
bugzbunnySlidingHorn: I like to hear about this fud?00:08
bugzbunnydaftykins: You mean licenses ?00:10
bugzbunnyYou people have a huge echo chamber00:11
chuWelcome to the Internet00:12
bugzbunnyYou think that's okay?00:13
chuNo, but have fun trying to prevent it, or otherwise change it in any meaningful way00:14
bugzbunnyFreenode is the leader of behavior00:14
bugzbunnyThats' primary source to fix the issue00:14
* daftykins spots a weirdo, walks off00:21
leftyfb"you people"00:22
leftyfbbugzbunny: who is "you people"?00:22
bugzbunnySlidingHorn: daftykins oerheks00:23
SlidingHornwhat do you want this time?  Why are you still here?00:45
bugzbunnyI dislike you00:45
SlidingHornwell congratulations...get in line00:46
bugzbunnyIs that it00:46
bugzbunnyWell, people dislike me too00:46
bugzbunnyI still dislike you00:46
SlidingHornI dislike people giving people bad information and going off on unrelated tangents, yet I keep your name out of my posts00:46
SlidingHornso what do you want?  why do you deem it necessary to tag me?00:47
daftykinsgoodness me, handbags at dawn, people00:47
bugzbunnyYou mean you comments?00:48
bugzbunnySo you afraid?00:49
SlidingHornthat doesn't even make sense.00:49
bugzbunnySure, for idiot00:50
daftykinsjunior trolls aren't known for grammatical accuracy :)00:50
pragmaticenigmatrolls in general get off on being a nuisance.. they crave attention and always have to have the last word. even if it is to say they don't have to have the last word00:51
bugzbunnyFor sure when you don't want accountability.. You want to discredit, to announce for the rest room -I do no wrong-00:52
leftyfbbugzbunny: can you please just stop? Just stop. Please stop.00:53
bugzbunnyBan me00:54
SlidingHornyou heard the man...00:54
bugzbunnyBan me00:54
leftyfbbugzbunny: shut up00:54
leftyfbbugzbunny: you can leave on your own00:54
leftyfbjust type /part00:54
bugzbunnyBan me00:54
leftyfbjust leave00:54
leftyfbwhy do you come here if you don't like anyone and nobody likes you?00:55
bugzbunnyI have belief that won’t be thrown away like a piece of shit… That belief is that no matter what, we all treated as equals.00:56
leftyfbmore garbage00:57
bugzbunnyThat belief, won't scare me away from this room because you punks think, you tougher than me00:57
bugzbunnyThen ban me00:57
leftyfbbugzbunny: as usual, you don't actually listen ... to anyone. I don't have the ability to ban you or you would have been removed a long time ago00:58
bugzbunnyleftyfb: That's silly when we actually every talk01:00
bugzbunnyleftyfb: When or what time we ever talk?01:00
leftyfbplease go away01:01
bugzbunnyIf you using those comments as evidence that you talk to me I never listen01:01
bugzbunnyThe answer is no01:01
Ben64this is so confusing01:01
naccespecially if you've /ignore'd one of the conversants01:02
daftykinscertainly not doing Warner Brothers' rep any good01:02
Ben64well, reading the scrollback helped a bit, but none of it makes sense01:04
daftykinsg'night all :>01:04
bugzbunnyTo clear things up, as long as I am around, we treated as equals. He has my belief01:04
daftykinsno, you're a loser, grow up01:05
bugzbunnyYes, I see01:06
bugzbunnyYou don't like what I say, I am a loser01:08
leftyfbfor once, you are correct01:08
bugzbunnyDon't you read back what you say?01:08
pragmaticenigmaI like to live in the moment... why worry about the past01:09
bugzbunnyleftyfb: I never dislike you, you people SlidingHorn daftykins oerheks01:10
leftyfbWe do not like you. You don't make any sense. You only speak of yourself. You are VERY damaging with your "help" in the other channel. You give people very incorrect advice and make troubleshooting more difficult for the people who actually know what they're doing and are trying to help.01:10
leftyfbThat clear enough for you?01:10
bugzbunnyleftyfb: Where am I damaging?01:10
bugzbunnyGive examples01:11
bugzbunnyWhere am I damagine01:11
bugzbunnyGive examples01:12
leftyfbTo speak to you is pointless. I will stop now. Please leave.01:12
bugzbunnyBecause you have no proof, it's pointless01:12
leftyfb"<bugzbunny> athena_: Yes, the new 18.05 I think, is the new LTS"01:19
leftyfbthat was easy01:19
bugzbunnyIs it?01:19
pragmaticenigmayes, because the next version of Ubuntu is 18.04 ... which has been posted all over the internet and is even in the topic of the channel that you didn't read, along with the code of conduct that you agree to by participating in Ubuntu's official IRC channels.01:21
bugzbunnychu: set the room +r01:25
bugzbunnychu: That way prevents me to come back in that room01:25
chuOr, you could just exercise self-control and save me the effort of having to deal with you.01:26
bugzbunnychu: NO01:26
bugzbunnychu: Ban me, send the message for the rest of room, they be happy01:27
leftyfbbugzbunny: don't worry, you'll get your wish01:28
bugzbunnyI got kline 10 times01:28
chuThat's not something to be proud of.01:28
bugzbunny10 times, I am sorry, 100 times01:28
leftyfbAnd yet here you are, continuing with your garbage. Making life more difficult for others01:29
bugzbunnyEvery time, I told freenode staff members my belief01:29
bugzbunnyThat has change01:30
chuWhat a productive way of spending your time.01:30
bugzbunnyYes, I will contine to spend money, my time, to continue to pursue what I believe01:30
bugzbunnySo, I will continue to be here01:43
bugzbunnyOut of spit 21:42 < leftyfb> quidnunc: sorry, if that's a btrfs thing, I'm not familiar with it01:44
Ben64admitting you don't know something is a good thing02:08
bugzbunnyNo, that's damaging for #ubuntu Ben6402:14
SlidingHornSo we should follow your example and give wrong advice when we don't know something?02:15
hggdhfolks, please do not engage02:15
bugzbunnyI never give wrong advice02:15
SlidingHornthen why is he still here?02:15
bugzbunnyGive examples where02:15
pragmaticenigmaYou just gave wrong advice not more than a little bit ago with your Ubuntu 18.05 comment02:16
SlidingHornor when you told someone that their ISP was slowing them because they werent running Windows https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/04/05/%23ubuntu.html#t07:3802:17
bugzbunny21:18 < bugzbunny> athena_: Yes, the new 18.05 I think, is the new LTS02:17
bugzbunnyIs wrong advice?02:17
pragmaticenigmayeah... there is no Ubuntu 18.05... it's only been said continuously that the next version is 18.0402:18
SlidingHorn"when you don't know the answer, just make something up"02:19
bugzbunnyI am sorry, I'll make sure to 17.10, oops, 18.0502:20
bugzbunnyops 17.0502:20
pragmaticenigmastill wrong bugzbunny02:20
bugzbunnyoops 18.8502:20
bugzbunnyGot it02:20
pragmaticenigmathere ya go...02:20
SlidingHornno longer even hiding the fact that they're a troll02:20
SlidingHornI have no idea why he's not fully banned at this point.  I've seen people banned for MUCH less obvious trolling.02:23
bugzbunnyYou complain enough02:23
bugzbunnyPeople get banned02:23
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:23
SlidingHornmorning lotuspsychje  :)04:23
lotuspsychjehey hey04:23
lotuspsychjeyes gnome-shell in my updates :p04:25
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell bionic04:25
ubot5`gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 669 kB, installed size 7390 kB04:25
lotuspsychje!info gjs bionic04:28
ubot5`gjs (source: gjs): Mozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform. In component main, is extra. Version 1.52.1-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 26 kB, installed size 55 kB04:28
lotuspsychjelets reboot :p04:28
lotuspsychjelol getting an ubuntu welcome screen04:30
lotuspsychjeah its for livepatch04:32
KharmaSuggestions for a great CLI based calendar/reminder program, bonus points for colour support.05:35
lotuspsychjehey xangua05:40
SlidingHornKharma: have you seen pal?06:10
SlidingHornKharma: (palcal.sourceforge.net) - available in the repos06:10
SlidingHorn(there's apparently a newer version in the repos than the one on that site06:14
ducassegood morning, everyone06:21
lotuspsychjehey ducasse07:14
ducassemorning lotuspsychje - how are you?07:15
lotuspsychjefine mate, how did your day started07:15
lotuspsychje25 degrees here07:16
ducassequiet here, but payday :)07:17
ducasseyou getting ready for work?07:19
lotuspsychjeyeah got an hour :p07:19
ducassegot visitor coming in a few minutes, got to get ready for that07:22
lotuspsychjeah nice ducasse enjoy that07:22
ducasseyou have fun at work, the weekend is coming soon :)07:23
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah tnx07:28
=== Nugz is now known as TheTiz
KharmaSlidingHorn:  Thanks for that! Hadn't heard about it yet!08:29
lotuspsychjebbl work time08:30
lotuspsychjehave a nice108:30
guiverc:) @ pragmaticenigma (2nd privacy policy url on other channel)11:45
BluesKajHiyas all11:46
JimBuntuobvious troll is obvious11:48
BluesKajlooks like alright'11:50
JimBuntuBluesKaj, did you just call out their kink? That's not cool ;-)11:50
pragmaticenigmaor they don't know how the internet works11:51
=== guiverc_ is now known as guiverc_t
pragmaticenigmaoh no!11:53
BluesKajI need a decent PCI-E soundcard recommendation especially one that has decent SPDIF output specs. Was looking at this https://www.amazon.ca/Asus-Playback-Support-Xonar-DSX/dp/B007TMZ1MY12:18
SlidingHornha!  I just looked at the backlog to see what y'all were talking about...no kink shaming JimBuntu! :P13:23
pragmaticenigmaI really wanted to tell them... then maybe you shouldn't look at that stuff if you're affraid of someone figuring it outtttt13:26
pragmaticenigmaalso... in this modern age, if I give my SO acceess to my computers, they get their own account. no sharing13:26
JimBuntuSlidingHorn, yeah, it's been an oddly entertaining morning. Busy with loads of quickly answered questions the other day, at least 3 trolls in the 2 channels I frequest the most today.13:29
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, you left AmR|EiSa left hanging13:32
BluesKajI've had a brain fart , cam't remember the method used to install that bcm driver13:33
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, might want to update them?13:34
BluesKajthe kernel-source driver might work for him...guess we'll find out13:46
pragmaticenigmaDon't know if they know to try it13:48
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb, because their buddies do, and so they thought it was cool and want to do it too14:14
leftyfbit's so frustrating14:14
leftyfbdealing with another guy on another linux help channel on another network that has been refusing to look things up on their own for years14:14
JimBuntuleftyfb, please make #ubuntu-paid, lol14:17
leftyfbthe other guy is getting paid for his ignorance as well14:17
SlidingHornleftyfb: so this other guy is having y'all do his actual job for him?  :/14:21
SlidingHornoh nevermind, I just saw in the main channel...wow.14:22
pragmaticenigmaI don't mind helping someone do their job... but when they aren't even willing to use Google and look things up and have some simple background information is just infuriating14:23
leftyfbthat person has no business setting up this environment for a job14:23
BluesKajobviously it's been a while since I compiled that bcm driver ...hope I'm not getting too old for this stuff14:40
BluesKajbut now iguess i have to walk him thru it14:49
pragmaticenigmayou can do it!14:51
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
leftyfbthat cholby has been there quite a bit and trolled under lots of names and ip's16:11
JimBuntuSo, here's an idea... there should be a thing where when an op iso-kicks you... you wind up in a mock room, there are people talking... but it's actually only copies of conversations from other rooms. The user can talk, but what they say doesn't get mirrored. There could even be a couple bots in there with generic responses to the isolated-user.16:13
leftyfbnah, that strive for the response from others16:15
JimBuntuWe have applied this in radio before, everyone changed frequency, but we were running it through a repeater on the old frequency... so, the person who was trying to harass everyone kept on thinking they were... meanwhile we didn't have to deal with them any more.16:15
leftyfbmirroring/bots won't be adequate responses to their trolling16:15
leftyfbwell, maybe16:16
leftyfbif the bots were pretty decent in their responses16:16
leftyfband the mirroring was a lot of traffic16:16
JimBuntuWell, it works a bit better in radio, because one of their tactics is simply to try and transmit over-top of you and require less feedback from the talkers. Something to think about though.16:18
leftyfbkeying over16:19
leftyfbyou're talking CB radio right?16:19
leftyfbI used to be into that for a while16:19
JimBuntuSince this is IRC, then instead of totally isolating the user, all iso-kicked users land in the same channel... they can troll each other never knowing if the other is there for being a troll16:20
JimBuntuleftyfb, I'm specifically talking about GMRS (the licensed version, no test only a fee), but the same could be done (and was) on HAM. I haven't heard of a CB repeater, but it's totally doable.16:21
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:52
pragmaticenigmaI swear new0 just does this to run us in circles16:58
lotuspsychjehow you guys like the new bionic welcome screen16:59
pragmaticenigmaI don't know... I haven't seen it :-P17:03
pragmaticenigmawaiting for release to install it on my spare machine17:04
lotuspsychje2 new windows, one for livepatch/ubuntu one17:04
lotuspsychje1 for ubuntu welcome and send statistics to canonical + help screen17:05
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: welcome, #ubuntu is only for support matters17:06
donflufflesyeah the only live support of ubuntu is hexchat17:06
donflufflesi dont know if i should switch to windows or not17:07
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: your in ubuntu here, we reccomend using ubuntu17:08
JimBuntudonfluffles, Are you looking for live support, where you can call someone and get help or have a contract for service?17:08
donflufflesno ubuntu seems to complexic for me17:08
donflufflesand no jim17:09
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: complex how?17:09
JimBuntudonfluffles, what support avenues other than forums, corporate help site, IRC and YouTube is it that you are looking for then?17:09
donfluffleshelp site17:09
JimBuntuTried https://help.ubuntu.com/ ?17:10
donflufflesJimBuntu, im not searching for support centers i was just mocking17:10
JimBuntuOh, sorry, not paying close attention and though you were looking for other ways to get help like documentation, wiki's tutorials, lol17:11
donfluffleswiki is helpful but not always17:11
JimBuntuThere is also paid support, from a number of companies... I was about to suggest you move to RHES, lel17:11
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, Ubuntu also has paid support through Canonical (Ubuntu's parent company)17:13
ubot5`Canonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.17:13
donflufflesRichmond Hill Elementary School17:13
donflufflesand disrespectful17:14
donfluffleshe just called me a kid17:15
donflufflesthat was a good one though17:16
donflufflesnice trick you did there17:16
naccdonfluffles: please stop trolling.17:16
donflufflesokay then17:17
JimBuntudonfluffles, come on over to #ubuntu-offtopic17:17
lotuspsychjetroolnight yayy17:28
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: there's a user in #ubuntu+1 with kde issue17:28
naccand it's only thursday!17:28
lotuspsychjenacc: are you prepared :p17:28
JimBuntuThank goodness it's 4thMonday, I'm ready for Friday17:29
pragmaticenigmaat least MJCD knows to just leave17:29
nacclotuspsychje: well, on the one hand, my impetus to help is decreasing, as i leave canonical on monday :)17:29
lotuspsychjenacc: you serious?17:29
pragmaticenigmanacc, oh no17:30
nacclotuspsychje: yeah, although i'll still be around helping as i find time, just less of a priority17:30
lotuspsychjenacc: whats you new plan in life then?17:30
nacci'm going to digitalocean's systems performance team (kvm performance)17:30
naccjust doing something new17:30
lotuspsychjenacc: own decide, or a canonical thing?17:31
nacclotuspsychje: my own decision17:31
lotuspsychjewe hear alot of employees leaving?17:31
naccit seems like it again17:31
JimBuntusweet nacc, I'll be sure to find a way to push a ticket or two your way over at DO17:31
naccJimBuntu: please do! i've not really used it much, tbh, but I'll hopefully be able to help out17:32
JimBuntunacc, I have used it professionally, back when they started as well as personally... we had to move to the normal players... but I still use it for some of my personal stuff.17:32
lotuspsychjereboot after update gnome-initial-setup17:33
naccJimBuntu: cool -- so you're on AWS now?17:34
JimBuntuAWS and GCP17:34
naccJimBuntu: cool17:36
ducassegood localtime(), everyone17:36
lotuspsychjehey ducasse17:36
JimBuntuheh, Hey there ducasse17:36
ducasse\o lotuspsychje, JimBuntu - all well today?17:37
lotuspsychjeyeah great here ducasse17:37
JimBuntu3 more hours to go and I'm still smiling, so yeah, pretty good day so far.17:38
lotuspsychjehmm seems like last update did something usefull17:40
lotuspsychjeapps jump open quicker17:40
pragmaticenigmawb lotuspsychje17:55
pragmaticenigmayo ducasse17:55
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: lol :p18:03
lotuspsychjeall fine EriC^^18:05
=== akem_ is now known as akem
lotuspsychjenite nite all19:43
lotuspsychjesee you another twilight zone19:43
SlidingHornpragmaticenigma: that was freudian "customer kernels don't want to leave" xD19:48
pragmaticenigmabeen a long day19:48
pragmaticenigmait got so quiet all the sudden20:54
KharmaOpinions please..Cmus, MOC or mp3blaster?23:17
oerheksthere is also pytone, sox .. if you like console based players23:26
oerheks.. i do not.23:26
oerheksi *do* like python, so i would go for pytone :-D23:27
KharmaI'm trying to replace most of my day to day GUI programs with console based options :) Not because I have a slow system, just because for whatever reason, I like them. I find them more customizable as I love eye candy.23:30
daftykinssurely what little customisation there is, is of an alphanumeric type only :P23:33
KharmaLoL, so true, since most of the colourization is done using alphanumeric strings lol23:41
KharmaIs ALSA better to use vs. Pulse?23:56
KharmaCurrently I use Pulse, hasn't really played around with ALSA yet, seems fancy23:56
oerheksALSA is the kernel level sound mixer, it manages your sound card directly. ALSA by itself can only handle one application at the time .. PulseAudio is a software mixer, on top of the userland (like you'd run an app). When it runs, it uses Alsa - without dmix23:58
oerheksFirefox uses alsa solely23:59
oerhekserr wrong pulseaudio solely23:59

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