
evlichin the current install i have an encrypted home directory, what can i use to decrypt it?00:01
evlich(i of course have the password and all)00:02
Two_Dogsi am out :)00:02
backnforthtomreyn,  I have it now, but I'm still getting errors with Apache. Do you mind helping me? :)00:03
evlichTwo_Dogs: thanks for your help00:03
Two_Dogsevlich: yw, i would get the ubuntu-server manual from the website00:03
tomreynbacknforth: i don't mind, but i cannot, unless you provide details.00:04
tomreyn!details ยป backnforth00:04
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
tomreyn!details | backnforth00:05
ubottubacknforth: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.00:05
granttrecshould I install intel mircocode since I have an intel cpu?00:05
Two_Dogsgranttrec: yes00:05
granttrecTwo_Dogs: any idea why its not installed by default?00:05
Two_Dogsgranttrec: good question00:05
backnforthtomreyn,  I'm looking into run php-fpm on my ubuntu 18.04 server. I'm getting the following error when I try to do a restart using apache2ctl: http://dpaste.com/0EBYDZK00:06
tomreyngranttrec: it's unclear what exactly it does, since it's proprietary and change logs are not very telling. so not everyone may feel comfortable installing microcodes.00:07
Two_Dogstomreyn: archwiki has an excellent writeup on microcode00:08
granttrectomreyn: thats a valid point00:08
granttrecis there any way to restrict battery charging to a certain percentage like on windows?00:10
backnforthDid I provide enough details? :)00:11
tomreynbacknforth: not really, i have no idea what this configuration file looks like. can you show it? also, did you "sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_fcgi" ?00:12
tomreynbacknforth: you probably just forgot to sudo a2enmod proxy00:15
backnforthtomreyn,  it said both were enabled00:16
backnforthwere already enabled **00:16
SporkWitchi always run screaming from apache these days; nginx just makes things so much easier lol00:16
tomreynbacknforth: the message you posted suggested that mod_proxy was not loaded.00:16
backnforthtomreyn,  it says syntax error though00:17
Two_Dogsbacknforth: you chatted with the apache gurus on the apache support channel?00:18
tomreynbacknforth: maybe post /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_fcgi.load if you modified it, but i'm pretty sure the "syntax error" is a result of "undefined symbol: proxy_module", and that is a result of not having loaded the "proxy" module (and restarted apache httpd)00:21
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Guest16069hello guys00:38
evlichHi again. I think I have partially solve my problem. I'm running into the message "a start job is running for dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device" it has been running for a long time and has "no limit". Is there a way to get around this?00:50
tomreyn<tomreyn> evlich_: you can mount the root file system read-writable by using: mount -o remount,rw /00:52
tomreyn<tomreyn> evlich_: sudo nano /etc/fstab00:52
tomreyn<tomreyn> evlich_: edit the last line in /etc/fstab, replacing "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1" by the UUID reported for it in the blkid output00:52
tomreynevlich: ^ still the same00:52
MicrowavedGerbilarc ftw00:53
uruwi_Hey, does anyone have an idea why I'm getting an X BadMatch error on X_GLXSwapBuffers when I run a program under optirun?00:54
=== nb_ is now known as rob_guest
uruwi_I found something about shared memory pixmaps in my Xorg.0.log...00:58
evlichThanks! That did it, I'm back in business!00:59
tomreynuruwi_: unless someone has a login to your system and thus can inspect your logs files, it is unlikely that someone will know why you have this error on your very, specific, system.01:00
SysGhosturuwi_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/176839001:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768390 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "BadMatch error in X_GLXSwapBuffers running OpenGL apps with nvidia-driver-390" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:00
tomreyn...or access to a web browser01:00
uruwi_oh nice, this looks like the same issue I'm having01:01
uruwi_I wonder if that's the same bug that was giving me a black screen when I was trying to use the nvidia driver as the primary driver instead of using bumblebee01:01
SysGhostwith nvidia, black screens are common if used together with kms mode. nvidia seems to be better off without kms, while nouveau has the opposite.01:02
tomreynor everything else, really01:03
SysGhostnvidia drivers works great otherwise.01:03
SysGhostI just don't get why nvidia can't get their shits together and make the driver kms compatible.01:04
rob_guestHi all, I think I'm hitting issues with this bug in 16.04: 1645002. Xenial has it triaged, but ideally there would be a way to fix it without upgrading to yakkety. Is there an apt package I can upgrade to get the fix, or is there just no fixed version of openssh in the repos for 16.04?01:05
rob_guestlaunchpad bug 164500201:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1645002 in openssh (Ubuntu Xenial) "ssh sessions are not cleanly terminated on shutdown/restart with systemd" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164500201:05
rob_guestI was talking to someone the other day but my net connection died before they got back to me. Not sure what the appropriate channels for these questions are01:06
tomreynrob_guest: according to the bug report, this issue hasn't been triaged for xenial, yet. the upstream / debian bug report suggests a workaround, you could apply: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=751636#2001:09
ubottuDebian bug 751636 in openssh-server "ssh sessions are not cleanly terminated on shutdown/restart with systemd" [Important,Fixed]01:09
uruwi_SysGhost: thanks for the link01:11
PeyamI got a hp probook 650 g2 with a nmve SSD. I have disabled secure boot since win 10 is intalled in legacy mode. "well I installed it unintentionally that way"01:11
transhumanok so I royally F*cked up the permissions and ownership of the / filesystem , I am locked out of sudo , I am told the following command from a chroot from live cd (for ubuntu 18.04) will fix the problem ...here is the command : apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -S $(debsums -c) | cut -d : -f 1 | sort -u) anyone know if this will work?01:12
Peyamand I tried to install ubuntu couple of days ago and I got this error when booting. https://i.stack.imgur.com/dkI7N.jpg01:13
gogetaPeyam: where you connected to the internet during the install01:14
Peyamgogeta, yes.01:14
gogetaPeyam: it needs to grab grub efi01:14
gogetaPeyam: that looks to be missing01:14
gogetaPeyam: or not configured01:14
Peyamgogeta, are you willing to help me? because it might kill all my system inclusive the Windows parts01:15
gogetaPeyam: grub whont kill windows01:15
Peyamgogeta, right now I only have windows installed. if I install ubuntu I wont be able to recreate the windows boot or to be honest I dont know how to save windows01:16
Peyambut I will give it a shot01:16
uruwi_transhuman: hmm, dpkg -S $(debsums -c) gets the list of packages whose files were changed; cut -d : -f 1 gets the part before the colon (the package name), sort sorts those names while removing duplicates01:16
PeyamI will come back. wil be in usb boot in a minut01:16
uruwi_then apt-get install --reinstall ... reinstalls those packages01:16
uruwi_worth trying it01:17
transhumanok then I will try it thanks uruwi01:18
rob_guesttomreyn: I saw that workaround, is that really the best we've got? There's no actual fix I can do? The "yet" doesn't inspire much hope since it's been unaddressed for 18 months, and it having been done in Yakkety but not Xenial makes me think they don't care enought to do it.01:19
tomreynrob_guest: i don't know. wasn't aware of this issue (not sure it's a bug, yet) until now, and i'm just wading through the debian bug report, trying to ignore the systemd discussion.01:21
Peyamhi again01:22
Peyamim here01:22
Peyamso I will installed it again and see01:22
gogetaPeyam: i saw the rest of your comments01:22
u0_a256what is your name01:22
Peyamgogeta: so should I try it no?01:22
gogetaPeyam: if you have windows in legicy install linux in legicy as well01:22
Peyamyes I booted the usb in legacy mode01:23
gogetaPeyam: or alternitvly inbstall linux in efi and toggel to two01:23
Peyamgogeta: then I have to change windows to eufi too01:23
gogetaPeyam: no never miind01:23
gogetaPeyam: yea01:24
rob_guesttomreyn: Thanks for taking a look. Is this channel the best place for me to be asking this, or should I get on a mailing list of some kind? As an aside, 16.04 sshd service seems configured after network anyway "After=network.target auditd.service"01:24
gogetaPeyam: there should be install along side option01:24
Peyamgogeta: yes wait a sec plz01:24
Peyamgogeta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7VRrRcp4Hd/01:26
Peyamgogeta: so I will make a 70 GB ext4 for linux mounted on / and a swap 3GB and an efi?01:27
Edistoanyone crashing where the system makes a loud static noise, then is unreponsive?01:29
Peyamgogeta: you there?01:31
gogetaPeyam: had to run to the bathroom lemmie check01:34
Peyamgogeta:  sure01:34
tomreynrob_guest: i don't know if there's a better place to ask / discuss, really. i'm also just another user, not an ubuntu / debian developer of sorts. i just finished reading the debian bug report and notice that the 'fix' applied was to add a systemd unit file which terminates ssh sessions and cleans things up.01:35
gogetaPeyam: i dont think you need to for legicy01:35
gogetaPeyam: the system should auto set it thow01:35
Peyamgogeta: the secure boot is disabled in bios01:36
gogetaPeyam: you must make shure you disk also isnt gpt01:36
gogetaPeyam: bios only os whont boot otherwise01:37
Peyamgogeta: how do I know if it is gpt01:37
gogetaPeyam: so when it ask to use gpt you say no01:37
gogetaPeyam: with a legicy windows install it should not be01:38
j4f-shredderhey, I'm using ubuntu 18.04 but I'm having a problem with my nvidia gtx 106001:38
j4f-shredderit was working fine but for some reason drivers got screwed up and now my other display is not working, the one that is connected to displayPort01:38
j4f-shredderany idea on how to solve the issue01:38
j4f-shredderif I unplug the monitor that is on the hdmi01:39
j4f-shredderand then unplug and replug my display port I can see both again01:39
Peyamgogeta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gRzcKs9QRh/01:39
j4f-shredderbut I have to do this everytime I turn on my machine01:39
j4f-shredderon windows 10 it works fine01:39
j4f-shredderso it's not the gpu01:39
gogetaPeyam: then it should install and be happy01:40
Peyamdo i have to make a boot partition and where should I install bootloader01:40
gogetaPeyam: if not just come back and we can recover windows01:40
rob_guesttomreyn: I just read that also. It seems strange they couldn't put that in the xenial package. Do I just email that openssh person and ask them to put it in?01:40
gogetaPeyam: bootloader should be on the primary disk normaly sda01:41
Peyamgogeta: I dont have any sda01:41
Peyamgogeta: it is a nvme ssd01:41
gogetaPeyam: you dont need /boot for legicy systems but you can make one if you whant01:41
gogetaPeyam: see witch one is your main drive use that01:42
tomreynrob_guest: As per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/1645002 comment #1 "this just needs an SRU to 16.04"01:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1645002 in openssh (Ubuntu Xenial) "ssh sessions are not cleanly terminated on shutdown/restart with systemd" [Undecided,Triaged]01:42
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:42
gogetaPeyam: so ssd probly01:43
gogetaPeyam: hang out01:43
Peyaminstallation is on01:43
gogetaPeyam: i think for you its nvme0n101:44
Peyamyes I chose that01:44
tomreynrob_guest: ^ read the link above to learn about the 'sru' process. and/or nag nacc about this bug which hasn't really been followed up on (he may not be able to help himself, but maybe he can guide you on getting this bug some progress).01:44
lennyhow can I add path to folder? i tried to install dvdisaster.tar.bz201:45
lennyubuntu 16.0401:45
VystyAnyone have a recommend for an RSS builder for Ubuntu 16.04?01:46
Peyamgogeta: so now it is installed and I will reboot the computer now. see ya in a minut01:48
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tomreynrob_guest: took me a while to find the actual patch discussed in the bug report: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/274555966/openssh_1%3A7.2p2-5_1%3A7.2p2-6.diff.gz the changes relevant to this very bug report are openssh-7.2p2/debian/systemd/ssh-session-cleanup and openssh-7.2p2/debian/systemd/ssh-session-cleanup.service01:52
tomreynthis patch is referenced from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:7.2p2-6 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+changelog01:54
guiverclenny, not sure if this'll help - but maybe https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13428910/how-to-set-the-environmental-variable-ld-library-path-in-linux01:54
jordanygood night!01:57
rob_guesttomreyn: reading...01:59
jordanywhat php-version you recomended for ubuntu(virtual box)02:00
lennyguiverc, thanks. I'm new to linux installations and system files/folders ...02:00
oerheksjordany, just use the one your repository gives? there is no php special for vbox02:02
oerheksapt-cache policy php02:03
jordanyoerheks your script: instaled 1:7:2+60ubuntu102:07
jordanyversion table: 1:7.2+60ubuntu1 50002:08
SporkWitchjordany: goes for anything really, unless you explicitly need a newer version as a dep for something else, or a newer version has some feature that you _really_ need, just use the one in the official repos.  If something you need isn't there, your next stop is to check launchpad for a PPA that has it maintained by someone reliable.  Failing that, download and build from source (you can also create02:08
SporkWitchyour own deb file this way so you can still use your package manager to install it, but this is a bit more involved)02:09
jordanyok thanks!!02:10
oerheksjordany, and what linux version is that ?02:10
jordanyubuntu mate02:10
rob_guesttomreyn: wow, that diff ssh-session-cleanup really is just a shell script iterating through the sessions and ending them, nothing special.02:10
gogetaSporkWitch: its pretty easy to make a deb from source02:10
SporkWitchgogeta: not for someone asking the question i was addressing lol02:10
gogetaSporkWitch: i used to have a tool just for that forget its name atm02:11
jordanynow, no more question thanks02:11
jordanyi back later02:11
oerhekshow odd .. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=php7.202:11
SporkWitchgogeta: it's pretty intimidating the first time, and the documentation is definitely aimed at those of us more experienced.  And don't get me started on debuild and quilt >_< lol02:11
gogetaSporkWitch: naa it was a easy tool it literly would compile and make the deb and install it all with one command02:12
SporkWitchgogeta: well if you can tell him what it is that might be of help; in its absence, my statement holds true, since it means building a control file and all the rest of the fun lol02:13
gogetaSporkWitch: so you didnt have messy make installs on your system02:13
gogetaSporkWitch: its called checkinstall02:13
peppargogeta: I tried now. it works but I have installed ubuntu instead of xubuntu02:14
tomreynrob_guest: right02:14
arvin_Has anyone came across this error before running snap? Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: 540: elf_machine_rela_relative: Assertion `ELFW(R_TYPE) (reloc->r_info) == R_X86_64_RELATIVE' failed!02:14
gogetapeppar: ?02:14
fengshaunwindows has a nice thing where it marks wifi connections either as 'home' or 'public' with its relevant firewall config. Is there such a thing for ubuntu?02:14
SporkWitchgogeta: ah, i vaguely remember that tool.  didn't think it created a deb, though, just kept track of things so you could undo it later02:14
peppargogeta: I realised it when linux booted it up. however I tried to make a xubuntu usb stick bot when booting no Legacy usb is shown02:14
=== peppar is now known as Peyam
gogetaPeyam: oh its you02:15
gogetaPeyam: everything worked then02:15
gogetaSporkWitch: yea it could make deb rpms etc02:15
Peyamyes. thank you very much. but I dont understand why legacy usb is not shown. only EUFI usb is shown02:15
gogetaPeyam: what with xubuntu?02:16
Peyamwhen booting into usb. the boot menu , the bios boot menu, shows only EUFI USB. not Legacy02:16
gogetaPeyam: ?02:16
Peyamgogeta: but when I have ubuntu on usb I see "Legacy mode USB" and "EUFI mode usb"02:17
gogetaPeyam: your using me02:17
gogetaPeyam: pk02:17
gogetaPeyam: ok02:17
Peyamdo you know why?02:17
gogetaPeyam: xubuntu is missing that???02:17
SporkWitch*UEFI (sorry, was bugging me)02:18
Peyamgogeta: see I have xubuntu in usb. and when I try to boot to that usb I do not see any Legacy xubuntu usb.02:18
PeyamUEFI yes sorry02:18
gogetaPeyam: i think for xubuntu you need to make it work that way02:19
Peyamgogeta: then I try again and will come back02:19
gogetaPeyam: i mean you need to make a legicy stick02:20
gogetaPeyam: i think the unetbootin tool can do that02:20
Peyamgogeta: really? i need to make the usb using unetbootin_?02:21
gogetaPeyam: for xubuntu i think so02:21
oerheksuh oh, unetbootin is know to create issues, not working usb drives02:21
SporkWitchuse Etcher02:22
Peyamthen what should I use02:22
gogetaetcher is nice but hes trying to make a legicy stick02:22
SporkWitchEtcher is literally the only thing i've ever had any success with in making bootable USB media02:22
oerheksand this makes no sense .. if you don't get UEFI option, enable uefi ?02:22
gogetanot a efi one02:22
oerheksetcher does efi fine..02:22
SporkWitchgogeta: etcher supports legacy as well02:22
Peyamoerheks: no I want to do it in legacy mode02:22
SporkWitchgogeta: my older laptop is BIOS and the optical drive is dead; used etcher to make the flash drive to reinstall the OS02:23
PeyamI download etcher now02:24
Peyamit is a Appimage file/02:25
Peyamnever hert of it02:25
gogetaPeyam: no worrys02:25
Peyamhow do I install a appimage file?02:25
gogetaPeyam: wticher failed?02:25
PeyamI downloaded etcher-electron02:26
Peyamand it is an Appimage file02:26
gogetaPeyam: should just be slecth iso sletch drive and  hit flash02:26
gogetaPeyam: its should be in the repos as well02:26
SporkWitchPeyam: what OS are you on currently?02:27
SporkWitchthere's literally links for deb files right there on the page...02:27
oerheksgogeta, in the repo's ?? huh?02:27
oerheksreally, this is getting stranger and stranger02:27
gogetaoerheks: you make it that way02:28
oerheksso stop confusing people, gogeta02:28
gogetaoerheks: no confusion untill everyone else jumped in my freind02:28
Peyamso what do I do now02:28
SporkWitchPeyam: did you install etcher?02:29
PeyamI dont even know how to install this thing02:29
PeyamSporkWitch: Cant. it is a AppImage file. I dont know how to install it02:29
SporkWitchthere are literally deb links right on the MAIN PAGE02:29
SporkWitchif you can't even look at what's in front of you, no one here is going to be able to help you02:29
gogetaPeyam: yes download the deb file02:29
* SporkWitch facedesks02:30
PeyamI cant see the .deb file02:30
Peyamwhere is it.02:30
SporkWitchif you'd like to hire paid support, i'd be happy to provide a BTC address; you've been provided your answer02:30
PeyamSporkWitch: there is not any .deb file https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/etcher-usb-image-burner-tool-linux-open-source02:31
SporkWitchso maybe you should try etcher's website, not some random post from 2 years ago02:31
oerheksthat url gives etcher.io ..02:31
Peyamhttps://etcher.io/ there isnt02:31
SporkWitchi'm staring right at it02:32
Peyamyou liying.02:32
SporkWitchno, you're just lazy; again, if you'd like to pay someone to do all this for you, i'll be happy to provide a BTC address, but you've been provided the necessary information and are too lazy to even look02:32
gogetaPeyam: https://github.com/resin-io/etcher/releases/download/v1.4.4/etcher-electron_1.4.4_amd64.deb02:33
PeyamSporkWitch: okey.02:33
SporkWitchgogeta: don't hand out fish02:33
SporkWitchgogeta: all it does is encourage laziness and dependency02:33
Peyamgogeta: thanks alot02:33
gogetaSporkWitch: there litterly is only a appimage link on the main site i looked myself02:34
SporkWitchgogeta: do you know how to scroll a page?02:34
SporkWitchgogeta: if the answer is no, don't try offerring support02:34
SporkWitchgogeta: i clicked the etcher.io link he posted himself, scrolled down, and wow, look at that, .deb links02:35
gogetaSporkWitch: relly do yourself a faver and go fuck yourself02:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax02:35
rockstar[yolo]U gonna just let him do that?02:36
Flannelgogeta: Hi, please simmer down and mind the language.02:36
gogetaFlannel: that guys sturring the pot read up02:37
FlannelSporkWitch: Hi, please try not to be condescending.02:37
Flannelrockstar[yolo]: Hi, please stay out of it.02:37
SporkWitchFlannel: i'll try; being called a liar for all but doing things for people is trying, especially when the rest of the responses are actively misleading02:37
DalekSecgogeta: You are, nevertheless, still responsible for your own actions.02:39
Rave1Peyam,  aside from all this appimages can be run but right clicking, going to properties, selecting run as an executable, then closing, left click on appimage file, it should open the etcher app02:39
gogetaRave1: yea it didnt run probly a issue with 18.0402:51
gogetaRave1: used gnome multi wrighter inseed02:51
Peyammgogeta: It didnt show the Legacy boot02:54
Rave1gogeta,  ok I am not using 18.0402:54
Peyammbut I booted the xubuntu anyway02:54
gogetaPeyamm: did you use gnome-multi-wirghter02:54
Peyammgogeta: no. I rebooted and etcher worked02:54
Peyammafter the reboot02:54
gogetaPeyamm: oh nice02:54
gogetaPeyamm: wonder if xubuntu removed legicy02:55
PeyammI dont know. why would they becouse it runs xfce for older machines02:55
gogetaPeyamm: yea strange02:55
Peyammhttp://i.imgur.com/FCbsYbq.png this came up now02:56
Peyammexacgly what I expected02:56
Peyammnow windows is dead too02:56
Peyammgogeta: http://i.imgur.com/ncc76bk.png02:57
gogetaPeyamm: you can recover from that but you relly shouldent have gone that far02:57
gogetaPeyamm: if it was not in legicy mode02:57
SporkWitchsounds like a xubuntu issue02:57
PeyammSporkWitch: xubuntu channel is dead02:58
Peyammno one answers thatรคs why I headed here02:58
Peyammbut yeah. it is a xubuntu issue02:58
PeyammIf I remove the linux partitions. is there a way to rescue windows_02:59
SporkWitchyou can try ##linux, but unless you're asking something that goes back to ubuntu, this isn't really the place.  Etcher will work for UEFI and legacy boots, assuming the image supports it.02:59
SporkWitchPeyamm: sure, boot with a windows disk and use the recovery option; one of the only things windows is good for is nuking linux boot loaders lol02:59
=== fresh is now known as freddeb
cyb0rgPeyamm: pretty sure you can reinstall the windows boot loader from a recovery shell of some sort with the windows install media02:59
oerheksmy best bet: that machine has 32 bit uefi03:00
cyb0rgbut you would need to spend some quality time with the google03:00
SporkWitchoerheks: oh, good hypothesis03:00
gogetaoerheks: he had no issue with stock ubuntu03:01
SporkWitchsomething is definitely jacked up in that xubuntu image, then; he's gonna have to wait on their forums or channel03:01
gogetaSporkWitch: indeed03:01
i_heart_penguinsWhy is askubuntu selling its soul to the devil? https://i.imgur.com/GOsDT2A.png03:07
i_heart_penguinsit's blazened with microsoft ads03:08
SporkWitchbecause no one actual controls what adds show on their sites, and haven't in years; it's a computer-related site, it's a topical ad03:08
gogetamoney truckloads on money03:08
i_heart_penguinsno big deal, thought it was kind of ironic and mildly amusing03:09
irwisswhy are you on the internet without adblocker :P03:09
i_heart_penguinsnew install03:09
Markdown1_i_heart_penguins Ironic?03:09
oerheks$200 credit for 30 days, that maks any askubuntu reader smile03:09
Markdown1_Ubuntu subsystem comes with Windows 1003:10
SporkWitchMarkdown1_: WSL is a bad, crippled joke03:10
Markdown1_thanks to Canonical and Microsoft partnership03:10
i_heart_penguinsi tried to install Ubuntu subsystem last month and it failed. permissions issue, I think. also ironic considering i have more of those with linux03:10
SporkWitchi_heart_penguins: you need to activate the WSL with a powershell command first03:11
Markdown1_I have not even tried Windows in years03:11
gogetaMarkdown1_: its pretty sad when qt5 plasma uses less resorced then windows 1003:12
i_heart_penguinsSporkWitch: thought I did that. I had windows locked down enough that i probably goofed permissions for windows store which i rarely used03:12
SporkWitchmy job won't let me put linux on my work computer, even though 99% of my job is web applications and ssh :'(03:12
Markdown1_gogeta Plasma 5 uses less resources than Gnome 3 as well03:12
Markdown1_I have to upgrade a few of my servers to 18.0403:13
SporkWitchMarkdown1_: i'd hold off lol03:13
Markdown1_SporkWitch I am holding off as well03:13
SporkWitchthat said, i don't use ubuntu for servers anyway; centos or debian, depending on what it's hosting03:13
gogetaMarkdown1_: yea wait for the patched isos to hit03:14
gogetaSporkWitch: arch for servers (inserts dr eveil laugh)03:15
i_heart_penguinsi'm on 18.04. longest i've ever used linux and liking it. 18 years i tried it on and off, first time i used it for a week or more. liking it03:15
i_heart_penguinsliking my alzheimers too03:15
Markdown1_Ive been using Ubuntu Servers for long time03:16
gogetai_heart_penguins: mutch has changed in 18 years03:16
Markdown1_but this LTS have too many changes03:16
SporkWitchi'd been using linux almost exclusively the last 10 years or so, last year i've been stuck on windows because of work and my desktop dying.  decided to try it on the new laptop anyway, and got the lovely surprise that everything that worked fine in WINE a year ago doesn't work at all now03:16
gogetaSporkWitch: haha thats wine for you03:16
i_heart_penguinsonly thing i don't like is command line because all the memorization, my weak point obviously. GUI is really an accessibility feature i can't live without03:17
gogetaSporkWitch: thats why launcher likes playonlinux and lutris that let you use multi versions of wine can be handy03:17
SporkWitchgogeta: not for a long time it hasn't been.  they had a change in the dev team about 5 or 6 years back and improvements started being rapid, support excellent.  don't know what's happened in the last year, but between idiots dropping opengl support and changes in the wine devs' focus, nothing works anymore03:17
gogetaSporkWitch: junkthat needs speical patches etc03:17
SporkWitchgogeta: playonlinux support has declined even more than wine itself, thanks to their focus on phoenicis; they don't maintain any of the scripts anymore03:18
SporkWitchhalf the stuff, like certain vb and vc versions, won't even install now03:18
gogetaSporkWitch: lutris is reltivly new03:18
SporkWitchi'm not a new hat at this :)03:19
gogetaSporkWitch: it handels wine steam emulators etc03:19
SporkWitchi said i'd been using linux almost exclusively for 10 years; i've been using it in general since the 90's, and unix before that03:19
gogetaSporkWitch: redhat 603:19
gogetaSporkWitch: so whoever long ago that was03:19
gogetaSporkWitch: what 199803:20
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.03:20
i_heart_penguinsSporkWitch: my parents were poor. wish i'd owned a pc back then03:20
i_heart_penguinsi would've gotten in so much trouble03:20
SporkWitchi_heart_penguins: i was lucky, father used to work for DEC03:20
gogetai_heart_penguins: my first pc i worked and made payment on for a year03:20
i_heart_penguinsi saved $1k for a pos walmart pc. was worth it03:21
gogetai_heart_penguins: yea it was a top end p4 box fancy gpu and all like a 2500$ rig back then03:22
i_heart_penguinsfellow construction workers didn't understand. what n hell ya need a comprutr for? $1000? u gon b one nem desk jockeys?03:23
gogetai_heart_penguins: now pcs are dirt cheap03:23
i_heart_penguinswhy for gaming, of course.03:23
i_heart_penguinsi still play just enough games that linux has me covered these days. if it's not on linux i don't want it03:24
gogetai_heart_penguins: yea windows 10 ended it for me03:25
i_heart_penguinsi'll stop hogging the chat room though. when old timers reminisce, ain't no stopping that train sometimes03:25
gogetai_heart_penguins: now the only machine with windows is for guest03:25
i_heart_penguinsi didn't really intend much on getting away from windows 10, it just happened. first time i'm confident i think i'll stay on linux03:27
gogetai_heart_penguins: even then 90% of them jsut pick up one of the andorid tablets03:27
SporkWitchif you have current hardware, gpu-passthrough is an option, too; that's the plan for my next built.  windows host, pick up a second gtx1060, gun windows guest with passthrough for anything i can't make behave03:27
i_heart_penguinsi have ubuntu on a guest pc. it's great for that03:28
SporkWitchif they're used to mac, give them gnome; windows, give them kde.  most won't notice a difference03:28
gogetaSporkWitch: where all old men talking abut this stuff most younger people have there fablets and thats it03:28
i_heart_penguinsSporkWitch: thought about it but seems too much work. i'd probably just dual boot should i feel the urge to play windows game03:29
i_heart_penguins+ you need a second monitor too, right? meh03:29
gogetaSporkWitch: in fact mobile is now outselling everything else in terms of game sales03:29
SporkWitchi_heart_penguins: no way, rebooting is much more of a headache, never mind allowing windows direct access to storage, and MSFT's habit of rewriting the MBR just to be a dick03:29
SporkWitchgogeta: very misleading figures03:29
gogetaSporkWitch: naa i think younger people dont put those phones down ever03:30
gogetai think so03:30
SporkWitchi_heart_penguins: no, you just need a second graphics card (or onboard + discrete).  i already have a 1060 and that'll be more than fine for another 5 years or so, a second one will cost dirt by xmas03:30
phinxyHow would the sysadmin write two values, VID and PID in to /sys/bus/hid/drivers/a4tech/new_id? echo -n foo bar > new_id; fails with either permission error or echo: write error..03:31
gogetaSporkWitch: the pc is gonna be to us what the tv is to my dad genration03:32
i_heart_penguinsSporkWitch: good deal. i might have to do that some time. i've yet to install windows again, maybe i can survive without it as i only used it for gaming. we'll see03:32
SporkWitchgogeta: not the point; they may be selling in volume, but it's unlikely that the money has taken over; it's also not as reliable.  if it weren't sufficiently reliable and profitable, you'd see a decline in the other markets.  The people that buy mobile games don't buy regular games, and vice versa.  It's the same flawed argument feminists use when talking about half of gamers being women; it's03:32
SporkWitchonly true if you lump together two completely different types of gamers: mobile vs literally everything else03:32
gogetaSporkWitch: i think you gonna see more and more aaa titles on mobile03:33
SporkWitchi_heart_penguins: a year ago, DCS, SC, and FFXIV were the only things i played that wouldn't behave in WINE; now I can't get _anything_ behaving.03:33
gogetaSporkWitch: hell the switch as proven the markets there03:33
SporkWitchgogeta: you might, it doesn't change the demographics, though.03:33
SporkWitchgogeta: have you TRIED playing anything more advanced than cookie clicker without a gamepad?03:34
i_heart_penguinsi'm old enough i still remember tv fascination, especially among youth. remember Black Flag - TV Party? a lot of culture revolved around tvs then03:34
gogetaSporkWitch: i have a gamepad :)03:34
gogetaSporkWitch: a moga power03:34
atrain__how do i switch to dalnet?03:34
i_heart_penguinsPCs also had a short-lived culture among youth, now it's mostly mobile gadgets03:34
SporkWitchgogeta: so do i, but i'm not walking around everywhere with it in my pocket, nor would i have gone out of my way to buy one if i couldn't get my existing usb devices to work.03:34
gogetaSporkWitch: the moga power is a power bank/gamepad03:35
gogetaSporkWitch: and it can mount the phone mutch easer then a usb one03:35
SporkWitchgogeta: the mobile games that succeed, the ones you're talking about, are things like candy crush and cookie clicker.  the single most advanced mobile games i'm aware of are Galaxy on Fire 2 (released at least 7 years ago) and Vendetta Online (basically REQUIRES a gamepad, though the vr version works remarkably well for what it is; would still be better with a gamepad)03:36
gogetaSporkWitch: they spoort them :003:36
SporkWitchgogeta: i'm familiar with the moga power; it's also ridiculous to think anyone would carry it around all day.03:36
gogetaSporkWitch: pug-g and fornight hit mobile03:36
gogetaSporkWitch: and there a huge sucess03:37
SporkWitchgogeta: they may well be, until next month when the next one comes out or people already forget about them.  meanwhile most that are playing them wouldn't have played the console or pc versions, and vice versa03:38
gogetaSporkWitch: some mobile chips ilike the 845 are as strong as mid range gameing rigs03:40
gogetaSporkWitch: of course most people write for the low end being thats 98% of sales03:41
SporkWitchgogeta: which isn't at all the point.  tiny screen, subpar graphics, terrible controls.  in order to covercome these, you need to buy expensive and unwieldy peripherals of mixed quality and performance.  Again, you're looking at totally disparate markets.03:42
gogetaSporkWitch: i dunno man pug-g mobile plays better then pc03:43
gogetaSporkWitch: ask anyone03:44
gogetaSporkWitch: and its gfx scale to the phone so if your hi end you get the hi end gfx03:44
gogetaSporkWitch: but i will say thats the only game i seen any dev hit it out of the park when it comes to a mobile port03:46
SporkWitch!enter gogeta03:47
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.03:47
insidiousI'm trying to install ubuntu 18 on a Asus rog strix laptop with a GTX 105003:47
insidiousI get a black screen after I click boot into llivr03:47
insidiouserm live03:47
insidiousor if I click install now same thing03:47
SporkWitchinsidious: overall it works fine on mine with the 1060, but the elan1200 touchpad doesn't work without a lot of work, and even then it's flaky.  don't do it unless you're willing to always use a mouse03:47
SporkWitchhow long did you wait on the black screen?03:48
insidiousnot long03:48
insidious1 min03:48
SporkWitchgive it a few; especially since it's going to default to nouveau drivers, it can take a bit to come up; if it's still black after 5, try booting with nomodeset03:48
gogetainsidious: may wanna give it a second03:49
gogetainsidious: i have  old 260 and ubuntu will go black for about 30 seconds then come up03:49
insidiousso delete quiet splash ----03:49
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insidiousI mean it don't do nothing at all03:53
insidiousthinking light don't even blink03:53
gogetainsidious: you hdd light likley wond being its loading from usb into ram03:54
insidiousI deleted quiet splash and tried nomodeset03:54
i_heart_penguinsinsidious: might also try different settings in the bios. my previous motherboard i had to disable amd power saving (cfe, i think) for it to boot years ago03:56
gogetainsidious: if i rember thers some odd bug with nivida and eft03:56
gogetainsidious: it may only work in legicy mode03:57
SporkWitchodd... your machine should be nearly identical to mine.  only other semi-big difference would be i did kubuntu, not ubuntu03:57
SporkWitchgogeta: nope, works even with secure boot, at least the kubuntu installer does03:57
insidiousso no way to install it ?03:57
SporkWitchi'm running secure boot enabled, uefi, shim+mok right now without issue, kubuntu 18.04, image made with etcher03:58
insidiousI used Rufus03:58
SporkWitchinsidious: if you can get some logs about what's actually failing, but if it's just black screen it'll be difficult03:58
gogetaSporkWitch: its a new bug so03:58
insidiousI don't think it's a bug03:58
insidiousmoreless a graphics issue03:58
SporkWitchgogeta: the image is still 18.04; no newer images out yet since release03:58
insidiousfor Nvidia03:58
gogetainsidious: you can try booting into vesa mode installing then instilling the nivida drivers03:59
insidioushow ?04:00
SporkWitchinsidious: do you have a particular love for ubuntu > kubuntu?  If not, give kubuntu a go.  Especially on laptops, i'm of the opinion that if you're having to struggle to get the live environment working, it's only going to be the start of the hell of getting and keeping everything working04:01
gogetaSporkWitch: i dont think a diffrent wm will fix it04:02
gogetainsidious: remove quiet and add xforcevesa04:02
SporkWitchgogeta: his hardware is nearly identical to mine, he just bought a tiny bit lower end model from the same manufacturer04:02
gogetainsidious: that should but x into softwhr04:02
gogetasoftwhere render04:02
gogetaSporkWitch: yes but did you aruldy have nivida drivers installed04:03
SporkWitchinsidious: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834234830 kubuntu 18.04 came right up, installed fine.04:03
SporkWitchgogeta: it had the preinstalled windows image, it booted the kubuntu live image just fine04:03
SporkWitchgogeta: no extra options, no extra steps04:04
gogetaSporkWitch: wonder if its a 105ti04:04
gogetaSporkWitch: a newer card then yours04:04
SporkWitchi'd need to know his exact model to be sure, but he said rog strix; it's most likely gtx105m04:04
McBootHello everyone, the samba package isn't available to me on Ubuntu 18.04, Even an apt search yields no results. Installation just says the package 'samba' has no installation candidate.04:05
insidiousit's the gtx 105004:05
gogetaSporkWitch: stricks come up to 108004:05
gogetainsidious: 1050 or 1050ti04:05
insidiousi7 7700hq04:05
SporkWitchgogeta: and 1060, and 1050 apparently04:05
insidiousno ti04:05
SporkWitchinsidious: what's the asus model number?04:05
FlannelMcBoot: Please pastebin the output of `apt-cache policy samba`04:05
SporkWitchgogeta: and it's strix, not stricks04:05
FlannelMcBoot: and then (or even in the same pastebin) you can paste the output of `sudo apt-get update`04:06
SporkWitchFlannel: we already got him the right package about 8 hours ago; not sure why he's asking again, he said he found it...04:06
insidiousI tried adding that option04:06
insidiousit was a no go04:06
SporkWitchinsidious: humour me and try the kubuntu 18.04 image04:07
insidiousokay I'll grab a image04:07
gogetaSporkWitch: looking it up its probly a newr revsion im seeing reports of 1050 and blackscreen with asus machines04:07
SporkWitchinsidious: if only to see if it comes up at all; if it doesn't, we can always dig deeper.04:07
FlannelSporkWitch: For the record, it looks like you really didn't.04:07
SporkWitchgogeta: doesn't mean much; you can find blackscreen issues with almost any nvidia card; nomodeset almost always resolves it04:07
gogetaSporkWitch: yep and there saying thats not working as well04:08
insidiousyeah why I came hsrw04:08
SporkWitchFlannel: we pointed him at apt search samba, and then he said he found what he needed; sorry for taking people at their word and then wondering why the question wasn't modified at all04:08
SporkWitchMcBoot: you said you found the package earlier; what's the new issue?04:10
FlannelSporkWitch: I have no interest in arguing with you in here, but no, he didn't say anything of the sort.  I just read the backscroll.  It's probable that someone else may have said something similar and you mixed up two lines.  But again, no big deal.  We can help him now.04:10
gogetainsidious: yea nobody has posted any fix04:10
McBootSporkWitch: I thought I did when I read the smbc package description, but that was inaccurate at the time.04:11
McBootFlannel: https://pastebin.com/qLDVMS3M04:11
FlannelMcBoot: thanks04:11
insidiousis it just with the latest version 18?04:11
insidiousor 16 as well04:11
FlannelMcBoot: Ok, it looks like you only have universe and backports enabled.  You definitely want to enable 'main'.04:11
gogetainsidious: from what i can tell thers is a issue with nivida and efi04:12
SporkWitchinsidious: if it's what he thinks it is, it would impact older as well04:12
McBootFlannel: Oh, how can you tell from that so I know in the future? I'll modify my repository setup.04:12
gogetainsidious: you can try this nomodeset grub_gfxmode=vesa04:13
SporkWitchMcBoot: it's in the get lines04:13
McBootAhhh, I see. I'll test.04:13
FlannelMcBoot: Because that's only getting sources from bionic-updates/universe and bionic-security/universe.  Actually, I guess I misspoke, you only have universe enabled.04:14
McBootFlannel: What is the recommended setup?04:14
SporkWitchhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 vs http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/universe amd6404:14
gogetainsidious: there saying to use legicy mode04:15
SporkWitchMcBoot: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list and there should be a commented line for main04:15
FlannelMcBoot: Whatever you want.  Most people do main, universe, many do restricted and multiverse.  Here's a page that explains the differences: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories04:15
gogetainsidious: as thers problems with efi and the newsest nivida drivers04:15
FlannelSporkWitch: slow down.04:15
insidiousI tired legacy mode04:16
insidiousI tried it all lol04:16
insidioushence I'm here04:16
FlannelMcBoot: Basically, main is canonical supported, universe is community supported.  restricted is canonical but non-free (as in speech), multiverse is a larger set of non-free.04:16
McBootSporkWitch: Flannel Thank you both so much! I'll modify.04:16
gogetainsidious: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1033110/unable-to-start-xorg-gdm-on-ubuntu-18-04-with-nvidia-drivers-on-1060-gtx/04:16
insidiousabout to try his kde version04:16
gogetainsidious: worth a shot04:16
SporkWitchif it's gdm-specific, that would explain kubuntu working fine, since it uses sddm04:17
gogetainsidious: it seems to be effecting gdm04:17
gogetainsidious: so kde ssdm may acully work04:17
FlannelMcBoot: Once you've added main (and whatever else you want), you'll need to do an update again to grab the listings.  Then you should see samba.04:17
SporkWitchinsidious: if you prefer gnome over kde, you should still be able to install gnome3 and launch it with sddm; probably easier to go that direction than trying to get the ubuntu installer behaving (depending on what that link says; i admittedly haven't read it)04:18
insidiousI was installing Ubuntu for the bungie04:19
SporkWitchbungie? O.o04:19
gogetaSporkWitch: it says whenever they trigger gdm the system locks04:19
gogetaSporkWitch: eg blackscreen04:19
insidiousis it crap ?04:19
SporkWitchinsidious: i've no idea what it is lol04:19
gogetainsidious: no kde plasma 5 is nice04:19
SporkWitchgogeta: i think he meant bungie04:19
insidiousyah lol04:19
gogetainsidious: you can even make it behave like gnome 3 if you like04:19
FlannelSporkWitch: No, it's budgie.04:20
gogetainsidious: budgie is pretty but a new player04:20
gogetainsidious: its lighter then gnome 3 etc04:20
FlannelSporkWitch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budgie_%28desktop_environment%2904:20
SporkWitchFlannel: i was just quoting him; that it was the wrong term explains why i had no clue what he was talking about lol04:20
SporkWitchah, i was told ubuntu switched back to gnome04:21
gogetaSporkWitch: it did04:21
SporkWitchthat wiki link is saying gnome-based but not gnome, but i suppose we could be splitting hairs at that point04:22
gogetaSporkWitch: its gtk3 based eg gnome based04:22
gogetaSporkWitch: its bascily gnome like without being a systen hog04:23
SporkWitchqt team needs to get off their butts and get the qt5 libs production-ready >_< all these gnome filepickers in my KDE are driving me nuts lol04:23
SporkWitchstill can't forgive mozilla for that one; it's such a bad filepicker lol04:23
insidiousblack screen04:23
SporkWitchinsidious: flashing kubuntu name+logo then black? or did it not even get you that much?04:24
McBootFlannel: SporkWitch: Yes! Got Samba installed, and lots of other programs updated after enabling main. Thank you both!!!04:24
SporkWitchMcBoot: i'm curious how it got disabled in the first place lol04:24
SporkWitchinsidious: which? lol04:24
insidiousI choose what to boot it flashed logo04:25
insidiousthen black04:25
McBootSporkWitch: I know I messed with my repository setup via gui at one point, I must have accidentally disabled it.04:25
SporkWitchokay, try once more with nomodeset, if that doesn't work then this is gonna get interesting >_<04:25
SporkWitchMcBoot: makes sense; fixed now at least :)  I tend to prefer CLI tools for most stuff, makes it a little harder to do things like that by accident04:26
SporkWitch(well, assuming you make sure you understand the commands you're entering before hitting enter, heh)04:26
McBootSporkWitch: Definitely o.o04:28
insidiousdidn't help04:30
insidiousI deleted quiet slash ----04:30
insidiousentered nomodeset04:30
SporkWitchinsidious: kubuntu 18.04 LTS AMD64 ISO? uefi and secure boot enabled?04:33
insidioussecure boot disabled04:33
SporkWitcheh, i doubt that'd be the issue anyway, just trying to see where you diverge from my setup; i'm honestly quite surprised to see an issue on such a similar machine04:34
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Two_Dogsinsidious: after the grub edit you ran 'sudo update-grub'?04:40
SporkWitchTwo_Dogs: he'd be doing it from the grub menu; livedisk04:41
coolstarjust installed Ubuntu 18.04 and have to say that it's really nice to use; the UI design looks great now04:41
coolstarone thing I do have to wonder, is there a way to use nouveau with Optimus? (GTX 1050 mobile)04:42
Two_DogsSporkWitch: got you, hes on a live04:42
insidiouswhat grub uodate04:43
Two_Dogsinsidious: my bad, you cant 'sudo update-grub' a live session04:43
coolstaralso cool that code I upstreamed 7 months ago to the Linux kernel to add support for my laptop is in 18.04 :D04:44
SporkWitchTwo_Dogs: yeah.  he's on an asus rog strix series laptop (didn't give the exact model number) with an nvidia 1050 (unclear which particular variant).  it's almost identical to the asus rog strix laptop i'm running on with a gtx1060 (106m).  no real issues with kubuntu18.04 with secure boot enabled (just the well-known issues with the elan1200 touchpads).  he gets the initial splash, but once the04:44
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SporkWitchDM tries to kick on it's black screen and hard lock04:44
matjamcoolstar: someone was in here earlier and they got it working with the binary driver04:44
coolstarmatjam, yeah I have the binary driver here as well; not a huge fan that I have to reboot to switch GPU's... pretty bad for battery life if I just leave it on nvidia04:45
SporkWitchcoolstar: it should; i actually had to do a little finagling to get mine to switch to the official binaries; driver manager (on kubuntu) still shows nouveau, even after hitting apply on the 396 binaries, though lspci reports it's using nvidia04:46
insidiousI gave u the model bro04:46
insidiousscroll up04:46
SporkWitchinsidious: if you didn't highlight me, i'm likely to have missed it lol04:46
gogetainsidious: no luck04:46
coolstarSporkWitch, er let me clarify, I have it working with the nvidia binary driver right now, but I'd like to use nouveau if possible instead04:47
SporkWitchcoolstar: okay, i think you're crazy, but shouldn't it be as simple as toggling it in the driver manager and/or uninstalling the 390/396 driver?04:47
insidiousmanjaro and and arch latest versions boot just seems to be a ubintu issue04:47
gogetainsidious: thats beecouse there rolling and have a new oss driver04:48
SporkWitchubuntu and derivatives; i don't know what it might be, as far as i can see that laptop should be fine if mine is...04:48
insidiousI personally never encountered something like this with ubuntu04:49
coolstarSporkWitch, it just uses the Intel iGPU if I just do that... tried running a program with optirun/primusrun/DRI_PRIME and it seems the system hangs when I do that with nouveau selected04:49
insidiouson various of my builds n systems04:49
insidiousI'm stumped04:49
gogetainsidious: its a nivida problem we over at arch have been dealing with it to04:50
coolstarsaw that nouveau got 10 series support in some articles online so maybe it's nouveau just doesn't support Optimus on laptop yet or something?04:50
gogetainsidious: and it only seems to be some cards04:50
SporkWitchcoolstar: don't know how much the hardware differs; only thing i know is the reports say ยฑ10% performance parity with the desktop variants, heh04:50
coolstarhaven't dealt with nvidia much on until I got this laptop (my desktop has an AMD card :P) hence why I'm wondering what's up with nouveau on here04:50
Two_Dogsinsidious: what kernel?04:51
SporkWitchcoolstar: well if the desktop has ATI you should be used to driver headaches :P04:51
SporkWitchTwo_Dogs: whatever's on the current 18.04 ISOs04:51
gogetainsidious: trust me we where ranting for days why nivida keeps braking wayland04:51
coolstarSporkWitch, actually my desktop works OOTB with the RX 480 funny enough04:51
coolstarjust booted Linux on it and was good to go04:52
SporkWitchcoolstar: i've never had anything but hell with ATI on linux, and only marginally better on windows04:52
insidiousyeah gogeta is quite annoying04:52
coolstarATI? pre-2006 or something?04:52
gogetaSporkWitch: nivida has not been mutch better as of late04:53
SporkWitchcoolstar: naw, it's a personal thing for me.  I have a lot of respect for AMD, but there are still too many legacy ATI issues for me to taint the AMD name with the GPUs issues :P04:53
coolstarSporkWitch, to be honest I can't tell if I'm getting the full performance out of my RX 480 anyways because I paired it with a Core i3 6100 in my desktop lol04:53
coolstar(yes it was a cheap build)04:53
gogetaSporkWitch: bascily everyone agreed on standerd then nivida was like nope we will brake everything04:53
coolstartfw 8 GB VRAM paired with 8 GB system memory as well04:54
SporkWitchgogeta: that's starting to seem like everyone these days; i'm actually about to drop 50 USD on recovery media to put windows back on this laptop just because no matter what i do i can't get ANY of the stuff i used to be able to run in WINE to even install, let alone run04:54
gogetaSporkWitch: you dont need to drop any money on that04:54
gogetaSporkWitch: you key is tired to your efi04:54
gogetaSporkWitch: any clean iso will do04:55
SporkWitchgogeta: it's worth it to avoid the headaches of building windows USB install media then tracking down all the drivers for a laptop04:55
gogetaSporkWitch: most drivers are in the windows update so they all should auto install04:55
coolstarSporkWitch, tbh at least that isn't as bad as the way I had to install Ubuntu on my laptop :p04:56
lotuspsychjeguys, keep it ubuntu related04:56
coolstarbecause GRUB is broken here04:56
lotuspsychjewe have a nice #ubuntu-discuss if you like04:56
gogetacoolstar: i just fixed anothr user with grub issues04:56
SporkWitchplus, i have no legitimate win10 install media, which just compounds the headaches (and i've never had anything but trouble trying to install windows from USB; my favourite was when it got far enough to nuke the partition table then fail to set up a system partition, resulting in a working linux machine becoming a brick)04:56
coolstarhad to point VMWare to a partition on my SSD and install Ubuntu from inside Windows; then mount EFI partition to install rEFInd04:56
gogetacoolstar: from what we can tell the xubuntu is totaly broken when it comes to legicy04:57
coolstargogeta, GRUB hangs when booting any linux kernel on my laptop for whatever reason04:57
coolstareven in the installer it doesn't boot04:57
gogetacoolstar: nivida??04:57
coolstarnah, even with the nvidia card disabled (using iGPU)04:57
SporkWitchcoolstar: acpi is the most common issue i've seen to cause that, historically04:57
coolstarbooting the Linux kernel directly from EFI shell or rEFInd works fine here though04:58
coolstarwith the same args as the ones used in GRUB too04:58
superguestdoes anyone know if the kernel shipped with Ubuntu has the CPU Microcode Loading features (namely, CONFIG_MICROCODE and CONFIG_MICROCODE_INTEL=Y, plus some others) enabled?04:58
coolstaranyone know how to permanently disable mouse acceleration for a certain mouse in Ubuntu?05:02
coolstardisabled it temporarily with xinput from the command line but I'd like the setting to persist05:02
coolstar(I used `xinput --set-prop 10 'libinput Accel Profile Enabled' 0, 1` to set it temporarily. Mouse is a Logitech G203)05:03
Shmamwhat device should I select for boot loader installation? The partition that I'm installing on (/dev/nvme0n1p7) or the device itself (/dev/nvme0n1)05:05
SporkWitchnot sure where that'd be in ubuntu; on kubuntu, the kde input device settings have it right there...05:05
SporkWitchShmam: i don't believe that makes a difference05:05
lotuspsychje!partitioning | Shmam05:07
ubottuShmam: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap05:07
matjamShmam: I use the device itself05:08
matjamShmam: It will add an entry for Windows in Grub05:08
matjam(assuming you have other OSs installed)05:09
Shmamok now its saying that no root filesystem is defined05:09
Shmamdo I just need to set use as for p7 to ext4 and set the mount point to "/"?05:09
matjamShmam: did you do manual partitioning?05:09
Shmamyeah the automatic wants to resize my partition then make another one for the os05:10
Shmamand it tries to wipe the whole disk if I make it unallocated05:10
Shmamso im going manual05:10
matjamShmam: ok, so, you need a / partition, selected in the "Use As" field, and an EFI system partition should already be there, and you should make at least a 2GB swap partition.05:12
matjamthats the bare minimum, though I do recommend also having a 1GB /boot partition, also ext4.05:12
Shmamwhat does the /boot partition do?05:13
Shmamand do I need a swap partition if I have 16gb ram? Its unlikely that I will really need it05:13
matjamShmam: it holds the kernels, as well as boot configuration.05:13
matjamShmam: you should always have at least 2GB swap; there's internal reasons for it, but it's not recommended to have no swap partition at all.05:14
matjamyou could skip the /boot partition these days really05:15
Shmamalright. Is the /boot partition a common thing? I've never heard of that before05:15
matjamI use it because I use btrfs for /05:15
gogetamatjam: you cant skip boot on efi05:15
gogetamatjam: it whont work05:15
matjamwhat won't work?05:15
gogetamatjam: your system05:15
matjamclearly it doesn't work05:15
Shmamok what is the recommended size for swap? I have room for more than 2gb05:16
matjamas I'm booted right now :P05:16
matjam2GB is fine.05:16
gogetamatjam: are you using legicy big diffrence05:16
matjamnope, UEFI.05:16
gogetamatjam: most efi systems bulk if thers no efi boot partation05:16
matjam.. yes I have a efi boot partition05:16
matjamI meantioned that05:17
gogetamatjam: oh ok05:17
Shmamok so I'm creating a 2000 mb (2GB) partition, use as: swap, no mount point05:17
matjam2048 ;-)05:17
Shmamand then the rest of the space is going to be Ext4 journaling file system with a mount point of "/"05:18
anddamSporkWitch: the server is headless05:18
matjamthat'll work05:18
matjamShmam: and you have an efi partition right? it should already be there05:18
Shmamwait why 2048?05:18
matjamram is measued in powers of 205:19
ShmamI have windows installed which has an efi part (/dev/nvme0n1p2)05:19
matjamits a nice round number :P05:19
matjam(its a joke, it won't really matter)05:19
matjamyup you should be good.05:20
Shmamok it shows 1mb as free space. should I just leave this?05:21
matjamyou lose that05:21
Shmamokey dokey05:21
matjamblock size rounding thing05:22
Shmamok I previously had a different version of ubuntu on here, is there any way that I can find out what partitions are from that and clear those out? I dont want to accidentally wipe any of the windows partitions05:24
gogetaShmam: windows will be ntfs formated05:24
gogetaShmam: and likly marked windows05:25
matjamShmam: anything linux will be marked linux too05:25
Shmamwhat is the efi partition?05:25
gogetaShmam: never remove05:25
matjampart of the EFI boot system05:25
gogetathat will brake things05:25
matjamnecessary for both windows and linux05:26
EriC^^it's for the bootloader sham05:26
Shmamok it looks like I had a 16gb swap partition from last install. I can just use that right?05:26
gogetaShmam: it shoud let you yes05:26
gogetaShmam: just make shure you slect is as swap05:27
matjamShmam: it will use it automatically05:28
matjam16GB is huge though, I don't ever feel the need heh05:28
matjamthough, nvme, is fast05:29
gogetamatjam: you can make it smaller if you wish05:29
ShmamI read somewhere that it should be the same as the amount of ram that your system has05:29
gogetaShmam: kinda old hat05:29
matjamthats traditionally true, but these days it's not really necessary05:29
gogetaShmam: you your using all 16gb and wanna hibernate then yes05:29
Shmambut I have lots of extra room and a few extra gb wont really be a big deal05:29
gogetaShmam: if your using05:30
gogetaShmam: eg lots of linux vms05:30
matjamall the extra swap does it make it so when your machine is swapping due to some buggy out of control software, it takes longer to hit max memory and get killed05:30
gogetabut if i rember ubuntu swap is dynamic now05:31
gogetait grows as nedded05:31
Shmamgogeta: or lots of chrome tabs and extensions xD05:31
gogetathe swapfiles05:31
uruwi_thrash-protect is useful too05:31
enes"/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: roundcube-core is broken or not fully installed" anybody got any thoughts on how I might fix this? I tried removing all roundcube related packages and reinstalling but I keep getting the same error05:32
IrukandjiHey all, if I'm running 16.04 32-bit, can I force upgrade to 18.04 (32-bit) and keep unity?05:33
gogetaIrukandji: yes and no05:33
gogetaIrukandji: you can install unity later05:33
IrukandjiHmmm, my machine doesn't play well with Gnome. How long is 16.04 supported for? another year or two?05:34
EriC^^til 202105:34
gogetaIrukandji: id your machine 64bit?05:35
gogetaIrukandji: xubuntu wold not be a bad alt05:35
Irukandjigogeta, Negative, atleast not at the moment.05:35
gogetaIrukandji: oh then beware 18.04 will be the last 32bit05:35
IrukandjiI am hoping to upgrade to a 64-bit CPU, although my setup will still only support 3gb ram05:36
gogetaIrukandji: time to replace the rig05:36
Markdown1_Irukandji try out Ubuntu Mate05:37
gogetaIrukandji: yes mate uus based off the old gnome 2 very light05:37
Markdown1_Irukandji https://ubuntu-mate.org/05:37
Irukandjigogeta, Perhaps rig was an overstatement. It's just for writing so I guess anything will do05:37
gogetaIrukandji: look at a nuc j500505:37
gogetaIrukandji: dirt cheap new tech05:38
gogetaIrukandji: https://www.amazon.com/Intel-NUC-NUC7PJYH-Desktop-Computer/dp/B07CGBKX9H05:38
gogetaIrukandji: thers also a celeron one05:38
gogetalike 30$ cheaper05:38
gogetaIrukandji: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B79CS8N/ref=psdc_3015426011_t2_B07CGBKX9H05:39
IrukandjiThanks but unfortunately this will be my setup for a while. It's not all bad. ThinkPad T60p (Core 2 Duo, 3gb ram, 1600x1200 4:3 ratio FlexView LCD))05:39
gogetaIrukandji: bring your own ram and drive and your done05:39
gogetaIrukandji: of your core 2 your fine its 64bit05:39
matjamthought the core 2 duo was 64bit05:40
gogetaIrukandji: yea your fine05:40
guivercIrukandji, 16.04 (released 2016.april) came with 5 years of support - lots of it is still left!  (16+5=21)05:40
gogetaIrukandji: its just 32bit is being phased out so i was like you gotta get on the 64bit bandwagon but your machine is 64bit05:42
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Evalovelac3hey there05:46
Evalovelac3I could use some help with a alpha networks driver, basically...05:47
Evalovelac3I got a new desktop computer, I install Linux, no wifi support for alpha networks awus036ach, so I hop on MacBook and look into the driver install with rtl8812au and dkms, compiling from source, I get the adapter to scan down wireless aps, however, upon entering ssid passphrase correctly I am refused entry from the gods05:47
Evalovelac3I can see it with #sudo modinfo 8821au05:47
Evalovelac3and it's listed with iwconfig05:48
Evalovelac3any ideas?05:48
gogetaEvalovelac3: if you can get the windows ini you can try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper05:49
Two_DogsEvalovelac3: you are here on chat how?05:51
Two_DogsEvalovelac3: copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl --dmesg --pri=3 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:54
gogetaTwo_Dogs: pretty shure i  gave him a fix05:54
Two_Dogsgogeta: fix?05:54
gogetaTwo_Dogs: using ndiswrapper05:54
Two_Dogsgogeta: use windows drive fix?05:55
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Two_DogsEvalovelac3: fixed?05:55
gogetaTwo_Dogs: you get the ini files fromthe driver yes05:55
gogetaini file05:55
Two_Dogsgogeta: you mean that hardware of his only has one fix? go windows driver?05:56
gogetaTwo_Dogs: wifi is hit and miss05:57
SyronSo I'm running ubiquiti's camera server on a dedicated ubuntu desktop ltr box and it's working great. Tried to build another one just using ubuntu server and I can't seem to connect remotely, just locally on my lan. It's weird because my gatway is able to route it to my old one fine, but when I switch the target to my new one it fails, it even fails when I spoof the mac address of the old one (so the IP is the same to the gateway),05:57
Syron yet I can still connect from my local desktop. I need to be able to connect remotely though. Any ideas before I blow it away with a fresh install?05:57
ELQEYNNIs there any Zulu here?05:58
gogetaSyron: you likly need to enable ufw to allow that05:59
lotuspsychje!ot | ELQEYNN05:59
ubottuELQEYNN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:59
Syronit has a default firewall of some sort that would stop it unless I enable ufw?05:59
gogetaSyron: thats what it sounds like05:59
SyronI was thinking about it but if that's it I'll try that next06:00
gogetaSyron: yes defult06:00
Syronfigured it might be hardened more than the desktop build06:00
ELQEYNNHas there ever been a Zulu here?  ubuntu is a word from the Zulu language.06:00
gogetaSyron: even the desktop has ufw06:00
SyronI'm pretty sure I never changed it there though06:01
Syronidk though, it's been a while06:01
lotuspsychjeELQEYNN: stop that please, this channel is only for ubuntu support06:01
gogetaSyron: should just be sudo ufw allow ssh06:02
gogetaSyron: by defult it only allows local06:02
Syronufw is currently disabled but I can enable it06:02
gogetaSyron: if its disabled then its a port powarding issue06:03
Syronthat's what I thought but I can't see how. It is literally the same IP since I'm spoofing the mac06:03
SyronI'll turn on ufw06:04
gogetaSyron: disabled everything is allowed06:04
gogetaSyron: some isp block standerd ports06:04
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gogetaSyron: you may need to set your ssh in a diffrent port06:05
Two_DogsSyron: you said you can ssh into the system from within the lan, if so the issue is not related to firewall of system, the port is open and avail or you would not be doing a ssh connect\]06:05
Syronit is already, works fine on the other setup06:06
gogetaSyron: you can have the same ports on multi setups06:06
gogetaSyron: it simply whont work06:06
SyronI know, one is unplugged06:06
gogetaSyron: the problem is with your roughting06:07
gogetaSyron: i would set your ssh on a diffrent port06:07
SyronI'm in it right now just not from outside, and it's annoying. I haven't completely ruled out sophos utm but it works fine if I swap it with my other server right now, which would get the same IP as the one I'm in06:07
gogetaSyron: with another port foward06:07
gogetaSyron: you likly used a non stanerd port06:08
gogetaSyron: many isps do block that06:08
SyronI am using a non standard, but I know this one works06:08
gogetaSyron: and problem found06:08
gogetaSyron: cloning the ip means nothing06:09
gogetaSyron: the ports needs to be open06:09
Syrongateway doesn't care what is plugged into it, if it sees the same mac address it gets the same IP and it works on the old box06:09
Syronnot sure what would be different from that end06:09
gogetaSyron: you new install is using a standed port likley06:09
SyronI wish it was, that's an easy fix06:11
gogetaSyron: it relly is06:11
SyronI'm shelled into it though06:12
gogetaSyron: if its working localy and you dont have ufw06:12
gogetaSyron: thers no reasion for it to fail other the roughting06:12
gogetaSyron: if your roughter is like mine it uses hostnames06:13
gogetaSyron: so even if you cloned the ip it will just look at you funny06:13
gogetaSyron: or the clone itsselfs is causing a conflict06:14
Syronthanks, it's a complex device and there could be something going on there06:16
=== dancingbear is now known as dancingbear444
netsrotHi, is there still no good way to rollback from a broken apt-get upgrade?06:17
gogetanetsrot: sudo apt-get -f install06:18
gogetanetsrot: it should resume where it got interrupted06:18
matjamnetsrot: its usually not hard to fix a broken apt-get upgrade06:18
netsrotthat is only if installation itself returns an error right?06:18
Two_Dogsnetsrot: the repo lists point to newer or older version?06:19
netsrotI think the only solution is unix.stackexchange.com/questions/79050/can-i-rollback-an-apt-get-upgrade-if-something-goes-wrong/80320#8032006:19
netsrotand it looks like a hack.06:20
gogetanetsrot: well the command i gave should see if anything is broken and try to fix it06:20
netsrotgogeta: sometimes it doesn't know what is broken.06:21
gogetanetsrot: indeed06:21
Two_Dogsnetsrot: so how do you know it is broke?06:22
ducassenetsrot: if you have a btrfs root fs, the upgrader will create a snapshot you can rollback to before starting the upgrade06:23
netsrotTwo_Dogs: I'm getting 3-5fps in a game that used to give me 20-60 fps. So I need to do a rollback.06:23
gogetanetsrot: that sounds lke a driver problem06:23
gogetanetsrot: not a broken package06:23
Two_Dogsnetsrot: broke graphics then06:24
netsrotwell it was a apt-get upgrade that broke it so it's the blame.06:24
gogetanetsrot: lol relly its not but to eatch his own06:25
gogetanetsrot: probly nivida and there latest driver has broken alot of systems06:26
netsrotI'm using amd foss drivers.06:26
gogetanetsrot: blame nivida for shotty drivers not the distro06:26
Two_Dogsgogeta: not nvidia06:26
gogetanetsrot: relly06:26
gogetanetsrot: pretty ood for foss to brake06:26
netsrotI'm blaming package management because rollback seems like a basic function that should be there. This isn't the first time an upgrade has been a downgrade for me.06:27
Two_Dogsnetsrot: you did not respond to ducasse06:28
matjamnetsrot: so, we can't conjure up nonexistent functionality, but we can probably help with the broken video driver issue.06:28
SyronI'm assuming there may be older versions of the actual video driver still available for install06:29
Syronhaven't messed with it in a long time though06:30
Syronbut somehow I don't think that would help06:30
matjamnetsrot: FYI, btrfs / with apt-btrfs-snapshot appears to do what you want, but you need to have that set up beforehand.06:32
netsrotducasse: thanks I don't have btrfs but I will probably try to use that on my next install.06:32
ducassenetsrot: it's probably the only way to get what you're asking for, apt simply isn't designed for downgrades06:35
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netsrotthanks a lot everybody for helping me anyhow.06:40
jimenoHi. I do have an Ubuntu 18.04 VM without internet connection. I want to add a 32-bits package to it (it's a 64bits machine). So, for the 32bits package I know I must "apt download package" and then put the .deb and install it with dpkg. But how do I do "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" offline?06:46
EriC^^jimeno: you can get the link of the package and manually download it and then use dpkg -i06:50
matjamif its a standard package you can just do apt-get install package:i386 and it will install it06:51
EriC^^jimeno: ah i get what you mean, you want the packages list of i38606:51
matjamoh offline06:51
EriC^^you need apt-get update after adding the architecture i think, which needs an internet connection06:52
jimenoEriC^^: just one of them, yup. The libproxychains one (libproxychains3:i386 or libproxychains4:i386). Doesn't that need adding the arch to the OS?06:52
EriC^^jimeno: i dont think so, try running only the --add-architecture command, it should run then try dpkg -i06:53
jimenoor can I just download the .deb and install it with dpkg without going through the previous add-architecture and apt-update steps?06:53
jimenowill try! thank you (:06:53
EriC^^no problem, good luck :)06:53
matjamI think apt-offline was written to solve this problem06:54
matjambut I've never used it06:54
matjamtheres no ubuntu documentation for it06:54
matjamjimeno: https://askubuntu.com/questions/835655/install-a-program-with-apt-offline06:55
matjampretty cool06:57
navneetplease help to resolve my canon LBP2900 printer while installing.06:58
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redd_navneetplease help me to resolve my printer LBP2900 issue07:12
redd_navneetI am unable to setup it.07:13
varaindemianI am unable to update ubuntu 18.0407:34
varaindemianhere is what  I get in the terminal07:34
varaindemianany help please?07:35
EriC^^varaindemian: try a different repo or wait a few minutes maybe they are updating it or something07:36
guivercvaraindemian, i get a 'forbidden' msg too - use another (eg. remove ro) - or wait..07:37
EriC^^varaindemian: on the main repo it's working07:38
varaindemianEriC^^: guess I'll wait couple of hours07:40
EriC^^ok cool07:41
varaindemianhow can I chage the mirrors to the official ones?07:41
varaindemianI mean us based07:41
EriC^^varaindemian: software & updates07:41
cfhowlett!mirrors | varaindemian07:42
ubottuvaraindemian: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Bionic, and help keeping the servers' load low!07:42
cfhowlettyou 'll need to edit your software sources and refresh07:42
varaindemianThank you!07:43
cfhowletteasy/peasy system > software & updates > Download from: Other > Select Best Server07:46
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
alive876hi all, why on 16.04 would it hang when I run sudo apt-get update? thanks07:54
cfhowlettalive876, could be the mirrors are undergoing maintenance, could be your are too impatient, could be misconfigured sources.list ...07:54
alive876 does this mean anything? Err:10 http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/node.js/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages   404  Not Found07:55
cfhowlettyep.  it means "not found".07:56
cfhowlettwhat is your current ubuntu version?07:56
cfhowlettno xenial version at that site.07:57
eraserpencilI am on amd64 16.04. I wish to compile smtg for arm64, but I dont understand how to setup the cross-compilation tools. Would it be better for me to have a KVM with Ubuntu 16.04 on arm64, a docker image with Ubuntu 16.04 arm64, or an lxc/lxd wit Ubuntu 16.04 arm6408:00
alive876i don't know what it is or where it is08:01
EriC^^alive876: try to remove the ppa and find maybe a newer ppa you trust or maybe the current version in the official repo is good for you08:02
cfhowlettalive876, ubuntu 16.04 is codenamed Xenial Xerus.  Your ppa is not published for Xenial Zerus08:02
BlueSharkHi. How do I set an application that I installed using Snap to auto-start on startup. Previously I was using Startup Applications in Ubuntu for this purpose.08:12
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ledeniBlueShark, ubuntu 18.0408:20
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eraserpencilBlueshark: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/152716/make-an-application-startup-automatically08:23
ledeniBlueShark, if yes install gnome tweak tool got option for start up uplication08:23
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FuraiHey, I seem to have issues with ubuntu 18.04, dark theme and firefox text inputs. It tries to set them to black and white font. If some input has some style added it will not work usually and so I've ended up right now with white background and white font for some input.08:35
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FuraiAnyone knows if it's possible to fix it somehow?08:35
ducasseFurai: that's a common problem, aiui08:37
ducasseas i understand it08:38
FuraiDidn't know that acronym, thanks.08:39
ericrajuinFurai: maybe a userContent.css in firefox to set input field as black text ?08:39
FuraiThe thing is it works on some pages and on some not. Depends on if they modify inputs in css.08:39
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FuraiAlso another thing I've noticed are missing desktop icons when I connect second screen. Couldn't figure out why that's happening.08:42
ericrajuinFurai: I remeber reading somewhere that in firefox preferences> content > color> uncheck 'use system colors' fixes it.08:43
FuraiLet me see.08:43
FuraiIt's unchecked...08:44
ericrajuinoh.. nvm then08:44
cfhowlettclose and restart FF08:44
FuraiIt was unchecked when I launched it and it didn't change anything. It's not like I changed it now.08:45
FuraiAnyway, restarted, still same thing.08:46
alive876sudo apt-get update still gets stuck 16.04 , i removed ppa08:46
FuraiIf anyone wants to try to reproduce - just go to gnome tweaks and change theme to adwaita dark.08:46
TheLawGood morning from Belgium :-)08:48
FuraiOups, just clicked that link of unknown origin. How stupid of me.08:50
cfhowlettcould've been worse ...08:51
cfhowlettalive876, and now ??08:51
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alive876Get:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease [109 kB]             0% [Working]08:54
ericrajuinmaybe your firewall is blocking connections ?08:55
alive876i'm going back to debian08:56
cfhowlettthen we can't help you.  #debian is your support channel08:57
mancman3see danger and run for the hills lol08:57
ericrajuinwhat will happen if I install the trusty version of nodejs into xenial ?09:00
ericrajuinwill it break ?09:01
lotuspsychjeericrajuin: we reccomend using package versions for your specific ubuntu release09:01
lotuspsychjeericrajuin: or try !backports or !pinning if you really want a package09:01
ericrajuinthe package version is rather ancient09:02
lotuspsychjeericrajuin: ancient can mean security flaws, are you sure you will take the risk?09:02
lotuspsychjealive876: we dont support external ppa's, if you break your system weird things can happen..not ubuntu's fault right?09:04
alive876no, of course09:04
lotuspsychjealive876: if its the repo itself for your country that lags, you can ask in #ubuntu-mirrors for known problems?09:05
Two_Dogslotuspsychje: ubuntu does not support ppa usage?09:05
lotuspsychjeTwo_Dogs: we dont support adding external ppa's and reccomend using packages from the official ubuntu repos09:06
ducasseTwo_Dogs: they're not supported here09:06
lotuspsychjeTwo_Dogs: of course, in some cases/computers might need a package from a ppa..09:08
Two_Dogslotuspsychje: i can imagine09:09
ericrajuinbut alive876 is stuck connecting at archive.ubuntu.com09:10
lotuspsychjeericrajuin alive876 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/ working here in a browser09:12
alive876i've rebuilt the system09:12
alive876works now09:13
ppfstill looking for this: how can i hook into v6 prefix updates?09:17
Furaihttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1283086 << to anyone participating in the previous discussion.09:18
ubottuMozilla bug 1283086 in Widget: Gtk "Some form fields are black on Gtk3 dark themes" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:18
FuraiThe "workaround" fixes it.09:18
blackflowppf: if there's a way, it'd probably involve bpf09:18
ppfblackflow: why though?09:19
blackflowppf: because bpf is supposed to be(come) the way to hook into such low level stuff. if I understand your "hook into" correctly.09:19
ppfblackflow: i just want to be notified of the update09:20
BlueSharkledeni, Yes, I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.09:22
ericrajuincool so there is a workaround09:23
MundehHey #ubuntu family, feels good to be here. Problems encountered as Ubuntu user (beginner) urged me to find myself here.09:30
lotuspsychjeMundeh: you can ask your ubuntu question here if you like09:32
Mundehok. I got openJDK-7 installed on Ubuntu 14  which was running ok. But a later installed oracle-jdk-8 and somewhat, the system became messed up and I could not install most software. The error being java 7 required.  I followed suggested solutions and set default java package to no avail. Finally I have not had a way out.09:37
lotuspsychje!java | Mundeh can this help?09:38
ubottuMundeh can this help?: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:38
MundehOk Ubottu. I gave. let me give it a try though the suggestion seems not to target the worry directly. I think the issue is about repairing an error which I have not Identified.09:41
lotuspsychjeMundeh: try to send us error output on hastebin.com to let us help you better09:41
ppfblackflow: so you're suggesting there's no more pedestrian solution?09:43
blackflowppf: I don't know of any, unless you write a script or something that periodically checks and reports when it detects a change.09:44
ppfblackflow: in ubuntu, who takes care of configuring v6 addresses?09:45
blackflowppf: technically the kernel is, NM and others are just userland tools for that.09:46
blackflowppf: meaning RA or any other icmpv6 based re-config will be dealt with in the kernel09:46
ppfblackflow: okay, hm. i ultimately want to update a dns dynamically09:51
blackflowppf: can you elaborate?09:53
ppfi have a dns on the internet that i want to provide names for my networks machines09:54
ppfso the plan is detect prefix update, nsupdate the server09:55
blackflowppf: btw now that you mention it, you can actually get notifications via netlink route socket. I don't know if there's a program already that does that which you can use for a simpler userland hook-in, or just have to write your own.09:55
blackflowppf: right, so you want a dynamic DNS service of sorts09:55
ppfblackflow: ya09:55
navdeepanyone !!09:56
ppfblackflow: can you elabeorate on  netlink09:56
blackflowppf: man 3 rtnetlink09:57
ppfi mean, i know of netlink, but wasn't aware it tells me about prefixu updates09:57
blackflowppf: sorry, it's in section 709:58
ppfblackflow: yeah i know, reading it09:58
ppfblackflow: now, i know i can query kernel info through netlink, but how can i watch it?10:02
blackflowppf: I suppose by subscribing to RTM_NEWADDR notifications? I don't have much experience with it, I just know it's there.10:06
ppfblackflow: i'll check it out10:06
ppfblackflow: happy to use an existing dyndns solution, but haven't found one i can host myself10:07
blackflowppf: https://yingtongli.me/blog/2017/04/18/dynamic-dns.html10:10
blackflowppf: seems NM has hooks for that particular subset of "hook into netfilter"10:11
blackflowppf: not sure if it works when the prefix changes via SLAAC10:12
ppfblackflow: nice :010:12
blackflowppf: let me know if it actually does.10:12
ppfblackflow: will do!10:14
mark721Hai guys10:20
mark721um i recently installed grub customiser. since i wanted to swap the boot order list.10:21
mark721A few days later (without me making any changes) several new options were appended to the bottom of the boot order list10:21
mark721The ones highlighted here. https://imgur.com/a/noEq7zh10:22
mark721By the way, when I said I altered the boot list, I meant that, I merely swapped Windows boot manager and Ubuntu.10:23
EriC^mark721: it looks like those are under advanced options10:28
EriC^which is normal10:28
lotuspsychje!patience | mark721 idle a bit mate10:28
ubottumark721 idle a bit mate: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:28
juslintekHi, I'm constantly getting this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FCndb3wc54/10:28
juslintekHow can I fix it I really need to add some respositories for version compatible with Ubuntu 18.04 :-)10:28
juslintekWhich are not in public repo yet, and then one that is is not working as expected :-)10:29
lotuspsychjejuslintek: for external ppa issues, contact the maintainer of those packages mate10:29
lotuspsychjejuslintek: i also would advice, if somethings not working on a clean 18.04 by default try to file a new !bug10:31
juslintekI filed a report via the bug report wizard I press continue and nothing happens :-)10:33
juslinteklotuspsychje, give me repo that works for you on 18.04 I will test if adding it will work for me. :-)10:34
Smokiehey guys, whenever i change my ubuntu server hostname to change the "name" of the server, it changes back if it gets rebooted.. how can i perm keep it changed?10:36
mark721EriC^, no no they aren't, i just moved them into it now, im just wondering how they appeared outside from nowhere10:42
mark721lotuspsychje, tbf waiting for 4 mins and then saying anyone isn't really being impatient :P10:43
JimBuntumark721, it would seem to me that the customizer caused grub to find your other boot options... mainly kernels... and it looks like BIOS (System Setup) too. Had you manually removed these in the past?10:50
Smokieany thoughts on perm changing the ubuntu server name?10:53
JimBuntuSmokie, I have seen another user recently posting about this. In their case, I think they found that they had an init file that was changing it back at boot. I do not have the details, however, I think they located it by checking journalctl.10:58
qswzmy company requires to have encrypted data on computers10:58
qswzbut I'm afraid it'll affect performance10:58
CVirusI'm using mate desktop and the network applet disappeared after upgrading to 18.04 .. is this expected?10:59
qswzif I encrypt my home foolder10:59
=== Mutter is now known as b-real
lapagaCVirus, just go to mate-tweak and chose familiar save it first if you have customized the panel11:02
CVirus@lapaga thanks a lot!11:05
CViruslapaga, now I get the new mate experience ... any clue how do I run the mate welcome thing?11:06
lapagaCVirus, you can find welcome in control center11:09
tomreynqswz: you can even encrypt almost the whole system (and that's probably what your company wants you to do, not just the home folder). on current desktop computers, the performance impact is neglible / not noticeable.11:09
tomreynqswz: if you need something to compare to and are used to windows, installing an AV software slows the system down a lot more.11:10
lotuspsychje!hostname | Smokie11:11
ubottuSmokie: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:11
tomreynqswz: where AV = anti virus, not audio/video11:12
Smokielotuspsychje, you mean in /etc/hosts, i have to keep the current name 'ubuntu' and add a new line with the 'new-name' for it to work?11:12
=== mast42 is now known as mastm
Smokielotuspsychje, it keeps changing back after a reboot11:21
qswztomreyn: ok yes11:21
qswzthanks, yes will go wuth full disk encryption11:22
tomreynSmokie: this will be some mechanism which is applied by the hosting environment. i assume this is a VM?11:23
Smokietomreyn, it is a VM, yes11:23
lincis this the right place to ask a question regarding some issues that I am having with Ubuntu16.04 (I am a new user)? Thanks11:23
dreugeworstHi all, I have a ubuntu 18.04 machine connected to a tv. Whenever I lower the resolution from within a (steam) game, it seems to enable screen panning, so moving the mouse to the edges shows part of the desktop underneath. Any ideas how to fix this?11:24
tomreynSmokie: you may need to change the hostname in the web panel the host provides then, or take measures to prevent them from logging into your VM and making these changes.11:24
Smokietomreyn, what web panel?11:24
tomreynSmokie: i don't know, i assumed your hosting provider would provide such, amny do.11:24
Smokietomreyn, this VM is running on a VMware Workstation and it has no control over the OS11:25
Smokietomreyn, ah no hehehe its running locally on my machine11:25
tomreynSmokie: maybe you have some 'guest tools' installed or similar? those might reset it to the name assigned on the workstation gui11:26
tomreynSmokie: anyways, it should be something which is not part of ubuntu. ubuntu would not ever reset the hostname on reboots by itself, i don't think.11:27
tomreynSmokie:that is, unless it is received via dhcp.11:27
Smokietomreyn, hmm via dhcp... so i can test this by setting a static ip with a different ip then the one used now?11:28
tomreynSmokie: or you could just review your system logs and see whether it was set there.11:29
Smokiewhich logs would have this type of info?11:29
tomreyn /var/log/syslog11:30
tomreynSmokie: try this: grep -i dhcp -C5 /var/log/syslog11:31
tomreynon an ubuntu 16.04 it would sy something like "NetworkManager[12345]: <info>  [1234567890.1234]   hostname 'ubuntu'11:32
blackflow39 years to set hostname. impressive :)11:33
dreugeworstAnyone know how to disable panning when the screen resolution gets changed inside a game?11:35
Smokietomreyn, the only thing i see is "ubuntu systemd-resolved[721]: Using system hostname 'ubuntu'."11:38
tomreynSmokie: so you updated the hostname (which does not contain dots) in both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, right?11:40
Smokietomreyn, correct?11:40
tomreynSmokie: and after reboot /etc/hostname contained the old hostname?11:41
Smokieyes, /etc/hosts is fine, but /etc/hostname changes back11:41
smittixHi All, Has anyone experienced an issues with 18.04 whereby a second monitor is detected fine but doesn't display an image just black screen?11:42
tomreynso if you want to examine whether it is set via dhcp, you could edit /etc/dhcp/debug and set RUN="yes" and get another dhcp lease.11:43
longwordSorry, I have to ask the stupid question, but have you been to Settings->Devices->Screen Display and it all looks sensible there?11:43
tomreynSmokie: alternatively, remove 'host-name' off the 'request' line in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf11:44
tomreynSmokie: alternatively add 'supersede host-name "mynewhostname";' in this file11:45
Smokietomreyn, let me try to change it to a static ip and test that first11:45
lotuspsychje!who | longword11:46
ubottulongword: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:46
tomreynsmittix: i think longword was talking to you there11:46
smittix@longword, Yes the device is there and set to secondary monitor.11:47
longwordI have no objection to others reading my messages too :)11:47
longwordThe second display, is it to the right of your primary display?11:47
smittix@longword, Yes.11:48
MonkeyDustsmittix  you can drop the @ ... simply type 2-3 characters of a name, then hit tab to autocomplete11:48
longwordDoes it feel like your mouse is moving "onto" that display when you go far right?11:48
smittixlongword, Yes.11:48
smittixMonkeyDust, Yeah no idea why I was adding the @.11:48
longwordsmit, I'd suggest your next port of call is a read of /var/log/Xorg.*.log11:49
=== steven is now known as Guest49925
smittixlongword, Ok. I will take a look. It worked fine in previous releases so I was kind of stumped.11:49
lotuspsychjesmittix: wich ubuntu version, graphics card and driver version do you have?11:49
longwordNo harm checking/reseating all the cables too11:50
Guest49925morning guys, I have an ubuntu 16.04 server and for some reason it was unreachable, just checked out the details and it looks like the network interface name changed? eno1 was configured but that interface doesn't exist anymore11:50
smittixlotuspsychje, 18.04, Radeon with the default opensource driver.11:50
Guest49925did something happen? like maybe an update that changed something?11:50
lotuspsychjesmittix: laptop or desktop?11:50
smittixlongword, All cables are fine as I booted an earlier version on live USB and the monitor works fine there.11:50
smittixlotuspsychje, Desktop.11:51
lotuspsychjesmittix: monitors are mirror or extended?11:51
Smokietomreyn, they completely changed how networking is configured in 18.04 huh11:52
smittixlotuspsychje, Extended. I've tried both options still no display11:52
blackflowGuest49925: what's the new interface name?11:52
lotuspsychjesmittix: doublecheck if driver loaded correctly with sudo lshw -C video plz?11:52
Guest49925I dont know which one it is, but I have two br-bd.... interfaces blackflow11:53
Guest49925its still offline, I just  plugged in a monitor to login.11:53
tomreynSmokie: not completely, but much of it, yes.11:53
blackflowGuest49925: is this a baremetal server or some kind of VM? Anyway, your NIC either went away (died, removed, whatever), or changed named due to any hardware changes.11:54
smittixlotuspsychje, Ok one moment. I will be right back.11:54
Guest49925neither, its a hp server, the hardware is literally next to me right now and no HW was changed11:54
tomreynGuest49925: interface names would not change due to an ubuntu (same release) update11:55
longwordAt a guess, that it knows there's a second display present, the driver must be /somewhat/ correctly loaded11:55
BluesKajHowdy all11:55
Guest49925any way to check whether the netword card did indeed die?11:55
tomreynGuest49925: you'd try to bring it up and send sustained data and watch the interface statistics.11:56
blackflowGuest49925: then it's baremetal... :)  that's what I mean. physical box, or a virtual (figment of a host's imagination ;)  kind.11:56
Guest49925the server management thingy lists the network adapers! (br-... stuff) and one indeed is down11:57
Guest49925well thats sucks11:57
ioriaGuest49925, what is the  'server management thingy' ?11:58
tomreynGuest49925: is the interface down or just its link? down is not necessarily "broken", there can be other reasons why a link is down.11:58
tomreynprobably ilo, since hp server11:59
Guest49925HP has this iLo server management software which I assume runs on a dedicated chip on the server11:59
Guest49925so I am able to login and check out HW information even if the actual server is down11:59
ioriaGuest49925, sweet11:59
tomreynGuest49925: which server or ilo version is it? newer ones (ilo 4.x) will show a nice graph of temperatures in various spotsin your system. make sure it's not just overheating at the NICs.12:01
Guest49925its ilo412:01
Guest49925hp microserver gen812:01
Guest49925small home server, nice box.. if it works12:02
ioriaGuest49925, i'd check  'ip a' ; lspci -k | grep -i ether -A2  and /etc/network/interface12:02
tomreyni'd check syslog, try to find out what actually happened.12:02
tomreynalso ilo has an event log you can check.12:02
Guest49925ioria: so it does list two NIC's12:06
LesewesenHi is there a current guide on how to compile a custom kernel for ubuntu 18.04? I just want to patch the wireless driver "intel/iwlegacy" to disable powersave.12:06
Guest49925so if the system lists the NIC I would assume thhey are still working, right?12:06
ioriaGuest49925, you can easily paste those outputs on paste.ubuntu.com12:07
Guest49925I cant12:07
Guest49925because the server is offline12:07
Guest49925I sit next to it with a laptop12:07
ioriaGuest49925,  so, you need to copy over by hand :รพ12:08
slogger3141hello! I'm trying an install with a preseed file and it works fine first time - it encrypts whole disk - however if i try and reinstall it errors saying no modifications can be made to the device encrypted volume, in use by lvm volume group12:08
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: i would reccomend a new !bug if your driver doesnt work as it should, instead of compiling new driver12:08
slogger3141my pressed file has the usual delete lvm etc12:09
slogger3141d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic12:09
slogger3141d-i partman/early_command string sh -c 'set -- $(vgs --rows --noheadings | head -n 1); for vg in "$@"; do vgremove -f "$vg"; done; set -- $(pvs --rows --noheadings | head -n 1); for pv in "$@"; do pvremove -f "$pv"; done'12:09
LesewesenThere is a bug since ubuntu 14.04 on launchpad12:09
slogger3141# Disk Partitioning12:09
slogger3141# Use LVM, and wipe out anything that already exists12:09
slogger3141d-i partman/choose_partition select finish12:09
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: got url on it?12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1408963 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[Xbuntu 14.04, 14.10 and 15.04] Network manager stops working: iwl3945 0000:03:00.0: BSM uCode verification failed at addr ...; wlan0: deauthenticating from... by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)," [Low,Confirmed]12:10
tomreyn!paste | slogger314112:11
ubottuslogger3141: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:11
slogger3141apologies: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4CSdQqZHXP/12:12
tomreynLesewesen: this is about a legacy *wireless* nic, but i think Guest49925 is trying to solve an issue on a server with ethernet nics.12:13
Guest49925that ^12:14
tomreynGuest49925: so why dont you bring the server up and inspect the logs?12:14
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: i would go for a new bug mate, concerning 18.04 devs might get new attention on it12:14
tomreynlotuspsychje: that is a sad statement. but probably true.12:15
Guest49925because I am not that good with network debugging tomreyn :D I checked ifconfig and realized the interface is gone. I have two nics on the server and see two br-... interfaces so my first guess was the system renamed it somehow12:16
lotuspsychjetomreyn: yeah we often see older bugs die a silent death12:16
Guest49925iLo says one nic is down (not doesnt tell me why and the other one is online, so I plugged it into the other one, if uped the interface and it still doesnt work12:16
Lesewesenbr are bridge interfaces.12:16
Guest49925so this is a big trial and error here12:16
tomreynGuest49925: once you have it running you can access it via ilo's serial console and thus get textual output you can copy and paste.12:17
Guest49925an and there is that12:17
Guest49925ilo console  doesnt work because what ever12:17
Guest49925its a java/linux issue12:17
Lesewesenyou can modify bridges using the "bridge-utils"12:18
Guest49925which I guess one would have to install first Lesewesen :D12:18
tomreynif you can find out where the java applet would connect to you can run it from a temrinal using javaws12:18
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: just a few ideas, did you test other kernels on intel wifi?12:19
=== fsk2_ is now known as fsk2
LesewesenI have an old kernel running at the moment, but in 18.04 they changed the compile process a little and I get an error12:19
Lesewesenan old patched kernel ;)12:20
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: so it works on the older kernel?12:20
LesewesenIf it is patched to disable powersave, yes. Otherwise I have the same problem12:20
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: a reason more i would create a new bionic bug about it, then mention its working on your specific kernel12:21
LesewesenOk I'll create a new bug then12:22
As4xkHi. I'm trying to access my server (running bionic) "directly" and not through VPN, while it's connected to VPN (for exapmle ssh to it's local ip address). I tried the following suggestion: https://serverfault.com/questions/659955/allowing-ssh-on-a-server-with-an-active-openvpn-client/660106#660106 but with no luck. Here are my routes (will paste) before and after connecting to vpn. Could someone explain for me what the different lines12:22
As4xkRoutes: https://tmp.ludi.no/okahineyag.sql12:22
tomreynGuest49925: you can also ssh into ilo and use 'textcons'12:22
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: another trick to get it solved faster, is finding more users affected to the bug12:22
Guest49925I read that tomreyn, you might wanna tell me what textcons is?12:23
Guest49925doesn't ring a bell12:23
lotuspsychjeLesewesen: and testing things yourself to forfill the bug12:23
tomreynGuest49925: a command provided by hp ilo, which provides a texual console of the live system.12:23
Guest49925do I have to install it locally?12:24
tomreynGuest49925: no, you ssh to ilo, login as you would on the web interface, then run that command12:24
Guest49925ah gotcha, cool12:24
Guest49925lemme try that12:24
tomreyni guess we're far OT here, though, none of this has to do with ubuntu12:25
lotuspsychjeAs4xk: can this help in any way, its known to be good tut site: https://linuxconfig.org/simple-openvpn-connection-setup-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux12:25
Guest49925it is all about an ubunti server tomreyn :D12:26
As4xklotuspsychje: Thanks, but not really. I don't have trouble getting VPN to work. I have trouble accessing the server (f.ex. ssh to it) when it connects to vpn. I assume the problem is that the response packages are sent through the vpn interface instead of my "local" interface, but I don't know how to change the routes correctly12:29
m2_teknixsuggest some key combinations for Volume Up, Volume Down and Mute for a full size keyboard12:31
rypervencheAs4xk: What is the IP of the machine that you're trying to SSH into?12:33
As4xkis the non-vpn ip12:36
tomreynopenvpn comes with scripts to change the default route12:37
rypervencheAs4xk: Can you paste your iptables rules? iptables -nvL and iptables -nvL -t nat12:37
As4xkNo rules12:37
As4xkthey are pass by default (don't know correct terminology)12:38
As4xkChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)12:38
rypervencheAs4xk: What is happening when you try to SSH? Can you install tcpdump for us?12:39
As4xkThe connection times out. Active connections also times out.12:39
As4xkI have installed it now. Do you have a oneliner for how to save packages related to SSH?12:40
anddamif anyone has a pointer about properly setting wpa_supplicant on systemd, I'd appreciate it. The wiki page on manually setting up wireless is a bit outdated12:40
Smokietomreyn, trying to setup static ip using netplan, but i keep getting this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XtkcfrFVhW/12:41
As4xktomreyn: Can this script add routes for non-virtual networks as well?12:42
=== tom is now known as Guest2339
tomreynAs4xk: i think it really just updates the default, route, but have not checked recently.12:43
solsTiCein 18.04, do I need to add my user to kvm group to use /dev/kvm ?12:43
rypervencheAs4xk: tcpdump -nn -w /tmp/out.pcap 'tcp and host and port 22' (change port if it's different) then try to connect and let it timeout.12:43
rypervencheAs4xk: Then ctrl+c and pastebin /tmp/out.pcap (or get rid of the -w bit and just copy and paste the output)12:44
patrick_I just updated xubuntu to 16.04 on a Pi2 and now Firefox is broken.  Is this the right channel?12:44
tomreynSmokie: i'm not into netplan but the yaml indenting looks wrong12:44
As4xkSmokie: There looks to be some indentation error in the file12:45
smittixOk, I'm back.12:46
rypervencheAs4xk: Don't make a file then, remove the -w /tmp/out.pcap bit and redo it.12:46
Rumbleshey, I am looking to see if there is a easy way to install a package with apt, but ensure the service doesn't start up after the install completes12:46
Smokietomreyn, As4xk there is nothing in line 12 column 2312:46
RumblesI want to install salt-minion, but need to update the config file first, before it contacts the wrong salt server12:46
As4xkIs there any information in the tcpdump pcap file that should not go public?12:48
As4xkrelated to SSH12:49
As4xkSmokie: Looks like there is no indentation on line 11. Is this correct?12:50
smittixI can't remember who was helping me with my second monitor issue?12:50
SmokieAs4xk, line 11 has 'dhcp6: yes'12:52
As4xkLine 11 in you paste file12:52
SmokieAs4xk, ah yes, thats what it shows in all places i checked12:54
As4xkSmokie: I don't know if this is related to your problem. I do not know much about netplan and their yaml files either. I just think it looks weird in you paste12:54
xenial64-userhi guys I have a Q. regarding xubuntu Bionic??12:54
Butterfly_just ask xenial64-user12:55
Butterfly_don't wait for someone to say you can ask your question12:55
Guest49925tomreyn: ok, finally managed to get cli access, now at least I can take screenshots12:55
xenial64-userok Thnks  I noticed  when I suspend xubuntu 18.04  and resuming it askes for a password12:56
xenial64-userlive distro12:56
SmokieAs4xk, ok12:56
Smokieis there another way to change network settings besides using netplan in 18.04?12:56
Butterfly_xenial64-user : how long are you planning to use live distro? they're mostly just for testing12:56
xenial64-userI always use it for web...12:57
As4xkSmokie: Look at manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/artful/man5/netplan.5.html under "This is a complex example which shows most available features:"12:57
Guest49925so, back the the issue. so the server has no internet. whats the way to determinte whether the NIC did actually die tomreyn ?12:58
xenial64-usermint never asked for a pass12:58
As4xkLooks like gateway4 should be indented so it's "in context of" ens312:58
As4xkAt least it is in that example12:59
SmokieAs4xk, done that, not it shows this "line 11 column 22: expected scalar13:00
Smokie" hehehe13:00
xenial64-userso anyone is there a way to resume xubuntu 18.04 Live Dvd without it asking for a password??13:01
As4xkxenial64-user: Have you tried username "ubuntu" and an empty password?13:02
tomreynGuest49925: configure it, try to bring it up, if it wont comne up, maybe mii-tool may provide more insight13:03
tomreynor just dmesg13:03
xenial64-userno is this the method to access it?13:03
andrewcpatriciadomin, hallo!13:04
As4xkxenial64-user: username "xubuntu" btw13:04
andrewcpatriciadomin, ping13:04
xenial64-userI 'll try if not working  I'll dump it for another distro,13:04
As4xkxenial64-user: I don't know. But last time I used a live cd this was the case I think13:04
tomreynGuest49925: and you can "ls /var/log/syslog*" and run less on them to review your system logs.13:04
Guest49925textcons doesnt allow me to use the | symbol13:05
jmgb4Ah yes Monday13:05
Colin_Excuse me... Would you please give me some help about... How to close ubuntu 18.04's screen keyboard? (not "Universal Access's screen keyboard). It always pop-up when plug-in a touch screen (screen keyboard was turned off in "Universal Access") >.<13:06
phinxyIs the company behind Ubuntu named Canonical?13:07
tomreynGuest49925: https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c01153837&docLocale=en_US << old, but should still apply13:08
tomreynphinxy: yes13:08
xenial64-userok I will load xubuntu bionic now and let you know...13:08
=== rorro_ is now known as rorro
Smokiecan we still use networking interfaces in 18.04 instead of netplan?13:10
tomreynGuest49925: if textcons doesn't work for you, there is also "vsp", but it won't work unless you have a serial console configured on ubuntu.13:11
Guest49925tried vsp already, doesn;t work13:12
Guest49925so I guess its not installed/configured :13:12
Guest49925tomreyn: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2343595 that?13:13
tomreynSmokie: netplan creates configurations for either network manager or systemd-networkd13:21
tomreynand those manage network interfaces13:21
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Smokietomreyn, yeah, but its not working no matter what i do13:21
Smokieits exactly the same as many configurations online13:21
tomreynGuest49925: VSP is  acommand which may be available on the ILO, not on ubuntu13:21
Guest49925it is available on the ilo tomreyn, but its not "connecting" to anything13:23
tomreynSmokie: i can't help with netplan, please repeat your question + configuration occasionally and if someone knows the answers they will respond13:23
tomreynGuest49925: right, you probably dont have the serial console configured on ubuntu13:23
Guest49925thats why I asked whether the link is how I configure it13:23
tomreynGuest49925: sorry, i wa son the phone,. just got to read this now. may be correct, but multi-user.target seems wrong to me, you'd want it to start early. also you should configure grub to use it, too, so you can have the grub menu available there.13:25
tomreynGuest49925: this is terribly outdated but it should work for configuring grub https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto13:26
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tomreynGuest49925: another example on how to configure the grub serial console: https://www.hiroom2.com/2016/06/06/ubuntu-16-04-grub2-and-linux-with-serial-console/13:34
xenial64-user....sadly It did not work out resuminf xubuntu 18.04 live distro13:35
Guest49925ah better, thanks ! setting it up as we speak13:35
xenial64-user is there a way to resume xubuntu 18.04 Live. It askes for a user/passwd...before i dump for a new distro???13:36
FuraiSooo, there seems to be a bug with 2 displays with different resolution and desktop icons. If you align both of those displays to the bottom edge then the desktop icons disappear on the smaller one (if it's on the left).13:36
ppfblackflow: looks like i get a dhcp6-change signal13:36
tomreynGuest49925: and here's the documentation for setting up the serial console for your login prompt and the OS in general: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/serial-console.html - you will find the service template at /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service (so you can just systemctl enable, configure, then systemctl start it13:37
tomreynor rather, if you'll reconfigure it, and you probably need to, you'd better copy the file (as shown on the second command box on the documentation)13:38
tomreyni'm surprised that there seems to be no proper ubuntu specific documentation on setting up a serial console with system, yet :-/13:39
dan01I have a curiosity. I've just signed in unto Google Drive via GNOME and I've seen that what it did was to create a shared folder, how can I find where that folder is mounted?13:42
xenial64-useris there a way to resume xubuntu 18.04 Live distro. It askes for a user/passwd...before I dump it for a new distro???13:42
xenial64-useris there a way to resume xubuntu 18.04 Live distro. It askes for a user/passwd...before I dump it for a new LIVE distro???13:43
tomreyndan01: if it's an actual file system mount, the "mount" command will list it.13:44
tomreynxenial64-user: have you tried user "ubuntu" with the same password or none?13:45
dan01tomreyn: genius13:45
xenial64-useryes i did, cannot resume it asks for user/pass13:46
xenial64-usertoo bad I like xubuntu, I guess I have to stick with Mint13:47
=== Butterfly_ is now known as Butterfly^
tomreynxenial64-user: did you try the first google web search result for "ubuntu live default username password", yet? https://askubuntu.com/questions/103896/live-cd-asks-for-a-username-and-password13:47
dan01tomreyn: It's in /run, what does that mean?13:47
EriC^xenial64-user: what about "xubuntu" as the password?13:48
EriC^or user xubuntu and empty password13:48
tomreyndan01: /run is usually a temporary file system, backed by ram13:48
xenial64-useryes I did no answer there for 18.0413:48
xenial64-usertried,  not working13:49
tomreynxenial64-user: but did you try to add a user using the adduser command?13:49
xenial64-userI am on live DVD13:50
tomreynxenial64-user: so?13:50
SporkWitchif you're booting from a livedvd, that means no persistence, which means you should be automatically logged in13:50
SporkWitchno one puts passwords on liveinstall images, there's no point13:51
tomreynnote that there is also #xubuntu13:51
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: login xubuntu<return>  passwd <retern>13:51
SporkWitchtomreyn: inb4 "that channel's dead, so i spammed 50 others"13:51
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: login xubuntu<return>  passwd <return>*13:51
xenial64-userwell I could but,  since only me is using it whay should I want to add a user?13:52
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: just do that>>>  login xubuntu<return>  passwd <return>*13:53
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: just do that>>>  login xubuntu<return>  passwd <return>13:53
xenial64-usertried ,  as you suggest.. not working13:53
tomreynxenial64-user: since once you have that login you may be able to sudo passwd ubuntu13:53
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: try that>>>  login root<return>  passwd <return>13:54
xenial64-userdid it all  not working.13:54
tomreynalpha_Aquilae: where did you come up with these credentials?13:54
xenial64-useruser root, temp guest etc.... simply not working13:55
xenial64-userI guess you cannot resume a Live DVD13:55
tomreynxenial64-user: maybe if you set a password before you suspend you can13:55
xenial64-useron Mint and many other it is possible.... autologin13:56
alpha_Aquilaetomreyn:  it's live session...13:56
tomreynalpha_Aquilae: meaning?13:56
xenial64-userwell i guess If I add a user then I might...13:56
tomreynxenial64-user: we don't do mint here13:56
xenial64-user??that I know....13:57
SporkWitchif you want to use a livedisk for more than simply installation or recovery, you should probably look at using a USB drive instead, for persistence.  Doesn't make much of any sense to be using a livedisk without a persistent filesystem and expect to be able to resume anything; i'm amazed it even gets you to a login prompt when it comes back13:57
xenial64-usertaht is way I am asking, if not possible I'll stick with Mint, simple.13:58
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: it's not xubuntu?13:58
xenial64-userI am trying on xubuntu 18.04 and not working as I am saying... it works on Mint 16.04.13:59
alpha_Aquilaexenial64-user: why do  you need console14:00
xenial64-usermy Q. is can I resume after suspending xubuntu 18.04 Live?  after resuming it asks for a user/password.14:02
xenial64-usertried all combination of user/pswd... not working.14:03
xenial64-userI remember Linus Trovalds was very pissed with Suse , I am with Xubuntu now!!14:04
SporkWitchlinux is always pissed about something, often unreasonable or nonsensical14:04
SporkWitchxenial64-user: and the answer is "ask #xubuntu, but it's a usecase that makes little sense"14:05
xenial64-userI am asking on xubuntu, no reply there.14:06
xenial64-userok thaks by all I better stick with Mint ,   waste of time.14:07
tomreynxenial64-user: the default ubuntu live session user does not have a password set. i assume this will be the same for the xubuntu live session user.14:08
tomreynxenial64-user: i dislike your behaviour, you seem to assume that everyone in here is there to provide a good servicxe to you, but we're all volunteers.14:08
xenial64-useru got me wrong...14:09
xenial64-userI would have swithced to xubuntu but since I need quick process ready for internet I cannot waste lot of time , every time.14:12
jussshow to enable sshd service???14:13
xenial64-userok thanks all14:13
jussssystemd changed that?14:14
SporkWitchjusss: apt install openssh-server14:14
SporkWitchthe desktop/workstation ISOs don't typically install the server by default, just the client14:14
techhello someone can help little with tpm settings?14:18
=== tech is now known as tech-ubuntu-mate
SporkWitchtech: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.14:18
tech-ubuntu-mateI use hp elitebook 8540P with ubuntu 16.04 MATE but i cant fix startup stats tpm or tpm0 error 7 ocorruted or something but i cant find from bios menu where is tpm :(14:20
tomreyntech-ubuntu-mate: please note down and report the exact error message during boot or take a photo and post it to imgur.com or similar.14:22
R13oseWhen I boot, I am dropped to busybox built in shell because of this error: says mount: can't find /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root in fstab.  How to fix?  The drive is in LVM.14:22
tomreyntech-ubuntu-mate: also please discuss whether this is a new installation or one you had previously, which now broke (then speculate on what may have changed to break it).14:23
SporkWitchR13ose: check it for typos, should normally be ubuntu-vg not ubuntu--vg.  If it's an external drive that's not currently attached, add the nofail option14:23
tech-ubuntu-mateA TPM error (7) occurred attempting to read a pcr value14:24
tech-ubuntu-matei cant make photo but if you helping this message.14:24
R13oseSporkWitch: I think it is -- but could be one and I might have typed that wrong in here.  The problem is can't find that.14:24
tomreyntech-ubuntu-mate: so this is the last message that appears on screen during boot?14:24
SporkWitchtech-ubuntu-mate: have you searched the error message? i see several "this fixed it for me" in the results14:25
tech-ubuntu-mateyes this message giving me every boot time14:26
tomreyntech-ubuntu-mate: but does your system still boot up fine or does it get stuck there?14:26
SporkWitchR13ose: look this over https://askubuntu.com/questions/551446/cant-find-lvm-root-dropped-back-to-initramfs14:27
tech-ubuntu-mateyes work fine but i think something not work exacly or  all fine and just ignore message14:27
tech-ubuntu-matealso i cant save my nvidia settings with prefer maximum perfomance for nvidia 34014:27
tomreyntech-ubuntu-mate: TPM is "trusted platform mudule", a piece of hardware you do not usually need. so it's not critical.14:28
tech-ubuntu-matei try with CP but not success after reboot changes back to default try with administrator not success try with root via terminal no sucess14:28
tech-ubuntu-matetomreyn : thanks about this info.14:28
R13oseSporkWitch: I will look14:29
* tomreyn can't help with nvidia14:29
tech-ubuntu-mateokay if i dont change settings after reboot after blocking my browsers and need reboot the system immidiately but when i change settings after reboot all fine if can help someone will be gratefull and happy14:31
R13oseSporkWitch: I did the first answer but get a warning: failed to connect to lvmetad.  Falling back to device scanning.  Yet, the next line says 2 logical volume(s) in volume group "ububtu-vg" now active.  When I type exit says that /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist and drops back to shell14:37
SporkWitchR13ose: can you please paste logs? the typos on critical things make it difficult to troubleshoot14:38
XB23Hey guys any iptables wizards here so I have this rule:     0     0 DNAT       tcp  --  *      *          tcp dpt:2220 to:
XB231.1.1.1 is replaced by the actual IP14:40
SporkWitchR13ose: i want to say the lvmetad error can usually be ignored; i've had those on perfectly functional systems for a while.  The link also has several other issues and solutions for similar problems if the first didn't work14:40
XB23I was hoping it would forward requests 2220 to port 22 on the server, but its not forwarding it and just passing it through on 222014:40
SporkWitchXB23: iptables -S14:40
tomreynwhat is "the server"?14:41
XB23SporkWitch: its a NAT rule mate14:41
R13oseSporkWitch: okay I will try them14:41
SporkWitchXB23: and what is the output of iptables -S for that table?14:41
tomreynXB23: which systems exist on which networks with which ip addresses, which one is this iptables on, and which one are you trying to nat to?14:41
tomreyndiscuss interfaces, too14:42
XB23as in iptables -S nat  SporkWitch ?14:42
SporkWitchif that's what you named the table14:42
SporkWitchdon't forget the stuff tomreyn mentioned, either14:42
XB23Ok ill pastebin it14:43
XB23The ** are the actual physical ip addresses but ive removed them14:45
XB23tomreyn: its a LXC setup lxcbr014:45
XB23forwarding external packets to a seperate container14:45
XB23the forwarding is working perfectly, just for some reason its not changing the packet14:45
R13oseSporkWitch: I don't have a directory called initramfs-tools14:47
SporkWitchR13ose: context? O.o14:48
R13oseSporkWitch: from the link the second and third answer ask me to backup or create a file in that directory but I didn't go into /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-14:49
SporkWitchR13ose: then it likely wouldn't apply14:50
R13oseSporkWitch: okay, what is another fix?14:50
SporkWitchdunno, that was just the first hit; i'd just be googling around myself.  i'd use strings along the lines of "vg-mapper not found"14:51
tomreynXB23: i was thinking lxc / lxd setups routing / bridging / nat automatically on ubuntu, doesn't that work for you?14:51
XB23they do but its to forward external ips to lan IPs14:52
tomreynXB23: isn't that what you're trying to do then? if not, what are you trying to do?14:53
XB23Sureley this is correct -A PREROUTING -d EXT_IP/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 2220 -j DNAT --to-destination
XB23basically when port 2220 is connected to it reroutes to port 22 on another lxc container14:53
tomreyna port redirect works like this: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808014:55
XB23Hmm wonder if its because im doing it in the NAT table14:56
longwordDo you have IP Forwarding enabled, and packets permitted through your filter table FORWARD chain?15:00
XB23yes i do longword15:01
XB23the fowarding is working perfectly15:01
XB23its just the port redirect thats not15:01
longwordWhat's the hit count like by that rule?15:01
XB23how do i check that ... sorry im not great with iptables15:02
longwordiptables -t nat -vnL15:02
longwordShows packet and byte counts for each rule. You can reset the counters with iptables -t nat -Z15:02
XB23Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 28 packets, 2648 bytes)15:02
XB23Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 78 packets, 3724 bytes)15:03
XB23sorry its prerouting15:03
XB23ignore me im connecting to the wrong ip .. school boy error!15:06
XB23it is in fact working perfectly!15:06
craigbass76Anyone installed on a macbook? When I try to install from the livecd (usb) it tells me that everything is installed, do I want to install alongside that one, or reinstall. However, I don't see grub, and don't see ubuntu as an option when I hold the Option key during boot up15:06
lupulocraigbass76, http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/15:07
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lupulocraigbass76, actual version http://refit.sourceforge.net/15:12
grymhi!  running 18.04, and i'm looking for a way to have snappable windows.  I was able to do this in 16.04 so that i could do <ctrl><alt>-arrow keys to partition windows around the screen.  Does Gnome have a similar ability?15:14
illn00blliwhen I attempt to install new software, i'm getting the progress bar showing "15%", then "0%", then taking FOREVER15:17
* longword spins the wheel and blames....15:18
R13oseSporkWitch: should I try: https://feeding.cloud.geek.nz/posts/recovering-from-unbootable-ubuntu-encrypted-lvm-root-partition/15:19
tomreyn!details | illn00blli15:20
ubottuilln00blli: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:20
tomreynilln00blli: also try it from a terminal (ask if you need instructions once you provided more details)15:20
illn00blliubuntu 18.04, attempting to install ANY application from Ubuntu Software app on sidebar. First, shows progress immediately at "15%", then "0%", then takes LONG to Download...15:22
illn00blliNow has a popdown error message displaying:"Unable to install "appname": snap "appname" has "install-snap" change in progress15:23
illn00bllitomreyn did15:25
illn00bllii give enough info15:25
tomreynilln00blli: enough to get started. so that's about snaps15:27
rud0lfdo you think omgubuntu.co.uk is a good site for reference?15:29
rud0lfi mean can i relay on it?15:30
tomreynbah, ok, no factoid for snaps. snaps are a packaging format which is different from classic ubuntu / debian packages. the gnome (ubuntu) software center uses them. but you can also install "synaptic" and use it to install classic ubuntu packages. or just use 'apt' on the terminal.15:30
tomreynilln00blli: ^15:30
illn00blliso, i've installed other software in the last few days... could it be the specific softare im after that is having the issue?15:31
tomreynrud0lf: some instructions they provide will make you end up with an unsupported system, so i wouldn't give them a carte blanche.15:32
rud0lfoh shucks15:32
illn00bllitomreyn I installed synaptic using terminal...15:39
illn00bllihow do i use it to install the software im after?15:39
tomreynilln00blli: can you run this in a terminal and show the output it provides? use a !pastebin to do so: sudo apt update; sudo apt -f install; sudo apt list --upgradable; apt-cache policy; snap list15:39
illn00bllirun the entire thing at once?15:40
tomreynilln00blli: run "sudo /bin/true" alone first, then you should eb able to run the rest as a single command. it will provide much output, though.15:41
illn00bllino doubt. I'll pastebin it15:41
tomreynilln00blli: what's the software you're trying to install btw (if you don't mind discussing it)15:41
illn00blliokay ran duo/bin/true15:42
tomreynit's "sudo /bin/true"15:42
illn00blliwith spaces. Sorry to flood15:42
illn00blliwith one space. ugh did it right anyways. Okay, now I'll run the rest and output to pastebin15:43
illn00bllitomreyn http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/McdR5qzC2W/15:44
tomreynilln00blli: das ist leider nur die ausgabe des letzten befehls von de rlangen liste15:45
tomreynoops wrong language15:45
tomreynilln00blli: that's the outout of the last command only15:45
dartzonhello everybody15:45
illn00bllioh... I'll need to do the | pastebinit between each command?15:45
tomreynilln00blli: if you're going to use pastebinit, yes.15:46
tomreynyou could also run it in a sub process but this doesn'T alwayys work well15:46
dartzonAnyone knows why in Ubuntu 18.04, linking with an .so used runpath instead of rpath?15:46
illn00blliI copied over exactly what you gfave me and put the pipe and command at the end. so, to be clear, I can put that between each command?15:46
tomreynilln00blli: yes you can15:47
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illn00bllican you show me where I need to use spaces between? for example... command whatever | pastebinit; command2 whatever2 | pastebinit;15:47
illn00bllitomreyn: sudo apt update | pastebinit; sudo apt -f install | pastebinit; sudo apt list --upgradable | pastebinit; apt-cache policy | pastebinit; snap list | pastebinit15:50
illn00blliWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.15:50
illn00blliWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.15:50
illn00blliE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:50
illn00blliE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:50
tomreynplease use a pastebin for multi line output ;)15:51
illn00bllithat one has everything I got in terminal, including pastebins15:52
=== Guest49925 is now known as sstutz
Medu_chatWithMeHi, Did you know Discord was 1.1 times better than 0 8-D ?15:54
illn00blliMedu_chatWithMe wut15:55
tomreynilln00blli: looks good. please also post the output of "snap changes"15:57
tomreyn!ot | Medu_chatWithMe15:57
ubottuMedu_chatWithMe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:57
illn00bllitomreyn, I forgot to mentionm, I first had difficulty installing Slack... here's the paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CFkT4wxq4B/15:58
illn00blliwhoa! it's saying i installed Discord??? that's strange.15:59
tomreynilln00blli: right, that's what it says, and the installation is no longer running / stuck according to this output.16:01
illn00bllitomreyn can you direct me to where to upload a screen for you to check? is pastebin the place?16:01
tomreynilln00blli: imgur.com is fine16:01
illn00bllihttps://imgur.com/a/bGOD63T tomreyn16:03
illn00bllithough Discord DOES now show up in my applications16:04
Medu_chatWithMeUps ! I tried ubuntu-en16:04
tomreynilln00blli: hmm strange. what happens when you do this on the temrinal: snap install discord16:04
dartzonAnyone knows why in Ubuntu 18.04, linking with an .so uses runpath16:06
dartzon          instead of rpath please?16:06
illn00blliim actually about to login to discorn now. tomreyn should i try that command anyway?16:08
tomreynilln00blli: how can you login when discord didnt install properly?16:08
illn00blliinstall: omitting directory 'snap'16:08
illn00bllioh wait i entered the command wrong16:09
illn00bllitomreyn snap "discord" is already installed, see "snap refresh --help"16:10
tomreynilln00blli: so this also states that discord is installed, and apparently it is installed since you are about tologin to it. then i don't htink there is any issue left?16:10
=== Guest73016 is now known as Nadir88
AswinHi all I am facing an issue in ubuntu 16.04 with https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_input_multiple16:10
illn00bllii think the discord thing is resolved. I havbe no idea what happened16:10
ioriailln00blli,  it was probably updating and the installation progress pause16:11
AswinI am trying to input mutiple files in the above link16:11
Aswinbut the Open files dialog sometimes does not respond16:11
AswinHappens with both chrome and firefox16:12
tomreynilln00blli: okay, i don't reall yknow either, but snap is not easy to debug, or i don't know how.16:13
tomreyndartzon: this may be better suited in #ubuntu-app-devel16:13
tomreynAswin: run either browser froms terminal and see whether they report an error there by the time you try to open the file browser and it doesn't appear.16:15
* tomreyn is late16:15
dartzontomryen: Thank you very much!16:18
tomreynwelcome, even though thats not much help ;)16:18
MortezaEI have a udev rule that alerts me wia OSD and sound when removing power supply. It was working in 16.04 but not in 18.04 . Thats this:16:33
MortezaESUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ENV{POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE}=="0", RUN+="/home/morteza/bin/ac_plugged_out"16:33
jk^which is the folder where are the subfolder of installed things?16:39
jk^its path?16:39
tomreynjk^: are oyu asking which path debian packages are installed in?16:40
jk^i downloaded this archive16:40
jk^after i followed instructions in "install.md" text file16:41
jk^but i had to make uninstall16:41
jk^i want to be sure all its folders are deleted16:41
tomreynjk^: you will need to review the Makefile of this ffmpeg 4.0 source code distribution to find out how the "make uninstall" process works.16:42
tomreynjk^ is there a reason you're building ffmpeg from source instead of using a package?16:42
MortezaEI also replaced ac_plugged_out content with something simple, like "echo test> /dev/shm/test" but no result16:43
tomreynMortezaE: according to its man page, you can run " udevadm monitor ---subsystem-match=power_supply " to see events from this subsystem. if you then connect and disconnect the power supply it should either provide output which may hint on how the environment may have been renamed, or it may not output anything, which would suggest that thet subsystem is a different one.16:50
tomreynsorry, that's: " udevadm monitor --subsystem-match=power_supply"16:51
jnewtscanner quit working today on linux.   works on windows (dual boot).   lsusb shows Bus 004 Device 003: ID 04c5:132b Fujitsu, Ltd , scanner not in simple scan16:52
tomreynjnewt: does sane-find-scanner find it?16:54
brainwashMortezaE: does your script/executable still work?16:55
jk^tomreyn i didn't find any package16:56
jk^i just found that archive16:56
jk^i extracted it, and followed instructions inside install.md text file16:56
jk^after i needed to uninstall and i did make uninstall16:56
jk^in the path of extracted contents16:57
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jk^after that, someone helped me and told me to open a path to be sure that there isn't the relative folder "ffmpeg"16:57
jk^but i forgot that path which is told to me16:58
MortezaEtomreyn, I tested your command, it has the same result as  "sudo udevadm monitor". No problem...16:58
MortezaEbrainwash, As i said, i replaced script with some really commands but no difference17:00
tomreynjk^: i dont know where it installs to, and i'm not this person you talked to, so i'm afraid i would not know.17:00
tomreyn!irclogs | jk^17:00
ubottujk^: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/17:00
jk^no, it was another channel17:02
jk^maybe local cahn17:02
jk^chan, but i don't rembember well17:02
brainwashMortezaE: RUN+="/bin/echo test > /dev/shm/test"17:02
brainwashMortezaE: ?17:02
jk^maybe the first part of that path whis is told to me is /usr17:03
MortezaEbrainwash, No, i put that commands in some script17:03
jk^but i don't rember the following17:03
jnewttomreyn: yes, sane-find-scanner finds it, and it also has decided that some other usb devices are scanners as well (they are not)17:03
tomreynjk^: maybe /usr/local or /usr/local/bin or /opt, but i'm just guessing17:03
tomreynjnewt: did this help getting it into simple-scan?17:06
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ericrajuinjk^: the prefix should be in "/usr/local".17:06
tomreynjnewt: in case it did not, see if the scanner is listed in "ls/dev/usb/"17:06
jk^however after downloaded this archive https://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-4.0.tar.bz2 i followed these instructions https://pastebin.com/raw/EHKfyrsd17:06
jk^for installation17:07
jk^for uninstallation i just write in the same path of extracted archive make uninstall17:07
jk^and all went right17:07
jk^but i needed to do it again after17:07
jk^ericrajuin tomreyn17:08
tomreynjk^: what is your question now, if any?17:08
MortezaEbrainwash, tomreyn , wait, I'm finding the problem... just a minute..17:09
jk^just the way to be sure all components are unistalled in the path that i forgot :\17:10
jk^to see if there is folder or anything else named ffmpeg or similar17:10
tomreynjk^: i cannot help with this. we support debian packages and we try to support snaps here, too, now.17:11
matlockoperative work being "try" to support snaps17:12
MortezaEsorry it seems thats my fault, probably I forgot reloading udev in some of previous tests, as it works properly now... Thank you brainwash17:16
granttrececlipse runs high cpu percentage on ubuntu, anyone have a fix for this?17:21
brainwashMortezaE: great17:21
jnewttomreyn: it did not.   only thing I get from ls /dev/usb is hiddev0.17:22
brainwashgranttrec: it did not use to do that?17:22
granttrecbrainwash: idk, always seemed slow to me17:23
brainwashgranttrec: I would ask in #eclipse17:24
brainwashgranttrec: people over there may have some suggestions17:24
R13osewhy does the shell say that /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist when it clear does?  Screenshots: https://m.imgur.com/a/IRaYPZY and https://m.imgur.com/a/FeJ7SpH17:29
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DanielPowerNLHi, I'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04. Bash tab-completion is working for most applications as expected, but I cannot get any completions for `apt install ...`17:48
DanielPowerNLThe only thing I can think of that I changed that could be relevant, is that I replaced my .bashrc. Though other applications don't require anything specific in the bashrc for autocompletion, so I'm not sure why apt would.17:49
matlockDanielPowerNL: sudo apt-get install bash-completion17:49
DanielPowerNLmatlock, I already have bash-completion.17:49
matlockDanielPowerNL: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash-completion17:49
matlockDanielPowerNL: Wait, do you still have a .bashrc? If you completely nuked it that could cause this too.17:50
DanielPowerNLmatlock, still nothing after reinstalling bash-completion. I do have a .bashrc, but it is not the default bashrc. I copied over the bashrc I used on another distro. It doesn't have any distro specific commands, just some aliases I use and a few unrelated environment variables.17:51
rud0lfDanielPowerNL: i see few lines that conditionally launch bash completion in my .bashrc17:51
oerheksdepends what you try to complete, synaptic needs synapt+tab17:51
DanielPowerNLThanks guys, I'll try to revert back to the default bashrc17:52
DanielPowerNLYep, that worked. I guess I'll have to find the relevant lines and merge them into my bashrc. Thanks for helping out.17:53
DanielPowerNLOkay, I understand now. Ubuntu by default enables bash completion in ~/.bashrc. Whereas Arch (where I'm switching from) enables bash completion in the global bashrc (I think /etc/bash/bashrc)17:55
DanielPowerNLSo that's why I didn't expect to need anything for it in ~/.bashrc17:55
aperson1234567DanielPowerNL, what do you mean. Bash completion is on by default18:05
oerhekshe asked for root, i know it is turned on18:05
oerheksit all depends what you try to complete, i guess18:05
DanielPowerNLaperson1234567, it's on by default because .bashrc enables it. I was confused because on Arch, it's enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc, so I didn't think replacing my .bashrc would break autocomplete.18:06
aperson1234567DanielPowerNL, ic ok18:06
[itchyjunk]Hey, if i had python 3.5 and i wanted to upgrade to python 3.6, is there an easy way to do this?18:09
grym[itchyjunk]: use pyenv18:09
DanielPowerNLIs it possible to disable the application overview and application menu in Gnome 3? I know I can remove the keyboard shortcuts so I can no longer access them, but I'm wondering if it's possible to completely disable them to reduce memory usage.18:09
DanielPowerNLI intend to use Albert as my application launcher, and have no need for any of the Gnome Shell overviews.18:10
DanielPowerNLI also don't use Workspaces.18:10
granttrecDanielPowerNL: gnome tweak?18:10
grym[itchyjunk]: install the packages listed here: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki/Common-build-problems  then, run this https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer , then `pyenv install 3.6.5`18:10
[itchyjunk]grym, thanks 0/. working on it18:11
aperson1234567DanielPowerNL, you could just use the default .bashrc and extend bashrc first thing in .bash_aliases overwrit the settings you want.18:11
aperson1234567DanielPowerNL, you could use openbox or xfce4 instead of gnome if you only need basic features and full control.18:12
oerheks!info python3.618:13
ubottupython3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.5-3 (bionic), package size 181 kB, installed size 309 kB18:13
* grym shrugs 18:13
grymi prefer pyenv18:13
DanielPowerNL aperson1234567 I've been an Xfce user for years, so I'm plenty familiar with it. I'm trying to see if I can make Gnome work for me. Dash to Panel is nicer than DockbarX, which is what I've been using on Xfce.18:14
[itchyjunk]grym, i tried adding path to pyenv in my bash_profile but i don't think it worked.. pyenv: command not found18:17
aperson1234567DanielPowerNL, same for me - forcing myself to use gnome3 now after giving up on it twice.18:17
grym[itchyjunk]: restart your shell session18:17
grym[itchyjunk]: or open a new terminal window18:17
[itchyjunk]i tried closing and opening my terminal18:18
DanielPowerNL aperson1234567 I like that Gnome Dash to Panel has window previews. DockbarX technically supports those, but only with Kwin and Compiz, and I'd prefer not to use either. Compiz because it's buggy, and Kwin because it collides with non-Qt desktops.18:18
aperson1234567DanielPowerNL, im trying to aclimate to the default apps though. Customizing gnome3 is a road to dispair and sadness imo18:18
grym[itchyjunk]: normally i expect to add things to .bashrc18:19
[itchyjunk]grym, i can't find .bashrc in ~/ :s idk where i created bash_profile either. so i just create a bashrc in ~/ ?18:22
grym[itchyjunk]: you should have ~/.bashrc already18:23
grymthere's a leading period in the name18:23
[itchyjunk]ahh right.. tab complete with ~/. wasn't showing it but ls -al does.18:25
[itchyjunk]:D it installed.. but do i need or should uninstall 3.5.2?18:29
grym[itchyjunk]: ignore system python completely from here on out18:29
grym[itchyjunk]: `pyenv global 3.6.5` and move on with your life :)18:30
[itchyjunk]ahh very nice, tyvm!18:30
grym[itchyjunk]: this means, by the way, that if you ever do something that cripples that python install... your sytem python is totally unscathed18:30
grymfor which i am always grateful when it happens to me18:31
[itchyjunk]haha, you've managed to cripple the python install before?18:31
[itchyjunk]hopefully i am not that skilled18:31
grym[itchyjunk]: never, ever, ever EVER `sudo pip` and slap anyone who tells you different with a haddock.18:32
grymlots of docs lie18:32
[itchyjunk]ahh i've done that18:32
[itchyjunk]installing tensorflow18:32
grymit's playing with fire18:32
grymthat's _really_ playing with fire18:32
cluelesspersongrym: some things require sudo pip :(18:33
cluelesspersongrym: what do you do instead?18:33
oerheksif you do that and you have no backup of your precious data, it was not precious at all18:33
grymcluelessperson: no, they do not.18:33
cluelesspersongrym: yes, they do.18:33
grymcluelessperson: i create a venv like a reasonable person18:33
grymcluelessperson: you are incorrect.18:33
cluelesspersongrym: like,   sudo pip install cryptography  which does c builds, right?18:34
oerhekskeep pip in the user env18:34
grymkeep pip in a venv, ideally18:34
grymbut this is a topic for #python18:34
cluelesspersoncryptography and similar packages won't build in user environments18:34
oerhekscluelessperson, that might an exclusive example, basicly pip and sudo is driving on the wild side18:35
grymcluelessperson: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/scLTBJq6L4d2F8AGUMOL/ cryptography works fine in a virtualenv18:38
grymthe last time i gave up and decided to install something into system python, it was openCV because their build process is absurd... but i figured out how to avoid that, too.18:40
cluelesspersongrym: yes, that's the other one I was going to mention having to use.18:41
grymcluelessperson: you can work around it.18:41
grymi'll grant you that that one is annoying .. but i don't have much that's nice to say about openCV anyway18:42
menk881is there a way to install ubuntu server on a disk with an LVM in LUKS?18:45
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menk881I tried to manually run cryptsetup luksOpen, but the installer does not pick up the logical volumes18:46
pragmaticenigmamenk881: Question, how are you planning on unlocking the drive when it's in the data center? or is this a home/local instance?18:47
menk881it is for my own fileserver at home18:47
menk881so, the manual unlocking is no problem18:47
pragmaticenigmamenk881: thanks for clarifying... is this a fresh install, I think the installer should have prompted you to encrypt the disk when setting up the partitions18:50
menk881didnt see anything like that. also, I'd like to reuse the existing lvm.18:50
pragmaticenigmaI'm not certain, but I think the ability to convert an existing LVM to encrypted is very difficult18:52
menk881the older installer was able to pick up logical volumes that are active IIRC18:52
pragmaticenigmamenk881: The installer isn't going to be the issue. (unless I missed something)... the issue is you need 50% free space to do the encrypting. You have to skrink your current LVM setup to a single disk and that disk must have more than 50% free space18:55
pragmaticenigmamenk881: it also a high risk of data loss to the existing files18:56
pragmaticenigmamenk881: otherwise, this is a starting point for your journey :: https://jschumacher.info/2016/11/encrypt-an-existing-linux-installation-with-luks-and-lvm/18:59
ghost2912Hi, how to change the keyboard shortcut of next language input source in Ubuntu 18 ?18:59
blind_someone alive?18:59
Sven_vBhi! anyone know how I messed up iconv in a way that makes my UTF-8 รถ (U+00F6 latin small letter o with diaeresis) become an รท (division sign) in Windows-1252?19:00
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: guessing you changed something from UTF-8 encoding to Win125219:01
compdocmenk881, ever look at veracrypt?19:03
pragmaticenigmaghost2912: Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts has all available keybaord shortcuts and helps you change them19:03
pragmaticenigmacompdoc: veracrypt isn't recommended for use with Linux19:03
pragmaticenigmacompdoc: at least not for full disk encryption19:04
compdocworks great for me on ubuntu19:04
ghost2912pragmaticenigma, the problem I don't have keyboard in Settings ...19:04
compdocand yes, it not full disk. you create a container big enough to hold your files19:05
ghost2912and when I type in search keyboard I see Input Method19:05
pragmaticenigmacompdoc: Not what menk881 was asking for... they are interested in full disk19:05
pragmaticenigmaghost2912: Input Method may also have the keybaord shortcuts within it19:05
ghost2912yes but there is smth strange when I open input method, there is window Input Method Configuration19:06
ioriaghost2912, Settings -> Devices19:06
ghost2912a yes I see now :)19:07
ghost2912thanks ioria, also why I cannot set ALT+SHIFT to switch language?19:07
ghost2912it doesn't accept this combination19:08
ioriaghost2912, illegal,maybe19:08
ghost2912looks like everything illegal or it doesn't work19:09
ioriaSven_vB, it's shifted by 119:09
Sven_vBioria, are you sure that's not about the uppercase ร–?19:09
ioriaSven_vB, idk, just reading this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-125219:10
ioriaSven_vB, 00F6 > 00F719:10
Sven_vBoh indeed19:11
Sven_vBI'll check with other chars if they're shifted also19:12
ioriaghost2912,  but it's legalon unity ...19:13
ghost2912ok, now at least I got how to assign new shortcut but alt + shift doesn't want ...19:14
Sven_vBthat's strange, the receiving program thinks it has read 3 chars. one of them is the trailing newline, but I wonder where the other came from.19:14
pavlushkawhere the keyboard layout files located on ubuntu 16.04?19:14
ioriaghost2912,  maybe ask someone actually on 18.04 to change it19:14
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blind_hey guys19:22
blind_how can I install a driver that has only a makefile and two folders, src and lib19:23
anddamblind_: a driver?19:25
anddamread the makefile and see what it does19:26
anddamwhat driver is it? is it supposed to build a module?19:26
xamithanwell you build it,  then you install it19:27
pragmaticenigmablind_: You need to read through the documentation where you aquired the driver source code from. They will provided you with the instructions. If they do not have documentation, you need to reach out to the author of the driver for help.19:28
anddamor read the makefile/source19:28
blind_thanks pragma19:30
blind_it is nothing included19:31
ioriablind_, why don'tyou start from the beginning ?  why do you need a non-stock module ? for what hardware  ? source taken from where ? etc. etc .19:32
ioriablind_, and maybe it's not even supported here19:34
blind_I have a Inspiron 1318 and I have installed Lubuntu19:34
blind_It's all OK but my broadcom wifi is not detected19:35
blind_I've found the controller for it19:35
xamithanYou don't need crazy drviers for that,  just the firmware-b43legacy-installer package19:35
ioriablind_,  Additional Drivers ?19:35
jeremy31blind_ In terminal post URL that is printed for this command> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net19:35
jeremy31blind_ In terminal post URL that is printed for this command> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net | nc termbin.com 999919:36
ioriablind_,  and scratch  the 'Makefile' thing19:36
blind_I installing that legacy pack man19:36
xamithanAnd thats why people should tell what the actual issue is instead of trying to install some random out of date source code =/19:39
ioriai'am not even sure he got broadcom ...19:40
xamithanI checked the inspirion model,  it seems to have it19:40
pragmaticenigmaxamithan: Not everyone is knowledgable in the topic of their issue. They search the web until they find something that looks like the solution to their problem and looks easy enough for themselve to take on.19:40
leftyfb"if it fits it ships"19:41
xamithanBut the thing that fixes their issue is the first search result?...19:41
redoasison rare occasion lol19:41
leftyfbdepends on how good your google-fu is19:41
pragmaticenigmaxamithan: The second part of my comment covers that19:42
pragmaticenigmaxamithan: more specifically the second part of the second half19:42
leftyfbthe majority of issues in here can usually be fixed by the first result from a pretty common sense search on google19:42
leftyfbat least IMO19:42
Midoshi27Hey all, I'm wondering if its a bad idea to permanently ban (using fail2ban) any user who fails 3 attempts to login to my web server? My iptables --list is getting quite large.19:43
leftyfbMidoshi27: that's not really an ubuntu support question19:43
leftyfbMidoshi27: try #security or #ubuntu-security19:43
xamithanI guess I can see how a page like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx gives you TOO MANY options19:44
jeffreeubuntu 18.04 gnome-shell 3.28, neither the top bar menu or the 'power' panel in settings has no slider for screen brightness. Is that normal? I am wanting to try to get normal brightness adjustment working before implementing my own solution. This is a desktop computer, if that matters.19:44
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anddamanyone using wpasupplicant on Ubuntu 16+?19:51
leftyfbanddam: that's not your question19:52
anddamI have this headless server, I have a wpa_supplicant config, I can manually start wpa_supplicant, and connect to it using wpa_cli, I can save the connection config19:52
anddambut I don't get what the unit file is meant to do, given that it doesn't load a default wpa_supplicant.conf file19:52
anddami.e. I can manually connect my server using wpa_supplicant/dhclient, but I don't know how to "integrate" this with the unit file provided by wpasupplicant package19:53
anddamleftyfb: I know I shouldn't "anyone" IRC, but bear with me, it's late, I had a full day and the wireless not set up19:56
gyaniHey, I am on Ubuntu 18.04 and when I run top I can see that gnome-shell takes about 200-230% of my cpu. What is going on?19:56
gyaniI can see visible lag in videos when I play them and the videos don't render smoothly.19:57
Prospero_1I see a lot of helpful information about gnome-shell high cpu usage through a quick google. There is a tweak-tool suggestion there that might be something to look at.20:02
anddamleftyfb: my doubt is if I should edit/augment the wpasupplicant unit file or what20:05
anddamleftyfb: wiki's command line instructions are pre-systemd20:05
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gemerttowerThatsnice, came for a whole different question.. heh, my mac is trying to install new kernel version, but /boot is way too small is the message in my face20:16
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gemerttowerI can't make partitions larger or smaller when logged in, correct?20:17
gemerttowergparted won't let me anyway20:17
jeremy31I think you make make them larger just not smaller when mounted, use Live ISO20:18
matjamgemerttower: not while they are mounted. Actually ext supports online growing of a filesystem, but you'd have to do it from the cli and already have made the edits to the partition table. It's better to just boot off the USB/CD20:19
gemerttowerbut I have to make another one smaller to make /boot bigger20:19
gemerttowerrighto, will do, thanks!20:19
pragmaticenigmagemerttower: The other option is to uninstall old kernels20:20
pragmaticenigmagemerttower: I'd try "sudo apt-get autoremove" first and see if it is able to remove the old kernels20:20
gemerttowerread somewhere 244MiB would be large enough hehe, anyway, did that pragmaticenigma20:22
gemerttowerbut thanks for that advice20:22
gemerttowerwhat would be recommended for /boot anyway? it's a 120GB SSD20:24
R13oseI am getting this error when I use the command exit in busybox, when loaded at bootup.  Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/vORei7s How do I fix this?20:25
tomreynR13ose: do you create new problems for fun and learning on a daily basis or is your hardware just broken and needs to be replaced?20:27
R13osetomreyn: hardware broken and needs replacing but I want to try and make this work if possible.  I will buy a new machine as soon as I can.20:28
tomreynyou should mention that every single time you ask a question, please20:28
tomreynsince otherwise people will spend their time trying to help you fix a system which is really broken beyond repair20:29
R13oseIs it?20:29
tomreynand some may not like that once they find out that you were well aware of it20:29
tomreynoyu just said so20:30
R13oseOkay, I will20:30
yeeehi guys, Should be very easy question for you guys. What are the main differences between Ubuntu server 18.04 โ€œliveโ€ and โ€œalternativeโ€? Do they have different purposes?20:44
pragmaticenigmayeee: Live allows you to boot into a fully function "live" instance of Ubuntu. where you can try things out without harm to your system20:47
paullHi, Iโ€™ve got a problem with installing ubuntu on my Lenovo yoga 720. Iโ€™ve searched the web, and been helped by my university tech support, but without any result. When I try to install Ubuntu (and other distroโ€™s, e.g. manjaro) on my lenovo, the screen turns black. After choosing any option in GRUB. Thereโ€™s no output at all. The problem is, I canโ€™t even get a log, or error messages. After choosing โ€œtry ubuntu without install20:48
pragmaticenigmayeee: alternative is for installing only, and is for unique installation circumstances where the default installer may not have needed packages20:48
paullesides my fans starting to blow. I enabled/disabled fast boot and secure boot, switched between RAID an AHCI, enabled/disabled OS optimized defaults. Besides I tried some stuff using โ€˜eโ€™ edit commands in GRUB. Does anyone know what I can try next?20:49
Jordan_Uyeee: I don't think that there is an alternate Ubuntu server installer. For Ubuntu Desktop the Ubuntu alternate installer uses debian-installer rather than ubiquity. For Ubuntu server, the normal image already uses debian-installer, and is not "live".20:49
yeee<pragmaticenigma>  thank you, that i know. but i still wonder, is there any different purpose for those 220:49
yeeei know the networking conf is different20:50
Jordan_Uyeee: I haven't looked into it very recently though, so I may have missed a new development.20:50
leftyfbpaull: the installed OS is exactly the same20:50
yeeeis it true that live is focused on more cloud and cluster environment?20:50
leftyfbyeee: both installers will install the exact same OS20:51
paull@leftyfb: I'm sorry I have to go unexpectedly, thanks for your help20:52
yeeedid i specify i meant ubuntu server\20:54
pragmaticenigmayeee: All installers will get Ubuntu installed, they have slight variations depending on the role and their selection of the default packages to be installed. If you are intending to install Ubuntu on a desktop/laptop for general use, the LiveCD is the appropriate installer for you.20:54
yeeei am installing it on server20:55
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: I think you might misunderstand. There's an Ubuntu server LIVE cd now.20:55
Crypto_hi , what is best ubuntu version for gaming , hacking , works ?20:55
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: Why did they do that? (rhetorical question no response needed)20:55
Jordan_Uyeee: You might ask in #ubuntu-server, but there does indeed appear to be an ubuntu-18.04-live-server-amd64.iso and a ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.iso and I can't find any documentation about how they differ.20:56
pragmaticenigmaCrypto_: Asking question that are opinion based are topics for #ubuntu-offtopic.20:56
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: I think it'll be useful. I use server cd's a lot for recovery. This will make it easier to get a proper shell20:56
yeeeso far i have found this https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239078520:56
plugwashHas anyone seen errors like20:56
plugwashroot@ubuntu:~# service openvpn status20:56
plugwashFailed to connect to bus: Connection refused20:56
plugwashand if so do they have any idea what might be causing them.20:56
leftyfbplugwash: what version of ubuntu?20:57
leftyfbplugwash: you should be using systemctl20:57
leftyfbplugwash: sudo systemctl status openvpn20:57
Jordan_Uleftyfb: Does the Ubuntu server live allow you to interact with a full Ubuntu server install the way the Desktop live image does? Does the Ubuntu server live use debian-installer, ubiquity, or some other installer?20:57
plugwashleftyfb, same error20:57
leftyfbJordan_U: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#New_since_17.10-220:58
leftyfbplugwash: sudo journalctl -xe20:58
* plugwash thought that if the system was using systemd "service" was just a wrapper round systemctl20:58
yeeeyes, even when i install on live, it is mostly same like other installer20:58
yeeenetwork conf file is different and small other stuff20:58
yeeebut i am still wondering what are those purposes.20:58
plugwash"Unit systemd-udevd.service has failed."20:59
yeeethis link is good as well about differences, but very brief information https://blog.printk.io/2018/04/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-server-installer-differences/21:00
leftyfbyeee: again, if you install Ubuntu 18.04 server using the LIVE cd or the regular cd, you should get the exact same installed OS with the exact same configs. If you chose the same options for both.21:00
leftyfbinteresting ... I stand corrected21:01
yeeeboth Gui installers are very straightforward21:01
leftyfband that's silly21:01
yeeeyou cant conf much there, only network and hard drive.21:02
yeeei got this kind answer from ubuntu server21:03
yeeelive == new fast image based installer.  alternative is the d-i based installer that has many more options21:03
leftyfbthat'll explain in21:03
leftyfbthe images are pretty static require cloud-init21:03
=== guest is now known as gemerttower
yeeecould you explain me please more about the cloud-init21:04
leftyfbyeee: you should ask in #ubuntu-server21:04
leftyfbalso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit21:04
transhumanso i figured out one cause of slow boot problems: its the floppy module have to remove the floppy module (rmmod floppy) when a floppy doesnt exist, update initramfs and remove it from "/etc/fstab" ubuntu 18.04 puts it the file even though it doesnt exist, this is a definite bug21:05
transhumanoh and blacklist it21:05
transhumanmy boot is still slow 5 minutes instead of 2021:05
transhumanto make it hard to diagnose if you have a non built in video card the floppy errors dont show anywhere21:06
Two_Dogstranshuman: did i read your comment correctly, 5min boot time?21:08
yeee<transhuman> have you configured a network correctly? during a booting it is waiting network.21:08
Jordan_Utranshuman: Please pastebin the output of "systemd-analyze blame".21:08
transhumanno nothing seems to be holding it up , it seems to be a xwindows problem now or a systemd bug21:08
Jordan_Uleftyfb: That's interesting, thank you.21:09
Two_Dogstranshuman: i have not heard of systemd bug 'lets take 5min to boot'21:09
transhumanit could just be a shitty video card problem21:10
matjamtranshuman: have you tried resetting your BIOS to "safe defaults"21:10
transhumanbut the floppy problem is a definite problem21:10
gemerttowerYep, I'm doing a-ok :) imgur.com/a/CAb01HK .. Let me try the whole thing tomorrow again, you may laugh21:11
transhumanI have configured bios to what I need, resetting bios means I cant use my 16xpci video card in an 8x slot through an adapter cable21:11
matjamtranshuman: so you don't think any of that might be causing a slow boot?21:11
matjambecause until you do, you don't know.21:11
transhumanno I am almost postive its not the problem21:12
transhumanthe floppy was a very big problem with a hidden error21:12
transhumansee link above21:12
matjamit might have just been a symptom of some whack bios settings.21:12
matjamare you in here for help?21:13
transhumancould be, unfortunately the settings I have are required since its a repurposed server as a desktop21:13
transhumanits all I have for now21:13
matjamtranshuman: servers often have slow POSTs21:13
transhumanno its not that comes much later in the cycle21:14
transhumanlike its having trouble finding settings that work for xwindows21:14
matjamgub interacts with the BIOS, as does the kernel when it's doing initial hardware enumeration21:14
matjamif something is timing out while it's enumerating the devices, such as somethign the BIOS says is there, but actually isn't, the kernel will continue to try and enumerate it until it hits some internal timeout.21:15
transhumando any of you see anything out of the ordinaryly slow startup in this http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZYvdWfHhsS/21:15
matjamwhat you should do, if you want to diagnose it properly, is add "nosplash text single" which will boot to singleuser mode and give you a chance to see what the kernel is printing as it's loading devices21:15
transhumanok but that wont load xwindows will it?21:16
matjamit's not systemd21:16
matjamyou should rule out the hardware enumeration stuff first21:16
matjamif it gets to singleuser in a few seconds then you can say, ok, for sure, 100% its not a hardware problem21:16
transhumanits fine until it gets to that point but I will do as you say to double check21:16
matjamat least not until that point21:16
matjamobviously video devices are not fully enumerated until X starts21:17
transhumantrying now21:17
Two_Dogstranshuman:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> systemd-analyse time ## pls share21:17
oerhekstranshuman, just disable floppy in your bios21:17
transhumanyeah did that21:18
yeeewhat lan card ESX 6.5 drivers would be best fit with new ubuntu server?21:18
transhumanStartup finished in 35.029s (kernel) + 26.596s (userspace) = 1min 1.625s21:18
transhumangraphical.target reached after 26.506s in userspace21:18
leftyfbyeee: the one that works with your lan card21:19
timelesshas anyone hit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1759118 ?21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759118 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt attempts to connect to IPv6 addresses even when there is no IPv6 route" [Undecided,New]21:19
timelessi'm having trouble using apt on bionic in an lxc21:23
transhumanoerheks, disabling floppy doesn't fix the error neither does removing the entry for the floppy that ubuntu (new install puts in it) this might be cured however by disabling the floppy in the bios before install21:24
matjamtranshuman: there's nothing stateful about udev or the kernel device enumeration21:28
matjamit doesn't write anything about the hardware config, it enumerates it every time on boot21:28
transhumanyes but if the floppy module is set to load on boot and there is a bug in the floppy module that causes it to generate repeat errors (without logging them ) then I can see this happening21:29
gogetatranshuman: whats a floppy21:29
transhumanit does in fact generate errors but only on the built in video card21:29
transhumanthey dont show on the nvidia video cards on boot and arn't logged21:30
matjamtimeless: you might need to disable ipv6 in the resolver21:31
Hero_403halo all..21:31
timelessmatjam: the resolver is more or less lxd, afaict21:31
timelessdo i do that from the outside?21:31
transhumangoing to try a less resource demanding desktop like lxde  or xfce to see the difference in boot times21:32
transhumanoh there is one more interesting thing, vesa cards do not support any dual monitor settings except mirroring (that took a couple hours to figure out)21:33
matjamtimeless: yeah, you might need to do that from outside21:33
compdocubuntu mate is nice21:33
matjamcompdoc: it is!21:33
timelesshttps://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/3547 is not reassuring21:34
transhumancompdoc never used mate to be honest21:34
matjamtimeless: yeah, the resolver config is separate to whether v6 IP networking is enabled21:34
compdocI need it to be able to remote into my servers21:34
matjamtimeless: so, is the Host also ubuntu?21:34
transhumanah I see21:34
timelessUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS21:35
timelessguest is bionic21:35
timelessthe host has link local ipv621:35
transhumanis it less resource intensive than xfce or lxde and better suited for lots of terminal work as well as internet browsing?21:35
timelessi can /probably/ safely disable ipv6 on the host21:35
matjamyeah so, you'd have to talk to someone who knows lxc but I'm guessing if it's using systemd-resolved then you might need to edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and disable ipv6 there ... but I don't know for sure21:35
timelessalthough i really don't feel particularly comfortable doing that21:36
matjamnah just disabling the v6 name resolution should fix it21:36
matjamhost resolve has v6 enabled so it's asking for AAAA records, and passing them back21:36
matjambut you can disable it21:36
transhumanthat was a question for you compdoc21:36
xamithanHmm I disabled wayland now my system won't boot21:37
naccxamithan: it probably boots fine, you mean you don't get a desktop prompt? what version of ubuntu?21:37
xamithanYeah it boots,  just freezes after I input password21:37
matjamtimeless: it could also be dnsmasq21:37
timelessyeah, i'm looking at the dnsmasq commandline21:37
xamithanI'm going to change it back then install another display manager21:37
compdoctranshuman, mate is a 2d desktop, and i run it fine on an old amd apu, but it has an ssd. its fast21:37
timelessdnsmasq -s lxd -S /lxd/ -u lxd --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/run/lxd-bridge//dnsmasq.pid --dhcp-no-override --except-interface=lo --interface=lxdbr0 --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/lxd-bridge//dnsmasq.lxdbr0.leases --dhcp-authoritative --listen-address --dhcp-range, --dhcp-lease-max=25221:37
xamithanBecause I have no idea what is wrong21:38
naccxamithan: well, you don't need wayland on 18.04, nor is it the default21:38
matjamtimeless: https://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeRouter/Disable-dnsmasq-ipv6/td-p/153714021:38
transhumanthanks I think I will try it compdoc21:38
xamithanI upgraded from 17.10 though21:38
matjamtimeless: ah not the way lol21:38
naccxamithan: ok, you could try adding a dummy user and seeing if it happens to the new user too21:39
transhumancompdoc ... oh boy, it requires 900 meg of packages21:39
xamithanThe weird thing is,  I thought I couldn't use wayland with nvidia driver?  I had that installed21:39
compdoctranshuman, youve tried the minimal install?21:39
timelessoffhand, it doesn't /look/ like dnsmasq is doing dns21:39
transhumanno not really , I was going to try the full thing since its for a desktop on this system21:40
transhumanmaybe I will just do a minimal21:40
compdocI use the minimal for my servers21:41
transhumanyeah and I might try that as well on the servers I work with21:41
compdocand x2go to remote into the desktop21:41
transhumanthanks for the tip21:42
timelessok, i take that back, dnsmasq is definitely doing the dns21:42
matjamtimeless: -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true in apt-get might work for you21:43
matjamecho 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv421:43
timelessmatjam: see pastebin, i already have that21:43
timelessthe fact that that doesn't work is really irksome21:44
matjamoh yeah I know21:44
timelessat some point i'll probably build apt from sourec and debug why that doesn't work21:44
phinxylibasound2 just got an upgrade but it made audio in mpv player choppy.  I would like to reverse downgrade to the previous version.  apt-cache showpkg does not list any other than 1.1.3-521:44
timelesssince imo that absolutely should work21:44
matjamtimeless: are you using network-manager in the guest21:44
timelessmatjam: it's a generic bionic21:44
matjamwhat does nmcli show21:44
timeless /lib/systemd/systemd-networkd21:45
timelessCommand 'nmcli' not found, but can be installed with:21:45
matjamyarrr its a server, its using what ever they decided servers should use this month21:45
matjam /etc/network/interfaces maybe21:45
naccif it's a fresh 18.04 server instance, that would be netplan21:45
timelessthat file is pure comments21:46
timeless# ifupdown has been replaced by netplan(5) on this system.  See21:46
timelesswhich forwards to /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml which is boring21:46
matjamI am not familiar with netplan21:46
timelessthat makes two of us :-)21:46
nacctimeless: sorry not really looking to scrollback, what's your issue?21:47
timelessi'm an old school bearded guy :-)21:47
timelessi'm trying to figure out what language https://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeRouter/Disable-dnsmasq-ipv6/m-p/1680312#M128754 is21:48
matjamawesome, I have managed to crash my window manager21:49
timelessooh, that brings back memories :-)21:49
matjamthree monitors on a video card with 768MB ram21:49
matjamactuall two video cards21:49
timelessso far w/ bionic i've only managed to crash the print service21:49
matjamI might be pushing things a bit21:49
matjamI might disable the secondary card and just use the primary card21:50
timelesswhich was neat, given that i wasn't actually doing anything w/ printers -- it (running in virtualbox) managed to discover a network printer automatically and then crash21:50
matjamyeah 18.04 has some issues21:50
timelessany guesses as to what those set commands were for?21:51
timelessthey don't look like `dnsmasq` syntax, nor `lxc`21:51
matjamnacc: he can't do ipv6 from his lxc container running ubuntu 18.04 on a 16.04 host21:51
matjamnacc: and apt fails21:51
Jordan_Utimeless: matjam: In case there was confusion, ubnt stands for Ubiquiti NeTworks and has nothing to do with the Ubuntu project.21:52
naccmatjam: i see21:53
nacctimeless: are you actually using ipv6? or it just is only coming up with ipv6?21:54
timelessfwiw... there's no ipv6 assigned... https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/M0Y7EYAV/22:12
=== Mutter is now known as b-real
scooterdhey guys need help with wifi not showing in drop menu22:15
scooterdcan connect with cable22:15
nacctimeless: is your 16.04 lxd bridge (or otherwise) configured to server out ipv6?22:18
matjamwell I guess I am not doing triple displays on this machine until I get the new video card22:19
matjamscooterd: did you check the software & updates settings, in Additional Drivers22:20
scooterdmatjam yes i have22:21
matjamscooterd: are you running on a laptop?22:23
scooterdmatjam yes  when i did terminal for cae22:24
scooterdcard said there wasnt one22:25
matjamscooterd: can you do  "lspci | pastebinit"  in a terminal22:25
matjamand share the url22:25
matjamyou might need to "sudo apt install pastebinit" first22:25
vlHi to all!22:26
scooterdmatjam no url came up22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1092691 in glibc (Ubuntu) "A way to disable AAAA lookups in the resolver (again)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:29
* timeless sighs22:29
Two_Dogsmatjam: a replacement for pastebinit requiring no installs. 'nc termbin.com 9999'22:30
timelessok, i give up, i'm going to just build apt from sources and trace...22:31
matjamscooterd: just paste the output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com and share the link22:31
matjamtimeless: good luck22:31
timelessmatjam: i do this every 5-10 years...22:31
timelessoh brother22:31
Two_Dogstimeless: does aptitude also cause same error?22:31
timelessi can't use `apt source`22:32
timelesstwo_dogs: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/eqwgqATb/22:32
timelessTwo_Dogs: that's a chicken-egg problem :-)22:32
=== Guest18529 is now known as fred909
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Two_Dogstimeless: true, synaptic also broke?22:33
timelessthis is bionic (server): https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/fM9vC7SN/22:33
transhumananyone know if there is a way to take the final part of the video detection process and easily apply it to a working static xorg.conf configuration22:33
Two_Dogstimeless: on a server?22:34
Two_Dogsahh, server22:34
alice1195Hello, what do you usually talk about on here?22:35
alice1195Some technical support?22:36
Two_Dogsalice1195: yes22:36
matjamtimeless: you could probably use apt-offline22:36
matjamtimeless: as a workaround22:36
alice1195ok, thanks. I'll keep it in mind22:37
timelessmatjam: is that a chicken-egg problem ?22:37
scooterdmatjam done i think22:37
matjamscooterd: I need the url22:37
timelessmatjam: i don't think i /need/ to build in bionic22:38
timelessit should be fine for me to build in xenial22:38
scooterdmajam no url came up22:38
* timeless used to do messier things in the past22:39
transhumannow that is really strange, has the Xorg log disappeared in 18.04?22:40
matlockWhen you're ready to use Ubuntu with fractional scaling on multiple HiDPI monitors at different rates, remember you can install Windows 10 and then boot Ubuntu on top of it directly into Gnome22:41
nacctranshuman: it's per user now22:41
transhumanok? so where is it?22:41
nacctranshuman: ~/local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log, iirc22:42
transhumannacc doesnt exist22:43
matlockThe lack of decent mainsteam apps is hurting the Linux desktop, the obvious solution is to run Android apps on Linux, but Anbox is barely updated. The ability to run Linux apps on ChromeOS next to Android apps is compelling, but currently limited to one device. In the mean time you can run the NT kernel, Xorg, your favorite DE, and all Linux binaries natively on Windows 10, and22:44
matlock have a decent Instagram client too22:44
matjamscooterd: I need this: https://imgur.com/a/ElVh8FX22:44
naccmatjam: please stay ontopic.22:45
matjamnacc: I am?22:45
naccmatjam: no you are not22:45
naccmatjam: take rants elsewhere22:45
naccmatjam: bah, sorry! typo22:46
naccmatlock: --^22:46
naccmatjam: sorry again22:46
naccmatlock: please stay ontopic and take rants elsewhere.22:46
Two_Dogsmatjam: i was going to blame you too.22:46
rud0lfis there a way to cache some code into a part of ram somehow so it lauches fast?22:50
matjamscooterd: you need to open a terminal, type "lspci", and paste it into https://paste.ubuntu.com/ and once you paste it, send the URL at the top to the channel.22:50
naccrud0lf: some code?22:51
rud0lfwhen there's lot of swappiness i'd like to quickly kill some processes that may caused it22:51
matjamrud0lf: run it once, and it will be cached!22:51
naccrud0lf: you can mlock memory, you can use readahead (which can help sometimes)22:51
naccrud0lf: those are two different things, right?22:51
nacc*two different support requests22:52
rud0lfnot really22:52
rud0lfyou can fuse them :)22:52
naccrud0lf: killing of programs that cause swapping is unrelated to caching of programs so they load fast22:52
rud0lfi mean stop something that hogs my system (and i know what) asap22:53
rud0lfi guess ctrl+alt+f1 and kill (possibly -9) is the way22:54
naccrud0lf: you know what is going to hog your system and want to kill it?22:55
transhumanlots of errors before a final working config, is there a way to shorten the process? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v2QHCB7SCS/22:55
naccrud0lf: why not put it in a cgroup with a memory limit22:55
enlightenedcloudHi need help in figuring out why root owns share folder in ubuntu 18.04 while running in  vmware22:56
rud0lfnacc: i'm not that advanced yet22:56
rud0lfbut i google and read about it, thankks22:56
naccrud0lf: or don't run the thing you are going to end up killing?22:56
naccrud0lf: feel like there is something missing in your description of the problem22:56
rud0lfi just dos-ed my headphone set.. i've found it provides serial port profile22:57
rud0lfthen i cat /dev/urandom > /dev/rfcomm022:57
rud0lfit frozen my desktop :o22:57
naccrud0lf: so you did something 'dumb' and ... are sad it had bad effects?22:58
rud0lfi didn't know it will freeze my os :p22:58
Two_Dogsrud0lf: surprise22:58
rud0lfi guess i just need to be careful and play around22:58
naccrud0lf: did you do that cat as root?22:59
rud0lfi know it's an oxymoron, i meant be careful by trying-and-failing22:59
rud0lfyes, as root.. couldn't access /dev/rfcomm0 as rud0lf22:59
naccrud0lf: right, so as root you can do all sorts of terrible things22:59
xirghello, how can I synch my ubuntu "windows app" between 2 computers?22:59
naccbig fat hint if you have to be root to do something, don't do it unless you know what it is23:00
enlightenedcloudCan someone help me fix get shared folder (owner root and can't be changed with chown) in ubuntu 18.04 while running in vmware?23:00
Two_Dogsxirg: what is a 'windows app'?23:00
xirgubuntu is available from the windows store23:02
xirgto install inside the windows OS23:03
xirgTwo_Dogs, that's what i'm referring to23:03
Two_Dogsxirg: got you23:03
transhumanso do I have to boot to init 2 or 3 in order to get Xorg -configure to build an Xorg.conf23:04
insidiousis there a fix or driver for elan "touchpad" for asus ?23:08
insidiousmy touchpad barely works and when it does it glitches around.23:08
=== Thargoid is now known as stwalkerster
matjaminsidious: try xserver-xorg-input-synaptics23:27
matjaminstall it, then reboot23:27
aloo_shupkg ardour: the highest version available upstream is 5.12, ubuntu is at 4.6 . I can see why one wants to avoid the 5 series, but anybody knows why it isn't 4.7, which was the latest and supposedly most mature in the 4 series?23:38
Thanoshow long does it takes to be reasonably proficient and self sufficient in linux if I put hobby level time into it? year? couple years?23:38
oerheks1 hour and https://help.ubuntu.com/ ..23:40
timelessfwiw, i managed to use apt -c + apt-offline and am now building apt..23:40
aloo_shuThanos desktop user level under a year, i.e. using mail, surfing the web, watching media, managing files is pretty intuitive; power user level with command line fluidity and ability to do system maintainace and configuration, maybe your estimate23:43
aloo_shu-intuitive immediately23:43
Thanosaloo_shu: thanks. very good answer.23:45
scooterdmadlam you still here23:54

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