oobuntoo | I am new to snaps and when I open a photo viewer program it shows me what I guess is a virtual filesystem? | 00:00 |
oobuntoo | I can access my ~/ but not other places on the drive? | 00:00 |
oobuntoo | ahh wait. think I got it. if not will be back ;) | 00:01 |
=== Butterfly^ is now known as Guest94983 | ||
joanj | What da hell was that? | 00:09 |
joanj | Due to the persistent ongoing spam, all new connections are being set +R (block messages from unidentified users) and will be scanned for vulnerabilities. This will not harm your computer, and vulnerable hosts will be notified. | 00:10 |
joanj | What happened? | 00:10 |
joanj | Scanned how???? | 00:10 |
OerHeks | just PM messages, no worries | 00:11 |
OerHeks | and registering is not that expensive on #freenode | 00:11 |
joanj | OerHeks, just PM??? What do you mean? | 00:12 |
joanj | They will read them? | 00:12 |
joanj | Expensive? I thought I did it for free? | 00:12 |
OerHeks | why do you care? you are registered | 00:12 |
OerHeks | we try to keep a low level access to support, so unregistered users are also welcome | 00:13 |
OerHeks | pm = private message | 00:13 |
UBUxUBU | https://imgur.com/a/4uQovkC | 00:14 |
joanj | OerHeks, I know what a PM is. You are scanning through people's messages? | 00:14 |
UBUxUBU | holy cow | 00:16 |
UBUxUBU | am i reading this correctly | 00:16 |
joanj | am I? | 00:17 |
joanj | OerHeks, I know what a PM is. You are scanning through people's messages? | 00:17 |
* UBUxUBU takes a screen shot | 00:17 | |
OerHeks | That freenode message does not claim i read PM | 00:17 |
OerHeks | LoLz | 00:17 |
pauljw | hehehe... yeah, we all scan your messages... | 00:18 |
OerHeks | are you drunk? | 00:18 |
joanj | No. First I was kicked out and my nick was changed, so I couldn't post here and had to identify again. Then you say you scan people's messages and I still don't know what it mean and it looks like you do. | 00:19 |
OerHeks | using irc as root, you have bigger issues than PM | 00:21 |
OerHeks | !rootirc | 00:21 |
ubottu | It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 00:21 |
joanj | Don't worry about that. Caould you please answer my question? | 00:22 |
joanj | OerHeks, I'm not calling you NSA, I just'd like to now. | 00:29 |
guiverc | joanj, the mesasge you saw about scanning was from freenode, not the ubuntu room; if you have concerns you'll have to take it up with them (they've been hit by heaps of spam, and have had to implment more security procedures to attempt to stop it) | 00:30 |
joanj | guiverc, I know it was freenode. | 00:30 |
OerHeks | i am not sure what freenode does, i think counting connections to detect mass spam | 00:30 |
joanj | OerHeks, Does counting connections counts as scan? When you wrote "we" above, it was a quote right? | 00:34 |
OerHeks | how is this related to ubuntu support? ask in #freenode | 00:37 |
joanj | just having a conversation... Not much is going on here. | 00:37 |
kantlivelong | anyone here have exp with kerberos? | 00:44 |
joanj | thanks | 00:56 |
joanj | cy | 00:56 |
nshire | does running the ubuntu software update kill programs like Apache while running? the only open port appears to be my ssh port | 00:58 |
nshire | updating from version 16 LTS to 18 LTS btw | 01:00 |
comet23 | where do i download ubuntu for powerpc? | 01:13 |
OerHeks | there is some 14.04 ppc .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads | 01:16 |
comet23 | what about 18.04? | 01:16 |
OerHeks | nope, just found 16.04 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/16.04/release/ | 01:17 |
=== Blade is now known as Dreaman | ||
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
pikia | I've 2 differing xorg.conf files. Is there a way that I can easily switch between which one I want to use? | 02:33 |
=== neunon_ is now known as neunon | ||
fooobarrr | wtf is wrong with 18.04 | 02:49 |
Sven_vB | what's wrong with my wifi? why can't I connect? it says wrong key but I double checked the WPA2 PSK, it's the same in the router config and my network manager config file. https://paste.debian.net/plainh/3db526d9 | 02:52 |
fooobarrr | why cant I install vim | 02:54 |
fooobarrr | what is wrong with everything | 02:54 |
Sven_vB | fooobarrr, what did you attempt to do, and what happened? is there an error message? | 02:54 |
fooobarrr | I attempted to "upgrade" from 16.04 to 18.04 | 02:55 |
fooobarrr | because of the persistent lies about how its so much better | 02:55 |
Sven_vB | nshire, the update might shut down servers temporarily if needed, including apache. usually it tries to shut them down gracefully. | 02:55 |
fooobarrr | why even have popups when the shit doesn't even work | 02:56 |
fooobarrr | i typed "vim" and naturally it started neovim | 02:56 |
fooobarrr | this is not vim | 02:56 |
fooobarrr | i typed " | 02:56 |
Sven_vB | fooobarrr, yeah I'm disappointed about 18.04 as well. however the problems I have with it had been there since ages so nothing new. | 02:56 |
kumool | pikia, I'm pretty sure you can modify Xorg while its running... maybe | 02:56 |
fooobarrr | apt install vim" and that broke for whatever stupid broken ass package shit that wasn't implemented | 02:57 |
fooobarrr | this is beyond unacceptable | 02:57 |
fooobarrr | I'm going to have to copy all my data off and just install a fresh copy of 16.04 | 02:58 |
fooobarrr | what a fucking waste | 02:58 |
AndyChow888 | Too bad, so sad. | 02:58 |
kumool | tsk | 02:58 |
* kumool hands a tissue to fooobarrr | 02:58 | |
nshirelaptop | I started the ubuntu software update through the GUI a few hours ago, is there a way to check its progress through ssh? | 03:04 |
xar- | fooobarrr: please familiarize yourself with the #ubuntu IRC guidelines that prohibit offensive language: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines , Keep it clean! | 03:13 |
Sven_vB | nshirelaptop, you could capture a screenshot | 03:34 |
comet23 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1_UuXN4SfE fooobarrr | 03:41 |
nshirelaptop | Sven_vB, gnome_screenshot doesn't work over ssh it looks like | 03:48 |
nshirelaptop | Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused | 03:49 |
nshirelaptop | (gnome-screenshot:8481): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:46:18.897: cannot open display: | 03:49 |
Sven_vB | nshirelaptop, try scrot | 03:49 |
Sven_vB | oh, and provide a DISPLAY env var | 03:49 |
Sven_vB | e.g. DISPLAY=:0 scrot moo.png | 03:49 |
nshirelaptop | "giblib error: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah? | 03:50 |
nshirelaptop | " | 03:50 |
bagira | hey is anyone using IPA? i am setting a new server up, followed the guide to the letter, and the web ui is refusing the initial admin login. I don't see any information about logs to check? https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-and-configure-freeipa-server-on-ubuntu-18-04-ubuntu-16-04/ | 03:51 |
Sven_vB | anyone any ideas about why my wifi won't connect? https://paste.debian.net/plainh/3db526d9 | 03:52 |
Sven_vB | the WPA2 key is the same in my router config and the network manager config | 03:52 |
kumool | Sven_vB, i tried and all it showed was a black screen | 03:54 |
kumool | didnt ssh, did it from tty1 | 03:55 |
kantlivelong | odd kerberos error. rpc.gsssd reports WARNING: Client 'nfs/XXX.YYY.ZZZ.com@YYY.ZZZ.com' not found in Kerberos database while getting initial ticket for principal 'nfs/XXX.YYY.ZZZ.com@YYY.ZZZ.com' using keytab 'FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab' but klist -kt /etc/krb5.keytab shows that exact entry | 03:55 |
Sven_vB | kumool, could the screen be blacked due to power saving? | 03:56 |
kumool | i dont know why that would make a difference since i've used scrot before | 03:57 |
conjo | hello | 03:59 |
aro | ohai | 03:59 |
aro | r u | 03:59 |
aro | c man | 04:00 |
conjo | am running ubuntu and having problem connecting a bluetooth device have typed bluetooth into activities bar and entered bluetooth settings tab when i turn the bluetooth on (button toggle) it isnt working, turned on once,then toggled it off now wont go back on again and couldnt add speaker device even when it was on in the firstplace | 04:02 |
conjo | 18.04.1 lts | 04:03 |
conjo | sorry few connection problems...got the bluetooth thing sorted anyways-so no need to advise | 04:19 |
conjo | lol famous last words no i didnt | 04:20 |
conjo | havin issues connecting a bluetooth speaker to a usb bluetooth dongle running ubuntu 18.04.1 lts tried adding it from bluetooth settings page but wont allow me to set it up | 04:21 |
conjo | any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated | 04:23 |
cfhowlett | !bluetooth | conjo | 04:24 |
ubottu | conjo: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 04:24 |
conjo | i know how to use it but the settings tab are not allowing me to do so it wont connect making the connection times out and the words 'not set up return after a little while of a spinning circle appearing-need to troubleshoot...please help | 04:26 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 04:47 |
pi0 | 18.04 are the vpn settings located | 04:49 |
pi0 | gui based setup | 04:49 |
kantlivelong | krb5+nfs def broken on 16.04 | 04:51 |
pi0 | 18.04 bionic doesnt have the vpn section anymore? | 04:59 |
conjo | install openvpn | 05:00 |
conjo | download your vpn config files if need be and run from the folder in which the reside | 05:01 |
pi0 | no gui? | 05:01 |
conjo | sudo openvpn --config ...........ovpn | 05:01 |
conjo | no gui | 05:02 |
Kyros | it does just run nm-connection-editor | 05:02 |
conjo | but all the options are available / edit your config files | 05:02 |
Kyros | you can import your config that way | 05:02 |
conjo | anyone know how to trouble shoot bluetooth cant make a connection please help | 05:03 |
conjo | tried all the usual stuff | 05:04 |
horsemorse | Hi there! I was wondering if I can get some help figuring out what's wrong with my hibernation. When I do "sudo pm-hibernate" it restarts but doesn't remember anything. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. | 05:05 |
pi0 | nm-connection-editor does not show vpn option | 05:05 |
cfhowlett | !ping | 05:05 |
ubottu | pong! | 05:05 |
horsemorse | I tried setting it up from a swap partition, rather than a swap file. I updated /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and /etc/default/grub, and I added the swap partition via "swapon". | 05:05 |
conjo | ding dong | 05:05 |
horsemorse | If use "s2disk" it says "Could not use the resume device (try swapon -a). Reason: No such device" | 05:06 |
Kyros | pi0:read the vpn part on here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager you need to install some packages | 05:07 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: "I added the swap partition" . Did you add to mount to /etc/fstab and verify the UUID ( sudo blkid) ? | 05:07 |
ledeni | pi0: settings --network -- VPN + | 05:08 |
horsemorse | Yes to both. | 05:08 |
horsemorse | E.g., in my fstab it says: "/dev/nvme0n1p6 none swap sw 0 0" | 05:08 |
pi0 | ledeni: i am following | 05:09 |
pi0 | i am there | 05:09 |
ledeni | pi0: press + and add vpn | 05:10 |
pi0 | let me reboot | 05:10 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: Humm ... is there /etc/uswsusp.conf file ? | 05:11 |
horsemorse | Yes, though I've never touched it. | 05:11 |
horsemorse | Oh interesting, it lists a different resume device... | 05:12 |
horsemorse | Shall I just try changing it manually and testing it out? | 05:13 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: does the file contain the UUID of the swap partition (resume device =XXXX) ? | 05:13 |
horsemorse | "resume device = /dev/nvme0n1p7" | 05:14 |
horsemorse | https://pastebin.com/sE7Tr5Z0 | 05:15 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: back up the fole and edit to the target UUID as in " resume device = UUID=ede93e1b-0b68-468f-b6f6-ebf7a0c9d7ac" . worth a shot . | 05:15 |
horsemorse | Okay, thanks. Trying it out. | 05:15 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: same applies for /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume . | 05:17 |
horsemorse | Alas, no dice. | 05:18 |
horsemorse | And s2disk continues to say that there's no resume device. (pm-hibernate just reboots.) | 05:19 |
horsemorse | Hold on, I'll post all the relevant files. | 05:19 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ->> RESUME=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx . | 05:19 |
kantlivelong | just confirmed it. nfs+kerberos is broken on 16.04 but is fine in 18.04 :( | 05:21 |
horsemorse | "/etc/default/grub": https://pastebin.com/etGDsEa1 | 05:22 |
horsemorse | "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume": "RESUME=/dev/nvme0n1p6" | 05:22 |
horsemorse | "swapon -s" gives: https://pastebin.com/EgRV9yXN | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | kantlivelong: dont make general statements like that please | 05:24 |
horsemorse | "/etc/uswsusp.conf": https://pastebin.com/qxgqtH1b | 05:24 |
lotuspsychje | kantlivelong: provide all the details first whats happening to your system | 05:24 |
kantlivelong | lotuspsychje: yeah going to open a bug. same steps performed on 16.04 and 18.04 | 05:24 |
lotuspsychje | kantlivelong: did you add external ppa's or use official packages from repo? | 05:25 |
kantlivelong | spent like 3 days banging my head against the wall on it. rpc.gssd would say it cant find the spn right after saying it was found | 05:25 |
kantlivelong | lotuspsychje: fresh install. no changes other than ad join & krb5 | 05:26 |
kantlivelong | and initial updates of course | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | kantlivelong: system up to date to latest? wich kernel are you on? | 05:26 |
horsemorse | "/etc/fstab": https://pastebin.com/Pggg4Txg | 05:27 |
kantlivelong | lotuspsychje: one moment | 05:27 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: I would suggest a default grub file .. and make the UUID edits in /etc/uswsusp.conf and /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume . I have never encountered that resume needed the crutches in grub . | 05:28 |
horsemorse | Literally write "/dev/disk/by-uuid/" and then the uuid? | 05:29 |
kantlivelong | lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/b2qdSkmYgY/ | 05:32 |
kantlivelong | lotuspsychje: lines 143 and 144 are peculiar | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | kantlivelong: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please? | 05:33 |
kantlivelong | ah wait yeah one sec. i reverted the VM | 05:33 |
kantlivelong | let me run again | 05:33 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: /etc/uswsusp.conf ->> resume device = UUID=ede93e1b-0b68-468f-b6f6-ebf7a0c9d7ac ; /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ->> RESUME=/dev/disk/by-uuid/ede93e1b-0b68-468f-b6f6-ebf7a0c9d7ac . Where the UUID is for your present swap partition . | 05:34 |
fishfox_ | Hey all ... trying to follow this guide but I don't have a /usr/lib/udev dir | 05:34 |
fishfox_ | https://www.rileybrandt.com/2012/11/18/linux-ultrabook/ | 05:35 |
fishfox_ | are the udev rules located somewhere else now? | 05:36 |
=== HappyHotDog is now known as EveryoneElse | ||
=== EveryoneElse is now known as HappyHotDog | ||
cfhowlett | 6 year old resource are likely to be far out of date, fishfox_ | 05:37 |
fishfox_ | cfhowlett: I understand, was hoping somebody could point me to the right place | 05:39 |
fishfox_ | Did a find on "keymaps" and couldn't find a parallel | 05:40 |
fishfox_ | https://pastebin.com/bVYdB3m5 neither look promising... | 05:41 |
fishfox_ | looked to me like binary kernel modules and the source to build them | 05:42 |
=== Guest3017 is now known as GizmoRomick | ||
cfhowlett | no idea, fishfox_ but you might try searching out a channel dedicated to that device. | 05:43 |
GizmoRomick | Would someone be willing to help me make backups of my DVDs. I am trying to use DVDBackup with Handbrake to make copies that Kodi can read, but I seem to be having problems with encryption despite having installed libdvdread4 and libdvdcss2 | 05:44 |
kantlivelong | lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GZqqcGgsvk/ | 05:44 |
kantlivelong | doh. always miss a dang privacy edit | 05:44 |
kantlivelong | ah well | 05:44 |
kantlivelong | but yeah. i installed 18.04, min pkgs for ad/krb5. mounted no prob | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | kantlivelong: ok system up tod ate is good now | 05:46 |
WoC | Would you consider RV350 any good? For "graphics" card, that is... | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | .38 | 05:46 |
Bashing-om | horsemorse: Well past my bed time .. Hope things work out .. | 05:47 |
lotuspsychje | GizmoRomick: better try specific channels about dvd burn | 05:49 |
kantlivelong | i just cant imagine that im the first to run into this | 05:49 |
ikkuranus | I have ubuntu server 16.x with xfce and vnc. When I vnc in to control qbittorent the keyboard mappings for just that program are completely messed up. How do I fix that? | 05:50 |
lotuspsychje | ikkuranus: be carefull with vnc, its a security flaw these days | 05:51 |
lotuspsychje | ikkuranus: see also the #ubuntu-server channel | 05:51 |
GizmoRomick | lotuspsychje: do you have any suggestions? Sorry, I'm pretty new to Freenode and I don't see anything on the server list | 05:51 |
lotuspsychje | !vnc | ikkuranus | 05:51 |
ubottu | ikkuranus: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 05:51 |
lotuspsychje | !alis | GizmoRomick | 05:51 |
ubottu | GizmoRomick: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 05:51 |
ikkuranus | I am connecting over ssh | 05:51 |
lotuspsychje | GizmoRomick: there's a small #handbrake channel if you want | 05:52 |
GizmoRomick | lotuspsychje: I'll give it a try, thank you | 05:52 |
tripelb | is there a working f lux for 18.04 | 05:57 |
ikkuranus | hm apparently tightvnc don't support xkeyboard | 05:59 |
MKUltraMagnus | tripelb not that im aware of but depending on your flavour of buntu there might be a Night Mode built-in or you could use Redshift | 06:17 |
MKUltraMagnus | Night Light i think it's called | 06:17 |
ikkuranus | that's what it's called in windows 10 lol | 06:22 |
MKUltraMagnus | wouldn't know, i use f.lux on windows :V | 06:23 |
the_gamer | how to install driver for a nvidia rtx 2070 under ubuntu 18.04.1 lts? | 06:23 |
the_gamer | additional drivers can not find any | 06:24 |
ikkuranus | you bought one after people reported that lots of them are dying early | 06:25 |
=== capella|away is now known as capella | ||
the_gamer | ikkuranus: i thought only 2080 is dying not 2070? | 06:26 |
the_gamer | but that is not what i asked, i need drivers | 06:26 |
the_gamer | ikkuranus: is it not supported? | 06:27 |
ikkuranus | wouldn't know | 06:28 |
the_gamer | ikkuranus: did you hear about 2070 dying, too? | 06:29 |
ikkuranus | from what I understand it's all 2xxx | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | the_gamer: try the ubuntu graphics ppa | 06:33 |
GizmoRomick | Apparently, to overcome dvd encryption, I am supposed to: install libdvd-pkg and the use sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg to install libdvdcss2 | 06:33 |
GizmoRomick | After doing that, dvdbackup program didn't give me a warning about encryption anymore, but I haven't tried handbrake afterwards yet | 06:33 |
the_gamer | lotuspsychje: where to find it? | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | the_gamer: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 06:34 |
the_gamer | thank you | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | the_gamer: wich driver does system reccomend? | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | the_gamer: ubuntu-drivers list | 06:34 |
the_gamer | lotuspsychje: none | 06:35 |
lotuspsychje | the_gamer: ok you might wanna consider making a !bug for that | 06:35 |
RefractiveIndex | Guys did anyone encounter similar errors when running the *make* command while configuring libmtp? | 06:37 |
RefractiveIndex | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3j955cH3DV/ | 06:37 |
RefractiveIndex | I tried to install from apt-get but package was not found | 06:37 |
illn00blli | hello! Looking for help with my Lenovo Legion Quadcore running Ubuntu 16.4... Having some issues with one or two processors contantly being pinned at 100% usage. Have done some research, found some answers, but still a NEWB and n0t sure how to resolve the issue. | 07:03 |
cfhowlett | illn00blli, could be as easy as upgrading to the latest LTS release: 18.04 | 07:04 |
illn00blli | cfhowlett oh nice. forgive my ignorance: will I be able to keep all my stuff? :D | 07:05 |
cfhowlett | of course! but the pro-tip is to always back up your important stuff. | 07:05 |
illn00blli | yes, indeed! I'll try the upgrade. Hopefully it resolves the issue. Thanks for your input! | 07:06 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 07:06 |
illn00blli | WWG1WGA | 07:06 |
illn00blli | Aaaaaaannnnnnd I'm back! Apparently, I already have 18.04 on this beautiful machine. So, now I need to figure out: why do one or two of my processors always stay stuck at 100%? And how can I resolve this issue? What I've found so far says it has to do with a kworker (???) bug. When I tried to follow the instructions i found to remedy it (https:// askubuntu.com/questions/176565/why-does-kworker-cpu-usage-get-so-high) i was told | 07:14 |
illn00blli | access denied... PLS HALP | 07:14 |
illn00blli | cfhowlett weclome back! Looks like I already have 18.04 (see above) | 07:15 |
cfhowlett | well that kills my theory ... | 07:15 |
illn00blli1 | when I put "grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ | pastebinit" in Terminal, I get... http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PB4gz8q4fN/ | 07:17 |
illn00blli1 | the "fix" I found that seems to be working for others suggests that my problem is here: /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe02 --- though I'm not sure how to remedy it! | 07:19 |
illn00blli1 | I did not quit! | 07:21 |
sfdebug | hi, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 and my connection is 60 Mbps, i'm using a wireless repeater on 2.4 ghz modem, the repeater is connected to my pc using a ethernet cable, when i reboot and test my connection, i get +/- 62Mbps, but, after sometime the connection slow down and the tests down to +/- 10Mbps, i tried to figure out some process using the connection with nethogs command but couldn't find anything. any idea? | 07:56 |
sfdebug | here is a connection test result i did right now: http://www.speedtest.net/result/7769556417 | 07:57 |
=== Butterfly^ is now known as Guest28062 | ||
samfreed | I have a 4k phillips screen, and just upgraded to ubuntu 18.10 . After an overnight sleep, I am having trouble getting the screen to work again, using the display-port. It works on HDMI, but only at a lower resolution. The odd thing is that when I connect the computer and the screen with both HDMI and display-port, ubuntu thinks I have two screens, but the phillips display only regognises input in the HDMI, so I end up not seeing most | 08:44 |
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade | ||
barc0d4 | hi | 09:09 |
RefractiveIndex | Guys I installed opencv through apt-get | 10:00 |
RefractiveIndex | Python-Opencv* | 10:00 |
RefractiveIndex | The strange thing is I can't find it as an installed package through dpkg or in the python anaconda list(which it shiuldn't be in) | 10:01 |
RefractiveIndex | Did it install over the base system python? | 10:01 |
Roden | what does update-manager-core do? | 10:08 |
Roden | After I do apt dist-upgrade, if a restart is recommended, do I need to restart before doing do-release-upgrade? | 10:10 |
Roden | i guess we'll find out. :P | 10:11 |
evilop | RefractiveIndex: if dpkg doesn't see it then it is unlikely that it was actually installed | 10:12 |
BluesKaj | HI folks | 10:17 |
gpunk | hi | 10:23 |
* BluesKaj has the insomnia blues, again | 10:25 | |
* gpunk watch his watch | 10:26 | |
=== capella is now known as capella|away | ||
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
vigilant | hi buddies | 11:01 |
vigilant | on ubuntu 16.04, why is my box not sending emails | 11:01 |
vigilant | it shows the pending mails in ps aux | 11:01 |
vigilant | also i think it's not letting me install postfix | 11:01 |
vigilant | when i do that, it wants to remove sendmail | 11:01 |
vigilant | how can I Fix this? | 11:01 |
=== bagira is now known as Phanes | ||
vigilant | phanes! | 11:03 |
* Phanes looks shocked | 11:03 | |
vigilant | lol | 11:04 |
vigilant | phanes can help! | 11:04 |
Phanes | im terribly sorry but i am having trouble remembering your nick | 11:05 |
Phanes | im going to be an ubuntu guy for a while though :) we're in the process of migrating everything off of RHEL and associated :( very sad to do it. | 11:06 |
vigilant | ah okay | 11:07 |
vigilant | no problem, you don't know me | 11:07 |
`mist | argh.... well fellas it seems i've stumbled upon the ol full bootdrive. /boot is completely full and purge-old-kernels won't do it's thing due to E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 11:09 |
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TJ- | `mist: easy solution - most of the space is taken up by locally-generated initrd.img-$VERSION (initial ramdiskfs, 1 per kernel version). Identify the oldest versions you are ready to delete, and manually delete those with something like "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-x.y.z-generic" to free up space | 11:14 |
`mist | yeah i removed some old kernels manually, looks like it went through | 11:14 |
`mist | but sometimes you get stuck in a loop | 11:14 |
`mist | seems like i managed to solve it this time though, thanks TJ- | 11:14 |
TJ- | `mist: once you've done that part you can do "sudo dpkg -r linux-image-x.y.z-generic" to remove the packages without calling on apt | 11:15 |
TJ- | `mist: to get a list of installed packages to choose from you can do either of "apt list --installed linux-image*" or the older way "dpkg -l linux-image* | grep ^ii" | 11:15 |
nbusrone | May I know which OS to install first , if fresh installing dual boot Ubuntu 18.04 together with windows 7 64bit on a 256GB SSD ? | 11:15 |
BluesKaj | install windows first | 11:16 |
TJ- | nbusrone: we generally recommend Windows first, especially for a BIOS, not UEFI, install | 11:16 |
`mist | +1, windows first. don't trust the windows bootloader, let ubuntu sort that | 11:17 |
TJ- | With UEFI it doesn't matter what the order is | 11:18 |
nbusrone | TJ- : forgot mention , the motherboard currently running on UEFI.Should I select for GPT or MBR ? not too sure with SSD. | 11:28 |
vigilant | hi buddies | 11:29 |
vigilant | when i type apt-get remove sendmail | 11:29 |
vigilant | it says it's not installed | 11:29 |
vigilant | but it's running in ps aux | 11:29 |
nelson8874 | Hello everybody | 11:32 |
nelson8874 | I want to know if i can acces the files of my pc (ubuntu 18.04) with my android phone? | 11:33 |
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nbusrone | TJ- , `mist: Ok , will install windows 7 64bit first with GPT and then next will install ubuntu .Thanks | 11:34 |
vigilant | *meow* | 11:35 |
kurt-xubuntu | morning | 11:36 |
vigilant | hi kurt-xubuntu | 11:36 |
kurt-xubuntu | still looking for solution as to why my ubuntu 16.04 the wifi will not now work on battery when it used to | 11:37 |
kurt-xubuntu | i think it is safeboot issue | 11:38 |
kurt-xubuntu | i ran sudo apt-get upgrade on it yesterday got this error | 11:39 |
kurt-xubuntu | Setting up secureboot-db (1.4~ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... | 11:39 |
kurt-xubuntu | Can't access efivars filesystem at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars, aborting | 11:39 |
kurt-xubuntu | Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu10) ... | 11:39 |
kurt-xubuntu | could be related | 11:40 |
nelson8874 | i want to know if the following is possible. I'm on my bed and want to see a movie on my phone. The movie is on my pc and i don't want to get up. I just want to acces the files of my pc through my phone and watch the movie on my phone. | 11:40 |
kurt-xubuntu | there are a number of ways to transfer a file from a computer to a phone | 11:41 |
kurt-xubuntu | a simple ftp server behind the network if your geeky?? | 11:42 |
kurt-xubuntu | or just teamviewer if your not | 11:42 |
kurt-xubuntu | or you could build a nas to hold all your movies and build your own streaming service behind your network if your realy geeky | 11:43 |
nelson8874 | <kurt-xubuntu> i'm not really geeky. | 11:43 |
kurt-xubuntu | ok teamviewer it is | 11:43 |
nelson8874 | <kurt-xubuntu> with teamviewer is it possible to only stream the movie | 11:44 |
kurt-xubuntu | https://www.teamviewer.com/en-us/ | 11:44 |
nelson8874 | ? | 11:44 |
kurt-xubuntu | no you have to move the file to the phone then watch it | 11:44 |
kurt-xubuntu | if you want to stream it your gonna need to be geeky | 11:45 |
kurt-xubuntu | or cough out some bucks for a consumer product | 11:45 |
kurt-xubuntu | there are consumer level NAS devices that will do steaming but $$$ | 11:46 |
nelson8874 | ok | 11:46 |
nelson8874 | i will try to build a nas.... :s | 11:47 |
nelson8874 | can i use the everyday pc for that? | 11:48 |
kurt-xubuntu | yup | 11:48 |
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nelson8874 | will try to find some howto site. | 11:48 |
nelson8874 | do you know any? | 11:49 |
kurt-xubuntu | https://www.howtogeek.com/210739/how-to-set-up-a-home-media-server-you-can-access-from-any-device/ | 11:50 |
kurt-xubuntu | get you started | 11:50 |
nelson8874 | thank you! | 11:51 |
`mist | hmmmmmmmmm i just installed bionic and it seems it didn't add my entire disk, only 4G | 12:11 |
`mist | how do i go about extending my disk to use the whole drive? | 12:11 |
LordDoskias | hello on ubuntu server where does the MOTD come from? there is no /etc/motd file? | 12:25 |
Juniperr | I have all of the folders in / on SSD except for /home, which is on HDD. Is it possible for me to install programs on a root folder like /usr/local and use them? I'm having trouble fixing the permissions | 12:50 |
enzotib | Juniperr, what type of programs, something not in repos? | 12:54 |
Juniperr | yeah, it's android-studio. I downloaded it as zip, and I can run it using a bash script | 12:55 |
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enzotib | Juniperr, where it installs depend on the program, but usually not in /home, so your problem is not clear to me | 12:57 |
XenophonF | I'm running Ubuntu 18.04.1 on a Dell Inspiron 1545, which uses the Intel GM45 chipset, but it looks like Xorg is using the VESA driver, not the Intel driver. Is the GM45 chipset not supported or something? | 12:58 |
Juniperr | enzotib: I want to install it in /opt. My question is do I need to change the permissions of the installed folder in order to use it as user? | 12:59 |
Juniperr | And what permissions should I give it? | 12:59 |
enzotib | Juniperr, when you install in /opt you should use sudo | 13:00 |
enzotib | /opt should have rwxr-xr-x and owner root, for the rest the installer will do it what he needs | 13:02 |
kurt-xubuntu | sigh | 13:11 |
Juniperr | enzotib: Thank you! | 13:11 |
tolland | my company has a vpn which has a password with a token appended to it, so I can't set a static password in nm-applet. is there a way to force it to pop the password dialog on each connect? | 13:13 |
tolland | its ovpn on the server side | 13:13 |
giaco | hello! I've just installed a fresh new ubuntu 18.04 with docker, but ufw is not blocking any exposed docker port. | 13:14 |
gpunk | tolland: you sure it s not openconnect ? tolland | 13:15 |
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shmoon | Possible to listen to whatever is written to `nc -lk 9999` in a different process (via a script) ? | 13:22 |
ioria | shmoon, you can try : sudo tcpflow -i any -C port 9999 | 13:31 |
sayo- | when I click on Displays (settings) it doesnt open, any idea how to troubleshoot this? | 13:33 |
tolland | gpunk: it says "OpenVPN advanced settings" when I go into the options | 13:33 |
gpunk | i am talking about server side, just in case | 13:34 |
tolland | I can connect to the other side, I just have to manually reset the password in the "edit connections" dialog every time | 13:34 |
tolland | ah ok. erm let me check that | 13:34 |
gpunk | tolland: oh ok your on openvpn then | 13:34 |
kurt-xubuntu | just banging my head against the wall with this wifi not working on battery on that acer laptop like i said last time i used it on battery 6 months ago it worked now it does not you boot it on battery it connects for 10 seconds then dies all the wifi options in the gui go dark nothing will bring them back you plug power in and run sudo service network-manager restart and it all comes back to life | 13:46 |
kurt-xubuntu | probably just going to try wiping it going to 18.04lts | 13:47 |
tolland | the only thing I can see remotely is that networkManager is logging to systemd that the client is OpenVPN 2.2.4 | 13:48 |
tolland | I love how hovering over the fields in the dialog shows a load of useful information about what the option does in the UI. | 13:49 |
ioria | kurt-xubuntu, sudo iwconfig my-interface power off | 13:49 |
yohnnyjoe | Is there any dange in disabling the Multiverse and Restricted Repos? | 13:49 |
Sven_vB | yohnnyjoe, should be safe | 13:50 |
yohnnyjoe | I ran the command : grep ^Package: /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_bionic_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages because I thought that would show installed software from the Restricted Repo, but I see a lot of stuff that is not installed (or at least doesn't show up on apt list --installed | grep <nvidia> ) | 13:51 |
Stimrol | hello, one question. Is /etc/asound.conf obsolete in Ubuntu 18.04. I can't seem to find this file? | 13:52 |
Sven_vB | tolland, you could try nmclient --ask up OpenVPN_connection_name | 13:52 |
Sven_vB | tolland, err, with "con " before "up" | 13:52 |
Sven_vB | tolland, maybe there are even better ways to provide the password than sending it from stdin | 13:52 |
Sven_vB | oh and it's nmcli, no -ent | 13:53 |
enzotib | yohnnyjoe, that file contains all packages in the repo, not only installed ones | 13:53 |
gebbione | anything to lookout for while thinking about upgrading from 16.04 to 18? | 13:54 |
Sven_vB | gebbione, check the channel logs for the last few days or weeks and read what probllems people had with 18.04 | 13:54 |
yohnnyjoe | enzotib: Makes sense, I think I misread some website about listing installed packages | 13:55 |
kurt-xubuntu | ioria thankyou | 13:56 |
enzotib | yohnnyjoe, I have a script of mine to list installed packages by repo | 13:56 |
Sven_vB | gebbione, two of my machines are in limbo for weeks now, because I still haven't given up on debugging Ubiquity but until I manage to do that (or reinstall xenial) they have no GRUB. | 13:56 |
LargePrime | hi. weird question. i want to install ubuntu to my USB stick, as an install, not a live cd. do i have to have a second usb drive, run live cd on that, and install from the live to the destination usb thumb, or can i just install lubuntu straight onto the USB drive from my ubuntu OS | 13:58 |
gebbione | Sven_vB, ok thats enought for me :) | 13:58 |
gebbione | btw unsure where to see the logs | 13:58 |
enzotib | LargePrime, you need two USB | 13:58 |
LargePrime | kk | 13:58 |
gebbione | dont see a link on the topic, or googleing i see https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/ | 13:58 |
LargePrime | need tho? enzotib | 13:58 |
gebbione | but which one is it | 13:58 |
enzotib | LargePrime, as you say, one to start the live system and another as install destination | 13:59 |
yohnnyjoe | Understanding that Virtual RMS isn't probably the best source, are packages like amd64-microcde and iucode-tool necessary proprietary "blobs"? They are listed as being from Main repos by apt policy iucode-tool | 13:59 |
fassl | cant you just debootstrap it to the usb drive? | 14:01 |
fassl | LargePrime, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods | 14:03 |
enzotib | fassl, the debootstrap method shown there seems to use a live system and a separate hard disk | 14:05 |
LargePrime | agreed | 14:05 |
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LargePrime | fassl, if you have a non live cd version, i am all ears. just for knowing. I got 2 usb drives | 14:06 |
fassl | well your live system is the ubuntu you already have and the separate hard disk is the usb stick? | 14:07 |
shmoon | ioria: Nope, nothing happened. | 14:09 |
shmoon | It's simple, I have this software that is able to read whatever I send to `nc -lk 9999` - all I want to know is how is it doing that ? | 14:11 |
Sven_vB | could someone please clarify https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods#Debootstrap step 6 about whether to run the mount commands _inside_ the chroot? (I guess yes) | 14:11 |
fassl | no, you mount it into the chroot | 14:11 |
fassl | ah na sorry | 14:12 |
fassl | lol didnt read it clearly | 14:12 |
Stimrol | one question. Is /etc/asound.conf obsolete in Ubuntu 18.04. I can't seem to find this file? What I am reading is that this file is needed for ALSA to use Pulseaudio | 14:12 |
fassl | i always do it in outside the chroot with mount --rbind /proc /path/to/chroot/proc etc. | 14:13 |
Sven_vB | fassl, me as well, thus I was a bit confused | 14:15 |
Sven_vB | fassl, I thought I'd need to have the same proc and sys as outside, so I wondered how I could get them from inside the chroot. seems I can use a fresh new proc and sys instead. | 14:15 |
Sven_vB | now I'm torn to invent yet another installer program because the debootstrap guide seems easier than fixing Ubiquity. =) but on the other hand I'm still hoping to benefit from community support if I stick to Ubiquity. | 14:17 |
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fassl | Sven_vB, if you do please add support for using zfs kthx :) | 14:20 |
Sven_vB | fassl, sure! | 14:20 |
Sven_vB | any ideas on how I could make Ubiquity skip the "copy files" part? the part I need to debug is after that, so I'd prefer to waste less time on copying them again and again in each attempt to install. | 14:21 |
Sven_vB | of course I'd select to not format the partitions then. | 14:21 |
Sven_vB | other topic: what's wrong with my wifi? the PSK is the same in the router config and my network manager config file. https://paste.debian.net/plainh/3db526d9 | 14:26 |
Sven_vB | it worked with the old wifi AP, just not reliably, always disconnected after a few minutes; with the new AP it reliably doesn't connect. | 14:27 |
lotuspsychje | Sven_vB: atheros chipset yeah? | 14:28 |
Sven_vB | lotuspsychje, looks like it. should I try with a Realtek antenna? | 14:29 |
gee111 | After I installed grub2 in a pen drive something wrong happened. When I boot another pen drive to install linux, it's not detecting any partitions. If I erase the partition table and create new partitions it's going to erase the alredy existing OS and data | 14:29 |
lotuspsychje | Sven_vB: yeah, run a few tests, is your kernel up to date? | 14:29 |
lotuspsychje | Sven_vB: with atheros we often see issues with firmware | 14:29 |
Sven_vB | lotuspsychje, should be, at least I full-upgraded and rebooted yesterday. I'll check. | 14:30 |
EriC^^ | gee111: can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -ls" ? | 14:30 |
Sven_vB | lotuspsychje, uname says 4.4.0-139-generic #165-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 24 10:58:50 UTC 2018 x86_64, is that current for xenial? | 14:32 |
lotuspsychje | Sven_vB: yeah looks correct | 14:33 |
lotuspsychje | !info linux-image-generic xenial | 14:33 |
ubottu | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB | 14:33 |
lotuspsychje | hmm | 14:33 |
gee111 | I'm using cmd prompt to create a 32 GB partition now | 14:36 |
gee111 | Is ubuntu supposed to run slow from a pen drive? I have a 32 GB one. Installing any distro in it is taking over 2 hours and if I don give up in the middle, every mouse click and window take ages to respond after system is up and running | 14:38 |
Sven_vB | ok nice today it magically works. dunno whether the atheros antenna needed the realtek antenna to learn how it's done, or maybe the FUD about WPA2 key expiry was true after all. although I did tell wpa_supplicant to reauth. | 14:38 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | Sven_vB | 14:38 |
ubottu | Sven_vB: Glad you made it! :-) | 14:38 |
EriC^^ | gee111: are we like a diary here or something? | 14:38 |
TJ- | gee111: your problem is not the SD-card, it is that the OS is trying to read that broken HDD | 14:39 |
TJ- | gee111: I suspect you've actually booted it from the HDD not the SD-card | 14:39 |
Sven_vB | that's strange. as soon as I unplug the realtek antenna, the atheros antenna fails again. | 14:39 |
Sven_vB | gets disconnected and is unable to reconnect. | 14:40 |
EriC^^ | gee111: no it shouldnt take over 2 hours to install | 14:40 |
EriC^^ | why do you ask for help then do your own thing and ignore any advice/questions etc | 14:40 |
fassl | Sven_vB, if this is the ubiquity you mean it seems you can have a blacklist for paths not to be copied to the target https://github.com/linuxmint/ubiquity/blob/master/scripts/install.py#L212 | 14:43 |
Sven_vB | fassl, thanks, I'll try how I can use that on the vanilla Ubiquity. | 14:44 |
Sven_vB | or maybe I'll just use the mint Ubiquity. | 14:45 |
Sven_vB | how would I go about loading the software for my realtek antenna w/o having it plugged in for real? maybe the software part would be enough to make the WPA work on the atheros antenna. | 14:49 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: what do you mean by "antenna" - an antenna is just a peice of wire that receives/radiates Radio Frequency energy | 14:50 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: do you mean the PC has 2 WiFi devices? | 14:50 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SImonNL_Afk | ||
Sven_vB | TJ-, it has a built-in antenna "Qualcomm Atheros Device 0042 (rev 31)" and I have a pluggable USB antenna "Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter". | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | Sven_vB: pci cards? usb dongles? | 14:53 |
lotuspsychje | or wardrive antenna? | 14:53 |
Sven_vB | lotuspsychje, the Qualcomm shows up in lspci so probably PCI. | 14:54 |
Sven_vB | however the success is not reproducible. seems nm-applet just displayed it wrongly. | 14:54 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: those are Wifi devices, not antennas. The attennas are short pieces of wire inside the casing | 14:56 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: so you're saying that both devices have problems connecting to your Access Point? | 14:57 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, the packaging said it's an antenna. :P | 14:57 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: have you done a channel-scan to see how strong the received signal(s) are, and if there is interference from other APs close by? | 14:57 |
Sven_vB | nope, the Realtek can connect fine | 14:57 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: so only the internal Atheros device has the problem? | 14:57 |
Sven_vB | earlier it seemed the Qualcomm could connect as well, as long as the realtek was connected | 14:57 |
Sven_vB | yes | 14:57 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: I've seen cases with atheros where either 1) the wrong antenna is selected (yes, REAL antenna!) or 2) the antenna cable has become physically disconnected from the device (due to vibration, knocks, etc.) | 14:58 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: we recently had a user where the laptop hinge had cut through the antenna co-axial cables meaning even next to the AP the signla strength was low | 14:59 |
Sven_vB | 2) is unlikely since it works nicely with other APs, just not with the ones I want. | 14:59 |
Sven_vB | signal strength was quite good according to linssid | 14:59 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: OK, so use the software tools to check the signal strength. Also, it is possible the Atheros device isn't set to the correct region and may not be able to operate on all the channels the AP is using | 15:00 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: E.g if the AP can use up to channel 13 (Europe) (on 2.4GHz) and the Atheros is limited to channel 11 (USA) then you can get this kind of problem | 15:01 |
Sven_vB | is that the "cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:¶ cfg80211: DFS Master region: unset" part? | 15:01 |
Sven_vB | it's on channel 4 | 15:01 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: yes; the message you show there also mentions "DFS" which is a technology used in the 5.xGHz band (802.11a) | 15:01 |
Sven_vB | then it shouldn't matter, the AP is on 2.4xx GHz | 15:02 |
TJ- | DFS = Dynamic Frequency Selection. It is used to avoid operating on the same frequencies as local RADAR | 15:02 |
Sven_vB | linssid reports quality 50 signal -60 | 15:03 |
Sven_vB | (selecting the Qualcomm device for scanning) | 15:04 |
Sven_vB | and still channel 4 so it should be independent of DFS. | 15:04 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: if you show us some reports/logs we might get an idea what is going on: "pastebinit <( iw list; sudo iwlist scan; dmesg )" | 15:04 |
Buoy172 | hello | 15:13 |
Buoy172 | I have a laravel application hosted on an ubuntu server. I need to send email from it. | 15:13 |
Buoy172 | I have read online that there are 'sendmail' and 'posfix' packages | 15:14 |
Buoy172 | *postfix | 15:14 |
Buoy172 | what should I use? postfix? | 15:14 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, https://paste.debian.net/plainh/f46c046e | 15:14 |
Buoy172 | When I run this command php -r "mail('hakan87@yahoo.com', 'Test from Ubuntu', 'hello');" | 15:16 |
Buoy172 | I get: sh: 1: /usr/sbin/sendmail: not found | 15:16 |
Sven_vB | Buoy172, try install nullmailer | 15:16 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: you appear to have deleted vital contextual content from the iwlist command. Are there other APs reported? | 15:16 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, yes there are lots about 10 others on channels 1, 6, and 13 | 15:17 |
Sven_vB | also some 5.xx GHz | 15:17 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: right; so those could be causing interference which the atheros isn't so capable at rejecting. | 15:19 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: anything on channels 1-9 will overlap/interfere with channel 4, for example | 15:20 |
Sven_vB | oh ok | 15:20 |
Sven_vB | I thought it's only about 3 channels wide | 15:20 |
=== capella is now known as capella|away | ||
TJ- | Sven_vB: I also see repeated dmesg "wlp2s0: disassociated from 00:13:…:ac:11 (Reason: 16)" followed by "cfg80211: (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A)" - that is the frequency range covering channel4, and it is setting the channels to 40MHz bandwidth, not the default 20MHz. So that might be another issue | 15:21 |
Sven_vB | how can I fix that? | 15:21 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: the only truly non-overlapped 20MHz channels are 1, 6, 11 (its worse with 40Mz which is common now) | 15:21 |
Buoy172 | Sven_vB: What is this nullmailer, and why is it not in this list: https://www.tecmint.com/best-mail-transfer-agents-mta-for-linux/ | 15:22 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: you also didn't include the "iw list" report which shows what the device(s) is/are capable of | 15:23 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, oh yeah sorry, I took the space for a typo. I'll paste that later, got an appointment coming up. | 15:25 |
Sven_vB | well I can still post it now and fix it later, https://paste.debian.net/plainh/4cf2dd09 | 15:27 |
Sven_vB | I wonder why there's only one "Wiphy" | 15:28 |
oo_miguel | how can I run openglES 3.1 programms having only a opengl 2 gpu | 15:33 |
OerHeks | oo_miguel, likely not ? buy newer hardware | 15:36 |
=== capella|away is now known as capella | ||
oo_miguel | I imagine that it should be possible for any computer to emulate any gpu | 15:37 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: also, disassociation reason 16 means "Information element in 4-Way Handshake different from (Re)Association" | 15:37 |
oo_miguel | is not meas meant for that? | 15:37 |
oo_miguel | mesa | 15:37 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: or possibly "Group Key Handshake timeout" | 15:37 |
oo_miguel | (I feel very insecure about how X, the kernel driver, and mesa coopearte, so I might be completely wrong) | 15:38 |
OerHeks | "emulate"would be sodtware rendereing, not hardware, so it is slow. one *could* use "LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 *command*" > https://askubuntu.com/questions/720402/how-to-enable-get-opengl-3-1 | 15:38 |
OerHeks | i think it is a wast of time | 15:39 |
oo_miguel | OerHeks: I imagine that it will be painfully slow | 15:39 |
OerHeks | oo_miguel, jups, like 5 frames/second, or something like that | 15:40 |
oo_miguel | OerHeks: it works perfectly thanks | 15:40 |
OerHeks | have fun! | 15:40 |
oo_miguel | OerHeks: It is just for testing some minmalistic game on an old laptop, so it is sufficient. | 15:42 |
=== SImonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL_Away | ||
ptux | hi all. i jst installed ubuntu 18.04 on a toshiba satellite. but at i've the airplain mode on and i cannot disable it. anybody can help me, pls? | 16:14 |
ptux | i passed lspci command and this is the output: 09:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) | 16:14 |
OerHeks | ptux, maybe your hardware has a WIFI switch/button/FN+wifi combo key? | 16:16 |
ptux | i tryed it. (fn + f8) but it does nothing. | 16:17 |
desudesudesudesu | can u see it in ifconfig | 16:17 |
ptux | mmh, it's strange: i cannot find ifconfig. | 16:18 |
ptux | also giving which ifconfig i've an empty result. | 16:19 |
ioria | ptux, you need net-tools for that cmd | 16:19 |
ptux | ok i'm installing it. thanx | 16:20 |
ptux | in ifconfig i've only lo and enp10s0. | 16:21 |
ioria | ptux, dmesg | grep -i ath | 16:21 |
ptux | ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KJYWnsNFPN/ | 16:23 |
ioria | ptux, rfkill list | 16:24 |
ptux | ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TC2JtzWxGF/ | 16:26 |
ioria | ptux, it's Hard Blocked ... don't you have a switch or already tried it ? | 16:26 |
ptux | i tried it already, but without any effects. | 16:27 |
ptux | maybe it depends on bios config? | 16:27 |
ioria | ptux, sudo lshw -c Network | 16:27 |
OerHeks | disable airplane mode in networkmanager? pull out the cable and wait 1 minute | 16:28 |
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=== Tessa is now known as Tara | ||
ptux | ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/59NTMt4c96/ | 16:29 |
ptux | OerHeks, i put the cable because it won't work as you suggest.. | 16:29 |
ioria | ptux, ok.... check 'ip a' you should see an 'wlp9s0' interface present | 16:30 |
ptux | yes | 16:31 |
ioria | ptux, ok, probably a conflicting module loaded (depending on your specific hw) | 16:31 |
ioria | ptux, can you paste lsmod ? | 16:32 |
ptux | ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QrMqnpjsNs/ | 16:33 |
Euph0ria | Can anyone tell me what, in their opinion, is the best file manager for Ubuntu? I've been used to using Windows file manager and can't seem to find one that is as full featured for Ubuntu. | 16:34 |
ducasse | Euph0ria: gui or terminal? | 16:35 |
OerHeks | standard filemanager is good enough for me | 16:35 |
ptux | Euph0ria, i usually use dolphin and i love it. | 16:35 |
Euph0ria | ducasse: GUI. Something that shows the subdirectories as a tree, etc.. Whatever is as close to Windows Filemanager I guess. | 16:36 |
Euph0ria | ptux: Thank you. I'll give that a try! | 16:36 |
ducasse | Euph0ria: if you want something you can extend yourself, check out spacefm | 16:36 |
gumbalowsky | Hello. Are there any programs close to windows paint? | 16:37 |
Euph0ria | gumbalowsky: Yes, but GIMP works quite well as a "paint" program. | 16:37 |
OerHeks | nautilus > settings > allow folders to be expanded | 16:37 |
EriC^^ | !info mypaint | gumbalowsky maybe this | 16:38 |
ubottu | gumbalowsky maybe this: mypaint (source: mypaint): paint program for use with graphics tablets. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-4.1 (bionic), package size 553 kB, installed size 2889 kB | 16:38 |
gumbalowsky | I need something like easy adding arrowa, shapes etc. Nothing else. | 16:38 |
gumbalowsky | Arrows* | 16:38 |
EriC^^ | gumbalowsky: mypaint is small i think | 16:38 |
Euph0ria | dolphin, nautilus, and spacefm. Sounds like some good places to start. Thunar just isn't cutting it for me. Thank you all. | 16:39 |
gumbalowsky | I'll try this anyway, thanks! | 16:39 |
ioria | ptux, no idea atm, but what's your kernel ? uname -r | 16:39 |
EriC^^ | gumbalowsky: no problem | 16:39 |
ptux | ioria, any idea? | 16:39 |
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ioria | ptux, checked a couple of bugs suggesting a NM alternative (like wicd) ; what's your kernel ? uname -r | 16:40 |
ptux | ioria, 4.15.0-29-generic | 16:41 |
ioria | ptux, you can start upgrading the machine; sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and reboot | 16:42 |
ptux | this is a really new install of last lts. i would like to fix the problem before to upgrade, however, if it's necessary to fix... i'm upgrading. | 16:44 |
ptux | ioria, and what after reboot? | 16:44 |
ioria | ptux, again sudo rfkill unblock all and rfkill list all | 16:46 |
merpnderp | what's the best way to create a service account with basically no permissions except to run my node app on port 3000? | 16:51 |
ptux | ok, upgrade in progress... | 16:51 |
Buoy172 | I just installed postfix. Do I have to install mail too to be able to send emails? | 17:00 |
ptux | ok, i reboot | 17:03 |
geodb27_ | People : hi ! I'm running a lenovo L540 laptop with kubuntu 18.04 on it. The laptop's keyboard has a Fn key which can be used for alternate meanings of the functions keys. When I was with 16.04 kubuntu, mute, volume up and down worked perfectly, but they don't anymore. How can I get things back working ? | 17:06 |
geodb27_ | I've checked with xev, and I get XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86AudioMute and the like, so the keyboard seems to work as expected. | 17:06 |
Platonides | geodb27_: check that they are set for shortcuts for those actions | 17:06 |
Platonides | it's somewhere like system-settings → keyboard → shortcuts or similar | 17:07 |
Platonides | if you have no keys set for increasing the volume | 17:07 |
Platonides | pressing XF86AudioRaiseVolume won't work | 17:07 |
ryuo | geodb27_: i'd start by seeing if the system registers anything when you try to use them first. | 17:07 |
Platonides | (unless the active app catches it) | 17:07 |
geodb27_ | All right, I'll check it right now, thanks for your kind help. | 17:08 |
Platonides | ryuo: he checked with xev already | 17:08 |
Platonides | which is good | 17:08 |
ryuo | Oh. I didn't see that. | 17:08 |
Platonides | as that could have been worse to fix :) | 17:08 |
geodb27_ | In the control panel, as per kmix, there is an action "Raise the volume" and the Global shortcut is set to "volume raise". So, I think it is fine ? | 17:09 |
geodb27_ | Oh, wait... | 17:10 |
geodb27_ | Thanks a lot... I reet all the shortcuts to their default values and things works again. | 17:11 |
geodb27_ | Might be something that went wrong when I did the do-release-upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04. | 17:12 |
ptux | ioria, i'm back | 17:19 |
ptux | i tried in upgrade launch the rfkill unblock all and the rfkill list all but it seems nothing changed. | 17:20 |
Platonides | glad it worked, geodb27_ :) | 17:20 |
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ptux | ioria, any idea??? | 17:29 |
memphisto | i'm on kubuntu, is it ok to ask questions here....? | 17:38 |
gpunk | memphisto: yup | 17:39 |
memphisto | great | 17:39 |
memphisto | i have greyedout settings in touchpad | 17:39 |
memphisto | i've been reading and seems its related to libinput. | 17:40 |
memphisto | if i'd put synaptic will this help | 17:40 |
memphisto | or is there fix for libinput | 17:40 |
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius | ||
lotuspsychje | !rootirc | h3tr | 18:08 |
ubottu | h3tr: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 18:08 |
imthenachoman | can i install ubuntu on USB from a windows computer so i can use it as the root drive for another computer to boot and use ubuntu from | 18:09 |
imthenachoman | once its booted i'd need apt install and make other changes that will persist on reboots | 18:09 |
acos | Howdy | 18:11 |
Kolas | sup | 18:14 |
pragomer | my libreoffice icons in ubuntu 18.04 are totally blurry (just 1080p, no hidpi). any help? | 18:15 |
acos | So I was having issues writing to ext4 partition | 18:16 |
acos | It wouldnt work as sudo | 18:16 |
fassl | imthenachoman, not sure if there is any other possibility than passing that usb as physical drive to a VM and install it that way. | 18:17 |
`whoami` | hello, i'd like to change my DE, but can't find where to configure this. Actually running ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, with gnome. | 18:21 |
`whoami` | but on the login screen i can't find where to select my newly installed DE (i3) | 18:22 |
tony- | `whoami` next to or right below the user name there should be a link to select the installed DE's | 18:22 |
imthenachoman | fassl: i just saw unebootin has some option for reserved space. will try that | 18:22 |
lotuspsychje | `whoami`: fill in your username, then choose DE | 18:23 |
`whoami` | doesn't seem to work, there's no link; and i can't fill in my username, only select it among the multiple onese available; then fill my password | 18:24 |
`whoami` | but again: no link (and i can't take a screenshot :/) | 18:25 |
fassl | no link? there should be a combobox underneath your user iirc | 18:28 |
lotuspsychje | `whoami`: after you clicked your username, there should be a little gear icon, showing your DE's | 18:28 |
fassl | or that | 18:28 |
tony- | https://i.imgur.com/oMCaOGq.jpg | 18:29 |
tony- | there is a pic. it is plain as day to switch desktop enviroments lol | 18:29 |
`whoami` | aaand, you were right ! | 18:29 |
lotuspsychje | well done tony- | 18:29 |
`whoami` | don't know how i missed it... | 18:29 |
`whoami` | tyvm | 18:29 |
tony- | :) | 18:29 |
nekoseam | During my distrohopping phase I never really kept any of my files due to me not having anything important. Now that I do, how do I keep all my home directory files from Solus and install Ubuntu? Basically I just want to keep my anime folder lol | 18:47 |
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nanodrone | is there a way to find the dev id of a device if it isn't recognized by linux? | 19:04 |
ikonia | what do you mean ? | 19:04 |
`whoami` | nekoseam: if you've a separate /home partition, it should be kept during install (you might need to configure it, tho) | 19:08 |
`whoami` | just don't select "use all the available space"; better to do your own partitioning | 19:08 |
`whoami` | ie: swap space, one partition for the whole system, and your existing one as /home | 19:09 |
imthenachoman | how reliable is ntfs write support in ubuntu 18.04? | 19:11 |
ikonia | considerably better than it has been thanks to fuse | 19:12 |
ikonia | I still personally wouldn't bet my critical data on it, but with fuse, it's very usable | 19:12 |
imthenachoman | if i just need to get data on to it one time, 3 tb worth of data, | 19:12 |
ikonia | give it a try | 19:13 |
imthenachoman | trying to decide between NTFS and exFAT for my external USB | 19:13 |
imthenachoman | will be used primarly in windows 10 | 19:13 |
imthenachoman | but gotta get 3 tb off from ubuntu computer to it (one time) | 19:13 |
WoC | Linux ZEUS 4.4.0-138-powerpc64-smp #164-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 2 17:50:44 UTC 2018 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux | 19:44 |
WoC | ;] | 19:44 |
WoC | Somehow 18.04 LTS is not yet available on ppc64 (PowerPC) anyone know a eta for it? | 19:45 |
WoC | LTS, works though, kudus :) | 19:46 |
WoC | 16.04 LTS that is | 19:46 |
ikonia | PPC is community driven only now isn't it ? | 19:46 |
WoC | idk | 19:48 |
sentaku | hey | 19:48 |
acos | Is 18.10 worth using or should I stick to 18.04.1 lts | 19:48 |
WoC | Howdy sentaku | 19:48 |
ikonia | WoC: pretty sure it's just community support now | 19:48 |
ikonia | so it will be when peope can get it to work | 19:49 |
WoC | ah, ok, appreciated | 19:49 |
ikonia | WoC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads | 19:49 |
ikonia | WoC: have a read on the FAQ | 19:49 |
xriqn | hey anyone help me? TV's stuck on 1024x768 on VGA connection, ubuntu 18.04 LTS linux kernel 4.15. Hardware specs: radeon hd 7770 1GB, 5GB DDR2, phenom x4 9650, 1tb HDD. Display in question is a 32" HD TV. Connected to TV using DVI to VGA connection. | 19:49 |
WoC | Ty, ikonia as soon as i have this up to 18.04 LTS, all my computers run the same version | 19:50 |
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xriqn | hey anyone help me? TV's stuck on 1024x768 on VGA connection, ubuntu 18.04 LTS linux kernel 4.15. Hardware specs: radeon hd 7770 1GB, 5GB DDR2, phenom x4 9650, 1tb HDD. Display in question is a 32" HD TV. Connected to TV using DVI to VGA connection. | 19:51 |
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Guest36 | Hi | 19:54 |
Sven_vB | I'm back, and ready to debug my wifi further. is there a minumum effective range for 2.5 GHz wifi? the computer where I want wifi is a notebook, and I usually use it with the lid closed. is it a good idea to put the AP on top of the lid? | 19:54 |
Guest36 | I would like to configure iptables this way https://pastebin.com/PDNdYAiS, but the browser will not connect | 19:55 |
xriqn | hey anyone help me? TV's stuck on 1024x768 on VGA connection, ubuntu 18.04 LTS linux kernel 4.15. Hardware specs: radeon hd 7770 1GB, 5GB DDR2, phenom x4 9650, 1tb HDD. Display in question is a 32" HD TV. Connected to TV using DVI to VGA connection. | 19:55 |
Sven_vB | especially: will it help with possible interference of other wifi networks? | 19:55 |
Sven_vB | err, I meant interference *from* other wifis. I'm not attempting to disturb *them*. :D | 19:57 |
cynicist | WoC: There are ppc releases for 18.04 and 18.10, they are server releases though and not shown on the main release pages. | 19:58 |
Guest36 | ?? | 20:04 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: sat on top would be excessively close; 2.4.GHz should be good for 10s of meters (without obstructions) | 20:05 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, earlier it was about 3m away with direct line of sight. the AP's antenna was parallel to the lid surface. | 20:16 |
Sven_vB | I'll scan which channels are how crowded. | 20:17 |
HipHop-openbox | TJ were do you get this idea when it comes to radio signals | 20:17 |
HipHop-openbox | neverming see where this was going | 20:18 |
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catbeard | how do i restore the left launch bar - 18.04.1 lts | 20:24 |
Sven_vB | currently 5× ch1, 6× ch6, 1× ch8, looks like I should set my AP to channel 13 then. | 20:24 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: yes, or switch to 802.11 (5.xGHz) | 20:30 |
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Sven_vB | TJ-, the AP doesn't offer 5 GHz. (it's ancient.) | 20:34 |
firelegend_ | Hi all. | 20:46 |
firelegend_ | I did a simple cat file | grep <something> | 20:46 |
qwebirc44366 | whoa! It worked. I'm on IRC. I feel like a real hacker. | 20:46 |
fooobarrr | nice! | 20:46 |
firelegend_ | And now the bash process is...frozen | 20:46 |
fooobarrr | must have been a big file | 20:46 |
firelegend_ | running at 100% cpu(well, 25% because its one core) | 20:47 |
EriC^^ | firelegend_: what was the file | 20:47 |
firelegend_ | and kill -9 <pid> does not kill it | 20:47 |
fooobarrr | /dev/random | 20:47 |
fooobarrr | lol | 20:47 |
firelegend_ | cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec | 20:47 |
firelegend_ | I can only imagine if it cant be killed | 20:48 |
firelegend_ | the kernel is in some sort of deadlock | 20:48 |
fooobarrr | u sure you're killing the right processes? | 20:48 |
firelegend_ | I am | 20:48 |
qwebirc44366 | so, I'm actually an idiot. Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on with the dock in GNOME. I just updated to 18.10 from 16.04 (I think). None of the "apps" that I open ever show up in the dock on the left side of my screen. There are four icons in there, and thats it. Anytime I want to use a program that I already have open (UMPlater, file manager, spotify, whatever) I have to find it in the "show applications" thing and rig | 20:49 |
EriC^^ | can you show "ps aux" output? firelegend_ | 20:49 |
fooobarrr | oh yeah 18.04 is fucked qwebirc44366 | 20:49 |
firelegend_ | EriC^^: just a moment | 20:49 |
fooobarrr | it took me a few hours to get things "ok" | 20:49 |
hggdh | fooobarrr: please mind your language | 20:49 |
Sven_vB | the channel counts earlier were wrong, I counted some wifi twice because both antennae found them. now I rescanned with just the Qualcom Atheros and it finds 2× ch1, 2× ch6, 1× ch8, 1× (mine) ch13. | 20:49 |
qwebirc44366 | oh. hm. thanks for the update fooobarrr | 20:50 |
qwebirc44366 | glad to know its not just me I guess | 20:50 |
qwebirc44366 | This seems like a silly decision by whoever made the decision to have things that way | 20:50 |
fooobarrr | I found that packages were "left over" from xenial | 20:50 |
fooobarrr | which was causing a lot of problems | 20:51 |
fooobarrr | my source lists are still messed up i think | 20:51 |
ikonia | sounds more like your upgrade was a problem | 20:51 |
qwebirc44366 | should I just wait it out for 19.04 or whatever is next? | 20:51 |
ikonia | rather than 18.10 being a problem - as it's working for the majority of people | 20:51 |
qwebirc44366 | ikonia - is my problem with the dock normal? or no? | 20:51 |
ikonia | qwebirc44366: no idea, I didn't really read your problem | 20:52 |
qwebirc44366 | ok | 20:52 |
qwebirc44366 | so, I'm actually an idiot. Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on with the dock in GNOME. I just updated to 18.10 from 16.04 (I think). None of the "apps" that I open ever show up in the dock on the left side of my screen. There are four icons in there, and thats it. Anytime I want to use a program that I already have open (UMPlater, file manager, spotify, whatever) I have to find it in the "show applications" thing and rig | 20:52 |
fooobarrr | the dock issue you describe is not familiar to my experience | 20:52 |
OerHeks | after you opened your favo app, you can lock it to the dock | 20:52 |
qwebirc44366 | DerHeks, yes, I'm aware of that. The problem is that I don't have quck access to all the apps that are already open. | 20:53 |
qwebirc44366 | I don't want to have to favorite every app I use | 20:53 |
Sven_vB | when I run "nmcli --ask con up 'A200-WLAN'" and it repeatedly asks "Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network 'A200-WLAN'.¶ Password (802-11-wireless-security.psk): " although the correct password shows in "sudo grep psk= /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/a200wlan.ini". when I enter the password in nmcli it just appends it to that psk= setting so it repeats. | 20:54 |
qwebirc44366 | (re-reading that, it looks harsh, I didn't mean to come off as a jerk there, I appreciate your help!) | 20:54 |
firelegend_ | EriC^^: https://pastebin.com/prQg3jeU | 20:54 |
firelegend_ | look for bash | 20:54 |
firelegend_ | its at 100.0 | 20:54 |
firelegend_ | and no command kills it | 20:55 |
OerHeks | qwebirc44366, gnome-tweak-took might have more options for you, not sure why standard fastkeys cannot help you switch applications/screens | 20:56 |
ChetManly | does ubuntu have automatic drive spindown? | 20:56 |
OerHeks | !info gnome-tweak-tool | 20:56 |
ubottu | gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB | 20:56 |
EriC^^ | firelegend_: odd, no idea | 20:57 |
firelegend_ | it might be some form of kernel deadlock | 20:57 |
EriC^^ | firelegend_: you could possibly try to see what it's doing if you wanted by doing sudo strace -p <pid> | 20:57 |
firelegend_ | Yep will try | 20:57 |
qwebirc44366 | DerHeks, unfortunately tweak doesn't help. It's not a setting I can find anywhere. I thought maybe this was a feature that other people liked or something? But I think I'm the only one with the problem. | 20:57 |
firelegend_ | No luck | 20:58 |
firelegend_ | now strace is also unkillable | 20:58 |
EriC^^ | heh | 20:58 |
outdatedtv | hello ubuntu | 20:58 |
=== qwebirc44366 is now known as NickLikesFire | ||
NickLikesFire | I'm in the middle of updating a second box to 18.10, so I'll see what that does with the dock and it it has the same problem, or not | 21:00 |
caliculk | Hello, I am trying to extend an lvm root partition on a system, similar to how I did a few weeks ago. Looking back at the commands and steps I did with someone in this channel, however, for whatever reason they are not lining up, and I am having issues again. The ouput of fdisk -l and parted are here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JwtCQDTPR6/ | 21:02 |
ikonia | caliculk: why are you using fdisk/parted to extend a logical volume | 21:02 |
TJ- | caliculk: are you using "lvextend" ? | 21:03 |
ikonia | you just need to extend the volume and file system, not the partition | 21:03 |
ikonia | you'll need to tell us what command you did to extend the disk | 21:03 |
ikonia | I suspect you extended the volume but not the file system | 21:03 |
TJ- | caliculk: all you need (assuming the VG has free extents) is "lvextend --resizefs VG/LV" (where VG/LV are the volume group and logical volume names respectively) | 21:04 |
caliculk | It doesn't have free extents at this point. | 21:04 |
TJ- | caliculk: check free extents/space with "sudo vgdisplay" | 21:04 |
caliculk | One second, will collect the output of displays | 21:04 |
TJ- | caliculk: so you need to extent the PV (physical volume) first? | 21:04 |
ikonia | it probably doesn't have extents because you've already extended it | 21:04 |
ikonia | the PE is only 15GB | 21:05 |
caliculk | lv, vg, pv display: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6ZVfQFjC3B/ | 21:05 |
ikonia | it's at the max size | 21:06 |
ikonia | root is 14GB | 21:06 |
ikonia | swap is 1gb | 21:06 |
ikonia | there is your 15gb | 21:06 |
caliculk | ikonia, the disk size is 40 GB | 21:06 |
ikonia | you've only alocated a 15GB partition to it | 21:06 |
TJ- | caliculk: here's the log from the last time we did it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5hxXvytYVp/ | 21:06 |
caliculk | TJ-, I know, that was what I was reading. :D | 21:07 |
TJ- | caliculk: ahhh; thought you meant you were reading your shell history :) | 21:07 |
TJ- | caliculk: so you're resizing partitions *again* ?! | 21:07 |
caliculk | Different machine, but yeah. | 21:07 |
caliculk | I remember doing something previously last time we did this, but, at this point, the parted commands are not working to actually extend anything. | 21:09 |
caliculk | Of course, not with the same sector size. | 21:09 |
TJ- | caliculk: looking at that fdisk output, the sda2 extended partition is only 15.5G, so you'd first need to extend that to take up the remainder of the disk | 21:10 |
caliculk | Okay, I didn't recall doing that in the previous log, I just remember doing the actual lvm volume. | 21:11 |
caliculk | One second | 21:11 |
TJ- | caliculk: it's there. Here it'll be something like: "parted /dev/sda unit s resizepart 2 83886079" | 21:12 |
acos | What video card is best supported on ubuntu 18.04.1 lts | 21:12 |
caliculk | Yeah, that worked instantly. My bad. | 21:12 |
caliculk | Alright, I will follow the rest of the previous chat log then from here on out. | 21:12 |
TJ- | caliculk: then you'd need to "partprobe /dev/sda" then repeat for parted for sda5 (ending 2 sectors eariler) | 21:13 |
TJ- | caliculk: something like: "parted /dev/sda unit s resizepart 5 83886077" | 21:13 |
TJ- | caliculk: "partprobe /dev/sda" again and check "cat /proc/partitions" then "pvresize /dev/sda5" | 21:14 |
=== WoC- is now known as WoC` | ||
caliculk | Good to go, thanks again TJ-, and thank you ikonia | 21:27 |
samfreed | I'm having problems with a 4k screen attached to a 6,2 macmini. Especially after a long sleep, the screen fails to recognize the video outpur from the machine using the displayport. When I connect the HDMI too (same machine to same screen) the machine thinks I have two screens, while the screen only work on the HDMI, and at lower resolution. HELPO | 21:31 |
samfreed | Ltest ubuntu | 21:31 |
samfreed | 18.10 | 21:31 |
cynicist | qwebirc44366: No that's not normal. Install dconf-editor and navigate to org/gnome/shell/extensions and then reset ubuntu-dock to see if that helps. I can't remember exactly how it is named or I would give you a command. | 21:34 |
kpp | Hi. I was installing ubuntu 16.04 and the installer asked me for "Device for boot loader installation". I got OEM Win10 on the laptop and I don't want to loose it. What shall I choose to install it in dual boot? /dev/nvme0n1 // device | 21:52 |
kpp | /dev/nvme0n1p1 // EFI system partition; boot,esp | 21:52 |
kpp | /dev/nvme0n1p2 // msftres | 21:52 |
kpp | /dev/nvme0n1p3 // msfdata | 21:52 |
TJ- | kpp: nvme0n1 (you're telling it which complete physical device, not a partition) | 21:54 |
TJ- | kpp: in UEFI mode it'll then look for the EFI-SP and add its core image there | 21:54 |
TJ- | kpp: This presumes the installer booted in EFI mode, not BIOS/legacy/CSM | 21:55 |
kpp | Great. How do I check I loaded it in EFI mode? | 21:58 |
ducasse | kpp: 'ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/' | 22:02 |
ducasse | kpp: if you get a listing, you are in efi mode | 22:02 |
TJ- | kpp: good question; I've not used that installer for years; You can tell at boot because it has to use GRUB instead of syslinux for EFI boot. If you saw the boot grub menu that had "grub" in the title, it's EFI mode | 22:04 |
TJ- | kpp: if you're running the installer in "Try Ubuntu" mode then what ducasse just said ^^ | 22:05 |
kpp | Yes sure. Try Ubuntu -> check vars. Is there anything I should know before installing it? Previously I didn't care about Win, since I did not need a dual boot. But Witcher 3 changed my point of view a little bit. Last time I f&&ed with Bitlocker. I disabled it in Win this time. | 22:07 |
ducasse | kpp: installing in uefi mode should not affect windows at all | 22:11 |
acos | That's the issue man I cant write to this mounted partition. Its ext4. | 22:20 |
xul | HI! | 22:27 |
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Greyztar | anyone familiar with tsocks? | 22:29 |
=== daniel is now known as Guest38484 | ||
SirNapkin1334 | how do I install ubuntu on hyper-v | 22:31 |
kpp | ducasse TJ thank you! Yay, it worked) | 22:32 |
SirNapkin1334 | it always says, "The image's hash and certificate are not allowed (DB" | 22:35 |
SirNapkin1334 | and DHCP failed | 22:35 |
SirNapkin1334 | and no UEFI-compatable file system was found | 22:35 |
OerHeks | SirNapkin1334, ask in ##windows or the WLS channel, no need for hyper-V to run a ubuntu vm https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2018/09/17/run-ubuntu-virtual-machines-made-even-easier-with-hyper-v-quick-create/ | 22:39 |
SirNapkin1334 | oh cool | 22:39 |
SirNapkin1334 | but why two hastags for windows? | 22:40 |
SirNapkin1334 | why not #windows ? | 22:40 |
OerHeks | as it is not an official support channel, on #freenode | 22:41 |
WoC` | same as in ##mac | 22:41 |
SirNapkin1334 | oh, so it's not official | 22:41 |
OerHeks | run by volunteers, that is | 22:41 |
SirNapkin1334 | so this channel is official then? | 22:41 |
OerHeks | yes, correct | 22:41 |
WoC` | bingo ;] | 22:42 |
OerHeks | there is a page on the freenode blog about naming convention | 22:42 |
SirNapkin1334 | cool thanks | 22:42 |
WoC` | OerHeks, btw; you wouldn't know if there is any way to add on-the-fly compression to git clone ? | 22:43 |
WoC` | or that might just been in the good old cvs... | 22:44 |
OerHeks | you cannot just pipe git clone because it does not write it out to the standard output. , use git archive https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5995301/how-do-i-pipe-a-git-clone-to-archive-tar-or-gzip | 22:45 |
WoC` | k ty | 22:50 |
ChetManly | unetbootin not a thing anymore? | 23:24 |
ChetManly | does ubuntu have automatic drive spindown? | 23:27 |
WoC` | ChetManly, automatic spin down will shorten the lifespan of your drive as the constant spin up/down will take its toll, fyi | 23:29 |
ChetManly | thnking about my power bill | 23:30 |
WoC` | and etcher is far better than unetbootin | 23:30 |
ChetManly | lol | 23:30 |
WoC` | y lol ? | 23:30 |
WoC` | etcher does a better job and does not require the device to be mounted | 23:31 |
WoC` | almost like rufus :) | 23:32 |
WoC` | i take it you had bad experience with etcher ? | 23:32 |
ChetManly | no is it a ppa? | 23:33 |
WoC` | no idea, i just googled it and dl'ed | 23:33 |
ChetManly | WoC`: only used rufus once | 23:33 |
ChetManly | I dont see etcher in the repo | 23:33 |
WoC` | used rufus a lot while i still had windows | 23:34 |
WoC` | hence; google ;) | 23:34 |
ChetManly | you mean duckduckgo | 23:34 |
WoC` | which ever rox your boat :) | 23:34 |
ChetManly | duck it | 23:35 |
WoC` | heh | 23:35 |
acos | How can I fix permissions ? | 23:51 |
OerHeks | acos, permissions of what and what did you do, what ubuntu version ? | 23:54 |
acos | Just trying to use this partition in ubuntu 18.04.01 lts. | 23:55 |
acos | I added it to fstab | 23:55 |
acos | As rw but non root users cant write it | 23:55 |
royal_screwup21 | Hi all, I'm on ubuntu 16.04 and I want to download this jar https://github.com/bhagatsingh/try-artifact My question is, should I download it inside my HOME, or in opt/, or fiddle with my classpath? The instructions are vague :( | 23:57 |
James_Epp | I'm lazy and don't want to reboot into windows. I have a flash drive partitioned as MBR, single partition set as active. Filesystem is formatted as fat32. The drive boots in UEFI perfectly fine. It is a windows 10 boot/install drive. All i want to do now from ubuntu is install the MBR bootsector on the drive, specifically the nt60 bootsector. I know in an existing windows install you run bootsect /nt60 D: /force /mbr . Is there an | 23:59 |
James_Epp | ...CLI is acceptable. | 23:59 |
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