
xxoxxhi. what is   /media/sf__backups_00:03
icogone291: Install pcmanfm (sudo apt install pcmanfm) and then launch the new file manager as root (sudo pcmanfm) and copy the needed files.00:03
xxoxx_backups_  mounted on   /media/sf__backups_00:03
xxoxxI just noticed this on mount table.  What is it?00:04
xxoxx never mind....  it's a VirtualBox shared folder ...00:08
nolaanHi guys is there a way to configure vncserver to run gnome ?00:08
xxoxxsilly question00:08
nolaanSo far all the internet tutorials failed00:08
nolaanonly xvfb worked but could not login00:09
stvndon't worry about that one00:14
stvnbtw it is nice 18.04 has a good kernel driver for intel gfx00:16
Guest78930hey guys00:30
Guest78930yall lame thereis 16,000 plus people and O ONEIS TALKING00:31
oerhekswell, this is the ubuntu technical support channel00:34
oerheksso ask, wait and see00:34
gambl0rehow do you get system info like this00:39
oerheksneofetch i think00:41
oerhekshostnamectl status # is also fun00:42
WilliamCQis this channle logged?00:53
strivegambl0re: neofetch or screenfetch00:53
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/00:53
oerheksWilliamCQ, yes00:53
gambl0reif i already have sublime text but i want to install an older build, do i need to uninstall and install version or can i just overwrite with an older version?01:01
gambl0reeveryone sleeping?01:03
oerheksgambl0re, sublime text is not in our repo's, so yes, removing would be wise01:11
gambl0reoerheks, is there a way to install a specific build of sublime text01:12
oerheksthere is a snap, not sure from who01:12
gambl0rea snap?01:12
oerheksyes, it is commercial software, so i don't care01:13
WilliamCQunfortunatly my system froze at the end of http://pastebin.com/Prbt0eme earlier so I guess I'll have to go for the alternate, what was suggested: xboot. I'm quite green at this *Ubuntu), hw should I proceed?01:14
oerheksxboot .. do they provide a manual ?01:17
oerhekslooking @ http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-make-a-multiboot-usb-in-linux-and-windows it seems drag and drop & click with a mouse01:18
gpgguiI need some help finding a GUI tool that uses GPG to encrypt some local files and folders01:22
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gpgguiif anyone has some suggestions that are lighweight please let me know01:26
WilliamCQit froze my system, I'm not running thqat again01:27
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WilliamCQI tried to install it http://pastebin.com/kgWCuYCp help?02:09
WilliamCQI'm very new02:10
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leftyfbWilliamCQ: multisystem is not supported here. Seek support from liveusb.info.02:30
WilliamCQdoes here support any multiboot usb stick making?02:31
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rob_slackwareHi all, I'd like to know which are the main differences between debian and ubuntu02:54
rob_slackwareand where should I get any article that describes these differences02:54
oerhekssure you cannot find such information ? https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-Ubuntu-and-Debian03:01
oerheksand https://www.ubuntu.com/community/debian03:01
rob_slackwaresure I can find these information... you've provided me them already03:01
lotuspsychje!debian | rob_slackware03:03
ubotturob_slackware: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!03:03
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: as you are in the ubuntu channel, we reccomend using ubuntu03:04
rob_slackwareok, ubottu, now I ask you: why repositories meant for Debian should not be used on ubuntu ? It looks me that the opposite of this preposition makes sense....03:04
rob_slackwarelotuspyschje, I'd like to test ubuntu but tried to install it on vbox (ubuntu desktop version), but it wasn't possible.03:05
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: did you really read the link?03:06
oerhekswhat would be the reason to add debian repos ..03:06
rob_slackwareI had a problem trying to install ubuntu on virtual box: the complete screen didn't appear to go ahead on installation process03:07
rob_slackwarefine, oerheks, if ubuntu has its enough and adequate repos, in fact there is no need for proceeding like that.03:08
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: wich ubuntu version did you try on vbox?03:08
rob_slackware18.04, lotuspsychje03:08
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: explain what was happening03:09
rob_slackware16.04 lts was fine03:09
rob_slackwarethe complete screen didn't appear to go ahead on installation process03:09
rob_slackwareI didn't have access to bottom to go ahead on the installation screens03:09
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: wich screen did what in wich point exactly?03:09
rob_slackwareNow I don't remember, I can try it again and pass you more detailed information, but I'm sure it was in the beginning of installation process03:10
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: to be able to help you, we need detailed information03:10
rob_slackwareI can download ubuntu .iso again and repeat the process in few minutes, if you permit me03:10
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rob_slackwareok, lotuspsychje, I'll do that: download again ubuntu .iso and start again in vbox03:11
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: also try the iso physical on your machine as test? live?03:11
rob_slackwareyes, used .iso to add to vbox03:11
WoCrob_slackware, which os are you using to host the virtualbox ?03:12
rob_slackwaredownloading .iso again - it's about 1.8 gb03:12
rob_slackwareDebian Stretch 9.4, WoC03:13
rob_slackwareused the same in Slackware 14.203:13
rob_slackwareand in FreeBSD 11.103:13
rob_slackwarethese 3 OS03:13
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IcemanV9are you saying Ubuntu failed to install in virtualbox on all three OS's? then, it must be corrupted Ubuntu iso03:20
rob_slackwareok, IcemanV9, let's try to fix this issue now, I'm really interested on testing ubuntu, for it's debian based and I love Debian03:22
rob_slackwarethe main reference about debian and ubuntu comparison I have currently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NJJ_f18D9s03:26
rob_slackwarebut it's not enough for me....03:26
rob_slackwareplease, does zfs run natively in ubuntu ?03:26
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: please dont use this channel for polls or comparison, ubuntu support only03:28
lotuspsychje!zfs | rob_slackware03:28
ubotturob_slackware: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS03:28
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rob_slackwareok ubottu, thanks, ok lotuspsychje, sorry for inconvenience for my fault, it wasn't my intention, awfully sorry03:29
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: you can use #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for chat/polls etc03:30
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rob_slackwareok, lotuspsychje, thank you, that's very kind of you !03:31
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RandolfI'm interested in installing Modx on Ubuntu Linux.  Is there a PPA for Modx?  Thanks.03:46
lapionSo yesterday I had a very strange problem03:47
lotuspsychjelapion: we dont suggest adding external ppa's to ubuntu03:47
lotuspsychjeRandolf: ^ was for you03:47
lapionall of a sudden after after updating ubuntu lightdm would not work anymore03:47
Randolflotuspsychje:  Thanks.03:47
lapionwithout warning03:48
Randolflotuspsychje:  Yes, I'm aware.  I'm not a fan of them either.  I couldn't find Modx in apt using the default setup.03:48
lapionno usable error messages whatsoever03:48
lotuspsychjelapion: did you try a lightdm restart?03:48
Randolf(I recently had a user who needed PHP 5.x, and we had to use a PPA for that.  I am still trying to get them up to PHP 7 so that we can eliminate that PPA.)03:48
rob_slackwarethat's the problem here: on keyboard layout screen, I have 'Quit' and 'Back' bottom but not 'next' bottom accessible....03:49
rob_slackwareso, I can't go ahead in the installation process03:49
lapionin the end from xinit i found out that lightdm had differen library dependancies03:49
lotuspsychjerob_slackware: use TAB to switch to next button03:50
lapionlibwayland-egl-mesa was installed03:50
lapionhowever lightdm no was depending on libwayland-egl ( no mesa)03:51
rob_slackwareused TAB to switch to next button, but it doesn't appear... only 'install ubuntu' screen, exactly where I am now03:51
rob_slackwareI don't have any option to go ahead here....03:52
lapionlotuspsychje, that did not work at all03:53
lapionlotuspsychje, I had to remove libwayland-egl-mesa and install libwayland-egl03:54
rob_slackwarewell, the same issue on the 3 referred OSes I used to host ubuntu in vbox03:54
rob_slackwareplease, any suggestion about how to fix this issue ?03:54
lapionlotuspsychje, all of a sudden libwayland-egl-mesa was not a virtual package for libtwayland-egl anymore03:58
lapioncorrection: lotuspsychje, all of a sudden libwayland-egl was not a virtual package for libtwayland-egl-mesa anymore03:59
OpenSorceI have Ubuntu 18.04 on an old HP TC 4400. Whenever I fold the screen down to tablet mode it turns off the keyboard as it should, however it does not re-enable the keyboard when I bring the screen back up. I've tried using "xinput enable '<device name>' "and "xinput reattach <#> <#>" neither brings it back. I can't see anything in dmesg that helps. Any ideas?03:59
OpenSorceI've also done "xset -dpms"04:01
lapionOpenSorce, dmesg will not show anything, try looking in ~/.xsession-errors or /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:02
OpenSorcelapion, thank you will do!04:02
pressure679Is there a "seek offset" option for cat? I found something with sed and awk, but they are slow compared to the option golang provides (os.File.Seek()).04:04
lapionOpenSorce, or try checking with ; systemctl status "whatever displaymanager you are using"04:04
rob_slackwarewell, no solution around here, ubuntu installation can't go ahead on vbox, so, I don't have other choice.. just give up...04:04
pressure679Should I provide such software for Canonical? I am not sure how to go about this.04:05
lapionrob_slackware, try asking the question online with a screencapture of the virtualbox04:07
rob_slackwarewell, that's enough for me, lapion, I'll try to install it on real hardware afterwards04:08
rob_slackwarethanks, anyway04:08
OpenSorcelapion, nothing jumps out at me in ~/.xsession-errors there doesn't seem to be a /var/log/Xorg.o.log04:10
lapionOpenSorce, /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:11
lapionOpenSorce, or /var/log/Xorg.1.log04:11
Bashing-omOpenSorce: /var/log/Xorg.0.log - that is a zero .04:13
OpenSorceBashing-om, doh!04:13
OpenSorceNote to self: change the font in your chat client...04:14
Bashing-omOpenSorce: All in getting comfortable with the tools :)04:15
OpenSorceBashing-om, I'm getting old and I can see this font better. But it's useless is an o like a 0 :-P04:16
OpenSorceLet's see if I can reporduce the error and see what the log says.04:18
Bashing-omOpenSorce: Well, the zero is slightly larger than the oh - amd in my terminal/fonts the zero has a dot in the center .04:18
lapionlotuspsychje, you're probbaly right I will have to check with oibaf/graphics ppa04:18
lapionprobably right04:18
Bashing-omOpenSorce: I am not familiar with a tablet - but maybe an ACPI issue ? see: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html .04:20
OpenSorceNothing that makes sense in either log files... I wonder what is turning it off? Udev? APCI?04:20
OpenSorceBashing-om, nothing in /etc/acpi looks like it does this. There are files for an asus keyboard backlight and docking/undocking though04:22
OpenSorceSame with /etc/udev04:22
OpenSorceGah, I know this is a fine OS and I mean no disrespect but I sort of miss the days when you built and compile Linux yourself. At least then you knew what was running and whatnot.04:23
lotuspsychje!dmesg | OpenSorce04:24
ubottuOpenSorce: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.04:24
OpenSorcelotuspsychje, right04:24
OpenSorceThat was the first thing I tried04:25
OpenSorceWell, suspending and then waking the machine up seems to fix the keyboard. Okay, I have enough to root out the problem now. Thanks for you time and help folks!04:29
_unreal_how would I do a DD copy of a harddrive only copying the data on the partitions and writing zeros for the unused space so it doesnt take up space. I have a 160g HD that has 9gb written on it. I dont want to make a 160g image04:36
Random832_unreal_, what filesystem is it04:38
Random832lol you're in luck ntfs is the only filesystem it's possible to do this with04:38
Random832look at the ntfsclone tool04:38
_unreal_I have a harddrive that has lost data on it but I dont want to loose the current data that is readable.04:38
Wulf_unreal_: fill up your disk with huge file containing only zero bytes04:38
_unreal_so I'm making a backup of it so I can do a testdisk recovery of the lost data04:39
Random832(the alternative would be to just mount the image and make a tar file)04:39
Random832but of course that won't keep fancy ntfs stuff like file permissions and ownership04:39
Random832anyway look at ntfsclone04:39
Random832Wulf, he definitely does not want to do that.04:40
Random832anyway can't you have testdisk write its stuff on a different drive and leave the subject filesystem alone?04:41
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Random832ok apparently there's a thing called partclone that can do it for other filesystems too04:43
happyfr0ggWhere can04:51
happyfr0ggWhere can I go to find add ons for LxPanel for LXDE?04:51
happyfr0ggGoogle is not helping me.04:52
guiverchappyfr0gg, you could try #lubuntu or #lxde if you don't get answers here.  I'd suggest #lubuntu first (after seeing if you get a response here)04:54
happyfr0ggguiverc, thanks. Will do.04:56
guiverchappyfr0gg, this is the best I can find online (http://www.linuceum.com/Distros/osDesktopConfigLXDE.php which primarily is for 12.04; but LXDE is ~same anyway as Lubuntu are moving to Qt (LXQt in 18.10)); however it primarily tells you how to add from system, and not where to find more applets05:01
WilliamCQhow can I play h.264 & AAC videos in totem? I get the error on http://websiteforstudents.com/watch-videos-ubuntu-17-10/05:01
guivercWilliamCQ, did you add the codecs as that article says to?  (sorry I don't use totem, so don't know if it uses different codecs..)05:15
stvnwhut do i do then05:24
stvni have ubuntu 18.04 lts05:24
WilliamCQguiverc: yes05:25
guivercWilliamCQ, sorry I can't help; a scan at https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-bad-plugins/html/ makes it look like you've installed correct codecs if you installed all listed in your provided doc (for totem); you could try vlc or mpv maybe05:34
pressure679How does one upload a package to the ubuntu software center? Does it have to be approved by a Canonical associate first?05:34
guivercpressure679, this may help (your answer depends on where you want it..) https://askubuntu.com/questions/16446/how-to-get-my-software-into-ubuntu05:35
nicholasBPMwhen copying multiple lines of text from one terminal to another line breaks always get messed up for me, is there any solution?05:36
gde33I cant find anything on sharing internet or creating a network without a password05:39
gde33something like piratebox would be nice05:40
guivercnicholasBPM, what terminal do you use (just wondering if that's the issue; I've never noticed an issue)05:41
nicholasBPMguiverc, i use gnome05:42
guivercnicholasBPM, i just tried gnome-terminal and didn't have an issue. my line breaks appeared as \0x0a  (hex 0a or LF) - i'm wondering what you see that is creating an issue.. (i saved a file & `hexdump -C` the copy)05:46
nicholasBPMguiverc, if i open a gnome terminal, ssh to remote server, open a file with nano, copy the text and paste it on my local computer the line breaks are all messed up05:50
uselessnoobhi. i have installed ubuntu on a usb disk (not live usb) it worked fine last night but when i want to use on my desktop pc after selecting ubuntu in gru it says cannot find boot partition05:51
nicholasBPMguiverc, i run latest ubuntu05:51
guivercnicholasBPM, i suspect your nano is trying to autospace (ie. if last indent was 4, it adds four spaces to next line - meaning indent probably gets bigger), ie. your issue is with nano & not Ubuntu...05:52
guivercnicholasBPM, if you turn off autospace (or whatever its called in nano; i use vi) you'll probably find it works fine...  (i had the same issue in vim at one stage too)05:52
uselessnoobbut when i connect it to my laptop its just shows me an error and after i click on a key it boots into xubuntu normally05:53
nicholasBPMguiverc, thank you05:54
uselessnoobwhat should i do ?05:54
nicholasBPMguiverc, when copying multiple lines, more lines than you can see in one window (so you need to scroll) do you now how to do that from one terminal window to another?05:56
guivercuselessnoob, your grub (setup during install) is installed on hdd?  or usb?   if you installed to usb; you need the grub installed on that usb to only expect itself (refer to itself) to ensure no errors on other systems where disk UUIDs will differ  (I realize this may confuse you - sorry if it does)05:56
uselessnoobi have installed grub on the usb05:56
uselessnoobso what should i do ?05:57
uselessnoobyeah like on my old laptop it thinks there is windows 10 but there isnt. my old laptop runs windows 705:57
uselessnoobso can i change that guiverc ?05:58
guivercnicholasBPM, i can't be specific; but i've too had that issue, and on some terms, and just didn't use those terms (or  edit-pref & increased scroll back); but still sometimes found it a pain so do it other ways; I can't help better on that sorry05:58
uselessnoobi can access a console in grub btw05:58
nicholasBPMguiverc, thanks for your reply, i feel better knowing i am not alone with that issue.05:58
rxdeathhey all this has been annoying the crap out of me on 16.04, my eth1 won't auto connect on reboot05:59
rxdeathi have to click it under the network symbol, so sometimes when i do a remote remote for whatever reason, ican't reconnect through ssh or something05:59
uselessnoobguiverc, do u know how can i make grub not to look for other OSs ?06:00
guivercuselessnoob, i'd ensure you refer to UUID's [unique id's] in grub (and not /dev/sda4 or letters and numbers as they'll change between systems)06:00
rxdeathi've4 assigned a static ip in interfaces06:00
uselessnoobwhat is UUID ?06:00
uselessnoobxubuntu and grub are installed in /dev/sdc1 (my usb disk)06:00
rxdeathuselessnoob: sudo blkid06:01
rxdeathyoull see the uuids in there06:01
guivercuselessnoob, i'd fix via hacks which isn't elegant nor worthy of this room... UUID = unique id; `sudo blkid` will show /dev/sd??, label, UUID & more for partitions...06:01
rxdeathits a hardware identifier, not a random path that could change if you move your hard drives etc06:01
uselessnoobso i cant fix this problem guiverc ?06:02
uselessnoob /dev/sdb1: UUID="58e3ee05-5cd2-4007-ba01-e2b945e3f5a4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="01bd7d6e-01"06:03
uselessnoobthats my usb disk06:03
guivercuselessnoob, no it doesn't mean it can't be fixed; because i'd fix via hack I'd hope you can get it fixed by someone else who knows a better way; so my suggestion really is to wait (or ask again later).  I'd modify your grub to make it universal via hack; the hassle with my probable approach is updates can cause it to get lost; meaning you have to fix - a hack06:05
uselessnoobso am i the only guy on planet that installed ubuntu on a usb stick ? im pretty sure someone had this problem too.06:06
uselessnoobguiverc, u mean updating xubuntu will cause that hack to get lost ?06:08
guivercuselessnoob, no you're not the only guy - i've done it twice having your issue, one fix was perfect without side effects, the other had the issue I'm worried I'll repeat with you.  And yeah, updates to kernel MAY (not will, may) cause my hack to get lost (if I don't do it correctly)... why I'm suggesting you try again when others can help you better than I could :)06:12
rxdeathwell that didn't work06:12
uselessnooboh ok06:12
rxdeathanyone have any ideas, i don't know wtf the deal it's super annoying06:12
uselessnoobso there ais another way besides hacking06:12
rxdeathi have auto infront of the name in interfaces and it looks like its setup correct06:17
rxdeathbut when i reboot no network until i lick on eth 1 under the rj45 port looking icon06:17
rxdeathdo i need to reset everything to fefault and start over, is there a command the puts its all back to default06:18
rxdeathno one has had this problem?06:20
uselessnoobwhere can i find #ubuntu s logs from yesterday ?06:22
rxdeathprobably in your chat client somewhere06:22
rxdeathis anyone answering here tonite or is it dead06:22
rxdeathi have what should be a pretty simple question but i'm getting no bites, is this the support channel or am in the wrong place06:23
uselessnoobrxdeath,  i used live cd yesterday.06:23
rxdeaththen you will not be able to get the logs06:23
uselessnoobi can ubuntu has a log site but i cant remember its url06:23
uselessnoobubuntu-en ?06:26
rxdeath#ubuntu.txt  or #ubuntu.html06:26
uselessnoobgot it06:27
ducasse!log | uselessnoob06:29
ubottuuselessnoob: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/06:29
uselessnoobi found what i wanted06:29
oerheksthose are useless to noobs06:29
uselessnoobDanawar[UK] are u online ?07:15
pressure679guiverc: I almost figured it out, the launchpad method, but now I have been lead down some "snap" road, which confuses me a bit. I actually just build it using the go compiler for ubuntu 18.04, I have not tried snap before.07:33
z3lHello. I have installed ubuntu 18.04 through RufusUsb alongside WIndows 7 Home Premium. When I had restarted the pc only windows 7 showed up. No grub or anything else.07:57
z3lHow to repair that through Ubuntu Live Usb ?07:57
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lotuspsychje!recovergrub | z3l07:57
ubottuz3l: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub07:57
lotuspsychje!dualboot | z3l see also07:58
ubottuz3l see also: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:58
z3lThank you.07:58
lotuspsychjez3l: how did you partition exactly for dualboot?07:58
z3llotuspsychje: The normal way, the ubuntu provided. It sliced down the secondary partition of NTFS by 60GB08:00
lotuspsychjez3l: your system is uefi or regular?08:01
z3llotuspsychje: I dont know.08:02
lotuspsychjez3l: you can check in your bios if you see secureboot, legacy,fastboot then its uefi08:02
z3lI repaired grub by Boot-repair tool. Let me restart the pc.08:02
z3lNo, it is not UEFI.08:02
z3llet me restart. be back soon.08:03
lotuspsychjegood luck08:03
uselessnoobso i have installed xubuntu and it looks ugly af. how can i make it more like ubuntu ?08:07
z3lIt works.08:08
lotuspsychje!yay | z3l08:09
ubottuz3l: Glad you made it! :-)08:09
lotuspsychje!themes | uselessnoob08:09
ubottuuselessnoob: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:09
ducasseuselessnoob: questions about theming xubuntu are probably better asked in #xubuntu08:11
uselessnoobok so how can i install a theme ? i downloaded one from  http://www.gnome-look.org08:12
uselessnoobducasse, they are offline08:12
ducasseuselessnoob: then wait and try later08:13
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phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR2y0xOIIdI08:14
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: xubuntu's de is xfce08:15
uselessnoobwhic is ugly08:15
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: ya08:15
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: try the method shown in the video08:15
uselessnoobi wanna install this theme https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1013741/08:16
uselessnoobbtw can themes make my pc slower ?08:16
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: yes08:17
uselessnoobwell thats not good08:18
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: I am not sure if a gnome theme will be compatible to a xfce one, but give it a try. But be prepared for if something bad happens08:18
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: but will slow little08:19
uselessnoobnvm its not worth the risk.08:19
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: what cpu do you use?08:19
uselessnoobClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E7400  @ 2.80GHz (1.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 2.9 GiB Total (1.9 GiB Free) Swap: 675.0 MiB Total (675.0 MiB Free) • Storage: 137.9 GB / 209.9 GB (71.9 GB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] @ Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller • Uptime: 50m 20s08:19
uselessnoobbtw ubuntu is installed on a usb drive08:20
uselessnoobso i can run my ubuntu on a faster pc.08:20
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: you have a good cpu and system, theme wont slow your system much, it will be non noticeable08:20
uselessnoobk thanks08:21
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: yw08:21
phoenix_firebrduselessnoob: also if you have more doubts or need help regarding look or theme in xubuntu you could ask in #xfce, there will be more active people there08:23
uselessnooboh nice. thanks08:24
granttrecfresh install with lightdm and unity desktop on ubuntu server 16.04, is there a config file I have to set for light dm to log in? currently fails to start session08:37
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: when you try to login it comes back to the login screen?08:39
granttrecphoenix_firebrd: yeah, doesn;t take me anywhere08:39
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: there are two things we can try, first we can try deleting the .xauthority file in the home folder and try to login08:40
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: can you try that one first?08:40
granttrecnothing in the home folder, i installed unity not the ubuntu desktop package08:40
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: no its a hidden file08:41
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: try ls -a in terminal08:41
granttrecphoenix_firebrd: yeah nothing08:41
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: then that case, have you seen the lightdm logs for any error messages?08:42
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: If i remember correct, you need to open the lightdm log with root permission, otherwise you will see nothing08:43
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: I think the log should be in /var/log/lightdm08:43
granttrecyeah reading the logs, it says fail can't find session config  ubuntu08:45
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: I think you need to install the default configs08:46
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: wait I will find the package name08:46
granttrecphoenix_firebrd: yep, gonna try and set thst up08:46
granttrecits ubuntu session btw08:48
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: ya08:48
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: was it installed already?08:48
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: ok08:48
granttrecphoenix_firebrd: thanks for the help08:49
phoenix_firebrdgranttrec: yw08:51
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z3lIs libc available on ubuntu ?09:13
bazhangz3l, yes09:14
z3lWhich repository is it available ?09:14
bazhangz3l, what do you mean, it's standard09:15
z3loh, I see.09:15
z3lHow to use libc.h , is there any tutorial on using it available? I don't know which header to include.09:15
bazhangwhats the end goal here z3l09:16
z3lFor example , there is a int tolower (int c) method in libc. What header do I have to include , the gnu c  library manual doesn't say so.09:17
webmindz3l: this might be to your interests: https://askubuntu.com/questions/158996/how-do-i-get-the-libc-development-libraries-for-ubuntu-12-04#17124609:17
blackflowz3l: tolower() is defined in ctype.h    and this is offtopic. You really need to get acquainted with the C standard libraries. Plenty of stuff on the net.09:19
chema92Hi, I just upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04 and I am on 4.15-22 with Nvidia 390.67. The only way for me to boot at the moment is: advanced ubuntu options -> rescue mode -> minimal graphical mode -> once I have the X pointer, I press CTRL+F1 and have the console, I hit CTRL+C, boot resumes normally and everything works09:24
chema92Also, I have a secondary data disk encrypted with LUKS and now is asking for the password on boot (on earlier versions it used to do it just for a couple seconds, then resume automatically) but I cannot input anything. Tried workaround with "nosplash" but after 3-4 seconds the text prompt for the password freezes (and boot with it)09:26
lesshasteis there a png viewew that can easily rotate an image?09:29
lesshasteI just want to look at it upside down09:29
lesshaste eog can't it seems09:30
lotuspsychjelesshaste: think there is a nautilus addon for that09:31
lotuspsychje!info nautilus-image-converter | lesshaste09:31
ubottulesshaste: nautilus-image-converter (source: nautilus-image-converter): nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1~git20110416-2 (bionic), package size 22 kB, installed size 168 kB09:31
lesshasteI just want it for one image09:32
phoenix_firebrdlesshaste: try gpicview09:33
phoenix_firebrdlesshaste: from where did you install your nvidia driver09:33
phoenix_firebrdlesshaste: sorry wrong nic09:34
phoenix_firebrdchema92: from where did you install the nvidia driver09:34
Wizhi. I have problems with Kubuntu 18.04. The live USB was crashing after a few time, I tried with "nomodeset" and it was working (I gave a nvidia GTX 1050m gpu). I upgraded my 17.10 kubuntu on my pc to 18.04 and the system won't start. nomodeset gives the same result. I can switch to another windo (ctrl+alt+f2) and logon in text mode, I updated, tried removing nvidia, reinstalling drivers, and always the same, no graphics display. Don't know how to d09:52
Wizebug. Any idea ?09:52
lotuspsychjeWiz: did you try purge nvidia* to get to nouveau and then nomdeset?09:56
VlanXHello, I have a severe issue with certificates trust with Ubuntu Server 18.0410:06
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VlanXfor example, with wget i get this error:  ERROR: cannot verify www.openssl.org's certificate, issued by ‘CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US’:   Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.10:07
VlanXthis is not just a problem with wget or that site. On another server w/out Ubuntu, it works fine10:07
VlanXhow can I troubleshoot this problem?10:08
borisetoHi, may I ask a more general question? How can I change the default location of Downloads, Pictures etc directories to be on a different drive? I've change them in config for nautilus, but I want whenever I click on the folder in home, to be used from the different directory. Already have mounted the partitions. Thank you.10:09
blackflowVlanX: do you have ca-certificates installed?10:10
tomreynVlanX: wget, like most applications doing ssl, will refer to a system wide CA certificate store, whzich is provided by this package.10:10
tomreynthe ca-certificates package can be reconfigured to trust or not trust certain CA certificates. this is another thing you may have modified.10:11
blackflowTIL dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates   neat. didn't pay attention to that. is this new in bionic? or was there all the time?10:12
tomreynall the time ;)10:12
VlanXblackflow: yes:  ca-certificates is already the newest version (20180409)10:12
VlanXblackflow: 0 added, 0 removed;   :(10:14
VlanXtomreyn: it doesnt seem so. all are selected10:15
tomreynca-certificates will take all those single certificates you decided to trust and create a central trust store file out of it: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt (there's another one for java apps at /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts)10:15
tomreynand applications which actually setup ssl connections (whether sending or receiving) then refer to this file.10:16
blackflowVlanX: mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt    too? That's LE's root CA iirc10:16
tomreynso check permissions of this file, and try to ensure wget actually uses it10:16
gambl0reim trying to configure dns-servers by editing /etc/network/interfaces  file10:20
gambl0rebut when i configure the dns-server ip, nothing is happening10:20
blackflow!patience | gambl0re10:22
ubottugambl0re: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:22
VlanXblackflow, tomreyn: it's not just wget, other applications are involved too10:23
blackflowgambl0re: Which Ubuntu is this? As of 17.10, Ubuntu is using netplan to configure NetworkManager or systemd-networkd as backends, and no longer uses ifupdown and thus no /etc/network/interfaces10:23
tomreynVlanX: lsb_release -ds; dpkg -l ca-certificates; ls -la /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt10:24
blackflowgambl0re: xubuntu is flavor, but which version?10:24
gambl0rehow do i check10:24
blackflowgambl0re: check in /etc/lsb-release file .  eg.   cat /etc/lsb-release10:25
adrian_1908`lsb_release -d` works too10:26
VlanXtomreyn: https://hastebin.com/velinedafo.sql10:26
Wizblackflow, any tip or link to give hints on how to "debug" ubuntu 10.04 not starting correctly ?10:27
tomreyngambl0re: the /etc/network/interfaces option is called "dns-nameservers", not "dns-servers" nor "dns-server"10:27
gambl0retomreyn, thats what  i entered. dns-nameservers x.x.x.x10:28
gambl0rei was told to edit /etc/resolve.conf file10:29
blackflowWiz: 10.04? Yea. Install Bionic.10:29
tomreynVlanX: give me a minute i'm trying this locally10:31
Wizblackflow, typo, sorry. I meant 18.04, aka bionic10:31
blackflowWiz: well start by defining "not starting correctly"10:32
VlanXtomreyn: I might have found an important information for troubleshooting10:32
Wizblackflow, when I boot (was working ok with 17.10), I see a blackscreen, computer not reacting anymore10:33
tomreynVlanX: what's that?10:33
blackflowgambl0re: have you explicitely installed ifupdown? /etc/network/interfaces is no longer used in Bionic (18.04).10:33
gambl0rei didnt install anything10:34
WizI tried to add "nomodeset" in grub, same result. It solves the hang from the liveusb but not from the pc boot on the HDD fater the upgrade to 18.0410:34
tomreynVlanX: also, can you show the actual wget command you are running (against www.openssl.org), and the output it generates, on both systems?10:34
VlanXtomreyn: hNOT WORKING: https://hastebin.com/yorufedulo.vbs   WORKING: https://hastebin.com/aguwofefeg.go10:34
VlanXplease notice at the beginning the verification failed10:35
blackflowWiz: removed "quiet" and "splash" directives from the kernel command line? that way you can see some systemd output, may be indicative of an error10:35
Wizblackflow, if switch to another shell session (ctrl+alt+f2 for example) I can log on, and run commands. I tried removing nvidia*, same result with nouveau driver10:35
blackflowWiz: I've seen that problem  mentioned a few times but I don't know what it is, or the solution. In fact, even I had it. So I just nuked and reinstalled fresh, pulled data out from backups.10:36
VlanXtomreyn: well, as I was saying, i've just notice this behavior with wget but actually I started noticing issues with a scheduled rake command failing due to "OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (unable to get local issuer certificate)"10:36
VlanXthis error was noticed by the scheduling system at 6 am so I am certain this was not due to a human intervention10:37
VlanXand btw, this rake command is used to connect to imap.gmail.com via SSL10:37
jcduttonblackflow, I have just joined, what is your problem?10:37
blackflowjcdutton: not mine, ask Wiz.10:38
jcduttonWiz, what is the problem?10:38
VlanXtomreyn: the actual command was "wget https://www.openssl.org/source/old/1.1.0/openssl-1.1.0f.tar.gz" and I was trying to perform it to see if downgrading openssl installation would help me solve this problem10:39
Wizjcdutton, my problem is after upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04, after boot the gui won't show up. I was able to switch to shell (ctrl+alt+f2), log on, update, remove the nvidia* drivers, but same result10:39
Wizblackflow, thanks for your help !10:39
jcduttonWiz, which graphics card do you have?10:40
Wizjcdutton, booting from the 18.04 live usb, the computer would hang, using the "nomodeset" option fixed it10:40
dabblerIs it unusual that debian's netatalk package is still on major version 2 almost 6 years after major version 3 became stable?10:40
Wizjcdutton, nvidia gtx1050m10:40
Wizjcdutton, using the nomodeset on the 18.04 installation does not solve the issue10:41
mark_infinitehello! Seems to me that ubuntu 18.04 don't have the tty[1-6], only the gui10:41
blackflowWiz: oh now that you mention it, nvidia driver package changed name, and reinstalling it helped a few cases here.10:41
VlanXtomreyn: sure enough, "Verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate" with openssl s_client -showcerts -connect imap.gmail.com:993   aswell10:41
VlanXthis is bad10:41
mark_infiniteI tried with chvt # but nothing happens... Any ideas?10:41
jcduttonWiz, lspci -v10:41
jcduttonWiz, can you post it to pastebin or somewhere like that10:42
tomreynVlanX: hmm that's a bit of a miracle. testing against https://www.openssl.org is not ideal since this is on akamai's cdn, you can't reliably say which server you'll end up on.10:42
blackflowWiz: apt install nvidia-driver-390  and it supposedly removes the old nvidia-384 transitional package. or just explicitly apt purge the old and instlal new.10:42
Wizblackflow, I tried removing it (nouveau driver), and installing again from the nvidia ppa, not working better either10:42
Wizblackflow, I did all this10:42
tomreynVlanX: i'm trying to reproduce the issue with a local 18.04 installation but cannot repro it using either wget or openssl.10:42
blackflowWiz: yeah, sorry, no more ideas :)10:42
jcduttonWiz, in /etc/default/grub,  make sure you have uncommented:  GRUB_TERMINAL=console10:43
Wizjcdutton, https://pastebin.com/SSUcQH9U (launched from my pc, but running currently on 17.10)10:43
tomreynVlanX: can you run "apt update && apt-cache policy openssl libssl1.0.0 libssl1.1 libssl1.2" on the 18.04 system?10:44
Wizjcdutton, I'm having my 17.10 on my SSD and the "trial" 18.04 on my HDD10:45
jcduttonWiz, you have 2 video cards, the motherboard based intel one, and the nvidia one.  Both are active10:45
Wizjcdutton, right. on 17.10, the nvidia driver manages it, and it is working ok10:46
Wizjcdutton, if I enable the grub console, my GUI won't start, right ?10:47
VlanXtomreyn: I get this error:  N: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libssl1.2'  N: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libssl1.2'10:48
jcduttonWiz, the GUI will start OK.  Without the grub console option, it confuses the nvidia driver10:49
Wizok, I will modify it and reboot, I will try to install lrssi if possible to connect to irc in a shell.10:50
jcduttonWiz, can you also paste the Xorg.0.log from the 18.x boot10:50
tomreynVlanX: okay, my bad, so remove this one and show the output, please10:52
VlanXtomreyn: sure! https://hastebin.com/ozocidigoh.sql10:53
diciplehello everyone10:53
Wizjcdutton, https://pastebin.com/kqq6W6p5 - this is the paste of the last  Xorg.0.log from the 18.x boot10:53
lotuspsychjediciple: welcome, how can we help you?10:53
diciplei have an issue which i'd like to discuss10:53
diciplei ned to mirror my phone on my ubuntu 17.1010:53
dicipleand control it10:53
tomreynVlanX: what's the output of apt-update, you didn't include this10:53
lotuspsychjediciple: mirror like convergence?10:54
VlanXtomreyn: it says "All packages are up to date"10:54
diciplemirror like showing screen of my android on my ubuntu and i can control it as well10:54
tomreynVlanX: you're holding back information, is this for privacy purposes or do you have some dirty setup there you don't want to show? if it's the former, then it's fine.10:56
jcduttonWiz, comparing the lspci and the Xorg.0.log    The kernel is loading the nvidia driver, Xorg is trying to use Nouveau.  They don't match10:57
VlanXtomreyn: not at all sorry, I thought just the last line would have been fine. My apologies, please let me know if something is missing.  https://hastebin.com/homaganapi.sql10:57
tomreynVlanX: thanks ;)10:58
lotuspsychjediciple: try remote software, like xmbc or teamviewer perhaps?10:58
Wizlspci came from my 17.10 configuration, Xorg from the 18.0410:58
VlanXtomreyn: thank to you for your help!10:58
dicipleteamviewer works on linux?10:58
lotuspsychjediciple: sure10:59
jcduttonWiz, Which do you want to use nouveau or nvidia drives?10:59
Wizjcdutton, I'd prefer nvidia, I switched to nouveau because I thought the issue was coming from the nvidia driver (which works on 17.10)10:59
tomreynVlanX: i have the same package versions on my 18.04 test system here. so this is a miracle to me. i suggest you do, on the 18.04 system: mv /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt{,.orig} and copy the one from the 16.04 system, or from another 18.04 system where you know it works fine.11:00
lotuspsychjediciple: teamviewers website has an ubuntu .deb11:00
tomreynVlanX: then try openssl again, just so we'll know whether it has to do with the CA file or something else.11:00
jcduttonWiz, Can you plug your display into the Intel display port ?11:00
lotuspsychjediciple: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/15-android-apps-remote-control-linux-pc/11:00
jcduttonWiz, if we can get the Intel bit working in 18.x, then we can move onto the Nvidia bit11:01
diciplelotuspsychje, thnks man11:01
Wizjcd I have a laptop, the display is on the laptop screen11:01
lotuspsychjediciple: also wanna warn you, installing external software may add external ppa's to your system, wich we dont reccomend at all11:01
VlanXtomreyn: actually I belived i've done that already, if copying and pasting is the same. Infact, cat /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt | wc -l  did not show the same amout of lines (3400 for the not working system and 3800 for the working one). However this did not solve anything, even upon reboot11:02
jcduttonWiz, the Xorg.0.log showed that the nouveau driver could not detect any displays plugged in11:02
VlanXtomreyn: what bothers me is that this issue started on its own during night time so I really dont know what could have caused it.11:02
VlanXthe only thing I know is this only happened to me with ubuntu server 18.0411:02
VlanXother very similar deploymens (it's a redmine server) seem to be immune if deployed on different OS11:03
jcduttonWiz, If you boot to 18.x can you still get to IRC ?11:03
Wizjcdutton, I can try to install irssi which seem to be working in texte mode11:03
jcduttonWiz, as in, do you have a second computer?11:04
diciplelotuspsychje, i know bruv been here for a year11:04
tomreynVlanX: it's not a generic 18.094 issue. i don't see it happen on mine, and that's a fresh installation. it's a dersktop system, but this won't matter, packages and configurations identical.11:04
tomreynVlanX: also, if it was a generic 18.04 system, we'd see so many bug reports about this that it would already have been fixed.11:05
Wizjcdutton, not that I can use now, my wife's using hers. I have a spartphone with an irc client11:05
tomreynVlanX: copy + paste is not exactly the same, so if you could move the file out of the way and replace it by another file that'd be an even better test.11:06
tomreynVlanX:you said 'wc -l /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' on the non-working system gave 3400, did you mistype this number, since it seems too small?11:08
tomreynactually that's fine, i got 340811:08
wiz-tddJcdutton i am connectés with the smartphone11:09
jcduttonOk, boot to 18.x and nvidia driver11:09
jcduttonthen post the output of lspci -v and Xorg.0.log11:10
Wizjcdutton, rebooting. I might have to reinstall nvidia & reboot again, might be long11:10
Wizjcdutton, is there a way to pastebin from shell ?11:10
mark_infinitehello! Seems to me that ubuntu 18.04 don't have the tty[1-6], only the gui. I tried going to tty1 with chvt but nothing. Any ideas what happened to ttys ??11:11
lotuspsychje!tty | mark_infinite11:12
ubottumark_infinite: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution11:12
mark_infiniteubottu: That doesn't work for 18.04 unfortunately11:12
ubottumark_infinite: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:12
wiz-tddJcdutton still hère, booting, and sorry for the automatic  correction11:12
lotuspsychjewe had some users reporting this on 18.04, think last guy told only tty3 works11:12
jcduttonwiz-tdd, You could try http://tuxdiary.com/2015/09/25/fpaste-ubuntu/11:13
wiz-tddJcdutton, i see 3 messages about pcieport, pcie bus error11:13
mark_infinitelotuspsychje: aaa ok jcdutton11:14
mark_infinite1-2 are gui and 3-6 are ttys... That's what changed11:14
wiz-tddJcdutton PC stuck, rebooting11:14
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jcduttonwiz-tdd, did you do the grub config change?11:15
wiz-tddJcdutton yes I did11:15
Guest18525Hey guys, what is new in Ubuntu?11:16
lotuspsychje!releasenotes | Guest1852511:16
ubottuGuest18525: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes11:16
wiz-tddJcdutton OK this time i was able to log on in a shell11:16
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Wizjcdutton: logged on the PC running 18.04 (text mode)11:20
Wizjcdutton: I'm running nouveau driver right now. should I install the nvidia ?11:20
Guest18525Can you guys share some of the most important change in the latest release of Ubuntu?11:20
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kostkonGuest18525, you could just read the notes. we're not gonna do the reading for you, sorry.11:21
tomreynVlanX: still around? turns out i was wrong and openssl doesn'T actually use the ca-certificates file, sorry. what it apparently does is to access certificates directly from /usr/share/ca-certificates based on their fingerprints.11:21
jcduttonWiz, yes, try to install the nvidia one.11:22
Guest18525I am not asking you to share everything just some insight regarding some of the most important  new features11:23
Wizjcdutton: that is the one from a ppa (not sure how to see the ppa list in text mode nor to remove it)11:24
oerheksGuest18525, new wallpaper and more...11:24
blackflowoerheks++  :)11:24
tomreynVlanX: echo -e "^d" | strace -e trace=%file -y openssl s_client -showcerts -connect imap.gmail.com:993       returns (amongst a lot more text):   openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/ssl/certs/4a6481c9.0", O_RDONLY) = 4</usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R2.crt>11:24
Wizjcdutton: install complete. want me to reboot now or do something else ?11:26
BluesKajHey folks11:26
jcduttonWiz, yes, reboot to nvidia11:26
Wizok, brb11:26
FManwhat is the preferred way to do cron for user?11:26
Guest18525great, wallpapers are not that important, what about multimedia and software?11:26
tomreynVlanX: i guess you're gone then.11:27
VlanXtomreyn: no I'm here :)11:27
blackflowGuest18525: here's what was important to me.  netplan.io is a whole new way to manage network. nvidia driver changed pacakge name. journald is now persistent (I like it volatile with 100M given to it, with forward to syslog). gnome is a burning pile of trash so nothing new in that department.11:27
VlanXI have a problem with the %file11:27
VlanXtomreyn: it says %file invalid system file, I was trying to figure it out w/out bothering you11:27
tomreynVlanX: which shell do you have there? standard dash?11:28
VlanXyes, bash11:29
oerheksGuest18525, why should we copy / paste ?? take a read or try ubuntu yourself for the best experience11:29
tomreynVlanX: does this work? echo -e "^d" | strace -e trace='%file' -y openssl s_client -showcerts -connect imap.gmail.com:993 2>&1 | grep -E '(/usr/share/ca-certificates|/usr/lib/ssl/certs)'11:30
Wiz-TDjcdutton: back11:30
Guest18525cool and when it comes to the server interaction with window clients, is it much more consistent?11:30
jcduttonWiz-TD, can you post the lspci -v   and Xorg.0.log to pastebin?11:31
Wiz-TDgonna try, need to find again the link you gave me to do this11:31
st-gourichon-fidHello. When ubuntu-bug/apport/whoopsie has reported a bug, how can I get the URL in launchpad to add comments, etc? I've read https://askubuntu.com/questions/454518/how-can-i-find-my-bug-report-on-launchpad-that-i-submitted-from-the-desktop but no actually satisfying answer.11:32
tomreynVlanX: or try omitting the % (in -e trace=%file), that's deprecated but should work.11:32
Wiz-TDjcdutton: how can I paste to the tuxidiary.com from a shell ?11:33
Wiz-TDjcdutton: opened the link on smartphone, reading11:33
oerheksst-gourichon-fid, if you used your launchpad account, https://bugs.launchpad.net/~/+reportedbugs11:35
Wiz-TDjcdutton: getting a connection refused on the git clone command11:36
tomreynVlanX: no luck?11:36
VlanXtomreyn: yes, but actually I cant find "usr/lib/ssl/certs" anywhere in the trace of both servers11:37
jcduttonTry this one: git clone https://github.com/sanjayankur31/fpaste.git11:38
st-gourichon-fidoerheks, on my launchpad URL I see bugs that I reported "manually", not the one automatically reported by pop-up-window by ubuntu-bug/whoopsie/apport when I just click on "continue".11:38
VlanXtomreyn: I think i will save the trace, rollback the machine to a point where the problem was not present, perform the trace again and compare those two. Does this look ok to you?11:39
oerheksst-gourichon-fid, oh, then i have no clue :-(11:40
guivercst-gourichon-fid, not all bug-reports actually get a number; if the bug is already reported & well established you're bug info is just added to that report (ie. adding fire to report.. - as not a 'new' bug)11:40
oerheks'affects me too'11:40
Wiz-TDjcdutton: thanks, it worked11:40
Artur_Everything is possible.11:40
kostkonArtur_, say that again. do you have a Ubuntu support question though11:41
jcduttonWiz-TD, which URL for the paste of lspci -v and Xorg.0.log ?11:41
tomreynVlanX: can you douple backeck you're using the rioght commands? i changed them a little along the way to produce consistent results: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Psw8HX7fV8/11:41
uselessnoobhi im trying to run fsck11:42
tomreynuselessnoob: hi, i'm also feeling fine.11:42
Wiz-TDjcdutton: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/p2kz~wofWoR88XuKcGT6zQ11:43
uselessnoobtomreyn, i have installed ubuntu on my usb drive but it gives me this error before booting into ubuntu ; invalid environment block11:43
uselessnoobbut it boots into ubuntu just fine11:44
Wiz-TDjcdutton: I hope I did not make a typo (need to look at the other screen and write it here)11:44
Wiz-TDjcdutton: I think it concatenated the lspci and the Xorg11:44
VlanXtomreyn: interestingly, even as root, I have no output on the 18.04 machine11:44
VlanXwith the working 16.04 server, I do11:45
uselessnoobthat error means that something is corrupt. thats y im trying to run fsck. but idk how11:45
VlanXtomreyn: it says that i't using /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R2.crt11:45
VlanXwhich I have on the 18.04 serrver11:45
=== Artur_ is now known as Artur_go
uselessnoobi ran this sudo touch /forcefsck11:46
uselessnoob but nothing happens after restart11:46
jcduttonWiz-TD, prime-select query11:46
jcduttonWiz-TD, what does it think it is using?11:46
Wiz-TDjcdutton: ir returns 'nvidia'11:47
tomreynuselessnoob: searching for this message i ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/439784 - a bug in grub which apparently was solved 8 years ago. maybe you have an outdated grub installation on your boot device, or just file system corruption. i think i mentioned yesterday that usb sticks are not very durable and thus not well suited for permanent installations.11:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439784 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Error: Invalid environment block" [High,Confirmed]11:49
jcduttonWiz-TD, Hum, The important line is: [    30.044] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): DFP-0: disconnected11:50
jcduttonWiz-TD, It thinks the Digital Flat Panel is disconnected11:50
uselessnooblol i downloaded xubuntu iso a week ago11:50
Wiz-TDjcdutton: that is the laptop display ?11:50
tomreynVlanX: how can the strace command both provide no output and say that it accessed "/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R2.crt" ?11:50
jcduttonWiz-TD, can you post the output of "dmesg" ?11:50
uselessnoobtomreyn, thats y im trying to run fsck maybe it can fix the corruption11:50
jcduttonWiz-TD, yes, the DFP is the display of the laptop itself.11:51
tomreynuselessnoob: not if it's physical, but maybe you can work aroun dit for now.11:51
jcduttonWiz-TD, so the NVIDIA driver is having the same problem as the nouveau driver, neither can detect the display11:52
uselessnoobtomreyn, do you know how can i run fsck ?11:52
tomreynuselessnoob: you open a temrinal and type "fsck" and press enter11:52
Wiz-TDjcdutton: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/WEnh7E2XBsU8sE5B0y9X5Q11:52
tomreynuselessnoob: but that's not your actual question, or is it11:53
uselessnoobit is.11:53
VlanXtomreyn: no, the output form 16.04 is provided, and it's very similar to yours11:53
uselessnoobjust wanna make sure that this usb is ok or not11:53
uselessnoobWARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***11:54
uselessnoobcause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.11:54
uselessnoob <<i dont want that lol11:54
Wiz-TDjcdutton: might it help if I try to plug the hdmi cable on my tv ?11:54
jcduttonWiz-TD, You can try that. It might see that.11:55
jcduttonWiz-TD, you will probably need to reboot when the HDMI is plugged in.11:56
VlanXtomreyn: no, its correct:   3408 /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt11:57
tomreynVlanX: this file is not accessed by openssl on either of my test systems11:58
uselessnoobtomreyn, can i use the live cd to run fsck ?11:58
tomreynuselessnoob: yes, it's installed there11:58
uselessnoobk thanks11:59
tomreynuselessnoob: you are probably trying to do a file system check on your current / file systems (the "root file system"). indeed you need to do this either from the recovery console or boot from a different linux system and do it then,11:59
tomreynuselessnoob: the former may be eaiser, since you won't need to search the right device.12:00
tomreynVlanX: i don't knwo what'Äs wrong with your 18.04 system, but unless you're determined to identify the root cause, i'd probably just reinstall and redeploy it at this point.12:01
wiz-tdjcdutton: I have display on the TV12:04
theluvany one there12:10
VlanXtomreyn: just one last thing, as I tould you, I was about to rollback, which it did. Not surprisingly, it worked, but I've fould out that just the fact of poerforming "openssl s_client -showcerts -connect www.openssl.org:443" breaks immediately everything:  https://hastebin.com/uwirigucib.coffeescript12:11
jcduttonwiz-td, Ok, so progress.12:12
VlanXI have already redeployed from scratch, but this problememerges after 5-7 days from installation12:12
VlanXthis is the weirdest problem that I've ever had in 15 years of computer science12:12
wiz-tdjcdutton: yes, so I guess now the thing is to have the laptop display detected12:12
jcduttonwiz-td, You might have to write your own Xorg.conf file, and enable the CRT.12:13
jcduttonwiz-td, to stop this message in the Xorg.0.log:   (**) NVIDIA(0): Option "IgnoreDisplayDevices" "CRT"12:13
theluvcan anyone explain why this Ubuntu mate randomly shutting down12:14
jcduttonwiz-td, also what might be useful is the Xorg.0.log from the Ubuntu 16.x that is working.12:14
jcduttontheluv, most probably a hardware problem. Getting too hot?12:14
wiz-tdjcdutton: it is a 17.10 that is working12:15
jcduttonok, 17.x then. Whichever is working12:15
tomreynVlanX: fancy. so is this ubuntu's openssl build you're runnign there? or some different one?12:15
wiz-tdjcdutton: want me to pastebin the working Xorg.0.log from 17.10 ?12:15
jcduttonwiz-td, yes please12:15
jcduttonwiz-td, I want to see which device 17.x thinks the screen is connected to12:16
VlanXtomreyn: having preformed rollback, means that now I'm on   OpenSSL 1.1.0h  27 Mar 201812:16
VlanXtomreyn: I can install a different version and try again12:16
tomreynVlanX: "openssl version -a" confirms this?12:16
retrojeffI need help with the screen command trying to reattach to a detached screen12:17
retrojeff1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-steam.12:17
tomreynVlanX: on my ubuntu 18.04 it says OpenSSL 1.1.0g  2 Nov 201712:18
tomreynVlanX: so yours does look like a custom build (i seem to be fully patched here)12:20
tomreyn!info openssl bionic12:20
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is important. Version 1.1.0g-2ubuntu4 (bionic), package size 528 kB, installed size 1095 kB12:20
wiz-tdjcdutton: https:paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/TJh2C~AM3rIDOY7bCj08Eg12:22
VlanXtomreyn: yes, i built with that version. Lets see what happens reverting back to g12:22
jcduttonwiz-td, did you unplug the HDMI first? If not, unplug it and reboot the 17.x12:23
wiz-tdjcdutton: it is the one from the last time I logged on 17.10, at that time the pc was not connected to the hdmi12:24
jcduttonwiz-td, ok.12:24
tomreynVlanX: for all we know, running the openssl version you had when you ran this https://hastebin.com/uwirigucib.coffeescript (i don't iknow which one this was exactly) introduced the certificate validation issues.12:24
oerhekssu - steam -c "/usr/bin/screen -d -r "  use the -d option to detach the screen session from the terminal where it's in ??12:25
oerheksretrojeff ^^12:25
wiz-tdjcdutton: from the nvidia driver, it seems to detect the hdmi display and a "screen 0", I changed the config to switch to intel gpu & screen 0 as primary, going to reboot to see what is happening12:27
tomreynVlanX: running the same series of commands shown using ubuntu 18.04's default ubuntu build on this clean system i don't get the certificate valkidation failures you get to see in https://hastebin.com/uwirigucib.coffeescript12:27
tomreynVlanX: so i guess i blame either you custom openssl version to break things (if you were running one there), or your OS deployment.12:28
tomreynor anything else that's local ;)12:29
tomreyn(and yes that's a lot lesss specific than i'd like it to be)12:29
jcduttonWiz, Have you disables modesetting ?   17.x has modesetting enabled,  18.x has it disabled.12:31
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WizJcdutton, initially i disabled it, but it should be enabled now12:33
tomreynVlanX: unless you can rule out that the issue is introduced by your custom ssl build, i think it could be good to approach the issue from the other end: start with a fresh manual ubuntu 18.04 installation and see if you can reporduce it there. if you can, file a bug. if you cannot, introduce elements of your local deployment scheme. install just the OS as you do it locally, then see if  you can reproduce it on this system. if you cannot, then12:33
tomreynintroduce more of your local customizations, such as the ruby (?) deployment / configuration changes, and retry.12:33
Guest86492i am new to linux and installed ubuntu on my laptop. But ubuntu boots very slowly(over 1min20s) compared to windows 10. When i push the power button it stays on a blank purple screen for a while. Any assistance would be apriciated.12:34
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Wiz-TDDjcdutton, back on 17.1012:36
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Wiz-TDDjcdutton, atfer rebooting on 18.04 after modifying the nvidia options, no more display on the hdmi (not laptop screen)12:37
lotuspsychjeGuest86492: wich ubuntu version please?12:38
Guest86492ubuntu 18.0412:38
lotuspsychjeGuest86492: when you have the purple boot screen, try press F1 to see text booting, see where it hangs at?12:38
Guest86492ok, i will restart my pc now12:39
lotuspsychjeGuest86492: or is it slow from login window to desktop too?12:39
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, as booting on the 18.04 liveusb with nomodeset option seem to work, do you think I can boot on it and copy the xorg.conf ?12:39
Guest86492its slow between pressing the power button till the ubuntu splash screen12:40
Guest86492after that it runs perfectly fine12:40
lotuspsychjeGuest86492: ok try the F1 textboot12:40
Guest86492will do be right back12:40
theluvWhich is better guys kali or ubuntu on raspberry pi like small machine12:43
lotuspsychjetheluv: we usually dont take polls here mate12:43
new_to_ubuntui kept pressing f1 while it was on the purple screen but nothing happened12:43
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: when you see ubuntu with loading dots, you should be able to press F112:44
jcduttonWiz-TDD, modesetting is not working on the 18.x boot12:44
lotuspsychjetheluv: perhaps if you told us whats your end goal exactly?12:45
jcduttonWiz-TDD, modesetting is working on the 17.x boot12:45
new_to_ubuntuoooo i see. I thought u meant to press it before it when it get stuck on the blank purple screen. Sry will try it again BRB.12:45
p21ktheluv, depends on what u are going to do with it12:47
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, could that be the reason ? on the 18.04 liveusb, I had to disable it (add nomodeset) to have it working12:48
jcduttonWiz-TDD, I think it should work without the nomodeset12:48
new_to_ubuntu_so i pressed f1 during the ubuntu loading screen and it said a bunch of [OK]s and random stuf after it12:48
VlanXtomreyn: unfortunatley even the act of rolling back the openssl version causes this bug to appear, so I'll need to make a new deployment. This is going to require some time12:49
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: yeah thats the text booting, at this process you could findout at wich line where it hangs/lags to see whats your problem exactly12:49
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: did you notice some line, that have wait time?12:49
new_to_ubuntu_it hangs befure the ubuntu loading screen or the text loading screen12:49
new_to_ubuntu_when it hits the ubuntu loading screen its fast from there. Just before getting there there is a blank purple screen and it stays on it for a while12:50
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, I am goind to try to see if it remains somewere12:50
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: doesnt sound to good, how did you install ubuntu? singleboot/dualboot?12:51
new_to_ubuntu_if it helps you i have a lenovo ideapad y57012:51
new_to_ubuntu_single boot from usb12:51
new_to_ubuntu_i erased out windows completely12:51
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: did you disable secureboot and fastboot?12:51
new_to_ubuntu_idk what that is and how do i disable them?12:51
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: from your bios you got uefi settings, both need to be disabled12:52
lotuspsychje!uefi | new_to_ubuntu_12:52
ubottunew_to_ubuntu_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:52
oerheks1:20 min is not bad for that ideapad12:52
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, only the recovery entries have the nomodeset option12:52
new_to_ubuntu_i dont think my laptop has uefi it has the old school bios12:53
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: perhaps you could try a more lightweight flavor, as xubuntu or lubuntu?12:53
new_to_ubuntu_oerherks i was using windows 10 before xD and it booted up with like 40secs and 1.20 mins is double that12:54
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,   maybe  systemd-analyze blame might help  ?12:54
lotuspsychjeyeah thats not normal12:54
new_to_ubuntu_type that the command line?12:54
ioriayep, and paste12:54
lotuspsychje!paste | new_to_ubuntu_ here12:55
ubottunew_to_ubuntu_ here: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:55
new_to_ubuntu_ok. wow so many peopele helping me i really appriciate it guys12:55
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: welcome to the ubuntu community :p12:56
new_to_ubuntu_ty :)12:56
osseI'm on 17.10. How do I manually start the upgrade procedure to 18.04 ?I cannot find it in the software update apps12:56
new_to_ubuntu_i pasted it. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZPM7DxvKKv/12:56
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,  but i would not make a comparison with windows (expecially  with an optimus laptop)12:57
oerheksosse, just update, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade # after this run, you will have the upgrade path in normal updates12:57
jcduttonWiz-TDD, compare the two Xorg.0.log files for yourself, see all the modesetting lines in the 17.x that is absent from the 18.x12:57
new_to_ubuntu_my laptop has nvidia and intel on it. I installed the latest nvidia drivers from the software and update center as i saw it on a youtube video12:57
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: from nvidia website or ubuntu repos?12:58
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, I believe you, it is just that I do not see it in the grub.cfg nor when edition the grub entry at boot time. I don't know how to modify it at other places12:58
new_to_ubuntu_when u click on start there is a program called software and updates. i went there and under additional drivers is where i installed it12:59
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,  that's ok12:59
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: ok, you recall wich driver number it was from nvidia?12:59
osseoerheks: I did sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and the latter commands says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.". Am I misunderstanding ?12:59
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,   can you paste   sudo parted -l13:00
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, yes, looking at the logs, I see many modeset on the 17.10 that I do not see on the 18.0413:01
oerheksosse, that is oke. now run the update icon, and you will see the upgrade to 18.04 button13:01
p21ktheluv, osse u need to change repos to version 18.0413:01
p21kosse,  u need to change repos to version 18.0413:02
oerheks"for any new version" ofcourse13:02
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,    cat /etc/fstab13:02
oerheksafter installing those nvidia drivers, you can select prime in the nvidia tool13:04
oerheksintel or nvidia13:04
lotuspsychjeioria new_to_ubuntu_ some machines might take a 'longer' purple screen as oerheks said, but 1.40m is bit real long before13:04
tomreynosse: pleas edon't listen to p21k there (who just left)13:04
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,    run sudo blkid  and be sure the UUID is 94b79daf-10f5-4c22-a882-5a85f369158b13:04
oerheksnoo, if that ideapad has just a hdd, not ssd, it is not bad..13:04
iorialotuspsychje, yep13:04
oerheksand windows comparing is not fair, with 'fastboot'13:04
osseNot sure what is meant by the update icon. But due to recent updates I have to reboot, so maybe that is blocking at the moment13:05
tomreynosse: if you're on 17.10 and want to upgrade to 18.04 then you should start update-manager and seei fi ti offers that uipgrade.13:05
new_to_ubuntu_i got this /dev/sda1: UUID="94b79daf-10f5-4c22-a882-5a85f369158b" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="4728ed46-01"13:05
tomreynosse: you should definitely reboot first then13:05
new_to_ubuntu_also i saw the prime thing and its on nvidia. Should i change it to intel?13:06
oerheksi am just saying where you can switch it, nvidia is high quality and battery-eater13:07
osseI just had to watch NRG lose first13:07
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,  yes, good for testing ...  last thing :  du -sh /var/log/journald13:07
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: i would also try something else then gnome as a 'test' to see if you can bypass boot speed13:07
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,    du -sh /var/log/journal13:08
osseAh, there we go. When I start Software Updater now I get an offer to upgrade13:08
new_to_ubuntu_ye should i try out xubuntu?13:09
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,    ok, switch to intel an reboot13:09
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu_: thats why i 'also' would try13:09
Wiz-TDDjcdutton, I will try to reboot again on 18.04, check the nomodeset, and look at the modeset in the log13:09
new_to_ubuntu_ill try switching to intel rebooting. if that doesnt work i will try xubuntu. also is it advisable for me to try out ubuntu 16.04, from what i hear its pretty stable for old pcs like mine13:10
tomreynosse: very well. be sure to ppa-purge all ppas before you upgrade.13:10
iorianew_to_ubuntu_,    maybe, but that quad core  should handle 18.0413:10
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eyeohnew_to_ubuntu_: what was the process you used to make the live usb?13:11
new_to_ubuntu_ok ty. Switched to intel i need to reboot brb13:11
new_to_ubuntu_i used rufus when iwas on windows13:11
eyeohdid you create a persistence file by any chance?13:11
usbehcieyeoh: dd bs=4M if=path to iso of=path to device13:12
new_to_ubuntu_idk what that is, i just clicked next on the setup. xD13:12
usbehciSearch for dd command13:12
iorianew_to_ubuntu_, rufus is ok, reboot13:12
ossetomreyn: ooops. I already started. But I did get a warning that a couple of repos in my sources.list were disabled.13:12
usbehcion windows, lili is the best13:12
lotuspsychjeusbehci: can we help you?13:13
eyeohusbehci: I don't think that's what was used here?13:13
tomreynosse: repositories will be disabled, but packages wont be removed, this can still cause upgrades to fails due to unresolvable dependencies.13:13
eyeohAnyway that's my 2¢ for what it's worth; I just noticed some weird boot issues with a persistance file lately using multibootusb and various distros13:14
eyeohDoes dd allow the rest of a large USB stick to be used?13:14
new_to_ubuntuthe blank purple screen is still there13:14
eyeohwhat does ctrl+alt+f2 do?13:15
ossetomreyn: ah, ok. i guess I'll have to burn that bridge when I get to it now. The only extra PPA I have is spotify's13:15
usbehcieyeoh: I don't think so13:15
tomreynosse: i guess the upgrader should at least warn you about this fact, unfortunately it doesn't (on the other hands all PPAs provide a warning that your system is basically becoming unsupported by activating them)13:15
usbehciIt doesn't allow13:15
tomreynosse: okay this doesn'*t sound so bad. i guess it'll work then.13:15
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: you could also take a look in bios settings, perhaps some values set wrong= boot lag?13:16
new_to_ubuntuwhat am i looking for in the bios13:16
eyeohhmm getting to the purple screen suggests it's booting past bios/uefi hey13:17
tomreynosse: once you fully upgraded, take a look at "ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported"13:18
eyeohah I see the paste log13:18
new_to_ubuntuye, it gets past the bios just fine. It gets stuck between bios and ubuntu loading screen13:18
eyeohnew_to_ubuntu: does ctrl+alt+f2 do anything?13:18
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new_to_ubuntushould i install xubuntu to test that out?13:19
eyeohI personally think it'll end up with the same result but experimenting is always good when troubleshooting13:20
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: i would try lubuntu, xubuntu or unity on your machine yes13:20
tomreynis this an nvidia system? then nomodeset may be worth a try.13:20
eyeohI just try everything when I find a problem, then I start slowly thinking through13:20
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:20
lotuspsychjetomreyn: yeah he's on an optimus13:20
lotuspsychjegood idea might be related13:21
eyeohnew_to_ubuntu: do you know how to set nomodeset?13:21
* tomreyn shivers13:21
new_to_ubuntuno how to do nomdeset13:21
eyeohjust to check, so this is that ideapad laptop, empty HDD, and boot usb with ubuntu 18.04?13:22
tomreynsee what ubottu said?13:22
new_to_ubuntuye ideapad y570 with ubuntu 18.04 installed on it13:22
eyeohI don't think the key is F6 anymore13:22
lotuspsychjeeyeoh: yes and he's on latest nvidia driver13:22
eyeohoh, already installed; righto13:22
eyeohnew_to_ubuntu: check out the link ubottu pasted13:24
fcalmetHi! I'm trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 on a Surface Pro alongside Windows 10 as dual boot. However, when I boot from the live disk, the Ubuntu installer doesn't recognize my partitions. It sees two disks with 2 partitions each. A /dev/nvme0n1 disk which includes two partitions: /dev/nvme0n1p1 (named "Microsoft reserved partition", unknown filesystem, 128 MiB, msftres flag set) and /dev/nvme0n1p2 (named "Boot", unknown filesystem,13:24
fcalmet476.81 GiB size), The second disk is under /dev/nvme0n2 which has the exact same layout as /dev/nvme0n1. However, my actual partition structure as seen from Windows is an EFI partition (260 MB), a "C:\" drive (450 GB), 500 GB empty for installing Linux, and an OEM partition (930 MB). Any insight into what I'm doing wrong? I searched the web for similar problems but found nothing. Thanks!13:24
eyeohit'll be something like F12 to edit boot options (it should tell you which key) and you add in nomodeset somewhere and then try booting that13:25
new_to_ubuntui am reading through it.13:25
new_to_ubuntuwhere do i put this nomodeset thing?13:26
lotuspsychje!dualboot | fcalmet start here13:26
ubottufcalmet start here: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:26
lotuspsychje!uefi | fcalmet see also13:27
ubottufcalmet see also: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:27
new_to_ubuntuimma head out download ubuntu 16.04, and xubuntu and see if it fixes the problem. thanks for the help team <313:29
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: one last thing13:29
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: can you also check you dmesg and syslog for harddisk problems like IO?13:29
new_to_ubuntui just type syslong in command line?13:29
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: no, browse to /var/log/syslog and you can also paste to us if you like13:31
retrojeffCannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.13:31
new_to_ubuntui have 2 syslog files13:32
new_to_ubuntusyslog and syslog.113:32
new_to_ubuntupost both of them?13:32
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: yeah paste syslog.1 too plz13:34
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: first syslog looks okay, no hd issues13:34
tomreynnew_to_ubuntu: here's how to make it easier for the future: apt update; apt install pastebinit; pastebinit /var/log/syslog.113:35
new_to_ubuntumy pc kinda froze trying to load the file xD13:36
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: your machine is i7?13:38
new_to_ubuntui7 2000 series13:38
new_to_ubuntutrying to load syslog.1 now and its still loading13:39
tomreynlrnovo ideapad Y57013:39
lotuspsychjeeven more weird its slow boot13:39
oerheks-1 not weird at all13:40
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lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: ok, try other flavors/version as a test13:43
new_to_ubuntuok will do. thanks for you patients and help :)13:44
tomreynthis system must be 7 or 8 years old. unless the storage was replaced before, and unless the system is going to be replaced soon, getting an ssd may be a good idea.13:45
tomreynor just a new hdd, whatever is preferred.13:45
lotuspsychjetomreyn: still i think unity would kinda fix this13:46
new_to_ubuntui am dowloading 16.0413:47
lotuspsychjenew_to_ubuntu: ok, let us know how that went13:47
new_to_ubuntuok cya guys later13:47
tomreynthis system goit its latest 'manufacturer' updates in 2012. it may decay.13:51
lotuspsychjetomreyn: true :p13:52
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ossetomreyn: the upgrade seems to have gone smoothly. this is what your suggested command prints: http://ix.io/1cUG13:56
tomreynosse: that's a rather clean system. you should remove the old kernel packages (4.13) sometime. the "unsupported" packages are those which don't get security support from canonical (but may get bst effort support from 'the community'). they *do* have an upgrade path, so it's not so bad.13:59
tomreynosse: so those 'unsupported packages' will be from the multiverse most likely.14:00
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:00
osseI opened Software & Updates and looked over "Other software". There were a bunch of 17.10 related things there so I removed them. But it seems I'm not able to reenable those that where disabled due to the upgrade.14:00
osseThe whole list area is greyeed out for a while and when it returns to normal nothing has happened14:00
tomreynosse: i'm not sure what's happening there but you can manually edit those additional apt sources by editing, with sudo, the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:03
tomreynosse: only those files which end in .list are conidered, and of those, only the lines not starting with a hash character (#).14:04
osseIt's same to remove the stuff with "artful" in the name, right?14:05
tomreyn"same" -> "sane"? if you upgraded to 18.04, you can either rename the files and and update any mention of "artful" to "bionic" (I assume that's where you are now, ubuntu 18.04) to keep using these sources (assuming they provide packaghes for 18.04), or just remove them, right.14:06
tomreynosse: ^14:06
osseActually I meant "safe", but preferably "sane" too :P  I mean it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/FtIegLS.png  all the "Recommended updates" and "Important security updates" have artful in the description fields. Either artful-updates or artful-security-updates.14:08
tomreynosse: "description" should be irrelevant (but i'd update or remove it nevertheless just for your own documentation purposes)14:11
matthias__hello, i have a server with two nics having ips on the same subnetwork and set the following options https://bpaste.net/show/f817511e9ded How can I route packets from to over the outbound network and not internally?14:11
matthias__when i ping, arp requests are received but not answered by the other interface14:12
tomreynosse: what matters is the actual deb / deb-src lines you end up with14:12
tomreynmatthias__: why the weird use case?14:13
tomreynmatthias__: is this a laboratory and you're trying to test how software behaves in uncommon corner cases, or are you actually trying to setup something usable?14:15
osseEverything looks good now, thanks.14:16
tomreynosse: you can confirm this with: sudo apt update; apt-cache policy14:16
osseBTW. I launched the app from a terminal and when I tried to enable a line I got an auth error in the terminal. When I tried to *remove* one I entered my password in a pop-up. After that enabling worked :p14:17
osseI'm no expert but this looks reasonable to me: http://ix.io/1cUQ14:18
matthias__tomreyn: this is a laboratory and the flow has to go out and back in because of external filtering14:19
matthias__tomreyn: the network include multiple servers with also two interfaces, same config14:20
tomreynmatthias__: if you can't get help with it here, be sure to ask in ##networking, too.14:26
ossetomreyn: Thanks for all your help14:26
tomreynosse: welcome :)14:27
wasserspenderHello there!14:28
matthias__tomreyn: okay, thanks14:34
papHey guys, do you think that is necessary to upgrade from 14.04 to 160414:38
Jerryhey guys whats up14:38
ppfpap: by the beginning of next year, yes14:39
Jerrywho 's is in florida14:40
papWhy not upgrading now and do  you think that will affect the existing apps?14:40
papAnyone wanna share their thoughts on upgrading from 1404 to 160414:50
oerheksbest thoughts are described in the upgrade wiki14:51
oerheksbut with these hugh changes, i would reinstall fresh14:51
gambl0reis installing apps on ubuntu the same as xbuntu?14:52
oerheksgambl0re, how long are you using linux now? a few years?14:52
papDont wanna read the whole thing, just wanna have an idea whether or not the upgrade is necessary?14:52
gambl0rejust started14:53
oerhekspap yes, no spectre and other malware fixes... AFAIK14:53
wasserspenderSorry for being so noobish, but how do you direct a response to another person in this chat?14:54
wasserspenderNever really used IRC14:54
Arturwasserspender: head on: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html :)14:55
papI see, what about the existing apps? Will upgrading have some sort of impact?14:55
donavan01I have a cheap wifi/web cam that I bought from walmart for like 15$. There is an android/ios app for it and you can also view the video/audio stream through a web page.  I makes a great baby monitor/nanny cam but the problem is I can't retain any of the video longer than 1 day as there is no function on the  app or web site to save to a local or even network drive.  I can however go in and download the videos mannually but that is14:56
oerhekspap i just told you, but you don't want to read the whole thing, so i guess you will have a fun experience14:57
cp7781donavan01: Are you able to write a bash script?14:57
donavan01if there a program that will let me stream the video feed to a file/files and save them on a server I have several of these and would like to use them for more than watching my daughter at night14:57
cp7781Or any /bin/sh compatible shell?14:57
donavan01cp7781 ... not really but if I understand the premise behind what I need to do I can learn14:58
cp7781donavan01: It will let you utilize the whole Ubuntu command line toolset, and more.14:58
cp7781So, things like downloads can be automated.14:59
donavan01cp7781 ... can I do that being that the download interface is run through a web page14:59
cp7781donavan01: Yes, with a tool called wget.14:59
papGot you. Just one more simple question: I use banshee for my ipod, will upgrading to 1604 create an issue?14:59
donavan01cp7781 ... so basically I would write a script using bash that calls the wget program and once I give it the correct parameters for the website/login/stream address and where I want the files to live it will just go out at a set increment in time and download all the files in the given directory/device and save them locally15:02
cp7781donavan01: Exactly. That describes the task perfectly. You might need to read the manual pages for bash and wget. Which might be confusing. So, a guided tour by a book can be helpful.15:04
cp7781donavan01: And make a note somewhere, about what a systemd service is.15:06
cp7781donavan01: That would finally make it solved.15:06
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Michel123Am I good with you to ask questions?15:25
cp7781Michel123: Depends on the question so far.15:25
cp7781My pride is low.15:26
Michel123I'm helping a friend (he's a NOOB +++) who has a laptop connected to his big screen TV. He has sound to his laptop, but not to his TV. And sometimes he does have sound to his TV.  Aside from a faulty HDMI connection, what could it be?15:27
cp7781Michel123: It could be an error within the audio driver. Don't know much about it.15:29
FusionXIn Ubuntu, when renaming from the UI, is it possible to automatically rename a file if there's a file collision in the same folder? Otherwise if I do it, it says a file already exists with same name.15:29
FusionXI want it to rename the file and automatically suffix a number.15:30
cp7781FusionX: It is possible. But I'm not sure, if such an option already has been implemented. Requires a file check before each copy operation.15:31
FusionXcp7781: so what how do I achieve it?15:32
FusionXin Windows, it presents a dialogue box when there's a collision and asks if I want to rename with number added or ignore. I want something similar in ubuntu.15:33
cp7781FusionX: Change the source code of the file manager software.15:34
cp7781(I do not say, that this is quick and easily done. So, don't laugh at me.)15:35
FusionXcp7781: yeah, well I just install ubuntu..soo...15:36
cp7781FusionX: Maybe a different file manager software will offer more options.15:37
cp7781There are some alternatives. In german language: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Dateimanager/15:38
WorldXXAnyone knows why wine is not working in Bionic Beaver?15:41
CountryfiedLinuxFor some apps there's snaps available, and others there's flatpaks. Would I be better off enabling flatpak support or adding PPAs?15:50
sbakichi guys15:52
sbakichow are you i got a problem15:52
sbakicrelated to secure boot and mokutil and shim15:53
sbakiccan someone help me15:53
SporkWitchsbakic: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.15:54
sbakicSo as I understood workflow of booting to linux is next. UEFI(Secure Boot) -> shim loader -> MokManager Or GRUB2 -> linux kernel15:55
sbakicI read that shim loader has its state for secure boot and if it's disabled it should output message 'Booting in insecure mode' while booting to linux15:56
* SporkWitch goes to take a nap rather than pulling teeth15:56
sbakicI don't have that message but when i check state with $ mokutil --sb-state it says SecureBoot disabled15:56
eyeohthat's a mega completion you have there15:56
sbakicI don't know where and what it checks but I think it checks for shim loader secure boot state15:57
sbakicit's not a big deal but i want it to work not to print wrong output15:57
sbakicSo from there if I want to enable secure boot with $ mokutil --enable-validation in MokManger i got error 'failed to delete secure boot state'. I check source code and I understood that I want to enable state thought it's already enabled15:59
sbakicso I can disabled it, then I got message for insecure boot with checking mokutil --sb-state (disabled), after that I can enable it without boot message but state is still disabled16:00
sbakicSo I think I have state enabled but mokutil --sb-state print wrong message16:00
sbakichow to fix that?16:00
sbakicI don't understand where and what it checks with this command $ mokutil --sb-state.16:01
sbakicI need some linux expert for this16:02
DidjiI'm trying to use this command, but mount is just responding like I asked it for help.  Telling me proper syntax, but not telling me what's wrong with mine: mount -o remount -t hfsplus /media/username/42f56e10-31f3-3c97-8536-26b1c0f497c1/16:03
SporkWitchDidji: is it currently mounted? try reversing the optional arguments?  drop the -o remount and just umount it then mount it16:04
sbakicdid anyone have problem with shim and secure boot?16:05
sbakicIt's pretty easy question I have enabled shim secure boot state but mokutil --sb-state says SecureBoot disabled16:06
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CountryfiedLinuxFor some apps there's snaps available, and others there's flatpaks. Would I be better off enabling flatpak support or adding PPAs?16:08
Didji@SporkWitch thanks, turns out it's mounted fine.  The real problem is that I have this HFS+ Private directory that's huge, causing all sorts of problems, and doesn't show up on the mac.  Thought it was maybe mounted wrong, but it's not that.16:09
phinxyI have two packages, one older and one newer version of linux-image,firmware and headers.  I'd like the older one to be the only thing installed.  Should I remove the newer one first or whats the first step?16:10
ppfphinxy: are both packages already installed?16:10
phinxyThings seems to really work against me16:10
phinxyYes both are installed.  When trying to re-install the old package it all goes well until update-initramrd says its ignoring the package because theres a newer one.16:11
phinxyId like to tell apt to just purge the package without doing any dependency checking.16:13
ppfwhy reinstall when it's installed?16:14
ppfjust remove the old one16:14
ppfthe new one*16:14
phinxyapt purge newpackage suddenly wants to install an even newer package16:15
ppftried apt install package=version ?16:17
ppfin any way, what you want is gonna clash with the metapackage linux-image. you'll have to remove that too16:18
SporkWitchDidji: haven't worked with HFS+ (or mac in general) much, so not sure where to look for that.  Unrelated, don't prepend characters to people's names on IRC, as it breaks highlights on many clients (hence the delay in my response)16:18
phinxyppf• ignore-depends=linux-image did the trick. thanks16:19
ppfor that, sure16:20
michel-manI've a problem.  Actually several ones.  First, I have a laptop connected by hdmi to the TV. On the TV screen, there are two seperate task bars.  How do I fix that?16:42
michel-manI need help16:47
donavan01hey cp7781 ... I was wondering ... will wget work from the ubuntu subsystem you can install on windows 10 ... I have a good machine to do exactly what I want already setup but its running windows and would hate to have to scrafice the machine to this one task as I need it to run windows for other things a dula boot would not be an option ... I could always run a VM with a stripped down version16:50
donavan01of ubuntu on it but I would rather not if I can just run the ubuntu subsystem instead16:50
ni291187cp7781 are you there?16:50
=== ni291187 is now known as Sbur3
Sbur3cp7781 are you there?16:51
Sbur3I’m at my friend’s place16:52
Sbur3He has a myriad of little problems. Task bar on the bottom of the TV screen connected by hdmi in double examples.16:53
Sbur3Video, but no audio on the TV.16:53
BluesKajSbur3:  make sure your pcm and spdif are not muted (MM) and the automute is disabled in alsamixer16:58
BluesKajand in systemsettings pulseaudio output is using the hdmi16:59
Sbur3BluesKaj He’s more a nOOb than I am. He tells me that he hasn’t done anything - hasn’t changed anything. Have you got a command line to check out the audio parameters?17:00
Sbur3BluesKaj So if I do a « sudo killall -9 pulseaudio », would that « fix » that problem?17:01
BluesKajSbur3: typealsamixer in the commandline/console first and check the ctls i mentioned17:02
BluesKajcorrection type alsamixer17:02
BluesKajSbur3: don't kill pulseaudio17:03
Sbur3BluesKaj just clicked off « auto mute mode » that was enabled17:04
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Sbur3BluesKaj anything else to try?17:06
BluesKajdisable it with the down arrow key once you navigate to it with the right arrow key17:06
BluesKajI'Sbur3 ve forgotten how to access pulseaufio in gnome..I use kde/plasma..it's probly in the sound options17:08
BluesKajSbur3: ^17:08
Sbur3BluesKaj it’s a graphic display. « master », « speaker » « pcm » « mic boost » are all filled to the top. « headphone » is empty. « auto-mute mode » is disabled. « loopback mixing » is enabled. and I don’t know what to say about S-PDIF17:09
Sbur3BluesKaj and he’s looking in the menus for a sound icon17:10
BluesKajSbur3:  spdif may be muted (MM) use the 'm' key to unmute17:12
BluesKajit should show '00'17:12
BluesKajin alsamixer17:13
Sbur3BluesKaj spdif shows MM, but doesn’t seem highlighted17:15
BluesKajwhat about pcm?17:16
Sbur3BluesKaj nothing in terms of indicator, but the bar filled with green, white and red17:17
BluesKajthe little box at the bottom of the volume ctls should all read 00 (unmuted)17:18
BluesKajSbur3: ^17:19
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Sbur3BluesKaj got another thing about gives me the choice to use « by default » in sound card or « HDA intel PCM »17:19
BluesKajSbur3:  choose intel hda17:22
BluesKajSbur3:  and run sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel in the console to load the driver, then a reboot might be needed.  It's aknown bug on some intel audio drivers that hasn't been fixed for yrs17:23
firippu/topic #ubuntu17:26
Sbur3BluesKaj so I’d need to reboot the laptop?17:26
BluesKajusually yes17:27
goatiahi all, can anyone please guide me on how to add repositories ons Ubuntu Studio's software search?17:27
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Sbur3BluesKaj and that should send the sound through the tv via hdmi?17:27
BluesKajthen afterwards if he can find pulseaudio, that has to be setup as well17:28
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Sbur3BluesKaj but there are so many things that he can’t access in the menu of his laptop that I have easily in my desktop. is there a way to access volume control on his task bar? top or bottom of the screen?17:30
firippugoatia, there are a number of ways, to easily do it from the gui there is a description at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu17:31
Sbur3BluesKaj in any case, we’ll try that and hope it works. I have confidence in your counsel and I thank you for your patience. we might talk again17:31
firippugoatia, it sounds like you may be looking for the "Other Software" tab17:31
cosmopaladinDoes ext4's /home encryption option take up extra space on the drive?17:32
BluesKajcan someone remind me where the sound options are in the gnome taskbar?17:32
BluesKajor panel17:33
BluesKaj<--- not a gnome user17:33
FusionXcan I use secureboot and still install ubuntu with third party softwares?17:35
firippuBluesKaj, i think I found them in the "Settings" app same place you change backgrounds etc.17:36
BluesKajfirippu:  there used to be a small audio/speaker icon in the gnome panel iirc17:39
firippuoh, for volume and stuff?17:39
BluesKajright click on it for other settings17:39
BluesKajthen there's that damn pulseaudio we all have to deal with as well17:40
firippudunno, in 18.04 if i hit the windows ky or press the "..." to search for apps, i open settings, there i can change some audio stuff. most commonly thing i have to do is keep switching it from my onboard sound to hdmi sound17:40
firippuonly thing i've done so far :/17:40
firipputhe ubuntu server i'm on right now only has fluxbox so can't look for it :/17:41
tomreynFusionX: yes, but not with 3rd party kernels and kernel modules unless they are signed or you sign them.17:43
FusionXtomreyn: hmmm, would I need those 3rd party kernels if my laptop has an nvidia gpu?17:44
FusionX*3rd party drivers17:44
oerhekscosmopaladin, basicly all encryption take up space17:44
tomreynFusionX: i think so. maybe the ones ubuntu provides are signed, but IIRC they are not.17:45
ducassetomreyn: only nouveau is signed, not the nvidia prop. driver17:46
tomreynare you asking because your firmware requires you to keep it enabled or because you think it will increase security?17:46
tomreynthanks ducasse17:47
firippuboth of the 18.04 systems my fiancee and i installed within the last week required special interventions to disable nouveau, under nouveau driver we got bursts of 1-2 seconds worth of usability, followed by 10-15 seconds of frozen gui, then 1-2 seconds of usability, followed by more unresponsiveness17:47
FusionXtomreyn: i think it'll increase security17:48
tomreynFusionX: please do more research ;)17:48
FusionXugh now xubuntu won't show any partition during install, what gives?17:55
AmeisenHi there18:12
AmeisenI had a quick(ish) question. I'm running Ubuntu on a system with very constrained disk space. Is there a way to configure basically... everything on the system that uses file compression to use xz/txz instead of bz2 or gzip?18:13
userushas anyone configured the display link driver on ubuntu 16.04 LTS here?18:17
erle-Are there any more differences between vanilla gnome-session and ubuntu-session other than the fact that the left panel is permanently visible in Ubuntu, while only visible in Activities view in vanilla Gnome?18:22
tomreynAmeisen: i don't know an answer to your question (i assume there is none). constrained disk space is not usually an issue nowadays, why is it in your case? have you considered file system compression?18:24
Curlyearsheigh hough.   I am completel;y bamboozled with a 14.01 LTS isssue.  Is anyone will ing top assist me?18:31
ikoniawhy don't you just ask and see if people know the answer18:31
ikoniarather than ask if someone will help you, before they know if they can or not18:31
Curlyearsikonia:  well, 14.01 is [retty long in the tooth, but OKAY:18:32
ikoniait still has LTS support for the server18:32
Curlyearsmy 16.04.? system was fouled by a FreeCAD daily upodate.  After the update fnished, it required me rto restart my computer.  I did so.  Even since then, I am unabk,le to log in because the login prog accepts my password, sits and thihnks for a few seconds, blanks my screen, and goes right back to askingme to log in again.18:34
ikoniathe problem has switched from 14.04 to 16.04 ?18:35
CurlyearsI have ZERO clue as to wqhy a 3D CAD package update sholuld interfere in an way with login, but it did.  :(18:35
ikoniayou just asked about 14.04 - how are we now talking about 16.0418:35
ikoniaCurlyears: I suggest you disable X login, and try to login to the shell18:35
ikoniaif it's going back to the login prompt after logging in, it's normally because X is crashing or can't complete the login eg: can't access the /home directory to write the temporary files needed18:36
ikoniayou can also view the xorg logs18:36
Curlyears16,04 wasa what I was currently runnning.  I had just decided to upgrade to 18.04 when this mess atruck.   I found an old version of 14.04 living on my HDD, so that is how I am booting right now18:37
CurlyearsOK,,,but what do I *DO* about X is breaking?  I know virtually nothing about X18:39
ikoniare-read what I just said18:39
ioriaCurlyears, for the record, you stated the same issue few months ago18:41
dh1twHey, I'm trying to set up a local apt mirror. I've configured and executed apt-mirror. But for strange reasons the download is never complete. The only directory that gets downloaded is "ubuntu/pool". Other directories like "dists" or "projects" are missing. Any ideas?18:41
ikoniadh1tw: are you sure it doesn't need to complete before moving onto the next dir18:41
CurlyearsWhat/ About being able to szee the Xorg logs?18:41
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ikoniaCurlyears: have you been having this problem for months as ioria said ?18:42
dh1twikonia the apt-mirror application sucessfully finished18:42
dh1twikonia executed already twice18:43
ikoniadh1tw: what does the config look like18:43
Curlyearsioria:    yes, I did.  My 16.04 booth DVD died.md I couldnt do ANYTHING for about twpomonths.  Then I [urchasaed a cheap uhsed HP b otbook, to get mysel;f back on line18:43
ioriaCurlyears, yep,  https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/05/05/%23ubuntu.txt18:46
dh1twikonia https://pastebin.com/SyMuaYbj18:46
Curlyearssorry about my slow typing.   I have severe diabetic neuropathy in myt hands, and if I get out of practice at all, my typing deteriorates rapidly. . .18:47
dh1twikonia pulling direclty from a mirror in spain18:47
ioriaCurlyears,  guess we told you the same things ikonia just toldyou18:47
ikoniadh1tw: looks pretty sane18:48
dh1twso weird... I can't find any info on the internet about this problem18:48
pavlosdh1tw: is there any info in the http.log or error that it does not complete?18:53
Ameisentomreyn - digitalocean droplet18:54
Ameisenvery basic one18:54
dh1twpavlos http.log? As far as I can tell, apt-mirror only outputs to the console18:55
pavlosdh1tw: there is a server when you setup the mirror, I assume, es-mirrors.evowise.com/18:56
dh1twpavlos ah, no thats the ubuntu mirror I'm pulling the stuff from18:57
dh1twthats a public server18:57
pavlosdh1tw: seems I misunderstood ...18:58
Curlyearsikonia:   OK.  How do I disable X, if I can't get logged in?19:00
ioriaCurlyears,  you don't disable anything, you log in console (tty) : ctrl+alt+f1 (of f2)19:02
Ameisentomreyn - I worry that filesystem compression would kill the single core (and limited memory)19:12
Ameisensingle vcore19:12
Ameisenalso, btrfs performance seems... inconsistent19:12
Ameisenmy main experience with filesystem compression is NTFS compression (where it's generally _faster_ even on SSDs due to reducing IO, if you have the CPU time), but this is a really constrained system19:13
FusionXI setup my kubuntu installation and encrypted the whole disk with LVM. Can I disable this encryption later on?19:15
ioriaFusionX, you encrypt with luks, not with lvm19:16
FusionXioria: I chose the option - "Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM"19:17
FusionXanyhow, can I disable it later?19:17
slimetraphello friends. has anyone noticed that notes as in snap install notes has now broken resizing the window?19:17
FusionXor do I have to redo the install?19:17
ioriaFusionX, i don't think so19:17
ioriaFusionX,  what's the real problem ?19:18
FusionXioria: I think it'll be really cumbersome if I dual boot later, and I can manually encrypt important files anyway19:19
ioriaFusionX,  if you want to dual boot with an encrypted ubuntu,i suggest a second drive19:21
memphistoFusionX: not without losing date; need to restore data manually19:23
memphistobut i always do LUKS on my systems and no issues19:24
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
FusionXokay so something very weird is happening. I just install ubuntu and whenever I try to boot with USB plugged in I get this error,19:45
FusionX"System BootOrder not found. Initializing defaults.  Creating boot entry 'Boot0038' with label 'ubuntu' for file  '\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi'.   Reset system"19:45
FusionXeven if I change boot order, and specifically boot into ubuntu, it will still give this error. As soon as I remove the USB it starts working normally.19:46
FusionXThis is the same USB I just installed ubuntu from.19:46
* Curlyears shakes and shimmies19:48
Curlyearsod, I was looking at channel ##ubunt, b ut I am functioning al;right in #ubuntuthat was fascinating , , ,19:49
memphistoFusionX: it's probably your uefi complaining ...probaly you have multiple same entries there19:52
Curlyearsin any case, appoarentrly wahtyevere I did that deleted 16.04 affected other things.  As I am logged in under 14.04, a ctrl-alt-2 does indeed open a terminal. screen, into whix ch I can indeed log in.  It is still logging me in to 14.04.l   *ARGH*19:52
Curlyearsamd I going to have to go bac k, upgrade 14.04 to 1`6.04, then upgrase 16.04 to 18.04?19:53
memphistoCurlyears: why not just do fresh install , that is if you have separate home partition or home bckp19:54
FusionXmemphisto: how do I fix it?19:54
memphistoFusionX: either going to UEFI and looking for boot manager options - and delete old entries19:54
FusionXmemphisto: can I reinstall all of this clean from scratch?19:55
memphistoor , i thing there is efibootmgr tool in linux which can do that too19:55
memphistodidn't get you...its just boot entries in NAND saying you once installed OS and its located here..you just have to delete old entries19:56
memphistobut be carefull not to delete the current ones19:56
FusionXmemphisto: I'll be reinstalling linux anyway. What happens if I delete all the entries?19:57
memphistoif you install linux 3 times it will create 3 entries19:57
memphistothen delete all the entries and install linux19:57
FusionXseems like I also have windows boot managert still19:57
memphistowell do you use windows19:58
memphistoif so keep the entry19:58
bobaHi, how can I reset my freenode password?20:00
striveboba: You may want to try asking in #freenode20:01
Curlyearsmemphisto.   My boot drive is a 250GB SSD, there are also 2 300GB HDDS mounted.,  So far as I m aware, the oinstallation is sorta distributed aamoungst these 9for speeds of accewsasa cfor xommwends)20:01
Curlyearsmemephisto:  all I know is what thje caonical website had on it.  This in stall iso will ONLY  upgrde 16.4 and `7,?20:03
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
memphistono, i was just asking...its quicker to just do new install, fresh start, and restore data on partition/of if you have separate home then you would keep that20:04
CurlyearsAh, I see.   But as I said, parts of the system re al,ll over the place,   Some shares space on a drivw with aystem files on an HDD.  Not sure how tio extricate them20:06
troulouliou_devhi nginx i compiled with thos options : --add-module=/build/nginx-Q158zN/nginx-1.10.3/debian/modules/ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module20:09
troulouliou_devhowever i cant find this module anywhere20:09
pavlostroulouliou_dev: https://github.com/yaoweibin/ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module   see install section20:15
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
troulouliou_devpavlos: the modle is not shipped for soe reason20:16
troulouliou_devpavlos: it is in nginx -V output20:16
troulouliou_devbut i cant load it20:16
CurlyearsBCNU:   I am going to baqck evverything off onto a BluRay disc, and then worry about what to do next20:17
ruffleShey. i need help with my notebook optimus gfx card.20:17
ruffleSinstalling suggested nvidia-340 driver didn't fix my overheating issue so i purged nvidia-*. it looks like it's still overheating though20:19
=== ruffZ is now known as ruffleS
arth7774When I boot ubuntu I got narrow stipe artefact showing up at the top of monitor by 2-3 seconds.20:29
memphistoruffleS: how do you measure the temperature?20:34
Bashing-omruffleS: Overheating: when was the lsat time you cleaned the computer ? .. I am in a dusty environment and I have to clean my box at least on a monthly basis .20:34
memphisto:) exactly20:34
jameswineDoes anyone have a reference for setting up a DNS server on ubuntu 18.04? I keep fighting the systemd-resolver where I can't access the internet once I disable systemd-resolver and install bind9.20:55
jameswinesince systemd-resolver binds on port 53 I have to disable it to enable DNS for bind.20:55
_KaszpiR_try dnsmasq, ditch systemd-resolver.21:10
jameswine@_KaszpiR_, so the issue is when I try anything else I lose my ability to get outside even when I set nameservers for google as an example. I feel like i'm doing something small wrong.21:19
Bashing-omjameswine: Have you seen: https://netplan.io/ ? My notes: netplan to either configure NetworkManager (desktop) or systemd-networkd (server)21:25
Bashing-omconfigs in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/21:25
Bashing-omserver: so it's systemd-networkd, and config's under /etc/systemd/network/21:25
=== BlackJack|2 is now known as tarikat
ceibalhola como estas21:37
=== Darkhero_ is now known as Darkhero
d3fragg3dcould someone offer some advice? I have no sound on my laptop, I have alsa installed and alsamixer says everything is unmuted and turned up22:01
d3fragg3dheadphones work, speakers dont22:02
jeremy31is something stuck in headphone jack?22:02
jeremy31does the output in sound setting show speakers when headphones aren't connected22:04
d3fragg3don pulse audio the built in audio profile is set to off, but all the options in th dropdown are HDMI and they are set to disabled anyway, not sure if this is related.22:04
d3fragg3dno, on pavucontrol the output is set to "Speakers"22:05
jeremy31I wonder if a wire is broken at the headphone jack22:06
d3fragg3dyeah perhaps its a hardware fault :(22:07
frexI just fresh installed ubuntu 18.04 on vmware workstation pro but there is no audio22:17
frexi installed it with the same Iso on virtual box and audio works there but I'd rather use vmware22:17
frexany ideas?22:17
Two_Dogsfrex: how does vmware fake a audio card?22:18
frexwhat do you mean22:18
Two_Dogsfrex: copy/paste & execute via terminal> inxi -Fxxzc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here22:21
swift110hey guys22:21
jeremy31!offtopic swift11022:21
frexTwo_Dogs: http://termbin.com/mwei22:23
Two_Dogsfrex: i see a card, do you have 'pavucontrol' installed? if not do so and open the app22:25
frexpulseaudio volume control?22:26
frexjust installed it22:26
Two_Dogsfrex: open the app and look at 'configuration tab'22:26
Two_Dogsfrex: there should be one profile only enabled, prefer the analog profile22:27
frexalright im there22:27
frexanalog stereo duplex22:28
frexis on22:28
Two_Dogsfrex: and all others are off/disabled22:28
frexwell I guess so, since theres only one profile and thats on the analog stereo duplex22:29
frexsorry if I'm not descriptive enough etc I'm new to linux22:29
Two_Dogsits ok, i understood22:29
Two_Dogsfrex: via web-browser start some youtube something, and look at the output tab22:30
frexalright, I see silence base moving22:30
Two_Dogsfrex: what is enabled?22:31
frexport is analog output22:31
frexidk if thats what you were asking for22:32
papHey guys, can anyone tell me if upgrading to 1604 from 1404 will affect the existing apps?22:32
frexthis is what I see22:33
Damnit__this is going to seem like a real stupid question but how do i install Ubuntu iso for VM22:35
Two_Dogsfrex: there is a left arrow on top (tabs), should show 'playback tab'22:35
Damnit__oh.. so i use the desktop iso?22:36
Two_Dogsfrex: does playback show activity?22:36
pavlosDamnit__: depends ... you can make a VM server and a VM desktop22:36
Two_Dogsfrex: is something with audio now active on youtube?22:37
frexoh wait the window was small22:37
frexi scrolled down22:37
Damnit__I am using it on my regular desktop22:37
frexthere is22:37
Damnit__i had to delete both my iso's on VMware while trying to update and upgrade because i got an error22:38
frexsilence was moving22:39
Two_Dogsfrex: the host system audio is working, yes?22:41
frexyes Two_Dogs22:41
Two_Dogsfrex: i am not sure where the issue is, i would say it is vmware related, i dont know vmware22:42
frexyeah it appears so, since I tried this with virtualbox and the audio worked fine.22:43
frexI really appreciate your help though Two_Dogs22:43
Two_Dogsfrex: and assuming you used same iso to create the virtualbox instance i would not assume it is the installed22:43
Two_Dogsfrex: vmware has a help channel on freenode?22:44
frexYes, I've posted my issue I'm just waiting for a response now.22:44
Two_Dogsfrex: good luck22:45
frexThank you22:45
Two_Dogsfrex: if you can pick a less complicated simulated audio card setup might help, generic audio/intel?22:47
jeremy31herbygranted What is that?23:05
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
linuxliam hi23:10
N3X15Haha, my dad just found an old laptop of mine running Ubuntu 15.04 and brought it over so he could sell it23:11
herbygrantedSearch on twitter pass it on23:11
N3X15Ah, memories.23:11
linuxliamis anyone here running ubuntu on a dell inspiron 7000 (7567)23:12
Two_Dogslinuxliam: you are23:13
ikoniaherbygranted: please don't post spam23:13
linuxliamTwo_Dogs:  (facepalm)23:14
ikonialinuxliam: why don't you ask your real question23:14
linuxliami used acpi=off and im wondering if it was a good idea to do so? (i saw in my bios logs that it was forcing acpi off )23:19
Scotty_Treesi use solus :P23:20
Bashing-omlinuxliam: Shoer answer is no ,, not a good idea . Maybe a better option: e"23:20
Bashing-omLink: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html23:20
Bashing-omlinuxliam: short* answer23:21
=== dave4927 is now known as dave4925
linuxliamBashing-om: thanks23:32
* linuxliam reboots23:32
Bashing-omlinuxliam: Good happenstance :)23:33
omar_hola, consulta, creo que estoy un poco perdido, alguien me puede ayudar un poco?23:41
=== abarbaneld is now known as TheMindIsWasted
TheMindIsWasted                          identify23:45

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