
cyphaseT-7 days00:00
Mobutilshmm... ive added: Defaults !requiretty to my soders file... but im still getting: no tty present and no askpass program specified00:01
jmgb4Anybody running pciepassthrough at all? While trying to bind my video card I keep on getting error 22. I am trying to follow this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCI_passthrough_via_OVMF00:36
cogita_semperhello, how do I stop my laptop from hibernating when I close the lid? I installed gnome-tweaks and changed it there but no dice00:52
xamithanDepends on your version00:58
undeclaredIt's possible you did it right but you clicked cancel possibly by accident?00:58
undeclaredJust an idea, if not, ignore me ;)00:59
xamithanYou double checked you didn't hit cancel?  Then you rebooted ?01:03
cogita_sempertheres no cancel or ok or save or anything01:05
cogita_semperi have rebooted and the setting still is on off but it doesn't stop it from suspending01:05
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xamithanHmm I'll test on my laptop01:06
xamithanWorks fine here,  maybe try a different user or see if you can find the gsettings switch01:08
cogita_semper hmm, thats odd. its working fine now but it didnt when the computer was restarting after changing the setting01:13
cogita_semperis this a gnome-only setting?? because I want to use this laptop as a "server" that I can VNC into01:14
xamithanIt is a setting that'll be specific to your DE,  which is currently gnome01:22
m_ 01:25
plongshotMy laptop dies when I unplug it and it has been shutting down after a couple updates ago. I hadn't changed the settings but it started acting different.  I have some information here if it helps any:  https://imgur.com/a/OebtLmG    Does anyone know of any recent problems?01:48
plongshotI didn't used to have this problem before and the infor I can get about the battery seems to saying it's ok?01:49
plongshotIt's a thinkpad t420i01:50
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
pragmaticenigmaplongshot, reboot the laptop into bios and try unplugging it... if it stays on longer than it does while running ubuntu, then it's an issue with Ubuntu. If the laptop powers off shortly after unplugging it while in BIOS. then the battery is no good.02:13
mmercerok... is there some magical trick to getting a bootable usb flash media for ubuntu server 16.04.4....02:14
mmercerive used dd from linux on 5 different usb flash drives, ive used etcher on macos on 3 different flash drives.  every single one of them reports 'floppy error accessing block 0'02:15
plongshotpragmaticenigma: Thanks, will try02:15
pragmaticenigmammercer, if you have a UEFI enabled system, imaging the USB stick via DD will not work02:17
mmercerpragmaticenigma: it boots.  it gets past the keyboard language choice... and crashes after reading something something /m, /n, /o  or similar02:18
mmercerit scrolls by fast enough that im not sure what its saying, but it seems like its just an alphabetic list of directories at that point... and then.. nothing02:18
pragmaticenigmammercer, it looks like one of your options for creating media was with a Mac... This is the instructions for using a Mac with Etcher: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#0 it has the settings needed and should work for server02:19
mmercerpragmaticenigma: thats exactly what i used02:20
mmercerbecause creating it from fedora media writer wasnt working.  ive used the same process for fedora, centos, redhat, etc images for years02:20
pragmaticenigmammercer, have you checked the Checksum of the image you downloaded?02:20
mmercerwas my first thought... 03a validated02:20
mmercerits why im baffled02:21
mmercerand im sure its not the machine too, lol.  ive done numerous reinstalls of centos and fedora on it recently with the same usb port, etc02:21
mmercer( same processes for creating the media too )  =D02:21
pragmaticenigmammercer, I did see in one bug report that disabling Floppy drive support in bios helped02:22
mmercerpragmaticenigma: hehe... i did that too02:22
mmercerits weird as crap02:22
mmerceri must be going crazy =D02:23
pragmaticenigmawhat about using the ubuntu mini.iso instead?02:23
pragmaticenigmaassuming you don't need UEFI02:23
mmercerdont need it, i do generally prefer it, but its definitely not a need02:23
pragmaticenigmajust thinking of other install options that might work better for ya02:23
mmercer* nods *  the irony.... this is all to get to the 'preferred' platform for the openstack-ansible aio installer02:24
mmercersince centos 7 apparently doesnt get much love02:24
pragmaticenigmacentos... my preferred distro, if only it wasn't so hard to work with multimedia02:25
pragmaticenigmai've gotta scoot here. I'm sure you'll find luck... wishing you the best02:25
NewNoobFriendHello Hello ladies and gentleman, how is everybody doing this evening/morning !02:26
plongshotOk, so I boot into bios then unplug and the laptop dies. I guess this means my battery is trash?  But I don't understand why the power information would say it's "fully-charged" though.02:26
plongshotpragmaticenigma: ^02:26
plongshotAnd does a battery suddenly die like that with no indiacation that it is failing?02:27
NewNoobFriendWould any of you be kind enough to helpa New noob whenever there is vulkan driver for R5 M430 on Linux?02:27
eraserpencilWhats normally recommended? downloading from repo or building from source02:27
pragmaticenigmaplongshot, it is entirely possible, the system does a best guess based on the battery controller. I suspect the battery may have an internal short02:28
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil, downloading from repos is supported in this channel. building from source isn't something we can support since there are so many options to how you build an application02:29
plongshotMaybe my electician friend knows a way to test the battery (with his meter or something).  It's cool tho.  Thanks pragmaticenigma02:29
eraserpencilbut repos would normally be of an older version as compared as building from source?02:30
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil, in some cases yes... because those versions are stable and well tested02:31
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jmgb4Hey fellas... I am having a very hard time getting tor to run. I can start and stop the service fine, if I run tor in a browser it gets to 100% and bootstraps fine, but I can never get tor-browser launched02:32
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil, versioning in linux doesn't work like versioning in Mac/Windows. Versions in Linux actually refer to specific changes. the first number changing means it's almost entirely a new application. the second number means some features are added or removed, the third number is usually patches and bug fixes02:32
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jeffrey_Hello.  how to mount a Buffalo Link Station.  How.  fstab would be nice too02:32
eraserpencilso the master branch of a github is not as well tested as a version from the repo02:32
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil, correct02:32
pragmaticenigmai'm out for sure now everyone... have a good evenin02:33
guivercjeffrey_: i have some old ones (used for backups) - i just mount them as normal samba shares02:34
guivercjeffrey_: mount //ip.address/Buffalo /mntlocn -o username=..,password=..  will mount .. - i used to use credentials=/etc/..  when i used fstab, but has since been removed (as now only for backups, mounted only before/after use)02:37
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syb0rgHi, I'm having a problem when trying to install ubuntu (Xubuntu actually, I had the same issue trying to install Lubuntu so it appears to be an Ubuntu problem). I am using encrypted / and /home partitions set up through the installer, and when I proceed from the partitioning step I get the error: "The attempt to mount a filesystem with type Ext4 in Encrypted volume (mmcblk0p3_crypt) at / failed.02:39
syb0rgI suppose the next step is to try again with manual partitioning, unless someone knows how to make the installer work.02:40
syb0rgmanual as in, manual set up of encrypted partitions that is02:41
syb0rganyway I'm going afk for a couple of minutes, if you have ideas or troubleshooting questions please shoot02:41
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jeffrey_Thanks guiverc02:53
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syb0rghmm, so no ideas on this one huh guys?03:00
ruby32syb0rg i recently had to switch from Lubuntu to Ubuntu 17.10 due to a similar error with an encrypted volume03:01
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syb0rgruby32, I tried Lubuntu first, lol03:05
syb0rgand then xubuntu. The machine I'm installing on would be a poor candidate for gnome/unity03:06
syb0rg(Acer Aspire 1, which is an amazing deal despite terrible storage and limited memory)03:07
ruby32did you try Lubuntu 16?03:07
ruby32i only had this error with 1703:07
syb0rgno ruby32, only 1703:08
syb0rgI guess I could tried going back to 16.04, maybe I will give it a shot03:08
guivercsyb0rg: you could always use Ubuntu to install it, then add lubuntu-desktop/xubuntu-desktop (or just LXDE or XFCE...)  it's my normal path  - you select which you use at login... there are drawbacks to that (multiple apps do same thing, you need to recall leafpad is fastest for lxde etc)03:08
ruby32syb0rg yeah i would try installing Lubuntu 16 first then go with guiverc route if that doesn't work03:09
syb0rggood point guiverc03:09
ruby32depends if you care more about being up-to-date or having additional software/complexity with your install03:09
syb0rgwell given that the Aspire 1 has *ahem* 32 glorious gigabytes of internal storage, limiting unneeded software on my root partition is a good thing =P03:11
syb0rgbut I can always install first, pare it down later03:11
ruby32i think i have the same laptop03:12
syb0rghehe nice, it seems like a decent machine so long as you can work around the storage problem03:12
SircleThumpxr, My http site does not redirects to httpS. Is there anything wrong with configs? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/908348203:12
Sirclesory. Thumpxr it was was for all03:13
syb0rgnow try again with *everyone's* name Sircle, you're sure to get some input that way =P03:13
oerheksSircle, just checked, properly HTTPS here ..03:15
syb0rgSircle, there is a #networking channel. Maybe they'd be more helpful? I wonder if there is a  web dev channel03:16
Sircleoerheks,  thats firefox?03:17
oerheksno, chrome03:18
SircleI had problems in ff03:18
syb0rggood job oerheks you remembered to close all the pr0n tabs before taking that screenshot03:18
Sirclechrome is fine03:18
oerheks.. syb0rg please, keep the channel family friendly, thanks.03:18
syb0rgsure oerheks03:19
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luunatiklooking for help with linux issue04:03
kuze01i probably cant help whats up04:04
luunatikusb ports stopped working after following this https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-iphone-6s-ios-11.html04:04
luunatikon linux lite04:04
luunatiksince then usb is non functional. cannot live boot or anything04:05
lotuspsychje_luunatik: this is ubuntu support specific, do you have ubuntu installed?04:05
luunatikno, and yes, i was hoping anyone from here could help or guide me in right direction for support or assistance04:06
lotuspsychje_luunatik: for other linux support join ##linux04:07
syb0rgIf it is a general linux issue ##linux is helpful luunatik04:07
luunatiki am on linux lite. alright will check ##linux04:07
lotuspsychje_luunatik: if you want help on regular base from us, we strongly suggest you install ubuntu04:07
luunatiki was in the process to install bionic daily but usb do not work04:08
luunatikusing lenovo yoga pro 304:08
lotuspsychje_!usb | luunatik04:10
ubottuluunatik: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:10
luunatiki have the live usb ready, issue is my usb ports are non functional even lsusb does not pick anything04:10
kuze01reset cmos?04:13
lotuspsychje_luunatik: will you install ubuntu single?04:13
lotuspsychje_luunatik: did you disable fastboot & secureboot then F12 to boot your usb?04:13
luunatiki want to move data before messing anything04:13
luunatikit is under legacy04:14
luunatikand i cannot connect any usb device for copying data04:14
luunatikcan it be done via terminal ?04:14
crypticGatorHi.. How come Everytime I unlock my computer everything is closed? I'm on 17.1004:15
luunatikmodprobe nvram dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvram this?04:15
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lirodonokay, friend's trying to install 16.04, and installer's stuck on detecting file systems for quite a while05:00
Randolflirodon:  Might the hard drive have bad sectors?05:04
lirodonalso, given that her Windows XP still functions, I guess it didn't even get to the install at all05:05
RandolfHow old is the machine?05:08
lirodonOptiplex 74505:08
matyddid an update tonight on my 16.04 and now everytime I wake up the laptop from sleeping it says authentification failure, switch to greeter05:15
lotuspsychjelirodon: did you use latest iso?05:15
lirodonwe figured it out. it had automounted her Windows drive and that was causing issues. Went through the install path with the Try Ubuntu/Install Ubuntu dialog instead, and it worked now05:16
matydanyone have the authentification failure issue when waking up from suspend?05:21
matydubuntu 16.0405:21
lirodonalso does chromium support Google account sync or do you need to use name-brand Chrome?05:29
Guy1524_how do I enable trim after transfering an ubuntu installation from an HDD to a SSD05:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:48
RandolfPatience is a virtue.05:49
raunoactually wanted to know how this irc bot works with man pages :)05:50
SlidingHornrauno: if you want to test the bot, please do so via a private message :)05:50
dcarmichWe are setting up an Ubuntu 17.10 system, and LDAP authentication fails on boot with error 9 "authentication service cannot retrieve authentication information."05:50
dcarmichHowever, after restarting sssd after boot, it works fine.05:50
dcarmichThe SSSD service starts successfully on boot, but authentication itself fails until SSSD is restarted.05:51
raunoSlidingHorn, okay, will do that :)05:51
StoneCypher1080i'm having trouble getting the cuda makefile to see the cuda library directory.  does someone have a moment?06:00
raunoprobably needs to be adding to LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?06:01
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StoneCypher1080nope, did that.  LIBRARY_PATH too06:02
StoneCypher1080oh wait manually prefacing the command works06:03
StoneCypher1080maybe this makefile is botching the library path somewhere06:03
RandolfIs it possible to use Ubuntu Linux as a host for VMware ESXi?06:06
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gorgolathhi i use zorin os and the new version make me a mess in wine and synaptic so i am stuck ;i need a stable distro and not so many updates thanks in advance for your help06:10
guivercgorgolath: to me your question is offtopic. we can only answer Ubuntu here (Ubuntu is very stable) but the few updates requirement brings to mind another something that is is offtopic here...  I'd recommend another room, #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-discuss etc  (this is a support room too, & zorin isn't ubuntu...)06:17
gorgolathhi;i got a real mess with the zorin 12 update ;break wine 3 and synaptic ;please tell me about a distro without so many update : stable first of all thanks in advance06:18
guivercgorgolath: already answered - zorin is not ubuntu, and is offtopic here.06:19
gorgolathZORIN IS DERIVATIVE OF UBUNTU or at least you could have told me that ZORIN is no good and UBUNTU IS BETTER06:23
guivercgorgolath: my assumption is you already knew that. derivatives make changes that may have some minor benefits in one area, but regress other areas which is why they aren't supported here. many things ubuntu will have no issues with, do have issues on derivatives...06:27
ducassegorgolath: why don't you try ubuntu and see for yourself how you like it?06:28
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Guest22905Hello bro07:28
Guest22905why you not send message to me?07:28
lotuspsychje!rootirc | Guest2290507:30
ubottuGuest22905: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:30
Harishello all07:34
Guest22905How a u?07:34
HarisI have the pecl php driver/plugin/ext installed for mongo 3.6.4. do ubuntu repos' provide that pecl ext for mongo as an official pkg for xenial ?07:35
Guest22905How to run a command in linux boot?07:35
c1b-02POU EISAI RE07:36
c1b-03gmav thn panagia soy07:36
lotuspsychje!english | c1b-0207:36
ubottuc1b-02: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:36
lotuspsychje!ops | c1b-02 bad news07:36
ubottuc1b-02 bad news: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax07:36
ducassec1b-02: c1b-03 speak english, please, and stick to support questions07:36
Guest22905ایرانی نداریم؟07:37
lotuspsychjeGuest22905: this is ubuntu support, do you have an ubuntu support question?07:37
Guest22905yes a have some question07:39
Guest22905how i can run a command in linux boot07:40
hateballGuest22905: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers07:40
ducasseGuest22905: which release are you on?07:41
yogurt99if I start X in multiple different ttys then I have multiple "X servers" running?07:43
Oolyogurt99: did you tried ?07:44
yogurt99yeah, I'm just messing around with killing X and figuring it all out.07:46
yogurt99I killed everything in TTY1 and the screen just freezes on waht it was at boot07:46
yogurt99I figured out I could do systemctl start getty@tty1.service to get a console and then startx to get it back07:47
yogurt99I'm guessing that on TTY1 it goes straight to a Display Manager on boot, rather than a console, so when I kill all processes it goes to the last place it was at when it started the display manager...07:47
BionicMaclotuspsychje: Is Live Patch supposed to be in Kubuntu as well?07:51
lotuspsychjei think its 18.04 related, so it should07:52
yogurt99ok I figured out how to list processes by tty and can see multiple Xorgs, but only one instance of xinit and startx07:52
yogurt99anyone know why sometimes if I start up ubuntu and login at tty1 it'll spawn my session into some other random tty?07:52
BionicMachmmm not happening for me on Kubuntu.07:54
kunde01Hi, I'm writing this from an Ubuntu 17.04 pc, it wasn't used for half a year or so and now I can't even upgrade it to the latest release, it gives lots of errors with stuff not found, what to do?08:44
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:44
kunde01thanks brainwash I'll look at it. bit of a usability issue that even release upgrade doens't work on no-longer-supported versions08:45
brainwashkunde01: maybe it would be best to stick with the LTS release then08:45
brainwash18.04 will be the next one (release next week)08:46
kunde01yeah probably but I'll upgrade it now anyway, and then again in a week, but more thinking in general of people who don't know to go to IRC and ask for help and might feel completely lost in this type of situation08:47
mjaykHaya all I have my laptop hooked up to a 4k dell monitor via hdmi and stuff looks just kinda fuzzy (not as sharp as on my 1080 laptop screen) any ideas?08:48
patrick_Does anyone know of a command line app that fetches id3 tag info from cddb or equivalent?08:48
kunde01patrick_, id3tag ?08:48
patrick_kunde01: Artist, album, track etc08:49
ledenipatrick_, try 'play'08:52
patrick_ledeni: Its not in the repos, would you happen to have a link08:54
tomreyn!info sox08:55
ubottusox (source: sox): Swiss army knife of sound processing. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.4.1-5build1 (artful), package size 96 kB, installed size 198 kB08:55
tomreynsox contains /usr/bin/play (but i do not know whether that handled id3tags)08:55
patrick_tomreyn: was that for me?08:56
tomreynpatrick_: yes, and a bit to ledeni, too08:56
patrick_sox does not mention audio id3 tag identification08:56
tomreynsox contains like 30 binaries, its description wont describe them all08:57
patrick_tomreyn: Oh I see08:57
patrick_Sounds interesting actually08:57
patrick_Wow! down the rabbit hole I go...09:00
mjaykHaya all I have my laptop hooked up to a 4k dell monitor via hdmi and stuff looks just kinda fuzzy (not as sharp as on my 1080 laptop screen) any ideas?09:05
tomreynmjayk: depending on your graphics card, you may need to use proprietary drivers for this to work better.09:08
tomreynlspci -nn | grep VGA09:08
mjayktomreyn: its intel09:09
tomreynmjayk: which ubuntu release? lsb_release -ds which kernel version? cat /proc/version09:10
tomreynmjayk: which ubuntu release ("lsb_release -ds")? which kernel version ("cat /proc/version")?09:10
tomreynmjayk: also: lscpu | grep '^Model name:'09:13
am_exI have a problem on all versions of Ubuntu with my wireless mouses and keyboards (sometimes GUI-interface too) it's freezing when I copying some files trough USB 3.0 (not tr 2.0), where can I read about this problem and how can I solve it?09:16
tomreynam_ex: i'd start by looking at the kernel ring buffer logs, using: "dmesg -T". you can post those online by using "dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 9999" (and posting the resulting http address here)09:20
tomreynam_ex: you should also try this with a newer kernel version, if available, and maybe a newer ubuntu release (such as using a live iso)09:20
am_exDo I must run this command while copying the data?09:21
am_extomreyn, new kernels, ok, which versions?09:21
tomreynyou can run either command at any time, there is no race condition09:21
tomreynit would be useful to know which ubuntu release and kernel version you're currently using. "lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version"09:22
tomreynbut start witht he second dmesg command09:22
tomreynam_ex: since you also asked this in #ubuntu+1 - if this is an 18.04 pre-release, let's talk there instead.09:26
am_extomreyn, am@am-ws:~$ uname -a => Linux am-ws 4.15.0-15-generic #16-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 4 13:58:14 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:28
tomreynam_ex: thanks for providing the output of a command i didnt ask for while not providing the output for three commands i asked for.09:29
tomreynah, you did, elsewhere. ok, switching to +q09:30
NeonLight118it's my first time using this09:35
vltNeonLight118: Welcome!09:37
guivercWelcome NeonLight118 , this is a Ubuntu support room, so if you have a Ubuntu support question please ask it (ideally in a single line). If someone knows the answer they'll reply (please be patient, people do other things too)09:37
NeonLight118what is the diffrence between this and askubuntu.com ?09:38
Ben64this is real time09:39
am_exNeonLight118, on this channel you can chat online and postquestions and get answers more quickly09:39
vltNeonLight118: This is an IRC channel, the other a website.09:39
guivercNeonLight118: this is people who can walk you thru right now, askubu is a ask & come-back later site.  its whichever you prefer (i use askubu too)09:39
am_exguiverc, agree09:39
NeonLight118oh, well thank you for clarification09:40
NeonLight118I will give this thing a try. quite often I loose internet connection, quick fix is to just reconnect but I'm trying to find a more perminant solution09:47
stictionWill 18.04 come up with the new gtk theme and icon theme? Couldn't find anything about that in the release note.10:05
gebbionehi i m trying to modify my openvpn certificate to allow to work with the VPN dns,  I added lines10:08
gebbionescript-security 2 up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf10:08
gebbionebut i get error  -> /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/sendmail: 7: .: Can't open /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic10:08
yogurt99I just did sudo kill -9 -1 and I get a 'segmentation fault.'10:10
yogurt99I'm using Ubuntu 1710:10
yogurt99Anyone know what that means or why I'd get that?10:10
yogurt99I'm trying to experiment and break my linux so I can learn more (as a newbiew)10:10
tomreynyogurt99: there is no "ubuntu 17", what's the output of "lsb_release -ds"?10:11
yogurt99ubuntu 17.1010:11
w4|k3ryogurt99: I am hoping that you are trying that in a virtual machine...10:11
yogurt99w4|k3r: I've tried both on my laptop & a virtual machine with the same release.10:12
yogurt99Same fault10:12
rollingubuntuhello... anyone knows when 18.04 is going to be officially downloadable?10:13
w4|k3rrollingubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule10:14
nikithaweird point but never to say for, im looking at storing erotic online  drive, where is it would be best ?10:16
stictionI'm worried about the theme in 18.04. Will it be the same as 17.10 in terms of look and feel?10:19
yogurt99I hope it can provide cloud access for storing erotics10:19
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w4|k3rI am not too keen on GDM.10:20
w4|k3rI have had issues with it earlier and had started to love Unity.10:20
tomreynlaucas, juacar: please stop.10:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:29
laucasaso va xe10:29
laucasque es aso10:29
juacarhow are you10:29
roslloq feu10:29
carhidnice to meet you710:29
SlidingHorn!ot | juacar laucas carhid10:29
ubottujuacar laucas carhid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:29
laucasqui es carvil10:30
paradiswhen will ubuntu 18 will be released?10:30
w4|k3rparadis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule10:30
guivercnext thursday paradis10:30
paradisguiverc: thank you very much10:30
paradisI really appreciate that quick answer10:31
francisvHow do I install texinfo documentation in Ubuntu?  I would like to have GNU make documentation https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html in Texinfo.10:31
w4|k3rfrancisv: Which version of ubuntu are you using?10:32
mdm_Hello guys10:32
francisvw4|k3r: 17.1010:32
w4|k3rfrancisv: Is sudo apt install not working?10:32
francisvw4|k3r: what should be the name of the file?10:32
francisvI mean, I have make10:32
francisvit works fine10:32
francisvbut no texinfo files10:32
mdm_can i upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 ? xubuntu ?10:32
francisvor well, better say, the info is not hte same as the page I sent10:33
w4|k3rfrancisv: Checking10:33
SlidingHornfrancisv: sudo apt install texinfo10:33
francisvSlidingHorn: texinfo is in place10:33
alfuadiwhat is the best software for programming for beginner to make website10:33
francisvif I do, `info make', a different document comes.  I would like to have https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html in Texinfo10:34
francisvIn example, I have https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html in Texinfo10:36
francisvI would like to install the documentation of make in Texinfo as well10:36
nikithai'm bipolar and wont stand on single word or decision for long time.i download pics/videos.i delete them and again urge of doing so happends everytime in my mind.10:37
nikithaIn case i do collect download erotic stuff where i should put in online drive ? instead doing that,is it not good to store  "link of the content" rather than content itself.....call by reference (of online) but not call by value (on premesis), pointers POV of c langauge.despite content moves away , but atleast 20% remains avaibale atleast out of 100, what do u say ? Whatever might be reason i am following with trend of bigdata, cloud com10:37
nikithaputing, analytics, AI, automation, Machine & deep learning by doing this.10:37
rollingubuntuw4|k3r: thank you! would you happen to know what all those warning signs mean?10:37
SlidingHorn!ot | nikitha10:37
ubottunikitha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:37
Cheezwoo, -finally- got amdgpu working on 16.04. that shouldn't be so painful :(10:38
SlidingHornmdm_: howdy...what can we try to help you with?10:39
francisvProbably a better formulated question is:  Anyone knows how to install Texinfo documentation for GNU make in Ubuntu 17.10?10:40
w4|k3rrollingubuntu: What warnings are you talking about?10:40
mdm_i asked before how can i upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 xubuntu10:41
rollingubuntuw4|k3r: the ubuntu wiki page you sent me, on the April section, every entry has a funny face like sign in front, if you hover over it will read "Warning"10:42
guivercmdm_, 18.04 isn't strictly supported here until its release next thursday.  it's probably why no-one answered.  my box is doing what you want right now, but it's offtopic in this channel.10:43
w4|k3rrollingubuntu: Don't know for sure, but let me check10:44
emachineshi people10:45
emachineshow are you?10:45
guivercmdm_, you could always ask on #ubuntu-discuss, or #ubuntu+1  (which is 18.04)10:45
emachinesis the moment?10:45
SlidingHornemachines: do you have an Ubuntu support question?10:46
emachinesno,i am not10:49
SlidingHorn!ot > emachines10:49
ubottuemachines, please see my private message10:49
emachinesim paraguayan10:50
tomreyn!ot | emachines10:51
ubottuemachines: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:51
emachinesi have not very time10:52
emachinesin class...10:52
francisvIs there a repository to easily install GNU Texinfo documentation in Ubuntu 17.10?  The documentation I refer to is: https://www.gnu.org/manual/manual.html10:56
slowhello everybody11:00
slowis ti possible to go from 18.04 beta 2 version to the new freeze?11:00
tomreynfrancisv: just run "info" providing the package whose documentation you wish to read as an argument11:01
ducasseslow: just update, but 18.04 support is in #ubuntu+111:02
slowthank you ducasse11:02
tomflintis there a way to have caffeine activated on boot?11:02
francisvtomreyn: The answer to make questions was 'sudo apt install make-doc'11:03
francisvbefore that, 'info make' was showing other stuff, probably just the man page11:04
francisva much reduced documentation11:04
Hariswhat pkg gives node binary on 14.04 ?11:07
BluesKajHi Folks11:07
Harishow to search ?11:07
brainwashHaris: https://packages.ubuntu.com/11:08
emachines_hello there11:11
emachinesyeah humans11:11
w4|k3r!ot | emachines emachines_11:13
ubottuemachines emachines_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:13
am_ /join #ubuntu-l11:14
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emachinesimbecil ubuntu11:20
emachinesjajoecha peve11:20
=== Guest20773 is now known as NeonLight118
Guest62068Hi all11:47
vltHello. I installed gphoto2 on Ubuntu 16.04. What tools are there to show fullscreen live video with low latency from my Canon DSLR?11:48
vltI know darktable's preview but that's not fullscreen, I tried entangle but can't control camera settings while running in full screen mode, and I tried gphoto2's --stdout mode piped into ffplay with a much, much higher delay than the previously mentioned tools.11:49
Guest62068I'm having problems booting the new kernel, 4.13.0-38 on my laptop. Jumping back to 4.13.0-37 seems to work, but 4.13.0-38 just freezes. Anyone know how I debug this?11:49
vltAny idea what I could use?11:49
brainwashGuest62068: I would test -39 which is in -proposed11:50
Guest62068brainwash: Hmm. Couldn't that potentially break a whole lot of other dependencies?11:51
brainwashGuest62068: like? it's just a newer kernel version, and you will keep the currently installed ones11:52
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Guest62068brainwash: I'm more curious as to WHY it fails, and how to find out. Of course I can try the newer one as well11:53
ioriaGuest62068, are you sure -38 is correctly installed ? dpkg -l | grep linux-image-[0-9]| grep ^ii11:53
=== Run2Live is now known as Mr_Pan
JimBuntuGuest62068, I had been using mainline, switched back last night and updated to latest (same one you have) and have suffered odd and sudden lockups. I have went back to mainline this morning, no more issues yet. I have not attempted to diagnose yet11:53
Guest62068ioria: I removed it. I'll try reinstalling. Hold on11:53
brainwashGuest62068: I guess it helps to know if -39 has this issue also11:54
brainwashthere is bug 176511011:55
ubottubug 1765110 in linux (Ubuntu) "[regression] login screen frozen after kernel update 4.13.0-38-generic (but 4.13.0-37-generic works)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176511011:55
ioriaGuest62068, maybe a micro-code issue : dmesg | grep -i Microcode11:55
Guest62068ioria: problem is, it freezes during boot. So I'm not able to check anything until i've rebooted11:57
ioriaGuest62068,  but you can check if you have intel-microcode installed11:58
Guest62068ioria: Trying to reinstall with sudo aptitude install linux-image-4.13.0-30-generic11:58
Guest62068should've been 38 :P11:59
Harisguys, can we get a unified driver for php <-> mongodb work, one that works on 14.04 and 16.x all the same, with php 5.x and 7.x?11:59
Guest62068ioria: booting...11:59
HarisI'm having a problem. its working on centos, but not on ubuntu12:00
Guest62068ioria: Freezes totally, again. Can't even ctrl+f1 or similar. it's frozen solid12:01
somebodyI have a http server hosted on my computer, now i want it to be available under a custom dns in a wifi hotspot. how do i do that?12:02
ioriaGuest62068,  lost you .. what's the last cmd you issued ?12:02
Guest62068ioria: Gotta go. Meeting. thanks for trying though12:03
somebodyThe hotspot is running already. I am on kubuntu.12:04
paddyHelp! I mounted a dmg file onto my hdd and it wiped the whole drive. 256mg is the dmg partition and the rest of the 5tb is now "free space" how do I get my hdd back to normal/revcover files?12:11
somebodypaddy: I have no idea, but seemingly it is hard to rescue data on ext3/ext412:14
paddythe external hdd was ntfs12:15
Cheezdata recovery on ntfs is expensive.12:18
Cheezgetdataback for ntfs kind of works.12:18
Cheezwho knows, the partition may be there still, have you looked in something like parted? or testdisk?12:19
paddyno, pretty new to linux.12:19
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
Cheeztestdisk is all platforms, iirc. getdataback is a windows app for ntfs recovery12:20
paddyit seems like only 256mg is being used by the dmg mount and the rest says "free space" in disks12:20
Cheezi'd be ready to use your disaster recovery options though12:20
Cheezie restore from backups12:20
ducasseCheez: what do you mean you mounted it on your hdd? mounting does not erase data.12:21
paddyI just want to make sure that I've diagnosed the problem right first12:21
Cheezducasse: paddy, not me :)12:21
ducassesorry :)12:22
paddyI had a dmg file used dmg2img and mounted it, I think it was a mac dmg because it said which drive would you want put this on (I think it said mount)12:22
paddyI chose my external hdd and now when I plug it in the only thing that shows up is HFS+ partition12:23
ducassethen you overwrote it, you did not mount it. it's important to be clear here.12:23
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery12:23
paddyokay, wasn't sure what I did12:24
paddyso i did overwrite it?12:24
ducassei would think so, from your description12:24
ioriapaddy, if the system is ko , you need a livecd; mount the partition and check12:25
JimBuntuKnocked Out? as in not working?12:25
paddyokay, what about testdisk?12:26
ioriapaddy, yes, it's an option12:26
paddythe full 5tb appears in test disk. (I think this means it's mounted?)12:26
paddyIf disks is saying "free space" should I pick [none] as the partition table type?12:33
JimBuntupaddy, I can't wlk you through this whole process, but I would like to make a suggestion... 1) Do you have 10TB of free space elsewhere?12:38
paddynah, no 10gb, using my brother's laptop with windows and using getdataback12:39
paddylooks alright atm12:39
paddythanks thoughj12:39
JimBuntuWell, I was going to suggest you make an image of that 5TB drive, so that you couldn't risk losing any more of the data... then only work with the image in your data recovery. Glad to hear it looks like you are alright atm.12:40
paddyThanks everyone! think I might have it back.12:42
paddyThe thing now is that it's in two partitions HFS (primary) and NTFS (4.55tb)12:42
JimBuntuAnd do you see any of your old data in the NTFS partition?12:43
paddyyes, pretty much everything12:43
JimBuntuwell that's good news.12:44
ducasse!cn | skylake_12:47
ubottuskylake_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:47
liveuserwhat is the command for managing dmcrypt mappings12:58
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+112:59
liveuserwh0ami did you give all of your secrets away?13:07
liveuserit looks like it is writing13:19
liveuserthough when opening it complains it is not a valid device13:20
=== vaughan is now known as Guest32853
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francisvWhich program to use to decrease the size of JPEG photo in Ubuntu 17.10?13:34
hateballfrancisv: there's plenty13:34
hateballfrancisv: you can use imagemagick if you want to script things13:34
hateballor you could use GIMP to to it with a GUI13:35
hateballor a number of other tools as well13:35
freakynlHi, upon rebooting an ubuntu server not all services come up. They state they can't bind. Networking comes up eventually, but the networking service has an error: Apr 20 15:28:58 plesk.cepro.eu ifup[1120]: /sbin/ifup: waiting for lock on /run/network/ifstate.ens19213:36
freakynlApr 20 15:28:58 plesk.cepro.eu ifup[1120]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists13:36
francisvhateball: this is just one time job13:36
freakynlApr 20 15:28:58 plesk.cepro.eu ifup[1120]: Failed to bring up ens192.13:36
freakynlApr 20 15:28:58 plesk.cepro.eu systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE13:36
freakynlApr 20 15:28:58 plesk.cepro.eu systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network interfaces.13:36
francisvI will try GIMP13:36
hateballfrancisv: well GIMP has a simple resize function13:36
leftyfb!paste | freakynl13:36
ubottufreakynl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:36
francisvthanks for the recommendation, hateball13:36
hateballfrancisv: good luck :)13:36
leftyfbfreakynl: your network interface isn't coming up13:37
freakynlIt does run properly once I log in, both the v4 and v6 addresses are assigned. /run/network/ifstate.ens192 exists, but is empty.13:37
leftyfbor didn't during the time of that log13:37
freakynlIt does come up thus, but the script has an error, /run/network/ifstate.ens192 is empty. Configuration has worked fine for a long time, started exhibiting this a while ago.13:37
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
freakynlthere's static v6 config in the script, it also obtains a dynamic v6 however. Might that be causing it?13:38
freakynlwell dynamic, via RA's, there's no dhcpv613:39
freakynlAnything wrong with this interfaces file? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6Vd5mVZpnd/13:42
BluesKajfreakynl, afaik you don't need the auto lo and iface lo inet loopback for static IP14:07
BluesKajunless you use network-manager14:08
BluesKajthen your static IP should be setup there14:09
lasbrHey guys, I need some help... I'm a new using Ubuntu Mate.14:11
lasbrI would like to know if there is a command similar to msconfig in Ubuntu14:11
BluesKajlasbr, there are lots of config files in ubuntu/linux , what do you want to edit?14:13
jnewti have the ui software setting to download and install automatically.   however apt-get update & apt-get upgrade always shows lots of available upgrades.   how can i verify the system is actually downloading / installing updates (where is the log)?14:14
geniijnewt: /var/log/dpkg.log14:15
jnewtis there a way to show the release dates for upgrades in apt?14:15
BluesKajjnewt, monitor  the terminal as apt updates and upgrades14:15
pragmaticenigmajnewt, by default unattended upgrades only installs packages from the main and security repos. Updates, proposed, and backports are not automatically upgraded14:16
jnewtyeah, it's doing some stuff in dpkg14:17
BluesKajlasbr, depending on your Ubunru version, maybe ubuntu-tweak will work14:18
guest-hyy04li cant use mouse en keyboard after installing wacom drivers. it happend wen i restarted the system. during boot  kybrd mouse is gone, cant login to tty. imusing my other pentab to type in on-screen keyboard. login to guest account, pls help.14:18
pragmaticenigmajnewt, did you see my previous comment?14:20
capguys. i cant use my keyboard and mouse after installing wacom drivers, it happend after i restarted the system. currently using my other pentab to type in on-screen keyboard, im login to guest aacount.14:24
capusing my phone now to chat here.14:24
pragmaticenigma!patience | cap14:24
ubottucap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:24
SlidingHorncap: what flavor & version of *buntu are you using?14:27
capim using eos loki14:27
capcant also login to tty14:27
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.14:28
markus_how can i restore unity splash screen during booting. i installed some gnome stuff but didn't like that so i removed gnome DE but i am getting blank screen during boot time after choosing option from boot menu14:30
markus_i tried to reset the plymouth theme so now i get ubuntu spash screen on shutdown but not on boot up14:31
SlidingHornmarkus_: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth   that will give you a list of screens to choose from14:31
markus_slidinghorn: i did that and chose /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth14:32
markus_so now i get ubuntu spash screen on shutdown but not on boot up14:33
freakynlBluesKaj: thanks, no networkmanager. It doesn't error on the lo tho', but on ens192. Which functions fine by the time I can log on14:35
serehow do i run a command for everyone file in a directory recursivly14:37
pragmaticenigmasere, take a look at "find" with the -exec parameter14:38
markus_any help?14:38
pragmaticenigma!patience | markus_14:38
ubottumarkus_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:38
jnewtpragmaticenigma, i have the Install updates from: Unsupported updates (xenial-backports) checked.   I also have  the ppa for golang (http://ppa.launchpad.net/longsleep/golang-backports/ubuntu xenial main) selected under Other Software and apt shows go needs to be updated.   why is it getting skipped?14:40
SlidingHornmarkus_: do the update-alternatives again (just in case) and then   sudo update-intramfs -u14:40
markus_i have done 5-6 times choosing different thmes each time but every time shut down screen changes but not the boot up screen14:41
jnewtpragmaticenigma, actually apt has it listed (golang-go and golang-race-detector runtime and golang-src) under "The following packages have been kept back" .   Maybe there's a setting specific to that (altho ther are several others in both the "will be kept back" and the "will be upgraded" sections14:42
SlidingHornmarkus_: did you do the update-intramfs -u   command?14:42
markus_i am trying to do it for an hour or so , tried different commands to remove gnome,reinstall unity but nothing worked14:42
dprkwhat desktop eniverment is best for touch screen?14:43
markus_yes i used update-intramfs -u and then rebooted each time to see the effect14:43
dprki got a acer switch. i can take of keybord and use it as an "ipad"14:44
dprkrunning windows 10 on it now14:44
markus_is it a good option if i delete all themes and reinstall unity ?14:44
SlidingHornmarkus_: please pastebin the .plymouth file for the theme you're selecting (should be in /usr/share/plymouth/themes/$themename/$themename.plymouth)14:46
bobomaHello. Question about autocomplete in the terminal: I get superuser with "sudo -i" then I login as user abc with "su - abc". In ubuntu 17.10 autocomplete used to work then. Now with ubuntu 18.04 autocomplete does not work anymore in this case. What to configure to get it back?14:48
SlidingHorn!beta | bobama14:49
ubottubobama: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:49
bobomaSlidingHorn, thanks but that does not answer my question14:49
SlidingHornoops...wrong factoid...anyway try #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 support, boboma14:49
SlidingHornmarkus_: how about your /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.script  file14:52
=== Menzador19 is now known as Menzie
pragmaticenigmajnewt, packages being held back is usually for dependencies not being met, or the dependency change could break another application, or user intervention during the install may be required. Unattended upgrades makes a best effort to update all that it can, but if it reaches a conflict, even small ones, it will error on the side of caution and skip the update14:54
Giant81ok I have an ubuntu image appliance in GNS3, I'm trying to install 'etherwake' so I can use it to generate WoL packets15:00
Giant81but an 'apt-get install etherwake' isn't finding it at all15:00
Giant81E: Unable to locate package etherwake15:00
Giant81but I found it here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/etherwake.8.html15:01
Giant81which makes me wonder if I'm missing a repository or something15:01
geniiEnable universe15:01
Menzie!info etherwake15:02
genii!info etherwake xenial15:02
ubottuetherwake (source: etherwake): tool to send magic Wake-on-LAN packets. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.09-4 (artful), package size 8 kB, installed size 51 kB15:02
ubottuetherwake (source: etherwake): tool to send magic Wake-on-LAN packets. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.09-4 (xenial), package size 8 kB, installed size 51 kB15:02
Giant81oh thanks, let me go look at doing that15:02
Giant81hmmm it's uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list15:03
Giant81deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial universe15:03
* Menzie fights genii for the right to factoid first 15:04
Giant81let me run an apt-get update and see if I can pull a fresh list15:04
* tomreyn wonders what an "ubuntu image appliance" and "GNS3" are15:08
laserbeak4445If I decided to install the 18.04 test patch for the GNOME memory leak, should I let them installed if everything is fine or improved?15:09
Giant81GNS3 is a network simulation program, within it yo ucan download appliances for a whole range of things.  One of them that i've downloaded is an Ubuntu image15:09
Giant81I can run full ubuntu clients in a virtual network with virtual cisco gear running cisco IOS images15:09
tomreynoh right, i heard about this before.15:10
laserbeak4445or leaving them on my system could maybe cause conflicts with future updates?15:10
tomreyn!18.04 | laserbeak444515:10
ubottulaserbeak4445: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+115:10
Giant81I moved teh ubuntu box from teh SW1 to the NAT-1 so I could give it internet to download the etherwake package but I can't seem to get it to install through apt15:11
Giant81though it may not be ubuntu related, it could be the way they created the qemu image15:11
jnewtpragmaticenigma, ok, lets assume that one of those things is occurring (dependency change, dependency not met, user intervention required or conflict).   Where do I see the reason for a specific package not being updated automatically?15:12
tomreynGiant81: does apt-cache search find it, apt-cache policy list it?15:12
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Giant81no it doesn't I tried an 'apt-cache search etherwake' and got nothing15:12
pragmaticenigmajnewt, The logs are really the only thing I can think of that would indicate something was up. Otherwise, the occassional run of apt update && apt dist-upgrade is the only way to really know.15:13
tomreynGiant81: that's after apt-get update?15:13
pragmaticenigmaGiant81, what does "apt list etherwake"15:14
Giant81Listing... Done15:14
tomreynGiant81: apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 999915:15
Giant81bash: nc: command not found15:16
tomreynGiant81: well, your network connectivity is broken, see lines 184-186 of https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9Zu1QI44/15:16
geniiInstall netcat if you want to use nc command15:16
Giant81tomreyn: YEAH i saw that but thought that was just a few of the repositores not all of them15:17
Giant81though chacnes are it's because I'm at work15:17
Giant81genii, cant' install anything I don't think... hehe15:18
Giant81so I think all my problem are network related15:18
tomreynGiant81: it is all of them15:18
Giant81I can't update the package list because I can't get out, and I can't install anything until I update the package list15:18
Giant81I can ping out just fine, I just think the FW is blocking apt-get15:19
tomreyndns seems to work, http seems to be blocked15:19
geniiYeah, looks like you're going to have to the process when you're not on a locked down network15:19
tomreyncould try https instead15:19
Giant81or just throw something at infosec and have them unblock me for a bit so I can get an update15:19
Giant81do you just put https in the sources.list?15:19
Giant81does apt handle ssl?15:20
* Giant81 googles 15:20
tomreynyes, yes15:20
tomreynbut not all archive mirrors support it15:20
Giant81https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/166917/etc-apt-sources-list-wont-accept-urls-with-https-connection yeah and it sounds like I'd need a package installed to do it too15:22
Giant81which I can't get with the current block... so I'll poke infosec15:22
rud0lfi want to ask experts before googling.. is it possible to make dual boot pendrive from two ubuntu .iso live cds?15:22
rud0lfi want 18.04 and 16.0415:22
rud0lfi'd like it to boot into selected livecd15:23
Giant81I'm by no means an expert15:23
tomreynGiant81: i could be wrong, but i think apt-transports-https is installed by default nowadays (and i consider 16.04 to be 'nowadays')15:23
Giant81but I'm thinking dual partitions and a boot loader on the mbr that selects which you want?15:23
Giant81tomreyn: one way to find out15:24
rud0lfGiant81: yes :)15:24
rud0lfexpert = anyone better than me15:24
tomreynGiant81: dpkg -l apt-transport-https15:24
Giant81dpkg-query: no packages found matching apt-transport-https15:26
tomreynGiant81: okay, so i'm wrong i guess15:26
Giant81you very well may not be15:26
Giant81this is an appliance created for GNS3, it could very well be stripped down to bare minimums15:27
Giant81I mean as soon as it is 'started' it comes up into a root prompt, no sudo, etc..15:27
Giant81I mean 'sudo' says not found so... yeah15:27
Giant81bash: sudo: command not found15:27
tomreyngood luck with your frankenbuntu15:28
pniemi4mulla seisoo15:29
tomreyn!ot | pniemi415:29
ubottupniemi4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:29
pankajHello, I have selected a wrong keyboard layout. The problem is that it is printing numeric and alphabets fine but problem with symbol. They are different. How to solve it.15:30
tomreynpankaj: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration15:32
Giant81hehe, silly security guys15:33
pragmaticenigmarud0lf, it is possible. For building on windows, you can go to Pendrivelinux.com and look up their YUMI builder.15:35
rud0lfi have no windows at all15:35
pankajtomreyn: It shows a list. How to get information about the keyboard I am using so that I select the right one.15:35
pragmaticenigmamust be very dark15:35
pragmaticenigmarud0lf, I just found this site, don't know much about it. But worth a look http://multibootusb.org/15:36
rud0lfthank you15:36
tomreynpankaj: does it have a model # ?15:38
pankajtomreyn: I did not understand?15:39
tomreynpankaj: is this a laptop keyboard (integrated into the entire laptop enclosure), or a separate keyboard attached t your computer via a cable?15:40
pankajtomreyn: Ya. I am using laptop.15:41
pankajtomreyn: Toshiba15:41
Sadeghhow can change the Date in ubuntu?15:42
tomreynpankaj: your precise laptop model is usually printed on the bottom of your laptop. it should give away the localization.15:42
ntd"date" command15:42
ntdntpdate ; hwclock -w15:42
ntdor through gnome/kde/etc15:42
pankajtomreyn: OK. Done successfully.15:43
pankajtomreyn: I just forgot some commands which helped me to get information about my system.15:44
pankajtomreyn: That was why some problems as some questions I know were silly.15:44
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kruugHello.  I'm trying to install a .deb file (well, 2 actually) and I'm having some unmet dependencies.  I'm trying to install python-gnome2 and freeglut3 on Artful, but apt says they're not available.  According to packages.ubuntu.com, however, they're included for this release.15:46
kruugHow do I fix this?15:47
Sadeghntd i have a error : 20 Apr 15:47:05 ntpdate[7147]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting15:48
SlidingHornkruug: there's no python-gnome2 package in Artful15:48
ntdis ntp/ntpd running?15:48
kruugSlidingHorn: https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/python-gnome215:49
kruugOh, hey.  Bottom has download buttons.  I'll try those.15:49
ntdis ntp/ntpd running?15:49
pragmaticenigmakruug, no15:50
Sadegh20 Apr 15:47:05 ntpdate[7147]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting15:50
tomreynkruug: that's not how you should go about this15:50
Sadeghapt install ntpdate15:50
SlidingHornkruug: my apologies, it wasn't coming up on my search...  so what happens if you   sudo apt install python-gnome2 ?15:50
pragmaticenigmakruug, do not direct download... the top of the page for downloads tells you the same thing as this... use the package manager15:50
leftyfbkruug: sudo apt install python-gnome215:50
kruugSlidingHorn: "Package python-gnome2 is not available, but it is referred to by another package"15:51
kruugIf only it would tell me which package...15:51
leftyfbSadegh: you have something listening on NTP's port15:51
leftyfbkruug: do you have the universe repository enabled?15:51
kruugleftyfb: see my response to SlidingHorn15:51
tomreynkruug: if installing packages the 'normal' way (through apt and its various frontends), then fix the issue which prevents it and do not resort to 'hacks'.15:51
leftyfbkruug: do you have the universe repository enabled?15:52
kruugleftyfb: checking now15:52
leftyfbkruug: also, why do you think you need it?15:52
Sadeghleftyfb: What Port Number of NTP15:53
kruugleftyfb: because when I install the .deb file I'm installing, it says it can't install due to unmet dependencies, and when I go to `sudo apt upgrade` it tells me that's the dependency.15:53
theGoat123 is ntp15:53
NotLim123 ?15:53
theGoatudp that is15:53
kruugleftyfb: yup, that was it...Universe wasn't enabled.15:53
tomreynSadegh: why are you trying to manually set your system time, if i may ask?15:53
kruug`--fix-broken-install is not understood`15:54
tomreynSadegh: is ti because the current time is wrong, or because you are trying to (temporarily?) set an incorrect time on purpose?15:54
kruug`sudo apt --fix-broken-install`15:54
SlidingHornkruug: if you're trying to install the deb after it had unresolved dependencies, you need to dpkg -r appname first then dpkg -i file.deb15:55
kruugwhy doesn't ubuntu come with VIM preinstalled?16:03
SlidingHornkruug: presumably because nano is installed by default and it's easier to use for newer folks - easy to grab from the repos though :)16:04
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
That_Guy_Anoni have a friend where after logging into ubuntu no user-interface loads. we tried the following things already: https://pastebin.com/8Qj4mGX916:08
=== PleXs is now known as UsQUE
imbezolhello. just installed ubuntu 17.10 server. it assumes a dhcp config but i would like to configure it static. tried /etc/network/interfaces but found it doesn't respect it. read up on systemd-netowrkd and created a .network file for the interface, but it's not respecting that either. can someone point me at some documentation on how to configure a static address?16:13
sheng__where are you?16:15
sheng__who are you?16:15
fatugo on /etc/network/interfaces16:18
SlidingHornsheng__: do you have an Ubuntu support question?16:18
fatuauto interface16:20
imbezolthis seems to work16:20
SlidingHornThat_Guy_Anon: so what *does* happen when you log in?16:24
That_Guy_AnonSlidingHorn, she logs in but nothing loads, just the blank background16:24
SlidingHornThat_Guy_Anon: any errors in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.1.log or  /var/log/Xorg.*.log16:27
SlidingHornThat_Guy_Anon: also, which version and flavor of ubuntu are you using?16:27
That_Guy_Anon16.04 just normal ubuntu.16:27
ImageJPEGSo I've setup a nas with 16.04 (server obviously) and it doesn't seem to be taking the v6 address on eno1. I'm able to dual stack on eno2. Another thing, I can't ping the v4 address on eno1. I'll post the interfaces file16:28
ImageJPEGI don't understand why the networking file has to be this complicated. Especially when compared to OpenBSD.16:29
leftyfbthat's not complicated16:30
leftyfbthat looks like the exact amount of information you need for interfaces16:30
ImageJPEGWell eno1 is having issues :/16:30
ImageJPEGIt's not taking the v6 address and I can't ping the v4 address from other machines16:31
ImageJPEGThis is literally the OpenBSD file for a specific interface:16:32
ImageJPEGhold on16:32
leftyfbImageJPEG: since I have no experience with ipv6, I would disable that interface and start troubleshooting eno1's ipv416:32
ImageJPEGinet6 2001:470:c3c4::1 6416:32
ImageJPEGdns settings are in a seperate file16:32
eriksaysanyone familiar with bash? I have a bash script that restarts a service if it stops running — but it’s only ‘working’ if I run it in the directory the script is located in: https://pastebin.com/1YTPPFE416:33
ImageJPEGAnd no matter what, I can't seem to reset the network interface. I also have to keep restarting the machine for the network settings to take affect.16:33
StrangeNoisestrick with ipv6 is to get a router that does it right, then everything works automatically at the client and you should't have to touch it16:33
ImageJPEGI'd rather use a v6 address I give to it. I have an OpenBSD v6 router (v4/v6 HE tunnel)16:34
mancman3ImageJPEG: for changes to take affect just run sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service instead of rebooting16:34
That_Guy_AnonSlidingHorn, we ended up just installing gnome :D16:35
ImageJPEGI've done that before and it either locks me out and I can't ssh into it or I receive an error, but I suppose I'll try again16:35
That_Guy_AnonSlidingHorn, thanks for the help anyway16:35
ImageJPEGFailed to restart network-manager.service: Unit network-manager.service not found.16:36
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FurretUberHow do I set a custom message for pkexec? As it's showing it's going to run /usr/bin/env instead of the program after the environment variables are set16:43
ramsub07Hi, i want to create a directory in /data/eHd/. i use sudo to create, so it's also owned by root. I want to transfer to a particular user (who's sudoer) and make it readable and writable only to him. how to go about?16:44
SlidingHornramsub07: why not just create it in their home directory?16:45
ramsub07it's SSD in home directory, which has space constraint16:46
ramsub07in /data/eHD it's HDD, has ampful data16:46
Gargravarrramsub07: chown -R <username>:<group> /data/eHD16:46
SlidingHornramsub07: why would you have loaded the /home/ partition on the smaller SSD and the / partition on the larger HDD?16:47
GargravarrSlidingHorn: sounds like he has the boot disk on the SSD, and the HDD is external16:47
ramsub07because SSD is faster to load OS?16:47
ramsub07isn't that standard ? or uncommon?16:47
Gargravarrramsub07: yes, that's pretty standard practise16:47
SlidingHornramsub07: you'd want your / partition on the SSD then16:47
leftyfbramsub07: you could mount the drive in the users home directory16:48
leftyfbramsub07: if you need it mounted in 2 places, you could bind mount one of them16:49
Gargravarrleftyfb: the permissions will have to be set manually by root wherever he mounts it16:49
leftyfbstep #1 though16:49
leftyfbif it is only used for the user, mount it appropriately16:49
Gargravarrah, i missed 'only'16:50
leftyfband in that case, mount it with the users permissions16:50
Gargravarryeah, that way is cleaner for multiple mounts and unmounts16:51
ImageJPEGWhere in the world is the "messages" log file?16:54
GargravarrImageJPEG: /var/log/messages16:54
ImageJPEGNot on my server...16:54
Gargravarrah, looks like an embedded distro, may not be Debian-based16:55
naccImageJPEG: /var/log/messages doesn't exist in some cases16:55
Gargravarryou're on your own if that's the case16:55
ImageJPEGGargravarr, who, me?16:55
Gargravarryeah, not meant in a nasty way16:56
leftyfbImageJPEG: /var/log/syslog16:56
leftyfbImageJPEG: if you're looking for auth, it's auth.log16:56
naccImageJPEG: as leftyfb said, syslog is where messages goes nowadays16:56
ImageJPEGI do have syslog16:56
ImageJPEGI'm trying to find why eno1 doesn't work16:56
Gargravarrhuh, i had no idea /var/log/messages had been deprecated, it's gone from my Ubuntu laptop too16:57
leftyfbit's been gone for years16:57
GargravarrImageJPEG: try ifconfig en01 down/up rather than ifdown/up16:57
leftyfbat least 3 or 4 years, longer I think16:57
Gargravarrthe ifdown/up wrapper scripts have often failed for me16:57
ImageJPEGGargravarr, I'll try that but here's what I found in my log:16:58
DanniBettsIn Thunar is it possible to disable the "Delete file" entry so that files are always deleted via trash? Otherwise a user can accidentally delete a file permanently and not be able to recover it from trash16:59
AnthaasHow do I force wget to use https?16:59
ImageJPEGThis doesn't make any freaking sense17:01
Gargravarreriksays: rather than using a bash script, you might want to look into either supervisord (for small use cases) or writing it as a systemd service. both are capable of restarting a service if it suddenly stops17:01
SlidingHornAnthaas: If you provide it a TLS-enabled address, it should use that17:01
GargravarrAnthaas: ^ as SlidingHorn says, wget should error out if it cannot start an SSL connection. it won't 'fall back' to HTTP by default17:02
AnthaasSo, as long as my URL is "https://....." Im fine?17:02
ChryzoGood morning, my ubuntu desktop refuses to resolves my internal servers if i use the FQDN. Any pointers?17:03
ImageJPEGcheck your dns server?17:03
leftyfbChryzo: what DNS server is your ubuntu desktop using?17:03
GargravarrDanniBetts: not that i'm aware of. you could swap in Nautilus or another file manager instead, many of them don't have the 'permanently delete' option in the right-click menu17:03
ChryzoThe ones from the network, the same as the windows machines :)17:04
leftyfbChryzo: how did you confirm that?17:04
GargravarrChryzo: from the command line, try 'nslookup <your FQDN> <IP of your DNS server>'17:04
Chryzocat /etc/resolv.conf17:04
Chryzonslookup resolves properly17:05
Gargravarrinteresting, resolv.conf shouldn't point to external DNS in current distros. did you modify it yourself?17:05
leftyfbChryzo: you've got multiple nameservers specified? Do all of these nameservers have the ability to lookup local hostnames?17:05
ChryzoGargravarr, i modified it from the default of to the DNS servers internal to the environment.17:06
leftyfbChryzo: having multiple DNS servers specified, especially if 1 is local and the other is public will cause problems when looking up local hosts17:06
ChryzoYes, all configured dns servers can resolve the internal domain17:06
ChryzoAnd all configured DNS are internal17:06
leftyfbChryzo: try: host <hostname> <dns server ip>17:07
ChryzoAll my ubuntu server work fine with that config. But for some reason the desktop i just installed does not. The main difference is that that one is on dhcp...17:07
GargravarrChryzo: same Ubuntu version on both? or are the servers older/not using systemd?17:07
Chryzoall on 16.0417:07
Chryzoeven my centos servers work properly too17:08
leftyfbChryzo: try: host <hostname> <dns server ip>17:08
Chryzohost servername dnsIP resolves properly17:08
leftyfbok, now without dnsIP17:08
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Chryzohost desktopname dnsIP fails horribly but that is normal :) the linux box is not in the DNS17:08
Chryzohost hostname     and host fqdn    work17:09
leftyfbok, so what's the problem then?17:09
Chryzoping hostname     works              ping fqdn fails17:10
Gargravarrlast thing (from me) to try, systemd-resolve <hostname>17:10
Chryzoand because ping fqdn fails, ... my connection to the ldap server fails17:10
leftyfbChryzo: got an entry in /etc/hosts ?17:10
ImageJPEGwtf, I'm telling avahi-daemon to stop and systemctl still reports it as running17:10
Chryzosystemd works with hostname and fqdn17:10
GargravarrImageJPEG: time to bring out the kill-9 shotgun17:11
Chryzoleftyfb, only entries i have are the localhost, desktopname and the default ipv6 ones17:11
leftyfbChryzo: nmcli device show|grep DNS17:11
ImageJPEGnope, systemd keeps restarting it17:12
Chryzoshows all my internal DNS (one more than what I have in the resolv.conf file)17:12
ImageJPEGEverytime I kill -9 it, systemd shows a new pid for it17:12
leftyfbChryzo: all should be able to lookup the local hostname?17:12
leftyfbChryzo: is it only ping that fails? host seems to work, as does systemd17:12
Chryzoping and the ldap client17:13
Chryzoand ldapsearch17:13
Gargravarrthat's bizarre, i could understand the FQDN working and short name not, but not the inverse17:13
Gargravarri assume because you can't use the FQDN, SSL is failing17:13
ImageJPEGThere, I renamed avahi-daemon to avahi-daemon.dumbfuck and now systemd can't turn it on lol17:14
Chryzoi could understand fqdn not working if by mistake the system was adding the default search domain by mistake. But since ping www.google.com works...17:14
GargravarrImageJPEG: playing whack-a-mole? :)17:14
ImageJPEGpretty much17:14
ChryzoGargravarr, well, SSL fails if I use the ldap server name because the CN does not match the cert. But if I use the fqdn, it actually fails to connect completely17:14
ImageJPEGsystemd really want's that avahi-daemon turned on no matter what17:15
Chryzotelnet hostname works   telnet fqdn fails17:15
GargravarrChryzo: that's what i thought17:15
Chryzotelnet: could not resolve fqdn/389: Name or service not known17:15
leftyfbChryzo: can you try using host on all of your DNS server ip's?17:15
Gargravarrhang on a minute, are things like ping and telnet actually resolving?17:15
ImageJPEGI'd really love to know why eno1 is not wanting to pick up the address I'm trying to give to it17:16
Chryzohmmm, do you know the equivalent of host on a windows box hahaha ?17:16
ChryzoGargravarr, ping and telnet resolve hostname. But they fail at hostname.domain.com17:16
leftyfbChryzo: we're troubleshooting ubuntu, not windows17:16
GargravarrImageJPEG: would it surprise you that systemd and avahi were written by the same person?17:16
ImageJPEGNo lol17:16
ImageJPEGI hate systemd17:16
Chryzoleftyfb, my issue is an ubuntu desktop. My DNS servers are windows boxes17:17
GargravarrChryzo: right. just had the idea that your DNS was somehow returning a different IP and the utilities were trying to connect to something that wasn't there17:17
ImageJPEGThe only reason why I'm using Ubuntu is because on my VM host, I can use lxc containers, otherwise, I'd used FreeBSD/OpenBSD for everything just to get as far away from systemd as possible17:17
leftyfbChryzo: ok, run "host <server.fqdn> <nameserver>"  for all of your nameservers on your ubuntu host17:18
ImageJPEGPlus, on my nas, samba and netatalk seem to be better supported17:18
ImageJPEGwith Ubuntu17:18
leftyfbImageJPEG: please stay on topic17:18
Chryzoleftyfb, they all resolve to the proper IP17:19
leftyfbChryzo: that makes no sense that they work with host but not ping17:20
ImageJPEGHere's my ifconfig output: https://ghostbin.com/paste/2xoz717:20
ImageJPEGHere's my interfaces file: https://ghostbin.com/paste/hnq4h17:20
anchnkhi, does anybody succeeded to create a cron task for sending notifications through libnotify ? (using notify-send)17:20
Chryzoseems to be similar to https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/27106598/DNS-resolving-works-for-short-name-doesn't-for-FQDN.html  as far as i can tell17:20
anchnkI tried almost every answers from Stack Overflow without any success17:20
anchnkUbuntu LTS17:20
leftyfbanchnk: export DISPLAY=:017:20
anchnkleftyfb would you place that in the script or in the crontab line ?17:21
leftyfbanchnk: either should work17:21
anchnklet me try17:21
anchnkadded * * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 notify-send 'test' 'this is a test' using crontab -e but no luck17:23
leftyfbanchnk: probably make more sense to put it in your script17:24
Gargravarriirc, cron resets the path?17:24
Gargravarrmight need to set the full path to notify-send17:24
anchnkI think I already tried that too but I am going to give it another try17:25
Gargravarryou definitely need the DISPLAY variable setting17:25
anchnkif I do have 2 monitors plugged in does it change the value of DISPLAY ?17:25
leftyfbanchnk: you definitely need to put the full path17:25
Gargravarranchnk: no, they both count as DISPLAY:017:26
leftyfbanchnk: also make sure this cron is your users cron. Not root17:26
Gargravarryes, were you running crontab -e as yourself or as root?17:27
anchnkas myself17:27
anchnkno sudo17:27
anchnkcrontab -l gives * * * * * /home/username/notify.sh17:27
anchnknotify.sh is just the export and /usr/bin/notify-send 'test' 'this is a test' on the line after17:28
anchnkdoes it works for you out of the box ?17:28
eriksaysGargravarr: thanks for the suggestion — will look into17:28
kappa1How can I install the latest kernel on ubuntu ?17:35
genii!mainline | kappa117:36
ubottukappa1: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds17:36
anchnkok so the script is triggered17:37
anchnkI wrote to a file to see if it was17:38
anchnkso the problem is with the notification17:38
geniikappa1: However, if you install one of these kernels, it may make it difficult to track down what part of the system is causing issues, when they happen.17:38
anchnksome ppl says it's related to DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable17:42
Chryzoso switching to fixed ip does not resolve the issue. Now could it be because windows and linux don't handle root domain .local the same way ? my fqdn is server.domain.local17:45
anchnkok so yeah it's related to he less of that env variable17:53
kruugArgh...installed Ubuntu to a USB drive, and then tried install CUDA again, but now it's flickering between the loading screen and errors.17:55
kruugI can move to another terminal (ctrl+alt+F2) but within 15 seconds it switches me back to the error screen17:55
Chryzoso as an fyi in the nsswitch file, in the hosts: section, mdns4_minimal can actually cause the issue experienced with being unable to resolve names properly....17:56
kruugWhat DM does Ubuntu use?  GDM?17:57
rud0lf"transitional package for qupzilla"17:57
rud0lfwhat does it mean?17:57
rud0lfnvm, found the issue17:58
tomreynkruug: lightdm by default17:59
kruugHmm.  [FAILED] Failed to start Cryptography Setup for cryptswap118:00
rud0lfi want to install pepperflashplugin-nonfree for falcon (aka qupzilla).. will it collide with adobe flashplugin installed for firefox?18:03
kruugIt goes through the orange/white dot thing 1.5 times, and then flickers with that error18:03
rud0lfit didn't, phew18:07
ash_worksican I keep all my user files in place and reinstall ubuntu?18:15
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, if your home directory is in a separate partition, they will not be touched. Otherwise, you can back up your home directory to an external drive. After installation, you can copy the contents back to the home directory, log out and log back in, and everything will have been restored.18:18
ash_worksimkay, that's what I'm the process of doing right now18:19
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, the only issue I have run into is when a configuration file is missing newer feature settings18:20
ash_worksithis sux18:23
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, would need more details to know what we can do to help18:26
ash_worksipragmaticenigma: I accidentally uninstalled python and everything that went with it18:27
ash_worksinow trying to reinstall missing components has thrown a bunch of errors18:27
ash_worksilikely because I had already reinstalled some things18:27
ash_worksimost of my apps work clunkily18:27
ash_worksibut the most furstrating of all is docker throws errors every so often18:28
ash_worksi(not all the time)18:28
ash_worksiwaiting for stuff to copy is kind of painful >.<18:28
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, yep, i can understand. I would wait for the copy to finish before doing anything else on your machine. hopefully the removal of python hasn't interferred too much with that process18:29
ash_worksimildly concerned I have started this process without formatting and am just running cp -RL ..18:30
brygphilomenacan't you install any missing dependencies (ie python) with apt-get install -f ?18:30
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, with the back up method, when you install fresh, I'd recommend considering a partition mounted as /home. That way in the future, you can install fresh and still keep your home directory (during install you just tell the setup tool to reuse the /home partition.)18:30
ash_worksiwhich I am irritated about because when I ^C and then attempted to format and it said the drive was busy18:30
ash_worksibrygphilomena: no18:31
ash_worksibecause i get errors18:31
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, if rsync is stil functioning, that might be a better option for copying. As you can cancel and restart without starting over18:31
ash_worksirsync to a usb drive?18:31
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pragmaticenigmaI do it all the time. I rsync a podcast folder on my PC to the USB drive every morning.18:32
ash_worksiwell, the drive is brand new, I just popped it in there; doesn't that need to be formatted correctly to be used with rsync anyway?18:33
brygphilomenawomp womp.18:34
ash_worksiI mean, I might try -f... I didn't try -f before18:34
brygphilomenayea. try -f18:34
brygphilomenait's fix, i believe18:34
ash_worksiI guess I'll wait for stuff to back up first though18:35
ChryzoI feel like this is very stupid, but how do I login via the GUI as a non local user ? I have the choice between my temporary account, a guest account and that is it18:35
ash_worksiChryzo: like ssh?18:36
tewardChryzo: what do you mean by a 'non local user'?18:37
ash_worksiI don't know what you mean by non local user18:37
ChryzoAn LDAP / Active Directory user18:37
leftyfbChryzo: so every desktop should assume people at home have an LDAP server?18:37
Chryzoleftyfb, no, but I configured SSSD, the machine is in the AD domain... now the question is how do I use the AD creds to logon. (I can kinit <user>)18:38
brygphilomenaLooks like you have to configure it to let you18:38
brygphilomenasudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-manlogin.conf18:38
Chryzolet's try that18:38
leftyfbChryzo: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html18:39
Chryzoleftyfb, that is the one i used18:39
leftyfbChryzo: and you didn't try the solution for "Desktop Ubuntu Authentication" at the very end of the page?18:40
Chryzogrrr typo18:40
brygphilomenaleftyfb, I've missed sections like that so easy when reading. I can't hold it against him18:42
CarlFKwhat are the 2 sides of avahi called?    so that I can better ask a question about one side not working18:43
AnthaasI have a file that has a character in it that doesn't load correctly. How can I rm it?18:43
AnthaasI can't copy/paste it, it doesn't work.18:43
ash_worksiwhy do I get cannot stat '...': No such file or directory during a cp -RL ?18:43
CarlFKAnthaas: file or fiilname?18:43
AnthaasAnd there are more than that one match up to the point of the illegal character18:43
ash_worksicus the link does respove probably18:43
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
AnthaasCarlFK: It contains the phrase "or Destruction"18:44
CarlFKAnthaas: sounds like filename.  are you at a prompt?   hitting tab tab should give you a hint what to type next.18:44
brygphilomenaAnthaas, can you type the first letter and hit tab until it chooses the file you want?18:44
AnthaasCarlFK: Oh it is, sorry. yeahm I am. If i hit tab repeatedly, it just shows me all possible matches.18:45
CarlFKAnthaas: it should show you the \foo escaped char whatever it is called.  that, hit tab, might be all you need.18:45
brygphilomenai'd probably rename it18:46
AnthaasCarlFK: I am hitting tab, but it just shows me all possible matches - nothing gets added to the prompt.18:46
Anthaasbrygphilomena: How, if you can't get the original name into the prompt?18:46
Anthaas(Im working from command line here btw)18:47
CarlFKAnthaas: you need to type more chars - look for your name in the list of matches to see what to type next18:47
brygphilomenause mv and then type as much as you can and hit tab to have it fill in the rest18:47
CarlFKbrygphilomena: "special char" is blocking the "type as much..." bit18:48
ChryzoDarn:    pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user18:48
AnthaasThe file is named: De<INVALID CHAR>18:48
AnthaasThere are many files beginning De18:48
AnthaasSo hitting tab isn't working.18:48
AnthaasI cannot type <INVALID CHAR>18:49
CarlFKAnthaas: type \<18:49
CarlFKthat's how you type a <18:49
Borw3Or how about puting name in a string '<whatever>'18:50
AnthaasIt isn't literally <INVALID CHAR>18:50
brygphilomenatry de\ and hit tab18:50
AnthaasIts �%8118:50
AnthaasOr at least, that is how it is rendering for me...18:50
CarlFKAnthaas: if you can cut/paste that here, did you try pasting into the prompt?  like ls -l �%8118:51
brygphilomenais that what you see when you type ls?18:51
Anthaasand yes18:52
AnthaasAs I said, copy/pasting doesn't work...18:52
brygphilomenatry holding control and shift18:54
brygphilomenaand type ufffd18:54
rud0lfi want to disable webcam (it works until reboot) with "echo "0" > /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-3/bConfigurationValue", and the web page suggest to add it to /etc/rc.local .. however, there is no such file, should i create it? or use something else?18:55
rud0lfit has to be run with root18:55
AnthaasFixed it.18:56
Anthaasrm "$(ls De* | head -1)"18:56
ash_worksiI have so much crap that is just copies of crap because I'm always paranoid I'm gonna loose something19:00
ash_worksiirnoically, I still loose stuff19:00
brygphilomenamy problem is I go back to my documents and wonder why the hell I saved stuff19:01
oerhekspebkac, brygphilomena, not an ubuntu issue19:04
ash_worksisuppose, just suppose, that it takes a long time to cp 3 files in a dir... files A B and C19:08
ash_worksiwhilst cp is copying B, can you ls -u the directory and see different atimes between B and C?19:08
ash_worksiwas that too stupid of a question to deserve a response?19:16
donofrioash_worksi, just lurk around for a few hours and someone will be around with a answer to your question19:17
ash_worksiI know, that was me kinda just poking19:18
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi, you can, however every time you call those functions it can delay the copy19:18
ash_worksihow about find -atime < now or something?19:18
ash_worksiwill that delay a the cp?19:19
ash_worksiprobably I would assme19:19
ash_worksisince I assume the delay comes from stating which find has to do to all files regardless of -atime19:19
ScenickHello. I'd like to telnet BlackFlag BBS using RIPTel. Is there anything that would let me use it's RIP interface? Thanks19:28
ubuntu_ftwHello, all. I just set up a manually partitioned encrypted xubuntu install. I had to create the encrypted partitions manually, or the installer failed. So at this point everything installed fine, but I cannot boot because the root partition cannot be mounted (booting drops me to a busybox shell)19:31
ubuntu_ftwhow do I tell grub to mount my encrypted partitions?19:31
ubuntu_ftwIf it helps, this is my partitioning scheme: https://imgur.com/a/bbk5FAs19:31
ioriaubuntu_ftw, you specified the /mount point ?19:36
ubuntu_ftwioria: in the install you mean? If so, yes19:37
ubuntu_ftwI think grub only knows about the ext4 partition though, not the LUKS partition it is contained within19:38
cmm11/etc/default/grub is likely what you'll need to edit19:38
ubuntu_ftwand I know next to nothing about grub19:39
ubuntu_ftwokay cmm1119:39
ubuntu_ftwI have messed with that to change the boot screen timeout, but that is about it =P19:39
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  let's paste it19:39
cmm11also why have home on a external device ?19:39
ubuntu_ftwI am using an acer aspire 1, which has 32GB of internal emmc storage19:40
ubuntu_ftwI can copy/paste the grub but I will need to boot my laptop to a live ubuntu, it'll be a second19:40
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  paste also   sudo parted -l19:41
ubuntu_ftwok ioria19:41
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  but i assume the aumatyic luks partitioning failed ?19:41
ubuntu_ftwioria: yes it did, that is why I went the manual route19:42
ubuntu_ftwa finicky beast, that automatic luks support =P19:42
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  i thought it was solved ...19:43
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  can you (in theory) boot in bios mode (not efi, i mean)  ?19:45
ubuntu_ftwioria: probably, the firmware would need to support compatibility mode right?19:46
ubuntu_ftwI could check if I end up needing to go that route19:46
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ioriaubuntu_ftw,  sy, idk that acer aspire 1 in details19:46
ubuntu_ftwioria: here is parted -l output: https://pastebin.com/5Z2qvvyE19:47
cmm11paste /etc/default/grub  too"19:47
ubuntu_ftwand /etc/default/grub: https://pastebin.com/kUR2RXdZ19:47
ubuntu_ftwthere cmm11 =P19:48
cmm11yeah #11 is wrong19:48
ubuntu_ftwdo go on19:48
ubuntu_ftwoh dammit19:49
ubuntu_ftwthat was not the correct grub file19:50
ubuntu_ftwI am dumb19:50
cmm11GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cryptdevice=UUID=1234:cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot" << mine is similar to that (not on ubuntu btw)19:50
ubuntu_ftwioria: cmm11: that was the wrong grub, I will get the right one19:50
ubuntu_ftwhuh. actually, I can't mount my root partition anymore19:52
ubuntu_ftwthe plot thickens19:52
cmm11did you do luks open ?19:52
ubuntu_ftwI can do luksOpen just fine19:53
ubuntu_ftwthat works19:53
ubuntu_ftwbut mounting the mapped device fails19:53
cmm11then mount it19:53
ubuntu_ftwit says wrong fs type, bad option, nad superblock19:53
cmm11paste the commands you are using19:53
ubuntu_ftwmount /dev/mapper/root19:53
ubuntu_ftwand to map it, cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/<devicepath> root19:54
ubuntu_ftwthe cryptsetup one works19:54
ubuntu_ftwI think maybe I should reinstall and format the ext4 partition with gparted19:54
ubuntu_ftwinstead of letting the installer do that19:54
ubuntu_ftwI thought it could handle that much lol19:54
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  what you have in /dev/mapper ?19:55
ubuntu_ftwcontrol and root, ioria19:55
ioriaubuntu_ftw,   sudo mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt  ?19:55
cmm11are you giving the mount command a location to mount to ?19:56
ubuntu_ftwioria, that is the command that fails =P19:56
cmm11also to clarify you do cryptsetup first then mount19:57
ubuntu_ftwof course cmm11 =P19:57
ioriaubuntu_ftw,   the luksOpen cmd you issued ?19:57
ubuntu_ftwbesides the mount error would have been different as the path wouldn't hae existed19:57
ubuntu_ftwwhat about it ioria19:57
ioriaubuntu_ftw,   you first need to luksOpen the partion ....19:57
ubuntu_ftwyes, I did19:58
ioriaubuntu_ftw,   ok, paste the cmd19:58
ubuntu_ftwI already told you the command I used...19:58
ubuntu_ftwit mapped fine19:58
ubuntu_ftwI can see in lsblk that it is mapped19:58
brygphilomenadid you add GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y to /etc/default/grub19:59
ubuntu_ftwbrygphilomena: that may be what I need19:59
ubuntu_ftwthanks for the help all, I am keeping a log of this for later troubleshooting19:59
brygphilomenaDouble-check that /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub/grub.cfg contains lines that include insmod luks, cryptomount -u <UUID19:59
ubuntu_ftwufortunately I have to go now19:59
ubuntu_ftwok I will19:59
cmm11brygphilomena: think that's only needed if you want /boot encrypted too19:59
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  i'd try in bios mode (without efi)19:59
ioriaubuntu_ftw,  if you have the time fill a bug against the automatic partitioner20:00
tomreyndoes not20:01
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Simonious_I've got my machine setup so http://mymachine/~user points at /home/user/www/    From there if I wanted to say display a file that lived at /usr/share/randomspot/someimage.png  Is that reasonably doable without making a local copy of the image?20:08
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, look up symbolic file links command "ln"20:09
Simonious_<img src="/home/usr/share/randomspot/someimage.png"> obviously isn't going to work20:09
* Simonious_ nods20:09
Simonious_yeah, I can use a symbolic link for sure, was just trying to figure out if there was a way I wouldn't need one. :)20:10
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, hard to avoid, though Sym links are very tiny compared to the file they point to20:10
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, you may need to check your webserver setup, many are not setup to follow symbolic links by default20:11
Simonious_symbolic links will work fine for my needs, I didn't know if there was a more 'direct' way of pointing anywhere on the volume20:11
brygphilomenayou could20:11
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, if it is the exact same partition, you can use hard links instead20:11
Simonious_I tried the whole ../../../<FILE> but that didn't same to take20:12
brygphilomenamap a subdomain or subdirectory to that folder in your web server20:12
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, that means your web server is setup correctly. You should not be able to use ../../../ traversals20:12
Simonious_alright, I'll mess around with sym links next.20:12
brygphilomenayea. Imagine if you could add /../../../etc/passwd and get download a copy20:13
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, A hard link can work too. It only lives in the FAT and creates multiple entries that all point to the same file space. They can be more troublesome than Sym Links though.20:13
brygphilomenaI suppose you could do virtual hosts w/ a subdomain20:14
pragmaticenigmabrygphilomena, I think that would require multiplying the effort for each potential user account20:15
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, if you are using Apache. Apache does have folder alias... which means you could have http://example.com/~user like you already do, and then http://example.com/images point to a shared images folder that all users can link images/files from20:16
Simonious_and ramdrive lives at ~/www/ramdrive20:18
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pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, you can't access ramdrive because the permissions are set that only the owner/user can access the folder... You would need to give it chmod 755 for the web server to have access.20:20
Simonious_pragmaticenigma: where do you see that limited permission?20:20
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, drwx------ 3 user user 100 Apr 20 20:17 .20:20
pragmaticenigmaSimonious_, in ls -l, the folder "." points to the current directory20:21
brygphilomenaServer unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe20:21
Simonious_ahh, indeed!20:21
Simonious_that fixed it nicely, thanks!20:21
Ben64i'd really recommend against putting /run/user/1000 on a webserver20:21
Simonious_Ben64: I'm listening?20:21
Simonious_I'm doing a lot of file moving and I'd prefer not to put that activity on spinning media20:22
Ben64stuff gets put there from the system20:22
pragmaticenigmaBen64, I think they're using the name "user" as a sanitized value20:22
Ben64it's "user"20:22
Ben64it's a special directory20:22
Simonious_it's per individual user20:22
Simonious_and yes, the system does put things there20:22
Ben64if you want to have something in ram, use something like /run/shm/newfolderjustforthis20:22
* Simonious_ nods20:23
pragmaticenigmaanddam, Do you have an Ubuntu Support question? Please feel free to ask it at anytime. We prefer it if you can keep everything on one line to make it easier to find. If you need to paste text, please use pastebin. Welcome20:36
=== jcdury is now known as dury
paolo_Hi guys! on ubuntu 16.04 I had and asus en210 graphic card (nvidia geforge 210 chip), it worked with nvidia-340 driver, and opencl was working. I changed it with a nvidia gtx 1060, which is said to be working in xenial, at the first boot after changing the graphic card I got the card working perfectly with nouveau driver, but I need nvidia driver in order to work with opencl in darktable, so I installed nvidia 396 driver from the pro20:50
anddampragmaticenigma: thanks20:50
anddamI think I'm approaching twenty years of IRC20:50
paolo_After rebooting, I only have a miserable 640x480 mode, and lsmod doesn't see any nvidia module.. I looked for something left from nvidia-340, but I couldn't find anything. Any hint?20:51
SlidingHornpaolo_: have you tried using the nvidia-settings manager?20:52
paolo_I remember that it didn't work. What should I do with it when in 640x480 mode20:53
SlidingHornpaolo_: open a terminal and   nvidia-settings   use that to change your display settings, save to an x configuration file and you should be set20:54
paolo_but the nvidia module that is not loaded?20:54
sveinseIf I've wrongfully configured postfix, how can I unconfigure it? I tried dpkg-reconfigure postfix and selected "no configuratio" but that didn't remove the running postfix server20:58
sveinseAha, with no configuration is sais "leave current config alone". That explains. Purge then21:00
SlidingHornPaolo__: if you run   sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnue_gl_conf   what is selected?21:01
SlidingHornPaolo__: disregard - That's deprecated (was looking at an old source21:04
paolo_SlidingHorn: nvidia-settings gave me: "** (nvidia-settings:2345): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-r9AHBclk2g: Connection refused.  ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system"21:04
paolo_let me try your command21:06
paolo_after installing nvidia-396 (before rebooting) the command says:   0            /usr/lib/nvidia-396/ld.so.conf              8604      modalità automatica   1            /usr/lib/nvidia-396-prime/ld.so.conf        8603      modalità manuale   2            /usr/lib/nvidia-396/ld.so.conf              8604      modalità manuale * 3            /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ld.so.conf   500       modalità manuale21:07
SlidingHornpaolo_: choose 021:08
SlidingHornpaolo_: (for future reference, when you have a lot of text to copy and paste, use a pastebin so it's easier to read)  :)21:10
paolo___SlidingHorn: now nvidia-settings only throws "ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system"21:11
paolo___the window manager doesn't work, windows has no top bar21:12
peter22222hi folks21:12
peter22222anybody knows the octal chmod code for folder, that allows others to write files into but not delete other files out of it21:12
SlidingHornpaolo___: you'll need to restart21:12
paolo___I restarted21:12
SlidingHornpaolo___: that was pretty fast...21:13
paolo___"lsmod|grep nvidia" doesn't output anything21:13
SlidingHornpaolo___: gksu software-properties-gtk21:14
anddampeter22222: I don't think rwx will cut it, you need some sorta of ACL21:15
paolo___SlidingHorn: I launched it...21:16
SlidingHornpaolo___: click the "Drivers" tab21:17
SlidingHornpeter22222: maybe this might help:  https://serverfault.com/questions/125320/chmod-to-prevent-deletion-of-file-directory21:18
peter22222thank you SlidingHorn21:18
paolo___It says I'm using nvidia 396.18 from nvidia-396 (open source)21:18
paolo___$ dkms status: bbswitch, 0.8: added       nvidia-396, 396.18: added21:20
SlidingHornpaolo___: I'm confused as to how it's using the nvidia driver, but lsmod isn't reflecting anything21:20
paolo___$ lsmod |grep video:  video                  40960  1 asus_wmi21:21
paolo___what is this?21:21
SlidingHornpaolo___: just for clarity:   lsmod | pastebinit21:22
paolo___lsmod | pastebinit21:22
paolo___lsmod | pastebinit     http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VHtJsf8fsR/21:23
SlidingHorn!es | usuario421:26
ubottuusuario4: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:26
SlidingHornpaolo___: Out of curiosity - do you know why exactly the 396 driver was chosen?  I have a 1060 as well, and mine uses the 39021:28
SlidingHornI just realized that21:28
paolo___I tried with 390 and 384, nothing changes. (but I remember that the first time I opened the drivers window, 390 was in the first place)21:29
kostkonblyes, it's  /j #ubuntu-es21:29
paolo___SlidingHorn: Could I have something installed remained from previous card driver (nvidia 340)?21:30
SlidingHornpaolo___: let's do this...set it back to the mesa drivers, then purge any nvidia drivers you have  (sudo apt purge nvidia* )  then sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-39021:32
SlidingHorn(I'm recommending 390, because that's what I have for my 1060 and I believe it matters)21:33
SlidingHornpaolo___: sorry it's   sudo apt install nvidia-driver-39021:35
paolo___doing it, it installs "primus primus-libs socat" too, 396 didn't21:36
SlidingHornpaolo___: (you may need to reinstall nvidia-settings as well21:37
paolo_SlidingHorn: done and rebooted, now $ nvidia-settings says:21:39
paolo_ Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded   ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system21:39
SlidingHornpaolo_: do the   sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf  again21:42
SlidingHorn(choose the option for nvidia auto)21:42
shazbotmcnastyhey there - I have kde and am using dolphin as my file manager, I can't get network discovery working in Dolphin. Avahi-daemon is installed and running. Anyone have any ideas?21:46
SlidingHornshazbotmcnasty: which version of ubuntu?21:47
paolo_SlidingHorn: I have already as you say21:47
SlidingHornpaolo_: okay, and the  sudo software-properties-gtk   what does the Additional Drivers tab say?21:47
tgm4883!gksudo SlidingHorn21:49
tgm4883!gksudo | SlidingHorn21:49
ubottuSlidingHorn: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:49
SlidingHorntgm4883: true - while in *this* case, sudo doesn't harm in the way mentioned, it's probably not prudent to get the user used to using a graphical sudo.  Noted.21:51
paolo___SlidingHorn: sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf shows that I'm using /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa-egl/ld.so.conf21:53
vltHello. Is there an image viewer that leaves holes in transparent png images, for example?21:53
SlidingHornpaolo___: you want to be using the new nvidia driver we just installed21:53
RNevilleHello, everyone, I'm trying to get LibreOffice installed on Ubuntu 16.04 ; the only thing that the Ubuntu Software installs is LibreOffice
vltI'm looking for a way to create a black full screen with two holes in it where other X windows are visible.21:54
SlidingHornRNeville: that is the supported version.  see:   /msg ubottu best    for why newer may not be better21:54
vltAny idea?21:54
vltA mask for my desktop.21:55
SlidingHornvlt: I'm not aware of any software that does that21:56
paolo_SlidingHorn: the drivers window sayt I'm using the 39021:57
RNevilleI can't get my printer to work correctly with LibreOffice - it was working correctly before I reinstalled Ubuntu21:57
vltCan I create this by using multiple black rectangles? What would you use to arrange black rectangles on your screen?21:57
tgm4883vlt: what is your end goal?21:58
SlidingHornpaolo_: make sure that the update-alternatives command is updated to use the nvidia option, also21:58
SlidingHornpaolo_: after that, reboot, and run the following:     lsmod | grep nvidia | pastebinit21:59
vlttgm4883: A black screen with two rectangular "holes" where two areas of programs in the "background" are visible.21:59
tgm4883vlt: well the craftiest way to do that would be to grab a piece of black construction paper, cut two holes in it and tape it to your screen22:00
vlttgm4883: I need that black paper to be applied on the HDMI out ;-)22:01
tgm4883vlt: then tape it to whatever screen the HDMI out goes to22:01
vlttgm4883: Projection :-/22:01
tgm4883vlt: get a smaller piece of construction paper and tape it to the lens22:02
vlttgm4883: But I'm glad you understood what I'm trying to achieve here :-D22:02
SlidingHornvlt: well, you only just now told us that you're talking about a projector...we can't read your mind.22:02
vltI need a software construction paper to arrange on my desktop.22:02
SlidingHornvlt: in that case, I'd recommend using LibreOffice's Present and use slides that accomplish this or create graphics for screenshots22:03
paolo___SlidingHorn: set x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf to nvidia 390, but nothing changed... :-(22:03
vltSlidingHorn: Sorry, I wasn't full aware how significant the projection is.22:03
tgm4883I mean, none of this really tells us why we're trying to do this. So I guess use a black image. Open it up a few times and place it wherever you want on your desktop22:03
vltSlidingHorn: How can I get holes inside a LibreOffice presentation?22:03
tgm4883vlt: you cant22:04
SlidingHornpaolo___: can you give the link that my last command gave you?22:04
tgm4883vlt: let's start over. Why are you trying to hide stuff from whoever is viewing your projector22:04
SlidingHornvlt: you design them to hide the parts of the screenshot you don't want shown...then add an animation or transformation that removes them as you go22:04
vlttgm4883: Because I don't want the rest of the program windows and desktop to be visible. Only two specific areas showing live video.22:05
SlidingHornvlt: without more information, I'm going to just say that this isn't possible as far as I know.22:06
tgm4883vlt: drag video to second monitor and go full screen22:06
paolo_SlidingHorn: it says empty document22:06
paolo_I have no nvidia module loaded22:06
vlttgm4883: I need both videos on one screen. I already arranged them, I just need the digital construction paper.22:07
paolo_SlidingHorn: lshw says the display is UNCLAIMED22:07
vltWhat program would display a black rectangle without any borders or title bars?22:08
vltAnywhere on an X screen.22:08
SlidingHornvlt: if you already have videos, why can't you just edit them to have masks, themselves?22:08
tgm4883this seems unnecessary22:09
paolo_where precisely is this channel's log?22:10
vltSlidingHorn: It's live video.22:10
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/22:10
LopeI've got a surface pro 2 running ubuntu 18.04. When I touch the physical windows button under the screen, the tablet vibrates, but it doesn't trigger anything at all in gnome. Not the start button, nothing. If the screen is off due to power saving it still vibrates when I touch the button but the screen doesn't wake up. I tried to see if I could bind a shell script or something to it by making a keyboard22:11
Lopeshortcut, but when I try that and the keyboard shortcut widget says "press any key" touching the button causes the tablet to vibrate but no key is registered and it continues waiting for me to press a key. Any ideas?22:11
tgm4883vlt: use a black image and feh22:12
tgm4883vlt: this seems unnecessarily convoluted22:12
vlttgm4883: Can you recommend a less convoluted way to display two live video screens on an otherwise black screen?22:12
* vlt googles "feh"22:13
tgm4883vlt: depends on what I'm trying to do as the end result22:13
tgm4883!info feh | vlt22:13
ubottuvlt: feh (source: feh): imlib2 based image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.19-1 (artful), package size 151 kB, installed size 422 kB22:13
SlidingHornvlt: which you still have yet to explain to us22:13
vltSlidingHorn: I'm sorry, I seem to perform not so well at explaining. I'll try again:22:14
tgm4883I mean, if I'm trying to show 2 live streams of security cameras on a security monitor, I'm going to use a specific piece of software for that. If I'm trying to display 2 youtube video to a classroom while hiding the rest of my background, I'm going to take a step back and reevaluate my life22:15
vltSlidingHorn: I use two programs to display live video connected via USB. These programs not only show the video but a lot of other stuff like menus ...  Now I need a black screen and only the two live videos visible. Is there a better approach than "digital black tape"?22:19
tgm4883vlt: I'd probably just use security camera software for that22:22
tgm4883A quick way to do it is possibly motion and a webpage, but that would depend on how real-time you need it to be (IIRC, motion is kinda slow)22:23
vltOk, thank you. I'll try to use feh.22:25
kostkon!ubuntu+1 | Lope22:29
ubottuLope: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+122:29
SlidingHornkostkon: they're in there now :)22:30
Ubuntu1204hi all, my laptop works very slow with this system:  Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00GHz × 2 . I'm using Ubuntu Mate 17.0422:31
Ubuntu1204 Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00GHz × 2 and 4GB of RAM22:32
SlidingHorn!zesty | Ubuntu1204 You should probably upgrade first22:32
ubottuUbuntu1204 You should probably upgrade first: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html22:32
Ubuntu1204what version do you recommend me for this lap22:33
Ubuntu1204and after the upgrade do you think it will go faster?22:33
SlidingHornUbuntu1204: I think you'll better be able to get support if it doesn't.  Zesty is EOL ( /msg ubottu eol ) - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for currently supported releases22:34
=== anders is now known as Guest16160
freeguesteelookin for advice on compiling python from source. I need version 2.6.6, but ubuntu 14.04 has 2.7.x.  I tried to do ./configure && make... but It failed. Error says 'failed to find necessary bits' to build modules22:45
sveinseHow can I change the hostname on a server. I've attempted setting it with hostname and changed everything grepped for in /etc, ran update-grub, but still it comes up the old hostname after reboot. Any ideas?22:47
LopeIs it possible to bind the windows button on the keyboard as a shortcut key to run a command? When I tried, it didn't want to detect. Has anyone here done it? Running Mate on Ubuntu 16.04.22:50
sveinseblkadder: nope, that doesn't help. reboot and its back again22:52
blkadderThen something else is going on. It works fine for me.22:52
blkaddersveinse: What type of environment is the server in?22:56
sveinseblkadder: what do you mean? -- I'm actually checking the dhcp server right now22:56
sveinseNo, the dhcp server claims to use the new hostname22:57
blkadderWell, something somewhere is changing it back. :-)22:58
blkadderI'd start looking through your startup scripts, etc.22:58
sveinseNothing in /etc22:58
sveinseI've grepped for it22:58
blkadderCheck out systemd related areas.22:58
squib0I have an ubuntu 16.04 LTS virtual machine that is receiving an IPv4 config via dhcp but it seems to be failing to do any network connectivity due to name lookup issues22:59
squib0I can ping IPs on the internet and I can ping the dns servers22:59
squib0nmcli on the ethernet device shows all the correct IP settings and DNS IPs.  what could be the issue?23:00
squib0if I do a 'nslookup www.google.com' for example it just hangs for awhile and then says connection timeout23:00
sveinseThe culprit is cloud-init. Now I need to figure out how it is configured23:07
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dcarmichI'm trying to mount an NFS server on an ubuntu 16.04 system, but it is not mounted on boot despite having "auto" specified in /etc/fstab. I tried adding '/bin/mount -a' to rc.local and it didn't work. Would there be something else I should check?23:10
Bashing-omsquib0: nameserver ?? what shows ' cat /etc/resolv.conf ' ?23:10
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squib0Bashing-om, there's nothing in the /etc/resolv.conf file, but nmcli returns the proper DNS server entries for the device23:12
squib0Bashing-om, I figured it out.  something weird with another virtual router I'm running in the lab topology23:13
squib0there's still nothing in /etc/resolv.conf except the localhost so that file must kind deprecated or something23:14
Bashing-omsquib0: Good job - thanks for providing the solution :)23:14
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naccsveinse: there is a #cloud-init23:39
naccsveinse: in case you need specific guidance23:39
shazbotmcnastyok riddle me this - heh - if I just do smb://serverip it shows up - click a share, asks for username/password, and then it just asks for it again23:40
shazbotmcnastyso - I can ssh into the server using that username and password23:40
shazbotmcnastyoh wrong channel23:40
shazbotmcnastyno this is the right channel23:41
shazbotmcnastyis it possible that that user is not allowed to use samba? and if so, how do i enable that user to use those samba shares?23:41
shazbotmcnastyalso i can't mount -o cifs //that/location /local/machine either23:41
shazbotmcnastyaccess denied23:41
naccshazbotmcnasty: ssh user/password is not the same as samba user/password23:42
naccat least, not necessarily the same23:42
shazbotmcnastyok - how do i add a samba user so we can use that username/pass ?23:42
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naccshazbotmcnasty: nasty URL, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Network%20Share%20Via%20Samba%20Via%20CLI%20%28Command-line%20interface/Linux%20Terminal%29%20-%20Uncomplicated,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way!23:43
naccshazbotmcnasty: that should at least give you ideas of how to do what you want23:43
shazbotmcnastyhow do i check the current samba users?23:44
naccshazbotmcnasty: i will say, if you thought samba's passwords were the same as your normal user's, you need to do some more research on what samba is :)23:44
naccshazbotmcnasty: https://superuser.com/questions/271034/list-samba-users23:45
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USERNAME00What the install footprint of bionic server?23:54
ltomii've a question23:54
leftyfb!bionic | USERNAME0023:54
ubottuUSERNAME00: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+123:54
leftyfb!ask | ltomi23:54
lakesudeparkHow to enable concurrency in Ubuntu 18.0423:54
ubottultomi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:54
leftyfb!bionic | lakesudepark23:54
ubottulakesudepark: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+123:54
lakesudeparkthe budgie is avalible on website ubuntu-budgie23:55
leftyfb!budgie | lakesudepark23:55
ubottulakesudepark: Ubuntu Budgie is a community !flavour of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop. Its first official release is 17.04. As with all development versions, for questions involving Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 support, visit #ubuntu+1. Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 and 16.10 are not supported by the Ubuntu project. https://ubuntubudgie.org/23:55
lakesudeparkok, but I have 17.04 too and I like to use concurrency in system.23:56
lakesudeparkUbuntu, not flavor23:56
leftyfblakesudepark: 17.04 is not supported23:57
leftyfb!eol | lakesudepark23:57
ubottulakesudepark: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:57
ltomishortly: I've installed Ubuntu 18.04 beta 2 to test. Brightness control doesn't work: not with hardware keys and GNOME didn't come with a GUI brightness control. Brightness works if I use xbacklight, and every time I login I've to run it elevated because brightness setting doesn't persist.23:57
leftyfbltomi: please go to #ubuntu+1 for support with unreleased versions of ubuntu23:57
unicodepepperIs there any way to close the unity desktop without rebooting? I'm using i3wm right now and forgot to change my defaults, so when I opened the file manager from firefox (which I would expect to only open a nautilus window) I had the whole desktop appear on the current workspace, obscuring everything else.23:59

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