
maxbUgh, it looks like the root of the problem is that GNOME have decided to make the configuration I was accustomed to impossible00:04
maxbFor no good reason, given it looks like libinput could support it just fine00:05
jbichawhy do you want to set "default"? I am the GNOME Tweaks maintainer and I intentionally did not make that confusing option available00:10
jbichathere are only 3 real choices: Fingers, Area and disabled00:10
jbicha"default" is either Fingers or Area depending on what your hardware is00:11
jbichaI assume that most people will not read the release notes :) but I do what I can. I also blogged about this change and I'm sure many others will post about it on the internet00:12
maxbI wanted to set "default" because it *sounded* like "get out of my way and allow my settings in xorg.conf to remain"00:15
maxbBut it turns out that's not what it does00:15
maxbBasically my problem is that I'm used to having both fingers and areas enabled, and now have no good way to do that00:16
maxbNow that I understand what "default" is doing, I agree it's pretty useless.00:17
maxbI am sad that no-one thought to retain the 'do nothing' option00:17
maxbBack when it was gnome-settings-daemon, you could just disable that gsd plugin if you didn't like what it was doing00:18
jbichayou can still disable /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop but no one will support that configuration :)00:22
maxbAm I missing something? How are media keys related?00:23
jbichaok, whatever plugin it is00:23
maxbMouse, I guess00:25
maxbThat would be cleaner than using vim on the compiled libmutter to XXXX out the xinput property names :-)00:26
maxbI don't see how that would be any help, though, given as far as I can see all the relevant code has moved out of g-s-d into mutter00:37
ximionjbicha: Laney: appstream(-generator) FFEs are filed, let's see how that goes...01:38
ximionif both are updated, that gnome-terminal metainfo license change patch could also be dropped, I just realized ^^01:38
ximionbut I really don't know if that will happen, this is a really late FFe request01:39
duflujbicha, do you know if we're aiming to get mutter 3.28.1 and friends in bionic?02:46
jbichaif mutter and friends has its 3.28.1 release this week like they're supposed to, it should be no problem getting them in 18.04 before release02:47
jbichaGNOME bumped their releases a bit earlier last year to make things easier for us :)02:48
jbichaI'm looking forward to getting my screenshots the right color again02:49
duflujbicha, oh that's fixed? Cool02:49
dufluI might have a bug report for that... jbicha do you have a link?02:49
jbichaI didn't test it, but… https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/commit/2f260edf02:50
jbichait's kind of funny to me that that happened 2 release cycles in a row02:51
dufluHuh. I can't find the bug report02:56
dufluDoesn't matter02:56
didrocksgood morning06:20
jibelgood morning didrocks06:23
didrockshey jibel06:24
dufluWoo, libinput 1.10.406:24
dufluMorning didrocks and jibel06:25
didrocksafternoon duflu06:25
didrockshey tsimonq206:32
tsimonq2Hey didrocks06:32
* tsimonq2 drops https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004387.html here06:33
=== ejat_ is now known as ejat
dufluMorning seb12806:43
dufluand tsimonq206:44
seb128good morning desktopers06:44
seb128hey duflu06:44
* tsimonq2 waves to duflu and seb12806:47
* tsimonq2 also does one last point to the link above and wanders off to bed...06:48
=== pstolowski|eow is now known as pstolowski
seb128night tsimonq207:17
didrockshey willcooke07:56
seb128hey willcooke Laney, how is rainy u.k today?08:06
didrockshey hey Laney08:06
willcookehold on08:07
willcookeit's not actually raining at the moment08:07
didrocksso, better than Standard :)08:07
willcookeNOW it is.08:07
Laneyit's misty08:07
didrocksah phew, back to normal :)08:07
Laneybut I don't think ACTUALLY raining right this second08:07
* Laney has a sore throat today08:08
dufluMorning willcooke and Laney08:20
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:21
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1757401 => lets hope this gets fixed before release time08:23
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1757401 in mutter (Ubuntu) "hybrid GPU: one screen stays black in mutter 3.28" [High,Triaged]08:23
dufludupondje, AFAIK nobody here uses (or has) a hybrid setup. I suggest you ping the Gnome guys in another channel (sorry don't know which)08:31
dupondjeseems not only hybrid users are affected btw08:31
dufluAlthough the upstream bug looks like it's progressing as fast as any Gnome bug does08:31
dupondjejust users with 2 displays (where 1 is hidpi) and the other is not, are affected :)08:32
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:33
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu, had a good week-end?08:33
dufluYes. A proper weekend without the chaos of Easter. You, oSoMoN?08:34
oSoMoNyeah, not very relaxing, but productive, did lots in the house and the garden, and even managed to go to the theater and restaurant on Saturday08:35
dufluIndeed a proper weekend.08:35
dufludupondje, your issue actually sounds related to a Mesa issue we worked around recently. Not a bug as such, but Mesa is aggressively using tiling formats that other parts of the system aren't quite ready for yet. So your bug could qualify as similar. Maybe we could work around it in a similar way, but I am hesitant to disable that more mature tiling format in Mesa. I don't think that one was added too recently08:38
dupondjeI got a working system now with some patched mutter :) but I just think its an issue that needs to be fixed before releasedate. Cause its a showstopper for dual display users :)08:40
dufludupondje, unfortunately the people with those expertise are not working on Ubuntu. We're waiting for them to fix it upstream first08:42
dufludupondje, sounds like an issue that could be worked around by enlarging your graphics memory. Can you try increasing it in your BIOS?08:43
* duflu does the libinput 1.10.4 dance08:44
dupondjeI dont think I can increase it inside bios ..08:44
dufludupondje, you usually can increase it for Intel GPUs08:44
dufluBTW, I just checked and Y-tiling is old (SandyBridge) so we probably can't evict that feature as quickly as the other bug I was thinking about08:47
duflutjaalton, Peter tagged libinput 1.10.4 today. It sounds like it will fix half/most of my sensitivity complaints08:48
dupondjelet me reboot and check :)08:49
tjaaltonduflu: ok, I'll push it to debian08:49
dufluMaster is still better, but we need to wait a few months for v1.11 :/08:49
dupondjeduflu: just checked. Nowhere I can set it inside the bios/uefi :)08:54
dufludupondje, That's unusual. Maybe you don't recognise it. It might be labelled "IGD"-something08:55
dupondjeduflu: checked all options :) i'm sure08:58
dupondjeits dell bios .. mostly quite closed :D08:58
doko$ pkg-config --cflags cairo09:01
doko-I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng1609:01
dokoany idea why the freetype and png includes appear twice?09:01
dokocauses an autopkg test regression09:01
dokoUbuntu only, not Debian09:01
willcookemorning jibel, just out of curisoity, did you try a live image today with L_aney's font fixes in?  (If indeed they have landed in the image)?  If so - any different?09:01
jibelwillcooke, I did, the timeouts are gone. I'm looking how much it improves boot speed09:04
jibelwillcooke, the timeout of bluez is still there09:04
jibeland good morning09:04
willcookewas hoping that bluez would be fixed too09:06
seb128doko, no idea, cairo is on sync from Debian09:06
jibelwillcooke, also it didn't fix the problem with the activation of the screen reader09:06
jibelbut now the welcome sound is playing :)09:07
dufluI wonder if we could do something more sane with dbus defaults. It seems silly we end up fighting 25 second hangs every time some component goes wrong09:28
dufluwillcooke, I haven't booted Xubuntu in probably years. I'll have another look at the BlueZ delay tonight09:52
duflu(waiting on a new image)09:52
willcookethanks a lot duflu09:55
willcookeTrevinho, when you're around, what's your feeling about the theme for side bar in Nautilus. Some opinion is that having the background colour for the icons on the left, then changing the selected background colour to the same as the labels makes it confusing.  I tend to agree, and think it would probably be "better" to have the background colour of the icons be the same as the text labels.  WDYT?09:57
willcookenit picks aside - looks great09:58
LaneyWe're way past UIF ...09:58
* duflu is personally confused by the needless tab look in the side bar. The tab opens up to a list of all tab names. Makes no sense. But Laney also has a point10:01
Laneymight want to consider theme reworkings for post release10:01
* duflu just realized that's exactly what willcooke is describing10:04
jibelwillcooke, I did 3 runs of beta2 vs today's iso and the fontconfig fix is a huge win.10:06
jibelbeta2 boots to gnome shell in 3min14s on average10:06
jibeltoday's boots in 1min4s10:06
didrockshow was artful for you?10:06
jibelon a slow but reliable inspiron10:07
jibeldidrocks, less than a minute10:12
jibellet me check again10:12
didrocksok, so there is a little difference still10:12
jibeldidrocks, we know that preseeding snaps has an impact10:13
didrocksare, first time registration10:13
jibel51s to boot artful10:15
didrocksat least, huge enhancement :)10:16
WimpressMorning desktopers. You'll notice I'm using a different alias for my nick now.10:16
Laneynow how am I going to remember your website?10:17
WimpressI'm sure you'll manage :-)10:17
LaneyI tried "wimpress.org" as an attempt at trolling10:19
LaneyFails miserably...10:19
tjaaltonduflu: libinput uploaded, should be syncable in 6h or so10:20
duflutjaalton, you made my day, thanks10:21
oSoMoNgood morning Wimpress10:27
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
willcookeMan, it's nearly lunchtime already.11:19
dokoplease pickup your ftbfs here ... http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/rebuilds/test-rebuild-20180408-bionic.html11:21
oSoMoNricotz, given the comments on bug #1738821, perhaps we should revert https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?h=ubuntu-bionic-6.0&id=c830674e04ed0b080308057e0dedf87c4a655f67 ?11:33
ubot5`bug 1738821 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Appstream data points to libreoffice-common" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173882111:33
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
jbichaoSoMoN: re bug 1034558, Debian's libreoffice-report-builder depends on at least libpentaho-reporting-flow-engine-java11:53
ubot5`bug 1034558 in pentaho-reporting-flow-engine (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libbase-java, libsac-java, libxml-java, libflute-java, libpentaho-reporting-flow-engine-java" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103455811:53
jbichaI guess we only use the embedded versions in Ubuntu because of the MIR problem (I didn't really look that closely)11:53
jbichadoes libreoffice-report-builder need to be in main?11:54
jbichathe Start Center .desktop bug is more LP: #169625011:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1696250 in libreoffice (Debian) "Please hide Start Center and Math" [Unknown,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169625011:56
jbichampt: I have a few design things to discuss re: the first login app. Should I talk to you then?12:05
jbichaif so, do you want to discuss in IRC or on LP bugs?12:06
jbichaseb128: could you subscribe the bug team to sound-icons for LP: #1762039 ?12:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1762039 in sound-icons (Ubuntu) "[MIR] sound-icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176203912:08
oSoMoNjbicha, no libreoffice-report-builder doesn't need to be in main, it's only suggested/recommended by libreoffice and libreoffice-base, both of which are in universe12:10
oSoMoNjbicha, it could very well be that we use the embedded versions because of the MIR requirement indeed, I didn't dig deep enough to confirm that12:10
jbichaoh I see, libreoffice-report-builder is already in universe12:12
jbichalibreoffice-base was in main until this cycle12:13
seb128jbicha, hey, I told dok_o the other day that one was worth downgrading to a suggest, do you know if "sounds-icons" is used anywhere in Ubuntu?12:26
jbichaI mean speech-dispatcher wants it, I guess I can ask Samuel Thibault about it12:28
seb128"wants" as Recommends, as said I looked at it previous week when dok_o asked on this channel and my personnal opinion is that Suggests is enough, we don't need to pile up more MIRs at this point12:33
jbichaI understand. I thought this would be a trivial MIR to process12:36
WimpressLaney: We've indentified some locales that don't provide a complete minimal install12:48
WimpressShould the following bugs also reference Ubiquity?12:48
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1762409 in openoffice.org-en-au (Ubuntu) "mythes-en-au Recommends: libreoffice-writer, all other mythes Suggests:" [Undecided,New]12:48
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1762410 in openoffice.org-hyphenation-pl (Ubuntu) "hyphen-{hr,pl,ru}, Recommends: libreoffice-writer, all other hypen packages Suggests:" [Undecided,New]12:48
jbichaWimpress: fixed for the main Ubuntu flavor now https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.bionic/revision/266312:55
jbichaI'm not planning to go through all the flavors though12:56
Wimpressjbicha: Oooh, so the removals has expanded somewhat in Ubuntu since I last looked.12:57
WimpressThanks, I'll compare.12:57
jbichayeah I added a bunch more language stuff that LO pulls in but my list was incomplete since I didn't use or expand wildcards13:00
seb128Wimpress, I don't think "minimal" has ever been defined in the sense you are trying to give it13:02
seb128Wimpress, it's not a "minimal disk footprint" install, it's a "minimal list of components" as "on your corporate desktop users don't have access to games and things you don't want them to do on their work machine"13:03
WimpressYeah, I get that.13:03
seb128your 'don't provide a complete minimal install' is worded weirdly then13:03
WimpressThere's clearly an attempt to not have LibreOffice in the minimal install thought.13:03
seb128what you describe seems to be a complete minimal install13:04
seb128just with disk space waste13:04
WimpressAnd those localised dictionaries etc cause some of LibreOffice to remain for some locales.13:04
seb128k, that would have been a description easier to understand than the one actually used in the bug report13:05
seb128or title13:06
seb128jbicha, I subscribed desktop-packages to sound-icons but I don't know if that isn't going to require a ffe, at least a statement on usefulness & iso space use, still feel late to me and could be better to do next cycle13:08
ricotzoSoMoN, that is your call, this was a cherry-pick from debian 6.1 anyway, which is also not part of 6.0.x in debian?13:08
jbichaI emailed the debian-accessibility list to ask13:08
ricotzoSoMoN, but I am +1 for revert13:08
jbichathere is interest in hiding LO Start Center by default for at least GNOME13:10
didrocksalso, this is what other distros did, sounds weird to have it IMHO13:12
oSoMoNricotz, ack, I'll revert now13:13
seb128didrocks, have what?13:17
didrocksLO Start Center desktop file13:17
jbichaI'm fine with keeping it installed as long as you keep https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/tree/patches/hide-startcenter-and-maths-desktop-files.patch?h=ubuntu-bionic-6.013:17
seb128didrocks, they are talking about adding it back no?13:17
didrocksseb128: yeah, which I think isn't good (which is my point, was quite unclear rereading, indeed)13:18
seb128ah ok13:18
seb128does anyone know why upstream keeps it if all distro hate it/patch it out?13:18
ricotzit is nice entry point imo13:18
ricotzshowing the last documents and choosing what to create next13:19
didrocksentry point is meaningless, people start a "writer", or a "spreadsheet", not an app to start another app13:19
didrocksthe fact that it's all coming from the same application is an implementation detail that users don't care and the start center put that in front of you13:20
ricotzI am not strictly in favour in any direction, just took some heat from ppa users13:21
didrocksppa users aren't a full representation of our user base IMHO13:21
ricotznote that aren't bionic users13:21
ricotzmostly trusty/xenial ones13:22
didrocksstill, I don't think the vast majority of our user based are represented by people being able to add a PPA13:22
didrockswe can argue the same way to have firefox & thunderbird gather in a "Start center" as they are using the same technology13:22
didrocksweb browsing & emails are as different as writing a document from a spreadsheet13:22
ricotz130.000 users has some weight though13:22
didrocks130.000 of them filed a bug about lacking Start center?13:23
ricotzno, got some direct emails13:23
didrocksdoesn't sound like a good quantified number13:23
ricotzdo as you like13:23
didrockswell, I gave my opinion, that's it, I feel it's a mistake13:24
ricotzoSoMoN, ^13:24
ricotzah wait this isn't a democracy, or is it ;P13:24
oSoMoNricotz, I pushed the revert13:25
oSoMoNdidrocks, note that this revert doesn't mean the desktop file will be visible, it's just adding it back (but it's kept hidden from GNOME) as it was removed altogether13:25
kenvandineoSoMoN, chromium isn't starting for me https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x4dS9Z2XDG/13:26
oSoMoNif upstream keeps the startcenter around it could mean that users like/expect it13:26
didrocksoSoMoN: ah sorry, I didn't understand this. Hum, what does it give thus?13:26
didrocksas long as it's not visible by default, I'm fine :)13:26
oSoMoNdidrocks, removing the desktop file altogether was meant to fix bug #1738821, but there's gotta be a gentler way of fixing the issue13:27
ubot5`bug 1738821 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Appstream data points to libreoffice-common" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173882113:27
kenvandineoSoMoN, it actually hangs there so looks like it's running13:27
oSoMoNkenvandine, can you check for any relevant denials?13:28
kenvandinenouveau graphics13:28
didrocksoSoMoN: ah got you! Yeah, sounds like the best move is to install it, but keep it hidden (which is why I thought it was already)13:29
kenvandineorg.freedesktop.secrets and bluez denials13:29
kenvandineoSoMoN, nothing else13:29
jbichaoSoMoN: according to https://wiki.debian.org/AppStream/Guidelines#How_to_exclude_.desktop_files_from_the_metadata you can either set NoDisplay=true or X-AppStream-Ignore=True13:30
oSoMoNjbicha, ah, thanks!13:30
oSoMoNkenvandine, those shouldn't be blocking, this execvp error is probably at fault13:31
kenvandinewhy does it try to exec that?13:31
kenvandineoh, that's for the sandbox?13:31
jbichaspeaking of appstream, I'm thinking I like the idea of splitting gnome-session-properties to a separate binary package to fix bug 175678813:32
ubot5`bug 1756788 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Removing "Startup Applications" in "Ubuntu Software" makes the system unable to launch GDM" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175678813:32
kenvandineoSoMoN, another interesting bit of info, i had chromium favorited in my dock13:32
oSoMoNkenvandine, this apparently: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/browser/shell_integration_linux.cc?type=cs&sq=package:chromium&l=38013:32
jbichamaybe call it gnome-startup-applications13:32
kenvandineit's no longer there13:32
kenvandineoSoMoN, i checked gsettings and it's no longer in favorite-apps13:34
kenvandinei'm sure i didn't unfavorite it13:34
kenvandinebut that's probably not related13:35
seb128jbicha, the new session binary sounds good there13:36
kenvandineoSoMoN, i'm on stable, but right now all the branches have the same version13:37
oSoMoNkenvandine, yes, I've started work on updating the beta and dev branches but upstream's aggressive use of new C++ features means it's getting increasingly difficult to get chromium to build on xenial13:38
jbichaalso I'm thinking about writing appstream metadata for Software Updater and Software & Updates so we can set the compulsory for GNOME field13:38
kenvandineoSoMoN, understood13:38
jbichaand set compulsory for nautilus and gnome-control-center so that people don't easily unknowingly uninstall the ubuntu-desktop metapackage13:39
oSoMoNkenvandine, can you strace the chromium snap and confirm that it hangs on the execvp call?13:40
oSoMoNkenvandine, that execvp error is probably a red herring, that looks like bug #1732482 but it shouldn't hang the app13:42
ubot5`bug 1732482 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] doesn't properly save desktop files for "create shortcuts" action" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173248213:42
kenvandineoSoMoN, lots of https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JzG3R25N6q/13:46
kenvandineoSoMoN, i guess it just keeps trying to spawn processes and can't13:47
oSoMoNkenvandine, what if you back up $HOME/snap/chromium/current, delete it and start with a fresh profile?13:48
kenvandinei can do that and i assume it would work :)13:48
kenvandinenew msg13:48
kenvandine[11701:11756:0409/094154.398271:ERROR:connection_factory_impl.cc(379)] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -713:48
kenvandinewhat's MCS?13:48
oSoMoNno idea13:49
kenvandineok, mv current13:49
kenvandineoSoMoN, that worked13:51
oSoMoNMCS == mobile connection server, apparently13:51
oSoMoNwhatever that means13:51
kenvandineoSoMoN, note after moving the data, i didn't get the failed to execvp message13:52
oSoMoNkenvandine, ack, and if you move your profile dir back to where it was, the app hangs again at startup, right?13:52
kenvandineafter moving it back i get the failed to execvp13:53
oSoMoNkenvandine, any more useful info if you run with --enable-logging=stderr ?13:55
kenvandineoSoMoN, checking13:58
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you? had a good w.e?13:58
kenvandineoSoMoN, nothing more useful13:58
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, really good... you?13:58
kenvandineoSoMoN, i'll try copying my profile from 270 to 27413:59
seb128good as well, but I got a cold again today :/13:59
kenvandineoSoMoN, interesting, my 274 dir is quite a bit smaller than 27013:59
kenvandinewell... 10% or so14:00
kenvandineoSoMoN, copying 270 to 274 worked14:00
oSoMoNkenvandine, this call to xdg-desktop-menu seems to be triggered to update webapp shortcuts, so assuming you manage to isolate where those are stored in the profile (I don't know that off the top of my head) and remove them, does it start?14:00
kenvandineoSoMoN, i'll look14:01
kenvandineoSoMoN, sorry, was in a meeting14:29
kenvandineoSoMoN, not sure what i'm looking for, would it be a sqlite db?14:29
oSoMoNkenvandine, no clue, let me dig14:39
kenvandineoSoMoN, i'm not seeing anything looking like that14:39
seb128kenvandine, so here gtk fileselectors are not translated in snaps, which ones did you try and where did you look in the ui?14:44
kenvandineopen other i think14:44
kenvandineOther Documents14:45
seb128do you have it open now?14:45
seb128in french?14:45
kenvandinenot right now14:45
kenvandinei have a french VM :)14:45
kenvandinei can boot it in a few14:45
seb128k, can you try later and ping me when yo u have it on screen?14:45
seb128no hurry14:45
kenvandineseb128, https://imgur.com/a/hffAE14:52
seb128kenvandine, right, that's not translated :)14:52
kenvandineit's not english :)14:52
kenvandinethe buttons on top?14:52
seb128kenvandine, "Other locations" on the left and the column names14:52
seb128kenvandine, buttons and combo/type are provided by the app not gtk14:53
kenvandineoh... the column names14:53
kenvandinei missed that14:53
seb128since they are bits app specific14:53
seb128some parts of the fileselector are API controlled14:53
seb128it's a bit confusing14:53
kenvandinei saw the buttons, title and the bottom bits14:54
seb128right, that's the most obvious part of the UI14:54
seb128kenvandine, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit/tree/gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui#n4314:56
seb128so yeah, that's coming from gedit14:56
kenvandineseb128, i'll try a build with my preload hack15:07
seb128kenvandine, thx15:07
seb128Laney, Trevinho, what's the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream-glib/+bug/1744941 ? was that ever uploaded to xenial?15:19
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1744941 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu Artful) "gnome-software crashes in as_app_parse_desktop_file" [High,New]15:19
Laneyguess not15:21
Laneysponsors were subscribed but that's not really getting looked at15:21
LaneyI'll look in a bit tho15:22
seb128andyrock, hey, did you see the IRC ping from slangasek this morning about the software-properties depends move?15:23
seb128Trevinho, and you, did you see the ping from will this morning about nautilus sidebar?15:24
Trevinhoseb128: no, let me see15:30
seb128Trevinho, thx15:36
Trevinhowillcooke: mh... I've no strong opinions on that, I can do some tests and see what's better15:43
willcookeTrevinho, thanks.  Could you send me a screenshot when you get a chance to try it?15:47
willcookeI'll ask for a UIFe if we change it15:47
Trevinhowillcooke: ok, can you specify also things in a bug?15:51
seb128jbicha, unsure if GNOME is going to roll a gnome-session 3.28.1 but if they don't can you cherry pick that commit next time you do an upload for it? https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/commit/?id=010d9dae15:51
jbichaha, you're a few minutes too late :)15:52
seb128jbicha, that's your recent commit which made me think about it15:54
seb128but yeah, for next one15:54
jbichaseb128: we have a bzr branch… ;)15:54
seb128they maybe roll a .1 tarball :)15:54
seb128right, it's just tarball day15:54
seb128so I'm going to be lazy and wait to see if they roll one15:54
willcookeTrevinho, not sure if I really explained it properly: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/176246516:05
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1762465 in Ubuntu theme "Nautilus sidebar theming is confusing" [Undecided,New]16:05
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jbichayes, there were multiple comments on social media about the dual colored side bar looking like the labels are submenus for each of the icons16:33
Laneywhy does it have to start raining just as I am about to go home :<16:39
jbichabicycle or walking?16:40
Laneyfirst one16:40
Laneyno mudguards either16:41
LaneyI got some ages ago but never fitted them and then lost 50% of the screws, and finally someone stepped on them and they got all mangled16:42
Laneyso now I just get wet16:42
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flocculantLaney: I got wet - forgot waterproofs - rain on a motorbike16:56
tsimonq2Rain > Snow.16:58
flocculantpopey: you around?16:59
j1mchi folks - i haven't submitted many patches in the past, so i'm not sure what i need to do to get attention to a few desktop-related patches i've submitted through launchpad. If someone could have a look at these and let me know if I've gone the correct route, I'd appreciate it:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/ubuntu-geoip/+bug/161753517:03
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1617535 in ubuntu-geoip (Ubuntu Artful) "geoip.ubuntu.com does not utilize HTTPS" [Low,Triaged]17:03
popeyflocculant: sup?17:31
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flocculantpopey: sorry to bother - could you do two etherpad people for me? they're working with me on some xubuntu new testers stuff  - https://launchpad.net/~b-leigh and https://launchpad.net/~whobers17:55
flocculantnever know how long it takes for that place17:56
k_alamjbicha: About gnome-initial-setup, If we want it in unity which metapackage we should add it to? unity-session? How do we set it as Ubuntu as default for unity.iso?18:05
popeyflocculant: done!18:34
andyrockseb128: sorry I was offline18:43
andyrockI didn't see the ping18:43
seb128andyrock, no worry, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/04/09/%23ubuntu-release.html#t07:4218:46
andyrockseb128: maybe we can move the snapd-glib dep back to common18:47
andyrockfor the others yes, I'm pretty sure there will be no problem18:48
seb128andyrock, wasn't the request to move deps out of common for server?18:48
seb128ah ok18:48
seb128good, can you reply that to slangasek then?18:48
seb128on that note, time for some TV, have a nice evening desktopers18:49
willcookesee ya seb12818:49
tjaaltonis there a bug for the case of "my desktop is shown for a while when resuming from suspend"?19:11
sarnoldtjaalton: dozens of em :) probably best to just file a new bug. they've all been fixed and rebroken again over the years.19:12
tjaaltonright ok19:12
tjaaltonwould that be the kernel gfx driver then?19:13
sarnoldit could be; more often it's something in the shell or screen locker that just doesn't ask for the lock *before* suspending, but if it feels more like "ancient video ram is used" to you it might indeed be a video driver..19:15
tjaaltonwell, it's flickering a bit, dunno which one it is19:15
tjaaltonI'll test another system tomorrow19:15
tjaaltonhmm yeah I guess it's a locking thing not driver19:17
tjaaltonit shows the desktop, goes blank, shows the lockscreen, goes blank again and then after hitting a key opens the pwd dialog19:18
willcooketjaalton, which desktop?  GNOME Shell?19:22
jbichak_alam: you'd want to add it whichever metapackage you use19:35
jbichak_alam: could you go ahead and open a bug against gnome-initial-setup in LP so that we enable the Ubuntu version for Unity if that's what you want?19:35
k_alamjbicha: All right. Will do.19:36
jbichak_alam: you're going to need to test things though. gnome-initial-setup depends on gnome-settings-daemon. That alone is bad for you, right?19:37
jbichak_alam: if we enable the GOA panel like I proposed, that panel might not work without g-s-d running without being patched19:37
jbicharight now, the autostart is OnlyShowIn=GNOME; to it won't automatically run in Unity (which is good if it doesn't work correctly!)19:38
k_alamjbicha: I don't understand goa panel part?19:38
jbichaI don't either! :)19:38
jbichabug 1762192, you'd need to modify the 0001 patch to add goa to around line 85 of gnome-initial-setup/gnome-initial-setup.c19:40
ubot5`bug 1762192 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Welcome could offer to set up Online Accounts" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176219219:40
jbichaand test that it actually adds the accounts19:40
jbichagnome-initial-setup is a bit complicated to test19:40
jbichaif you don't make it before 18.04 release, possibly enabling gnome-initial-setup for Unity could be SRU'd19:41
jbichawhen I said I don't know, I meant I don't know how closely gnome-initial-setup is tied to gnome-settings-daemon and I'm not planning to do that testing for you19:42
jbichamaybe it's only certain pages that need it and maybe we aren't using those pages for the "Welcome to Ubuntu" version currently19:42
k_alamAh....right......gnome-initial-setup has goa panel which won't work without g-s-d (need to test though).....So there are two options regarding this....1) copy g-s-d realed code to u-s-d......disable goa panel in initial setup.19:43
k_alam2) disable goa panel in initial setup....19:44
jbichaGOA is not enabled in the Ubuntu version right now. I didn't hear from Design today about it. Hopefully we'll decide this week though.19:46
jbichaI probably should have mentioned GOA earlier but this feature didn't land until Friday and it's a bit easier for me to think through things once it's a working implementation :|19:48
flocculantpopey: thanks - you're a gent :)19:48
k_alamI don't really have time for 1........we can ship initial-setup with goa panel disabled (only for Unity)....will it that be ok for you?19:49
k_alamjbicha: I need to check if there is a easier way to enable/disable panels per session without modifying internal c code.19:51
seb128tjaalton, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75367819:51
ubot5`Gnome bug 753678 in lock-screen "Desktop temporarily visible after wake up from suspend" [Normal,Assigned]19:51
ubot5-ngbugzilla.gnome.org bug 753678 in lock-screen "Desktop temporarily visible after wake up from suspend" [Normal, Assigned] - Assigned to gnome-shell-maint19:51
ubot5`bug 753449 in branding-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #753678 package branding-ubuntu 0.5 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gnome-games/quadrapassel/pixmaps/quadrapassel.svg', which is also in package quadrapassel 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu3" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75344919:51
jbichak_alam: there is a vendor.conf but for multiple reasons it won't help you with its current implementation19:53
k_alamjbicha: Yes. Modifying vendor.conf will affect all the sessions...it seems. I will test and come back here later. Thanks.20:02
Trevinhotsimonq2: please don't do manual uploads for unity. Let's keep continue use bileto.20:08
tsimonq2Trevinho: I did use Bileto...20:09
Trevinhotsimonq2: mh, why is 7.5.0+18.04.20180404-0ubuntu2 then?20:10
Trevinhotsimonq2: and that's missing from lp:unity20:10
tsimonq2Trevinho: Because I uploaded it to a Bileto PPA...20:10
willcookenight all20:11
Trevinhotsimonq2: that's bad... We should continue using merge proposals.20:11
tsimonq2Trevinho: OK, sorry.20:11
Trevinhotsimonq2: fine... In case both I and andyrock can review or in trivial changes I guess you can now self-approve, but please using MPs20:12
Trevinhootherwise upstream code won't be adapted and it's a mess to manage20:13
k_alamTrevinho: What to do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1737834 ? I guess it's a issue with pulseaudio not available on bus....it compiles with pulseaudio 1.10 but not with 1.11.....Should we disable the integration tests for now if we can't fix this before release?20:21
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1737834 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound fails to build, test failures" [High,New]20:21
Trevinhok_alam: is that only a build issue? I mean the indicator actually work properly?20:24
k_alamYes....I haven't face anything unusual........But I tested couple weeks ago...things may have changed since then...20:25
k_alamLet me recheck this....20:27
Trevinhok_alam: about your u-s-d u-c-c MPs since we're in FF they'd need an exception. Even for universe20:27
jbichaMirv: are you interested in packaging the shotwell 0.28.2 release?20:34
k_alamTrevinho: Yes...I know....So how should we proceed? Should I file a ffe bug?20:36
Trevinhok_alam: yeah21:16
jbichayou can convert your existing bug into the FFe bug21:28
jbichasorry I didn't look at your merge reqeusts sooner. I had a lot on my plate this cycle and it kept dropping down on my to do list21:29
k_alamjbicha: I will convert it to ffe bug. I should subscribe ubuntu-release-team ?21:39
k_alamjbicha: Thanks. About initial-setup I have checked. The problem is gdm. gdm uses InitialSetupEnable=True to make it autorun when session starts. But Unity uses lightdm....I couldn't find any way to auto start it in a way gdm does.21:47
jbichaI'm pretty sure you don't need that feature unless you manage to run Ubuntu without any non-system users installed21:48
jbichathere's a bit of explanation about that mode in bug 176228721:49
ubot5`bug 1762287 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Offer Ubuntu customizations in new user mode too" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176228721:49
jbichathe existing-user mode should be just a standard /etc/xdg/autostart/ file (except that it has OnlyShowIn=GNOME;)21:51
k_alamOoops! that is indeed the issue!...I forgot to change OnlyShowIn...:(21:53
k_alamJbicha: Is there any to make it use the default theme instead of Adwaita?21:55
jbichadon't run it with XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME ;)21:56
GunnarHjjbicha: Hope you think it makes sense, given my explanation, to fix those hyphen-* packages now.22:19
jbichait's fine22:21

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