
core7I've a lenovo X1 extreme and have ubuntu 18.04 lts on it. When it goes to sleep, it hangs, no wake up. Anyone knows how to solve this?00:00
core7if one updates a livesession and then installs ubuntu from there - do the updated packages get installed? what about after a reboot?00:07
kk4ewtcore7, other than the dont put it to sleep00:07
core7kk4ewt: i think it even hangs after 5 minutes of blank screen - not sure how to debug it yet.00:08
kk4ewtpowertop is a good place to start00:08
OerHeksDear customers,00:16
OerHeksAt this moment, there is no specific plan to support S3 on X1 Carbon Gen 6.  -- There are two 2018 ThinkPad products support Modern standby, ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 6 and X1 Yoga 3rd .00:16
quadrathoch2Hey, I just wanted to install ubuntu on my pc (with debootstrap) but somehow, even after reinstalling the packages, I don't have these programs to configure my system: grub-install, dpkg-reconfigure, useradd and most programs to setup (am I missing something? already looked at over 10 tutorials) :/ but none are specific to install it on actual hardware00:16
core7OerHeks: S3 ?00:18
OerHeksbios S3 (suspend-to-RAM)00:19
core7OerHeks: My ubuntu shows S3 on dmesg | grep -i acpi | grep supports00:20
core7what am i mising?00:20
core7OerHeks: On ubuntu 18.04 - just the blank screen on 5 minutes triggers a hang - which needs a hard reboot00:20
OerHeksit is not the real supported S3, and Lenovo seems not willingly to patch this correctly00:22
OerHeksand other energy settings might be a help, screen blanc <never> and such00:22
core7OerHeks: That is what I am doing - so should i just power off the machine whenever I need to conserve battery - or is there a way out of this problem?00:23
quadrathoch2core7: probably just hibernate (or whatever it is called where he dumps the ram onto the disk (swap) and shutdowns00:25
OerHeksyes, i guess power off would be a workaround for now, this issue happens on other distros as well00:25
core7quadrathoch2: is there a cli for hibernate in ubuntu 18.04?00:26
quadrathoch2core7: http://tipsonubuntu.com/2017/05/03/re-enable-hibernate-ubuntu-17-04/ should also work on newer00:27
core7quadrathoch2: pm-utils is not available on 18.0400:28
quadrathoch2core7: it should be (just checked packages.ubuntu.com)00:29
core7and systemctl hibernate gives the error -> "Failed to hibernate, Sleep verb not supported"00:29
quadrathoch2core7: it's under universe00:30
core7ah - swap is not active - it needs that to be active to hibernate it seems00:30
quadrathoch2core7: yes, without it, the system doesn't know where to dump the data00:31
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core7OerHeks: when installing ubuntu 18.04 lts on a lenovo x1 extreme laptop - do i configure secure boot?00:32
core7quadrathoch2: thanks - I am on livesession - checking if things work - I guess hibernate i can test after install only00:32
quadrathoch2core7: ahh k :)00:32
core7I created a recover windows disk for a 1TB Win 10 installation. I want to wipe the hard drive and install ubuntu. If I want to go back to windows, can I use the recover media, after the wiping of the hard drive (and ubuntu installed on it) ? - does anyone have experience with this here?00:37
quadrathoch2core7: why don't you just create a usb install media with windows on it, just to be sure, then put the usb stick somewhere and then wipe the whole drive00:38
quadrathoch2or just dual boot without ever booting windows00:38
woenxHey. one question. for some reasons my indicators do not appear anymore (well, only those native from gnome). What could be the cause? (i'm using ubuntu 18.04 with the default desktop)00:40
jacoberI like having dual boot because you learn ubuntu you can still go back to something familiar if you get totally lost00:40
jacoberOr something goes wrong00:40
quadrathoch2jacober: yes, that's why most people do it, and it's very easy to set up00:41
woenxi think it all started when I installed the lightdm greeter and uninstalled it00:41
jacoberI've had to go back to windows to unfuck partitions because I screwed up ubuntu too much and i was grafeful for the having it in the background00:41
quadrathoch2woenx: which indicators are you talking about? (trayicons?)00:42
woenxquadrathoch2, yes, for instance, the mail app mailspring, and Opendrive, a google drive client00:42
woenxthey usually showed their indicator on the taskbar, but they do not appear anymore00:43
woenx(the main interface works normally, though)00:43
quadrathoch2woenx: do you have a gnome extension installed for that? maybe check on it if you have00:43
quadrathoch2because lightdm shouldnt change anything with trayicons00:43
woenxquadrathoch2, yes, it'sinstalled and enabled (i just checked and restarted the computer)00:45
quadrathoch2woenx: weird :/00:45
woenxI tried this now: https://askubuntu.com/questions/966987/indicator-icons-do-not-appear-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-17-1000:45
woenxbut I guess i have to reboot to see if it works00:45
woenxi'll be right back00:45
woenxrunning this command: killall indicator-application-service, makes the indicators appear again the in top bar00:46
woenxlet's see if I can make it permanent00:46
quadrathoch2ahh nice, so just uninstall probably00:46
woenxyup, it worked. I just uninstalled "indicator-application" and the icons are back00:50
quadrathoch2woenx: awesome :) as I don't use gnome, don't have too much experience with indicators on gnome00:50
woenxI still think Unity was a better desktop environment (I know I know, unpopular opinion)00:53
woenxbut it's much more lightweight00:54
quadrathoch2woenx: why don't you install it then. it's still in the repositorues00:54
woenxYes, I use it for an older laptop (core2duo with 4gb of ram)00:55
woenxit's like night and day00:56
woenxfor a newer laptop the difference is subtle, so I prefer to go with the default settings for compatibility reasons00:56
quadrathoch2Yeah, went from gnome to xfce, which imo is even crazier00:56
core7quadrathoch2: that is the usb install media if I am not mistaken - the recover disk that windows creates - its on usb00:56
woenxI haven't tried it since xubuntu 5.04 or something like that00:57
core7quadrathoch2: the usb disk is titled recovery00:57
quadrathoch2core7: oh okay, because as far as I can remember, that is an image of the actual system, not a install disk00:57
quadrathoch2woenx: well, didn't change much, but that's what I like00:57
core7quadrathoch2: is there a way to create the actual installer disk from a current install?00:57
quadrathoch2core7: on win?00:58
core7win 1000:58
quadrathoch2well just go to microsoft com and download their usb stick creator (which does it automatically)00:58
core7https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 ?00:58
quadrathoch2you can download win10 for free00:58
quadrathoch2under win, you can only download the creator not the image itself00:59
core7what about the license key and stuff?00:59
core7I just have the lenovo laptop - not sure where the windows license key is on my machine00:59
quadrathoch2core7: win10 has a 30 day trial, plus the key is normally stored in the uefi bios00:59
quadrathoch2and if you have a ms account it's also stored on your acc, that this pc has a legit win license01:00
core7quadrathoch2: can i use that installation media to install win 10 inside a VM inside ubuntu?01:04
quadrathoch2core7: if you loop the usb stick to you vm, yes01:04
core7quadrathoch2: and i can lookup the license keys from the BIOS?01:05
quadrathoch2core7: give me a sec, it's easier just to check your key in windows now (with an external program) write it out, and then use it. But as far as I know and remember, you are not allowed to use the key you have right now on a vm01:05
OerHeksthey key is in the account that registered the 10 copy01:06
OerHeksrunning in a vm is possible, for 30 days01:07
core7OerHeks: I never gave it the account01:07
quadrathoch2OerHeks: well as long as you registered an account01:07
core7i do not have a registered account - so far - I can register of course01:07
OerHeksthen contact the vendor, glad it is not an ubuntu issue .. using the recovery partition would avoid all this01:08
quadrathoch2core7: well the program is called windows product key viewer bei woot32, can't find the official site right now01:08
quadrathoch2core7: oops, I meant windows product key viewer by woot32, my german got in the way :(01:10
core7OerHeks: there is a winre_DRV on the machine. I  was hoping when I click "recover" on my recovery usb disk - It brings back the original partition. I've never tried it, so not sure about it though01:12
quadrathoch2core7: well, I don't trust the oems too much, that's why I would always (even if I would use win) reinstall everything (just looking at the history of lenovo :vomit:01:15
OerHeksyes, it should create the recovery partition again, from where the win10 install starts01:15
OerHekswith all the bloatware and freebies01:15
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core7quadrathoch2: OerHeks: Thanks01:25
quadrathoch2core7: no problem :)01:25
Sven_vBI solved my question from yesterday why bash would react to "mount" with "bash: /bin/mount: No such file or directory" although the same bash happily confirming that said file exists, is executable and has proper content. the error message was misleading. bash was unable to execve(/bin/mount); it returned an error code meaning "file not found". however, the error code mechanism doesn't seem capable of conveying which file it is related01:26
Sven_vBto: one of the shared libraries that mount was dynamically linked against.01:26
Sven_vBlog link to old discussion: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2019/01/26/%23ubuntu.html#t01:3501:27
Sven_vBshells with more helpful error messages probably exist01:30
slloydanybody know of zfs support being added to official installer.01:32
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Loshkislloyd: not sure. Start here -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS01:44
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core7with 64GB of memory, ubuntu allocated only 1GB of swap - is this normal?01:55
guiverccore7, Ubuntu by default creates swapfiles (which can be increased in size easily compared to partitions) - your usage will dictate what you need.  maybe look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq01:58
core7guiverc: there was no /swapfile on my system i saw02:03
core7does it create it when it needs it?02:03
guivercwhat release of Ubuntu are you using?02:05
jacoberMy wifi connect is very slow like in the order of 200 kps in Windows. I am dual boot Ubuntu on a HP, the wifi adapter is Realtek and it is connected obviously but very slow. Can someone help?02:07
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Sheilongjacober: Close the windows, the wind might be throwing your speed away02:30
murpheyI am having an issue using Ubuntu Mate 18.10 I have a tablet computer and have a script set up to change the screen orientation based on the accelerometer. when the screen orientation changes the bottom of the background cuts off and there is terrible screen ghosting/tearing when I drag windows. I made a black background and turned off the compositor for now and it isn't noticable but I'd rather have a proper02:32
core7can anyone help me with mok/secureboot? I installed vbox and it complains of PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key02:39
core7how do i fix this?02:39
core7nvidia drivers are also acting up02:40
tomreyncore7: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/DKMS https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/08/11/how-to-sign-things-for-secure-boot02:46
core7tomreyn: I am trying to wrap my head around secureboot02:47
core7So whenever I install a new thing - like for example virtualbox - I have to reboot and then get inside MOK screen and enable?02:48
core7tomreyn: I did the wrong think on the MOK screen the first time, now the screen does not show up02:49
tomreynno. if you'll use only modules which are signed by ubuntu then you shouldn't need to do anything but to ensure you have the shim installed.02:49
core7tomreyn: I am installing virtualbox from oracle's ppa - same with nvidia drivers02:49
core7tomreyn: Even if i uninstall and reinstall virtualbox, I dont get the MOK screen anymore02:50
core7Perhaps I need to uninstall dkms, and reinstall?02:50
tomreynif you build modules yourself or use non ubuntu modules you will have to create a key + certificate yourself, sign them yourself, and install the certificate.02:50
tomreynapparently you chose to do the latter02:51
core7tomreyn: in that case - better to disable secureboot?02:51
tomreynthis is your choice to make02:51
core7is that option in bios or in ubuntu?02:51
tomreynyou didnt read the articles i linked, please do so.02:52
tomreynthat's if you want secureboot, if you just want to disable it you only need to consult your mainboard manual or just do it.02:53
core7tomreyn: I disabled it and everything works for now. I think at some point, I need to read those articles, enable secureboot and then sign those modules that I am loading at boot02:54
core7installing packages using snap vs apt-get - what is preferable?02:59
AngelKdesorry people i have one question now is the best ubuntu 16.04 whit unity o ubuntu 18.04 whit gnome ?03:09
pokmoanyone know if vim's replace replace function accepts a regex?03:15
pokmoi.e. should :%s/"A": "[^"]+"/"A": ""/g work?03:15
pokmothat is to replace all instances of "A": "...." with "A": ""03:15
krytarikpokmo: You need to escape the '+' like "\+" though.03:26
pokmokrytarik oh! you're right03:26
pokmoboy, that took me a while03:26
pokmohow come +'s need to be escaped?03:27
krytarikBecause that is extended regex - similar to sed and grep03:27
pokmoi use -E with grep03:28
pokmomaybe that does all the escaping behind the scene03:28
krytarikYes, that stands for extended.03:28
robertparkerxI've got a lamp stack up and its fine. How do I get the ability to create mail address for the vhost?03:40
kxsHello, everyone. Do you know which version kernel of Debian 10-stable uses? 4.14 or 4.19?03:50
guiverckxs, we support Ubuntu, not debian (inc. debian testing/buster)   -- it's not 4.14 though03:53
Dreamanthis is ubuntu channel not debian03:55
WonnyAny tips on getting my default laptop mic to work?03:56
kxsThank you. I can't speak at debian's IRC. I don't know why.03:57
kxsSo I came here to consult.03:58
OerHeksthe error you see says something about registering?03:58
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.03:58
OerHeksmost channels do not allow unregistered guests03:59
kxsLooking at the error log may have connection problems, but it's not important to know that Debian 10 stable uses 4.19.04:00
OerHeksyes, good luck!04:00
guivercdebian 10 is not stable yet - it's debian-testing04:02
bumpadumphello! i have a thinkpad x120e here that I installed xubuntu on, and it has an issue where the X server fails to start up after waking from sleep. when you open the lid, there is just a black screen. if you hit ctrl+alt+f2, you can get to a terminal, but running startx there fails, "server terminated successfully"04:17
bumpadumpif anyone has expertise to help on diagnosing the X startup issue, that would be amazing. I already looked at the log specified in the startx output, and there's no obvious error messages there04:17
Dreamanstart save mode and joint xubuntu channel04:18
bumpadumpDreaman: thanks will check in xubuntu. do you mean safe mode?04:18
Dreamanboot see options04:19
Deihmosis apt-get and apt the same?04:20
Deihmosapt-get install apt install. does it make a difference04:20
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Elronndis there any way I can make it so that nautilus doesn't automatically mount external drives when I plug them in04:48
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IcemanV9Elronnd: https://askubuntu.com/questions/89244/how-to-disable-automount-in-nautiluss-preferences05:38
XATRIXHi , can you advice  ? I constantly have a trouble with https://pastebin.com/1pAXf30805:39
XATRIXNothing helps.. anything you can advice me with ?05:39
KyrosXATRIX: that usually happens because something depends on those.05:41
XATRIXKyros: yea, but how can i fix this issues ? It happend, after i upgraded my ubuntu05:42
KyrosXATRIX: the time i ran into it, i tracked down what was holding it back, removed that, upgraded, and reinstalled the other packages05:43
Kyrossomething like that, its been awhile05:43
XATRIXHow can i track the packages which holding these thing up ?05:44
KyrosXATRIX: https://askubuntu.com/questions/13296/how-do-i-find-the-reverse-dependency-of-a-package05:46
XATRIXKyros: got it, thanks05:46
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:03
zhaozizhengjoin #al106:49
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Bilbo0 Not for the first time but previous time was a long time ago my screen freezes up with a messed up checker pattern and colors wildly off. The checker pattern consists of different wrong color schemes of the existing display. Just now my PC froze up again, it was black with red lines. after about 10 seconds my computer beeped and it went black, 10 seconds latter beep and red lines, 10 seconds latter, black with a white dash in the left hand07:31
Bilbo0corner, it kept beeping every 10 seconds or so with some minor graphic changes till I do a hard reset.07:31
tadejhi all08:41
ConsciousCreator /j #depression08:42
tadejI need help with netplan, I cant get pass unknown Key version...08:42
martiansouli use xchat on ubuntu 16.04. it is unable to connect to any freenode server or ubuntu server from a long time.08:52
martiansoulwhat should i do?08:52
gimpnixongood morning, I am trying to change primary monitor while using a multihead xinerama display configuration. The reason being is that when I control gamma it is only effecting Screen0 and not Screen1. any ideas?08:52
martiansoulit has been months since it connected to a freenode server08:52
martiansoulalso, can anyone suggest any different irc client for ubuntu 16.0408:54
gimpnixonmartiansoul how are you connecting to this server now? have you tried to use a different IRC program?08:54
ubottuxchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.08:54
ducassemartiansoul: ^^08:54
martiansoulgimpnixon: i am connected through browser08:55
martiansoulducasse: thanks08:55
martiansoulubottu: thanks.08:55
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:55
gimpnixonI use Irssi. I like it a lot. it takes a little working with but it's really nothing hard. instead of push buttons you have to type /connect, and /join. but it's good, a lot of information about it online08:55
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay, i will try to install it now.08:56
gimpnixonif you are used to Xchat - hexchat will be an almost drop in replacement for you like Ubottu mentioned08:56
martiansoulgimpnixon: sorry, but i don't understand what you mean by "drop in replacement". Do you mean to say that it will be low performing?08:58
gimpnixonlike they are almost identical. sorry for the wording i used08:59
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay.08:59
martiansoulgimpnixon: i actually installed irssi.09:00
martiansoulgimpnixon: connecting to irc.freenode.net is taking too much time even in irssi.09:01
martiansoulfailed with a connection time out error09:02
gimpnixonweird. just type /connet freenode09:02
martiansoulgimpnixon: waiting09:03
martiansoul*to connect09:03
gimpnixonit shouldnt take long at all. so somethign else must be going on.09:04
martiansoulgimpnixon: yes something else must be wrong.09:04
martiansoulgimpnixon: any ideas?09:04
martiansoulgimpnixon: connection timed out09:05
gimpnixonI haven't ever ran into any problems connecting to irc. are you behind a firewall? that may effect it.09:05
martiansoulgimpnixon: i am not sure about the firewall. is there any method by which i can check?09:06
gimpnixonyou can try iptables09:07
martiansoulgimpnixon: sorry, i don't understand can you explain a little further how to use iptables?09:08
gimpnixonbefore we go all through this, may i ask why you're using ubuntu 16? Are you sure your system is up to date?09:09
gimpnixonthat could also effect many things in your system09:10
martiansoulgimpnixon: i just never updated the system to ubuntu 18.0409:10
gimpnixonmay I suggest you try to make sure your system is up to date and try irc again?09:11
gimpnixon. sudo do-release-upgrade09:12
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay. this will preserve all the files in my system, right?09:13
martiansoulgimpnixon: i mean the files which i have created and all the data.09:13
martiansoulall my data.09:13
martiansoulgimpnixon: also, how long will it take to update the system?09:14
gimpnixonAs with any update you are recomended to backup your system. However on a personal note. I have not ran into any issues upgrade to a stable release. I have only ran into minor issues upgrading to Development releases. I am currently running Ubuntu 19 Dingo.09:14
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay.09:14
gimpnixonIt will take probably 30 or 40 minutes. be sure your system is plugged in before you start if you are running on a laptop.09:15
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay. thanks. will try to update it now.09:15
gimpnixonIt is always in your best interest when troubleshooting issues to be sure your system is up to date. that in itself can fix a lot of issues by itself.09:16
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay.09:17
gimpnixonnp glad to give you some input on your situation09:17
martiansoulgimpnixon: before i update, since it will take some time. i had another issue. i installed octave and when i type in octave on the terminal it shows the error: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/octave/4.2.2/exec/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/octave-gui: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5OpenGL.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZTV26QOpenGLSharedResourceGuard"09:19
martiansoulwhat could this mean?09:19
gimpnixonagain sorry to repeat myself but this could be a situation with your system being out of date. Do the update and reboot then try Octave as well as your IRC again. then that will give you a better base line to start with09:21
gimpnixonyou shoudl be able to remain on here until your system is updated and you have to reboot09:22
martiansoulgimpnixon: okay. sorry to ask again. and thanks. putting it on update.09:22
gimpnixonin reference to your octave problem you may jsut be missing a package. looking online i see many references to a Symbolic package that is required by Otave09:24
gimpnixonafter your update. do - apt search octave-symbolic09:28
gimpnixonand be sure that your octave-symbolic package is installed.09:29
gimpnixonthat maybe could should possibly fix that issue for you09:29
gimpnixonAny Xinerama nerds on here this morning?09:30
gimpnixonAnyone familiar with Multihead monitors?09:46
c-monzaloha. i am having some issues09:47
gimpnixonWhats that09:47
c-monzi do not know if i installed my copy of ubuntu mate correctly i keep getting certain errors in terminal09:48
EriC^^c-monz: what errors?09:48
c-monzwhikle trying to downloading some software ect09:48
EriC^^!paste | c-monz09:48
ubottuc-monz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:48
c-monzi will copy and paste errors now give me a sec09:48
c-monzsudo: apt-install: command not found09:49
gimpnixonyeah. you need to be using sudo apt install09:50
c-monz??? also are you suppose to type a command to activate sudo ?09:50
gimpnixonwith no dash. or sudo apt-get install09:50
c-monzgotcha since i have you on chat how do i verify my install09:50
gimpnixonwhen you type sudo you will get a prompt for your password09:50
gimpnixonhow do you verify your install? lke the program you're tryign to install?09:51
c-monzthanks for ur help appreciate it09:51
c-monzno i mean after installing my ubuntu download isn09:51
c-monzthere a way to verify it is authenticate09:52
gimpnixonyou have to run the checksum.09:52
c-monza command?09:52
gimpnixonon your download. I'm not sure on details. you would have to maybe search online for how to use ubuntu checksum09:53
c-monzgot it tganks09:53
gimpnixonshould be a good starting place for you09:54
Tin_mangimpnixon, i'm getting a 404 page on your link.. (just Me?)09:56
elias_aTin_man, gimpnixon 404 here as well09:57
gimpnixonthe second tutorials shoudl jsut be tutorial09:57
gimpnixonsearch 'ubuntu checksum' and it's the first link.09:59
Tin_mansomething wrong with your links there gimpnixon ... another 404..09:59
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:00
gimpnixonTin_man Seach in a web browser "Ubuntu Checksum" and it is the very first link10:00
lotuspsychje!google | gimpnixon10:01
ubottugimpnixon: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:01
Tin_mangimpnixon, i'm not have a problem..10:01
gimpnixonubottu i didn't ask anyone to use google.10:01
ubottugimpnixon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:01
gimpnixonubotu: I didn't.10:02
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za1b1tsuwhat is the best option if I need an older version of postgres 9.4 ?10:05
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: we dont reccomend mixing package versions on ubuntu10:06
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: if you need something older, try an older ubuntu version10:07
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: maybe you can share your story, what you are trying to do in the channel, volunteers might have other ideas?10:08
za1b1tsulotuspsychje, the company that I work for uses 9.410:09
za1b1tsuthere is nothing I can do about it10:09
za1b1tsuand changes my OS just for a package seems like an overkill10:09
elias_alotuspsychje: Not to mention that Google is simply evil nowadays and its services should not be used at all.10:09
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: wich ubuntu version/kernel is your company on?10:13
za1b1tsuthey all use macosx, I am the black sheep10:13
za1b1tsuI refuse to use it10:13
za1b1tsuso it's basically my problem :)10:14
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: but is a higher version not compatible with your work or something?10:14
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: hmm, i see we have also a postgresql94  9.4.18 snap10:16
za1b1tsuhmm, I would use it as snap then, ha10:17
za1b1tsuthank you10:17
za1b1tsusome tests were failing, decimal inconsistency10:18
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blackflowza1b1tsu: no don't use the snap, use postgresql official repos  https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/10:20
za1b1tsublackflow, and I can install 94 with it on Ubuntu 18.10?10:21
blackflowza1b1tsu: yes, from 9.3 through 1210:24
za1b1tsunow that is awesome10:24
za1b1tsublackflow, thank you10:25
blackflowza1b1tsu: you're welcome10:26
=== Butterfly^ is now known as Guest75712
sabrehagenWhy does apt-get install -f remove my broken package, not install its dependencies and fix it? https://i.imgur.com/hozeBgM.png10:53
arpad2after sudo nvidia-xconfig the diplay resolution maxed  at 960x540. how can I change this back to hd?10:53
lotuspsychjesabrehagen: did you add external ppa's of any kind to your system?10:54
sabrehagenlotuspsychje: some, yes10:54
lotuspsychjesabrehagen: try to purge those back to the vanilla ubuntu sources with ppapurge first10:54
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | sabrehagen10:55
ubottusabrehagen: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:55
lotuspsychjearpad2: whats your ubuntu version, graphics card chipset and driver version please?10:55
za1b1tsuDoes anyone else get a really tiny cursor when using firefox? I am on a Retina screen10:56
arpad2lotuspsychje: Xubuntu 18.1010:57
sabrehagenlotuspsychje: hmm, that works. why do external ppa's break this?10:57
albechanyone know how to push dns servers obtained from openvpn lease as the primary dns servers? this problem was introduced with 17.08 with systemd. In 16.04 the problem was fixed by disabling dnsmasq.10:57
arpad2lotuspsychje: nvidia-driver 39010:58
lotuspsychje!ppa | sabrehagen10:58
ubottusabrehagen: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge10:58
lowkeycoat1please bear with me as i have to use my phone for this, ubuntu 16.04 freezing constantly. i ran dmesg and got : acpi lnxcpu 00 invalid pblk length, acpi bios error asl declared 5 acpi requires 4. namespace look up failure10:59
lotuspsychjearpad2: can you check: sudo lshw -C video, to see if driver= is active please?10:59
albechas you can see the dns is passed on to the client, it just doesnt get queried. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nJWbTkW4Hs/10:59
lotuspsychjesabrehagen: to keep an ubuntu system workable we reccomend to use/install packages from the official repos11:01
arpad2lotuspsychje: https://justpaste.it/46xft11:02
lotuspsychjearpad2: thanks for checking, driver seems loaded11:03
lotuspsychjearpad2: does ubuntu-drivers list, show any other nvidia driver versions?11:03
arpad2lotuspsychje: nvidia 390, 340.107, nouveau11:04
lotuspsychjearpad2: ok tnx, is your system up to date also please?11:05
sabrehagenlotuspsychje: and when you want to use a package from an independent developer, what do you do?11:05
arpad2lotuspsychje: I think so :) should I run software update?11:05
lotuspsychjearpad2: yes try please: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:06
sabrehagenAnd how can I resolve my current situation pragmatically, preferably continuing to use the ppa11:06
lotuspsychjesabrehagen: its your system, i never said you cannot try a ppa, we just reccomend to not have breakage of dependencys its better to work with official packages11:06
lotuspsychjesabrehagen: see also !backports and snaps for other ubuntu package versions11:07
arpad2lotuspsychje: " irqbalance1 to upgrade"11:07
lotuspsychjearpad2: not sure that will fix the resolution problem, but update anyway :p11:09
arpad2lotuspsychje: done11:09
lotuspsychjearpad2: after upgrade you could maybe try another nvidia driver from the ubuntu graphics ppa11:09
lotuspsychje!nvidia | arpad2 here11:09
ubottuarpad2 here: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:09
arpad2lotuspsychje: do I need to edit the monitor resolution in xorg.conf?11:11
lotuspsychjearpad2: no, try a driver switch first11:11
arpad2lotuspsychje: ok, I'll try v34011:13
lotuspsychjearpad2: maybe something higher11:13
lotuspsychjearpad2: 390 from the ppa,or 39611:14
arpad2lotuspsychje: ok, with 340 it's the same resolution11:14
lotuspsychjearpad2: do you switch your card to performance mode in nvidia-settings?11:18
lotuspsychje!acpi | lowkeycoat1 can this help?11:20
ubottulowkeycoat1 can this help?: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI11:20
lotuspsychjealbech: are you on ubuntu desktop or server please?11:20
OerHeksmaybe reset monitor with its own menu to factory defaults?11:21
arpad2lotuspsychje: no, it's in nvidia performance mode11:24
tijnHi all, i have a wierd issue since last friday. All of a sudden, my user was not able to login anymore (keeps going back to the login screen). When i choose to use Unity, i can login. When i delete: ~/.config/dconf/ i can use gnome-shell again.. Anyway: accepted my fate and started configuring again, when i logged out en had the same problem as before... How can i debug this? I really like my old config back :)11:25
lotuspsychjearpad2: did you try what OerHeks suggests?11:25
arpad2lotuspsychje: it's a laptop11:26
OerHekstry 'adaptive' in nvidia settings? or see if your bios has some settings that overclock the gpu, or even check for bios updates11:29
lotuspsychjetijn: wich ubuntu version is this? graphics card? driver version?11:31
arpad2OerHeks: now, it is showing that nvidia packages are broken. how can I remove nvidia completely and the to reinstall it?11:31
tijnUbuntu 18.04.1,  VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)11:31
lotuspsychjetijn: try to get in your system with nomodeset please11:32
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | tijn11:32
ubottutijn: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:32
lowkeycoat1lotus: this gives me a great place to start. thank you! just to see if things can be done a bit easyer.... is there a .exe converter of some sort?11:36
lotuspsychjelowkeycoat1: converter for?11:36
albechlotuspsychje: desktop11:36
lotuspsychjealbech: ok tnx, re-state your question in this channel once in a while, more volunteers will wakeup soon11:37
tijnThanks lotuspsychje11:37
lotuspsychjelowkeycoat1: you mean to create a bios update usb stick?11:37
albechlotuspsychje: thanks, will do. just dont like to spam :)11:38
lowkeycoat1lotus: yes. through linux, hp has the windows .exe only files11:38
lotuspsychjelowkeycoat1: i used something here for firmware update my ssd: https://www.plop.at/en/downloads.html11:39
albechlotuspsychje: believe this is what i am experiencing, but i hear some people have it working. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/179926211:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1799262 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "OpenVPN doesn't respect dns servers in settings" [High,Confirmed]11:40
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lotuspsychjealbech: this only happens in 18.10 right? maybe doublecheck the procedure here https://linuxconfig.org/openvpn-setup-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux maybe you can find something usefull?11:45
albechlotuspsychje: correct. Only on 18.04. I have a 16.04 running with no problems where the DNS handed to the client from the openvpn server is promoted correctly.11:46
lowkeycoat1lotus: thank you very much, im going to run a live windows usb. i hope it works, i will give feed back in a day or so as i have to go get one lol, thank you!11:47
OerHekswindows live usb, wow, really?11:47
lowkeycoat1old hardware11:48
lotuspsychjelowkeycoat1: see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate11:49
tijnlotuspsychje, that did not do the trick :/11:51
lotuspsychjetijn: you still looped back to login?11:51
tijnBack on unity11:51
OerHeksmaybe a ~/.Xauthority issue perhaps11:52
lotuspsychjetijn: you can only enter unity and not gnome is that it?11:52
tijnOerHeks, already checked that11:53
tijnlotuspsychje, Correct11:53
lotuspsychjetijn: was this an lts upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 perhaps?11:53
BluesKajHowdy folks11:53
tijnYes, but about a month ago11:53
arpad2I tried to delete nvidia, and to switch to Nouveau, but in Additional Drivers its not allowing me...11:54
lotuspsychjearpad2: try from a terminal: sudo apt purge nvidia*11:54
arpad2lotuspsychje: thats what I did11:54
lotuspsychjetijn: maybe something got scrambled between gdm3 and lightdm11:55
lotuspsychjetijn: it might be usefull to see what happens at your text-boot (press F1 at boot proces to see)11:55
tijnSo, i will try lightdm11:55
arpad2lotuspsychje: but in Additional Drivers nvidia is still there and when I select Nouveau it's not changing11:55
tijnOk, will try that :)11:56
lotuspsychjearpad2: do you reboot after driver switching?11:57
lotuspsychjearpad2: try that after nvidia purge11:58
lotuspsychjearpad2: wich driver is now active please?12:05
arpad2lotuspsychje: how can I check that? in Additional Drivers it is showing nvidia 39012:06
lotuspsychjearpad2: then the purge didnt workout well?12:07
arpad2lotuspsychje: it seems so...12:07
lotuspsychjearpad2: sudo apt purge nvidia* did you do it like this?12:07
OerHeksuse the same additional driver menu to roll back to nouveau, how hard can that be?12:08
OerHeksreally, don't do tricks if the menu gives the good tools12:08
arpad2lotuspsychje:like this:  sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*12:08
lotuspsychjenot -12:08
arpad2lotuspsychje: so, not the same12:09
arpad2lotuspsychje: there are some error messages regarding unmet dependencies12:10
qwebirc56108Hi guys. I'm having trouble loading a custom template on Ubuntu 18.04 using example https://askubuntu.com/questions/344702/is-it-possible-to-ask-arbitrary-questions-in-the-preseed-during-ubuntu-install12:11
qwebirc56108I get the error "my-question/ask does not exist"12:11
qwebirc56108Any clue what this could be? I verified loading the templates works manually.12:12
lowkeycoat1lotus: nope im still going to have to use windows, the computer is hp and hp has blocking on some of its software updates from non-windows OS's. i can only assume I/computer fits into that catgory, hp site is not showing me the file i need.12:12
arpad2lotuspychje: https://justpaste.it/2v75t12:13
lotuspsychjearpad2: thats a big list :p12:14
esjay_is this channel full of pedantic fucks12:15
lotuspsychjearpad2: maybe we should try it as OerHeks suggested, just select the driver you want to switch in additional drivers?12:15
lotuspsychje!ops | esjay_12:15
ubottuesjay_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:15
esjay_I know who the ops are12:15
esjay_I dont need to be shown a list12:15
lowkeycoat1thank you all.12:20
=== benis is now known as Taco
qwebirc21748hi, quick and probably stupid question: I've manually installed a version of Openssl, and I can see that 'which' points to that new version, but if I run just 'openssl version' it still runs the old one. Not really a problem but am just wondering how/where the old version lives?12:47
OerHekshi, quick answer, qwebirc21748, why did you install a custom openssl, and did not delete the old and truly supported openssl?12:49
EriC^^qwebirc21748: try using the full path of the new executable with version12:54
EriC^^maybe it is actually running12:54
OerHeksi wonder why it would run ..12:55
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qwebirc21748upon rebooting it's using the new version as expected, i was just wondering if there's some kind of caching for replaced programs that I'm not aware of.13:31
ioriaqwebirc21748, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/5609/how-do-i-clear-bashs-cache-of-paths-to-executables13:32
OerHeksqwebirc21748, we don't know what happened on your system, you installed an *openssl* version over the supported version, so no support13:33
EriC^^qwebirc21748: did you update the PATH variable by adding the new version's dir to it by any chance?13:38
EriC^^qwebirc21748: or maybe the software added it, in any case updates to /etc/environment would happen if you logout and back in, so that's one explanation13:41
IniGitDuring boot when I press ESC I see a black console with all sorts of messages, but it goes to fast – I cannot read them. How can I ascces them after boot, so that I can check if everythings fine?13:56
OerHeksthe log in /var/log/boot.log gives the info13:58
OerHeksyou will need to open with sudo13:58
IniGitOerHeks: This file has more then 7k lines. How do I know what messages are from the last boot?14:00
OerHeksthe whole log is14:00
IniGitOerHeks: But in the black console I do not get so many messages, just maybe 20 or 3014:01
IniGitOerHeks: I would like to see those messages only14:01
OerHeksIniGit, hard to believe, there are tons of lines, and you claimed it went too fast, so it must be more than one screen14:01
IniGitOerHeks: It is about a half screen of messages. But how do I get errors only from this log?14:02
IniGitOerHeks: I would like to know if everything is fine, because I also get an error at shutdown14:02
albechanyone know how to push dns servers obtained from openvpn lease as the primary dns servers? this problem was introduced with 17.08 with systemd. In 16.04 the problem was fixed by disabling dnsmasq. as you can see the dns is passed on to the client, it just doesnt get queried. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nJWbTkW4Hs/ i can dig at the two dns's manually.14:02
IniGitOerHeks: SO I want to check if at boot everything is fine14:02
IniGitOerHeks: ANd then go to the shutdown error14:02
OerHeksi have never seen shutdown error in the boot.log14:03
OerHeksi think you need dmesg or journalctrl -b 014:03
IniGitOerHeks: no, but how do I get boot errors only, without all other logs?14:04
IniGitOerHeks: First I want to check for boot errors, I know that I will not find shutdown errors in boot.log :)14:05
tijnlotuspsychje, well tried lightdm: Same. Unity works, Gnome (also on Xorg) fails en throws me back to the login screen14:06
IniGitOerHeks: I think I found a useful tool it's called Logs14:07
IniGit[drm:generic_reg_wait [amdgpu]] *ERROR* REG_WAIT timeout 10us * 3000 tries - dce110_stream_encoder_dp_blank line:93514:07
IniGitthat is my error14:07
IniGitduring shutdown14:07
TJ-IniGit: a bit late but, for problems only: "journalctl -b -p warning" will show all messages of severity warning or worse14:10
TJ-IniGit: "-b" is the same as "-b 0" and means 'current boot'. You can also do things like "-b -1" meaning the immediately previous boot, or "-b -3" for the 3rd most recent boot, and so on14:11
IniGitTJ-: Thx14:11
IniGitTJ-: How do I get errors only?14:12
TJ-IniGit: you'll generally find that "-p warning" is sufficient because what you refer to as errors the kernel may class only as warnings. Generally you shouldn't expect to see more than about 10 warnings or worse14:12
IniGitTJ-: I see a ton of white warning and around 20 errors14:13
TJ-IniGit: "-p err" for errors and worse. See "man journalctl" and search for "--priority" for all the options14:14
IniGitTJ-: the list is 2000 lines long14:14
IniGitTJ-: journalctl -b -p err is 35 lines long14:14
TJ-IniGit: you can psatebinit so we can see14:17
Harishello all14:18
Hariswhat's the pkg name for ipsec vpn on 16.x?14:18
IniGitTJ-: one moment14:19
IniGitTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CR5qGScR9B/14:20
IniGitIt seems like the "Couldn't get size: 0x800000000000000e" error is a bug related to dual boot14:21
Harisany tutorial for ipsec vpn client for 16.x?14:21
lotuspsychje!patience | Haris14:22
ubottuHaris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:22
=== BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek
OerHeksHaris, this guide looks reasonable https://help.vpntunnel.com/support/solutions/articles/5000756386-vpntunnel-ipsec-installation-guide-for-ubuntu-16-0414:34
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HarisI think 14.x came with its own client. in which we could easily create ipsec client to site connection and work with it. now most tutorials point to using strongswan14:35
guest-qzmowo_hello guys14:37
guest-qzmowo_HELLO YOR FUKCING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!14:38
guest-qzmowo_WRITE BACK14:38
lince6Hello, I have created a web app to deploy LAMP and other apps in Ubuntu in 1 click, would anybody like to try it ? I would really appreciate some feedback - https://installvps.com14:40
OerHekslince6, wrong channel, ask in ##linux perhaps?14:40
lince6I can not access linux as it seems to be only accesible with an invitation14:41
OerHekstoo bad, you need to register14:42
Haristhank you all14:42
TJ-IniGit: looks like the amdgpu issue is https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10394914:43
ubottuFreedesktop bug 103949 in DRM/AMDgpu "REG_WAIT timeout - dce110_stream_encoder_dp_blank line:930 - 4.15-rc1" [Normal,New]14:43
IniGitTJ-: Looks like it's not fixed14:46
TJ-IniGit: would be a good idea to create an Ubuntu bug report and link that ^^^ to it14:47
IniGitTJ-: you mean post an answer there that I also have the same issue or open a new bug report?14:48
TJ-IniGit: report it in the Ubuntu bug-tracker which has an option to link to upstream bug reports. That way, if the upstream report gets solved our bug-tracker will be updated so we know14:51
TJ-!bug | IniGit14:51
ubottuIniGit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:51
TJ-IniGit: In this case the package to report it against is 'linux'14:52
IniGitTJ-: How do I know if it is against Linux or Ubuntu?14:53
IniGitTJ-: in the future14:53
tijnlotuspsychje, think i found it. The shell extension 'workspace swithcer' seems to be the cullprit. Removed it (among others) and i can use gnome again!14:54
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lotuspsychje!yay | tijn14:55
ubottutijn: Glad you made it! :-)14:55
lotuspsychjetijn: time for a !bug?14:55
TJ-IniGit: discovering reports against other distros; but generally for this kind of issue it is unlikely to be Ubuntu-specific14:55
tijnHaha thanks!14:55
tijnYes, last commit: 5 nov 2018.. I'm going to check if it really is this extension (think so). However: it would be nice that one wonky extension did not have the power to screw up everything :)14:59
=== rudy is now known as Guest83011
IniGitTJ-: You mean this* can be linked to a bug on launchpad? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10394915:10
ubottuFreedesktop bug 103949 in DRM/AMDgpu "REG_WAIT timeout - dce110_stream_encoder_dp_blank line:930 - 4.15-rc1" [Normal,New]15:10
IniGitTJ-: if so, how? There is already a bugreport on this bug on launchpad, but how can I link this freedesktop thread to it?15:11
core7My ubuntu at this boot says -> Failed to connect to lvmetad15:23
vernohello, how can you change the notification service? I'd like to do dunst, but there is no freedesktop.Notifications.service .15:26
EmeryHow well does Ubuntu handle 2 different GPUs, can I use my idle GPU for certain tasks like Windows or no?15:34
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cryptodanEmery: what tasks?15:37
GewJihow do I get into ubuntu command line only fromgrub2?15:58
tomreynGewJi: you mean a shell? on the fully booted or single-user (init/runlevel 1)-like system?16:00
tomreynGewJi: alternatively, explain more about what you are trying to achieve16:00
OerHeksyou alread asked in ##linux, installed gnome shell extention, that dimms everything https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1413/screen-dimmer/16:01
n3tburstHi, i'm having problems with the laptop display after upgrading from 18.04 to 18.10. Only external monitors work. During upgrade, I got warnings about possible missing firmware16:33
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
lotuspsychjen3tburst: can you recall what kind of firmware it was about?16:37
n3tburstlotuspsychje, saw a bunch of vega16:38
n3tburstbut it scrolled so fast i didnt see everything16:39
albechanyone know how to push dns servers obtained from openvpn lease as the primary dns servers? this problem was introduced with 17.08 with systemd. In 16.04 the problem was fixed by disabling dnsmasq. as you can see the dns is passed on to the client, it just doesnt get queried. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nJWbTkW4Hs/ i can dig at the two dns's manually.16:39
lotuspsychjen3tburst: can you check if your graphics drivers are loaded? sudo lshw -C video16:40
n3tburstconfiguration: driver=amdgpu latency=0 (product: Baffin [Radeon RX 460/560D / Pro 450/455/460/555/560])16:42
n3tbursthmm missing vega firmware shouldn't affect me then16:42
lotuspsychjen3tburst: allright, that looks loaded16:42
lotuspsychjen3tburst: system up to date also?16:42
TJ-n3tburst: try "journalctl -b -p warning"16:42
FurretUberI am trying to install the debug symbols package for libspice-server1, but libspice-server1 version is 0.14.0-1ubuntu2.2 while libspice-server1-dbgsym version is 0.14.0-1ubuntu2. How do I get the newer version for the dbgsym package?16:44
n3tburstlotuspsychje, there are a lot of output, anything in particular to look for? 2 sec, will post pastebin16:46
iorian3tburst, do you have for by chance another kernel available ? like 4.15 something ?  (ls /boot)16:47
TJ-FurretUber: "apt update" to fetch the latest package lists16:48
lotuspsychje!rootirc | rootroot16:53
ubotturootroot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:53
n3tbursti do have 4.1516:53
SuperLagAny way to fix the Dock being hidden when auto-hide is set to "Off"?16:54
FurretUberTj-: It has no newer version available. It seems the libspice-server1 is from security but the ddebs hasn't the security packages16:54
SuperLagI'm on 18.04.116:54
FurretUberIs there a way to add the dbgsym for the -security packages?16:55
TJ-FurretUber: --> "libspice-server1-dbgsym/bionic-updates 0.14.0-1ubuntu2.2 amd64"16:55
TJ-FurretUber: do you not have the bionic-updates pocket enabled?16:56
SuperLagTJ-: pocket? :D16:56
n3tburstxrandr says: xrandr: Output eDP is not disconnected but has no modes16:57
TJ-SuperLag: yes; that is what the different package lists are called16:57
OerHeksFurretUber, or held back updates block this, run apt full-upgrade16:57
SuperLagTJ-: interesting. I'd never heard that terminology before.16:57
FurretUberI think ddebs has only bionic enabled, I'll correct this, give me a moment16:58
TJ-n3tburst: Looks like you're seeing the same issue as IniGit hit earlier:  https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10394916:58
ubottuFreedesktop bug 103949 in DRM/AMDgpu "REG_WAIT timeout - dce110_stream_encoder_dp_blank line:930 - 4.15-rc1" [Normal,New]16:59
TJ-n3tburst: You've got other issues too of course; that's the last one16:59
SuperLagOkay. So no funky settings. "dconf dump /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/" only shows 'dock-fixed=true' and 'dash-max-icon-size=32'. But the dock is still not visible unless I press the Super key.16:59
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: you could check settings with dconf-editor too maybe17:01
n3tburstTJ, thanks for the pointer17:02
n3tburstmaybe i should just boot up an older kernel and check if it persists17:03
iorian3tburst, yes17:03
iorian3tburst, might be a regression17:03
n3tburstallright, thanks guys. giving it a try17:03
n3tburstioria yeah17:04
iorian3tburst, try the 4.1517:04
n3tburstioria yup, brb17:04
FurretUberTJ-: Adding bionic-updates it worked, thank you17:07
n3tburstyup, its a regression alright17:07
n3tburston 4.15 now and it magically works again17:07
iorian3tburst, i' d try 4.2017:08
n3tburstioria, how do i install out of tree kernels?17:09
iorian3tburst, are you familiar with Mainline kernels ?17:09
n3tburstioria cant say i am17:10
iorian3tburst, just take a look here : https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.20/   and here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds?action=show&redirect=KernelMainlineBuilds17:10
iorian3tburst,  maybe TJ-  can provide  one magical 'no sweat' script  :þ17:11
Oderushi. i have a large directory of files, which the first 7 characters of the file names need to be removed. they are individually numbered "0001 - " then the file name. not sure how to accomplish this since each file is different i cant use a string. how can i do this?17:12
n3tburstioria thanks, i'll dig into it17:12
iorian3tburst, ok17:13
n3tburstgotta go. cheers!17:15
TJ-!info rename | Oderus this perl tool is generally used, e.g. "rename 's/^.{7}//' path/to/files*.patttern " - but do test it on disposable files first!!17:17
ubottuOderus this perl tool is generally used, e.g. "rename 's/^.{7}//' path/to/files*.patttern " - but do test it on disposable files first!!: rename (source: rename): Perl extension for renaming multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20-7 (bionic), package size 11 kB, installed size 37 kB17:17
seven-elevenhow do i change the hostname permanently?17:18
seven-eleveni tried `hostnamectl set-hostname my_hostname`, then I changed /etc/hosts hostname occurences the new one. when I relogin it shows the new hostname but once i reboot it shows the old one17:18
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TJ-seven-eleven: edit /etc/hostname17:19
seven-elevenTJ-, hmm shows also the new17:19
seven-elevenlet me reboot and see again17:19
TJ-seven-eleven: hmmm, that is strange then17:20
seven-elevenTJ-, it's a virtual machine17:20
seven-elevenhmm didnt work again17:21
seven-elevenlet me check its xml file17:21
ioriaseven-eleven, if cloud , check /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg17:22
ioriaseven-eleven, 'preserve' option true/false17:22
* seven-eleven rebooting17:22
seven-elevenioria, yep that did the job17:24
ioriaseven-eleven, ok17:24
oft_gegongwhich version of packages of nethack do you guys install to play nethack-like game?17:27
oft_gegongLike for console web browsers there's links, links2, and elinks. I prefer mostly elinks.17:28
oft_gegongthere's nethack-console, nethack-x11, slashem, and gtk/x11/sdl versions of slashem17:30
lotuspsychjeoft_gegong: we have a nice nethack snap if you want17:31
oft_gegongaw snap! </just kidding>  hmm I'm not sure17:31
oft_gegongI'm gonna try the nethack-console package and report back17:33
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oft_gegongI love it! it works. thx anyways lotuspsychje. poor snap17:38
lotuspsychjewelcome oft_gegong and thank the snap maintainer too :p17:39
Bluekingwhat's cheapest 10 gbit nic supporting vlan tagging ? (pci-e)17:42
lordcirth_Blueking, what do you mean by "supporting vlan tagging"? I don't recall ever seeing a NIC that didn't.17:45
lordcirth_It's just another packet17:46
=== perique is now known as perique-at-useni
Bluekinglordcirth_ how about this one ? https://www.asus.com/no/Networking/XG-C100C/17:48
lordcirth_Blueking, I'm not an expert on hardware details, but I don't think the NIC actually reads / does anything with VLAN tags?17:49
lordcirth_Bits go in, bits go out17:49
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lordcirth_I could be wrong, though. I don't think I've actually tried using VLANs at home on retail hardware17:50
lordcirth_hmm, seems I might be wrong17:53
\dev\cacheHi, anyone aware of any sort of application I can use to use socks on applications that dont natively supports socks5 support?, such as SocksCap/Proxifier for windows?17:55
ioria\dev\cache, probably redsocks ?17:59
dcl0wnhi there!18:04
dcl0wni have an issue with ICMPv618:04
oft_gegongheeeyyyyyyy. so you need help with ping6?18:04
dcl0wnive turned ipv6 off18:04
dcl0wnbut my firewall s still getting inputs from my box18:05
\dev\cacheioria: redsocks is outdated..18:05
oft_gegongwell that's impossible18:05
dcl0wnid think so but hey18:05
oft_gegongare you pinging with an ipv4 address?18:05
oft_gegongmaybe it's one of those kernel-layer network-layer pings18:06
HarlinSblacksocks ... socks for haX0rz18:06
oft_gegongwell if you turned ipV6 off and you're pinging with an IPv4 address, that sounds normal18:06
dcl0wni dont know what the fck it is, but it is anoying big time18:07
oft_gegongI agree with luckymike18:08
SheepMaesterIs there any reasonable way that I can "alias" certain IP addresses for use with ssh, scp and other? For example, `ssh work` and boom (instead of the much more tedious ssh sheepmaester@89.blablabla).18:08
dcl0wnthing is that I havent event connected to any networks yet, but just with cable attached - ICMPv6 seems to be doing its thing18:08
oft_gegongooooh you're using wireshark and it's showing there are ICMPv6 packets going through?18:09
lordcirth_SheepMaester, https://www.howtogeek.com/75007/stupid-geek-tricks-use-your-ssh-config-file-to-create-aliases-for-hosts/18:09
dcl0wnmy firewall logs it18:09
dcl0wnwithout shark18:09
oft_gegongI think ICMPv6 packets can do both ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 packets through virtual packeting I'm 3% sure18:10
ioria\dev\cache, there is a snap version of shadowsocks, (2.9.1-2)18:10
OerHeksnice find, lordcirth_18:11
SheepMaesterlordcirth_: How wonderful. Thank you, beyond words. To think that it's taken me 3 months of googling to finally admit defeat and just ask. I fell quite... not so clever.18:11
dcl0wnany ideas how to get that(whatever) thing to stop flooding ?18:11
dcl0wnhow do i rip ipv6 out of my box18:12
lordcirth_SheepMaester, to be honest, I googled "ssh config alias" and it was the first result18:12
\dev\cacheioria: will checkcout shadowsocks18:13
SheepMaesterlordcirth_: Please imagine a facepalm for me if you will. I did try "ip alias" though, but I drowned in weird router configuration instructions.18:13
lordcirth_SheepMaester, you could also have used /etc/hosts, but that might have had unintended side effects18:14
oft_gegongdcl0wn: so what is your ethernet connected to, just another computer? a modem? a router? these CISCO things have books written about them that nobody reads that has some complex introspection of its own existence that can cause things like IPv6 pings18:14
dcl0wnah nevermind18:16
SheepMaesterlordcirth_: For the sake of my education, reading up on that now. I now have two new solutions in the span of 5 minutes. I'll use the healthier one of course.18:17
shibboleth4.15.0-44 causing breakage, who can i talk to?18:33
oft_gegongshibboleth: if you unpack the package you can get the contact of the package maintainer through email or whatever (ie. like a website). Good luck! I'm guessing there is a 4-13% chance it'll work.18:35
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=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
Oderushi. i have a large directory of files, which the first 7 characters of the file names need to be removed. they are individually numbered "0001 - " then the file name. not sure how to accomplish this since each file is different i cant use a string. how can i do this?19:05
TJ-Oderus: I answered that earlier; did you miss it?19:05
OderusTJ-: Oh I must have! let me look above. Just finised scrolling through ty19:06
TJ-!info rename | Oderus this perl tool is generally used, e.g. "rename 's/^.{7}//' path/to/files*.patttern " - but do test it on disposable files first!!19:06
ubottuOderus this perl tool is generally used, e.g. "rename 's/^.{7}//' path/to/files*.patttern " - but do test it on disposable files first!!: rename (source: rename): Perl extension for renaming multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20-7 (bionic), package size 11 kB, installed size 37 kB19:06
OderusTJ-: Thank you, i will check the documentation after install, see if i can figure out a command! :)19:08
TJ-Oderus: I gave you what I think is the correct command :)19:08
TJ-Oderus: it's a regexp, anchored on the start of the name, matches any character, repeated exactly 7 times19:09
OderusTJ-: oh ok!!!! thanks!!!19:09
TJ-Oderus: test first though, please!19:09
oft_gegongwhat has great power can do powerful things19:10
TJ-oft_gegong: works here. Use "-n" to test without making changes to your actual files19:11
TJ-grrr, tab completeQ19:11
TJ-Oderus: "rename -n 's/^.{7}//' *.txt" works here. Use "-n" to test without making changes to your actual files19:11
elfrederichHi, I'm curious how installing python3-pip makes pip available for both python3.6 and python3.7 at the same time.  Anyone know how this works?  As far as I know both python3.6 and python3.7 have separate site-packages directories.19:12
tewardelfrederich: i'm confused, where do you have Python 3.7 installed?  (That sounds like something 'unusual' here)19:12
alirezaHello, I'm new to Ubuntu, I have a question about privacy. Is Ubuntu now privacy respecting?19:12
lotuspsychjealireza: privacy how?19:13
elfrederichteward: python3.7 is available to install on Ubuntu 18.04 without adding extra repos or anything.  I think by default it has 3.6 installed but 3.7 is available19:13
alirezalotuspsychje: Does it track people or monitor my activities?19:13
OderusTJ-: I made a directory and copied a sample of 100 files to test. Works wonderfully! Thank you so much, saved me a lot of headache!19:14
lotuspsychjealireza: privacy has really alot of different influences from all sides, perhaps discuss it at #ubuntu-discuss19:15
root2hello there!19:15
lotuspsychje!rootirc | root219:15
ubotturoot2: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:15
root2oh well19:15
alirezaCan you answer me please?19:16
Oderusalireza: As far as I am aware, it always has been19:16
lotuspsychjealireza: there is no really easy answer to that in my opinion19:17
Kyrindor.hey, I've run kubuntu 18.10 with nvidia 390 driver. My problem is the tearing of the graphic card. Now I look for a solution.19:17
alirezaI remember in 2013 Ubuntu had Amazon trackers and issues. I know they removed those trackers but is there something new?19:17
shibbolethTJ-, ping19:17
TJ-shibboleth: ?19:18
lotuspsychje!nvidia | Kyrindor19:18
ubottuKyrindor: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa19:18
lotuspsychjeKyrindor: try another driver as a test19:18
shibboleth4.15.0-44 will break things for a lot of users, some if which might not know how to resolve the issue19:18
alirezaI don't use Windows anymore, I want to assure that I'm using something right19:18
lotuspsychjealireza: come in #ubuntu-discuss please19:19
lotuspsychjealireza: this channel is for ubuntu support, not discussions19:19
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: please dont make general statements like that here19:19
shibbolethit isn't specific to my setup19:20
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: focus on your issue instead19:21
TJ-shibboleth: point is to the bug report19:21
shibbolethit will affect four years of laptops from a specific vendor19:21
shibbolethi tried #kernel, but no one there19:21
shibbolethub-kernel even19:22
cwebbhi all i am new to ubuntu i am looking for some help if possible19:22
lotuspsychje!ask | cwebb19:24
ubottucwebb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:24
cwebb iam trying to make a home cloud server with next cloud but struggling with it19:25
lotuspsychjecwebb: there are some nextcloud snaps if you like19:27
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: as TJ- mentioned, you have a bug url for this?19:27
shibbolethi'm here19:28
stacks88when installing ubuntu 18.04, on a remote server, the partitions are: /boot, / and swap space.. so /boot is 512mb.. and the most of the space has gone to / -- but my question is, when the kernel upgrades via apt, where does that go? the vmlinuz files and such.. does it go in /boot ? or would it count as going under / ? i set /boot to 25gb just in case19:28
shibbolethand can help you nail down the issue in real time19:28
Ben64shibboleth: you haven't given any detail at all19:28
shibbolethmove to #kernel?19:28
aroonimy mlocate database is 1gb is this a normal size?  also what is it for19:28
cwebblotuspsycje: i tried them and they failed for me and tried it manuly with some of the how to but for some reason myqsl comes up with errors19:29
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EuthanatosI'm on 18.04.  I broke my laptop.  I am still able to get into the hard drive from a new ubuntu.  Got most of my data out which was highly important.  One thing I'm missing is an OpenGPG.  ANyone know how I can go dig up key I used to have to use it on the new OS I'll built?19:29
aroonialso my /var/log/journal is 1gb19:30
lotuspsychjecwebb: check this: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-nextcloud-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux19:30
qwebirc99570hi, I have a problem. I live in Pakistan and the mirror that the ubuntu installer automatically selects is of nayatel which according to the launchpad mirror information hasn't been updated for quite a while. Now, I have searched a lot but there is not any way of changing the mirror during installation. What do I do now?19:30
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
TJ-Euthanatos: should be found under /home/<user>/.gnupg/19:32
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: you could install ubuntu without updates, then change your sources afterwards perhaps?19:32
arooniis that a normal journal size?19:32
stacks88does ubuntu 18.04 have livepatch that works good enough to where you truly dont have to reboot, for kernel upgrades? or are reboots still necessary19:33
cwebblotuspsychje: thanks what is docker ? and is it free19:33
lotuspsychjestacks88: you can enable livepatch yes19:33
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje:  well, I have tried selecting a different location (the timezone thing) and that it chooses the main server or the us mirror and then changing the timezone afterwards. But would that have any harm? Like would some packages be missing?19:34
lotuspsychjestacks88: check your software&sources19:34
TJ-arooni: /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db? I see ~25MB, /var/log/journal/ ~ 850MB19:34
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: i would go for your own timezones/language and after install try to change sources to US for example19:35
arooniTJ-: is there a problem with putting max size of journal to 100M?  not sure what its there for (http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2017/201/Journalctl)19:35
arooniTJ-: TJ- -rw-r----- 1 root mlocate 1.4G Jan 28 13:01 mlocate.db19:35
blackflowarooni: that's what I do, no problems. I like to keep the journal short and volatile, and forward logs to syslog for on-disk storage19:35
aroonidoes that seem high?19:35
TJ-arooni: it is the system-wide logs recorded by systemd-journald, viewable using journalctl19:36
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: okay, but then what about the missing packages like codecs etc and other stuff that ubuntu downloads during installation19:36
arooniTJ-: i know about syslog and dmesg; not sure what journalctl is for.  or really the difference between those types of logs19:36
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: what is missing, can be installed afterwards too19:36
TJ-arooni: 1.4GB looks large but it depends on what you've indexed of course!19:36
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: codecs for example: ubuntu-restricted-extras19:36
arooniTJ-: so is that for handling queries like    find . -iname "*$argv*"19:36
TJ-arooni: systemd-journald is *the* system logger. rsylogd takes a feed from it for other log files under /var/log/19:37
arooniTJ-: so it generates syslog / dmesg / and others?19:37
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: that's it? Will I be missing anything else (lets say from a person who installs with updates turned on) during install19:38
TJ-arooni: no, 'find' searches the file-system. mlocate/locate are used for the mlocate.db which is created via updatedb19:38
blackflowand you can configure what is indexed by daily updatedb runs19:39
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: yes of course, alot of new updates will be missing, but nothing a sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade cant fix :p19:39
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: and should I connect to the internet during install or not?19:40
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: and what about selecting the option install restricted properiatry software (tick or not)?19:40
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: you just said your sources are bad?19:41
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: yes i did19:41
arooniTJ-: blackflow so essentially mlocate could be a faster way to find files since they're already indexed?19:41
TJ-arooni: you can use '"journalctl --vacuum-size=..." to limit disk usage, see "man journalctl"19:41
blackflowarooni: probably, I never benchmarked them19:42
arooniblackflow: so find command isnt using any kind of index; its just beginning a search from scratch right19:42
arooniis mlocate part of ubuntu or an optional tool19:43
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: so I should connect to the internet? And tick that option install properiatary software? You told me to install without checking the updates option but what about that properiatary codecs thing19:43
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: you already asked about the codecs, and i replyed that19:43
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qwebirc99570so I should not tick that?19:44
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: that means i should not connect to the internet as well?19:44
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: the users choice19:44
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: do you want to connect the internet with bad sources?19:45
EuthanatosTJ- spot on thank you much19:45
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: of course not19:45
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: you have your answer?19:46
qwebirc99570lotuspsychje: yeah, thanks. Well and i just need to update and upgrade and install ubuntu-restricted-extras? I won't need anything else right?19:46
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99570: correct! also talk to the #ubuntu-mirrors guys about your bad sources perhaps?19:47
qwebirc99570okay, well looks like i can't talk on that channel. I already tried.19:48
arooni /join #wallabag19:58
ed__Hello, I'm using `do-release-upgrade` to go from 14->16->18.04(currently on 16->18.04) and it seems stuck on "a start job is running for LVM2 PV scan`20:15
ed__switches between that and `monitoring of the LVM2 mirr...`? Has been running for 14 min / no limit. Is this supposed to take al ong time20:15
ed__I just did the same upgrade on another server with far less data. Is this dependent upon how much data you have on the server for some reason?20:16
lordcirth_ed__, is there a reason that reinstalling would be difficult?20:18
lordcirth_Jumping 2 LTS's might be better accomplished by a reinstall20:19
ioriaed__,  have you an upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 in progress atm ?20:20
ed__ioria: yes I think I just killed it though attempting a reboot20:21
ioriaed__,  so you aborted it ?20:22
ed__yes but I think it mostly installed. It was starting jobs near the end I think20:22
ioriaed__,  have you rebooted ?20:22
ed__it's booting now20:23
ioriaed__,  i guess you have an encrypted system ? luks + lvm ?20:24
ed__ioria: yes, it's encrypted using lvm pretty sure luks but not familiar with that20:25
ioriaed__,  does it boots ?20:25
ed__first attempt didn't work got what looks like a stack trace20:25
ioriaed__,  not good20:26
ed__not at all :(20:26
robertparkerxif I install ireadmail, will it overwrite my existing conf and settings for apache, mysql, etc.20:26
robertparkerxI have a lamp stack already20:27
Jack_BauerIs there any way to swap source and destination IP coming into an interface?20:28
Jack_Bauerbasically I want to loop traffic on an interface20:29
ed__ioria: it's crashing after grub menu(in kernel). I assume try safe mode and finish installs via `dpkg`?20:33
ioriaed__,  yes.... you can try20:33
TJ-ed__: do you get prompted for the LUKS passphrase before it hangs?20:33
ioriaed__,   gurb->advanced->recovery->dpkg20:34
ed__it crashes before prompt. Just got the prompt though on older 4.4.x kernel though. I think this will boot20:34
EagleScreenWhich Gnome extension uses Ubuntu 18.10 for the left dock?20:34
ed__it booted on older kernel20:34
TJ-ed__: it may be the initrd.img for the more recent kernel is misconfigured in some way. In that case be careful *NOT* to allow the older kernel's initrd.img to be updated20:35
ed__So it booted on the 4.4 kerenel(4.15 won't boot) and it says it's ubuntu 18.04.1 now20:35
ioriaed__,  cat /etc/issue   and check /etc/apt/sources.list20:35
ioriaed__,  then check apt-cache policy linux-generic20:36
TJ-ed__: does the system have a separate /boot/ file-system? If so, check it hasn't run out of free space ("df -h /boot" )20:37
_Sym_On Ubuntu 18.04, I originally installed a few gnome shell extensions with apt. I am wondering if I should upgrade the shell extensions from https://extensions.gnome.org/local/ or only upgrade the extensions from apt20:38
ed__ioria: https://pastebin.com/JaHwGKZB20:38
ioriaed__,  that ^ and check the dpkg status of the 4.15 kernel :  dpkg -l | grep 4.1520:38
ed__98M free of 23720:39
ioriaed__,    dpkg -l | grep 4.1520:39
ed__TJ-: so is it safe to run something like `grub-update` or does that mess with the initrd.img?20:39
mantovani_Can I use an environment variable inside /etc/apt/apt.conf file ?20:40
TJ-ed__: "update-grub" is fine, it re-writes /boot/grub/grub.cfg based on /etc/default/grub and the scripts in /etc/grub.d/20:40
=== BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek
mantovani_I tried $VARIABLE and $(VARIABLE) didn't work.20:40
ed__a bunch of iU ones20:40
ioriaed__,   sudo apt update20:41
TJ-mantovani_: no, see "man apt.conf"20:41
ed__ioria: it's updating ....20:41
TJ-ioria:  ed__  looks like it needs "sudo dpkg --configure -a"20:42
ioriaTJ-, yep20:42
ed__yes, that is running20:42
ioriaed__,  wait; first you should try sudo apt full-upgrade (it willsuggest the --fix install)20:43
ed__the dpkg one is running already20:43
mantovani_TJ-: I didn't find it20:43
ed__Seems to be continuing the upgrade. Just got similar sshd config change prompt that came up on the previous upgrade I did that worked on the first server20:44
ioriawe are confident20:44
ed__ioria: the dpkg one finished alright. Removing old packages now the full-upgrade didn't have anything to fix20:45
ioriaed__,    dpkg -l | grep 4.15    again20:45
ed__bunch of ii ones20:45
ioriaed__,    ii is good20:46
ed__that's installed correctly right?20:46
ed__awesome! Time for reboot attempt?20:46
ioriaed__,  are you in hurry ?20:46
ioriaed__,  ok;   sudo apt autoremove  (don't say 'y')20:47
TJ-ed__: is the system using encrypted /boot/ file-system (GRUB using LUKS encryption too) ?20:47
ed__TJ-: the /boot isn't encrypted but the root partition is20:47
ioriaclassic lvm+luks setup20:48
TJ-ed__: OK, so the initrd.img just has to have the cryptsetup tooling included20:48
ed__ioria: I just ran autoremove after the upgrade went through and it got rid of a bunch of packages20:48
ed__I lost my scrollback and don't have the list of removed packages sadly20:48
ioriaed__,  ok;  just be sure kernel 4.4 is stillinstalled and working20:48
ed__ii  linux-image-4.4.0-141-generic20:49
ed__there are 4.4.x files still in /boot too20:50
ioriaed__,  reboot (and we don't want stack call)20:50
TJ-ed__:  WOOA!!20:50
* ed__ cross my fingers20:50
TJ-ed__: before you reboot pastebin us some hardware/log info while it is working!20:50
ed__TJ-: I hit the button already20:50
TJ-ed__: "pastebinit <( lspci -nn; lsusb; lsblk; journalctl -b )" ... oh well, lets hope!20:51
ed__I can pull hardware from other server at least they are exactly the same besides slightly different ssds on the one server20:52
ed__hopefully it boots though20:52
ed__got past luks prompt!20:55
ed__it worked!20:55
ed__TJ-: ioria hardware info :) https://pastebin.com/Si7CCH2i20:56
ed__thank you so much!20:56
OerHeksyay, kernel update
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
encryptedhave u got any starter guide for linux usage?21:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:23
OerHeksand sure there are tons of websites with hints and tips, https://fullcirclemagazine.org/ omgubuntu.co.uk and such21:24
gambl0r3hello? anyone here use libreoffice calc?21:26
OerHeksLO calc is standard installed, hardly use it, there is #libreoffice here on #freenode too21:28
matrimRunning i3, startx stopped working. Here's the xorg log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pN8mg5CCrG/21:30
Youndermatrim, That log said it was successfully terminated. Are you sure you didn't shut it down accidentally?21:35
matrimYounder, Tried many times, that would be weird. I also rebooted inbetween.21:37
Youndermatrim, Seriously, there is not a single error in that log that I can see. Could it be something in a startup script?21:39
epsilonKNOThey guys, I've been trying to install ubuntu on a macbook by replacing its os21:40
matrimYounder, I manually type in startx.21:40
epsilonKNOThad a quick question about how to make the bootable cd21:40
epsilonKNOTI downloaded the ubuntu iso and dd'ed it onto the usb21:41
matrimYounder, How do I startx applications? That would be a solution aswell.21:41
epsilonKNOTbut I keep getting an error saying something like /boot/ not found21:41
tewardepsilonKNOT: did you verify the ISO is valid?21:41
martiansoulepsilonKNOT: what do you mean by "dd'ed it onto the usb"?21:41
epsilonKNOTwell macbooks don21:42
epsilonKNOTdon't like grub21:42
epsilonKNOTyou need to use efi booting21:42
epsilonKNOTso I did: dd if=ubunto.iso of /dev/sdX bs=1M21:42
matrimepsilonKNOT, Tried rEFInd? Think that's good for macbooks.21:42
epsilonKNOTso I did: dd if=ubunto.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M21:42
epsilonKNOTbut rEFInd is if you want to dual boot21:42
epsilonKNOTI don't need that21:43
matrimepsilonKNOT, Okay, then grub should be fine. You get problems when booting the usb, right?21:43
epsilonKNOTmy usb is not booting correctly21:45
epsilonKNOTwhich is weir21:45
matrimepsilonKNOT, You select it in the boot menu, right? There are usually different options there. Tried all of them?21:46
Oderushi. trying to compress a large amount of files individually while retaining the filename. so far I have this $ find . -type f -execdir zip -m -9 '{}.zip' '{}' \;   however it will give me files called for example document1.doc.zip instead of document.zip. how can i change this command to accomplish that21:47
matrimYounder: So... What do I do. I don't have much time, I need this system working as soon as possible.21:47
epsilonKNOTI get to grub but before reaching there I get an error saying /boot not found21:47
iomarigreetings, I have a 3 day old fresh install of kubuntu. All was perfect until a few hours ago. My network is a mess. Netplan no longer configures the network. Neither does networking nor Network Manager. My interface is showing No-CARRIER. ip and ifconfig can give it an IP but still NO_CARRIER.21:48
iomariIf I wasn't bald, I'd be pulling my hair out.21:49
TJ-iomari: Wired interface?21:52
TJ-iomari: Dual boot with Windows?21:52
martiansoulHi. I am not able to connect to irc on xchat. my ubuntu version is 18.0421:53
martiansoulcan someone guide me through this?21:53
martiansoulit is showing: Tcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.64   Copyright 2002-2005 Daniel P. Stasinski  http://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/  Tcl interface loaded  Perl interface loaded  Python interface loaded * Looking up irc.ubuntu.com * Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 8001...21:54
_Sym_When I purge the gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock package, the keys still show up in dconf-editor.  But, when I try "dconf list /org/gnome/shell/extensions/", the dash-to-dock keys do not show up. Is the dconf database corrupted now?22:03
OerHeks_Sym_, i think you need to reboot to let it take full effect22:04
Bilbo0Not for the first time but previous time was a long time ago my screen freezes up with a messed up checker pattern and colors wildly off. The checker pattern consists of different wrong color schemes of the existing display. Just now my PC froze up again, it was black with red lines. after about 10 seconds my computer beeped and it went black, 10 seconds latter beep and red lines, 10 seconds latter, black with a white dash in the left hand22:04
Bilbo0corner, it kept beeping every 10 seconds or so with some minor graphic changes till I do a hard reset.22:04
OerHeksor logout/login perhgaps22:04
_Sym_I tried "dconf reset -f /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/" but it doesnt help and I've rebooted several times22:04
Bilbo0Some system info https://pastebin.com/ubiqJkTb22:04
OerHeksBilbo0, sounds like bad videocard or dirty fan, overheating22:05
_Sym_OerHeks, I just find it strange the the keys show up in dconf-editor and not when I list them with "dconf list"22:06
_Sym_reboot doesn't help22:06
_Sym_is there a way to repair it?22:06
martiansoulHi. I am not able to connect to irc on xchat. my ubuntu version is 18.0422:06
Bilbo0OerHeks: How do I check my video card heat levels?22:07
martiansoulit is showing: Tcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.64   Copyright 2002-2005 Daniel P. Stasinski  http://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/  Tcl interface loaded  Perl interface loaded  Python interface loaded * Looking up irc.ubuntu.com * Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 6697..22:07
OerHeksi know there was something wrong with the dash-to-dock extention, but there should be a fix by now?22:07
martiansoulany ideas what could be the problem?22:07
_Sym_not on 18.04 at least22:07
OerHeksBilbo0, in your mint?22:08
OerHekslm sensors could show that, or the nvidia tool22:09
Bilbo0OerHeks: How do I use them?22:09
OerHeksbut i keep off mint issues, they have their own problems22:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)22:09
Bilbo0OerHeks: For Ubuntu, how do you use a nvidia tool or lm sensor?22:10
iomariTJ- wired, not dual booting.22:10
_Sym_OerHeks, It seems like dash-to-dock package has corrupted ~/.config/dconf/user22:12
TJ-iomari: We've seen some situations where a wired interface will get stuck in power-saving mode. What chipset ID does the NIC have? "lspci -nn -d ::0200" ?22:15
martiansoulHi. I am not able to connect to irc on xchat. my ubuntu version is 18.04. it is showing: Tcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.64   Copyright 2002-2005 Daniel P. Stasinski  http://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/  Tcl interface loaded  Perl interface loaded  Python interface loaded * Looking up irc.ubuntu.com * Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 8001... can someone help me through this?22:16
Bashing-omBilbo0: 'inxi' can also show the card temp.22:16
=== TheHonorableKitt is now known as THKitten
Bilbo0Bashing-om: What is "Up~15:06"?22:18
iomariTJ- realtek RTL810xE22:19
OerHeksmartiansoul, xchat is dead, use hexchat, a fork that is under development22:19
martiansoulOerHeks: okay. I didn't know that. thanks.22:19
OerHekssame look and feel, so not that much difference22:20
Bashing-omBilbo0: No idea --- what is the context of "Up~15:06" ?22:20
martiansoulOerHeks: okay. thanks.22:20
Bilbo0Bashing-om: one of the outputs of inxi22:21
Bilbo0Bashing-om:  I don't see any card temp output from inxi22:21
Bashing-omBilbo0: Up time ? maybe - what is the exact command you are running and I will compare to mine.22:22
Bilbo0Besides there's no pattern to these freeze ups, Ive run semi-demanding games and ive set with just browser and it doesnt matter. Actually I dont know if its even happened during gaming22:22
TJ-iomari: in the output of the command I gave you, what is the value at the end of the line in-between the square brackets e.g [vvvv:dddd]22:22
Bilbo0bashing "inxi" I put that in a terminal minus the quotes22:23
iomariTJ- [10ec:8136] (rev 02)22:25
TJ-iomari: thanks I'll look that up22:25
iomariTJ- ok thanks22:25
martiansoulOerHeks: i installed HexChat. it is still unable to connect to the freenode server.22:26
Bashing-omBilbo0: yup - uptime .. to see temps: ' inxi -F ; .. inxi is very powerful .. see ' man inxi ' for details.22:26
Bilbo0Bashing-om:  "inxi" I put that in a terminal minus the quotes22:26
TJ-iomari: That uses the "r8169" driver which claims many firmware files so I wonder if a firmware file is being missed out22:27
Bilbo0Bashing-om: cpu: 31.5C mobo: 24.0C gpu: 25C Is that very high?22:27
iomariTJ- this problem started today. It was fine before then.22:27
Bashing-omBilbo0: Nope .. runing cool :)22:28
OerHeksmartiansoul, what if you dropped your current connection?22:28
TJ-iomari: are you able to copy off a log file using a USB device?22:28
TJ-iomari: or does the PC have an alternate (USb Wifi maybe) network device?22:28
martiansoulOerHeks: i don't understand.22:28
martiansouli mean reconnecting it still shows no improvement.22:28
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Got any other ideas as to why these very random system freak outs?22:28
Bashing-omBilbo0: Freezing issue ? what release and is this Nvidia graphics ?22:29
iomariTJ- yes I can copy, no alternate device22:29
iomariTJ- as soon as I assign an IP, I get <NO_CARRIER22:30
OerHeksmartiansoul, if you try to login with the same account onhexchat, what is hard to understand?22:30
iomarifor my "ip a" output that is.22:30
TJ-iomari: Can you do "journalctl -b > /tmp/boot.log" then copy /tmp/boot.log off and pastebin it?22:30
iomari1 sec ....22:30
Bilbo0Bashing-om: GTX 750 Ti. Release of video card? Where my screen becomes a checkered mess of wrong colors and everything freezes up and last time where it went to a black screen with red lines with beeping every 10 seconds or so causing changes to the graphics22:31
iomariTJ- OK, I've done that, but since that machine has no network, how will I send it? I'm using another machine for this session.22:33
TJ-iomari: as I said, copy the file to a USb flash memory device and move it to a PC with network connectivity22:33
Bashing-omBilbo0: Had freezing issues here with Nvidia card ... installing the correct proprietary driver fixed for me.22:34
iomariiomari: Sorry, I wasn't thinking. It's been a long day. 1 sec ............22:34
martiansoulOerHeks: yes i did try to login with the same account on hexchat. i entered first reference nickname and second and third. and put in the password in freenode. and put the login method as /MSG NICKSERV + Password22:35
Bilbo0Bashing-om: But how do I know which ones are the correct ones? How do I even choose drivers, driver manager gives me a limited selection?22:36
martiansoulOerHeks: but it still shows connecting only.22:36
hggdhmartiansoul:it should be /msg nickserv identify <password>22:37
Bashing-omBilbo0: Let's look at what is now .. ( system is real smart if ya know what to ask), and we see what can be done. pastenin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .22:37
OerHeksi have slected: server password (/PASS password) option in the connection details22:38
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Also I stopped updating my kernel a bit ago, I understand the kernel and proprietary drivers need to be updated together. Should I do that? Switch to generic, update kernal, get new driver?22:38
OerHeksso that it has time to auth, before joining selected channels22:38
OerHeksBilbo0, sure, mint wants newer kernels too22:39
Bashing-omBilbo0: I have a small mind .. lets do this one step at a time .. for now we need to know what is or is not installed.22:39
Bilbo0Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/ieHR7xDy22:40
pi_hi all - made a mistake: resized non-mounted sda2 via parted w/o resizing the filesystem first. Can I rescue the partition?22:40
pi_qhen trying to mount now it says:wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock....22:42
iomariTJ- https://pastebin.com/51xpfhmi22:42
Bashing-omBilbo0: Looking .. any return from ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ' ?22:45
Bilbo0OerHeks: I stopped updating the kernels since I figured what works don't change and more importantly my install got major messed up after a kernel update or something and it took alot to set it right since reverting kernels didn't work for some reason, at least at first. So i got a bit leery of new kernels. It was then I learned of the need to have generic drivers for some kernel updates because of the connection of the proprietary drivers22:45
Bilbo0and kernel versions22:45
TJ-iomari: you've changed something in the config, and it cannot be deciphered: "NetworkManager[943]: <warn>  [1548713788.0114] Can't parse iface line 'iface enp3s0'"22:46
TJ-iomari: that is for interface-parser: parsing file /etc/network/interfaces22:47
iomariTJ- which config?22:47
iomariI'm not using interfaces right now. I'm using NetworkManager22:47
TJ-iomari: But NM is reading that file, as the log shows, and finding an error22:48
iomariTJ- mabbe I should clear that file22:48
TJ-iomari: the PC also has Wifi, can that not be used?22:48
iomariTJ- exact same problem22:49
Bilbo0Bashing-om: sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*"   ?  find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied22:49
Bashing-omBilbo0: Installed properly now-a-days with DKMS updating the proprietary driver woth a new kernel should not be an issue . Ny the way Nvidia recommends the 410 driver: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/141700/en-us .22:49
Bilbo0Bashing-om: I think I am using 384. So download 410 from that link? How do I install?22:51
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Also, what if the kernel and driver don't match right? Or am I misunderstanding what I read of that issue?22:51
Bashing-omBilbo0: Small mind here .. I want 1st to know that A OEM driver is not an issue '  sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ' .22:52
Bilbo0Bashing-om:  I told you what it said - > find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied22:52
Bilbo0Bashing-om: I also asked if I got the command right -> sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*"22:54
Bilbo0That quote mark at the end belong there?22:54
Bashing-omBilbo0: Ues the '"' closing " is required. testing here at this time.22:55
TJ-iomari: did you configure the wired interface using /etc/network/interfaces ?22:56
Bashing-omBilbo0: The find command runs here .. as In this install i run the nouvea driver I get the expected return to pronpt when the command completes.22:58
iomariTJ-  that was a while ago when I was using networkd. It didn't work so I switched to networkmanager.22:59
TJ-iomari: so you've added a network-manager connection for the Wired Connection ?22:59
Bashing-om!info nvidi-driver-390 bionic22:59
ubottuPackage nvidi-driver-390 does not exist in bionic22:59
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-390 bionic22:59
ubottunvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.77-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 369 kB, installed size 1071 kB22:59
iomariTJ- yes23:00
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-410 bionic23:00
martiansoulOerHeks: unable to connect on hexchat even after dropping this connection23:00
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-410 does not exist in bionic23:00
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Fine but that doesn't leave me anything to go on. What exactly is the command suppose to do or tell us?23:01
Oderushi. trying to compress a large amount of files individually while retaining the filename. so far I have this $ find . -type f -execdir zip -m -9 '{}.zip' '{}' \;   however it will give me files called for example document1.doc.zip instead of document.zip. how can i change this command to accomplish that23:03
TJ-iomari: The name is "inspired-lan" ?23:03
iomariTJ- yes, that's the lan config file23:03
Bashing-omboxmein: That will tell if a OEM driver is at play here .. else we clean up, purge. update .. and install the proprietary driver.23:03
JFox762anyone know what the official DDWRT channel is?23:04
TJ-iomari: if you tell NM to manually connect that connection does it? "nmcli con up inspired-lan" ?23:04
energizerhow do i rename a vpn connection without gui?23:08
energizerusing networkmanager23:08
Bashing-omBilbo0: sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*"23:08
TJ-energizer: "man nmcli"23:09
TJ-energizer: or, use "nmtui" (Text User Interface)23:09
Bilbo0Bashing-om: That command doesn't look any different. I copy pasted it anyway and got back the same result23:09
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Also draw programs work buggy for me23:10
Tin_manJFox762, found this >> https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/IRC_Channel_dd-wrt23:10
Bilbo0not sure if that's related23:10
Bashing-omBilbo0: Ouch .. does not compute . I have no idea of what is broken in that regard.23:10
energizerTJ-: nmtui doesn't include my vpns for some reason23:11
TJ-energizer: ahhh, I forgot that. You'll have to use nmcli then23:11
Bashing-omBilbo0: what release is this ? As I expect that you presently have a partial install of a proprietary graphics driver. Nvidia has recently made extensive additions to what gets installed) .23:13
OderusI suppose i could just use krename to fix them after using that zip line "find . -type f -execdir zip -m -9 '{}.zip' '{}' \;"23:13
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Release of what?23:14
energizerTJ-: i'm in nmcli interactive repl, i can't quite follow what's going on, is there a file i can just edit23:14
Bashing-omBilbo0: Operating system. ' lsb_release -a ' .23:14
JFox762Does anyone know what command I can use to find out what IP Address is using a given port # on a router running linux?23:14
Tin_manJFox762, don't know if you seen this found this >> https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/IRC_Channel_dd-wrt23:15
OerHeksJFox762, is that router running ubuntu?23:16
Bilbo0Bashing-om: 16.04.123:16
OerHeksthen you must find out the adapter id23:16
energizerTJ-: oh i got it23:16
energizerTJ-: thank you23:16
JFox762it is running dd-wrt23:16
martiansoulOerHeks: unable to connect on hexchat even after dropping this connection23:17
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-390 xenial23:17
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-390 does not exist in xenial23:17
TJ-energizer: seems you can do "nmcli con modify id old-name connection.id new-name"23:17
OerHeksJFox762, you are crossposting in ##linux too, they can tell23:17
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-384 xenial23:17
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-384 does not exist in xenial23:17
Bashing-om!info nvidia-384 xenial23:18
ubottunvidia-384 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-384): NVIDIA binary driver - version 384.130. In component restricted, is optional. Version 384.130-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 41436 kB, installed size 167694 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)23:18
OerHeksmartiansoul, odd, are you behind a proxy?23:18
Bashing-om!info nvidia-390 xenial23:18
ubottuPackage nvidia-390 does not exist in xenial23:18
martiansoulOerHeks: i'm not sure. how to check that?23:19
geniiBashing-om: My xenial is showing nvidia-396 but from graphics-drivers PPA23:19
martiansoulOerHeks: because on the browser i am able to access this and on any other client i am unable to access irc. i even tried konversation and quassel irc23:20
Bashing-omBilbo0: ^^ yuk .. no later driver support in xenial .. lemme do some checking as to what we may be able to do.23:20
Bashing-omgenii: My though too - see what our PPA offers in xenial :)23:20
OerHeksmartiansoul, the person who installed ubuntu would know, echo $HTTP_PROXY23:20
Bilbo0Bashing-om: What is xanial?23:20
geniiBilbo0: Xenial is version 16.04 of Ubuntu23:21
Bilbo0Bashing-om: oh the ubuntu version? So I need to update the version23:21
martiansoulOerHeks: it echoes nothing.23:21
OerHeksfirewall could also be the culprit, web chat works on port 8023:21
_Sym_OerHeks, I'll bet that the dconf keys for gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock can not be removed because it is somehow conflicting with gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock.23:22
Bashing-omBilbo0: xenial is the 16.04 release code name. Lemme look at our PPA and see what is supported in 16.04.23:22
martiansoulOerHeks: okay. actually i just updated my system a few hours ago only. from 16.04 to 18.0423:23
OerHekssudo ufw allow out 6667:7000/tcp23:23
_Sym_damn, that is it.23:25
Bashing-omBilbo0: Are you comfortable with using a PPA for the driver ? 396 version if in the PPA and I excpect it to work just fine.23:25
martiansoulOerHeks: did this: sudo ufw allow out 6667:7000/tcp still nothing23:26
martiansoulshould i disconnect this session from browser and then open it on hexchat?23:27
Bilbo0Bashing-om: fine if you instruct me, but I am still worried about the kernel thing23:27
Bashing-omBilbo0: DKMS will take care of the kernel/driver. However, when you release upgrade to 18.04 that PPA will need to be purged. We proceed to clean, purge update install on your go.23:29
Bashing-omBilbo0: What's DKMS? It's dynamic kernel module support.23:30
audiohacktryin to boot ubuntu studio 18.10 in vmware... hangs.23:31
audiohackany tip?23:31
Bilbo0Bashing-om: I only understood a portion of that. Like what is "on my go". You mean updating to ubuntu 18.04?23:32
martiansoulOerHeks: also,the port which it is trying to connect is 669723:32
Bashing-omBilbo0: If you are happy with 16.04 - stay with it .. we can try and fix 16.04 with the 396 version driver from our PPA .23:34
tomreynaudiohack: where does it hang?23:35
audiohackstarting xfce23:36
tomreynmartiansoul: port 6697 requires a tls ("ssl") encrypted transport.23:36
tomreynmartiansoul: help with irc is usually available in #freenode23:36
tomreynmartiansoul: there is also #hexchat23:37
tomreynaudiohack: so before you login?23:37
tomreynaudiohack: so the issue is with the desktop manager, not xfce, which doesn't run at the time23:38
Bashing-omBilbo0: I nust be away forn the keyboard for about 30 minutes or so .. I be back soonest.23:38
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Happy, more right now installing new is a mess I don't have the time and setup to do at the moment23:38
audiohacktomreyn: any solution?23:38
Bilbo0Bashing-om: Sure, i got a pharmacy thing that will take awhile, I might need to run in a bit and leave my PC on or something for your reply23:39
fox64ubuntu rocks!23:39
Bilbo0Bashing-om: I greatly appreciate your help, it would be nice not to have my system suddenly spaze like it thinks its Windows on blue screen on me23:39
Bilbo0even if it only happens rarely23:40
tomreynaudiohack: to know a solution, we'd need to know the problem, so far we only know a symptom. you can boot to recovery and, probably with guidance from here, you can get a better idea of what the actual issue is.23:40
tomreynaudiohack: before you do this, make sure you search the web to ensure that this is not a generic issue with vmware and this ubuntu version.23:41
tomreyn!recovery | audiohack23:41
ubottuaudiohack: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode23:41
tomreynBilbo0: didn't you say, in the very beginning, that you run ubuntu 16.04.1?23:43
Bilbo0tomreyn: Right23:44
tomreynactually not in the beginning, rather just some miutes ago.23:44
Bilbo0well I'm not sure where you are going with that but ok23:45
audiohacktomreyn: is vmware player 12.5 win6423:45
tomreynif you would install bug fixes and security patches, your system would report that it is 16.04.5. apparently you never updated yours?23:45
tomreynBilbo0: so i recommend you install updates, reboot, then try things again.23:47
Bilbo0tomreyn: Not sure. Maybe I was going by the output of that other thing23:48
Bilbo0tomreyn: But I have run updates23:49
tomreynBilbo0: can you show the full output (but also include the commands you run) of: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -Vys dist-upgrade23:50
Bilbo0tomreyn: What will that install?23:51
tomreynBilbo0: this will update information on available packages, then simulate installing pending updates, but not actually install anything.23:51
Eickmeyertomreyn, audiohack: It's a known bug in xorg when running on a VM. Switching to a VT, logging-in, and typing "sudo systemctl restart lightdm" is the only workaround.23:56
audiohackEickmeyer: thanks!23:56
tomreynEickmeyer: got a bug report on this? works for me with virtualbox + ubuntu 18.1023:57
Eickmeyeraudiohack: Ubuntu Studio is not meant to be installed in a VM, FYI.23:57
Eickmeyertomreyn: It's only occurring with Xfce, so Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu are the only ones affected. I don't know the exact bug report, willcooke told me about it.23:57
tomreynEickmeyer: okay, and it affects 18.10 only?23:58
Eickmeyertomreyn: As far as I know.23:58
Eickmeyertomreyn: We discovered it when doing testing of 18.10 in VMs, and willcooke was pretty sure it was related to a bug, but I don't have a bug # to show you.23:59

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