
Austin___I have 'nc -l PORT' running on a host, as well as tcpdump filtering on PORT. If 'nmap -p PORT HOST' shows the PORT as open if run from another internal host, but not if run from a non-local IP, what could cause that?00:15
Austin___tcpdump shows the packet reach the host in both cases, but is only responded to when the source is an external IP00:15
Austin___seems like im missing something00:16
Austin___sorry, only responded to if the src is an internal IP00:16
otherRickSENDPASS richardbastos@gmail.com00:23
uptimeotherRick: that command takes a nick, not an email btw + you need the '/msg nickserv' at the start00:24
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: can you define what is an external IP and what you define as an internal IP?00:26
Austin___internal is a machine on the same subnet. external is any that has been through NAT00:27
Austin___pragmaticenigma: ^00:27
Austin___one example would be cayouseeme.org00:27
Austin___for external00:28
IntelCorehi. I downloaded an apptall it.. or work.let.. rather, apt did. And, it does not ins00:46
IntelCoreugh, let me try again.  I got an applet with apt, it does not install it00:47
guivercIntelCore, it may help if you provide your version of Ubuntu, and the actual error message  (if it's multiple lines, please pastebinit)00:48
oerheksor state what applet for what..00:49
IntelCore18.04 recent upgrade from 16.04.5 - with flashback compiz. (Indicator-applet-complete) by tedg00:50
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: That sounds like the NAT is not configured to allow traffic on that port00:50
IntelCorei have "Applications, Places" top left bar00:50
IntelCoreThe applet runs right top bar...00:51
Austin___pragmaticenigma: but i can see the packet with tcpdump on the internal host00:51
Austin___it just doesnt get responded to00:51
Austin___it has gone through NAT as expected00:51
IntelCoredo i need to sudo apt install again?00:51
leftyfbIntelCore: what?00:54
oerheks!info indicator-applet-complete00:56
ubottuindicator-applet-complete (source: indicator-applet): Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.10.2+17.10.20170425-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 20 kB, installed size 67 kB00:56
slizardHi people! Quick question: I've an XPS 13 9370 and for my Atheros woes (occasional 2-4 Wh battery drain) Dell support recommended installing the linux-firmware_1.169.3_all.deb from launchpad which AFAICT is the artful package. I run 4.15.0-30-generic kernel, is this a sensible thing to do?01:04
oerheksbionic gives 1.173 https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-firmware01:07
IntelCoreleftyfb.. I dont know how to be more plain, or specific.01:07
leftyfbslizard: it's your call, but I actually backported linux-firmware 1.173.1 from bionic to xenial. Feel free to use it from my ppa https://launchpad.net/~leftyfb/+archive/ubuntu/linux-firmware01:08
leftyfbIntelCore: try, because you aren't at all.01:08
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: I'm really not understanding what you're explaining.01:08
IntelCoreI got that pkg oerheks01:09
IntelCoredownloaded from launchpad01:09
slizardleftyfb: Thanks. What's the worst thing that can happen? I see that both Artful and bionic use 4.15, so should the firmware packages from their repos be compatible?01:10
leftyfbslizard: the kernel and linux-firmware package aren't really related01:10
IntelCoreoerherks.. but apt-get-install indicator-applet-complete did something, but the applet did not show on desk bar at top01:10
slizardleftyfb: OK. So how can I know if a linux-firmware package is (in general) compatible with my OK?01:11
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: If you are attempting to reach a port on a machine, on your local network, from a machine/site outside your home network (the Internet), you have to tell the NAT device (router/modem/firewall) to allow traffic from the Internet/external network through to your hosting machine on the local network, on that port01:11
oerheksIntelCore, sounds like it is not suitable for fallback, just gnome01:11
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: It's usually referred to as port forwarding on a SOHO type router or modem01:11
IntelCorewas on top in 1601:11
Austin___pragmaticenigma: understood. that is confirmed working01:11
leftyfbslizard: you'll be fine. I have it installed on Xenial with the same kernel01:11
Austin___i've proven that the traffic is passing through NAT by watching it arrive at the internal machine01:12
Austin___using tcpdump01:12
IntelCoreoerheks - this applet was on the bar.. but the system settings menu item in it pointed to.. 'about' instead of settings.01:13
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: The reason for the confusion is network topology can very greatly from one network to the next, be it enterprise, small office, residential01:13
slizardleftyfb: OK, thanks. I'll give it a try.01:13
leftyfbIntelCore: applets usually need to be run as an application/binary or added to the top bar manually01:13
IntelCoreoerheks - so, I have the updated file. And sudo apt-get the file.01:13
Austin___nothing crazy going on here. just a WAN and a LAN as far as this is concerned01:13
Austin___pragmaticenigma: ^01:13
oerheksIntelCore, 16.04 gave gnome-flashback, IIRC01:13
IntelCoresi senior01:14
ALowtherWhen I run 'systemctl status' and scroll down and read through the processes. For instance '1623 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-xsettings', is that just showing the PID and the location of the executable? Also, something like '1601 ibus-daemon --xim --panel disable' is that showing options that the executable is running with?01:14
leftyfbIntelCore: this is an English-only speaking channel01:14
oerheksIntelCore, so totally different from compiz.01:14
oerheksif you switch to gnome session, it will work01:14
IntelCorecan bionic give gnome-flashback? it's not on my de list01:14
leftyfb!info gnome-flashback01:15
ubottugnome-flashback (source: gnome-flashback): helper application for the GNOME Flashback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.0-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 246 kB, installed size 891 kB01:15
pragmaticenigmaAustin___: If it is still not working, I would encourage you to head over to ##networking. Someone there may better understand your setup and how you help you achieve your desired outcome01:16
Austin___ta. i'm in there simultaneously ;)01:16
IntelCorehmm, i had it before upgrade01:16
leftyfbIntelCore: applets usually need to be run as an application/binary or added to the top bar manually. It was probably not reinstalled/added. Do it again01:16
IntelCoreyes. Or cas it is old gnome alike flashback, the indicator is noe not work with the de01:19
IntelCorety guys01:19
leftyfbIntelCore: this is an English-only speaking channel01:19
pragmaticenigmaALowther: Yes, the output is displaying the parameters used to launch the service/daemon. Note that not all executables there can run standalone, and doing so may cause system instability. Those execuatbles are setup with hooks that allow systemd to manage those processes01:21
ALowtherpragmaticenigma: Cool! and so my entire OS experience is literally just on top of a bunch of default(daemon) programs that run on bootup/login?01:23
pragmaticenigmato some degree, yes ALowther01:24
IntelCorewhere can i post the png photo so u can see ? pls..01:25
pragmaticenigmaimgr is a common place used IntelCore01:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:25
ALowtherpragmaticenigma: But to some degree, no. :)01:25
IntelCoreoerheks -- https://imgur.com/a/aB9iyZT01:26
leftyfbIntelCore: applets usually need to be run as an application/binary or added to the top bar manually. It was probably not reinstalled/added. Do it again01:27
IntelCoreyes did again01:28
IntelCoreit said what is in the photo in gedit01:29
leftyfbIntelCore: you manually added the applet to the top bar again?01:29
IntelCoresudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete01:29
leftyfbIntelCore: applets usually need to be run as an application/binary or added to the top bar manually. It was probably not reinstalled/added. Do it again01:29
IntelCoreyes i have the tar of the applet01:30
leftyfbnobody said anything about a tar of an applet01:30
leftyfbIntelCore: ADD the applet to your top bar01:31
IntelCorethe tar for it is on launchpad. it is also in repository01:31
IntelCorehmm. trying01:31
leftyfbIntelCore: stop with the tar. DO NOT do anything with the tarball. You already have the package installed. Now add the applet to your panel01:32
leftyfbIntelCore: I googled it for you: https://askubuntu.com/a/72764    scroll down to "To add to the panel:"    IGNORE everything above "To add to the panel:"01:33
mkaniini has invited you to join #litepub01:34
mosesis there anything out there better than lightdm?01:38
mosesand i cant use gdm3 because it causes my computer to hang01:38
mosesafter login01:38
leftyfbmoses: What version of ubuntu?01:39
mosesits actually kali01:39
mosesbut its all debian01:39
leftyfb!kali | moses01:40
ubottumoses: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)01:40
hayslogger has started outputing <13> to stdout with a time stamp. anyway to suppress that?01:40
leftyfbmoses: stop asking for help in here. You're not running Ubuntu.01:41
moses\j #debian01:43
leftyfbmoses: try /join #kali-linux01:43
mosesleftyfb: ive been trying, quite dead, but ty01:44
leftyfbmoses: then try their website for support01:44
haysI find it kinda funny to customize kali01:44
haysjust use it01:44
hayswho cares what wm, etc.. its not meant for general computing01:44
leftyfbmoses: I find it kinda funny people are asking for help with kali at all. It's meant for professionals.01:45
haysjust because a person is a professional doesn't mean they know everything01:46
IntelCoreGOT it, YAY ! now if it shows the correct menu items..and the systems settings instead of About.. I'm good.01:47
ash_mobileIs there a way to setup Ubuntu to act like a dynadock hub?01:47
leftyfbIntelCore: you're welcome01:48
mosesleftyfb: i am just using kali because it has a lot of code I can study and learn from pre built in01:48
IntelCoreAye Men, man. ty01:48
revi12kaniini has invited you to join #litepub01:48
leftyfbmoses: what type of code? I can almost guarantee you anything you're going to learn from running kali you can just as well learn running ubuntu01:48
haysnot sure I agree with that. kali packages security tools quite nicely01:49
mosesleftyfb: no all the applications kali has built in, the python scrips for example are very informative01:49
haysmany of them are not available in most distros without some tweaking01:50
mosesleftyfb: i run ubuntu as well, but i just updated kali and now gdm3 is hanging on startup so i swapped back to lightdm01:50
leftyfbash_mobile: from my quick googling, a dynadock hub is a docking station for a pc. That's hardware, not software01:50
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leftyfbmoses: sorry to hear that. Feel free to ask for help with ubuntu when you're running ubuntu01:51
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Stormmoream I the only one having issues with cloning git.launchpad.net repos?01:57
AimHere6kaniini has invited you to join #litepub01:57
ash_mobileLike in a dynadock scenario, your laptop is the source computer, and you can connect an external monitor, keyboard, mouse, network and other peripherals. In this case, I'm hoping to use the laptop screen, keyboard and mouse as a way to interact with another machine... I was hoping Ubuntu could be used to negotiate that and act like a hub.01:58
leftyfbash_mobile: look at synergy01:59
leftyfbash_mobile: minus the monitor. You'll need a monitor for the other machine01:59
leftyfbor use teamviewer or VNC01:59
Stormmoreleftyfb, that only handles keyboard and mouse. Whaet ash_mobile really needs is something like VNC02:00
Stormmorelol ;-)02:00
leftyfbexo_: hello. What can we do for you?02:01
Stormmoretrying to clone the mainline-crack repo for the last 2 days and I can't even get over 12KiB/s!!!!02:01
exo_i was wondering how to connect to other servers, say freenode. but if i say "/join freenode" it wont work02:01
leftyfbexo_: /join #freenode02:01
Stormmoreexo_, you are on freenode ;-)02:02
exo_oh heck02:02
exo_okay then02:02
Stormmoreif you mean channels / rooms, then what leftyfb said02:02
exo_Is there a way to change my nickname?02:02
leftyfbexo_: if you mean servers, then also join #freenode. This is ubuntu support. Not IRC support02:02
exo_oh ok02:03
ash_mobileI mean, what I could do is, use a dock to connect a regular monitor, keyboard and mouse, and then just plug a machine in to the USB input; but some how I thought this could be accomplished with just a single laptop. I don't really know how the dynadock works, but I don't think that kind of thing is foreign to Ubuntu... Like, isn't that kinda what v4l2 kinda does?02:07
Stormmoreash_mobile, if you really want to do some cool stuff like that, you have to look at how to configure X server and clients and a number of things like PAM to get it to work02:13
Stormmoreash_mobile, that is what we basically did when I was at university and I haven't see anything that has made it easier in the last 20 years! VNC and TeamViewer try but still don't get close02:14
ash_mobileWell, I guess it's not easy to use built in laptop devices as peripherals even if you're not intending to combine it all over USB02:17
IntelCoreisn't IoT what he needs?02:18
IntelCorecan't turn a laptop into a single device tho.02:19
ash_mobileIntelCore IoT?02:19
IntelCorethere's no hub device to use like that02:19
StormmoreX actually does a good job it, back when Java web apps required a plugin for browsers, I would remote into multiple systems export a browser window back to the system I was on just to watch election result swing-o-meters02:20
leftyfbexcept none of that is possible with Wayland now02:20
StormmoreWHAT! well that kinda sucks!02:21
cryptodanno need for Java Web Applets02:21
Stormmorecryptodan, sure there is, they are call Android apps now ;-)02:22
Stormmorenot even close IntelCore02:23
cryptodanI dont even bother with Java or Flash installs on Windows02:24
ash_mobileSo, how does a hub achieve this exactly?02:25
leftyfbit doesn't02:25
cryptodanash_mobile: what you want to do?02:26
Stormmorecontrol another system over usb02:26
cryptodanyou would need a USB over Serial to come close to that02:27
Stormmorekinda but not really02:27
cryptodanlike configuring a new Cisco Device02:27
ash_mobileBut seriously, how does dynadock do it?02:28
leftyfbStormmore: for what purpose?02:28
ash_mobile(Although I know displaylink isn't the greatest)02:28
cryptodanmaybe based on Synergy?02:29
ash_mobileIt's not networked02:29
Stormmoreash_mobile, if I am looking at the right dynadock. not even close, it just extends the ports a system has02:29
Stormmoreash_mobile, does it have a network card?02:30
ash_mobileYou can plug it into Ethernet, but you don't have to02:30
cryptodanits a KVM02:30
ash_mobileBut over usb02:30
IntelCorei tried ethernet to ethernet. lol.02:31
StormmoreUSB isn't really designed for what you want to do02:31
ash_mobileBut it does it02:31
Stormmore oh that is cool cryptodan02:31
IntelCoreuhm, in old days could get null modem02:31
leftyfbdynadock isn't a kvm at all. It's only a docking station with a couple video chipsets built in02:32
* ash_mobile feels closer02:32
IntelCorecommodore had an rs232 port02:32
Turandotkaniini has invited you to join #litepub02:33
leftyfbit's just a docking station. Nothing about controlling other pc's02:33
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IntelCoreright, it wont control or network two pc02:33
StormmoreIntelCore, I still do that today for switches, but it requires an active Serial to USB adapter these days02:33
ash_mobileleftyfb depends on what you mean by controlling. You can is it to use an external keyboard02:34
ash_mobileIntelCore I don't need that02:34
IntelCoreI need a ethernet hub.02:34
leftyfbIntelCore: nobody needs an ethernet hub02:35
ash_mobileI mean leftyfb makes "dock" seem trivial... So can Ubuntu emulate a dock?02:35
IntelCorei wanna learn networking inside out02:35
StormmoreIntelCore, it is fun :) I did my CCNA a few years back02:36
leftyfbash_mobile: no, a dock is basically just a bunch of extension cables and maybe some usb controllers02:36
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leftyfbash_mobile: I still don't get the point of all this02:36
cricket_hi, I have glibc 2.23 installed and I need 2.27 for a program. how should i properly install 2.27 without breaking anything?02:37
Stormmoreleftyfb, technical it could but you would have to write the software to do it02:37
leftyfbStormmore: you mean hardware emulation software02:37
leftyfbjust buy a dock02:37
Stormmoreyou being the global you, and I don't think there is enough use-cases for it.02:38
leftyfbwhy use an entire pc to emulate a dock you can get for like $20-$200 depending on features?02:38
leftyfbI just don't get the use case02:38
ash_mobileBecause that's not compact it portable02:39
IntelCorehome entertainment, a10 security devices02:39
Stormmoresave you having to have 1U KVM in your rack or crash cart at a data center is about the only 2 cases I could just about see that being useful but I can just tap the network at that point02:39
leftyfbash_mobile: I'm pretty sure almost every dock on the planet is physically smaller and weighs less than every pc and laptop02:39
cricket_hi, is anyone able to help me install glibc 2.27?02:39
leftyfbcricket_: which version of ubuntu and what is the exact package name and why do you need to do this?02:40
Diamondkaniini has invited you to join #litepub02:40
ash_mobileThe monitor, keyboard, mouse are all separate things that you have to plug in... It'd be nice to have that in deck just on my laptop02:40
ash_mobileOn deck*02:41
Stormmorea simple usb hub solves that02:41
leftyfbash_mobile: that's called a docking station, buy one02:41
leftyfbash_mobile: the fact that you're asking about this means you're not capable of writing an entire "docking station emulator" on your own, so it sounds like you just need to buy a docking station02:42
Stormmorethat brings it down 2 cables, but if your hardware is new enough that it has a thunderbolt usb type c connection, then you can truly get a usb hub that take all the peripherals and bring it down to connecting one cable02:42
cricket_@leftyb I'm using Zorin 12.4 which is a reskin of Ubuntu 16.04 if i remember correct. The program that needs glibc 2.7 is called parsec. it's not in the repositories or in a ppa, but you can find the deb on parsec.tv02:42
leftyfb!zorin | cricket_02:42
leftyfb!kali | cricket_02:43
ubottucricket_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)02:43
asphyxiahi guys, has anyone ever heard of sunsecurity policy tools software? I installed GanttProject the other day and now this java app has been installed on my computer. I don't know where else to ask for a quick answer..02:43
leftyfbcricket_: we do not support Zorin here. Please seek support for Zorin from Zorin support channels (IRC or otherwise)02:43
cricket_okay thanks02:43
Stormmoreash_mobile, in short every solution involves a dock of some nature02:44
IntelCorefreedesktop.org has a wiki about dynadock02:44
leftyfbasphyxia: contact he GantProject for support02:44
asphyxiawell I don't know if that's when it was installed02:44
asphyxiais there a way I can check package installation dates?02:44
leftyfbasphyxia: Ubuntu does not install any java apps by default02:44
ash_mobileStormmore I don't understand the hub part, and even a traditional dock didn't let me use my laptop as the peripherals02:44
Stormmoreno you still have to use traditional peripherals. what you are wanting exactly doesn't exist02:45
ash_mobilePoop. Honestly, I had my hopes up seeing how configurable x is02:46
Stormmoreand unless you want to write the code yourself, I highly doubt it will ever exists since usb hubs and docks are cheap and easy to use02:46
Stormmoreash_mobile, all that said, if you were to tie the Ethernet over USB and X configurations together you could get pretty damn close. But that is very experimental and edge of what is possible type stuff02:47
* Stormmore loves living at the edge sometimes02:50
IntelCoreboot a vm with windows and dynadock will let one display ubuntu and other displrun the vmwith dual monitors.. ay02:54
IntelCorebut it wont go to networking02:55
ash_mobileWell, such an endeavor is far beyond me. The idea was to be able to just plug a single cable from my laptop into any one of several servers running in a cabinet and just use it as a kvm. I know they make rack consoles, kvms and network solutions, but sorta different for use cases where you actually have to go in. Just wanted to know how out there the idea was.02:55
doyouhashowdy fellow humans02:57
doyouhasanyone awake02:57
doyouhasnot sure if anyone here has had experience with rdp on linux02:58
doyouhastrying to setup apache guacamole to rdp into a linux host02:58
doyouhasand i can successfully rdp into said host from the guacamole machine, but the web client seems to be unable to connect02:58
IntelCore80 port03:01
IntelCoreto ubuntu from windows03:04
IntelCorexrdp opensource tool.03:05
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icee24kaniini has invited you to join #litepub03:56
steveoy132iklIs there anyway to install libva2 on ubuntu 16.04?04:09
NightMonkey9kaniini has invited you to join #litepub04:11
hggdhsteveoy132ikl: probably sudo apt install libva204:18
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meti29kaniini has invited you to join #litepub04:33
fxrh25kaniini has invited you to join #litepub04:42
Canonid like to have one sever with each nic on different settings04:48
leftyfbCanon: ok?04:50
neilduganHello, I have a SSH VPN setup is there anyway I can rate limit the bandwidth this uses?04:58
Matrixiumnkaniini has invited you to join #litepub04:58
Stormmoreat this rate it will take me 3 day to clone mainline-crack repo!04:59
Canonhow is it done in 18.0405:00
leftyfbCanon: https://netplan.io/examples05:03
hanasaki1how to display the entire remote desktop on a differnet computer?05:20
EriC^^hanasaki1: ubuntu has desktop sharing by default05:20
EriC^^hanasaki1: search for "desktop sharing" app and set it up05:20
EriC^^then use ""remmina" to connect (also default)05:21
hanasaki1what app do you like? and what server? is that vnc?05:21
EriC^^yes it uses vnc i think05:21
qwebirc61731Does anybody here know a good bit about encrypting Ubuntu?05:25
qwebirc61731I need to do an encryption in a very specific way05:25
Psi-JackToo vague. Meta questions are not helpful.05:29
qwebirc61731I wanted to start with finding out if anybody knows about encryption, but I can certainly explain the issue05:30
Psi-JackAnd that's what a meta question is. :p05:31
Slumlord_8kaniini has invited you to join #litepub05:32
qwebirc61731To be specific, It has to do with the limited encrytion options on the install disk.  The only option is where it says ""encrypt the new ubuntu installation for security" but that appears to encrypt the entire drive.  I only want Ubuntu related partitions encrypted, the end of the drive will have one large unencrypted partition05:34
qwebirc61731I already have the OS installed (with nothing important on it yet) so If I can encrypt the partitions after installation that'd be great.05:35
qwebirc61731The only other alternative to that which I can think of is to encrypt the whole drive with the Ubuntu installation software and then resize the encrypted system partition after to make room for the other partition but I've read that's also complicated.05:36
qwebirc61731I'm open to other ideas though, such as third party software. I'm very new to Linux and Ubuntu and literally haven't messed with it for more than two days so if I need to type commands or do something complicated I'd need to know step by step how to do it.05:36
qwebirc61731Thanks in advance for any help, if there are any other details on the problem that you need let me know05:37
qwebirc61731I can explain the hard drive partition layout if you want.05:38
qwebirc61731Any ideas or suggestions?05:41
EriC^^qwebirc61731: i wonder, could you trick the installer into thinking the drive is smaller?05:41
qwebirc61731I'm not sure, that'd be nice though if it worked05:42
qwebirc61731Perhaps if I created a partition with a filesystem that Ubuntu cant read but that seems like a longshot since it'll even read file systems like NTFS05:44
EriC^^qwebirc61731: yeah i think it would still erase the whole disk05:45
qwebirc61731Probably :(05:45
EriC^^qwebirc61731: you could install to a vm maybe and then dd it to your disk?05:46
EriC^^something to that effect05:46
EriC^^qwebirc61731: i think there are manual encryption methods maybe that you can setup before starting the installer05:48
EriC^^qwebirc61731: https://askubuntu.com/questions/918021/encrypted-custom-install05:48
qwebirc61731Sounds like it could potentially work, but I don't know all of the steps involved and only once messed with a VM a long time ago.05:50
qwebirc61731let me check out the link05:50
hanasaki1is there something more like rdp or pciop for desktop sharing and has encryption?05:54
qwebirc61731The link seems like it could be a solution but the guy who had the answers didn't explain what to do step by step.  I'm pretty new unfortunately05:55
EriC^^qwebirc61731: he did explain step by step05:56
qwebirc61731I'll give an example, just a second05:56
qwebirc61731Okay for example where he says the following:        "Setup LUKS sudo cryptsetup luksFormat --hash=sha512 --key-size=512 --cipher=aes-xts-plain64 --verify-passphrase /dev/sdb2 sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb2 CryptDisk While not necessary, it is a good idea to fill your LUKS partition with zeros so that the partition, in an encrypted state, is filled with random data. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/CryptDisk bs=4M BEWARE,05:59
qwebirc61731I have no idea how to get to LUKS, or where to type all of that in, or how to fill a LUKS partition with zeros06:01
gareth__29kaniini has invited you to join #litepub06:03
qwebirc61731It sounds like it could be a solution if I knew how to do that pre-installation stuff.06:04
qwebirc61731Where he says "Setup LUKS sudo cryptsetup luksFormat --hash=sha512 --key-size=512 --cipher=aes-xts-plain64 --verify-passphrase /dev/sdb2 sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb2 CryptDisk"  I'm assuming he means go to the termnal to set up LUKS by typing in all of those commands but I'm not sure, that's just a guess06:06
qwebirc61731I I'll be back in 5, I need a smoke lol06:08
hanasaki1no dice.. vnc screenshare doesnt work06:09
EriC^^qwebirc61731: yes, he is settinp up the luks on /dev/sdb2 and opening it, (assigning it to /dev/mapper/cryptdisk) and the /dev/zero command writes the zeros06:09
rotI want to install specific version of g++ compiler. (4.9) But with apt-get I can only istall the lattest. What can I do?06:12
EriC^^hanasaki1: ubuntu has screen sharing by default06:14
qwebirc61731I need to reboot in linux to test some of this out, will you be on for a few?  If not it's cool06:15
qwebirc61731Hopefully I can get on this IRC channel from the linux boot cd, some website functions go down, like streaming videos on youtube.06:17
qwebirc61731It's 2:23, on second thought I'll continue work on this tommorow.  Thanks for the link Eric, I think I'm going to give that a try.  Hopefully someone on here will be able to better explain some of the steps I'm going ot be unsure on.06:26
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neilduganHello, I have a SSH VPN setup is there anyway I can rate limit the bandwidth this uses?07:05
qwebirc22Hey! I have a problem trying to install Ubuntu from USB. I get the "Failed to load ldlinux.c32, boot failed ..." error, what's the best way to fix this?07:08
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guivercqwebirc22, are you by change trying to load a 64bit iso on a 32bit virtual machine?07:23
guivercs/change/chance sorry07:24
doakskaniini has invited you to join #litepub07:24
mappumkaniini has invited you to join #litepub07:30
Temperanyone having problems with networkmanager and using a vpn in ubuntu 18.04?07:41
bobphalanxTemper: care to elaborate? I did have yes07:42
bobphalanxI couldn't use the GUI at all, just didn't connect to the VPN07:42
bobphalanxSo what I did was run openvpn on command line, but the GUI problem seems to persist07:42
Temperbobphalanx: I can connect but after like a day or two it disconnects and won't reconnect to the vpn until a reboot. vpn is fine works great on my android.07:43
Temperbobphalanx: once the reboot it connects right back just fine07:43
digitalcold24kaniini has invited you to join #litepub07:43
bobphalanxOkay, unfortunately I cannot help you with your problem but hopefully someone here can07:45
Temperfirejail is acting up on ubuntu 18.04 and tor sandbox is not working on ubuntu 18.0407:45
Temperubuntu bugs are such a joy!!!07:46
TemperI would like to know if the delay in upgrading from 16.04 has anything to do with their upgrade program or just waiting to fix some bugs in 18.04 in general?07:46
TemperI am considering a clean install or going to debian07:47
TemperI thought the release was coming at the end of july so i went ahead and upgraded not realizing that they were going to delay it for some reason..it could have been nice if they let people know whats going on07:48
n2_My name is Terry Gillis I am being framed by a large human trafficking ring including US Marshals and SEVERAL corrupt police spread out on the east coast I have seen sheriffs raping little boys with my own eyes and am a lifelong rape victim of theirs it is on my facebook page please help us I am in johns creek ga now but have been framed in several jurisdictions please help me and my family, also forward to reporters or DOJ please.07:59
=== capella is now known as capella|away
brainwashTemper: bug 177617508:06
ubottubug 1776175 in firejail (Ubuntu) "No Internet connection when starting 'firejail firefox' since firefox 60" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177617508:06
TemperI saw that one. mine is a little different their is apparently a few bugs with firejail and ubuntu 18.04 that need to be worked out.08:09
egos15kaniini has invited you to join #litepub08:10
Tempergetting invites and it won't let me join lol08:12
BootScoutI ve been using dual boot windows 10 with Kubuntu for a while now08:15
BootScoutI had Ubuntu on a 500 gb hdd and windows 10 on another 500 Gb hdd08:16
BootScoutboth were runnning out of space so I bought a new Western Digital 2Tb hdd08:16
BootScoutthen i used dd to clone windows to the new drive and then did the same with the kubuntu home partition08:17
BootScoutthen I booted into windows and set the old 500 Gb hdd to unalocated space08:18
BootScoutthe next time I tried to boot windows I got 0cx000000e error08:18
BootScoutI tried this to fix it: http://www.screwloose.com.au/windows-10-bootrec-the-requested-system-device-cannot-be-found but still I get the same error08:20
BootScoutafter the cloning process I used boot repair to restore grub08:22
EriC^^BootScout: you only cloned the partition for windows?08:23
EriC^^not the partition table08:23
BootScoutEriC^^: I cloned it all08:25
BootScoutEriC^^:  I can see there the Fat32 boot/Efi partition with Gparted08:25
BootScoutEriC^^: I used this method: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19141/clone-a-hard-drive-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/08:27
CoolerZis there an app to sync clipboard between pc and phone?08:27
CoolerZi found one called kde connect, are there better ones?08:27
hateballCoolerZ: KDE Connect is great08:28
hateballI think GNOME might have something similar (soon?)08:28
BootScoutEriC^^:  but I used Kubuntu instead of the live cd (Kubuntu / ) is still in its old 500Gb I only cloned /home to the new 2Tb Hdd08:28
azi`each time I use alt+tab ubuntu only switches between windows of different types (browser, terminal,..) so if I have 10 terminal windows open its pretty annoying having to switch between them08:29
azi`is there a way to tell him to treat each window individually?08:29
guivercazi`, i'm not a gnome user; but I thought when you paused on terminal - it'd switch from tabbing between programs, to within that program (ie. your 10 terminal windows)...08:35
CoolerZis there a google drive client for ubuntu 18.04 ?08:35
CoolerZi need it a desktop client in order to sync folders08:36
CoolerZit to be a*08:36
hateballCoolerZ: Not an official one, but there are things like Grive2 or the "online accounts" in both KDE Plasma and GNOME08:37
azi`guiverc: nope08:38
guiverci'm probably thinking of another desktop sorry; no sure if this helps sorry (https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/15/alternatetab/)08:42
guivercs/no sure/not sure/... typo sorry08:42
azi`i'll check it out thanks08:43
guivercmay also be useful - https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-gnome-shell-extensions-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux08:44
arekHello, I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04, however, as expected Firefox stutters and is slow. Normally I'd just install proprietary AMD drivers, but I read that they are no longer supported since 14.04 and I'm stuck with the open source ones. I don't know what to do now, try to update the drivers I already I have? (I JUST installed the newest Ubuntu) or...?08:46
arekI have a HD 4570 graphic card so I can't use AMDGPU-PRO driver because it doesn't support my card08:48
EriC^^BootScout: do you get grub right now?08:54
BootScoutEriC^^: yes and I can use kubuntu08:56
BootScoutEriC^^:  I get the windows boot option but when I choose it I get to the 0cx000000e error08:56
EriC^^BootScout: i see, type in kubuntu "sudo ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999"08:57
BootScoutEriC^^: I am at the office right now...08:57
BootScoutEriC^^:  I am far from my computer...08:58
EriC^^BootScout: take a look here https://neosmart.net/wiki/0xc000000e_selected_entry_could_not_be_loaded/08:59
BootScoutEriC^^:  but from 18:00 onwards I will be happy to follow your advice08:59
EriC^^BootScout: ok, it also might be due to some filesystem compromise09:00
EriC^^i got the same error about not finding \winload.exe after using ntfsresize to shrink a windows install09:01
BootScoutEriC^^: I already tried to repair it with the windows installation disk09:01
EriC^^BootScout: if you successfully rebuilt the efi partition and bcd stuff and it still did that, i'd check the hdd for damage or something like that using smartctl from smartmontools package09:01
EriC^^BootScout: are you sure kubuntu is booting the right windows efi partition file? are both disks still plugged in?09:02
BootScoutEriC^^:  I followed this fix: http://www.screwloose.com.au/windows-10-bootrec-the-requested-system-device-cannot-be-found09:02
BootScoutEriC^^:  and it all happened like it is posted there...but still get the same error09:03
EriC^^BootScout: make sure 1 hdd is plugged only, then rebuild the bcd and bootrec, then boot into kubuntu and run "sudo update-grub"09:04
Usurp21kaniini has invited you to join #litepub09:04
EriC^^and see if it works, if it doesn't then run a smart test on the hdd, or chkdsk from a windows install prompt and try it's auto recovery stuff09:04
BootScoutEriC^^:  1 HD?09:04
EriC^^BootScout: yeah, do you have only the 2tb hdd plugged in?09:05
BootScoutEriC^^:  Kubuntu is on a 500 HDD and Windows on the new 2Tb Hdd09:05
BootScoutI have all the HDD connected09:05
EriC^^BootScout: well, you need to make sure it's booting the right efi file in grub09:05
BootScoutEriC^^:  how?09:06
EriC^^BootScout: look at the menu entry in "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"09:06
BootScoutI installed grub organizer but I dont think that will fix a thing09:06
EriC^^see if the efi partition UUID match the actual windows one09:06
BootScoutso boot/grub/grub.cfg okay...I need to check there whether the efi is in the sdb partition where the cloned windows partitions are or not09:08
BootScoutgot it09:08
=== fuzion is now known as txtechnow
testgsvis it possible to use reprepro to copy all packages from one distribution to another? I see the command for it (reprepro copy dest source package name) but I tried '*' and it didn't work :(09:16
EriC^^BootScout: actually, the UUID's would be the same if you cloned the disk, and ubuntu could get confused about which efi partition to boot, so it actually mounts the kubuntu one that has the same UUID09:23
EriC^^ah he's gone09:24
Pr070calhi guys how do i switch a program to another screen09:28
Pr070caleg if my tv is off so i cant see the window and i opened the program on that screen last so it opens again on that screen how do i move it to another screen09:29
Pr070cali have my unity dock bar im wondering is there a package09:30
Pr070calhi i tried to use compiz to switch apps between screens when i run it it says i have to use --replace to replace the window manager but my dock and activities bar disappear09:47
guivercPr070cal, I don't use Unity, but some environments have an option to select where windows open, eg. openbox settings -> window manager preferences -> prefer to place windows on (i have "the monitor with the mouse" selected) - you could look in tweaks?09:48
Ssss_hello. can someone help me with downgrading a software please? I am having trouble with the new "catfish" so I want to downgrade to the version 1.4.2-3. Therefore I tried the command "sudo apt-get install catfish=1.4.2-3" but it allows replies that it cannot find this version. What can I do? Thank you in advance!09:48
Ssss_-allows +always09:48
guivercSsss_, you could look at `apt-cache showpkg catfish` to see what versions are available09:51
Ssss_It only shows the newest version 1.4.4-109:53
Ssss_Somehow there is a right-click bug for catfish. Someone else reported that already. If you select more than one file in the search you cannot right-click on it...09:54
guiverci suspected as much - my local repo keeps only the latest.. you don't by chance have it in apt archives do you  (/var/cache/apt/archives/)09:55
Ssss_I just installed the newest version of Xubuntu, therefore I think I do not have it.09:56
Ssss_Do you know any other program in which I can search for files by name to select it and move it to another place?09:56
JimBuntuSsss_, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/catfish_1.4.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb ?09:57
vicenteH7kaniini has invited you to join #litepub09:58
GekkoIs it possible to remove netplan from Ubuntu 18 and simply use systemd-networkd?09:59
guivercSsss_, ps: when it's installed; make sure you `apt-mark hold catf...` to ensure it doesn't upgrade again... :)10:00
BluesKajHey folks10:03
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Ssss_So what do I have to type? When I install catfish, then it upgrades right away10:06
Ssss_I install and afterwards I type "apt-mark hold catfish" ?10:06
Ssss_Oh ok10:08
JimBuntuSsss_, I think that is all you need to type, checking10:08
Ssss_I just typed it.10:08
Ssss_Now I installed10:08
gt8ost4ldoes anybody here know where clementine media player stores the music?10:08
Ssss_I will have one more try. I will tell you if it works.10:09
Ssss_Somehow it does not work.10:11
JimBuntuSsss_, You may need to remove the hold (set to auto), then purge all catfish, then install the version I linked to with && apt-mark hold catfish10:12
JimBuntuSsss_, Normally a system doesn't immediately update a package within seconds of one being manually installed10:13
Ssss_1. I install the program 2. I type the line10:14
Ssss_3. I open the program 4. I check the version and it's 1.4.4-1 again.10:14
Ssss_Somehow the right-click works, but it does not work to show the selected files in the normal window10:15
Ssss_to make ctrl+x10:15
Ssss_and paste it into another window10:15
JimBuntuSsss_, did you remove / purge the program first?10:15
Ssss_Yes I did10:15
JimBuntuDouble check the ~/.config directory for any remnants and such, I wonder if others are reporting the same issue10:16
JimBuntulol, disconnect your internet while you install and then run the program10:16
JimBuntuPerhaps you need to also remove any cached version from apt10:17
JimBuntuSsss_, if it persists, see if unattended-upgrades is enabled, if so, disable it first10:17
SinmokI'm trying to install webmin on ubuntu server 18.04. When I install apt-get install webmin i get the following error:10:18
Sinmoken packages.10:18
SinmokAny ideas please?10:18
JimBuntu~paste | Sinmok10:18
JimBuntu!paste | Sinmok10:18
ubottuSinmok: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:18
SinmokLike that?10:19
JimBuntuSinmok, sudo apt-get install -f10:19
JimBuntuSinmok, also... are you installing from Ubuntu repos or from a PPA?10:21
Trukhello i am trying to reinstall grub2 with efi on ubuntu from a live cd and i am trying to use chroot10:23
Truki have chroot: failed to run command /bin/bash no such file or directory10:23
BluesKajwebmin is no longer available in the repos, so it's not supported here afaik10:23
Truki followed this answer  https://superuser.com/questions/376470/how-to-reinstall-grub2-efi10:23
=== 17SAANVHR is now known as txtechnow
SinmokI added "deb http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib" so my sources.list10:28
Sinmoklike their docs explained10:28
EriC^^Truk: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"10:29
BluesKajSinmok, did you update and upgrade before trying to install?10:29
SinmokBluesKaj yes10:29
SinmokI did apt-update and a dist upgrade too10:30
Holo27kaniini has invited you to join #litepub10:32
ketralniskaniini has invited you to join #litepub10:34
stemidhow do you "Up" an interface on ubuntu 16? I'm not used to ubuntu but I added two dummy interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces.d/dummy and tried ifup dummy0 and ifconfig dummy0 up but none of those recognize the interfaces yet. I also tried to restart the networking service but it fails saying the dummy interfaces are not recognized.10:40
stemidI did auto dummy0 first so I assume the auto part would create the interface.10:40
stemidand I don't have NetworkManager.10:40
stemidhm maybe I need to ip link add dummy0 type dummy first. but is that persistent across reboot?10:41
supermariobronzestemid do your interfaces show up with ip add ?10:42
stemidno I just realized I forgot dummy in /etc/modules10:42
stemidso that wouldn't work10:43
k_sze[work]Is there anyway to mount exfat in rw mode in Xenial without using fuse?10:43
stemidyup after modprobe dummy I could service networking restart without errors.10:44
stevenmanyone using apple mice with ubuntu?  i've figured out how to slow down the speed of the cursor and speed up the speed of scrolling (using xinput and modprobe) - but can't find out how to make it stop reacting to the slightest touch and scroll when it shoudln't be10:45
ppfwhy not get a proper mouse10:48
k_sze[work]I second ppf.10:49
k_sze[work]Get a Logitech LS110:49
k_sze[work]It's super cheap and very reliable.10:49
k_sze[work]I even use that with my MacBook Pro, in macOS.10:50
LinuxTabletUserWith Running Hp G6210:51
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mar77iI'm wondering about something in ubuntu. I had a problem with one of xenial's packages and installed a package from a more recent release. Central to the piece is a *.so library, so I wonder whether I have to worry about the list of packages returned by `apt-cache rdepends package`?11:00
ppfmar77i: long story short, if you mess with package dependencies you have to worry11:00
wudo_honourbut when dependencies conflict with that before versions , how to fix11:02
wudo_honourif going on , that would broke the system , and you can not rolling back11:03
ppfmanually and tediously11:03
ppfwell you can, but it'll be a lot of work11:03
wudo_honourppf.     it must have some  tools that can rolling back system11:05
ppfwudo_honour: yes, a full disk backup11:05
burzosWhat is the longer version of the story ppf?11:05
wudo_honourcan i back up to cloud storage?11:06
ppfburzos: it'll work for some time, until some package upgrade wants a specific dependency that's broken by the ones you installed from the non-standard repos11:06
wudo_honouri mean i wanna know the tools name11:06
ppfi.e., you _will_ run into a dependency conflict, the question is when11:07
burzosIf I install both versions of the library the linker can resolve which version to use with which programs?11:08
ppfpackage management doesn't work that way11:08
ppfalso, no, the linker doesn't do versioning11:09
ppfit links in whatever filename you request, no questions asked11:09
burzosSo why don't devs put the version into the lib filename?11:10
wudo_honourand   gpu driver is an issue11:10
ppfburzos: they do11:10
ppfbut the linker doesn't help you11:10
burzosThen side by side install will work fine.11:11
ppfif library clients are aware then sure11:11
wudo_honouryou’re not programmer s11:11
ppfand the package maintainers don't screw up11:11
ppfe.g., you can install multiple versions of gcc just fine11:12
burzosCan't Ubuntu require maintainers to put the versioning data into the filenames, so we can do side by side installs for everything?11:12
ppfthat's not up to the maintainers, really11:13
ppflibrary devs, client devs, and packagers for all distributions need to agree11:13
wudo_honoursure they did. but you may pay for it11:13
ppfwhich is what they do on windows11:14
ppfand after half a year the sxs cache is 10s of gigabytes of dlls11:14
burzosDisk space is cheap.11:15
mar77ihmm. is there a way I could have the *.so file load for a particular user?11:15
ppfnot fast space11:15
burzosMaking me resolve conflicting shared libraries is expensive.11:15
ppfwhich is what you want your OS to use11:15
wudo_honourbut too slowly11:15
ppfmar77i: sure, if you build it yourself you can have your user pick it up11:16
burzosmar77i: Can you use LD_PRELOAD?11:16
ppfnah, that's the wrong one11:16
ppfLD_LIBRARY_PATH is what you set11:16
ppfwe're talking linker, not loader11:17
debronguys, im trying to force my logrotate.d/custom.conf file to run, with command: logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/custom.conf   . Id doesn't show in terminal any error, it echoes "moving file.log to file.log.1" and even "compressing gzip...". But then no changes are made in the logs directory, all .log still there non-rotated (i forced logrotate -vf /etc/logrotate.d/custom.conf)11:17
ppfburzos: containers look like a way out of the versioning hell11:18
ppfyou should checkout snap/flatpak11:18
zzarris it possible to run a KaiOS app in a chroot or lxc?11:19
wudo_honourwhat app?11:19
CoolerZhey anyone here use kde connect11:20
CoolerZhow do you sync the clipboard?11:20
ppfzzarr: i'd say it's likely11:20
ppfbut since the OS is closed source, it's gonna be hard to get there11:20
zzarrppf, cool11:21
ppfbecause you need to install it in the container ;)11:21
zzarryes, but they will open up some of it11:21
cfields17kaniini has invited you to join #litepub11:22
zzarrmaybe one could make an app and study it11:22
zzarrI know it's built on Firefox OS11:22
xPackshello people11:29
HelenahHi, my friend was working on an Ubuntu thin client for a while no problem, however for no known reason, a dbus error started "Could not acquire username from session bus", it appears upon login and MATE desktop doesn't start it's top and bottom bars, instead all I see is a desktop and a home folder icon.11:30
HelenahMay I have some advice on what to do please?11:30
capacole cole11:32
capadaquele naipe11:32
capata doidao em kkkkkk11:33
Helenahcapa: There are other Ubuntu channels for other languages other than English where you will better get support.11:33
capakkkkkkkkkkk brasil ze11:34
Helenahcapa: #ubuntu-br11:34
capaaqui o bagui e doido !!!!!!11:34
Helenah#ubuntu-br = Brazzil11:35
LinuxTabletUserUbuntu 16.04 Not installing Apps11:35
JimBuntu!br | capa11:39
ubottucapa: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:39
HelenahYeah, I wondered what the command was for that.11:40
HelenahHe gone now, anyway.11:40
JimBuntuHelenah, now you know :-)11:40
HelenahThanks :)11:40
HelenahI saw people use it, however I forgot.11:40
JimBuntuHelenah, you can also replace the | with a > to make ubottu PM them instead of posting it in public.11:40
guivercLinuxTabletUser, you made a statement, but I didn't see a question?11:41
JimBuntu!paste | LinuxTabletUser11:43
ubottuLinuxTabletUser: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:43
leftyfbLinuxTabletUser: what is that link for?11:44
JimBuntuleftyfb, possibly just a little way to try and infect you11:45
waldnerI'm not finding clear information on whether it's possible to install ubuntu server without an internet connection (ie, having everything the installer needs on the ISO only or on a local mirror). Can anyone help?11:47
leftyfbwaldner: yes, it's possible11:47
JimBuntuwaldner, yes, you can install server without an internet connection.11:47
waldnerleftyfb: do I have to remaster the ISO?11:47
guivercwaldner, it will install everything, except updates that have occurred since the ISO was released, and any additional software you need of course11:48
waldnerwill that block the installation prompting for "hit ok" or so?11:48
waldner(yes, I want to do it unattended, sotty I forgot to mention)11:48
guivercLinuxTabletUser, try using a `--classic`  on your snap install command11:49
HelenahYeah, I'm interested in that too, an unattended Ubuntu installation.11:49
waldnerHelenah: unattended is easy, but I see that the installer invariably tries to connect to the internet11:50
leftyfbwaldner: unattended is non-trivial. https://askubuntu.com/questions/122505/how-do-i-create-a-completely-unattended-install-of-ubuntu11:50
guivercit's a permissions issue LinuxTabletUser, the snap you are trying to install wants access to a filesystem, and this won't work if it's limited to a 'containerized environment'11:51
HelenahAh, nice, thanks a lot, leftyfb :)11:51
waldnerleftyfb: would that NOT connect to eh internet during installation?11:51
leftyfbwaldner: if you answer the questions in the preseed properly11:51
waldnerleftyfb: what are the preseed entries that control that? I haven't been able to find information11:52
qswzguys, weird thing, I'm using an old laptop, on 17.10, I tried many times to dist-upgrade it, but no matter what I try, it stays at 17.1011:52
leftyfbwaldner: start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/s390x/apbs02.html   (first result on google)11:53
leftyfbqswz: ! upgrade11:53
leftyfb!upgrade | qswz11:53
ubottuqswz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:53
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waldnerleftyfb: I do know how to do preseeding, I do that routinely11:54
waldnerbut the installer always connects to the internet11:54
leftyfbwaldner: at what point does it try to connect to the internet?11:54
waldnerduring package installation11:55
waldneror upgrades, I'm not sure right now11:55
waldnerbut surely it downloads stuff11:55
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qswzfoo bar11:55
leftyfbwaldner: then it would make sense to determine at which exact point it's trying to "download stuff" and work from there.11:56
waldnerfirst time is when it tries to find a mirror11:57
LinuxTabletUserFat32 to NTFS11:57
leftyfbwaldner: so preset the mirror11:57
HelenahI remember college using Ubuntu 4 back in 2013 for hosting their website infrastructure.11:57
LinuxTabletUserUSB Drive11:57
HelenahI questioned it myself.11:58
guiverc(sorry - wrong window)11:58
Helenahthat excuse was "You can't upgrade Ubuntu 4 to a more modern version of Ubuntu".11:58
Ronin77hey guys i ran a sudo umount -la and now i cant run sudo to remount everything - sudo: effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges? - anyone ran into this before11:58
HelenahHow common are DBUS errors?11:58
leftyfbHelenah: except at that point they installed a 9yo OS that was 22 releases old. They were dumb for multiple reasons11:59
Helenahleftyfb: The network manager was sniggering about it as she fired an excuse for keeping Ubuntu 4 at me.12:00
HelenahYet... I was able to bind a reverse root/admin shell to several of their Windows/Linux system.12:01
ElishaHello, i want to install php7.2-fpm and it doesn't find package with apt...12:02
Elishaany ideas?12:02
leftyfbElisha: what version of ubuntu?12:03
Elisha18.04.1 LTS12:03
Elishadownloaded it minutes ago, installed it12:03
HelenahDid you do apt-get update?12:04
HelenahDid you also use apt-cache search?12:04
Elishadoesn't show the package with apt-cache12:04
HelenahIt most likely isn't in the repo, however could be another issue.12:04
leftyfbit is in the default repo12:04
HelenahThen in that cause, you got an issue with your APT cache, Elisha12:05
leftyfbElisha: pastebin: apt-cache policy php7.2-fpm12:05
leftyfbElisha: pastebin: apt update12:06
leftyfboh, it's part of universe12:07
leftyfbElisha: enable the universe repo12:07
Elishaprobably that :)12:07
Elishanow I need to find how to do that12:08
ElishaThanks, now let's see12:09
leftyfbyou should not be running a server hosting php sites if you dont know simple system administration like enabling repos12:09
HelenahEverytime I've installed Ubuntu, Universe was enabled by default...12:09
HelenahAm I missing something?12:09
ElishaI got it :)12:10
leftyfbHelenah: not on server12:10
Elishapolicy now shows candidates12:10
Ronin77Alright gather round as I tell ye the story of the Seventh Severed Head. My laptop is connected with ssh to a server with all file systems in /etc/fstab lazily unmounted. I have decided to send myself a tar of my data with Scp in case of catastrophe after reboot. I am unable to reboot the server remotely, so I must send a lad to the site to press the power button. The heat lingers on as I waste away in this wasteland called Starbucks.12:10
Elishanormally it was enabled on server in previous versions12:10
ElishaI haven't touched 18.04 version yet12:11
leftyfb!ot | Ronin7712:11
ubottuRonin77: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:11
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:12
Helenahleftyfb: Aaaah!12:12
HelenahInteresting, now that I didn't realise.12:12
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xubuntu17whello i want to install https://launchpad.net/python-distutils-extra, but there is no readme. i tried "sudo python setup.py install --user" but it replied with "Traceback (most recent call last):   File "setup.py", line 3, in <module>     from setuptools import setup ImportError: No module named setuptools"12:18
ioria!info python-setuptools12:20
ubottupython-setuptools (source: python-setuptools): Python Distutils Enhancements. In component main, is optional. Version 39.0.1-2 (bionic), package size 321 kB, installed size 1382 kB12:20
ioria!info python3-setuptools12:20
ubottupython3-setuptools (source: python-setuptools): Python3 Distutils Enhancements. In component main, is optional. Version 39.0.1-2 (bionic), package size 241 kB, installed size 1288 kB12:20
Ronin77_i am now registered, can i get some assistance12:20
Guest85759!14.04 |ioria12:23
ubottuioria: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes12:23
Guest85759Not Problems12:23
guivercRonin77_, ask your Ubuntu Support question (try & keep to a single line), if someone has the answer, they'll provide it when they can12:26
Ronin77_Thank you guiver. I ran a sudo umount -al command while connected via SSH, and now I can't run sudo so I cannot remount anything, and I'm wondering if I manually reboot the machine will this solve the problem?12:28
Helenah Hi, my friend was working on an Ubuntu thin client for a while no problem, however for no known reason, a dbus error started "Could not acquire username from session bus", it appears upon login and MATE desktop doesn't start it's top and bottom bars, instead all I see is a desktop and a home folder icon.12:31
AlericAnyone official here taking a bug report?12:35
guivercRonin77_, I can only give my own opinion (I've never done it), i'd bet yes.12:35
AlericA problem that I ended up with is something that I see back in many google results; for example: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029509/no-gui-after-kubuntu-18-04-lts-upgrade-from-17-10   Accepted answer, quote: "It turns out that the lightdm package was left in a broken state after upgrading. The sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm command ended up exiting with an error and saying that the lightdm package was broken or not completely installed."  This is what12:37
Alerichappened to me and a lot of others too.12:37
guivercAleric, if you want to file a bug report, why not go to launchpad & file it yourself?  you'll be better at it as you'll know more info about what occurred etc12:40
Alerichttps://askubuntu.com/a/1032384/493223  <-- another (of many) that say this.12:41
guivercAleric, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs , https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/report-ubuntu-bug.html.en12:41
ash_mTo beat a dead horse (just to be clear), this is what I was talking about: http://g.jk.gs/IE.png12:43
ash_mEverything is better with a dot graph12:47
neo_a_geekHow to configure apache sticky session?12:49
neo_a_geeklet's speak about apache12:50
neo_a_geekstickiness what is it?12:50
Alericguiverc: that seems to be for reporting a bug on a specific program, not for the 18.04 upgrade release.12:51
trfhi all12:51
JimBuntuneo_a_geek, session stickiness? As in always making sure the same "instance" handles requests from the same session user?12:51
neo_a_geekAlina-malina, Что ты тут забыла?12:52
neo_a_geekAlina-malina, тебя ж тут раньше небыло сучка )))))12:52
guivercAleric, you probably used `do-release-upgrade` to do the upgrade - so file on that... if it's the wrong package, hopefully a bug-squad member will correct package...12:52
neo_a_geekAlina-malina, Давай общаться? Ты там?12:52
neo_a_geekAlina-malina, Алина, Алина... )))12:53
Mr-PotterHello everyone12:54
ash_mWhere's the bot that pipes everything through Google Translate?12:54
Mr-PotterCan I discuss Linux Mint given that it is a Ubuntu deritative?12:54
Mr-PotterI've just been banned from their support channel that's all, it's not really a Mint specific issue just a case of the OS not booting12:55
ash_mMr-Potter neo_a_geek is talking about Apache! You're pretty good if you talking about anything OSy at this point12:55
JimBuntuMr-Potter, Well, Mint isn't an official flavor, I don't think12:55
sadvebarhow to install pulse effects12:55
Mr-Potterash_m: Thanks12:55
Mr-PotterJimBuntu: Correct12:56
sadvebarcan you help me12:56
Mr-PotterWell what's happened is that I've dual booted Windows 7 starter with Linux Mint 19. Initially I could only boot Linux not Windows, after restoring the windows mbr I can only boot Windows not Linux12:56
Mr-PotterWhat should I do?12:56
Alericguiverc: Sorry, I am STILL trying to find out how to report anything - this is WAY too complex for me. I don't have time to do a one-hour study before I can even begin to type a bug report :/12:59
guivercAleric,  `ubuntu-bug do-release-upgrade`  & follow the questions... (you'll likely be asked for password, be taken to a browser but just follow what it says)13:01
jocicHello guys, how are you? I was just wondering, is there a way to easily create a fake wireless network interface if you only have an ethernet adapter?13:05
ash_mjocic a virtual interface?13:06
Helenahjocic: Depends what you mean by fake wifi interface13:06
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HelenahYou could plug a wifi AP into your nick, and configure it to connect to an AP for a net connection13:07
Mr-PotterIn other words how I do reinstall grub and get it to pick up my Windows installation and Linux distro?13:07
HelenahBut this is physical, it's not pseudo, or virtual13:07
Mr-PotterShould I reinstall Mint?13:08
kimouse boot-repair to reinstall grub13:08
jocicash_m: Yes. I managed to create a virtual ethernet with "ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1" but is it possible to do the same thing for a wireless interface on a machine without one?13:08
HelenahI just don't understand the point of a virtual wifi interface, when you can just use veth13:09
EriC^^Mr-Potter: boot a live usb and reinstall grub to the mbr13:09
Mr-PotterEriC^^: Thanks13:09
HelenahPlease, enlightenment13:09
EriC^^Mr-Potter: https://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd13:09
jocicBasically, I need a wireless interface on several machines for people to play with wireless-tools package.13:12
jocicAnd I would like to avoid buying 10 wi-fi adapters.13:13
memphistojocic: moraces da kupis 10 wifi adaptera; kako ces da trazis wifi mreze i konektujes se na njih ako je virtualni interface13:14
Helenahjocic: Are you a tutor?13:15
jocicIt's probably not possible, but I wanted to ask just in case someone knows.13:15
HelenahIf so, then I've been enlightened.13:15
TJ-jocic: as far as I'm aware the 'iw' tool can only create /additional/ virtual interfaces on a real wireless interface. I don't think there's an 'emulated' option13:15
HelenahHowever, I've never done it myself, nor have I seen solutions which encorporate it.13:15
Helenahjocic: TP-Link do the cheapest routers13:16
HelenahIf you wanna bunch of em as throwaway educational toys.13:16
jocicBah, alright. Thanks guys, you've been very helpful!13:16
HelenahI picked a model up for £1613:16
Helenahcheaper than the pi13:16
memphistojocic: ima 2 wifi usb adapetera za pozajmicu13:17
HelenahHowever, if you still don't wanna spend cash, then I don't know what to suggest.13:17
TJ-jocic: however, you /can/ use the kernel module mac80211_hwsim to create a simulated interface13:17
HelenahTJ-: Really?13:17
HelenahInteresting, well thanks for letting me know.13:17
TJ-jocic: read "modinfo mac80211_hwsim"13:17
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TJ-jocic: in the kernel source, there's the document ./Documentation/networking/mac80211_hwsim/README13:18
jocicWow, will do. Thanks TJ, I'll check it out immediately!13:18
Guest54822Connected Wi-Fi Card Broda13:19
Guest54822Connected Wi-Fi Card Broadband13:19
TJ-jocic: here it is on http: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/mac80211_hwsim/README13:19
Helenahjocic: You should look through the kernel's menuconfig options, I've had a look myself in different kernel versions, there are a lot of very interesting stuff which you wouldn't think the kernel supported.13:20
HelenahLots of goodies in there! Have a play around with the Linux kernel in a VM, you'll like it.13:21
noah25kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:22
HelenahOn my Ubuntu MATE thin clients, a user can plug a storage medium in, and it mount with MATE, however when they come to eject the disk with MATE, they get permission denied. what is the cause of this?13:22
AbbeyRipstra14kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:25
HelenahMessage to all: Invite spam to #litepub is not caused by the litepub community, has nothing to do with Ubuntu.13:26
jocicThis is exactly what I needed. Simply loading the "mac80211_hwsim" module creates two wireless network interfaces.13:27
jocicAnd fake AP can be created using the hostapd. Wonderful.13:27
elricsfateHey all13:27
Guest28594kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:27
TJ-jocic: glad you got it sorted13:27
elricsfateWill someone with a working Nvidia Optimus setup using Proprietary drivers mind sharing the output of the following command?13:27
elricsfatecat /etc/alternatives/i386-linux-gnu_egl_conf | nc termbin 9999 && cat /etc/alternatives/i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf | nc termbin 9999 && cat /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf | nc termbin 9999 && cat /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf | nc termbin 999913:28
elricsfateTL;DR I screwed up my alternatives and I'm trying to fix them13:28
elricsfateI removed mesa at one point trying to get everything working and while it is mostly working, I seem to be having some strange graphical glitches occasionally and certain things in KDE aren't appearing (Like my profile photo on the login page)13:28
elricsfateWould greatly appreciate it13:28
HelenahGuys? may I recommend channel mode +r for now?13:28
HelenahThis will prevent unregistered people from joining, often spammers don't register.13:29
Helenahand it's temporarily added to the channel modes, then removed later on.13:29
elricsfateThat's a good idea Helenah. I logged into my client today and found I had about 300-400 spam messages13:29
sveinseelricsfate: I'm running nvidia properitary drivers on a hybrid graphics laptop. how do I know if I'm running optimus or not?13:30
elricsfateYou definitely are13:30
elricsfateThat setup is optimus (Dual GPU on laptop) sveinse13:30
Helenahand the litepub community is being burdoned by people joining just to question them about the spammers. It is not fair on them, now I'm not suggesting that the spam is only happening in the Ubuntu community, however it is a problem which this channel could easily sort out for themselves.13:30
sveinseelricsfate: because I don't have any of the files you listed on my 18.04 system13:31
elricsfateI'm on 16.0413:31
elricsfateSo that might be it13:31
leftyfbHelenah: feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-ops13:31
elricsfateDoes that entire path not exist or just those particular files?13:31
sveinseelricsfate: uhm, /etc/alterntivates/ exists yes. But not the given conf files13:32
elricsfateMind pasting the output of ls /etc/alternatives/*egl*13:32
elricsfatemaybe it's under a slightly different name13:32
elricsfateI honestly may just spin up a virtual machine and recreate everything to see what it has there13:33
sveinseBtw, I've had pain up to my neck with optimus AND being on a laptop on the move (= changing displays). After I installed 18.04, all this has gone away more or less13:33
sveinseelricsfate: no match to *egl* in /etc/alternatives13:34
elricsfateGotcha, thanks sveinse13:34
elricsfateIs 18.04 currently LTS?13:34
Helenahelricsfate: anything with .04 is an LTS release13:34
trobotham17kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:34
hateballHelenah: that's not true, for instance 17.04 is EOL and not an LTS13:35
Elishaeven number year is a LTS release :P13:36
betawaffle8kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:36
HelenahElisha, hateball, that I didn't know.13:36
Helenahand I thought I knew13:37
HelenahMy apologies13:37
JimBuntuyeah, .04 only means released in April.13:38
hateballHelenah: LTS are released in april every 2 years13:38
HelenahI knew that for defo, JimBuntu13:38
JimBuntuTo be clear, that's the roadmap... which has been deviated from before.13:39
HelenahOkay, I'll remember that for next.13:39
hateballJimBuntu: well true, there's 6.06 :p13:39
JimBuntuYeah, I think this is party why they gave themselves so much time difference between LTS and only do the flavors for 3 years13:41
breitenj19kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:47
AC`97_kaniini has invited you to join #litepub13:55
lenovo_my btbegv14:02
prettymuchbryce2kaniini has invited you to join #litepub14:08
zzarrI have a server running Ubuntu server 16.04.5 LTS, when I run do-release-upgrade it don't find any new release14:09
zzarrI have all the latest packages installed14:09
waldnerleftyfb: using "d-i apt-setup/no_mirror boolean true" and "d-i apt-setup/use_mirror boolean false" seems to help, thanks.14:10
waldneryou got me on the right track14:10
zzarrmaksim, your test was successful14:10
tomreynzzarr: LTS upgrades to 18.04 are not supported, yet. I read soemwhere that it *may* be enabled during the coming week14:11
mdlpehi, I use this : $ find . -not -path '*/\.*' -newer dateref to get all the files modified after the date of dateref and I get this result : http://paste.debian.net/1037421/ Looks good14:11
zzarrtomreyn, okey, that explains why it's not working14:12
zzarrI read that it should have been released 23 july14:12
mdlpebut if : $ find . -not -path '*/\.*' -newer dateref | tar cvf test.tar -T - it doesn't work : http://paste.debian.net/1037422/ why ?14:14
m2jaindr0n3 ||  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----14:16
xsetkaniini has invited you to join #litepub14:18
tomreynzzarr: where did you read this?14:18
JimBuntutomreyn, point release Aug 2nd, 0.1 on July 26th - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule14:23
lotuspsychjezzarr: you want to upgrade to bionic?14:25
qwebirc92953having trouble installing ubuntu as the installer lacks network drivers for my system.  wifi is the only network i have to use and no drivers seem to be present.14:27
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qwebirc92953how can i bootstrap needed wifi drivers into the installer?14:28
acheronukqwebirc92953: people will need to know what wifi drives/card14:28
qwebirc92953note, for other reasons im using the mini iso installer14:28
qwebirc92953@acheronuk can I find that my wifi hardware in windows somewhere?14:30
qwebirc92953ok ac7260 intel dual band wireless14:32
qwebirc92953need drivers for that within the installer14:32
craigbass76Is there some weird trick to mounting an LVM? I'm trying to get stuff off a drive that has Fedora on it.14:42
yeatscraigbass76: look for /dev/<volumegroup>/<volume>14:43
yeatscraigbass76: e.g. /dev/fedora_<hostname>/home14:43
yeatscraigbass76: might also be under /dev/mapper somewhere14:44
craigbass76it's /dev/sdb214:46
craigbass76yeats, I was missing some steps... I see fedora now in /dev/ after running vgchange and lvscan14:50
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craigbass76Is it possible to mount up private dropbox folders somehow? I don't want the syncing and chewing up hard drive space on my end15:22
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H7Rcraigbass76 : no, it is not created to do so ...15:24
leftyfbcraigbass76: you can set which folders get synced in the settings for dropbox15:25
H7Rcraigbass77 it is not intented to let your HHD free of charge !15:25
kyle__craigbass76: There might be a fuse-mount for it, but most of those cache the entire object(s) locally to facility seeking15:26
craigbass76leftyfb, Right, but I have to keep subscribing and unsubscribing (depending on whose files I need to get at) and I'd rather a process like sshfs.15:26
leftyfbcraigbass76: use the web interface15:26
H7Rcraigbass76 I suggest you use github instead15:26
craigbass76:( Not my call.15:27
H7Rcraigbass76 it let you choose what you want to retrive and nothing else15:27
azizLIGHTon newer ubuntus, how do kernel updates work? lets say i install ubuntu 18.04 lts, can u expect kernel updates forever for the 5 years its supported? will they be recent versions or just security updates to an old base kernel version15:28
leftyfb!hwe | azizLIGHT15:29
ubottuazizLIGHT: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:29
H7RazizLIGHT : On LTS you have a separate deposit that send you only stable and LTS labeled releases.15:29
azizLIGHTsep deposit?15:30
azizLIGHTleftyfb: is this something thats done by default for the user, or an option15:30
H7Rupdate repository15:30
H7R *update repository server ...15:31
pragmaticenigmaH7R: Please stop, you're providing incomplete answers without consideration of the situation.15:31
H7Rpragmaticenigma : no one is perfect I try what15:32
H7RI can15:32
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT: All software is made available and updated for the support life cycle of the release. Kernel updates are provided, however, they are not bleeding edge. Security fixes are applied to the current kernel. You can enable HWE kernels, following the instructions from ubottu, which release update your machine with the latest support kernel from Ubuntu.15:33
H7Rpragmaticenigma : you don't take care of the knowledge of basic people ... I learn while i help too !15:33
mattcodekaniini has invited you to join #litepub15:33
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT: It is rare that you will need to enable HWE unless there is a specific feature in a newer kernel release you desire. All kernel security patches are applied in a timely fashion15:33
pragmaticenigmaacross all support releases of Ubuntu15:34
Sven_vBwhat's a good program to prefix each line my command outputs with a timestamp?15:34
H7RSven_vb look your .bashrc15:35
Sven_vBfound ts15:36
azizLIGHTpragmaticenigma: when you say 'release update' do you mean going from, example, 16.04 with kernel 4.4 to ubuntu 16.04.2 with kernel 4.8 ?15:37
azizLIGHTis that because of hwe or just a result of updating things regularly15:37
H7RSven_vB : this don't prefix all your command lines by a timestam ... just executed ones ...15:38
Sven_vBH7R, yeah, I wasn't clear in my question. I meant to prefix the output of my command. I think you meant to edit $PS1 etc15:38
H7RSven_vB : ok nevermind ...15:40
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: You can follow this article on changing the format of your prompt to include a timestamp. https://bneijt.nl/blog/post/add-a-timestamp-to-your-bash-prompt/15:40
azizLIGHTpragmaticenigma: so most people dont enable hwe, and with 18.04 will remain on kernel 4.15 for 5 years?15:40
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, thanks!15:40
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: One thing to consider, the timestamp will only reflect the value when it was displayed to the screen, to get current time press enter on a blank prompt15:41
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT: No15:41
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, yeah I thought so.15:41
H7Rpragmaticenigma: thank's I search it for a while for date format ...15:42
azizLIGHTnot sure what part youre saying no to15:42
azizLIGHTim on ubuntu 14.04 and still on kernel 3.13 at the moment15:42
azizLIGHTim trying to see if thats how it will be on newer releases, without doing hwe, will one be using the same kernel (but with security updates) for 5 years15:43
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT: HWE is an update channel that can be enabled that would enable 14.04 to have the latest kernel that has been built and tested with 14.04. It usually is the same as the kernel offered in the latest release of Ubuntu, but it might not15:44
azizLIGHTyes, this is how it is on 14.04, is that how it is on 18.04 as well? in 2021, will a person who installed 18.04 still be using kernel 4.15 instead of whatever kernel that might be out then in the future, if they elected to not use hwe15:46
azizLIGHTi thought this model was changing15:46
pragmaticenigma!hwe | azizLIGHT: read through these links, they are better at answering your question:15:46
ubottuazizLIGHT: read through these links, they are better at answering your question:: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:46
azizLIGHTthats why im asking15:46
azizLIGHTif 16.04 on that link is anything to go by, then yes thats what it seems like15:47
azizLIGHThttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2FSupport.A16.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support has a person on original 16.04 on kernel 4.4 for 5 years, and then no change in kernel version during that time, unless they did hwe, which is what i assume the point release 16.04.2 is how you get kernel 4.815:49
azizLIGHTdoes a point release necessarily mean someone did hwe?15:49
oerhekspoint release is 16.04.1 16.04.2 and so on, not related to HWE15:50
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT: no, security patches are backported to older support kernels. The kernel that was released with Ubuntu 14.04 has had all security patches released for it15:50
yukenCreated a new netplan config on 18.04.1, and now my NIC is listed as being down and I ain't getting an IP, wot15:51
yukena static setup15:51
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT: and going to into version numbers gets real difficult ... really fast15:51
yukennetplan debug says everythings good to go though.15:52
oerheksyuken, pastebin your netplan yaml perhaps on paste.ubuntu.com to let us see?15:54
Fede_26Hello at all15:54
yuken... I'm sorry oerheks, I'm just stupid because I've been awake for waaaay too long. I was setting ens4p0 in my plan, when my interface is enp4s0...15:54
yukenHad that issue for a damn hour and only jsust figured it out15:54
oerheksgood find15:55
yukenThough, it appears on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1, a lot of packages are... unable to be found? Like python-pip.15:56
oerheks!info python-pip15:58
ubottupython-pip (source: python-pip): Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 147 kB, installed size 655 kB15:58
oerheksit is in universe15:58
tomreyni think there's a bug affecting ubuntu server 18.04.1 where only the 'main' component of apt repositories is enabled by default15:59
yukenAh, that was it, tomreyn - thanks.16:00
oerhekstomreyn, thanks, noted.16:01
tomreyncant seem to find the bug report unfortunately16:01
tomreyngot it: bug 178312916:02
ubottubug 1783129 in subiquity "Only "main" component enabled after install" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178312916:02
Pr070calhi guys is there a channel for blu ray authoring16:06
Pr070calhow can i shrink a set of videos to fit on 25GB16:07
yukenThere might be an ffmpeg or handbrake channel on freenode? maybe.16:08
Pr070cali want to specify the size of the disc and batch transcode all the videos according to that size like dvdshrink16:08
=== JimBuntu1 is now known as JimBuntu
Stormmorewell that is nice, my git clone from git.launchpad.net that had being going for 24 hours failed! "fatal: index-pack failed"!16:09
phaze75hi there16:17
dfgg27kaniini has invited you to join #litepub16:17
phaze75am i mistaken or is there still no 18.04.1 do-release-upgrade enabled?16:17
leftyfbphaze75: you are not mistaken16:19
leftyfbphaze75: they are still working on a pretty critical bug16:19
phaze75leftyfb: ok, thanks. i read that some used the -d option. i will not. ;-)16:20
pizzadudeleftyfb , can you link the bug? im curious16:23
texlaUbuntu 18.04.1 When I open gparted the following comment appears(Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway.16:33
texla) How do I correct?16:33
leftyfbpizzadude: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-menus/+bug/176689016:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766890 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Critical,Confirmed]16:34
CoolerZis there any way to just reset the bluetooth drivers or something?16:34
CoolerZsomething is totally screwed up16:34
CoolerZwell i connect my headphones it makes by bluetooth mouse very laggy16:35
leftyfbCoolerZ: sudo rmmod bluetooth ; sudo modprobe bluetooth16:35
leftyfbCoolerZ: or reboot16:35
CoolerZand it stabilizes after a while, but if i open a new window or app then it becomes laggy for another 2 minutes16:35
leftyfbpineapplelover: hi. What can we do for you?16:35
CoolerZleftyfb, i mean like reinstall16:35
CoolerZalso my headphones' audio profile in blueman keeps switching to off after a few minutes of not playing any sound16:36
CoolerZso if i start playing a song or something after a while it goes to the laptop speakers instead16:36
CoolerZa whole bunch of weird behaviours like taht16:36
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
huhlig15kaniini has invited you to join #litepub16:37
CoolerZso anyone got any ideas?16:39
texla Ubuntu 18.04.1 When I open gparted the following comment appears(Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway.) How do I correct?16:42
CoolerZleftyfb, ?16:45
frankyis someone here?16:46
BootScoutI ve been using dual boot for a while now16:48
BootScoutI had Kubuntu on a 500 Gb hdd and windows on another 500 Gb hdd but I started to lack disk space on both so I bought a new WesternDigital 2Tb hdd16:48
BootScoutthen I used this tutorial:16:48
BootScout ...to clone windows to the new 2Tb disk and later I also cloned kubuntu /home partition to the new 2Tb disk, I did it from the Kubuntu system not from a live cd. and the kubuntu system still stands on the same old 500 Gb hdd. it all went ok (the old windows 500 hdd is unalocated  space now) since yesterday when I tried to boot windows from the grub menu and the 0cx000000e error appears. I followed this tutorial:16:48
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: your messages were cut off by the channel monitor bots, try to avoid using enter for punctuation.16:55
BootScoutpragmaticen do I need to post it again?16:56
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: Your issue appears to be a Windows problem, as Kubuntu appears to be working. This channel can only help with Ubuntu related problems. You may find assistance in ##windows16:57
BootScoutpragmaticen it is not. I used kubuntu to clone windows and I think it is a grub config issue16:58
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: The error code you posted is a Microsoft error code, not issued by Grub or Ubuntu16:58
BootScoutcommon partition table is msdos and both systems use it16:59
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: Does the error message look like the following image? https://i0.wp.com/neosmart.net/wiki/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/04/0xc000000e_Vista_Win7_Error_Screen.png?w=1024&ssl=117:00
BootScoutit is a windows 10 blue screen17:01
* Mr-Potter suggests ##windows17:01
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: That means this is a Windows problem... Grub handed booting off to the windows partition, Windows is having a problem17:01
BootScoutmight not be possible that...after the cloning grub config still tells the menu to search for the efi partition on the old hdd?17:02
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: I'm very familiar with that boot code, though this is not the correct channel to support it. You can try ##windows17:02
=== capella|away is now known as capella
pragmaticenigmaBootScout: I'm only going to offer this, Grub was able to locate the Windows partition. When user selects Windows partition, Grub hands off the boot to the Windows Boot loader. The Windows Boot Loader cannot find the windows installation, because the WINDOWS install location was moved. This is a Window problem and you need to seek help from the Windows community.17:04
=== eights is now known as Guest1167
neilduganHello, I have a SSH VPN setup is there anyway I can rate limit the bandwidth this uses?17:14
leftyfbneildugan: what is an SSH VPN? Do you mean an SSH tunnel/proxy?17:15
H7RBoyScout : normally you have to say to windows bootloader where to find windows system ...17:21
leftyfbH7R: you can help him in ##windows17:21
H7RBoyscout : normally if you plan to install windows/linux dual boot you have to install linux first, it's more easyer to install windows later ...17:22
leftyfbH7R: that is pretty wrong information17:23
H7Rleftyfb : please let me breathe ...17:23
H7Rleftyfb : okay tell us how so ... if you are so smart ...17:24
H7Rleftyfb you don't want answer so please don't do ...17:24
leftyfbH7R: Ubuntu has the ability to resize storage to make room for itself and then adds Windows installs to it's GRUB menu. While Windows doesn't know what to do with Ubuntu partitions and wants to just wipe them and not look back. The Windows boot loader will not add Ubuntu to any boot menu.17:25
oerhekswindows issue, boring17:25
H7Rleftyfb : I KNOW about that but each time i tryed i had to reconfigure the windows bootloader17:25
leftyfbAn Ubuntu install will literally make room for itself and preserve and work alongside Windows all in one install and boot. Windows requires Fixing your GRUB install after using some other utility to make room for itself.17:26
H7Roerheks : yep but not unsolvable ...17:26
H7Rleftyfb : that why i had to reconfigure the windows bootloader17:27
H7Rleftyfb : since the resizing tool change the HDD windows have to handle these changes, unfortunately windows sucks about that so the user have to handle it ...17:29
H7Rleftyfb: of course you cannot launch linux throug windows bootloader, of course you have to add windows launch in grub, but windows doesn't work well after a window's partition resizement... So the user have to handle this problem and why it's better to install windows later for the user ...17:38
leftyfbH7R: In my experience, I've never had to do any sort of recovery for Windows to boot after installing Ubuntu dual boot17:41
_devHey all. Is there anyway that I can set a pam module to only be invoked if it hasn't been successful in the past 5 minutes or so?17:41
H7Rleftyby : apparently you didn't installed a dual boot with post windows XP  :)17:49
pragmaticenigma_dev: would you be able to narrow the scope of your question to what you are experiencing and would like to see happen?17:52
_devpragmaticenigma: I have a pam_module that does 2FA. If someone successfully authenticates, I'd like them to not be prompted to authenticate as long as their last successful session was within 5 minutes ago17:53
pragmaticenigma_dev:  so something like an expiring auth token?17:55
_devpragmaticenigma: yes! i think so.17:56
pragmaticenigma_dev: emulating how "sudo" doesn't require reentry of the password for each successive command?17:56
_devYes. Exactly.17:56
_deva sudo ticket.17:56
muhammadjoin daisy18:01
jcdutton_dev, If they have successfully authenticated, why do they need to authenticate again?18:02
hurvajz-lubuhi everybody18:03
hurvajz-lubui need small help, is there anybody?18:05
gdibassdont ask to ask, just ask your question18:05
vfwhurvajz-lubu: In other words, there are many bodies.18:06
hurvajz-lubuneed to install deb package but it have dependecies18:07
pragmaticenigma_dev: I'm not seeing anything with a general search for pam_module. I would have to think that the module itself needs to support that feature, I don't think it is a global setting for it18:07
pragmaticenigmajcdutton: If they are remote, the end user may be attempt to start multiple ssh sessions18:08
pragmaticenigma!ask | hurvajz-lubu18:09
ubottuhurvajz-lubu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:09
pragmaticenigma!details | hurvajz-lubu18:09
ubottuhurvajz-lubu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:09
oerhekshurvajz-lubu, install the deb, and run apt update -f # to get dependencies18:09
hurvajz-lubuoerheks thanx18:10
jcduttonpragmaticenigma, but that use case is already handled. ssh with ssh-agent keys.18:14
pragmaticenigmajcdutton: I have not been able to start an ssh session from one terminal, switch to another terminal and start another ssh session without having to reenter my credentials18:20
craigbass76I've thrown some fonts into /usr/share/fonts, now how do I make the apps see them?18:25
JimBuntucraigbass76, you may want to try sudo fc-cache -vf, so a new cache list is built18:27
oerhekscraigbass76, rescan the fonts: sudo fc-cache -fv >>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/3697/how-do-i-install-fonts18:28
JimBuntucraigbass76, afair, I had simply dropped new fonts in ~/.fonts and they became available to apps started after that time.18:28
oerheksah, jim is faster18:28
craigbass76I was trying to make them system-wide.18:28
JimBuntuoerheks, I think it's often simply down to who looked at IRC at the right moment18:29
craigbass76Weird. Looks like it took, but Writer's not seeing them18:30
oerheksrestart writer?18:32
craigbass76Mousepad is though, so it must be a LibreOffice cache thing at this point.18:32
oerheksor maybe LO has this preload thingy, logout/login and see again?18:32
craigbass76oerheks, Duh... I thought I'd shut the Writer window...18:32
craigbass76There they are... Beautimus.18:33
thesebhelp! apt-get update stopped working...it just says "Reading package lists... Done" w/ no error msgs18:39
thesebusually i see lots of lines of text18:39
thesebwhy isn't it doing anything?18:39
theseb 18:39
thesebERC> aptitude update just gives a blank line?!18:39
GigabytePro5kaniini has invited you to join #litepub18:40
mortit _is_ actually really fucking annoying that usually when I run apt commands, the auto update checker is locking the dpkg database18:57
oerheksmort, lolz ( laughing at your language)18:58
mortsorry about that18:59
frankanybody there18:59
mortand I know you could disable automatic updates, but it seems unnecessary to lock the user out of their system while checking if there are upgrades abailable19:00
thesebmort: talking to me? does automatic updates cause my problem?19:05
morttheseb: no, it's a completely separate annoyance19:07
brainwashmort: is that really an annoyance? I mean how long does it take apt to check for updates?19:11
cobhi all, is there a channel specific for packaging help?19:13
cobbumping into an issue with the tutorial http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html19:14
mortbrainwash: long enough that most of the time when I boot my computer and immediately run apt commands, I end up having to wait for the completely invisible background process to complete19:14
brainwashmort: that may be true. the apt timer will run on the next boot if it wasn't able to run on time previously.19:16
=== aloo_shu2 is now known as aloo_shu
brainwashcob: maybe #ubuntu-motu19:20
cobthanks brainwash, found #ubuntu-packaging19:20
brainwashcob: there you should find the ubuntu package maintainers19:20
brainwashah ok19:20
pathfinder0kaniini has invited you to join #litepub19:28
Stormmorewhen did spamming channel invites become a problem? First time I saw this was yesterday but it has been a little bit since I last signed on!19:29
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
spook1Why would anyone want to use Windows after using Ubuntu ? There is no contest.19:31
Stormmorespook1, one word... games!19:34
capellaWindows has always felt more tight / crispier UI wise, and their code is integrated overall better ... the latest 18.04 however is hugely better19:38
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
capellaThey're corp! Their solution is top down integration, and O-S *nix is design by committee19:40
Code_Red14kaniini has invited you to join #litepub19:40
BootScoutEriC^: hello could you help me now to restore boot?19:41
spook1I am on 18.04 and finding it very good, I would definitely never go back to windows. I don't do games anyway so I can't comment on that.19:42
coblinux is like working on your carby motorcycle regardless19:43
eastjava1241hello bujang19:44
spook1I messed that up.19:45
eastjava1241hello bujang19:45
jtrucksis there a way to download just the gnome desktop and prereq packages?19:45
jtrucksI have a server install and need to add gnome, but the server can't be online so I have to sideload from flash drive or copying to the machine from my laptop.19:46
CrandallAnyone know if there's a working Xbox One Wireless Adapter driver for Ubuntu yet?19:47
jtrucksalso, I can't figure out where to find instructions on enabling a USB ethernet interface so I acn read span port data. any references someone can point me to?19:48
=== grateful__ is now known as grateful
=== qwebirc48013 is now known as EnglishInfix
bluesmonkI recently moved / and /home to an ssd, and set my older hdd to store misc data20:02
bluesmonknow everytime I want to access it, nautilus asks for permissions20:02
bluesmonkand in general I think there is a permissions issue with it, i.e. I have a gdrive client that can't use that drive for a sync folder20:03
bluesmonkIs this expected behaviour?20:03
bluesmonkshould I change permissions on the drive? do something different? I've seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive20:08
bluesmonkbut it then suggests reading/using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID which doesn't explain anything20:09
hggdhbluesmonk: / is the system folder. Moving it around must be done very carefully. I am gussing you did not quite do it right20:09
bluesmonkhggdh: with moved I meant I installed a fresh version of 18.04 in the ssd20:10
bluesmonkset two partitions there, / and /home20:10
bluesmonkand a /pgdata20:10
steelHey, can you help me with this grub error when booting ubuntu: https://goo.gl/z1CzhJ ?20:10
hggdhsteel: yes, of course.20:11
bluesmonkis this 2004?20:12
hggdhbluesmonk: ?20:12
bluesmonkfor the video. I mean20:13
hggdhbluesmonk: just spam, ignore20:13
hggdhbluesmonk: so you installed a new system on the SSD. What did you do with /home?20:14
bluesmonka new partition of the ssd, mounted in /home. That's okay actually and it's not part of my problem. I was trying to give some context20:15
hggdhbluesmonk: so the problem is now with the old hard drive?20:16
bluesmonkI set my old hd as a single ext4 volume for storing data20:16
bluesmonklike, normal data20:16
hggdhbluesmonk: it has to have a mount point, and it has to be owned by some id. Is it the same id you use for login?20:16
bluesmonkand when I access the volume with nautilus it asks for my password20:16
hggdhbluesmonk: or, did you encrypt the filesystem?20:17
bluesmonknope, nothing fancy. launched the fdisk GUI, went to sdb1, wipe everything, create single partition20:17
bluesmonknamed it "foo"20:18
hggdhso, who owns it?20:18
hggdhand, even better, it is mounted?20:18
bluesmonkyes it is mounted20:18
hggdhand who owns it?20:19
bluesmonkpermissions says: "Me".20:19
bluesmonkI'm not fond of the terminal commands for these tasks actually20:19
hggdhbluesmonk: run a ls -la on the mountpoint, and pastebin the output20:19
bluesmonkI'm seeing what is being displayed in nautilus->properties20:19
hggdhbluesmonk: unfortunately we will have to go terminal20:20
bluesmonkno problem, I was expecting that kind of help20:20
bluesmonkgive me one sec20:20
ice9if i will install ubuntu on manually configured lvm/luks partition, how can i configure the initrd to unlock the encrypted volume during boot?20:21
hggdhice9: I am not sure, but I do not think you can. It sort of defeats needing encryption20:22
bluesmonkhggdh: https://bpaste.net/show/c5f75e16e89820:26
bluesmonkand that would be a level above https://bpaste.net/show/7f4f84bc77aa20:28
bratchleydoes "apt-mark hold" prevent a package from being updated or does it just stop it from being automatically updated?20:28
tomreynice9: you mean how to update the initrd's configuration so that it will prompt for the passphrase?20:31
=== grateful__ is now known as grateful
tomreynice9: or are you asking how to configure it to decrypt fully automatically?20:31
sjumskaniini has invited you to join #litepub20:35
Kingsy11kaniini has invited you to join #litepub20:37
eelstrebori was wondering why network manager doesn't create a config file for openvpn in bionic - apparently systemd in bionic looks for an openvpn  config  file in /etc/openvpn/client which doesn't exist even though i configured openvpn with network manager20:38
eelstreborconsequently, openvpn doesn't autostart20:38
bluesmonkhggdh: should sudo chown -R bluesmonk:bluesmonk /media/bluesmonk/data/ be enough?20:39
eelstreborit's been reported as a bug but i don't like the workaround20:39
ice9tomreyn, to ask for the passphrase20:40
eelstreborthe workaround shouldn't have been necessary (but it is)20:40
bluesmonkhggdh: it did20:41
duckgoose7kaniini has invited you to join #litepub20:41
bluesmonklol thanks20:41
wendicohello there20:44
tomreynice9: you just configure everything as it would be on the final installation, such as /etc/crypttab, lvm.conf, /etc/fstab, make sure you have a working kernel and grub installed on the right devices, then update-initramfs -k all -c.20:45
wendicoexcuse my oftopic cuestion, i try to talk to #ubuntu-server channel but i get cannot send to channel error, any hint please? im on ubuntu pidgin. thank you very much20:46
tomreynhello wendico20:46
tomreyn!register | wendico20:46
ubottuwendico: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.20:46
wendicohey tomreyn, glad to see you my mentor20:46
wendicofollowing to register20:47
tomreynhehe, thats not a designation for life20:47
wendicoi tryed to say hello on ubuntu server20:47
wendicoi wrotted so much i love u tomreyn bla bla bla, my server is up bla bla bla, then get, cannot send to channel hehehe20:47
wendicobut take that as saying it again hehe^^20:48
wendicoexcuse me, the "Type « /msg nickserv register passw.... bla bla" command to register, should i do here in chat or in console? ty20:49
xamithanxThats not really a ubuntu question20:53
wendicoall right, sorry old man here, keeping on topic no on20:54
tomreynwendico: better handle anything involving passwords on the console window. and consider using a proper irc client (pidgin is not IMO). any further assistence with irc may be available in #freenode20:55
wendicook i may be offtopic but FOR UBUNTU, what is a proper irc client. Thanks tomreyn, im always happy to learn from u20:56
xamithanxhexchat is pretty easy if you want a GUI20:57
eelstreborand there's no indicator to show the vpn is active20:58
tomreynwendico: if you're looking for airc client for ubuntu,a nd a GUI one, then hexchat can be a good choice, yes. but you may be looking for one for a different OS, in which case this is indeed not the right channel to get support with it.21:00
wendicoexactly, ty tomreyn u know my situation, but the answer also helps, so installing hexchat here on my new ubuntu desktop and trying to register my nick so we can talk in the right channel21:02
wendicoi guess im on the right path i just take so long..... age....21:02
=== QueenBee is now known as Guest35297
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=== capella is now known as capella|away
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
dynhozitohi all21:34
ice9if i installed ubuntu on manually partitioned lvm/luks, how can i make it prompt for the passphrase during boot?21:35
xamithanxWell if you set it up correctly it'll prompt to unlock21:36
Tin_manI think that's what he was asking.21:37
xamithanxYou need to add the lines to /etc/crypttab then put whatever you named it as in fstab21:40
ice9xamithanx, i add the crypttab but it still doesn't prompt for it21:42
xamithanxI know this guide is arch but it should all be the same: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/System_configuration#Mounting_at_boot_time21:42
xamithanxSee if you missed an option somewhere,  or didn't add a timeout21:43
ice9i have arch working with luks/lvm, i tried the same thing but with ubuntu and it didn't work21:44
DenSchub21kaniini has invited you to join #litepub21:44
qwebirc74976Hi! I am experimenting problems using a liveUSB of Ubuntu to install 18.04lts. The computer keeps telling please insert a bootable device after selecting the usb peripheral in boot menu. Anyone could investigate that issue with me by any chance?21:45
qwebirc74976What could cause Ubuntu 18.04 liveUSB not to be recognized as a bootable device by computer?21:52
xamithanxbad iso,  bad iso burn procedure,  bad usb, usb being labeled as fixed disk not removable,  wrong partition type,  no syslinux files on usb.  Really too many things to list21:53
xamithanxOh and also secure boot option enabled when it should be disabled21:54
sirensari2also windows fast boot or w/e it's called21:56
mu11vad3nIf you used some software to create the live usb, sometimes the software is crap and only want to use legacy boot21:58
sirensari2i like e2b21:59
posied0njust use the iso file to boot the os21:59
fpghost84Hi just upgraded to 18.04, but thunderbird now no longer appears to minimize to system tray. Any way I can fix this?22:02
wendicohello, do you recommend install chrome on my ubuntu 18.04.1 ? And as a new ubuntu user, for home desktop do u suggest any software to install that doesnt come by default? Thank you.22:04
leftyfbwendico: try #ubuntu-offtopic22:04
wendicoleftyfb: thank you, following to channel22:06
qwebirc74976May I install from an ISO on that is in the partition where I would like to install Ubuntu 18.04?22:07
qwebirc74976Sorry, some words had to be erased. Using the iso to boot the OS, can the iso be on the same SSD drive and partition I will be installing Ubuntu 18.04?22:10
xamithanxI don't believe so22:12
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/22:12
EnglishInfixThat's not going to work. How did you create the USB key you were using before?22:12
qwebirc74976Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator with a fresh iso download from Ubuntu.com of 18.04.22:13
bluesmonkqwebirc74976: try etcher.io22:14
lyricsguynothing personal but if insect fuck me i dont get back22:15
leftyfblyricsguy: trolling is offtopic here22:16
lyricsguy_Oh no, oh no22:18
lyricsguy_Oh yeah22:18
lyricsguy_Diridiri, dirididi Daddy22:18
lyricsguy_Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote22:18
lyricsguy_Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY)22:18
lyricsguy_Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome22:18
leftyfblyricsguy_: please stop22:18
lyricsguy_Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh)22:18
lyricsguy_Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal22:18
lyricsguy_Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan22:18
leftyfb!op | lyricsguy_22:18
ubottulyricsguy_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax22:18
lyricsguy_Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah)22:18
lyricsguy_Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal22:18
lyricsguy_Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más22:19
lyricsguy_Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro22:19
lyricsguy_refrain begin:22:19
lyricsguy_Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito22:19
oerhekslyricsguy_, stop it, thanks22:19
lyricsguy_Deja que te diga cosas al oído22:19
lyricsguy_Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo22:19
lyricsguy_Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito22:19
lyricsguy_Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto22:19
lyricsguy_Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)22:19
lyricsguy_(Sube, sube)22:19
lyricsguy_Quiero ver bailar tu pelo22:20
lyricsguy_Quiero ser tu ritmo22:20
lyricsguy_Que le enseñes a mi boca22:20
lyricsguy_Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)22:20
leftyfbhggdh: Flannel: ^22:20
lyricsguy_Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro22:20
lyricsguy_Hasta provocar tus gritos22:20
leftyfblyricsguy_: cut it out22:20
lyricsguy_Y que olvides tu apellido22:20
lyricsguy_refrain end22:20
PrestigeI don't know what's happening22:20
lyricsguy_Si te pido un beso ven dámelo22:20
lyricsguy_Yo sé que estás pensándolo22:20
lyricsguy_Llevo tiempo intentándolo22:20
PrestigeDrone, Sigyn22:20
Prestigecan we get a ban22:20
lyricsguy_Mami, esto es dando y dándolo22:20
lyricsguy_Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bom, bom22:21
leftyfbPrestige: idiot spammers taking advantage of a channel that has pretty dormant ops22:21
lyricsguy_Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bom, bom22:21
lyricsguy_Ven prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe22:21
lyricsguy_Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe22:21
lyricsguy_Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje22:21
lyricsguy_Empecemos lento, después salvaje22:21
lyricsguy_Pasito a pasito suave suavecito22:21
oerheksel, are you around?22:21
lyricsguy_Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito22:21
Prestige /ignore lyricsguy_22:21
theor_I thought there was a floodbot watching?22:21
lyricsguy_Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza22:21
lyricsguy_Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza22:21
lyricsguy_Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito22:21
Prestigeif anyone wants the spam to stop use that command22:21
lyricsguy_Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito22:21
lyricsguy_Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas22:22
lyricsguy_Pero pa montarlo aquí tengo la pieza22:22
b00terI dont want, it's funny22:22
qwebirc74976bluesmonk: Etcher's App is telling me Ubuntu18.04 iso is not a bootable image.22:22
lyricsguy_Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico22:22
lyricsguy_Hasta que las olas griten "¡ay, bendito!"22:22
lyricsguy_Para que mi sello se quede contigo22:22
lyricsguy_Pasito a pasito, suave suavecit022:22
lyricsguy_Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito22:22
lyricsguy_Que le enseñes a mi boca22:22
lyricsguy_Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)22:22
lyricsguy_Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito22:22
lyricsguy_Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito22:23
leftyfbqwebirc74976: tried redownloading it?22:23
lyricsguy_Hasta provocar tus gritos22:23
theor_I wonder if he'll get bored after a while22:23
wendicolol i guess should be banned22:23
lyricsguy_Y que olvides tu apellido (DY)22:23
qwebirc74976leftyfb: I will. Would you recommand the torrent download over Ubuntu servers?22:23
leftyfbqwebirc74976: nope22:23
qwebirc74976leftyfb: thanks22:24
qwebirc74976leftyfb: I will keep you informed about the result22:24
jeffreeI guess I can't edit files over mtp? I was trying to edit a text file on my android device with gedit and when trying to save it says "Could not save the file ..." "Cannot handle “mtp:” locations in write mode. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."22:25
lyricsguy_Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más22:25
lyricsguy_Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro22:25
lyricsguy_refrain begin:22:25
lyricsguy_Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito22:26
lyricsguy_Deja que te diga cosas al oído22:26
oerhekslyricsguy_, go somewhere else, thanks22:26
lyricsguy_Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo22:26
jeffreeI think you lifted that quiet too soon22:26
leftyfbjeffree: it's a bot22:26
lyricsguy_Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito22:26
lyricsguy_Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto22:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax22:26
lyricsguy_Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)22:26
lyricsguy_(Sube, sube)22:26
Temperdid ubuntu ever release that update from 16.04 to 18.04?22:28
leftyfbTemper: no. They're waiting on fixing a bug22:29
Temperwas their an issue with the updater or where their bugs with 18.04 being worked on?22:29
Temperwhat type of bug may i ask?22:29
ner0xGood afternoon Everyone. Any idea why, when trying to install Ubuntu, the liveUSB would freeze say... 20 or 30 seconds in? It's a brand new ASUS Q535UD.22:29
Temperbecause I want to know if I need to do a fresh install leftyfb22:29
ner0xEven after an install it hangs about 30 seconds after boot.22:29
Temperi updated early not realizing they were going to delay it.22:29
leftyfbTemper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-menus/+bug/176689022:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766890 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Critical,Confirmed]22:29
Temperleftyfb: mine seemed to upgrade but I did see some "bugs" i did not have in 16.04 should i do a fresh install?22:32
leftyfbTemper: use a cd/usb?22:32
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Temperno its a desktop install leftyfb22:32
leftyfbTemper: so if you're looking to reinstall, use a cd/usb to reinstall22:33
leftyfbTemper: unless you know to setup your own PXE server on your network. That'll work too22:33
Temperoh you mean if I was going to do a reinstall? I thought you mean my current setup22:33
Temperwell I have ubuntu 18.04.1 already live cd already put on a usb22:34
Temperi know how to reinstall my questions is "should" I reinstall?22:34
leftyfbTemper: up to you22:34
Temperleftyfb: is this the only bug they are waiting on? I mean seemed to upgrade fine22:35
Temperdoes this mean by install was effected by this?22:35
leftyfbTemper: not sure, you have yet t mention any issues you are experiencing22:36
Tempertor sandbox 1 feature that worked in 16.04 is not working in 18.04 firefail has a bug and others have reported issues in 18.04 on the firejail website and I network manager gnome was having an issue staying connected to a vpn and its NOT the vpn because its fine on android and after a reboot I could connect right back.. Those are the 3 main issues I am seeing22:37
Temperleftyfb: but i dont know if those are just 18.04 issues are upgrade issues.22:39
leftyfbTemper: I think the only thing you could potentially get help with here is the VPN. The rest are 3rd party projects not supported here.22:39
thefoolseems to work22:39
thefoolhia everyone22:39
lyricsguyHello, I'm yrics professional bot. I'm is work-in progress, so, expect bugs22:39
lyricsguyType one of the following commands to display the lyrics of that song22:39
lyricsguyAvailable commands: !despacito22:39
Temperleftyfb: now with the vpn it seems fine with unity but not with gnome22:40
leftyfbTemper: neither should have an affect on the connection at all22:41
Temperleftyfb: I hear what your saying its not so much getting help to fix it with those things but deciding if those are upgrade issues or 18.04 issues22:41
Temperleftyfb: dunno worked fine in 16.04 and works fine in unity.22:41
jeffreeis anyone able to write to a device connected via mtp in 18.04?22:42
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Temperleftyfb: it disconnects and wont reconnect until i reboot.22:42
Temperleftyfb: well I got another question for a fresh install after its done replacing /home and /etc should be safe correct?22:43
leftyfbTemper: I would back those up22:43
Temperleftyfb: they are backup I am talking about replacing after the upgrade..22:44
Temperthe settings should not cause problems right?22:44
leftyfbTemper: if you want to lose your files and setting, sure have at it22:44
Temperi know some settings are in /home and etc22:44
Temperleftyfb: what are you talking about ? are you reading what i am writing?22:44
Temperyou are saying stuff like you are not even paying attention22:45
leftyfbok, so do that22:45
Temperwow your a huge help22:46
illuminatedand your english sucks22:46
=== georgeowell is now known as kawaiipunk
Temperleftyfb: #windows sounds more like a channel fitting for you22:46
Temperilluminated: or maybe your reading skills suck22:46
leftyfbTemper: feel free to ask for a refund22:46
Temperleftyfb: just because its free don't mean you need to offer it just saying22:47
illuminatedit's you're not your.  that's one of the many grammatical/typing issues that make you hard to understand22:47
Temperilluminated: well if you don't know what someone means with you're compare to your then thats a personal issue for you.22:47
ner0xGood afternoon Everyone. Any idea why, when trying to install Ubuntu, the liveUSB would freeze say... 20 or 30 seconds in? It's a brand new ASUS Q535UD.22:47
Temperi am not on here to pass a english test22:48
illuminatedan english test22:48
TJ-ner0x: is that before the GUI desktop starts, or after?22:48
Temperthats your own personal issues22:48
leftyfbTemper: and we're not here to translate your lack of grammatical effort22:48
Tempertake your meds22:48
Temperand leave me a lone illuminated22:48
TJ-Eveyone! please stop the barbed insults. Either focus on support or keep quiet22:49
Temperleftyfb: well if you can't figure out that you're may mean your and you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand thats what they probably mean ..#windows is in your future.22:49
Temperits not the grammar its you guys don't have the answer and try to deflect.22:50
Tempersad but true22:50
Temper#debian is way better with help22:50
illuminatedthen install debian22:50
Temperi guess this is why they say ubuntu is a noob distro22:50
gdibassCan you just kick this guy?22:50
Temperwas thinking about it actually22:51
amiboygnxi all22:51
gdibassHey there22:51
Tempernot sure where they get these clowns in #ubuntu from lmao22:51
TJ-Temper: regarding your dropped VPN. If it's set via Network Manager, then it logs very verbosely in /var/log/syslog, so you should be able to find some big clues there22:51
gdibassTemper: you're an idiot22:52
Temperi wonder if TJ- mean your or you're22:52
Tempergdibass: lmao22:52
gdibassGlad you can laugh about it22:52
Tempergdibass: is that your or you're22:52
gdibassIt's easy enough to figure out22:53
Temperthat is the question of the day on ubuntu. ITS NOT WHETHER OR NOT THEY CAN EVEN IF GET AN UPDATE FROM 16.04 TO 18.04 ITS WHETHER ITS YOUR OR YOU'RE LMAO22:53
gdibassYou brought it up… again22:54
gdibassbut that response right there is why you're an idiot22:54
illuminatedno, it's a symptom..not the cause22:54
elTemper: stop22:54
gdibass"I did not express my problem clearly and when corrected I decided to lash out, both at the person who pointed it out and at the channel in general"22:54
TJ-I've asked once already, please stop. if you want to carry on go to #ubuntu-offtopic22:54
gdibassAnd wonder why nobody wants to help me22:54
elnah offtopic doesn't want that either22:54
xamithanxYeah take that to ##linux22:55
qwebirc74976leftyfb: I am now connected as "chaale"22:55
xamithanxThey like trolls there22:55
chaale44This is qwebirc7497622:55
TemperLOOK @ EL LOL22:55
illuminatedyou're about to get booted and still don't know when to shut up22:55
lyricsguyHello, I'm yrics professional bot. I'm is work-in progress, so, expect bugs22:56
lyricsguyType one of the following commands to display the lyrics of that song22:56
lyricsguyAvailable commands: !despacito22:56
elTemper: what you're saying makes literally no nsense to me22:56
Temperscroll up22:56
elTemper: find somewhere else to get help, your attitude is not welcome here22:57
gdibassNobody is going to scroll up to help you solve a problem when you're being a jackass22:57
Temperel your lack of reading skills is not welcome here22:57
Temperbugs should not be welcome here but apparently they are more concerned about your or you're22:57
gdibassMaybe try actually stating the problem in a clear and calm manner22:58
bluesmonkman you sure are bored22:58
gdibassinstead of whatever the hell you're doing rn22:58
TemperI did state it clear and calm but leftyfb was just repeating what i said and did not even have a clue22:58
gdibassAll I know right now is that you don't know the difference between your and you're… and that's solved by taking English lessons22:58
TemperI don't need somone to just repeat what i said22:58
gdibassHey there22:59
Tempergdibass: fix your bugs and I might fix my english22:59
gdibassrelevant name I guess22:59
bluesmonkchaale44: sorry went afk. perhaps your iso is broken22:59
bluesmonkwhere did you download it from?23:00
bluesmonkanyway I'm leaving. bye!23:01
elilluminated: btw, please don't pick on people's english. many people here aren't native english speakers, don't pick on people for it when they're getting help even if they're being rude. it just makes other non-native speakers feel scared to talk.23:05
gdibassI kind of picked up on that one too :/23:06
gdibassin my defense that guy was being a jackass23:06
illuminatedsorry, understood.23:06
ellearn from this time and do better next time23:06
illuminatedI was just coming to the defense of the other guy who he was griping about not being able to read because he didn't articulate himself very well23:07
illuminatedanyways, that got out of hand, and I contributed to its escalation.  I'll try to do better next time.23:08
elthank you23:09
gdibassH mentioned 18.04 not being available… was the LTS released?23:09
elit was the lts->lts upgrade i think23:10
eland i have no idea about that sorry23:10
gdibassbummer, I actually had the same question lol23:10
gdibassbut I figured just wait until next week23:10
chaale44leftyfb: new iso download is identified as bootable by Etcher. Thanks!23:11
jeffreehow can I write to an mtp-connected device?23:15
Bashing-omgdibass: The path is expected to open early next week : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-August/004556.html .23:16
amiboygnxnite all23:17
gdibassBashing-om:  thank you23:17
Bashing-omgdibass: :) Small thing - that means a lot :)23:18
elswyrranybody here ?23:21
Bashing-om!ask | elswyrr23:22
ubottuelswyrr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:22
jeffreeI can create and delete directories, I can create and delete files in a gui file manager but not command line, but I cannot edit files23:22
TJ-jeffree: are you using jmtpfs ?23:25
jeffreeI'm using whatever 18.04 does to auto mount23:25
TJ-jeffree: some tools that try to edit files in-place will not work. If I recall correctly, MTP doesn't support that concept. Only create/delete23:26
jeffreethere's other weirdness though23:27
jeffreeI can't 'touch filename'23:27
jeffreeto create a file23:27
jeffreeseems file managers can do something that command line cannot23:28
TJ-jeffree: The GUI functionality comes via gvfs (Gnome virtual file systems)23:28
jeffreeok, thanks23:30
jeffreeis there a way I can get the same functionality in the shell that is available in nautilus for mtp?23:31
jeffreeI can copy a file from local fs to mtp fs with nautilus, but not with the shell23:33
TJ-jeffree: do you have mtp-tools installed?23:34
TJ-jeffree: that's one option, or the jmptfs is a fuse file-system which might help23:35
jeffreeare you saying I have to mount differently?23:36
TJ-!info jmptfs | jeffree23:36
ubottujeffree: Package jmptfs does not exist in bionic23:36
=== radice is now known as radice|zZz
TJ-!info jmtpfs | jeffree23:37
ubottujeffree: jmtpfs (source: jmtpfs): FUSE based filesystem for accessing MTP devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-2build1 (bionic), package size 45 kB, installed size 129 kB23:37
TJ-!info mtp-tools | jeffree23:37
ubottujeffree: mtp-tools (source: libmtp): Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.13-1 (bionic), package size 33 kB, installed size 237 kB23:37
jeffreethanks, I know how to 'apt show'23:37
TJ-jeffree: I'm so used to using 'adb shell/push/pull' for such things I've never bothered with MTP :)23:38
jeffreeIt might be the case that I am being an idiot23:39
jeffreebut, afaik, I can't use adb to run local scripts to handle file syncing like I can with mtp and unison23:39
jeffreewhich is not exactly what I was trying to do now23:39
jeffreebut I tend to do things one way for all things23:40
jeffreeI haven't been doing the file syncing since my other 16.04 install, so not sure if/how it will work in 18.0423:41
jeffreeI have to go, wasted too much time trying to do simple stuff23:41
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klnnggerHello ???23:52
wendicohello there, im on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, what is the recommended, prefered, preinstalled software to run test virtual machines? Thank you very much.23:59

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