
blue1EriC^^: I tried the modprobe  it just returns a prompt.  Here is the output:  https://pastebin.com/jezfh0wF00:00
EriC^^blue1: try sudo mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars00:02
Bashing-omal2o3-cr: As ubuntu is Debian based: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_more_readings_for_the_package_management . <- The Bible .00:02
Bashing-omalgid: ^^ sorry al2o3-cr for that bad hilight :(00:03
algidthanks Bashing-om00:04
blue1EriC^^: thanks I will try that00:04
EriC^^blue1: no problem00:05
blue1EriC^^: I got a mount point doesn't exist -- let me see why00:05
algiddoes ubuntu formally conform to some sort of debian standards00:05
algidor just informally based on it?00:06
Jon_StarvelAnybody up for a game of Seven Kingdoms00:06
blue1EriC^^: it only has /sys/firmware  == yup that's not there00:07
Bashing-omalgid: We are a Debian spin .00:08
EriC^^blue1: hmm, does "sudo mount -t efivars" work by any chance?00:08
EriC^^blue1: i guess you'll have to reboot choosing UEFI USB00:09
Jon_StarvelAnybody up for a game of Seven Kingdoms?00:09
OerHekshi Jon_Starvel this is ubuntu support00:09
blue1EriC^^: let me try00:09
EriC^^Jon_Starvel: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic maybe?00:09
coz_Jon_Starvel, seriously?00:09
Jon_StarvelIt's a linuxbased game, and i am bored as all hell, and i thought since this place has 1144 people on it, i'd ask here00:10
blue1EriC^^: that worked00:10
EriC^^blue1: sudo mount -t efivars ?00:10
coz_Jon_Starvel, #ubuntu serious #ubuntu-offtopic=verbal diareha00:11
blue1EriC^^: yes00:11
EriC^^blue1: cool00:11
EriC^^Jon_Starvel: you might try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##chat , also lots of games have discord channels and stuff where people can play together, might wanna google for a discord00:12
blue1EriC^^: still complains about efivars00:12
EriC^^blue1: ah, guess you'll have to load the usb in UEFI mode, what are you trying to solve/do ultimately?00:13
blue1EriC^^: the system an asus  g750j dual boots windows 10 and ubuntu 14.04 -- ubuntu is no longer seen as a boot option.  I am trying to fix grub.  something like this recipe:  http://www.pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/00:15
EriC^^blue1: i see, try pressing f8 when the pc turns on and see if the ubuntu entry is still there00:17
EriC^^blue1: actually before doing so, could you run "sudo parted -ls" and paste its output?00:18
blue1 EriC^^ sure just a sec00:19
blue1EriC^^: sure just a sec00:19
blue1EriC^^: here is the pastebin:  https://pastebin.com/uryismwL00:22
EriC^^blue1: is windows 10 installed on the 250gb ssd?00:24
blue1EriC^^: yes from what I can tell00:25
EriC^^blue1: it's installed in legacy mode, so you either have to install it in uefi mode so it can work with ubuntu, or convert ubuntu to legacy mode00:25
blue1EriC^^: ahh I didn't catch that -- many thanks.00:26
EriC^^blue1: it might have installed in legacy mode when it saw a msdos partition table, if you want to use uefi with windows it needs a gpt partition table00:26
EriC^^blue1: no problem00:26
blue1EriC^^: many thanks --00:27
ShellcatZeroIf anyone here knows what package(s) I should associate with my bug, please advise.  I thought it might be GRUB but I think it's much more specific to the boot hooks that exist in the live cd image due to the nature of the bug.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/181007000:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1810070 in Ubuntu "18.04.1 Live CD fails to boot with EFI errors" [Undecided,New]00:32
Jon_Starvelanyone up to a game of Seven Kingdoms???00:52
OerHekswrong channel Jon_Starvel00:53
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
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lowkeycoat1hi, i got a new computer and i put in an old hardrive with 16.04 on it, it connects to the internet with ethernet but not usb tethering,01:11
lowkeycoat1lol, can you give me somewhere to start? im not even sure what to look up01:14
=== BritishHotDog is now known as HappyHotDog
NexilvaWhere can we talk about ubuntu games?01:57
leftyfbNexilva: #ubuntu-offtopic01:58
NerdTheThirdubuntu or linux games? Nexilva02:01
NerdTheThirdi wasnt aware that ubuntu has games02:02
RyviusHello, I'm getting an error when trying to apt update: File has unexpected size (265598 != 256296). Mirror sync in progress?03:05
RyviusFor the file DEP-11 128x128 Icons03:05
SlidingHornRyvius: could you post the entire command/output to a pastebin and provide the link please?03:23
RyviusSlidingHorn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2kskCGCkm4/03:31
RyviusChanging mirror sometimes help for a little while, then it does that again. Automatically selecting mirror always chooses one of those evowise03:35
leftyfbRyvius: change it to us.archive.ubuntu.com03:36
Nexilvathe ones packaged for ubuntu that i can intall with apt get03:38
NexilvaI found somtehing03:39
NexilvaIt doesn't tell me the games in linux though03:40
leftyfbNexilva: please go to #ubuntu-offline for discussion about games. This is a support channel.03:40
Nexilvai mean ubuntu linux03:40
Nexilvai am asking for support03:40
leftyfbNexilva: what errors are you getting?03:41
NexilvaHow do you find games in ubuntu?03:41
leftyfbNexilva: the software center03:41
SlidingHornNexilva: that forum post you just shared answers that question03:41
Nexilvai am using kubuntu03:42
NexilvaI cannot find a softwar center03:42
Nexilvado you know where it is?03:42
SlidingHornNexilva: then instead of the Software Center, I believe KDE uses "Muon"03:43
NexilvaOk there it is!03:44
NexilvaThank you03:44
NexilvaNow I have games and amusement section03:44
=== capella|away is now known as capella
sebsebsebmatsaman: hi04:12
MACscris etcher not able to be installed on an ubuntu live setup? http://paste.debian.net/1058099/04:50
=== u-ou is now known as pony
Bashing-omMACscr: "410 packages can be upgraded."// Try as ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt install etcher-electron ' .04:58
d4ve9what's up with trying to get VNC installed on ubuntu ?05:41
matsamand4ve9: dunno, what's up with it?05:42
d4ve9ive tried on multiple systems with 20 different configs to get tightvnc and realvnc working....  and both have been major headaches05:42
matsamantry tigervnc with the X module05:42
d4ve9ive never had this many issues with vnc and linux05:42
d4ve9i tried tigervnc too05:42
d4ve9the best I can get is logging in and getting a blank screen05:43
d4ve9right now im still working on RealVNC...   ive logged in and it's not recognizing any license...  so it wont start05:44
matsamanlicense? =/05:44
d4ve9yeah they make you have a license05:45
d4ve9which VNC is the easiest to get working right away?05:46
d4ve9im just trying to control my laptop from my dekstop05:46
ducassed4ve9: i've had no problems with x11vnc05:47
d4ve9thanks ducasse will check it out05:49
matsamand4ve9: tigervnc IME05:51
matsamanbut doesn't Ubuntu actually come with one?05:52
d4ve9your mom comes with one06:01
UbubeginHi everyone...06:17
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: welcome, how can we help you today?06:17
UbubeginI have installed Ubuntu 18.04 in my Lenovo Ideapad 530s... The issue is if screen lock/suspend or leave my laptop idle for some time.. My screen breaks or locks up (Img here https://www.imgpaste.net/image/HgQZ8)06:20
UbubeginAfter which my laptop becomes unresponsive and I have to hard boot it06:21
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: are your graphics drivers installed correctly?06:21
UbubeginYeah, think so... I installed Nvidia driver quite some time back06:22
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: from where?06:22
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: allrighty, tnx that looks correct06:25
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: can you check your dmesg or syslog, maybe you will notice acpi issues on your hibernate time06:25
lotuspsychje!acpi | Ububegin see also06:25
ubottuUbubegin see also: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI06:25
Ububeginlotuspsychje: # dmidecode 3.1 Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs. SMBIOS 3.0.0 present. Table at 0x6F0FF000.  Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes BIOS Information Vendor: LENOVO Version: 7PCN27WW Release Date: 07/11/201806:28
UbubeginRelease Date seems quite recent06:29
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: yes that looks pretty up to date06:29
Ububeginlotuspsychje: can u recommend some pointers or some online tutorial... still seems a bit fuzzy as to what I shld do06:31
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: can we start having a look at your syslog or dmesg please? in a pastebin06:32
lotuspsychjeUbubegin: your system is up to date also?06:32
Ububeginlotuspsychje: yup, I will update it now.. nice point there06:36
Ububeginlotuspsychje: after updating the system, I did "suspend" and my laptop had their screen error again. Can u type mention that syslog (command ) again ? I cant see the history of the chat.. Thanks06:54
lotuspsychje!dmesg | Ububegin06:56
ubottuUbubegin: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.06:56
ktechmidasis there a way to see the nginx.conf that comes with Ubuntu07:53
ktechmidaswithout a current Ubuntu install?07:53
ktechmidas(well, that comes with the nginx package)07:53
ktechmidasnvm got it... it's in nginx-common rather than nginx07:54
sub526HI All, Do we need to run “apt update” before running “apt upgrade” to get the newest version of a currently installed package?08:10
ducassesub526: yes08:13
sub526ducasse: ok thanks08:21
koleygrHi... Does anybody knows if I could install ubuntu with openbox as WM?09:14
koleygrfor example... a minimal install and then openbox?09:14
EriC^^koleygr: sure09:15
koleygrThanks Eric^^... Do you know if there would be differences than installing debian the same way?09:20
koleygrsince it is minimal....09:20
koleygrI suppose there would be almost the same... Would it be?09:21
EriC^^no idea09:21
koleygrthanks anyway... no problem09:22
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
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nuovainHi everybody. i need help about a config on apache. I set up a bridge with 210:03
nuovain                 eth nic and redirect all traffic to my apache server with iptables(apache10:03
nuovain                 server and bridge are on the same computer). I configured apache to act as a10:03
nuovain                 forward proxy but when i visit some pages i see only apache web page, in10:03
nuovain                 other words apache still act as anormal server.10:03
lotuspsychjenuovain: perhaps more a question for #httpd ?10:04
amosbird how can I use socat to proxy through an existing dbus session ?10:04
lotuspsychjenuovain: or do you have ubuntu server?10:04
nuovainwrong channel10:04
lotuspsychjeblackbird1: welcome, how can we help you today?10:20
blackbird1I get readonly usb derive, I follow this  'https://askubuntu.com/questions/101637/usb-turn-write-protection-off/105332' to turn it write on10:20
blackbird1The problem that I can't format it.10:21
EriC^blackbird1: what have you tried what errors?10:21
blackbird1EriC^, lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DCdRgk2kw3/10:24
blackbird1sudo fdisk -l10:25
blackbird1Device     Boot Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type10:25
EriC^blackbird1: you're not supposed to mount a fs then format the partition10:26
EriC^blackbird1: sudo umount /dev/sdc1 && sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc110:27
blackbird1EriC^:  sudo umount /dev/sdc110:28
blackbird1umount: /dev/sdc1: no mount point specified.10:28
tomreynblackbird1: the fdisk -l output you posted on the channel didnt make it here fully since the only relevant line starts with a slash, which irc considers to start an irc command10:28
EriC^blackbird1: aha try "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1"10:29
blackbird1dev/sdc1          32 31266815 31266784 14.9G  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)10:29
EriC^blackbird1: please use a pastebin for fdisk output10:29
blackbird1$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc110:30
blackbird1mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)10:30
blackbird1mkfs.vfat: unable to open /dev/sdc1: No such file or directory10:30
tomreynlooks like your device disconnected10:30
EriC^blackbird1: try "sudo partprobe /dev/sdc && sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc" in a pastebin please10:30
blackbird1EriC^: sudo -l fdisk --> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SzMDFCYYwD/10:31
tomreynsudo parted /dev/sdc print | pastebinit10:31
EriC^blackbird1: does "ls /dev/sdc*" give anything?10:32
blackbird1sudo partprobe /dev/sdc && sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc --> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4Jw7PT94jV/10:32
EriC^blackbird1: try to unplug the disk and plug it back in10:32
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
blackbird1EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tpShrQ7byW/10:34
tomreynblackbird1: did you replug it, yet?10:35
blackbird1Yes EriC^^ tomreyn10:35
blackbird1The usb content: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JfysjBP3Jb/10:36
EriC^^blackbird1: try "sudo parted -ls"10:36
EriC^^it probably changed names10:36
blackbird1EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q58sD4y2nX/10:37
EriC^^blackbird1: hm... what does "df" give?10:37
EriC^^blackbird1: you're able to just recently get the contents of the usb or is that an old command you ran?10:38
blackbird1EriC^^: ls on the mounted folder of the usb10:39
EriC^^looks like it's mounted, ok try "sudo umount /media/mourad/FARID\ TALEB"10:39
EriC^^are you lebanese by any chance?10:40
blackbird1no EriC^^ I'm not :)10:41
blackbird1sudo umount /media/mourad/FARID\ TALEB  seems worked10:41
EriC^^blackbird1: ok, hopefully the device file is still there, try "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1"10:41
EriC^^looks good10:42
blackbird1Yeah, now it will come the bad surprise10:43
EriC^^try "sudo gvfs-mount -d /dev/sdc1"10:43
EriC^^it should mount it under /media again10:43
blackbird1The files and folders on tge device still there !10:43
EriC^^try "sudo umount /dev/sdc1"10:44
EriC^^did you try unmounting it?10:48
EriC^^ok cool, try sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt10:49
blackbird1The content of the usb still in it !!!10:49
EriC^^then "ls /mnt"10:49
blackbird1EriC^^: Done10:50
blackbird1ls /mnt: show the usb content.10:50
EriC^^blackbird1: odd10:55
EriC^^blackbird1: i guess nothing is actually being modified on the usb, does it have some sort of write-protection switch?10:56
blackbird1EriC^^: No there no switches on the usb10:57
EriC^^blackbird1: does rm'ing any files manually do any changes?10:58
blackbird1EriC^^: I can do nothing, I can't remove or create any file manually.10:59
EriC^^blackbird1: try "sudo grep sdc /var/log/kern.log"11:00
blackbird1EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WDChyNj3yt/11:02
EriC^^blackbird1: try "sudo hdparm -r0 /dev/sdc"11:04
EriC^^that should turn write protect off11:04
EriC^^then try "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdc1" and see if you can modify the filesystem11:05
blackbird1EriC^^: I tried it but never works11:05
EriC^^what's the output of the hdparm command?11:05
blackbird1EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NP8xjvb7vY/11:06
EriC^^blackbird1: ok, what does "mount | grep sdc" show?11:09
blackbird1EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rxzm9kygFn/11:10
EriC^^blackbird1: ok, try to rm the files in the usb /mnt11:11
EriC^^blackbird1: if it doesnt work, how are you connecting the usb device to the pc?11:11
blackbird1EriC^^: the rm command work, but when you refresh the folder /mnt, the files remain11:13
blackbird1The usb is connected via an usb port.11:14
EriC^^blackbird1: try a different usb port, if it also fails it might be the usb is going bad11:14
EriC^^blackbird1: if you absolutely need to put data on it for now, look at the answer at the bottom about reloading the usb_storage module with quirks https://askubuntu.com/questions/101637/usb-turn-write-protection-off11:15
blackbird1EriC^^: I did that, the write protection comes to on, but formatting never works.11:18
EriC^^you tried the usb_storage stuff?11:19
EriC^^i guess the usb might be damaged or on it's way out11:20
blackbird1EriC^^: Thank you for helping me :)11:23
EriC^^blackbird1: no problem :)11:23
lotuspsychjeshould i add caffeine to my bug here aswell? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/179011011:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790110 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Xscreensaver overrides vlc smplayer and caffeine " [Undecided,Confirmed]11:28
EriC^^lotuspsychje: there's no telling what will happen, it might go out of hand :P11:28
lotuspsychjeyou mean expire EriC^^ ?11:29
EriC^^no i mean adding caffeine to a bug isn't a good idea :P11:30
=== rax-Y is now known as rax-
masterboyhi guys does anyone know how can i find out the dmi/osi SPEED of my pc? what console command it would be? :)11:38
EriC^^masterboy: the clock speed?11:43
masterboysee https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Hardware-and-Upgrade-Questions/And-this-is-why-my-960-evo-can-t-get-3200MB-s-on-my-spectre/td-p/5975464 ssd speed depends on dmi version and if it is gt2 or gt411:44
masterboyhow can i check the dmi version and if it is gt2 or gt4?11:45
EriC^^masterboy: maybe "sudo dmidecode"11:45
masterboyEriC^^, well i can't find that info11:45
masterboyon dmidecode11:46
lotuspsychjemasterboy: maybe with inxi11:47
EriC^^masterboy: the version info should be there no?11:48
lotuspsychjemasterboy: inxi -h11:49
masterboyEriC^^, and where should there be the version info? grep did not find anything11:51
masterboylotuspsychje, i am trying inxi11:52
ducasseor try digging through dmesg output11:52
masterboyducasse, well grep does not see anything will try by hand11:54
masterboylotuspsychje, what command gives max info on inxi?11:54
BluesKajHowdy folks11:54
lotuspsychjemasterboy: much info with inxi -F11:55
lotuspsychjemasterboy: but not sure your wish will be there11:55
masterboylotuspsychje, it is not there11:56
masterboyi guess i have to boot freedos and use hwinfo11:56
masterboyi read that ssd speed depends on dmi version and speed but i can't find the info on linux:(12:00
lotuspsychjemasterboy: how about: sudo lshw -enable dmi12:02
masterboyi need "CPU Bus Type" and "DMI Link Speed"12:03
lotuspsychjemasterboy: capabilities: smbios-3.0 dmi-3.012:10
lotuspsychjethats what you needed right? dmi2 or dmi3?12:11
masterboylotuspsychje,     capabilities: smbios-3.1 dmi-3.1 smp vsyscall3212:19
masterboylotuspsychje, but there is no dmi 3.1 as i understand12:19
lotuspsychjemasterboy: do you see pcie on dmidecode?12:31
masterboylotuspsychje, yes i see pcie 4x but it does not mean anything if dmi speed is gt212:36
masterboyif dmi speed is gt2 it is only 2 GB even if pcie 4x isGB12:36
Harishello all12:39
HarisI'm installing mysql-server-5.5 on 14.x. Its giving me error ->> dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.5_5.5.62-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb (--unpack):    ...      subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1  . How to deal with it? Is there a log?12:40
lotuspsychjemasterboy: isnt that described in your motherboards manual?12:40
Harisstatus is half installed. then not intalled in dpkg.log12:41
tomreynHaris: try this: sudo apt install mysql-server-5.5 -o 'Debug::pkgPackageManager=1' -o 'Debug::RunScripts=1'12:43
ubun_noobis there any terminal emulator that can open media files by right click -> open like in a file browser? Or some terminal application that let you do that easily?12:43
mobile_c_where do i find libxml/parser.h12:45
mobile_c_as it isnt in libxml2*12:45
rorynot in libxml2-dev ?12:45
roryin /usr/include/libxml2/ ?12:45
HarisAborting downgrade from (at least) 5.6 to 5.5.12:45
tomreynubun_noob: i doubt it. but you could pass the file name to your preferred media player.12:45
Harishow to get this to work?12:45
Hariswe need 5.5 for now12:46
tomreynHaris: why are you downgrading in the first place?12:46
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.12:46
ubun_noobtomreyn: oh k12:46
roryThat sounds like a MySQL version downgrade not an Ubuntu version downgrade12:46
Harisexisting app built and running on it. we have separate machines for upgrade. changed machine during migration. we need to continue this "as was"12:46
Harismysql version downgrade on 14.x12:46
mobile_c_now i get12:47
tomreynHaris: okay what ubottus said is about release downgrades, but you should not normally downgrade software, either. especially not database servers.12:47
mobile_c_/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/parser.h:15:10: fatal error: libxml/xmlversion.h: No such file or directory12:47
mobile_c_ #include <libxml/xmlversion.h>12:47
roryI would recommend to uninstall all mysql related packages, and then install 5.5 from fresh, rather than attempting a downgrade12:47
mobile_c_from #include <libxml2/libxml/parser.h>12:47
Harisis there a clean way to uninstall all those pkgs? I'm not sure which are relevant12:47
rorymobile_c_: try to compile with eplicit inclusion like this: g++ -I/usr/include/libxml2/12:47
Haristrying with dpkg -l|egrep -i mysql12:47
roryHaris: If it was me, I would install "synaptic" which is an advanced GUI package manager12:48
tomreynHaris: and whats the output?12:48
roryHaris: it's good at stuff like this12:48
* Haris is on cli12:48
rorythen you're limited to dpkg -l | grep mysql, and then sed or awk or something to extract just the package names, then pipe to "xargs apt-get remove"12:48
rorythere's probably not that many though, so you could just copy paste them12:49
Harislibdbd-mysql-perl mysql-client-5.5 mysql-client-core-5.5 mysql-common-5.6 mysql-server mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server-core-5.512:49
tomreynHaris: if those are installed and you want them gone, and don't mind loosing your databases, then just purge them12:49
tomreynwarning: you'll loose all your data12:49
Haristhis is a demo / dev machine. no problems12:50
Harisbeing prepared fresh12:50
Harisfor replacement of another12:50
tomreynhave you considered upgrading to 18.04 at some point?12:50
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes12:51
rory14.04 is not going to be supported soon. 18.04 is long-term support but I don't know if it has mysql 5.512:51
lotuspsychjerory: ESM is optional12:52
tomreynHaris: 14.04 looses support by April 2019, unless you'll pay extra for ESM, which will only provide support for select packages12:52
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.12:52
HarisI'v already sent email up the chain weeks ago12:53
Haristhey'r working on it12:53
tomreyndo yourself a favor and send those e-mails a year in advance12:53
tomreynin the future12:53
Haristhose meetings a year ago were already done12:53
Haristhis was a reminder12:53
tomreynk ;)12:53
tomreynlooks like you work as an ESM customer12:54
lotuspsychjeioria: here's a headcracker again: to findout if masterboy's pciE is opi gt2 or gt4 https://www.anandtech.com/show/10303/choosing-the-right-ssd-for-a-skylakeu-system on ubuntu12:54
lotuspsychjeioria: dmidecode shows the actual speed, but not the gt2 or gt4 part12:56
masterboylotuspsychje, yeah, i read the anantech post too12:59
masterboyi need "DMI Link Speed" info :/13:00
lotuspsychjemasterboy: would sudo dmidecode | grep "PCI" show them seperatly?13:00
lotuspsychjemasterboy: another bet would be ask in ##hardware with your motherboard type13:01
jarnosWhat happens to encrypted home, if you upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?13:07
iorialotuspsychje, no idea13:07
masterboylotuspsychje, thanks will try that13:09
ducassejarnos: nothing happened here, but i went through the intermediary releases, not directly from 16.04 to 18.0413:24
jarnosducasse, so you still have encrypted home?13:25
blackbsdHello, has anyone used apt-src or apt-build for compiling a package from source before installing?13:25
ducassejarnos: yeah13:25
blackbsdI am trying to use chromium and watch my paid videos on youtube and it wont play.  After some research, it seems i can either use firefox, chrome or rebuild the chromium package.13:26
lotuspsychjeblackbsd: we strongly advice to install packages from the ubuntu repos, instead of comiling on your own13:26
lotuspsychjeblackbsd: maybe do a test with the chromium snap?13:31
knstnIf  someone is on 18.10 and fully updated system, i would like to know kernel & mesa version pls.14:44
TJ-!info linux-image-generic cosmic14:45
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (cosmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB14:45
TJ-!info libgl1-mesa-dri cosmic14:46
ubottulibgl1-mesa-dri (source: mesa): free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules. In component main, is optional. Version 18.2.2-0ubuntu1 (cosmic), package size 6788 kB, installed size 156570 kB14:46
cekI have troubles installing from ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso. Somehow, it doesn't pass gpg checks. How do I force it ? [trusted=yes] already in sources.14:48
OerHeksdid you check the iso itself, cek ?14:49
cek  /pool contains  just 30MB of packages. is that expected?14:49
TJ-cek: depends on how it is failing14:49
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM14:49
TJ-cek: that sounds about correct14:49
cekthere's no iso. I have copied out all the files onto the flashdrive14:50
ceksounds= correct, but how is it going to install ubbuntu ? is that a netinstall?14:50
cekI don't even see a vim package14:50
OerHeksnot sure why you copied files like that, or if that is supposed to work14:51
TJ-cek: the ISO contains a filesystem squashfs image with the packages already installed, which is run from memory in the Live environment14:51
cekis squashfs unpacked into root durint the install?14:51
ceki'm not asking about liveos14:51
TJ-cek: you started by saying you are installing from the 18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso14:53
cekyes, correct14:53
TJ-cek: I'm telling you how the file-system is organised14:53
ceki'm not interested in trying it, but installing it14:54
NerdTheThirdwell install it dude14:54
TJ-cek: during install the squashfs content is copied to the /target/14:54
cekis squash unpacked into destination root?14:54
cekI need the details how it works14:54
NerdTheThirdif you set it that way, yes14:54
NerdTheThirdhe was giving you the details wtf dude14:54
cekwhy are the packages in the /pool on liveiso image?14:55
cekwhat's the point if system is unpacked onto install destination14:55
TJ-cek: additional packages that don't need to be in the Live environment14:56
Tenkawamy notebook is finally dual booting properly14:56
pragmaticenigmaTenkawa: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:57
cekokay, that's sane approach. Though that doesn't explain why I can select "minimal" and "full" install. Are 2 squash fs used?14:57
NerdTheThirdminimal takes away few packages from full. how hard is to comprehend such thing?14:58
cekNerdTheThird: it's actually vice versa for cow approaches14:58
solarsslight offtopic but does anyone know a password mgmt tool that I can use with android, windows, linux? Ideally it would store a file in my Dropbox14:58
TJ-cek: no, that is a bit of a bodge! Basically everything is copied from the /casper/filesystem.squashfs to /target/ and the, a chroot /target/ apt purge <some list of packages> is done :)14:58
TJ-NerdTheThird: please drop the attitude, people are here to learn14:59
Tenkawapragmaticenigma: it was a followup from a issue I had 3 days ago. A bit of attitude adjustment really could go a long ways14:59
Tenkawacheers all14:59
OerHeksTenkawa, have fun!14:59
NerdTheThirdyou're right, sorry TJ-14:59
cekTJ-: would be wonderful to have that information somewhere on a wiki page15:00
TJ-cek: if you look in the ISO, in /casper/ you'll see the filesystem.manifest{-minimal-remove,remove} files15:00
cekokay, which means my initial issue has nothing to do with failing gpg verification in apt sources15:02
cekas apt is not used during the install15:03
cekunless I got it wrong15:03
cekthe /etc/apt/sources on "host " fs, that is15:03
TJ-cek: It is if you enable 'updates' at install time15:03
lotuspsychjesolars: we can only support you for the ubuntu part, try apt-cache search for a password manager15:04
TJ-cek: If I recall correctly, once the /target/ has been populated, it'll then do a "chroot /target sh -c 'apt update && apt upgrade' "15:04
cekI see, thanks.15:05
ducassesolars: keepass would do that, try keepassxc for linux15:05
TJ-^^^ I second that15:06
cekwhile we're at it, I'd like to make that /cdrom/ source work. It fails gpg because there's no opengpg data for verification. would this line be correct - `deb [trusted=yes] file:/cdrom stable main restricted` ?15:07
cekassuming /cdrom contains an eltorito extensions iso extract from 18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso15:08
TJ-cek: that sounds like the Ubuntu keyring hasn't been installed correctly15:08
cekyeah, but I've specified trusted=yes, isn't that enough?15:08
TJ-cek: I'm not sure since it's not something I've tried15:09
cekapt-key list displaying 2 ubuntu  keys15:09
TJ-cek: but, ubuntu-keyring packages should install, amongst others, /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-keyring-2012-cdimage.gpg15:09
cekyeah, there are 2 of them15:10
TJ-cek: might help us if you can pastebin the output you're seeing from apt when it complains about the gpg issue15:11
cekI just want to disable damn verification, that's all.15:14
TJ-cek: I *think* you've a syntax error in /etc/apt/sources.list. The messages show "file:/cdrom " but that is invalid, the first part needs to be a protocol, e.g. http:// https:// ftp:// or, in your case, file:// - so what you need in there is file:///cdrom (note the 3 slashes)15:16
ceksources.list tells me to use file:/path15:17
cekthe man page , that is15:17
TJ-cek: so it does, I am surprised, since they are supposed to be URIs which means starting with a protocol15:19
rapidwaveHow do we install Mono for WINE?15:24
rapidwaveI cannot find a package in repositories.15:25
TJ-cek: so if that isn't causing an issue (seems very inconsistent to me using varying forms of protocol in the URI) then I'm not sure the GPG signing is the issue, the "NODATA" suggests the Releases file doesn't contain what apt expects to see15:25
itguysrapidwave: https://wiki.winehq.org/Mono15:26
cekTJ-: basically, download that iso, run the iso, inside live system add my sources.list line and see it failing15:26
cekunless I'm doing something totally wrong15:26
TJ-cek: I've got both the ISO and squashfs mounted here, let me check15:27
TJ-cek: what's the full 'deb' entry you're using in sources.list?15:28
cekI see lines like `dpkg-deb: building pacckage blah into ./blah-xxx.deb`. What are those?15:28
cekduring the install, that is15:28
cek`deb [trusted=yes] file:/cdrom stable main restricted` , assuming stuff is mounted into /cdrom15:29
basalthi, any hint to get vmware player running without disable secure boot?15:32
aqdwhat kindle alternative do people use? wine no longer works now that I'm on 18.0415:32
NerdTheThirduse lutris15:33
NerdTheThirdoh kindle, lul. thought you said "kind"15:33
aqdor is there a protocol for FOSS library/reader? I could help15:35
aqdhm next challenge is to run games on different account15:35
itguysaqd: What do you need it for? Are you trying to read books you purchased for Kindle or are you just looking for a reader in general?15:35
aqdi'm trying to read the books i bought, without using the cloud reader which is !@#%15:36
aqdthe windows kindle reader used to work in wine15:36
aqd16.04 or 16.1015:36
aqdbut it breaks often after wine update so .....15:36
TJ-cek: I can't reproduce your error. I tested in a container and apt update correctly reads the files15:36
coderman1im trying to match a string to a scenario, if the string starts with a single number and is then followed by a . how would i match that in regex?15:36
itguysaqd: Yeah. The cloud reader was going to be my suggestion. I don't remember if this is possible, but you could look into downloading the books, using Calibre to convert them to epub or some other more open standard, and use a desktop reader. Kindle is proprietary, so it's hard to use as is with something that's not developed by Amazon.15:37
aqdhow about ^[0-9]\.     ?15:37
aqdoh i see15:37
cekTJ-: well, it might be related to the way I copied the files onto the fat32 flash drives. not sure what's up there. Funny thing, live os starting and working just fine. I'm installing the system currently...15:37
itguysaqd: You also could just keep wine at the version it's at unless the updates are for security reasons.15:37
TJ-cek: Your pastebin shows the same file-sizes as I see here, but the "NODATA" suggests the file-data being read is not valid. It's all text so I'd suggest comparing it with the original to be sure they match (run an md5sum on the files for example)15:39
coderman1aqd, thanks that worked15:41
cekchecksum matches.15:43
TJ-cek: in which case I'm stumped!15:44
TJ-cek: is the file:/cdrom entry the only one in sources.list? If so, I wonder if the issue is not the files, but something wrong in the underlying tooling (apt-key calling gpg for example)15:45
rapidwaveHow do I fix this? https://gist.github.com/ojabi/b7b4f82d3810d0fb9e5783eef338fb1615:55
hggdhrapidwave: try installing build-essential -- sudo apt install build-essential15:56
hggdhrapidwave: make is reporting you do not have a C compiler15:57
rapidwavebuild-essential is already installed15:58
TJ-rapidwave: you need the mingw32 compiler16:02
rapidwaveWhich package? There are a few16:03
TJ-!info gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 | rapidwave16:03
ubotturapidwave: gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 (source: gcc-mingw-w64 (20.2build1)): GNU C compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64. In component universe, is extra. Version 7.3.0-11ubuntu1+20.2build1 (bionic), package size 33381 kB, installed size 136066 kB16:03
swebwhy my bridge netplain not worked: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7NjzgGmKp2/ ... it's Ubuntu 18.04 ... i want to use bridge for KVM use case ...16:06
compdocsweb, it didnt work for me either. Now I create my bridges in /etc/network/interfaces16:13
compdocI use netplan for everything else16:14
tomreynmaybe cyphermox in #ubuntu-server can help16:14
swebcompdoc: so i must using ifupdown instead of networkd ?16:15
compdocI never use ifup/down16:15
swebcompdoc: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031709/ubuntu-18-04-switch-back-to-etc-network-interfaces16:16
compdocyou can create the bridges in vist-manager, and it will place the code in /etc/network/interfaces16:16
tomreynbridges with systemd-networkd https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-networkd#Bridge_interface16:19
TJ-sweb: are the runtime files for the bridge being generated? In which case inspecting those might help understand what is happening (plus look at the log entries for the interfaces)16:19
compdocsweb, there are other ways to do it, but this is working for me. These are my two files:    https://pastebin.com/kCuxdjC416:24
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
swebtomreyn: so after changing my netplain.yml i must do it manualy? so what's the purpose of netplain ? better interface yml config ?16:27
swebTJ-: there are just one file i just edit default `/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml` after --debug generate no error displain after ... after apply network gone16:27
sweb compdoc: thank you i will purge netplain and will use ifupdown instead of it, in case so. i need to know why this general use case of networking of netplain is real pain in my hand16:27
cekTJ-: you were correct. Release.gpg was broken in stasble , unstable, but good in /bionic/ dir. Apparently, caused by bad copy  (fat can't have symlinks, thus copying was needed)16:27
tomreynsweb: it's called "netplan", not "netplain".16:31
tomreynsweb: i did not state that you need to manually do something after editing netplan.yml16:32
TJ-cek: aha! I did wonder about that but I forgot about the symlinks16:34
TJ-sweb: netplan is not the network manager; it generates files for systemd-networkd, which are written into /run/systemd/network/ - those are the files that actually control the network behaviour16:35
swebtomreyn: you're right netplan, but according the arch docs i have to set many stuff in files, after edit my yaml file i must do more ? or just netplan apply ?16:42
swebactually folder  /etc/systemd/network/ is empty16:42
TJ-sweb: netplan doesn't touch /etc/systemd/network/16:52
=== capella|away is now known as capella
lordcirth_I gave up on netplan and just wrote /etc/systemd/network/ files - but that was for some complicated setups at work16:55
TJ-lordcirth_: it makes sense for long-lived non-ephemeral systems (i.e: not short lived demand scale-up containers)16:57
lordcirth_Yeah, we are still trying to move from pets to cattle.  Currently my servers are long-lived, but they are controlled entirely through Salt and can be reproduced quickly.16:58
TJ-lordcirth_: I feel like netplan's purpose and design are mismatched. The design (one config, multiple renderers ) makes some sense, but the fact it is only really needed/used for -server and thus only systemd-networkd makes it an additional layer of unwanted abstraction17:00
lordcirth_Yeah, I looked at it and found that for my purposes, it doesn't actually *do* anything.  Just another layer.17:01
lordcirth_Plus it didn't correctly handle some things I needed to do (bridges, vlans, etc)17:01
TJ-For networking, it seems rather like how 'convergence' affected desktop by trying to make desktop like phone/tablet17:02
radicateHey peeps, is it possible to avoid having a partition with a /boot mount point? and just have the whole setup work from one partition?17:56
zutatradicate: that boot partition is required if you boot with efi17:58
radicatezutat: Thanks17:59
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TJ-zutat_: that is incorrect; /boot/ can be part of the rootfs. I suspect you were thinking of the EFI System Partition18:23
=== capella is now known as capella|away
AlexMaxSo I've got this weird problem that keeps popping up through normal usage of ubuntu 18.0418:42
AlexMaxWhen I alt-tab from one window to another, and then try to use my scroll wheel, something bizarre happens18:42
AlexMaxit scrolls all the way to the top or the bottom of whatever document I'm looking at18:43
AlexMaxNot every time, but sometimes18:43
TJ-AlexMax: I have a different but also strange reaction: Tab+Alt caused the window-chooser to cycle madly, but Alt+Tab doesn't :)18:46
bynariehey guys, so I setup a standard encrypted partition via luks. Did it from the command line. It was successful. I goto unlock the partition and it tells me Failed to unlocked 166GB Partition"18:53
bynarieanyone got any ideas18:53
TJ-bynarie: incorrect pass-phrase18:59
ioriabynarie, can you unlock from the terminal ?  sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdax blah18:59
bynarieTJ-, no not wrong pw.... ioria thank you18:59
TJ-bynarie: could be; a different locale/keymap for example19:00
radicateHello, I thought maybe I could receive some help here with a problem that I'm having after cloning my ubuntu drive to a new larger one19:03
radicateAfter cloning i'm getting into the grub boot terminal, after directing it to the right drive and kernel booting seems to go on for a decent amount of time and stops at 'Busybox'19:04
TJ-radicate: that is the initialramfs shell, presumably because it cannot find the root file-system19:04
radicateWhat should I do to make it find it though?19:05
ioriaradicate, run sudo blkid   and compare with the /etc/fstab entries19:05
radicateWhat you're saying makes sense as it complains about not being able to mount /dev into /root/dev for example19:06
OerHeksupdate the new UUID in fstab https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220372919:06
OerHeksioria +119:06
itguysradicate: Do you have a way to do a live USB?19:06
radicateAlready did update fstab19:06
radicateI can make a live usb19:06
TJ-radicate: As you're in the initrd then it should be easy to fix up and continue booting19:06
itguysradicate: How did you clone the hard drive?19:06
TJ-radicate: you're better off right now than using a live, since you can diagnose precisely what is wrong19:07
radicateitguys: Clonezilla19:07
TJ-radicate: are you at the busybox shell right now?19:07
TJ-radicate: good. First, find out what the rootfs is expected to be with "cat /proc/cmdline"19:08
IniGitcan somebody please tell me what the -f option of tar does and if I can leave it?19:09
IniGitwhen I leave it I get an error, so why is there then an -f option when I anyway cannot leave it19:09
IniGitI target a directory at [FILE]19:10
cryptodan_mobileIniGit: man tar19:10
IniGitcryptodan_mobile: I know but does not help19:11
itguysIniGit: it's used to specify which file.19:11
itguysIniGit: Paste your command19:11
IniGititguys: Yeah but why can I now leave it and it will simply pick the name of the dir that I specified at [FILE].19:12
IniGittar -czvf "New folder.tar.gz" "New folder"19:12
IniGittar -czv "New folder"19:12
IniGitdoesen't work19:12
IniGittar: Failed to clean up compressor19:12
itguysIniGit: Why do you want to do the latter command?19:12
IniGititguys: Idk I just tried to make sense on why the -f option must be used. When I anyway cannot leave it, why is it even there?19:13
IniGitI want to learn19:13
radicate_TJ-: Sorry, I got disconnected19:13
radicate_So I ran the command19:13
IniGitAnd it would be less pointless typing19:13
TJ-radicate_: is the root= device present in /dev/ ?19:14
itguysIniGit: I'm not a tar expert, but the f flag specifies which archive to create. cvz are added to it because they don't have arguments, so they can be combined with f19:14
itguysIniGit: tar doesn't know what to call the archive if you don't have f and a name.19:14
radicate_TJ-: It says root=/dev/sdd1 but That's what I've entered when I made the attempt to boot the system19:14
IniGititguys: ok thank you19:15
TJ-radicate_: if that is incorrect then of course it will fail. Does /dev/sdd1 exist, is it the root file-system?19:15
radicate_It's supposed to be, yes19:15
itguysIniGit: Were you just trying to understand what 'f' did?19:15
radicate_Could I verify from this screen though?19:15
IniGititguys: No I know what it does19:15
TJ-radicate_: "ls  /dev/sd*" and "blkid /dev/sdd*"19:16
itguysIniGit: If you enter "man tar" in a terminal, it'll tell you everything about the command.19:16
IniGititguys: I just wanted to learn why I cannot leave it. I expected that I can leave it, because it's called an option19:17
IniGitan option should be optional19:17
IniGitthat's what I expect from an option19:17
radicate_TJ-: Yes, I see the device sdd1 there19:17
itguysIniGit: It's not an option19:17
itguysIniGit: It's an argument19:17
radicate_Both in /dev/sdd1 and in blkid19:17
itguysIniGit: It works the same way as if you tried to use a calculator with addition without giving it two numbers to add.19:18
TJ-radicate_: does 'blkid' confirm the file-system type is recognised, e.g. ext4 ?19:18
radicate_Uhmm, it says vfat19:18
TJ-radicate_: errr, that isn't a root file-system then! I bet that is an EFI system partition19:18
IniGititguys: The man page lists it as [OPTION...]. tar [OPTION...] [FILE]...19:18
radicate_Oh sorry,19:18
virmahaHello. When setting a no_proxy env variable, do I need to log back and log in again?19:18
virmahalog out*19:19
TJ-radicate_: how many partitions does /dev/sdd have?19:19
itguysIniGit: The man page on Debian has " tar -c [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE...]" implying that -f is separate19:19
radicate_3, one is the boot partition, another is the main one a swap partition19:19
radicate_and a swap*19:20
itguys(I don't use Ubuntu. I just hang out hear to help people out that do....)19:20
TJ-radicate_: great :) so I'm betting sdd1 is for /boot, and one of the others is for the root file-system19:20
cryptodan_mobileIniGit: https://www.tecmint.com/18-tar-command-examples-in-linux/19:20
TJ-radicate_: can you tell which is the root file-system ?19:20
TJ-radicate_: if sdd1 is ext3, and another is swap, that leaves only 1 possibility :)19:21
IniGititguys: thx19:21
radicate_TJ-: That's strange, I don't see the other partitions here when I type blkid19:21
radicate_I did see them when I looked at it with Gparted though19:21
itguysIniGit: I hope that helps.19:22
TJ-radicate_: 'sdd' suggests there at least 3 other SCSI devices in there, is that correct?19:22
IniGititguys: yep19:22
TJ-radicate_: so it is possible you're referring to the wrong device entirely?19:22
radicate_Hmm, possible.. I'll run a few checks using the commands you mentioned :)19:23
TJ-radicate_: try this (not sure if these links will be there in the initrd but check): "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/"19:23
itguysIniGit: Did you have any other questions?19:23
IniGititguys: No just this one :)19:23
TJ-radicate_: if you labelled the file-systems then "ls -l /dev/disk-by-label/" will be useful19:23
IniGititguys: thank you19:23
radicate_Yeah that'd be useful19:24
TJ-radicate_: if both the donor and cloned drive are connected here, did Clonezilla alter the file-system UUIDs when it wrote the clone19:24
TJ-radicate_: ooops, typo. "ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/"19:24
radicate_TJ-: It actually makes more sense that it is sdc now19:25
radicate_It could be that it simply changed since the last time that I had the device connected I suppose, right?19:25
radicate_TJ-: Not both devices are connected now, the original is unplugged19:26
TJ-radicate_: OK, so before you go further, check if some partition (even if the wrong one!) has already been mounted: "cat /proc/mounts" and look for anything mounted at /root/19:26
itguysradicate_: Is the new device in a different SATA(or whatever connection) port than the original?19:26
TJ-radicate_: Yes, drive names will change based on discovery at boot-time, whereas using labels/UUIDs they remain constant19:26
radicate_itguys: No, it's the same type of connection19:27
radicate_TJ-: I see some mounts there, nothing with sdc, what should I do with them?19:28
TJ-radicate_: right now I suspect you've got a /boot/ file-system mounted to /root/ which won't have a /dev/ mountpoint which would explain your earlier report of "unable to mount devfs on /root/dev" or whatever19:28
radicate_The /root  dir indeed does not have a /dev19:29
radicate_Perhaps if I reboot and attempt to provide /dev/sdc as the root it would work?19:29
TJ-radicate_: So you need to examine all the file-systems and determine which one is the real root file-system you intend to mount19:29
radicate_Or maybe label the drive so things would be slightly easier19:30
TJ-radicate_: and then, once identified, check if it has a label you can use to refer to it. Failing that, its UUID, so that you can guarantee the kernel will mount the correct one19:30
pragmaticenigmaDoes anyone know if journalctl read syslog, or is it specifically the items in /var/log/journal? I'm asking because I'm wondering if there is a way to discontinue one or the other to reduce the number of writes to logs19:34
TJ-pragmaticenigma: journald pipes to rsyslogd19:38
radicate_TJ-: You're a god.19:39
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: What can I do to reduce the amount of log writes19:39
TJ-pragmaticenigma: is the I/O or the file size you want to curb?19:40
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: mostly the IO... the drive I have is a WD Black, stupid noisy... plus trying to track down why MySQL seems to have so many timeout issues with relatively simple quieries19:41
we6jboI'm looking for a very simple database graphical application, something that I can add definitions to such as "irc" = "Internet Relay Chat, a protocol used to chat on the Internet" and then lookup by the word or definition later. Can anyone tell me where I could find a program like that for Linux/Gnome?19:42
radicate_TJ-: So I managed to boot while providing /dev/sdc1 as the root. however, I'm not sure what to do in order to keep it working this way as if I'll reboot I'll get back to this evil terminal19:42
TJ-radicate_: usually GRUB should configure based on UUIDs, so, assuming you do NOT have "GRUB_DEVICE_UUID"  in /etc/default/grub then simply "sudo update-grub" should make things good19:44
TJ-radicate_: that /should/ mean the kernel command-line gets root={some-UUID} instead of root=/dev/sdxy19:44
pragmaticenigmawe6jbo: This channel is intended for supporting Ubuntu. It isn't the best place to ask for software recomenndations or help with programming. For those, you should seek out a channel that is dedicated to such topics. For application recomendations, see #ubuntu-offtopic. To find a programming channel look at !alis19:45
TJ-radicate_: you can check what GRUB has with: " grep linux$'\t' /boot/grub/grub.cfg  "19:49
TJ-!info dict-vera | we6jbo19:50
ubottuwe6jbo: dict-vera (source: vera (1.23-1)): Dictionary of computer related acronyms -- dict format. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.23-1 (bionic), package size 272 kB, installed size 375 kB19:50
radicate_TJ-: Thanks so much for the help, it works great now.19:52
radicate_Highly appreciate it :) thanks to everyone as well! highly appreciated.19:53
TJ-radicate_: glad it was simple :)19:53
MikeRLAnyone know how to switch between G++ and clang on Ubuntu 18.10?20:01
MikeRLI'm trying to build something that requires clang, and the terminal link was a pain to follow.20:01
pragmaticenigma!alis > pragmaticenigma20:07
ubottupragmaticenigma, please see my private message20:07
pragmaticenigmaMikeRL: You might want to try asking your question in ##programming20:08
itguysMikeRL: Do the make files already have clang in them?20:09
itguysMikeRL: You also should be able to install clang, then "sudo update-alternatives --config c++" and set it to clang++20:10
MikeRLThanks. I'll try those commands.20:11
MikeRLThey appear to have references to clang in them.20:12
itguysMikeRL: I just tried this out, and it worked for me assuming the makefile uses "c++" or "clang++" to compile.20:13
itguysgcc and clang can coexist. You just need to set the default if you're using "c++" instead of "clang++/g++"20:14
MikeRLStill coughs up an error saying "NDK: Invalid NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION value: 4.9. GCC is no longer supported. See https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/master/docs/ClangMigration.md."20:17
itguysMikeRL: So you're trying to build AOSP?20:18
MikeRLNo Magisk.20:18
itguysMikeRL: Ah20:18
MikeRLWant to help darken with SD Maid with Magisk on KitKat.20:19
MikeRLMaster branch has the commits necessary.20:19
itguysMikeRL: Do the make files have "g++" in them?20:19
MikeRLI'll double check.20:19
itguysMikeRL: If you changed the default to "/usr/bin/clang++", that's the only thing I can think of20:19
MikeRLitguys, What files should I check? Terminal linked me here: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/master/docs/ClangMigration.md20:22
itguysMikeRL: Did you do the "How to switch to clang" steps?20:23
itguysMikeRL: I haven't built AOSP in a couple years and never done anything with Magisk, so my help isn't going to be that specific. I'm sorry.20:24
itguysMikeRL: Can you link me the repo?20:24
MikeRLitguys, https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk20:25
itguysMikeRL: I'm looking. One sec20:26
itguysMikeRL: Do you have Android NDK installed?20:29
MikeRLitguys, Yes.20:30
itguysMikeRL: I think it might be in that.20:30
itguysMikeRL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36120404/how-to-switch-between-gcc-and-clang-in-android-ndk-revision-1120:30
technobiHello All, how do I change VGA resolution in console mode without reboot?20:30
itguystechnobi: https://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution20:31
itguystechnobi: Looks like you have to edit GRUB20:31
technobiThank You... I'll give it a try.20:32
technobiI already followed some steps and the resolution changes once but after the crypto pass prompt it changes back to the installation one.20:33
itguystechnobi: What graphics do you have?20:33
itguystechnobi: I haven't ever done a minimal Ubuntu install, but I do know that on Arch, my resolution was really small until I installed the proprietary nVidia drivers.20:36
MikeRLitguys, Thanks. Would've never thought of that. Not a programmer.20:37
itguysMikeRL: Did it work?20:37
MikeRLitguys, Hold a sec.20:37
itguysholding. ;)20:38
MikeRLNew error, but the previous one is gone.20:38
itguysMikeRL: What is it now?20:39
MikeRLMagisk also requires FrankeNDK, which I have no clue how to incorporate into the build.20:40
MikeRLI was able to build the APK, though, so there's that.20:40
itguysMikeRL: Download FrankeNDK, and set your ANDROID_NDK_HOME variable to equal it before you run the build20:41
MikeRLitguys, That may stop the error.20:43
MikeRLBut I'm mainly after the Manager APK.20:43
MikeRLFrom the manager I can install canary binaries which support KitKat.20:43
itguysMikeRL: Does Magisk have an IRC channel?20:45
MikeRLitguys, Nope.20:47
MikeRLitguys, But who cares? Mission accomplished. Thank you very much!20:47
itguysMikeRL: Oh so you're good?20:47
itguysMikeRL: I thought I hadn't solved it20:48
itguysWell helped20:48
itguysMikeRL: ?20:49
MikeRLNow it wants to update the manager APK, and won't let me install the binaries without doing so.20:49
MikeRLProblem is, the updated version does not run on KitKat.20:49
MikeRLAnd has a conflicting signature. So back to finding binaries.20:50
MikeRLBut I have a second device. I could use that to download the binaries.20:50
itguysMikeRL: Yeah. That's a bit beyond my knowledge sorry21:01
MikeRLitguys, I think I got it working. Perhaps, anyhow.21:02
MikeRLitguys, It is booting with the Magisk canary zip and the manager works. Now to share the files with the developer.21:02
itguysMikeRL: Nice!21:03
thefrenchfryHey; relatively new user here. I was organizing my home folder, and saw the snap folder where Ubuntu Software puts snaps; I was wondering where can I change a config to tell US to install snaps elsewhere? I assume that if I just move ~/snap, then next time I download a package US will make the directory in ~ again21:03
thefrenchfryUh, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS if that's of help21:04
itguysthefrenchfry: https://askubuntu.com/questions/882562/how-can-i-change-or-hide-the-snap-directory21:05
itguysIt doesn't look like it's possible (as of Feb 2017)21:05
thefrenchfryAlright. Thanks a bunch, itguys21:08
TJ-thefrenchfry: you could bind-mount another directory/file-system onto that directory21:11
itguysTJ-: That's a really good idea.21:11
balleyneHow can I download specific files from 14.04 Trusty into a current release, not through the package manager, just independently? I'm looking for some of these WAV files that used to be packaged with Hydrogen in 14.04 LTS but are no longer part of the package, just need the WAV files to recover my drum parts... https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/all/hydrogen-drumkits/filelist21:15
balleyneWhere can I find straight HTTP downloads of the files listed there in that package?21:15
algidanyone familiar with upgrading on openvz21:16
algiderror: This version of the GNU libc requires kernel version 3.2 or later.21:16
algidfeels like i have to do fresh install21:16
TJ-balleyne: you can download and extract the .deb file itself21:16
TJ-balleyne: you can also pull from the source repo: e.g. https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/hydrogen-drumkits/trusty/files/head:/drumkits/21:18
balleyneCool, thanks TJ21:19
TJ-algid: for openvz its actually a container, with the kernel provided from the host side, which limits which userspace versions can be used - as you're seeing21:19
compdocanyone run ubuntu on arm? how many packages will install and run from the repos, like they do for x86_64 ?21:24
itguyscompdoc: I'm assuming anything in the main repo will work21:24
compdocthat would be cool21:24
OerHeksarm 32 or arm 64?21:25
compdocwell, might as well go  6421:25
sarthorHI, Any single free, open source application that can handle server with multiple applications via web gui. like like handling asterisk, Firewalling, Network Card config, Email server, etc. Guidance please . Thanks in advance.21:35
TJ-sarthor: see my answer in ##networking21:36
sarthorthanks TJ- .21:37
algidTJ- - so then would you expect at some point to start seeing errors when using apt update/upgrade comments even without trying to release upgrade?21:38
algidi wonder even if the host provides the new release - how will i be able to upgrade to it21:39
TJ-algid: no; I would assume the original release matches the host kernel, so you'll only hit that error when doing a release-upgrade that changes the glibc version21:39
algidso i wonder how this happened21:39
TJ-algid: did you just try an "apt upgrade" then?21:40
algidmaybe i upgraded from a previous release before the updated kernel was available or something?21:40
TJ-algid: what ubuntu release is installed?21:41
algidyeah, it says The following packages have unmet dependencies:21:41
algid locales : Depends: libc-bin (> 2.28) but 2.23-0ubuntu10 is installed21:41
algidwell it was 16.04 installed21:42
TJ-!info libc-bin xenial21:42
ubottulibc-bin (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Binaries. In component main, is required. Version 2.23-0ubuntu10 (xenial), package size 571 kB, installed size 3304 kB21:42
TJ-!info libc-bin bionic21:43
ubottulibc-bin (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Binaries. In component main, is required. Version 2.27-3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 589 kB, installed size 3355 kB21:43
algidafter some failed upgrades it says lsb_release -a: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS21:43
TJ-!info libc-bin cosmic21:43
ubottulibc-bin (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Binaries. In component main, is required. Version 2.28-0ubuntu1 (cosmic), package size 574 kB, installed size 3394 kB21:43
TJ-algid: so it looks like you've tried to release-upgrade to 18.10 cosmic21:43
=== rud0lf is now known as moaz
=== mouses is now known as longcat
jpmhI have a server that IS running apache, all looks good, it even works.  WHen I do a netstat -tulpn I see port 80 for ip6 but not for ip4 but I AM able to commect to it on port 80 and all does work - what am I missing here?21:55
TJ-jpmh: using netstat, generally a :::80 means it is bound on all interfaces and both protocols21:57
jpmhTJ-: then why for the pop3 on 110, SMTP on 25 etc does it show both?21:58
TJ-jpmh: possibly the daemons bind separately for each protocol21:58
jpmhTJ - AH - that makes complete sense - ty so much21:58
jpmhthis is why I chose Ubuntu - the best community21:59
=== moaz is now known as rud0lf
TJ-jpmh: see 'man bind' and 'man ipv6'22:02
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
beaverhappy new year, from france !22:49
Tin_mansame from the Midwest USA 7 hours to go..22:56
bpromptwell, if it's new year in France, is not yet in Spain or Portugal though =P22:57
beaversoon :p22:59
Tin_manoh well, some hour on this day, it will be new year.22:59
bpromptpretty sure in Australia they're already having breakfast on January 1st, same in New Zealand and Philipines23:00
SlidingHornlet's continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic and keep this channel to support please23:00
bpromptSlidingHorn:  sure thing23:01
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
apocusing ubuntu 18.04 I'm missing the file /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server even though its referenced in the sshd_config, whats going on here?23:38
EriC^apoc: try dpkg -S /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server23:39
apocdpkg-query: no path found matching pattern23:39
EriC^!find sftp-server23:40
ubottuFound: openssh-sftp-server, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 370 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sftp-server&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all23:40
EriC^do you have openssh-sftp-server installed?23:40
compdocapoc, locate sftp-server23:41
apoclooks like it, dpkg -l returns "ii  openssh-sftp-server"23:41
apocopenssh-sftp-server is already the newest version (1:7.6p1-4ubuntu0.1).23:41
apocsshfs stopped working for me with ubuntu 1823:42
apocit worked fine before, I think its because of missing "Subsystem sftp"23:42
apocthe error in the sshd server is sshd[10624]: debug1: subsystem: cannot stat /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server: No such file or directory23:43
apocI see there is a file called that in /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server23:44
apocahh that was it, the sshd_config was wrong23:45
apocthis was wrong in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:23:46
apocSubsystem       sftp    /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server23:46
apoci had to change it to:23:47
apocSubsystem       sftp    /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server23:47

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