:04
tych0roaksoax: so i just set up an ssl stripping proxy to try and use maas22:45
tych0and got,22:45
tych0Error:__init__() missing 4 required positional arguments: 'code', 'msg', 'hdrs', and 'fp'22:45
tych0i'm trying to find a full stack trace, but no luck so far22:46
roaksoaxtych0: honestly i wouldn't know at this point, as last time we worked with one of those was a while ago and we dont have one in CI22:47
roaksoaxtych0: maybe ucs has updated their API whjich is causing the breakage ?22:47
tych0ah, ok22:48
tych0i guess if it's not in CI then it's probably not going to work :)22:48
tych0roaksoax: ok, cool, thanks!22:49
hallynok but surely22:50
hallynsurely there is a way to get more detailed logs about where the %$%$% it's failing22:50
hallyntych0: are you able to tell whether it manages to connect to the CIMC and start sending msgs?22:51
hallyn(i suppsoe maybe tcpdump is the way to go here)22:51
hallyn(if maas doesn't want to help)22:52
tych0mitmproxy tells you22:52
hallynok so the connection is going through, but it fails while talking?22:54
hallynso mitmproxy should be able to dump the text of the conversation right?22:54
tych0no, it's not going through22:54
roaksoaxtych0: are you pointing maas to their xml api endpoint ?22:54
tych0(but i can see other connections, for example if i use https, maas will complain about a self signed cert)22:55
tych0roaksoax: well, i'm pointing it to my ssl stripping proxy, which forwards the request with https on to the actual XML api22:55
roaksoaxtych0: right, but for example, looking at the code I see that we add 'nuova' to the URL22:56
tych0oh, you guys add that?22:56
roaksoaxtych0: yeah22:56
tych0i've added it in my url22:56
roaksoax        self.api_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.url, 'nuova')22:56
tych0i'll remove it and check22:56
tych0yeah, same erorr about __init__() missing 4 required positional arguments: 'code', 'msg', 'hdrs', and 'fp'22:57
hallynoh - so is that error being passed by the cimc/ucs back to maas?22:58
hallynif so then (a) i guess i see and (b) all is lost22:58
tych0i think the error is in maas before it ever tries to talk to the cimc22:58
tych0oh, whee23:01
tych0got them to talk, now i get23:01
tych0XML PARSING ERROR: The XML API method configResolveClass, has unrecognized child element(s) in the xml request.23:01
roaksoaxtych0: that seems to me that the xml api could have changed since first enabled23:01
tych0yeah, that error definitely seems like it23:02
tych0<configResolveClass classId: "computeItem" cookie="1518620578/db1728c5-652d-152d-8003-e8a41a735d00"><inFilter><eq class="computeItem" property="uuid"23:04
tych0is the thing that it doesn't like parsing.23:04
tych0oh, no, sorry23:07
tych0that's the request, derp.23:07
tych0<error cookie="" response="yes" errorCode="ERR-xml-parse-error" invocationResult="594" errorDescr="XML PARSING ERROR: The XML API method configResolveClass, has unrecognized child23:07
tych0element(s) in the xml request. " />23:07
tych0the error is from the cimc itself23:07
tych0it doesn't like the request maas is sending, i guess?23:07

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