
willemflocculant, didn know about https://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/isotesting yet. Will have a look. Am thinking about several ways to go:07:10
willemSome people like to read; some people like visuals; some people like simply to skip any reading or information and want to simply dig in... 07:11
willemPerhaps there is a way to cater for all...07:12
Leigh_on_seawillem: could you tell me which irc bouncer you used and point me towards links to get it up and running?08:04
willemSure. 08:06
willemZNC: https://wiki.znc.in/ZNC08:07
willemAs a client I use HexChat.08:08
willemZNC+HExChat work together quite well I find.08:08
Leigh_on_seaI have done some reading and my initial thoughts are that the current set-up with  an introduction page (https://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa) and also a more in depth doc on everything (https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa.html) is good but that the intro page needs to be developed and extended whilst remaining very simple.08:09
Leigh_on_seaI had found ZNC myself08:09
willemLeigh_on_sea, from what I read I find the information is all there, but it's written from the point of view of the developers-side of things. I am making a first setup/draft/concept where I start from the point of view of the end user. Will share that with you shortly, so that you can shoot at it.08:12
Leigh_on_seaOK, thanks08:13
Leigh_on_seaI am not in today but will try to set up ZNC so I don't miss posts. How will we exchange files etc? email?08:15
flocculantdo it on e-mail and cc me in :)08:15
flocculantthanks both for thinking about this 08:16
flocculantand good morning08:16
willemLeigh_on_sea, apropos bouncer: I believe pleia2 may be able to help you there.08:17
Leigh_on_seaI found a guide, will try to follow that and shout if I need help08:17
Leigh_on_seawhat about android IRC?08:18
willemflocculant, I'll e-mail you, but as I don't have Leigh_on_sea's e-mail I'll rely on you to relay it on, and -if alright with Leigh_on_sea, to cc me so that I have his e-mail address.08:19
willemflocculant, good morning btw. 08:20
* willem reminds himself that good manners are essential even on IRC08:20
flocculantwell I'd imagined that you two could do some back and forth and I'd interject if needed :)08:20
flocculantwillem: check the xubuntu user list for mails from Leigh_on_sea :)08:20
* willem facepalms for the bleeding obviousness of flocculant's suggestion :-)08:21
willemflocculant, thank08:21
flocculantalso - re good manners, the Ubuntu CoC counts everywhere ;)08:22
flocculantLeigh_on_sea: did try android irc once - didn't work well for me - but it was a while ago and I'm not good at paying for apps there ;)08:22
flocculantLeigh_on_sea: also re irc bouncer - just mentioning the obvious here - but I assume you realise you need an always on machine for it to work08:23
Leigh_on_seagood morning :)08:26
Leigh_on_seaFlocculant: No, I didnt realise that - in fact that makes no sense to me as if I have to leave the machine on, why wouldnt I leave my client on (I am using Pidgin) and then I have no need for a bouncer?08:34
Leigh_on_seaWith people like me it is always good policy to state the bleeding obvious :) 08:35
Leigh_on_seahave to go, small person getting shirty about going to the beach08:35
flocculantyea bouncers need to be always on somehow - or you'd lose it, there are logs of this channel - updated hourly(ish) at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/08:36
flocculanthave fun at the beach then - cya another time08:36
willemLeigh_on_sea, wasn't it you who had a raspberry pi running with OSMC? So have I, and that pi is running 24x7 and it's on that pi I installed ZNC08:40
willemWorks like a treat08:40
Leigh_on_seaI have 10 around the house, one for the boat :)08:40
Leigh_on_seawill look into it08:40
willemLeigh_on_sea, My pi runs OSMC, pi-hole, RED-node and ZNC -  no problems whatsoever.08:49
* willem will be away for a bit08:50
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 2.1.6 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-2-1-6-released-tp50888.html (by Graeme Gott)18:28
=== zeioth_plus_one is now known as Zeioth
ochosiali1234: why not put svgtopng directly into the python package?20:51
ali1234i don't know how20:51
ochosiwould be more convenient to install, and it's a mandatory requirement anyway20:51
ochosioh ok20:51
ochosi(still generating my first diff, seems i chose a biggy :p)20:51
ali1234bootstrap is already in there but that does not need to be compiled20:51
ochosiright, but couldn't you ship svgtopng precompiled?20:52
ali1234not really20:52
ali1234it's written in C20:53
ali1234so it would break20:53
ali1234i'll ask #python how to build it at install time20:53
ali1234actually since it only seems to use gtk i can probably rewrite it in python20:54
ali1234it #includes libxfce4ui but i can't see where it uses it20:55
ochosiprobably not necessary20:58
ochosibut yeah, rewriting in python wold probably be the cleanest solution20:59
ochosieven if that means it'll be a little slower at runtime20:59
ochosi(maybe not by much if optimized)21:00
ochosinice work on the whole diff viewing21:00
ochosireally really helpful21:00
ali1234probably will be faster since there will not be the overhead of spawning a new process. the actual code speed difference will not be measuable21:00
ali1234i can also add an entry point that will let you call svgtopng directly21:01
ochosinice work on the gradient conversion by the way21:03
ochosithe remaining part for me is to adjust the gradient stops i guess21:04
ali1234there's a bunch of files i could not convert too21:04
ali1234too complex, i didn't know how to handle it21:05
ali1234i listed them anyway21:05
ali1234also not sure if i did the stroke right21:05
ochosioh, plus the stroke needs to be recolored21:05
ali1234i did recolour some of them21:05
ali1234there could also be radial gradients21:05
ochosino problem, i'll dig through the icons21:06
ochosithere were quite a few more files touched though than expected21:06
ali1234a lot of them have really tiny green bits21:06
ochosinot sure why e.g. go-home would be modified21:06
ochosithere are no green bits in that one21:06
ali1234maybe the stroke21:07
ali1234actually that was isn't modified21:08
ali1234except for vacuum defs21:08
ochosii only compared cf2bf4acbcbb1d54673fb484cac2a72a5a4a5218 to bfab3bcf27977cc3d09eeb0c195b32fd05d072bd21:10
ali1234go-home doesn't appear in that for me21:12
ochosii'll clean up and try again21:16
=== leigh_on_sea is now known as Guest68548
ochosiali1234: did you try on your own branch?21:19
ochosioh crap21:19
ochosii'm just too tired obviously :p21:19
ochosii forgot i first tried with -a and never removed the parameter21:20
ochosiok nice, i think i can manually fix those 11921:23
=== leigh_on_sea is now known as Guest35412
ochosiali1234: so i'll try to clean up the icons and make them ready locally and then do the merge on the repo21:41
ochosithanks for saving me a lot of time there!21:42
ochosiit's still quite a bit of effort i'm afraid (gotta re-create the border stroke for every icon, set the correct color/opacity and remove the border from the gradient path) but it's a lot less than without your help21:42
ochosi(oh and adjust the gradient steps)21:43
ali1234ochosi: pushed a pure python svgtopng22:13
ali1234i think it should be 100% compatible with the C version22:14
ali1234except for the default size stuff22:14
ali1234that should be fixed now22:15
ali1234also remember you can use tag and branch names :)22:16

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