
TJ-pete: so let's find out what's installed: "pastebinit <( apt list --installed nvidia* )"00:00
TJ-pete: looks like you've got nvidia-384.111 from the ubuntu archive but 384.130 from the graphics-drivers PPA00:06
peteTJ-: yeah00:07
peteTJ-:  I don't know how that happened :(00:07
peteI guess I should have paid more attention to what is being installed?  How do I fix this?00:07
peteit's called API mismatch?00:07
TJ-pete:  "pastebinit <( apt list --installed nvidia* )"00:08
TJ-pete: it looks OK now, I think the apt upgrade earlier solved the mismatch but we need to double-check the actual files are correct, and I think we should remove nvidia-375 - unless you know of a reason to keep it?00:11
peteTJ-:  I think nvidia 387 or thereabouts is the current stable driver in linux?   384 should be okay, in theory?00:11
TJ-pete: actually, the nvidia-375 has the same version as nvidia-384 so maybe not00:12
TJ-pete: hmmm, lets find out what's in that package. "pastebinit <( dpkg -L nvidia-375 )"00:13
Guest41072Can anyone help me with Ubuntu 17.10 crashing randomly for me? I'm pretty new to Linux and have no idea what to do.00:13
yeatsGuest41072: can you provide specifics about what's happening?00:14
peteI can't look at these links :-/   this browser is sick00:14
TJ-pete: consider yourself lucky; I think reading logs is the first sign of insanity !00:15
petei clicked something so I can use chrome, too00:15
TJ-pete: oh good, that package is just a place-holder, nothing important in it, so we'll leave it00:15
peteI can read them now00:15
peteTJ-:  okay00:16
TJ-pete: I want to check the kernel module is OK too. "pastebinit <( dkms status )"00:16
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XC93hFtRSN/00:17
Guest41072pete: When I use demanding applications or if I idle, the system just stops. I can sometimes still see picture, but nothing moves. The processing light on my PC goes completely off and doesn't even blink.00:18
TJ-pete: one last paste then we can unwind everything so you can reboot and test. "pastebinit <( apt list --installed linux-image* )"00:19
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zpjbMPZpnC/00:21
peteTJ-: sorry for the delay00:21
peteI am wondering about drivers.... ubuntu puts theirs in ppa?  but, they are slightly older than the official00:21
TJ-pete: let's clean up the kernels whilst we are here. "apt autoremove"00:22
TJ-pete: other way around, version in graphics-drivers PPA is slightly newer than those in the archive00:22
Bashing-ompete: Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.00:23
Sven_vBGuest41072, as a start, please choose a nickname whose first few chars are more unique so we can more easily address you. :) as for the crashes, I'd test whether they occurr in memtest86+, too.00:23
=== Guest41072 is now known as weedoe
Sven_vBor some other very simple program that has few things running that could interact badly with each other00:24
peteprogress at 89%...00:25
weedoeOk, changed. I'll try that00:25
TJ-pete: once that's done, let's unwind: "umount -a" (ignore any error messages) then "exit" back to the host, then "for n in etc/resolv.conf dev/pts dev sys proc; do sudo umount /target/$n; done; sudo umount /target; sudo rmdir /target"00:25
peteTJ-: completed00:25
peteTJ-: output:   "umount: /dev: target is busy."00:26
TJ-pete: ah well, it won't hurt. Now start a reboot and test !00:27
peteTJ-:  do you mean skip the rest?00:27
TJ-pete: maybe do "sync" although that isn't necessary... just start a GUI-initiated reboot so everything is stopped in an orderly fashion00:28
peteskip sync then?00:29
TJ-pete: yeah, reboot and test, I'm sure it'll be OK00:30
peteTJ-: okay00:30
peteI understood some of that but not all00:30
peteTJ-:   I'll try rebooting in sda300:30
storm__hello everyone00:35
storm__can anyone help and give some information about dhcpv600:36
avantgardisthello :)00:46
avantgardisthow's it going?00:47
leftyfbavantgardist: can we help you with something?00:47
peteTJ-: hello?00:49
peteTJ-: I still have the original problem :(00:49
avantgardistnope, but i want to talk something like gnu/linux or something else00:49
petescreen flickers on boot up00:49
leftyfbavantgardist: try #ubuntu-offtopic00:49
TJ-pete:  can it log-in to the user, does the flicker continue then?00:49
peteon screen section:  sda3 recovering journal....something like that00:49
petebut at /dev/sda3 clean, etc... it flickers constantly00:50
peteit doesn't get to the user?00:50
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TJ-pete: Everything we saw in the chroot said it was OK once we matched the nvidia module version00:51
TJ-pete: are you in the Kubuntu OS again now?00:51
peteTJ-:  yes.... it's the only OS I can get a gui and use irc00:54
petesda2 might work, too.... not sure00:54
peteI came across this although it might not apply....00:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1705369 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10 boots to black screen when using Nvidia drivers (on a desktop with an Intel GPU)" [High,Confirmed]00:55
peteIt just seems gnome 3, ubuntu 17.10 and nvidia drivers are just one big mess that doesn't work?00:55
Bashing-ompete: TJ- Are you in the wayland session ? or Xorg for 17.10 install ?00:57
peteWayland won't work00:57
petemaybe I should remove the 384 driver and use 375?00:58
petei dunno00:58
peteTJ-: I thought the logs showed I was using 384.111 in March or something?00:58
TJ-pete: nvidia-384.130 from the graphics-drivers PPA00:59
TJ-pete: shall we fire up the chroot again ?00:59
TJ-pete: I've just read that bug you linked; it's specific to a system with 2 GPUs. Does your PC have an integrated Intel GPU as well as the Nvidia GPU?00:59
petepete: no01:01
peteTJ-: no01:02
peteTJ-:  I didn't mean to imply it matched my system01:02
myrafthey guys - having lots of problems with 16.04 LTS on desktop . Really slow to get updates and anything command line that fetches informations e.g. download Ruby gems.01:02
TJ-pete: let's get the chroot up again and check the logs01:02
peteI just think it might be something to do with nvidia and the ubuntu version?01:02
peteI have a nvidia card - GTX 750 - it was listed within the logs01:03
myraftseems like certs - because it times out when trying to contact rubygems.org01:03
myraftbut works from browser01:03
TJ-pete: "sudo mkdir /target; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /target"      then do "pastebinit <( tail -n 1500 /target/var/log/kern.log; cat /target/var/log/Xorg.*.log )"01:03
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tN4jxrcnBt/01:06
wyseguylooking to pick up a laptop, looking for a few recommendations. I've heard great things about the older thinkpads but would like a bit of newer technology. It will be a in the field work computer, I do IT work in data centers, on scissor lifts for wifi installations, curious about pen testing (not sure if i should run vm's for this or dual boot, and overall good laptop. I did try an xps 13 and walked away after 2 seconds when my thumb resting on01:07
wyseguy the trackpad caused the mouse to go nuts. Ideas?01:07
pragmaticenigmawyseguy, that is a question better asked in /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:07
wyseguypragmaticenigma ah thanks@01:08
wyseguyand im happy for the tab key with your nick lol01:08
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TJ-pete: what's your local time right now so I can correlate the last boot correctly01:09
wyseguysry, figured it would be on topic as it's looking for an ubuntu laptop :)01:09
myraft1anyone who can help with "maybe" CERTS or resolv issue01:09
myraft1not sure what causing my command line to get ruby gems to timeout , and the ubuntu updates are really really slow01:10
peteTJ-:  9:10 pm = 21:1001:10
pragmaticenigmawyseguy, this room is meant for support questions related to the operation of ubuntu. What you're asking is more of a conversational topic which is better suited for the offtopic room01:11
pragmaticenigma!patience | myraft101:11
ubottumyraft1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/01:11
wyseguypragmaticenigma got it01:11
TJ-pete: the last Xorg log started at Fri Apr  6 20:46:24 2018 so that is about correct. kernel is still complaining about a version mismatch. The only way that could be happening is if a module has been left behind when it should have been removed so we need to search01:12
TJ-pete: so... "pastebinit <( find /target/lib/modules/ -name 'nvidia*' -ls )"01:13
jsclimbcan anyone help me delete a user name, I'm using 16.0401:13
konimexjsclimb: userdel?01:13
kliwonjsclimb, userdel usernametobedelete01:14
jsclimbthat's not working01:14
myraft1@pragmaticenigma: will wait01:14
konimexdid you use sudo?01:14
jsclimbkonimex, I tried, but I'm not very terminal literate...01:15
konimexah.. i forgot about the gui way but it should be somewhere in user accounts in system settings01:16
jsclimbwhen I try "sudo userdel nametobedeleted" it asks for my password, then it says "sorry try again" and I go round and round01:18
V7Hey all01:18
V7An issue with touchpad still exists01:18
V7The question: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1022648/suddenly-touchpad-of-x201-has-just-stopped-working01:18
peteTJ-:  what about the purge nvidia command?  I think maybe purge all nvidia stuff ...and re-install ?   I can't think of any other idea...01:18
TJ-pete: I think we need to cause DKMS to rebuild/reinstall the nvidia-384.ko module and supporting bits. I suspect the wrong minor version is still installed. Let's check that first. "pastebinit <( modinfo /target/lib/modules/4.13.0-38-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_384.ko )"01:18
peteTJ-:  I'm not sure of the right syntax for that, though01:18
jsclimblol my new gf is sick of seeing the old gf's name.... I'm screwed :)01:18
TJ-pete: that's a sledgehammer to crack a nut!01:18
V7I've already asked #kde and #kde-neon, but they say this is not #kde related. Strange.01:19
V7Also I've asked the question on their forum, but after 1 day, no reply. Also, as you could see, the stack's overflow, 5 hours, no reply, too.01:19
V7Could anyone help with this one.01:19
jsclimbstarted in settings/user accounts, couldn't do it there either01:19
peteTJ-: okay :)01:19
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4w8YKT8qGD/01:19
pragmaticenigmaV7, cross posting is against our community guidelines01:19
V7pragmaticenigma: This is not crossposting01:20
jsclimbkonimex, thanks for your advise, though01:20
V7#linux has different converation right now and I've waited about 10 minutes01:20
pragmaticenigmaV7, you just said you posted in several different channels. You will need to be patient and wait your turn for someone to help.01:21
TJ-pete: are you 100% sure you're booting sda3? The kernel module there is the correct one: "version:        384.130"01:21
V7pragmaticenigma: what ?01:21
V7pragmaticenigma: Do you know how to help ??01:21
TJ-pete: but the kernel log is full of "NVRM: this kernel module has the version 384.111"01:21
pragmaticenigmaV7, KDE is correct, it's not an issue with the KDE/Plasma, It's your X server configuration that has an issue. I do not know how to fix ut01:21
V7So, the xorg suddenly broke itself ?01:22
V7The magic ?01:22
jsclimbgawd I'm dumb... I got it, in the settings gui...... there's a + and - sign I was too dull to see01:22
TJ-pete: Oh! it's not booting the latest kernel!! Maybe the older kernel has the older module. What does this show? "pastebinit <( modinfo /target/lib/modules/4.13.0-32-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_384.ko ) "01:23
peteTJ-:  the blinking screen stops at sda3: clean, etc. etc.01:23
jsclimbyou people are awesome, I dunno what I'd do without y'all01:23
TJ-pete: the system should always boot the most recent kernel by default, so we need to investigate why that isn't happening, and fix it.01:24
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2yXQSTJGkN/01:24
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TJ-pete: that's also .130 ! Something is really screwy here, I really don't think we are looking at the correct root file-system!01:25
TJ-pete: the logs say we are but that kernel log is lying big style01:26
myraft_so hate to bug folks -01:26
myraft_any takers on slow resolve or CERT issue01:26
myraft_Not sure what is causing super slow down ?01:26
peteTJ-:  I'm confused then01:27
TJ-pete: more info to collect: "pastebinit <( modinfo /target/lib/modules/4.13.0-32-generic/updates/dkms/*.ko )"01:27
peteTJ-:  maybe grub didn't update?   so, it didn't load the right kernel?01:27
TJ-pete: I'm trying to find anything kernel-nvidia related that claims to be version .11101:28
V7pragmaticenigma: So, you just recommend reinstall the whole system ?01:28
TJ-pete: could be, but the module versions so far are correct01:28
peteTJ-:  I honestly thought you were doing that :)01:29
TJ-pete: only the primary modules, there are some supporting modules that /might/ be out of step01:29
TJ-pete: those are all 384.130 which is what we want01:31
petehow do i run commands for sda3?01:33
TJ-pete: we are on sda301:38
TJ-pete: let's create the chroot so we can check all the packages. "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"01:39
peteI tried the command:  dmesg | grep NVRM01:39
weedoecan someone please help me with ubuntu 17.10 crashing?01:39
peteTJ-:  but, it gave output for sda601:39
TJ-pete: yes, of course. dmesg reads the current running kernel's log from memory01:40
peteI ran that in quotes01:41
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peteTJ-: ?01:41
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TJ-pete: OK, so now "sudo chroot /target"01:43
peteTJ-: done...01:44
TJ-pete: then "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/vmlinuz* /boot/initrd.img*; df -h; cat /etc/default/grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg; apt list --installed '*nvidia*' )"01:44
TJ-pete: you've got the "#" shell prompt now I hope?01:45
peteTJ-: yep01:45
endersendingAnyone use osnexus (quantastor)01:46
endersendingIt's been a PITA to use, zpool renames, pools always busy so you can't unmount01:47
fishcookeri have issue with crappy F5 button ... i solve the problem with $ xmodmap -e 'keycode 71='... should i create service systemd for disabling the button input after the box up and running?01:47
TJ-pete: .... when you boot do access a GRUB boot menu to select which OS to boot, or does it boot the default?01:47
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endersendingIs it worth using for the pretty UI, or should I just stick to a normal distro and roll my own storage server01:47
pragmaticenigmaendersending, do you have a support question related to Ubuntu?01:48
peteTJ-:  goes to grub boot menu but if I don't choose a selection, it boots the default01:48
peteTJ-:  I think that is01:49
petethe default is sda201:49
TJ-pete: then it isn't using the GRUB I'm looking at01:49
endersendingOsnexus is based on ubuntu01:49
TJ-pete: so the boot entry it's using is from some other install01:49
pragmaticenigmaendersending, but it is not Ubuntu... we do not support derived distros here. Only Ubuntu's official version are supported.01:49
TJ-pete: This explains everything!01:50
pragmaticenigmaendersending, just as the debian channel will tell you they do not support Ubuntu, even though Ubuntu is derived from Debian01:50
peteTJ-:  that's good if you know :)01:50
endersendingOr is this like every other channel where the OPs tell you to move along because if it's not supported by X, you can't ask here01:50
petegrub still confuses me :-/01:50
TJ-pete: the booted kernel is reported as "Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-32-generic" but the latest version is
endersendingSo if I re compile my kernel is it no longer supported?01:51
pragmaticenigmaendersending, You're welcome to ask the question in /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:51
peteTJ-: oh01:51
endersendingWhy can he talk about grub ?01:51
TJ-pete: so because you've got multiple Linux OS installed, another of them has taken over the boot-time selection01:51
endersendingShouldn't he ask in #grub?01:51
TJ-pete: so whilst this one is fine, the actual boot files are somewhere else!01:52
pragmaticenigmaendersending, this is a support channel, do you have a question about Ubuntu? if not, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:52
peteTJ-: okay...so this is easy to fix?01:52
TJ-pete: and that other version is loading nvidia-384.111 but when it gets into the 17.10 root file-system, where we have installed the nvidia-384.130 packages, we get this error01:53
TJ-pete: it should be now I know what's going on!01:53
peteTJ-:  I think it's when I upgrade the OS and/or the kernel.... I am confused where to install grub01:53
petewhere to update it01:53
TJ-pete: 1st we find which OS's GRUB is the master, then we find the files being used, then we figure out how to keep it in sync01:53
peteTJ-:  my guess is sda2 OS01:54
TJ-pete: each Linux OS has it's own GRUB files in its root file-system, but there's only one GRUB boot-strap on the MBR disk format, so I'm guessing that the last Linux OS you installed is the one that is 'master'01:54
peteTJ-: really?01:55
peteOh ok01:55
TJ-pete: was sda2 the last one, or sda6 ?01:55
petesda6, I think01:55
petesda2 was the first one after windows01:55
TJ-pete: we best check. "exit" to leave the chroot01:55
pete'each Linux OS has it's own GRUB files in its root file-system' - I knew this01:56
TJ-pete: then "pastebinit <( apt list --installed linux-image* *nvidia* ; ls -latr /boot/ )"01:56
peteTJ-:  but, I always pause when asked to update /install grub in mbr or the partition01:56
TJ-pete: but only one can be master, so the other 2 will be out of date :)01:56
* TJ- needs another string drink ... it's almost 3am here!01:57
peteTJ-: sda6?01:59
peteTJ-:  can I ask where's there? :)01:59
peteTJ-:  do you drink coffee? :)01:59
=== william is now known as Guest98272
TJ-pete: England. Coffee early, Tea later :)02:00
peteTJ-: good choice(s) :)02:00
TJ-pete: need to see the grub config: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"02:01
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wGBf9H2Wz8/02:01
TJ-pete: I almost thought that was it but it doesn't have 4.13.0-32 on it! So on we go: "pastebinit /target/boot/grub/grub.cfg"02:05
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gp7z376ZC8/02:07
TJ-pete: when you boot 17.10 do you select from GRUB the entry "Ubuntu 17.10 (17.10) (on /dev/sdb3)"02:08
peteTJ-: I didn't think so02:08
petethis is confusing :(02:08
peteTJ-:  I have to remember now :-/02:09
peteTJ-:  I choose sda302:09
TJ-pete: we've not found the correct grub.cfg so far! so: "sudo mkdir /target_sda2; sudo mount /dev/sda2 /target_sdsa2"02:09
peteIt was originally 17.04 and I upgraded it to 17.1002:09
TJ-pete: then lets look at " pastebinit /target_sda2/boot/grub/grub.cfg "02:10
peteTJ-: -> Unable to read from: /target_sda2/boot/grub/grub.cfg02:12
TJ-pete: damn, typo in the first command, let'sredo it02:12
TJ-pete: damn, typo in the first command, let's redo it: "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /target_sda2"02:12
TJ-pete: then you can do the pastebinit02:12
peteTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wSbFSqJmy7/02:13
TJ-pete: Finally! We found it, it is sda2 that's the master02:15
peteTJ-:  I think that is what I see in the menu02:15
TJ-pete:  menuentry 'Ubuntu 17.10 (17.10) (on /dev/sda3)'02:16
peteTJ-:  yeah02:16
TJ-pete: right.... which one of the se 3 is going to be your primary OS ?02:16
TJ-pete: whichever it is we need to set it to control the master GRUB02:16
TJ-pete: if it's 17.10 sda3 then we need to use it to reinstall GRUB so it takes over control and keeps up to date02:17
peteTJ-: it is now....  I have kept that OS up to date the most.... installed the most programs on it etc.02:18
petesda2 was the original - I didn't want to mess it up so I started using other partitions/operating systems02:18
TJ-pete: so, shall we set it as master so it doesn't suffer? otherwise every time you have a kernel update in 17.10 sda3, you'll have to reboot into sda2 and run update-grub!02:18
peteTJ-:  that sounds familiar ... I think I was doing that...maybe I forgot the last time?02:19
peteTJ-:  I'll do whatever you suggest :)  whatever makes the most sense :)02:19
TJ-pete: right. but if sda3 is your workhorse let's make it master!02:19
peteTJ-:  okay02:19
TJ-pete: so "sudo umount /target_sda2"02:20
TJ-pete: then bakc into the chroot: "sudo chroot /target"02:20
TJ-pete: then (re)install grub: "grub-install /dev/sda; update-grub"02:20
peteTJ-: okay02:22
TJ-pete: and from now on, when the PC boots, the first entry on the GRUB menu - the top-most - will be this 17.10 on sda3 - so it will automatically start it after the countdown without you needing to do anythin02:22
TJ-pete: sda2 and sda6 will be additional entries further down02:22
peteTJ-:  sounds good02:22
petemakes sense02:22
TJ-pete: OK, if those commands have finished we can unwind everything again02:22
peteTJ-:  the output finished02:23
peteTJ-:  ready02:23
TJ-pete: "exit" then "for n in etc/resolv.conf dev/pts dev sys proc; do sudo umount /target/$n; done"02:23
TJ-pete: "sudo umount /target"02:23
peteTJ-: okay - at prompt02:24
TJ-pete: "sudo rmdir /target_sda2 /target"02:24
Bashing-omTJ-: pete : As a matter of practice I disable  30_os-prober in my secondary systems .02:24
TJ-Bashing-om: yeah, that's for another day I think :)02:24
TJ-pete: and now - and it will work this time - reboot and test :P02:25
peteTJ-: okay :)02:25
TJ-Bashing-om: for a report of flickering screen this has been one heck of a diversion and run-around :)02:26
Bashing-omTJ-: I have been looking over your shoulder - All I can say is Good Sluething :)02:27
TJ-Bashing-om: thank goodness for logs and text configs - I hate to think of diagnosing something like this in something like Windows02:28
Budgiianyone use vbox02:28
TJ-especially remotely... without pastebinit diagnosing this kind of issue would be all but impossible02:28
Budgiisend me a dialogue if so. :)02:28
Bashing-omTJ-: I tell you the truth - I do not like Windows ( proprietary info and we will not tell you ), I came to linux as open source and no secrets; and YES - we have the tools to work with :P02:31
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TJ-Bashing-om: same here, I wasted far too much of my life trying to reverse engineer Windows bugs, but even if I could identify them, I had no way to fix - Linux is such a joy: find a bug, pull the source, patch, rebuild and done02:32
peteTJ-, yay! :)02:32
TJ-pete: :D02:32
TJ-pete: finally!! I can go to bed for a year now :p02:32
peteTJ-,  you are an admin wizard... I don't know what I would have done :)02:32
peteTJ-, lol!02:33
TJ-pete: as I was just saying to Bashing-om ... thank goodness for text logs and configs and verbose logging02:33
peteTJ-,  yes02:34
peteTJ-, I need to learn more commands02:34
Bashing-ompete: ( and knowing what to read .. and how to read ... huh ?? )02:34
TJ-pete:  if you are going to experiment do it inside a virtual machine or a container, so you don't break the host OS02:35
peteBashing-om, yes, I think so02:35
peteTJ-, what do you suggest?  Virtual Box?  VMWare?02:35
TJ-LXD containers are fast to create and easy to work in02:35
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, please ask your question in the main channel. It will help others benefit from the support you receive.02:36
peteTJ-, I'll have to try that02:36
Budgiipragmaticenigma, Just looking for the full screen option in virtualbox.. not sure it was appropriate here. :)\02:36
TJ-pete: "apt install lxd"  "lxc launch ubuntu:1804 mycontainername" then "lxc exec mycontainername /bin/bash"  ... you're now inside a full 18.04 'server' CLI just like the chroot earlier02:36
Budgii#vbox is dead atm02:37
TJ-oh, another typo02:37
peteThank goodness I found TJ on here :)   I googled but no way I would have figured that one out02:37
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, are you looking for a keyboard shortcut?02:37
TJ-pete: "apt install lxd"  "lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 mycontainername" then "lxc exec mycontainername /bin/bash"  ... you're now inside a full 18.04 'server' CLI just like the chroot earlier02:37
Budgiianything works02:37
peteBudgii, really?02:37
BudgiiI just can't find seetings pragmaticenigma02:37
peteI didn't know that02:37
pragmaticenigmaBudgii, Host + F toggles full screen02:38
Budgiipragmaticenigma, thanks!02:38
peteTJ-, good night and thanks again!02:43
leftyfbBudgii: I typed "virtualbox fullscreen" into google and the first result gave the same answer pragmaticenigma gave02:43
Bashing-ompete: Still keep in mind a good idea - in my opinion -  to disable 30_os-prober on your secondaries ' sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober  ' when booted into the secondary .02:47
V7Does anyone know how to change this feature when physical left click button works only when touchpad is being touched at the same moment with a different finger ?02:49
V7It just doesn't act left click without other finger on touchpad02:49
cluelesspersonhey guys, for IPV6 wtf are these options,  "Automatic" "Automatic (addresses only)" and "Automatic (DHCP)"02:49
cluelesspersonare any of those SLAAC?02:49
CMEE_fieHello, I'm having a little trouble testing lubuntu 18.04 beta2, i thought asking here since there's more people and the issue doesn't seem to be specific of lubuntu02:54
slidinghornCMEE_fie check out #ubuntu+1 :)02:55
MenzadorV7 - is the touchpad the only built-in device there is for that sort of input?02:55
CMEE_fiebasically i have two hdd, a toshiba formated with GPT and a WB formated with MBR02:55
Bashing-om!18.04 | CMEE_fie02:55
ubottuCMEE_fie: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+102:55
CMEE_fieso no support yet?02:55
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: support in #ubuntu+1 :)02:56
CMEE_fiethe issue seem related to systemd in general, but im not sure02:56
V7Menzador: Looks like this: https://i.stack.imgur.com/U69Xp.png02:56
CMEE_fieoh, thanks02:56
V7So it has a trackball too02:56
MenzadorTrackball? That looks like a pointing stick02:56
MenzadorI have a Lenovo ThinkPad myself02:56
V7They call it like a trackball, aren't they ?02:57
MenzadorNo, a trackball is a physical ball that you roll around, viz.: https://d107iaxg6vni3j.cloudfront.net/mbank270444_w1400_h1400.jpg02:58
V7Menzador: https://www.google.ru/search?q=trackball+thinkpad&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2vZLilafaAhUJDOwKHVgUD2UQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=70502:59
V7Btw, you're right mb03:00
MenzadorTrackballs work in a similar way, but this is a pointing stick, sometimes called a nipple03:00
V7So, although might be any idea why it could act like that ?03:00
* V7 (really, nipple ...?)03:01
MenzadorV7 - I'm not sure, but it might have to do with the way the touchpad is detected. What model of machine is this?03:02
V7Also, interesting that left button above touchpad works without any other finger, but above button ( left ) work only with other finger on touchpad03:02
MenzadorV7 - you didn't answer my question... what model?03:05
V7Sorry, I didn't see the question03:07
V7Any ideas :) ?03:22
MenzadorV7 - try disabling and re-enabling the touchpad if you can?03:23
V7Menzador: Did with FN+F8 x2 and the same03:23
MenzadorV7 - Alright, then did you try "turning the whole machine off and on again"?03:24
V7I'll try right now03:25
V7Uh, can't right now. Some work is in proces.03:25
V7process *03:25
V7About 5~10 mins maybe03:25
mooncakehexchatmuch love ubuntu worker/helper bees03:32
CMEE_fieis there any iso image for ubuntu that doesn't weight more than 250mb? (preferably way less than that). I dont mind text mode03:33
littlebearCMEE_fie, archlinux is around 300mb, but it's now bloated i think03:33
Bashing-om!minimal | CMEE_fie03:34
ubottuCMEE_fie: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:34
CMEE_fiegreat only 58MB. thanks again Bashing-om03:35
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: NP .. we aim to help . minimal has a learning curve be aware !03:36
CMEE_fieBashing-om thanks but i've installed gentoo, this can't be worse03:36
myraft_@bashing-om:  I need some help03:37
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: Ir is what you do not know that will bite you ( finding out that "you" have to install- anacron for instance ).03:37
myraft_My Ubuntu has super slow updates. I am not sure if it is  resolve or CERT issue03:37
Bashing-ommyraft_: Saw your posts earlier . Not to hot myself on networking issues .03:38
myraft_@bashing-om : thanks nevertheless.03:39
zeroraxHey guys04:03
zeroraxAnyone have experience rolling your own ubuntu variant?04:05
zeroraxI'm doing it to learn how right now, need to do it later for serious for a job04:06
zeroraxAny tips?04:06
NERD-kEmmm, how to set system font size in the system setting04:09
NERD-kMy computer is 1920*1080 screen, the time display is so small04:10
wyseguy_time isnt important04:12
wyseguy_not sure, not in front of an ubuntu desktop04:13
slidinghornNERD-k give gnome tweak tool a look    sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool04:14
NERD-kOOOK, use TUI04:14
NERD-kGUI no more04:15
paddy_Ubuntu recognised my HDMI (and monitor) but doesn't have an output. I've tried all the HDMIs in my house but it still doesn't work04:25
paddy_How can I fix this?04:25
KharmaAre you using the volume control panel?04:30
KharmaPulse is annoying AF for configuring auto.. no plug and play, on mine anyways04:31
Kharmaaudio* = auto04:31
Kharmapaddy_:  ^^04:33
paddy_Oh lol, no, I do have volume control panel04:34
Kharmapaddy_:  right click icon in notification panel, open volume control04:34
Kharmapaddy_:  check through all those tab settings at the top.. get used to that annoyance of a thing lol04:35
KharmaAlso, hover over, hover playback, follow the path. make sure you have audio playing***04:36
paddy_Oh sorry, output as in video04:36
Kharmapaddy_:  Hard to explain since it's so natural for me now. However as a lover of music, I despise these audio settings04:36
Kharmapaddy_: If you don't have audio playing it might be hard for you to change a settting just FYI04:37
paddy_Problem: I have my HDMI monitor plugged in and in Settings > Screen Display The Viewsonic HDMI monitor is there. Enabling the Monitor does not produce an output both video and audio. I've used all the HDMI cables in my house so it seems that it's an issue with my Ubuntu install04:40
KharmaIswitch between HDMI output, speakers, headphone that are wirded, as well as bluetooth devices multiple times a day for music. EACH. TIME... I have to adjust volume control serttings to get the outputo working right04:41
KharmaOh no video either? try mirroring?04:41
Kharmapaddy_:  to test try kicking it with mirroring, as well set as primary. See what happen if any04:42
paddy_The monitor is on and I got an error "failed to apply configuration: %s Timeout was reached"04:42
paddy_when doing mirroring04:42
paddy_primary doesn't work either04:43
paddy_I'm thinking it's a graphics card issue on my laptop but I don't know how to debug that04:43
KharmaOk. And you know your cord and the monitor work when plugged to other outputs?04:44
untorehhow do you use zfs with downstream kernels like xanmod? just install zfs-dkms ?04:44
paddy_yes, this cord works on my ps3 to the same monitor and I've tried the other HDMIs in the house (5 total) all work on their respective device04:44
paddy_but not on this laptop04:45
Kharmapaddy_:  I am still learning my way around Linux, I'm going to look at some things.. I thought your vid was working but lacked audio when you first asked, This is different.04:47
paddy_yeah sure. All good, thanks04:47
KharmaThe laptop port has never worked? or this your first time trying I guesss04:47
paddy_It used to when I used it (like 5 years ago with windows 7)04:48
paddy_but pulled it out from storage and doesn't work now04:48
KharmaAre you using Xfce? if so04:50
Kharmawhile we wait.. do.. cat ~/.xsession.errors | pastebinit04:50
Kharmaand post link here so I caan see further04:50
rud0lfit's .xsession-errors04:51
Kharmathank you. no idea why it did that04:51
Kharmacat your xsession to pastebinit\04:51
paddy_Unity I think since04:51
Kharmapaddy_:  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1986131   read some suggestions here, you may just need to update drivers too04:57
KharmaI will keep looking for something more specific to your case paddy_04:57
Kharmapaddy_:  when you plug in the cord, either screen flicker or anything?04:59
paddy_Nothing flickers, I might try updating drviers. How do I tell what graphics driver I have?05:01
Kharmalaptop model is?05:01
paddy_Asus u36 Nvidia 610m05:02
paddy_is there a command to say which ver of drivers I'm at05:02
KharmaI was just.. going to look05:02
Kharmalol.. new to linux Im not trained to think CLI automatically.05:02
KharmaI love CLI though..05:03
Kharmapaddy_:  https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwixiPu9safaAhUSQq0KHQosBM0QFgg2MAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D941208&usg=AOvVaw3vrzODGteFwfTzI2MJgWj105:03
KharmaSorry wow. I fail. someone save me05:04
=== gms is now known as Guest66509
Bashing-ompaddy_: ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' is one way .05:04
Kharmapaddy_:  another way is sudo lshw -c display05:05
paddy_lsmod | grep nvidia produced nothing wonder if that means I don't have drivers05:08
Kharmapaddy_:  try sudo lshw -c display    (maybe no nvidia driver is my assumption on that^)05:09
Bashing-ompaddy_: Uh huh .. ya running the nouveau driver vice nvidia :)05:13
paddy_ah I see that.05:13
paddy_I don't mind closed software. Should I install the official drivers05:13
paddy_is there anything I should know before doing this?05:15
Bashing-ompaddy_: Happy with nouveau .. leave well enough alone .. running the wayland DE ??-- there are still wrinkles to work out with the nvidia driver .05:15
Bashing-ompaddy_: NO do not do that ! Things have changed .05:17
Bashing-om!info nvidia-current xenial05:17
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.135-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 19 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:17
Kharmahttps://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/55125 paddy_  I am not liable05:18
Bashing-ompaddy_: What release are you running ?05:18
paddy_16.04 LTS05:18
=== xero is now known as Guest1821
Guest1821Nuevo aca05:20
Bashing-ompaddy_: I am CLI minded ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' If ya want the nvidia driver .05:23
paddy_nouveau or proprietary?05:23
Bashing-ompaddy_: your choice I run 384 in 16.04 verry happy .. I run nouveau in 18.04 verry happy .05:25
slidinghornBashing-om if one is going to be doing heavy gaming, is it advisable to use Nvidia over the OS driver?  I would assume that's one spot were going with the manufacturer is preferable05:28
paddy_Bashing-om: Sorry, if I do the sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall will that install open or closed source drivers?05:28
slidinghornpaddy_ that's for the closed/proprietary05:28
paddy_thank you.05:28
Bashing-ompaddy_: that will install the proprietary nvidia driver ,, as the system chooses .. generally the latest .. autoinstall is real smart !05:29
miami2can i upgrade ubuntu 18.04 beta 2 to final release without reinstalling new iso?05:39
miami2how? thanks for help.05:40
Ben64same way as normal updates05:40
lotuspsychje!final | miami205:41
ubottumiami2: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.05:41
miami2ok.thanks again.05:42
=== davor_ is now known as davor
V7Menzador: rebooting helped05:59
V7Why ?05:59
insaneQue onda06:06
insane¿Esto que es?06:06
insane¿Alguien por aqui?06:06
Bashing-om!es | insane06:06
ubottuinsane: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:06
T-BruceLeehello, I'm trying to install grub2 bootloader for an older PC onto a floppy disk - which it says it can do, but it keeps failing. can anybody help?06:06
paddy_given up on the hdmi doesn't seem to be working on the windows partition too so probably a problem with the laptop itself06:06
paddy_How can I see what buttons are being pushed at a time: I have a xbox one controller that works through bluetooth but when I play stardew valley it keeps scrolling through the inventory06:07
paddy_want to know if it's a gamepad compatibility issue or just there's a stuck button on the xbox controller06:08
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
T-BruceLeehow can I install grub to a floppy disk? it's in the installation06:27
s10gopalsystem dont enter in grub ,tried bressing f11 and also tried shift method , it is happening after installing custom build kernel07:53
s10gopalhow i can get the details which were printed on my terminl ( system is restarted )07:56
rud0lfwhen i enable ufw ($ ufw enable) is it persistent between reboots?07:56
ducassectc94: hi, do you have an ubuntu question?08:05
s10gopalducasse, how to enter to grub ?08:05
slidinghornrud0lf - if I'm reading correctly, yes, it should be persistent08:06
alexneudatchins10gopal:install grub and reboot08:07
s10gopalalexneudatchin, grub is already installed , it comes defatut in ubuntu right ?08:08
s10gopalthen why it is needed to installed again ?08:08
alexneudatchinon livedvd default is syslinux08:11
alexneudatchinif it isn't removed then reboot08:15
AltoTesting 123 123 12308:45
AllanisTest complete... Successfull.08:45
Skaface82uh hi08:49
Skaface82wow I haven't used IRC for like 15 years08:50
AllanisWelcome back.08:50
Skaface82thanks :-)08:51
AllanisWe missed you08:51
Skaface82I thought you would08:51
Skaface82i used to use xchat, but now im using xchat-gnome. I think im getting lazy as I get older08:52
Skaface82oh no irssi i mean08:52
AllanisIrssi is the client I use too. Except now, I'm just on my phone.08:53
AllanisBut meh, bouncer. I can connect anywhere anytime any client. Is nice08:54
Skaface82oh yeah i used to use something like that08:54
Woodpeckerhey all, trying to connect to http://localhost:10011/cb but its giving me connection refused.08:55
Woodpeckerthis doesnt usually happen to me. Can anyone else click and see if it works for them?08:55
Skaface82yeah it was always connected and i would connect to it from my irc client. forgot about that till now08:55
=== alpha is now known as Guest156
Guest156HI have a proble after doing a partial upgrade on ubuntu 16.04 have ablank screen how can I rollback before doing the upgrade?09:00
Skaface82why a partial upgrade? can you finish it?09:00
Guest156I went to to do a update and it would not allow me to said I had to do a partial upgrade09:01
Guest156it went throught all the processes then asked to retstart now left with a blank screen09:02
Guest156also I have tried an early version in the advance grub menu still the same blank screen09:03
Guest156so how can I roll back to what it was before the upgrade?09:04
Skaface82im guessing that X isnt starting? see if you can get to a shell? i think its ctrl+alt+F109:05
Guest156ok then what09:06
Skaface82did that work?09:06
Skaface82you should see a login prompt?09:07
Guest156i can get into a root shell in advance mode09:08
Skaface82have you tried manually updating?   apt-get update       apt-get dist-upgrade09:09
Guest156i.e. recovery mode09:09
EriC^Guest156: are you able to get grub at all?09:10
Guest156just trying09:11
EriC^try holding shift when the pc boots09:11
Guest156 i am in the recovery mode09:14
EriC^Guest156: try "start networking"09:15
Guest156and can get into the root shell i have a wired connection to my router09:15
EriC^ok, start networking then drop to root shell09:15
EriC^Guest156: try "dpkg --configure -a && apt-get -f install"09:17
Guest156ok i have started network and now droped into root shell09:18
=== EriC^ is now known as Guest20959
=== Guest20959 is now known as EriC^^
Guest156ok done that last command09:20
EriC^^Guest156: did it do anything?09:21
Guest156said 0 to upgrade 0 to nely install 0 to remove and 1 not to upgrade09:21
=== Mutter is now known as qmake
Guest156it had a lot of failures on the txt when running the command09:22
EriC^^Guest156: what failures?09:22
EriC^^Guest156: try "dpkg --configure -a | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link09:23
EriC^^Guest156: try "dpkg --configure -a 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link09:23
Guest156past to  where?09:23
Guest156can i just revert back to before I done the upgrade - roll back?09:24
EriC^^Guest156: it'll give you a link back with the paste, copy the link here09:26
EriC^^Guest156: no, there's no easy way to revert back, you have to manually do it09:26
Guest156how can i do that since i am on a different computer?09:26
Guest156to the one thats got the problem09:27
Skaface82would you be better off running the installer again from an up to date install cd?09:27
EriC^^Guest156: the termbin.com command will give you a link such as termbin.com/123409:29
EriC^^just copy the /1234 here09:29
Guest156well it all workeed ok till trying to do a update forced me to do a partial upgrade it went through the process and afterwards ask to reboot to finish of the upgrade hence after that the blank screen of death!09:29
EriC^^Guest156: sounds like it's some graphics issue, try booting with "nomodeset" in grub and see which drivers to use or maybe a different kernel09:30
EriC^^Guest156: run the dpkg | termbin command though so we can see if the package manager is in a good state09:30
Guest156ok let me try the nomodset first09:33
Guest156i have got into the grub screen and pressed c09:34
Guest156and typed in nomodeset09:34
Guest156comes back cant find command09:34
Skaface82try   "linux nomodeset"09:35
Skaface82i could be completely wrong here09:35
Guest156comes back with invalid for linux nomodeset09:35
Skaface82hang on a sec09:36
Skaface82ok on the main boot selection for ubuntu, press e09:36
Skaface82then find the line that says      linux   sdkjfghsdfjkshdggsadfjkhsdkfhsdkljfh sdajfhsdfj sdhf09:36
Skaface82put nomodeset as an option after that09:37
Skaface82then ctrl+x09:37
Guest156how do i scroll up and down?09:38
Skaface82do the arrows not work?09:39
AllanisPg up/dwn09:40
Guest156ok found how to do that trying to find the line09:40
AllanisIf not try holding curl too09:40
Guest156cant find that line09:41
Skaface82it will start with the word "linux"09:41
Guest156cant find anything just starting with linux09:43
Guest156or with sdkj.....09:44
Skaface82it should have a line starting with        linux /boot/vmlinux-09:45
Skaface82 /boot/vmlinuz i mean09:45
Guest156i think the problem was when the upgrade did not complete and whent to clean the system09:45
Guest156there are quite a few lines starting with that09:46
Skaface82have a look at that09:47
Guest156ok thanks09:47
Skaface82if you get stuck, try doing a google search.... im no linux expert but thats how I get by :-P09:47
Guest156im will use a bootable ubuntu usb09:48
Guest156and try and repair09:48
Guest156or reinstall on another partition09:48
Skaface82probably easiest way if you fairly new to linux is just to do a reinstall of the latest version09:49
Guest156i have had issues like this before with ubuntu when it try to do a partial upgrade on early versions clearly it very buggy09:49
Skaface82cause it seems like something has gone weird half way through an upgrade and im not sure how to help without seeing your computer lol09:50
Guest156i have been using ubuntu since the very first version came out09:50
EriC^^Guest156: in grub press 'e' then go down to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz ....quiet splash and remove quiet splash and type nomodeset and press F10 to boot09:50
Guest156all i want to do is roll back the upgrade it can be done just how09:50
Skaface82you should upgrade if you can cause of the security fixes in the updates09:51
Guest156how do i edit that line?09:51
survey0redit it by pressing e like EriC^^ wrote ;)09:52
Guest156so with the line  .....ro quite splash &vt_handoff just remove quiet splash and replace with nomodeset ?09:55
Guest156is there only one line with quite splash ?09:55
mllieeI've started a VPS today with 16.04, but it is kernel 2.6.x. I've downloaded a new one and installed the packages, but still the old one is booting. How to change?09:56
EriC^^Guest156: yes09:58
vltmlliee: Can you describe how you "started" it? What host OS are you using?09:58
EriC^^mlliee: you can't, it depends on the provider, it means it's using a kernel that the VPS host is using, check their control panel settings if you can change it or contact them.09:58
Guest156then press f10 and reboot as normal?09:59
EriC^^Guest156: after you press F10 it'll just boot using the new settings09:59
EriC^^(just this one time)09:59
mllieeEriC^^: Damn it...09:59
EriC^^mlliee: they might have settings or they can do it for you, or a different VPS package that uses a different approach10:00
mllieeEriC^^: Didn't find anything. It's version 2.6 which doesn't support docker...10:01
Guest156pressing f10 takes me back to the grub listing in advance mode i.e. kernel version but does not reboot10:03
Guest156unless i select and press entry10:04
Guest156when I do still blank screen10:05
EriC^^Guest156: try Fn+F1010:05
EriC^^or ctrl+x10:06
Guest156 ok i will try but i dont think this will resolve anything10:06
=== simeon is now known as Guest14264
Guest156still the same and editing the line with no splash is not persistence as it still appears when going back into the grub bash screen10:10
Guest156I think there is an issues with the kernel10:11
Skaface82sorry man without seeing your computer, all i can suggest is reinstalling10:11
Skaface82see if the newest live cd boots up10:12
Skaface82that way youll know if its a problem with the latest version, or with your install10:12
Woodpeckerthis doesnt usually happen to me. Can anyone else click and see if it works for them?10:12
Guest156ok when trying to boot as all the processes are loading he last line seams to hold the key10:12
Woodpeckerhey all, trying to connect to http://localhost:10011/cb but its giving me connection refused.10:12
Woodpeckerthis doesnt usually happen to me. Can anyone else click and see if it works for them?10:12
FuchsWoodpecker: localhost obviously won't work for people != you, since it is your local host.10:15
Guest156bash: 0: can't open while systemctl list-jobs | grep -v friendly-recovery | g rep -q running: do-sleep 0;2; done10:16
Guest156that where it stops10:16
WoodpeckerFuchs: I know that, but its not working for me.10:16
EriC^^Guest156: try booting an older kernel from advanced options in grub10:17
Fuchsis whatever process listens on that port running?  Check with  sudo netstat -taunp   and also maybe say _what_ should be listening there and if you get any errors.10:17
WoodpeckerFuchs: like I can go to localhost normal, but that localhost path is no longer working for me. Oh, good idea!10:17
Guest156I have still the same issue10:17
Woodpeckersudo: netstat: command not found10:18
Guest156well i will never trust a partial upgrade again10:18
Guest156its shit!10:19
Woodpeckeri guess Ill just try a reboot10:19
Skaface82guest156: if it were me i would try booting the latest live cd to make sure its not a bug or something... then see if you can do a repair/upgrade from that cd10:19
Guest156god nows what meltedown and spectra will have lots of broken sustems10:19
lotuspsychjeGuest156: please use polite language here10:20
Guest156that is being polite10:20
Woodpeckernope. Still not working10:20
Guest156just as bad as the windows blue screen of death the ubuntu blank screen of death thats not being polite!10:21
Woodpeckerconnection refused10:21
lotuspsychjeGuest156: scroll up on your own text, see also !language & guidelines10:22
AlexMaoAnyone running into issues ubiquity/installer crashing with the latest/final beta?10:22
lotuspsychjeAlexMao: #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 please10:22
Guest156well nobody can fix the problem10:22
lotuspsychjeGuest156: what problem10:22
Guest156i would sugget yyou scroll up your screen and see10:23
Skaface82guest156 we are just trying to help. be appreciative.. im just a person like you who uses linux10:29
Skaface82ive suggested what i would try10:29
Skaface82and you ignored me10:29
s10gopalin this command how to set custom version ? make -j `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-custom10:30
Guest156i will use a live usb 16.04 to effect a repair10:30
Skaface82see if the live cd boots first and if it does, do a repair from it10:30
mboardhi all, I am trying to get my head around something with permissions.  I am attempting to create a php cli script for automating vhosts for apache and setting user permissions / symbolic links.  As the application is running from terminal and you would normally require root to setup new vhost files, is it standard to just run sudo php vhost.php?10:31
Guest156i have no problem in booting from the usb memory with a live boot version of 16.04 which boots and can boot in live mode or install - the partial upgrade broke a perfectly working sytem,10:32
Guest156so how do you do a repair using a live boot without reinstalling ?10:34
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | Guest15610:34
ubottuGuest156: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub10:34
Guest156ubotiu - just ubuntu 16.04 installed no windows10:35
olbrookhi all10:36
olbrookwhat is the name of this channel?10:39
lotuspsychje!support | olbrook10:39
ubottuolbrook: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com10:39
Rockwoodhttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04  i am following this10:46
Rockwoodhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jRwFKFTpqR/ why its showing non10:47
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Rockwoodtomreyn, o/10:47
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tomreynRockwood: hi, did you install it, yet?11:05
tomreynRockwood: how?11:06
Rockwoodi am have installed many time but same error11:06
tomreynRockwood: what's the cvommand you ran to install it? the pastebin does not show this.11:07
tomreynif you run "history" you get to see the last commands you ran11:07
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://kopy.io/cA00s11:08
tomreynRockwood: you have not yet decided to trust the apt repository signing key of the docker-ce PPA, as such, the package was not installed11:09
Rockwoodwhat should is do that that now ?11:10
tomreynthe first step of the how.to you're following is supposed to make your system trust it11:10
tomreynRockwood: actually i did not read properly. the cause of the problem is not that you did not import the gpg key into the apt key store, but that the repository is not signed with it.11:13
tomreynsee lines 44 ff at https://kopy.io/cA00s11:14
tomreynnot signing apt repository meta data is considered to be bad practice, so such repositories wont be used by default. you can probably override this if you really want to.11:15
Rockwoodtomreyn, how to solve this ?11:15
tomreynthere is a general apt option of 'Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories true'11:16
Rockwoodwhere ?11:17
Rockwoodin my ubuntu settings11:17
tomreynRockwood: this could be used to ovverride the gpg check of *all* repositories. but that's a bad idea. the rigfht way to solve this is to have those who maintain the repository to sign it.11:17
Rockwoodsign in11:18
tomreyn(and probably not to use this repository until this is ensured)11:18
megaaaaahello! i need to install this library http://biopp.univ-montp2.fr/wiki/index.php/Installation on unix, therefore i dont understand the installation instructions on that webpage that says : Bio++ 2.3 packages (libbpp-core, libbpp-seq, etc.) are available in the Debian Testing repositories (and are subsequently transferred to Debian Stable and Ubuntu). They can be installed using your usual package/program manager.11:19
s10gopal linux-firmware-image-4.12.0-rc7-custom_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1_amd64.deb   linux-headers-4.12.0-rc7-custom_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1_amd64.deb   linux-libc-dev_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1_amd64.deb     linux-image-4.12.0-rc7-custom_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1_amd64.deb , i need to install these 4 files to install kernel ?11:19
tomreynRockwood: to make sure i am not talking nonsense, can you please show "dpkg -l docker-ce | grep docker-ce"?11:22
NitinSharmasure tomreyn11:22
s10gopalthis file is also generated linux-4.12.0-rc7-custom_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1.dsc11:22
NitinSharmatomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/52CY98BVrv/11:23
=== NitinSharma is now known as Rockwood
Rockwoodsorry internet problem so that why i have logging again11:24
tomreynRockwood: so i was wrong, apt currently still tolerates this situation, and only reported that it is bad practice, but the package was apparently installed.11:25
Rockwoodtomreyn, output of dpkg -l docker-ce | grep docker-ce -->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/52CY98BVrv/11:25
Rockwoodso just now login ?11:25
tomreynRockwood: does "apt-cache policy docker-ce" still say that it is not installed, thoughj??11:26
s10gopalwhere files are required to install to install kernel ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3qS7QHt66k/11:26
tomreyns10gopal: linux-image-4.12.0-rc7-custom_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1_amd64.deb contains the kernel11:27
s10gopaltomreyn, so only need to install 1 file ?11:27
tomreyns10gopal: dpends on what your goals are. you may also want to install the other debs11:27
Rockwoodtomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CvcPkt95BY/11:28
Rockwoodnow its showing install i think11:28
s10gopaltomreyn,  i just want to install kernel build by me11:28
tomreynRockwood: right, so actually all is as expected. just go on with the how.to11:28
s10gopaldoing git bijection https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/174564611:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,In progress]11:28
tomreyns10gopal: do you mean git bisect?11:29
s10gopaltomreyn, yes11:29
tomreynok, good luck.11:29
s10gopaltomreyn, so only  linux-image-4.12.0-rc7-custom_4.12.0-rc7-custom-1_amd64.deb is required to install ?11:30
megaaaaahello! i need to install this library http://biopp.univ-montp2.fr/wiki/index.php/Installation on unix, therefore i dont understand the installation instructions on that webpage that says : Bio++ 2.3 packages (libbpp-core, libbpp-seq, etc.) are available in the Debian Testing repositories (and are subsequently transferred to Debian Stable and Ubuntu). They can be installed using your usual package/program manager. i really need help11:30
Rockwoodtomreyn, next for me how to use ?11:30
HarkalyGHi, I'd like to know if I install Ubuntu 18.04 beta2 will it automatic upgrade to it's final version at the end of April?11:32
Rockwoodtomreyn, but its having 18.02.0~ce-0~ubuntu 500 , why ?11:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 500 in kdegraphics (Ubuntu) "Package description does not match content/dependencies" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50011:32
tomreyns10gopal: i have never done a bisect, so i don't know what you need. i assume your goal is to test this kernel image to learn whether or not it is affected by a bug / issue, so unless you need to debug the kernel further or need to build modules just installing the kernel image .deb is sufficient.11:33
s10gopaltomreyn, thx11:33
s10gopaltesting my first build kernel11:33
tomreynRockwood: probably that was the latest available at the time you installed11:33
tomreyn!18.04 | HarkalyG11:34
ubottuHarkalyG: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+111:34
HarkalyGtomreyn: What does it supposed to mean? Is it an answer to my question? I don't get it.11:35
tomreynmegaaaaa: this channel is about ubuntu, a linux distribution. we cannot help with installing packages on unix.11:35
tomreynHarkalyG: 18.04 is not released. there is no support for it, yet, but you can discuss it in channel #ubuntu+111:36
megaaaaatomreyn: thats exactly why i am in the ubuntu channel and not the linux one. because there is a specified way to install it on ubuntu, and thats what im trying to figure out here11:37
HarkalyGmegaaaaa: Me too. It was a fuckin' question.11:37
tomreynmegaaaaa: oh so you don't intend to install it on unix then (that's what you said initally). which ubuntu release are you running, or do you plan to run?11:39
gelswipmegaaaaa: the package manager for ubuntu is apt. to install the packages it listed, you would open the terminal and run: sudo apt install libbpp-core libbpp-seq11:40
megaaaaatomreyn: my bad, i said "unix" but i meant ubuntu. 17.1011:41
tomreyngelswip: those are the names of the source packages.11:41
megaaaaagelswip: the thing is , do i only need to install those 2? because in the requierements of the program that uses those libs, its says "install bio++ 2.1 libraries"11:42
myraft_hey guys : My Ubuntu has super slow updates. I am not sure if it is  resolve or CERT issue . Any ideas or help ?11:42
megaaaaaive tried sudo apt install bio++      but doesnt work, neither with "biopp"11:42
tomreynmegaaaaa: are you going to build the software from source or are you going to run a pre-built binary?11:44
megaaaaathe program uses the library in the source, and i have to run the makefile to obtain the executable file11:45
tomreynmegaaaaa: oh this is actually just a library, so you just need that.11:45
tomreynmegaaaaa: what is "the program"?11:45
megaaaaatomreyn: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/DeCoSTAR/get.html11:45
megaaaaatomreyn: thats my wish, to have decostar up and running on my ubuntu machine so i can start my university project11:46
gelswipfrom that page it looks like there are 4 "biopp" libraries: bpp-core bpp-seq bpp-popgen and bpp-phyl. in apt i would assume the prefix changes to libbpp (two b's two p's)11:46
megaaaaagelswip: so "apt install libbpp" is the where to go you think?11:47
tomreynmegaaaaa: just run this in a temrinal: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libbpp-core3 libbpp-seq1111:48
tomreynmegaaaaa:actually you and gelswip seem to be right, you'll need them all. i'll look up the other package names for you.11:49
tomreynlibbpp-popgen7 libbpp-phyl1111:49
gelswipif he's building will he need the -dev packages too?11:50
ioriahe probably needs also the -dev pkg   ; libbpp-core-dev libbpp-seq-dev11:50
tomreynmegaaaaa: so run this in a temrinal: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libbpp-core3 libbpp-seq11 libbpp-popgen7 libbpp-phyl1111:50
tomreyni dont think the plan is to buld but to use the prebuilt binary11:50
tomreyn...of "decostar"11:50
bobby127i used DD command on an old disk and now i can't access the files on it11:51
bobby127it is old and was not used often, but im not sure what i had on it11:51
megaaaaaexactly, the plan is first be able to use the prebuilt binary of decostar. my work is to optimize code in decostar, so at some point i will have to rebuild it with the makefile11:51
megaaaaabut im not supossed to touch to the bio++ lib11:51
bobby127can i recover the lost partitions? what tool to use?11:51
tomreynbobby127: what'S the dd command you ran?11:52
megaaaaaso that sudo apt worked, i will come back soon to say you if i managed to run decostar11:53
tomreynbobby127: you mea be able to recover the partitions uring 'testdisk'. this will not recover data, though. you'd need to do this in a separate step.11:53
gelswipmegaaaaa: a (sometimes) useful command i found was apt search (package-name)11:53
gelswipwhich shows a list of packages available matching that name11:53
gelswipso apt search bpp would give you the libbpp package names, among other things11:54
tomreyn^ good hint!11:54
bobby127tomreyn, it was a basic DD command, something like: dd if=/home/me/desktop/some.iso of=/dev/sde11:54
tomreyn!info testdisk | bobby12711:55
ubottubobby127: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0-3build1 (artful), package size 390 kB, installed size 1546 kB11:55
BluesKajHi folks11:55
tomreynbobby127: be sure to have current, complete, restorable backups before you make such changes.11:56
bobby127ok i will check that out, thank you tomreyn, ubottu11:56
bobby127you suggest i make a disk image first?11:56
bobby127so i can go back?11:56
bobby127i don't know if it's worth it, it's an old disk anyway11:57
tomreynbobby127: i (generally) recommend to have current, complete, restorable backups before you make such changes. i do not know the data on your different disks and what it means to you to loose them so cannot comment on what you need to do in your situation.11:58
megaaaaahum, thing is now that in the makefile i have to say where i installed bio++ http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/DeCoSTAR/use.html    but, have only installed different libraries (libbpp-core3, libbpp-seq11...) . how to put this all together?12:00
tomreynbobby127: when working with utilities which have the ability to make changes to raw storage devices and partition tables it's always good to ensure that you have all relevant data from all available disks backed up (also this should be generally done), due to the potential for human error (applying changes to the wrong disk).12:00
tomreynmegaaaaa: running dpkg -L PACKAGE for each PACKAGE you installed will provide a listing of the installed files and their locations.12:02
tomreynmegaaaaa: try this: dpkg -L libbpp-core3 libbpp-seq11 libbpp-popgen7 libbpp-phyl11 | grep -F .so12:03
bobby127tomreyn, i understand, and i agree, i made a mistake this time, and i did not have anything important on that disk, thankfully! but i will check out the tool you mentioned just as an exercise to see what can be recovered12:08
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megaaaaatomreyn: https://paste.ofcode.org/JiyDXUf4iRUGTBZZTxwcJq this should be my last question. sorry to be anoying, just my knowledge in ubuntu and linux overall is verry low12:11
laptopwhat is best distrubtion that is still doing 32 bit and uptodate12:14
diego_Hi, I don't suppose anyone can help me with an issue I have wih bluetooth audio here ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1022652/bluetooth-speakers-only-work-for-a-few-seconds12:15
daneshello, does anyone know if there is any active work on the drivers for a 13inch macbook pro 2017 with retina display?12:16
tomreynmegaaaaa: you're not annoying me at all. which OS architecture does your ubuntu use? uname -m12:25
tomreynmegaaaaa: if it's amd64 then your libraries are probably all located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/12:26
tomreynerr right thats what i meant to say: if it's x86_64 then your libraries are probably all located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/12:27
megaaaaaye, they are located there, the thing is that i have multiple libs as you can see in the paste https://paste.ofcode.org/JiyDXUf4iRUGTBZZTxwcJq12:27
tomreynmegaaaaa: oh i didnt read the commented out lines12:27
megaaaaatomreyn: haha. the thing is, how do i integrated to the makefile as it requieres only one lib for biopp?12:28
tomreynmegaaaaa: this is actualyl a question you'd need to ask the developer. but on a first glance it seems that in those variables below you are supposed to set paths which contain all needed libs. i guess if you'll set BPP_LIB to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu this may already work. i'm not sure about BPP_INCLUDE, though, i guess you would point this at the header files but those would only be available if you also installed the  -dev packages. maybe12:32
tomreynit's not needed for your use case.12:32
tomreynmegaaaaa: wasn't your plan to work with the pre-built binary?12:33
megaaaaatomreyn: of decostar? nope, as i have to make modifications in the source code of decostar. the only thing i will not touch at all is bio++. but i cant manage to install it its a pain12:34
laptopwhat is best distrubtion that is still doing 32 bit and uptodate12:36
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Irritiable|LTWindows 98?12:36
myraft_hey folks - could really use some help with network issues12:37
Irritiable|LTmyraft_: I'd suggest taking that to the channel of: ##networking12:37
chisuiHey, I'm having trouble running libreoffice- on ubuntu 16.04 32bit. It starts up and loads the controlls around the actual writing area but that crashes without any messages. The error seems to be an internal segfault in java-8-openjdk. Here id the gdbtrace.log output https://hastebin.com/ixeviqowin.apache12:37
tomreyndanes: usually kernel developers will not work on supporting a specific assembled product like a specific macbook. instead, they'd work on its components, seperately and at different speeds (there is no kjoint efforts to support linux on a specifc assembled product). if you look through "lspci -knn" and "lsusb" you will see hardware IDs of your system and for each of these drivers need to be available. there is more that this which needs to be12:37
tomreynsupported in linux, but this is the most important part.12:37
tomreynlaptop: we support ubuntu here, we do not do polls.12:38
chisuiTo be clear, the crash only occures once the writer is opened, calc and the dashboard application work.12:38
tomreyn!ask | myraft_12:38
ubottumyraft_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:38
danestomreyn: thanks for the clarification (y)12:39
myraft_my updates are super slow and installing rubygems keeps on giving timeout errors12:39
myraft_either it is a resolve issue or CERT issue12:39
myraft_not sure where to diagnose it.12:39
tomreyn!info libreoffice xenial12:39
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial3 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 17 kB12:39
myraft_help please :)12:40
tomreynchisui: there deosn't seem to be libreoffice 6 in xenial (16.04). where did you get it from then?12:40
tomreyndanes: welcome :)12:40
tomreynmyraft_: show some output on a pastebin12:41
tomreyn!paste | myraft_12:41
ubottumyraft_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:41
tomreynmyraft_: you can install rubygems on a terminal like this: sudo apt update; sudo apt install rubygems12:42
chisuitomreyn: I got it from the official openoffice ppa, but I was just an idiot, I didn't uninstall libreoffice 5 properly and just hoped they would work side by side. Uninstalling 5 fixed all issues.12:42
tomreynchisui: alright :) just to make sure you're aware: third party repositories and ppa's are not (officially) supported. good luck!12:44
myraft_@tomreyn: just put stuff here12:44
tomreynmyraft_: looks like your system is having trouble connecting to those ipv6 addresses.12:45
myraft_really hard to explain. The browser and chat window is responding fine without any lag or slowliness. The GUI updates is very slow and the rubygems is timeing out.12:45
tomreynmyraft_: you can run 'ping6 -c20 2001:67c:1562::16' to test the connection12:46
myraft_that is what I thought and changed /etc/sysctl.conf to DISABLE IP612:46
tomreynmyraft_: that doesn't seem to have applied then. also maybe not a good idea.12:47
myraft_copy that12:47
myraft_the ping timed-out12:47
tomreyndoes 'ping -c20' work?12:48
myraft_no ping stalled for over 45 secs12:49
myraft_I did CTRL C out of it.12:49
tomreynmyraft_: so it's actually a generic network / routing issue between you and the ubuntu servers. you can diagnose this further using e.g. 'mtr' ("apt install mtr" - if you can)12:51
myraft_doing it now.12:52
tomreynthen run network tests against both the ipv6 and ipv4 addresses this "economy" example server (one of the mirrors your apt command tried to connect to earlier) resolves to:12:53
lapagaspeaking of apt...is there a reason to use apt-get over apt?12:54
Irritiable|LTlapaga: I use apt-fast (wrapper for apt-get).12:54
tomreynmtr -4 --report-wide --report-cycles 20 --show-ips economy.canonical.com12:54
tomreynmtr -6 --report-wide --report-cycles 20 --show-ips economy.canonical.com12:54
tomreynlapaga: scripting, since apt is not made for this purpose.12:55
myraft_so I started "sudo apt-get install mtr" , and it is stalled at us.archive.ubuntu.com for this time12:55
tomreynmyraft_: maybe a try a mirror server which is not managed by canoical12:57
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Artful, and help keeping the servers' load low!12:57
tomreynmyraft_: actually there's listed here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors12:57
myraft_@tomreyn : sure , how would I do that.12:57
tomreyn*they are12:57
tomreynmyraft_: scroll down to "United States" and pick one that is close to you and is not called us.archive.ubuntu.com12:59
myraft_copy that - I am googling how to to change sources . there is GUI or apt/sources  , frankly don't remember13:00
TJ-Any sneaky ideas on how to get around a debootstrap failing due to dpkg-deb reporting "dpkg-deb: error: archive 'XXXX.deb' contains not understood data member control.tar.xz, giving up". Trying to build an 18.04 chroot to do a side-by-side upgrade from 12.04 ESM. Seems like the dpkg in 12.04 ESM doesn't have a version of liblzma5 that fully supports xz as used now13:00
tomreynmyraft_: also make sure the mirror you select actually supporty our ubuntu release13:00
tomreynmyraft_: you can edit the sources using: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:00
tomreynmyraft_: maybe create a backup before you start editing the file: sudo cp -p /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup-2018-04-0713:01
tomreynctrl -x to exit the editor (that's if it says "GNU nano" on top)13:02
tomreynit will prompt to save changes when you exit13:02
tomreynTJ-: this sound slike oyu might need to have a chroot with a dpkg which supports liblzma5. ;-)13:04
tomreynno fun13:04
TJ-tomreyn: that's where I'm going, I've debootstrapped a 14.04 and will debootstrap the 18.04 from there :D13:05
tomreyni guess canonical might want to provide their paying customers with a better migration path, but i guess they normally do since the default upgrade path would from from 12.04 to 14.04, then 16.04, then 18.04 i guess13:07
tomreynwhere "normal" = "do-release-upgrade". or does this support skipping LTS releases?13:08
myraft_I have changed 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/' to 'http://mirrors.wikimedia.org/ubuntu/' . Saved the file using SUDO.  It does the Hit 1, Hit2 and Hit 3 fast and then stalls at mirrors.wikemedia.org .13:08
TJ-tomreyn: darn! 14.04 still doesn't handle it! I checked all the lib/package versions/changelogs too... best try 16.04 :)13:10
survey0roh no13:12
tomreynTJ-: only the most religious friars will tend to self flagellation also on the weekend.13:18
tomreynmyraft_: meh, i guess you should just try resetting the devices which provides you with internet access and try again. if it still doesn't work, talk to your isp, telling them that you can basically not connect to many places.13:19
oneirosFadeHey all. Bizarre issue happening suddenly -- triple-clicking (to select a whole line of text) turns off the cursor and resets it to the center of the screen, and Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V don't seem to work anymore? Also backspace and delete don't work in some situations...13:19
TJ-tomreyn: it's the quietest time for doing a switchover :)13:19
lex0rfellow ubuntu users13:19
tomreynmyraft_: where "reset" = "reboot", not vendor defaults.13:19
myraft_@tomreyn: thanks man....13:20
oneirosFadeOh, nevermind, I literally just figured it out accidentally.13:20
lex0ri am running ubuntu 16.04 and i would like to change the program that locks the screen by default13:21
tomreynmyraft_: comcast is a cable network, right? so you'd have a cable modem there. keep it powered off (pull wall plug) for 30 seconds to ensure capacitors loose current.13:21
lex0ri am not really sure, where to find the proper config files. ive been doing some research but have not found any satisfying answer yetr13:22
myraft_@tomreyn: will try that on the next reboot. I was messing around with IP6 disable. Reverting those now.13:22
tomreynmyraft_: right, it doesn't seem to be an ipv6 (only) issue.13:23
myraft_@tomreyn: thnx for ideas and suggestions. Will restart and might be back asking for more help13:28
saberuHi guys I'm extremely frustrated at my inability to get this Realtek ATL8812AU driver installed on Ubuntu 16.04 for my Wi-Fi card13:30
saberuI would really appreciate some help13:30
tomreyn!hwe | saberu13:33
ubottusaberu: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:33
tomreynsaberu: use a hwe kernel is you're still on GA13:33
saberuThis is my Wi-Fi adapter- https://www.amazon.co.uk/BrosTrend-Wireless-Network-Supports-AC1/dp/B01BV91L7Y13:34
saberuit uses the realtek 8812 chipset, which seems to be quite common and used by a lot of brands13:35
zeroraxanyone ever rolled their own Ubuntu?13:35
saberuit's frustrating because it was working for a while only on a VM. Then I couldn't install it on my laptop running Ubuntu. Then I restarted the VM at some point and it wouldnt even work on there13:35
saberudespite countless driver reinstalls13:36
saberuare you saying I should be using the LTS release? I usually do not sure if i got it last time13:36
zeroraxI've been making my own Enlightenment Ubuntu 17.10, I wonder if anyone has guides or tips that could help me so I'm not fumbling around in the dark13:36
zeroraxnot actually gonna call it that, but I want it to be based on upstream ubuntu and to use the official repos13:37
saberuZerorax add some built in driver support for popular Wifi adapters and I'm sure it will become the most popular distro within 12 months :/13:38
zeroraxIt's actually just a practice exercise so when I have to make my own for real I will have experience13:38
zeroraxsaberu, yeah, popularity is not what I'm worried about... I'm just wondering if there's guides anyones seen13:38
zeroraxor if it's too rare a task for guides13:39
saberuhell people wonder why Linux doesn't go mainstream. I'm quite an avid IT professional, just not a Linux whizz, just amateur for that13:39
saberuand I can't even get a damn driver working13:39
zeroraxLinux could use more user-friendliness... I mean managing multiple screens when hotplugging hdmi is not a nice experience or something that even always works with nvidia drivers13:39
Irritiable|LTOpenGL on Linux doesn't seem very happy.13:40
zeroraxlike, Linux doesn't go mainstream because of little things like that. people basically don't want to learn skills so they can use their computer. they want to play candy crush on facebook without having to know anything13:40
Irritiable|LTIntel HD 505 graphics loves to flicker. :|13:40
Irritiable|LTzerorax: Your argument makes 0 sense.13:41
Irritiable|LTYour dictation of what /others/ should do with /their/ property?13:41
Irritiable|LTOh, right. Tyranny.13:41
zeroraxIrritiable|LT, I'm not dictating, merely stating an observation13:41
leftyfbsaberu: did you bother installing the hwe kernel like was suggested to you? Also, this in running in a VM? Are you passing the network card directly through to the VM(removing it from the host)?13:41
saberuzerorax, you are so naive. Why does everyone have to be an expert at Linux drivers? I'm more of a programmer than a sys admin13:41
dlirecently, some linux-image-generic packages have lots of modules missing. booting up, without mouse or wifi because the kernel has no modules for the drivers13:41
Irritiable|LTzerorax: "they want to play candy crush on facebook without having to know anything" -- Reflect on that for a bit.13:41
saberuleftyfb, I've tried both in VM and on a physical machine13:41
zeroraxIrritiable|LT, sorry if it makes no sense, I just woke up 5 mins ago lol13:42
saberui had it working on the VM but very temporamental then it just stopped working even after reinstall13:42
leftyfb saberu the VM won't require the direct hardware's drivers out of the box13:42
leftyfbsaberu: which state are you in now? VM or bare metal?13:42
zeroraxbasically, Linux isn't as pretty and idiot proof as Windows or OSX... I personally love it13:42
saberuI'm trying both13:42
saberugot both setup right here ready to roll13:42
zeroraxI got my mom on Kubuntu13:42
zeroraxon her laptop13:42
zeroraxwhich she plays candy crush on lol13:42
leftyfbsaberu: lets go with bare metal. What does lscpi tell you the hardware is?13:43
Irritiable|LTzerorax: "Isn't as pretty?" Okay. That's a personal opinion. "Idiot proof." Uhh.. What? Windows can be broken (name a distro) pretty easy. The whole OS is as fragile as any Linux distro.13:43
leftyfbsaberu: lspci |grep -i net13:43
Irritiable|LTzerorax: Why would you NOT want an 'idiot-proof' solution?13:43
leftyfbIrritiable|LT: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic13:43
ericrajuinI think with nice themes, linux can actually look prettier than windows and osx13:44
zeroraxmaybe I made too broad of a statement, I don't feel like arguing with you13:44
saberuI already know that, it's the realtek rtl 8812au chipset. but i tried this driver that didn't work - https://github.com/gnab/rtl8812au. uninstalled it now im trying this one - https://github.com/gordboy/rtl8812au13:44
saberubut i'll humour you13:44
Irritiable|LTI hope you're older enough to realize that wires and plugs are color-coded now days. They also have idiot-proof pins, so even the non-idiots (like me) don't accidentally (keyword: idiot-proof) fry their motherboard or PCI slot.13:44
saberulefty first of all I think you mean lsusb13:44
leftyfbIrritiable|LT: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic13:44
saberuwhich is what i used last time to identify it13:44
leftyfbsaberu: this is a usb network device?13:45
zeroraxsorry leftyfb, it's my fault for starting it... I made the statement he's responding to13:45
saberuyes, i know pci ones still exist but not as common these days i guess13:45
leftyfbsaberu: ok, so to confirm, what does lsusb say it is?13:45
Irritiable|LTsaberu: Built-on NICs are more common. I have an external PCI-based NIC card for my 2004 desktop.13:45
Irritiable|LT[08:43:27] <leftyfb> saberu: lspci |grep -i net13:46
saberuIrritiable|LT, yeh that's common in laptops didn't have a built-in wifi on my motherboard for my desktop though. My laptop actually has a built in one but it sucks13:46
zeroraxanyone have a cool configuration for conky they care to share?13:46
Irritiable|LTsaberu: Have you opened a terminal and entered the command yet?13:47
Irritiable|LTsaberu: lspci |grep -i net13:47
leftyfbIrritiable|LT: it's been confirmed to be a usb device13:47
saberuanyway so leftyfb - Realtek RTL8812AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Adapter. that's what it says, but honestly I doubt the wifi spec details are that relevant13:48
saberuit's a realtek 8812au13:48
leftyfbsaberu: what version of ubuntu are you runnung?13:48
zeroraxwhen does bionic beaver roll out?13:48
zeroraxthis month right?13:49
leftyfb!bionic | zerorax13:49
ubottuzerorax: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+113:49
saberu16.04 LTS13:49
Irritiable|LTzerorax: Right after The Terminator's Revenge is released.13:49
leftyfbsaberu: ok, what kernel are you running? : uname -r13:49
leftyfbsaberu: tried the rtl8812au-dkms package?13:50
saberuyes it didn't work on the laptop. it worked on the VM a few weeks ago but isn't working on the VM either. I've also tried installing manually from github using dms command line13:51
leftyfbsaberu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/991643/rtl8812au-usb-adapter-driver-issues13:51
Actarushey everyone :) I'd like to ask a question.... I am having issues with this https://askubuntu.com/questions/30794/is-there-a-way-to-stream-audio-video-to-an-apple-airplay-device The problem is I cannot get it to work and the audio output switches to the airport device but there is no sound on my speakers... for example youtube videos stop playing and i cannot force the stream thorugh my airport device.... Any suggestions?13:51
leftyfbsaberu: follow that solution line for line and paste any errors, preferably the entire output to pastebin13:51
saberuleftyfb, I think the wifi adapter was working on the physical machine (laptop) a few days ago13:51
saberuor a week or two ago13:52
saberuit's like.. it's not working on either now13:52
leftyfbsaberu: we're only focusing on getting it to work right now on the laptop13:52
saberuyep understood. i will follow the solution, just thought you should know I have tried it before. but i don't have your debugging skills13:52
leftyfbActarus: you want airplay.jar. It works for me13:53
leftyfbsaberu: you do at this moment13:53
Actarusleftyfb, how.. Is there an explanation how to set up?13:54
leftyfbActarus: https://github.com/jamesdlow/open-airplay13:55
leftyfbActarus: you'll have to seek support from there13:55
Actarusleftyfb, ok thanks13:55
saberuyeh sorry that was my point (almost done)13:56
saberuok it's installed and i restarted network-manager13:58
landspitehi everyone.13:59
landspitedid the dist name for zesty change ?13:59
landspitemy /etc/apt/sources.list has "deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ zesty main restricted"13:59
landspitebut every mirror no longer hosts zesty.13:59
lotuspsychjelandspite: zesty is eol13:59
landspiteso I should dist upgrade.14:00
lotuspsychjelandspite: we reccomend clean installing a supported version from topic14:00
lotuspsychje!usn | landspite for security reasons14:00
ubottulandspite for security reasons: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.14:00
landspiteok i see14:01
landspitethat page is not found.14:01
lotuspsychje!eolupgrade | landspite also an option14:01
ubottulandspite also an option: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:01
landspitethanks :)14:01
saberuwell I'm lost for words, the reboot magically fixed it. Thanks. i feel pretty stupid now. I think last time I rebooted it must have been on a different USB port that wasn't supported as well. and then I had it on this better USB port but restarted network-manager without rebooting earlier today. Anyway all working now, thanks a lot. Saved me a lot of frustration14:02
saberui mean obviously not magically fixed it because rebooting usually solves a lot of driver issues haha14:02
landspiteso I should switch to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark?14:02
leftyfbsaberu: ok, good timing. I gotta head out now14:02
lotuspsychjelandspite: what will you be needing long time support or non-lts?14:02
lotuspsychjelandspite: you can choose 9months or 5y support14:03
leftyfblandspite: 18.04 will be out in a couple weeks. If you can wait it out, I would highly recommend going with that as it's the latest and will be supported for the next 5 years14:03
landspitei'll hop skip then jump ;)14:04
landspiteso even number releases are 5 yr?14:05
lotuspsychje!lts | landspite14:05
ubottulandspite: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.14:05
AscavasaionI have a 19" monitor and Ubuntu detects 1024x768 as the maximum resolution.  I know it can go higher... could someone please point me in the right direction please?14:05
lotuspsychjelandspite: see #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 daily :p14:05
dliAscavasaion, could be a video card driver issue. does xrandr detects higher resolutions14:10
Ascavasaiondli, https://pastebin.com/Z0J5raZT   Does not look like it.14:12
gobinhi. someone there=14:13
dliAscavasaion, looks like video card driver issue, especially, if your video card was recently released14:14
Ascavasaiondli, It is some orother onboard graphics card.14:15
Ascavasaiondli, lspci gives 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Integrated Graphics (rev 06)14:15
nikitha1hi,  i am working on oracle installed on windows ,  want to shift to linux, is it good move ?14:15
zeroraxhttps://imgur.com/a/nZF1c is it pretty enough?14:16
Irritiable|LTzerorax: Beautiful OS.14:17
gobinso i wanted to install virtualbox. but at startup virtualbox printed this error: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.  Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate  headers, most likely linux-headers-generic.14:17
learningcI'm trying to install gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server but ubuntu package cannot find it. Is it not available?14:17
zeroraxIrritiable|LT, it's Ubuntu, with Enlightenment, lets call it an ubuntu variant, as opposed to an OS14:17
zeroraxI hate when people package other peoples sources for linux and call it it's own OS14:17
Irritiable|LTI was poking holes at you, Will, but okay. :p14:17
zeroraxIrritiable|LT, :D\14:17
gobinso i started (sudo dpkg -P virtualbox-dkms) in terminal.14:17
zeroraxYeah I know my name was in there:P14:18
zeroraxI don't care, I'm a whitehat i have nothing to hide14:18
dliAscavasaion, I suppose the video driver is okay. still try 18.04 live cd to confirm14:18
zeroraxbut thanks Irritiable|LT do you actually think it looks nice?14:18
lotuspsychjezerorax: keep it ontopic please14:18
Ascavasaiondli, nods14:18
Irritiable|LTzerorax: No. Lubuntu + XFCE > *14:18
zeroraxlotuspsychje, the topic is Ubuntu, this is my first attempt at making an ubuntu variant, is that off topic?14:19
lotuspsychjezerorax: this channel is for support issues only, feel free to discuss it more in #ubuntu-discuss14:19
gobinsry. run (sudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms)14:19
zanoguys I just need to know how I fix audio driver14:20
zeroraxOh okay, sure lotuspsychje, I will join there then thank you for setting me straight14:20
gobinthis shows a dialog but doese not allow me to press <enter> or <space> ... to start the process.14:20
zanoa noise come out from the speaker14:20
ericrajuinzerorax, it looks win-xp-ish14:21
ericrajuinwhile other parts are smooth14:21
gobinso I closed the window. Now I cant install any software ...14:21
dlizano, can you adjust the volume of the noises from the audio applet14:22
zanoI did but the noise still happen ,until I put the headphone14:23
gobinOhhh thank (god?) manage to get out of the damn dialog and abort installation/disable of uefi with <esc>14:24
gobinIs KVM < && > && == virtualbox?14:25
lapagazano i had problems until i installed pulse audio volume control14:25
dlizano, can you mute the noises?14:25
zanowhen I mute the speakers,but I need the audio14:27
zanoI already install and reinstall all drivers14:28
dlizano, yes, pavucontrol, can you see anything in playback14:28
zanowhat you mean?14:29
dlizano, try the command pavucontrol14:29
zanoI used this before14:29
zanonothing work14:29
zanomy laptop is old dell14:30
AscavasaionIs the latest LTS release 16?  17 does not have an LTS release?  Have checked in Software & Updates and it says no, and have tried sudo dist-upgrade and nothing.14:31
dlizano, I have an asus (bought in 2011). had similar behaviour, but it only made noises with any playback. covered by warranty, and fixed by asus14:32
zanoyes exactly14:32
crimson_kingAscavasaion, yes, 16.04 is the latest LTS. By the end of this month 18.04 will be released, and it will be LTS14:33
zanohow to fix this14:33
dlizano, the asus support said they replaced the speaker.14:33
Ascavasaioncrimson_king, Awqesome, thank you.  Hope it will have better drivers for my onboard graphics card14:33
zanobut dell didnt14:34
crimson_kingAscavasaion, LTS releases follow this number pattern: (...) 10.04 - 12.04 - 14.04 - 16.04 - 18.04 - 20.04 see?14:34
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: drivers database should be same on all versions14:34
Ascavasaioncrimson_king, Oh, okay... thank you.14:35
dlizano, since it's hardware. try to get an external speaker14:35
zanoyes,this is my only choice14:36
zanothank you for helping me14:36
mrchairmanon ubuntu 17.10 i can't get wifi to work in starbucks14:36
mrchairmanThey changed the wifi system, and now it won't work. any of you guys experience this ??14:36
dlimrchairman, my solution, if pc doesn't work, try your phone, and use usb reverse tethering14:38
KharmaAscavasaion: All versions patters mean, for examples 17 (last digits of year for release) and. 04 (month of release)14:38
KharmaJust fyi ;)14:38
mrchairmanso I can use starbucks wifi through my phone?14:39
Kharmayes mrchairman14:40
AscavasaionKharma, Oh, never realised that... that is brilliant.14:40
dlimrchairman, your phone could be your external usb wifi14:41
mrchairmanah ok, i think i got it14:41
KharmaAscavasaion:  just random info I thought really neat too when I learned that14:42
dlimrchairman, most likely, if you enable it from the phone side, ubuntu will get the network automatically14:43
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KharmaAscavasaion:  my example should have been 18.04 instead of 17.. but you get it ;)14:45
AscavasaionKharma, I do hehe  Thank you.14:45
BugzBunnyHello _Strix_14:53
BugzBunnyBugzBunny: What you need help with?14:54
BugzBunny_Strix_: What you need help with?14:54
_Strix_Can you please tell me what is the kernel version of ubuntu 14.04.514:54
simonizorLike 3.18 or something14:55
BugzBunny_Strix_: That's Year and month of the versiion of YOutube14:55
_Strix_Linux onion 4.13.13-4-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.Linux onion 4.13.13-4-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.13.13-35 (Mon, 8 Jan 2018 10:26:58 +0100) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:55
_Strix_13.13-35 (Mon, 8 Jan 2018 10:26:58 +0100) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:55
kostkon!info linux-generic trusty14:56
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB14:56
BugzBunnySorry, I have headset in the wrong place14:56
simonizor_Strix_: https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-updates/linux-generic14:56
kostkon!info linux-generic-xenial trusty14:57
ubottuPackage linux-generic-xenial does not exist in trusty14:57
_Strix_Is there any way to go back to 3.1314:57
simonizorRemove whatever kernel you have installed and install linux-generic14:57
neonamemy ubuntu bionic can't boot into cinnamon14:57
simonizorTry MATE :P14:57
lotuspsychjeneoname: #ubuntu+1 for bionic14:57
_Strix_The issue was related to security onion14:58
neonamei press enter while having cinnamon selected and it just reboots my pc14:58
BugzBunny_Strix_: What is the problem?14:58
simonizorSeemsGood; try MATE.  It's much nicer than Cinnamon anyways :P14:58
jaydemirWhats the best on screen keyboard package14:58
BugzBunny_Strix_: Why would want to go back to 3.13?14:59
simonizorWhy wouldn't you?14:59
dlijaydemir, I just use onboard14:59
_Strix_cat: /proc/net/pf_ring/info: No such file or directory14:59
simonizor4.13 isn't supported on 14.04 at all14:59
kostkon_Strix_, maybe by removing your hwe packages? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Desktop-1  is 3.13 still there?14:59
_Strix_It was a fresh install,15:00
_Strix_I haven't upgraded anything15:00
BugzBunny_Strix_: That looks like missing CONFIG_*15:00
kostkon_Strix_, correct. latest 14.04 iso will have the 16.04 hwe15:00
simonizor14.04 doesn't even have that kernel in hwe15:00
lapagaI have 12g ram do i need a swap partition? If I do not then I don't have to make an extended partition15:00
BugzBunny_Strix_: What do you need /proc/net/pf_ring/info?15:00
simonizorLatest kernel provided by hwe on 14.04 is 4.415:01
_Strix_It was for the security onion installation15:01
_Strix_I was able to get everything work fine with my digital ocean droplet which has kernel 3.1315:02
kostkonsimonizor, 3.1315:02
BugzBunnyDoes Ubuntu configuration in /boot one can grep?15:02
_Strix_But this one there seems to be some problems.15:02
BugzBunnyI ie /boot/config15:02
edwinvanolst[m]installing the nvidia driver (340 or 382) causes my system to get stuck after boot at the encryption unlock. I can boot perfectly fine by going via recovery mode and then resuming normal boot. Any ideas?15:03
_Strix_root@onion:~# ll /boot/15:03
_Strix_total 815:03
_Strix_drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Feb  3  2015 ./15:03
_Strix_drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 Apr  7 14:59 ../15:03
simonizor_Strix_: Are you sure you're on 14.04? lol... do `cat /etc/os-release`15:03
_Strix_root@onion:~# lsb_release -a15:04
_Strix_No LSB modules are available.15:04
_Strix_Distributor ID:Ubuntu15:04
_Strix_Description:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS15:04
BugzBunny_Strix_: Pastebin15:04
neonamesometimes when i boot from logout my keyboard and mouse don't work. i am using ubuntu bionic btw15:04
BugzBunny_Strix_: It's much easier for us to read15:04
BugzBunnyWhat happen to Drone?15:04
kostkon_Strix_, installing linux-generic will probably give you 3.1315:05
BugzBunnyWeird to TheRedQueen do +q15:05
_Strix_Ok bro I will use pastebin from now onwards15:05
simonizorInstalling linux-generic will give you 3.13, but you'll still have whatever other kernel15:05
BugzBunny_Strix_: Please make sure you give us a link so we can read15:06
simonizorI'd honestly dump whatever service is providing this screwy 14.04 setup15:06
BugzBunny_Strix_: tree /boot15:08
BugzBunny_Strix_: Please don't be that person that's hard to help15:08
BugzBunny_Strix_: I don't what this room had done, but please I want to help you15:09
_Strix_Here is the output15:10
BugzBunnyOkay, who boot system do you have?15:11
_Strix_It is a VPS.15:12
simonizorI would honestly dump that VPS provider15:12
BugzBunny_Strix_: No problem15:12
simonizorIt's pretty silly of them to provide that kernel on 14.0415:13
BugzBunny_Strix_: What part of using Ubuntu you have problem with?15:13
simonizorThat is not a kernel that is supported on 14.04 at all15:13
_Strix_BugzBunny, I was using it to set up security onion in it.15:14
_Strix_It worked fine with Ubuntu VPS having 3.13 kernel15:15
BugzBunnyI don't know what 'security onion'15:15
AscavasaionHow can I check the video memory on onboard graphics card without rebooting and looking in BIOS?15:15
simonizor_Strix_: Either uninstall your current kernel and install linux-generic or dump that VPS provider because that is really silly thing for them to be doing15:15
_Strix_Ok guys15:16
BugzBunny_Strix_: A VPS15:16
Irritiable|LTAscavasaion: Start menu > System Tools > Benchmark & Performance15:16
Irritiable|LTContains all that and more.15:16
_Strix_Let me check what I can do here, I will come back later.15:16
_Strix_Thank you for helping me out.15:16
BugzBunny_Strix_: Contact the VPS provider15:16
simonizorAscavasaion: lspci -v15:17
_Strix_BugzBunny, I will be back in 45 mins.15:17
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Irritiable|LTBash has a rand() function?15:24
Irritiable|LT"$(( ( RANDOM % 10 )  + 1 ))"15:25
mightyballwould anyone be able to help getting IR receive/transmit working on 17.10?15:28
mightyballi'm at a loss with this ir-keytables stuff15:29
BugzBunnymightyball: Sorry, I don't know15:30
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Guest27390alguine me puede ayudar un un programa15:31
tomreyn!es | Guest2739015:32
ubottuGuest27390: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:32
tomreyn!es | chele15:32
ubottuchele: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:32
tomreynwelcome :)15:32
BugzBunnytomreyn: They going to come back15:33
BugzBunnyI only if I can speak15:33
mingdaowhen uname prints "4.13.0-38-generic #43-Ubuntu" whis does the 38 designate?15:33
tomreynIrritiable|LT: this is not cryptographically secure, though. use /dev/urandom (or /dev/random) instead if needed.15:33
Guest47996I am getting errors when I am installing the15:33
Guest47996Use of uninitialized value $fieldname in hash element at /usr/sbin/pam-auth-update line 691, <PROFILE> line 1. Use of uninitialized value $fieldname in hash element at /usr/sbin/pam-auth-update line 692, <PROFILE> line 1. could not read profile /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/pam-auth-update line 674. dpkg: error processing package libpam-systemd:amd64 (--configure):  subprocess installed p15:33
Irritiable|LTtomreyn: I apologize. It is "Plymouth" scripting language; not bash.15:34
tomreynmingdao: patch level15:34
tomreyn!latest | mingdao15:34
ubottumingdao: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:34
Irritiable|LTtomreyn: I am tinkering with the boot image splash screen. I wanted to have a randomly rotating image (per boot).15:34
mingdaotomreyn: does the 43 mean the 43rd time they've used 4.13.0 source?15:34
tomreynIrritiable|LT: i see. i'm not into scripting plymouth15:34
mingdaotomreyn: i.e., the 43rd build of 4.13.0 or 4.13.0-38 ?15:35
tomreynmingdao: hmm i'm not actually szure what the -38 means compared to the #43, i would have to review the changelog. you can do so, too.15:36
tomreynhttps://changelogs.ubuntu.com (and links to it can be found from packages.ubuntu.com, ma ybe easier15:37
Guest47996I am using the ubuntu 16.0415:37
mingdaotomreyn: coreutils would make that #43 be the kernel version; i.e., if you build your own kernels that would be the 43rd time you build using the kernel release, which is 4.13.0-38 according to the output15:38
mingdaotomreyn: just curious where the Ubuntu deviates, thanks15:38
BugzBunnymingdao: That's a number Ubuntu adds15:39
BugzBunnyBut rebuilding the kernel, afaik, doesn't necesarilly mean how many it was built with that number15:41
BugzBunnyCorrect me if I am wrong15:41
BugzBunnymingdao: Look at source changes on launchpad15:42
simonizorThat's just the build number15:44
simonizorThat means that package has been built 38 times15:44
wiqHi, I am having HP Pavilion G6 1004tx laptop which have AMD Radeon HD 6470M15:45
wiq sudo lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3 > https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VYVj9fycJW/15:46
wiqglxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"15:46
wiqOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile15:46
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wiqHow can i start using amd graphic card?15:47
mingdaoBugzBunny: Your question confuses me, but "man uname" might help you understand.15:49
brainwashwiq: try this: DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"15:50
BugzBunnymingdao: When I said that?15:50
BugzBunnymingdao: Time stamp?15:50
wiqbrainwash, OpenGL renderer string: AMD CAICOS (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.13.0-38-generic, LLVM 5.0.0)15:50
brainwashthere you have it15:50
wiqbrainwash, so, does it mean i am using AMD graphic card now?15:51
brainwashthe key is the DRI_PRIME=1 environmental variable15:51
wiqactaully, before asking this here I have executed all the command mentioned here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics#Using_vga_switcheroo15:52
wiqunder Using vga_switcheroo15:52
wiqbrainwash, ^15:52
brainwashit's not a permanent switch. you have to keep using this env var15:52
wiqHow can I? brainwash15:52
BugzBunnywiq: That laptop is not Dual Graphics?15:53
wiqBugzBunny, it has dual graphics. intel and amd15:53
brainwashwiq: the linked help page may be outdated15:53
wiqPlease help me sort it out I am trying to solve this from some months15:54
tomreynmingdao: so i think you're right. in your example, 38 is the patch level, #43 is the (squentially incremented, i would think) build id. ubuntu builds packages automatically, and i assume #43 is then the 43rd build of this pkernel version with applied ubuntu patches.15:54
brainwashwiq: if you want to use the AMD gpu for a certain task, simply make sure that DRI_PRIME=1 is set15:54
wiqbrainwash, not with certain task but everything15:55
BugzBunnywiq: The kernel doesn't support very well15:55
BugzBunnywiq: It's hack15:55
brainwashcan't you configure that in your bios/uefi?15:55
wiqno. brainwash15:55
mingdaotomreyn: I concur. I'm needing to install another system alongside Ubuntu on a laptop, and wanted to use the same kernel .config. Then I saw those numbers, and was just curious. Patch level is indeed the thing I needed to understand, thanks.15:56
BugzBunnywiq: If it was coomplete AMD system, fine15:56
wiqBugzBunny, its ok until it works ;)15:56
wiqBugzBunny, ain't there a workaround?15:56
BugzBunnywiq: That, to make it work flawlessly15:56
BugzBunnywiq: I wish you luch15:56
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BugzBunnywiq: Intel+AMD?15:57
wiqbrainwash, so, isn't there any way to use AMD for everything?15:57
tomreynmingdao: thanks for making me reassure myself on this, too, it's the kind of things i should already know.15:57
BugzBunnyIt should work wiq15:57
BugzBunnyWhat doesn't work?15:57
wiqI don't know. But as brainwash said "if you want to use the AMD gpu for a certain task, simply make sure that DRI_PRIME=1 is set"15:58
madsjI booted this morning, after having upgraded some packages, and now I can't start X11. I get a warning about "Type ONE_LEVEL RALT has only two levels" (I can't post the exact message).15:58
tomreynwiq: you could probably add DRI_PRIME=1 to /etc/environment15:59
BugzBunnyThat if you want better peformance on 3D tasks15:59
zend0Does anyone have a Acer that does not have issues with GRUB2?15:59
BugzBunnyEven that15:59
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BugzBunnyMeans NOTHING15:59
madsjI tried chmod u+s /usr/bin/xinit; any tricks to remediate this problem?15:59
zend0When installing my whole screen freezes so It's something with GRUB215:59
BugzBunnyWhen you have those laptops with Intel+AMD15:59
zend0Tried to log for errors shows nothing plain nothing16:00
tomreynwiq: but if you care about energy efficiency and good performance for specific tasks, being able to switch between video drivers for different workloads is actually a great feature.16:00
zend0Just frezes16:00
madsjI am on Ubuntu 16.04LTS16:00
zend0On a Acer?16:00
zend0What Acer?16:00
BugzBunnytomreyn: HE is not going to get that in Linux16:00
zend0Can't even change my UEFI to Legacy mode to trust Ubuntux64 UEFI file16:01
tomreynBugzBunny: what do you mean?16:01
zend0Fuck Acer16:01
wiqtomreyn, rn I don't care about energy efficiency. and I am not able to switch for different workloads, so thats why I want to make AMD default becasue its powerful than intel one16:01
tomreyn!language | zend016:01
ubottuzend0: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:01
zend0I'll try Tom16:01
tomreynwiq: why are you not able to switch for different workloads?16:02
zend0Been wasting 6 hours yesterday trying to get Ubuntu to not freeze during GRUB installation16:02
zend0Nothing... it gave me totally nothing16:02
wiqtomreyn, i don't see a option.16:02
tomreynwiq: do you need any more assistence with this now?16:02
tomreynwiq: the option is to use the environment variable.16:02
zend0Good op when you can't even spell16:02
zend0Yet warn others for their language.16:03
BugzBunnytomreyn: Will not because thats proprietary hardware16:03
R13oseTJ-: any updates on big ticket?16:03
tomreynzend0: i'm not a channel op, and there's no need to be so passive aggressive. i also think acer products are not great, but this does not belong here.16:03
zend0It does becauese it's a Ubuntu issue you fool16:04
fayazhi, I am have an nvidia bumblebee primus setup for steam. It was working until an abrupt shutdown. Now when I try to run steam with primusrun, it just runs the updater and quits abruptly. I can run it without primusrun and also with optirun, but the performance is not there. Also I am seeing some segfault errors on dmesg. Any clues on where I should go from here?16:04
zend0GRUB2 installation -> everything freezes16:04
wiqtomreyn, yeah i have added DRI_PRIME=1 to /etc/environment16:04
tomreynzend0: please stop the insults, thank you.16:04
zend0Learn to spell, thank you16:04
wiqtomreyn, will take make it default?16:04
tomreynzend0: are you done then?16:04
BugzBunnywiq: Get rid of it, if you can find something better16:04
tomreyn!ops zend016:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax16:05
BugzBunnywiq: IF you cannot16:05
BugzBunnywiq: What doesn't work?16:05
zend0I still want to install Ubuntu because I'm tired of running Windows16:05
zend0That was my whole point16:05
Tm_Tzend0: please be nice to others, no need to go personal then16:05
zend0Windows 10 came preloaded with Windows that is issue number one16:05
zend0Issue number two: can't switch to legacy in BIOS16:06
tomreynwiq: it will, once you've rebooted.16:06
zend0Issue number three; GRUB2 freezing during installation16:06
zend0Issue number four: Windows16:06
wiqtomreyn, thanks a lot :)16:07
zend0I was stupid enough to think that if you try to turn on Legacy mode in command prompt in Windows it would work16:07
zend0Does anyone know what the latest InsydeHD version is?16:07
zend0I have InsydeHD20 1.9 or something16:08
zend0But there must be a version like 6.05 like you have on a Toshiba16:08
zend0Is there a higher version of insydeHD BIOS?16:08
zend0And is there a ROM for?16:09
tomreynzend0: this channel is really just for ubuntu support, but you can ask those questions on #ubuntu-offtopic16:09
zend0Shut up mate16:09
zend0It is a UB issue16:09
zend0Hoe many times do I have to repeat it's annoying16:09
simonizorIf you're messing with your BIOS, Ubuntu is taken out of th equation16:10
zend0Like I can't install the GarUB2 package because it freezes everything16:10
zend0Never messed with BIOS first of all16:10
zend0Left everything as it was16:10
simonizorI would hope GarUB2 freezes on install; don't think that exists :P16:10
zend0Secure boot on, f12 boot on nothing is changed or messed with.16:10
zend0It doss.16:10
simonizorTurn off secure boot16:10
zend0Right now I'm glad you said that and there comes a issue.16:11
BugzBunnyzend0: You destroying for people who might need help16:11
zend0The issue with Acer and turning off secure boot is that it does not turn off.16:11
zend0Even if it says that it is off.16:11
simonizorThen sounds like you should probably talk to Acer16:11
zend0You need to get in to legacy mode and trust the UEFI file.16:11
zend0But I can't get in to legacy mode16:11
zend0Once you have trusted the file you can basically turn off secure boot.16:11
BugzBunnyI don't like sending people to off room that they will never get help16:12
Guest30401can anyone tell me what this means: bash: 0: can't open while systemctl list-jobs | grep -v friendly-recovery | g rep -q running: do-sleep 0;2; done16:12
simonizorIt means your syntax sucks16:12
zend0I guess talking to Acer is one yes. But I don't think they will ever solve it16:12
Irritiable|LTsimonizor: That's what your mom said!16:13
simonizorGuest30401: You've got multiple errors in that string16:13
simonizorSpace in `g rep`16:13
zend0God damn irrirable shut up16:13
simonizorPiping a while loop into grep before it's finished16:13
simonizorNone of that is going to work the way it's written there16:13
BugzBunnysimonizor: Thanks for explaining16:13
zend0No one except me saw what you typed16:13
Irritiable|LTzend0: Sorry?16:14
BugzBunnysimonizor: Can I ask you question?16:14
zend0No one except me saw wjat you type16:14
zend0You should repeat that16:14
BugzBunnysimonizor: bash: <--- that end input right? then 0:?16:15
JAXI updated from 16.04 LTS to `17.10 and now I can't login/desktop isn't showing. My background loads but it's dim on the bottom and top. It might be the gdm page but since my laptop screen is broken I can't see the login or if it's loaded the desktop16:15
zend0I'd rather stay with 16.04 LTS always did only on my Toshiba where Linux does work16:15
zend0Look like Toshiba and the older Acer laptop models from 2009 do support Linux16:16
tomreynJAX: how did you login previously then?16:16
zend0And Acer in 2018 does not16:16
zend0Don't blame you for not liking Acer Tom mate16:16
simonizorJAX: seems like a bad idea.  18.04 is less than a month away16:17
JAXI had it set to not require login and then disabled the laptop screen.16:17
simonizorAnd 17.10 will become unsupported16:17
JAXyeah, now I know16:17
zend0But I have a old model Acer from 2008 here and there I can install it on but I will need to buy a USB keyboard16:17
BugzBunny_Strix_: You problem solve?16:17
zend0Because the keys don't work anymore16:17
simonizorThere's also beta releases of 18.04 you can use that will bump you to the actual release when ti comes out16:17
_Strix_No bro16:17
tomreynin case anyone else feels like ignoring zend0's off-topic chat, this command will do it: /ignore zend016:17
zend0Shut up matw16:17
zend0It is still ubuntu related16:17
simonizorzend0: shove it :P16:18
zend0Your chatting is irrelevajt16:18
zend0Shut uonsimon16:18
zend0But yeah16:18
simonizorBut yeah16:18
simonizorYour issue is with Acer16:18
simonizorGo talk to them16:18
_Strix_BugzBunny, The VPS was given to me by an Executive in my company. Before telling them to check the issue with them, I need to confirm something.16:18
zend0So i have a 2008 laptop where Ubuntu is still able to install on would it be worth to put it on that one?16:19
zend0Because it only has 2GB of RAM16:19
BugzBunny_Strix_: What was it? I remember, contact the VPS16:19
zend03GB of RAM**16:19
tomreynJAX: do you have nvidia graphics there?16:19
zend0And old processor16:19
zend0Any ideas?16:19
JAXis there a way to force disable laptop screen so from tty?16:19
BugzBunnyYou can do that JAX16:19
simonizor_Strix_: There's no way that VPS should have that kernel version; talk to the person who provided the VPS to you16:20
_Strix_Could you please confirm that the kernel 4.13 is not fully supported by Ubuntu 14.04.516:20
BugzBunnytomreyn: He can do that but I don't commands16:20
BugzBunnytomreyn: You can turn of the screen from command line16:20
simonizor_Strix_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:20
_Strix_simonizor, ok I will ask them.16:20
simonizorThat shows you that the latest kernel 14.04 supports is 4.416:20
tomreynBugzBunny: ok16:21
zend0Look at this old piece of junk16:21
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zend0Looks bad16:21
JAXwhen it's on the dimmed screen with my background sometimes the mouse doesn't work even though it's powered16:22
zend0Bad shape laptop16:22
_Strix_Guys, If I download the ISO of Ubuntu 14.04.5 available as of now, and install it. What will be the kernel version?16:23
tomreyn_Strix_: 4.416:23
JAXProblems: dimmed background with nothing (no login screen or desktop loads) so I can't tell if I'm at login or desktop. On some boots the usb pepherials don't work16:24
JAXno context menu shows up when I right click16:24
_Strix_The kernel version of my VPS is 4.13.13-4-pve16:24
simonizor_Strix_: Contact your VPS provider and tell them they are giving you a kernel that is unsupported in 14.0416:25
tomreyn_Strix_: what do you mean to say with this?16:25
designbybeck3What is the best way to manage a custom install list of program? I did try to write up a script of some of the popular programs we wanted installed on these public access computers. I just typed up a google doc with added ppa's and such and we'd copy and paste that to the other machines to make sure they all have the same16:26
BugzBunny _Strix_ Okay16:26
BugzBunny_Strix_: It's a pretty good Kernel16:26
BugzBunny_Strix_: What isn't working?16:26
_Strix_So, it is an unsupported kernel?16:26
BugzBunnyFor Ubuntu16:27
simonizordesignbybeck3: sudo apt install -y $(cat ./install-list)16:27
_Strix_for 14.04.516:27
BugzBunny_Strix_: I know PVE16:27
tomreyn_Strix_: not supported by us here, nor by Canonical. but maybe by someone else.16:27
simonizorWhere `./install-list` has packages separated by a single space16:27
JAXWhat time is usually the best time for support? Is 17.10 still supported?16:27
BugzBunny_Strix_: What is not working?16:27
tomreyndesignbybeck3: how many computers are there?16:27
jluc17.10 is most recent jax16:28
designbybeck33 right now tomreyn....maybe up to 10 if we get the laptops working16:28
JAXcool. Can I get support for my issue directly from cononical?16:28
_Strix_It is in here, https://pastebin.com/m9dFQa8g16:28
simonizordesignbybeck3: I'd just list the packages in a file and use the method above to install them16:29
simonizorAny automated method provided by apt does not work well16:29
tomreyndesignbybeck3: you're saying "public access computers", i guess then it would be nice to have them reinstalled regularly / on the push of a button?16:29
simonizorPackages that are installed by apt's automatic method lose the ability to track their dependencies well16:29
BugzBunny_Strix_: Right16:29
_Strix_I will be back in a moment16:29
BugzBunny_Strix_: Sorry, for specific problem16:29
_Strix_Let me ask them about the VPS16:29
BugzBunnyWith that16:29
BugzBunnyYou going get KVM16:30
BugzBunnyNot openVZ16:30
designbybeck3tomreyn: simonizor this is along the lines of what I've done https://hastebin.com/jaturohaja.md16:30
designbybeck3also this: https://hastebin.com/imihuwipov.cs16:30
simonizorI would just keep doing that16:30
BugzBunny_Strix_: Sorry, I CAN'T YOU with that, BECAUSE it's impossible16:30
simonizorAn install script is a good method here16:30
tomreynJAX: there's the ubuntu advantage offer where i think you're entitled to support. do a web search or look for it on canonical.com16:30
simonizorThe methods that apt provides for installing packages autmoatically do not work well16:31
hggdhsimonizor: ?16:31
hggdhsimonizor: apt works quite well16:31
hggdhand does take care of dependencies16:31
simonizorThe only method I'm aware of makes the installed packages lose their ability to track their deps16:31
designbybeck3ok. Thanks! I'm trying to learn to be more treamline down the road....but I'll just start with the basics!16:31
simonizorhggdh: Not at all what I'm talking about16:31
tomreyndesignbybeck3: your script lacks error handling, but other than that that's what i would do, too. i'd probably integrate it tino a preseed file to also be able to deploy systems from scratch on demand.16:32
JAXtomreyn: oh you have to pay, that sucks, where else can I get support for my issue?16:32
designbybeck3that sounds good as well tomreyn thanks16:33
tomreyndesignbybeck3: you could also be using puppet or ansible or salt or chef to automate this more and also apply configuration customizations on these systems. but based onthe scenario you described so far this would be overkill.16:33
designbybeck3yeah I'd like to learn those advanced stuff, but don't have the skills at the moment.16:34
tomreynJAX: besides here, there's also ubuntuforums and aksubuntu.com16:34
designbybeck3are these the same "add-apt-repository" vs "apt-add-repository"16:35
tomreyndesignbybeck3: to get you started with error checking, "echo $?" returns the exit code of the latest command. exit codes other than 0 are considered errors.16:36
tomreynthanks for fixing my typo, BugzBunny16:36
JAXwhat's a good time to get support? It's pretty late here in Australia, and I want to get this fixed before bed.16:37
designbybeck3tomreyn: so on my bash script I'd put the echo $? at the end of each line?16:37
tomreyndesignbybeck3: run "readlink -f" against them16:37
BugzBunnytomreyn: I was thinking he might literal type that site16:37
BugzBunnytomreyn: And it doesn't work16:37
tomreynBugzBunny: yes, thanks16:37
hggdhJAX: it really varies. I guess EU/US hours are better, and Mon-FRI even more16:38
rareshow can I install LXDE on ubuntu?16:38
tomreyndesignbybeck3: you can also do somehting like this: echo success || echo "echo success' did not succeed16:38
designbybeck3ok I"ll looking those as well16:39
tomreyndesignbybeck3: which "echo success" will always return exit code 0, if it ever returned a different status code, the part behind the double pipe would kick in16:39
designbybeck3ah ok16:40
tomreynecho success || echo "'echo success' did not succeed"16:40
designbybeck3so my simple "echo" would be replaced by this success || line16:40
tomreyn^ typos fixed16:40
BugzBunnyWhatever was last in II16:41
zend0U da best16:41
tomreyndesignbybeck3: a better example is: apt-get -y install libreoffice || echo 'libreoffice failed to install'16:41
BugzBunnyThe first command have to be zero16:42
tomreyndesignbybeck3: try this with a package that doesn't exist16:42
BugzBunnyFor the second command to execute16:42
designbybeck3tomreyn: https://hastebin.com/raw/ilecugiyuj16:43
designbybeck3oops sorry for the no wordwrap there16:44
BugzBunnydesignbybeck3: If the second command does excute16:44
BugzBunnyMean the first command failed16:45
BugzBunnyWhy ask for help designbybeck3 ?16:45
zerorax anyone have a guide for adding ubiquity to my rootfs and making it a live usb installer?16:45
designbybeck3because I'm trying to learn BugzBunny16:45
_Strix_Ok guys I have sent a mail to him regarding the concern.16:45
_Strix_Thank you for your help.16:45
BugzBunnydesignbybeck3: doh! is terrible response16:45
tomreyndesignbybeck3: yes this looks fine, except for the typographical quotation marks, those wont work16:46
designbybeck3shows that I didn't comprehend what I thought I did16:46
xgpthello can someone say "xgpt" without the quotes, I'm testing my irc software16:46
designbybeck3Ok thanks for all the feedback folks. I'm going to work on that harder part in trying to figure out what all we want and don't want now!!! ;)16:47
tomreyndesignbybeck3: good luck. :) also consider logging to a file using output redirection.16:47
designbybeck3tomreyn:  like  >> installlog.txt16:48
tomreyndesignbybeck3: make that: &>> installlog.txt16:49
BugzBunnydesignbybeck3: As if I thought you were idiot16:49
BugzBunnydesignbybeck3: I didn't judge you16:49
zend0Look peeps16:50
tomreyndesignbybeck3: you want to catch both output streams, stedout and stderr16:50
zend0Got eem16:50
BugzBunnyWith that said, I tried you command16:50
BugzBunnyThere was not bash error16:50
BugzBunnyMost apt-get error16:50
designbybeck3ah!... I haven't used this in about 3 years...so that is why I need to check what all packages we want. I have always found it best to get things like Kdenlive from their most updated PPA for the best features and stabliity16:51
BugzBunnyActually it was my end16:51
tomreynBugzBunny: actually "doh! is terrible response" sounded like judging to me.16:51
BugzBunnyIt was my end16:51
BugzBunnyGive me a sec16:51
BugzBunnytomreyn: I mean judging him16:52
BugzBunnytomreyn: Don't care he juddying me16:52
designbybeck3I was thinking of a custom distro like UbuntuStudio that lets you check box what you want at install if you didn't need , say, desktop publishing items16:52
BugzBunnyor she16:52
SomeDamnBodyHey, I need to get a version of libffi with debug symbols16:52
SomeDamnBodyAnd the problem is that I have libffi6-dbg installed, but that doesn't mean that the file at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so has debug symbols16:53
SomeDamnBodyHow do I custom build libffi so that I can get those debug symbols?16:53
BugzBunnyE: Package 'celestia-gnome' has no installation candidate16:54
BugzBunnyThe second command won't run16:54
BugzBunnyAlso, that's OR not AND16:54
lupineayI need some help with sound in ubuntu..the sound card crashes i guess..the spot on the settings where it says play sound through goes blank and apps can't play sound but i can restart pulseaudio and it can work for a while...I've even tried load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,3 adding this to the default.pa in pulseaudio..I have a PCH [HDA Intel PCH] I also ading some recommded changes to alsa but it16:55
lupineayseems to crash after a period of time..any ideas??16:55
BugzBunnyThe second will run16:55
BugzBunnyBecause it's a OR16:55
BugzBunnytomreyn: My bash skills sucks16:56
BugzBunnyI don't why you want that logic16:56
lotuspsychjeBugzBunny: easy on the enter button please16:57
BugzBunnylotuspsychje: You staff in this room?16:58
secretmessageI need sudo to copy files from my home to a USB hard disk?16:58
lotuspsychjeBugzBunny: join #ubuntu-discuss for other chat then ubuntu support please16:58
BugzBunnylotuspsychje: You signed the code of coduct?16:59
hggdhsecretmessage: if you own the files, and your userId can write to the USB, no16:59
hggdhBugzBunny: please keep to support16:59
BugzBunnyI like to know who is staff?16:59
secretmessagehggdh: I don't see the usb hard disk when I do df -h16:59
secretmessageI think it is not mounted16:59
hggdhsecretmessage: then you need to mount it17:00
hggdhsecretmessage: but, to see what is mounted, use 'mount', not 'df'17:00
BugzBunnyhggdh: Have you signed the code of conduct?17:02
hggdhBugzBunny: not a support question. Please keep to support, or go #ubuntu-discuss17:03
hggdhBugzBunny: but, since this applies to all: usage of the channel implies acceptance of the CoC17:04
BugzBunnyhggdh: If you didn't sign the code of conduct, who give you that authority ?17:05
hggdhBugzBunny: last warning. Please keep to support or go elsewhere17:05
BugzBunnySo, you signed the code of conduct then17:06
mirakI can't do drag and drop in nautilus on aardvark17:06
mirakis that a bug ?17:06
mirakon gnomeshell17:07
lotuspsychjemirak: drag n drop what to what?17:07
miraklotuspsychje, anything17:07
mirakif i didn't specify17:07
lotuspsychjemirak: tell us what happens when you drag a file into a folder and release mousebutton?17:09
lotuspsychjeramkamx: welcome, how can we help you?17:09
ramkamxi'm looking for a way to simulate a hard disk :-)17:09
mirakI click on the file icon, it highlights, stayclicked, then drag it, and it won't come17:10
ramkamxlike a honeypot sort of17:10
lupineayI need some help with sound in ubuntu..the sound card crashes i guess..the spot on the settings where it says play sound through goes blank and apps can't play sound but i can restart pulseaudio and it can work for a while...I've even tried load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,3 adding this to the default.pa in pulseaudio..I have a PCH [HDA Intel PCH] I also ading some recommded changes to alsa but it17:10
lupineay16:55 <lupineay> seems to crash after a period of time..any ideas??17:10
mirakalso multi file grab doesn't work17:10
mirakso maybe i need to reinitialise settings or something, I didn't tried with a clean user to test yet17:10
lupineayI need some help with sound in ubuntu..the sound card crashes i guess..the spot on the settings where it says play sound through goes blank and apps can't play sound but i can restart pulseaudio and it can work for a while...I've even tried load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,3 adding this to the default.pa in pulseaudio..I have a PCH [HDA Intel PCH] I also ading some recommded changes to alsa but it17:10
lupineayseems to crash after a period of time..any ideas??17:10
lotuspsychjeramkamx: jailfire, snort?17:10
lotuspsychjemirak: did you try instead of highlight, just drag and release?17:11
lotuspsychjeramkamx: virtual machine perhaps?17:11
ramkamxlotuspsychje: snort is for network ... jailfire looking for it17:11
ramkamxvm no, it will make a real hard disk17:11
miraklotuspsychje, you can't drag without highlightinh17:12
lotuspsychjeramkamx: can you tell us more of the purpose exactly?17:12
vltramkamx: Just losetup?17:12
ramkamxthe idea is to clone the structure (just files and folders, no data) of an external hard disk, then move files around, compare the new and old, and apply some bash17:12
lotuspsychjemirak: i just dragged a file into a folder in nautilus, works like a charm here17:12
miraki have to reset nautilus settings or something17:13
lotuspsychjemirak: how about you go try in the guest account as a test?17:13
miraklotuspsychje, i don't have one17:14
vltramkamx: You don't even need a separate file system for that. Just a directory.17:14
mirakbut i will create a user17:14
ramkamxvlt, more?17:14
lotuspsychjemirak: the guest account is default on ubuntu, you dont have to create one17:14
ramkamxvlt: tried some time ago with symlinks, things get ugly at some point17:14
vltramkamx: You can use something like "find" and "touch" to get this job done.17:14
ramkamxvlt: yeah could do that. it gets tedious quite quickly and it's nowhere near fast17:15
Diarmuidqui veu baiser17:16
vltramkamx: What is it you actually want to achieve then?17:16
tomreyn!ot | Diarmuid17:16
ubottuDiarmuid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:16
BugzBunnylupineay: Hardly the sound card would crash17:16
ramkamxwhat i wont to do is relatively simple, it's just about organizing the contents of about 10 external hard disks, by choosing what i move where, then, commit once i"m decided17:16
vltramkamx: There's LVM.17:16
ramkamxvlt, now we're talking :-)17:17
ramkamxtaking a look17:17
lupineayBugzBunny: so what is it when the different options in sounds play through on the settings disappear?17:17
BugzBunnylupineay: The sound card drivers is part of the kernel, the kernel would panic if that happen17:17
lupineayso why are the options disappearing and sounds not working on certain apps?17:17
BugzBunnylupineay: The problem could be mixuture of the drivers and pulseaudio17:17
vltramkamx: Your last post before my LVM suggestion doesn't sound like LVM would be of much help.17:17
s10gopalcan anyone please tell me output of git describe --contains  301f8d7463b1f3d1fdb56ee1cb4abb674094531d ?17:17
ramkamxvlt, yeah maybe LVM is too far fetched17:18
hggdhs10gopal: contextless reference17:18
lupineayBugzBunny: does pulseaudio generate logs17:18
ramkamxisn't there a viable utility that allows to catalog an external hard disk and manage delayed "move, rename, delete" ?17:18
s10gopalhggdh: i dont have any linux machine now , thats why i want output of that command17:18
BugzBunnylupineay: I'd like to see what ALSA sees17:19
hggdhs10gopal: git describe <commit> will list the most recent tag associated with the commit17:19
BugzBunnyPulseaudio crashes17:19
xgptis there a way to make a (non)raspberry-pi running pretty much straight up Ubuntu, mainline kernels etc. reboot into a shell RELIABLY after a hard-power-cycle EVERY time even if there's file system corruption? Is there a way to automate file system checking and then also make sure that the file system check happens, does what it can to save/correct files, and then reboot automatically if it can't boot from17:19
ramkamxvlt, basically, i want to organize multiple disks, with the comfort of the GUI and without having to connect all the 10 disks at the same time17:19
xgptthat post-filesystem-check state?17:19
BugzBunnyhggdh: So, you signed the code of conduct?17:20
s10gopalhggdh: can you please tell me output ?17:20
lupineayBugzBunny: does alsa have output logs17:20
lotuspsychje!arm | xgpt can this help?17:21
ubottuxgpt can this help?: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:21
xgptnot really ubottu lol, but thanks17:21
tomreyns10gopal: this command is specific to a git repository you need to have checked out beforehand.17:22
s10gopaltomreyn: it is linux repo git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git17:23
kostkonlupineay, you could try refreshing your pulse config with   rm -rf ~/.config/pulse   then  pulseaudio -k  and  then  pulseaudio -D17:23
ramkamxvlt: basically, i'm looking of an equivalent of this - https://www.wincatalog.com17:23
tomreyns10gopal: right, not everyone has a copy.17:23
s10gopaltomreyn: how i can check it online ?17:24
tomreyns10gopal: that's maybe a question for #git or #linux17:25
lotuspsychje!alis > s10gopal very handy for specific questions in the right channels17:25
ubottus10gopal, please see my private message17:25
hggdhs10gopal: go to https://kernel.org, you can browse the kernel git trees there17:25
tomreyns10gopal: replacing git:// by https:// in the reposiotry url may help17:25
dot-matrixDoes anyone know a way to install or built the network mapper app nutty that actually works?17:28
dot-matrixI've done my googling due diligence17:28
miraklotuspsychje, it works with other account17:29
zeroraxcan I resize my rootfs from inside the installed system?17:30
zeroraxor do I need to use live usb to do it?17:30
miraki did that : gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.nautilus17:30
mirakand it works now17:30
EriC^^zerorax: no, you need a live usb17:31
lotuspsychje!yay | mirak17:31
ubottumirak: Glad you made it! :-)17:31
zeroraxEriC^^, okay thanks17:31
zeroraxThere should be some way to resize without a live usb, like a mini kernel with parted on it and maybe a curses menu17:32
zeroraxso you could tell it to reboot into the partitioning kernel and do what you selected then you can boot back into the system17:32
zeroraxI have a windows partitioning tool that does that, but it was expensive17:32
petroI have a question that is not really about support...do I ask in #ubuntu-offtopic?17:33
lotuspsychjepetro: what kind of question do you mean?17:33
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petroI wanted opinions about using amd radeon cards vs nvidia... I wonder if I should switch to a radeon card17:33
lotuspsychjepetro: ##hardware would be suitable17:34
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petrolotuspsychje, is that ubuntu/linux centric?17:34
lotuspsychjepetro: not really linux specific no, if your question is about ubuntu, you can use #ubuntu-discuss17:35
petrolotuspsychje, okay, thanks17:35
vltzerorax: You _can_ resize without a live CD (as long as you increase the size).17:38
zeroraxI need to decrease it17:38
vltzerorax: Then you can try to do it from initramfs. Should be possible.17:38
zeroraxI need to have space on my NVMe to install my ubuntu variant to17:38
tomreyn!br | amatias17:49
ubottuamatias: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:49
tomreynthat's unless you're happy speaking english17:49
amatiasOk, Tank's17:49
alpha__can some one help with a broken ubunt17:56
compdocwhats the proble17:57
alpha__cannot boot from the advance screen17:58
alpha__keep getting a blank screen17:58
compdocdid it ever work?17:59
alpha__yes untill i done a upgrde17:59
alpha__i need to restore all my data which is in its own home partition on my hdd18:00
alpha__all my broswer links etc and documents18:01
alpha__so ubuntu was installed on sda2 and home on sda3 partition18:01
compdocyou can reach the advance screeen? can you boot from there?18:01
alpha__i can get into the advance screen18:02
alpha__and get a menu18:02
compdocyou might want to edit grub. they probably updated it18:03
alpha__what do i need to edit?18:03
compdocthey would have saved the old conf file as .old, or something18:04
alpha__ok so what do i need to do?18:04
compdocI would boot a live cd version of ubuntu, then mount the drive and have a look18:07
compdoclook in /boot/grub18:07
compdocsee if they saved your old .cfg18:08
alpha__so if i boot from dvd or usb in live boot18:11
alpha__then look in the boot folder of the broken system18:12
alpha__on sda218:12
compdocdo you remember setting a grub option to deal with your screen when you first installed?18:14
alpha__in what respect?18:14
compdoctheres a common option people set named nomodeset18:15
compdocthats never helped me, but it helps some18:15
alpha__i have booted from live boot and looking in boot/grub folder i see grub.cfg18:16
compdocdo you see a grub.cfg.old18:16
mindofmateoHello, I just set my launcher/application menu to "hide" by sliding into the edge of the display when it isn't being used, however now whenever I move the cursor over to the edge to get it to pop out, it is beneath all of the open windows.  How can I change this so it is always on top?18:17
compdocmake sure youve mounted your drive18:17
alpha__yes drive is mounted18:18
compdocthen have a look in /var/logs18:19
compdocthere are a couple logs that might show you the errors18:19
alpha__what logs do i need to look at18:20
compdocone might be the apt logs. see what was updates. do you use a propritory video drivers?18:21
AJ2Hi All.  I need some help with my Ubuntu 16.04.  On my netwrok all my devices have an IP as 192.168..xxx, but for some reason the IP on my Ubuntu server is 192.168.10.x.  Due to this reason I am not able to ssh into theis machien from the same network and moreoever from outside my home network. In my router settings I do not even see this ubuntu pc; therefore I can safely say I have not assigned a static IP to this machine on my router.18:22
compdoc*what ws updated18:22
lotuspsychjeAJ2: try #ubuntu-server channel18:22
alpha__im not sure on the video drivers thin generic18:24
compdocthats good18:24
vltAJ2: 192.168.10.x is part of 192.168.x.x.  What exactly is the problem?18:25
compdocis anything showing in the dmesg log? scroll to bottom and look for errors18:25
AJ2vlt... my mistake. every device on my network is 192.168.1.x18:26
AJ2but this ubuntu is on 192.168.10.x18:26
TJ-AJ2: is this the CM1000 > netgear nighthawk > ... issue still?18:26
alpha__on what log file?18:26
AJ2this ubuntu machine is hardwired into my switch, so I do't understand where its getting this 192.168.10.x from18:27
AJ2yes TJ18:27
vltAJ2: Did you get this IP address via DHCP?18:27
AJ2its getting frustrated18:27
AJ2vlt: I am assuming so18:27
TJ-AJ2: do you have a physical console on the PC?18:27
AJ2by physical console, if you mean a dedicated pc, then yes18:28
TJ-AJ2: when you left last time I think we'd got an idea what might be going on... but I've forgotten now! Let me review my logs18:28
TJ-AJ2: no, I mean do you have physical monitor and keyboard access?18:28
vltAJ2: You could try to assign a second IP address manually to something like eth0:0, for example, and try to ping. The problem might be a collision if the address is already taken.18:28
AJ2problem with assigig a second ip is that I won't be able to access the ubuntu machone from outside my network, which is my real purpose18:29
AJ2I don't if this matters, but previously this machine has centos on it.  Didn't need it, so I installed ubuntu over it now..18:31
TJ-AJ2: ok, this is where we got to:18:32
TJ-2018-04-06 09:09:41     TJ-     tomreyn: Are you able to continue with AJ3 sorting out the IP address issue? Looks like the nighthawk might have the wrong MAC address18:32
TJ- in the address reservation - that has to match the PC it's assigned to so needs comparing to the Ubuntu PC.18:32
AJ2so there was no address reservation18:32
Kumoolhow do you bind media keys?18:32
Kumoolis it impossible?18:32
TJ-AJ2: can the PC ping any other device on the LAN?18:33
AJ2let me check18:33
AJ2When I try to ping a pc on the 192.168.1.x from the ubuntu machine it just hangs..by that i mean it doesn't return anything18:35
brainwashKumool: does the cli tool "xev" detect those keys when you press them?18:35
AJ2It makes sense that it can not do that because the subnets are different18:35
Kumoolbrainwash, it does, but it shows them as 0 0 0 018:35
brainwashKumool: without a unique key name?18:36
Kumoolbrainwash, xmodmap shows the keycode18:36
s10gopalnow ubuntu 18.04lts features are final or still more will be added ?18:36
brainwashKumool: I guess then you should be able to map them18:36
AJ2You think formatting my machine and doing a fresh install woud make a difference?  Maybe something ogt left there from the time when centos was installed?18:36
TJ-AJ2: what's the name of the wired interface "ip link show" ?18:37
TJ-AJ2: no, I don't think so. We can manually get it on the LAN so we can pastebin some diagnostics from it18:37
s10gopalTJ-: on git bisect i am on commit what is in v4.12-rc7 , it is correct ?18:37
TJ-AJ2: OK, get it on the LAN with: "sudo ip addr add dev enp3s0"18:38
TJ-s10gopal: I've not been following; I though jsalisbury was dealing with it18:38
AJ2done... but still when i do a ifconfig, it still shows only
TJ-AJ2: now add a default route: "sudo ip route add default via dev enp3s0"18:39
s10gopalTJ-: i am just asking general question , i am doing bisect , 4.12 and 4.13-rc1 and git bisect is on commit which is on v4.12-rc7 , how it is possible ? v4.12-rc7 is older than v4.1218:39
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
TJ-AJ2: use 'ip' not ifconfig: "ip addr show dev enp3s0"18:40
=== BillyCro1k is now known as BillyCrook
AJ2it returns file exists on the last command you wanted me to do18:41
BillyCrookI'm playing around with preseed to automate installs, and when a system has multiple nics it halts the automated install to ask  which nic to use to download the preseed file!  Is there a kernel arg I can pass in debian, similar to redhat's ksdevice=link,  that would tell the installer environment to use which ever nic presently has a valid link?18:41
TJ-AJ2: ok, that means it may have added it, check if there is already a default route: "ip route show"18:41
BillyCrookI'm playing around with preseed to automate installs, and when a system has multiple nics it halts the automated install to ask  which nic to use to download the preseed file!  Is there a kernel arg I can pass in debian, similar to redhat's ksdevice=link,  that would tell the installer environment to use which ever nic presently has a valid link?18:41
BillyCrookI'm playing around with preseed to automate installs, and when a system has multiple nics it halts the automated install to ask  which nic to use to download the preseed file!  Is there a kernel arg I can pass in debian, similar to redhat's ksdevice=link,  that would tell the installer environment to use which ever nic presently has a valid link?18:41
TJ-AJ2: then try "ping" (that *is* the nighthawk address isn't it) ?18:41
AJ2ok.. i did the ip addrs show enp3s0 and I see the
AJ2yes, that i shte ip address of the nighthawk18:42
BillyCrookshoot, sorry for flooding, having a terminal problm here18:42
* BillyCrook needs to read irssi manual18:43
TJ-AJ2: so, the PC may not have DNS resolving but it should be able to reach IP addresses on your LAN, and hopefully on the Internet (if the default route is set)18:43
TJ-AJ2: it's a 16.04 ubuntu-server install is that correct?18:43
AJ2correct TJ18:45
TJ-AJ2: on the Ubuntu PC run this command to collect the syslog then give us the URL it reports: "tail -n 2500 /var/log/syslog | nc 9999 "18:46
TJ-AJ2: I'm eating dinner now so will be slower responding, but report the URL and I'll start reviewing the log18:46
BillyCrookthat's cool.  is termbin your peojrct TJ-?18:48
TJ-AJ2: interesting, the PC is requesting the 10.101 address... but that log seems to be missing messages from just beforehand. Lets try to find them! What time/date does this show? "ls -l /var/log/syslog.1" ?18:50
AJ2Apr 7 06:2518:51
TJ-AJ2: ahh, so logrotate ran right in the middle of the bits we want so we have to check 2 files! show us "tail -n 2500 /var/log/syslog.1 | nc 9999"18:52
TJ-AJ2: are you sure typed syslog.1 there? the content is identical18:54
s10gopal!help nc18:54
TJ-AJ2: that's better! Give me a few minutes to read it18:55
TJ-AJ2: the interesting bit starts at "Apr  6 11:03:38 " where it requests a DHCP lease18:56
AJ2yea i noticed that18:57
phenobleHi everyone. A quick question:  I am noticing that ~/.profile is not being read by neither the virtual terminals ( the ones reachable via C-M-Fn ), nor e.g. the root terminal on the boot menu.18:57
TJ-AJ2: you notice that the DHCP /server/ is ? Isn't that your VoIP phone device!?18:57
AJ2i was trying some dhclient command last night trying to renew it18:57
TJ-AJ2: you *cannot* have 2 DHCP server's on the same segment - the nighthawk should be the only one18:58
phenobleNow, how am I supposed to idiomatically set my environment in all circumstances / scenarios, e.g. X server GUI, virtual terminals, and a root terminal?18:58
AJ2let me check my router18:58
TJ-AJ2: simple test - power off or unplug the network from the VoIP device, then reboot the Ubuntu PC18:59
akikphenoble: did you try $HOME/.bash_profile ?18:59
AJ2so according my nighthawk, the voip phone has ip address of
TJ-AJ2: something in your network is operating on and is offering DHCP which your Ubuntu PC is then talking to19:00
TJ-AJ2: I'd check what you've got the Ubuntu PC plugged into physically because it isn't the nighthawk!19:00
phenobleakik:  no. I have my default shell set to zsh, so I didn't think about bash.19:00
akikphenoble: ah ok. sorry i've only used bash19:01
akikphenoble: man zsh will probably list the initialization files19:01
AJ2i have 1 test i can do... it will take me offline here for a moment, but I will be back.  I'll plug my ubuntu machine from the switch right into the wall which i know is connected my router19:01
AJ2this will bypass my switch and voip19:02
phenobleakik:  I just created a copy of .profile, named .bash_profile, and logged into another virtual terminal:  same behaviour. Not being sourced/loaded.19:02
TJ-AJ2: I suspect you've got the VoIP device connected to the switch, and it is grabbing the DHCP session, not the nighthawk. You cannot have 2 DHCP servers on the same ethernet segment19:02
AJ2yes, the vopi devie is conneted to the switch19:03
AJ2so does a vopi device act as a dhcp server>19:03
akikphenoble: yes it's for bash, not for zsh19:03
AJ2but according my router --> attached devices... the vopi device has IP19:04
TJ-AJ2: most do, because you connect 'dumb' phone devices to them so they have to give out IP addresses19:04
=== peyton is now known as Helithumper
akikphenoble: https://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/zshbash-startup-files-loading-order-bashrc-zshrc-etc/19:04
TJ-AJ2: Check the admin console for the VoIP device, I bet it's operating a DHCP server on
AJ2let me restart my ubuntu first and see if this solves19:05
TJ-AJ2: if it isn't the device then there's something else on you network operating on that address with a DHCP server active19:05
akikphenoble: that seems to imply ~/.zshrc is always executed19:05
phenobleakik:  thank you, yes. That's the post I created my setup from, and have my current understanding about it all from ^^.19:05
phenobleakik:  I was expecting the virtual terminals and the root terminal to be login shells.19:05
AJ2whats the reboot command thru terminl?19:05
TJ-AJ2: for Linux? "sudo systemctl reboot"19:06
akikphenoble: i think they are for the virtual consoles?19:06
phenobleakik:  .zshrc is not the correct place to set the environment. You don't want this to happen every time a zsh is opened, e.g. in a tmux split.19:06
AJ2so what i have done is unplugged the power o my voip19:06
AJ2and am restarting my ubuntu now19:07
TJ-AJ2: how many ports does the switch have? how many are connected, and what to?19:07
AJ2i be damned... resarted ubintu and it has ip now of
TJ-AJ2: yep. As I expected19:08
AJ2so how do i get my vopi phone to work19:08
AJ2so it has 8 ports19:09
AJ2i wonder if i turn on my voip now19:09
AJ2the ubuntu machione should not get a new ip from it19:09
TJ-AJ2: ahow many ethernet ports does the voip device have?19:09
AJ2just a LAN and internet port19:11
TJ-AJ2: right, and the 'Internet' port should be directly connected to the Nighthawk, and the LAN port to the phones... but you /cannot/ connect the LAN side to a switch if the nighthawk is also connected to that switch19:11
TJ-AJ2: because the VoIP device is operating a DHCP server on the LAN side, with the subnet, which must be on a separate Ethernet segment19:12
AJ2so all i needed was the vouip to be connected to the intenet port and not lan port19:13
AJ2so looking at my setup now.. i had internet port and lan port going to my switch... :) Ohhh... LOL19:13
TJ-AJ2: network should look like this. Two Ethernet segments.  PCs <> LAN switch <> nighthawk <> Internet Port < VoIP > LAN Port > VoIP only switch > phones19:15
TJ-AJ2: the VoIP device is a gateway/router too, for the phones.19:16
AJ2now i setup port fowarding to that ubuntu... let me see if ican ssh into now19:16
AJ2it works19:18
TJ-AJ2: thank %$^&! for that !19:19
AJ2thank you so much TJ19:19
phenobleakik:  apparently, $WINDOWID is not set in terminals that were not spawned in X. This can be made used to set up the environment in .zshrc, if necessary.19:19
phenobleakik: problem solved, thank you anyway!19:20
AJ2I guess I don't understadn then why these vopi devices have a LAN port19:20
AJ2why would anyone want them to act as another dhcp device19:20
TJ-AJ2: because it's a gateway/router19:20
TJ-AJ2: because it needs to control the options and network config of the phone devices19:21
lesshasteI am happily using vncserver but sometimes it dies, which is a pain. Is it possible to save the state of vncserver so that I can at least have something to resume if it dies?19:21
AJ2so I guess my question now is, what am i going to miss or not have if its not connected to LAN19:22
TJ-AJ2: nothing. As I said earlier, if you have multiple phone devices you need a dedicated switch connected to the VoIP server's LAN port, and the phones connected to that switch, not the switch connected to the nighthawk19:23
lotuspsychjelesshaste: be carefull with vnc, as its a security risk19:23
lesshastelotuspsychje,  thanks19:23
lotuspsychje!vnc | lesshaste instead19:23
ubottulesshaste instead: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:23
lesshastebut I still need to solve the state saving problem19:23
TJ-AJ2: if you have an intelligent managed switch you can assign ports to different VLANs and isolate them that way, but for simple unmanaged switches that's not possible19:24
AJ2thanks again tj... i need to run now, but will back later19:24
noraatepernosI have a rare case for a file system that can have up to 10 billion inodes.  Is there any reason I can’t have Ubuntu run on a 20G ext4 and mount a separate btrfs (with all the smal files)?  I’m not sure if inodes are handled at the partition level or if ubuntu would care.19:33
alpha__if i have two partitions one containing ubuntu on sda2 and my home folder on sda3 and I want to reinstall a broken 16.04 ubuntu to sda2 how can I restore my hone folder in the new instalation?19:33
WizardSo, I installed Steam (from "Software") and installed Europa Universalis IV later. I launcehd it, first screen appears, I click "Play"… and then I hear menu music and nothing happens, no window, no menu, no nothing. EU4 process is running, music is playing, CPU is busy but I don' see anything. Ubuntu 17.10, extra repos added by VS Code and Spotify only19:34
lotuspsychjealpha__: when installing an ubuntu, setup will ask to preserve your /home19:35
TJ-noraatepernos: inodes are file-system concept. Linux can have as many file-systems mounted as you can provide :)19:35
noraatepernosTJ-: Okay thanks.  I’m going to do some experimenting now.  We were using Dynamodb as a very crude key-value store (all it’s good for, imo) and its write provisioning was becoming cost-prohibitive.19:36
lotuspsychjeWizard: wich graphics card chipset and xorg or wayland?19:37
alpha__ok can you please walk me through an new install using a usb/dvd where will it ask to preserve your /home and will it allow all in my home folder to be accessable in the new instalation?19:39
lotuspsychjealpha__: setup will ask you what to do, upgrade, install next to current setup, or install clean19:40
Wizardlotuspsychje: Seems like nvidia, nouveau, wayland19:40
lotuspsychjeWizard: better login to xorg mate, nvidia & wayland is work in progress atm19:41
alpha__i am using a live boot usb i dont seem to get that meaasge?19:41
alpha__when i try to do an install19:41
Wizardlotuspsychje: How? :D19:41
lotuspsychjeWizard: logout, and at gdm3 login, choose XORG session19:42
lotuspsychjeWizard: another option could be testing wayland + nvidia-390 driver from ubuntu graphics ppa19:44
Wizardlotuspsychje: I hate PPA19:46
WizardI'll try xorg session, thanks19:47
NeuhNeuhHi :)19:47
lotuspsychjeWizard: we dont reccomend external ppa's neither here, but in some cases the ubuntu graphics ppa can be a solving19:47
NeuhNeuhI use Ubuntu 16.04 but I have a problem with PHP. PAM Module is not present and I can't isntall it19:47
NeuhNeuhAnd I don't find packages for that19:48
Wizardlotuspsychje: I'm gonna give PPA a try19:48
NeuhNeuhAnd pecl fail with build19:49
lorogueHello all ^19:49
nobodyhello lorogue19:50
slidinghornNeuhNeuh I believe the packages are libpam-mysql and pamtester19:50
lorogueA lot more users here than I expected ^^19:50
NeuhNeuhslidinghorn: Oh ? I test :)19:51
NeuhNeuhI try *19:51
alpha__is there any expert who can fix a broken ubuntu instalation?19:51
lorogueBroken how?19:52
NeuhNeuhNo, don't work ;:(19:52
alpha__tried to do a update but was forced to do a partia upgrade then the system stoped working19:53
alpha__i can boot in the advance screen19:53
alpha__checked for broken packages19:54
tomreynalpha__: what did you upgrade form and to, what forced you to do a partial upgrade, what did it say (if you still remember)?19:55
alpha__but when trying to do a normal reboot get the ubuntu screen with red dots it does one then screen goes blank and no mouse pointer19:55
tomreynform -> from19:55
alpha__it just forced and upgrade im not sure what it upgraded to fron 16.0419:56
tomreynalpha__: so you're on the recovery menu now? the purple one?19:56
alpha__yes i have been in that menu19:57
slidinghornNeuhNeuh they're in the repositories...could you do  the following:   cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999       and post the link please19:57
alpha__tried various things still the same19:57
tomreynalpha__: do you have backups?19:58
NeuhNeuhslidinghorn: Maybe its because I use « Ubuntu » ARM Ports ?19:58
NeuhNeuh-« »19:58
slidinghornah...that could be important info to include in your question NeuhNeuh19:58
alpha__not sure of the main ubuntu - i have my home folder on another disk partition19:58
NeuhNeuhslidinghorn: Ah sorry :)19:59
s10gopali have installed linux kernel but i cant see it in grub , how to fix it ?19:59
alpha__so would like to try and fix the broken instalation or re install ubuntu but be able to get to my home folder on other partition20:00
tomreynalpha__: sometimes, on a very broken system, reinstalling can be faster than spending a lot of time on trying to recover (and then maybe end up with a system which works but is in a worse state than a fresh install, with untracked files lying around somewhere), that's why i'm asking.20:00
slidinghornNeuhNeuh maybe try in #ubuntu-arm - they're more specific to your build I think20:01
NeuhNeuhslidinghorn: When I try to install this package, he say « package exist in database »20:01
s10gopaltomreyn: can you please help me ?20:01
lorogueI would prolly use a liveCD to grab the files I wanted and then reinstall..20:01
tomreyns10gopal: not right now, trying tro help alpha__ currently.20:01
alpha__ok if i create another partition on my drive and reinstal a fresh version of ubuntu how do i link it up with my home folder which is on a different partition?20:02
tomreynalpha__: you said something about ubuntu 16.04, but i didn't understand whether that's the ubuntu release you had before the incident or now. also, can you explain what prompted you to start an upgrade and how you did it?20:02
alpha__on my drive i have ubuntu 16.04 instaled which worked all ok untill the update / upgrade20:03
alpha__that the version i had before20:04
alpha__can i roll back the upgrade?20:04
tomreynalpha__: you can do a fresh install of ubuntu to this same partition you had it on so far, and then after the installation is done and you booted into it, you can just modify the fstab file to make it mount the old file system to /home, and reboot20:04
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
alpha__ok how do i modify the fstab file and mount the old file system to /home20:05
alpha__will i not get a home folder on the fresh instal of ubuntu?20:06
tomreynalpha__: it's still unknown whether what you did was an update (installing just bug fixes and security patches) or an upgrade (such as 16.04 -> 18.04). an upgrade requires running do-release-upgrade or manually editing /etc/apt/sources.list (so if you did neither then you did not do an upgrade). rolling back upgrades is not possible.20:06
alpha__well i did not actualy do that i just run the update program which then said it could only do a upgrade and clicked the button20:08
tomreynyes the new install will have a /home directory as well. once you reinstalled you can reboot recovery, clean up /home on the ubuntu 'system' partition so it's empty, then make the fstab modification to /etc/fstab , then reboot and you'll have what you used to have.20:08
alpha__ok can you explain how to do that20:09
s10gopaltomreyn: thx grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg solved my problem20:09
tomreynalpha__: okay,lets take a quck look at the broken system you have now to get an idea of what you had there in terms of other software, what may have gone wrong (to learn how to prevent it from happening again), shall we?20:10
tomreyns10gopal: glad you could solve it on your own20:10
alpha__what do i need to do?20:11
tomreynalpha__: so boot into recovery, you said you know how to do this?20:11
alpha__ok i am just going to do that20:12
tomreynalpha__: actually, before we do this, do you have a usb stick with the latest 16.04 on it?20:12
tomreyn16.04.4 LTS that is20:12
tomreynalpha__: which architecture is this? amd64, i686, arm64?20:13
alpha__shall i boot into live boot from the usb?20:13
alpha__its intel20:13
alpha__chip set20:13
tomreynalpha__: okay, have you successfully started your computer with the live stick before?20:14
alpha__the usb live boot works20:14
tomreynalpha__: cool, okay so boot into emergency now20:14
vividim having trouble building ffmpeg with 'debuild -b -j5' and i cannot seem to find the relevant info on why its failing, just says dh_auto_test: cd debian/standard && make -j5 -O check -k returned exit code 120:14
alpha__so live boot from the usb or recover from the old system?20:14
loroguewonder if it is possible to remote connect to a liveUSB session.. Off to google!20:15
tomreynalpha__: recovery from the old system.20:15
alpha__ok just a min20:15
slidinghornvivid is there any reason you can't use the version in the repositories?20:15
vividyes i need nvenc20:15
vividive been building this previously without any issues so im rather confused as to why its begun to fail20:16
slidinghornvivid this looks like a job for the #ffmpeg channel20:17
tomreynalpha__: once you're there, select the option to enable network20:17
vividwell except this is debian packaging which they did not write..correct?20:17
vividafaik dh_auto_test is a debian specific thing20:17
dlilorogue, you can install packages in a liveusb session20:17
alpha__have selected network20:17
vividwhere do i find the relevant logging or error reporting from debuild20:17
alpha__have wired connection to router20:18
alpha__and run the network20:18
alpha__shall i drop into root sheel?20:18
tomreynalpha__: yes please20:18
tomreynalpha__: can you ping ?20:19
vividlets see if it fails when not run in parallel20:19
alpha__yes i get 64 bytes from icmp_seq ttl20:20
alpha__and it keep increment the seq20:20
tomreynalpha__: okay, nctrl-x now. then run: lsb_release -ds20:20
lorogue@dli, what I was thinking about what if it possible to remote connect to a liveCD session (please note that I am completely new to linux, working my way through things). So if I wanted to help a friend, he could boot with a liveCD session. Kind of a "if planets align" kind of thing, but yeah..20:21
tomreynalpha__: ... and tell me what it says exactly.20:21
alpha__how do i stop the oing?20:21
tomreynpress ctrl-c20:21
tomreynsorry, had a typo there20:21
alpha__ok then what20:21
tomreynalpha__: what i said :)20:21
Huliohi, how to make ASUS USB-N10 work in ubuntu 16.04 LTS ?20:23
HulioUbuntu don't detect it20:23
MissMiewhello, I used "sudo apt-get upgrade" for my updates but I still have 3 security updates listed. how do I install them? thank you.20:23
compdocsudo apt-get dist-de20:24
compdocsudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:24
alpha__it said no command run: lsb_release -ds  found did you mean runc20:24
alpha__runc (universe)20:24
tomreynalpha__: run "lsb_release -ds" and tell me what it says exactly20:24
Huliocan someone help me how to make ASUS USB-N10 wireless work in ubuntu?20:24
tomreynalpha__: do not run "run"20:24
Huliothis is too complicated, it wont' detect20:24
MissMiewcompdoc thank you Kindly! it seems to be working. should I only use that command from now on?20:25
tomreyn!patience | Hulio20:25
ubottuHulio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:25
alpha__its says ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS20:25
tomreynalpha__: okay, what's the output of: uname -a20:26
nobodyI certainly will, if I know the answer20:26
slidinghornHulio which version (16.04/17.10/etc) and flavor (Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu) are you using?20:27
tomreynalpha__: actually you dont need to type all of this. do this instead:20:27
Hulio16.04 x64  UBuntu20:27
tomreynalpha__: uname -a | nc termbin.com 999920:27
tomreynalpha__: this should return a HTTP address, hopefully less typing for you20:27
alpha__Linux tau-M660SE 4.4.0-119-generic #143-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 2 16:08:22 UTC 2018 i 686 i686 i686 GNU/LINUX20:28
Huliolet me reboot20:28
tomreynalpha__: now run "lscpu" and tell me what "model name" is20:30
alpha__doing that command with the 9999 gives the following nc: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution20:31
tomreynalpha__: okay, we can ignore this one for now. what about the lscpu?20:31
alpha__what do you want fro the lscpu20:32
tomreyn<tomreyn> alpha__: now run "lscpu" and tell me what "model name" is20:32
alpha__Intel (R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T6400 @2GHz20:33
tomreynalpha__: hmm, that's old. but it's nice it still works.20:35
tomreynalpha__: also onthe "lscpu"output, what does it say for "CPU op-mode(s)" ?20:36
alpha__32bit, 64bit20:36
tomreynalpha: okay, alsomost done. now what'S the output of: dmidecode -t memory | grep MB$20:39
tomreyn(including the dolloar character)20:39
thinkyfirefox icon on desktop is very huge20:40
thinkyhow can i fix it?20:40
alpha__size 2048MB20:40
tomreynalpha__: okay, just this one line of output, right?20:41
alpha__no lot of data in relation to that last command20:41
alpha__sorry yes just one line20:42
thinkyalso there is a folder named = " in home/user20:42
thinkyno idea how and why it has been created20:43
simonizorYou probably made it.20:43
simonizorNo sane app is gonna make that folder lol20:43
thinkywhy would i create a folder named = " ?20:43
alpha__getting SMBIOS data from sysfs SMBIOS 2.4 present size 2048MB20:44
simonizorWhy would anything create that folder?20:44
thinkyi wish i knew20:44
thinkylooks like a bug or virus20:44
kostkonthinky, do you get an option to resize the icon when you right click on it?20:44
simonizorOdds are user error20:44
tomreynalpha__: okay, summing up this is apparently a Clevo M660SE, with a 64-bit capable intel core 2 duo T6400 cpu, with 2 GB RAM.20:44
hggdhthinky: probably a mistype20:44
thinkykostkon: no it doesnt give option when i right clich20:44
thinkyi tried20:44
kostkonthinky, ok20:44
simonizorOn Linux, when stuff goes wrong and you can't explain why, most of the time it's user error lol20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756501 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Firefox Desktop icon is HUGE (about 5 times normal) after update to 59.0 (64-bit) Ubuntu canonical build, can't resize by any normal method." [Undecided,Fix committed]20:45
thinkyit seems it is a bug20:45
alpha__yes that would be correct but i have never been able to install a 64 bit os20:45
kostkonthinky, yeap20:45
tomreynalpha__: this is important to know in case you'll choose which ubuntu variant to install next. you used to have the 32-bit ubuntu installed. and with 2 GB of RAM, this makes most sense.20:45
thinkybut no solution yet?20:45
alpha__yes and the iso of the installed ubuntu is a 32bit20:46
simonizorIt actualy doesn't make sense to install 32bit OSes anymore20:46
kostkonthinky, you could try setting a different one, try right clicking then properties then clicking on its icon. what release are you on20:46
simonizorA lot of software isn't supporting 32bit anymore20:46
alpha__and the usb live boot is also 32b20:46
tomreynalpha__: you should probably also consider not running the default ubuntu flavour but rather xubuntu or ubuntu mate or even lubuntu20:46
simonizorSo if you can do 64bit, you should20:46
tomreynalpha__: the default desktop will make this computer feel slower than necessary.20:47
thinky59.0.2 - 64bit20:47
kostkonthinky, Ubuntu release20:47
thinkyah sorry20:47
tomreynalpha__: now, your choice: try to fix the system or prepare a fre install20:47
tomreynfre -> fresh20:47
alpha__try and fix first20:47
kostkonthinky, ok, you could try setting a different one and see if it will go back to its nomrla size20:47
thinkywhere does firefox keep icon sets?20:48
oerheksthinky, the solution is in the last comment: wait for 60, of fix it manually20:48
oerheksand gives the path for example20:48
kostkonthinky, my thinking is that you could just download your own firefox icon and set it as its icon, temporarily until the bug is taken care of20:48
tomreynalpha__: alright. earlier something seemed to be wrong with name resolution (dns). let's look into this more closely: grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf20:48
tomreynalpha__: it may just say "nameserver".20:49
Bashing-ompetro: ;; here ... your card will support the 390 nvidia driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/132530/en-us .20:49
thinkyi will wait for v6020:49
thinkyis ubuntu virus free?20:49
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:49
kostkonthinky, you can always install your favourite adblocker script blocker etc in firefox20:51
alpha__it says no such file or directory20:51
thinkyi use ABP20:51
kostkonthinky, ok good20:51
tomreynalpha__: i think you have mistyped it. try again?20:51
tomreyngrep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf20:52
designbybeck3tomreyn: got the script installing on the other computers, of course there were a few other files that were old and I had to remove. But now I'm trying to get one computer that has a wifi to share its internet via a small hub with the other 2 computers20:52
designbybeck3Know of any easy way to share the wifi from one computer, through a hub, so others computers can access the hubs internet via ethernet cable20:52
alpha__i have retyped the following grep nameserver etc/resolv.conf20:53
alpha__and it comes up with the same message20:53
tomreynalpha__: did you omit the leading slash before "etc"?20:54
lorogueGnight all ^^20:54
SlidingHorndesignbybeck3, This is for 17.10 - not sure how well it'd work with other versions, but check it out: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html20:54
kostkon!ics | designbybeck320:54
ubottudesignbybeck3: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:54
NeuhNeuhLol OK20:55
NeuhNeuhphp-pam is not installable on my laptop too20:55
alpha__still the same message with the leading slash20:56
SlidingHornNeuhNeuh, did you try in #ubuntu-arm regarding your problem originally?20:56
designbybeck3Thank you SlidingHorn and ubottu I'll check them out now!20:56
tomreynalpha__: okay, that's my bad, sorry. let me see how to fix this20:57
tomreynalpha__: please type (exactly): echo > /etc/resolv.conf21:00
NeuhNeuhSlidingHorn: Yes but I have problem on my laptop (x86 CPU)  too21:00
NeuhNeuhsame problem21:00
tomreynalpha__: please type (exactly): echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf21:00
tomreynalpha__: ^ typo fixed21:00
tomreynalpha__: once this is done run: ping ubuntu.com21:01
SlidingHornNeuhNeuh, well let's start first with your original problem...what did they say in #ubuntu-arm?21:01
tomreynalpha__: see if you get 64 byte packets form there, and press ctrl-c to cancel it.21:01
alpha__no packets21:02
alpha__just a blank flashing cursor21:02
tomreynalpha__: ok, does "ping" work though?21:03
tomreynalpha__: what's the output of: cat /etc/resolv.conf | nc 999921:05
=== Menzador32 is now known as Menzie
xgptmy new installation of ubuntu doesn't trust let's encrypt certificates? how do I add them to whatever keychain of trusted root certs are out there?21:06
tomreynalpha__: if it starts with "http://termbin.com/" then just tell me the remaining characters on that line.21:07
MissMiewhello, simple question. where can i find the login logs for my system? thank you.21:07
tomreynxgpt: which ubuntu version did oyu install there?21:07
SlidingHornMissMiew, check out /var/log/auth.log21:07
tomreynMissMiew: /var/log/auth.log21:07
xgptit's an offshoot called armbian21:08
NERD-kSomeone use shadowsocks-libev?? How to let it to don't display listening ??21:09
tomreynxgpt: i'm afraid we dont support it here.21:09
tomreynalpha__: thanks. does this work: ping -c3 ix.de21:10
tomreynalpha__: does it get 64 bytes form something?21:10
kostkonxgpt, it's probably Debian based anyway21:11
alpha__no just some command with switches i.e, -c21:11
hggdhit is, it is based on Jessie21:11
xgptkostkon: no, it's definitely just ubuntu21:11
linux_userHello all!21:11
xgpthggdh: it's based on both stretch AND ubuntu, they just adapt them into images for these little boards21:12
kostkonxgpt, ok it's just we only support official derivatives here21:12
xgptjust, how would I go about reinstalling it from ubuntu repos?21:12
SlidingHornxgpt, armbian is not ubuntu.  they do have a channel (though it's not official).  Check out #armbian21:12
hggdhxgpt: OK. But, still, we do not know anything about it here21:12
xgptSlidingHorn: it's dead, just want to know how to reinstall the main SSL certs21:12
linux_userI am interested in figuring out how to use a CDROM for installing packages. Lets say I have Ubuntu 17.10.1 installed into a virtual machine and have a CDROM attached (virtually) to the VM and want to login to the VM and install packages using the CD-ROM, has anyone ever done this?21:12
xgpthggdh: okay, I'm magically having the exact same issue on ubuntu. How would I fix it?21:13
SlidingHornxgpt, well unfortunately, armbian isn't supported here.21:13
NeuhNeuhSo, hop I'm giving up about this php-pam. I'm very tired to « fight » this package lol ++21:13
tomreynalpha__: what does "cat /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf" say, any "nameserver" lines?21:13
NeuhNeuhGood night :)21:13
NERD-kGood Night??21:13
NERD-k05:13 AM here21:14
alpha__no such file or directory21:14
xgpty'all are soooo friendly. Thanks for the help. I just ran "sudo apt purge ca-certificates && sudo apt install ca-certificates and it solved the problem." I was just afraid it was going to bork the apt-get https nonsense21:14
xgptbut thanks21:14
SlidingHorn!derivatives | xgpt21:14
ubottuxgpt: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:14
tomreynin fact, it probably would have.21:16
tomreynalpha__: oh i missed your response sorry, le me see... so for some reason i don't understand, you can connect to ipv4 addresses just fine, but name resolution fails.21:17
linux_userI am interested in figuring out how to use a CDROM for installing packages. Lets say I have Ubuntu 17.10.1 installed into a virtual machine and have a CDROM attached (virtually) to the VM and want to login to the VM and install packages using the CD-ROM, has anyone ever done this?21:18
tomreynalpha__: we setup a nameserver ( which you can reach (as tested) in /etc/resolv.conf on this ubuntu 16.04 system running in emergency mode, but this did not fix it.21:18
TJ-alpha__: tomreyn "apt list resolvconf" - does it report [installed]21:19
tomreynalpha__: i have a 17.10 VM here where i tested this approach, and it worked. but since you have 16.04 it might behave differently. still, i would have expected this to work there, too.21:19
* linux_user says: I am interested in figuring out how to use a CDROM for installing packages. Lets say I have Ubuntu 17.10.1 installed into a virtual machine and have a CDROM attached (virtually) to the VM and want to login to the VM and install packages using the CD-ROM, has anyone ever done this?21:19
tomreynalpha__: please try TJ-'s command21:19
alpha__ok typing in TJ command gives21:21
alpha__apt list resolvconf lisiting done21:21
tomreynalpha__: no ned to type it all, just tell us if it says "[installed]"21:21
tomreyn*no need21:21
TJ-tomreyn: alpha__ looks like resolvconf isn't installed21:22
tomreynalpha__: so this was the only line of output really?21:23
tomreyn"Listing... Done"?21:23
TJ-tomreyn: alpha__ and worse, apt doesn't know there is a resolvconf package21:23
alpha__resolvconf/xenial-updates, now 1.78ubuntu all [installed] N: There is 1 additional version, please use the -a switch to see it21:23
TJ-alpha__: aha, OK, it's there. Phew!21:23
tomreynTJ-: any idea why name resolution fails, though? i dont seem to get it21:24
TJ-tomreyn: I'm trying to recreate the problem in a 16.04 LXD container right now :)21:24
TJ-tomreyn: resolvconf is supposed to be the source for libc, but there's also name service switch.21:24
TJ-alpha__: what does "grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf" report?21:25
tomreynTJ-: oh thanks. the original issue why alpha__ is seeking assistence with us is that some kind of an update or upgrade (NOT initiated by manually editing sources.list or running do-release-upgrade) failed, and the system does not boot up further than the boot splash screen now.21:25
tomreyn(so a bunch of things *might* very very broken)21:26
alpha__hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns21:27
tomreynTJ-: my plan now is to determine whether this system can be saved, or need sa reinstall. alpha__ sas /home is on a separate partition, so it's not too big an issue, but would prefer not to.21:28
Kumoollinux_user, you need to add the repository21:28
linux_userwell the first think I am curious about is making sure that the CD is being presented to the OS properly as its being done in a virtual environment21:28
Kumoollinux_user, debian has a good guide, because debian distributes the entire repo as 3 dvds, you can search on how to do it21:28
* tomreyn brb21:29
TJ-alpha__: that's correct. what's the name of the dev interface? "ip route show | grep default"21:29
TJ-tomreyn: we can force resolvconf to add an entry - we just need to know the interface name21:30
Kumoollinux_user, "If you want to use the 2 other DVD's as package sources. Insert one DVD and as root apt-cdrom add -d /media/your_username with sudo sudo apt-cdrom add -d /media/$USER Next apt-get update" https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/337534/how-to-install-dvd-2-and-3-of-debian21:30
Kumool(literally the first hit when i googled)21:30
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oerheksnow google with VM ..21:31
alpha__defualt via dev enp0s4 proto statis metric 10021:31
Kumoolthat's a bit more complicated and it depends on the VM21:32
TJ-alpha__: do this:  " echo "nameserver" | resolvconf -a enp0s4.dhclient   "21:32
linux_userKumool: I am very sorry, I must have not really said what I am trying to figure out. I am not looking for someone to do google searches for me. I am interested in figuring out the requirements to do it when the system is virtualized, that is what I found little google results for. yeah?21:32
Kumoollinux_user, what VM are you using?21:32
TJ-alpha__: once you've done that, if there were no errors it won't display any messages21:32
linux_userI installed 17.10.121:32
Kumooland can you not make an image?21:32
linux_userI downloaded the ISO21:33
linux_userI didn't have to make it21:33
Kumoolso the iso is in the OS?21:33
linux_userI am using Ubuntu, it is not Debian21:33
linux_userthe ISO is on the HOST OS and is being presented as a virtual CDROM to the guest21:33
Kumooli really don't understand the problem21:34
linux_userlet me try to explain21:34
linux_userI downloaded the ISO from Ubuntu (the ISO used for installing)21:34
Kumooli've never used vmware, maybe that's the problem...?21:34
alpha__is the " " in between the nameserver ?21:34
TJ-alpha__: type it exactly as I showed it21:35
linux_userI understand if you didn't, but that's why I specified its part of the equation21:35
linux_userit can make a difference I suppose21:35
linux_userI know how to google21:35
linux_userI don't want Debian instructions as their ISOs might be different from Ubuntu21:35
Kumoolthe cd is presented to the OS properly, or else you couldnt install the OS in the VM21:35
linux_useryou see what I am trying to get is the precise way to do it specifically for Ubuntu21:35
linux_userone second okay?21:36
Kumoollinux_user, unix is unix, ubuntu answers usually apply to debian and vice versa21:36
Kumoolits only the tidbits that differ between distros21:36
Kumooland try that link that oerheks replied with21:37
SlidingHornlinux_user, let me see if I understand this:  You have an ubuntu host, and and ubuntu guest.  You want to use an ISO image of a repository from which to install software on the guest?21:37
TJ-linux_user: the Ubuntu ISO images have a *small* number of packages on them presented just like the archive servers that apt uses. There are two directories, /dists/ and /pool/ - after install from a DVD apt will sometimes have a reference to the installer in /etc/apt/sources.list as "cdrom file:///dev/cdrom ..."21:37
linux_userthat thing is for WS 5, I have WS14, ok, I thought I'd find people here experienced with Ubuntu not a bunch of googlers21:37
linux_userSlidingHorn, precisesly21:37
TJ-alpha__: is that done now? if so, try "ping -c 5 archive.ubuntu.com"21:37
alpha__im having a bit of aproblem tying to type the commmand21:38
TJ-tomreyn: did you check if alpha__ has an open firewall on this system?21:38
linux_userTJ: yes I see that but its commented out21:38
linux_userI am going to uncomment it but21:38
tomreynTJ-: no. did not.21:38
linux_user1 sec phone21:38
TJ-linux_user: right, because most people remove the media so it'd hang apt every time you do 'apt update'21:38
TJ-tomreyn: I'm wondering if DNS port 53 is blocked :)21:38
TJ-alpha__: eaxctly as I've written it:  echo "nameserver" | resolvconf -a enp0s4.dhclient21:39
tomreynTJ-: well it must have worked previously if an update or upgrade somehow failed in the middle21:39
TJ-tomreyn: I've ceased being surprised at the mysterious changes users can apply without remembering :)21:40
alpha__ok the ubuntu ping worked21:40
tomreynTJ-: glad to have you, i wasn't familiar with overriding the resolve rconfig21:40
TJ-tomreyn: back to you! alpha__ has DNS21:40
tomreynTJ-: wohoo :)21:40
alpha__the nameserver command just retuns a flashing curser21:40
tomreynalpha__: what is "the nameserver command"?21:41
TJ-alpha__: that's fine21:41
linux_userTJ: I understand, I tried to mount the CD and got all this isolinux stuff in their and no repos21:41
linux_userlet me check my VM21:41
TJ-tomreyn: the command I gave piping into resolvconf21:41
tomreynoh ok21:41
TJ-tomreyn: do some more ping <name> tests to satisfy yourself it's OK, then you can move on :)21:41
TJ-termbin capture of logs maybe/21:42
tomreynalpha__: can you "ping -c1 ix.de" and get a 64-bit packet?21:43
alpha__no cant get a ping with that command21:44
tomreynalpha__: "ok"?21:45
tomreynalpha__: what is ok?21:45
alpha__yes did get a ping back when put space inbetween -c1 and ix21:45
linux_userTJ: 1, my install CD is /dev/sr1 and I was about to do "sudo mount /dev/sr1 /mnt"21:46
tomreynalpha__: yes, once you do things right, they magically happen to work!21:46
Mr_Cyclopstomreyn, well said :DS21:46
tomreynalpha__: okay, great, so i think you to have proper internet access now. do you have the pastebinit software installed? run "pastebinit -v"21:46
alpha__i dont think so21:46
tomreynalpha__: what makes oyu not think so?21:47
Kumoolyou can make it21:47
linux_userusing Kumool instructions, (following Debian's procedure) I did an apt-cdrom add -d /mnt21:47
alpha__im not sure21:48
linux_user^ this is my output in pastebin21:48
linux_user^ this is my output in pastebin21:48
Kumooloh wait, is alpha linux_user ?21:48
linux_userwho is alpha?21:48
TJ-linux_user: you can do that. does it have a Debian-compliant apt archive directory struture on it /dists/ and /pool/ ?21:48
linux_userI have no idea21:48
linux_userI thats why I am here looking for assistance21:48
alpha__its say patebinit currently not installed21:48
linux_userwhat is a debian compliant etc?21:48
tomreynalpha__: so what'S the output of "pastebinit -v"?21:48
linux_userUbuntu is just like Debian per Kumool21:49
linux_useris it?21:49
linux_useris it not?21:49
linux_userI am asking21:49
alpha__currently not installed21:49
tomreynalpha__: oh you just said so, ok21:49
TJ-linux_user: please don't use Enter as punctuation, it makes it difficult to follow the ongoing support session21:49
tomreynalpha__: okay we will continue using the nc termbin.com 9999 thing. now please show the url returned by: apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999921:50
tomreynalpha__: take good care about proper spelling there, please21:50
alpha__should i install it?21:50
TJ-linux_user: Ubuntu is a Debian derivative so it follows all the Debian policies and file structures.21:51
tomreynalpha__: no need for now21:51
linux_userTJ: ok, so, how do I check or why would I need to check if the ISO follows "Debian compliant, etc..."?21:51
TJ-linux_user: look for the 2 directories I mentioned. /dists/ contains the release info and lists of packages (e.g. release xenial) and /pool/ comtains directories for the actual binary .deb package files21:52
linux_userI understand from Kumool its basically the same then, yes? like CentOS used to be to RedHat just different logs but exactly the same OS?21:52
linux_userok, 1 second TJ21:52
alpha__ok just typed that last command21:52
alpha__came back with21:52
_omega_how the hell can I just get mdadm to sync a blank new drive that replaced a dead one from the raid10 array21:53
linux_userTJ: Yes, it seems to have all that.21:53
tomreynalpha__: alright, you are very focussed on security, that's good. unfortunatley you lost access to standard ubuntu somehow, though21:54
TJ-_omega_: did you fail and remove the dead drive21:55
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_omega_TJ-: the dead drive was dead and not even part of the array when I discovered21:56
_omega_it has been removed and a new one put in21:56
_omega_now I need to tell it to make /dev/sdd part of /dev/md221:56
_omega_and I guess that's where I'm stuck21:57
oerhekstomreyn, i see this large ppa in his list https://launchpad.net/~dirk-computer42/+archive/ubuntu/c42-backport21:57
tomreynalpha__: can you show the output of: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999921:57
_omega_(i'll bb shortly)21:57
TJ-_omega_: the general form is "mdadm /dev/mdX --add /dev/sdY"21:57
linux_userTJ: Did you see what I said, I see you are helping many people! :)21:57
TJ-_omega_: so "sudo mdadm /dev/md2 --add /dev/sds"21:58
TJ-_omega_: so "sudo mdadm /dev/md2 --add /dev/sdd"21:58
tomreynoerheks: thanks for pointing this out. some of these can be core/base packages.21:58
TJ-linux_user: you confirmed you could see the archive layout on the /dev/sr1 :)21:58
linux_userTJ: Yes, when I mounted it, yes21:59
tomreynalpha__: does this computer-42 PPA ring a bell? any idea why your default package repositories are commented out (diabled)?21:59
TJ-linux_user: so what do you want to do with it? tell APT to use it?22:00
linux_userdid you see the pastebin I posted?22:00
alpha__no idea22:00
linux_userthat was the output after the apt-cdrom command22:00
tomreynalpha__: did you install this computer, are you the only person managing it?22:00
=== Guest30837 is now known as ia_
alpha__no other users just me22:01
TJ-tomreyn: unless my eyes have gone, that pastebin shows the standard archive entries are active22:01
TJ-tomreyn: check if 'apt' is from our packages or one of those PPAs!22:02
oerheksls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | nc termbin.com 999922:02
tomreynTJ-: you're right. why did apt update not show this, though?  http://termbin.com/nqnlf22:03
ericrajuinhello, which package is the c++ doc ref in ubuntu repo ? thanks22:03
TJ-tomreyn: there's a version of apt in that c-42 PPA, maybe it's been 'hacked'22:03
TJ-alpha__: show us " apt-cache policy apt | nc termbin.com 9999 "22:04
tomreynjust wanted to ask the same :)22:04
alpha__if i run the last command again i get22:04
linux_userYJ: https://pastebin.com/t2qBt3QL22:05
tomreynalpha__: okay, this is probably unchanged. now do what TJ asked for, please22:05
BudgiiCan someone help me with this? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37148222:05
alpha__and each time i run it get different /22:05
Budgiispecifically where it says make the folowing script22:06
saikoatlocalhostdid i join the wrong channel22:06
Budgiisaikoatlocalhost, what were you wanting to join?22:07
saikoatlocalhosti got kicked from #debian cause i spoke in the support channel22:07
saikoatlocalhostis there an offtopic22:07
SlidingHornsaikoatlocalhost, you didn't get kicked - you were told about an offtopic channel22:07
alpha__i get http://termbin.com/yvpy22:07
saikoatlocalhostit won't let me connect then *shrug*22:08
TJ-linux_user: so there's nothing much on the ISO that matches the installed release/architecture ?22:08
SlidingHornsaikoatlocalhost, there is also #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat22:08
tomreynalpha__: okay, you won a free resintall22:08
linux_userTJ: Not sure I follow your question22:08
tomreynalpha__: let's not try to fix this system. be more careful about which PPAs you decide to install in the future22:09
linux_userTJ: That is the ISO I booted it up initially and installed the VM from22:09
TJ-linux_user: I'm not clear what you are trying to achieve.22:09
alpha__so the ppa has caused the problem then22:09
saikoatlocalhost* #ubuntu-offtopic :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services22:09
oerheksalpha__, that ppa is huge, you could reverse to standard packages with ppa-purge, but i would do a fresh install, much faster22:09
tomreynalpha__: if in doubt, you can come here and ask whether it seems like a good / bad idea to use those (even though we don't support PPAs in general)22:09
TJ-linux_user: the ISO isn't full of packages you know, just a handful of optionals that the LiveISO Try Ubuntu session might need22:10
tomreynalpha__: most likely, yes22:10
SlidingHornBudgii, what problem are you having with the script?22:10
linux_usergive me a second, I am going to write something in pastebin that explains.22:10
TJ-linux_user: OK, that's a good idea :)22:10
BudgiiSlidingHorn, I just don't get what it  means by 'make the following script'. I typed that in terminal and got a weird thing..22:11
oerheks!register > saikoatlocalhost22:11
ubottusaikoatlocalhost, please see my private message22:11
alpha__so a purge would not help then?22:11
Budgiido I need to save it in a text file and if so where?22:11
SlidingHornBudgii, Oh, just create a file with that in its contents, make it executable, and then run it :)22:11
kostkonalpha__, wipe disk and reinstall. that's the only safe way to fix this22:11
tomreynalpha__: you would need to downgrade several core utilities such as apt itself. it should never have been upgraded.22:11
Budgiiso my goal is getting that dictionary. Does that mean I have to run that each time, or is it just going to be a terminal window that is my 'dictionary' program?22:12
BudgiiSlidingHorn, ^22:12
joelI'm getting an error when installing grub, "cannot find efi directory", well, I had some disk corruption, how do I go about getting back this directory? a package I can re-install?22:12
=== saikoatlocalhost is now known as TrueLocalhost
tomreynalpha__: so i suggest you reinstall. before you do, you may want to upload a list of packages you may have had manually installed (i can guide oyu there), an overview on your file systems and you may also want to keep a copy of /etc22:13
linux_userTJ: That way I can write and be clear and you will understand what I am doing instead of typing it one line at a time between other peoples conversations22:13
alpha__ok can you do that please22:13
tomreynalpha__: when you run "ls /home/", do yuo see the directory of your user?22:13
SlidingHornBudgii, it's basically meant to be a terminal command that will pull a definition any time you call it.  You can either navigate to the script's directory each time, or you can create a scripts folder and export that to $PATH so you can just call it from CLI  (ex:   define   rather than navigating and ./define)22:13
kostkonalpha__, you replaced a core package with one from an unknown source. only way is a clean install22:13
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BudgiiSlidingHorn, so I have it saved as 'Dictionary.sh' on Desktop. I did CD, then tried ./define cat22:14
Budgiino luck. what am I doing wrong?22:15
SlidingHornBudgii, it's case sensitive22:15
tomreynalpha__: and, assuming your old user is called OLDUSER (please replace it accordingly), do you see your files when you do "ls /home/OLDUSER" ?22:15
SlidingHornand you have to call it by its name Budgii22:15
SlidingHornBudgii, so for you, you'd:   cd ~/Desktop    then    ./Dictionary cat22:16
TJ-joel: there should be /boot/efi/ and on that should be mounted the EFI System Partition so you'd see /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ and others22:16
alpha__ok i accept that i need to reinstall - how do i get a list of packages that I manually installed22:16
nlsthznI havne't tried installing a snap app in 18.04 yet but will it now use the ubuntu default mouse cursor in the installed snap app or the black mouse cursor?22:16
joelTJ-: I don't have an efi folder, at all, due to disk corruption. I'm trying to find out what I have to do to re-create that folder22:16
alpha__and how do i get access to my home folder on another partition?22:16
tomreynalpha__: right now i'm trying to get you to access the home directory we plan to keep, so we can use this to store some information which will be prevered.22:17
TJ-joel: is there a /boot/ with the kernel (vmlinuz-*) and initrd.img-* files  ?22:17
joelTJ-: not yet, I need to re-install the kernels22:17
tomreynalpha__: so if you could tell me about the above commands this would help22:18
joelTJ-: I do have a /boot, it's on a 512M EFI filesystem22:18
alpha__running ls /home/  i get the a name of the computer and lost+found22:18
ericrajuinBudgii: have you chmod +x to the script ?22:18
tomreynalpha__: okay, ignore the second request for now and do this: mount /home22:19
tomreynalpha__: any errors reported?22:19
Budgiiericrajuin, no. Not exactly sure what that is.. i'd have to check my notes :)22:19
SlidingHornoh Budgii     mv define.sh define22:19
BudgiiSlidingHorn, oops. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZF4h27DZwC/22:19
alpha__that on /dev/sda322:19
SlidingHornBudgii, file extensions don't matter :)22:20
tomreynalpha__: ok. did running "mount /home" report any errors?22:20
alpha__says it already mounted22:20
BudgiiSlidingHorn, when you said make it an executable I thougth sh haha..thanks!22:20
alpha__or .home busy22:21
tomreynalpha okay so i reckon the name of your computer is identical to that of your ubuntu user.22:21
tomreynalpha__: good. can you tell methe name of your computer?22:21
ericrajuinBudgii: it maks the script executable. by default when u create a script file it's not executable so u have to chmod +x22:21
TJ-joel: /boot/ shouldn't be in the FAT32  EFI system partition. It has to be a proper file-system that stores permissions. So either the root file-system or a separate (ext3/4) file-system in another partition22:22
TrueLocalhostwhy is /boot/ not in root22:22
TrueLocalhostno fucking sense22:22
TJ-TrueLocalhost: mind your language please22:22
tomreynalpha__: ok, when you do "ls /home/tau" and "ls /home/tau/Desktop", do you see some of your files there?22:22
Budgiiericrajuin, SlidingHorn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Gz55tPH5V9/22:22
Budgiiericrajuin, not sure I get what you mean by 'do' chmod +x :)22:23
sereis there much difference if i upgrade to 18 beta now or wait for the lts.. im getting inpatient22:23
SlidingHornBudgii, cd ~/Desktop && chmod +x define22:23
joelTJ-: 100% sure? this is a stock install of 16.04.... the other oddity is I have TWO EFI partitions, very head scratching22:24
tomreynalpha__: good. so please do (and double-check for any typos): tar czf /home/tau/backup_etc.tar.gz /etc22:24
SlidingHornsere, you could, but there could still be some bugs that need worked out.  So long as you're okay with that22:24
alpha__yes see my home folders22:24
SlidingHorn!final | sere22:24
ubottusere: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.22:24
BudgiiThat worked! okay so the actual program does not work. I get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KQkjGDcvYH/22:25
tomreynalpha__: this will create a backup of your /etc direcotry for reference - this is you system configuration, it's rather small, usually no more than a few megabytes.22:25
sereok perfect.. im on a lts minimal and have been for awhile .. i could i always reinstall or just wait but hey im going for it :) .. thanks everyone22:26
TrueLocalhosti'd wait22:26
TrueLocalhostlts are usually most stable22:27
TJ-tomreyn: might be worth saving /var/lib/dpkg/status too - it indicates the installed packages in case something gets missed22:27
sereTrueLocalhost: is two weeks worth my insanity?22:27
TrueLocalhostyeah if you want decency22:27
sereTrueLocalhost: i kinda do bah22:28
alpha__is there a space between the /  ?22:28
SlidingHornBudgii, let me get a vm up real quick, I'm on my Windows machine right now...22:28
TrueLocalhostuse WSL22:29
Budgiithanks SlidingHorn.22:29
BudgiiI just want a terminal dictionary ;D22:29
tomreynalpha__: never after, but sometimes before. you can copy and paste the command from the chat window to a text editor / notepad, this may help reading it22:30
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TrueLocalhostand yes i'm using ugly hexchat instead of irc.freenode.net but hexchat is allinonew22:31
TrueLocalhostall in one *22:31
sereBudgii:  what cant you can find them all over or even write one yourself.22:31
sereBudgii: kind*22:31
_omega_TJ-: wow22:31
alpha__cant seem to get that command to work says removing leading / from member names ?22:31
TJ-_omega_: ?22:32
_omega_TJ-: I owe you a beer. why couldn't I find that info. wonderful22:32
_omega_TJ-: new drive is syncing22:32
TJ-_omega_: :D22:32
_omega_thx a billion22:32
BudgiiTrueLocalhost you can customize colors you know22:32
tomreynalpha__: this is the command to backup the list of packages you installed manually:    comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) > /home/tau/backup_manually-installed-packages.txt22:32
Budgiisere, i'd like to write my own but don't know how. Any suggestions?22:32
tomreynTJ-: thanks for the dpkg status suggestion22:33
alpha__i am having troulbe with the previous command22:33
TJ-alpha__: are you working from a GUI or a text console?22:34
_omega_hmm I guess the manpage did give away the format'22:34
_omega_I missed that. anys great stuff22:34
TJ-_omega_: helps to have done it before though22:34
_omega_TJ-: 7 years, 24 7, first failure of 6 hdds22:35
alpha__text console22:35
TJ-alpha__: is that why you're struggling to read the commands? is the font very small?22:35
alpha__what command should i type first ?22:35
TJ-alpha__: are you on IRC from a different PC ?22:36
TJ-alpha__: Ahhh! Wish you'd told us earlier. We can make things a lot easier for you22:37
alpha__i can boot the other pc22:37
joelrandom: any way to get icons to bottom/right align in the unity bar?22:37
TJ-alpha__: give tomreyn and myself a few minutes and we'll sort something out22:37
SlidingHornBudgii, almost done installing the vm, sorry for the wait22:38
sereBudgii: give me a sec i can find mine.. i have one in perl and groovy i think22:40
SlidingHornBudgii, (I only gave it 2GB RAM so it's a little slow, lol)22:42
sereBudgii: heres a perl one liner you can execute in from terminal or a something like conky.22:43
ericrajuinBudgii: seems the script is broken22:44
sereperl -000 -lne '@a=<>;print $a[rand @a]' ~/.conky/quotes.db22:44
sereBudgii: you can create a file anywhere and change the location at the end of the command.22:45
SlidingHornBudgii, weird - if I navigate directly to the URL in lynx, it shows, but if I just call the -dump of that exact URL, it's not found.22:52
ericrajuinSlidingHorn: I think the first part of the script some parts in the script url need to be escaped22:53
tomreynalpha__: okay, can you do this: wget https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/{1..}22:55
tomreynalpha__: okay, can you do this: wget https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/{1..3}22:56
alpha__i think i typed in the very long command ok22:56
tomreyn^ typo fixed, sorry22:56
SlidingHornericrajuin, even if I directly type in the word to search (no special characters) it22:56
tomreynalpha__: TJ- came up with a way to ensure this, do you want to give this a try?22:56
alpha__can i list my home folder to see if it worked the last command22:57
SlidingHornBudgii, I figured it out:  the URL has changed a little. just a sec and I'll pastebin what I have.22:57
alpha__i typed in the very long command and that appeared to work22:58
alpha__it was the fist command with the / that seemed not t work22:58
SlidingHornBudgii, http://termbin.com/1gio23:00
SlidingHornBudgii, I made mine bash instead of sh, but it shouldn't matter23:00
tomreynalpha__: hmm i'm afraid i forgot which one that was by now. my goal is to make you type very little from now on23:00
tomreynalpha__: and to just redo all commands so we can be sure we ran them fine23:00
tomreynalpha__: ...without you typing them all23:01
alpha__well i think the last command which was the large on worked23:01
tomreynalpha__: very well. did you check whether the file was created and has content?23:01
SlidingHornBudgii, instead of "wordnet.princeton.edu..."  it's "wordnetweb.princeton.edu..."23:01
alpha__how do i see that?23:01
tomreynalpha__: less /home/tau/backup_manually-installed-packages.txt23:01
ericrajuinoh wordnet to wordnetweb ... @.@23:02
tomreynalpha__: press 'q' to quit this text viewer23:02
tomreynalpha__: i guess now you have to type all that again... let's do this a different way?23:03
alpha__ok can you hold on a sec please23:04
SlidingHornBudgii, if you want to run that script from anywhere (so you don't have to go to your Desktop directory), just make a directory called scripts in your home directory and add this to your ~/.bashrc :    export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/scripts/"    then restart bash by using  "/bin/bash" (no quotes) in your terminal23:05
alpha__yesgot a txt file23:05
tomreynalpha__: with text in it?23:06
alpha__yes got listing of packages23:06
tomreynalpha__: those are the packages which you 'seem' to have manually installed. there will be several you do not know and actually did not manually installed, you can just ignore those later. so this list is just for your reference when installing the software you used to have after reinstalling ubuntu23:07
tomreynalpha__: great job typing all this correctly.23:07
alpha__it was just  this command that did not seem to work  tar czf /home/tau/backup_etc.tar.gz /etc23:07
tomreynalpha: can you now please: wget https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/323:08
tomreynalpha__: did it say why it didnt work?23:08
alpha__the PPA is probably the rawtherapee which has caused the problem you refered to23:09
alpha__is the space or / that seems to be the problem23:10
alpha__the back up of the /etc directory23:12
Budgiisere, ericrajuin SlidingHorn just got back to computer will review your messages now23:12
tomreynalpha__: are you saying you don't know whether it says spaces or slash in the command?23:12
alpha__have copyed and pastred the command in a txt editor and retyped it23:12
linux_userTJ-, https://pastebin.com/EtRcctm623:13
alpha__i have typed as written into the terminal23:13
tomreynalpha__: the wget thing?23:14
tomreynalpha__: or the tar one?23:14
alpha__the tar one23:15
BudgiiSlidingHorn, what do you mean 'add this to your ~/.bashrc:' ?23:15
alpha__it say removing leading / from member names23:15
tomreynalpha__: thats fine23:15
BudgiiSlidingHorn, made the scripts folder in home dir, added the code you pasted with the update URL to it.23:15
TJ-linux_user: oh, is that all! Choose a PC to cache the packages on, and do "sudo apt install squid-deb-proxy" then on every client do "sudo apt install squid-deb-proxy-client". On the cache server configure the allowed remote sources and that's it23:15
SlidingHornBudgii, in your home directory, there's a file called .bashrc that has some configuration information for how your shell works.  if you add the line I gave you to the end of it, your shell will then *also* look in the scripts directory for commands that you use23:16
alpha__ok can i list whats in thehome  folder now?23:16
ericrajuinBudgii: SlidingHorn solved it, check his pastebin message23:16
SlidingHornBudgii, your $PATH variable is essentially where the shell looks for programs associated with a command you enter23:16
tomreynalpha__: sure: ls -l /home/tau23:16
BudgiiSlidingHorn, I do not see a .bashrc in my home directory23:17
alpha__ok i see a lot of folders and files23:18
tomreynalpha__: ls -lh /home/tau/backup*23:18
tomreynalpha__: you can press the up cursor key to get your previously entered command to show and edit it.23:18
linux_userhow do I then tell the server to download every package first?23:19
alpha__where is the up curzer key?23:19
SlidingHornBudgii, files starting with a . are "hidden"  do ls -a23:19
tomreynyou should have those four keys next to one another, with arrows pointing to different directions23:20
tomreynalpha__: those are the cursor keys23:20
Budgiifeel like a dummy here SlidingHorn but how do I open it? I see it in the ls -a now.23:20
tomreynalpha__: the one with the up arrow is the one to press23:21
TJ-linux_user: you want all 50GB ?23:21
tomreynalpha__: found them?23:21
linux_useryes, I do23:21
SlidingHornBudgii, depends on which text editor you usually use:  gedit .bashrc  or  nano .bashrc  etc.23:21
alpha__well we now have the following23:21
linux_usernot source, just binary23:21
linux_userhow do I tell the thing to update also?23:22
alpha__and /home/tau/backup_manually-installed-packages.txt23:22
tomreynalpha__: okay, so the dpkg package database status is missing still23:23
tomreynare both files greater than 0 bytes then?23:23
tomreynthat's the value before the date23:24
TJ-linux_user: it sounds more like you want apt-mirror then23:24
TJ-!apt-mirror | linux_user23:24
TJ-!info apt-mirror | linux_user23:25
ubottulinux_user: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.4-1 (artful), package size 13 kB, installed size 65 kB23:25
tomreynso in a "ls -lh" output line like "-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomreyn tomreyn   49 Jan 18 21:15 myfile", "49" is the file size.23:25
linux_userapt-mirror sets up a private mirror of the repo?23:26
tomreynalpha__: are you still with me?23:26
TJ-linux_user: read "apt-cache show apt-mirror"23:26
tomreynalpha__: so those two files which already exist have content?23:26
tomreyni.e. they are not 0 bytes?23:27
alpha__well the txt file does23:27
linux_userI shall23:27
tomreynalpha__: and /home.tau/backup_etc.tar.gz ?23:27
alpha__the etc backup is 2.2M23:27
alpha__and the txt file 33223:27
alpha__how do i check that the etc has content?23:28
tomreynalpha__: okay great. so let's backup the dpkg database status, then you can reinstall, come back here to get assistence with rmounting /home in place and you'll be done. sounds like a plan?23:28
linux_userTJ: It says its for Debian but it works for Ubuntu?23:29
tomreynalpha__: to check content of the archive you could: tar tzf /home.tau/backup_etc.tar.gz23:29
TJ-linux_user: As I said earlier, Ubuntu is a Debian derivative23:29
TJ-linux_user: as it says "... or any other apt sources "23:30
tomreynalpha__: so can you do this (no spaces between slashes):    wget   https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/223:30
alpha__i get an error runing the archive command23:31
tomreynalpha__: do you mind disclosing the error message?23:32
alpha__is the command again23:33
tomreynalpha__: what do you mean?23:33
alpha__i get cannot open no such file or directory23:35
linux_userinstalling apt-mirror23:35
alpha__when runing this command tar tzf /home.tau/backup_etc.tar.gz23:35
SlidingHornalpha__, chante /home.tau/  to /home/tau/   just a typo :)23:36
alpha__yes it works now23:37
alpha__lots of etc/ stuff flashes up the screen23:37
tomreynalpha__: oh sorry, another typo on my end there23:37
alpha__so there is content23:37
tomreynalpha__: good, so this backup worked23:37
tomreynalpha__: by the way, when you want me to listen to what you type here, type: tomreyn23:38
alpha__what next23:39
Budgiisliding horn, i use submlime text23:39
Budgiinvm used gedit23:40
alpha__dowe have to back up the dpkg database status/23:40
SlidingHornBudgii, now just save & exit, then in a terminal type   /bin/bash   and hit enter23:40
SlidingHornBudgii, (nothing will happen)23:41
tomreyn<tomreyn> alpha__: so can you do this (no spaces between slashes):    wget   https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/223:41
alpha__what will that do23:41
tomreynalpha__: it will download the text file which is hosted at the given location.23:42
tomreynit will be stored in a file named "2" in the current directory23:42
tomreynthe text is actually a small shell script. you can look at it using "less" again23:43
alpha__where will it be stored?23:43
linux_userlooks like its firing up!23:43
tomreyn"less 2" once you downloaded23:43
BudgiiSlidingHorn, I just added the line to the end of the .bashrc file, is that what I need to do/23:43
linux_userwhat do I do to use it once it is setup?23:43
tomreynalpha__: current directory.23:43
tomreynalpha__: this is /root, i think23:43
SlidingHornBudgii, the   "export PATH..." line?  yes.23:43
tomreynlinux_user: once you downloaded the file,. you can look at it using 'less 2', as i just explained. then you can run it using 'bash 2'23:44
alpha__ok and what will the txt file do23:44
tomreynlinux_user: sorry this wasnt for you23:44
BudgiiSlidingHorn, okay, so now i've got that added, saved, /bin/bash/ in terminal, in /home/scripts/ i have the define.bash stored. I now open terminal and type ./define cat - no luck.23:45
tomreynalpha__: download it and look at it and you will know.23:45
tomreynalpha__: it is to backup the dpkg status database23:45
linux_userTJ-, How do I tell it to just grab AMD-64 stuff?23:45
linux_usernot all the other architectures?23:45
SlidingHornBudgii, mv ~/scripts/define.bash ~/scripts/define  (remember, we don't need file extensions.23:45
TJ-linux_user: read the docs and configure it :)23:46
linux_userno problem, was looking for the lazy man's short cut! :)23:46
SlidingHornBudgii, after you rename, then do  /bin/bash  in your terminal again, then just type  define cat  (no ./)23:46
BudgiiSlidingHorn, I actually started with just 'define' as the name and get the same result. "bash: ./define: No such file or directory." even though I can literally see it23:46
alpha__ok done that23:47
alpha__what next after downloading23:48
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
tomreyn<tomreyn> linux_user: once you downloaded the file,. you can look at it using 'less 2', as i just explained. then you can run it using 'bash 2'23:49
tomreynlinux_user: still not for you, sorry23:49
tomreynalpha__: see above, i quoted myself.23:49
BudgiiSlidingHorn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qmc9nsBpyC/23:49
linux_userits okay23:49
linux_userluckily I'm a forgiving individual! :)23:49
alpha__sorry i dont understand23:50
SlidingHornBudgii, can you show me your .bashrc?    cat ~/.bashrc | nc termbin.com 999923:50
tomreynalpha__: run: bash 223:51
SlidingHornBudgii, it looks like you just forgot to end quote, but let's make sure23:51
tomreynalpha__: any errors reported?23:51
Budgiithe quote fixed it SlidingHorn!23:51
alpha__ok it says backed up dpkg to home23:51
SlidingHornBudgii, everything works??  YAY!  \o/23:51
alpha__i dont see any23:52
tomreynalpha__: good. we'Re done. unless you want to verify it worked.23:52
BudgiiSlidingHorn, haha, everything but..now just getting permission denied. I tried sudo define cat and command not found23:52
alpha__how do we verfif just to be on the safe sidde23:52
tomreynalpha__: to verify it worked, you could press the up cursor key until it says: ls -lh /home/tau/backup*23:53
SlidingHornBudgii, can you  ls -l   on your scripts folder?23:53
tomreynalpha__: then just press enter23:53
tomreynalpha__: alternatively, you can also type this again and press enter23:53
SlidingHornBudgii, the file should show your current user as the owner & group23:53
BudgiiSlidingHorn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bCvFsVWzTZ/23:54
alpha__ok three entries now23:54
tomreynalpha__: and not 0 bytes?23:54
SlidingHornBudgii, chmod +x ~/scripts/define23:54
alpha__its 2.4mb23:54
tomreynalpha__: have a good re-install23:55
SlidingHornBudgii, you have to make it executable (that's what the chmod +x does)23:55
BudgiiSlidingHorn, that makes sense now. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY \o/ I now know what a cat is!23:55
SlidingHornhahaha!  Budgii23:55
alpha__so just run me throught the reinstal23:55
BudgiiSlidingHorn, how do I get out and search another one now? I get to (END)23:55
SlidingHornBudgii, q will exit your current definition...then you just  define human23:56
alpha__i will plug in my ubuntu usb live boot and reinstal to sda2 where ubunu that is brken is23:56
BudgiiSlidingHorn, I can't thank you enough for treading through the mud with me on this one.23:56
Budgiigive SlidingHorn kudos +123:57
SlidingHornBudgii, no worries :)  That's what the channel's for23:57
alpha__so after i will have a home folder tau on my reinstal23:57
tomreynalpha__: oops, i forgot to backup the partition overview. running "lsblk" will provide that23:57
tomreynalpha__: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999923:58
BudgiiNow I want to clean up the definitions where at the top it shows the Key: "S:"..." garbage, but I won't compain now :D23:58

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