
IrcsomeBotDjyHMpxW92 was added by: DjyHMpxW9200:46
IrcsomeBot<Anarcho Taoist> How do you use emoji in Kubuntu??  i.e. How do I place a KDE emoji in a YouTube comment?01:09
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IrcsomeBotAmien Crombie was added by: Amien Crombie06:12
BluesKajHey folks10:03
IrcsomeBotYaël GUILLOUX was added by: Yaël GUILLOUX10:15
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> Hello everyone.10:15
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I've got a problem with Kubuntu 18.04 (I've been installing it like a week ago.).10:16
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I would like to get color emoji support, but I don't find any place where they explain how to get it working. … I've been using Arch Linux before switching to Ubuntu and the configuration that used to work on Arch do not work on Kubuntu even though it seems to be using the same piece of software to render the fonts. :/10:16
markcFWIW just syaing that Ubuntu Cosmic plus Kubuntu-CI/stable is a fantastic "rolling release"10:17
BluesKajit's not a rolling release10:17
markcBluesKaj: I said "rolling release", in quotes. Anyway it's as good as a rolling release.10:18
* BluesKaj shrugs10:19
markcActually I'm on KubuntuCI/unstable atm and I get a poop ton of new packages every day, just like a bleeding edge Arch system... I can't see why it could not be considered a "rolling release" distro10:24
hateballYael Guilloux, what fonts are you using? From what I read you need to install fonts-noto-color-emoji10:24
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I tried Hateball.. but it doesn't change anything sadly.10:25
hateballafraid I havent played around any with emoji stuff myself10:26
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I've been trying like.. 10 different alternatives10:27
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> And it still renders that damn black & white lined emojis10:27
BluesKajmarkc, if you're on cosmic then you can expect daily upgrades, since it's not an official release and still under development.10:28
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> It's kinda annoying because on my Arch setup I used to use emojis at a lot of places as a visual reminder (like my bookmarks folders on chrome for example..), and now it's more confusing than helping to be honest10:29
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I switched to Kubuntu to get more consistency around my setup, and also because my laptop got stolen.. but it feels strange that such a simple thing isn't working out of the box, but it doesn't work at all even when spending hours trying to figure out.. :(10:30
markcBluesKaj: yes, of course, and the KubuntuCI PPA adds about double the amount of packages on top of cosmic. I've been using this combo for over a year (initially with pre-bionic) and it's been pretty solid10:31
BluesKajmarkc, which ppa is   KubuntuCI PPA ?10:32
markcBluesKaj: at first I was chasing HiDPI support but it's been good enough that I have just continued with the same combo10:32
markcdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ci/stable/ubuntu cosmic main10:33
BluesKajI already have those repos in my sources.list10:36
markcWell there you go, you are also doing the "rolling release" thing :)10:37
BluesKajnot really, it's a development release,  almost daily updates/upgrades are to be expected10:38
BluesKajif you were on bionic you wouldn't see as many updates and upgrades anymore ...mostly security10:40
markcsure, and to me it feels just like using bleeding edge Arch Linux repos from 1/2 dozen years ago, only more stable10:40
BluesKajwell, if you wish :-)10:41
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> So there's no one that have been dealing with color emoji on kubuntu :( ?10:41
markcYaël GUILLOUX: try in another 1/2 dozen hours when the rest of the world starts to wake up10:42
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> Oh yeah, I'm sorry I'm from france. :x10:43
hateballimplying americans are more prone to emoji usage ;p10:43
BluesKajYaël GUILLOUX emojis aren't a high priority with most kubuntu users in my experience10:43
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> yeah I can understand, but as a mostly unorganized person, I really liked the fact that it helped me a lot with my self organizing and it also gave a good appearance to my bookmarks folders10:44
markcYaël GUILLOUX: might be a low level Qt issue -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/176739010:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767390 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Please consider recommends fonts-noto-color-emoji" [Wishlist,New]10:45
markctime to chill and watch a movie, bye10:49
DragnslcrAnyone else have problems with copy (ctrl-c) suddenly not working in certain programs? Seems to work fine in Firefox and Konsole, but it doesn't work in Konversation or Kate.12:09
BluesKajDragnslcr, works here in Konversation and Kate, but I'm on Cosmic12:14
DragnslcrYeah, most of the time it works. It just suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason.12:18
DragnslcrIt's only happened to me a couple times12:18
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> Hello, does anyone has a solution to enable color emojis on Kubuntu?12:26
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Yaël GUILLOUX, Does installing fonts-noto-color-emoji help?12:37
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> nope :/12:38
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> it renders black & white outlined emojis12:38
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> maybe there's more tweaking to do, but I've been spending a lot of time on this12:39
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> So here I am; reaching for help12:39
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> what applications are they not working in?12:45
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> chrome for example12:45
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> google-chrome-stable12:45
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> in Konsole also12:45
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I wouldn't say they're not working12:45
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> It's just that it doesn't render the correct ones12:45
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I have full emoji support, but I can't change them12:46
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> and I don't want those black & white outlined emojis, they aren't readable especially when u're using a dark theme everywhere :(12:46
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> test ☕️12:47
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I see it but it's in telegram12:47
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> Telegram renders its own emojis I guess12:47
acheronukyes, but we have an IRC bridge12:47
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> oh yeah, sorry12:48
acheronukI see that ok in hexchat in IRC12:48
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> never tried in konsole, and Qt emoji support is spotty AFAIR. Chrome is likewise a weird beast I don't use much12:50
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> acheronuk, can you maybe send me a screenshot of what u're seeing?12:51
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> black an white if I paste that in konsole. not sure why emojis would be wanted in konsole12:51
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I don't really want them in Konsole to be honest*12:51
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I'm just using them as an organizing visual method for my bookmarks in chrome12:52
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> and it renders horribly12:52
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 600x127) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/PndqusPB/file_8945.jpg12:52
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> (Photo, 651x42) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/OeLqNa85/file_8946.jpg12:52
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I've got this12:52
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I could boot on my windows to show you what it looks like12:52
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> But it's really not the same :/12:53
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I've seen that Ubuntu 18.04 supports colored emojis out of the box now12:53
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Yaël GUILLOUX, in gtk apps12:53
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Qt support is not good12:54
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> Chrome is GTK12:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Chrome doesn't use any toolkit quite on spec :/12:57
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> waiting for IRC logs to catch up: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/08/10/%23kubuntu.html12:57
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> to see what looks like in chrome12:58
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> I've got a page12:58
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> for the test12:58
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> if you want12:58
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html12:58
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> go for it. those logs are way behind today12:58
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 1095x800) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wNMf1DYq/file_8947.jpg13:00
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> WHATTTT13:00
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> but 😢13:00
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> why the hell does it work for u but not for me 😢13:00
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> (Photo, 939x893) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/oM8rbktG/file_8948.jpg13:00
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> fonts-symbola ?13:00
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I don't know. I've never cared about emojis in Chrome13:01
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> can you send me a zip of your /etc/fonts ?13:02
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> it's like the configs u're using13:02
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/BHmv6pSA/file_8949.xz13:05
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> what version of kubuntu are you on?13:05
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> 18.04?13:05
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Yes, but far from standard packages13:06
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> yeah, but in terms of font? have you made a lot of customization?13:06
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Yaël GUILLOUX, not recently. my configs were what we tested for 18.04 release13:07
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I probably have more fonts installed than a stcok install, simply as this syteme has been eveolving over a fairly long period and several upgrades13:08
IrcsomeBotr0xsh was added by: r0xsh13:09
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> mh, okay13:09
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> will try your configurations13:09
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> to see if my problem comes from there13:09
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> well13:12
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> it changes nothing13:12
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Yaël GUILLOUX, Ok, in a clean VM I tried, and get what you do … I then installed fonts-noto-color-emoji, rebooted and tried chrome again. It then displays them as this main machine does13:25
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> well13:25
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 1208x745) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Y1i0bdTG/file_8951.jpg13:29
IrcsomeBot<Yaël GUILLOUX> >_<13:29
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> apart from restarting the desktop session, that's all I had to do on a clean install13:30
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> Oh god13:51
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> It's 720p?13:51
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> Or 480?13:51
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> what is?13:52
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> Your screenshot13:53
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> Why in my PC kde works really bad?13:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @chronosmsx, nah. I just resized the virtualbox window to a small one so as to not create a pointlessly huge image to post13:55
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> @acheronuk, Oh, yes, seeing vbox window13:56
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> So how to buypass windows flickering?13:57
IrcsomeBot<chronosmsx> (not screen)13:57
IrcsomeBotsianariman was added by: sianariman21:59
IrcsomeBot<sianariman> Hi,21:59
IrcsomeBot<sianariman> Hi, it's possible to minimize windows in the icon from the app self as in macoxs or Budgie desktop?21:59
Sia-Hi, it's possible to minimize windows in the icon from the app self as in macoxs or Budgie desktop?22:12
=== keithzg_ is now known as keithzg

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