
pragmaticenigmalighthunter, can you pastbin the results of "lspci -nnv" for us?00:02
rhokspragmaticenigma: unfortunately there is no touchpad on the output of 'xinput list'00:02
rhoksI'm googling 'ubuntu gnome xinput list no touchpad'. hope to find a solution00:04
MeaCulpadoes anyone know a quick easy way to install VPN00:06
pragmaticenigmano such thing as quick and easy... especially when you need to give us more information on what you are trying to do00:07
aroonihow to handle circumstance: cd /var/log/; cd letsencrypt ; #permission denied.  do i have to switch to sudo?  via su root or something?00:08
MeaCulpawell essentially I would like to make tunnelbear work on ubuntu 16.0400:08
krytarikarooni: "sudo -i"00:09
pragmaticenigmaMeaCulpa, tunnelbear should be able to provide you documentation on how to set that up00:09
bazhanghttps://www.tunnelbear.com/blog/linux_support/ MeaCulpa00:10
pragmaticenigmaMeaCulpa, https://www.tunnelbear.com/blog/linux_support/00:10
bazhangMeaCulpa, that includes on how to set it up using ubuntu LTS00:10
MeaCulpaI have a feeling they don't support it there is nothing about linux on their site, no worries I will have to find someone who does support00:12
bazhangMeaCulpa, I just gave you a link that shows how to do it00:13
MeaCulpathanks pragmaticenigma, I didn't see that00:14
* pragmaticenigma thinks MeaCulpa needs some new glasses??00:14
bazhangMeaCulpa, whose link are you checking00:14
pragmaticenigmabazhang, we both sent the exact same link00:15
bazhangah nice, my bad pragmaticenigma00:15
pragmaticenigmano worries, you must be a faster reader than me. i was trying to make sure it appeared legit and not misdirect someone down the dark path00:16
pragmaticenigmaThank you lighthunter ... Are you able to verify that the NVidia Graphics card is enabled? Is it possible to set the NVidia as the only active graphics chipset?00:27
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lighthuntersure thing, pragmaticenigma. according to NVIDIA's level 2 tech support person, the fact that the NVIDIA graphics card is listed in the output of lspci establishes that it is enabled. i have Wayland disabled, and my /etc/X11/xorg.conf begins with:00:38
lighthunterSection "ServerLayout"00:38
lighthunter    Identifier "layout"00:38
lighthunter    Screen 0 "nvidia"00:38
lighthunter    Inactive "intel"00:38
lighthunteri can try to see if there is a way to disable the Intel graphics card in the BIOS. does that sound like the right idea?00:39
pragmaticenigmaIt couldn't hurt to check, I'm not sure about the need for xorg.conf though. The more recent editions auto generate one on boot... I don't see any harm in it at the moment00:42
pragmaticenigmalighthunter, I know this question has been raised a few times here... TJ- I think has had many of the answers in the past, however they are appear to unavailable at the moment. I know TJ- is often most active around 19:00 UTC00:44
lighthunterty, pragmaticenigma. will keep an eye out for TJ-.00:48
lighthuntergonna reboot to try disabling the intel graphics card in the BIOS.00:48
lighthunteri didn't see an option to disable the Intel graphics card in my UEFI settings.00:53
DebiaMoviehttps://www.bountysource.com/issues/1015434-add-support-for-online-address-books-using-the-carddav-format $500 bucks.00:54
TJ-lighthunter: pragmaticenigma Oh I'm around, but have been hacking on some Firefox bug workarounds :)00:57
lighthunteroh cool, sounds interesting. no rush, but the question i was asking was https://askubuntu.com/questions/1008599/no-audio-over-hdmi-on-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1050-ti (no audio over HDMI on an Optimus laptop).00:59
pragmaticenigmanice TJ- ... I'm stumpped for lighthunter... they'd like audio through HDMI, but aren' receiving any audio01:00
lighthunterbe right back. i am trying https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA_Optimus#Using_nvidia, which recommends rebooting.01:04
gioanmy uget error cannot downloading01:08
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xcyclistHow do I tell what kind of docker apt installed?01:17
xcyclistI am on this Yocto tutorial which requires Docker CE Stable01:18
lighthunterhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA_Optimus#Using_nvidia didn't have an effect on my issue.01:18
kenrinShould be pretty easy to tell xcyclist.  You need to sign up and pay for the enteprise version so you should know01:26
FreakingOut1987is there a way to run debconf-get-selections for something you haven't installed? Someone recommended apt-get -d install but it does not seem to be working01:27
TJ-lighthunter: I have a script that lets me grab all your issue comments into a single window... I've just gone back over it and read the askubuntu post. I think Rudi's solution is the correct approach but I suspect the values (addresses) passed to setpci may be different for the device in your PC, so that's the first thing for us to research01:27
xcyclistAh, they want my money.  Alas, I have little.01:30
xcyclistCE stands for community edition.  That sounds like for free.01:31
xcyclistBut all version says is: Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba301:31
TJ-lighthunter: I've been reading the patches that fix this in the kernel. There's a comment reporting that the lack of Nvidia HDMI audio device only usually happens if the HDMI monitor  *is not* connected at power-on. Have you tested the PC by having the HDMI monitor connected and powered when the PC is powered on?01:32
xcyclistMy version says:  Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba301:32
kenrinUnless you manually installed the repo for edge you have stable.  Also,  that is way out of date01:33
lighthunterYes, I have tried both ways, and neither works.01:34
therave39hey everyone, I'm having issues with a laptop touchpad under both libinput and x11 that I could use some help diagnosing01:36
lighthunteri wondered whether i was passing the right arguments to setpci as well, but i haven't figured out how to tell what the correct arguments would be.01:36
lighthunteraccording to https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1024022/linux/gtx-1060-no-audio-over-hdmi-only-hda-intel-detected-azalia/post/5211273/#5211273: "you can figure out your PCI topology with "lspci -t" but interpreting the results is pretty tricky."01:37
lighthunterand indeed i have no idea what https://pastebin.com/b4CCm8iP means.01:37
TJ-lighthunter: that's a bad example command; it makes more sense to append the names when using the --tree view. Try this: "lspci -tvnn" - it doesn't help you at all except in letting you see the connection heirachy of the PCI devices01:40
lighthunterlspci -tv is less obtuse: https://pastebin.com/ZdrwT3xw.01:40
lighthunterha ha, looks like we had the same idea. here is lspci -tvnn: https://pastebin.com/59P7it1X.01:41
TJ-lighthunter: have you tried the 'Kernel module to toggle audio function' code attached to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75985#c2701:43
ubottuFreedesktop bug 75985 in Driver/nouveau "[NVC1] HDMI audio device only visible after rescan" [Normal,New]01:43
lighthunterinteresting find; i haven't tried that. attempting it now, which i believe requires a reboot. brb.01:51
TJ-This is Linux! Rarely does it need a reboot01:52
sagarHello Guys01:55
sagarany woked on Apache 2 and PERL01:55
sagarAnyone worked on Apache 2 and Perl?01:55
pragmaticenigma!ask | sagar01:55
ubottusagar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:55
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, after having some time to clear my head, i think I've narrowed my focus down in my monitor screen corruption01:56
gioanhello I cannot run lbp2900 printer01:57
gioanmy ubuntu 32 bit01:57
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, do you know of anything that would reduce the sensitivity to a wake event when the system attempts to power save the monitor?01:57
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, I've been playing with xset dpms... and have found that when manually trigger standby, suspend, even off the screen will sometimes stay off, and sometimes and blanks out for a moment and comes right back01:58
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, I remember reading something that there is a way to put a wait event or similar timer before the computer would react to wake event (sort of like a debounce setting for the keyboard)01:59
TJ-pragmaticenigma: that /usually/ would be an input device causing it. And nowadays some weird devices are input devices, even webcams! Might be worth using something like evdev or similar to monitor input device events whilst the monitor is in 'sleep'02:00
lighthunterTJ-: you nailed it. that solved my problem. (technically i used https://github.com/hhfeuer/nvhda instead since that allowed me to use DKMS, which i believe improves the chances this fix keeps working once i upgrade my kernel.)02:00
TJ-Does the 'wake' happen when /not/ using the GUI - using console only with no X server running02:01
lighthunterOde to Joy is playing out of my monitor speakers :).02:01
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, even on this old of a machine (refreshing your memory that it's circa 2004, no webcams)02:01
TJ-lighthunter: That's great news!02:01
lighthunterthank you for the help!02:01
pragmaticenigmaYes, it happens in both GUI and Console modes TJ-02:01
TJ-lighthunter: from what I read the only thing the driver doesn't do is reapply that toggle on wake from suspend02:01
lighthunterduely noted02:01
lighthunteri can probably script something that runs sudo tee /proc/acpi/nvhda <<<ON on wake from suspend.02:02
TJ-lighthunter: would be trivial to add a function to call nvhda_on() in a resume callback02:03
pragmaticenigmaor lighthunter ... find a reason not to suspend your desktop, like running a BOINC client and joining one of the hundreds of distributed computer projects :-)02:03
leptoneI have a dual boot machine ubuntu / win 10 it currently boots to ubuntu firtst after showing the GRUB menu02:04
leptone**ubuntu by default02:04
lighthunterhe he, i used to run BOINC; i will consider reinstalling it.02:04
leptoneI'd like to boot to wwindows by default after grub menu02:04
leptoneI've gathered that I need to edit /etc/default/grub02:05
leptoneand change this line GRUB_DEFAULT=002:05
TJ-pragmaticenigma: if it happens in a console-only session I'd definitely want to monitor all input device events. You might also be able to use dynamic_debug to get more info from the drivers handling the dpms sleep/wake - not sure where that'd be though, possibly in KMS (kernel mode setting)02:05
leptonebut to what?02:05
eftmis anyone aware of a commandline way to get windows to snap left/right? i don't want to use wmctrl b/c i'd rather not have to know the actual screen size02:06
TJ-leptone: if you can "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg" I can tell you02:06
lighthunterTJ-: i have never written kernel code before. any advice on how to write a resume callback/what docs i should refer to?02:06
leptoneTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vXpf8vbJBQ/02:07
TJ-lighthunter: if you like I can fork that github DKMS project and you can 'watch' my repo where I can add the code (might be a couple of days before I get around to it though)02:07
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, how would I monitor that? what would I want to enable to have it log to syslog or it's own logfile02:07
lighthunterworks for me. happy to write it myself if there's some example you know of of a resume callback somewhere.02:09
TJ-leptone: you need to add to /etc/default/grub   GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows Boot Manager (on /dev/sdc1)"    then do "sudo update-grub"02:09
TJ-lighthunter: there's plenty of those in the Linux kernel source :)02:09
lighthunterha ha, i'm sure there are; i just don't know where to look.02:12
john__is there anyone know what is the key under backspace in onboard?02:16
pragmaticenigmaI don't understand your question john__ can try to be a more specific?02:18
TJ-lighthunter: see the description of the ->resume callback in "Leaving system suspend" section of the driver API at https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/driver-api/pm/devices.html#calling-drivers-to-enter-and-leave-system-sleep-states02:18
leptoneTJ-, thanks!02:21
john__pragmaticenigma: there is a key which is under backspace and above enter in onboard keyboard, and it is useless02:21
lighthunterty TJ-!02:22
john__pragmaticenigma: do you install onboard?02:26
john__it is a onscreen keyboard02:27
pragmaticenigmaI have not intentionally installed it john__02:29
pragmaticenigmajohn__, because keyboard layouts can vary countries and even manufactures, it would be really hard to tell what the key your seeing represents02:29
john__ok, you still can google onboard and got the picture about it02:30
john__I just wonder why author put that a meaningless key in there02:30
TJ-lighthunter: there's some more info in the source  Documentation/driver-model/ - e.g. this bit in the "Declaration" section shows the .suspend and .resume callback functions added to the struct device_driver - you'd only need .resume = yourresumefunc  https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/driver-model/driver.txt02:30
pragmaticenigmaperhaps if you sent a link to the image that represents the layout you are seeing, I could better tell you what the key might be for02:31
guivercjohn__, the person who wrote it probably did the best they could at the time, we all make mistakes (and overlook little things), have good & bad days.  i've used onboard and never had issues with it, nor documentation (but I only write/read/type english)02:33
pragmaticenigmaguiverc, I believe john__ might be setup for a locale other than one that is for English.02:35
guiverci guessed that.. hence i've not seen the issue.   if the doco lacks in a specific language, the best way to fix it is to offer to help fix it :)02:36
pragmaticenigmajohn__, If your seeing a key with an X inside of a box, that is the DEL key or Delete key. Which deletes characters that follow or are to the right of the character (for languages that read right to left)02:36
pragmaticenigmaguiverc, I don't think they're having a problem, just curious what the purpose is02:37
pragmaticenigma!ask | rocio02:37
ubotturocio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:37
john__pragmaticenigma: you are right02:38
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, looking at my logs about the only thing that I'm currently seeing log power event changes is Xorg.0.log... is there another log file to be looking at? especially one that might capture kernel level? syslog doesn't appear to be capturing anything02:39
john__it is the delete key02:39
pragmaticenigmaglad I could help. It was a guess, as when I run onboard, the key appears to the right of the backspace and above the enter key02:40
john__can I remove the bar on the left side of gnome02:42
TJ-pragmaticenigma: I don't see much that would be helpful in dynamic_debug but you might notice something. see /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control  -- these are kernel sourcecode files, line numbers, and debug messages you can potentially enable to get those messages reported by the kernel. There are a few related to the input sub-system devices but the coverage doesn't look to be extensive.02:43
TJ-pragmaticenigma: info in using dynamic_debug @ https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/admin-guide/dynamic-debug-howto.rst02:44
pragmaticenigmaokay... it's another path to follow I guess... I've gotta sign off for the night, thank for your patience with me TJ-02:44
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pragmaticenigmaby the time I figure this all out... something tells me 32bit will no longer have support ... haha02:47
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lighthunterroger that; ty, TJ-.02:48
LeanCleanMiningMdoes ubuntu accept bitcoin donations?03:03
nedstarkI know Ubuntu Mate does https://ubuntu-mate.org/donate/03:06
Woodpeckerubuntu 17.10 is reporting issues in various programs claiming that I am running out of space, yet I have 75 gigs free.03:15
WoodpeckerAnything I can try to resolve this? I already tried restarting03:15
guivercWoodpecker, try a `df -hi` to check you have inodes available, and also check your / (root) directory (esp. if a different partition to /home, or any other partitions you have)03:16
Woodpeckerguiverc:  inodes? what are they in a nutshell? Also Im using btrfs.03:17
guivercblocks, clusters in windoze speak - where file data is stored.03:17
Woodpeckerguiverc: how does that look? ^03:18
=== john__ is now known as jusssss
MtnGoatNew gnome user here... it seems like the menubars in the windows take up a ton of space, is there any way to scale that down?03:20
guivercsorry i can't help with btrfs; but all is good except /  (where the command i think is unhelpful due btrfs)03:21
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Woodpeckerguiverc: ;_;  ah well. Thats what I get. At least it has better fault tolerance ~03:22
guivercbe patient, maybe someone else with better knowledge can help..03:23
Woodpeckerguiverc: im just getting such strange behaviour. Right as I am running the installer, i open up my system monitor, and when I click on one of the tabs, it immediately switches back03:23
Woodpecker(the qt installer)03:24
Woodpeckernot sure how to even report a bug like this.03:24
Woodpeckernow i try to exit qtcreator and it throws this error "Cannot write file /home/akiva/Programming/fc-autogen/fc-autogen.pro.user: Unknown error"03:26
TJ-Woodpecker: strart the program from the command-line, wrapped with "strace -f -o /tmp/strace.log -e trace=file /path/to/command <args>" then you can review the /tmp/strace.log to discover more03:30
guivercWoodpecker, sorry I can't be much help, but I'd try `stat` that file to look for funny permissions, as well, check `smartctl` (smart status of drive(s)) or hardware as cause for unusual errors (but its probably because I don't have anything better)03:31
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=== paragon is now known as strive
Woodpeckergood ideas03:46
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=== parag0n is now known as strive
theprohey anyone there can tell me how to study the research papers03:59
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maumthepro: how can install systemctl ?04:01
maumhello dash_04:02
theprosudo apt-get install systemd try this out04:03
maumthepro: I did but some error -> Failed to issue method call: Failed to execute program /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper: Success04:03
theproif your current package is corrupt then use reinstall04:03
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dasdasomebody can help me to watch netflix on raspberry pi 3? :)04:11
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pengwensdasda, you would need a version of chrome to watch netflix04:14
pengwensbut the only versions that are up to date are 64 downloads04:14
dasdapengwens, My raspberry is with ubuntu mate and I installed chromium, because ther isn't chrome for raspi04:15
pengwensdasda, i read about some workarounds.  you still need to trick the netflix servers into thinking you're using chrome04:16
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pengwensdasda, try asking on one of the pi forumns: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/4741/how-to-stream-netflix-on-raspbmc04:18
dasdapengwens, can U give me a link please, if U know it04:18
dasdaoh, thank U :)04:19
pengwens(that's an old post, but it's been updated recently)04:19
pengwenshave you tried running it in plain old firefox?04:19
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=== exxxit is now known as doublehelix
WoodpeckerIt seems with btrfs, there is something about metadata that clogs up the system and causes it to throw those errors.04:27
WoodpeckerMy system would have had a lot considering I have tons and tons of small files.04:27
Woodpeckerits no longer throwing me those errors since I emptied my browing history, and deleted around 15000 small files04:28
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dasdapengwens, I tried with firefox and chromium and itś the same, I broked my firefox trying to install another versions04:31
jac76hello, does a channel exist where they discuss capturing live streaming video?04:41
bboysoulany body here?05:28
bboysoul Quit: Abandonando05:34
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bboysoul_any body here>05:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:57
bboysoul_join #linuxba05:57
=== JimBuntu is now known as Plaid
=== Plaid is now known as JimBuntu
pikapikaHi all06:55
pikapikaI am having a strange problem06:55
pikapikaI have let my previous Windows non-OS drives as it is as NTFS systems. Previously they were mounted on /media with a longer name since I didnt know much of Unix then, and feared conflict with any system mounts.06:56
pikapikaIt also had the added advantage that file managers showed the partitions as mounted storage06:57
pikapikain the left pane06:57
pikapikaI forgot to mention the mount was effected by adding lines to fstab06:57
pikapikaI also had symlinks in home folder to them06:58
pikapikaRecently I decided that since they were from the internal hard disk and permanently mounted, so /mnt/ would be a more suitable mount point.06:58
pikapikaSo I unmounted them, edited fstab then rebooted.06:58
lotuspsychjepikapika: backup your data & reformat the hd?06:58
pikapikaNo data is fine06:59
pikapikaListen to me fully first06:59
pikapikaAlso yeah I cleared the xfce session06:59
pikapikaSo now every alternate boot it shows a slightly older state of the hard disk06:59
lotuspsychjepikapika: try to write your issue all in one line mate06:59
pikapikaThe more notable differences are that I changed theme and wallpaper recently. The older state is from slightly before these changes. When I reboot again, the proper state is shown again. Also the first time after editing fstab the shutdown took a long time. Sometime after booting it drops a crash log of plymouth. What might be the cause?07:01
pikapikaI think I have explained myself fully now.07:01
pikapikaOh I forgot to say, the mounted folders display fine in shell, file manager, etc regardless. Just that when its in the older state, it well shows the older state with some new files missing, the wallpaper file missing, etc whereas in the normal state it shows everything correctly07:03
pikapikaSo any idea what might be the issue?07:04
lotuspsychjepikapika: alot of text, but your missing essential details: ubuntu version? what did you change in fstab? system up to date to latest?07:05
pikapikaOh sorry. Here goes: Ubuntu lts 16.04 version, pretty updated, old by at most a day or two. Heres the output of uname -a: "Linux person 4.13.0-36-generic #40~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 16 23:25:58 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" I am writing down the fstab change below:07:06
pikapikaHm funny07:06
pikapikaIt auto changed the fstab now. Previously through all these changes it always showed the fstab exactly as I had edited it07:07
pikapikaRight now its: #UUID=xxxxxx /mnt/e ntfs defaults,x-gvfs-name=E%20drive 0 007:07
pikapikasame for the other drive. Commented out as I had done07:08
theorchidanyone have a computer with an A171 intel sound chip and know how to get it working?07:08
theorchidMy laptop detects it but no sound07:08
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lotuspsychje!uuid | pikapika doublecheck here07:08
ubottupikapika doublecheck here: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:08
pikapikaBut funny thing it, in the previous reboot it was showing the uncommented older state as opposed to my edit that commented it out. And options was defaults, it changed them to these07:08
pikapikaAnd before all this fiasco, the only different was that instead of /mnt/e it was /media/longer_name07:09
pikapikaYes, they exactly match the fstab uuids07:10
lotuspsychje!sound | theorchid07:10
ubottutheorchid: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:10
theorchidubottu, I checked all that07:10
ubottutheorchid: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:10
theorchidNo luck07:10
theorchidI think i need to mess with ALSA configs from what I've read, but I wouldn't know where to start07:11
pikapikaAnd sometimes during boot it says "running [some job] n/5" on /sda/n dont exactly remember but it had a timer and took like 10-11 sec07:12
pikapikaSo apparently something is automatically changing the fstab and I only noticed it now07:13
lotuspsychjepikapika: try to tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin HD to see errors07:15
pikapikaTo clarify, before all these problems the lines were like: "UUID=xxxxx /media/long_name ntfs defaults 0 0", I manually changed it to "UUID=xxxxx /mnt/e ntfs defaults 0 0", rebooted thats when the issues started07:15
lotuspsychjetheorchid: sudo lshw -C sound shows driver installed?07:18
pikapikaEr I dont exactly understand, I wrote tail -n 500 syslog | grep "plugin" it showed 20-25 lines07:18
pikapikaHow do I look for messages related to the hard disk?07:18
theorchidlotuspsychje, yeah, and ALSA says it's working but there's no sound output07:19
theorchidpulseaudio config panel sees no issues07:19
theorchidI'm confuzzled07:19
pikapikaOh I see you asked to add the -f option, still same output07:19
lotuspsychjetheorchid: wich ubuntu are you on?07:21
lotuspsychjepikapika: hastebin the putput plz07:21
theorchidkubuntu 17.1007:21
pikapika16.04 lts, this is what uname -a says: Linux person 4.13.0-36-generic #40~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 16 23:25:58 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:21
theorchidI am gonna try 18.04 when it finishes downloading07:22
lotuspsychjepikapika: no, hastebin of the syslog tail07:22
lotuspsychjetheorchid: wich driver is loaded for your soundcard?07:22
theorchidI dunno, I'd have to boot back into linux07:23
theorchidGive me a few minutes I'll switch back to it07:23
lotuspsychjetheorchid: allright07:23
pikapikaLast 500 lines as I didnt find any mention of "plugin" before 300 lines07:24
pikapikaHm I am seeing some ntfs-3g messages that seem relevant now that I see07:25
lotuspsychjepikapika: yeah, seems like your drive is mounted on desktop?07:26
lotuspsychjepikapika: so for what reason did you change fstab exactly?07:27
theorchidlotuspsychje, snd_hda_intel07:28
lotuspsychjetheorchid: ok, so somewhere in your logs it must go wrong07:30
theorchidwhere do I look?07:30
lotuspsychjecheck syslog or dmesg for sound issues theorchid07:30
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theorchid nope... no errors in either log. everything looks like it should be working but it's not07:33
lotuspsychjetheorchid: think i recall some kubuntu issue with volume icon, perhaps the #kubuntu guys might know more of it07:34
theorchidwell, I'll try regular ubuntu07:34
lotuspsychjetheorchid: good idea07:34
theorchidsee if that works07:34
=== person_ is now known as pikapika
theorchidI'll report back when I know07:35
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pikapikahastebin containing entries having mount/mounting/ntfs terms in them: https://hastebin.com/dexefurazi.erl07:38
pikapikaI have to go now. Later I will post the question and related logs, etc in a more organised form. Thanks for the help everyone.07:50
=== Tinus is now known as Guest36231
shivam887What is the difference between apt-get and apt ?08:05
SwedeMikeshivam887: https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/08:06
shivam887i read it08:06
shivam887please explain me08:06
shivam887it says apt is for begginers08:06
shivam887but i dont think so , i think anyone can use apt-get and apt08:06
shivam887both are same08:07
shivam887apt shows  just loading line08:07
SwedeMikeshivam887: you can use both, just choose which one you like more and does what you need.08:08
shivam887but both are just same08:08
geirhaapt is easier for interactive use. apt-get is more useful for non-interactive use08:10
shivam887geirha : but both works same08:11
shivam887give me a example to distinguish b/w these two08:11
geirhaapt search08:11
shivam887geirha :okay08:12
theorchidapt-get has a source an build-dep arg... I could be wrong but I think apt doesn't08:12
ducasseshivam887: apt includes functionality from other tools than apt-get08:12
ducassetheorchid: it does08:13
theorchidoh... then I remembered incorrectly08:14
jusssssshow to reload module?08:14
geirhaI still prefer aptitude though. Especially for searching. apt and apt-cache are useless in comparison08:14
jussssssmodprobe -r x    then modprobe x08:14
jussssssis there a parameter do this08:15
coustouits a good idea to get a ubuntu phone or a phone to install ubuntu thse days? if yes wich is the best choice? does ubuntu phone keep getting security updates ?08:17
ducassecoustou: ask in #ubports08:19
maumIs there some easy way to install oracle on ubuntu?08:21
ducassemaum: that's really a question for oracle08:26
Gargoylemaum: Oracle is a pretty big org... Not sure you just install it! ;-)08:27
maumducasse: ok08:27
guesgeusgesDoes anybody know how well the T610 works with ubuntu?08:29
bazhangguesgeusges, is that a thinkpad08:29
guesgeusgesbazhang: Poweredge08:30
bazhanghttps://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201003-5450/ guesgeusges08:32
guesgeusgesbazhang: Is R510 same as T610? T610 will have the  E5645 not the X550 cpu08:33
shivam887ITS ubuntu chat08:33
shivam887not CPU08:33
bazhangshivam887, he's asking if ubuntu works on it08:35
bazhangshivam887, please take your non support differences between apt/and apt-get to another location, thanks08:35
bazhangguesgeusges, that seems to be a no08:36
guesgeusgesYeah, couldnt find it either08:36
bazhangguesgeusges, that being said, it does appear to work, just not fully certified08:36
guesgeusgesbazhang: yeah, gonna ask if they can try to spin it up for me and try it out, would want to get bionic on it later tho since i have zero desire to put vms on it08:41
tbqhmhsfamilamHello, I wonder if Gnome shell memory leak has any bugfix in sight?08:55
shivam887anyone has joined #archlinux08:57
shivam887please help me08:57
ducasseshivam887: for help with other channels, ask in #freenode08:59
lisbethsWhere can I get a prerelease iso of vanilla ubuntu 18.04 64 bit knowing full well I may have to format after the lts comes out09:10
bazhanglisbeths, discussion in #ubuntu+109:12
PharmasolinHi everyone, is here someone on ubuntu 18.04 with Nvidia card? I need nvidia driver but there was a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/1752053 and i'm not sure if it safe now to install it.09:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Incomplete]09:25
bazhangPharmasolin, #ubuntu+1 is the place for that09:26
rfvis there any way to revert to 16.04.3 LTS? 16.04.4 apparently messed with my wifi adapter and I've been struggling for the last 3 days to make it work and I'm sick of it09:35
ducasserfv: apt is not designed to do downgrades09:36
rfvhmm, that's how one ends up with a brick of a computer :)09:43
mnr200what client do you use for IRC?09:46
hateballrfv: maybe provide us with details of your problem and we can help you solve it09:47
hateballrfv: as in what wifi chipset etc09:47
rfvhateball: Asus network adapter with a broadcom chipset BCM4352 14e4:43b1 rev 03 it used to work with the bcmwl-kernel-source driver, not anymore after a reboot09:48
rfvcurrently running 16.04.4 and the bcmwl driver segfaults, tried the one from bionic and that one fails with "NULL ndev->ieee80211ptr, unable to deref wl"09:49
rfvthe open source drivers don't work either09:49
rfvand I've been going through this https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers?noredirect=1&lq=1 and alot more internet posts trying to fix it09:50
cbitSlack tray-icon is not showing correctly on my Ubuntu 17.10, any clues? I installed Slack as a Snap package09:50
rfvwhat makes it even more complicated is the fact that I'm in a building without wired net connection, hence the computer being a brick now :)09:50
adalbertrfv: I had the same problem on my old macbook, I reinstalled bcmwl-kernel-source and dkms and it was fixed09:51
hateballhmm yes, not having *any* network connection would be troublesome09:51
hateballrfv: you could try rebuilding dkms modules09:51
adalbertrfv: the wl.ko module is probably missing on the new kernel ?09:52
hateballrfv: did you try "sudo dkms autoinstall" ?09:52
hateballas long as sources are available it should rebuild the module for the kernel09:53
rfvhmm, dkms status shows both broadcom-sta and bcmwl09:56
rfv@hateball dkms autoinstall did nothing09:56
rfv@adalbert lsmod shows wl as being in use by cfg80211, but not really sure which wl since I just removed both bcmwl and broadcom-sta09:58
Blueskaj'Morning folks10:01
adalbertrfv: I have these:10:02
adalbert@mac-pc:/lib/modules$ find ./ -name wl.ko ./4.13.0-36-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko ./4.13.0-32-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko10:02
adalbert@mac-pc:/lib/modules$ lsmod | grep wl wl                   6447104  0 cfg80211              614400  1 wl10:02
rfv@adalbert I have ./4.4.0-116-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko Could you please post the result of dpkg -s bcmwl-kernel-source? You're running the LTS too, right ?10:07
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rfvI'll try to reinstall (that is dpkg -i *.deb since no internet) dkms and bcmwl, though I remember doing that a couple of days ago10:14
SpoopyBoiI was wondering... should I switch to Ubuntu, I want to do game development and I really like using Ubuntu. I jsut unsure if it's wise to use Ubuntu as my main OS10:19
bazhangSpoopyBoi, thats outside the purview of this channel10:20
RoBzwhats your development setup as is?10:20
SpoopyBoiWhat do you mean setup?10:20
bazhangwhich IDE SpoopyBoi10:20
RoBzyeah what language you use etc10:21
SpoopyBoioh I see... mainly c# and c++10:21
Mavaany tips: i've got 12Tb in raid5 on one hp server: the 1604 lts however recognizes the disk as 1.1TiB ? Like.. module error? some other error? pebcak?10:21
bazhangSpoopyBoi, and what is your current OS10:21
bazhangSpoopyBoi, well read the free ubuntu manual in pdf form first10:22
bazhang!manual | SpoopyBoi10:22
ubottuSpoopyBoi: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:22
SpoopyBoiI see... thanks10:22
bazhangSpoopyBoi, as far as tellin you why or why not, thats something only you can decide10:23
SpoopyBoiokay... thanks for the help anyways10:23
hateballah too bad they left, there are gaming related channels on freenode they could have found with !alis10:24
hateball(with devs on linux)10:24
rfvok, after reinstalling both dkms and bcmwl, I still get wl: module license 'MIXED/Proprietary' taints kernel and then ERROR @wl_cfg80211_detach: NULL dev->ieee80211ptr, unable to deref wl10:26
adalbertrfv: https://pastebin.com/38Cm9m0v10:28
adalbertrfv: I'm running LTS yes.10:29
rfv@adalbert  yes, identical version, thanks10:30
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
haskellWhat is centos used for?11:00
bazhangtypically servers haskell , that's better for ##linux as this is ubuntu support11:01
haskellWhy is linux different from ubuntu11:02
bazhanghaskell, it's not11:02
haskellSo what is ubuntu then11:02
bazhanghaskell, did you have an actual support issue with your ubuntu install11:02
haskellJust wondering11:03
haskellWeb servers?11:03
bencc1top gives me %Cpu out of 100% or 100% X number-of-cores ?11:03
bazhang!manual | haskell11:03
ubottuhaskell: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:03
haskellWhat distribution should I use for hardcore industrial dev11:03
bazhang!wiki | haskell and this11:03
ubottuhaskell and this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.11:03
bazhanghaskell, Please dont ask us that11:03
haskellIn your opinion :-:-)11:04
bazhanghaskell, this is strictly ubuntu support not a polling channel11:04
bazhanghaskell, ##linux11:04
haskellK thanks11:04
=== mavis is now known as chessko
dapeamelHi everyone when i try to add sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tehnick/tehnick  , I get following error: https://pastebin.com/HG8kZPtP  could someone help me?11:10
dapeamelhow do I clean that?11:10
bazhangdapeamel, did you wish to purge the ppa11:11
SOLDIERzHello everyone, is it possible to define mutliple volume groups in a preseed file and associate different physical disk to them?11:13
bazhang!purge-ppa | dapeamel11:13
ubottudapeamel: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:13
gbellinoz1Anybody know why installing php7.2-dev wants to remove a bunch of php packages?  php7.1-dev does not.11:17
pascalouis there a standard way when building  packages to make a debug symbols package?11:19
invizHi. What is linux-azure-edge image for?11:26
invizcan it be installed on desktop workstation?11:26
akikinviz: it is for vms running on azure. why would you want to use it elsewhere?11:32
terminalatorIs there a difference between 'umount' of 'fusermount -u'?11:40
akikterminalator: fusermount is for fuse mounts11:41
terminalatorakik: When mounting with SSHFS, what that be considered a fuse mount?11:42
akikterminalator: yes11:42
terminalatorakik: Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing things up.11:42
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest26096
Guest26096What ubuntu distro to use for web dev?11:47
akikGuest26096: you can install the tools on any version11:48
Guest26096Yes but what is one which comes as a complete11:48
akiki don't think any flavor comes with every tool11:49
Guest26096Maybe I should make that then11:50
akikit's really easy to request everything you need from the apt system11:50
Guest26096What would be the equivalent of that for win?11:51
akikchocolatey is similar11:51
Guest26096Why doesn't windows has such a package manager11:57
adalbertGuest26096: windows does have it, it's called Windows Store :)12:01
saiD_hi, anyone in here could help me with recompiling kernel for tinker board? i need to add ar9271 wifi support, thanks12:01
Guest26096Not for cmd ln though?12:02
piotrekbuci am checking connection12:02
adalbertGuest26096: https://superuser.com/questions/501699/install-windows-store-apps-from-the-command-line12:03
piotrekbucanybody looks my message?12:04
adalbertpiotrekbuc: yy12:04
piotrekbucvery good12:05
StormWarriorHey.. I recently did a fresh install of ubuntu xx and earlier, when I had it on my system, I was able to see kernel scripts and init execute as part of my booting but now, I only see a blank screen before the log in screen.. any idea what happened and how I can get to see that part of the boot again?12:12
BluesKajStormWarrior, you probly chose autologin12:14
akikStormWarrior: you can change the grub settings to see boot up messages12:14
JimBuntuStormWarrior, this may help you - https://askubuntu.com/questions/25022/how-to-enable-boot-messages-to-be-printed-on-screen-during-boot-up12:14
JimBuntuGood morning BluesKaj12:15
BluesKajpasses by grub, hold the left shift key down after the POST page12:15
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu12:15
goui made a bad decision upgrading to 17.10 guess i have to wait for april12:15
akikgou: you can make a good decision and install 16.0412:16
BluesKajnothing wrong with 17.10 here12:16
gouto mush lag12:16
gouthe mouse freeze12:16
gouand the screen freeze some times it is uncommitted distro12:18
gou<akik> guess you are right12:19
BluesKajincomplete if you didn't update and upgrade after installing12:19
goui do update  and still it is like horse sh*t12:20
TJ-gou: are there any clues in /var/log/kern.log or /var/log/syslog ? sounds like a hardware related issue12:20
goui think the developers don't care about 17.1012:20
akikfor me 17.10 with gnome 3 was unusable in virtualbox12:21
gou<TJ-> nothing wrong in there idk what is the problem12:22
TJ-gou: can you "pastebinit < ( dmesg )"12:23
* BluesKaj shrugs ...compaining doesn't help your situation gou12:23
BluesKajcomplaining even12:23
goui know12:23
goui am just saying so no onw make my mistake12:23
gouno one*12:24
gouguess 16.4 is the best after all12:24
TJ-gou: does the problem happen with both the  Wayland and the  Xorg session ?12:24
gou<TJ-> just the wayland12:25
gou<TJ-> the xorg is fine really12:25
TJ-gou: so disable Wayland and continue using Xorg12:25
Osirus126hey guys i have a question12:25
OlofLWhats the best way to remote control a ubuntu desktop in 2018? is vnc still usable? can it set proper resolution etc12:25
OlofLfrom another ubunut machine12:25
gou<TJ-> iam doing that but really y they add it if its so laggy12:26
Osirus126for the new version of ubuntu server 17.10.2 my desktop doesnt seem to have a screen timeout anymore.. my screen used to turn off after a set period, but now it stays on all the time, is there a fix for this??12:26
TJ-gou: because it's not like that for most installs; you've obviously got particular hardware or system config that provokes the issue12:26
gou<TJ-> thank you tho guess il go with the xorg until 18.4 come out12:27
akikgou: ubuntu decided to make xorg the default in 18.0412:27
gou<TJ-> yes i think so to hardware problem12:28
JimBuntuOlofL, I would suggest xrdp and xfce if you want full on remote GUI and don't want to use the built-in desktop sharing feature (or can't)12:28
gou<TJ-> really ? wow didnt know that12:28
gou<TJ-> y tho ?12:28
OlofLJimBuntu: where is the built in to be found?12:29
JimBuntuUse the Unity search, 'Desktop Sharing'12:30
sveinseTJ-: My gnome display crazyness isn't going away. You helped me with installing a custom kernel, 4.15.0-041500rc9-generic. Is there any newer since this?12:31
sveinseI don't remember what I did to get this kernel installed :(12:31
Osirus126how do you set the screen to sleep in ubuntu server 17.10.2 after a amount of time?? this option used to be default but now i cant seem to get it to work12:32
Osirus126any help would be appreciated12:32
JimBuntuOsirus126, since it's 17.10, you may also want to ask in #ubuntu+112:33
sveinseJimBuntu: Eh, is 17.10 ubuntu+1 ?12:34
OlofLJimBuntu: nothing available. only xrdp CLIENT and setting link to file sharing enable/disable12:34
OlofLim on ubuntu 171012:34
JimBuntusveinse, Osirus126 - I was wrong, #ubuntu+1 is for pre-release, whicvh 17.10 doesn't count as12:35
TJ-sveinse: there are some v4.16 release candidates12:35
TJ-sveinse: did you use my script that automatically installs the latest mainline kernel?12:36
sveinseTJ-: yes12:36
TJ-you can just execute it again then, if you can find where you put it!12:37
TJ-sveinse: it's name is wget_kernel_mainline.sh12:37
sveinseTJ-: to ease my search, was was it's name?12:37
pagnolHi, I'm trying to debug why my USB headset studdenly stopped working on Ubuntu 16.1012:37
pagnolit's not in the output of lsusb12:38
ioriawe really need an EOL notification daemon12:38
TJ-pagnol: check the logs; /var/log/syslog /var/log/kern.log for hardware clues12:38
pagnolshould a msg appear in syslog upon plugging in/out the device?12:38
TJ-pagnol: and rememeber 16.10 is no longer supported; you really should upgrade12:38
pagnolthere's nothing12:38
pagnolI'm actually on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS12:39
pagnolmy bad12:39
TJ-pagnol: Yes, when a USB device is connected the kernel will report it. The primary log-file to check is /var/log/kern.log but if you want to watch the kernel messages 'live' as you connect/disconnect the device use "dmesg -w"12:39
pagnolnothing stirs in the output of dmesg -w when I plug in or unplug12:41
sveinseTJ-: Thanks a lot!12:41
TJ-pagnol: have you tried connecting the device to different USB ports in case it's a port problem?12:41
pagnolonly the device itself seems to notice it's been plugged in because some LED is blinking12:41
pagnolyes, I tried them all... going to try it on a different computer12:41
TJ-pagnol: good plan... if that confirms it works come back and we'll look at the logs more closely12:42
foo357Hello, I want to get information about a directory structure and save that information in a textfile. The information I'm after is pretty much what you get by doing 'ls' (content, date, filesize, et.c.). It's a moderatly big/deep directory structure.12:45
foo357You could say that what I want would be sort of a combination of 'ls' and 'tree'.12:45
JimBuntufoo357, `find ./ >myTextFile.txt` ?12:46
JimBuntunvm, that wouldn't include the metadata by default12:46
foo357JimBuntu: exactly, that's sort of what I'm after, plus being presented in some nice way (like how 'tree' does seems ideal)12:47
TJ-foo357: "find . -ls > capturefile.log"12:47
foo357TJ-: thanks, that seems like a pretty good solution12:49
TJ-foo357: how about "tree -pus" ?12:49
geirhajust be aware that find doesn't sort it12:49
TJ-foo357: 'tree' has several options that might give you the output you want, see "man tree"12:50
gou<TJ-> you seem educated in ubuntu matter where did you learn all of that   forms? or years and years of having errors and having to deal with them12:51
TJ-gou: by exploring,  experimenting, reading man-pages and source-code12:51
pagnolalright... it's not the headset's fault12:53
TJ-pagnol: right, so show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )" please12:53
TJ-pagnol: ^^^ with the H/S plugged in :)12:53
gou<TJ-> can you enlighten me where i can find some knolge in this matter12:54
gou<TJ-> knowledge **12:54
adalbertDoes anyone got "Cockpit" running with Apache reverse proxy ? I could use some help here ...12:55
pagnolTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nTHHppb4Wb/12:56
foo357TJ-, JimBuntu, geirha: "tree -aughD [dir]" seems like a good invocation. Thanks for the help.12:57
JimBuntuyw foo35712:57
gou<TJ->i really like the idea of solving errors and fixing problems i have some knowldge in python guess that will help solving broken codes along the way12:58
geirhafoo357: no -p ?12:58
foo357geirha: yes, add 'p', even better12:59
=== ron is now known as Guest2536
engblomWhat is the difference between /etc/polkit-1 and /var/lib/polkit-1 ? Both directories seems to contain similar files?13:11
TJ-pagnol: thanks, now show us "pastebinit <( lsusb; lsmod; for f in /etc/modprobe.d/*; do echo '### $f'; cat $f; done )"13:11
pagnolTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wFHdZd4Wx6/13:11
engblomMy real struggle, with Bionic, is to get NetworkManager to accept that any user makes changes to the network settings, connecting to Wifi etc13:12
engblomRegardless of my tries to edit files under both places, I can not get it to work.13:12
TJ-engblom: what changes have you been making?13:14
PCatineanHow do I export a shell variable that has a shell command in it with arguments13:14
PCatineanI get export -arg not a valid identifier13:14
adalbertPCatinean: use ` instead of "13:15
PCatineanStill get an error13:15
engblomTJ-: In com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla  I added netdev group for NetworkManager, the same in org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pkla13:15
TJ-pagnol: is this a laptop?13:15
PCatineankubectl get deployments -l app=myapp -l type=server -o json --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}13:16
PCatineanI need to hold the result of this inside an variable13:16
engblomTJ-: Both files are under /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor13:16
vltHello. Is there a very fast compression tool I can pipe a disk image through to get a slightly smaller image than the original size? (much faster than gzip)13:16
engblomTJ-: Then I tried to copy them to a similar folder under /etc/polkit-1, but that did not help either13:16
engblomThe user is surely in netdev group13:17
TJ-engblom: does polkitd need restarting to pick up the changes?13:17
engblomTJ-: I have even restarted the computer many times just to make sure this was not the cause13:17
TJ-engblom: OK - that was obvious one :)13:17
pagnolTJ-, it's a lenovo x220 thinkpad13:17
TJ-pagnol: have you tried this with AC adapter powering it, and on battery only?13:18
pagnolTJ-, both13:18
pagnoland it worked reliably for months and I can't remember having made any significant changes13:19
TJ-pagnol: it '/feels/ like a USB power saving issue since the device isn't even seen - my current hypothesis would be the hub/ports are auto-powered down and are not automatically re-activating when the device is connected13:19
TJ-pagnol: have you tested booting the oldest kernel still installed via the GRUB > Advanced sub-menu ?13:19
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
TJ-pagnol: originally I wondered if it was just the snd-usb-audio and associated modules not being loaded, but if that were the case the kernel would still see the device connect, which it isn't doing13:21
pagnolTJ-, even after a reboot and with the ac adapter plugged in there is no change13:22
TJ-pagnol: originally I wondered if it was just the snd-usb-audio and associated modules not being loaded, but if that were the case the kernel would still see the device connect, which it isn't doing13:23
TJ-pagnol: does another USB device work / is detected in the same port the H/S is currently in?13:23
raidghostTJ-: Hey ;)13:24
pagnolTJ-, I have a usb stick that works without any issues13:25
raidghostHave been talking to the sw engineer of hauppauge, now got 12 adapters working. But wondering why my card numberr 4 of 4 wont show up in lspci. it shows 3 cards.13:25
OnigiriI have a silly issue on a bionic setup. If I ssh in with konsole from another host... I can clear the terminal with clear just fine.. but if I fire up a tmux instance and try to clear in that... it just rehomes the cursor and doesn't wipe the screen13:26
ikoniabionic disccusion in the #ubuntu+1 channel please13:27
TJ-pagnol: right... is it possible the port cannot deliver the power the H/S wants? do you have an external powered USB hub you could connect the H/S via?13:27
Onigiriikonia: ok, thanks!13:27
pagnolTJ-, I've been using it for months though13:27
TJ-pagnol: I realise that, but something has changed so we need to use a process of elimination to narrow down where the cause is.13:28
ioriapagnol, is it detected by   lsusb ?13:28
TJ-pagnol: it could be a kernel change has affected the port power settings, for example13:28
pagnolthe headphone actually has a fully charged battery and keeps working with blutooth devices even if I remove the usb cable13:29
TJ-pagnol: that system has Intel rate-matching hubs; they're supposed to automatically adjust to the type of device connected to a port - it's possible a driver change has broken that... or it's possible there's some config item being set differently13:29
TJ-pagnol: what's the make/model of the headset?13:30
pagnolTJ-, I'll try a USB hub...13:30
vltvlt: lzop seems to be what you were looking for.13:30
pagnolit's a Sennheiser PXC 55013:30
TJ-pagnol: now you've told me it's dual interface USB Bluetooth I'm wondering if it somehow operates in BT-only mode for some reason  - although I note you tested it in another PC13:31
pagnolit has a blutooth and a no-blutooth mode and both stopped working13:31
pagnolit used to not matter which mode it was in13:31
pagnolbtw thank you so much for taking the time to debug this issue with me!13:31
pagnolreally appreciate that13:32
ioriapagnol, your kernel ? uname -r13:32
pagnolioria, 4.13.0-36-generic13:33
TJ-pagnol: I wonder if the system still has a log file showing the device successfully connecting so we know what to expect? Can you show us the oldest: "pastebinit <( zcat $(ls -1t /var/log/kern.log* ) )"13:33
vltHi! I'm trying to run `watch "kill -SIGUSR1 <pid>"` but get "sh: 1: kill: Illegal option -S". Any idea what I have to do to mak eit work with "watch"?13:33
pagnolTJ-, I connected my laptop to an active usb hub, I confirmed that the hub is working with my usb stick, but the headphones don't show up in dmesg -w13:33
TJ-pagnol: thanks, that's useful.13:33
interrobanghtow show wrong start time in opposite to top13:33
interrobanganybody else the same problem?13:34
TJ-pagnol: silly question but.. when you connected the H/S to the different PC did you use the same USB cable?13:34
interrobangi have a process its startet 2 days ago, htop says ist on since 2 hours13:34
TJ-pagnol: and just in case one of the USB controllers on the system isn't loading a driver for some reason, show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )"13:35
ioriapagnol,  TJ-    usb autosuspend power-saving feature ?13:35
TJ-ioria: I wondered that but the same hub/port sees other devices correctly13:36
TJ-ioria: and the device worked in another PC13:36
pagnolTJ-, not a silly question at all, I did use the same cable13:36
pagnolI know for sure that the cable is ok13:37
TJ-ioria: useful pastebins: dmsg: (no sign of the device being connected/detected) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nTHHppb4Wb/  and lsusb / lsmod / etc/modules.d/*  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wFHdZd4Wx6/13:37
vltvlt: `kill -USR1`13:38
TJ-pagnol: the *KEY* thing here is the kernel doesn't detect this particular device connected to a port. Is the device USB3? Is the port USB3 or USB2 or both?13:38
pagnolthe laptop does not support USB3 afaik13:39
TJ-pagnol: and one other silly test you can do (which might point to an ACPI issue) suspend the laptop then resume it and connect the H/S13:39
pagnolTJ-, no change13:40
TJ-pagnol: show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )"13:41
pagnolTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8z9FHhpq23/13:42
TJ-pagnol: how about: pastebinit <( for n in /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb?/power/{autosuspend,runtime_status}; do echo $n=$(cat $n); done )"13:45
pagnolTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4snNzg95v9/13:47
TJ-pagnol: I think it's worth trying this ACPI customisation: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html13:47
OlofLif I ssh -X remotehost how do I get the full desktop experience ? with login window and everything13:49
pagnolTJ-, I will go ahead and run your bash script then13:49
OlofLor can I only start apps one by one from cli13:49
akikOlofL: look up x2go. it's a client/server desktop service13:50
OlofLok i will. but you didnt answer my question tho :P13:53
pagnolTJ-, I just ran acpi script and rebooted but there's no discernible change13:55
TJ-pagnol: check it's changed the setting, show me "cat /proc/cmdline"13:55
pagnolBOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.13.0-36-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2009" quiet splash vt.handoff=713:55
TJ-pagnol: OK, that's good, so it didn't improve. Are you testing the H/S by plugging in after power on, or is it connected when the PC powers on ?13:56
pagnolI tried both and it didn't make a difference13:56
TJ-pagnol: also, if the PC has a detachable battery,  have you tried removing it for a minute or so and pressing the power button to clear weird artifacts in the circuitry?13:56
pagnolI tried all kinds of combinations of rebooting, suspending, doing so with the headset plugged in or out...13:57
TJ-pagnol: earlier I asked for a log but I think you missed it. Can you grab the oldest kernel log in case it shows the device being connected, so we know what it should look like:   "pastebinit <( zcat $(ls -1t /var/log/kern.log* ) )"13:57
pagnolah I may have missed that, sorry..13:57
TJ-pagnol: let's hope its' old enough to capture the headset working ;)13:58
* waseem18 checking13:58
pagnolTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zxr3y36RjJ/14:01
pagnolgrep for PXC14:01
TJ-pagnol: VERY interesting... notice the device keeps disconnecting almost immediately and being rediscovered... that's not a good sign, usually points to a failing device14:02
TJ-pagnol: still researching... not found anything obvious yet14:08
pagnolI'm surprised by that... because in practice was perfect plug and play14:09
pagnolit was *14:09
pagnolworked immediately without hickups14:09
TJ-pagnol: have you explored the BIOS settings options in case there's something related to either USB and/or power management generally that might cause this?14:12
pagnolTJ-, I'll see if I can completely deactivate the power saving feature14:13
zacky83join #dovecot14:13
TJ-pagnol: interesting - someone else with the Rate-Matching hub seeing similar issue with different headset: http://www.toontricks.com/2018/01/ubuntu-why-wont-my-usb-headset-show-up.html14:13
TJ-pagnol: oh, this is the original URL with more details for that: https://askubuntu.com/questions/565405/why-wont-my-usb-headset-show-up-in-lsusb-or-dmesg14:14
pagnolgood find14:15
rfvI have an unclaimed ethernet (this time ethernet, not wireless) controller, not being managed by network-manager in ubuntu 16.04 - chipset Atheros AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet. Reloading the atl1c module result in the following issue: MAC state machine can't be idle since disabled for 10 ms second. Any ideas?14:15
nehemiahI made an preseeded Ubuntu installation that fails. But the failure is not very descriptive. It happens during the package installation. Anyway, is it possible to drop to a command line and get some logs during installation?14:15
nehemiahIt's Ubuntu Server btw.14:15
rfvpci=noacpi for the above to work (at least I got one of my network controllers working today)14:21
NoCodeAlright, so when I went to restart because of an update, the low-latency kernel stopped working. Suggesting some kernel modules were not loaded, and it also complained about nvidia too. Should I get some dmesg logs?14:22
NoCodeAlso the lowlatency kernels are old as hell.14:23
TJ-pagnol: this may seem like another daft question, but this is after I've been reading up on the PXC 550 model, and everything I find only talks of the Bluetooth conectivity. Only mention of USB is in the context of the micro-USB /charging/ port. So, firstly, are you /sure/ the audio was over USB when they worked? And if so, are you /sure/ the current cable connecting them isn't a charging-only cable (e.g.14:24
TJ-data pins not connected) - try another known working data cable?  - if they do work as a USB audio device can you capture how they show up on the other PC where they work (possibly using an Ubuntu LiveISO boot if it's a Windows/Apple PC)14:25
pagnolTJ-, yes, perfectly sure14:32
TJ-pagnol: is this the model? https://en-us.sennheiser.com/wireless-headphone-headset-bluetooth-noise-cancelling-pxc-550-travel14:32
pagnolTJ-, I deactivated the blutooth adapter of my laptop in the bios settings14:32
pagnolthat's the one14:33
TJ-pagnol: arghhh.. why did you deactive it? did that coincide with the headphones not appearing?14:33
pagnolTJ-, misunderstanding, it's always been deactivated14:34
pagnolright when I got the laptop I deactivated to save power14:34
pagnoland since I have no use for it14:34
pagnolsince my headset works with usb ;-)14:34
pagnolseriously, it works, maybe the manufacturer doesn't advertise it... it used to nicely show up in the unity-control-center sound settings as a separate device14:35
TJ-pagnol: read page 39 of the user manual... is it possible the audio connector socket in the headset has partially broken - because on that page it says "...transmissionvia USB is disabled and the headphones go to flight mode when the audio cable is plugged in." ... that would instantly make me suspect the 3.5mm socket in the H/S has it's plug-detect leg stuck so it thinks a plug is in the socket even when14:37
TJ-it's empty14:37
TJ-pagnol: link  https://en-us.sennheiser.com/global-downloads/file/6983/PXC550_IM_A02_EN.pdf#PXC550_IM_A02_EN.indd%3A.34948%3A288814:37
pagnolTJ-, my colleague has the same model and it equally didn't work when I plugged it in14:38
TJ-pagnol: does the audio cable input work? maybe using that then trying USB again might kick it into life?14:39
pagnolpagnol, I'll give that a try14:39
TJ-pagnol: as the kernel doesn't even see the device I'd bet money the issue is in the HeadSet14:40
TJ-pagnol: also, did you try the Headset reset procedure? Switch off, press the Effect Mode Control for 4 seconds14:44
pagnolTJ-, I had no idea it has that... thank you14:44
TJ-pagnol: reading manuals can sometimes be valuable :)14:45
=== rgrundstrom is now known as Guest98957
TJ-pagnol: If the problem is with the PC, from what I've reading, the X220 is supposed to have USB3 ports and controller. Also, your dmesg shows it is on BIOS v1.24 18th Oct 2011, but there's a v1.43 26th Oct 2016 available. I'd highly recommend updating that. See   https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-x-series-laptops/thinkpad-x220/downloads15:00
pagnolTJ-, on later bios versions the ddr ram speeds are limited so I didn't want to upgrade15:02
pagnol1333 instead of 186615:02
pagnolbut I'll update to 1.28 which still permits 1866 mhz apparently15:03
=== adalbert is now known as adalbert_afk
TJ-pagnol: the changelog is at https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/8duj28us.txt15:03
TJ-pagnol: you're probably referring to v1.40 (<1.40-1.24>): "Mitigate risk of security vulnerability related to DRAM Row Hammering."15:05
mouseoverI am not a noob, but I feel like one... I am on Ubuntu 16.10, how do I install "libavcodec"? Its apparently not in the main repositories. Which PPA should I add?15:05
TJ-mouseover: Replaced by ffmpeg I seem to recall15:06
TJ-mouseover: also, I hope you're aware that 16.10 is End Of Life and is no longer supported15:08
mouseoverTJ-: True... but I just want to be able to get the binaries for FFPMEG15:09
TJ-!eol | mouseover Use the old-releases repos then as detailed in the EOL guide15:10
ubottumouseover Use the old-releases repos then as detailed in the EOL guide: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:10
=== Guest1406 is now known as dorami-doraemon
mouseoverTJ-: So essentially, I need to update my sources.list file? If so, how can I point to the "old releases" repo? Furthermore, even if I do this, how can I be certain that libavcodec will be there? Could I add an older (and supported) Ubuntu PPA instead?15:12
TJ-mouseover: like I said, libavcodec packages are provided by ffmpeg. Many years ago (2011) the ffmpeg project forked and gave birth to libav. Debian and Ubuntu switched to libav libraries and then later switched back to ffmpeg in 201515:17
mouseoverYes, I have been vaguely made aware of the story15:19
mouseoverNonetheless, I updated the 16.10 repo URLs to point to the "old reposotires" PPA. However, when I run "apt-get update && apt-get install libavcodec-dev "... it says "http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/ffmpeg/libavcodec57_3.0.7-0ubuntu0.16.10.1_amd64.deb  404  Not Found".15:20
TJ-pagnol: I've figured out the USB3 confusion. It was only on the i7 models, as the rear-left (coloured blue). On i3/i5 it seems they're all USB2, black on left-side, yellow always-on power o right15:20
mouseoverNow, when I navigate to that URL, there is indeed no such file as "libavcodec57_3.0.7-0ubuntu0.16.10.1_amd64.deb", but there is a "libavcodec57_3.2.4-1build2_amd64.deb". So, how can I make "apt-get" get the right files?15:21
TJ-mouseover: as I said, 16.10 isn't supported. There may be some package versions missing from old-releases.ubuntu.com15:21
isaiahnixonHello, if I run Ubuntu and have some bash scripting questions, is this the right place to ask them?15:27
mouseoverOk, thanks TJ-15:28
vltisaiahnixon: Yes, this. Or #bash15:29
isaiahnixonAwesome. Thanks vlt.15:30
ash_workI dunno where to ask this really; a postgres container of mine only ever uses 80 columns... any ideas on what I should be looking at configuring to fix this?15:43
ash_work80 columns of console space15:43
TJ-ash_work: what kind of container? LXD?15:44
ash_workTJ-: alpine15:45
TJ-ash_work: that's not a container technology is it? that's the userspace inside.15:46
ash_workTJ-: I mean the container is running alpine, the container technology is docker15:47
ash_workTJ-: (sorry, I didn't get what you meant before)15:47
TJ-ash_work: generally 'stty' is used to set/change the terminal settings, but you'd have to check the alpine/container config to figure out why it's using 80 columns15:50
TJ-ash_work: that, or possibly docker. I presume the host OS is using much wider terminal?15:50
ash_workTJ-: yes, it is15:51
TJ-see if "stty cols 132" makes it change (inside the container)15:51
ash_workTJ-: I don't know where that setting would be :\15:51
hfpHi all, I don't miss OSX at all but one thing I do miss sorely is the preview app to draw, write, and sign PDF forms. I tried LibreOffice Draw and it's a hit or miss, some documents are messed up because it seems Draw tries to convert them to a text document. Is there a Linux application that would let me draw or write over a PDF the same way Preview does? i.e. not touch the original document, just add15:56
hfpanother layer where I can draw and write.15:56
vlthfp: Maybe "okular".16:01
TJ-hfp: the only one I know of is a cross-platform tool called MasterPDF Editor which is proprietary but has a free-of-cost version16:07
hfpvlt: It does forms, but it doesn't look like it will let me write any text anywhere for those "fake" forms that don't have fillable fields, unless I'm missing something?16:07
=== alexander is now known as Guest26037
alexia8949847393hi. any advice on how to diagnose why my vpn connection dies? I have ufw set up really strictly and it connects fine on boot but can't seem to reconnect later? Where would I find a log file to help me figure it out16:20
pragmaticenigmamost log files are kept in /var/log and often in a folder or file of the same name as the application16:20
alexia8949847393so would that be the vpn log file?16:21
alexia8949847393or ufw?16:21
pragmaticenigmaI would start with /var/log/syslog ... connect and disconnect from the VPN to see what is appended to the log file. If nothing regarding your VPN connection is seen, it will be in one of the other files. "ufw" if enabled logs to syslog16:22
pragmaticenigmaYou can change the log level of ufw in /etc/ufw/ufw.conf... I'm not familiar with ufw to know what options are available, I would recommend reading the documentation on ufw first16:23
TJ-alexia8949847393: could it be the VPN starts and connects before UFW engages? (presumably the firewall is allowing state ESTABLISHED,RELATED but possibly not the outgoing initial connection16:24
hfpthanks TJ-, looks like what I was after.16:27
alexia8949847393@TJ- interesting, thanks for the idea. I'm hoping it isn't that. I've been able to reboot vpn and maybe will set up a script to reboot it instead of rebooting the whole machine. I'm really tired of messing with ufw -- has been frustrating to set up a secure torrent box with the right permissions. Thanks for the idea.16:28
alexia8949847393@pragmaticenigma thanks have been wanting to check the log but i feel like its happening hours between when i notice. ill try rebooting the service and check it immedaitely then. thanks for telling me location. cheers!16:30
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
hfpwhat are "proposed" in allowed origins when configuring unattended updates?16:34
serecan shuf print random paragraphs from a file16:34
Trukhello, i made a gitlab-ci script, and several scripts16:35
Trukbut when i set CONDITION_BUILD: "false" and after do :16:35
TJ-hfp: the <release>-proposed component where packages intended to move into <release>-updates start life until they're verified working16:35
Trukif [ $(git diff @~..@ --name-only --diff-filter=AMDR .) ] || [ "$CONDITION" ]; then16:36
hfpTJ-: I see, so it's beta testing for updates in a way?16:36
Trukit always enters inside the condition16:36
Trukwhereas it's false16:36
hfpand backports are packages that are no longer supported for this ubuntu version, but someone integrated a specific update into the outdated version so people can still enjoy the new feature?16:37
=== dorami-doraemon is now known as postre
TJ-hfp: backports are newer versions of a limited range of packages taken from a later release. E.g. a package from 17.04 might have been backported to 16.04, so if xenial-backports component was enabled that package would be installable16:38
hfpTJ-: that makes sense, thanks16:39
pragmaticenigmaTruk, the second half of your condition is always going to evaluate to true I believe16:39
Trukpragmaticenigma: why ?16:39
amitprakashWhy is ubuntu only showing 8 of 16G Ram?16:41
serecan shuf print random paragraphs from a file16:44
Cheezamitprakash: i'm seeing 16G there16:44
Cheez4 DIMM slots, 2 with 8GB modules in, 2 empty16:44
amitprakashCheez, correct, not look at the output of free -m16:45
amitprakashShows only 8G16:45
amitprakashend of the file16:45
pragmaticenigmaamitprakash, In more recent operating systems, memory is managed very differently. A program can request as much memory as it thinks it will need, and gives back memory to the system when the system asks for it. You currently have programs that are utilizing 8G of RAM.16:45
Cheezooh, i missed that16:45
Cheezpragmaticenigma: the total should still reflect the total.16:46
amitprakashpragmaticenigma, that is fine.. but the system displayed total of 8G ram16:46
amitprakashThat is not correct16:46
pragmaticenigmayeah... I didn't see that till now either16:46
pragmaticenigmaI would shut down the computer, and remove power... remove all the memory and reinsert them16:47
pragmaticenigmaif it still doesn't work, remove all but one, boot the machine... keep doing that to ensure all the memory boards are working16:47
pragmaticenigmaIf all the memory boards are working independently, then try a memory tester16:48
sd_Hi, I am new to networking.  I have configured two IP addresses for eth0 interface. How can I enable connectivity between them?16:49
pragmaticenigmaUnless you are setting up VLAMs, an Ethernet port can only have one IP address assigned to it at a time.16:56
pragmaticenigmasd_, mean to say an ethernet interface16:57
pragmaticenigmahexchat is no bueno16:57
sd_@pragmaticenigma, yes am trying to setup a vlan. I want to ssh to VM from host, but VM has different subnet. So basically I added another IP16:59
TJ-pragmaticenigma: not true, an Ethernet interface can have hundreds/thousands of IP addresses attached :D17:00
Vamp898Is it possible to use NIC Bonding with an Ethernet Card and an Wifi Card?17:00
ikoniawhy would you do that17:00
ikoniaVamp898: what is the problem you want to solve17:01
TJ-sd_: if you mean you have, say, eth0 with "ip addr add dev eth0; ip addr add dev eth0; then they're the same device so the concept of a loopback doesn't really hold in the sense you mean it17:01
TJ-Vamp898: Yes17:01
Vamp898Telekom in Germany provides something called "Hybrid" where you have a slow Land-Line and can boost the speed with an LTE connection. I am wondering how this works. I am sure it is more than bonding but that brought me to the thinking if just bonding would work at all17:03
ikonianot like that, no17:03
sd_so I have eth0:203.x.x.x, which is my host ip. Then I added eth0 static ip I have another machine connected to I now want to ssh from my host ip. Is it possible17:03
pragmaticenigmaVamp898, often they use the slow land line as an upload connection sending requests to a server. the server then sends the requested data over the higherspeed link17:03
sd_@TJ- ^17:03
TJ-sd_: ouch! so you're trying to host and route multiple sub-nets on a single interface?17:04
pragmaticenigmaVamp898, it usually requires special hardware on both ends provided by the service provider17:04
sd_Yeah @TJ-17:04
TJ-so what is connected to the other end of eth0's cable?17:05
TJ-sd_: ^^^17:05
sd_I have a hypervisor running @TJ-17:06
Vamp898pragmaticenigma: so this is a hardware thing?17:06
sd_@TJ- ^^17:07
TJ-Vamp898: Linux bonding does work in that scenario17:07
TJ-sd_: but host->eth0 also has the public IP address?17:07
pragmaticenigmaVamp898, not entirely... you can accomplish it with software, but many providers offer proprietary equipment for stability17:08
sd_yes host->eth0 has public ip17:08
TJ-sd_: I'd think it'd be much easier to create a virtual 'dummy' interface for the 10.x nextwork then you can use regular routing17:09
TJ-sd_: you'd load the kernel module ("sudo modprobe dummy") then you'll have a new interface(s) called dummyX ("ip link show") which you could then add your 10/8 sub-net to17:13
sd_Yeah I get it. but is it possible to add connectivity between host (public ip) and the dummy ?17:14
TJ-sd_: you would get that naturally as a byproduct of the routing tables17:15
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
sd_@TJ- thanks, I will check that17:16
TJ-sd_: if you have any other physical hosts needing to talk to the hypervisor sub-net 10/8 you'd have to use a VLAN though17:16
TJ-sd_: or set specific routes on those other hosts telling them the gateway for the 10/8 sub-net is your 203.x.y.z. on eth017:17
sd_Yeah ok17:18
Zer0xIs there a channel for tech support here on freenode_17:18
kostkon!alis | Zer0x17:18
ubottuZer0x: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:18
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:22
fubHi. Im running ubuntu 16.04 with an nvidia card and a 4k screen over hdmi. When looking at some pictures, there is no "fading". I see hard "edges" in the pictures. I made a photo with my mobile phone: https://imgur.com/a/pszU517:25
fubThis is when looking at this picture: http://i.imgur.com/4pTWZbp.png17:26
fubWhen I look at the picture from a different computer, the picture looks fine to me (without edges)17:26
Kon-fub, are you using the exact same monitor when you're viewing it on the other PC?17:27
fubKon-: no17:28
Kon-This is color banding. It's more noticeable when you're using a high quality monitor. It results from low color depth in the image. What you are looking at is probably an 8-bit image, and I'm guessing it is not native 4K resolution either.17:28
fubso its a problem of the image and not a problem of my ubuntu?17:29
fubis there any way to verify that all my colors are fine?17:29
Kon-It's the most likely explanation. Low bitrate in a video also compounds color banding issues17:30
fubKon-: no, there has to be a problem. I just downloaded this image: https://www.setaswall.com/4k-wallpapers/city-night-raod-4k-wallpaper-3840x2160/17:31
fublooks awful here, let me take a picture17:31
Kon-fub, Some color banding is evident to me even on my 1080p monitor, and I'm only looking at the 768x432 image on the page you linked17:34
fubKon-: I have this on every "4k" image with dark parts on it17:35
TJ-fub: have you checked on the resolution and bits-per-pixel being used? "xrandr -q; xdpyinfo""17:35
adalbert_afkfub: maybe x11 default color depth is wrong ?17:35
=== adalbert_afk is now known as adalbert
fubhttps://transfer.sh/oYhtg/xrandr and https://transfer.sh/x7J40/xdpyinfo17:38
fubadalbert: how do I find this out?17:38
tgm4883!pastebin | fub17:38
ubottufub: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:38
fubok, transfer.sh is curl'able, so I thought thats fine. will use a pastebin next time17:39
tgm4883fub: I'd rather not download a text file just to read it when pastebin works17:39
fubtgm4883: all right.17:39
adalbertfub: /etc/X11/xorg.conf there should be a "Screen" section with DefaultDepth parameter17:40
adalbertfub: xrandr -q; xdpyinfo17:40
tgm4883adalbert: seems he's at 24  "  depth of root window:    24 planes" right?17:41
fubxwininfo -root tells me Depth is 2417:41
tgm4883fub: what GPU what monitor?17:41
fub01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750] (rev a2)17:41
fubSamsung U28E59017:42
adalbertfub: your X11 config is fine then ...17:42
fubadalbert: what do you mean?18:12
TJ-fub: does the monitor's own information on-screen display report being driven at UHD resolution and 60Hz ?18:15
fubTJ-: its says 3840x2160, 134.8kHz 60Hz18:18
=== Duckle is now known as tabtard
=== tabtard is now known as Duckle
GoopAwayCan I setup an LDAP server specifically for authenticating users?18:23
vadiHow can I get the GRUB menu to show? I hold shift down, but instead of the menu, I get a blinking cursor.18:26
TechChristophhow can i See older messages18:28
aroraTechChristoph: Older messages of what?18:28
TechChristophbecause every time i log oft the Messages are gone18:28
TechChristophof irc18:28
TechChristophand i dont know why?18:29
vadiirc doesn't save older messages18:31
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/18:31
TechChristophbecause  when I log off all previous messages are gone18:32
TechChristophso how can I follow the conversation ?18:32
TechChristophdo I need a bouncer?18:33
tgm4883TechChristoph: yes18:35
fubTJ-, tgm4883 any other things I can try to fix this?18:43
fubthis is my xorg.conf: https://pastebin.com/yHMaRbgH18:44
outoftime_92compiz consume 100% cpu, is there a way to find out what has happend?18:45
garyserjWhy is it that wget for ubuntu the latest seems to be 1.17 whereas looking at wget for windows here https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/  they have 1.19   Is it possible for me to get wget 1.19 on ubuntu?18:46
outoftime_92garyserj: check snap18:46
klimtcan somebody suggest a web-based movie management tool? where it's also possible to stream the movie from the browser, see feedback from imdb etc.18:46
klimtsth like kodi, but web-based.18:47
garyserjoutoftime_92: if I do snap find wget I see demo-wget and that's 1.1718:48
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outoftime_92garyserj: maybe 18.04 has 1.19? check launchpad and custom *.deb packages.18:49
outoftime_92how to restart compiz?18:50
nacc!info wget | garyserj18:57
ubottugaryserj: wget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.19.1-3ubuntu1.1 (artful), package size 319 kB, installed size 968 kB18:57
naccgaryserj: in artful and beyond18:57
meandrainhi, any idea if it is possible to instal gcc-5.3 on ubuntu 16.04 using apt ?19:05
gehnmeandrain, 16.04 should already use 5.4 by default19:05
pragmaticenigmameandrain, is there a particular reason behind needing a different version?19:06
gehnmeandrain, is there some reason you can't use 5.4?19:06
gehnmeandrain, there's https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test19:06
meandrainI need to install older nvidia drivers (340), that video card does not work with newer drivers, and when building nvidia module it says I need gcc 5.319:06
gehnmeandrain, 5.4 should be able to compile anything you can compile with 5.319:07
pragmaticenigmagehn, it might be better for us to help you figure out what isn't working with your Nvidia drivers19:07
pragmaticenigmagehn, it is also possible to downgrade without compiling your own19:07
meandrainI'll reinstall gcc 5.4 and tell you then what is the error message19:07
gehnpragmaticenigma, wrong person?19:07
pragmaticenigmayes gehn ... I meant to phrase those to meandrain ... my bad19:08
pragmaticenigmameandrain, , it might be better for us to help you figure out what isn't working with your Nvidia drivers19:08
pragmaticenigmameandrain, it is also possible to downgrade without compiling your own19:08
meandrainthis is the error message:  https://i.imgur.com/oBgXuo7.png19:11
pragmaticenigmaIf you are really interested in trying this approach... and your system is backed up... You can choose the option to ignore the cc version check19:13
meandrainI did a snapshot of my filesystem, so everything is ok19:13
meandrainthe modules builds ok but then fails to load19:13
pragmaticenigmameandrain, there are some decent instructions here for how to downgrade your driver using a downloaded .deb from nvidia. https://askubuntu.com/questions/774651/switching-between-nvdia-driver-versions-on-16-0419:17
pragmaticenigmaIt might be worth looking into19:17
meandrainpragmaticenigma: thank you!19:17
meandrainI will try that19:18
kostkonmeandrain, which graphics cards is it though19:20
meandraingt 24019:20
ceibaldescargar minecraft19:22
kostkonmeandrain, that's really old hardware. isn't the performance with nouveau good enough for such a card?19:22
meandrainI had a curiosity about playing with cuda on it19:22
meandrainnouveau works ok but cuda is not detected19:22
kostkonmeandrain, it's a 10 year old card it's probably not good enough for latest cuda applications. i might be wrong though19:24
ikoniawhy waste your time19:24
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meandrainyou are right, I kindof waste time19:25
streakydevil's advocate: you can still dev for cuda with slower cards19:25
meandrain(learning) but probably I should buy a new card19:25
ikonia"dev for cuda" ?19:25
streakywrite code..19:26
ikoniaahh you mean write your own stuff that still uses it on the older card19:26
streakyyou'll probably need an older api with less features and it'll be relatively slow but..19:26
ikoniawaste of time19:27
pragmaticenigmaCUDA detection is not required for use of all the features of the graphics card. CUDA detection is for application that want to make use of the GPU's cores for purposes other than graphics display. The graphics drivers always have access to the resources available on the card19:27
streakyi wouldn't buy a 1080ti to put in my dev box for autobuilds19:28
streakya 10 year old card from ebay for tuppence though..19:28
pragmaticenigmaI didn't think you could use CUDA to compile with19:28
ikoniayou can't can you19:28
streakyyou can functional test against it..19:28
streakyit's not something i'd do at all but hypothetically..19:29
pragmaticenigmaunless your cryptocurrency mining or doing some heavy video editing19:29
pragmaticenigmaI don't see the reason for CUDA19:29
* pragmaticenigma hexchat really isn't my friend today19:30
streakyphysics calculations19:30
streakyi've theorised database optimisations too but people think i'm mad and i don't have time to prove them19:30
pragmaticenigmaThe reason they think your made is because CUDA doesn't have checks and balances like a traditional CPU. You'd have to verify all the results to ensure data accuracy and not have another operation influence the result set19:31
pragmaticenigmaGPUs work best where fuzzy results are acceptable... meaning the results can be a little off and no-one will mind19:32
streakywe live in a world where people don't care what their db says just that it's fast19:32
streakyelse eventual consistency wouldn't be a thing19:32
pragmaticenigmaNot true streaky ... you wouldn't want emergency services to get your address wrong when looking up your phone number and send emergency responders in the wrong direction19:33
streakydifferent dbs for different use cases19:33
pragmaticenigmayou wouldn't want your power utility to goof up production because they're off by a megawatt and blow half the cities transformers19:33
pragmaticenigma!offtopic anyways19:34
streakyof course having technically invalid data for safety of life situations isn't a thing19:34
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arvutHi, any idea what "skipping server <ip to default route> KoD code" is? connmand19:49
rmunsonWhere does thunderbird save chat logs to?20:00
ikoniadoes it even save them ?20:00
ikoniaI thought you had to turn it on to do that20:00
pragmaticenigmarmunson, you can check out the .thunderbird directory in your home folder... that is where Thunderbird stores it's data and configuration20:00
rmunsonpragmaticenigma: thought so, just needed confirmation. ;-) Thx bud!20:01
pragmaticenigmarmunson, two caveats, first you have to have enabled saving of the logs. the other, the logs may actually be saved in SQLLite Dbs which requires a SQLLite reader, which can be easily found in the package manager20:02
rmunsonpragmaticenigma: advanced user here, just was too lazy to dig, lol!20:02
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pragmaticenigmaah, okay... good to know... I've never used Thunderbird for chat. I'm still a avid Pidgin/Finch user20:03
fishcookerwhat is org.a11y.atspi.Registry what package provided it?20:03
arvutpragmaticenigma: irssi is pretty neat20:03
rmunsonprag...you were spot on dude!20:03
pragmaticenigmaI use Hexchat for IRC20:03
fishcookeri dont get used to arvut20:03
fishcookerpidgin +1 pragmaticenigma20:04
rmunsonpragmaticenigma: theyre in .json format, basically plain text, yay!20:05
pragmaticenigmafishcooker, to help you better, could you please tell us how you came to know that you needed that library/package? Unfotunatly the org.a11y.atspi.Registry doesn't tell us much and could be used/referenced in multiple programs20:05
pragmaticenigmaneat rmunson20:06
ljetiboIs there a reason to prefer ssh-keygen -R instead of manually editing ~/.ssh/known_hosts?20:14
yuriyhello. i moved yesterday config file with "mv" command, but i thought i made "cp" and did ovverride my important server config...20:15
yuriywhat to do in such situation?20:16
Oolljetibo: no, exept with the command , you can't do error in the file20:16
yuriyi tried extundelete, but it doesnt help20:17
pavlosljetibo: with -R you can remove all keys pertaining to a hostname20:17
Oolyuriy: not sure what did you do, but perhaps it's time to use your backup or the last commit if you use etckeeper20:18
yuriythank you for interesting package20:19
pavlosyuriy: find that server config from another system20:19
yuriythe problem is that custom config for nginx virtual host... spent a lot of time on that configure20:20
yuriyno backup...20:21
pavlosyuriy: since no backup, you need to reconfigure nginx virtual hosts20:21
ljetiboOol, pavlos: thanks20:21
Ool'important' and 'no backup' seems strange together, isn't it20:21
pavlosyuriy: you might find online sample configs for nginx virtual hosts, then adjust them to your env20:24
DraconiatorI hooked up myu netbook hard drive to my desktop becvause I need help...the hard drive that WAS in here is on its way out, and I'm trying to install Windows 10 on it so I can clone it when I get the new one.  is there a way to format a Linux drive so I can use it for that?20:25
tlanixi need help with Remmina it won't connect to a windows server through RDP20:26
tlanixi can connect to the same server in win 10 fine20:26
pavlostlanix: there is a remmina plugin for rdp ... install it20:27
tlanixiam running  ubuntu 18.04 beta20:27
Ooltlanix: not sure but there some security options on remmina … advenced tab20:28
tlanixi tried them all20:28
yuriyOol - you are right20:28
tlanixi even imported the RDP file from my windows 1020:28
tlanixstill nothing20:28
pavlostlanix: sudo apt install remmina-plugin-rdp20:30
tlanixdoesnt work20:33
pavlosycyclist: sudo20:33
tlanixremina does work hae the last plugin for rdp20:33
tlanixif i can't get this to work then i have to go back to windows20:33
ycyclistYes, but I am trying to run an unprivileged user.  Do I need to do sudo for that?20:34
tgm4883!bionic | tlanix20:35
ubottutlanix: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+120:35
pavlosycyclist: read about unpriv usage, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html20:36
ycyclistOk.  Thank you.20:36
akikycyclist: if you need docker ce it's not in the ubuntu repos20:37
fishcookerpragmaticenigma: actually the i have problem with unsuccessfully suspending before just like https://askubuntu.com/questions/449871/laptop-fails-to-suspend-or-hibernate-wakes-up-after-2-5-seconds-without-user-in ... so i tried to read the syslog i found http://vpaste.net/Cv6ip  what service that make the kernel disable20:38
ycyclistNo I am not using docker for this at this time.20:41
pragmaticenigmafishcooker, this is strictly the monitor power saving for me... I haven't seen anything in the logs yet to indicate a wakeup event. Partially because I haven't figure out how to log such events20:41
ycyclistI see I have three lines in my subuid instead of 1:20:42
ycyclistxeno:100000:65536 xeno:100000:65537 xeno:100000:10000120:42
pavlostlanix: installed remmina and the rdp plugin (16.04), was able to connect to a win7 system. Check your setup20:43
pragmaticenigmapavlos, tlanix is on ubuntu 18.04... we aren't supporting that just yet and they were asked to go to the #ubuntu+1 room, so if there is a bug it can be reported and fixed before the release20:45
pavlospragmaticenigma: agreed20:45
AnthaasWhat command can I run to determine what network interface my apache service is listening on?20:46
tlanixso you think its the 18.04 problem?20:50
xet7Anthaas: sudo netstat -plant | grep apache20:51
pavlostlanix: 18.04 questions to ubuntu+120:51
pragmaticenigmatlanix, we don't know... we're focused on helping with the current supported releases. 18.04 is beta and may have bugs, the #ubuntu+1 room is setup to both support 18.04 and ensure bugs are being addressed if they are found20:52
pavlosAnthaas: you might grep for http which is the protocol20:52
xet7Anthaas: Linux kernel listens all network interfaces etc, and sends to that network interface that works. that command above only shows what port Apache listens, for example 80 and/or 443.20:53
fishcookerpragmaticenigma: if you don't midn to inspect .. this is full log about successful suspending and resuming http://vpaste.net/buER820:53
Anthaasxet7, thanks - I am having an issue with docker - I can't seem to connect to my container :/20:53
Anthaastrying to diagnose, but failing.20:54
tgm4883Anthaas: are you exposing the port?20:54
AnthaasTurns out I don't actually have ubuntu installed haha :/20:54
Anthaastgm4883, Yeah - in my docker-compose.yml20:54
tgm4883Anthaas: you don't have ubuntu installed?20:54
Anthaastgm4883, On my laptop I do, not in my docker container.20:55
AnthaasI have an instance of php:7.1-apache running20:55
tlanixis wayland the default for 17.10?20:55
tlanixi may just install 17.10 to see if i can get stuff working20:55
AnthaasI can connect to it using docker run, but not with docker swarm init; docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myproject - then opening a browser to localhost20:56
tgm4883Anthaas: does 'docker port <containername>' list the port forwards?20:56
tlanixthis is ridiculous rdp and screen brightness doesn;t work correctly20:56
pavlosAnthaas: specify -p 80:80  (port outside port container)20:56
fishcookerabout the suspending and resuming the ubuntu box seems to be inconsistent... sometimes successful but after reboot it will be unsuccessful just like https://askubuntu.com/questions/449871/laptop-fails-to-suspend-or-hibernate-wakes-up-after-2-5-seconds-without-user-in20:56
fishcookerusing the same kernel20:56
Anthaaspavlos, Im sorry, I dont understand?20:57
Anthaastgm4883, should <containername> be an Id that I see in docker ps?20:57
xet7Anthaas: You can check is container running with "docker ps" and not running containers with "docker ps -a" and go inside container with "docker exec -it CONTAINER-ID bash"20:57
tgm4883Anthaas: yes, if you didn't name it20:57
Anthaastgm4883, There is nothing printed20:58
Anthaasxet7, I can get inside the container fine.20:58
pavlosAnthaas: seems you cannot connect to your docker so try sudo docker run -p 80:80 to expose port 80 of the docker to the outside20:58
pavlosAnthaas: if I misunderstood, disregard20:58
xet7Anthaas: You can look my well documented docker-compose.yml file for examples at https://github.com/wekan/wekan-mongodb/blob/master/docker-compose.yml20:58
tgm4883Anthaas: 'docker ps' shows your container running?20:58
Anthaaspavlos, I am running my containers with docker swarm init; docker stack deploy [.yml file] [name]20:58
Anthaastgm4883, yes20:59
Anthaas5 replicas.20:59
fishcookerarvut: do you combine tmux/screen with irrsi?20:59
tgm4883Anthaas: I'd follow what xet7 said then. Sounds like you aren't exposing the ports correctly20:59
Anthaasxet7, I am following the "Getting Started" guide on docker's website - I have pretty much copied their yml file.21:00
AnthaasThe only change is my image instead of theirs.21:00
black_13how do you set up a remmina server or do you?21:01
pavlosblack_13: remmina is a client21:02
xet7Anthaas: Anyway looking at all explanations at https://github.com/wekan/wekan-mongodb/blob/master/docker-compose.yml helps with things like exposed ports etc. I'll need to go to sauna now, ttyl.21:02
black_13not a server then21:02
AnthaasI expose ports exactly as xet7 does.21:03
pragmaticenigmablack_13, if you are looking for a remote desktop solution for Ubuntu, VNC is a popular choice. Ubuntu comes with the ability built in. Look for Desktop Sharing in your program launcher21:07
black_13xrdp seems to work pretty well21:08
black_13just started21:08
pragmaticenigmaI haven't worked with that one before, but there are many different options out there. even xforwarding through SSH, I use that one a lot21:08
guest-ou812Has anyone seen a package come through in upgrade named "code" ?  I just had this come up and I'm concerned to know what it is  -->   https://imgur.com/a/MwY7821:09
guest-ou812Can't find anything on it googling but that's not surprising since "code" would be a very non-standard name21:10
tgm4883guest-ou812: 'apt-cache policy code'21:21
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, there is no entry for code21:22
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: that wasn't directed at you?21:23
guest-ou812tgm4883:   Visual Studio Code (of course).   Thanks, I suppose I ought to know better.21:23
tgm4883guest-ou812: ah yes, should have known. That company is famous for naming things terribly21:24
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, I know... I thought it would return a response for all packages, I guess it only does those that are actually installed21:24
guest-ou812What, do they have a 12 yr old working on that thing down there?21:24
guest-ou812pragmaticenigma:  I thought it was the nsa21:25
guest-ou812or some such thing21:25
pragmaticenigmatruthfully it would have been wise if they had called it vscode or something to that effect... they just didn't do that... I guess one other option would have been to execute it from the command line with the "--help" argument to see what came up21:25
blihave a delicate prroblem21:26
tgm4883guest-ou812: from the same company who created a program for Structured Query Language and named their program "SQL" and created a office suite and called it "Office"21:26
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: running unknown commands should never be an option21:26
bliIm loading a kernel module, but when it loads the network and mounts are not up and running yet, so it fails. How to make it load after mounts are done ?21:26
guest-ou812tgm4883:  right?21:26
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, I like to believe that things provided to me through the package repositories are safe... though I don't recale if VS-Code comes out of the Ubuntu Universe or through a 3rd party PPA21:29
pragmaticenigmasaying that, I don't add PPAs21:29
pavlosbli: so you insert a module but want it conditional to network/mount?21:29
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: The problem was he didn't know if it came from the ubuntu repositories or not. VS-Code comes from Microsoft repositories21:30
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: just because it was being updated via apt doesn't mean it was Ubuntu sanctioned in any way21:30
pragmaticenigmaThis offtopic and should take place elsewhere21:32
blipavlos: want the kernel module to be insterted/loaded after all mounts are done21:32
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: we could go to #ubuntu-discuss if you want21:36
pragmaticenigmano thank you21:36
tgm4883Well ok, glad we agree then21:37
pavlosbli: I dont follow why but ... you can throw the insmod into /etc/rc.local ... just a thought21:38
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blipavlos: doing that, i assume the modprob.d/module.conf file is still used?21:41
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akikubuntu dropped rc.local usage in maybe 17.1021:42
zhaohaoyuwhere are you guys come from21:45
DbuggerDoes anyone know if it is possible to import a big batch of .ovpn files into the network managers?21:47
kenrinIt isn't going to be any easier though since it uses their own config files you'll have to create21:49
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Dbuggeri have the files. I have about 1000 .ovpn files21:50
kenrinActually the new version maybe can do it.   nmcli connection import type openvpn file filenamehere.ovpn21:50
Dbuggerlets see21:50
kenrinTry it on one manually,  if it works write a quick script to import them all21:50
abhiigattyhello world21:51
Dbuggeroh, it worked21:52
kenrinNice,  now just do a for loop script.  It should be easy21:52
Dbuggerbut wait21:52
Dbuggeris there a way to set the password and user also?21:53
youtahlol, dang21:53
kenrinnmcil connection modify vpnnamehere +vpn.data username=username password=password ? ..21:53
youtahI tried installing SCII on Ubuntu 17.04 with Wine21:53
kenrinNot sure on correct syntax but something like that21:53
youtahI got stuck in an infinite loop21:53
kenrin*nmcli rather21:54
abhiigattyyou guys building a openvpn bot?21:54
youtahforget openvpn bots... we need better Miracast support21:54
kenrinWhen it imports it puts them in the configs located at /etc/NetworkManager so it isn't cut and dry =o21:54
DbuggerI got this error: "Error: invalid or not allowed setting 'username=dbugger': 'username=dbugger' not among [connection, vpn, ipv4, ipv6, proxy]."21:55
kenrinThe password i think is vpn.secrets "password=password"21:56
kenrinThe username might just be under [vpn] in the config.  So if vpn.data doesn't work try just vpn21:58
DbuggerI forgot to put the +vpn.data =P21:58
kenrinAh ok21:58
DbuggerBut now it tells me: "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> 'password=test'."21:58
Dbuggerand only with "+vpn" without the .data, it tells me: "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> 'vpn'"21:59
kenrinThis might help: http://blog.deadlypenguin.com/blog/2017/04/24/vpn-auto-connect-command-line/22:00
kenrinMight be easier to just edit the config directly with sed or something after the import22:00
kenrinLooks like you need the password-flags=0 so it doesn't try to load from keyring too22:00
kenrinGoing to be a pain to do that for 1000+ files though,  goodluck =/22:01
Dbuggerwell,at least with 40 would be good22:02
Dbuggerbut if its that hard, ill let it go22:03
kenrinOnce you figure out the process you could script it all though,  and put it on github =o22:04
dave0x6dHow can I force downgrade from 16.04.4 to 16.04.3? I am fine if my system breaks, it’s already broken.22:04
Ben64dave0x6d: what's broken22:04
dave0x6dBen64: locally installed packages are newer than the mirror.22:05
dave0x6dIt’s an enterprise network, external mirrors are blocked.22:06
Ben64sounds more like an issue with your network22:07
dave0x6dBen64: I know. But my options are limited here. Reinstalling the entire OS is a pain :/22:09
tgm4883dave0x6d: you'd need to manually specify package versions for everything that was installed22:11
OerHeks"locally installed packages" sounds like non-ubuntu sources, or private ppa?22:12
tgm4883dave0x6d: you can check your apt history log22:12
tgm4883OerHeks: I think he means his installed packages are newer than his company mirror22:12
dave0x6dtgm4883: Yeah, the latest 16.04.4 iso. I only mirror 16.04.3 at the moment.22:14
tgm4883dave0x6d: I'm headed out, but you shouldn't need a reinstall. Specifying the package versions should be fine since that is all that point releases are anyway22:14
luxioDoes this mean Firefox is using 3.1GB of memory? https://i.imgur.com/ZmZ6cUw.png22:17
luxiobecause that doesn't sound right22:17
BillyColeIm having trouble figuring out where my resolv.conf file is getting updated from.  The file itself points to /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf.22:20
BillyColeThe file says its generated by NetworkManager, and has 3 nameservers listed, but I can't figure out where they're being pulled from22:20
arvutluxio: you need to understand how the kernel maps ram ;)22:22
BillyColeTrying to figure out where to go to update those?22:22
adalbertBillyCole: aren't those nameservers coming from your dhcp server?22:22
arvutluxio: maybe this will help https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_memory22:22
BillyColeOh possibly?22:22
BillyColeYeah that makes sense22:24
torben-is this a chat channel?22:25
OerHeksread the topic, torben- , ubuntu support22:25
immortal007Nah.. Its the ofiicial tech Support Channel22:26
linux__i am thinking of upgrading to 16.4 or just go with 17.10 what do you guys advice me22:26
torben-is there a chat channel22:26
immortal007I prefer 16.0422:26
arvuttorben-: yes22:26
torben-I hate 17.0422:26
OerHeksstay on 16.04 LTS, and upgrade in april22:29
torben-where is the channel22:29
adalbertlinux__: v18 will come out in april22:29
linux__so i go with 16.4 guys iam a noob22:29
torben-'I switched to mint on one of two computers22:29
UserUSlinux__: I'd stay on LTS because long term support is nice plus I've heard mnay upgrades from 16 to 17 going sour22:29
immortal007Most of the things work fine in 17.04 but some times it gets hard to deal with...22:29
BillyColeadalbert: One other question then. I have another box that seems to have the nameserver set to localhost, rather than pulling the DNS servers from elsewhere.22:29
linux__<UserUS> thx i think il stay on 16.4 and upgrade later to 18.422:29
BillyColeThough on this box, it says that the file is generated by resolvconf rather than NetworkManager22:29
UserUSlinux__: same22:29
linux__<adalbert> i am not a patient person22:29
immortal007it must be due to the network manager22:29
adalbertBillyCole: that might be an older version not using NetworkManager yet ?22:29
immortal007I tried installing UBUNTU 16.04 alongside Windows 10 in UEFI mode but the Grub is not installing perfectly.22:30
BillyColeIts actually 17.10, but I admittedly have been messing with stuff, and I might have installed resolvconf :)22:30
BillyColeLet me try and remove that and see where it goes :)22:30
immortal007It leaves me at the Minimal GRUB at the startup..22:30
dave0x6dtgm4883: I get a lot of errors saying the package cannot be downgraded.22:31
grymhi all; i'm looking for a GUI application for key remappingg for 16.04.  What's the current go-to tool for this?22:31
OerHeksBillyCole, i think you want  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base for custom dns22:31
OerHekssee https://itsfoss.com/resolvconf-permanent-ubuntu/22:31
linux__i heard that ubuntu 18.4 will use Xorg is that true22:32
OerHeksxorg as default, yes, but wayland s still available22:32
linux__y tho do you know y22:33
linux__i know Xorg is faster but ... idk22:33
OerHeksif you have more questions about 18.04, join #ubuntu+122:34
dave0x6dtgm4883: heh, looks like a full reinstall might be the only option...22:35
linux__Recoverability from Shell crashes is less dramatic under Xorg i guess that is the most important22:35
immortal007XkeyCaps is a nice GUI to map keys...22:36
linux__there hasn't been a new release of xkeycaps22:38
linux__tho right ?22:38
immortal007But its working with 16.0422:38
immortal007it is included in the repositories22:39
linux__cool i think XKeyCaps is good but i dont use it22:39
immortal007The best option is to learn using xmodmap22:40
immortal007It's pretty messy at the beginning but, once you learn it, you will never need another option22:41
linux__yes and it works on Xorg so you will be fine with 18.422:41
grymnow my emacs is even more annoying22:50
arooniis control c the only way to stop a long running command i dont want to finish?  sometimes it doesnt seem too responsive over tmux22:52
amitprakashHow do I find out what driver is being used for bluetooth?22:52
grymarooni: mosh is nice to reduce latency22:52
grymarooni: if that's your problem22:53
grymarooni: otherwise, there's always kill -9 <pid>22:53
Guest93Hello everyone22:56
skinuxWhat exactly is this talking about? https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/9ea484bf1937cb4f2095019cfdedcd9e23:06
skinuxIt says I may have missing firmware, but I don't know how it would be missing.23:07
ikoniabecause it's a 3rd party compoenent23:07
ikoniaand you've got a load of manual junk in there - such as /usr/local/lib23:07
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OerHeks"Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-1019-kvm".. what kernel are you on, skinux ?23:49

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