
joshlegshello. im currently on ubuntu 16.04. i really want to upgrade to 18.04, but i guess the uphgrade path from 16.04 has not been released yet (late july).00:25
joshlegsif i do an upgrade via do-release-upgrade -d is there a lot of danger to that  ?00:25
yaldakjoshlegs: any operation of that degree is risky, take a backup00:25
yaldakit's usually pretty good00:25
yaldakbut take your backups00:26
joshlegsok ill give it a go. i was just wondering why it takes longer to upgrade from 16.04 than from 17.10 -- im assuming longer testing or something00:26
joshlegsmight as well be a guinea pig and give it a go, i reckon. thanks yaldak00:26
yaldaknp good luck dude00:27
yaldakjust take backups00:27
DannydI am trying to boot into my new Ubuntu install. I keep getting this at boot.00:31
DannydWhen I added the UEFI file it tells me it already exists00:34
DannydI previously had Ubuntu install this is a clean install and I can’t figure out how to fix it00:34
DannydI’ve already tried boot repair with no success00:35
DannydAny ideas?00:36
DannyEI prevously installed Ubuntu but I had to install the UEFI. I did a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 and now I can't boot I get this window. https://ibb.co/g8Fuco00:46
DannyEI tried to readd the UEFI file and it says it already exists.00:46
DannyEI tried repair boot and it still does the same thing00:47
DannyEWhen I look at the boot menu its says Boot Menu 1. yes00:48
Suntop_Kj #ubuntu-Offtopic00:48
lirodonI added lxde to my Xubuntu installation but its not appearing on the session menu00:51
EriC^^DannyE: do you have a live usb?00:53
DannyEEriC^^: That's what im using right now00:53
EriC^^DannyE: type 'sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999'00:53
DannyEEricC^^ : http://termbin.com/jp1v00:56
EriC^^DannyE: is uefi selected as the booting mode? with csm legacy disabled?00:59
DannyEYes I have tried secure boot with UEFI, Just UEFI, and legacy I get the same window01:00
EriC^^DannyE: run 'sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 9999'01:00
NecromancyrHave what I hope is an easy question - just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and all of a sudden my mounting of SMB shares isn't working anymore - getting errors they can't resolve.  Wondering if this is a know thing with something easy I can do to fix...not certain what happened.01:01
DannyEEriC^^ : http://termbin.com/p96y01:02
guivercNecromancyr, try adding a ,vers=1.0 to your -o mount01:02
EriC^^DannyE: try 'sudo efibootmgr -o 0000,2001,0001,2002,2003'01:03
EriC^^DannyE: also sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt && ls -lR /mnt | nc termbin.com 999901:03
NecromancyrGuiverc: thanks.  Just tried and still getting an error -it's not resolving  correctly.  Assuming I put the command in right and a mount -a should function.  ("//CORE/Music /media/COREMusic cifs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/necro/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,vers=1.0 0 0")01:06
NecromancyrHrm.  If I try to ping the hostname, I get "temporary failure in name resolution".  That's...odd.01:08
guivercNecromancyr, next I'd try adding sec=ntlm, to the -o too01:08
DannyEEriC^^ from efibootmgr  -0 it says invalid boot order 2002 does not exist01:08
EriC^^DannyE: try without 200201:08
guivercNecromancyr, the name resolution is far more important; forget mounting till you work out network issues..01:08
NecromancyrYeah - I'm thinking that's it.  Though I have NO idea why that is occuring.01:09
DannyEEriC^^ : http://termbin.com/jlt901:09
EriC^^DannyE: try sudo mkdir -p /mnt/efi/microsoft/boot && sudo cp /mnt/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi01:12
EriC^^then try rebooting01:12
DannyEmkdir -p /mnt/efi/microsoft/boot && sudo cp /mnt/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mntefi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi01:15
EriC^^there's a typo ^01:15
DannyEEriC^^ i get no such directory or file01:16
EriC^^did you fix the typo?01:18
DannyEwhat's the typo?01:19
EriC^^you missed a slash01:19
DannyEEriC^^ alright I completed it ill reboot and let you know01:21
DannyEEriC^^: It didn't work01:26
DannyEStill getting the same screen01:26
carlos___hi all just wondering how i can update my display driver(graphics-card) driver to latest version 16.04 terminal01:27
carlos___i want the ubuntu one not the Nvidia proprietory01:27
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.01:28
fliedriceHas anyone succeeded in installing Ubuntu to a bootable USB disk, with encryption? The standard installer only lets you check "Encrypt my data" if you select the "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" option, which doesn't let you point it at a USB key. It forcefully applies to the primary hard disk.01:29
tomreyncarlos___: i guess this could still work on 17.04: https://askubuntu.com/questions/206283/how-can-i-uninstall-a-nvidia-driver-completely01:31
oerheksfliedrice, try 'something else' then you get the gparted screen, and there you should be able to change destination, then go back and proceed01:31
* Suntop_K shakes his head01:34
KingSec666I whant to know if tested already this Accelerated Open Source driver for nVidia cards from https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/01:36
oerheksnouveau is standard now01:37
KingSec666working for gaming Laptop I want to Change may OS to Ubuntu but my Problem is only Drivers for nVidia01:39
tomreyncarlos___: once the nvidia drivers are gone, make sure you also install 'nouveau-firmware' and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'. you may also consider to use this, but DO READ THE IMPORTANT HINTS above https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial01:40
fliedriceoerheks: hmm, you sure or guessing? If it wipes my Windows, I'd be really screwed, I'm traveling01:40
KingSec666OK ty tomreyn I will try soon...01:40
haysanyone ever used keepalived?  curious how fast failover is01:40
tomreynKingSec666: if this is a new installation in your case you'll better start with 18.0401:46
tomreynKingSec666: whether or not you'll enjoy this on your 'gaming laptop' (to me that's still a contradiction in terms), you'll have to decide for yourself. performance will likely be worse than what you're used to.01:49
DannyE_Anyone here any good with resolving EFI and boot issues?01:51
han_I installed 18.04 on my wife's hp with dual boot and I don't seem to have an Activities access01:59
han_I don't see the dash on the side bar for applicaions.02:02
han_How do I list applications on 18.0402:05
tomreynhan_: available or installed? snaps or debs? on gui or cli?02:07
han_What ?  I just installed the 18.04  Where's the dash or applications button02:09
GinTThow to reinstall packages which are installed by groupinstall ,i mean ,not remove . how reinstall group packages02:13
jmaderois this a valid command: rsync /mnt/driveA/*zip /mnt/driveB/ --avz --progress?02:47
thetoolmanany xorg gurus here? i have two nvidia gt710s with three monitors each but the nvidia settings sets the two sets of three monitors as a seperate screen and i cannot drag windows between the two screens03:24
thetoolmanusing xfce403:24
thetoolmanany ideas?03:24
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lotuspsychjethetoolman: wich ubuntu release are you on mate?03:45
carlos___hey yall i installed 16.04 (encrypted home and lvm selected and want to install mate 18.04 dual boot-upon install of 18.04 it says cant detect any other os03:49
carlos___to b able to install both must i not encrypt03:49
guiverc_tcarlos___, who disk encryption? or just /home?03:53
preyaloneis it possible to install libicu-dev (targeting libicu55) in bionic beaver, in order to run the swift compiler?03:54
guiverc_tcarlos___, i've only used /home encryption & dual-boot works, but its possible if you have whole disk encryption that the OS when creating GRUB doesn't see the other (note: guess only!)  ie. you'll have to modify grub yourself to load other possibly...03:55
LevierMRQcarlos___: personaly i did fix that this way:  install 14.04 or 16.04 where you plan to install 18.04.  Grub will be fixed.  Then install 18.04 over the temporary 14.04.  So then 18.04 will pass throu grub and terminate normallty03:56
carlos___think ill fresh install with only 16.04 home encrypted like you-provided that works-dont know how to successfully change dist size and modify grub03:56
carlos___how would you modigy grub to pickup other os from terminal/otherwise03:57
LevierMRQwith 14 or 16, grubs get fixed according to new partition­.03:58
carlos___when during install03:58
carlos___of second os03:58
kemistenis there a video player that has a webui for ubuntu server??04:00
lotuspsychjekemisten: check the #ubuntu-server channel04:08
SonoftomThe best so far is a swap file instead of a swap partition04:28
taralejko8 gb ram 8 swap04:29
kemistenis there a video player that has a webui for ubuntu server??04:30
SonoftomTaralejko so04:30
taralejkobut my is 1004:30
SonoftomYou can disable swap at ur own risk04:30
taralejkomt problem :)04:31
taralejkobig mistake04:31
taralejkono disable swap04:31
taralejko3 part in my ubuntu04:31
smeshkibig fail04:35
Sonoftom18.04 is smooth04:35
smeshkiis good04:35
smeshkiel {}{}04:36
smeshkitesting some things04:36
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matjaminstead of swap, zram!04:38
haysif i wanted to run ubuntu on something small, perhaps for testing some software, is there a version that installs in a very small amount of space?04:49
haysi think ubuntu core might be too aggressively small04:50
guiverc_thays, possibly the network installer?04:53
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gartralhey all, I'm at wits end here... I need to use a USB disk from a windows vm, host is ubuntu 18.04, I can't figure out how ro make vbox mount the bloody thing.. can anyone help?04:59
haysguiverc_t: weird. that ISO doesnt boot in vmware. can't find network05:01
haysgot it going... we'll see how big it is05:08
OpenSorceI am installing Ubuntu on an older laptop. The bios has issues with drives larger than 100GB so I'm setting up separate partitions. How big should me /boot partition be?05:13
taralejko100 mb05:16
haysOpenSorce: I just did a minimal install. 70M /boot05:16
haysI might triple that05:16
hays(at least)05:16
guiverc_tOpenSorce, this may help, but it depends on what you want to use it for. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DiskSpace05:16
taralejko1000 mb05:17
taralejkonew kernels05:17
gartralOpenSorce: at least 10gb05:17
taralejko500 600 is good05:17
hayshey my advice was good. 100M*3 is 300M and the page recommends 250M minimum05:17
taralejko1 gb my05:17
guiverc_tOpenSorce, the size in the link I provided says 250mb-1gb; just clean it regularly (else you'll may get issues upgrade issues with older kernels..)05:17
taralejkoi use 3 kernels and dual boot05:18
taralejko500 600 mb is good05:18
hayslooks like barebones ubuntu comes in at 2.5G05:18
OpenSorceI'm gonna give it a gig to be safe...05:20
OpenSorceThanks for the input guys!05:21
gartralhey all, after adding myself to the vboxusers group, how di i ensure the change took and will work *WITHOUT* *LOGGING* *OUT* *OR* *REBOOTING*. this is critical, I can not afford to end this session as it's half-way through moving 12tb of data and I can't be set back a week05:22
OpenSorceI started this install a few hours ago. I bet if I had asked in here first I would have found out why I shouldn't use UNetbootin...05:24
lotuspsychjeOpenSorce: lubuntu minimal install perhaps?05:24
OpenSorcelotuspsychje, yeah that's what I'm putting on it. It's an HP TC440005:25
gartralwow a TC4400... haven't seen one of those in... years05:26
gartralthey're slow, but reliable if you keep em cool05:26
OpenSorceThis thing is a beast. Metal casing. Fingerprint scanner. It was slow in Windows. Was blazing the last time I put Linux on it.05:27
gartralOpenSorce: how much ram?05:27
OpenSorcegartral, 2.5 GB05:28
OpenSorceExpandable to 405:28
OpenSorceI think it will take more than they say though05:28
gartralget it to 4gb, ASAP. 2.5, even with lubuntu, isn't going to be very useful05:28
OpenSorceMy wife used it as a notepad, media box, book reader, facebook... loved it so much when someone gave her a tablet with Window 10 the first thing she wanted was Linux installed on it. :-P05:29
OpenSorceYeah, I already have some RAM ordered for it.05:30
gartralOpenSorce: know much about vbox?05:30
OpenSorcegartral, not enough to answer your question my friend :-(05:31
OpenSorcegartral, I wish I did05:31
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lotuspsychjegartral: theres a #vbox channel if you like05:37
arisroyoidentify arisroyo adeline0206:05
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oerheksarisroyo, time to change password06:14
gartralwell crap06:15
arisroyooh yeah no problem on that this account is nothing :)06:15
gartrala power outage knocked me out, now my desktop is sitting at initramfs and complaining my lvm can't be mounted... help x.x06:15
gartralryzokuken: were you helping me the other day?06:16
gartralrypervenche: or was it you?06:16
ryzokukengartral maybe.06:17
ryzokukenDon't remember.06:17
gartralryzokuken: with the lvm and mounting another drive on a different desktop with both LVMs claiming the same name?06:18
MalteaHey, i have trouble with ubuntu 18.04 lts with dns being ignored from my dhcp and also on static setup and on resolv.conf can anyone help? Im kinda at loss how to solve this issue as i can ping just fine. I have also simplifed my network setup to be as generic as possible. I have also tried alternate dns servers and i can ping them.06:20
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lotuspsychje!netplan | Maltea can this help?06:22
ubottuMaltea can this help?: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/06:22
MalteaLotuspsychje sadly not as Ubuntu bluntly ignores the dns server i put in netplan and or networkmanager :(06:23
gartralhopefully this is as simple as renaming chrooting into the known-good system and renameing the volume group >.>06:27
memphistogartral: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/333914/two-physical-disks-with-same-volume-group-names-preventing-access?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa06:27
gartralmemphisto: this is *FAAAAR* after the fCT06:27
memphistodon't get it06:28
lotuspsychjeMaltea: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-configure-static-ip-address-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux06:28
gartrali need to recover the original lvm vg, it has a name other than "ubuntu-vg-root"06:28
memphistoyou have 2 VGs with the same name. either rename one or try importing it with new name and what you need to do wiht it06:28
gartralmemphisto: I had to mount a drive that was my drive that I pulled out of another desktop, now that drive is no longer in this machine and I forgot to rename the original vg back06:29
gartralthis is 101% my faut06:30
gartralfault* damnit i keep typoing.. i'm so stressed over this x,x06:30
memphistobut you still have running system with 2 vgs with the same name. so you can lsblk to see which disk belongs to old vg and just vgimport with new name that /dev/sdx06:30
gartralmemphisto: negative. I have a non-running system with ONE VG06:31
gartralI'm stuck at initramfs and initramfs doesn't have vgimport06:31
memphistook. i missed the beggining06:32
gartralit has vgchange, no other volgroup tools06:32
memphistoit should have lvm, and you get into lvm interactive shell06:33
memphistowhat was the error06:33
gartralmemphisto: it *doesn't* the ubuntu team dropped the ball hard06:34
memphistook.so boot from live dvd and fix/rename/or what else06:34
MalteaLotuspsychje: not difference in static vs dhcp setup. I can see network manager showing me dns as i want it to for but it is like ubuntu throws over its shoulder when i do dns requests06:35
oerheksMaltea, reset your router, often helps with these courious issues06:36
gartralmemphisto: hold on, i'm having trouble booting a usb disk06:37
gartralmemphisto: ok, so I'm getting "ALERT!: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--studio--vg-root does not exst" the vg is currently named ubuntu-studio-vg-good.06:39
MalteaOkay what the hell? I tried the change in etc/network/knterface and now it responds and can lookup dns?!06:40
gartralthis *shouldn't* be hard to fix, but I also can't boot this bloody usb disk06:40
oerheksMaltea, wrong place to edit, that file says so ...06:40
memphistogartral: how did this happen? yes, you shuould rename it06:41
oerheksedit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail and put the dns there06:41
oerheksbu t i think you just need to wipe all your config attempts, start with a new connection, and reset your router06:42
Malteaoerheks: that is what i tried at first with resolv.conf . My router is not at fault here (pfSense 2.3.2) all other clients can lookup dns fine.06:43
oerheksnot resolf.conf either, that gets reset after boot06:43
MalteaI know but it looks like a bug with either netplan or dnsmasq since ubuntu ignored all dns settings until i changed /etc/network/interfaces06:45
gartralmemphisto: long story short, I needed too access some data on an *LUKS* *encrypted* disk, to do so I had to rename both VGs because just renaming the one back wouldn't work, then I throught I got the name right after removing the encrypted on and didn't, power outage happened and now I'm stuck..06:46
memphistohave you been able to boot the usb06:48
gartralmemphisto: No,06:49
gartrali'm about to reburn it06:49
wyseguyhey all06:50
gartralmemphisto: I'm re-burning the drive, hoping etcher gets it right this time06:55
Maltealotuspsychje: you solved my issues, thanks problem was solved either by using /etc/network/interfaces or sudo ip a flush enp4s0 along with sudo systemctl restart networking.service06:55
gartralhow much of a pain is it to do an in-place reinstall of ubuntu 18.04?07:31
nicholas_why do I just have this randomly installed on my computer?07:34
guiverc_tgartral, i can't speak from experience (with 18.04), but usually i find re-installs of Ubuntu rather easy.  I already have a separate /home, use 'something else' & just do it... just make sure you don't reformat anything you don't want to, and backup first!07:47
jairHello all, it is 18.04 and I am still experiencing the 1min 30 sec hang when restarting or shutting down the system, I am using a laptop DELL latitude e554008:36
jairubuntu 18.04 64bit nothing different other than just [minimal] installation selected08:37
Apachezthe hang is when you are trying to shutdown and not during bootup right?08:39
jairApachez: correct08:39
Apachezbecause if its during bootup I have distros hang that long when they are configured for dhcp but there is no dhcp server available08:39
jairApachez: when booting the systems works fine fast and smooth08:39
Apachezcan you get to the tty so you can see whats printed when you try to shutdown?08:40
jairApachez: no no this is using static ip08:40
jairYes I can see that08:40
jairApachez: let me share it08:40
Apachezand there is nothing there which gives you a hint of what its going on?08:40
Apachezdo you have any external mounts or such?08:42
Apachezdo you get similar if you liveboot 18.04 on this box?08:42
system16if i install ubuntu on a stick would it still need to turn off fast boot ?08:42
oerhekssystemd-analyze blame # systemd-analyze critical-chain #08:42
oerhekssystem16, yes08:42
system16but i can turn on fast boot after i unplugged the stick right?08:43
jairhere is what I get when doing the reboot, or init 6, or shutdown -r now > https://ibb.co/kWXxho08:43
jairApachez: nothing is connected to it, no USB drive or USB stick08:44
jairApachez: about using the liveboot I will have to check08:44
oerhekssystem16, err.. fastboot prevents booting from usb, so do as you like08:44
jairApachez: I have no intentions on using it live though :(08:45
jairApachez: but I understand you want to test08:45
oerheks!uefi | read the manual system1608:45
ubotturead the manual system16: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:45
system16this pc doesnt use uefi08:45
system16it uses bios08:45
jairsystem16: then use the "legacy" settings in your BIOS and make sure to boot from the removable storage08:46
jairsystem16: or make sure you created the correct bootable usb using one of the recommended tools online08:46
system16can i save my work on the usb stick?08:47
jairsystem16: am I wrong or you are just trying to install/boot from a usb stick?08:47
jairsystem16: You can save information in the stick after it is created sure08:47
system16im trying to install ubuntu on a memory stick so i could run it on any pc that i want08:47
Apachezjair: nothing obvious but some hints https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/273876/a-stop-job-is-running-for-session-c2-of-user08:48
Apachezdo you have remote-login enabled?08:48
jairif you are running the OS live you can save stuff in the cloud though08:48
oerheksthat guide shows howto make an ubuntu install usb, it has no persistence part08:48
ducasse!persistent | system16 if you want to save08:48
ubottusystem16 if you want to save: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:48
jairApachez: I have teamviewr and nxserver both running on this system08:48
oerheksso the answer is no, you cannot save on it08:48
jairApachez: I saw that and similar posts08:48
Apachezjair: as a troubleshoot try to kill them manually before reboot08:48
Apachezand if the reboot now goes in a second then you have nailed who the prime suspects are08:49
jairhmm OK08:49
jairbut that is not that of a problem sure I can try that08:49
Apachezanother related http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13158908:49
Apachezyeah but since you didnt resolve this yet :P08:50
jairthe problem I still have, is that the system does not reboot back, stays here > https://ibb.co/ggzcho08:50
Apachezso killing teamviewer and nxserver manually and then try to reboot will give you a quick answer if any of these two are related to this delay or not08:50
jairApachez: thank you for the links08:50
jairApachez: sure I will check that08:50
system16k thanks 4 ur help08:50
Apachezjair: also ssd or hdd?08:51
ApachezI mean even if you have a riddicilous large cache it shouldnt take 1.5min to flush it down08:51
jairApachez: ssd08:51
jairApachez: and I did the test I went to lunch and came back and the machine still was stock there08:52
Apachezyou killed teamviewer and nxserver, hit reboot, went for lunch, came back within 1.5min and the text was still there? :P08:53
jairApachez: yep, it basically never restarts stay there stock08:54
Apachezyour lunch is faster than my pee visits :p08:54
jairApachez: no no, I am telling you what I did08:54
jairApachez: yesterday08:54
Apachezyeah but Im talking about killing teamviewer and nxserver today08:54
jairApachez: I am currently at home and the pc is in my office :(08:54
Apachezwhile we wait in this chat and together with you try to resolve your issue08:54
oerhekscome back on monday :-D08:55
jairApachez: I can ping the machine but I cannot ssh because I already sent the shutdown -r now08:55
jairApachez: but it never came back08:55
jairoerheks: I am actually thinking on heading there in a bit and try to find the solution08:56
Apachezbring this chat with you :)08:56
jairscreen I have access to this chat from anywhere np08:56
jairApachez: but thanks for the tips good things test I wonder if this is eomthing only affecting laptops or just the fact that I am using teamviewer and nxserver08:57
jairbut this was not happening in 16.04 though08:57
jairsame machine08:57
jairinstead of getting better ubuntu 18.04....:(08:58
jairnot starting too good08:58
Apachezalso dont forget to return if you find solution09:00
Apachezmost of those forum posts are broken in this09:01
Apachezoften the suggestions have nothing to do with the problem09:01
Apachezand once resolved they never return so next one ending up in their thread searching for the same problem can get helped09:01
jairApachez: absolutely09:02
jairApachez: that is the goal and it help me as well in the future when I run into the problem again09:02
ducassejair: any nfs or cifs mounts?09:03
jairducasse: nope09:05
jairducasse: Apachez asked the same09:05
BenderRodriguezmaybe check syslog09:05
BenderRodriguezit's stuck trying to bring down a service?09:05
ducassejair: ah, i only saw you say "no usb drives", must have missed it09:06
jairducasse: no problem I am not sure but definutely there is an issue with 18.04 and the laptop, dell latitude E5540 now that I recall, even before installing the teamviewer and nxservice the machine was taking time to reboot and also it just hand and never restart09:08
jairducasse: > https://ibb.co/ggzcho09:09
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adroit_machineUbuntu failing on startup. Need help.  https://ibb.co/jaP2ho09:17
adroit_machineUbuntu failing on startup. Need help.  https://ibb.co/jaP2ho09:24
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mottehow to set display to turn off automatically after a period of inactivty on a 18.04 ubuntu server without X?09:34
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tomreynmotte: try "man setterm". or "consoleblank=seconds09:38
tomreynmotte: try "man setterm". or "consoleblank=seconds" as a kernel parameter09:38
tomreynhttps://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt -> consoleblank09:40
guiverc_tHi williamconna, if you have a Ubuntu Support question , please just ask it (try & use a single line only please, and be patient giving time for replies)09:51
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=== benBenjamin is now known as BenjaminA
BenjaminAmy sister really hates me And i want her to hate me more soo please send my regards https://www.facebook.com/felicia.andersson.714 // benBenjamin10:07
tomreyn!ot | BenjaminA10:11
ubottuBenjaminA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:11
=== BenjaminA is now known as kemisten
IdrizHi there! I use an ideapad 100-15IBD, and my realtek rtl8723be drivers don't seem to work with ubuntu.10:21
IdrizAny ideas as to why that might be?10:21
IdrizIf I use the rfkill -list command, it shows that my network is "unclaimed".10:22
IdrizNo, nvm.10:22
IdrizThat's not the command, I forgot what it was haha10:22
IdrizBut overall I don't remember where it showed something like *network UNCLAIMED10:22
IdrizAlso I don't have the ifconfig wlan0 option.10:23
IdrizIt just says device doesn't exist.10:23
darahow come i'm not allowed post on #html ?10:23
IdrizBut it does recognize the fact that the network controller IS in the hardware.10:23
ppfdara: you're not authenticated10:24
darappf: i forget my password10:25
IdrizVery helpful.10:25
ppfIdriz: 'your' driver?10:26
ppfwhat about the builtin one?10:26
IdrizThere's none.10:27
IdrizUbuntu doesn't install the builtin realtek drivers.10:27
IdrizI tried everything, disabling fast boot, disabling secure boot or whatever, and all of them ended up to no avail.10:27
ppfthey're in the kernel10:27
ArturWhat package does contain all required package to build, compile linking ,etc programs in C and C++ ?10:27
Idrizwell, where do I check if they are or they're not?10:27
ppfArtur: build-essential10:27
IdrizI have no wlan0 interface.10:28
IdrizIsn't that part of why my WIFI isn't working?10:28
ppf!paste lspci | egrep -i --color 'network|ethernet'  please10:29
tomreynIdriz: which ubuntu, kernel version? lsb_release -ds; cat / proc/version10:29
tomreynIdriz: which ubuntu, kernel version? lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version10:30
tomreyn^ typo fixed10:30
IdrizUbuntu 18.04 is the ubuntu version..10:30
Idrizlet me check the kernel10:30
Idrizcause there was a typo10:30
IdrizLinux version 4.15.0-22-generic10:30
tomreynIdriz: okay, i would assume the ecisting driver should work then. how about ppf's comand output?10:31
oerheksi shivver when i read  rtl8723be  .. you need to build them yourself, but no guarantee .. https://askubuntu.com/questions/590414/wifi-problems-with-rtl8723be-in-ubuntu-14-0410:32
ppfoerheks: that's 4 years old10:32
IdrizIt's a laptop.10:32
Idrizbash: !paste: event not found10:32
Idrizppf: That's what it says, lol10:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:32
ppfthat was an ubottu command whihc i screwed up10:32
ppflspci | egrep -i --color 'network|ethernet'10:33
oerheksppf, that does not mean it is not valid..10:33
Idrizppf: https://hastebin.com/raveyunoha10:33
tomreynIdriz: lspci -nnk | grep -i network -A210:34
Idriztomreyn: https://hastebin.com/orocoyocon.css10:35
tomreynand i concur, RTL8723 was and still is not well supported.10:35
IdrizYeah, I know.10:35
tomreynthough things may have gotten less bad since 4.13/.1410:35
IdrizSo what's the fix?10:35
IdrizI even tried installing drivers from open-source git repos.10:36
IdrizBut they ended up to no avail, lol.10:36
ppflspci says your ethernetcontroller is RTL8101/2/6E10:37
Idrizthe fuck really10:37
Idrizppf: That's the ethernet controller.10:38
IdrizEthernet and bluetooth work fine.10:38
IdrizIt's just the wireless that doesn't.10:38
=== Veeess_ is now known as apprehension
ppfcan you run lsusb?10:38
oerheks18ec:b723 = RTL8723BE10:38
Idrizppf: https://hastebin.com/iwitenavob.css10:39
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ppfoerheks: is right/ it's the cesnet device10:41
IdrizI know.10:41
IdrizHow do I activate it then?10:41
oerheksodd is the BT part show up under lsusb, not lspci ..10:42
ppfwhat happened when you tried the OSS drivers10:42
IdrizNever tried any OSS drivers.10:42
IdrizWhat are OSS drivers?10:42
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ppffrom github you said10:42
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=== babo is now known as dbee
tomreynhttps://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new is the best driver i'm aware of10:43
IdrizExactly the one I tried, tomreyn.10:43
IdrizIt just doesn't function.10:43
ppfso what happened when you did10:43
IdrizI followed each step.10:43
IdrizEverything did what it did.10:44
IdrizI rebooted.10:44
tomreyn"nothing" as in your computer would not start?10:44
IdrizLots of stuff in here.10:44
Idriztomreyn: No, nothing as in the WIFI adapter didn't load or work or show up.10:45
ppflets of stuff but not the one you built10:45
tomreynwhich one of these?10:45
ppfalso lots of stuff10:45
IdrizIt's a laptop.10:45
IdrizI didn't build anything.10:45
ppfyou typed make, right10:45
IdrizI did.10:45
Idrizit all worked fine.10:46
Idrizbut it didn't do anything.10:46
IdrizI'll try again for secondary measure, if you want me to.10:46
ppfsudo modprobe rtl8723be10:46
oerheksno message =  no error10:46
IdrizYeah, no message.10:46
IdrizIt produced no output.10:46
IdrizBut it still didn't work after reboot.10:46
oerheksthen proceed10:46
Idrizppf: I'll be redoing the steps and let you know in a few.10:46
IdrizIs that fine?10:47
ppfwhat's the new output of lsmod10:47
ppfyou don't need to redo anything10:47
ppfwe don't know what you did the first time, so redoing won't help us ;)10:47
Idrizppf: https://hastebin.com/pesineyaya.coffeescript10:48
ppfit didn't load the module10:48
IdrizWhat's the fix then?10:49
ppfsudo modprobe -v rtl8723be10:50
ducasseto be blunt, the fix is to get a properly supported wifi adapter10:50
tomreynthe "fix", or the attempt to a fix, is to ensure your system has the updated driver available, then load it, then see whether it works.10:50
Idrizinsmod /lib/modules/4.15.0-22-generic/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko  insmod /lib/modules/4.15.0-22-generic/kernel/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko  insmod /lib/modules/4.15.0-22-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/rtlwifi.ko  modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'rtl8723be': Required key not available10:50
Idrizoops, should have hastebinned10:50
tomreynor rather, what ducasse said.10:50
Idrizducasse: That's one dumb move.10:50
IdrizI bought a laptop specifically to use ubuntu, and I have to now buy an external wifi adapter?10:50
IdrizNo thank you.10:50
ppfyou should've bought a laptop then that wasn't built for windows only ;)10:51
Idrizppf: But now it's too late for that, isn't it?10:51
cfhowlettrealtek is very well known for being unfriendly with linux.  you bought one anyway.  as you've discovered it's a PITA to work with so a cheap wifi usb would seem to be a sane solution10:52
ppfIdriz: sure10:52
Idrizcfhowlett: I still want to know if there's a fix for this.10:52
IdrizIf not, let me know.10:52
* oerheks shivvers again ..10:52
oerheksan intel internal wifi card is like 15 euro10:53
ppfIdriz: so, modprobe doesn't load the module because it's not signed10:53
* cfhowlett thinks realtek should be assigned to the "WUBI" category, i.e. that which shall not b uttered10:53
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Idrizppf: I'll redo the steps and I'll see for any other people who had the product who also bought a "windows machine ;)"10:53
ppfdon't redo the steps ...10:53
IdrizI'll look into the issues on github.10:54
ppfwhy do people think doing something again will fix anything?10:54
ppfIdriz: disable secure boot10:54
IdrizI already have.10:54
IdrizI said that at the beginning of my question.10:54
IdrizThanks for trying to help but I guess I need some other people to help me out.10:54
ducasseeither turn off module verification, sign the module or switch off secure boot10:54
IdrizSee you guys!10:54
ducasseor not10:54
ppfoh well10:55
cfhowlettat least he was courteous.10:55
ppfthat was a waste of time10:55
qswzI'm in the shit..  I started installing virtualbox, the console froze during installation, now synptic ask to run dpkg --configure10:58
ppfLookme: ?10:58
qswzand it still freezes10:58
cfhowlettqswz, so first drop the profanity.  then purge and reinstall vbox10:59
qswzI just want to remove virtualbox now.. I don't want of this mess10:59
oerheksLookme, do we need to click that url?10:59
cfhowlettgo ahead.  we won't tell.10:59
qswzOk thanks10:59
oerheks!spam | Lookme stop spamming on #freenode, thanks11:00
ubottuLookme stop spamming on #freenode, thanks: Please don't spam11:00
qswzsudo apt remove virtualbox11:02
qswzE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:02
qswzbut I don't want to run sudo dpkg --configure -a11:02
qswzit'll freeze again11:02
oerheksnot freezing, it is building a dkms.. just be patient11:02
=== test is now known as Guest49252
qswzhmm k11:03
qswzthanks, let's hope11:03
oerheksas long as you can toggle caps lock, and see hdd led activity, it is fine11:03
Guest49252Hello, what is new in the ubuntu world?11:04
qswzSSD here:)11:04
cfhowlettGuest49252, chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:05
oerheksnews >> http://fridge.ubuntu.com11:05
WulfGood Morning11:11
ArturBy installing build-essential package my packet menager install all it's dependencies. However What if I don't have internet connection and I can't use apt. Should I install all dependency one by one?11:11
ArturI have a pen drive.11:11
WulfI installed 18.04 on a server. DNS resolution isn't working for "<somehost>.<mydomain>.local". I use netplan to configure a static ip address + dns servers. resolv.conf points at systemd-resolved. I'm aware that .local is reserved for mdns, but I cannot change the domain. How can I get the dns working?11:13
Guest49252All packages come from the server and the installation dependencies rely on an internet connection, therefore, there is no way to do this with a pen11:14
tomreyn!offline | Artur11:14
ubottuArtur: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD11:14
tomreynArtur: if it's not against some policies you have there, then enabling internet access on this system will be a lot easier,t hough.11:15
Arturtomreyn: It's rather technical problem.11:16
tomreynArtur: this sounds like it can be solvable.11:17
ArturI need to compile driver for my USB network interface11:17
ArturBut to do so I need compilers11:17
Arturwhich were not installed with my system11:18
tomreynWulf: uninstall avahi-daemon11:18
ppfArtur: what problem are you trying to solve?11:19
ppfdo you have an internet connection or not?11:19
tomreynArtur: can you temporarily attach to a wired network?11:19
Arturppf: On one machine where the linux is installed there is no internet connection.11:20
ArturSo I use another computer where there is internet though.11:20
Arturtomreyn: No, unfortunately I can't.11:20
ppfyou can download the package and dependencies locally and install them on the non-internetted pc11:21
Arturthat's what I am trying to do11:21
ppfapt-get download $(apt-rdepends <package>|grep -v "^ ")11:22
Arturwell another machine is macOS actually11:22
ArturI.e I've got home-brew only11:22
tomreyninstall virtualbox and ubuntu on it, pass thorugh your usb thumb drive to that.11:23
oerheks DLINK DWA-171 is based on a RealTek RTL8821AU11:23
ppfArtur: so you're asking us how to install packages on home-brew without internet connection?11:23
tomreynleast bad driver https://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux11:23
oerheksyou need only build-essentials, i guess11:24
Arturppf: 1.linux (PC - no internet) 2.macOS (Mac internet)11:25
ppf!offline | Artur11:25
ubottuArtur: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD11:25
oerhekshttps://github.com/gnab/rtl8812au gives a driver that should work on 5 Ghz and 2.4 Ghz11:25
oerheksbut nottested by me11:26
Wulftomreyn: it's not installed.11:27
Arturoerheks: yeah, I will try this when I install necessary dependencies (make, gcc, g++, libc6 etc)11:27
ArturIt' not binaries unfortunately.11:28
ppfwhat's not binaries11:28
Arturppf: this repo: https://github.com/gnab/rtl8812au11:28
Arturit's source code to compiler11:29
ppfsure, install build-essential11:29
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
tomreynWulf: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1027255/having-problems-resolving-a-fqdn-on-my-local-network-from-ubuntu-18-0411:31
ArturI have question: If package A is depended on package B. So when I download manually package A Do I also get package B?11:32
Arturmanually (not by package manager)11:32
ppfwith my command above yes, also with the instructions of !offline11:32
Wulftomreyn: that answer doesn't apply. My nsswitch.conf has no mdns11:32
oerheksArtur, nope.11:33
tomreynWulf: so you modified it already? since, by default. it would.11:34
Wulftomreyn: I didn't11:34
tomreynWulf: hmm maybe that's actualyl different on a server, i only checked the defaults on a desktop.11:35
tomreyni have no other suggestions available, unfortunately.11:36
Wulftomreyn: all I did so far is modify /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml to setup static ip11:36
tomreynhow did you install?how did you install?11:37
tomreynoops, ignore this11:37
Wulftomreyn: pxe11:37
tomreynis libnss-mdns installed? if so, try removing it.11:38
tomreynpxe is about how you boot, not how you install.11:38
alex__hola alguien sabe regitrar un nick para este servidor?11:40
tomreyn!register | alex__11:41
ubottualex__: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.11:41
tomreyn!es | alex__11:41
ubottualex__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:41
tomreynde nada11:42
john_ramboHi, I want to batch convert some video files by COPYING the video codec and change the audio to MP3...Any ideas ?11:43
oerheksffmpeg is the best tool11:43
Wulftomreyn: no, there is nothing with mdns installed11:44
john_rambooerheks, I can successfully  convert 1 file with "ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec mp3 output.mkv"11:44
john_ramboHow to batch convert? oerheks11:45
WulfGuess I'll just get rid of netplan and systemd-resolved. Seems to be useless stuff.11:46
tomreynWulf: then i wish you good luck at finding a way to overcome the problem (which is the TLD your environment chose to use), since i do not know other workarounds. please consider documenting your findings if you'll fiond more workarounds.11:46
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest60895
=== Guest60895 is now known as uselessnoob
ppfhow do i create an iptables/ufw rule for my local network prefix?11:48
uselessnoobi just booted from a usb11:48
uselessnoobbut my stuff wont be saved . why ?11:49
Wulftomreyn: solved it.11:49
uselessnoobif i restart this pc hexchat would be gone11:49
tomreynWulf: by pulling the plug?11:50
uselessnoobor every little settings that i have changed11:50
uselessnoobClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E7400  @ 2.80GHz (1.61GHz) • Memory: 2.9 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 2.9 GB / 17.3 GB (14.4 GB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] @ Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller • Uptime: 9m 41s11:50
WulfFrom the resolved source code: /* If networks use .local in their private setups, they are supposed to also add .local to their search domains, which we already checked above. Otherwise, we consider .local specific to mDNS and won't send such queries ordinary DNS servers. */11:50
tomreynuselessnoob: how did you install ubuntu on this usb storage?11:50
ppfif uselessnoob if you build the live cd to retain things you get a small partition on the usb stick to save stuff to11:50
uselessnoobi used rufus11:51
uselessnoobppf, tomreyn ^^11:51
tomreynWulf: so you didnt have it on search?11:51
uselessnoobwhat should i do ? btw this usb memory is 8 GB11:52
Wulftomreyn: yep11:52
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:52
ppfuselessnoob: ^11:52
Wulftomreyn: my mistake, sure. But this behaviour of resolved is quite unexpected.11:53
Mr_0bviousHey. I'm on KDE and Unity's notification system is taking over KDE's . how to I prevent it from doing that11:53
tomreynWulf: thanks for the info, i'll try to remember this for the next person asking.11:53
uselessnoobi dont want to install ubuntu. i just wanna run it from a usb memory when i need it11:53
uselessnoobi use windows as my main os11:53
tomreynWulf: having to resolve .local via dns is quitre unexpected11:53
ppfuselessnoob: yes, so install it on the usb disk11:53
uselessnoobi have11:53
Wulftomreyn: not really11:54
uselessnoobOS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.0411:54
ppfyou haven't, you're running the live disc11:54
ppfthat's not the same thing11:54
Wulftomreyn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.local#Microsoft_recommendations11:54
uselessnoobso how can i do that ppf ?11:54
ppf https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:54
Mcavendishanyone using linux kernel 4.17 yet?11:54
WulfMcavendish: most likely11:55
tomreynWulf: right, i should have said anything but windows finds it to be unexpected.11:55
uselessnoobppf im a noob i cant understand what that site says11:55
Mcavendishanyone using a display of 4k60hz?11:55
WulfMcavendish: most likely11:55
Mcavendishmost likely11:56
tomreyn!ask | Mcavendish11:56
ubottuMcavendish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:56
uselessnoobMethod 1: Installing Ubuntu directly to USB drive from installer CD ?11:56
uselessnoob(btw xubuntu looks like an os from 2002)11:57
tomreynMcavendish: maybe this tip wasn't so useful. my point is: ask your actual question, no need for polls, they don't help.11:57
Mcavendishthat is my actual question11:58
McavendishI want to know if anyone is using an amd gpu in the latest kernel, at 4k60hz11:58
tomreynMcavendish: that's not an ubuntu support question, though, ask in !offtopic then.11:58
Mcavendishare you a computer11:59
uselessnoobso that website says i should select my usb drive as my target.11:59
oerhekskernel 4.17 is in mainline only, test it but without support11:59
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:59
tomreynuselessnoob: right, the idea is to iunstall, but not to your hard disk as you usually would, but to your usb stuck instead12:00
ppfany help with ufw?12:00
uselessnoobthats it ?12:00
uselessnoobis it that simple ?12:00
tomreynppf: have your tried just specifying the CIDR?12:00
tomreynuselessnoob: basically, yes. you just need to have two removable storages this way.12:01
uselessnooby 2 ?12:01
ppfyou mean just 2001:0db8:0123:4567::/64?12:01
tomreynso either two usb sticks, or an optical drive and a usb stick.12:01
ppftomreyn: ^12:01
tomreynppf: yes12:01
ppfsure that works, but what if the prefix changes12:02
uselessnoobi cant do it with only this usb stick ?12:02
tomreynppf: oh ok. good point. i dont know, sorry :-/12:02
tomreynuselessnoob: you will need to boot into the ubuntu installer from one storage, then make that installer write to another storage.12:03
uselessnooboh. so the installer cant write to itself ?12:03
tomreynuselessnoob: no it cannot.12:03
oerheksno OS can do that..12:04
tomreynuselessnoob: do you have either (a) a cd / dvd writer or (b) two usb sticks?12:04
uselessnoobi have but one of them is usb 2.012:04
uselessnooband my hard drive is dead12:04
tomreynuselessnoob: so ho0w do you boot currently?12:05
tomreynfrom which disk12:05
uselessnoobusing that usb12:05
uselessnoobim using a live usb . tomreyn12:06
nightmare_hello there12:06
tomreynuselessnoob: ok, i understand. i think you should probably buy a new hard disk or ssd then?12:07
uselessnoobi have another 8 gb usb disk can i use that ?12:07
nightmare_Im so glad to see some one's ative here :)12:07
tomreynuselessnoob: if the "(an)other  8 gb usb disk" is your usb 2.0 usb stick then yes, you can install to that, it just will be slow, and you'll loose all data on this stick.12:08
uselessnoobtomreyn, idc there is no data on it .12:10
uselessnoobim looking for it right now.12:10
tomreynas in, loose all data that is currently there, but you'll be able to save data to it later. usb sticks provide much less reliable storage than a hard disk or ssd would, though. so you may easily loose data if you'll work from an usb stick and should relaly only use this as a temporary measure.12:10
nightmare_people are you having some problem playing wmv files on VLC player too?12:11
uselessnoobits still good for experimenting linux right ? tomreyn12:11
qswzBuilding initial module for 4.15.0-22-generic12:11
qswzstill there12:11
qswzafter 1 hour12:11
uselessnoobim not going to save nsa-grade data on it lol12:11
ppfqswz: run htop. is it doing anything12:12
tomreynuselessnoob: it's fine for experimenting. but you say your HDD is broken, this sounds like a problem you should handle, by replacing it. you will want to have *some* reliable storage.12:12
uselessnoobno my external hdd is broken12:12
qswzppf: oops, not installd12:12
qswzand apt is locked12:12
ppftop instead?12:12
uselessnoobnot the one installed in my system12:12
tomreynuselessnoob: i see, this wasn't clear from what you said so far.12:13
nightmare_how can I reply to someone's message here ?12:13
uselessnoobsorry im just too excited right now.12:14
blackflowoh my goodness, the gnome calculator is a snap in Bionic? 170MB just for a calculator? who EVER thought this was a good idea? LOOOOOOL12:14
tomreynuselessnoob: so if you have another working OS, and you also have enough RAM and cpu performance, then you could also run ubuntu in a VM on your other / default operating system.12:14
tomreynnightmare_: you just start your message with their nickname, like i just did here.12:15
uselessnoobno thats not an option for me12:15
uselessnoobinstalling ubuntu on a usb drive is better for me.12:15
qswzppf: it seems not activelydoing some work for kvm12:15
nightmare_tomreyn: thank you !12:15
tomreynnightmare_: welcome12:15
qswzdkms* sorry12:16
ioriaqswz, you were doing what ? installing nvidia ?12:16
qswzI tried to install virtualbox12:16
qswzit took super long, I killed the terminal, rebooted,  I http://dpaste.com/2BA1NNR12:16
qswzthen apt asked me to reconfigure ^12:17
OnceMei want to find all hosts which use my wifi  but i get (0 hosts up) with sudo nmap -O which is incorrect, i have at least 3 devices on my wifi12:17
qswzand now I'm waiting for it to finish12:17
qswzI'll need to remove DKMSmanually12:17
uselessnoobbtw can i go through the installation process without a mouse tomreyn ?12:17
nightmare_OnceMe: isn't it called Clients instead of Hosts ?12:18
uselessnoobbecause i have to unplug my mouse in order to plug in the other usb drive12:18
OnceMebut Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 206.41 seconds12:18
OnceMeI nowere see clients statsu12:18
nightmare_OnceMe: I remember it was for seeing open ports , at least Ive used it for such things12:20
OnceMehow would I find all devcies connected on mt wifi?12:20
tomreynuselessnoob: i never tried that for the desktop installer. with the server installer, it'll work. so maybe use that instead.12:20
ioriaqswz, it's probably a bug... the sys is basically waiting for a  Secure Boot password  prompt (that does not exist)12:20
tomreynuselessnoob: do oyu have a keyboard, though? and a monitor?12:21
qswzah yes, I had this a few weeks ago12:21
qswzwhen I tried installing it12:21
qswzwell, now I simply want to get rid of virtualbox12:21
nightmare_OnceMe: you can use GUI for that.. go to networks and probably you can find it /or doing some netstat may be useful12:21
ioriaqswz, so if atp is broken, i suggest (not sure)  dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq12:22
uselessnoobtomreyn, i found my usb drive12:22
qswzok let's try12:22
uselessnooband its 16 gb12:22
uselessnoobusb 3.012:22
qswzneed to reboot first, brb12:22
tomreynuselessnoob: congratulations?12:23
uselessnoobim formatting it12:26
qswzwhoever told me dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq12:27
qswzBit Thank12:27
qswzBig Thanks12:27
nightmare_qswz: does it make any difference using or not using that force opt? because last time i couldnt remove amd driver even with root privilage...12:30
qswzit worked12:31
qswzI had to sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq virtualbox-qt12:31
qswzthen virtualbox then virtualbox-dkms12:31
tomreynnightmare_: you shouldn't use the force options with dpkg unless you know exactly what they will result in and how to recover from the side effects doing so may (or may not) have.12:34
xubuntu_almost done12:35
=== xubuntu_ is now known as uselessnoob
nightmare_tomreyn: I'm agree with you. that time I was booted from safe mode trying to fix the crash of my ubuntu...because I had installed a wrong version of driver and I had got into trouble12:36
IdrizHi everyone, back here again.12:38
nightmare_Idriz, hello to you :)12:38
IdrizI'm having an issue with my wifi adapter, it's an rtl8723be model type by realtek(the worst company on earth), and so my wifi adapter isn't working.12:38
IdrizI'm _this_ close to getting the error fixed, the modules are being loaded in the kernel after I cloned the source of an open-source project called rtlwifi_new.12:38
IdrizHowever, it still doesn't appear on the tab.12:39
IdrizI'm running ubuntu 18.04.12:39
ppfwhat tab12:39
uselessnoobtomreyn, done12:39
Idrizppf: Wdym?12:39
uselessnoobusb disk is plugged in12:39
Idrizoh nvm12:39
uselessnoobnow what tomreyn12:40
IdrizI was also able to activate the module in the kernel with the modprobe command after tinkering in my BIOS.12:40
IdrizBut it still doesn't pop up :/12:40
ppfpop up?12:40
nightmare_Idriz, you mean you can't see wifi opt in the task bar ?12:41
Idriznightmare_ yeah, I can't see like the wifi icon.12:41
uselessnoobMethod 1: Installing Ubuntu directly to USB drive from installer CD12:41
Idrizalso I don't have a wlan0 or whatever ti is..12:41
uselessnooboh sorry12:41
uselessnoobThe installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions:12:41
uselessnoobDo you want the installer to try to unmount the partitions on these disks before continuing?  If you leave them mounted, you will not be able to create, delete, or resize partitions on these disks, but you may be able to install to existing partitions there.12:41
uselessnoobwhat should i do ?12:42
ppfIdriz: don't have?12:42
tomreynuselessnoob: you boot the computer form your ubuntu installer usb stick, then choose the option to install, and select the other usb storage as a target device.12:42
ppfIdriz: use complete sentences please?12:42
nightmare_use your GUI and go to >> network and see if the "airplane mode" is enabled or "wifi" is disabled12:42
uselessnoobtomreyn, ^^12:42
uselessnoobshould i click on yes ?12:42
nightmare_uselessnoob, be carefull12:43
oerheksnightmare_, there is no stable driver for that combo rtl8723be12:43
nightmare_you may delete everything on your system12:43
uselessnoobthats y im asking nightmare_12:43
IdrizI'm using 18.04, there's no Airplane mode setting here.12:43
uselessnoobshould i click on yes ?12:43
IdrizI'm currently tethering my wifi connection from my phone to here.12:43
tomreynuselessnoob: yes, you can try, it will either work or fail if you selected the wrong device12:43
oerheksboot in live mode to see what device name the 2nd usb is: sda/sdb/sdc ...12:44
Idriznightmare_: Nope, no airplane mode, nothing blocking it from being enabled, is there a way I can send you a screenshot of what I mean?12:44
oerheksthen hit install onthe dekstop12:44
tomreynuselessnoob: i'm assuming you did what i said before.12:44
uselessnoobThis computer currently has Windows 10 on it. What would you like to do?12:45
uselessnoobi have 4 options12:45
nightmare_Idriz,I got you...so probably it isnt installed...the driver I mean.and btw yes you can send me files from the menu >> send fiels12:45
uselessnoobsomething else12:45
nightmare_uselessnoob,  do you have the option to " install ubuntu alongside wondows 10" ?12:46
uselessnoobbut as i said i wanna install xubuntu on a usb disk12:46
p21kuse live cd12:46
nightmare_uselessnoob, so you can click o it and in the next page drag the horizontal slider to choose how much space do you want for your ubuntu and click install12:46
tomreynuselessnoob: take a screen shot of what you see now.12:47
Idriznightmare_, my internet is really slow so I can't do that, if i use the lshw -C network command, it shows me that theres a *network Unclaimed, where the driver is the realtek one.12:47
IdrizSo how would I claim it?12:47
ppfIdriz: did you load the driver12:47
uselessnoobwhere can i paste the pic12:47
Idrizppf with?12:48
tomreyn!paste | uselessnoob12:48
ubottuuselessnoob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:48
uselessnoobsorry i cant access imgur12:48
IdrizI tried restarting the network service or whatever.12:48
IdrizThere wasn't any changes.12:48
nightmare_Idriz, as I know some people wait for XX.04.1 or above release to get an stable version of ubuntu. you can just use 16.04.4 LTS if that doesn't clear the question anyway12:48
ppfIdriz: paste lsmod12:49
nightmare_for instance Im using this version at the time12:49
uselessnoobplz wait12:49
nightmare_Idriz, seems like youre not using it12:49
nightmare_wait a minute12:50
ppfrtl8723be is loaded, so that's good12:50
uselessnoobtomreyn, ^^12:50
ppfis there any dmesg output related to it?12:50
IdrizWhat's dmesg output?12:50
IdrizLet me paste it.12:50
ppfdmesg | grep rtl872312:51
=== sebastian is now known as Guest88829
nightmare_ppf, he has to change that config file to enable the device I think12:51
tomreynuselessnoob: did you select a targte device in an earlier step?12:51
oerhekssomthing else > change destination to your 2nd usb > hit back > then continue installation12:51
nightmare_Idriz, type cd /dev and find your device12:51
uselessnoobit didnt ask that12:51
tomreynuselessnoob: okay then do "something else" and post another screenshot12:51
nightmare_and then go to it's configure file and see what can you do about it to make taht 0 change to 1 and use it12:52
Idriznightmare_ what do you mean by my device?12:52
ppfnightmare_: what are you on about?12:52
ppfneither sentence makes sense ;)12:52
ppfIdriz: is it the right driver?12:52
uselessnoobtomreyn, ^^12:52
IdrizYeah, the right one.12:52
Idrizppf: https://hastebin.com/satimawosu.pl12:53
uselessnoobmy usb device is there12:53
uselessnoobsilicon power12:53
tomreynuselessnoob: does "UFD 3.0 Silicon-Power16G", a storage with 16 GB capacity, sound like the usb storage you want to install to?12:53
uselessnoobyes tomreyn12:54
ppfIdriz: you had rebooted, right? with the driver in modules?12:54
Idrizyou suggest I do it again or?12:54
Idrizcause it might not persist thru restarts, and if that's the case, what would you recommend I do?12:54
ppfdid you add the driver in modules?12:54
tomreynuselessnoob: then click on the line which says so and select 'install now'12:54
Idrizwith modprobe?12:55
uselessnoobDevice for boot loader installation : should i cahnge it to UFD 3.0 Silicon-Power16G12:55
ppfno, with an editor12:55
Idriz:gritting_teeth: maybe I didn't12:55
IdrizYeah, I didn't.12:55
tomreynuselessnoob: yes, oyu need to12:55
Idrizppf: How would I do that?12:55
ppfsudo gedit /etc/modules12:55
tomreynuselessnoob: glad you pointed this out, i missed it.12:55
Idrizdo I just type the driver name?12:55
Idrizgonna reboot.12:56
uselessnoobtomreyn, ^^ is it correct ?12:56
uselessnoobthere is a change option12:57
tomreynuselessnoob: looks fine to me, both the target device for ubuntu installation and the target device for boot loader installation make sense.12:57
uselessnoobbut when i click on change it shows me these options us as :12:57
uselessnoobhttps://paste.pics/029879c2fe5dca08b8c396f5cd148e8d   <<tomreyn12:58
Idriz_ppf: I'm back.12:58
Idriz_No changes.12:58
ppfany dmesg output?12:59
Idriz_Yeah, the rtl8723be is in lsmod.12:59
uselessnoobi think i should change that12:59
Idriz_ppf: dmesg does not output anything regarding the driver, no.13:00
tomreynuselessnoob: actually do this: cancel the 'change' prompt. then click on the last but one line which also says "/dev/sdc" but does not say 'fat32'. then, click on 'new partition table', then show another screenshot.13:00
ppfinteresting. can you paste the modinfo for the module?13:00
* fgrtgrth slaps _Dbug_ around a bit with a large trout13:00
Idriz_wtf is going on13:01
uselessnoobchange prompt canceled13:01
Idriz_i'm clicking randomly around the screen lol13:01
Idriz_ah nvm fixed13:01
uselessnoobDevice for boot loader installation: u mean this tomreyn ?13:01
tomreynuselessnoob: no13:01
uselessnoobthe what ?13:01
Idriz_ppf: https://hastebin.com/eworaroxev.vbs13:01
uselessnooboh got it13:02
uselessnoobplz wait13:02
uselessnoobhttps://paste.pics/c5b5b773cdf0adcfa4e9ddcea2b30902     u mean this tomreyn13:03
tomreynuselessnoob: right. unfortunately cyou can't create a new partition table there. so just hit "install now".13:04
uselessnoobu sure ?13:04
uselessnoobwhat about Device for boot loader installation ?13:04
tomreynuselessnoob: remains on /dev/sdc13:04
tomreynyes i am sure13:04
Idriz_ppf: ideas?13:04
nightmare_Idriz_ it didn't get fixed?13:05
uselessnoobtomreyn, i cant click on that silicon power one ?13:05
Idriz_nightmare_ No, all I did was just make the module enable automatically on boot13:05
Idriz_do you have any other ideas?13:05
uselessnoobhttps://paste.pics/94e8c0acd794c5c901f2dbb3df380df7    <<u mean this tomreyn13:06
nightmare_no ideas ... I'm just thinking if you've had made a pramanent change to the file or just a momentry change ...13:06
Idriz_ppf: ?13:07
Danawar[UK]Hi Ubuntu after updating last night a couple of my snaps are no longer working can any one advise - https://pastebin.com/c7CR0iZr13:07
Idriz_nightmare_ how would one change the options that you find in modinfo?13:08
nightmare_Danawar[UK]: use "sudo" before spotify13:09
nightmare_Idriz_, I will check it now13:09
uselessnoobso should i click on install now tomreyn13:09
ppfIdriz_: you could enable debugging13:09
Idriz_what about those power saving options? ppf13:10
Idriz_what might they be doing?13:10
Danawar[UK]nightmare_: I should not be running snaps as super user.13:10
ppfIdriz_: you can switch it off if you like13:10
ppfset them =013:10
Idriz_but how would you set them to a specific value?13:10
Idriz_what's the command to do so?13:10
ppfadd that to modprobe/modules13:11
uskerine_hi, I am trying to install this: https://b00merang.weebly.com/windows-10.html   I have managed to install the theme and icons with unity-tweak-tool, but still window menus are in the top bar and the top bar is not integrated with the launcher bar (as in regular windows) . Does anyone know how to do that so the look is similar to Windows? Thanks. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS13:11
uselessnoobhttps://paste.pics/38CXV          <<i got this error13:11
tomreynuselessnoob: your link returns a "404 page not found" error13:11
uselessnoobtomreyn,  open this new one13:11
tomreynuselessnoob: press ok. then select the bottom /dev/sdc again, click on 'change' again and tell me what you may choose from there.13:12
Idrizppf: Alright, I'm back.13:13
IdrizNo, those settings didn't do anything.13:13
ppfwhat do you mean they didn't do anything?13:13
JackPeralta99Is snap package auto updated as part of apt-get upgrade or do i need to do anything extra?13:13
IdrizThey didn't make the WiFi icon appear.13:13
ppfyou set debug to 5 and it didn't output anything?13:13
IdrizNo, didn't do that yet.13:13
IdrizLet me do that one.13:13
uselessnoobext4 journaling file system13:13
uselessnoobext3 journaling file system13:14
Idrizppf: modprobe rtl8723be debug=513:14
Idrizlike that, right?13:14
uselessnoobext2 file system13:14
ppfif the module is already loaded you need to remove it first13:14
tomreynuselessnoob: are you able to remove this partition somehow?13:14
uselessnoobbtrfs journaling file system13:14
uselessnooby ?13:15
tomreynuselessnoob: can you cancel this prompt and click on the "-" on the left below the devices table?13:15
uselessnooblet me see13:15
ppfbtrfs isn't journaling13:15
uselessnoobbut y ?13:15
Danawar[UK]What is uselessnoob trying to do?13:15
Idrizppf: https://hastebin.com/koxobisiqe.go I ran the lshw -C network command.13:16
IdrizThis is what it output.13:16
Idrizhow would I claim that *UNCLAIMED thing.13:16
uselessnoobim trying to install xubuntu on a usb drive13:16
ppfIdriz: getting the driver to work. what's the debug output?13:16
uselessnoobtomreyn, no i cant click on that - icon13:16
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: fdisk -l . find the USB drive write ext4 over it then try and install on it?13:16
Idrizppf: forgot to read your message a little while ago you sent13:16
Idrizlet me remove it13:17
tomreynuselessnoob: okay, close the entire installation window and cancel the installation, but keep the live ubuntu running13:17
uselessnooby ?13:17
uselessnoobok done13:17
Idrizppf: Reloaded it, no debug messages sending.13:17
uselessnoobinstallation canceled13:17
ppfwith debug set to 5?13:17
tomreyn!who | uselessnoob13:17
ubottuuselessnoob: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:17
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: If you know it is /dev/sdc then parted -a opt /dev/sdc mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%13:18
uselessnoobwhat ? Danawar[UK]13:18
ppfcan you run modprobe -v ... debug=5?13:18
uselessnoobim a noob Danawar[UK]13:18
ppf(after removing)13:18
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: do you know 100% that /dev/sdc is your USB?13:18
uselessnoobyes i know it is /dev/sdc since it says the name of my usb drive infront of it Danawar[UK]13:19
Idrizppf: https://hastebin.com/sotozakisu.nginx13:19
Idrizthat's the output after running that13:19
uselessnoobsilicon power 16 gb13:19
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: Open a terminal and type fdisk -l and show me the output13:19
tomreynuselessnoob: open a terminal window (press ctrl-alt-t) and type this: sudo echo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1024 count=113:19
ppfIdriz: and in dmesg?13:19
uselessnoobok i should listen to who ? lol13:19
tomreynuselessnoob: or work with Danawar[UK], i don't mind.13:19
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: tomreyn will wipe it fully so try that13:20
uselessnoobcan i avoid terminal Danawar[UK]13:20
Idrizppf: Are you mentally ready?13:20
p21kuselessnoob, if u want to use linux get used to it13:20
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: Yes launch disk manager13:20
uselessnoobcan i use the installer ?13:20
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: Not always13:20
ppfIdriz: so debug=5 just does nothing ... from that i can only conclude that the driver is broken13:20
uselessnoobplz wait]13:21
Idrizit works on windows perfectly fine13:21
Idrizso I wouldn't know why13:21
ppfwat. it's a linux driver13:21
nightmare_Idriz: you may wanna rmmod and then insmod it ?13:21
Idrizppf: I'm dual booting with windows.13:21
uselessnoobfdisk: cannot open /dev/loop0: Permission denied13:21
uselessnoobfdisk: cannot open /dev/sda: Permission denied13:21
uselessnoobfdisk: cannot open /dev/fd0: Permission denied13:21
uselessnoobfdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: Permission denied13:21
uselessnoobfdisk: cannot open /dev/sdc: Permission denied13:21
tomreyn!paste | uselessnoob13:21
ubottuuselessnoob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:21
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: type sudo su13:21
Idriznightmare_: did that rmmod part.13:22
Idriznow how do I insmod?13:22
Danawar[UK]uselessnoob: Welcome back use sudo su to escalate your privilages13:22
nightmare_Idriz, just type >> insmod and then the name of the module you wanna install13:22
ppfIdriz: i guess get an external wifi adapter with linux support13:22
Idriznightmare_: insmod: ERROR: could not insert module rtl8723be: No such device13:23
nightmare_try taht in sudo mode13:23
IdrizI did.13:23
nightmare_weird :/13:23
Idriznow what? lol13:23
ppfnot at all13:23
ppfdon't use insmod, use modprobe13:23
nightmare_cuz I remember you saw it in lsmod ??13:23
Idrizyeah, I did.13:23
IdrizI had it in lsmod.13:23
IdrizThat's a good thing, isn't it?13:24
Idrizppf: that -*network UNCLAIMED13:24
nightmare_yeah it is :D13:24
Idrizis there a command to claim that?13:24
nightmare_how about now ? can you see it in lsmod?13:24
ppfyes, load a working driver13:24
Idrizwith modprobe?13:24
Idriznightmare_: let me check13:24
Idriznightmare_: it's there.13:24
Idriznightmare_: https://hastebin.com/utehixuquk.nginx13:25
uskerine_wow, window max, min and restore icons can not be placed in the top right corner in ubuntu 16.0413:25
IdrizI think I should load rtlwifi instead of all of those ppf13:25
nightmare_Idriz, modprobe is better than insmod in the point of handeling "dependencies"13:25
Idrizyeah, you told me to do insmod13:25
ppfIdriz: load it then13:25
Idrizand after ppf said do modprobe I did modprobe13:25
Idrizwith what command?13:25
IdrizYeah, it still doesn't add the wifi thing.13:26
nightmare_Idriz, why is it orange?13:26
Idriznightmare_ wdym13:26
DannyEI installed ubuntu a month ago and I had to add UEFI file to my bios to be able to boot into ubuntu. I have been trying to do a clean install and I am not able to boot into ubuntu anymore even when I try to add the UEFI file. I get this image when I try to https://ibb.co/IZcBQ8 Also when I try to readd the UEFI file shimx64 it says that it already exists. I am at a loss of what to do I can install windows and it will boot up no problem13:26
ppf"the wifi thing"?13:26
ppffull sentences please13:26
Idrizppf: You know exactly what I mean, lmao, the wifi icon, adapter, they don't show up.13:26
IdrizI can't connect to a wireless connection.13:26
ppfi have no idea what you mean13:27
nightmare_Idriz, the module name in the lsmod is orange right?13:27
p21kDannyE, the link you send doesn't work13:27
IdrizNo, that's just hastebin.13:27
nightmare_oh .okay13:27
Idrizppf: The icon that is used to browse nearby wireless connections isn't working13:27
tomreynDannyE: https://ibb.co/IZcBQ8 returns a 40413:27
ppfokay, that's just NetworkManager, we don't care about that right now13:27
Idrizcan you downgrade from 18.04 to 16.04?13:28
tomreynDannyE: you shuld probably also discuss your hardware and the ubuntu release you are trying to install.13:28
tomreyn!downgrade | Idriz13:29
ubottuIdriz: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.13:29
Idrizoof, no thanks13:29
DannyEtomreyn: my hardware is an Acer Aspire Cloudbook 14 and the release is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS13:29
ppfIdriz: did it work on 16.04?13:29
Idrizppf: No, this is the first time I try any linux-related distro.13:29
IdrizI've been using windows for a long time.13:29
nightmare_Idriz: if you couldn't find the solution you can wait for the 18.04.1 LTS13:30
Idrizwhich comes out when exactly?13:30
ppfbottom line: the driver appears to be broken. feel free to try other ones, but that HW is not supported on ubuntu13:30
ppf18.04.1 won't fix that13:30
tomreynDannyE: does your bios allow you to switch between using uefi on the one hand and one of "CSM (compatibility support module)" or "legacy bios" booting?13:30
Idrizppf: I beg to differ, actually. the realtek drivers aren't generally supported, but there are some from the rtl-prefix that are indeed supported by linux.13:31
IdrizThey just haven't supported my version, atleast, yet.13:31
ppfsure, but not that one13:31
Idrizat this point I'm going out of my way to trying open-source drivers.13:31
IdrizWhich doesn't seem to be that great of an idea, lol.13:31
DannyEtomreyn: Yes but I have tried booting with UEFI & Secure Boot enabled, Secure Boot Disabled, & Legacy mode and I get the same screen everytime.13:31
nightmare_have you ever tried installing frivers manually13:32
ppfIdriz: just get an external wifi adapter13:32
cfhowletthttps://www.amazon.com/Panda-300Mbps-Wireless-USB-Adapter/dp/B00EQT0YK2/ref=sr_1_4/146-1324806-5359158?ie=UTF8&qid=1528551152&sr=8-4&keywords=usb+linux+wifi+adapter  or you can continue to fight with realtek13:33
ppfthere's one by edimax, it's tiny, works on linux, and is like 8€ on amazon13:34
tomreynDannyE: you may need to set a supervisor password and add the ubuntu uefi secureboot shim (if not already there) and remove the windows one(s).13:35
nightmare_how can I find out if my wifi module has the abillity of capture mode and monitor mode ?13:35
tomreynDannyE: i'm looking at http://www.fascinatingcaptain.com/product-reviews/the-acer-one-cloudbook-14-a-super-affordable-linux-laptop/ which seems to be your model (although there are many variants of it)13:35
DannyEtomreyn: I did that the first time I ever installed ubuntu and it booted but after doing a reinstall I can't boot in at all13:36
ppfnightmare_: that's a driver feature13:36
ppfjust switch it on and see if it works13:36
DannyEtomreyn: When I try to readd the shimx64.efi file it says it already exists. That's why im here for help because I don't know what else to do13:37
tomreynDannyE: also verify it's booting in the right order: the eMMC block device needs to have a lower boot priority than the USB bootable device in bios / uefi. if you stick to "Secure Boot": use BIOS menu to trust the Ubuntu bootloader.13:37
nightmare_ppf, you meann by typing airmon-ng?13:38
ppfyes, for example13:38
DannyEtomreyn: I don't have that option to chose which one I trust. I can add the UEFI file and change the boot order but that's it.13:39
tomreynDannyE: you can usually remove existing .efi files from the bios itself (be casreful not to remove them all) or do it from a linux live system by just mounting the file system which is on the emmc and flagged 'esp'13:39
DannyEtomreyn: How do you go about doing that?13:39
nightmare_ppf, for intering monitor mode should I disconnect from my phone hotspot??13:40
tomreynDannyE: which one?13:40
DannyEtomreyn: Removing EFI files13:41
tomreynDannyE: well i don't know your bios. if you do it on linux, as i said, you just moun tthe partition form the emmc, and then you just delete the files you ddon't want.13:41
tomreynDannyE: this might also help, note the hint on resetting the bios / efi to defaults to restore the original efi files (but then you need to install the ubuntu efi file again) https://askubuntu.com/questions/971108/ubuntu-17-10-on-acer-cloudbook-14-ao1-43113:43
tomreyna firmware update may also help.13:44
bodie_what is the best way to install kde in my existing ubuntu 18.04 gnome3 installation?13:54
bodie_btw, I had to switch back to lightdm since gdm3 has a bug13:54
bodie_or rather there is some bug impacting the use of gdm3 in 18.04 which is worked around via switching to lightdm :P13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1705369 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10/18.04 boots to black screen when using Nvidia drivers (on a desktop with an Intel GPU)" [High,Confirmed]13:55
blakes5Hey all, I have a previously working install of XRDP that has suddenly stopped working. When connecting to the remote machine no login is presented and only a black screen is seen. Running Ubuntu 16.04.14:08
xpmashhey 180814:22
Guest95247hey guys15:09
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lotuspsychjeIm trying to solve this systemd bug from 18.04 release, but im out of ideas getting a slow login to desktop boot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1742063 if anyone else experience this, please add affected?15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1742063 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd taking long time to boot into desktop 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:31
blackflowlotuspsychje: somewhere I read it's about lack of entropy and something having changed in recent kernels about that. See if installing haveged would help.15:37
lotuspsychjeblackflow: whats haveged15:38
blackflow!info haveged15:38
ubottuhaveged (source: haveged): Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-6 (bionic), package size 28 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for linux-any)15:38
lotuspsychjelemme check that blackflow15:38
blackflowlotuspsychje: I install it on all linux machines. basically keeps in-kernel entropy at the configured level using the said algorithm15:39
lotuspsychjeblackflow: do i need to config it somehow, or just a good old reboot?15:39
blackflowjust reboot15:40
blackflowactualyl you don't even need to reboot, it starts a service that starts filling up entropy right away. but in your case, you wanna test if that fixes the boot delays, right?15:40
lotuspsychjeyeah brb15:40
lotuspsychjeblackflow: not as fast as i would wish, lemme paste you blame15:43
lotuspsychjeblackflow: https://hastebin.com/ucomazohif.go15:44
blackflowhuh look at that plymouth thing. Tried booting with no plymouth splash?15:45
blackflowI run without it because I have LUKS'd disks and nvidia which makes plymouth very very ugly (and before bionic, actually unusable)15:46
blackflow1ms on plymouth-quit-wait.service here15:46
lotuspsychjeblackflow: change grub to "" no splash?15:46
blackflowlotuspsychje: yup. you can keep 'quiet' tho15:47
lotuspsychjebut that will give me textboot till  GUI login right?15:47
blackflowwith 'quiet' that will give you black screen until login yes15:47
lotuspsychjeblackflow: systemd boot time is pretty quick, its the time from login to desktop only that lags15:47
blackflowwithout 'quiet' it'll show systemd output yes15:47
lotuspsychjeblackflow: Startup finished in 6.539s (kernel) + 29.576s (userspace) = 36.115s15:48
lotuspsychjegraphical.target reached after 29.516s in userspace15:48
uselessnoobim looking for a guy that has a [UK] at the end if his name15:50
blackflowlotuspsychje: "plymouth-quit-wait.service - Hold until boot process finishes up"    I don't know what it actualyl does, but if "hold until boot process finishes up" took 24 seconds, out of 29 in total for userland... I'd start by looking at that.15:50
lotuspsychje!logs | uselessnoob perhaps here?15:50
ubottuuselessnoob perhaps here?: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/15:50
lotuspsychjeblackflow: yeah ive been looking up a few about that wait service, not sure either15:51
lotuspsychjeblackflow: weird you got 1ms15:51
blackflowlotuspsychje: well, see if no 'splash' helps.15:53
lotuspsychjeblackflow: ok ill test15:53
blackflowlotuspsychje: no good?15:57
lotuspsychjeblackflow: no dice no, but now plymouth service is gone from blame15:58
lotuspsychjeblackflow: Startup finished in 10.523s (kernel) + 6.519s (userspace) = 17.043s15:58
lotuspsychjegraphical.target reached after 6.013s in userspace15:58
blackflowwell that's not that bad, is it?15:59
lotuspsychjeblackflow: well, im on a samsung 850 pro ssd and im comparing with unity15:59
lotuspsychjeblackflow: and got preload installed aswell16:00
lotuspsychjeblackflow: and trimmed down some services and systemd services16:00
blackflowlotuspsychje: here's mine (samsung 750 ssd):   Startup finished in 20.843s (kernel) + 6.651s (userspace) = 27.495s     I guess that kernel time includes me typing in the LUKS passphrase + whole LUKS mounting and I also use ZFS.16:01
blackflowbecause after I hit the passphrase, I get the login screen very fast, few seconds.16:01
lotuspsychjeblackflow: yeah thats what i need too16:02
lotuspsychjeblackflow: getting alot of loop devices too, and dont have many snaps installed anymore16:02
blackflowI've got only one (pycharm) aside to what comes with bionic by default16:03
blackflowlotuspsychje: https://dpaste.de/ykEk16:03
lotuspsychjeblackflow: https://hastebin.com/wukohoxowi.go16:03
lotuspsychjeblackflow: tnx lemme check16:03
lotuspsychjeblackflow: looks pretty neat, but you also got those loop devices16:04
blackflowoh btw mine is an incomplete list, I just copypasted the first page :)16:04
lotuspsychjeblackflow: did you install snaps and purged?16:05
blackflowlotuspsychje: just installe pycharm-communty, nothing else snap-wise16:05
blackflowlotuspsychje: https://dpaste.de/QHS516:06
lotuspsychjeblackflow: how much ram do you have?16:11
blackflowlotuspsychje: 8G16:12
lotuspsychjeblackflow: 2 gig here16:12
aqdis nvidia's proprietary driver officially supported with wayland now? I installed 18.04 but wayland was the default16:12
lotuspsychjeaqd: xorg is default on 18.0416:13
aqdchanging to x server is no good; high cpu use with video + gnome 3 compositor, unity8's compiz too. cpu use of compositor was higher than that of mplayer (with vdpau on)16:14
aqdhmm okay16:14
lotuspsychjeaqd: latest nvidia driver seems to have better support on wayland already16:15
lotuspsychjeblackflow: what else could i try?16:15
aqdlotuspsychje, thx!!16:15
raidghostWhy is libvirtd running on ubuntu 16.04 LTS a pain when it comes to network speed ?16:15
blackflowlotuspsychje: I'd look into stracing service that are apparently lagging. gdm is a service I think? I'm not that much at home with the GUI, I'm a server guy :)16:16
raidghostBeen testing running a vm on libvirtd, Everything - networkspeed is perfect16:16
blackflowlotuspsychje: btw, have to step out for a while, bbl.16:16
lotuspsychjeblackflow: ok tnx anyway16:16
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Guest95247nvidia already develops drivers for linux like amd and intel or not yet, and you guys depend on linux developers?16:29
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uselessnoobi did it17:03
uselessnoobhell yea17:03
uselessnoob[UK] i did it. sorry i forgot ur name again lol17:06
WilliamCQAbout LTS, is there something one can install so thay don't have to update since the LTS came out?17:36
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: what do you mean exactly?17:36
WilliamCQwhich I assuming would amount to replacing > 1/4 of the original content17:37
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: start from the beginning mate, wich ubuntu version are you on, and whats your end goal?17:38
WilliamCQI think LTS is to be supported 5 yrs, say an LTS came out 3 yrs ago, installing the LTS that came 3 yrs ago would seemingly require a lot of updating to stay current17:38
WilliamCQI want to install the most recent LTS, but if possible d/l a sub-version of it that had updates applied to it, so the updating process will be shorter and there will be less d/l17:39
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: thats why there are point releases17:39
CookieMthere are „point updates” to LTSes, currently 16.04.0417:40
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: also we recommend your system to be always up to date, on every version of ubuntu17:40
WilliamCQby point I'm assuming that,s what's after the point and that the original LTS is .0017:40
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: its not wise, to keep a release 'old'17:40
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: when downloading an .iso from ubuntu.com, you will get the latest release17:42
WilliamCQI've been hammered the process of being current by Windows17:42
WilliamCQWindows has important updates and your system will reboot in 15 mins. Skip 10 mins, 1 hr, 4 hrs.17:42
lotuspsychjeWilliamCQ: thats a whole other story, that not really fit here17:43
WilliamCQmy point is I got accustomed to it by force17:43
CookieMyes, famous 'patch Tuesdays'17:43
lotuspsychje!usn | WilliamCQ why updating is important17:44
ubottuWilliamCQ why updating is important: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.17:44
CookieMon Ubuntu, you get security updates almost every day17:45
WilliamCQon an open system, I guess the need for security is a lot more.17:45
nightmare_hello everyone17:46
nightmare_I have a question about Telegram-Cli ... does anyone have any experience using it ?17:46
CookieMlinux is a lot of programs that do little the things and each program has its maintainers who issue security updates17:47
BenderRodrigueznightmare_: no17:47
BenderRodriguezdoes that answer your question?17:47
Xardon ubuntu 18.04: this is a minor thing but the adwaita cursor theme isn't installed by default and I can't find it from repositories either17:54
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ioriaXard, have you tried adwaita-icon-theme-full  ?18:17
FishPencilIs there a way to back up a mysql database and save the copy off the server? The server storage isn't large enough to hold two copies, so running mysqldump would fill up the remaining space18:29
phoenix_firebrdFishPencil: I am not sure if this could help, but take a look at this https://sqlitebrowser.org/18:31
vmesonFishPencil: I didnt read the entire linke but: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=back+up+a+mysql+database+network -> https://serverfault.com/questions/30543/mysql-database-backup-over-network18:32
phoenix_firebrdFishPencil: Its a qt app and I use it for managing sqlite database18:32
vmesonFishPencil: does that cover what you need to do?18:35
FishPencildoesn't that assume that there are two servers?18:36
WilliamCQI'm quite green in *nix, I'd like to create a multi-boot system on a USB stick, to put Lubuntu & Puppy on it.18:38
WilliamCQHow can I do that?18:41
Guest95247puppy's file manager doesnt show places nor disks, right?18:42
WilliamCQI've tried http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/ but I'm stuck at step #3, double-clicking it seem to load it in a text editor.18:46
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: you need to give the .sh file execute permission18:46
vmesonFishPencil: could be but a few of the other google hits suggested other backups that dump to a file. It seems like a common problem. Try one of them! Good luck.18:47
_unreal_sup.... I have a burned dvd that I have no idea whats on it. and it does not seem to be reading. any ideas how I could access it or what ubuntu software may attempt to access it?18:47
WilliamCQthere's already a checkmark for it18:47
Guest95247WilliamCQ, puppy's file manager doesnt show places nor disks, right?18:47
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: what does the stat command say about the file18:48
_unreal_its some kind of a DATA disk18:48
WilliamCQI'm quite green in *nix18:48
energizerSometimes I accidentally fill my laptop harddrive and then it freezes. Can I somehow cleverly prevent that from happening?18:50
Guest95247hey draba18:51
_unreal_google gave me the answer                     cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 -minfo 2>/dev/null | grep '^disk status:'             "mounted it" I had to install cdrskin18:53
_unreal_OMG..... the person that made this dvd burned 2 XLS files to a dual layer DVD both files are 12k each LOL18:54
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: do you know how to run a executable file from terminal?18:55
WilliamCQsadly no18:56
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: for example if the executable name is test.sh, you can run the executable by typing ./test.sh and press enter18:57
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: simply just append dot and a backslash before the filename and press enter18:58
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WilliamCQubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ./install-depot-multisystem.sh18:58
WilliamCQ Error: xterm18:58
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: only that error?18:59
WilliamCQyou mentioned ./ then backslash, which is the right?18:59
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: only ./18:59
WilliamCQcan you suggest another mean to make a multiboot usb stick?18:59
WilliamCQI got 2 ISOs18:59
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: do you have windows?19:00
_unreal_I love linux19:00
phoenix_firebrdme too19:00
WilliamCQphoenix_firebrd: hopefully I'll have it soon I'm having boot loader issue19:03
WilliamCQso I'm running this (ubuntu) live19:04
ioriaWilliamCQ, do you have xterm installed ?19:05
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: xboot is the best application I had used to create multiboot disks. try it.19:06
WilliamCQis it GUI?19:07
WilliamCQioria: using the sidebar tote then entering that both results are uninstalled19:07
ioriaWilliamCQ, sudo apt install xterm and run the script again19:07
WilliamCQioria: http://pastebin.com/n2Wdm1Qc19:09
ioriaWilliamCQ,  cat /etc/issue19:10
WilliamCQUbuntu 18.04 LTS \n \l19:10
ioriaWilliamCQ,  sudo apt update19:10
WilliamCQError: xterm19:11
Xardok, found out that the "Adwaita" mouse cursor theme doesn't have separate package and is not part of the adwaita-icon-theme package but is included in adwaita-icon-theme-full19:11
ioriadon't say19:11
WilliamCQperhaps the program is too old19:11
ioria!info xterm19:11
ubottuxterm (source: xterm): X terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 330-1ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 654 kB, installed size 1888 kB19:11
ioriaWilliamCQ,  sudo add-apt-repository universe19:11
ioriaWilliamCQ,  and sudo apt update again19:12
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: ya its a gui application19:12
WilliamCQ116 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.19:12
WilliamCQError: xterm19:12
ioriaWilliamCQ,  sudo apt install xterm19:13
phoenix_firebrdWilliamCQ: as far as i know there is no working gui application to create a multiboot disk from linux, but I may be wrong19:13
crobertsGui > cli19:13
WilliamCQwow that's a big program19:14
WilliamCQlike 40 Mb19:14
crobertsWe need more gui tools19:14
st-gourichon-fidHello. On a computer that runs 16.04 very well, I installed 18.04 on another partition, with same tools and usage patterns. A number of ordinary programs crash on 18.04 only. Is this just me or a general phenomenon?19:27
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:28
st-gourichon-fidExamples of program that crash: xrandr, disper (a python script), ptbatchergui (from hugin).19:28
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: do you see any error messages in the terminal?19:29
ioriast-gourichon-fid, xrandr crashes ?19:29
st-gourichon-fidI saw "double free or corruption"19:30
st-gourichon-fidioria, yes xrandr crashed. Though not always.19:30
st-gourichon-fidAnd with valgrind all those work. Valgrind complains of course, but the program no longer crashes.19:30
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: just to be clear, the 18.04 is a fresh install right?19:31
st-gourichon-fidYes, fresh install. I always do fresh installs in order to go back and forth between old and new until everything works right.19:31
st-gourichon-fidI'm suspecting either some low-level / subtle bug in compiler used to compile 18.04 binaries, or perhaps subtle effects of spectre/meltdown mitigation?19:31
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: very possibly19:32
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: I also came across a bug like that when I had compiled vlc from source19:32
st-gourichon-fidposted /proc/cpuinfo : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y6rvkqzckx/19:33
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: can you debug using strace?19:33
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, yes19:34
st-gourichon-fidI also tried gdb this week.19:34
st-gourichon-fidOne program that is easy because it crashes each time: disper. ... python script aren't expected to crash with segfault. And when they do, it's most certainly not in the scritp code.19:34
st-gourichon-fidWhenever I run "disper -d auto -e"19:35
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: then use this command to trace the last file accessed by any app that crash to see if thats the culprit, strace -e trace=file <executable?19:35
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: then use this command to trace the last file accessed by any app that crash to see if thats the culprit, strace -e trace=file <executable>19:35
st-gourichon-fidterminal says: Segmentation fault (core dumped)19:35
st-gourichon-fidwill do19:35
ioriast-gourichon-fid, maybe we need the exact error output and the cmd that causes that19:35
st-gourichon-fidexact command is "disper -d auto -e"19:36
st-gourichon-fidexact error on terminal is "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"19:36
st-gourichon-fidstrace shows a crash after reading my .Xauthority.19:37
ioriast-gourichon-fid, what is disper ?19:37
st-gourichon-fiddisper is a kind of xrandr wrapper that automatically arranges screen layout19:37
st-gourichon-fidubuntu crash reporter says something more precise19:37
st-gourichon-fidSegfault happened at:  0x... <XQueryExtension+45>: mov  0x968(%rdi),%rax19:38
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: ptbatchergui is that installed from the repositories or from a website?19:38
st-gourichon-fidI install from repository whenever possible. ptbatchergui is from official repositories.19:39
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: what does  ldd <executable> say?19:39
st-gourichon-fidI tried ltrace python /usr/bin/disper -d auto -e19:39
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: E: Unable to locate package ptbatchergui19:40
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: I cant find the package19:40
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, /usr/bin/PTBatcherGUI19:40
st-gourichon-fidpackage hugin19:41
st-gourichon-fidbut that one is a compled program and crashed only once in dozens of invocations.  Might be a bug in the program.19:41
st-gourichon-fidWhereas disper is probably an easier target to debug.19:41
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: let me check19:41
ioriast-gourichon-fid, apt-cache policy disper19:42
st-gourichon-fidpasted end of ltrace to https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YrrtbDV8Dz/19:44
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: I am getting segfault when I run python /usr/bin/disper -d auto -e19:44
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, cool! A repro.19:44
st-gourichon-fidapt-cache policy disper : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dZrybRSgDg/19:44
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: I have installed both hugin and disper packages from the repositories and tried the command19:45
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: does that command need root privileges?19:45
st-gourichon-fidldd /usr/bin/PTBatcherGUI  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bg6xFm34P5/19:45
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: that gui applications runs normally19:46
st-gourichon-fidPTBatcherGUI is a complex program which needs photos to handle. It worked dozens of times before crashing once on 18.04, there's little probability you can have it crash easily.19:46
ioriast-gourichon-fid, but it's not an ubuntu package19:46
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: you have no idea when that crash happens?19:47
st-gourichon-fidioria, do you mean it's "universe"19:47
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: somtimes feeding corrupt files or non standard files could cause a crash19:48
ioriast-gourichon-fid,  no, i mean you installed from elsewhere source19:48
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, sure. I offer we disregard PTBatcherGUI for now and focus on disper.19:48
st-gourichon-fidioria, installed using apt-get, no PPA or other source.19:48
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: ok19:48
ioriast-gourichon-fid,  dpkg -l | grep -i PTBatcherGUI19:49
yoda-piwhat up dudes19:49
st-gourichon-fidempty answer19:49
st-gourichon-fiddpkg -l | grep -i hugin19:49
st-gourichon-fidii  hugin                                        2018.0.0+dfsg-1                          amd64        panorama photo stitcher - GUI tools19:49
ioriast-gourichon-fid, ok19:50
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: can you check something for me?19:50
st-gourichon-fidThanks to phoenix_firebrd  I see the crash on python script disper is reproducible on another machine.  This is IMHO a good step.19:50
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, please ask19:50
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: can you run the command using sudo19:51
st-gourichon-fidthe disper command? ok19:51
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: ya19:51
st-gourichon-fidsegfault also19:51
st-gourichon-fidbut no core dumped19:51
phoenix_firebrdto run the command does the user needs to be in the video or display group?19:51
st-gourichon-fidstrace shows it crashed a little later than without sudo19:51
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, no need for special group or anything. It just worked in 16.04. In 18.04 it works when under valgrind control.19:52
st-gourichon-fidThis always crashes : disper -d auto -e19:53
st-gourichon-fidThis always works : valgrind disper -d auto -e19:53
ioriast-gourichon-fid,  no idea, i'd say something graphic driver related19:53
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebird, since you also saw the crash on disper, what's your display hardware?19:55
st-gourichon-fidalso, can anyone else try this: install disper package and run disper -d auto -e19:56
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ioriast-gourichon-fid,  no output19:58
Kartagisis LABEL=swap      /var/swap.img   none    swap sw 0 0 good for /etc/fstab?19:59
Kartagisthe guide didn't mention a LABEL, so...19:59
syb0rgyeah you don't want that LABEL=swap entry20:00
syb0rgeverything else looks good20:00
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: intel hd graphics 63020:01
syb0rgassuming you have a swap file at /var/swap.img20:01
syb0rgKartagis ^20:01
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: when you run xrandr what do you see20:01
EriC^^jemesi: hi20:02
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, xrandr alone works at the moment.20:08
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, my laptop has an integrated Intel GPU plus a GeForce GTX GPU, the so-called "optimus" hardware arrangement.20:09
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: ok20:11
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=157752320:12
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1577523 in disper "[abrt] disper: XQueryExtension(): python2.7 killed by SIGSEGV" [Unspecified,New]20:13
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: could be that?20:13
* st-gourichon-fid reads https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=157752320:16
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1577523 in disper "[abrt] disper: XQueryExtension(): python2.7 killed by SIGSEGV" [Unspecified,New]20:16
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, disper -l crashes also.20:17
st-gourichon-fidShould I open a bug on launchpad with reference to that redhat bug?20:17
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: give me few mins, I am trying to see if thats the one20:18
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, interesting. How do you plan to check that?20:20
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: use gdb to see if it crashes on the same function XQueryExtension20:22
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: I have to take a break, I will be back in 20 mins20:22
syb0rgSo I am trying to install libvncserver1 on 16.04, but apt says: "Package libvncserver1 is not available, but is referred to by another package." However it appears to be in the xenial repo, as I found this page: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libvncserver120:23
syb0rgany ideas?20:23
st-gourichon-fidphoenix_firebrd, yes crash in XQueryExtension20:26
tomreynsyb0rg: did you apt update before you tried installing it?20:28
syb0rgyep tomreyn20:28
syb0rgand here is the sources.list https://pastebin.com/CzL1xbPp20:29
tomreynsyb0rg: please show the output oitpuf of these commands: cat /proc/version; lsb_release -ds; apt update; apt-cache policy; apt-cache policy libvncserver120:29
tomreynsyb0rg: actually, you disabled "main", that's not going to work.20:30
Bashing-omsyb0rg: tomreyn :: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libvncserver1 says it is there in the repo .20:30
syb0rgok cool, no clue how that could have happened20:30
tomreynsyb0rg: not by itself, usually ;)20:31
syb0rgheh, indeed. I don't even recall messing with the sources.list on this particular machine though20:31
syb0rgso do I just uncomment the first line?20:32
syb0rgany other weirdnes in there that should be addressed?20:32
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tomreyn!sources | syb0rg20:36
ubottusyb0rg: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.20:36
syb0rgok, thanks tomreyn20:37
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zaistein Bionic, how can I set Ruby 2.5 to be default when executed with `ruby` ?20:42
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid:  ya seems that the bug causing the crash20:42
Bashing-omsyb0rg: My working example of a stripped down/compacted  sources.list file; where in this install I have no need of any src code.20:42
Bashing-omhttp://termbin.com/p4gq .20:43
phoenix_firebrdst-gourichon-fid: but you need to install the debugging symbols then get the proper backtrace to file a bug report20:43
syb0rgok, thanks Bashing-om, that's helpful20:44
Danawar[UK]Hi Ubuntu i am having issues running 2 programs after an update this morning if any one could help it would be greatly appreciated. https://pastebin.com/c4JiUEBB20:49
Bashing-omsyb0rg: :) As you can see there .. this is a cosmic release and my mirror is - steadfast.net - in Chicago USA . Change to suite your own needs .20:50
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: I think you have some driver issues20:50
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: I mean display driver20:51
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: I am using proprietary drivers (I think that is what they are called.)20:51
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: The ones that came with ubuntu20:51
syb0rgindubitably, Bashing-om20:51
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: can you uninstall and reinstall the graphics drivers and see if that solves the issue, also dont forget to restart your system after reinstalling the graphics driver20:52
Bashing-omDanawar[UK]: 18.04 AND the wayland desktop ?20:52
Danawar[UK]Bashing-om: Tried x11 and wayland20:52
Bashing-omDanawar[UK]: in wayland nvida continues to work at it .. in wayland need to be able to use the newest 396 driver .20:54
Danawar[UK]Bashing-om: I dont think i have an nvidia drvier -  product: Cape Verde XT [Radeon HD 7770/8760 / R7 250X]20:55
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]:  "cannot open display: :0", you usually get that message when you have issues with your graphics driver20:56
Bashing-omDanawar[UK]: Yup .. AMD ... they provide the driver now in the kernel .20:56
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: can you see if mir is running?20:56
Danawar[UK]Bashing-om: Yes it was working before but must not be working properly now! :(20:56
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: I dont know what mir is cannot find it in ps aux.20:57
phoenix_firebrd!mid | Danawar[UK]20:57
phoenix_firebrd!mir | Danawar[UK]20:57
ubottuDanawar[UK]: Mir is a display server developed by Canonical and Ubuntu. From Ubuntu 17.04 ( Zesty Zapus ) onward, emphasis has shifted to embedded devices and applications, notably UBports as stated by Mark Shuttleworth ( https://plus.google.com/+MarkShuttleworthCanonical/posts/7LYubpaHUHH ). Regular Ubuntu 17.10 onwards will use GNOME.20:57
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: spotify seems to depend on mir20:58
Danawar[UK]On wiki "however the plan changed and Wayland was adopted."20:58
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: I am currently using Wayland20:58
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: I am sorry I think flare depends on it20:59
Bashing-omDanawar[UK]: I am not up2date with 18.04 graphics .. a lot has changed; but, we can poke at it and see what we can learn . pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' to see if drivers are loaded .20:59
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: Spotify worked yesterday.20:59
Danawar[UK]Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/65eufYZ521:00
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: did you by any chance run the apps using root permission?21:00
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: No21:00
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: you are using spotify snap right?21:02
Bashing-omDanawar[UK]: Driver is loaded, so much for that thought .21:02
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: Both are snap21:02
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: can you try spotify from a beta channel?21:02
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: How do i do this?21:03
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phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: Just now installed the spotify snap and spotify starts without issue21:05
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: but I dont have an account so I cant test further21:05
OpenSorceThis maybe a #hardware question but... I just shoved Lubuntu down this old HP laptop/tablets throat. I can twist and fold the screen down but when I put it back into a laptop configuration the keyboard isn't working.21:05
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: Yes i dont think the problem is with spotify or your computer it think myn is the problem :P21:05
SporkWitchoh look, the matrix bots...21:05
OpenSorceWhy do the bots have to flood in and hide my question like that?!?21:06
SporkWitchOpenSorce: think you need a udev rule to toggle that in both directions; sounds like it's only toggling it off, not back on21:07
usbehciHello all, I have one question. Dropbox icon does seem ugly at status bar next to volume, wifi, and power icons21:08
OpenSorceSporkWitch, cool I'll look that up!21:08
SporkWitchthat's not a question21:08
usbehciHow can I embed dropbox icon between those?21:08
SporkWitchOpenSorce: you might also look for that model specifically, as different two-in-one devices handle things differently21:09
usbehciOr how should I search on internet to solve my problem?21:09
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: Is there a way you can test if the graphics driver are ok?21:09
OpenSorceSporkWitch, kk thanks again21:09
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: Plot twist uninstalling spotify and reinstalling fixed the issue21:10
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: however i don't want to uninstall flarerpg as i will lose game data :(. This also seems like a very hacky fix.21:10
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: I have no idea how to test if the drivers are ok (Other programs work)21:11
phoenix_firebrdusbehci: you can find where the dropbox icon is and replace it with a good one21:11
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: oh21:11
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: is there a way to backup the game data?21:11
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: I am in thier channel now so im sure they will advise but i wish snaps were more robust :(21:12
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: ya, its a work in progress21:12
usbehciShould give it a try21:12
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phoenix_firebrdusbehci: how did you install dropbox21:12
phoenix_firebrdyinye: hello21:13
usbehcifrom .deb file21:13
usbehcidownloaded via their website21:13
Guest5303dark  web21:13
usbehciby the way, I use communitheme under 18.04,21:14
phoenix_firebrdusbehci: can you give me the link to the .deb file21:14
monkersI've installed ubuntu server 16.04 on an Intel NUC along with plex media server.  Plex Media server is causing segfaults in the kern.log and also i see running 'lsb_release -a' causes 'Segmentation fault' (core dumped).  This is a fresh isntall of image ubuntu-16.04.4-server-amd64.iso.  Any ideas whats going on or how i can troubleshoot this? Hardware problem?21:16
phoenix_firebrdusbehci: the icons are in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>x<size>/apps/dropbox.png, replace those with the ones you desire and you will get the desired dropbox icon in the systemtray21:18
usbehciok lets give it a try21:18
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: Reinstall of flare-rpg worked also could be a bug with snappy and opengl or somthing21:21
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: your game data?21:21
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: I moved /home/daniel/snap/flare-rpg/current/.local/share/flare/saves/empyrean to my desktop and ill move it back21:22
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: but have a copy of that too21:22
Danawar[UK]phoenix_firebrd: All good it loaded perfectly.21:24
phoenix_firebrdDanawar[UK]: nice21:24
phoenix_firebrdyinye: you need help?21:24
OpenSorceWell, it seems udev is telling the keyboard to come back on but it isn't. I tried it with a virtual keyboard (xinput enable '<device name>') no luck21:24
OpenSorceOnly comes back when I reboot.21:24
SporkWitchOpenSorce: what makes you think it's telling it to turn back on?  Keep in mind that udev rules need to be reloaded if changed21:25
phoenix_firebrdyinye: new to linux?21:25
yinyephoenix_firebrd:: yes i am21:26
phoenix_firebrdyinye: welcome21:26
phoenix_firebrdyinye: do you need any help?21:26
SporkWitchTempleOS > all ^_-21:26
OpenSorceSporkWitch, well I need to verify it but from what I've read the command it would issue to re-enable it would be the xinput one.21:26
SporkWitchOpenSorce: you said udev was sending it, if you changed anything, make sure to restart to make sure it uses the changes (there's commands to reload udev without a reboot, but i can't remember them off the top of my head)21:27
yinyephoenix_firebrd::thank you. Please, can you advise on materials that coud help me with the learning process.21:27
OpenSorceSporkWitch, yeah I need to find the udev conf files and make sure21:27
SporkWitchyinye: open a terminal, type "man man"; also, search engines are your friend21:28
phoenix_firebrdyinye: just ubuntu or linux?21:28
OpenSorceman man... hawt21:28
OpenSorceSorry, brb reading21:28
SporkWitchOpenSorce: it's the manual page for the manual system :)21:28
OpenSorceSporkWitch, I know :-)21:29
yinyeSporkWitch:: thank you21:29
phoenix_firebrdyinye: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/index.html21:29
SporkWitchyinye: np.  For broad questions, a search engine is your best first stop; if it's specific to a program, check the manpage first.  If you have _specific_ questions, and you're not finding any clear answered when you search, ask here, and be detailed :)21:30
OpenSorceSporkWitch, well I'm wrong. There appears to be very little in /etc/udev21:31
phoenix_firebrdyinye: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.11/index.html21:32
OpenSorceIf udev was handling that it would be in udev.conf rules.d or hwdb.d right?21:32
phoenix_firebrdyinye: thats for linux21:32
phoenix_firebrdyinye: you can auto complete a nick name here by using the tab key21:33
phoenix_firebrdyinye: when you want to speak anything other than ubuntu you can use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel21:34
yinyephoenix_firebrd, :) thanks21:36
phoenix_firebrdyinye: you are welcome21:36
pikapikaDoes anyone here uses firefox? Is it true they removed the refresh/stop button?22:02
benergyHey guys... I've just installed Ubuntu 18.04, and my document viewer (evince, I guess) does not show a GUI. I realize this was a discussed bug - do you know any way to fix this? Thanks!22:09
pnwiseIs it there /etc/rc.local if you install with btrfs?22:13
pnwiseohh systemd22:15
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OpenSorceGotta share this because it actually works... It's an online tool to create and install a custom splash screen. https://github.com/raph-ael/plymouth-generator22:37
OpenSorceIt's the second one. The first is the github code.22:37
ZenADésoléé, je suis mode #giga  "c'eest réaiste"22:39
ZenAen frait22:40
ZenAen vrai22:40
ZenAla realité22:42
ZenApiuissanvr soixante puissiatnte 2522:43
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e291how do i copy i file in roots folders23:47
e291i'm in kde23:47
e291using dolphin23:47
oerheksyou need to be root, but Executing Dolphin as root is not possible.23:48
e291so you have to use the terminal?23:50
oerhekswell, there seems to be an option to enable that again ... https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread.php?tid=2425123:50
e291i'm copyng a plugin in a software folder23:51
oerheksso you really need a reason to do so23:51
e291this shoun't take more then 10 second23:51
e291why is it so hard to copy a file23:51
e291what a waste of time23:56

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