
tomreynbambam: i didn't actually finish the installation, noticed it does a uefi installation which means it is going to work out fine.00:00
bambamFXpro: my friend that's the globalism that was sold to us in the past 30 years. There's no more western companies, just multinationals who will sell out our jobs and souls to make an extra buck.00:00
bambamtomreyn: no problem, I'll do it now, and hopefully the result boots on the laptop00:00
tomreyn!irclogs | also see my earlier statements after you said you'd leave, bambam00:01
ubottualso see my earlier statements after you said you'd leave, bambam: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/00:01
guivercif you mismatch your software & desktop (lubuntu pre 18.10 uses gtk+2)  users often assume a lighter DE will be faster, yes it is, but sometimes no too, but wrong choice of apps can waste memory & another choice may be faster for YOUR needs - ie. if you do the hoemwork, you can work out what is fastest for you..00:01
guivercdar123: if you need example, just ask - i prefer working-out-myself (helps me remember/learn it) & assume others are the same..00:02
bambamIRC logs are not real-time I guess. #ubuntu.txt 's last entry is half-way through our conversation before I left, when we were talking about GPT/MBR00:02
bambamnm, when I refreshed it got an extra hour00:03
bambamI guess it updates every hour00:03
bambamI saved your instructions, in case BIOS booting becomes a necessity one day00:04
FXprolubuntu comes with java and wine? or if not it is easy to get it on there?00:05
tomreynsudo apt install wine default-jre00:06
FXproand bambam, yes that is correct.  btw, they can eat a big fat bag of dks.  no wonder they want to kill nationalist patriot trump.00:06
FXproactually all those complainers over the president are simply cry babies who cant take heat.00:07
FXproand the censorship stuff, that is going to lead to an antitrust situation to break up these people's monopoly on the flow of information and freedom of speech which they are violating.  likely a huge drop in te FAANG stocks as a result.00:08
tomreynso this channel is really just meant for ubuntu support. there are #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss (on topic discussion), also.00:08
FXpro*SHRUGS* just saying....00:09
=== exojelly is now known as cosjelly
kumoolFXpro, pretty sure steamos comes with wine installed, so try that OS00:18
kumoolFXpro, windows also comes with a version of wine installed as well00:18
kumoolbut its a weird one00:18
kumoolIt works with most things, which is bizarre for a wine clone00:19
FXprohmmm, interesting.  but i can just install wine onto lubuntu too so00:33
audioburnwhat replaced daemon.log in ubuntu 16.04?00:40
welastevilhi people00:40
welastevilIm trying to use compiz in my new ubuntu version00:41
welastevilbut it seams impossible00:41
FXproubuntu  mini??00:41
welastevildont know00:41
FXprois that a thing worth trying or?00:41
welastevilcompiz is awesome00:42
welastevilbut I just install the new version00:42
welastevilif you know a better version that feets better compus just say00:42
Bashing-omFXpro: "sysop@x1804mini:~/uwn$" I so do prefer a minimal install :)00:43
bambamtomreyn: unfortunately, despite installing to the USB drive from an EFI VM, the result won't boot on the EFI laptop. Same as before, it just fails to boot and goes back to UEFI, with no error message. I guess this might be more of a UEFI issue than laptop. Sigh...00:44
FXproI saw it on the list of yumi which is what I am using to add these to a jump drive for testing.00:44
Bashing-omFXpro: The minimal install, ya get a kernel, booting and and wired connection .. the rest you have to add .00:46
bambamtomreyn: I think this might be a Ubuntu bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/117345700:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1173457 installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [Medium,Triaged]00:48
bambamtomreyn: I can't even boot the USB in the VM itself. It just dumps me to a GRUB prompt.00:50
FXproBashing-om, not sexy enough for me.  i just need something that works reliable and is functional.00:52
FXprolubuntu for this old dell d630 I am hopeful will fit the bill.00:53
FXproso far, mxlinux is working the best from what I have tested while distro hoping.00:53
Bashing-omFXpro: :) .. lubuntu is good - going to LXQT next release though .00:54
welastevilcompiz whas my favorit thing in linux00:54
welastevilbut can not run in my version00:55
tomreynbambam: :-/ sorry to hear this. maybe installing with the alternative server installer will yield different / better results, but this would mean you'd have to partition manually. the server live installer is yet another option, and lastly there's also debootstrap. but neither of these (except for the server live installer, i guess) are easy to use.00:59
djhdhellos, I've just finished an upgrade to 18.04.1 LTS and I'm getting DNS errors constantly, immediately after the first reboot. deleting and setting up the Wi-Fi connection fixes it until the next reboot. anyone have an idea what might be going on here?00:59
bambamtomreyn: problem with manual partitioning is that I have no clue how to enable encryption on it, it's not for casual users from what I can see on the wiki. I think I'm gonna look for another distro, hopefully their installers don't have any issues. Thanks for your advice!01:02
tomreynbambam: i'm afraid there indeed seems to be no easy (GUI/automated) way to do this at this time. encryption can be added later, but this, too, means fiddling with partitions and working on a terminal.01:05
FXprocrap, I got disconnected.01:05
FXproso far the installer of lubuntu is identical to that of peppermint os.01:06
tomreynbambam: so... good luck finding something better ;)01:06
FXproI think peppermint os is simply a mod of lubuntu and the same crap  :)01:06
FXproummm, crap, problems again02:17
ZaZaQRI just got a System76 Oryx Pro. It has a nvidia 1060 graphic card. I can't get the system76 drivers to install. I can get the graphic card to be installed in the repository, but it still freezes on me. Such as reboot and homepage after typing in my password02:18
cluelesspersonQuestion.   on a remote server there are a TON of files in some directories02:21
cluelesspersoninstead of trying to mount directories locally in what seems to take forever to get a list of files02:21
cluelesspersonis there a way to open a file, from the server, n a way it shows up on my machine?02:21
cluelesspersonbasiclaly, open the file, and have that one file communicated back02:22
Bashing-omZaZaQR: What release and what desktop ? Pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' to see if a driver is loaded .02:31
ZaZaQRah, i'm using pop os right now02:32
ZaZaQRits the only stable working OS that works on this machine02:32
ZaZaQRthe system76 drivers won't load02:35
Bashing-omZaZaQR: Sorry, no experience with system76-driver-nvidia, I can not say .02:37
ZaZaQRsudo apt install nvidia-driver-39602:38
ZaZaQRgot me the graphic drivers02:39
ZaZaQRbut the system still freezes on me. when i restart, shutdown and login02:39
kk4ewtZaZaQR,  try something other than the gnome desktop02:40
ZaZaQRI got the Pop OS which comes with the nvidia and system76 drivers installed02:41
ZaZaQRit jsut works02:41
ZaZaQRI tried Linux Mint, same issue.02:41
ZaZaQRIt I got the 64 bit Cinnamon02:41
ZaZaQRI even tried the beta Ubuntu 18.1002:42
=== theology is now known as audioburn
ariyasuis there anyway to see which version of gcc, was in each version of ubuntu?03:09
Bashing-omariyasu: Sure, See: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ .03:11
guivercariyasu, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc will tell you the package versions (supported versions + artful anyway; some versions have multiple versions of gcc available) but aren't sure of way to see specific version of gcc default in each without manually looking03:12
ftmh17anybody here03:14
ftmh17for help03:14
guivercnope :)03:14
ftmh17there is life03:14
guivercask your Ubuntu Support question, and if someone knows the answer they will respond03:14
ftmh17how do you use Socks5 for global settings on Lubuntu 1803:15
ariyasuthanks Bashing-om03:15
Bashing-omariyasu: :)03:15
ftmh17windows has Proxifier , why is Ubuntu so hard to figure out . i have tried redsocks dante, and i cannot get nothing to work03:16
ftmh17it is driving me insane , i have been trying for allmost 2 weeks03:16
ghostnik11hey for ubuntu budgie, if you have a device that has only 2gb ram, 32gb hard disk space and has a 64bit cpu. should i put 32bit is on it or 64bit iso. because on download page it says: 64bit should be for computers with 4gb ram and those with uefi csm support. my system is uefi03:17
guivercghostnik11, I wouldn't run budgie (gtk+3 is too heavy in sources in my opinion for 2gb), and would opt for 32bit because memory-addressing (non-local) is two bytes smaller... the 32bit difference isn't that great, but every bit helps in my opinion. try & see; more than just DEsktop would be used in what was right for me (eg. if you love gtk+3 apps, budgie is fine..)03:21
ghostnik11guiverc: no i am trying to see if it will run okay on my baby 2 in 1 tablet that currently has lubuntu 18.04 and want to maybe just give it a test try.  but i don't want the device to lag much when i used it to study. its the same asus t100ta model with 2gb ram and 32gb built in hard disk space on motherboard (mmcblk types)03:23
ariyasuok i got ubuntu running in vm03:24
ariyasuhow do i minimize an application03:24
ariyasuand also, how do i run a terminal?03:24
ghostnik11guiverc: i think one guy over at google plus asus t100 ubuntu group has it. will ask and see how performance is03:24
guivercsorry ghostnik11 i misread your question.03:24
guivercignore my last question, my misread meant my answer was unhelpful sorry!03:25
ghostnik11guiverc: oh, okay. so i can go with 64bit iso?03:25
guivercs/my last question/my last response/03:25
* guiverc puts his glasses back on!03:26
ftmh17how do you use socks5 for global settings on lubuntu03:26
ariyasui see no minimize/maximise/close buttons in firefox :| and no start menu/program menu where i could load a terminal from03:27
ftmh17ghostnikill  hey man i also have lubuntu 18, Do you know by chance how to set socks5 on it ?03:27
guivercyeah I believe if cpu is x86_64, bios/uefi is 64 bit then 64bit will work.. i'm told memory loss (due to memory-address word size difference) is minimal anyway03:28
tomreynariyasu: to resize the window, try double clicking its title bar, or right click on its icon on the panel and see if there's options for resizing there.03:28
ariyasuthanks tomreyn, that worked03:29
ariyasuany idea how i can get a terminal running / pin one to the title bar03:30
tomreynariyasu: the top left panel icon leads to the 'desktop menu', you can then type the name of an application, such as 'terminal'03:30
tomreynonce it's running, you can right-click on it the panel icon and pin it.03:30
ghostnik11guiverc: i will download iso right away then put it through linuxium and give it a go. i want to see if its okay to use b/c it has touch screen support that allows my device to be used like touch screen on smart phone which would be better than the mouse pointer touch screen that i have in lubuntu currently03:31
ariyasuthank you very much tomreyn :)03:31
tomreynariyasu: pressing alt-f2 should also bring up a window to launch commands from, and a terminal can also be started by pressing ctrl-alt-t03:31
tomreynwelcome. this is ubuntu 16.04 with the unity shell / desktop. it is supported and will be for another three years. the current ubuntu release is 18.04, which builds on gnome 3 and gnome-shell.03:33
tomreynftmh17: are you trying to send *all* traffic througha socks proxy?03:36
tomreyni see03:37
cluelesspersonI'm confused.     `dir` works, but `ls` hangs trying to look at a mounted directory03:45
cluelesspersonspoke too soon, both hang now03:46
ftmh17socks5 setup on Lubuntu 18 please help ?03:50
ariyasudoes the terminal have some equivilent of the "cls" in windows?03:53
tomreyncluelessperson: journalling file systems can grow very slow when they're nearly full. other reasons would be much concurrent throughput to this disk or others on the same controller, and disk defects (see 'dmesg -w')03:54
tomreynariyasu: reset03:54
ftmh17socks5 help ,03:55
=== Blade is now known as jakcyyy
tomreynftmh17: there is "settings -> network -> network proxy -> socks", but i'm not convinced this will redirect all traffic through the proxy. making all traffic flow through a socks 5 proxy may be difficult and you may need to go to length such as these folks did for tor on tails: https://tails.boum.org/contribute/design/Tor_enforcement/Network_filter/03:56
ftmh17im here03:56
tomreynftmh17: an easier approach is to use a vpn (but be sure to test it for dns leaks if that's a concern)03:57
ftmh17yeah i have nordvpn03:57
ftmh17why is ubuntu so hard to run network socks5 and on windows  proxifier is so simple ?03:57
tomreynif you are discussing application level traffic redirection through a socks proxy, then thats actually not difficult to set up at all03:59
tomreynyou probably want one of redsocks, tsocks, shadowsocks, torsocks then04:02
ftmh17i have been on redsocks for like  2 days now04:02
ftmh17and i cannot get it to work.04:02
tomreynthe above list was missing proxychains404:03
ftmh17i have read the instructions up and down ,04:03
dyynoim gonna jump in on this discussion about VPNs, because it seems like you guys know much more than I. Is it possible to access my clients connected to my VPN provider (PIA) as if they were on the same LAN?04:03
ftmh17i just am not understanding something, and then on top of that. there is only a handfull of instructions and they dont go into detail either04:03
ftmh17i guess i will keep trying with redsocks,  i will come back should i need to get assistance04:05
ftmh17I love Linux (ubuntu) i mean i will never go back to Windows ever.  but i shure do miss how simple windows was04:05
tomreynftmh17: can't help with redsocks, never used it. but this and proxychains4 (the '4' is relevant) seem to be your best options nowadays.04:06
ftmh17ill try04:06
tomreynsimplicity comes at a cost04:06
ftmh17i know,04:06
ftmh17Linux 4 Life..   : )04:06
AlwaysLEarning11havign trouble getting rw mount of multiple disks have 22 disks and sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/disk1 /dev/sda yields bad option04:10
tomreynftmh17: this is not supported here, but (not having actually reviewed the source code) i would expect this to be a good utility to handle your proxy and vpn connections: https://ipredator.se/netsplice04:10
AlwaysLEarning111@1-1:~$ fdisk -l fdisk: cannot open /dev/sda: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdc: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/sde: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdd: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdf: Permission denied04:10
kk4ewtAlwaysLEarning11, sudo fdisk -l04:11
AlwaysLEarning11i can mount the didsk in read only by opening the disk usage analyser04:11
AlwaysLEarning11but ir readonly04:11
AlwaysLEarning11kk4ewt: i know it is sudo for that i just wanted listing04:11
AlwaysLEarning11the sudo thing just fills the sscren04:11
AlwaysLEarning11trying to get the mount command correct04:11
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: which ubuntu verison is this?04:12
AlwaysLEarning11newest looking now beaver04:13
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes04:13
AlwaysLEarning1118.04 lts04:13
AlwaysLEarning11if you really want the long form from fdisk i can send it04:14
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: can you: sudo lsblk -o +LABEL,MODEL | pastebinit04:14
AlwaysLEarning11but 22 hdds is alot of text04:14
AlwaysLEarning11installing now04:15
tomreynactually do: sudo lsblk -o +LABEL,MODEL 2>&1 | pastebinit04:15
tomreynthat's a lot of disks. is it a storage server?04:16
AlwaysLEarning11http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QN4hxZ5FZG/ <--- i trimmed it down some as some drives had companyt name04:17
GoopJust out of curiousity, I've been wanting to make a website for making articles on settings things up and understanding tech more. Do any of you think it would be successful?04:18
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: that's just 6 disks now. does your PSU provide enough current to handle all of those disks?04:18
AlwaysLEarning11they all show up as readonly just fine04:18
AlwaysLEarning11even if i have to go through them 6 at a time its fine04:19
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: are you mixing up disks with file systems?04:19
AlwaysLEarning11my task is consolidate and destroy04:19
tomreynwhere do your HDDs show up as read-only?04:19
AlwaysLEarning11if i go to the disk usage analyser and i go down the list clicking them all they mount04:20
AlwaysLEarning11but they mount as read only04:20
AlwaysLEarning11then show up on the desktop /media04:20
tomreynwhen something "moounts",  then it is a file system04:20
AlwaysLEarning11each drive should have 1 main partition04:21
AlwaysLEarning11so then i mean 22 drives04:21
AlwaysLEarning11and 22 filing systems04:21
AlwaysLEarning11wish there was a nice gui for all this04:21
AlwaysLEarning11i have a feeling im goign to be typping a while04:21
AlwaysLEarning11and also fixing my sticky keys from coke04:22
AlwaysLEarning11a bad mix04:22
tomreynso on what you posted we have 6 drives, one of which is an SD/MMC card. another one is an ssd, which this system was booted from. which leaves 4 HDDs, two of which have 2 partitions on them , the others just one parition.04:23
AlwaysLEarning11tristam correct04:24
AlwaysLEarning11all i care about is the main partitions not the boot or the 128M ones04:24
AlwaysLEarning11im just throwing all the data onto two drives then tossing them in the trash04:25
RounerHey, My Ubuntu was stoped when my WiFi aborted , but the mouse can move . ctrl+alt+f3 didn’t work。what should i do04:25
RounerOnly reboot?04:26
tomreyn!sysrq | Rouner04:26
ubottuRouner: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key04:26
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: normally, you should be able to mount these file systems using the graphical file browser04:27
tomreyn(which is called "nautilus")04:28
AlwaysLEarning11currently they are mounted04:29
tomreynRouner: i'd also try some other TTYs, though, just to be sure. ctrl-alt-f4,5,604:29
AlwaysLEarning11i just cant delete anything04:29
AlwaysLEarning11or write04:29
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: which file system is it? "mount" will tell04:30
AlwaysLEarning11went to properties->permissions04:30
AlwaysLEarning11ima ssumign whatever i just changing is gonna take a while as it just froze as i set everyone to read and write04:31
AlwaysLEarning11wow that is bad, sorry for my disaster of a typing job.04:31
Rounerubottu: it will restore the process following that way?04:31
ubottuRouner: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:31
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: ntfs is a badly documented file system with a gazillion corner cases and without a full open source implementation. it has been mostly reverse engineered but if the file system was modified by linux or was found to be unclean or was ejected uncleanly by any OS, it will have the dirty bit set, and there is no way on linux to fully recover from that.04:34
AlwaysLEarning11sigh, ok04:35
AlwaysLEarning11so boot into windows04:35
AlwaysLEarning11and just uise that04:35
ariyasuhow can i elevate gui applications?04:35
tomreynwhen the dirty bit is set, linux will only mount the file system read-only04:35
ariyasui need an elevated text editor to edit a file04:35
AlwaysLEarning11im assuming then best solution is to install windows and go from there?04:36
guivercariyasu, elevated? as in elevated permissions, you can use `sudo gedit ..` from terminal if that is what you mean (assuming X and not wayland)04:36
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: you could run ntfsfix, which can handle some but not all causes of ntfs becoming 'dirty', it can be sufficient to make it writable again.04:36
ariyasuit's wayland im currently trying to disable guiverc04:36
ariyasuthanks i will try that04:36
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: the best way to work with a not fully specified OS dependant file system, is to work on the OS it is supposed to be sued with.04:38
Rounerubottu: when I reboot with holding down the keys, it is nothing changed @_@04:38
ubottuRouner: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:38
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: are you sure that /dev/sda1 (one of the 128 MB partitions) hosts an NTFS?04:38
AlwaysLEarning11erm ill look04:39
tomreynariyasu: gedit admin:///etc/fstab04:40
AlwaysLEarning11tomreyn: yes tried on all of them04:40
AlwaysLEarning11same message on all04:40
AlwaysLEarning11seems im off to um...legally torrent windows04:41
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: well, i guess that's where you turn to the proprietor of your file system.04:41
ariyasuhmm moving on, i installed xfce4, when i log out to select it, then enter my pwd to log back in04:41
ariyasuit just keeps prompting me to enter pwd again04:41
ariyasuif i go back to ubuntu insted of xfce4 session, my pwd works again :|04:42
AlwaysLEarning11one last q04:42
AlwaysLEarning11in the future what is the most ubunut friently file system04:42
AlwaysLEarning11that can deal with large files04:42
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: if you want journalling, either ext4 or zfs, i guess.04:43
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: xfs may provide better performance with large files04:45
AlwaysLEarning11tomreyn: any change files on a xfs can be read from windows.?04:46
AlwaysLEarning11cross compatability would be nice04:46
AlwaysLEarning11but i may be asking for a unicorn04:46
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: since windows is not really great at supporting many file systems, and microsoft not great at documenting their file systems, your options are limited. there are some attempts (by third parties) to provide, on windows, read access to file systems commonly used on linux systems. and there is this mostly but not entirely complete ntfs implementatio on linux.04:49
tomreynAlwaysLEarning11: as you may know there is the 'windows subsystem for linux' with the 'ubuntu bash for windows'. it can handle the same file systems ubuntu can.04:50
tomreynother than that there is FAT32, which works on both windows and most if not all linux distributions (and probably many other OS, too). it lacks most features of a modern file system, however.04:51
FXprowhere are the wine apps located?04:52
ariyasufat32 has filesize limits too04:52
ariyasuexfat would be a good cross compatible file system04:53
tomreynwhat makes you think so, ariyasu ?04:53
ariyasuwell everything nativly supports it04:54
ariyasuand it doesn't have the 4gb filesize limits of fat3204:54
tomreynlinux doesn't support exfat natively, no04:54
ariyasumy bad04:55
vegombreimy firefox doent let me save pictures everytime i right click and save image as it fails why does this happen?04:55
vegombreiah it started after some major updates my computer did online04:56
tomreynvegombrei: did you restart firefox after those updates? if not, try again once you did04:56
vegombreitomreyn: yeah i did also removed all the ad onns and plugins thought they were responsible but04:57
vegombreivideos i can save just images it fails04:58
tomreynvegombrei: is this on every website page or just some?04:59
tomreynvegombrei: for example, could you save this? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Swami_Vivekananda_Jaipur.jpg05:01
vegombreitomreyn: nope05:01
tomreynvegombrei: how exactly do you try, and what happens when you do? and which ubuntu version and firefox version is this?05:01
vegombreiwhats the sudo apt-get command to remove firefox? i wanna try reinstalling it05:07
vegombreiim new i dont know this so well is it sudo aot-get remove firefox?05:07
Ben64try a new profile05:08
cim209try sudo apt remove firefox05:09
vadiMy UEFI Dell system is refusing to boot with a security access violation after my Ubuntu 18.04 laptop ran out of battery power after it installed a kernel upgrade (I didn't have a chance to reboot). How can I make my computer usable again?05:11
tomreynvadi: can you get the exact error message?05:13
vadiThe message is - ERROR Verification failed: (0x1A) Security Violation05:14
vadiAnd something about start_image failed verification, no bootable medium found.05:14
vadiGoogling that error message reveals just one other person who had it, on a Lenovo system, with Ubuntu again: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-U-and-S-Series-Notebooks/Cannot-change-boot-mode-from-UEFI-Lenovo-ideapad-U330p/td-p/406477705:16
vadiWhat can I do to make my system usable again?05:16
tomreynis this a 32-bit uefi you have there?05:17
vadiI don't know, how can I check?05:17
spaceninjaHi, in older versions of ubuntu there's a "wifi broadband" option for the internet connection , but this is missing in 18.04, maybe duo to gnome. How do I enable it? I've search around, for a solution trying to get a huawei visible in the menu to be able to connect to it.05:17
tomreynyou would know, if so.05:17
tomreynvadi: i sueggest you look for a bios upgrade05:17
vadiIt also allows me to perform MOK management - enroll key or hash. I have no idea what that means.05:18
billybigriggeris there a way to fix this broken dns issue on a fresh 18.04 install?05:18
vadiUEFI came by default on this machine, I just didn't disable  it. I didn't do anything special to enable it,.05:18
vegombreiso i figured out the problem .. i think when i upgraded to the latest lubuntu it reset everything and the external drive is fat32 i think it cant save to that drive coz when i try and save it locally it works05:18
vegombreihow to fix that?05:18
tomreynvadi: mok management is for managinge 'secureboot' certificates. 'secureboot' is a uefi functionality which is meant to ensure that only 'trusted' operating systems and drivers / modules are loaded.05:19
spaceninjahuawei 4g broadband05:19
vadiSo it thinks the kernel image isn't trusted then, hence it skips it?05:19
tomreynvadi: some uefi firmwares enable it by default, some dont allow to disable it.05:19
tomreynvadi: i think you'd get to see a different error message if this was the case05:20
vadiWhy? It does say "verification failed"05:21
vadiSo supposedly verification of something, perhaps the system Ubuntu should be booting05:21
tomreynvadi: hmm, maybe its a uefi error message, this may be.05:22
tomreynvadi: does grub load, though?05:23
tomreynhold down shift during boot05:23
vadiNo, it does not get to grub at all.05:24
tomreynvadi: this suggests that either grub was overwritten, the secureboot certificates were modified, or there is a hardware failure05:27
tomreyn(or a mix of these)05:27
tomreynvadi: unless you have another OS installation which is bootable already installed, you'll need to boot off a live / installer iso (usb stick / cdrom)05:28
vadiI don't, no. What should I do with it?05:29
vadiI have Ubuntu 16.04 on a USB stick.05:29
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vadiI found a menu in F12 that says UEFI Boot: "ubuntu" "ubuntu" "UEFI: Samsung SSD" "UEFI: Generic Flash Disk"05:31
vadiShouldI try any of them? and yeah, ubuntu is listed twice. It also says boot mode is set to UEFI and secure boot is on.05:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:32
tomreynvadi: you can try booting the 'ubuntu' ones, one by one05:33
tomreynF12 will be your 'boot menu' for overriding the default boot device order05:33
tomreyndelete, F2 or Fn-F2 should enter the uefi configuration menu.05:34
vadiОК, I will try it out.05:38
K1rkIs the ntfs implementation still incomplete? It's been a few years since I noticed any glaring issues with NTFS support on Linux05:46
tomreynK1rk: man ntfsfix05:50
Jonno_FTWhello I have a problem with apt06:12
EriC^^!details | Jonno_FTW06:12
ubottuJonno_FTW: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:12
Jonno_FTWI installed amdgpu-pro and now I get a low graphics warning http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DYyqhZrMVJ/06:14
Jonno_FTWI tried sudo apt-get install -f -y and got the above06:14
Jonno_FTWI'm on ubuntu 16.04.3 lts06:15
vadiI disabled secure boot and I was able to boot Ubuntu. How can I restore boot with secure boot again?06:16
EriC^^vadi: use the shimx64.efi file06:17
vadiUse how?06:18
EriC^^vadi: type "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link here06:18
EriC^^vadi: the first entry is using shimx64.efi so it should work with secure boot06:21
EriC^^if it doesnt i think you'll manually have to add it06:21
vadiit doesn't work, it says security verificiation failed and refuses to boot06:22
kristenbbhello, when I select two video files and open them through the Files manager, it opens two vlc instances, even though I have /usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file %U in /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop. Is this a known bug in 18.04 ? (it worked in 16.04)06:25
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EriC^^kristenbb: i dont think the .desktop file would affect the file manager06:28
vadiEriC^^: is there any way I can re-sign shimx64.efi?06:42
EriC^vadi: yeah i think there's a way to get it to work, why go through the trouble though imo?06:43
vadibecause it doesn't work?06:43
vadiwith secure boot on, my laptop does not boot anymore due to a security verification failure06:43
EriC^does it work with secureboot off?06:44
EriC^so why not disable it06:44
vadiBecause I need the security?06:44
EriC^if somebody has your pc secureboot isnt stopping him from getting your stuff, what's the point really?06:44
vadiThanks but this is a work laptop so I'm not going to argue there's no point in security with IT06:45
* cfhowlett thinks "They don't need to know."06:45
vadiThey will if something happens, then it'll be on me.06:46
EriC^alright, it was just a thought, personally i'd just turn secureboot off, it's totally up to you06:46
vadiThen Ubuntu won't look very good in their eyes either.06:46
cfhowlettvadi, you have windows on that device?06:46
vadino, no windows06:46
cfhowlett... I was going to suggest windows + virtualbox + ubuntu06:47
vadiI removed Windows and put it in Virtualbox instead on native Ubuntu06:47
cfhowlettand now buntu doesn't work.06:47
vadiit did work for about a year06:47
vadiuntil this weekend.06:47
cfhowlett16.04 is still supported.06:47
vadiI'm using Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 was just the USB stick.06:48
vadiSo is there any way to re-sign shimx64.efi?06:49
EriC^vadi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/Testing06:50
ducassevadi: you would need to make keys and add them to your firmware06:51
ducassevadi: if your firmware has no options for doing that, then no go06:51
EriC^vadi: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/237279/how-can-i-secure-boot-any-linux-grub-loader06:52
EriC^this explains stuff and isn't so huge too , look at the bottom https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Secure_Boot06:52
tomreynmy guess is just that vadi removed the default trusted keys and thus also the one which the grub shim is signed by. and that just reinstalling the default key set would suffice to make the system boot again.06:55
tomreyni doubt that this issue was only introduced by apt updates, as previously stated.06:55
vadihow can I reinstall that default key set?07:09
learningphasehow to permanent set nameserver for a vlan?07:27
SerdarI have some issues with my software raid1 I did years ago (and never touched)07:33
cfhowlett!raid | Serdar07:35
ubottuSerdar: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:35
Serdarfor some reason is one partition not in the not linux_raid_member but ext407:35
vkolchevcfhowlett, wow, that is really an ancient doc on ubuntu's fake raid)07:45
cfhowlettI was unaware as I don't do raid.  If things have changed significantly, an edit to the wiki might be called for.07:46
hurdmani try to use a webcam with gstreamer : gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw,framerate=30/1,width=1280,height=720 ! xvimagesink07:51
hurdmanbut :07:52
hurdmanany idea ( i can see the video using "cheese" ) ?07:52
cfhowletthardman if the video shows cheese, then this is not a hardware issue.  likely your command is formatted improperly.07:54
cfhowlettsuggest you consider vlc07:55
hurdmancfhowlett: do you know what is wrong with my command ?07:56
cfhowlettnope, otherwise I would have happily stated so07:56
hurdmana simple : gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! xvimagesink07:57
hurdmandoesn't work07:57
hurdmanbut : gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! xvimagesink seems ok07:57
hurdmanperhaps, there's a v4l2 issue ?07:57
Jonno_FTWCan I expect this to work with ubuntu 16.04.3? https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-prorad-lin-18-30 it says it works with 16.04.508:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899748 in gstreamer0.10 (Ubuntu) "gstreamer v4l2src fails with device=" [Undecided,New]08:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1174492 in gstreamer1.0 (Ubuntu) "gstreamer cannot open v4l2 video capture device" [Undecided,New]08:09
hurdmanit seems , i 'am not alone08:09
chaosfischAll videos I'm playing in my browser (chromium from apt) freeze if I "stop moving" my mouse. How can I fix that?08:14
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vaditomreyn: how can I reinstall the default key set?09:01
lotus|NUCvadi: its possible tomreyn is afk atm, re-ask your issue in the channel perhaps?09:03
hans_how can i add ipv6 to a ubuntu 18.04 system? most google searches say `edit /etc/network/interfaces` , but that file says it has netplan, so i assume those guides are out of date.. what is the ubuntu 18.04 way?09:07
hans_err, says it has been replaced with netpla *09:08
hans_netplan** x.x09:08
hans_apparently by adding the ipv6 address to the `addresses` parameter of /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml09:14
lotus|NUC!netplan | hans_ can this help?09:14
ubottuhans_ can this help?: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/09:14
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bubblegum0014hey all09:23
vadilotus|NUC: I'd like to know how to reinstall  the default key set that would get the grub shim signed again09:24
ducassevadi: enter your firmware setup and confirm if they are there or not first09:27
[twisti]im trying to (temporarily) do the following: on ubuntu server L, i am running a VPN client that allows me to connect to an ftp server F on 192.168.... now, on windows client W, on the same network as L, i would like to connect to F. ideally, i would like to set up L so that W can ftp connect to L as if L was the ftp server, without ever needing to know about the forwarding (because in reality09:28
[twisti]we got lots of Ws that we dont want to configure if we dont have to)09:28
lotus|NUC[twisti]: join #ubuntu-server please, they are used to this09:29
[twisti]thank you very much09:30
lotus|NUC[twisti]: also be carefull with ftp, choose a more secure protocol is a danger to use these days09:30
[twisti]lotus|NUC: like i said, its behind a VPN tunnel, and its not our call, its a client that has this horrid setup09:31
TvL2386[twisti]: then on L you need to "sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d <IP_OF_L> -p tcp --dport 21 -j DNAT --to <IP_OF_F>"09:31
vadiducasse: the keys?09:31
TvL2386[twisti]: then W can connect to ftp://<IP_OF_L>:2109:31
TvL2386forgot one thing09:31
ducassevadi: yes09:31
[twisti]TvL2386: how do i turn that off/remove it once im done ?09:32
vadiHow do I know what I'm looking for - what are their names?09:32
TvL2386[twisti]: you also need to masquerade the traffic on L: "sudo iptables -t nat -o <inteface_facing_F> -s <IP-OF_W> -j MASQUERADE"09:32
TvL2386[twisti]: by replacing "-I" (insert) with "-D" (delete) in those lines09:33
[twisti]thank you very much09:33
ducassevadi: just see if there are any keys there at all, there should be one microsoft key and possibly one by canonical09:33
TvL2386[twisti]: you ubuntu server L will also start functioning as a router09:33
TvL2386[twisti]: so you need to make sure you have sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 109:34
TvL2386[twisti]: good luck, I hope this works since I'm doing it from the top of my head. There may be more thinsg required. If you got a strict firewall, you may also need to allow this natted traffic (iptables -I FORWARD -s <IP_OF_W> -d <IP_OF_F> -j ACCEPT)09:36
TvL2386[twisti]: please note I'm not being really strict in my rules and adapt to your situation please :)09:37
TvL2386this should help you get started :)09:37
[twisti]it definitely will. i cant test it right now, but ive written it down and will read up a bit to make sure i understand the basics09:39
lotus|NUC+1 TvL238609:39
nerbI have a virtual server running 18.04.1. I want to install python3-venv, but get the following message: "The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:45
nerb python3-venv : Depends: python3 (= 3.6.5-3) but 3.6.5-3ubuntu1 is to be installed09:45
nerb E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.09:45
nerb" What are my options to get python3-venv installed?09:45
lotus|NUCnerb: did you add external ppa's to your system?09:48
TvL2386hmmzzz.... internet died...09:50
TvL2386[twisti]: sorry :)09:50
lotus|NUCTvL2386: you didnt miss anything09:50
nerbno i havent lotus09:50
lotus|NUCnerb: can you hastebin us: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please?09:51
TvL2386ack thx09:52
vadiducasse: I don't know what are they called, so I don't know what is a microsoft key and what is a canonical key09:54
ducassevadi: they would be listed with those names, at least they usually are09:55
vadihm, okay.09:55
nerband this is the full error from apt when i try to install it:  https://pastebin.com/q2LpEKwU09:57
TJ-What's the usual/recommended VNC server package? I don't see any in the 'main' component09:58
lotus|NUCTJ-: vino?09:59
lotus|NUCnerb: try to purge python3, then sudo apt autoremove, then install python 3.610:00
lotus|NUC!vnc | TJ-10:01
ubottuTJ-: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:01
nerbok I've been hoping to avoid that, but I'll give it a whirl, thanks lotus10:02
lotus|NUCnerb: why's that, did you install python3 manually or so for a reason?10:03
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nerbjust don't want to break anything; got handed this server under the condition of not requiring IT support; all good though10:08
lotus|NUCnerb: Python 3 has been updated to 3.6, from the 18.04 releasenotes10:10
TJ-nerb: what does this report? "pastebinit <( apt-cache policy python3-venv python3)" ?10:13
Lavinhogood morning10:17
Lavinhomymaga class max10:17
Lavinhono wifi and no sound10:17
Lavinhohelp me please10:17
Lavinhomymaga classs max10:17
lotus|NUCLavinho: ubuntu version? chipset? driver version?10:18
Lavinhoubuntu 18.0410:18
Lavinhono drivers available10:18
Lavinhoalsamixer locks channels sound10:18
lotus|NUCLavinho: hastebin: sudo lshw -C network && sudo lshw -C sound10:18
LavinhoI do not have the pc with me10:20
nerbTJ-   https://pastebin.com/mwC99JPV10:22
lotus|NUCLavinho: please come back when you are on the computer so we can help you a better way10:24
TJ-nerb: right, it looks like your PC's local idea of what packages are available has got out-of-date for python3-venv. Compare yours to my output of the same command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z9B48hkqJb/10:24
Lavinhoopk thank's10:25
TJ-nerb: you'll notice on mine "python3-venv" 3.6.5-3ubuntu1  is avaible from bionic-updates/universe10:26
nerbahhh... bear with me a sec...10:26
TJ-nerb: try "sudo apt update" and then "apt-cache policy python3-venv" again - in theory that should ensure the local PC's list of packages is correct10:26
nerbWell I feel like a bit of a tool. ...had to add universe to bionic updates, that's why it wasn't picking up the right version. Thanks very much TJ-, I wouldn't have solved it without your input. Cheers.10:29
TJ-nerb: I love the easy solutions :)10:30
=== Richard is now known as Guest81881
BluesKajHey folks10:50
neureAny reasons why I cannot switch to VT with keyboard? Ubuntu 18.04, intel graphics driver11:12
neureis VT switching no longer enabled by default, or has that something to do with session manager or .. something ?11:12
BluesKajctrl+alt +F2-F6 no longer works?11:13
neureyes, that is the issue11:14
JimBuntuF1 and F7 have swapped, but I think the others should still be working in 18.04.x11:14
BluesKajcaps lock perhaps?11:14
neureI am not at that machine right now so I cannot test :(11:15
TJ-neure: does it switch, but to a black screen, or not leave the GUI at all? if the latter, I'd suspect something has remapped the keys11:16
BluesKajyes, the others should work, i can't think of why not...never heard of that issue before11:16
neurebut what would remap the keys?11:16
JimBuntuneure, Is it on a laptop... could the function key be required?11:17
TJ-neure: it's the obvious cause. Maybe try creating a new user account and logging in to that. See if the problem exists there or not. That'll tell you if it is a per-user or system-wide issue11:17
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neureNot a laptop11:18
neurewired logitech g pro keyboard11:18
deadrom18.04 LTS server, cloned VM, manually altered /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. after reboot old IP from clone master is up again. wrong file? wrong place? wrong format?11:37
TJ-deadrom: has the 50-cloud-init.yaml got the 'new' (not used) IP address in it? That file hasn't been replaced by one matching the master's ?11:42
deadromTJ-: it's been swiutched from static to dhcp. funny thin is when I run netplan apply it complains about the line ens32: saying:11:51
deadrom"Invalid YAML at //etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml line 10 column 0: found character that cannot start any token"11:52
TJ-deadrom: has it been edited on a non-linux system, and got CRLF line-endings ?11:52
TJ-deadrom: pastebin the file so we can check the basics11:53
ioriaor maybe a tabulation instaed of spaces11:53
deadromtabulations quite a few. baaad?11:54
TJ-ioria: is YAML sensitive to that? sounds like another python - invisible whitespace is syntax!11:54
ioriaTJ-,   i remember so11:54
deadromaugh, seriously? pythin indention will be the downfall of mankind11:55
deadromaugh, seriously? pythin indention will be the downfall of mankind#11:55
* TJ- shoots the programmers!11:55
TJ-deadrom: try "hexdump -c /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" see if there's 09 tab codes in there11:56
TJ-deadrom: also, 0d0a CRLFs11:56
TJ-deadrom: oops, "-c" should be "-C"11:56
deadromTJ-: found it. had one tab in it. replaces with space indention, netplan apply goes through...11:56
TJ-deadrom: Grrrr! I'm sacking YAML from my systems!11:57
GalactorHello! I want to know how to reinstall a program via terminal. How do I go about that?11:59
deadromwhow... all new in 18.04, how do I restart netowrking?11:59
EriC^^Galactor: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>12:00
JimBuntusudo apt-get install --reinstall ... oh nevermind, EriC^^ beat me12:00
EriC^^deadrom: sudo service networking restart    or network-manager restart12:00
Galactorhey thats super simple aha. Thanks guys!12:00
EriC^^*sudo service network-manager restart12:01
deadromFailed to restart networking.service: Unit networking.service not found.12:02
deadrom18.04 default nm = systemd?12:02
ioriadeadrom, in your case, try  sudo systemctl restart  systemd-networkd12:03
deadromioria: did it, thanks12:04
deadromhm, cloned VM. old lease. could be MAC12:10
deadromok, I don't get it: ifconfig -a says I'm on IP but syslog says dhclient[1734]: DHCPOFFER of from
deadromand it accepted that, so so why is the interface not on .12912:18
albechStill no way to overwrite the DNS when connecting to an OpenVPN server? I have tried to overwrite the DNS settings in the connection profile, but with the new way resolving works it simply ignores this :( In 16.04 I could fix this by disabling dnsmasq.12:23
TJ-albech: openvpn has a resolvconf script to do it, see /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf12:27
MagissiaHello, getting "make[3]: *** [scripts/mod/empty.o] Error 127" when trying to compile kernel following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild using ubuntu-cosmic git repo12:27
TJ-Magissia: have you installed build-essential packages?12:31
MagissiaTJ-: Yes12:34
MagissiaTJ-: "sudo apt install build-essential" says there's nothing to do. (0 updated, 0 installed)12:34
MagissiaTJ-: Since I followed the guide, i did "sudo apt-get install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache" before trying to make12:35
deadrom"date" gives me UTC, shouldn't. what to do about it?12:38
|subz3r0|any idea why I should reboot my desktop system even if LivePatching is enabled? This makes this feature absolutely useless when its not doing its work to upgrade kernels in live mode12:43
sentimenthello. How this version is read? 1:7.0+35ubuntu6.112:46
sentimentI don't understand the colon12:46
sentimentis the package version 7.0?12:46
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TJ-Magissia: I suspect you've not installed some other dependency, but without seeing the exact 'make' log leading up to the error it's difficult to guess. try "make |& tee /tmp/build.log" then when it fails "pastebinit /tmp/build.log"12:50
MagissiaTJ-: http://termbin.com/eaazw12:59
MagissiaError is different depending on kernel version I try to build, but there's always ubuntu-reptoline script error before12:59
TJ-Magissia: are you cross-compiling? I see that HOSTCC is fine, but CC fails13:01
Lavinhogood afternoon13:02
Lavinhomayaga no wireless card and no sound13:02
MagissiaTJ-: I'm building from x86_64 for x86_6413:03
Lavinhoalsamixer detect sound card but no sound13:03
MagissiaTJ-: using march=native13:03
Lavinhohelp me please13:04
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hateballLavinho: for the wireless, have you checked in Additional Drivers if you need to install some firmware to make it work?13:05
MagissiaTJ-: KCFLAGS="-march=native -mtune=native -O2 -pipe" KCCPFLAGS="-march=native -mtune=native -O2 -pipe" make-kpkg -j 2 --initrd --rootcmd=fakeroot --append-to-version=-archphenix --revision=3.0 kernel_image kernel_headers modules_image13:05
Lavinhoi have checked adition drivers but no drivers available13:05
TJ-Magissia: try without "-march=native"13:11
antranigvhey all, I'm trying to setup Ubuntu for my friend, everything works like a charm in recovery mode (After doing resume in the rescue menu) but when doing normal boot it hangs after GDM tries to run Gnome. I'm assuming GPU kernel module issue. anyone has any suggestions?13:11
MagissiaTJ-: removing both mtune and march doesn't change the result (albeit seeing the error quicker)13:14
TJ-Magissia: OK, that's at least ruled out some weird gcc problem13:14
jonuxantranigv: Probably way off here, but, have you tried logging in to another account from gdm (to rule out error in user config)? Never mind. Guess this is a comptletely new and untouched install.13:15
MagissiaTJ-: which cc gives /usr/bin/cc, dkpg-query -S /usr/bin/cc says there's no package associated to the file13:16
MagissiaTJ-: I do not have any other cc binaries in $PATH13:16
MagissiaTJ-: Don't know which package is supposed to install that, but I can reinstall if found13:16
MagissiaIf that's build-essential, I already reinstalled it13:17
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TJ-Magissia: that's a symlink; use "update-alternatives --display cc"13:21
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Magissiareinstalled gcc package, still same error13:22
TJ-Magissia: notice "Failed to create a ./debian directory:  at /usr/bin/make-kpkg line 970."13:23
TJ-Magissia: has the system run out of free space/inodes on /home/ ? "df -h; df -i"13:24
MagissiaTJ-: http://termbin.com/zt9z13:26
Magissiaand debian directory already exist as it exist on git13:26
Magissia"-%" are 94%13:27
Magissia(effective 13,6Gb)13:27
MagissiaTJ-: http://termbin.com/h7ue13:29
TJ-Magissia: is the /home/ file-system not ext? It looks like it might be something like FAT since it doesn't report inodes13:30
MagissiaTJ-: It's BTRFS13:30
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TJ-Magissia: hmmm, well, the lack of inodes count looks odd! I've not messed with BTRFS though so not sure what's going on, but it does look like an FS issue if the ./debian directory fails to be created13:31
MagissiaTJ-: If I do a mkdir myself it works13:31
MagissiaTJ-: And the directory debian already exist13:32
TJ-Magissia: but where is it trying to create it, the debian build scripts usually create a build directory under <kernel-base-dir>/debian/13:34
TJ-Magissia: have you done a "fakeroot debian/rules clean" and then retried with "fakeroot debian/rules build" ?13:34
bunnyapocalypseAre there any mirrors still up that I could use to dist-upgrade from my 17.04 install?13:34
bunnyapocalypseOr am I just stranded here now because I was lazy13:35
MagissiaTJ-: As i'm using make-kpkg, I did not try these commands, i did run make clean itself tho13:35
MagissiaSecond part throws error : /usr/bin/fakeroot: 175: /usr/bin/fakeroot: debian/rules: not found13:38
pznUbuntu 18.04, how to configure for NOT cleaning /tmp on boot?13:39
diddlyhi i'm trying to install on a machine w/o optical.  unfortunately the only stick I have doesn't fit the 18.04 iso, but can boot systemrescuecd.  Is it feasible to download the ISO, and install within live systemrescuecd?13:45
EriC^^diddly: did you try the mini iso?13:46
EriC^^it doesnt support uefi though13:46
diddlyEriC^^: wasn't aware, but UEFI would be required on this machine i think13:46
diddlyi have other machines on network, is tftpboot an option?13:47
TJ-Magissia: ahhh, so you're not using the standard Ubuntu build method. OK, that makes more sense13:57
MagissiaTJ-: I copied "ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one" from "/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-34/scripts" to "./scripts" and it compile... now... why doesn't the file exist in ubuntu's git ?13:57
MagissiaTJ-: Using make-kpkg is not standard ?13:57
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lotus|NUC!eolupgrade | bunnyapocalypse14:03
ubottubunnyapocalypse: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:03
MagissiaTJ-: Is the "standard method" somehow creating this retpoline file at some point ?14:03
TJ-Magissia: that and others are copied in from the debian/rules Makefile - see for example line 133 of that file14:04
TJ-Magissia: I've not needed to do a git build of an Ubuntu kernel in a while; check with the guys in #ubuntu-kernel for the precise workflow when building from git14:04
MagissiaTJ-: I'm doing it to remove modules and have the march=native because my computer sucks and it works better that way, sadly14:06
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MagissiaTJ-: Thanks for all anyway14:07
ilias_grhi all. could you please advise me which distro is recommended for an intel duo core processor desktop pc with only 2 gb ram. 32 bit or 64 bit. Now i am running 16.04.5 32 bit xubuntu and i am considering to clean install 18.04.1 xubuntu. Is it recommended to install 64 bit or will I have ram problems instead of 32 bit version which maybe will have a better ram management on this old pc?14:28
lotus|NUCilias_gr: if your hardware is capable of 64bit, install 64bit14:29
lotus|NUCilias_gr: the flavor is the users choice really, lightweight can be lubuntu/xubuntu/mate14:29
ilias_gractually it is capable for 64 bit version14:29
lotus|NUCilias_gr: ubuntu 18.04 has also a minimal option in the setup, for saving space14:30
ntdbut the install media no longer fits on a cd-r?14:30
lotus|NUCntd: usb to the rescue14:31
ilias_grmy worry isn't the hd space( I have 250 gb hd available). it is ram only and i cannot upgrade it to 4gb because 2gb is the max for my motermoard14:31
lotus|NUCilias_gr: i ran ubuntu-desktop fine on 2gig ram also..so you can choose alot of flavors14:32
lotus|NUCilias_gr: we usually advice to test your hardware from a liveusb first, if you like it==>physical install14:33
ilias_grXubuntu is familiar to me. I run it at least since 14.0414:33
lotus|NUCilias_gr: sure thing, xubuntu 64bit try it out14:34
ilias_grbut i have already installed i18.04.1 on my other pc with 4gb on it and  i realized that in idle need the double memory than 16.04.514:35
lotus|NUCilias_gr: ubuntu-desktop 18.04 is indeed slower then on 16.04 unity14:35
ilias_grso i am wondering if 32 bit has a better ram management because it is designed for old pc's. I am not sure if this is right indeed.14:36
lotus|NUCilias_gr: but you can do alot of tweaks to speed things up14:36
lotus|NUCilias_gr: if your cpu is capable of 64bit, use 64bit, then 32bit is a dying support14:37
ilias_grthe desktop pc is old enough. It came with win vista on it.14:37
lotus|NUCilias_gr: for your case, i would go personally lubuntu or xubuntu 64bit14:37
ilias_grcpu is 64 bit capable actually . I checked through terminal14:38
ilias_gri prefer xfce environment14:39
ducasseilias_gr: a 32-bit install will actually use less memory, but not very much. it may or may not be noticeable.14:39
ilias_grducasse: oh ok. that is what i doubt about.14:39
ilias_grso 64 bit is the only way.14:40
ducasseilias_gr: another thing to consider is that certain applications are now only available as 64-bit, like chrome14:40
ilias_grbut why uses double ram memory in comparison with 16.04.5 . That is a problem for users with old pc's14:41
lotus|NUCilias_gr: if your talking about gnome3, it eats more resources then unity14:41
lotus|NUCilias_gr: users with older pc's==> lubuntu & xubuntu & mate14:42
ilias_gr270 for 16.04 , the double for 18.04 in idle position, i mean just after boot, and with the same apps on startup choice14:42
lotus|NUCilias_gr: you cant compare ubuntu versions with each other, years of differences14:43
lotus|NUCilias_gr: technology evolving and more demanding14:43
hateballlotus|NUC: actually... Lubuntu is not targeting older hardware any longer https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/14:43
ilias_gri understand. Just wondering.14:43
hateballThat said, it should probably work. It's just not the main focus.14:44
lotus|NUChateball: yeah ive readed that part, still tested a lubuntu 18.04 minimal, still works on alot of old specs14:44
ilias_grso it is maybe time to consider to upgrade the hardware14:44
hateballlotus|NUC: I'm just saying it's a change from a "should work" to "might work" :D14:45
lotus|NUCilias_gr: if your system still works..use it14:45
hateballilias_gr: 2GB ram is a bit little by todays standards, visit a modern website with a modern browser and it's all used up14:45
ilias_grit's really a very stable usable system under 16.04.5 . But the time counts down14:46
lotus|NUCilias_gr: few years14:46
ilias_grApril 2019 is only 8 months ahead14:46
lotus|NUCilias_gr: april 2021 it is14:47
ilias_gris it any chance for 16.04.5 to be supported after April 2019?14:48
ilias_grI running xubuntu distro14:48
lotus|NUCilias_gr: read what i just said14:48
ilias_grEnd of support apr 2019 isn't it?14:48
lotus|NUCilias_gr: read what i just said14:49
lotus|NUCilias_gr: 14.04 is eol on 201914:49
deadromthe main repos is maintained 5yrs. does not go for universe/multiverse necessarily.14:50
deadromthere is a script flfoating around which will tell you which packages on your installation are maintained yet and which are not anymore14:51
lotus|NUC!lts | ilias_gr14:51
ubottuilias_gr: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.14:52
ilias_grEnd of Life  April 21, 201914:52
ilias_grwhat does exactly mean?14:55
lotus|NUCilias_gr: don't worry too much, when one version goes end of life, your system asks to upgrade to the next14:55
lotus|NUCilias_gr: in that matter choosing an LTS version is mostly a good idea14:56
ilias_grthat;s good news.14:56
ilias_greven if i have not choose 'notify me of a new Ubuntu version' under Updates/Software&Updates14:58
lotus|NUCilias_gr: its the user's end responsability to keep his system up to date14:58
ilias_grsure it is14:58
lotus|NUCilias_gr: if you choose no LTS upgrade warnings, you need to maintain yourself14:59
ilias_gris in't a difference between of an available LTS and a life end of an older one?15:00
lotus|NUCilias_gr: not sure i understand that question15:01
ilias_gri mean that will the system automatically remind that an LTS ends its life and prompts for an upgrade or it just notifies about the option of an upgrade to the new available LTS ?15:03
lotus|NUCilias_gr: the system does not warn when its going end of life, instead it will report there's a new version available15:04
lotus|NUCilias_gr: when you get an upgrade window, its time to move up15:04
Vic2I am not sure that I can properly articulate myself atm ... I am running 16.04 LTS and I have an application that is being opened multiple times and each time it creates a separate icon ... I want to 'stack' those icons so that they take up just one space.  I ran xprop WM_CLASS and got the result ... I know that I need to update a .desktop file ... question is which one?  in ~/.local/share/applications there is a desktop file for my application but when I try to15:05
Vic2 open it I get the error Untrusted Application Launcher ... any ideas?15:05
ilias_grok,  that is what i understood too15:05
ilias_grbetween xubuntu and mate which is lighest on your opinion?15:07
ilias_grlight=less ram use15:07
lotus|NUCilias_gr: in theory xubuntu is lighter, but that depends how the user has tweaked his system15:07
ilias_grok. thanks.15:08
lotus|NUCilias_gr: how about you actually try one now, think your options are wide now right?15:08
ilias_gryes but still i am not sure what i will do with the desktop with only 2 gb on it.15:09
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ilias_gri am consindering about lubuntu too, but i am not sure if i could setup my display adapter15:10
ilias_grwhat will happen with sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade commands if distro's life ends?15:12
=== Richard is now known as Guest97380
MagissiaHello, when I open a docx document with LibreOffice, I have an AppArmor notification telling me it prevented libreoffice from reading my firefox keychain15:16
MagissiaWhy would LibreOffice do that ?15:16
MagissiaSep 11 17:17:15 Marshmallow kernel: [14058.541653] audit: type=1400 audit(1536679035.349:55): apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="open" profile="libreoffice-soffice" name="/home/Trololo/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/key3.db" pid=19330 comm="soffice.bin" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=1000 ouid=100015:18
maurocGood evening, I have a problem when i try to connect on my server with ssh. This is the error: shell request failed on channel 015:30
maurocHow i can solve?15:30
maurocHow can  I solve?15:30
skinuxAnyone know if there is a current tool for building a custom Ubuntu ISO? There used to be one that ran on Windows for doing that.15:31
leftyfbmauroc: what version of ubuntu is the server and client running?15:33
lotus|NUC!info uck | skinux15:34
ubottuskinux: uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 145 kB, installed size 384 kB15:34
leftyfbmauroc: you're not going to get help here now since you cross-posted and are being helped elsewhere15:35
maurocleftyfb: the client is ubuntu 18.04. The server i don't know. But the server works well, i can connect from other client15:35
leftyfbmauroc: you're being helped elsewhere15:35
maurocleftyfb: i didn't received help.. just an hint, but didn't works15:36
Vic2there is an elsewhere?  Maybe they know a solution to my problem...15:36
leftyfbmauroc: What do the logs say on the server?15:37
lotus|NUCVic2: ?15:37
JimBuntuVic2, ##linux15:37
maurocleftyfb: i can't see the log.. i can't connect15:37
Vic2I am not sure that I can properly articulate myself atm ... I am running 16.04 LTS and I have an application that is being opened multiple times and each time it creates a separate icon ... I want to 'stack' those icons so that they take up just one space.  I ran xprop WM_CLASS and got the result ... I know that I need to update a .desktop file ... question is which one?  in ~/.local/share/applications there is a desktop file for my application but when I try to15:37
Vic2 open it I get the error Untrusted Application Launcher ... any ideas?15:37
maurocand i don't have now another client to connect15:37
leftyfbmauroc: try putty as your client on ubuntu15:38
maurocleftyfb: ok, i will try15:38
Vic2ok, so a generic linux channel ... thanks for that headsup.15:38
lotus|NUCVic2: patience is a good deed, how about you give us more details like..wich packagename?15:38
lotus|NUCVic2: 'an application' we cant do much with that15:38
Vic2it is a standalone flash player being ran under Wine15:39
leftyfbVic2: sounds like a wine issue15:39
Vic2no issue running ... runs fine on 14.04 ... still a Wine issue?15:40
leftyfbVic2: does it happen if you do the same with other non-wine applications?15:41
Vic2on 14.04 the icon shows wine windows program loader ... on 16.04 it shows Adobe Flash Player 1115:42
Vic2Honestly, I have not tried any other app.15:42
leftyfbVic2: On 18.04, does it happen if you do the same with other non-wine applications?15:42
leftyfbVic2: try it15:42
leftyfbor 16.0415:42
Vic216.04 ... and I will try now15:42
maurocleftyfb: putty didnt'works..15:43
leftyfbmauroc: ok, so it doesn't sound like a client issue but a server or auth issue. Both require you to get the logs from the server15:43
maurocok, i try to contact the support15:44
Vic2libre office and the file manager work fine ... they all 'stack' on one icon.15:44
leftyfbVic2: then it's a wine issue15:45
leftyfbVic2: try #winehq15:46
Vic2Ok thanks ... do you know the room name ... ty!15:46
Magissiaskinux: Unpacking the iso, chrooting and repacking won't do the trick ?15:52
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retrojeffI have a question regarding uid=99(nobody)   can I allow it to read a file inside of /home/user/foo/bar ?16:20
MarkB2I have an application that, under normal use, spits out quite a bit of information that I don't need to keep.  When I start this application from a desktop icon, that output is routed to /var/log/syslog .  This tends to create megabyte syslog files.  How can I route that output to /dev/null ?16:20
retrojeffnevermind I solved my issue16:26
JimBuntuMarkB2, maybe redirect via 2>&1 ?16:39
MarkB2JimBuntu: I did put that into the Exec= line in the Desktop/Program.desktop.  It wasn't re-routed.16:45
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MarkB2I was thinking of writing a fork()/exec() with stdout and stderr routed to /dev/null.. but thought maybe Gnome would have a better way.16:46
JimBuntuOh, interesting. I figure desktop files may require different use... possibly the output isn't 'standard output'16:46
JimBuntuMarkB2, https://askubuntu.com/questions/873799/how-to-redirect-stdout-and-stderr-in-desktop-entry16:47
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leonardussoftware for viewing ppt?17:05
tomreynlibreoffice impress17:06
MarkB2JimBuntu: Just returned to the keyboard.  Thank you!  I'll take a look.17:11
MarkB2JimBuntu: !! Looks like the Ticket!!   Great catch, great call.  Thanks!17:12
JimBuntuMarkB2, You are welcome, glad to be of some help.17:12
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pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu: In response to MarkB2 eariler... some programs may send output to Terminal when launched from termianl, and syslog when launched from gui. it would be an application specific option that would be in the documentation of the application.17:27
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metabsdHi, I want to know if Ubuntu really use /etc/bashrc file. Thank you!17:53
pragmaticenigmametabsd: Can you be more specific?17:53
markpieCould please anyone give me an advice where to change the font-size in latest ubu 18.04 kernel? After the reboot I've lost my console text size setting.17:54
metabsdIf i create a file named /etc/bashrc and add couple env variable. Those variable will be set to all user using bash ? If those user don't overwrite them. Thx!17:54
compdocmarkpie, it boots to a text only console?17:55
markpiecompdoc> It boots to multi-user init level. And it's intended behavior.17:55
pragmaticenigmametabsd: I don't believe /etc/bashrc is used by Ubuntu17:56
pragmaticenigmametabsd: /etc/bashrc is not used in Ubuntu... see "man bash" under the section FILES for more information17:59
pragmaticenigmametabsd: The current setup in Debian/Ubuntu is that /etc/bash.bashrc is read before ~/.bashrc ... which means a user can override settings in /etc/bash.bashrc18:01
metabsdok thx!18:01
markpieSorry about that. False alert. TTY1 booted into small font size. TTY2, TTY3, TTY4 unaffected. TTY5, TT6 in small font-size. This is weird.18:05
andaiwhen i mount an ext4 partition, the owner of the directory where it's mounted is root (the other directories in /media/andai are owned by andai) and i can't write to it (it's mounted as rw though)18:23
bahamatI'm using ubuntu 16.04.3 with cloud-init 17.1-46-g7acc. I can't get the users section to work.18:27
bahamatThe only thing I can get to work is user-script18:27
bahamatAm I doing something wrong or is this version broken?18:28
pragmaticenigmabahamat: If you are running 16.04.3 you have a large number of updates waiting to be installed... it's possible one of them is a fix for that issue18:28
Edistohow do you reinstall a kernel? in particular after installing amdgpu-pro 18.3 i can't boot into kernel 4.15.0-34 but 33 works fine.18:28
bahamatpragmaticenigma: I updated cloud-init, but it's still not working like I expect.18:41
coz_ftmh17, hey guy18:41
bahamatThe file /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt *is* populated, but the defined user isn't created.18:41
FuraiHey, so for some reason night light doesn't sunset to sunrise settings. It's like the data for that never get pulled. Is there a way to debug it?18:46
Scytale89Furai, have you checked privacy settings to allow access on geolocation?18:46
FuraiScytale89, let me see.18:47
leftyfbnight light?18:48
FuraiThe built-in f.lux/redshift.18:48
leftyfboh, neat. Didn't know about that. I'm still on 16.04 and run redshift18:49
FuraiIs there a way to give that information to night shift without changing that privacy setting?18:49
jmgb4Hey fellas, I am on ubuntu 18.04 and something is up. I rebooted my machine and I get a couple of errors thats preventing me from booting. I can boot in safemode right now just fine. Curious where I can look to try and figure out whats causing the normal boot to error18:51
FuraiBoot loop?18:52
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: first place to look is the last thing you did before having this issue18:52
FuraiNvidia drivers?18:52
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, upgraded the kernel but I switched back and it didnt fix it18:52
FuraiIf you have recently updated kernel and didn't have dkms module for nvidia drivers you need to reinstall them.18:52
NoImNotNineVolti'd like to set an environment variable, globally at boot, even for noninteractive shells. but i need to to equal the output of a command. e.g. foobar=$(/usr/bin/something)18:52
NoImNotNineVoltis that even possible?18:52
NoImNotNineVolt/etc/default isn't gonna work, since that only takes simple static assignments.18:53
jmgb4Furai, Its not an nvidia error, seen those before.18:53
NoImNotNineVolttried /etc/profile.d/something.sh, but that only applies to interactive shells.18:53
Furaijmgb4, have you looked at /var/log/syslog? Did you try looking at dmesg ?18:54
jmgb4Furai, dmesg is for hte current boot right?18:55
jmgb4Im in safemode or recoverymode, whatever ubuntu calls it right now18:56
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jmgb4ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.WMIV.WVPO, AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE (20170831/psparse-550)18:57
jmgb4Thats one error I found18:57
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: Might want to check in one of the programming or bash specific channels.18:58
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: The recent kernel patch is supposed to fix an issue with ACPI18:58
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, Im not even sure if thats the issue though. Im not seeing any other errors18:59
jmgb4I think the best option right now owuld be to try and roll back the kernel19:01
jmgb4But wait, selecting the old kernel form the bootloader didnt do anything. So hmm19:02
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: can you successfully boot to one of the older kernels?19:02
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, No, I just answered my own statement really. Guess I am digging thorugh the systlog more to see whats up19:02
jmgb4Im not finding any other errors though19:02
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: could disable the GUI boot mode and switch it to terminal to see if anything flashes up on the screen19:03
jmgb4It wants to drop me into maintenance mode19:03
jmgb4Is dmesg then the best option?19:04
jmgb4..to see whats going on19:04
jmgb4MODSIGN: Couldn't get UEFI db list. Theres a couple of those errors19:05
jmgb4Alright I guess so. Ill be back hopefully19:07
NatalieI'm getting a "Aborted (core dumped)" error, but I can't seem to track down what's killing it.19:11
NoImNotNineVoltpragmaticenigma: merely asking that in #bash got me +q'd.19:17
NoImNotNineVoltthey feel [strongly] that it's an os question.19:17
NatalieI think it's caused by some resource limit. Is there somewhere in particular I can look to see if something has been killing my process?19:17
TJ- Natalie it'd help to tell us where you're seeing this, and for what process19:22
jmgb4Alright it looks like its that acpi error and its on both kernels.19:22
jmgb4I dont even know how I was able to boot back here.. I was about to give up and go to another machine to reinstall. Really dont want to though19:23
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: It's not a support question either though. Read !topic ... and ask in #ubuntu-offtopic19:23
ioriajmgb4, if acpi is the problem... easy to test : acpi=off19:24
TJ-jmgb4: The ACPI message you reported earlier shouldn't be critical; it indicates a firmware/BIOS bug19:24
NatalieTJ-, Okay. It's a bit an epic tale.19:24
solsTiCehi. I want to read smart value for an usb hdd. smartctl wants me to specify the usb brdige type. how do I know thta ?19:24
jmgb4TJ-, thats really the only error I can find.19:24
NoImNotNineVoltpragmaticenigma: in what sense is it not a support question?19:24
TJ-jmgb4: instead of warning/error messages, can you tell us what the symptoms are? I wasn't around if you described them earlier?19:25
jmgb4TJ-, I just updated my machine. Pretty sure the only update was the kernel.  I then rebooted and ubuntu wants to force me into maintenance mode now.19:25
jmgb4TJ-, I am looking in the syslog, really nothing interesting or "critical"19:26
NatalieTJ-, I'm running Jenkins, inside of PM2. Jenkins is triggering a build job of a node.js project. The build script runs "bower install" which then promptly dies with "Aborted (cord dumped)". As far as I can tell there is no other relevant logs or errors.19:26
NatalieI've tried rearranging some of the build tasks, and different things seems to unexplicably die.19:27
TJ-jmgb4: OK, have you first tried starting in multi-user mode but without enabling the GUI?19:27
jmgb4TJ-, if I go down again I dont think its going to come back up19:27
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: "man bash" has the answer you seek. check in the "FILES" section19:28
jmgb4MODSIGN: Couldn't get UEFI dbx list is the only other error I can find currently.19:28
ioriajmgb4, i got that too; not your issue19:28
TJ-Natalie: sounds like an Out Of Memory (OOM) issue - possibly due to virtual memory being over-committed by default. does the kernel log report the OOM killer pruning processes?19:29
jmgb4I am clueless then. This log doesnt have what killed my boot then19:29
ioriajmgb4, boot in recovery mode and check  'df h'19:30
NatalieTJ-, I've been digging through all the logs and I haven't found any mention of OOM. I tried everything in /var/logs, and dmesg. Is there somewhere else I could check?19:30
TJ-jmgb4: try without the GUI, temporarily change to TTTY-only with "systemctl set-default multi-user.target" then reboot. If it still fails you've reduced the problem area considerably. To restore the current setting "systemctl set-default graphical.target"19:30
ioriajmgb4, df -h19:30
jmgb4ioria, check hd space?19:30
jmgb4ioria, Im not full..19:30
NatalieAlso, would there be some setting somewhere that disables the OOM messages? I'm not sure where to check for that.19:30
ioriajmgb4, df -i19:30
TJ-Natalie: those would be usualy places. Have you looked for a core dump you can examine in /var/crash/ ?19:31
jmgb4ioria, I dont get what you are getting at19:31
NatalieI'll check19:31
ioriajmgb4, just run it19:31
jmgb4TJ-, if I go down, I probably wont come up. ubuntu doesnt even get through the entire boot process. It seems to want to fsck but then craps out19:31
jmgb4ioria, at boot or now19:32
ioriajmgb4, do you have a shell ?19:32
TJ-jmgb4: well there's a BIG clue!19:32
jmgb4ioria, yes..19:32
jmgb4TJ-, oh is it?19:33
TJ-jmgb4:  are you on the affected PC now?19:33
jmgb4TJ-, yeah19:33
TJ-jmgb4: and did it have problems during this boot too?19:33
jmgb4TJ-, Yes. It wont boot normally unless I go into backup mode or recovery mode or whatever its called in grub. I just cant remember what ubuntu refers to it as19:35
TJ-jmgb4: I've seen instances where the rootfs is damaged, fsck fails (underlying disk starting to fail), rootfs is mounted read-only, and so many boot tasks cannot complete due to being unable to write to disk19:35
TJ-jmgb4: can you show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -xb)"19:35
NatalieTJ-, Well, I've found one file in /var/crash from 3 ago that might be related. Not really sure what info I can get from it.19:36
TJ-Natalie: usually the name and timestamp gives a clue as to whether it is relevant. if you think it us there are toools to examine it19:36
jmgb4TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FMZsGFVVfY/19:37
NatalieIt's datestamped to the time of my first failed build. So I think it's from that.19:37
NatalieBut I would have expected more recent dumps? I'm not sure if something is preventing them from being created.19:37
TJ-Natalie: this link will give you an intro into how we can locally examine a crash dump: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash19:39
ioriajmgb4, old kernel with nomodeset ?  why ?19:39
jmgb4ioria, Dont remember the exact error but it stopped dmesg from being spammed19:40
TJ-Natalie: Natalie the crash file itself is, if I recall correctly, a text file, with binary data base64 encoded, so you can read some of it with a text viewer/editor. I don't have a crash file currently to check, though19:40
NatalieSo, this isn't my program, so I'm not really sure how much useful information I can gather from debugging it? I don't have the source, and even if I did, I can't see how it would be useful.19:41
jmgb4TJ-, I dont see anything thats screaming "this is why I cant boot"19:41
=== nvidia- is now known as kevr
ioriajmgb4, i'd start running fsck from the recovery menu19:43
jmgb4TJ-, Do you see anything?19:47
jmgb4ioria, Thats my next step19:48
jmgb4ioria, Trying to remember how I can do it before everything gets mounted19:49
TJ-jmgb4: I've got to line 3000 without finding anything critical; but I need to go eat dinner. Maybe someone else can carry on from there - not sure how long I'll be19:49
madLyfeit doesn't look like chrome removes it's software source when I removed it via terminal19:50
jmgb4TJ-, I made it to like 4k and nothing19:50
madLyfeis that normal? what else did it leave behind?19:50
leftyfbmadLyfe: huh?19:52
jmgb4Alright ill be back, hopefully19:52
madLyfechrome installs a software source when you install it.19:52
madLyfeif you remove chrome it leaves the software source19:53
DevrimWhat are the chances my headless ubuntu server is gonna get fucked if I do a 16.04 -> 18.04 upgrade19:53
madLyfewhat else does it leave behind when you remove it?19:53
Devrimremote headless that is19:53
jmgb4Strange. No errors found and it booted just fine19:54
leftyfbmadLyfe: what software source? Google Chrome is not open source.19:54
naccDevrim: please watch your language; and in general it depends on how far you are from stock Ubuntu19:54
leftyfbDevrim: always have your data and configs backed up and a plan to rebuild from scratch if need be. And downtime.19:55
jmgb4I wouldnt call that a bug but wow that needs to be fixed19:56
leftyfbmadLyfe: oh, you means the sources.list repo. Those repo's will stay there until you edit/remove the file manually or use something like ppa-purge19:56
Devrimleftyfb I have backups and don't care about the downtime but having to reconfig/install everything is a pain in the ass lol19:58
DevrimLast time I had to do a full reinstall, took me a day to do it al :(19:58
leftyfbDevrim: again, please watch the language. But yes, running a server entails this type of administration19:59
kludgeIt's easier if you install it once, make a snapshot with clonezilla or something, and then copy that snapshot everywhere.20:03
NatalieI can't get apport to work. It's complaining about a lack of Package field.20:03
NatalieIs there anywhere I can enable the OOM log messages?20:05
TJ-Natalie: OOM is an in-kernel mechanism; if it happened, kern.log / dmesg would report it20:07
jmgb4TJ-, Did you see what happened?20:08
TJ-Natalie: were the node, etc., tools not installed from the ubuntu package archive? that'd explain a missing "Package:" field20:08
TJ-jmgb4: reboot and it works?20:08
TheAvatarHey. I did dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb (over ssh though), but sdb wont boot. Am I missing something? sda was a running system20:08
jmgb4TJ-, No, I forced a fsck and no errors found, then it booted fine. I dont get it.,20:08
NatalieTJ-, No clue. I didn't install them. They're running in /usr/bin though.20:09
TJ-jmgb4: hmmm, strange in deed. But don't knock it - just keep an eye on the logs in case something else transpires. I'd suggest checking the disk SMART logs *now* in case a storage device is on its way out - and ensure you have your data, and configuration, backed up20:09
TJ-Natalie: you can usually prove it by searching for a known file with the dpkg tool, as in "dpkg -S /path/to/known/file" - if that came from a package that is known it'll tell you which20:10
jmgb4TJ-, I have nothing important on this machine. All items that are important are not local . But either way - I wouldnt call it a bug but I am going to highly suggest somewhere on ubuntus site that that be fixed - if the system wants to fsck but it cant so it stops the boot.20:11
TJ-jmgb4: if there was a transient data error (caused by mass storage, or failing RAM module even) it could be intermittent20:11
jmgb4TJ-, Could be.20:12
jmgb4When I am ready to go home Ill bounce the box again to see if another error is thrown20:12
TJ-jmgb4: you should be able to find logs of the fsck jobs via journalctl - not sure how many boots back that'll record though, not had to do it20:12
jmgb4TJ-, No idea. I hate systemd and everything with it so I never look deep into the ctl stuff20:13
TJ-jmgb4: as in "journalctl -u *fsck*"20:13
madLyfenot sure how to remove everything chrome and start fresh?20:14
TJ-jmgb4: mine go back to start of August20:14
madLyfei did `sudo apt remove google-chrome-stable` and `sudo apt auto-remove` and `sudo apt purge google-chrome-stable` and then went to install it again and showed it remembered a profile from the previous install on this computer.20:15
jmgb4madLyfe, scary what some things stick around20:16
jmgb4what => that20:16
TJ-madLyfe: *user* profiles won't be touched, only system config info. I cannot think of any package install/remove/purge that is allowed to touch user home directories20:17
leftyfbmadLyfe: ~/.config/google-chrome20:18
leftyfbmadLyfe: to be honest, removing/reinstalling the package really shouldn't do much20:18
leftyfbmadLyfe: if you've got a problem with your profile, wiping the ~/.config/google-chrome is what usually fixed issues20:18
TJ-jmgb4: aha! line 4940: "Sep 11 14:23:44 garcia kernel: EXT4-fs (sdb): error count since last fsck: 1"20:18
EightynineDo you have any problems with YouTube? Intel Xorg driver: YouTube stucks sometimes, takes up to 137% CPU. Modesetting driver: It took 33-40% of CPU right after removing Xorg driver and then started to behave same as it did before switching to modesetting driver. The worst thing is that Wayland session is absent, when I tried to check if I have this option I logged off and then logged in and my system completely froze. I'm using Gnome.20:19
madLyfejust delete that folder?20:19
TJ-jmgb4: so the pastebin did hold a clue, there's a few lines at that point describing the issue20:19
jmgb4TJ-, But why would that force a failed boot?20:19
leftyfbmadLyfe: maybe rename it, but sure20:19
NatalieTJ-, I manually added the appropriate Package line. I was able to run apport-retrace, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for. It shows "Signal: 6", which is SIGABRT? I'm not sure how to determine what caused that signal.20:19
TJ-madLyfe: generally applications create either a $HOME/.<application>/ or $HOME/.config/<application> and/or $HOME/.local/share/<application>20:20
NatalieThe last node-looking call appears to be to spawn a new process.20:20
TJ-Natalie: apport-retrace, if you install all the dbgsym (debug symbols) should be able to generate a stack-trace which would help pinpoint what process/thread/function had the problem20:21
Lavinhogood night20:21
EightynineHelp me please to install correct drivers and fix tearing.20:21
Lavinhohelp me please20:21
jmgb4I dont expect you to konw TJ- but still, it shouldnt force a failed boot _or_ if it doesn force an unmount and fsck20:21
NatalieI'm staring at a stack trace. It just seems to go from "Spawn new process" to "SIGABRT", with no explanation as to why.20:21
kludgeNatalie: it got an abort signal from the other process?  Perhaps you want the trace of the other process.20:23
NatalieI have no idea what this other process was.20:23
TJ-jmgb4: well it depends on what file-systems are on failing, if they're listed in fstab as auto-mounts then I would expect that to fail since the system init has to assume it is vital to get the system started20:23
Lavinhogrub error install ubuntu 18.1020:25
TJ-Natalie: hmmm, afraid I can't be of much more help. maybe the PM2 stuff could be run under some kind of resource monitor - trying to rack my brains to think of something suitable20:25
Lavinhohelp me please20:25
jmgb4TJ-, I get what you are saying but its a catch22.. if its vital i get the system booted and its vital i unmount it root fs to fsck then its vital i throw a error? I mean its like shooting yourself in both feet to see what will happen20:25
naccLavinho: 18.10 is supported in #ubuntu+120:25
naccLavinho: it's not yet released, you know that, right?20:25
TJ-jmgb4: the init can't win, and sometimes it may have insufficient data to make a decision or report anything useful. it just knows it finds an error count that should be zero20:26
jmgb4TJ-, I guess I ned to look into why the init cant win. But either way I think we are getting off topic a bit20:26
nabbletHi, I made an account for launchpad long time ago and now i try to log in to comment on a ticket and it start going on about ubuntu one accounts (seems to be compulsory to use launchpad /bugs.launchpad.net/). Is that correct`20:27
jmgb4I dont think theres going to be an answer I like down the rabbit hole though20:27
naccnabblet: yes, you need an ubuntu one account20:28
nabbletnacc: thanks for the info. Not really the answer I hoped for though :/20:29
* kludge has been spending his afternoon fighting ubuntu package installers. Anyone have any clue about this? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52279917/dependency-issue-with-ubuntu-18-04-libjpeg-turbo820:30
TJ-jmgb4: well the error reported was "sdb: initial error at time 1535132960: ext4_orphan_get:1284" so first identify where that FS would be mounted, and if it is in fstab or not. I'm guessing not since I cannot find an fsck@ unit for it20:30
kludgeInstalling libjpeg-turbo8 does not seem like a big deal.20:31
midgetspyhey guys I have a server that was running an ancient CentOS which I just reformatted and put Ubuntu 18.04 server on it. It's pretty standard hardware but has some SATA expansion cards and about 20 HDD. Since the reformat it has completely frozen up twice (all services non responsive, monitor displays no errors of any kind but is frozen, can't even ctrl+alt+delete). After I power it off and back20:31
midgetspyon how should I go about debugging this? Is there likely to be any logs anywhere that might help?20:31
midgetspy(it never had any stability issues with the old CentOS install so I'm assuming it's not just bad hardware)20:32
tomreynmidgetspy: have a look /var/log/syslog*20:33
tomreynmidgetspy: look for the latest messages logged before you power cycled it.20:34
TJ-midgetspy: do you have a record of what kernel version it was using with CentOS ?20:34
tomreyn!sysrq | midgetspy if it happens again, this is better than power cycling20:34
ubottumidgetspy if it happens again, this is better than power cycling: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:34
midgetspyubottu: never heard of that, thanks, I'll try that next time20:35
ubottumidgetspy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:35
TJ-midgetspy: also sometimes of use, a remote ssh network session - sometimes the console can freeze up but a remote session not.20:35
kludgemidgetspy: No dumps, it just silently locks up?  You have a console with errors or you are booting with quiet?20:35
johnjayhi is it possible to give a custom wget command to apt-get to use? i have unreliable internet and apt-get commands frequently fail for me20:36
midgetspyTJ-: I can get it, I have a copy of the original boot drive I could put back in. It was ancient (2.4.? IIRC)20:36
tomreynmidgetspy: also, before the system froze, was the monitor displaying a TTY or a GUI or sorts?20:36
midgetspykludge: my SSH sessions died and the local terminal was frozen20:36
johnjayideally i want to instruct apt-get to continue retrying forever if a file fails to download20:37
kludgemidgetspy: Anything in the system log from when it happened?20:37
midgetspytomreyn: the local terminal was just displaying a login prompt (with some extra stuff that it printed to the screen on boot)20:37
midgetspykludge: I'm waiting for it to boot up again and I'll take a look20:38
tomreynmidgetspy: ok, then chances are nothing related will be in syslog either. but it's still worth a look, only critical issues would be poste don the TTY.20:38
TJ-midgetspy: wow, very old! I'm wondering if there were any special kernel command-line options being used to help pacify the hardware. Might be worth checking on the old boot drive20:39
TJ-!info vlc-nox20:39
ubottuPackage vlc-nox does not exist in bionic20:39
kludgeHe's right, disabling the gui is a good plan for something like this so that you can actually see whatever is appearing on the console when something goes badly wrong.  You still might not see anything, mind you.20:40
bambamis it just me or is it way harder to run Linux off USB nowadays?20:40
EightynineWhen will be Ubuntu updated to Gnome 3.30?20:40
leftyfb!latest | Eightynine20:41
ubottuEightynine: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:41
TJ-hmmm, anyone know what happened to vlc-nox? seems it disappeared after 16.04 (still shows up via apt-cache on my 18.04 system though!)20:41
leftyfbTJ-: it'll still show up as being an installed package in your cache if it's still installed. But won't have any source20:41
mojtabaHello, Do you know how can I print to PDF all of the emails that I have received with a specific criteria? like from a specific sender? (I am using Thunderbird, but I am not bound to it.)20:41
* ExoUNX uses CentOS 3 for stability20:41
jmgb4ExoUNX, lol Im sorry20:42
leftyfbExoUNX: please don't20:42
ExoUNXbut it's old, so it must be super-duper stable20:42
TJ-!info vlc-bin20:42
ubottuvlc-bin (source: vlc): binaries from VLC. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3-1-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 52 kB, installed size 366 kB20:42
ExoUNXI don't mind distros locking package versions, but some use older packages than the distro release date with the excuse of stability20:43
ExoUNXbut anyways, will Ubuntu 18.10 have OpenSSL 1.1.1 in it/20:44
midgetspyTJ-: found it, it was running a custom-compiled kernel 2.6.32-358.11.1.el6.SiL3826.x86_64. the custom compile was because there was a patch for the Sil 3286 sata port multiplier (which as far as I could tell was now in mainline, I'm trying to find it again)20:44
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | ExoUNX20:45
ubottuExoUNX: Cosmic Cuttlefish is the codename for Ubuntu 18.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+120:45
lowkeycoat1i used an sd card as a boot device, it didnt work, and now it wont register on ubuntu at all ( im using 16.04 ubuntu, my sd project was pi20:45
jmgb4ExoUNX, I do question some of ubuntus reasons for holding back packages. I dont remember what it was that I was trying to figure out was held back to a package that was released in 200820:46
lowkeycoat1i want to format an sd card that wont show up, even in dmesng20:46
ExoUNXjmgb4, python2 lol?20:46
jmgb4ExoUNX, No but it is funny you bring that up. a lot of ubuntu is based off old old OLD python2 scripts that theyre refusing to update. But thats neither here nor there and off topic20:47
ExoUNXjmgb4, well, that's the struggle pretty much every linux distro20:48
mojtabaHello, Do you know how can I print to PDF all of the emails that I have received with a specific criteria? like from a specific sender? (I am using Thunderbird, but I am not bound to it.)20:48
BarnabasDKExoUNX, just joined what was the problem20:48
jmgb4ExoUNX, Not ones that stay up to date lol20:49
ExoUNXBarnabasDK, I was curious if OpenSSL 1.1.1 would be available in Ubuntu 18.10. I doubt it because it's so late to the game and the release is probably frozen20:49
ExoUNXjmgb4, well I'm sure Fedora 28 uses py2 somewhere still, and that's probably the most cutting-edge mainstream distro20:50
BarnabasDKExoUNX, are you used to fetching source and building your own stuff?20:50
jmgb4ExoUNX, Pretty sure my Gentoo box uses mostly py320:50
BarnabasDKin that case - you can have any version of OpenSSL you need20:50
ExoUNXI'd rather not risk breaking Ubuntu 18.1020:51
BarnabasDKarh .. you don't have to :-)20:51
midgetspyhm, in my syslog there are 400k+ lines from ureadahead saying "Ignored relative path" (I was running a snapraid fix at the time, maybe it's nothing?). nothing else suspicious20:51
BarnabasDKyou do not have to install the libs as hostlibs /usr20:51
BarnabasDKjust keep it withing your user space /home/<username>20:52
EightynineWhy not use the latest LTS kernel in LTS Ubuntu?20:52
ExoUNXBarnabasDK, or good ol /opt20:52
BarnabasDKExoUNX, yah20:52
BarnabasDKI just have to ask why you feel that particualar version of SSL is what you need?20:53
ExoUNXTLS 1.3 testing20:53
BarnabasDKwell if it is a black/white test with regards to fixes made to ssl an older verion of the libs makes perfectly sense20:53
tomreynTJ-: http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/v/vlc/unstable_changelog says: "vlc (2.2.5-2) experimental; urgency=medium: Remove vlc-nox binary package." Not very telling. But as you already seem to have found out, apparently vlc-nox was then somehow redone into vlc-bin20:54
BarnabasDKI would check out the old version, build it and then install them in either a folder under the test user /home/<testuser> or in /opt/<somethingsomething>20:54
BarnabasDKand then update the LD_library path for that specific test task20:55
ExoUNXIt's appealing that ~63% of the browser share supports TLS 1.3 now, worth banking in on the performance increase20:55
BarnabasDKTLS now faster than regular http20:56
BarnabasDKstatefull connection vs per ressource connection20:56
ExoUNXwith http/2 it is20:56
ExoUNXTLS over http/1.1 vs plain http/1.1 you still have overhead that http/2 mitigates20:57
ExoUNXbut TLS 1.3 also optimizes further, reducing trips20:57
BarnabasDKI am not a frontend wizz I mostly work with backend stuff / os / integrations etc20:58
ExoUNXwell, http/1.1 over TLS to be exact20:58
BarnabasDKbut it sounds interesting20:58
ExoUNXthanks, ttyl, heading home21:00
BarnabasDKthe serverhelo crypt is sweet21:01
TJ-tomreyn: yeah, I figured it out, the various vlc binaries are prefixed with a letter (c,n,etc.) and are shell-script wrappers to get the main vlc binary to do the right thing. I'm setting up a camera stream reflector on a server in a remote office21:03
midgetspyTJ-: OK I have looked back through my notes and confirmed that the only deviation from a stock 2.6.32 kernel was a kernel patch which is now in the mainline (https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/ata/libata-pmp.c#L296) so it shouldn't be that. There is nothing in my syslog. sigh21:04
TJ-midgetspy: usually, hard lock-ups suggest a problem with temperatures or similar, I'm wondering if it could be ACPI related. Can you show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"21:09
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midgetspyTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zy58r4JqjR/21:18
midgetspyI do see some ACPI warnings in there, though I have no idea what they mean :0)21:20
skinuxAnyone have any experience with CoasterCMS? Is it really very good?21:24
nostroraHello everyone, i have ubuntu 18.04.1 and when i close my laptop and reopen it. ubuntu ask for password. how can i disable this feature ?21:27
naccnostrora: is it the login prompt? that's presumably just the screensaver?21:28
naccit seems like generally a bad idea to disable that, given that then anyone could steal your laptop and then do whtever they want to it21:28
nacc(specifically access your account data, etc)21:29
nostroranacc: i don't know, i just know when i reopen my laptop there is an password prompt. this prompt is different than the "cold boot" login21:29
nostroranacc: my disk isn't encrypted so anyone can do anything with my laptop if he steal my laptop21:29
BarnabasDKnostrora, are you booting secure boot?21:33
naccBarnabasDK: i believe they left21:43
BarnabasDKnacc, well21:44
BarnabasDKsecure boot requres registration of the boot keys on the boot sector .. thats where it ususally goes wrong21:44
BarnabasDKif anyone ever reads the transcripts of this channel21:46
BarnabasDKwith the right indexing it would make a hell of a robot to query21:47
BarnabasDKis this channel still the official support chat btw? or has it moved somewhere "modern"21:50
BarnabasDKlike facebook21:50
TJ-midgetspy: apart from a the final few log entries about missing (overlay) file-system mount options and the like, the dmesg looks good22:04
armuhow do i print lines from file 2 that contain column1 in file 1?22:08
kludgearmu: do a man on cut and join22:10
BarnabasDKkludge, +122:12
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:14
BarnabasDKsubsequently - why would you do that ..22:15
naccBarnabasDK: yes, this is the official support channel. Did you read /topic ?22:17
naccarmu: you probably wanted various scripting channels, not this one.22:17
BarnabasDKnacc, I did, and I have to ask, why would you run linux kernel mode under indows22:17
BarnabasDKin place of other alternatives22:18
naccBarnabasDK: it doesn't say anyting about "kernel mode"22:18
BarnabasDKwell I belive that is how it works now in win 1+22:18
naccBarnabasDK: if you would like to discuss it, the faq tells you where to go22:18
BarnabasDKI would rather be free22:18
naccBarnabasDK: please stick to support topics. Chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic.22:19
armuawk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next} {for (k in a) if (index($0, k)) print a[k], $0}' file1 file2  this does work but a number "1" in file 1 matches a number "10" in file 2 .. because it contains a 1 .. how do i stop this please?22:32
armuhow do i find matching lines in file 2 , of column1 in file 1? and echo the matches on one line? i have an awk command that works but it matches "1" to "10" .. i need complete matches or to terminate the match character22:37
BarnabasDKarmu, stayng true to the purpose of this channel as stated before, how is this related to ubuntu?22:39
naccarmu: you want an awk channel22:45
Jordan_Uarmu: While your question is on topic for this channel, as long as you're actually using Ubuntu to do this, you're much likely to get a good answer from #awk than from here.23:05
MylonHi.  My laptop recent gave up the ghost.  I'm trying to recover my data off the hard drive, but when trying to open the hard drive using a Manjaro live boot, I'm prompted for a password.23:06
MylonThe root password for my old computer doesn't seem to work.23:06
MylonHow do I open the hard drive?23:06
Jordan_UMylon: First, please use an Ubuntu LiveUSB or ask your question in ##linux.23:08
MylonI don't recall ever choosing to encrypt the hard drive.23:09
Talsinhello. I have a network interface configured to use dhcp. It works fine, however I want to use a nameserver different from the one provided by dhcp. I have added dns-nameserver to my /etc/network/interfaces file, which works, but the bad dns server is still there /etc/resov.conf contains both nameserver
Talsinnameserver . How can I replace the dns server instead of just adding another ?23:11
MylonDoes Mint count as Ubuntu?23:31
naccMylon: no, it's a fork23:31
nacc!mint | Mylon23:31
ubottuMylon: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)23:31
naccTalsin: are you using Network Manager?23:32
MylonAlright.  I'll stick with the official Ubuntu for my live boot.23:34
Talsinbut really yes mint is ubuntu for most things, just dont tell anyone and you wont get the boilerplate disclaimer23:35
Talsinnacc: i have no idea, it's a very clean ubuntu 16 server install23:37
MylonWhat's yaourt?23:38
MylonOops, wrong channel.23:39
naccTalsin: please don't advise people to lie.23:40
naccTalsin: server, then no NM, most likely.23:40
naccTalsin: https://askubuntu.com/questions/63160/how-to-override-the-dhcp-provided-nameserver ?23:42
=== tsglove is now known as Guest85882
tsgloveHello.  What is the gd library?23:49
tsglove I am trying to configure nginx, and it's throwing this error:   ./configure: error: the HTTP image filter module requires the GD library23:49
Talsinnacc: thanks that looks like it, saved me from some ugly scripting hacks23:49
dar123hey guyz i want to do tail -f file1 | grep -v 'word1 word2' | 'word3 word4'23:52
xamithanits a php library,  installed by using your package manager23:52
xamithanIf you are using php7 then apt install php7.0-gd23:52
dar123cant get the or condition for grep to work23:52
Talsindar123: egrep -v "word[1-2]"23:55
rfmdar123, problem is the ! is being taken as a pipe symbol.  try grep -v -e "word1 word2\|word3 word4"23:57
rfmdar123, or with egrep,  egrep -v =e "word1 word2|word3 word4"23:58
dar123Thanks guyz23:58

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