
gigirockClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz (800MHz) • Memory: Physical: 7,6 GiB Total (6,3 GiB Free) Swap: 7,8 GiB Total (7,8 GiB Free) • Storage: 152,8 GB / 181,8 GB (29,0 GB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] @ Intel Corporation Skylake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers • Uptime: 4m 5s00:00
leftyfbgigirock: please don't00:00
gigirockleftyfb, is only the proof 'm ubuntu00:01
RoadRunnerHow to configure pidgin for voice? Pulse Audio detects webcam and is showing sound reception from its mic but pidgin's mic test is not showing a changing sound level. Changing Pidgin's audio output and input plugins to Pulse Audio doesn't make any difference. Device selection just showing one option "default" (not detecting specific devices?)00:04
RoadRunnerusing latest (2.13.0) compiled for 16.0400:05
gigirockRoadRunner, i can't figure out what audio u need for pigdin00:05
RoadRunnergigirock: please explain00:06
RoadRunnerwhat do you mean what audio?00:07
gigirockRoadRunner, what chat u want to use with audio mic in pigdin ?00:07
RoadRunnergigirock: you right click on chosen budy and select Audio call (was that your question?)00:09
hggdhgigirock: please speak plain and correct English. Not all here -- in fact, most -- are native speakers00:09
adam_anyone here00:10
leftyfbRoadRunner: I think he was asking which protocol are you trying to use with pidgin, not that it matters.00:10
leftyfb!ask | adam_00:10
ubottuadam_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:10
adam_whats the best or most popular game in linux sofware?00:11
leftyfbadam_: that's not a support question. Try #ubuntu-offtopic00:12
RoadRunnerleftyfb: gigirock: the protocol I believe should work most predictably for voice/video under pidgin is xmpp00:12
oerheksplease notice > https://freenode.net/news/security-update-rpa00:12
RoadRunnerleftyfb: as far as my original question is concerned, any ideas?00:17
gigirockRoadRunner, never used pigdin in my life,.,,,,anyway check .pigdin in your home dir00:18
RoadRunnergigirock: check for what?00:18
gigirockRoadRunner, check if there are some audio setup there.....00:22
gigirockRoadRunner, in alsamixer you have 'voice' ?00:22
gigirockRoadRunner, i mean in alsamixer you can control that input mic.......00:23
gigirockanyway i'm too old to stay, i will be in bed in some seconds00:24
RoadRunnergigirock: what's alsamixer? as far as I know I only have Pulse Audio for sound control00:24
gigirocka kiss for all of you .......00:24
gigirockRoadRunner, try alsamixer from terminal00:24
RoadRunneris alsamixer a part of ubuntu distro? I am under xubuntu...00:25
gigirock!info alsamixer00:25
ubottuPackage alsamixer does not exist in bionic00:25
gigirock!info gnome-alsamixer00:27
ubottugnome-alsamixer (source: gnome-alsamixer): ALSA sound mixer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7~cvs.20060916.ds.1-5build1 (bionic), package size 42 kB, installed size 261 kB00:27
gigirockwe are gnome now RoadRunner00:27
RandolfIs anyone running JavaFX with OpenJDK 10 on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-9/+bug/172185200:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1721852 in openjfx (Ubuntu) "JavaFX support is in Oracle JDK 9 but missing in Ubuntu OpenJDK 9" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:39
RoadRunner!info alsamixer00:40
ubottuPackage alsamixer does not exist in bionic00:40
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kubast2How can I check compression ratios on btrfs ?01:07
DynVCan some1 help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2395264 ?01:09
kubast2got it01:10
kubast2run compsize as root01:10
DynVtitle: [ubuntu] Touchpad seem to track finger after leaving surface01:10
RandolfDynV:  Do you mean that the mouse pointer is still tracking your finger's movement even when you're not physically touching the pad?01:12
RandolfIf so, it may be a hardware issue -- my laptop was Windows 10 and it did this.  Now that I switched to Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS (just yesterday after Windows 10 crashed and burned horribly), I still notice this.01:13
RandolfBut after your finger is far enough away, the tracking stops.01:13
DynVif I pay attention it ends up around where I left it, if I don'T it ends up a good distance from where I listed my finger.01:14
eyeohdid it do it from inside Win10 too Randolf?01:14
Randolfeyeoh:  This effect is the same in Windows 10 and in Ubuntu 18.04.01:14
eyeohthat's a bit lame01:14
RandolfAt least on this laptop.01:14
Randolfeyeoh:  That's why I suspect it's a hardware issue.01:15
RandolfDynV:  What kind of laptop do you have?  I'm assuming you're using a laptop.  I'm using an HP laptop.01:15
DynVis there a program that could stop or lower the amount of tracking after the finger leave the surface?01:15
RandolfDynV:  Hmm, sensitivity setting?01:16
eyeohIt sounds related to https://github.com/cb22/macbook12-spi-driver/issues/10 - or just linux touchpad drivers in general01:16
DynVplease see the URL for the laptop kind01:16
RandolfI see Touchpad Speed in the options, but not Touchpad Sensitivity.01:16
RandolfDynV:  I've noticed this effect on a few other brands over the years, now that I'm thinking about this.01:17
eyeohI think it's a combination of hardware and linux touchpad drivers01:18
eyeohclearly hardware if it happens in windows too01:18
DynVit does not do that on the latest Lubunto on a D610.01:18
RandolfThe setting that I absolutely and scathingly hate is tap-to-click.  In Windows it's nearly impossible to turn this off, and it causes no end of problems (particularly in Adobe Photoshop).  Ubuntu is awesome though because disabling this feature is right there with all the other mouse options (which makes sense).01:19
RandolfDynV:  Maybe Lubunto has a touchpad-sensitivity setting.01:19
eyeohDynV: You should update that post to mention that it didn't happen in Lubuntu <version>01:19
DynVLatitude D610*01:19
eyeohalso what is with ubuntu forum's wide formatting - so hard to read01:20
DynVmay it has a touchpad-sensitivity setting but I didn't touch it.01:20
DynVso it's automatic or doesn'T have one.01:20
DynVI think01:20
eyeohgnome does hide a lot01:20
RandolfDynV:  Sure, but with the sensitivity setting's default at a more rational value.01:20
eyeohcan you test if you get the same issue in the live boot of lubuntu 18.04 and xubuntu 18.04?01:21
DynVcould be01:21
eyeohRandolf: tap to click even on mac is bad01:21
eyeohI have push only01:21
eyeohand even then with the forcetouch trackpad, it misfires sometimes01:22
DynVI'd need to d/l lubuntu or xubuntu as Latitude D610 is 32 bit.01:22
DynVbut I'll try01:22
eyeohI think you'll have to try because it'd be faster than waiting to see if someone is expert enough to figure it out remotely01:22
eyeohspot the difference, experiment, etc01:23
eyeohlubuntu definitely still comes in 32-bit; I'm surprised you found a 32-bit ubuntu01:23
DynVI think I'll buy a mini-mouse and always leave it in my bag01:23
eyeohI had the impression it stopped01:23
eyeohhmm yeah I think lots of non-mac laptop users use an external mouse...01:24
DynVin case  Iforget my regular one01:24
eyeohexcept for thinkpad users who use the trackpoint01:24
eyeohapple does some wizardry with their trackpad drivers - I can see that now01:24
RandolfI'm a bit sad that Ubuntu 18.04 is not available in 32-bit mode.  But, oh well, it's okay.01:24
eyeohit's probably along the lines of how touchscreen scroll interacts01:24
eyeohthe 32-bit Pentium M laptop I have wouldn't be able to handle gnome...01:25
eyeohso lubuntu is just as well01:25
Randolfeyeoh:  I had a Mac many years ago, and it was a good machine, but I found the interface unintuitive and also very restrictive.01:25
eyeoh1GB RAM, 2GHz Pentium M (single core?)01:25
eyeohRandolf: I really dislike macOS's interface01:25
eyeohI know how to use it and use it faster than most, but it's still irritating01:26
eyeohGo to a conference and look at how speakers swipe around macOS; they're totally lost01:26
eyeohbut I can see why it's popular01:26
Randolfeyeoh:  One of the big complaints I have about MacOS stuff is that there's no "Apply" or "Save" button on most dialogues -- the use has to use the "X" in the top-right corner to save changes, which is unintuitive because an "X" is normally associated with cancelling something.01:26
eyeohit's all very hidden yep01:26
eyeohthere's not even an alt underline - e.g., right click in safari or firefox and press a letter; you have no idea which letter corresponds to which item.01:27
eyeohNo way to bring up alt-underlines01:27
RandolfThat's awful.01:27
eyeohother obscurities like the file open dialog hides hidden files - the only way to bring them up is cmd-shift-G and that isn't documented01:27
eyeohanother one not documented is in finder, cmd-. shows/hides hidden files01:28
eyeohno, it's command-*shift*-.01:28
RandolfApple has a culture of "Think Different," "Park Different," etc.  https://everything2.com/title/Park+Different01:28
eyeohterrible lag to toggle too; you can't hit it repeatedly to toggle quickly01:29
eyeohyou have to wait01:29
RandolfI think it looks nice because they do well with presenting white colours for borders and backgrounds.  On Windows everything is depressingly grey in that respect.01:29
eyeohyeah I think parking like a _ is indefensible01:30
eyeohbut eh; I don't choose to drive anyway so I'll let them duke it out01:30
eyeohyeah every desktop environment is a travesty right now and has no clue what direction to move in01:30
RandolfI saw a taxi park in a handicap spot just last week when I came out of the grocery store.  I was going to ask the driver to park elsewhere, but then some lady approached him first and started yelling angrily at him about it.01:31
eyeohthe installation process for programs is still a mess in windows01:31
eyeohand gnome keeps trying to copy macos01:31
Randolfeyeoh:  There's more than one process.01:31
eyeohit's all a mess01:31
zmuggli__i need help with virtualbox01:31
eyeohwhat up zmuggli__01:31
Randolfzmuggli__:  What do you need help with within it?01:31
zmuggli__it's crashing when i try to install win xp iso01:32
Randolfzmuggli__:  How much RAM did you assign to the VM?  And disk space?01:33
Randolfzmuggli__:  Also, does your ISO include Service Pack 3?01:33
zmuggli__it's crashing before the partition select01:33
* Randolf waits for the answers to his questions...01:34
zmuggli__it's 16MB vid memory, and 512 RAM01:34
RandolfSo those are reasonable.01:34
RandolfYou could try 1,024 MB of RAM.01:34
RandolfBut 512 should be fine.01:34
Randolf1,024 will result in a faster installation though.01:35
RandolfThen you can cut it down later.01:35
RandolfSo, for your ISO, is it Windows XP with Service Pack 3?01:35
zmuggli__no, will install later01:35
Dalek_BreathHow do I set up my keyring so that it gets unlocked automatically on boot up without needing to log in? I have this machine set up to automatically log me in on boot up, but then I get a prompt to unlock the keyring after boot up which defeats the purpose of having automatic log in.01:35
Randolfzmuggli__:  Sorry, I mean Service Pack 2.01:36
Randolfzmuggli__:  I gave up trying to get earlier than SP 2 working because those crash and won't install.01:36
manjaroLXDEis it possible to boot from sdcard?01:37
zmuggli__oh, i think that i downloaded the first version, without any service pack01:37
RandolfTry to get at least SP2.  If you can get it with SP3 then that will be much better.01:38
zmuggli__yee, i'll do that01:39
RandolfAlso, try to download from "microsoft.com" and not some other site because there are a lot of modified Windows ISOs made by pirates who like to bundle malicious software into them.01:39
RandolfDo you have an original CD handy?  If so, you could try installing from that.  VitrtualBox does support that.01:39
zmuggli__i have an cd with original version but modified by enterprises01:40
RandolfOkay.  So you might be able to find what you need, here:  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5648501:41
zmuggli__but the key can't be used anymore01:41
zmuggli__fucking 10 years :/ such oldschool01:41
RandolfThat's a shame.01:41
zmuggli__oh, i forgot, i'm using ubuntu mate distro01:42
RandolfIt's bad enough that Microsoft makes their certifications expire.  If Universities did that to Ph.D.'s there would be public mayhem over it.01:42
hggdhzmuggli__: language, please01:42
zmuggli__ok, sorry01:42
* Randolf pats zmuggli__ on the back, supportively.01:43
eyeohzmuggli__: Does your VirtualBox work with other ISOs?01:44
eyeohjust to rule out VirtualBox problems01:44
eyeohAlso, does qemu-kvm work for windows?01:44
RandolfGetting XP working these days is a royal pain in the neck.  The worst thing about it is trying to download an updated version of Internet Explorer, but Microsoft's web site is no longer compatible at all with older versions of Internet Explorer.01:44
Randolfeyeoh:  I recently configured my company web site to not use TLS when ancient versions of web browsers are detected.  We're going to add a banner at the top of the page in those instances that cautions the user that they're browsing without TLS/SSL protection, and suggest that they upgrade their systems.01:47
eyeohheh damn01:47
RandolfWe also have a download option for newer versions of Internet Explorer there, but it's only for customers.01:47
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
eyeohwhat still serves up sites for IE though?01:48
eyeohare these internal applications that rely on IE?01:48
Randolfeyeoh:  Oh, our web site looks a little bit broken in most versions of IE.  I don't care though.01:48
RandolfEvery web site we develop is tested in Opera, Firefox, and Chrome.  And then we check IE as a last resort and fix whatever we can there.01:48
RandolfIE is always the retard in the group.01:49
RandolfEdge isn't any better.01:49
hggdhfolks, let's try and keep on topic. Use #ubuntu-offtopic for this conversation01:50
* Randolf nods agreeably01:50
=== andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill
RandolfI couldn't get IceChat 9 working under WINE on Ubuntu, so I'm going to switch to HexChat.  I'll be back shortly.01:52
=== josh is now known as Guest44453
Guest44453can't access my router from ubuntu.   works fine from my ipad.  both on same network @ .   can curl and get a bit of html, but just get a message about unable to connect from firefox.01:59
doug16kGuest44453, what do you mean by "@" exactly? the ipad and your ubuntu have different IP addresses, right?02:05
Guest44453yeah, that is the router ip.02:06
Comstocki think that is the router ip02:06
Comstockdamn, i'm slow02:06
doug16kGuest44453, is firefox trying to use a proxy?02:06
Guest44453no, just check, was set to use system proxy (which i don't think exists), but changed to no proxy, same result02:09
doug16kGuest44453, try this command, does it print out a bunch of valid looking lines? -> host google.com02:10
doug16kwhen you test with curl, is it an https page?02:12
Guest44453no, and if i add https to my curl command, i get no response02:13
doug16kis port 443 blocked in your firewall?02:13
Guest44453firefox adds https to the address, even if i specify http:, or nothing, it always changes it to https02:14
doug16ksites often force https. try a small/simple site02:14
doug16klike this -> http://ctyme.com/rbrown.htm02:14
Guest44453that page loads02:15
doug16kthen ssl pages are blocked. did you customize your firewall settings?02:15
Guest44453not on my computer.  i just installed ubuntu yesterday and have not changed any firewall settings (i don't even know where they are at this point)02:16
Guest44453doug16k: is this what i need to make it work: sudo ufw allow 443/tcp02:19
doug16kwhat does this say -> sudo ufw status02:21
Guest44453Status: inactive02:21
Guest44453nmap shows 53,80,515 and 9100 open02:21
doug16kyeah but that is just saying which ports the router is listening on. it should route more than those02:25
randolfIn Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS, when I use PgUp and PgDn on the keypad (with NumLock off), these keys don't seem to work.  Is there a setting somewhere I need to change to get them working in various applications?  Thanks.02:26
CoolerZi installed flex but apparently that doesn't come with the lfl library02:29
CoolerZwhich package contains it02:29
Guest44453doug16k, any idea as to how to fix it so i can access the router's configuration?02:30
CoolerZoh actually i do have it02:31
doug16kGuest44453, try   that should bring up the router config page02:31
Guest44453doug16k, can't, firefox changes it to https as soon as i press enter02:31
CoolerZwhy can't gcc find libfl.so in my /usr/lib/ ?02:33
CoolerZits right there02:33
doug16kGuest44453, you tried rebooting the router already, right?02:33
CoolerZi am compiling with gcc lex.yy.c -l lfl02:34
Guest44453doug16k, no, because it works from other devices.02:34
Guest44453there's something different about this specific computer / OS that is the problem02:35
CoolerZoh wait, its -lfl  not -l lfl02:35
CoolerZmy bad02:35
doug16kGuest44453, what does this say -> sudo iptables -L02:36
doug16kpastebin it02:36
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest27487
Guest27487Hey does grub support zstd compressed btrfs ?02:37
Guest27487or I'm better off creating a seperate /boot partition or compressing /boot with lzo/zlib02:38
Guest44453doug16k, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jrpHHhm7N6/02:38
doug16kGuest44453, that's allowing everything02:38
Guest44453stock ubuntu installation, i haven't done anything with iptables02:39
Guest44453i think it's firefox trying to do some "keep you safe" stuff changing to https automatically.  need to turn that off02:40
doug16kmany sites insist on https, turning that off won't be a solution02:41
Guest44453just installed chrome.  no problem.  it opens the router config just fine02:45
Guest44453firefox is the problem02:46
Guest27487Guest44453, quiet an ancient router you have tbh02:47
Guest27487albeit yeah firefox on my part just doesn't force it02:48
=== plasm0duck is now known as plasmoduck
ubuntu_so I was looking at https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/06/22/a-first-look-at-desktop-metrics03:00
ubuntu_And I gotten to conclussion those are mainlly virtual machines03:00
ubuntu_Single core(default virtual box setting) 1080p with 4-8 GB of ram03:01
ubuntu_2GB being fairlly popular(default value for virtualbox on 8GB ram device)03:02
ubuntu_or perhaps it was 1GB03:02
ubuntu_the memory setting is more in your face than cpu core setting in virtualbox03:02
ubuntu_Thought I might underesitimating03:02
ubuntu_nah it can't be docker03:03
Alabasterhey all03:10
Alabasterweird I set up hexchat on my other PC and I don't see the same people or the same welcme text03:11
eyeohuse irssi :p03:12
AlabasterIm sure you guys are just as awesome right??03:12
eyeoh(no really, if you ever spend time in the command line without gui environments, irssi is great; or weechat I guess)03:12
Alabasterwhat is irssi?03:13
Alabasteror stand for?03:13
eyeohit's the pronunciation for irc03:13
eyeohin some other language03:13
eyeohi rs si03:13
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
eyeohApparently the cool kids like WeeChat now but I can't get over the name and already know irssi okay so have stayed03:13
Alabastereyeoh have you had trouble making a usb wifi adapter work even after installing the drivers?03:14
eyeohno I haven't03:14
eyeohdo you know if the drivers have installed correctly?03:15
AlabasterI dunno I went into freenode, but perhaps forgot to install whatever irc plug in for this is03:15
Alabasteractually I don't...03:15
Alabastersee if I do lsusb it shows the device is there though03:15
eyeohWhat process did you use to install?03:15
eyeohI did install a usb wifi adapter for my raspberry pi once but I just followed instructions for a set device03:16
Alabasterapt install realtek-rtl88xxau.dkms03:16
eyeohI got this exact adapter (Edimax) and followed these instructions: https://raspberrypihq.com/how-to-add-wifi-to-the-raspberry-pi/03:16
eyeohmaybe there might be something similar there for you03:17
Alabasterits werid my headers all show differently too maybe thats the prob03:17
AlabasterI guess your saying you dont know the cli that well though03:18
Alabastersays linux headers 4.15.0 is not installed03:19
eyeohme? it's all relative03:19
eyeohwhat does uname -r say?03:19
Alabasterbut if I do apt cache search it says 4.16.003:19
Alabasteruname -r one sec03:20
Sir_AndreiPeople, I've installed Lubuntu 18.04 on my computer (alongside with Windows 10). I'd put GRUB on /dev/sda and I've made biosgrub partition (1Gb size).03:20
Sir_AndreiI've rebooted my computer..., but when it starts it appear "grub>"03:20
Sir_AndreiI mean, not GRUB menu, but GRUB shell.03:20
Sir_AndreiWhat could be wrong?03:21
AlabasterI dont think many are awake Sir_andrei03:21
Alabasterone sec brb eyeoh03:22
Sir_AndreiSo..., what hour do u recommend to do this kind of questions?03:22
Sir_Andreito ask*03:22
doug16kwhat time is it on Earth though?03:23
Sir_AndreiI'm UTC -3 c:03:23
CoolerZis pulse the bluetooth daemon or something?03:24
Alabasterfrom my experience everything dies on the other chat at 11-1203:24
CoolerZaudiosettings thingy?03:24
doug16ksounds like pulseaudio03:24
doug16kno pun intended03:24
CoolerZno i am having issues with bluetooth03:24
Sir_AndreiWhat issues do u have?03:24
Sir_AndreiI've working with bluetooth weeks ago.03:24
CoolerZi removed a device from the list of known devices03:24
CoolerZand now it never shows up anymore03:25
CoolerZi think it got blacklisted03:25
CoolerZthis post on stackoverflow https://askubuntu.com/questions/173969/recover-removed-bluetooth-sound-device03:25
Alabasterin fact I guess I am out because I don't think I'm gonna find much03:25
eyeohSir_Andrei: any time but I don't think I can help you cause I'm bad with partitions and might blow things up03:25
CoolerZsuggests removing everything in the .pulse folder03:25
InternetHi y’all03:25
InternetCan you guys see my messages03:26
CoolerZi don't have a ~/.pulse folder but there is a ~/.config/pulse/03:26
CoolerZInternet, yes03:26
Alabasterif anyone knows anything about why a wifi adapter would show up listed but not working lemme know03:26
eyeohAlabaster: which kernel veresion?03:26
Alabasteryes internet03:26
eyeohoh 4.1503:26
Alabastereyeoh ...03:26
Alabasteruname -r says 4.15.0-kali2-amd64 for some reason03:27
CoolerZshould i delete everything in ~/.config/pulse?03:27
Alabasternow keep in mind I can't reboot after update/upgrade is that a problem?03:27
lotuspsychje!behelpful | eyeoh03:27
ubottueyeoh: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.03:27
Alabasterim doing live w/o persistence03:27
Alabasterubuottu he was making a joke jeebus christofferson03:28
eyeohit's okay03:28
eyeohI'll try and be helpful03:28
CoolerZSir_Andrei, ?03:28
CoolerZis pulse related to bluetooth?03:28
CoolerZis it ok to delete everything in ~/.config/pulse?03:28
CoolerZ~/.config/pulse has 8 files including a file called cookie , but i don't see a client.conf file03:29
eyeohCoolerZ: the ~/.config folder usually only has configuration files - if you want, you can just move the pulse one out to somewhere else (or even rename it) to test03:29
eyeohAlabaster: I'm not really sure what the latest kernel for kali should be03:29
CoolerZeyeoh, but will that break things?03:30
downloadissuesWould anyone be willing to help me out with some download issues I'm having? Downloads will go for about 50 MB and then just stop.03:30
CoolerZthis is ubuntu 18.04 btw03:30
CoolerZusing kde plasma desktop03:30
Alabasterwhen you do an apt-get update or upgrade do you have to reboot Linux?03:30
eyeohAlabaster: but if you're on 4.15.0 and the thing says kernel headers 4.15.0 isn't installed; maybe try apt install kernel-headers?03:30
eyeohAnd yes, after updating to a new kernel, reboot.03:31
downloadissuesI'm tearing my hair out just to solve this issue.03:31
CoolerZeyeoh, that worked, i moved the pulse folder to desktop and now the headphones showed up in the list when i select add device03:32
eyeohCoolerZ: nice!03:32
CoolerZwhy is pulseaudio messing with bluetooth?03:33
CoolerZis it the bluetooth management app?03:33
Alabasterdammit this is live without persistence03:33
Alabasteroh well I will make the USB persistence03:33
eyeohI think pulse does a lot - even a change in monitor setups will change my audio settings.03:33
Sir_AndreiI'm back03:33
downloadissuespulse is really finnicky03:34
Sir_AndreiDo u have pulseaudio-module-bluetooth?03:34
guanenxihow about it03:34
guanenxithe first time03:35
lotuspsychjeguanenxi: this channel is for ubuntu questions only03:35
guanenxiCould I ask question about ubuntu?03:36
downloadissuesAnyone willing to help me solve an internet puzzle?03:37
lotuspsychjedownloadissues: is it related to ubuntu?03:37
downloadissuesusing lubuntu 16.0403:37
lotuspsychje!details | downloadissues03:37
ubottudownloadissues: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.03:37
downloadissuesWhen I download a file over WiFi, it works fine for 50 MB, then stops suddenly. I thought at first it might be a DNS issue, but I checked and that wasn03:38
downloadissuest the case03:38
eyeohIt probably won't be a DNS issue cause that's just for finding out the address initially, as far as I understand.03:39
downloadissuesAt first it was an issue with Steam.03:39
eyeohHave you tested it with something that works?03:39
eyeohincluding another operating system or computer?03:39
downloadissuesI looked it up, and apparently it was a symtom of DNS issues, so I set up a DNS cache. But the issue persists with Firefox downloads, and apt package downloads.03:40
downloadissuesIt's not a network problem, and it's fine with other computers on the network.03:40
eyeohis there a scenario where it does work?03:40
eyeohwhat about the same computer under a different set-up?03:40
downloadissuesIt only works when I'm hooked up via Ethernet.03:40
eyeohhave you used wget before?03:41
eyeohWell if you open up Terminal, and type wget <address> (of something large, like a linux iso), that'll start downloading and give you some simple info03:42
eyeohpress ctrl-c to stop it.03:42
downloadissuesI'll be right back while that downloads for a bit.03:43
eyeohIt might also be good to know what wifi adapter you have and whether others have had issues with that specific type03:43
Tecanubuntu 18.04 is the first version of ubuntu to always be using alot of cpu03:43
Tecanlaptop fan is constantly going because xorg is being a pig03:44
=== CrypticSquared is now known as Guest20640
downloadissuesWhat information do you want from the terminal?03:45
eyeohjust look at it and see if it hits 50MB03:46
downloadissuesThe USB WiFi adapter is a "Belkin Components F7D2101 802.11n Surf & Share Wireless Adapter v1000 [Realtek RTL8192SU]"03:46
eyeohSee if you notice any behaviour that's different to the issue you have03:46
downloadissuesI'll do it again, but let it go till it stops.03:46
downloadissuesWhen the download stops, it takes my whole connection down with it, however03:46
eyeohI'm probably not going to know the answer but might help to narrow down what works and what doesn't03:47
downloadissuesI'll come back when that happens03:47
eyeohWhat connection speed?03:47
downloadissuesIt usually downloads at 500-1500 KB/s03:47
lotuspsychjeTecan: gnome is known for bigger recource then unity03:47
lotuspsychjeTecan: devs are working at this moment to lighter gnome for a better 18.04.1 feeling03:48
downloadissuesWhat will happen is that it goes from 800 KB/s to 0 KB/s instantly.03:48
Tecanim using mate03:49
Tecanbecause of its low footprint03:49
lotuspsychjeTecan: is it on mate you have high cpu?03:50
Tecanhtop is showing a 22% usage on xorg03:51
Tecanone instance is one is only using 3%03:51
Tecannot sure why there are 2 running03:51
lotuspsychjeTecan: on mate?03:52
Tecansudo htop shows 2 running03:52
lotuspsychjeTecan: have you tryed a minimal install yet?03:52
Tecanbrb i'll try another wm03:53
downloadissues_I'm back03:53
* Tecan >>> Auto-op est suspendu...03:53
downloadissues_The download took down my whole connection03:53
downloadissues_Went from 600KB/s to 0KB/s instantly03:53
eyeohhave you looked up that model number + linux in search?03:54
eyeohThere seem to be a few results but I don't know if it'd help or not.03:54
downloadissues_Here's what the wget terminal output looked like03:54
eyeohCause I'd be tempted to just try a different adapter, either borrow or bought03:54
eyeohguessing, but it's almost like it's overheating itself or something03:55
eyeohI don't know why it'd work and then stop if it isn't a hardware issue.03:55
eyeohfind something?03:56
downloadissues_overheating may be the issue03:56
lotuspsychjeeyeoh: try using tab to help users03:56
lotuspsychje!tab | eyeoh03:56
ubottueyeoh: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:56
downloadissues_it's at the back of the computer, right by the exhaust03:57
downloadissues_it might be overheating03:57
downloadissues_i'm on a 11 year old dell precision 490, and that thing outputs more heat than a space heater03:57
downloadissues_i'll move it to a front port and try again03:57
eyeohlotuspsychje: Am I doing something wrong?03:58
lotuspsychjeeyeoh: no mate, im trying to make it better support for you03:58
lotuspsychjeeyeoh: its easier, when supporting to talk to their nicknames03:59
eyeohlotuspsychje: ok.03:59
neoncontrailsRecent convert from macOS here. Is there an Ubuntu equivalent of the 'mdworker' daemon that indexes the harddrive for fast retrieval in Spotlight?03:59
downloadissuesi moved it to a front port, but download speeds are abysmal04:00
eyeohdownloadissues: maybe put a fan on it too to see if that makes an improvement04:00
downloadissues30 KB/s abysmal04:00
downloadissuesI think these ports are connected to a usb hub or something04:00
eyeohdownloadissues: or even, attach it to a USB hub / cable to get it further away from the laptop04:00
downloadissuesIt's kicking up04:01
=== Sir_Andr` is now known as Sir_Andrei
downloadissues800 KB/s04:01
downloadissues1.67 MB/s04:01
eyeohdownloadissues: And then keep using wget as a benchmark because it gives you numbers, etc.04:01
Sir_AndreiWell, I've got how to boot from GRUB shell.04:02
Sir_AndreiBut now I have another problem, and in internet answers are confusing.04:02
Sir_AndreiNo init found. Try passing init= bootarg04:02
Sir_AndreiA lot of people reports this error asociated with power cutoffs.04:02
Sir_AndreiBut in my case it is now a power cutoff the problem.04:02
eyeohdownloadissues: If all of this leads to an improvement, and it's overheating that's causing an issue - another workaround (should you need to download something large) might be to limit the rate of the download, wget can do that too (type man wget and type /limit<enter> to search down to that section of the manual)04:04
downloadissues_It's odd.04:04
downloadissues_I starts of OK, doing well at 30-150 KB/s04:04
downloadissues_then it rockets up to the MB/s level speeds and just stops04:04
eyeohdownloadissues: it'd be interesting to see if you can trickle a download at a slower speed and see how far that gets.04:05
Sir_AndreiI'm starting to think it could be my USB stick image.04:09
Sir_AndreiI've done it with Unetbootin.04:09
Sir_AndreiIt could be that?04:09
downloadissues_I'm about to do wget -d04:09
downloadissues_I'll put the info in a pastebin later04:09
eyeohdownloadissues_: I personally probably wouldn't understand it; I only know how to rule things out - i.e., see if a slower download survives any better04:11
Tecanturns out its mate using all the resources up04:12
eyeohdownloadissues_: so something like wget --limit-rate=50k <address>04:12
Tecanxorg runs fine with gnome and gnome classic04:12
Tecanmate uses 25-30% cpu04:13
Tecanmaybe cinnamon works good04:13
eyeohdownloadissues_: either way I'd be inclined to try a different wifi adapter - perhaps one that's known to have good linux support (not saying your one doesn't; I just don't know enough about it)04:13
eyeohSir_Andrei: if your usb stick booted fine, I wouldn't think that's the problem04:15
Sir_Andreieyeoh, it booted fine, yes.04:19
JackLauirssi autolog is set on ,but log dir is empty04:32
jak2000https://paste.debian.net/1031400/   strange fdisk -l  strange result of fdisk ?06:09
ppfwhat's strange06:10
jak2000much lines06:12
jak2000wich partition have sree space?06:12
ppfdf -h06:14
tomreynall the unpartitioned ram disks06:14
jak2000ppf see line 106:14
jak2000this: /dev/dm-0        95G   34G   56G  38% / wich is sda1 or?06:15
jak2000how to know06:15
tomreyncan you show lsblk, this might be more readable06:17
jak2000i want add more space to / if ossible or to /var06:20
tomreynjak2000: you'd need to either add more PVs to the existing VG which pve-root is based on (sdb to sdd are not currently in use and thus available for it), then resize the pve-root LV and the filesystem on it, or move the data currently on pve-root (which is currently / ) to a new, larger  file system, to be created on one of the unpartitioned storages (or a anoither strore not currently connected).06:26
tomreynyou dont currentl yhave a separate /var partition, so creating a separate /var on one of the unused disks could be another otion.06:27
tomreynis pve-data_tdata a thin provisioning pool?06:27
jak2020tomreyn can you guide me please06:27
tomreyncan you show pvs, vgs, lvs06:28
tomreyndo you have backups?06:28
jak2020havent backups06:29
tomreynget some, and ask again. this time only on the one channel which is about your OS.06:29
tomreynso the answer to my thin provisioning pool question is "yes"06:32
tomreynso get some backups, jackivan8806:33
tomreynso get some backups, jak202006:34
tomreyn(sorry jackivan88)06:34
jak2020or can we06:35
jak2020create a directory /hdd1 and mount here free space?06:35
jak2020how many disks  have06:35
tomreynyou just backed up 1 TB in 6 minutes? fast storage!06:36
jak2020backuped some important files06:36
tomreynwho setup this system? did you?06:37
tomreynokay, so why did you choose this partiton scheme if you now need more space on / ?06:37
tomreynit's probably newly setup, right?06:38
jak2020this server is for Virtual Pcs06:38
jak2020need more space06:38
jak2020it can be on /hdd106:38
tomreynwhy are sdb, sdc, sdd not in use?06:38
jak2020only used sda and now need more space :)06:39
tomreynif i had this much storage on a server (depending on the use case) i would probably have created a mirror raid06:40
jak2020yes i try but when installed the server not worked something06:40
jak2020(3 years..)06:40
tomreynwell you could still do it now, creating a mirror raid across, say, sdc and sdd, and then move everything there, and then either extend the raid across sda and sdb or add another one.06:42
tomreynbut "then not worked something" makes me think we should not try this.06:42
jak2020i try an hardware raid06:42
jak2020not soft06:43
tomreyni see06:43
jak2020ok then we can activate the sdbc and create the array06:43
jak2020with cfdisk?06:43
tomreyndo you want to keep the gpt partition table on sdc or use the entire storage as a file system?06:44
tomreyni mean sdb, sorry06:45
jak2020by moment need more space06:45
jak2020but... if can we create the raid its bettter06:45
tomreyni don't think i want to go the raid route with you today06:46
tomreyni suggest you just pvcreate /dev/sdb06:46
jak2020Device /dev/sdb not found (or ignored by filtering).06:47
tomreyn? but it's on both your lsblk and fidsk -l output?06:48
tomreynmaybe it ignores it due to the partiton table on it. we can remote that: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 count=106:50
tomreynmake sure you have backups06:50
jak2020but not touching sda...06:50
jak2020sda have the info06:50
jak2020with dd can i create a image on sdbd ?06:50
tomreynwhat the dd command does is to overwrite the partition table on sdb06:51
tomreynactually more than just the partition table, but thats ok since there's no data stored on it.06:51
tomreynthat is, i assume you are booting off sda, not aany of the other disks06:52
jak2020hysical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully created06:52
tomreynvgextend pve /dev/sdb06:54
jak2020Volume group "pve" successfully extended06:54
=== randolf is now known as Randolf
tomreynnow you can either increase the size of the pve/root LV or create a new LV in the pve volume group06:55
tomreynjak2020: are you aware of what we just did, or should i explain?06:55
jak2020if can06:55
jak2020explain please06:55
tomreynthis will be iomportant to understand for the future.06:55
jak2020if can06:56
tomreynso you have this single volume group "pve". all your file systems so far were backed by it.06:56
tomreynpve was, so far, only based on sda. we now added sdb to this LVM physical volume. so you now have this LVM2 physical volume "pve" which effectively spans across two of your actual storages, sda and sdb.06:58
tomreynrun pvs, then vgs06:58
tomreynjak2020: review the outputs of these commands, review what i just wrote, then tell me when you want to continue06:59
=== davor_ is now known as davor
jak2020ye sunderstand06:59
tomreyn<tomreyn> now you can either increase the size of the pve/root LV or create a new LV in the pve volume group07:00
tomreynwhich one will it be?07:00
jak2020yes understand that can resize.. increase space...07:00
jak2020can we mount /dev/sdb to /hdd1 ?07:00
tomreynno, since /dev/sdb is now an LVM PV07:01
jak2020ok, then?07:02
jak2020how to see the space?07:02
jak2020or where mount?07:02
tomreynbut we can create a new LV in the pve VG and mount that at /hdd1 or whereeveryou'd like to07:02
tomreynwhich size?07:02
erle-> day for07:03
erle-> still no Firefox update07:03
jak2020tomreyn all 1TB07:03
tomreynjak2020: okay, its a bit less than 1 TB, but i understand07:04
tomreynjak2020: can you show pvs, lvs please07:05
jak2020dude: with the other 2 tb can we tomorrow create raid?07:05
tomreynjak2020: maybe, how much do you pay per hour?07:06
jak20205 dollars?07:06
jak2020no much money07:06
jak2020but i try07:07
tomreynjust ask again tomorrow, maybe someone will be willing to help07:07
tomreynyou should try it and learn it yourself07:07
tomreynit's pretty safe since sdc and add are not in use at all currently07:07
tomreynsdc and sdd07:08
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
jak2020https://paste.debian.net/1031405/ why not seee all TB?07:09
tomreynbecause the LVs of your thin provisioning pool are not mounted on this system07:11
tomreynthat's if you're referring to the 1 TB which is sda07:11
tomreynif you're referring to the ~ 1 TB that's sdb it's because we are not yet using it.07:12
jak2020i am talking about sda07:12
jak2020see df -h output?07:12
tomreynyes, and i just explained about sda07:12
tomreynyou have this large thin provisioning pool on sda, called 'data', it's 811 GB as can be seen here https://paste.debian.net/1031401/07:13
tomreynit contains several thin provisoning LVs which do not contain file systems which are mounted on the system you are currently working on. and df-h only shows mounted file systems.07:14
tomreynjak2020: now to continue where we left off: lvcreate --name hdd1 --size 930G pve07:17
jak2020 Logical volume "hdd1" created.07:19
tomreynjak2020: pvmove --name hdd1 /dev/sdb07:19
tomreynhmm okay, doesn't work this way07:20
tomreyncurrently, hdd1 is created *somewhere* on the pve volume group (which is backed by sda3 and sdb. i want to make sure it's is exclusively backed by sdb, incase sda fails at some point07:21
jak2020yes not worked07:21
tomreynoh we can specify this during lvcreate07:24
tomreynso, let's undo this LV07:24
tomreynlvremove pve/hdd107:24
jak2020how to undo?07:24
JackLauhow do I dismiss the purple splash after login succeed ?07:24
tomreynjak2020: LV deleted?07:26
tomreynJackLau: can you show a screen shot?07:26
jak2020 Logical volume "hdd1" successfully removed07:26
tomreynJackLau: also discuss ubuntu version07:26
tomreynjak2020: not sure this will work, but let's try: lvcreate --name hdd1 --size 100% pve /dev/sdb07:27
jak2020Invalid argument for --size: 100%07:28
tomreynjak2020: no this wont work, but this should: lvcreate --name hdd1 --extents 100%PVS pve /dev/sdb07:29
tomreynjak2020: if this succeeds, please show "lvs" and "lvdisplay pve/hdd1" afterwards, otherwise please show the error message07:30
jak2020Invalid argument for --size: 100%07:30
tomreynjak2020: note how isaid the first version of the command wont work, try the second ;)07:31
jak2020Logical volume "hdd1" created.07:31
tomreyn<tomreyn> jak2020: if this succeeds, please show "lvs" and "lvdisplay pve/hdd1" afterwards, otherwise please show the error message07:32
tomreynjak2020: okay, looks good. now we just create a file system on it: mkfs.ext4 /dev/pve/hdd107:34
jak2020last line07:34
jak2020Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done07:34
tomreynjak2020: and then create a mount point, you wanted /hdd1: mkdir /hdd107:35
tomreynand make sure it gets mounted there in the future07:35
tomreynblkid /dev/pve/hdd107:35
tomreynwhats the output?07:35
jak2020is /dev/pve/hdd1: UUID="60622827-4688-4cd5-8af3-04d3cebda9f1" TYPE="ext4"07:37
tomreynjak2020: echo 'UUID=60622827-4688-4cd5-8af3-04d3cebda9f1 /hdd1 ext4 defaults 0 2' | tee -a /etc/fstab07:39
tomreynthis adds it to fstab so it'll be mounted automatically in the future.07:39
tomreynjak2020: then just mount it: mount /hdd107:39
tomreyndf -h will then report that you have ~ 1TB at /hdd107:40
jak2020mount: can't find /hdd1 in /etc/fstab07:41
tomreynjak2020: did you do the command before that, the one with echo?07:42
jak2020not do the echo07:44
tomreynno problem, do it now, then do the mount again07:44
jak2020how to make permanently?07:45
tomreynjak2020: the echo command did this it added a line to the end of /etc/fstab (take a look)07:47
tomreynjak2020: the echo command did this. it added a line to the end of /etc/fstab (take a look)07:47
tomreynso /hdd1 will be mounted automatically when you reboot07:47
tomreyn(i assume that's what you mean by 'permanent')07:48
tomreynjak2020: what's the output of 'lsb_release -ds'?07:50
jak2020-su: lsb_release: command not found07:53
ppfcat /etc/*-release07:54
tomreynjak2020: what ppf says. and then: cat /var/log/installer/media-info; echo07:54
jak2020cat: /var/log/installer/media-info: No such file or directory07:58
tomreynjak2020: okay, so we're done. and in the future ask in #debian *only* when you need help with debian. this is #ubuntu07:58
jak2020ok thanks friend07:59
jak2020much thanks07:59
tomreynjak2020: i'm not going to support your migration to a RAID on debian at this time. but you should think about how you want to design your RAID. which raid level, which devices. if you will setup a software raid you can just ignore the fact that you have data on sda and sdb for now.08:02
=== Guest41201 is now known as EriC^^
tomreyn"If you're killed in the matrix, you die here?"08:10
JimBuntu!cookie tomreyn08:12
JimBuntuyw, although I seem to have done it wrong, lol.08:13
phelixSo I have a 8tb drive.. when running a df -h it only shows it as 2tb.08:24
phelixany idea what is happening? I just backed up so much stuff to it.08:25
ducassedoes it have an mbr partition table? you should use gpt on drives bigger than 2tb08:26
EriC^^phelix: what does "lsblk" show it as?08:26
EriC^^that's probably it08:26
phelix└─sda1   8:1    0   7.3T  0 part /media/phelix/8T08:27
EriC^^phelix: can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -ls" ?08:27
EriC^^hmm, what about "df /dev/sda" ?08:27
phelixdf /dev/sda08:28
phelixFilesystem     1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on08:28
phelixudev            16413884     0  16413884   0% /dev08:28
phelixdf -h08:28
EriC^^maybe it's the limit of fat32 ? 1 sec08:28
EriC^^sorry df /dev/sda108:29
phelixYes, when right clicking and going to properties it says its only 2.2TB08:29
EriC^^phelix: it seems fat32's limit is 2tb08:29
phelixwhich will super suck as I just spent 3 days backing up files to it08:30
EriC^^maybe you could convert it to ntfs somehow08:30
phelixomg... so I have to transfer all the files back off of it and then format it again to NTFS?08:30
phelixthen  transfer back again?08:30
EriC^^phelix: https://www.howtogeek.com/58953/how-to-convert-a-hard-drive-or-flash-drive-from-fat32-to-ntfs-format/08:31
mousphelix: if only 2TB are in use of the 8TB, i'd just create the proper partition with the remaining 6, move everything from the 2 to the 6, and then resize the 6 to 808:31
EriC^^no you can convert it to ntfs, then expand the ntfs filesystem to take up the 8tb08:31
EriC^^mous: same thing when he wants to make the 6 to 808:32
* mous high fives EriC^^08:32
phelixmous, that only works with windows?08:32
phelixI mean EriC^^08:32
EriC^^seems so, you need "convert.exe" on windows and it cant be on a live system08:33
EriC^^nevermind the live system part, i forgot there's no os on the hdd08:34
phelixomg... just spend the last 2 days backing files up on this new drive... ughhh.08:34
EriC^^phelix: use any windows pc to do it08:35
phelixwhat a fucking pain in my ass.08:35
phelixI don't have windows08:35
ducassewatch the language, please08:35
EriC^^phelix: you could always just create a 6tb ntfs and have stuff split between the 208:35
phelixI really don't want to turn this drive into 2...08:35
EriC^^you'd just have 2 partitions instead of 1, but no copying 2tb again08:35
EriC^^look into if you can run convert.exe from wine maybe?08:36
EriC^^why dont you download a solid win8/10 image?08:36
EriC^^they're freely available online, you'd just need a usb to put it on and boot it and run what you need possibly from the command prompt in the installer's options08:36
phelixSo Windows can do this but linux can't?08:37
phelixsounds super sketchy08:37
EriC^^fat is a windows fs, and i dont think it's open source too08:38
EriC^^i could be wrong, anyways i say bite the bullet and download the 4gb windows image, problem solved08:38
EriC^^phelix: maybe ask in the winehq channel if anyone's used convert.exe successfully08:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:41
phelixThat sounds way to skechy08:42
EriC^^if it works it works *shrug*08:42
phelixthis is freakin lame.. guess I'll spend the next 2 days copying all the files back and then another 2 days copying them back again.. stupid08:42
phelixWell if it doesn't I loose tons of valuable data.08:42
EriC^^phelix: i dont think it's that flimsy08:43
EriC^^you could always run a short test with before/after md5hashes or just file sizes for quickness08:44
EriC^^phelix: why dont you want to download the windows image?08:45
phelixI'm just scared that I'll loose this data.08:46
EriC^^gotcha, yeah if you dont have it backed up on the drive you got it from08:47
=== martin is now known as Guest2822
phelixYes, one of my hard drives I can tell is starting to go dead.. It only shows up every once and awhile. So I bought a new hd to get it all backed up.. spend days backing it all up. Now I'm scewed. Guess I need to send it back to this faulty h/d and format and copy it back again or something.08:48
EriC^^yeah that sounds sketchy too, if the faulty hdd decides to not appear anymore or something08:50
EriC^^phelix: i'd make another partition and maybe later when you have time/resources make it into 1 big nice partition08:51
EriC^^saves you the time right now and possible heart ache08:51
EriC^^i almost lost all my stuff once, wasn't a nice feeling, luckily the hdd worked again08:52
EriC^^now i keep everything on an ext hdd and on the laptop partition so if one goes bad there's always the other08:52
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest98297
tomreyn!info fstransform09:01
ubottufstransform (source: fstransform): Tool for in-place filesystem conversion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.3-2 (bionic), package size 120 kB, installed size 348 kB09:01
tomreynhere's cnovert.exe for linux. just as risky.09:02
tomreynphelix: ^09:03
EriC^^tomreyn: are you sure it works with fat32/ntfs ? the description only mentions linux fs09:09
matt3o12Why is power/wakeup disabled by default for USB in Linux? Is there any reason not to turn it on?09:12
=== tmqq is now known as dongge
tomreynEriC^^: indeed, version 0.9.3 (on 16.04) does not.09:21
tomreyni was looking at https://github.com/cosmos72/fstransform which mentions thatuntested ntfs support was removed recently, so i assumed it might do vfat. i never used it, though09:22
EriC^^tomreyn: ah i see09:30
KenshisonAnyone alive in here09:35
EriC^^maybe, why are you asking?09:36
guiverc_dnope; just us bots :)    If you have a Ubuntu question, please just ask it (ideally in a single line, and be patient please waiting for an answer)09:36
Kenshisontrying to understand the whole point of ubuntu09:37
guiverc_dKenshison, that isn't a support question, this is a Support room. #ubuntu-discuss may be more appropirate09:38
kubast2so I finally gotten my install how I liked it09:42
* kubast2 was a dumbass09:42
kubast2well sorta that is to say on filesystem part lel09:42
kubast2also I have moved in /home partition from a previous install09:44
kubast2How can I login to ubuntu one ?09:44
kubast2when I reuse /home ?09:44
kubast2*recycle let's call it that09:45
kubast2had to delete account and reboot09:45
kubast2next time I will make a 5GB /var and 10GB rootfs though09:46
kubast2I don't think more is needed with brtfs09:46
kubast2and put home on lvm09:47
guiverc_dkubast2, why do you need ubuntu.one?  i only login via a browser (https://login.ubuntu.com/)09:47
kubast2guiverc_d, I belive it's for livepatch thingy?09:47
CoolerZstill having bluetooth issues09:47
kubast2at least that's what the after install greeting made me belive09:47
CoolerZmy headphones don't show up in the bluetooth devices list anymore09:48
MonkeyDustCoolerZ  use blueman (bluetooth manager)09:48
guiverc_dkubast2, i've not used livepatch - but maybe this will help https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch09:49
CoolerZMonkeyDust, why doesn't the normal ubuntu bluetooth thingy work09:49
CoolerZoh after turning the headphones off and on again, now its showing up09:50
MonkeyDustCoolerZ  that's how good this channel is09:51
CoolerZbut it says not set up and when i click on it doesn't do anything09:51
MonkeyDustCoolerZ  i stand by my blueman suggestion09:51
CoolerZis it a driver problem?09:53
CoolerZdo i have to reinstall the bluetooth driver?09:53
CoolerZMonkeyDust, blueman shows connected but still not working09:59
CoolerZtheres no sound coming out of anywhere09:59
guiverc_dziomause, Howdy, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (try and do it in a single line, and give time for people to answer)09:59
ziomauseSprichst du deutsch?10:00
CoolerZand blueman crashed10:00
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:00
MonkeyDustziomause  this is the ubuntu support channel10:01
ziomauseIhr Arschlöcher10:02
=== galeido_ is now known as galeido
BluesKajHiyas all10:24
Ndraz3nsok heker lo semua10:33
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia10:33
tsarompyhai #ubuntu <310:40
tsarompybeen a while10:40
tsarompycan anyone suggest a good ebook reader? i have a giant collection10:40
bazhangtsarompy, do you mean software from ubuntu, or an actual hardware device10:42
tsarompyoh, i meant a program :P10:42
tsarompyapparently okular can read epubs10:42
bazhangwhat are the primary formats you are reading10:43
bazhangepub mobi text or other10:43
tsarompyoh man10:43
tsarompyall of them really10:43
tsarompymostly epub mobi and pdf10:43
tsarompyokular has everything i want tho :P10:43
tsarompyim good10:43
bazhangtsarompy, you can look at calibre to convert them10:44
CookieMfbreader is good for epubs10:44
CookieMokular for djvu’s and pdf’s10:44
tsarompyyeah i used to use calibre10:44
tsarompybut i cant install it now10:44
CookieMevince for comics (cbz, cbr)10:45
tsarompyim on bionic, looks like a qtbase dependency was removed10:45
tsarompybut its whatever, i figured it out10:45
luxioI can't find VSCode in apt11:13
bazhangluxio, as in visual studio?11:13
bazhanghttps://code.visualstudio.com/download luxio you missed the deb for ubuntu there?11:16
luxioyeah but no apt package?11:17
bazhangluxio, what did you mean?11:17
bazhangin the ubuntu repos?11:17
bazhangluxio, thats proprietary third party software11:18
de-factoout of curiosity: what worst case scenario could happen if i rename my primary (uid 1000) user to "admin" as prevented from installer as reserved user name? how propable is a name collision with packages for a desktop system?11:20
Battleis it possible for /home to be unmounted whilst the server is running ?11:25
Battlethe reason being, i was trying to update my system which included kernel upgrade, it failed to upgrade the kernel and some errors came up... which included grub-probe: error: disk `mduuid/4351570248a139c2fdf813affcbca916' not found.11:27
=== gms is now known as Guest1049
Battlenow i restarted my system and whilst shutting down, it said "failed to unmount /home" which explains why I could not move files into /home frmo outside of /home11:27
Battlenow shutdown process appears to have stalled at 'reached target shutdown'11:29
tomreynBattle: if the system reached target shutdown, then you wont be able to do much anyways. i mean you no longer have a shell anyways, right?11:34
tomreyni guess i'd just do magicsysrq then11:34
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key11:34
Battletomreyn: I was on remote KVM console so i can see everything11:35
tomreynBattle: okay, but you no longer got any options to actually do anything there, isnt it?11:35
BattleI did a force shutdown and it has now come online and despite the errors about unable to locate disk and failed to unmount /home, it seems to be okay? :S at least it booted anyway....11:36
Battlethat's correct tomreyn it was stuck, no input allowed or anything so i just force shutdown on it11:36
tomreynif this same issue occurs on the next reboot you should probbaly try to determine the root cause11:37
Battleyeah im about to test it after i finisht his apt upgrade11:37
Battleits upgrading "linux-firmware-4.15.0.-24-generic"11:37
Battlesuper slow though... ><11:38
Battlewhat worries me most tomreyn is why this happened in teh first place. the system has been running fine since day 1, ive installed apps and services e.t.c....but all of a sudden it gives me errors when upgrading kernel.11:39
Battleand then pretty much broke other things too...11:39
Battleoh dear11:39
Battleapt upgrade did not go so well.... https://pastebin.com/z4xh4gcw11:40
vltHello. On Ubuntu 16.04 MATE I just got a message which translates to “too little space”. Does anyone know why is says that? Too little to do what?11:41
vlt*it says11:42
vlt`df -i` shows only 13 % of inodes used.11:42
tomreynBattle: which ubuntu release is this? looks like a mix of xenial and bionic?11:43
Battlesomeone advised me to install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.0411:43
Battlewhich added this 4.15 kernel11:43
tomreynoh right11:44
Battlebeyond that, ive only had the default sources.list and all kernels came from there11:44
tomreynshould be fine11:44
Battleoh good11:44
Battlewhat should i do with that mass of errors ? :S11:44
Battleis there a way to clean it up, it seems like its missing files?11:45
ioria!info linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 xenial11:45
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)11:45
bobomaBattle, check what df -h says11:45
ioriaBattle, that is 4.13 not 4.1511:45
bobomasee if there is a partition running out of space11:45
Battlenope, the largest "Use%" is 33% which is /boot11:45
Battlehome is 22% used, / is 30, /run is 1, and all others are 011:46
boboma33% of what?11:46
Battleused space11:46
bobomai mean how big in total11:46
Battleso tons of space available basically11:46
Battlelemme pastebin the thingie bob11:46
bobomaseems ok to me.11:47
bobomawell, no idea where the message comes from11:48
tomreynBattle: ioria's right. linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 (which is fine to run on a system that needs stability) provides linux there is also linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge which provides linux, but i would not run this on a server unless i had no better option,11:48
Battleoh right....11:49
Battleyes i need stability, its a server, so how do i undo that 4.15 kernel safely lol11:49
Battleis it just a case of apt remove ?11:49
ioriaBattle,  you have  linux-image-4.15.0-24-generic,no idea where it comes from  (maybe some proposed repo)11:50
tomreynBattle: why was it suggested that you should use linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04? do you have new hardware?11:50
tomreynBattle: can we see "cat /proc/version" and "apt-cache policy linux-image-4.15.0-24-generic"11:51
tomreynxenial-proposed has linux-image-4.15.0-24-generic 4.15.0-24.26~16.04.111:52
tomreynbut you wouldnt use -proposed on a server either11:53
tomreynunless there were specific reasons to do so.11:53
Battleno new hardware, Ill explain whole story , so one day i logged into my dedicated server and saw 50-60 updates, i figured why not update...11:54
Battleit seems like i deed to...so as usual, i ran apt update, and apt upgrade, when it upgraded everything how it ran into huge issues with the kernel upgrades. https://pastebin.com/DtDLFGcx I think was the general idea of what was happening. I then was advised to install that kernel 4.15, but this didnt help, i couldnt install it either, it kept having errors during install but it seems to have semi-installeD? (although after 11:54
Battleit was decided that i should fix the grub issues first, as that appears to have caused the issue with upgrading the kernel, and from google searching, i found people suggested to just restart hte system, which ive done, and that actually does appear to have solved the grub issue...11:55
Battle(the grub issue being that it couldnt find the disk when upgrading)11:55
Battleit seems somehow /home was unmounted? or was "forgotten"? because when shutting down it said failed to unmount /home...11:56
Battlehowever, after the system starting up, it all booted fine, no errors, until i run apt upgrade, which is where we are right now11:56
Battlehope this all makes sense somewhat? XD11:56
Battlethats the reason the kernel got there though, is because it was an attempt to fix the issues but it seems all i had to do was restart11:56
BattleLinux version 4.13.0-43-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-029) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9)) #48~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 17 12:56:46 UTC 201811:57
Battlethats the output of the file you request11:57
Battleoutput of the other file11:57
Battleseems i need to uncomment the 'proposed' repo11:58
tomreynso you have '-proposed' enabled. you should disable this in /etc/apt/sources.list11:58
tomreynit might also be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/11:59
Battleokay i removed that repo11:59
Battleapt clean all, apt update, apt upgrade, all process cleanly no errors, but also proposes no changes too11:59
tomreyncan we see: dpkg -l linux\*11:59
tomreynapt install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04; apt purge linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge12:01
Battleit says: linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 is already the newest version (
Battlefollowed by: Package 'linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed12:02
tomreynoh, do "apt update" first, sorry12:03
ioriai guess also that pkg is from -proposed12:03
tomreynright, we'll need to purge and reinstall it, too.12:03
BattleI ran apt update, no effect12:04
tomreynapt purge linux-\*-4.15.0-24\*12:04
tomreynapt install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.0412:04
tomreyndpkg -l linux\*12:05
Battlei thought linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 was the unstable/not advised kernel for when server stability is required?12:05
zomaardoes anyone have any idea how I could run a script on a TTY instead of login prompt?12:05
tomreynBattle: linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 is ok, linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge is not12:05
tomreynbut you can downgrade all the way to the GA kernel if you prefer12:06
tomreynso non HWE12:06
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack12:06
Battleno i dont mind, i just want ti to be stable as it can be12:06
ioriaBattle, hwe is stable12:06
Battleokay good :D12:07
Battle(thats the output of that command you requested)12:07
Battlei see no mention of 4.15 so it seems to be gone now12:07
tomreynright, looks good now12:07
Battlenow to try and install the hwe ?12:08
Battle"apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04" ?12:08
Battleoh dear, lots of errors12:09
=== anand_ is now known as Guest32041
Battlewent into 2 pages12:11
Battleshould i try to reboot?12:11
tomreynnot yet.12:12
pksonikalhey guys12:12
tomreynBattle: is there anything in /boot/grub/device.map ?12:12
Battlefile does nto exist either12:13
pksonikal need help @Battle?12:13
Battleyeah i'm being helped already but i welcome all help :D12:14
pksonikalwhat do you need help with=12:15
Battlewe're having issues with kernels, when installing a kernel it is giving huge errors/warnings lol12:15
tomreynBattle: grep ^MODULES /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf12:15
Battlegoogling briefly here some have said it is caused by a 'degraded raid array' ?12:15
pksonikalin what line do the errors pop up?12:16
Battletomreyn output: MODULES=most12:16
tomreynBattle: cat /proc/mdstat12:16
Battleoutput: https://pastebin.com/E8xwQZiZ12:16
tomreynBattle: google is right12:17
pksonikalbattle what line is the error in?12:17
Battlepksonikal i dont know what you mean to be honest, the error line numbers are shown on the pastebin? if thats what you mean?12:17
pksonikaloh kek12:18
pksonikalfound em tho12:18
Battletomreyn what would you recommend to fix the raid? :o12:18
Battlehow did my raid break in teh first place, i installed the OS and al was fine, no errors until now :o12:18
tomreynBattle: inspect the status first: for MD in /dev/md*; do mdadm --detail $MD; done12:19
tomreynBattle: there can be many reasons why a RAID breaks. the most common will be failing disks and user errors, i guess.12:20
Battlei see12:20
tomreynalso failing HW controllers, if you have those, but you dont seem to12:20
tomreynare you running this from a rescue system?12:21
Battlethis is the actual system itself12:21
pksonikalthe easiest solution would be a true reinstall tho12:21
Battlei really cannot do that12:22
tomreyn?! no12:22
Battleor at least would really like to avoid that...12:22
Battleat any cost12:22
pksonikalbut you wouldn't wanna do that12:22
pksonikaluse it as last resource when everything else fails12:22
tomreynBattle: review your system log to get a better idea of why the raid failed. in the meantime i'll look up the further steps12:22
Battleokay thanks12:22
tomreyngetting a bit rusty with raid if i dont use it so much12:23
Battlealso I see what you mean about rescue, it talks about resuce in that output doesnt it....12:23
Battleso weird...12:23
Battlebutim not using rescue, i just rebooted system is all, ill check logs12:23
tomreynmdadm assigns those names when a raid array is first assembled, creating the name based on the current hostname12:23
Battleohhhh right12:24
Battleit was created from a rescue mode, so that would be why then12:24
Battlethe way my providers have it is that we enter rescue mode and select what OS we want to install on our dedicated server, then it reboots dedicated server and we cant hen access the dedicated server directly12:25
Battleso if the hostname was captured from the rescue machine then it would explain why it talks of rescue inside that output i guess12:25
tomreynBattle: yes, this is probably why. keep looking at the logs now ;)12:26
pksonikalchange the hostname12:26
Battleok XD12:27
kuberonI got problems with device or mobo sata controller, had BSODs in Win10 with CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, and booting Ubuntu which is on another SSD took some tries, first boot froze and monitor went idle12:27
kuberonthen it displayed a list of messages12:27
kuberonmost of them were ATA3: COMRESET failed12:27
kuberonexception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x4040000 action 0xe frozen t212:29
kuberonata3: irq_stat 0x00000040, connection status changed12:30
kuberonata3: SError: CommWake Devexch12:30
tomreynBattle: please post: grep -E '^ *[^#]' /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf12:31
kuberonata3: COMRESET failed (errno=-32)12:31
tomreynBattle: also: "lsblk" and "blkid"12:31
ioriakuberon, boot recovery and try fsck ?12:31
tomreynwell those are hardware issues.12:32
Battletomreyn ive found some errors and things inside syslog ill include these also, give me amoment plz12:33
tomreynBattle: sure12:33
tomreynkuberon: you only have an on-board sata controller, right?12:34
kuberonioria: I am booted in the same PC with ubuntu now, however the motherboard has trouble detecting the other Win10 SSD now12:35
kuberonthese errors might have been tied to that SSD12:35
kuberonI typed exit and the boot process continued12:35
kuberonbut it still took some time to show login screen, some kind of issue12:36
kuberonI rebooted and it booted right up, no black messages, but again, Win10 SSD is not being detected12:36
tomreynkuberon: the device that is connected to SATA port 3 seems to be causing trouble. or the connection to it. or the sata controllers end.12:36
Battletomreyn https://pastebin.com/uxHEirWe12:37
kuberonioria: I was about to ask if some kind of extra logging could be done at boot, verbose boot messaging etc, to see whether MOBO or SSD is at fault, and I have to check SMART again12:37
tomreynrun dmesg, kuberon12:37
ioriakuberon, yes, you can increase the verbose12:37
kuberontomreyn: it's Asus P9-X79 from 2013-2012 motherboard, it's mid-to-high-end, it has the intel sata controller, 2 are Sata 6GBps and 4 of them 312:38
kuberonI ran sudo dmesg yes12:39
kuberonmostly yellow but some red lines12:39
kuberonI broke my phone so I have to work with old phones to snap photos and harder to transfer dang, I broke and failed a lot of stuff lately's been going crap12:40
ioriakuberon, dmesg | grep ata[0-9] | pastebinit12:40
kuberonbasically in Win10, it boots fine, a couple of minutes or an hour in the desktop is unresponsive and then BSOD, it seems like it's been BSODing faster, first after 2 hours, then after 30 mins, then after 10 mins, in a span of 2-3 days12:41
tomreynBattle: nothing special there. you have different HDDs there, though same capacity.12:41
kuberonthis one is red: amdgpu 0000:01:00.0: Invalid PCI ROM header signature: expecting 0xaa55, got 0xffff12:41
Battletomreyn, different HDDs ?, and im glad i guess at nothing special there, i thought i saw errors but i guess its normal12:42
tomreynBattle: i suspect you used to have RAID-1 across sda and adb, right?12:42
Battlethat would seem  correct12:42
Battle(frm memory that seems about right)12:43
tomreynBattle: sda is an ST33000651AS, sdb is a WD3000FYYZ-01UL1B212:43
Battleohhhhhhhh thats what you mean, different hdds, sorry i get you now12:44
Battleand yes there are two different HDDs physically manufacturer wise12:44
Battlei dont know why ...its just what the provider gave this particular dedi12:44
kuberonioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2KPpkFh5WD/12:44
tomreynBattle: yeah, should be fine12:44
Battlesorry bit of a novice... what is wrong with my raid exactly?12:45
kuberonSamsung SSD 840 PRO is Ubuntu in UEFI GPT mode, there should be another Samsung SSD 860 EVO for Win1012:46
kuberonyeah so it had a problem with ata3 and not itself12:46
Battlesomething is wrong with it thats for sure, but it booted up okay (prior to our most recent changes), seemingly no errors raid wise on boot up, and all partitions aremounted e.t.c12:46
kuberondamn I didn't do a clonezilla backup in Win10 yet lately12:47
Battlewhat part is broken with it from that cat /mdstat thing we did?12:47
tomreynBattle: you have mirror raid RAID-1 configured, so every raid array you have consists of two devices normally. however, each of them consists of one device only currently, making these degraded raid arrays.12:47
tomreynBattle: this should normally re-assemble them: for md in /dev/md?; do sudo mdadm --assemble $MD; done12:48
BattleI think i understand that12:49
phinxyI have two files in /etc/netplan/, config.yaml and eth0.yaml12:49
phinxyboth configure eth012:49
Battlethe output of that command(s) is: mdadm: Found some drive for an array that is already active: /dev/md/312:49
Battlemdadm: giving up.12:49
Battle(it said that exact same thing , 4 times)12:49
tomreynBattle: can i see "cat /proc/mdstat" again, also "dmesg -T | tail -n100"12:50
tomreynkuberon: the amdgpu message is normal, you can ignore it12:51
kuberonOh ok, thanks12:52
kuberontomreyn: seems like if I power down the PC and repower, I can boot into Win10 SSD again, but then BSOD again, failing SSD meh12:53
tomreynkuberon: i think there are firmware updates available for some samsung 840 ssd's which are required to get a default lifetime. maybe something to look into later.12:53
compdockuberon, check the SMART info to see if its dying12:53
kuberontomreyn: No, this is an OLD ssd which had Win7 before, now it has ubuntu, fully updated, the one with Win10 is brand new 860 EVO12:53
tomreynkuberon: 860 evo would be m.2, right?12:53
kuberonno, I have a 256 GB Sata3 version12:54
kuberoni bought it a few weeks ago12:54
tomreynoh right 960 is nvme12:54
tomreynkuberon: try replacing the cable. if it doesn't help, just remove the data cable but keep power connected to the drive, run the computer like this for an hour, then power it down again, reconnect the stata cable, see if it helped.12:56
tomreynthis makes the ssd enter a drive firmware self-recovery mode, which usually takes less than 30 minutes to finish.12:56
kuberontomreyn: very interesting, but I have no backup of Win10, it spent months and currently have no other Windows setup, it would be a disaster for data to get corrupt now12:57
tomreynkuberon: you can also try connecting it to a different computer or sata port as it is now, also replacing the cable.12:58
kuberonI'll have to do clonezilla image first, but I can try rebooting again and booting into ubuntu while the bios detects the SSD12:58
kuberontomreyn: indeed12:58
tomreynkuberon: clonezilla isnt going to be more successfull at accessing the drive in the current constellation than windows and ubuntu were12:59
kuberoni'll reboot with it hopefully detected in BIOS now, brb12:59
kuberonyeah dang!12:59
kuberonthis is ridicolous, if only I did it a few days ago I was planning12:59
Battletomreyn forgive me if this is something you already have seen but googling i found someone with the same issue(ish) as me, and when he ran: mdadm --detail /dev/md0 it said one of his 'drives/mirrors' were in a 'removed' state. this is identical to mine,13:00
Battle       0       0        0        0      removed13:00
Battle       1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb113:00
kuberontomreyn: are ata3 vaues tied to sda13:00
kuberonlike ata3, sdc ?13:00
tomreynkuberon: ata3 is whatever is connected to the 4th SATA port.13:01
tomreynprobably indicated as SATA4 on your mobo.13:02
tomreynkuberon: there'll be a better way to do this, but this will tell you the sata devices nodes for your /dev/sd* disks: ls /sys/block/sd*/device/scsi_device/13:04
tomreynBattle: yes that's what a degraded array looks like13:05
Battletomreyn I ran two commands: "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda1" and "mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sda1"13:06
BattleI also ran: "mdadm /dev/md1 --add /dev/sda2"13:06
Battleit is now showing as 'spare rebuilding' instead of 'removed'13:06
tomreynBattle: for some reason we do not yet know, the sda members of your RAID arrays did not get added to the RAID during boot.13:06
Battleohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that makes sense13:06
Battleso what im doing now is manually adding them13:06
Battlebut this is suppose to be an automated task13:07
Battleam i right in that thinking?13:07
Battleokay both raid outputs are now 'active sync'13:07
tomreynBattle: normally, tmd arrays would be reassembled (all devices re-added) automatically on boot, right13:08
BattleI see13:08
tomreynBattle: what you just did was to decide that the data on the sda parts of all arrays was wrong, and to be delted, and that the raid arrays should be rebuilt using the data from sdb.13:09
tomreynit would be good to know what you're doing before you run such potentially destructive commands ;)13:09
Battleyes, my god13:09
BattleI did not realise13:09
kuberontomreyn: tnx, I have smartctl tools used it before, but if there is failure, what's the most obvious indicator, i find the DISK SMART system to be very unstandardized and poorly designed to convey message13:10
tomreynBattle: you can now (and later, whenever you like) run "cat /proc/mdstat" again to watch the araay getting resynched13:10
kuberonwhat about a grep and pastebin it command for that too ?13:10
Battleahh, it says 20% complete so far13:11
Battlewhat would you suggest I do next to find the cause of this13:11
Battleand repair it so that this doesnt happen again13:11
tomreynBattle: you still don't know the root cause of why the array failed, though. it would be good to detemrine this more closely by reviewing more of your (older) syslogs, and by running smartctl against sda13:12
tomreynkuberon: if you don't mind, just paste all of the "smartctl -a /dev/sdX" output where X is the very sata disk's device node.13:14
tomreynBattle: you can do the same for sda ^ ;)13:15
Battlesmartctl is unknown command :o13:16
Battleapt get cannot find it either13:16
Battlewhat are the typical signs of 'errors' for raids in the syslog? I searched for the term degraded, that found nothing in the 6-7 logs i have13:17
tomreynBattle: sudo apt install smartmontools13:18
kuberontomreyn: i'll send you the link of this ubuntu SSD smart info for now, but how do I figure out name of device to sd*, then I have to go do other things as I'm busy packing and stuff, I'll come back in a few hours if I'm successful at getting smart from the Win10 SSD13:19
kuberonallright looked in gparted, sda is the ubuntu drive13:20
Battleseems my older logs dont go back beyond 23rd of june13:20
Battleand there are some errors about sba1 in all of those files upto that point and probably beyond13:21
BattleJun 23 17:45:49 server kernel: [2136649.384517] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] tag#0 FAILED Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK13:21
BattleJun 23 17:45:49 server kernel: [2136649.384520] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] tag#0 CDB: ATA command pass through(16) 85 06 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e5 0013:21
BattleI asume its errors, i dont know lol XD13:21
kuberontomreyn: https://pastebin.com/VtSP071y  - thanks for all your help, this is the ubuntu SSD, is it okay?13:22
tomreynBattle: run: sudo zgrep 'ata[0-9]' /var/log/syslog*13:23
Battlecant use pastebin.com anymore, max 10 pastes lol, https://paste.ee/p/KLeOB13:24
tomreynkuberon: this disk looks good13:24
tomreyn!pastebinit | Battle13:25
ubottuBattle: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit13:25
tomreyn!pastebin | Battle13:25
ubottuBattle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:25
tomreynBattle: and yes these are rerrors, well spotted!13:26
kuberonthanks, shutting down, later... but you don't have to wait for me ofcourse, I might not finish the chore, however I still have some time tomorrow morning13:26
tomreynkuberon: you should probably investigate the smartctl for the problematic drive. which you said is not the ubuntu one, so not sda, if i got your right there.13:27
tomreynBattle: nothing special *there*, but the lines around "FAILED Result" in what you posted here directly are worth reviewing.13:29
Battletomreyn: it seems those lines began writing before the 23rd of june and thats when my oldest log file starts. it has continued all the way until my restart today and now has stopped13:29
tomreynBattle: so zgrep -FC10 'FAILED Result:' /var/log/syslog* | sort -nr13:30
tomreynBattle: it will probbaly occur again on next boot13:30
Battlewoah lot of output XD13:31
tomreynor earlier13:31
tomreynyou can pipe it directly into pastebinit13:31
Battleooo i foudn something13:31
Battle./var/log/syslog.1:Jun 29 19:25:49 server udisksd[2758]: Error performing housekeeping for drive /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/ST33000651AS_Z290TCT8: Error updating SMART data: Error sending ATA command CHECK POWER MODE: Unexpected sense data returned:#0120000: 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................#0120010: 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................#012 (g-io-e13:31
Battle(this is dated before my reboot today)13:31
tomreynthe drive is probably failing, did you post the smartctl output, yet?13:32
oerheks!info firefox13:33
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 60.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 45249 kB, installed size 171244 kB13:33
oerheksstill 60 ..13:33
tomreynis 61 a critical security patch over 60?13:35
tomreynoerheks: ^13:35
Battle23,000 lines i cant even load the page XD13:36
tomreynBattle: oh, then i did a mistake13:37
oerhekstomreyn, no, there are fixes, but it is a planned release AFAIK -- https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/06/firefox-61-released-with-faster-tab-switching-on-linux13:37
oerheksTLS 1.3 enabled by default13:37
tomreynoerheks: i just found https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2018-15/13:37
tomreynoerheks: that's pretty standard, though ;) - see the previous releases https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox/13:39
GringonarI have Kernel panic when trying ubuntu from usb13:39
tomreynoerheks: just don't use your web browser to browse the wenb and you'll be safe!13:39
GringonarHow can i determine cause?13:39
tomreyn!md5 | Gringonar13:39
ubottuGringonar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:39
AlexPortableIs there an easy way to add MB to a file?13:40
tomreynGringonar: also https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu13:42
oerheksAlexPortable, add mb how? as name, as text?13:43
tomreynAlexPortable: MB as in megabyzes? are you saying you want to append *any* data to a file?13:43
AlexPortableappend *any* data to a photo or file13:43
AlexPortablewithout messing it up13:43
oerheksAlexPortable, some cryptographic data??13:43
AlexPortablethe opposite of reducing13:43
AlexPortabledoesn't matter really, i just need bigger filesize13:44
tomreynHackerZ: congratulations. but posting this statement all by itself to #ubuntu just makes you look not too intelligent.13:44
Gringonarok im looking for the offiial md5sum hashes13:45
Gringonarthe download page dont seem to list it tho :(13:45
tomreynAlexPortable: i'm not sure whether there is a graphics file format where you could just append any random data to the end of the file and it would still be in the correct format.13:46
AlexPortableit is possible13:46
HackerZso what do you guys usually do in here13:46
tomreynGringonar: where did you download from, or hwats the name of the iso file you downloaded?13:46
oerheksread the topic, HackerZ13:46
BattleHackerpcs contemplate the meaning of life13:46
leftyfbHackerZ: try #ubuntu-offtopic. This is a support channel13:46
oerhekssomething like this, AlexPortable ? https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/hide-files-inside-images-linux/13:47
oerheksyou are not very clear what you ask for13:47
alexandre9099kde neon is not supported here, right? do they have a channel?13:47
tomreynGringonar: also, do you have a concrete link for "the download page"?13:48
oerheksalexandre9099, #kubuntu might be able to help13:48
tomreynBattle: how's smartctl coming? :)13:48
Battleoh sorry im not entirely sure how to use it haha, im googling at the moment XD13:49
tomreynBattle: i think i provided the comand earlier13:49
Battleoh I musta missed it :o i will scroll13:49
AlexPortableoerheks: es, thanks13:49
HackerZthis is a support channel?13:50
HackerZim new here13:50
tomreynBattle: smartctl -a /dev/sda13:50
tomreynBattle: smartctl is part of the "smartmontools" package, "apt install smartmontools"13:51
Battleoh yes i installed it but didnt know how to use it till now, thank you :D13:51
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BattleI saw smartctl -h which shows buncha stuff XD13:51
tomreynBattle: this drive is pretty toast, have hetzner replace it.13:52
Gringonartomreyn: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop13:52
Battleoh i see13:52
Battlewhich drive is it13:52
tomreynsee lines 5 to 713:53
Battlesorry stupid question13:53
Battleis there anything i should do before i tell them to shutdown and take it out?13:54
tomreynGringonar: so after clicking on the download button there, you end up on a page where you can scroll down to "Verify your download", which brings you to the page i posted previously13:54
Battlelike any commands to safely 'turn it off' from the rest of the system13:54
Battleand readd it after?13:54
Battleor is it a simple case that they jsut take it out, and plug the new one in, and it should be sync across?13:54
tomreynGringonar: step 3 of the tuorial explains how to get the checksums13:55
GringonarThe Md5sum matches with http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/MD5SUMS13:55
tomreynGringonar: here's the link again https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu13:55
GringonarI used Rufus to create it13:56
tomreynBattle: i don't know whether this can be hot swapped, you should probbaly ask support. if they do hot swapping then you can remove it off the raid array again, make sure you unmount any mounts and other active devices on it, and finally "echo 1 > /sys/block/sda/device/delete"13:57
tomreynGringonar: so if the md5sum of your download matches then at least your downloaded iso file is intact. but what you wrote to your usb key is maybe not.13:58
dw1please add brotli support to curl in the official repos. thx13:58
DECTOPS20use dd like applications when creating linux live devices. 3rd party software often make additions that may render the device unbootable.13:58
tomreyndw1: feature requests will need to go to launchpad13:58
GringonarHow can i tell?13:59
dw1tomreyn: k13:59
oerheksdw1, add yourself to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/curl/+bug/176757813:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767578 in curl (Ubuntu) "libcurl is missing brotli support" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:59
dw1aye, i upvoted it14:00
dw1pile on, guys ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)14:01
tomreynGringonar: the original issue was that you got a kernel panic during boot from this usb stick, right? did it happen right at the start or just a little later?14:01
tomreynGringonar: can you tell us about your hardware?14:02
Gringonari only saw the ubunu splash image for a second14:03
Gringonarthan i got a kernal panic14:03
GringonarIt's a brand new laptop14:03
tomreynBattle: you should also "update-grub" and "grub-install /dev/sdb" before you have them replace the disk14:03
oerheksGringonar, specs would help14:03
GringonarMSI GE73 Raider 8rf14:04
Gringonarcpu I7 875014:04
GringonarNV 107014:04
tomreyncan we get a shot of the kernel panic?14:04
GringonarUSB 3.1 Gen 2 10(Gbits)14:04
GringonarNVM SSD14:05
tomreynuse your smartphone or whatever14:05
Gringonaruhm i cant do anything on that latop rn14:05
Gringonarit just ends the kernal panic14:05
oerheks i7-8750H coffeelake with14:05
oerheksIntel® UHD Graphics 63014:05
Gringonarhow do you want the "shot"14:05
Gringonaroh ok14:05
oerhekshd630, we used to have a fix for that ...14:05
tomreynright, can you cause the kernel panic again, then use a smartphone or camera to take a photo and upload that?14:06
Gringonargive me a while14:06
tomreynoerheks: you know what's cuasing it alreadY?14:06
oerhekshd630, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.alpha_support=1" >> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2377324&p=13739391#post1373939114:07
oerheksnot sure this is still valid on 4.1514:07
DECTOPS20Gringonar:  have you tried a different software other than rufus? you may want to use dd14:07
oerhekstomreyn,  i think so, and the restricted drivers ppa could help too14:07
oerheksbut first this bootline, to get to the gui14:08
Battletomreyn so according to my providers, they have an option to select replace HDD e.t.c and the reason, which is its defective. it then says you must provide 3 things, all of which i have, but it also then says to determine if the HDD is faulty, i should run: smartctl -H /dev/sda , and this will say either PASSED or FAILED, and that if its PASSED then the drive is ok according to them....14:08
oerheksDECTOPS20, if he was on apple, he could, but he is doing this on windows AFAIK14:08
Battleshould i submit the request anyway...and expain that the smartctl is picking up tons of errors coz i saw it said something about 400+ errors...14:09
tomreynoerheks: 4.17 supersedes i915.alpha_support according to https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Linux-4.17-Will-Be-Exciting14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1728313 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Intel Coffee Lake GPU isn't supported by default (yet)" [Medium,Triaged]14:09
oerhekstomreyn, oke, but does not have 4.17 i hope?14:09
tomreynoerheks: i think Gringonar is trying to boot bionic, so 4.1514:09
tomreynGringonar: so the screenie is probably not needed.14:10
tomreynBattle: so what does "smartctl -H /dev/sda" report?14:13
Battletomreyn http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vDhwzG5g76/14:13
Battlethat pastebinit is a brilliant package14:14
memphistotomreyn, Battle: i think it says Passed, but if you think its failing(and it has 400+ errors) i'd replace it14:14
dw1how can i grab the proper curl branch.. bzr branch lp:ubuntu/curl = fail14:15
dw1"not a branch"14:15
tomreynBattle: well send them http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XywWqyQZYT/ as well and tell them their criteria suck.14:15
Battlehah, yes, I think they want me to provide proof its faulty, if it passes that test14:16
Battleand i think this pastebin will/should do the trick...14:16
Battlei mean, 400+ errors on spinup cant be good..?14:16
dw1pull-lp-source works, nm14:17
tomreynwell those errors occurred a very long time ago. but then this disk is OLD.14:17
tomreynPower_On_Hours 5605014:17
tomreyn~6.5 years of power up14:18
Gringonartomreyn: https://imgur.com/a/x481gKr14:18
Gringonarseems usb3 related?14:18
tomreynBattle: maybe ass the pastebin of the syslog grep command which returned so many lines14:19
Battleahhh okay14:19
Gringonaroh sata related?14:19
tomreynGringonar: where do you see usb3 / sata? it's just the lower end of the panic output, so actually not very useful, sorry.14:20
tomreynGringonar: i see "acpi", do you mean this?14:20
tomreynbah silly bot. so acpi is the "advanced configuration and power interface"14:21
tomreynyou could consider it a extension of the protocol the bios uses to talk to the OS and vice versa, roughly.14:22
memphistoBattle: which server is it? HP(E)?14:23
tomreynit's mainly used during boot, poweroff, suspend + resume14:23
Gringonaroh ok which kernel does 18.04 lets use?14:23
tomreynGringonar: did you see what oerheks wrote above?14:23
tomreynGringonar: 18.04 uses kernel 4.1514:24
GringonarDoes it support the new cofee lake cpu?14:24
Battlememorynoise sorry im not sure I understand your question?14:25
tomreynGringonar: not fully, but we assume you will be able to boot and install using the "i915.alpha_support=1" kernel parameter14:25
Gringonarcan that be related to the panic?14:26
tomreynBattle, memorynoise: it was memphisto, who just left. tab completion mistake.14:26
tomreynGringonar: totally14:26
Battleoh crap sorry14:26
Battlehe left14:27
tomreynBattle: happens all the time ;) dont forget to tell hetzner they can remove the lara now ;)14:27
Battleremove lara? :o14:27
tomreynyou have this KVM device connected to your system, or had it earlier14:28
Battleyes its still connected14:28
Battleincase when i rebooted it didnt come to life14:28
Battleso apparently, its still syncing the data14:29
Battleand will take 3hours14:29
tomreynand it'll probably just fail again at some point14:29
Battleall this happening has reminded me of something...14:29
Battlewhen i first got this dedi, i had to install the OS twice14:30
Battlethe first time, it worked and was fine, no errors, i started to install things i needed, and transfering data e.t.c onto it14:30
Battlethen rebooted at somepoint and it wouldnt boot, because of issues like this....but worse....14:30
Battleit was to do with the drives/devices/raid e.t.c cant recall exactly..and i had to install again, and it worked fine then, i just assumed something went wrong during the install...14:31
Battlebut perhaps that was the first sign14:31
tomreynBattle: you should always run hardware / load tests / benchmarks against a rented dedicated server before you start using it. this should include long smart self tests.14:32
Battleyeah i was plagued with a lot of problems prior to getting this server and was eager to get things doen and over with lol14:33
Battlei will do this in future thats for sure14:33
Battlealso this HDD has been active for 36,000 hours, that seems like a hell of a lot?14:33
Battlei mean, i know its on 24/7 but still?14:34
tomreynBattle: i read 56050 for sda, where did you see 36,000?14:34
BattleError 420 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 36458 hours (1519 days + 2 hours)14:35
tomreynoh that's when the errors occurred, long time ago14:35
Battleso it error'd back then14:35
Battleand hasnt error'd since then?14:36
tomreyn<tomreyn> well those errors occurred a very long time ago. but then this disk is OLD.14:36
tomreyn<tomreyn> Power_On_Hours 5605014:36
tomreyn<tomreyn> ~6.5 years of power up14:36
Battlesorry, im blind clearly XD14:36
Battlei now see the bottom of the paste about the 55hours too, yes so thats kinda a long time...14:36
Leoneofyour old hdd is hero14:36
tomreynsmart didnt record critical errors since. but that doesn't mean the OS didnt14:36
Battlei think my home HDDs are about 4 years old, i do have an old 500gb which is like 8 years old i think14:36
Battleyeah i figured as much14:37
tomreynthese are consumer HDDs, powered 24/7, and not meant to be.14:37
Battleah i see14:37
Battlethere was an option to get enterprise version HDD14:38
Battlewhich i assume are more suitable for 24/7 running, but it was suggested that unless you're doing a heavy heavy amount of workload, which we're not really... then it wasnt worth it14:38
Battleso i didnt14:38
jamesd__harddrives perfered to be powered 24/7 365....  shuttting them down shortens there life. i have drives in use for years no issues, i think i have had 1 harddrive out of 30 die in the last 5 years at home.  its vibration in drives that are up constantly that kills them usually.14:39
Battle*touch wood* at home, i havent had any HDDs fail except 1 , and that was when i was a kid XD14:40
Battlei tend to just get new HDD when i need more space...as a pose to them breaking down, this is what puts me off of SSDs... they die quicker apparently.... so you sacrifice lifespan for speed14:40
Battlei mean, my mates PC turns on in a blink of an eye....he has a SSD, which is nice and all....but still, i rather have a PC in 5 years time than having to replace the SSD XD14:41
Battlegetting back on topic however, i have sent a message to hetzner, to ask them about this, ive posted the logs to them and explained briefly the issues we encountered...and will await their response14:42
tomreynBattle: instead of replacing the drive, you could also consider replacing the server actually. if you've had this for a couple lyears, you'll get more performance for the smae, or the same performance for a lower price now.14:42
Battleyeah thats what we literally just did14:42
Battlewe had our old machine (which was the same spec) at a much higher price, for the last x years14:43
Battleso we "rebought" the same spec server, for a much cheaper price14:43
Battlewas tempting to upgrade....but im trying to reduce costs at the moment so i figured id just do this for now14:43
tomreynhmm they might try to prevent handing out new disks then.14:44
Battlewith the lower cost, i got a few extra IPs thoughs o i can run qemu14:44
tomreynbut then disks are cheap, and they can give you preowned ones14:44
Battlethey will give me pre-owned , im positive14:44
Battlethe request you submit for a drive replacement, explained a bunch of stuff including the fact that they will give you preowned drives that are tested, confirmed to be working and stable14:45
Battle"Free replacement of your defective hard disk drive with a nearly new or used and tested drive (depending on stock)."14:45
Battleto be exact14:45
* tomreyn did it before ;)14:45
Battleah XD14:45
Battlecan they really refuse to replace a faulty hdd? if the drive is actually faulty they have to replace it, surly?14:46
GringonarI don't know how to proceed :(14:46
GringonarI don't want to use windows 10 on the new laptop14:47
Battleits like buying a toaster from a store, but the handle doesnt work, so you have to manually hold it down for the desired time.... i mean, whilst it could probably work for awhile...you shouldnt be forced to do it this way14:47
Battlethey also give you an option to buy a HDD, but this option seems even more rediculous to be honest....14:47
Battle"Provided it is available, replacement at cost (one-off charge of € 49.41) of your defective disk drive with a guaranteed nearly new drive (< 1000 hours of operation)."14:48
Battleif you're paying for a new HDD to be added to a rented dedicated server (which at somepoint you will obvously switch away from) , it seems really expensive to not only get a new hdd for a limited time but the new hdd isnt actually new either..14:48
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Battletomreyn, quick question....if i reboot the system after this re-syncing is complete. should the sda1 and sdb1 drives both come up in the raid this time?14:51
phinxyWhere could /etc/netplan/eth0.yaml have come from?  It's not something i added and its not even configured for NetworkManager but instead networkd.15:08
max3how do i find the device id of an integrated laptop webcam?15:10
max3lsusb doesn't show t15:10
EriC^^_max3: lsusb -v maybe?15:11
tomreynGringonar: hold on, i'll be with you shortly to guide you15:11
tomreynGringonar: restart your computer and hold down the shift key, this should bring up grub prompt. does this work=?15:12
phinxymax3• does dmesg show any messages when you plug in the webcam?15:13
max3phinxy, it's builtin to the laptop15:13
max3i guess i don't know what the device id is. pretty sure this is the camera under lsusb Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0c45:6a06 Microdia15:14
max3but 2 isn't the correct device id?15:14
max3is it the base64(??) string15:15
phinxymanufacturer ID : device ID  .. or was it the other way around? 0c45:6a0615:15
oerheks_ID 0c45:6a0615:15
tomreynBattle: unless assmbling the raid fails during boot, and unless the non-mathching hostname prevents it, yes. you can edit the hostname in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, then update-initramfs -k all -u15:15
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
tomreynmax3: you can "sudo update-usbids", which will get the latest usb device descriptions form the internet. lsusb *may* then provide better textual output.15:17
Battletomreyn i rebooted and it all came online fine, sda1 and sdb1 are both part of the raid and appear okay15:22
Battleat least for now lol15:22
Battleone thing to note however, is /home failed to unmount during the shutdown process again15:23
programmerjohnuh, hey15:25
tomreynBattle: i'd postpone looking into why home doesn't unmount properly until the HDD is sorted out. if you'd like to look mor einto it now, check syslog for when you shutdown.15:26
Battleyeah i think we'l wait for the new HDD first15:26
Battleand see what happens there15:26
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mrchairmani'm looking for a chatroom where I can just talk about tech stuff, anyone have any cool suggestions?15:32
mrchairmani forgot ubuntu-offtopic15:32
Battletomreyn they came back and agreed, that things really dont look good and they want to replace it for me so thats one hurdle over lol15:34
tomreynBattle: good news there. :) will they hot swap then?15:38
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
Battletomreyn not entirely sure right now, ive sent back a message asking them to advise exactly what i must do before i give the go ahead to replace the HDD. so they should advise if its possibel to just hot swap or if i must do things15:39
BattleI sense we cannot hot swap if im honest, their website advises that we must remove the drive from all partitions or something15:41
tomreynwell, you'll see15:41
kuberonHey tomreyn, back, thanks for sticking around, found out I do have enough time, I didn't find a new satacable im kinda short, I just used another one in the PC, I didn't do more testing with cables I just see 860EVO detected now and okay in Gparted and got smart info15:41
kuberonit's hooked up to the same Sata Port tho, also I was using this SSD with the Cooler Master X-Dock, it has some kind of electical circuitry to produce a 3.3V line off the 5V, i disonnected that as well15:42
tomreynkuberon: what did you do, though? did you do the self-recovery thing?15:42
kuberontomreyn: oh no not yet im leaving that after doing some less risky stuff, I only went for lunch and walk outside while there is sunny, and got back now, I still want to try clonezilla first, but that will have to wait I need to finish chores first, if I'm done with them, the time that's left i can do more here15:44
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kuberonotherwise I'll be able to continue in a couple of days, mid next week earliest.15:45
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kuberontomreyn: changed cable, hooked different sata power, disconnected Cooler Master X-Dock, same sata port, posted smart info https://pastebin.com/ZZ5uf9jg15:48
kuberonI did got the SSD to detect in BIOS before, without chaning cables, disconnecting anything, it just took a hard power off15:49
kuberonafter a BSOD, it usually didn't detect it on a normal reboot15:50
tomreynkuberon: the smart output for the 860 looks fine15:55
yinyeI think I might have messed up my sources.list file: https://paste.ofcode.org/TgbmqqwgjFwzKZETQMxH4m15:58
yinyeI tried to follow some instructions to update from 17.04 to 18.04, but got things messed up doing so. Here is the error I am getting on attempting an update operation: https://paste.ofcode.org/6E5Pr7RKyF4eVS2gciSd3816:02
yinyePlease help, so I can successfully update my computer.16:02
kuberontomreyn: thanks16:02
kuberontomreyn: anything I could do with the ntfs FS repair, I know all the tools, but do you have another idea?16:03
kuberontomreyn: it already corrupted the index file of one of  my GIT repository16:03
kuberonother than that I think it's good I should just go straight and do a clonezilla failsafe image first16:04
foresterHi. Where is openjdk-9 in the repository? And openjdk-11 is mature to install?16:04
tomreynkuberon: ddrescue the entire disk from ubuntu before you make any changes (or repairs) to it frist of all16:04
ioriayinye, The repository 'http://repo.bigstepcloud.com/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file.  quite explanatory16:05
yinyeioria, Doing lsb_release suggests the upgrade as not successful: https://paste.ofcode.org/gUGNe8jh8qBQitZPkd5WnW16:06
ioriayinye, http://repo.bigstepcloud.com/ubuntu-releases/   ... no bionic 18.0416:07
ioriayinye, wrong repositories16:07
tomreynioria: you need to use a mirror server which has a ciopy of ubuntu bionic, so 18.0416:07
ioriayinye, ^ tomreyn16:08
oerheks17.04 .... remove the  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<bigstepcloud>.list16:08
yinyeioria, tomreyn: I don't quite get you.16:08
kuberontomreyn: indeed ofcourse, I did that before when I tried to clone old Win7 off this 128GB SSD to a 850EVO (3ssds total, yeah not 860, but its not connected), the old Win7 install was so broken I had to get rid of it and stick with fresh Win10(heavily tweaked tho muhaha) and i'll do new win7 in future , but here again linux keeps proving it self yet again in such situation16:08
tomreynforester: which ubuntu release is this16:08
kuberonI'm just not that of a linux geek, could someone remind me where do I list past terminal commands?16:09
foresterubuntu Mate 18.0416:09
kuberonwithout having to keep pressing UP key16:09
forestertomreyn: Please see above.16:09
ioriayinye, why are you using those servers ?16:09
forestertomreyn: 18.04 ubuntu Mate16:09
oerheks18.04 gives openjdk8 and 1116:10
tomreynforester: thats amd64?16:10
kuberonbah I did DDrescue on linux mint, not on this ubuntu16:10
forestertomreyn: no. 3216:10
yinyeioria, I haven't done anything custom. I think they all came with it.16:10
Jack3k3im having some strange issue in ubuntu, i a mounted ntfs disk that im copying files to, one of the files gives me an error saying "operation not permitted". the weird thing is I can copy this file elsewhere on my linux machine, and I can even re-name the file and copy it to the ntfs drive16:10
ioriayinye, i don't think so16:11
EriC^^_Jack3k3: it might have a character in it that doesnt work with ntfs16:11
forestertomreyn: I am going to try install 11 instead installed 9 version.16:11
forestertomreyn: sorry for typo. 8 version16:12
Jack3k3EriC^^_, thats what I thought as it has a long file name, but the filename is only 240 characters, max is 255 on ntfs. And I even manually created a file of the same size in the ntfs folder on my windows machine and it worked fine16:12
Battletomreyn the HDD has been replaced :o16:12
yinyeoerheks, I have no bigstepcloud: https://paste.ofcode.org/cS3ejCeNktXFHbvQxVXuWH16:12
tomreynforester: ok, good luck.16:12
forestertomreyn: thanks16:13
yinyeioria, How can I reset everything without a fresh install? I  don't mind losing much on the system.16:13
Jack3k3hm i guess it was a folder depth / combined name length issue16:13
ioriayinye, change servers   http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:13
tomreynBattle: guess you'll need to sync again16:14
tomreyn!apt | yinye16:16
ubottuyinye: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)16:16
orycan i ask assistance on apt fast installation..it always shows unmet dependecy for aria16:16
Battletomreyn when it comes to putting back the partition table , i backed up in both mbr and gpt, which one should i restore?16:16
tomreynyinye: sorry, wrong factoid, ignore it16:16
Battletheir guide said to backup the partition table thing, and so i did both...to be safe16:17
tomreynBattle: well which one was there? you dont / cant have both at the same time16:18
Battleyeah thats what i thought.... logicallys peaking but it seems that the backup commands, gave content for both GPT and MBR which makes nos ense to me XD16:18
Battlethis is the guide i followed: https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Festplattenaustausch_im_Software-RAID/en16:18
Battleif you scroll to the bit about backing up mbr/gpt, it gave instructions on how to do it for each, so i assumed, like you said, i can only ahve 1...so if i tried mbr and gpt, one of them will fail or give files with 0 content which then tells me what one is it that i have....16:19
Battlehowever, both GPT and MBR files generated contain data...16:19
Battlethis being said, I assume it must be GPT because I have a 3TB hdd ?16:20
tomreynBattle: see what sdb has. parted /dev/sdb print16:20
tomreynprobably gpt16:20
Battleahhh partitiont able: GPT16:21
Battlegood, thats what i would of thought too....16:21
tomreynory: what is "apt fast installation"?16:21
Battleokay so its syncing across at the moment by looks of it :D16:22
Battlesurprisingly quite easy to replace a faulty hdd...16:22
Battlewell, so far..., i shouldnt ginx it...16:22
orytomreyn: it is for downloading in parallel mode16:22
kuberonlinux can't write to NTFS?16:23
yinyeI disabled some software through the GUI, so this is what I have now: https://paste.ofcode.org/fM3tf4vXK7a9EfYF6DMzxD16:23
kuberonwhere on earth am I going to get space to ddrescue 256 GB16:23
tomreynory: i believe apt does this by default since 14.04 or so16:23
orytomreyn:  no need for apt-fast then?16:23
tomreynory: if it's just about parallel downloads, then you dont need it. if it's about segmented downloading, then you may still want to keep it.16:24
tomreynkuberon: on another disk supposedly :)16:25
tomreynkuberon: and yes, linux can write to ntfs if the file system is clean.16:26
tomreynory: https://github.com/ilikenwf/apt-fast suggests this does segmented downloads. i don't see why anyone would need this, but if you really care that much about having your downloads faster... keep using it i guess.16:27
orytomreyn: nvm.its troublesome installing it anyways :D16:28
kuberontomreyn: can't make new folder with dolphin16:28
tomreyn!terminal | kuberon16:29
ubottukuberon: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:29
Battle[>....................]  recovery =  2.8% (37169984/1327385024) finish=758.6min speed=28342K/sec16:29
Battlethis is gonna take awhile....16:29
tomreynkuberon: try "mkdir" on the temrinal16:30
kuberonI tried sudo nautilus, nothing16:30
kuberonwell maybe ddrescue can make it directly16:30
oerhekssudo + filemanager does not work on 18.04/wayland, open terminal for those actions16:31
kuberonthis wasn't a problem in linux mint, I did it all there16:31
yinyeI disabled some software through the GUI, so this is what I have now: https://paste.ofcode.org/fM3tf4vXK7a9EfYF6DMzxD16:31
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yinyeUsing Software and Updates16:31
agm_check your mount configuration16:31
littledotoerheks sudo apt install mc16:31
yinyeI also changed to US server.16:31
yinyeHow can I solve the remaining error?: https://paste.ofcode.org/fM3tf4vXK7a9EfYF6DMzxD16:32
littledotoerheks sudo apt install gksu16:32
oerheksgksu is depreciated, see the releasenotes16:32
tomreynyinye: what's the output of "lsb_release -ds"?16:32
kuberontomreyn: read only file system16:32
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes16:32
yinyetomreyn, Ubuntu 17.0416:32
kuberonmaybe it had to do something with gparted, I know mounting isn't possible when gparted running in linux mint, but i closed it down on this ubuntu16:33
tomreyn<tomreyn> kuberon: and yes, linux can write to ntfs if the file system is clean.16:33
tomreyni guess it's not clean then16:33
agm_<kuberon> hdd or flash?16:33
tomreyn!zesty | yinye16:34
ubottuyinye: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html16:34
littledottnks oerheks16:34
yinyetomreyn, Yes, so what do you suggest? (Please don't suggest a fresh install.)16:35
oerheksmore info: https://itsfoss.com/gksu-replacement-ubuntu/16:35
maazid_is ubuntu better than windows sir ?16:35
kuberonagm_ hdd16:35
oerheksmaazid_, yes, ubuntu support is great.16:36
tomreyn!eolupgrade | yinye resinstall or16:36
ubottuyinye resinstall or: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:36
agm_<kuberon> check conf in /etc/fstab16:36
kuberontomreyn: some errors were shown when mounting: "already mounted" i dismounted all of them and now they disappeared off the list16:36
jamesd__maazid_: does ubuntu do what you need it to do, either better, faster, easier? then yes, if  not if you put more value on cost than time then ubuntu is still better because its free.16:36
yinyeHow do I fix this: E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'if /usr/bin/test -w /var/cache/app-info -a -e /usr/bin/appstreamcli; then appstreamcli refresh-cache > /dev/null; fi'16:36
maazid_im currently using lubuntu, cuz the ram usage is small16:37
oerheksmaazid_, there is also #lubuntu here on #freenode16:37
jamesd__maazid_: yeah i just installed lubuntu in a vm on my work laptop, ubutnu default gui is a resource pig.16:37
littledotmaazid_ what the window manager in lubuntu ?16:37
oerheksmaazid_, ubuntu mate might be fun too, for your hardware16:38
kuberonagm_ there's only a file called fstab with the ubuntu install disk partitions16:38
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours16:38
tomreynkuberon: make sure you really have unmounted all copies, then run ntfsfix agains tthe device node, then mount it again16:39
kuberonWhat if I just try rebooting, and not running gparted first16:39
de-factoHow can i get AAC audio decoder for gstreamer (totem) on ubuntu 18.04? it offers to search, but the software dialogue only shows me three options to REMOVE (!). wth is that?16:39
kuberonthere's no way all 5 HDDs are corrupt16:39
Battletomreyn what may cause smartctl -a to not show powered on time ?16:40
agm_<kuberon> you have add in this file your own row like: "UUID=311DCBDC3A8C54B9 /media/diskd/ntfs rw,noatime,defaults02"16:41
tomreynBattle: not knowing the device model or the device not providing this information16:41
agm_<kuberon> where UUID - blkid of your HDD16:41
Battlei see16:41
agm_<kuberon>and /media/diskd/ - dirr where you want to mount your partition16:42
jamesd__kuberon you underestimate, entropy....  the controller could fail, and write bad data to all disks ;-p16:42
Battletomreyn Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] does that mean it knows the device? coz it has device model listed aboev an everything?16:42
Battleso i assume the device just isnt providing this info i guess :(16:43
Battleneither HDD is, the original WD and the new toshiba16:43
tomreynBattle: yes this means smart knows this device16:43
tomreynBattle: can you "for dev in sda sdb; do smartctl -a /dev/$dev; done | pastebinit"16:45
Battletomreyn okay, so just not providing, crap, wanted to see how old this "new" hdd is lol16:45
Battleahh the WD is showing, just not the toshiba one16:46
tomreynBattle: search this for Power_On_Hours16:46
tomreynboth show16:46
Battleso 0 ?16:47
tomreynthats what it says, yes16:47
Battleso this is new new? not new but old?16:47
Battlecool XD16:47
Battlei thought it was just not showing values....16:48
jamesd__Battle: check the number again in an hour of use.. if the number doesn't increase, than the HD doesn't support that functionality.16:48
tomreynBattle: brand new disk for all we know.16:48
Battlewell its taking agesssssssss to sync it hink this is gonna take a day or two....16:48
Battlei think*16:49
Battleokay jamesd__ good idea, ill see what happens in an hour16:49
jamesd__yes.. resync is the major downfall of RAID...  if Nth disk fails before data is rebuilt, your data is toast, with N being 1 for mirror, raid5, and N=2 for raid6, raidz216:50
tomreynBattle: it was your choice to keep the old hardware (with an old sata controller) ;)16:51
tomreynbut it's not like you need to stand by while it resyncs16:51
Battleyeah, $$$16:51
nolsenNginx keeps trying to use php7.1-fpm somewhere after upgrading to 18.04 from 17.10, and I cannot find that "upstream" location.16:52
Battletrue, i will just go do something in the mean time, and see what happens at the end when i can restart the ssytem16:52
nolsenAnd php7.1-fpm was removed from the repos for some reason, how do I fix this?16:52
Battlei wonder about the unmounting of /home now16:52
Battlethis also explains why when i was trying to backup data before rebooting system, i couldnt move anything into /home16:53
Battlebut things inside of /home are fine XD16:53
Battlei dunno, its weird..16:53
oerheksphp7.2-fpm perhaps, nolsen ?16:54
orycan i ask help for hash mismatch?16:54
tomreynory: if it's ubuntu related, just ask16:55
oryalmost used all of the steps here : https://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-packages-list-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error#4161816:55
Battletomreyn thank you very much for all the help today16:55
tomreynBattle: welcome. none of this really explains the /home unmoount issue. but you'll see if it's fixed at some point. and if not, just come around again16:56
Battletomreyn yeah I think the /home issue is a seperate thing entirely, from a brief google search it seems to be a notorious issue in ubuntu from back in 10.x days, im sure there's a resolution to it, but i havent looked into it at any great length, it works so far and data isnt lost...so i will look into it a bit more once the resync, reboot is done and no issues there16:58
tomreynory: what is the issue you'r trying to solve there16:58
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tomreynory: any error messages you can show16:58
tomreynBattle: i doubt its a general issue since 10.04 lts, unless it's a *real* corner case, but eeven then it's unlikely.17:00
tomreynbut yes, you'll see this later17:01
oerheksi386 is 2 hrs behind,.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/it-mirrors.evowise.com-archive, but servers seems oke17:01
oerhekserr https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ny-mirrors.evowise.com-archive17:02
tomreynory: did you make any changes to your apt configuration recently?17:03
blackswanhi. stupid ubuntu/ldap question. i don't have an /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file - is it used if i create it?17:04
blackswanor does tls configuration have to be done with ldapmodify?17:04
oryjust the server @ system settings > software updates > download from17:04
tomreynory: see this, also the 3nd answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-packages-list-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error17:04
tomreyn* 2nd answer17:05
agm_what is snap and why it overload my hdd with Skype installed?17:07
agm_it freez my ubuntu17:09
oerhekssnaps are software packages, and overload is vague17:09
oerheksskype eating system resources?17:10
agm_<oerheks> skype eating my hdd io17:10
agm_<oerheks> input output overload17:11
tomreynblackswan: if this is openldap, then i would think so, although the better place is probably /etc/ldap/slapd.d/17:11
agm_after deleted Skype and install it with apt all over17:11
oerheksthen why do you ask why, as you no longer can give valuable information?17:12
blackswanit is. slapd.d has stuff with names like 'cn=config' and 'cn=config.ldif' that makle me afraid to touch it lest my changes be clobbered by some automated thing17:12
agm_<oerheks> because i steel use snap with other packages17:13
agm_<oerheks> where I can read snap documantation?17:15
tomreynman snap?17:16
leftyfbagm_: snap packages are just software packages. Just like .deb. Just because something is a snap does not mean it overloads anything. It sounds like the VERSION of skype available as a snap has a problem on your system but the VERSION of skype available as a deb does not17:16
oerhekshttps://docs.snapcraft.io/ and https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/basic-snap-usage17:17
designbybeckwas trying to install Nvidia drivers on Kubuntu 18.04 but it keeps hanging at 90% at Building initial module for 4.15.0-23-generic17:17
leftyfbagm_: to simplify, your issue is the different versions of skype, nothing to do with it being a snap17:17
designbybeckAny ideas?17:17
leftyfbdesignbybeck: how long did you wait?17:17
designbybeckthis is the 2nd time...been about 20mins now17:17
designbybecki7 8gb ram17:18
oerheksskype does not make logs by default, one needs to create the log folder in ~/.skype/ and restart skype to get a log17:18
oerheksbut that is all history now17:18
blackswansnapd(8): -F: If  a  valid  config directory exists then the default config file is ignored.17:18
leftyfbdesignbybeck: how are you trying to install the drivers exactly and which version?17:18
designbybeckleftyfb: was trying this way: https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/The-Best-Way-To-Install-Ubuntu-16-04-with-NVIDIA-Drivers-and-CUDA-1097/17:18
designbybeckwell that was the first way, but then I tried this: https://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu/17:19
designbybeckleftyfb: that last one is the one it is currently sitting at 90%17:19
leftyfbdesignbybeck: open the "drivers" utility and pick the latest nvidia driver. That's it17:20
designbybeckhmmm, should I just CtrlZ out of this term leftyfb?17:20
leftyfbdesignbybeck: what is running?17:20
agm_<oerheks> thanks17:21
leftyfbgotta go17:21
designbybeckleftyfb: the last command that got me here was sudo apt install nvidia-driver-39617:21
designbybeckthanks for the feedback leftyfb17:21
tomreyndesignbybeck: i'd say ctrl-c, then uninstall all those nono-packages installers you downloaded, then do what leftyfb said17:21
leftyfbdesignbybeck: kill it, remove it, make sure you can install packages, then use the drivers util17:21
designbybeckok thanks tomreyn and leftyfb I'l give that a go17:22
tomreyn"nono-packages" -> "non-packaged", sorry ;)17:22
agm_<leftyfb> ok, thanks for explain. But why snap makes mounts for every intalled package?17:22
designbybecktomreyn: if it says it is lockeck when trying a purge, do I have to just restart the computer?17:23
agm_<oerheks> will try turn on skype log and see17:23
tomreyndesignbybeck: lockeck?17:24
tomreynand what is "it"?17:24
designbybecklocked sorry tomreyn17:24
designbybecksays is another process using it17:25
tomreyndesignbybeck: then stop the other installation process you have running (in another windows probably). there can only be one apt/dpkg software installation at a time.17:26
designbybeckthis is the only one that was running17:26
tomreyndesignbybeck: then try again now and it should work.17:26
designbybecktomreyn: closed out of it, tried the purge command again: says locked is another prcoess using  it17:27
designbybeckbut I don't have any other system upgrade stuff opened17:27
designbybeckor running17:27
tomreyndesignbybeck: ps auxw | grep dpkg17:27
tomreyndesignbybeck: also: ps auxw | grep apt17:28
designbybecktomreyn: https://hastebin.com/urujojemab.pl17:28
designbybecktomreyn: and looks like apt was running in the bg as well17:29
tomreyndesignbybeck: so there's another one running, apparently waiting for input by root17:29
ioriasmell another dkms issue17:29
tomreyndesignbybeck: i got to go. try killing it if you can't regain control of the tty17:30
designbybeckthanks for the help tomreyn17:31
tomreyn!info reptyr17:31
ubottureptyr (source: reptyr): Tool for moving running programs between ptys. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1.2 (bionic), package size 22 kB, installed size 57 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armel; armhf)17:31
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memo1hi friends. I have a computer with 5 network interfaces.  I want to set 4 of them as dchp servers, to connect some cameras on every interface.  I follow instruccions installing isc-dhcp-server but whre running the service failed, saying no listening interface.  I need to add the interfaces on /etc/network/interfaces?17:34
Jontamemo1: Which instructions?17:34
memo1Jonta: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/isc-dhcp-server17:36
hxmullermorning, how do I temporarily stop GDM from restarting pulseaudio?18:01
hxmullerer, afternoon that is18:01
dangelovhey folks. Is there an easy way to disable the GPU during installation? The one on my laptop is busted and it keeps getting stuck18:02
dangelovon OpenSuse, it was "brokenmodules=radeon"18:02
dangelovbut not sure what the equivalent here is18:02
dangelovsorry for the bad timing, hxmuller :)18:02
ioriahxmuller, maybe  autospawn = no18:03
hxmullerioria: did that in etc and in .config/pulse18:04
ioriahxmuller, /var/lib/gdm3/.config/pulse/client.conf   ?18:04
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ioriadangelov, try nomodeset ,but not clear to me what you mean with 'busted'18:07
hxmullerioria: not client.conf not present there ..., just default.pa which points to /etc/pulse/default.pa18:07
ioriahxmuller,  touch one if not existing ?18:08
dangelovioria: i had already tried that, and i tried radeon.runpm=0, though it's entirely possible i didn't add them on the correct line. By busted i mean broken, not working. I ran it disabled under win7, so the OS used the integrated one instead18:08
hxmullerblacklisting, but I don't know the current method for that18:09
hxmullerioria: great idea, will  try18:09
ioriagood luck18:09
ioriadangelov, what is , radeon ?18:10
ioriadangelov, nouveau.modeset=0  edit the linux kernel line in grub18:11
dangelovioria: ok, let me give it a try right now18:11
hxmullerI've managed to install Bionic Beaver on a B350M board with a Ryzen 3 2200g if anyone is interested.18:14
ioriadangelov, sorry mate ...  radeon.modeset=018:14
dangelovioria: np, radeon worked :) i got the logo to appear, thanks! i think the install will go through now18:16
ioriadangelov, ok18:16
hxmullerioria: adding client.conf didn't work, I restarted the box, killed pulseaudio and it came back to life. I guess I have to look at gdm to see if there's some configuration there I can tinker  with18:19
ioriahxmuller, what did you put in /var/lib/gdm3/.pulse/client.conf   ?18:20
FuraiCan you use newer Kernels with ubuntu? Or will that cause a lot of headaches?18:21
lafleurdubienFurai: you can if you're ok with it breaking your system occasionally.18:22
FuraiI guess, I'm ok, I can always choose in grub other kernel to start system with, right/18:22
lafleurdubienFurai: I'd say if its in production or not backed up, don't upgrade Kernel.18:23
lafleurdubienyou can as long as you don't delete the old kernel18:23
FuraiNah, just my desktop.18:23
hxmullerioria: I copied /etc/pulse/client.conf contaiing 'autospawn = now' into /var/lib/gdm3/.pulse/18:23
hxmuller'autospawn = no' that is18:23
Furailafleurdubien, thanks, I'll try it out then some day.18:23
ioriahxmuller,  append   daemon-binary = /bin/true18:24
lafleurdubienthere's a utitlity called  Ukuu that might be of assistance https://github.com/teejee2008/ukuu18:24
hxmullerFurai: depends. I use a stable kernel on this box, on my newer box, I have to use a development kernel18:24
FuraiDo I need ukuu though? Can't I just download deb files from kernel.ubuntu.com and install those?18:25
lafleurdubienhxmuller: out of curiosity, what do you need dev kernel for?18:25
lafleurdubien@furai you sure can18:25
FuraiI guess ukuu will just do all of that for me, which is probably better.18:26
hxmulleron my AB350M / Ryzen 3 2200g box, new firware and kernel code requires a fresh kernel18:26
hxmullereven fresher than Bionic Beaver18:26
Furailafleurdubien, would you recommend using ukuu or going the manual way?18:27
lafleurdubienwell that sounds zippy18:27
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lafleurdubienFural: If you don't need a gui, do it on the command line. Then you don't get dependent18:28
hggdhFurai: there are mainline kernels already built by the kernel team18:28
hggdhFurai: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:28
FuraiHow is this different from what people suggested so far?18:30
hggdhFurai: these kernels are alraady built, as DEB packages. They are purely upstream, no Ubuntu integration18:32
hggdh(they are mostly used to test if a bug is Ubuntu-specific or mainline18:32
FuraiHmm, anyway, I went with mainline from ukuu, 4.17.3. Works after reboot.18:41
hggdhFurai: just keep in mind mainline kernels do not have Ubuntu integration, and are absolutely NOT supported18:42
hxmullerioria: daemon-binary = /bin/true didn't work. I added it in all places. I just searched /etc/gdm3 for all mentions of pulse and came up empty too.18:44
FuraiYeah, I'm aware.18:45
ioriahxmuller, https://www.debuntu.org/how-to-disable-pulseaudio-and-sound-in-gdm/18:46
ioriahxmuller, the proble might be ownershipof the file : chown gdm:gdm18:46
hxmullerioria: just spotted that in the link  you provided, testing with fingers crossed.18:47
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hxmullerioria: thanks for your help, that link didn't help. but I just found the reference to pulse in: /var/lib/gdm3/.config/pulse/default.pa#!/usr/bin/pulseaudio -nF18:54
hxmullerI'm going to comment that out and see what happens18:55
ioriahxmuller, ok18:55
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blinksynewbieQ: how do i change dns servers while still keeping dhcp on cli?19:06
bobthebuilder20So, running into issue with OS not booting after an LSI 6348-8i upgrade, getting black screen and blinking cursor. Originally, the drive was plugged into the SATA port and ran without issue.  Add the LSI card in JBOD mode and tried to run the disk off the LSI card. During POST LSI reports seeing the disk. OS was originally installed with GPT, no BIOS changes were made. If i plug the disk back into sata ports boot fine, any sug19:08
blinksydid you turn it off, then back on again?19:08
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bobthebuilder20OS version is 14.0419:10
ioriabobthebuilder20, any changes in /etc/fstab ?19:11
lotuspsychje!ask | qwebirc7935419:14
ubottuqwebirc79354: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:14
bobthebuilder20The LSI card should be acting transparent and not affect anything. Its not even getting to the grub menu19:14
bobthebuilder20just boots straight to black screen and blinking white cursor19:15
ioriabobthebuilder20, can you ctrl+alt+fx something ?19:16
bobthebuilder20negative | ioria19:17
qwebirc79354how to enable boot19:17
ioriabobthebuilder20, i'd disable quiet splash in grub ..19:18
hxmullerbobthebuilder20: you have to hold down shift key to get to grub screen, then type e to edit19:20
hxmullernvm, that19:20
bobthebuilder20it doesn't even get to that stage19:20
hxmullerthat is after it's already installed19:20
ioriait's installed,i guess19:20
bobthebuilder20it POST the LSI message saying jbod mode and disk found, then proceeds with black screen and white cursor.19:21
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bobthebuilder20if unplug it from LSI card and plug back into MB SATA port it boots up just fine, straight into GRUB, then OS.19:21
ioriabobthebuilder20, we're talking about an installed system, right ?19:22
bobthebuilder20OS was originally installed when it was plugged into MB SATA.19:22
ioriabobthebuilder20, make grub shows up... and remove quiet splash19:22
ioriabobthebuilder20, it'll give you a text boot with more infos19:23
ubhunterI'm getting stuck at splash screen while boot. I am able to boot to recovery mode though. VERSION="18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"19:25
bobthebuilder20ioria will double check quiet splash is off, i believe it is. Will be back in a minute or two.19:26
ioriaubhunter, What did you do earlier?19:27
michael2hi all. I have notifications from "notifiy send" which are showing in red - and not going away - does anyone know how to fix this?19:27
ubhunterI just installed 17.04 LTS19:28
ioriaubhunter, 17.04 is dead19:29
ubhunterI'm sorry, I meant 18.0419:29
bobthebuilder20ioria, confirmed quiet splash wasn't there19:29
RoadRunnerat which version did ubuntu switch from unity to gnome?19:29
michael2I hin think 17.04 is a LTS19:29
michael2I _dont_ think 17.04 is a LTS19:29
ioriamichael2, nope19:29
ioriaubhunter, fresh install ?19:30
ubhunterioria: yup. Actually it had 14.04 but I wiped that partition and asked the installation screen to install grub at /dev/sda19:30
RoadRunnerand is hw driver manager a part of gnome or is it desktop independent?19:32
ioriaubhunter,  so ...you did a fresh install of bionic (freash=from media) with manual partitionig ?19:33
ubhunterYup ioria19:33
ubhunterFrom DVD19:33
ioriaubhunter,  what's your video card ?19:33
ubhunterioria: intel integrated19:33
ubhunter       description: VGA compatible controller        product: 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller        vendor: Intel Corporation19:34
ioriaubhunter,  what happens if you choose resume from Recovery ?19:34
ioriaubhunter,  that's old ...19:34
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ubhunteryes it is, but it ran 16.04 just fine19:35
ioriaubhunter,  not sure can run gnome-shell19:35
ubhunterioria: I am using freenode from GUI which I got when I did resume from recovery mode.19:35
ubhunterThat's gnome shell right?19:35
ioriaubhunter,  what happens if you choose resume from Recovery ?  does it boot into Desktop ?19:36
ubhunterI am in such a session now19:36
ubhunterTyping into firefox at webchat.freenode.net from that19:36
ioriaubhunter, how is the screen resolution  ?19:36
ubhunterNot good. But then my screen is having a max of 1366x76819:37
ioriaubhunter,  and you got it atm ?19:37
ubhunterMy monitor I mean19:37
ioriaubhunter,  run xrandr    to check19:38
ubhunterxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default19:38
ubhunterScreen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76819:38
ubhunterOh I think my monitor max is 1024x76819:39
ioriaubhunter,  personally,id go with lubuntu19:39
ubhunterDoes 17.04 have easy switch to unity?19:39
ioriaubhunter,  cpu and ram ?19:39
ubhunterIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E7500  @ 2.93GHz19:40
ioriaubhunter,  17.04 again ?19:40
ubhunter18.04 :D19:40
ubhunter2GB RAM19:40
ioriaubhunter,  ram ?19:40
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ubhunter2 or 3 I don't remember19:40
ioriaubhunter,  cat /proc/cmdline19:40
ubhunterlet me check19:40
ioriaubhunter,  free -m19:41
bobthebuilder20ioria, confirmed quiet splash wasn't there.19:41
ubhunterBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-23-generic root=UUID=08caecf6-c183-449e-91e9-820616575f2f ro recovery nomodeset19:41
ubhunterMem:           2.9G        1.5G        448M         39M        1.0G        1.4G19:41
ioriaubhunter,  3G19:41
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ioriaubhunter,  cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit19:42
ioriabobthebuilder20, did you remove it ?19:43
bobthebuilder20ioria, the quiet splash wasn't in there orginally19:45
bobthebuilder20had it remove quit a while back19:45
bobthebuilder20had it removed*19:45
ioriaubhunter,  change  this line : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"  ; run sudo updat-grub and reboot19:45
ioriabobthebuilder20, why ?19:45
bobthebuilder20like to see grub menu and see what is happening during boot.19:45
ubhunterioria: you mean I need to add nomodeset to that line?19:46
ubhunterOr remove that line?19:46
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bobthebuilder20ioria, so had quite splash edited out.19:46
ioriaubhunter,  yes, add nomodeset19:46
ioriabobthebuilder20, if you don't see anything on the screen than the system it's not booting at all19:47
bobthebuilder20ioria, which is weird.19:48
ioriabobthebuilder20, grub issue19:48
bobthebuilder20ioria, but it works fine, if I unplug from the LSI card and plug it back into MB SATA port.19:49
ubhunterbtw. Ubuntu ditched Unity?19:49
ubhunterioria: I'm rebooting. I'll be back [arnold.png]19:50
oerheksas standard, but still available19:50
ioriaubhunter,  no, you can still install it with  sudo apr install unity-session19:50
ioriabobthebuilder20, no idea then,sy19:50
bobthebuilder20Assuming the LSI JBOD mode doesn't tweek anything and LSI POST messsage reports seeing the disk. It should just boot into grub/OS.19:51
oerheks!info ubuntu-unity-desktop19:51
ubottuubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)19:51
bobthebuilder20ioria thanks for your help thou.19:51
ioriabobthebuilder20, no prob19:51
Zeelot3k__hey, can someone help me understand the right way to dual boot multiple versions of ubuntu 1804 on one disk? I can't for the life of me get grub or refind to detect more than one and the second distro I install always overwrites the first when it comes to boot entries19:52
Zeelot3k__right now I have a GPT table, a small EFI partition, and 4 100GB btrfs partitions and I am trying to install a different copy of ubuntu into each of the 100GB partitions19:52
Zeelot3k__I don't want to share anything so I am using each partition mounted as `/` and not sharing `/home` or any other partition19:53
Zeelot3k__`sudo os-probe` returns nothing no matter which OS I run it from19:54
oerheksnot sure that works on btrfs too..19:56
ubhunterioria: thanks, that booted me in19:56
ubhunterBut my display scaling is messed up19:57
Zeelot3k__oerheks: yeah sorry that's what I ran19:57
Zeelot3k__it doesn't return anything19:57
ioriaubhunter,  i see ... try unity19:57
ubhunterDisplay resolution locked to 640x48019:57
ioriaubhunter,  with lightdm i mean19:57
ubhunterlet me try installing unity19:57
ubhunterWhat should I install first?19:58
ioriaubhunter,  then remove nomodeset from /e/d/grub19:58
ubhunterioria: unity-session or lightdm?19:58
ioriaubhunter, no worries, it's a dependency19:58
ioriaubhunter, it'll ask you if tou want as default DM, say yes19:59
ioria!info unity-session | ubhunter20:00
ubottuubhunter: unity-session (source: gnome-session): Unity session, previous ubuntu default experience.. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 55 kB20:00
ubhunterioria: unity-session or ubuntu-unity-desktop?20:00
ioriaubhunter, i use unity-session ...20:00
ubhunterWhat's the difference?20:01
ioriaubhunter, i guess the seconf it's the full environment20:01
ubhunterWhat will I miss out if I go for session?20:02
ioriaubhunter, nothing that you cannot install20:02
ubhunterOh okay20:02
ubhunterI'll go for session then20:02
ubhunterHow can I purge gnome and gnome bits?20:02
ioriaubhunter, nope20:03
scienteshow do i turn off tracker20:03
scientesit eats all my memory and cpu needlessly20:03
scientesif i try to uninstall it it tries to remove gnome-documents and gnome-boxes20:03
scientesnvm figured it out20:04
ubhunterioria: you mean I shouldn't ?20:04
ioriaubhunter, yes20:04
ubhunterThat would end up as a stale desktop manager in my installation right?20:04
ubhunterAt least how do I make sure any gnome component does not consume any of my runtime resources?20:05
ioriaubhunter, btw, unity IS gnome20:05
ubhunterI don't understand20:06
ioriaubhunter, built on top, i mean20:06
ubhunterSo it's Unity vs Gnome shell?20:06
ioriaubhunter, yes20:07
ubhunterSo I won't need gnome shell anymore right?20:07
oerheksinstalling a desktop is no problem, removing one is amazing20:07
aleciedoes your cat sometimes walk on your keyboard while you have terminal open and execute random commands?20:10
tomreynZeelot3k__: you'll probably need to add grub menu records for the other systems to each of your systems' grub configurations yourself then. or choose one of the systems to manage grub for all of them, and uninstall grub on the others.20:10
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tomreynalecie: this seems to happen occasionally, we only do ubuntu support here, though, not (living) cat support20:11
tomreynif you have questions about how to feed things into cat, though, we could probably help-20:12
ubhunterI forgot the nick to whom I was talking20:13
ubhunterCould someone help me20:13
tomreyn!irclogs | ubhunter20:14
ubottuubhunter: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/20:14
tomreynubhunter: what do you need help with?20:14
roothorick\/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/nutshutdown does not check the argument passed. Doesn't this mean that the UPS would be turned off even if it was a reboot that was requested?20:15
ubhuntertomreyn: I was talking with someone here for some help20:15
ubhunterI reconnected and forgot the nick20:15
ubhuntera few minutes ago20:15
oerheksioria, but he left20:15
ubhunterohh :(20:15
BiessieQuestion: I have ubuntu 18.04 desktop installed but im basically using it as a server.. i just wanted a GUI incase i ever decided to use it as a computer at any given time.. will be rare. nonetheless, how can i make it that when i reboot it, i do not have to login to make it load up all my servers such as SSHD/FTPD/apache, sql etc20:26
Biessielogin using the x gui20:27
roothorickBiessie: it should already do that automatically20:27
Biessieroothorick : Hmmm okay, maybe it does and maybe i just tried to SSH before it was fully loaded?20:27
Biessieill double check next reboot20:27
roothorickEither that or there's an unrelated issue preventing sshd from starting, or there's a network level or firewall issue preventing access20:28
Biessieroothorick : Ill report back if that's the case and request further assistance :)20:28
Biessiethanks for response.20:28
roothoricknp :)20:29
tomreynBiessie: it might be that it is only connected using wireless, and the wireless credentials are stored in the user domain, not available system wide. then it wouldn't get connected / become available on the network until your user logged in.20:29
roothorickoh, forgot about that20:29
Biessietomreyn : You know what - that may actually be the main issue. I literally just put it on the ethernet last night since my wifi was having issues.20:30
Biessieso next reboot i bet that does the trick!20:30
roothorickEthernet connections will always start automatically so20:30
Biessieyea good call!20:30
roothorick(well, you can override that, but by default...)20:30
tomreynBiessie: you could also reconfigure the wireless. but for a server, ethernet is obviously the better option.20:31
Biessiemy wifi card isnt compatible with the kernal on 18.04 according to ioria20:31
Biessieso it was extremely slow as it was. so i had to go grab a switch and now i have ethernet. screw wireless inded20:31
tomreynthen i guess ethernet makes even more sense ;)20:31
Biessiewent from 80kbps up/down to 110mbps up/down switching lol20:32
roothorickAny "static" systems (servers, desktops etc) really should be on Ethernet if at all possible, even if it means stuffing cable under the wood trim along the walls20:33
tomreynif this system is buried under stuff or in a remote room, you could attach a small computer to it to act as a serial console server,20:33
roothorickWiFi is for devices that move around20:33
Biessieagreed. it was a quick fix to get what i needed at the time. but yea ethernet is the way to go for certain20:33
roothoricklaptops, tablets, cellphones, you get the idea20:34
oerhekswifi + server .. that would need a decent wifichip20:34
Biessiealrighty then! Im going run to the store and ill be back. thanks again for quick responses as always. great people here20:35
roothorickAs a rule of thumb: if it has a built-in battery that it can run from with full functionality, it goes on WiFi. Otherwise, Ethernet.20:35
foresterHi. Is it possible to install Yunit ot Ubuntu Mate 18.04?20:35
Biessieoerheks - Yea it's just my personal toy.. ssh (tunnel at work) and host a website for images for family, ftpd, stuff like that. not seeing a whole lot of bandwidth20:35
roothorickI even apply that to game consoles, though I make exceptions for systems that don't have an integrated Ethernet interface, because I feel like there's not much point20:36
roothoricki.e. everything Nintendo has ever made20:36
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hxmullerroothorick: I use ethernet over powerline. don20:51
hxmullerdon't have to run cables20:51
roothorickhxmuller: EoP can be a very temperamental and inconsistent thing. Mains noise is quite the bugbear20:55
dreamcat4new 18.04 kernel won't boot for me (4.15.0-23)20:55
dreamcat4previous kernel 4.15.0-22 works fine20:55
dreamcat4in this week's software update20:55
dreamcat4on asus z270 apex 9 motherboard, with skylake 6600k cpu20:56
hxmullerdreamcat4: have you removed 'quiet splash' from kernel boot params in grub yet? (use the shift key when booting) you'll get more information, maybe20:58
dreamcat4no, but now that you said to, i'll definately try it. thanks for the suggestion. it's all stock settings atm20:59
dreamcat4(a clean install)20:59
hxmullerI had to use nomodeset when I installed onto an AB350M/Ryzen3 2200g, afterwards I got the APU working21:00
Bashing-omdreamcat4: Nother thought is that the graphic's driver did not build in the new kernel .21:03
dreamcat4ok well i did have to install an nvidia graphics driver for my  gt 103021:03
dreamcat4otherwise the whole GUI would just completely hang for many seconds21:04
dreamcat4apt-get install -y install nvidia-39021:04
tomreyndreamcat4: use "ubuntu-drivers" to manage the proprietary drivers. while i don'T think skylake needs it, you may still work around some issues if you add the "i915.alpha_support=1" kernel parameter until you run linux 4.17+21:07
dreamcat4hi again. my nvidia-390 package came from this ppa21:08
dreamcat4add-apt repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa21:08
Bashing-omdreamcat4: As you installed from repo .. dkms "should" have picked up and built the driver for the new kernel . ' sudo dkms status ' from the F2 console .21:08
dreamcat4ah, thanks21:08
dreamcat4nvidia, 390.67, 4.15.0-22-generic, x86_64: installed21:09
dreamcat4nvidia, 390.67, 4.15.0-23-generic, x86_64: installed21:09
dreamcat4seems good ^^21:09
Bashing-omdreamcat4: Yup .. the manager happy ? ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' ?21:11
dreamcat4interesting that it says i doesnt have intel... because i have an intel igp in the cpu also21:12
tomreynthere are no proprietary drivers available for the intel gpu, so no need to manage those.21:13
dreamcat4other than that, there does not seem to be any obvious errors in that log file. just some details about which gpu driver was loaded.. (only the nvidia one)21:13
dreamcat4i'm gonna reboot now and try that no splash grub thing, and the i915.alpha_support=1 kernel param21:16
tomreyndreamcat4: if you made other changes, then post pone the i915 one to the next but one reboot. it increases complexity.21:17
dreamcat4ah i changed both things. it worked. so now i will back out the i915 part and reboot again. see if its still good21:19
dreamcat4still good. so then all i needed was to remove the 'quiet splash' from the default flags in /etc/default/grub21:22
dreamcat4thanks again21:22
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BiessieWhat is ethernet over powerline21:45
EriC^^Biessie: it's when the lan is using the power outlets of the house21:46
oerheksnetwork over your 110v/220v energy system, sometimes it can reach out houses away21:46
BiessieSeriously? WTF how did i never hear of this21:47
Biessieim going read up on that now21:47
oerheksthere is power over ethernet21:47
Biessieis it reliable?21:47
oerheksa wifi camera that gets power from the networkcable21:47
oerheksyes, encrypted hardware by itself21:48
Biessiedoes it have packet loss etc ?21:48
Biessiejust seems weird21:48
oerheksbut high ping, lik 150 ms21:48
oerheksor more21:48
BiessieMakes sense.. so will it "throttle" speeds as well21:48
oerheksso not reliable for gaming21:48
BiessieWHAT?! it says it can be faster than wifi speeds.21:50
Biessiethats insane. thanks hxmuller for bringing that up in this chat21:50
ntdand that 4010kit?21:52
hxmullerPoE is working great for me21:52
ntdvulnerable to a variety of vulns which will let anyone pair to your "encrypted" network :)21:52
ntdpoe != plc21:52
ntdand tp-link decided not to release firmware fixed to early revs21:53
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ntdofc qualcomm fixed the known knowns, oems don't give a damn21:53
oerheksyes, unless there is faster than 1000 mbit wireless > TP-Link AV1000 Gigabit Powerline Starter Kit21:53
hxmullerI'm using the Netgear Powerline, 1000mbs21:54
hxmulleron the desktop box I just built21:54
oerheksi have a spare old 11 mbit set somewhere, enough for webcam21:55
oerheksdedicated stream, 1 user21:55
Biessieim on fiber with 115 up/down21:56
Biessieso i should be good21:56
hxmullerbtw, I have an alsa only setup, defaults to the speaker/headphone. I can play sound through HDMI using aplay -DSTUFF test.wav. How do I get system to play through HDMI?21:57
hxmullermy google skills are weak, because I can't figure out the right keywords21:58
ntdgetting a lot of results for latvian hardwood floors?22:00
ntdyeah, scroogle have been like that for a while22:00
WoCis there any screensaver compatible with wayland ?22:06
oerheksnope, i follow the fedora project too, about screensaver option in wayland22:09
oerheks" There was some development and even a small demo of a Wayland screensaver (wscreensaver), but there is not a final "22:10
oerheksnor arch, or debian/ubuntu22:10
WoCk, ty oerheks22:11
oerheksbasicly one can write a unit that simply shows a picture and enables the coffeemachine22:12
tomreynbut it works via xwaylayd? otherwise, how did 17.10 do it?22:12
tomreyni'm just wondering about screen locking really22:12
oerheksscreensaver, animated, and animated desktop22:13
oerheksi want those 322:13
ubuntu1604hi im tryimg to add a new partition but looks like i cant22:13
ubuntu1604im using virtualbox btw22:14
tomreynubuntu1604: with a single disk?22:14
tomreynubuntu1604: are you saying the ubuntu installation you are inquiring about runs in a virtualbox VM?22:15
ubuntu1604im running ubuntu 16.0422:16
ubuntu1604i have a 40 GB virtual hard disk22:16
tomreynubuntu1604: does it have internet connectivity?22:17
tomreynubuntu1604: run: sudo parted /dev/sda print | nc termbin.com 999922:17
tomreynthis will return a web address where we'll fi9nd information on your VM's partitions22:18
tomreynubuntu1604: all your partitionable spcae is allocated. how did you plan to add additional partitions?22:19
ubuntu1604by shrinking that big one22:19
tomreynubuntu1604then boot gparted-live in the VM and shrink it.22:19
ubuntu1604gparted is an app22:20
ubuntu1604i have it22:20
tomreynit's a software. gparted-live is a live linux system.22:20
ubuntu1604oh so tomreyn its an OS ?22:21
tomreynrunning gparted on the existing ubuntu installation will *not* help22:21
ubuntu1604i should treat it as a OS ?22:21
Sir_AndreiPeople, I have a problem.22:21
tomreynubuntu1604: yes. it's a bootable linux system with gparted on it.22:21
ubuntu1604k where can i  download it ?22:22
hxmuller!win Sir_Andrei22:22
tomreynubuntu1604: do you have a web browser?22:22
Sir_AndreiI've installed Lubuntu 18.04 on my PC, (alongside Windows 10), I've made a biosgrub partition (1023Mb), but my computer won't boot as I want.22:22
tomreynubuntu1604: do you know what a search engine is?22:22
Sir_AndreiI mean, it starts and give me just the grub shell.22:22
ubuntu1604its that ubuntu startup thing22:22
tomreynubuntu1604: right, google is one. go to google and type "gparted-live download"22:23
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ubuntu1604https://gparted.org/download.php <<this ?22:24
tomreynubuntu1604: impressive internet reasearch capabilities!22:24
tomreynubuntu1604: yes22:24
Sir_AndreiAnybody knows why Lubuntu exploded?22:24
Sir_AndreiWell, GRUB.22:24
Guest67195Hello, I'm looking to how to disable a hard drive from my ubuntu partition (18.04). this ubuntu is running on an SSD and doesn't require the second drive at all, is there a way to disable that 2nd drive so it doesn't spin all day for nothing ?22:25
ubuntu1604amd64 right ?22:25
tomreynubuntu1604: right, you probably want the gparted-live-0.31.0-1-amd64.iso download22:25
tomreynubuntu1604: then insert the iso into0 your VM's cdrom drive and boot off it.22:25
tomreynSir_Andrei: does your system boot using uefi or the old bios?22:26
Sir_AndreiWell, I'd booted it using GRUB shell commands.22:27
tomreynSir_Andrei: that was two options.22:27
Sir_AndreiBut I wanna know the reason...22:27
tomreynSir_Andrei: mutually exclusive options. which one is it, uefi or bios?22:27
ubuntu1604tomreyn: it wont damage things right ? ( i have a snapshot of the VM tho)22:27
tomreynSir_Andrei: then you want an ESP, not a bios_grub partition22:28
Sir_AndreiWhat's that?22:28
tomreynubuntu1604: if you have a recent complete snapshot then it'll be ok. but editing partition tables always puts your system at danger of data loss.22:28
Sir_AndreiWhen I done my partitions it requested me the bios_grub partition :P22:29
tomreynSir_Andrei: efi system partition22:29
Sir_AndreiOh, nice, I'll read about it.22:29
tomreynSir_Andrei: what is "it"?22:29
tomreynin your last but one statement22:29
Sir_AndreiAbout "efi system partition".22:29
tomreyn<Sir_Andrei> When I done my partitions it requested me the bios_grub partition :P22:29
tomreynthe ubuntu installer?22:30
Sir_AndreiOh, well, Lubuntu installation assistant.22:30
Sir_AndreiSorry for my english, I'm a native spanish speaker.22:30
tomreynthis suggests you were actually doing a BIOS boot at the time22:30
tomreynSir_Andrei: no worries, mine's not that great either22:30
Sir_AndreiBut I'd booted the system.22:31
Sir_AndreiCan I fix it just upgrading an regenerating GRUB?22:31
Sir_AndreiWhat's your native language?22:31
tomreynSir_Andrei: so unless you switched between BIOS and UEFI booting after installing ubuntu then we should assume you're actually doing a BIOS boot.22:31
Sir_AndreiWell, yea.22:32
tomreynSir_Andrei: so ubuntu booted fine after the installation?22:32
Sir_AndreiNo, I've booted it from GRUB shell.22:32
Sir_AndreiUbuntu itself it's working fine.22:32
Sir_AndreiI'm upgrading in this moment.22:32
tomreynSir_Andrei: ok, but you were able to, so it's something else, and it does BIOS boot.22:32
tomreynSir_Andrei: i guess what you need to do is to ensure that grub will boot the same way you booted manually.22:34
tomreynSir_Andrei: just regenerating the grub configuration will most likel ynot suffice then.22:34
Sir_AndreiHmm. I'll try that first, five minutes please :P22:34
tomreynrebuilding initramfs *might* help if the one you have now is somehow corrupt.22:35
tomreynGuest67195: maybe you can disable it in bios / uefi?22:37
tomreynGuest67195: please use a different nickname (using /nick newnick), there are too many guest*'s here, making it difficult to address you. make sure the other drive is not listed in /etc/fstab or used in any other way.22:39
Sir_AndreiWho is Guest22:39
Sir_AndreiOh, sorry.22:39
Sir_AndreiThat nicknames are assigned by their IRC client, right?22:40
Sir_AndreiI'm using ERC on emacs, and it always request me a nickname to join on IRC servers.22:40
tomreynthe irc server may replace the nickname sent by the irc client if there is already a user using this nickname on this network.22:41
Sir_AndreiWell, I've done with the update..., let's restart.22:42
Sir_AndreiF*ck..., Grub shell again.22:42
=== Guest67195 is now known as nox1234
tomreynnox1234: much better22:43
nox1234tomreyn: yeah sorry about that, i forgot my credentials and got assigned the guest nick :)22:43
tomreynnox1234: if you used a real e-mail address to register you can have your password reset22:44
nox1234tomreyn: the thing is that i might need that disk from time to time and didn't want to reboot and edit the bios each time22:44
Sir_AndreiThat's strange. Now when I do linux /boot/initrd.img... etc. It says "error: invalid magic number".22:45
Sir_AndreiI can't load the kernel.22:45
tomreynnox1234: you can "echo 1 > /sys/block/sdX/device/delete" to (logically) remove the device off the bus, making it inaccessible and unmanaged until the next reboot.22:47
tomreynnox1234: actually you could re-add it later by scannnig the bus again.22:48
nox1234tomreyn: I was more looking for something like : 'do not spin until i tell you to'22:49
tomreynnox1234: you will need to replace the X in sdX by the actual device name.22:49
tomreynnox1234: consumer hdd's will automatically power down after a while if not in use, all current firmwares would handle it this way.22:50
nox1234tomreyn: but the bus scan could be triggered by anything, which will then re-add that disk no ?22:50
tomreynnox1234: it could, yes, but it doesn't usually happen by itself, or by automated processes, i would think.22:51
tomreynnox1234: is this a rather old disk or computer?22:51
nox1234tomreyn: nah, brand new :)22:52
tomreynnox1234: and the drive doesn't spin down by itself after a few minutes?22:52
Sir_AndreiNice, kernel panic.22:52
nox1234tomreyn: no it doesn't, but i think that it has to be enabled by hand in the disk > disk settings22:54
tomreynSir_Andrei: maybe it would be easier to just reinstall?22:54
tomreynnox1234: hmm right, i was wondering this also22:55
Sir_AndreiI got Kernel Panic reason.22:57
Sir_AndreiNot on the traceback (it's too long to copy it here).22:57
tomreyn!paste | Sir_Andrei22:57
ubottuSir_Andrei: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:57
Sir_Andrei"VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"22:57
Sir_Andreiubottu, yeah, but I can't copy it cause I don't have a way to do it.22:58
ubottuSir_Andrei: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:58
Sir_AndreiEh?, Ah, it was you, @tomreyn.22:58
Sir_AndreiI've tried with both kernels (...20, and ...23) (remember I've upgraded few minutes ago).22:59
oerheksis this on bare metal or a VM ?22:59
Sir_Andreibare metal C:22:59
tomreynSir_Andrei: apparently the first partition on the first hdd does not contain the /boot filesystem23:07
Sir_AndreiInitramfs fail?23:10
Sir_AndreiMaybe reinstalling the system and doing things correctly would work.23:11
Sir_AndreiWhat do u think?23:11
tomreyn<tomreyn> Sir_Andrei: maybe it would be easier to just reinstall?23:12
Sir_AndreiWell, I'll do that jajajaj.23:13
Sir_AndreiI don't understand very well yet how it works UEFI and all of thats.23:13
hxmullerhdmi working. just had to use the right card #.23:14
Sir_AndreiReinstalling... :P23:14
SJrI've installed ubuntu 18.04 twice now, both times the install completes successfully however after reboot the system doesn't seem fully installed. The hostname is set wrong, and no users seem to have been created so I cannot log in.23:15
SJrUbuntu 18.04 server*23:15
Bashing-om!uefi | Sir_Andrei23:15
ubottuSir_Andrei: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:15
tomreyn!md5 | SJr23:16
ubottuSJr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:16
Sir_Andrei@Bashing-om, thx, I'll read it :D23:16
tomreyn!smart | SJr23:16
ubottuSJr: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools23:16
tomreynSJr: maybe the installation or target media is llosing coherence23:17
SJrSeems unlikely, it was a fully functioning Linux install mere hours ago.23:18
SJrI will re-image the USB key, and verify the md5 before hand.23:18
tomreynSJr: you can also run a 'media test' from the grub menu of the installer23:19
hxmulleryes, sometimes the dowload is bad23:21
SJrWell this will be the weirdest corrupt media I've ever seen.23:21
tomreynSJr: you said the hostname was set wrong. was it set to a value you know personally, to what might be a 'Desfault value'. to the empty string, or just some gibberish?23:23
SJrdefault value, localhost.localdomain.23:24
tomreynSJr: this would happen if you used the desktop installer without reliable network connection, i think23:24
SJrHrm... that's pretty bad error handling, but maybe it's because I set the DNS wrong, I was just going to install BIND later.23:25
SJrCheck on the media went fine as well.23:26
tomreynSJr: this sounds like an even better explanation. making the installer think it can pull updates from the internet since there is a network connection but then breaking name resolution could indeed cause this situation.23:26
SJrI set some other ones up, but maybe I'll just let DHCP take over during install.23:27
tomreynyour other option is an offline installation using the *alternative* server installation. if you want it offline.23:27
qwebirc89603I just downloaded Ubuntu on my chromebok, how ever its only 14.04 how can I upgrade it?23:27
SJrI guess I'll not set the hostname to something that collides with something else on the network this time either.23:28
tomreynSJr: it's also possible that the desktop installer actually works wfine if you just don't bring up the network before starting the installation (nor during installation)23:28
SJrOh this is server*23:28
tomreynqwebirc89603: you cuol djust download a newer version instead,23:28
tomreynSJr: oh you said so initially, sorry i hadn't noticed.23:29
SJrInstalling again right now.23:29
tomreynqwebirc89603: use a web browser, point it to ubuntu.com, click on download etc.23:30
SJrOh I'm a moron23:30
SJrThe install script dies, and says "An error has occurred" my monitor is so big, I don't notice it.23:30
tomreyni guess this would explain why the installation didnt succeed23:31
qwebirc89603I cant do that on a chromebook23:31
qwebirc89603im running Ubuntu 14.04 right now23:32
SJrAn unexpected error while running command "unshare --fork --pid -- chroot /target efibootmgr ..."23:32
=== marve is now known as Guest98140
tomreynqwebirc89603: there's this https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-ubuntu-on-chromebook23:32
SJrReason -, StdOut: '', Stderr: ''.23:33
tomreynSJr: i don't know, no hits on the web for this output. use the alternate installer.23:34
tomreynqwebirc89603: sorry about the iso download suggestion, i never worked with chromebooks, but see the tutorial which is about installing 16.04 on a chromebook23:35
qwebirc89603I did the same thing in the tutorial it downloaded ubuntu 14.0423:36
oerheksqwebirc89603, you could use the updates setting > to next LTS release23:36
oerheksbut chromebook, i would not run ubuntu/any linux on it, limited hdd23:36
tomreynqwebirc89603: hmm i could have sworn i saw 16.04 somewhere, but looking now, can't seem to find any notion of it.23:38
tomreynoh stepo #3 of the tuorial states 16.0423:39
qwebirc89603yeah the farthest ive gotten was to the tab that said my software is up to date but 16.04 is released and when I clicked upgrade it closed the tab and did nothing23:39
oerheksupdate manager core23:40
Sir_AndreiPeople, i was reading the article.23:41
Sir_AndreiW10 have it's own ESP.23:41
Sir_AndreiI've created a new ESP with Gparted (FAT32, 1024Mb, flags: boot, esp).23:41
Sir_AndreiIt's necessary?, I mean, I'm not sure of using W10 ESP (fearing to do such a mess as it is my first time using ESP).23:42
oerheksnot sure what article, but our uefi manual says you can use the windows efi one23:43
SJrWell tomreyn I disconnected a bunch of other hard disks that were plugged in, since the errors seemed to be about disk related ,and then the installer passed.23:45
Sir_AndreiArticle @Bashing-om gived me.23:45
Sir_AndreiIdk if "gived" exists in english.23:45
tomreynqwebirc89603: from what i read, the "crouton" installation method discusse don the tuorial i linked does not replace ChromiumOS but installs ubuntu into a chroot (something like a virtual server). there can also be chromebook specific ways to actually replace ChromiumOS by Linux, but you'll need to search those chromebook specific methods yourself, and are basically on your own there.23:46
tomreynSir_Andrei: if this system boots in UEFI mode and has an ESP, then all OS's installed on it need to share this ESP23:47
tomreynSJr: glad it worked out in the end.23:47
tomreynSir_Andrei: it's "gave" (past tense)23:47
Sir_AndreiSo isn't neccesary i do biosgrub partition as Installer recommends, right?23:48
Sir_AndreiI just need to select W10 ESP and specify /boot/efi as mount point.23:49
qwebirc89603tomeryn yeah I know but isnt there a way to upgrade it?23:49
tomreynSir_Andrei: if your system boots in UEFI mode and the partition table is a GTP one then you need to use the existing ESP partition, not create a bios_grub partition.23:50
tomreynqwebirc89603: yes. the question is just will it still work after it is upgraded? and form what i read, 16.04 won't.23:50
tomreynqwebirc89603: which chromebook model is it?23:51
Sir_AndreiWell, W10 boots in UEFI mode.23:51
Sir_AndreiBut..., its safe?23:51
Bashing-omSir_Andrei: Is Win10 presently installed on the system ? If so I would expect the intaller - booted in UEFI mode - to find the /boot partition and install the operating system automatically .23:51
Sir_AndreiOh..., nice.23:52
Sir_AndreiWell, I'll try.23:52
Sir_AndreiBashing-om, W10 is presently installed on my computer.23:53
Sir_AndreiI've seen from Gparted W10 have a ESP (Fat 32, boot flag) partition.23:54
qwebirc89603tomeryn: I dont know23:54
Sir_Andrei272Mb (size), 69Mb already used.23:54
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:54
Bashing-omSir_Andrei: ubuntu will gladly share that ESP partition .23:55
Sir_AndreiYea oerheks, Bashing-om gave me that article few minutes ago, thx.23:55
oerhekshe is been told 4 times i think23:55
Sir_AndreiBashing-om, all automatically? C:23:55
Bashing-omSir_Andrei: Bear in mind that ubuntu uas existed for some time .. and millions of programmers pour over the code .. it is now user friendly :)23:56
Sir_AndreiSorry oerheks, I have a lot of files on this computer and I wanna do things just right.23:56
SJrIn Ubuntu 18.04 /etc/network/interfaces seems to be replaced by netplan. Everything on the internet says I can just modify /etc/netplan files with yml. However the file in there, 50-cloud-init.yml says this file is provided by "the datasource". Changes to it won't persist?23:57
Bashing-omSir_Andrei: If the data is important ..it is backed up . no excuses .23:57
oerheksif you don't have a backup, your files are unimportant, basicly23:57
Sir_AndreiYeah, I have backups.23:57
SJrWhy does my server seemingly have Ubuntu Cloud?23:58
Sir_AndreiBut let's be clear. It's a pain on the ass to reinstall and do all stuffs again, I prefer to learn and do things right from the beginning.23:58
Sir_AndreiWell, I'm installing the system right now, so... let's see hahahah.23:58
ntdSir_Andrei, don't get attached to an installation23:59
Bashing-omSir_Andrei: :) .. safety is no accident .23:59
ntdmakes you keep putting liptstick on a pig23:59
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic

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