
retranthat's a vm command, raidghost00:00
retranthe term "bind" is kinda weird00:01
luxioDoes Ubuntu install the bootloader on /dev/sda regardless of the drive the OS is installed on?00:01
leozimgameplaystd bem00:02
centopeiatd bem00:02
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
leozimgameplaysquem eh luxio?00:02
raidghostretran: What? how?00:02
centopeiatc de onde gata00:02
leozimgameplayshello world00:02
retranraidghost, what vm system? virtualbox?00:03
raidghostretran: for me to use the 2 last tvtunercards the 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake PCIe Controller (x16) (rev 05)00:03
raidghostretran: libvirt (kvm)00:03
luxio!pt | leozimgameplays00:03
ubottuleozimgameplays: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:03
leozimgameplaysentra no ubuntu-br00:04
raidghostSince only 1 of the 3 cards working (its because its connected to the motherboard (pci) and not pci-e00:04
gravatafloridapavlos, its a fresh install. i'm trying ubuntu looking for nvidia-prime pkg00:04
retranraidghost, you should be looking up instructions specifically how to do a PCI passthru (for TV tuner cards) in kvm00:05
retranPCI is different from USB00:05
h31_Hello. https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads BitTorrent link for 18.04 Server is incorrect.00:05
h31_Please, fix it.00:05
raidghostretran: Its not that easy. When the 3 devices is 6 devices in lspci (due to 2x2 tuners each card)00:05
raidghostretran: To get all the tvcards running i need to put the SKY Lake pcie controller into guest and not host00:06
raidghostiommu is not making it easy.00:07
energizerWhenever I press Win+P accidentally, my display settings are destroyed and i have to go into Displays and reset them. I'm trying to disable this shortcut. But when i go to capture it in Keyboard Shortcuts, .... it just destroys my display settings again (while im trying to disable the shortcut).00:07
Nautilusis there any place to find out if ubuntu will work on a Thinkpad X230 (wifi included)?00:08
luxioNautilus: it will00:08
Nautilusluxio: how sure, and why?00:09
luxio99% sure, because ubuntu runs on pretty much everything00:09
Nautiluscant seem to get wifi (non-free) going with debian00:09
Nautilusyea but I might be that 1% :(00:10
gravatafloridawell, i'm facing problems with my new notebook =)00:10
aniBashing-om: I disabled all PPAs, am using no proprietary drivers according to Additional Drivers menu and do-release-upgrade -d says "Checking for a new Ubuntu release Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release"00:10
aniEverything is updated00:11
luxioNautilus: it will install, can't guarantee wifi will work00:11
luxiolooks like other people have been facing problems00:11
gravatafloridai think the problem is with nvidia gtx 1050ti mobile + intel hd graphics 63000:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048430 in network-manager (Ubuntu) ""dnsmasq not available on the bus"" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:11
Bashing-omani: Sorry, do not know .. I had expected that ^ to be good :(00:11
gravatafloridaoptimus setup, i think00:11
Nautilusluxio: yea, in fact I think the drivers are running (shows up in "ip a"), but the Fn key to turn on WiFi is what seems to be broken00:12
energizerive tried all of these but none help https://askubuntu.com/questions/68463/how-to-disable-global-super-p-shortcut00:12
phoenix_firebrd‎ I am trying to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04, I am getting a message "No new release found."00:13
aniHm if I switch "LTS only" mode to "All versions" mode it shows the 18.04 upgrade, guess that works00:14
Bashing-omani: Check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades as to what is set for the upgrade path .00:14
phoenix_firebrdani: I did that, still it says "No new release found."00:15
tewardphoenix_firebrd: ani: i believe this might be a 'known issue' that isn't yet fixed but is on the radar of the release team.  can't confirm, but I have seen chatter about it.00:17
phoenix_firebrdteward: I am on kubuntu00:17
tewardphoenix_firebrd: it's a global issue.  not related to any specific flavor00:17
teward(that is, ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, server, etc. all have the same issue)00:17
phoenix_firebrdteward: does the sever follow a queuing system to serve updates?00:17
phoenix_firebrdteward: I remember something like that00:18
tewardphoenix_firebrd: i don't know the technical side of the servers, so I can't answer that, sorry.  (I'm not part of the Release team or the Canonical IS teams sorry)00:18
tewards/of the servers/of the d-r-u 'system' underneath the hood/00:18
oerheksmaybe changing mirror is the fix00:19
phoenix_firebrdoerheks: I am on the main server00:19
phoenix_firebrdani, teward, oerheks . ‎acheronuk in #kubuntu said "upgrades don't get enabled for a day or two."00:25
jonathanchanghey, folks00:25
Markdown1_Delaying is better than Buggy software.00:26
jonathanchanghey , folks00:26
acheronukyeah. release team said " We'll give it a day or three to see if any critical upgrade bugs trickle in that we should be SRUing for before opening the flood gates."00:27
luxiowasn't ubuntu supposed to get a new gtk theme in 18.04?00:27
pavlosgravataflorida: see if the install works with nouveau, then add nvidia00:27
oerheksacheronuk, thank you00:27
operator-errorI just did "sudo do-release-upgrade" in the terminal and it reported "No new release found."  I'm currently using 16.04.  What gives?00:28
anifair enough, I managed to upgrade though00:29
Markdown1_operator-error wait couple more hours.00:29
Markdown1_operator-error like 72 hours.00:29
operator-errorMarkdown1_: Ah, ok.  Thanks.00:29
Markdown1_Delayed Stable Update > Fast Buggy Update00:30
operator-errorMarkdown1_: Basically, wait for 18.04.1?00:31
Markdown1_operator-error no00:31
Markdown1_operator-error I mean not that long :P it will be provided soon enough.00:31
Markdown1_thats why I said couple of hours.00:31
waltmanIs 18.04 server ready yet? I'm getting an error when I try to grab the torrent.00:34
kyrofaI'm trying to install 18.04 on a UEFI machine, with full disk encryption other than the ESP partition, and the installer won't let me "You have selected the root file system to be store on an encrypted partition. This feature requires a separate /boot partition..."00:34
kyrofaIsn't that what ESP is for?00:34
retranwaltman, the published torrent link is wrong00:35
oerhekswaltman, which one?00:35
waltmanretran: ah!00:35
Markdown1_Torrent link from the Download page leads to 404.00:36
oerheks.. there are 5 server isos, i am seeding 2 of them, amd64 and the live00:37
Bashing-omMarkdown1_: Fixing the link is a work in progress :) ..00:37
oerheksoh wait, html page, not the torrent list00:38
Markdown1_I actually got it from here http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/00:38
Markdown1_Bashing-om Thanks!00:39
waltmanSame here. Thanks, oerheks.00:39
Markdown1_for some reason today I am encountering too many 404 links all over the internet00:39
oerheksmanually set dns?00:40
Markdown1_Ubuntu Server amd64 http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=%18%85%5D%EC%AE0%92/%A7ij%2A%9D%A0%94IO%91%F3%1300:41
oerheksthat one should work fine ..00:44
Markdown1_oerheks no just random FOSS projects.00:45
luxioMy ~/.bash_profile isn't working00:45
luxioIt's not running the commands in there00:45
luxioit was working fine on Ubuntu 1700:46
brianherman2Is there release channel here00:46
de-facto!isitout | brianherman200:51
ubottubrianherman2: Yes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)00:51
wscottinstalled 18.04 on a machine that was running 16.04.  The USB image boots fine and works on my dual displays.  But after installing a rebooting, the kernel freezes right after grub changes the screen mode.  I assume it is frozen because the keyboard no longer responds00:53
wscotthow do I go about debugging?00:53
wscottguessing tweaking the grub cmdline.00:54
wscottbtw this is a fresh install where I repartitioned the disk, so no leftovers from the previous install.00:55
jonathanchanghey, folks00:56
jonathanchanghey, folks00:57
jonathanchangwhen i use apt, i got Writing more data than expected00:58
Shibewhen will i be able to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10?00:58
jonathanchangi have done everything i could, still can't going through this, anybody who could give me a hand ?00:58
jonathanchangI've fixed this when i was using 17.10, But I forgot that01:00
jonathanchangcan anybody help me?01:01
SmalHey, so I just installed ubuntu 18.04 followed by the gnome-sessions DE, logged in to vanilla gnome and tweak tool does not display the global dark theme option. Am I missing something?01:01
SlidingHornjonathanchang: It sounds like you're updating from a mirror that's still updating itself - happens a lot during releases.  I'd suggest waiting an hour and seeing if it's fixed01:03
shadow98gufw I don't see it logging anything anyone have ideas.  I want to see what it is dropping and allowing.01:05
shadow98I checked /var/log/gufw.log and that is just the settings log.  I also looked at ufw.log01:06
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KombuchaKipCan someone please point me to the alternate installer for Ubuntu 18.04? I need it because the release notes say to use that version if you need RAID setup which I do.01:09
jonathan_sorry, pal, my irc client crashes01:09
jonathan_i haven't got what you told me01:09
SlidingHornjonathan_: It sounds like you're updating from a mirror that's still updating itself - happens a lot during releases.  I'd suggest waiting an hour and seeing if it's fixed01:09
jonathanchangnope, i've already change my sources01:10
Vector_I'm fed up with windows 10. Seeing the new update for Ubuntu everywhere. How difficult is it for a Linux newbie?01:10
jonathanchangit doesn't work01:10
vktr33if i download & install KDE, does it matter i'm running xubuntu (instead of regular ubuntu)?01:10
jonathanchangi think remove all the md5sum stuff and redownload them would be ok01:11
vktr33Vector_: not difficult at all, first days you might need to get used to it01:11
SlidingHornvktr33: no, if you install the kubuntu desktop meta package you should just be able to choose which DE you want to use when you log in01:11
Vector_Is there any issues gaming with it? I know steam supports it.01:12
vktr33SlidingHorn: no difference in the core OS, right?01:12
SlidingHornVector_: if the games run on linux, then no, there won't be any issues.01:12
SlidingHornvktr33: correct01:12
Tin__manlinux and ubuntu have come a long way with games, but not up to speed to compete with windows01:12
jonathanchangbut I don't know how to remove the apt md5sum cache stuff01:12
vktr33Vector_: Steam does work well on ubuntu. your choice in games is much more limited though01:12
vktr33SlidingHorn: ok, thanks01:13
Vector_Hm, okay then. I'll start it in a new partition and see how it goes I guess. Dual boot.01:13
SlidingHornTin__man: I'd disagree heartily, but that's not a discussion for this channel...01:13
Vector_Appreciate the help.01:13
vktr33Vector_: welcome. dual boot is a good idea if you're not sure. if you want to game it's recommendable (maybe necessary) to install proprietary driver, which is very easy in ubuntu. but for now, AMD doesn't have them i believe01:14
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
KombuchaKipCan someone please point me to the alternate installer for Ubuntu 18.04? I need it because the release notes say to use that version if you need RAID setup which I do.01:16
eelstreboris there some kind of trick to make ubuntu mainline kernels 4.16.4 or 4.16.5 work?01:17
vktr33KombuchaKip: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads01:18
pragmaticenigmaKombuchaKip, https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads - at the bottom of the page is the link to the alternate installer01:18
oerheksthe mainline repo, eelstrebor , up to 4.16.5 .. and 17 rc http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.16.5/01:19
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds01:19
oerhekssee that you installed the right debs in the correct order, then just boot it from grub01:20
KombuchaKipvktr33 & pragmaticenigma: It goes to the following link but I don't see an ISO labelled as alternate. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/01:21
pragmaticenigmaKombuchaKip, That is because server edition is the alternative installer01:22
maskeddriverhas anybody been able to upgrade from software updater yet?01:22
pragmaticenigmaKombuchaKip, in the title above the link it says "Alternative Ubuntu Server installer"01:22
SlidingHornmaskeddriver: that's not a thing until the .1 update I believe01:22
pragmaticenigmamaskeddriver, updating through software updater will not be available until the 18.04.1 rollup release01:22
maskeddriveroh. when's that?01:23
pragmaticenigmamaskeddriver, Scheduled for July01:23
oerheksi guess you want the mini iso .. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso01:23
oerheksalternate installer is long gone01:23
RoadRunnercan anyone help with a booting/memory issue?01:23
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, Server took over for alternatives I thought. Since that is also where MINI points to for UEFI isntallations01:24
maskeddriverit's weird that the upgrade instructions include that, then01:24
oerhekspragmaticenigma, sounds plausible, mini iso is not suitable for UEFI01:24
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eelstreboroerheks, unable to remove the latest kernels: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:24
eelstrebori couldn't remove them with synaptic either01:25
pragmaticenigmamaskeddriver, the upgrade instructions are written for the majority case. since they also apply for moving from 14.04 to 16.04 and 12.04 to 16.0401:26
vktr33KombuchaKip: there's no "alternate" option or advanced options in partitioning for RAID in the regular installer? Also, are you Khmer (not relevant, just curious)?01:26
nowprovisionOkay, gnome 3 on ubuntu 18.04 lts, keyboard shortcuts, open settings app, how do I navigate the left sidebar menu, at the moment I have to press ctrl+f and then enter, before up and down arrows work?01:26
pragmaticenigmamaskeddriver, if you can wait, I'd suggest waiting until it's made available. If not, there are ways to get the upgrade to trigger sooner01:26
pragmaticenigmamaskeddriver, advantages of waiting include most importantly, major bug fixes will have been addressed01:27
maskeddriverpragmaticenigma, I'll definitely wait on my work machine. On my "media" laptop that I'm playing on now, it's pretty much a base install, I may just pop the live cd in and update01:27
maskeddriverspeaking of media. time to watch last night's Expanse01:28
pragmaticenigmamaskeddriver, that would work too01:28
maskeddrivercatch you guys tomorrow. good work Ubuntu team01:28
KombuchaKippragmaticenigma: Ok, but there is a server iso and a live server iso. Compare http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ to http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/01:28
KombuchaKipoerheks: The 18.04 server release notes actually tell user to use alternate installer if they need RAID.01:29
KombuchaKipvktr33: No I'm not Khmer01:30
KombuchaKipvktr33: No alternate method in regular installer for configuring linux raid.01:30
bongripper666Xubuntu 18.04: Screentearing : The Distro01:31
bongripper666seriosly why? in 2018 why does it still come with screentearing outa the box?01:32
enjoiSo I am converting some xml files to csv, was just wondering before I make myself go through hell if there were any good recent tools added which might assist with this that I maybe haven't stumbled upon yet01:32
enjoiI could of course just python it out01:33
bongripper666gnode is a shit de too, wtf is this shit made for fucking tablets?01:33
QwetWhy does my installer hang at boot with starting holds snappy daemon refresh?01:33
enjoibut if there were any tools in particular on the linux side which could assist with this that would be awesome01:33
QwetIs there a way to boot the ISO image in safe mode?01:33
vktr33KombuchaKip: i think you should be able to set it up with manual partitioning, but honestly don't know how either01:34
pragmaticenigmaKombuchaKip, perhaps it may be best to wait a few days while all the documenation is updated to reflect the currently available installation media01:34
pragmaticenigmaKombuchaKip, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html01:35
KombuchaKippragmaticenigma: It looks like the server iso and server live iso are different. The former has the traditional ncurses based installer.01:35
leftyfb!language | bongripper66601:36
ubottubongripper666: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:36
pragmaticenigmaKombuchaKip, see the installation instructions I just posted. That is the limit of my knowledge01:36
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de-factohmm so got used to pushing the mouse to upper left corner for expose of the windows. why did ubuntu disable that and where can i enable it again?01:37
pragmaticenigmade-facto, 18.04 no longer uses Unity, It now uses a Ubuntu Customized version of Gnome Desktop01:37
de-factocan i somehow completely delete all canonical specific changes to gnome shell and get the default behaviour?01:38
vktr33de-facto: you can download the "stock" gnome301:38
vktr33de-facto: otherwise just download tweaks, and tweak it01:39
pragmaticenigmade-facto, yes, installing gnome-session will enable the option in the login screen to use Gnome without Ubuntu Customization01:39
rsmith31415Hi guys... anyone else noticed 2GB of memory usage on startup in Ubuntu MATE?01:39
pragmaticenigmarsmith31415, you will need to be more specific. Different computers result in different behaviors for everyone01:40
cryptz_anyone having issues with openssh-server not running on 18.04 after upgrade from prev version (17.10 in my case) service will not start even after re-install01:41
rsmith31415pragmaticenigma:  64 bits, Ubuntu MATE 18.04 ... uhm, what other specification is needed?01:41
Pharaoh Hi All! I am unable to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10. Is it available now?01:44
gogetawoot woot 18.04 lol01:45
Markdown1_Pharaoh wait couple more Hours.01:46
Markdown1_join #ubuntu-release-party01:46
Pharaoh@Markdown1_ Wow! The update manager just told me 18.04 is available, upgrading now01:46
Markdown1_Pharaoh good luck01:47
gogetaPharaoh, repos probly are gonna crash01:47
jahtemgThat traffic01:47
Pharaoh@gogeta, @Markdown1_ - I will wait till tomorrow if you say so.01:48
Pharaohno big deal01:48
cryptz_fyi i resolved my issue with ssh after upgrade, didnt like one of the ciphers in the config file01:49
Markdown1_Pharaoh well , new releases may have bugs.01:50
Markdown1_I am doing fresh installs, so dunno about Upgrades.01:50
vktr33if i install kubuntu now via terminal, i'll get 18.04 or still 16.04?01:51
Markdown1_was not Kubuntu upgrade delayed by 2 days?01:51
oerheksany upgrader should look seriously to the releasenotes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Known_issues01:52
Markdown1_at this rate I am seeding torrents, my ISP may give me a call :)01:52
pragmaticenigmaMarkdown1_, all official ubuntu flavors were released today01:53
Markdown1_pragmaticenigma I mean Upgrade, not the ISO releases.01:54
Markdown1_Upgrade from older version that is.01:54
texlaWhy is not the software updater show the new ones01:55
pragmaticenigmaMarkdown1_, with the release, the repos are available as well... the software manager may take a few days to identify there is a new release01:55
DevilTiger_i've got 18 on a usb. i selected to install it but it's not really giving me the option to choose where. its just going to install it on the usb right?01:56
qwetMy installer hangs at boot on something like "starting snap daemon"01:56
Markdown1_IDK, someone was saying here that Upgrade of Kubuntu was delayed due to some bugs, but ISO for fresh installs were available, IDK if that is right or wrong.01:56
jonathanchang$ sudo do-release-upgrade01:57
jonathanchangChecking for a new Ubuntu release01:57
jonathanchangNo new release found.01:57
Markdown1_jonathanchang wait couple more hours then.01:57
pragmaticenigmaMarkdown1_, the ISOs are built from the packages in the repos... hard to build a house, without the parts01:57
jonathanchangyep, i am waitting01:57
qwetIs there a fallback mode on the installer?01:58
=== zouthe is now known as booterror
booterroris there anyone here familiar with ubuntu boot issues01:59
booterroris there anyone here02:00
booterrorhi _s4mur4i02:01
pragmaticenigma!ask | booterror02:01
ubottubooterror: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:01
Bashing-ombooterror: Ask the real question.02:01
sysfaulti dropped an ice cude on my touchpad. the mouse stopped working on my ubuntu system for a second. i dried it turned my system off and after hours i am not starting it up. in gdm the mouse works fine but once i login the touchpad doesnt respond. did some mechanism get enabled once the ice cube hit the touchpad in my desktop environment? it is obviously working since it works in gdm before i login.02:02
pragmaticenigmaqwet, Once installed, there is not an easy way to downgrade back to the previous release of Ubuntu02:02
pragmaticenigmaqwet, the installer does not provide a downgrade option02:02
qwetpragmaticenigma: That's not what I'm asking. I want to know if there is a way to boot the installer if it doesn't boot02:03
qwetby default02:03
booterrorIs anyone familiar with an issue with ubuntu booting into a busybox shell right after it decrypts the drive?02:03
de-factojust tried to install skype from software, it installed but is not avail under synaptc... how can i get rid of that snap thingy?02:03
de-factoi want only deb packages, nothing else02:04
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sysfaultanyone have any idea?02:04
booterrorive already searched askubuntu and havent found a solution02:04
booterrorotherwise this system is completely screwed and my wife has lost all of her data02:05
pragmaticenigmaqwet, that question makes no sense to me02:05
pragmaticenigmade-facto, "sudo apt-get purge skype"02:06
pragmaticenigma!patience | sysfault02:06
ubottusysfault: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/02:06
kuswhen will we get bionic beaver for artful people in do-release-upgrade?02:06
qwetpragmaticenigma: I boot the iso image but it hangs02:07
pragmaticenigmakus, you're software updater will let you know when it is ready02:07
qwetpragmaticenigma: what do I do?02:07
jjbuggleis bionic out?02:07
de-factopragmaticenigma, yes i WISH that would work. its the new snap magic, so that does not work02:07
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)02:07
de-facto"dpkg --get-selections | grep skype " is empty02:07
pragmaticenigmade-facto, did you try it?02:07
booterrorif you type exit in the prompt it tries to mount /sys then /proc and fails giving a kernel panic stack trace02:07
kuspragmaticenigma, I shouldn't do it over ssh for desktop?02:07
jjbugglegogeta: thanks!02:07
sysfaultpragmaticenigma: heh im trying to use my system bro. its killing me02:07
pragmaticenigmakus, you should avoid performing system updates remotely02:08
de-factoim gonna uninstall all that snap thingy's02:08
jjbugglekus: usually the do-release-upgrade command is delayed in the delivery, but I think you can add the -c option to make it now02:08
booterrori can post a screenshot of the kernel panic if someone can help02:09
jjbuggle[q] can I convert an old lubuntu install to xubuntu?  Also, how much longer is 14.04 being supported?02:09
pragmaticenigmade-facto, try "snap remove skype"02:09
pragmaticenigmade-facto, rather "sudo snap remove skype"02:09
jjbugglebooterror: sure02:09
de-factook that worked02:10
booterrorjjbuggle pm?02:10
pragmaticenigmade-facto, yay!02:10
pragmaticenigma!pm | booterror02:10
jjbugglebooterror: no02:10
ubottubooterror: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.02:10
booterrorok well this is going to take a minute02:11
pragmaticenigmabooterror, as you were told... Patience... we are all volunteers here, if someone knows a solution or can help, they will reach out. until then, wait02:11
sysfaulti dropped an ice cude on my touchpad. the mouse stopped working on my ubuntu system for a second. i dried it turned my system off and after hours i am just starting it up. in gdm the mouse works fine but once i login the touchpad doesnt respond. did some mechanism get enabled once the ice cube hit the touchpad in my desktop environment? it is obviously working since it works in gdm before i login. obviously the ribbon cable02:13
sysfaultthat attaches the etrackpad to the mobo is fine since the touchpad works in gdm3 just not in my unity environment. the spill happened when i was in my env02:13
pragmaticenigma!patience | sysfault02:13
ubottusysfault: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/02:13
leftyfbsysfault: your issue is hardware02:13
Bashing-omjjbuggle: Yes, for the xubuntu ' sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop ' . 14.04 main has support until 2019, The xubuntu pieces went out of support in 2017 ( support for 3 years ) .02:14
jonathanchang@sysfault, i think you need to heat the touchpad let it totally dry02:14
sysfaultthe icecube was on the tgouchpad for a few seconds02:14
sysfaultbut why does it work in gdm3 then02:15
jjbugglesysfault: maybe it is the disable touchpad while typing, and I would also support giving is a long time to dry02:15
booterrorjjbugle http://oi68.tinypic.com/t8w2g1.jpg02:15
jjbuggleBashing-om: thanks02:15
sysfaultjjbuggle: how do i reenable it02:15
sysfaultjjbuggle: as soon as i login it stops working02:15
sysfaultjonathanchang: this sucks it works before i login fine02:16
sysfaultcursor completely stops once im logged in02:16
jonathanchanggive it more time02:16
jonathanchangthe touchpad need it02:16
pragmaticenigmasysfault, use the guest mode and see if the same problem exists.02:17
jjbugglebooterror: I don't know this stuff that well, but I'm not sure that is the relevant error.  You are already dropped into that shell, and the error is happening after you exit?  Seems like there may have been an error earlier.  That's my guess.  I'm working actually, so better to ask your qquestion to the room, as I won't help you further02:17
sysfaulthow do i get to guest mode?02:19
booterrorit drops into that immediately after decrypting the disk02:19
sysfaultit even works in my windows 7 partition on the same system02:19
booterrori can show you a shot of what happens with the recovery boot02:20
sysfaultjust not in unity02:20
booterrorit does the same thing but there might be more information02:20
jjbugglebooterror: that seems more like it, but again, I need to stop paying attention as I am working on something else.  Ideally you can find an error right before it drops you into that shell02:21
booterrori just did02:21
booterrorim about to upload it02:22
sysfaultits obviously my ubuntu desktop02:22
sysfaultthe touchpad works fine in gdm and in my windows 7 partition02:22
sysfaulton the same system02:22
sysfaultso what the heck happened that im missing here02:22
booterrorthis is the error http://oi66.tinypic.com/15s68tz.jpg02:23
booterrorjust before it drops into the shell02:23
de-factooh, are you sure that disk is fine? looks like it has some hw issues... check with SMART maybe?02:24
AmR|EiSaWhat is gcc ver in ubuntu 18.04 ??02:27
de-factonot sure about your setup, but I/O error, dev sda, sector ... does not read good imho...02:27
jjbugglebooterror: actually, you may be in enormous trouble right now.  Your harddrive is about to die, and you are about to lose all your data.  It's weird because I was beta testing bionic and I had that same error, ended up recovering all my data, but I bought a new drive02:28
Bashing-om!info gcc bionic | AmR|EiSa02:28
ubottuAmR|EiSa: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.176ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:7.3.0-3ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB02:28
booterrorhow did you recover the data?02:29
jjbugglebooterror: I tried several things, and what I ended up doing was booting with a live cd, disabling swap immediately.  Buying an external drive, and using ddrescue to copy all the data to that external drive.  Mount the image02:30
booterrorhow do you disable swap02:31
xamithanswapoff ?02:31
booterrorok so with ddrescue you would need a whole hard drive, you couldnt use a flash and just get the relevant information?02:34
rsmith31415Uhm... I'm definitely experiencing a worst performance in Ubuntu MATE 18.04 compared to 16.0402:38
rsmith31415Admittedly, my hardware is very old (8 year-old laptop)...02:39
xamithanWhat kind of worst performance02:39
Bashing-omrsmith31415: I run a dual Athlon system from 2007. with xubuntu I have real decent performance :)02:41
rsmith31415High memory usage (2GB on startup), lag in Java applications, several error messages about processes (although that is common in new installations)02:41
xamithanThat seems pretty normal,  java is memory hungry02:42
rsmith31415xubuntu is more lightweight than MATE, right?02:42
=== MadNurhopsi is now known as coldneu
rsmith31415xamithan: Yes. However, I'm comparing MATE 18.04 vs MATE 16.0402:42
rsmith31415I don't see the same lag in Java application with 16.04.02:43
rsmith31415Could it be that hardware acceleration is the main cause of that behavior?02:44
rsmith31415Maybe they are relying more heavily on hardware acceleration02:44
sysfaultcould anyone tell me why this mouse isnt working in unity but works in gdm and in my win7 partition fine on the same system ever since i dropped the ice cube on the touchpad?02:45
jjbugglersmith31415: it could be a bug, in which case I would either file a bug report or wait a month02:45
rsmith31415jjbuggle: If I remember correctly, I noticed the issue with Java since 17.04, but back then I thought this would be fixed in the stable release :-P02:46
rsmith31415Probably I just need to buy a new laptop and keep this one running on 16.04. It is very difficult to maintain performance in old hardware.02:49
rsmith31415Or change distributions as Bashing-om suggested.02:49
jjbugglersmith31415: Im on xubuntu myself.  I'm happy with that.  I don't see the point in giving performance to the desktop environment.02:52
Bashing-omrsmith31415: Several things one can do to gain performance . To be honest .. the best performance I gained was a minimal install with xfce as the DE. Faster on a spinning hard drive than a full install of xubuntu on a SSD .02:53
bannakaffalattaAnyone aware if the vagrant cloud ubuntu/bionic64 v20180426.2.0 the release version or is it the bad version? It says it was updated 20 hours ago.02:53
rsmith31415Interesting. Yes, I will take a look at other lightweight distributions.02:54
vktr33i installed kubuntu on top of xubuntu. but on log in kubuntu (or KDE) isn't showing in DE options. any advice?02:54
jjbugglevktr33: what command did you use?02:54
vktr33jjbuggle: just terminal02:54
jjbugglevktr33: so apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?02:55
Markdown1_Ubuntu Mate is lightweight as well and Lubuntu.02:56
vktr33jjbuggle: yes, after adding PPA and updating, trying to find the website with explanation i followed02:56
Markdown1_Kubuntu is lighter than Ubuntu btw, as Plasma uses less resources than Gnome.02:56
jjbuggleMarkdown1_: really?  That's interesting02:56
vktr33jjbuggle: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-kde-plasma-5-7-ubuntu-16-04-ubuntu-16-1002:56
Markdown1_jjbuggle yes tested it.02:57
jjbugglevktr33: I'm not sure, but Im curious what you picked, lightdm or ssdm?02:58
vktr33jjbuggle: didn't get any prompt to pick WM. hadn't thought about it to be honest02:58
vktr33jjbuggle: upgrading now, maybe that'll help ?03:00
Markdown1_also don't forget Ubuntu Budgie guys :) its an official derivative as well https://ubuntubudgie.org/03:00
Markdown1_its like that Kid everyone forgets about.03:01
Markdown1_replaced Lubuntu in that position ;)03:01
vktr33jjbuggle: i'm installing again, now i'm prompted Lightdm or sddm. so, which is best?03:09
jjbugglevktr33: my knowledge is outdated on that.  I would choose lightdm since that used to be the standard03:10
vktr33jjbuggle: sticking to what's known to work? i'd go with that03:11
jjbuggleyup, but like I said, im outdated.  It's been a few years since I followed ubuntu stuff03:11
Markdown1_vktr33 what DE are you installing?03:11
vktr33Markdown1_: Kubuntu, on top of xubuntu03:13
Markdown1_vktr33 for anything KDE/LXQt SDDM is recommended but LightDM works too.03:13
vktr33Markdown1_: already went with lightdm, any way to change after installing?03:14
Markdown1_vktr33 there is, but no need to worry about it anyways, it it works fine you are good to go.03:14
Markdown1_vktr33 they are just display managers, both works fine generally.03:15
vktr33Markdown1_: k, thanks03:15
Markdown1_wait what happened to Lubuntu?03:23
jjbugglewhat happened to lubuntu?03:24
Markdown1_I mean the download links are not up yet.03:24
genewitchis there anything like registax for ubuntu?03:24
genewitchwhere it stacks video frames into an image03:24
viktor01330i get a lot of err msg and broken packages trying to install kubuntu DE https://pastebin.com/NwiZhHhG03:25
viktor01330maybe i'm better of installing kubuntu from scratch and xfce (GUI only) on top of that? I'd like to have Kubuntu and xfce as sort of a leaner back-up03:28
jjbuggleviktor01330: might be an issue with the ppa, try removing kde-l10n-th03:28
viktor01330jjbuggle: okay, but i'll need it later. won't i run into the same problem?03:29
jjbuggleviktor01330: you can add it back in later, I think it is an issue with the ppa.  Maybe remove the ppa03:30
qwetIs there a reason the installer crashes if the root partition is not empty?03:31
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)03:31
guivercMarkdown1_, the lubuntu.me will be corrected shortly03:31
Markdown1_also what is up with Lubuntu having 2 websites?03:32
guivercMarkdown1_, you're probably best asking on #lubuntu for that  (where I went to get answers on web site & downloads)03:33
Alivesgoing from 17.10 to 18.04, why do i need -d on do-release-upgrade which is for a devel release?03:50
Bashing-omAlives: The updater retains the development designation until the .1 release .03:59
AlivesBashing-om: interesting... curious why that is?  is the .1 release happening soon to fix any during launch bugs?04:00
Alivesif i migrate to -d is it the release or a devel nightly from prior to today's release?04:00
eNkrypt_Is anyone else having issues with upgrading? Lsb_release shows 17.10 as latest. Looks like meta hasn't been updated yet? http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release04:03
noisyb'ello, i'm trying to upgrade to 18.04 and three different approaches i've taken seem to hang my xps 15: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (doesn't find upgrade), sudo do-release-upgrade -d (hangs on "reading cache"), and one other i can't find in my hist now which bought up the upgrade settings UI, any suggestions?04:05
Bashing-omAlives: Best of my memorance -- the 18.04 schedule calls for the .1 release in July (?) , and no when you upgrade your will have the release. updates will continue on this normal release .04:05
Teguso, it kinda feels like a develpment version until .1, and only then it becomes a "stable" version?04:05
Alivesya strange to me too04:05
noisybi'm on 17.1004:06
guivercthe 18.04.1 release date is expected july 26 according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule Alives04:06
eNkrypt_I think the reason you are having issues upgrading is similar to my issue. Check the meta http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release04:06
eNkrypt_May take a few days for them to add 18.04 to that.04:06
Alivescurious what do-release-upgrade is checking04:07
Teguwas this .1 upgrade only a thing with LTS releases?04:07
noisybsudo do-release-upgrade -d seems to find bionic beaver though04:07
Markdown1_Tegu no04:07
noisybbut it hangs04:07
eNkrypt_Pretty sure it checks the meta release04:07
TeguMarkdown1_: oki04:07
eNkrypt_Mine does not find bionic beaver04:07
eNkrypt_This has happened before and I just had to wait a few days04:08
Markdown1_but LTS releases are supported longer so more version number is normal.04:08
noisybi was keen because on my xps 15 17.10 hangs on shutdown04:08
eNkrypt_Weird. You might be having a separate issue04:08
AliveseNkrypt_: ya i think youre right... stracing do-release upgrade shows it hitting that ip04:08
noisybi heard this is a problem with the nvidia drivers, but the nvidia driver tool, hangs04:08
guivercTegu, 17.10.1 existed (for iso purposes); but the .1/.2/.. usually only applies to LTS releases04:08
Markdown1_noisyb maybe do a fresh install? try Kubuntu or Ubuntu Mate or something.04:09
eNkrypt_I prefer KDE =)04:09
eNkrypt_Kubuntu is what I use. But it's all really the same hehe04:10
AliveseNkrypt_: so yeah its pulling that url to check... so maybe you're right04:10
Alives[pid 31058] sendto(3, "GET /meta-release HTTP/1.1\r\nAcce"..., 224, 0, NULL, 0) = 22404:10
eNkrypt_Yeah I was pretty sure that was the case. Sometimes it takes a while for it to get added. Probably some sysadmin is busy with their day job ha04:11
noisybbless all y'all04:11
AliveseNkrypt_: with -d you get: [pid 32343] sendto(3, "GET /meta-release-development HT"..., 236, 0, NULL, 0) = 23604:11
eNkrypt_Good idea with strace ;)04:11
Alivesthe urls on that page look fine though04:12
Alivesso i guess its fine04:12
eNkrypt_Right but 18.04 isn't listed04:12
eNkrypt_Curl cat 1804:12
vivsoniError in GnuTLS initialization: Failed to acquire random data.04:12
Alivesit is04:12
eNkrypt_Whoops curl it and grep for 1804:12
Alivesits there04:12
=== in is now known as Guest46581
AlivesVersion: 18.0404:12
Alivesin -development04:12
eNkrypt_Hmm  hasn't propagated to me yet04:13
Guest46581I am trying to follow https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu?_ga=2.203640147.234101688.1524653950-1154737902.1524210656#304:13
Guest46581but getting error04:13
Aliveslol no fuckin way04:13
Aliveslook at this shit04:13
Guest46581gpg: keyserver receive failed: No keyserver available04:13
AlivesDist: artful04:13
AlivesName: Artful Aardvark04:13
AlivesVersion: 17.1004:13
AlivesDate: Thu, 19 October 2017 17:10:00 UTC04:13
eNkrypt_Haha nvm it is in Dev for me04:13
SlidingHornAlives: flood bot got you...use a pastebin for multiple lines :)04:14
Markdown1_vivsoni seems like a problem with your local/regional repository, wait for few hours, it will probably be fixed.04:14
noisybyeah im trying with -d and it hangs on reading cache04:14
vivsoniMarkdown1_: automatically04:14
AlivesSlidingHorn: ya i know04:14
Alivesmy point is04:15
Aliveslook at the date/timestamp of the release04:15
Alivesartful, 17.10... Date: Thu, 19 October 2017 17:10:00 UTC04:15
guiverc(i thought it was language Alives - watch many lines + language)04:15
Alivesbionic, 18.04, Date: Thu, 26 April 2018 18:04:00 UTC04:15
Alivesshoulda known04:15
Alivesso they just delay until the time matches04:15
Alivesthats cool04:15
Markdown1_vivsoni yes probably, its your country/region's server that may have issues now due to excess server load, wait for a few hours and try again, otherwise you can ask here again.04:16
vivsoniMarkdown1_: ok04:16
SlidingHornAlives: (also, try not to use enter as punctuation - not to come down on you with all the rules @ once, haha)04:16
Alivestime to dd sda and try this out04:16
guivercAlives, no they don't - I watched the builds & can guess the timestamp was just a filled field... - i think it's cute anyway04:16
AlivesSlidingHorn: ya i know.. im just used to it sorry04:16
Guest46581HELP ?04:16
Alivesguiverc: ah damn oh well :)04:16
SlidingHorn!ask | Guest46581 (also, change your nick to something more unique so we can better help you )04:17
ubottuGuest46581 (also, change your nick to something more unique so we can better help you ): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:17
Guest46581I did ask above ^04:17
Guest46581I am trying to follow https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu?_ga=2.203640147.234101688.1524653950-1154737902.1524210656#304:17
Guest46581but getting error04:17
Guest46581gpg: keyserver receive failed: No keyserver available04:17
eNkrypt_Explain why you are following that and what your Ultimate goal is guest04:19
eNkrypt_Perhaps we can help if we know what you are trying to do04:20
Guest46581I want to verify torrent download04:20
guivercGuest46581, part of difficulty answering you is your name (many many guest as logged in - why you were requested to change nickname). what OS are you running currently?04:20
Guest46581of 18.0404:20
eNkrypt_Are you just trying to get a checksum of a file?04:21
jturekCongratulations on 18.04!04:21
Guest46581I don't know how verification works, so tried the tutorial04:21
eNkrypt_Why not just do a sha256  checksum?04:22
Guest46581I don't know that, can you explain /04:23
guivercif you have download.iso; you can get its sha256 sum with `sha256sum download.iso` which you can compare to the sha256 list you downloaded - less automatic but pretty easy04:23
Guest46581ok, trying04:23
Teguwell, checksum is one thing but it does not check authenticity (which gpg signature would do)04:23
SlidingHornGuest46581: The keyserver might just be down or overloaded.  The keys are also available at https://pgp.mit.edu   try using that instead of hks://keyserver.ubuntu.com04:23
Guest46581ok, thanks04:24
eNkrypt_This is true. But he said all he needed was a checksum.04:24
guiverc:) tegu - Guest46581 read SlidingHorn & tegu's responses too please04:24
SlidingHorneNkrypt_: he's gotten that far through the tutorial already...might as well let him finish it ;)04:24
eNkrypt_Haha I agree. Learning is good!04:25
TegueNkrypt_: he said he wanted to verify ubuntu and you asked about checksums04:25
eNkrypt_I asked if all he needed was checksum and he said yes. Perhaps he doesn't know what he needs ;)04:25
Guest46581SlidingHorn, got this : -         gpg: keyserver receive failed: General error04:25
Teguyup, it's hard to say if you don't know the difference. and it's fine because it can be learned04:26
eNkrypt_This is the best place to learn =)04:26
=== eNkrypt_ is now known as enkrypr
enkryprWhoops ha04:27
enkryprWeird my nick must already be in use =(04:27
Guest46581how to change nick ?04:28
enkryprAny who. Thanks guys. I will await for meta release04:28
enkryprUse /nick04:28
=== Guest46581 is now known as shiv
=== shiv is now known as shv
enkryprWill we get banned here for ehugs? I know the bsd code of conduct changed and people are getting banned =P04:29
shvok, so I wanted to verify 18.04 torrent download04:29
shvI am trying to follow https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu?_ga=2.203640147.234101688.1524653950-1154737902.1524210656#304:29
shvbut doesn't work04:29
shvgpg: keyserver receive failed: No keyserver available04:30
SlidingHornshv: use the same address I gave you, except replace https:// with hkps://04:30
shvsmae error04:31
shvgpg: keyserver receive failed: General error04:31
shvthis is the command I typed:  gpg --keyserver hkps://pgp.mit.edu/ --recv-keys 0x46181433FBB75451 0xD94AA3F0EFE2109204:32
SlidingHornshv: can you please post the full command and output in a pastebin?04:32
=== christopher_ is now known as F^3
frewCan anyone give tips on fixing an ubuntu boot setup to correctly prompt for a password to decrypt an encrypted disk?04:32
parclytaxelI'm not sure04:32
parclytaxel18.04 has not landed for me yet?04:33
SlidingHornshv: try just using the last 8 characters of each of those keys04:33
parclytaxelI'm in Singapore04:33
F^3Hey hey.04:33
frewI have everything installed, and even after chrooting and running `update-initramfs -u -k all` it still fails to even prompt04:33
F^3How can I set the DPI scaling on my 4k monitor without effecting my other two displays?04:33
F^3When adjusting the settings through displays it will scale all 3 screens04:34
parclytaxelHello again?04:34
shvsame error again04:34
SlidingHornparclytaxel: It just came up that some of the front-ends for the cdimages pages are out of space...give it a little bit and try again (like 30 minutes04:34
parclytaxelWell, I just did the first of my four final exams for this semester at NUS04:34
parclytaxelLunch to follow04:34
SlidingHornF^3: which video drivers are you using?04:35
SlidingHornshv: I'm searching for what to do next...04:35
F^3SlidingHorn, The default drivers from 18.04. I tried the amdgpu-pro drivers, but that resulted in a black screen on 17.10 a few days back.04:36
AmR|EiSaHow To be updated in ubuntu I like use last ver like gcc and programing tools ?04:36
SlidingHornshv: paste this into your terminal    gpg --keyserver hkps://pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0xFBB75451 0xEFE2109204:37
shvSlidingHorn: gpg: keyserver receive failed: General error04:38
SlidingHornF^3: I think you can just edit an xorg.conf file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) to explicitly set a DPI option for that specific display04:39
shvSlidingHorn: here's the paste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/79zBfWNy6v/04:40
SlidingHornshv: alright, we're just going to try manually downloading and importing them...just a sec and I'll give you a pastebin of what to do...04:43
SlidingHornshv: https://pste.ubuntu.com/p/CrGx4cxm6y04:46
SlidingHornnot pste04:46
shvgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. gpg: Total number processed: 004:47
shvSlidingHorn: here's the paste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ggq9mZcjYF/04:49
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SlidingHornhmm...nothing's being transferred from the keyservers for some reason.04:52
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
segersjerryAmR|EiSa, ubuntu has long term support versions that get security updates for I think 2 years. If you want to be one step behind, use 16.04.04:55
shvSlidingHorn: so now ?04:55
SlidingHornshv: I'm not sure what to do from here04:56
shvlotuspsychje: can you help with this ?  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/79zBfWNy6v/04:57
lotuspsychjeshv: tell us what you did please?04:58
shvI am trying to verify 18.04 torrent download04:58
shvwith this tutorial04:58
lotuspsychje!md5 | shv04:59
ubottushv: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:59
shvbut getting errors04:59
shvok, done checking md505:03
F^3SlidingHorn, Sorry for the delay. I had to take a quick call. I don't have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:03
shvlotuspsychje: so i don't need to do sha256 thing ? from the tutorial ?05:04
linurandyhello to everyone, i've a doudbt about Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and encrypt partitions during the installer, when i going to create a /home encrypt partitions fail, 'cause i don't have a ram's encrypted partition, but is the installer, how could i do that?05:06
harrisso i installed ubuntu 18.04 on my windows 10 laptop..05:07
harrisi had to run boot repair and it added a bunch of extra entries to the grub05:08
lotuspsychjeF^3: xorg has moved to other dir now05:10
lotuspsychje!encrypt | linurandy05:10
ubottulinurandy: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory05:10
lotuspsychjeharris: are you singlebooting or dualbooting?05:10
coolchrisin 18.04 how can i blank the screen without having it shut off?05:10
coolchrisi need the screen on cause its my speakers05:11
harrislotuspsychje, dual05:11
lotuspsychje!uefi | harris start here05:11
ubottuharris start here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:11
F^3lotuspsychje, Looks like gnome may be overriding xorg settings for dpi scaling according to the arch wiki05:11
harrislotuspsychje, i have it working... its just that boot repair added a bunch of exta windows entries05:13
linurandysorry that i need is during the instalation that let me encrypt whatever i want.05:24
linurandyi wnt just encrypt /home, swap and other disk that i've05:24
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)05:27
=== mak_ is now known as Guest67072
fragtasticNot sure if anyone else is having this problem, I've looked around and haven't seen anything. If I use the scroll wheel to scroll down, or up, in a terminal while already at the edge it'll very quickly make the sound and then crash after continually scrolling for a short period05:36
SlidingHornfragtastic: not something I've come across - which flavor & version of ubuntu are you using, and which terminal?05:37
fragtasticBy crash I mean the audio hardware/software will stop working until a reboot05:37
wabznasmJust checking on moving /home from a dying HD to a new one. Can it be done whilst /home is mounted using rsync, or is it best to boot from live USB?05:38
fragtasticLinux version 4.13.0-39-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-038) (gcc version 7.2.0 (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3.2)) #44-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 5 14:25:01 UTC 201805:38
fragtasticSlidingHorn, Happened in both 17.04 & 17.10, this happens in lxterminal, whatever the default for ubuntu 17.04/17.10 is, and tilix05:39
fragtasticThe terminal bell sounds happen VERY quickly together like a drum roll and then audio just stops05:40
fragtasticI'm scrolling using my trackpad BTW05:40
fragtasticHappens while using vim, man, and other things05:41
fragtasticlooking at the end of dmsg doesn't show any errors there05:42
SlidingHornhow about your X logs?  /var/log/Xorg.*.log  or /var/log/syslog ?05:47
luna_18.04 är ute  nu05:50
luna_18.04 is out now05:50
wabznasmluna_: yes05:50
wabznasm!isitout | luna05:50
ubottuluna: Yes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)05:50
USERNAME00Domo goto bionic beaver05:50
ZetFuryI'm getting "no new release found." when I do do-release-upgrade (trying to upgrade to 18 lts), currently on 17.10 and release-upgrades set to normal05:52
ZetFuryanyone have same issue?05:52
Markdown1_ZetFury wait a few hours.05:52
USERNAME00If you change you setting to latest LTS releases and then close it should scan and find05:52
ZetFurytried that, didn't help05:53
ZetFurybut I guess I'll wait til later today and try again05:53
wabznasmZetFury: you could manually check your source to see if it's replicated yet05:53
ZetFuryhow do I do that?05:54
wabznasmZetFury: Just navigate to whatever URL shows in /etc/apt/sources.list and drill down, eg: http://th.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/05:55
USERNAME00ZetFury,  https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#005:55
ZetFurywabznasm, bionic is available there05:59
wabznasmZetFury: so waiting for later today may not fix the issue. Maybe your approach isn't quite right05:59
kllbllhi there everyone06:01
asamkhyawill the do-release-upgrade from 16.04 LTS to 18.04 work only after the point release in July?06:02
asamkhyakllbll: hi06:03
kllbllI am having a hard time executing the command "mkdir -p {0..9}" through bash "#!/bin/bash".06:03
kllbllit makes folder {0..9} only06:03
kllbllinstead of 0 through 906:04
wabznasmkllbll: what do you expect it to do?06:04
kllbllto make folders 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,906:04
kllbllnot {0..9}06:04
Torrmaybe use csh instead of bash?06:05
EriC^^kllbll: are you quoting it or something?06:05
kllbllTorr: ok, but why is bash doing thing?06:06
kllbllEriC^^: no man, just making the assertion that it is a command06:06
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Torroh nevermind, I tried it in bash and it works for me06:06
wabznasmkllbll: Fine here - paste your script in a pastebin06:06
kllbllTorr: really?06:06
=== silvio is now known as Guest2768
kllbllwabznasm: you sure???06:07
kllbllthanks guys06:07
wabznasm!paste | kllbll06:07
ubottukllbll: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:07
kllbllGod Damn!06:07
kllbllmayeb doing something wrong06:07
kllbllthanks anyways06:07
Torrdid you put #!/bin/bash at the head of your scipt?06:07
kllbllTorr: sure!06:07
wabznasmkllbll: paste it so we can see it...06:08
Torrhrm, lemme try it in a script06:08
wabznasmTorr: already did - fine06:08
pavloshow do you execute the script?06:08
EriC^^kllbll: what do you mean by 'just making the assertion blabla'?06:08
DeusExMaximumHey, I'm wondering if I can play DVDs on my laptop using ubuntu.06:08
wabznasm!dvd | DeusExMaximum06:08
ubottuDeusExMaximum: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:08
EriC^^DeusExMaximum: sure06:08
Torrhep, it works fo rme06:08
NoCodeNew Ubuntu out?!06:08
wabznasm!isitout | NoCode06:08
ubottuNoCode: Yes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)06:08
DeusExMaximumI just put it in and nothing's happening. I should probably get out of i3 and into my Gnome desktop...06:08
kllbllEriC^^: :)06:09
DeusExMaximumLet me actually get out of here first and into Gnome...06:09
kllbllEriC^^: I meant I am not quoting bro!06:09
wabznasmkllbll: do you know what -p does with mkdir?06:09
kllbllwabznasm: it makes sure the parents are ok I guess06:09
kllbllparent folders06:10
kllbllasamkhya: ?06:10
EriC^^kllbll: heh06:10
wabznasmkllbll: so all that's needed in that script is mkdir -p x/{0..9}/{0..9} - tested here and works fine06:10
kllbllEriC^^: what you hehing about there?06:10
asamkhyaYour phrasing was freudian06:10
kllbllI like freud as long as he is about sex!!!!06:11
wabznasmkllbll: "parents are fine" - yes, it creates all dirs if they don't exist06:11
kllbllgotta fucking go06:12
kllbllsee you nice guys around06:12
Randolf...to the ##philosophy channel...06:12
Torrbye kllbll06:12
pavloshow do I resize the icons when I click on apps? they appear bigger than those on the launcher?06:13
PitelWhat's the difference between normal "server" and "live-server"?06:20
wabznasmPitel: in what context?06:21
PitelThe iso image.06:22
DeusExMaximumHey guys, so I'm in Gnome now trying to get the dvd to work and I saw the DVD in Videos so I clicked on it and it needed me to install software to play videos, so I did. Now I can see all my other videos. The problem is that whenever I click on the dvd it says "an error occurred".06:23
DeusExMaximumIt isn't letting me play it :(06:23
ducassePitel: live-server uses the new subiquity installer, server uses d-i06:23
wabznasmPitel: the live server "will enable simpler installation in the common cases" https://askubuntu.com/questions/864742/ubuntu-server-live-usb with a link for more06:24
wabznasmDeusExMaximum: did you follow the instructions posted earlier?06:25
DeusExMaximumOh... I didn't see any instructions...06:25
wabznasm!dvd | DeusExMaximum06:25
ubottuDeusExMaximum: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:25
meonkeysaww, borked my ubuntu 16.04 laptop trying to upgrade to 18.04. Anyone have tips on how I might fix apt / dpkg? https://gist.github.com/meonkeys/838fb540e71d1e0920ab92055bd4236406:26
wabznasmmeonkeys: my approach to the last failed upgrade (12.04 to 14.04 IIRC) was to force install individual broken packages until something worked that allowed everything else to install. Ugly and potentially dodgy.06:28
meonkeyswabznasm: well, I'm game for that... I'd love to rescue this thing if possible. But where to start? find and force install a libgnutls30 >= 3.5.6 .deb file?06:29
wabznasmmeonkeys: python=apt was broken but had no dependencies. I would start of that BUT it's not my computer. Your risk06:30
wabznasmmeonkeys: python3-apt06:30
DeusExMaximumwabnazm: HOLY SNAP IT'S WORKING06:30
DeusExMaximumTHANK YOU06:30
meonkeyswabznasm: I'll give it a shot, thanks. Nothing to lose, I'll just reinstall 18.04 if I can't fix it.06:30
GatoLokoDeusExMaximum: do not write in all caps, it is against the rules. Next time you will be expelled.06:30
wabznasmDeusExMaximum: following instructions can often have that side effect06:30
ducassemeonkeys: from reading that list, you are probably better off just doing a reinstall06:30
wabznasmmeonkeys: since my failed upgrade I've always clean installed. More faffy but safer in the long run I find06:31
meonkeysok, thanks ducasse and wabznasm. I'll try a short walk down the painful path first and see what shakes out. :)06:31
wabznasmmeonkeys: good luck06:31
ducassemeonkeys: just so you know, you can often force deinstall of packages with dpkg when apt won't remove them06:33
meonkeysducasse: ah, I did not... ok06:33
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)06:33
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meonkeysugh, I give up. Gonna fresh install 18.04 and copy over my home dir.06:50
PitelCan I somehow force update from 17.10 to 18.04? Update Manager is not offering it at the moment.06:52
lotuspsychje!upgrade | Pitel06:54
ubottuPitel: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:54
infectiiousanyone know if it should be possible to upgrade ubuntu server to 18.04 using do-release-upgrade as of yet?06:54
SagelessFoxhello, I am installing ubuntu 18.04 however, it's on a SSD and the memory is quite large, so I dont want to set up a swap. Encryption automatically sets up a swap for me. so if I want encryption without swap, what do I do?06:54
lotuspsychjeinfectiious: whats your current server version?06:54
infectiious16.04 LTS06:54
infectiiousand 17.1006:54
infectiiousmultiple systems06:54
lotuspsychjeinfectiious: we dont reccomend lts to lts upgrade yet till 18.04.1 in june06:55
lotuspsychje!partitioning | SagelessFox06:55
ubottuSagelessFox: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap06:55
infectiiouslotuspsychje: ok thanks, I will rebuild systems with 18.04 as base.06:55
ducassePitel: wait for your mirror to update06:56
SagelessFoxubottu my problem is not about partitioning. its about encrypt a partition without setting up a swap in the installation program06:57
SagelessFoxu b o t t u is a bot? duh impressive06:58
lotuspsychje!encrypt | SagelessFox can this help?07:00
ubottuSagelessFox can this help?: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:00
SagelessFoxentire disk encryption since 18.04? as far as I know dir encrption is removed in 18.04. so I am setting up an entire disk encruption :/  lotuspsychje07:01
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SagelessFoxgave up07:02
ducasseSagelessFox: it will just set up a swapfile, not a partition, so should be easy to remove07:03
SagelessFoxducasse and how can I remove it? :/07:05
ducasseSagelessFox: just comment it out of /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab, then turn off swap and delete the file07:06
NaTeKUbuntu 18.04 Screenshots?07:07
lotuspsychje!discuss | NaTeK07:08
ubottuNaTeK: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!07:08
ducasseNaTeK: do that in #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu-offtopic07:08
SagelessFox"[15:06] <ducasse> SagelessFox: just comment it out of /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab, then turn off swap and delete the file" hmm how am I supposed to turn off swap plz? ducasse07:09
ducasseSagelessFox: either 'swapoff /path/to/swapfile' or just reboot07:10
SagelessFoxthanks ducasse07:11
zetherooreports of people doing in-place upgrades from 16.04 to 18.04?07:15
lotuspsychjezetheroo: we reccomend lts to lts upgrades in june at 18.04.107:15
zetheroo lotuspsychje: Ok 👍07:16
zetheroointerested in people's attempts :)07:16
lotuspsychje!discuss | zetheroo talk abouts07:16
ubottuzetheroo talk abouts: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!07:16
zetheroosupport question: can people still use Unity with 18.04, or is that no longer an option?07:17
lotuspsychjezetheroo: yes, unity package is installable from repos07:18
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop bionic | zetheroo07:18
ubottuzetheroo: ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)07:18
dbuggerHello everyone07:20
dbuggerI tried to upgrade from 17.10, but for some reason nothing new comes up when I "sudo apt dist-upgrade". Why could this be?07:21
ducassedbugger: your mirror might not be updated yet, just wait07:23
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dbuggerducasse, oh, ok07:24
=== DonVlad is now known as Murii
zprdhappy release day07:27
kubast2Yo ,does nvidia-390 driver works in 18.04 beta2?07:28
kubast2At least it doesn't work for me with an gtx 940mx07:28
lotuspsychjekubast2: beta2 is changed to final now07:28
kubast2Gdm is restarting07:28
kubast2Can't access shell either shrugs07:29
lotuspsychjekubast2: did you update your system to final yet?07:29
kubast2Nope can't07:29
kubast2Would had to download iso07:29
lotuspsychjekubast2: try recoverymode or !nomodeset to get in your system07:30
kubast2F2 was it to show up gub07:31
lotuspsychjekubast2: holding shift07:31
zetheroolotuspsychje: ok thanks07:32
gluonshould there be an opt-out checkbox for the data collection at install time? what happened to that?07:32
lotuspsychjegluon: system options/privacy07:33
gluonlotuspsychje: thanks07:33
HoloIRCUsergood morning peeps, if I've been running 18.04 beta apt-get dist-upgrade is all I need to do to ensure I'm running the final right?07:34
lotuspsychjegluon: wich flavor did you install and you did not see it @ setup?07:34
lotuspsychje!final | HoloIRCUser07:35
ubottuHoloIRCUser: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.07:35
HoloIRCUserHow do I make sure I stay on 18.04?07:35
antgelHoloIRCUser: You don't upgrade07:36
geirhathe factoid should've said 18.0407:36
geirhainstead of 18.1007:36
HoloIRCUserthanks, that makes sense07:36
tomreynHoloIRCUser: upgrading is a special process, you will get a series of special prompt before it happens. you should, however, still install security patches, that's actually important.07:37
HoloIRCUserso on a server that's just apt-get update && apt-get upgrade on a regular basis?07:38
tomreynHoloIRCUser: "apt-get dist-upgrade" even07:39
conjohi all was wondering if someone could please tell me how to use ifdown. I assume use is "ifup/down + interface name from ifconfig output;in my case enp6s0".) please see img below07:39
gogetaHoloIRCUser, lol these guys will walk you off a cliff07:39
tomreyngogeta: what makes you say so?07:40
gogetaHoloIRCUser, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1007:41
HoloIRCUsergogeta: how do you mean?07:41
gogetaHoloIRCUser, thers a server huide on there07:41
gogetaHoloIRCUser, these kids are to used to there gui and totaly ignored you said server07:41
nattenconjo: https://serverfault.com/questions/880950/network-issue-ifup-says-unknown-interface?answertab=votes#tab-top07:42
tomreyngogeta: i'm not sure whom you are referring to, but i did not ignore the fact that HoloIRCUser is inquiring about a server.07:43
nattenconjo: Or use "ip link set enp6s0 down"07:43
gogetatomaw, thers no ui so no pop up will say thers a update lol07:43
tomreyngogeta: right, in the case of a server the "special prompt" will be at login07:44
tomreynnext to motd07:44
conjoany way to change the name to eth0 ppl? just curious07:45
conjothanks <natten>07:45
nattenconjo: you can change the name by adding a rule to /etc/udev/rules.d/07:46
conjocouldn't get it going when i tried "ifdown iface enp0s3 inet dhcp"07:46
conjothe later worked thougn07:46
lotuspsychje!rootirc | root__07:47
ubotturoot__: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:47
dbuggerzprd, happy release day07:47
tomreynHoloIRCUser: so, unless you modify your apt sources to point to unsupported / bad / incompatible (to your 18.04 release) sources, you can safely continue using "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" on your server.07:47
tomreynHoloIRCUser: and it will not trigger an upgrade to the next ubuntu release.07:48
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HoloIRCUsergogeta: thanks!07:48
mrton3b4llthanks sir!07:48
kubast2lotuspsychje: and just apt update && apt upgrade?07:49
lotuspsychjekubast2: yeah07:50
kubast2After starting NManager serviceservice07:50
rajivmarshello guys, how to install the required multimedia codecs to play music and videos in ubuntu 18.04?07:55
mrton3b4llknpa ente?07:55
ducasse!restricted | rajivmars07:56
ubotturajivmars: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:56
mrton3b4llthanks sir07:56
Skaface82im trying to upgrade to 18, via sudo do-release-upgrade   and it says no new release found?07:57
tomreynSkaface82: if you're currently on 16.04 and are trying to upgrade to 18.04, that's not supported, yet.07:58
Blondie101010Rockwood is trying to install a package and he's getting "mysql_upgrade: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) while connecting to the MySQL server07:58
Blondie101010Upgrade process encountered error and will not continue.07:58
Blondie101010" while mysql server is running and functional, how can that be solved?07:58
Skaface82im on 1707:58
Rockwoodafter this 'nitin@cyberia:~$ sudo apt-get install giggle' mysql is stopping07:58
Blondie101010(sorry for the unexpected multi-line paste)07:58
tomreynSkaface82: there's not "ubuntu 17", there is ubuntu 17.10 and there used to be ubuntu 17.0407:59
Rockwoodtomreyn, hi07:59
Skaface82sorry 17.1 i should have said07:59
ducasseSkaface82: your mirror might not have it yet, just wait a bit07:59
Rockwoodi am coming with another issue today07:59
tomreynhi Rockwood07:59
lotuspsychjeSkaface82: doublecheck your: lsb_release -a08:00
mrton3b4lltomreyn: hay sir08:00
Skaface82ok no worries, so do-release-upgrade is the current way to upgrade once my mirror has it?08:00
lotuspsychjemrton3b4ll: can we help you with something?08:00
Skaface82yeah lsb_release reports 17.1008:00
ducasseSkaface82: yes08:00
tomreynSkaface82: i would expect 17.10 to already support upgrades to 18.04 as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1008:00
tomreynSkaface82: oh duscasse is right, it might be your mirror does not have it, yet.08:01
Skaface82well thats what i assumed.. I am using the australian mirror though so maybe it hasnt updated yet.. i'll try changing to a different mirror... thanks08:01
tomreynSkaface82: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors provides an overview. click on the very miurror to see release specific details.08:03
lotuspsychjesajoupa: ^08:03
Skaface82oh thank you tomreyn08:03
tomreynyou're welcome :)08:04
sajoupalotuspsychje: thanks - catching up with backscroll08:04
ducasseSkaface82: in all honesty, better to let your mirror get it than everyone hammering the archive servers at once, though08:04
Skaface82yeah i understand that, ill switch to aarnet anyway, they have always been fastest for me08:05
Skaface82interesting... its still reporting that there are no newer versions available, but I know that aarnet has it08:07
Rockwoodcan you help me08:07
tomreynBlondie101010 / Rockwood: is the mysql upgrade issue still relevant to you? if so, which ubuntu release is this ("lsb_release -ds")? which mysql server ("dpkg -l mysql-server\*")?08:08
Skaface82i might just change sources.list and update as I have previously in debian08:08
Rockwood16.04.4 LTS08:09
GatoLokoRockwood: do not write in all caps, it is against the rules. Next time you will be expelled.08:09
ducasseSkaface82: check that Prompt is set to 'normal' in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades08:09
ducasseGatoLoko: disable your bot, please08:09
Skaface82yes its set to normal08:10
RockwoodGatoLoko, do have confusion08:10
GatoLokoups, perdon08:10
V-Afuck you08:10
Blondie101010GatoLoko is a bit paranoid08:10
MetrafHi, sorry I'm not really used to Linux but I have a question08:11
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ducasseMetraf: go ahead and ask08:12
Skaface82oh im using software in a 3rd party repository, if they havent updated their packages for bionic as well, maybe thats why the upgrade is not working08:12
oomni_I installed ubuntu18.04-desktop-x6408:12
oomni_I  have some issue on GDM!08:12
oomni_something is wrong with characters on GDM!08:12
oomni_user name is blank08:13
oomni_white circles won't show during enter password08:13
oomni_and buttons text is nonsense!08:13
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)08:13
MetrafI just received a new M.2 SSD and I wanted to copy my ubuntu budgie (yet installed on a partitioned HDD) to it, is it enough to copy the whole root file to an EXT4 partition of the SSD ?08:13
oomni_any has GDM problem?08:14
Metraf(knowing that I have 3other OSs installed on my HDD)08:15
ducasseSilmarilion: no, do-release-upgrades will just disable 3d-party repos08:15
ducasseSkaface82: ^^08:15
ducassesorry, Silmarilion08:15
tomreynMetraf: you will need to copy the boot sector, and the file systems mounted at / and /boot (after partitioning)08:16
Skaface82hmm ok08:16
tomreynMetraf: or just install grub to it using grub-install08:16
Metraftomreyn but the bootsector is in /boot right ? so if I just copy / it's ok ?08:16
tomreynMetraf: the boot sector is on the first bytes of the raw device, not in /boot08:17
Metraftomreyn, I don't want to replace my HDD, just only to add a SSD, so there will still be grub right ?08:17
tomreynMetraf: oh you just wnt to *add* the ssd, then i misunderstood you indeed (le me read what you wrote again)08:18
oomni_HI :)08:19
StuckAsFI'm upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04.4 MATE to 18.04 and its stuck at Setting up php-common08:19
StuckAsFAny idea what to do?08:19
Blondie101010Metraf, what do you call "the whole root file"?08:20
tomreynMetraf: so, you wrote you want to "copy my ubuntu budgie (yet installed on a partitioned HDD) to [the SSD]". which device do you want to boot from in the future?08:20
lotuspsychjeStuckAsF: we dont reccomend upgrading lts to lts yet, wait till june on 18.04.108:20
Rockwoodtomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TKTPVDPcTs/08:20
RockwoodBlondie101010, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TKTPVDPcTs/08:21
MetrafBlondie101010 well the / of this linux08:21
Metraftomreyn I don't really care08:21
Blondie101010Metraf, do you mean the partition image or something else?08:22
MetrafIt's easier if the HDD boots it but actually it does more noise, and it's a laptop so maybe the SSD is better tomreyn08:22
MetrafOh yeah Blondie101010 ! that's right, theres a backup and restore partition image tool in gdisk08:23
MetrafCould be useful08:23
tomreynMetraf: yes, probably. you can just install grub to it, it's safe anyways (as long as you provide the correct device to install to, check "lsblk")08:23
Rockwoodtomreyn, have seen my logs ?08:23
Rockwoodtomreyn, have you seen my logs ?08:23
tomreynRockwood: i saw your dpkg -l output, did you post logs as well?08:24
SagelessFoxquestion: is the default ubuntu installation partitioner 4k alligned?08:24
Blondie101010Metraf, I'd simply make a partition on the new SSD of the exact same size as the original one and `dd` it08:24
Rockwoodjust that output lol08:24
Metrafdd ? Blondie101010 ?08:25
MetrafOk so grub-install will ask me to chose the partition tomreyn ?08:25
ducasseSagelessFox: yes, all partitioning tools are08:25
SagelessFoxty for the info08:25
Rockwoodtomreyn, i  just  posted dpkg -l output08:25
Rockwoodnohting else08:25
tomreynMetraf: no, you provide the storage device (not partition) to install grub to as an argument to the grub-install command08:26
tomreynRockwood: okay, so there's this matching bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bug/160594808:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592669 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1605948 postinst fails when daemon is not running (or is disabled by policy-rc.d)" [High,Fix released]08:26
tomreynRockwood: actually that's a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bug/159266908:27
MetrafOk thanks tomreyn08:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592669 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "postinst fails when daemon is not running (or is disabled by policy-rc.d)" [High,Fix released]08:27
MetrafAnd then a simple Copy paste of the root directory to an ext4 partition tomreyn ?08:27
tomreynRockwood: be sure to backup your mysql data before you try to recover08:28
Rockwoodwhole db backup ?08:28
tomreynRockwood: yes, but it depends on what you'll be doing. if you'll purge mysql as some of these posts on the bug report suggest you may loose all of /var/lib/mysql (i.e. all your databases), thus my recommendation08:30
Blondie101010Metraf, no, don't do a recursive copy of the partition, that will cause loads of issues08:30
Rockwoodtomreyn, okay doing backup08:32
tomreynRockwood: can you show the output of "tail -n200 /var/log/apt/term.log" and "tail -n100 /var/log/apt/history.log" as well? i'm trying to understand which mysql version you're trying to upgrade from (unless you already know?)08:32
MetrafBlondie101010 what should I do then ?08:32
Blondie101010Metraf, like I said earlier, partition your SSD with the root partition the same size as the one you have on the HDD, then `dd` the partition from one disk to the other08:35
Blondie101010Metraf, once that is done, in a few hours possibly, you will need to tell grub where to boot from08:35
MetrafYeah but I didn't understand d08:36
MetrafHow so ?08:36
Blondie101010Metraf, `dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb2 bs=8M` where sda2 would be the source partition and sdb2 the destination08:36
tomreynmaybe Metraf would have an easier time doing it using gnome-disks08:37
Rockwoodtomreyn, taken08:37
MetrafBut how so for telling grub where to boot from ? isn't grub-update enough ?08:37
Blondie101010Metraf, just be careful to put the right device!08:37
tomreynRockwood: good. hopefully you create mysql and system backups ona  regular basis anyways!08:37
Blondie101010Metacity,  well grub does use a bit of magic but that remains to be seen08:38
Rockwoodtomreyn, first time taken backup lol08:38
tomreynRockwood: so apparently you dont mind loosing your data08:38
Rockwoodtomreyn, now ?08:39
tomreynRockwood: i'd like to see the outputs of the commands i posted above.08:40
Rockwoodtomreyn, http://dpaste.com/3NBZP0508:43
Rockwoodtomreyn, http://dpaste.com/3NBZP05 "tail -n200 /var/log/apt/term.log"08:43
Rockwoodtomreyn, http://dpaste.com/21N9V03   history.log08:45
mjosephDoes anyone know how to get netplan working with SR-IOV VFs?  it seems to delete all existing VFs when netplan apply is run08:45
Metraf<tomreyn> maybe Metraf would have an easier time doing it using gnome-disks <- how so ?08:46
tomreynokay so the upgrade is mysql-server-core-5.7 version 5.7.21-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 to 5.7.22-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (whereas the bug report states it was fixed version 5.7.21-1ubuntu108:46
Blondie101010Metraf, it might be easier to avoid stupid mistakes like choosing the wrong device file08:47
MetrafOh don't worry I'll be careful haha08:47
tomreynMetraf: gnome-disks is a graphical frontend, it may just be easier to do it there, depending on your preferences.08:47
Blondie101010Metraf, then get going already :P08:48
velizarRunning `do-release-upgrade -c` tells me that 17.10 is the latest available version.08:48
MetrafHaha, yeeey x)08:48
velizarDoes this mean I need to wait more?08:48
velizarAnd is there a way to get 18.04 without waiting, on Linux subsystem for Windows?08:48
Blondie101010velizar, how about 20.04 while to be ahead of the development plans?08:49
tomreynRockwood: i suggest you try what https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bug/1592669/comments/22 suggests nevertheless08:49
velizarI mean Windows subsystem for Linux08:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592669 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "postinst fails when daemon is not running (or is disabled by policy-rc.d)" [High,Fix released]08:49
ducasse!ubuwin | velizar08:49
ubottuvelizar: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide08:49
velizarIn general, is it possible to change where do-release-upgrade points to?08:50
ducassevelizar: we don't support wsl here08:51
velizarducasse: I'm not asking for wsl08:51
velizarI also have a Ubuntu running on my other machine, which is also getting upgraded and gets the same results08:52
velizarthough it says "No new release found.", since it's already on 17.1008:52
tomreynvelizar: your apt mirrors may not have 18.04 availbale, yet. it's pretty young, give it another day or two.08:54
Skaface82im having that issue with an installed 17.10 system.. ive just manually updated packages.list, am about to reboot actually08:54
OolTo jump with do-release-upgrade we need to wait 18.04.108:54
velizarAhh, then I need to find mirrors which have it?08:54
Skaface82it seems to have upgraded fine by manually editing sources.list even though do-release-upgrade reported that theres no new versions available08:54
Oolif you don't want to wait you can try with the -d (develop branch) option08:54
velizarHuh, "-d" says that 18.04 is available08:55
velizarWould that be the real 18.04, or the beta version?08:55
ducassevelizar: it will be the latest your mirror has08:55
Skaface82ok rebooting into 18, wish me luck08:56
tomreynSkaface82: manually editing sources.list as a means of upgrading is not supported here, i would think. you should always use do-release-upgrade.08:57
tomreynRockwood: any luck?08:58
Kon-How much does location on the hard disk matter for a boot partition? Is 100 MB at the start of the disk enough space, or would it be better to make a 500 MB partition near the middle of the disk?09:00
Skaface82yay it worked09:00
shvshould /home partition be "primary" or "logical" ? I am setting up dual boot with windows 1009:00
shvI saw different answers on google09:01
MultbrelchKon-, it depends where you put home09:01
Multbrelchis it a separate partition?09:01
Rockwoodtomreyn, in reinstall the mysql ?09:01
ducasseshv: doesn't matter09:01
blackflowKon-: 100MB is not enough for /boot09:01
Kon-Multbrelch, yes09:01
=== NaTeK is now known as USERNAME00
MultbrelchKon-, sorry, I see now "boot partition"! Sorry, I muisunderstood09:02
blackflowKon-: go with 500MB. My /boot on 17.10 currently is 284MB09:02
MultbrelchIf you talk about "/" without /home and /media/<user>/somedrives then 50 GB are sufficient for /09:03
=== USERNAME00 is now known as NaTeK
blackflowhmm... apparently there's 4 kernel versions in there... cleanup time...09:03
Rockwoodtomreyn, i was chking my back data properly that why busy in it09:04
Kon-Okay, thanks guys. Every time I do a clean install, I spend the most time thinking of the best partition setup09:04
Skaface82Kon-: i used to do that, until i gave up and made 1 single partition the size of the hard drive :-)09:05
tomreynRockwood: oh that's fine, make sure your backup worked first of all.09:05
Rockwoodso whats for me know09:05
tomreynRockwood: still the same: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bug/1592669/comments/2209:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592669 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "postinst fails when daemon is not running (or is disabled by policy-rc.d)" [High,Fix released]09:06
MetrafI have troubles making partitions on my new SSD, I cant remove one or create and resize09:06
blackflowKon-: nowadays on non-zfs systems I go with 20GB root and rest for /home. of course along with a 500MB /boot because I run LUKS'd root.09:06
Rockwoodjust backup done09:06
Rockwoodnothing else09:06
MetrafDo you know why it is ?09:06
Kon-Skaface82, I would do that, but I'm not sure how many things still require swap space and not a simple swap file09:07
Rockwoodnow upgrade ?09:07
Blondie101010Metraf, what errors do you get?09:07
MetrafBlondie101010 theres none, just on gparted I con't click the option09:08
Rockwoodtomreyn, should i upgrade mysql now ?09:08
Kon-blackflow, I might just roll with that, thanks09:09
Metrafit's the same on gdisk09:09
blackflowKon-: keeping /home separate allows you full reinstallation of the OS for whatever reason, without losing your data files.09:10
tomreynRockwood: i (still) suggest that you install the mysql-server package update using the process discussed on the post i linked to twice,09:10
Blondie101010Metraf, do you use GPT or MBR?09:11
MetrafI think MBR, but how do I know ?09:11
user__how can i install ncat? not netcat, i want the newer version from the nmap guys09:12
sajoupaSkaface82: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/3.186.1 was released 2 days ago, and may explain what you were seeing (actually, not seeing ;))09:12
Blondie101010Metraf, in gdisk you see the HDD's partition properly?09:12
tomreynRockwood: i can quote it here if it helps? " Edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.7.postinst and put a simple 'exit 0' at the top after '#!/bin/bash' ; Run 'apt-get -f install' "09:12
Kon-Metraf, if your BIOS has 16 colors and no mouse support, you have MBR09:13
MetrafYup Blondie10101009:13
MetrafIt has mouse support09:13
boxmeinuser__: it comes with nmap afaik09:13
Rockwoodtomreyn, apt-get -f install run this09:13
boxmeinuser__: sudo apt install nmap, comes wit hthat09:13
user__boxmein: thanks09:13
tomreynRockwood: i do not understand what you mean by "apt-get -f install run this only"09:13
MetrafKon- it has mouse support09:14
nitocriscan anyone help  with isinga?09:14
Blondie101010Rockwood, did you edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.7.postinst?09:14
Rockwoodno yet09:15
Rockwoodbut doing09:15
Rockwoodthis path /var/lib/dpkg/info is empty09:17
Rockwoodnothing like this09:18
Rockwoodinfo is the last folder in chain09:19
Skaface82you know what would be a nice feature... when you drag a program to the right, it takes up the right half of the screen, drag an application to the left and it takes up the left half..... if only you could grab the middle point and adjust the width of both sides at once09:19
Skaface82like in android09:19
stratour /join plone09:20
stratour /join #plone09:20
Blondie101010stratour, are you kidding?09:20
RockwoodBlondie101010, my info folder is empty09:21
tomreynRockwood: are you sure that /var/lib/dpkg/info is empty? what is the output of "ls -1 /var/lib/dpkg/info | wc -l" ?09:21
stratoursorry wrong canal09:22
Rockwoodnitin@cyberia:~$ ls -1 /var/lib/dpkg/info | wc -l09:22
tomreynRockwood: so it's not empty.09:22
Rockwoodwhy not showing anything there09:22
Rockwoodhide ?09:22
Rockwoodhidden by anything09:22
tomreynRockwood: how are you looking at it?09:23
Rockwoodlol found it09:23
Rockwoodlate coming09:23
Rockwoodi think its heavy that why slow09:24
tomreynRockwood: so does /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.7.postinst exist? ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.7.postinst09:25
Rockwoodtomreyn, got it but permission issue09:25
NaTeK!google raspberry pi ubuntu09:26
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/09:26
Skaface82ok disregard my comment before, the midpoint does adjust! hah is that new?09:26
tomreynRockwood: use sudo then09:26
Rockwoodwait i have to give it permission09:26
Rockwoodi opened it in my gedit09:26
tomreynRockwood: you should *not* change the file system permissions (using chmod or file properties on your GUI)09:27
Rockwoodchmod -R folder name hope its not make any problem to me09:28
Rockwoodchmod -R 777 folder name hope its not make any problem to me09:28
tomreynRockwood: dont do this09:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:28
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:28
tomreynNaTeK: do you have an ubuntu support question?09:29
NaTeKI just want to see what commands ubottu can use09:29
=== dan_ is now known as Guest29543
uebera||Hi. What is the equivalent of "apt-file list <package-name>" for displaying the contents of a snap package (e.g., "nextcloud") without having to install it first? (I'm using Ubuntu Xenial.)09:29
tomreynNaTeK: right, please use the website09:30
Blondie101010so Rockwood, did you do the small change in the file?  did it give an error to save it?09:31
SagelessFoxhmm whats the user name and password of the live installation session plz?09:35
eddyreadyDoes anyone know whether entering Microsoft Exchange account information under the Online Accounts populates the calendar and message tray?09:35
SagelessFoxI need to chrrot into the target system to chang something before booting it up09:35
SagelessFoxoh I am in. usr: ubuntu passwd:*blank*09:37
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=== david___ is now known as Eightynine
isokeehi everyone, what's the best way to run a command before shutdown in ubuntu?09:42
dreadkopphey guys. i have some virtual machines running ubuntu server 16.04 which run into a full disk. so i resized the disk images from 10 to 20 gb. then started the vms up again and ran 'resize2fs -p' on the root partition (/dev/vda1)09:42
EriC^^isokee: make a service file for it?09:42
dreadkoppthat reports that it is already  resized to 20GB, however a 'df -h' still reports that the partition is only 9ish GB and heavily used ?09:43
isokeehi EriC^^, thanks for the reply. Ok, will try to look it up. thanks. :)09:43
EightynineHello. When installing Ubuntu I've noticed it was installing some packages and after system installation removing them. Why? And some packages were Python 2 and i38609:43
EriC^^Eightynine: some stuff it doesn't need so it removes them depending on your options plus other cleaning up09:44
EriC^^dreadkopp: what does sudo parted -ls show for the partition table09:45
dreadkoppEriC^^ https://hastebin.com/xopapabure.sql09:46
EightynineBy the way congratulations to Canonical with new release and successfully fixing anoying bug caused them to delay release.09:47
EriC^^dreadkopp: you need to remove the swap partition and extend the partition of vda1 then resize09:47
dreadkoppEriC^^ okay. resizing then again using resize2fs i guess ?09:47
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GtZ3Dn35fq/09:48
Rockwoodsudo apt-get -f install09:48
Rockwooddone this command09:48
tomreynRockwood: what does this report now? ls -ld /var/lib/dpkg/info09:50
Rockwoodtomreyn, nitin@cyberia:~$ ls -ld /var/lib/dpkg/info09:50
Rockwooddrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 561152 Apr 27 15:16 /var/lib/dpkg/info09:50
tomreynRockwood: okay, so you did not run the chmod / chown commands? that's good, if you did not.09:51
Blondie101010apparently not09:52
Rockwoodno run those command09:52
Rockwoodnot run09:52
tomreynRockwood: so run: sudo mysql_upgrade09:52
ZajtHow do you check which modules are available/active? Like which files in /etc/apache2/sites-available that are active?09:53
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8PrjFSzwJy/09:54
tomreynRockwood: sudo mysql_upgrade -p09:54
tomreynRockwood: it will prompt for the mysql "root" users' password then (not the ubuntu 'root' users' password)09:55
Rockwoodmysql password is root09:56
Rockwoodso now ?09:56
tomreynRockwood: you type the password and have the command run.09:56
Rockwoodlike hows ?09:56
Blondie101010Rockwood: like tomreyn said, run: sudo mysql_upgrade -p09:56
EriC^^Zajt: a2query -s   / a2query -m09:57
RockwoodBlondie101010, i have just tried that09:57
RockwoodBlondie101010,  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8PrjFSzwJy/09:57
Blondie101010Rockwood, with the `-p`09:58
RockwoodBlondie101010, i am very careless lol09:59
RockwoodBlondie101010, tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MCwkpc8ZFZ/10:00
tomreynRockwood: undo the edit to /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.7.postinst - then you're done.10:02
tomreynRockwood: you may want to purge mysql-server-5.510:03
tomreynRockwood: so "sudo apt-get purge  mysql-server-5.5" - but make sure you have /etc/mysql backed up beforehand, and *don't* delete /var/lib/mysql in case you'll be prompted10:05
Zajtthanks EriC^^10:05
EriC^^Zajt: np10:05
tomreynRockwood: it seems like your system went through a non -clean upgrade from ubuntu 14.04 at some point. you should consider a clean reinstall of 16.04 or a clean installation of 18.04 (and migration of your data from 16.04) at some point.10:06
dm_hi I have many broken packages in my /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log.....When i run do-release-upgrade it says Cannot Calclate Update10:08
Rockwoodubuntu upgrade too ?10:09
SCHAPiEnice, my server upgrade is finally complete and error-free, after some manual hackage10:09
SCHAPiEthose new openvpn systemd files are acting a bit weird10:09
dm_yes i m trying to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.0410:09
SCHAPiEdecided to just uninstall the package and compile it from source, and just use the sysv generator thing10:09
SCHAPiEotherwise it keeps on trying to restart already-started server configs10:10
SCHAPiEand spams my logs10:10
tomreynRockwood: i do not understand "ubuntu upgrade too ?". please write your question as a complete sentence, providing any details as needed.10:10
ylwghstany alternative of Adobe Indesign for linux?10:11
tomreyndm_: what have you done soe far, how are you upgrading (since there is no supported upgrade path from 16.04 to 18.04, yet)?10:11
tomreynylwghst: https://www.osalt.com/search?q=Adobe+Indesign10:12
dm_tomreyn: I am using the -d flag for update....I am strying to fix all the broken packages10:12
dm_I am removing the broken packages10:13
Teguylwghst: I have heard bout Scribus, but I have also heard that it's not that good compared to InDesign.. but as I don't have own experience, I guess I should not say more. see for yourself10:13
tomreyndm_: what happened after you ran "do-release-upgrade -d"? can you show the output?10:14
dm_thanks all I solved it10:17
dm_had to remove all the broken packges10:17
dm_i did it with apt autoremove10:17
zetheroowhy does avahi-daemon break DNS in the web browser (and other places)? I am entering domain-name=ourdomain.local and restarting the service - but this breaks DNS.10:20
zetherooAnd it seems this is still the case in 18.0410:20
Gargravarrso as expected, upgrading to 18.04 broke a few things, mostly things i can handle on my own, but has anyone run into a situation where Cinnamon won't install due to package conflicts? as best i can tell, it somehow depends on libcjs0 and libcjs0f, where the latter is marked as Conflicts with the former, and thus APT gets itself in a knot10:22
EightynineFor some reason scrolling is not smooth in Firefox on my PC. Probably something with drivers? I'm using Intel HD and i915 driver.10:23
GargravarrEightynine: have you checked the 'Preferences' -> 'Advanced' tab and that Smooth Scrolling and Hardware Acceleration are enabled?10:23
brainwashGargravarr: I would check "apt-cache policy libcjs0 libcjs0f"10:24
brainwashGargravarr: maybe one of those is/was provided by a different repository10:24
EightynineI see that Smooth scrolling is ebabled. Will check if Hardware Acceleration is enabled.10:25
Gargravarrbrainwash: seems so: https://pastebin.com/ddeL3Grw10:25
Gargravarrhowever, i've tried removing the PPA and it still does it. something to do with /var/lib/dpkg/status?10:26
brainwashGargravarr: sudo apt-get install libcjs0f=3.6.1-0ubuntu110:26
brainwashto force a "downgrade" to the ubuntu version10:27
Gargravarrbrainwash: not found for the -f suffix10:27
weillisterdDoes anyone know the command to fix an encrypted file system? It was something along the lines of ecryptfsck10:27
Gargravarrdid you mean the -0 suffix? this is confusing :)10:27
EightynineCan't find Hardware Acceleration10:28
Gargravarrweillisterd: ecryptfs is not so much a filesystem in its own right as an overlay on top of an existing10:28
Gargravarri.e. you should fsck.ext410:28
weillisterdI remember reading a command which fixed my issue 10:28
Rockwoodtomreyn, okay10:28
weillisterdIt was fsck but for encrypted partition10:29
brainwashGargravarr: well, it does not let you install the -0 one, right?10:29
Gargravarrbrainwash: if i try your command with the -0, it offers to remove both cjs and libcjs0f10:30
brainwashGargravarr: I guess you want that10:30
ChunkzZHi there. where do I report bugs with 18.04?10:30
Gargravarr'apt-cache depends cinnamon' shows that it depends on -010:30
GargravarrChunkzZ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/10:31
Gargravarrbrainwash: the further complexity is thus:10:31
Gargravarr'cinnamon' depends on 'cjs' as well10:31
Rockwoodtomreyn, updates are by default always on in my ubuntu then should i required upgarde in 18.04 ?10:31
Gargravarrand 'cjs' depends on 'libcjs0f'10:31
brainwashGargravarr: easiest way would be to remove all cinnamon related packages, and then reinstall it10:32
* Gargravarr crosses fingers10:32
joraguola guapis10:33
Rockwoodtomreyn, unable to log you your requirement10:37
carvilban %s10:37
juacarVIA HITLER10:38
Gargravarrbrainwash: hasn't helped :( https://pastebin.com/bn3TQFR410:38
blackflowikonia: beep!10:38
freehUgszwhats up with the 20 minute suspend bug?10:39
Gargravarrbrainwash: gah, okay, got it. i deleted the embrosyn PPA10:39
DalekSecjuacar: Please quit playing around.10:40
rousoooQUIENES SOIS?10:40
BluesKajHowdy folks10:40
Gargravarrbrainwash: thanks for your help, it's installing now :)10:40
brainwashGargravarr: nice :)10:40
juacarbryan mggag<wgç10:41
juacara diago le gustan las pollas10:41
Gargravarrthank you sir10:42
blackflowheh, three hits with one ip regex? nice one.10:42
DalekSecSame user, or location.10:44
Gargravarrindeed, just a wildcard10:44
Rockwoodwhat is the "do-release-upgrade -d"10:44
GargravarrRockwood: that upgrades you to the next 'development' release10:45
Gargravarrone that is not finished yet10:45
Blondie101010Rockwood's question is about whether he'll lose data or not10:45
Gargravarr(and doesn't exist at the moment, it will point to 18.10 eventually)10:45
RockwoodGargravarr, by mistake i run this command10:45
Rockwoodits an accident if i lost my data10:46
GargravarrRockwood: as best i understand, that is not a bad thing because it will have upgraded you to 18.0410:46
Rockwoodand data ?10:46
BluesKajRockwood, amd didn't lose your data10:46
Gargravarrin theory, it should not have been touched10:46
Rockwoodamd ?10:47
BluesKajand rather10:47
Gargravarrothers probably know more than me, i'm just answering your immediate question10:47
Blondie101010Rockwood, I doubt you have reason to worry about the data10:47
Blondie101010but learn to make backups10:47
Silmarilionanyone done the upgrade from 17.10 with luks/lvm setup? Did it run smoothly?10:47
Gargravarr^ this cannot be stated enough10:47
Rockwooddam my hands10:48
GargravarrSilmarilion: have done so from 16.04 with LUKS/LVM, can't comment on 17.1010:48
blackflowSilmarilion: just ran one with root on zfs on luks.10:48
RockwoodBlondie101010, i have backup mostly but few of em are not backuped10:48
BluesKajRockwood, i just upgraded 3 machines yesterday before the release because I had to go our so i used the -d option and I didn't lose anything10:48
Silmarilionok tnx for the info10:49
GargravarrRockwood: what data are you worried you may have lost? MySQL?10:49
zetheroothe only way for local domain DNS to work properly is for avahi-daemon to be disabled - has anyone successfully setup avahi-daemon?10:49
blackflowzetheroo: by "local domain DNS" you mean .local zone?10:50
zetherooblackflow: exactly10:50
Blondie101010zetheroo, what you said sounded like: does anyone know how to setup this thing that I will not use10:50
_rosco_I've got huge boot problems with the latest update on ubuntu 16 lts. the boot process doesn't always crash at the same time. I managed to recover a station by booting with a live usb stick and doing manipulation, but does anyone knows if there is a problem with the last update?10:50
Rockwoodnitin@cyberia:~$ do-release-upgrade -d  god some positive wit me lol10:50
Rockwoodsomething, with10:51
Gargravarr_rosco_: are any of the machines using LDAP auth with sssd?10:51
_rosco_I guess it's related to ldap authentication and lightdm but it's still unclear.10:51
RockwoodGargravarr, system data10:51
_rosco_gargravarr: yes10:51
blackflowzetheroo: hmm, I'm using localhost bind, with resolved disabled, no problem.10:51
Rockwoodmysql backup i have Gargravarr10:51
Gargravarr_rosco_: i ran into problems with intel-microcode. the problem is a lock conflict between AppArmor and the kernel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode/+bug/1759920?comments=all10:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759920 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "intel-microcode 3.20180312.0 causes lockup at login screen" [High,Fix released]10:52
GargravarrRockwood: what is 'system data'?10:52
Rockwoodmy local folder and files10:53
GargravarrRockwood: okay, most of us would not call that 'system' data, but still, an upgrade will not touch your /home folder10:53
Rockwoodi have saved lots of important10:53
zetherooblackflow: I'm just wondering why this avahi-daemon is installed by default and yet we have for years been needing to disable it, and it's still the case in 18.0410:53
blackflowzetheroo: isn't that for zeroconf thing?10:53
blackflowLAN autodiscovery etc...10:53
Rockwoodwhat about downloads folder ? Gargravarr10:54
Gargravarr_rosco_: if you recently updated intel-microcode, this may be your problem. an updated kernel is available that should fix the issue10:54
Shibeso i switched from the ubuntu pakistan mirror to the main server, but do-release-upgrade says no new releases?10:54
GargravarrRockwood: please listen. anything in /home and below will not be touched by an upgrade10:54
zetherooblackflow: Something like that, yeah, and LAN auto-discovery would be nice to have ... :/10:54
RockwoodGargravarr, thanks10:55
blackflowzetheroo: I don't think it's avahi messing with .local, but systemd-resolved. I could be wrong tho'. I've been disabling resolved on each new installation since 16.10.10:55
GargravarrShibe: if you're on Xenial, it won't until the 18.04.1 point release10:55
ShibeGargravarr: im on 17.1010:55
GargravarrShibe: this is how LTS upgrades work (and i found out yesterday)10:55
Gargravarrokay, pass then :)10:55
blackflowShibe: you need -d for do-releaes-upgrade, to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.0410:56
ShibeGargravarr: its an issue with the mirror i think but im on the main server now10:56
_rosco_gargravarr: thanks, very interesting. I'm moving between nslcd and ssssd but I didn't suspected the intel microcode. I'll have a look at that10:56
Shibeblackflow: ah its working now10:56
zetherooblackflow: we use PBIS to join the Linux (Ubuntu) systems to the Windows Domain, and PBIS will not join the domain so long as avahi-daemon is running.10:56
Gargravarrblackflow: be careful advising that without explaining what it does. '-d' is a 'development' release and should not be used habitually10:56
zetherooblackflow: So we do 'domain-name=.alocal' and restart the avahi service, which fails to restart (good) and then we can join the local domain just fine.10:57
blackflowGargravarr: I thought "to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04" was specific enough10:57
blackflowGargravarr: besides, on LTS -d wouldn't work, without also changing /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades10:57
milicatTKupgrade to 18.04, my document will be deleted or  not?10:57
zetherooit's a pain that something like this is still an issue - since maybe further back than 14.0410:57
GargravarrmilicatTK: upgrades do not touch your user data under /home, your data will be safe unless you store it elsewhere10:58
milicatTKthank you:)10:58
mpegmilicatTK: If you are just upgrading from a lower version, no deliting will happen10:58
blackflowzetheroo: unfortunately I don't have any experience with that (zeroconf and avahi). But it wouldn't suprise me if that messed up something with windows networking10:58
Gargravarr_rosco_: there is a technical explanation in comment #47. took me a lot of hair-pulling to figure it out because it produced no error messages, just froze11:00
Tecangnome/mate clock/calendar needs a better calendar for event planning11:01
mpegSomething wrong with mu wifi... all of a sudden i cant connect to wifi..i \am using a cable now11:01
mpegwhat could be wrong?11:01
Gargravarrmpeg: check /var/log/syslog11:02
Gargravarrthere should be some output from network-manager about why it disconnected11:02
rajrajraji am gettin the error "Err:13 http://ppa.launchpad.net/boost-latest/ppa/ubuntu xenial Release  404  Not Found" in ubuntu 16.04, after doing apt update11:03
SCHAPiElooks like puppetserver from the official package from the website, needs to use the openjdk-8-jre binary to function11:07
SCHAPiEdoesn't work yet with 18.04's openjdk-11-jre11:07
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  xenial is not there ... http://ppa.launchpad.net/boost-latest/ppa/ubuntu/dists/11:07
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  what do i do then11:07
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  depends on what the ppa is for11:08
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  i just need latest boost11:08
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  define 'latest boost'11:08
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.67.0/source/boost_1_67_0.zip11:09
rajrajraji meant https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.67.0/source/boost_1_67_0.tar.gz11:09
rajrajrajthe previous link is for windows11:10
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  but  what does it do11:10
ninjabyteswhy ubuntu 18.04 creates a swapfile in the installation?11:10
SagelessFoxyet another question: after installed 18.04 on my ssd, do I need enable trim manually?11:11
JimBuntuThey switched to swap files instead of a swap partition11:11
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  maybe you don't need the ppa11:11
SagelessFoxneed to*'11:11
Mr_PanJimBuntu, no is automatic ...11:11
ninjabytesswapfile vs swap partition? speed?11:11
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  what do i need then11:11
JimBuntuRight, automatic... because THEY (canonical) decided to switch to a FILE instead of a PARTITION11:11
ninjabytesis the only distro doing this?11:12
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  again, depends on what you want to do11:12
Mr_PanJimBuntu, sorry ... my error11:12
JimBuntuI believe this is even stated in the release notes11:12
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  just need boost 1.6711:12
Mr_PanSagelessFox, trim is automatic11:12
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  how do i get it using apt11:12
SagelessFoxokay thanks Mr_Pan11:12
JimBuntuno worries Mr_Pan11:12
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  what's the name of the package ... we're going in circles11:13
ninjabytesin a VM we need swap?11:13
MonkeyDust!find boost11:13
ubottuFound: libboost-atomic1.62-dev, libboost-atomic1.62.0, libboost-chrono1.62-dev, libboost-chrono1.62.0, libboost-context1.62.0, libboost-coroutine1.62.0, libboost-date-time1.62-dev, libboost-date-time1.62.0, libboost-dev, libboost-doc (and 553 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=boost&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all11:14
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  libboost-all-dev11:14
MonkeyDust!find libboost11:14
ubottuFound: libboost-atomic1.62-dev, libboost-atomic1.62.0, libboost-chrono1.62-dev, libboost-chrono1.62.0, libboost-context1.62.0, libboost-coroutine1.62.0, libboost-date-time1.62-dev, libboost-date-time1.62.0, libboost-dev, libboost-doc (and 141 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libboost&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all11:14
ninjabytesswapfile can be fragmented easily11:15
JimBuntuninjabytes, you never *need* swap. Even in a VM, swap can be beneficial to the user experience, depending on conditions11:15
MonkeyDustrajrajraj  better contact the owner of the ppa, read the README file or so, if there is one11:15
ninjabytesjim never?11:15
ninjabyteswhy tjis?11:16
rajrajrajMonkeyDust:  ok11:16
JimBuntuninjabytes, Under what condition would you *require* (as in need) swap? Perhaps if you didn't have enough RAM at all for a program to operate, but outside of that....?11:17
ninjabytesjim i5 with 4GB RAM11:17
ninjabytesand VM 2GB RAM11:18
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ninjabytesApple MacBook Air 13.3" (Intel Core i5 1.8 GHz/ 128GB SSD)11:19
JimBuntuninjabytes, sounds like you are starving the operating system of RAM in general, but I would expect both the host and the client to be capable of running, depending on what you are trying to run... as in, if you aren't trying to run anything that blatantly states it requires more RAM than you have...11:19
ninjabytesan example Backbox 5.1 based on ubuntu 16.04 LTS11:20
JimBuntuFor example, 18.04 is stated to run with only 2GB of RAM.11:20
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JimBuntuDon't expect a zippy user experience if you are feeding the OS the bare minimums though. No more so than expecting a human that is starving to be zippy11:21
ninjabytes18.04 with gnome need a lot of resources11:21
ninjabytesxfce is much better11:21
JimBuntu18.04 with Gnome has a 2GB RAM bare requirement11:22
enycJimBuntu: what about Budgie and MATE ?11:22
ninjabytesmate works good11:22
enycninjabytes: ram needs???11:23
dbuggerninjabytes, beware how you use "better", or you might start the next World War ;)11:23
ninjabyteslol dbugger11:23
JimBuntuenyc, I am unsure about those flavors as I do not follow them.11:23
JimBuntuI too prefer xfce4 if I want to reduce the required resources.11:24
ninjabytesi also had problems with airport wifi booting a live usb with ubuntu 17.1011:25
ninjabytesBroadcom BCM4322411:26
enycJimBuntu: fine =)... on xubuntu 16.04  i had a lot of annoyances/niggles/bugs  , sillyness with multimonitor display settings and stuff..11:28
Gargravarrbrainwash: if you're still around, i just rebooted after installing Cinnamon, but now i've got a weird issue with logging in11:28
Gargravarrit seems like selecting Cinnamon is causing it to not like decrypting my home folder, seeing entries in syslog about the ecryptfs key not being found11:29
ninjabyteschecking Ubuntu Studio 18.04 in a VM11:29
Gargravarryet, it IS actually doing the decrypt and mount, because after dumping me back at the login screen (screen goes black and flashes several times, then back to greeter), if i log in from a TTY, my home folder is mounted11:30
johnnyap0lGargravarr: apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ?11:30
Tin__manwonder why they decided to place the darn trashcan right on a nice clean desktop on the new 18.04 .. then require gnome tweaks to remove it..11:30
johnnyap0li think they depreciated home folder encryption in this release11:30
Gargravarrjohnnyap0l: already installed11:30
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johnnyap0lah gotcha11:31
Gargravarrjohnnyap0l: wait what? why would they do that?11:31
* Gargravarr adds that to the list to check11:31
EriC^^Gargravarr: can you pastebin the errors from dmesg?11:31
GargravarrEriC^^: i can try. i'm logged in from the TTY right now :)11:31
johnnyap0lthey recommend LUKS / full disk encryption now. when i booted up the gnome installation there was no option to encrypt home folder11:31
EriC^^Gargravarr: dmesg | nc termview.me 999911:31
JimBuntuenyc, that is interesting. With regular Ubuntu 16.04, using 3 monitors... I didn't run into issues. May depend on the video card or other factors. Knowing how each display adds to the RAM requirements depending on the resolution11:31
EriC^^Gargravarr: or from here /exec -o dmesg | nc termview.me 999911:32
enycJimBuntu: it seemed to worked wone configured but the xfce frontend monitors tool was clearly buggy11:32
JimBuntuenyc, Ah, I have not used xfce4 with multiple monitors. I only use that on what are basically headless systems, when I want to slap a head on it temporarily (via rdp)11:33
enycJimBuntu: *generally* i've found MATE to work and be plenty low-enough resource usage.  but I have no doubt things will have changed/improved.11:34
GargravarrEriC^^: or pastebinit, but i would like to sanitise first :)11:34
Gargravarri'm seeing a lot of these errors, could these be related? Apr 27 12:12:55 M3520 gnome-shell[6928]: g_array_unref: assertion 'array' failed11:34
JimBuntuenyc, Improved... in general, sure. I am not a fan of the rising base requirements in general for most distros. 25GB stated as a required amount of disk space for a "normal" 18.04 desktop install seems a little heavy. Luckily, we aren't limited to that install X-D11:35
EriC^^Gargravarr: is ~/.Xauthority owned by you?11:35
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JimBuntuanyway, I have wondered a bit offtopic, ceasing now.11:36
EriC^^Gargravarr: i dont think it's a ecryptfs kind of issue, does it only happen with the cinnamon de? or other de's work?11:37
ninjabytesubuntu studio 18.04 crashes in a VM, ubuntu mate works well11:40
GargravarrEriC^^: it didn't happen on Gnome earlier11:41
ZajtHey! I am trying to compile fmem on Ubuntu 16.04(through USB, I chose Try ubuntu without installing), but when I run make, I get these errors: https://pastebin.com/YypyG2gg11:41
Gargravarrand yes, ~/.Xauthority is owner/group me11:41
ZajtIs there any way I can solve this?11:41
cfhowletti/o error Zajt.  seems you don't have permission to write to your boot medium or your out of space on said medium.11:42
GargravarrJimBuntu: so long as it stays below the 40GB base requirements for Windows, i don't care...11:42
EriC^^Gargravarr: if you try again to use cinnamon now that you've logged in the tty does it work?11:43
GargravarrEriC^^: nope, same thing happens11:43
JimBuntuGargravarr, lol, I'm with you on that, simply prefer less. 40GB. You think that's bad, how about 12GB simply to install XCode on macOS... 1 program... 12GB11:43
EriC^^Gargravarr: odd, does the guest account for cinnamon work?11:44
GargravarrJimBuntu: you don't need to tell me, i run a mixed Ubuntu/macOS LAN here, i know about Xcode11:44
GargravarrEriC^^: i have guest accounts disabled. i just tried switching back to Gnome and it logged in successfully, so it's specific to Cinnamon11:45
rajrajrajI have installed boost in a separate directory but how do i make cmake to search in that directory when it does find_package()11:45
ioriaGargravarr, encrypted home not working with cinnamon but only with gnome-shell ?   if so it's an old encryptfs bug11:47
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Gargravarrioria: it's my best guess so far, judging from the ecryptfs errors in syslog (and i've seen this behaviour before when passwords come out of sync), but it may not be11:48
ioriaGargravarr, switch to console run 'ecryptfs-manager' and select 4 (Exit) and try again to log in cinnamon11:48
Gargravarrioria: didn't work11:50
Gargravarrsame thing happened11:50
ioriaGargravarr, it comas back to the login screen ^11:51
Les1Hi! If I install Bionic on my laptop, do the release notes mean that after watching a movie for 20 minutes, it will suspend, regardless of my settings?11:51
Gargravarrmight as well be 'coma'11:51
Gargravarrcorrect. password successful -> screen goes black -> flashes black (backlight off/on) several times -> back to the login screen11:52
ioriaGargravarr,  and if you ls -al /home$USER from tty, you see your home still encrypted ?11:53
Gargravarrioria: no, my home folder stays mounted, unencrypted11:53
ioriaGargravarr,  ah, so i was wrong11:53
EriC^^doesn't logging into the tty decrypt it?11:54
GargravarrEriC^^: it does, but i logged in as root and saw my home folder was still mounted11:54
ioriayes, usually not always11:54
ioriaanother bug11:54
ioriashould be umounted at logout11:55
Gargravarrioria: that assumes the correct logout sequence is actually running11:55
ioriaGargravarr,  maybe you need a reboot11:55
Gargravarrit seems like something is dying during the login sequence and gdm is recovering11:55
kubast2Yo uhm gdm doesn't work on 3rd reboot with nvidia-390 driver lmao11:56
kubast2What do I do now11:56
Gargravarrioria: i can try, but my experience is that there are very few Linux problems that are solved with a simple reboot11:56
_rosco_gargavarr: I seems to be stable with kernels and above, but the video drivers have problems now, seems like xorg can only load vesa. Did you update other packages as well ? I upgraded linux-image and linux-tools11:57
Gargravarr_rosco_: do you have external GPUs? all my machines are just Intel onboard11:57
_rosco_gargavarr: no, just intel11:57
Gargravarrbut sounds like it was the microcde problem after all11:57
EriC^^Gargravarr: try making another user account to try with cinnamon, perhaps its mounting everything then segfaulting and not unmounting anything11:58
Gargravarr_rosco_: in short, no, i didn't encounter any problems with the graphics drivers11:58
GargravarrEriC^^: i can try logging in as another user, sure11:58
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GargravarrEriC^^: nope, same thing happened. so it's not specific to my user account either12:01
EriC^^Gargravarr: aha12:01
EriC^^anything in ~/.xsession-errors ? dmesg | grep -iE "segfault|segv" ?12:02
andrexwhat kind of cpu or gpu? The drivers on the old Intel cards are built into the core if the memory does not change to me. and the current from them 0. Well, or I missed something))12:02
GargravarrEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MgFZKmdX23/ .xession-errors12:05
Gargravarrnote this is from about an hour ago, not from the most recent attempt to log in12:05
Gargravarralso, yes, there's one dmesg entry for 'segfault': [  328.936841] gnome-shell[6767]: segfault at 20 ip 00007fa0506aa55d sp 00007ffd713ba6b0 error 4 in libmutter-2.so.0.0.0[7fa0505bc000+156000]12:06
ioriaGargravarr, are you on 18.04 ?12:14
Gargravarrioria: yes12:14
ioriaGargravarr, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1012087/cinnamon-session-crashing-login-from-greeter12:16
Gargravarrioria: running non-graphically, could you give me the gist of that perchance? :)12:16
ioriaGargravarr, sudo apt-get purge gnome-user-share12:17
ioria and reboot12:17
Gargravarri'll try12:17
ioriaGargravarr, you can use liks2, btw  (not graphical browser)12:18
HexaByteHi guys. Till now i've always used PHP with Apache via proxy to PHP-FPM. Now I wand to use and install python for use under apache. What is the best way to do it? Is there something like PHP-FPM pools which I use now for each user, or should I look for something like mod_php but for python? Maybe via fastcgi?  I'm on 18.04 now BTW12:19
HexaByteI just need the basic recommendation, I can sort out the details by myself.12:19
Gargravarrioria: you sir are a genius, it worked :D12:20
ioriaGargravarr, not me, thanks that guy :þ12:21
GargravarrHexaByte: WSGI is the standard approach12:21
HexaByteOK will look into that now12:21
HexaByteGargravarr: thank you12:23
GargravarrHexaByte: welcome12:24
HexaByteWhich WSGI server do you recommend (which allows for user privilege separation)?12:24
Gargravarri generally run under Apache because that's the one i know best12:25
Gargravarrothers may have better suggestions12:25
HexaByteso you use mod_wsgi?12:25
Gargravarroh right, yes, that one12:25
SCHAPiEfinally an up to date krb5, in bionic12:35
Rockwoodhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y42Xkyc9RF/ what should i do ?12:36
Rockwoodyes or no12:36
cfhowlettdefault Rockwood12:38
Rockwoodno then ?12:38
HexaByteRockwood: D12:38
HexaByteif you have not modified it by hand then you can just overwrite it with new default one12:39
HexaBytelook at the differences with D :-)12:39
Blondie101010ok, so it's what I thought12:40
* kubast2 Saves xorg.conf via nvidia x settings reboots ,doesn't work anymore /shrugs\12:43
MultbrelchHello. I'm quite impressed: pdftk does not exist in (L)Ubuntu 18.04?12:45
cfhowlett!info pdftk | Multbrelch12:45
ubottuMultbrelch: pdftk (source: pdftk): tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02-4build1 (artful), package size 679 kB, installed size 2869 kB12:45
spreeuwboy this default wm is not my thing12:46
Multbrelchcfhowlett, so what does it mean?12:46
cfhowlettMultbrelch, it means you can easily install it12:46
MultbrelchI have to activate 'artful'?12:46
cfhowlettactivate?  what?12:47
Multbrelchcfhowlett, I tried via apt12:47
cfhowlettMultbrelch, sudo apt install pdftk | pastebinit12:47
Multbrelchcfhowlett, look also here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pdftk12:47
Multbrelchcfhowlett, it sad that it does not exist in Lubuntu12:48
cfhowlettwhat are you on about?  not every linux package is included in ANY distro.  if you want it, install it.12:48
ioria!info pdftk bionic12:49
ubottuPackage pdftk does not exist in bionic12:49
Multbrelchcfhowlett, I tried via apt install12:49
cfhowlettMultbrelch, per ioria's msg above, it appears it may not be available in bionic12:50
Multbrelchokay -- nevertheless impressive :-)12:50
quiazwhat is Minimal Desktop Install in ubuntu 18.04 ?12:52
cfhowletthttps://christiandietze.de/pdftk-with-ubuntu-bionic-18-04/  Multbrelch12:52
Multbrelchcfhowlett, ioria probably they will (hopefully) include it: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/pdftk12:52
LordDragonhey all12:53
LordDragonso when i try to cp a file that is currently open and being slowly written to by ftpd, the file it produces cannot be transferred12:54
Multbrelchcfhowlett, ah okay, thanks for the link! This clarifies ...12:54
LordDragonis there a flag with cp i can use to make a closed file with whatever the current contents of an open file is?12:54
anzipexHey, i have Firefox 59.0.2 (32-bit) on my Ubuntu (x86) 14.04.5 LTS Desktop OS. When i watching youtube or else media with html5 support it causes crash12:55
anzipexCan someone help me figure out why this is happening?12:56
parclytaxelHello, I'm still not getting 18.04 ready for upgrade even though I switched to the main British server12:57
LordDragonok i figured it out. i used cp -b12:57
cfhowlettparclytaxel, and you won't until 18.4.112:57
parclytaxelWhich is when12:57
cfhowlett6 months12:57
parclytaxelWhy this delay12:58
cfhowlettthere is no delay.12:58
parclytaxelOK, what's the difference between the 18.04 that is out and 18.4.1?12:58
parclytaxelWhy the need to separate things like this?12:58
cfhowlettit's set up so that the first round of fixes are applied before the upgrade.12:59
JimBuntuparclytaxel, huh? What's the difference between what's out now and an updated version that hasn't been determined yet?12:59
cfhowlettparclytaxel, you can always download the .iso, make a boot USB and clean install.  personally, I think it better to wait but that's just like my opinion, man.13:00
JimBuntuand... cfhowlett , 18.04.1 is due/expected on July 26th. 3 months13:00
cfhowlettah,sorry!  thanks for correcting me13:00
Noruxwhy isn't it called 18.06 then, JimBuntu?13:01
JimBuntuno worries cfhowlett,13:01
cfhowlettyear, month or release, norux.  18.04.1 is the first POINT release13:01
Noruxoh, 18.07 i mean of course13:01
JimBuntuNorux, because it's a point release, not a "full" release.13:01
parclytaxelThe reason for such "point releases" may be found on Ask Ubuntu13:01
Noruxohh, okay.13:01
parclytaxelI am currently using 17.1013:02
parclytaxelWhy don't they immediately let existing users upgrade to 18.04? Is there any reason?13:05
MrM1stHi all13:05
cfhowlettyou CAN upgrade immediately.  clean install, parclytaxel13:06
MrM1stI'm installing 18.04 now, but wayland doesn't show in the login screen as an option13:06
MrM1stIs there some dependency I need to install?13:06
parclytaxelNo, I'm asking about why there is no option to upgrade through the Software Updater13:06
parclytaxel(as of this point, of course)13:06
parclytaxelIs it a gradual transition to the 18.04 packages that is being implemented?13:07
JimBuntuparclytaxel, because it's an LTS... long term service... it's expected to be stable. The initial releases aren't as stable as the xx.xx.1 release.13:07
brainwashMrM1st: aren't you using the nvidia driver?13:07
MrM1stbrainwash: Yes, that's true13:08
MrM1stbrainwash: why?13:08
JimBuntuparclytaxel, by the time it reaches the xx.xx.1, it *should* be safe for auto-updates on production equipment.13:08
parclytaxelEh, OK13:08
brainwashMrM1st: it's likely that wayland support is still missing for the nvidia driver13:08
spreeuwyou could wait a week to let others try13:09
parclytaxelSo I presume they're going to iron out any post-release bugs during these three months JimBuntu?13:09
brainwashMrM1st: and therefore the option is hidden13:09
spreeuwapt install xubuntu-desktop13:09
MrM1stbrainwash: cat'ing syslog, and grep'ing for wayland gives me:13:09
spreeuwoy veh had to shut this weird desktop down13:09
MrM1stbrainwash: gnome-shell[1037]: JS WARNING: [resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/windowManager.js 1468]: reference to undefined property "MetaWindowXwayland"13:10
JimBuntuparclytaxel, that is how it has been historically managed. We wouldn't need this if there were more users testing the release during the ~9 months it's available as pre-release and reporting back any and all bugs... and if there were also enough people writing patches/etc13:10
thxffois there any negative impact if i remove snapd13:10
GargravarrMrM1st: just a note, you don't need to cat and grep, you can do grep <pattern> <filename> :)13:10
cfhowlettthxffo, yes.  can't use any snaps.13:10
cfhowlett!ru | leshl13:10
ubottuleshl: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:10
leshlхули вы тут хуйнёй страдаете??13:10
brainwashMrM1st: switch to the open source driver, and see if you can use the wayland session13:10
MrM1stGargravarr: heh. Yep. Old habits die hard :P13:10
leshlна завод науй!!!13:11
MrM1stbrainwash: The nouveau driver?13:11
brainwashMrM1st: yes13:11
Noruxleshl: type /join #ubuntu-ru13:11
leshlдрочеры клавишные!!!13:11
MrM1stbrainwash: But that freezes my system with spotify. At least it used to..13:11
spreeuwSHOULD OPENSSH SERVER BE running after install on ubuntu?13:11
JimBuntuspreeuw, if you installed it, yes13:11
spreeuwmaybe after reboot it will be ok13:12
Gargravarrspreeuw: try 'service ssh status'13:12
brainwashMrM1st: for best performance/compatibility you want to stay with the nvidia driver anyway, especially if you have a recent nvidia gpu13:12
MrM1stbrainwash: Mm.. but what's that js error message?13:12
Gargravarrspreeuw: it will give you any log entries that might mean it's not running because of a problem13:12
brainwashMrM1st: it's a warning message13:13
spreeuwclaims to be running13:13
Gargravarr!ask | skype_grtrip13:13
ubottuskype_grtrip: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:13
spreeuwdoes ubunti come with a firewall per default?13:13
MrM1stbrainwash: Could it be a symptom? How can I see if the wayland libraries are installed at all?13:13
cfhowlettit does, MrM1st but it's disabled by default13:13
cfhowlett!ufw | MrM1st13:13
ubottuMrM1st: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo13:13
brainwashMrM1st: it mentions xwayland13:13
brainwashMrM1st: "XWayland is a fully fledged X server implementation that act as a proxy between X11 clients and a Wayland compositor."13:14
parclytaxelWait up13:14
thxffo@cfhowlett i see it spawning on all my hyper threaded cores. my install of 16.04 is for bro intrusion detection system. not sure if i need snaps, what do they do?13:15
parclytaxelJimBuntu, 18.04 JUST landed in the repos apparently13:15
JimBuntuparclytaxel, yes, released yesterday sometime13:15
cfhowlettsnaps does nothing until/unless you install a snap, thxffo13:15
parclytaxelIssued update-manager from the terminal13:15
MrM1stcfhowlett: I think you triggered the wrong user. I'm not asing about any firewall stuff. I'm struggling to get wayland to run13:15
Gargravarrthxffo: snaps are fully packaged applications and all their dependencies13:15
cfhowlett!ufw | spreeuw,13:15
ubottuspreeuw,: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo13:15
Gargravarrthxffo: https://snapcraft.io/13:15
cfhowlettsorry MrM1st13:15
thxffook cool13:16
MrM1stAaah.. so Xwayland actively translatex X11 to Wayland?13:16
MrM1stcfhowlett: np :)13:17
brainwashMrM1st: otherwise you would not be able to use X11 apps in a wayland session13:17
brainwashMrM1st: found this https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=155264913:17
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1552649 in gnome-shell "Warnings about undefined property in log" [Unspecified,New]13:17
parclytaxelOK, upgrading to 18.04 now13:18
parclytaxelCross my fingers…13:18
Gargravarrparclytaxel: godspeed, sir13:18
brainwashMrM1st: the warning could be caused due to poor coding13:18
brainwashMrM1st: maybe it's worth to forward it to the gnome devs13:18
Gargravarrbrainwash: i have yet to see any JS-based application run without producing some kind of unset-variable error ;)13:18
MrM1stbrainwash: Mm. As is often the case with warnings like that13:18
brainwashGargravarr: :D13:19
Gargravarrand just carry on regardless13:19
MrM1stbrainwash: But I was thinking it might have something to do with wayland not being installed correctly or something13:19
MrM1stAnyone here running 18.04, With nvidia, and using wayland??13:19
tomreynis that actually possible now?13:20
Gargravarrtomreyn: anything is possible. probable? that's another question :D13:21
brainwashbug 175312713:21
ubottubug 1753127 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "No nvidia driver support in a wayland session" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175312713:21
MrM1stbrainwash: I'm not trying 390 though13:21
MrM1stI'm on 38413:22
brainwashthat is probably a big reason why 18.04 uses xorg by default13:22
brainwashMrM1st: not relevant I'd think13:22
MrM1stbrainwash: what's not relevant? That I'm using a older version?13:23
crimson_king'f*** you nvidia' --Linus Torvalds13:23
MrM1stcrimson_king: hehe13:23
Gargravarrcrimson_king: s/nvidia/*/13:23
GargravarrMrM1st: the resolution may still be the same13:24
brainwashMrM1st: I mean it's not very likely that an older version offers the needed support for wayland13:24
Gargravarror that13:24
MrM1stbrainwash: But I was using the 384 driver with wayland on 17.1013:24
brainwashout of the box?13:24
MrM1stthe lastest kernel13:24
brainwashhybrid graphics?13:24
MrM1stnvidia quadro13:25
Gargravarrside note - hybrid graphics are a nightmare13:25
MrM1stGargravarr: What do you mean by hybrid graphics?13:26
GargravarrMrM1st: laptops that dynamically switch between Intel onboard GPUs to save power, and a nVidia or AMD external GPU for performance13:26
MrM1stGargravarr: Aah. I see. Nope, I'm on Xeon, so no onboard GPU13:27
MrM1stBut what's your advice? Jump back to 17.10 until the support is enabled?13:28
brainwashdid you maybe set "nvidia-drm modeset=1"?13:28
MrM1stbrainwash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175273913:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752739 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "PRIME Synchronization doesn't work with linux-kernel 4.15." [High,Fix released]13:30
GargravarrMrM1st: PRIME is relevant only to hybrid graphics13:30
MrM1stGargravarr: But I don't know why stuff is failing now..13:31
MrM1stis it a better idea trying to find it in my system logs or something?13:31
brainwashand we don't understand how it worked in the first place13:31
Gargravarrbrainwash: the only thing worse than 'it doesn't work and i don't know why'13:31
MrM1stGotta continue on monday :) Thanks for the help this far thogh13:32
Gargravarrgood luck MrM1st13:32
MrM1stGargravarr: thanks :)13:33
amisHello! I installed Ubuntu MATE 18.04 and the analog output of my integrated soundcard is no longer recognized. What can I do about this? It shows only HDMI/DisplayPort as audio out only. It worked on 16.04.13:33
MrM1stAnd good luck here as well. Gotta be a LOT of questions to handle the next days13:33
amisThis is a fresh install, not an upgrade13:33
MrM1stbrainwash: Thanks a lot.13:33
Gargravarramis: does 'lspci' show a sound device?13:33
brainwashyou're welcome MrM1st13:33
amisGargravarr, two, one Intel and one Nvidia. I guess both are the HDMI output (I have an integrated and a dedicated video card)13:34
Gargravarrtheamcan you pastebin the results of 'alsa-info'?13:35
Gargravarrwhoops, amis ^13:36
AdroHello, does anyone know what's up with hydrogen advanced drum machine site www.hydrogen-music.org??? There is a dancing Spiderman and a message saying "home of the popez13:37
GargravarrAdro: probably been hacked, nothing us in #ubuntu can do about it13:37
amisGargravarr, https://pastebin.com/ptE8g6cv13:37
rajivmarshi all. what is the command to install something from the snap store in ubuntu 18.04?13:37
Gargravarrrajivmars: sudo snap install <package>13:38
rajivmarsGargravarr, thanks13:38
AdroI thought that, too bad, thanks Gargravarr13:38
GargravarrAdro: perfectly normal state for a site in the 2010s :)13:39
rajivmarsAdro, why?13:40
Gargravarramis: hmm, everything looks normal there. it seems to show the analog outputs. must be Pulse that isn't recognising it. unfortunately that's about where my knowledge ends13:40
RockwoodGargravarr, what should i do here --> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=fxxook&s=9#.WuMoSXWFMx813:41
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paiwhere can I found the checksum of 18.04?13:41
cfhowlett!md5sum | pai13:42
ubottupai: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM13:42
GargravarrRockwood: considering it's a desktop distro, unless you have specifically modified it, you can Install the package maintainer's version13:42
amisGargravarr, thanks. I'll try tinkering with it then until it magically works. Just like always :)13:42
Gargravarr!ask | eclipse_13:42
ubottueclipse_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:42
Gargravarramis: try 'alsamixer' as a place to start. i can't recommend anything specific but it might point you in the right direction13:43
Gargravarrcfhowlett: shouldn't Ubuntu be using at least sha256sums by now?13:44
cfhowlettit does13:44
Adrorajivmars: I was trying to read some forum posts an such13:44
cfhowlett!info sha25613:44
ubottuPackage sha256 does not exist in artful13:44
crimson_kingGargravarr, http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/13:45
Gargravarrcrimson_king: fair enough, just that the bot's link specifically mentions MD513:45
paiwhere can I download the 18.04 minimal?13:47
crimson_kingpai, the minimal install is an option within the normal installer13:49
Gargravarrpai: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/18.04/13:49
Adrorajivmars, I love it and use it a lot13:50
rajivmarsAdro, nice13:51
paioh ok thank you13:51
leftyfbGargravarr: that's the netboot installer. Not really what they're asking.13:51
Gargravarrleftyfb: that's what i traditionally know as the minimal installer13:52
* Gargravarr remembers now13:52
Gargravarr...oh, 18.04 includes a Minimal install mode now, doesn't it13:52
leftyfbGargravarr: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-18.04-Minimal-Desktop13:52
krytarikSince there is no separate image for the minimal install option,...13:53
Gargravarrfair enough. those of us who came to Ubuntu from Debian would probably make the same mistake :)13:53
Gargravarrpai: that isn't what you need, please download the standard ISO13:54
Adrorajivmars, you know it?13:54
RockwoodGargravarr, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z93RStshvn/  should i remove these ?13:55
krytarikGargravarr: "download the 18.04 minimal" - so I think you made the right conclusion anyway.13:55
GargravarrRockwood: you don't need to ask me directly. and your paste does not tell me much. the answer is 'most likely'. these are packages that APT has identified will not be used by your new installation13:56
nicolas17de.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be down or intermittent13:57
Rockwoodbut in old may be13:57
RockwoodGargravarr, sorry13:57
transhumanHi! I am trying to fix a system. it cant find lib/modules/<kernel>/dkms anyone know how to install dkms packages , there is a very small package called dkms in repository, but its awful small and would have expected something bigger, this is a ubuntu 17.10 guest on a centos system under kvm...thanks in advance13:57
Rockwoodshould i remove those or not ?13:58
Gargravarrtranshuman: DKMS is a system for building and installing kernel modules. DKMS itself is quite small, the modules that it builds are what are missing13:58
MonkeyDustnicolas17  works fine here13:58
GargravarrRockwood: without knowing what packages APT intends to remove, i can't say. does it list the packages it wants to remove?13:58
paiwhy Gargravarr13:58
transhumanGargravarr, thanks for the reply, how do i tell what module it is thats missing, nothing shows in logs13:59
nicolas17141.30.62.26 always works, the other IPs it resolves to work only sometimes13:59
Gargravarrpai: see comments above from leftyfb13:59
Rockwoodfrom where i can see the list of those ?14:00
RockwoodGargravarr, not related to php in the list14:01
transhumangrandfso, there is a dkms package for vmware and for virtualbox but I dont see one for kvm14:01
Rockwoodnor for php neither mysql in it14:01
GargravarrRockwood: then i would say it is safe to say Yes14:02
Rockwoodmy eye hows ignore php7.0-json php7.0-mbstring php7.0-mcrypt php7.0-mysql   php7.0-opcache php7.0-readline php7.0-xml python-magic14:02
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Rockwoodis it possible remove one by one ?14:03
GargravarrRockwood: and this is why asking us to answer a yes/no question for you may not actually help you :)14:03
Rockwoodone by one removal is possible ?14:04
tomreynnicolas17: /join #ubuntu-mirrors14:05
Rockwoodi am again stuck on some thing14:05
Rockwoodtomreyn, wb14:07
GargravarrRockwood: one by one, yes. answer No to that question, then 'apt-get remove <package1> <package2>...' etc.14:07
pinnerupAfter a fresh install of bionic (18.04) today, the computer stalls during boot, specifically on the splash screen with the progress dots just after the mouse pointer appears. It just hangs and does not respond to any input, I cannot switch to TTY's or anything. If I use "nomodeset" in GRUB, I can boot, but only with low resolution. Any idea what to do?14:11
Gargravarrpinnerup: nVidia GPU?14:11
pinnerupGargravarr: I don't think so. It's an onboard GFX-thingie.14:12
EriC^^pinnerup: what does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' give?14:12
pinnerup'lspci' says '00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)'14:12
pinnerupEriC^^: Let me check.14:13
Rockwoodmeans i can skip it14:13
Rockwoodthanks Gargravarr and tomreyn14:13
pinnerupEriC^^: It gives literally no output.14:14
zzarrhello! I have a problem in 18.04, I have 3 monitors including the internal on the laptop, but Ubuntu don't remember the position and orientation of them14:15
zzarrnot when I reboot I mean14:15
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pinnerupEriC^^ / Gargravarr: I just installed lightdm, and now it boots fine. I guess the problem is caused by gdm.14:25
khaoshi any idea how to solve the following : "Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ...14:25
khaos/sbin/ldconfig.real: Warning: ignoring configuration file that cannot be opened: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i386-linux-gnu_EGL.conf: No such file or directory"14:26
MonkeyDustzzarr  is this useful (14.04) ... http://calgorithms.com/blog/2014/07/30/fixing-multiple-monitor-position-in-ubuntu-gnome-14-dot-04/14:26
rtp2342khaos: look to me more like a warning14:29
rtp2342khaos: if you just want to suppress the message, you could create the file with zero length: sudo touch /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i386-linux-gnu_EGL.conf14:31
khaos@rtp2342 yes it appears when I install something from the package manager: https://pastebin.com/Lr1ty6mN can i solve it?14:31
khaosrtp2342, ok! i will do it as you can see in my above pastebin there are two files14:31
rtp2342khaos: does this happen during any package install?14:32
khaosrtp2342, yes but now after creating null files its gone14:32
khaosrtp2342, i did the dirty fix :p14:33
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khaosrtp2342, ty14:34
ELFrederichjust installed 18.04, any idea how I can bind a keyboard/mouse combo to move a window?  On Gnome or Cinnamon I knot here are always ways to set ALT+Left Mouse Drag  or CTRL+Left Mouse Drag to move a window14:34
ELFrederich... without going all the way to the top bar to grab, you can grab anywhere in the window14:34
tdawhen i used startup disc creator in 14.04 to make an installer from 18.04 live server, the installer kept failing verification near the end. did any one else encounter this? or did the other version of the installer work?14:36
MonkeyDustELFrederich  alt-F714:36
Rockwoodnow i wanna install mysql 5.7 version my ubuntu 18.0414:38
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Rockwoodany active to help me14:39
Rockwoodhelp me guyz please14:41
MonkeyDust!info mysql-client bionic14:41
ubottumysql-client (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.21-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 9 kB, installed size 162 kB14:41
GargravarrRockwood: please google for installation instructions. there are many tutorials online14:41
ELFrederichMonkeyDust, that works, but I was looking a keyboard button to use in combination with a mouse drag14:42
Rockwoodbut they didn't write anything about version14:42
ELFrederichMonkeyDust, ahh... found it, it's "Super" key by default14:42
ELFrederichI installed gnome-tweak-tool14:42
GargravarrRockwood: because there are few significant differences in installation between point-revisions e.g. 5.5 vs 5.714:43
Rockwoodhttps://websiteforstudents.com/install-phpmyadmin-apache2-and-mysql-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts-beta-server/ i found this but mysql version is not mentioned14:43
Gargravarr^ for the reason mentioned above14:43
Gargravarr'mysql-server' and 'mysql-client' are essentially aliases to the current 'stable' version for that release14:44
pragmaticenigmaRockwood: We only support the MySQL versions that are provided within the Ubuntu Package Repositories. That is why the tutorials do not mention version numbers14:46
pragmaticenigma!info mysql-common bionic | Rockwood14:47
ubottuRockwood: mysql-common (source: mysql-defaults (1.0.4)): MySQL database common files, e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf. In component main, is optional. Version 5.8+1.0.4 (bionic), package size 7 kB, installed size 34 kB14:47
pragmaticenigma!info mysql-serer bionic14:48
ubottuPackage mysql-serer does not exist in bionic14:48
pragmaticenigma!info mysql-server bionic14:48
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.21-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 9 kB, installed size 162 kB14:48
tdawhat is the difference between the live-server and server iso? which one is supposed to be used for a usb installer. it looks like both are too big to burn to cd14:52
davisonLooking for some help.  Colleague upgraded from 16.xx to 18, and doesn't have settings available to make dock visible14:52
davisonin the settings tab, the `dock` menu is completely blank...no auto hide option or anything14:53
davisonensured that he's logged in with an Ubuntu (not Ubuntu Wayland or Unity) session14:53
rytryHello. I'm using 17.10, shouldn't I have been prompted to upgrade by now?14:55
EriC^^rytry: maybe it's just when 18.04.1 gets released14:57
EriC^^sudo do-release-upgrade -d should work though14:57
rytryWell I'll wait a couple more days14:57
Rockwoodthanks now i am feeling bit safer side14:58
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pragmaticenigmarytry: the best thing to do is wait for it, Ideally, waiting until 18.04.1 is best since major bugs will have been fixed (schedule for July)15:00
rytryAlright, thanks =)15:02
Asad2005ubuntu 18.04 wired network not working please help15:03
Rockwoodhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/23s2V4fwCX/  why its not asked password for set15:03
Rockwoodon this command  sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client15:04
BluesKajAsad2005, is this a VM?15:05
BluesKajnemo_, yes we see you15:05
pragmaticenigmaRockwood: The newer install has a feature where you use the unix socket to communicate with the server doesn't require a password... you can then add users for external access15:05
Rockwoodactually i am using phpmyadmin15:06
pikapikaIs it normal for the Ubuntu version reported by uname -a to be in discrepancy with /etc/issue, hostnamectl, etc?15:06
Rockwoodand i am unable access from there15:07
pikapikauname says its 16.04.1 all the latter state 16.04.415:07
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MonkeyDustpikapika  upgrade the kernel15:08
TJ-pikapika: uname is showing the *build system* release (the system the kernel image was built on)15:09
Asad2005BluesKaj: no15:09
tomreynpikapika: uname -a reports the kernel version, not the ubuntu release version (though an ubuntu release verison may be found in a kernel version string)15:09
TJ-pikapika: e.g. I'm on 18.04 but it's kernel was built on a 16.04.1 host: "Linux T300CHI 4.15.0-13-lowlatency #14~16.04.1-Ubuntu "15:10
pikapikaSo that means the kernel is older and uname is telling me the one that was available during that time, and the rest are showing the actual number?15:10
BluesKajAsad2005, is the OS totally installed?15:10
pikapikaEr and any information about the kernel upgrade process? I'm afraid this thing is new to me15:12
Asad2005BluesKaj: actually the os was on a system with an old pc then transfered to the new pc network is connecting to my router but no internet15:12
pragmaticenigmaRockwood: Setup phpmyadmin to use Unix Socket instead15:12
TJ-pikapika: what does uname actually show? it shows the kernel version followed by a # then the *build system* that was used to build the kernel15:12
FurretUberHi, I have noticed I have a few .crash files in /var/crash that weren't uploaded. Two are from external repositories. Is there a way to upload the five .crash files from official repositories?15:12
TJ-pikapika: "16.0.41" is *not* a kernel kernel version15:12
pikapikaLinux person 4.13.0-39-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 5 16:43:10 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:13
pikapikaThis is what it says15:13
TJ-pikapika: so the running kernel version is 4.13.0-39-generic which was built on an ubuntu 16.04.1 host15:13
pikapikaOh okay15:13
Asad2005BluesKaj: the software updater says system uptodate15:13
pikapikaI think I understand now15:13
BluesKajAsad2005, run sudo dhclient in the console too see if that will connect15:14
BluesKajto see rather15:14
GargravarrBluesKaj: sudo dhclient <eth0>15:14
TJ-pikapika: :) the Ubuntu build servers will never be running the most recent release, they are built for stability and predictability, so the build OS version will always show an older release15:14
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BluesKajGargravarr, sudo dhclient works15:15
GargravarrBluesKaj: really? it usually tells me to specify the interface15:15
pikapikaAnother question, I currently wont upgrade, but when a higher point release is available...will apt-get dist-upgrade take me to the new LTS or just whichever is the latest? I prefer to go from current LTS to new LTS15:16
BluesKajnever seen that Gargravarr , just file exists15:16
Gargravarr(that's a surprised 'really?' not a disbelieving 'really?' btw :)15:16
Gargravarrpikapika: when 18.04.1 is released, do-release-upgrade will upgrade you15:17
tdapikapika: it will take you to the next one, not current. i don't think theres an upgrade path to skip15:17
BluesKajGargravarr, but your eth0 oprion probly works too. I just never tried that.15:17
pikapikatda, no I mean will it take me to the lts even if say 18.10 normal version is available?15:17
pikapikaI dont want the non lts one15:17
Gargravarrpikapika: if you are on an LTS release (which 16.04 is), by default do-release-upgrade will only offer you the next LTS release15:18
Gargravarrapt-get dist-upgrade requires you to manually set the sources.list to the relevant release15:18
Gargravarrdo-release-upgrade will handle everything for you15:19
pikapikaThanks, I didnt know about do-release-upgrade before now15:19
Rockwoodwhat is the motive of sudo mysql_secure_installation ?15:19
Gargravarrif you have Ubuntu on a graphical machine, it will also appear in the update manager when 18.04.1 is released15:19
yetitwohello! i'm wanting to upgrade to 18.04, and the release date has theoretically passed, but I haven't received a notification of a new release being available and `sudo do-release-upgrade` tells me that no new release is available. I'm on 17.10. is there something I'm missing?15:20
Gargravarryetitwo: literally just mentioned, do-release-upgrade will only offer it when it reaches the .1 release15:20
Gargravarrif you want to upgrade, you'll need to pass the -d flag to do-release-upgrade15:20
Rockwoodyetitwo, dont forget to use -d at the end15:20
yetitwoGargravarr: I just hopped on the channel. Got it. I didn't realize that this was considered a dev release. Thanks!15:21
GargravarrRockwood: there is a reason that flag is optional, it should not be used unless you know what it means15:21
Gargravarryetitwo: not so much 'dev' any more, but LTS standard practise is to hold off until the first point release15:21
Rockwoodi am in trouble now15:22
Rockwoodmy phpmyadmin is not working now15:22
yetitwoso it's behaving differently because i'm currently on an LTS release?15:22
Gargravarryetitwo: this is correct15:22
Rockwoodhow can make it back on track15:22
GargravarrRockwood: PHPMyAdmin uses TCP/IP to communicate with MySQL server, so it seems the Unix socket auth pragmaticenigma mentioned will not work with it until you set up user accounts. you will need to use the mysql command-line application to add a user15:23
Rockwoodokay adding15:23
yetitwothat's frustrating. does the `-d` flag knock me off of the LTS release cycle? I understand that there are stability differences between LTS and non-LTS, and i'm not as concerned about those, as this is a personal machine. Is there anything else that `-d` implies?15:23
Gargravarryetitwo: my current understanding is that it links to 'devel', which is equivalent to 'testing' in Debian. at the moment, 'devel' is still Bionic. it will become 18.10 eventually15:25
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yetitwogot it. thanks!15:25
BluesKajyetitwo, not if you have LTS only flag enabled in your package manager the -d won't matter15:25
yetitwoBluesKaj: where would I check that?15:26
Kon-Hey, I'm doing a clean install of Kubuntu on an MBR/BIOS system and at the end of the installation it tells me 'grub-efi' failed to install. Did it try to do an UEFI install?15:26
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BluesKajyetitwo,  your package manager15:26
BluesKajsoftware center or whatever ubuntu calls it these days15:27
Gargravarryou can also check in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades15:27
TJ-Kon-: apparently yes!15:27
waltmanI'm running 17.10. By default am I also waiting for .1 before I'm prompted to install 18.04?15:28
Kon-How can I force it to install for BIOS/MBR?15:28
TJ-Kon-: is the system actual UEFI but (you thought) it booted in CSM/Legacy mode?15:28
tomreynwaltman: no, but a few more days15:28
Kon-In my BIOS settings it says that Legacy mode is enabled. I also have a working MBR install of Win7 in the system15:28
waltmantomreyn: Ah, ok. I saw this but thought I'd check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1015:29
tomreynwaltman: the idea is to make sure 18.04 gets positive feedback from new installations before upgraders are also pushed to it15:29
GargravarrKon-: interesting. you may need to drop to a TTY and install grub-legacy manually15:29
waltmantomreyn: Makes sense!15:29
waltmanAnother question -- is the -d flag the --download-only flag to apt-get, or is it something different?15:30
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BluesKajKon-, the you shouldn't need uefi unless your partition table is gpt15:30
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr, : for future reference you are able to setup phpmyadmin with socket. In the config file you set cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/config.html#cfg_Servers_socket15:30
tomreynwaltman: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/do-release-upgrade.8.html15:31
waltmanI don't think I'm going to force it. Just curious about the process and if I'm reading the right manpage.15:31
Gargravarrwaltman: if you want to download the .deb of a package, use apt-gte download15:31
Kon-BluesKaj: Yes, I think the installer didn't detect my setup properly15:31
TJ-Kon-: right, but it's a UEFI system, and its boot menu will offer both UEFI and Legacy boot options for removable media, or ot may prefer the UEFI mode for hybrid media such as the Ubuntu ISOs15:31
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: i suspected it might be possible, but i seemed to remember it used IP by default. thanks15:31
waltmantomreyn: thanks again!15:31
TJ-Kon-: the installer has no say in it. It will install GRUB appropriate to how the installer image was booted by firmware15:31
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr: yeah, be default it's setup to use the TCP method, annoying since the default install of MySQL now uses the socket connection for root access15:32
GargravarrKon-: the easy way to tell - when you first ran the installer, was the first screen black or purple?15:32
Kon-TJ-: Can I troubleshoot this in BIOS or do I need to install GRUB manually?15:32
Gargravarrblack = UEFI, purple = BIOS15:32
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr: there is a plugin to remove that restores older authentication methods, I just don't recall what the plugin name is15:32
waltmanI see, there are several ways to do the upgrade.15:32
Kon-Gargravarr: The first screen for the LiveUSB, or the first screen after clicking "Install Kubuntu?"15:32
johndoe00_Hey guys, I just installed Spotify via Snap but I can't seem to find it on the desktop or the menu, so each time I need to run from the terminal. Does anyone know the path of the executable file?15:32
Gargravarrfor the LiveUSB15:33
Vamp898Hi there, question about the linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04. This is a 4.13 Kernel which is EOL since November 2017. How is it updated by the maintainer? There are a few thousands of contributors on a kernel release, i doubt the Ubuntu Devs can take over that work so what work is done and what not?15:33
Kon-Good question. Probably closer to black15:33
TJ-Kon-: if the ISO is booted in UEFI mode it uses GRUB, and you see the grub menu and title (black with white text)... in BIOS/LEgacy mode it uses syslinux/isolinux which has a purple-themed splash screen/menu15:33
Kon-Oh, that15:34
nicomachusI have a MATE 16.04 install that seems to have a VERY slow download speed in apt. Only in apt. Speedtest on it shows 90-100Mbps up and down, but apt is averaging closer to 70kbps download. which means it took 10 minutes to install the chromium-browser package... Any idea why apt would be bottlenecked like that when the system is getting perfectly good speeds otherwise?15:34
Kon-It used GRUB when the LiveCD launched15:34
enycnicomachus: could it be your ubunut-mirror just VERY busy now with too many people doing 18.04 updates/installs?15:34
Gargravarrnicomachus: which country are you in and which mirrors are you using?15:34
rclhi folks - a silly question: why do-release-upgrade on 17.10 says "No new release found" ?15:34
johndoe00_Hey guys, I just installed Spotify via Snap but I can't seem to find it on the desktop or the menu, so each time I need to run from the terminal. Does anyone know the path of the executable file?15:35
nicomachusI'm in the US and it's default mirrors...15:35
enycrcl: possibly, its not supposed to offer 18.04 yet, possibly not until 18.04.1 is out.15:35
nicomachusenyc: this has been over the last few days, so I'm not sure if it's 18.04 related but could be I suppose.15:35
TJ-Kon-: if you're using the "Try Ubuntu" method, or have got the installer menu option to drop to a shell, you can manually install "grub-pc"15:35
tomreynVamp898: it's EOL upstream, not ubuntu's. security patches are backported, not functional ones.15:35
Gargravarrrcl: early adopters are still giving feedback before it goes to general release15:35
enycrcl: "do-release-upgrade -d" will almost certainly allow it.  question is if this is a good idea.15:35
rclenyc: ah thanks. I didn't know that15:35
Gargravarrenyc: the .1 restriction is for LTS folks15:35
enycGargravarr: yes, hence my "possibly"15:35
Gargravarrenyc: i saw, just clarifying :)15:36
nicomachusraul_: stop.15:36
Kon-TJ-: Just through apt-get? And how do I specify the location to install GRUB?15:36
enycrcl: still, if your 17.10 is working for you and its' an important-system i'd be tempted to leave it some weeks or so, possibly not until 18.04.1 out (2018-07-something??)15:36
Kon-I'm typing this from the LiveCD right now, so I have the shell15:36
GargravarrKon-: 'apt-get install grub-pc; grub-install --target=bios /dev/sda' <- adapt the latter as necessary15:36
Gargravarrah, in the live environment, you will need to chroot15:37
Kon-Thanks Gargravarr, I did want /dev/sda anyway15:37
raul_i dont have the password of my pc heeeeeeeeelp15:37
GargravarrKon-: here's what you need to do:15:37
johndoe00_Hey guys, I just installed Spotify via Snap but I can't seem to find it on the desktop or the menu, so each time I need to run from the terminal. Does anyone know the path of the executable file?15:37
rclenyc: thanks, I will. I have some other machines to install 18.04. I was trying to estimate how fast 18.04 will spread (relevant for UE4 support)15:37
TJ-Kon-: as long as you know the installation device, it'd be "sudo apt install grub-pc" and it's auto-configure script should pop up a menu offering all the possible bootabnle devices, where you use space-bar to check the appropriate entries. If that doesn't happen then e.g. "sudo grub-install /dev/sdX; sudo update-grub" will do it15:37
rclenyc: it's helpful to know that the prompts to upgrade are going to be somewhat delayed15:38
enycrcl: yes, but not sure when until...15:38
enycrcl: [for 17.10 users]15:38
Gargravarrmount /dev/sda1 <or whatever your rootFS is> /mnt; mount /dev/sda2 <if you have a separate boot device> /mnt/boot; mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev; mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys; mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc; chroot /mnt; apt-get install grub-pc...15:38
raul_help me pleasee read the message up15:38
enycrcl: apparently 16.04.x users will be suggested update at the same date as 18.04.115:38
Gargravarr!patience | raul_15:38
ubotturaul_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:38
raul_im spanish15:39
nicomachusraul_: try ##security15:39
Gargravarr!es | raul_15:39
ubotturaul_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:39
johndoe00_Hey guys, I just installed Spotify via Snap but I can't seem to find it on the desktop or the menu, so each time I need to run from the terminal. Does anyone know the path of the executable file?15:39
Gargravarr!patience | johndoe00_15:39
ubottujohndoe00_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:39
Kon-I just opened the partition manager and noticed it did install, but nothing is mounted. My intended / is mounted to /target and has a lock icon on it15:39
rclwould anyone know what nvidia (binary) drivers are suggested by default in 18.04 ?15:39
Kon-"it" being the distro15:39
enycjohndoe00_: since you know the command, use the 'which' command15:39
nicomachusjohndoe00_: if it's open, you should be able to lock the icon onto your dock (if you use one).15:40
enycrcl: i suspcet it depends on the video card ...  question mori is what are included in ubuntu-packaging...15:40
j1mcthe 18.04 release notes direct people to use the beta-2 installer if they want to install a server which uses LVM or RAID . . . but the image for beta 2 no longer exists on cdimage.ubuntu.com (i.e., the link they provide is dead). Where should I file a bug for this (under which project)?15:40
Vamp898tomreyn: but what security patches are backported? All of them?15:40
j1mc`Server installer15:41
j1mcThe next generation Subiquity server installer, brings the comfortable live session and speedy install of Ubuntu Desktop to server users at last.15:41
j1mcN.B., If you require LVM, RAID, multipath, vlans, bonds, or the ability to re-using existing partitions, you will want to continue to use the alternate installer which can be downloaded from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/beta-2/`15:41
tomreynnicomachus: maybe you are using a busy (or generally slow) mirror? also, right now, with many people upgrading, mirrors are probably more busy than usually.15:41
GargravarrKon-: ah, if /target is still mounted, that makes things simpler. if you open up Terminal and type 'mount', does it show /target as ro or rw?15:41
enycj1mc: thats a very good question, might just be outdated link15:41
rclenyc: right you are. Let me rephrase: would you know what is the latest nvidia-xxx driver version that one can install in 18.04 without resorting to adding PPAs ?15:41
nicomachustomreyn: as I said above, this has been happening over the last few days. and their ARM packages so that shouldn't be slowed by the general LTS upgrade business15:41
Gargravarrnicomachus: if it's all on the same server, it can be15:42
enycj1mc: might be that 'alternate installer' IS -server- image, or maybe not...  you might ask in #ubuntu-release, or they might say "no release is dona already don't ask here ;p"15:42
TJ-Kon-: right, so you need to 'chroot' into /target/ - as in "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts /etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done" then "chroot /target" and *then* "apt install grub-pc" possibly followed by "grub-install /dev/sdX; update-grub" then "exit" back to installer and "for n in etc/resolv.conf dev/pts dev sys proc; do sudo umount --lazy /target/$n; done"15:42
enycnicomachus: yes it might slow  because all sharing the same package server15:42
Gargravarrnicomachus: try a different mirror. if you open up Software Sources, there is an option in there to select the fastest mirror15:43
Kon-TJ-: Gargravarr /dev/sda3 on /target type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered15:43
j1mcenyc - thanks for your reply. the beta-2 installer was there yesterday . . . appears to have been removed as part of the release (which would normally make sense).15:43
GargravarrKon-: okay, good. i wasn't sure what the padlock logo meant15:43
GargravarrKon-: TJ- has posted some very clear instructions, i recommend using those15:43
enycj1mc: still tempted to asu nicely in #ubuntu-release  somebody from right teams might be there.15:43
johndoe00_nicomachus: I'm using ubuntu mini with LXQt15:43
enycj1mc: even though release is done, be respectful =)15:43
j1mcthat particular issue is particular to the server only.15:44
nicomachusjohndoe00_: ok?15:44
Kon-Gargravarr: There was also 30-something lines of tmpfs and cgroup - normal?15:44
Kon-When I ran mount15:44
Gargravarrperfectly normal15:44
GargravarrUbuntu makes good use of tmpfs (RAM disks)15:44
j1mcok - i will give that a try.  thank you.15:44
Kon-Alright, thanks15:44
TJ-Kon-: in your case your grub-install command would be: "grub-install /dev/sda" (note: *not* /dev/sda3 !)15:44
johndoe00_nicomachus: I can't lock the icon to the dock15:44
nicomachusjohndoe00_: ah, ok. the path should be /snap/bin/spotify15:45
Kon-TJ-: How do I get into chroot?15:45
MoL0ToVhowto disable efi install mode when installing ubuntu from a usb stick?15:45
GargravarrKon-: make sure you have mounted all the things TJ- said first, then 'chroot /target'15:45
TJ-Kon-: ^^ as above ^^ follow those commands *exactly*15:46
johndoe00_nicomachus: thanks15:46
MoL0ToVinstallation fails woth efi15:46
TJ-Kon-: I gave you the exact working commands15:46
Rockwoodi added a user now can i use phpmyadmin ?15:46
GargravarrRockwood: try it15:46
tomreynVamp898: hopefully so. https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/linux-hwe.html15:47
GargravarrVamp898: the LTS kernels receive security updates for 5 years after the OS release15:48
Gargravarrthey don't get new features though15:48
Rockwoodmy phpmyadmin theme is going and its shows something like http://dpaste.com/20PX32515:49
tomreynVamp898: search http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-hwe/linux-hwe_4.13.0-39.44~16.04.1/changelog for "CVE"15:49
MoL0ToVhowto disable efi install mode when installing ubuntu from a usb stick?15:49
MoL0ToVinstallation fails woth efi15:49
Kon-TJ-: After the first set of commands, I tried to get into /target and -- chroot: cannot change root directory to '/target': Operation not permitted15:49
Rockwoodwhat should eb the cause abt it15:49
GargravarrMoL0ToV: you will need to get into your BIOS. how you do this depends entirely on your computer. you may need to search for instructions15:49
Kon-Oh, I guess I need to sudo it15:49
TJ-Kon-: sorry, yes, "sudo ..." required15:50
TJ-Kon-: I'm so used to doing those operations in containers where I'm 'root' already (I test commands I'm giving in IRC in a container) I forgot to add 'sudo' for you15:50
Rockwoodhow can i get it back ?15:51
Rockwoodmy phpmyadmin is crashed15:51
GargravarrRockwood: for problems with PHPMyAdmin, please start here: https://www.phpmyadmin.net/support/15:51
nicomachusthe rpi-update process on this machine is going just as slowly as apt... hmm... that's a completely different mirror and AFAIK doesn't use apt.15:51
Gargravarrnicomachus: maybe your ISP is throttling you15:51
nicomachusGargravarr: doubtful. :)15:52
Vamp898I dont really understand that. There is an 4.14 LTS Kernel and the HWE kernels are 4.13 and 4.15.... it looks like this was done on purpose15:53
Vamp898Like you can get verything _but_ an LTS Kernel :D15:53
GargravarrVamp898: welcome to Linux :)15:53
Kon-TJ-: I installed GRUB to /dev/sda in its installer, and then apt finished up. But at the end it gave me "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration"15:53
Kon-W: APT had planned for dpkg to do more than it reported back (21 vs 25).15:53
Kon-   Affected packages: shim-signed:amd6415:53
TJ-Kon-: did you do "apt install grub-pc" first? Because that should have forced removal of grub-efi packages15:54
Vamp898Gargravarr: You mean welcome to ubuntu :D i am doing this for a customer, i am actually a senior gentoo admin15:54
GargravarrKon-: uh-oh :) if you do fdisk -l /dev/sda, what does it show the partition table as?15:54
Vamp898Gargravarr: there i can just choose whatever kernel i want15:54
Kon-TJ-: Yes, when I got into chroot I only ran install grub-pc15:54
Kon-Gargravarr: Disklabel type: dos15:55
TJ-Kon-: that is rather strange since those packages conflict. Can you do (in the chroot) "apt install pastebinit" then "pastebinit <( apt list grub* )"15:55
Kon-TJ-: Gargravarr http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SR2kTbtcnF/15:56
Kon-No grub-pc15:57
Kon-Wait, it is there15:57
Kon-I have both grub-pc and grub-efi15:57
TJ-Kon-: OK, I see what the issue is. In the chroot "apt purge grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64"15:58
TJ-Kon-: then redo "grub-install /dev/sda" and it /should/ be correctly done15:59
GargravarrVamp898: with a slight risk of https://xkcd.com/456/15:59
j1mcenyc: that server / installer url issue is fixed. thanks for directing me to the right spot!15:59
Kon-TJ-: shim-signed was purged but not shim. It's no longer required. Get rid of it?16:00
Vamp898Gargravarr: :D :D :D16:00
TJ-Kon-: sure, that's for UEFI Secure Boot support16:00
GargravarrUEFI - one of those things that really introduces far more problems than it solves...16:01
Kon-And TJ- does grub-efi use the same conf files as grub-pc? I got 2 instances of16:01
Kon-Association belongs to grub-pc, not grub-efi-amd64;Aborting16:01
TJ-Kon-: hmmm, looks like the two modes of GRUB have got confused. Within the chroot I'm now thinking it'd be simpler to purge all grub related packages and then install grub-pc 'cleanly' - want to do that?16:03
milehighHey guys, I have a system with a couple Geforce 1050 and a NVS310 in it, and was trying to install 16.04, desktop version would install but then when booted my monitor would say no signal, installed server version, configured nvidia drivers, and installed destop packages16:03
TJ-Kon-: I've never had issues with the 2 side-by-side and I'm a grub developer, so not quite sure why you see that issue.16:03
milehighnow when I login, I get the desktop background but no menus/panels/etc., what can I check?16:03
enycmilehigh: very good question, i dn't know.16:04
enycmilehigh: I'd be *tempted* to just install 18.04 now, it *might* just fix your issue.16:04
Kon-TJ-: I just ran grub-install and the only status update was to say there were no errors16:04
milehighenyc: not possible unfortunately16:05
Kon-But do I really want the i386-platform? I thought that was 32-bit16:05
enycmilehigh: NVS thingie no longer supported?16:05
milehighenyc: no, 16.04 is a strict requirement from above16:05
trekkie1701cUnless you have a really old computer you probably want AMD6416:05
enycmilehigh: this sort of thing is why i finalyl just found an ATI card that does my 3-deahs and rotation ok-enough with no funny driver dependencies ;p.16:05
TJ-Kon-: Yay! that's what we want. If you want to see all the gory details you could run that with the "--verbose" option but there's a LOT gets reported16:05
andrewwhi everyone, i'm trying to configure 2 network interfaces on a virtual box vm with ubuntu server 18.04 with netplan. One interface is NAT with dhcp to reach internet, the other is host-only. Host is Win 10 , guest is ubuntu server 18.04. Thanks16:05
TJ-Kon-: do a "update-grub" just to be sure16:05
Kon-TJ-: seems I still have grub-efi http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vQg4zYMNJS/16:06
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Kon-A different version now16:06
TJ-Kon-: you might also want to remove the Ubuntu entry from the system'd UEFI boot menu too, use "efibootmgr -v" to see if it is there16:06
trekkie1701candreww:  I've only had luck if they have a separate subnet, but otherwise it works out of the box.16:06
GargravarrKon-: 'i386' is just a legacy naming convention, it'll work fine with x6416:06
zuhaitzHi, I upgraded Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and I cant have my nvidia card working, only intel. My nvidia is GM108M / M840, I tried nvidia-390, nvidia-340, but no way... Any known reason please?16:06
zuhaitzPlease :(16:06
Gargravarrzuhaitz: what happens when you try to use the GPU, do you get any output, blank screen, freeze?16:07
TJ-Kon-: no you're fine - notice the only packages marked [installed] are for grub-pc or common. Use "apt list --installed grub*" to filter the list to just installed packages16:07
zuhaitzGargravarr, gdm restarts continously16:07
zuhaitzwith blacn screens, then tty, continuously16:07
Kon-TJ-: I just did update-grub and it gives me "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration16:07
GargravarrKon-: deja-vu...16:08
andrewwtrekkie1701c: what do you mean? they are pretty separate things...my host only network has NO dhcp and static address of I want to give the address to my second interface enp0s816:08
[itchy]hey, i'm trying to install latex on ubuntu and running into some errors. https://pastebin.com/r8pY0hHR i tried apt-get update and apt-get -f install. i've also tried various versions of latex as recommended by the #latex channel16:08
enyczuhaitz: what nvidia-??? did you have before?16:08
[itchy]uname -a gives me this Latitude-E6430 4.13.0-26-generic #29~16.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 22:00:44 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:08
TJ-Kon-: show us "pastebinit <( efibootmgr -v )" so we can create a command to remove the entry, then we can deal with stopping that happening16:08
zuhaitzenyc, 30416:08
lars_t_h_andrew, you would be better off to go to https://ubuntuforeums.org and ask you question there as you question requires more information and responses with a lot of text.16:09
enyczuhaitz: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/340.102/README/supportedchips.html16:09
enyczuhaitz: is your cart supported with 340 driver?16:09
Kon-TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mBSj499SsN/16:09
lars_t_h_andrew, typo in link, use: https://ubuntuforums.org/16:09
andrewwlars_t_h_: ok, thanks16:09
nicomachusandreww: you can also try ##networking. This channel is just very full today16:09
Atomix2hey, I'm having an issue with what I can assume is alsa. Headphone volume doesn't actually control the headphone volume, PCM does, and I don't know what PCM is16:09
TJ-Kon-: well, Ubuntu isn't there in the boot menu so that's good.16:10
nicomachusAtomix2: pulse control module, IIRC16:10
GargravarrAtomix2: PCM is a generic name for analog audio16:10
enyczuhaitz: that same page shows you the 304.xx and so on older driver lists  too...16:10
Kon-And here I have no idea what I'm looking at. Is this Ubuntu's EFI manager, or my motherboard's entries?16:10
zuhaitzenyc, is there in the list: GeForce 840M0x1341E16:10
enyczuhaitz: okies. thats a godo start.16:10
enyczuhaitz: I don't know!16:10
h8v8is there a supported method for upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04 yet? If so, what is it?16:11
enyczuhaitz: i do know 18.04 is only JSUT out and i wouldn't upgrade a working 16.04 system until 18.04.1 myself.16:11
Atomix2well, neither of the headphone volumes actually adjust the headphone volume. PCM controls the headphone volume, and when the master volume is 0, I still get headphone volume if it isn't actually muted16:11
Gargravarrh8v8: please wait a few days. early adopters are giving feedback for the time being16:11
enych8v8: sort-of, you can "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" BUT you may be better to wait for some weeks/month , let 18.04 get teething-problems out the way.16:11
zuhaitzenyc, so I should return again and reinstall?16:11
enyczuhaitz: maybe, you MAY find a solution16:11
TJ-Kon-: those are the entries in the motherboard's UEFI boot menu. The OS asks the firmware to add an entry there using 'efibootmgr'16:12
enyczuhaitz: the do-release-upgrade shouldn't have offered you 18.04 yet16:12
andrewwnicomachus: thanks!16:12
Kon-And now I have to purge grub-efi again and run update-grub one more time? TJ- Sorry for the pings, but this is out of my depth. I didn't even know think I had UEFI support on this machine. It's Ivy Bridge16:12
zuhaitzenyc, Im journalist and 3d animator, I need 3D Maya to work so I need nvidia working... XD16:12
h8v8enyc: Thanks, Im actually testing it, so im hoping to see problems if they exist. thanks16:12
TJ-Kon-: so we've ensured Ubuntu isn't there so you can remove the package from the chroot with "apt remove efibootmgr"16:12
enyczuhaitz: /var/log/X11/xorg.0.log may give a clue16:12
zuhaitzbut I dont know how to find a solution16:12
enyczuhaitz: then I wouldn't upgrade 'production' machines without pre-testing new version on a spare system disk16:12
GargravarrKon-: UEFI was introduced with the Core Duos back in 2005-6-ish, it's been with us for a while :)16:12
Gargravarranother glorious revolution we can thank Apple for...16:13
Kon-TJ-: removing efibootmgr also took out fwupdate. Not sure if that was supposed to happen16:13
GargravarrKon-: that's fairly safe as well, that's for UEFI firmware16:14
TJ-Kon-: Yes16:14
enyczuhaitz: experience (and news of issues almost delaying release etc)-says I'd tend to wait for 18.04.1 or Mint-19 variant,  not update-to 18.04 on a 'production' system.16:14
zuhaitzenyc, could I try something before?16:14
Kon-Okay, nice. I might be getting closer to a bootable system16:14
TJ-Kon-: fwupdate is an EFI-only service for motherboards16:14
enyczuhaitz: yes, find nvidia channels and otherwise. and be patient.16:14
enyczuhaitz: find error message if you can.16:14
enyc zuhaitz: /var/log/X11/xorg.0.log may give a clue16:14
TJ-Kon-: did we remove the shim* packages? I've lost track!16:14
john38hello mate screensaver is not working???16:14
Kon-TJ-: Yes16:14
enycjohn38: ask in #ubuntu-mate channel16:14
TJ-Kon-: "apt list --installed shim*"16:14
Kon-shim and shim-signed16:14
zuhaitzenyc, thanks16:14
Kon-TJ-: No results16:15
enyczuhaitz: and give a clear, concise problem description of  *HOW* its' "not working" -- what is the error etc etc16:15
TJ-Kon-: OK, let's re-run the commands 1 time more to be sure everything is in place: "grub-install /dev/sda; update-grub"16:15
parclytaxelI have upgraded to 18.04 - https://twitter.com/Parcly_Taxel/status/98988451136935116816:15
GargravarrTJ-: with appropriate goat sacrifices? ;)16:15
[itchy]i can't install latex :( i can't seem to run "sudo apt-get -f install" which is what it recommends. https://pastebin.com/P1H6Bmqz16:15
Kon-TJ-: Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration16:16
john38i dont think theres anybody in there?16:16
Gargravarr!patience | [itchy]16:16
ubottu[itchy]: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:16
[itchy]Gargravarr: my last question was 5 mins ago.16:16
TJ-Kon-: Apparently, ducasse has told me, that message is simply because the system is currently in EFI mode. It's a bit of GRUB dumbness you can safely ignore. Eventually, when the system has been rebooted into the installed OS you should do "sudo update-grub" 1 time and that operation won't be done (since the system booted in Legacy mode)16:17
Kon-TJ-: Ah, great! Should I try to boot?16:18
TJ-Kon-: So I think it's ready for a reboot test. Just need to do some unmounting first, so "exit" the chroot then "for n in etc/resolv.conf dev/pts dev sys proc; do sudo umount --lazy /target/$n; done" then reboot!16:18
jeroenpraatOK, who know how to solve my problem, I can't start GDM and login into Gnome3 (only Lightdm and fallback). GDM error is: kernel: [ 2333.410289] gnome-shell[7027]: segfault at 1fffffff9 ip 0...d sp 0...0 error 4 in libc-2.27.so[7...0] ?16:19
Atomix2I think I found my issue, anyone here know about the anlog-output configuration for alsamixer?16:19
jeroenpraat* after upgrading from 17.10 to 18.0416:19
BluesKajAtomix2, what's you alsamixer issue ?16:20
Kon-TJ-: Should my partitions still not be mounted except as /target?16:20
designbybeck_I've never tried Ubuntu on a Chromebook, but I just ordered this one to try it on: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074FLKWSX/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=116:20
TJ-Kon-: the installer mounted that so let it clean it up16:20
Atomix2can I pm you?16:20
trekkie1701cEveryone is talking about 18.04, and I'm over here installing 4.10 :(16:20
Kon-TJ-: Run the installer again or just reboot?16:20
TJ-Kon-: the OS/kernel will correctyl unmount everything for you16:20
TJ-Kon-: reboot16:20
Kon-Okay, hopefully I'll be back on the system in a minute16:20
BluesKajAtomix2, it's best to discuss problems here sao other can contribute16:21
designbybeck_Has anyone tried Ubuntu or any other Linux on a Chromebook?16:21
TJ-Kon-: GRUB will wait 10 seconds then auto-start Ubuntu. If you press a key you'll see the GRUB menu16:21
Gargravarrtrekkie1701c: retro16:21
TJ-Kon-: press the 'Esc' key I should have said16:21
Kon-TJ-: Take out the LiveCD, right? Been a while since I installed16:21
Gargravarrdesignbybeck_: not really what Chromebooks are designed for tbh, the OS benefits from being very heavily locked down16:22
TJ-Kon-: yes, it should tell you to do that too :)16:22
Kon-Okay, brb hopefully16:22
designbybeck_Right but I know people have put Linux on a Chromebook Gargravarr16:22
designbybeck_Gargravarr, I guess I just want to play with it and experiment16:22
TJ-designbybeck_: Linux is already on Chromebooks; I guess you mean a GNU/Linux userspace like Ubuntu?16:23
Atomix2My issue is that if I have alsamixer set to this, I still get headphone audio16:23
designbybeck_Correct TJ-16:23
Gargravarrdesignbybeck_: that's fair enough, just figured it would be a fair warning :)16:23
designbybeck_Oh I fully expect to void every and all warranty day one Gargravarr16:23
TJ-designbybeck_: I've not done it but I've read Chrome has to be put in a 'developer' mode to do such things, forstly16:24
designbybeck_yeah I need to revisit the install process now that I'm actually getting one16:24
Gargravarrdesignbybeck_: https://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/zoom/8f52_void_warranties_fb.jpg16:25
baumyis there a ppa for a recent zsh release? i can't seem to find one16:25
Atomix2It's very faint, but I can still hear it. I need to actually press the mute button on my keyboard in order to actually mut sound.16:25
designbybeck_heehee very nice Gargravarr16:26
Atomix2and so what I'm thinking is that for [Element PCM], I should change it from volume = merge to volume = ignore16:27
BluesKajAtomix2, laptop or pc, and which audio chip?16:27
Atomix2laptop, and the chip is realtek ALC325416:27
Atomix2the card is HDA intel PCH16:27
jordan4ibanezHello, I have created an ubuntu installer usb multiple times over multiple usb drives and I always get this kernel panic. https://i.imgur.com/AvFf4tZ.png16:27
Kon-TJ-: Bad news. I got GRUB with a blue background and System setup was the only entry. I let it idle until it tried to boot and failed all fallback options16:27
Kon-And I did have GRUB on the LiveCD, so I'm still in UEFI apparently16:28
jordan4ibanezI even used one of my spare hard disks as usb and I still get the panic, I'm using a z400 workstation with xeon 1366 processor and gtx 750 ti16:28
BluesKajAtomix2, no idea, never encountered that before ..sorry16:28
Atomix2I'm going to try it16:29
antjosehi all16:29
TJ-Kon-: OK, try another installer reboot and this time access the system's manual boot menu and try to ensure you choose the non-EFI ISO mode mode (with LEgacy/CSM enabled it /should/ offer both UEFI and Legacy for the same device)16:29
jeroenpraatAfter upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04: I can't start GDM and login into Gnome3 (only Lightdm and fallback). GDM error is: kernel: [ 2333.410289] gnome-shell[7027]: segfault at 1fffffff9 ip 0...d sp 0...0 error 4 in libc-2.27.so[7...0]. Can someone please help me?16:29
GargravarrKon-: go into your BIOS and make sure it's set to Legacy mode16:29
TJ-Kon-: if that boots select the "Try Ubuntu" mode so we can use chroot to fix things16:29
Gargravarrif anything mentions UEFI, kill it :)16:29
TJ-Kon-: personally, I'd have installed Ubuntu in UEFI mode since I consider it a better way to handle multiple OS booting16:30
Kon-TJ-: Which manual boot menu?16:30
GargravarrTJ-: i still prefer Legacy and letting grub handle it16:30
TJ-Kon-: The motherboard's - at early POST time the screen should display a hint as to what key to press to access the manual boot menu - often it is F10 or F1216:31
Kon-Ah the BIOS16:31
TJ-Gargravarr: not for multiple OS - they step on each other's toes. UEFI avoids all that16:31
Kon-But how will the BIOS help me figure out which mode the ISO is using?16:31
Kon-Or is there a setting in the mobo that determines which mode is read?16:31
TJ-Kon-: often you have to read the optins it offers very carefully to figure out which is the EFI mode and which the BIOS/LEgacy, for the same device16:31
Kon-TJ-: So am I looking for the active mobo mode or a thing about how to read bootable media?16:32
TJ-Kon-: on the menu you'll likely see TWO entries for the device you're booting the installer from. it should be possible to determine one is for EFI and the other for BIOS mode, but sometimes that is hard (depends on manufacturer)16:32
Kon-Ahhh, okay16:33
TJ-Kon-: unfortunately there is no standard way it is shown, and I've seen some really obtuse ways of doing it16:33
GargravarrTJ-: only if you have Windows in the mix. multiple Linux distros? easy peasy. Windows doesn't like to share16:33
TJ-Gargravarr: can be the same with multiple Linux/GRUB OSes too; each one taking over the boot strap sector and/or core image spare sectors (on MBR)16:34
Kon-Heh, okay, I'll take a look. I'll also confirm that I'm not running the mobo in UEFI. Even though I have like 4 colors and no mouse. You never know16:34
TJ-Kon-: it must be UEFI, we know that. BIOS/Legacy is just a layer on top when enabled16:35
RoadRunnercould someone help me with a booting/memory issue?16:35
zaapielcan someone make sure ssh is off for me16:36
TJ-Gargravarr: I think I know why Kon's update-grub didn't work correctly. I *think* he's set a separate /boot/ file-system and we didn't "mount -a" from within the chroot to ensure it was mounted16:36
zaapielplease i want to try with an outside box16:36
ducasseRoadRunner: best way to find out is to just ask with details16:36
NetmageDid someone check the owncloud tool after installing ubuntu 18.04. I received the message that a key wallet was not found.16:37
nicomachuszaapiel: timed out.16:37
zaapielnicomachus: ty16:37
NetmageIt asks me again for password when restart16:37
RoadRunnerXubuntu 16.04 comp stoped booting https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FNbJQVwfVy/16:37
fernieso.. whats the point in manual partitioning in this new server installer when you cannot make esp partition and so not bootable system..16:39
TJ-RoadRunner: classic symptoms of either 1) separate /boot/ file-system out of space or 2) file-system used all inodes (seen with 'df -i') ... if (1) then boot using the oldest installed kernel from the Advanced menu. If that works then you can sort things out. The reason it *should* work is that the older initrd.img-$VERSION files should be complete, whereas the most recent one is likely truncated16:40
EriC^^fernie: did you boot the installer in uefi mode?16:40
TJ-fernie: ask in #ubuntu-server16:40
fernieEriC^^: yes16:40
TJ-fernie: someone else reported that a few weeks ago I recall16:40
fernieTJ-: tried that when it was in beta to point out it. no answer16:41
fernieTJ-: maybe me :)16:41
TJ-fernie: maybe you!16:41
Kon-TJ-: Good news. I disabled UEFI boot order entirely and the LiveCD has now booted into MBR mode (or at least not GRUB)16:41
TJ-fernie: the system disk currently has no EFI-SP on it then?16:41
TJ-Kon-: Great, can/did you start "Try Ubuntu" mode?16:42
fernieoh well, server images with the old installer are still produced so can use those16:42
Kon-You're right, I didn't realize it was capable of booting UEFI devices even in Legacy16:42
Kon-TJ-: I'm typing from Try mode16:42
TJ-Kon-: 'legacy' is an option on top of UEFI modes16:42
Kon-Should I run the installer again entirely, or is this purely a GRUB issue?16:42
TJ-Kon-: oh, cool. after you'd gone I think I realised why it failed. When you installed did you create a seperate file-system for /boot/ ?16:43
Kon-Yes, but I still put the bootloader at the top of dev/sda16:43
TJ-Kon-: because we didn't mount one in the chroot /target/ so update-grub wouldn't have found any kernels to add to the boot menu!16:43
TJ-Kon-: aha! My fault then, I should have told you to do "mount -a" first thing after entering the chroot16:43
Kon-Ahh, it needed the kernel16:43
TJ-Kon-: so, let's fix it ...16:43
nostroraHi! i'm looking for documentation for make a mirror ZFS for my sda and sdb. i'm using Ubuntu LTS 18.0416:44
TJ-Kon-: Open a terminal then do "sudo mkdir /target" then "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /target" (it *was* sda3 wasn't it? )16:44
Kon-Yes, sda316:44
Kon-But TJ- I now have another issue - nothing is mounted as /target16:45
fernienostrora: zpool create mirrorpool mirror sda sdb16:45
RoadRunnerTJ-: wish I thought of that bfr trying the BootRepair liveUSB; now I don't have any older kernel versions showing... Would like to understand though, why/how such an out of space situation could arise in the first place?16:45
TJ-Kon-: now do "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount /$n /target/$n; done"16:45
Kon-Oh, I see. That's the first command you gave me16:45
ducassenostrora: zfs is not supported for your root fs16:45
davide136hi guys, please take a look https://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/questions/58596/direct-rendering-nvidia-34016:45
fromvenusHai, everyone..16:46
TJ-Kon-: now do "sudo chroot /target" then immediately do "mount -a" and check you see some kernel files with "ls -l /boot/" (files like vmlinuz-$VERSION, initrd.img-$VERSION and others)16:46
fernieducasse: or root on nvme what ever16:46
TJ-RoadRunner: usually the (2) inode issue is lots of very small files that use up the inode entries but not all the space16:46
Kon-TJ-: mount: /target/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf: /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf is not a block device; try "-o loop".16:46
Kon-And various other "is not a block device" messages16:47
kostkonfromvenus, hi16:47
TJ-Kon-: let me reread my typing!16:47
nostroraducasse: i have never said it's for root ?16:47
ducassenostrora: it was just fyu16:47
TJ-Kon-: missed the --bind option! do  "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"16:47
davide136hi guys, please take a look https://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/questions/58596/direct-rendering-nvidia-340 direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)16:48
nostroraducasse: Thanks :) my root is on nvme0n1p316:48
Gargravarrnostrora: most of us still assume /dev/sda is the boot disk :)16:48
Kon-TJ-: I have the kernel. 4.15 :)16:49
BluesKajdavide136,rather than post a huge page for supporters to read, why not just state your problem16:49
RoadRunnerTJ-: how would either (1) or (2) situations arise and how to fix issue (2)?16:49
TJ-Kon-: great, so "update-grub" and you should see something like "Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-15-lowlatency" in the messages16:49
Kon-TJ-: I also notice an "efi" file in /boot/16:50
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davide136because i printed all the needed logs to solve the problem, so it's easier for helpers16:50
ubuntu_user_894love the new LTS release! feels much smoother and more stable. i picked the minimal option when i installed16:50
TJ-RoadRunner: well (1) is common in seperate /boot/file-systems will multiple kernels and their attendent initrd.img-$VERSION files being left in place (sounds like you've deleted those). For (2) you'd need to locate all the small files using command line expressions to 'find' to locate them and decide what to do with them16:51
BluesKajdavide136, it's not, tell us what you are trying to do first16:51
Kon-TJ-: It found everything! Even Windows!16:51
TJ-Kon-: which is what it should have done originally. When you reported you saw the "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration" I assumed you were reporting only the last message update-grub wrote, not everything it wrote!16:51
Kon-Haha, no, it didn't show any entries before16:52
davide136recap, useful data here (https://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/questions/58596/direct-rendering-nvidia-340) , problem is that direct rendering is disabled, checked everything and can't get it to work...can somebody help me?16:52
TJ-Kon-: right, so it's fixed! "exit" then "for n in etc/resolv.conf dev/pts dev sys proc; do sudo umount --lazy /target/$n; done" and reboot test again16:53
PigDudeHi, should I be able to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10 without running `update-manager -d`? Regular updates still aren't presenting the system upgrade16:53
PigDudeI figured by now 18.04 was released to everybody16:53
Kon-TJ-: Thanks for the help and the learning experience. I'll have to look up how "for n in" works later. That seems really useful :)16:54
RoadRunnerTJ-: in either 1 or 2 would df not show lack of space on disk?16:54
Kon-brb fingers crossed16:54
TJ-Kon-: it's just saving on lots of typing16:55
TJ-RoadRunner: "df -i" will report inode usage, "df" on it's own only space16:55
Gargravarrubuntu_user_894: that's great to hear, glad you're enjoying it!16:56
GargravarrPigDude: it's being held back from mainstream for a few days while early adopters give feedback16:56
davide136hey guys...useful data here (https://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/questions/58596/direct-rendering-nvidia-340) , problem is that direct rendering is disabled, checked everything and can't get it to work...can somebody help me? thank you16:57
beterrabaGuys, how do I know which graphic card is being used? I've typed 'lspci | grep VGA' and I see two results. How do I know which one is active?16:58
davide136try glxinfo16:58
baumyis there any way to force apt to mass downgrade packages?16:59
RoadRunnerTJ-: if df -i would show that inodes in some  file system are used up, would df -h then not show lack of space in that file system?16:59
Gargravarrbaumy: no, and it's not recommended either16:59
Kon-TJ-: I still get blue UEFI GRUB with no entries on boot16:59
baumyi'm on xenial, added bionic repo to sources.list cause i'm dumb, now things are broken and i'd like to go back16:59
baumyit's a newly imaged machine, i can just nuke it without losing much16:59
mancman3beterraba: ubuntu-drivers devices16:59
Gargravarrbaumy: it will be considerably less painful to nuke it16:59
baumyokey dokes, nuking it17:00
GargravarrAPT is not designed to mass-downgrade packages17:00
baumylesson learned lol17:00
Gargravarrwell, as long as you learn something :)17:00
beterrabamancman3: thanks. I also see which driver is installed! :)17:00
mancman3:) yup17:01
Kon-TJ-: Should I wipe my Ubuntu partitions and reinstall with the MBR LiveCD?17:01
Kon-Well, I guess the problem is the bootloader still, which is in /dev/sda17:01
RoadRunnerTJ-: if as you say, there may still be space but no more inodes, and there are very many small files using up inoded; how to find /rm them all manually?17:01
davide136hey guys...useful data here (https://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/questions/58596/direct-rendering-nvidia-340) , problem is that direct rendering is disabled, checked everything and can't get it to work...can somebody help me? thank you17:03
nikhilweeeHow do I upgrade to bionic from a development release? `do-release-upgrade` doesn't help :(17:03
kostkonbaumy, backup and do a fresh install or for the fun of it run do-release-upgrade -d  it's gonna bomb but it might give you a few secs of entertainment17:03
kostkonnikhilweee, it need its -d17:03
dlamhow do i reduce rsync memory usage?  i have this nightly job which does a big backup and it got 'Cannot allocate memory' overnight  =(17:04
EriC^^nikhilweee: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  should get you up to date17:04
EriC^^as if you installed bionic17:04
PigDudeGargravarr, thanks!17:04
TJ-Kon-: no entries makes no sense since we know update-grub adding them. Are you sure /dev/sda is the boot device?17:04
Kon-TJ-: /dev/sda is the only hard drive. /dev/sdb was my USB, which I removed17:05
TJ-Kon-: if the PC has multiple storage devices it's possible the 'BIOS' is starting from the wrong one17:05
Kon-Kon-: Does MBR GRUB still have a black background or do they all have blue now?17:06
Kon-I pinged myself17:06
compdoci hate when that happens17:07
Kon-I think what I'm seeing is still grub-efi TJ-17:07
TJ-Kon-: hmmm, so the way it works at boot time is this PC > BIOS > disk sector 0 (GRUB boot-strap code) > GRUB core image (spare sectors before partition #1, or for GPT, BIOS Boot partition) > reads grub.cfg from /boot/grub/grub.cfg > boots automatically/displays OS boot menu17:07
TJ-Kon-: you seem to be reporting that the contents of the grub.cfg are *not* those we know *update-grub* wrote17:07
Kon-Yes, the only entry was "System setup" and then when I let the menu idle, it said it failed all fallback entries (there seemingly were none)17:09
TJ-Kon-: Really? and we checked there was no Ubuntu entry so the only other possibility is a removable-media path in the EFI-SP17:09
TJ-Kon-: so to get it to boot correctly into the install /once/ you need to use the BIOS's manual boot menu again, to ensure you select the hard disk /and/ in BIOS mode, not EFI.17:09
Kon-TJ-: You think putting the hard disk at the top of the boot order will do it? Even when USB is empty?17:10
kNo_Hi all, I've just upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 and my laptop doen't boot now. I've started in fail safe mode and change to not use wayland, but still doesn't boot. In fail safe mode the wifi doen't work17:12
Kon-brb, going to try to force to boot from the disk17:13
en1gmais there something similar to windows add/remove programs that keeps track of everything i manually install through 'apt install'17:15
MonkeyDusten1gma  cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ "17:16
TJ-Kon-: boot order won't matter when no USB device is connected. The problem is, even with the boot order set, it is giving preference to an EFI boot mode if the disk has an EFI System partition on it. We could just wipe that but I don't want to do that until we've triple-checked it truly is only there due to Ubuntu install, and nothing else.17:16
ducasseen1gma: 'apt-mark showmanual'17:18
Kon-2TJ- I force booted SATA0 slot in legacy mode specifically and still got grub-efi looking for fwupdate17:18
tomreynkNo_: by "fail safe mode", do you mean fail safe graphics or recovery? either way, booting seems to work, just the graphical login doesn't, right?17:19
TJ-Kon-2: did you miss what I typed about boot order and EFI-SP?17:20
Kon-2TJ- No, I saw. If there is one, it must be Ubuntu17:21
TJ-Kon-2: OK, so we can safely zap the EFI-SP then17:22
Kon-TJ-: Wipe all Ubuntu partitions and reinstall?17:22
TJ-Kon-2: you're working from the LiveISO again?17:22
Kon-Yes, it booted in MBR mode17:23
Kon-No GRUB17:23
TJ-Kon-: OK, so let's check which partition has the EFI-SP. install the tool "sudo apt install pastebinit" in the Live env, then "pastebinit <( sudo blkid /dev/sda* )"17:24
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Kon-TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xnyzxMwYFv/17:25
TJ-Kon-: according to that, there is no EFI-SP on there17:26
Kon-Yes, dev/sda/ says DOS17:26
TJ-Kon-: are you sure there's no other storage device where it could be hiding?17:26
Kon-TJ-: CD drive?17:26
TJ-Kon-: no, that's the 'DOS' Master boot record partition table17:26
Kon-Yeah, and that's what I want it to be, no?17:26
TJ-Kon-: right, but /dev/sda is not a partition, it's the table OF partitions17:27
Kon-Ah, understood17:27
TJ-Kon-: we'd expect to see a something like e.g. "/dev/sda1: LABEL="SYSTEM" UUID="1CAC-4496" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI system partition" PARTUUID="1469a3b5-f931-4744-9936-acb05e35f890""17:27
Kon-So the good news is that one of my partitions is definitely causing the problem, and not the top level device itself?17:28
TJ-Kon-: an EFI-SP /has/ to be a FAT file-system; all those reported on sda are ext* (Linux) except for Windows NTFS itself17:28
TJ-Kon-: so I think this rules out the system booting into an alternate EFI GRUB menu (from sda at least)17:29
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compdocanyone know if Gimp will update itself thru apt? or do i have to install manually?17:30
TJ-Kon-: which means we need to re-investigate where/what update-grub (from the chroot) is writing to.17:30
Kon-TJ-: There was formally a FAT HP_TOOLS partition on this machine when I got it, but it was removed by Partition Manager and both Partition Manager and Windows' Disk Management recognized nothing left of it. Just unallocated space17:30
ducassecompdoc: see what 'apt policy gimp' says17:30
kostkoncompdoc, use the snap version17:31
akemHey, i have sound crackling and skip glitches with Ubuntu 17.10, audio "Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio" with snd_hda_intel drivers, any idea about this? It is marked as certified hardware for Ubuntu on the website but for Dell/Lenovo laptops, i'm on a HP.17:32
TJ-Kon-: you're in the Try Ubuntu environment right now?17:32
Kon-TJ-: Yes17:32
compdoccant tell if it will update, and no mention of the new one released recently17:32
compdocsnap is great. which all apps had snap versions17:32
TJ-Kon-: shall I repeat the chroot mount procedure for you or do you have it memorised by now?! :d17:32
ubuntu_user_894snap has improved much since it was introduced17:33
ubuntu_user_894i now prefer snap packages when i used to hate them17:33
Kon-I need it one more time. I'm logged into my phone now so I should be able to see it after I reboot :)17:33
TJ-Kon-: Open a terminal then do "sudo mkdir /target" then "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /target" (it *was* sda3 wasn't it? )17:34
TJ-Kon-:  do  "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"17:34
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TJ-Kon-: then "sudo chroot /target" and "mount -a"17:34
Kon-I'm in17:35
TJ-Kon-: first let's investigate the installed grub.cfg, see if it has linux menu entries. "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg"17:36
cimentahi, I have just instelled ubuntu 14.04 on OpenNebula and there are no nameservers. I added them to  /etc/network/interfaces but it didn't help. Any idea what to do to make it work?17:36
cimentaI can ping ip but domain name17:36
TJ-cimenta: what does "cat /etc/resolv.conf" report?17:37
gaudrealHello all. I'm looking for help reporting a bug on ubiquity in 18.04 live iso.17:37
Kon-TJ-: I see the correct menu entries but there's a lot of flags and such. Not sure if they're properly activated17:38
cimentaTJ-, https://i.imgur.com/UMTj70N.png17:38
webwobbobwhat is a nice way to reduce power usage in ubuntu?17:39
TJ-Kon-: that's fine, it's the menu entries we need to confirm since you were getting the system setup option only at boot - that is correct isn't it?17:39
webwobbobI am on 18.0417:39
transhuman"/lib/modules/4.13.0-39/updates" does not exist on my system, what gives? Anyone?17:39
Kon-TJ-: correct17:39
gaudrealgetting a consistent crash in the installer but arbt is also crashing when attempting to send17:40
kostkon!bug | gaudreal17:40
ubottugaudreal: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:40
nacctranshuman: do you have that kernel installed?17:40
Kon-webwobbob: If you only care about battery life, you could try messing with the CPU governor17:40
transhumannacc yes!17:40
webwobbobKon-: Also temperature... This thing gets too hot for my liking.17:40
nacctranshuman: and it would be /lib/modules/4.13.0-39-generic/17:40
n1amrHello I cannot get the new 18.04 update through 'do-release-upgrade' command?17:41
TJ-cimenta: looks like the nameservers aren't working or aren't accessible. Did you configure a firewall that is blocking UDP port 53 ?17:41
TJ-Kon-: let's remove any EFI remnants in /boot/ too, as a precaution: "rm -r /boot/efi"17:41
transhumannacc, my bad that would be correct, it doesnt exist though17:41
cimentaTJ-, fresh install, I did not configure anything17:41
TJ-Kon-: can you show be "pastebinit <( blkid; lsblk -f )"17:42
n1amrn1amr: It outputs 'No new release found.'17:42
cimentaTJ-, I am able to ping the nameservers using their IP17:42
naccn1amr: are you on 16.04?17:42
Kon-TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FjzPsrX4vS/17:42
naccn1amr: the upgrade isn't offered until 18.04.1, iirc17:42
kostkongaudreal, the package name for the installer is 'ubiquity'. i hope it still is, that is17:42
nacctranshuman: pastebin `ls /lib/modules` and `uname -a`17:43
TJ-cimenta: do the DNS servers respond directly if you use "dig www.google.com @<ip-address-of-DNS-server>" ?17:43
Kon-hmm what is loop0?17:43
n1amrnacc: I'm on Ubuntu 17.10 x86_6417:43
ubuntu_user_894it's a loopback device17:43
naccn1amr: are you using a mirror?17:43
TJ-Kon-: that's the mount for the LiveISO's squashfs17:43
lapagaWhy a fresh install of 14.04?17:43
n1amrnacc: I don't think so. How can I ensure?17:44
ubuntu_user_894loopback devices are usually used to mount files as if they were a device17:44
ubuntu_user_894used to use them for hobby osdev17:44
TJ-Kon-: right, let's collect some info! "grub-install -v /dev/sda |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/grub-install.log"17:44
transhumanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mgB63PcpJX     http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3y3YrWRCJ2/17:44
Kon-Well, they weren't lying. That was verboes17:45
spotteris their a command one can run to determine what packages on a system are providing a specific virtual package?17:45
naccn1amr: look in /etc/apt/sources.list17:45
Kon-TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hQZVDpRhCn/17:45
nacctranshuman: ... so the directory is there?17:45
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cimentaTJ-, https://i.imgur.com/cgPZX5t.png I don't understand the output17:46
spotterexample, one wants to programatically determine how tomcat is installed on a system and it depends on Depends: default-jre-headless | java8-runtime-headless | java8-runtime, libtomcat8-java (>= 8.5.21-1ubuntu1) so one wants to print how that or clause is being satisfied17:46
nacctranshuman: oh wait, you are looking for some updates sub-directory? why?17:46
nacctranshuman: there is no such directory17:46
MonkeyDustspotter  try apt-cache show [package]17:47
naccspotter: for virtual symbols like that, you have to dig down relatively low. See grep-dctrl17:47
TJ-cimenta: there is no IP address being returned for www.google.com so there's the problem. Wrong DNS servers, or they are badly confugured17:47
transhumanno the updates subdirectory doesnt exist17:47
TJ-cimenta: try some of the other DNS server IP addresses, maybe that one is bad17:47
nacctranshuman: right, why would it?17:47
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transhumanmy gpu-manager logs are complaining about it not existing17:48
nacctranshuman: pastebin the error?17:48
TJ-transhuman: ../updates/ is only there if DKMS is in use17:49
TJ-nacc: ^^^ DKMS ^^^ parent directory17:49
naccTJ-: oh17:49
nacctranshuman: so possibly you don't need it/17:49
TJ-Kon-: bear with me; currently preparing a meal as well :)17:50
transhumannacc maybe I am trying to figure out why x windows wont start http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9dzCWJJW5k17:50
transhumanlast k is  capital K17:50
Kon-TJ-: I don't blame you :)17:51
webwobbobWhat is better? Gnome or ssh?17:51
naccwebwobbob: those are not comparables17:52
webwobbobnacc: they are both software?17:52
TJ-Kon-: that's a perfect grub-install for grub-pc - so now we focus on the grub.cfg being generated17:52
ducassewebwobbob: better for what?17:53
naccwebwobbob: they don't relate to each other, one is a service for connecting to networked machines, one is a graphical destkop environment17:53
cimentaTJ-, you are right. I used and it works. thank you so much17:53
nacctranshuman: the gpu-manager warnings about /etc/modprobe.d and dkms can be ignored. I don't know about the update-alternatives. How are you trying to start x?17:53
TJ-Kon-: "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/grub/ ; update-grub ; ls -latr /boot/grub/ ; cat /boot/grub )"17:54
webwobbobducasse: whatever it is you need to do17:54
naccwebwobbob: this is the ubuntu support channel, not random relatively unclear questions channel :)17:54
transhuman nacc, I know this isn't very descriptive but six ways to sunday I have tried, other vm guests (ubuntu's on KVM on CentOS run fine) this one ran out of space17:54
Kon-TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/77T79m5JKP/17:55
nacctranshuman: I don't follow -- so your VM is out of disk space?17:55
Kon-It notified me that it wrote the correct entries for 4.15 and Windows17:55
TJ-Kon-: gah! I missed off a vital command! "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"17:55
n1amrnacc: I turned out I am using a mirror. Now I cannot change server from 'Software & Updates' app.17:55
transhumanit ran out of disk space and I had to fix like 100 errors to get everything working (except x windows still wont run)17:55
Kon-That'll probably help :)17:56
oceanmanorbionic beaver is really good17:56
Kon-TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DxSv9bnrYy/17:56
naccn1amr: i don't know what that means in this case. You can just edit /etc/apt/sources.list if you want17:56
naccn1amr: i'm assuming your mirror is just a bit behind, so you can also just wait17:56
nacctranshuman: i don't think gpu-manager is your problem, especially if it's a vm17:57
transhumansigh,ok thanks for the input17:57
beefjoeWhat was the package to display that fancy ubuntu icon and system specs in the terminal ?17:57
webwobbobnacc: that is rude17:57
ducassebeefjoe: neofetch?17:57
webwobbobi asked a simple question17:57
transhumaneven if its a loss I have learned a lot about systemd on the way and systemctl and things...ah well17:58
spotterok, here's a weird question about dependencies.  why does default-jre (which depends on openjdk) provide the virtual dependencies, why doesn't it just rely on the fact that they are provided by the openjdk packages?17:58
n1amrnacc: Thank you. I'll wait.17:58
oceanmanorbeefjoe screenfetch17:58
beefjoescreenfetch ! thanks17:58
anibicHi, I am unable to configure ADSL broadband on 18.04. Its different from 16.0417:59
anibicPlz help17:59
spotterthe main think I can thin of is to get the "default" package to satisfy the virtual dependency instead of openjdk so it can be "easily" switched (but that in some ways would seem bad experience for the user, they don't neccessarily realize that they are using "default-jre" instead of openjdk-jre17:59
anibicMy ADSL router in bridge mode17:59
oceanmanoranibac no router in between?17:59
oceanmanorthere's yer problem18:00
anibiconly modem-router18:00
oceanmanoroh combo18:00
TJ-Kon-: that grub.cfg is also perfect and no sign of any system firmware setup option18:00
oceanmanorI think you need a dsl package iirc18:00
TJ-Kon-: so I18:00
anibichave to create a new wired connection18:00
oceanmanorapt-cache search dsl | network18:01
oceanmanorapt-cache search dsl | grep network18:01
ferniefor what you need dsl18:01
ferniehe said that he has the modem in bridge mode18:01
fernieethernet + dhcp18:01
naccspotter: default-jre is mostly there to ensure smooth upgrades18:01
anibicwhat should I do . I am a noob18:01
fernieshould work out of the box18:01
anibicguide me step by step18:02
TJ-Kon-: so at this point I need to understand more clearly *exactly* what you see at boot time, as various messages from the power on self test onwards show up, and what you see finally when a menu is presented. I think we/I am missing something here18:02
Kon-TJ-: What am I actually seeing when I boot? Is it grub-efi or grub-pc?18:02
ImageJPEGSo my Ubuntu nas server up right refuses to use the IPv6 address I've given it. It was working then after an update and restart it refuses to use it. Instead, it picks one of those fe80 addresses...18:02
naccwebwobbob: your question is not sensible. Ask a better question. In other words, your question is similar to "What is better, vi or firefox?" They do different things. Finally, it is not a support topic to ask what is "better". Use a more appropriate channel.18:02
Kon-TJ-: I see my BIOS logo, and then I see blue pixels slowly draw from the bottom to the top of the screen. Then I get GRUB 2.02 with a black border around the blue area. Then it just has "*System setup" in white.18:04
n1amrnacc: I changed server to 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' and still I cannot see a new release18:05
naccn1amr: you did an update, etc.?18:05
sveinseImageJPEG: Be adviced that per ipv6 standards a NIC shall have multiple addresses, including link local like fe80::18:05
naccn1amr: you *might* need to clear the local cache for the release upgrader18:05
sveinseImageJPEG: Use ip addr to show them all18:05
Kon-TJ-: The menu times out after only a few seconds, and then the screen goes black except for a line about searching for fwupdate. Then it fails and looks for a fallback device. The same thing happens. It goes back to the blue menu, and I power off18:05
ImageJPEGRight, however, it doesn't have the one I've given it.18:05
ImageJPEGeno2 only has one ipv6 address and it's that fe0018:05
naccn1amr: e.g., rm -rf ~/.cache/update-manager-core/; and then try again18:06
naccn1amr: (probably don't need the -f)18:06
TJ-Kon-: And you've removed the installer device (it's a USB device, correct?)18:07
Kon-TJ-: Yes, this is with the LiveISO USB removed18:07
TJ-Kon-: because you see GRUB we know somewhere the firmware is finding an EFI system partition, and because there wasn't an entry shown by efibootmgr, that must be a removable-media boot path (/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI) being used to find GRUB.18:08
oceanmanoranibic usually you want to install the dsl package so you can see it as an option when starting a new wired connection18:08
TJ-Kon-: saft question but... you've not left a bootable DVD/CD in the DVD drive?18:08
n1amrnacc: It didn't work for me :(18:08
oceanmanorI would duckduckgo search for ubuntu 16 dsl connection18:08
anibichow to do that ?18:08
anibicplz guide18:08
Kon-TJ-: I just looked. Nothing in the CD drive18:08
archerstirlingHow can I ungroup icons in the launcher in 18.04?18:09
naccn1amr: even clearing the cache first?18:09
anibicthey had it in 16.0418:09
Kon-TJ-: I've also disabled ALL UEFI boot options in my BIOS18:09
TJ-Kon-: right now I'm seriously confused; firmware can't/won't do an EFI boot unless there is an EFI SP (which must be FAT formatted) and we know that doesn't exist18:09
crimson_kingarcherstirling, through GNOME Software, by going to the Installed tab18:09
ubuntu_user_894i was gonna say drag 'em out of the group but to my horror that doens't actually work...18:09
pbakern1amr: I cannot do a 'do-release-upgrade' either. I'm on 17.04, trying to update to 18.04.18:09
naccn1amr: what does `grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades`18:09
naccpbaker: you are on an EOL release, you need to eol uprade to 17.10 first18:10
crimson_kingThere is a button there that allows selecting applications and changing their groups18:10
TJ-Kon-: it's almost like that PC has a small hidden system partition somewhere18:10
naccpbaker: or jut reinstall 18.0418:10
TJ-Kon-: what make/model is the PC?18:10
nacc!eolupgrade > pbaker18:10
ubottupbaker, please see my private message18:10
n1amrnacc: Prompt=normal18:10
archerstirlingcrimson_king: I can't see this18:10
naccn1amr: hrm18:10
pbakernacc: Sorry, I typed incorrectly. I'm on 17.10.18:10
Kon-TJ-: Is it at all possible that something from the old HP_TOOLS partition survived even though I unallocated the space and then repartitioned and reformatted over it?18:10
ubuntu_user_894firefox won't detect my flash plugin18:10
ubuntu_user_894i did "sudo apt install flashplugin-installer"18:11
naccpbaker: n1amr: oh they haven't updated the metadata yet18:11
ubuntu_user_894not showing up in the plugin list18:11
kostkonubuntu_user_894, did you restart firefox18:11
naccpbaker: let me ask the devs18:11
crimson_kingarcherstirling, see this https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/add-app-folders-gnome-shell-overview18:11
pbakerThat's what I'd heard. Do we know when http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release will be updated?18:11
MonkeyDustArcher Serling FTW18:11
archerstirlingcrimson_king: That's not what I am after18:12
naccpbaker: asking18:12
archerstirlingIf I open two cmd instances then it groups them as one in the taskbar18:12
archerstirlingI do not want that18:12
Kon-TJ-: This is an HP 6300 Pro SFF - let me grab the manual18:12
Torpedo_Smashhi, I need help to setup MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 18.04. After the installation of it and mysq-server I recive this error message every time I try to setup a connection tu localhost:18:12
Torpedo_SmashFailed to Connect to MySQL at localhost:3306 with user root18:12
crimson_kingarcherstirling, oh, that. Maybe through extensions that modify GNOME. Search for one. But I don't know for sure.18:13
compdocyou have apache installed?18:13
naccpbaker: n1amr: they are hoping to fix a critical upgrade bug before changing the metadata18:13
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Kon-TJ-: This looks like it might be the problem http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c0347002318:13
ubuntu_user_894i'm more of an xfce person myself18:13
Torpedo_Smashcompdoc, Are you talking to me?18:13
pbakernacc: Thanks for checking.  Appreciate it!18:14
compdocTorpedo_Smash, yes18:14
Torpedo_Smashcompdoc, no, I haven't. How can I install it?18:14
crimson_kingarcherstirling, Unity did the same. Maybe you'll like Ubuntu MATE a lot more.18:14
compdocTorpedo_Smas, when I need mysql, I usually install LAMP, which integrates everything you need18:15
naccpbaker: n1amr: so I'd just wait, your systems are doing "the right thing" -- if you wanted to force it with -d you could but then you might hit known bugs18:15
Kon-TJ-: But it shouldn't be it, because I've disabled that feature in BIOS. I checked on the last reboot18:15
kNo_@tomreyn recovery works, safe graphics mode no. Not only the graphic mode, when normal boot is selected, the console is not available (the system hangs)18:15
pbakerI can wait. No rush, just curious. :)18:16
crimson_kingcompdoc, how do you install LAMP? I only saw an outdated page about it. I wanna know what package or group you install.18:16
ioriaarcherstirling, https://chrisirwin.ca/posts/multiple-instances-of-gnome-terminal/18:16
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Torpedo_Smashcompdoc, OK. I know this command: sudo apt install lamp-server^18:17
Torpedo_SmashIt's good?18:17
TJ-Kon-: Great sleuthing! That looks like the issue. Are you able to disable the feature as described and test?18:17
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compdocTorpedo_Smas, does MySQL Workbench open a webpage to work, normally? Im not familure18:18
TJ-Kon-: oh, you said you disabled it. Even with it though, it can't affect how GRUB works18:18
Kon-TJ-: I'm not sure what can be done if it's already set to disabled18:19
n1amrpbaker: nacc: I'll wait. Hope it will be fixed soon.18:19
Kon-TJ-: I'm curious as to why GRUB is able to run in UEFI mode if I purged grub-efi and installed grub-pc?18:19
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TJ-Kon-: It might not /be/ EFI mode, but it looks like it is reading the grub.cfg that was created earlier when only the "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration" message was seen - as if it's ignoring the new grub.cfg18:20
RoadRunnerTJ-: read up on inodes and file removal by inode but still not clear on : 1. how to tell garbage inodes  from the usefull ones and 2. if there is a way to "automate" removal of a large number of inodes? (ie: if there is a 1000 bad inodes and you have to fingure out each manually, it may be faster to reinstall and reconfigure the OS and apps - or am I missing something)18:23
TJ-RoadRunner: the inodes wouldn't be 'bad' - just in use by lots of small files. A file-system has a limit on how many inodes it can hold set when the file-system is created. It could be it's hit that limit18:24
Kon-TJ-: If I were to erase sda3, would that remove GRUB completely?18:24
tdagrub is the first few hundred bytes of sda18:25
Kon-So it's there in sda but calls its config from /boot18:26
tdadont go too far or you will hit the partition table18:26
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RoadRunnerTJ-: I get that, but how tell tell which small system files are useless?18:26
Kon-I know there's an app to install the Windows MBR from Linux. Worst comes to worst, I might try that and hope I can knock out the broken GRUB18:26
RoadRunner*to tell...18:27
Kon-Then I could add Ubuntu as a boot entry there18:27
john__j #python18:29
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TJ-Kon-: erasing sda3 would wipe the OS, but there are also the grub parts in sda4 which is the separate /boot/ file-system I think18:30
Kon-TJ-: could a TPM security module be at fault here? The LiveCD gives me 2 TPM errors at startup and I do have a BIOS setting called "Allow OS manageement of TPM"18:30
TJ-Kon-: I'm going to have to take a break now; meal is ready. The issue is GRUB reading the 'wrong' grub.cfg. could be something weird set in /boot/grub/grubenv maybe18:31
TJ-Kon-: I don't think TPM would affect BIOS boot mode nor GRUB in particular18:31
tdaprobably not. i get a couple errors on boot regarding TPM too but no problems. i don't use TPM though18:31
kubast2yo how can I change the top panel theme ?18:31
RoadRunnerTJ-: for example, I don't know for sure that in my attempts to rebuild Grub2, I've actually deleted all old kernels, maybe the booter is just repaired incorectly and old kernels aren't listed but are still occupying space. In this case, how do I find, access and delete those files?18:31
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transhumannacc , this is my Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vBzscPtXY718:33
Kon-Thanks for the help TJ- - I just hope MBR mode isn't perma broken. From what you just said, it seems like reinstall might be a way out18:33
nacctranshuman: no obvious errors there18:34
TJ-Kon-: in principle the solution is simple! find out where this mythical grub.cfg is and how the heck GRUB is using it!18:34
Kon-SecureBoot and FastBoot are disabled, MBR security is disabled18:34
Kon-It did somehow get set to only accept HP-signed keys, but that shouldn't even be applicable to legacy, right?18:35
TJ-Kon-: it's past those though18:35
transhumannacc, yeah I am a little interested in the VMware mouse, not sure why its trying to use a vmware mouse with kvm tried removing open-vm-tools but it does the same thing18:35
Torpedo_Smashcompdoc, I've installed Apache, but the problem isn't resolved. Your connection attempt failed for user 'root' from your host to server at localhost:3306:18:35
nacctranshuman: i think that's a red herring andwouldn't keep x from working18:35
nacctranshuman: i'd check syslog18:35
compdocTorpedo_Smas, does MySQL Workbench open a webpage to work, normally? Im not familur18:36
Kon-I'll try to check for grub stuff on sda418:36
en1gmadoes ubuntu 18.04 have something similar to windows backup/restore? i want to make a backup image right after i do a fresh install and 'apt update' and 'apt-upgrade' so if i do some building or installing i can revert to that exact same restore point where there is no left over files from any install or building i have done18:36
TJ-Kon-: and Secure Boot etc., only apply to EFI boot. Tell you what, reboot it into this weird mode, then use the 'c' key to enter GRUB's command mode so we can find out where it thinks it is! You'll need another IRC connection of course so we can communicate18:36
TJ-Kon-: I'm at the dining table so will be delayed in responding but I hope I can help you solve it nontheless18:36
compdocTorpedo_Smas, yes, it does. do you have PHP installed too?18:37
leftyfben1gma: no18:37
en1gmaso best thing to do is maybe create a backup and restore thing with something like acronis?18:37
compdocTorpedo_Smas, i have to go to the post office. bbl18:37
tdamaybe you can use lvm snapshots. linux tends not to mess up and require those like windows does18:37
Torpedo_Smashcompdoc, no18:38
Kon-2TJ- Thanks. I've got my phone here too18:38
compdocthats what lamp is all about18:38
tdatheres also a program that tracks changes to /etc with git. i forget what it's called and don't use it myself18:38
nacctda: etckeeper18:39
MyS3lfhello, i have ubuntu 17.10, how can i update it to ubuntu 18.04 sice was released yesterday?18:39
tdanacc: that sounds familiar18:39
RubiksmomoUbuntu seems to handle Sixaxis (PS3 gamepad) R2 as a button. Is there any way to use it as an axis?18:39
compdocTorpedo_Smash, youre typing in localhost:3306 on the same computer as myswl workbench18:39
naccMyS3lf: it will be available for upgrdaes in a bit, there are some critical upgrade errors to fix18:39
MyS3lfso i have to wait some days for the upgrade, right?18:40
naccMyS3lf: --^18:40
EdganAnyone know when the 18.04 amis are likely to come out?18:40
transhumannacc , http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cjVH2nRpXB/18:40
naccEdgan: i'd ask in #ubuntu-server18:40
Torpedo_Smashcompdoc, yes18:41
MyS3lfnacc: oh ok, thanks :)18:41
nacctranshuman: lightdm is failing to start18:41
ubuntu_user_894you can't grep a book18:42
transhumanno at the bottom it shows it started18:42
nacctranshuman: so you get the greeter?18:42
transhumanblack flashing screen18:42
ubuntu_user_894i want this saying framed and put on the wall over my desk18:42
nacctranshuman: i really don't know, sorry18:42
Torpedo_Smashcompton, Now I need to go. Thanks18:43
transhumanits ok, I have been at it for a week and I cant figure it out but thanks for trying18:43
transhumanquestion does a problem with .gvfs sound like it might be  root cause18:43
ubuntu_user_894actually i think the saying is "You can't grep a dead tree"18:43
nacctranshuman: seems unlikely, but possible18:44
nacctranshuman: have you tried just making a new VM?18:44
tdaEdgan: i dont know amazons policy on that, but i'm guessing not until after 18.04.118:44
transhumanI notice that .gvfs is owned by ????? even after a dismount ,delete and restart and(therefor a recreation)18:45
transhumanah yes new vms start fine18:45
transhumansame ubuntu version18:45
nacctranshuman: ok ... so just get rid of the bad VM?18:45
Kon-TJ-: You won't believe it, but I bootd! GRUB started in the same mode, but this time it had the memtest and Windows 7 options. No Linux kernels. But it auto-ran Advanced Setup before I could react, spat out a bunch of lines before I could read any, and I landed on the Ubuntu desktop eventually.18:45
nacctranshuman: do you need to get data off of it or soething?18:45
transhumanI can do that but I have put so much work into it I hate to spend 3 weeks rebuilding18:45
transhumanno recent backups, my boo boo18:46
TJ-Kon-: but that's expected! usually GRUB doesn't display a boot menu (it's hidden unless you tap Esc key)18:46
TJ-Kon-: default timeout is 10 seconds18:46
compdocTorpedo_Smash, what happens if you type in http://localhost  by itself?18:46
transhumanits a monumental task, sadly18:47
snulkeni need help with booting from usb - it takes me to something called "grub4dos" i have never had this issue before18:47
TJ-Kon-: but it sounds like it's now got itself sorted out. You should test the Windows option too, ensure that is working18:47
transhumanhave to go and cry for a couple hours, thanks for the help nacc18:47
nacctranshuman: i mean you stil have access to the disk18:47
Kon-I guess something must have clicked the last time you had me run grub-update Advanced Setup and memtest/windows weren't even there last time.18:47
nacctranshuman: so you havent lost anyting, just the desktop -- you can probably ssh in, or even just mount the disk into the new vm18:48
Kon-I'll try booting again, brb18:48
TJ-Kon-: well, test again to be sure then we can close the issue :)18:48
roothorickHow do I get WINS/NBT resolution working on 18.04? Is systemd-resolved not capable of it and I need to go back to dnsmasq?18:49
snulkenhow come my usb takes me to grub when i try to install?18:51
TJ-snulken: probably because the installer is booting in UEFI mode, which uses GRUB18:52
TJ-snulken: what is more important is what's listed on the GRUB menu18:52
snulkenTJ-, i am choosing the option from bios called "generic usb" and not the one with "uefi"18:52
snulkenTJ-, it doesnt show me anything but takes me straight to a prompt called "grub4dos"18:53
Kon-TJ-: Ubuntu and Windows both boot. Only oddity is the mode GRUB launches in, Ubuntu's listing is a generic GNU/Linux label, and the Ubuntu splash screen isn't there on system boot.18:53
TJ-snulken: I have no idea what grub4dos is from, but it's not Ubuntu18:53
Kon-grub4dos comes from trying to add a Linux system to the Windows bootloader via EasyBCD - I've made that mistake before18:54
TJ-Kon-: splash screen after GRUB is another issue, possibly related to plymouth and the GPU and graphic modes18:54
snulkenTJ-, i think i know what cause this - i think i got it from that stupid lilo usb creator18:55
TJ-Kon-: on some UEFI systems, regardless of boot mode, the video mode support in firmware is broken18:55
Kon-heh, good to know. RIP grub-customizer18:55
TJ-Kon-: but it sounds like we  - finally - solved the issue :)18:55
TJ-Kon-: I'll celebrate with freshly cut Rhubarb and Custard crumple :)18:56
Kon-TJ-: Thank you very much for your help. GRUB complexities is way out of my league18:56
vmenezesIs there a specific command that would help me to analyze disk use on terminal like "Disk Usage Analyzer" or I should just use a mixin of "df -h" and "sudo du -h -d 1 /"?18:59
roothorickhowto-style information on systemd-resolved is practically nonexistent... I just want WINS to work18:59
roothorickLLMNR and mDNS are not acceptable due to there being Windows hosts on the network19:00
ducassevmenezes: 'ncdu' is nice19:01
roothorickEvery search I've tried mostly just turns up blogposts ranting about how systemd-resolved sucks19:02
roothorickNothing actually useful19:02
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TJ-roothorick: try asking in #systemd ?19:03
roothorickwell, looks like MS thinks you shouldn't use WINS, but then fails to provide an alternative... maybe they've decided decentralized name resolution in and of itself is bad and nobody should do it19:05
RoadRunnerTJ-: please don't give up on me :)19:06
TJ-RoadRunner: sorry, I've not been paying close attention aside from Kon's issue19:06
RoadRunnerTJ-: its as in Star Wars: Obi One, you are my only hope :)19:07
pavlosvmenezes: there are scripts that will show you top 10 file usage ... I'll try to find it19:07
TJ-RoadRunner: when in doubt boot a liveISO installer in "Try Ubuntu" mode, then use that and a chroot environment to diagnose and fix19:07
RoadRunnerTJ-: done that, please refer to my earlier paste where I describe what happened19:08
pavlosvmenezes: as root, du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 1019:08
TJ-RoadRunner: I did earlier, let me re-read19:10
TJ-RoadRunner: "sudo chroot /mnt" suggests that sda1 is NOT the OS's root file-system, since /bin/bash should always exist in it.19:11
TJ-RoadRunner: if you're in the Try ubuntu session can you do "pastebinit <( sudo blkid /dev/sda* )"19:12
vmenezesducasse: Thanks! `apt install ncdu` was a really nice & easy option!19:13
bumblefuzzhi, i'm trying to follow the instructions at the bottom of this page for securely verifying my .iso file19:14
bumblefuzzI'm getting output that I don't understand19:14
souravwhy 16.04.4 is getting update as late as july19:15
Fjorgynnbumblefuzz: md5?19:16
transhumannacc, yes, but its all the web server packages for things like regis and things that are in it with apache mysql database, and such its going to be a big pain19:16
howudodatI need some help diagnosing a problem on my dell laptop running 16.04.4  suspend on lid closed used to work.  at some point it stopped working.  If I close the lid while on AC it will suspend, and resume on open very quickly.  If I close the lid while on battery it will power off. I know an image is not ideal, but this shows tweak, dconf and logind.conf all in one shot: https://pasteboard.co/HiAVple.png19:17
vmenezespavlos: thanks... yeah sorting/filtering `du` is always an option19:17
RoadRunnerTJ-: if sda1 was not the root file-system, can you tell what was from my df -h printout (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kbYM4CPSPv/) ?19:18
TJ-RoadRunner: looks like /dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root is the root file-system19:18
TJ-RoadRunner: sda1 is 472M which looks like a separate /boot/file-sytem19:19
RoadRunnerTJ-: that's the one on the HD - the one that wouldn't mount on boot...19:19
RoadRunnerTJ-: the 472mb one I am guessing to be the one from the live cd19:20
TJ-RoadRunner: sdb1 mentions KINGSTON which suggests a USB device19:21
bumblefuzzI apologize, I'm trying to use pastebinit but it says I'm trying to send an empty document'19:21
bumblefuzzthe command I'm trying to run is:19:21
bumblefuzz'gpgv --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS'19:21
RoadRunnerTJ-: sdb1 was just by back up and ref files19:21
bumblefuzzthe output I'm receiving is19:22
bumblefuzzgpgv: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpgv:                using DSA key 46181433FBB75451 gpgv: Can't check signature: No public key gpgv: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpgv:                using RSA key D94AA3F0EFE21092 gpgv: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <cdimage@ubuntu.com>"19:22
TJ-RoadRunner: your pastebin confirms that sda1 is the /boot/ file-system http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D5rRkb3gsr/19:22
bumblefuzzit says can't check signature but then it says good signature19:22
TJ-RoadRunner: sda5 is LVM, which will host the LVM VG xubuntu which contains the LV vg-root19:23
TJ-bumblefuzz: "can't check signature" means the system doesn't have the GPG public key certificate relating to the private key that signed the SUMS file itself19:23
bumblefuzzI'm following these instructions: https://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-verify-downloads/19:24
bumblefuzzam I missing a step?19:25
RoadRunnerTJ-: don't mean to confuse you, but that's a diff paste - where BootRepair Live CD was trying to do its thing, so here sda1 would presumably be from either usb or hd, but in the df paste - sda1 should have been from a cd19:25
TJ-bumblefuzz: what OS are you checking from? usually those signing keys are shipped in default Ubuntu installs19:25
bumblefuzzthis is a brand fresh ubuntu 188.04 install19:25
csp98i can not upgrade to 18.0419:25
RoadRunnerTJ-: sory -typo: *Boot Repair liveUSB19:25
bumblefuzzI'm trying to revert19:25
csp98i run sudo do-release-upgrade but terminal says there are not new versions19:26
ducassecsp98: see the release notes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1019:27
bumblefuzzI just want to verify the download19:28
blackflowcsp98: from what, 17.10?19:28
RoadRunnerTJ-: I am wondering if during live CD rescue, the "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" failed if later "sudo chroot /mnt" couldn't find sda1?19:28
TJ-RoadRunner: as I said, sda1 isn't the root file-system so that wouldn't work.19:30
IntelCorehave 16.04, may I format unallocated space and install 18.04 alongside...?19:30
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Bashing-omIntelCore: Only maybe, please pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' so we can provide guidance .19:33
TJ-RoadRunner: also, the bootrepair shows there were 10 kernel versions installed, which surely would cause a ~500MB /boot/ to run out of space19:34
sud0x3bumblefuzz: what do you mean by verify, hash check?19:34
malunavideo corso19:35
bumblefuzznot just the hash check, securely verify19:35
bumblefuzzbottom of this page: https://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-verify-downloads/19:35
IntelCoresda1 - /boot/efi sda2 - MS reserv sda3 - ntfs sda4 ext4, unallocated, sda5 swap, unallocated, sda6 ntfs , unallocated19:35
RoadRunnerTJ-: ok, so let me make sure I get this: from my df it follows that /dev/sda1 was the booting fs from the live CD and I should have been trying to mount /dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root?19:35
IntelCoreoh.. sowwy, will try pastebin19:36
Bashing-omIntelCore: :) .. Then we know what we are working with .19:36
sud0x3bumblefuzz: which section are you refering to 1-7?19:36
bumblefuzzsud0x3: this is the command that I get weird output for 'gpgv --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS'19:37
FurretUberHi, I upgraded a Artful install to Bionic and that made the system unbootable.19:38
roothorickwhat is the DHCP client used in 18.04 anyway?19:38
IntelCoreBashing : paste.ubuntu.com/p/wjkvdQw3M8/19:38
rubenwardyHow can I install mingw-w64-gcc 7.x+ on 18.04?19:39
rubenwardyonly gcc 5 is available currently19:39
FurretUberThe OS was Xubuntu 17.10, the upgrade process went smoothly but when I rebooted the system refused to boot with a 0x1A error (Security Violation)19:40
sud0x3bumblefuzz: is gpgv an alias for gpg --verify19:40
bumblefuzzI don't know19:40
sud0x3also pastebing the output19:41
pnwiseI am trying to run 18.04 in KVM and I am having problems with the picture19:41
pnwiseubuntu 18.04 mate works fine19:41
FurretUberI noticed there were two equal entries to choose in the computer's firmware to choose. One would restart and show the 0x1A error and the other would show the 0x1A error immediately19:41
pnwiseDoes anyone tried to run it in virtual machine?19:41
Bashing-omIntelCore: I do not see any unalocated space, there is a linux partition, sda4, of 400 GB .19:41
IntelCoreBash : between 3 and 4, Gparted graphic GUI application shows 76GB unallocated19:43
nexus6FurretUber: That means I shouldn't update! I'm on Xubuntu 17.10 too19:43
rubenwardythis is in docker, so it's probably due to that19:44
bumblefuzzsud0x3: pastebinit says I'm trying to send an empty document19:44
IntelCoreFurretUber - have a EFI? UEFI disk with win on it?19:44
bumblefuzzsud0x3: this is the output: gpgv: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpgv:                using DSA key 46181433FBB75451 gpgv: Can't check signature: No public key gpgv: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpgv:                using RSA key D94AA3F0EFE21092 gpgv: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <cdimage@ubuntu.com>"19:44
FurretUberI had to boot another system and install grub. This is what I had to use with its outputs to repair the install: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qkN8FQn7Vp/19:44
FurretUberIt's a notebook with UEFI and Secure Boot enabled19:44
FurretUberThe HDD has only Xubuntu19:45
FurretUberWhile the Xubuntu is installed in UEFI mode, the disk is in MBR19:46
FurretUberI think the fact it's not GPT caused the issue19:46
EightynineDoes hibernation work in Solus?19:46
rubenwardyhow do I update docker to use 18.04 rather than 16.04?19:46
sud0x3bumblefuzz: Have you downloaded the keys as instructed in step 4, follw the guide to the letter i dont see where your getting the command your using from the website.19:47
Bashing-omIntelCore: Oh .. I some how missed it .. but the space of 83 Gigs is between the 4th and 5th partitions. So sure .. can install 18.04 there .19:47
TJ-RoadRunner: xubuntu--vg-root is the root file-system which you'd need to chroot-mount. Once inside it, you'd need to "mount -a" so sda1 is correctly mounted to /boot/ then you can correctly remove the older kernel images and associated files19:47
bumblefuzzsud0x3: I'm using the instructions at the bottom of the page 'Check using Repository GPG Keys (secure)'19:47
bumblefuzzthis is step 319:48
sud0x3step three simply refers to downloading the hash and keyfile19:49
sud0x3then verify with gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS19:49
sud0x3in step 519:49
bumblefuzzsud0x3: https://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-verify-downloads/19:50
sud0x3bumblefuzz: yeah apologies i just scrolled back to see you using mate19:50
bumblefuzz3 is verify the keyring19:50
IntelCoreBashing- Made mah day !!!19:51
RoadRunnerTJ-: got it; now, regarding removing older kernel images - earlier you said that booting from the oldest is likely to be best since the new(er) ones are probably corrupt?19:52
sud0x3bumblefuzz: Does the file '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg' exist?19:52
IntelCoreFurrettUber ?  be sure your win10 boot is correct. clean, and re-approach ubuntu with a uefi signed 64 install.19:53
bumblefuzzsud0x3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8X4RzWSJt7/19:53
IntelCorefirst time in 14.04 Bash had to fix a mount point for my install on uefi/efi.19:56
bumblefuzzsud0x3: so, yes19:57
sud0x3bumblefuzz: Im not sure what is going on there, you could try gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS as shown in ubunti docs19:57
bumblefuzzsud0x3: I can't pastebinit, it says i'm trying to send an empty document... here's the output: gpg: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpg:                using DSA key 46181433FBB75451 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key gpg: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpg:                using RSA key D94AA3F0EFE21092 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key19:58
bumblefuzzwhy are these keys not on the ubuntu keyring20:00
bumblefuzzI've never had this happen before20:00
IntelCorewhere u got it frum?20:01
ubuntu_user_894is it really necessary for the minimal installation option to include firefox?20:02
ubuntu_user_894firefox is pretty big20:02
pnwiseYes it it is necessary. It is desktop OS, you know how many people  will be ouotraged? If you want go download server20:03
RoadRunnerTJ-: also, in which part of the system file tree would I find older kernel images and their files?20:04
ubuntu_user_894maybe there could be like a super-minimal installation option hidden somewhere in the installer20:04
kostkonubuntu_user_894, have you ever seen a desktop OS without a browser20:04
TJ-RoadRunner: /boot/20:04
TJ-RoadRunner: for each linux-image-$VERSION there's a vmlinuz, Symbols, config, abi and initrd.img. initrd.img is generated locally and usually is the big space hog20:05
TJ-RoadRunner: typically 60MB each20:05
ubuntu_user_894well i mean MS was sued for trying to bundle a web browser long, long ago20:05
sud0x3bumblefuzz: try listing keys with gpg --list-keys20:05
sud0x3bumblefuzz: if the key is not shown, try gpg --import /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg20:06
TJ-ubuntu_user_894: that was due to the Microsoft  monopoly on the desktop being mis-used20:06
ubuntu_user_894idk i just thought it would be cool if there was like a hidden option even more minimal than the minimal install. like that just included gnome, a few utilities, & the store20:07
kostkonubuntu_user_894, there's the mini iso20:07
TJ-ubuntu_user_894: use a -server install as a base if you want very minimal - most users installing a desktop will expect to find a familiar web user-agent which isn't hobbled20:07
kostkon!mini | ubuntu_user_89420:07
ubottuubuntu_user_894: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:07
kostkonhope it's still a thing20:07
TJ-kostkon: it is, it's with the netinst images20:08
IntelCoremy 16.04 desktop has things 18.04 does not20:08
kostkonTJ-, good to hear. it's useful to some people20:08
HarrrrrisUbuntu 18.04 install.... Screen rotates 180 degrees..... Xrandr -o normal doesn't work20:08
TJ-kostkon: used for PXE installs too20:08
OsmodivsHello, I have Ubuntu-Gnome 16.04. when I am in RealFlow 10 it requires me to press Alt-RMB or LMB for navigation on the 3D viewport, but when I do it grabs the whole window to move it around or opens a Window menu, I do not know how to disable that, How can I disable it?20:09
TJ-Harrrrris: is it using Gnome Mutter/Wayland rather than Xorg display server?20:09
HarrrrrisThanks how do I check20:09
Bashing-omubuntu_user_894: Maybe consider: https://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/ . And install the browser of your choice ?20:09
BLZbubbahi guys where does 18.04 put grub.cfg on an efi system?  dpkg appears to put it in /boot/grub but the efi loader wants it in /boot/efi/boot/grub/grub.cfg20:09
TJ-Harrrrris: I think "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE"20:10
BLZbubbaso i have to run mkconfig by hand after kernel updates or the system won't boot20:10
ubuntu_user_894that looks cool20:11
bumblefuzzcan someone help me securely verify my ubuntu download?20:11
jay_EiHelp. I forgot what to install so that I can set wifi password. I have installed wicd.  Got a message that wifi was detected. Help said to use Network putton in applet area. There is No such network. ifquery shows "lo", not wlan020:11
nicomachusbumblefuzz: there is an MD5 on the download page you can use.20:11
TJ-BLZbubba: if using the grub-efi-signed packages then GRUB should  write a grub.cfg to /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg enough for the core image, which will read the 'real' /boot/grub/grub.cfg when the 'normal' module loads20:11
ubuntu_user_894fits on a cd too :)20:11
nicomachusjay_Ei: does 'sudo lshw -C network' show a wlan0 (or any wlan) device?20:12
HarrrrrisTJ  it outputted "x1120:12
tomreynbumblefuzz: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#020:12
sud0x3bumblefuzz: did you try listing keys and verify the key your checking against was there20:12
TJ-ubuntu_user_894: the mini.iso needs a network connection to the Ubuntu servers, which can be a problem on systems with proprietary NICs or firmware20:12
IntelCoreTJ is correct on that boot20:13
ubuntu_user_894i've got a PCI network card that is supported by linux-libre20:13
ubuntu_user_894highly unlikely that would be an issue ;)20:13
BLZbubbaTJ-: what is the best command to run to generate grub.cfg, or do I have to run grub2-mkconfig and guess where to put it?20:13
TJ-BLZbubba: "sudo update-grub" does it20:13
sud0x3bumblefuzz: if your still stuggling maybe join #ubuntu-mate20:13
TJ-BLZbubba: update-grub is a wrapper around grub-mkconfig20:14
sud0x3ubuntu_user_894: who is using cd's :)20:14
BLZbubbaTJ-: i ran this last time and the system is happy: grub2-mkconfig > /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg20:14
jay_Einicomachus: lshw does show wireless interface. I have a BCM4312 and have already installed that driver.20:14
nicomachusjay_Ei: what driver does it show?20:15
FurretUberThe other disk is fine. I reported the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/176750120:15
ubuntu_user_894true, true XD20:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767501 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade leaves the system in a unbootable state" [Undecided,New]20:15
TJ-BLZbubba: that's almost what update-grub does20:15
BLZbubbabut i'm guessing that won't survive the next couple of kernel updates20:15
BLZbubbaunless i do ln -s /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg /boot/grub/20:15
TJ-BLZbubba: sounds like there's something 'custom' about how you've installed/configured the system, because the packages are designed to take care of that situation themselves20:16
nicomachusi'm not sure that's sustainable or wise, BLZbubba20:16
BLZbubbanicomachus: agreed but update-grub writes the cfg to /boot/grub, whereas grubx86.efi doesn't read it from there20:16
RoadRunnerTJ-: ok, I got this too. But, why would trying to manually mount my fs  work (while it failed automaticaly on boot) if there is a space/inode usage issue?20:16
jay_Einichomachus: show two interfaces: 1)Wireless interface. 2)Ethernet.  wireless is BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY20:17
purveshcan someone help me with rtcwake command I want whenever my laptop start then It should goto sleep every 28 minute & wakeup every 28min 1 second (I have cpu/bios bug which autoshutdown my laptop every 30 minutes but if i set my laptop goto sleep every 28min & wake up in a second then it will not shutdown) so i think rtcwake auto sleep & wake command will help me20:17
nicomachusjay_Ei: can you pastebin the full output of 'sudo lshw -C network' and link the paste here? Need to see what driver it has and make sure it's correct before we take the next step.20:17
IntelCore<<  thinks a windows MBR was a fix for dual boot.  I had to re-write the MBR for Win 10, then install Grub.20:18
TJ-RoadRunner: because if /boot/ file-system runs out of space whilst the latest initrd.img-$VERSION is being written, there'll be a truncated (corrupted) file - the system should detect that and delete it to prevent the boot time issue, but doesn;t20:18
BLZbubbahmm i don't see any packages that own /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu20:19
baumywhere can I find the libxcb randr headers for ubuntu xenial?20:19
TJ-RoadRunner: initrd.img is a root file-system sufficient to find and mount the REAL root file-system, so if it gets broken, the system is stuck, which is why we reply on keeping older kernel versions (and their initrd.imgs) around as a fail-safe20:19
IntelCoretha ms have a fixor for efi boot20:19
baumythere doesn't seem to be a libxcb-randr-dev or libxcb-randr0-dev package20:19
TheSovI did a do release upgrade on my desktop now my USB ports stopped working anyone know what I can do?20:19
TheSovon my cell atm20:20
baumyactually, that second one exists but rofi isn't building, which is the problem i'm trying to solve20:20
TJ-BLZbubba: No, because the path is generated not packaged20:20
TheSovI have an Asus rog mobo20:20
jay_Einichomachus: No. on a different computer  have not installed xchat yet on target machine.  IT DID SAY that wireless  SSIDS were detected.20:20
TJ-BLZbubba: the various "grub-efi-*" packages are responsible for generating/installing the appropriate files20:20
IntelCoreTJ - he had an MBR on the hard drive20:21
TJ-IntelCore: why would that matter?20:21
IntelCoreIf he does then the efi/efi/grub20:22
TJ-IntelCore: makes no difference to which file-systems are possible though20:22
IntelCoreI had to correct the mbr, then grub worked20:22
TJ-IntelCore: little-known fact - the UEFI specification requires firmware support BOTH GPT and MBR partitioning schemes20:23
ubuntu_user_894wow, i actually didn't know that20:23
IntelCoreAlso, Bash in here had to fix a mount for ubuntu, so20:24
TJ-ubuntu_user_894: not many due; it's hidden away in the UEFI appendices, I had reason to check in it some time ago now20:24
RoadRunnerTJ-: the comp I am on now (not the one under repair), has 20 kernel images with initrd.imgs 13-39MB each. Is 20 the default number and is it better to decrease that number to conserve space?20:24
TJ-RoadRunner: usually "sudo apt autoremove" is supposed to be used occassionaly and leave just the 3 most recent kernels20:25
TJ-RoadRunner: with /boot/ in the root FS this isn't usually an issue since it generally has GBs of free space20:25
nicomachus!pm | jay_Ei20:25
ubottujay_Ei: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:25
TJ-RoadRunner: but got a ~500MB FS that quickly uses it all up20:25
TJ-s/but got/but on/20:26
IntelCoreTY for help. GL TJ/Bashing/PPL/Peeps.20:26
RoadRunnerTJ-: then why is boot partition set up to be so small by default?20:27
TJ-RoadRunner: because we only expect 3 or 4 versions to be kept. There is an option for apt to autoremove kernels but it's disabled by default, I think.20:28
TJ-RoadRunner: this has been an issue for about 10 years now but there's so much indecision around it that nothing has been changed20:28
TJ-RoadRunner: the counter-argument basically goes "but if we delete kernels without User's explicit consent it might break they system" - my response is "let's keep a boot-timestamp-counter per-version so we know which might be in use and get confirmation before removing those apparently required20:30
naccTJ-: apt doesn't autoremove by default in general, but it will prompt and if you run the command, it will clear out old kernels20:31
RoadRunnerTJ-: I could have opted to just install the newly released lts but decided to try to figure this issue out so that if it happens again, I'd know what to do.  Is this default left the same in 18.04?20:31
harrisTJ-, i fixed it20:32
purveshcan someone help me with rtcwake command I want whenever my laptop start then It should goto sleep every 28 minute & wakeup every 28min 1 second (I have cpu/bios bug which autoshutdown my laptop every 30 minutes but if i set my laptop goto sleep every 28min & wake up in a second then it will not shutdown) so i think rtcwake auto sleep & wake command will help me20:33
TJ-nacc: I was on about "Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Kernel-Packages" in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades not being enabled by default20:34
MonkeyDustpurvesh  try this   sudo rtcwake -m disk -t $(date +%s -d +28*60)20:38
TJ-RoadRunner: the situation for size of boot, and not autremoving kernels, is the same in 18.0420:38
RoadRunnerTJ-: just typed in sudo apt autoremove on this comp, out of 20 kernels it offered to remove only 2 not even mentioning the 18 that are older still...20:41
aliendude5300Hello, I just installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a new system (wiped) and it will not boot. It asks for the encryption key but when I enter it the system does not get pack the boot screen20:41
aliendude5300I am 100% sure I entered the key correctly, and did a reinstall to verify20:42
aliendude5300There are errors in the log while trying to unlock.20:42
RoadRunnerTJ-: *typo: 16 that are older still20:42
=== eddie is now known as Guest85702
RadicalEntityAnyone have an idea on what's going on with this on 18.04? The hard drives eventually come online, but it slows my boot time. https://pastebin.com/GhgfLjAe20:43
aliendude5300One of the messages says warning failed to connect to lvmetad20:45
aliendude5300Then there is a crypt: unknown target type message and a reload ioctl on failed: invalid argument message20:45
TJ-RoadRunner: does "apt list --installed linux-image-*" list lots of older kernels, or are the files left overs not tracked by package management maybe? That can happen after release-upgrades20:46
aliendude5300I installed the system with the minimal desktop option + crypto + lvm20:47
TJ-aliendude5300: does the pass phrase contain some non English characters? is the installed locale not en_US? it could be the keyboard mapping isn't set correctly in the initrd when you're asked for the passphrase20:49
aliendude5300My passphrase only contains english characters20:49
aliendude5300It contains mixed case, the - symbol, [,], and #.20:50
aliendude5300also a period.20:50
TJ-aliendude5300: so it appears to accept the passphrase then fails on the key-mapping ?20:50
aliendude5300I guess so. I am not a huge expert in how it works behind the scenes20:50
TJ-aliendude5300: which suggests the initrd.img doesn't contain the required kernel modules, or is not modprobe-ing them, before trying to unlock20:50
aliendude5300I can reproduce it reliably - I installed 3 times20:51
aliendude5300If it makes any difference I'm using an NVMe SSD as my storage20:51
naccTJ-: ah that's unattended-upgrades specific, which is why i was confused :)20:51
TJ-aliendude5300: does it eventually  drop to the initramfs shell prompt?20:51
aliendude5300I'm guessing I discovered a bug in 18.0420:51
aliendude5300It eventually says cryptosetup will go to sleep for 60 seconds and hangs20:52
naccRoadRunner: also note that autoremove won't remove kernels that were *manually* installed or held20:52
naccRoadRunner: autoremove is not smarter than you :)20:52
TJ-aliendude5300: hmmm, that's not very user friendly. I use encrypted installs extensively and am very familiar with it, but this is a new one for me20:52
SummiHello everyone. Hope you're all doing good. I'm trying to install node as from the following website but the command throws an error for some reason.20:53
SummiI'm on a VM with Xubuntu 18.04 installed20:53
RoadRunnerTJ-: nacc: this is what I got after running autoremove: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4P6M8Nyr33/ seems more should be removed, no?20:53
MikjaerWill Ubuntu's official login manager switch from lightdm to gdm during this release?20:53
SummiDoes anyone happen to know if 18.04 supports installing node.js yet20:53
SummiThank you20:53
aliendude5300My passphrase is something complex similar to "--[-Word#Word.A#More#Words*123*Word-]--", with all of those symbols included.20:53
aliendude5300Considering I've typed it like 100+ times total, and the last like 15 attempts failed on 18.04 I am 100% sure it's not a typing mistake20:54
TJ-RoadRunner: seems like all those 3.19 versions are locally (means manually) installed20:54
yokowkagood all to you! do you read me?)20:55
TJ-aliendude5300: have you tried with a very simple passphrase?20:55
aliendude5300I can try that20:55
kostkonyokowka, roger20:55
TJ-aliendude5300: would be a good idea. that way we can figure out where the issue truly lies20:55
TJ-aliendude5300: have you tried manually unlocking it from a liveISO installer  started in Try Ubuntu mode?20:56
RoadRunnerTJ-: don't know enough to doing anything but autoupdate:) ok, so the only way to remove them is manually, one at a time?20:56
aliendude5300I'm doing a reinstall now. I'm going to use abcdefg12 as my passphrase to test20:56
aliendude5300If that's not simple, I don't know what is ;)20:57
yokowka<kostkon> what do yoy mean?20:57
yokowkaговоритъ кто по- руски?20:58
TJ-RoadRunner: what does "apt-get --dry-run autoremove" report ?20:58
aliendude5300Okay, it's failing with a very simple passphrase.20:58
aliendude5300This is frustrating. Let me boot into the live installer and try to unlock it20:59
nicomachus!ru | yokowka20:59
ubottuyokowka: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:59
nicomachusyokowka: "roger" is an English word used sometimes to acknowledge that a signal/message was received.20:59
TJ-aliendude5300: which exactly ISO installer image are you using (so I can try to replicate) ?21:00
aliendude5300TJ: let me check21:01
yokowkathank you nicomachus21:01
nicomachusyou're welcome yokowka21:01
RoadRunnerTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ythWB7GNNd/21:02
aliendude5300md5sum ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso21:02
aliendude5300129292a182136a35e1f89c586dbac2e2  ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso21:02
TJ-aliendude5300: thanks, I'll download it and test. Did you do the standard guided install method?21:03
TJ-RoadRunner: so no candidates for autoremoval yet lots of linux-image-* packages installed. Seems like the system has got itself confused21:03
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
yokowkawho knows how paste gnome theme to the folder usr/share/themes wrights system: there is no rules to create folder in the plase of destination?21:04
aliendude5300Yes. I launched Ubiquity. Settings: Minimal desktop, yes to install additional packages, no to turn off secure boot (it is already off), erase disk and install, check the crypto and LVM, enter literally anything as passphrase, then do the install.21:04
aliendude5300If it helps, I'm on a Dell Precision laptop with a Samsung PM981 NVMe drive21:04
aliendude5300I use the default partition scheme for LVM21:05
TJ-RoadRunner: show us "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ ; df --output )"21:05
aliendude5300Okay, I am in the live image now. I CAN unlock the drive using the passphrase I created.21:06
aliendude5300(via GNOME Disks)21:06
aliendude5300All the files seem to be there21:06
aliendude5300It looks like the root filesystem is in fact encrypted, and the default LVM did not give me a /home21:07
RoadRunnerTJ-: so the same thing that happened on my other comp can easily happen here as well?... OK, so is there an easy way to remove all old (3.19) images and which 4.4 images are safe to remove?21:07
aliendude5300(by a /home I mean a separate partition)21:07
TJ-aliendude5300: the way it is supposed to work with an encrypted root file-system is the 'cryptsetup' tools are installed into the initrd.img along with a script that should 'modprobe' a list of required kernel modules (for the cipher/hash schemes used). The messages you are seeing suggest those modules are not being inserted21:07
aliendude5300Well this sucks. Can I chroot into it and fix it? I'd really like to use this21:07
TJ-RoadRunner: you could do " sudo apt remove linux-image{,-extra}-3.19* "21:08
TJ-aliendude5300: no, at this point you've no access to the root file-system - that's the issue!21:08
aliendude5300I'm in a live environment with it mounted21:09
TJ-aliendude5300: which was why I asked if it dropped to the initramfs shell since then we'd have a simple command-line to try to fix it from21:09
aliendude5300It's able to decrypt it just fine from the live USB21:09
TJ-aliendude5300: something is wrong if a start job just hangs and the system doesn't drop to a shell for user fixing21:09
skjensenHi guys, is there a way to get a systemd service to read a config or global variable? I like my service to run on a different port on each host and will prefer a config file instead of editing the service on all the hosts..21:09
aliendude5300I can get you any debugging info you need. I'd like to see this fixed21:10
TJ-aliendude5300: huh? I thought you'd said it couldn't decrypt manually from a Try ubuntu session?21:10
aliendude5300No, I can get it to decrypt just fine in try ubuntu21:10
aliendude5300Booting the thing on its own is broken though21:10
TJ-aliendude5300: OK, so that proves your passphrase is good21:10
TJ-aliendude5300: so it does come down to the initrd.img and either (1) keyboard mapping or (2) default system locale21:11
aliendude5300Well, I use a standard US English keyboard21:11
TJ-aliendude5300: Let's set up a chroot then. In the Live env do "sudo apt install pastebinit"21:11
TJ-aliendude5300: then show us "pastebinit <( sudo blkid ; lsblk -f )"21:12
TJ-skjensen: could you make use of systemd template files (usually used to create multiple instances on the /same/ host, but has the plumbing for such a thing)21:13
aliendude5300TJ: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QMSmBgtnD9/21:14
skjensenTJ, might be a possible solution..21:14
TJ-aliendude5300: OK: "sudo mkdir /target" then "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /target"21:15
TJ-aliendude5300: then "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"21:15
roothorickNo package installs dnsmasq.conf in 18.04 now? Is that right?21:17
aliendude5300TJ: Done, no output21:17
TJ-aliendude5300: good sign! now enter the chroot with "sudo chroot /target" - you're now in the 'broken' OS. First do "mount -a" to do all the autmounts (if any)21:18
aliendude5300mount -a shows a few can't find UUID's in there21:19
aliendude5300 /boot and /boot/EFI failed21:19
Bashing-omroothorick: " sysop@x1804mini:~$ sudo find / -name dnsmasq.conf >> /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dnsmasq.conf " .21:19
TJ-aliendude5300: hmmm, that's not a good sign. That command emulates what the boot-time reading of /etc/fstab does21:19
UBUNTUMEWhy is my touchpad not working right on beaver?21:20
roothorickBashing-om: that's not the actual dnsmasq.conf21:20
aliendude5300The UUID for nvme0n1p2 matches the one it is looking for21:20
TJ-aliendude5300: I'm /guessing/  nvme0n1p2 would be where the separate /boot/ file-system is (supposed to be)21:20
UBUNTUMERight click is no longer working... and nor is two finger scrolling21:20
TJ-aliendude5300: OK, so we have the first signs of an issue, but let's move on for now to check the initrd.img21:21
aliendude5300Where would that be?21:21
aliendude5300 /var/log?21:21
TJ-aliendude5300: we'll re-generate the initrd.img with verbose logging and check the list of installed modules by cryptsetup. We need to know the kernel version first, so show us "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ )" - if as expected we don't see the kernels that's due to "mount -a" failing and we need to sort that out21:22
aliendude5300pastbinit isn't in the chroot, hold on21:23
TJ-aliendude5300: ahhh, yes, I should really remember that by now!21:24
aliendude5300Only . and .. are in the list. NO files in /boot21:25
RoadRunnerTJ-: Thank you :). removed 3.19 images, 2.2GB freed! So which of the 4.4 images are safe to remove?21:25
RoadRunnerTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7Tg94PRFRw/21:25
TJ-RoadRunner: I'd say -96. -97, -9821:27
SummerstormI just installed 18.04. Does anyone want to warn me of how horrible it is?21:27
TJ-RoadRunner: that leaves the 2 most recent (automatic) installs21:27
aliendude5300What can I do to mount the /boot ?21:27
aliendude5300I can see in it and it is not encrypted from the host OS21:28
TJ-aliendude5300: right, let's look at fstab: "pastebinit /etc/fstab"21:28
TJ-aliendude5300: we're expecting to see a valid mount entry for 24a1b2df-804b-47dc-b698-4ce330e71e23 /boot21:29
aliendude5300TJ: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5NSRGqJHY5/21:29
Bashing-omSummerstorm: Ubuntu and xubuntu 18.04 smooth as butter for me :)21:29
RoadRunnerTJ-: any clever syntax to automate that:) ?21:29
Butterfly_Bashing-om : stop highlighting me21:30
clarity510Hey. I enabled File sharing, but I can't seem to connect to my computer21:30
[Bond007]A quick question, don´t know about the answer: came from osx.. how to chown the 3 disks I added full of s/w I want to save after installing?21:30
clarity510it's dav://machine-name.local right?21:31
TJ-RoadRunner: "sudo apt remove linux-image{,-extra}-4.4.0-9{6,7,8}-generic"21:31
SummerstormBahing-om : Thanks. I used 17.10 a while. Is it much different than that?21:31
clarity510I'm using Ubuntu 17 btw21:31
Bashing-omSummerstorm: Unable to advise as I have not used 17.10 .21:32
TJ-clarity510: machine-name.local would appear to be relying on local mutlicast DNS resolvers and advertisers on all systems. On Ubuntu/Linux that's the avahi packages21:32
clarity510hrm, I can nmap machine-name.local, but the ports aren't open21:32
aliendude5300As far as I know, the /etc/fstab is just fine21:33
TJ-clarity510: you can manually check what is advertised with "avahi-browse -art"21:33
SummerstormOkey doke then, I'll check back later to see if anyone else comes up with something intersting.21:33
sveinse18.04 fixes all issues I've had with the external displays and setting on this Lenovo P51 laptop, so a big thank you to ubuntu for this :D21:33
kolbert18.04 is out?21:33
Kamilionmir is dead, long live xorg.21:33
kolbertGonna install when I get home21:33
sveinsekolbert: indeed, 18.04 is out21:34
devslash2has anyone here installed Ubuntu 18.04 in VirtualBox. i just did a fresh install and its really sluggish21:34
TJ-aliendude5300: let me see the failed mount messages: "pastebinit <( mount -a )"21:34
Kamilionremember, do-release-upgrade will only be available after 18.04.121:34
Kamilionyou'll either have to -d it or do a clean install21:34
Bashing-omsudormrf: Bionic however features many changes, you will do well to read the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes .21:34
laurenanyone know of software for ubuntu that allows per-process per-host total-bandwidth-used monitoring on ubuntu?21:34
laurenoops said "on ubuntu" twice21:34
Kamilionand I know there's some weird bugs -- like 16.04 -> 18.04 will try to remove apparmor21:34
Chris999hello everyone21:34
devslash218.04 is buggy for me21:35
Kamilionthat'll probably be fixed by 18.04.121:35
clarity510Do you have to reboot after turning filesharing on?21:35
laurenI've looked around a bit and nothing I can find is lightweight enough to run as a daemon and log bandwidth use21:35
Chris999anyone having an Intel Surface Laptop ? need to make the keyboard work ... I probably need the keyboard driver21:35
sveinseI've been running a prerelease of 18.04 for about a month, and its working smooth for me. Using it for my daily work21:35
Kamiliondevslash2: file issues so they can be fixed; this week will be spent fixing as many as possible.21:35
TJ-lauren: well, you're asking for per-packet logging from the netfilters layer, that can be very expensive on resources21:35
devslash2Kamilion, the thing is, its just slow/completely unresponsive21:36
devslash2its not one specific issue with an application/binary21:36
Kamiliondevslash2: How much ram? You'll need 1.5GB minimum.21:36
laurenTJ-: hmm, interesting. how expensive is expensive? the thing I was thinking of is "just run tcpdump and analyze the packet dumps"21:36
devslash24 GB21:36
Kamilionfor the virtualbox?21:36
Kamilionwhich flavor?21:36
devslash2its completely locked up right now21:36
devslash218.04 desktop21:36
KamilionI deal with lubuntu21:37
laurenTJ-: do you know of anything lighter weight than that? I'm also cool with bandwidth monitoring to classes of hosts - ie, "internet" vs "local network" type thing21:37
Kamilionsorry, dunno about the unity bs21:37
TJ-aliendude5300: did /dev fail to mount earlier I wonder? let's check. "pastebinit <( mount )"21:37
devslash2what desktop WM does lubuntu use21:37
Kamilioni can't stand that sidebar21:37
Kamilionuh, openbox I think.21:37
Chris999so , no Surface users here ? :( my keyboard won`t work ...21:37
devslash2i make it auto hide the sidebar21:37
Kamilioni just want a start menu, I don't want all this fullscreen fluff21:38
aliendude5300TJ: paste.ubuntu.com/p/sStQHt4VSd21:38
TJ-lauren: there are a lot of options but all of them require inspecting packets and counting/adding at some point21:38
MonkeyDustChris999  use the up key to repeat your question every 10-15 minutes or so, until someone can help21:38
Kamilionhttp://puu.sh/AbDt0/6477d5b6a9.png  <--- Lubuntu is good enough for me. :D21:38
laurenTJ-: that's not surprising. what options do you know of? if it's expensive, I'll just have to deal with that fact; would still be nice if there were something a bit easier than parsing tcpdump21:39
aliendude5300I remounted /dev and it is now working @TJ21:39
aliendude5300Let me redo ls -latr /boot21:39
devslash2Kamilion, I just force reset my VM.21:40
aliendude5300TJ: paste.ubuntu.com/p/WzykRs8hmW21:40
TJ-aliendude5300: doh! one of us mistyped earlier and missed out the /dev/ bind mount. Exit the chroot: "exit" and do "sudo umount /target/dev/pts; sudo mount --bind /dev /target/dev; sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /target/dev/pts" then re-enter: "sudo chroot /target" and do "mount -a" and there should be no errors21:40
aliendude5300I figured that one out already ;)21:40
TJ-lauren: you might be some better answers in ##networking21:40
aliendude5300The above paste is the boot contents from within chroot21:41
TJ-lauren: that or possibly #ubuntu-server21:41
Chris999ok MonkeyDust, I will , thank you21:41
purveshMonkeyDust, Thanks for reply, I tried your command it gives me an error of invalid date21:41
KamilionAlso: To whoever came on the ubuntu-mini-remix-16.04-amd64.iso torrent and revived it from the dead a week ago: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU21:41
laurenah, thanks!21:41
laurenthey're probably not here, Kamilion :)21:41
devslash2Kamilion, After a reboot, my entire desktop is non-responsive21:41
devslash2Kamilion, i can see the desktop but nothing is responding to mouse clicks21:42
Kamiliondevslash2: Try hitting alt-space a few times21:42
Kamilionsometimes I've gotten the cursor grabbing something and it gets stuck that way21:42
TJ-aliendude5300: you keep getting ahead of me!21:42
Kamilionand alt-space is enough to release it21:42
RoadRunnerTJ-: thank you again, another 600+MB liberated! now, why is there a "linux-image-extra" for every "linux-image" present, is it a backup?21:42
KamilionRoadRunner: that's the loadable kernel modules for a ton of devices21:42
devslash2Kamilion, no luck21:42
devslash2deader than elvis21:43
KamilionRoadRunner: you can clear them out along with the linux-images, don't leave them behind.21:43
TJ-aliendude5300: right, so we've now got /boot/ mounted. So you should see vmlinuz/initrd.img etc., with "ls -latr /boot/"21:43
KamilionRoadRunner: you may or may not also have associated kernel-headers packages for corresponding versions, those can be removed too.21:43
Chris999Anyone having an Intel Surface Laptop ? I`d be hugely indebtted if you could help me please.. my keyboard won`t work :(21:43
TJ-RoadRunner: -extra- contains most of the 'extra' optional kernel modules21:44
aliendude5300Yes, paste.ubuntu.com/p/WzykRs8hmW21:44
purveshMonkeyDust, But this command I found which will do my job:   sleep 10; sudo rtcwake -s 02 -m mem (but I don't know how to set this to auto repeat every 28 minutes or repeat the command Cron joh in ubuntu)21:44
TJ-RoadRunner: that way basic virtual-machine installs don't need loads of never-used modules21:44
Kamiliondevslash2: Well, that sucks. Uh. Try another desktop? I hear kubuntu's nice, but heavy. Havn't tried it myself.21:44
devslash2ugh i hate kde21:45
Kamilionkde or qt?21:45
KamilionI don't mind QT anymore21:45
Kamilion5.x has been decent21:45
KamilionQT4 was a thorn in my side21:45
devslash2i tried kubuntu which uses the KDE WM. its ugly AF21:45
Kamilionchange themes, there's a bunch21:45
purveshMonkeyDust, do you know how can I set that command as cron job ?21:46
* Kamilion just sticks with lubuntu, no theme, and minimal tools21:46
KamilionI've annoyed the lubuntu devs enough to get my preferences into the lubuntu defaults21:46
RoadRunnerKamilion: re "associated kernel-headers packages for corresponding versions" how would I check for the presence of those?21:46
TJ-aliendude5300: good! now we'll regenerate the initrd.img and capture a log of what's included, then share the log. "update-initramfs -vu -k 4.15.0-20-generic |& tee /tmp/uir.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/uir.log"21:46
KamilionRoadRunner: uh, good question. Normally I `apt install wajig` and `wajig sizes`21:47
KamilionRoadRunner: as for how others would do it? I think synaptic or muon would work21:47
TJ-RoadRunner: "apt list --installed linux-headers*'21:47
Kamilionooh, apt has a list command?21:47
Kamilionoh. that was not the output I expected.21:48
RoadRunnerKamilion: TJ-: thank you guys! I have to depart for 20min but promise to be back with more questions :) hope to see you both here when I return :)21:48
purveshHow can I install Ubuntu & Lubuntu together dual boot & lateron I can remove Lubuntu which should not affect functionality of Ubuntu (first OS) should I make different boot partition for both OS of in one boot partition only I should install ?21:48
KamilionRoadRunner: I havn't left IRC for 10 years.21:49
TJ-RoadRunner: generally, once linux-image* are removed "apt autoremove" will take out yjr linux-headers* packages21:49
KamilionHighlight me if you have an information request.21:49
aliendude5300TJ: paste.ubuntu.com/p/t6Sj6Hn6nt21:49
Kamilionreminds me, I need to fork wajig for 18.0421:49
Chris999anyone  who can give me a hand ? :) I don`t know how to follow some instructions ...21:50
Kamilionor get the maintainer to drop the Depends on aptitude21:50
RadicalEntityHas anyone had a look at my pastebin?21:50
KamilionChris999: what sort of instructions are you having trouble with?21:50
TJ-aliendude5300: 1st possible (vital) problem! "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab for luks-98c2ce02-6cb1-4a2d-a086-1e8cf78a3c58 -"21:50
TJ-aliendude5300: line 115621:50
aliendude5300Well that is not good21:51
KamilionChris999: says right at the top the keyboard doesn't work for surface laptop21:52
aliendude5300Let me pastebin the crypttab file21:52
Chris999darn ....21:52
KamilionChris999: plug in a USB keyboard.21:52
Chris999and I like so much this ubuntu ...21:52
TJ-aliendude5300: that's the problem too, your earlier pastebin shows that's the UUID for the LVM ( https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QMSmBgtnD9/ )21:53
KamilionRun it in a VM then.21:53
Kamilionlinux doesn't really care where it's run, and has no bullcrap licensing checks or serial number tomfoolery.21:53
Chris999I have done just that just can`t belive we are in 2018 and no one has built a driver for a keyboard yet ...21:53
KamilionChris999: blame microsoft or whoever made that device for using something nonstandard.21:53
Chris999yes , microsoft are proper shit ... hate windows21:54
KamilionJust install WSL, Chris99921:54
Kamilionyou'll get ubuntu with it.21:54
aliendude5300So the bug is that the LVM UUID is being used instead of /root...?21:54
Kamilionif you want a desktop, https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php21:55
dchotashello everyone, im not being able to connect anything through hdmi to my laptop, other os's same machine work fine21:55
KamilionChris999: microsoft and canonical have been working together for a while.21:55
TJ-aliendude5300: I'm doing the same test here to see why you get that message. crypttab looks fine so it could be a red herring21:55
RadicalEntityDebian comes to Windows WSL for the next update.21:57
TJ-aliendude5300: this is the problem for sure; after those warnings (which should not be there) you would normally see a few files added such as "Adding binary /sbin/cryptsetup" and the kernel modules I mentioned earlier. So now we know what top focus on21:58
TJ-aliendude5300: the bug is, something in /etc/crypttab as written by the installer, is breaking the initramfs hooks installed by cryptsetup package which are responsible for adding support for encrypted root into the initrd.img21:58
TJ-aliendude5300: the pastebin format looked fine, so I'm wondering if there are embedded invisble characters causing a problem. Can you show us "pastebinit <( hexdump -C /etc/crypttab )"21:58
aliendude5300Hey TJ, the last character, that period ... should that be there?22:00
aliendude5300I think that's messed up22:00
aliendude5300Let me open it with vi and delete it, if I mess up this install I don't care, there's nothing on it22:01
aliendude5300Okay, so it is not showing in vi22:01
purveshHow can I install Ubuntu & Lubuntu together dual boot & lateron I can remove Lubuntu which should not affect functionality of Ubuntu (first OS) should I make different boot partition for both OS of in one boot partition only I should install ?22:01
aliendude5300I think the 0a is just an EOF character or somethign :/22:01
TJ-aliendude5300: the 'dot' in the ASCII text on the right is the linefeed character. hexdump uses a 'dot' for all invisible codes22:01
aliendude5300Damn, thought I figured it out22:02
aliendude5300From a working system it looks like this: luks-65a2535e-8d93-4614-ad5d-8b43b69a670a UUID=65a2535e-8d93-4614-ad5d-8b43b69a670a none luks,discard22:03
TJ-aliendude5300: I think we need to enable some manual hacked debugging to the cryptsetup hooks themselves, to see what they do/see when calling update-initramfs22:03
beterrabaGuys, the command "sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit" is broken in my computer. I'm not sure if that's because I'm in 18.04. Could someone please help me with this one?22:03
aliendude5300How can we do that?22:04
TJ-aliendude5300: the fields in crypttab are "device-mapper-name block-device key-file options,options,options"22:04
TJ-aliendude5300: I do it alot in debugging; let me check!22:04
beterrabaI'm trying "sudo apt --fix-broken install", but there are errors!22:04
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit bionic22:05
ubottuPackage nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in bionic22:05
sky887_   Take it easy, well i do :)22:05
lotuspsychjesky887_: can we help you with something?22:06
sky887_just lurking :)22:06
lotuspsychjesky887_: please lurk in silence in the support channel22:06
roothorick...did I really just do that22:06
sky887_ok :)22:06
naccbeterraba: lotuspsychje's point was it's not an ubuntu package, fyi22:08
pnwiseOnce upon a time I ran chown -R www-data:www-data on my desktop thinking I am on a server web root dir22:08
lotuspsychjenacc: hmm shows in my apt-cache here22:08
naccah it's in multiverse22:09
beterrabaYou might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these. The following packages have unmet dependencies:  cuda-drivers : Depends: nvidia-387 (>= 387.26) but it is not going to be installed  libcuda1-387 : Depends: nvidia-387 (>= 387.26) but it is not going to be installed  nvidia-387-dev : Depends: nvidia-387 (>= 387.26) but it is not going to be installed  nvidia-opencl-icd-387 : Depends: nvidia-387 (>= 387.26) but it i22:09
beterrabaIt seems the problem is with the repository22:10
lotuspsychjebeterraba: did you add external ppa's?22:10
lotuspsychjebeterraba: thats why you get scrambled dependecies22:10
lotuspsychjebeterraba: we advise not to use them if possible22:10
beterrabaThey seem to be trustable22:11
beterrabaThey`re from NVIDIA themselves22:11
beterrabaI`m trying to install CUDA compiler22:11
TJ-aliendude5300: I'm still digging (in the source-code/package of cryptsetup). The location of the cryptroot hook script has moved and I'm having difficulty locating the new location22:13
lotuspsychjebeterraba: what i would do, is to ppapurge your external ppa's, sudo apt update and apt-cache search the packages you need from the official repos22:13
lotuspsychjebeterraba: get your system to health again22:14
beterrabalotuspsychje: that seems reasonable. How can I ppapurge ?22:14
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | beterraba22:14
ubottubeterraba: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:14
aliendude5300TJ: no worries22:14
beterrabaDid I add the ppa when I did: "sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-<version>/7fa2af80.pub" ?22:15
TJ-aliendude5300: oh duh! It's because I have a custom cryptroot of my own so removed the system version! OK, so the warning message (should be an error!) is from /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot22:15
aliendude5300What does that mean for me here?22:15
lotuspsychjebeterraba: some packages downloaded from the web, add the ppa too22:16
lotuspsychje!sources | beterraba check your sources here22:16
ubottubeterraba check your sources here: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.22:16
TJ-aliendude5300: it means we need to discover why line 356 of that (shell) script fails, so we add 'verbose' logging to it as a temporary measure. For this you need to use a text-mode text editor like vim or nano. Are you familiar/comfortable with either of those?22:17
Bashing-omTJ-: aliendude5300 This ? : " Doing an "Entire disk" installation over an existing LVM installation will fail because the installer selects the wrong boot device (1724417) " ?22:17
beterrabalotuspsychje: ok, let me check my sources22:18
TJ-Bashing-om: doesn't sound like it; in this case cryptsetup's initraamfs-tools hook script is reporting an invalid entry in crypttab22:18
lotuspsychjebeterraba: your on 18.04 yea?22:18
TJ-Bashing-om: entry looks absolutely fine so we need to find out what the script is 'seeing'22:19
hendrikOn update to 18.04, i got lot's of unment dependency errors, that I do not understand. For example there are a lot of python packages that require python3 < 3.6. But apt-cache show shows that there is a newer version of those packages available that are compatible with python 3.622:19
Bashing-omTJ-: :) .. As usual you have gone over my skills level :P22:19
beterrabalotuspsychje: yes!22:19
Chris999hello guys , quick help ?22:19
lotuspsychjebeterraba: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-list-and-remove-ppa-repository-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux22:19
lotuspsychje!ask | Chris99922:19
ubottuChris999: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:19
Chris999have this link with what I need to make my touchscreen work , where do I put it and how?22:20
Chris999it`s just commands in it , no viruses or messing about22:20
Chris999do I copy in terminal or ?22:20
TJ-aliendude5300: using whichever editor you are happy with, you should open /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot  and add as it's 2nd line "set -x" then save the file22:20
aliendude5300I'll do that with vi22:21
TJ-aliendude5300: OK, once that's added, when the script is caused it'll write every command before executing it, so we can see what it is doing when we call update-initramfs. So again do "update-initramfs -vu -k 4.15.0-20-generic |& tee /tmp/uir.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/uir.log"22:22
sopparusnginx-full seems to miss webdav in ubuntu 18.0422:23
sysfaulthello guys, yesterday i dropped an ice cube on my touchpad. i immediately removed it and allowed the touchpad to dry. ever since my mouse isnt working in unity desktop however it works in both gdm and in my windows v7 partitions on the same system. did a locking mechanism of some sort occur when i did that? i dont understand22:23
sopparusnginx: [emerg] unknown directive "dav_ext_methods"22:23
Chris999can anyone tell me where do I copy this ? https://github.com/jakeday/linux-surface/files/1848270/dmesg.txt22:24
aliendude5300TJ: Starts on 115122:24
naccsopparus: libnginx-mod-http-dav-ext ?22:24
sopparusnacc, installed that one too, didnt help22:24
naccsopparus: ah i see it's a dependency of nginx-full22:24
naccsopparus: i'd ask teward in #ubuntu-server22:24
pnwiseIsn't encfs included in ubuntu 18.04?22:25
lotuspsychje!info encfs bionic22:26
ubottuencfs (source: encfs): encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.2-2build2 (bionic), package size 353 kB, installed size 1487 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any)22:26
TJ-aliendude5300: 1352 looks to be the problem. I *think* it's the "luks-" prefix breaking it22:28
pnwiseThanks, looks like I didn't enable additional software repo22:28
aliendude5300Is there a good workaround I can use, or am I hosed for now?22:29
Chris999TJ- think you can take a look at the PM I sent you?22:31
naccChris999: copy what?22:32
naccChris999: please don't PM -- what is your ubuntu support question?22:33
TJ-aliendude5300: I'm reading the script itself, give me a few more minutes. I eat this code for breakfast most of the time (currently adding cryptsetup v2, key-file, and detached header support to GRUB 2 bootloader)22:33
TJ-Chris999: I don't accept private messages. All support is in channel22:33
Chris999so , it`s simple , found the driver for my touchscreen to work , just don`t know where to put it .. do I copy the inside commands ?22:34
Chris999this is the link to that text in which the commands are22:35
naccChris999: what commands are you referring to?22:36
naccChris999: also, that does not appear to be an ubuntu kernel?22:37
Chris999well, in that link I have sent , is a file named dmesg.txt , it`s my touchscreen22:37
naccChris999: dmesg.txt is the kernel log, it's not a driver.22:37
Paradox55So I just uninstalled a old version of Ubuntu to install 18.04 and I'm not able to boot into "live" mode. Removing quiet and splash from grub reveals it's having squash errors and soft/hard cpu lockups. I've tried other USB sticks, redownloading the ISO and then I went a step further and tried other distros - same problem, CPU lockups or "waiting for x server to start" with no success. I'm using a GE72VR apache pro.22:37
Chris999and what do I do with  it ?22:37
naccChris999: if you don't know, I'm not sure you should be doing this ... it's just a log file22:37
lotuspsychjeParadox55: define 'old version' plz?22:38
Chris999come om man .. just installed ubuntu , I know I don`t know anything as of yet but we all had to start somewhere ...22:38
Paradox55lotuspsychje pretty sure it was 17.1022:38
naccParadox55: and what do you mean by uninstalled to install?22:38
Paradox55I mean I dual boot, went into windows and formatted the partition.22:38
naccChris999: what driver do you need? what version of ubuntu did you install?22:38
Chris99918.4 , touchscreen . so that log is basically useless ? :)) just a log ?22:39
Chris999and for the keyboard no one has cracked it yet22:39
naccChris999: 18.04 -- but not stock, as that kernel is not the Ubuntu one.22:39
xamithanChris999: That is just a logfile,  follow the instructions on the main github page: https://github.com/jakeday/linux-surface/22:39
Chris999I`d need my keyboard mainly... but can suffice with touchscreen22:40
Chris999if only someone can teach on how to do it22:40
naccChris999: uh, the page says the keyboard doesn't work on the surface laptop. Do you have the surface laptop?22:41
naccChris999: also, you need to ask that github owner, it's not an ubuntu thing22:41
naccChris999: they give pretty clear instructions, tbh22:41
Chris999well , to you :))22:42
naccChris999: tbh, using linux on a device like this requires reading the page very clearly22:42
naccChris999: you're also going to be doing a lot as root, which can make your installation unusable if you don't know what you are doing22:42
sysfaulthello guys, yesterday i dropped an ice cube on my touchpad. i immediately removed it and allowed the touchpad to dry. ever since my mouse isnt working in unity desktop however it works in both gdm and in my windows v7 partitions on the same system. did a locking mechanism of some sort occur when i did that? i dont understand22:43
sysfaulti just logged in via gdm to fluxbox and the mouse works22:43
Chris999well , yeah .... I had tried linux mint 18.3 and after installing them things, it just wouldn`t start back up22:43
sysfault what happened in Unity22:43
sysfaulttouchpad isnt working22:43
TJ-aliendude5300: right, because my local cryptroot hook is quite different I cannot directly test your scenario easily without doing a VM install, but it looks as if the cryptroot hook script code expects the crypttab's 1st field to be of the form "luks-"$UUID-of-partition  whereas on your system the installer has used the partition device name "nvme0n1p3_crypt" resulting in the awk expression shown on line22:44
TJ-1352 of the pastebin log to not return anything22:44
naccChris999: right, but the point is, your hardware isn't supported (it would appear) by ubuntu. If you want help with what you're doing, you need to talk to the github person22:44
Chris999nacc , think you can spare 5-10 minutes and tell me baby steps on how to do everything without making the OS unusable ?22:44
aliendude5300So what you are saying is I should edit crypttab?22:45
aliendude5300Let me try that22:45
TJ-aliendude5300: so I'm going to suggest we back-up the existing /etc/crypttab, then write what we think is the correct entry to the file, and try regenerating the initrd.img22:45
TJ-aliendude5300: "cp /etc/crypttab /etc/crypttab.bak"22:45
naccChris999: the website you linked to has baby steps22:45
aliendude5300I've made a backup :)22:45
TJ-aliendude5300: then edit it, change "nvme0n1p3_crypt" to "luks-98c2ce02-6cb1-4a2d-a086-1e8cf78a3c58"22:45
aliendude5300Worst case scenario I will do a reinstall ;)22:46
Chris999well , I need a bit more help , are will willing to answer my questions if I follow through with the download ?22:46
naccChris999: no, I personally am not22:46
Chris999ok , at least you`re honest :) thanks anyway22:46
naccChris999: and it's not an ubuntu support topic -- you might try #ubuntu-offtopic (I guess) or ##linux22:46
TJ-aliendude5300: Then repeat: "update-initramfs -vu -k 4.15.0-20-generic |& tee /tmp/uir.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/uir.log"22:47
xar-fyi, it's (borderline?) inappropriate to make requests of people's time, most here are volunteers22:47
Chris999last question22:48
luxioWhat can I do to mitigate screen tearing?22:48
luxioI'm running 18.0422:48
Chris999#ubuntu-offtopic :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services22:48
Chris999how do I identify myself ?22:48
aliendude5300Done editing, testing now22:48
xar-Chris999: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration22:49
luxiochris999: /msg NickServ@services. help register22:49
Chris999thank you22:49
xar-too slow luxio, I win :D22:49
aliendude5300Let me pastebin the uir.log22:49
luxioxar-: you ninja'd me22:49
vltHello. If I have multiple displays connected, how can I specify the one a program should be visible (or which display should be switched off using xset)?22:50
xar-Chris999: if you actually go through the registration process, for the love of spaghetti, use a *unique* password22:51
luxioyes, like hunter222:51
luxiobut seriously, yeah22:51
xar-yes, exactly *******22:51
naccvlt: physical displays and x displays are different things22:51
Chris999ok, unique it is :))22:51
aliendude5300TJ: Should I reboot and test it now?22:52
naccvlt: as in `env | grep DISPLAY` will show you which X display you are on22:52
naccvlt: and I believe xset is for turning on/off X display options22:52
naccvlt: in that context, displays are distinct x servers22:53
vltnacc: I meant physical displays. In my example I have one on a DVI and one on an HDMI port connected.22:53
naccvlt: is that how you were using 'display'?22:53
naccvlt: you want xrandr, I believe22:53
naccvlt: and --off flag, I'm guessing22:53
=== Chris999 is now known as ChrisMihai
naccvlt: xrandr using the RandR extension to talk to physical displays22:53
vltnacc: Ok, let's the ignore the xset part for now. How can I tell mplayer, for example, to run fullscreen on a certain physical display?22:54
xar-ChrisMihai: also, in my opinion, while the offtopic channel might be the "right" place for your discussion, it's historically pretty weak on the support side of things, your mileage may vary.22:54
TJ-aliendude5300: sorry, let me read up, I was away raiding the ice cream jar!22:54
naccvlt: not trivial to do, iirc -- there was a tool called devilspie that did this22:55
vltnacc: Thanks, I’ll try to find out more about that.22:55
naccvlt: the thing is, I'm not current on desktop design, but I'm not sure the physical display you're running on (in the case of a multi-monitor) is surfaced to applications22:56
naccvlt: because it's really just one big software canvas from X, I think (I could be totally wrong)22:56
naccvlt: applications can 'remember' where they ran last on that canvas, but they don't really know about the physical layout, afaik22:57
TJ-aliendude5300: lines 1352 onwards look correct. Do a reboot test!22:57
RoadRunnerTJ-: tried to get rid off the linux-headers but they don't seem to want to go https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M4VznfVx82/22:57
aliendude5300Will do!22:57
aliendude5300For what it's worth, even if this does work, I'm a seasoned Linux user and that was godawful, and that is something I expect to see a novice hit and not even attempt to fix22:58
vltnacc: If I switch one of the applications to “full screen mode” it uses just one of the displays. Maybe that’s X managing that in the background. So maybe I have to wrap my mplayer command with something that talks to X.22:59
clarity510Hey. I couldn't get WebDav to work on Ubuntu 17. Is this known to be broken?22:59
naccvlt: yeah, that seems likely -- i thik that's what devilspie did22:59
naccclarity510: 17.10?22:59
naccRoadRunner: try removing one manually (e.g. linux-headers-3.19.0-43)23:00
aliendude5300It is not working :( Output shows 'volume group ubuntu-vg' not found23:00
aliendude5300Let me verify it's still working in the live env23:00
clarity510nacc, there's a pretty interface, but I couldn't figure out how to share the Public folder using WebDav. I ended up having to use samba instead23:01
naccclarity510: that's not what i asked (there is no "Ubuntu 17")23:01
naccclarity510: ok23:02
aliendude5300Well, I'm still using the same passphrase :(23:02
aliendude5300It works in the live env still but won't boot23:02
TJ-aliendude5300: well, provided the system is booting using the initrd.img generated (and there should only be the 1) then we know from the log all the required files were now installed correctly23:02
TJ-aliendude5300: does it fail with the same errors reported as originally23:03
naccclarity510: i've never used WebDAV, so I don't know, sorry23:03
aliendude5300It's hard to tell, but it looks like it23:04
aliendude5300There is only one initrd in the /boot23:04
TJ-aliendude5300: line 1491 shows all the required modules being included23:04
aliendude5300I don't have the faintest idea why it is not working23:04
TJ-aliendude5300: are you still seeing the exact same reports, as in https://i.imgur.com/nRFgDZn.jpg23:08
aliendude5300Let me get a new image23:10
RoadRunnerTJ-: nacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/23dpwKc9gy/23:11
aliendude5300TJ: https://imgur.com/a/NhlPber23:12
=== dax changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 14.04, 16.04, 17.10, and 18.04 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
TJ-aliendude5300: because that photo suggested missing kernel modules (or simply not loaded). With the new initrd.img that shouldn't be happening since we can see those modules are being included23:14
aliendude5300I don't get it :/23:15
aliendude5300Let me try again23:15
aliendude5300Booting into live env23:15
naccRoadRunner: well using apt purge23:15
aliendude5300Can you send me the commands I need to run again for the mount and redoing the initramfs23:15
naccRoadRunner: it's a package name not a file name23:16
TJ-aliendude5300: the "dmsetup" "unknown target type" means the device-mapper layer is definitely missing a (loaded) kernel module when trying to unlock the device23:17
RoadRunnernacc: what's the proper syntax then (not my strong point...)?23:18
aliendude5300Yeah, I think I may have done it wrong. Worth another try23:18
aliendude5300My IRC client scrollback isn't log enough to grab the commands you sent forever ago23:18
naccRoadRunner: `sudo apt-get purge <pkgname>` (or remove instead of purge, but in your case, purge is fine)23:18
aliendude5300I'd use history on the shell but naturally it's a live env23:18
naccaliendude5300: the channel is logged as well23:18
nacc!logs > aliendude530023:19
ubottualiendude5300, please see my private message23:19
TJ-aliendude5300: which thing do you think you did wrong? the crypttab edit looks correct to me based on the uir.log23:19
aliendude5300I don't know23:20
aliendude5300I just like to double check. By all means it should be working right now23:20
aliendude5300okay, I see an initrd.img in / where it should be in /boot23:21
TJ-aliendude5300: what is supposed to happen is update-initramfs scripts add all the required files, plus any configs, to the initrd.img, which at boot-time runs scripts based on the configs to ensure everything is in place to access the root FS, that includes loading modules required for device-mapper to access encrypted devices. So you may have discovered a bug in the new crytpsetup v2 scripts themselves. I'll23:21
TJ-need to test in a dedicated VM because I use my own customisations. It's way past midnight here so I would have to do that another time23:22
aliendude5300Fair enough23:22
TJ-aliendude5300: on failure it should be dropping to a shell so you can attempt to fix it; that's bothering me just as much as the failure to unlock itself23:22
m4tis there a way to make update-manager not nag me every 10 min after i click 'Remind me later'?23:23
m4tseems excessive...23:23
beterrabaGuys, when I do "python main.py" in my application, I see that "ImportError: No module named flask". But when I do "pip install Flask" it appears that "Requirement already satisfied: Flask". What might be going on?23:24
TJ-aliendude5300: one thing occurs to me; the cryptsteup hook script that adds modules tries to identity and add CPU-specific modules (for hardware supported operations) - I'm wondering if that is not adding the correct modules for some reason23:24
aliendude5300I'm not sure. If you need anything else, I can grab it real quick23:26
TJ-aliendude5300: I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open so I'll have to leave it for now, need sleep!23:26
apdHello. Could someone tell if  "do-release-upgrade" is possible right now? On Ubuntu MATE 17.10 right now23:27
TJ-aliendude5300: i'd strongly recommmend creating a bug report to track this though, against the cryptsetup package23:27
aliendude5300I'll consider that. I might do a reinstall without crypto for now23:27
Bashing-omapd: Maybe yes - maybe no .. depends on what has sync's up. See the advisory: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.10 .23:28
TJ-aliendude5300: title should be "WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab" and either let me know the bug number or I'll find it with a search later23:29
apdBashing-om: Thanks. So I wait...23:30
RoadRunnernacc: a single package was removed fine but a group command isn't working: sudo apt-get purge linux-headers{,-extra}-3.19* What's wrong with my syntax?23:30
TJ-aliendude5300: we know changing the device-mapper name to the luks-$UUID format apparently did something to correct it, but there's still something else going on23:31
TJ-RoadRunner: no 'extras' for headers!23:31
TJ-RoadRunner: "sudo apt purge linux-headers-3.19*"23:32
aliendude5300TJ-, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cryptsetup/+bug/176752723:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767527 in cryptsetup "WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab" [Undecided,New]23:33
aliendude5300I can add any additional info now23:33
TJ-aliendude5300: I'll assign it to myself23:34
RoadRunnerTJ-: also, why purge rather than remove like for images?23:35
idioticideas_How can I install Ubuntu & Lubuntu together dual boot & lateron I can remove Lubuntu which should not affect functionality of Ubuntu (first OS) should I make different boot partition for both OS of in one boot partition only I should install ?23:36
TJ-aliendude5300: I attached the screenshot to it23:36
=== idioticideas_ is now known as purvesh
TJ-RoadRunner: belt-and-braces - not a lot of difference in the case of the headers23:37
aliendude5300Thanks for the help TJ-!23:37
purveshMonkeyDust, do you know how can I set that command as cron job ?23:37
TJ-RoadRunner: purge removes configuration files created by the package, remove does not (in case you want to re-install and retain existing settings)23:38
Bashing-ompurvesh: Seperate partions. See my setup : http://termbin.com/l95w23:38
TJ-aliendude5300: I'll try to recreate it in a VM. If that is possible we know there's a definite bug23:39
aliendude5300I wonder if it's dependent on it being an NVMe drive23:40
TJ-aliendude5300: I wondered that but I cannot swee why; we proved the scripts expect the luks-format, and that's not been a normal device-mapper name as long back as I can recall, so I suspect that is at the heart of this23:41
TJ-aliendude5300: it could also be the installer isn't completely cryptsetup V2 aware23:41
aliendude5300I'll try to add an lshw to this bug23:41
RoadRunnerTJ-: nacc: and again thank you - about another Gig free! no wonder my system was getting slugish... what was in those linux-headers anyway?23:42
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aliendude5300I've attached the lshw to the report. I think it might be NVMe specific23:44
aliendude5300I can try to reproduce in a VM myself later23:44
aliendude5300I'd love to see this fixed :)23:44
hiiggyHey, got a hopefully easy issue for you guys. I've got a fan controller script in my home directory called fancontrols. I've already done a chmod +x on it, and then added it to crontab -e as a new line "@reboot /home/user/./fancontrols". However, it does not run when the system starts up. The commands in the file work individually via terminal, and I can run the file from ~ by simply typing fancontrols. What am I missing?23:45
JognHi, I just tried to install Ubuntu 18.04 on my Dell XPS 13 9370, but the installer does not recognize the SSD23:46
windows7loverWhen I sleep my laptop then wake it up my right click goes away :(23:46
windows7loverI'm trying to two finger click as a right click on my lappy23:47
JognWhat can I do?23:47
aliendude5300run stat /home/user/./fancontrols and check the ownership and permissions of the file and the parent directory23:47
sisafagnome-session-fallback just hangs with textentry cursor when logging into the new 18.04 Bionic Beaver. ...try using USB 2.023:47
aliendude5300Jogn: Change the SATA mode maybe in the BIOS23:47
courrierIs it still possible that some workstations can't find 18.04 now? I have no result when running do-release-upgrade but I do have a result when asking for the development version with -d, is it because the stable version is not yet available?23:47
lotuspsychjecourrier: from wich release?23:48
hiiggyaliendude5300: I assume the first access line shows the info? I get: Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)23:48
RoadRunnerTJ-:  nacc: guys, I am impressed with your grasp of nix syntax, is there a good resource you could recommend to learn this (other than looking up one command at a time in man)?23:48
JognSo, it is in RAID mode. Does Ubuntu not support it?23:49
tomreynJogn: no, but it's fake raid anyways, so keeping it just makes you depend on your closed source firmware and mainboard.23:50
courrierlotuspsychje: from 16.0423:50
TJ-hiiggy: is user's home directory encrypted? if so, files will be unavailable at startup23:51
TJ-hiiggy: @reboot tasks execute when cron daemon starts23:51
lotuspsychjecourrier: we advise to wait till june 18.04.1 for lts to lts upgrades23:51
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hiiggyThe cron daemon should start automatically, right?23:52
courrierha ok thanks lotuspsychje23:52
hiiggy(One hour old copy of 18.04, if relevant)23:52
slavicGreetings. I'm experiencing some issues with a fresh install of 18.04. I'd like to submit bugs where appropriate but the procedure is not entirely easy. The first issue is the WiFi section of the Settings screen: it freezes for 10-30 seconds anytime I access it.23:52
lotuspsychjecourrier: your xenial system will get notified at that time23:52
courrierI've aborted the do-release-upgrade when it asked something like "we're gonna install some proprietary software, do you agree" and it looks like it broke my system. Apparently it started to do the upgrade directly, my source.list has bionic entries and some apckages are broken23:54
slavicGreetings. I'm experiencing some issues with a fresh install of 18.04. I'd like to submit bugs where appropriate but the procedure is not entirely easy. The first issue is the WiFi section of the Settings screen: it freezes for 10-30 seconds anytime I access it. First of all, which package would a bug be submitted against? Also, where is ubuntu-bug?23:55
lotuspsychje!patience | slavic23:55
ubottuslavic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/23:55
slavicWas trying to edit my question, didn't mean to repeat myself. Apologizes.23:56
courrieranyway, at tha moment of time is the "do-release upgrade -d" from xenial equivalent to a fresh install from the 18.04 image?23:56
RoadRunnerTJ-: also, you asked me for this before; this is the system after linux-image and headers cleaning http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CqpbG92shf/ - inode use dropped by half.23:56
RoadRunnerDoes this look reasonable?23:56
purveshBashing-om, sorry I didnt get that partition list where is boot partition in that ?23:58
windows7loverWhat is better? gnome or nano?23:59

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