
agiohi, does anyone know what the [Dim screen to save power] checkbox in the unity-control-center does? here is screenshot:00:02
notadropagio: if you're on a laptop, it should dim the screen when the machine is inactive.00:02
notadropwhen it's inactive for long enough, the screen is usually set to sleep/switch off00:02
agionotadrop: does "dim" mean "turn totally black" or just "dimmed"?00:03
bugzbunnyThat's what dim means00:03
pragmaticenigmaagio, it will dim (reduce brightness) the screen to use less power for the backlight.00:04
agiook thanks. I've never seen my screen go into this dimmed state (although I can see the benefit) what option determines how long until the system triggers this dimming?00:05
bugzbunnyIt will reduce backlight, besides the CPU, reduce battery consumption00:05
bugzbunnyagio: Good question, no idea00:06
adrian_1908agio: it does happen pretty quickly though as I recall, within a minute or so.00:06
pragmaticenigmaagio, if your system support dimming through the graphics drivers, it usually dims after 5 minutes or so00:07
TJ-agio: dimming is part of the Power-Manager options, usually accessed from the Battery icon/Battery applet00:12
agioTJ-:  thanks I've dumped `gsettings list-recursively' and I have found some potential candidates to control the dimming time maybe [time-low|time-action] within the "org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power" schema . the gsettings key for "turn screen off when inactive" is "idle-time" on that same schema00:18
agioah, interestingly there is an "idle-brightness" value - currently set to 30 (percent) I presume00:19
notadroppragmaticenigma: I 'solved' the problem, by replacing firejail config files with ones from Debian. should I open up a bug report on Launchpad?00:21
pragmaticenigmaPersonally, I'd wait for 18.04 and see if it is still an issue00:22
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, ^  ^00:22
TJ-agio: idle_brightness could be the absolute value as written to /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness00:23
notadroppragmaticenigma: why wait? is it a .04 vs .10 thing?00:23
notadroppragmaticenigma: if I post this now, perhaps it could be fixed in 18.04, is my thinking00:23
bugzbunnynotadrop: Rather duplicate something that is already fixed00:24
notadropbugzbunny: ah I see, okay00:24
agiobugzbunny: TJ - found it you can get the current timeout value with this command:00:24
agiogsettings get  org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay00:24
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, 18.04 is pretty much in code freeze... major bugs will get fixed, but config file issues unlikely00:24
agioand set it (e.g. to test) with this command)00:24
agiogsettings set  org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 15    <-  15 seconds till dimming00:25
TJ-agio: only when using gnome of course :)00:25
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, what's the difference between the two sets of config files in debian/ubuntu?00:25
agioTJ-: when would you not have gnome? isn't it default on all ubuntu desktops?00:25
TJ-notadrop: which release were the firejail profiles a problem in? I can check if they've been updated00:26
TJ-agio: Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, ...00:26
agioah ok, cool00:27
TJ-I've not allowed Gnome on my systems for about 5 years :)00:27
notadroppragmaticenigma: what's the best program for answering that question..? CLI is okay...00:27
notadroppragmaticenigma: the way GitHub shows changes between two versions, something like that would be nice. Know of anything?00:28
notadropTJ-: xubuntu FTW00:28
notadropTJ-: um. Xubuntu artful ardvark00:28
TJ-notadrop: OK, I'll pull the source and check the profiles00:28
adrian_1908I've been using Xubuntu for many many years now, but I worry it's so starved of developers that it won't survive much longer.00:28
notadropTJ-: do you mind if I PM you?00:29
TJ-notadrop: from this link it looks as if firejail is synced directly from Debian with no changes! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firejail00:31
TJ-notadrop: I have PM blocked00:31
TJ-adrian_1908: there are a few of use working the kinks out00:31
notadropTJ-: here are the conffiles I used: https://ptpb.pw/uICM.tar.gz00:32
notadropTJ-: I replaced the conffiles that 'dpkg -s firejail' specifies00:33
notadropTJ-: everything else *should* be untouched from the artful repo00:33
adrian_1908TJ-: oh you're involved? really cool. Still my #1 choice. Alas, there have been a few bugs that I don't know how to draw attention to, and I suspect low activity/small userbase have something to do with it.00:33
notadropTJ-: I can reinstall firejail to confirm this, if you like?00:33
notadropTJ-: btw, thanks for your work on Xubuntu... after distro hopping for years (including a fair bit of time running Arch) it's my favourite distro!00:35
TJ-notadrop: looking at the firejail profiles the biggest universal change is that in 0.9.50 they used ~ for the home directory path but in 0.9.52 those have all changed to $HOME - I bet that's what you hit (that ~ wasn't expanded correctly)00:37
TJ-notadrop: don't thank me, I've only just started digging into it's code specifically. I generally range over all the low-level / server packages that underping the entire infrastructure00:38
notadropTJ-: but the only issue was accessing the Internet... LAN resources worked. would that cause this behaviour?00:40
notadropI guess it probably could. I'm not really sure how firejail actually *works*00:40
notadropOr how jails even work, haha00:41
TJ-notadrop: not sure! just going by the quick 'diff -u' I did on the 2 sets of source00:41
adrian_1908Offtopic, but are you two on Xubuntu right now? I'd like to confirm something.00:42
TJ-It uses the kernel's cgroups, namespaces, and so on (same as LXC, LXD, Docker)00:42
TJ-adrian_1908: Yes, I've got 4 laptops here running Xubuntu 18.0400:42
notadropTJ-: well, when I upgrade, my local config files will be replaced... if things break, I'll come back00:43
adrian_1908Ok, in the Whisker menu, can you drag&drop (reorder) "Favorites"? For me, they drop immediately.00:43
TJ-notadrop: if you pulled them from Debian, those should be what is in the Ubuntu 18.04 package.00:43
notadropTJ-: I did. alright.00:44
TJ-adrian_1908: Yes, I was able to drag the 2nd item to the end of the list00:44
adrian_1908TJ-: ok thanks. And did you ever run into the issue of having 2 (i.e. duplicate) Network icons in the Panel? For me, this happens on all 3 machines I installed Xubuntu on, 1 Desktop, 2 different notebook.00:45
adrian_1908And I cannot get rid of the behavior.00:45
TJ-adrian_1908: no, not seen that, but I think the primary icon is part of the notification applet. I had 2 batter icons beause I'd added a battery monitor manually.00:47
notadropadrian_1908: I just installed Xubuntu, and I don't have this behaviour. But then I only use Ethernet.00:47
notadropThere is a seperate Network Monitor applet, and then there is the icon in the system tray00:48
notadropso you probably have both?00:48
adrian_1908This has been so for years over the different versions and aside from some obscure forums discussions, it seems very few ran into this. If it didn't happen on 3 different machines, I would write it off as some odd hardware quirk.00:48
notadropadrian_1908: stupid question, but... you looked at the panel items, and removed the network monitor icon, right?00:48
notadroper, plugin, not icon00:49
TJ-adrian_1908: I just played. If I add 'status notifier' the existing nm-applet icon vanishes and new one appears in that applet. Remove that applet and the original nm-applet icon reappears00:50
notadropbecause there is the Indicators plugin, which will show that icon, and then there's the network monitor applet00:50
* adrian_1908 checking stuff, one moment (and thanks!)00:50
TJ-adrian_1908: I'd rather like to have multiple network icons, one per interface. I'm jealous!00:51
adrian_1908Guys, I'll boot my notebook and check there. On my Desktop I have network stuff hidden/deactivated because I only use LAN. One moment.00:52
adrian_1908btw, this is a error report someone did. I commented below it with my view on things. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-panel/+bug/168550200:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1685502 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Network manager icon appears twice on start up, from time to time" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:53
notadropDoes anyone here use KDE Connect on Ubuntu (successfully)?00:55
notadropI tried to use it on Debian, and I just gave up on trying to get it to work.00:55
adrian_1908ok damn, it doesn't appear on my notebook right now (seems 18.04 has different panel plugins too). I'll reboot my Desktop (IRC) with network applet etc. enabled. If I could finally fix this issue because of a mistake i made, that'd be awesome. brb asap.00:58
notadropadrian_1908: it seems you might have to restart the panel for some changes to take effect01:00
adrian_1908ok, logout was enough. So now I have checked the nm-applet box "Session & Startup" list and there are 2 network Icons.01:00
notadropadrian_1908: I'm not sure how to do that...01:00
TJ-adrian_1908: so now you need to look at what applets are configured in the Panel Options01:00
adrian_1908One is part of Indicator plugin,01:01
notadropApparently, to restart a panel: xfce4-panel -r01:01
adrian_1908The other is part of "Notification area" it seems.01:01
TJ-I don't have the indicator plugin01:01
notadropreally? how do you not have it?01:02
adrian_1908It's on by default at least afaik.01:02
notadropi'm on a fresh install of xubuntu, and I have it...01:02
TJ-what I mean is it's not in the list of Items01:02
notadropoh, okay. so you can add it?01:03
TJ-I don't have it because it's related to Unity01:03
TJ-And I don't allow Unity on my systems01:04
notadropcan I ask why? freedom (FOSS) issues?01:04
adrian_1908notadrop: is `xfce4-panel -r` safe to do in a running session?01:04
notadropadrian_1908: i'll let you know in 2s01:05
notadropadrian_1908: yes it is01:05
newbie1Hey guys, can anyone  help me resolve an issue?  I am trying: sudo gedit /etc/default/openvpn and I keep getting back No protocol specified01:06
newbie1Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused01:06
notadropsounds like something to do with xorg01:06
TJ-newbie1: can't use sudo with GUI applications01:07
newbie1ok, what should I use?01:07
notadropgksudo I believe01:07
TJ-notadrop: you're on 17.10 I'm guessing with the Wayland session?01:07
notadropTJ-: I doubt it... this is Xubuntu, so XFCE01:07
TJ-notadrop: sorry01:07
TJ-newbie1: you're on 17.10 I'm guessing with the Wayland session?01:07
newbie1gksudo gives me this error: Failed to run gedit '/etc/default/openvpn' as user root.01:07
newbie1Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.01:07
adrian_1908i'll brb, gonna try something to confirm. (panel restart worked, thanks)01:07
newbie1TJ, yes I am on 17.1001:08
bugzbunnysudo gedit works here01:08
notadropisn't sudo a bad idea for graphical apps?01:08
notadropeven if it *does* work01:08
TJ-newbie1: you'd need to logout, and use the gear/cog icon on the greeter page to select the "Ubuntu on Xorg" session before logging in01:08
bugzbunnyWho says that?01:09
bugzbunnyI mean, gedit is not trustworthy?01:09
notadropI think somebody in ##linux said it, once01:09
newbie1ok, I will try that, thanks01:09
notadropbugzbunny: no, not that01:09
notadropsomething to do with graphical applications and... paths?01:09
bugzbunnynotadrop: Typically, you wouldn't want to run any program as root that you don't trust01:09
notadropof course01:10
newbie1ok I have logged back in, which command should I use?01:10
notadropTJ-: ^01:10
TJ-newbie1: "gksudo gedit /etc/default/openvpn"01:10
notadropadrian_1908: any luck?01:10
newbie1dang, gave me the same error01:11
pragmaticenigmaAs a general rule, no you should use gksudo for graphical applications. however there isn't much harm in running sudo. They both do the same thing, gksudo just has some enhancements for handling desktop environment events. like spawing other graphical elements under the sudo01:11
TJ-newbie1: open a terminal, what does "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" report01:11
bugzbunnyIn my experience, across multiple distributions, sudo *always* worked01:12
newbie1it saywayland01:12
bugzbunnyBut meh, I guess it's matter of choice01:12
TJ-newbie1: then I don't think you selected the "Ubuntu on Xorg" session01:13
adrian_1908notadrop: sorry. no luck sadly, I'll post a screenshot to make myself feel better :p01:13
newbie1just did it again to confirm01:13
notadropadrian_1908: in the screenshot, please include01:13
notadropadrian_1908: Panel Preferences window, with the Items tab open01:14
notadropI'm curious what is going on there01:14
adrian_1908ok, here how it looks, i'll post panel prefs in a moment: https://i.imgur.com/e2bevhD.png01:14
notadropadrian_1908: do you have the Indicators plugin?01:16
TJ-I see only 1.4MB in that directory01:16
notadropI guess I'll see in a moment...01:16
notadropnever mind01:16
newbie1any other ideas?01:18
adrian_1908notadrop: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-panel/+bug/1685502  <-- the reply from 2017-12-25 describes what I thought was going on back then, when i investigated it.01:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1685502 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Network manager icon appears twice on start up, from time to time" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:19
bugzbunnyNetwork Manage Applet and Network?01:20
notadropadrian_1908: could you paste the direct link to the image, please?01:20
adrian_1908one sec01:21
adrian_1908panel items: https://i.imgur.com/EUGx7kk.png01:21
adrian_1908notification area plugin: https://i.imgur.com/z9q2epv.png01:21
adrian_1908indicator plugin: https://i.imgur.com/DMKdbAK.png01:21
notadropYeah, I see Network, as well as Network Manager Applet01:22
notadropthat would be why01:22
notadroptry Clearning Known Applications, then restarting the panel01:22
notadropif that doesn't change anything, remove the notification area and re-add it01:23
adrian_1908will try01:23
notadropyou could tick the Hidden box beside one of them01:23
notadropon the machine that has this... did you upgrade from older versions of Xubuntu?01:24
adrian_1908notadrop: that afaik just creates a toggleable menu, still containing the (duplicate) icon.01:24
adrian_1908the "hidden" box i mean01:24
notadropmy understanding is, it hides that icon from the Notification Area01:24
notadropthat really seems like the easiest way01:25
notadropto me01:25
adrian_1908notadrop: all machines have this, rather reliably. I just couldn't reproduce it on my fresh 18.04 right now, but I think I saw it there too (I recall my disappointment)01:25
newbie1gedit admin:///path/to/some/random/file solved it!01:26
adrian_1908notadrop: To quote myself from that bug report "A quick-fix is to remove both panel items, re-adding the Notification area first. As the Indicator plugin gets added, some check appears to happen which then removes the duplicate Network icon from the Notification area."01:26
adrian_1908It seems to me there's SOME logic that's aware of this duplication and that it shouldn't be there.01:26
notadropI'm not even sure how you're getting it01:26
notadropYou're on Ubuntu, right, not Xubuntu?01:27
notadropYeah, so am I. I just did a fresh install of it not two weeks ago01:27
notadropI'm on 17.1001:27
notadropThat's why I asked if you'd upgraded from earlier versions... I figured you had both the old and new network icons there01:27
adrian_1908I've had this at least since 16.04, possibly earlier, on all machines. I installed every Xubuntu release since, and almost always fresh.01:28
rud0lfnotadrop: bionic has close confirmation now in terminal when process is still running01:28
rud0lfi think it's cool if you have 10 terminals opened01:28
notadroprud0lf: ??01:28
rud0lfbionic = 18.0401:28
notadroprud0lf: oh, I use tilix... it01:29
notadrop's always had that afaik01:29
rud0lftilix? is it some kind of custom terminal?01:29
notadropit used to be called terminix. it's a tiling terminal01:29
adrian_1908Looks like 18.04 ditched the "Notification Area" plugin, or at least renamed/upgraded it. Since I cannot replicate the issue on my 18.04 notebook right now, maybe I should hope and pray that the upcoming release will have it fixed by accident.01:31
adrian_1908Aye, it's called "Status Notifier Plugin" now.01:32
notadroprud0lf: https://ptpb.pw/remg01:33
rud0lfugh firefox thought it's a text file :D01:33
rud0lflet me save it01:33
notadropmy bad01:34
notadroprud0lf: https://ptpb.pw/remg.png01:34
rud0lfew weechat01:34
notadropcolour scheme is kind of ugly, this is my admin account01:34
notadropI don't use it usually01:34
rud0lfi'm looking for a cool domain name01:34
pragmaticenigmarud0lf, do you have a support related question?01:35
rud0lfsorry, no01:35
rud0lfthought can chat a bit while noone's here talking01:35
adrian_1908<notadrop> Yeah, I see Network, as well as Network Manager Applet      <-- btw, this is gone in the 18.04 plugin, so that would probably be why. I just don't know how it was caused in the first place. I'll wait until 18.04 I guess.01:35
pragmaticenigmarud0lf, problem with thinking no one's talking is there might be someone waiting for it to quiet down.01:36
adrian_1908("Network" being the one that's gone)01:36
rud0lfi see, sorry for causing troubles01:36
SlidingHornrud0lf, try #ubuntu-offtopic :)01:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/01:38
adrian_1908alright, time to go. Thanks again you two (won't ping you) for the help! :)01:46
pascalhi leute01:46
=== pascal is now known as Guest63783
Guest63783hi leute01:47
michi31426hi Guest6378301:51
=== mikeeeee is now known as feijoada
guivercmichi31426, if you're still waiting; repeat your question  (patience is for those that wait mins; if your question is the uefi one, please ask again & maybe different eyes will see it)01:56
michi31426I just accidently "rm -R ~/" . Looks bad, so maybe it's the perfect time for a fresh install. I made an efi stub a while ago (followed a guide, not really understanding :/ ). Do I need to revert or delete the efi stub before installing a new system?01:57
michi31426I'm not sure on which layer my efi stub is lying (efi, bootloader or os)01:58
pragmaticenigmamichi31426, your stub should be in the EFI partition. If it already exists, I think you can just do a new install following the instructions. Check through this documentation and see if it helps. I'm not familiar with EFI myself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:14
michi31426@pragmaticenigma this makes sense. I just found the tutorial, I followed: https://askubuntu.com/questions/510856/how-to-boot-load-the-kernel-using-efi-stub-efistub-loader/742154#74215402:17
charlinany one has the code of Openclinical EDC system?02:17
michi31426pragmaticenigma, there it copies to /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu. So this means, a reinstall should be fine?02:18
pragmaticenigmamichi31426, I don't know for sure. I'm not that familiar with UEFI systems.02:21
pragmaticenigmamichi31426, if you're data is backed up, I don't see any harm in trying02:21
michi31426pragmaticenigma, but your link is very helpful02:22
pragmaticenigmaI know there are some here that can help with UEFI... the best time to reach them is weekdays around 19:00 UTC02:24
=== j0nathan is now known as Guest5692
Guest5692hello guys, so im kind of new to linux and im trying to edit a .conf file via terminal, i've opened it and added what i wanted to add however i don't know how to save what i have added to it. can i just close an and it automatically saves it?02:33
michi31426Guest5692 with which command did you open it?02:35
Bashing-omGuest5692: No. what is the editor that you used ? Is this a system file and dud you open the file with the admin privileges ?02:36
Guest5692@Bashing-om : "resolv.conf"02:37
Guest5692i opened it via terminal02:37
Guest5692idk if that answers the question as to which editor i used?02:38
Bashing-omGuest5692: what is the exact command you used to open the file ?02:38
Guest5692" sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf "02:38
Bashing-omGuest5692: save and exit : ctrl+o then ctrl+x .02:40
Bashing-omGuest5692: Bit heed that 1st line in the file !!02:41
Guest5692it worked! thanks02:46
Guest5692one more question02:46
Bashing-omGuest5692: sure ask .. but be aware your edits to /etc/resolv.conf will be overwritten next boot .02:47
Guest5692i use a command line toolto connect to a vpn service i use. Normally i have to open up terminal and enter the command to start and connect to one of my vpn's servers, my question is how do i automate this, how do i make it so that such commands run automatically when the system starts up?02:48
Guest5692the command i enter are " sudo protonvpn-cli -f02:48
Guest5692if it matters i'm running Ubuntu Mate02:49
Bashing-omGuest5692: If you want it to run when you login, add the commad to the .bashrc file in your /home .02:51
=== TmvC^ is now known as TmvC
michi31426pragmaticenigma thanks a lot, I now understand it better. efi stub seems to be the bootloader itself, so it replaces e.g. grub. I think, I am safe to try (you're out of responsibility :) ). Thanks again02:56
Guest5692Bashing-om do i add it to the bottom of the list?02:58
=== Aztec03 is now known as SmokinGrunts
=== SmokinGrunts is now known as Aztec03
Bashing-omGuest5692: yeah ,, will be fine to add at the end .03:08
michi31426actually, .bashrc is not the best idea. You should prefer .profile03:09
Bashing-omGuest5692: michi31426 has a point . depending on when/how you want it to start .03:10
JoelWeird DPMS issue, I can force on, force suspend, force off, etc. for about thirty seconds. if I force off, my monitor will then say no signal, going into power saving mode, then I can't seem to get it to wake up, even with a force on, an xset q, will show it as on, after a force on, even though it's not03:17
ash_worksiif I nc my host from a container, the host will reject it right?03:20
ash_worksilike, your host doesn't just accept random connect, even if they are on right?03:20
ash_worksiI mean, I know I have my head up my .... but I really could use some guidance here03:21
SteristI'm used to seeing a release countdown on the Ubuntu home page but... not there :( is it "officially" released already?03:30
Bashing-omSterist: Due date is Apr 26 .03:31
Steristokies :)03:32
Steristis there any way to configure the system to automatically remove previous kernel versions after receiving updates? gets annoying routinely hitting the terminal for it03:34
SlidingHornSterist, see here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels#Configure_Unattended_Upgrades_to_Remove_Unneeded_Kernels_Automatically03:35
=== ryan is now known as Guest23723
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mutomy firefox is wrong ,how to rebuild it.04:17
happygolucky Hi all. Running Lubuntu 16.04.4 and at startup I get a brief message saying Failed to start LSB: AppArmor initialization. Full paste from systemctl here: https://pastebin.com/NmfzgdxQ Is this a big deal? Anything I can/should do about this message?04:21
rud0lfcan i make ubuntu banner of login screen (precisely on ubuntu 16.04 server) appear only for certain users?04:59
rud0lfthe one that says info about packages04:59
EriC^rud0lf: yes05:00
EriC^disable it for all and add to their .bashrc "runparts /etc/update-motd..."05:01
EriC^run-parts /etc/update-motd.d05:01
EriC^or install update-motd05:02
segersjerryHi, I'm moving from mac to linux, and my old directories frequently began with a + to force them to sort first. In Ubuntu Mate, + sorts last. What is an alternative character to use for this purpose?05:03
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
xsillку всем05:14
xsillесть кто живой05:14
Bashing-om!ru | xsill05:15
ubottuxsill: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.05:15
hiiggyQuick question. If I'm too impatient for the 18.04 release and install the beta now, are there any drawbacks once the full release comes out? Would there be any leftover files after updates to the full release? Or would it simply be a case of apt update/full-upgrade as normal?05:24
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychje!final | hiiggy05:25
ubottuhiiggy: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.05:25
hiiggyRight, so need for do-release-upgrade. Good to know.05:27
hiiggyI assume then that upgrades from beta should then result in an identical system as one that was freshly installed from the final release? Minus user data and such, of course.05:29
hiiggyDo I need to edit sources.list, or will that also be done automatically?05:29
madghostmy problem is ubuntu 17.04 (((05:31
madghostI can't update one (05:31
Bashing-om!17.04 | madghost05:32
ubottumadghost: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html05:32
madghostno access to repositories for zesty, what I have to do to fix it ?05:32
lotuspsychjehiiggy: no need for sources.list no05:32
madghostubottu: thanks a lot!!!05:33
ubottumadghost: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:33
Bashing-om!eol | madghost05:33
ubottumadghost: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:33
lotuspsychjemadghost: we reccomend a clean install of an ubuntu version from our topic05:33
guivercmadghost, your sources.list* files point to where supported releases are; the `archive.ubuntu.com` needs to be replaced with `old-releases.ubuntu.com` (with any country codes removed) - then release-upgrade to 17.10; but a [clean] install as already suggested may be easier.  use a LTS if release-upgrades regularly are a pain (LTS releases have 5 years of support)05:37
madghostguiverc: yes, thank you, I will do it.05:38
lotuspsychje!usn | madghost see also the risks of using and EOL version overtime05:38
ubottumadghost see also the risks of using and EOL version overtime: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.05:38
madghostI just want to try to upgrade to 17.10 version05:39
lotuspsychjemadghost: its possible sure, but we told you the risks05:41
SlidingHornmadghost, also note that 17.10 loses support in a few months as well05:41
madghostyes, so, is it better to install 16.04 version ?05:41
SlidingHornmadghost, that, or install bionic in a couple weeks when it's released05:42
madghostso I can upgrade to 17.10 now, and install bionic in two weeks ?05:44
SlidingHornmadghost, if you want to go through all that trouble.  I'm assuming that would likely involve two clean installs05:44
madghostit is test computer, for some tests, I'm not working on it, it's not server for example05:45
lotuspsychjemadghost: or install 18.04 right now and await the final on upgrades05:45
madghostit's just for tests05:45
madghostoh, is it exists ? )05:46
lotuspsychjemadghost: yes join #ubuntu+105:46
madghostI didn't see it on ubuntu site :(05:46
SlidingHorn!18.04 | madghost05:46
ubottumadghost: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+105:46
madghost))) thanks )))05:46
lotuspsychjemadghost: if you choose the LTS way, we reccomend 16.04.4 and await 18.04.1 in june upgrade05:48
zaapieli need help finding my usb thmb drive on linux05:49
zaapielhow would one go abo9ut doing that05:49
madghostthanks a lot ))) good day for me.05:50
zaapiel) umount /dev/sdb05:50
zaapielIf your USB stick is under /dev/sdb05:50
zaapiel2) dd if=FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1024005:50
zaapielsee that05:50
zaapielis sdb what linux uses05:50
kamal__hi, I need help on integration of nexus and mavan05:51
SlidingHornzaapiel, if it's the 2nd storage device (sd), then most likely.  Your main HDD would be sda, secondary (or USB, in this case) sdb05:51
demuzaapiel: lsblk05:52
lotuspsychjekamal__: define integration please?05:53
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zaapieldc      8:32   1  14.8G  0 disk05:54
zaapiel└─sdc1   8:33   1  14.8G  0 part05:54
zaapiellook right?05:54
zaapielsdb and sda are hard drives05:55
zaapielsdc is probally the usb05:55
kamal__I am using automation deployment of CI/CD05:55
SlidingHorn!paste | zaapiel - Is your USB drive about 14GB?05:55
ubottuzaapiel - Is your USB drive about 14GB?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:55
demuzappiel: most likely yes. The RM is for removable indicated by 1.05:57
kamal__also using nexus repo for maven artifacts05:58
demuzaapiel: unless you have other with RM of 105:59
lotuspsychjekamal__: still not sure what you want yet...explain your whole story?05:59
demuzaapiel: Also "lsblk -S" will give you Vendor and Model06:01
=== derevenshina is now known as korob
sahdghey guys, I installed dnscrypt proxy and it's working fine so far. Only problem Is i have to manually start it every time after logging in.06:12
sahdgThere's not much info for a regular user here: https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Installation-linux#usage-with-systemd06:12
SlidingHornsahdg, which version of Ubuntu?06:15
SlidingHornyou should just be able to sudo systemctl enable dnscrypt-proxy.service && systemctl start dnscrypt-proxy.service06:16
sahdgSlidingHorn: will it ask for the password every time it starts?06:18
SlidingHornsahdg, it shouldn't06:19
sahdgalright thanks!06:21
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SlidingHornalexneudatchin, correct me if I'm wrong, but if the application is already set up for systemd why create another unit?06:29
alexneudatchini didnt check it myself so idk06:30
kamal__I want to build code using maven in jenkins and using nexus repo06:31
SlidingHornkamal__, have you tried #maven?06:32
kamal__but facing challanges in integration in jenkins and nexus so kindly suggest.06:32
kamal__yes, I am using maven to build code in jenkins.06:33
ducassekamal__: use !alis to find a more appropriate channel, this is not an ubuntu question06:35
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"06:35
SlidingHornkamal__, I meant the #maven irc channel here on freenode.  They'll probably be able to better help06:35
alexneudatchindnscrypt-proxy.service should exist and enable vs start and so on.06:36
ntzgiving to somebody a support ... I don't have ubu for myself .. do cron log entries end up in /var/log/messages in ubu ? yes/no06:36
ntzthanks much06:36
alexneudatchinmy bet it wouldnt work06:37
rajivmarshow to swich on an available swap permanently in ubuntu 16.04?06:37
SlidingHornrajivmars, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F06:39
ntzcan somebody answer my question ? google says it is in ubu in /var/log/syslog ... holy sh*it ? don't have /var/log/messages ?06:40
bazhangno cursing here please ntz06:41
ntzokay once more ... can you just confirm, if in ubu end up cron log enries in /var/log/messages (or /var/log/syslog) ?06:44
ntzI don't have ubu for myself, I need to get it explicitely confirmed for some reason, thanks06:45
SlidingHornntz, assuming they're using 16.04, it should be in /var/log/syslog.  Tell them to use <<  sudo grep -i cron /var/log/syslog  >>06:46
ntzSlidingHorn: ^^ not karma bot here ?06:46
SlidingHornntz, nope..we do it for the warm fuzzy feeling :P06:49
ntzgood, thanks :)06:49
ntzbye ppl, live in peace !!06:49
rajivmarswhat is the command to edit something in /etc/fstab?07:08
geirhasudoedit /etc/fstab07:09
lanhuabaoanybody here?07:10
guiverc rajivmars, open it with an editor (elevated privileges); eg. for me its `sudo vim /etc/fstab`  (as I use vim)07:11
guivercfstab (file system table) is a text file07:12
guivercsorry geirha - i didn't see your answer - apologies.07:17
s10gopalcan anyone please help me to build kernel from git source?07:29
bazhangs10gopal, did you want a higher kernel?07:30
s10gopalbazhang, https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198665 , i tested it and it happens on 4.13 but not on 4.12 , so i need to do git bijection07:31
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 198665 in Power-Off "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown) . WOL disabled and no usb device connected." [High,Needinfo]07:31
SwedeMikes10gopal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild07:31
s10gopalSwedeMike, but i cant implement it07:32
SwedeMikes10gopal: if you ask for help and don't describe what you have already tried and what problem you encountered, then it's impossible to help.07:32
s10gopalSwedeMike, bazhang, https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198665 , i tested 4.4 and 4.12 the problem dont occur on it07:34
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 198665 in Power-Off "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown) . WOL disabled and no usb device connected." [High,Needinfo]07:34
s10gopalSwedeMike, but on 4.13 to latest it occur07:34
s10gopalSwedeMike, someone said me to do git bijection to find the bad commit07:34
s10gopalSwedeMike, but i dont know how to do it07:34
s10gopalSwedeMike, something like this TJ-s10gopal: no, running 'git bisect' is the easy bit. I'm referring to preparing to build by copying in an appropriate .config file, doing 'make silentoldconfig' then 'make bzImage' then having to copy that into /boot/vmlinuz-test, build an initrd.img 'update-initramfs -c -k test' and 'update-grub' then reboot test and repeat as required.07:37
derk0pf_cleaning my keyboard :f07:38
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s10gopalbazhang, he is not saying anything07:39
BlueSharkI added topmenu-mate-panel-applet to my Ubuntu MATE panel. How to remove it?07:42
Scorpiocan I say?07:44
bazhangScorpio, ubuntu support issue?07:45
Scorpiosorry,i just test,because i cannt send when i join the other channle07:46
SlidingHornBlueShark - From where did  you install it?07:52
SlidingHornI'm not seeing it in the repos07:52
BlueSharkSlidingHorn, It came with the default installation of Ubuntu MATE.07:52
BlueSharkSlidingHorn, topmenu-mate-panel-applet07:52
SlidingHorn!find topmenu-mate-panel-applet07:53
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 272 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=topmenu-mate-panel-applet&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all07:53
BlueSharkPreviously, in older versions, there used to be a Panel Preferences option when you right click on any panel, where you can add/remove applets that you've added.07:55
BlueSharkThat option has been removed now.07:55
SlidingHornwhat version are you using?07:56
SlidingHorn(of ubuntu)07:56
BlueSharkUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS.07:56
guivercBlueShark, i don't know - this is a hack that may work.  i added it to my 16.04 ubuntu-mate & had trouble removing it too.  i went to shell and `killall /usr/lib/mate-apple...` and got a error asking if i want it to be reloaded on panel or not  - maybe this 'hack' will help?08:05
guivercBlueShark, when i logged out, re-logged in, i didn't see it running... - very untidy i know08:08
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BlueSharkguiverc, wow, that's exactly what I did too. Except the small difference was, I did a pux aux | grep topmenu and then kill X08:36
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fberg_hello guys. I'm running ubuntu 16_04. I need to have the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf version 6. Does anyone know how to get it ?08:57
lotuspsychje!info gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf xenial08:57
ubottugcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf (source: gcc-defaults (1.150ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler for the armhf architecture. In component main, is optional. Version 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 23 kB08:57
lotuspsychje!latest | fberg or try !backports or snap08:58
ubottufberg or try !backports or snap: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:58
fberglotuspsychje: thanks08:59
fbergubottu: thanks08:59
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:59
fbergI need it to compile u-boot. It's latest release requires a gcc version >=609:00
blitz-_Anyone got experience installing 16.04 server (mdadm boot) on a dell t130 with a perch h330? Refuses to boot and not sure if its a raid card problem or boot problem.09:01
lotuspsychjeblitz-_: perhaps #ubuntu-server can help?09:02
lotuspsychjefberg: we reccomend using software from the official ubuntu repos, instead of compiling yourself09:04
fberglotuspsychje: I need to customize it09:10
fbergand to cross compile it for a raspberry pi 309:11
rud0lfdo you think i should fiddle with ufw in general on vps or will fail2ban be sufficient?09:20
rud0lf<-- server networking illiterate09:20
SlidingHornrud0lf, Here's a really good manual on securing a debian server  :) https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/09:21
rud0lfthank you09:22
rud0lfi use linux for 3 years and i'm still not sure what "Unix"09:24
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hiddennachoI've got a question about downloading repositories09:45
hiddennachoshould I download just xenial or xenial-updates, xenial-security etc too?09:46
hiddennachoand will it still be secure to install them on the machine that has no internet connection? it just has dvd installed xenial09:47
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narraHi There10:03
narraHas anyone seen this compile issue with VirtualBox ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WgFb9f9jfR/10:03
narraor in short: /bin/bash: ./debian/scripts/retpoline-extract-one: No such file or directory10:04
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Dirkos_I have a text: Het euroteken (€) is het valutateken10:18
Dirkos_but somehow i cant paste this in my ubuntu shell10:18
Dirkos_It will be a different sign and not the char i expect10:18
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wodimdoes the minimal iso image have uefi support?10:23
alexneudatchinDirkos_:convert it to unicode10:28
alexneudatchinwodim:same as full iso10:29
bumbar_how can i check if installed java package is from oracle or openjdk?10:33
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Ben64bumbar_: java -version10:37
rockfordalhi. the selfcheck of ubuntu-14.04-server tells me my usb image has incorrect checksum on a file (think it was some default .cfg profile file)10:43
jk^Hi all10:43
jk^I read all guides, but i can't install my multifunction printer EPSON Stylus SX130, System recognized it, but when i try to install by Printer panel, the process stops when the progress bar is almost at the end10:45
bumbar_Ben64, doesn't show vendor though (at least i can't see it), thanks though. i ended up using "java -XshowSettings:properties"10:45
ZaZaQRi don't know how to uninstall Feedreader on Ubuntu10:45
Ben64bumbar_: it does10:45
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Ben64bumbar_: the command you posted is much less obvious10:47
ZaZaQRone there?10:50
jk^may anyone help me?10:50
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tomreyn!ask | jk^10:54
ubottujk^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:54
tomreynZaZaQR: ^ you, too ;-)10:55
jk^<jk^> I read all guides, but i can't install my multifunction printer EPSON Stylus SX130, System recognized it, but when i try to install by Printer panel, the process stops when the progress bar is almost at the end10:55
tomreynZaZaQR: try this: flatpak uninstall feedreader10:56
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bumbar_Ben64, yes it's less obvious but "java -version" on my laptop only says java, and without checking on my machine, which explicitly says openjdk i wouldn't know which one is on laptop10:56
tomreynjk^: which ubuntu release is this? lsb_release -ds10:57
jk^lubuntu 16.04.4 LTS10:57
Ben64bumbar_: none of them only say java10:58
tomreynjk^: you can also manage the printer at http://localhost:63110:58
jk^tomreyn, HOw?10:58
tomreynjk^: access the url form a web browser, then click on Administration10:59
tomreynthen "manage printer"10:59
tomreynor "add printer"11:00
jk^It asks me userid and pass11:00
tomreynZaZaQR: any more details?11:00
tomreynZaZaQR: try "flatpak list" to find out the proper name of the package to uninstall11:01
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ZaZaQRerror: Invalid id feedreader: Names must contain at least 2 periods11:02
tomreynjk: just enter them, it's your ubuntu login and password11:02
jk^mmmmh :\11:02
tomreynjk^: this website is hoste don your own computer, localhost, the credentials are not sent to the internet11:03
jk^tomreyn, excuse me11:03
jk^i tought they are general credentials, such as "admin admin" OR "admin pass"11:03
jk^in local printers it shows me the name of my printer11:04
tomreynZaZaQR: flatpak uninstall org.gnome.FeedReader11:04
jk^though, even in Printer panel by main menus11:04
tomreynjk^: i was suprised about using my credentials there, too, the first time, still remember it now :)11:04
tomreynjk^: how did you install it initially?11:05
jk^Do i need to "Share" the printer? (I don't know what it deserve) :\11:05
jk^Do i need to "Share" the printer? (I don't know what it deserves) :\11:05
R13oseThe plus signs are still showing up in each text area I put my mouse there.  What do I do?11:05
tomreynjk^: no need to share it, unless you want to be able to print to it from other computers in your local network11:05
jk^initially i tried to install it by "Printer" which is in the main menu "System Tool"11:06
tomreynR13ose: did you try both kernels (also the ubuntu one)? maybe try a different OS, too.11:06
jk^tomreyn, now it shows me a list of model11:07
jk^Mine there isn't :(11:08
tomreynjk^: according to http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-SX130_Series the recommended driver is epson-201101w11:08
R13osetomreyn: I am using Ubuntu one now11:08
jk^where is it?11:08
jk^Have i to select if by file?11:08
jk^At he bottom, there is a "OR provide a PPD file"11:09
tomreynjk^: you should get to see a list of drivers you can choose from on the "cups" website you are on.11:09
jk^i don't understand :|11:10
jk^there is a list of model11:10
jk^but my model "EPSON Stylus SX130" isn't there :|11:10
tomreynjk^: on the list of known models, is "epson-201101w" listed?11:10
jk^tomreyn, there isnt'11:12
jk^there is a list by name of printer not by name of their drivers tomreyn11:13
tomreynjk^: download this file https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/Epson-Stylus_SX130_Series-epson-driver.ppd11:15
tomreynjk^: it is a PPD file. you can choose the option "priovide a PPD file" and supply this file11:15
tomreynR13ose: okay, so it happens with both kernels. you could also try a mainline kernel11:16
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:16
jk^where do u find it tomreyn ?11:17
tomreynR13ose: chances are it wont change much, though, but it's worth a try.11:17
tomreynjk^: what is "it"?11:17
jk^the file11:17
SimonNLI'm guessing there jk^ ^11:19
jk^i guess it's a your Space's URL11:19
pelmenoidHello, how beta is going on? tomorrow final day. :)11:19
tomreynjk^: click on this link https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/Epson-Stylus_SX130_Series-epson-driver.ppd , download it and then provide it on the cups webpage (localhost:631) by selecting the optiuon to provide a ppd file and browsing to where you saved it11:19
jk^i mean if there is a site where u got it11:19
tomreynjk^: i downloaded it from http://www.openprinting.org/driver/epson-201101w , specifically http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/op/stable/debian/dists/lsb3.2/main/binary-amd64/epson-inkjet-printer-201101w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb - this is a debian package (a ZIP file) , I extracted it and further extracted the PPD file for your printer from it.11:21
JimBuntupelmenoid, if you mean 18.04 LTS... I think Beta 2 is scheduled to drop tomorrow and then final release on 26th11:21
R13osetomreyn: if this will not change much why try?11:21
jk^i'm on 32bit11:21
pelmenoidJimBuntu, ok thanks.11:22
tomreynR13ose: if it doesn't happen then you would know that the issue only occurs with specific linux versions.11:22
tomreynjk^: PPD files are not architecture specific11:22
tomreynjk^: ignore my suggestion to use the ppd file, i had not reviewed it properly, it probably wont work out of the box.11:23
jk^accidentally i found an URL11:24
R13osetomreyn: how do I automatically install this without taking over other kernels?11:24
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jk^which i didn't find before when i was using the EPSON official site... now i find it on this page11:25
tomreynjk^: instead, search and download drivers for your printer at http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/?OSC=LX and follow their instructions11:25
jk^the link is this: http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/?OSC=LX11:26
jk^should it be useful?11:26
tomreynR13ose: you cannot install it automatically.11:26
jk^it talks about "scanner" driver too, in fact, my printer is multifunction11:26
R13osetomreyn: I need to do this manually?11:27
tomreynR13ose: read the instructions ubottu provided to you11:27
jk^which file do i need to download?11:28
tomreynjk^: what are your options?11:28
jk^excuse me11:28
jk^i supposed the other one is another version of driver11:29
tomreynjk^: you went to http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/?OSC=LX , entered your printer model in the "enter product name" field and selected "Linux" as "operating system"?11:29
jk^epson-inkjet-printer-201101w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.i486.rpm1.44 MB11:29
jk^epson-inkjet-printer-201101w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_i386.deb1.44 MB11:29
jk^epson-inkjet-printer-201101w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.x86_64.rpm1.44 MB11:29
jk^epson-inkjet-printer-201101w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb1.44 MB11:29
jk^epson-inkjet-printer-201101w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.src.rpm1.97 MB11:29
tomreyn!paste | jk^11:30
ubottujk^: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:30
tomreynjk^: you can talk again now11:31
tomreynjk^: what does this command, run in a temrnial window, output? uname -a11:34
jk^no, they are links11:34
jk^list of links11:34
jk^which should i choose?11:35
tomreynjk^: i can tell you once you told me the output of the "uname -a" command11:35
jk^wait :| i dont' uderstand what do u want from me :(11:36
jk^i'm here tomreyn> jk^: you went to http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/?OSC=LX , entered your printer model in the "enter product name" field and selected "Linux" as "operating system"?11:36
jk^i search by name my printer11:36
tomreynjk^: on your computer, there is a program called "temrinal", you should be able to select it from the ubuntu dash (the main menu of ubuntu)11:36
tomreyncorrection: "terminal" (i had a typo)11:37
JimBuntuCTRL+ALT+T then `uname -a | nc termbin.com 9999`11:37
jk^i found the page of my printer11:37
jk^there are 3 items11:37
jk^driver for printer, driver for scanner and utility11:37
tomreynjk^: we understand that you are on the page where the possible printer ddriver downloads are listed.11:38
jk^i'm trying to download all11:38
tomreynjk^: you are asking which one to download. we do not know until we know what the output of the "uname -a command" is on your computer. this is a command you need to run on your computer.11:38
tomreyn* "uname -a" command11:39
jk^what it deserves for?11:39
tomreynjk^: okay, i give up.11:39
jk^i type it in terminal11:39
peter-bittnerWho can tell me where I need to report a bug with the Rocket Chat server(s), e.g. https://rocket.ubuntu.com/channel/snapcraft11:40
jk^Linux user-PT601ET-ABZ 4.13.0-37-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 7 16:02:25 UTC 2018 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux11:41
tomreynpeter-bittner: if that's a service you have access to as part of a contract closed with canonical, then i suggest youp contact the support contact you were provided by them. there is also #canonical11:41
tomreynjk^: download epson-inkjet-printer-201101w-1.0.0-1lsb3.2.i486.rpm11:42
tomreynjk^: i do not know whteher this driver will work for you, and cannot support it.11:43
tomreyntalk to epson if it doesn't11:43
peter-bittnertomreyn: No, I guess it's a public service, a community thing.11:43
tomreynpeter-bittner: oh ok, i'm not familiar with it. so do you need to report a bug in the software itself or just this implementation of the software on rocket.ubuntu,com ?11:44
jk^ok, why 486 and not 386? i'm used to install ever i386 basing on my 32bit system :\11:45
tomreynjk^: sorry, the filename i provided was wrong, that's an RPM package, you need a DEB11:45
=== james is now known as Guest61610
jk^tomreyn, ok11:45
tomreynjk^: download this epson-inkjet-printer-201101w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_i386.deb11:45
jk^i supposed it11:45
peter-bittnertomreyn: It's a configuration issue. The integration of login.ubuntu.com is broken. I would guess this is a concern of Canonical, isn't it?11:46
jk^because RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)11:46
tomreynpeter-bittner: yes probably, talk to the handler on duty in #canonical11:46
jk^i'm on lubuntu (Derivated from DEB ian11:46
tomreynjk^: very thoughtful11:47
Guest61610hello just trying out this rasberry pi thing11:47
jk^are u ironic? :P11:47
peter-bittnerUnfortunately, the #canonical channel is for internal use only. :-(11:47
tomreynjk^: no. you are somewhat new to linux / ubuntu's under the hood details, so this was good thinking11:47
tomreynpeter-bittner: i'm in it (here on IRC) and i'm not internal11:48
jk^which of this 2 deb?11:48
tomreynpeter-bittner: you may need to have your nickname registered11:48
tomreyn!register | peter-bittner11:48
ubottupeter-bittner: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.11:48
tomreynjk^: i told you before11:49
jk^u told me 48611:49
tomreyn<tomreyn> jk^: download this epson-inkjet-printer-201101w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_i386.deb11:49
jk^ops, i didn't read it :\ excuse me11:50
=== tom is now known as Guest46155
tomreynjk^: no problem.11:51
jk^it shows me "It's avaiable the same version in a Software Channel" "It's reccomended to install software by the channell"11:54
tomreynjk^: please show the output / post a screenshot11:55
peter-bittnertomreyn: I've used the contact form on login.ubuntu.com > (Footer) > Support. I hope someone at Canonical will get notified to fix this.11:58
tomreynpeter-bittner: i have no means to tell. it might work, but you may have ultimately reached the wrong folkks this way. you reported it to the people who manage / run the SSO instance, but who really need to fix it is probably those who manage the chat server. it may be the same people, i would not know.12:00
BluesKajHi folks12:01
jk^it's in my language, but before i translated it for you12:01
tomreynjk^: you must have a non-official APT repository configured which provides a packaghe by the same name. that is all i can tell.12:02
jk^then? what i have to do? :\12:03
=== waltman_ is now known as waltman
tomreynjk^: a package named "epson-inkjet-printer-201101w" is not available in ubuntu's standard / official package sources.12:03
jk^mmmmh :\12:04
tomreynjk^: but your system has it available from somewhere. so your system must be configured so that you can instll the package from another source. it is up to you which one you will use.12:04
jk^Maybe, it recognized it because before i tried to install the printer by "Preferences->Pringer->Add printer" and it looked for drivers? :\12:04
tomreynjk^: if you run "sudo apt update; sudo apt-cache policy" and provide the output to a pastbein i can tell you more.12:05
jk^why CTRL+V (for paste) doesnt' work in terminal? :-o12:06
tomreynpeter-bittner: sorry, i was wrong when i said you could access #canonical, i meant #canonical-sysadmin - apologies12:06
jk^rud0lf, but in the other part of system, it recognized "Ctrl+v" to paste :|12:07
R13osetomreyn: I am now on 4.16.0 and still happening12:07
Rar9need help with and Database backup  (plesk+Ubuntu 16lts) .... I can do dump as DB is too big with LOCKED Tables... What do i need to change? do?12:08
rud0lfbecasue terminal is special12:08
jk^another thing learned about linux :\12:08
tomreynR13ose: okay, it was worth a try. unless TJ could help you, i guess there's not much you can do other than replacing what seems to be faulty hardware. you could also try a different OS just to be sure.12:09
jk^it's a beautiful world, linux world, but so difficult :( too much command line methods :\ severl things to learn about use it :\12:09
akikjk^: it's because ctrl+c is interrupt in the terminal. i know it's a bit illogical that in firefox it's ctrl+c12:09
jk^for example, about installing a program12:09
tomreyn!terminal | jk^12:09
ubottujk^: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:09
rud0lfit's never too much12:09
R13osetomreyn: should I try bios and grub command line again?12:09
tomreynjk^: take a look at the guide later on12:09
rud0lfyou can also open terminal by Ctrl+Shift+T12:10
tomreynR13ose: i don't know what you mean.12:10
rud0lfjk^: i suggest http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse/sort-by-votes12:10
jk^yes, tomreyn, i know where find terminal :) on lubuntu is called LXterminal12:10
jk^the difficultis are to use it :)12:10
rud0lfto read some easier and memorise or write down12:11
R13osetomreyn: should I see if + happens there?12:11
jk^<akik> jk^: it's because ctrl+c is interrupt in the terminal. i know it's a bit illogical that in firefox it's ctrl+c12:11
tomreynjk^: ...which is why i pointed you to the guide. you need to read more closely.12:11
jk^what means? :|12:11
akikjk^: you can break execution of things with ctrl+c12:11
tomreynR13ose: oh, you tried this before, right? did it not happen there?12:12
jk^akik, then "Ctrl+c" in the Terminal is the same of "Cancel" during an operation? :\12:12
R13osetomreyn: yes to both but should I try again?12:13
tomreynR13ose: it wont have changed12:13
tomreynR13ose: or did you make any changes to the bios or grub?12:13
bolovanoswhich mail package for unattended-upgrade mailing?12:13
tomreynhi bolovanos12:13
bolovanos  s-nail 14.8.6-112:14
bolovanos  mailutils 1:2.99.99-1ubuntu212:14
bolovanos  bsd-mailx 8.1.2-0.20160123cvs-212:14
R13osetomreyn: okay.  Not that I know of.12:14
akikjk^: cancel is used when the program offers you the choice. ctrl+c is chosen by the user when ever they wish12:14
tomreynR13ose: then i don't see a use in retrying it.12:15
tomreynR13ose: i'd rather try a different OS instead.12:15
R13osetomreyn: how?12:16
tomreynR13ose: something that is not Linux. Such as a BSD variant or Windows.12:16
jk^<akik> jk^: you can break execution of things with ctrl+c "Cancel" is used even when there is a progress bar, then whene there is an execution :|12:16
jk^https://pastebin.com/raw/J9W7yJCD https://pastebin.com/raw/HTVmfJ0k i gave u in two times :\12:17
R13osetomreyn: I will try after JT helps me but I haven't talk to him lately12:17
s10gopalanyone interested in solving https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198665 ? it is bisect between 4.12 and 4.13-rc112:18
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 198665 in Power-Off "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown) . WOL disabled and no usb device connected." [High,Needinfo]12:18
tomreynR13ose: well, we're all just volunteers.12:19
R13osetomreyn: yep and you seem to not sleep12:19
jk^tomreyn, however i found it in synaptic 0.8312:19
crazycoderi ha veplugged in an usb but it is not mounted12:20
tomreynjk^: so you have an APT source configured which lets you install the package. you can install it using: sudo apt install epson-inkjet-printer-201101w12:20
crazycoderi see the device in lsusb12:20
crazycoderbut using gnome i do not see the disk12:20
tomreynjk^: you can also install it using synaptic. it is also possible that the package is already installed now.12:21
jk^so many packages about espos printers, not just mine :-o12:21
jk^i don't know why :\12:21
tomreynjk^: the name of the package you need installed has not changed, though12:22
R13osetomreyn: if I hold down shift, the +'s doesn't happen12:22
tomreynjk^: it is still: epson-inkjet-printer-201101w12:22
tomreynR13ose: i have no mean to work with this information.12:23
R13osetomreyn: okay. I will wait12:24
jk^ok, i just say that, because i wondered i found so much drivers of many different epson printers in my synapitc :\12:24
jk^i guess, i added it accidentally :\12:24
jk^but it's just a supposition12:24
jk^oh my God, another warning: Translation "U'r going to install a software which can't be authenticated. Continuing it should allow an ill-intention user to damage the system or take its control..." "Select the further requested modifications"12:28
jk^excuse for my english12:29
=== hadret_li is now known as hadret
tester.docx is actually .zip. i need to edit something very specific inside without messing up the zip archive. i tried extracting and re-zipping but it screws it up.12:35
testerideas what tool i can use to text-edit something inside a zip?12:36
jk^tomreyn, are u still here?12:37
testeri'd use 7zip on windows but apparently they dont have any nice gui stuff for linux12:37
tomreynjk^: my theory is that the epson apt source (which now results in all the epson printers listed in synaptic) was configured on your computer when you first installed the printer driver .deb.12:37
jk^i never installed the printer driver .deb12:38
jk^i stopped before installed it12:38
tomreynjk^: about the warning you are seeing now: as the message indicates, there is a security risk in using this apt repository / apt source since it is does not comply with current security standards.12:38
tomreynokay, my theory was wrong then, you must have installed it by other means.12:39
ioriajk^, dpkg -l | grep epson12:39
jk^before now, i just tried to install printer by "Main Menu->Preferences->Printer->Add printer" i tried that several time, but each time, the windows of process blocked itself, they stopped, when the progress bar is almost at the end12:39
ioriatester, you can try vim  file.zip   (idk if vim can open a .docx)12:40
OS-23778Where can I download the latest Ubuntu Kernel?12:40
OS-23778Will just the regular upstream linux kernel work?12:40
tomreynOS-23778: what'S the purpose in downloading the latest kernel?12:41
testerioria .docx is a zip archive with multiple files inside.12:41
tomreynOS-23778: the upstream kernel will mostly work but some things, such as apparmor, may not.12:41
ioriatester,  vim  file.zip12:41
testerioria yeah, you get the archived stuff.. PKwhatever12:42
ioriatester,  vim  file.docx12:42
testeror are you saying vim can edit zip files.. uhm12:42
testerlet me test12:42
ioriatester,  select a file an Enter again12:42
ioriavim is good12:43
jk^<tomreyn> jk^: about the warning you are seeing now: as the message indicates, there is a security risk in using this apt repository / apt source since it is does not comply with current security standards.12:46
jk^then, should i continue or not?12:46
tomreynjk^: that depends on whether you are willing to take the risk doing so poses.12:46
jk^mmmmhhhh... i don't know if there is a way to install the printer and the scanner without those risks :|12:48
jk^ioria: i typed but nothing happens12:48
jk^user@user-PT601ET-ABZ:~$ dpkg -l | grep epson12:48
jpeHi. I had some domains defined in my /etc/hosts file as specific IP addresses. Now I've removed them again but it is still using the IP that was defined rather than performing a DNS request. How can this be flushed?12:48
ioriajk^,  so you don't have any other pkg of that installed, i assume12:49
jk^installed maybe not, but in synaptic there are many and many of them of several different model of epson printers :\12:50
jk^i don't know why :\12:50
tomreynjk^: from my point of view this risk is bearable, and since you do not have a good understanding of what happens in your computer yet it does not make much of a difference whether you will take this additional, but manageable risk.12:50
tomreynjk^: but the final decision is yours to make, of course.12:51
tomreynas always, read up on things, you will find many web sites discussing this topic when you do a web search, and you will be able to make a thoughtful decision.12:51
ioriajk^, what ubuntu is that ? 16.04 ?12:52
OS-23778Ttomreyn I've got the Ryzen 2500u mobile chip. I saw the bug fixes for my random freezing issue involve rolling a new kernel with some patches built in. I'm currently on 4.15.15 from UKUU, but idk where it's pulling from.12:53
tomreynioria: 16.04.4 he said earlier12:53
ioriajk^, you added a source, i gues12:53
tomreynjk^: the question why you get to see many epson packages in synaptic is easily explain when you look at the "sudo apt update" output you posted earlier: https://pastebin.com/raw/J9W7yJCD12:54
ioriayep,  http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/op/stable/debian12:54
tomreynjk^: you have an apt (package) source configured from epson: download.ebz.epson.net12:54
tomreynalso to be seen here, in the "apt-cache policy" output you posted https://pastebin.com/raw/HTVmfJ0k12:55
tomreynhow it got configured on your system, we do not know12:56
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jpeNobody knows how to DNS cache flush? Googling only gives me results from 5+ years ago which no longer seem to work. In theory no cache flush should ever be needed but for some reason the DNS requests are still returning old values from /etc/hosts that were removed.12:56
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tomreynjpe: it may well depend onm your ubuntu release, so it's good to always provide this when asking questions. you can run "lsb_release -ds" to get the specific release version12:57
jpetomreyn, 16.04.412:58
JoelAnyone know of a way to monitor my horizontal and vertical sync signals?12:58
tomreynioria: ukuu pulls from "the Ubuntu mainline PPA" (which is a misnomer since it is not a PPA, but just some files in a non APT repository structure available for download via HTTP, but with additional GPG signatures).12:59
tomreynioria: sorry this wasnt meant for you13:00
tomreynOS-23778: ukuu pulls from "the Ubuntu mainline PPA" (which is a misnomer since it is not a PPA, but just some files in a non APT repository structure available for download via HTTP, but with additional GPG signatures).13:00
=== Anders is now known as Guest3400
jk^ok, tomreyn i just can tell you that i opened this file epson-printer-utility_1.0.2-1lsb3.2_i386.deb but i stopped when it told me the warning that before i reported you. Not the one about "Not authenticated software" but the other one ---->>> it shows me "It's avaiable the same version in a Software Channel" "It's reccomended to install software by the channel"13:01
jk^tomreyn, however if u tell me it's a right way/method, i can delete it from this list https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Chu_c_Jlp682i23t6kONpH_IBeZ25KGz13:04
jk^and install driver from package i downloaded before :\13:04
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tomreynJoel: systemctl restart systemd-resolved13:06
jk^i falled down13:06
tomreynJoel: sorry this wasnt for you13:07
tomreynjpe: systemctl restart systemd-resolved13:07
jk^tomreyn, do u read me?13:07
tomreynjk^: yes, all of you, but it will take a while.13:07
jk^ok, i'll wait13:08
jk^after all tries i hope i can resolve :(13:08
jpetomreyn, hmm that didnt help13:08
tomreynjpe: do you run nscd, then restart it, too13:09
jpetomreyn, ohh apparently it was dnsmasq13:10
jpeI actually installed it as a tftp server but it's caching DNS as well I guess13:10
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
learningcWhich compositor does ubuntu 17.10 use?13:11
tomreynjk^: i think you are best served by installing the epson printer package, ignoring the security implications.13:12
tomreynjpe: yes, restarting network manager would also restart dnsmasq, i believe13:13
u0_a101what is your name13:14
jk^tomreyn, ok, but by synaptic? or by deb pacakage i donwloaded?13:15
tomreynlearningc: mutter, i would think, as a wayland compositor13:15
tomreyn!ot | u0_a10113:15
ubottuu0_a101: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:15
tomreynjk^: synaptic or terminal, as i explained before13:15
jk^before, where? i guess i lost other your lines :(13:16
tomreyn!irclogs | jk^13:16
ubottujk^: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/13:16
lotuspsychjeu0_a101: this is the ubuntu support channel13:17
learningctomreyn, Where can I find the exact mention?13:17
tomreynlearningc: i do not know13:18
jk^hexchat maintains still them, but i can't find when you talk me about install it by synaptic or terminal13:18
tomreynlearningc: i just glanced over https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutter_(software)13:18
learningctomreyn, How can I query it's mutter?13:18
tomreynlearningc: i still do not know.13:19
tomreynjk^: <tomreyn> jk^: so you have an APT source configured which lets you install the package. you can install it using: sudo apt install epson-inkjet-printer-201101w13:19
tomreynjk^: so the name of the package you may want to install is: epson-inkjet-printer-201101w13:19
u0_a101what in indonesia13:20
tomreynu0_a101: unless you have an ubuntu support question, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere instead. thank you.13:21
=== Judy is now known as Guest16086
tomreynjk^: i recommend you read a bit on help.ubuntu.com to get into the basic concepts of how to configure and administrate your ubuntu system.13:23
=== somebody is now known as Milijus
jk^ok tomreyn13:29
jk^Actually, i already did that in many guides, but the tecnical language is difficult for me13:30
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jk^i reboot13:30
Gargravarrhey all, on Launchpad trying to log into the bug tracker, is there any reason my Ubuntu One account isn't being accepted and i'm being told to 'Go away' for being a 'Bad bot'?13:37
Gargravarrthis is on Firefox with zero plugins and default security settings13:39
Rar9hi I need help with a DB Drump error -- Db is too large & Tables are locked...13:39
Rar9mysqldump: Got error: 23: Out of resources when opening file13:39
lotuspsychjeRar9: you might wanna see a more specific mysql channel for that question perhaps13:40
tomreynGargravarr: what is your user agent? http://whatsmyuseragent.org/13:42
* Gargravarr nearly pastes his password into the channel trying to copy that link...13:42
Gargravarrtomreyn: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.013:43
kostkonGargravarr, have you disabled fingerprinting in firefox?13:44
Gargravarrkostkon: not to my knowledge, this is a fresh install with all defaults13:44
kostkonGargravarr, ok13:45
tomreynGargravarr: i got the same and can login. so i assume it may be about your ip address. you can try getting help in #ubuntuone13:46
guivercGargravarr shared internet? (ie. college dorm, free internet somewhere etc)13:46
Gargravarrguiverc: office LAN, shared with 2 other companies13:46
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tomreynGargravarr: by "i got the same" i mean that my preferred web browser sends the same user agent as yours.13:47
Gargravarr(externally; internally we're VLAN'd)13:47
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Gargravarri'll try #ubuntuone13:48
guivercGargravarr, should be fine - by shared I was thinking of hackers piling on giving the external IP address a bad name...13:48
arman_hi :?13:49
tomreynarman_: hi, welcome to the ubuntu support channel13:50
Gargravarrguiverc: tomreyn: i just tried Chrome and it worked, within the same LAN13:52
Gargravarrso it seems to be something Firefox-related13:52
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tomreynGargravarr: nothing i could do about it. good luck.13:53
lotuspsychjeGargravarr: you could try launch firefox from terminal so see if you get errors there?13:53
Gargravarrthanks for the suggestion13:53
tomreynGargravarr: https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/13:53
lotuspsychjeGargravarr: wich FF version are you on?13:54
tomreynlotuspsychje: his UA is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.013:54
lotuspsychjeah tnx13:54
Gargravarrah, so lotuspsychje's suggestion made me check the console13:54
Gargravarri get a JS error after trying to log in13:55
Gargravarrit looks not unlike some bad JS being generated server-side13:55
tomreynGargravarr: did you spot this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/650544/login-launchpad-net-tells-me-bad-bot-go-away-request-aborted13:56
tomreynGargravarr: but then you said "it's a fresh install with all defaults" so i guess you cannot have a password manager or non-default bbrowser add-ons installed.13:57
Gargravarroh for crying out loud... okay, when i said zero plugins, i left out Lastpass because i didn't think it could affect this13:58
Gargravarryes, fine, standard luser mistake right there :)13:58
Gargravarroh, very funny14:00
Gargravarrpage source: <div style="display: none;"><label>Leave this field blank to prove your humanity<input type="text" name="openid.usernamesecret" value="" /></label>14:01
Gargravarrand of course Lastpass drops a value in that14:01
lotuspsychjeGargravarr: so its fixxed?14:02
Gargravarrnot exactly, i need to do the whole reset-cache dance with it14:02
lotuspsychjebloha: welcome, how can we help you?14:10
MrCracPotBuildehow would i check if my sound card on my laptop can split the audio between headphones and internal speakers14:11
MrCracPotBuildei managed to get all audio to play through both but im unable to get say one firefox window to open in headphones and another on the internal speakers14:11
lotuspsychje!sound | MrCracPotBuilde start here14:11
ubottuMrCracPotBuilde start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:11
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MrCracPotBuildethat was the first place i tried14:12
MrCracPotBuildei used alsamixer to be able to stop the auto mute on detection14:13
MrCracPotBuildethen when i open system sound settings which is using pulseaudio i can switch between headphones and speakers even if the headphones are plugged in. however the label unplugged still remains on the internal speakers when the headphones are plugged in. The sound still comes through both though14:14
MrCracPotBuildeits selecting an individual application and saying ok you are needed in the audio and jack and another firefox window is needed in the internal14:15
pragmaticenigmaMrCracPotBuilde, check out this article. https://askubuntu.com/questions/534777/how-can-i-play-simulteanously-two-different-audio-using-headphones-for-one-and-i14:15
lotuspsychje!info paman | MrCracPotBuilde or jack14:15
ubottuMrCracPotBuilde or jack: paman (source: paman): PulseAudio Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu5 (artful), package size 66 kB, installed size 494 kB14:15
MrCracPotBuildepragmaticenigma thanks i used this to be able to disable the auto play14:16
MrCracPotBuildemute sorry14:16
cvdd43غis there any girl here14:16
pragmaticenigmacvdd43, This is a support channel for Ubuntu related questions. Please see room topic14:17
MrCracPotBuildebut i dont have the independant fader option14:17
MrCracPotBuildeis there a way to install it14:17
pragmaticenigmaMrCracPotBuilde, If those instructions don't get you the desired output, then I would surmise that the audio card does not support two simultanious discrete outputs14:17
=== Toledo is now known as croberts
Cheezdoes anyone know off of the top of their head a program that you can use similar to time, except instead of running the argument and then echoing the time taken to stdout, prefixes all of the subcommands stdout with the current date and time?14:18
MrCracPotBuildehmmm what if i was to write a small python or C++ application as right now i have audio playing through both14:19
Cheezi mean i can write one easily enough, just thought i would check if anyone knows of one first, google doesn't seem to be giving me much14:19
MrCracPotBuildeso simultanious is deffinately available but independant simultanius seems to not14:19
pragmaticenigmaCheez, check out https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26728/prepending-a-timestamp-to-each-line-of-output-from-a-command14:19
pragmaticenigmaMrCracPotBuilde, that would be my interpretation. What you are seeking usually requires a sound card that handles Mixing on chip. I've only ever seen that on High End sound cards. What you can do is pick up a cheap USB Audio Card which will achieve the same goal14:21
GargravarrCheez: i've used the awk approach in the link pragmaticenigma posted, can recommend14:22
Cheezpragmaticenigma: i'm confused by that ts, but i may have massively misunderstood something about my shell. I thought that it executed command, then once finished all of the stdout was piped to ts. Is it more granular than that, does it pipe in real time?14:22
Gargravarrthe awk approach will work in real-time (from what i remember), so long as the pipes are connected14:23
pragmaticenigmaCheez, I am not aware of any utility that will do that in realtime14:23
Gargravarri'm pretty sure i ran it in this manner when i used it14:23
Cheezill have a play, thanks :)14:24
Cheezif not, i'll just knock something up in go to do it for me :p14:24
TJ-Cheez: there is such a tool (well, a shell pipeline ) but I cannot remember where I saw it14:25
CheezTJ-: the gnomon one in that stack overflow thread pragmaticenigma linked seems interesting, shame it's in node and i don't have that installed on any of my machines, but it's pretty much exactly what i was after14:28
Gargravarrasy97 providing your daily test of UTF-814:30
TJ-Cheez: I'd have a leg chopped off rather than deploy node for something like this! Give me 10 minutes I could generate a shell pipeline!14:30
rud0lfcat /dev/random | irssi14:31
Cheezlol, dont worry i wasn't planning on deploying node any time soon :)14:31
Gargravarrdeploying node for prefixing timestamps would be like buying a bus to listen to the radio14:31
TJ-Cheez: pipe something into this does it (you can play with dateformat if you want human readable) " somecommand | awk '{print systime(), $0}'    "14:34
TJ-Cheez: it depends on whether the source does line buffering or not of course14:35
JimBuntuTJ-, That's perfectly human readable to me14:35
GargravarrJimBuntu is right, it needs a lot more spghetti code14:35
Cheezhmm, for some reason i don't have gawk so systime() doesn't work14:36
Cheezit's mawk which doesn't appear to define systime()14:36
TJ-Cheez: gawk is the default set by update-alternatives on my systems. Not sure if that's the Ubuntu default or if I changed it14:38
Cheezyeah seems ubuntu defaults to mawk but update-alternatives will prefer gawk if you install it.14:40
blinderHello All14:41
Cheezbut thanks TJ-, that's pretty much exactly what i needed :D14:41
blinderHave a problem with a new ubuntu installation (16.04) at home.14:41
TJ-Cheez: ahhh, it's so long since I installed I had forgotten mawk and awk are different packages even14:41
BillD73!ask | blinder14:42
ubottublinder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:42
=== Kon_ is now known as Kon-
blinderI installed it last night but at installation it told me that low graphics problem, I searched n google and found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error but it didnt work because I had no wifi and all the commands they suggested were not working. The I searched again and  found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/461825/how-to-connect-to-wifi-from-the-command-line but 14:43
blinderMy question is did i mess up with hardware installation or bad ubuntu image14:44
blinderI have a nvidia GPU if that helps any14:44
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »14:45
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TJ-Cheez: this is probably more readable if you don't mind only seconds resolution | awk '{print strftime("%T"), $0}'14:45
BillD73blinder: highly unlikely if you managed to complete an install that you have a "bad image"14:45
Cheezyeah i'm using strftime now :)14:45
skinuxI need better file manager. The one I'm using has zero search ability it seems, it's either THunar or Nautilus14:46
BillD73blinder: first thing you should probably solve is why your wifi isnt conencting.14:46
Cheezbeen years since i last used awk lol14:46
blinderI tried14:46
blinderI used the link listed above and none of those commands work14:46
blinderI have some exposure to redhat14:46
TJ-Cheez: I had a baptism of fire using it around 2007 to do some complex ACPI tables analysis and rewrite14:47
blinderi tried to get into /etc/syconfg/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth014:47
TJ-Cheez: since then I've loved it14:47
blinderthats how I configured internet in that14:47
blinderbut here the /etc/networks/eth014:47
blinderis totally different14:47
ioriablinder, you don't need /etc/network/interface on a desktop install14:48
Cheezhmm, just realised 18.04 is this month, woo14:48
blinderIt is a desktop install but I cannot log in desktop because of the low graphics thing14:49
blinderit just freezes on me14:49
ioriablinder, you probably need nvidia drivers14:49
blinderI know after the low graphics error I got like 4 options and each would freeze14:49
blinderyea again I do14:49
blinderand I dont have wifi either14:49
blinderno internet14:50
blinderbecause getting ethernet cable is not an option14:50
ioriablinder, why ?14:50
blinderI mean I have wifi sorry but ethernet cable is not an option14:50
BillD73blinder: to list avail wifi SSID      nmcli d wifi list14:50
blinderi did taht14:51
ioriablinder, whyit's not an option ?14:51
blinderIt was in the link14:51
blinderI tried this14:51
blindernmcli d wifi list this does not work14:51
blinderreturns blank14:52
TJ-blinder: here's a nicer way: "nmtui"14:52
TJ-it's the console version of a GUI14:52
blindersudo iwlist wlan0 scanning this does not work either14:52
ioriablinder,  you can't do much without connection   (about graphics you can try the 'nomodeset' parameter')14:52
blinderoo yea I have to try that14:52
blindernmtui I havent tried I thought it was redhat only14:52
blinderok will try that14:52
BillD73blinder: I jsut ran through the reply for command line and they indeed did work for my 16.0414:54
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anexitHey all, I didn't check the install third party software, OS is installed.. anyway I can get that back?14:55
blinderI am not infront of the box right now so will have to do it later14:55
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lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | anexit14:55
ubottuanexit: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB14:55
ioriablinder, btw, NM starts before xorg14:55
blinderalso how do u run this command :   nmcli d connect <WifiInterface>14:55
blinderis it nmcli d connect <Wifname>14:55
blinderor   nmcli d connect <"Wifiname">14:56
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blinderor nmcli d connect Wifiname14:56
anexitubottu: where do I find that?  I also get some failed software on boot up14:58
ubottuanexit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:58
BillD73blinder: <WifiInterface> would be simialiar to wlp2s0 which you can get from ifconfig14:59
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blinderBillD73: Could you elaborate a little more?15:01
lotuspsychjeanexit: from a terminal: sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:01
BillD73blinder: to find the name of you <WifiInterface> in a terminal you would type ifconfig -a   wl... wireless  en... ethernet15:04
TJ-blinder: BillD73: a better command would be "iwconfig" since it is specifically for wireless only15:06
BillD73TJ-: yes, but if ifconfig -a doesn't return a wl... it would suggest that maybe the module for their wireless  was not loaded whether configured wrong or not?15:08
TJ-BillD73: same with iwconfig ... it wouldn't report an interface. Best command to identify the hardware + driver is "lspci -nnk -d ::0280" (0x0280 is the PCI device class for wireless devices)15:09
BillD73TJ-: wish there was a thumbs up lol15:10
arthur_Does anyone have a link that shows how to format a USB via the Terminal? I have Googled and I am getting out-of-date info. Thanks. I am running Ubuntu 16.0415:14
naccarthur_: format in what sense? fdisk?15:14
lotuspsychje!usb | arthur_15:14
ubottuarthur_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:14
TJ-arthur_: generally you'd first format the device, then format individual partitions with a file-system15:14
arthur_Thanks everyone. I will take a look at the links now. cheers.15:15
lotuspsychjearthur_: parted/gparted very handy to format also15:16
pasqualeciao a tutti15:19
arthur_Thanks Lotuspsychje15:22
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anexitOkay, so everything works well but it looks like the wifi driver in this HP pavilion 24-a210 doesn't work15:43
yellabs-r2is there any change that ubuntu will be on an tablet again ( or phone ) , or is this "history"...15:45
Gargravarryellabs-r2: 18.04 actually works fantastically on SUrface-esque hardware15:49
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R13oseTJ-: hi, I am around for the next hour15:51
Gargravarryellabs-r2: i installed the alpha on an Acer Aspire Switch. UI suits touch very well, and all the hardware worked out of the box15:51
blinderThis channel is very helpful thank you. Not that my problem is solved yet but thank you for all the help. Will it be equally helpful in 5-6 hrs from now?15:52
Gargravarranexit: what card is it?15:53
R13oseblinder: what is the issue?15:54
blinderthe issue is bad lol15:56
blinderinstalled ubuntu 16.04 on a brand new computer15:56
blinderwith usb burned with rufus. After the first reboot it says "low graphics" so I consulted this https://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error15:56
blinderbut then I realized I do not have internet. I can't get ether net in my room and I can't configure wifi15:57
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R13oseblinder: why can't you configure wifi?15:58
blinderso after that I used this link https://askubuntu.com/questions/461825/how-to-connect-to-wifi-from-the-command-line15:58
blinderand still nothing15:58
blinderi dont see any networks15:58
blinderwhen I do nmcli d15:58
blinderor any of the other commands15:58
blinderI was wondering if there is a device I have to mount or module that needs to be installed15:59
blinderalso at work right now so dont have accesss to the box15:59
TJ-blinder: does the PC have any network access?15:59
R13oseblinder: maybe this can help: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92799/connecting-to-wifi-network-through-command-line16:00
Gargravarrfirst question, does the wifi card show up in `lspci`16:00
R13oseTJ-: hi, do you want to try and fix my issue again?16:00
TJ-R13ose: what issue is that?16:00
BillD73he cant check any of it he's not at PC16:00
R13oseTJ-: the repeating + signs16:01
blinderyea sorry I tried it last night I will go home and do it again today. Dont wanna shell out $120 for windows16:01
TJ-R13ose: oh, the possible i8042 problem?16:01
blinderalso the thing is i have gpu idk why it says low graphics16:01
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blinderIf only i could have been able to go to the desktop client this would have been much easier16:01
R13oseTJ-: yes16:02
Gargravarrblinder: if it's a nVidia or AMD GPU, they generally require extra drivers after install to enable hardware acceleration16:02
BillD73blinder: you said it all a "new computer"  there are bound to be hiccups   someone will be around to happily help16:02
R13oseblinder: are you stuck in command line?16:02
TJ-blinder: it's possible the Wifi device requires a firmware file loading into it. Usually those would be included in Ubuntu /lib/firmware/ but if it is a Broadcom chipset then we can't distribute those, so you have to use some tools to get them yourself. However, you can check what the device is with "lspci -nnk -d :0280"16:02
Gargravarr^ if it's what TJ- suggests, you will likely need to plug into an internet connection with ethernet16:03
R13oseTJ-: what should we test out?  I am only here till top of hour.16:04
TJ-R13ose: There's two other options to test in place of the 1 you've already tested: "i8042.kbdreset" and "i8042.nomux" - test 1 at a time. Replace the existing option in /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT with a text editor (e.g. sudo nano /etc/default/grub ) then do "update-grub" and reboot to test it16:06
TJ-blinder: to check if proprietary GPU drivers are installed, and could be causing a problem, you can use "ubuntu-drivers list"16:10
TJ-R13ose: you can find other options to try in the i8042 section at https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html16:11
R13oseTJ-: the option was i8042.nomux so I changed that with the other option you suggested.16:14
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R13oseTJ-: still t16:18
TJ-R13ose: if those don't solve it replace with "i8042.debug" and let's see if the kernel reports anything interesting via "dmesg"16:21
R13oseTJ-: trying16:21
TJ-R13ose: oh! just read the source code, you need to use "i8042.nomux=1" and "i8042.kbdreset=1" to disable them (they are boolean)16:23
R13oseTJ-: oh let me try one at a time then16:24
TJ-R13ose: the web-page for the kernel admin guide lacks that critical information!16:24
R13oseTJ-: do you still want to see dmesg?16:25
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TJ-R13ose: not until you've retested with those =1 options, only need to see dmesg when you've failed on those and added "i8042.debug=1"16:27
R13oseTJ-: trying now16:27
dsuchHello, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS with kernel 4.4.0-1049-aws and I'm having difficulties with using keyctl / kernel keyrings, as in the pastebin here: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/908222116:36
dsuchIn particular, I can add keys but Permission denied is returned if I try to read it back. There are some vague references to systemd bugs in the Internet but then again, this error message is so generic that I'm not sure if any of it is applicable.16:36
dsuchHas anyone perhaps spotted anything like it before? Alternatively, can someone on 16.04 tell me what the result is for him or her and what the kernel version he or she is using? Thanks.16:36
blinderGargravarr its a nvidia titan xp I was going to install the gpu packet from the link but no internet16:37
R13oseTJ-: here is dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BRdFGjh5DJ/16:37
__biggcan you do vnc & file server in raspberry pi ubuntu16:39
dsuch__bigg: That sounded like a challenge to a duel :)16:39
__biggnot challenge, a want16:40
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TJ-R13ose: I'm not quite sure what to expect when using .debug=1 but I suspect what we're seeing there is the i8042 generating spurious interrupts - I wouldn't expect to see all those interrupts unless you were typing or moving the mouse16:42
R13oseTJ-: what to do?16:42
dsuch__bigg: I know, I was just pointing out the lack of manners.16:43
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__biggsorry dsuch, been a while since irc16:44
TJ-R13ose: Not clear right now. I'm beginning to think you've got a hardware fault. I cannot find any other reports of the same behaviour.16:44
R13oseTJ-: my computer is broken16:44
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TJ-R13ose: it seems adding "i8042.unmask_kbd_data=1"  *in addition to* the .debug=1 will report what is in those interrupt packets. Add that, reboot, pastebin the dmesg again16:47
R13oseTJ-: okay.16:48
R13oseTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H4njd9Q8NF/16:51
pragmaticenigmajluc, Hello, do you have an Ubuntu support question?16:51
jlucis there a good alternative to nautilus-action http://www.nautilus-actions.org/ for recent ubuntus ?16:52
R13oseTJ-: I have to go in 5 mins16:52
jlucor rather : what alternative is there to nautilus-action to add context menus to nautilus without going into deep coding ?16:53
yellabs-r2bye bye16:53
pragmaticenigmajluc, there are none that I'm aware of... nautilus-actions is listed as the recommeded nautilus plugin for adding context menu items16:53
TJ-R13ose: oK, can you also pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts"16:54
jlucok thanks pragmaticenigma16:55
R13oseTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zHMr6kbsjZ/16:55
R13oseTJ-: 5 more mins max and I really have to go16:55
TJ-R13ose: the dmesg shows it's getting 0x4e (decimal 78) which I'm going to assume is the key-code for the "+" so that proves the hardware is sending it repeatedly. Looks definitely like a keyboard problem when it's in interrupt mode.16:57
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R13oseTJ-: so I need a new computer?16:58
TJ-R13ose: It could be on IO-APIC issue (Interrupt controller) though, which we can explore next time16:58
TJ-R13ose: IO-APIC is Input/Output Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller.  Problem there would make sense16:59
R13oseTJ-: thanks for the help so far.  My computer is broken so I do want to get a tablet16:59
jlucoh i read here https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus-actions that it is deprecated in favor of  filemanager-actions https://git.gnome.org//browse/filemanager-actions16:59
R13oseTJ-: what if there is a problem there?  That means, hardware problem?17:00
TJ-R13ose: so, I think we may be able to find a solution with more testing of more kernel options in another session17:00
TJ-R13ose: /proc/interrupts shows 10616  interrupts already on CPU-3 from the  i804217:00
R13oseTJ-: I have to go bye for now.17:00
TJ-R13ose: it could be a BIOS setup config problem - for the APIC17:00
R13oseTJ-: talk later17:01
=== fcanela_ is now known as fcanela
tixmyhello, can i get some help on how to get bluetooth working17:01
tixmy*using linux lite17:02
pragmaticenigmatixmy, We cannot support Linux Lite here, this is for Ubuntu only17:02
tixmybut lite is ubuntu based17:03
tixmywher can i go then?17:03
pragmaticenigmatixmy, While linux lite may have started with Ubuntu, it's configured differently than Ubuntu and we cannot support that. For help please see their website https://www.linuxliteos.com/17:04
tixmytnx anyway17:04
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__biggmay have it wrong, but for a light version of linux, how about puppy17:07
dsuchWell, in case anyone was wondering about that keyctl thing, here is the explanation, i.e. sudo does not create login sessions and keyrings get mixed up https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/37333.html17:08
naccdsuch: you can tell sudo to login17:13
vmware_userI see linux-4.13.0-38 in the repos but the newest I have is -31 even though I tried an apt-get dist-upgrade17:15
vmware_userany ideas?17:15
tomreynvmware_user: what's the output of "sudo apt update; apt-cache policy"?17:15
vmware_user(linux-image-4.13.0-38-generic to be exact)17:15
vmware_userone sec!17:16
tomreyn!paste | vmware_user17:16
ubottuvmware_user: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:16
vmware_userwell I always do apt-get update before a dist-upgrade so that was the same as normal17:17
vmware_userno failures17:17
srgjamesI could use some help hopefully it will be easy for someone . I installed Postfix about a week ago and now my email inbox is getting FLOODED with Cron <roo@WebServer> Node /var/www/example/file.js and then Error cannot find module17:18
srgjamesI have looked in Crontab17:18
srgjamesand cant find anything on where the error is comming from17:18
naccsrgjames: it may not be in crontab, but the /etc/cron.* directories17:19
srgjamesnacc checked those =(17:19
srgjamesand nothing17:19
naccvmware_user: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic17:19
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic artful17:20
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB17:20
naccvmware_user: you also don't need sudo for apt-cache17:20
tomreynvmware_user: what'S the output of: dpkg -l linux-image\*17:20
vmware_userhang on!17:21
tomreynvmware_user: you have plenty of 3rd party apt sources configured, of mixed distributions. make sure you use only apt sources for compatible distributions.17:22
tomreyne.g. you probably don't want the zesty virtualbox packages17:22
vmware_usertomreyn: are you suggesting that a kernel can get blocked by 3rd party applications? No wonder people keep telling me to use CentOS!17:24
posthe 4.13.0-38 kernel breaks in-gnome NetworkManager for wired nics17:24
naccvmware_user: you are not using the correct metapackge17:24
vmware_userso some 3rd party app can stop a kernel from installing17:24
naccvmware_user: which means you manually removed it17:24
naccvmware_user: if you installed it, it would work fine17:24
srgjamesI just found that past commands are saved to ~/.bash._History where is this located >17:24
vmware_userwhat meta package should I have17:24
naccvmware_user: sudo apt install linux-image-generic17:24
vmware_user1 sec17:24
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vmware_usera friend was helping me maybe he did that.17:24
vmware_userone sec17:24
BillD73srgjames: users home dir17:24
naccnot much of a friend, vmware_user :)17:25
naccvmware_user: and yes, your sources are a mess17:25
tomreynvmware_user: i wasn't suggesting this, but this could happen, yes. it does not matter so much which distro you use as long as you follow the guidelines or make know you know the implications when you deviate from them.17:25
vmware_userlinux image generic is now installed17:25
naccvmware_user: and yes, adding 3rd party repositories, give those repositories root on your system, which means they can do anything, in theory17:25
vmware_userso I need to get rid of all those 3rd party apps?17:25
naccvmware_user: but in particular they can cause dependencies to be held back17:25
naccvmware_user: in this specific case, you just had a misconfigured system17:26
tomreynvmware_user: "cat /proc/version" is next17:26
vmware_usermust be the microsoft stuff I added17:26
naccvmware_user: can you pastebin the apt-cache policy again17:26
naccvmware_user: not the exact same paste again17:26
naccvmware_user: run it again and paste the new output.17:26
vmware_usernacc: oh17:27
vmware_usernacc: one sec17:27
srgjamesBillD73 ty oh god 6k lines to go through17:28
tomreyn<tomreyn> vmware_user: "cat /proc/version" is next17:28
nacctomreyn: why is that necessary?17:29
BillD73srgjames: yeah it can get pretty large17:29
tomreynnacc: i'd like to confirm which kernel version is actually running17:29
nacctomreyn: ah ok17:29
tomreynnacc: (and maybe its origin, too)17:29
vmware_userLinux version 4.13.0-31-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-015) (gcc version 7.2.0 (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3)) #34-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 19 16:34:46 UTC 201817:30
nacctomreyn: right, that's a good point, i think they were just manaully on some artful kernel17:30
nacctomreyn: and without the metapackage it will never upgrade beyond that minor revision -3117:30
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dabombhow to check ubuntu edition on terminal when running a live cd?17:31
naccdabomb: lsb_release -sd17:31
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tomreynvmware_user: you or someone else with root access on this system must have removed the metapackage tracking kernelupdates. you can reinstall it: sudo apt install linux-image-generic17:32
vmware_userso I am adding to my ansible script to make sure the metapackage is always installed!17:32
dabombnacc, lbs command not found17:32
naccdabomb: well that's not what I said to run.17:32
tomreyndabomb: lSB17:33
dabombi already tried that17:33
naccdabomb: so first, read it again :)17:33
naccdabomb: and it's not 'lsb', it's 'lsb_release'17:33
nacc(with an underscore)17:33
dabomb"No LSB modules are available."17:33
dabombnow what?17:33
naccdabomb: ... with -sd?17:33
vmware_userreinstalled and 38.41 was installed due to that17:34
naccdabomb: seriously, i gave you an exact command to run17:34
dabombnacc i found it17:34
dabombthank you17:34
tomreynvmware_user: boot into it, then you can remove the old ones (or wait for them to be automatically removed)17:34
vmware_userI cannot reboot right now, but yes, then I can run autoremove and only the current and previous one will remain, I know17:35
dabombso if it says i am on "Ubuntu 17.10" is that really 17.10 or is it 17.10.1?17:35
dabombare micro updates listed with this command?17:35
naccdabomb: 17.10.1 was jut a respin of the ISO17:36
vmware_userI have 17.10.1 and it says 17.1017:36
dabombi think i downloaded 17.10.1 but am not sure17:36
naccvmware_user: right, it wasn't an actual dotrelease17:36
naccdabomb: --^17:36
naccvmware_user: sorry17:36
dabombthank you nacc and vmware_user17:36
naccdabomb: yw17:37
naccxbleez: please stop that.17:37
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: where did you see 17.10?17:37
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: then thats the version of your ubuntu17:38
vmware_userwwops "dash" not underscore17:38
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: if it says 17.10.1, then thats correct17:38
vmware_userno, no, I installed off of 17.10.1 FOR SURE and it says 17.1017:38
=== Albatros is now known as alpha_Aquilae
xbleezHi, I could not find X driver *xserver-xorg-video-s3* that matches xorg-video-abi-20, the only one i've found is for 14.0 (trusty) and depends on xorg-video-abi-15 ... Need one for version ubuntu 16.0 (xenial) and above with xorg-video-abi-20 . I'm asking if they changed the package name to *xserver-xorg-something* because I cannot find it ... ?17:39
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: If you see a discrepancy, then it could be that the installation didn't complete fully or there is a bug17:39
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: did the upgrade/install finish without errors?17:40
vmware_userI don't know about a bug but the installation finished with ZERO errors17:40
srgjamesDAMIT NO Luck17:40
vmware_userI did an apt-get dist-upgrade today17:40
vmware_userit is totally up to snuff17:40
vmware_user(except the metapackage being missing which is now fixed)17:40
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: I did a direct install of 17.10.1 with no errors17:41
phoenix_firebrdxbleez: there is a way to find the new package name of the old package if it exists. You should know a unique file that only exists in that package and search that file using apt to get the new package that contains the file. the command is "sudo apt-file search <filename>"17:42
BillD73srgjames: what are you looking for?17:42
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: do you have multiple linux installs? or do you multiboot?17:43
tomreynvmware_user: see what nacc just said to dabomb some minutes ago: 17.10.1 was jut a respin of the ISO. it wasn't an actual dot release.17:44
tomreynvmware_user: in other words: the installer ISO version was raised, but not that of the installed system.17:44
tomreynphoenix_firebrd: ^17:45
srgjamesBillD73 keep getting an email since i installed postfix17:45
phoenix_firebrdtomreyn: ok, in that case, the version will remain 17.1017:45
srgjamesYes the file doesnt exist i removed it but not sure where the hell the error is comming from17:45
phoenix_firebrdtomreyn: sorry I am not aware of that17:45
tomreynphoenix_firebrd: yes, normally non LTS release dont get point releases.17:45
dabombtomreyn: what was the problem with the installer?17:46
phoenix_firebrdtomreyn: That I know, but I thought this a very unusual situation17:46
tomreyndabomb: i forgot the details, i think there was a somewhat widespread issue with uefi laptops.17:47
BillD73srgjames: likely  your webservers  module conf is still looking for it17:47
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: I installed the 17.10.1 version and the file says 17.10 period, no errors.17:47
vmware_userthat is the fact jack17:47
ioriavmware_user, grep -i cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list17:47
tomreynsrgjames: did you restart / rehub crond?17:48
TJ-xbleez: Xorg dropped the -s3 driver because it was no longer maintained17:48
srgjamestomreyn i have used sudo reboot is that the same ?17:48
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: you have no errors17:49
ioriavmware_user,    or cat /var/log/installer/media-info17:49
tomreynsrgjames: thats good enough, yes17:49
dabombtomreyn: interesting. when i dd the latest ubuntu iso to a usb stick and try to boot it on an old core 2 duo system it freezes it during POST at RAM memoery readout17:50
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: the so called "17.10.1" is just the iso version image speaking roughly. The OS version in the ISO is 17.10, so even If you installed the "17.10.1" ISO, the OS version will be 17.10. Dont worry you have the latest software17:51
dabombit's the bios causing it somehow17:51
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: given you have updated the system fully17:51
xbleez@TJ- thank you , i suspected that at first, ...because s3 is very old, I have a virtual hardware ... I will check the sources.17:51
vmware_userI agree, so was curious why you kept insisting otherwise17:51
TJ-xbleez: Bug #154136917:51
ubottubug 1541369 in xserver-xorg-video-s3 (Ubuntu) "remove stale xorg drivers from the archive" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154136917:51
dabombit expects a special kind of preparation with the boot record and FS and it doesnt like it when i DD the iso image over17:52
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: it doesn't matter its the latest as you realize17:52
dabombfor how long will ubuntu support old BIOS based systems?17:52
dabomb5 more good years?17:52
tomreyndabomb: i'm not sure whether dd'ing images still works17:52
srgjamestomreyn lets see if a Hard off and on works instead17:52
akikdabomb: i've not seen anythink related to that. why would that be disabled?17:53
dabombtomreyn: why would it not? what has changed recently?17:53
vmware_usernacc: I am curious about making sure I have the latest repos for my 3rd party apps17:53
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: ok17:53
dabombakik, tomreyn i believe the new ubuntu isos are hybrids? prepared for uefi based systems?17:54
tomreyndabomb: i would not know, i'm just saying i don't know it for sure that it works, and i don't think it's one of the methods discussed on the installation guide. but i may be remembering this incorrectly.17:54
naccvmware_user: well, taht would be up to the third party app providers not ubuntu17:54
dabombbios systems don't like that much17:54
tomreynsrgjames: wont make a difference17:55
tomreynsrgjames: also you should not do this in general17:55
akikdabomb: yes dd with the ubuntu iso works with both bios and uefi. it's hybrid in the sense that it can be used with both dvd drives and usb sticks17:55
dave0x6dTJ-: what.17:55
TJ-dabomb: The hybrid ISO can boot in BIOS/MBR, BIOS/GPT, BIOS/ISO9660-el-torito, UEFI/MBR UEFI/GPT UEFI/ISO9660-el-torito17:55
dabombtomreyn: ok, well i am telling you the problem is not with dd command, but with the way that iso data is structured17:56
TJ-dave0x6d: sorry, tab complete and Enter messing up17:56
TJ-dabomb: nothing wrong with the ISO layouts Ubuntu publishes17:56
dabombso it is prepped for uefi/legacy and uefi modern/pure?17:56
dabombi am thinking of CSM17:57
TJ-uefi/legacy is BIOS/MBR or BIOS/GPT17:57
phoenix_firebrdCan the recent cpu micro code update create boot issues?17:57
tomreyndabomb: okay, or maybe its a hardware / firmware issue? since i dont see how the usb sticks' contents would freeze a system during memory readout, especially if it's pre-uefi.17:57
TJ-dabomb: CSM/legacy whatever you want to call it17:58
ducassephoenix_firebrd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode/+bug/175992017:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759920 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "intel-microcode 3.20180312.0 causes lockup at login screen(w/ linux-image-4.13.0-37-generic)" [High,Confirmed]17:58
dabombwell i would have to do extensive testing to verify, with older ubuntu images, but as i recall it i did not used to have this problem in the past on the same system17:59
phoenix_firebrdducasse: right17:59
dabombit's a gigabyte ga-x38-dq6 board, for those that care17:59
TJ-Problems with USB boot are usually do to either data corruption (on the storage, or whilst being read from it) or problems with the host's USB controller (often when there's USB3+USB2 controllers multiplexing the same physical ports)17:59
tomreyndabomb: both classic (pre-uefi) bios and uefi firmware in both uefi and CSM/legacy mode are normally able to boot off the isos.17:59
phoenix_firebrddabomb: mine is a gigabyte one too17:59
tomreyndabomb: however, there is a lot of buggy firmware18:00
phoenix_firebrddabomb: the image is a bios one or the image forces a uefi boot?18:00
dabombphoenix_firebrd: yeey! hi brother!18:00
phoenix_firebrddabomb: :)18:00
TJ-dabomb: the fact the PC freezes at the POST memory test certainly points to a hardware or firmware problem (unless the USB device is somehow causing an electrical short on the USB connector)18:01
dabombphoenix_firebrd: the iso image is bios/uefi agnostic really, but as they explain here it could be a buggy bios18:01
=== Guest3712 is now known as aloo_shu
UnluckyForSomehello! is there anybody out there who can help me sort my  /etc/network/interfaces file?18:02
vmware_usernacc: yeah I am looking at the repos and with microsoft 17.04 is the latest one with all their stuff in it, there are others but they are missing stuff for 17.10 and 18.04 as yet18:02
dabombTJ-: funny think you mention that, i used that usb stick earlier to DD a windows 10 iso to it, before i gave up because it seemed impossible to DD windows isos (they are not hybrids i don't think) using the DD command18:02
vmware_usermaybe cause 17.04 is lts, no?18:02
naccvmware_user: 17.04 is eol and not an lts18:03
dabombmaybe... just maybe that adventure somehow screwed the usb stick18:03
akikdabomb: yes as you noticed dd and windows isos don't work together. if you want, i can paste you a guide on how to do it in ubuntu18:03
TJ-dabomb: Is the device a USB adapter with an SD-card plugged into it, or a plain USB 'thumb' flash sotrage device?18:03
vmware_userI have another issue I am dealing with too, maybe someone can assist with!18:03
phoenix_firebrddabomb: Recently I had a experience of one image which prefered efi mode. one selecting a bios mode, the live iso didnt boot and I think the kernel panicked18:03
UnluckyForSomehello! is there anybody out there who can help me fix my /etc/network/interfaces file?18:04
lesd*PLS KLICK* https://kostenlose-paysafecard.com/?ref=6XOdsQh818:04
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: what is the issue?18:04
vmware_user> I have a workstaiton from a client that has VMware Workstation 14.1.1 and also Ubuntu 17.10.1 on it. I fire up vmware workstation and click "about" or "add new vm" and it crashes then on a different user, it works fine! any ideas what environmental stuff might be causing that behavior to become instantiated?18:04
akiklesd: no advertizing18:04
tomreynUnluckyForSome: hi, i recommend you post it to a pastebin to get feedback18:05
lesd*PLS KLICK* https://kostenlose-paysafecard.com/?ref=6XOdsQh818:05
phoenix_firebrdadmin here please18:05
dabombi will have to do some testing to be sure, but it does seem very strange that something like this would freeze the computer, but i have seen other such weird things happen with this system, i have been using it for about 10 years now so i know its ins and outs very well18:05
tomreynlesd: no spam here18:05
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:05
phoenix_firebrdspam alert!!!18:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:05
vmware_userI do have a log file from vmware I can pastebin18:06
Picithanks Sigyn18:06
dabombakik: please do post a link for the guide, i will check it out, i have spent about 5 hours on making bootable windows 10 isos on ubuntu, some involving compiling from source things like sys-ms18:07
dabombi could use that for future reference if i get a guide that works18:07
dabombbut right now i am going to write a new usb stick (flash drive) on a windows 10 system with rufus, just to see if it does anything different18:08
akikdabomb: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2016/11/07/how-to-create-a-bootable-uefi-gpt-windows-10-usb-stick-in-ubuntu/18:08
TJ-dabomb: I've seen some of those USB devices overheat and fail after constant writing of data using 'dd' - the embedded flash controllers simply aren't able to handle the sustained transfer rate18:08
UnluckyForSomehello! is there anybody out there who can help me sort my /etc/network/interfaces file? I have 2 interfaces wifi and ethernet, I ideally want them using the same local IP, with ethernet taking priority when they are both available, and wifi kicking in only when the ethernet is unavailable. Is this possible!? My current file looks like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cnYnmrjYbt/18:08
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: It could be the settings/config specific to that user that is causing the crash18:08
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: by crash you mean the UI or kernel panic?18:09
dabombakik: thank you18:09
dabombTJ-: thanks! i shall keep that in mind18:09
dabombit was my first time to use DD for anything to be honest18:09
TJ-dabomb: can you use a WindowsPE image or Windows 2 Go image ?18:10
phoenix_firebrddabomb: If you find time try a stress test on your PC to see if the hardware is OK18:10
UnluckyForSomehello! is there anybody out there who can help me sort my /etc/network/interfaces file? I have 2 interfaces wifi and ethernet, I ideally want them using the same local IP, with ethernet taking priority when they are both available, and wifi kicking in only when the ethernet is unavailable. Is this possible!? My current file looks like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cnYnmrjYbt/18:10
Hobbyboyis the cdimage server currently having issues? Won't load up for me18:12
dabombTJ-: writing just plain win 10 v 1709 to the same usb flash drive18:12
dabombTJ-: fat32, mbr for bios/uefi, 4K cluster18:13
tomreynUnluckyForSome: the logic about juggling the ip addresses around you would have to apply on the dhcp server, not on ubuntu18:13
TJ-UnluckyForSome: I think you're doing it the wrong way. It is not possible for 2 interfaces to share the same IP address. What you should do is create a new BRIDGE interface (e.g. br0), attach both the ethernet and wifi interfaces to it (as slave interfaces) and then set DHCP to operate on the br0 interface. It may need some additional work to prevent route problems, OR....18:13
tomreynUnluckyForSome: ok, i guessd what TJ suggests could be make to work, too.18:14
TJ-UnluckyForSome: .... you can set up a BOND interface (e.g. bond) in fallover-mode, add the ethernet and wireless interfaces to it, set one of them as the preferred (primary), and again set the bond0 to do DHCP18:15
* tomreyn sees UnluckyForSome's head explode18:15
TJ-UnluckyForSome: BOND would be the best way to go since it has options for setting interface priorities, it's what it is designed for18:15
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TJ-UnluckyForSome: now for the good news, if you're using a Desktop GUI system Network Manager's Connection Editor can create a Virtual Bond interface18:16
tomreynUnluckyForSome: sorry, i should hold back such comments. goo dluck.18:16
TJ-UnluckyForSome: so you don't put anything in /etc/network/interfaces (which is the ifupdown system)18:17
UnluckyForSomehaha. OK! thanks18:17
TJ-tomreyn: I thought your comment is entirely appropriate :D18:17
blinderTJ-: About to head home. Can I please get a list of commands to trouble shoot the internet issue?18:18
blinderhow do I know that it is detecting the hardwire required to use the wifi18:18
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/18:19
TJ-UnluckyForSome: For a Bond interface you'd want it in active-backup mode18:19
UnluckyForSomeunfortunately I'm using ubuntu server so no gui!18:20
TJ-blinder: detect hardware wifi device: "lspci -nnk -d :0280"18:20
UnluckyForSomethink I may have to give up on the idea as I haven't got the skills needed haha!18:20
TJ-UnluckyForSome: Network manager is a daemon, at the cli use "nmtui" which a ncurses based connection editor18:20
TJ-UnluckyForSome: nmtui == Network Manager Text User Interface18:21
blinderwhat should I expect after the "lspci -nnk -d :2080"18:21
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: the application crashes (that is what I mean by crash), and yes, something for that user is surely the issue though I do not understand the log file well enough to figure out what (the VMware Workstation log it generates)18:21
UnluckyForSomeok, i'll have a look...18:21
TJ-blinder: it'll give exact details of the wifi chipset, and the driver(s) it can/is using. Pass those on to us next time so we can figure out what driver/firmware you may need to make it work18:22
blinderTJ-: Just so you know I cannot get an ethernet cable to connect into my computer18:23
TJ-blinder: this is what the command output looks like for me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cnYnmrjYbt/18:27
TJ-blinder: so you can write command output to file and put it onto a USB flash stick ?18:29
=== quori0ji is now known as quorioji
diegodlpereira_does anyone know how to solve the brightness problems on 16.04 LTS version?18:33
diegodlpereira_I cannot adjust the brightness via F11 / F12 buttons on Lenovo Ideapad Z400. I've already tried those following options:18:34
alocerhey guys. i noticed "cvlc --video-wallpaper --no-audio /file/to/video" doesn't work anymore on 17.10. anyone knows any other solution to this ?18:35
pragmaticenigmaalocer, 17.10 uses the Gnome Desktop instead of Unity. It may not support that feature anymore?18:37
pragmaticenigmaalocer, nm... I have no idea what I thnking of at the moment18:37
aloceri'm currently downloading mpv to try the command "mpv -wid=0 /file/to/video" to see what happens ..18:37
alocerpragmaticenigma: i want to set a video as my wallpaper18:38
akemalocer, i'm on 17.10 this command works.18:38
akemI got a movie in background.18:39
pragmaticenigmaalocer, what isn't working? can you be more descriptive? are you seeing an error message? what steps are you taking after running cvlc? (remember to respond as best you can on a single line)18:40
alocerakem: did you installed your graphic driver ? perhaps i'm missing something18:40
akikalocer: did you test with the xorg session or wayland?18:40
akemalocer, I have the NVidia driver yes.18:40
alocerpragmaticenigma: thas the problem. i can't figure the problem18:41
alocerakik: wait 17.10 has wayland support !!! oh man i miss so much18:41
alocerakik: let me check tath18:41
akikalocer: yes, by default. they went back to xorg in 18.0418:41
pragmaticenigmaakik, alocer is on 17.1018:42
alocerakik: god they can't decide.18:42
akikpragmaticenigma: yes, i know18:42
alocerakik: i m on wayland. i suppose i can "ctrl + alt + f1" to switch to xorg ?18:44
akikalocer: i dunno. the selection is in the login screen18:46
alocerakik: ye i saw that. but why do i have to tty's for my desktop . ctrl + alt +f1 & ctrl + alt + f4. the second one is changing on every reboot !!18:47
akikalocer: the gui was also changed from ctrl+alt+f7 :)18:47
paintanybody here?18:48
alocerakik: i think i have to relearn the whole linux thing :(18:48
TJ-alocer: session has to be selected at the greeter; multiple tty's for user session vs lock session18:48
akikalocer: i think it works like this: login manager is in f1, then the logged in gui in f218:48
akikat least that's how somebody described it18:48
alocerTJ-: tty setting are still the same as before right ?18:48
TJ-alocer: gnome/mutter (Wayland) moved to tty1 to avoid stepping on the toes of existing tty7 users I *think*18:49
Bashing-om!ask | paint18:49
ubottupaint: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:49
alocerakik: that makes sens to me18:49
alocerTJ-: thats how fedora works .. but ubuntu does the same ?18:49
TJ-alocer: it's a GDM thing. lightm uses tty7 + tty8 :)18:50
aloceri think i need to do some test .. thanks guys <318:50
aloceri can't remember. what's the command to see what tty i'm connected ?18:54
alocerwho ?18:54
YounderSince an update a couple of days ago Virtual box hasn't worked. It reports that the virtualbox driver is of another version than the client. Has anyone else had that problem. I tried to reinstall it, but no joy. Any fixes?18:55
akikalocer: write "tty" :)18:55
alocerwhich ctrl+alt+f? is this > /dev/pts/018:56
alocerwho replied tty718:56
akikalocer: pts is pseudo terminal, usually with ssh connections18:58
alocerakik ok18:58
alocerakik: oh .. you're right .. i have totally forgotten that .. sry m8 . thanks18:59
alocerTJ-: yeah lightdm is on tty119:00
alocergot it now .. thanks again19:00
=== larsi_ is now known as larsi
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: did you ever see my response? Been a lot of traffic on here maybe you did not19:08
alocerit was useful to me.. maybe to somebody else too :) -> http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/19:09
akikalocer: that guy is brilliant. you should read his other pages too19:11
alocerakik: bookmarked :)19:11
dabombakik, TJ- i have written the windows iso to usb stick with rufus on windows, i can now boot off of that on the c2d system19:13
dabombrufus settings: https://i.imgur.com/HAX0kpj.png19:14
ABCookis ubuntu's ftp running slow today or is it my ISP?19:14
dabombabout to try this setting now: https://i.imgur.com/JPfzR2R.png19:15
ABCookDownload: 92.55 Mbit/s19:15
dabombin iso mode: https://i.imgur.com/TaEpdbU.png19:16
alocerdabomb: dont's use rufus to write linux iso to usb ..19:16
dabombAlcatrone, what do you suggest?19:16
alocerdabomb: use win32diskwriter or fedoramediawriter ..19:16
blinderquick question:  Can I burn an image on my pen drive that already has all the drivers pre installed in it19:17
dabombnothing beats rufus! period!19:17
blinderi used rufus too its good19:18
alocerdabomb: rufus implement its own bootloader. which some linux distro's aren't configured with rufus bootloader.. they have their own bootloader.19:18
alocerdabomb: so fedora media writer is pretty a great choice .19:18
alocerdabomb: i use rufus to create windows usb live installation.19:19
alocerdabomb: not to write my linux iso into usb .19:19
dabombi have installed ubuntu probably 10 times in the past 2 years, and rufus worked every time!19:19
alocerdabomb: i was not successful with rufus and install linux via usb disks ..19:20
alocerdabomb: sry . i don't have any solution for you.19:20
dabombdd command on ubuntu yesterday failed to create a bootable windows iso on usb for me, and from the looks of it, what i experienced recently here is that ubuntus new disk writer tool is to blame for freezing my system during post19:21
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: sorry, I was afk having my dinner19:21
kv102ti have installed ubuntu and the drivers for the WiFi drivers needed to be enabled in additional drivers.  I have done this but i still can't use the wifi. Any ideas?19:21
phoenix_firebrddo you see any error messages from the application that crashes19:22
dabombi don't deal with fedora much, but i have successfully installed fedora on 2 occasions in the past 10 months or so, one of them an old athlon64 system with bios19:22
dabombrufus is the way to go! im telling yall! just wish there was a linux version of it19:23
dabombnuf said! rufus ftw!19:23
akikdabomb: dd works in linux for that19:23
dabombok i can now confirm that with the last rufus option above i can boot on uefi mode uefi system19:27
blinderbkinder: Take a look at this19:27
blinderblinder: Take a look at this19:27
dabombbut not on bios system, as expected19:27
dabombverifying dmi pool data.... _ _ _ _19:28
dabombjust plinks here, but this is not the @ post freeze i experienced yesterday19:28
akikdabomb: the closest you get to the dd experience is the dd write mode in rufus19:28
kv102ti have installed ubuntu and the drivers for the WiFi drivers needed to be enabled in additional drivers.  I have done this but i still can't use the wifi. Any ideas?19:29
ioriadoes anyone have problem pinging www.google.com or it's just me ? tx19:29
dabombakik, thanks for reminding me, will give that a spin as well now19:29
akikdabomb: so it doesn't try to modify the iso in any way. just writes it19:30
Bashing-omioria: " 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms19:31
ioriaBashing-om, thank you19:31
dabombok here we go: https://i.imgur.com/3ro9AP1.png19:31
Bashing-omioria: :) I do have high speed cable .19:32
dabombtesting with mbr / uefi mode on uefi system first19:32
ioriaBashing-om,  i see :þ19:32
dabombakik, i don't think iso mode modeifes the iso either though?19:34
TJ-ioria: www.google.com is an anycast address, so check with tracepath as to where you're being routed to19:34
dabombit just unpacks it i think and then writes custom boot sector and bootloader and copies the files over from a temp folder19:34
ioriaTJ-, good idea19:34
akikdarmok: that's what i mean19:35
ioriaTJ-, no reply   ... guess it's my bloody provider19:35
TJ-dabomb: ISO mode creates a custom boot layout and just copies files out of the ISO-9660 file-system19:36
TJ-ioria: for ping I see "PING www.google.com(dub08s02-in-x04.1e100.net (2a00:1450:400b:802::2004)) 56 data bytes"19:38
TJ-ioria: and it responds19:38
kv102ti have installed ubuntu and the drivers for the WiFi drivers needed to be enabled in additional drivers.  I have done this but i still can't use the wifi. Any ideas?19:38
TJ-ioria: for IPv4 it is "PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data."19:38
ioriaTJ-, no way, just dead19:38
TJ-ioria: is the DNS resolution returning an IP address?19:39
ioriaTJ-, reddit works, wikipedia works, any other web site work, but not google and yt19:40
TJ-both google properties? could be a BGP problem upstream19:40
TJ-ioria: what IP address do you get for www.google.com ?19:40
ioriaTJ-, my local google i guess ....
ioriaTJ-,  https://uk.gl/   works19:42
dabombTJ-, akik i got it! the bios system froze @post, like yesterday19:42
akikioria: there's a network inspector in firefox that could help too19:43
ioriaakik, right19:43
ioriaakik, TJ- thanks ... looks like it  was a temp issue19:44
dabombwill post a pic soon19:44
TJ-dabomb: makes me wonder, if the USB device is fine, if the PC firmware looks at USb devices early in POST in case it contains a firmware update package. Maybe the hybrid images look like one to the firmware and it incorrectly tries to use it for an update. I've seen sillier things happen :)19:46
TJ-dabomb: I'd ensure the PC has the latest firmware installed too19:47
flying_sausagesHey guys, which desktop environments do you run on your servers if any?19:48
TJ-flying_sausages: errrr... one!19:48
akikflying_sausages: mate desktop seems to behave nicely with x2go19:49
TJ-I can't think of anything worse to complicate a server install than adding a GUI19:49
dabombTJ-, ok so this is rufus made bootable linux ubuntu 17.10.1 written in dd mode, fat32 mbr for bios or uefi, 4k blocks19:49
dabombper https://i.imgur.com/3ro9AP1.png19:50
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
dabombthere is more to this! on my uefi system in uefi mode, the same usb stick boots fine, but reboot from live usb results in a halt19:51
dabombpic coming up19:51
TJ-dabomb: what's the "memo" referring to ?19:51
TJ-dabomb: also, what make/model of PC or mobo?19:51
dabombit has not printed fully "momery"19:51
TJ-dabomb: OH! lol19:52
dabombyou can see that in the pic19:52
TJ-dabomb: thought it had a message for you :p19:52
dabombso that's on the bios system in bios mode o/c (what else)19:53
TJ-dabomb: that reboot halt is most likely a firmware bug in ACPI (not enabling all services when Linux is the OS)19:53
dabombTJ-, yeah there is acpi error in the output19:54
dabombim prepping the pic right now19:54
TJ-dabomb: you may be able to solve the ACPI issue with an appropriate acpi_osi=... kernel comamnd line option19:54
kostkonwhytrytofly, hi19:57
dabombTJ-, https://i.imgur.com/D2TLHZ8.jpg19:57
dabombTJ-, akik there you go, there is the same usb stick rebooting on an uefi system in uefi mode, so it boots fine on uefi system but then halts at that point during reboot from live usb19:58
TJ-dabomb: the MMIO error looks the worst, and possibly a cascade from the RP01.PXSX problem19:59
dabombthat doesn't tell me a whole lot but this is just 1 year old uefi ultrabook19:59
YounderSince an update a couple of days ago Virtual box hasn't worked. It reports that the virtualbox driver is of another version than the client. Has anyone else had that problem. I tried to reinstall it, but no joy. Any fixes?20:00
TJ-dabomb: is that a Mac system?20:00
dabombTJ-, it is not, it's an asus ux303ub20:00
dabombalso, this problem only appears when the bootable usb stick is prepped with rufus using DD write mode20:01
dabombalso note! that the ubuntu does the same thing, if you prep a bootable usb stick for ubuntu inside ubuntu using the new disk creator tool20:01
dabombi guess the ubuntu tool also uses the DD command for its write operations20:02
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: I just took a shower so we are even!20:03
TJ-dabomb: the ACPI RP01.PXSX is the brightness controller node for the GPU  backlight20:03
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: the application crashes (that is what I mean by crash), and yes, something for that user is surely the issue though I do not understand the log file well enough to figure out what (the VMware Workstation log it generates)20:03
TJ-dabomb: I wouldn't be  suprised if the correct acpi_osi= would also help the LiveISO boot20:03
dabombso if you want users of old bios systems to be able to make bootable ubuntu usb sticks inside ubuntu, you may want to give them another option than the official start disk creator tool, or possibly make it do what rufus does best: offer the user an option to switch between iso and dd write mode20:04
dabombTJ-, that's spot on!20:04
dabombi noticed the brightness was FULL ON20:05
dabomband it was flickering while in the live session on the asus uefi system20:05
adymitrukanyone have ssh issues with git providers after the latest update20:05
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: gonna paste bin a log file in a minute20:06
akikdabomb: the working solution is to use dd in linux or the dd mode in rufus (you can activate this with alt+i)20:07
dabombTJ-, can i set the acpi_osi on the fly on a live usb system? i may be able to test that quickly20:08
LulunarUsing network manager applet I've set a interface to be "shared to other computers" and plugged a headless device in. How do I know the IP addr of the other device?20:08
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: ok20:08
dabombakik, how is that the solution? that's what causes the problems20:08
dabombfor both uefi and bios system20:08
TJ-dabomb: if the PC firmware itself has a problem that's not something for Ubuntu to try to workaround. Your report is unique, so I suspect either BIOS config options you've set, overclocking, or bad firmware on that motherboard.20:08
akikdabomb: that's just how the things work. you might have a problem with your computer20:09
dabombGigabyte: the bios system; Asus: the uefi system20:10
=== zer0 is now known as Guest66949
TJ-dabomb: yes, you can set acpi_osi ... interrupt the boot by tapping Esc to get to the boot menu, then add something like acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2009"   to the kernel command line options in front of the "--"20:10
dabombTJ-, i did not overclock the gigabyte pc20:10
dabombi have no special configs in there20:10
TJ-dabomb: I'm mentioning potential causes we know can create problems20:11
dabombnothing specially done on the asus either20:11
TJ-dabomb: In these cases I ensure the latest BIOS is installed and I try it with factory default BIOS config20:11
TJ-dabomb: on my Asus T300CHI the command line has BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.15.0-13-lowlatency root=/dev/mapper/VG02-rootfs ro no_console_suspend acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2013" splash vt.handoff=720:13
TJ-dabomb: the actual value of acpi_osi= is specific to each mode though. If your Asus is older then "windows 2013" won't help, it needs a value you've pulled out of the PC's ACPI DSDT20:13
* dabomb taking notes20:16
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yKZKCVk35y/20:16
TJ-dabomb: here's how to do, an article I've written about solving common ACPI issues  http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html20:17
dabombTJ-, "It assumes the boot-loader is GRUB2 and that the system is running a version of Debian, Ubuntu, or one of their many derivatives."20:21
dabombso i should not run these commands on my asus laptop if the bootloader is windows?20:21
dabombi can't afford to have a brick at this point in time20:22
dabombif that is the case i will be sure to test it later over the weekend20:22
sadtacoI'm having difficulty troubling why Ubuntu is only recognizing 4 out of 8 Nvidia GPUs on a machine. "lspci | grep -i vga" only lists 4.  Trying to generate a new xorg.conf with "nvidia-xconfig --allow-empty-initial-configuration --enable-all-gpus --cool-bits=28 --separate-x-screens" only outputs from screen0-3 as well.20:23
TJ-dabomb: you cannot set acpi_osi for the Windows boot20:24
sadtacoI had it working for 8 fine a few weeks ago, then it just stopped working. I guess it could be the motherboard, but I'm not sure how to tell that for sure.20:24
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: can you give the application specific log or error messages ?20:24
vmware_userI did above the log file!20:24
vmware_userand the below the "follows hereupon" is the actual log file itself from vmware20:25
TJ-dabomb: if Linux is being booted (in UEFI mode) then GRUB is being used to boot it, which means you can edit the kernel's command line. My guide shows only how to do it for an installed Linux, not the LiveISO.20:25
vmware_userstuff above is what printed on the bash terminal20:26
vmware_userbelow is the contents of the file it mentions.20:26
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: what is the name of the application that crashes?20:26
TJ-sadtaco: can you show us "pastebinit <( uname -a; lspci -nn; dmesg )"20:27
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: vmware crashes in the new installation?20:28
vmware_usernow, updating my kernel might fix it20:28
vmware_userI would not rule that out20:28
sadtacoOfc. Moment.20:28
vmware_userbut, was curious if you could see any other obvious things I might have missed in that log file20:28
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: can you paste the output of "ldd /usr/bin/vmware"20:29
vmware_usersure! 1 second20:29
vmware_usernot a dynamic executable20:30
kv102ti have installed ubuntu and the drivers for the WiFi drivers needed to be enabled in additional drivers.  I have done this but i still can't use the wifi. Any ideas?20:30
sadtacohttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/VQwRrMT3Ms/  "uname -a; lspci -nn; dmesg" output.20:30
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: it is a script20:31
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: from where did you get the package?20:32
phoenix_firebrdkv102t: did you restart after you installed the drivers?20:32
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: "wget https://www.vmware.com/go/getworkstation-linux"20:33
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: is vmware extensions installed?20:33
vmware_userhang on20:34
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: also see if you could find the actual executable of the vmware20:34
TJ-sadtaco: based on the lspci output initially, it looks like the PCI bus IDs should be 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 but you only have 01 02 03 09 being detected.... looking further in dmesg for the PCI bridges20:34
vmware_uservmware-extensions (vmware tools) are for guests not the host machine20:34
vmware_userlet me see one sec on the executable20:35
sadtacoyeah I'm glancing through for anything that jumps out as well. Like I see that NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=# for the devices detected are 3,7,8,920:35
dabombTJ-, i should be able to use these commands for the live usb session though?20:36
sadtacoand yeah I see the 01, 02, 03, 09 PCI buses I think those are.20:36
TJ-sadtaco: I suspect either the firmware setup options have somehow changed for the PCI bridges, or a power issue! But can you show me "pastebinit <( lspci -tnnv )"20:36
R13oseTJ-: hi20:36
sadtacoI did not touch the BIOS, is the the other thing that throws me off there.20:37
TJ-dabomb: from the live session once running Try Ubuntu, you can run the discovery command but cannot write/save the setting20:37
sadtacoHmn even if the PSU was bad, wouldn't PCI power turn the card on enough for them to show here?20:37
concretelogicok, i don't even know where to begin with this one, I was playing some music on rythmbox and quit it but the music keeps playing and the app doesn't show in the launcher, what can i do? is there a task manager equivalent?20:37
sadtacoUnless the PCI power on the motherboard busted?20:37
concretelogichello btw20:37
TJ-sadtaco: its not unknown for firmware setup to spontaneously change. That's the 1st place I'd look for options that might limit the PCI bus/bridges20:37
sadtacoI did check to make sure I had PCI downgraded to ver.2 which I know can be an issue of it not splitting enough on 3.20:38
sadtacohttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MhJByG9bgC/ "lspci -tnnv" output20:38
TJ-sadtaco: Can you figure out which GPUs are actually working and which slots they are in, so as to investigate the slots the missing GPUs are in. firmware setup may have options for controlling slot power or discovery, for example20:38
sadtacoyes. Brb.20:38
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: I don't know, but you can get a demo of it for free for 60 days20:39
codebot_i have a slack related problem. can anyone help me?20:39
vmware_userI have no idea what its real executable is20:39
codebot_ I tried entering my email address on this page - https://publicslack.com/slacks/eulercodercommunity/invites/new20:39
codebot_ but it says at the bottom "has already been taken". what does that mean? does that mean that this channel is not public?20:39
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: I meant not a script but a binary executable file20:40
R13oseTJ-: want to try and solve my issue?20:40
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: was it working when you installed first?20:40
vmware_usera while ago20:40
TJ-sadtaco: it looks to me like the missing GPUs are behind some of those other PCI bridges. So I'd be looking in firmware setup for any options that control PCI bridges20:40
vmware_userbut then things got upgraded as you go20:40
vmware_userI created a new user and it works fine there20:40
vmware_uservery strange20:40
TJ-R13ose: I can't right now, it's almost 22:00 here I need some light relief!20:41
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: it uses some program called "appLoaded"20:41
vmware_userbut it seems to use it some weird way20:41
B4daBing73Does anyone know when exactly the LTS version of Ubuntu 17 will be released in April?20:41
codebot_i have a slack related problem. can anyone help me?20:41
codebot_  I tried entering my email address on this page - https://publicslack.com/slacks/eulercodercommunity/invites/new20:41
codebot_  but it says at the bottom "has already been taken". what does that mean? does that mean that this channel is not public?20:41
vmware_userno later than the last day in April I'd imagine20:42
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: have you done a backup of the Oses or what they call appliances?20:42
dabombTJ-, so i can basically just use the command: sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows | sort20:42
vmware_usernot trying to be sarcastic being real20:42
R13oseTJ-: okay thanks20:42
vmware_useryes, but you mean guests right?20:42
TJ-B4daBing73: 18.04 LTS releases end of this month20:42
vmware_useror do you mean host OS?20:42
nmitchellB4daBing73: Ubuntu wiki says April 26th for release date currently.20:43
TJ-B4daBing73: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule20:43
TJ-dabomb: yes, you got it :)20:43
codebot_i have a slack related problem. can anyone help me?20:43
codebot_  I tried entering my email address on this page - https://publicslack.com/slacks/eulercodercommunity/invites/new20:43
codebot_  but it says at the bottom "has already been taken". what does that mean? does that mean that this channel is not public?20:43
B4daBing73ok thanks guys20:43
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: Ubuntu 17 is the "host OS" of the Hypervisor which then has guest OSes running under it.20:43
dabombTJ-, got it, off to probing, thanks!20:43
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: have you done a backup of the guests?20:44
codebot_i have a slack related problem. can anyone help me?20:44
codebot_  I tried entering my email address on this page - https://publicslack.com/slacks/eulercodercommunity/invites/new20:44
codebot_  but it says at the bottom "has already been taken". what does that mean? does that mean that this channel is not public?20:44
TJ-dabomb: when adding the option to the kernel command-line you *must* surround the option with " marks due to the space in the option's value "acpi_osi=Windows XXXX" not acpi_osi+Windows XXXX20:44
vmware_userYes, I could, why? the guests are not the problem, I am having trouble adding a new guest20:45
vmware_useror using the "About" screen!20:45
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: I am thinking of doing a backup of the guests, then uninstall and reinstall vmware and then import the guests from the backup20:46
vmware_userwell I did do that in part20:46
Aiseshello, i need some help. I installed ubuntu with dual-boot. When I shutdown from Ubuntu and then when I run the PC again: 1. The motherload screen shows up .2.  A black grub command appears. 2. I type exit. 3. The motherload screen again. 4. And finally the 'normal' grub appears and I can select the OS.20:46
vmware_userI backed up the configuration files (that point to the guests) and then de-installed and re-installed vmware20:46
vmware_usersame behaviour20:47
Aisesi hope anyway can help me :/20:47
vmware_userthat is why I am sure its something in Linux (maybe the kernel is the problem)20:47
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: From the log file you gave me, I see just vmware segfaulting20:47
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: do you know how to debug?20:47
vmware_userwhat does segfaulting me?20:47
TJ-vmware_user: have you investigated the log messages about not being able to connect to the IPC Manager20:47
vmware_userI do not think its the kernel, as the other user it worked fine20:48
vmware_userwhat is the IPC Manger?20:48
vmware_userno I have not, but if I know what to check I will!20:48
vmware_userTJ-: I am willing to do what I need to figure it out just am not sure what to dio20:48
TJ-vmware_user: look at the log, from the top... when you see the same message being repeated about "not found" it indicates there may be a problem.20:48
sadtacoIt looks like it was indeed a power issue.20:49
TJ-vmware_user: there's a lot of those before the SegFault itself20:49
TJ-sadtaco: you solved it?20:49
sadtacoThanks TJ-.20:49
TJ-sadtaco: what was it? loose cable?20:49
vmware_userTJ: Yes, I read that, but I have no idea what the problem might be...that is where I need help.20:49
sadtacoI noticed the 4 not working all shared the same power connector to risers.  I changed where those plugged into on the PSU. I'm guessing that connector on the PSU burned out or something? idk.20:50
sadtacoLet me look up power spec for sata.20:50
TJ-vmware_user: put the error message inside double quotes in your preferred search engine, and trawl! That's what we do when you come here :)20:50
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: do you know how to debug?20:50
vmware_userI did that20:50
TJ-vmware_user: it doesn't look like an Ubuntu issue though, it looks like a vmware issue20:50
codebot_i have a slack related problem. can anyone help me?20:50
codebot_  I tried entering my email address on this page - https://publicslack.com/slacks/eulercodercommunity/invites/new20:50
codebot_  but it says at the bottom "has already been taken". what does that mean? does that mean that this channel is not public?20:50
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: not compiled programs with no source, no20:50
phoenix_firebrdTJ-: is codebot_ a spam?20:50
TJ-vmware_user: I'd focus on finding vmware-specific support forums where those logs are familiar20:51
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: have you used strace?20:51
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: no what is strace?20:51
codebot_phoenix_firebrd: i'm really not trying to spam here. but i really want to know about this.20:51
vmware_userTJ-: well, I thought this was such a chat room20:51
vmware_usera forum of people that could help20:51
sadtacoshould be a 4.5Amp rail at 12v. So it should be able to handle 165w eh?  Shouldn't have failed from too much draw when not much go through the boards. Oh well though20:52
ozberkhi guys I have a problem with tty whenver I try to control alt f1 screen freezes20:52
vmware_userthough I do realize its an Ubuntu chat room20:52
bjonnhwhy is snapd installed on minimal ubuntu?20:52
tgm4883vmware_user this is not a Ubuntu chat room. It's a Ubuntu support room20:53
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: as we can see in the log that something is missing, we need to find whether some file is missing or some dependency is missing. If you use the ldd command on the executable we can see if the dependency is ok. If we use strace, for example strace -e trace=file <vmwareexecutalbe> we could find the last file accessed before or the file missing in question before the crash20:53
phoenix_firebrdcodebot_: ok20:53
phoenix_firebrdcodebot_: ok20:54
sadtacobut yeah, you still helped a lot in narrowing down that it must be a board/BIOS issue. Ty. :)20:54
vmware_usertgm4883: we are not chatting here? I thought forums were email based or blog style.20:54
vmware_userok a support forum20:54
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: let me see if I can figure the executable out20:54
TJ-sadtaco: but P = V x I ... 4.5A x 12V = 54W ... or is my math wrong?20:54
sadtacoThat's each right? The connectors are 3 or 4 on a line.20:55
sadtacoSo sorry actually this is 4 so it should handle 216w through it max.20:55
vmware_userTJ-: technicall if one number has a decimal point (4.5A) then the answer is 54.0W20:55
TJ-sadtaco: if it's a 'rail' that suggests to be the rail supplies 54W and the 4 outputs share it... you'd need to check the PSU specs in detail though to be sure20:56
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: I think you were using yahoo chat rooms a lot in the past, am I right?20:56
dabombTJ-, https://i.imgur.com/gxLAG9i.jpg20:56
vmware_userno, actually never knew they had them. I used use Yahoo for news till they went far left20:57
vmware_userit used to be more honest news but not now20:57
TJ-dabomb: so: acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015"20:57
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: ok20:57
dabombTJ-, right, but i cannot test that until i actually install ubuntu on this asus laptop20:58
dabombi might actually do it over the weekend20:58
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: This is like a chatroom, but here the rules are to discuss only the relevant software/distro problem/stuff20:58
TJ-dabomb: you can! that was my point. When the liveISO starts booting tap Esc to get the gRUB boot menu...20:58
dabomboh? ok20:59
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: I dont know about ubuntu, but kubuntu has an offtopic channel called #kubuntu-offtopic where you can chat freely. As far as I know that channel is not logged20:59
vmware_userwell that maybe, but: 1) I've never been advised of any rules here, and 2) I've never been advised I broke any, and 3) I am trying to resolve a problem that is within an Ubuntu environment. Granted, if someone said there was no Ubuntu in the equation, sure, asking how to get VMware running in CentOS here would be silly20:59
TJ-dabomb ... once the GRUB boot menu is showing highlight the boot option you want (Try Ubuntu ?) press 'e' to edit it, navigate down to the line beginning "linux ..." and towards the end, but before the "--" add the options. Then boot immediately with that change using Ctrl+X or F1021:00
vmware_userI am not concerned if this channel is logged, maybe someone make use of this in the future21:00
vmware_userMoreover, I believe the issue is an Ubuntu issue of some sort! One user it works fine and the other it doesnt. That suggests that whilst it maybe a mix of application and Ubuntu, its not entirely the application21:01
vmware_userlet me see if I can find the executable it uses.21:01
TJ-vmware_user: different linux user accounts?21:01
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: dont worry, this place values people more than rules, so If only completely not relevant they redirect you.21:01
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: that is good21:02
TJ-vmware_user: maybe the vmware saved settings for each user account are different - can you 'diff' them maybe?21:02
sadtacoHm yeah. I can't get anything useful from that, but oh well.21:02
dabombTJ-, ok i will test it shortly here then, but what do you call that window you see in my last pic? with the error message? what am i expected to do here?21:02
dabombTJ-, i was able to exit out of it with ctrl+c21:02
vmware_userTJ-: yes, different user accounts (I said that at the outset). I created a new account, deleted all the 'initial directories' in it and left only a .bashrc file, then ran VMware, it worked, and I observed what directories and file got created when I exited the app.21:03
TJ-dabomb: Which Ubuntu release is the LiveISO?21:03
vmware_userTJ: then I moved that stuff in not working user21:03
vmware_userand re-ran it21:03
vmware_usersame problem!21:03
dabombTJ-, i mean this pic: https://i.imgur.com/7zjX1AL.jpg21:04
dabombTJ-, it's 17.10.1 ubuntu desktop, the original21:04
TJ-dabomb: it could be the display is simply on the wrong VT so all you see is kernel messages but there's no getty/login. Try Ctrl+Alt+F1  through F7 to switch to different ttys where there might be a getty21:04
vmware_userTJ-: hang on, maybe I missed something!21:04
TJ-vmware_user: that sounds like a vmware issue in that case, like it's written something that in it's next run causes it to fail21:05
TJ-vmware_user: there are three directories that can contain settings that might cause it. $HOME/.config/ and $HOME/.local/ for permanent settings and $HOME/.cache/ for disposable files21:06
vmware_userTJ-: yes, thats why I used a new user, touched all the files with yesterdays date then ran the app and inspected what had today's date on it21:07
TJ-vmware_user: I'm wondering if just deleting everything in $HOME/.cache/ might help21:08
vmware_userworth a try! or do a "mv $HOME" entirely, make a blank home directory and try it21:09
vmware_userone sec21:09
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dabombTJ-, did i do this right? https://i.imgur.com/f01hxWP.jpg21:32
dabombbtw, there was no other ttys than that on F121:33
TJ-dabomb: no21:34
dabombthis is all too new to me, and that options line doesn't feel right to me, probably why it didn't work21:34
dabombi understand it must be different for installed vs. not installed21:34
TJ-dabomb: the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= is only used in /etc/default/grub ... all you need, literally is: apci_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015"21:34
dabomboh boy21:35
dabombhere we go again! :)21:35
Bashing-omDarkAceZ: ' sudo update-grub ' once the edit is made ?21:36
TJ-notice the = in acpi_osi=! too, your photo shows that is missing21:36
vmware_usergonna reboot21:40
akemIs there a place on Ubuntu 17.10 to see connected gamepads/joysticks, like on Windows in device you can test buttons and axis and visually check, or maybe a tool for that.21:41
phoenix_firebrdakem: if its a usb joystick/gamepad and you just want to see if its connected, run this command "lsusb"21:42
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: ok21:42
brainwashakem: maybe jstest-gtk21:45
Aisesi've an issue with grub and dual-boot. Could anybody help me, please?21:45
akemphoenix_firebrd, well i'd like to test it too, i installed this: "joystick - set of testing and calibration tools for joysticks" but i don't find the tool.21:45
akembrainwash, ha ok i have jstest, not the gtk version i'll check for that, thanks.21:46
akikakem: you can use "dpkg -L joystick" to list the package contents21:47
SlidingHornAises, Just ask your question - if anyone knows the answer, they'll respond :)21:48
akemThanks for the info akik, this can be very usefull.21:48
Aisesi've Windows 10 and Ubuntu installed in dual-boot. When I shutdown or restart from Ubuntu I see the grub command line. If I type 'exit' it shows another grub screen where I can select the OS properly21:49
Aisesso I don't know why I'm seeing like 2 duplicated grubs21:49
akembrainwash, i got it, just what i was looking for :)21:49
Aisesit only happens when I shutdown or restart from Ubuntu21:49
brainwashakem: nice21:50
dabombTJ-, before: https://i.imgur.com/EdbTMNO.jpg21:54
dabombTJ-, param setting: https://i.imgur.com/wlydApM.jpg21:54
dabombTJ-, after: https://i.imgur.com/hTD1zKG.jpg21:54
dabombtwo asterisks vs. one asterisk is the only difference? :P21:57
dabombTJ-, funny thing is i actually retyped what you wrote quite literally as "apci" the first time so i had to redo it21:58
dabombthe numbers in the square brackets are microseconds?21:58
dabombexcept for those, the other numbers match up before vs. after the param change21:59
dabombso basically same error at same address still21:59
phoenix_firebrdAises: When say you typed exit, you mean you typed in grub rescue?22:02
Aisesphoenix_firebrd: no, not in rescue, in the command line22:02
phoenix_firebrdAises: I thinki you are referring the tty?22:02
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: well its fixed22:02
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: nice22:03
Aisesphoenix_firebrd: here https://snag.gy/9GlTwa.jpg22:03
Aisesphoenix_firebrd: then i type 'exit' and i come here https://snag.gy/hPVenv.jpg so I can select the OS normally22:03
phoenix_firebrdAises: that is grub rescue?22:03
Aisesno, it's not22:03
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd: as it appears, when I rebooted (thus using the new kernel) I started VMware and it immediately complained it needed to recompile some modules and had no header files for the kernel. So, I installed kernel header files and rebuild the modules and poof it worked22:03
phoenix_firebrdAises: I cant see the prompt in the screenshot22:04
vmware_usermust have been that at some point kernels and headers and such got jacked up and removed and that22:04
vmware_usernow its all cleaned up22:04
Aisesphoenix_firebrd:  looks like this one https://i.stack.imgur.com/G96N9.jpg22:04
dabombTJ-, this appears to be an old bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=85266522:05
ubottuDebian bug 852665 in src:linux "linux-image-4.9.0-1-amd64: ACPI ERROR: Namespace lookup failure (AE_NOT_FOUND)" [Normal,Open]22:05
vmware_userphoenix_firebrd/TJ: Yeah, enough BS to impress a large heard of cattle22:05
vmware_userbut my ansible script now has all the kernel metapackages in it22:05
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: It could be that you updated the system installed a new kernel, but since you installed the vmware from the website, the kernel modules of which might rebuilding for every new kernel22:05
vmware_userso it should be able to be run and fix it next time22:06
TJ-dabomb: that's just a report though, it's not stopping the system22:06
vmware_useryeah well, its all good now22:06
phoenix_firebrdvmware_user: and recompiling the modules solved the issue22:06
vmware_useras well as adding the right headers for the newest kernel22:06
vmware_usertogether they did22:06
TJ-dabomb: your issue is the "Hold until boot process finishes" job is never ending, which tells us something else in the boot process is stuck.22:06
vmware_userit still doesn't explain why it worked with one user and not the other though!22:06
vmware_userbut they both work perfectly now22:07
TJ-dabomb: I'd suggest another kernel command-line option instead of acpi_osi, to get full debug info. Remove any "quiet" and "splash" and add systemd.log_level=debug22:07
phoenix_firebrdAises: are you there?22:08
dabombTJ-, will it just output to the screen? will i be able to save it?22:08
phoenix_firebrdAises: what does the prompt say?22:08
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Aisesphoenix_firebrd: just like in the image i sent you22:09
Aisesphoenix_firebrd:  it looks like this https://i.stack.imgur.com/G96N9.jpg22:09
Aisesphoenix_firebrd:  then i type 'exit' to halt it and the 'normal' grub to select the OS appears22:09
Aisesit's like duplicated, 2 grubs22:09
TJ-dabomb: to screen, but when it gets stuck you should have a screen full of messages showing what is running22:09
Aisesor no idea, i don't get it22:09
TJ-dabomb: at the moment all the useful logging is being suppressed for "prettiness" reasons22:10
phoenix_firebrdAises: thats definitely the grub rescue22:10
Aisesphoenix_firebrd: sorry, i'm starting with ubuntu :/22:10
phoenix_firebrdAises: I will help you fix this22:10
phoenix_firebrdAises: how many OS do you have, total22:10
AisesWindows 10 and Ubuntu22:10
phoenix_firebrdAises: how many hard disks do you have?22:11
Aises2, one SSD and one HDD. Windows 10 is in SSD and Ubuntu is in one partition in HDD22:11
phoenix_firebrdAises: can you paste the output of this command here "sudo fdisk -l" using any paste service like paste.ubuntu.com?22:12
Aisesphoenix_firebrd: i'm using the same PC where it's installed.. how can I do it22:13
phoenix_firebrdopen "start menu" type "terminal" and open console22:13
phoenix_firebrdAises: ^22:13
TJ-Aises: just looked at your issue, I know the cause. This is an installed system?  Is it UEFI? If UEFI, is it Secure Boot enabled ?22:13
Aisesuefi, yes22:14
AisesTJ-: i dont know the answer to the secure boot question22:14
TJ-Aises: the issue is the correct root= and prefix= haven't been written into the grub core image or it's environment file22:14
TJ-Aises: in a terminal do "pastebinit <( find /boot/efi -ls )" and give us the URL22:15
AisesTJ-:  so I go to the grub command line and i type pastebinit <( find /boot/efi -ls )22:16
Aisesand i give you the URL?22:16
Aisesok, i try22:16
Aisesi will be back in 5 min22:16
TJ-Aises: no, not in GRUB, from a Linux terminal in the running Ubuntu22:16
Aisesah okay22:16
Aisesone moment22:17
TJ-Aises: no need to do anything in GRUB itself, we just need to change it's configuration using it's Linux tools22:17
marquezinihey, ubuntu go out of production in 26 of april?22:18
marqueziniand, canonical will stop improvements in visual style?22:19
marqueziniothers functions22:19
naccmarquezini: ... i have no idea what you're talking about22:19
naccmarquezini: april 26 is the next release of ubuntu (18.04) as currently scheduled22:20
marquezinias i try say22:20
Aiseshere it is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K9SDxGy76N/22:20
naccmarquezini: perhaps it was a communication error, but "out of production" implies something is ending22:20
naccmarquezini: in any case, you want #ubuntu+1, which you are already asking something in22:21
naccmarquezini: please don't crosspost :)22:21
dabombTJ-, now all of a sudden rebooting no longer halts22:21
TJ-Aises: that's great, can you now show us the config file content itself? "pastebinit /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg "22:21
dabombTJ-, https://i.imgur.com/ApGv0yZ.jpg22:21
dabombfails to unmount cdrom it says22:22
dabombmy laptop has no cdrom22:22
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dabombTJ-, why is it rebooting fine now that the logging is more visible or verbose?22:23
TJ-dabomb: right, and it asks you to remove the installation medium (which is the mounted ISO9660 'cdrom' image)22:23
AisesTJ-:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/chwS3YqHzY/22:24
dabombwhat image? i have nothing mounted other than the usb stick22:25
dabombnot even a mouse connected22:25
TJ-dabomb: that is it. It contains an ISO-9660 CD-ROM file-system image which is mounted22:25
jk^tomreyn, i install the drivers :( but system still doesn't recognize the printer :(22:25
TJ-Aises: you see in that grb.cfg it searches for the correct file-system using "search.fs_uuid 908780ee-820c-44ee-9625-2bd693097849 root hd1,gpt4 "22:26
TJ-Aises: we need to correct that. Can you now show me "pastebinit <( lsblk -f )" so we can figure out the correct value22:27
dabombTJ-, ah... ok, so if i just boot normally with no special param setting, then unmount that cdrom first, then reboot it should no longer halt?22:27
TJ-dabomb: it expects you to pull the USB device - I think it'll then continue, or it may also need you to tap Enter22:27
AisesTJ-:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gQwbjvjdRb/22:28
dabombTJ-, with debug logging, i was able to just press enter on that and it rebooted like normal, did not remove the usb stick22:29
marquezinii have a bug in linux 17.10 but i think this bug is in my processor, when i run memorytest that resides in boot menu, my cpu freeze when working multithread SMP on BLOCK MOVE test, in only one core  dont freezes.. the freezes that occours in memorytest is like that occours in running the system in normal boot. i think isnt a memory error, a processor error. N3700 p4 dell.22:30
dabombas you can see that fail warning/error appears higher up a few lines, so it's already past that when it prompts me to hit enter22:30
TJ-Aises: that is strange, sdb4 is for root fs and its UUID matches grub.cfg22:30
TJ-Aises: you know when it drops to the grub> shell, have you done "set" to see what root= is set to?22:30
dabombTJ-, hence why i suspect that i need to unmount the cdrom manually while in the session, before initializing reboot22:31
dabombwill try that now22:31
AisesTJ-:  no, i didn't try that22:31
TJ-dabomb: the fail warning is fine, it's there because the USB is still in use22:31
TJ-Aises: Well, before you do...22:31
TJ-Aises: ... let me explain what is supposed to happen.22:31
dabombTJ-, so it's not like its seeing double? both the usb and a non existing cdrom?22:32
dabombthe cdrom lives on the usb or it IS the usb?22:33
TJ-Aises: PC boots, firmware initialises, reads the default entry in it's boot menu, which points to one of those /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/*.efi files. shmix64.efi if in Secure Boot mode, grubx64.efi otherwise. Those are GRUB's "core image" - it's main kernel code. That should then read the grub.cfg file in that directory, execute the commands to set root and prefix correctly, then do "insmod normal" "normal" to run22:34
TJ-the Linux root file-system's /boot/grub/grub.cfg (not /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg)22:34
TJ-Aises: so, either grubx64.efi/shimx64.efi isn't reading the grub.cfg in the same directory, and therefore not setting the values, OR, it does, but then isn't doing the "insmod normal" and/or "normal" commands22:35
TJ-Aises: I think earlier you said when at the "grub>" shell you do "exit" and it continues to run normally, is that correct?22:36
Aiseswhen i type 'exit' it exists from the command line, i see the motherload screen again and i can select the OS22:36
Aisesin a new grub screen22:36
Aisesjust like here https://snag.gy/hPVenv.jpg22:37
TJ-dabomb: the USB contains the ISO-9660 file-system image. ISO-9660 is the file-system for CD/DVD devices22:38
TJ-Aises: Oh, that's different, that tells me "exit" is actually quitting GRUB and returning to the firmware, which then loads GRUB again and then it works. Weird. Let's collect some more info: "pastebinit <( sudo efibootmgr -v )"22:38
AisesTJ-:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dC93rQyxFp/22:39
Aisesit's like: 1. Motherload. 2. Grub command line. 3. I type exit. 3. Motherload. 4. Grub where I can select the OS22:40
TJ-Aises: yes, which is where you should get to the first time! Next time yo do a reboot and it drops to the "grub>" shell, first type 'set' and note down what root= and prefix= are set to, then try getting to the menu directly by doing "insmod normal" then "normal" and report back22:40
TJ-Aises: here's what the efibootmgr tells me...22:40
dabombTJ-, you were right, /cdrom is the mount point for the live system22:43
TJ-Aises: The default boot entry is 0007, which is Boot0007, Ubuntu, using the shimx64.efi GRUB boot loader. That means Secure Boot is being used. You've got another, non Secure Boot0008 entry too. So I'd also suggest a test where you enter Firmware Setup and disable Secure Boot, then when you boot press the key that gets you the Firmware's manual boot entry menu, and choose the 2nd "ubuntu" entry (which should22:43
TJ-be 0008) and see if it behaves differently22:43
dabombi was unable to unmount it22:43
TJ-dabomb: Right, because it's in use, processes are running from it22:43
TJ-dabomb: in the ISO image is filesystem.squashfs which is the live root file-system22:44
dabombTJ-, so how do you explain all of this? why does it not just reboot like normal, without adding the debug logging params?22:44
AisesTJ-:  so firstly, i disable secure boot and i reboot so see if the command line screen still shows up?22:44
dabombTJ-, and why do i not run into this problem when i write the bootable media using rufus and iso write mode?22:45
dabombwhat's different about iso vs. dd write mode? is it that dd makes the system think that it is in fact a cdrom?22:45
TJ-dabomb: well, I've found the adding debug logging slows things down, so it's probably revealing a timing related race condition22:46
AisesTJ-:  i haven't 2 ubuntu entries where i select the OS22:46
Aisesi see only 1 'Ubuntu'22:47
TJ-Aises: yes, disable Secure Boot, but as I said, trigger the PC's manual boot entry selector and select the 2nd "ubuntu" entry (which should be grubx64.efi internally)22:47
TJ-Aises: is that with Secure Boot disabled?22:47
dabombTJ-, interesting... so without debugging on some process sort finishes before its due time?22:47
AisesTJ-:  how do i do the manual boot?22:47
TJ-Aises: I'd expect to only see 1 'ubuntu' when in Secure Boot mode, but to see 2 when S.B. is disabled22:48
AisesTJ-: ok, so i select the grubx64.efi entry and then i come back?22:48
TJ-Aises: Every PC is different, but there's usually a hotkey to press to bring up the manual boot device menu. Often the keys to press are displayed on-screen briefly at the very start... maybe f2 or f8 or f1022:48
dabombbut i am still puzzled by the way the dd write mode causes all this trouble, causing the uefi system in uefi mode (asus) not to reboot without debugging on, and the bios system (gigabyte) to halt in the middle of a post test22:49
TJ-Aises: you won't see "grubx64.efi" you'll only see "ubuntu" - but you should see 2 entries called "ubuntu" when Secure Boot is disabled, and if so, choose the 2nd of them22:49
TJ-dabomb: there was a systemd-init system race condition causing this but I'm not sure which Ubuntu ISOs have the fix22:50
AisesTJ-:  atm it's like LEGACY+UEFI, it's msi22:51
stanford_AIdo you know how to stream webrtc from /dev/video0 ?22:51
TJ-Aises: from what I've seen so far all your boot's are in UEFI mode22:52
dabombTJ-, let me know if you find any other isos i can try, or even a bug report or a forum thread on this problem, i would like to read it22:53
dabombTJ-, thank you for your help!22:53
AisesTJ-:  i'm gonna try it22:54
Aisesso when i get in the second ubuntu i come here?22:54
Aisesor what do i have to do22:54
dabombTJ-, good article you had there btw! well written! it made me think... would not have believed that pc hardware vendors would go to such lengths to favor windows over linux, and do such non standard things to the acpi22:55
TJ-dabomb: this one says the mobo setting the SATA ports to AHCI instead of RAID mode fixes a shutdown freeze issue Bug #161984422:56
TJ-Aises: yes, come tell is if it dropped to grub> shell or booted properly22:56
ubottubug 1619844 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[Xenial] shutdown/reboot hangs at "Reached target Shutdown"" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161984422:56
vachohow to run command "npm watch" in background, i feel when I close down my terminal (I am remotely connect with ssh), it terminates that job22:56
TJ-dabomb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/161984422:56
AisesTJ-:  ok, brb22:56
GautamSHello does Ubuntu 17.10 support Optimus?22:57
GautamSI checked with lspci -k to only see the accelerated 940MX driver22:58
dabombthanks TJ-23:00
TJ-dabomb: there are a few systemd shutdown related issues too, see this list https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/?field.searchtext=shutdown&orderby=-importance23:00
TJ-dabomb: it would be interesting to know if Alt+SysRq+B causes it to restart or not (that's the direct instruction to the kernel to immediately reboot)23:01
stanford_AIdo you know how to stream webrtc from /dev/video0 ?23:01
bjonnhI keep having issues with systemd and slapd23:01
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bjonnh"systemctl start slapd" returns immediately (and no process is running) until I do a "systemctl stop slapd" and then a "systemctl start slapd" start slapd properly23:02
bjonnhnothing weird in the logs23:02
bjonnhis there a way to debug what is happening?23:02
TJ-stanford_AI: please stop posting the same question to multiple channels,23:03
stanford_AITJ-, they're relevant23:03
nacc!crosspost | stanford_AI23:03
ubottustanford_AI: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.23:03
bjonnhstanford_AI: not really ubuntu specific23:03
naccstanford_AI: as I jsut said in #ubuntu-devel and this demonstrates23:03
stanford_AIbjonnh, which other channel is best?23:03
stanford_AITJ-, ok, where should I ask this?23:04
bjonnhstanford_AI: ##linux  and #v4l23:04
voltyHi, I cloned my root partition to an ssd partition, and now have the same UUID. How that? How can I fix this?23:05
AisesTJ-: Ok, in manual i see 2 ubuntus. 1. Ubuntu. 2. Windows. 3. Ubuntu23:05
AisesTJ-: but i tried to boot in both ubuntus and both load okay23:06
Aisesi don't get the command line with any of them23:06
Aises(now i'm in the second one)23:06
Aisesso i dont know why i have 2, and i dont know why both load okay. Theorically one should fail, no?23:07
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VjdfMQHey all23:09
VjdfMQUbuntu 16.0423:09
VjdfMQSuddenly. Might be after updates. A mouse on laptop stopped working.23:10
VjdfMQLogs give: psmouse serio1: synaptics: Unable to query device: -123:11
TJ-Aises: OK, the first one is the Secure Boot specific entry23:11
TJ-Aises: so I think there's a problem in Secure Boot mode that the grub.cfg file is blocked by firmware since it isn't cryptographically signed23:11
TJ-Aises: can you continue without Secure Boot for now?23:12
TJ-Aises: this appears to be an issue caused by your PC's own firmware implementation23:12
VjdfMQAlso: psmouse serio1: Failed to enable mouse on isa0060/serio123:13
AisesTJ-:  so there's no solution?23:13
VjdfMQPlease, anyone23:13
TJ-Aises: I'm not sure, I'm asking if any developers have seen this.23:14
TJ-Aises: it certainly seems like the PC is the problem. In the PC's firmware setup menu's, is there a "Security" page where you can enable/disable Secure Boot?23:15
AisesTJ-: I can choose between UEFI or Legacy+UEFI only23:15
TJ-Aises: no specific "Secure Boot" option there?23:16
Aisesno, in the old msi yes23:16
Aisesi can sort the devices to boot as non uefi23:16
Aisesbut you can't disable it23:16
TJ-Aises: Oh, it's one of these manufacturer customised firmwares, where they do weird stuff. I'm going to guess this is a firmware issue when Secure Boot is enabled then.23:16
akikfirst spotted case of not being able to disable secure boot?23:18
TJ-Aises: for now leave it in the LEgacy+UEFI mode so it can boot. You should create a big report for this so we can track it and provide you with feedback23:23
TJ-!bug | Aises23:23
ubottuAises: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:23
akemSometimes on 17.10 when i reboot i got my login screen upside down, i'm using the NVidia drivers, i wonder if i should report it. I rebooted and my screen is back normal without changing anything.23:23
TJ-Aises: create a bug for the "grub2" package then tell us the bug number/URL23:23
AisesTJ-:  ok, i'll do it later and i will tell you23:24
TJ-akik: It sounds like it, or some weird behaviour by the FW anyhow23:24
Aisesit's very late atm23:24
AisesTJ-:  thank you so much for your time23:24
TJ-Aises: it's gone midnight here23:24
Aisesyes, here too23:24
akikAises: did you set the admin password in uefi. i think that's needed some times to disable secure boot23:24
Aisesno i didnt23:24
TJ-Aises: only needs 5 minutes to create the bug, please do it now, whilstI have Ubuntu developer's interested in it23:24
AisesTJ-:  what do I have to write exactly in the bug? Because i dont know how to explain it23:25
TJ-Aises: Minimal for now, I can flesh it out. Title "Drops to grub> prompt in Secure Boot Mode" then a couple of lines basically repeating that, then give us the bug reference and I'll add all the pastebin info and so on to the bug23:26
AisesTJ-:  it says 'grub2 (not installed)'23:27
Aisesis it normal?23:27
Aisesi click send anyway?23:28
TJ-Aises: start here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+filebug23:28
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TJ-Aises: when you've reported the bug one last pastebin please: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"23:31
tsuzuku_Hello I can trying to install a software using an apt link, however software center just launches and says don't know how to handle apt links. Here is the software I wish to install. http://www.getdeb.net/app/Polybar23:33
Aisesi'm writing the bug23:34
brainwash!info polybar23:34
ubottuPackage polybar does not exist in artful23:34
akemDamn, i need a launchpad account with a pgp key to file a bug @ Ubuntu :/23:34
mrchairmanStarbucks changed how it does its wifi portal and now I can't log in, on 17.04, anyone else suffer from this deadly scourge?23:34
naccmrchairman: 17.04 is eol, you should upgrade asap23:35
naccakem: i don't think you need a pgp key23:35
naccakem: but i'm not 100%23:35
naccbrainwash: no such package in ubuntu23:35
AisesTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/176133623:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761336 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Drops to grub> prompt in Secure Boot Mode" [Undecided,New]23:36
brainwashnacc: why do repeat what the bot already said?23:36
TJ-Aises: when you've reported the bug one last pastebin please: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"23:36
naccbrainwash: i meant, not just in artful, in any ubuntu23:36
mrchairmanmabye i should upgrade, but i'd rather just ride this wave23:36
naccmrchairman: you haven't received any security updates (incl. for spectre/meltdown) for a while now23:36
AisesTJ-:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wzzKCJgj52/23:37
mrchairmannacc: good point23:37
tsuzuku_@brainwash, how should i proceed in trying to install polybar in artful then?23:38
TJ-Aises: thank you! I've added the files as attachments to the bug and I'll let other dev's know and we'll follow up in the bug report23:39
SlidingHorntsuzuku_, You can, but it's not supported here23:39
AisesTJ-: yes, i see. Thank you so much :)23:39
TJ-Aises: it could take a while but you can communicate through the bug now23:40
TJ-Aises: you may get asked for more information and logs etc23:41
Aisesi'll be checking it23:41
TJ-Aises: you can sleep now :)23:41
Aiseshaha, yes23:42
Aisesthank you agan23:42
Aisesgood night, TJ-  :)23:42
=== Len__ is now known as Len
VjdfMQAnyone ?Hey all23:57
VjdfMQTouchpad and trackball just stopped working. SUddenly.23:58
VjdfMQSo. I've restart psmouse via modprobe and it started to work, but now buttons Left and Right and the Trackball don't work23:59
VjdfMQOnly multitouch works23:59
VjdfMQAfter reboot. All the same.23:59

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