
implitemaybe im asking in the wrong channel?00:03
implitewhats going on huge netswitch?00:08
ericrajuinimplite: %n should  denote a newline00:09
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implitewow huge netsplit?00:12
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ericrajuinimplite: %H:%M %n %d-%b-%y should print date in a newline below clock, in 2 rows. at least its how it works in xfce panel00:14
impliteericrajuin: thanks i got it now with your help!00:14
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impliteericrajuin: i like xfce4 sooo much... i was wondering if this can be done in unity also00:16
impliteill go try it00:16
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leopardanybody is here?00:16
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ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/00:16
Javabeanwow though, that netsplit is taking forever to heal00:17
impliteya what is going on?00:17
implitesoo many login logouts00:17
leopardi want to know, why i can not open my firefox, i can not connect the net00:18
peter2222is it possible to uninstall openssh-server but keep the openssh-client?00:18
ericrajuinxfce is great :)00:18
leopardi do not know00:18
leopardi can not sign in any net00:19
TJ-peter2222: of course, "sudo apt remove openssh-server"00:19
impliteericrajuin: ya its so fast! i have a friend that wants this to work in unity so i just downloaded unity again and ill try to use what you showed me there also00:20
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leopardall right00:20
impliteericrajuin: thanks again!00:20
peter2222TJ- thank you. is it then still possible to use ssh as a client to access other pcs?00:20
TJ-peter2222: yes, sshd (the daemon/server) is separate from ssh (the client)00:21
peter2222thank you TJ-!00:21
peter2222when i type in "sudo apt remove openssh-server" my linux wants to remove "openssh-server" and "ssh"...00:22
peter2222"following packages are going to be removed: openssh-server ssh"00:23
leopardit just on the ubuntu start page, can not go other page, who can tell me why?00:23
TJ-peter2222: that's fine, 'ssh' is a meta-package that when installed pulls in both openssh-server and openssh-client00:25
peter2222aaaaah ok thank you TJ- !00:25
spik3_msg spik3 register 1962.Skey skey.mick@gmail.com00:30
mcm_i'm getting this error: 'Package python-gpgme is not available, but is referred to by another package'. How can see which package is referencing it?00:31
Bashing-omspik3_: time for a new password // and personal stuff should be done in the status window to not broadcast .00:31
mcm_btw: is 'python-gpgme' available on 17.10? seems to be gone on 18.0400:32
impliteericrajuin: that was easy to do in unity also... just found how to do it but i think ill convince friend to use xfce4 instead because he is on old computer00:33
implitemcm_: That might be because a module is missing for your code to run. To install it you might need to use a pip install00:37
RoootTJ- it is hopeless with the router web. something must be wrong with the site. I can setup the live iso as before00:38
implitemcm_ are you using python2.7 or 3?00:41
mcm_implite, yes pip might be indeed an option. but the python-gpgme seems to be a dependency for dropbox installation. and the package seems to be available in previous ubuntu releases.00:45
mcm_implite, so i wanted to check from which other packages a dependency exists.00:46
mcm_btw: ubuntu standard python seems to be still python v2.700:46
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implitemcm_ you can also use pip show python-gpgme to see what dependencies are needed00:53
insanity99Wildcards seem cool but I don't really get the '?' one00:53
implitemcm_ if you use pip show it will say under requires:00:56
mojtabaHello, does anybody know what could be wrong with this command?01:01
mojtabaif [ $(df /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/ --output=pcent | awk -F '%' 'NR=2{print $1}') -ge 80 ]; then echo "hi";fi01:01
mojtabaI don't know awk, I found this on the web.01:02
mojtabaI am going to check if a mounted drive is used more than a specific amount.01:02
mojtabaWhat I am getting is: -bash: [: too many arguments01:02
implitemojtaba: see if it works without the pipe |01:04
mojtabaimplite: Nope01:05
implitetake out the stuff before the | and also the |01:05
implitedoes it still give same error?01:05
mojtabaimplite: df /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/ --output=pcent01:05
mojtaba 90%01:05
mojtabaIn one column01:05
adamantium_Hey guys how much longer01:07
tomreynadamantium_: for what?01:07
adamantium_easter bunny01:07
adamantium_18.04 man01:07
tomreyn23rd IIRC01:08
adamantium_okay thx01:08
tomreynactually 27th01:08
impliteLol thats a funny name! Bionic Beaver01:09
mcm_implite, thanks, found the issue, python-gpgme is suggested by nautilus-dropbox and python-samba packages. but there is no installation candidate.01:13
implitemojtaba: i dont think -f is a switch you can use for that01:13
implitemcm_ did you get it working?01:13
implitemojtaba: try this df -hT /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/01:15
mojtabaimplite: thanks for your thoughts.01:17
insanity99cp file [file ...] dir01:23
insanity99Can anyone explain what this actually means?01:23
daxcp takes two or more arguments. all arguments apart from the first one are files (must be at least one). the last argument is a directory01:28
daxapart from the last one*01:28
ericrajuinawk -ge 80 -F '%' 'NR=2{print $1}'01:28
mcm_implite, yes, thanks. pip worked fine. i was more interested in solving why the package 'python-gpgme' has been removed from ubuntu 18.04 repositories. and still is a suggested package.01:29
impliteyes insanity99: as dax says use it like this: cp image.png /home/01:32
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insanity99Oh ok thanks. so cp img1.png img2.png /Foo/Bar01:33
impliteericrajuin: should <mojtaba> try this for his script?: if [ $(df /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/ --output=pcent | awk -ge 80 -F '%' 'NR=2{print $1}'01:35
ericrajuinno I only guessing01:35
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impliteif [ $(df /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/ --output=pcent | awk -ge 80 -F '%' 'NR=2{print $1}'01:36
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implitecoffee is so much better to drink when its warm01:54
implitewhat is mode -j ?01:55
speeedyhi, is there a way to remote desktop access ubuntu, on a computer that has booted with ubuntu live usb ?01:58
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tomreynspeeedy: you could openssh server. vino might also work, i'm not sure whether it's already installed, though.02:01
tomreyn*could insall an02:02
xamithanit should be installed via desktop sharing02:02
tomreyndesktop sharing?02:02
tomreynisnt that some windows specific mechanism?02:02
xamithanUh no windows is called remote desktop02:02
nacctomreyn: it exists on linux too, just not rdesktop itself02:02
tomreynoh the idea of sharing the desktop between the local logged in and a remote user, sure.02:03
speeedyi cant install teamviewer in live usb mode :/02:03
nacctomreyn: right02:03
tomreynxamithan: so vino is a vnc server which may or may not be already installed, but if not you should be able to install it.02:04
tomreynmore easily, if you have an X server on the client, you could do X forwarding for specific applications02:05
impliteericrajuin: what xfce version do you use? I use xfce4 now.02:07
impliteI was trying to understand how to make gnustep work also for me but im missing some steps i think lol02:09
impliteI got it working but i cant get sounds in firefox and other things02:09
impliteit must have some other sound server or idk if pulseaudio will work for it also or not02:10
implitenice! i like it very much for what i want to do02:13
impliteI wonder if there is a way to compare api's like if i want to compare unity and xfce402:14
tomreynthose are usualkly referred to as "desktop environments"02:14
tomreynyou can install them side by side02:15
tomreynubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop02:15
implitefor some reason in unity i can pass key sends from python to unity but not xfce402:15
tomreynhmm dunno, i never tried this.02:16
implitewell sorry it works in xfce4 but it will not work when running wine02:16
implitehowever in unity it works fine02:17
tomreynwhat are you trying to do there?02:17
tomreyn(what is the bigger picture?)02:17
implitei want to send keystrokes to a screen im working in02:17
impliteusing wine02:17
impliteand python02:17
impliteworks great in unity but in xfce4 im missing something to make it work and im not sure what it is02:18
implitethats why i think there is some api changes that im not aware of02:19
tomreynyou could ask in #xfce02:19
impliteya i will ask that and then they will say ask in winehq02:20
implitebut the problem is not wine from what i can see02:20
insanity99Is virtualbox the best program for Ubuntu?02:24
impliterunning it on hardware is the best ofc02:25
implitebut it will work in vbox yes02:25
eebwhat are you hoping to do, insanity99?02:26
insanity99I wanna set up a kind of sandbox I guess for learning without having any risks02:26
insanity99I learn best by just trying things and seeing what happens to be honest02:27
tomreynthen virtualbox can be a good way.02:28
insanity99Thanks. I am thinking about trying one that doesn't start with a GUI and setting one up myself02:29
leftyfbinsanity99: try containers02:29
insanity99I'm guessing it will be a disaster but fun and educational haha02:29
leftyfbinsanity99: lxd02:29
ziggylazerA sandbox is more to isolate code02:29
ziggylazerThen screwing up some settings02:29
implitelinux from scratch is also something good to try02:30
insanity99What is lxd leftyfb?02:30
ziggylazerinsanity99, can I give some advice that I wiśh I had when I started?02:31
insanity99Sure ziggylazer02:31
ziggylazerReally understand the basics02:31
leftyfbinsanity99: the best way to learn things is to research and read02:31
ziggylazerThe structure of how linux works02:31
ziggylazerFilesystem. Why it is structured as it is.02:31
impliteeverything is a file ;)02:32
leftyfbinsanity99: http://a.co/iYFYGL5 this is the book that helped me get started02:32
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insanity99ziggylazer, That is the biggest hurdle so far coming from Window. It's very different02:33
tomreynis this an amazon affiliate link?02:33
ziggylazerAnd thats the strength of linux.02:33
ziggylazerIts open02:33
leftyfbtomreyn: no. Just a share from the latest version of the book. I just looked it up02:33
ziggylazerdont have to invent the wheel 200 times a day02:34
tomreynleftyfb: i see, sorry then.02:34
leftyfbtomreyn: The book is called "Running Linux" one of the Oreilly books02:34
insanity99Thanks leftyfb02:35
impliteMinix is also fun if you dont want to start with a gui at first02:35
ziggylazerIf you dont understand linux staring with cli is just stupid02:36
leftyfbziggylazer: That is not universally applicable and therefore false02:37
ziggylazerIf you have 0 prior knowledge?02:38
insanity99implite, Linux from scratch sounds fun02:38
impliteya they also have a channel on freenode if you need help02:39
insanity99Is Arc a good one you think?02:41
ziggylazerso compile a coree02:41
ziggylazerWhy do Arch when you can do it yourself?02:42
impliteArch is ok but it also starts with a gui and i think you wanted to start without one?02:42
andyhuzhillI recently compiled a program, but the system recognized it as a shared-library, not a executable.  How can I fix it?02:42
leftyfbimplite: how is Minix good for learning linux?02:42
leftyfbandyhuzhill: what program?02:43
implitewell minix is good for learning unix commands02:43
leftyfbimplite: UNIX != Linux02:43
impliteand linux was made from minix02:43
leftyfbminux is also not linux02:43
andyhuzhillleftyfb: a simple "hello world" is also affected by the problem02:44
impliteright but i think he wanted to learn some command line stuff for fun?02:44
ziggylazerimplite, do you agree that there is a  advantage to accumulate information on Linux faster if you start with a GUI?02:45
insanity99Yeah I don't want a GUI to start with02:45
leftyfbimplite: right, for linux. UNIX or UNIX-like system are not directly applicable to learning linux kernel or GNU programs02:45
leftyfbinsanity99: I would suggest run containers using lxd or get yourself a Raspberry Pi02:46
insanity99So what do you think I should do ziggylazer02:46
insanity99Oh I do want a Pi like02:46
widpIs checkinstall the way to go if I am installing things by source?02:47
widpor does apt support something like this?02:47
ziggylazerIf you end goal is to understand the whole concept that is Linux. I would recomend starting with a distro like Ubuntu or Fedora. WHen you have that down. Then you can start playing with Arch then you can comple your own kernels02:48
leftyfbwidp: can I ask what you need to install from source?02:48
widpA bunch of things, I've been poking around at the source of a lot of programs.02:48
leftyfbziggylazer: I do not agree that that02:48
impliteinsanity99 do you want to reinvent to wheel? learn minix... if not then start with linux from scratch or like leftyfb said lxd02:48
widpsome written in c++, some in python.02:48
cyberfab007Hey yall02:48
ericrajuintry ubuntu server02:48
widpI just found out about checkinstall, but not sure if that is outdated and there is a better way.02:49
insanity99Ok thanks guys02:49
cyberfab007I have to put up a production server running a website , can one of yall point me to your faviorte security checklist :)02:49
leftyfbcyberfab007: try #ubuntu-security02:49
cyberfab007leftyfb,  thanks02:50
widpand it's also that I want a maintainable system, instead of reinstalling everything from scratch after a few years.02:51
tomreyncyberfab007: i'm not aware of a generic security checklist for running production websites. but there will be documentation available on  hardening each of the components you choose to use: the OS, the webserver, (possibly the application server,) and the application itself (based on its language or frameworks).02:52
ziggylazerwhats special about installing Apache on ubuntu ?02:53
leftyfbwidp: using source to install programs is the opposite of maintainable02:53
widpyeah, like I said I am looking for middle ground.02:54
leftyfbwidp: look at snaps02:54
widpcheckinstall gives me a deb that I could install, I am just wondering if there is a better way.02:54
ziggylazersee tomreyn comment02:55
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widpleftyfb: is that the same as flatpaks?03:14
demuwidp: snaps and flatpaks are not the same.03:15
demuyou can think of it as yum and apt03:16
widpdemu: how are they different?03:16
widpI see, they try to serve the same purpose though, right?03:16
demuit's a bit oversimplified, but yes03:17
demuif you're just getting started with sanp and flatpak it's a good analogy03:19
widpwith all of these new technologies, like portable executables and docker/kubernetes (although that could be entirely different), is the "unix philosophy" going out the window?03:21
ziggylazerAs in lost the freedom ?03:24
ziggylazerThats been going on for a while I guss03:25
demuif you ask me "unix philosophy" was established when the best computer in the world were as powerful as my phone. If "unix" wants to say relevant it has to make exceptions (i.e systemd/wayland... ).03:25
widpbut you have downsides to the app ecosystems.03:26
widpI am swamped by my ads even in my cellphone.03:26
ziggylazerCan sign on to that03:26
widp*by ads03:26
widpIt's like I don't even own the device.03:27
demualso thinks like backward compatibility with motif03:27
ziggylazerI dont know. To drugged up onsleepinig pills03:29
ziggylazerStill no sleep03:29
ziggylazerPython, C and network security midterms03:29
ziggylazer40 hours03:30
widpgrad school?03:30
ziggylazerNope taking a second degree since just my MBA cant take me to where I want to go03:30
ziggylazerAnd also work on the side03:31
ziggylazerStill hard when we have the cisco standards for 2 course and very little time03:32
widpmust be a lot to deal with.03:33
ziggylazerAnd since we all know cisco is retared and need to build propriatary shit03:33
ziggylazerIts fun. JUst the C that takes most of the time03:34
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widpthey teach modern c?03:35
widpWhat books do you guys use?03:35
ziggylazerUhmm Hold on.03:35
ziggylazerC programming with kochn03:37
ziggylazeris one of then atleast03:37
ffsSay I want to install xubuntu, how bad of an idea would it be to install the latest 18.04 beta release?03:50
ffsOr can I just upgrade 17.10 to 18.04 LTS when it comes out?03:50
smacktalkanyone use ubuntu with citrix?03:51
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smacktalkhow do you deal with the jsp file?03:52
demuffs: How bad do you need for your computer to function properly?03:52
smacktalklaunch.jsp ?03:52
ffsdemu, eh...03:52
ffsdemu, i'm okay with toying around a bit as long as I can just upgrade to the full LTS release in a few days03:53
demuI was doing some testing a month ago... and it was a bit buggy03:55
ffsI'll just wait, then, I guess.03:55
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lotuspsychjedemu: dont spread things to generalize like that04:03
demulotuspsychje: it not polished ;)04:05
lotuspsychjedemu: you can only speak in your opinion..04:05
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lotuspsychjesmacktalk: can #citrix help?04:06
demuif an app doesn't open. Not sure how that an opinion?04:07
lotuspsychjedemu: someones asked you if they can install 18.04 daily, you dont answer 'how well do you want your pc to function'04:09
lotuspsychjedemu: be helpful and forward to #ubuntu+1 next time please04:09
demufair point: also the initial question was " how bad of an idea would it be to install the latest 18.04?" I assumed he was asking for an opinion.04:14
lotuspsychjedemu: its not a bad idea, do you agree? alot of testers running 18.04 daily fine04:17
demuexactly :)04:18
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demuA better answer would of been: "04:19
demuWhat do you plan to use your computer for?04:19
lotuspsychjedemu: yeah that would be a better aproach for start, but the mainline we try to be helpful on any ubuntu version here, forward to the right channels etc04:20
OurFrankdo Rythmbox has a plugin to remote control via an android phone?04:29
demuOurFrank: IRC room: #rhythmbox on irc.gimp.org04:30
kimmokAny good ideas? I connected my Ubuntu laptop to projector and after that laptop always thinks that it is connected to second screen when I'm opening it. So everytime I now put power on on my laptop without second screen, laptops screen is messed up.. but If I boot it, screen is working perfectly. So something about cold boot was mixed up04:33
demuOurFrank: As far as I understand it doesn't by default, but it does support ThirdParty plugins04:33
OurFrankthanks, demu!04:33
kimmok....so how I get my hands on laptops cold boot variables...04:34
demukimmok: xorg or wayland?04:36
demukimmok: $ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE04:38
kimmokdemu: xorg04:40
demucan you pastbin (https://paste.ubuntu.com/) your /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:44
kimmokdemu: thanks, I'll check that04:45
demualso by an change are you using Nvidia proprietary driver?04:45
kimmokdemu: Probably not..04:46
demuso intel HD graphics04:46
kimmokdemu: Probably yes04:48
demualso if you can pastbin: xrandr -q04:50
kimmokdemu: thanks for tips =).. Now I have some clues where to start. I'll play with this few moments.04:53
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firezepmaybe not the best place to ask, but what MTA will you guys recommend?05:49
HashtagThis may be a silly question, but how do I find the bin folder?05:51
guivercHashtag, why not `echo $PATH` ?05:52
guivercHashtag, there isn't just one bin folder; system bins are usually in /sbin, many sys.installed are in /bin, user apps are in /usr/bin ...05:53
firezepIm like the noobest guy around but it might be cd /etc/05:53
Hashtagguiverc: Why not indeed. The first thing is /home/user/bin:05:53
HashtagBut I can't access it with the file browser05:53
HashtagAnd I get an error when trying to put something in PATH05:54
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lotuspsychjeHashtag: there is also the 'whereis' command05:54
Hashtagguiverc: is "usr" a directory is does it mean my username?05:54
guivercIf I wanted to see where the `ls` command was, I'd enter `whereis ls`  (if many 'ls' commands are there, they'll be listed)05:54
guivercnope - /usr/ is a system created folder ; not /user/ or /home/...05:55
Hashtagah, ok05:55
guiverclotuspsychje, i had already started typing the whereis sorry...05:55
firezepguys any commendations on a proper MTA service?05:55
HashtagI'm trying to make a symbolic link so I can use a command05:56
guivercfirezep, i saw your question - #ubuntu-discuss may be a more appropriate room; as its not support relatd (unless you have issues with your mta)05:56
firezepguiverc, thanks buddy05:57
iehusha<in the middle of configuring stuff such as synaptics touchpad sensitivity and synaptic accidentally just moved a whole highlight of files/Folders to another directory is there any way to just unmove the via mouse0-click05:57
HashtagBut I get the error ln: target '/home/user/bin is not a directory: Not a directory'05:57
HashtagWhich is true05:57
HashtagBut I don't want to deviate from the instructions and put links where they shouldn't be05:58
guivercHashtag, you may not have created the ~/bin directory (my guess; most people don't use it, so I don't think its been created by default in years/[decades?]05:58
lotuspsychjeguiverc: oh didnt see my bad :p05:59
Hashtagguiverc: I have not. Is that a useful thing to do?05:59
guivercHashtag, years ago I used to think Yep - now I just put my bins in /usr/local/bin/  (which may not be a good idea for you- stick with your companies policies etc)06:00
Hashtagguiverc: Ok, I just tried creating a folder called "bin" in my home director, and Ubuntu is telling me that one already exists06:00
Hashtageven though it's not visible06:00
Hashtaghome directory*06:00
HashtagOh, there's a shortcut to a file called bin, it looks like...06:02
HashtagMaybe this isn't such a ubuntu-specific question. I thought maybe ubuntu did something special with bin folders, so it wasn't working06:03
guivercHashtag, I usually use term; so I'd `stat ~/bin` to look at what's there,  if you use gui tools you may see different to what I do - I'd expect it to be visible.  note: bins need the +x (execute flag)06:04
guiverc~/bin should be a directory, not a file.06:04
Hashtagguiverc: Yes, I'm using the standard gnome GUI for 16.04 LTS06:05
guivercHashtag, I've never discovered anything unique/special about Ubuntu and bins..  (some differences always, esp. between BSD's and any gnu/linux)06:05
Hashtagguiverc: Right now I have a file called bin in my home directory, and the file is a link to a python script related to what I'm trying to do06:08
HashtagI'm trying to get a command in the path by default06:08
HashtagCurious. Maybe I did something wrong.06:09
Hashtagguiverc: I just deleted the whole thing, created a ~/bin folder, and started over. It seems to work now. Thanks for the tip.06:12
guivercHashtag, (note this is just thought - i don't know) it could be your script tried to `cp` the bin-file into your /bin  (eg. cp filename ~/bin ) expecting your ~/bin directory to be existing (it didn't check), and the filename became ~/bin (a file)... -ie. install script error)06:13
Hashtagguiverc: That makes perfect sense. The new bin folder now has a link to the same script as before, and the link has a more appropriate name.06:15
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theTOOKMANhey there, need some help. i'm running xfce+gdm on ubuntu 16.04. i'm trying to run minetest and i keep getting this error.06:40
theTOOKMANMar 30 01:36:14 tbox /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2945]: 2018-03-30 01:36:14: ERROR[Main]: FontEngine: failed to load: /usr/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf, trying to fall back to fallback font06:41
theTOOKMANfont is there and world read permission is set06:41
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lotuspsychjecariveri: welcome, how can we help you?07:30
cariverilotuspsychje: Well, there is a funny thing about displa settings. I had been talking to TJ-, so its kidn of a continuation.07:31
lotuspsychjecariveri: restate your issue where you left it to the channel mate, someonelse might pickup perhaps07:31
cariverilotuspsychje: the problem was: tty not shown on ctrl+alt+fX . but thats not longer the issue. it turned out, that from two screens the tty is render to the other screen, which was turned off. that initself I found weird, because in my ubuntu -> settings -> devices  I set to single display.07:32
cariverilotuspsychje: so, I switched cable slots on the nvidia card. and the ttys appeared. but ... now the visual login to ubuntu is render to the turned off screen. I had to unplug it from the graphicscard to really have only one screen setup.07:34
cariverilotuspsychje: makes sense?07:34
cariverilotuspsychje: the desired behaviur of course is, that I dont have to ungplug anything, just turn it on and of, still be able to login to the system! :)07:36
cariverilotuspsychje: I think others had this issue too, http://linux.bigresource.com/Fedora-GDM-login-on-wrong-Monitor--hQ8fBU7q1.html07:43
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guiverccariveri, i don't know how to do what you want via software; I'd be tempted to do it via video-switch (like kvm) assuming the cable is a standard fitting (dvi/hdmi) - ie. a switch determines which screen is connected to which port...07:47
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cariveriguiverc: are you sure, you understood what I need?07:47
cariveriguiverc: I wanted the gdm login greeter on no other than the primary screen. instead it is rendered to the wrong monitor, which on top of it is turned off. It should not matter wether it is plugged, at all.07:49
guivercit'll let you use vid-port-1/vid-port-2/vid-port-3/... (on any graphics card; even different pc) on multiple screens or a single screen - whatever config you decide works for you... (done via switch external to pc1/pc2/pc3..)07:49
SteristGoogle seems to be a bit of a rat's nest on the topic right now, is 18.04 going to be available as an update to existing 32bit 17.10 installations?07:50
SteristI understand the 32bit images are gone. I am not asking about those.07:51
ducasseSterist: yes, i'm pretty sure about that07:51
Triffid_HunterSterist: wow, there are still 32 bit machines around?07:52
Steristoh you better believe it lol TONS n tons07:52
Steristalmost every laptop in bestbuy that is $200 or under is 32bit07:52
SteristI primarily use my old 32bit laptop for downloads, the kinds that are prohibited to speak of in rooms like this, to keep the wear & tear off of the SSD used in my main laptop.07:55
* _Dbug_ believes the SSD wear and tear is mostly a non issue for consumer users with modern SSDs07:56
jattSSDs are more durable than mechanical HDDs07:58
SwedeMikejatt: yes and no. It's not that simple.07:59
SwedeMikejatt: there are use-cases where you can wear out certain SSDs in a few months and they'll die.07:59
cariveriubuntu 18 comes with a visual studio code inside? it is free and open source ? weird.08:02
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | cariveri08:03
ubottucariveri: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+108:03
Steristevo860s, or pretty much any 3D MLC SSD is going to be very durable, but in terms of write endurance no sir. none stand up to how much can be written to mech drives, enterprise grade ssd's won't meet the write endurance of economy mech.08:05
cariveriducasse: Im not here to get suport for it. I have a differnt issue , see bove.08:14
iljashi. have a question. I have a new cellular modem on my pc. I am able to connect to a network with a program "wvdial". but i cannot connect with an usual ubuntu Network manager. What should i do?08:17
allizomiljas: have you tried to use the "Mobile broadband" applet in your DE?08:22
Amnesiaquestion, would I still need to reinstall if 18.04 LTS comes out officially, if I install  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/bionic-desktop-i386.iso  ?08:27
lotuspsychje!final | Amnesia08:27
ubottuAmnesia: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.08:27
Amnesiaawesome, thanks08:28
iljasallizom, i am not sure. i found something like "sudo systemctl enable ModemManager" " systemctl start ModemManager" and i need a reboot, as it is written. So, after reboot i ll be back08:30
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iljasallizom, nothing. may be i didnt make Modile broadband applet work?08:35
iljasthere are some more issues08:36
allizomiljas: have you connected the (I presume USB) modem already?08:36
iljasit is build in08:36
iljasm2 card08:36
iljasit is on /dev/ttyUSB108:37
iljasI managed to connect to it with a wvdial (were permission problems)08:38
iljasif i use Live CD 17.04, i can connect to this modem via Network Manager easy and immediately08:38
allizomcan you open nm-connection-editor ?08:39
iljasi guess so. one moment08:39
iljasgraphical window with settings08:40
allizomyou should find a Mobile broadband option if you try to add a connection08:40
iljasi tried. i make a connection, it tries to connect for a while, and then stops without a success08:41
allizomso you configured the device to use, country/provider etc.?08:43
allizomor just APN08:43
iljasthru a wizard08:43
iljaswith apn08:43
iljaslogin, password08:43
allizomhave you checked the settings for this network you've created afterwards?08:45
iljasi found a dir /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections08:47
iljasand there is my connection08:47
allizomis there anything you had to set up for wvdial to work? I haven't used it though08:51
allizomUsually the default setting do just work, but maybe there's something different here08:52
iljasi have to set up an init string, like this Init2 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","APN of my provider"08:54
iljasi believe the NetworkManager have to sent the sting like this to a modem, at least in its config there is the "APN of my provider"08:55
iljasthere were difficulties with wvdial, i had to change permissions on the binary file "wvdial"08:56
iljasmay be here there is the same problem with permissions (i think so because if i use a live-cd, the modem works with the same Network Manager just perfect and easy)08:56
iljasbut i dont know where are the binaries of Network Manager, their names and also where are other .config file of this program08:57
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allizomI think I remember that you should be a member of the dialout group in order to use modems08:59
allizomBut you may be a member already08:59
allizomiljas, run: groups09:00
iljasadm uucp dialout cdrom sudo dip plugdev netdev lpadmin sambashare adbusers09:01
allizomyou are already then09:01
iljasi tried another simple old usb modem, and it works like it should -- out of the box09:02
allizomso you've actually been able to reach the outside, when you used wvdial?09:02
iljasthis modem is built in, but i know where it is, and i know it works09:02
iljasi make a connection, it writes "OK". then i ve disabled my other connections and tried to access the internet, it worked09:03
iljasthere was an internet09:03
allizomiljas: you may want to check some logs, do: sudo systemctl stop ModemManager09:17
iljasone moment09:18
iljasyes, it seems to stop09:19
allizomok, now do: sudo /usr/sbin/ModemManager --debug09:19
allizomnow try to connect, you can do it with nmcli09:20
allizomone moment09:20
iljasin another terminal?09:20
allizomnmcli connection up "Your connection name"09:22
iljasit says there is no password in "passwd-file" for a 'gsm.password"09:25
allizomok, so now do: nmcli c edit "Your network name"09:26
allizomsorry, it's nmcli edit09:26
allizomauff, it nmcli c edit, was right09:26
allizomand then at the nmcli prompt, do: set gsm.password09:27
iljasДоступные типы подключений: generic, 802-3-ethernet (ethernet), pppoe, 802-11-wireless (wifi), wimax, gsm, cdma, infiniband, adsl, bluetooth, vpn, 802-11-olpc-mesh (olpc-mesh), vlan, bond, team, bridge, bond-slave, team-slave, bridge-slave, no-slave, tun, ip-tunnel, macsec, macvlan, vxlan, dummy09:28
iljasВыберите тип соединения:09:28
iljasshould i select "gsm'?09:28
allizomthat does not seem like the output of nmcli c edit09:29
allizomI'm assuming you've already created the connection09:29
iljashow can i exit form the "nmcli editor"?09:30
iljas(i shoud had start it with sudo)09:30
allizomif you're at the nmcli> prompt, type: quit09:30
allizomno, you shouldn't need sudo09:30
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iljaswhy not sudo? the config file is in /etc/NetworkManager/....09:31
iljasi guessed i have to have sudo permission09:31
allizomnot needed AFAICT09:32
iljasok i have promt with out sudo09:32
iljaswithout sudo09:32
iljasset gsm.password09:32
allizomand try connecting again09:33
iljas nmcli connection up "MTS Default 1"   again?09:33
iljasi see09:33
BluesKajHi folks09:34
iljasit wants a password again09:34
iljasone moment09:34
iljasi ll make it all again and check in /etc/NetworkManager/... conf09:34
BluesKajHi folks09:35
allizomHi BluesKaj09:35
BluesKajhi allizom09:36
allizomiljas: the password you need to enter there is provided by your ISP, also be sure the basic stuff is allright (e.g. check that the SIM is actually inserted in the slot, with no PIN code, you have coverage, etc.)09:38
`mistheya guys, i forgot to disable auo-upgrades and now my boot partition is full, can't seem to get rid of all the old header fils and stuff.... anyone able to help?09:41
bazhang`mist, older kernels?09:42
iljasyes, allizon, i m doing all you said again. Yes, the sim is in, no pin the coverage is bad (-109 dBm) but it is09:42
iljasone moment09:42
`mistbazhang: yeah09:43
BillyTheKidoHello! I have an AWS instance and I would like to pass all of its outgoing traffic via OpenVPN excluding incoming traffic to ssh. Could someone point me to the right direction or provide a reference? the only solution I found to avoid locking myself out of the server is to add a route rule in OpenVPN config with my IP. Is there a way to exclude incoming traffic from a specific port instead?09:43
gay59ktos cos po mpolskiemu?09:43
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bazhang`mist, tried the package manager to do that? you'd ideally like to have an extra still in there09:43
bazhanggay59, #ubuntu-pl for polish09:44
`misti tried removing some of the old kernels with apt-get purge linux-xxxxxxxxx09:44
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ikoniaBillyTheKido: a vpn is a "tunnel"09:48
iljasallizom, i ve done it again. the same -- the  nmcli connection up "MTS" asks for a password. and in the config file to this "MTS" connection there appeared no string with something like "gsm.password" or my password itself09:48
ikoniaBillyTheKido: everything goes down the town09:48
ikoniadown the tunnel09:48
iljasi ll try to make a new connection09:48
ikoniaBillyTheKido: you'd been to have pre-routing rules based on interfaces09:48
BillyTheKidoikonia: I try to exclude specific services. I googled but I'm not the most experienced in networking09:48
ikoniaBillyTheKido: you can use iptables to setup port style routing rules09:48
ikoniaBillyTheKido: what are you actually trying to do and why09:49
ikoniait seems an odd situation09:49
BillyTheKidoikonia: I use the AWS instance as desktop. I would like when I browse not to expose my IP but I would like to be able to ssh and remote desktop to it09:50
ikoniaBillyTheKido: AWS IP - who cares ?09:50
ikoniait's not "yours"09:50
BillyTheKidoit's perfectly mine alright09:51
ikoniait's not09:51
ikoniait's part of a huge AWS CIDR block09:51
ikoniathat's assigned to them09:51
BillyTheKidoikonia: this is not really helpful09:51
ikoniait's trying to understand you're actual problem09:51
ikoniaas your solution seems poor09:51
BillyTheKidomy solution is super poor and I'm a noob when it comes to networking on linux so I thought to ask for a good reference :)09:52
BillyTheKidoadding a custom route rule in openvpn config is not the best option indeed09:52
BillyTheKidoI read about iptables as you said, but when I do iptables --list I see no rules. makes me think that openvpn does not setup any rules there09:53
iljasinteresting. when i do nmcli connection up, it asks about a password in "password-file', but in log i can see, that the modemmanger sends user and password correctly09:53
ikoniaBillyTheKido: hence why I'm trying to undersand your real problem, which doesn't make sense09:54
ikonia"I'm trying to hide an AWS Public IP"09:54
ikoniaopenvpn does not setup any rules - you have to manage your own rules09:55
BillyTheKidoI really don't want AWS to see my traffic, that's legit I think09:55
ikoniaBillyTheKido: it's not09:55
ikoniaBillyTheKido: then can see the traffic on their physical infrastructure anyway09:55
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MJCDI am interested in trying ubuntu touch on my note 5 device09:56
MJCDI heard you can do it now mainstream09:56
BillyTheKidoikonia: I appreciate you bothered to answer, right? So don't get me wrong. n ever, Neverthess I ask a legit question and the discussion over why I want it, whether it's useful etc does not really answers the question. If driving traffic over AWS was the best privacy oriented solution technologies like tor would not exist. You would just spin up an AWS instance.09:58
ikoniaBillyTheKido: yes, I would just spin up an AWS instance09:59
BillyTheKidoikonia: the question is, could you point me to the keywords or references on how this can be achieved so that I can look for a more targeted solution?09:59
ikoniaBillyTheKido: I've already told you what to do09:59
ikoniaand how to achieve what you ant09:59
BillyTheKidocustom routing?09:59
ikoniaand not "custom"10:00
allizomiljas: there should be a config file in "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Your connection name" and yes, it should contain your password. Does it actually do?10:00
BillyTheKidosomething like: iptables -A INPUT -d a.b.c.d -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT?10:01
allizomand, here I too can see my password in the ModemManager --debug log, by looking for Password:10:01
`mistwhen i run sudo dpkg --configure -a to fix my installation it immediately fills up the boot partition10:02
`mistany way to prevent this from happening?10:02
`misti've gone ahead and manually deleted some of the kernels and header files to even get the command to run10:02
`mistwe're in 2018 i can't believe this still hasn't been fixed10:03
MJCDis there some free product I can run that will do a parity check against other cloud stores within its own cdn? so I have gdrive, onedrive atm, and I want a third party to verify both are identical10:03
MJCDbasically I want to make a raid 1 with multiple cloud providers10:03
`mistMJCD: rsync?10:03
MJCD`mist, right, so I rsync to both10:03
MJCDI have the initial checksums of transferred files10:03
`mistand then you do a rsync between them aswell, scheduled once an hour10:03
`mistshould be less than a few minutes depending on the size of data10:04
MJCDsee but that can end up totally fragmenting10:04
TJ-`mist: the usual issue is there are two many kernels and their associated initrd.img-* files take up too much space. Manually delete the unwanted initrd.img-* files then dpkg -r linux-image{,-extra}-$VERSIONS10:04
TJ-s/two/too/ doh!10:04
`misti think i might finally have solved it...10:05
TJ-`mist: I helped another user with this yesterday and wrote up an overview of what to do. See https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Thdtg9jCjp/10:05
`mistthanks TJ- but i just solved it... sigh10:06
TJ-`mist: check out the last few lines that show a change to unattended-upgrades to prevent it happening10:06
`mistyeah that's not the place where i usually change it10:06
`misti do it in the 20auto-upgrade10:06
`misti don't know what the difference i10:06
MJCD`mist, see my note about fragmentation taking place if you just blindly write one to the other10:07
`mistlets hope my unifi controller magically starts working10:07
MJCDthe idea is to have 3 way verification10:07
iljasallizon i do not see their a password. if you allow, i'll show you all the text of this config in private window10:08
`misti think i'm missing the point here MJCD, how is file fragmentation an issue if checksums are the same?10:08
allizomfine iljas10:09
MJCD`mist, so how am I confirming they are correct - if I do as you describe, a difference is found at the high level - and I just blindly write one to the other, I have data fragmentation because of differences that shouldn't exist.10:10
MJCDas I say10:11
MJCDmy goal is to have 3 way verified cdn10:11
MJCDme, the third party dev, and atleast 2 other linked services10:11
MJCDwhen everyone confirms in both directions good results, then we're done10:12
MJCDthe question is how do I make rsync do that10:12
MJCDso I basically just do the two writes, somehow need them to return any differences in the data that might indicate fragmentation10:13
iljasallizon, but when i try to connect thru nmcli connect up, it asks about password, but in the log i see,that it has a password10:13
MJCDand then both are confirmed by me, the third party10:13
MJCDconsider it as a shell script10:14
EriC^MJCD: maybe you can use dd ?10:15
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MJCDthat removes a whole bunch of the problems rsync solves10:15
MJCDI mean generally speaking it works fine10:16
MJCDit writes to them both async10:16
TJ-MJCD: with rsync  use --dry-run so it reports what it would do but doesn't make changes - then you detect if any files would be replaced, telling you there's a difference10:16
MJCDand when its done its done10:16
MJCDand I just trust its all ok10:16
EriC^^hi aton10:16
EriC^^MJCD: what exactly are you trying to do?10:16
MJCDTJ-, ooh sounds like the right track10:16
atonwhy is there only one version shown when i do aptitude versions nodejs?10:16
aton(and that version happens not to work with npm)10:17
allizomiljas: do you know for sure your ISP requires a password in order to connect? In my experience, these are just ignored or set to something trivial10:17
MJCDEriC^^, have 2 or more cloud based cdn mounted to folders on the filesystem - I write to them both async any time it does a write at all10:17
MJCDwhat I want to then do is have each node check the data10:18
MJCDso im the third party10:18
MJCDdoing a write10:18
MJCDand then at the end, every node needs verification from atleast 1 more of the cdn provider nodes, as well as the user10:19
iljasit is hard to say. such a connection setting are written on the provider site.  when i tried with it, it worked. (in another enviroment or with a wvdial). If needed i can try a wvdial without a password10:19
MJCDI could draw a diagram10:19
iljasin --debug i can see, that it is sent10:19
iljasthe password10:19
MJCDbasically a bi-directional verification system for writing to different cloud platforms10:20
MJCDjust using rsync in a .sh10:20
allizomok, I see from the nm docs that, since you're using the password-flags=1 option, teh password is not actually saved but asked at connection time10:21
allizomso this is normal10:21
allizomis there anything else you can find in the logs?10:22
allizomis your user name the one written in the config file?10:22
iljasin --debug i see, that the manager allways asks about signal strength10:25
iljasthats all, allizon, i can see no error message10:26
iljasconnection simple stops10:26
allizomwhat's the error message if any?10:26
iljasno error can i see10:27
renn0xtk9I got this line in my /etc/fstab UUID=d28e5e94-5260-4492-859d-6a0509b8f25e /media/max/Toshiba ext4 defaults 0 2               but if the harddrive (USB-harddrive  ) is not connected at boot time, it will fail to boot. How can it tell it to mount the drive "if it can "?10:27
allizomiljas: so you do: "nmcli c up MTS" and then it just sits apparently idly till you Ctrl+C it?10:29
allizomor does it return something after some time10:29
iljasyou right. it is an error10:30
iljasError -- failure of connection activation,  not known error10:30
iljas(my terminal is not in english, it is a translation)10:30
allizomiljas: well, can't think of anything else. If you shared a link to a log pastebin I could still take a look though10:32
allizomyou can put the link on PM if you prefer10:32
allizombut actually there's should not be anything which can't be made public10:33
TJ-iljas: Network Manager does extensive logging in /var/log/syslog so you may find clues there10:33
iljasill look the log10:34
iljasthe error in english : Error Connection activation failed Unknown error10:34
iljasthank you!10:35
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iljasallizom, thats the last minutes. I made a connection attempt10:50
TJ-iljas: you definitely want to bring it up as an IPv6 connection?10:51
TJ-iljas: also, the signal strength looks *very* low10:53
iljasyou think it is the cause?10:53
TJ-iljas: unsure... I'm wondering if the but where the APN/PIN are set has also "IP family: ipv6" could be the problem. Does the connection editor allow you to configure that?10:54
allizomTJ-: the may-fail pref is not set (default yes), so IPv6 is not available it should just only get IPv410:54
TJ-allizom: right, but it doesn't mention ipv4 anywhere in the modem conversation10:55
TJ-Just a timeout10:55
iljasmy editor allows to disable ipv610:55
iljasi ll try now the connection through the wvdial and look in the log10:56
TJ-I'd be very concerned about the extremelt low signal level. iljas, are you able to move the device to a better location where it gets a much better signal?10:56
TJ-It could be the NM default timeout which seems to be 10 seconds isn't enough when there's a low signal strength because of latency and resends10:57
allizomiljas: have you set up /dev/ttyUSBX anywhere in the wvdial config? because that does not appear to be a serial device, but it uses qmi ( /dev/cdc-wdm0 )10:57
posyou might need serial settings to provide pin, etc10:58
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TJ-Apparently "Wait to get fully enabled" can mean the SIM isn't registered! The next message should be "Register"11:03
iljasallizom, now i have connected to the internet through the "wvdial" program11:04
allizomnote down its configs11:05
allizomThis *should* rule out coverage issues and bad SIM11:05
TJ-iljas: anything in the log showing the parameters it used in negoitating the connection, so you can compare to what modemmanager does?11:06
TJ-allizom: indeed, a great test11:06
TJ-iljas: is wvdial doing anything IPv6 related like modemmanager does?11:06
TJ-iljas: see e.g. http://trac.gateworks.com/wiki/wireless/modem#IPFamily11:07
TJ-iljas: allizom also this from M.M. seems to say it's asking for IPv6 only:  https://www.freedesktop.org/software/ModemManager/api/latest/ModemManager-Flags-and-Enumerations.html#MMBearerIpFamily11:08
TJ-iljas: allizom seems like we'd want either MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_ANY or MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_IPV4V611:09
iljashttps://pastebin.com/VWmAdbtb  my new log11:09
iljasmoment. ill switch to my normal internet11:09
TJ-iljas: as allizom mentioned earlier, wvdial is using /dev/ttyUSB1 but MM is using /dev/cdc-wdm0 - ttyUSB1 suggests there's also a ttyUSB0 - do you have two cellular modems connected to the PC?11:10
allizomyeah, or maybe one physical card which acts as both11:11
TJ-I think we need to focus on that to begin with, ensure we're dealing with the correct device/interface11:12
allizomiljas: check the output of "lsusb" and "lsusb -t" so we can see which card it is11:13
clamiaxIs it the right channel to ask about Ubuntu Server?11:14
cfhowletthere or #ubuntu-server11:14
clamiaxI think my problem is not strictly related to the server flavour.11:14
clamiaxI'm trying to change the default image viewer but I'm having very hard times11:15
cfhowlettimage viewer on a server?  eh?11:15
clamiaxI googled a lot and found that you have to take into account many things: mime types, alternatives, .desktop files, etc etc. I wonder if there is an easy way to do it.11:15
clamiaxcfhowlett: I use Ubuntu Server on my desktop PC.11:15
TJ-clamiax: so it's Desktop Linux - it has a GUI11:16
clamiaxYeah, I also think so11:17
clamiaxSo it's Ubuntu. How can I change the default image viewer on Ubuntu?11:17
cfhowlettclamiax, what your system failing to do for you?11:17
bhanzhow to figure out if system is san boot ?11:17
clamiaxcfhowlett: it doesn't fail, it just open gimp instead of feh. I didn't figured out how to change this behaviour.11:17
iljasthe right log https://pastebin.com/zBsAAkJv11:17
cfhowlettah.  right click on the image and change to properties.  select  the "open with" option11:18
clamiaxcfhowlett: I use dwm, there is no such things as "right click on the image". I would like to learn how to do it on the terminal.11:18
TJ-clamiax: usually you can do that via the file manager. Choose a file, use the content menu "Open with..." or open the file Properties dialog, and there's an option there11:19
clamiaxAny idea how can I do it via shell?11:19
TJ-clamiax: what does "xdg-open path/to/file.img" use to open the file?11:19
clamiaxTJ-: xdg-open uses gimp11:20
TJ-clamiax: right, so we need to track down the mime-type assocation in the user settings11:20
TJ-clamiax: what kind of file is it, jpeg/jpg ?11:20
clamiaxTJ-: it's png11:21
TJ-clamiax: what does "xdg-mime query filetype path/to/file.png" report?11:22
clamiaxit's image/png11:23
clamiax...and query default says eog.desktop for image/png11:23
clamiaxwhich doesn't exists at all11:23
TJ-clamiax: if you can find the .desktop file for 'feh', you can do "xdg-mime default feh.desktop image/png"11:24
clamiaxTJ-: it does not exists.11:24
clamiaxI can build it myself but I wonder if there is some tool for this kind of task. I don't like to create files and make associations by hand.11:25
TJ-user-create .desktop files generally get added in either /usr/local/share/applicatinos/ or $HOME/.local/share/applications/11:26
TJ-clamiax: according to apt-file: feh: /usr/share/applications/feh.desktop11:26
clamiax$ LANG=C du /usr/share/applications/feh.desktop11:27
clamiaxdu: cannot access '/usr/share/applications/feh.desktop': No such file or directory11:27
TJ-clamiax: then you've not installed the 'feh' package11:27
TJ-!info feh11:27
ubottufeh (source: feh): imlib2 based image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.19-1 (artful), package size 151 kB, installed size 422 kB11:27
clamiax$ dpkg -l |grep feh11:27
clamiaxii  feh                                 2.19-1                                   amd64        imlib2 based image viewer11:27
clamiaxI use feh all the times, it's installed.11:28
TJ-clamiax: "dpkg -L feh | grep desktop'11:28
clamiaxIt says what you told, /usr/share/applications/feh.desktop. But it's not there.11:29
clamiaxI can try reinstalling feh. Hmm...11:29
TJ-clamiax: then that system has problems. Are there other .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/11:29
allizomiljas: which card have you got then?11:29
allizomand, is it working this way?11:29
clamiaxTJ-: yes, many. I've reinstalled feh and now I have the .desktop file. This helps but doesn't tell us nothing why the file was not there.11:30
mircx1hello how i install fetch in ubuntu?11:31
iljasallizon, gobi 3000. it works only via wvdial now11:31
TJ-clamiax: can you now set feh as the default using xdg-mime ?11:32
clamiaxTJ-: no, it doesn't work. I've just tried11:32
TJ-clamiax: does xdg-open still launch gimp?11:33
clamiaxBut it worked by using mimeopen11:33
clamiaxTJ-: yes, xdg-open still launch gimp11:33
TJ-clamiax: something weird there11:33
mircx1 how i install fetch in ubuntu?11:34
TJ-mircx1: what is 'fetch' ?11:35
allizomiljas: <allizom>: iljas: check the output of "lsusb" and "lsusb -t" so we can see which card it is11:36
allizomand paste it. it has got more info11:36
iljasone moment11:36
mircx1i want download from there fetch -o fetch.sh  http://termbin.com/3gpw11:36
mircx1then how i install that?11:37
ericrajuinclamiax: try see the file in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list11:39
sysRPLi have a question about permission problems11:40
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TJ-!info inspircd | mircx1 that package is available in the Ubuntu archive11:40
ubottumircx1 that package is available in the Ubuntu archive: inspircd (source: inspircd): Modular IRCd written in C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.24-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1457 kB, installed size 8055 kB11:40
TJ-mircx1: just do "sudo apt install inspircd"11:41
iljasallizom, https://pastebin.com/NWUCWCMt11:41
mircx1noo is no inspircd i want only download the file this all11:41
ericrajuinclamiax: find the  line "image/png=gimp.desktop" , and change it to feh.desktop, provided there is a feh.desktop11:42
sysRPLi am trying to create a website with apache, and i want to be able to edit the files as me, a normal user, but also allow the www-data user apache uses to read/write files and folders. if i create folders/files then apache can't access those files and folders. how can i fix this without changing owndership of files and folders every time i make changes?11:42
TJ-mircx1: then use your browser and do Save As...11:42
TJ-mircx1: Debian/Ubuntu has no tool called 'fetch' so you'll have to check with that script's author on what 'fetch' is11:44
mircx1ok but is no possible download from this commands?11:45
clamiaxTJ-: the command was without path, only the .desktop file name: xdg-mime default feh.desktop image/png11:45
clamiaxit worked :)11:45
TJ-right, that's what I showed :)11:45
clamiaxYes, it was my fault. Thanks for your help and time.11:46
TJ-clamiax: glad we proved XDG isn't broken!11:46
sysRPLso can anyone help me with that files/folder permission problem i posted above?11:46
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me when i open netbeans on the dock i get two icons?11:46
TJ-sysRPL: use file ACLs to add you user, something like "sudo setfacl -R -m u:$USER:rwx /path/to/dir"11:48
sysRPLTJ-, and then that the problem. i need to do that every time i create new files11:48
sysRPLTJ-, i want to be able to edit and create files without having to change permsisions  every time afterwards11:49
TJ-sysRPL: if you set the mask using setfacl correctly it'll apply to all new files too11:49
TJ-sysRPL: see "man setfacl" for the command, and "man acl" for more details on ACLs11:50
sysRPLTJ-, what about when apache creates files/folders? i still have the problem that i can't read those files. for example my apache website create a file while running cllaed users.xml. i cannot open that file as me the normal user11:51
TJ-iljas: allizom could it be one device is the modem and the other is using the HTC phone!?11:51
TJ-sysRPL: apache uses the regular ownership www-data:www-data as normal ACLs are in addition to the file-system ownership/permissions11:52
TJ-sysRPL: I do exactly this to modify web-site files11:52
iljasa connected telephone. ill disconnect it and try!11:52
allizomTJ-: I don't think so11:53
TJ-allizom: it's worth a try :)11:53
allizomof course. The device appears as both a serial and a qmi one though11:53
iljas mmcli --modem 0 --3gpp-scan --timeout=30011:53
iljaserror: couldn't scan networks in the modem: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.libqmi.Error.Protocol.Internal: Couldn't scan networks: QMI protocol error (3): 'Internal''11:53
allizomso iljas you may need to select the device-id in your settings11:54
iljasi tried to scan networks - it doesn't scan them11:54
iljashow could i select the device-id?11:54
allizomnmcli c edit MTS11:55
iljasnmcli e edit "MTS"11:55
iljasok im there11:55
allizomthen set gsm.device-id11:55
sysRPLTJ-, okay so you are saying i create the folder as me a normal user, then use setfacl on it?11:55
iljasenter 'device-id' value11:56
allizomthis is the value, copied from your paste: 11f62965bfe583048819c2f1ba7df1e94746790d11:56
sysRPLTJ-, and apache will still have permission to create new folders, and i will be able to access the folders which apache creates?11:56
TJ-allizom: So the Gobi presents 4 interfaces, the cdc-wdm0 (qmi_wwan I assume) and 3 serial (qcserial) so we're assuming ttyUSB1 is the 2nd interface for Bus 3 Dev 311:57
iljasThe connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? (yes/no) [no] n   how to save the setting?11:58
TJ-sysRPL: I use suexec with apache so each domain has it's own UID:GID. I add myself using setfacl to the domain's home directory (I use /home/<domain.tld>/ for easy management)11:59
tugayhello peeps11:59
allizomhm, I'm not convinced actually, sorry. The device id seems to be the same for the various ports12:00
iljasmay be i should use "save" to save my password change, too?12:00
tugayi recently installed ubuntu 16.04.412:00
iljasallizon, nevertheless ill try now12:00
allizomiljas: since you've got password-flags=1 the password is not saved12:00
iljasi could change it to password-flags=o12:01
MJCDI should use systemd and create a service for tasks I want to run every boot and then recurringly yeah?12:02
MJCDIs there a good guide to getting started with that?12:02
allizomand then also set gsm.password=mts (or whatever)12:02
walle23Hey guys, I have an ubuntu-server 14.04 (trusty) armv71 machine that I'd like to update but I get "Failed to fetch ... 404 not found" when I run "sudo apt-get update"12:02
walle23here are my sources.list:12:03
walle23deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted12:03
walle23Any idea how to fix this?12:03
niksHi, I have a device (not ubuntu, some proprietary unix based system) and my laptop (ubuntu gnome), I'd like to get the non-ubuntu mac address and I have no way to do it on the device itself sadly. So what I'm thinking is connecting it to my ubuntu laptop via ethernet, and look at the mac of the device through ethernet. Is it even possible ? (i'm really not a sys admin at all)12:03
sysRPLTJ-, okay i think that did it12:03
gogetawalle23, fresh install your very out of date12:03
MJCDniks, if you can establish a connection than sure12:04
MJCDsounds like an xy problem12:04
walle23@gogeta can I keep the kernel configuration somehow?12:04
iljas"set gsm.password = mts" with separation?12:04
gogetawalle23, wait nv 14.04 is still supported12:04
TJ-niks: sure. Connect them then "ip nieghbour show"12:05
walle23@gogeta ok, so what do i do? i'm getting 404 on my sources12:05
allizomset gsm password <Enter> type the password12:06
allizomset gsm.password12:06
gogetawalle23, sounds like your have a dead mirror12:07
TJ-niks: oops, typo! "ip neighbour show"12:07
walle23gogeta where can i get a list of mirrors?12:08
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Artful, and help keeping the servers' load low!12:08
TJ-walle23: what does "dpkg --print-architecture" report?12:08
walle23TJ- "armhf"12:09
TJ-walle23: has it ever worked with archive.ubuntu.com?12:09
TJ-walle23: because as far as I know, it should be http://ports.ubuntu.com/12:10
walle23TJ-: it was like that originally, but that didn't work either12:10
TJ-walle23: the armhf files are there on ports, I'm looking at them12:10
walle23TJ- ok let me double check12:10
TJ-walle23: e.g. http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/trusty/12:11
TJ-(visit that with a browser, don't put it in sources.list!)12:11
walle23TJ- changed to ports.ubuntu.com, this is the result: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FdDW36NmSF/12:12
gogetawalle23, hear is th gui method https://askubuntu.com/questions/37753/how-can-i-get-apt-to-use-a-mirror-close-to-me-or-choose-a-faster-mirror12:12
walle23gogeta ubuntu server so no gui for me :(12:12
gogetawalle23, it also shows the command line version just change it to your distro name12:13
gogetawalle23, eg percice12:14
walle23gogeta TJ- ok i'll change to trusty and tell you whats up12:14
MrKeunerhi, is rkhunter broken in 18.0412:14
MrKeunersudo rkhunter --update12:15
MrKeunerInvalid WEB_CMD configuration option: Relative pathname: "/bin/false"12:15
allizomiljas: ok, this may work. you still there?12:15
iljasim here12:15
tomreyn!18.04 | MrKeuner12:15
ubottuMrKeuner: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+112:15
allizomI think the interface name needs to be specified rather than the device id12:16
raboofhi! I created a customized livecd image using the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization. This works and I boot a VirtualBox from the ISO, but when I dd it to an usb disk I cannot boot from the usb disk12:16
allizomso nmcli c edit MTS12:16
raboofwhen I dd the official iso to usb disk that works fine12:16
raboofwhat step might I be missing?12:16
allizomremove gsm.device-id12:16
walle23gogeta sadly it didn't work, still got 404s12:17
allizomset connection.interface-name12:17
joypopwhat are your talking about12:17
TJ-walle23: it works here when I add an armhf ports to my standard amd64 system: "Get:10 http://ports.ubuntu.com xenial/main armhf Packages [1,145 kB]  "12:17
MrKeunertomreyn, thank you12:17
allizomhere we've got to enter ttyUSB1 (the one you got it working with wvdial)12:17
iljassimply ttyUSB1 ?12:18
TJ-walle23: I just added "deb [arch=armhf] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ xenial main"12:18
tomreynraboof: try writing it with unetbootin (or mkusb) instead.12:18
allizomnow try nmcli c up MTS12:18
allizomit will hopefully use the seial interface12:19
walle23TJ- let me check12:19
iljasError: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection.12:19
tomreynraboof: whats the error message, or what happens when you try to boot off the usb disk?12:19
TJ-walle23: you don't need the "[arch=armhf] but, and change 'xenial' to 'trusty' obviously12:19
allizomls /dev | grep ttyUSB12:20
rabooftomreyn: it's just not booting from the usb drive and instead booting from the existing Windows partition - when I put the official liveusb disk in it boots from that successfully though12:20
iljas ttyUSB012:20
walle23TJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/73ywkkS42p/12:21
tomreynjoypop: we're giving and taking ubuntu support, that's what this channel is about. there is also #ubuntu-discuss12:21
walle23TJ- the 404s continue,12:21
tomreynraboof: okay, then try unetbootin / mkusb12:21
TJ-walle23: I suspect you're connecting through a proxy that's interfering12:22
iljasmaybe restart ModemManager service?12:22
walle23TJ- I'm through my home connection, definitely no proxy in the way, maybe the machine itself is trying to connect to a proxy? how can I check that?12:23
TJ-walle23: oh, no! I see what's up! Your apt client is asking for the uncompressed Packages file but the ports archive only carries compressed versions, which suggests the apt config on that system has a problem12:23
TJ-walle23: I've a 14.04 container here let me try it from that12:24
walle23TJ-: haha ok, thanks! I'll check apt.conf.d meanwhile12:25
allizomiljas: in my test setup this works. Is wwdial still running by any chance? Double-check the settings please, in particular device-id, password, password-flags and interface-name12:28
allizomthose we edited12:28
ioriawalle23, idk arm but some posts suggest that the line should be 'deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty main' not deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ trusty main12:28
TJ-ioria: it's the same, the dists/ pool/ are in the root but ubuntu-ports/ is a symlink12:29
ioriaTJ-, ha, ok12:30
TJ-ioria: the apt client is only asking for the text/plain 'Packages' instead of trying 'Packages.gz' etc12:30
iljaswhen i set interface to ttyUSB1, there string "MTS" in the graphic interface in the section "Mobile broadband" it is not there anymore.12:30
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iljasi ve set cdc-wdm0 -- and the string "mts" is there in graphic interface again12:31
iljasbut no connection12:31
bhanzhow to determine whether system is SAN boot  or booting from local disk ?12:33
iljasbefore i gave a command mmcli --modem 0 --3gpp-scan --timeout=300    and there was an error12:33
iljasnow it gives me mobile operators about me!12:33
iljasthats some progress with nmcli12:34
TJ-walle23: it worked in my 14.04 container, see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6dbvqtt8kq/   - I'm wondering, do you have the gzip tools installed "dpkg -l gzip" ?12:35
walle23TJ-: yes i do12:35
allizomiljas: can you share /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/MTS ?12:36
TJ-walle23: it looks like your system is not trying to get the Packages.gz/.xz12:36
allizom(you'll need to use sudo to read it)12:36
allizome.g. sudo vi /etc/...12:37
walle23TJ-: super weird, I'm from my desktop pc doing "wget" to the packages.gz and it works, but on this server machine, i'm doing wget to the sa,e url and it gives out 40412:37
walle23TJ-: they are in the same lan12:37
TJ-walle23: right, so let's enable more debug info shall we?12:37
iljasallizom, mmcli --modem 0 --simple-connect="apn=internet.mts.ru"12:38
iljaserror: couldn't connect the modem: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.Core.Retry: Too much time waiting to get to a final state'12:38
walle23TJ-: ok, but i don't think that the gzip is the problem, I think its trying to fetch the right url ("http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/trusty/main/binary-armhf/Packages.gz") but for some reason it cannot find it12:38
TJ-walle23: use "apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update |& tee /tmp/apt-update.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/apt-update.log" (or cat /tmp/apt-update.log | nc termbin.com 9999)12:38
walle23TJ-: on it12:39
jarnosWhy is apt-get update so slow? It waits long in connecting to some repositories12:40
cfhowlettjarnos, did you localize your sources?12:41
steamedhamHello everyone, I'm having trouble launching steam, I viewed numerous articles/forum posts about this error, but none of them worked, it just simply won't connect. It's a fresh install, I used "sudo apt-get install steam" from terminal, it downloaded the 32bit libraries too, the error I get is: Could not connect to steam network..., no matter what I try I just can't get past that error message. (steam works fine on Win7 on the same12:41
walle23TJ-: http://termbin.com/qd7812:41
jarnoscfhowlett, yes, I selected "the fastest", but for partner repository I need archive.canonical.com,12:42
jarnoscfhowlett, also why line12:42
jarnos0% [Connecting to ubuntu.trumpetti.atm.tut.fi (2001:708:310:54::102)] [Connecting to dl.google.com (2a00:1450:400f:80a::200e)12:42
TJ-walle23: so far it looks like it fetched them, the only errors I see are for Linaro12:43
jarnosis so long time the last one.12:43
walle23TJ-: wdym, it got 404 not found for ports.ubuntu.com12:44
allizom1) remove the permissions=user:alan:; line12:44
allizom2) edit the interface-name line to be interface-name=ttyUSB112:44
allizom3) set password-flags=212:44
ioriawalle23, you resolve hostnames , right ? ping google.com12:44
TJ-walle23: have you discovered a bug in apt?!12:44
walle23TJ-: yes sir12:44
iljasi believe i have to stop modemmanager service first. am i?12:44
tomreynjarnos: some ISPs still think IPv6 was a 'best' (worst) effort internet protocol, spending (too) few resources on maintaining it and concenctrating on ipv4 only.12:44
AscavasaionI am trying to sudo mount -a a RAID, and I keep getting "mount: /mnt/nas: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error".  I got the UUID with blkid, and entered a line in fstab with UUID=numberIgotwithblkID /mnt/nas  ext4 errors=remount-ro 0   1"  If I change ext4 to auto in fstab I get, "mount: /mnt/nas: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_memner".  Any pointers please.12:45
walle23ioria: yes12:45
walle23TJ-: its an old image, so they probably already got the bug haha12:45
TJ-walle23: notice something? It correctly fetches the Packages.xz/.gz  first then tries the text/plain 'Packages' and 404s as we'd expect, but why is it trying the text/plain when it's got the compressed versions12:45
allizomyes, better to stop it before. then save, do sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager ModemManager12:45
allizomand then we'll see12:46
ioriawalle23,  try to replace your sources.list ?  https://github.com/leapmotion/linux-build-env/blob/master/sources.list.trusty.armhf12:47
tomreynAscavasaion: what kind if RAID is this? hardware, software?12:47
TJ-walle23: it gets "GET /ubuntu-ports/dists/trusty/main/binary-armhf/Packages.bz2"12:47
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Hardware.12:48
Ascavasaiontomreyn: RAID512:48
tomreynAscavasaion: it actually says "linux_raid_member" in the message, which i think it only does for md (software) raid.  how do you configure it?12:49
walle23ioria: 404s for all :(12:49
walle23TJ-: then how come "wget" the same url doesn't work?12:50
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Through a preboot/post CLI on the controller card.12:50
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tomreynAscavasaion: is it fakeraid? which hardware raid is it? can you show 'blkid' and 'sudo dmsetup ls' outputs?12:50
walle23TJ-: here, try to wget this url: "http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/trusty/main/binary-armhf/Packages.bz2"12:50
TJ-walle23: is apt's "CompressionTypes" conf setting applied?12:50
TJ-walle23: fetches fine12:51
AscavasaionLet me get onto chat on thatcomputer so I can cut and pastebin12:51
walle23TJ-: how can I check?12:51
walle23TJ-: I'm getting 404 for that url using wget12:51
walle23TJ-: maybe iptables?12:51
TJ-walle23: I think your ISP is imposing a transparent proxy12:51
TJ-walle23: try "grep -rn CompressionTypes /etc/apt/"12:52
TJ-walle23: nothing to do with iptables' 404 is the web-server telling you it doesn't have that file. As this is HTTP it can be intercepted by transparent proxies12:52
walle23TJ-: I don't think so, as I can "wget" this url from all of my other computers in the same lan12:52
TJ-walle23: so something on that PC then? did you install a proxy on there?12:53
iljasallizom, have to work. thank you for help. Ill try to cope with my modem later12:53
walle23haha no, I'll connect to the WiFi and try from my phone12:53
iljasthank you!12:53
TJ-walle23: try "grep -rn Proxy /etc/apt/"12:53
walle23TJ-: Both greps showed no results12:54
allizomactually it should just work in theory12:54
allizomnow that we selected the interface12:54
allizombut who knows12:54
TJ-walle23: OK, so possibly a transparent proxy rule on that device? "sudo iptables-save" and look for anything touching port 8012:54
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TJ-walle23: also, check it hasn't run out of space for the file-system that contains /var/lib/apt/lists/ with "df -h"12:55
TJ-walle23: it could be it cannot write the package files to storage for some reason, too12:56
TJ-walle23: although that doesn't explain the 404's being returned, so can't be that simple12:56
cfhowlettnot sure, but i think wget uses tmp storage.  if that storage is maxed out = no download possible12:56
walle23TJ-: here's the output for both: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t4jzN8mW6s/12:56
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, https://pastebin.com/GPvCpexh   and it is a MegaRAID12:57
TJ-walle23: all clear there too. Well, we've seen 404's being returned and you've duplicated it with wget, so there must be something on that device interfering12:58
tomreynAscavasaion_: so these sda and sdb disk linux gets to see are actually hardware raids, or does linux get to see the raw disks?12:58
TJ-walle23: does "env | sort" show any variables that indicate a HTTP_PROXY type setting?12:59
walle23TJ-: the time is wrong on the machine (7 years ago) might be related?12:59
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TJ-walle23: oooo! good catch. set it correctly and try12:59
walle23TJ-: no env vars related to proxy12:59
walle23TJ-: I'll try and set the time correctly13:00
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, It takes 8 x 4TB drives and creates one large one of 26TB.  if I lsblk it shows that sda5 =25.5TB  So Linux only sees the single virtual drive.13:01
walle23TJ-: still 404 :(13:02
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TJ-Ascavasaion_: can you pastebin the /etc/fstab ?13:04
TJ-walle23: I'm not sure what to suggest; it's like tha device is in it's own little Internet!13:04
walle23TJ-: ok i think its about the translation of the host after all13:05
TJ-walle23: if you can wget from other PCs but not that device then there's something affecting that device... is it linked through some router which could be filtering the network only for it?13:05
walle23TJ-: it translates ports.ubuntu.com to ""13:05
walle23TJ-: which is a wrong ip address for that domain13:05
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, https://pastebin.com/MphaDf9p13:05
Ascavasaion_TJ-, https://pastebin.com/MphaDf9p13:06
TJ-walle23: that makes sense if you go to  :)13:07
TJ-walle23: check the /etc/hosts for a static enty13:07
tomreynAscavasaion_: thanks for clarifying. the reason i keep asking about this is that sda5 contains not a file system header but what seems to be a software RAID member's header. when mounting /dev/sda5 as a file system directly (based on your configuration in fstab) was attempted, the message "unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'" was returned, which you would get to see in this case. the blkid output you posted states, for this device, that13:08
tomreynit has a LABEL="mynasbox:2" assigned. this is a label that a linux software raid (md/mdadm) would assign to a software raid member (so to a disk which is part of a software raid).13:08
TJ-Ascavasaion_: well that looks correct, there's another layer of device-mapper inside sda513:08
walle23TJ-: oh my goddddd13:08
TJ-walle23: shall I send you into the bad-boys corner now?13:08
tomreynAscavasaion_: i guess TJ just said the same, in a much less convoluted way. ;)13:09
walle23TJ-: this is a fresh install from the distributer's site I can't believe this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y6krJVTqRh/13:09
TJ-Ascavasaion_: try "sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sda5"13:10
walle23TJ-: I'm so sorry for the trouble, I'll go to the corner by my self13:10
TJ-walle23: wow! that's some level of incompetence on the board-dev's behalf!13:11
TJ-walle23: not something you're going to expect, usually it's either 'cannot reach host'13:11
tomreynlol fixed host records.13:11
TJ-^ _13:12
TJ-@ @13:12
tomreyna good way to make things hard to debug.13:12
Ascavasaion_TJ-, tomreyn - https://pastebin.com/AUHzgNSf13:12
TJ-tomreyn: yeah, when it actually resolves :D13:12
TJ-Ascavasaion_: what md devices has Linux started? " cat /proc/mdstat"13:13
tomreynshould be none, dmsetup ls knows of none13:13
Ascavasaion_TJ-, tomreyn - joel@gondor:~$ cat /proc/mdstat13:14
Ascavasaion_Personalities :13:14
Ascavasaion_unused devices: <none>13:14
tomreynAscavasaion_: luckily this was a mirror raid, so your data should still be present if it was previously in synch13:14
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, I hope so :-D13:14
TJ-Ascavasaion_: so this is a hardware RAID (5?) with a Linux software RAID (1) on top?13:15
TJ-and this RAID-1 mirror only has one device? "Raid Devices : 1"13:16
tomreynAscavasaion_: so let me make a guess, since you haven't told us much about this so far: you previously had a software rais there in a RAID-1 configuration, and then either moved this physical disk to a different computer (where it is now) or you switched from software to hardware raid, or meant to.13:16
Ascavasaion_TJ-, It looks like it... I never knew that.  I bought it froma  friend of a friend, and he said RAID 513:16
tomreynAscavasaion_: was this part of a synology NAS maybe?13:17
TJ-Ascavasaion_: so possibly the MD device doesn't come up because at boot it's considered degraded because there isn't another side to the mirror?13:17
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, ^^^^13:17
armedhi ppl13:18
tomreynAscavasaion_: i am further guessing that the repeated ^ characters are suposed to point out that my guesses are goof.13:18
TJ-Ascavasaion_: i wonder if sda1 is the other half of the array? :D13:18
TJ-Ascavasaion_: "sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sda1"13:19
Ascavasaion_TJ-, I honesty don't know.  It worked... then a molex splitter cable's pin came loose and two drives went off.  I installed Windows onto the amhcine's SATA drive... installed software for Megaraid and "rebuilt" the one drive... took 10 hours.  I think everything is gone on it... but I am hoping it is not.13:19
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sda113:20
Ascavasaion_mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sda1.13:20
TJ-Ascavasaion_: it seems to be in a strange state for sure13:20
Ascavasaion_I think the perso who originally had the computer created a 2TB partition for Linux (Ubuntu according to my BIOS) and a 2TB swap partition on oneof the disks in the RAID, then created a RAID wuith the 7 other drives and what remained of the one... I think... Total guess.  Because there are partitions on the sda113:22
tomreynAscavasaion_: so you actually still need the data on /dev/sda right?13:23
Ascavasaion_It booted off a USB stick.. but it was slow... so I bought and put a SATA hadd into the motherboard's SATA controller... an it worked until the cable's pin came loose.  The other 8 drives are SAS and run through the SAS controller.13:23
perso_hi me guy in frnce13:23
cfhowlett!fr | perso_13:23
ubottuperso_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:23
TJ-Ascavasaion_: you could try assembling it with "sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 --name mynasbox:2 /dev/sda5"13:23
TJ-Ascavasaion_: if it's not complete mdadm won't activate it, so it's safe to try. If you want to force it to assemble you can add the "--run" option later13:24
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, I have made peace with losing everything on the RAD.  If I could, and knew how I would wipe the 25.5TB partition, wipe the 2TB Ubuntu partition, and wipe the swap partition, and makem one large virtual drive with the full 32TB of hard disks.  But that is beyond my ability and I hear it will take days and days of running 24/7 to do.13:24
tomreynAscavasaion_: not at all, deleting is fast, creating partitions, too, creating the file system will take some miuntes for ext4 (others may take longer).13:26
Ascavasaion_tom... I should go forit?13:26
tomreynAscavasaion_: but i would not give up restoring the data just yet, there is a good chance it can be recovered if you desire it.13:26
tomreynAscavasaion_: i'm just puzzled as to why it is in this state, are oyu sure that you reassambled the hardware raid members properly?13:27
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, I gained access toit through Windows 8 and a third party ext4 partiion viewer.  It listed 1 file with MB allocated... then 5 or so with 0Bytes size, and then one with MB allocated... and so on.  So I suspect the data is corrupted on it.13:28
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, I think it is because the two drives lost power when the pin in the molex splitter came loose, and the drives lost power.13:28
tomreyni see13:29
TJ-Ascavasaion_: tomreyn Did you notice the "Array Size" is half the "... Dev Size"  27338917888 vs 54677835872 and get the Raid Devices == 113:29
tomreynAscavasaion_: so if i was you i'd try to assemble the software raid now as TJ- suggested13:29
tomreynTJ-: indeed i did not, oops13:30
TJ-tomreyn: seems strange it reports 27338917888 but the bracked capacity is identical to the Dev Size capacities13:30
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 --name mynasbox:2 /dev/sda513:30
Ascavasaion_mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 1 drive.13:30
TJ-Ascavasaion_: wow! OK, try "sudo blkid /dev/md0"13:30
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ sudo blkid /dev/md013:31
Ascavasaion_. /dev/md0: UUID="MDizCZ-MGqg-Hv18-hLW2-nf9M-Qx1T-Q1dURi" TYPE="LVM2_member"13:32
TJ-tomreyn: I'm wondering if the only issue could be the mynasbox:2 name change? It doesn't match the apparent hostname (gondor ?) so would be seen as foreign and won't be auto activated13:32
TJ-Ascavasaion_: Yay!13:32
TJ-Ascavasaion_: now do "sudo vgchange -ay"13:33
Ascavasaion_Should I add that UUID to fstab rather?13:33
TJ-Ascavasaion_: you should see "xxx logical volumes activated"13:33
tomreynTJ-: i thinkt he disks were migrated between systems, so that would explain the hostname change, and why it wasnt activated, yes.13:33
tomreyn(x so pretty much all i know about synology nas is that it creates linux md raid 1 members for everything it gets its hands on, even single disks. just to possibly add to the puzzle.13:34
TJ-tomreyn: right, so the hostname issue is possibly the only reason that the array wasn't auto-assembled at boot time13:34
TJ-Ascavasaion_: how's it going? did vgchange activate a volume group and logical volumes?13:34
tomreynTJ-: yes. just why the size is off is yet unclear.13:35
trumeeI have lxd installed as a snap package. It install its stuff in /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd instead of /var/lib/lxd. Can i bind mount /var/lib/lxd to /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd?13:35
tomreynTJ-: 'off' in that not all available spaceis in use, more like haf of it. but that's not really an issue.13:35
TJ-tomreyn: what bothers me is the apparent sector counts don't match the bracketed capacities13:36
Ascavasaion_TJ-, vgchange?13:36
TJ-Ascavasaion_: did you run the command I gave you above?13:36
TJ-Ascavasaion_: now do "sudo vgchange -ay"13:37
tomreynTJ-: yes, me, too.13:37
TJ-Ascavasaion_: you should see "xxx logical volumes activated"13:37
Ascavasaion_vgchange not found13:38
TJ-tomreyn: it's a bug! I've just noticed it here too:  Avail Dev Size : 488396896 (232.89 GiB 250.06 GB) Array Size : 244198400 (232.89 GiB 250.06 GB)13:38
TJ-Ascavasaion_: ok, does "which lvm" report anything?13:38
tomreynTJ-: oops, i got it, too13:39
TJ-tomreyn: that's a weird one!13:39
Ascavasaion_whichl vm gives nothing... goes back to prompt13:39
tomreynTJ-: 16.04?13:39
tomreyn$ mdadm --version13:40
tomreynmdadm - v3.3 - 3rd September 201313:40
TJ-tomreyn: 18.0413:40
TJ-Ascavasaion_: right, so you need to install the LVM tooling: "sudo apt install lvm2"13:40
Ascavasaion_"which lvm" gives nothing, just goes back to prompt.13:41
TJ-tomreyn: mdadm - v4.0 - 2017-01-0913:41
tomreyn1.2 meta data?13:41
TJ-tomreyn: Version : 1.013:41
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ which lvm13:42
Ascavasaion_. /sbin/lvm13:43
TJ-Ascavasaion_: now do "sudo vgchange -ay"13:43
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ sudo vgchange -ay13:43
Ascavasaion_  1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg1000" now active13:43
TJ-Ascavasaion_: this should scan, discover, and activate the LVM volume group and logical volumes within it, which should contain the file-system you are after13:43
TJ-Ascavasaion_: yay!!!!  now list the path for that LV with "ls /dev/mapper/"13:44
TJ-Ascavasaion_: and do "sudo blkid /dev/mapper/XXXXX" (replace XXXXX of course with the correct name)13:44
TJ-Ascavasaion_: but not /dev/mapper/control - that is a special node, not a storage device13:45
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ ls /dev/mapper/13:45
Ascavasaion_control  vg1000-lv13:45
TJ-Ascavasaion_: ok so now "sudo blkid /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv"13:45
tomreynthis apparent bug is so obivous it must have been discussed in the past.13:46
Ascavasaion_sudo blkid /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv13:46
TJ-tomreyn: I've been searching for it and not located a report as yet13:46
tomreynsame here13:46
Ascavasaion_. /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv: LABEL="1.42.6-5967" UUID="2510d324-dab5-417f-bb20-3b9553d87a67" TYPE="ext4"13:46
tomreynTJ-: would you write to linux-raid@vger.kernel.org and take all the shame?13:47
TJ-Ascavasaion_: Finally! now to get to your files: "sudo mount /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv /mnt/nas"13:47
TJ-tomreyn: haha not as yet, there may be a 'logical' reason for it13:47
TJ-tomreyn: I want to read the source-code and commit history first13:47
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv /mnt/nas13:47
Ascavasaion_mount: /mnt/nas: mount(2) system call failed: File too large.13:47
tomreyni like you putting this in quotes13:48
TJ-Ascavasaion_: errr what does "uname -r" report ?13:48
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv /mnt/nas13:48
Ascavasaion_mount: /mnt/nas: mount(2) system call failed: File too large.13:48
Ascavasaion_Oops, sorry13:48
TJ-tomreyn: well I read an explanation of it that makes sense for RAID5/6 but it doesn't seem to make sense for RAID1 (especially with 1 device)13:48
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ uname -r13:48
tomreynthat's probably outdated13:49
tomreynthe kernel13:49
TJ-Ascavasaion_: this is interesting, you've got an ext4 file-system on /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv but mount says it's too large!13:49
TJ-tomreyn: 4.13 is pretty recent, it's from 17.1013:49
tomreynyes but 16.04 hwe is 4.13.0-36-generic13:50
kostkonAscavasaion_, should be -3713:50
tomreynbut it's probably no big deal and not why13:50
TJ-the differences in the minor versions aren't that invasive!13:50
kostkonAscavasaion_, have you checked if you have any pending updates13:50
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ lsb_release -a --- No LSB modules are available. ---Distributor ID:Ubuntu ---Description:Ubuntu 17.10 ---Release:17.10 ---Codename:artful13:51
TJ-Ascavasaion_: now do: "sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv"13:51
tomreyndo we know the architecture? probably amd64 / x86_64?13:52
TJ-Ascavasaion_: if you get any error reports pastebin the output13:52
TJ-Ascavasaion_: also, what does "dpkg --print-architecture" report13:52
TJ-Ascavasaion_: and "uname -a"13:52
tomreynhmm that's not healthy13:53
TJ-tomreyn: are you thinking 32-bit kernel ?13:53
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ dpkg --print-architecture13:53
tomreynyes i did13:53
tomreynAscavasaion_: why are you using a 32-bit OS on this system? is it special hardware?13:54
TJ-Ascavasaion_: it looks like you've got a 64-bit file-system on a 32-bit host, we'd need to check the ext4 file-system feature flags to be sure though13:54
TJ-Ascavasaion_: what's "uname -a" though?13:55
Ascavasaion_tomreyn, Doh!  I never realised... shite.  I found the ISO on my other computer.13:55
Ascavasaion_joel@gondor:~$ uname -a13:56
Ascavasaion_Linux gondor 4.13.0-21-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 18 17:29:35 UTC 2017 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux13:56
tomreynAscavasaion_: so let's see uname -a, and then please tell us about the hardware, too13:56
TJ-Ascavasaion_: so there's 3 things you need to do here....13:56
Ascavasaion_Hardware... i3 processor, 8Gb RAM.  Mini ATX Case.  RAID controller card with two connections.  Each connection splits to 4 of the SAS drives.  One SATA HDD connected to motherboard SATA controller.13:57
Ascavasaion_I thuoght i686 is 64 bit :-(13:57
tomreynit's not13:58
kostkonAscavasaion_, definitely 64bit for that hardware13:58
tomreynbut that's a common fallacy13:58
Ascavasaion_Mini ATX case should read... mini ATX MOTHERBOARD13:58
TJ-Ascavasaion_: 1) install Ubuntu amd64 version including the packages 'mdadm' and 'lvms' 2) repeat the steps to 'mdadm --assemble ...' and 'vgchange -ay'  3) check the file system in /dev/mapper/vg1000-lv  ... if all that checks out the final thing is to change the MD RAID device name in /dev/sda5 from mynasbox to the system hostname . **OR** when installing Ubuntu again set the hostname as "mynasbox"13:58
TJ-Ascavasaion_: typo: 'lvms' -> 'lvm2'13:59
tomreynTJ-: lvms -> lvm2, right?13:59
TJ-Ascavasaion_: set the hostname to "mynasbox" and that avoids having to edit the RAID metadata at all13:59
Ascavasaion_Could I use an iso linuxmint-18.3-xfce-64bit.iso?14:00
TJ-right! your turn tomreyn ... I have Huskies here pinning for a run!14:01
kostkonAscavasaion_, we don't support mint here though14:01
tomreynTJ-: enjoy14:01
TJ-Ascavasaion_: We'd prefer you use Ubuntu since if you need help we need to be sure what we're dealing with14:01
TJ-Ascavasaion_: in situations like this - data recovery - that is vitally important14:01
Ascavasaion_Or Debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso?14:01
cfhowlettalso unsupported here.  this is ubuntu support only14:02
Ascavasaion_Oh, okay... Will have to download that... that will take a while.  And then write to USB, and install onto this amchine.14:02
TJ-Ascavasaion_: ubuntu-server-amd6417.1014:02
kostkonAscavasaion_, it has to be Ubuntu 64bit, either 16.04 or 17.1014:02
tomreynAscavasaion_: please use ubuntu if you'd like more support from epople who support ubuntu here14:02
Ascavasaion_I understand... Let me find that.14:02
tomreynAscavasaion_: https://www.ubuntu.com/download - > Desktop or Server14:03
MerblammoHi. I'm trying to dual boot xubuntu on a laptop that already had Windows 10. I've installed Ubuntu, but Win10 is the only thing that boots. I've disabled secure boot, disabled hibernate, but Grub never loads. Help :s14:04
tomreynAscavasaion_: and personally i'd do 16.04 (although i might personally already do a pre-release of the coming long term support release which is 18.04, but that's just because i am working with this stuff for years)14:04
TJ-tomreyn: i just ran back to say, get Ascavasaion_ to check the cpu in that device is 64-bit capable!!14:05
Ascavasaion_16.04.4 it is then.14:05
cfhowlettMerblammo, not sure what's wrong with your dualboot but here's an alternate workaround: install virtualbox to win10.  create a virtual machine.  install *buntu to vbox14:05
tomreynTJ-: good point, thanks.14:05
tomreynTJ-: have a good run14:05
Ascavasaion_i3 is 64 bit I presume?14:06
Merblammocfhowlett, I want to boot directly into Ubuntu, but thanks14:06
kostkonAscavasaion_, very much 64bit14:06
tomreynAscavasaion_: good choice. befor you do this, can we see "lscpu" on a pastebin, please14:06
YndurainAscavasaion_: yes, all core i3 processors are 64-bit instruction set14:06
tomreynAscavasaion_: should this not exist, all of (or just the first block of) this works, too: cat /proc/cpuinfo14:07
Ascavasaion_It ran 64 bit debian before... So I presume it is 64bit capable14:07
tomreynAscavasaion_: yes, this will be fine. go get a download14:08
YndurainCPU op-mode(s):      32-bit, 64-bit  <<< you're good to go, Ascavasaion_14:08
Yndurain64bit iso should be fine14:08
=== marve is now known as Guest17696
Ascavasaion_Thank you guys.14:08
tomreynAscavasaion_: welcome, you created an entertaining puzzle for us there.14:08
=== cajhne is now known as crogers
tomreynMerblammo: maybe the last step of the xubuntu installation asked you whether you want to install grub to the disk or a partition and you chose the latter? i would assume it doesn't actually ask this, but this would explain it, if so.14:11
tomreynAscavasaion_: be sure to note down the hostname to set, if oyu haven't14:13
Ascavasaiontomreyn: I am logged in here as well on my laptop... logging the chat... and pasting what you guys said I must do after the installation of 64 bit Ubuntu into a text file.14:14
tomreynvery well, there is also14:14
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/14:14
AscavasaionWOW, nice feature.14:15
=== youxin10 is now known as youxin
AscavasaionEnd of the month, my cap is up... so down to slow speed... Ubuntui ISO will take 9 hours to DL :-(14:15
tomreynwill you run this as a desktop then?14:15
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Yes.14:16
tomreyni assume you'd use it as a server. it must be somewhat bulky and loud.14:16
cfhowlettAscavasaion, torrent?14:16
Ascavasaioncfhowlett: My cap for the month is up... ISP slows it down now.14:16
tomreyntorrents dont decrease the download size or bypass caps, do they?14:16
tomreynso the server iso is about a third of the size, and you could install the desktop on top later14:17
tomreynbut maybe just wait14:17
tomreynthe desktop installer is a lot nicer14:18
AscavasaionI cannot believe how helpful you guys were.14:18
Ascavasaionand are.14:18
AscavasaionI guess I will have to wait.14:18
tomreynwelcome and good luck :)14:18
tomreynAscavasaion: oh one more thing to be aware of, i meant to mention this earlier: https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Hardware_Raid_Setup_using_MegaCli14:27
tomreynAscavasaion: megacli is not actually available in ubuntu, though. ther eis probably some PPA which provides it.14:29
tomreynoh "dmraid" supports megaraid, too14:30
tomreynhttps://www.nico-maas.de/?p=1702 discusses where to get megacli if you prefer it.14:31
BillD73whats the "difference" between 4.13.0-37-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu and 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu? Both systems running 16.04 LTS14:32
tomreynBillD73: one of them is using a !hwe kernel, the other one the GA kernel14:33
Merblammotomreyn, Nope, it didn't ask that. I've just discovered that HP locks the laptop to Windows, so annoying. I have to find a way to force EFI to boot Grub14:34
BillD73tomreyn: thx I'll look it up14:34
tomreynMerblammo: i think TJ- guided someone through the steps of faking things so that the uefi will consider the linux EFI stub to be acceptable boot code. i forgot the details, though.14:36
tomreynhe'll be back later, i guess14:36
BillD73tomreyn: gotcha    my tower is on the 4.4 which when built was pretty "new" stuff. the 4.13 is on this old intel asus Eee PC laptop14:36
tomreyn!hwe | BillD7314:37
ubottuBillD73: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:37
Merblammotomreyn, Thanks. I may actually just try to get a USB stick to boot HDD Ubuntu, since the only reason for the dual boot is so the user can trial Linux14:38
tomreynBillD73: specifically look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=16.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.svg14:38
BillD73tomreyn: thx14:38
tomreynMerblammo: did the user request dual boot? since my experience is they will always choose one or the other OS very soon, most of the time the one they already know.14:39
tomreynMerblammo: (and so would i)14:40
Merblammotomreyn, Sure, but following that logic no one would ever change OS ;)14:40
tomreynMerblammo: that's right. i guess i'm suggesting that you discuss this topic first and if $user is considering linux then try to convince them to actually use this and install windows in a VM there.14:41
Merblammotomreyn, good thought, but I think a major selling point would be the performance increase, the laptop FLIES with Ubuntu but CRAWLS with Windows14:42
tomreynMerblammo: alternatively, if you'll still do dual boot, consider making the other OS also available through virtualbox. it can then run the other Os in a VM from real disk partitions.14:42
jluci've lost anti-aliasing on ubuntu 17.1014:42
jluctried various things to recover14:42
jlucwithout success14:43
jluchow can i recover antialiasing ?14:43
Merblammotomreyn, The dual boot is a transitional safety net, so dual boot is temporary14:44
Merblammotomreyn, Good idea with vbox though, might be good for the user to still be able to access Windows easily14:45
tomreynjluc: if this is nvidia with proprietary drivers, try using X instead of wayland (you should be able to choose at the *password* prompt on login).14:45
jlucok i'll try tomaw_14:45
=== marve is now known as Guest33637
tomreynMerblammo: good luck on the 'convincing the user' front. ;-)14:46
* TJ- is back14:47
jlucnope. it didnt recover antialiasing14:48
Merblammotomreyn, Thanks, they're interested and there's a lot I know they're going to love, but change is always fraught with resistance eh :)14:49
tomreynTJ-: Merblammo told he's trying to make a HP UEFI laptop (model yet unknwon) boot ubuntu but it won't due to what seems to be a windows boot code whitelist. i think you explained previoously how to work around this (using some acpi utilities?)14:52
tomreynMerblammo: ^14:52
TJ-tomreyn: Merblammo yes, we made a copy of the GRUB boot loader in the Windows path14:53
adacSometimes my middle mous for copying does not work anymore. only after rebooting14:53
adacwhat can I do to fix that witouht rebooting?14:53
MerblammoTJ-, I see. I haven't actually tried running Boot Repair so I was thinking of just doing that, think it's worth it?14:54
TJ-Merblammo: if i recall correctly, because the firmware enforces Secure Boot, we had to copy the Ubuntu /EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi to /EFI/Windows/bootmgrfw.efi and /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi to /EFI/Windows/grubx64.efi14:54
MerblammoTJ-, I see it has an option for fixing "hard-coded-EFI", which sounds like what I'm experiencing, but not sure14:54
MerblammoTJ-, "backup and rename Windows EFI files"14:55
tomreynadac: i don't have a good answer to this, but have you tried re-connecting the mouse? i.e. just replug the usb plug (assuming it is USB here) to either the same or a different usb connector?14:55
TJ-Merblammo: I haven't used/looked at 'boot repair' so I don't know what it does, but we seem to get a lot of support requests after people have run such tools and it's messed things up more14:55
MerblammoTJ-, Lol, ok14:55
adactomreyn, ok I'll try taht14:55
TJ-Merblammo: for the sake of manually copying/renaming 2 files it seems like over-kill when you know what you want to do14:56
adactomreyn, actually that seems to work. thanks! :)14:56
MerblammoTJ-, Ok, I'm in a live usb and I think I've found what you're talking about14:57
TJ-Merblammo: your problem will be wanting to dual-boot though, since if the path is hard-coded into the firmware only one OS can put a file in that path14:57
TJ-Merblammo: so it's either 'boot Windows' forever or 'boot Ubuntu' forever but not 'choose which OS at boot time'14:57
tomreynadac: i admit that is not a real solution, but at least it makes it more bearable. maybe soemone else here has an even better one. or you could search the web for the nnnn:nnnn (2 times 4 characters) ID retruned by the lsusb command for your mouse, combined with a description of the MMB issue.14:58
MerblammoTJ-, Oh. Ok, so looks like booting the HDD Ubuntu installation from USB might be a better solution?14:58
adactomreyn, I think that is a good quick solution now. I can investigate a bit more when I have more time!14:58
MerblammoTJ-, Dual boot is only transitional so the user has a safety net14:59
TJ-Merblammo: unless we can get an accurate idea of what restrictions the PC firmware is actually imposing - right now we're using pure guesswork14:59
tomreynadac: :) good luck14:59
MerblammoTJ-, Well what I know so far is that live USB works but after install Win10 still boots.14:59
TJ-Merblammo: if you let us have the exact model number and we can find an updated firmware image on the HP site we might be able to extract it sufficiently to find the text strings with the paths in15:00
MerblammoTJ-, It's a HP Pavilion g615:00
tomreynjluc: so this seems to be nvidia specific, here's a post discussing the same (?) issue (but no solution): https://askubuntu.com/questions/1008130/bad-anti-aliasing-color-transition-on-ubuntu-17-1015:01
TJ-Merblammo: OK, then there may be another 'trick' you can pull. UEFI supports a 'simple boot path' so removable media like USB/DVD will boot. You could try copying the Ubuntu/GRUB files to that on the hard disk - it's just possible the firmware will look for that first even when it has a boot-menu entry on the same disk15:01
TJ-Merblammo: the model numbers are much more detailed than that; check the serial number label.15:01
MerblammoTJ-, Shockingly... There isn't one...15:02
tomreynjluc: there is also this font hinting issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freetype/+bug/172250815:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1722508 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu Artful) "Font hinting appears broken on 17.10 beta" [High,Confirmed]15:02
TJ-Merblammo: the simpe boot path is /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI - so you'd do "sudo mkdir /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT; sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/* /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/; sudo mv /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI"15:03
TJ-Merblammo: if you've started the installer's Try Ubuntu desktop session open a terminal and do "dmesg | grep DMI" that might show a more detailed model + FW version  name15:04
MerblammoTJ-, DMI: Hewlett-Packard HP Paviliion g6 Notebook PC/1849, BIOS F.14 09/18/201215:07
tomreynMerblammo: also, HP has since copied what apple does, printing model numbers and other hardware information in light grey (without a sticker) on the bottom of the (light gray ;) ) alumium casing next to where the (non-removable) battery pack is.15:07
tomreyn^ ignore15:07
TJ-Merblammo: I'd guess the 1849 is the important bit15:07
Merblammotomreyn, yeah I checked for barely readable text too15:08
TJ-Merblammo: this one? https://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-Pavilion-g6-1a00-Notebook-PC-series/5048672/model/507847715:09
MerblammoTJ-, If I'm meant to be judging by the picture, the keyboard is wider than in the pic15:09
MerblammoTJ-, But otherwise looks the same15:10
TJ-no, by the user guide and other detailed info15:10
* tomreyn ended up with https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-pavilion-g6-1a00-notebook-pc-series/5048672/model/507847715:10
TJ-tomreyn: so same as me then15:10
TJ-There don't seem to be any downloads of drivers/BIOS for it15:11
tomreynumm right15:11
tomreyni forgot which company it was but some wont show you drivers unless your web browsers' user agent wshows you're runnning the one and only correct OS15:13
Ascavasaiontomreyn: I would like to ask you something else... If I was to delete ALL the partitions with Fdisk or GParted or whatever, on the sda HDD... How would I set the RAID up from scratch.... create a RAID managed with hardware controller?  Is that a viable option?15:13
TJ-The repair and maintenance guide has a Setup Utility (BIOS) section which might reveal something15:14
MerblammoTJ-, I'm trying to find out how to boot a HDD-installed Ubuntu from USB, this would be a valid solution, but I can't seem to get the right search results on Google. Do you know if it's possible?15:15
tomreynAscavasaion: you said you already have sda assembled as a HW controlled RAID. you could tear the virtual disk that forms sda apart form your pre-boot environment and re-assemple those disks to a different raid array if you wanted.15:15
jlucok last link gives new solutions15:15
TJ-Merblammo: yes, that's possible15:16
AscavasaionOr could I just delete the 2TB ext4 Ubuntu partition and the 2TB Swap partition from some earlier installation before I got the computer, and "grow" the 25.5TB RAID (Once fixed that is) into that space?15:16
jlucI try now editing /etc/environment15:18
tomreynAscavasaion: are you considering to join the physical disks which currently form the virtual disks sda and sdb?15:18
TJ-Merblammo: install grub-efi-amd64/grub-efi-amd64-signed into the OS, then manually use 'grub-install ...' and 'update-grub' to direct the install to the USB15:18
AscavasaionI have pretty much all the data that was on the computer ona  friend's computer which he has let me use to copy the stuff back on if I need to.  Your feelings?15:18
MerblammoTJ-, So I have to boot the HDD Ubuntu first? If so how can I do that?15:19
TJ-Ascavasaion: leave RAID as it is, if you want to repurpose the swap space you can use LVM to simply add the partition as a Physical Volume to an existing Volume Group15:19
tomreynAscavasaion: right now i'm just trying to understanmd what you are considering to do, and how.15:19
TJ-Merblammo: to install it boot from the LiveISO Try Ubuntu option, then chroot-mount the installed OS, enter the chroot, and do the steps required from within the chroot15:20
AscavasaionTJ-: Okay15:20
TJ-Merblammo: as long as the Ubuntu installer starts in EFI mode it'll be straightforward15:21
HermanDEMorning all,  I'm experimenting with nft.  Is it possible to have an include expression within a chain?15:21
tomreynAscavasaion: i think you said sdb is based off a sata disk managed by the sata controller and sda is all other disks managed by the SAS controller. and iof that's so then i agree you should not change the HW RAID.15:21
MerblammoTJ-, Aha, gotcha15:23
Ascavasaiontomreyn: I guess I am just desperate to get going with it.  I need to be patient I guess.  I was wondering if there is a software RAID1 (Synology did that correct?) on the hardware RAID5 controlled by the controller card.  Then would it not be best to delete the sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4, sda5 partitions and amalgamate them into one large virtual drive?  I am happy not to... I am just trying to see if it would not be better to redo the whole thing from15:23
tomreynAscavasaion: this said, if you have no important data on sdb then you can just scartch all the data there and overwerite it during the new ubuntu installation, and about sda: you won't get to move the data out of the (rather superfluous) software RAID layer there unless oyu actzually copy it to different devices which provide sufficient storage, and back again.15:23
compdocAscavasaion, if you want one large volume, the ZFS would do a great job for that15:24
TJ-Ascavasaion: if you want to do that, you'd just make sda 1 file system, or have a partition table with only 1 partition, and directly format that with the file-system (no MD, no LVM)15:24
tomreynAscavasaion: i need to review the parititoning scheme you showed for sda earlier, give me a minute15:25
sysRPLi did something such that whenever i create a directory the group belongs to "www-data" instead of "myuser" ... how can i reset my account such that when i create a folder it's automatically in "myuser" group?15:25
TJ-Ascavasaion: there's only 3 partitions in use, sda1 MD raid, sda2 ext4, and sda3 MD raid15:25
sysRPLi already reset my primary group to "myuser", but new folders i create are still owned by the group "www-data"15:26
sysRPLTJ-, thanks for the help earlier, it worked great15:27
TJ-sysRPL: but you've still got issues?15:27
POVaddctsysRPL: that would be the sgid bit on a directory (probably your home directory). i guess you changed the group of the dir to "www-data" and chmod'd it to 2755.15:27
sysRPLTJ-, well, for some reason whenever i create foldes, the group is being set to "www-data"15:27
sysRPLhow do i change it back to "myuser"15:28
POVaddctsysRPL: chown myuser:myuser /home/myuser   (assuming the account name is also "myuser")15:29
POVaddctsysRPL: you could first check how the group ownership is set now:  ls -ld /home/myuser15:30
sysRPLit already is myuser myuser on my home folder15:31
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POVaddctsysRPL: and if you are in your home dir and do: mkdir foobar   the foodir dir is owned by group www-data?15:32
POVaddctsysRPL: hmm, then i don't know15:32
TJ-sysRPL: what did you set the ACLs to? use 'getfacl path/to/dir' to find out15:33
sysRPLTJ-, on this systems i have not set setfacl yet15:34
tomreynAscavasaion: just forget what i said about synology, i was probably just jumping to conclusions. i don't think the hardware raid created the software raid which exists on your hardware raid. it does not matter what created it, but it is there. i think we were unable to recover data from sda1 (also a software raid member), so if that's correct you cuold just delete it. i do not know what is stored on sda2, if you do not need it you can delete it.15:35
tomreynsda5 is the large software raid we looked at earlier, which could be recovered. raids do not make much sense when they are just assembled from a single device, as it is the case here. so your intention would probably be to remove this software RAID layer, if possible. but this wnt be possible unless there is sufficient storage capacity available (after potentially deleting sda1 and sda2) to store its data on a non- RAID file system.15:35
sysRPLon my local pc all is fine, but on this remote pc, and ec2 instance, i am having this problem15:35
sysRPLpresumably because of something i did earlier15:35
TJ-sysRPL: for a new file/dir to have group ww-data you must have the setgid bit15:35
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sysRPLall i am doing is mkdir hello15:35
sysRPLand hello is listed as myuser www-data15:35
sysRPLi set my primary group to myuser15:36
TJ-sysRPL: what does "ls -l /path/to/parent/dir" report15:36
tomreynAscavasaion: also, the software RAID layer there does not actually do any harm, it just increases complexity a little. so i'd just keep it. you could, indeed, grow it to cover the entire virtual disk sda.15:36
sysRPLi tried removing myself from the www-data group as well15:36
TJ-sysRPL: did you re-log-in after removing your user from group www-data ?15:36
sysRPLdrwxrwxr-x 16 myuser myuser 4096 Mar 30 15:32 myuser15:37
TJ-sysRPL: changes don't take effect until all user sessions are closed on the tty15:37
sysRPLTJ-, not yet15:37
TJ-sysRPL: well then your user is still in www-data - prove it with "groups"15:37
tomreynAscavasaion: the blkid output you posted earlier did not show sda3, sda4. you have not yet hown a "parted /dev/sda print" output or similar fdisk output to enable us to tell what the partition table actually looks like.15:38
MerblammoTJ-, I'm not really sure what I'm doing here but I've followed instructions on how to chroot and I don't appear to have network connection so can't install with apt..15:38
TJ-tomreyn: I think it'd make more sense, if sda1-2 are not required, to make them PVs and add them to vg100015:38
TJ-Merblammo: how about you undo what you've done and I'll talk you through it?15:38
sysRPLTJ-, okay that fixed it15:38
Rooothello, does ubuntu 17.10. have a clipboard manager that stores ctrl-c and ctrl-v?15:38
sysRPLTJ-, thanks again!15:38
Rooothello TJ- :)15:38
TJ-sysRPL: you're welcome :)15:38
* TJ- runs15:39
tomreynTJ-: you mean to prevent having to manipulate the partition table?15:39
TJ-tomreyn: or grow the existing MD in sda3 downwards into sda1-2 sectors15:39
RoootTJ- runs?15:39
RoootI don't understand why you write that15:40
TJ-tomreyn: then it's just a "pvcreate /dev/sda1; pvcreate /dev/sda2; vgextend vg1000 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2"15:40
tomreynTJ-: the blkid output posted to https://pastebin.com/GPvCpexh did not show sda3, where did you read about it?15:40
TJ-Rooot: I'm juggling a lot of issues :)15:40
TJ-tomreyn: sorry, 3rd partition - sda5 !15:41
RoootTJ- as you see above, before I said hello to you, I asked a question. and then I saw you online and said hello.15:41
TJ-Rooot: it was said with a grin, don't take offence :)15:42
Roootbesides, you've voluntarily and with your own willingness helped me. I haven't pushed anything15:42
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Then I will leave software if possible... Thank you again.15:42
tomreynTJ-: right, i'd grow the existing MD RAID in sda5 to cover (almost) the entire HW RAID (sda), keeping it an LVM2 PV15:42
Roootlast night I was asking other people, and you joined in15:42
MerblammoTJ-, Appreciate that, sure, I'm ready15:43
tomreynAscavasaion: if you feel like showing the partiton table of sda this might be useful and bring up additional suggestions / better plans.15:44
TJ-Merblammo: right, start with getting root privileges: "sudo -i" then "apt install pastebinit; pastebinit <( lsblk; blkid )" and give me the URL15:44
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Wife called me for supper, but will definitely do that when I return.15:45
tomreynAscavasaion: ok, ttyl (in case i'll be there)15:45
RoootTJ- it 'is' an offence to react with that to 'hello'15:46
RoootTJ- I dont want any help from you from now on.15:48
Rooothello, does ubuntu 17.10. have a clipboard manager that stores ctrl-c and ctrl-v?15:48
TJ-Merblammo: /dev/sdb is the installer. You're going to need another USB device to write the bootloader to15:49
MerblammoTJ-, yup, haven't plugged one in yet15:50
jluchere is a screenshot https://framapic.org/eMMCVei7H26s/RvhuIQsKW4Ae.png15:50
MerblammoTJ-, about to though15:50
jlucwith antialiasing issue15:50
leftyfbRooot: if you're going to ignore TJ- because of a little bit of jest, you're only hurting yourself. He's dedicate a lot of hours hand-holding you through a lot of troubleshooting for several days.15:50
TJ-Merblammo: if you can do that then redo the "pastebinit <( lsblk; blkid )" so I know what is where15:50
MerblammoTJ-, sure15:51
MerblammoTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KzzszfxJFF/15:51
jluci didnt manage to downgrade libfreetype6 to 2.615:51
MerblammoTJ-, Looks the same thuogh15:52
TJ-Merblammo: according to that, there's nothing connected!15:52
xerox123Hi, I'm having issues installing mysql-server, it keeps erroring with: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bHwNK2kZmG/15:52
MerblammoTJ-, I can mount and change files on the usb15:52
Roootleftyfb, I said what I said. nothing is above respect.15:52
RoootI did nothing pushy or anything in the last days.15:53
leftyfbRooot: Again, you are only hurting yourself refusing help from one of the best resources you could come by because your feelings were hurt from a well meaning joke15:53
TJ-Merblammo: we need to solve this since it's kind-of fundamental to the entire approach15:53
MerblammoTJ-, haha, tes15:53
Roootleftyfb. I am fine with second-best resources15:53
TJ-Merblammo: you're saying that the Try Ubuntu session file-manager has mounted and is seeing the 2nd USB device?15:54
leftyfbRooot: I'm not sure where I fall in place, but I certainly won't be helping you for fear of breaking your heart with a misplaces emoticon15:55
MerblammoTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SzH9DY2Zj7/15:55
Yndurainthis is why I dislike support channels sometimes. TJ- spent hours with that guy, and he randomly flipped out and turned on them15:55
TJ-Merblammo: ahhhh... sanity has returned! We have an sdc15:55
Yndurainkind of depressing, really15:55
TJ-Yndurain: it doesn't bother me; I do support to learn something new15:56
Yndurainyeah, that's a good attitude15:56
xhearthi everyone, anyone has installed teamviewer on Ubunto 16.04 lts? I was able to download and click install, it seems it installed but I do not see the teamviewer icon.15:56
MerblammoMaybe Rooot is having a bad day15:56
Yndurainwho knows15:57
RonWhoCaresWould someone be able to review the command and tell me the tweak needed for the error message I am receiving @ https://pastebin.com/FqgS5yuR15:57
MerblammoHe certainly flipped super easy15:57
TJ-Yndurain: just wish I could find someone that can fix weird close-lid-suspend>resume>lock-screen>authenticate>user-session-blank-screen !15:57
YndurainTJ-: yeah, i've seen that happen at least a few times, on many distros, on a lot of hardware15:58
TJ-Merblammo: ok, back to work. Which partition contains the installed OS root file-system? you've got 3 ext4 on sda15:59
MerblammoTJ-, sd915:59
MerblammoTJ-, sda915:59
TJ-Yndurain: weirdness is, I can switch away to tty consoles and they're fine, but the user-session GUI stays blank! But only when using the lock-screen (via light-locker) I patched it yesterday and it worked fine then today it fails again :D15:59
YndurainTJ-: i see o.O16:00
TJ-Merblammo: right: "mkdir /target; mount /dev/sda9 /target; for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"16:00
xerox123can somebody please look at my previous message? :)16:01
TJ-Merblammo: once that's done enter the chroot with "chroot /target /bin/bash" then "mount -a" then check it has network connectivity with "ping www.ubuntu.com"16:01
TJ-Merblammo: oh, and in the Try Ubuntu File Manager, unmount the 2nd USB (dev/sdc1) but *don't* "Safely remove" it!16:02
xheartwhat program in ubuntu software can connect remotely to windows pc if i need to help someone remotely and enter their computer with their permission?16:02
explosivexheart: remmina16:04
ioriaxheart, there is 'rdesktop' or he can install openssh for windows16:04
explosiveno need to install anything, yes remmina is in ubuntu, in windows you might need to enable something in the options16:04
explosiveselect rdp put ip and connect16:05
xhearti will just need to request their ip?16:05
TJ-Merblammo: Just had a thought, so you can copy/paste the commands easily, I suggeset you open the browser and connect to http://webchat.freenode.net/ and enter this channel so you don't have much typing to do16:05
MerblammoTJ-, good idea. Phone rang, back now16:06
explosivexheart: yeah, and maybe ask them to enable something in windows, ask the guys in ##windows if rdp is enabled by default, also you'll need their pc's password16:06
TJ-Merblammo: I'll wait for your alter-ego to arrive in-channel16:07
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xhearti am searching for a program like teamviewer as I also give support programming remotely16:07
MerblammoxI hath arrived16:09
explosivexheart: maybe try remmina and default rdp and see if it suffices? it would save you having them install stuff16:09
MerblammoxAlso, got connection <o/16:09
MerblammoxUgh, the keyboard is wrong, that was supposed to be a yay16:09
MerblammoxNot a controversial salute16:09
xerox123how do I fix this?16:10
xerox123 mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.7; however:16:10
xerox123  Package mysql-server-5.7 is not configured yet.16:10
xheartsounds great explosive , thank you for the recomendation16:10
explosivehow can i easily get the download link of this deb file http://www.draftsight.com/download-linux-ubuntu ?16:10
explosivexheart: no problem16:10
MerblammoxTJ-, \o/16:11
TJ-Merblammox: :) so have you got to the point of the ping or do you want me to repeat the commands?16:11
explosiveabout the deb link16:11
MerblammoxTJ-: Nah as I said I have a connection16:11
MerblammoxTJ-: all done16:11
TJ-Merblammox: sorry, was away showering dogs and missed that16:12
TJ-Merblammox: "apt install pastebinit"16:12
TJ-Merblammox: "pastebinit <( mount; apt list --installed grub*; cat /etc/fstab; find  /boot -ls; )"16:13
MerblammoxTJ-: done16:13
MerblammoxTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GSRfjS9JXg/16:14
TJ-Merblammox: so currently /dev/sda6 is the /boot/ file-system and /dev/sda2 is the EFI System Partition16:15
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MerblammoxTJ-: Yep16:16
TJ-Merblammox: so, assuming you unmounted /dev/sdc1 are we free to wipe that device and repartition and format it ?16:16
MerblammoxTJ-: Yep16:17
TJ-Merblammox: OK, lets wipe out the current partition table: "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=1; partprobe /dev/sdc"16:19
MerblammoxTJ-: done16:20
TJ-Merblammox: give me a moment, I'm just going to check the partitioning commands do what I expect16:21
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add1ctusI have Ubuntu 16.04 with an encrypted partition, and now I need to resize it (reduce the size so I can dual boot windows). I booted off live usb, decrypted the partition using cryptsetup, but gparted doesn't let me resize, saying "Linux Unified Key Setup is not yet supported". Any way I can resize it?16:26
xerox123Hi, I'm having issues installing mysql-server, it keeps erroring with: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bHwNK2kZmG/16:27
TJ-Merblammox: sorry for the delay. here we go: "apt install gdisk; sgdisk /dev/sdc --new=1:0:0 --typecode=1:C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B "16:28
MerblammoxTJ-: no prob16:29
MerblammoxTJ-: success16:30
TJ-Merblammox: that creates a GUID Partition Table and adds a single EFI System Partition. "partprobe /dev/sdc; apt install dosfstools; mkfs.vfat /dev/ssdc1; blkid /dev/sdc*"16:31
TJ-Merblammox: you should see something similar to: "/dev/loop0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="63B0-E86F" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="513fcdb6-a722-451e-8006-64598ea9f68a""16:32
MerblammoxCreating new GPT entries. The operation has completed successfully.16:32
Merblammoxoh i missed your previous message, one sec16:33
MerblammoxTJ-: /dev/sdc1: UUID="5B37-4CC0" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="31ab11f3-cdb0-4b62-b2c1-b180080574f3"16:33
TJ-Your UUIDs will be different, but it confirms the file-system16:33
TJ-Merblammox: great, so now we're ready to start putting files into it16:34
TJ-Merblammox: "mkdir /boot/efi2; mount /dev/sdc1 /boot/efi2; mkdir -p /boot/efi2/EFI/ubuntu/; mv /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/* /boot/efi2/EFI/ubuntu/"16:35
JSпривет. есть наши 716:36
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MerblammoxTJ-: ok cool16:36
Guest34814Кто сможет помочь с одним вопросом ?16:38
Guest34814целый день голову ломаю16:38
TJ-Merblammox: I'm creating the command to update /etc/fstab, bear with me16:39
MerblammoxTJ-: ok :)16:39
Guest34814ребята ?16:40
Guest34814есть кто русские ?16:40
Guest34814помощь нужна с кодом16:40
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Guest34814guys, need help with the code in PS16:42
Guest34814PowerShell ((16:42
compdocisnt that windows?16:43
compdocdo you run ubuntu on windows?16:43
TJ-Merblammox: "sed -ri "s/(UUID=)([^ ]*)/\1$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sdc1)/" /etc/fstab "16:44
MerblammoxTJ-: what's that doing? :o16:44
TJ-Merblammox: now, the UUID in fstab should match the USB. Check with 'grep efi /etc/fstab; blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sdc1"16:45
Guest34814no. the question is different. There is a PS on it you need to run the program on behalf of Admin, without requesting a login and password, but there is Windows installed16:45
TJ-Merblammox: making sure that when the OS boots it mounts the USB's EFI-SP at /boot/efi/ rather than the hard disk's /dev/sda216:45
xerox123can somebody please help me??16:46
Guest34814login and password can not be shown to the user16:46
MerblammoxTJ-: matches16:46
TJ-Merblammox: right, not far off now. Just need to make sure I've not forgotten anything!16:46
pishylamehello all16:46
xerox123here is my pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/372TvxRnw2/16:46
pishylamewhats my ip?16:47
compdoc whatsmyip.com?16:48
TJ-Merblammox: "umount /dev/sda2; mount /boot/efi" and then "find /boot/efi" should only list those files we copied in at /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/16:48
sysRPLTJ-, hey thanks for the help earlier. everything is working great now :016:49
MerblammoxTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5WR7kbdMK5/16:49
sysRPLhere is the project i just posted thanks to TJ- ... http://cloud.codebot.org ... login is: ircuser password is: ircpass16:50
TJ-Merblammox: looks good. so now lets ensure grub knows: "grub-install /dev/sdc" if that completes without error, then "update-grub"16:51
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sysRPLthe link is to an open source cloud file manager i reated ... i am going to prep a site for setup instructions and a git repository16:51
sysRPL* created16:51
TJ-Merblammox: ahhh and I've made a boo-boo!!16:52
sysRPLyou should be able to stream movies/music you store there. that url is being hosted on an amazon ec2 micro instance running ubuntu16:53
TJ-Merblammox: supposed to be setting the 'simple boot path' in the USB! good job I remembered now.16:53
MerblammoxTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZvjXsn7SP7/16:53
TJ-Merblammox: let's try again: "grub-install --removable /dev/sdc; find /boot/efi"16:53
MerblammoxTJ-: no errors this time16:54
TJ-Merblammox: I think we can ignore "grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1." - that's because of the ISO being plugged in16:54
TJ-Merblammox: show me "pastebinit <( find /boot/efi) "16:54
MerblammoxTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8wMZkg8HWw/16:55
TJ-Merblammox: looks good, you see it's got the EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI now16:55
MerblammoxTJ-: yep16:56
MerblammoxTJ-: and that's it right?16:56
TJ-Merblammox: let me pause a minute but I think we're all done16:56
MerblammoxTJ-: sure16:56
xerox123can somebody help me install mysql-server with out the errors????16:56
MerblammoxTJ-: I'll go get the fire extinguisher16:56
compdocxerox123, what are the errors?16:57
xerox123here is my pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/372TvxRnw2/16:57
TJ-Merblammox: PC > UEFI >removable-media boot > /dev/sdc USB-SP > /dev/sda6 /boot/grub/ > /dev/sda9 root file-system16:57
compdocuser 'debian-sys-maint'. i never see that16:58
TJ-Merblammox: when it reboots it'll either auto-boot the removable USB, or you'll need to choose it from the manual boot menu, but once the USB GRUB has started it should find it's files on /dev/sda6 and then boot16:58
MerblammoxTJ-: i don't understand the first comment, starting "PC"17:00
TJ-Merblammox: "umount /boot/efi; rmdir /boot/efi2" then "exit" the chroot and reboot - remove the ISO USB and hope17:00
xerox123compdoc: I had mariadb-server installed before17:00
xerox123and when I remove it and install mysql that happens17:00
TJ-Merblammox: that was a diagram of the boot control flow17:00
TJ-Merblammox: that's how my mind pictures the process to ensure we've covered every step17:00
MerblammoxTJ-: Ok, thought it was something like that but I wanted to make sure17:00
TJ-Merblammox: go test!17:01
compdocxerox123, you use cammand line to install? is mariadb sill installed?17:03
xerox123purged it17:03
xerox123yes, apt-get17:04
compdocxerox123, are there any folders in /etc  named mariadb or mysql? maybe theres left over conf files17:05
add1ctusAnyone can help me with resizing an encrypted partition? I'm following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions#Reduce_an_encrypted_partition. I'm currently stuck at the fstab part, not sure what should I edit inside that file for my swap partition.17:09
TJ-add1ctus: I hope you've got backups of the data; you could very easily make it inaccessible if you make a small mistake17:10
add1ctusTJ-: I backed up everything that's important, it's not scary if I lose everything. Would prefer not to lose the time restoring stuff though :D17:10
MerblammoxTJ-: rmdir: failed to remove '/boot/efi2': Device or resource busy17:11
compdocadd1ctus, the swap part. is part of the encrypted partitions?17:11
TJ-Merblammox: did we leave something mounted there? "umount /boot/efi2 && rmdir /boot/efi2"17:11
Merblammoxok that worked17:12
MerblammoxEngage reboot!17:12
add1ctuscompdoc: Yes, it is17:12
add1ctusAccording to the tutorial, I have the new UUID and I need to put it in fstab. I'm not exactly sure what line should I change though.17:14
compdocadd1ctus, well thats fairly easy17:15
TJ-add1ctus: there should be one line that has "swap" in the type field17:16
compdocrun the command:  sudo blkid17:16
MerblammoTJ-, it seems to be shutting down forever :(17:16
MerblammoTJ-, maybe i need to login and unmount more stuff?17:16
TJ-Merblammo: splash screen showing?17:16
MerblammoTJ-, yep17:17
TJ-Merblammo: tap Esc see if it reveals shutdown messages17:17
MerblammoTJ-, blank17:17
add1ctusTJ-: There is a line like that, but there isn't a UUID in it so I'm not sure what to change there.17:17
TJ-Merblammo: OK, force power-off, everything should be synced to storage by now17:17
MerblammoTJ-, i switched to ctrl-alt f1 and it shows a login prompt but can't type anything17:17
Merblammoyep cool17:17
compdocadd1ctus, run the command:  sudo blkid17:18
add1ctuscompdoc: The line for the swap is : /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1: LABEL="swap_1" UUID="3e2dc79b-5539-4324-ae6a-06abe4ee8263" TYPE="swap"17:18
TJ-add1ctus: is it something like "dev/sdX6 none swap ..."?17:18
add1ctusTJ-: The line in fstab is /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1 none swap sw 0 017:19
MerblammoTJ-, got a big blue screen on boot saying "Perform MOK management", is that normal?17:19
TJ-add1ctus: no need to change that then, it refers to the correct Device-Mapper node anoyhow17:19
TJ-Merblammo: sounds like you got into the PC's firmware setup for the Machine Owner Keys management services!17:20
compdocadd1ctus, perfect. paste that into fstab, and edit17:20
MerblammoTJ-, weird, all i did was turn it back on :o17:20
xerox123sorry, back now17:20
xerox123<compdoc> xerox123, are there any folders in /etc  named mariadb or mysql? maybe theres left over conf files17:20
TJ-Merblammo: not sure why... try another reboot with just the bootable USB in17:20
xerox123I'm checking now17:20
MerblammoTJ-, i can hit continue boot17:20
TJ-Merblammo: you're the captain :)17:20
xerox123compdoc: just /etc/mysql17:20
compdocxerox123, whats inside?17:21
MerblammoTJ-, looking good so far!17:21
xerox123l$ ls17:21
xerox123conf.d  debian.cnf.bak  my.cnf  my.cnf.fallback17:21
compdocsounds about right.17:21
MerblammoTJ-, recovering journal. Welcome to emergency mode!17:21
TJ-Merblammo: OK, maybe that was due to the hung shutdown... once it's done that, try another controlled reboot17:22
MerblammoTJ-, Tried to continue, but "VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem"17:22
TJ-Merblammo: that doesn't sound so promising17:22
MerblammoVFS error again17:23
xerox123contents of my.cnf: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NsCB2gHVRk/17:23
xerox123nothing out of the ordinary17:23
TJ-Merblammo: best boot the Try Ubuntu and do a controlled fsck on it17:23
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compdocincludedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/.  is there a /etc/mysql/conf.d/  folder?17:24
TJ-Merblammo: doesn't make sense how it could be that badly damaged though, you certainly left it long enough for everything to be flushed to disk17:24
MerblammoTJ-, EXT4-fs (sdb1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem <-- that twice17:24
MerblammoTJ-, is it definitely looking in the correct partition?17:24
TJ-Merblammo: sdb?17:24
add1ctusTJ-: compdoc: Now I got stuck on the next step. I can't resize crypt. Getting a message: cryptsetup: Option --offset is supported only for open of plain and loopaes devices.17:25
xerox123conf.d$ ls17:25
xerox123mysql.cnf  mysqldump.cnf17:25
MerblammoTJ-, Yep17:25
TJ-Merblammo: the root file-system hasn't changed so it should be trying to mount /dev/sda917:25
compdocxerox123, do you use debian?17:25
xerox123lol or I would be in #debian17:25
TJ-Merblammo: even if the device has become sdb it'd be sdb9 not sdb117:25
MerblammoTJ-, ok, is maintenance mode any use here?17:26
compdocall those files in those folders are attempted to load when mysql runs17:26
xerox123https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J47BzHG2RZ/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xQPXPyMRYG/17:27
xerox123the files in there are almost empty17:27
TJ-Merblammo: looking at your original lsblk;blkid there's no partition #1 with ext file system  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SzH9DY2Zj7/17:27
TJ-Merblammo: thing is, "VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem" means grub worked as advertised, that message comes from the Linux kernel17:28
MerblammoTJ-, Right. Is it because for whatever reason it was using the old root instead of the chroot?17:29
compdocxerox123, where do you thing the user debian-sys-maint comes from? Im thinking that user doesnt exist. Installing iwht sudo, it should install with the root user, and somewhere ask you for a password for the mysql root user17:29
AuroraAvenueUCTeam's old commu-manager just asked an impossible question. He is asking for services relating to an eastern-domain. https://tinyurl.com/ChinaDiscourse17:29
TJ-Merblammo: no, we didn't change the initrd.img where the root file-system find/mount operation is done17:30
TJ-Merblammo: check the PC will boot into Windows17:30
MerblammoTJ-, Preparing automatic repair17:31
MerblammoTJ-, that's what windows says i mean17:31
TJ-Merblammo: I wonder if somehow doing the forced reboot made it write garbage to the disk?17:31
TJ-Merblammo: It's poor behaviour if the hardware did that though17:32
MerblammoTJ-, Ok, rebooted again and windows is loading17:33
Fjorgynnwindows <317:33
MerblammoLol :|17:33
TJ-Merblammo: ocne you're sure Windows is OK, try a reboot, but make sure you tell Windows to NOT do a fast/quick reboot, a full proper shutdown so it doesn't use the hibernate file or tell the firmware to to do a fastboot on restart. There's a way in the Start menu I believe, involving holding down the Shift key17:35
MerblammoTJ-, I've disabled that crap17:35
MerblammoTJ-, Windows takes soooo long to boot17:35
TJ-Merblammo: if Linux in sda9 won't start we'll have to use Try Ubuntu and a chroot again. I have to go now though, dinner time here.17:35
TJ-Merblammo: it's annoying since it seems we got the removable-boot working correctly first time17:36
MerblammoTJ-, Yeah no problem, really appreciate the help even though things went wrong :)17:36
MerblammoTJ-, I'm out of my element here, so17:36
TJ-Merblammo: mayber we should have given it 1/2 hour to shutdown!17:36
MerblammoTJ-, Maybe, seems weird that it would be looking at sdb1 specifically though. Unless it said that cause that's where the currently running usb drive was running the command from?17:37
TJ-Merblammo: in general Linux does write-behind to storage at most, 5 seconds, after processes do a write, so I'm sure we left enough time17:37
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AbleBaconi've got my password set to "None", but this thing is coming up saying "autentication is needed to run..." etc and asking for a password. but i don't have a password!17:38
TJ-Merblammo: the initrd.img file-system has the root file-system entry in it's own /etc/fstab so it should be looking for that and nothing else17:38
compdocwhat thing?17:38
xerox123compdoc: would nuking all the mysql data possibly fix anything?17:40
MerblammoTJ-, I could come back another time, probably not tonight, but thanks. Enjoy your dinner :)17:41
compdocubuntu seems to create that mysql folder even when mysql isnt installed, but the data files (databases) are usually elsewhere.17:41
compdocxerox123, is it possible that youve added a repo that is suggesting a different install of mysql that the normal ubuntu repos would not use?17:42
xerox123nope, all from here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wwpSc35Djj/17:44
compdocwhat command do you use to install?17:47
xerox123compdoc: sudo apt install mysql-server17:50
compdocwhat version of ubuntu?17:50
xerox123raspberry pi version17:51
xerox123everything was fine until I installed and uninstalled mariadb17:52
compdocyeah, seems so17:52
compdocI just install mysql-server using the same command, and no errors17:52
compdoctook a few seconds17:53
xerox123now it's letting my try and login17:54
compdocand no mention of a debian maint user17:54
eleflerDo you guys all roll standard Ubuntu or other DEs?17:54
brainwashelefler: why the poll?17:56
xerox123compdoc: fixed it, I'm just going to ignore that APT error from now...17:56
eleflerJust curious, the xubuntu ircs are really quiet17:56
xerox123and followed that from https://askubuntu.com/questions/705458/ubuntu-15-10-mysql-error-1524-unix-socket17:57
brainwashelefler: the user base is much lower I'd think17:57
eleflerYeah but I wasn't sure if those were just for de specific stuff and general ubuntu chat goes here17:57
brainwashelefler: also, many xubuntu user are probably in this general ubuntu channel17:57
brainwashelefler: I guess that's the case17:58
xerox123need to see if wordpress is working though17:58
brainwashelefler: Xfce/Xubuntu specific questions are best to be asked in #xfce and #xubuntu17:59
garriesI get this error when i try to boot up my system. https://i.paste.pics/b8ea5cee7a9fa25f0ddcfe781026028d.png  ---  any idea?18:00
tomreyngarries: i dont see an error, i see quirks.18:01
compdocgarries, was it working and then stopped?18:01
eleflerI was thinking about going back to ubuntu, last I used it I had wifi issues on both my PC and laptop18:01
tomreyngarries: is there an error?18:01
garriestomreyn: compdoc  i upgraded the distribution and then i rebooted and got that error18:02
compdocdoes it still boot?18:02
brainwashelefler: ubuntu and xubuntu do the exact same things network-wise18:02
tomreynelefler: this has more likely to do with the linux version you use than with the linux distribution,18:02
tomreyngarries: i still dont see an error, where is it?18:03
eleflerlinux version?18:03
brainwashkernel version18:03
garriestomreyn:  that screen is frozen , it just hangs undefinitely18:03
garriestomreyn: instead of booting up18:03
compdocit mentions acpi. is that eneabled in the bios? if so, maybe disable it to test?18:04
eleflerI found stack overflows and things saying it was a long standing ubuntu issue and I never resolved it18:04
eleflerI switched to fedora and its been fine, they might have fixed it by now though18:04
tomreyngarries: i see. so there must be some problem, but i dont think its to be seen on this screen.18:04
eleflerWill probably give it a go when 18.04 lands18:04
garriestomreyn: what would u suggest ?18:05
tomreyngarries: what did you upgrade form and to?18:05
garriestomreyn: debian 8 to  918:05
tomreyngarries: what is the name of this IRC channel?18:05
garriesi thoght debian and ubuntu are brothers18:06
LinuxMafiahello how can i insatll opencl driver for intel i have then as *.so files18:07
compdocgarries, it mentions acpi. is that eneabled in the bios? if so, maybe disable it to test? maybe you have an old motherboard with an old acpi. Ive seen bios updates sometimes fix weird thigs like that18:07
tomreyngarries: brothers, yes, but not monocygotic twins, and each got their dedicated place for support18:07
tomreyn!debian | garries18:08
ubottugarries: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!18:08
tomreynwe dont support debian her,e though18:08
tomreynwell at least i dont18:08
tomreynLinuxMafia: where from?18:09
LinuxMafiatomreyn, i downloaded from intel website and installed it18:09
tomreynLinuxMafia: can you point to the download page? which hardware do you have there?18:10
LinuxMafiatomreyn, it created a folder under /opt/intel ok just give me a sec18:10
tomreynLinuxMafia: also post the output of "lsb_release -sd" please18:10
LinuxMafia /exec -o lsb_release -sd18:11
tomreynLinuxMafia: add this to the list of questions to asnwer: what'S the output of "cat /proc/version" and which of the files links on this intel web page did you download?18:12
LinuxMafia tomreyn Kali GNU/Linux Rolling18:12
tomreyn!kali | LinuxMafia18:12
ubottuLinuxMafia: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)18:12
tomreyni'm pretty sure i told you this before, LinuxMafia ...18:13
eleflerWhy are linux noobs drawn to Kali like a moth to a flame18:13
LinuxMafiatomreyn, #kali-linux is dead arent they both debian based?18:13
tomreynLinuxMafia: this is not a topic of this channel either18:13
LinuxMafiatomreyn, where can i ask is there any channel/18:14
tomreynLinuxMafia: not my problem, i'm happy to support you if you run ubuntu18:14
daxLinuxMafia: #kali-linux. and if that channel's dead, consider that when deciding which distro to use.18:14
eleflerWhere's that stack overflow "if you're asking for help you don't want Kali" post18:14
daxthings on-topic for #ubuntu: 1) Ubuntu, 2) official derivatives. things not on-topic for #ubuntu: literally every other distro18:15
LinuxMafiathanks guys18:15
tomreynanyone got *ubuntu* questions? :)18:16
eleflerI found the great rant18:16
MWMon a fresh install is my default user supposed to be a member of the root group?18:16
eleflerCan I post tangentially related stack overflow links in here?18:16
MWMLittle off topic today are we :D18:17
eleflerIf someone asks about kali send them there18:17
tomreynMWM: no, your user should not be a part of the root group on a fresh install18:18
Compaq-1994Hey! Is there any version of Ubuntu that will run in my laptop? The specs are here: https://revspace.nl/Compaq_LTE_4/50#Specs18:18
Compaq-1994(legit question, but I guess the answer would be "no way ever")18:19
tomreynCompaq-1994: is this a joke? since the page is empty18:19
eleflerThat link is broken, but try xubuntu18:19
eleflerIf that's too slow, lubuntu18:19
MWMThat link for the laptop redirects to a page that says nuthin for me18:19
Compaq-1994Sorry, correct link would be https://revspace.nl/Compaq_LTE_4/50E#Specs18:20
MWMdo a search for "light desktop environments" or "linux for old hardware" and there is plenty to read.  but usually Lubuntu or Xubuntu are the top *buntu's recommended18:20
elefler8MB of RAM? Wiw18:20
Compaq-1994(but yes, it sorta is a joke. would be nice if someone would have a suggestion anyway)18:20
tomreynCompaq-1994: hmm that's really old hardware. why would you still run th8is?18:20
eleflerI retract my earlier answer lol18:20
Compaq-1994for fun :p18:20
eleflerTry one of the Puppy linxues?18:21
MWM8mb?  Try Puppy or damn DSL :D  not quite Ubuntu, buuuuut.... ;)18:21
YndurainCompaq-1994: i looked at this computer's specs; you are *severely* restricted in your choices here, i'm afraid18:21
Compaq-1994It's running mIRC on windows 3.11 just fine :p18:21
tgm4883Compaq-1994: no, Ubuntu won't run on that18:21
YndurainCompaq-1994: and baring a pure CLI Ubuntu experience, i don't see what you could run here18:21
tomreynCompaq-1994: tra some embedded linux distro. more suggestions will be available in ##linux18:21
Compaq-1994I tried even older DSL's but nothing would boot with just 8 megs of ram18:21
YndurainCompaq-1994: ##linux would probably have more suggestions. Ubuntu here is going to be a very long shot18:22
Compaq-1994I'll shut up now, I just needed a busy IRC channel for stresstesting my network setup really18:22
tgm4883Ubuntu server even requires 2GB of RAM18:22
daxdon't run mIRC on Windows 3.1118:22
daxthe last version of mIRC that ran on it has about a million security vulnerabilities18:22
Compaq-1994tgm4883: nah, I have ran ubuntu server in 256MB ram in the past18:22
tgm4883don't run Windows 3.11. FTFY18:23
Compaq-1994and in <1GB vm's more recently18:23
YndurainCompaq-1994: "in the past" is relevant in that sentence18:23
tomreyndon't run Windows18:23
eleflerOh no, they'll hack into his Windows 3.11 where I'm sure he does all his banking and critical security stuff18:23
daxtgm4883: well yes, but people will insist on wasting their time18:23
tgm4883Compaq-1994: 256MB > 8MB18:23
tgm4883Compaq-1994: please stop wasting our time18:23
eleflerI bet the people who remember how to hack Win3.1 are all retired anyawy and the viruses aren't exactly out in the wild anymore18:24
daxmeanwhile the people who remember how to mess with mIRC 5 are not18:24
Compaq-1994tgm4883: I was only pointing out that your 2GB statement is false. I did not mean to imply that it would run on this old laptop. I know it will not.18:24
Compaq-1994dax: 5.91 at your service ;)18:25
tgm4883Compaq-1994: yea that's my bad. I read the desktop section of system requirements18:25
tgm4883in any case, this is all way off topic18:25
* dax sighs and wanders off muttering things about bringing back frigg18:25
Sven_vBis there a command like netstat that can show me not established connections but (soon-to-be-failing) connection attempts?18:29
tomreynSven_vB: tcpdump :)18:29
skinuxis epoll a Ubuntu thing or server specific?18:30
tomreynSven_vB: i can't think of another way before the 3-way-handshake is completed18:30
compdocIRC channel that can stress your network. funny18:30
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks!18:31
tomreynskinux: it is operating system specific, so kernel and userspace.18:32
Peetz0rcompdoc: well, not just the network, but also the stability of the IRC client itself18:34
mitterman05hi all18:44
nullbyte_how can i remove this from apt-get update is invalid repo18:49
nullbyte_E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ethereum/ethereum-qt/ubuntu artful Release' does not have a Release file.18:49
Bashing-omnullbyte_: That PPA is not supported in artful ( http://ppa.launchpad.net/ethereum/ethereum-qt/ubuntu ) . Were me I would comment out the entry in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory .18:52
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iljasallizom, i've tried a lot, and reinstall modem manager, and now i cannot see my modem at all . thats bad. so, i decided to upgrade my distributive.18:55
mate88I have a GPT partitioned HDD in a PC without EFI-UEFIs where I can't install "Ubuntu Mate 16.04" because in the installation the Bootloader install fails, failing all the installation. I have done a "bios partition" in the HDD, but it also fails. Any solutions ?19:03
TJ-mate88: with BIOS>GPT as long as there is a BIOS Boot partition near the start of the disk grub should install to it without problems. what offset is the BIOS Boot partition at? Also, it should be at least 1MB - how big is it?19:05
tomreynit's UEFI firmware, shouldn't this need an ESP instead of a biosboot partition?19:07
tomreynmaybe that's what you mean and i'm just nit picking.19:07
TJ-tomreyn: mate88 said the PC is without EFI-UEFI19:08
mate88TJ-, the "bios partition" I have done in that GPT HDD is of 400 MB19:08
ioriamate88, i  used   gdisk  with ef02 flag  (on a 32-bit system)19:09
TJ-mate88: OK, well it'll never ever need more than 2MB so you're wasting space there19:09
TJ-mate88: ensure the partition type is correctly set, as ioria just said19:09
energizerwhat is the `python` exectuable on 18.04?19:11
energizer2 or 3?19:11
mate88ioria TJ- I am running a Ubuntu 16.04 in liveCD mode right now, I don't have a "gdisk" application that I know19:13
ioria!info gdisk19:13
ubottugdisk (source: gdisk): GPT fdisk text-mode partitioning tool. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.1-1build1 (artful), package size 201 kB, installed size 818 kB19:13
ioriamate88, you can install it19:13
ioriamate88, !info gdisk19:14
ioriamate88, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19806619:14
mate88how do I see the offset of the "biospartition"?19:15
mate88ioria, isn't better Gparted than that gdisk ?19:15
ioriamate88, i think you can use it, but i have always used gdisk19:16
pavlushkaenergizer: I guess its python319:16
ioria!info python bionic19:17
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.14-4 (bionic), package size 136 kB, installed size 624 kB19:17
mate88ioria, TJ- in principle I made that "biospartition" with Ubuntu 16.04, why would it be bad set?19:23
mate88I installed gdisk right now19:23
mate88now what?19:24
ioriamate88, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19806619:24
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gwohl82VBMV.-.            .-.19:36
gwohl82VBMV.-.            .-.19:36
gwohl82VBMV.-.            .-.19:36
mate88ioria, if I put the bootloader to install on a MBR HDD and the Ubuntu 16.04 on a GPT HDD, there won't be any problem?19:37
ioriamate88, iirc, yes it will break and you'll need to reinstall grub19:38
gnat_xhi folks, i'm trying to recover a 14.04.5 VM that someone broke, and handed off to me. I've gotten it to boot into rescue mode, but when i try to apt upgrade i'm getting dpkg: warning: 'start-stop-daemon' not found in PATH or not executable. I've checked my PATH, it looks fine. I've also also done a 'find / -name "start-stop-daemon"' which returned nothing. i'm stumped as to what i need to do next.19:39
gnat_xother than install it by hand via finding the deb on the internet, and using dpkg. but i'm not convinced dpkg still won't fail in that scenario.19:40
mate88ioria, Why will it break ?19:40
ioriamate88,  was a while ago, maybe it's fixed, if you don't have efi, it'd go with the claccis patitioning, or maybe use lvm19:41
pragmaticenigmagnat_x, I'm sure it can be fixed without random debs from the internet. I'm just not that familiar with apt to fix it19:42
rascal999I've got a cloud-config script I'd like to use with a VPS but the provider no longer supports cloud-init. Is it possible to install cloud-init and put the user data somewhere and reboot?19:43
gnat_xpragmaticenigma: not random debs, those pulled and checked by hand from mirrors, but yeah, i'm hoping there are other ways.19:43
ioriamate88,  or logical/extended19:43
ahammondI'm looking at the kernels available for 16.04 and while I see 4.13.0, I don't see 4.14 or 4.13.6. This is an issue since I'm running docker and there's a known issue with the overlay fx indexing. Do people just run 4.10 or... ?19:45
jattI run 4.15.13-041513-generic19:45
ahammondjatt on 16.04?19:45
Rooothello, I decrypted my .Private directory with ecryptfs, but the mounted directory shows all encrypted folders with long file names. I'd once used the fix to this; a command that I found in askubuntu.com, which mounted these folders elsewhere in normal home folder view, but couldn't find it now. does anyone perhaps know it?19:46
jattahammond: 17.10 with ppa kernel19:46
mate88ioria, In principle I have been in a MBR HDD bootloader and the system in a GPT HDD until now, I need a reinstalation because of viruses and the MBR HDD were it was Bootloader installed died, the thing is that when the installation fails, it gives you the option to choose another HDD or partition to install the Bootloader, but fails in every other places.19:46
pragmaticenigmagnat_x, do you know what is start-stop-daemon? Is that part of systemctl ?19:46
ahammondjatt hmm, I doubt I can sell PPAs for a fleet of production servers. :)19:46
gnat_xpragmaticenigma: looks like it is part of dpkg. time for a rescue installer i guess.19:46
ahammondjatt and I'm not even gonna try to sell anything non LTS.19:47
ahammondI guess I'll go with 4.10.19:47
mate88ioria, the HDD where I am installing the ubuntu 16.04 is not empty, there are other partitions with data19:48
AlexCD_1I'm trying to switch back to nvidia graphics (because I'm on a black screen with intel integrated), but prime-select is failing with error 'read-only filesystem'19:48
tomreyngnat_x: that's a pretty hosed system.19:48
AlexCD_1I switched graphics with nvidia prime drivers :/19:48
AlexCD_1I'm switching through a root recovery shell19:48
ioriamate88, i's perform a backup first of all19:48
tomreyngnat_x: since dpkg is not a daemon, you could start by trying to reinstall it19:49
TJ-ahammond: you can run the 18.04 v4.15 kernel if you install linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge from xenial-proposed19:49
vasocretamsg /NickServ19:49
tomreyngnat_x: but if this is broken who knows what else will be19:49
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vasocretamsg /NickServ REGISTER 1@#$%*()_ vasocreta@gmail.com19:49
ahammondTJ- thanks, I'll just wait for 18.04 and settle for 4.10 for now.19:50
SwedeMikevasocreta: that didn't work well.19:50
tomreynvasocreta: you missed the leading slashes and those messages ended up in the channel19:50
vasocretanope. I am not paying attention to what window I am using. LOL19:50
vasocretamulti-tasking is not good for you19:51
vasocretathe research is right19:51
gnat_xtomreyn: yeah, that's what i'm thinking.19:51
vasocretaoh those facepalm moments in life19:54
eleflerTime for a new password lol19:54
vasocretaand a new email19:54
eleflerDoes testing the daily build in VBox help or is it not the same as installing it for real?19:55
eleflerSometimes my VMs do weird things19:55
eleflerJust generally speaking, not installed a daily before19:56
AlexCD_1I fixed by remounting, have a good day :)19:56
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tomreynelefler: just testing the installation process on a virtualbox vm does probably not help much, since that's been done many times before. but if you'll actually use it after installation i guess you have a better chance to contribute (also, this is probably a more of a topic for #ubuntu+1)20:17
eleflerOkay, is #ubuntu+1 like a devel one?20:18
dax#ubuntu+1 is #ubuntu except for unreleased ubuntu (so 18.04 currently)20:19
dax(/topic is relevant, in either channel)20:19
iljasallizom, i have updated my distributive to 18.04. And the modem is working perfectly20:24
iljasi think the problem was in Modem Manager or in the kernel. Thank you for you help. Thanks TJ-, too20:25
za1b1tsuHello, I installed a minimal Ubuntu, but I tried multiple terminals and I can't copy paste with shift ctrl c/v. Do I have to install a clipboard or it's because of the terminals I used?20:25
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu, Use Ctrl + Shift + c/v20:27
za1b1tsupragmaticenigma, it was a typo, I mean ctrl+shift, doesnt work20:27
pragmaticenigmaAre you in a desktop environment or just TTY?20:28
za1b1tsuit's like I'm just doing ctrl+c20:28
za1b1tsupragmaticenigma, openbox20:28
za1b1tsuno DE20:28
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu, Selecting text copies it in a buffer. Middle mouse clicking pastes from this buffer20:29
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu, the other option is to install a different terminal emulator that does support the familiar ctrl + shift + c/v shortcuts20:30
za1b1tsupragmaticenigma, I'm using a touchpad, no middlemouse, I see. Thank you20:31
tomreyn!info parcellite | za1b1tsu20:31
ubottuza1b1tsu: parcellite (source: parcellite): lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9-1 (artful), package size 242 kB, installed size 683 kB20:31
pragmaticenigmatomreyn, the issue isn't having a clipboard... it's copy pasting to and from the default terminal Openbox uses. It doesn't appear to have keyboard shortcuts20:32
tomreynyou'll need something like this if you cannot use a mouse to mark text and middle mouse button (or shift-insert) to paste20:32
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu, you can also try ctrl + insert and shift + insert to copy or paste respectively20:33
terminalatorWhich kernel will 18.04 ship?20:33
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | terminalator20:33
ubottuterminalator: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+120:33
terminalatorI see20:34
tomreynsee also /topic20:34
za1b1tsupragmaticenigma, do you know a lightweight terminal that supports that copy/paste?20:34
s10gopalTJ-, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1745646 is fixed in ubuntu 18.04 lts ?20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,Triaged]20:38
naccs10gopal: you know the answer, don't bother TJ- to ask. is it fixed upstream?20:39
s10gopalnacc, idk20:41
naccs10gopal: that's what you need to know first20:41
naccs10gopal: also, did you bother reading the upstream bug you filed?20:41
naccs10gopal: you responded there, but you didn't change the state back from NEEDINFO to NEW or whatever20:41
s10gopalnacc, can you please change it ?20:43
naccs10gopal: no.20:43
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu, I am not aware of one off the top of my head, or I'm not aware of one that isn't going to bring a lot of baggage with it.20:50
s10gopalnacc, new state is not available on bugzilla , which one should i choose ?20:50
naccs10gopal: i don't know, you should read the kernel bugzilla info20:50
DbuggerHi everyone20:52
DbuggerQuestion: Is there a way that I can edit a table in a database under /var/lib/mysql ?20:52
Dbugger(actually it is in another path, but it has the same structure=20:53
naccDbugger: why wouldn't you use mysql for it?20:55
Dbuggernacc, not sure how to do it, to open that database. Maybe it is an easier command than I think?20:55
naccDbugger: why do you have mysql databases if you don't know how to use mysql? :)20:56
Dbuggernacc, i was just building a Wordpress site, and I think something went wrong on the configuration table20:56
naccDbugger: well, i'm fairly sure you can tell mysql to open any database, check the manpages/--help20:57
Dbuggeryeah, but what should I give as input? the folder with the name of the database?20:57
naccDbugger: ... that's why i suggested to read the manpage or --help output?20:58
naccDbugger: there's also presuambly a mysql channel here20:58
nacc!alis > Dbugger20:58
ubottuDbugger, please see my private message20:58
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Dbuggerwell, i was not sure if the question was fit for there, since I have my DB in an unconventional path20:59
za1b1tsupragmaticenigma, xfce terminals seems alright, at first glance21:00
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu, seens to be a common recommendation... guess the only way to know is to install it and see what it carries in for dependecnies?21:01
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implite!ubottu zeitgeist datahub21:02
ubottuimplite: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:02
implitewhat is zeitgeist datahub used for?21:02
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implitejust wondering21:02
lotuspsychje!info zeitgeist | implite21:03
ubottuimplite: zeitgeist (source: zeitgeist): event logging framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 19 kB21:03
Guest9112is there a help channel where an amateur can request help with troubleshooting an issue?21:04
lotuspsychje!support | Guest911221:04
ubottuGuest9112: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com21:04
implitelotuspsychje: so its ok if i dont use it? does it store data on my user profile or something?21:05
tomreynimplite: it's basically used to log recent user actions such as recently used files and folders for the purpose of making them later accessible quickly. think of shortcuts in file explorers and ubuntu menu21:06
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impliteahh ok thanks for that tomreyn21:06
lotuspsychjeimplite: i tryed to uninstall it once, not a very good idea21:06
impliteits ok if i turn that and backup off im guessing21:06
tomreynimplite: for this pourpose (convenience) logging is enabled by default, but there is a privacy menu in gnome and other desktops to limit the data collected21:06
Guest9112oh, ok. Cool. In that case maybe someone here can help me. I'm trying to implement an SSL certificate for the very first time. I've followed all the documentation, and all the status checks (e.g. apachect1 configtest) and everything appears to be configured correctly, but my site still can't be connected to via HTTPS. I'm trying to ascertain what the issue is. My firewall has 443/tcp allowed, and I think my apache site-available21:07
Guest9112.confs are configured correctly.....21:07
lotuspsychjeimplite: perhaps try to disable the service?21:07
impliteyes i did disable it on startup21:07
Guest9112is there some sequence of tests or status checks I can perform that will help narrow down what the issue is with my HTTPS/SSL config?21:08
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impliteguest9112: this is not a question that is connected to your operating system. Im not sure if there is an apache channel on freenode but i would try to look and see if you can also ask there21:11
xamithanGuest9112: You sure there isn't a default ssl config already set?  Thats usually the issue I have with them21:11
adrian_1908Guest9112: #httpd is for apache. For debugging people like to use tools like `curl` I think, which can be far more informative than using your browser.21:12
Guest9112xamithan: there is both a "default-ssl.conf" and "000-default-le-ssl.conf" that was created by Certbot. I tried editing both of them with the correct keys since i wasn't sure which one was being referenced21:13
xamithanJust delete the one you aren't using21:13
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blkadderGuest9112: Look in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to find out which config(s) are being used.21:18
blkadderThere's also a #letsencrypt channel21:20
blkadderBecause if I try to help you here I'll just get yelled at.21:20
Guest9112ok, appreciate the tips. I'm trying the apache channel and I'll ask in letsencrypt too21:24
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Chatterly‎ Hi there have this Lubuntu 17.10 running off a pendrive. The desktop is acting mostly like it's been locked, and having major problems saving screenshots anywhere. I can still see new devices connected on the desktop though.21:57
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ChatterlyAm wondering if I have run out of persistent storage and when I look at this Devices - Memory - System Information ; I can't say I really know what I'm looking for to see if this is the case.21:58
ChatterlyPersistent storage rather21:59
lotuspsychjeChatterly: to have a decent ubuntu experience, best to install physical on your harddrive21:59
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ChatterlyThat's not currently an option.22:00
tomreyndony: no warez here22:01
lotuspsychje_!warez | dony22:01
ubottudony: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:01
donydon4t understqnd22:01
lotuspsychje_Chatterly: usb speed will be the bottleneck22:01
Chatterlylotuspsychje_: hasn't been a problem for the last 2 weeks, why would things suddenly not save22:02
lotuspsychje_Chatterly: tell us an example of what you trying/did?22:02
naccdony: you tried to run commands that are only relevant to warez22:02
ChatterlyI did make some things immutable on the desktop, and now I can't seem to delete them22:02
tomreynChatterly: you could install ubuntu on the pwn drive instead of using it as a live media. it's a bit faster than the live install which suffers twice from the slowness induced by the nature of this type of flash media.22:03
ChatterlyOk well trying to save some screenshots from a trading site for tax purposes22:03
dony i new ubuntu seqrch ubuntu french for drivers22:03
aroonilets say i've installed unison from source (because syncing to a mac computer upp'ed the version);  i went ahead and uninstalled the system package of unison first;;; 1) should you always uninstall the system package first?  2) if there are updates to the system package and id like to use that version in the future, how do I 'uninstall' this version of unison from source or do i need to.  just rm22:03
arooni/home/arooni/bin/unison ?22:03
tomreyn!fr | dony22:03
ubottudony: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:03
ChatterlyI need to use it as live media right now. With this persistent storage22:04
lotuspsychje_arooni: we reccomend using package versions, meant for your ubuntu version22:04
ChatterlyCould making certain files on the desktop as immutable have mostly frozen the desktop somehow?22:05
lotuspsychje_!info unison | arooni why compile?22:05
ubottuarooni why compile?: unison (source: unison): file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.48.3-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 648 kB, installed size 2018 kB22:05
aroonilotuspsychje_: the latest release on github is 2.51.222:06
lotuspsychje_!latest | arooni22:06
ubottuarooni: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:06
arooniand this mac version requires  the latest version22:06
ChatterlyWe are talking about very small files here I don't think USB speed is any part of the problem.22:06
lotuspsychje_Chatterly: not sure what you did exactly on your system yet..22:07
lotuspsychje_Chatterly: could it be a permission thing?22:07
ChatterlyThe only changes I recall since things had these massive saving issues was make a few files immutable. Lucky/Unlucky I saved them on the desktop.22:08
ChatterlyYes Feels like it is a permission thing.22:08
ChatterlyI noticed some issues immediately when after copying them off the machine, I could not delete them22:09
ChatterlyBut can't have "run out" of storage as can't even save screenshots to a different USB stick. (everything on that is maleable)22:10
lotuspsychje_arooni: seems there's like a latest unison snap22:12
lotuspsychje_arooni: unison-jz  2.51.222:13
andrebgood day all.22:14
andrebi have been trying to get dnsmasq to work.. and i have hit a wall22:14
andrebi got it to give out dhcp address... but it is not resolving to one of the local servers22:15
andrebcan anyone help22:15
ChatterlyOk am going to try some things from the terminal in sudo.22:15
ChatterlyWhat is a way to delete things forcefully from inside sudo?22:15
lotuspsychje_Chatterly: gksu nautilus can help perhaps22:15
Chatterlyis that dependent on desktop environment lotuspsychje_?22:16
lotuspsychje_Chatterly: yes22:16
Bashing-omChatterly: Exercise care with sudo .. applied in /home then root owns files; and "you" can not then access them .22:17
andrebany dnsmasq gurus on ?22:17
Chatterlyooh. *retro-learns very fast*22:17
ChatterlyBashing-om:  by access them do you mean read and copy only, not able to delete or edit?22:19
Bashing-omChatterly: If root owns .. then can not even copy .22:20
pragmaticenigmaandreb, please ask your question all on one line and if someone can help they'll respond. You may also find /join #dnsmasq to more helpful in configuration questions22:21
pragmaticenigmaandreb, and other dnsmasq specific questions22:21
Budgiianyone use chromium?22:23
BudgiiI can't seem to find the history tab.. lol22:23
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, try pressing Ctrl + H22:24
skylitehow can I use sudoers file to allow user1 to run 'sudo -u user2 *anycommand*' without password but nothing else ?22:24
Budgiithanks pragmaticenigma, i've been in firefox all week hahah22:24
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, yw, I think it's the same for both :-)22:24
Bashing-omskylite: the 3 dots at the right edge of the tool bar .. drop down -> history .22:24
BudgiiI was just looking at interface..22:24
pragmaticenigmaBashing-om, skylite had a different question22:25
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Bashing-omBudgii: pragmaticenigma .. bad on me :) skylite: my opologies .22:25
skyliteno problem:)22:27
BudgiiBashing-om, I think i missed something haha22:28
BudgiiBashing-om, oops, I see now haha. np!22:29
BudgiiBashing-om, I did that the other day it was hillarious\22:29
skylitefound it btw22:30
OurFrankWill 18.04 be available this sunday morning?22:32
naccOurFrank: no.22:33
Bashing-omOurFrank: No . 23 Apr or so /22:33
Budgiiim excited to try it.22:33
lotuspsychje_!party | OurFrank Budgii22:34
ubottuOurFrank Budgii: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/22:34
OurFrankis 18.04 called Bionic Bee?22:35
OurFrankthanks, btp22:35
btpSave a tree, eat a beaver22:35
agiohi all, my ubuntu 16.04 can't connect to any wifi networks. when I run the command : nmcli dev wifi connect   - I get alsorts of error messages like (53) The wifi network could not be found. Ive tried `sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service' but that isn't telling me anything. Is there something I can do to find out whats happening or to maybe restart newworking or use a different wifi commands?22:37
lotuspsychje_agio: driver recognized? check sudo lshw -C network22:38
agiolotuspsychje_: lshw -C network is showing a bunch of output22:39
agiolotuspsychje_: looks like its see's 2 devices?22:39
agioah yes - one wifi and one ethernet22:40
lotuspsychje_agio: at bottom driver=?22:40
tomreynagio: you could post the output to a pastebin (if you want)22:41
agiolotuspsychje_: [for wifi device] driver=rtl8192se22:41
tomreyn!paste | agio22:41
ubottuagio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:41
aroonilotuspsychje_: where did you find that22:42
aroonilotuspsychje_: i.e. the unison snap;  how do i search for snaps22:42
naccarooni: `snap find ...`22:42
arooniexpanding my mind https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/snappy22:42
agiotomreyn: the computer  with the problem (that I'mrunning debug  command on is offline!) I'm IRC'ing with you guys from a different computer22:43
arooninacc: do i have to run snap refresh or can that be done automatically22:43
tomreynagio: can you connect it to a wired network?22:43
agiotomreyn: nah, none available22:44
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tomreynagio: can you run "lsusb | grep -i net" and provide us with the nnnn:nnnn code that is listed there where nnnn are either digits or character ef-f?22:45
tomreyn... or characters e to f22:45
tomreynagio: is this a fresh installation of ubuntu 16.04 then? using the latest installer image or one created a while ago?22:47
naccarooni: snaps are automatically refreshed22:47
agiotomreyn: "lsusb | grep -i net" produces no output22:48
arooninacc: does snap notify me somehow that it has updated packages? for instance i'm symlinking its version of unison to the unsion command; but it seems every version bump itll rename the binary with the version #22:49
naccarooni: no, it doesnt22:49
tomreynagio: try again with: lspci -nn | grep -i net22:49
agiotomreyn: yes this is a one day old install 16.04 - running off a live usb - but I commonly get this same issue on older installs on other machines - usually the only way to fix is re-boot - but I can't on this live USB22:50
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Lin-Buo-RenI would like to ask how to install the previous version of a certain package, it seems to be removed from the software archive.22:51
Lin-Buo-RenThe intel-microcode package to be specific, as the latest one causes boot lock-up regression22:52
tomreynagio: oh so you're running this system on a 16.04.5 desktop installer live usb and there the wireless doesnt work. ok.22:52
agiotomreyn: `lspci -nn | grep -i net' [nnnn:nnn] code (for the wifi device) is [10ec:8172]22:52
naccarooni: you just invoke unison-jz.unison ... no version?22:52
agiotomreyn: I think this is the 16.04._3_ - the ISO image is prob a good 6 months old22:53
xamithanIf you can find the repo just install the .deb Lin-Buo-Ren22:54
agiotomreyn: the wireless adapter usually works on this machine - its an occasional problem that wifi stops working22:54
tomreynagio: whern you say it usually works on this machine, do you then run it from the live usb, or doe you also have it installe don disk?22:56
tomreynagio: and why do you actually run it form the live usb? maybe we can find a better approach for your use case.22:56
Lin-Buo-Renxamithan: The problem is it isn't in the repo now, at least the latest one.22:56
Lin-Buo-RenI wonder if there's other place that hosts the non-latest binary packages22:57
xamithanWell if it was you wouldn't need to manually install it.  There is plenty of out of date repos out there22:57
xamithanIf the software is any good it would be on github or somewhere they do version control you could just DL it22:58
arooninacc: oh good call didnt realize i could use that in future releases;  i have it called via cron etc22:58
agiotomreyn: I've actually only ever run this laptop via the live USB installer. I've owned it for about a month - and the previous 29 days or so the wifi adapter worked.22:58
tomreynagio: so as you already found out (maybe take a note for the future), the chipset of this PCI connected wireless device with hardware ID 10EC:8172 is a Realtek (TX2-)RTL8191SE, the in-kernel driver is rtl8192se, and it's actually been considered 'supported' for a good whiloe.22:59
tgm4883Lin-Buo-Ren: what version?23:00
tomreynagio: when you run "rfkill list", does it say "yes" anywhere?23:00
agiotomreyn: thanks for explanatjion  about drivers - good to know whats happening :)23:01
Lin-Buo-Rentgm4883: 3.20180108.1+really20171117.123:01
agiotomreyn: output from `rfkill list' contains all no's23:02
tomreynagio: do yourself a big favor and install ubuntu to *some* storage permanently. it can be just another usb pen drive / stick if it has to be, but running from the installer is painful for all humans and technology involved.23:02
Lin-Buo-Renagio: Try grepping `rtl` in the kernel log to see if there's any missing firmware files23:02
tomreynagio: but better use the latest ubuntu 16.04 installer to install23:02
tgm4883Lin-Buo-Ren: that's a weird version number23:03
Lin-Buo-Rentgm4883: Well intel's proprietary code, so kinda expected23:03
nacctgm4883: no, iirc, it was a revert23:03
tomreyntgm4883: i think it's fine. this was chosen to indicate that the firmware was downgraded to what intel had previously released on 201723:03
arooninacc: unison-jz.unison doesnt seem to like to look in ~/.unison for its profile files23:04
Lin-Buo-RenWell they should really revert again as the latest one is definitely buggy23:04
Lin-Buo-Ren(at least on my Ivybridge laptop)23:04
tomreynagio: for now, i would just make the system powerless (remove battery, if any, remove wall plug, if any), wait 15 seconds, reconnect it and power it up again.23:05
tomreynagio: you could also go searching for newer firmware than what you have now, but since it won't persist on the installer, this is kind iof futile.23:06
naccarooni: it probalby looks in ~/snap/...23:06
naccarooni: you should contact hte snap owner or read their docs23:06
naccLin-Buo-Ren: there is a bug filed, iirc23:06
arooninacc: do i need to move all my profile files there ; or can i just symlink23:07
agioLin-Buo-Ren: , tomreyn: when I search in /var/log/syslog for 'rtl' there are some matches like: rfkill3: foound wifi radio killswitch - round about the timestamp where the wifi stopped working?23:07
naccarooni: i don't know.23:07
naccarooni: i just told you there was a snap and how to use it23:07
naccarooni: you need to do the rest of the legwork yourself :)23:07
tomreynagio: but it is not killed, if it was the rfkill command would have said so.23:07
Lin-Buo-Renagio: Try pasting the full kernel log(/var/log/kern.log) to a pastebin23:08
Lin-Buo-Renagio: site23:08
tomreynagio: i'm sorry i have to leave for now23:08
naccLin-Buo-Ren: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/175992023:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759920 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "intel-microcode 3.20180312.0 causes lockup at login screen(w/ linux-image-4.13.0-37-generic)" [High,Confirmed]23:08
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: I certainly has noticed that bug report ;)23:08
agiotomreyn: no worries - thanks anyway for help :)23:08
naccLin-Buo-Ren: ok, then you know it's being worked23:09
naccLin-Buo-Ren: and it doesn't make sense to hassle volunteers about it23:09
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:09
agioLin-Buo-Ren: I can't pastebin. the computer  with the problem (that I'm running debug  commands on is offline!) I'm IRC'ing with you guys from a different laptop23:10
Lin-Buo-Renagio: Try transfer the log file to the different laptop then?  Have any usb keys?23:11
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: Just like to workaround it at my end so that I don't need to deal with it unless when help debugging it :-/23:11
Lin-Buo-RenTurn off the microcode loader entirely works but it just not sound right23:12
tgm4883Lin-Buo-Ren: so you're just trying to get back to 20171117.1 then?23:12
Lin-Buo-Rentgm4883: Yep.23:12
naccLin-Buo-Ren: click ont he publishing history in launchpad and you can get back to the debs, iirc23:13
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: Sound legit, thanks alot!23:13
agioLin-Buo-Ren: ok I''l try transfer the last few days across from a USB - might take me a few minutes - will let you once Ive done it23:14
tgm4883Lin-Buo-Ren: I'm assuming you've already tried 'apt install intel-microcode=20171117.1'23:14
Lin-Buo-Rentgm4883: Yep, and `apt ` doesn't found the package, probably already removed from the mirror I use23:14
tgm4883Lin-Buo-Ren: could be I suppose. You could go further back23:15
Lin-Buo-Rentgm4883: The further back is probably the version provided by the xenial pocket :-/23:16
Lin-Buo-RenWhich is 3.20151106.1 according to Launchpad23:16
arooninacc: thanks for teaching me how to fish23:18
naccarooni: :)23:18
Lin-Buo-RenAccording to Launchpad the previous release is "Removed from disk 5 hours ago.", but I am able to find the source package :-)23:18
naccLin-Buo-Ren: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1426153023:20
naccLin-Buo-Ren: bah, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/14261530/+files/intel-microcode_3.20180108.0+really20170707ubuntu16.04.1_amd64.deb23:20
naccLin-Buo-Ren: publishing history -> version you want -> builds -> debs23:20
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: Nice.  Guess LP handle binary packages differently from Ubuntu and PPAs?23:21
naccLin-Buo-Ren: i don't know what you mean23:21
agioLin-Buo-Ren: do you know why tomreyn recommended I persist my Live USB install to a storage device? is it so that I upgrade some package/microcode or something?23:21
Lin-Buo-Ren@agio: Well a persistent drive means you can make changes and preserve it after reboot23:22
Lin-Buo-RenNot necessary to solve the issue but still works23:22
Lin-Buo-Renagio: I happened to have written a guide just yesterday, however it's in chinese: https://hackmd.io/p/rkPdeX8KM23:23
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: Because the one that I found in the ubuntu archive on LP as been removed23:24
Lin-Buo-RenWhich is quite inconsistent to the PPA one you got me23:25
naccLin-Buo-Ren: you were looking at publishing dta23:25
agioLin-Buo-Ren: ah yeh I dont know chinese - I cant use google tranlate becuase it looks like you've used slides?23:25
naccand i wasn't looking at a PPA23:25
naccLin-Buo-Ren: the link i gave you is from the archive publishing data23:25
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: The url seems to be the SecurityTeam's PPA?23:26
Lin-Buo-RenAnyway the package is found and now I can simply hold on to the bugless version23:27
naccLin-Buo-Ren: that's just where it built, they copy it ot he archive23:28
naccLin-Buo-Ren: in any case, you've got your answer23:28
Guest9112how difficult would it be to install Nextcloud alongside an existing website? All the tutorials I see seem to be for a dedicated server23:28
Lin-Buo-Rennacc: Thanks alot.23:28
Lin-Buo-Renagio: Yep, you may found the source markdown document here: https://hackmd.io/HX9sDBeiTXuYX7k2viEEwA , still need to deal with Chinese though23:29
=== bungholio is now known as BionicMac
JavabeanGuest9112: try asking in #nextcloud , the channel is on this server.  simply type "/join #nextcloud" without the quotes23:29
agioLin-Buo-Ren: well I can understand the pictures :)  anyway what is your guide about?23:31
Guest9112Javabean: thanks will do23:31
JavabeanGuest9112: do be patient in that room, the regulars may not be at their screens right now23:32
agioLin-Buo-Ren: I have now uploaded the file: /var/log/syslog from my laptop with the wifi problem to here:23:40
=== Vectrix is now known as Guest61207

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