
ahi2anyone have a Dell XPS desktop running ubuntu? Ubuntu certified hardware list doesn't show XPS desktops.00:00
tomreynRulzern: try unplugging any devices you dont strictly need, make sure you have sufficient power supply to power multiple devices on the usb.00:02
=== BritishHotDog is now known as BirthdayHotDog
tomreyn+ check whether someof the usb attached devices can be powered externally00:03
tomreynahi2: most definitely there are people who run ubuntu on such computers. you could just search the web. this wont tell you how well a specific model would work, however.00:04
ahi2someone said it doesnt run linux. they probably don't know what they are doing00:05
Rulzerntomreyn: I've attempted to disconnect all devices, and only having one of the following connected: a logitech unifying receiver, a USB stick, a TP-link wireless receiver - none of them seem to have any effect00:05
tomreynahi2: typically, anything which is not extra low cost stuff works fine, with some exceptions for very new hardware, exotic hardware, and some wireless chipsets.00:05
ahi2ok thanks00:06
tomreynahi2: "dell xps desktop" is a product series, it's not a specific model. making a generic statement on whether or not ubuntu runs on an entire series of very different computers makes no sense most of the time, it does not in this case.00:07
tomreynRulzern: so those you have connected do work / are properly detected?00:07
ahi2the certified list shows various laptop models that do run ubuntu just not xps models00:08
Rulzerntomreyn: no, the only things lsusb/usb-devices list are hub devices and controllers (2 of each), none of the devices I actually plug in to the machine00:08
tomreynahi2: lack of a listing does not state incompatibility.00:08
ahi2not xps desktop models00:08
tomreynRulzern: is rebooting an option?00:09
tomreynRulzern: when did this issue first occur relative to any majro changes you made to the system in terms of hardware, firmware, OS upgrades or changes?00:10
Rulzerntomreyn: I have attempted to reboot, no change00:10
Rulzerntomreyn: the system is "new", I installed an OS on the disk today using a different computer (had trouble with the USB during the ubuntu installation, was able to get the boot loader, but the install failed)00:12
tomreynRulzern: did you attempt to reboot, or did you? if you did, unplug and replug any device, then post the URL returned by "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"00:12
tomreynRulzern: what are you running there now if the ubuntu installation failed?00:12
Rulzerntomreyn: I'm afraid the network connection on that computer relies on the USB wireless device, but I can tell you that dmesg does not produce any new lines of output upon plugging a device00:13
RulzernI installed ubuntu using a different computer00:13
tomreynRulzern: how did you "[install] an OS on the disk today using a different computer"?00:14
Rulzerntomreyn: by unplugging the disks in computer #2, plugging in the disk from computer #1 into computer #2, booting from an USB and installing ubuntu onto the disk plugged in00:15
tomreynRulzern: okay, then it's possible that you created a legacy BIOS installation when the new computer would better boot with UEFI, or the other way around (less likely)00:16
Rulzerntomreyn: is there a way to identify if that could be the cause?00:17
tomreynRulzern: still, lsusb should probably work. since you don't seem to be posting dmesg, we could also proceed by having you tell us more about the hardware of the new computer.00:17
Rulzerntomreyn: the motherboard is a MSI B85M-G4300:18
poizonb0xHaving invalid partition when machine boots, is it a grub select flagged partition thing or I have to reinstall? :/00:18
poizonb0xfdisk options for setting the boot partition, don't remember.00:19
tomreynRulzern: whats the CPU? have you checked dmesg for any issues not directly related to the USB? have you done a memory test?00:19
EriC^^poizonb0x: do you have a live usb you can boot to troubleshoot?00:20
tomreynRulzern: MSI B85M-G43 is actually older hardware. so this hardware is just new to you, not new in that it was recently produced, i guess?00:20
Rulzerntomreyn: the cpu is an Intel Core i5-4670, I did a cursory look through dmesg for USB issues, but did not discover any (or any critical issues otherwise), but I'm not entirely sure what to look for, I have not performed a memory test00:20
poizonb0xEriC^^: Yeah but I'm sure I can do it with the installed one, why chroot lol? Just don't remember the fdisk --option to select boot partition :/00:21
EriC^^i thought it wasnt booting? poizonb0x00:21
Rulzerntomreyn: it's "new" in that it's a computer that's been sitting unused in a closet for a few years, I'm attempting to set up a home office using my old HTPC00:21
CalebWI have a question regarding auto-rotation in ubuntu 18.04. Is it possible to configure certain custom actions?00:22
tomreynRulzern: which bios version do you have there?00:23
Rulzerntomreyn: 3.900:24
poizonb0xEriC^^: You're right, right after bios it says invalid boot partition but don't remember how to set the flag.00:24
EriC^^poizonb0x: so how do you suggest getting into the install without a live usb?00:24
EriC^^or rather how do you suggest setting the boot flag really, we wont be chrooting00:25
poizonb0xEriC^^: It prompts invalid partition but after I hit enter it boots the next sda, I just need /dev/sda1 to be the boot flagged, or to have the mbr in there, don't remember.00:25
Teodoro777<freenode_TJ- "Teodoro777: probably because acc"> After a while, the bug is reappeared! I don't know what else to try..00:26
tomreynRulzern: hmm so mainboard and cpu should be compatible. review dmesg, make sure the power supply is sufficient and run a memory test.00:26
Rulzerntomreyn: it should be sufficient, like I said, it used to be my HTPC, just a different disk (I suppose perhaps some part could be malfunctioning somehow?), I'll have a look at dmesg and run the memory test, thank you00:28
tomreynRulzern: could be acpi issues, for example. "it used to be my HTPC" does not provide information to me.00:29
Rulzerntomreyn: what I mean is that it was operational with the same hardware as it has now (with the exception of only having 1 SSD now, instead of 2 HDDs previously), while powering several USB devices, so the PSU should be sufficient to power it00:31
tomreynRulzern: i see. indeed it should then be drawing less power now than it used to. which OS were you running on it at the time?00:32
tomreynthe least powerful PSU MSI claims to have successfully tested with is a 300W00:34
tomreynRulzern: it could also be that one of the usb devices you have now attached to it is broken and causing problems to the entire USB. this is why i suggested to unplug all of them before you watch dmesg and replug them one by one.00:36
Rulzerntomreyn: the PSU is a Cooler Master Silent Pro M2 520W PSU00:36
Rulzerntomreyn: I was running windows 10 at the time00:36
Rulzerntomreyn: I checked dmesg, did not see anything suspicious to my eyes, it also appears that there is no power being delivered on any of the USB ports00:39
EriC^^poizonb0x: fdisk has an interactive menu, it should be somewhere00:39
Rulzerntomreyn: could there be some BIOS setting that I have mis-configured? it seems strange that no power is delivered, right?00:39
tomreynthis specific PSU is not listed but i dont see why it wouldnt work. if you were running windows 10 back then you might want to try doing so now, to see whether this works fine (in terms of USB), and if so, you may want to try to overcome what is then likely buggy firmware, such as by doing this: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html00:39
EriC^^poizonb0x: sudo fdisk /dev/sdX  then hit > x > then A for bootable flag, try with the help options first cause it might be different for you00:40
tomreynRulzern: no power available on USB ports on a USB 3.0 controller is wrong, yes.00:40
tomreynRulzern: so you reconfigured the BIOS between when this was running your HTPC and now?00:41
Rulzerntomreyn: yes00:41
tomreynif so, load optimized setup defaults, or just setup defaults, and see if it works then.00:41
Rulzerntomreyn: I'll give it a shot, be back in a minute00:41
tomreyn<tomreyn> Rulzern: when did this issue first occur relative to any majro changes you made to the system in terms of hardware, firmware, OS upgrades or changes?00:42
tomreyn^ that's why i was asking about major firmware changes00:42
Rulzerntomreyn: hehe, yes, that's why I said it was "new"00:45
tomreynRulzern: "new" somehow made me think "vendor defaults"00:46
tomreynanyways, good luck, chances are it'll work after bios reset. if not, try windows + acpi link in your preferred order00:46
tomreynand at some point you should do the memory and a cpu burn test as well00:47
Rulzerntomreyn: same status after the BIOS reset00:48
tomreyna pity. :-/ see above.00:48
yao_ziyuanin a freshly installed ubuntu 18.10, do you guys notice that sometimes bold text isn't displayed as bold in chrome?00:48
Rulzerntomreyn: alright, thank you so much for your help00:48
tomreynRulzern: yw. you can also have soemoen review dmesg later if you ever change your mind.00:49
Rulzerntomreyn: yes, I'm sure that would be helpful, but I have no way of communicating with that machine other than writing it down on a slip of paper currently, which seems like quite a task for the dmesg output00:50
tomreynRulzern: oh sorry, i gotthis wrong, thought you said just the additional network device wasnt working.00:50
RulzernI was thinking that I could just put it on a USB stick and upload it from this machine, then I remembered what the problem was00:51
tomreynRulzern: you could store it on the hdd, then plug that to the other computer again. or maybe there are other options for pluggable storage, such as an sdcard, or you could install another NIC or setup a serial console connection to the other computer.00:52
Rulzernyeah, the HDD option is the most reasonable in terms of timeframe, but it's starting to look more productive to just get a new motherboard/CPU/RAM that is not so picky00:54
tomreynif money is secondary, sure. :)00:55
Rulzernat some point the cost in time is higher than the cost in dollars00:57
SausageWatergood evening! One of my updates failed  - the terminal output suggested problems with the dependencies and perhaps some other, serious errors. The output was too long to be captured in the terminal window and so I tried to save it with "sudo apt-get -f upgrade > output.txt" instead. That didn't work either - the command seemed to be executed but it didn't show any output  - even though I let it run for 10 minutes. Did I do anythi00:59
SausageWaterI could do to save the output? Any help is much appreciated!01:00
tomreynSausageWater: first message was cut off after "Did I do anythi"01:00
cYnIxX3 anyone happen to know how to install a ppa repo without software-properties-common in ubuntu 16.04? I tried putting the deb links in /etc/apt/sources.list and tried apt-key as well as gpg to try and get it to pull on an apt-update but the package I want is still not an option. what am I missing?01:01
tomreynSausageWater: to redirect error messages from the console into a file, you need to run commands like this: mycommand &> /tmp/mylogfile.log01:01
SausageWaterThanks! I'll give it a try!01:02
tomreyn!pastebinit | SausageWater01:02
ubottuSausageWater: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:02
cYnIxX3SausageWater, you may try sudo apt-get -y upgrade &> output.txt rather than-f01:02
cYnIxX3just incase its an input hang. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯01:03
tomreyncYnIxX3: the easiest way to set up a ppa is to use: apt-add-repository01:04
ikatamoonshotshi, is there a way to prevent /dev/shm files being deleted while using it with my main user?01:04
cYnIxX3tomreyn, I'm going for the smallest scriptable environment with docker. So I would like to avoid apt-add-repository.01:04
tomreyncYnIxX3: once configured, you can "sudo apt-get update" and "apt-cache policy" to verify the repository was actually added.01:04
ikatamoonshotsnever mind , using tmpfs01:06
tomreyncYnIxX3: if doing it manually, you should add extra apt sources by creating a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and adding the gpg apt repository signing key using "apt-key", then run "apt-get update".01:07
cYnIxX3tomreyn, I went straight for sources.list https://pastebin.com/raw/kwmrJcdT01:08
tomreyncYnIxX3: yes, sou shouldnt modify this file, keep it default, it's a better approach to only have official repositories in there.01:09
cYnIxX3tomreyn, understood, but its a docker environment and its empty anyways.01:09
tomreyncYnIxX3: also it's sourceS.list, plural01:09
cYnIxX3Ugh, thats my problem.01:10
cYnIxX3Thank you01:10
CodeMouse92What's the command to get the number of hard drive ports on a system? (Ubuntu 18.10)01:10
tomreyncYnIxX3: importing an apt key this way is insecure and unreliable. provide the actual key and "apt-key import" it. or at least the full finderprint.01:10
CodeMouse92I want to figure out if this laptop has one or two hard drive ports. Only one disk installed, but I'd rather check before I go digging inside for another port?01:11
cYnIxX3tomreyn, understood, Thanks for the advice.01:11
tomreynwelcome :)01:12
SausageWaterThanks all - I've got my first problem solved. Cheers!01:12
tomreynCodeMouse92: all you could check is how many ports the storage controller provides. but this doesn't mean that there are connectors available.01:13
CodeMouse92tomreyn: Duly noted. Thanks.01:13
CodeMouse92I'll just look inside when I swap my network card.01:13
tomreynCodeMouse92: however, a single SATA port is rather uncommon, i think only SOCs have that.01:14
CodeMouse92tomreyn: In a laptop, tho?01:14
ikatamoonshotslsscsi / lsscsi -g01:14
tomreynCodeMouse92: i'm talking about capabilities of controllers, not how mainboards are outfitted and ports are made available01:15
yao_ziyuanwhy might be the cause for my ubuntu 18.10 not rendering bold text as bold?01:15
CodeMouse92tomreyn: Oh. Sure, makes sense.01:15
ikatamoonshots@ codemouse - dmesg | grep 'SATA link down'01:17
CodeMouse92ikatamoonshots: Aw, sweet!01:22
CodeMouse92So....YES, I do actually have another port!01:22
ikatamoonshotsonly commands i could find adhoc , no idea how precse they are, the dmesg command anys lists all my sata ports01:25
WoodpeckerWhere would I tell users to store a basic config for username, password, and accountname? /home/foo/.myapp.rc ? something in /etc/? something in ~/.local ?01:26
tomreynWoodpecker: this doesn't look like an ubuntu support question, more like one about secure software development?01:30
Woodpeckertomreyn: only so far as I try to follow ubuntu style guidelines for software development.01:31
tomreynconfiguration files within the user scope go to ~/.config/ or a subdirectory there.01:32
tomreynstoring crendentials on the filesystem is obviously risky.01:32
ikatamoonshotsyou could store them in a file owned by root so sudo scripts can source it - but as tom said, really try to avoid that - there are password managers tough01:34
cYnIxX3maybe try and use keys rather than passwords?01:34
ikatamoonshotsif you store it make sure only root can read it01:35
ub3g33kchmod 600 on the file storing the creds in ~/.config/{app name} should be sufficient01:35
ub3g33k(It's good enough for ssh keys and all)01:35
ub3g33kOr, store the creds in the gnome or kde keyring01:36
yao_ziyuani see. my problem is chrome's problem. firefox renders the same bold text correctly.01:36
Woodpeckertomreyn: true01:39
Woodpecker thanks01:39
=== capella|away is now known as capella
babou_tuntanyone ever ran into an issue where ubuntu on AWS isn't detecting and autoconfiguring AWS EC2 NIC settings?02:12
babou_tuntI added a 2nd nic in AWS EC2, has elastic ip, manual config (which is not persistent) makes it work in /etc/networking/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg02:14
=== daniel is now known as Guest84756
babou_tuntok so i think it is a cloud-init issue02:32
Suicidal_Santahow do i restart my audio driver https://i.imgur.com/7dXzTWX.png02:34
=== Schnabeltierchen is now known as Schnabel-bnc
headrxhey everyone how are ya03:17
headrxnot to shabby03:18
matsamanthat's what's up03:18
headrxi have a quick question.. having problems killing process's.. in bash, i list process's with ps, the i do kill 'pid'... to no avail..03:19
matsamankill -9 pid03:19
headrxalso, one more question, how can i kill process's by cmd name03:19
matsamankillall command03:20
matsamankill -9 $(pgrep -x certainname)03:20
EriC^^or pkill <command name>03:20
matsamanwhatcha got against p03:21
ub3g33kheadrx: is that process a zombie?03:22
ub3g33kif so, only a reboot can get rid of it.  But, no worries!  zombies only take up like 32 bytes of RAM each :)03:23
ub3g33kIt's just annoying, that's all03:23
headrxEriC^^, matsaman,: Got it taken care of, pesky python03:23
headrxub3g33k: No sure no half-alive process's in my table lol03:24
Bashing-omub3g33k: Zombies can be found and killed : http://askubuntu.com/questions/111422/how-to-find-zombie-process .03:24
headrxquestion though , what is the 32 bytes store  ? Just the process info?03:25
Rulzerntomreyn: I figured it out, it turns out that disconnecting one of the case fans from the motherboard makes the USB work (!!!), I don't know if the issue is with the motherboard or the fan, but one of the fans definately makes USB not work (the other fan has no effect one way or the other)03:25
EriC^^Rulzern: that's odd and pretty cool you were able to figure it out03:26
Rulzernvery odd!03:26
RulzernEriC^^: my first thought was a PSU issue, but now I have a web camera + 2 microphones + storage + wireless connected over USB, which should pull much more wattage than the fan... so I guess it's a problem on the motherboard... first I've ever even heard of something like this03:30
ub3g33kheadrx: yes03:33
tomreynRulzern: weird indeed, good find! Some mainboards allow you to provide extra power to the USB by attaching a special power cable from the PSU to some place on the mainboard. Maybe you were using this cable for powering the case fan? It seems unlikely, I don't think the connectors would match, but i'm bringing it up just in case...03:33
ub3g33kBashing-om: Um, not really, unless you kill init... https://askubuntu.com/questions/30891/is-there-any-way-to-kill-a-zombie-process-without-reboot?lq=103:34
EriC^^Rulzern: maybe try a different known working fan?03:34
RulzernEriC^^: it's ok, I can live without the extra case fan03:35
Bashing-omub3g33k: reading ..03:36
Rulzerntomreyn: I was using the standard sysfan connector on the MB (label SYSFAN2 if I recall correctly)03:36
tomreynnice buggy mobo :)03:37
fooI'm on ubuntu 18.04, previously 14.04. On 14.04 I had my init scripts in /etc/init/. Is this the place to put them on 18.04 ?03:39
Rulzern"nice"... I think I'll stay away from MSI next time :p03:39
matsamanfoo: you probably need to read a systemd conversion guide, I'd guess03:40
foomatsaman: so there was a change from 14.04 to 18.04, I wasn't sure. What was the name of the old system if the newer one was systemd?03:41
foos/was systemd/is systemd/03:41
matsamanfoo: it happend in version 15, AIUI03:41
matsamanfoo: probably 'upstart'03:41
foomatsaman: sounds about right, thank you03:41
matsamanand before that it was good old sysv, which is what sane people still use03:41
matsamanfoo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers03:41
foomatsaman: heh. Strange is digital ocean agent is still in /etc/init ... which makes me wonder.03:41
matsamanwell, a lot of people think LTS is a license to avoid updates03:42
foomatsaman: correct: systemd introduced in 15.04, FWIW03:42
matsamanand a lot more people think once you get anything generating a profit, you should immediately rest on your laurels and let your business die ... after all nobody needs money after you get yours, rite?03:43
* foo shrugs, /me wants to do it the proper way03:44
* foo converts a upstart script to systemd03:44
matsamanbon voyage03:44
* foo yanks a script he used in another system from /etc/systemd/system and drops into his new system03:45
ub3g33kfoo, you need to make sure bar is on board, as well :)03:46
fooub3g33k: speaking of which, I was going to visit after this is done! ;)03:47
WoCis there a way to unsnap a system in a safe way ? As in rmoving snap and replacing the installed snap packages with normal packages in a safe way ?03:47
WoCw/o running into problems with dependencys that is03:48
Bashing-omWoC: Consider : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2328152 .03:48
WoCi understand some may use snap, i.e. built with components that can not be upgraded/built/etc03:49
WoCty Bashing-om appreciated03:55
Bashing-omWoC: :)04:00
InteloJimBuntu, I rebooted to windows 10 after replugging the battery. The charge went to 58% and stopped there. The only difference I see now is kubuntu says '58% and charging' while windows 10 says '58% and not charging'04:11
myselfI wonder if ubuntu doesn't differentiate between "plugged in" and "charging" status; some laptops can do one but not the other, depending on which adapter they're plugged into, the battery temperature, etc. I'd tend to believe the Windows report.04:14
WoCmyself: chances are the regulator on that battery is faulty04:16
* WoC makes a note; now i talk to myself again...04:17
InteloWoC,  not the cells?04:17
InteloWoC,  can regulator be fixed?04:17
myselfI've had a series of laptops with odd battery management options, including the ability to soft limit the charge termination04:17
WoCi think it is the actual regulator, usually imho that tend to fail most frequent04:18
InteloWoC,  can the regulator be fixed?04:18
WoCif you have the skills ;)04:18
WoCreplaced ;)04:18
WoCmost would just replace the whole battery04:19
Intelohm. so a workshop can replace it? how much it migh cost me?04:19
WoCthey tend to explode if heated inproperly04:19
InteloWoC,  how much would a m6700 batter cost with max cells available04:19
myselfif it discharges normally and charges up but stops at the same spot every time, the BMS is likely sane and just obeying what its coulomb-counter tells it about the battery SoC and voltage04:19
Intelomyself,  'bms'?04:20
WoChavent checked prices in decades04:20
myselfbattery management system, the chip in the battery that monitors what it's up to and tracks its behavior even as batteries get swapped around04:20
InteloWoC,  myself  should I order at dell.com?04:21
WoClook up the part number and see if you can get it elsewhere, cheaper04:21
myselfyeah, batteries will be all over, but you want to be careful of "new old stock", a battery that's been on a shelf 3 years even with 0 charge cycles will still be a crap battery.04:22
Intelodam Kit - 9-cell (97Wh) Lithium Ion battery with ExpressCharge04:22
WoCIntelo: if you look up the part number you will usually find upgrades as to capacity as well as cheaper alternatives04:22
WoCDell would for sure be your most expensive option04:23
InteloWoC,  myself  I bought the full laptop m6700 for double of this price $149.99 .04:24
Intelosecond hand04:24
WoCSomehow i still use this <censored> N7110...04:25
InteloWoC,  myself  ok, what option to get it from if I am in india/ pakistan04:26
WoCGoos thing there are some folks making bios-mods, so now i have UEFI04:26
WoCIntelo: i have no idea, to be honest, I'm land locked in Texas04:27
Intelo$50 https://www.amazon.com/11-1V-M6700-Battery-Precision-Laptop-SOLICE/dp/B01MQJA1F704:27
WoCSomething like that yes04:28
WoCgtg, best of luck and an early Merry Christmas04:29
myselfpersonally, I would not walk away from a third-party battery with cells of unknown provenance.. I've seen too many fires.04:29
myselfBut that's up to your own sense of cost and risk.04:29
myselfAnd we're way, way off-topic :P04:29
Intelomyself,  third party?04:41
Intelomyself, #hardware?04:41
Intelomyself,  you mean to buy from dell only?04:44
slidinghornThis isn't directly an ubuntu question, but its seems appropriate to ask here:  In some PDF documents, evince's page counter/navigator doesn't match the actual page number in the table of contents - by the end of a (by evince's count) 293, the actual document is at 316.  Is there something I'm missing?04:56
slidinghornoh wow...disregard - I just realized there are some pages omitted (likely blank pages at the start of a chapter or something...)04:57
matsamanslidinghorn: yeah, PDF sucks05:08
elias_aslidinghorn: That is quite usual, actually. Page numbers usually start from TOC page(s).06:52
Suicidal_Santawhy doesnt ppa-purge work?07:09
Suicidal_Santaroot@Mobile-C:/home/mobile_c# ppa-purge [ppa:]enlightenment-git/ubuntu07:16
Suicidal_SantaUpdating packages lists07:16
Suicidal_SantaE: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/enlightenment-git/ppa/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file.07:16
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Suicidal_Santa07:24
ubottuSuicidal_Santa: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:24
tomreynSuicidal_Santa: so make it "ppa-purge ppa:enlightenment-git/ubuntu". but it'll still fail to remove since ppa-purge can't handle this istuation where there is no longer a release file present for your ubuntu release.07:30
tomreynSuicidal_Santa: alas you need to use "apt-add-repository --remove ppa:enlightenment-git/ubuntu" instead, then revoke your trust in the apt repositories' signing key using the "apt-key" command.07:31
coz_good morning07:47
lotuspsychjemorning coz_ what can we do for you?07:48
elias_aWorld peace and good will to all? :)07:51
coz_lotuspsychje, thanks for recognition, not much, just stopped in to see if I could be of help, unless you are a gimp dev, then I would have a few words for you ")07:51
coz_elias_a, morning07:52
coz_3am here east coast US. most of you guys are in Europe at this time, yes?08:07
lotuspsychjecoz_: come join to #ubuntu-discuss08:07
iuiujhis ubuntu gonna drop qt4 framework?08:18
elias_acoz_: Yep. I'm in Finland.08:20
coz_elias_a,  I thought as much ")08:24
varaindemianwhat's the lightest version of *buntu for an old laptop?08:25
varaindemianxubuntu or lubuntu?08:25
mojtabaHello, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Do you know what should I do to disconnect internet, upon VPN disconnection?08:25
coz_kde-neon seems to be somewhat slim surprisingly...08:25
ducassevaraindemian: yjere's not much difference08:26
mojtabaI use the gui to auto connect to VPN, upon internet connection.08:26
coz_varaindemian, I take that back, xubuntu and lubuntu are better options, I have not tried neon on an older system08:28
coz_live usb should reveal something08:28
coz_varaindemian,  this might be of some interest https://itsfoss.com/lightweight-linux-beginners/08:33
varaindemianthank you!08:39
mojtabaHello, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Do you know what should I do to disconnect internet, upon VPN disconnection? I use the gui to auto connect to VPN, upon internet connection.08:53
ikoniawhat ?08:54
ikoniayou're talking about disconnecting the internet but saying you use a vpn over the internet08:54
tomreyni'm guessing the idea is to prevent traffic (which would otherwise go through the vpn) leaking through the default non-vpn internet connection in case the vpn connection fails.08:56
ikoniathat's a pretty different question to "how do I turn off the internet"08:57
tomreynit is, so, again, just guessing08:57
ikoniait's a sane guess08:57
mojtabaikonia: I am connected to the VPN, while I am connected to the internet. I would like to get disconnected from internet, if/when my VPN is down.08:57
mojtabatomreyn: exactly.08:58
ikoniamojtaba: you'd have to write some conditional health checks08:58
mojtabaikonia: Do you know from where should I start? Where should I put that script, if it is the script.08:58
ikoniamojtaba: got to be honest, there are few cases for such an extreme situation08:59
ikoniaso if you can justify it beyond "I want to hide my identity because I do" I'll help09:00
mojtabaikonia: Yes. :)09:00
ikoniayes what ?09:00
mojtabaYou said, You'll help.09:02
ikoniano, I didn't09:02
ikoniare-read what I said09:02
mojtabaat the end of your sentence: I'll help09:03
ikoniayes, read the start09:04
ikoniaand if you can't grasp the conditional statement I put in my response, I doubt you'll be able to grasp the conditional statements needed to write health checks09:04
mojtabaI want to keep my IP address consistent. ( That is why I am going to use VPN, not Tor, to just hide my identity.) If that meets the first part of your sentence!09:07
blip99hi all.  My OS does a filesystem check during every boot (during boot screen), been happening for 6 months - makes the boot take 5 mins if i don't cancel09:08
blip99any idea how I can find the cause? and disable it if not needed09:08
ikoniamojtaba: no, it's not09:09
tomreynblip99: either the file system is configured to do checks on every mount, or he storage is broken and needs to be replaced, or both.09:10
mojtabaDoes anyone except ikonia knows how to get disconnected from internet, upon VPN disconnection?09:10
tomreynblip99: which file system (where mounted) exactly? / or /boot or something else?09:10
blip99tomreyn, im not sure which fs is being checked, im on a relatively new high end laptop with an SSD09:15
blip99can i get you some info from df or such tomreyn?09:16
blip99ext4 on both / and /home.  2 linux partitions09:18
blip99i guess ill backup and manually run fs check on both.  can you recommend any particular fschk params?09:18
tomreynblip99: run "mount" to determine the partitions or other backing devic3es which these file systems are located on09:23
tomreynblip99: then, assuming one is stored on /dev/sda2, you'd run:  dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda2 | grep -E '^(Check interval|Last checked|Mount count|Maximum mount count|Last mount time):'09:24
tomreynthis works for ext file systems only, but thats what you say you have09:24
tomreynblip99: then read the tune2fs man page, section 8, about the "-C mount-count" and "-T time-last-checked" options09:26
tomreynalso "-c max-mount-counts"09:27
tomreyn...and "-i  interval-between-checks[d|m|w]"09:28
tomreynthat's it ;)09:28
blip99tomreyn, i was hoping for a gui but i'll take it :D09:29
tomreynthere wont be any for those09:30
blip99thanks will come back here in the evening after trying it out09:31
tomreynblip99: for the baseline, all of this is about case 1 discussed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting#e2fsprogs_-_ext2.2C_ext3.2C_ext4_filesystems09:31
* tomreyn types too slow09:31
tomreynmojtaba: you don'T actually need to disconnect the network connection if the vpn fails, you just need to ensure no traffic will be sent through it. that's what firewalls are good for: https://serverfault.com/questions/473112/iptables-force-all-traffic-over-vpn-and-drop-all-traffic-when-no-vpn-connecti09:38
mojtabatomreyn: Thanks a lot.09:39
tomreynbut some basic firewall / networking is necessary to understand this stuff.09:39
mojtabatomreyn: I am using ufw at the moment.09:40
tomreynyou dont actually need / want the dns whitelisting if you want to force dns resultion through the vpn '(and have configured the vpn connection to do so, and the vpn is actually capable of that.09:40
mojtabatomreyn: Yes, and thanks again.09:42
talinhello. does anyone know how to change what command gets run when you click the icon for an application? i'm running 18.04 LTS09:55
talinpermanently, that is09:55
talini want firefox to run "firejail firefix"09:55
talinfor example09:55
iuiujhtalin: copy the corresponding desktop file into ~/.local/share/applications and edit it10:03
taliniuiujh: thank you10:03
tomreyntalin: after editing, consider testing it with desktop-file-validate before you desktop-file-install it10:10
tomreynactually you dont need to install it if it's already in ~/.local/share/applications, but may need to run update-menus10:12
N3sh108Hello! I have a simple question that I cannot seem to phrase properly for finding it online :/ .. I want to do have a folder "Data" on HDD1 being replicated exactly on HDD2, both on the same machine. What's the best approach for that?10:17
N3sh108I was thinking of using a RAID1 but I happen to have 2 drives with different sizes, so I gotta use that instead10:17
Ben64N3sh108: what's the purpose10:18
N3sh108I am installing something like a dropbox on my spare laptop. I want to make sure that even if HDD1 dies, I have the backup of the data10:19
Ben64run an rsync backup every night or something then10:19
N3sh108so I can rsync locally?10:20
tomreynor just a mirror raid?10:20
tomreynsoftware raid doesn't trquire same size.10:20
N3sh108doesn't RAID require drives of equal size?10:20
Ben64raid isn't backup10:20
N3sh108mmm ok10:21
N3sh108I would want a realtime replication10:21
N3sh108so I don't lose stuff10:21
Ben64kinda dangerous, if something bad happens then you instantly lose your backup10:21
tomreynanother disk on the same computer can hardly be considered backup either10:22
N3sh108why not?10:22
Ben64more so than raid10:22
N3sh108clearly backup on HDD failure10:22
tomreynyes, rsync is better for this use case, Ben64 is right10:22
N3sh108but then I have a time between backup where I can lose everything I put there10:23
tomreynyes, backups are not constant but snapshots.10:23
tomreynyou can have both, mirror raid and backup10:24
N3sh108and say, I do a rsync backup every X hours10:24
N3sh108and HDD1 fails, is it easy to get a new drive and bring the data back?10:24
Ben64it's just files on hdd210:24
N3sh108yeah but I expect them to be structured differently, as they are incremental snapshots10:25
tomreynrsync doesn't create incremental snapshots, it creates a copy.10:25
N3sh108then Im thinking that perhaps software RAID is better10:26
Ben64it isn't but do what makes you happy10:26
N3sh108I am already using this machine as a backup, I am just interested in having some sort of failure avoidance if any of the 2 HDDs die10:26
N3sh108another use would be so push to my bitbucket and to this as well, so I have a backup there10:27
N3sh108why not @Ben6410:28
EriC^^N3sh108: you can use rsync + ext4 + hard links to make incremental backups10:28
N3sh108ideally I'd like to have the Data folder being replicated on 2 HDDs, if HDD1 or HDD2 die, I want to have it saved10:28
Ben64or any of the other tons of links on google for "raid is not a backup"10:28
EriC^^there's an indepth script floating around somewhere that does just that10:29
N3sh108ok, makes sense Ben6410:30
N3sh108I will look into that EriC^^10:30
N3sh108thanks :)10:30
mispphey all, is there any way to disable those numbers poping up when meta+number is pressed?10:30
EriC^^N3sh108: np10:31
Ben64mispp: ??10:32
N3sh108if you happen to find a write-up with that approach, feel free to ping me :)10:32
EriC^^N3sh108: i've never used it before so test on a dummy dir and see how it goes etc https://askubuntu.com/questions/666323/incremental-backup-script10:37
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EriC^^N3sh108: i wonder if it copies them the first time, then starts using hard links? or it just relies on the original files, which would be a problem10:42
mispp@Ben64: in ubuntu, when you have favorites on a left panel/launcher, you can start them with meta+1 or meta+2. briefly, when you use this shortcut, numbers are shown (i.e. sequential numbers for the icons). i want to disable showing those numbers10:43
mispp(i forgot to put "..."; obviously you can use numbers bigger than 1 and 2)10:44
Ben64oh i don't have that launcher10:46
misppthis is default launcher... a fork of dash-to-panel... in original it can be disabled, but in ubuntu's gnomified version it cant10:47
misppso i was wondering if someone has a way to deal with that10:47
EriC^^mispp: maybe there's a command line way to do it via gsettings >10:47
EriC^^gsettings list-recursively | grep launcher    maybe?10:48
misppEriC^^: yep, you are probably right. there is dash to dock... it can probably be set there10:50
EriC^^mispp: np10:51
mobile_chow do i fix this11:04
mobile_cE: Unable to locate package libpam11:04
tomreynmobile_c: you use package names of packages which actually exist11:08
mobile_cim trying to build terminology from source11:09
mobile_csince the one in the deb repo's has bugs11:09
tomreynthis page wont finish loading here11:10
tomreynokay, now it did11:10
tomreyn/join #e11:11
mobile_cE: Unable to locate package libajit* E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libajit*' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libajit*' E: Unable to locate package libutil-linux* E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libutil-linux*' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libutil-linux*'11:12
tomreynmobile_c: have you rea this? may be easier to go with the ppa https://www.enlightenment.org/docs/distros/ubuntu-start.md11:13
tomreyn(or just file bugs and wait for fixes if not so critical)11:13
mobile_cthe ppa doesnt work11:13
mobile_cno release file found11:13
tomreynoh, bad luck. well get help in channel #e , i guess11:14
weqanyone able to share some insight in why a ubuntu server aren't able to connect to a wifi network? I can see the wifi with iwlist and afaik the netplan configuration is correct. Networkctl just reports that it is degraded in connection status.11:22
weqanyone know ho to abort the console-conf that occurs at start up?11:42
lotuspsychjeweq: join #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers11:57
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
joshsynI am finding myself checkout different git repos12:46
joshsyninstalling dependencies via apt get and a month later the dependencies just occupies space12:46
joshsynis there a way to install packages like if I remove the git repo folder, the dependency are also gone12:47
lotuspsychjejoshsyn: start from the beginning please, ubuntu version what are you trying to do12:47
joshsyninstead of everything being centralized12:47
joshsynThe dependencies over time, I forget what I installed and just occupies space, I am not a good maintainer of my personal system12:48
joshsynsomething like docker or nix would help the situation12:48
joshsynit would be great if the whole system had a concept of local packages and global packages like npm12:49
tomreynjoshsyn: either you keep track of packages you install, or you don't - if it's manually installed packages, you'll need to remove them manually. there is, however, "apt-mark auto" and "deborphan -a --libdevel"12:54
tomreynyou could also build debian source packages from your source code, then dependency tracking becomes possible12:55
joshsynthat is the problem.12:56
joshsynlot of times, packages are not in debian format, but simply rely on dependencies like libsqlite or sth, which I never need except for the lifetime of testing a certain application12:57
joshsynI was just looking for ideas, but think I'll just stick to docker12:57
TJ-joshsyn: containers work, or simply chroot installs13:08
usr123Hey, my laptop keeps on freezing when I open Chromium or firefox13:13
usr123Doesn't happen with any other application. Emacs, pdf reader, vlc etc. Only when I use a browser.13:13
usr123I'm using 18.0413:13
tomreynusr123: is this new, or has it been since you installed 18.04? what were you running there previously, where it didnt happen?13:14
tomreynusr123: and what's the hardware exactly? dmesg -t | grep ^DMI:13:15
FreeBDSMhello, does ubuntu have multiarch?14:57
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: 32bit is a dying species14:57
FreeBDSMI did `sudo apt install --reinstall libnvidia-gl-415` and got this: https://paste.ee/p/y1OxH14:58
FreeBDSMlines 19 and 20 tell me that both archs are installed, right?14:58
FreeBDSMwhy does `apt list --installed | grep libnvidia-gl` return only `libnvidia-gl-415/bionic,now 415.25-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]` ?14:59
EriC^FreeBDSM: try dpkg -l | grep libnvidia14:59
TJ-FreeBDSM: what does "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" report?15:00
FreeBDSMEriC^: phew! thanks! see both archs now15:00
EriC^FreeBDSM: cool, np15:00
eraserpencil_Would someone help me get bumblebee working on a new laptop i got?15:02
eraserpencil_I have tried several guides, but nont of them seem to work for me15:02
eraserpencil_i must be doing something very wrong and would love a guide15:02
EriC^eraserpencil_: bumblebee is old and deprecated, did you try nvidia-prime?15:03
FreeBDSM`dpkg -l | grep nvidia`: https://paste.ee/p/VHAo4    looks like I do have some configs from uninstalled packages, do I need to purge them?15:03
eraserpencil_wait...bumblee is old? so the edits i made based on those guides...i need to undo them?15:04
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/15:05
ubottuTo purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P15:05
EriC^eraserpencil_: yeah it's old15:05
FreeBDSMshould I purge all removed packages?15:05
FreeBDSMah, screw them15:06
eraserpencil_ive been messing around some config files in /etc that it's now a tad unstable for me...15:10
eraserpencil_i get some tty errors occasionally15:10
eraserpencil_any good way to undo the changes i made15:14
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kumuleraserpencil_, use zfs and rollback everything15:20
varaindemianWhy I cannot burn an image to a disk using brasero? The usb drive is not available inside the app (I cannot select it)15:48
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TJ-varaindemian: brasero is for writing to optical media only16:00
sonicwindvaraindemian, I use Xfburn instead.16:08
sonicwindvaraindemian, forget that. I think Xfburn is also only for optical media.16:11
coconutvaraindemian: you can use cp, dd, or etcher for that.(i recommend etcher)16:11
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prohobois 18 a lot better than 16?16:23
usr123My laptop has been behaving very weird after I restarted it. Usually I just put the flap down but after a bunch of software updates it keeps on freezing every time I boot up16:25
lotuspsychjeprohobo: its hard to compare versions, depends on your hardware wich ubuntu version runs well or not16:25
usr123Once while booting it also gave me this error, failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED16:25
usr123I am using ubuntu 18.0416:26
prohobowell i guess i'll find out then16:27
EriC^usr123: try sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda16:27
usr123Here is the paste of the command16:27
usr123EriC^: The above paste16:27
lotuspsychjeprohobo: you can test ubuntu on a liveusb if you like16:27
EriC^usr123: looks as if the disk is dying, 530 reallocated sectors16:28
usr123EriC^: While line?16:28
usr123What does that mean?16:28
usr123relocated sectors means?16:28
EriC^usr123: it means some sectors in the hdd weren't being able to be used anymore, and it reallocated the data to spare sectors, 530 ones til now, soon it will just lose your data, time to get a new one and copy the stuff there16:29
usr123EriC^: Wow.16:30
usr123EriC^: So I need a new hdd?16:30
EriC^is it new? the power on hours says only like 38days16:30
usr123EriC^: Pretty new, only been like 8 months on this laptop16:31
EriC^i find it odd there are 530 reallocated and no offline uncorrectable ones (stuff it couldnt actually correct to spare sectors), just seems kinda odd16:31
usr123So there are no damaged sectors and it's still relocating stuff is what you mean?16:32
EriC^no i mean like sometimes it cant recover the data from the damaged sector to reallocate it16:34
EriC^google suggests the error you pasted might be due to a bad sata cable or something16:34
EriC^oh nevermind, my bad16:35
usr123EriC^: Umm, I'm sorry what's a SATA cable?16:36
EriC^nevermind usr12316:38
EriC^usr123: maybe somebody can confirm the results of smartctl here or possibly in ##hardware16:40
nehemiahI need a custom skeleton directory for users that log in for the first time. The way I've been doing that in the past is by logging in a user configuring everything I need and then copy that profile to the Skel directory.16:41
nehemiahBut this also copies some references that then have to be removed. Is there a more graceful way to do this?16:41
OerHeksnehemiah, like the OEM install procedure? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview16:48
mojtabaHello, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Torsocks as system wide proxy. Do you know how can I fix DNS leakage through Socks?16:50
nehemiahOerHeks, I don't think that's really what I'm after. I'm working with PXE booting computers. When new users log in for the first time, /etc/skel gets copied into their home directory. I like for them to have some presets that's why I edit the 'skel' dir.16:50
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cryptodan_mobilenehemiah: create them first in /etc/skel16:56
OerHeksnehemiah, oke, explain what 'some references'17:13
fooIs there a way to use "mail" command in linux ubuntu with mailgun? I just did apt-get install mailutils... and realized it installed postfix + mysql common ... plus a bunch of stuff I probably don't want... I some random stuff on my system uses mail command but everything is routed through mailgun.17:14
varaindemianThank you!17:18
varaindemiancoconut: ^17:18
varaindemiansonicwind: ^17:18
varaindemianTJ-: ^17:18
genewitchsometimes my laptop (18.10) screen wakes up and sometimes it doesn't. Is there any way to figure out what is going on? I get the little cursor blinking top left either way, but whether that goes to desktop or a dark screen seems random.17:22
genewitchor a button combination to force the screen to come up17:22
lotuspsychjegenewitch: cold boot or hibernate/suspend17:23
genewitchlotuspsychje: sleep, like if i just leave it alone for a bit17:26
genewitchlotuspsychje: also if i close the lid, same thing, sometimes it comes back to desktop, sometimes not17:26
OerHeksrandom, that makes it more difficult to determin17:26
lotuspsychjegenewitch: wich graphics card chipset & driver version please?17:26
genewitchintell 60017:26
OerHeksif you use wireless too, that might explain it17:27
genewitchThe lspci -k shows i915 driver17:27
electronaHi, I'm on kubuntu and when I close my laptop, it doesnt lock. Anyone experience this?17:27
genewitchOerHeks: it is on wifi, as well :-D17:28
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genewitchlotuspsychje_: dunno if you say, intel celeron built in, (i think 600) and i915 driver17:36
lotuspsychjeok genewitch check your syslog or dmesg for relevant errors17:40
genewitchif it happens again i'll type dmesg >>dmesg.txt (i have terminal window open) - that way if i have to power cycle it to get it back up i can still see17:41
genewitchit's funny, because if i hold the power button for 2 seconds, the screen comes right up to show me it's shutting down17:42
OerHeksif you switch to TTY2 and back to TTY7, does this resolve?17:43
genewitchi'll check that too17:44
DebianNoobIssues with connecting from Dbian to Ubuntu 18.10 via desktop sharing - Do I use VNC/port number/ what format?  username@IP:port?17:45
DebianNoobKRDC in Debian17:45
genewitchOerHeks: "This session is locked You'll be redirected to the unlock dialog automatically in a few seconds"17:45
genewitchOerHeks: stuck there17:45
genewitchokay so it looks like closing the lid causes it to not come back up 100% of the time (or close enough to be annoying) - but if you leave the lid open and it shuts the screen off, it's "random"17:46
Teodoro777Anyone uses scanners on Ubuntu??17:48
Teodoro777I can't without this fix..17:48
Teodoro777Problem: My scanner Canon pixma mg3650 is correctly recognized, but when I lunch the real scan, it results busy by all software for scan (simplescan, xsane, gimp etc).17:48
Teodoro777Solution: the fault is of usblp that in somehow lock the scan. So I added this module to blacklist. In fact, I created a file in /etc/modprobe.d named no-usblp.conf, with only "blacklist usblp". With this module disabled, the scan succeed perfectly.17:48
Teodoro777This bug is present in Ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10. I don't know in older versions. is it possible to delete this module, or keep it disabled by default to avoid the same problem for the next users?17:48
genewitchit looks like when the lid is closed there's a general protection fault, two unknown events17:49
genewitchalso it looks like it's tty8 that's actually the one that has the desktop17:49
genewitchthat's an ok work around for now, i will investigate the wifi/sleep/hibernate issue17:49
CoJaBoSo, is there a way to disable CTRL+ALT+DEL from rebooting a server? User keeps hitting that, because reasons.17:50
genewitchremove keyboard17:51
CoJaBoUser needs to login17:51
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: join #ubuntu-server please17:51
genewitchCoJaBo: there's a ctrl-alt-del.target in systemd17:51
CoJaBogenewitch: How do I find that?17:52
OerHeksgenewitch +117:52
OerHekssuch easy to find answer, i guess we are your bing/google17:52
CoJaBoOerHeks: The problem with Google is that it brings up wrong answers17:53
CoJaBoApparently, most systems do this in inittab17:53
CoJaBoWhich I guess doesn't exist when using systemd17:53
OerHeksmeh, you have the correct answer now17:53
CoJaBoYeh, that link looks perfect thanks =D17:54
DebianNoobIssues with connecting from Dbian to Ubuntu 18.10 via desktop sharing - Do I use VNC/port number/ what format?  username@IP:port?17:54
CoJaBoINB4 the user finds another way to "accidentally" reboot the server every week17:54
genewitchDebianNoob: usually it's IP::screen like
OerHeksCoJaBo, let your user set this, so they know when they grow up, howto enable it again17:54
genewitchunless your VNCd is running on non-standard port17:55
CoJaBoOerHeks: I feel it would be a VERY bad idea to tell them how to reverse this rofl17:55
DebianNoobscreen as in screen 1?17:55
genewitchDebianNoob: it's whatever the VNC server says the screen number is when it starts17:55
CoJaBoOerHeks: My first attempt was just a quick-and-dirty "Pry off the damn key". User just replaced the keyboard to do it again <_<17:55
DebianNoobKRDC says: The entered address does not have the required form.  Syntax: [username@]host[:port]17:56
OerHeksactually i was surprised that this windows feature was enabled again17:56
genewitchDebianNoob: try just the host ip, without the user@ and :port17:56
DebianNoobVNC server? I have aonly enabled desktop sharing in Ubuntu - is that VNc server?17:56
DebianNoobip only gets me a blue screen that never loads17:57
genewitchoh so it's a debian client issue?17:57
genewitch#debian ?17:57
lotuspsychje!bug | Teodoro77717:57
ubottuTeodoro777: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:57
rozebig69hi every one17:57
DebianNoobshows vnc://debiansip17:57
varaindemiancan I see the log of this channel somewhere17:57
lotuspsychje!logs | varaindemian17:58
ubottuvaraindemian: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/17:58
DebianNoobOk well on to main problem - how do I make a simple share on the Ubuntu plexserver that I can see from debian?17:58
varaindemiancoconut: What was the program you mentioned for burning again? :D17:59
varaindemianI tried from the terminal and it still doesn't work18:00
coconutvaraindemian: not for burning, for putting the image on it: etcher (but gnome disks would do it too if you got linux installed somewhere)18:01
varaindemiancoconut: I tried with gnome disks and from the terminal and it is still ubootable. Tried it on two different machines.18:03
Teodoro777<freenode_ubo "Teodoro777: If you find a bug in"> Yes, just do it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/180959018:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1809590 in Ubuntu "Scanners doesn't work with usblp a activated" [Undecided,New]18:03
OerHeksTeodoro777, why do you copy from an other channel?18:04
coconutvaraindemian: you got your bios set for this or used your keyboard when starting system?18:05
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: best start your bug with terminal: ubuntu-bug cups please18:05
eraserpencil_my cpu is hitting 100C on ubuntu18:05
eraserpencil_how do you manage the temps?18:05
eraserpencil_im tempted to undervolt it in the TLP config files, but unfamiliar with PHC_Controls18:07
Teodoro777<freenode_ubo "Launchpad bug 1809590 in Ubuntu "> Yes, it's mine18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1809590 in Ubuntu "Scanners doesn't work with usblp a activated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180959018:07
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: yes, we see its yours, but if you start the bug from terminal, relevant info will add itself to your bug18:08
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: now the developers missing alot of usefull information18:08
deanmananyone had issue with display port and external monitor? I'm running 18.04 and my external monitor will not work with DP. While on login screen though it works but when i login to the windows environment i get a "No signal". Any hints?18:11
prohoboubuntu 18 with arc-theme is downright sexy18:12
lotuspsychje!discuss | prohobo18:12
ubottuprohobo: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:12
lotuspsychjedeanman: did you try systemsettings/devices/screen/ mirror screens?18:16
deanmanlotuspsychje, i can see the external monitor identified under devices but still not signal. The weird thing is that while on login screen i get output ...18:17
lotuspsychjedeanman: if you see your screen under devices, could you try stretch or mirror as a test?18:20
deanmanSure, let my try18:20
deanmanbah, mirror display option would still show the "No signal" message18:22
OerHeksdeanman, how about the FN + screen/ext key18:23
Teodoro777<freenode_lot "Teodoro777: yes, we see its your"> Ok, sorry. I will do it18:25
lotuspsychje!bug | Teodoro77718:25
ubottuTeodoro777: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:25
deanmanOerHeks, when pressing FN + screen/ext key it shows the overlay and the misc. options, mirror, join, etc. whatever i chose i get the same "No signal"18:27
deanmanit has to be something with the display manager cause it used to work18:28
lotuspsychjedeanman: your system up to date? graphics driver loaded correctly?18:30
deanmanlotuspsychje, it is updated. Nvidia graphics seem to be working fine as well, at least when running the nvidia dedicated utility. Any other way to check which drivers are indeed loaded and are present?18:35
lotuspsychjedeanman: ubuntu-drivers list or software&updates tab drivers18:36
lotuspsychjedeanman: or sudo lshw -C video18:36
lotuspsychjedeanman: another test for your screen: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plug out/back in your screen to see possible errors18:37
deanmanOK, the nvidia utility does not open up when I'm logged with wayland. Could that be a hint or something ?18:38
lotuspsychjeah your on wayland deanman ?18:38
deanmanlet me switch to the normal at login screen18:39
deanmanRight, when logged on normal and not on wayland the monitor does not even get recognised and the nvidia utility now opens up normally18:40
deanmanOn `ubuntu-drivers list` command i get back "nvidia-340" and "nvidia-driver-390"18:41
deanmanOn "Additional drivers" i see that nvidia-driver-390 (proprieratary, tested) is loaded18:42
lotuspsychjeok tnx deanman can you try the screens ettings on xorg now too?18:43
deanmanlotuspsychje, ok let me try first the 340 binary driver and then as you proposed the x.org drivers18:44
lotuspsychjei did not propose the 34018:44
lotuspsychjedeanman: just wanted to know if driver was loaded correctly18:45
lotuspsychjedeanman: you can keep the 390 loaded18:45
deanmanah ok, did you ask to switch to x.org drivers then or did i misunderstood you?18:46
lotuspsychjedeanman: no, switch from wayland to xorg, but you did that already right18:46
deanmanyeah i did that already18:46
lotuspsychjedeanman: now from ubuntu(on xorg) go test your screen settings please18:46
lotuspsychjedeanman: just to closeout its wayland related18:47
deanmanYou mean try mirror option, etc ?18:47
deanmanwell the funny thing is that when i switch from wayland to xorg, the tv monitor is no longer identified, i can find the laptop monitor18:48
lotuspsychjedeanman: so your external screen is only detected in wayland?18:49
deanmanYes sir18:49
deanmanseems so18:49
lotuspsychjethats weird indeed18:49
lotuspsychjei would have thinked the way around :p18:49
deanmanand even on wayland just detected, not signal passing through18:49
deanmanif i switch from gdm3 to lightdm then on the login screen i would see signal and monitor being mirrored but when i login then i lose the signal18:50
lotuspsychjedeanman: your install was an lts upgrade?18:50
deanmanlotuspsychje, no I'm almost 98% percent it was a fresh install, i did try live boot with a 18.04 usb to see while on "try mode" whether i get signal but no, i get the same behavior18:51
lotuspsychjedeanman: fresh install 18.04 does not have lightdm, did you install unity?18:52
lotuspsychjeor manually lightdm to test?18:52
deanmanlotuspsychje, i switched from gdm3 to lightdm when i searched on google and found similar incidents18:53
lotuspsychjeah i see18:53
deanmanbut I'm back on gdm3 now18:53
lotuspsychjealmost out of ideas now18:53
deanmanit's also weird that nvidia seems to crash while on wayland but not on xorg18:53
lotuspsychjedeanman: perhaps do the tail with plug out/plugin screen18:53
lotuspsychjedeanman: or test a higher graphics driver from the ubuntu graphics ppa18:54
jhutchinsIs kubuntu still supported?  Currently in usable shape?18:54
deanmanor an older, seemed to be working a month ago18:54
lotuspsychjejhutchins: yes, see !flavors18:54
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours18:55
lotuspsychjedeanman: maybe boot a previous kernel as a test aswell18:55
lotuspsychjedeanman: i have to go now, feel free to re-ask your question to the channel ok18:55
varaindemiancoconut: I used keyboard to select usb as the first boot option18:55
jhutchinslotuspsychje: Thanks.  I know on some distros it's currently a bit of a train wreck.18:55
deanmanlotuspsychje, thank you for your support, will try your suggestions18:56
coconutvaraindemian: what system? if it is a mac you need to create a different image first.18:57
coconutvaraindemian: and you might need to start with a fat32 filesystem on the usb first before putting the image on it.18:58
jhutchinscoconut: If you put an image on a device it ovewrites whatever filesystem is there, doesn't matter what it was.19:00
coconutyes, that's true19:02
OneM_IndustriesI have a kinda complicated question.19:05
OneM_IndustriesI have an installation of ubuntu on one drive, and an installation of windows 8.1 on another.19:06
OneM_IndustriesHow do I retro-actively set up a dual boot between the two, without having to continually switch which drive is set to boot in the BIOS?19:07
OerHeksOneM_Industries, normally you would have grub installed too, let the bios point to that drive, and you might want to tweak grub for showing always/give windows as a bootoption too19:08
OerHekssee the !grub manual19:08
Sladeso i'm looking for a kiosk style USB stick.. the only thing it needs to do is connect to wifi and open chromium in a inprivate mode.. no other applications or anything else.. presently x86 hardware19:23
=== Elon_Satoshi is now known as Copenhagen_Bram
CarlFKI have 40 kernels - how do I remove them?  apt upgrade shows:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rm4NtrjRQM/19:53
enzotibCallek, sudo apt-get autoremove should do the most19:54
CarlFKenzotib: thanks19:54
CarlFKenzotib: nope: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:55
TJ-CarlFK: show us "pastebinit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels "19:57
CarlFKTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Kd8rvD4Pcs/19:58
TJ-CarlFK: now that is weird; you can plainly see there both that it is only protecting the last 3 versions, and it is showing in the comment area lower down that the packages are marked as rc (removed, configured)20:00
TJ-CarlFK: so not sure why it left the vmlinuz files behind.20:00
TJ-CarlFK: please show us "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ )"20:01
turbokittyAnyone know of any resources for learning how to secure Ubuntu? I tried searching but everything im finding is very vague or outdated20:02
iosecureturbokitty: There's a guide on Ubuntu's website. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/security.html.en20:02
CarlFKTJ-: (remote box so I can't paste from it)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y5Cj8Nzcqf/20:02
TJ-turbokitty: what specifically do you want to do? Ubuntu is designed to be secure by default20:03
iosecureturbokitty: I'm not sure if that covers what you're looking for. Securing a system can be a pretty in-depth discussion depending on what you're protecting against.20:03
turbokittyI want to prevent people from hacking the system and installing rootkits/backdoors20:03
CarlFKiosecure: unplug it ;)  after that, it depends on your needs how much access you do/don't want, what risks you are willing to take20:03
turbokittySomeone keeps managing to hack my system over wifi. Even though I keep everything up to date and have my firewall enabled.20:04
CarlFKer, turbokitty^^20:04
iosecureCarlFK: That's not security. That's just sacrificing availability. ;)20:04
iosecureturbokitty: Define "hack" in this case.20:04
turbokittyInstalling a rootkit/backdoor and watching everything I do20:04
iosecureAnd how are you determining that that's happening?20:05
CarlFKsure - but we all download and run js from who knows what source.   cuz it makes most websites nice and we all want that.20:05
TJ-CarlFK: No clues as to why its left some packages behind, weird20:05
turbokittyRandom people in town know things i talk about on irc.20:05
turbokittyPeople know my nicknames online, people I have never met.20:06
TJ-turbokitty: Do you allow other people physical access to the PC?20:06
OerHeksand those people tell you that?20:06
turbokittyThey'd have to have a key to my apartment to have access to my pc20:07
CarlFKturbokitty: im guessing they are sniffing your network traffic - do you connect to public wifi?20:07
OerHeks..hey, you have the same ip, on irc20:07
TJ-turbokitty: do family members have access ?20:07
iosecureThis sounds like something is being misunderstood.20:07
turbokittyMy dad would, but he isnt computer savvy. the computer is protected by a strong password20:07
iosecureCould be as simple as "someone that knows you is in this channel."20:07
turbokittyI do connect to public wifi sometimes20:08
turbokittyThough I have my irc traffic encrypted.20:08
TJ-turbokitty: then, unless at some time previously, you've allowed someone access to the PC, I would think it highly unlikely the PC has been compromised20:08
turbokittyno one ever had access to my pc20:09
turbokittyUnless over wifi20:09
OerHeks*kuch* cloak20:09
CarlFKturbokitty: my advice: you can ignore it.  but if you want to look int secure chatting: this is deemed OK by some smart friends of mine: http://matrix.org20:09
iosecureCloaks barely do anything.20:09
CarlFKturbokitty: what do you mean by "Though I have my irc traffic encrypted." ?20:10
turbokittyI use secure connection.20:10
TJ-turbokitty: I just scanned your IP address; your router is open and accessible on multiple ports. That's where the leak is happening.20:10
GeoHi, I have a new machine being setup, and two blank SSDs I want to set up a RAID 1 on. I have a livecd in now; should I install ubuntu first, then create the RAID from that partition? or use mdadm now on the blank drives?20:11
turbokittyTJ-, could you eloborate?20:11
iosecureGeo: You should create the array first.20:11
turbokittyIm pretty sure it's someone hacking the wifi router. Since I have seen the thing reboot itself for no reason repeatly months ago20:12
turbokittylike in the span of seconds.20:12
iosecureFirst, routers don't reboot in seconds. Secondly, there have been episodes of router-infecting malware going around. What kind of router is it?20:13
turbokittyIt's an ISP supplied router.20:13
TJ-turbokitty: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cCCBgzKc9y/20:13
TJ-turbokitty: I was able to telnet to port 80, and to port 8888 (which is the uPNP server)20:13
iosecureOh god, upnp is accessible from the internet?20:13
iosecureThat's broken.20:14
Geoiosecure: so that mirrors sda, not sda1 (or whatever it comes out to be) right?20:14
turbokittywhat I dont understand is why http would be appearing to someone remotely20:14
iosecureGeo: Properly, mdadm operates on partitions. So /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 would be mirrored.20:14
CarlFKTJ-: how bad would it be for me to edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels  // DO NOT EDIT! and remove APT::NeverAutoRemove ?20:14
iosecureturbokitty: Ask your ISP.20:15
Geook, so I have two non-partitioned disks... I have to do some setup first then20:15
iosecureGeo: How large are they, and are you doing an MBR/BIOS install, or GPT/UEFI?20:15
Geo500gb disks20:15
TJ-CarlFK: that block only covers the last three kernels20:15
Geoand I guess uei20:15
iosecureGeo: So, UEFI has some caveats here. You can't mirror the ESP.20:16
TJ-CarlFK: notice it covers -130, -138 and -14120:16
GeoSo I need to partition everything out first, and just mirror the data partition20:17
turbokittyif they were able to get into my wifi could they see things that go over websites in a secure connection?20:17
iosecureGeo: Okay, you don't mirror a partition. You create a mirror ON partitions.20:17
turbokittyor when I use secure connections on irc?20:17
Geoiosecure: ok. So... what would the answer be?20:18
TJ-turbokitty: not for TLS secured no20:18
ioriaCarlFK,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VDB6M3GPYn/   save this in a text file and    cat textfile | xargs apt -s purge -y20:18
iosecureGeo: On /dev/sda, create your ESP and a second partition for mdadm. On /dev/sdb, create a partition for mdadm. Create an mdadm mirror across /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb1. Use that mirror as an LVM physical volume.20:19
turbokittypeople were describing things i watched on youtube vaguely.20:19
turbokittyThey hint at it in a indirect way.20:19
TJ-turbokitty: so sort your CPE/router out, it's wide open20:20
TJ-turbokitty: no telling what else has been done to it20:20
iosecureIf UPnP is exposed to the internet, it's possible that the router's been compromised.20:20
Geoiosecure: and do all that before installing ubuntu, correct?20:20
CarlFKturbokitty: https encrypts the data, but not the URL you are connecting to (thus the youtube video url) (i think...)20:20
iosecureCarlFK: Not the entire URL. Just the domain.20:21
iosecureYou're referring to Server Name Indication.20:21
iosecureGeo: Depending on the installer you use, it can be done in the installer.20:21
turbokittyso if I replace the router would I have to replace the modem too?20:21
CarlFKok, I can see that.. hmm...20:22
TJ-CarlFK: that only holds true for SNI, but we now have ESNI20:22
iosecureturbokitty: The modem, not likely. The router, possibly. UPnP being internet accessible is a massive problem, and has been used to compromise home routers.20:22
TJ-turbokitty: the modem if only a modem would be fine, it's the gateway/router device that is exposed20:22
iosecureTJ-: ESNI is only part of TLS 1.3, which is not in wide use.20:23
GeoAnd if I'm doing this setup via live cd, those mdadm configurations will be preserved somehow? I won't lose it after a reboot?20:23
Geothat's the real question, i guess I'm trying to get to20:23
TJ-iosecure: indeed, which is why I said we now have20:23
iosecureGeo: Yes. As long as the partitions are of the correct type, mdadm will automatically detect them and assemble the array using the metadata embedded in the partitions.20:23
=== capella is now known as capella|away
turbokittyAre firmware rootkits possible? I cant seem to clear the rootkit through formating and reinstalling the os. Even if I dont use this connection20:26
Ben64it's unlikely you have something like that20:26
TJ-turbokitty: it's not too difficult to do with some devices; but it very much depends on which device20:28
iosecureturbokitty: The odds of someone expending that level of resources just to mess with you are... extremely remote.20:29
TJ-there are pre-built kits that any 'script-kiddie' can use though, which is the most likely scenario /if/ the router is compromised20:30
turbokittyThese people are obsessed with me. I tried going to the library to use the computer cause mine was doing weird things and people will lurking around and look at the screen of the computer im using20:31
turbokittyi was using*20:31
turbokittythey would make it very obvious like swooping by staring at the screen or lurking behind me20:32
Ben64sounds more like paranoia20:32
turbokittyHow so?20:32
Ben64so someone is hacking your computer, router, and then spying on you at the library?20:32
turbokittywell i went to the library because i didnt have internet at the time.20:33
turbokittythough they were apparently very interested in what I was doing on the computer there.20:33
coconutturbokitty: i am not so tech savvy as the rest... but do you use LTE some times?20:34
Ben64as someone who worked at a library for a long time, nobody there cares20:34
turbokittyits not people working at the library20:34
turbokittyit's random people20:34
Ben64i'm saying nobody in the library cares about you20:34
Ben64not just the people working20:34
iosecure /popcorn20:34
turbokittywhat's LTE?20:35
Ben64people can't even be bothered to watch their own kids there20:35
turbokittylike LTE is cell phone internet20:35
coconutturbokitty: or laptop, yes20:36
turbokittyId probably have to buy a new computer because I think the firmware has been hacked.20:36
OerHekslets get back to ubuntu support20:37
iosecureturbokitty: You lack the expertise to make such a judgment. You're being incredibly paranoid. No one's after you, no one's hacking your stuff.20:37
Geoi am.20:38
turbokittyIm pretty sure I'm not paranoid20:38
turbokittyhow could random people know my internet nick name and things i search online on private internet20:38
turbokittyyou guys are just letting Ben64's trolling sway your opinion.20:38
Ben64what trolling20:38
iosecureUnwarranted belief that you're being persecuted. That's paranoia.20:38
OerHekshow is that related to ubuntu support, you are already pointed to an open router configuration20:39
^Peter^No but people in a public place (library) are often a bit interested in what others are doing and for lack of anything better will have a look to see what others are viewing that is so interesting.20:39
turbokittyi rarely use the library20:39
poizonb0xBen64: The eternal trollin' of the unspotted kind?20:39
poizonb0xDoes anybody remember what's love? w4w20:40
iosecureBaby don't hurt me?20:40
Ben64router being hacked, possible but unlikely, but if it is, it's a bot going around hacking routers, not a person20:40
poizonb0xFor the greater cause?20:40
Ben64computer hardware being hacked, just on this side of impossible20:40
turbokittyfirmware can be hacked20:40
poizonb0xExplain me what's love because I can't shoot web.20:41
Ben64in theory sure20:41
iosecureturbokitty: You aren't listening. You're convinced that people are after you and that everything you own is hacked in some way.20:41
iosecureturbokitty: Your issue is psychological, not technical. Seek professional help.20:41
poizonb0xMother I just hacked a router20:41
poizonb0xput the pass and now it's mine20:41
turbokittywhy do most people in irc chatrooms suffer from autism? oh my fuck20:42
poizonb0xOoops not offtopic, sry.20:42
turbokittyyou have no reason to think my issue is psychological20:42
ioriaturbokitty, language, please20:42
Ben64"Paranoia is the irrational and persistent feeling that people are 'out to get you'."20:43
Ben64from google20:43
turbokittyit's not irrational.20:43
poizonb0xI hacked a router today, to see if I could hack...20:43
Ben64turbokitty: it really is20:43
iosecureturbokitty: You think that people are watching you at a library. That is incredibly irrational.20:43
turbokittyNot really20:43
turbokittythey were lurking behind me20:43
OerHeksguys, lets get back to ubuntu support, thanks20:43
iosecureturbokitty: And that, my friend, is paranoid.20:43
poizonb0xThere's more important stalkers like God himself.20:43
turbokittynot really20:43
turbokittyhow would you feel if someone was standing behind you hovering20:44
iosecureYes, really. Moving on.20:44
OerHeksturbokitty, stop it.20:44
turbokittystop what? these people are telling me i have a psychological problem because Im being gang stalked20:44
* WoC *cough* #ubuntu-offtopic *cough*20:45
Bluekinglooking for switch.. netgear reliable brand into switches ?20:45
Ben64Blueking: should check with ##networking20:45
turbokittySo how can I secure my ubuntu system?20:45
turbokittythey keep managing to hack my system.20:45
poizonb0xlove is the manpages btw.20:45
Ben64turbokitty: by not running unnecessary services, the end20:45
ioriaturbokitty, ubunru hardening guide20:45
iosecureBen64, ioria: I'd honestly suggest that you stop interacting with him. This isn't going to lead anywhere constructive.20:46
turbokittythe ubuntu hardening guide is out of date most of what it reffers to isnt even there20:46
Ben64iosecure: i'm on vacation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:46
turbokittyyou probably should kick Ben64 because he is apparently trolling this was helpful until he rerailed the convo20:46
Ben64yes, kick me, the guy who's been in here for years helping people20:47
turbokittyWell I'll remember to avoid this room20:48
turbokittygood bye20:48
plut0Is there a way to get to the grub CLI tool from the OS? grub>20:53
TJ-plut0: no, that is only avaiable at boot-time before the OS is loaded20:54
plut0Grub is not booting even though installation is successful. I verified grub is installed via xxd. The disk is the first boot device. When it boots it just shows a blinking underscore _ but no grub menu. How to troubleshoot?20:55
OerHekshold shift @ boot, or esc, see the grub manual20:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:56
TJ-plut0: is the PC using UEFI or Legacy/BIOS boot mode?20:57
Bashing-om!nomoseset | plut0 Nvida graphics ?20:57
plut0TJ-: legacy20:57
Bashing-om!nomodeset | plut0 Nvida graphics ?20:57
ubottuplut0 Nvida graphics ?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:57
plut0ATI video20:57
Bashing-omplut0: AMD should "just work" as the driver is in the kernel .. but worth a shot with nomodeset to see what results .20:59
plut0Bashing-om: nomodeset, isn't that a kernel option?21:01
Bashing-omplut0: Yes .. set it at the 'linux' line in grub .21:02
plut0Bashing-om: I'm not that far...grub isn't loading at all21:02
mkquistanyone quick question (am googling) if i restart the xserver or lightdm does it stop parted running?  I'm resizing a drive and the screen seems caught in a screensave state21:03
Bashing-omplut0: If you are single booting linux .. grub by default will not show . Try in legacy to hold a shit key when the bios splash screen clears to see the grub boot menu .21:04
phelixEverytime I try to install anything or upgrade using apt-get I am getting this error: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:04
Bashing-omphelix: Show the channel - in a pastebin - the results of terminal commands ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .21:06
BluekingBen64  wasn't much activity on ##networking  :(21:09
phelixBashing-om, https://pastebin.com/KmTrHTvt21:13
Ben64Blueking: gotta wait, also it's almost a holiday so not a great time21:13
Bashing-omphelix: What release is this ? and what results ' sudo apt install --reinstall python3 " ?21:19
phelixBashing-om, https://pastebin.com/Kk3C54jW21:21
phelixubuntu 18.04 just tried to run the upgrade and now this is happening.21:21
Bashing-om!info python3 bionic21:22
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.7-1~18.04 (bionic), package size 46 kB, installed size 187 kB21:22
Bashing-omphelix: Ouch . what results ' sudo dpkg --configure -a ' ?21:26
plut0Bashing-om: holding shift key shows GRUB and nothing more loads21:30
prasketOn my desktop I am running 18.04.1 LTS and am having a hard time figuring out why my Intel I211 Gigabit nic will only connect at 100Mbit/s vs 1Gbit/s. I tested the cable, and my notebook connects to same cable/port in switch as desktop and it connects at 1Gbit/s. Notebook is Debian Stretch though.21:33
Bashing-omplut0: Me, I would suspect a bad install medium - did you veriry the .iso and the burn ?21:35
plut0Bashing-om: I copied from another hard drive, the original is working fine21:35
plut0Bashing-om: I just can't get grub to load on this new ssd21:36
Bashing-omplut0: K; was that "original" EFI, and the transfer is to a legacy - MBR - system ?21:37
EriC^^plut0: what happens if you press "c"21:38
EriC^^(during the grub screen display)21:38
plut0Bashing-om: no EFI, just MBR21:43
plut0EriC^^: there is no grub menu, it just prints the word "GRUB" repeatedly21:43
EriC^^plut0: by grub you mean "grub>" ?21:44
plut0EriC^^: no, "GRUB" with a blinking underscore cursor21:45
EriC^^how did you clone the hdd21:45
Bashing-omplut0: EriC^^ Such that the UUIDs in fstab no longer match what 'sudo blkid -c /dev/null' reveals ?21:45
EriC^^plut0: that won't work, you need to copy the mbr for grub to load as well21:46
EriC^^or if you have a live usb or access to both hdd's at the same time you can boot one install and chroot and fix stuff in the cloned one21:46
plut0EriC^^: I've already reinstalled grub to the MBR21:46
plut0installation was successful21:47
EriC^^is only one hdd/ssd in the pc when you're attempting to boot?21:48
plut0EriC^^: no21:48
EriC^^try with just the ssd21:48
EriC^^basically make sure the ssd is actually being booted and not the other21:49
plut0EriC^^: booting just the 1 drive made no difference22:02
EriC^^do you have a live usb you can boot?22:02
plut0still boots with GRUB repeating over and over22:02
plut0EriC^^: yes22:02
EriC^^ok boot it and type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link here22:02
plut0EriC^^: https://termbin.com/dabk22:04
plut0EriC^^: sda is the disk I'm working on22:04
EriC^^what a mess22:06
EriC^^plut0: bios_grub only needs to be around 1MB in size, and it's not a /boot partition it doesnt have to have any filesystem22:07
EriC^^i dont mean to be rude, but having exotic filesystems + encryption + custom job done you need to mention these stuff22:09
plut0EriC^^: while it may look intense, /boot resides on ext4 and is booting off a legacy MBR, it shouldn't be that difficult. Not sure why it's causing problems22:10
EriC^^plut0: you have a bios_grub flag on it, grub will try to put the stage2 bootloader there cause you're using gpt22:10
plut0EriC^^: exactly the same as the original disk, sde22:12
EriC^^plut0: nope, also you used rsync it wouldnt copy the bios_grub 1mb, cause it's not a mountable filesystem22:13
plut0EriC^^: grub-install takes care of the MBR install, no?22:13
EriC^^plut0: you're not following, it does, but since you have gpt, it needs somewhere to put its stage2 bootloader, usually it requires any 1mb partition with a bios_grub flag to shove it there22:14
alnrmy screen used to dim then go off after a time but now stays on . where is that setting?22:14
plut0EriC^^: it sounds like you're talking about EFI, is that what you mean?22:14
EriC^^that's not a filesystem that's mountable, so using rsync you couldnt have copied it, plus it looks like you're using an ext4 /boot partition in the same location22:14
EriC^^plut0: no, i'm talking about gpt + legacy22:15
plut0EriC^^: do you see a 1mb partition on sde?22:15
EriC^^plut0: no i dont, i see a 200mb bios_grub partition22:16
plut0EriC^^: yup, that was my old /boot partition22:16
delti have two VPS running Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS on google "cloud compute" ... their hostname always reverts to the default "instance-1" and "instance-2" even if i put the actual names in the /etc/hostname of each VPS, and on top of that manually run hostname `cat /etc/hostname` from /etc/rc.local or from the command line22:16
plut0EriC^^: i had to resize it because I ran out of space22:17
delthostnames revert even without a reboot, after a few minutes running22:17
deltand i don't want to work around the problem by setting up a cron job that sets them back every minute :/22:18
EriC^^plut0: i see22:19
EriC^^plut0: i can get you a booting grub, not sure on the zfs stuff however, if you're down let me know22:19
delt(the *-dist file are those from the distro as they are after initially setting up the VPS instances, just moved them to a backup name)22:21
EriC^^delt: maybe you need to set it from the google site or something?22:21
deltEriC^^: maybe, or using their "gcloud" tool22:21
EriC^^that's probably it22:21
deltat least there's no obvious field for "hostname" that i saw22:21
delton the web interface22:21
deltand even then, what daemon/background task would continually set the hostnames back to instance-1 and 2?22:22
EriC^^delt: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25408612/google-compute-engine-how-to-set-hostname-permanently22:23
EriC^^seems some guy wrote a patch, might be worth looking at the 3rd comment under the answer22:23
deltEriC^^: thanks, your google-fu is more powerful than my weak google-fu ;P22:24
EriC^^heh :D22:24
EriC^^*bows with hands together*22:25
deltEriC^^: however what's really weird is that the hostnames revert to instance-? even without a reboot, ie. as the vps is still running after a few minutes22:26
EriC^^maybe it has some external control over it *shrug*22:26
EriC^^what actually changes when you do "hostname <something" anyways i wonder22:27
deltthe kernel's internal value for the hostname22:27
delti haven't run 'hostname' through strace, but i'd guess there's a system call to set it22:28
EriC^^seems it runs sethostname("something") according to strace22:28
EriC^^man 2 sethostname says...22:28
EriC^^(i wonder if there's some file you could make immutable)22:29
deltyep yep, "These system calls are used to access or to change the hostname of the current processor. [...]"22:29
deltafaik that's /etc/hostname, or /etc/HOSTNAME on some older distros22:30
deltwhich gets read by the startup scripts22:30
EriC^^is there some /etc/google_hostname.sh ?22:31
deltnope... i pasted the result of find /etc | grep -i hostname above22:33
delti still have to re-learn / get my head around those damn /etc/init.d symlinks..... in the old slackware days, everything was so simple and straightforward, now it's a huge mess :/22:36
deltwith each added layer of complication supposedly simplifying things, but doing exactly the opposite22:38
EriC^^yeah and there's systemd as well, got to learn that someday22:38
deltyeah the init replacement :/22:39
deltthey could have just kept the same name (init) and added the extra functionality in a way that doesn't f%&^# up the good old way of working22:40
deltanyway just my personal opinion22:41
delti miss the simplicity of the good old /etc/inittab, but that being said, setting up ramdisks for early phase of userland setup is a lot simpler on modern distros22:42
EriC^^i see22:52
EriC^^well i'm off to bed, good luck with the hostname22:53
iosecuredelt: Is this system a cloud instance or something?23:02
deltiosecure: yeah, google cloud compute23:05
iosecuredelt: You're probably running into cloud-init.23:05
* delt googles23:05
delton my vps, the cloud-init command seems to exist -- [pts/0][user@instance-1]:~$ cloud-init --help23:07
delt(gives options info, usage etc)23:07
iosecureCommonly used by cloud hosts to automate instance config.23:07
deltso, another layer of complication on top of the whole mess that's supposed to simplify things :/23:07
iosecureIt does simplify things. Greatly.23:08
* delt reading....23:08
deltthanks very much for pointing me in the right direction btw23:08
iosecureSet preserve_hostname to true. Should stop the behavior.23:08
iosecureMight have to restart cloud-init to pick up the new config.23:09
deltiosecure: thanks, trying now :)23:09
deltiosecure: one of my VPS picked up the hostname change after a reboot, probably from my /etc/rc.local .... the other didn't, i set it manually. let's see in a few minutes if it changes back to instance-223:21
iosecureWhat OS are you using rc.local in?23:21
deltboth have the exact same /etc/hostname and same line that calls hostname in the /etc/rc.local23:21
deltubuntu 16.04.523:22
iosecureBecause rc.local is... super-deprecated.23:22
iosecurehostnamectl set-hostname blah23:22
delthostnamectl... that sets the init scripts to set it on boot?23:22
deltman page doesn't have a FILES section23:23
iosecureNot everything is done with an initscript anymore.23:23
iosecureWelcome to systemd.23:23
deltyeah i don't like systemd very much :/23:23
deltbeen a slackware user for over 15 years, then around 2013 2014 switched the desktop/laptop machines to more recent distro, mostly linux mint23:24
iosecureOkay. That doesn't explain why you don't like systemd.23:24
deltmy home connection "central hub / fileserver / etc" machine still running good old slack23:24
delt17:36:37 < delt> i still have to re-learn / get my head around those damn /etc/init.d symlinks..... in the old slackware days, everything was so simple and straightforward, now it's a huge mess :/23:25
delt17:38:44 < delt> with each added layer of complication supposedly simplifying things, but doing exactly the opposite23:25
iosecureNothing was simple about initscripts.23:25
deltsystemd is just another example of layer of complication added on top of this whole mess23:25
iosecureThey were a kludgey disaster.23:25
iosecuresystemd simplifies A LOT.23:25
deltyeah i guess i'm just not used to it23:26
iosecureI haven't heard a GOOD argument against systemd yet. And I've heard a lot of arguments against it. They all boil down to "I hate it just because," and "I don't like change."23:26
deltyeah, i guess my case would be in the "i don't like change" category23:27
iosecureBut change is here, and you don't have a choice. :)23:27
iosecureThings change. Like when net-tools got deprecated in favor of iproute2 in 2008.23:28
delthowever like i said earlier, 17:42:50 < delt> i miss the simplicity of the good old /etc/inittab, but that being said, setting up ramdisks for early phase of userland setup is a lot simpler on modern distros23:28
iosecureYeah, but so what?23:28
iosecureThings. Change.23:28
iosecurePining for the past is pointless.23:29
iosecureYou could devote that attention and energy to learning what's current.23:29
deltyep yep, very true23:29
deltat least it's not windows :D23:29
delt....yet :/23:29
iosecureHeh, I'm the wrong guy to engage in that line with. I'm a "best tool for the job" kind of guy, and there's a set of use cases where that's Windows.23:30
deltwith microsoft buying out github, and also a seat on the linux foundation, i'd wager some not too good "change" is coming soon, and looks like we won't have a chance there either :/23:30
delteveryone is stuck with windows because everyone else is stuck with windows. there is NO other excuse for using that hideous joke of an operating system.23:31
iosecureI disagree on a technical level. But I'm also not in this channel to deal with FUD.23:31
iosecureWindows has its uses and its advantages. Period.23:31
deltthe set of use cases where "windows is the right tool for the job" sums up pretty much to: giving money and control to microsoft, and giving your private info to microsoft.23:31
iosecureI'm happy to discuss things on a rational basis, but this nonsense isn't it. glhf.23:32
* Mathisen puts on his tinfoil hat to fit in23:32
deltunless you want to play video games, where there's 100 times more for windows, because... well, everyone is stuck with windows because everyone else is stuck with windows.23:33
iosecuredelt: FUD.23:33
delthow so?23:33
iosecureI can easily play nearly any Windows game on my Ubuntu workstation.23:33
OerHekssteam ..23:34
deltwine, virtual machines, ....?23:34
iosecureI use Windows for certain things because it works better in those use cases.23:34
iosecureContinual mudslinging is NOT the way to move anything forward.23:34
ducassethis entire discussion belongs more in #ubuntu-offtopic, it's not on topic here23:34
deltducasse: oh sorry23:34
iosecureI'm just sick of the mudslinging. It's childish.23:34
deltiosecure: ppl hate windows for a huge bunch of very good reasons, and i agree with those.23:35
deltanyway sorry for the off-topic23:35
iosecuredelt: No, they just think they have good reasons, and you just bandwagon.23:35
deltiosecure: bandwagon? if literally everyone loved windows i'd still be the only one warning everyone to stay away from that piece of shit.23:36
deltlike i was in the 90's23:36
myselfoh ffs, ---> #ubuntu-offtopic already. The alternative is that we can all /ignore you.23:37
deltmyself: sorry23:37
myself(por que no los dos?) ;)23:37
Piratyiosecure: systemd itself presents pretty well that it's already unable to maintain their current set (see issue rate  / CVE rate, which should be zero btw for an init) and yet the merge more and more functionality. really? dns (bad), mini-firewall, dhcp (bad) , bootloader. no, thanks23:52
Piratyontopic, what does a ubuntu 18.10 installation need to change in order to install qtox from the repos ? (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qtox)23:55
iosecurePiraty: Nothing that you've said supports your conclusion in any way, shape, or form.23:56
iosecureAs for backporting qtox, there's a lot of other dependencies and I'm not sure if that whole set is backportable.23:57

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