
lungaro_pbuilder is what fails me =/00:02
blackswanis there some kind of snazzy new kernel debugging thingy now that i don't know about where i can just create a vm and set a breakpoint on, say, the code that identifies partition tables on a block device, and single step through it without having to build five hundred packages from thirty-six sources and making an offering to the oat god?00:12
blackswanbecause linux is not recognizing the partitions on this disk image and it is making me sad00:14
electricmilkAnyone know of a good guide for 18.04 to setting it up as a syslog server?00:17
electricmilkEverything I'm finding is for older versions00:17
blackflowelectricmilk: I'd go with syslog-ng, much more capable than rsyslog, and nicer syntax.00:19
electricmilkah thank you00:19
lungaro_blackswan, ymmv but systemtap -- not exactly what you are askingg (no step through) but is capable of major kernel probing00:20
blackswanlungaro_: thanks but that doesn't seem applicable to the problem at hand00:21
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:31
gde33I do the step by step instructions to create a shared folder a while back, I forget each step but it worked. Today however the laptop doesn't see the desktop folder on Network anymore.00:32
gde33how do I begin shoot trouble?00:32
gde33I can still go to network on the desktop and see the folder there00:33
gde33(as in desktop pc)00:33
gde33what could have changed?00:35
gde33should I be able to access the network folder? (pointing at the same machine)00:45
gde33it asks for a password but rejects it00:45
gde33ah had to type smb://computername/00:47
Ubu-1604Well I upgraded to the newer kernel, all seems to be working just fine :)00:49
Ubu-1604errr, forgot the .0. ;)00:49
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Riddicki like gnome / unity, but sometimes i like to run kde or lxde.  is there a minimal way i can install just those wihtout doing the lubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop commands?  thats too much and I don't want to change my bootup, etc.  i just want some different DM's to choose from.01:20
atlas_0x01Anyone going to defcon?01:21
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texlaAny info when 18.04 will be added to update manager01:26
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bildz have a 16.04 server i just setup with UFW/OpenVPN.  I can connect as a VPN client and traceroute out to the internet, but I have dnsmasq running on the OpenVPN server and I cannot DNS resolve as a OpenVPN client.  Nothing shows up in the firewall as being blocked.  Any ideas?01:52
lotuspsychjebildz: try the #ubuntu-server channel mate, they might help you more specificly02:01
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
theorchidDo ubuntu live usb support mixed mode uefi?02:48
theorchidlike if I copy the iso contents to a thumb drive?02:48
theorchidor do I have to use the 32 bit version?02:49
theorchidwell, obviously I'm not ggoing to use the 32 bit version... but do I have to build my own install media to boot in mixed mode?02:50
bildztheorchid: use the usb boot disk maker02:50
bildztheorchid: whats your main OS?02:51
bildztheorchid: w32disk imager in windows02:51
theorchidbildz, I use windows 10 and ubuntu and gentoo02:51
jack_fuWho can say?02:52
theorchidw32disk imager?02:52
bildztheorchid: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/02:52
lotuspsychjejack_fu: can we help you?02:52
bildzuse that and it will push the iso to a thumb drive02:52
theorchidbildz, no i need mixed mode booting02:53
theorchidlike, my uefi is 32 bit, and my system is 64 bit02:53
lotuspsychjejack_fu: stop it please02:55
lotuspsychjejack_fu: you have joined the ubuntu support channel, no chitchat here02:56
neilduganI have some python3 code using Gtk3 that is not behaving as expected.  I have created a custom widget inherited from Gtk.Entry ... When I inherit from this to create two other classes, the definitions conflict... each of these two new classes will work properly on the own, but if I use both the Uppercase one no longer function correctly... what am I doing wrong?03:06
neildugansee https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tRsrWqbPVW/03:06
qwebirc54247hello :( i don't have mood i really angry03:15
qwebirc54247why google chrome flash player doesn't work ?03:15
qwebirc54247my chromium can't work flash player :(03:16
qwebirc54247anyone can help me ?03:19
guivercqwebirc54247, i don't have flash (don't want it), but this may help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Partner-Flash03:19
qwebirc54247i try it -_- but my problem is not fixed03:21
qwebirc54247guiverc: i try it but my problem not fixed03:21
guivercdid you `sudo apt update` (to reload your repository lists & include the extra partner repo) then re-run chromium ?03:22
qwebirc54247yes :/03:22
qwebirc54247i need help!!!!03:26
qwebirc54247bye !03:27
qwebirc54247thanks for this support03:27
=== Freddish_ is now known as Freddish
cry_wolfHi there03:48
nshireyou know that bit of text that says if you need a reboot, updates avalible, etc, that displays when you connect with SSH? is there a way to get that to display again without reloading the ssh session?03:58
cry_wolfA quick question, my wireless adapters is supported with the 2.6.36 and 3.2 kernel, so I searched a ubuntu version with these kernel and I found the 12.04LTS (3.2), the wifi is working. Now my question is, is there a chance I get issue if I upgrade my ubuntu ? I'm not sure how this is working exaclty.03:59
boogleToo bad i missed Qwebirc5424, all you need to do is install chromium-pepperflash.04:00
booglenshire I think that is part of the motd file.04:00
guiverccry_wolf, only 12.04 ESM is supported (but NOT here); and surely it'd be a downgrade for you04:04
cry_wolfguiverc, ok thanks.04:05
IcemanV912.04? 6 years setback? really? :P04:07
cry_wolfWell, I would have download the and installed 18.04 but because of my wireless I wasn't sure. And this is what is written on Intel support page; "We support use of the drivers only in the kernel version the driver was a part of"04:09
booglenshire, I looked it up. Apparently there is some script run at boot that updates the motd that is then displayed. I have to go but I hope this helps.04:10
cry_wolfSo if a more recent Ubuntu version is not on the same kernel, I guess I'm fucked. I mean, I saw a few post on the ubuntu forum with people having issue on newer ubuntu version with the same wireless device.04:11
S1GM4I have a very basic question04:19
nshireboogle, looks like you're right that it's only updated at system startup. I found you can display it using "cat /var/run/motd.dynamic" but that doesn't necessarily show an up-to-date version.04:19
S1GM4if I ls -l and get a file listing like -rwxr-w-r-- 1  <--- that does that number (1, 2, whatever) mean?04:19
S1GM4I've looked place after place and can't seem to find a good answer? Seems like it is just skipped over everywhere04:20
IcemanV9S1GM4: perhaps 1 is the file was created by accident? can you see the content of 1?04:23
S1GM4No, I mean like, in a typical breakdown, say:04:23
S1GM4-rwxr-xr-- 1 instruct staff 270311 Aug 11 2009 install.sh04:24
S1GM4What does that number (1) mean after the permissions?04:24
blackswanthat is the number of links to the file04:25
blackswanhard links, not symbolic links04:25
S1GM4Ah, I see, haha. XD04:25
S1GM4I wonder why that is not ever explained in all the tutorials and stuff I have read that break down what the listing actually is referencing04:25
S1GM4I knew it was something incredibly basic, but have never had to consider it until I started taking this forsaken Unix class04:26
blackswani don't know. when i was introduced to unix it was explained quite clearly.04:26
blackswan("the unix programming environment", kernighan and pike)04:26
IcemanV9i never knew that. i basically ignored it. nice to know now. thx, blackswan04:26
blackswanthat's why directories don't have a 1`04:27
blackswanand their link count goes up for each subdirectory you put in them04:27
blackswanbecause of the .. links04:27
IcemanV9makes sense04:27
S1GM4Ah, yeah04:31
S1GM4Ironically, if I'd actually done any of the course work instead of just trying to test out, I'd likely have run across the answer. Instead, when it came time to do the project at the end of the segment (as I tested out around 90%+ for all the material) I was like04:31
S1GM4Wait a minute... what is this number here XD hahaha04:31
S1GM4been using Unix-related systems for... I dunno, almost two decades? Never bothered to learn some of the basic stuff. :( Bring shame to my famiry and cran.04:32
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S1GM4Man that Unix permissions assignment was easy. The next one is regex XD frick frack.04:53
=== Freddish_ is now known as Freddish
Eric_ChongI want to clone my dual boot win10 ubuntu SSD.  As it took me a long time t oget it all sorted out.  I find Acronis cloner works well on windows.  But last time when I cloned my USB linux to a HDD, the hdd clone took long to boot up. Maybe due to size differnece?. So, is it always better to use excactly the same size disks when cloning?05:52
Eric_ChongAnyone ?05:54
Eric_Chong I want to clone my dual boot win10 ubuntu SSD.  As it took me a long time t oget it all sorted out.  I find Acronis cloner works well on windows.  But last time when I cloned my USB linux to a HDD, the hdd clone took long to boot up. Maybe due to size differnece?. So, is it always better to use excactly the same size disks when cloning?05:54
Meepsheephold up mang05:55
Meepsheepur gonna have to explain that slower05:55
Eric_ChongWhen cloning ubuntu/win 10  disk.  is it better to clone to a disk exactly the same size?05:55
Meepsheepso basically05:55
Meepsheepwell first of all05:55
Meepsheepwhat operating system are you running05:55
Eric_Chongcos when i cloned usb to hdd, the boot times were slow05:55
Eric_Chongdual boot win10 ubuntu05:56
Meepsheepwhats the gfl05:56
Eric_Chongwats a gfl05:57
Meepsheepi cant help unless i know the gfl05:57
Meepsheepitll be under your ubuntu settings05:57
Eric_Chongwel wah tis it, then i can look05:57
Meepsheepjust open up your settings and take a look real quick05:58
Eric_Chongi did05:58
Eric_Chongi have no idea wat u mean05:58
Meepsheepall i need to know is if it starts with a 3 or a 405:58
Eric_Chongi copied my usb ubuntu before onto a hdd, using acronis on windows.  it worked, but the boot tim was slow.  maybe cos the disks were diferent sizes05:59
Eric_Chongand i opened up settings.. but can see no gfl.. and no way to search06:00
Meepsheepwell theres your problem right there06:00
Eric_Chongyou'll have to give me more info06:00
Eric_Chongwhat problem?06:00
Eric_Chongdiffernet disk size?06:00
Eric_Chonganyone else?06:01
mousEric_Chong: there's really no need to have the same size disk06:02
mousas long as the drive you are clone to is = or >06:02
Eric_Chongin that case, i wonder why the slow boot time06:02
Eric_Chongthe rest worked fine, just slow boot06:02
mousEric_Chong: mechanical or SSD?06:02
Eric_Chongfrom usb to ssd06:02
mousslow boot into windows i imagine?06:02
Eric_Chongi have no idea - or >06:02
mousbut faster boot into linux?06:02
Eric_Chongno, ubuntu#06:02
Eric_Chongi only had ubuntu on the ssd., i did not clone dual os yet06:03
Eric_Chongonly had ubuntu on usb*06:03
mousI'd try another boot if you have not, perhaps the OS had to do some things due to the hardware change06:03
Eric_Chonganother boot?06:03
mousyeah, reboot?06:03
Eric_Chongyes, every time i boot it slow06:03
Eric_Chongstays ame06:03
Eric_Chongit runs fine once booted tho06:03
moushmmmm maybe the SSD is not configured optimal06:03
mousbut that's usually pretty plug and play these days06:04
Eric_Chongwell, i put a fresh ubuntu on the ssd, fresh install and it boots like lightning06:04
mousi'm really not sure, sory :(06:04
mousever use clonezilla?06:04
Eric_Chongsom i want to clone this dual boot ssd...but dont want to waste money if it wont clone propery06:04
mousI really love it for imaging06:04
Eric_Chonghmm its ok06:04
mousI use it often and have never experienced anything like that06:05
Eric_Chongi cant use clonezilla on linux.. to hard to figur eout06:05
Eric_Chongi used acronis on windows06:05
mousoh it's super easy06:05
Eric_Chongno, i tried before06:05
Eric_Chongi got lost06:05
Eric_Chongno gui either06:05
mousyeah first couple times take some work06:05
mousonce you get used to it - works like a boss tho06:05
Eric_Chongleft it running all night hoping it was doing sumthing06:05
Eric_Chongbut not06:05
mousI'm not sure i would trust windows to create a good 1:1 image of a file system time that it does not even support natively06:06
Eric_Chongi heard that creating images doesnt matter06:06
mousyeah maybe not06:06
Eric_Chongi use rufus for my linux installs for example06:06
moushave not used windows in a long time though :(06:06
Eric_Chongi just iwsh loinux had more gui software06:06
Eric_Chongits confusing as hell in terminal06:07
Eric_Chongi tried clonezilla thee times06:09
Eric_Chongand only had to use acronis once and i understood it.   just the slow boot sucks though06:09
moushow slow we talking?06:09
mouslike < 60 seconds?06:09
mous> 60?06:09
mousmaybe your clone software wrote a very fragmented mess?06:10
Eric_Chongwell the original was avbout 20 seconds from usb... the clone to ssd about 60 or 9006:10
Eric_Chongnot life threatening, but annoying06:10
mousdefrag the SSD06:10
mousthey don't normally need it06:10
mousbut it's not going to hurt anything and I imagine that's your issue06:11
Eric_Chongwell as i say. now i have a fresh ubuntu and windows 10 on same ssd.  and its flying06:11
mousevetything should be fine when you do it, just remember you'll likely need to defrag afterwards06:11
mousor wait for windows to do it automatically (seems it does it once a month)06:12
mousnot sure now linux handles it06:12
Eric_Chongyea. i dont think its a frag issue06:12
Eric_Chongdunno tho06:12
mousthe fact that it boots and everything works = i'm out of ideas lol06:12
Eric_Chongmight be.. as the hdd was not same size as usb.. maybe sum wierd stuff happened06:12
mouscan't think what would slow it down except bad fragmentation06:12
mousnah that does not really matter06:12
Eric_Chongso maybe a i said, if the disks are exact same sixe its better06:13
mousyou could clone a 256GB ssd to a 1TB, you just end up with 700ish GB unallocated06:13
Eric_Chongi have a 500 gb hdd.. and my dual boot os in my ssd is 250g..  i could try clonming to my 500gb hdd just t osee wat happens06:14
mousthe total size is irrelevant as long as the destination is = or > than source06:14
Eric_Chongive no idea about = or >06:14
mousequal or greater than06:14
Eric_Chongoh ok, no problem06:14
Eric_Chongyes the ssd was much greater size06:14
mousyeah that's really a non issue, and easy to 'fix' later if you want06:14
mousjust boot into a live session from a USB, use gparted to add the unalloc space to the new partition06:15
Eric_Chongi think partitions wont work whe ncloning.. as you need to use the entire disk, for boot reasons i think06:15
Eric_Chongbut can resize after cloning i guess06:16
mousya kinda just depends how you do it, but I see no logical reason for any slow downs06:16
Eric_Chongwell, i have some data on my 500gfb hdd, i can move off of it ,and try to clone my ssd on to it06:16
Eric_Chongbut my data is in fat 32 format.  will be ok to copy in on to a ntfs drive without corrupting it ?06:17
Eric_Chonglike, can i copy data fro ma fat 32 disk, to a ntfs disk, then later back to a fat 32 disk without corrupting the date?06:18
Eric_Chongits a ps3 save data06:18
illuminatedI'm mounting an iscsi LUN with open iscsi.  the mount seems to work but  and when i do a blkid it shows up as /dev/sdb but when I lsblk to get its uuid it doesn't list anything.06:18
mousEric_Chong: yes, the OS will take care of that for you06:22
mousEric_Chong: If you copy from a fat32 disk to NTFS, the OS will write the files using NTFS, all will be perfect06:22
Eric_Chongthanks mous06:25
Eric_Chongand if then i cna copy the same files back from ntfs to fat 32 later, i cna keep my ps3 save intact06:26
=== HappyHotDog is now known as DrunkHotDog
Eric_Chongand the ncan use this 500gb to experiment with cloning  ;)06:26
=== shawn is now known as Guest58973
OldtroubleHello I'm trying out linux and i have USB wireless thing07:23
OldtroubleI'm stretching a cable across the room to be here. How do I turn wireless on?07:23
blackflowOldtrouble: judging by your username, there should be an NetworkManager icon in the taskbar tray07:25
blackflowOldtrouble: kubuntu I mean07:25
Oldtroubleblackflow: it just says Wired Connection07:26
lambdoidshould I use OpenGL or Vulkan when I play a game?07:26
blackflowvulkan if possible07:26
blackflowbecause it's next gen protocol and phoronix benchmarks peg it as better performing. uses much less CPU than opengl too.07:27
blackflowOldtrouble: I don't know it off the top of my head but there should be an Add, or Manage connections menu option through which you should be able to add wireless? Do you know which chipset is it, btw?07:29
OldtroubleUmm. Ralink?07:29
blackflowOldtrouble: and no wireless connection option whatsoever in the network manager?07:34
blackflowOldtrouble: can you open the terminal, type     lsusb    hit enter and pastebin the output of it?07:37
blackflow!pastebin | Oldtrouble07:37
ubottuOldtrouble: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:37
blackflowOldtrouble: do that after you've plugged in the usb thingy07:37
blackflowOldtrouble: and which ubuntu is this?07:39
blackflowOldtrouble: can you pastebin the output of          journalctl --since '1 hour ago' | grep -e NetworkManager -e wpa_supplicant07:42
TabMasherQuestion.  I have a home directory which is EXT3-4 and I want to copy all the files and attributes to another partition that is BtrFS.  Is there a file manager, or a console command to copy each file and attributes to this new BtrFS partition?   I'm new to ubuntu/linux but I'm working at it.07:43
akkonradI'm using ubuntu 16.04. When I close my laptop lid (dell inspiron) it hibernates, that's fine and expected. but when I have monitor plugged in, it is still turned on and laptop does not hibenates. I've tried to change settings in this config file: /etc/systemd/logind.conf but didn't help07:44
akkonradI've changed those variables: HandleLidSwitch=hibernate  and  HandleLidSwitchDocked=hibernate07:44
TabMasherakkonrad: May I PM you?07:45
ducasseTabMasher: don't crosspost, please07:46
TabMasherducasse: Just looking for help.  Sorry.07:46
Oldtroubleblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fJ8Cm2TgX7/07:48
blackflowOldtrouble: yeah the output of that command. you have to hit enter at the end. then it produces some output and then please pastebin that output, like you did for lsusb.07:49
Oldtroublethat was all it said07:50
Oldtroublethere was nothing after I hit enter07:50
blackflowOldtrouble: and if you use   -b     instead of    --since '1 hour ago'      ?07:51
akkonradTabMasher, sure07:52
Oldtroubleblackflow: I see it says WiFi enabled07:59
VadiAfter looking through too many askubuntu answers, I find raising the limit on the number of open files in Ubuntu to be really confusing and difficult. Can anyone give a simple solution to increasing this number?07:59
Oldtroubleon Line 2808:00
blackflowOldtrouble: I found this:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/457061/ralink-mt7601u-148f7601-wi-fi-adapter-installation      and that appears to be your adapter, and it supposedly "just works" on "Ubuntu 16.04 onward".08:00
BSODjunkieanyone here can help me diagnose a cron issue08:01
BSODjunkieI am getting these logs under crontab service08:01
BSODjunkiemy test.py script is not creating any output, what could be happening?08:01
=== Richard is now known as Guest8058
Oldtroubleblackflow: Those numbers they list under supported. what are those?08:07
blackflowOldtrouble: bus device IDs from that lsusb output you pasted first08:08
OldtroubleAh. It matched mine.08:09
OldtroubleSo it should be turned on but it's invisible?08:09
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc_t
Oldtroubleblackflow: Thanks for the help08:17
IntelCoreOne weekly arrived, thanks Bashing-Om !08:26
IntelCoreWhat to expect with Upgrade to 18.04 ?08:26
IntelCoreI have it on usb drive now, but await the  upgrade install.08:27
IntelCoreo.o Scheduled backup wants a thumb drive08:28
=== Guest16682 is now known as matt_
MacroManI lost an SSH connection during an "apt dist-upgrade" and now I can't update anymore: https://paste.ngx.cc/8f8a2dac171fb80c08:38
MacroManIt's left it in a broken state. Please help. This is a live server08:38
HounddogGood Morning... First thing... i have no clue of what i am doing... We are having issues withj some nfs4 errors and i am tasked to connect a new server via nfs3 (again... i have no clue of nfs... i just now its a network share..."  so i am looking at fstab and trrying to figure out how to do this.. . First question regarding this -> if i connect via nfs3 client should the server not also be on version nfs3? hope08:39
Hounddogsomeone can give me a helping hand or direct me in the right direction08:39
=== erwinnovo is now known as easyOnMe
blackflowMacroMan: is an apt or dpkg process stil active?08:39
easyOnMehello guys08:40
hellobelloHey Guys, A couple of weeks ago I received a new laptop with a "Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter". First thing I did was installing ubuntu.. Everything seems to be working fine, but my wifi connection "drops" at random times. At which point I need to restart my network-manager.. which is getting frustrating.08:40
MacroManNot apt. I'm just checking and it seems I stil lhave a dpkg process active08:40
easyOnMejust want to ask I am task to do web admin08:40
hellobelloI was looking into updating the driver, but it seems that linux-firmware should be update enough for my driver..08:40
hellobelloI tried disabling "ac" .. which didn't help08:41
easyOnMeI am just want to know how to grant permission to a subdomain folder so that it can be access via the internet without making a full and complete access to it08:41
MacroManAh, think it's OK. I killed the dpkg process and now seem to be updating fine.08:41
easyOnMejust how like a typical html folder is allowed to be accessed via the internet08:41
HounddogeasyOnMe: you cant just give access to a foder to the internet you need some kind of httpd server08:42
MacroManeasyOnMe: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-and-configure-apache#008:42
blackfloweasyOnMe: it must be readable to the web server's process/user.08:42
easyOnMeblackflow: so how do I do that08:42
easyOnMeHounddog: yes the server is apache08:42
blackfloweasyOnMe: start with googling for "basic unix permissions" and how to manage those via chmod08:42
MacroManeasyOnMe: If you already have apache installed, ask on #httpd08:42
IntelCoreu might try ftp server?08:42
easyOnMeblackflow: I remember there is a command that you use but I forget about it08:43
easyOnMeand I know that you need to use the same command to subfoders within html folder08:43
blackflowMacroMan: and when that's done, first thing you should do is install tmux or screen and next time do ALL such management through tmux or screen08:43
MacroManeasyOnMe: Indexes?08:43
blackfloweasyOnMe: I just told you what to do. can you do that?08:43
hellobelloAnyone know where to start looking ?08:43
easyOnMeblackflow: yes I know but I do not know which permission to use08:43
easyOnMeso sorry newbie here08:44
MacroManblackflow: Thanks. I've managed to re-run dist-upgrade, but it's hanging on "update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)"08:44
easyOnMeblackflow: I do not want to commit an error that grant the wrong access08:44
qwebirc78429hi guys. I installed ubuntu on my dulboot system today. Specs are: i7 6gen HQ / GTX 950M / 8Gigs of RAM / 256 Gigs of SSD (40gigs are parted for UBUNTU). I installed yet neither X server nor Wayland gives me a desktop. All I could've seen was a black/purple screen at the first login. I'm on the windows side now any idea to what to do?08:44
HounddogeasyOnMe: macroman gave you a tutorial, everything should also be mentioned there what kind of permissions and which user should have it08:44
blackfloweasyOnMe: so, after looking up "basic unix permissions", which of those need further clarification?08:44
easyOnMeblackflow: I see08:44
easyOnMeok I will be right back08:45
IntelCorehellobello : my ISP stated one thing.. fast. But, I do noy get fast. If you have wifi.. look at those.. is it 'n' setting? not in the driver?08:45
blackfloweasyOnMe: I mean looking up that should explain everything, so maybe you have a specific question about that?08:45
MacroManeasyOnMe: http://fideloper.com/user-group-permissions-chmod-apache08:46
easyOnMeMacroMan: thanks just what I need let me read through and I will ask questions later08:47
IntelCoredeja dup says backup failed because it cannot access the drive - permissions needed. What to do?08:48
MacroManeasyOnMe: I found that by searching "Apache file permissions". Google is a powerful tool.08:48
easyOnMeMacroMan: sorry about that08:49
easyOnMejust under pressure to deliver here really so sorry08:49
Hounddogmaybee i should even start lower.... how can i see if nf3 is even supported with the kernel?08:49
easyOnMeMacroMan: ok now I got a question08:50
hellobelloIntelCore: I'm not entirely sure about the questions. All try to answer: "If you have wifi.. look at those": Wifi is working, but it randomly d/c's. My colleagues on macs an linux with other laptops don't have this issue | "Is it 'n' setting? not in the driver?": I'm sorry buy I have no idea what you mean. I tried disabling "ac" but I have no idea if this worked, but I do know that it did not solve my problem :(08:50
easyOnMeif www-data is the group that is the one granting access to the html folder when say example.org domain is entered into the url browser08:51
IntelCorehellobello: verify power save mode08:51
easyOnMehow shall I allow the same user permission so that the subdomain folder which is inside the html folder can be access when say subdomain.example.org is typed on the web browser08:52
IntelCorehellobello back the current config08:52
IntelCorehellobello read my dialog paste to you08:53
easyOnMeis this the correct terminal command chmod -R g+rx /var/www08:53
blackfloweasyOnMe: you have to allow user or group www-data READ permission on the folder and files in question. usually it's done through such files and folders having read permission "for all", but it'd be wiser to just limit it to group or owner. that means those files and dirs will have to be owned by www-data user or group.08:53
blackfloweasyOnMe: that would be correct if you use the approach of www-data group having read access to those. but then you must also chown it to www-data group08:54
blackfloweasyOnMe: did you look up "basic unix permissions" on google?08:54
MacroManI disconnected. Did anyone reply to me?08:54
easyOnMeblackflow: ok so I need help to confirm whether the following sequence of terminal commands will be ok meaning it will only allow access from the public what is necessary meaning read only08:55
easyOnMeblackflow: yes08:56
easyOnMethose rwx08:56
blackfloweasyOnMe: I _really_ hope you understand _this_:  we can give you exact commands to run without you understanding what they do. that would be a disservice to you, you'd change something in the system, gods know what, and when it breaks, you'd have no idea what, where, how, what did you do, how it works.  SO... what you _have_ to do is understand how basic permissions work and what the tools are. once08:56
blackflowyou do that, then you'll understand exactly what you need to do to allow your httpd to access those files.08:56
easyOnMer for read w for write and x for execute08:56
easyOnMeblackflow: yes thank for that I appreciate that08:56
easyOnMethat is why I need validation here I will chose the command kindly tell me whether is it correct or ont08:57
blackfloweasyOnMe: right, so you have two approaches here. unless you make it more restrictive, the default is for all dirs and files to be READABLE to "all"08:57
IntelCorebut, it's more than setting permissions08:57
blackfloweasyOnMe: so when you put something under /var/www and point your vhost there, it should all work out of the box.08:57
IntelCorekinda like ftp servers08:58
MacroManI'm reading about fixing the apt hang. Most suggestions are removing the kernel and installing it again. Is that a wise idea?08:58
easyOnMeblackflow: what do you mean it should all work out of the box08:58
blackfloweasyOnMe: alternatively, you can limit the permissions on those files by removing access to "all"   (chmod o-rwx ....). in that case you must make those readable to www-data user OR group08:58
easyOnMeyes the second alternative is what I prefer08:58
blackfloweasyOnMe: exactly what I said. the default permissions when you create a file/dir is that those are readable to ALL users in the system08:58
easyOnMeI only what the users from the internet to read only the subdomain folder08:59
easyOnMeonce they access it they will only see the web pages I wanted08:59
easyOnMeno write or execute permissions08:59
=== AE is now known as Guest45514
blackfloweasyOnMe: there are no "users from the internet" in context of permissions on your system. that would be the web server's process and the system user it is running as, by default it is "www-data" on debian and derivatives, for apache and nginx for example08:59
MacroManI can't seem to kill the apt process now. Running `sudo kill {pid}` has no effect09:00
easyOnMeblackflow:Oh I get it09:00
easyOnMethanks about that09:00
Guest45514Hi I have a question! About Install wine on ubuntu09:00
easyOnMeso it is only the group "www-data" that allows people to access the web pages09:00
blackfloweasyOnMe: the webserver itself can't write files unless you enable DAV or pass requests to something like PHP. it also can't execute something unless you configure something like cgi or pass it to PHP which in turn explicitly does exec syscalls09:00
easyOnMenow I got a clearer picture09:00
easyOnMeblackflow: yes the system has php09:01
blackflowMacroMan: be more persuasive with -9 for kill  (or -SIGKILL)09:01
easyOnMeso now for www-data what should be the correct permissions09:01
easyOnMeI mean the website uses php to execute commands such as saving data on the database09:01
Guest45514how can i fix that: Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14.2)            Recommends: fonts-droid but it is not installable09:01
blackfloweasyOnMe: you can chown all those files to www-data:www-data and the default permissions should work (being 644 fo files and 755 for dirs -- and the last number can even be 0 if that's what you want)09:02
easyOnMeso does that mean that for the group "www-data" I need to use the default permissions09:02
blackfloweasyOnMe: with PHP involved things are much more complex and depend on how you are running PHP in context of the web server.09:02
easyOnMeblackflow: I am using a php framework codeigniter 309:03
easyOnMeit serves web pages dynamically and saves data to the back end database09:03
blackfloweasyOnMe: yeah but how is the web server running PHP. as mod-php? via fastcgi?09:03
easyOnMeso what permissions should I use09:03
blackflowif it's mod-php then it's running within the Apache processes, thus as www-data.09:03
MacroManblackflow: Thanks. Being more "persuasive" worked.09:04
easyOnMeblackflow: hold on a sec how do I confirm that php is running mod-php or via fastcgi can I verify it by running php.info09:04
blackflowdatabase access is socket based and doesnt' involve unix permissions. PHP can save uploaded files, those will be owned by the process PHP is running as, in case of mod-php, the process Apache is running as, by default www-data:www-data09:04
blackflowMacroMan: -9 scares them all into submission.09:05
MacroManeasyOnMe: It sounds like you have a fairly standard Apache install. Setting www-data:www-data as the owner and setting the permission 644 for files and 775 for directories should be all you need.09:05
blackfloweasyOnMe: you can confirm by knowing exactly what you did. PHP doens't work by itself you have to explicitly configure it.  we're getting back to that "understand" what you're doing vs "get told a few commands you have no clue what they do".09:05
MacroManI've removed the kernel with "sudo update-initramfs -k 4.15.0-20-generic -d", but dpkg is still hanging on update-initramfs when I'm running "sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:06
easyOnMeblackflow: yeah that is why I am asking because this is the first time I heard this fastcgi but I do not remember doing anything like that but out of curiosity I ask09:06
blackflowMacroMan: 755 then for dirs, not 775 unless you want group writable, which doesn't change much if its owned by www-data09:07
easyOnMeanyway I will be right back09:07
MacroManblackflow: Oops. That was a typo09:07
easyOnMeanyway I will be right back09:07
easyOnMethanks for the info guys need to be with my daughter I will be back09:07
easyOnMefor now I will not change anything yet until I fully understand things09:07
easyOnMehopefully you guys will still be around after 5 hours...09:08
easyOnMeall the best...09:08
c06hi all am facing following errro when launching vm09:09
c06XML error: file '/dev/urandom' is not a supported random source09:09
MacroManLooking at ps, it seems this process is hanging: http://termbin.com/s9a609:11
YesManI need to copy my entire disk image.  now that i have my dual boot set up, i want to make a back up.  please advise the best method09:13
blackflowMacroMan: anything in logs?09:14
MacroManblackflow: Just that the keyboard is half configured: http://termbin.com/excf09:15
MacroManThat's the dpkg.loh09:15
MacroManLooking at the command that's hanging "/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/keyboard-configuration.postinst configure 1.178ubuntu2" I'm not sure it's output is going anywhere.09:17
MacroManThink I might be suffering from this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/171583009:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1705345 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1715830 Installing packages hangs on plymouth --ping" [Critical,Fix released]09:18
blackflowMacroMan: ah is that from that previous run? it's waiting for user input but that ssh conn was dropped?09:19
MacroManAh, that's what it's waiting for.09:19
MacroManI'll try and run the perl command manually and see what I get09:20
MacroManWell the current run lol. It's still hanging09:20
blackflowMacroMan: you'll hve to get rid of any still-running dpkg procs from that broken run09:21
tomreyn!backup | YesMan09:22
ubottuYesMan: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:22
IntelCoredeja dup it to thumb drive 64gig09:23
tomreynYesMan: if you are looking for cloning full partitions or storages, you can use clonezilla live https://clonezilla.org/09:25
IntelCorei gtg. fix backup09:26
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MacroManblackflow: I narrowed it down to this script: /var/lib/dpkg/info/keyboard-configuration.postinst09:26
MacroManI put an "exit 0" at the top so it didn't configure. It at least let me fix my missing kernel09:27
MacroManDoes keyboard-configuration matter on a headless/keyboardless server?09:27
lambdoidI installed ubuntu09:28
lambdoidwhat should I do next09:28
SimonNLupdates and enjoy I think09:29
tomreyn!terminal | lambdoid09:29
ubottulambdoid: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:29
MacroManWhat package can I install to get a working kernel back? linux-image-generic?09:29
tomreynMacroMan: yes, but the kernel image it installs may be lower than others you have now, making the others take preference unless you uninstall them or choose to override them during boot.09:31
tomreyn* kernel image version09:31
MacroManI did have 4.15.0-20-generic before I had to remove it. Should I install that exact package or the generic one?09:31
tomreynMacroMan: the generic one09:32
MacroMantomreyn: Thanks09:32
tomreyni haven't followed your previous chat here, though, so this is a generic recommendation.09:33
lambdoiddoes ubuntu meet the Single Unix Standard?09:33
MacroManWill apt keep linux-image-generic up to date with kernel releases?09:33
MacroMantomreyn: I had to do "sudo update-initramfs -k 4.15.0-20-generic -d". Do I need to run update-initramfs now I've installed the new kernel?09:35
tomreynlambdoid: most likely not https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification#Non-registered_Unix-like_systems - Linux is not Unix.09:37
tomreynlambdoid: but then, (how) does it matter?09:38
MacroManblackflow: tomreyn: Thanks for all your help. I think I've got back to a stable system now.09:38
tomreynMacroMan: unless you manually broke this automatism somehow, the update-initramfs runs automatically after installed a kernel image from supported apt sources.09:39
MacroMantomreyn: Excellent thanks. I ran "update-initramfs -u" and "update-grub" just to be sure anyway09:40
tomreynMacroMan: linux-image-generic does not actually contain a kernel image, but just depends on the latest kernel image package for the GA kernel. for each ubuntu release, a certain kernel version is picked which this ubuntu release will then always be using. this kernel image still gets security patches and bug fixes during the entire support cycle of this ubuntu release.09:42
MacroManOh I see. So all the time I'm on 18.04, I'll be using  kernel 4.14.0-20 unless I manually upgrade?09:43
tomreynMacroMan: if you run "  dpkg -l 'linux*' | pastebinit " you'll upload a list of packages whose names start with linux your system is either aware of, or which are installed, half installed, or of which there are remainders installed.09:45
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic bionic09:46
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB09:46
tomreynMacroMan: as you can see above, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS' GA kernel is based on linux 4.1509:46
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tomreynMacroMan: so kernel 4.14.0-20 is not part of ubuntu bionic, and never was (it may have been part of a bionic pre-release)09:48
MacroManSo my system shouldn't be using 4.14.0-20 by default?09:54
MacroManAh 4.15.0-20, sorry09:55
IntelCoreby default you get the right kernel when you select update09:55
IntelCoreabout computer >09:56
IntelCorecheck for updates09:57
tomreynMacroMan: 4.15.0-20 is the current GA kernel image for bionic on architectures which are not amd64 or i38609:57
MacroManOK. So I'm all good then09:58
tomreynMacroMan: what architecture is this?09:58
MacroManHang on. You said "not amd64 or i386"09:58
tomreynMacroMan: right09:59
tomreynMacroMan: look here https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/linux-image-generic09:59
YesManthanks, i am working right now.  i dont know how you guys have the tiem to learn terminal lol.  i dont.  i will try the cloning links after work.  hopefully can find an easy one09:59
MacroManSo I should be on 4.15.0-29 for my architecture?09:59
tomreynMacroMan: which version is current for amd64 then?09:59
tomreynMacroMan: right10:00
MacroManOK. I'll install that version. Shouldn't the linux-image-generic pick the right version for me though?10:01
tomreynMacroMan: sometimes, the packages.ubuntu.com website lacks behind, so you can actually get a newer version of packages than it will say. but not an older one.10:01
MacroManOr is my system not genuinely amd64, despite what it says?10:01
tomreynMacroMan: you should not need to install the updated kernel image manually.. maybe all you need to do is to run: sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade10:02
MacroMantomreyn: Both full-upgrade and dist-upgrade left minor version 2010:03
tomreynMacroMan: if "dpkg --print-architecture" says your system is amd64 then that's what you have10:03
MacroManYeah, amd6410:03
tomreynMacroMan: can you post: pastebinit <( apt-cache policy; apt-cache policy linux-image-generic; )10:05
IntelCoreWhen can I get 18.04 to upgrade?10:05
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | IntelCore10:05
ubottuIntelCore: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.10:05
IntelCoreabout now10:06
lotuspsychjeIntelCore: thursday 26july10:06
MacroMan!!! That says I don't have a candidate installed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4mhSx3pZjk/10:06
ubottuMacroMan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:06
MacroManBut the candidate is correct10:06
tomreynMacroMan: well what happened when you tries to install it?10:07
MacroManWeird. I swear down I'd installed linux-image-generic10:08
MacroManBut I'm installing as we speak10:08
tomreynit is what you said you did10:08
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MacroManLooks like I'm all good now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SBDmg9wsBR/10:09
tomreynyes, looks good.10:10
MacroManThank you10:10
tomreynMacroMan: so "dpkg -l linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic" shows this package is in state 'ii'?10:11
MacroMantomreyn: Yes10:11
tomreynMacroMan: and this shows that you have no newer linux-image* packages installed?  dpkg -l 'linux*'10:12
tomreynMacroMan: and this shows no newer kernel images installed either? ls -l /boot/vmlinuz-4.*10:13
MacroManuname -r shows as 4.15.0-20. I assume that will change with a reboot?10:14
tomreynMacroMan: that is correct.10:14
MacroManI'll update-grub as well just to be sure!10:14
MacroManLoving this pastebinit command. I've been using termbin until now.10:15
MacroMantomreyn: You've gone out of your way to help me. Thank you v.much10:17
tomreynMacroMan: glad i could help10:19
JimBuntu!cookie | tomreyn10:19
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:19
IntelCoredeja dup says it wants an old usb drive. Need to reset, dconf -f (what directory) ?10:25
IntelCorecurrently deja dup backs to /home/user10:26
IntelCorethis ?  dconf reset -f "/org/gnome/deja-dup/"10:27
LuMinthow do I get the US international layout with deadkeys and AltGR to work?10:28
LuMintthis one: us(altgr-intl)                   English (international AltGr dead keys)   leaves me without dead keys10:29
LuMintaltgr doesn't work either10:29
LuMintit acts as a normal US layout, not an international one...10:29
tomreyn!details | IntelCore10:30
ubottuIntelCore: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.10:30
tomreynLuMint: for the terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration10:32
tomreynLuMint: your graphical desktop environment may inherit these, or have modified configurations.10:33
tomreynon xubuntu 16.04, you'd configure them in xubuntu menu -> settings -> keyboard -> layout, other desktop environements may be similar.10:35
tomreyn!rootirc | rocker2310:36
ubotturocker23: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.10:36
YesManIs there a possible gui for clonezilla ?10:37
LuMinttomreyn: it's lubuntu 14.0410:37
tomreynYesMan: did you try 'clonezilla live'?10:37
YesManis it in softwar ecenter?10:37
YesMani cnat evne find normal clonezilla in there10:38
YesManand dont know about installing out side of software center.10:38
YesManpeople in here even warn me aobut that10:38
tomreynYesMan: no. it's a live linux cd.10:38
tomreyn<tomreyn> YesMan: if you are looking for cloning full partitions or storages, you can use clonezilla live https://clonezilla.org/10:38
YesManthanks. i can make if with usb ?10:39
YesManim downloading iso for cdc/dvd10:39
tomreynyes, you'll download an iso from there and write it to an usb attached storage, overwriting all data on it10:39
YesMangood.  then boot into the usb and careful select the drive to copy fro mand the drive to copy too?10:40
tomreynyes, i think this is how it works. haven't used it for many years, though.10:41
YesManthanks.  i'll give it a go.  just try to be careful not to delete my drive10:41
tomreynthat'd be good. it's not ubuntu itself, so you'd need to seek support from the clonezilla folks.10:42
YesManok, thanks10:42
rocker23hi all10:43
LuMintwhere are the keyboard conf files stored?10:54
LuMintsupposing i was to hack a keyboard layout10:54
LuMintto have ] and not " to work as a dead key10:54
=== atitest is now known as RahulAN
ubuntufandoes anyone think that ubport is a fesable way to get open source mobile os to the mases or are there financial issues due to non-commerical free software which will not generate revenue how can they compete with the like of google and apple11:13
JimBuntuubuntufan, compete the way nature does... symbiosis. Basically, become absorbed by the 'big guys' by having some added benefit.11:14
FManTropyx"217 packages can be updated"11:16
LuMintmade some changes to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/US11:18
LuMinthow do I apply it?11:18
lotuspsychjeLuMint: are you on ubuntu mint?11:18
LuMintunforunately, yes11:19
lotuspsychje!mint | LuMint join their irc please11:20
ubottuLuMint join their irc please: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:20
LuMintthere is no "ubuntu mint"11:20
LuMinti regarded that part of your message as my own nickname11:20
LuMinti'm running Ubuntu 14.0411:20
LuMintwhatever you would want me to copy from /lsb/release i can paste here11:21
ubuntufan<JimBuntu> intresting, my philosphy is ome kind of social theory but hard to see how it would work with the philosophy of the commercial giants being a utilitarian one11:21
lotuspsychje!discuss | ubuntufan11:21
ubottuubuntufan: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:21
lotuspsychjeubuntufan: not here please11:21
LuMintso, what do i have to do?11:23
LuMintsomething with dpkg reconfigure?11:23
lotuspsychjeLuMint: can you tell the whole story to the channel, what are you trying to do exactly? with all details11:24
LuMintlotuspsychje: i'm trying to get ; work as a dead key (dead_diaeresis). for that I modified the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/US file, and am now trying to apply the changes11:25
LuMintno luck so far11:25
LuMintideally i'd love to have such a dead key modifying the s letter to get the ssharp (ß), because having to hold altgr and press s twice is very awkward11:26
lotuspsychjeLuMint: can this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GtkDeadKeyTable11:26
Trident_Barclayive got clonezilla booted up, but dont know whether to choose 'device to image'   or devidce to device'   i want t oclone my disk so that the clone is bootable also11:28
Trident_Barclaydevice to device ?11:28
LuMintlotuspsychje: it might, thank you11:29
MacroManLuMint: You could setup a keyboard shortcut (in keyboard settings) to a script that uses xdotool to "send" the characters you want.11:30
LuMintlotuspsychje: it doesn't help with applying the changes I already made though.11:30
LuMintMacroMan: yeah, I should have thought of that!11:30
LuMintactually, lxde is also capable of such tricks I suppose...11:30
MacroManI use that method as a password sender11:30
Trident_Barclayive read the explanations but dont understand the difference11:30
Trident_Barclaydevice to device or device to image?   to make a bootable clone11:30
LuMintanyway, i gotta modify the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/US first11:31
LuMintbecause I don't need so many deadkeys!11:32
LuMintjust need my ä ö ü ß and sometimes é and that's it11:32
LuMintthe question is, how do I apply the changes to that file?11:33
lotuspsychjeLuMint: have you tried a save and good old reboot?11:34
LuMintlotuspsychje: i hate that solution.11:35
LuMintthere must be something else.11:35
lotuspsychjeLuMint: changing configs need reboot sometimes...11:35
lotuspsychjeLuMint: are you on server perhaps?11:35
lotuspsychjeLuMint: then just reboot..11:36
LuMintbtw, where are the gtk executables stored?11:36
Trident_Barclaynevermind.. i did device to device.. hope its right11:37
LuMinti'd like to rebuild the gtkimcontextsimple.c11:37
LuMintlotuspsychje: fail :( "could not load new keyboard configurateion, the .profile session will be configured incorrectly. fix asap"11:44
LuMintError loading new keyboard description11:44
LuMintidk what the fuck just happened but I can type ß and ä alright now.11:46
Trident_BarclayBuster Merryfield11:47
JimBuntu!language | LuMint11:48
ubottuLuMint: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:48
LuMintohh, realy sorry :(11:49
LuMintJimBuntu: thanks for telling, will be abiding by the rules11:49
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LuMintwhere are the gtk executables stored?11:51
BluesKajHey folks12:00
LuMintwhere are the gtk executables stored?12:00
LuMintBluesKaj: hi12:01
BluesKajhi LuMint12:01
LuMintlooking for gtk executables location12:02
LuMintMacroMan: could you share your xdotool script?12:03
LuMintI need one that would 'type ß when there was a sequence of (dead) " and s'12:04
MacroManLuMint: Could be much better I'm sure: https://paste.ngx.cc/a87ad1a92835e92212:05
MacroManHopefully give you some ideas and inspiration of what you could do.12:06
=== enaut is now known as Guest71918
LuMintMacroMan: thx12:14
Guest71918I installed Ubuntu 18.04 but when I run apt update it fails to download the updated package databases. it always repeats the line forwever...12:15
Guest71918repeated line: 19% [8 Packages store 6.215 kB] [Warten auf Kopfzeilen] [7 Translation-en 0 B/48,3 kB 0%]12:15
Guest71918note that the first sources are probably downloaded correctly...12:16
Guest71918I cant seem to find any issue and there is no error displayed...12:17
jaydemirso I have an ubuntu 18 based distro installed and I'm dealing with SEVERE keyboard input lag. Upon doing research there are several threads stating this issue on Ubuntu 18 with no real solution. It's even happening in the shell. Any ideas what else I can do? I'm running an 8th gen intel i5 with a gtx 1050 so hardware is out of the question12:17
Guest71918could the issue with apt not updating be a firewall issue? I mean ping probes and such are blocked but I think the first repositories update without issue.12:19
=== Guest71918 is now known as enaut_
enaut_or could it be something else?12:20
enaut_I don't see why apt does not update.12:20
oerheksguest using a proxy perhaps?12:20
enaut_oerheks: you suggest that I use one?12:20
oerheksno, to the guest with that numer ( please choose a typable name, thanks)12:21
enaut_oerheks: I did I think I'm the one you mean with the apt problem ;)12:22
oerheksoh, wait, youdid change, sorry :-D12:22
oerheksyes, a proxy might be doing this, you know if you are using one12:22
enaut_oerheks: well its a school computer with a very restricted internet... but the old OS Ubuntu 14.04 does update without issue.12:23
oerheks14.04 is still supported, also updates. i guess your school *is* using a proxy12:24
oerheksthis page might be a fix https://www.serverlab.ca/tutorials/linux/administration-linux/how-to-set-the-proxy-for-apt-for-ubuntu-18-04/  or our manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto/#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy12:25
oerheksa proxy saves your school tons of gigabits traffic12:25
enaut_oerheks: Mhm but I can access the internet without any setting so should'nt apt be able to too? In the old system I do not see any proxy setting.12:32
enaut_Also I wouldn't know what server could that be.12:33
oerheksenaut_, then i have no idea, ask the administrator?12:33
enaut_thanks anyways12:33
Rumenblackflow Definitely there is a conflict between the driver and the card. I alsready understand that soon will not work everything as needed and will wait for new driver or some day will make a fresh instalation ... but for now I want atleast to fix the issue with freeze when start LibreOffice and Google Maps12:36
ioriaenaut_, already tried to change the servers ? systemsettings-> software&updates12:38
blackflowRumen: or perhaps, if there's a chance, get a newer GPU. Or borrow it somewhere to test it.12:40
hsiktasI want to run a better terminal emulator from the Ubuntu repos under Windows 10 with WSL via the VcXsrv X server. which fully featured terminal emulator should I choose if I don't want a gigantic pile of dependencies?12:40
BluesKajRumen, which gpu ?12:41
hsiktasfor example konsole would require 136 new packages12:41
hsiktasand gnome-termail 137 ^^12:41
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide12:42
blackflowBluesKaj: nvidia GT seven hundred something. GT not GTX.12:42
oerhekshsiktas, you better seek help in #ubuntu-on-windows12:42
hsiktasah, just remembered that rxvt is a common choice for minimal desktops12:44
oerheks"desktop on wsl".. never designed to do that12:46
BluesKajRumen, run,  sudo lshw -C video to see your exact gpu hardware12:46
enaut_ioria: now I did thanks but the same issue... the first servers sync well, then all stop to sync they allways stop at the same time and at the same percentage...12:46
enaut_but I really do not understand why12:46
ioriaenaut_, do you have chrome repo installed or some other 3d party repos ?12:47
enaut_ioria: no 100% live new install12:47
Richard_CavellBluesKaj, doesn't work for me12:47
Richard_Cavelloh wait sorry it does12:48
enaut_ioria: I only installed it and tried to update now12:48
enaut_whats the command to completely clean the apt cache and everything? apt clean all?12:49
BluesKajRichard_Cavell, were you Rumen ..nick change?12:49
enaut_ioria: https://pasteboard.co/HvWjwpI.png looks like this and stays like this forever...12:50
BluesKajRumen, looks like your driver should be the nvidia-39012:50
ioriaenaut_, sudo apt clean12:50
akira_sudo apt-get clean12:50
ioriaenaut_,  close that and try in terminal : sudo apt-get update12:51
BluesKajRichard_Cavell, what were you referring to ?12:52
Richard_Cavellnever mind, it's my mistake12:53
enaut_ioria: same result... after clean... now the last line is: Holen:5 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main i386 Packages [1.007 kB]          14% [5 Packages 0 B/1.007 kB 0%]12:53
enaut_ioria: after a while the line with the link gets duplicated...12:53
ioriaenaut_,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999912:54
enaut_ioria: I guess you wanted to see the sources.list... because ports are blocked this does not work with nc... here is a paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yVK2RVZgcq/12:58
enaut_ioria: its default sources.list12:59
ioriaenaut_,  uname -a13:00
oerheksde.archive.ubuntu.com is up2date, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors13:00
enaut_ioria: Linux Lehrer 4.15.0-20-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 24 06:16:15 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:03
ioriaenaut_, i don't get atm why a fresh 64bit install should try to get  i386 Packages13:05
enaut_mhm me neither...13:06
=== mar77i_ is now known as mar77i
enaut_ioria: with dpkg --remove-architecture i386 I can make it not search for i386 but the error is not solved13:14
kevthanewversiI'm adding static routes to /etc/network/interfaces using this format > up route add -net 192.x.x.x/24 gw 10.x.x.x dev ethx then restarting networking. Problem is..I can't see them when I run route -n13:16
kevthanewversiAnyone with an idea why..?13:17
enaut_ioria, others: it always stops on downloading the translations no matter which repository: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KsDdz8NkR5/13:18
raidghostWhy is Killer E2500 pain to get working correctly?13:19
RumenBluesKaj  GT730 Nvidia13:19
raidghostcompdoc: not wireless13:19
raidghostQualcomm Atheros Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller13:19
compdocwhat version of ubuntu?13:20
raidghostAfter 2 days the card stop responding. And a reboot is needed to get it working for maybe 2 new days13:20
raidghost18.04 LTS Server13:20
RumenBluesKaj   https://pastebin.com/xt9RVB3y13:21
RumenBluesKaj   -  Never changed my nick! Maybe is doubled the issue.13:22
RumenBluesKaj  -   Yes, my Driver is Nvidia-39013:22
kevthanewversiI'm adding static routes to /etc/network/interfaces using this format > up route add -net 192.x.x.x/24 gw 10.x.x.x dev ethx then restarting networking. Problem is..I can't see them when I run route -n. Anyone with an idea why..13:26
BluesKajRumen, the experimental 396 driver might work, try sudo apt install nvidia-396 ..it will auto replace the 390, or you can remove the 390 first if you wish13:26
RumenBluesKaj   maybe 1 week speaking with blackflow about that13:26
BluesKajRumen, yesterday a user did just that and it solved his issue13:27
RumenBluesKaj  - The package can not be found13:28
BluesKajRumen, which ubuntu?13:28
RumenBluesKaj   maybe it is   nvidia-driver-396 ?13:28
RumenUbuntu 18=04 / 64 / LTS13:29
Rumeneeeeee   18.0413:29
LuMintim trying to enter ß with altgr+s, but it doesnt work13:29
RumenBack in a minute13:29
LuMint<LuMint> xmodmap -pke:  'keycode 108 = Multi_key Multi_key Multi_key Multi_key" for Key 10813:30
LuMint<LuMint> keycode  39 = s S Cyrillic_yeru Cyrillic_YERU ssharp section for Key 3913:30
BluesKajRumen, you might want to download the driver from nvidia, altho it's not supported in the kernel upgrades you can lock it, but I can't recall how that's done13:31
BluesKajRumen, how did the default open source nouveau driver work when you first installed 18,04?13:33
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
swebWhy failt2ban not block sshd "Failed publickey for myusername from "13:40
lotuspsychjekevthanewversi: perhaps a question more for ##networking?13:49
lotuspsychjesweb: check #openssh they might know that one13:50
blackflowsweb: is there a regex defined for that particular message?13:50
lotuspsychjeraidghost: system up to date to latest? did you try different firmwares yet for atheros?13:51
easyOnMehow do I get back to the previous chat messages that I missed earlier13:52
lotuspsychje!logs | easyOnMe13:53
ubottueasyOnMe: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/13:53
easyOnMe!logs | easyOnMe13:53
ubottueasyOnMe, please see my private message13:53
blackfloweasyOnMe: /lastlog easyOnMe 10   to see, say, last 10 posts mentioning your nick, if that's what you meant13:54
easyOnMeblackflow: ok thanks :)13:54
easyOnMeblackflow:sorry but the command you gave did not work for me13:55
easyOnMeblackflow: is says unknown command lastlog13:56
blackfloweasyOnMe: bah, get a better irc client ;)13:56
easyOnMe/!logs | easyOnMe13:56
easyOnMeblackflow: I use freenode13:57
oerhekseasyOnMe,  go to that website, logs do not appear in your irc client13:58
easyOnMeoerheks: yeah i did but I got stuck13:58
easyOnMeafter I opened 2018 i do not know which ubuntu to open13:58
oerhekslogs get updated every hour, so..13:58
easyOnMeubuntu folder13:59
oerheksoh, just keep on searching13:59
easyOnMeoerheks: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/07/24/13:59
oerhekstoo hot to google for you13:59
easyOnMeI do not know which folder inside that url13:59
oerhekstry #<channel> you were in ?14:00
easyOnMeoerheks: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/07/24/%23lubuntu.html14:00
easyOnMethat is the only close I could find but nothing came out except for someone changing his user name14:01
easyOnMeour channel is #ubuntu14:01
easyOnMeso I looked for it nothing came out14:01
easyOnMenever mind I found it14:03
easyOnMeblackflow: sorry you were saying about the 755 for directories and 644 for files for the user group www-data right14:05
easyOnMeblackflow: so when I use those permissions for the subdomain to become accessible in the /var/www/html/ folder I will use this command: sudo chmod 755 /var/www/html/subDomainFolder14:07
RumenBluesKaj - Better the the Nvidia in terms of stability, but worst in terms of functionality14:11
easyOnMeoerheks: If I want a subdomain to become accessible in the /var/www/html/subDomainRoot folder I will use this command: sudo chmod 755 /var/www/html/subDomainFolder14:11
easyOnMeoerheks: is that command correct14:12
lotuspsychje!patience | easyOnMe14:12
ubottueasyOnMe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:12
RumenBluesKaj - now I can't use it as well, because the machine start working only in 640 x 48014:12
oerhekswhat guide do you follow, easyOnMe ?14:13
easyOnMeoerheks: what do you mean guide14:13
easyOnMeI was just basing my conclusion from the advice given my someone earlier14:13
easyOnMeif I am not mistaken by blackflow14:13
easyOnMeso I reckon based on what I understand I would give that terminal command14:14
lotuspsychjeRumen: wich driver are you currently testing?14:14
easyOnMemy concern is that when I add more folders to the subDomain folder which becomes the document root for the subdomain will the succeeding addition of files and folders be accessible also14:15
BluesKajRumen, sounds like you need to regress to either the the 340 maybe the 384  or nouveau14:17
lotuspsychjeRumen: check ubuntu-drivers list to see whats available for your system14:18
BluesKajlotuspsychje, he's been trying with recommended 390, but has issues with it, I told him to try 396 experimental, but his resolution will do only 640 x 48014:20
easyOnMeor is this a better terminal command to achieve what I want: sudo chmod 755 -R /var/www/html/14:22
BluesKajlotuspsychje, the 396 is from the nvidia website14:22
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj Rumen  i read 390.77 does good things14:24
BluesKajlotuspsychje, aha, maybe that'll do the job, his gpu is bit old , but it's still a pretty good card14:25
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: it has been mentioned in the latest UWN14:26
=== messer440 is now known as Guest14441
lotuspsychje!uwn | BluesKaj14:26
ubottuBluesKaj: The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter may be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter14:26
BluesKajlotuspsychje, thanks, just subscribed :-014:30
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: welcome, bashing-om and the team working on it hard every week #ubuntu-news14:30
BluesKajlotuspsychje, cool !14:31
BluesKajlotuspsychje, does this newsletter include all the flavors as well ?14:31
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: yeah its news from the whole ubuntu14:32
BluesKajgood stuff14:32
raidghostlotuspsychje: System is up to date. just tried another firmware. to check if that helps14:33
lotuspsychje!atheros | raidghost take a look here howto14:34
ubotturaidghost take a look here howto: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:34
raidghostIts not a wireless card14:34
raidghostBut i guess its the same stuff14:34
lotuspsychjeraidghost: just curious, wich kernel are you on currently?14:37
raidghostlotuspsychje: Linux mediabox 4.15.0-24201807041620-generic #0+mediatree+hauppauge-Ubuntu14:39
lotuspsychjeraidghost: bionic has currently .29 i thought you said you were up to date?14:40
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic | raidghost14:40
ubotturaidghost: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB14:40
raidghostlotuspsychje: would that overwrite my now running kernel?14:41
raidghostsince my tvtuner cards needs patches to work14:41
lotuspsychjeraidghost: is that a modified ekrnel you running?14:41
raidghostlotuspsychje: http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/support/support_linux.html14:43
raidghostapt-get says i allready have the
lotuspsychjeraidghost: we can only support vanilla mainline kernels mate sorry14:44
lotuspsychjeraidghost: prob you card chipset lacks due to kernel version..14:44
raidghostHappy me then. the card was not working before i installed the tvtuner card drivers , so I guess i just disable the killer card, and buy a pci-e intel card14:46
lotuspsychjeraidghost: cant you test with a liveusb or something?14:46
lotuspsychjeraidghost: also, keep running older kernel versions isnt prob the best idea neither, surely for 24/7 servers14:46
lotuspsychjeraidghost: perhaps poke the maintainer?14:47
raidghostlotuspsychje: The thingy is "Over time" the card stop working i had to reboot the server saturday. and yesterday it stopped responding14:48
roryguys how can I improve on my incredibly hacky telnet server? while true; do bash script.sh | nc -l 23; done14:48
raidghostTrying to figure out what the banana is happening14:48
lotuspsychjeraidghost: .24 kernel had some issues, needed to fix and then they released .29 so you have to do something mate14:49
lotuspsychjeraidghost: best not keep running .2414:50
raidghostlotuspsychje: So what syntax then?14:51
raidghostwhat is the latest kernel?14:51
lotuspsychjeraidghost: scroll up i pasted you14:51
raidghostapt says You allready got the latest version of linux-image-generic (
raidghostwhen i tried to install it14:52
lotuspsychjeraidghost: oh ok14:53
blackflowBionic software updater broken again. pops up, empty list, apt list --upgradable shows 66 packages.14:53
raidghostlotuspsychje: So it doesnt make sense that i run .2414:54
raidghostwhen it says i allready got
lotuspsychjeraidghost: wonder why that uname said 2414:54
raidghostmm. weird14:54
lotuspsychjeraidghost: how about you try to boot another kernel as test, see if atheros works there14:55
lotuspsychjeraidghost: perhaps things got scrambled after the .29 update?14:56
raidghostlotuspsychje: Atheros works as long as it feels like working. Its when i dont expect it to fail it fails14:56
lotuspsychjeraidghost: perhaps you should keep a tail -f /var/log/syslog open for a while, see whats going on in there14:58
lotuspsychjeraidghost: i suspect, or kernel, or different firmware15:00
neilduganjoin #gnome15:01
blackflowThere we go, 18.04.1. mmmmmmh.15:05
neilduganI am having trouble with this code https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pt9R355xn6/ .... it subclasses Gtk.Entry then creates two additional subclasses from that ... EnteryUppercase and EntryFilter ... testing each one on its own works fine ... but if I test both together I get errors ... EntryUppercase seems to think it should have the from EnteryFilter ... what am I doing wrong?15:10
neilduganopps wrong channel15:10
crankharderif I use dd to write a 512G hard drive to file, will I end up with a 512G file or a smaller file containing just the contents of that drive?15:10
blackflowcrankharder: the size of of= will be the same at if= unless you used a count=15:13
blackflow*same az15:13
blackflow*as            .... lol.15:13
blackflowso if if= is a the block device of 512G, that's what the size of of= will be.15:14
TvL2386yup, dd does not care about filesystems or files if you are going to dd a drive to a file. It will just be read from beginning to end. And if the disk is 512G big, the file will as well15:15
TvL2386perfect backup :)15:16
BluesKajdd is bit for bit afaik15:16
oerhekscompress it ? dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=4M | gzip > /path/to/<name>.img.gz15:17
TvL2386BluesKaj: according to the man page it reads 512 bytes at a time15:17
blackflowdamn, could've pulled off an abbot and costello with   if if and of of   :)15:17
TvL2386have a speed indicator as well? `pv /dev/sda | gzip > /path/to/<name>.img.gz`15:17
blackflowdon't think even need dd for that.     pv -r /dev/sda | xz > better-compressed.img.xz15:18
TvL2386might wanna `dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zero ; sync ; rm /tmp/zero` for optimal compression :)15:19
oerheksxz is fine too.. progress indicator are for starters15:19
BluesKajTvL2386, unless one designates a block size like 4M sync15:19
TvL2386hahaha :)15:19
TvL2386xz is not fine, it is sloooooooooooooow15:19
TvL2386or my laptop is slooooooooooow15:19
blackflowuse zstd then15:21
=== Nicmavr is now known as Kestrel-029
roryhow can I improve on my incredibly hacky telnet server? while true; do bash script.sh | nc -l 23; done15:36
tomreynrory: replace it by something that's not a telnet server15:43
roryehh it's just a bit of fun15:43
skinuxIf I want to convert a VM installed desktop into a VMware headless machine, would I need to install a package on guest system to allow vagrant to authenticate with user account?15:43
roryit's not literally a telnet server with a shell on the other end!15:43
tomreynrory: well, you could ask in #bash, sharing the script15:44
roryscript doesn't matter15:44
roryObviously piping some lines to "nc -l" will technically work15:45
roryffor one user at once15:45
roryI'm wondering is there some lightweight framework to do this pattern15:45
kapil___I purchased new(old) pc. Which Os I install? I am react web developer15:48
tomreynkapil___: we only support ubuntu here, not "which Os should i install" type questions15:54
tomreynkapil___: if you're looking for suggestion son a linux distribution, you could ask in ##linux. or just give ubuntu a try. it runs from the installer image almost like a full installation.15:55
boogleMaybe lubuntu or xubuntu because they are lighter on resources.15:56
kapil___tomreyn: thanks15:57
kapil___boogle: thanks15:57
kapil___boogle: what is the difference two15:59
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours16:00
boogleXubuntu feels a bit more solid and has some nicer features like rounded corners on windows, but it comes at the cost of processing power. Both are user-friendly. It mostly about which environment suits you best. I see a lot more xubuntu computers than lubuntu ones but it is up to you.16:01
kapil___boogle: thanks I also like xfce so I will install xubuntu16:03
booglenp. if you don't like that one check out mate ubuntu as well.16:03
boogleIt's similiar in effects, but closer replicates gnome 2.16:04
boogleor the old ubuntus eg. before gnome3 or unity.16:04
tomreynthose are EOL, though16:05
boogleIf it's not clear I'm saying that mate ubuntu replicates the feel of the old ones.16:05
boogleCame across wrong.16:05
tomreynthanks for clarifying.16:06
kapil___mate Ubuntu is better than xfce?16:07
boogleI like it more, but I'm biased towards the old ubuntus. Lots of good memories.16:07
kapil___boogle: so you use x Ubuntu?16:08
mustmodifyWhen I login I see "system restart required." Is there a command that will tell me what will happen when I restart? Presumably it's a software update. Just want to know how risky this will be. It's a production server.16:08
boogleNo, when I run ubuntu I use Mate. Though right now, I'm running Arch. I like to have the newest packages for C and C++ dev.16:09
boogleThey do have a ubuntu mate for the rpi and sometimes I run that.16:10
kapil___boogle: I like arch too16:11
kapil___What arch you using?16:11
oerheksgus, keep this channel free for ubuntu support16:12
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-offtopic for that, thanks16:12
boogleThe newest, it's rolling release. I run lxqt for a desktop though. Sorry, oerheks.16:12
kapil___oerheks: sorry ok16:12
boogleAh I'm not registered so I can't.16:13
tomreynmustmodify: you can look at /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log to see which packages were automatically installed last, or at /var/log/apt/history.log to see the recently requested (triggered by software running on the server, or a user) actions on apt packages.16:13
mustmodifytomreyn: thanks! will do.16:14
boogleAnyway, I would personally pick MATE, XFCE, LXDE. Unless I'm on a slow system then I would pick LXDE16:14
boogleHope this helps. gtg.16:15
tomreynmustmodify: you could use apt-listchanges to create digests on packages which were recently updated. those can also be sent by e-mail.16:16
tomreyn*changelogs of packages16:16
=== root is now known as Guest34741
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:25
Guest34741How are you guys??16:25
Guest34741Ok lefting root mode :)16:26
naccGuest34741: ubuntu support topics only in this channel, please; not chitchat16:26
Guest34741I just freaked out.16:27
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)16:32
oerheks18.04.1 \0/16:32
Rumenlotuspsychje  - Nvidia-39016:45
lotuspsychjeRumen: did it work?16:45
BaKKaRhello everyone, a question with flatpak pls :)16:46
Rumen<BluesKaj> 340 does not work - install automatically 390. I can try 384 - how? From the Nvidia site? Nouveau already installed, but it works only in 640 x 48016:47
lotuspsychje!ask | BaKKaR16:47
ubottuBaKKaR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:47
BaKKaRi have installed flatpack, and as explained i have added the repos but it is not allowing me to install anything and says cannot connect to the repos. I try flatpak search as well and it sees no mtach .. i have seen online a command (flatpack repair) but it is not found when i try it n terminal .. any help on how to fixt my repos and get them back to default?16:47
lotuspsychjeRumen: ubuntu-drivers list to see your available drivers16:47
lotuspsychjeBaKKaR: why did you add repos? flatpak is on the official repos16:48
naccBaKKaR: as explained?16:48
naccBallzak: sorry, typo16:48
Rumenlotuspsychje: check ubuntu-drivers list to see whats available for your system - How? When I open System updates it gives 390 or nouveau. If I install via terminal some driver it appear as "Manually installed" and no settings are availabe.16:48
naccRumen: as in, run that command.16:49
nacc`ubuntu-drivers list`16:49
Rumenlotuspsychje   I'm with 390.77 at the moment.16:49
lotuspsychjeRumen: and it also doesnt work properly?16:49
naccBaKKaR: https://flatpak.org/setup/Ubuntu/ is that what you followed?16:50
nacclotuspsychje: they might have meant they added the flathub repo16:50
BaKKaRlotuspsychje: i have checked online and i read on some FAQs that you can re-add the repos "if flatpak" cannot find it by using   (flatpak remote-add https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrep16:51
BaKKaRis this correct?16:51
Rumenubuntu-drivers list16:51
win_vladAnyone here?16:52
lotuspsychjeRumen: ok, try sudo apt install nvidia-340 as a test16:52
lotuspsychjewin_vlad: do you have an ubuntu question?16:52
win_vladBy the way16:52
Rumen<lotuspsychje> With 390.77 computer freeze when I open LibreOffice or Google Maps in any browser16:52
win_vladI got it from rollapp16:52
BaKKaRlotuspsychje: I have done similar, except i did not install from PPA and installed from Ubuntu Repos.16:52
win_vladIm from windows right now :p16:52
naccwin_vlad: this is the ubuntu support channel, not for random chitchat.16:53
BaKKaRnacc: I have done similar, except i did not install from PPA and installed from Ubuntu Repos.16:53
win_vladoh, support channel?16:53
naccBaKKaR: ok, and which step doesn't work?16:53
win_vladI didnt know16:53
naccwin_vlad: yes, see /topic.16:53
BaKKaRnacc: all works fine except when i try to install anything16:53
naccBaKKaR: use a pastebin and show what you mean?16:54
lotuspsychjeBaKKaR: wich flatpak version is that by the way?16:54
lotuspsychjeRumen: another option could be from terminal: ubuntu-drivers autoinstall16:54
BaKKaRlotuspsychje: 0.10.216:55
lotuspsychjeRumen: then we will see wich driver it will reccomend16:55
naccBaKKaR: ... what version of ubuntu?16:55
naccBaKKaR: that flatpak version is not in any supported ubuntu, afaict16:55
BaKKaRnacc: i am still on 16.0416:55
naccBaKKaR: no flatpak on 16.0416:56
nacc!info flatpak xenial | BaKKaR16:56
ubottuBaKKaR: Package flatpak does not exist in xenial16:56
lotuspsychjeBaKKaR: is there a specific reason you need flatpak instead of snaps?16:56
BaKKaRnacc:  mmmm, how do i have it then installed? :)16:56
naccBaKKaR: you used a PPA? `apt-cache policy flatpak` in a pastebin, please16:57
BaKKaRlotuspsychje: some windows apps are packed in wine with flatpak and I could not get wine configured properly (EVER) so, i wanted the shortcut :(16:57
bjonnhI am having issues with LXD16:57
bjonnhlvl=eror msg="Failed to start the daemon: ZFS storage pool \"juju-zfs\" could not be imported: cannot import 'juju-zfs': no such pool available\n" t=2018-07-24T11:54:03-050016:58
naccbjonnh: #lxcontainers may be more useful16:58
naccbjonnh: but also that message is quite clear :)16:58
Rumenlotuspsychje   340 crashed with error code 1  https://pastebin.com/52Bu8rPH16:58
bjonnhnacc: why does it even need juju?16:58
naccbjonnh: it doesn't? that's just the name of the configured pool you have setup with ZFS16:59
naccbjonnh: I don't know how you installed LXD, but that's certainly not the default.16:59
blackflowRumen: can you prefix that command with LC_ALL=C and try again? neat trick to get it temporarily use C locale, as you're apparently using something cyrilic.16:59
bjonnhI didn't have that, I was with default,zfs,lxd17:00
naccbjonnh: dunno, something in your config for sure17:00
BaKKaRnacc: apt-cashe here https://pastebin.com/0nmC3GpZ .. thank you17:00
naccBaKKaR: so... definitely using a PPA17:00
naccBaKKaR: the neon one is providing your flatpak version17:01
nacc(and appears to be a copy from the one the flatpak mentions, which is not great)17:01
BaKKaRnacc: apt-cashe here https://pastebin.com/0nmC3GpZ .. thank you?17:02
naccBaKKaR: ... i just replied to you, twice?17:02
BaKKaRnacc: I get it now .. so better to get it from the oriinal PPA instead of this repo?17:02
naccBaKKaR: dunno, i never use flatpak. But both are not supported here (for xenial)17:02
BaKKaRnacc: sorry, the K/B just did re-paste :)17:03
BaKKaRnacc: thank you so much17:03
sentimenthello. Do you think music metadata such as artist names must be case sensitive ?17:03
naccsentiment: uh ... what does that have to do with ubuntu?17:03
sentimentRhythbox and Banshee both treat them as case sensitive, but I am not quite sure if that's correct.17:04
naccsentiment: sounds like a question for those communities; it seems user-dependent if that matters or not.17:04
sentimentnacc: well just a few days ago I had a question about Banshee and it occured to me this might not be the right place to talk about it, but then someone said it was OK17:05
naccsentiment: i mean, you can ask about it, but your original question is about how metadata should be sorted or not, which isn't really up to "ubuntu"17:05
sentimentnacc: so do you think I should open a question on their Lanuchpad?17:05
naccsentiment: dunno, that's up to you.17:05
sentimenthmm ok17:06
naccsentiment: i wonder if it's a setting you can toggle; but honestly this doesn't seem like that big of a deal; and I would expect the string metadata to absolutely be case sensitive.17:06
sentimentthere's no such toggle. I agree it's not a big deal but when I have e.g Dido, DIDO in the artists pane, and I want to play all Dido songs I can't easily do that.17:07
sentimentand it's not just one artist or two... anyway I think I need to seek opinions on Launchpad17:08
naccsentiment: http://banshee.fm/support/guide/searching/ says queries are always case insensitive17:10
AlericHi, what verion of ubuntu do I need to get kernel 4.15 or higher?17:13
lotuspsychje!bionic | Aleric17:13
ubottuAleric: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes17:13
=== Freddish_ is now known as Freddish
AlericStrange... my box has kernel 4.4.0 .. I'm pretty sure I have it on 'stable', but it doesn't seem to upgrade beyond xenial :/17:14
lotuspsychjeAleric: wich ubuntu version are you on?17:14
AlericHow can I check what ubuntu version I have? :)17:14
lotuspsychje!version | Aleric17:14
ubottuAleric: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:14
Alericxenial it says17:15
tomreynAleric: 16.04's HWE also provides 4.15 currently17:15
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:15
AlericI don't need it right now - I'd need it for a motherboard that I'm considering buying. Nevertheless I want to run the latest 'stable'. Is xenial the latest 'stable', if not, then how can I upgrade?17:16
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | Aleric17:16
ubottuAleric: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.17:16
loginoobWhen i start my system ubuntu gives me error "Your system is running in low graphics" I select the option "run default" and then it starts. What can i do to resolve this?17:17
luckwhoami16.04 LTS with latest security updates result in frequent hangup17:17
naccAleric: for a new mobo, are you going to be reinstalling?17:18
Alericlotuspsychje: So, eventually just a 'sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade' will bring me to 18.04 ?17:18
lotuspsychjeluckwhoami: have you tested booting a previous kernel?17:18
naccAleric: not ever true :)17:18
Alericnacc, yes17:18
naccAleric: if you're going to fresh install, then upgrades don't matter17:18
naccAleric: just install 18.04?17:18
Taggnostr2I have a machine with ubuntu 17.04 32bit installed on a ssd, and 2 hdd under lvm (the ssd is not under lvm).  The ssd has two partitions, 1 for / (20G) and one for /home (100G), then I have other lvm partitions under /home/* for the hdds.  Can I safely format and install 18.04 64bit on the / partition, leaving all the other partitions untouched?17:19
luckwhoami@lotuspsychje: no17:19
naccAleric: but upgrades between releases are done with do-release-upgrade17:19
nacc!eol | Taggnostr2: 17.04 is eol.17:19
ubottuTaggnostr2: 17.04 is eol.: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:19
AlericI know, I asked two questions at once sorry.  My last/current question is how I can upgrade my current box to 18.04 if that is the latest LTS.17:19
tomreyn17.04 | Taggnostr217:19
tomreyn!17.04 | Taggnostr217:19
ubottuTaggnostr2: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html17:19
naccTaggnostr2: in theory what you described is possible, yes17:20
naccAleric: do-release-upgrade will do it in a few days17:20
naccAleric: not yet supported to upgrade to 18.04 from 16.04 (july 26)17:20
AlericMy /etc/apt/sources.list file contains a reference to 'xenial' directly, ie: deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted17:21
naccAleric: yes.17:21
AlericWill do-release-upgrade work anyway?17:21
Taggnostr2nacc, anything I should double check before pulling the trigger?17:21
naccTaggnostr2: just make sure you have backups of data you care about :)17:22
Rumenblackflow  You mean "sudo apt install nvidia-340 LC_ALL=C"17:22
naccAleric: sorry, for what? to upgrade to 18.04? no, it won't provide you that option17:22
luckwhoamihas anybody faced issue w.r.t high cpu load after latest updates17:22
naccAleric: just wait a few days17:23
FreeSocietyi just downloaded ubuntu for my hp laptop wireless signal very good on windows 10 but tried to use ubuntu and it keeps dropping singal and is very low what does this mean17:23
Taggnostr2nacc, the plan is to start 18.04 from a live usb, install it, select the / partition, tell the installer to format it -- will lvm on the other partitions still work or should the new os be made aware of that somehow?  should I keep some config files from the / partition?17:23
Alericnacc, I mean - will it work anyway in a few days :)17:23
AlericI thought I needed to have 'stable' in my source.list file instead of 'xenial'.17:23
naccAleric: that's debian terminology17:23
AlericOh, sorry.17:23
naccTaggnostr2: you should tell it to use those other LVMs in the new install17:24
Rumen<blackflow> I can translate whatever you need17:24
naccTaggnostr2: i believe that's possible in the partitioner -- tell it *not* to partition those, but use them as-is, and mount them in the right place17:24
Taggnostr2nacc, ok17:24
tomreynFreeSociety: that the default support on linux is not as good as it is on windows. luckily, on linux, you may be able to improve upon it if it's open source drivers (though firmware, which is usually closed source, also matters).17:25
naccTaggnostr2: but still make backups :)17:25
lotuspsychjeluckwhoami: wich kernel version is making your lockup?17:26
tomreynFreeSociety: if you can tell us the ubuntu version you are running and the exact hp laptop model as well as the output of 'lsusb' and 'lspci -nn', we can maybe help yu improve upon this situation.17:27
Taggnostr2nacc, I already did, even though it's a lot of data so there are some not essential things that I couldn't backup17:27
luckwhoamilotuspsychje: 4.4.0-131-generic17:27
naccTaggnostr2: ok17:27
lotuspsychjeluckwhoami: check your syslog or dmesg to see whats going on, or try booting a previous kernel to compare17:28
AlericI'm thinking of building a new PC as soon as the second generation ThreadRipper comes out with 32 cores and 64 threads.  Trying to find ubuntu compatible motherboards now etc. It's kinda bleeding edge I guess, but not really because it should be compatible with already existing SocketTR4 mobo's that are used for the first generation ThreadRippers.17:28
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
Taggnostr2nacc, thanks for your time :)17:29
naccTaggnostr2: yw17:29
* Aleric buys everyone a beer. Thanks for the help.17:29
lotuspsychjeAleric: later hardware might need later kernels17:29
tomreyn+ firmware, too. ryzen 1 took >1 year to get stable firmware for linux, and it still requires bios configuration changes.17:31
codefria_whenever I try to start the xrdp service, it fails. I'm trying to debug it, but journalctl -xe doesn't say anything more than control process exited. thoughts?17:31
Alericlotuspsychje: Latest info that I could find is that kernel 4.14 had the first initial support for a wifi card on the one of the new motherboards and that a kernel module for the thermal sensors was going to be included standard as of 4.15.  I don't need the wifi, but the thermal sensors are kinda necessary I think ;).17:31
nacccodefria_: try to run it by hand?17:32
AlericOver all the X399 chipset doesn't seem to give problems.17:32
codefria_nacc the service is xrdp, not sure how I'd go about running that outside the service17:35
quixHi. Is there a way to change the data directory of a specific program? I know some programs can be launched with the -datadir attribute, but this doesn't seem to work for all programs. Any ideas? Thanks!17:35
nacccodefria_: see what the service executes and run it by hand17:35
=== nofrex is now known as zofrex
naccquix: completely depends on the program17:36
quixnacc, thanks!17:37
qwebirc4983Kawhi Leonard17:40
codefria_nacc well, running xrdp as root, loads it fine. #confused.17:40
lotuspsychjeqwebirc4983: can we help you?17:40
codefria_though, the rdp screen is blank17:41
qwebirc60402Do you guys know anything about piping input commands to a "installer" .sh file?17:43
qwebirc60402I know what I am piping into the file is correct but yet it doesn't work.17:44
qwebirc60402Anyone got any ideas?17:46
lotuspsychjeqwebirc60402: perhaps more a question for ##linux17:47
qwebirc60402Could it be because the installer file asks for a password (and it looks to expect the password to be enetered interactively17:47
qwebirc60402kk thx17:47
Silversword_Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate17:48
lotuspsychje!ot | Silversword_17:48
ubottuSilversword_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:48
Picilotuspsychje: for the record, we don't want that nonsense in -offtopic either.17:50
lotuspsychjePici: what should i reccomend next time17:51
Picilotuspsychje: either tell them to knock it off, or call ops or similar.17:52
DraconiatorOkay what the crap is going on?  Some people here are invading other networks, people there think it's a smear campaign.17:53
Guest75333Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate17:53
Draconiatorthere at Espernet too argh.17:54
InHisNameHello, I've stated building  Aorus x399 with NVMe raid 0.  Tried to start installing Ubuntu 18.04 but it doesn't seem to recognize the raid setup in the BIOS.  Is there a way to get this going as the boot system ?  Should I raid in software rather than the BIOS ?18:10
tomreynInHisName: yes, use software raid rather than fakeraid18:11
tomreynalso be sure to install the latest firmware and set bios option 'power supply idle control' = 'typical current', not 'auto', not 'optimized'.18:14
InHisNametomreyn: is the fakeraid as you callit even useable by Ubuntu at all ?18:17
lotuspsychje!raid | InHisName18:17
ubottuInHisName: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:17
tomreynInHisName: depends, but it's not usually a good idea.18:22
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
melkorI am looking to install some broadcom drivers, what would be the appropriate package?18:33
melkorAlso, a good website to check because google seems to send me to old ask ubuntu questions and I would prefer not to follow outdated guides.18:33
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | melkor18:34
ubottumelkor: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB18:34
melkorIs that a repository?18:37
oerheksor !bcm18:37
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:37
melkorOkay, so the sta drivers are the recent ones. I didn't enable ubuntu-restricted-extras, but apt search seems to find them.18:38
Quokka_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:38
Quokka_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:38
Quokka_Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate18:38
lotuspsychje!ops | Quokka_18:38
ubottuQuokka_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:38
jayjo_I use atom as my text editor, is there a way to bind a keyboard shortcut to open a new buffer in a new window with atom (or something else) just for scratchpad notes?18:44
pkutznerI'm wondering if anyone can help me with a CD burning issue I'm having in Bionic18:45
pkutznerWodim throws an error about not being able to use mmap, even though my user is part of the cdrom group18:46
pkutznerI don't wish to SUID on wodim, as it was unnecessary before 18.0418:46
-Shrooms_:#ubuntu- Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:49
-Shrooms_:#ubuntu- or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:49
oerheksjayjo_, atom is not in our repos, afaik..18:50
oerheksthere is a keys wiki, https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-shortcuts-set.html.en18:51
Lord-KaminaWhat does the gcc-defaults package actually do?18:52
oerheks!info gcc-defaults18:53
ubottuPackage gcc-defaults does not exist in bionic18:53
JollyRgrs_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:56
JollyRgrs_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:56
JollyRgrs_Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate18:56
-JollyRgrs_:#ubuntu- Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:56
oerheksi amnot sure what gcc-defaults does/contains/aims18:57
ioria!info gcc18:58
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.176ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:7.3.0-3ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB18:58
ioriaoerheks, it's the source pkg18:58
oerheksis there any difference between gcc and gcc-defaults?18:58
ioriaoerheks, gcc is the compiler -default is the source pkg18:59
oerheksLord-Kamina, so here is your answer, it is the default gcc package19:00
Fyr__Hello guys, I've edited the apt's source code and made the "apt list" like this. What do you think, do you want it in the next version?19:00
oerheksFyr__,  that looks pretty neat19:02
oerheksHR, human readable19:02
Fyr__Thank you, yeah my eyes are hurting when reading the old one too :)19:04
Lord-KaminaThat pleases my macOS brain.19:04
Lord-Kamina(And judging from the theme in the screens, I'm not the only one)19:08
oerheksNow howto publish and get this in proposed..19:09
oerheksor even better, upstream?19:09
* oerheks likes to know this answer too19:10
Fyr__I think I should create a pull request to the main source code of ubuntu :)19:10
naccFyr__: you submit it to the apt repository, probably in Debian, tbh19:11
Fyr__Yes, that is true.19:12
oerheksi was sceptical, but i think it is a welcome addon19:12
cooloutachello all19:12
naccFyr__: esp. for apt, it's probably fine, since it has no CLI ABI19:12
cooloutaccan someone tell me how to mount my mp3 player.19:13
cooloutacI thought it would be plugand play but it doesn't show up19:13
naccFyr__: then again, that seems to be no different then piping through awk19:13
cooloutacI don'teven see it listed with dmesg or lsusb19:15
cooloutacits a been a while using linux.  how do I mount this thing.19:15
pkutznerIs there any way to get wodim to work in 18.04 without SUID?19:15
ioriacooloutac, it depends on the device ,i guess . Make sure the player is set to use "mass storage" mode19:17
=== jonas_ is now known as cyndn
ioriapkutzner, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrkit/+bug/176984819:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769848 in cdrkit (Ubuntu) "wodim no longer works from non-root accounts" [Undecided,New]19:19
nacccooloutac: and as far as mounting goes, see if it shows up as a disk and mount it19:19
cooloutacits not showing up with fdisl -l either19:20
ioriapkutzner, seems to be a workaround19:20
ioriacooloutac, usb connected ,right ?19:20
cooloutacya I only see it charging19:21
nacccooloutac: look in dmesg to see if a new disk was seen19:21
nacccooloutac: might not be in mass storage mode, then19:21
cooloutacya nothing in dmesg19:21
ioriacooloutac, unplug, replug and dmesg | tail19:21
cooloutacits a sansa clip19:21
cooloutacno options in it.   its basic19:21
cooloutacioria,  tried that nothing showing up.  I am on Lubuntu.19:21
ioriawhat is a sansa clip ?19:21
naccold but: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SansaClip19:21
cooloutacan mp3 player.19:21
cooloutactks i'll look19:22
nacccooloutac: http://forums.sandisk.com/t5/Sansa-Clip-Sansa-Clip/Problems-connecting-to-my-SanDisk-sansa-clip-from-a-computer/td-p/35312519:22
cooloutachmm my sansa clip doesn't have a usb settings.19:23
cooloutacohok let me check thislink19:23
pkutznerioria: Thanks... interesting that the wodim.conf file is the same between a 16.04 box I have and my 18.04 box, but wodim works fine on 16.04 and doesn't on 18.0419:23
bipulDoes anyone here have install jflap on Linux.?19:24
pkutznerI wonder what they borked19:24
lotuspsychjebipul: ask your real question please19:24
ioriapkutzner, security settings, i think19:24
bipuls/Linux/Ubunt happy.19:24
naccbipul: don't ask survey-style questions. Ask your actual question.19:25
naccbipul: e.g., "i installed jflap (from where?). It doesn't start and instead emits this message: ..."19:25
pkutznerCommenting the CDR_FIFOSIZE did work.19:26
bipulI don't remember where did i downloaded it, now i need to draw state Transite diagram for some complex regular expression.19:26
naccbipul: so not an ubuntu package? talk to the place you got it from.19:27
cooloutacugh no luck19:27
qwebirc24450hello everybody. I need some help with my Ubuntu. Usually i fix everything by searching the forums and manpages but all the things I have found dont fix my problem: When i'm sending the shutdown signal, it seems that there is a process that cant be killed. (The problem appeard after installing the tigerite-kernel to get the trackpad to run)19:28
naccqwebirc24450: does it happen without that kernel?19:29
qwebirc24450i tried changing /etc/default/grub to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off" but its not working19:30
ioriacooloutac, what ubuntu release ?19:30
qwebirc24450yes with the old kernel its the same19:30
qwebirc24450Ubuntu 16.0419:30
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc24450: You mentioned several things, can you detail what's the same? The question was did the failure to shutdown occur before you installed the new kernel19:31
qwebirc24450how can i find out with process is slowing down the shutdown?19:31
cooloutacnaac:  it was the usb plug.   tk goodness.19:32
qwebirc24450no its after i installed the kernel. but booting another kernel dosn't make it better19:32
cooloutacioria: tks for help it was the usb plug19:32
cooloutacnow its detected19:32
ioriacooloutac, ok19:32
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc24450: You're making the topic a little difficult to follow...19:32
naccqwebirc24450: ok, so remove that kernel again and try19:32
naccqwebirc24450: if that works, talk the person you got that kernel package from.19:33
nacccooloutac: cool19:33
qwebirc24450i already removed the kernel19:36
nshirelaptopdoes anyone know of "orders" as they pertain to remote desktop connections? apprently the login screen is done with an "order" and my rdp client can't handle that19:37
Matt|homehi. i am trying to get some code to compile, but apparently im lacking one of the header files.. even though i installed the package it should have come with. here is my error message:19:37
Matt|homemake: *** No rule to make target '/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigset.h', needed by '.check_process_vm.o'.  Stop.19:37
Matt|homei wasn't able to find any info on sigset.h. is this a deprecated header file, should i have it on my system?19:37
naccqwebirc24450: did you remove things it depended on? e.g., sudo apt-get autoremove19:37
naccqwebirc24450: and did you *purge* the kernel?19:37
lotuspsychjeMatt|home: we dont reccomend compiling, cant you get the packages from ubuntu repos?19:37
qwebirc24450yes i did autoremove19:37
naccMatt|home: `apt-file` helps you find packages19:38
pragmaticenigmaMatt|home: We are unable to help with compiling issues. You should reach out to the community that provided the source code for help. Or try ##programming19:38
compdocnshirelaptop, you cany use remote desktop software with the standard desktop. or didnt used to. You need Mate or some other '2D' desktop19:38
Matt|homelotuspsychje - im not compiling a package, im saying im having trouble finding a header file that a project im working on needs that ubuntu should have19:38
qwebirc24450what means purge?19:38
naccMatt|home: you also didn't say what version of ubuntu19:38
Matt|homeuh sorry, i just upgraded to latest stable19:38
lotuspsychjeMatt|home: wich project should ubuntu have?19:39
ioriaMatt|home, that headeris in libc6-dev19:39
naccioria: not in 18.04 any longer (afaict)19:39
pragmaticenigmacompdoc: what are you talking about??19:39
Matt|homeioria - yep. and when i did apt install libc6-dev , that file was not included.19:39
iorianacc, i see19:39
naccioria: (i'm basing off my local apt-file)19:39
naccMatt|home: so it sounds like your project needs updating for a modern libc.19:40
Matt|homenacc - okay, thank you <3 i wanted to make sure it was because the file was missing and i wasn't supposed to have it19:41
ioriaMatt|home, no,it's there https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/libc6-dev/filelist19:41
naccioria: i see no such file in that list, sigset.h?19:42
naccLP: #172033919:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1720339 in glibc (Ubuntu) "artful libc6-dev_2.26-0ubuntu1 is missing bits/sigset.h " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172033919:42
iorianacc, i'am drunk,sy19:42
naccthat provides a link to the upstream libc removal19:42
naccMatt|home: so yeah, out of date downstream package in your case19:43
ioriayeah, removed19:43
voidDotClassI have a laptop with an SSD and a fixed hd.. i have ubuntu on the fixed hd and had windows 10 dual booting on the SSD.. no issues for 2 years. today i booted into win 10 after a few weeks and after 15-30 mins, it would freeze and i'd see colored patterns on screen, then it would reboot. after the last time i no longer see win 10 as a boot option. any ideas if its the SSD or any other issues? Lately on Ubuntu I've also been seeing fcskdisk messages when i19:43
voidDotClassshut down (/dev/sda2: clean, xx/xx files, yy/yy blocks)19:43
Matt|homethanks guys19:44
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: we can only help you with the ubuntu booting part19:45
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: have you tried an update-grub perhaps?19:45
voidDotClassubuntu boots fine but on shutdown it will sometimes give a message like the above and then it won't shut down, will just atay on that screen. would need a manual reset to shut down.19:46
bunnyblondehttp://chatbang.net  - REAL Girls, Free 3sec signup. Lose your virginity online!19:46
voidDotClassi just figured may be the issue is related since win 10 just decided to disappear from boot options even though its on a separate hd than ubuntu19:47
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: on ubuntu shutdown try to press F1 for text shutdown to see errors19:47
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: perhaps also try an update-grub19:47
voidDotClasslotuspsychje, when do you press the shutdown?19:48
voidDotClassonce you see the splash screen?19:48
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: yeah ubuntu dots loading19:48
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: perhaps you can share a hastebin of your fstab to the channel, volunteers might have a look for you19:49
voidDotClasskk, thanks, will do. i'm also building a live boot usb to run an fcsk to see if it might be a hd issue, but since win 10 ssd also had an issue, i'm thinking it might be a power issue instead19:51
voidDotClassfor fstab, did you mean just the contents of /etc/fstab ?19:51
lotuspsychjevoidDotClass: yes, just to checkout your hd layouts, perhaps also your grub19:51
voidDotClassfstab: https://pastebin.com/Xmf4nf3u19:53
voidDotClassis grub /etc/grub.d ?19:53
voidDotClassno that's a directory lol19:54
Loki__Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:54
Loki__or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:54
Loki__Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate19:55
-Loki__:#ubuntu- Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:55
compdocnope, not interested19:55
qwebirc59491i just asked because of the shutdown problem... its working now. Thank you very much for your support!20:09
cooloutacnaac: I still can't mount it.20:10
cooloutacit showsup in kern lognow.    says  attached ssci device  sdb20:10
cooloutacbut I can't even manually mount it not sure what I'm doing wrong.20:10
qwebirc59491i purged the kernel and reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and unity.20:10
cooloutacthe usb deviceis only showing up for a couple seconds after plugging in.  then disappears.20:16
cooloutaceven If I try to mount it real fast, it then tells me not a valid block device.20:16
cooloutacthennolonger showsup in fdisk or lsusb20:16
pragmaticenigmadoes the device have it's own dedicated power supply?20:17
pragmaticenigmacooloutac: ^  ^20:17
andregmsjoin #python20:21
CarlFKapt-get --assume-yes upgrade - "A new version (/tmp/grub.sGdK6nMN04) of configuration file /etc/default/grub is  available, but the version installed currently has been locally modified.    1. install the package maintainer's version..."20:27
CarlFKhow do I tell it  "1, always, don't ask me."20:28
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
FreeBDSMwhere to find snap of latest firefox 52 ESR?20:33
brainwashFreeBDSM: esr snap has switched to version 6020:35
FreeBDSMbrainwash: I know, that's why I'm asking it here20:35
Sven_vBI need to monitor a phone line for its stability, and I have another known-stable line idling around. both use VoIP under the hood but they hide that and expose just a traditional phone outlet. would it be a good idea to try and hook two modems up and have them talk 24/7 to test the link stability?20:35
brainwashFreeBDSM: so, there is no option to obtain it20:35
MetrafHi, how would you do to make sure one process is killed before opening another in one single linecommand ?20:36
brainwash52 ESR has only one more month of support anyway20:36
FreeBDSMI need 52 ESR20:36
brainwashand after that month?20:36
brainwashwhat will you do?20:36
FreeBDSMuse 52 ESR20:36
brainwashI guess you'll have to build your own snap then20:37
Sven_vBFreeBDSM, have you considered waterfox? I found it's a nice replacement for firefox.20:37
ca-on-adamFreeBDSM: your username reminds me of a system I haven't installed before.  I hear it's quite exciting :)20:38
FreeBDSMSven_vB: not really.20:38
JacobTDCHey, does anyone know how to fix problems with SynPS/2 Mouse and Keyboard drivers? I'm on Ubuntu Minimal/CLI. Sometimes when I start the computer, my keyboard won't work at login, and I'll have to restart it like 15 times to fix it, although it works without fail in GRUB and the BIOS.20:38
FreeBDSMdoes anyone here still have a snap of firefox 52 esr to share?20:39
Sven_vBCarlFK, my workaround is to set debian_frontend (might need to be uppercase) to editor, unset VISUAL and set EDITOR to a program that knows my favorite answers and can be network-controlled in case it gets stuck.20:39
FreeBDSMhttps://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/52.9.0esr/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-52.9.0esr.tar.bz2 that's the only thing I've found20:39
brainwashFreeBDSM: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:40
oerheksget over it, ESR is onto ff 6020:40
brainwashPPA from the ubuntu mozillateam20:40
FreeBDSMbrainwash: how to lock it afterwards once and for all?20:41
brainwashyou can disable the PPA afterwards20:41
Sven_vBCarlFK, if you reeeealy trust defaults, you can also set debian_frontend=noninteractive20:41
oerheksbut this is beyond the scope of this channel, safety first20:41
CarlFKSven_vB: bleck ;P.  but you are kinda onto something.  I'm kinda doing ssh root@foo "apt-get upgrade" (really I am scping over a script that starts with that...)20:41
FreeBDSMbrainwash: I'm scared that ubuntu will say 'hey, we have more recent versions of firefox esr in our own repo, so updating it for you ^^'20:42
brainwashFreeBDSM: ubuntu does no offer any firefox-esr as of now20:42
FreeBDSMyay for now20:42
brainwashbut well, maybe they will one day20:42
FreeBDSMbut what will be in a week? a month? a year?20:42
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto20:43
JacobTDCIs anyone here experienced with SynPS/2 devices/chip?20:43
FreeBDSMbrainwash: thanks!20:43
brainwashFreeBDSM: still, the package may cause you trouble in the future anyway due to dependencies20:44
FreeBDSMbrainwash: dependencies?20:44
oerheksbrainwash +120:44
FreeBDSMbrainwash: isn't flatpak a self-contained thing?20:44
brainwashwe are talking about a deb package, installed from a PPA20:44
FreeBDSMI meant snap/flatpak20:44
FreeBDSMbut now I see the link20:45
FreeBDSMthat's actually neither of it20:45
FreeBDSMso, pointless20:45
brainwashyour request is rather pointless20:45
Sven_vBCarlFK, if you wait a few weeks, I might even find time to make a clean version of my script. just remind me every now and then. ;)20:45
CarlFKSven_vB: meh, in a few days it won[t matter.  I hope :p20:47
Sven_vBCarlFK, ok then :) good luck!20:48
CarlFKSven_vB: hows your systemd foo?  this works, but I have to ssh and start it. I really need it to start on boot  https://github.com/CarlFK/video-stack-bin-chicken/blob/master/scripts/c2/mk_c2a.sh20:50
FreeBDSMhow to build a snap of firefox 52.9.0 esr?20:50
Sven_vBCarlFK, if "start on boot" is the only concern, schedule it for "@reboot" (that's a time of day) in your crontab.20:50
oerheksFreeBDSM, but this is beyond the scope of this channel, safety first20:51
FreeBDSMoerheks: what20:51
melkorWhat is a good way to remove the dock on the left side of the screen?20:51
CarlFKSven_vB: neat. but.. is that really the systemd way?20:51
Sven_vBCarlFK, nope. with systemd you'll have to write some config file20:52
Sven_vBprobably several20:52
oerheksFreeBDSM, we do not support that, people here might get the same silly idea20:52
CarlFKI have 3 already.  I'm hoping I am close to several :p20:52
FreeBDSMoerheks: I don't care what you support20:52
ryuoCarlFK: the systemd way is to replace perfectly working software with your own reimplementation. :p20:52
oerheksFreeBDSM, oke, thank you for visiting the ubuntu support channel20:52
FreeBDSMoerheks: your silly 'thank you' is welcome!20:53
guntbertFreeBDSM: be nice please20:53
JacobTDCHey, does anyone know how to fix problems with SynPS/2 Mouse and Keyboard drivers? I'm on Ubuntu Minimal/CLI. Sometimes when I start the computer, my keyboard won't work at login, and I'll have to restart it like 15 times to fix it, although it works without fail in GRUB and the BIOS.20:53
FreeBDSMguntbert: you too20:53
oerheksreally, there is no legit reason to use ff 52 esr, nor build a snap20:53
JacobTDCPlease, someone, I've been trying to get help on this topic for WEEKS.20:54
ryuoJacobTDC: Minimal? Did you install through debootstrap?20:54
FreeBDSMI don't care about your misunderstanding of the situation20:54
strixdioI know this is "#ubuntu" but hopefully someone has some insight? (I did try in #ubuntustudio, but no one seems to be around) I'm trying to instsall UbuntuStudio to iscsi. I got it to pxe boot into the live environment, install open-iscsi, import the target, install to the target, but then when I try to boot from iscsi it doesn't do anything. Any thoughts?20:54
JacobTDCryuo: debootstrap? I don't believe so. What does it do?20:54
brainwashFreeBDSM: https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/20:55
ryuoJacobTDC: Eh, nevermind. You could try using dpkg-reconfigure to reconfigure the keyboard, but... if it's not working in the first place...20:55
oerheksJacobTDC, does this happen a lot, does your machine loose data from bios? this might be a sign of empty bios battery20:55
ryuoJacobTDC: in rare cases, i've found upgrading the BIOS can solve keyboard issues, but that's mostly on laptops.20:55
JacobTDCryuo: I'm on a laptop, and I just updated my BIOS. Of course, the most recent version is still fom like 2000-200720:56
ryuoI see.20:56
JacobTDCryuo: and what do you mean by "loose data from BIOS"?20:57
ryuoJacobTDC: that wasn't me.20:57
* ryuo points to oerheks.20:57
JacobTDCOh, right. XD20:58
oerheksJacobTDC, like not finding your partition to boot from20:58
ryuoJacobTDC: but, i always reset BIOS configuration after a flash.20:58
FreeBDSMbrainwash: aw, lawd, it's awful :( https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/your-first-snap `Note: We strongly recommend using an Ubuntu 16.04 host,  VM or container for this guide. While it is possible to use newer  releases of Ubuntu, or other Linux distributions, this may result in  incorrect libraries being pulled into the build.`20:58
ryuoSometimes old configuration can create problems.20:58
FreeBDSMlegacy right from the start20:58
JacobTDCryuo: my laptop battery is bad, so my config is reset every time I unplug it.20:59
ryuoJacobTDC: uh... BIOS configuration isn't stored in your regular battery.20:59
ryuoIt uses a dedicated one.20:59
JacobTDCryuo: Oh... is... that a problem?21:00
ryuoA form of NVRAM.21:00
texlaWhy does synaptic find numlockx program and ubuntu software does not find the program21:00
ryuoNot always, but if the battery is low on power, it could be time to replace it.21:00
ryuoNot important right now I think.21:00
oerhekstexla, ubuntu softwarecenter gives metapackages only, synaptic is much more detailed21:00
ryuoJacobTDC: So, you upgraded to the last BIOS released?21:01
JacobTDCryuo: yes.21:01
ryuoJacobTDC: did you go into the BIOS setup and reset to defaults?21:01
JacobTDCryuo: yes21:01
ryuoDo you have an external keyboard you can use for diagnostics?21:02
guntbertJacobTDC: you said PS2 - do you mean eternal mouse/keyboard?21:02
JacobTDCUmm.... I think? ... Yes. I do.21:02
JacobTDCryuo: No. Internal laptop.21:02
ryuoguntbert: No, it's a laptop. These commonly use PS/2 or so internally.21:02
JacobTDCI mean, guntbert ... XD21:03
Sven_vBif I make my xinetd script send several gigabytes of data onto the TCP connection much faster than the client can receive it, how large will the server-side output buffer grow before the write attempt starts to block?21:03
guntbertryuo: never thought of that21:03
ryuoJacobTDC: Well, you could try installing X and such to see if the keyboard will work there.21:03
halfbitis there a guide on what options are available in the preseed.cfg for automated install?21:04
JacobTDCryuo: I do know that even when I can confirm that the keyboard and mouse are BOTH working, xinit still has problems with it.21:04
halfbitI'd like to add a few apt repos and install some additional packages automatically21:04
ryuoJacobTDC: why are you using xinit instead of a DM?21:04
ryuoOh, is this an i386 only machine?21:05
JacobTDCryuo: yes. It's a dinosaur.21:05
ryuoJacobTDC: you could try booting lubuntu to see if it works there...21:05
JacobTDCryuo: How... would I do that without reseting my HDD?21:06
ryuoJacobTDC: external boot media? I only mean tryng the live CD.21:06
ryuoI often use them to test software issues.21:06
ryuolubuntu still provides i386 boot media.21:07
ryuoI remember using debootstrap recently to install i386 to an old N270 box...21:07
ryaoryuo: What a coincidence seeing you here. I just got 14.04 running on my RPi 3 to debug an issue involving the audit subsystem that someone claims to have seen on ubuntu 14.04...21:07
ryuoryao: lmao.21:08
ryuoryao: i recently submitted a kernel patch to fix an issue with my laptop audio leds.21:08
JacobTDCryuo: Okay. I'll see about that.21:08
ryaoryuo: Nice.21:08
ryuoryao: though i now have a bigger mystery to solve.21:08
ryuoryao: my laptop's function keys for brightness are misidentified as F20, or microphone mute.21:09
ryuoi didn't find any existing info about the problem, so i need to report it soon.21:09
ryaoryuo: I have a second mystery to solve in addition to the first one that made me install Ubuntu. The mystery is why the RPi 3 won't boot when using the RPi 3 device tree...21:09
ryaoWell, when booting Ubuntu 14.04.21:09
ryuoUbuntu 14.04... that's dead soon... lol21:10
ryuolike 10 months or so.21:10
=== JacobTDC_ is now known as JacobTDC
ryaoryuo: It doesn't matter. I need to find out why someone claims to have had audit.log go like half an hour without any writes when the backlog is set to a high number.21:10
ryaoryuo: If it were up to me, I wouldn't be bothering.21:11
ryuoryao: ok.21:11
JacobTDCAlright. So, what lubuntu should I use ryuo ? Minimal?21:11
ryuoJacobTDC: it has a minimal version?21:12
JacobTDCIDK, thats why i was asking you... XD21:12
JacobTDCIt probably does, though...21:12
ryuoit's already pretty small compared to the other flavors of ubuntu desktop.21:12
JacobTDCoh okay.21:12
ryuoyou may mean the new minimal install mode.21:12
gogetaryao: upgrade mutch21:12
gogetaJacobTDC: lubuntu21:13
gogetaJacobTDC: thats about as minimal as you can get21:13
ryuoJacobTDC: i got confused because ubuntu-minimal is a package group... for the smallest installation of Ubuntu.21:13
ryuoit's the only thing installed by default if using debootstrap.21:14
ryuoJacobTDC: for future reference, this is what I was talking about: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apds04.html21:15
ryuoJacobTDC: but, it's mainly a method for experts.21:15
gogetaJacobTDC: is it a space thing or just a preforance thing21:16
JacobTDCryuo: I don't have any CDs that can fit lubuntu on it, and the only bootable media I have for,my specific BIOS is CDs.21:17
ryuogogeta: context: they have an i386 laptop, so most modern Ubuntu flavors won't boot.21:17
gogetaryuo: they all should boot21:18
JacobTDCgogeta, ryuo, all I know is that I used the netboot disk to install ubuntu CLI-only.21:18
gogetaryuo: 18.04 still offers 32bit21:18
ryuogogeta: official ubuntu dropped i386 CDs.21:19
ryuothat's all i'm getting at.21:19
gogetaryuo: yes21:19
ryuoSeems the flavors haven't followed suit.21:19
ryuoI thought they did.21:19
gogetaJacobTDC: hate to say it but time to hit the used shops and replace that laptop 32bit is going away21:19
ryuoJacobTDC: ah, that's it.21:20
ryuoJacobTDC: gogeta has a point... it is getting harder to find distributions that support i386.21:20
halfbitalso, why is installing normal gnome using some weird snap bs21:21
gogetaryuo: not the i386 but apps are droping it21:21
JacobTDCgogeta: I know. It's an old laptop from a friend. I just choose this version 'cause it's all it can handle.21:21
gogetaryuo: no chrome or firefox21:21
halfbitlike I run mount and see a few gnome /var/lib/snapd mounts, what is that21:21
ryuoJacobTDC: so stick lubuntu or so on it.21:21
ryuogogeta: no idea. last i checked Firefox still supports it.21:22
ryuoJacobTDC: what CPU is it?21:22
gogetaryuo: no21:22
ryuoJacobTDC: it sounds like it's an N270 or early Core processor.21:22
JacobTDCryuo:  I... don't know? The computer itself is a Dell Inspiron 2650...21:23
gogetaa single core p421:23
gogetadefently 32bit21:23
gogetaJacobTDC: you may wanna look at distros talerd for old machines21:24
Bashing-omJacobTDC: Might consider : http://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/ <- Minimal install - https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ .21:24
gogetaJacobTDC: like puppy dsl or tinycore21:25
JacobTDCK. But is there anything else I can do beforr changing distros?21:25
ryuoJacobTDC: Eh... xubuntu *is* Ubuntu still.21:25
ryuoJust a different flavor.21:25
JacobTDCI'm sorry, I meant before changing flavors... XD.21:25
gogetaJacobTDC: not relly you probly even lackram for a live ccd21:26
JacobTDCI guess I can just apt install xubuntu...21:26
gogetajackmcbarn: you would need to use the alt installer21:26
ryuoJacobTDC: what's the installed RAM?21:26
ryuoMy N270 router is maxed at 2GB.21:26
gogetaryuo: i think that machine tops out at 1gb21:27
JacobTDCMem: 235 Swap: 511 ryuo.21:27
gogeta412 yep21:27
gogetaJacobTDC: yea a live cd will not work21:28
FreeBDSM`snap install skype` -> `error: This revision of snap "skype" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to, which may put your system at risk. If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --classic.`    is it save? I don't understand.21:28
naccFreeBDSM: #snappy or upstream skybe boards21:28
JacobTDCgogeta: figures.21:28
naccFreeBDSM: also, you can read about the confinement differences on snapcraft.io21:28
FreeBDSMnacc: thanks21:28
naccFreeBDSM: Also, the text is quite clear :)21:28
gogetaJacobTDC: you need to use the net base installer then install lubuntu-desktop21:28
FreeBDSMnacc: no, it's not. What changes does it do? just saved the downloaded files and logs? pffft. Or maybe it adds/replaces some libs/binaries?21:29
halfbitcan I use gnome without snaps?21:29
gogetaJacobTDC: as long as you know your way around cli its easy21:30
naccFreeBDSM: do you know what a snap is?21:30
naccFreeBDSM: I dont' understand this question: "What changes does it do?" -- what is "it"?21:30
FreeBDSMnacc: from what I understood - it's a type of statically build packages21:30
JacobTDCI can give xinit log info, if that helps. But it takes like two hours to install ubuntu, ryuo and gogeta ...21:31
FreeBDSMnacc: the skype snap, dug?21:31
gogetaJacobTDC: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads21:31
JacobTDCI know. I used those originaly.21:31
gogetaJacobTDC: the meta package you install is lubuntu-desktop21:32
naccFreeBDSM: so your question is "What changes does the skype snap do?" That doesn't make sense.21:32
gogetaJacobTDC: it should pull down eveything21:32
gogetaJacobTDC: do aa cli install then instal that oackage21:32
FreeBDSMnacc: I just quoted that nonsense, I didn't invent it21:33
naccFreeBDSM: quoted what nonsense?21:33
naccFreeBDSM: Are you actually asking what changes '--classic' does?21:33
JacobTDCgogeta: Is --no-install-recommends safe here?21:33
FreeBDSM`snap install skype` -> `error: This revision of snap "skype" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to, which may put your system at risk. If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --classic.`21:33
naccFreeBDSM: right, so read about 'classic confinement'.21:33
halfbitwtf is a snap21:34
nacchalfbit: snapcraft.io21:34
halfbitwhere are my damn debs21:34
nacchalfbit: or #snappy21:34
nacchalfbit: and please watch your language21:34
gogetaJacobTDC: no this installes the lubuntu desktop its minumal as is21:34
gogetaJacobTDC: ment for old boxes21:34
JacobTDCoh... that might be a problem, then.... it will take over an hour.21:35
gogetaJacobTDC: it is a p4 its gonna take a wile21:35
JacobTDCOkay. CYA... I guess...21:35
voidDotClassI have an SSD and a regular HD - ubuntu is on regular HD and win 10 is on SSD - but I don't see the win 10 option in my dual boot menu anymore. Is there a way from ubuntu to check if the SSD is still being detected at all21:35
gogetaJacobTDC: but once its done you should have a working lubuntu install21:36
JacobTDCI was kind-of just hoping to have a nice-working Ubuntu-CLI Only install, you know, but... oh, well...21:37
gogetaJacobTDC: ohhhh21:37
gogetaJacobTDC: i thought you whanted a ui21:38
naccJacobTDC: why are you installing a desktop if you want a cli?21:38
naccJacobTDC: just install ubuntu server and be done with it21:38
gogetaJacobTDC: use the net install slect cli install21:38
pringlecakeHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:38
pringlecakeor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/21:38
gogetaJacobTDC: its that easy21:38
JacobTDCOh. No. I have the CLI, but it has problems with the keyboard drivers occasionally...21:38
JacobTDCI thought we were trying to fix them... XD21:39
nacc"keyboard drivers" -- not really a thing21:39
naccJacobTDC: what symptomatically do you see?21:39
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
JacobTDCWell, whatever. I'm not entirely sure about all of this, nacc... and, what do you mean?21:40
naccJacobTDC: you say "problems" -- what problems?21:40
gogeta@JacobTDCyea pretty dam rare for a keybord not to work it could just be wore out21:40
JacobTDCThe keyboard occasionally doesn't work on startup, and I have to restart the laptop like, 8 times to fix it, nacc.21:41
naccJacobTDC: that sounds like buggy hardware21:41
bane5000Hey guys, I'm running kbuntu 18.04 on my laptop as my primary OS, but recently purchased a desktop and want to switch my primary OS. Since most of the drivers are built directly into the kernel, should I be fine with just swapping my HD?21:41
Bashing-omJacobTDC: "keyboard drivers" might be a thing if xorg is not installed ?21:41
gogetaJacobTDC: someties a key could be stuck making it seem like its not working21:41
JacobTDCIt's SynPS/2, whatever that means... If that helps, nacc.21:41
voidDotClassAnyone know why I no longer see my SSD containing win 10 as a boot option anymore in my bios setup / boot menu, even though I still see the SSD attached from gparted?21:41
JacobTDCgogeta: no, it full on doesnt wotk sometimes.21:42
gogetaJacobTDC: a macine that old it could be faulty21:42
JacobTDCgogeta: and no doubt it is, but I never have keyboard issues in GRUB or BIOS.21:43
bane5000Anyone? :o21:43
naccJacobTDC: do you get anything in dmesg? can you use an external keyboard?21:43
gogetaJacobTDC: hey my laptop keybord has shorts i use threw a usb over it21:44
naccbane5000: you *might* be fine, but some things technically need to get updated (e.g., mac addresses for network cards, machine id, etc.)21:44
naccbane5000: and would need to be done by hand (ssh keys, also, technically)21:44
JacobTDCnacc: probably. I'll try. My keyboard is working ATM, and I don't know how to break it again to test it...21:44
JacobTDCIt just happens randomly...21:45
melkorI just tried to follow this guide to install the nvidia drivers, and now my system is unusable. Is there a way to get back to the nouveau drivers for the time being?21:45
bane5000nacc: not too worried about the networking portion, just the drivers etc21:45
gogetaJacobTDC: i could show you some cli tricks like video playback and a full on broswer heh21:45
JacobTDCEspecially after I disconnect the power.21:45
ryuobane5000: generally you can take the old installation and boot it with another machine, but some configuration may be machine specific.21:45
JacobTDCnacc: ^21:45
ryuobane5000: i don't know how systemd has changed the situation myself.21:45
naccbane5000: the drivers should be fine, if you don't need third party drivers, especially21:46
JacobTDCgogeta: video playback in CLI?!21:46
ryuoJacobTDC: yes, that's a thing.21:46
gogetaJacobTDC: yep as well as twitter messinging etc21:46
gogetaJacobTDC: not mutch cli cant do21:46
melkorActually, I tried to disable the nouveau driver, https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux and it broke my system, the nvidia drivers didn't do anything and the computer rebooted and used nouveau.21:46
ryuoJacobTDC: it's possible with a framebuffer.21:46
JacobTDCand, just wondering, how would I completly remove all UI related packages and reinstall them?21:47
ryuoNo idea honestly. I don't do that really.21:47
gogetaJacobTDC: if you instaled cli only they whont be any21:47
JacobTDCI also apt installed openbox21:48
JacobTDCand xinit and xterm21:48
gogetaJacobTDC: there is even a youtube cli21:49
FreeBDSMwhere to download 'software center'?21:49
oerheksyoutube in terminal :-D21:49
FreeBDSMmy freshly installed xubuntu lacks it21:49
naccFreeBDSM: software center is a gnome application21:49
gogetaoerheks: yea uses mpv as its backend21:49
melkorahh, cant mount my hard drive from the live cd.21:50
gogetaJacobTDC: thers mc witch is a great file manager for cli21:50
gogetaJacobTDC: cli is quite dam powerfull21:50
naccmelkor: what happens when you try?21:51
melkorI get an error that it is already mounted, or mountpoint busy.21:51
naccmelkor: how did you try?21:52
melkorI was using nautilus (unless it is something newer?), but mount appears to have worked.21:53
JacobTDChow do i delete all files left behind from apt install for a certian package?21:53
JacobTDCAfter apt remove?21:53
melkorSo, I got the hdd mounted and I removed the blacklist file, but I have no clue how to undo the 'update-initramfs -u' line.21:54
JacobTDChow do i remove all configs ever left behind by an uninstalled apt package?21:57
naccJacobTDC: `apt purge <pkgname>`21:57
JacobTDCYes, but for ALL uninstalled packages?21:58
naccJacobTDC: that's not what you asked ... let me think21:58
oerheksJacobTDC, check your ~/.cinfog and ~/.cache folders21:58
oerhekserr config*21:58
naccJacobTDC: you would need to get a list of uninstalled pacakges (which is possible with apt/dpkg) and then purge them one by one21:58
qwebirc1994hello i have problem some website say "this plugin is not supported"21:59
Bashing-omJacobTDC: While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package. To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, where The state is rc, the package is removed, but the config files are not removed....with the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P .21:59
qwebirc1994it's mean i need flash player for my chromium21:59
qwebirc1994uebera||:  you are here my bro ?22:00
JacobTDCokay, Bashing-om.22:00
qwebirc1994anyone can help me ?22:01
oerheksflash is dead, qwebirc22:01
qwebirc1994oerheks:  why22:01
qwebirc1994oerheks:  what you mea22:01
oerhekshtml5 is much better and safe22:01
hggdhqwebirc1994: because it was an unending source of security issues22:01
FreeBDSMI have nvidia gtx970 and I've installed and enabled nvidia-driver-390. But when I scroll a wikipedia page (mostly text) - I see tearing. How to fix that?22:02
oerheksbut you *can* install flash, it comes with restricted extras22:02
qwebirc1994hggdh: i can fix it ?22:02
qwebirc1994oerheks:  which way ?22:02
hggdhqwebirc1994: not really22:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:03
OmniousHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:18
Omniousor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:18
=== Ayo is now known as Guest57811
H7Rhello is someone can made run Savage or Savage2 on ubuntu (mate for me and amd64) ?22:30
oerhekssavage the videocard?22:32
H7Rno Savage the game22:33
qwebirc62322Hi all22:34
=== qwebirc62322 is now known as Roberts
=== Roberts is now known as PRoberts
PRobertsAny one around?22:35
naccH7R: what happens when you try?22:35
naccPRoberts: do you have an ubuntu support question? if so, just ask22:35
oerheksH7R, i found this old page, not sure it is still valid https://n00bsonubuntu.net/content/install-savage-2-a-tortured-soul-on-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/22:35
oerheksyou need an account first22:35
oerheksoh commercial .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/NativeNonFreeCommercial#Savage_222:36
PRobertsI am looking for help doing a custom Live enviroment.22:36
H7Rnacc oerheks : ~/Savage2/savage2.bin: ~/Savage2/libs/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.60)22:36
naccH7R: looks like basic library incmopatibilty. Did you check that the game is meant to be runnable on your version of Ubuntu?22:37
H7Rnacc : http://savage2.com/en/download.php22:38
oerheksPRoberts, i don't help with that, there is a tool that might help https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image22:38
naccH7R: that webpage is both ugly and doesn't answer my question.22:39
qwebirc4882please !22:39
qwebirc4882i need help :(22:39
qwebirc4882i see 10 wiki how to install flash player to firefox and chromium no one is work :(22:39
naccH7R: 64-bit Linux is so broad as to be pointless; and given they are not shipping a static binary, it's highly unlikely to work in all versions of Linux.22:40
nlsun_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:40
nlsun_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:40
H7Rnacc : so how to do to play with it ?22:40
qwebirc4882ubottu:  i see this wiki my problem is not fix22:41
naccH7R: i have no idea; you first need to find out if it's meant to run on your version of ubuntu, by asking their forums, i think22:41
qwebirc4882which way i can send screenshot22:42
H7Rnacc : so i'll have to wait a long time for ... :/22:42
oerheksH7R, why should we support commercial games, ..22:43
naccH7R: it doesn't seem like an ubuntu support topic, anyways22:44
ragn4rdvim .irss22:44
H7Rnacc : why linux (ubuntu, or other ) doesn't support basic c++ dynamic linked library ?22:44
H7Rnacc : why linux (ubuntu, or other ) doesn't support basic c++ dynamic linked library ?22:44
naccH7R: uh, it absolutely does.22:45
oerheksH7R, that game is ancient, linux/ubuntu is not that static, does their forum give an install instruction?22:45
naccH7R: your program was compiled using something that is not the same version as what the system you are runnig is on22:45
naccH7R: so please, take your query to their forums, not here.22:45
H7Rapparently not because the game can't find the "CXX ABI 1.3.8"22:45
naccH7R: you don't understand what that error means.22:45
qwebirc4882ubottu:  my software ubuntu don't have flashplugin-installer22:46
ubottuqwebirc4882: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
qwebirc4882ubottu:  are you bot -_- <322:46
ubottuqwebirc4882: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
H7Rnacc : explain me ...22:46
qwebirc4882ubottu:  okey thanks22:46
oerheksqwebirc install restricted extras, and you will have flash.22:47
naccH7R: that error says it can't find an ABI symbol in the library it searched. That is all. You have a version mismatch. Please stop discussing the topic here.22:47
qwebirc4882oerheks:  i don't know which way i can install rest..22:47
oerheksqwebirc how about ... softwarecenter?22:47
qwebirc4882oerheks:  i can send screenshot ?22:48
H7Rnacc :++++++++++[>+>+++>+++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>+++++++++.>+++++++.<<++.>------.<.>>-------.+++++++++++.-.<<+++++++.>>++++++.<<-------.>>+.-------.----------.+.+++++++++++++.+.+.-------------------.+++++++++++++.----------.<<.++++++++++++++...22:49
elios_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:49
elios_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:49
oerheksqwebirc4882, why?? i know how softwarecenter looks like .. but sure you can post om imgur.com22:49
qwebirc4882oerheks:  hey ! my ubuntu software what22:50
=== Freddish_ is now known as Freddish
ben_zen_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:51
ben_zen_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:51
Guest47158Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:53
Guest47158or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:53
halfbitis there a chat for ubuntu core?22:56
halfbitor is this it22:56
oerheks#snappy. Snappy and Ubuntu Core.22:57
leonardussomehow I think I messed up and now my pulseaudio input is just whatever's playing on my computer22:59
leonardushow do I change this back to my microphone22:59
H7RI have another question ... why don't use a rolling release update system ?23:01
oerheksH7R, that is a choice, by design, we choose stable and experimental versions.23:02
oerheksand 'rolling release' has many variants23:02
H7Roerheks : so we are allways from 1 or 2 release of the last release of near any software (eclipse for example)23:03
oerheksH7R, no, not allways23:04
H7Roerheks: i mean last release(stable) of a given software !23:04
oerheksstable, with all security fixes23:04
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.23:04
baneHey guys, so I have reinstalled ubuntu on my pc but am unable to use my second monitor. If i go to monitor settings, the system sees it fine23:06
H7Roerheks : with eclipse we need lastest version for compatibility with android api for example, Firefox for lastest bug fixes, MMO games to be compatible with server etc ... there are many case that not updated release sucks ...23:07
oerhekswe do offer firefox, latest. eclips with latest security patches..23:09
H7Rin more I have a big problem with dkms-8812au package that is destroyed every updates. Please reinstall it automatically for I keep my wifi adapter online ...23:10
oerhekssome use a ppa for that, but then you rely on the maintainer, and their testers..23:10
oerheksoh, that is a wireless driver.. if the vendor does not coop with linux, we cannot do anything about that23:10
H7RFor eclipse for me the lastest is called oxygen²23:11
H7Roerheks : I don't tell you to recode the driver ... Just mark it at "reinstall" to let me the possibility to access internet ... :'(23:12
H7Roerheks : Just mark *the package dkms-8812au* at reinstall ...23:14
H7Roerherks : rtl8812au-dkms ->https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/kernel/rtl8812au-dkms from my point of view it's a Linux kernel module (GNU?)23:19
oerheksit seems to be an issue for some time indeed .. https://askubuntu.com/questions/832329/wifi-module-8812au-not-working-with-kernel-version-4-4-0-28-generic23:20
oerheksfile a bugreport?23:20
H7Rit is exactly  the same bug !23:21
oerheksH7R, there are suggestions how to fix that, not sure that is oke23:22
=== Euph0ria is now known as TabMasher
H7Roerheks : the way i find to fix it easyly is to set up a new connection with my phone, mark at "reinstall" the "rtl8812au-dkms" in synaptic, apply, when it finish, $ sudo modprobe 8812au, then unconnect and reconnect my cable. If you mark installed DKMS dependancy module at "reinstall" when you update DKMS system (after DKMS System update) I think it could workaround the problem and be transparent to the user !23:26
H7Rmy phone (usb share bridge), mark ...23:27
H7R*and reconnect my wireless card cable.23:28
H7Roerheks : Am I clear ?23:30
oerheksH7R, yes, i am thinking of a solution, pinning is the worst i guess23:31
oerheksthat would not rebuild the module23:31
H7Rpinning ?23:31
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto23:31
oerheksto keep it, or not upgrade23:31
H7Roerheks : i'm french, pinning ?23:31
H7Rah ok ...23:32
H7Roerheks : it's no need to rebuild the module, just reinstall it because something is broken each time the DKMS System is updated ! While you don't reboot the computer (or the session ?) the 8812au works after update but when reboot, it can't be loaded so if you have no other way to connect you cannot réinstall the module ... It is just sad for a network module on network based updating system ...23:36
H7Roerheks : about pinning, I don't think that don't update DKMS System is wishable of course ... that why I aked you to mark at "reinstall" all installed DKMS module for be sure there is no issues after ...23:38
H7Rreboot ...23:39
halfbitwith ubuntu core can you run all of gnome?23:41
H7Roerheks : i just watched, pinning is not suitable for me, i think ....23:41
H7Rhalfbit : normaly gnome is a part of ubuntu desktop, ubuntu core is released with only console commands ....23:43
halfbitH7R: how do people run signage and kiosks with it then23:43
oerheksubuntu core is for embedded devices, not really a base for desktops23:44
nacchalfbit: you mean the 'ubuntu core' product (that uses snaps)?23:44
oerheksthat is where mini iso is for23:44
nacchalfbit: that's for IoT, typically23:44
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:44
H7Rhafbit : maybe because there still or they have installed graphic environment ?23:44
nacchalfbit: it's definitely possibly, and there is desktop integration, iirc, for snaps23:45
H7Rubottu : I installed my desktop with mini-iso network release ... (???)23:46
ubottuH7R: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:46
H7Rubottu : did you know me ?23:46
ubottuH7R: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:46
naccH7R: please stop trying to have a conversation with the bot inthe channel.23:47
H7Rubottu : of course you are a stupid bot ! you answer anybody else me, you're really a stupid bot !23:48
ubottuH7R: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:48
halfbitI'll probably just stick with lts and some specific things... but all good things to know23:48
* H7R is sure that ubottu lie !23:49
RDaneel01ivawHi everyone, having some issues with audio on my system. Running 18.04 and my audio output via analog line out was working perfectly, until a random reboot and now I have zero audio. I have tried starting and stopping pulseaudio, removing it, reinstalling it, and I still get nothing23:51
* H7R was disturbed by ubottu before he answer him. Else ubottu is a bot ??? Really ubottu lie !23:52
RDaneel01ivawWhen I load up pavucontrol, I can see various apps playing audio via the volume bouncing slider, but I get no actual sound. I can see the devices (line analog line out) in my system settings, and before I removed and reinstalled pulse, I could test the speakers and it would make the little animation like it was sending a test sound, but now it won't even do that23:52
H7RWTF ubottu ?23:53
oerheksH7R, you are asked to stop, now please do so.23:54
H7Roerheks : then answer me so ... could you do something to stop the module corruption every DKMS system update ?23:55
H7Rokay ... There is any ubuntu responsible here ?23:57

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