
geniifilifunk: And for the other ones off the PPA, instead: sudo apt-get install php-fpm php-cli php-json php-curl php-sqlite00:00
geniifilifunk: Everything after that should be the same00:01
pragmaticenigmaphoenix_firebrd, that's not how this room works... If you have a bug, and want help confirming it, then say it. Otherwise what you propose sounds suspicious and unlikely someone will take interest. If you think you have a bug, simply report the bug to the appropriate place. If they can replicate it, they will confirm it00:01
filifunkgenii: I get Package 'php-sqlite' has no installation candidate00:02
filifunkwhen I used the last command00:03
geniifilifunk: 1 sec00:03
geniifilifunk: use php-sqlite3 instead00:04
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: I have already reported a bug, I want someone with the specific hardware to check it and confirm. Just filing a bug will most probaby rot there00:04
pragmaticenigmaphoenix_firebrd, if you describe it upfront, someone will be more likely to say "Yes, I've experienced that too" or they might even have a fix that worked for them00:05
filifunkgenii ok, it worked, I will move down that page now00:05
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: I want someone here in irc to test it and update the bug report so that it will get the attention of the developers00:05
pragmaticenigmaphoenix_firebrd, then say what you want tested, don't hide it00:06
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: what gpu do you use?00:06
* genii makes more coffee00:07
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pragmaticenigmaphoenix_firebrd, asking someone to intentionally trigger a bug is scary, concerns of data loss and system corruption are too great. If you put it out here, explained as best you can in a sentence or two... someone might be willing to help.00:07
filifunkgenii I made it to the "Install all PHP dependencies using composer"00:08
filifunkComposer could not find a composer.json file in /home/pete/myminiflux.com00:08
filifunkTo initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the https://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section00:08
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: i agree00:08
geniifilifunk: Unfortunately I'm not familiar with composer :(00:08
geniifilifunk: Give me few minutes to replicate your steps so far00:09
filifunkgenii ugh, that getting started section says nothing about .json files lol00:09
pragmaticenigmafilifunk and genii... since this appears to be an unsupported install, would it be possible to take your conversation private?00:11
filifunkpragmaticenigma, yes, sorry00:11
geniifilifunk: /join #ubuntu-offtopic and we can continue spamming them in there ;)00:12
z01dHey does anyone use gitlab pages on ubuntu?00:12
filifunkgenii ok lol00:12
pragmaticenigmamojtaba, are you familiar with setting up an rsync server instance?00:12
pragmaticenigmaz01d, A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:13
z01dWhen running gitlab under ubuntu, i setup a gitlab page, and the docuymentation tells me to click settings -> pages to grab the url, but pages doesn't exist in my settigns menu, so i can't seem to find the generated url anyuwhere? which is why i ask about anyone running it?00:14
pragmaticenigmahello hathway00:14
filifunkgenii, for some reason i can't find that channel...it's #ubuntu-offtopic?00:15
pragmaticenigma!ot | filifunk00:15
ubottufilifunk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:15
pragmaticenigmaz01d, that sounds like a question better suited for gitlab's support forum?00:17
filifunkI put #ubuntu-offtopic in the Join channel prompt, click on join channel and nothing happens00:17
phoenix_firebrdThis is regarding a old intel va driver used in ubuntu 17.10. package name i965-va-driver of version: 1.8.3-1ubuntu1 in this driver VP9 decoding is broken for the supporting intel hardwares. Upstream driver from Intel got fix and the patch made it to version 2.0.0. I have filed a bug report. To speed up things, I would like people with intel hardware(cpu) kabylake+ to check this bug and confirm it in the bug report so that I will get the attention00:17
phoenix_firebrdof the devs and the bug gets fixed soon.00:17
pragmaticenigmafilifunk, start the line with /join00:17
guivercfilifunk, try it without the # at the 'join prompt00:18
phoenix_firebrdThe following is the bug report I am talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-vaapi-driver/+bug/175645900:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756459 in intel-vaapi-driver (Ubuntu) "VP9 hardware decoding broken in 17.10, displaying corrupted images in frames while playing videos" [Undecided,New]00:18
pragmaticenigmaphoenix_firebrd, have you checked to see if 18.04 has the updated driver?00:18
geniifilifunk: Most likely it is currently set for registered users only. I will just pm instead00:19
filifunkgenii oh ok, yeah that will work sorry00:19
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: yes, it has,the bug is fixed in it, but the entire VP9 decoding support is dropped in version
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azizLIGHTwhen will we get vlc 300:20
azizLIGHTin 14.0400:20
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: I think never00:20
azizLIGHTshould i get it by a ppa then?00:20
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: I am happy you are asking this question00:20
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: I think there is none00:20
azizLIGHTvlc 3 looks to be major00:20
azizLIGHToh no00:21
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT, 14.04 is nearing end of life and you should consider upgrading to 16.04 or 18.04 (when 18.04 becomes available)00:21
azizLIGHTi am aware. im waiting for 18.0400:21
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: I am here for the similar thing00:21
azizLIGHTreally? vlc?00:21
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT, I do not recommend a PPA install, as it may make your upgrade to 18.04 a rough ride00:21
azizLIGHTpragmaticenigma: im definitely going to fresh install00:21
azizLIGHTi have too many stupid ppas00:22
azizLIGHT1 more ppa here wont hurt :D00:22
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: even vlc daily ppa messes up the dependency packages00:22
pragmaticenigmaif your skilled enough, I'd say go for it then azizLIGHT00:22
pragmaticenigmaI'm aware, all to familiar with getting bitten by the VLC ppa's phoenix_firebrd00:23
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: ok00:23
azizLIGHTphoenix_firebrd: vlc daily? is that a different name for nightly?00:23
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: let me check00:23
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: I think this is the one, kindly check with someone else before you use it https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/master-daily/+index00:24
phoenix_firebrdazizLIGHT: You should know that its not a stable one00:24
azizLIGHTphoenix_firebrd: thanks but ill stick to a more stable version from that ppa00:25
phoenix_firebrdpragmaticenigma: I have patched my driver in my installtion, but the vlc 3.0 snaps use their own drivers present in the snap core00:26
azizLIGHTwelp i deleted my windows vm00:31
azizLIGHTcrossover handles ms office for me just fine00:31
galockjoin #atom00:38
pragmaticenigmagalock, you forgot the forwardslash infront of join00:39
Tex_Nickmight have been an invitation instead if a join command ?00:45
subdhappy friday00:48
psycoborgok my hdd mounted... how do i point my apache files over to the 1tb empty drive?00:49
psycoborgim still on the SSD but it shows my hdd mounted00:50
pragmaticenigma!who | psycoborg00:58
ubottupsycoborg: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:58
tomreynpsycoborg: ^ either this, or provide context / sum up your question (and what you have done since) again so others can help, too.01:01
psycoborgactually its open to everyone, because i dont know how to point apache to my secondary drive via ubentu01:02
psycoborgi want to move my apache files to an empty hdd, in windows, i know how to do it, but in ubuntu, im clueless as i never used linux before.01:04
psycoborgall tutorials only move it from one directory to another on the same hd.01:04
psycoborgis there a youtube tutorial on how to do this?01:05
pragmaticenigmapsycoborg, there are no "drives" in linux. You have a directory tree. When you added the new harddrive, is it mounted to a particular folder?01:05
kk4ewtlook at wsftp for windows01:05
pragmaticenigma!who | kk4ewt01:05
ubottukk4ewt: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:05
kk4ewtpragmaticenigma, look at wsftp for windows login to your linuxbox01:06
pragmaticenigmaI do not understand what you are asking kk4ewt01:06
kk4ewtpragmaticenigma,  i am not asking, i am telling01:07
pragmaticenigmai still do not understand what you are saying01:07
kk4ewtpragmaticenigma, there is a program called wsftp01:07
kk4ewtget that on your windows computer01:07
kk4ewtuse that to log into your ubuntu01:08
pragmaticenigmakk4ewt, what are you trying to do? Speak in complete sentences and avoid using the enter key for punctuation01:08
kk4ewtpragmaticenigma, nm i will go away01:08
tomreynpsycoborg: can you describe "apache files" more closely? do you have an apache httpd installed on your copmputer and files in a document root it serves? and you want to copy or move (which?) these files to this additional HDD you now attached?01:08
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: I believe psycoborg is trying to move their web root directory to a secondary drive. They state that they can see the drive, but I'm trying to establish if the drive is mounted01:09
geniipsycoborg: Drives are designated like /dev/sda for first one, /dev/sdb for second one, etc like this. partition 1 of first drive is /dev/sda1 partition 2 of drive 2 is like /dev/sdb2 . But you don't use the raw devices, you "splice" them somewhere into a direcotry on your filesystem. So there's no C: D: type of idea. contents of something like /dev/sda1 just become available now somewhere like /mnt instead after you mount them there01:10
tomreynpragmaticenigma: hmm, sounds plausible, but i'm not yet certain this is exactly her or his goal.01:11
pragmaticenigmatomreyn, they said they wanted to move their files to the new drive in their comments earlier. The four responses following your "request for context" response01:13
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tomreynpragmaticenigma: i read those responses, too. :) i imagine someone with limited experience might mix up 'move' and 'copy'.  it is not yet clear what "apache files" are, however, or what the overall idea behind this plan is. i don't think we should spend more time discussing possible interpretations of the little information we got until psycoborg has provided more.01:18
pragmaticenigmatrue enough01:19
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psycoborg@pragmatcenigma ubuntu and the apache server is installed on my SSD. /var/www/html is on that drive too, the ssd is 120 gigs. im 100% sure it will fill up. i prefer to have the html folder on the 1TB drive as there is nothing on it.01:21
pragmaticenigmapsycoborg, (small side bar, just use screennames without the @ symbol)01:22
pragmaticenigmapsycoborg, do you know where the larger drive is mounted?01:22
psycoborgso, the SSD drive can still hold the apache mySQL and php system, but files like php files, html files, pictures and videos will fill up the drive, this will include other applications i might install later on.  for editing and creation.01:22
psycoborgthe mounted HD is /dev/sdf /media/mike/data01:24
psycoborgor this one, im not sure which is the correct term im supposed to use here.01:25
psycoborgoops.. i pressed enter  lol /mnt/hdd/01:26
yonaikerlol_Hello, users.01:26
pragmaticenigmapsycoborg, I think we need to start with moving the mount to a more permanent location. It appears your drive is mounted as your user, which may not be available after a reboot.01:26
geniipsycoborg: Just /def/sdf or something more like /dev/sdf1 ?01:27
theTOOLMANhey there! having a problem with my powercolor 3970's. trying to do 4 displays. xrandr isn't seeing the fourth but xfce-display-manager sees all four. the problem is that it shows two on the configurator. 3 of my screens are mirrored and one is to the left. anybody know a good place to start debugging? running 16.04 with gdm3 and xfce4.01:28
theTOOLMANi've had this problem for a while and i thought maybe it had to do with one of my screens being 1920x1200 but now i've got 4 1920.108001:29
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN, what is the graphics card that you are using?01:29
theTOOLMANwent from an upsideown T to a straight line01:29
theTOOLMANpowercolor ati 397001:29
psycoborgso i can use just this /dev/sdf <-- and omit the other part. i named the 1TB drive data :P01:29
theTOOLMANits a 797001:29
geniipsycoborg: Can you open a terminal, and issue: mount    ...and then please put the results in a pastebin URL for us to view?01:30
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN: what is "the configurator"01:31
theTOOLMANidk what its called but the square that shows the layout01:31
theTOOLMANin xfce-display-manager01:31
psycoborghave not used pastebin in along time..01:32
geniipsycoborg: Mostly because just /dev/sdf and not an actual partition on the device means either: the device was actually raw formatted without a partition table, or: You need to find the actual partition01:32
theTOOLMANpsycoborg: fdisk -l lists all of your partitions01:32
geniitheTOOLMAN: But that won't help us understand the issue I just described01:32
theTOOLMANi must have missed something sorry01:33
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN, let's work on your concern ... genii appears to be helping psycoborg at the moment01:33
geniiBecause it's entirely possible to do something like: mkfs /dev/sdf and just use the raw device without any partitions, but it's highly unusual and also it won't be able to automount if you do that01:34
psycoborgok the mount info is located here : https://pastebin.com/L0dtwkGB01:34
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN: I haven't worked much with graphics in XFCE, and don't have ATI cards... however if the display manager in XFCE see's all four screens, it's likely xrandr might too it's just not detecting under the current configuration01:35
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN: are you able to restore the configuration back the way it was, when all 4 monitors were working (even though you didn't want them in the inverted T formation)01:35
geniipsycoborg: Yes, somehow the entire raw device was formatted instead of making a partition table01:35
geniipsycoborg: So before using it, you should unmount it, make one big partition on it, and format that instead, before continuing01:36
psycoborgso, i might need to like fdisk the new drive01:36
geniiYes, exactly01:36
psycoborgor is there another tool to create partitions?01:36
geniior gparted, whatever you like01:36
geniipsycoborg: gparted is probably better in this case01:37
psycoborgas you can tell im a windows guy, i right clicked the monted drive and said just format it ROTFL!!!01:37
psycoborgok, this might take a minute it 1001:38
geniipsycoborg: Yes, it's actually an easy mistake to make, but we'll get it sorted :)01:38
theTOOLMANthats the devices and the output from xrandr01:38
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psycoborginstalling gparted now.01:38
psycoborgthis might be a problem.01:39
psycoborgmy SSD was not partitioned either.01:39
psycoborgif installing ubuntu, will the installer do that automaticly?01:39
geniipsycoborg: Yes01:39
psycoborgor will i need to stick the USB in and start everything over?01:39
psycoborgoooh ok.01:39
geniipsycoborg: You do have some main drive, /dev/sda, where /dev/sda1 ( partition 1 ) is already mounted at root  ( or / )01:40
theTOOLMANso thats one of the things that has been a bit tough to find is where the config file is for that01:40
genii( as indicated by your paste)01:40
geniipsycoborg: So that is where your Ubuntu install went01:40
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN: what does "xrandr --listmonitors" output?01:41
psycoborgi creadted a unbuntu usb installer01:41
psycoborgthe ubuntu is currently running off of my SSD card01:42
psycoborgproblem. gparted only sees my 120 GB SSD01:42
psycoborgit does not see the 1 TB new drive.01:42
psycoborghow to i get gparted to see the 1tb drive?01:43
psycoborgPPPF found it.01:43
geniipsycoborg: The little window with the current drive displayed , you should be able to change it there01:43
genii( if memory serves)01:44
psycoborgok, can i partition the entire drive? or will i need to break it up in to smaller bytes?01:45
geniipsycoborg: Unfortunately I have to be someplace. But the general idea is: make 1 big partition of type linux, save the changes, format the partition specifically, should be now /dev/sdf1. Then, use sudo blkid to find the UUID of that partition. The UUID gets added tour /etc/fstab file to mount it under your apache web directory01:46
geniipsycoborg: I think that another helper will be able to assist you with the process, now that we know what needs to be done01:47
psycoborgof type closest thing to linux i see is bsd it defaults to dos.01:50
pragmaticenigmatheTOOLMAN: does the file /home/[user]/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml exist? If it does, try moving that file to a backup file, and reboot. that will help get you to a clean slate01:53
psycoborgi think i got this.01:59
psycoborgi now have a partition /dev/sdf102:00
psycoborgbut it is a linux-swap filesystem, is that ok?02:00
psycoborgor do i need to do it again?02:00
psycoborglet me check youtube on partitioning new hard drives./02:01
psycoborgok found a tutorial on partitions.. i will see if i did this right.02:02
SkiRekAnyone jumping on the new LTS right away, when it comes out?02:06
pragmaticenigmaSkiRek, that might be a better conversation to have in !offtopic02:07
pragmaticenigma!offtopic | SkiRek02:07
ubottuSkiRek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:07
Butterfly_pragmaticenigma : you've gotten way too addicted to the bot when you say sentenced like... "better conversation to have in !offtopic" :p02:08
SkiRekSo this is more of a Ubuntu Tech support channel?02:08
Butterfly_SkiRek : that's exactly what this is :)02:08
SkiRekAhhh... mah bad.02:08
Butterfly_SkiRek : 18.04 will come out april 2018 btw02:08
Butterfly_pragmaticenigma : and seriously, just answering when new LTS comes out is off topic already?02:12
Butterfly_isn't that a bit extreme? the question is answered just as fast as you can type !offtopic02:12
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pragmaticenigmaButterfly_, you're currently offtopic... take the conversation elsewhere02:15
Butterfly_psh :D02:15
theTOOLMANpragmaticenigma: thats what i was looking for. thanks!02:18
pragmaticenigmayou're welcome theTOOLMAN02:20
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LACampbellhttps://gist.github.com/LewisAndrewCampbell/90981ae76a6c938c10858baaf752b381 I am getting a lot of 404s when trying to update, but my sources.list has no ppas. any ideas?02:52
tgm4883!zesty | LACampbell02:54
ubottuLACampbell: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html02:54
LACampbellubottu: right, I held off because of that AMD bricking issue in 17.10. so no distupgrade path?02:55
ubottuLACampbell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:55
guivercLACampbell, because of EOL; the repo doesn't exist in archive.ubuntu.com (hence 404s), but its been moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com, but update for security purposes to a supported release02:55
LACampbellguiverc: yeah I want to update02:55
tgm4883!eol | LACampbell02:55
ubottuLACampbell: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:55
guivercchange the archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list*02:56
LACampbelldist-upgrade just looks at the zesty sources and gives me 404s though02:56
pragmaticenigmaLACampbell, take a look at the link ubottu had at the end. it is a guide for upgrading EOL version of Ubuntu02:56
guivercit can be changed with a `sed` all at once, but I prefer examining and changing the file myself as I use it as an audit (looking for anything I no longer want; to reduce bloat etc)02:57
guivercLACampbell, also note: if you used a country mirror (or countrycode.archive.ub..) the country mirrors don't exist for old-releases...02:58
LACampbellI checked out that link, I've changed my sources over. we'll see if I can get dist upgrade working. like I said before I usually don't wait this long before updating02:58
guivercdon't forget to `sudo apt update` first (to update software lists)02:58
LACampbellhmm LTS release next month, I might hold off a few weeks. thanks for the help everyone, I can at least update now03:03
guivercLACampbell, don't forget any security fixes since 13-Jan (inc. all meltdown, spectre) were not applied to 17.04 due EOL03:03
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LACampbellguiverc: ah! I better do it now then. I meant to do this last year but the AMD bricking issue was still going on, maybe I shouldve rolled back to an LTS at that point03:04
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theologyhow do i set a permanent environment variable in ubuntu? export does not work03:17
theologynot permanently03:17
guiverctheology, i'd add it to a .profile (or another choice) script03:18
fa0In 17.10 is there an easy way to prevent DNS leaks when using OpenVPN through the NetworkManager?03:19
fa0I've played with several things, and not getting anything to work, not even hardcoding the dns in NetworkManager is working...03:19
fa0I know in earlier versions in the NetworkManager.conf I think it was a line 'dns=dnsmasq' you would just comment out to get this to work...03:20
fa017.10 is really sad, I can't believe Canocial realized this thing, so buggy too... :)(03:21
Guest92091try robo linux03:25
fa0I'm working on Android, so it's not like an easy switch to go to another distro, just need to figure this out in Ubuntu03:27
Guest92091did you try the daq03:28
Butterfly_!offtopic | Guest9209103:30
ubottuGuest92091: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:30
mojtabaHello, I want to use watch to monitor a grep command, if there is any output I want to exit watch and run another command. Do you know how can I do that?03:44
Butterfly_your sentence isn't really on point, it's hard to read03:44
Butterfly_'to use watch to monitor a grep' ?03:45
mojtabaButterfly_: watch 'grep word'03:45
Butterfly_i now realized 'watch' is a command :)03:45
Butterfly_without realizing that, the sentence is wicked :D03:46
mojtabaButterfly_: any idea how to do that?03:46
Butterfly_i wish i knew03:47
Butterfly_it doesn't seem too complicated though03:47
Butterfly_what is it that you're trying to grep ?03:47
mojtabaButterfly_: I am checking if a computer is on, rsync one of its directories.03:49
Butterfly_gimme the command03:50
Butterfly_then we can work on making the watch work :)03:50
mojtabaButterfly_: just a sec03:51
Butterfly_althought i'm guessing one of the ops are gonna kick us out soon for being off topic03:52
Butterfly_even if this channel is dead silent besides us03:52
mojtabaButterfly_: watch -n 300 "ssh home 'nmap -sn | grep 2.17' &&  rsync -av -e "ssh home ssh -i ~/.ssh/key" pc@ ."03:52
wedgiewhile ! grep 'pattern' file; do sleep 5; done03:52
mojtabaButterfly_: here rsync will be executed each time. I just want to exit watch and run rsync once.03:53
wedgiedon't use watch, use a loop03:53
Butterfly_honestly, i'm too tipsy for this :)03:53
Butterfly_wedgie has a point though03:53
Butterfly_a good one03:53
mojtabawedgie: Butterfly_: thanks03:54
wedgiemojtaba: #bash might be a better place to ask. I'm trying to come up with something but i'm busy with other stuff03:55
Butterfly_i think the people in #bash can help better with these kind of things though03:55
psycoborgok, i dopne did... not all youtube tutorials are good lol. i was following one and it was fine, everything was going great.. until the guy told me to reboot ROTFL!! my system crashed.03:56
psycoborgit can not find hdd and hdd103:57
psycoborgwill i need to wip my ssd and reinstall ubuntu from scratch03:57
psycoborgi found out the hard way that once the hd is mounted and mapped correctly, it is all i need to do DERP!03:58
psycoborglinux is not for sissies lol03:58
psycoborgany how would it be easier for me to just reinstall ubuntu? or is there an easy fix to undo what i did.03:59
Butterfly_reboots can be disastrous :)04:00
Butterfly_all goes will till that reboot of hell :)04:00
Guest92091try live version04:00
psycoborgi figured that out lol04:00
Guest92091no install04:00
psycoborghi guest04:01
psycoborgi ran the scan, it gets stuck at hdd/hdd1 prompts.04:13
psycoborgim just gonna redo linux fro mscratch..04:13
psycoborgunless someone has a last ditch fix for me.04:14
Budgiiput in the dishwasher?04:16
psycoborglol, i opened ubuntu via live disk.. i will see if i can fix fstab while on the live cd04:18
psycoborgaannd its blank..04:18
psycoborgoh mounted my main system drive, found the fstab file.04:20
psycoborg now.. how to repair this lil bastard.04:20
psycoborganyone know the command line to switch over to my system HD by chance lol04:22
Ben64switch over?04:23
psycoborgyes, thats what i need to do vi\a command line so i can open the file in root mode./04:24
Ben64not understanding what you mean04:24
Bashing-ompsycoborg: Try this . In the liveUSB are boot options . One such is "boot from first hard drive" . what happens ?04:24
psycoborgi figured out the problem, i can fix it, but i need to figure out how to get super user access to the fstab file.04:24
EriC^^psycoborg: get your partition from 'sudo parted -ls' and mount it with 'sudo mount /dev/sdxY /mnt'04:25
EriC^^it'll be at /mnt/etc/fstab04:25
psycoborgbashing that shows my 2 1 TB partitioned hdds but not the SSD drive that i need to access04:27
psycoborgsorry. i meant eric lol04:27
=== mooncakehexchat is now known as Guest66119
psycoborgbashing let me reboot and try your method.04:28
psycoborgcause in the file manager i do see the SSD04:28
EriC^^psycoborg: that's odd04:28
Bashing-ompsycoborg: Rgere is a nthod to get the boot menu . soon as the bios screen clears hold a shift key .04:29
Guest66119hi guys i have wrecked my ubuntu os-think ive deleted files i should not have is there a command to restore os nessecary files back to default or should i migrate all files i want to keep to external and reinstall from usb04:29
Bashing-omThere is a methid *04:29
psycoborgbashing 1st hd failed.04:29
psycoborgdoes not allowed me to boot there.04:29
Guest66119cant get apt working from bash04:30
psycoborgshould i take out the USB stick?04:30
Guest66119and other things like the grub screen are behaving strange nothing displayed but boots after enter hit or countdown up04:30
psycoborgor just let it boot then hold the shift after the bios?04:31
EriC^^Guest66119: yeah backup and reinstall04:31
Guest66119cheer mate04:31
psycoborgits the blasted FStab file. i should have ocmmented out the first 2 partitions. when i followed the tutorial lolk04:32
psycoborgim just gonna reinstall.04:32
psycoborgi can now do everything correctly./04:32
Ben64psycoborg: just edit the fstab if you think that's the problem...04:32
Bashing-ompsycoborg: Well, will need the liveUSB to access/mount the install.04:32
psycoborgi have the on now.04:33
psycoborgthe fstab file is what preventing the boot because i have 4 differewnt names for 2 HD's and ubuntu has no clue who is the correct entry.04:33
Guest66119can anyone post a uptodate link for installing ubuntu on one partition and all my user files separate partition so if i have this issue in future i can skip looking for files to backup for the reinstall04:34
Guest66119wow will retype sorry04:34
EriC^^psycoborg: pastebin 'sudo parted -ls'04:34
Ben64Guest66119: when you're installing and you get to the bit where you do partitioning, don't do automatic, do "something else" and create a partition for /home04:35
=== marve is now known as Guest63670
Guest66119okay will it promt me where to install os vs home later in the installation04:36
psycoborgit will not allow me to, when i try to edit it via command line its blank, but when i open it from the desktop i c an view it, but can not edit it witout super user powers.04:37
EriC^^psycoborg: type 'sudo nautilus' and try again04:37
psycoborg eric, i was (    ) <-- close ro reinstalling linux lol04:37
psycoborghold on let me run that and paste bin it to you..04:38
Ben64it's blank because you chose the wrong file04:38
psycoborgim using 4 macines to fix 1 lol04:38
psycoborgdrinking beer is making this fun too :P04:38
psycoborgIT WORKED ERIC!!!!!! WOOO HOO!!!04:41
psycoborgok corrected the problem in fstab, im going to shut down remove my usb drive and reboot aqnd see if this works.04:42
psycoborgone min and i will let you know if this worked04:43
psycoborgok first fix failed, trying option 2.04:44
psycoborgif this fails then im out of options except for the paste bin.04:44
=== rob is now known as RobWilco
psycoborgit booted normally .04:51
psycoborglooks like there was a problem with the tutorial. that caused the problem with my ubuntu.04:51
psycoborgthanks eric, you command line worked in restoring my system04:52
pztrickHey I have an issue where an wxPython/OpenGL plot widget is only visible when I'm dragging/resizing the window. Not visible at rest. I've tried changing between compiz/marco window managers thinking it was a compositing issue but no luck. Any ideas?04:58
gologolowo suprend tendennnf cahlmers welocome despite your dierectionsa05:02
gologoloi am listening to highly strange musci while spreadiong some paper on my mouth and you know that is not normal paper05:03
gologoloactually im just drinking some water that ryder made me in the kitchen yesterday morning hmm smells good whats cooking wheres mine05:04
gologolohappy easter05:06
psycoborgbah humbug lol05:06
gologolo /nick stallman05:06
=== gologolo is now known as stallman
stallmanhmm smells good05:06
stallmanlotuspsychje: hello comradeeeeeeee05:07
stallmanhow are you today fine thank you??05:07
lotuspsychjestallman: morning05:08
stallmanit is 2 am here05:08
stallmangood morning05:08
lotuspsychje!discuss | stallman05:08
ubottustallman: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:08
stallmanok but i do have a question05:09
stallmanwhy is _systemd_is_evil05:09
lotuspsychjestallman: thats not a question, but an opinion05:10
stallmansorry i quoted the guy by mistake05:10
stallmanwhy is systemd evil?05:10
lotuspsychjestallman: stop it please only ubuntu support in this channel05:11
=== Loshki__ is now known as Loshki
stallman                                                                                                                                                        ok sorry05:11
psycoborgok i have a problem...05:12
lotuspsychjepsycoborg: shoot05:12
psycoborgthe solution is staring me right in the face, but i cant see it.05:12
psycoborg i hit enter again lol05:13
stallman                                                                                                                                                                                 c                                whats the problem05:13
psycoborg ok rather than delete the offending lines in fstab i commented them out.05:13
clone23someone gave psycoborg  a computer05:14
stallman 05:14
psycoborgbut looking at them i am confused as to why the boot does not work if the entries i made with the others commented out05:14
psycoborgit will ail unless i comment out the bottom 2 entried.05:15
lotuspsychjestallman: stop flooding with spaces please05:15
lotuspsychje!fstab | psycoborg05:15
ubottupsycoborg: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions05:15
psycoborgmy problem is why is ubuntu seing hdd and hdd1 if they dont exist ?05:15
Ben64psycoborg: what05:16
psycoborglet me pastebin my fstab and see if you can lead me in the right direction here lol05:16
ShriHari!fstab | psycoborg05:16
ubottupsycoborg: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions05:16
psycoborggimmi one minute.05:16
ShriHari!fstab | psycoborg05:16
psycoborgno i know wht it is.05:16
lotuspsychjeShriHari: can you please not flood abuse the bot05:16
psycoborgbut let me patebin mine. so you can tell me ehy my bottom 2 entries are invalid and cause ubuntu not to boot? even though those are valed entries05:17
psycoborgthats my pastebin of fstab05:20
psycoborgnow here is the problem.05:20
psycoborgthe bottom entry i made is what i want.05:20
psycoborgthe entries with HDD and HDD1 DO NOT EXIST on my machine.05:21
psycoborgbut if i comment them out Ubuntu errors and will not boot unless the bottom 2 entries are commented out.05:21
psycoborgthe bottom entry with /var/wwww/html is  the partitition im trying to mount,05:22
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions05:23
psycoborg i shall look theer while you look over my file lol05:23
psycoborgandpage is not found  when i look it up..05:24
psycoborg hmm..05:24
psycoborgfound the site ... reading it now05:34
=== sauvin_ is now known as bocaneri
psycoborgplease dont talk to... DERP!! too late..05:36
psycoborgnow im more confused.05:36
psycoborgas im not sure what information is correct.05:37
psycoborgim using ubuntu 16.0405:37
psycoborgthe guy in the tutorial that jacked up my system is using 16.0405:37
psycoborg but the website ,while having interesting and more clean settings seems to have different information than i have been given...05:38
lotuspsychje!ops | stallman flood/highlight/disturb05:39
ubottustallman flood/highlight/disturb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax05:39
Bashing-ompsycoborg: Pastebin ' sudo blkid ' . make sure the fstab file is sane / uuid=7449ae5e-b75e-4d84-a07e-98c8c04d0bc6 / ??05:40
psycoborgso, what fstab info is best to use? the link given me just now? or 1 of the 3 youtube videos that vary per video.. but al swear they are ubuntu 16.04 lol oooorrr ... fro mthe people who tried to help me earler woh kindahelped. but .. confused me more..05:40
psycoborgooh hi again bashing.. i was just making  public my total confusion lol05:41
psycoborglet me pastebin the blkid for you.05:41
Bashing-ompsycoborg: We do function to unconfuse . so long as you make an honest attempt to learn .05:42
psycoborgi am..05:44
psycoborg:) i got everything up to this drivemounting with no isssues.. this is the only are i confused myself.05:44
psycoborgbut im drunk now, so i should understand... lol its when im at my best.05:45
psycoborganyhow here is my pastebin https://pastebin.com/VNV9qYkc05:45
psycoborgi was able to setup ubuntu, setup the entire web server, but have been stuck mounting the external drives.05:46
psycoborgyoutuber collins has made sense, but caused my box to crash, so i think he may have either had an older version of ubuntu? or  i missed a step somewhere.05:47
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=== poutine2 is now known as poutine
psycoborgso my last question is this..05:49
psycoborgin my pastebin, are the top 2 entried with th hdd and hdd1 seem to get ubuntu to boot.. but the bottom 2 cause ubuntu boot to fail. why?05:53
Bashing-ompsycoborg: so far so good . dies the mounbt point exist ? what shows ' ls -al /var/www/html ' ?05:54
UnregisteredScumHas anyone managed to get suspend to work with a Nvidia card (in particular, the 10XX series)? Just wondering whether to pull it out and use the integrated Intel HD 4600 instead.05:56
UnregisteredScumI've been updating kernels, recompiling the source, tried Debian instead of Ubuntu, and the best outcome has been working hibernation, but suspend continues to result in no display output.05:57
ang310hey there: does ubuntu has an official RSS address?06:24
lotuspsychje!insights | ang310 got rss feeds06:29
ubottuang310 got rss feeds: Canonical and its employees have written a number of articles on various Ubuntu-related topics, these can be found here: http://insights.ubuntu.com/  For blogs from the Ubuntu Community, see !planet06:29
ang310ok thanks06:31
ang310this is what I was looking for: https://insights.ubuntu.com/feed06:31
backboxany one here06:47
=== Guest56754 is now known as yacc
bunnymanHello Everyone, care to be my friends during a long night of Server migration from Windows Server 2003 to 201607:40
bunnymangoing to be long shitty night07:40
akikbunnyman: the channel is #ubuntu if you didn't notice07:43
=== kenden is now known as Guest12890
jk^I tried to delete all content of a pendrive even hidden content, but it returns me this message .Trash-1000: Impossibile cestinare il file: Argomento non valido08:02
jk^how to delete all its content?08:02
enycjk^: i wonder if theres a filesystem problrem or otherwise08:05
enycjk^: unmount, eject, remount,  show hidden files again  ??08:05
ducassejk^: just unmount and format it?08:08
jk^enyc, yes, it shows them again08:08
jk^a folder08:08
jk^how to format?08:08
jk^i'm on lubuntu08:08
jk^i open "Disk"08:08
jk^but i don't know if choose "fast" or "slow" method08:09
jk^and even in the other menu08:09
enycjk^: checking filysesem might dhelp.... formatting doable too08:09
enycjk^: differet systems may provide different ways to offer formatting08:10
enycjk^: im used to manual commandline method ;p08:10
enycjk^: parted or otherwise may help08:10
enycjk^: slow format (check for bad blocks???) may not be a bad thing08:10
jk^how to check filesystem?08:11
enycooo thats a useful formating tool08:11
enycdepends what it is already08:11
enycif you are happy to reformat it, do so,  do the slow format as offered08:11
jk^W95 FAT32 (LBA) (Avviabile)08:12
enycit won't allow files over 4gb in that formatting08:12
enycbut it will work08:12
enycUNLESS there is a rpoblem with utderlying disk.  There are loads of fake-flash-disks about08:12
jk^oh my God, pls speak easly :(08:13
jk^i don't understand anything08:13
jk^i just know that it exists tow type of filesystem08:13
enycjk^: do try formatting it, as you have got to08:13
jk^NTFS and FAT3208:13
jk^in that windows there are 2 menus08:13
enycjk^: fat32 works,  just doesn't allow any individual file to be over 4gb size.08:13
enycjk^: do GO AHEAD and format it if you want it empty08:14
jk^the first let me choose between "slow" and "fast" formatting08:14
jk^the second me shows me 3 options08:14
jk^but i don't know the differences between them08:14
enycjk^: yes, leave it on default  ...  slow format will be fine08:14
jk^1) Compatible with all systems and devices (MBR/DOS) 2) Compatible with modern systems and disks (>2 TB) GPT 3) No partitioning08:16
jk^3) No partitioning (empty)08:16
jk^which of these 3 options have i to choose?08:17
jk^enyc, ducasse08:17
ducassejk^: any one is fine, take the first one08:18
enycjk^: 1) is fine08:18
jk^but which is the file system of first one?08:19
enycjk^: fat16/32 etc...  'dos'08:21
ducassejk^: you most likely want either fat32 or ntfs, fat32 is limited to 4gb max file size08:22
jk^yes, i need it works even for files bigger than 4 GB08:23
jk^but i don't find "NTFS"08:23
jk^enyc, ducasse08:25
jk^it also doesn't let me choose a tag, a name for the pendrive :(08:27
jk^so confused :(08:27
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
ducassewhich program are you using - gnome disk utility?08:30
enycI wonder if 'gparted' would be better tool here08:32
enycjk^: for files bigger than 4gb,  you either need NTFS (slow, but windows native)  -or-  ext4 (linux filesystem),  basically!08:33
ducassejk^: it'd be much easier to do this from the command line, if you can pastebin the output of 'lsblk'08:35
jk^i hate command line08:36
jk^i prefer graphic solutions08:36
jk^ok to format in ntfs?08:36
jk^the default tool in lubuntu hasn't an option to format in ntfs08:37
jk^is there another tool to format?08:37
enycjk^: try installing gparted08:37
ducassejk^: the point is that command line is much easier to support and do over irc08:38
jk^possibly a widely spreaded tool08:38
jk^hence affordable08:38
enycducasse: oooooooooooooooooh i didn't know abotu lsblk ... lsblk -S and lsblk -a  useful08:39
jk^yes ducasse, but i use ubuntu since few days, so i'm so confused when i have to copy paste so long and complicated strings without knowing what i'm doing :\08:39
enycjk^: 'gparted' might work for you given what you've said... use package manager.08:39
enycjk^: you want a MBR/BIOS/DOS/whateverthey-call-it  normal partition table, with  one NTFS partition,  bet it gparted will let you format that AND set a volume label.08:40
jk^ok but lubuntu software center hasn't gparted08:41
enycjk^: try synaptic package manager?08:41
enycjk^: or "sudo apt-get install gparted" =)08:42
jk^i found it bye package manager08:42
Dave_Elecguys i accidentally hit format on the root partition with gnome-disks does it actually format it?08:42
Dave_Elecit is still working08:42
jk^i hope it offers me a graphic solutions08:42
Dave_Elecbut i haven't restarted it yet08:43
jk^enyc, ducasse otherwise could i format even without a partition? It needed a partition?08:43
enycjk^: possibly, but thats not 'normal' (except on actual floppy-disks) so less compatible08:44
jk^i don't even know what is a partition and what it is used for :(08:44
ducasseDave_Elec: did you hit the 'apply' button afterwards?08:44
enycjk^: its 'normal' for flash disks, portable hard disks etc.  to have a single MBR partitino table,  and one "partition" of whole disk with fat32 or NTFS  or whatever filesystem08:44
enycjk^: keep learning and don't give up too easily!08:45
Dave_Elecducasse: yup and i closed disks and re-opened it an it is showing me an empty drive08:46
Dave_Elecbut i am still accessing my files08:46
enycDave_Elec: do you have the filesytem mounted and accessible nonetheless?08:46
enycDave_Elec: right08:46
enycDave_Elec: attach a huge portable disk, and backup-copy EVERYTHING!08:46
enycDave_Elec: before you do anything else08:46
ducasseDave_Elec: open a terminal, see what 'ls /' says08:47
Dave_Elecdoing it now08:47
enycDave_Elec: you could well have lost partition table and it won't 'reboot'08:47
Dave_Elecseems to be fine08:47
enycDave_Elec: or not, not certain yet08:47
Dave_Elecbin    dev   initrd.img      lib64       mnt    proc  sbin  sys  var08:47
Dave_Elecboot   etc   initrd.img.old  lost+found  ~None  root  snap  tmp  vmlinuz08:47
Dave_Eleccdrom  home  lib             media       opt    run   srv   usr  vmlinuz.old08:47
Dave_Elecld \08:47
Dave_Elecls \08:48
enycDave_Elec: yes filessytem is mounted and bits cached/working08:48
ducasse!paste | Dave_Elec08:48
ubottuDave_Elec: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:48
enycDave_Elec: "sudo fdisk -l" wolud be more interesting08:48
enycDave_Elec: (in a pastebin)08:48
Dave_Elecducasse: sorry08:48
swebi comment my disk from fstab but after reboot it's trying to load it ... why ?08:48
enycDave_Elec: in any case, do you understand, the  partition-table COULD WELL have been  deleted, it MAY NOT reboot08:48
Dave_Eleci can't do any thing right?08:49
Dave_Elecother than copying08:49
enycDave_Elec: complete that first08:49
enycDave_Elec: in some cases you can manually reconstruct ptbl, reinstall grub,  but pain08:50
enycDave_Elec: the other thing you learn is not to do such sily things =)08:50
ducasseenyc: unlikely the software would allow him to do that when the root fs is mounted and active08:50
jk^gparted it doesn't show me the button to format :(08:50
enycjk^: can you find the disk....08:50
enycjk^: it might be 'cerate filesystem' or something rather than "format" per-se08:50
jk^i can08:50
enycjk^: or "create partitino" and select type ntfs08:51
enycducasse: it is possible to use fdisk manually, rewrite ptbl anyway, regardless, but expert/pain,  would need to find out what the ptbl was from kernel memory etc08:51
ducasseenyc: yes, but not while the fs is mounted08:53
enycducasse: yes you can,  its just gui/wrapper tools etc won't allow08:53
enycducasse: fdisk will allow you to change ptbl on first sector no problem08:53
jk^there an option at the end of the menu it's called "clean"... what means? Clean stands for "without any partition"?08:54
enycducasse: you get that message that kernel wouldn't reload partition table into memory, sure08:54
enycjk^: not sure what menu you referring to08:54
jk^in the menus of the different file systems08:54
enycjk^: hrrrm good question not ,sure ,proboably not important08:54
jk^format->"Menu of the many different file system08:54
enycjk^: just select the filesystem you want instead08:54
jk^how ever now the commands are active, but i had to first to "unmount" it, before unmounting the command to format didn't appear08:56
enycjk^: that figures and makes sense,  gparted has all those safety/sanity checks08:56
enycjk^: however, as Dave_Elec has een discovering you can work on the wrong disk easily and such things08:57
JFox762hi... I got a question.08:57
guivercJFox762, Please just ask it, if someone knows the answer they'll reply08:58
JFox762I have Ubuntu installed on an SSD, and I'm possibly buying (waiting on a bid to finish) another laptop. Im thinkin of simply swapping the SSD to the new Laptop...08:58
JFox762That way, I don't have to create a new Ubuntu install, and reconfigure it the way I like it, reinstall all my programs etc08:59
JFox762Should that work? It is the same basic model of laptop, just with a slightly better CPU, and Graphics chip08:59
JFox762Both are Lenovo T430s09:00
akikhere's some info on reading the partition table from /sys/block https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/43922/how-to-read-the-in-memory-kernel-partition-table-of-dev-sda/5359609:00
guivercJFox762, I've done it without problems, but I've also had problems (in both cases non-laptops with hdds) so I'd suggest wait, try and see  [note: i haven't done it recently on any currently supported version]09:04
jk^PARTION TYPE: HPFS/NTFS (Avviabile)09:05
JFox762The only thing is09:09
JFox762the new Lenovo Laptop has some features that my current one doesnt09:10
JFox762It has a fingerprint scanner... and the CPU is in fact slightly better, (Core i7 3520 vs my current Core i5 3320)09:10
JFox762and it has an NVS 5200m Graphics chip09:11
JFox762so not sure if when I swap HDs, will Ubuntu notice the hardware differential?09:11
guivercIt is my understanding (note: i'm no expert) that the Linux kernel detects the hardware on boot (why it copes with change okay).  On one occasion (for me) the kernel itself was fine, but I had to re-install initrd (initial ramdisk or reduced kernel used to boot system) to get it to fully work (and not panic)09:14
guiverc(reinstall isn't the correct word (for initrd); re-create is probably better)09:15
akikguiverc: initrd is not a kernel but a file system that helps in initializing the system09:17
akikguiverc: you can unpack it and inspect its contents09:17
ducasseJFox762: it will most likely work, the most common thing is that you might need to install a different graphics driver or version09:17
guivercakik, that sure explains the name (that i never worked out) so thanks!09:17
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
galockHello all, i am looking for a markdown viewer very light. I dont want an editor. Do you know some soft ? Thanks a lot10:21
juliusim currently running a do-release-upgrade -d on a remote box inside a screen, i detached the screen but reconnecting to the screen says: Directory '/run/screen' must have mode 777.10:31
juliuswhat is that?10:32
lotuspsychje!info retext | galock10:32
ubottugalock: retext (source: retext): Simple text editor for Markdown and reStructuredText. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.1-1 (artful), package size 100 kB, installed size 507 kB10:32
guivercjulius, i'm guessing it means chmod (file permissions; all have read-write-execute)10:33
akikjulius: almost never you need to chmod 777 directory but this time it might be needed: chmod 777 /run/screen10:33
galockubottu, i dont want an editor, just a viewer. I dont find a simple sofware on ubuntu...10:33
ubottugalock: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:33
juliusah, alright,   chmod o+w on /run/screens fixed that, but why?10:34
galocki already use atom as an mardown editor. I am not satisfy as an viewer10:34
juliusif my user owns /run/screen/julius with 700 shouldnt that be enought for it to write to?10:34
fidjifrezzHello, sorry for my english level, I m french10:36
akikjulius: it could be a shared screen socket directory where many users need to write10:36
juliusakik, but im only one user on that system?10:36
lotuspsychje!fr | fidjifrezz see also10:37
akikjulius: the package doesn't know that10:37
ubottufidjifrezz see also: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:37
juliusakik  /run/screens was just missing the w for others10:37
fidjifrezzI search to help in Ubuntu, do you know a project which needs a programmer ?10:39
fidjifrezzI "know" Python, C , C ++ and java10:40
lotuspsychje!contribute | fidjifrezz10:42
ubottufidjifrezz: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu10:42
lotuspsychjefidjifrezz: and a warm welcome to the ubuntu community10:42
fidjifrezztank you !10:42
lotuspsychjefidjifrezz: for a professional career at canonical see: https://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies10:43
=== RudyValencia_ is now known as RudyValencia
BluesKaj;Morning folks10:50
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Sircle_is there a fast way to see what had consumed all my diskspace in kubuntu?11:07
lotuspsychjeSircle_: df -h11:07
Sircle_lotuspsychje,  how to see which directory holds mose files?11:08
Sircle_files files in most size11:08
rorydf -h --max-depth=1 /11:08
rorythat will show you 1 level only. to find the largest directory11:08
rorythen repeat for each directory you think is too large11:08
rorye.g. df -h --max-depth=1 /home/rory11:08
roryif you do it without --max-depth it will recurse and show all files on disk - maybe useful. more likely hard to read.11:09
rorythere's also various graphical tools, I think one comes with Kubuntu?11:10
lotuspsychjerory: ubuntu desktop also has a GUI file use program11:11
roryhang on11:11
roryit's du not df11:11
roryin everything I said above11:11
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vltSircle_: `du -hax / | sort -h | less`11:17
vltSircle_: or something like "/home" instead of "/", depending on how your file system is set up.11:18
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guivercHi ice, if you have a support question; please just ask it (in a single line if possible).  If someone in the room knows the answer they'll respond (please be patient for replies)11:32
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martin____Hi all - I have a host running Yakketi and would like to upgrade to any more recent version. do-release-upgrade tells me that upgrading to Artful is not supported. Nice. Any idea what else I can try?13:15
TJ-martin____: Edit "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" change to "Prompt=normal"13:17
TJ-martin____: then d-r-u will do it13:17
martin____TJ-: Thanks, will try that and get back to you with the result!13:18
TJ-martin____: likely its set =lts right now which is why d-r-u refused13:18
martin____It *is* set to prompt=normal13:19
martin____Reading the comments in the file, it seems that "normal" should try to upgrade to the immediately succeeding release, which would be Zesty.13:21
martin____No idea why it tries to upgrade to Artful.13:21
martin____TJ-: Any other idea? I would be *really* thankful :)13:22
TJ-martin____: ahhh... yes, it will only do a 1-step upgrade so you'd need to go via 17.04 which is no end-of-line.13:22
martin____TJ-: How would I do that? Can I pass in the version to d-r-u?13:23
TJ-martin____: there's 2 options I can think of: 1) edit apt sources.list and change the repo hostnames to point to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ or 2) try 'd-r-u --development to upgrade 18.04 Bionic (which is still currently in development and due for release end of April13:24
TJ-!eol | martin____ see the last link here for more info on uses old-releases13:24
ubottumartin____ see the last link here for more info on uses old-releases: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:24
martin____TJ-: Thanks for the pointer, I will try that.13:25
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
Eusebiusich habe einen Druckertreiber hplip-3.18.3.run in den Downloasds. Kann mir jemand den Terminal-Befehl geben für Installation?13:27
tomreynEusebius: .run-Dateien sind normalerweise ausführbare Dateien. Es gibt aber sicherlich bessere Wege den hplip-Treiber zu installieren (wenn auch vielleicht nicht diese Version, aber das ist ja an sich egal).13:32
tomreynEusebius: und du bist im flaschen Channel, der ist ist englischsprachig. Geh mal nach #ubuntu-de13:32
Eusebiusdanke, mache ich!13:33
martin____TJ-: Sadly, that does not help either. If you are aware of any other option, please let me know - thanks.13:33
tomreyn...or you're welcome to ask in english here13:33
TJ-martin____: what, using old-releases and the eolupgrade path to 17.0413:33
martin____TJ-: The link you provided contains no info on upgrading to 17.04 afaics.13:36
ioriamartin____, you want to upgrade to 17.04 ?13:37
martin____ioria: I want to upgrade my Yakketi to any newer version.13:38
TJ-martin____: under the heading "Upgrading" it shows how to alter sources.list to use old-releases and then do the Dependencies13:38
ioriamartin____,  17.04 is eol , so 17.1013:38
martin____TJ-: I did that. d-r-u still tells me that upgrade to Artful are not possible.13:38
TJ-martin____: right, you've got to go via 17.04 Zesty13:39
martin____TJ-: Not that I want Artful specifically. But it always tries to upgrade to Artful, not to Zesty or so.13:39
martin____TJ-: How would I go via 17.04?13:39
martin____ioria: 17.10 would be fine as well. How would I upgrade to 17.10?13:39
TJ-did you do pull in the latest "update-manager-core update-manager" ?13:39
TJ-martin____: 17.10 is Artful13:40
martin____TJ-: Yes, I pulled that latest update-manager-core, and it still tells me the same. My bad about 17.10 being Artful.13:40
ioriamartin____,  if d-r-u fails (also with old-release-repo), you need to edit a config file, but no guarantee13:40
martin____ioria: Sure, tell me which one.13:41
ioriamartin____,  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager/Core/MetaRelease.py13:41
TJ-martin____: possibly you need to do "do-release-upgrade --proposed" so it pulls in the required updaters for Yakkaty13:41
martin____ioria: I was just trying to hack the python scripting behind d-r-u ... :)13:41
tomreynmartin____: just as a side note so you'll know to keep this in mind in the future: non-LTS releases (such as yakkety (= 16.10)) are suüpported for 9 months only. Your current installation was supported until July 20, 2017. I.e. it has not received security patches since then. be sure to upgrade in time in the future, so you'll not run without security support, and won't have to face this upgrade dilemma again.13:41
martin____tomreyn: Thanks for the reminder. Will do :)13:42
ioriamartin____,   find this line : if not dist.supported and not self.useDevelopmentRelease:13:42
martin____ioria: I comment out that line and the next, right?13:43
ioriamartin____,   yup, that and 'continue'13:43
ioriamartin____,   comment, not comment out13:43
martin____ioria: That's what I meant - thanks.13:44
martin____ioria: I will run that now.13:44
saurabhubuntu noob here, whats the differnce in apt-get install and apt install?13:44
martin____ioria: It does Zesty now.13:44
ioriamartin____,  mmm, ok, so you'll need another step at the end13:45
martin____ioria: OK, tell me pls.13:46
ioriamartin____, nothing, you need to do 17.04 and then another upgrade to 17.10 .... sy13:46
martin____ioria: :)13:46
martin____ioria: d-r-u just failed and complained that it cannot get zesty-security. Is that also served via old-releases?13:47
martin____ioria: Just checked - it is.13:47
ioriamartin____, afaik, yes13:47
ioriamartin____,  i told you not guarantee13:48
martin____ioria: I understand. I have backups. In the worst case in need to re-install.13:48
ioriamartin____,  if you have backups, we can try the 'Debian way'13:48
tomreynsaurabh: hi. the "apt" is a more user friendly interface, it replaces parts of apt-get and those actions and options it does not replace (yet) it just passes on to apt-get. 'apt' is not suitable for scripting (use apt-get instead).13:49
TJ-martin____: you can just disable the -security repos in sources.list, it won't affect anything13:49
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TJ-martin____: -security is just a fast staging post for packages heading into -proposed and -updates (to avoid mirror delays)13:49
tomreynsaurabh: see the apt(8) man page for further details on this.13:50
martin____TJ-: I am aware, but it was failing because of it.13:50
martin____ioria: What would be the Debian way?13:50
saurabhtomeryn: so I can use apt-get and apt interchangeably?13:50
freakyyhi all. im using the spotify snap - since today, when i try to run spotify it says13:50
freakyyuwe@schleppi2-ubuntu:~$ spotify13:50
freakyyexecl failed: No such file or directory13:50
tomreynsaurabh: yes13:50
freakyychild exited with status 113:50
saurabhwill do, thanks for the help!13:50
ioriamartin____,    you edit your original sources.list and replace yakkety with artful13:50
freakyycan anyone help me? :)13:50
freakyyi tried spotify --refresh but alls naps are p2date13:51
freakyyi mean, snap refresh13:51
ioriamartin____,   then sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:51
martin____ioria: That sound scary :)     Let's give d-r-u one more chance.13:51
freakyyis there a snap channel?13:51
ioriamartin____,   yes13:51
tomreyn!alis | freakyy13:51
ubottufreakyy: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"13:51
martin____ioria: d-r-u is now fetching packages.13:52
ioriamartin____,   ok13:52
freakyylooks like theres no snap channel13:52
ducassefreakyy: try #snappy13:55
tomreynfreakyy: "/msg alis list snap" returned #snappy for me as the largest matching channel13:56
martin____ioria: 50% done.14:03
outoftimeWhy phusion passenger spawns dozens of processes? How to limit that number to 1?14:11
galockjoin #atom14:20
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: web servers spawn additional processes and threads to handle the server workload. If you had a single process and single thread only one visitor could use the server at a time.14:24
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: also, the site being hosted would be very slow as each request can only process one at a time, meaning if the page being served by phusion has images, scripts and other content attached, it will take longer to render the page14:25
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: The linux kernel manages processes and memory efficiently enough that you should not be experiencing issues. If a proecss or thread is idle, the kernel can request the application to return the resources back to the system for other purposes14:26
outoftimepragmaticenigma: htop reports 600 MB RAM usage out of 51214:27
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: to me that sounds like you might have a very old system. what are you trying to do?14:28
outoftimepragmaticenigma: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nnbm4ht5pS/ almost 1.2GB ....14:28
outoftimepragmaticenigma: lsb_realease -a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS14:29
pragmaticenigma!fr | ayoub14:29
ubottuayoub: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:29
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: Passenger is only using 96 MB of system RAM14:30
outoftimepragmaticenigma: I have project with no documentation. I found out that it uses nginx + passanger + node + express = server and vue + webpack = client. What I'm trying to do is to make client changes and run webpack, for this I'm trying to install production dependancies, but https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nf2DxdHZK2/14:32
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: Take a look at the documentation from phusion to better understand it's memory management. https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/indepth/accurately_measuring_memory_usage.html14:34
outoftimepragmaticenigma: also I found that process may be killed because of lack of RAM, I understand that spawned processes may use shared memory a lot, but still...14:34
outoftimepragmaticenigma: already read this14:35
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: The value under Private is the amount of real RAM being used by the application14:35
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: If you were to lower the process count to 1, your application being hosted by Phusion will not run14:36
outoftimepragmaticenigma: I'm writhing here because I have no idea what to do... What about nginx? 174M look fine...14:37
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: That is shared memory14:37
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: It is memory that the application and other applications are free to allocate between themselves... When NGinx starts it requests an allocation of RAM. some of that RAM it cannot give up under any circumstances while running. That is Private. Then it allocates RAM that it needs, but may not use right away. That is what gets reported as VMSize.14:39
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: the VMSize is just what is allocated, it does not represent that actual amount of RAM being used at this time. Just what the application is told the Operating System it could use14:39
outoftimepragmaticenigma: passenger_max_pool_size 1; in nginx - http section, will it slow down app a lot? There are still about 10 spawned workers14:41
mateothegreat_ /j #linux14:42
mateothegreat_OH MY GOD14:42
* mateothegreat_ hides14:42
OdysseyRSDoes anyone know how to adjust the minimum touchpad movement threshold? My finger needs to move half a centimetre before the cursor moves, then the cursor will jump to position. How can I adjust it to move instantly?14:42
outoftimemateothegreat_: ?14:42
mateothegreat_nothing .. pulled an all nighter14:43
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: yes, max pool size of 1 will slow the application to allow one active session use the application hosted by phusion14:43
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: it will still spawn workers. It needs those workers to do it's job. That's on the phusion to manage. If this is a production server being accessed by multiple users, only one user will be able to do anything at a time. The bigger the pool, the more ability nginx and phusion can respond to all the requests coming from multiple users/clients14:45
outoftimepragmaticenigma: Yes, I understand (I guess). Going to make app bundle on dev machine rather than building it in production evnironment.14:47
* outoftime hate legacy...14:47
outoftimepragmaticenigma: thank you a LOT!14:48
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: if this is just a build environment, I wouldn't worry about the resources then. I would let the default settings work for you. It could mean the difference between a 5 minute build and a 18 hour build14:48
ghostnik11hey i have a huge problem, i was trying to compile a 4.9.87 kernel with patches and the problem is my little 2 in 1 tablet doesn't have enough space. so i wanted to know if i could transfer the kernel source with the patches and everything to my laptop that has a whole lot more space then compile it there and then at the end put it back on my 2 in 1 tablet and run sudo deb dpkg14:49
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: I know memory management is a bit crazy. Many of us grew up in a time when an application requested memory, nothing else could use that. It's a lot more efficient now. Or else I wouldn't be able to run a fully operation Web Server and DNS Server on my raspberry pi B first gen.14:50
pragmaticenigmaghostnik11: I know it's possible, I'm not certain how to do it. The main thing is to make sure the build configuration is setup for the correct processor type14:51
tomreynghostnik11: not unless they're the same architecture or you can cross compile it. but they're probably different (my guess is some arm variant for the tablet and amd64 for the desktop)14:51
ghostnik11right now i am down to 287mb of free space = is critical b/c my system can crash b/c it won't have any space to copy and paste14:52
outoftimepragmaticenigma: efficiency - good, but how to estimate requiered amount of memory? How much RAM will be enough to do not see those "killed" messages?14:53
outoftimepragmaticenigma: sorry for my english14:53
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: If i were to estimate, most systems require a minimum 4 GB14:53
netochkaEverything is damn small in Chromium on Ubuntu 16. and i forgot how to fix it.14:55
outoftimepragmaticenigma: server?14:55
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: You could try as low as 1GB14:55
outoftimepragmaticenigma: I would be happy to have 1 GB (: 512MB now...14:55
bazhangpatience netochka14:57
pragmaticenigmaoutoftime: ubuntu server requries 256MB min... I think that is on the assumption it's not going to do anything. I would go at least 1GB, or through trial and error see when the messages stop by increasing it14:57
ghostnik11tomreyn, no its a baytrail intel processor on 2 in 1 tablet and the laptop is using intel icore 514:57
* netochka w8s patiently14:57
ghostnik11right now i am putting the source folder on my external hard drive. b/c i only have 32gb emmmc in this little 2 in 1 tablet14:57
ghostnik11pragmaticenigma, tomreyn so my question is how do the community build kernels for such devices who don't have a large hard disk space?14:57
pragmaticenigmanetochka: try pressing CTRL + 0 (that is the control key and the zero key)14:58
ghostnik11pragmaticenigma, tomreyn when compiling the kernel from source, is the kernel compiled where ever the folder of the kernel is located. for example if i put the source file of the kernel on my microsd card and then ran the commmand make -J4 would it then compile the kernel there on the microsd card?15:00
netochkapragmaticenigma:  it's not a problem with the Zoom level. I could fix the same problem in FireFox with going to about:config and changing layout.css.dev.PixelsPerPx to 1.5 ~ but i can't remember how to fix that in Chrome/Chromium15:00
netochkaand changing font size to Large or Very Large in chrome settings won't really help the issue15:01
pragmaticenigmanetochka: here's what I could find: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/resetting-font-size-google-chrome-31127.html15:01
netochkaNah, this doesn' fix it :( but thx anyway15:03
pragmaticenigmanetochka: can't help the unwilling. I found everything you are looking for by following that article to the settings. In there I see zoon, font size, and the ability to set default font sizes and types15:04
pragmaticenigmanetochka: including a settings for minimum font size15:05
pragmaticenigmanetochka: all of that sounds exactly what you looking for15:05
netochkaunwilling? wow, how did you come up with that verdict?! I opened the link and saw that i've tried that already.15:05
bazhangnetochka, please re-ask your issue every 5-10 minutes, fi someone knows they will perhaps help15:06
pragmaticenigmanetochka: You dismissed me rather quickly. If you want help, don't passively end your sentence with "thx anyway"15:06
bazhangpragmaticenigma, lets carry on please15:07
netochkaI said i have tried it already. ffs. what's your problem?!15:07
pragmaticenigma!language | netochka15:08
ubottunetochka: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:08
bazhangnetochka, thats enough15:08
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PhazonicRidleyhi so my trackpad right click doesnt work is there a way for me to change right click to another key i.e. shift click or ctrl click?15:14
netochkaChromium on Ubuntu 16. Fonts/Search bar/Tabs are so tiny. Setting the font size in the Chromium settings to Large or Very Large doesn't help and only distorts the page contents but doesn' affect the searchbar. Zooming in won't fix the problem either.15:17
neyderHello, does anyone use uvtool, by misted I'd runned uvt-simplestreams-libvirt purge, and now can't use other hypervisors, nor delete two VM created with uvt.kvm15:21
neyderhere detailed info, please help https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uvtool/+question/66578115:22
luceneraHello. I downloaded the Ubuntu 17.10.1 iso through torrent. How can I verify the image?15:25
pragmaticenigmawhere did you download the torrent from? lucenera15:26
luceneraFrom https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads.15:27
pragmaticenigmadid the SHA256 files get downloaded with it? lucenera15:27
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lucenerapragmaticenigma: no, I didn't.15:28
pragmaticenigmalucenera: This page will help step you through how to verify the image. https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#015:28
lucenerapragmaticenigma: thanks.15:29
pragmaticenigmalucenera: let's see if we can find you valid hashes to use15:29
PhazonicRidleyhi so my trackpad right click doesnt work is there a way for me to change right click to another key i.e. shift click or ctrl click?15:29
pragmaticenigmalucenera: Here is the site where the hash files are available for 17.10.1 desktop. http://releases.ubuntu.com/17.10.1/15:30
arun007PhazonicRidley: try shift F1015:32
PhazonicRidleyF10 just changes the volume, shift highlights text or on desktop brings up a menu15:35
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pragmaticenigmaPhazonicRidley: Shift + F10 brings up the same behavior as might right mouse click button. It doesn't always show it next to my pointer though15:36
pragmaticenigmamight => my15:37
pragmaticenigmaPhazonicRidley: try pressing them together, at the same time15:37
PhazonicRidleyboth together does volume mute15:38
PhazonicRidleyit working when i do, fn+shift+F1015:39
PhazonicRidleycan i remap this to something else?15:40
luceneraWhat does 2>&1 mean?15:43
tomreynappend stderr output to stdout output15:44
tomreynor redirect stderr to stdout.15:44
tomreynthere are those two output channels. default output usually goes to channel 1, warnings and errors usually go to channel 215:45
pragmaticenigmaPhazonicRidley, you can, I'm not sure how15:46
tomreynlucenera: the 2>&1 redirection is usually used when you want to handle output of one command by a second command, like so: example_command_which_outputs_to_stdout_and_staderr 2>&1 | my_output_handler_command15:49
PhazonicRidleyhmm ok15:50
luceneratomreyn: thanks.15:51
onioI am trying to sniff tcpip/modbus packets sent between 2 devices using a third laptop. All three devices are on the same network16:12
dar----I did an upgrade from "ubuntu 14.04" to "ubuntu 16.04.4" IT froze at about 1/2 way through !=0( Now it only starts in termanal!   wHAT IS MY RECORSE ??16:13
DiecastMessiahdar----: did ya try to complete the update from termial?16:21
DiecastMessiahdar----:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:22
dar----Waht is the comand for that DiecastMessiah  ?16:22
dar----oh lol OK16:22
dar----OK I"l trt Thanks DiecastMessiah  !=0)16:23
DiecastMessiahdar----: hopes that works.. i am pretty new myself..16:23
onioanyone here that can help on tcp packet sniffing16:26
onioI am trying to sniff tcpip/modbus packets sent between 2 devices using a third laptop. All three devices are on the same network16:26
DiecastMessiahonio: i am sure someone will be able to help ya. just may take a bit for someone to answer.. but also you may want to add a bit more detail to the question,, like ubuntu version and maybe steps you took. just try to be detailed.. makes thing alot faster in the end16:30
tomreynonio: you'll need to make them send the traffic through the sniffing device ('third laptop') one or the other way.16:31
onioDiecastMessiah: Thanks16:31
tomreynnote there is also ##networking16:31
oniotomreyn: I was of the opinion that I can use tcpdump but not succeeding16:33
onioDiecastMessiah: I am using Ubuntu mate 16.0416:33
tomreynonio: you can use tcpdump to capture the traffic that passes thorugh the interfaces that are local to the system running tcpgump16:33
dar----OK Thanks DiecastMessiah  IT is working !=0)16:34
DiecastMessiahdar----: YAY i helped :) kidding.. glad that worked16:34
onioall 3 devices are on the same network16:34
oniothe destination machine and the sniffing machine are both connected to same switch16:35
onioThe source is a a raspberry pi sending packets over wifi16:35
oniobut all on the same network16:35
tomreynonio: switches will only send traffic to the switch port where the destination is known to exist.16:36
tomreynin the scenario you describe so far i assume the monitoring system ("third laptop") is not in traffic path between origin and destination of the traffic you are trying to monitor. so you won't be able to do so unless you resort to attacks like arp poisoning.16:36
oniotomreyn: that is correct16:37
onioI think I would go down the arp poising route16:37
tomreynonio: so you'd best sniff the traffic at a device which is on the traffic path. most easily that's done on the origin or destination.16:38
onioI know of this in theory but I have not done it yet. The origin or destination are not pc but embedded devices. I am currently using rpi3 for now but the real device is not a linux box16:39
tomreynonio: alternatively, do the switching on the laptop (assuming you can connect 2 NICs to it) and sniff the traffic there.16:40
oniotomreyn: Not sure I understand what you mean. I have on the laptop wlan0 and eth016:41
tomreynonio: some (advanced) switches also offer port mirroring, allowing to pass all traffic passing through one of its interfaces to a third device on the same lan. yet another option, since you're interested in TCP traffic, is to route traffic across two networks, and do the sniffing on the router.16:41
tomreynonio: what kind of NICs do origin and destination devices have? ethernet? wireless? both?16:42
oniotomreyn: wireless16:43
tomreynonio: no ethernet at all then?16:43
onioI can use ethernet on the test using which is a rpi3 but the real devices are embedded devices16:44
oniotest unit16:44
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tomreynonio: and the 'real devices' wil only connect over wireless, right?16:44
tomreynonio: but they don't directly connect to one another, but over a wireless router?16:45
oniotomreyn: This exercise I am doing is for debugging to ensure that both devices are behaving as expected16:45
tomreynonio: that's what i was hoping. ;-)16:45
tomreynonio: so is this homework then?16:46
oniotomreyn: one device is running as modbus server and the other client16:46
OerHeks but the real devices are embedded devices /  but the real device is not a linux box .. what do you mean with that?16:47
oniotomreyn: Learning exercise ::) as I find myself having to debug low level comms16:47
oniotomreyn: meaning neither of them is running linux OS. For instance one is running electric imp and the other microchip pic3216:48
tomreynget a usb-connectable wsireless nic and connect it to your laptop so it'll have twqo wireless NICs and can operate as a router. then pout your embedded devices on separate networks and make them use the laptop as a router.16:48
oniotomreyn:  interesting ::)16:50
oniotomreyn: Can you clarify why I need two wireless NIC16:51
oniodoes that mean I have to run some form of dhcp server on the laptop?16:52
Astrid3141is there someone with a great patience who could help me with my graphics card? i'm new with ubuntu and terminal commands. if you feel you want to help me please open a private chat 'cause I get confused with to many comments.16:53
jeremy31onio you can use just one wireless device, search github.com for create_ap it does use hostapd IIRC16:55
oniojeremy31: thanks16:55
tomreynonio: yes indeed you just need one wireless device which can be set to monitoring mode.16:56
jeremy31onio https://github.com/oblique/create_ap16:57
tomreynoften those integrated into laptops wont support it, but maybe you'll be lucky16:57
oniotomreyn: ah thanks16:57
jeremy31create_ap will not likely work as well as 2 wifi chips16:57
oniojeremy31: I am not sure what you mean16:58
jeremy31onio using just one card, it has to act as a repeater and you might not get as much data through it as you would with 2 chips16:59
onioah so like what tomreyn is saying that an ideal scenario would be to have to NIC right?17:01
jeremy31onio once I had it install I just did this in terminal > sudo create_ap wlan0 wlan0 testing jeremyb3117:01
jeremy31onio 2 would be better17:01
tomreynwith just one wireless NIC set to monitoring mode, you get less throughput, higher probability for packet loss.17:01
=== Guest63795 is now known as hehehe
onioI think I have some USB wifi dongle lying around somewhere. I would find that and try them17:02
jeremy31onio at least one card needs to support access point mode17:03
oniojeremy31: okay thanks17:03
jeremy31onio, you replace wlan0 in my example with what you find in > iwconfig for your wifi17:04
tomreynjust monitor mode would suffice IMO, but AP is needed if you'll do routing17:05
jeremy31replace testing for what you want to use as SSID and replace jeremyb31 with password17:05
oniojeremy31: is this the example you gave "create_ap wlan0 wlan0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase"17:07
Astrid3141I want to do this: 2. Set Compiz as default compositing manager for Mate Desktop17:08
Astrid3141in the terminal window type: mateconf-editor17:08
Astrid3141if it is not installed, type: sudo apt-get install mate-conf-editor17:08
Astrid3141go to /desktop/mate/session/required_components/windowmanager17:08
Astrid3141replace the entry "marco" with "compiz"17:08
Astrid3141log out and in again to make changes work17:08
jeremy31onio that will work for one wifi card if it shows in iwconfig as wlan0  most don't anymore due to predictable interface naming17:08
jeremy31Astrid3141 That is what happens when you flood the channel17:09
Astrid3141I just wanted to show what I wanted to do, copied a text and pasted.17:09
Astrid3141And then where it doesn't work anymore.17:09
jeremy31Astrid3141 It may be better to paste at paste.ubuntu.com and then post a URL with a short description17:10
oniojeremy31: just found an Edimax wifi down in my drawer17:13
OerHeksAstrid3141, and what guide do you follow? mateconf-editor seems to be part of  mate-desktop-environment-core17:21
Astrid3141i got it from this url: https://askubuntu.com/questions/147580/how-to-see-change-screen-refresh-rate-or-monitor-frequency/147584#14758417:21
OerHeksand on what ubuntu-mate  version ?17:21
oniojeremy31|tomreyn: I am getting error when I run the following command "./create_ap wlan0  wlan1 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase, where wlan0 is laptop nic and wlan1 is the usb wifi  dongle17:22
Astrid3141I don't know. What's ubuntu-mate?17:22
onio"ERROR: hostapd not found"17:22
OerHeks.. Astrid3141 you asked about something for mate-desktop.. and what is your goal? change refresh rate?17:24
Astrid3141Yes, that's my goal :-)17:26
Astrid3141New to ubuntu! Don't know linux-language.17:27
ericusUbuntu and MATE is behaving strange. Recently couldn't open the file browser and could'nt CTRL-C a running terminal.17:28
ericuslogged out, logged in, cant CTRL-C for example ps ax | grep sample17:29
ericusany ideas here?17:29
ericus$ ps ax | grep etch17:29
jeremy31onio in terminal> sudo apt-get install hostapd17:30
oniojeremy31: thanks17:30
devslashi had a power failure and after the power came back on, ive been having a network issue where i have a local ip but any site i ping gives me an error "temporary failure in name resolution"17:43
jeremy31devslash even
devslashi can still ping googles dns server17:44
devslashif i ping it pings correctly17:44
=== knitt1 is now known as knittl
jeremy31can you add to the dns in network manager?17:45
devslashi did17:45
devslashdoesnt matter17:45
jeremy31Do other devices have issues?17:46
ffffffis there any CAD programs used in industry that also run in linux?17:46
devslashjust this computer17:46
jeremy31devslash try> sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf    choose yes to enable dynamic updates17:47
devslashin /etc/resolv.conf theres qassim  entry name server
devslashin /etc/resolv.conf theres only 1 entry: name server
jeremy31devslash that usually matches an entry in /etc/hosts17:48
devslashi did reconfigure and rebooted and it seems to be fixed now. thanks17:50
jeremy31devslash good to see17:51
netochkaChromium on Ubuntu 16. Fonts/Search bar/Tabs are so tiny. Setting the font size in the Chromium settings to Large or Very Large doesn't help and only distorts the page contents but doesn' affect the searchbar. Zooming in won't fix the problem either.17:54
=== gms is now known as Guest41954
ycyclistMan, I am really being sent around in circles with googletest.  There must be some insider information that is obvious to Google employees or something.17:57
=== yacc is now known as Guest34129
titou_hi guys !18:03
netochkaChromium on Ubuntu 16. Fonts/Search bar/Tabs are so tiny. Setting the font size in the Chromium settings to Large or Very Large doesn't help and only distorts the page contents but doesn' affect the searchbar. Zooming in won't fix the problem either.18:04
BudgiiHello titou_18:05
titou_i'm building a personal assistant on ubuntu. using espeak and simon. nothing out of the ordinary ...18:06
titou_but i'm using text extract from curl ... like getting the total number of unread email from gmail18:06
titou_how the f...k do I extract a portion of text from a text file ?18:07
titou_ex: <fullcount>1</fullcount>18:08
pragmaticenigma!language | titou_18:08
ubottutitou_: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:08
titou_what ?18:08
kostkontitou_, find awk grep?18:08
Budgiijust trolling titou_, are you using any sort of programming language to attempt it?18:09
titou_i could build a C program to do that. i'm not a script guy bash18:09
zerguthello, how to reload sound subsystem18:09
kostkonzergut, restart pulse?18:09
zergutkostkon: didnt worked18:10
titou_nevermind... I think it will be appropriate to build my AI around strong ground in C ... it will be freaking long :(18:11
kostkonzergut, i was asking but this is how you do it:  pulseaudio -k  and then pulseaudio -D18:12
zergutkostkon: E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Не удалось запустить демон.18:13
zergutit says it is not able to run it18:14
netochkaChromium on Ubuntu 16. Fonts/Search bar/Tabs are so tiny. Setting the font size in the Chromium settings to Large or Very Large doesn't help and only distorts the page contents but doesn' affect the searchbar. Zooming in won't fix the problem either.18:14
kostkonzergut, you could try resetting it by doing the following: delete or rename the folder ~/.config/pulse  then either try again the pulseaudio -k pulseaudio -D combo or just logout18:15
netochkaChromium on Ubuntu 16. Fonts/Search bar/Tabs are so tiny. Setting the font size in the Chromium settings to Large or Very Large doesn't help and only distorts the page contents but doesn' affect the searchbar. Zooming in won't fix the problem either.18:20
pragmaticenigmanetochka, have you checked out #chromium-support ??18:30
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netochkaI didn't know such channel exists. Will do18:30
meskuteI got pinged!18:33
BudgiiTerminal question. I was going through my notes and don't have a method to rename a folder. I have make, move, copy. is there a rename function for a folder?18:34
kostkonBudgii, use mv18:35
OerHeksBudgii, use mv = move, as there is no rename18:35
Budgiiso if i want it in the same directory i just move it to the same place and new name?18:35
kostkonBudgii, that's the idea18:35
meskuteI got pinged!18:35
OerHeksmeskute, good, then your network is ok18:36
Budgiikoston & OerHeks, thanks it worked!18:36
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:36
Budgiikostkon, THANKS FOR THAT! I've always found it a pain to type some of those names, life saver mate!18:38
kostkonBudgii, np18:38
Budgiikostkon, kostkon kostkon  easy18:38
BudgiiI should have figured since I can do that in terminal18:38
kostkonBudgii, now everything has become easier18:38
Jayfluxthis may sound like an odd question, but why don't i have systemctl? (17.10)18:38
kostkonJayflux, good question indeed18:39
resitserver irc zurna.net18:39
Jayfluxbash: systemctl: command not found18:39
kostkon!find systemctl18:40
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 272 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=systemctl&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all18:40
Budgiikostkon, yes it has!18:40
Jayfluxso it needs to be installed? i thhought it comes with ubuntu?18:40
meskuteI got pinged!18:40
kostkonJayflux, ls -la /bin/systemctl?18:41
meskuteI got pinged!18:43
meskuteI got pinged!18:45
jeremy31kostkon any ideas on what flavor or Ubuntu derivative might not have the pulseaudio bluetooth installed?18:46
kostkonjeremy31, you read my post?18:46
OerHeks Java IRC Hacks Bot got pinged, you are funny, meskute, do do you have an Ubuntu support issue?18:46
jeremy31kostkon yes, been a few times when I would have somebody try loading the module with pactl and it would show module initialization error and the package wasn't installed18:47
kostkonjeremy31, yeah weird that's why i was asking18:48
meskuteI got pinged!18:48
OerHeks!ot | meskute18:48
ubottumeskute: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:48
jeremy31meskute Do you have a question?18:48
OerHeksjust a bot, i guess18:49
kostkonjeremy31, could be lubuntu? or budgie?18:49
jeremy31kostkon It could, I just use Ubuntu and Linux Mint, both have pulse bluetooth installed by default18:49
kostkonjeremy31, gnome-ish ones should have it by default yeah18:50
meskuteI got pinged!18:50
SimonNLmeskute: and it obviously frustrates you.18:52
titou_: )))18:53
meskuteI got pinged!18:53
OerHeksevery 3 minutes ..18:53
luxioFull screen videos on YouTube in firefox have a slow frame rate18:54
luxiowhat could be causing this?18:54
OerHeks!ops | meskute is playing with a bot18:54
ubottumeskute is playing with a bot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:54
luxiodoesn't happen on Windows18:54
OerHeksluxio, depends on your specs/videocard, what quality you get18:55
OerHekswhat is the output of: lspci | grep VGA  ??18:55
luxiois it ok to run Kernel 4.6.3 on 17.10?19:02
luxioOerHeks: GTX 750Ti.19:05
peter2222hi folks!19:05
luxioIt should be more than capable of playing YouTube videos.19:05
peter2222anybody knows how to prevent gnome-terminal from closing after a gnome-terminal -e "COMMAND" ?19:05
OerHeksluxio, no, 17.10 comes with kernel 4.13 .. so if you insist on installing that kernel, it comes without support19:05
OerHeksluxio, 750 ti .. should work fine, but if you are in a wayland session, it uses nouveau, not nvidia drivers, switch to Xorg on login to see if xorg+nvidia run better19:07
kostkonpeter2222, add 'sleep' after command?19:07
peter2222like "COMMAND && sleep 10" ?19:08
peter2222then my script doesnt even open19:08
kostkonpeter2222, check without a value first19:08
kostkonpeter2222, hmm19:08
luxioOerHeks: I would, but when I use Xorg, my .bash_profile isn't loaded19:08
peter2222seems that u cant combine commands with && in gnome-terminal -e19:08
luxioonly when I use Wayland is it loaded19:08
kostkonpeter2222, then add it in your script19:08
peter2222doesnt work...19:10
SimonNLpeter2222: I'm wondering if  gnome-terminal -x  does what you want.19:13
peter2222i tried gnome-terminal -x and it shows error message ... not able to initiate child process19:14
luxioOerHeks: nevermind, I actually was in Xorg, just switched over to Wayland and having the same problem19:14
luxioso, it's not a display server problem.19:14
luxioactually, I think the issue is mitigated on Wayland19:15
jugimaujoI have a question19:15
ioriapeter2222,   gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'mycommand  ;  bash'    example: gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'ls ;  bash'19:15
jugimaujodoes someone know where the heck i can find a site where i can talk to someone for a interview?19:16
peter2222ioria.. thank you i ll try that out!19:16
peter2222works!!! perfect! thank you!! ioria19:19
ioriapeter2222,   ok, yw19:19
luxiojugimaujo: are you looking for people to interview, or a website to just talk to someone in general?19:19
kostkonjugimaujo, try reddit19:20
luxioalso, do you want voice, video, or just text?19:20
luxioif just text is fine, you can use freenode webchat and do it over direct messaging (/query username)19:21
jugimaujosomeone to interview19:21
kostkonjugimaujo, some subreddit about interviews, job hunting, etc?19:21
peter2222anybody knows if its possible to stop ssh-server on your PC? and still able to ssh-access to another pc?19:21
luxiojugimaujo: https://www.reddit.com/r/jobbit/19:22
peter2222like stopping server but using client19:22
luxiothere's some people looking for jobs19:22
ioriapeter2222, server and client are 2 different things19:22
donofriopeter2222, client is a service/server they are seprate #ssh for more breath of this logic19:22
jugimaujothanks guys19:23
peter2222ah ok, thank you... i d like to make it impossible to control my pc via ssh.. thats why, but still be able to ssh-control another pc in my network19:23
jugimaujobut,I wanted to know if anybody here live in Brazil and is an immigrant (that about my interview19:24
pennTellerHi guys anybody know if chromium has all the spyware that chrome has?19:24
peter2222afik is chromium open source.. so no. pennTeller19:25
pennTellerpeter2222, it may be open source but who maintains it? it could be google itself19:26
peter2222thats true.. :-)19:27
bonkanoHi everybody, I need help about ubuntu 17.04. Can't use the system after dist-upgrade19:29
jugimaujoor if any of you know someone that live in Brazil and is an immigranr19:29
kostkon!eolupgrades | bonkano, you need to upgrade to a supported release19:30
ubottubonkano, you need to upgrade to a supported release: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:30
bonkanoI've /dev/sda clean xxxxxxxxxxxx    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx blocks message on console19:30
EriC^^bonkano: thats a normal msg19:31
luxiopennTeller: google search (heh) "degoogled chromium"19:32
bonkanoyes it's normal but I've nothings19:32
bonkanoI just have the msg19:32
pennTellerluxio, thank you :)19:32
bonkanoCan you help me to upgrade to a supported release19:33
zaapielircing with Athena19:36
taskerI'm trying to build a package with "dpkg-buildpackag" and it's generating -dbg packages. I don't know how to disable that. all of my searches result in how to enable them. I don't want -dbg packages.19:41
wazihelp me out plz. i am trying to hibernate the pc but everytime it shows the black screen even after first restart.19:42
waziubuntu 17.1019:42
sami4ak!keep sami4ak19:54
Sladesamba. i've done the sticky bit for directories to make the group propogate down.. how do i force chmod g+w <file> on all created files?19:55
Sladeforce create mode = 0770 doesnt seem to do it19:56
Budgiianyone know a snipping tool with URL sharing capabilities?20:02
ioria!info shutter20:07
ubottushutter (source: shutter): feature-rich screenshot program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.93.1-2 (artful), package size 1542 kB, installed size 17228 kB20:07
JcbulletHello room.20:09
=== jeremy31 is now known as jeremy31-afk
Slademaybe need sticky bit as well..20:14
TechChristophHi All20:21
kostkonTechChristoph, hi20:22
zulraxhey i have a problem where i can only have my primary monitor in 1080p but not my seconmdary once since then it will show a blackscreen20:24
Jcbullet<zulrax> are your drivers up to date ?20:29
zulraxJcbullet yes i believe so, i have installed the proamdgpu drivers20:29
TechChristophhi kostkon20:29
TechChristophkostkon, do you use ubuntu ?20:30
TechChristophor some other distro ?20:30
jeremy31-afkI use etch-a-sketch20:30
Jcbullet<zulrax> Are you able to dual display under normal settings , not 1080p20:30
zulraxJcbullet, yes i am20:31
Jcbullet<zulrax> What graphics card are you using?20:31
zulraxJcbullet R9 38020:31
bonkanohelp hel20:33
bonkanohelp help20:33
Jcbullet<zulrax> What leads are you using, HDMI and DVI ?20:33
zulraxJcbullet, DVI for both monitors20:34
Jcbullet<zulrax> And both monitors definitely support 1080p?20:34
zulraxJcbullet, yeah. it works fine in windows20:34
Jcbullet<zulrax> Are you able to try one monitor in the HDMI port ?20:35
zulraxJcbullet, I don't have any hdmi ports :(20:35
Jcbullet<zulrax> What OS ?20:36
zulraxJcbullet Ubuntu 16.04.120:36
pragmaticenigmaTechChristoph, do you have a support question? if you would like to chat, please come hang out in the #ubuntu-offtopic room20:39
Jcbullet<zulrax> 1.) Go to additional drivers and select "Do not use the device" for "Unknown: unknown". 2.) Open display application, if you are like me you will see 2 boxes. One that says "Dell 23" and another that says "Unknown display". 3.) Click "Dell 23" box. Now a third box will magically appear and you will be left with 3 boxes total that say "Dell 23", "Dell 23", and "Unknown display". 4.) Click the "Dell 23" that does not contain the20:40
Jcbulletlauncher placement and turn this monitor off. 5.) Now enable the "Unknown: unknown" display. 6.) Click apply and the 2nd monitor will turn on magically.20:40
Jcbullet<zulrax> Give it a go, Dell 23 will be your monitor you have connected.20:40
zulraxJcbullet, hmm it does not say i have any drivers installed but i'm pretty sure i installed them20:41
Jcbullet<zulrax> supported videocards https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards20:42
zulraxJcbullet the drivers i installed are from amds website, will additional drivers still recognise them?20:42
OerHeksamd is standard supported by the open amdgpu and on top of that amadgpu-pro..20:43
OerHeksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'20:44
zulraxKernel driver in use: amdgpu20:44
zulraxi installed amdgpu-pro20:45
OerHeksthis command shows all modules: lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'  >>>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/927601/i-think-im-using-radeon-instead-of-amdgpu-how-do-i-change20:47
MainframeXhello, does anybody know what file is written to when you use "update-alternatives --config editor"? I'm trying to script my laptop installation20:48
zulraxalthough that is not the motherboard i have20:49
zulraxbut same chipset20:50
brainwashMainframeX: I suggest reading the man page20:52
fluffii need a working ubuntu installation on monday and need your help20:52
brainwashMainframeX: man update-alternatives20:52
fluffimy vnc connection is ultra slow when disconncting a monitor from the ubuntu machine. no matter what vnc server is used. whats the solution for this problem?20:54
pragmaticenigmacan you elaborate more on what you mean by remove a monitor? fluffi20:56
fluffiis this the ubuntu help chat?20:56
fluffiunplug monitor. what else should I mean...20:57
MainframeXbrainwash: Thank you I'll check out the manpage20:57
fluffiit's a common bug (like everything else in ubuntu) but I did not found a solution.20:58
pragmaticenigmafluffi: vnc server taps into the display driver to mirror what is being displayed. It captures the initial settings when it is launched and expects the environment to remain unchnanged20:58
pragmaticenigmafluffi: the solution is to either not unplug your monitor, or restart the VNC server instance after changing the display settings (or unplugging a monitor)20:58
fluffiokay. so what do I have to do?20:59
OerHeks!info vfb20:59
ubottuPackage vfb does not exist in artful20:59
pragmaticenigmaOerHeks, who are you writing that to?21:00
OerHeks!info xvfb21:00
ubottuxvfb (source: xorg-server): Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.19.5-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 814 kB, installed size 2389 kB21:00
fluffithere will be no monitor for this ubuntu installation. I restarted the machine and this did not fix it21:00
pragmaticenigmafluffi: what you are saying is you are trying to run a headless (no video display) system?21:01
fluffiyes, headless21:01
fluffiheadless like me21:01
Random832I'd just use Xvnc21:03
fluffiany solutions?21:03
pragmaticenigmafluffi: the problem is that you are starting VNC when you are running the monitor. what you need to do is setup Ubuntu to run headless21:03
THunderthis is my first time on here21:03
pragmaticenigmaRandom832, that doesn't solve the problem21:03
fluffino I start ubuntu without monitor!21:04
Random832pragmaticenigma, well, it would because it doesn't require a "real" X server.21:04
Random832Xvnc is the one that is an X server and VNC server in one that don't touch the monitor21:04
pragmaticenigmaTHunder, please go ahead and ask your question. if someone is able, they will reach out to help you21:04
Random832x11vnc is the one that connects an existing X server21:04
pragmaticenigmaRandom832: you jumping too far ahead. I'm trying to figure out how things are configured now so we can get it setup that way21:05
pragmaticenigmaRandom832: If you would like to take over, then please feel free to do so21:05
THunderwell i just installed ubuntu mate onto my raspberry pi and firefox is the only program that refuses to run (just updated to the latest version). it crashes right on start and im sure the problem is localized to this machine21:05
pragmaticenigmahow did you install Firefox THunder ?21:06
pragmaticenigmafluffi: I'm trying to figure out how you initially setup the machine before you determined that you wanted to go headless on it. Was this machine originally a desktop, and now you would like to access it remotely? Is it a fresh install?21:07
THunderit came with ubuntu mate though i had uninstalled it using the purge command and then just re-installed using "sudo apt-get install firefox"21:07
fluffifresh install, and of course first connected with a monitor.21:07
THunderim using the machine right now..21:07
THunderproblem started after i updated and refreshed all repos21:08
pragmaticenigmaTHunder, try running "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" (without the quotes) and see if there is an update pending. There was a recent release of Firefox and an update might be waiting to be installed21:08
fluffipragmaticenigma please help me21:10
pragmaticenigmafluffi, I'm doing what I can. I am only one person and it will take a moment to find the information to help you21:10
pragmaticenigmafluffi, which version of ubuntu are you currently running?21:11
=== THunder is now known as Thunder
fluffieveryone seems to have this problem. its nothing with my ubuntu installation21:12
OerHeks"everyone" is a strong statement, not everyone is using a headless ubuntu..21:13
bazhangfluffi, did you not get to the .4 point release yet?21:13
fluffieveryone who is using a headless ubuntu system of course...21:13
bazhangfluffi, give us the output of lsb_release -a please21:14
fluffiits Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS21:15
OerHeksi think you want the xvfb package to do that with xvnc..21:15
pragmaticenigmafluffi, I use several headless systems, all without difficulty. it's a configuration issue, and we'll do our best to help you get everything setup correctly.21:16
fluffiI will not use xvnc21:16
pragmaticenigmafluffi, then you are choosing for us to not help you. If you want a headless system, this is how you go about getting it setup21:16
OerHeksxvnc or vnc, whatever...21:16
bazhangfluffi, did you have a bug report or reports for the 'everyone has this problem' that you can give us21:16
fluffibazhang search the internet. there you will find it21:17
pragmaticenigmabazhang, I think that is counter productive, let's focus on getting fluffi going on their current issue21:17
bazhangfluffi, that's not the kind of answer we are looking for here21:17
fluffibazhang really?21:18
bazhangfluffi, yes21:18
ThunderI tried updating and upgrading again to no avail21:18
pragmaticenigmafluffi, to be honest, you could have also searched the internet and found articles on how to setup Ubuntu 16.04 Headless running VNC. Instead you chose to come here for help. If you would like help, then please be respectful. We are all volunteering our time to help you, we can choose to stop21:19
pragmaticenigmaThunder, what type of raspberry pi are you running you installation on?21:19
fluffiThe soultion I found did not work. So thats the reason I am here21:19
pragmaticenigmaThunder, *running your installation on21:20
fluffifor example people attach a 10MOhm resistor to the VGA output as a workaround21:20
ThunderRaspberry pi 321:20
fluffion every OS a vnc works without monitor. But not in ubuntu. That would be too easy of course.21:22
Thunderit gives me a small log if that helps21:23
pragmaticenigmafluffi, do you want help or not? lighten up and have patience.21:23
Thunderfluffi, why not use ssh?21:23
vernfluffi: do you need a graphical interface? would shell access be sufficient?21:23
fluffiI need a graphical view21:23
fluffiand 10 parallel terminals21:24
pragmaticenigmaThunder, there is a current registered bug with the Ubuntu-MATE team and it's an issue from Mozilla's latest release of Firefox not working. At the moment you will have to wait until an update is issued before Firefox will work21:27
Thunderawesome, thank you21:27
Thunderjust a quick question, what does it take to get involved in the community? i,m still "new" to linux and programming and i'd love to give back (i know this may not be the place to ask)21:28
vernfluffi: what is the purpose of the server? I think in many situations ssh and web interfaces are sufficient for most headless linux server use scenarios. perhaps more detail about the problem you're trying to solve can help me envision a working solution21:28
MainframeXbrainwash: Thank you, I have found what I was looking for. "update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim.basic" sets the editor to vim in non interactive mode :)21:29
bazhangThunder, it certainly is the right place to ask, and there are a variety of ways to contribute to the ubuntu project21:30
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu Thunder you could have a look at that for starters21:31
rosco_yis there a gui that will let me select aps and uninstall them?21:32
fluffivern its a scientific ubuntu system. there will be a graphical interface for configuring some stuff. so vnc is really needed.21:32
Thunderawesome, thanks, ill look into it21:32
fluffiand the hardware itself is moving around, so there cant be a monitor attached21:33
OerHeksrosco_y, try synaptic, more detailed softwarecenter21:33
rosco_yI used apt-get install qtcreator, and it wasn't what I thought it would be, so I want to uninstall everything that command installed.21:33
rosco_yOerHeks: Thanks!  I'll try that.21:33
pragmaticenigmaThunder, there are many ways to give back. This isn't exactly the right forum for that conversation though. Hop on over to #ubuntu-offtopic where you will find other community members who can help you find a way to become involved21:34
pajjeHi, Im checking out 18.04 beta but it seems like I cant enable DTS/AC3/passthrough. Have these moved from pavucontrol?21:35
fluffiI expected that nothing works in linux, but that even a vnc server makes such problems. thats hard stuff21:35
pragmaticenigmapajje, we aren't setup to handle supporting beta in this channel... please hop over to #ubuntu+1 for help with 18.0421:35
rosco_yOerHeks: Thanks again--The Synaptic Package Manager was exactly what I needed :)21:36
vernfluffi: I've found that I can configure everything with either a web interface or shell access. but if a graphical interface is required, using xfce and a vnc server such as tightvncserver should do the trick. what vnc server have you tried?21:36
pajjepragmaticenigma: sorry, thanks for the adice21:36
fluffii am using vine21:36
fluffii dont want to switch the graphical system. then I will have thousands of other problems21:37
pragmaticenigmafluffi, when you setup the machine, you set it up using a monitor and the gui. VINO only works when an active session is logged in by a user. You will always have to have a monitor attached for VINO21:38
fluffivino not vine, sorry21:38
fluffipragmaticenigma I use automatic logon21:39
fluffiwith no monitor it works, but slow. It's no so that it will not work21:41
pragmaticenigmafluffi, with your current setup, you will always need a monitor to make this work. We are trying to help you get a virtualized desktop running using XVNC (which will still use the Desktop manager of your preference)21:41
pragmaticenigmafluffi, I have also found VINO to be a poor vnc service. I have my desktop switched to a more rebust alternative21:42
pragmaticenigmafluffi, I uninstalled VINO and installed x11vnc, but that still requires a monitor to be attached21:42
pragmaticenigmaXvnc is designed so you do not need a monitor21:42
DoowI have a weird problem, I'm trying to install a ubuntu on a laptop/tablet that I have. I got it to boot to the graphical installer _once_ and haven't succeded again. My best hunch is that I made an error when I wrote down what I did. Does these instructions seem off? "When in grub, select install ubuntu and hit e, replace splash with video=VGA-1:800x1280e reboot=pci,force, press f10 to boot"21:43
pragmaticenigmafluffi, I'm still trying to locate an article to help you get this figured out.21:43
vernfluffi: I wonder what's making it slow... are you saying vino is fast when a monitor is plugged in? sounds like you only need it for occasional use of a graphical configuration tool so maybe slow is not so terrible?21:43
fluffii visited the site of xvnc. its from the last century. when I install this stuff, I will be here for the next months because of thousands of new problems I think. Is there really no other way to get a vnc server running in ubuntu? I mean vnc and headless is nothing so special.21:43
kostkonDoow, and what happens after that21:44
pragmaticenigmafluffi, age is relative in linux. just because it's old doesn't mean it doesn't work21:44
DoowTo clarify, the one time it did work it switched graphics mode and showed the installer. After that I only get a black screen when I do the same thing (still booting from the same usb).21:44
fluffivern no everything is ultra slow. not only graphical things21:44
vernfluffi: it's true, headless+vnc is nothing special. I've done it several times without issue21:45
pragmaticenigmavern, do you have an article link or instructions on how to set it up?21:46
vernfluffi: so are you saying that while vino is running the system is slow? even if a monitor is attached?21:46
fluffii have the strange feeling that it will be a huge pain in the ass installing this xvnc stuff21:46
kostkonDoow, what about nomodeset? does this ring a bell21:46
akikwhat's the latest version of 14.04 that you can still install fglrx on?21:47
pragmaticenigmafluffi, do you want help or not? let us help you and quit with the negativity. it makes me not want to continue trying to help you21:47
fluffivern, no when i connect a monitor its at full speed. when i disconnect it, its slow.21:47
pragmaticenigmavern, fluffi is trying to go headless, they don't want a monitor at all. lets focus on that.21:47
Doowkostkon: hmm, that does sound familiar...21:48
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:48
vernpragmaticenigma: I know. just trying to debug the problem21:48
Doowkostkon: I'll give it a try21:48
vernfluffi: strange. that would suggest that something is expecting a monitor. when things are slow, does anything obvious show up when you run top?21:49
fluffino, its just a fresh install, 3% cpu usage21:49
pragmaticenigmavern, the problem is they are trying to run X without a monitor. it doesn't work well without one. X is the problem when they remove the monitor, not the vnc server21:49
vernpragmaticenigma: true. it's just odd that it works without a monitor -- just slow21:50
fluffinot slow, very slow21:51
Doowkostkon: that did it! thanks!21:51
kostkonDoow, well so far so good let's see how it goes from here21:52
alphawarriorhello everyone, how can I list all multilib packages installed?21:52
pragmaticenigmavern, X server is trying to poll to see if the monitor state has changed. it's timing out waiting for a response since no monitor. which to an end user would make it appear that the system is slow21:53
pragmaticenigmaalphawarrior: dpkg --get-selections | grep -i multilib21:55
fluffiany solutions yet?21:56
alphawarriorthanks ^^21:56
vernfluffi: give me a sec. I want to test that this one works21:58
pragmaticenigmavern: would this article, with some modifications, help? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-0422:08
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vernpragmaticenigma: yes, I think so. I'm running through similar steps in a virtual machine to sanity check22:09
pragmaticenigmavern: cool, I haven't set this up in a long time, my configuration has been working well for many years... so I'm a bit rusty22:10
pragmaticenigmabackbox__, what are you trying to /join ?22:15
fluffiany solutions yet?22:20
fluffimaybe I am wrong, but should the purpose of a vnc server not be, that it can run out of the box on a machine without a monitor?22:21
fluffiand even if that is not so, shouldnt be there a fix after 20years of vnc servers?22:22
fluffiI am just wondering.22:23
fluffiuse linux they said.22:24
vernfluffi: all the negativity feels misplaced in a place where you're trying to get help22:25
fluffioh, maybe you are right22:25
pragmaticenigmafluffi, i'm running a machine right now in a similar fashion to what you're trying to achieve. the difference is that it's not ubuntu, it's another distribution. the underlaying programs are the same, but the configuration is different between the two platforms22:27
pragmaticenigmafluffi, we're really close to having an option for you to try, vern is doing their best to make sure the directions work, to avoid any further potential issues for you.22:29
fluffiokay, thanks for the effort22:29
vernfluffi: this has more detail than what I was following but the steps are effectively the same. works for me. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-0422:34
=== jeremy31-afk is now known as jeremy31
fluffibut I dont want to use the desktop environment with the mouse. It has to be standard ubuntu22:36
vernthat's just an example. you can customize the xstartup however you like22:37
fluffimhh okay, I will give it a try22:38
vernfluffi: the nice thing about those instructions is they give you the systemd service file so you can have it start up automatically when the server is rebooted22:38
fluffiso I dont have to install xfce4?22:39
BudgiiOne thing I don't like about running an application from the command line is, if i close terminal it also closes that application. Is there any way to get around that?22:40
mateothegreatfork with nohup22:42
mateothegreatset it up as a service22:42
mateothegreathowdy joohn22:43
joohnis  single broad arm compiuter good  for main pc22:48
joohni have an old 7 yeas old laptop22:48
joohnand i think to change22:48
joohnbut if is slow like this one is not worth22:49
joohnat all22:49
joohni look in internet about pinebook or somthing like that22:49
joohni dont know if worth can i have any opinion about that stuff22:50
tripelbhello. i am going to install mint/ubuntu next to win 7 on an HP pavilion g7. (belongs to neighbor) because he forgot his password. PROBLEM: neither 14.4 nor mint ver 2 yrs old reconizes windows and gives the "install next to another operating system" choice.  ---  I want to make sure that I dont walk iver any windows data. Of course I will not mess with the recovery partition etc.  How does gparted handle this problem?  (thanks)22:52
tomreyn!mint | tripelb22:53
ubottutripelb: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)22:53
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, there are a couple solutions. the command "screen" is what I use. It has a simple setup and you can restore the session later when you log back in22:53
pragmaticenigmatomreyn, they are considering both ubuntu and mint. that doesn't mean we can't help them with their ubuntu related questions22:54
tomreynpragmaticenigma: i did not say we can't help someone who wanbts to install ubuntu.22:55
Budgiihmm. kind of like a list of programs you want to open all in one?22:55
DiecastMessiahtripelb: gparted will just work on the partitions.. but you can use the installer to setup the partitions and install just be careful and read everything on the screens22:56
tomreyntripelb: summing it up: we do not support "linux mint" here, and it is not ubuntu, and it is different. you also mentioned 'ubuntu' as a second option (?), though. if you are actually planning to install ubuntu we can help.22:56
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, who are you responding to? please prefix your replies with the name of someone. There are a lot of people and it helps to know who's talking to who22:57
Budgiipragmaticenigma, sorry I was responding to you, I was in the middle of something and forgot. :)22:58
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, screen is an environment that lets you start a command line based program. using the programs shortcuts you can close the screen session, and the program will remain running. You can even log out of the computer, with the program still operating.22:59
BudgiiSo it's own little environment!! that's too cool. Where can I get started?23:00
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, check out "man screen" for more help, or take a look at https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html23:00
Budgiipragmaticenigma, is this possible on windows? It gave me an idea for when i'm at work.23:00
BudgiiHi Lp!23:00
LpHey, Budgii. First time on IRC.23:01
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, I'm not aware of any similar solutions for Windows as it is a different environment23:01
BudgiiLp, welcome!23:01
kostkonLp, hi and welcome23:01
akikBudgii: you can install cygwin on windows. it could have screen23:01
LpHello, Kostkon.23:01
jeremy31tripelb Use a newer version to install, Ubuntu 16.04 should be able to see a Win 7 install23:01
Budgiipragmaticenigma, darn. I currently have a remote desktop which serves the purpose, but having more would be great!23:01
LpLet me try other nodes..23:01
pragmaticenigmaakik, unfortunately cygwin would still have to run after the user logs out of windows. so that doesn't really solve Budgii issue on windows23:01
Budgiiakik, i'll look at it right away!23:02
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, the idea akik had won't work. Cygwin would still need you to remain logged into windows23:02
fluffiits all installed and running, but still slow as hell23:02
Bashing-om!requirements | joohn23:03
ubottujoohn: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu23:03
Budgiipragmaticenigma, actually let me clarify the intention. I'd be running a macro on the database (gui automation). If I could let it run in that little environment with out interfering, i could continue to to other work. I do this now with a remote desktop alongside, but adding another would be sweet.23:03
fluffi@pragmaticenigma @vern: it was a huge failure23:04
pragmaticenigmafluffi: Do you have a local linux or ubuntu users group in your area? Possibly even a local hackerspace? where you could get some hands on assistance?23:05
tripelbjeremy31: ah ha. i dont have one of those, helaas. -- question about another issue, burning (wrong word?) creating a BOOTABLE usb.  i used mint to burn a horens disk and it wasnt bootable. ... I have the new Mint iso. i am going to follow the prompts on ... rclicknon the iso, create a bootable usb, click. (is there anything I need to do with the usb beforhand so it can be made bootable? or shrug?23:05
Budgiiakik, i was going to get cygwin on my VM but i've forgotten my password. LOL23:05
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, if it's gui related you kind of need to have an active session.23:06
Budgiipragmaticenigma, I guess I misunderstand what this type of program does then. I thought maybe it created an instance within it's own window.23:07
fluffipragmaticenigma no, sadly to say, my bad linux skills are the best in the area.23:07
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, no, screen is strictly for command line applications.23:08
Budgiigotcha. I missed that little piece of information, now i'm in the 'know'. :)23:08
fluffiYou tested this in a VM. But a VM always has a monitor. Of course it did work there23:08
DiecastMessiahtripelb: are you on linux machine atm23:09
pragmaticenigmafluffi, no, you're making assumptions. that isn't true23:09
jeremy31tripelb I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17 alongside Windows 723:09
fluffiwhats with this generic display driver thing? may this work?23:10
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, screen essentially forks it self from the current active session and creates it's own. It's similar to having logged into the computer twice. Screen does setup it's own environment, but the difference is it can manage that environment without you staying logged in.23:11
Budgiipragmaticenigma, so can it run while the machine is powered off?23:11
fluffiI need more help23:12
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, it's main purpose is for running command line applications that you want to leave running in the background. Or more importantly, works really well when you remote ssh to the machine and have a poor connection. You can recover your session if you have to log in again23:12
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, computers require electricity to work. powered off, everything dies23:12
Gedem_X9Hello someone can help me?23:13
pragmaticenigma!ask | Gedem_X923:13
ubottuGedem_X9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:13
fluffiGedem_X9 come again tomorrow. at the moment there is no help available23:13
pragmaticenigmafluffi, I don't have anymore ideas for you23:13
pragmaticenigmafluffi, DO NOT DISCOURAGE OTHERS, that is very inappropriate behavior23:14
bazhangfluffi, please dont say that23:14
Budgiipragmaticenigma, I wondered if it ran it on a server or something. that answers the question.23:14
fluffiI was first. My problem has to be solved23:14
Budgiifluffi, what's the issue?23:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:15
pragmaticenigmaGedem_X9, do you have a question? please ask it.23:15
fluffiBudgii read the chat log23:15
pragmaticenigmafluffi, Budgii may not have the entire log available. they can only see what has occured since they joined the room23:16
Budgiithis is the earliest message I have: "<fluffi> no I start ubuntu without monitor!":23:17
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Budgiican i find it starting there, fluffi?23:17
fluffiBudgii in short words, ubuntu sucks. more detailed: a headless system and vnc server dont like each other23:17
[n0mad]why would you have a vnc server running on a headless system?23:18
pragmaticenigmafluffi, enough. if you don't have something positive to say in here, please take it elsewhere. We are trying to help, but your negative is counterproductive to achieving that.23:18
Budgiifluffi: I don't know anything about headless stuff except I tried json for webscaping. (i think that's considered headles??)23:18
pragmaticenigma[n0mad], you can run a gui in a virtualized instance, such that the computer doesn't require a keyboard, mouse, or monitor to operate locally23:18
mateothegreatyou can easily, enough.. roll a headless container with vnc.. heck https://github.com/mateothegreat/docker-centos-desktop-vnc23:19
BudgiiI don't know that it 'sucks' per say, it's just a different system.23:19
Gedem_X9I want to but a new sound card but I don't know which one is compatible with Ubuntu studio 14.0423:19
mateothegreatGedem_X9: soundblaster audigy fx23:20
mateothegreat(I'm going deaf as we speak :)23:20
fluffiI dont know, maybe it sucks all with ubuntu. It will be the happiest day in my life when my damn software will run on windows. sorry, but I had to say this. because its true23:20
BudgiiGuys, wait a minute, headless VNC, that's what I was looking (shortly after) for when pragmaticenigma mentioned the 'screen' app23:21
pragmaticenigmaGedem_X9, nearly every sound card is supported. it would help us to know what sound card you are considering for purchase, and we can more easily figure out if it will or won't work23:21
Gedem_X9I don't know yet, I'm from Brasil. I want a usb sound card for audio production23:22
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, yes you can run a headless VNC server. you may need to tweak some of the instructions, but this tutorial should get you going https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-0423:22
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, however, the VNC session ends when you log out23:23
Budgiibut would I need an additional machine?23:23
Gedem_X9I would like some recommendations23:23
ihwis this the right place to gush about how switching to ubuntu was the best decision ive made23:24
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, no, you could run both your regular desktop and the headless instance on the same machine23:24
BudgiiGedem_X9,maybe try ##hardware?23:24
pragmaticenigmaihw, you'll find a better room for that topic in #ubuntu-offtopic :-) we're glad you're here23:24
ihwah, thanks23:24
Gedem_X9Thank you Budgii23:24
Budgiiihw, i'm in #ubuntu-offtopic, i'll be excited to hear why!23:25
pragmaticenigmaGedem_X9, there are a lot of brands and sound cards, and each person is going to have one that works best for them. I haven't run into any sound card that doesn't work with ubuntu, I would think your chances are small that the card will not work23:25
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pragmaticenigmaBudgii, did you catch my comment about vnc session ends on logout?23:26
Gedem_X9Thank you pragmaticenigma23:26
kostkonGedem_X9, what you should be looking for is a good USB DAC23:27
pragmaticenigmaGedem_X9, that said, as eariler, sound blaster brand is a good recommendation23:27
lagostaDoes anyone had trouble installing an amd driver on ubuntu:23:27
Budgiipragmaticenigma, yes. thanks!23:27
lagostaI'm for the past 2 days trying to make my gpu work in it23:27
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, though I was thinking more on it. You might be able to launch the VNC session within screen. and it might survive the reboot23:27
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, pardon me... survive a logout (not a reboot)23:28
Budgiipragmaticenigma, haha no problem. Good thought. Remember I'd be interested in using it with windows though. screen doesn't work ther eright?23:28
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, correct... the windows implementation would be very different. Windows natively supports a different set of protocols and setup. I'd be happy to discuss ideas about Windows in a PM if you would like23:29
kostkonGedem_X9, one that is good, affordable and supported in Ubuntu (most are since they just use the generic usb audio driver)23:29
Gedem_X9kostkon, you mean the sound blaster brand?23:32
akkocan someone please unban me from #ubuntu-offtopic? I was drunk yesterday and don't really remember what I did to get banned23:32
mateothegreatsay it to the judge!23:32
lagostaBetter yet, do someone have amd-gpu-pro installed? if so which kernel are you using?23:33
=== akko is now known as uruk__
fluffipragmaticenigma since I installed this stuff (with no errors) my ubuntu system is now constantly reporting an "internal error" with package apport-gtk.23:34
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kostkonGedem_X9, not necessarily, just do your product/market research whatever. look for usb dacs. try finding a good one, even if that one is from Creative (the company that makes sound blaster products)23:35
pragmaticenigmafluffi, what is the complete error? if it is multiple lines, please submit it to pastebin and post the link here23:36
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fluffipragmaticenigma now it seems to be gone. Any other solutions to my problem?23:42
kostkon!logs | stallman23:42
ubottustallman: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/23:42
pragmaticenigmafluffi, if the apport issue comes up again, check in /var/crash for any files. you can safely delete them and reboot23:43
fluffipragmaticenigma is there a other way to remote control ubuntu than vnc?23:44
pragmaticenigmafluffi, as for your VNC issue. i'm out of ideas. I do not understand why the machine is behaving the way it is. What you might want to do is start with Ubuntu Server install, then follow those instructions again. There could be something risidual from the previous trial and error23:45
pragmaticenigmafluffi, if all you need is command line, you can easily use SSH to connect23:45
pragmaticenigmafluffi, a client like putty for windows will allow you to have as many sessions as you like to your linux instance23:45
pragmaticenigmafluffi, also, if you are connecting from windows, there are even ways of launching gui application remotely so you can see them on the windows machine, but they run on the ubuntu machine23:46
StewseyTrying to disable the trackpad with the following: xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 023:57
StewseyThe problem is that it is re-enabled after a reboot23:57
tomreyni think you can place configurations there23:59
tomreynor ~/.xinitrc23:59

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